Annual report 2017 web

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(Deemed-to-be - University)

Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade NIRF INDIA RANKINGS 2017: 83



The University Logo Inspired by Spirituality An Institution is born To educate in healthcare and shine welfare on all through diligent labour illuminated by research & knowledge ‘Let Well being Prevail’

Vision To be in the forefront of higher education in order to give India the high calibre manpower she needs.

mission • To raise SBV and its constituent institutes to be among the top ten institutions in the country. Value: Excellence • To empower our students so that they are considered at par with global standards with regards to their competence, professionalism, ethical Practice of holistic, compassionate and evidence based medicine and as dedicated researchers. Value: Student empowerment • To bring about an integration in teaching learning process which ensures a holistic approach to learning and a better comprehension from the students. Value: Collaboration • To develop innovative and credit based courses in areas of national priorities. Value: Innovation, Excellence • To train healthcare professionals to be active members of healthcare delivery in a compassionate and holistic manner. Value: Social accountability, Compassion • To foster research in areas of national and international priorities such as personalized medicine, regenerative medicine and drug development for Tropical diseases. Value: Innovation, Social accountability • To foster cooperation with industry to enable the benefits of research to reach the community. Value: Collaboration, Community Service • To foster academic and research collaborations both nationally and internationally to enable SBV to be an active participant in emerging areas of medicine Value: Collaboration, Innovation • To focus on the interface between modern medicine and complementary and alternate medicine to create evidence for their synergistic use. Value: Holistic Medicine, Scientific Rigor


Shri. Rajagoplan M K

Dr. Prashanth M R

Chancellor, SBV

Vice Chairman, SBV

Prof. Sethuraman K R

Prof. Ananthakrishnan n

Prof. Srinivasan A R


Vice Chancellor, SBV

Dean of Faculties, SBV

Registrar, SBV

Controller of Examinations, SBV

Prof. Ravishankar m

Prof. Kotur P F

Prof. Saravana Kumar r

Prof. Renuka k



Principal, IGIDS

Principal, KGNC

Ms. Asha Suresh Babu

Mr. Kannan Aiyer

Mr. Ralph Alexander Mathews

General Manager Administration, SBV

General Manager Finance, SBV

Legal Officer and Head-HR SBV

COntents Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary teaching and research foundation that offers Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing Courses. SBV Deemed University is proud to be ranked amongst the top 100 Universities of India, NIRF 2017 SBV Ranking: 83.


University Communique


Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute MGMCRI is an on-campus constituent college of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University), Pondicherry under the Faculty of Medicine and Accredited with NAAC grade A at the first cycle and the only Hospital in Pondicherry to be NABH certified pre-accreditation entrylevel hospital


 Research and Scholarship


 Academic Initiatives


 Innovations


 Scholars In The Making


 Other Highlights


 Out Reach Services


 Staff Nurses of MGMCRI


SHRI SATHYA SAIMEDICAL COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE SSSMCRI is an off-campus constituent college of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University), Pondicherry under the Faculty of Medicine & is recognized by Ministry of Health and Family Affairs, the Medical Council of India and is in full compliance with all central, state and regulatory bodies statutory regulations.




INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES IGIDS is an on-campus constituent college of SBV (Deemed University), Pondicherry under the Faculty of Dentistry & is recognized by Ministry of Health and Family Affairs, the Dental Council of India and is in full compliance with all central, state and regulatory bodies statutory regulations.




Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Established in the year 2003, KGNC aims to prepare dedicated and expert nurses to contribute to the development of emerging health care systems in public and private health care organizations as well as community services.




ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES One of the most noteworthy features of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is the promulgation of unique, objective, job oriented and evidence based courses in complementary and alternative medicine, besides offering conventional undergraduate and postgraduate AHS programmes as per UGC norms.




CENTRAL INTER DISCIPLINARY RESEARCH FACILITY CIDRF is a world-class research center soliciting collaborations globally. This facility has been approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India as a recognized research center.




Message From Shri M.K.Rajagopalan, Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has marched into the academic year 2017 with lots of agenda for donning the mantle in the arena of academics, research and patient care which has created lots of expectations to be achieved during the year. The Journey has achieved remarkable credits from the perspectives of review inspection by a high level UGC team for continuing the Deemed to be University status for SBV, NIRF India Rankings 2018 in which SBV has once again topped as one among the top 100 Universities of India, securing 72nd rank and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, the flagship institute figuring as one among the top 25 medical colleges in India. The challenges ahead of us in the coming year are to find ourselves in the list of Institutes of Eminence in the country and also there is an immediate need to foster better utilization of our research facilities, thus boosting our research outputs. Furthermore, collaborative tie-ups with various National and International organizations have to be established in the near future. I am sure and confident that Sri Bajaj Vidyapeeth would romp home with greater success in the year 2018. For this, the concept of Team Work should be advocated that would eventually culminate in the mindset of all students, staff and faculty of our Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth family.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Message From Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

2017 has been another year of success & productivity at SBV and its constituent colleges and centres (CIDRF, CHPE, CYTER & CMTER). The most notable success was getting NIRF University Ranking of 83 for 2017. The year started with MGMC Hospital organising HACON 2017, the Second Annual Conclave for Hospital Administrators which was a grand success. The New Year also saw us inaugurating SPIC-MACAY, the society to promote classical arts among youth of the country. In August 2017, a batch of medical students from SSSMCRI & MGMCRI visited Boston, USA to interact with students & staffs of Harvard Medical School. In September 2017, we conducted the 1st Doctoral Convocation of SBV, exclusively for Ph.D, D.M & M.Ch scholars. The collaboration with PMI (Partners Medical International, USA) continued to push SBV to enhance the quality of Education & Governance. The pro-active nature of SBV initiatives was evident once more in the National Conference organised by Medical Education Unit (MEU) on “Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” (MIMECON).The focus of this conference cum workshop was to prepare ourselves to engage the Millennial born student group who will enter our colleges of Medical, Dentistry, Nursing & AHS from 2017 onwards.



Message From Prof. A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

It gives me great pleasure to note that the comprehensive Annual Report 2017 is nearing completion and has acquired till date almost 300 pages of genuine information on various facets including Teaching- Learning, evaluation, Research, Patient care and services, Student support and progression, outreach & extension, Intellectual property, Perception etc. Year 2017 witnessed several cardinal events including the Doctoral Convocation that was held on 22nd September, 2017. Prof. S. P. Thyagarajan in his address had made a clarion call to the young health professionals to uphold dignity synonymous with competent, ethical practice and professional etiquette. The visit of the UGC Expert Committee under the stewardship of Prof. O.P. Kalra, Vice-Chancellor, Pt.B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana acted as a shot in the arm. SBV conducted itself diligently and resourcefully during the three day long visit of the Expert committee that was held between 14th December and 16th December, 2017. The expert committee was satisfied with the overall growth, progress and potentials that are inherent in SBV. SBV had embarked on all the activities initiated by the UGC. Mention must be made of Swachhta pakhwada campaign. Hon’ble PM of India Sri Narendra Modi envisages Unnat Bharat abhiyan as a nodal initiative to connect students of HEIs with rural India. Our students from the constituent colleges aided by valuable advice from Faculty would take it forward with zeal and commitment. On the academic and Research front, more value added courses including those based on CBCS and CBSS were enabled and a few MoUs with leading organisations were realised. On the whole, Year 2017 turned out to be a fruitful year, but let us not forget that we need to forge ahead with renewed vigour to reach the coveted status- to be among the top ten Universities in India by 2025.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Message From Prof. S.Srirangaragan, Controller of Examinations of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

The hallmark of an ideal educational institution is to impart quality education. It should essentially consist of a series of enhancements that would take the professional to a higher level of awareness, understanding and kinship leading to holistic development of an individual and thereby contribute to the productive development of the state and the country. In pursuit of this, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has been making strides in the spheres of providing quality education, productive research and effective dissemination of Knowledge. Evaluation or Assessment is considered essential. Our Deemed University has a robust examination system in place and conducts exams for the under graduate and post graduate & PhD courses in the Faculty of Medicine , Dentistry , Nursing Sciences and Allied Health Sciences. Also conducting the examinations for Super Specialty courses such as M.Ch & DM generate new challenges to the office of the controller of examinations in various facets. Furthermore, the diversity of programs including CBCS courses poses a challenge that prompts SBV to be even more vigilant. A noteworthy feature of the Office of CoE is that it had received encomium from the UGC expert Committee during the visit in December 2017. Amidst a plethora of activities that happen throughout the academic year, mention must be made of the important process, namely post validation, that reviews from time to time, the results of university examinations and forward reports thereon to the Academic Council for doing the needful. SBV hopes to carry out a few more examination reforms in the year 2018 and I do believe that we can launch into that exercise in a confident manner. Let us contribute our mite to the growth of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Communique


ri Balaji Vidyapeeth is a young University, proud of its modernity, yet grounded in rich educational heritage. The University aims to excel in academic and clinical medicine; research and training; nurturing passion and enthusiasm into achievement and theoretical knowledge into evidence based practice and research.The University was granted ‘Deemed University’ status by the University Grants Commission of India (UGC) under section 3 of the UGC Act of 1956 in 2008, in recognition of its outstanding quality of education and potential for excellence. SBV(DU) thus enjoys complete autonomy to develop and implement innovative curriculum and academic programs and to design its own education process that is responsive and tailored to the evolving needs and changes of medical science. The Deemed University’s constituent colleges and courses are all duly accredited and recognised by the respective statutory bodies such as the Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India and the Indian Nursing Council. SBV Deemed University is proud to be ranked amongst the top 100 Universities of India - NIRF 2017:83. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


University Communique

▶▶ From VC’s Desk I. Five Traits of Effective Teams

II. Move from Apathy to Active Involvement

At SBVU, several teams perform to try and achieve our vision and mission at the University, the College, and the Departmental levels. Findings from 180 Google teams on “top-5 attributes of effective teams” have universal appeal and are very relevant to us at SBVU:

Strive for Healthy body and mind: Wellness is of primary importance to eschew apathy. A weakened body or mind can easily lead to fatigue and apathy.

1 - They establish “psychological safety” : This is the most critical of all five traits. Professor Amy Edmondson of Harvard Business School defines as “a shared belief that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking.” The group members need to feel free to express their feelings, ideas, raise questions and “think aloud” as they grapple with an idea without fear of criticism or ridicule. This begins by nurturing a work-culture that values the members’ input and encourages constructive conversation. 2 - They require dependability : In a truly collaborative project, the members’work in an interdependent manner. Every member of the group should be able to depend on the other team-mates to do what they say they will do when they say they will do it. This can be documented as a Gantt chart or official minutes that spell out individual roles, responsibilities, and deadlines, which have been mutually agreed upon at the outset. The degree to which individual team members prove to be dependable and accountable to their teammates should be recorded and used as a positive feedback. 3 - They have structure and clarity : It can be very helpful for the group to appoint a coordinator, who can i) help to establish a timeline of tasks and processes, ii) ensure that individual roles and responsibilities are clear and iii) the group’s collective actions needed to achieve its mission are accounted for. The group must understand each one needs to do and how it connects with others’ work. 4- They give each of their members meaning : The teamgoal, plans, and individual role need to personally resonate with each team member. This can be a challenge in several projects, since the purpose, focus, and deliverables are often dictated by the project consultant. When we think about that, it is not surprising that some team-mates are not fully engaged in the team-work, as they had not contributed to creating the initial team-goal and vision. We need to find ways to provide the group members a sense of ownership as they engage in a project. 5- They have a purpose : Every team needs to believe that what they are doing matters. The clearer the purpose is for a group project, the more likely the members will feel that the work is valuable. Can we, the team_SBVU adopt these and be even more effective? (Adapted from five-keys-to-a-successful-google-team/ )

Look for the Positives: Metaphorically speaking, in the real-life, “No glass is ever filled to the brim.” Let us not complain and crib about the negatives; instead, we should focus on the positives and build on them for even better outcomes. Bonding and Collaboration with other Staff: having professional bonding and a work-culture based on collaborating team-work galvanizes the whole team. We all perceive it during successful team based activities like conducting a conference or a Graduation Day. Why not extend the same bon-homie to daily work? Learn and Share New Knowledge and Skills: It is estimated that in 21st Century, one needs to learn 4 to 5 new skills every year. Learning new things and sharing them with our students and peers is delightful way of eradicating apathy in our lives. Helping others: As health sciences faculty members, we can help our peers, students, patients and the general public. Volunteering to assist others in our areas of competence is a great way of leaving apathy behind. Follow a scientific approach: Subjective empiricism is an easier way to run our lives but it limits our vision and stunts our intellectual development. Curiosity to objectively discover and document the truth is the basis of science and we need to cultivate the scientific temper in ourselves and coax our peers and students to adopt the same. Lighten Up and Smile: Take Life’s challenges on your stride. Miserable experiences of our past are often our ‘good old stories’ of Today, told with a smile or a chuckle. Keeping in mind that today’s misery will be tomorrow’s anecdote can give us the tolerance to accept Life and move on with a smile.

III. Setting Our Own Professional Learning Goals With 2018 around the corner, we - the educators of SBV - need to reflect on our new year resolutions. Learning new skills and acquiring new competencies should form a major part of our new-year resolve if we are to maintain our relevance in a fast changing world. The following six steps guide this process. 1 - Assess yourself as a teacher (based on your knowledge of your students): Based on what you know about your students, where are your strengths? What are areas for self-improvement to



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

be a more effective educator? Consider your own needs and preferences as well. 2 - Set Learning-goals (for your own professional growth): Set achievable goals for your own learning that you can reach as you guide your students to achieve their own learning goals. It is very helpful to discuss your personal goals with a trusted colleague. 3 - Select and implement the self-determined learning (to meet your goals): Learning is not always easy, even when you set realistic and achievable goals. We must find internal motivation to persist with our plans till we achieve our objectives. 4 - Reflect on your own learning and teaching: Periodically assess your progress toward your goal. If your personal learning plans have a negative impact on your students’ learning, you may have to revise your plans to allow more time to focus on your students. On the other hand, if daily chores interfere with your learning progress, recommit to your learning plan and find ways and means of managing the chores. 5 - Reflect on your students’ learning: As professional educators, our sense of achievement is ultimately based on how our students learn and perform. Design a feedback mechanism to assess how your students learn and if your newly acquired skills make any perceptible differences to their learning. 6 - Set new goals: Every year and every technological advance bring new opportunities and challenges. Learning is an endless experience; at the end of another fulfilling year of teaching and learning be ready to set yourself new goals and move ahead in 2019 and beyond.

Openness Persons who are open to new experiences are willing to take up challenging new tasks,accept feedback from others and learn. They are perceived as pleasant persons by others who will be more ready to work with them. This tends to make people better at team-work. Agreeableness Along with conscientiousness, a person who is agreeable becomes even more successful in team work. If the work requires collaboration among team members, a disagreeable personis unlikely to get good cooperation. Intelligence Several studies have revealed that general intelligencecorrelates with job success. It means that Bright people are capable of doing what you ask of them. Perhaps intelligent people are able to understand all the task and social factors required to succeed in a role. If one links intelligence to values-based education and upbringing, then duty-consciousness and agreeableness may also be evident. Extraversion An outgoing person who getsenergized by interacting with others is likely to do better in many jobs, especially those that require working in a team environment. Since health professions education is a team-work, we all need to modify ourselves accordingly to achieve notable job-success. A good resolve for the New Year! Adapted from hr/selection/personality_success.html

Academic Activities of the Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University during the year 2017. Jan 1 New Year greetings to all the faculty members of SBV

(Reference: Rambo E. How Teachers Can Set Their Own Professional Learning Goals. tm/articles/2017.08.30/back-to-school-back-to-learning-how.html)

IV. Key Personality Factors for Job Success Conscientiousness Conscientiousness is highly correlated with job success according other studies. If a person is conscientious, then they will work hard to complete work they have committed themselves to doing. They can also be left alone without need for constant supervision.

Jan 6 SBV Research Week

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


University Communique

Jan 7 PONCON Inauguration ( Department of Anaehesiology ) Jan 9 FDP- CRRI Feedback Jan 12 Q uarterly AAA at SSSMCRI & New Dean Introduction ( Prof. Kotur) Jan 13 SBV Website review Meeting Jan 13 Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management. Jan 18 Inauguration of SPIC-MACAY

Jan 20 Exam Board Meeting Jan 25 Visit by Prof. Nalini (Educationist) Jan 25 Intern Orientation Program Jan 26 Republic Day celebration Jan 27 Discussion of Campus Management Software Jan 31 Quarterly AAA- IGIDS & KGNC Jan 31 E-Portfolio of PGs Monthly Review Feb 1 Redesigning of prospectus 2017 -2018 Feb 2 NIPUNA Inauguration - Skill Development at CIDRF Feb 4 Review of PhD Progress ( 6 Candidates ) Feb 6 NIRF Review Feb 10 CYTER Annual Day Feb 11 IQAC Review Feb 15 Inauguration CRRI Orientation Programme Feb 17-19  ERICON- 2017 (Keynote address on Education Research) Feb 21 Quarterly AAA of MGMCRI (20 Departments) Feb 22 Quarterly AAA of MGMCRI (5 Departments) Feb 23 KGNC Sports Day Inauguration Feb 25 Dental Education Unit Performance Review with core Faculties. Feb 28 E- Portfolio Review Feb 28 IGIDS National Science Day

Mar 1 National Science Day Mar 2 CRRI workshop Ethical & Legal Issues (with Legal Officer) Mar 3 “Microbiome in Health, disease a Environment”- Inauguration Mar 3 MEU meeting with Prof. Pani, QIUP- Malaysia Mar 4 MIST – Gen.Sugery PG program Mar 6 IQAC data review Mar 6 Inauguration of PG workshop on Medical Education. Mar 7 IGIDS sports Day Inauguration Mar 7 BALINT session with MDS PGs of Prohodontics (II Year) Mar 8 Women’s Day Meeting with Senior Women Functionaries of SBV & Colleges Mar 9 L etter of Intent signing for Music Therapy Research between SBV and Anglia Ruskin University.

Mar 10 CMTER International Conference on Music therapy Mar 12 Prof. Madan Mohan superannuation felicitation Mar 11 Chief Guest for Graduation Day at RGCET Mar 12 ‘Womens Day’ - SBV Elocution contest Mar 15 MEU Planning Meeting for 2017-2018 Mar 16 Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management Mar 18 Presided over College Day of IGIDS Mar 20 Visiting Professor Dr.Thameem Ansari, Malaysia. Mar 21–22  Micro Skill Training at MEU for PGs Mar 23 Inaugurated GCP Workshop Mar 24 Visiting Prof. Dr. Sunita Vaga from DMIMS, Maharashtra Mar 24 Presided over College Day of KGNC Mar 28-30  Spectra Inauguration / Sports festival of MGMCRI

Mar 1 BALINT session with MDS PGs of Prohodontics ( 3rd Year) SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

March 29 IPR Cell Meeting on Copy Rights March 31 Signed MOU with Amity University for Collaborative YOGA Research. April 3rd E-Portfolio review with 1year PGs April 8th KGNC Day CRESCITA-Part II April 8th M.Phil Review April 9th I naugurated MGMCRI Ophthal Department Conference on OCULAR trauma April 12th 10 AM Inaugurated KGNC conference on Forensic Medicine April 12th 4PM Inaugurated sports day MGMCRI April 18th Quarterly AAA of IGIDS & KGNC April 20th Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management April 21st 4PM Sports Day at SSSMCRI April 25th & 26th  Quarterly AAA Meeting of MGMCRI April 27th Quarterly AAA of SSSMCRI April 28th Inaugurated EQUINOX student quiz at PIMS May 5th MoU between Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and KGNC, SBV

May 5th Mock drill of IGIDS for UGC Review May 8th & 9th  Mock drill at MGMCRI for UGC Review May 12 National level PG Convention - IGIDS May 13th MPhil Counseling May 13th Delivered a talk on Educational Research at DHPE May 15th Mock drill at SSSMCRI for UGC Review May 19th Mock drill at CIDRF for UGC Review May 20th Academic Council Meet SBV May 26th Planning & Monitoring Board Meeting May 27th Board of Management Meeting June 2nd Academic Council at Chettinad

June12th PG Orientation talk on study skills for PGs at SSSMCRI June 15th Interaction with visiting Prof. Jayayraj on MCI review visit. June 19th Inaugurated Yoga week Celebration June 23rd Inaugurated Yoga day Conference June 24th Palliative Care training Certificate Ceremony June 29th Visiting Prof. D.K.Srinivas from Bangalore ( Review of DHPE Plans) July 4th 9 AM Inaugurated south zone conference of Indian Pharm Society July 5th 5 PM Valedictory function of IPS Conference July 6th 10 AM Inaugurated Research Work shop at KGNC 2 PM outcome based education – discussions at MEU with visiting Prof. Pani & Dr.Vijayalakshmi from QIUPMalaysia July 7th 2 PM Doctors Day CelebrationMGMCRI July 8th Visit to Delhi to present a talk on “Eportfolio for PGs at MGMCRI” at MHRD Conference for Vice Chancellors. July 13th Quarterly AAA for IGIDS & KGNC July 14th Inauguration of MRI Facility & cadaver lab at SSSMCRI July 14th MVK Iyer Oration at MGMCRI

July 15th Valedictory function of PGS Orientation at MGMCRI July 17th EPortfolio for 2nd year PGs July 19th Quarterly AAA at SSSMCRI July 20th Induction program for Interns at MGMCRI July 22nd Annual Review of Doctoral Committee (Dental &Medicine PhD scholars) July 24-25th Quarterly AAA for MGMCRI July 28th Academic Council Meet at Chettinad (Deemed University) Balint Review Section for Dental PGs Aug 1st EPortfolio 1 year PGs Aug 7th Aug 8th Singing of MOU with Cuddalore Cancer Hospital

June 9th PG Orientation talk on study skills for PGs at MGMCRI Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


University Communique

Aug 11th Medical services, FDP on “BASIC” Sep 23rd Inauguration of TamilNadu Anatomy Inauguration Conference at KVIMS (KANCON – 2017) Aug 17th Monthly Meeting for University & Sep 26th F.N Baliant session MDS Prosthodontics Academic functionaries Sep 29th Ayudha Pooja celebration at SBV. th Aug 17 Inauguration of AHS Course Aug 18th SAF Talk on Professionalism & Humanism in Medical Education. Aug 21st CYTER Inauguration on New Batch Aug 23rd-30th Daily Review of UGC Documentation Aug 30th Release of ‘Health Sparkles’, Hospital newsletter

Inauguration of Pulmonology Conference Sep 2nd Inauguration of DSA in Radiology Sep 5th Sep 6th SSSMCRI Boston visit feedback from the 20 Students PMI – 2017 & 2018 Planning Meeting Sep 6th Sep 7-9th Visit to KIMS, Amalapuram, AP for talk on “Lipids in Health & Diseases” Sep 11th Inauguration of MBBS Batch 9 AM MGMCRI, 2 PM SSSMCRI. Sep 15th Monthly Meeting on arrangement of Doctoral Convocation Sep 15th Nursing I year Inauguration Sep 16th Keynote talk in FDP on “Motivation of Millennial Bond Medicos” FDP by MEU of MGMCRI.

Oct 04th II MBBS, White coat ceremony keynote address Oct 05th Inauguration of IASG ConferenceDepartment of Surgery Oct 05th Communication skills for II year Dental PG’s-Part I Oct 06th Communication skills for II year Dental PG’sPart II Oct 10th-11th Vice-Chancellor’s Round Table Conference at SVIMS, Tirupathi on Health Sciences Education Oct 12th Inauguration of continuing Dental Educations. Oct 12th E-Portfolio Review (COBALT) Oct 13th Communication skills for II year Dental PG’s-Part VII Octr 14th SBV MoU with Pallium India

Sep 22nd – BOM Meeting; Sep 22nd Doctoral Convocation Oct 16th Communication skills for II year Dental PG’s-Part VIII Oct 17th Certification of Dental PGs-II year on Communication Skill Oct 20th SBV Website Audit. Oct 20th Monthly Meeting for University & Academic functionaries Oct 23rd Q-AAA-IGIDS & KGNC Oct 25th-26th Q-AAA-SSSMCRI Oct 27th PMI Planning Meeting SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017


Dec 17th-20th South Zone VC’s Meet, Calicut; ThemeAccreditation & Global ranking Dec 22nd SBV Website Audit. Dec 22nd Monthly Meeting for University & Academic functionaries

Oct 31st Iron jubilee of CIDRF-Chief Guest Nov 2nd CYTER 7th Anniversary Oct 31st Iron jubilee of CIDRF-Chief Guest Nov 3rd Periodontology Conference Inauguration Nov 4th Monthly Seminar at CHPE Nov 7th E-Portfolio review (COBALT) Nov 8th-11th Visits to IMC Krems to attend Mozart & Science Conference Nov 10th Spot light talk on “Salutogenesis” & Optimal Healing through Music therapy; Physician perspective IMC, Krems, Austria Nov 14th Joined Academic “Think Tank’ of KLE (DU), Belgaum on honorary basis Nov 17th Academic Council Meet at CARE, Chennai Nov 17th PMI Teleconference Nov 18th Monthly website audit Nov 24th Inaugurated MIST-2017, PG-CME of Department of surgery Nov 24th Monthly Meeting for University & Academic functionaries Nov 27th II-Mock drill-KGNC & IGIDS for UGC Visit Nov 28th-29th II-Mock drill-MGMCRI for UGC Visit Nov 30th II-Mock-drill SSSMCRI for UGC Visit Dec 2nd Chaired 24th Academic Council meet of SBV Dec 5th Final Mock drill-KGNC & IGIDS for UGC Visit Dec 6th Final Mock drill-MGMCRI for UGC Visit Dec 7th Final Mock-drill SSSMCRI for UGC Visit Dec 8th NIRF-2018 final Data upload Dec 9th Final Meeting on UGC visit Preparations Dec 14th-16th UGC Review visit to SBV; & VC’s Presentation

▶▶ FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DEAN (Research and AHS) Prof.Ananthakrishnan.N, Dean, Research and AHS delivered a talk on ‘Scholarship in medical education need, scope and process’ and another talk on the topic, ‘Principles of ethics in educational Research at the Educational Research International Conclave 2017 (ERICON 2017), held between 18.02.2017 and

19.02.2017 at School of Health Professionals Education & Research and MCI Nodal Center for National Faculty Development, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Sawangi(M), Wardha, Maharashtra, India. He also was the resource person at the ‘IASG midterm CME and CMC upper GI surgery update’ held at Vellore in the month of April, 2017 and delivered a talk on ‘Pharyngoesophageal and high esophageal strictures’.

Publications, 2017 Kabeer KK, Ananthakrishnan N, Chetananand, Sivaprakash B.Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori infection and stress, Anxiety or Depression in functional dyspepsia and outcome after appropriate intervention. Journal of clinical and Diagnostic Research, DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/26745.10486. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


University Communique

Ramesh R, Ananthakrishnan N. Results In, “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper” Parija SC, Kate V, Eds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, 61-74. Ananthakrishnan N,Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV model of Competency based learning and training (COBALT) for Postgraduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017, 6, 5-9.

Papers presented at conferences, 2017 Ananthakrishnan N, Dean, Research and AHS delivered a talk on, “Scholarship in medical education – need, scope and process” and another talk on, “Principles of ethics in educational Research”.at the Educational Research International Conclave 2017 (ERICON 2017), in the month of February, 2017. Ananthakrishnan N Dean, Research and AHS delivered a talk on, “Pharyngo-esophageal and high esophageal strictures” at the IASG midterm CME and CMC upper GI Surgery Update, Vellore, in the month of April, 2017. Ananthakrishnan N Dean, Research and AHS gave a Guest Lecture on, “Professionalism” at the, All India Medical Students Conference, Connaissance 2017, Pondicherry in the month of April, 2017.


Srinivasan addressed the UGs, PGs and Faculty members. Program ended with the vote of thanks by Dr.AN. Uma followed by the National Anthem. SBV Congratulates the Winners of Research Week 2016

NATIONAL SCIENCE DAY–CHANCELLOR’S MEDAL 2017 Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth had organized Chancellor’s Medal 2017 Contest in commemoration of the National Science Day on 1st March 2017 in remembrance of the discovery of ‘The Raman Effect’ by the Noble Laureate Sir CV Raman (28th February 1930). In this regard, an Elocution Content on the topic “Science and Technolgy for the Specially abled persons” was organised for the Undergraduate students of all the constituent colleges in the Ground Floor Lecture Hall of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute. Three participants participated from all the four constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and spoke emphathatically on the topic “Science and Technology for the Specially abled persons”. Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director of CIDRF, Dr. Ananda Balayogi. Deputy Director of CYTER and Dr. Mangayarkarasi, Scientist of CIDRF were the jury for the contest. The following students were judged winners for the Chancellor’s Medal 2017, Aditya Yadav, III Semester, MBBS, MGMCRI won the First place, Ms. Preethi, III year, BDS, IGIDS won the

Research Week 2016 Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated Research Week 2016 which was held from 02.01.2017 to 06.01.2017 under the wings of the Prof.Ananthakrishnan.N, Dean, Research and AHS and the office of the Registry. It was coordinated by the Scientific and Academic Fora of SBV University to create a scientific temper among the students and faculty of Medical, Dental and Nursing fraternity. It was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by Vice Chancellor Dr.KR Sethuraman, Dr. M Ravishankar (Dean-Faculty of Medicine, SBV ), Dr.NAnanthakrishnan (Dean- Research & AHS), Prof. G.Subramanian (Advisor, CIDRF), Dr.AR.Srinivasan (Registrar, SBV), Dr.Partha Nandi (President -SAF, MGMCRI), Dr.AN Uma, SAF Sectreatary, MGMCRI and organizing secretary of Research Week 2016 and Judges of Competition. Dr. Partha Nandi welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. During the valedictory function all the judges were felicitated by the Vice Chancellor & Prof G Subramanian. It was followed by remarks by the judges. Prize distribution was done for the winners. Prof G Subramanian (Advisor, CIDRF), Prof.KR. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof. Ananthakrishnan.N, Dean, Research and AHS, Prof. M.Ravishankar, Dean (Faculty of Medicine) and Dr.AR

second place and Ms.Mary Catherine De,III Year B.Sc (N), KGNC won the third place. The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman distributed the Chancellor medals, Trophies, Certificates and Cash Award of Rs.3000 (1st Place), Rs.2000 (2nd Place) and Rs.1000 ( 3rd Place) to the winners. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean – Faculty of Medicine, SBV distributed the certificate of participation to all the contestants. The Registrar, Prof. A.R.Srinivasan, the Principals and VicePrincipals of the constituent colleges, faculty and staff of the constituent colleges participated in large numbers.

NIRF INDIA RANKINGS ANNOUNCED (4th APRIL 2017) National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) India Rankings 2017 was announced by Ministry of



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Human Resource Development, Government of India on 4th April 2017. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was ranked 83rd rank among all Universities of India. It also bagged 2nd place in the parameter “Outreach & Inclusivity” with a score of 86.23 and 19th place in the parameter “Teaching & Learning Resources” with a score of 60.12. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for the second consecutive year had been ranked one among the top 100 Universities of India.

decision making body of the University. Various sanctions towards to growth of SBV were accorded in the meet.


The Common Entrance Test for Admission to Nursing courses (P.B.B.Sc, B.Sc & M.Sc) Nursing and M.Sc – Medical Biochemistry & Medical Microbiology) for the academic year 2017-18 was conducted on 24th June 2017, Saturday between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm at the Ground Floor Lecture Hall of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has amended its Memorandum of Association as per the UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations 2016. The same has been accepted by UGC vide its letter F.6 -50/2005 (CPP-I) dated 3.4.2017 and directed SBV to register the same. The MoA as approved by UGC was registered at the Sub-Registrar office, Bahoor Commune on 21st April 2017.

23rd ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEET- 20th MAY 2017 The 23rd Academic Council Meet of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 20th May 2017 at the Administrative Block of SBV. The meeting was chaired by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. External Experts Prof. S.P.Thygarajan and Prof. G. Subramanian along with the internal members attended the meetings. Various academic decisions including the curriculum revision of BDS was approved by the Academic Council.


SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH DOCTORAL CONVOCATION 2017’ Sri BalajiVidyapeeth,Deemed to be University, Pondicherry, accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade had its Doctoral Convocation 2017 on Friday, the 22nd of September 2017. At this Doctoral convocation, Six PhD scholars, two each in DM Cardiology and M.Ch – Urology were awarded their degrees during the solemn ceremony. 156 medals for academic excellence and overall

9th PLANNING & MONITORING BOARD MEET (26th MAY 2017) The 9th meeting of the Planning & Monitoring Board was held on 26th May 2017 at 6.00 pm in the Administrative Block of SBV. The meet was chaired by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Dr. R.K. Chauhan, Former Secretary UGC and Prof. N. Sakthivel, Professor of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University attended the meeting as External experts and provided Valuable suggestions for the Board. Various approvals pertaining to academics, projects, purchase and Human Resource Management were provided towards the growth of SBV.

25th BOARD OF MANAGEMENT MEET- (27TH MAY 2017) The 25th Board of Management meet was held on 27th May 2017 at the Administrative Block of SBV, chaired by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Prof. Krishna Seshardi, Dr. R.K. Chauhan and Prof. Vimal Kumar Govindan of PSG Medical College, Coimbatore attended the meet as External Experts along with the other members of the highest

academic proficiency were also given away to the UG, PG graduands in the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing Sciences and Allied Health Sciences of all the constituent colleges of SBV. Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan, Former ViceChancellor, University of Madras and presently, the Professor of Eminence and Dean – Research of Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai was the Chief Guest and delivered the Convocation address. The ceremonial academic procession began at 2.30 pm on 22nd September 2017 led by the PhD graduands followed by DM, M.Ch graduands, medal winners, heads of the departments of various faculties of the constituent colleges, Deans, Controller of Examinations, Registrar, Members of the Board of Management, ViceChairman of Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust, ViceChancellor, Chief Guest and Chancellor.

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The Hon’ble Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan declared the convocation open. The ViceChancellor, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, read out the concise academic report by dwelling on Curricular, cocurricular, extracurricular, patient care and research oriented activities of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth.

The respective Dean of Faculties presented the graduands to the Chancellor followed by the award of the degrees bestowed by the Chancellor. The respective Dean of Faculties and the Controller of Examinations, presented the medal winners to the Chief Guest who did the honours to the awardees.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

The Dean – Research & AHS, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan administered the integrity pledge to the doctoral graduands. This was followed by the introduction of the Chief Guest by the Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean – Faculty of Medicine, SBV. Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan, the Chief Guest delivered the prestigious Convocation address on the Health Sector Manpower: Demand and Supply chain management for India. Prof. Thyagarajan quoted the report of World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 underlining India’s contribution to the World’s Global Disease burden that encompasses communicable and noncommunicable diseases. He further highlighted the cardinal role to be played by the nation’s health sector manpower. The dearth of trained health professionals in India continues to hamper our prospects in realizing health delivery goals. Two other major scenario are linked in this context namely demand: supply requirement of health professionals and general practice system which is globally recognized to be the basis for health care system so as to eventually bridge the gap in quality and quantity. Prof. Thyagarajan concluded his convocation address by emphasizing on the nobility associated with the health professions which would enable them to serve the needy without any discrimination. The Registrar, Prof. A.R. Srinivasan proposed a formal vote of thanks. The Controller of Examination, Prof S. Srirangaraj then requested the Hon’ble Chancellor to sign the degree of records. Following the signing, the Hon’ble Chancellor formally declared the Convocation as concluded. The entire assembly rose to their feet for the National Anthem, followed by the return of the solemn academic procession.

INTERVIEW FOR SELECTION OF CANDIDATES FOR UNDERGRADUATE & POSTGRADUATE COURSES UNDER FACULTY OF MEDICINE The interview for the selection of students to the B.Sc AHS courses namely B.Sc Anaesthesia Technology, Operation Theatre Technology, Cardiac Care technology, Medical Imaging Technology, Physicians Assistant, Optometry, Medical Laboratory Technology and Clinical Research at Shri sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute was held on 24th July 2017 at Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute and for Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute on 25th July 2017. The interview for the Postgraduate courses at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute was held on 26th July 2017. All the interviews were done by a duly constituted Committee and coordinated by Dr. A.N.Uma, VicePrincipal of Faculty of AHS.

FELICITATION FOR FILING COPYRIGHTS & APPLICANTS OF BMJ SOUTH ASIA AWARDS A felicitation programme to honour the faculty of SBV who had filed their applications for Copyrights and the faculty who had submitted their proposals for the BMJ South Asia Awards was organised by the Chancellery on 21st August 2017 at the Board Room of SBV Administrative Block. The Vice-Chancellor, Dean – Research & AHS, Registrar, Dean – MGMCRI, Principal – IGIDS, Principal – KGNC and others had participated in the Glittering ceremony.

STUDENT INTERACTION AND TREE PLANTATION BY ACTOR VISHNU VISHAL An interaction programme with the students by organised by the Students Council of SBV in which actor Vishnu Vishal was inivited for the programme on 31.08.2017 In his address Vishnu Vishal highlighted upon the effort which the student community has to put up before expecting any positive results. His interaction with the students of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC was inspirational and motivational. After the interaction, he along the Students Council had palnted 15 saplings in the premesis of SBV and requested the Students Council to maintain it throught. A lot of students from MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC had actively participated in the above programme.

COMMON ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSION TO PhD PROGRAMMES OF SBV: (2nd September) The Common Entrance Test for Admission to PhD programmes of SBV for the academic year 2017-18 was held on 2nd September 2017 at the Ground Floor Lecture Hall of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute. Many aspirants had partcipated in the Entrance Test which comprised of Two sessions, one on Research Methodology and the other on Discipline Specific.

PhD, SBV- Research Advisory Board Meet (SBV – RAB) (13th October 2017) The meeting of SBV – Research Advisory Board of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 13th October 2017 under the Chairmanship of Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS. The External Experts including Dr. Raj Kumar, Head – Department of Physiology of Raja Muthiah Medical College Hospital and Dr. Bhaskaran, Professor of Biochemistry of Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry participated. The other members included Prof. Ravi Shankar M, Dean – MGMCRI, Prof. Premanath F. Kotur, Dean – SSSMCRI, Prof. Saravanakumar R, Principal – IGIDS, Prof. Renuka G, Principal – KGNC, Prof. Adithan C,

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University Communique

Director – Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility, Prof. Sathya Narayana Reddy, Head – Department of Radiation Oncology, MGMCRI, Dr. Ezhumalai, Senior. Statistician, SBV and Prof. A.R. Srinivasan – Registrar, SBV. The RAB meet was conducted to select the PhD candidates for the batch 2017-18 based on their presentation, made before RAB. Earlier, the candidates were shortlisted based on their performance at the Common Entrance Test conducted for the PhD Scholars. 22 PhD scholars were provisionally selected for the PhD programme of SBV for the academic year 2017-18. Other important decisions relating to the PhD programme were also taken at the meeting.

UGC REVIEW VISIT (14th, 15th & 16th December 2017) The Expert Committee constituted by the University Grants Commission (UGC) to review the functioning of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Deemed to be University and its Off Campus Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, visited Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth between 14th and 16th December 2017, under the Chairmanship of Prof. O.P. Kalra, Vice-Chancellor, Pt.B.D. Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak, Haryana.

24TH ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEET (2nd December 2017) The 24th Academic Council meet of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 2nd December 2017 under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.R. Sethuraman. The Registrar presented the agenda for noting, approval and ratification under the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing Sciences and Allied Health Sciences. Prof. G. Subramanian, the External expert had participated in the meeting. Following detailed discussions, various academic decisions were taken at the meeting.

▶▶ SBV NIRF ranking analysis for 2017 SBV achievement in NIRF 2017. 1. SBV is in the top 5% of institutions of higher learning and universities in India. (139 out of 2995) 2. SBV is in the top 10% of universities in India. (83 out of about 850 universities) 3. SBV is second all India in ranking for outreach activities and inclusivity. 4. SBV is the third among both government and private medical universities in India with only SRMC and KLE above us. 5. SBV is nineteenth all India in our ranking on teaching learning activities.

The other members of the Committee included Prof. Ashok Kumar Sharma, Professor of Radiology, GB Pant Institute of PG Medical Education and Research, New Delhi, Professor Ashok Kumar Sau, Head, Department of Physiology, Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata, Prof. Dr. A. Padmaja, Vice-

Principal (i/c), College of Nursing, Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Professor Manoj Kumar Singh, Professor of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Professor Luthra, Dean cum Principal, H.P. Government Dental College, Shimla, Dr. Ramachandra, Former Professor & Head, Department of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bangalore and Dr. G. Srinivas, Joint Secretary, UGC- SERO, Hyderabad. The committee visited the main campus on 14th December 2017. The committee was received by the Chancellor Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan, Vice- President, Dr. Prashant Rajagopalan, Pro-Chancellor. Dr. Jayaraj, Vice-Chancellor, Prof.K.R. Sethuraman, Registrar, Prof.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

A.R. Srinivasan, General Manager (Admin.), Smt. Asha Suresh Babu and the Deans of Faculty. Vice-Chancellor made a presentation about Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth to the entire team in the Board Room. Following this the team had grouped themselves and visited various facilities of the Deemed University including the constituent colleges at the Main campus. On the second day, a team comprising of Professor Ashok Kumar Sharma and Professor Ashok Kumar Sau visited the Off campus and reviewed the functioning of Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute. In the evening, there was a cultural event performed by the students and the staff of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth at the magnificent Auditorium

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▶▶ THE CHRONOLOGY OF ‘THE CHRONICLE’-2017 JANUARY • HACON 2017– Hospital Administrators Second Annual Conclave • SBV Research Week 2016 • 7th Annual Pondicherry State Conference of Anesthesiology • Inauguration of SPIC-MACAY • Visit by Prof. Nalini (Educationist) • Intern Orientation Program • Republic Day celebration • Seminar on Obstructive & Restrictive Lung Diseases at SSSMCRI • KGNC - Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly Organized a guest lecture on “Classroom Management & Strategies to handle Problematic Students” • Placement Opportunities in Canada Dr.Henry Joseph, Chairman, CEO, ABC Study Links, discussed about opportunity in Canada • IGIDS – Internal FDP - Integration

FEBRUARY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

NIPUNA Inauguration - Skill Development at CIDRF CYTER Annual Day KGNC Sports Day Inauguration CME on Adolescent Gynecology CME on “Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop” Guest Lecture titled “Childhood mood and developmental disorders: Diagnosis and treatment” by Dr. Jagan Chilakamarri, Consultant Child Psychiatrist, Atlanta Psychiatric Institute, Georgia, USA CME programme on “Infertility”, SSSMCRI CME on “Diabetes a Clinical Perspective by Prof., R.S. Hariharan, SSSMCRI CME onInguinal Canal and Inguinal Hernia”, by Dr Gokul D Y, SSSMCRI CME on World leprosy day, SSSMCRI NEU organized a value added session on “Mind over Matter” for all the faculty of KGNC IGIDS – ORTHOMERGE IGIDS – Oral Surgeons day – Helmet awareness campaign IGIDS – Darwin’s week IGIDS – Scientific writing for publication – SAF & DEU IGIDS – National Science Fest – Inter collegiate competition IGIDS – B.P.Rajan External oration – Dr. A. Parameswaran

MARCH • NIRF ranking: SBV – 83 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Opioids Availability Workshop, Anesthesiology, MGMCRI National Science Day –Chancellor’s Medal 2017 CRRI workshop Ethical & Legal Issues International conference “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” Inauguration of PG workshop on Medical Education. IGIDS sports Day Inauguration Letter of Intent signing for Music Therapy Research between SBV and Anglia Ruskin University. CMTER International Conference on Music therapy ‘Womens Day’ - SBV Elocution contest Micro Skill Training at MEU for PGs GCP Workshop on Clinical Trials & Bioethics, Pharmacology, MGMCRI PG CME Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training (MIST ) CME on “Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease” , MGMCRI CME on ‘Approach to Urinary tract infection’, MGMCRI College Day of KGNC, The Annual Day cultural – CRESCITA 2K17 Career Guidance Programme, KGNC Spectra Inauguration / Sports festival of MGMCRI MOU with Amity University for Collaborative YOGA Research.

• Guest lecture on “Glaucoma-Silent Thief of Sight by Dr.R.Venkatesh, Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry. • Guest lecture. on “Pain Management in Palliative Care”, Dr. Nandini Vallath, Pallium India, Kerala. • SAF Smt. K. Rukmani Ammal Annual Internal by Prof. K.Sathyanarayana Reddy, Radiation Oncologist, MGMCRI • Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics, SSSMCRI • Guest Lecture by Prof (Dr) S.P. Pani , Perak, Malaysia on the “Professional Development of Medicos throughout the MBBS course” • International Workshop on Music and Guided Imagery Technique • IGIDS – DEU – External Consultancy – SRM dental college, Chennai • IGIDS – Cons Endo week • IGIDS - ORTHOSURGE

APRIL • E-Portfolio review with 1year PGs

• KGNC Day CRESCITA-Part II ( Awarding Ceremony) • CME on “An Update on Ocular Trauma – 2017” • KGNC, The State level workshop on “Forensic Nursing – A New Door Open To Nurses” • Sports day MGMCRI • Sports Day at SSSMCRI • CME on “RNTCP Technical & Operative Guidelines – 2016; The way forward” in MGMCRI. • Workshop on Literature search & reference management, MGMCRI • Workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software”, MGMCRI • CME on Office Pediatrics, MGMCRI • SAF Panel Discussion on “Depression: Let’s Talk” • Pediatrics Advanced Life Support workshop for the postgraduates, MGMCRI • CME on “Glucose transporters in diabetes mellitus- friend or foe? by Dr. S.V. Mythili, Professor, SBMCH at SSSMCRI. • CME on “Basic Essential in FESS” by Dr.Thalapathyramkumar, Professor of ENT, Salem Government Medical College at SSMCRI • ‘’CELESTRA 2K17’’ cultural fest at SSSMCRI • IGIDS – Yoga for the dentist - SAF

MAY • Mou – International Collaboration was signed by • • • • • • • • • • •

Mr, Gregory Mc Caffrey, CEO, Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and Dr. Renuka K, Dean Faculty of Nursing sciences . National level PG Convention - IGIDS 20th Academic Council Meet SBV Board of Management Meeting CME on “Approach to a patient with abnormal Serum TSH level” MGMCRI SAF guest lecture on ‘Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships’Ms.Maya Sundararajan, Regional Officer, Fulbright Commission in India. Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a guest lecture on “Nurses: A voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable development Goals (SDGS)” Placement cell of KGNC organized a seminar on Placement Opportunities for Nurses at Canada IGIDS – National PG convention - IAPHD IGIDS - SCOPE IGIDS – Student Exchange program – MS Ramaiah Dental College IGIDS – Interns Orientation Program



• PG Orientation talk on study skills for PGs at MGMCRI • PG Orientation talk on study skills for PGs at SSSMCRI

Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

• Yoga week Celebration • National Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Role of Yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” • Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care • Visiting Prof. D.K.Srinivas Bangalore, Review of DHPE Plans • National Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases”, MGMCRI • Basic Surgical Skill Workshop for the postgraduates, MGMCRI • ‘Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning’ Singaravelu S, CFP, Certified Financial Planner, • CME on“Emerging viral infectious disease” by Dr. Rahul Dhodapkar, Professor, JIPMER at SSSMCRI • KGNC –SAF guest lecture on “Career Advancement of Nurses Into Civil Services” deliberated by Mr.Suthandira Balan.P,Indian revenue services (IRS) Dept. of MHN • IGIDS – Protocol writing and research methodology workshop • IGIDS – Nilgiris Oral Health Program


• Inaugurated south zone conference of Indian Pharm Society • Valedictory function of IPS Conference • State level symposium on “Understanding Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” organized by Research & IQAC. • Outcome based education – discussions at MEU with visiting Prof. Pani & Dr.Vijayalakshmi from QIUP Malaysia • Doctors Day Celebration, MGMCRI • Inauguration of MRI Facility & cadaver lab at SSSMCRI • SAF MVK Iyer Oration at MGMCRI, by Dr. C Palanivelu, Chairman, GEM Hospital, on the topic, “ My tryst • with laparoscopic surgery” • Valedictory function of PGS Orientation at MGMCRI • Induction program for Interns at MGMCRI • CME on“Adolescent Health”, SSSMCRI • CME on “Applied anatomy of Lower Limb”, SSSMCRI • CME on “MRI Safety awareness for Doctors and Students”, SSSMCRI • CME on ‘Recognizing safety in Casting’, SSSMCRI • Live Surgical workshop on Radical Parotidectomy with MRND, SSSMCRI • Pre-conference workshop on “Molecular biological techniques in Personalized medicine”, CIDRF • IGIDS – Himalayan Dental Project

AUGUST Signing of MOU with Cuddalore Cancer Hospital

• Medical services, FDP on “BASIC” Inauguration • Inauguration of AHS Course at MGMCRI & at SSSMCRI • SAF capsule Talk on Professionalism & Humanism in Medical Education by KR.Sethuraman. • CYTER Inauguration on New Batch • Release of ‘Health Sparkles’, Hospital newsletter • Independence day celebration • CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT”, SSSMCRI • “Live surgical workshop on “Implantation of Scleral fixated IOL”, SSSMCRI • Workshop on Steps Curriculum, SSSMCRI • Campus interview from various hospitals for out going batch of B.Sc(N) students • IGIDS – NEET orientation program • IGIDS – Webinar – Diagnosis, Treatment planning in endodontics • IGIDS - FDP – Workshop on Multiple Choice Questions • IGIDS – PG orientation program


SBV Doctoral Convocation 2017 SSSMCRI Boston visit feedback from the 20 Students PMI – 2017 & 2018 Planning Meeting Inauguration of MBBS Batch , MGMCRI,

• Inauguration of MBBS Batch SSSMCRI. • Nursing I year Inauguration • KR.Sethuraman on “Motivation of Millennial Bond Medicos” FDP, MEU of MGMCRI. • BOM Meeting; • 3rd Tamilnadu and Pondicherry State conference on pulmonary diseases (TAPPCON 2017) in MGMC & RI • CME “BILIVE – CME on HepatoBiliary Interventions”, MGMCRI • Guest lecture by Dr S. Srinivasan, Professor Institute of Child Health, Chennai talk on, “Sustaining Breast Feeding”. • Guest lecture by Neurosurgeon Dr R. Ramnarayan, CHhennai on “Functional/Restorative Neurosurgery”. • A National Conference cum Workshop on “Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” (MIMECON) • Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a workshop on “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model”. • KGNC hosted the Induction and orientation programme for XV Batch B.Sc Nursing, X Batch P.B.B.Sc & M.Sc Nursing • SBV Colleges organized series of activity towards Swachhta Pakhwada. • 8th National conference on “Quality Pathways in Health Care System” • IGIDS – National Integrated Typodont Workshop

OCTOBER • II MBBS, White coat ceremony • • • •

IASG Conference- Department of Surgery SBV MoU with Pallium India Iron jubilee Celebration of CIDRF Guest talk on “Emerging Pharmocological & Non-Pharmacological aspects of pain management by Dr. Muralildhar Joshi. • IGIDS – FDP – Workshop on Communication Skills • IGIDS – CDE – CORE • IGIDS – CDE – Empathy in patient care

November • • • • • • • • • • • •

2nd CYTER 7th Anniversary Periodontology Conference Inauguration, IGIDS MIST-2017, PG-CME of Department of surgery, MGMCRI MORE 2017, MGMCRI Orthopaedic Revision Education for PGs, MGMCRI International Congress of the Pulmonologists Society of Indian Ocean (SPOI) 2017, MGMCRI IAPC workshop was conducted by Dept. of General surgery KGNC & IQAC in association with TTK Hospital, Chennai 3 days Addiction Management Training Programme for final year students Campus Interview for outgoing students IGIDS – National Undergraduate conference - PERIOFIESTA IGIDS – Future Dental Professionals - CDE IGIDS – National Toothbrushing Day commemoration IGIDS – Children’s Day commemoration

December • • • • • • • • • •

24th Academic Council meet of SBV SBV Research week 2017 UGC Review visit to SBV Workshop on Quality Management System and Internal Audit - ISO 15189-2012, MGMCRI Skill Based training (Endoscopy), Dept.of General surgery International Yoga Therapy Symposium, CYTER Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a work shop on “Team Based Learning- An Innovative Teaching Method” KGNC – IQAC unit & Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized a Workshop on “Basics of Palliative Care” The Lamp Lighting Ceremony of KGNC for the XV batch B.Sc. (N) students IGIDS – Chettinadu Oral health Program

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University Communique

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute


ahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, a leader in medical education among the medical schools of the U.T of Pondicherry is a highly evolved, well staffed and fully equipped medical education and research institute with a well-attended tertiary super-specialty teaching hospital, that has been recognized for excellent facilities and granted permission to admit 250 UG students annually - A honour shared by only 6 other private colleges in India in 2014. MGMCRI welcomes International Students and has hosted students from abroad, including from University of Glasgow with glowing reviews Clinical, Surgical and Laboratory facilities comparable with the best available in the country. The Institution prepares young specialists / future clinicians, academicians and scientists who are organizationally effective, obsessively dedicated, dynamically innovative, psychologically emphatic and personally caring with a passion for professional ethics, research, quality treatment and community oriented goals.



Message From Prof. M. Ravishankar, DA., MD (Anaesthesiology), FRCP (Glasgow) Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute.

For almost a decade our college’s mission to train outstanding medical professionals has been carried out with a great success and the evidence is what we are today. We are happy that we have been accredited by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) of India with ‘A’ Grade in Nov 2015 that gives credentials to what we claim to be. Creativity and leadership are the qualities that we seek most in our prospective students as well as in our faculty, our administrators, and everyone else who has a hand in making our medical school the most reputed institution. Now we are partnering with Partners Medical International for fostering innovations in curriculum delivery in both undergraduate and post graduate studies. Evidence of our success in fostering creativity and leadership should be seen throughout this virtual gateway, which I believe reflects just some of the many ways in which these qualities have become ingrained in the culture of our institution and have come to define its excellence.

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Research and Scholarship

Research and Scholarship

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

▶▶ PUBLICATIONS - I Quarter of 2017 Department of Anaesthesiology Priyanka AS, Nag K, Hemanth Kumar VR, Singh DR, Kumar S, Sivashanmugam T. Comparison of king vision and truview laryngoscope for postextubation visualization of vocal cord mobility in patients undergoing thyroid and major neck surgeries: A randomized clinical trial. Anesth Essays Res Jan-Mar 2017;11:238-42. Kumar TS, Rani P, Hemanth Kumar VR, Samal S, Parthasarathy S, Ravishankar M. Quality of labor epidural analgesia and maternal outcome with levobupivacaine and ropivacaine: A double-blinded randomized trial. Anesth Essays Res Jan-Mar 2017;11:28-33. Vivek B, Sripriya R, Mishra G, Ravishankar M, Parthasarathy S. Comparison of success of tracheal intubation using Macintosh laryngoscope-assisted Bonfils fiberscope and Truview video laryngoscope in simulated difficult airway. J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol 2017;33:107-11. Gaurav Balpande, Sobana R, Smirta Swamy, Madanmohan, Amirtha Ganesh, Parthasarathy, Jaiganesh K. A correlative study on the association of Brachial Arterial Intima Media Thickness (BA IMT) and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) so as to quantify BA IMT as a biomarker of atherosclerosis. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2017; 8(2):101-106 Vasanthan S, Madanmohan, Bhavanani AB, Hanifah M, Jaiganesh K. Effect of yogic relaxing asans and pranayams on heart rate variability and perceived stress in healthy young volunteers - a comparative study. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2017 Apr ; 8(2): (P) 71-76

Department of Microbiology Kali A, Kalaivani R, Charles P, Seetha KS. Aeromonas hydrophila meningitis and fulminant sepsis in preterm newborn: A case report and review of literature. Indian J Med Microbiol.2016:34(4):544-7. ManasaSaraswathy K,Pramodhini S, Ganesh Babu CP, Umadevi S Seetha KS. Bacteriological profile and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in diabetic foot ulcers in a tertiary care hospital, Puducherry. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol. App.Sci.2017 6(3): 1560-1566. Pramodhini S, Umadevi S, Seetha KS. Comparative study of Virulence factors among MBL and Non MBL producing Urinary isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosain a tertiary care hospital. Indian J Microbiol Res 2016;3(4):441-445.

Dr. Reddi Rani P, Dr. Chandana G. Adenomyosis-An Update in new treatment strategies. Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2016;6(4):37-42 Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr. Setu Rathod, Reddi Rani P, Dr. Seetesh Ghose. Maternal and perinatal outcomes in cases of antepartum haemorrhage: a 3-year observational study in a tertiary care hospital. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017; 6: 1025-9. Dr. Reddi Rani, Dr. Jasmins Begum, Recent Advances in the Management of Major Postpartum Haemorrhage A Review. JCDR 2017:11(2): QE01-QE05. Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr. Setu Rathod, Comparative analysis of continuous and interrupted suturing techniques for repair of episiotomy or second degree perineal tear. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017; 6: 1002-6. Dr. Nithya J, Dr. Reddi Rani P. Comparison of oral and vaginal misoprostol after oral mifepristone in early medical abortion. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017; 6: 1007-11. Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr. Setu Rathod, Prediction of caesarean section for arrest of descent during the second stage of labour. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017; 6: 963-5.

Department of Ophthalmology Jha KN. Indian Soldiers Need Eye Protection. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. JCDR. 2017;11(2):NE01-NE03. doi:10.7860/ JCDR/2017/20792.9350.

Department of Orthopaedics Swagat Mahapatra, Vineet Thomas Abraham: Functional Results of Intercondylar Fractures of the Humerus Fixed with Dual Y-Plate; A Technical Note – Bulletin of Emergency Trauma 2017,5(1),36-41.

Department of Pathology Revathy S, Kotasthane V D, Kotasthane D S, Shanmugasamy K. Diagnostic utility of histopathological patterns of endometrium in abnormal uterine bleeding and its correlation with age-A two years study at rural tertiary care hospital in South India.Int J Pharm Bio Sci.2017 Jan;8(1)(B)627-632. Kotasthane D S, Kotasthane VD. Utility of Interactive Teaching Tools in Classroom Teaching: A Review of literature. Annals of Applied Bio-Sciences.2017: 4( 1); 18-21.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Vanapalli N, Venkatraman J. A Rare Case Report of Vallecular Cyst. International Journal of Research and Review. 2016; 3(12):58-60. Rao KSSR, Venkatraman J. Endometrial stromal sarcoma mimicking leiomyoma uterus : a rare case report. International Journal of Research and Review. 2016; 3(12):55-57. Venkatraman J,Thimmarayan G, Rathna S. Primary Vaginal Melanoma- A rare case report. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., Feb 2017; 5(2):570-573. Thimmarayan G, Venkatraman J, et al. Accuracy and reliability of Tzanck smear compared to histopathology in ulcerative and nodular lesions of Skin. Indian Journal of Pathology and oncology.2017 ; 4(1):122-26. Madhumitra T, Roopa U, Shreya, Bhavani S, Kotasthane DS. Evaluation of platelet indices in acute coronary syndrome and diabetic mellitus. Annals of pathology and laboratory medicine. 2016;3(6):618-622.

Department of General Surgery Ananthakrishnan N. Workplace based assessment – is it feasible in India? Proceedings of Meducon, 2016, NTTC. JIPMER, Pondicherry. Manasa Saraswathy, K., S. Pramodhini, C.P. Ganesh Babu, S. Umadevi and Seetha, K.S. 2017. Bacteriological profile and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in diabetic foot ulcers in a tertiary care hospital, Puducherry. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(3): 1560-1566. Vaidya, Y., Vaithianathan, R. & Manickam, R. Comparative evaluation of the bisap score with ct severity index in predicting the severity of acute pancreatitis. Indian J Surg (2017).

Department of Community Medicine Shib Sekhar Datta, Abhijit V Boratne, Rajkumar Patil. Reproductive health among women in Pondicherry: A rural and urban comparison study. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. 2017; 6(1): 2277 – 1522. Boratne Abhijit V, Datta Shib Sekhar, Bahurupi Yogesh A, Murugavangini E, Priya Hema, Patil Rajkumar. Knowledge of Danger Signs of Pregnancy, Labour and Post Partum Period among Mothers in Rural Pondicherry. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2017; 8(2): 116-121. Shewade HD, Govindarajan S, Thekkur P, et al. MDR-TB in Puducherry, India: reduction in attrition and turnaround time in the diagnosis and treatment pathway. Public Health Action. 2016; 6(4):242-246. doi:10.5588/pha.16.0075.

Selvaraj K, Kumar AMV, Chawla S, Shringarpure KS, Thekkur P, Palanivel C, et al. Are partners of HIVinfected people being tested for HIV? A mixed-methods research from Gujarat, India. Public Health Action. 2017; 7(1): 46–54. doi: 10.5588/pha.16.0094. Suguna, A., and Surekha, A. 2017. Emerging Role of Medical Informatics: An Outlook. Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca. Rev. 5(2), 61-62.

Department of General Medicine Dr. Sivaji Patibandla, Dr. Tumbanatham Appikatla, Dr. Jayasingh. K (2017) study of pattern of stroke in Diabetic patients correlating with Glycemic control. Indian Journal of Applied Research Vol.7, issue 2, Feb 2017. Dr. T. K. Dutta, Verma SP, Charles D, Haemophilia; Prophylactic therapy with conventional and newer agents. Muruganantham. A, Bansode. B.R. Editors- Progress in Medicine 2017(API) 2017;27:463-465.

Department of CTVS & Nephrology Elamaran E, Hemachandar R. Brachiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula for Hemodialysis through the Median Antecubital Vein Indian J Nephrol 2017;27:177-80.

Department of ENT Bakshi SS. Nasal meningocele. Arch Dis Child 2016;0:1. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2016-312069 Bakshi SS. Letter to the editor regarding “Neutrophilto-lymphocyte ratio in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma”. Head and Neck January 2017 Bakshi SS. Angiokeratoma of Tongue. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology January 2017 Bakshi SS. Letter to the editor regarding “Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictive Marker of Vestibular Schwannoma Growth”. Otology and Neurotology Feb 2017; 38 (2) : 305 Bakshi SS. Recurrent Laryngeal Papillomatosis. Mayo Clinic Proceedings Feb 2017; 92(2):322 Bakshi SS. Letter to the Editor: “Prognosis and risk in considering extensive vs functional endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps and asthma”. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy; 31(1):1-1 Bakshi SS. Macroglossia. Revista Clínica Española 2017. Bakshi SS, Kumar TL. Plummer Vinson syndrome. Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española February 2017

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Research and Scholarship

Bakshi SS. Regarding “Preoperative Neutrophilto-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts the Prognosis of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma”. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery March 2017

of pharmaceutical and medical research, May-June 2017;2(3):589-592

Bakshi SS. Pott’s puffy tumor. N Z Med J. Jan 2017; 130(1449):62–3

Pradeep J, Stephen S, Pooja P, Akshayavardhini A, Sangeetha B, Antony PX. Coxiellosis in domestic livestock of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu: Detection of Coxiella burnetii DNA by polymerase chain reaction in slaughtered ruminants. Veterinary World, 2017;10(6): 667-671.

Bakshi S.S, Shankar Manoharan K, Gopalakrishnan S. Comparison of the long term efficacy of radiofrequency ablation and surgical turbinoplasty in inferior turbinate hypertrophy: a randomized clinical study. Acta Oto-Laryngologica March 2017.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine Ramkumar S, Vijayalakshmi S, Seetharaman N, Pajanivel R, Lokeshmaran A. Health-related quality of life among tuberculosis patients under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in rural and urban Puducherry. Indian J Tuberc. 2017 Jan;64(1):14-19.

Department of Biochemistry Gopal N, Koner BC, Bhattacharjee A, Bhat V, Murugaiyan SB, Muddegowda PH. Assay of urinary protein carbonyl content can predict the steroid dependence and resistance in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant. 2017; 28(2):268–72 Sweta K, Ramesh R, Toi R, Silvia WDCR, Meenakshi S, RosaiDorfman syndrome- a rare case report in an Asian male. Intl. J. Clin. Diag. Res. 2017; 5(1): 1-4

Book Publication Menon SK, Pajanivel R. Handbook on Clinical Approach to Respiratory Medicine. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers; 2017.

▶▶ PUBLICATIONS - Ii Quarter of 2017 Department of Anaesthesiology Singh DR, Nag K, Nagella AB, Hemanth Kumar VR, Charles AJ. Efficacy of dexmedetomidine infusion for procedural comfort and intraoperative sedation in patients undergoing surgeries with subarachnoid block: A randomized double-blind clinical trial. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:294-9. Kumar TS, Indu K, Parthasarathy S. Successful management of above knee amputation with combined and modified nerve blocks. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:520-521. Parthasarathy S, Anusha B, Anaesthetic Management of hernia repair in a patient with coronary heart disease having done both coronary artery bypass graft and stenting earlier – a case report. British journal

Department of Microbiology

Kandhakumari G, Stephen S. Evaluation of a new rapid kit, BD MGIT TBc identification test for confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Indian J PatholMicrobiol2017;60:243-6. Valentina Y, Mohd Yousuf R, Yogamoorthi A. Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticle using cell-free extract of clinical isolates Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Malays J Med Biol Res. 2017;4(2):83-92. Anitharaj V, Stephen S, Pradeep J,Gunasekaran D, Jaya singh K, Shanmugam J. Scub typhus in Pondicherry : Meta analysis of cases reported in a tertiary care teaching hospital during 2012-2016. Biomedicine 2017;37(2):221-225

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Setu Rathod, Sunil Kumar Samal, SunitaSamal, SeeteshGhose. Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical cancer and HPV vaccine among medical students: A cross sectional study. Journal of South Asian Federation of Menopausal Societies Jan-June 2017;5(1):41-44. Sunil Kumar Samal, Setu Rathod, SeeteshGhose, P. Pallavee. Barriers for non–acceptance of permanent method of family planning among eligible couples in a Teaching Hospital – A cross sectional study Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2017;4(2):161-165 Lakshmi P, Reddi RP, Lopamudra B. Comparative study of uterine repair during caesarean section: exteriorization repair versus in-situ repair. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:1426-9. Sebastian G, Ghose S, Soundararajan P. Comparison of maternal and neonatal outcome in elective lower segment cesarean section done at 38 and 39 weeks. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:1604-9 Reddi PR, Begum J, Reddy KS. Controversies in the management of early endometrial carcinoma-an update. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:2124-31. Ghose S, Reddy N. Study of occult stress urinary incontinence in pelvic organ prolapse. Int J Reprod Contracept ObstetGynecol 2017;6: 1392-7.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Vinayagam V, Bobby Z, Habeebullah S, Chaturvedula Land BharadwajSKMaternal and cord blood plasma sEng and TGF-β1 in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy:A pilot study in a South Indian population.. J clinic and diag research. 2017:11(3):QC32-QC34

Department of Urology Vasudevan Thirugnanasambandam, Jeyaraman Ramanathan. Safety and efficacy of bipolar energy for transurethral resection of bladder tumours: a prospective quasi-randomized study. Turk J Urol 2017; 43(2): 141-6.

Department of Orthopaedics Krishna Gopal, Sandeep MMR, Prakash A, Jose A: Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy in internal derangement of knee – International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 2017 May; 3(3):476-481.

Department of Pathology Bhavani K, Venkatraman J, Roopa Urs AN, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Thrombocytopenia and Altered Platelet Indices as Potential Marker in Complicated Malaria Caused by Plasmodium Vivax: Cross Sectional Descriptive Study. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017;(3):268-273. Janarthanam Venkatraman, K. Bhavani. Cytomorphological Patterns of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis in Correlation with AFB Positivity. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017; 6 (2):250-254. Venkatraman J, K. Bhavani, Jeevitha. Study of Transfusion Transmitted Infections among blood donors in a Tertiary care Hospital in Puducherry. Indian Journal of Pathology and oncology. 2017; 4(2):252-255. Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS. Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Labour and its Correlation with Newborn weight-How far we have reached? National Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2017;6(2):8-13. Thangam R, Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS, Koteeswaran G, Kannan NS. Cytological and Histomorphological Correlation of Salivary Gland lesions:An Experience at Rural tertiary Healthcare Hospital. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017;4(2):217-221. Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS, Shanmugasamy K, Ancy A. Impact of Intervention On Awareness Of Biomedical Waste Disposal Among Medical Students. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine2017;4(2):193-200. Bhavani K, Venkatraman J, Roopa Urs AN, Koteeswaran G, Dhananjay S. Kotasthane. Congenital

eccrine angiomatous hamartoma – a rare hamartoma. Journal of Evolution of Research in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017;3(1):6-8. Bhavani K, Roopa Urs AN, Venkatraman J, Dhananjay S. Kotasthane. A rare case report ofBreast filariasis. Journal of Evolution of Research in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017; 3(1):6-7. Rajavigneshwari N,Kotasthane DS,Koteeswaran G.Clinicopathological Spectrum of Ovarian tumours in a tertiary care hospital.J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2017;6(36):2948-52.

Department of General Surgery Anathakrishnan N, Karthikeyan P, Jagan Mohan R, Pulimootil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR.. SBV model of competency based learning and training (COBALT) for postgraduate education. Annals of SBV, Vol 6, Issue 2 ( Jan-Jun 2017). Cheekuri SK, Mohanty A, Ganesh T, Kannan R, Smile R. Hyperbilirubinemia as a predictor of the severity of acute appendicitis – an observational study. Int Surg J 2017;4:1341-4. Kumar R, Vaithianathan R, Sundaresan V. Single incision laparoscopic appendicectomy versus conventional laparoscopic appendicectomy – a prospective study. Int Surg J 2017;4:1588-93. Gautham G, Anand C, Karthik MS, Pajanivel R. Effects of capnoperitoneum for laparoscopy on liver, renal and pulmonary functions: a prospective observational study. Int Surg J 2017;4:1903-7.

Department of Community Medicine Hemapriya, Partha Nandi, Seetharaman, Ramya M. R, Nishanthini N, Lokeshmaran A. A study of menstrual hygiene and related personal hygiene practices among adolescent girls in rural Puducherry. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul; 4(7):2348-2355 Narayan KA. Multi-source feedback in Dental postgraduation – A qualitative research. 2017; 5(1): Available at 73050 Patil R, Palve SB, Jayaramachandran S. False beliefs about causation of Diabetes Mellitus among adults in Urban Pondicherry.National journal; 6 (2):125-8 Boratne AV, Datta SS, Bahurupi YA, Murugavangini E, Hema Priya, Patil R. Knowledge of Danger Signs of Pregnancy, Labour and Post Partum Period among Mothers in Rural Pondicherry. IJPHRD. 2017; 8(2):116-121

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Research and Scholarship

Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan. Do life skills education has come into action? Indian journal of Youth and Adolescent health. 2017;4 (1): 55 Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan. Do Sudden nocturnal death syndrome-a global perspective; International journal of health science and research. 2017;7(7):24 Suguna A, Naveen R, Surekha A, Amal Francis, Brian D’mello, Farah N Fathima. Profile and determinants of occupational injuries reporting to a tea garden hospital over the past decades – a mixed method study – Scholars journal of applied medical sciences. 2017; 5(6): 2295-2300 Niresh C, Surekha A, Goud R, Deepthi S, Joseph B. Prevalence of surgical conditions among rural population of Southern Karnataka. National journal of research in community medicine. 2017; 6 (2): 103.

Bakshi SS. Image Gallery: Rhinosporidiosis. Br J Dermatol. 2017 Jun;176(6):e123. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15494. Bakshi SS. Letter to the editor. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jun 3. doi: 10.1007/s10006.017.0634-1. [Epub ahead of print]. Bakshi SS. In reference to ‘Therapeutic efficacy of azithromycin and acetylcysteine in chronic otitis media with effusion’. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Jun 13. doi: 10.1007/s00405.017.4623-7.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine Kumar RM, Pajanivel R, Koteeswaran G, Menon SK, Charles PM. Correlation of total serum immunoglobulin E level, sputum, and peripheral eosinophil count in assessing the clinical severity in bronchial asthma. Lung India 2017;34:256-61.

Gandhimathi K, Thekkur P, Majella MG, Selvaraj K, Chinnakali P, Adhishivam B, et al. Increasing trend in pediatric scrub typhus admissions in a tertiary care hospital, South India: clinical profile and outcomes of cases over four years, 2011-2014. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:915-20.

Department of Pharmacology

Department of General Medicine

Swapna R Nayaka, Sabari Anand J V. A questionnaire based study to assess the knowledge of 2nd year medical students on self-medication / OTC. IJRPP:6(2); April – June 2017:127-33

Ashwin T, Tumbanatham A, Green SR, Singh KJ. Clinico etiological profile of seizures in adults attending a tertiary care hospital. Int J Adv Med 2017;4:490-6.

Kartik J.Salwe,Mirunalini R,Jervin Mano,Manimekalai K. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Murraya Koenigii leaves extract against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Rats. IJBCP: 6(6); June 2017:1274-81

Department of Biochemistry

Patibandla S, Appikatla T, Jayasingh K. Study of the severity of stroke at the time of presentation in diabetic patients correlating with glycemic control. Int J Adv Med 2017;4:396-400.

Sathya G, SugumarRV,Ramesh R. Seasonal and gender differences in Vitamin D status among the obese adolescents: A prospective study.IJHS 2017; 3(1): 297-300

Rajhans R, Narayanan M. Assessment of arrhythmias in 50 patients of STelevation myocardial infarction after thrombolysis: a 24 hour Holter study. Int J Adv Med 2017;4:734-40.

Jayanthi R, Srinivasan AR, Hanifah M, Maran AL. Associations among Insulin Resistance, Triacylglycerol/ High Density Lipoprotein (TAG/HDL ratio) and Thyroid hormone levels-A study on Type 2 diabetes mellitus in obese and overweight subjects.Diabetes MetabSyndr. 2016 dsx.2016.12.020.

Sarin K, Dutta TK, Vinod K V. Clinical profile & complications of neurotoxic snake bite & comparison of two regimens of polyvalent anti-snake venom in its treatment.Indian J Med Res 2017;145:58-62.

Department of ENT Bakshi SS. A burning sensation in the mouth. Cleve Clin J Med. 2017 May; 84(5):344-345. doi: 10.3949/ ccjm.84a.16005. Bakshi SS. Image Gallery: Mucormycosis. Br J Dermatol. 2017 May; 176(5):e98. doi: 10.1111/ bjd.15395.

Kulkarni S, Ramesh R, Srinivasan AR, Silvia CRWD. Evaluation of Preanalytical Quality Indicators by Six Sigma and Pareto’s Principle. Indian J ClinBiochem [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Jul 15]; Available from: s12291.017.0654-5. Yoga S, Rangdhol V, Maithilikarpagaselvi N, Vandana S, Paulose S. Estimation of salivary sialic acid levels as a prognostic marker in patients with oral leukoplakia – A case-control study. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-99



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ PUBLICATIONS - I ii Quarter of 2017

infection among the patients attending a tertiary care teaching hospital. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2017;60:221-5.

Department of Anaesthesiology Parthasarathy S, Senthilkumar T. Age-based local anesthetic dosing in pediatric spinal anesthesia: Evaluation of a new formula – A pilot study in Indian patients. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:627-9. Raj SA, Singh DR, Charles SA, Krishnaveni N. Efficacy of tramadol or dexamethasone as an adjuvant to levobupivacaine in ultrasound-guided supraclavicular plexus block for upper limb surgery: A randomized double-blinded controlled study. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:567-71. Singh DR, Mohamed H, Krishnaveni N, Nag K. Evaluating the efficacy of tramadol as an adjuvant to intrathecal isobaric levobupivacaine for elective infraumbilical surgeries. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:572-7. Kiran LV, Sivashanmugam T, Kumar VR, Krishnaveni N, Parthasarathy S. Relative efficacy of ultrasoundguided ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block versus transverse abdominis plane block for postoperative analgesia following lower segment cesarean section: A prospective, randomized observer-blinded trial. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:713-7.

Department of Microbiology Anitharaj V, Stephen S, Pradeep J, Pooja P, Preethi S. Diagnosis of acute scrub typhus in South India: Validation of Geno-Sen’s scrub typhus real time polymerase chain reaction kit by its comparison with a serological ELISA test. J Global Infect Dis. 2017;9(3):108-112. Stephen S, Ghose S, Anitharaj V, Pradeep J. Seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in Healthy Pregnant Women of Puducherry. Indian J Microbiol Res. 2017; 2017;4(3):290-292. Kandhakumari G, Muthurangan G, Stephen S, Menon SK. Tuberculous cold abscess of anterior chest wall. Indian J Microbiol Res. 2017;4(3):341-3. Stephen S, Pradeep J, Anitharaj V, Janarthanam V. Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in voluntary blood donors of Puducherry and surrounding districts of Tamil Nadu. J Parasit Dis 2017;41(3):1-4. Pradeep J, Stephen S, Ambroise S, Gunasekaran D. Diagnosis of acute Q Fever by detection of Coxieall burnetii DNA in Real Time PCR, employing a commercial Genesig Easy Kit. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11:DC10-DC13. Segar L, Easow JM, Srirangaraj S, Hanifah M, Joseph NM, Seetha K S. Prevalence of Clostridium difficile

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Ghose S, Chandana G, Rathod S, Lopamudra BJ. Giant dermoid cyst of ovary in postmenopausal woman: a case report. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3195-6. Rathod S, Samal SK. Clinical analysis of post sterilization failure cases in a tertiary hospital. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3294-6. Nanthakumar MP, Arumugam SC. Adolescent endometriosis. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:3213-8. Aishwarya J, Sasikala R, Dilshath S. Efficacy of morphological indexing of ovarian tumor: preoperative determination of risk of malignancy. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:3458-63. John LB, Reddi RP, Ghose S. Maternal factors associated with large for gestational age babies and its outcome when compared with those of appropriate for gestational age. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3586-9 Hembram M, Durairaj J, Maurya DK. A rare case of schwannoma mimicking ovarian tumour.Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:3695-8. Sasikala R, Aishwarya J, Dilshath S. Clinical profile of cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy and puerperium in South India. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:3124-8. Reddi Rani P, Rathod S, Samal SK Contraception for Adolescents –A Review Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics &Gynaecology 2017:8(4):115-121. Reddi Rani P, Vishalakshi A.Zika virus in Pregnancy. Indian Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2017:7(2):22-25.

Department of Radiology SnehaLalith, Karunya Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan, Gurubharath Ilangovan, Subramanian Venkataraman, Anandapadmanabhan Jayajothi. Rapunzel Syndrome – Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Sep, Vol-11(9): TD01-TD02. DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2017/28593.10594.

Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology NathDhritiman, Das Prarthana. Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016: Is It a Right Step in the Right Direction? International Journal of Education and

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Research and Scholarship

Research in Health Sciences, July-September 2017; 3(3):1. Prasanna P, NathDhritiman, GN Kumar Pramod, Das Prarthana. Correlation between road conditions and non – fatal road traffic accidents – a prospective study.Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July – Dec 2017, 11 (2): 96 – 99.

Kumar S, Dal GL, Patil R. Profile of road traffic accidents in southern Rajasthan-A retrospective hospital based cross sectional study. Medicolegal update.2017; 17(2):31-5

Department of Orthopaedics

Bahurupi YA, Bojja SS, Boratne AV, Datta SS. Household Expenditures on Illnesses during Infancy in a Rural Community: A Cross Sectional Study from Pondicherry. Natl J Community Med 2017; 8(8):506-511.

Shamin AB, Abraham VT, Nandakumar R. Functional outcome of distal radius fracture managed with locking compression plate. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Science. 2017;3(1):728-732.

Department of Dermatology

Department of Pathology Mulka A, Kotasthane V D, Dhaka R, Kotasthane D S. Correlation of Histopathological Study of Breast Lesions with cytology and mammography as a measure of internal quality and diagnostic accuracy. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2017;4(4):398 – 402. Priya R, Kotasthane D S, Kotasthane V D, Koteeswaran G. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Of Cervical Lymphadenopathy: Is There Anything Different At South Coastal Region Of India? Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2017;4(4): 460-466. Bhavani K, VenkatramanJ,Dhananjay SK. Study of platelet parameters in women with iron deficiency anemia. Indian Journal of Pathology Research and Practice, 2017;6(3):650-54.

Department of Ophthalmology Memota Laishram, Krishnagopal Srikanth, Rajalakshmi Ramachandran Adityapuram, Swathi Nagarajan, Ezhumalai Govindasamy. Microperimetry – A New Tool for Assessing Retinal Sensitivity in Macular Diseases. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jul, Vol-11(7): NC08-NC11 Prasanna Venkatesh Ramesh, Kirti Nath Jha, Krishnagopal Srikanth. Comparison of Central Corneal Thickness using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Versus Ultrasound Pachymetry. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Aug, Vol-11(8): NC08-NC11.

Department of Community Medicine Vaithyanathan, PruthuThekkur, BoovaragasamyChithra, Suguna A, Surekha A, Seetharaman N. Concomitant Behavioral Risk Factors of Non Communicable Diseases and its Associated Factors among Adults in the Selected Rural Areas of Puducherry, South India: A Community Based Cross-sectional Study. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. 2017; 6(2):149-154

Angeline N, Anbazhagan S, Surekha A, Joseph S, Kiran PR. Health impact of chennai floods 2015: Observations in a medical relief camp. Int J Health Syst Disaster Manage 2017;5:46-8.

GirllyKurian, Krishnan S., Shakthi P.A prospective case control study on metabolic syndrome in lichen planus in a tertiary care centre.Int J Res Dermatol 2017;3(3):427-432. Dharani D., Krishnan S., Manobalan K A cross sectional study on autologous serum skin test in chronic urticaria in a tertiary care centre. Int J Res Dermatol 2017;3(3):418-426.

Department of General Medicine Tarun Kumar Dutta, Hitha Dijith, Venugopaln Y. Vishnu, Shailendra Prasad Verma, Deepak Charles, Kolar Viswanath Vinod, Debdatta Basu –Long term outcome of splenectomy in chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura. International Journal Of Hematology Research 2017;Vol 3 No 1. Madhusudhanan P, NarayananM, Karthik S, Ezhumalai- Role of BNP as a screening tool to identify asymptomatic cardiac disease in Type 2 diabetic patients ; International Journal Of advanced research 5(8) 96-101. Velmurugan Anitharaj, Selvaraj Stephen, Jothimani Pradeep, Dhandapany Gunasekaran, Kannaiyan Jayasingh , Jayaraman Shanmugam ; Scrub typhus in Pondicherry: Meta analysis of cases reported in a tertiary care teaching hospital during 2012-2016 Biomedicine 2017; 37(2) :221-225. Sarin K, Dutta TK, Vinod KV, Clinical profile and complications of neurotoxic snake bite and comparison of two regimens of polyvalent anti snake venom in its treatment. Indian JmED Res 2017;145:58-62.

Department of ENT Bakshi SS, “ Endoscopically-assisted extracapsular dissection of pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland through a postauricular sulcus approach in young patients” Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jul 20. pii: S0266-4356(17)30232-2.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Bakshi SS, Gopalakrishnan S, Prof. Nirmal Coumare on” A randomized study comparing the efficacy of mometasone furoate and fluticasone furoate on the ocular and nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis”. Int J Otorhinolaryngology Head Neck Surg 2017; 3 :xxx- xx. Bakshi SS. “Letter to the editor” Am J Otolaryngol. 2017 Sep - Oct; 38(5):637. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2017.06.013.

Ano-genital distance and their ratio in common male urological conditions. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences.volume 6, issue 10, 1128-1137. S. Joseph Philipraj, Deepak Vishal Shet. To Close Or Not To Close? Donor Site Morbidity After Buccal Mucosal Graft Harvesting. world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. SJIF Impact Factor 6.647, Volume 6, Issue 9, 1373-1383

Bakshi SS. “Rhinosporidiosis Allergy Clin Immunol” Department of Psychiatry Pract. 2017 Jul 28. pii: S2213-2198(17)30509-3.

Sarkar S, Choudhury S, Ezhumalai G, Konthoujam J. Risk factors for the development of delirium in alcohol dependence syndrome: Clinical and neurobiological Bakshi SS, Urs R. Maxillary hydatid cyst” implications. Indian J Psychiatry 2017;59:300-5. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2017 Aug 28. pii: S0001-6519(17)30162-0. Kabeer KK, Ananthakrishnan N, Anand C, Balasundaram S. Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Bakshi SS, Kumar T Lon.” Carotid Body Tumor” J Infection and Stress, Anxiety or Depression in Functional Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2017 Aug 14. Dyspepsia and Outcome after Appropriate Intervention. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Aug;11(8):VC11-VC15. Bakshi SS on “ J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017” Aug 26. pii: S0278- 2391(17)31007-8. doi: 10.1016/j. Department of Pharmacology joms.2017.07.165. Narayanasamy, S.Padmavathi, Sabariselvan, G Department of Biochemistry Somasundaram. Effect of beta-carotene on lipid levels in Diet induced hyperlipidemic rats. International journal Kulkarni SV, Meenatchi S, Reeta R, Ramesh R, of Pharma and biosciences 8(3) July2017: (P) 267-72 Srinivasan AR, Lenin C. Association of glycemic status Mohamed Yousuf Rather, Johan Pandian, SM with bone turnover markers in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Sundarapandian,A Yogamoorthi. Biosynthesis and Int J App Basic Med Res. 2017 characterization of silver nanoparticles using leaf extract R. Jayanthi, A R Srinivasan, G. Niranjan, R Ramesh. of Wedelia urticifolia(Blume)DC and evaluation of Association of divalent cation and insulin resistance antibacterial efficacy. IOSR-JPBS:12(4) Jul – Aug 2017, with thyoid hormones in patients with type 2 diabtetes P- 14-23 mellitus, Diab Met Syndr: Clin Res Rev.2017 Bakshi SS, Balpande G. The thumb sign” N Z Med J. 2017 Jul 21; 130(1459):71-72.

Niranjjan R, Sahu SK, Roy G, Vani SAV. Source of previous anti-TB treatment for re-treatment TB cases registered under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program in Pondicherry. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017;4(9):3386–93.

Department of Physiology RichaGupta,Nikhilesh Singh, Ramya Kumar. Longitudinal predictive validity of emotional intelligence on first year medical students perceived stress. BMC Medical Education (2017) 17:139. PalveSuchitraSachin, PalveSachinBhaskar. Efficacy of delivering endocrine system in integrated modular curriculum Education & Ethics (2017) 7:2.

Department of Urology Joseph Philipraj, Vishal shet, Vasudevan T. A study of the correlation between Ano-scrotal distance,

Department of Surgery

C.P.Ganesh Babu, Sneka kakoty, Tridip dutta Baruah. FNAC and histopathological correlation of salivary gland lesions: an observational study. International surgery journal 4 (7), 2148- 2152 C.P.Ganesh Babu, sushrut S Chawan, Tridip Dutta Baruah. A Clinical Study on Ventral Hernia in a tertiary care hospital. International Surgery Journal 4 (8), 2600 -2604 AN Ravi Desai P., Chetan Anand, Ganesh Babu C. P.A correlative study of antithyroid antibodies level, thyroid functional status and histological evidence of thyroiditis in patients subjected to thyroidectomy. International Surgerey journal 4 (9), 2991-2996 Dinker Pai. in Parija SC, Kate V . Figures, Tables and Supporting Materials in Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper. Singapore: Springer; 2017: 95-105.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Research and Scholarship

▶▶ PUBLICATIONS - Iv Quarter of 2017 Department of Anaesthesiology Prabhu R, Singh DR, Krishnaveni N. A comparative study of postoperative analgesia provided by ultrasound-guided transverses abdominis plane block using two concentrations of bupivacaine in patients undergoing inguinal hernia repair. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:934-9. Shetti AN, Karigar SL, Mustilwar RG, Singh DR, Nag K. Anesthesiologist in cardiac catheterization laboratories; the roles and goals!! a postgraduate educational review. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:811-5. DiwakaranR, ParthasarathyS, KrishnaveniN, Comparative evaluation of addition of either fentanyl or clonidine to bupivacaine in spinal anesthesia – a randomized controlled trial. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care 2017;21(3):323-327.

Department of Anatomy Uma A N, Tirou Aroul T, Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Apoorvalakshmi S.Premature Centromere Division in Oral Premalignant and Malignant Patients-A Cytogenetic Biomarker. Journal of Basic, Clinical & Applied Health Sciences [ JBCAHS]. 2017;1(1):21-25

Department of Microbiology Lavanya M, Easow JM,Rangaraj S, Hannifah M, Joseph NM, Seetha KS. Prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) among the patients attending a tertiary care teaching hospital in Puducherry. Indian J PatholMicrobiol. 2017;60(2):221-5. Stephen S,Anitharaj V, Ghose S, Pradeep J. Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in Healthy Pregnant Women of Puducherry. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2017;6(4):134-136. Kandhakumari G, Stephen S, Pradeep J. Application of smear microscopy, culture and polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis in Puducherry. J Res Med Dent Sci. 2017;5(4):1-5. Kandhakumari G, Stephen S. Drug Susceptibility Pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Cases in Puducherry and Surrounding Tamil Nadu, South India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 2017;6(10):3557-61. Pramodhini S, StephenS, ShanmugamJ, Renuka K. Prevalence and Antibiogram of MRSA Isolated from Patient Samples and Health Care Workers in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Puducherry, India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol. App.Sci. 2017;6(12):1419-1424.

Kalaivani Ramakrishnan, Sameera M. Jahagirdar, M. Ravishankar and SeethaKunigal. Cefepime / Tazobactam – A Newer and Better β-Lactam/β-Lactamase Inhibitor Combination to Spare Carbapenem Drugs. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol.App. Sci 2017;6(10):1379-1385. doi: Shalima S, KalaivaniR,Seethesh G, Seetha KS. Prevalence, bacteriological profile andantimicrobial resistance pattern of aerobic bacterial isolates from antenatal mothers with asymptomatic bacteriuria. Indian J Microbiol Res 2017;4(4):421-425. Stephen, S,Ambroise, S, Pradeep, J, Gunasekaran D, Sangeetha, B, Sarangapani, K. Unreliability of three commercial Coxiellaburnetii phase II IgMELISAkits for the seroscreening of acute Q fever in human cases. Indian J Med Res.2017;146(3):386-391. Stephen, S,Ambroise, S, Gunasekaran D, Pradeep, J, Sangeetha, B,Sarangapani, K. Scrub typhus in Puducherry: Significance of OXK agglutinins (WeilFelix test) in Scrub typhus patients and Normal healthy Population. Biomedicine. 2017;37(4):562-567

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Rathod S, Samal SK. Evaluation of Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes of Induction in Borderline Oligohydramnios at term Journal of Clin and Diag Research 2017;doi10.7860. Samal R, Habeebullah S. Primary amenorrhea: a clinical review. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:4748-53. Ghose S, John LB. Adolescent pregnancy: an overview. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:4197-4203. Reddi RP, Ashwini VL, John LB. Myomectomy in pregnancy: feasibility and safety. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:4204-8. Pallavee P, Behera J, Samal R. A case of post-caesarean vesico-uterine fistula: a rare entity becoming common. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:5145-7. Barik G, Dorairajan G, Murali S. Successful Pregnancy Outcome in a Case of Muscular Dystrophy JCDR November 2017. Keepanasseril A, Maurya D, Manikandan K, Yavanasuriya J, Habeebullah S and Soundararaghavan S. Prophylactic magnesium sulphate in prevention of eclampsia in women with severe preeclampsia: randomized controlled trial. J Obstet Gynaecol, 2017, (online) DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1351931.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Arumugam SC, Reddi R. Bowel Evisceration through vaginal vault following vaginal hysterectomy –A Case Report. Indian J Case Reports 2017; December 28.

Department of Ophthalmology Swathi N, Venipriya S, Geetha C. Impact of an educational module on the knowledge and attitude of nursing students toward eye donation. J ClinOphthalmol Res 2017;5:115-20.

Department of Orthopaedics Narendran P ushpasekaran, Manoharan Muthulingam, Naveen Kumar Rajapalani Kumar, ChandrasekaranMarimuthu, RajanBabu: Unusual Presentation of Foreign Body Granuloma of the Foot After Sharp Injury Mimicking a Malignant Lesion: A Case Report - The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery 56 (2017) 1276–1278.

Department of Pathology Shanmugasamy.K, Anandrajvaithy, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Histopathological spectrum of nephrectomy specimen in a tertiary care centre: With an emphasis on chronic pyelonephritis. Annals of Pathology and laboratory Medicine. Sep-Oct 2017;4(5):573-78. Shanmugasamy.K, Anandrajvaithy, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Cytological pattern of Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) cases with its Histopathological correlation in premalignant lesion. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology. July- September 2017;2(3):57-59. Anandraj.V, Shanmugasamy K, Sowmya, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. An unusual presentation of KikuchiFujimoto Disease on Cytomorphology:A rare case report. Journal of Basic, Clinical & Applied Health Sciences. October 2017;1(1):43-46. Anandraj.V, Shanmugasamy K, Sowmya, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Student’s Perception and Appraisal Of Teaching Methods In Histopathology Microscopy Slide In Practical Sessions- A Need For Impact In Delivering Methods. International Education and Research Journal. 2017;3(10):54-56. Anandraj.V, Shanmugasamy K, et al. Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis in association with Chronic kidney disease: A novel step in early detection of Renal Tuberculosis.Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology, October-December 2017;2(4):86-90. Anandraj.V, Shanmugasamy K, et al. Analysis of quality assurance: a novel step in fixing the turnaround time of surgical pathology reports as a part of quality management system. Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology, October-December 2017;2(4):100-103.

Department of Community Medicine Surekha A, Naveen, Suguna A, Devjani G, Karthika M, Farah N F. Comparative study of health status of migrant versus local workers’ children in atea plantation in Tamil Nadu, South India. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine.2017;(6):4.

Department of Physiology Tips for PowerPoint® based Interactive Lectures Grounded on Educational Theories. Nikhilesh Singh, Richa Gupta, Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics. 2017;7(3):155 - 162

Department of Urology A Study of Correlation Between Ano-Scrotal Distance (ASD), Ano-Genital Distance(AGD) And Their Ratio In Common Male Urological Conditions. Dr. Vishal Shet, Prof. Joseph Philipraj* World Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017, Vol 6, Issue10, 1128-1137. Deepak, Vishal Shet, Joseph Philipraj. To Close Or Not To Close? Donor Site Morbidity after Buccal Mucosal Graft Harvesting. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017;6(9):1373-1383. Deepak David, Pragadeeshwaran, Joseph Philipraj. An Unusual Case Of Bladder Outlet Obstruction “Zinner’ Syndrome”- Triad Of Seminal Vesicle Cyst, Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017;6(9):1329-1332. Joseph Philipraj, KarthikMeyappan, Vishal Shet. Metabolic Syndrome: A High Risk for Urological Malignancies? A Prospective Study. Journal of Urology and Renal Diseases 2017. JURD-162. DOI: 10.29011/2575-7903. 000062.

Department of ENT Karthikeyan, Davis Pulimoottil. Regarding “Accuracy of ultrasonography and computed tomography in the evaluation of patients undergoing sialendoscopy for sialolithiasis”. Otolaryngology Head Neck Surg. 2017;157(5):910-911. Bakshi SS. Regarding A Giant Ear! J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2017 Nov 23.doi: 10.1097/ MPH.0000000000001023. Bakshi SS. Predictive value of neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio in diabetic wound healing. J Vasc Surg. 2017 Dec;66(6):1915. doi:10.1016/j.jvs.2017.07.128. Bakshi SS. Revisiting recurrent acute rhinosinusitis prevention by azithromycin in children. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2017;5(6):1802. doi: 10.1016/j. jaip.2017.06.018.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Research and Scholarship

Bakshi SS. Aural myiasis. Med Clin (Barc).2017 Oct 28.pii: S0025-7753(17)30710-8. doi: 10.1016/j. medcli.2017.09.009. Bakshi SS. Regarding Neutrophil-Lymphocyte and Platelet-Lymphocyte Ratio for the Effusion Viscosity in Otitis Media. J Craniofac Surg. 2017 Oct 16. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000004021. Bakshi SS. regarding Button Battery Ingestion. Balkan Med J. 2017 Sep 29. doi: 10.4274/balkanmedj.2017.0523. Bakshi SS regarding Erythematous Candidiasis. J Allergy ClinImmunolPract.2017 Sep 20.pii: S22132198(17)30622-0. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2017.08.012

Department of Biochemistry

Department of Pharmacology Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS curriculum with research component: Road to professional. Ann. SBV 2017;6(1):21-3.

▶▶ Chapter in book Adithan C and Surendiran A. Publishing misconduct including plagiarism and permissions in writing and Publishing a Scientific Research paper. Editors S.C.Parija and V.Kate. Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd. 2017. Pages 177-188

▶▶ Editor/ reviewer Dr.Srirangaraj.S, Professor, Microbiology has become an Editorial Board member for EC Microbiology journal.

Krishnamoorthy R, Kaliaperumal R, Venkatachalam R, Poovitha R, Rajagopalan G. Apopoproteins an Early and Better Diagnostic Marker for Diabetic Retinopathy. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(10):NC01-05.

Dr.Srirangaraj.S, Professor, Microbiology, was a reviewer for- Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health (Elsevier) and Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research ( JCDR).

Rathnakumar K, Rajagopalan G, Ramachandran K, Ramesh V. Association between components of metabolic syndrome and elevated intraocular pressure. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017;5(7):3053-3058.

Dr.S.S.Bakshi, ENT was a reviewer for the Article ‘A Case Series on Severe Corrosive Injury of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract’ in January 2017 for the Journal of Case Reports and Studies ( JCRS), was a reviewer for the article “The Diagnosis and Distribution of Spike and Septum in Maxillary Sinus – A Retrospective Study”in February 2017 for the Nessa journal of Oral Care and Dentistry, was a reviewer for the article “Lincoln ’s HighwayA forgotten Abscess” In March 2017 for Heighpubs Otolaryngology and Rhinology.

Rathnakumar K, Ramachandran K, Ramesh V, Anebaracy V, Vidhya R, Vinothkumar R et al. Prevalence of dry eye disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients and its association with Retinopathy. IJPSR 2017;08(10):4298-4304. Venkatachalam R, Kumar R, Kaliaperumal R, Devaraj A, V A, Balamugundan B, et al. Association of serum uric acid and lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients with and without diabetic retinopathy. Asian J Pharm Clin Res. 2017;10(6):112-114. Babu SV, Jagadeesan AR, Ramalingam J. A Comparative Study of Lipid Profile in Obese and Nonobese Men attending Master Health Checkup. Indian J Med Biochem. 2017;21(2):73–75. Venkatesan S, Chakkarai K, Arulvijayavani S, Senthilkumar GP, Manikandan R, Kalyaperumal M. Association between vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and inflammatory markers in urolithiasis patients. J Renal Inj Prev. 2017;6(4):240-243. Guhan VN Basu S, Rao KP, Daniel M, Vani SAV, Priyadharshini S. A comparative study of serum sodium and potassium levels between preeclamptic patients and normal pregnant women. MedPulse International Journal of biochemistry 2017;4(2):43-46.

Dr. S Lokesh, Dept. of Medicine, was a Reviewer in Journal of the clinical & Diagnostic Research and a Reviewer in the journal Current Research in Biomarkers Dr.Tumbanatham,, Dept. of Medicine was a Reviewer in Journal of the clinical & Diagnostic Research and Participated in the Case Challenge in the onliner New England Journal of Medicine on 27th April 2017. Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Dept. of Medicine was a Reviewer in Journal of the clinical & Diagnostic Research. Dr.Prof.P.Karthikeyan, ENT, was a reviewer in The Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain in June 2017 and was a reviewer in the Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in April 2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Medical Virology, United Kingdom (Impact factor – 1.998) on 09.05.2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor & Head and Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, Department of Community Medicine were Thesis Reviewer at the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS)for Five Postgraduate thesis. Dr. Partha Nandi, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Thesis Reviewer for RGUHS & JIPMER for Five Postgraduate thesis and 4 MPH thesis. Dr P Karthikeyan, Professor, ENT reviewed article titled ‘office based videolaryngoscopy, comparison of 0 and 70 degree endoscopes’ in Indian Journal of otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Dr SS Bakshi, Asst.Prof, ENT reviewed article titled ‘Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Children with recurrent wheezing” in Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology Journal, ‘Medical management of esophageal food impaction refractory to endoscopic interventions’ in Journal of gastric Disorders and Therapy, ‘Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome presenting as recurrent facial palsy with lingua plicata’ in BMJ Case Reports, ‘Ear Infection in Children: A hidden threat’ in Annals of Otolaryngology and Rhinology and “Obstructive hydrocephalous”: An unusual complication of chronic suppurative otitis media’ in Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, JSciMed Central. Prof Rani Reddi P, Department of OBGY, is a peer reviewer for Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research and Indian Obstetrics &Gynaecology and is an Editorial Board member of Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics &Gynaecology& Indian Obstetrics & Gynaecology. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor, Dept of Urology, got selected as Editorial Committee member of Journal of Kidney and Renal Disease- Gavin Publishers. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research ( JCDR) on 20.09.2017, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (Turkey) on 24.09.2017, and was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) on 07.09.2017.

and Journal of Renal and urological Diseases- Gavin Publishers. He was the Issue Editor for the Annals of SBV July-Dec 2017 Prof. S Habeebullah, O&G was a peer reviewer for SQU Med J Oman and Indian J Gyn Oncology. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology was a reviewer of an article titled, “Dengue – Clinical Profile in adults”, in the IJPBS on 16.11.2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research ( JCDR) onNovember 2017. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD,” was a Reviewer for the 2nd edition in “Diseases Of Ear Nose And Throat Head And Neck Surgery” by Mohan Bansal in November 2017. Dr. Joshy M Easow, Prof& HOD, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for BioMed central Infectious Diseases on December 2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Diseases on December 2017. Dr Richa, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, reviewed article titled “The effectiveness of health care information technologies: An empirical evaluation of trust, security beliefs and privacy as determinants of health care outcomes” in Journal of Medical Internet Research. Dr Richa, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, reviewed article titled “An epidemiological study of cognitive stress appraisal and related factors among workers: cross-sectional study” in BMJ open.

▶▶ Copyright Registrations at MGMCRI

Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Pharmacology was a 2nd Reviewer in the International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences, for a original article titled, “Effect of Vetiveria zizanioides on experimentally induced Dyslipidemia”, on 31.07.2017.

Dr Sobana, Associate professor, Department of Physiology, applied for registration of Copyright for “MEETS: Musically Express your Emotions & Thoughts for Success” on 20th June 2017 to the Office of the Registrar of Copyrights Copyright Office, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi-110066 (Diary Number: 9387/2017-CO/L)

Dr. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor of Urology, during the last quarter of 2017 was the peer reviewer in the Indian Journal of Urology, Urology Annals and Journal of Renal and urological Diseases. He is also the Editorial Committee Member in Indian Journal of Urology

Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI has copyrighted HeART ((Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques) and CDFIT (Community Diagnosis and Feasible Intervention Training) programmes.Also applied as Co-applicants (Dr. N. Seetharaman and Dr.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Research and Scholarship

Narayan. K.A) for copyrighting CReAMS (Clinical Research and Audit by Medical Students).

▶▶ “Health Sparkles”, Newsletter,  MGMCRI Publication The Mahatma Gandhi Hospital took up its new venture with the thought initiated by Dr. Prasanth Rajagopalan Vice Chairman, SBV to share announcements and health tips with patients, community and connecting the health care team with updates. This vision was

brought into reality when the Health Sparkles Mahatma Gandhi Hospital Newsletter first issue was released on 31.08.2017. As a motivation to the employees a Star performer of the month will be identified by the Health Sparkles editorial team based on their performance and services rendered and awarded in every issue. The editorial team of Health Sparkles will strive to utilize the opportunity in every issue to enforce the services provide in the hospital, connect with patients, attract new and repeat patients and readers from the health care team.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Academic Initiatives ▶▶ AWARDS Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, presented a Poster and a paper titled “Risk Factors for Delirium in Alcohol Dependence Syndrome” and was awarded 1st Place for both the sessions at the Intra Collegiate Competition organized by SBV, Pondicherry held from 02.01.2017 to 06.01.2017. Dr. Manobalan.K (Asst.Prof.), Department of DVL, received “Dr.B.V.Satyanarayana Best Thesis Award” for Best PG Dissertation of the year 2016 in Dermacon14.01.17 in Kolkata.

Professor cleared FUGRA (Fellowship in ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia) conducted by MGMC,SBV university. Dr.A.Govindarajan.MS,DLO., Dedicated Medical Officer (Insurance Dept), MGMC&RI, received the best doctor award in the category of Administrative Services rendered in Tamilnadu Government service as Joint Director of Medical Services by the IMA Tamilnadu State Branch during 2012-14, on 08.07.2017. He received the award from Dr.C.Vijaya Baskar, the Hon’ble Health Minister & Principle Health Secretary of Tamilnadu.

Dr. SunitaSamal was awarded best e poster and Dr. Jagedeeswari Mishra Prize for best e poster at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabad on 26.01.17 to 29.01.17. Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor of Pathology received “Young faculty award” from EET-CRS team at Academic Brilliance Award Ceremony, Noida in January 2017. Dr.R Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine received second prize in poster presentation in “IMPACT 2017” on “Prevalence and severity of anxiety and depression in relation to spirometric severity in patients with COPD” held in Abu Dhabi between 17.3.2017 and 19.3.2017. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine won the third Best Poster Presentation at the Fourth International Management Development Programme- “Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases” held at SRM University, Chennai from 31.03.17 to 01.04.17. Dr. IndubalaMaurya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology, winner for the photo titled “Anatomical comparison of supraclavicular&costoclavicular approach to brachial plexus” in the 5th Interventional Perioperative Sonography workshop & conference at Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi conducted by the Indian College of anesthesiologists and the Interventional Perioperative Sonography Association (IPSA) on 26.02.2017. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology cleared “Indian diploma of regional Anaesthesia’’, conducted by the Indian College of anesthesiologists and the Interventional Perioperative Sonography Association (IPSA). Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Dr. ArchanaAreti Senior Resident Dept. of Anesthesiology Assistant

Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was awarded a certificate of appreciation, in recognition of the active participation as a task force member & contribution to MBBS curricular development during the year 2016-2017 by MGMCRI, SBVU on 21.04.2017. Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics was awarded the Young Investigator’s Scholarship & Research Mentoring Program for the year 2017 by the International Society of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) at the ISAKOS congress at Shanghai, China from 3rd to 8th June 2017. Dr.A.N.Uma, Vice Principal (AHS), Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, was awarded Ph.D degree in Medical Genetics under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences during ‘Doctoral convocation’of Sri BalajiVidyapeethon 22nd September 2017. D r. Va s a n t h a n , Assistant Professor, Department of P h y s i o l o g y, was awarded PhD degree in Medical Physiology in September, 2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, received award of “Academic Excellence” for outstanding performance in MD Physiology and in PG Diploma in Music Therapy during Doctoral convocation on 22nd September 2017.

Pondicherry, held on 16.09.2017. The poster was awarded 2nd Prize in the Poster Competition. Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was awarded ISA-IJA Best Reviewer award in recognition of the excellent services as Reviewer for IJA for the year 2016-17 in 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology, ISACON-2017 at Kolkata held on 26th and 28th November 2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was awarded 1st Prize in the Faculty Podium Presentation Competition, at SBV Research Week, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, on 12.12.2017.

▶▶ Resource Person / Guest lecture in Academic/ Scientific Events Dr.K. Shanmugasamy.K, & Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane Associate professors, Dept of Pathology received gold medal in MD Pathology on 22rd September 2017 at SBV Doctoral Convocation held at SBV university. D r. A r u n a k a v a l l i Associate professor, Dept of Microbiology received gold medal in MD (Micro) on 22rd September 2017 at SBV Doctoral Convocation held at SBV university.

Dr. G.Prabavathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy has contributed as Resource person during 7th Annual State Anaesthesiology Conference of Puducherry “PONCON – 2016” held at MGMCRI on 7.01.17 and 8.01.17. Dr. Suguna A, & Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person at the Workshop on “From Data to Decisions : Statistical Principles for Clinical Decisions” held on 08.01.17 during PONCON- 7th Annual Pondicherry state Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Pondicherry.

Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Associate Professor received Gold medal in PG Diploma in Good Clinical Laboratory Practices. Dr. Prof.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD was nominated for “The BMJ awards South Asia 2017” for the category excellance in medical education, titled, ‘SBVU model of competency based learning and training for post graduate education in august 2017’. Dr. Suguna A and Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine were awarded MNAMS – Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sethuraman KR, Professor, Dr. Mahalakshmi VN, Professor, presented a poster titled “Structured implementation of communication skills training in the medical curriculum: Reflections and appraisal” in National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - For 21 C medicos (MIMECON) organized by SBV,

Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, & Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine was the Resource Person at the Workshop on “From Data to Decisions : Statistical Principles for Clinical Decisions” held on 08.01.17 during PONCON7th Annual Pondicherry state Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Pondicherry Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person at the Workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Entry using EpiData” held between 19.01.17 and 20.01.17 at The Oxford Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (TOMCHRC), Bengaluru. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a faculty in the Hospital Administrators Second Annual Conclave on “Current Challenges in Private Teaching Hospitals” HACON -2017 organized by MGMCRI, on 21.01.2017. Dr.A.A. Rajamani attended as faculty in ASSICON 2017 – 30th Annual Conference of Association of Spine



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Surgeons of India between 26.01.17 and 29.01.17, HICC, Hyderabad.

Dr.R.Krishnagopal attended as faculty in 6th Annual conference POACON 2017 on 25.02.17 and 26.02.17 held at Hotel Athithi, Pondicherry.

Dr. Shashidhara M., Assistant Professor, Department Dr. Kalaivani R gave a guest talk: on Nurses lead of Psychiatry, Presented a talk on “PsychiatricAspects of Vertigo” in CME on “Vertigo Evaluation & Management” in fighting infection at SAF (Nursing) meeting held at MGMCRI on 28.01.2017. on 28.02.17 at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dept. of anesthesiology was invited as a faculty in the first “Dr. Prof.TirouAroul Department of General Surgery Kamakshi Memorial Ultrasound Guided Interventional delivered lecture on Virtual ward rounds in MIST on Pain Workshop” organized by the Dept. of Pain 3.03.17. Medicine, Dr. Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai Dr.N.Mugunthan,M.S (Anat),DNB (Anat),PhD on 29.01.2017. (Anat)., Professor of Anatomy, MGMC & RI, has Prof.R. Krishnagopal, Orthopedic dept.,attended as delivered a guest lecture on “Anatomy of facial nerve and faculty in RAPID-2017 28.01.17 in Rajah Muthiah its applied aspects” at the Institute of Anatomy, Madras medical College & Hospital, Chidambaram. Medical College, Chennai on 03.03.2017. Prof TirouAroul, Department of General Surgery was a resourse faculty at the Interns orientation Programme in Rationale Diagnostic held at MGMCRI on 16.02.2017. Dr. Rani P, Associate Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology was invited as a faculty to take a part of Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop held at MGMCRI on 17.02.2017.

Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource person and spoke on “The Environment and our Microbiome- a public health perspective” at International conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and environment” held at MGMCRI on 03.03.17 & 04.03.17.

Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology was invited as a faculty to take a part of Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop held at MGMCRI on 17.02.2017.

Dr.Sivaprakash B., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered an invited talk at the International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF), SBV, Puducherry held on 03.03.2017 & 04.03.2017.

Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, Presented a talk “Psychosocial Aspects of Adolescence” in CME on “Adolescent Gynaecology” organised by Department of Obstetrics &Gynaecology, MGMCRI on 18.02.2017.

Dr. R. Ramesh Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry delivered Guest lecture of Macro uses of micro-RNAs with special reference to their application in cardiovascular disease in National seminar on translational research organized by Department of Biochemistry, JIPMER, Puducherry on 4.03.17.

Dr. Pallavee P Professors of O&G presented a talk on Precocious Puberty in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI.

Dr.Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Department of Pathology participated as Resource person in Training of young teachers-Teaching and training skills for PGS held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 7.03.17 and 21.03.17.

Dr. SunitaSamal Professors of O&G presented a talk on Adolescent contraception in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology was invited to attend Technical Specification Vetting Committee Meeting at JIPMER on 20.02.2017. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person at the Workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using EpiData” held from 22.02.17 to 24.02.17 at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital (SMVCH), Pondicherry.

Dr.G. Niranjan Associated Professor, Department of Biochemistry participated as a Resource person in Teaching and training skills for PG`s (TYT) organized by MEU, SBV, Puducherry on 8.03.17 & 20.03.17. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor and Dr. Kusha Nag, Associate Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology conducted Basic Life Support awareness program as a part of “Women’s Day Celebration” at Raj Bhavan on 09.03.17. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct Coimbatore Anaesthesia Program CAP-2017 “Hands on workshop on Ultrasound for anaesthesia and

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

perioperative pain” held at Coimbatore organized by ISA Coimbatore City Branch on 12.03.2017.

Lecture on A to Z- about leprosy organized by Scientific & Academic Forum- KGNC on 30.03.17. Dr. Arul VijayaVani Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry deliver guest lecture on Stress Management in First MBBS organized by SMVMCH, Puducherry on 31.03.17.

Dr. ArchanaAreti, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct Coimbatore Anaesthesia Program CAP-2017 “Hands on workshop on Ultrasound for anaesthesia and perioperative pain” held at Coimbatore organized by ISA Coimbatore City Branch on 12.03.2017. Dr.Richa Gupta participated as a resource person in session on “small group teaching” at the workshop “Training the young trainers: Teaching and training skills for postgraduate students” conducted for II year postgraduate students by medical education unit (MRU), MGMCRI between 6.03.17 and 15.03.17.

Dr. M. Chandrsekaran (Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) was invited as a speaker 18th Dubai international Spine conference held on the 6th to 8th of May 2017 in Conrad hotel Dubai, UAE and delivered a talk on compressive myelopathy in patients with ossified posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical Spine. The talk was focusing on unique surgical technique (Anterior limited midline corpectomy) which was very well appreciated by the conference attendees. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, TBCD, delivered a talk on “Asthma Guidelines – An Update” held in the Department Seminar hall on 28.04.2017. It was sponsored by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals.

Prof.TirouAroul, Department of General Surgery was a Resource faculty for MEU microteaching session on 15.03.17. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology wasinvited as a faculty to attend Technical Bid Evaluation Meeting at JIPMER on 16.03.2017. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to attend Technical Bid Evaluation Meeting at JIPMER on 16.03.2017. Prof.C.P.Ganeshbabu, Department of General Surgery was a resource faculty for skill Demonstration for TYT – programme for PG on 21.03.17. Dr. Mirunalini R, Department of Pharmacology was a Speaker and Resource Person in “GCP Workshop on Clinical Trials & Bioethics”, session titled “Investigators Roles and Responsibilities”, on 23.03.17, in Library Lecture Hall, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct ISAMIDKON 2017 PG Quest & Midterm CME on “ECG Basics and Beyond” and deliver a lecture on “Oxygen Therapy – Devices and Practical Tips” held at Thrissur organized by ISA Kerala State Chapter on 25.03.2017 and 26.03.2017. Dr. Jayaramachandran S Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine gave a Guest

Dr Venkatraman J, Assistant Professor, Pathology, was invited for a lecture on Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus in CME on Diabetes Mellitus conducted in Ponnaiyah Ramanujam Institute of medical sciences on June 9th,2017.. Dr. S. Lokesh,, Dept. of Medicine was a Resource Person in a Seminar on Writing Research Protocol conducted at Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry on 11th April 2017. Prof S Habeebullah, OBGY gave a talk on ‘Tackling HELLP syndrome and Obstetric near miss’ at CME at Lotus hospital Visakhapatnam on 30.04.2017. Prof.S.Habeebullah, OBGY gave a lecture on “Return of Letrozole” at the CME of Obst & Gyn society of Pondicherry on 27.05.2017. Prof. S. Habeebullah, OBGY participated in CME program of Bangalore Society of ObGyn and conducted case discussions on ‘Ovarian tumours’ and Table viva for PGs on 23.06.2017. Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, gave guest lecture titled “Correlates of



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

obesity and vitamin D deficiency: A study of gender perspective” in 2 day National Conference on “Women and Work”, jointly organized by Centre for Women’s Studies, Pondicherry University and Puducherry State Resource Centre for women, Government of Pondicherry between 17th & 18th of March 2017. Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, gave guest lecture on how to set up a “Molecular biology lab and maintaining QC in molecular biology lab” organized by Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health sciences held on 13.4.2017 Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, delivered a guest talk on “Selection of quality control product” in house training for central laboratory technicians, organized by Department of Biochemistry MGMCRI held on 27.4.2017 Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, delivered a guest talk on “Levey Jennings charts, Westgard rules and interpretation” in house training for central laboratory technicians, organized by Department of Biochemistry MGMCRI held on 27.4.2017 Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to deliver a talk on “Oxygen therapy devices – tips” organized by Indian Medical Association, Kumbakonam on 30.04.2017. Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to take theory class for the General Surgery Postgraduate students on “Statistics and Labour Analgesia” on 18.05.2017 conducted by Dept. of General Surgery at D3 Lecture Hall, Hospital Block, MGMCRI Dr. Reeta. R, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, delivered a talk on “Introduction to quality control and calculations” in house training for central laboratory technicians, organized by Department of Biochemistry MGMCRI held on 27.4.2017 Dr. Archana Areti, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to take theory class for the III BDS students on 07.04.2017 conducted by Dept. of General Surgery at D3 Lecture Hall, Hospital Block, MGMCRI. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to give a special lecture on “First Aid” on Seventh session the systematic training program for CRRIs-2017 on 25.05.2017 organized by MGMRI, Puducherry. Dr. Charulatha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Faculty to participate as an organizing team in the CME & Workshop on “Thoracic Anaesthesia 2017 on 28.05.2017 organized by the JIPMER.

Dr. Ravishankar, Professor & Dean, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, participated on “Induction Programme for Post Graduates Students, Academic Year 2017 Part-1 and gave a special lecture on “An introduction to competency based Residency Programme” as a Resource Person on 09.06.2017 organized by MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to conduct workshop on “Simulation Workshop on Management of Crisis Scenarios” (PACE) from 16.06.2017 to 17.06.2017 organized by KAMS&RC and Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. It has been awarded 2 CME credit hours by TSMC. Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to conduct workshop on “Simulation Workshop on Management of Crisis Scenarios” (PACE) from 16.06.2017 to 17.06.2017 organized by KAMS&RC and Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. It has been awarded 2 CME credit hours by TSMC. Dr. Kusha Nag, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to conduct workshop on “Simulation Workshop on Management of Crisis Scenarios” (PACE) from 16.06.2017 to 17.06.2017 organized by KAMS&RC and Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. It has been awarded 2 CME credit hours by TSMC. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Faculty to deliver a talk on “Extubation of Difficult Airway” at the CME on “Airway Update – 2017” CME and Workshop on 18.06.2017 organized by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Society of Anesthesiologists Puducherry State Branch. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct “Peripheral Nerve Block Workshop and Live Nerve Block Demonstration” on Ganga Refresher Anaesthesia Course, GARC 2017 from 22.06.2017 to 25.06.2017 organized by Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore. It has been awarded 30 credit point by Dr. MGR University and 6 credit hours by TNMC. Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was the Advisory Panel for National seminar cum workshop on “Role of Yoga in Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases” as part of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2017 on 23.06.2017 organized by CYTER in collaboration with Dept. of Physiology, MGMCRI. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Faculty and resource person for Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr.RPajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a speech on “Biomarkers in Bronchial asthma” held in CRSCON-2017, Coimbatore organized by Coimbatore Respiratory Society on 06.08.2017. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended a conference on Annual medicine update program API,Trichy on AUG13,2017,delivered a talk on “Current Trends in Asthma Management”. Care (CCEPC) 2017 conducted by Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC) and organized by Department of General Surgery and HPCT, MGMCRI on 24.06.17 to 25.06.17. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to facilitate the Workshop on “CPR Training” for Medical Graduates on the occasion of 9th South Indian Medical Students Conference (SIMSCON-17) organized by the Students of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry on 29.06.2017. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Resource Person at the Hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Resource Person at the Workshop on “Research Methodology and Protocol Writing” held during June 27th-29th at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Studies (IGIDS), Pondicherry, India. Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, was the Course coordinator for ASTRA – (Advance Surgical Training & Research Academy) Basic Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop on Knee on 14th July 2017 at ShriSathiyaSai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Kanchipuram District. Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Faculty in VMC shoulder Con 2017 held on 22nd& 23rd July 2017 at Velammal Medical College Hospital, Madurai. Dr. Krishna Prasad, Dr.N.J. Reguvaran, & Dr.R. Chitarth Senior Residents, Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as faculty in Palakkad deformity Course held from 22nd to 24th September 2017 Golden Hall, Joby’s Mall, Palakkad. Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of pulmonary medicine delivered a talk on “Towards a Smart Shift in Bronchial Asthma Management” conducted by Department of Pulmonary Medicine on 24.08.2017.

Dr.SeeteshGhose, HOD, Department of OBGY, attended national level conference ‘MIMECON-2017’ at MGMCRI Pondicherry as resource Person on 16.09.2017. Prof Syed Habeebullah, Department of OBGY, gave a guest lecture on “Ovarian cysts in all age groups” at the 37th Annual conference of THANJAVUR Obstetric&Gynaecology society on 13th august 2017. Prof Syed Habeebullah, Department of OBGY, was a Resource person at the CME for postgraduates “FOCUS 2017” held at TRICHUR (Kerala) and discussed 2 cases: a) ‘Cancer endometrium’ b) ‘gestational trophoblastic diseases’ on 24th August 2017 Dr.Richa, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology delivered lecture on “E-learning & Electronic resources”, “Use of text books & referencing / blue file” & conducted “LMS workshop” as a part of one week orientation program for First Year MBBS students conducted by MGMCRI held from 12th to 15th September, 2017. Dr.Nikhilesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology delivered lecture on “Departmental resources for learning” as a part of one week orientation program for First Year MBBS students conducted by MGMCRI on 15th September, 2017. Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology delivered lecture on “Practicals’& OSPEs – Getting the best out of them” as a part of one week orientation program for First Year MBBS students conducted by MGMCRI on 15th September, 2017. Prof. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on’ Circulations in Trauma’ in ASI regional refresher course in Chennai on July 22, 2017 Dr.R.Kannan, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on ‘Imaging in Acute abdomen’ in ASI regional refresher course in Chennai on July 22, 2017 Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu , Department of General Surgery was the convenor of symposium on ‘Right Illiac fossa in TN & P State conference held in Coimbatore from August 11 to 13, 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Prof. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on ‘Approach to malignant mass in Right iliac fossaon August 13, 2017 in Coimbatore. Prof.K.V.Rajan, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on ‘Approach to benign mass in Right iliac fossa’ on August 13, 2017 in Coimbatore. Dr.R.Kannan, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on ‘Introduction & Etiopathogenesis mass in Right iliac fossa’ on August 13, 2017 in Coimbatore. Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery delivered lecture on’ Clinical approach to Obstructive Jaundice’ on August 23rd 2017 in Villupuram Medical College. Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, participated as a resource person / panelist, in a panel discussion in a CME titled “Professional Perception, Attitude and Knowledge on Child Abuse”, organized by Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, JIPMER, on 05.08.2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a guest lecture on “Take a minute, change a life” in SAF, KGNC on 12.09.2017. Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a guest lecture on “Prevention of self-harming thoughts - Tips for adolescents” in SAF, KGNC on 12.09.2017. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, participated as resource persons in a Multidisciplinary symposium / Integrated Teaching Program on “Personality disorders”, organised by Department of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC, on 16.09.2017. Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a guest lecture in commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day, at Aarupadai Veedu Medical College (AVMC), Puducherry, on 25.09.2017. Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted a session titled “Doctor-patient communication An introduction”, at the Induction and Orientation Program - Part II - for Postgraduate Residents - 2017), on 06.07.2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted a session titled “Professional communication and teamwork in health care settings” at the Induction and Orientation Program - Part II - for Postgraduate Residents - 2017), on 07.07.2017.

Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a module titled “Writing review of literature and references” at the dissertation workshop for final year PG students, organized at MGMCRI on 11.07.2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a module titled “Converting the dissertation into a journal article” at the dissertation workshop for final year PG students, organized at MGMCRI on 15.07.2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered an orientation lecture for the interns of Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research (CMTER), SBV, on 02.08.2017. Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine conducted “ CNE on Aerosol Therapy - NEBULA on AUG 2, 2017, organized by the department of Pulmonary Medicine and CIPLA Respiratory Division. Total participants-150. And on SEP 11,2017 as part of staff nurses induction program. Total participants-15. Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine conducted “TAPPCON 2017-PG QUIZ” in MGMC & RI on 03.09.2017. Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Breast feeding during caesarean section awareness programme” on 02.07.17 conducted by Indian Medical Association, Kumbakonam. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct on “GA Simulation center Training Workshop” at Simulation Laboratory Yenepoya University, Deralakatte, Mangalore on 22nd July 2017. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct on “GA Simulation center Training Workshop” at Simulation Laboratory Yenepoya University, Deralakatte, Mangalore on 22nd July 2017. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Resource Person to give an introduction to CRRI – Polices & Practices on Interns Orientation Program 2017 Part-I conducted by MEU, MGMCRI on 24.07.2017 Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Simulation – Perioperative scenarios and emergencies” at 33rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Trichy on 4th, 5th and 6th August 2017. Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dr. Sripriya, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Annie Sheeba, and Dr. Charulatha Asst. Prof., Dr. Yasha Senior resident Dept. of Anaesthesiology were invited as a faculty to

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Academic Initiatives

“Millennials” in MIMECON-2017 held at MGMCRI on September 16th 2017. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Class room/session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners” in MIMECON-2017 held at MGMCRI on September 16th 2017.

conduct cadaveric workshop on “Ultrasound in Regional Anesthesia” at 33rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Trichy (ISACON SOUTH 2017) on 4th, 5th and 6th August 2017. Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to give a talk on “Status asthmaticus with Strangulated Inguinal hernia plan hernia repair / Laparotomy – Anaesthetic management” at 33rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Trichy (ISACON SOUTH 2017) on 5th August 2017 at Trichy. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Resource Person for Panel Discussion – “Helping the Post-graduates cross the exam hurdle” at 33rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Trichy (ISACON SOUTH 2017) on 4th, 5th and 6th August 2017.

Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to attend Specification Vetting Committee Meeting for the Equipment “ABG machine and Transport Ventilator” at JIPMER on 19.09.2017. Dr. Annie Sheeba, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Resource Person to conduct class on “Acute Pain Relief ” in the 18th session of the systematic training program for all CRRIs 2017-18 held on 21.09.2017 at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology launched 9100c NXT new anaesthesia machine for GE Health Care on 22nd September 2017 during 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017).

Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Resource Person to conduct class on “Acute Pain Relief ” in the 15th session of the systematic training program for all CRRIs 201718 held on 10.08.2017 at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Dr. Charulatha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Resource Person to conduct class on “Acute Pain Relief ” in the 15th session of the systematic training program for all CRRIs 2017-18 held on 17.08.2017 at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Intubation on Mannequin & Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation, Airway Management, Lung USG, and Echo” on Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Intubation on Mannequin & Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation” on Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Using digital technology to enhance the learning experience of

Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Needle visualization under ultrasound – Practical tips” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Advanced anaesthesia workstation: Is it a boon?” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Pain blocks patient selection and preventing complications” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Sripriya, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Gayatri, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated as a faculty on “Thoracic Anaesthesia Workshop” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.

Administrators Conclave to be held at Ramaiah Medical College & Hospitals, Bangalore on 03.02.2018.

Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Resource Person to conduct Faculty Development Program on Simulation Based Medical Education (SBME) at MEU, MGMCRI on 26th and 27th of September 2017. Dr.K.N.Jha, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology participated as a faculty and delivered a talk, “Keratoplasty in India: Bridging the Gap” at the 9th Annual meeting of the Eye bank association of India and “Cornea and Eye bank Conference” held at Patna, on 09.09.2017 & 10.09.2017.

Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a resource person on “PG Protocol Writing Workshop”-2017 conducted by MGMCRI held from 03.10.2017 to 11.10.2017.

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated in the “PG orientation programme briefing about the Cobalt along with Prof. Dr. Ananthakrishnan” conducted on 06.07.2017, 07.07.2017 and 08.07.2017 in MGMCRI.

Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, Dept. of Anaesthesiology chaired a session and delivered a talk on “Formal wearing of white coat, Administering of Oath on white Coat Ceremony conducted by MGMCRI held on 04.10.2017.

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated and gave a guest talk on “Etiopathogenesis and Diagnosis of Otoscerosis” a CME on overview of otosclerosis organized by AVMC, Pondicherry on 23.08.2017.

Prof. Sivashanmugam, Prof. & Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a faculty to conduct one day workshop on “Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia and delivered a lecture on “Ultrasound Guided Lower Limb Nerve Block at ISACONAP 2017, AP State ISA Conference, Kakinada held on 07.10.2017 and 08.10.2017. It was awarded 2 credit hours by AP Medical Council.

Prof. Gopalakrishnan, ENT, participated as speakers in the CME “an overview of otosclerosis” conducted in AVMC, Pondicherry on 23.08.17. Dr. Seetharaman, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person forAFP-Measles Surveillance Programme.. Dr. Narayan KA, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person for CARETS – Biomedical skill development program on 21.08.2017 and 22.08.2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited as Resource person for Centre for Animal Research Training and Services (CARETS), CIDRF on 21.08.2017 and 22.08.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology delivered a Guest talk on “Rabies: Let us talk” in the World Rabies day CME programme held at AVMCH, Pondicherry, organized by Dept. of Microbiology, AVMCH on 21.09.2017. Prof.M.Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent and Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, Professor, Department of Neurosurgery will be participating and delivering talks at the HACON 2018, the Third Annual Hospital

Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a faculty to deliver a talk on “ROSC: What next?”on Criticare 2017 1st Annual conference, ISCCM, organized by IGMCRI held on 07.10.2017 and 08.10.2017. Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to conduct Basic Life Support Training Program for Staff Nurse at IMA Kumbakonam Trauma Care Project “IMATRAC” held on 11.10.2017 to 15.10.2017. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a faculty and delivered a talk on “Career Progression Opportunities for Budding Anaesthesiologists” at ISA Puducherry State Brach Meet, held on 13.10.2017. Dr. Annie John, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a faculty to deliver a talk on “Ultrasound guided Truncal block – Overview” at ISA Nagarcoil conference help on 17.12.2017. Prof. Pallavee P, O&G was an invited speaker at Hotel Annamalai, Puducherry on Management of Obesity in

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Pregnancy on 22.10.2017 organized by Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society of Pondicherry. Prof. S Habeebullah, O&G gave a lecture on “Cardiotocography” and conducted “Post-operative rounds” at the CME ‘QUEST 2017’ on 03.11.2017 held at Medical College, Kozhikode organized by Kozhikode O & G society. Prof. S Habeebullah, O&G, gave a talk on “Intrapartumfetal monitoring: Current concepts” – at Annual conference of Salem organized by Salem Obst and Gyn society on 19th November, 2017. Prof. S Habeebullah, O&Gheld case discussion on “Pregnancy and Hypertension” at “OBGYAN 2017”at Kuppamorganized by PES Institute of Medical Sciences & Research on 2nd Nov 2017. Prof.DinkerPai, Dept. Of General Surgery delivered lecture on Simulation in Medical Education in IASGCON 2018, in Jipmer Dr. M.V Pravin Charles, Associate Professor, department of Microbiology gave a guest lecture on “Microbiological Sample Collection and Preservation” to the Medical Officers of SHAR hospital (ISRO) at Sriharikota on 18.11.2017. Dr. M.V Pravin Charles, Associate Professor, department of Microbiology conducted hands on training program for the Laboratory technicians of SHAR hospital on “Microbiological techniques” in the central laboratory of SHAR hospital (ISRO) at Sriharikota on 18.11.2017.

Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, & Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor, ENT was a Resource person for ‘MIST’ Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training PG CME program” on 25.11.17 Dr.Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a talk on “Aerosol therapy” as part of Induction therapy for Nurses, held in D2 lecture hall, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.10.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon (HOD), Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a talk on “Prevalence of respiratory diseases in India” during “International Congress of The Pulmonologists Society Of Indian Ocean (SPOI)” in Le Pondy, Pondicherry on 30.11.2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, & Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated as resource persons in the session titled “Literature Search and Reference Management” in the Dissertation protocol workshop for first year PG students in MEU, MGMCRI on 04.10.2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor & Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated as resource persons in the “Addiction Management Training Programme”, organized by Department of Mental Health Nursing, Kasturba Nursing College and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, on 14.11.2017 to 16.11.2017. Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, participated as a resource person in communication skills training modules for IGIDS dental Postgraduate students, held from 09.10.2017 to 12.10.2017.

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT, participated as a Resource person in “MIST Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training PG CME program” Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a resource person in a conducted in MGMCRI on 25.11.17. program titled “Purview of Mental Health Nursing in Dr. Prof. S Gopalakrishnan, Professor ENT, participated Working Area” organized by Department of Mental as a speaker in “CME on Endoscopic Sinus Surgery” Health Nursing, Vinayaka Missions College of in Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences conducted in Nursing, Vinayaka Missions University, Puducherry on Mandaya, Karnataka on 15.11.17 29.11.2017. Dr. Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor ENT, participated as a speaker in ‘Recent advances in ENT 2017’ conducted in Sri Balaji medical college and hospital chennai on 2.10.17 Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor delivered a talk in CME on ‘Recent advances in ENT 2017’ at Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospital Chennai on 2.10.17 Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor delivered a talk in a CME on ‘Endoscopic Sinus Surgery’ at Mandya Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandaya, Karnataka on 15.11.17

▶▶ Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events Prof. S.Robinson smile, Prof. M.Ramanathan, Prof. TirouAroul, Dr. K.V.Rajan, Department of General Surgery, chaired session in the Final Year PG’s attended First JIPMER Surgery Update 2017 on 18.01.17 to 19.01.17. Dr.Joseph Philip raj peer reviewed, chaired and judged Dr.CKPMenon prize paper in plenary session at the USICON 2017, a National conference under the aegis of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from 18.1.2017 to 21.01.2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Prof. Mossadeq chaired session on benign Prostatic Hyperplasia at the USICON 2017, national conference under the aegis of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from 18.01.17 to 21.01.17.

Dr. R. Ramesh Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry Chaired a session in International Conference titled “MICROBIOME 2017” organized by CIDRF, SBVU, Puducherry on 3.03.17 and 4.03.17.

Dr. Syed Habeebullah Professors of O&G chaired a session on pregnancy outcome in post-transplant patient and coagulaopathy at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabadfrom 26.01.17 to 29.01.17.

Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD & Professor, Department of Pharmacology chaired a session titled, “Microbiome and Environment”,in the International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment”, on 3.03.17, organized by CIDRF, in MGMCRI, Puducherry.

Prof. C.P.Ganeshbabu, Department of General Surgery chaired a session in Madurai PG CME held between 03.02.17 and 05.02.17. Dr.SeeteshGhose Professors & Head of O&G chaired session on AUB in adolescent, Teenage pregnancy and Psychosocial aspects of Adolescent in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr. Reddi Rani Professors of O&G chaired sessions on Endometriosis and Primary Amenorrhoea in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr. Syed Habeebullah Professors of O&G chaired sessions on Ovarian tumor in adolescent and Adolescent contraception, in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr. SendhilCoumary Professors of O&G, chaired sessions on Endometriosis and Primary Amenorrhoeain a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr. Pallavee P Professors of O&G, chaired sessions on Ovarian tumor in adolescent and Adolescent contraception, in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr. Lopamudra Associate Professors of O&G chaired sessions on Precocious Puberty & STD in adolescent in CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr.K.Jaiganesh,Professor& Head, Department of Physiology chaired a session at the National CME on “Role of micro-RNAs and stem cells in cardiac regeneration in diabetic heart disease” conducted on 28.02.17 at JIPMER, Karaikal.

Dr. P. Soundararajan, Faculty, Peadiatrics, was the chairperson at the International conference on Microbiome in health, disease and environment held on 3.03.17 and 4.03.17. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a Chairperson at the International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF), SBV, Puducherry held on 3.03.17 and 4.03.17. Dr. Sivaprakash B., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a Chairperson in the 4th International Conference on Music Therapy titled “Music Therapy: Salutogenic Approach to Health” organized by CMTER in SBV on 10.03.2017. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Department of Pharmacology chaired a session in PHARMDIACON 2017, titled “Recent Advances in Insulin Therapy of DM”, conductedat Balaji Medical College, Chennai. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Department of Pharmacology,chaired a session in National Workshop on “Good Clinical Practices, Bioethics & Conference on Strategies in Conducting Clinical Trials”, titled “Reporting Serious Adverse Events”, conducted in Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Perambalur, Sponsored by IMPA, on 24.03.17 and 25.03.17. Dr.Mossadeq, Urology, Prof & HOD chaired a session in the conference on 30 Apr 2017 at 4th mid-term conference under the aegis of TAPASU in Dhanalaxmi Sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited Member for M.VSC, Research Advisory Committee, held on 15.05.2017 at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Educational Research (R.I.V.E.R), Puducherry. Prof. Seetesh Ghose, HOD, OBGY attended and chaired a session on ‘3rd party reproduction’ in ARC International Infertility Meet organized by ARC International Fertility & Research Center on 13th and 14th May 2017 at Rani Meyyammai Hall, Chennai. Dr.K.Udhaya Kumar, Interventional Radiologist, MGMCRI was invited as a chairperson at National conference of Indian association of Surgical gastroenterology - IASGCON 2017 held at JIPMER.

Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr.R.Kannan, Associate Prof, Surgery, chaired free paper session in TN & P ASICON on August 13, 2017 in Coimbatore. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT, participated as a chairperson in “Cochlear implant- a difficult situation ”by Dr.Neelam Vaid, at 20th Tamilnadu state and 13th South zone conference conducted in Vellammal Medical College, Madurai on 13.10.17 to 15.10.17

Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as chair person in “Interventional Pulmonology update 2017’’ held in Apollo hospital, Chennai on 30.07.2017. Prof. Dr.KSurendraMenon (HOD), Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as chairperson on “Pulmonary aspergillosis” held in CRSCON-2017, Coimbatore on 06.08.2017. Prof Rani Reddi P, Department of OBGY, attended and chaired a session in a CME on “Recent Advances in Management of Cancer Cervix” in JIPMER on September 19th 2017. Prof S Habeebullah, Department of OBGY, attended “Colposcopy” work shop and CME on “Management of cancer cervix” held at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 16 & 17th September 2017 and chaired a scientific session. Dr.JosephPhilipraj and Dr.KalyanramKone, faculty, Department of Urology chaired a session in the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists SZUSICON 2017 in Kasturbha Medical College, Manipal held on 11 to 13 Aug 2017 Dr.Mossadeq and Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology chaired a session in the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, held from 15 to 17 Sep 2017. Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as Chairperson and conducted Upper & Lower limb blocks, thoracic, paravertebral and Lumbar spine blocks workshop on 7th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA-2017) at Indore from 8th September to 10th September 2017. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to chair a session on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT, participated as a chairperson in “Endo DCR with stenting by Amul Jacob “, at 20th Tamilnadu state and 13th South zone conference conducted in Vellammal Medical College, Madurai held between 13.10.17 and 15.10.17 Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine chaired a Session on “Faculty Presentations” in 25th Karnataka Medicolegal Society Annual Conference held on 1st to 3rd Dec 2017 at BMC, Bangalore Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine chaired a Session on ‘Medical Audit” in CME Forensic Update 2017 held on 22 and 23rd December 2017 at JSS Medical College, JSS University, Mysore, Karnataka Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj, Professor of Urology was the chairperson for Dr.DilipAdapa Prize Best paper SessionAnnual Conference of Karnataka Urology Association Held at Virajpet – Coorg from 3rd to 5th Nov 2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon (HOD), Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine Chaired a session on “Guidelines for Clinical Examination” during “Basics and Beyond2017” - Introductory topics in pulmonary medicine on 06.10.2017 & 07.10.2017 conducted by Stanley Medical College & Government hospital of thoracic medicine, Tambaram sanatorium, Chennai. Dr.K.Surendra Menon (HOD), Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine Chaired a session on Arterial blood gas analysis during “South India PG update programme’’ on 27.10.2017 & 28.10.2017, conducted by the Institute of Chest diseases, Kozhikode, Kerala.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ Officiating as Moderator / Panelist in Academic / Scientific Events

–MEDBIOQUEST-2017 organized by Department of Biochemistry, IGMCRI, Puducherry on 08.4.2017

Dr.KSurendraMenon, Professor & HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine moderated a case discussion in “RRRR 2017- Ramachandra rapid review in respiratory medicine” on 18.2.17 & 19.2.17 held at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai.

Dr. N.Seetharaman, Professor & Head and Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, Department of Community Medicine were the Moderators at the World health day-Debate and Panel discussion on 7.4.17 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry.

Dr. Syed Habeebullah Professors of O&G was moderator for panel discussion on Poly cystic ovarian syndrome in a CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI.

Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Panelist at the Seminar cum workshop on Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases on 23.6.2017 by CYTER-SBVU at MGMCRI

Dr. Selvaraj Stephen was a panel member in the International Symposium of Stake holders in SCRUB TYPHUS RESEARCH (CDC, ICMR and Manipal University Jointly sponsored) on 20.02.2017.

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, was a moderator for the Live Webinar on “ Recent advances in cochlear implants by Dr. Mohan Kameshwaran” conducted on 2.7.17 in Hotel Atithi.

Dr.SeeteshGhose Professors & Head of O&G participated in panel discussion on Poly cystic ovarian syndrome in CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI.

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated as a moderator for “Endoscopic medial maxillectomy” by Dr.Prabhu Karthik at cuddalore ENT meet conducted on 3.8.17

Prof.C.P.Ganeshbabu, Department of General Surgery moderated panel discussion on Upper GI bleed in MiST on 03.03.17. Dr.K.V.Rajan, Department of General Surgery participated in panel discussion on Upper GI Bleed on 03.03.17. Dr. Gayatri Mishra, Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology, invited as a panelist as a part of International Women’s Day celebration and CME on Obstetric Anaesthesia for panel discussion - topic on “Labor Analgesia and Post Cesarean Analgesia” held at Hotel Accord organized by ISA Puducherry State Branch on 08.03.17. Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology, invited as a moderator as a part of International Women’s Day celebration and CME on Obstetric Anaesthesia for panel discussion - topic on “Labor Analgesia and Post Cesarean Analgesia” held at Hotel Accord organized by ISA Puducherry State Branch on 08.03.17. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated in Panel discussion on “Role of Yoga in chronic disorders” during the International day of Yoga celebrations conducted by CYTER on 23.6.2017. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD of ENT, Moderator for Video session on phonosurgery by Dr V Anand on 24.04.2017 at ENT meet, Cuddalore. Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, invited to be Quiz master

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, was the moderator in “Video session on endoscopic removal of JNA” by Suresh Vatz at ENT meet Cuddalore on 24.11.2017 Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan, Prof. Robinson Smile,Prof.M.Ramanathan, Prof. TirouAroul, Prof. DinkerPai, Dept.of General Surgery moderated a clinical session in MIST 2017.

Prof. C.P.Ganeshbabu & Prof.K.V.Rajan Dept. Of General Surgery moderated the Panel discussion on Upper GI Bleed in MIST 2017 (November) Dr.R.Kannan, Dept. Of General Surgery delivered lecture on UG update in October 2017 held at Saveetha Medical college, Chennai Dr.Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor, ENT, participated as a moderator in “MIST Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training PG CME program” conducted in MGMCRI on 25.11.17

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

▶▶ Officiating as Judge in Academic / Scientific Events

Dr. Eswaran S, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, served as judge & presided over Debate competition for MBBS students, conducted in commemoration of World Mental Health Day, at IGMCRI, Kathirkamam, Puducherry on 10.10.2017.

Dr. Gunasekaran. D, Faculty, Peadiatrics, was the Judge at the SBV Research week- UG inter-collegiate poster and podium presentations held on 02.01.17 and 06.01.17.

▶▶ Examiner / Evaluator / Expert

Dr. Gunasekaran. D, Faculty, Peadiatrics, went as an External expert- Technical bid evaluation committee with the connection of purchase of HFOV and mechanical ventilators, Department of Pediatrics, JIPMER held on 06.01.17.

Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine went as an External Examiner for Mandia Institute of Medical sciences from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karntaka from 02.01.2017 to 07.01.2017.

Dr.Venkatraman J, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology was invited as Judge for poster sessions for the CME “Treasure Hunt in Pathology” held at Sri Venkateshwara Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 28.01.17.

Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor O&G, went as an undergraduate examiner to Adi Chun ChunGiri Medical College, Mysore from 9.01.17 to 11.01.17.

Dr.A.N.Uma,Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, was invited to judge the elocution competition “CRESCITA 2017” held at KGNC on 06.03.2017 on the topic, “Be Bold for the change Women in the Changing World of Work”.

Dr. Pramod Kumar, Associate Professor was invited as an External Examiner (MBBS) at RGUHS, Vydehi Medical College, Bangalore from 09.01.17 to 11.01.17, at Amrita Vishwavidhyapeetha AIMS Kochi from 20.01.17 to 24.01.17 and in KUHS (Kerala) at Amala Institute of Medical Sciences from 20.03.17 to 23.03.17.

Dr. R.Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, invited as a Judge for best paper presentation among MLT students of Pondicherry organized by SVMCRC, Ariyar, Puducherry.

Dr.DhritimanNath, Associate Professor was invited as an External Examiner (MBBS) at JJM Medical College, Davangere from 10.01.17 to 12.01.17 and at GovtThiruvannamalai Medical College, Tamilnadu from 07.03.17 to 11.03.17.

Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a judge at Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMCRI, on 18th August 2017.

Dr. SeeteshGhose,Professor & HOD O&G, went as an undergraduate examiner to SRM college, Chennai between 13.01.17 and 15.01.17.

Dr.Prof. S Gopalakrishnan, Professor,ENT, participated as a judge in “ SBV research Week – UG poster competition” conducted in MGMCRI on 7.12.17

Prof. Stephen Selvaray, Microbiology went as an M.Sc. in Clinical Virology examiner to Manipal University, Manipalfrom 19.01.17 to 21.01.17.

Dr.R.Kannan, faculty, Dept. Of General Surgery was the Jury member for Oral Paper Presentation in State IMA Conference held in December 2017 in Nagerkovil.

Dr.Lopamudra, Associate Professor O&G, went as an undergraduate examiner to Mysore JSS Medical College between 8.02.17 and 10.02.17.

Dr.Umadevi S, Professor, department of Microbiology judged an oral presentation on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) inMICROCON-2017, the 41st Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) at Ranchi on 24.11.2017.

Dr.Chandra Philip, Professor, Department of Anatomy, Carried out the University Assignment, I BDS General Anatomy, January 2017, Practical and Vivavoce Examination as External examiner on 09.02.17 conducted by Pondicherry University ( a Central University), Puducherry.

Dr.Umadevi S, Professor, department of Microbiology judged the podium presentation of undergraduate students during the research week conducted at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 08.12.2017.

Prof.Dr.K.Srikanth, Department of Ophthalmology went to Raja Muthiah Medical College and Hospital, Chidambaram as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students from 9.2.17 to 11.2.17.

Dr Suchitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology participated and was the judge for PG Poster Presentation session in APPICON - 2017 conducted at JIPMER on 12th to 14th October, 2017.

Prof.Dr.K.Srikanth, Department of Ophthalmology went to JIPMER, PuducherryProf.Dr.K.N.Jha went to Balaji Medical College, Chennai as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students from 15.2.17 to 17.2.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Prof.Dr.K.N.Jha, Department of Ophthalmology went to Balaji Medical College, Chennai as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students from 15.2.17 to 17.2.17. Dr. S. Vijayasundaram, ENT went as an examiner for UG university practical exams at PSG Institute of Medical Science and Research, Coimbatore and Thoothukudi Govt. Medical College, Thoothukudi during February 2017. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, ENT went as an Examiner at Saveetha University, Chennai for UG university practical exams, from 17.12.17 to 21.12.17 Dr.R.Kannan, Department of General Surgery went as External Examiner to Nellore medical college, for MBBS exam on 18.2.2017 to 20.2.2017. Dr. Lopa B John, Assoc. Professor O&G, went as an Undergraduate examiner to Government, Thirunelveli Medical College, between 21.02.17 and 23.02.17. Prof. C.P.GaneshBabu, Department of General Surgery MBBS exam inTirunelveliMedical College, Tirunelveli from 21.02.17 to 23.02.17. Dr. Gunasekaran. D, Faculty, Peadiatrics, went as an MBBS Examiner- For practical/ clinical and oral examinations- Government Villupuram Medical college, Villupuram held on 21.02.2017.

Prof.Dr.K.Srikanth, Department of Ophthalmology went to Thoothukudi Medical College, Tuticorin as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students from 1.3.17 to 3.3.17. Dr. M. Narayanan, Dept. of Medicine was an External examiner for MD. (Gen. Medicine) Part II Clinical examination Dr. MGR Medical University, TN, AT Christian Medical College, Vellore between 24th and 25th May 2017 and also went as an External examiner for MD.(Gen. Medicine) Part II Clinical examination for Kerala University of Health Sciences, at Govt. Medical College, Ernakulam on 22nd & 23rd May 2017. Dr.R. Krishnagopal, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Kanchipuram Dist, on 28.04.2017. Dr.R. Krishnagopal, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to SRM Medical College, Potheri, Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram District, on 16.05.2017. Dr.R. Krishnagopal, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai, Salem on 26.05.2017.

Dr. P. Soundararajan, Faculty, Peadiatrics, went as an External Reviewer for PG dissertations- Annamalai University in February 2017.

Dr.R. Nandakumar, Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as a external examiner for M.S Ortho & D. Ortho PG’s to Christian Medical College, Vellore from 24th to 26th May 2017.

Prof.C.P.Ganeshbabu, Department of General Surgery went as external examiner for Mock exam for pg in SriVenkateshwara Medical College and Research Institute on 06.03.2017.

Dr.R. Nandakuma,r Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to M.S Ramaiah Medical College Bangalore from 15th & 16th June 2017.

Dr. Satish Kumar, Professor and Head, was invited as an External Examiner (MBBS) in PSG Medical College, Coimbatore from 08.03.17 to 16.03.17.

Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai on 26.4.2017.

Prof. Mossadeq, Urology was invited as External Evaluator for DNB Urology exams held in IGGH Pondicherry on 20.3.17and has been selected as one of the members of the panel for framing M.Ch Urology Question Paper for SRM University on 31.3.17.

Dr.K.Surendra Menon,HOD,Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in SRM University, Chennai on 12.5.2017.

Dr.M.Chandrasekaran, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery went examiner for the DNB PG’s IGGGH, Indhira Gandhi Govt. General Hospital, Pondicherry.

Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 22.5.2017 to 23.5.2017.

Dr.A.R.Rajalakshmi, & Dr.N.Swathi, Department of Ophthalmology went to Christian Medical College, Vellore as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students on 27.2.17 & 28.2.17. and 1.3.17 & 2.3.17.

Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in CMC, Vellore on 24.5.2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur on 26.5.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in SV Medical College, Tirupathi from 30.5.2017 to 31.5.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Maharajah institute of Medical sciences, Vizianagaram from 5.6.2017 to 6.6.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in AJ Medical College, Mangalore from 24.6.2017 to 25.6.2017. Dr S Gopalakrishnan, Professor, ENT, was invited as a Post graduate examiner for SRM university on 16.05.17. Dr S Gopalakrishnan, Professor, ENT, went as an Expert external for ethics committee. AIISH, Mysore between 25.4.17 and 26.4.17. Dr.Prof. P. Karthikeyan was invited as a Post graduate examiner for Vaidehi University, Karnantka between 19.6.17 & 20.6.17. Dr.K.S.Seetha, Professor and HOD Evaluation of Dissertation for M.D. Microbiology Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, RGUHS, Karnataka 23.06.2017. Dr.K.S.Seetha, Professor and HOD External examiner for M.D. microbiology KIMS, Bangalore, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, RGUHS, Karnataka27.06.2017 to 30.06.2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology was selected as an External examiner for the valuation of M.Sc. MLT) Microbiology Practical / Clinical / Oral Examinations, May-June 2017 held on 25.06.2017 to 26.06.2017 at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology was selected as an External examiner for valuation of Ph. D thesis Medical Microbiology from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences RGUHS, Karnataka on 15.06.2017. Prof. S. Habeebullah, OBGY was an Examiner for National Board of Examinations O&G at Rajiv Gandhi Govt maternity hospital, Puducherry from 24th to 26th

May 2017 and was an external Examiner for UG at IGMC, Puducherry on 30.06.2017. Prof.Dr.K.Srikanth, HOD, Department of Ophthalmology went to Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital as external examiner on 07.06.2017. Dr.A.R.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology went to Chettinad Medical College, Chennai as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students from 12.06.17 to 14.06.17. Prof. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery went as MBBS examiner to Villupuram Medical College on 18th August 2017. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as an examiner for the IDCCN Exams to be held on 29th July 2017 (Saturday afternoon) and 30th July 2017 (Sunday) at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine went as an external examiner for Post graduate examination in SRMC University, Chennai on 04.08.2017 Prof Rani Reddi P, Department of OBGY, went as DNB Examiner at Vanivillas Hospital, Bangalore in May 2017. Dr.SeeteshGhose, HOD, Department of OBGY, went to Osmania Medical College as UG examiner on 19.08.2017. Dr.R.Kalaivani, Associate Professor, Microbiology, went as an external examiner for MSc Medical Microbiology at PIMS, Puducherry, Pondicherry University from 18th to 20th, July, 2017. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant Professor, ENT, was invited as an Undergraduate examiner for JSS medical college, Mysuru on 05.08.17 and 06.08.17. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant Professor, ENT, was invited as “Undergraduate examiner for Mediciti medical college�, Medehal, Telangana on 23.08.17 and 24.08.17 Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology Conducted Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce as External Examiner for Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka on 21.08.2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology assessed Ph.D. work as a Subject Expert for Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS)



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka on 21.08.2017.

▶▶ Elected / member in Scientific and Academic Offices

Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Pharmacology was the external evaluator for Ph.D. Paper from Department of Pharmacology, Annamalai University.

Organizing member

Prof SeeteshGhose, HOD,O&G was an external examiner for MS – Obstetrics & Gynecology held at JIPMER, Puducherry on 24th October 2017. Prof. S Habeebullah, O&G was an external Examiner for final MBBS at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar from 11th to 14th December, 2017. Dr K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Department of Ophthalmology went as an external UG examiner to Ramaiyah Medical College, Bangalore from 27.12.2017 to 30.12.2017 Dr. B. R. Nagaraj, HOD, Dept of Radiodiagnosis, went as a examiner for MD Radiodiagnosis candidates at Chettinadu Medical College & Research Institute. Dr. Kartik J Salwe, Associate Professor Department of Pharmacology corrected a Ph.D, Dissertation for Maharashtra University, 21st October 2017. Dr. K.Jaiganesh, Professor & Head of Physiology was examiner for I MBBS exam held on 24th October, 2017 at SRM Medical College. Dr. K.Jaiganesh, Professor & Head of Physiology was PhD paper evaluator for Annamalai University in October, 2017. Dr Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology was question paper setter and paper evaluator for Molecular Biology, MSc (Biochemistry) exam held on 24th November, 2017 by Pondicherry University. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine went as an external examiner for Post graduate examination in SRMC university, Chennai on 6.11.17 & 7.11.17. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine went as an external examiner for Post graduate examination in Chettinad Medical University, Chennai on 13.11.17.

Dr.A.N.Uma,Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, was the organizing member of the SBV Research Week 2017 conducted by the SBV University under the chairmanship of Prof.N.Ananthakrishan, Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences, held from 02.01.2017 to 05.01.2017 at MGMCRI campus. Dr.A.N.Uma,Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, was incharge for the certification counter for the HACON 2017, the Hospital Administrators annual conclave 2017 held on 21.01.2017, on the topic “Current Challenges in Private Teaching Hospitals”. Dr.A.N.Uma,Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, was the organizing member for the 4th International Conference of Music Therapy, themed “Music Therapy: Salutogenic Approach to Health” that was held on 10.03.2017 at the MGMCRI. Dr.A.N.Uma,Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, was the ‘Convenor’ of Literary and Debate for the MGMCRI cultural fest - ‘Talentia -2017’ and for the Intercollegiate cultural fest - ‘SPECTRA 2017’ held from 15.03.17 to 17.03.17 and from 28.03.17 to 31.03.17 respectively. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted the MedMasters Inter collegiate Quiz competition on 28.03.17 as a Quiz Master. Around forty teams participated from different Medical Colleges of Pondicherry and five of them got selected for the finals. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT conducted the inauguration of sports event at “SPECTRA 2017” held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry from 28.03.17 to 31.03.17. Dr.A.N.Uma,Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, working as the member editor / executive Editor since 2008, has now been elevated as the Editor-in-chief of the SBV Newsletter, ‘The Chronicle’ during the last quarter of 2016.

Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine went as a external examiner for Post graduate examination in Konaseema Medical College, Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh & Kakatiya Medical College, Warangal, Andhra Pradesh on 28.12.2017 & 29.12.2017 respectively.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr. Raj Kumar Patil, Prof, Community Medicine, MGMCRI, NAAC, coordinator and Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst. Prof of Medical Genetics, Dept. of Anatomy and Editor, The Chronicle, was the member of the ‘AAA Audit at MGMCRI on 13.4.2017. Prof. S. Habeebullah, OBGY was a member of Selection Board of faculty for AIIMS, Raipur on 19.04.2017. Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, was invited to be the Member of UG board of studies in Medical Lab Technology, Pondicherry University. The New Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI Team for 2017-18 was elected on 27.07.2017 and the SAF members are - President: Dr C.P Ganesh Babu; Vice President: Dr Uma A.N; Secretary: Dr Sukanto Sarkar; Joint Secretary: Dr S SBakshi; Treasurer: Dr Sivarajan AA; Executive Members: Dr Padmavathi, Dr Tony Mathew, Dr Shanmugasamy, Dr Ajay (PG, Surgery). Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Organising committee member in the “National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millenials Engagement” on 16.9.17 in MGMCRI

Dr. Kartik J Salwe, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology is a member IHEC, Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, attended the Ethics Committee Meeting on 3rd October 2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was appointed as a member of the Institutional Human Ethics Committee, KGNC on 30.11.2017.

▶▶ Fellowship / Online course participation / completion Dr.S.Josephphilipraj was awarded Urological Society of India Teacher Travelling Fellowship award at the USICON 2017, a National conference under the aegis of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from 18.1.2017 to 21.01.2017. Dr. SunitaSamal Dr. Pallavee P and Dr. SendhilCoumary Professors of O&G received FICOG (Fellow of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology) degree from Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in a convocation held during 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabad on 28.01.17.

Faculties in the Department of Pharmacology Dr.Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Dr. Adithan C, Professor, Dr.Kartik J Salwe, Dr. Padmavathi S and Dr. Sudar Codi.R, Associate professors, Dr. Johan Pandian J, Dr. Mirunalini R and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professors, Dr. Sabari Anandh JV, Tutor, along with the support of the Technicians and Attenders from the Department organized a major event, “Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society - Southern Region 2017 (SRIPSCON – 2017) held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry from 3rd to 5th July 2017. Dr. Padmavathi.S, Associate Professor and Dr. Kamala Sundar, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, organized a Orientation Program on Rationale in Prescribing and Pharmacovigilance, in August and September 2017. Dr. B. R. Nagaraj, HOD, Dept of Radiodiagnosis was a committee member for recruitment of Assistant and Associate professors, at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr.Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology was invited as member of the Advisory Committee Meeting for the final presentation and approval of M.VSc. Dissertation (Veterinary Microbiology) held at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry on 24.11.2017.

Dr. Shanmugasamy. K, Assoc.Prof. of Pathology completed “Six months certified course in oncopathology” in Tata Medical Centre, Mumbai. From Sep 2016 to Feb 2017. Dr. Suguna A, & Dr. Surekha A, faculty, Community Medicine has completed a course on Basics of Health economics (Facilitated) conducted by World Bank from January to February, 2017. Dr. Surekha A & Dr. Suguna A, faculty, Community Medicine has completed a course on Micro-planning for immunization conducted by WHO and UNICEF from January to February, 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Shanmugasamy K, Assoc.Prof. of Pathology completed “Basic course in Medical Education with workshop on AT COM module” from 14.03.17 to 17.03.17 at NTTC, JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Anithasri, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, completed online course title “Health research fundamentals” conducted by ICMR. Dr. Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, has completed the following European Respiratory Society’s distance learning activities online CMEs): Case report – “22 year old man with cough, fever and dyspnea” on 11.04.2017 and Case report – “Progressive dyspnea with chronic cough in a smoker” on 30.6.2017. Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Mr P Uthiravelu & Mr Selvakumar, Tutors, Department of Physiology completed course on “Efficient, quality assured data capture and analysis using Epidata” held from 25th to27th April, 2017 at MGMCRI. Dr. Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology successfully completed 6 month Nov, 2016 – Apr, 2017) certificate course on “Research methodology and statistics” conducted by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI. Dr Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology successfully completed 4 week online course on “Functional Genomics” offered by NPTEL online certification. Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate Professor and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology attended the Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care for 2 days on 24th and 25th June 2017, Organized by the Department of Surgery and Department of Palliative Care, MGMCRI held at the Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI. Dr. Suguna A, and Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine secured DNB degree, National board of examinations from St. Stephen’s Community Health Centre, Delhi.

September, 2017 by Dr.DinkerPai at Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI. Dr.Pallavee P, Department of OBGY, completed NTTC (National Teachers Training Course) at JIPMER, Puducherry from 13th to 19th September, 2017. Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor and Dr. Sabari Anandh JV , Tutor, Department of Pharmacology, completed the PART II of Certificate Course in the, ‘Center for Animal Research, Training and Services(CARETS)’, NIPUNA – Skill Development Course on the Topic of Laboratory Animal Experimentation for Researchers – Part I of IV on 21st and 22nd August 2017. Prof.M. Chandrasekaran, Professor Dept. Of Orthopaedics, is on a 6 month fellowship in “Advance Spine Surgery” at Singapore General Hospital, Singapore from October 2017 . Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate Professor and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology completed the final exams for the Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care on 13.10.2017 conducted by the Department of Surgery and Department of Palliative Care, MGMCRI, held at Conference hall, Near CCU, MGMCRI. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology attended the Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care for three days on 17th, 18th and 19th November 2017,organized by the Department of General Surgery and the Palliative Care Unit in MEU, MGMCRI. Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology completed short course on sample size calculation conducted by Department of Biostatistics, Biostatistics Resource and Training centre at Christian Medical College, Vellore on 4th and 5th December 2017. Dr Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology completed online course on “Focus on peer review” in November, 2017. The course was offered by Nature Master Class.

Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, completed “Basic simulation education course” conducted by the Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI, on 26th& 27th September, 2017.

Dr Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology completed online course on “Introduction to clinical research,” on “Introduction to good clinical laboratory practice,” on “Introduction to reviewing genomic research” on “Data safety and monitoring boards for Dr.Chandana, Department of OBGY, completed clinical trials,” on “ICH good clinical practice E6 fellowship on “Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynaecology” (R2)”, on “Ethics of ancillary care in research” and on “Essential elements of ethics” during the month of in MEDISCAN systems, Chennai 2016-2017. December, 2017. The courses were offered by the global Prof SeeteshGhose, Dr.RupalSamal, Associate Prof, health network. Dr.SetuRathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Asst. Prof, Mrs. R. Sathiya, Tutor, Department of Biochemistry Department of OBGY, successfully completed Basic Simulation Education Course conducted on 26th & 27th completed 8th Short course on Basic Epidemiology Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

organized by JIPMER, Puducherry from 6th to 11th November 2017. Prof. Niranjan, Department of Biochemistry successfully completed course for NABL assessor organized by NABL, Bangalore on 13th November 2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, successfully completed Post-Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education (PGDHPE) course (2016-2017), under the Centre for Health Professions Education, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, on 07.11.2017.

mind body medicine (SYMMEDCON -2017) held on 02.01.17and 03.01.17 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute. Dr. Madhumitra.T, Asst.Prof, Department of Pathology presented Poster titled “Extra skeletal mesenchymal chondrosarcoma- a case report” presented in IAPM conference held at Salem on 25.01.17.

▶▶ Organizing member

Dr. SeeteshGhose Professors & HOD of O&G presented a E poster on Giant dermoid cyst – an unusual presentation at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabad from 26.01.17 to 29.01.17.

Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, was the Chief coordinator for ASTRA – (Advance Surgical Training & Research Academy) Basic Arthroplasty cadaveric workshop for hip and knee , held on 15th December 2017 at ShriSathiyaSai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Kanchipuram District.

Dr. SunitaSamal Professors of O&G presented a E poster on common tumour in uncommon location at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabadfrom 26.01.17 to 29.01.17.

Dr.M.Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, Course coordinator for ASTRA – (Advance Surgical Training & Research Academy) Basic Arthroplasty cadaveric workshop for hip and knee held on 15thDecember 2017 at ShriSathiyaSai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Kanchipuram District.

Dr. Pallavee P Professors of O&G presented a E poster on post caesarean vesico uterine fistula – a rare entity becoming common at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabadfrom 26.01.17 to 29.01.17.

Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology was a Volunteer in the organization team of the Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care, held in November 2017, in MEU, MGMCRI.

▶▶ Presentations in Academic / Scientific Events Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Genetic Lab, Dept. of Anatomy, presented a poster titled, “MUSICOGENETICS” at the SBV Research Week 2017 conducted by the SBV University under the chairmanship of Prof.N.Ananthakrishan, Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences, held from 02.01.2017 to 05.01.2017 at MGMCRI campus. Mr.Vasanthan S, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, presented oral paper titled “Effect of overnight sleep deprivation on autonomic function test and perceived stress in young healthy medical professionals” in the international conference on “Stress, yoga and mind body medicine (SYMMEDCON -2017) held on 02.01.17 and 03.01.17 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute. Dr.Sobana R, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, presented oral paper titled “Musically express your emotions and thoughts for success” in the international conference on “Stress, yoga and

Dr. SendhilCoumary Professors of O&G presented a paper on premenstrual syndrome at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabadfrom 26.01.17 to 29.01.17. Dr. Lopamudra Associate Professors of O&G presented a paper on outcome of clinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy a case control study at 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabadfrom 26.01.17 to 29.01.17. Dr. Madhumitra T, Asst.Prof, Department of Pathology presented Poster titled “Evaluation of platelet indices uin acute coronary syndrome and diabetic mellitus” in CMETreasure hunt in pathology held at Sri Venkateshwara medical college, Puducherry on 28.01.17. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery gave a talk on “Practical approach to a patient with vertigo” at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 28.01.2017. Dr.M.Chandrasekaran, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery presented a paper in ASSICON 2017- 30th Annual Conference of Association of Spine Surgeons of India between 26.01.17 and 29.01.17, HICC, Hyderabad.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a case report on “A Reversible cause of Lung collapse” in Scientific & Academic Forum in MGMC & RI on 03.02.2017.

Dr. Kalaivani R made an oral presentation titled “Restriction of surgical antimicrobial prophylaxis and monitoring the Surgical site infections- A comparative study as a quality improvement process” at the XIV National conference of Hospital Infection Society, HISICON 2017 from 09.02.17 to 11.02.17 at Gauhati Medical College, Assam. India. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, was a faculty at MERF OTOVAGANZA 2017 “Temporal Bone and Lateral Skull Base Dissection Workshop” held at MERF, Chennai on 24.02.17 and 25.02.17.

Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine ISAKOS) congress at Shanghai, China from 3rd to 8th June 2017 and also presented a poster titled – A Study on the efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tendinitis.

Dr. M.Chandrasekaran Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended the 5th Emirates international Orthopaedic congress & 1st American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Middle-East forum held from 20th to 22nd of April, 2017 at event centre Dubai festival City, Dubai, UAE. Presented Paper: Coracoclavicular polyester) suture reconstruction technique in type 3 acromio clavicular joint disruption. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine at the State Tuberculosis Task force, presented a paper on the title, “Spatial epidemiology of Tuberculosis’. Dr. M. Sathishbabu, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry presented poster presentation titled ““Putative role of sleep quality on academic performance of UG medical students”in National Conference “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017.

Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT as a resource person for Paedogogy class on “Large Group Teaching” held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 08.03.17.

Dr K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Swathi.N, Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology presented a poster “Impact of an educational module on the knowledge & attitude of nursing students towards eye donation” in MIMECON 2017 held at MGMC&RI, on 16.09.2107.

Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT was a resource person at Skills lab at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 21.03.17

Prof.M. Chandrasekaran, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders, July 24th – 26th 2017 Rome, Italy.

Dr. Jayaramachandran S Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine gave an Oral Presentation at the Fourth International Management Development Programme- “Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases” held at SRM University, Chennai from 31.03.17 to 01.04.17.

Dr.Kalaiyarasan, senior resident, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on “Prevalence of allergic bronchopulmonaryaspergillosis in asthmatic patients: a prospective institutional study” in State level conference “TAPPCON 2017” in MGMC & RI on 03.09.2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine presented a poster on “Perception of students towards Structured Oral examination in comparison with Conventional Oral examination in Forensic Medicine” in XIV South India Medicolegal Association Conference on 23rd Sept 2017 held at Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad.

Dr.Bhavani K, Associate professor,Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “Osteonecrosis in adolescentAcute lymphoblastic leukemia” at Chetmedicon 2017 Clinical hematology National conference and CME on 19th August 2017 at Chettinad medical college and hospital, Chennai. D r. R o o p a U r s AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “Acute undifferentiated leukemia- A rare case report” at Chetmedicon 2017 Clinical hematology National conference and CME on 19th August 2017 at Chettinad medical college and hospital, Chennai. Dr.Bhavani K, Associate professor, Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “ Problem based learningAn effective approach to improve learning outcomes in medical teaching” at MIMECON conference conducted at MGMCRI, Pondicherr y on 16 th September 2017. Dr.RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “ Innovation in Histopathology practical teaching- Students and Teachers perspective” at MIMECON conference conducted at MGMCRI,Pondicherry on 16th September 2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, presented a Poster titled “Effect of case-based discussion on attitude of interns towards

psychiatry - A comparative study” at the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - For 21 C medicos (MIMECON) organized by SBV, Pondicherry, held on 16.09.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology presented a poster entitled “Motivation of Students in Co curricular activities” in the National Conference on “Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” organised by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09 2017. Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry Poster presentation titled “Adverse effect of letrozole on lipid profile in postmenopausal breast cancer patients” in 25th Annual conference of Association of Medical Biochemistry of India, organized by JSS medical college, Mysuru from 17th to 19th of November 2017 Dr Suchitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology presented poster titled “Effect of Savitri Pranayam on stress and activity levels in young medical students”, Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology presented oral paper titled “HRV and QOL in breast cancer patients: Does yoga therapy plays a role”, and Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology presented poster titled “Effect of Savitri Pranayam on stress and activity levels in young medical students” in APPICON, 2017 conducted between 12th & 14th October at JIPMER Dr.Roopa URS, Assistant Professor of Patholog y presented the poster titled “ Hemophagocyticlymphocytohistiocytosis- A rare series of 5 cases” at HEMATOCON 2017 held on 3- 5th November 2017 at Guwahati, Assam. Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj, Professor of Urology, delivered Capsule Talk in SAF Meeting- Current Perspectives in Paediatric Urinary Tract Infections. Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj, Professor of Urology, delivered a Talk on “Over Active Bladder and Mirabegron – a Novel therapy” in Pondicherry Renal Sciences Society meeting on Nov 25th 2017. Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, delivered a talk on “position and portals for shoulder arthroscopy” and also was a moderator in shoulder arthroscopy cadaver workshop held at Sri RamachandraMedcal College & Research Institute, Chennai on 16 & 17.12.17. Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, delivered a talk on “ Hamstring graft harvest for ACL reconstruction” and also was a moderator in Knee Arthroscopy workshop on cadavers on 28.10.2017 JIPMER, Pondicherry.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Prof. A.A.Rajamani, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a faculty in MORE 2017at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on November 10th& 11th 2017. Prof.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, delivered a talk on “Portal placement in Shoulder Arthroscopy”& presented paper – A comparative study on platelet rich plasma, versus steroid in the treatment of rotator cuff tendinitis in IASCON October 12th – 15th 2017, Marriott Hotel Jaipur. Dr.M.Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Delegate & presented paper – Unusual presentation of cellulitis of leg ended with resection arthrodesis – A case report, National conference of ASAMI India 8th – 10th December, 2017. Dr.B.Mohamad Gouse, Assistant Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a faculty in MORE 2017at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on November 10th& 11th 2017.

▶▶ Participation in Academic/ Scientific Events Dr. RajkumarPatil, faculty, Community Medicine has participated in CME Programme on Surveillance of Measles and Polio on 15.10.2016 at JIPMER Dr.S.S.Bakshi, ENT participated in the faculty development programme “International seminar on Endocrinological disorders” held on 03.11.16 in MGMCRI, Pondicherry.

Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, attended a workshop titled “From Data to Decisions: Statistical Principles for Clinical Decisions” at 7th Annual State Anaesthesiology Conference of Puducherry “PONCON – 2016” held on 07.01.2017 & 08.01.2017. Dr.SeeteshGhose,Dr.Reddi Rani,Dr.Syed Habeebullah, Dr. SunitaSamal, Dr. Pallavee,DrSendhilCoumary, Professors of O&G and Dr. Lopamudra Associate Professor of O&G and DrRupalSamal, Dr. SetuRathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr. Meenupriyadarshini, Dr. AswiniVisalakshi, Asst.Professor O&G and Dr. Nui Darang, Dr. Jhansi lakshmi Senior Resident of O&G attended a “A Z” in endometriosis by Dr. KingshukMajumdar, Senior Consultant,Manchester University UK at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 04.01.17. Dr K. Udhayakumar, Assitant Professor, Department of Radiology, MGMCRI attended CME on Vascular anomalies: Birthmark and Beyond, held between 13.01.17 and 14.01.17 at CMC Vellore. Dr. Srikanth & Dr. Manobalan.K, Department of DVL attended Dermacon 2017 on 14.01.17 in Kolkata as a delegate. Dr.Anitha Sri & Dr. Arul VijayaVani Assistant Professors, Department of Biochemistry attended a conference titled “Adolescent Gynaecology” organized by Department of OG, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 18.01.17.

Prof. S.Robinson smile, Prof. M.Ramanathan, Prof. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, ENT participated in the faculty TirouAroul, Dr. K.V.Rajan, All Final Year PG’s, development programme “Translational Medicine In Department of General Surgery attended First Jipmer The Diagnosis And Management Of Diabetes Mellitus” Surgery Update 2017 on 18.01.17 and 19.01.17. held on 10.11.2016 in MGMCRI, Pondicherry Dr. Mossadeq, Dr.JosephPhilipraj, Dr.Kalyanram, Dr.S.S.Bakshi, ENT participated in the faculty Dr.Sathyajeeth, Dr.Karthik, and Dr.Vishal attended development programme “ENT CARE 2016–Airway the USICON 2017, national conference under the aegis Managament–An Overview” held on 11.11.2016 in of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai 18.01.17 to 21.01.17.

Dr B.R Nagaraj, HOD Department of Radiology, MGMCRI attended 70th annual IRIA conference conducted in Jaipur from 04.01.17 to 08.01.17.

Dr. Mossadeq, Dr.JosephPhilipraj, Dr.Kalyanram, attended USICON 2017, a National conference under the aegis of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from 18.1.2017 to 21.01.2017. Dr. Manimekalai K, Professor and HOD, Department of Pharmacology attended the PHARMDIACON 2017, conducted on 20.01.17, in Balaji Medical College, Chennai. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane,Professor and HOD, Department of pathology participated in HACON 2017,Second conclave of Hospital Administrators on “Current challenges in Private Teaching Hospitals” organised at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 21.01.17.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr.JosephPhilipraj, Dr.Vasudevan, attended the endourology workshop conducted by Department of Urology, Velammal Medical College, Madurai on 25.2.17 Dr. Rani, Associate professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in the “Bitter Truths, Salty Secrets” Symposium on Acid Base and Electrolyte Disorders held at Pondicherry Institute of Medical College on 21.01.2017 Dr. Eswaran S, Professor & Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B., Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. AshwinthJothy, Assistant Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor(Psychology),Department of Psychiatry, participated in the Hospital Administrators Second Annual Conclave (HACON 2017) titled “Current Challenges in Private Teaching Hospitals” conducted at MGMCRI on 21.01.2017. Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology participated in the “Bitter Truths, Salty Secrets” Symposium on Acid Base and Electrolyte Disorders held at Pondicherry Institute of Medical College on 21.01.2017. Dr.Vinnet Thomas Abraham, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended advance shoulder cadaveric course on 21.1.2017 at SRMC Chennai. Dr. Charulatha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology participated in the “Bitter Truths, Salty Secrets” Symposium on Acid Base and Electrolyte Disorders held at Pondicherry Institute of Medical College on 21.01.2017.

Lopamudra Associate Professor of O&G attended 60th All India Conference of Obstetrics Gynecology organized by Federation of Obstetrics & Gynecology Society of India at Ahemadabad from 26.01.17 to 29.01.17. Mr. K. Ramachandran Tutor, Mr.M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry attended a workshop on Laboratory animal experimentation for researchers organized by CIDRF, SBVU, Puducherry on 2.02.17. Dr. Johan Pandian J, Dr. Mirunalini R, Dr Uma N, Assistant Professors, Dr. SabariAnandh J V, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology attended “NipunaLaboratory Animal Experimentation for Researchers -Part I of IV”, Sponsored by DBT, Government of India, conducted on 2.02.17 in CIDRF, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Mirunalini R, Department of Pharmacology attended “National Workshop on Clinical Trials”, on 3.02.17 and 4.02.17 in SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Chennai. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD and Dr. S. Vijayasundaram, Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended a conference “Egypt International Cochlear 2017” held at Cairo, Egypt conducted from 3.02.17 to 5.02.17.

Dr.Anitha, Department of Biochemistry Sri Assistant Professor attended Symposium on Acid base and electrolyte disorders organized by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science, Puducherry on 21.01.17. Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne faculty, Community Medicine has attended a sensitization programme on “Measles Rubella Vaccination Campaign” Organised by WHO, Rotary & UNICEF on 25.01.2017 at IGMCRI, Pondicherry Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. Suguna A & Dr. Suguna A, faculty, Community Medicine attended a sensitization programme on “Measles Rubella Vaccination Campaign” All the faculty members, Department of Physiology Organised by WHO, Rotary & UNICEF on 25.01.2017 attended special lecture on Problem learners conducted by at IGMCRI, Pondicherry. medical education unit (MEU), MGMCRI on 7.02.17. Dr. Bhavani K, Associate professor, DrVenkatraman J, DrRoopaUrs and DrMathumithra, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology attended CME on, “Treasure Hunt in Pathology” held at Sri Venkateshwara Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherryon 28.01.17. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Dr. Syed Habeebullah,Dr. SunitaSamal, Dr. Pallavee Professor of O&G, and Dr.

Dr. SeeteshGhose, Dr. Reddi Rani,Dr. Syed Habeebullah, Dr. SunitaSamal, Dr. Pallavee, DrSendhil Coumary,Professors of O&G and Dr. Lopamudra Associate Professor of O&G and DrRupalSamal, Dr. Setu Rathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr. Meenupriyadarshini, Dr. AswiniVisalakshi, Asst.Professor O&G and Dr. Nui Darang, Dr. Divya, Dr. Dewanshi Gupta, Senior Resident of O&G attended video seminar on congenital hypothyroidism on 7.02.17 at MGMCRI



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Kalaivani R Attended a workshop on Antibiotic Stewardship - Opportunities, Challenge s and Solutions on 8th February at the XIV National conference of Hospital Infection Society, HISICON 2017 from 9.02.17 to 11.02.17 at Gauhati Medical College, Assam. India. Dr. Pravincharles M.V & Dr. Kalaivani R attended the XIV National conference of Hospital Infection Society, HISICON 2017 from 9.02.17 to 11.02.17 at Gauhati Medical College, Assam. India. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended the “Fourth International Rhinoplasty Workshop” held at Hotel Marriot, Pune organized by Dr. Virendra Ghasias from 10.02.17 to 12.02.17. Dr.M. Manoharan, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as delegate in TNOACON 2017 50th Annual conference of Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association held from 10.02.17 to 12.02.17 at Le Meridien, Coimbatore. Dr.R.Nandakumar attended as delegate in Golden Jubilee Conference of TNOACON 2017 between 10.02.17 and 12.02.17. Dr.Hemachandar, Associate Professor, Department of Nephrology has. attended the 37th annual conference of Indian society of nephrology southern chapter from 10.02.17 to 12.02.17 at JIPMER, Puducherry, delivered an invited talk on “Hypertension and kidney” on the occasion of world kidney day (08.03.17) at ArupadaiVeedu Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry and has also attended the 7th biennial conference of Indian Society of Hemodialysis (ISHDCON) from 31.03.17 to 02.04.17 held at Hyderabad. Dr. SabariAnandh J V, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology attended a Seminar cum Workshop on “Management of Dermatological disorders and Cancermoving towards an integrative (Siddha & Modern) Approach” on 11.02.17 and 12.02.17, in Manipal University, Mangalore. Dr. SeeteshGhose Professor & HOD of O&G, and Dr. SendhilCoumary Professor of O&G attended CME on Infertility at SMVMC Puducherry on12.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SMVMC Puducherry. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD and Dr. Uma.N, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the CME, “AdoloscentGynaecology”, organized by the Department of OBG, on 18.02.17, in Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Dr. Reddi Rani, Dr. Syed Habeebullah, Dr.SunitaSamal, Dr. Pallavee, DrSendhilCoumary,Professors of O&G and

Dr. Lopamudra Associate Professor of O&G and DrRupalSamal, Dr. SetuRathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr. Meenupriyadarshini, Dr. AswiniVisalakshi, Asst.Professor O&G and Dr. Nui Darang, Dr. Divya, Dr. Dewanshi Gupta, Senior Resident of O&G attended CME on Adolescent Gynecology held at MGMCRI on 18.02.17 organized by department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI. Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj attended as delegate the 76th “National Course on Educational Science for Teachers of Health Professionals” held at JIPMER from 16.02.2017 to 22.02.2017. All the faculty members, Department of Physiology attended the workshop on MCQ making, MCQ pre validation and post validation conducted by medical education unit (MEU), MGMCRI from 23.02.17 to 28.02.17. Dr. M. Chandrasekaran and Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Faculty members, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as delegate in 6th Annual conference POACON 2017 on 25.02.17 and 26.02.17 held at Hotel Athithi, Pondicherry. Dr.M. RajanBabu, Dr.G. Thayumana Sundaram and Dr.RojyBoben Faculty members, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has attended POACON 2017 6th Annual Conference on 25.02.17 and 26.02.17 held at hotel Athithi, Pondicherry. Dr.R.Nandakumar attended as delegate in 6th Annual conference POACON 2017 between 25.02.17 and 26.02.17 held at Hotel Athithi, Pondicherry. Pondicherry Chest Society meeting for the First Quarter of 2017 was held on 26.02.2017. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology attended as a delegate in the 5th Interventional Perioperative Sonography workshop & conference at Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi conducted by the Indian College of anesthesiologists and the Interventional Perioperative Sonography Association (IPSA) on 26.02.2017. Dr. IndubalaMaurya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology attended as a delegate in the 5th Interventional Perioperative Sonography workshop & conference at Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi conducted by the Indian College of anesthesiologists and the Interventional Perioperative Sonography Association (IPSA) on 26.02.2017. Dr.R. Ramesh Professor and Head, Dr.M. SathishBabu Associate Professor, Mr. V. KuzhandaiVelu Tutor, Mr.M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry attended a National CME titled “Role of micro-RNA and stem cell in cardiac regeneration in

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

diabetic heart disease organized by Department of Physiology, JIPMER,Karikal on 28.02.17.

Disease and environment” held at MGMCRI on 03.03.17 & 04.03.17.

Dr. Uma N Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the CME on “Update on Thyroid and Anti-thyroid drugs”, Organized by Abott, on 28.02.17, in Cuddalore.

Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the International Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF), SBV, Puducherry held on 03.03.2017 & 04.03.2017.

Dr.K.Jaiganesh, Professor & Head, Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj T,Associate Professor, and Mr.Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology attended the Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD, Dr. Kartik J Salwe, National CME on “Role of micro-RNAs and stem Dr. Padmavathi.S, Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate cells in cardiac regeneration in diabetic heart disease” Professors, Dr. Johan Pandian J, Dr. Mirunalini R, conducted on 28.02.17 at JIPMER, Karaikal Assistant Professors, and Dr. SabariAnandh J V, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology attended the International Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Senior Resident, Department of Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Pulmonary Medicine attended “BRONCOCON 2017” Environment”, on 3.03.17 and 4.03.17, organized by held in CMC Vellore from 2.3.2017 to 4.3.2017. CIDRF, in MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.Reeta R Assistant Professor, Dr.KulkarniSweta Assistant Professor Mr. K. Ramachandran &Mr.M. Lenin Research Scholar,Tutor, Department of Biochemistry attended International Conference titled “MICROBIOME 2017” organized by CIDRF, SBVU, Puducherry on 3.03.17 and 04.03.17. Dr. K.S Seetha, Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Dr. Uma devi S, Dr. Pramodhini S, Dr. Pravincharles M.V, Dr. Kalaivani R, Dr. Valentina Y & Dr. Prabha R attended International conference on “ Microbiome in health, disease and environment held at CIDRF, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 3.03.17 and 04.03.17. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane and Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane, Department of Pathology attended National Conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 3.03.17 and 4.03.17. Dr.Chandra Philip, Professor, Department of Anatomy, attended the International conference on “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” organized by Central inter-disciplinary research facility (Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry) held during 03.03.17 and 04.03.17. Earlier last year she attended National Conference on “Changing Trends In Health Professions Education” held at MGMC-RI Pondicherry from 18.08.16 to 20.08.16, she participated in MEDUCON 2016 held on 14.10.16 at JIPMER Puducherry and also a CME on “ Sleep Disordered breathing” held on 9.12.16, at MGMCRI, Pondicherry. All Faculty from Department of General Surgery attended MIST 2017 CME on 3.03.17 and 4.03.17at MGMCRI. Dr. RajkumarPatil and Dr. Jayaramachandran S faculty members, Community Medicine has participated in International conference on “Microbiome in Health,

Dr.G. Niranjan Associated Professor, Dr.M. SathishBabu Associated Professor, Dr. Arul VijayaVani Assistant Professor Mr. V. KuzhandaiVelu Tutor, Mr.M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry attended National seminar on translational research organized by Department of Biochemistry, JIPMER, Puducherry on 4.03.17. Dr.R.Surendher Kumar attended as delegate in Live Surgery Workshop on 3D’s at MIOT International, Chennai on 4.03.17. Dr.M. Chandrasekaran, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as delegate in Live Surgery Workshop on 3D’s at MIOT International, Chennai on 4.03.17. Dr.D. Thulasiraman, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has attended the Live Surgery Workshop on 3D’s at MIOT International, Chennai on 4.03.17. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Jaya, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Dr. Archana Areti, Dr. Anusha and Dr. Yasha Senior Residents, participated International Women’s Day celebration and CME on Obstetric Anaesthesia for panel discussion moderator - topic on “Labor Analgesia and Post Cesarean Analgesia” held at Hotel Accord organized by ISA Puducherry State Branch on 08.03.17. Dr. Jayaramachandran S, faculty, Community Medicine participated in 4th International conference on “Music therapy: Salutogenic approach to Health” held at MGMCRI on 10.03.17. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan Sankaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the 4th International Conference on Music Therapy titled “Music Therapy:



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Salutogenic Approach to Health” organized by CMTER in SBV on 10.03.2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor & Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B., Professor, Dr. Sashidhara, Assistant Professor, Dr. AshwinthJothy, Assistant Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor(Psychology),Department of Psychiatry, participated in the workshop on “Music & Guided Imagery” organised by CMTER in SBV on 11.03.2017. Dr. G.Prabavathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy has attended the CME on Genetics “Common Birth Defects and their Early Detection” conducted by the Department of Anatomy, held at SRM Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, SRM University, Kancheepuram on 18.03.2017. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor & HOD of O&G, and Dr. Reddi Rani P, Dr. Habeebullah, Dr. Pallavee P, Dr. Professor of O&G, and Dr. Lopamudra, Associate Professor of O&G, and Dr.Sunil Kumar SamalAssistant Professor of O&G, attended CME on Advances on infertility by Dr. Pratap Kumar Manipal University at Hotel Accord on 19.03.17. All Faculty& PGs from Department of General Surgery attended Guest Lecture delivered by Prof. Thameen Ansari on topic Choledochal cyst: presentation & management on Monday 20.03.17 at MGMCRI. Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology, participated in the “GCP workshop on clinical trials and Bioethics” organized by the Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Dept. of pharmacology, MGMCRI held on 23.03.2017. Dr. Charulatha R., Assistant Professor, Dept. of anesthesiology, participated in the “GCP workshop on clinical trials and Bioethics” organized by the Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Dept. of pharmacology, MGMCRI held on 23.03.2017. Dr. RupalSamal Assistant Professor of O&G, attended GCP workshop on clinical trials and bioethics at MGMCRI on 23.03.17. Prof.Dr.K. SurendraMenon (HOD), Prof. Dr.RPajanivel & Dr.VimalRaj.R (Assistant professor), Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Good Clinical Practice in clinical research”, conducted by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology in MGMC & RI on 23.3.2017. Dr. M. Chandrasekaran and Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Faculty members, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as delegate in GCP Workshop on Clinical Trials & Bioethics in MGMCRI, Pondicherry held on 23.03.17.

P r o f . C . P. G a n e s h b a b u , D r. R . K a n n a n , Dr.Saravanakumar, Department of General Surgery attended GCP- workshop on clinical trails in MGMCRI on 23.03.17. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the “GCP Workshop on Clinical Trials & Bioethics” organised by Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 23.03.2017. Dr.Reeta R Assistant Professor, & Dr.KulkarniSwetha Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry attended a CME on thyroid disorders organized by Department of Biochemistry, SVMCH&RC, Puducherry on 24.03.17 Dr.M. Manoharan, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as delegate in APAS2017 1st Annual Conference of Association of Pelvic Acetabular Surgeons 24.03.17 to 26.03.17 at Jaipur. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD and Dr. Uma.N, Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacologyattended National Workshop on “Good Clinical Practices, Bioethics & Conference on Strategies in Conducting Clinical Trials”, titled “Reporting Serious Adverse Events”, conducted in Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College and Hospital, Perambalur, Sponsored by IMPA, on 24.03.17 and 25.03.17. Dr. Kalyanram Kone, Urology attended the 1st simulation course in advanced minimal Access GI surgery held in JIPMER, Pondicherry on 25.03.17 Prof. T.TirouAroul, Dr. Alok Mohanty, Dr. R.Kannan, Dr. Saravanakumar, Dr. Tridip Dutta, Department of General Surgery attended Workshop Simulation course in Advanced Minimal Access GI Surgery in JIPMER 25.03.17. Dr. Uma. N, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the “Credit Suisse 20th Annual Conference on Technologies and Workshop on Nanotechnology”, from 29.03.17 to 30.03.17 in QIMS, Chennai. Dr. Sabari Anandh J V, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology, attended “Recent Trend of Industrial Pharmacognosy”, on 31.03.17, in Mother Teresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Pharmacy, Gorimedu, Puducherry. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan & Dr. Jayaramachandran S faculty members, Community Medicine attended a International conference- Fourth International Management Development Programme- “Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases” held at SRM University, Chennai from 31.03.17 to 1.04.17.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr.JosephPhilipraj, Dr.Vasudevan, Dr.Karthik, Dr.Vishal and Dr. BalaBhaskar Reddy, Urology attended the endourology workshop conducted by Department of Urology, Velammal Medical College, Madurai. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD, Dr. Padmavathi.S, Dr. SudarCodi.R, Associate Professors, Dr. Mirunalini R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the “GCP workshop on Clinial Trials and Bioethics”, Organized by the Clinical Pharmacology Unit, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Faculty members from the Department of Pharmacology attended the “RukmaniAmmal Internal Oration”, organized by SAF, MGMCRI. Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Professor, Dr. Palve Sachin Bhaskar, Associate Professor, Dr. Suguna A and Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine participated in Seminar cum workshop on Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases on 23.6.2017 by CYTER-SBVU at MGMCRI. Dr. Seetharaman, Professor and Head, Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. Sahitya, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine participated in hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, attended the Short course in Biostatistics on “Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial regression” organized by the Department of Biostatistics, CMC, Vellore from 19th to 23rd June 2017. Dr. Pruthu TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine participated in workshop on “Modeling Epidemiological Count) Data: Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression Models” held during May 8th to 10th at Biostatistics resource and Training centre, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Dr. Annie Sheeba, and Dr. Charulatha Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology participated as a delegate for CME on “Research Methodology” organized by IRC on 11.04.2017. It has been awarded 2 CME credit point by TNMC. Dr. Charulatha and Dr. Archana Areti, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated in the “Workshop on Literature Search & Reference Management” from 19.04.2017 to 21.04.2017 organized by Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Puducherry.

Dr. Annie Sheeba Dr. Charulatha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated in workshop on “Efficient, Quality-assured Data Capture and Analysis Using EpiData from 25.04.2017 to 27.04.2017 organized by MGMCRI, Puducherry. It has been awarded for 6 CME credit hours by TNMC. Dr. Sripriya, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professors, Dr. Charulatha Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended “Airway Update – 2017 CME and Workshop on 18.06.2017 organized by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Society of Anesthesiologists Puducherry State Branch. Dr. Rani, Associate professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, attended “Peripheral Nerve Block Workshop and Live Nerve Block Demonstration” on Ganga Refresher Anaesthesia Course, GARC 2017 from 22.06.2017 to 25.06.2017 organized by Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore. Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professors, Dr. Indubala, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, attended Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care CCEPC) 2017 from 24.06.2017 to 25.06.2017 organized by Dept. of General Surgery and Hospital Palliative Care Unit, HPCT in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care, IAPC Dr. Pallavee, Professor, OBGY and Dr. Lopamudra, Associate Prof, OBGY attended the “EPIDATA workshop” from 25th to 27th April, 2017 held in MGMCRI organized by International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Prof. SeeteshGhose, Prof. Rani Reddi, Prof. P Pallavee, Dr. RupalSamal, Dr. Setu Rathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, OBGY attended the “Workshop on literature search and reference management” held in MGMCRI from 19th to 21st April,2017 organized by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI with collaboration with Abott India. Dr. Rupal Samal, Dr.Aishwarya Jagan, Dr.Sunil Kumar Samal and Dr.Setu Rathod attended the “IUI Workshop”, OBGY at ISHA Fertility Centre at Cuddalore on 18th June, 2017. Mr.KuzhandaiVelu. Tutor and Mr M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, attended Workshop on “Literature search and reference management” organized by Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI held on 19th April 2017. Dr.AN Uma, Asst. Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept., attended Workshop on “Literature search and reference management” organized by Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI held on 19th April 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Anithasri, Assistant professor), Department of Biochemistry, participated workshop titled “Quality management system and internal audit in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012”, organized by PIMS held from 03rd to 06th May 2015.

Dr. Mossadeq, Dr.S.Joseph Philipraj, Dr.Kalyanram Kone and Dr. Vasudevan T, faculty of Urology attended 4th mid-term conference under the aegis of TAPASU in Dhanalaxmi Sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur on 30 Apr 2017.

Dr. Anithasri Assistant Professor) and Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani. S Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, participated National seminar cum workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” organized by Department of yoga therapy, MGMCRI held on 23rd June 2017.

Dr.Mossadeq, Urology attended Nephro-urology update organized by Madurai Meenakshi Hospital and Research centre, Madurai. Dr.Mossadeq Chaired a session in the conference on 25 Jun 2017.

Dr. G. Niranjan, Professor and Mr. M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, attended Workshop on “Efficient, quality – assured data capture and analysis using Epidata” organized by Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI held on 25th to 27th April 2017Dr. M. Chandrsekaran Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended Osteoporosis Essentials 2017 – international conference on Osteoporosis which was held on the 10th &11th of June 2017 at JW Marriot Hotel, Mumbai, India. Dr.M. Manoharan Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended as a delegate in Cadaveric Workshop on Complex primary Knee & Hip arthroplasty at M.S Ramaiya Medical College on 24th & 25th June 2017. Dr.M. Manoharan Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, attended as a delegate in S’ROM Master course in Hip arthoplasty at MIOT Hospital Chennai on 13th & 14th June 2017. Dr Mangala G, Associate professor, Dept of Pathology attended the CME on “Gastrointestinal and Hepatobilliary pathology – Victory path 2017” conducted at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on April 7th & 8th 2017.

Dr.T.K.Dutta – Professor, Department of General Medicine attended 22 nd Congress of European Hematology Association – International Conference at Madrid Spain on 22-25th June 2017. Dr.T.K.Dutta – Professor, Department of General Medicine attended Cord blood world Europe International Conference at London on 17th – 19th May 2017. Dr. Siva Ranganathan Greeen, Associate Professor, & Dr. Sindhu, Senior Resident Department of General Medicine attended CME on Palliative Care on 24th & 25th June at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Tamilarasan, & Dr. Kalaimani, Senior Resident, Department of General Medicine attended Apollo Infectious diseases Conference at Apollo hospitals Chennai, on 10th and 11th June 2017. Dr. Tony Mathew, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine attended Madurai Liver Congress conference at Madurai on 22.06.2017. Dr. Tony Mathew, Assistant Professor, & Dr. Kalaimani, Senior Resident, Department of General Medicine attended PAGE – PICU Update on 22.04.2017.

Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended workshop on “Literature search & Dr Venkatraman J, Assistant Professor, Dept of reference management” conducted by the Department Pathology participated in CME “Diabetes Mellitus” of Community Medicine, MGMCRI between conducted in Ponnaiyah Ramanujam Institute of medical 19th - 21th April, 2017 sciences on June 9th,2017. Dr Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology Dr.Anandraj Vaithy K, Assistant Professor Dept of participated in Seminar cum Workshop on “Management Pathology attended “4th Basic Molecular Pathology of dermatological disorders and cancer – moving training workshop” conducted at Tata Medical Centre, towards an integrative Siddha and Modern) approach” conducted by Manipal University in collaboration Kolkatta from 11th – 18th June, 2017. with Central Counsil for Research in Siddha CCRS), Dr. Anandraj Vaithy K, Assiatant Professor Dept Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India on 11th and 12th of Pathology attended “Hands on workshop on Flow Februray, 2017. cytometry” conducted by Interdisciplinary Research department –SRM University on 2nd May, 2017. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, and Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate Professor, Department of Dr.Joseph Philipraj, Professor of Urology attended Pharmacology attended the Pharmacoeconomic Robotic Urology Foundation Conference in Mumbai Workshop for 2 days June 16th and 17th 2017 held in on 21-23 Apr 2017. PIMS, Puducherry. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor & Head, Dr. Johan Pandian J Associate Professor and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Professor Department of Pharmacology attended the Workshop on Literature Search and Reference Management from 19th to 21st April, 2017 MGMCRI Dr. Uma AN, Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy attended the Workshop on Literature Search and Reference Management from 19th to 21st April, 2017 MGMCRI Dr. S.S. Bakshi,Assistant Professor,Dr.Davis, Assistant Professor and Dr.Ramiya, Senior Resident, ENT, attended the palliative care medicine course conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry on 24.07.2017 and 25.07.2017. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant professor, ENT, attended JIPMER THYROCON – Controversies and Consensus in Thyroid cancer on 29.04.2017 and 30.04.2017 in JIPMER, Puducherry Dr.S.S.Bakshi Assistant professor, ENT, attended the National seminar cum workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases on 23.06.2017 in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Puducherry.

Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu & Dr.R.Durai attended FIAGES 2017, a 3 day Laparoscopic Fellowship conducted by the Indian Association Gastro-Intestinal Endo-Surgeons at Madurai held from 16 – 18 June 2017. Dr.AR.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor and Dr.N.Swathi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the workshop “Workshop on literature search & reference management” by SBVU from 19.04.17 to 21.04.17. Dr. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor, Dept of Urology participated in SZUSICON 2017 held at Manipal 10-11th August 2017, Completed MBA- Hospital Management from Pondicherry university- DDE Aug 2017, attended lap-Endofusion 3D workshop at PVS Hospital Cochin9th -10th Sep 2017, was the Treasurer for “MIMECON” 2017- Organised by MEU-MGMCRI 16th Sep 2017, was the Master of Ceremony for “ Doctoral Convocation 2017 “ of SBVU, attended Dr T S Jairam CUE organised by Bangalore Urology Society, 23rd – 24th Sep 2017 and visited Institute of Nephrology and Urology 22nd – 30th Sep 2017 as Part Of Urological Society of India Teacher Travelling Fellowship for the year 2017.

Dr. Jayapal V, Professor, Department of Microbiology participated in the one day workshop on “General awareness and propagation of Extra Mural Research EMR) scheme of Ministry of AYUSH” organized by Siddha Regional Research Institute CCRS) at Pondicherry University Convention cum Cultural Centre, Pondicherry on 21.04.2017 Dr.R.Kalaivani, Asso.Prof, Department of Microbiology Participated in the workshop on Efficient, Quality – assured data capture and analysis using Epidata organised by Department of Community Medicine at MGMCRI, in collaboration with Internal union against Tuberculosis and Lung disease. from 25.05.17 – 27.05.17.

Dr. Aruly Vijaya Vani, Assistant professor Department of Biochemistry attended national workshop title “Scientific writing” organsized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 3rd July 2017.

Prof.Tirou Aroul, Dr.R.Kannan, Dr.Alok Mohanty & Dr.R.Durai attended Apollo International Rectal Cancer Symposium conducted at The Hyatt Regency, Chennai held between April 1st & 2nd, 2017.

Prof. Niranjan, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Reeta R, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor – patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Manimekalai, Professor and Head, Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate Professor, Dr. Johan Pandian J, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy and Dr. KamalaSundar, Assistant Professors, Department of Pharmacology attended the MIMECON 2017, on 16.09.2017, organized by MEU, MGMCRI. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, and Dr.Johan Pandian J, Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology attended the Board of Studies meeting for BDS students on 19.09.2017 in IGIDS, SBV University. Dr. Sabari Anandh JV attended the Zebra fish Workshop, in Department of Pharmacology, JIPMER, Puducherry, in 4th and 5th August 2017. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Dr. Padmavathi.S, Associate Professor, Dr. Kamala Sundar, Assistant Professor and Dr. Sabari Anandh JV, tutor, Department of Pharmacology attended the “Basic Simulation Education Course”, in Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI on 26th and 27th September 2017. Dr. Ramesh R, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Conference titled “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. R. Reeta, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Conference titled “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Conference titled “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. R. Reeta, Associate Professor, participated in National Workshop titled “MIMECON 2017 - Session strategies to accommodate diversity of learners” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Workshop titled “MIMECON 2017 - Session strategies to accommodate diversity of learners” organized by Mahatma Gandhi

Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. Seetha KS, Professor and HOD, Dr. Jayapal V, Dr. Umadevi S, Professors, Dr. Pramodhini S, Dr. Pravin Charles M.V, Dr. Kalaivani R, Associate Professors and Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale and Dr. Valentina Y, Assistant Professors, department of Microbiology attended the National Conference on “Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” organised by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09 2017. Dr. Jayapal V, Dr. Umadevi S, Professors, Dr. Pramodhini S, Associate Professor and Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale and Dr. Valentina Y, Assistant Professors, department of Microbiology participated in the workshop on “Digital Technology” organized by organised by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09 2017. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head and Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor attended “Basic Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop” organized by Department of Orthopedic, MGMCRI and visited the ASTRA Lab at Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute on 14th July 2017. Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dr, Kusha Nag, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Dr. Antony John Charles, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Annie Sheeba, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anesthesiology, has attended “Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care Course at MGMCRI, as Instructor Candidate on 11th, 12th, and 13th August 2017. It was awarded 6 credit hours and 2 CME credit by the TNMC. Dr. Indubala, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended as delegate on Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI Dr. Charulatha, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Jaya, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, participated workshop as a delegate in MIMECON-2017 held at MGMCRI on September 16th 2017. Dr. Rani, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Kusha Nag, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Jaya, Dr. Annie Sheeba Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended as a delegate on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr. Antony John Charles Associate Professor,Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated as a delegate on “Thoracic Anaesthesia Workshop” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr. Charulatha, Dr. Jaya Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated as a delegate on “ENT Anaesthesia Workshop” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr.RajkumarPatil, Dr Partha Nandi, Dr. Palve Sachin Bhaskar, Dr. Jayaramachandran, Dr. Suguna A, Dr Arun, Dr Sindhu, Dr Ankita, Dr Hariteja, Department of Community Medicine participated in Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM), Puducherry and Tamilnadu Sub Zonal conference - 2017 at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences on 14th and 15th September. Dr. Seetharaman, Dr Narayan KA, Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. Suguna A, Department of Community Medicine participated in Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIME) - For 21 C Medicos, a national conference cum workshops on Saturday, Sep 16, 2017 @ Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry, India. Dr. Seetharaman and Dr. Narayan KA, Department of Community Medicine participated in the PG Dissertation write up workshop and Induction cum Orientation program for PGs Dr. Surekha A, Department of Community Medicine has participated in the workshop on Developing a protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review held during August 17-19, 2017 in Community Health Division, Bangalore Baptist Hospital in collaboration with Cochrane South Asia Dr. Surekha A, Department of Community Medicine has participated in the interactive workshop on “Yoga and psychotherapy (Bridging East and West)” presented by Dr STEPHEN PARKER (Stomaji) Psy.D from the USA on 29th September 2017 at the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research of the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth at MGMC&RI. Meeting regarding new RHTC was attended by Dr. Seetharaman and other rmembers of IPHA. The General Body meet was attended by Dr. Narayan and Dr. Partha Nandi, faculty, Department of Community Medicine.

development program on E-portfolio organized at MGMCRI, Puducherry, on 05.07.2017 and 03.08.2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended the National Midterm CME of Indian Psychiatric Society at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh on 12.08.2017 and 13.08.2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended the 32nd Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society - Tamil Nadu Chapter (TANPSYCON) at Yercaud, Salem on 08.09.2017 and 09.09.2017. Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended 3 rd State Conference Tamil Nadu and Puducherry State Conference on Pulmonary Diseases (TAPPCON 2017), organized by Association of Pulmonologists of Puducherry, held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry, on 02.09.2017 to 03.09.2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Assistant Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - For 21 C medicos (MIMECON) organized by SBV, Pondicherry. held on 16.09.2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor and Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a workshop on “EMR - Investigation and Prescription Training” organized by Department of IT, MGMCRI held on 28.09.2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop titled “Using digital technology to enhance the learning experience of the Millennials”, at the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIMECON), organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, held on 16.09.2017.

Dr K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor & Dr.Swathi. N, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the MIMECON 2017 at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry on 16.09.2017.

Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane,Professor and HOD, Dr.Sowmya, Professor, Dr. G Mangala, Dr. K Shanmugasamy, DrBhavani, Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane, Associate Professors, Dr.Anandraj, Dr. RoopaUrs AN, Dr.Garima, DrArunkumar, Assistant Professors, Dr.Sujaya,Tutor, Dept of Pathology attended MIMECON conference conducted at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16th September 2017.

Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a faculty

Dr. Bhavani, Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology attended Hematology CME on 23rd September 2017 at JIPMER, Puducherry.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Bhavani, Associate professor and Dr. RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology attended SRU Hemotask 2017, An advanced hemostatsis workshop on 1st July at SRMC, Porur, Chennai. Dr. Bhavani, Associate professor and Dr. RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology attended Chetmedicon 2017 Clinical hematology National conference and CME on 19th August 2017 at Chettinad medical college and hospital, Chennai. Dr. K. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology underwent Basic medical education workshop held at JIPMER, Puducherry from 23rd September to 29th September 2017. Dr.Mossadeq, Dr.JosephPhilipraj and Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology attended the Prof W E Moses Endowment Lecture &Urethroplasty Workshop conducted at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore on 15 &16 Jul 2017. Dr.JosephPhilipraj, Dr.KalyanramKone and Dr. Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology attended the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists SZUSICON 2017 in Kasturbha Medical College, Manipal held from 11 to13 Aug 2017. Dr. JosephPhilipraj faculty, Department of Urology attended the Lap Endofusion 2017 workshop held at Kochi on 9 & 10 Sep 2017. Dr. Mossadeq, Dr.KalyanramKone and Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology attended the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, Chennai held from 15 to 17 Sep 2017. Dr. JosephPhilipraj, faculty, Department of Urology attended the 20thDr.T S Jayaram Memorial Live Operative Workshop & CUE held at INU, Bangalore, held from 24 to 25 Sep 2017. Dr. JosephPhilipraj, faculty, Department of Urology attended the “Prepare Protect Prevent – Legal Implications” CDE program held at IGIDS, Pondicherry on12 Oct 2017. CME on Pediatric dermatology, SRMC Chennai heldon16th September, 2017 was attended by Dr.Preethi, senior resident, Department of Dermatology. Prof.R. Surendher Kumar, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate in Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society (APAS) will be held from 18th - 20th August, 2017 at Hotel Leela, Chennai, India. Dr. M. Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate in TRAUMACON 2017 held at Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel from 10th to 13th August, 2017.

Dr.M. Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics,participated as a delegate in Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society (APAS) will be held from 18 th - 20 th August, 2017 at Hotel Leela, Chennai, India. Dr. G.ThayumanaSundaram, &Dr.A.Prabhakaran, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated as a delegate in ASTRA – (Advance Surgical Training & Research Academy) Basic Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop on Knee on 14th July 2017 at ShriSathiyaSai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Kanchipuram District. Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine attended National conference cum workshop in Medical education (MIMECON 2017) on SEP16, 2017 in MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Department of OBGY, attended national level workshop on ‘Session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners’ in ‘MIMECON-2017’ at MGMCRI Pondicherry as delegate on 16.09.2017. It has 10 credit points from The TNMGR Medical University.​​ Dr. SetuRathod, Dr.. Sunil Kumar Samal, Asst. Professor &Dr.GaneswarBarik,SR, Department of OBGY, attended Workshop on Doppler in Obstetrics at Lotus Hospitals Erode on 2nd July, 2017. (5 credit points) Dr.RupalSamal, Associate Professor, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Meenupriyadarshini,Asst Prof, Dr.Devanshi & Dr.Ganeswar, SR, Department of OBGY, attended “National Conference on Fertility and High Risk Pregnancy FERTICON 2017” in Chennai on 8th&9th July,2017. (25 credit points). Prof SeeteshGhose, HOD, Dr.GaneswarBarik, Senior Resident, Department of OBGY, attended National level “CME on Prevention and management of Cervical Cancer” at JIPMER, Pondicherry as delegate on 16th& 17th September, 2017. Prof SeeteshGhose, Prof Reddi Rani P, Prof Syed Habeeebullah, Prof Pallavee P, Lopamudra John, Dr.RupalSamal,Associate Professor, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Madhusmita,, Department of OBGY, attended SAF Guest Lecture on Functional/ Restorative Neurosurgery by Dr. R Ramnarayan on 15th September 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Prof SeeteshGhose, Prof Reddi Rani P, Prof Syed Habeeebullah, Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini, Dr.Chandana, Dr. Ashwini, Dr.Vijaya, Dr.Divya, Department of OBGY, attended SAF Guest Lecture on “Sustaining Breast Feeding Together” by Dr. S Srinivasan Tamil Nadu State Co-ordinator, NRHM on 04.08.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Prof Reddi Rani P, Prof Syed Habeeebullah, Prof Pallavee P, Dr.Lopamudra B John, Dr.RupalSamal, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini, Dr. Ashwini, Dr.Madhusmita, Dr.Ganeswar, Department of OBGY, attended Shri MVK Iyer Oration by Dr. C Palanivelu on “My Tryst with Laparoscopic Surgery” on 14.07.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.

Dr.Pramod Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMCRI attended a National conference cum workshop “MIMECON - Motivation Inspiration and Millennial’ Engagement (MIME) - For 21 C Medicos”atMahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry, India on Sep 16, 2017

DrSatish Kumar, Professor & HOD, DrPramod Kumar, Professor, DrDhritimanNath, Associate Professor, &DrPrasanna P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMCRI attended a CME- “Professional Perception, Attitude and Knowledge on Child Abuse” held at the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, JIPMER, Puducherry on 5.8.2017.

The participation of the faculty recharging programs by the Department of general Medicine are, the 9th Apollo institute of critical care conference 2017- 05.08.2017 organised by Apollo institute of critical care Medicine was attended by Dr. TONY Mathew – Asst. Professor, Neuroemergency crash course organised by Global health city on 09.07.2017 Attended by Dr. Kalaimani, Rhythm – Advanced ECG programme held at Chennai was attended by Dr. Tony Mathew, Dr. Kalaimani, Alice – Apollo leadership and innovation in cardiac endevours organised by Apollo hospital v Chenna was attended by Dr. Kalaimani, Trendo – 2017 – 5th Annual conference of Endocrine society of Tamilnadu and Puducherry was attended by Dr. Arunkumar, Dr. Tony Kadavanu, Dr. Velmurugan, Dr. Kalaimani, Dr. Tamilarasan,

Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, Department of participated as a delegate in “ENT today” conducted Physiology attended the workshop on “Classroom/session in Hotel Marriot,Hyderabad organized by Dr Milind strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners” Kirtane on 19.8.17 conducted by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI on Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD 16th September, 2017 participated as a delegate in the “national conference on Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, Dr Devi R Nithiya, motivation,inspiration and millenials engagement “ on Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology attended 16.9.17 in MGMCRI the national seminar-cum-CME on “Movements and thought disorders- Insights from neurophysiology” Dr. S.S. Bakshi, Assistant Professor participated as organised department of Physiology, AVMCH on 9th delegate in the “golden jubilee international conference September, 2017. of Indian Pharmacology Society- Pre Conference Workshop On Scientific Writing” conducted on 3.7.17 Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, DrRicha Gupta, in MGMCRI DrNikhilesh Singh, &Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Dr. S S Bakshi, Assistant Professor participated Professors, Department of Physiology attended the national conference on “Motivation, Inspiration, and as a delegate in the “ workshop on Yoga chikitsa the Millennial for 21 C Medicos” conducted by Medical application of yoga as a therapy” conducted on 24.7.17 Education Unit, MGMCRI on 16 th September, in MGMCRI 2017. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant professor participated Dr.R.Kalaivani, Associate Professor, Microbiology, as delegate in” National conference on Motivation, attended Workshop on “Scientific writing” by Dept. of Inspiration and Millenial’s Engagement “ on 16.9.17 Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 3rd July, 2017 (credit hour 2) in MGMCRI. at MGMCRI, Puducherry and also attended workshop on “Classroom/ Seminar strategies to accommodate Prof. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Dr.R.Kannan, Associate Prof, the diversity of learners” in Motivation, Inspiration Surgery, attended ASI regional refresher course from & Millennial engagement conference organized by July 21 to 23, 2017 in Chennai. Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09.2017. Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu, Prof.K.V.Rajan, Dr.R.Kannan, Surgery, attended TN & P, ASICON 2017 held in Dr.AN Uma, Associate Professor of Genetics, Coimbatore from August 11 to13, 2017. Anatomy, attended Workshop on “Scientific Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu, Surgery, attended Advance writing” by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 3rd July, 2017 credited with 2hours at MGMCRI, Course In Medical Education from September 5 to 9, Puducherry 2017 in SRMC Chennai.

Dr.Pramod Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMCRI attended a conference “SIMLA XIV Annual Conference of South India Medico Legal Association (SIMLA -2017)” held at Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad on 21-23 Sept 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Tapicon – 2017 organised by Association of Physicians of India was attended by Dr. R. Arunkumar, Dr. Shobna sundaram and Dr. Siva Green, Criticare- Puducherry – organized by Indian society of Critical care Medicine – Puducherry Chapter- 7th and 8th – October 2017 was attended by by Dr. R. Arunkumar, Dr. Mohan’s International Diabetes Update 2017 organised by Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Educatiob Academy on 28th to 30 th July 2017 was attended by Dr. R. Arunkumar, Dr. Siva Green and Dr. Tamilarasan, State level workshop on Recent advances in Diagnostics and interventions in Gastroenterology organized by Dept. of Gen. Med, Gen. Surgery and Medical Gastroenterology, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry was attended by by Dr. K.Jayasingh, Dr. K.Jeyapalan, and Dr. Kalaimani, Basic assessment & Support in Intensive Care course at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College& Research Institute on 11th, 12th and 13th August 2017 was attended by Dr. K.Jayasingh, Dr. Siva Green. Dr. Kalaimani, Dr. Tony Mathew and Dr. Shobna Sundaram,, ICML- Organized by Mumbai Hematology Group – on 30th June to July 2017 was attended by Dr. Tarun Kumar Dutta, and the National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millinnials engagement MIMECON 2017 organized by MEU of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth attended by Dr. K.Jayasingh and Dr. Mohamed Hanifah. Dr. Sripriya, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended on Criticare 2017 1st Annual conference, ISCCM, organized by IGMCRI held on 07.10.2017 and 08.10.2017.

“Six Sigma”, organized by SRMCRI, Chennai on 26th October 2017. Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology attended national workshop on “Structural equation modelling using AMOS” on 27th and 28th October, 2017 at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai. Dr. G. Jayaraman, Associate Professor and Dr. Armel Arputha Sivarajan, Assistant professor, Department Of Radiodiagnosis attended the JIPMER Breast Imaging CME 2017 held in JIPMER on 12.11.17 - Each were awarded 10 JIPMER credit points and 2 credit hours. Dr. Shriram and Dr. Brinda, Senior Residents from the department of Radiodiagnosis attended the 70th Annual state India Radiological Imaging Association conferences (Tamilnadu and Pondicherry) chapter held in Thothukudi from 15-17th December 17. Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University awarded 6 credit hours and 20 credit points to each participant. Dr. K.Jaiganesh, Professor & Head of Physiology, Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine & Prof. T.Tirou Aroul, Department of Surgery participated in the ‘MCI Revised Basic Course Workshop in Medical Education Technologies’(RBCW) and ‘One-day Sensitization Programme on Attitude and Communication (AT-COM)’ held from 7th to 10th November 2017 in the Department of Medical Education, JIPMER, Pondicherry.

Dr. Sivashanmugam, Prof. & Head, Dr. Hemanth, Prof., Dr. Kusha, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Gayatri, Asst. Prof., Dr. Indubala, Asst. Prof., Dr. Anusha, Senior Resident, Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated at ISA Puducherry State Brach Meet, held on 13.10.2017. ISA meet hotel Athithi. Dr. Gayatri Mishra, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was attended as delegate AT 68th ISA National Conference ISACON2017 Kolkata held from 25.11.2017 to 30.11.2017 Dr. Reeta, Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Associate Professors, & Arul Vijaya Vani, Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry participated has a delegate in SAF Guest talk on “Emerging Pharmacological & NonPharmacological aspects of Pain Management”, organized by MGMCRI on 13th October 2017. National Workshop on Quality management systems and internal audit in medical labs as per ISO-15189-2012, organized by Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI, Puducherry, from 20th to 23rd of December 2017. Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani, Assistant Professor, Mrs. R. Sathiya, Mr. K. Ramachandran, Tutors Department of Biochemistry participated has a delegate in CME title

Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine attended 25th (KAMLS)Karnataka Medicolegal Society Annual Conference held on 1st -3rd Dec 2017 at BMC, Bangalore (6 Credit hours)

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine attended CME Forensic Update 2017 held on 22,23rd December 2017 at JSS Medical College, JSS University, Mysore Karnataka

Prof.C.P.Ganeshbabu, Prof.K.V.Rajan, Dr.R.Kannan, Associate Professor from Dept.of General Surgery attended Indo – UK Oncology summit held in Chennai onDecember 15 and 16 2018.

Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine participated in Revised Basic course workshop on Medical Education Technologies held during 7.11.2017 to 09.11.2017 organized by the MCI regional Centre, JIPMER, Pondicherry

Dr.R.Kannan,Associate Professor, from Dept.of General Surgery attended ASICON 2018 conducted in Jaipur, December 25 to Dec.31.

Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine participated in One day Sensitization Programme on Attitude and Communication (AT-COM) Module on 10.11.2017 organized by the MCI regional Centre, JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the CME, “Changing trends in the Management of Endocrinological Disorders”, organized by the MEDVARSITY, on 18th and 19th December, 2017 in Chennai. Dr.Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology attended MICROCON-2017, the 41st Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists (IAMM) at Ranchi from 23.11.2017 to 26.11.2017. Dr.Pramodhini S, Associate Professor, Microbiology participated in a CME on “Hospital Acquired Infections-Diagnosis & Surveillance” organised by Dept. of Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 17.11.2017. Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj, Professor of Urology, participated in “Urolegacon 2017” conducted by Urological Society of India in Chennai on 2nd and 3rd Dec 2017. Prof, N.Ananthakrishanan, Prof. DinkerPai, Prof. C.P.Ganeshbabu, Dr.R.Kannan, Faculty membersfrom Dept.of General surgery attended IASGCON 2018 on Oct 3 to 5 in JIPMER. Prof.Robinson Smile, Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Pr o f . M . R a m a n a t h a n , Pr o f . Dinkerpai, Prof.T.TirouAroul, Prof.C.P.GaneshBabu, Prof. K.V.Rajan, Dr.R.Kannan, Dr.Saravanakumar, Dr.Vinoth, Dr.Durai, Dr.Vasantharaja, Dr.Mughilan, Dr.Murugan, Dr.Arulkumar, of Dept.of General Surgery attended MIST 2018, on November 24, 25th in MGMCRI. Dr.R.Kannan,Associate Professor, Dept.of General Surgery attended IAPC held in November 2018. Dr.R.Kannan, Associate Professor from Dept.of General Surgery attended state conference of Indian Medical Association at Nagercoil on Dec.6 and 7.

Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Eswaran S, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended an orientation and training program on ProQuest Databases in the library seminar hall, MGMCRI on 08.11.2017. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a CME on “Adolescent Psychiatry” organized by Department of Psychiatry, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry, held on 11.11.2017. Prof Seetesh Ghose, HOD, O & G attended Operative vaginal, cosmetic & reconstructive gynaecological surgical workshop of National level at Dr. R. N.Cooper Hospital &HBTMMC,Juhu, Mumbai on 17.11.2017organised by Maharashtra Obs. Gyn. Society in association with Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of India. Prof.Seetesh Ghose, HOD, O & G attended International Conference on Fertility Enhancement Management & More (FEMM-2017) at The St. Regis Hotel, Mumbai on 18th and 19th November 2017 organized by Maharashtra Obs. Gyn. Society in association with Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of India. Dr Sunil Kumar Samal, Associate Professor &Dr. GaneswarBarik, Senior Resident, O & G attended CME Controversies in Infertility Management at Hotel Leela Palace, Chennai on 25th& 26th November, 2017 organized by Prashant Infertility Centre, Chennai. Dr.SetuRathod, Dr Sunil Kumar Samal, Associate Professors, Dr.Chandana, Assistant Professor, Dr.GaneswarBarik, Senior Resident, O & G attended The Scope,Live Operative Endoscopy Workshop on 1st October 2017 organized by Firm Hospitals, Chennai Dr.SetuRathod, Associate Professor, O & G attended Fertility Enhancing Endoscopy Training Programme conducted at Johnson & Johnson Institute, Chennai on 9th& 10th December, 2017 organized by Indian Society of Associated Reproduction. Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr.RupalSamal, Associate Professors, Dr.Chandana, Dr.Swetha, Assistant Professors, Dr.Ganeshwar, Senior Resident, O & G attended a talk on “Letrozole& Progesterone in Infertility” on 23rd December at Hotel Accord,



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Puducherry organized by Sun Pharma in association with Pondicherry Obstetrics & Gynaecology Society. Prof. SeeteshGhose, Prof.Reddi Rani P, Prof. Syed Habeeebullah, Prof.Pallavee P, Dr.Lopamudra B John, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Madhusmita, O & G attended Guest lecture on “Emerging Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological aspects of Pain Management” by Dr.Muralidhar Joshi, Virinchi Hospitals, Hyderabad on 13th October 2017 organized by Scientific &Academic Forum. Prof.R .S urendher Kumar, Professor & Dr.M.Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Delegate in “Pelvic acetabulum course on cadaver” held at JIPMER 17-19 November 2017. Prof.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Delegate in Indian Cartilage Society 4th Congress from 17th-18th November, 2017 at Coimbatore, India. Prof.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Delegate in CME Current trend in Orthopaedics 11th November 2017, Mangalore. Prof.R.Surendher Kumar, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Delegate in “1 st Bengaluru Trauma Course 2017” held in the IT Capital and Silicon Valley of India, Bengaluru on 2nd – 4th of November 2017. Dr.Krishna Prasad, Senior Resident, Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a faculty in Illizarov course May 2017, JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr.Krishna Prasad, Senior Resident Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a faculty in Calicut course 18th& 19th November 2017, Calicut Medical College. Dr.G.ThayumanaSundaram, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated as a delegate in1st TNAS conference held at centre for Sports Science at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai on 16th& 17.12.17 which also had arthroscopic cadaveric workshop on shoulder. Dr.A.Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated as a delegate in1st TNAS conference held at centre for Sports Science at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Chennai on 16th& 17.12.17 which also had arthroscopic cadaveric workshop on shoulder. Dr.M.Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics) participated as a Delegate in Basic & advanced ring fixator workshop at ASAMICON 2017.

Dr. S S.Bakshi, Associate Professor ENT, participated in“ ELEGATE CADAVER HANDS- ON 2017’ hands on workshop on cadavers in reconstructive maxillofacial surgery’ on 10.11.17 conducted in MGMCRI. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Dr.Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor & Dr.K.Kalaiyarasan, Senior Resident, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “International Congress of The Pulmonologists Society Of Indian Ocean” held at Le Pondy resort, Pondicherry between 30.11.2017 & 03.12.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended 72nd National Conference of Tuberculosis & Chest Diseases (NATCON 2017), held at KIMS & RF, Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh between 15 -17 December 2017. Prof.SendhilCoumary, O&G attended Caesarean delivery workshop as delegate conducted by Trichy O & G society on 10th Dec 2017. Dr.K.N.Jha, Professor,Dr AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor & Dr Swathi.N, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended AGES-25, a conference on glaucoma at Aravind eye hospital, Pondicherry on 14.10.2017 & 15.10.2017. Dr AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor & Dr Swathi.N, Associate Professor,Department of Ophthalmology attended Comprehensive Cataract Conference – CCC 2017 – 2nd world conference on MSICS at the ITC Grand Chola on 01.12.2017, 02.12.2017 & 03.12.2017 and presented a free paper each. Dr.Bhavani, Associate professor of Pathology, attended the Annual conference of dermatopathology society of India held on 1-3rd December 2017 at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr.Roopa URS, Assistant professor of Pathology attended the pre conference workshop titled Immunohematology held on 2nd November 2017 during Hematocon 2017 at Guwahati, Assam. Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended one day workshop on National Neonatology Forum Neonatal Resuscitation Programme at Kumbakonam on 06.10.2017.

▶▶ Miscellany news Dr. Raj Kumar Patil, Prof, Community Medicine, MGMCRI, NAAC, coordinator and Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof of Medical Genetics, Dept. of Anatomy and Editor, ‘The Chronicle’, participated as experts in the ‘AAA Audit at MGMCRI on 1 3.4.2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

The Board of Studies for the Undergraduate MBBS and Postgraduate MD Community Medicine courses in Community Medicine met on 19.06.2017 to review and approve the proposed amendments to the Curriculum for Community Medicine. Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted Board of Studies for M.D., and D.T.C.D., on 7.4.2017 to revise the post graduates curriculum. Professor Chandrasekhar from SRMC, Chennai and Professor Sridhar from GHTM, Chennai participated as externals. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD and Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor participated as Internals. Professor and HOD chaired the meeting. The Minutes of the meeting and the recommendations were forwarded to the SBV University.

Dr. Venkatagiri and Dr. V Gopu, ISA state Vice President. A Quick Reference Guide to Brachial Plexus Block, created by the Faculty and Fellows of FUGRA was released during the inauguration by Dr. Venkatagiri, followed by the scientific lectures which were delivered by a Panel of experts from various states, in the field of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care. The Delegates had a chance to do poster presentations and participate in Quiz, conducted on the 7th January 2017. The CME ended with a PG Quiz conducted by Dr. Bhavani V, IGMCRI. All sessions were well received and the participants gave a good feedback. The CME was awarded 2 credit points by Tamil Nadu Medical Council.

Board of studies meeting for Pharmacology PG Curriculum 2017-2018 was held on 20th April 2017, in Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Dr Vaishali D Kotasthane, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology received certificate of appreciation and momento for participating in Yogasana Demonstration organized by CYTER,SBV University, Pondicherry as a part of International Yoga day celebrations on 21st June 2017. COPYRIGHT: Dr Sumathy Sundar, Director (CMTER) and Dr Sobana R, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, (MGMCRI). “MEETS: Musically Express your Emotions & Thoughts for Success” October, 2017: L69472/2017 HONOUR: Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Anaesthesiology, honored Tamil poet at a function in Swamimalai on 01.10.2017.

▶▶ Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care 7th Annual Pondicherry State Conference Of Anesthesiology (PONCON-2016) The 7th Annual Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist State conference, “PONCON 2016” was successfully conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and research institute, by the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, on January 7th and 8th 2017, under the guidance of our beloved Professor M Ravi Shankar, Dean MGMCRI. The activities were headed by Professor T Sivashanmugam, the Organizing Chairman and Professor V R Hemanth Kumar the Organizing Secretary. The theme of the conference was to elaborate on the “Changing Trends in Anesthesia”. A total of 250 delegates, from all over India attended. The CME on the 7th was inaugurated by Professor K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, who was our Chief Guest. Other prestigious invited dignitaries included ISA National Secretary

A grand Banquet followed at Hotel Athithi, with colorful entertainment by the very talented Interns, Post Graduates and Faculty from the Department of Anaesthesia, MGMCRI. On the 2nd day of the conference, a total of 4 Hands-On, live workshops were conducted, in which 250 delegates had the opportunity to interact and participate. The theme of the workshops followed with the theme of the conference enabling the delegates to view the subject of Anaesthesiology from the very basic cadaveric dissection, to actually managing a true life crisis situation, or compiling data for research projects and monitoring the neurological status of anaesthetized patients. Department of Anesthesiology MGMCRI conducted Workshop-A on “Simulation in crisis Management” as a part of PONCON-2016 on 8th January 2017 at Medical Simulation Center, College Block. The team Co-ordinators were Prof. Hemanth Kumar V.R., Dr. Rani P., Dr. Kusha Nag, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, and Dr. Anusha. Department of Anesthesiology in collaboration with Preventive & Social Medicine, MGMCRI conducted Workshop-B on “From Data to Decisions: Statistical Principles for Clinical Decisions”as a part of PONCON2016 on 8th January 2017 at Medical Education Unit, College Block. The team Co-ordinators were Prof. Ravishankar M., Dr. Parthasarathy S., Dr. Jaya V., Dr. Siyam Sundar E., and Dr. Vivek B.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Department of Anesthesiology and Department of Anatomy MGMCRI, conducted Workshop-C on “Understanding Sonoanatomy of human brachial plexus – cadaveric dissection to volunteer scan” as a part of PONCON-2016 on 8th January 2017 at Anatomy dissection hall, College Block. The team Co-ordinators were Prof. Sivashanmugam T., Dr. Antony John Charles S., Dr. Sripriya, Dr. Charulatha, Dr. Archana Areti, and Dr. Annie Sheeba. Department of Anesthesiology MGMC in collaboration with Department of Anesthesiology IGMC, JIPMER, NIMHANS conducted Workshop D on “Neuro-monitoring” as a part of PONCON2016 on 8th January 2017 at 3rd Floor Demonstration Room no. 3, College Block. The teams Co-coordinators were Dr. Indubala Maurya and Dr. Gayatri Mishra. Invited faculty were Dr.Prassna Bidkar JIPMER, Dr. Sriganesh NIMHANS, Dr. DK. Tripathy IGMCRI, and Dr.Pooniah Global Health city Chennai. The workshops were a major success due the cooperative efforts and guidance of faculties from the Department of Anatomy and Preventive & Social Medicine, MGMCRI and Faculties from the Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, JIPMER, and our various invited faculties from ISA Puducherry.All in all “PONCON 2016” was captivating collaborative exercise under a focused guidance for successful execution of the first of its kind workshops and Informative Evidence based Scientific lectures.

Opioids Availability Workshop Department of anesthesiology conducted a facilitatory meeting on “Opioid availability – Present Scenario in association with Pallium India, WHO Collaborating Center for training and policy on Access to pain relief at MGMCRI at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI, Hospital Block on 23.03.2017. This session was chaired by Prof. Ravishankar M. Dean (Faculty of Medicine, MGMCRI. The guest speaker was Dr.Nandini Vallath,Project Director, WHO Collaborating Center for Training and Policy on Access to Pain Relief Pallium India, Kerala. Organizing President was Prof. Sivashanmugam T. Introduction speaker was Dr. Rani P. Assoc. Prof., Department of Anaesthesiology. The program co-ordinator was Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh.

Agenda of meeting was the international scene and perspective, the problem in Indian context, the Opioid availability situation in the State, the NDPS Amendment (Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act), introduction of Standard Operating Procedures, discussion of action plan for implementation. Conclusion of the meeting was the Health Secretary promised to seek approval from the Lt. Governor within to 2 weeks to ensure that ENDs (Essential Narcotic Drugs) will not need excise dept clearance and will be under the Dept of Health (Drugs), i.e. Licensing authority will only be responsible.

▶▶ Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology CME on Adolescent Gynecology A CME on ‘Adolescent Gynecology’ was organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pilliyarkuppam, Pondicherry on 18.02.2017 in the premises of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The program was started with the welcome address by Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Head of Dept.of OG, MGMC&RI. Giving keynote address and inaugurating Prof.M.Ravishankar, Dean MGMCRI, a highlighted the various common gynecological problems faced by adolescent girls along with its magnitude and the role of gynecologists to prevent and promote adolescent health. He also emphasized to go to the community and to hold awareness session of this among the adolescent girl. Inaugural function was also attended by Prof. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent who inform the gathering that SBV is encouraging the departments to hold CME and

The participants were Mr. B. R. Babu, Health Secretary Govt. of Pondicherry, Mr. R. Coumarane, Tahsildar, Dept of Revenue, Dy Commissioner Dept of Excise, Dr. S Sevvel, CGP, DHFWS, Pondicherry, Mr. Karthikeyan, Drug Licensing authority, Mr. Dhanasekaran, Drug Inspector, Palliative Care Physicians from JIPMER, AVMC, SVMC, PIMS: Dr Adinarayan JIPMER, Pharmacy Representatives from various institutions, Mr. Rusan Pharmaceutical Company. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

conferences of national level. The messages from Prof. N Ananthkrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Science, SBV,Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV and Mr. M.K. Rajagopalan, Chairman, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Trust were also read out. On this occasion a book on ‘Adolescent Gynecology’ also was released. In the scientific session the speakers were Prof P.Pallavee and Prof.Sunita Samal from Dept. Of OG, MGMCRI, Prof. S.Bhupathy and Dr P.Sabita from Dept. of OG, IGMC& RI, Prof.K.S.Reddy, Radiation Oncologist, MGMCRI, Prof. S. Sampatkumari, Chairperson, FOGSI adolescent health committee & Professor OG, Chengalpattu Medical College, Dr. T. Ramani Devi, Consultant,Janani Fertility Center, Dr. Haritha S, Additional Professor, O&G, JIPMER and Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Dept. of Psychiatry,MGMCRI. They spoke on the various topics of adolescent health like Precocious Puberty, STD, Ovarian tumours, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Endometriosis, Primary Amenorrhea, Teen age pregnancy, Contraception and Psychosocial issues. This was followed by panel discussion on PCOS in adolescent girl moderated by Prof.S.Habeebullah Dept. of O&G,MGMCRI. This CME was attended by around 120 delegates from medical and nursing colleges of Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu. It was accredited with 10 credit points by Dr. MGR Medical University.

▶▶ Activities of Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPTC) Dr.Anup John Thomas (Asst. Prof, Paediatrics) and Ms.AnuSavioThelly of HPCT has successfully completed EPEC-Paediatrics (Education in Palliative and End of Life Care for Pediatrics), held in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu on 8th-9th February,2017. They also attended International Conference of Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPCON2017) held on 10th -12th February, 2017 in Codyssia Trade Fair, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.

painted a wall in the palliative care ward under the guidance of professional artist Ms.NishatRehman. With a goal of having a professional association for doctors working in palliative care, Dr. R Kannan has organized a meet at MGMCRI on 9th March, 2017 to form Pondicherry chapter. Doctors from MGMCRI, AVMC, JIPMER, SLIMS and Pondicherry Cancer Trust attended the same.

Dr. K S Reddy chairman of HPCT has chaired the State workshop on OPIOID Availability conducted by Dept of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 23rd March. Dr. Balasubramaniyan (SurgOnco), Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh (Anaesthesiology) and Ms.AnuSavio Thelly from HPCT also attended the workshop. Ms. AnuSavioThelly was a resource speaker for the sensitization program organized at Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Pondicherry on March 24th, 2017.

▶▶ Department of Pathology Dr Sunita Vagha, Professor of Pathology & Director, School for Health Professionals Education & Research, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, (DU),Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, Maharashtra State visited Department of Pathology on 24th March 2017. She interacted with the faculties and appreciated the facilities available in the department of pathology.

▶▶ Department of Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology Unit GCP Workshop on Clinical Trials & Bioethics

Palliative care is to enhance quality of life for patients and their families and caregivers. To enrich the ward, HPCT has conducted a creativity program under the stewardship of Dr.R.Kannan. Medical students and faculties jointly

The Program GCP Workshop on Clinical Trials & Bioethics was conducted successfully on 23rd March 2017. The organizing Chairman was Dr. C. Adithan (Professor of Pharmacology) and organizing Secretary was Dr. R. Mirunalini (Asst. Prof. of Pharmacology). It was attended by Thirty faculties including four ethics committee members. The other participants were from General Medicine(3), General Surgery(3), OB&GY (1), Orthopedics (2), Dermatology (2), Paediatrics (2), Anesthesiology (2), ENT(2), Pulmonary Medicine (3), Psychiatry (2) and Pharmacology (3). Prior to the



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Inaugural Function Pre Test was conducted for the participants.

RMMC, Prof.Authy from PIMS, Prof.Ananthakrishnan & Prof.Robinson Smile from MGMCRI.

Dr.C.Adithan, Director-CIDRF and Professor of Pharmacology welcomed the dignitaries, course faculty and the participants. In the Inaugural function, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman delivered in inaugural address. as given. Prof.N. Ananthakrishnan Dean (Research and AHS) was also present.

The Vascular session was chaired by Dr.Simon Dasiah & Dr.Ashley from IGMC, Dr.Elamaran, Prof.Palaniappan & Dr.K.V.Rajan from MGMCRI. The Abdomen session was chaired by Dr.Sudeep Kumar Swain from Apollo Hospitals, Prof.Ramanathan & Prof.Palaniappan from MGMCRI.

Dr. Sandhiya from JIPMER gave a talk on introduction on GCP which included the guidelines and the basis of workshop. She also discussed Schedule Y and about the informed consent document. Dr. C. Adithan from MGMCRI discussed about Ethics Committee responsibilities and also highlighted on the recent regulatory changes in India. Dr. Maduram from SSSMCRI gave a detailed description on protocol design and also continued in the afternoon session on essential documents, documentation and archival. Dr. R. Mirunalini from MGMCRI discussed on investigators roles and responsibilities in clinical Trials. Mrs. Nagalakshmi from Consortium finally completed the session on sponsor responsibilities. Finally an open house discussion for the participants on various aspects of clinical Trials was done with the speakers during which their queries were clarified. Post test questionnaire was given to the participants at the end.

In the Post-Lunch Session at 2pm we had a Panel Discussion on “Upper GI-Bleed” which was moderated by Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu and the panellists were Dr.Chandralathan, Maruti Hospital Cuddalore, Dr.Sudeep Kumar Swain from Apollo Hospitals, Dr.Sajeeth Manikanda Prabhu, Medical Gastroenterologist & Dr.K.V.Rajan from MGMCRI and the discussion was very informative.In the Next session at 3pm Prof.Ananthakrishnan gave many informative ideas for the exam going postgraduates on “How to answer the Examiner?”Following this session Prof.TirouAroul took us all to Virtually to the wards with interesting situations we face in ward regularly and discussed how to manage them and following this session we concluded the day with a Tea.

Valedictory address was given Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan (The Dean R&AHS) and vote of thanks by Dr. R. Mirunalini (Organizing Secretary).

▶▶ Department of General Surgery MIST 2017 The Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI organised a PG CME Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training (MIST)on 3rd & 4thMarch 2017 at the D3 Third floor Lecture hall, Hospital block from 9.00 AM to 4.00PM on 3rdand 9.00 AM to 1.00PM on 4th for postgraduates in Pondicherry and Tamilnadu. We had 50 registrants out of which 20 were from other medical colleges. On 3rd we started with an Inauguration with a welcome address delivered by our Organizing Chairman & Head of the Department, Prof.M.Ramanathan. The program was felicitated by our Dean(Administration)Prof.M.Ravishankar. The Chief Guest Address was delivered by our Vice ChancellorProf.K.R.Sethuraman followed by Vote of Thanks which was delivered by our Organizing Secretary Dr.R.Durai. On 3rd the Post Graduates were divided into 3 groups and rotated in three halls hourlyto discuss on Breast, Vascular Diseases and Abdominal mass from 10.00Am to 1.00Pm. In each group one postgraduate presented the case to the chairpersons. The Breast session was chaired by Prof.C.S.Subbramanian & Prof.Ramesh from

On 4th we had three sessions for discussion thyroid, Head & Neck Secondaries and Skin tumours from 9 am to 12.30 Pm. We had a few postgraduates from ENT and OFMS as well. The first session on Thyroid was chaired by Prof.Ananthakrishnan, Prof.P.Karthikeyan from MGMCRI, and Prof.Naresh from SVMCH, Pondicherry. In the Second Session on Oral Malignancy, a case of carcinoma buccal mucosa was discussed and chaired by Prof.A.Bala Subramanian, Prof.Robinson Smile and Prof.Tirou Aroul from MGMCRI and then we broke up for tea. In the third session on Skin tumours, a case of Squamous cell carcinoma of the glueteal region was discussed and it was chaired by Prof.Ramanathan, Prof.Balasubramanian and Dr.Alok Mohanthy from MGMCRI and the programme was concluded with a Lunch.

▶▶ Department of General Medicine CME on “Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease” CME on “Non Alcoholic fatty liver disease” a lecture was given by Dr. Sajeeth Manikanda Prabhu, Medical Gastroenterologist, MGMCRI on 11.03.2017 at MGMCRI organized by the department of General Medicine

CME on ‘Approach to Urinary tract infection’ CME on “Approach to Urinary tract infection” a lecture was given by Dr.Hemachander, Nephrologist, MGMCRI on 25.03.2017 at MGMCRI organized by the department of General Medicine

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Academic Initiatives

▶▶ Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery

topics were covered Introduction to quality control and calculations, Levey Jennings charts, Westgard rules and interpretation, Selection of quality control product.


Department of Physiology

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery organized a CME on “Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop” on February 17th2017. The guest operating faculty was Dr. P. Thulasi Das, Director, Sinus and Nose Hospital, Chennai, who is a leading authority on Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. The programme was organized under the leadership of Organizing President, Prof. Dr. P. Karthikeyan and Organizing Secretary, Prof. Dr. V. Nirmal Coumare. The workshop was attended by 110 delegates consisting of eminent ENT surgeons from Pondicherry and Cuddalore and residents of various medical colleges. It was an excellent learning experience for all the delegates.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine Department of Pulmonary medicine organized a CME on “RNTCP Technical & Operative Guidelines – 2016; The way forward” in MGMC & RI, D2 lecture hall on 19.4.2017. Dr.Govindharajan, State TB Officer, Puducherry, delivered the talk. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, introduced the speaker. Faculty and students from MGMC&RI and other constituent colleges of SBV attended the CME.

Department of Physiology in collaboration with CYTER conducted one day National Seminar-cumWorkshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” on 23 June, 2017. The event was inaugurated by Ammaji Kalaimamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani in the presence of Prof KR Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Prof M Ravishankar, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Dr Uma.AN, Vice Principal, Allied Health Sciences. Organising Chairman Dr K Jaiganesh, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, welcomed the gathering while Organising Secretary Dr Ananda proposed vote of thanks. The conference got an over whelming response with participants from all over the country. Padmashree Dr KK Aggarwal, President, Indian Medical Association, New Delhi, delivered keynote address through video conferencing. Invited lectures were delivered on “yogic lifestyle” by Yogacharya Aravinda Koithyar of Shreyas Centre in Bangalore and the “power of chanting as yoga therapy” by Yogacharini Smt Menaka Desikachar of the KHYF, Chennai in the forenoon session. Poster session was conducted during the lunch hour on the same topic. In the post lunch session panel discussion was held with Prof K A Narayan of Community Medicine, Prof Amirtha Ganesh of Cardiology, Prof Madanmohan Trakroo of Physiology and CYTER, Prof R Pajanivel of Pulmonology, Prof K Renuka of Nursing and Yogachemmal Dr Meena Ramanathan of CYTER as the experts. Dr Ananda moderated the panel discussion. In conclusion, practical aspects of the workshop were given by the CYTER team along with an invited presentation by Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani of ICYER at Ananda Ashram. The day long day National Seminar-cum-Workshop ended with valedictory session.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted a Webinar on 06.06.2017 titled “Allergic Rhinitis & Bronchial asthma – United Airway Disease by Dr.Raja Dhar, Consultant – Fortis Hospital Anandapur, Kolkata” in the Department Seminar hall. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Dr.Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor and Post Graduates participated in the programme. It was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals.

The Department of General Surgery

Department of Biochemistry

Basic Surgical Skill Workshop

Department of Biochemistry organized in-house training for central laboratory technicians to celebrate Laboratory week on the topic “Quality control” on 27.04.2017. The total numbers of participants were 15. The following

The Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI along with Ethicon Surgicals Ltd organised a Basic Surgical Skill Workshop for the postgraduates on 28th June 2017 at the D2 Lecture hall, Hospital Block from 9.00



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Care of terminally ill patients with cancer. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh Asso Prof, Dept. of Anesthesiology, took a session on Practical Prescriptions and Mrs. Anu Savio Thelly took a sessions on Wound Management and Lymphedema Care. .

Department of Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacology Unit

AM to 4.00 PM. The Workshop was conducted by Prof.Dr.C.Subbramaniam from Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital, Annamalai University. The Skills list are as follows: Basic Surgical Instruments – BP handle Assembly and Usage of Instruments, Basic Suturing Techniques like Simple Sutures, Mattress Sutures, Subcuticular Sutures, Interrupted Sutures, and Continuous Sutures and lastly Abdomen Exposures like Abdominal Incisions and Abdominal Wall Closure. At the Post lunch Session Resection & Anastomosis with Animal Intestines was performed by all the participants followed by Vascular Anastamosis.

Activities of Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPTC) Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Dr. Anup John Thomas and Mrs.Anu Savio Thelly of HPCT Team met Chief Minister of Pondicherry on July 3rd to discuss regarding implementation strategies of NDPS Amendment for Union Territory of Pondicherry. HPCT along with Department of Surgery in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC), have conducted first Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care on 24th and 25th June 2017. MGMCRI is the only medical college recognized by IAPC in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu to conduct the Certificate Course. Dr R Kannan (Asso Prof, Dept. of Surgery) was the organizing Sec. for the course. There were 37 participants altogether consisting of 32 from MGMCRI 3 doctors from JIPMER and one doctor from Chennai Pain and Palliative Care for the course. Faculty from our institute Dr. Eswaran S, Dr. R Kannan, Dr. Sameera M, Dr. Shiva Ranganathan Green, Dr. Anup John Thomas of HPCT have also participated in the IAPC course. The course was inaugurated by Vice Chancellor Dr.KR Sethuraman. Dr. M Ravishankar (Dean), Prof Emr.Dr. Robinson Smile, Dr. Ramanathan HOD (General Surgery) and Dr. K.S.Reddy felicitated the gathering. Two guest faculty Dr. Mallika Thiruvadanan (Chennai) and Dr. Vidya R (Vishakapatnam) who were nominated by IAPC conducted the two day course through lectures, interactive sessions and role plays. Dr KS Reddy Chairman, (HPCT) took a session on the Role of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Palliative

The Program Workshop on Literature search & reference management was conducted successfully from 19th – 21st April 2017. The Organizing Chairman was Dr. C. Adithan Professor of Pharmacology and Organizing Secretary was Dr. R. Mirunalini Asst. Prof. of Pharmacology. It was attended by Forty seven in house faculties. The program was mainly focused to improve research activities among clinicians and researchers. The workshop was conducted for three consecutive days in two sessions (12.00 – 100 PM & 2.00 – 3.00 PM) so that the participants could benefit. There were total of forty seven participants with 22 in forenoon session and 25 participants in afternoon session. Workshop was conducted in digital library second floor in Central library, MGMCRI so that each participant had access to system and internet facility. Dr Ravindra, (MD& DM Clinical Pharmacology) working as Senior project manager for south India division of Abbott India limited was the resource person for the workshop. Dr.C.Adithan, Director-CIDRF and Professor of Pharmacology welcomed Dr Ravindra and the participants.First day session was on literature search in which Dr Ravindra elaborated on different sources for literature search and mainly concentrated on pubmed search followed by hands on search by participants in the individual system with examples. Second day session was on introduction to Zotero software and its applications. All participants were taught how to download and install the software in their system and given as exercise.Third day was hands on training on zotero software for participants in their own laptops. They were asked to use the application using their own research and all their doubts were clarified individually at each step by Dr Ravindra. After each session Dr Ananthakrishnan N gave valedictory address and distributed certificates for the participants. Participants gave positive feedback on the workshop. Finally Dr Ravindra thanked the management and the organizers for their support. IAEC Renewal/Reconstitution of IAEC, Member Selection from the Institution and updating their CV was done on 30th April 2017, in Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI Approval of IAEC ends by 20th August, 2017).

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Academic Initiatives

IAEC meeting held on 10th June 2017, and 6 protocols were approved with minor corrections, in Seminar Room, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI. On 16th June 2017, our IAEC was successfully registered online in the CPCSEA website.

very useful for the residents who come across trauma patients in day to day practice. The feedback regarding the CME was overwhelming positive.

Department of General Medicine

Workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software”

A CME programme was conducted on 19.05.2017 at 12.00 noon at the F1 Seminar hall. Dr. Karthik. MD., D.M Endocrinology, gave a talk on “Approach to a patient with abnormal Serum TSH level “. All the faculty and the post graduates of the department attended the programme.

Department of Ophthalmology CME on “An Update on Ocular Trauma – 2017” The Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI conducted a CME “An Update on Ocular Trauma” on April 9th 2017. The programme started with the prayer song, followed by inauguration with the lamp lighting ceremony by the chief guest of honor respected Vice Chancellor Prof. K.R Sethuraman, who also spoke about the importance of ocular trauma and the holistic approach to a patient. After which, Prof. Dr.K.Srikanth, Head of the Department, Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI welcomed the delegates and gave a brief insight of the programme. The entire event had an excellent turnout with registrations nearing 100 delegates from various institutions. The first academic session was chaired by Dr.K.Srikanth and Dr.Thanikachalam, the second session was chaired by Dr. Subashini M and Dr.Subashini Kaliyaperumal. Each session had renowned speakers from various institutions like Aravind Eye Hospital, JIPMER, Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and our own institution, speaking of the presentations of ocular trauma to its management. Following lunch, Dr.Jaya Gayathri from AEH, Puducherry conducted a Video Assisted Surgical Techniques which was very informative.

There was an interactive quiz session for the residents which were conducted by Dr.K.N.Jha and Dr.N.Swathi, which was won by Dr. Anahita and Dr.Harika of JIPMER. The CME was a grand success and it was

Department of Community Medicine

Department of Community Medicine in Collaboration with International Union against Tuberculosis and lung disease has conducted an hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry. Around 25 people from various departments in the institution participated and got trained. These 29 participants were from various departments of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. There were a total of 6 facilitators who have been involved as facilitators in EpiData training workshops conducted by The Union in the past.

Department of Pediatrics CME on Office Pediatrics The CME organized by the department of Pediatrics was held successfully on the 30th of April, 2017. It was held in the ground floor lecture hall of the College block. The theme of the CME was “Office Pediatrics”. The CME was inaugurated by Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Medical superintendent, MGMCRI in the presence of office bearers of the IAP Dr. Vaithilingam and Dr. Sarah Zeline Paul and the organizing chairman, Dr. Soundararajan. P, Professor and HOD of Pediatrics, MGMCRI. A booklet was released as a part of the event. The CME was partly supported by the SBV university funds.

The total number of registrations was nearly 125. Twenty faculty speakers and moderators were invited for the CME. The topics covered during the CME were – under 5 wheezer, persistent diarrhea, vaccinology, office emergencies, rational antibiotic use in office practice, interpretation of CBC, recognition of Autism, epilepsy basics, common pediatric skin problems and difficult to treat nephrotic syndrome. The CME was well



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

appreciated by all delegates. A free poster session was organized as a part of the event. A total of 13 posters were put up for display of which 9 were by the department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI. The posters were judged by Dr. Sriram Krishnamurthy and Dr. S. Srinivasan. Dr. Ajay Prakash and Dr. Sumathi were awarded the first and second places for the best posters respectively. The following is the list of the faculty speakers and moderators who were invited for the event, namely Dr. Venkatesh. C, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Barath. J, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Sasidharan, Dr. Mehta’s Children’s hospital, Chennai, Dr. Palaniraman. R,Tindivanam, Dr. Malathi. M, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Sriram. K, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Narayanan. PJIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Victor Jerome, Tamil Nadu, Dr. Preethi Kandasamy, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Pradeep Nair, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Adhisivam. B, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Gunasekaran. D,MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Soundararajan. P, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Namachivayam. V, Cuddalore, Dr. Ambujam, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Hemachandar. R, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Srinivasan. S, Puducherry, Dr. Eashwaran, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Arulkumaran, SMVMCH, Puducherry and Dr. Ramesh. S, RMMCH, Chidambaram.

address. The Lifetime achievement awardees – Dr.Udhayaraj and Dr.Sivarman were honoured by the Vice Chancellor. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Prof.M.Ravi Shankar along with Organising Chairperson Dr.K.SurendraMenon, Dr.P.K.Thomas, President, Association of Pulmonologists of Tamil Nadu (APT) &Organising Secretary Dr.R.Pajanivel felicitated the family of late Prof.V.K.Padmanaban, eminent Pulmonologist from Puducherry on whose name the TAPPCON 2017 Oration- “Is Lung Transplantation in India a reality ?” was delivered by Prof.RMPLRamanathan, Professor & HOD, PSG IMS&R, Coimbatore. Prof.R.Pajanivel delivered the vote of thanks. Scientific session started with Clinical Grand Rounds (2 sessions) by Dr.R.Sridhar, Professor of Pulmonology, Stanley Medical College & Institute of Thoracic Medicine, Tambaram and Dr.T.Dhanasekar, Professor of Pulmonology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Paper presentations – Free paper & Award paper and Poster presentations were conducted on both the days with active participation from Post Graduates. Day 2 started with a panel discussion on Interstitital

▶▶ Department of Pulmonary Medicine Lung Disease (ILD), moderated by Prof.P.K.Thomas, TAPPCON 2017 Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted 3rdTamilnadu and Pondicherry State conference on pulmonary diseases (TAPPCON 2017) in MGMC & RI on 02.09.2017& 03.09.2017under the aegis of Association of Pulmonologists of Puducherry (APP) at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (MGMC & RI), Puducherry. Dr.K.SurendraMenon, Professor &HoD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was the Organising Chairperson and Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor; Department of Pulmonary Medicine was the Organizing Secretary. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV participated in the inauguration as Chief Guest. Prof.M.Ravi Shankar, Dean – Faculty of Medicine felicitated the inauguration event. Prof.K.SurendraMenon welcomed the gathering. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman released the conference souvenir. Prof.K.SurendraMenon delivered the Presidential

President, APT. Two eminent Pulmonologists, a Radiologist and a Pathologist participated in the discussion on various aspects of clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of ILD. The sessions closed with a PG quiz participated by more than 20 teams in preliminary round and the best 5 teams fought in the finals for the top spot. Team from JIPMER won the accolades. Post Graduate from Stanley Medical College won the Best paper award and a Post Graduate from Madras Medical College won the first place in Best Poster Category. The 2 day conference was attended by more than 150 delegates from Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. The conference was accredited with 3 CME credit points (Category III) by Tamil Nadu Medical Council. PSG IMS & R, Coimbatore, was selected as the venue for TAPPCON 2018.

▶▶ Activities of Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPTC) First batch IAPC Essentials of Palliative Care exam was conducted at D2 Lecture Hall on 29th August. Dr.Adinarayanan, Asso Prof, Dept of Anesthesiology, JIPMER was the IAPC Examiner. On 9 th September 2017, Dr.Dewan Roshan Singh and Mrs.AnuSavioThelly along with representatives of Pondicherry Opioid Committee met Lt.GovernorKiranBedi at Raj Bhavan to discuss regarding improving availability of opioids for pain management.

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Academic Initiatives

MrsAnuSavioThelly got selected to participate in ECHO (Extension of Community Health Outcome) online webinar and presented a report on status of NDPS amendment in Pondicherry on 20th September 2017 A team of energetic medical students have painted the walls of palliative care ward under the guidance of Dr. SatvinderBakshi (Dept of ENT) during the last week of September, 2017.

▶▶ TG Clinic at Department of Dermatology Transgender clinic functions on Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 12 pm every week. During the month of July-September 19 new cases were registered and 42 transgenders had come for follow up visits.On every visit, the transgenders are screened for various sexually transmitted infections and treated for dermatological diseases. Routine screening tests HIV,HbsAg, complete blood count and other relevant investigations are done. ICTC helps in counselling and assessment of their knowledge about STD/HIV and provides awareness about modes of transmission of STD/HIV and safe sex practices. Condoms are issued free of cost. Department of DVL offers laser hair removal treatment for all transgenders seeking treatment for cosmetic concerns.

▶▶ Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society – Southern Region(SRIPSCON) - 2017 The Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Southern Region – 2017 was organized by the Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 3rd to 5th July 2017 and was an amazing success.The theme of the conference was “Systems Pharmacology & P4 Medicine”.Dr. C. Adithan, Director – CIDRF and Professor in Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Puducherry was the Organizing Chairman and Dr. Manimekalai. K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Puducherry was the Organizing Secretary for the conference.

Day 1 – Conference: More than 350 pharmacologist from all over the country attended the conference.The Inaugural Function was attended by eminent speakers and delegates in the field of Pharmacology. Dr. Michael Spedding, Secretary General IUPHAR,France (International Union of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology),was the chief guest. Dr. G.N.Singh (DCGI) was the chief guest in absentia. Dr. Y.K.Gupta, Prof & HOD, Dept.of Pharmacology, AIIMS, was the guest of honour. Many renowned international speakers from USA, France, Netherlands, Malaysia and over 50 eminent speakers from all over India delivered the lectures. The conference included six symposiums on emerging thrust areas of pharmacology namely Pharmacovigilance, Systems Pharmacology, P4 Medicine, Personalized Medicine, Indigenous Medicine, AYUSH and Antimicrobial Resistance. The conference had two special lectures by Dr. M. Spedding, Secretary General IUPHAR, France. One on IUPHAR Guide to Pharmacology, and the other on ‘Mitochondrial pharmacology in sport, disease and neurodegeneration’ The symposiums were conducted in 2 different halls. One had a symposium on Pharmacovigilance Programme of India: Transforming knowledge into regulatory action. Data collation and scientific analysis in PvPI to meet the requirements of National Regulatory Authority was spoken by Dr.V.Kalaiselvan, IPC, Ghaziabad. Dr.Manavalan, CDSCO, New Delhi delivered his talk on CDSCO experiences in utilizing PvPI data for regulatory decisions. Dr.Manivannan, DDC, CDSCO, Chennai spoke on Role of state regulators and CDSCO zonal offices in ensuring/implementing Pharmacovigilance standards.

Three workshops on Molecular Biology, Good Clinical Practice and Scientific Writing were conducted. These interactive sessions allowed delegates to broaden their interest and knowledge in different aspects of Pharmacology. The other symposium was on Systems Pharmacology and P4 Medicine. Dr.Bikash Medhi, Editor – IJP and Professor of Pharmacology, PGIMER, Chandigarh delivered the talk on Systems Pharmacology. Dr. Helmut B, The Netherlands delivered his lecture on P4 Medicine and Public Health Leadership. Dr.Satyamoorthy, Director, School of Life Sciences, Manipal delivered his talk on “Integration of Pharmacogenomics in the practice of P4 Medicine” SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

The next symposium was on Personalized Medicine. Dr.Angela Brand,The Netherlands: spoke on “Implementing Pesonalised Medicine – what are the challenges?”. Dr. Srinivas Kumar, Missouri, USA delivered his lecture on “Genome-Edited iPS Cells for Personalized Medicine: Are We There Yet?”. Dr.N.Vijayalakshmi, Professor of Microbiology, Quest International University Perak, Malaysia gave her talk on Infectious Diseases and Personalized Medicine: Scope and Challenges The fourth symposium was on Antimicrobial resistance. Dr. S.P. Pani, Deputy Dean, Quest International University Perak, Malaysia gave his talk on Microbiome and Drug Resistance: Challenges and Opportunities. Dr.N.R.Biswas, Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna delivered his talk on the Role of Pharmacologist in Hospital acquired infection. Dr. Mohammed Hanifah, Professor of Medicine, MGMCRI. spoke on Clinicians perspectives on Antimicrobial resistance. Following these symposiums, the CDRI oration was given by Dr.Mira Desai, Prof & Head, Dept. of Pharmacology, B.J.Medical College, Ahmedabad who delivered her talk on Achievements And Challenges in Integrating Pharmacovigilance into Public Health Programmes. There were four guest lectures delivered by eminent speakers. Dr.Y.K.Gupta, Former President IPS, Dept. of Pharmacology, AIIMS, New Delhi delivered his lecture on Indian Herbal Medicine for Neurodegenerative disorders. Dr.Dinesh Kumar, President – Indian Pharmacological Society, NIN, Hyderabad talked about application of Reverse Pharmacology in assessing the therapeutic potential of Traditional formulations. Dr.N.Kshirsagar, National Chair Clinical Pharmacology, NIRRH, Mumbai addressed the scopes and perspectives of Clinical Pharmacology in India. Dr.K.Satyanarayana, Former Scientist G and Co-ordinator of the Department of Health Research, New Delhi talked about Introduction to intellectual property rights in health”

Day 2 – Conference Dr.Gitanjali Batmanabane, Director, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar delivered the Dr. Lalitha Kameswaran Oration on Ethical Issues in Human Research Studies in India. There were 2 guest lectures – by Dr.R.K.Goyal, ViceChancellor, DPSRU, Delhi on Current trends in new drug discovery and development and Dr. A. Sankaranarayanan, President, Vivo Bio-Tech Ltd, Hyderabad delivered his talk on The PDX Models in Oncology Drug Discovery. There was a symposium on Drugs from Natural Sources. Dr. Aman Shah B. Abdul Majid, HOD – Pharmacology, Quest International University Perak, Malaysia delivered his talk on Natural Products Based Drug Development: A Malaysian Perspective. Dr.R.Raveendran, Prof. and

Head, Dept. of Pharmacology, JIPMER, Pondicherry spoke on Potential therapeutic uses of Cleistanthus collinus – a poisonous plant. Dr.V.Gopal, Principal, College of Pharmacy, Puducherry gave his lecture on the problems faced in carrying out research on herbal drugs and their solutions.

There was also a symposium on AYUSH. Dr.AB Bhavanani, Director, CYTER, MGMCRI, Puduchery talked about Yoga therapy for life style diseases. Dr.Rajendira Kumar, Siddha Regional Siddha Research Center, CCRS,Puducherry gave a Glimpses of Siddha System of Medicine and its potential. Dr. S. Parasuraman, from Malaysia talked about Ayurvedic concept in Polyherbal formulation. Dr.M.Prakash Rao, Research Officer (Retd), Clinical Research Unit For Homoeopathy, Pondicherry talked about Promising Leads in Homeopathic Medicines There were three lecture series - Dr.P.V.Diwan, Research Director, Central Research Laboratory,Belgaum delivered the talk on Wonders and worries of nanomedicine in health care. Dr. Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Dept Biotechnology, Pondicherry Universityspoke on Drugs from Marine sources. Dr.D.G.Shewade, Professor of Pharmacology, JIPMER, Pondicherry spoke on Challenges in implementation of rational drug therapy in a tertiary care hospital. There was a panel discussion on Postgraduate Pharmacology Curriculum, headed by Prof. Raveendran, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Pharmacology, JIPMER and was participated by Dr. Sankaranarayanan, Dr. Sameer Malhotra and Dr. Geetanjali. Around 70 delegates presented their research projects in 8 free oral paper sessions. 91 delegates displayed their research posters. 17 delegates competed for Manjeeth Singh Prize Session, Achari Prize and UK Seth prize session. The conference ended with the valedictory function by Dr. Parija, Dr. Sangeetha Rajbanshi from Babaria Institute of Pharmacy, Vadodara, India bagged the Achari Prize. Dr. T. Ramasamy from Madras Vertinary College (TANUVAS) was awarded the Manjeeth Singh Prize for Molecular Pharmacology.UK Seth Prize Session was awarded to Dr. Vigneswaran, Dept. of Clinical Pharmacology, JIPMER. Dr. Praveen, got the dandiya prize for the best poster. Young Scientist TA was awarded for the Oral Prize session participants and Certificates for all the Participants were issued on 28.07.2017. On the same day GCP and SW workshop Booklets were released and sent to the Funding agencies – MCI, DBT, DST, NAMS and ICMR.

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Academic Initiatives

▶▶ Department of Radiology

the Department of Microbiology, and in collaboration withDr. Benet BoscoDhas and Dr. PoojaPrateesh, CIDRF, Department of Radiology, MGMCRI, conducted a has received Accession Numbers from National Center CME “BILIVE – CME on HepatoBiliary Interventions” for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)GenBank, USA on September 9, 2017. for their Molecular work on Q fever and Scrub typhus. Pradeep J and Stephen S had received Gene Accession Prof Dr. B.R Nagaraj Head of the Department, Numbers for 22 sequences of Coxiellaburnetii - GenBank department of Radiology had delivered the welcome Accession Numbers: MG548608-MG548629. Anitharaj address at the Inauguration of CME. All the honorable V and Stephen S had received Gene Accession Numbers dignitaries on the dias lighted the kuthuvilaku at the for 95 sequences of Orientiatsutsugamushi - GenBank inauguration of CME. Accession Numbers: MG601875-MG601969.

▶▶ Department of Pharmacology. IAEC - Institutional Animal Ethical Committee

Prof. Dr. Nirmalcoumare, medical superintendent, MGMCRI & Prof. Dr. C. Amarnath, Secretary General, IRIA Central, addressed the gathering on the inauguration of CME. The chief guest, Prof. Dr. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI addressed the crowd during the inaugural ceremony.Dr. Lokesh Kumar, Assistant professor, Department of Radiology, MGMCRI, giving the vote of thanks during the inauguration ceremony. Dr. K. Udhaya Kumar, interventional Radiologist, MGMCRI was one of the honorable speaker at the CME.

▶▶ Department of ENT The department of ENT along with AOI Pondicherry conducted a guest lecture in Hotel Accord, Pondicherry on 19.09.2017. Dr VinidhPaleri MS, FRCS, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon, The Royal Marsden Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom gave a talk on Overview of Robotics in Head and Neck surgery.

▶▶ CMEs by the Department Of General Medicine 20.07.2017- Optimal medical treatment in Congestive Heart failure, by Dr. Amirthaganesh. MD.DM, Professor of Cardiology, MGMCRI and on 12.09.2017Appropriate use of Sartans in hypertension management by Dr. Arun Prasad, MD.DM, Professor of Cardiology, MGMCRI.

▶▶ epartment of Microbiology Receipt of GenBank Accession Numbers for Scrub typhus and Q fever Prof. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology along with his two Ph. D Students from

IAEC - Institutional Animal Ethical Committee meeting was held on 2.11.2017 for the replacement of a member in the IAEC at the Department of Pharmacology. The meeting was hosted by the CPCSEA Nominee and the IAEC Chairman Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI. The reconstruction of the Animal House facilities as suggested by the CPCSEA Nominee was done from 10.11.2017. Board Meeting for B.Sc. Clinical Research Course was conducted on 23.11.2017at the Department of Pharmacology. The external member was Prof. Dr.Darling Chellathai and the internal members were Dr.Manimekalai.K, Dr. Adithan.C, Dr. Padmavathi.S, Dr. Sudar Codi.R, Dr. Johan Pandian J, Dr. Mirunalini.R. The MCI Funds requested for the SRIPSCON 2017, by the Department of Pharmacology was granted and credited by the Medical Council of India, in October 2017. Dr. Sabari Anandh J, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology, who applied for doing Ph.D in SBV University, his proposal was accepted and permitted to start his Ph.D in November 2017.

▶▶ Department of Orthopaedic Surgery MORE 2017 (MGMCRI ORTHOPAEDIC REVISION EDUCATION) on 10th & 11th November 2017 The 3rd Post Graduates teaching programme in the Institute and in the State of Pondicherry was conducted on 10th& 11th November 2017. Presence of eminent faculties from various Institutes was hallmark for this program. A total of 18 were external and 4 were internal faculties. It had four sessions of Clinical case discussions and didactic lectures on approach to various case scenarios. This programme has been planned to be



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Professor, SRMMC, Porur Chennai elaborated on several facets of quality Management, as applied to diagnostic laboratory. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean-Faculty, MGMCRI, SBV. There are nearly 13 participants were participated in this workshop those are faculty and technical persons form various institute across the states from Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

▶▶ Department of Ophthalmology organized annually for the benefit of exam going Post Graduates.

Eye & body donation motivators We, on behalf of the department of Ophthalmology,

▶▶ Department of Pulmonary Medicine held a ceremony on Saturday, 28th October 2017, International Congress of the Pulmonologists Society of Indian Ocean (SPOI) 2017 Department of Pulmonary Medicine, as part of Association of Pulmonologists of Puducherry (APP), under the aegis of Indian Chest Society (ICS) organized “International Congress of The Pulmonologists Society of Indian Ocean (SPOI)” held at Le Pondy resort, Pondicherry between 30.11.2017 & 03.12.2017. Dr.K. Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine welcomed the International Delegates to the Congress. A brief history of the French colonial past was highlighted by Dr.B.Pigearias from NICE, France. Prof.K. Surendra Menon gave a talk on “Prevalence of respiratory diseases in India”. Four sessions were conducted on Day 2 covering Tropical Lung Diseases, Tuberculosis, Biomass exposure and Air pollution. Topics related to Airway and sleep disorders along with interesting case reports were presented on Day 3. Dr.E.Elamaran, Thoracic Surgeon, MGMCRI presented Case series on Interesting presentations of Empyema thoracis. Workshops on Interventional Pulmonology, Asthma and Lung Cancer were conducted on the last day. Professor K.Surendra Menon delivered the vote of thanks. Prof.N.C.Paratian & Dr.Lalloo, President, South African Chest Society welcomed the Indian Delegates to the next Congress to be held in Durban, South Africa.

▶▶ Department of Biochemistry Workshop on Quality Management System and Internal Audit - ISO 15189-2012 The Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI organized a Workshop a quality management system (QMS) and internal audit in medical laboratories as per ISO 151892012 and in association with HELP 360 from 20th to 23rd December 2017. Eminent resource person including Prof. M. K. Lalitha, Former Head, Department of Microbiology CMC Vellore and former Prof. Sowmiya,

to felicitate and honour such eye and body donation motivators for their noble thoughts and gestures. The event was held in the College block, within the hospitals premises and was attended by honourable dignitaries including Prof.Dr.M.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI and Prof.Dr.V.NirmalCoumare, Medical Superintendent, MGMCRI. The entire ceremony was presided over by our honourable Chief Guest, PMJF. Ln. Ponnuram Paramaguru, District Governor of Lions club-324 A3, who also addressed the gathering. The function was attended by 200 members of the Lions club from various blocks involving Cuddalore, Villupuram, Nagapattinam and Puducherry.

▶▶ Activities of Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPTC) MOU with Pallium India On October 14th, 2017, Sri BalajiVidyapeeth (SBV), Puducherry, inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Pallium India thereby starting the process of incorporating and integrating the Principles and Practices of Palliative Care into the Medical, Dental and Nursing Curriculum of SBV.Dr. K.S. Reddy and Dr. Prabhakaran signed the agreement on behalf of SBV and Pallium India respectively.

CCEPC: The Department of Surgery along with the HPCT of MGMC&RI in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC), conducted the Second Session of Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care (CCEPC) from 17th to 19thth November, 2017. There were a total of 31 participants with 5 participants from JIPMER and one doctor each from Rajiv Gandhi General Hospital, Pondicherry, State Service and Sivakasi, 2 doctors from Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Pondicherry and 3 dentists from IGIDS, Pondicherry. The course was inaugurated by Dr. M. Ravi Shankar, Dean, MGMC & RI. Prof Emr.Dr. Robinson Smile, Dr. Ramanathan (HOD General Surgery) and Dr. K.S.Reddy felicitated the event.

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Academic Initiatives

Dr. MallikaThiruvadanan (Chennai), Dr. Ilangovan (Chennai) and Dr. Adinarayanan ( JIPMER), were nominated by IAPC to conduct the three day course through lectures, interactive sessions and role plays. Dr. Srikanth and Mrs. LathaSrikanth from Sri Venkateswara Medical College were the other external faculties. Dr. K.S. Reddy (Chairman, HPCT) took a session on the Role of steroids in Palliative Care; Dr. Amritha Ganesh (Cardiology) took a session on spirituality while Ms. AnuSavioThelly took a session on Wound Management.

Department of Anaesthesiology conducted acute pain service training for staff nurses at Medical Simulation Center on 11.10.17 and 12.10.17. Department of Anaesthesiology conducted acute pain service training for staff nurses at Medical Simulation Center on 06.12.17 and 07.12.17.

▶▶ Department of General Surgery IAPC workshop was conducted by Dept.Of General surgery in November 17, 18 2017. MIST 2017,was conducted by Dept.Of General surgery in November 23, 24, 2017. Skill Based training (Endoscopy) was conducted by

Resource Speaker Ms.AnuSavioThelly was the resource speaker for the session ‘Caring Alzheimer’s Disease’ at NLC India CNE’s program on 29th November, 2017 at Neyveli. Ms.AnuSavioThelly was also a resource speaker for ‘Orientation towards Palliative Dentistry’ for Future Dental Professionals Program in IGIDS, Pondicherry on November 30th, 2017.

Dept.Of General surgery in association with Association Of Surgeon on December 22, 2017.


Dr. K.S. Reddy, Dr. Eswaran ( Psychiatry), Dr. Amritha Ganesh, and Dr. R. Kannan of the HPCT also conducted a session during the systematic training program for current batch of interns of MGMC & RI on December 7th and December 21st, 2017 on Introduction to Palliative Care.

During the first quarterly of 2017, the Scientific and Academic Forum & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted SBV Research week for the UGs, PGs and faculty poster and paper presentation that was intra and inter collegiate, two internal meetings, three external meetings, the intra and inter collegiate Quiz competition called MEDMASTERS 2017 and the Internal Oration 2017.

▶▶ Department of Anaesthesiology


Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI in collaboration with Scientific Academic Forum in commemorating World Anaesthesia Day on 13.10.2017. The guest talk is “Emerging Pharmocological & NonPharmacological aspects of pain management by Dr. Muralildhar Joshi, MD, DNB.

Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated Research Week 2016 which was held from 02.01.2017 to 06.01.2017 under the wings of the Prof.Ananthakrishnan.N, Dean, Research and AHS and the office of the Registry. It was coordinated by the Scientific and Academic Fora of SBV University to create a scientific temper among the students and faculty of Medical, Dental and Nursing fraternity. SAF, MGMCRI team took the lead in the conduction of the event.

Systematic Training Program

SAF INTERNAL MEET - I QUARTER SAF Monthly meet on 3rd February, 2017 started with the Mediquiz, followed by the Capsule talk on the topic “Less Attended Complication of a Common Drug in Practice” by Dr.B.Sajeeth Manikanda Prabu, SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

M.B.B.S., DNB(Gen Med), DM(Med Gastro), Assistant Professor and In-charge, Department of Medical Gastroenterology. This was followed by three case report presentation by Dr Vimal Raj R, Asst. Prof., Department of Pulmonary Medicine on the topic, ‘A reversible cause of lung collapse’, Minimally invasive therapeutic strategy for Budd Chiari Syndrome by Dr. Navya Sindhu. V, Postgraduate, Dept of Radiology and SSSS Vs TEN, a diagnostic challenge by Dr. G. Sriteja, Postgraduate, Department of DVL. The session ended with lucky dip and answers to the quiz. SAF Monthly meet on 9th March, 2017 started with the Mediquiz, followed by the paper presentation on ‘Recurrent massive hemoptysis in a PTB defaultermanagement of unusual cause of bleed’ by Dr. Haripriya.T, Post Graduate, Department of Radiology and ‘‘Sulfonylureas & Sulfa Allergy: Fact or Fiction?’ by Dr.Sujay, Post Graduate, General Medicine.

MEDMASTERS 2017 SAF & Students Council of MGMCRI conducted the Annual Intra & Intercollegiate Quiz Competition (MEDMASTERS 2017) on the 22nd and on 28th March 2017. Dr.Sukanto Sarkar was the Quiz master and Dr.A.Suguna and Dr.A.Surekha helped in the able conduction of the event. The details of the same were as follows: It was open to UGs with either one Intern/ PGs or a team with all UGs. On 22nd March – Intracollegiate Quiz competition was held. Preliminary round was opened to teams of three each and was held from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Ground floor lecture hall in the College block. Minimum of 5 teams and maximum of 10 teams depending upon the number of entries were selected from MGMCRI to participate in Intercollegiate Competition. On 28th March – Intercollegiate Quiz competition was held. A Prelims was held where any number of entries were accepted to participate from each college in Pondicherry (Written round) between 10.30 am to 11.30 am at Third floor, lecture hall 6 in the College block. The Final Round consisting of maximum of 5 teams was selected from the Prelims for the Finals and they contested for the SAF MedMasters Rolling Trophy with the JIPMER team 1 winning the First prize = Trophy + `15, 000 Cash + Certificate, JIPMER team 2 winning the second prize = Trophy + `9,000. Cash+ Certificate & mgmcri students winning the Third prize = Trophy + `6,000.Cash + Certificate. Questions were a mix of Medical and General Knowledge in 7- 8 exciting rounds. Prizes were distributed during the grand finale of SPECTRA 2017.

Department of Psychiatry along with Scientific Academic Forum, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute organized a Guest Lecture titled “Childhood mood and developmental disorders: Diagnosis and treatment” by Dr. Jagan Chilakamarri, MD, DFAPA (Consultant Child Psychiatrist, Atlanta Psychiatric Institute, Georgia, USA) on 17.02.2017. Guest lecture on ““Glaucoma-Silent Thief of Sight” On 9.03.17, in view of Glaucoma Awareness Week, the Scientific and Academic Forum collaborated with the department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI, held a guest lecture talk on “Glaucoma-Silent Thief of Sight” which was delivered by Dr.R.Venkatesh, Chief Medical Officer, Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry. Guest lecture on” Pain management in Palliative Care SAF, in collaboration with the Department of Surgery and Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI, conducted a Guest lecture. 23.03.2107 on the topic, “Pain Management in Palliative Care” delivered Speaker, Dr. NANDINI VALLATH, Consultant and Project Director, WHO, Collaborating Centre for Training and Policy on Access to Pain Relief, Pallium India, Kerala, India.

SAF SMT. K. RUKMANI AMMAL ORATION 2017 Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University, Puducherry conducted Smt. K. Rukmani Ammal Annual Internal Oration in the afternoon of Friday 17th March, 2017 under the banner of Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF). The oration was awarded to Prof. K.Sathyanarayana Reddy, Radiation Oncologist, MGMCRI Dr. R.Kannan (Vice President, SAF) welcomed the gathering. Prof. M. Ravishankar (Dean, Faculty of Medicine) presided over the function. Dr.Prasanth Rajagopalan, Trustee, SBECPT, felicitated the gathering. Prof. Partha Nandi (President, SAF) gave an introduction to Smt. K Rukmani Ammal Internal oration & explained the contribution of Smt.Rukmani Ammal & her family towards education. He later presented the oration medal to Prof. K.Sathyanarayana Reddy and read the citation. The topic of oration was “Growing Burden of Cancer - Health Systems in India”. Dr.A.Balasubramanian,

SAF EXTERNAL MEET - I QUARTER Guest lecture on “Childhood mood and developmental disorders: Diagnosis and treatment” Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

Surgical Oncologist, MGMCRI, introduced a speaker to the audience. Dr.K. Sathyanarayana Reddy spoke on the issues that need to be addressed on multiple fronts and pointed out that: At the root, the solutions to India’s cancer burden is the need for political commitment and action. Measures such as a fully committed effort to reduce, and, in the long term, eliminate, use of tobacco products through the vigorous implementation of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Investments in cost-effective vaccination aimed at infection-related cancers, such as cervical cancer (human papillomavirus) and liver cancer (hepatitis B) will help in prevention. Early detection of oral, breast and cervical cancers will have to be made possible through oncology wings in medical colleges and District Cancer Centre’s through augmentation of infrastructure and capacity enhancement. Increasing awareness of cancer as a treatable disease amongst patients and primary care physicians. During the second quarterly of 2017, the Scientific and Academic Forum & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted, two internal meetings and two external meetings.


Low cost recycled paper method for simple and safe transport of blood sample for genetic analysis’ by Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas D, Scientist, CIDRF and ‘A Case Report: Bilateral papilledema with cerebral venous thrombosis following PCOD treatment’ by Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed, Post Graduate, Dept. of Ophthalmology. The session ended with lucky dip and answers to the quiz.

SAF EXTERNAL MEET- II QUARTER SAF guest lecture on ‘Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships’: Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC in collaboration with CIDRF conducted a SAF Guest lecture of SBV on 10.05.2017 at 2.00 pm in the Ground floor, lecture hall, College block on the topic, ‘Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships’. The speaker of the day was Ms.Maya Sundararajan, Regional Officer, United States-India Educational Foundation, Fulbright Commission in India, American Consulate Building, Mount Road, Chennai who spoke all about United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) 2018-2019 Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright Fellowships for Indian Citizens. SAF guest lecture on ‘Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning’

Internal SAF Panel Discussion on “Depression: Let’s Talk” on 07.04.2017 This year’s World Health Day [WHD] theme is “Depression : Let’s talk”. The Department of Community Medicine, along with Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) organized a bouquet of events in commemoration of the WHD :1. Students Debate on “When I feel low, who do I go to – my pal or theprofessional?” 2. Short Video Clip Contest and 3. Panel Discussion on “Let’s talk about the Black Dog”. The program has been added to the WHO’s webpage on the campaign – depression-campaign-2017//event/let-s-talk-about-theblack-dog.. The programs was opened for students from MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC. The Panel Discussion was held on 07.04.2017@ 2.00 pm in the Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Dr. Seetharaman N, Dr. Narayan KA, Dr. Jayaramachandran, Dr. Suguna and Dr. Surekha of Department of Community Medicine Co-ordinated the event with SAF team members.

SAF Internal meet on 02.06.2017 SAF Monthly meet was held on 02.06.2017 started with the Mediquiz, followed by a Capsule talk on the topic “Data Security: Introductory practical steps” by Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Head, Medical Informatics & IT who Introduced Faculty & postgraduates to basic skills in ensuring data safety in the Workplace. This was followed by three case report presentation namely ‘Glutaric Aciduria – Type1 – A Case Report highlighting Indian family perception of Inborn Errors of Metabolism’ by Dr.Varsha. S. Nair, Post Graduate, Dept. of Pediatrics,’

SAF conducted a guest talk on ‘Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning’ on 16th June 2017, Friday at 2.00pm in the Ground floor lecture hall, College block BY Singaravelu S, CFP, Certified Financial Planner, Professional Founder and Managing Partner, M/s. Future Dynamics FP, Pondicherry. During his talk he said, ‘Achieve peaceful financial life by changing the life of your personal finance! Tax paid by you is used for the growth of our Indian economy. Inflation is another form of tax paid by your family. Thanks, our Indian economy is growing at a rapid growth rate. But…Is your family gaining the benefits of this economic growth? Is your approach to your personal finance is outdated or messy? or Is there a method to place your family where it rains? Financial Planning is a comprehensive approach to capture the benefits of economic growth and transfer those benefits via various asset classes to achieve your life’s financial goals. The majority of the Indian families are still advised by agents of insurance companies / postal savings, banks and real estate brokers. Auditor’s advice are limited to tax filing. Many still dependent on provident funds, interest / rental incomes to meet their needs. Hoping their investments in real estates and gold will always grow. Thus a Certified Financial Planner is a must for achieving a peaceful financial life “ During the third quarterly of 2017, the Scientific and Academic Forum & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted one external oration, one general body meeting, two guest talks and two internal meetings.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

SAF INTERNAL MEET- III QUARTER A new SAF team was formed after the General Body Meet on 27.07.17. Annual General Body Meeting was held under the chair of Dr Robinson Smile, Prof. Dept. of Surgery and Dr.Partha Nandi, SAF President of 201617, to elect the members of SAF, MGMCRI for the year 2017-18. Around 95 SAF members were present in the meet & the members of the new SAF team were elected as per the rules & regulations. The New SAF Team for 2017-18: President: Dr C.P Ganesh Babu; Vice President: Dr Uma A.N; Secretary: Dr Sukanto Sarkar; Joint Secretary: Dr S SBakshi; Treasurer: Dr Sivarajan AA; Executive Members: Dr Padmavathi, Dr Tony Mathew, Dr Shanmugasamy, Dr Ajay (PG, Surgery). Internal meetings were organized 1st week of every month consisting of TED talk followed by Mediquiz, Capsule talk & paper presentation by Post-graduate student/faculty. Internal meetings for the month of August & September 2017 were conducted on 18.08.2017 & 01.09.2017 respectively. The First internal meeting was held on 18.08.17 composing of a TED Talk on, The Skill of Self Confidence by Dr Ivan Joseph, followed by Mediquiz by Dr.Tony, EC member. There was Vice Chancellor Dr KR Sethuraman delivering a Capsule talk on ‘Professionalism vs Humanism in Medicine’. This was followed by paper presentations viz, ‘An Uncommon Cause of Brain Calcinosis’ by Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh R, Postgraduate, Dept of General Medicine, ‘Bowel within a bowel’ - to perform intusussception you need intestinal susception by Dr. Prethivee N, Postgraduate, Dept of Surgery and ‘Mermaid Baby - Sirenomelia: An earliest detected case antenatal case’ by Dr. M. Anusha Reddy, Postgraduate, Department of Radiology. The second internal meeting was held on 01.09.2017 composing of a TED Talk on, A well educated mind Vs a well formed mind by Dr Shashi Tharoor, followed by Mediquiz by Dr.Tony, EC member. There was a Special Talk on Hospital corneal retrieval programme by Dr Swathi N, Dept of Ophthalmology, a Capsule talk on “Program evaluation demystified” by Prof. Mahalakshmi VN, Vice Principal Curriculum, MGMCRI. This was followed by paper presentations viz, ‘ SLE manifesting as Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia’ by Thannushree A.B, 3rd Year MBBS Student, MGMCRI, ‘Congenital Blueberry Muffin with Hairy Pinnae- an association or co-existence’ by Dr. Lasya M, Postgraduate, DVL and ‘ Airleak syndrome in a child-a preventable emergency ‘ by Dr. C.Kannan, Postgraduate, Department of Paediatrics.

SAF EXTERNAL MEET -III QUARTER First SAF Guest Lecture for the month of August was organized in collaboration Dept. of Paediatrics in commemoration of ‘World Breast Feeding Week’ on 04.08.2017. Dr S. Srinivasan, Professor Institute of Child

Health, Chennai & Tamil Nadu State Coordinator, NRHM spoke on the theme, “Sustaining Breast Feeding” emphazing on early initiation & maintenance of exclusive breast feeding. The second SAF Guest talk for the month of September was conducted on 15.09.2017. The Guest speaker was eminent Neurosurgeon Dr R. Ramnarayan MS,MCH from Chennai who spoke on the topic “Functional/ Restorative Neurosurgery”.

SAF EXTERNAL ORATION 2017 Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University, Puducherry conducted Shri M.V.K Iyer External Oration in the afternoon of Friday 14th July, 2017 under the banner of Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF). The oration was awarded to Dr. C Palanivelu, MS, MCh, DNB, FACS, FRCS(Hon) Ed., Chairman, GEM Hospital and Research Centre, who spoke on the topic, “ My tryst with laparoscopic surgery” at Ground floor lecture, College Block, MGMCRI campus. Two time Dr.B.C.Roy National Awardee, Dr. C Palanivelu, spoke about his humble beginning being born to a poor farm workers from a village in Tiruchengode and how after many hardships managed to complete his schoolings at an age of 21. He also spoke how he went on to do his MBBS, MS in General Surgery and later on doing M.Ch in Surgical Gastroenterology. Craving to learn more, he after a great struggle went on to do laproscopic Surgeries, second of its kind to be done in India. He invented new technique for cancer esophagus in esophagectomy. This procedure named after him and called “Palanivelu’s technique of esophagectomy”. Laparoscopic Whipple operation for cancer Pancreas was performed for the first time in the world. He mentioned many new innovations to his credit like Choledochalcyst laparoscopic excision & Hepatojejunostomy, Hydatid cyst excision named as palanivelu’s hydatid trocar system, Single incision colorectal cancer resection that won him the SAGES award winning operation and the Gastrectomy for cancer stomach which he presented as key note address Japanese society in 2006. He felt very proud when he said that he was awarded “Life Time achievement” for his contribution in field of cancer, a wish that was conquered since he always wanted to help the cancer patients to survive and lead a normal life. He also informed about the recipient of the highest honour of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, United Kingdom in appreciation of his scientific contribution in the field of minimal access surgery at global level, an award that sent all the doctors looking at him awestruck. The audience were happy to note that he was the First Indian to win International Olympic Silver Medal for surgery which was held at Phoenix US in 2009, First Indian till now to win Best Video award in 16th European Best video award and first prize 2500 Euros in 2007, and first to be conferred with SAGES Awards for the

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Academic Initiatives

SAF conducted its 3rd Guest Lecture to commemorate WORLD ANAESTHESIA DAY on 13th October 2017. Speaker was Dr. MURALIDHAR JOSHI, Virinchi Hospital, Hyderabad, an eminent Anaesthesiologist& Pain Management Expert. He spoke on the topic: Emerging Pharmacological & Non-Pharmacological aspects of Pain Management

SBV Research week 2017 SBV Research week 2017 was celebrated from 7 th December 2017 to 12 th December 2017. Intra & Inter-Collegiate Poster & Podium competition for both UG & PG students of Medicine, Nursing and Dental Colleges in and around Pondicherry three consecutive years, from 2003, by the American based ICMR Projects & PG Dissertation. SBV gastrointestinal SAGES University in recognition of his Faculty Podium Competition for the best faculty innovations. He mentioned the names of the few latest research done at SBV (Faculty Projects). Judges books authored by him which are of international repute, were internal and external experts from different also that he was the first Indian surgeon to operate and fields of Medicine, Nursing & Dental. A total of teach in various countries, the first Indian to be conferred 17 posters were displayed for UG Intra-Collegiate with Fellowship by Latin American old University, Poster Presentation, which included 6 were from honored with the “Living Legend of Laproscopy Award” MGMCRI, 7 from KGNC & 4 from AHS. The by New York City Council & New York Tamil Sangam in winners of the Intra Collegiate UG Posters were 2012and first to get the Fellowship Ad Hominem Award, Keerthi AG (MGMCRI), Pradeeshwari S (KGNC) the highest honour given by the Royal college of Surgeons &Adityan R (AHS). The top 9 best posters (3 from each constituent streams) were selected for Intra Collegiate Podium presentation which was held on 08.12.2017. The winners of the Intra Collegiate UG Podium Competition were Keerthi AG (MGMCRI), Pradeeshwari S (KGNC) & joint 3 rd by Muskan Shyamsundar Agarwal (MGMCRI) & Avinash G (MGMCRI).

of Edinburgh in 2003. Not forgotten his background, he said that he goes to villages regularly to organise free camps and select patients for free operations through GEM Medical Foundation a charitable organisation. He said that he has provided for brilliant, poor female students food, accommodation, college fees and transport made free for studying B.Sc Nursing. He felt proud to have started post doctoral fellowship and to have brought out four Ph.D students in laparoscopic surgery. In all he said that only commitment and will power would lead to the road to success.

I year MBBS inauguration 2017 – 11.09.2017 Internal meetings were organized every month consisting of TED talk followed by Mediquiz, Capsule talk & paper presentation by Post-graduate student/faculty. Internal meetings for the month of October, November & December 2017 were conducted on 06.10.2017, 17.11.2017 & 01.12.2017 respectively.

The Intra-Collegiate PG Poster Competition was held on two consecutive days on 8 th December & 9 th December 2017. The top 10 best posters were selected for Intra Collegiate PG Podium presentation which was held on 11.12.2017. The winners of the Intra Collegiate PG Podium Competition were DrPreethiSridharan (CIDRF) & joint 2 nd by DrAmrutha V (Paediatrics), DrAmritha L (General Medicine) & Mr. Surendran (KGNC). The Inter Collegiate PG Podium presentation was participated by 11 postgraduate students from AVMC, Pondicherry, PIMS, Pondicherry&Indrani College for Nursing, Ariyur along with students from SBV. The winners of the Intra Collegiate PG Podium Competition were Dr. AmruthaVenkateshwaran (MGMCRI), Dr. Amritha Lakshmi (MGMCRI) & Dr. Leenu Grace Ninan (PIMS). The top 3 winners of the SBV Faculty Podium Competition were DrSukantoSarkar (MGMCRI), DrAnirudhYashwant (IGIDS) &Dr.Pratebha B (IGIDS).

SAF MEET - IV QUARTER Prof. (Dr) Partha Nandi, Vice Principal (Students) MGMCRI gave an awareness talk on Our Waste,



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Our Health and Our WorldDr. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor, Urology, MGMCRI gave a capsule talk on the topic: “Paediatric Urinary Tract infections: Current Perspective”Prof. (Dr) N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & Allied Health Sciences, SBV delivered special talk on “Predatory Publications”

▶▶ HACON 2017 HACON 2017 was a culmination of top health care professionals in the serene city of Pondicherry on 21st January 2017. HACON 2017 was aimed at evolving practical solutions which will suit the needs of the health care professionals. Dr.(Col.) Dayananda, Sr. Medical Superintendent and COO of Kasturba Hospitals, Manipal University in the lead talk spoke about the current challenges faced by the teahing hospitals and the innovation leads to tackle them. Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent, MGMCRI spoke on the Saga of MGMCRI in Health care delivery. The sessions included a talk on Beyond the borders – creating career path in unchartered terrotory by Dr. M. Ravishankar, Dean of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute & Advisor, HACON 2017. Dr. George M Chandy, Director of Believers Church Medical College Hospital, Kerala spoke on Balancing Patient Care. Dr. Narendranath, Chief Administrator of M.S. RamiahMemorial Hospitals, Bangalore highlighted the audiance on Budget allocations in a Teaching Hospitals. Shri. U.K.Ananathapadmanabhan, Group President, Rainbow Hospitals Group, Hyderabad took back the participants by his enlightining lecture on HIMS applications and EMR advantages and outcome improvements. Quality Management Officer of Christian Medical College, Vellore, Smt. Lallu Joseph spoke on Journey towards achieving and sustaining Quality in teacking hospitals.

A panel discussion on Best practices followed in retention of staff was chaired by Dr. (Col.) Dayananda, in which Dr. P.V. Vijayaraghavan, Director (Academic Administration) of Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, Dr. Vimal Kumar Govindan, from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences, Coimbatore and Dr. Renu G Varghese, Director of Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences participated and spoke. The sum up session and the reflections on the delibrations was carried out by Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, the Organising Secretary of HACON 2017. Earlier Dr. Prashanth Rajagopalan, Trustee of SBECPT in his address said that Private teaching hospitals should efficiently reorganise to provide low cost and high quality care. The programme was attended by 150 adminstrators of Private teaching hospitals in Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Later in the evening, the mamagement of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth had hosted a gala dinner to the participants. All the arrangements for the conclave were done the organising committee comprising of Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Organising Chairman, Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, Organising Secretary, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, Dr. Swati jayant Pawar, Dr. Lakshmi Mani, Joint Organising Secretaries, Student Volunters and others.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



Innovation ▶▶ Medical Simulation Centre (MSC) Community Programmes Medical Simulation Centre (MSC) conducted “BLS Awareness cum hands-on Training Session” on 9th march 2017 at Raj Nivas, Puducherry along with Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI. It was organised by the Honourable Lt.Governer Kiran Bedi. The Governor of Puducherry had organized an awareness programe in relation to the International Women’s Day. Around 200 women from the villages in & around Pondicherry attended the women’s day empowerment programe in which, a team of MGMC & RI Medical Simulation Centre comprising of Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. Sobana, Dr. Kusha & Mr. Kishore performed live demonstration of Basic Life Support (BLS) skills. The women had hands on training on handling critical emergencies such as cardiac arrest, drowning, electrocution, adult and infant chocking.

Undergraduates are regularly trained in First aid, ECG, arrhythmias detection and management, CPR & AED. Around 54 students of IVth semester were trained in this period. We have conducted First aid training programs for CRRI’s. 30 of them participated. ENT faculty trained around 110 MBBS students on ENT Examination at Medical Simulation Centre. Conducted CPR & AED training program for Staff Nurses. 27 Nurses participated. 100 students of First Year B.Sc Nursing were taught about general physical examination at Medical Simulation Centre. Simulation in crisis Management workshop was held on 8th January 2017 as part of 7th Annual Pondicherry state conference. Prof. Hemanth Kumar V.R., Dr. Rani P., Dr. Kusha Nag, Dr. Anusha were the distinguished simulation faculty. 40 delegates from all over south India participated in this workshop. Medical Simulation Centre has Conducted AHA certified 09 BLS Provider courses. 85 CRRI’s from MGMCRI & SSSMCRI / 95 Students for KGNC and 22 Staff Nurses from Dream Next academy has completed the course successfully. They have Conducted AHA certified 04 ACLS Provider courses 75 students for MGMCRI & SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully.

Other activities at MSC Medical Simulation Centre conducted AHA certified 05 BLS courses. 90 students completed the course successfully.Conducted AHA certified 04 ACLS courses.68 students completed the Course successfully. Conducted a PG pedagogy module session on how to demonstrate a skill. 35 students participated. AHA Certified PALS Provider Course has been conducted for Pediatric Department Post Graduates & Faculties. 14 of them completed the course. They have Conducted AHA Certified 04 BLS Instructor Courses and 02 ACLS Instructor Courses for Faculties. 02 Faculties were trained as BLS Instructors and 09 Faculties were trained as BLS & ACLS Instructors. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Undergraduates are regularly trained in First aid, ECG, arrhythmias detection and management, CPR & AED. Around 73 students of IVth semester were trained in this period. We have conducted First aid training programs for CRRI’s. 45 of them participated. ENT faculty trained around 163 MBBS students on ENT Examination CPR & AED training program for Staff Nurses was conducted at the bed side by our BLS Instructors 101 of them participated. MGMCRI Certified BLS course was conducted at Sri Venkateshwara Medical College Hospital and research institution for Staff Nurses by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, Mr. Mohammed Rafi, Mrs. V.Manopriya. 152 of them were trained in BLS. In the Simulation centre, as a part of community awareness initiative on Pre-hospital Trauma Care & Basic Life Support, a team of certified trainers, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. Natesan and Dr. Sobana, conducted Hands on training program to various cadres of traffic police belonging to South Puducherry zone. 30 traffic police participated in the program which was conducted on 17.04.2017. They were trained for two hours in learning the following skills (Basic life support, Arresting bleed, Fracture splinting, Helmet removal, Log rolling).

A helmet awareness rally for the general public as requested by the Traffic Police (South) was organised by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 29.04.2017. In this rally 30 NSS students and 20 traffic police personnel drove thier two whellers wearing helmets in the rally which was ably guided by Professor. M. Ravishankar, Dean – MGMCRI and Dr. Partha Nandi, Vice-Principal Students) Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Mr. Kannan Aiyar and Mr. Balamukundan and Mr. Rishi, NSS Student coordinator were present during the rally.

Advanced Life Support workshop for the postgraduate students and the faculty in the month of April 2017 at the Simulation centre, College block, MGMCRI. Dr. Gunasekaran. D was the internal expert and Dr. Soma Venkatesh was the external expert. The workshop on April 6 and 7 was attended by 7 postgraduates. The workshop on April 13 and 14 was attended by 7 faculty members. The workshop was really useful in honing the skills of the department residents and faculty in the management of an acutely sick child. Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI, an authorized International Training Centre of American Heart Association has during the third quarterly of 2017 conducted AHA certified 10 BLS Provider courses wherein 187 CRRI’s from IGIDS/ MGMCRI & SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully, Conducted AHA certified 06 ACLS Provider courses wherein 98 students of MGMCRI & SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully, A nursing Educator has been trained as a AHA Certified BLS Instructor in this period, Undergraduates are regularly trained in First aid, ECG, arrhythmias detection and management, CPR & AED. Around 72 students of Vth semester were trained in this period, ENT faculty trained around 347 MBBS students on ENT Examination and Ophthal Faculties trained 210 MBBS Students on Ophthalmic Examination, MGMCRI Certified BLS course was conducted for Aravindh Eye Hospital PG’s & Staff Nurses at Medical Simulation Centre by Dr. Sobana and Dr. Sindhupriya. 25 of them were trained in BLS, conducted MGMCRI Certified BLS course for Jipmer Staff nurses also. 10 of them were trained, 60 MGMCRI CRRI’s were trained in team work by psychiatry team and 80 CRRI’s were trained in Catheterization technique by Urology Faculty, Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care Instructor Course was conducted at Medical Simulation

PALS Workshop- April 2017: The department of Pediatrics organized a American Heart Association (AHA) CERTIFIED Pediatrics Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



Centre on 11th August 2017. Dr. Ramesh Venkataraman and Dr. Shiva Kumar Iyer Facilitated the course. 14 MGMCRI Faculties were trained as a BASIC Course Instructors. BASIC Provider course was conducted on 12th & 13th September 2017. Around 30 MGMCRI Faculties & PG’s has completed the course successfully, and a Faculty development program was conducted in medical simulation Centre on 26th & 27th September 2017. The program was facilitated by Dr. Dinker Pai & Dr. Hemanth Kumar wherein 17 MGMCRI Faculties participated in the program. Faculty achievements at MSC: Prof Dinker Pai, Director of the Medical Simulation Centre had the following achievements during this period: Invited resource person for pre conference simulation workshop held as KEM, Mumbai during WAD 17 conference organized by Mumbai anesthesia society on 13th October 2017, Invited Faculty for IASGCON held in JIPMER Pondicherry from 5th – 8th October 2017, Appointed on the Technical Committee and the Advisory Committee of the Kerala University of Health Sciences, Resource person for the S3 simulation conference at Academia, Sing Health, Singapore from 1st to 3rd November 2017 & Conducted 2 workshops and Invited faculty for BASIC and Critical Care CRM Simulation course at AIIMS, Bhubaneswar on 5th and 6th November 2017. Conference presentations: Prof Dinker Pai, Director of the Medical Simulation Centre was the Co-author for Poster presentation entitled “Interns Exit Evaluation Using Medical Simulation-Our Experience” presented at S3 conference, Co-author for Poster Presentation entitled “Virtual Reality Simulator for Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery-Cleftsim”

Publications: Dinker Pai. Figures, Tables and Supporting Materials. In Parija SC, Kate V editors. Writing and Publishing a Scientific Paper. Singapore: Springer; 2017.: 95-105 BLS & ACLS Provider Courses: Six AHA certified BLS Provider courses were conducted for 44 CRRI’s from MGMCRI & SSSMCRI, all of whom completed the Course successfully. One AHA certified ACLS provider course was conducted during the same period. 25 students of SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully. BLS & ACLS Instructor Course: Three internal faculty (Dr.Dinker Pai,Dr.Mrudula,Dr.Janane) were trained as AHA Certified BLS & ACLS Instructors in this period. Staff Nurses: The Department of Anesthesiology conducted “Basic course in acute pain management workshop” on 11th & 12th October 2017 and 6th & 7th December 2017 at Medical Simulation Centre. Around 50 Staff nurses were trained in this workshop successfully. Dr. Mirudula, Medical Officer, skills lab has trained 8 MLT students in Phlebotomy Techniques on 5th December 2017 at Medical Simulation Centre. Nursing Educator Mr. Selvaganapathy has conducted Non-AHA BLS classes at Medical Simulation Centre and trained 70 staff nurses.

Undergraduate classes: Undergraduates are regularly trained in the following Topics : Sl.No 1

Semester (MGMCRI & KGNC) III Semester (General Medicine, General Surgery, OB&GY)

Topic Measurement of Blood Pressure & Temperature




Examination of Peripheral Pulse


Breast Lump Examination


Examination of Ulcer


III Semester (Pharmacology)

No. of students


Neck node Examination


Examination of Swelling


OG Abdomen Examination


Simulation classes on Routes of drug administration




Annual Report


Jan-Dec 2017

Semester (MGMCRI & KGNC)

No. of students

Topic First aid - Medical emergencies First aid - Injury emergencies


First aid - Environmental emergencies

V Semester

ECG & Arrhythmias


ECG & Pharmacology Basic Life support ENT Examination NG Tube Insertion


VII semester


KGNC -B.Sc (Nursing)

Anthropometry & growth Chart plotting Conduction of delivery Total



Episiotomy Suturing


CRRI & Postgraduate classes: Sl. No PG / CRRI

1 CRRI's 2





No.of. Students

Dr. Natesan

Neuro surgery



Dr. R. Anupriya




Dr. M. Pugazharasan Surgery



Dr. Thirou Aroul

Suturing Techniques

Dr.Kusha Nag Dr.Rani

3 4




Anesthesiology Bradyarrhythmias


Dr. Natesan

Neuro surgery

Basic Trauma life support


Dr. Dinker Pai


High fidelity Simulation


Outreach Programmes: The following outreach community services were done during this period. Sl.No

Date & Month



Periyar Arts and science college, college

BLS Training Program




KNC College for Womens

BLS Training Program


Hands-on BLS training


First Aid Program


3 4



17-Nov-17 Serene Pelican Geriatric community, Bhahoor Adithya Vidhyashram School, Pudu20-Nov-17 cherry.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


No.of people Trained


▶▶ MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT, MGMCRI Revised Interns Orientation Program (IOP) While internship is a crucial mile stone in medical education, there is a lack of structured approach to the training of interns in most of the medical colleges in India. Realizing the importance of training interns soon after their induction, the Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with specific issues and skills which are required for ensuring patient safety as well as for enhancing the quality of patient care in a hospital setting. The issues include: How to prevent medical errors, importance of team work, communication skills including verbal and non-verbal communication, rational diagnostics and therapeutics, ethical issues, dealing with pharmaceutical industries and medico-legal issues involved in patient care. The Part 1 program was held on 25.01.2017, beginning with a TED talk on “Doctor’s touch”. This was followed by other issues such as an introduction to CRRI - Policies & Practices, Hospital Policies for Interns, OPD & Wards, PHCs including camps, High Dependency Units and Infection Control Policies. Keynote Address was given by Prof. Rajaram. P, Chancellor, SBV. The faculty team consisted of Prof M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu, Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Prof. Seetharaman, Dr. Alai Taggu, Dr. Kalaivani. The Part 2 program of Internship this year has been re-designed as a continuum of activities and sessions spread throughout the year from February 2017 to January 2018. Each session of two hours duration addresses a specific issue such as Introduction to Patient Safety, Principles of Rational Diagnostics/ Testing & Rational Prescription, Ethical & Legal Principles in the practice of medicine, Professionalism, Universal Precautions & use of PPE, RNTCP. These Modules have been completed so far and many others are in the pipeline. The Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program for Interns in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with specific issues and skills which are required for ensuring patient safety as well as for enhancing the quality of patient care in a hospital setting. This year the program consisted of two common sessions followed by hands on experiences in small groups held at various places / sites of learning. The common sessions were RNTCP Module conducted by Departments of TB & Chest Diseases (TBCD), Community Medicine and Microbiology on 08.04.2017 and Handling Medical Legal Case conducted by

Departments of Forensic Medicine and Chief of the casualty Medical Officer (CCMO) on 13.04.2017. The small group session were Universal Precautions & use of PPE (Dept. of Microbiology), Communications Skills – Introductory Module (Team Psychiatry), Clinical Note taking – written Communications (Obst & Gynae / Pediatric Surgery), First Aid (Team MSC) held on 27.04.2017, 11.05.2017 & 25.05.2017; Biomedical Waste Management (Dept. of Microbiology), Informed Consent (Obst & Gynae), Communications Skills – Advanced Module (Team Psychiatry), Recognition and Resuscitation of Shock (CCU / Anesthesia) held on 08.06.2017 & 29.06.2017. The overall program was found highly effective by the Interns (CRRIs) as they were able to develop various skills in different departments / facilities under the guidance of senior faculty. he revised Interns Orientation Program consisted of a series of sessions on various topics which were conducted through ‘hands on’ experiences in small groups held at various places / sites of learning on rotation. The common sessions were ABG/O2 Therapy (Dept. of CCU), Blood Transfusion – Indications, recognition of complication (Pathology/ BBMO), Initial Assessment of Trauma (Surgery), ECG (General Medicine) held on 12.10.2017 & 26.10.2017, 09.11.2017 & 23.11.2017. The principles of Palliative Care by Palliative Care team, Basic Imaging by Radiology Department, Leadership & Organization by Student counselor and E tools for Physician by Community Medicine Department held on 07.12.2017, 21.12.2017. The overall program was found highly effective by the Interns (CRRIs) as they were able to develop various skills in different departments / facilities under the guidance of senior faculty

Faculty Development Program Workshop for faculty on how to deal with poor academic performers A workshop was organized by the MEU for sensitizing the faculty to deal with poor academic performers. This workshop was held by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan supported by MEU Faculty on 07.02.2017 at the MEU block.The workshop dealt with the following issues, viz.,



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

What are the causes of poor performance, types of poor performance, when and how to identify a poor performer and how to support poor performers. The workshop was attended by 34 participants of MGMCRI. The deliberations were found highly useful by the participants.

Groups and Small Groups including Bedside teaching (08.03.2017), Teaching Learning Media and simulation Pedagogy (09.03.2017) and Principles of Evaluation & Introduction to Microteaching (10.03.2017). The faculty team for TYT program consisted of Dr. Ravishankar. M, Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr.Joseph Workshop on MCQs Philipraj, Dr. Kannan. R, Dr.Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Dr. Pallavee. P, Dr.Sunita Samal, Dr. Rajasekar. S.S, Dr. MEU organized a workshop for sensitizing the faculty Karthikeyan. P, Dr. N. Seetharaman, Dr. Srikanth. K, Dr. on the construction and assessment of MCQs. This Hemanth Kumar.V.R, Dr. C.P. Ganesh Babu, and Dr. workshop was held by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean M. Shivasakthy.The resource persons were mentored by R&AHS, SBV in three parts. The first part held on senior faculty consisting of Prof K. R. Sethuraman VC, 23.02.2017 focused on Introduction to MCQs including SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean R&AHS, Prof the place of MCQs in the overall assessment scheme, K.A. Narayan, & Prof B.V. Adkoli. The workshop was the attributes of good MCQ, various types of MCQs attended by 54 participants. The participants found the and their application. The second part focused on the workshop highly informative and innovative. A few have Pre-validation, its importance and methods used in expressed that they would benefit more if the workshop is Pre-validation. This was held as a full day workshop on organized in the beginning of PG Residency training. On 24.02.2017. The third and the final part “Post Validation” the last day the participants identified three areas of skill was held on 24.02.2017. This workshop dealt with practices namely Mini Lecture Practice (Microteaching), aspects such as how to do item analysis (Difficulty Level, Bed Side teaching and demonstration of skill. Discrimination Index and Distracter Effectiveness/ functionality). Certain related concepts like negative Skill Practice sessions Organized by the MEU marking, question banking, how to mark MCQs were also discussed during the workshop. The workshop was Interns skill practice sessions were organized by the attended by 34 participants from MGMCRI besides MEU for the benefit of PG Residents as a follow up of Six faculty members from SSSMCRI. The workshop the TYT Workshop. The first workshop was conducted was found immensely useful by the participants. As as Mini Lecture Practice session on 20.03.2017. The a follow up of the workshop the MEU has facilitated Practices sessions were facilitated by Dr. Seetharaman, formulation of MCQs in various departments by forming Dr. Srikanth, Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Dr. Niranjan, departmental groups. It is expected that the groups will Dr. Rajasekar. S. S, Dr. Ramesh. R, Dr. Ravishankar. be able to frame high quality MCQs and eventually M and Dr. Seetesh Ghose The second workshop was develop a question bank in each department. conducted on Skill Demonstration on 21.03.2017. This was held in 4 groups Moderated by Dr. Hemanth Training of Young Trainers (TYT) – Teaching & Kumar. V.R, Dr. Karthikeyan. P, Dr. Ganesh Babu. C.P, Dr. Pallavee. P, Dr. Kannan. R, Dr. Sunita Samal, Dr. Training Skills for Post Graduate Residents Siva Ranganathan Green The Conventional Post Graduate Training in India The third and the final workshop was on Bedside topic is largely information oriented rather than focusing on various Skills and Competencies required for the discussion which was held in two sessions organized on professions. One of the core competency required by the 21.03.2017 & 22.03.2017. These sessions were moderated Post Graduate is skills related to teaching and assessment by Dr. Sethuraman. K. R, Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi and based on sound educational principles. Realizing this Dr. Seetesh Ghose gap, the Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI took a All the workshops were found highly useful by the new initiative to start a series of Workshops for the PG Residents to train them in pedagogical skills including participants. A valedictory function was organized at Mini Lecture Practice(Microteaching), Bed Side MEU on 22.03.2017 which was presided by Dr. K. teaching and demonstration of skill which constitute R. Sethuraman, VC, SBV and the faculty of MEU. major competencies for their future role as teachers. Certificate of participation was distributed to all the participants The main objectives of the Pedagogy Workshop are to sensitize them to the group dynamics, teaching learning Review Meeting of MEU, MGMCRI principles, techniques, and media as applicable for large as well as small groups, practice microteaching in small A Meeting of the faculty of MEU along with Curriculum groups, understand and apply the principles of assessment Coordinators of MGMCRI was held on 15.03.2017 based on evidence from multiple sources. The workshop at MEU block. The agenda of the meeting was to consisted of Five Half day sessions covering major areas review ongoing TYT Workshop Sessions, planning of Pedagogy, namely Group Dynamics (06.03. 2017), for the follow up activities including Practice session Teaching Learning Principles & Learning Objectives of Mini Lecture, Bedside topic Discussion and skills (07.03.2017), Teaching Learning Methods for Large demonstration. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



for the Fresh residents (2017 Batch). The Program was organized in two Parts.

Part I: Induction Program

K. R. Sethuraman, VC, SBV University. The meeting ended up with a calendar of activities suggested for the year 2017.

Faculty Development Program (FDP) on E-PORTFOLIO A Faculty Development Program (FDP) was organized by the MEU on the topic “E-PORTFOLIO” on 05.07.2017, in the College block lecture hall. The objective of the FDP was to sensitize the faculty about the new cloud based e-portfolio planned for newly joined postgraduates. It was attended by 60 faculty members of various departments including four MEU faculty from SSSMCRI as observers. The resource persons were Dr. M. Ravishankar, Dr. K.A. Narayan and Dr. R. Jaganmohon. The program started with the welcome address by Dr. Seetesh Ghose. The participants were asked to reflect on the ‘pro’s and ‘con’s of e-portfolio initiated last year. Suggestions were invited how to improve upon it. A couple of postgraduate students from the Department of Pathology and psychiatry demonstrated the manner in which e-portfolio helped them in effective learning. They also reflected the challenges involved in maintaining e-portfolio from student’s prospective. This was followed by demonstration of modified version of e-portfolio by Dr. M. Ravishankar, and Dr. K.A. Narayan which can be operated from android based smart phone. Participants were given ‘hands on’ experience to log onto the e-portfolio from their smart phone. This was followed by an interactive session.

Practical ‘hands on session’ on the use of e-portfolio A Practical ‘hands on session’ on the use of e-portfolio was conducted for the faculty of all Departments concerned with PG Residency program on 03.08.2017 in Central Library, Digital lab. In all 40 members participated in this workshop which was found very useful for monitoring PG training based on Competency model (CBME)

Induction and Orientation Programs for the Fresh Residents (2017 Batch)

The first part was held on 9th June 2017. The Program started with invocation and lamp lighting ceremony. Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal Curriculum, welcomed the gathering. This was followed by self introduction of the HODs and participants. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean (Admin) explained about Competency Based Teaching and Learning (COBALT) model pioneered by the MGMCRI. Prof. Nirmal Coumare V, Medical Superintendent talked about expectations from residents in the hospital setting. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chanceller of SBV in his key note address focused on various Learning Skills required for the PGs to excel in their studies. Prof. Karthikeyan, HOD of ENT proposed a vote of thanks. The Psychiatry team conducted a salutogenesis program for Residents. During afternoon session the students were enrolled in ‘Garuda Ganesh’ which is in house Learning Management System of SBV. The Program was attended by 65 residents, faculties and HODs from all departments

Induction & Orientation Program Part II

The Part II of the Induction and Orientation Program was organized by the MEU on three days, viz, 06.07.2016, 07.07.2017 & 15.07.2017 in the MEU Block. The following sessions were conducted by the faculty members:Ice Breaking by Dr. R. Kannan and Dr. Richa Gupta; Competency Based Residency Program: the Nuts and Bolts by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan and P. Karthikeyan; Effective use of e – Portfolios as a learning tool by Prof. M. Ravishankar and Prof. K. A. Narayan; An Introduction to Doctor Patient Communications by Dr. Sunayana Choudhury; Patient Safety: Can residents prevent health care errors and improve ‘Quality of Care’ by Prof. M. Ravishankar, Prof. Pratheesh Ravindran; Professional communications and teamwork in Healthcare Setting by Dr. Sukanto Sarkar and Dr. Sunayana Choudhury; Principles of medical ethics by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan and Prof. CP. Ganesh Babu. The orientation program included extensive group work and ‘hands on’ experience as follows; Creation & Maintenance of E – Portfolio – A hands on workshop – Prof. M. Ravishankar , Dr. R. Jaganmohan and Prof. P. Karthikeyan; Documentation & Written Communications -Dr. Seetesh Ghose and Dr. K. SrikanthA program evaluation was conducted by the MEU. A large majority of the Participants expressed that the program was highly interactive, useful and the objectives were largely achieved.

Workshop on PG Dissertation Write up

Medical Education Unit (MEU) Organized a Comprehensive Induction and Orientation Program

The postgraduate training heavily relies on the grounding of students in the art and science of writing dissertation



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

in particular and scientific articles in general. In order to train the PG residents in this area, the MEU of MGMCRI organized a five days workshop for the Final year PG students on “Dissertation - Write up” from 10.07.2017 to 13.07.2017 & 15.07.2017 at the MEU (College Block Annexe). The program was attended by 64 final year post graduate students of all disciplines due to appear for their final examination. The issues addressed during the workshop were: Introduction to the workshop, How to get started with the dissertation, Writing Aims and Objectives, Material and Methods, Cleaning data, preparing master chart, analysis, generating tables and figures, Writing review of literature and references, Writing Observations and results, Group tasks and plenary on writing Observation and results, Writing Discussion, Writing introduction, Writing Abstract, Writing Acknowledgements, Formatting and Layout of Dissertations, certificate, plagiarism check and uploading, Ethical issues & plagiarism, The final check, Group task and plenary. The workshop witnessed extensive use of interactive techniques including brief presentations and group tasks, followed by plenary sessions. The faculty for the workshop included Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. A.R. Srinivasan, Dr. G. Ezhumalai, Dr. Lokesh Maran, Dr. Sivaprakash, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. K.A. Narayan and Dr. Jagan Mohan. The evaluation of the program done on the final day using a Program Evaluation questionnaire revealed that the program was highly relevant and useful to the participants.

Interns Orientation Program (IOP) for July 2017 Batch While internship is a crucial milestone in medical education, there is a lack of structured approach to the training of interns in most of the medical colleges in India. Realizing the importance of training interns soon after their induction, the Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with specific issues and skills which are required for ensuring patient safety as well as for enhancing the quality of patient care in a hospital setting. The issues include: How to prevent medical errors, importance of team work, communication skills including verbal and non-verbal communication, rational diagnostics and therapeutics, ethical issues, dealing with pharmaceutical industries and medico-legal issues involved in patient care.

Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV.The faculty team consisted of Prof M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu, Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Prof. Seetharaman, Dr. Mohamed Hanifah and Dr. V. Jayapal.

Revised Interns Orientation Program (IOP) The revised program for Interns Orientation Program consisted of a series of sessions on various topics which were conducted through ‘hands on’ experiences in small groups held at various places / sites of learning on rotation. The common sessions were Biomedical Waste Management (Dept. of Microbiology), Informed Consent (Obst & Gynae), Communications Skills – Advanced Module (Team Psychiatry), Recognition and Resuscitation of Shock (CCU / Anesthesia) held on 13.07.2017 & 27.07.2017. AC Pain Relief conducted by Anaesthesiology department, ADR – Recognition and Reporting & Rational Prescription writing (Team Pharmacology), Catheterization by Urology Department and Team Work by Psychiatry Department held on 17.08.2017, 24.08.2017, 07.09.2017 & 21.09.2017. The overall program was found highly effective by the Interns (CRRIs) as they were able to develop various skills in different departments / facilities under the guidance of senior faculty

National Conference cum Workshop on Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIMECON 2017) A National Conference cum Workshop on “Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” (MIMECON) was organised by the Medical Education Unit, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute under funding from the Medical Council of India on 16th September 2017. The conference was attended by 134 participants from Puducherry, Chennai, Villupuram, Karaikal, Kanchipuram, and Karnataka State.The main objectives of the conference were to identify the characteristics of Millennial students and how to respond to these changes in organizing teaching learning process. Other issues which were discussed during this conference were the five R’s of engaging

The Part 1 program was held on 24.07.2017, beginning with a TED talk on “Doctor’s touch”. This was followed by other issues such as an introduction to CRRI - Policies & Practices, Hospital Policies for Interns, OPD & Wards, PHCs including camps, High Dependency Units and Infection Control Policies. Keynote Address was given by Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



today’s students, the attributes liked by students in an ideal professor, how to accommodate the growing diversity of learners, how to improve student achievement by creating a healthy learning environment, how to engage and motivate these Millennial learners and how to assess their knowledge and abilities. Facilitators of the workshop included experts from SBV, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, MCI Nodal center, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai , Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry and Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. Representatives from other organizations involved in education/training of Health Professions’ Students were invited as delegates. Prof K R Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV introduced the theme of the Conference and requested the participants reach out to all sections of the Medical Education community to promote greater awareness on effective engagement of the millennial students who have joined Health Professions course by 2017. At the beginning of the conference a pledge was signed by all the participants endorsing their commitment to support Millennials’ growth and development. The deliberation of the Conference included lectures, discussions, two hands on Workshops and Poster Sessions, related to the theme. The Resource Persons included Prof V.Vijayaraghavan, Vice Chancellor of SRMU, Prof Krishna Seshadri, Consultant, SBV, Dr Latha Ravichandran, SRMC,

Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof M Ravishanker, Dean (Admin), Prof K.A. Narayan Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (R& AHS) and Prof B.V. Adkoli chaired a session. The topics covered were “Millennials” as Medicos: who are they & how do they learn?, Who is the “ideal teacher” & what is “ideal teaching” for Today’s learners,

Creating an ideal learning environment to meet the expectations of today’s students and Current methods



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

of Outcomes Assessment for/as/of Learning. There were two hands on Workshops viz., ‘Using digital technology to enhance the learning experience of the Millennials’ and ‘Classroom/session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners’. The posters were presented under the theme of Innovative educational strategies for 21st century. The analysis of the feedback received from the participants showed that the conference was largely successful in attaining its objectives. It was felt that more number such workshops were needed for achieving greater dissemination of this novel concept. Prof V.N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal was the Organizing Secretary and Prof Seetesh Ghose, Coordinator of MEU was the Joint Organizing Secretary. The Conference was awarded 10 CME Credits by Dr MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu.

Faculty Development Program on Simulation Based Medical Education A Faculty development workshop on Basic Simulation Education was held for interested faculty of MGMCRI on 26.09.2017 and 27.09.2017. The objective of the workshop was to sensitize the faculty about the advantages of Simulation and how to incorporate Simulation in Medical Education. This workshop was conducted by Simulation pedagogy team consisting of Dr. Dinker Pai and Dr. Hemanth Kumar who are coordinating the activities of Medical Simulation center. The workshop consisted of detailed introduction to Simulation pedagogy and practical demonstration of various simulation techniques supplemented with videos, followed by debriefing sessions. In all 16 participants were involved as participant, facilitator and observer on rotation basis. Each station involved preparation (5 min), brief (5 min), activity (10 min), debrief (15 min) and Feedback (10 min)A program evaluation was conducted at the end of the workshop. The feedback received from the participants shows that the workshop was highly beneficial in their journey of pursuing simulation pedagogy. They however felt a time constraint and recommended a workshop of 2-3 days for enriching the experience.

PG Protocol Writing Workshop 2017 Protocol Writing Workshop for Guides and Co-Guides A Half day workshop was organized on 3.10.2017 for the Guides and Co-Guides of Postgraduate candidates of MGMCRI who were enrolled this year. The purpose of the workshop was to identify the issues related to PG Dissertation and to identify solutions for the same. The workshop faculty consisted of Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV; Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI and Prof. K.A. Narayan, Prof of Community Medicine. This was attended by 40 Faculty members from various department of MGMCRI

Protocol Writing Workshop for First year Postgraduates The series of Protocol Writing workshop consist of 4 sessions were held for the First Year Postgraduates of MGMCRI in October 2017 to train them effectively in writing protocols for their Dissertation topics chosen by them in their respective disciplines Session I: The first workshop held on 04. 10. 2017 focused on introduction to Dissertation literature search and reference management and framing of research questions This was followed by in depth discussion at the departmental level scheduled between 05.10.2017 and 09.10.2017, discussing each topic with reference to the review of study, research question or hypothesis and type of study involved. Session II: The second session was organized on 10.10.2017 in departmental demo rooms. It was held in six groups, each led by a group of Resource Persons. This focused on the first presentation made by the individual PG to the resource group, with relevant review of Literature, Aims, Objectives, Hypothesis, Research orientation and type of study. Session III: The third session which was held in the MEU block on 11.10.2017 dealt with methodology, Ethical issues and tips for Dissertation Protocol. Session IV: The second presentation by the individual postgraduate students was organized in Departmental groups on 25.10.2017. The faculty team for the common sessions consisted of Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV; Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI; Prof. K.A.Narayan, Prof. N. Seetharaman, Prof. Lokesh Shanmugam, Prof. B. Sivaprakash and Dr. Sukanto Sarkar. The protocol writing workshop was found highly useful exercise by the PG students to familiarize themselves with skills of writing Protocol with attending to technical and ethical aspects of their discussion. The following faculty members acted as Resource Person for conducting departmental workshop. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof. K. Jayasingh, Prof. Tirou Arul, Prof. Gopala Krishnan, Prof. Lokesh Shanmugam, Prof. Soundarajan P, Prof. Surendra Menon, Prof. N. Seetharaman, Prof. K.A. Narayan, Prof. S. Ambujam, Prof. S. Eswaran, Prof. S. Sivashanmugam, Prof. T.K. Dutta, Prof. M. Ramanathan, Prof. S. Habeebullah, Prof. G. Mangala, Prof. M. Ravishankar, Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Prof. R. Krishnagopal, Prof. B.R. Nagaraj, Prof. C Adithan, Prof. B. Sivaprakash, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Prof. Seetha K S, Prof. Dhananjay Kotasthane.

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Scholars in the Making

Scholars in the Making ▶▶ MCh NEWS Scientific Presentations / Participation Dr.Sathyajeeth, postgraduate from Urology department presented a paper in CKP Menon podium presentation at the USICON 2017, a national conference under the aegis of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from 18.01.2017 to 21.01.2017. Dr.Sathyajeeth, Dr.Karthik, and Dr.Vishal, postgraduate from Urology department attended USICON 2017, a national conference under the aegis of Urological society of India in Mumbai held from 18.01.2017 to 21.01.2017. Dr.Karthik, Dr.Vishal and Dr.BalaBhaskar Reddy, postgraduate from Urology department attended the endourology workshop conducted by Department of Urology, Velammal Medical College, Madurai on 25.02.17. Dr. Vishal, postgraduate from Urology department attended Andrology workshop in NADIAD, Gujarat held from 23.03.17 to 25.03.17. Dr.Vishal, MCh Urology student attended Robotic Urology Foundation Conference in Mumbai on 21-23 Apr2017. Dr. Vishal and Dr. Bala Bhaskar.R, MCh Urology students attended 4th mid-term conference under the aegis of TAPASU in Dhanalaxmi Sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur on 30 Apr 2017.

Dr.Karthik M and Dr.Vishal, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, Chennai held on 14 & 15 Oct 2017.

▶▶ PG NEWS Awards Dr. Sumathi Sri, Post Graduate, Pediatrics, was awarded the second prize at the inter-collegiate Paper presentation at SBV Research week held between 02.01.17 and 06.01.17, at MGMCRI. Dr. Ajay Prakash. T. R, Post Graduate, Pediatrics, was awarded the third prize at the inter-collegiate Paper presentation at SBV Research week held between 02.01.17 and 06.01.17, at MGMCRI. Dr. Priyanka third year postgraduate, Anesthesiology received first prize in poster presentation on “Case report-Anaesthetic management of renal cell carcinoma with inferior venacaval thrombus” at the 7th Annual Pondicherry State Conference of Anaesthesiology (PONCON-2016) in MGMCRI College campus on 07.01.17 and 08.01.17. The CME “Office P ediatrics” was. organized by the department of Pediatrics on the 30th of April, 2017 at MGMCRI. A free poster session was organized as a part of the event. The posters were judged by Dr. Sriram Krishnamurthy and Dr. S. Srinivasan. Dr. Ajay Prakash and Dr. Sumathi, PGs of Pediatrics were awarded the first and second places for the best posters respectively.

Dr.Karthik M, Dr.Vishal and Dr.Rohit, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the Prof W E Moses Endowment Lecture & Urethroplasty Workshop conducted at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, held on 15 & 16 Jul 2017. Dr.Karthik M, Dr.Vishal and Dr.BalaBhaskar Reddy M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists SZUSICON 2017 in Kasturbha Medical College, Manipal held from 11 to 13 Aug 2017. Dr.Karthik M and Dr.Vishal, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the Lap Endofusion 2017 workshop held at Kochi on 9 & 10 Sep 2017. Dr.Karthik M, Dr.Vishal and Dr.Rohit P, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, Chennai, held from 15 to 17 Sep 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Vijay Kumar final year postgraduate, Radiology Department, presented paper, titled, Recurrent massive hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis defaulter embolisation of unusual source of hemoptysis at the CME on Chest imaging, held between September 23 & 24, 2017 at Mysore and received the first prize among the presented 7 papers from Dr. R K Goulatia.

Dr. Naveen Kumar Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology won first prize in paper presentation titled on “Hemidiaphragmatic function assessment following USG guided supraclavicular versus costoclavicular brachial plexus block” at ISACON-South Trichy, held from 4.8.17 to 6.8.17 in Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM), Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli. Dr. Indu K Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology won first prize in podium paper presentation titled “Influence of arm positions on ultrasonic visualization of subclavian vein in mechanically ventilated patients in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017.

technique of post-operative analgesia for median sternotomy incision in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017. Dr.Vishnu Narayanan postgraduate, ENT, was awarded Gold medal in paper presentation in the category ‘Prof Sadasivam Medal for Otology’ in MISTORL 2017, 20th Tamil Nadu state and 13th South zone conference conducted in Madurai on 13.10.17 – 15.10.17 Dr.Roby Thomas Koshy, postgraduate, ENT, was awarded First prize in poster presentation in NATCON ENT Update 2017 conducted in Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai on 09.12.17 Dr Kavitha, Postgraduate, OBGY presented a poster titled “Hyperemesis Gravidarum with Wernicke’s encephalopathy” at INSIGHT Conference on High Risk Pregnancy & Infertility held on October 29th, 2017 organized by Rao Hospital, Coimbatore and won the second prize. Dr.Prithvee, PG,Dept. Of General Surgery, was awarded 3rd prize for Poster presentation in Jaipur, ASICON 2017. Dr. Chithra & Dr. Surendran, PGs, Community Medicine got Best Oral presentations at VINCOM Conference at Salem - Integrated National Public Health conference with the theme “ Communicable and Non-Communicable disease: Trends and Challenges”

▶▶ Scientific Presentations

Dr. Daniel Rajadurai Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology won first prize in poster presentation titled “ultrasound guided parasternal block a novel

Dr.MohitVashishta, Final yr resident, Department of Radiology, MGMCRI presented a paper titled “A comprehensive study analysinganalysing the anatomical variations in the celiac and mesenteric arterial system in south Indian population by CT angiography and emphasising its significance in surgical and interventional procedures” at the 70th annual IRIA conference conducted in Jaipur between 04.01.17 and 08.01.17. Dr. Charanya T(PG Resident), Department of Psychiatry, Presented a Poster titled “A study of temperament, resilience and coping of children of individuals with alcohol dependence” in PG Dissertation Poster Presentation organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, on 05.01.2017. Dr. Karthik B, (PG Resident), Department of Psychiatry, Presented a Poster titled “A study of the effect of adjunctive music listening on the outcome

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Scholars in the Making

of depressive disorders” in PG Dissertation Poster Presentation organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, on 05.01.2017. All the junior residents from Dept. of anesthesiology participated 7th Annual Pondicherry State Conference of Anaesthesiology (PONCON-2016) in our MGMCRI College campus on 07.01.17 and 08.01.17. All the residents are participated PG quiz and the final year residents presented their posters. Dr. Surrendar, Dr. Chitra& Dr. Sridhar, Post- Graduates, Department of Community Medicine were the Resource Persons at the Workshop on “From Data to Decisions: Statistical Principles for Clinical Decisions” held on 08.01.17 during PONCON- 7th Annual Pondicherry state Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Pondicherry Dr.Sahana.S, first year post graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper in SAF on 02.02.2017 on the topic, ‘ Buddchiari syndrome- Finding a way to decongest with percutaneous stenting’. Dr. Sriteja Arya (final year PG), Department of DVL presented a paper titled “SSSS vs TEN –A diagnostic challenge” in SAF dated 03.02.2017. Dr.R.Chitarth, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery presented a poster titled “Is Percutaneous Cross K-wire pinning for displaced Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus in cjildren gold standard? A functional analysis, at TNOACON 2017 from 10.02.17 to 12.02.17 at Le Meridien, Coimbatore. Dr.R. Naveen Kumar, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery presented a poster titled “Early weight bearing following Intertrochanteric Fractures managed with Proximal Femoral Nail” and participated in the discussions in the 50th Annual Conference of the TamilNaduOrthopaedic Association held from 10.02.17 to 12.02.17 at Le Meridien, Coimbatore. Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery presented a paper titled” Use of intramedullary Nail in Distal Metaphyseal Fractures of Tibia” and participated in the discussions in the 50th Annual conference of the TamilNaduOrthopaedic Association held from 10.02.17 to 12.02.17 at Le Meridien, Coimbatore. Dr.N.JReguvaran, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has attended as delegate & presented Poster “A Rare case of Foot Swelling” in POACON 2017, on 25.02.17 and 26.02.17 on 6th Annual Conference held at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. Karthik B, (PG Resident), Department of Psychiatry, Presented a paper titled “A study of the

effect of adjunctive music listening on the outcome of depressive disorders” at the 4th International Conference on Music Therapy titled Music Therapy: Salutogenic Approach to Healthorganized by CMTER in SBV on 10.03.2017. Post Graduates, Department of General Surgery presented posters at MIDASCION Trichy dated on 12.03.17. Dr. Abhishant presented on the topic, ‘ Late presentation of Congenital diaphragmatic hernia’, Dr. Chidambarathanu presented on the topic, ‘Late presentation of traumatic sigmoid perforation’ and Dr. Dinesh Rajasekar presented on the topic, ‘Lateral pancreaticojejunostomy in chronic pancreatitis’. Dr. Surrendar, Dr. Chitra& Dr. Sridhar, PostGraduates, Department of Community Medicine gave Oral Presentations at the Fourth International Management Development Programme- “Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases” held at SRM University, Chennai from 31.3.17 to 01.04.17. Dr. Surendran, PG, Comminity Medicine presented an oral scientific paper at SAF -Cardiovascular Disease Risk Profiling Among Cuddalore Road Transport Corporation (CRTC) Workers using WHO/ISH charts. Dr Zeeshan Ahmed, 3rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology, gave a talk on eye donation to nursing staff on 16.10.2017. Dr Aditiya.M, 3rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology attended and presented a Free Paper “RNFL thickness in Ocular hypertensives” in the Annual Conference of the Andhra Pradesh Ophthalmologists society held in Vijayawada from 13.10.2017 to 15.10.2017. Dr Sindhuja.M, 3rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology attended and presented a Free Paper “Central macular thickness in Diabetic retinopathy” in the Annual Conference of the Andhra Pradesh Ophthalmologists society held in Vijayawada from 13.10.2017 to 15.10.2017. Dr Sruthi Rajendiran, 3 rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology attended and presented a Free Paper “Clinical profile & immediate surgical outcome of patients with PxF undergoing cataract surgery” in the Annual Conference of the Kerala society of Ophthalmic surgeons held at Kollam from 24.11.2017 to 26.11.2017. Dr.P.Selvakumar, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated and present case in MORE 2017 – 10th & 11th November, MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.A.R.Pritem, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated and present case in MORE 2017 – 10th & 11th November, MGMCRI, Pondicherry.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr.Sandeep Kumar T, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated and present case in MORE 2017 – 10th & 11th November, MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.SaumitraDubey, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated and present case in MORE 2017 – 10th & 11th November, MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.Abhinaya, O&G Post graduate, presented a paper on “Effect of perineal massage at second stage of labour in incidence of episiotomy and perineal tear” at International Congress on Critical Care in Obstetrics on October 6-8th, 2017 at Ahmedabad organized by Ahmedabad Obstetrics &Gynaecology society. Dr.Amrutha, O&G Post graduate, presented a paper on “Comparision of maternal and perinatal outcome in elective & emergency LSCS” at International Congress on Critical Care in Obstetrics on October 6-8th, 2017 at Ahmedabad organized by Ahmedabad Obstetrics & Gynaecology society. Dr.Kavitha, O&G Post graduate, presented a paper on “Evaluation of lipid profile in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus-An Observational Study” at International Congress on Critical Care in Obstetrics on October 6-8th, 2017 at Ahmedabad organized by Ahmedabad Obstetrics & Gynaecology society. Dr.Amrutha, O&G Post graduate, presented a poster “A case of severe Ashermann’s syndrome” at INSIGHT Conference on High Risk Pregnancy & Infertility held on October 29th, 2017organized by Rao Hospital, Coimbatore. Dr.Kavitha, O&G Post graduate, presented a poster titled “Hyperemesis Gravidarum with Wernicke’s encephalopathy” at INSIGHT Conference on High Risk Pregnancy & Infertility held on October 29th, 2017 organized by Rao Hospital, Coimbatore. Dr.Swathy, O&G Post graduate, presented a poster “Cross sectional study of oral glucose tolerance test with non-fasting & fasting for screening & diagnosis of GDM” on 9th December, 2017organised by SAF, SBV Research week -2017. Dr. Ayesha, O&G Post graduate, presented a poster “A Prospective Randomised Trial to Compare side effects of early Vs late removal of Foley’s catheter and vaginal pack following Vaginal Hysterectomy” on 9th December, 2017 organized bySBV Research week -2017. Dr.Sharmila, O&G Post graduate,presented a poster on “Mid-pregnancy USG Cervical length measurement-A predictor of mode and timing of delivery: An Observational Study” on 9th December, 2017 organized by SBV Research week -2017.

Dr. ManajiperAnusha Reddy, III rd year final PG, Department Of Radiodiagnosis presented a poster titled, MRI findings in Neurofibromatosis ( NF1 & NF2) and a paper titled Ultrasonological Correlative Study of Placental thickness in relation to Gestational age and fetal weight at TN & PY IRIA State Conference 2017 held at Tuticorin. Dr. Roshini. G, III rd year PG, Department Of Radiodiagnosis presented a poster titled, Single Centre Experience in the Endovascular management of Peripheral and visceral AVM and a paper on Comparison of Diagnostic Accuracy of high resolution Ultrasonography with MRI in Detecting Musculotendinous Pathologies of Shoulder Joint at TN & PY IRIA State Conference 2017 held at Tuticorin. Dr. Mubarak. R.M, III rd year final PG, Department Of Radiodiagnosis presented a poster titled,Mystery Lung cancer – Bronchoalveolar carcinoma and a paper on Evaluation of Carotid Intima Media Thickness Using B – Mode Ultrasonography in Hypertensive Patients and Normotensive patients at TN & PY IRIA State Conference 2017 held at Tuticorin. Dr. Raju. M.V.S, III rd year final PG, Department Of Radiodiagnosis presented a poster titled, Unusual Spinatumour and T.A.C.A (Transarterial Chemoembolization) and a paper on Carotid Doppler Evaluation of Trasient Ischemic Attach and Stroke patients and its correlation with CT scan head at TN & PY IRIA State Conference 2017 held at Tuticorin. Dr. K.E. Vijayakumar Gowd, IIIrd year final PG, Department Of Radiodiagnosis presented a paper titled, Functional Assessment of Kidneys before Intervention for Renal Calculus: A Comparative study between Duplex – Doppler Ultrasonography KUB Scan and CECT KUB Scan at TN & PY IRIA State Conference 2017 held at Tuticorin. Dr. Naveen. N, III rd year final PG, Department Of Radiodiagnosis presented a paper titled, Anatomical Variations in CT of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses which predispose to Sinonasal Disease at TN & PY IRIA State Conference 2017 held at Tuticorin. General surgery post graduates poster presentation in ASICON held in Jaipur December 2017.Also General surgery post graduates poster presentation in State conference IMA, in Nagerkovil December 2017. Dr. K.E.Vijaykumar Gowd, Final year radiology PG, attended the following conferences namely BALRAD2017, International conference ( in association with American Institute of Radiologic Pathology) on ‘Musculoskeletal imaging’ held at Chennai on 29.30.1st October 2017 and was one among 10 candidates selected for 1 month course in American College of Radiology-AIRP Radiologic Pathology Correlation

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Scholars in the Making

Course scheduled on February 12 - March 9, 2018 in Silver Spring, Maryland, United states of America. He Also attended American British Course of Neuro Radiology conference held in Mumbai on 6 to8th October. He attended ‘Gleneagles Global Interventional Radiology Symposium’ (GIRS)-Series 5 held in Chennai on November 4-5th 2017 and presented poster titled “ Palliative decompression of malignant biliary obstruction “ which was then selected for Podium presentation and secured the BEST Paper presentation and prize for the same. Dr. Arun N.A Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented poster on “A Study of utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction Compared to Lymphocyte Count and Adenosine Deaminase in the Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion” during Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Research Week on 9 December 2017, MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr. Vimi Varghese Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented poster on “Effect of Thyroid Profile in Newly Detected Smear Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients” during Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Research Week on 9 December 2017, MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr. Indu K, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology participated and presented paper in Dr. T.N. Jha Gold Medal & Dr. K.P. Chansoriya Travel Grant competitions in 65th Annual National Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology, ISACON-2017, held at Kolkata on 26th and 28th November 2017 and credit 8.5 hours is granted by West Bengal Medical Council. Dr. Naveen Kumar, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper titled, Randomised comparison of hemidiaphragmatic function following ultrasound guided supraclavicular versus infraclavicular brachial plexus block in Research Day at MGMCRI held on 07.12.2017. Dr. Surya, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper titled, Comparison of epidural boluses of 0.08%levobupivacaine and 0.1%ropivacaine using fentanyl as adjuvant for labour analgesia in Research Day at MGMCRI held on 07.12.2017. Dr. Indu, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper titled, Randomised Comparison of Ultrasound guided Subclavian vein cannulation in two different arm positions in Research Day at MGMCRI held on 07.12.2017. Dr. Mammen Philip Varghese, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper titled, Randomised comparison of two video laryngoscopes for Nasotracheal intubation:True view

versus king vision in Research Day at MGMCRI held on 07.12.2017. Dr. Tina Mary Thomas, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper titled, Ultrasound guided Sciatic nerve block:A comparsion between single point and two point injection in Research Day at MGMCRI held on 07.12.2017. Dr. Daniel, final year postgraduate in the department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper titled, “Comparison of lignocaine-bupivacaine mixture to bupivacaine for supraclavicular brachial plexus block – A randomized case control trial” in Research Day at MGMCRI held on 07.12.2017. Dr. Natasha CS, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper presentation titled “Complex Neuropsychiatric Manifestations in a Patient with Probable Binswanger’s disease: A Case Report”, in the monthly meeting of the Scientific Academic Forum, MGMCRI, on 06.10.2017. Dr. Preethy R, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “A cross-sectional study of Psychiatric Morbidity and Quality of life among subjects utilizing the preventive health care services of a tertiary hospital” at the Intra-University PG Poster Competition organized during SBV Research Week, at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry on 09.12.2017. Dr. Preethy R was subsequently selected to participate in the Intra University PG Podium Presentation, on 11.12.2017.

▶▶ Scientific Participation Dr.NemakalluSarala Reddy, Dr. GisiSebastain, Dr. Lakshmipriya, Dr. Swathy Srinivasan, Dr.Kabani, Dr. Fathima, Dr. J Sharmila, Dr. Aswin, Dr. Abinaya, Dr. Ayesha Gupta, Dr. Kavitha Dr. AmruthaRahna, Dr. Sivaranjini, Dr. SumaiyaImroze, Dr. Prathima, Dr. Nikita, Dr. Prudvi Rani, Dr. ShruthiRajendran, Dr. Ishwarya, Dr. Shravani, Dr. Sharmila T, Dr. Shinju S. Mathew, Post Graduates, Department of O&G attended a “A Z” in endometriosis by Dr. Kingshuk Majundarat MGMCRI on 04.01.17. Dr. Surrendar& Dr. Sridhar, Post Graduates, Community Medicine attended the CME on “Recent Updates in Vaccination” held at Government Medical College, Omandurar Medical College, Chennai on January 25.01.17. Dr. Chitra A, Post Graduate, Community Medicine attended a sensitization programme on “Measles Rubella Vaccination Campaign” Organised by WHO, Rotary & UNICEF on 25.01.2017 at IGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.R. Naveen Kumar, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as a delegate in the



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

(RAPID-2017) on 28.01.17, First RMMCH Annual Postgraduate Instructional Course & Deliberation, Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital, Annamalai University. Dr. Kavin Kumar M.P, Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Vishnu, Dr. Vinod, Dr. Binoy, Dr. Prathana Seles, Dr. Raam Deepak, Dr. Roby Thomas, Postgraduates, Department of Otorhinolaryngology were involved as organizers of a workshop on ”Live Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Workshop” held in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Pondicherry on 17.2.2017 Dr. Mohammed Washid & Dr. Mohammed Jasheer, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “RRRR 2017- Ramachandra rapid review in respiratory medicine” on 18.02.2017 & 19.02.2017 held in Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai. Dr. VinodAmaran, Postgraduate, Department of Otorhinolaryngology attended a conference in MERF OTOVAGANZA 2017 the “Temporal Bone and Lateral Skull Base Dissection Workshop “ held at MERF, Chennai on 24.02.17 and 25.02.17. Dr.Sandeep Kumar TripathiDr.SaumitraDubey, Dr. ShamimAhamedBarbhuiya, and Dr.R. Naveen Kumar, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery attended as delegate in POACON 2017, 6th Annual Conference held between 25.02.17 and 26.02.17 held at hotel Athithi, Pondicherry. Dr. Hajer, Dr. Indu, Dr. Naveen, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Anil, Dr. Ashit, Dr. Abhimanyu, Dr. Govind, Dr. Anwar, Dr. Harith, Dr. Arthi, Dr. Gobinath, attended International Women’s Day celebration and CME on Obstetric Anaesthesia for panel discussion moderator on the topic“Labor Analgesia and Post Cesarean Analgesia” held at Hotel Accord organized by ISA Puducherry State Branch on 08.03.17. Dr.Zeeshan and Dr.Anudeep, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a workshop on “Ocular Trauma Skills Transfer” conducted by Department of ophthalmology, MS Ramaiah Medical collegeat MSRamaiah Advanced Learning Centre, Bangalore on 18.03.17 and 19.03.17. Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Zeeshan, DrSruthi R, Dr.Senthil, Dr.VasanthKumar.R&Dr.SruthyVaishali, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a talk on “Advances in Glaucoma” held at Sri ManakulaVinayagar, Pondicherry on 21.03.17. Dr. Surrendar, Dr. Chitra, & Dr. Sridhar, Post Graduates, Community Medicine attended a Fourth International Management Development Programme“Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases” held at SRM University, Chennai from 31.03.17 to 01.04.17.

Dr,Vinod, postgraduate, ENT, attended the workshop on “hands on Temporal Bone Dissection Course” conducted by Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai on 09.09.2017 Dr.Paresh Nichlani, Dr.Senthil Prasad.R, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017. Dr. Natasha Celia Saldanha, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a student facilitator at the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIMECON), organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, held on 16.09.2017. She delivered a short presentation during the session titled “Who is the ideal teacher & what is ideal teaching for today’s learners”. Dr. Preethy R, Dr. Natasha CS, Dr. Monika S, PG Residents, Department of Psychiatry, attended the 32nd Annual Conference of IPS - Tamil Nadu Chapter, CME on TANPSYCON held at Yercaud, Salem on 08.09.2017 & 09.09.2017. Dr. Monika S, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended extramural postings at NIMHANS, Bangalore, from 01.09.2017 to 15.10.2017. Dr. Suriyakumar T, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended a workshop on “EMR - Investigation and Prescription Training” organized by Department of IT, MGMCRI, on 28.09.2017 Dr. Daggupati Harith, Dr. Govind Shaji, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Krishna Reddy, Postgraduates, Dept. of Anesthesiology, attended “Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care Course at MGMCRI, as a Provider Candidate on 11th, 12th, and 13th August 2017. Dr. Tina, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Naveen, Dr. Indu, Dr. Surya, Dr. Krishna, Dr. Nikhila, Postgraduates, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, attended Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI. Dr.VenkatRaghavan, Dr.MadhuBalaji and Dr. Varghese, Post graduates, Dept of Pathologyparticipated in Quiz competition in HEMAT CME 2017 held at JIPMER, Puducherry on Sept, 2017. Dr. Pritem.A.R, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate in 15th Calicut Ortho course 2017 (Post Graduate Training & Instructional Course) held from 7th to 9th July 2017. Dr. Thiyagesh Deva Ganapathy& Dr. Karthikeyan, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “CRSCON 2017- 4th Annual conference of Coimbatore Respiratory Society ” on 05.07.2017 & 06.08.2017 in Hotel Grand Regent, Coimbatore.

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Scholars in the Making

Dr. Arun Na& Dr. Vimi Varghese Dr. Chandrajith, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Interventional Pulmonology update 2017’’ in Apollo hospital, Chennai on 30.07.2017. Dermoscopy Basics Workshop – JIPMER between22.07.17 and 23.07.17 was attended by 1st year post graduates, Department of Dermatology, Dr.Alagammai, Dr. Harshitha, Dr. Salma, Dr.Prathiba and 2 nd year post graduates Dr. Roshni and Dr.Sapna. CME on Pediatric dermatology, SRMC Chennai held on16th September, 2017was attended by Dr.Rajesh and Dr.Nivethitha (2nd yr. post graduates) and Dr.Preethi, senior resident, Department of Dermatology. CUTICON 2017 Tamilnaduheld at Thirunelveli from 29.09.17 to 01.10.17 was attended by Dr.Lasya (final yr PG) and Dr.Rosni (2nd yr PG), Department of Dermatology.

Dr. Natasha CS, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the National Addiction CME on “Newer Drugs and Newer Challenges”, organized by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, in collaboration with Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS), Karnataka Chapter, on 24.10.2017. Dr. Natasha CS, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the 2nd symposium on “OCD and Related Disorders: An update on Research & Treatment Practices” at National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, on 28.10.2017 and 29.10.2017. Dr. Krithiga lakshmi, Dr. Ibrahim & Dr. Ziaul haq, I year Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended BASICS AND BEYOND-2017 “Introductory topics in pulmonary medicine” on 06.10.2017 & 07.10.2017 conducted by Stanley Medical College & Government hospital of thoracic medicine, Tambaram sanatorium, Chennai.

Dr.Swathy, Dr.Sharmila&Dr.Kavitha, Post graduates, Dr. Vimi Varghese & Dr. Chandrajith, Final Year Post Department of OBGY attended National level “CME on Prevention and management of Cervical Cancer” graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended at JIPMER, Pondicherry as delegate on 16th& 17th “South India PG update programme’’ on 27.10.2017 September, 2017. & 28.10.2017 held at the Institute of chest diseases, Kozhikode, Kerala. Dr. Ayesha, Dr.Abhinaya, Dr.Swathy, Dr.Sharmila, Post graduates, Department of OBGY attended “ Advances Dr.Arun NA, Dr.Vimi Varghese, Dr. Thiyagesh deva in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” ganapathy, Dr.Karthikeyan, Dr.Mohammed Ibrahim, organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Dr.Kirthiga lakshmi & Dr.Ziaul haq Post graduates, Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended the “International Congress Of The Pulmonologists Society Dr.Swathy, Dr.Amrutha, Dr.Shruti, Dr.Sharmila, Of Indian Ocean” held in Le Pondy resort, Pondicherry Dr. Ashwin, Dr.Shravani, Dr.Prudvi, Dr.Roshini, between 30.11.2017& 03.12.2017. Dr.Garima, Dr.Soumya, Dr.Meenakshi, Post graduates, Dr.Vishnu narayanan, Dr.Vinod amaran, Dr.Prathana Department of OBGY attended Shri MVK Iyer Oration by Dr. C Palanivelu on “My Tryst with Seles, Dr.Rakhi postgraduates, ENT, participated in Laparoscopic Surgery” on 14.07.2017 at MGMCRI, MIST’ Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training PG CME programme conducted in MGMCRI on 25.11.17 Puducherry. Dr.Prudvi, Dr.Ishwarya, Dr.Soumya, Dr.Shruti, Dr.Amrutha, Dr.Swathy, Dr.Ashwin, Dr.Pratima, Post graduate, Department of OBGY attended SAF Guest Lecture on Functional. Restorative Neurosurgery by Dr. R Ramnarayan on 15th September 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.Ishwarya, Dr.Jishma, Dr.Moshina, Dr.Kavita, Dr. Shinju, Dr. Nikita, Dr.Sandhiya, Dr.Vidya, Post graduate, Department of OBGY attended SAF Guest Lecture on “Sustaining Breast Feeding Together” by Dr. S Srinivasan Tamil Nadu State Co-ordinator, NRHM on 04.08.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Ishwarya, Dr. Nikita & Dr. Shinju, Post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the “Breast Feeding Quiz” organized by Dept. of Paediatrics in first week of August, 2017.

Dr. Indu, Dr. Surya, Dr. Daniel and Dr. Naveen, final year postgraduates in the Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated at ISA Puducherry State Brach Meet, held on 13.10.2017. ISA meet hotel Athithi. A relayed video seminar–“Thyroid Update in O & G” by Dr Unnikrishnan, Clinical Endocrinologist from Pune was conducted on 12.10.2017 in O & G Department which was attended by all the faculty and postgraduate members of the Department. Dr.Swathy, Dr.Amrutha, Dr.Shruti, Dr.Sharmila, Dr Ashwin, Dr.Prudvi, Dr.Roshini, Dr.Garima, Dr.Soumya, Dr.Meenakshi, O&G Post graduates,attended SAF Guest lecture on “Emerging Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological aspects of Pain Management” by Dr.Muralidhar Joshi, Virinchi Hospitals, Hyderabad on 13.10.2017organised by Scientific & Academic Forum.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr.PareshNichlani, Dr.SenthilPrasad.R,Dr.Zeeshan Ahmed &Dr.SruthiRajendiran, postgraduates from Department of Ophthalmologyattended a workshop on Gonioscopy by Dr.L.Wallace at Aravind eye hospital, Pondicherry on 12.10.2017. Dr. PareshNichlani, Dr. SenthilPrasad.R, Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed & Dr. SruthiRajendiran, Dr. ShruthyVaishali, Dr. Vasantha Kumar, Dr. ReshmaShaji, Dr. Rekha Shankar, postgraduates from Department of Ophthalmology,attended AGES-25, a conference on glaucoma at Aravind eye hospital, Pondicherrybetween14.10.2017 & 15.10.2017. Dr AnudeepKannegolla, 3rd YearPostgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Annual Conference of the Andhra Pradesh Ophthalmologists society held in Vijayawada from 13.10.2017 to 15.10.2017.

undergraduate medical students of MGMC&RI. It envisions two broad goals: Expose students to the Bio-psychosocial dimensions of health and disease – beyond the usual disease-centric hospital-based learning. Demystify ‘research’ by orienting students to the basics of Health Research Methodology This 2 week programme was organized for the first year MBBS students (2016 batch; 250 students) in February, 2017. The programme was divided into three components- An initial training on research methods, followed by field data collection and finally, data analysis & presentation.

Dr. PareshNichlani, Dr. SenthilPrasad.R, Dr. ShruthyVaishali, Dr Aditiya.M, Dr Sindhuja.M, Dr. AnudeepKanegolla, postgraduates from Department of Ophthalmology attended a lecture on “Difficult situations in cataract surgery” by Dr.Alan.S.Crandall at le Pondy beach resort on 04.12.2017

Four team of MBBS students from MGMCRI participated in Microbiology Quiz competition organised by Department of Microbiology at Government Medical College, Theni on 23.06.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, accompanied the students. Out of a total of 188 teams from Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, MGMCRI team comprising of Mr. PratyushR, Mr. Reuben Toi, 6th semester MBBS students and Mr. KavinilavanR, 4th semester MBBS student won first prize in the quiz competition.

Dr Aditiya.M, Dr Sindhuja.M, Dr.PareshNichlani, Dr.Zeeshan Ahmed &Dr.SruthiRajendiran and Dr.Abhinay, postgraduates from Department of Ophthalmology, attended PG update program by Dr. Capt. Vijayaraghavan held at Sri Venkateshwara Medical college & hospital, Pondicherry on 23.12.2017

12th Inter Dental Collegiate Prize Examination in Pharmacology for BDS Students was held in SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, on 10th June 2017. Six of our Students from II year BDS attended the Prize examination and Miss.R.Sri Niranchana won the Prize examination.

▶▶ UG News

Mr Abishek K., guided by Dr Satvinder Singh Bakshi, ENT and Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, CYTER won the First Prize in poster presentation in National seminar cum workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” held on 23.6.17 at MGMCRI.

Student Enrichment Programmes Department of Pulmonary Medicine The Department of Pulmonary Medicine organized a Quiz on Tuberculosis for MBBS (VI Semester) students, on 27.03.2017, in commemoration with World TB Day 2017. The batch of 250 students participated in the quiz. Best three teams were selected. Cash prize worth `3250/- (I: `2000; II: ` 750; III: `500) and certificates were distributed for the winners. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, Prof.R.Pajanivel and Dr.A.Senthilkumar along with the Post Graduates of the department conducted the event. Department of Community Medicine The HeART Module - Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques The HeART Module (Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques) was designed as an innovative communitybased experiential learning opportunity for first year

Miss A. B. Thannushree, Dr SS Bakshi, Assistant Professor was awarded “ First prize for poster presentation in ‘Empower 17’ – The 13th international Medical Student’s Research Congress” conducted in Govt. Stanley medical College, Chennai on 19.07.17 to 22.07.17. The department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology is proud to announce that our students R Pratyush, (VII Sem) &Kavinilavan (V SEM) from MGMCRI secured 1st Place in INDICIA 17 - Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Quiz Competition organized by ThanjavurGovt Medical College, Tamilnadu on July 29th 2017. Mr.Ragul (III yr MBBS student) and Dr.Vasanthan received certificate of acceptance for their ICMR-STS project titled “Effect of overnight sleep deprivation on autonomic function tests and perceived stress”.

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Scholars in the Making

A group of MBBS students participated in Pterion 2017, an academic event held at Coimbatore Government Medical College on 23.08.2017 and 24.08.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, accompanied the students. The team comprising of Mr. Pratyush R, III MBBS student, Mr. Narendran and Mr. Kavinilavan R, II MBBS students participated in the Quiz competition and won the first prize. Mrs. V.Kavitha, III MBBS student presented a case titled “Chronic Osteomyelitis caused by an uncommon pathogen” with the guidance of Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Dr. Manoharan, Associate Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, MGMCRI and won third prize. A group of MBBS students participated in an academic event organised by Dept. of Microbiology, Trichy Medical College on 11.09.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, accompanied the students. Three teams of MBBS students participated in a quiz competition on “Microbiology and Infectious diseases”. Out of our two teams which were selected for final round, the team comprising of Mr. Pratyush R, III MBBS student, Mr. Kavinilavan R and Mr.Girishanth, II MBBS students won the first place. A team II MBBS students comprising of Mr. Prasanna, Mr. Parthiban and Mr. Newfin created a video on “MDR TB : A challenge” under the guidance of faculties of Department of Microbiology and with the support of Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Dept. Pulmonary Medicine, MGMCRI. They won the first place for video presentation competition. Another team of students, Mrs. Reshma.C, II MBBS student, Mrs. Kavitha V and Mr. Abishek, III MBBS students prepared a model on “Drug resistance in bacteria” under the guidance of faculties of Microbiology department, MGMCRI and participated in model competition in the same event.

Winners of Quiz & Poster Competitions The department of Forensic medicine & Toxicology is proud to announce that our students R Pratyush, & Kavinilavan (VII & VI SEM) from MGMCRI secured 1st Place in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Quiz Competition organized by Tanjavur Govt Medical College, Tamilnadu on 15th October 2017. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor from Forensic Medicine accompanied the students. Mr Pratyush and Mr Reuben Toi undergraduates was awarded Second prize in quiz competition in MISTORL 2017, 20th Tamilnadu state and 13th South zone conference conducted in Madurai on 13.10.17 – 15.10.17. Mr Pratyush undergraduate was awarded Third prize in poster presentation in NATCON Update ENT 2017 conducted in Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai on 9.12.17

Faculty, Department of Physiology conducted “Model/ poster Session” for kinaesthetic learning of I MBBS students in the module of endocrine physiology. 60 students participated in the program. Students presented their poster/models in front of Dr M Ravishankar, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dr Partha Nandi, Vice principle (students), invited faculty members and other students I MBBS. Dr Manimagalai, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Dr Seethaeaman Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine and Dr C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF judged the posters. Prizes and certificates were awarded to the participating students. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) and Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, organised a program on “Salutogenesis and well-being of medical students” as part of the Orientation. Induction Program for MBBS Y1 - Batch of 2017, on 12.09.2017. As part of this program, Dr. Sunayana C, delivered a talk on “Mental health and well-being of medical students”. A comprehensive introduction was provided regarding the online “Mental health & well-being questionnaire for 1st year MBBS students”. This questionnaire was prepared by the Department of Psychiatry, with technical help from Department of IT, MGMCRI. Eleven Communication skills training modules were organized by a team from Department of Psychiatry comprising Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Mr. Rajkumar (Psychologist), Ms. Ektha Jain (Psychologist) for MBBS Semester 4 & 5 between 13.07.2017 and 21.09.2017. Feedback discussion for MBBS 6th Semester students by Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry held on 08.08.2017. Paediatric Quiz for UGs (2017) : 30th IAP Paediatrics quiz for undergraduates 2017, local college round was conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College& Research Institute, Pondicherry on 07.07.2017. 6 teams participated each consisting of 2 students from the final year M.B.B.S. The quiz had 6 rounds, in which this year we had included quiz mountain in the final round. Manasa Saraswathy and Manaswini, were the winners and were selected for the zonal round.

Department of Forensic Medicine CME on Forensic Update- 2017 & Forensic Fair 3rd semester students from MGMCRI attended Forensic Fair and CME conducted by Department of Forensic Medicine, JSS Medical College Mysore, Karnataka on 22nd & 23rd December 2017. Forensic fair was held to provide awareness among students and common public regarding crime investigation, poisonous plants,



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

fingerprint study, Forensic ballistic, Forensic pathology, Forensic Anthropology, Food adulteration, Cyber crime etc. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine accompanied the students.

Department of Community Medicine HeART 2017 – For MBBS & Dental students The HeART Module - Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques The HeART Module (Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques) was designed as an innovative community-based experiential learning opportunity for students. It envisions two broad goals: Expose students to the Bio-psychosocial dimensions of health and disease – beyond the usual disease-centric hospital-based learning. Demystify ‘research’ by orienting students to the basics of Health Research Methodology This 2 week programme was organized for the first year MBBS students (2017 batch; 250 students) and for the Dental students in October, 2017.The programme was divided into three components- An initial training on research methods, followed by field data collection and finally, data analysis & presentation. During the first phase, the students were given training on basic qualitative research methodology andwere oriented to different tools of rapid appraisal such as transect walk, social and resource mapping, seasonal and 24 hour calendars, etc. In the second phase, the students were taken to the villages – Seliamedu, Kudiyiruppupalayam, Aranganoorin Pondicherry for the field experience. In the Third phase the students compiled and analysed the data. Students prepared charts, posters and banners, in addition to oral and PowerPoint presentations detailing their findings and presented to all the faculty of the University. At the end of the programme feedback was obtained from all the stakeholders. “Commed Medal exam”

“Commed Medal exam” was organized for the first time for Undergraduate students- 12.12.17, where around 50 students participated

Department of Psychiatry Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry organised a program titled “Salutogenesis and well-being of Nursing students” for the benefit of KGNC 1st year UG nursing students. This program included an orientation talk, brief interaction, followed by supervised self-assessment of psychological well-being using an electronic / online proforma. A team from Department of Psychiatry comprising Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), & Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, conducted a program titled “Communication skills in clinical medicine - Introduction & overview” as part of “Introduction to Clinical Medicine” program, for 3rd Semester MBBS students on 09.10.2017 to 10.10.2017. Several communication skills training modules were organised by a team from Department of Psychiatry comprising Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Mr. Rajkumar (Psychologist), Ms. Ektha Jain (Psychologist) for the benefit of 4th & 5th semester MBBS students on 03.10.2017, 07.11.2017, 14.11.2017.

▶▶ SPECTRA 2017 Spectra 2k17- the intercollegiate cultural and sports fest of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute was conducted from 28th to 31st of March, with students from medical colleges across Pondicherry and Karaikal coming together for a battle of mind, will, strength and spirit. The first day of SPECTRA began with the formal inauguration of the sports events by our honourable Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. K. R. Sethuraman and the

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Scholars in the Making

ceremony was presided over by the Dean Prof. Dr. M Ravishankar. It was held at the college grounds with a gathering of a few hundred students from MGMCRI and the participating colleges. The sports events were kick started with the cricket match. Spectra 2k17 was inaugurated by the honorable Deputy Inspector General of Police, Shri. Jegadesan Kannan, IPS and was presided over by our respected Vice Chancellor Prof. K. R. Sethuraman and our Dean Prof. Dr. M. Ravishankar. The prizes for Med Masters and for the women’s day elocution and short video competitions were distributed by the dignitaries. The inauguration was followed by the group dance competition. There was a very enthusiastic participation for the cultural events of Spectra 2k17which ranged from solo and duet dance, solo and duet singing, mime, adzap, variety show, group dance, short film, adaptunes, music band and fashion show. The sports events saw the maximum number of participation and went on from dawn to night. The players tested their mettle against competitors from medical colleges of pondicherry in the games like throwball, football, futsal, basketball, super six, cricket, volleyball, tennis, table tennis and badminton, for the overall trophy and cash prize of `1,70,000.

degenerations” by Dr K Vasantha, Former Director & Superintendent, RIOGOH, Chennai was organized on 02.09.2017.

▶▶ CRRI NEWS RNTCP orientation programme for CRRIs was organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine in MGMC & RI on 8.4.2017. Professor.M.Ravi Shankar, Dean-Faculty of Medicine inaugurated the programme and stressed the need to be abreast with the latest developments in the guidelines. Vice Principal – Curriculum Dr.V.N.Mahalakshmi participated in the inauguration and gave valuable support for the smooth conduct of the event. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HoD, Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor and Dr.Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor delivered talks on various aspects of Technical and Operational Guidelines (TOG) for TB -2016. Faculty from the Department of Microbiology and Community Medicine delivered talks on TOG Microbiological and Operational aspects respectively. CRRIs participated enthusiastically throughout the day. Pre test and Post test were conducted, analyzed and the excerpt forwarded to the authorities.

▶▶ White Coat Ceremony -04.10.2017

▶▶ Miscellany Dr.Mohamed Washid and Dr.Mohamed Jasheer – Final year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine appeared for University exams in April – May and both have cleared their exams with flying colours. The Department of Pulmonary Medicine welcomed newly joined Post graduates - Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, Dr.N. Kirthiga Lakshmi and Dr. Mohammed Ziaul in the first week of June. A PG update program by the Department of Ophthalmology on “Corneal dystrophies and



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Other Highlights WOMENS DAY CELEBRATION On behalf of WE, Women Cell, SBV, commemorated the international women’s day 2017, with an Elocution & short video message competition that was held on 13th march 2017 on the title :“Be Bold for Change-Women in the Changing World of Work”. Around 50 students from the four constituent SBV institutions actively participated and expressed their veiws on the women empowerment.Dr.Meena Ramanathan & Prof.Rupa Jha were the judges. Prizes were awarded to the winners during the Inaugural function of SPECTRA on 29th March 2017. Short video message: Ist prize: Mr.Antony, IGIDS, Mr.Paranthaman, KGNC IInd prize:Ms.Nandhini.S, KGNC, IIIrd prize: Ms.Swetha, MGMCRI

Elocution : Ist prize: Ms.D.E.Mary Catherine, KGNC & Ms.Sruthi Ganesh, SSSMC IInd prize: Ms.Preeth E.PM, IGIDS IIIrd prize: Ms.RinuAndrea, MGMCRI

▶▶ Health Sparkles The Health Sparkles Hospital Newsletter is carrying out its mission successfully in sharing the Healthcare updates and services provided by MGMCRI to the wide range of readers. Health Sparkles is being circulated to all the hospitals of Puducherry and Cuddalore attracting more readers in and around Puducherry. As motivation to employees the following Employees received the cash award for the Star Performer of the last Quarter of 2017 namely Mrs. Periyanayaga Mary, Staff Nurse, SICU (Vol1,Issue-2,Oct 2017), Miss. Veeralakshmi R, Nursing Assistant, DVL Dept.(Vol-1, Issue-3, Nov 2017) and Mr. Sivaprakasam M, Housekeeping Supervisor (Vol1, Issue-4, Dec 2017) The Editorial team of Health Sparkles congratulates the Star performer of this Quarter.

spoke on the topic “Enhancing self-esteem and stress release techniques’ 35 New nursing staff, 10 Administrative members, 15 Nursing staff, 10 Technicians, 3 Grade 2 staff and 10 Attenders participated in the event. The summary of the event is accepting and feeling good about ourselves. Though good communication, known as an inter-personal communication is an essential part of a person’s life, the success factor largely depends on the intra-personal communication, or our internal selfdialogue. We often feel inadequate mainly by comparing ourselves with others which results in an inferior or a ‘not good enough’ feeling. The participants were taught to realize their own uniqueness and accept themselves as they are and were taught techniques on how to increase their self-esteem levels which forms the basis of any self-development training, and thus creating a harmony of body, mind and spirit. Administration and Nursing Staff Awareness Programs was conducted on 16.03.2017, where Mrs. M.B. Josephine, Mrs. Priya Philip, Senior Student Welfare Officer and Student Counsellor respectively spoke on the topic, “Creating Positive Energy and using the Law of Attraction” for 14 Administrative members, 17 Nursing staff, 12 Technicians, and 10 Attenders.. The summary of the event was how positive thoughts and emotions can transform our lives. Participants were taught to be aware of their thoughts and emotions which can physiologically and psychologically affect them in many ways. Theories of effective use of the mind, including the Law of Attraction and how to create a happy state of mind were also explained. Increasing one’s energy levels in a positive way will create a ripple effect which will touch and transform all those around them. Many orientation program on fire safety was conducted during the first quarter of 2017.

Employee welfare Considering the, then upcoming monsoon season, MGMCRI Management issued “Rain Coat” for welfare of employees on Ayudha Pooja Celebration.

Psychology Training Life is Precious - To embrace the life skills and improve the mental wellbeing of all employees of our campus,

ACTIVITIES OF THE PERSONAL DEPARTMENT Administration and Nursing Staff Awareness Programs was conducted on 22.10.2016 and 10.12.2016, where Mrs. M.B. Josephine, Mrs. Priya Philip, Senior Student Welfare Officer and Student Counsellor respectively Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Other Highlights

Personnel Department and Student Welfare Department Cordially conducts “Life is Precious” session with a Goal to ensure all employees attend this session atleast once. So far more than 350 Employees have attended this sessionAnusha, popular free lancing motivational speaker who has conducted motivational and stress release sessions in various academic institutions has conducted two sessions for our employees. The sessions were filled with number of stress release activities.

Fire Safety Fire Safety Officers Mr. Madhavan, Mr. Pradeep &

Mr. Arumugam (DFO Retired) are the key personnel in training the employees about Basic Fire safety measures and explaining the Fire safety features and procedures to be followed in our institution at times of emergency.

Ergonomics & Fitness Training Ergonomics sessions are being conducted by our Physiotherapist to educate our employees about the importance of personal fitness and providing simple and effective tips and exercises to relax and lead a healthy life.

Independence Day Children of our employees who are ranked 1st & 2nd is their schools are been awarded with Cash Awards to encourage them. It has great impact among the students of our employees; as a result the number of students receiving the award is increasing every year. Securities were given Honorary Cash Award for their honesty and sincerity on their duty.

To make SBV an infection free campus and to reduce the rate of cardiac arrests, are the main objectives of this session. It includes Hand Wash Techniques, Blood Spill Management, Mercury Spill Management, Bio Medical Waste Management, Needle Stick Injuries and Basic & Cardiac Life Support training. This is regularly conducted for all newly joining and existing employees of the SBV campus.

▶▶ Inauguration of NEW Dialysis Unit at MGMCRI The improvement and expansion of services for patients with kidney disease in the region has been a key priority for our hospital. Given the anticipated growth in the demand for hemodialysis services, it is planned to establish the necessary infrastructure in place to meet the challenges ahead. Accordingly dialysis unit was planned meticulously in C1 block of our MGMCRI hospital. The new unit was inaugurated by Prof Ananthakrishnan MS (Dean , Research & Allied health sciences) in the presence of Dr. Swati Jayant Pawar Deputy Medical Superintendent, Dr.Lakshmanaperumal MS Resident Medical officer, Dr.A.N.Uma VP-Allied Health Sciences, and Dr Hemachandar Associate Professor of Nephrology on 13.11.2018.The C1 dialysis unit is well conceived and spacious, housing 19 dialysis stations. The pure water for dialysate preparation is provided by State of art R.O plant installed in the unit. Two machines are dedicated for seropositive patients in the isolation unit. Dialysis chairs is used for the comfort of patients who can adjust the posture during the procedure according to their wish. Our dialysis unit is functional round the clock catering for both acute and maintenance dialysis patients. The dialysis procedures are managed by well trained staff and technicians. Consultant Nephrologists, Nursing Staff and other key members of the multidisciplinary team, ensures that patients receive a seamless service when they come to our units for treatment. Being one of its kind in Pondicherry, We provide dialysis services in a friendly, comfortable environment to suit each patient’s needs.

Infection Control & Basic Life Support: SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Out Reach Services ▶▶ Department of Community Medicine and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge

Centres),SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 10 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. More than 1700 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.

During the period of October-December, 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized 7 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 500 people among which more than 150 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further management. During the same period, nearly 600 patients were covered through our weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam

Table 1: List of Community Health Camps S.No



Total Cases
























Kuruvinatham Pet

112 81 88 115



Table 2: Extension OPD Services S. NO



Total Cases



January- March (wed)




January- March (Thu)




October - December (Mon)




October - December (Tue)




Table 3: List of community health awareness programmes Place

No. of Beneficiaries






School Health education program




NCD Awareness program and survey

St. Joseph’s Arts & Science College, Cuddalore




NCD Awareness program and survey

Rajiv Gandhi Engineering College, Kirumampakkam




Anganwadi program




NCD Awareness program and survey

Alpha Engineering College



Cancer Awareness Program





Cancer Awareness Program

White Angles School




DM and HTN Awareness program

Shasun company




World Women’s Day Program

Godrej Factory, Pillayarkuppam




World TB day Awareness program

UHTC Total

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



14 250

50 1771

Out Reach Services

“Measles Rubella Vaccination campaign” The department of Community Medicine has participated in the Measles Rubella Vaccination campaign organised by world health organisation and Govt. of India. Dr. Surendar, Post graduate and Dr. Sridhar, Post graduate from our department have acted as external monitors under WHO for villupuram district from 17.02.2017 to 28-2- 2017.

2nd Shift at Government Primary Health Centers Department of Community Medicine and Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute have entered into an agreement with the ministry of Health and family welfare, Government of Puducherry for taking up the 2nd shifts in 3 PHCs namely PHC Kirumampakkam (Rural), PHC Thavalakuppam (Rural) and PHC Kosapalayam (Urban). The medical officers Dr. Siva, Dr. Shymala Growri and Dr. Thiyagarajan have been posted in the above mentioned PHC’s and 2nd shift have been started. Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI along with Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP)

office, Puducherry with help from Kirumampakkam PHC team conducted Dengue Outbreak investigation in Echangadu, Puducherry, June 2017. A community based cross sectional survey and epidemiological investigation was done for identifying potential sources, source reduction and also to identify the suspect cases in the area of Echangadu village. and Health awareness camp was conducted. During the period of April-June, 2017, nearly 300 patients were covered through our weekly extension OP services conducted in Panithitu and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 10 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Around 400 people were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes. Also a camp was organised in Sathya Special School on 30.6.2017 at Karuvadikuppam which benefited around 159 people.

Table 1: Extension OPD Services S. NO



Total Cases



April -June (wed)




April -June (Thu)




April -June (Mon)




Table 2: List of community health awareness programmes S. NO







No. of Beneficiaries

Anganwadi (Aranganoor)


Health education (sanitation) Yoga Awareness



Pulse polio programme




Kudierupalayam (Anganwadi)




Domestic Injury,Hook Warm infestion,head waves Dehydration





Pulse polio programme




UTI $ Anemia





Zoonotic diseases

Kudierupalayam (Anganwadi)




World no Tobacco day





Awareness about Dengue

Echakadu (Community Hall)


Vanithasan School (Selimedu)

200 6






Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

During the period of July-Septmber, 2017, nearly 300 patients were covered through the weekly extension OP services conducted in Panithituand Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 8 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Around 400 people were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes. yy CDFIT-Community Diagnosis and Feasible Intervention Training by Fourth semester students (Three batches). Students actively participated in the intervention programmes during CDFIT – Designed and distributed pamphlets to the community

yy Conducted a School health Check up at Century Academic School, Korkadu yy Conducted Dengue health talk in Shasun Industry yy Awareness programme on ‘Solid Waste Management’ under our Department’s “My Campus- Clean Campus” Initiative for the people visiting our hospital. Venue : MRD by Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Surendran, Dr. Sindhu yy Same programme was also conducted at at Kennedy Nagar Anganwadi under service area of UHTC and also at RHTC: SwachhaPakkawada (by NSS students)

Table 1 : Extension OPD Services S. No Place 1



VKC - Panithitu

Total Cases

April -June (wed)

VKC - Kurvinatham

April -June(Thu)



196 458

Table 2 : List of community health awareness programmes S. No Date









School Health Check Up

Centuray academic school

2 4 5 6 7 8

28.7.2017 2.8.2017 8.8.2017 6.9.2017 7.9.2017 8.9.2017

School Health Check Up Breast Feeding Breast Feeding

Solid Waste Management Solid Waste Management Health Education

No. of Beneficiaries 21

Century academic school

130 63








SR Subramainam Govt. high school


Dr. Surekha, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a Part of a Disaster relief camp for poor people in Bihar supportedby Camillian Task Force (CTF) along with Caritas India. Covered 3 districts – Purnea, Ararea, Katihar from 4th -19th of September 2017 – Medical camp covered 12000 beneficiaries. Recently, States across India have been heavily hit by foods that have led to huge loss of life and have left millions of people afected. The heavy rains wreaked havoc in several North and North-eastern states of India like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Assam. Major rivers in these states have breached banks, inundated new areas and displaced thousands of people. Natural disasters are common threats and medical aid will continue to be required at all stages of disaster recovery.


406 716

Dr Surekha, Assistant Professor represented MGMCRI along with Camillian Task Force team provided medical care to the diverse array of patients in the aftermath of disaster. Throughout the stay there, saw cases of respiratory and skin infections, diarrhoeal diseases, severely acute malnourished children, Kala Azaretc and could do interventions like medical treatment, health education, nutritional rehabilitation, mass deworming. Dr. SairaBanu, the WHO Surveillance Medical Officer (SMO) for our region conducted a sensitization program on 27.07.2017 in our institution regarding the implementation of case-based reporting & surveillance for Measles-Rubella and Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance- Faculties and PGs from Dept. of

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Out Reach Services

Community Medicine, Paediatrics and Microbiology participated.

Village Knowledge Centres), HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore.

During the period of October-December, 2016, nearly 300 patients were covered by the Department of Community Medicine weekly extension OP services conducted in Panithitu and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF

The Department of Community Medicine organised community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Around 400 people were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.

Table 1: Extension OPD Services S. No



Total Cases

1 2


Oct-Dec (wed) Oct-Dec (Thu) Total

138 160 298

Table 2: List of community health awareness programmes S. No





Dengue Awareness programme




Dengue Awareness programme


28-Oct-17 2-Nov-17

Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme












Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme











Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme


15-Nov-17 8-Nov-17

Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme




Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme

Kenneydy Garden, Anganwadi

IyyanarKovil, Anganwadi

Sathanai Street

Mettu Street

Naveena Garden, Thiruvalluvarsalai & Pillaithottam

Lennin street, Mettu Street

Saram Govt. HS.

Nirnayapattu, Anganwadi

Kudierupalayam, anaganwadi



27 25 17

137 23








Dr. Ambedkar GHSS, Kirumapakkam




Govt. HSS, Pannithittu

Anbalayam GHSS








Vanidasan GHH, Seliamedu

Ador Multiproduct Industry, Kanthanpet


104 30

Old saram


Old SaramAnganwadi




Centuary academic school,pillaithotham



No. of Beneficiaries 22


31 127

Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

S. No





Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme






Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme



Dengue Awareness programme





7-Nov-17 1-Dec-17

Dengue Awareness programme

Dengue Awareness programme World AIDS Day

Sai Baba High School, Lenin Street Kennadynagar, Marriammankovil street

White Angle HSS, Kosapalayam


Vinobha Nagar Anganwadi III

Vinobha Nagar Anganwadi

Indranagar and Subbaiahnagaranganwadi

Selimedu, Anganwadi

73 30 122 25


27 30 31

Araganoor, Anganwadi


Old SaramAnganwadi


Vanidasan GHH, Kuruvinatham


Rural Community Medical Camp at Thiru Pancharaneshwarar Temple Manickudy – 08.11.17

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


No. of Beneficiaries



Out Reach Services


A total of 1300 patients were screened and 267 underwent cataract surgery.

Department of transfusion medicine is under guidance of Dr Dhananjay S Kotasthane HOD Pathology assisted by Dr Sabari Priya Assistant Professor department of transfusion medicine, during the quarterly period from Jan to March, 2017 conducted 7 indoor blood donation camps with 53 beneficiaries, with the main aim to provide quality care for patients and donors of our hospital, to ensure safe transfusion and to prevent adverse transfusion reaction to recipients

In view of Glaucoma Week, the department of Ophthalmology held glaucoma screening services for the staff of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, from 01.03.17 to 18.03.17. All hospital personnel above the age of 40 years were enrolled for the screening programme and evaluation was done for free. On 17.03.2017, in view of Glaucoma awareness week, the department of Ophthalmology held a talk in the hospital premises, regarding the awareness of glaucoma among the general public.

▶▶ UROLOGY & RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT A transgender urology camp was conducted on 26.3.2017 in Pondicherry and about 150 individuals were benefitted. Prof. Joseph Philipraj, Dr. Kalyanram Kone, Dr. Deepak and all residents Participated in the camp. Dr. Gaurav Balpande, final year postgraduate, Department of Radiology and Dr.Sarath S pillai, first year post graduate, Department of radiology participated in the urology camp to screen Transgender population for urogenital abnormalities by ultrasound conducted on 26.03.2017 first time in Pondicherry


▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY The Department of Ophthalmology conducted DBCS camps between January and March in which a total of 1660 patients were screened and 115 underwent cataract surgery. The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 14 DBCS camps between April - June in which a total of 1784 patients were screened and 173 underwent cataract surgery. The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 11 DBCS camps between October and December. A total of 1069 Patients were screened and 83 underwent cataract surgery. The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 14 DBCS camps between July and September.

The outreach program was conducted for 150 adolescent girl students of age group 13-15 of Thillaiyadi Valliammai Govt High School, Kadirkamam, Puducherry by the Senior Student Welfare Officer, Ms. M.B.Josephine and Student Counsellor Ms. Priya Philip who were invited as resource persons for the program ‘Motivational Camp for the Girl Students of the Secondary Level’ on 25th February, 2017.The session included creating awareness mainly to believe in themselves and to increase their levels of self – esteem, which would give them an emotional resilience.This goes a long way in handling failures in their lives, rather than crumbling



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

under external stress factors which gradually leads them to depression and suicidal ideation.They were taught ways and techniques to accept themselves and to feel good about themselves which is the important step for every self-development. It is the important deterrent of depressive and suicidal thoughts and pushes a person into the path of achievement and mental strength.Techniques also included the yoga methods of stress release, focus and concentration and to have a broader view of life itself.

of Thanks was given by Dr E. Sabari Priya Assistant Professor Department of Transfusion medicine.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Rajkumar M., Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on “Suicide Prevention Programme-Training of Teachers (TOT)” organized by Department of Social Defence, District Child Protection Unit, Cuddalore District on 30.01.2017. Senthil Kumar M., Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a chair person and delivered a talk on “Mental Health among school students” at Government Middle School, Edaiyarkuppam, organized by St. Joseph College, Cuddalore on 23.02.2017.

WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY JUNE 2017 World Blood Donor Day is celebrated by the people in many countries of the world every year on the day of birthday Anniversary of Karl Landsteiner on June 14 1868. The event was first established in 2004 to raise awareness of the need for safe Blood and Blood products and to thank Blood donors for their voluntary lifesaving gifts of blood. The theme for Blood Donation day 2017 focus on blood donation in emergency situations Give blood, Give now, give often.Department of Transfusion Medicine along with Department of Pathology of MGMCR & I celebrated World Blood Day on June 14th 2017. The occasion was graced by RMO, DMS who felicitated all Voluntary Blood donors with certificate and trophy.

The function was followed by Voluntary Blood Donation in blood bank by Staff from personal Department and Doctors from pathology.

Department of Physiology. Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology in collaboration with department of neurosurgery conducted “Pre Hospital Trauma care awareness cum training session” on 17th April, 2017 at MGMCRI simulation centre. It was attended by 60 traffic police personal of the Pondicherry South Zone. The Department of Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery conducted 21 camps between April to June 2017.

Dept. of Anesthesiology

Dr. Hemanth Kumar, professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology Conducted Hands on training program to various cadres of traffic police belonging to South Puducherry zone. Around 30 traffic police men participated in the programme conducted at Simulation centre, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College on 17.4.2017.

This was followed by short talk about Myths and Facts of Blood Donation by Dr.Shameera PG Pathology. She explained about criteria for blood donation, advantages of blood donation and cleared about all misconceptions about Blood Donation. At the end of session Vote

A helmet awareness rally for the general public as requested by the Traffic Police (South) was organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 29.4.2017 by DR Hemanth Kumar V.R. The National Service Scheme (NSS) students of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute along with the Traffic Police (South)

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Out Reach Services

students were questioned to test their knowledge and understanding of eye donation. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.Chinamani, President, and Lions Club of Kattumanarkudi.

Activities at MGMCRI campus during eye donation fortnight 2017

personnels had participated in the really which started from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pillaiyarkuppam and marched through the main road covering the stretch through Kirumampakkam, Thavalakuppam, Chunnambar Boat house and reached Ariyankuppam. In this rally 30 NSS students and 20 traffic police personnel drove their two wheelers wearing helmets in the rally which was ably guided by Professor. M. Ravishankar, Dean – MGMCRI and Dr. Partha Nandi, Vice-Principal Students) Dr. Hemanth Kumar V.Rprofessor of anaethesia, Mr. Kannan Aiyar- GM finance and Mr. Balamukundan- senior personal manager and Mr. Rishi, NSS Student coordinator were present during the rally Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, participated Parangipettai Circumcision Camp from 02.05.2017 to 05.05.2017

▶▶ 32nd EYE DONATION AWARENESS FORTNIGHT WEEK CELEBRATION EYE Donation Fortnight was celebrated by the Department of Ophthalmology from August 25th – 8th September 2017.

Eye Donation Awareness Campaign for School Students, Thittakudi In view of Eye Donation Fortnight, the department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, in association with the District Blindness Control Society and Lions Club, Thittakudi, held an awareness campaign on 30.08.2017 at Govt. boys Higher Secondary School, Thittakudi, Cuddalore district. The awareness rally was flagged off by Mr. A.Arunmozhithevan, Member of Parliament, Cuddalore. Following this, the students were addressed. After introductory speeches by Mr.Murugappan of the Lions Club and Mr.Anbumani, camp co-ordinator, Dr.R. Subramanian, Senior Resident, department of ophthalmology, MGMCRI enlightened the students on the need, importance, and the technical aspects of eye donation. Mr.Sundravel also added to the plethora of information and motivated the students. This was followed by an interactive session where the

Department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute conducted EYE DONATION FORTNIGHT 2017. We conducted an awareness programme on 01.09.2017 about eye donation and its importance to the students and faculty members of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College. The session was started by Dr. N.Swathi, Associate professor in the department of ophthalmology who gave a detailed talk about eye donation and its importance and also motivated them for good counseling to the patients and their relatives regarding their willingness to donate eyes.

▶▶ Report on Eye Donation Class for hospital staff nurses. A CNE Programme was conducted on 13.09.2017 by the department of Ophthalmology to create awareness among nurses regarding eye donation and hospital cornea retrieval program. The Dr.Vanaja Vaidhyanadhan, the founder of Jothi eye hospital was the chief guest. Dr.Vanaja Vaidhyanadhan delivered a special talk on Eye care and Eye donation. Around 100 nurses attended the Programme. The session was highly useful and informative to the nurses. Nurses obtained knowledge regarding eye care and eye donation. The program ended with assurance that our nurses will spread the awareness message regarding eye donation.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted a group education and training program for the Parents of children with Specific learning disabilities (SLD) on 15.07.2017. Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted a program for the significant others of ADS patients titled “Roles and Responsibilities of Significant others of patients with Alcohol Dependence syndrome” to explain their roles and responsibilities in supporting treatment and prevention (PART - A), on 29.07.2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted a program for the Significant others of ADS



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

patients titled “Roles and Responsibilities of Significant others of patients with Alcohol Dependence syndrome” to explain their roles and responsibilities in supporting treatment and prevention (PART - B), on 23.09.017.

check-up of the blood sugar and regular treatment for a good control of Diabetes . They also explained about the complications that can occur in diabetes if not properly treated. Around 180 patients attended the programme.

Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a psychoeducation program for relatives of patients with schizophrenia & related disorders, on 19.08.2017.

▶▶ Department of Psychiatry Staff Salutogenesis program

Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI conducted an awareness program titled “Mental health in Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of the workplace” in commemoration of World Physiology conducted “Hands on workshop on BLS” Mental Health Day 2017, in D2 Lecture Hall, for Post graduates and staff nurses of Arvindh Eye Hospital Block on 13.10.2017 & 08-12 -2017. Hospital,Puducherry on 17th July 2017. It was an activity-based interactive programme where technicians, secretaries and administrative staffs of ▶▶ Department of Physiology MGMCRI participated. The programme helped them to understand stress and ways to handle them. Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in medical camp at Government Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Girls Hostel, Krishna Nagar – I & II, Puducherry which Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Mental Awareness at the was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister of Welfare on 3rd Central Prison, Cuddalore on 14.10.2017. December, 2017 Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology conducted “Hands on workshop on BLS” for Post graduates and staff nurses of Arvindh Eye Hospital,Puducherry on 17th July 2017. Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology conducted BLS awareness cum hands on training session for students of Periyar Arts & Science College, Cuddalore on September 9th & 11th 2017.150 students attended the programme

▶▶ Department of General Medicine Commemoration of World Diabetes Day on 14.11.2017 A Public awareness programme on Diabetes was conducted on 14.11.2017 during the Commemoration of World Diabetes Day. Dr. K.Jayasingh Professor & Head , Department of General Medicine presided over the programme. Dr. Jeyapalan, Professor and Dr. M.Kalirathiname, Associate Professor explained about the importance of detecting Diabetes at an early stage , periodical

Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Ms. Ektha Jain, Clinical Psychologist, Ms. Abirami R, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry conducted a Mental Health Awareness Programme titled “Adolescence and Mental Health” at Adithya Vidyashram, Moolakulam Main Road, Villianur, Poraiyur, Puducherry, on 03.11.2017. The programme focussed on mental health issues experienced during adolescence. In addition to this, an interactive session about stress management and study skills was conducted by Ms. Ektha Jain, clinical psychologist. Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, participated as resource person in a “Psychoeducation & mental health awareness program” organised by “Surabhi”, a Support group for pediatric oncology. This was a program for caregivers conducted at the Department of Medical Oncology, JIPMER on 09.11.2017. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a Psychoeducation Program for Relatives of Patients with Depressive Disorders on 10.11.2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Staff Nurses of MGMCRI

Staff Nurses of MGMCRI ▶▶ In House Training programme for Staff nurses of MGMCRI

under the Head of Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath Nursing Superintendent on 26.04.17

Dr.Nirmal Coumare(MS), Dr.Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS), Mr. Lakshmana Perumal (RMO), Sr. Personnel Manager,Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath (NS),DNS,ANS,Nursing Supervisors and staff Nurses gathered together and Dr. Nirmal Coumare MS addressed the staff Nurses for the new year (2017), Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath, NS made the staff nurses to make the Oath for the year 2017 to achieve the vision and mission to provide quality nursing care on 04.01.17.

Mr.Sony and Mr. Rajasekar from Romson Company along with Mrs. Vadivi ANS presented a topic on “Hospital Acquired Infection” for the nurses on 03.05.17.

Mr.Selvaganapathy (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Pressures Sores ” for the staff nurses on 11.01.17. Mr. Maria Rex (Phlebotomist Poly Med Company) presented a topic on “Safety Measures & Needle stick injuries” for the staff nurses on 18.01.17.Mr.Saravan and Mr.Parthipen (Sales Manager) presented a topic on “IV Cannulation” for the staff nurses on 1.02.17. Mr.Kishore (Q.E) and Mrs.Selvaganapathy (Q.E) presented a topic on “Code Blue & MEWS” for the staff nurses on 8.02.17. Mrs.Jamuna ( Johnson & Johnson) presented a topic on “Baby Care” for the staff nurses on 8.02.17.Mr.Rafi (Nursing Supervisor) presented a topic on “Head Injury” for the staff nurses on 8.02.17.Dr.Jayapal (HOD) Microbilogist presented a topic on “ HINI Vaccination & Infection Control” for the staff Nurses on 15.02.17 & 22.02.17.Mr.Sasi (Stoma Care technician) presented a topic on “Colostomy Stoma Care” for the staff nurses on 1.03.17.Mr.Kalidhass (M/N) presented a topic on “ Emergency Drugs” for the staff nurses on 8.03.17. Dr.Padmavathy (Associate professor) presented a topic on “Adverse Drug Reactions” for the staff nurses on 29.03.17. International Nurses Day” for the Nurses was celebrated on 12.05.17 with the Whole Nursing Team Mrs.Vadivu (ANS) presented a topic on “Infection Control Measures” for the nurses at D2 Lecture Hall on 05.04.17.

Mr.Selvaganapathi (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Peripheral Line Complication” for the staff nurses on 10.05.17. Mr.Prishanthini Anto (Nurse Educator) presented a topic on “Care of Bedridden Patients” for the nurses on 17.05.17. Mrs.Vadivu (ANS) and Ms. Niroja ICN presented a topic on “Needle Stick Injury” for the nurses on 24.05.17. Mr.Kingsle Kishore Coumare (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “ MGMCRI Emergency Warning Signs & Symptoms” & CPR Review” for the Nurses at D2 Lecture Hall on 31.5.17. Mrs.Vadivu (ANS) presented a topic on “DENGUE” for the nurses on 07.06.17. Mr.Aravind (Sales Executive 3M Company) presented a topic on “Surgical Nail Clippers” for the Nurses on 14.06.17. Mr.Selvaganapathi (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Pressure Sore Scales” for the nurses on 14.06.17. Tracheostomy care and Barrier Nursing, 07.07.2017. The topic was presented by Esther Jeevitha, Nurse Manager, Bharath Home Medicals. CAUTI – 12.07.2017, the topic was presented by Mrs.Vadivu ANS and Mr.Rajasekar, Ramsons Surgicals. Emergency Trauma Care on 19.07.2017, the topic was presented by Dr.Sivaraman, Assistant Professor, EMS. AOSTA -HIMS Training - 26.07.2017 was presented by Dr.Prateesh Ravindran, Professor, Neuro Surgery dept, Nebulization Therapy - 02.08.2017, the Topic was presented by Dr.Vimal Kumar, (Assistant Professor, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine), Importance of

Mr.Selvaganapathi (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Bio medical Equipment Handling” for the nurses on 12.04.17. Mrs.BamaLakshmi (Associate Professor KGNC) presented a topic on “First Aid Management” for the nurses on 19.04.17. Mrs.Tamilarasi (Nursing Supervisor) presented the Death Audit and Mrs. Vadivu (ANS) Presented the Management of Medication in Nursing Audit Meeting SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Communication for Nurses- On 16.08.2017 the topic was presented by Mrs.Anusha (Counsellor). Stress Management for Nurses through Yoga Therapyon 23.08.2017, the topic was presented by Dr.Meena Ramanathan (Deputy Director-CYTER), Cervical Cancer Vaccine - 30.08.2017, the Topic was presented by Dr.Ganesh Barik (Senior Resident) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ) and the

Guest of the Programme. Mrs. Chandra Subramanian - Nursing Superintendent, Mrs.Galaxie Devavaram - Deputy Nursing Superintendent, Mrs.Therasa Assistant Nursing Superintendent. On 28.09.2017 Ayudha Pooja was celebrated in NS Office around 12.30 pm. Resident Medical Officer graced the occasion. Around 50 nurses and other Departmental Staffs had attended the pooja and prasadham were distributed to all.

Importance of Communication for Nurses 06.09.2017 was presented by Dr.Adkoli (Professor and Head, MEU). Eye care and Eye donation for Nurses - 13.09.2017 the topic was presented by Dr. Vanaja Vaidhyanadhan, (Founder Jothi Eye Hospital, Pondicherry),


Status Epilepticus and its Management 20.09.2017,the topic was presented by Dr.Andrew (Assistant Professor, Emergency Medical Services) AOSTA-Pharmacy Indent - on 22.09.2017, the topic was presented by Mr.Nandhkishor ( Assistant Manager Pharmacy), Surgical Site Infection - 27.09.2017, the topic was presented by Mr. K.Vriddhagiri (Nurse Educator).

▶▶ SPECIAL OCCASIONS On 02.08.2017 in Pediatric OPD Breast Feeding Day was celebrated by the Department of Nursing and various events were conducted and the prizes were distributed to the winners. Participation Certificates were provided to all the Participants. An Awareness Programme was organized by the Department of Nursing on 02.09.2017 in collaboration with Dietary Department on Importance of Nutrition which was mainly imposed on Diabetic, Antenatal. Postnatal and Renal diet in Medical, OG and Dialysis ward respectively. The Programme was organized by the Nurse Educator Mr.K.Vriddhagiri and the Chief Dietician Mrs.Lakshmi and her team. The following members were the Chief

On 08.09.2017 the following five nurses have attended the Wound Care Management Programme held at Chennai, namely Mrs. Therasa, Mr. K Vriddhagiri, Mrs. Vennila Ms. Arul Dhurnisha &Ms.Suganya. The Programme was really useful cum informative and it was mainly focused on Anatomy, Physiology of the Skin, Wound Healing Process, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Pressure Ulcer, Gas Gangrene Management and Dressing Techniques. They have Gained Adequate Knowledge Regarding Wound Care. They have also provided them with information booklet and CD. Hands on Training classes will be conducted for the other Nurses in the Ward side by the Trainers. On 23.09.2017 and 24.09.2017 the all India CSSD summit -2017 held in Hotel Marriot, Banglore was organized by the GKE cleaning and Sterlization monitoring and Medovation products. the following persons have attended the Programme, Ms.Vadivu, Ms.Uma Makeswari, Mr.Mohammed Rafi, Mr.Harish mohan, Mr.Suresh Babu, Mr.Purushothaman, Mr.Raja Ramann and Mr.Uday kumar.These staffs will motivate and display all the modules to all nursing and CSSD staffs. They will take class in CNE session regarding the following topics, Biomedical Waste Management, Infection Control Quality Indicators, NABH Standards and Protocols (CSSD work highlighted) and.Blood and Body fluid exposure.

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute


hri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute is a classical example of Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA), a concept first expounded by former president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. SSSMCRI is a large tertiary care teaching hospital attached medical college situated in a rural area, but not far from Chennai and its International Airport. SSSMCRI has been recognised for its potential and excellence in education amidst sylvan environs. The college admits 150 students to the UG MBBS course every year. Students are imparted solid foundation in their pre and para clinical years and the knowledge is built up on with important skills and attitudes in the clinical years of the study, making for well-rounded physicians. Postgraduate Courses has been started in all major departments of SSSMCRI. The services and facilities at SSSMCRI offer an outstanding environment to support the way doctors are trained in line with the Medical Council of India’s Vision 2015 model incorporating changes in quality of medical education and health care delivery. A Center of Excellence in Medical Education SSSMCRI has undertaken great strides in designing and implementing a world class, clinically oriented but research infused program in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education - An oasis in a sea of mediocrity. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Message From Dr. Premanath Fakirayya Kotur. MBBS, MD (Anaesthesiology), Ph.D (Medical Education), FICA Dean, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute.

Having associated for more than 30+ years exclusively in the field of Medical Education as an UG & PG student, Tutor, Asst, Associate and as a Professor , I find that Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute is one of the best organization of its class affiliated to Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Deemed University. Situated in a real life rural area away from polluted city limits with a beautiful landscape and an adjoining hill as background. This College and hospital will be a boon to students and faculty who like a calm and serene atmosphere. The buildings and other infrastructure are really superb and the faculty are of high caliber and well experienced. There is an inflow of lot of patients from surrounding 50 villages. Two stalwarts from JIPMER Dr. K.R.Sethuraman , The Vice-Chancellor and Dr N.Anantha Krishnan, the Dean Research & AHS are the supporting pillars of the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Deemed University. Our Chancellor Shri. M K Rajagopalan is the sole architect behind all these endeavors and of course with the constant support and encouragement from Tmt. Gowri Rajagopalan, the Madam Chairperson. Here there is no compromise in the quality of education and patient care is excellent. The treatment given to patients is of corporate style but almost freely like Govt. Hospitals. The students who graduate from Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute under Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth will be inferior to none in their knowledge and skills. I am proud to be part of SSSMCRI to impart knowledge for the students and best care to patients.

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

to national policy makers. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):131.

Dr P F Kotur MD (Anaesth) PhD (Med Edn), FICA

Shrivastava SR. Integrated health care. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016;6(3):e116.

Dr Premanath Fakirayya Kotur is a multi faceted personality. Hehas the unique distinction of being an Academician, an Educationist, an Anaesthesiologist, a medical Teacher, a Researcher and an able Administrator. He began his career as an humble teacher in Anaesthesiology 4 decades back and reached the peak to become the HOD of Anaesthesia, in the prestigious J N Medical College, Belgaum (Karnataka). He was the MDand PhD examiner in Anaesthesia for various universities/ national board in India and also abroad..

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending humanitarian assistance to the survivors of gender-based violence in Ukraine. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016;6(4):e117. Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, and Mani G. Exploring the role of self care in preventive nephrology. Scholars Report. 2016;1(2):1-3. Rajkamal R, Kumar MT, Raj M, Rajesh M, Kiruthiga J, Bazroy J. Assessment of water quality standards in the villages of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2016;3:3179-83.

He was the founder Editor of ‘Karnataka Anaesthesia Journal’, Editor in Chief of the prestigious Pubemed indexed national journal viz ‘Indian Journal of Anaesthesia’ Sathiyakala R, Srinivasan S, Karnaboopathy R. for 2 terms and he successfully edited the International Comparison of vaginal hysterectomy and laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy in women with benign SAARC Journal of Anaesthessia for 6 years. uterine disease: A retrospective study. International Simultaneously, he has a successfully climbed the Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and ladder of hierarchical positions in the national scenario of Gynecology. 2016;5(11):3915-8. Anaesthesia and he got elected as the National President of ‘Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists’ in 2007. He Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting has delivered 8 state orations, 3 national orations and global elimination of soil-transmitted helminth infections 2 International Orations. He was awarded the ‘Life among children by 2020. Journal of Earth, Environment Time Achievement Award of ISA’, in the year 2013. and Health Sciences. 2016;2(2):83-84. He was felicitated, for his outstanding contributions to the field of Anaesthesia, byBritish Association of Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Indian Anaesthetists, UK in 2010 and by the Dubai Strengthening prevention and control activities to Health Authority UAE in 2012. respond to the challenge of emergence of chikungunya in American and European regions. Environmental He was the first anaesthesiologist fro India to get Disease. 2016;1(3):105-106. elected as the member of the Executive Committee of the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Hajj. Medical Because of his achievements in academics, he was Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. 2016;9(5):635appointed as the first Registrar of the prestigious KLE 636. University Belagum for 2 terms and was subsequently elevated to the position of Vice Chancellor of Sri Devarj Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Urs Health University Kolar, Karnataka for 4 years. Supporting the global initiative of preventing childhood hearing loss: Act now, here’s how! Noise and Health. It is indeed a matter of pride that such an eminent 2016;18(54):280-281. personality has occupied the position of Dean of SSSMCRI. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization releases new recommendations ▶▶ PUBLICATIONS to comprehensively address the problem of maternal peripartum infections. Journal of Research in Medical Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding Sciences. 2016;21(1):89. to the public health threat of Lassa fever in West Africa. Journal of Earth, Environment and Health Sciences. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2016;2(3):135-6. Assessment of the level of awareness about tuberculosis among the different stakeholders of a medical college, Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tamil Nadu. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. Envisaging plain packaging of tobacco products: Appeal 2016;15(6):537-544. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementation of Enhanced Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Programme in Thailand. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2016;7(6):545-546.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening and expanding the targeted interventions to accomplish Schistosomiasis elimination. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):431-432.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the multiple dimensions in the control of Zika virus disease: Vector control, Surveillance, Clinical care, Risk communication, Travel, and Promotion of research. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):377-378.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Human African trypanosomiasis: Aiming to eliminate the disease by 2020. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):438-439.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the public health challenge of rising maternal mortality in humanitarian crises. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):404-405. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Where does the world stand in the battle against the tuberculosis? 2015 global update. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):405-406. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Enhancing the involvement of stakeholders in developing the list of assistive products for the disabled & the elderly. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):406-407. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementing Strategic Response Framework for the control of Zika virus infection: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):408-409. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Don’t we have better challenges and bigger enemies than targeting the health sector itself ? Time to introspect! Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6): 412-413. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Devising a comprehensive strategy to improve the neonatal health and survival rates in low resource settings. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):414-415.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health concerns associated with Buruli ulcer on a global scale. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):441-442. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the issue of shortage of oral cholera vaccines on the global front. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. 2016;9(6):774-775. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the risk posed to health and environment by short-lived climate pollutants. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2016;3 (1):1-2. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ebola outbreak in West-Africa exposes the need for reforms in the functioning of the World Health Organization. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2016;3(1):3-4. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring improvement in the health data to revamp the health systems: World Health Organization. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2016;3(1):34-35. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. An urgent global need to reduce the prevalence of youth violence in heterogeneous settings. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2016;3(1):36-37.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. An indispensable need to offer comprehensive clinical care to the Ebola survivors. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):425-426.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Why not universally empower adolescents? Commitment by the World Health Organization. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2016;3(1):46-47.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting the challenge of reducing the adverse consequences of mercury on health. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):428-429.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Systematically addressing the health concerns of migrants universally. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2016;3(1):48-49.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Neutralizing the contribution of obesogenic environment in the development of childhood obesity. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(6):430431.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. What can be done at national level for the welfare of the ageing population: World Health Organization leads the way. Journal of Geriatric Mental Health. 2016;3(2):185-186.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Substandard, spurious, falsely labeled, falsified and counterfeit (SSFFC) drugs: Time to take a bitter pill. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2016;5(4):122-124. Mohandoss A. Ideological cause and hero worship related suicides: Indian perspective and changing trends during 2001-2014: An exploratory study. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. 2016;38(6):553-555. Datchinamoorthi S, Vanaja R, Rajagopalan B. Evaluation of serum electrolytes in type II diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2016;40(1):251253. Priyanka P, Pradeep B, Nagulan S. Pleomorphic liposarcoma of breast: A rare case report. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2016;7(5):1265-1268. Suganya S, Malligai E, Priya SR, Rajagopalan B. A cross sectional study to determine the association between metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism among women population. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2016;40(1):125-127. Suganya S, Priya SR, Samuel RT, Rajagopalan B. A study to evaluate the role of Bun/creatinine ratio as a discriminator factor in azotemia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2016;40(1):131-134. Priyanka P, Pradeep B, Gomathi R. Evans tumor: A rare case report. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2016;7(6):841-845. Ramalingam L, Ramesh R. Heart rate variability is reduced in sedentary young females with higher body mass index. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2016;6(5):407-411. Mohesh, MIG, Sundaramurthy A, Sembulingam, P. The impact of cigarette smoking on lung function in smokers with differences in their nicotine dependency. International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences. 2016;5(7):36-41. Priya SR, Malligai E, Suganya S, Rajagopalan B. A study to determine the association of gammaglutamyl transferase levels in metabolic syndrome. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2016;40(1):128-130. Prasanna S, Jada SK, Jayakumar K. A rare case of tinea nigra of scalp in an immunocompetent individual caused by caused by Hortaea werneckii and Rhodotorula rubra from Kancheepuram, South India. International Journal of Current Research. 2016;8(10):39922-39924.

Jothi SS, Antony J, Sujatha N. Bifurcation of Facial Nerve. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(5):84-86. Ilanchezhian T, Vanaja R, Rajagopalan B. Comparative Study of the Estimation of LDL Cholesterol by the Direct Method and Friedewald Equation in Secondary Hyperlipidemia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2016;7(11):4632- 4 636. Sathiyakala R, Suguna S, Karnaboopathy R. Comparison of Vaginal Hysterectomy And Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy In Women With Benign Uterine Disease: A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016;5(11):3915-3918. Madhavi D, Dorairaj S, Jothi SS, Kommuru H. Dermatoglyphic Study in Breast Carcinoma Patients. International Journal of Science and Research. 2016;5(10). SowjanM, Vikram R, Rajkumar PG, Ali M. DykeDavidoff-Masson syndrome: A case report from South India. International Journal of Pediatric Research. 2016;3(9). Mohesh MIG, Meerasa SS. Perceptions on M-learning through WhatsApp application. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences. 2016;3(2):57-60. Prasanna S, Dharanidevi S, Das NK, Raj SS. Prevalence, Phenotypic Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Non-Fermentative Gram, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;5(8):442-454. Datchinamoorthi S, Vanaja R and Rajagopalan, The study of serum vitamin d status with insulin resistance in obese adolescents. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2016;7(12):5088-5091. Rajkamal R, Kumar M, Raj M, Rajesh M, Kiruthiga J, Bazroy J. Assessment of water quality standards in the villages of Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu, India, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2016;3(11):3179-3183. Anitha M, Monisha DM, Ramya K, Chinmayee YA. Sulthan M. A study on the occurrence of bacterial isolation in mouth ulcer patients. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences. 2016;3(10):188-192. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. DisasterResilient Hospitals: The Noah’s Ark. Public Health of Indonesia. 2016;2(4):172-176. Noorunnisa N, Hussain SA. Evaluation of endometrial biopsies in abnormal uterine bleeding - analytical



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

study in rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. MedPulse International Medical Journal. 2016:3(10):866-868.

Raghuraman MS. Letter to the Editor: Errors in an article published in EgJA, Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia. 2016.

Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, Mani G. Exploring the Role of Self-Care in Preventive Nephrology. Scholars Report. 2016;1(2):1-3.

Prasanna S, Jayakumar K, Jayashree V. Primary cutaneous aspergillosis- Tinea pedis caused by Aspergillus nigerin an immunocompetent adult individual residing in silk city of Kancheepuram district. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2016;4(9):443-446.

Seshadri KG. Improving decision-making in thyroid nodules. Thyroid Research and Practice. 2016;13(3):99-100. Mohan K, Rupa ML. Ketamine and levobupivacaine versus, levobupivacaine alone for post operative analgesia and side effects in lower abdominal surgeries in children–A comparative study. International Archives of Integrated Medicine. 2016;3(10):70-73. Rajendiran S, Gopalan U, Jayakumar K. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B infection among pregnant women in South India, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2016;6(1):249-251. Jayalakshmi S, Dharanidevi S. The Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India-A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;5(10):718-723. Jayakumar K. A comparative microscopic and cultural tuberculosis diagnostic study in rural Chennai. International Journal of Current Research. 2016;8(10):39915-39918. Bharathi S, Suthatha N, Jothi SS. Anomalous branches of Median Nerve in the arm. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(9):15-18. Noorunnisa N, Saldanha P, Hussain SA, Ganesh SN. Diversity in the spectrum of malignant soft tissue tumors. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology. 2016;21(1):1-4. Govindaswamy S, Danasekaran R, Ranganathan K. Evaluation of Anti HBs response in Hepatitis B vaccinated health care workers in a tertiary care hospital of rural Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Disease and Global health. 2016;8(3):108-112. Rao SY, Jothi SS, Kathiresan S. Histogensis of thymus in human foetuses of different gestational ages-A pilot study, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(9):15-18. Jada SK, Raja S, Jayakumar K, Sahu P. Incidence of Intestinal Parasitic infestation and anemia among school children in Ammapettai, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2016;7(11):14312-14316.

Dipayan DB, Vijaya KNG. Sudden Unexplained Death in Sleep in Adults: Autopsy Challenges. Journal of Karnataka Medico-legal Society. 2016;25(2). Naseem Noorunissa, Prema Saldanha, Radha R Pai. Role of Fine needle aspiration cytology in the preliminary diagnosis of Hodgkins’s disease. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology.September 2016.20(2): 245-47. Naseem Noorunissa, Prema Saldanha, Pushpalata Pai.Carcinoid / Neuro endocrine tumors- A clinicopathological spectrum. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology.September 2016.20(2): 236-39. Revathishree R, Dinesh Kumar S, Naseem, Syed Ahmed Hussain, Senthil N. Ganesh. Expression of Cathepsin D in Pancreatic Carcinoma. IJPRP 2017 ; Jan 6(1) : 53-6. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health concern of childhood pneumonia: Global perspective. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(1):63-4. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending care and support to the survivors of genderbased violence in Iraq during humanitarian emergencies. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(1):51-2. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Rising trends of risk factors for non-communicable diseases in African region. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(1):52-3. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tapping into the resources of skilled birth attendants in reducing the maternal mortality rates in developing nations. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2017;22(1):81-2. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing attacks on health facilities and health professionals by terrorist groups or conflicting parties: An urgent need. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management. 2017;5(1):28-9. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Progress made in Mali and South Sudan towards eradication of

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

dracunculiasis: World Health Organization. Community Acquired Infection. 2017;4(1):20-1. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the scope of enhanced gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance programme. Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. 2017;38(1):100-1. Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, Mani G. Elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in India: A triumph tale. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:15. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. Preconception care: A pragmatic approach for planned pregnancy. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22:26. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Endocrine disrupting chemicals: A challenge to child health. The Journal of Pediatric Research. 2017;4(1):39-41. Kumar MT, Chauhan RC, Samuel AK, Singh Z. Perception of medical freshmen towards public health. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(1): 117-9. Gopalan U, Rajendiran S, Jayakumar K, Karnaboopathy R. Composition of vaginal microbiota and their antibiotic susceptibility in symptomatic women. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;6(2):427-2. Gopalan U, Rajendiran S, Karnaboopathy R. Study of endometrial histopathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;6(3):824-8. Rajendiran S, Gopalan U, Karnaboopathy R. Evaluation of histopathology of cervix in women with unhealthy cervix. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017;6(3):842-5. Ayyappan S, Kalyananibehra A, Ilanchezhian T. Comparison of post prandial lipid profile at an interval of 2 hours and 4 hours in patients of coronary heart disease IJPSR. 2017; 8(4):1846-9. Swayam Jothi, Lumen of appendix, Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research.2017;5(1):7197-203. Sunita P Bharati, S.Swayam Jothi. Morphometric and Morphological Study of First Rib. International Journal of Biomedical Research,2017;8(1):49-50. Gopalan U, Rajendiran S, Jayakumar K, Karnaboopathy R. Composition of vaginal microbiota and their antibiotic susceptibility in symptomatic women. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017;6(2):427-32.

Raghuraman M.S. Comments on an article published in SLJA in July 2016. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2017;25(1):59 DOI: 10.4038/slja.v25i1.8197. Raghuraman M.S. Comments on an article published in EgJA in Oct. 2016. Egypt J Anaesth 2017. Sathiyakala Rajendiran, Ushadevi Gopalan, Karthika Jayakumar. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B infection among pregnant women in South India. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017;Jan6(1):249-51. Dipayan Deb Barman, Vijaya Kumar Nair.G, Karnaboopathy.R. Estimation of stature from measurement of the percutaneous length of radius in adult Tamil males. JSIMLA, 2017 March ; 9(1): 51-4. Wills G Sheelaa, Vijayalakshmi P, Mohanambal, Deepadarshini. Detection of protozoal trichomonas vaginalis and abnormal vaginal flora in high vaginal smear. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Feb 6, 2017,563-6. UshaDevi, Gopalan, Satyakala, Karnaboopathy R. Study of endometrial histopathology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology,2017; 6(3):824. Satyakala Rajendran, Usha Devi, Gopalan, Karnaboopathy R, Evaluation of histopathology of cervix in women with unhealthy cervix. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, March 6,(3) 2017, 842-845. Lavakumar S, Jacob Jesurun ` A study on the level of drug compliance among the outpatients who are on a long term drug therapy in a tertiary care teaching hospital at Kancheepuram district in Tamil Nadu. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research.2017; 10(3): 174-6. Krishnan RDY, Kumarasekaran P, Raja RV; Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2017. doi:10.1007/ s12070.017.1109-12. Naseem Noorunissa, Prema Saldanha, Radha R Pai. Role of Fine needle aspiration cytology in the preliminary diagnosis of Hodgkins’s disease. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology.2016.20(2):245-47. Naseem Noorunissa, Prema Saldanha, Pushpalata Pai. Carcinoid / Neuroendocrine tumorsA clinicopathological spectrum. International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology.2016.20(2): 236-39.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Shantha Mohansundaram, Syed Ahmed Hussain. The Incidence of ER, PR and HER2/neu in Breast Cancer Cases in Rural Thiruporur, Kancheepuram District. IJBAMR.2016; Dec6 (1):648-657. Venkataraman.S, Meerasa SS. Analysis of relationship between memory functions and blood indices across parturition in primigravidae. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017 Mar 30:6(4):1455-60.

in newborn. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):287-288. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination accomplished from the South-East Asia Region: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):289-290.

Shrivastava SR. Holistic health. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016; 6(4):e118.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Polio continues to be a public health emergency of international concern: Current updates. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):291-293.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving the health standards of women and girls trapped in conflicts: An urgent need. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017; 10(1):264-265.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Training midwives and other cadre of health workers using a solarcharged device in Ethiopia. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2017;22(2):170-171.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Adopting mobile technology to improve maternal care in rural and low-resource settings. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017; 10(1):266-267.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Morocco succeeds to eliminate trachoma as a public health problem: World Health Organization. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22(1):46.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving patient safety standards in hospitals: A global public health concern. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017; 10(1):275-276.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring early detection of cancer in low and middle income nations: World Health Organization. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2017;5(1):141-142.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Zika Virus Disease: The current status and necessity to implement Strategic Response Framework. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):277-278.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Uniting the efforts of stakeholders to end tuberculosis globally by 2030. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):297-298.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Switching from trivalent to bivalent OPV: A landmark step in the global eradication of Polio. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):278-279.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Accelerating progress to achieve the Sustainable development Goal target 3.3 worldwide. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):299-300.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Supporting and encouraging breastfeeding through strengthening of the existing legal provisions globally. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):280-282.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving urban health standards: Promotion of equity and development of healthier cities for sustainable development. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):301-302.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring health system resilience following a public health emergency: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):282-283.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Terminating the status of Public Health Emergency of International Concern for Ebola outbreak in West Africa: What does it mean? What next? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):303-304.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving adolescent health by meeting global standards set by the World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1): 284-285.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Moving ahead from leprosy elimination to leprosy-free world by 2020. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):305-306.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening reproductive and sexual health services to minimize the risk of Zika virus associated complications

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The public health concern of mental illnesses: Strengthening of the mental health sector. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):307-308.

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health concern of depression and anxiety disorders: Financial perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):309-310. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Advocating for the implementation of the updated guidelines for the management of Hepatitis C infection universally. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):311-312. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Radiation exposure in pediatric imaging: Justification, Optimization, and Risk communication. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):313-314. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming for malaria elimination: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):315-316. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring the universal adoption of Health Equity Assessment Toolkit to minimize health inequalities. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2): 317-318. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Conditional cash transfer to improve the status of the girl: Indian perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):319-320. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health challenge of HIV infection among the vulnerable population group of transgender: An urgent global need. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):457-458. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization advocates for a two point strategy to achieve eradication of Yaws from the endemic nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):475-476. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Limiting pesticide access to minimize suicide incidence. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):477. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the geographical burden and responding to the threat of the spread of dengue infection to the unaffected nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):481-482. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childhood cancers in low-resource settings: Reinforcing the need for intensification of efforts. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2): 488-489.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Advocating for the community empowerment and family support to improve the quality of care to Schizophrenia patients. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):490-491. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring global patient safety by minimizing medication-related errors: World Health Organization. Biology and Medicine (Aligarh). 2017;9(3):e126. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Discouraging the practice of tobacco initiation among children & adolescents through promotion of smokefree films. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:34. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childbirth rights for pregnant women: Success for Poland and inspiration for other nations! International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:42. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Encouraging collaborative efforts between environment and health sector to arrest climate deterioration. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017; 22:59. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization validated websites provide reliable information on vaccine safety. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22:78. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Discouraging the practice of child marriage in Cambodia: United Nations Population Fund. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):106-107. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Role of public health laws in the advancement of right to health on an international scale. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):107-108. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Reinforcing the need to invest in health related research and development activities. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):108-109. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Scope of gender bias in health sector: Insights for policy makers. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):109-111. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the root causes for child marriage in Costa Rica by involving young advocates: United Nations Population Fund. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):112-113. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to achieve universal health coverage and improve health



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

standards among migrant populations. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):113-114. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Advocating for the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):115-116. Thresa SS, Ramasamy JD, Shrivastava SR. A crosssectional study to assess the knowledge and practices about breastfeeding among women in Sembakkam village, Kancheepuram District. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017;6(4): 707-714. Thresa SS, Ramasamy JD, Shrivastava SR. A descriptive study to assess computer related health problems among software professionals. Biomedicine. 2016;36(4 suppl):163-165. Barman DD, Nair VK, Karnaboopathy R. Estimation of stature from measurement of the percutaneous length of radius in adult Tamil males. Journal of South India Medico-Legal Association. 2017;9(1):51-54. Muthukumar T, Konduru RK, Manikandan M, Asir J, Iqbal N, Bazroy J, et al. Scope of integrated teaching in a medical college: A study from South India. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31:127-30. Barman DD, Nair VK, Karnaboopathy R. Study of the trend of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2017;39 (1):19-24. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. India - An emerging epicenter of medical tourism. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2017; 6(2):135-136. Annadurai K, Selvasri S, Ramasamy J. Self-medication: Predictors and practices among rural population of Nellikuppam village, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2017;6(1):90-98. Ramasubramanian C, Mohandoss AA, Namasivayam RK. Employability of mentally ill persons in India: A self-report- based population study. Ind Psychiatry J 2016; 25:171-8 Kurhekar PM, Prasad TK, Rajarathinam B, Raghuraman MS. Capnographic analysis of minimum mandatory flow rate for Hudson face mask: A randomized double-blind study. Anesth Essays Res 2017; 11: 463-67. Raghuraman M.S. Intrathecal nalbuphine - Will it gain wider acceptance? - A narrative review. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia 33 (2017) 289–293. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.egja.2017.04.003

Raghuraman M.S. Comments on an article of EgJA in press. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia 33 (2017) 311. Raghuraman M.S. Comment on Assessment of Aspiration-Induced lung Injuries among Acute Drug Poisoning Patients; Loghman Hakim Hospital, Poisoning center International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2017;7(1): 81-2. Raghuraman, M.S. Comment on: “Intranasal Dexmedetomidine for Procedural Sedation in Children, a Suitable Alternative to Chloral Hydrate” Pediatr Drugs (2017). doi:10.1007/s40272.017.0245-1. Lavakumar S, Arivazhagan N. Drug utilization pattern of antibiotics in an Intensive care unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kancheepuram district, TamilNadu. International Journal of Current research. May 2017; 9(5):51440-2. Jayashree Veerasamy, Karthika Jayakumar and Gurulakshmi R.B. Profile of Hepatitis A and E in flood victims of rural Chennai. IJCMS, 2017; Vol. 3(6): 773-777. Sriram R, Prasanna S. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of rapidly growing mycobacteria isolated from cases of surgical site infections by microbroth dilution method at a tertiary care center. J Mar Med So. 2017; 19. Sivakumar Annamalai, Lavanya Mohanam, Veena Raja, Alwin Dev, Venkataraman Prabhu. Antiobesity, antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of Diallyl trisulphide (DATS) alone or in combination with Orlistat on HFD induced obese rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017; 93: 81–87. Ilanchezhian, Shanmuga Priya, Suganya and Balaji Rajagopalan A study to evaluate the renal function parameters in preclampsia IJPSR, 2017; Vol. 8(1): 213-216. Ilanchezhian,Suganya,Rajini Samuel, Balaji Rajagopalan. Albumin/Creatinine Ratio to detect Renal dysfunction in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 43(2), March - April 2017; Article No. 29, Pages: 152-155. Ilanchezhian,Shanmuga Priya, Rajini Samuel, Balaji Rajagopalan A comparative study of blood glucose level measurement between glucometer, semi-autoanalyzer and autoanalyzer Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 43(2), March - April 2017; Article No. 126. Vijay Kautilya D, Shruti P Hegde, Pritika Rajashekharen, Khatija Begum. Cross sectional survey on the awareness of pesticide labels & pesticide safety pictograms among paddy farmers in South India. Journal on health science & surveillance system. 2016;4(4):158-166

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Vijay Kautilya D, Shruti P Hegde, Pritika Rajashekharen, Khatija Begum. Knowledge, attitude & practice of pesticide safety measures among paddy farmers in South India. Indian journal of forensic medicine & community medicine, april – june 2017;4(2):139-144. Gurumani, Rajprakash, Roopak.An interesting case report of fronto cutaneous fistula.Int. Journal of Otolaryngology. pISSN 2454-5929/ eISSN 2454-5937. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Necessity to augment the financial investment in the water, sanitation, and hygiene services worldwide. Environmental disease. 2017;2(2):67-68. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strategic implementation of the global strategy for the containment of the viral hepatitis infections. Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine. 2017;3(1):64-65. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Empowering the vulnerable and disadvantaged girls from the indigenous community of Guatemala. Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine. 2017;3(1): 68-69. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Necessity to break the relationship between tobacco addiction and deprived economy in China. Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;10(3):229-230. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the role of color coding in ensuring delivery of quality assured health care services. Menoufia Medical Journal. 2017;30(1):331-332. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommending global public health strategies to counter the impact of climate change on health. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(2):138-139. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Involving traditional leaders to respond to the problems faced by youths: United Nations Population Fund. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2017;7(2):e120. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Promotion of physical activity: A crucial strategy to delay the onset of non-communicable diseases. Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research. 2017;8(2):106-107.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. A newer toolkit to respond to sexual violence on a global scale: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):495-496. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the challenges of diagnostic delay and longer treatment duration for multi-drug resistant TB: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):497-498. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening research and development activities to effectively contain the epidemics of infectious diseases: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):499-500. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Safe Space: An effective option to ensure normalcy in the lives of refugee women and girls in conflict-affected Syria. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):501-502. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Involving fathers in achieving gender equality through a television reality show. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):503-504. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. INSPIRE: A comprehensive package to reduce violence against children and provide a safe and nurturing environment. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):507-508. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Challenges in HIV care: Accelerating the pace of HIVrelated services to accomplish the set global targets. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):509-510. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Census: A systematic and comprehensive tool to address the needs of the disadvantaged population groups. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):511-512. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Legal protection for women in Yemen: A sorry state. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):513-514.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening primary prevention interventions to tackle the problem of congenital anomalies. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(3):217-218.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Anticipated shortage of benzathine penicillin: A threat to the ongoing global commitment for elimination of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):515-516.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tackling the public health concern of the double burden of malnutrition on the global scale. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):493-494.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Employing mobile applications to improve the outcomes of adolescent’s pregnancy. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):517-518.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls: Determinants, Utilization, and Role of adolescent peer educators. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):519-520.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommended strategies to respond to the challenge of poor immunization coverage in low and middle income nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):746-747.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Social and health inequalities augment the incidence of Zika virus disease and its aftereffects. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):521-522.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Planning a concerted effort to minimize the adverse consequences of cannabis: Public health perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3): 749-750.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Yellow fever outbreak in Angola: The potential global threat and the prevailing challenges in the control of the disease. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):523-524. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding for ensuring sustainable development. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3): 525-526. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to target gender barriers for improving the health and welfare standards of girls. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):527-528. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving the drinking water supply universally and bridging the existing gaps. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):529-530. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Accomplishing mother-to-child elimination of human immunodeficiency and syphilis: A remarkable achievement and a ray of hope for other nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):521-532. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Up scaling of interventions for the control of Echinococcosis and its associated complications. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):737-738. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting the underestimated and under-diagnosed global problem of headache disorders. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):739-740. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Rising global estimates of dementia: An urgent public health need to stem the tide. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):741-742. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Taking major strides in dengue vaccine research: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):743-744.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. After three decades of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: Where we are? What we have to focus upon? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):753-754. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the challenge of rising air pollution levels in world’s poorest cities. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):756-757. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Minimizing the rates of unsafe abortion in developing nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):760-761. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting health sector to tackle the menace of female genital mutilation. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):761-762. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Zika virus disease: Potential risk for the athletes and the international visitors in the Rio Olympic Games, 2016. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):762-764. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Potential risk of Zika virus outbreak in the European region: Public health alert. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):764-765. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Increase in average life expectancy and the need to strengthen the monitoring process to track the progress of Sustainable Development Goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):765-766. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending humanitarian assistance to people in the Borno state of Nigeria. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management. 2017;5(2):49-50. Danasekaran R, Raja P, Ranganathan K. Utilization of antenatal healthcare services among fishermen population in Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu: A crosssectional study. Indian J Community Med 2017;42(3): 159-62.

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Johnson AKS, Abraham SB, Muthukumar T, Joy Bazroy, Purty AJ, Singh Z. Knowledge of food groups among mothers of preschool Children in a rural area of Villupuram district, Tamilnadu. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(2): 67-71. Vishnuprasad R, Bazroy J, Madhanraj K, Prashanth HR, Singh Z, Samuel AK, T Muthukumar. Visual impairment among 10-14 year school children in Puducherry: A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2017;6:58-62. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. India – An Emerging Epicenter of Medical Tourism. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University.2017:6(2):135-6. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Controlled temperature chain: Reaching the unreached in resourcelimited settings. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2017;16(3):477-79. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. Prophylactic Mastectomy: A boon or bane? Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(1):34-51. Annadurai K. Exploring the application of colour coding for quality health care. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(2):74-6. Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, Mani G. Nutritional psychiatry: An evolving concept. J Res Med Sci 2017;22:88. Srinidhii Murugappan, Glad Mohesh. A Guided Learning Experience to Understand the Niche of Basic Medical Research and Capacity Building. Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics.2017; 7(2):99-103. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. E-Pharmacies in India. Empowerment or an Emerging Conundrum? Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2017;16(1):14. Annadurai K, Selvasri S, Ramasamy J. Self Medication: Predictors and Practices among Rural Population of Nellikuppam Village, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University.2017;6(1):90-8. Sujatha Nagari., Swayam Jothi S., Sunita P Bharati., Hemanth Kommuru. Morphometric and Morphological Study of Lower End of Ulna. JMSCR.2017;5(7): 24392 – 24397. Swayam Jothi S, Kafeel Hussain A., Attitude and Aptitude of the first year referred batch of medical students Ann.SBV, Jan-Jun 2017

Vinod K, Kurhekar P, Sharanya K,Raghuraman MS. Study on evaluating the Adequacy of Psoas Compartment Block and Sacral Plexus Block for Lower Limb Surgeries. J Recent Adv Pain 2017; 3 (2): 66-70. Raghuraman M.S. Comment on: ‘’Automated control of end-tidal sevoflurane in living donor hepatectomy - a prospective, randomized, controlled study.” Egypt J Anaesth (2017), egja.2017.08.001 Raghuraman M.S. Comment on: Comparison of Intraabdominal and Trocar Site Local Anaesthetic Infiltration on Postoperative Analgesia after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim 2017; 45: 239-41. Rajasekaran V, Srividhya G. A clinical study on laryngeal manifestations of tuberculosis. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2017 Sep 2. Dr.T.Rajini Samuel, Dr. R. Vyshnavi, Dr.R.Vanaja, C.M, Ragashree, Dr.Balaji Rajagopalan. Graphical Analysis of Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Using Standard Base Excess Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., September October 2017; 46(1): 223-228. Nasren Begum A, Naseem Noorunnisa, K Madhuri. Diverse presentation of pancytopenia - analytical study in rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. Medpulse. International Medical Journal. July 2017;4 (7):850-52. Nasren Begum A, Naseem Noorunnisa, Shamsheer Khan. Thyroid disorders – A random analysis of dysfunction and associations.Medpulse. International Medical Journal. August 2017;4(8):896- 898. Sowjan, Bharani kumar, Rajakumar, Sai santhosh, Cerebro costo mandibular syndrome in neonate- a rare case report. International journal of current medical and pharmaceutical research, 2016; 2:1058-1060. Sowjan, Vikram, Rajakumar. Dyke Davidoff masson syndrome-a case report from south India, International journal of pediatric research. September 2016; 3(9) Alexander Mannu, Ganesh Narayana, Ganavi Ramagopal, Jaishree Vasudevan, Pradeep G Nayar. Study of cardiac changes in children with malnutrition. Indian J Child Health 2017;4(3):314-317. Ganavi Ramagopal, Jaishree Vasudevan. Clinical and etiological profile of children with pathological short stature.Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017:4(1):73-7. Ganavi RamaGopal, Edin Brow, Alexander M., Jaishree Vasudevan, L. Uma devi Demographic,Clinical and Hematological Profile of Children with Bronchiolitis:



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

A Comparative Study between Respiratory Syncitial Virus [RSV] and [NON RSV] Groups. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Aug;10(8):SC05-SC08. Karthika Priya.S, Karthika Jayakumar. Chromobacterium Violaceum isolated from Young Adult with UTI from a Tertiary Care Center. JMSCR.2017;5(10):15. Vikram R, Balachandran CS. Study of hematological indices in neonates admitted with non-obstructive jaundice and its outcome in a tertiary care hospital. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:1827-32. Muthukumar T, Konduru RK, Manikandan M, Asir J, Iqbal N, Bazroy J. Scope of integrated teaching in a medical college: A study from South India. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(2):127-130. Barman DD, Nair VK, Karnaboopathy R. Study of the trend of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2017;39(1):20-24. Muthukumar T, Raja TK. Black dog: the future pandemic? International Journal of Scientific Reports. 2017;3(12):326. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Scope of genetic counselling in reducing the magnitude of hereditary disorders: Developing nations’ perspective. Menoufia Medical Journal. 2017;30(2):633-635. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Depression: A global public health priority. Biology and Medicine (Aligarh). 2017;9:e127. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recent global updates in malaria control and situation in SubSaharan Africa region. Cukurova Medical Journal. 2017;42(3):592-593. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2017 measles outbreak in the European region: An urgent public health alert. Community Acquired Infection. 2017;4(2):41-42. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Expanding the delivery of preventive medicine for malaria during pregnancy in Africa. Community Acquired Infection. 2017;4(2):43-44. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Role of contact tracing in containing the 2014 Ebola outbreak: A review. African Health Sciences. 2017;17(1):225-236. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementation of double-duty actions to counter the public health challenge of double malnutrition.

Turkish Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2017;11(3):142-143. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting global elimination of rabies by 2030:Stakeholders’ consensus. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):779-780. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Promoting health standards of the workers in the informal sector: A global concern. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):781-782. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to achieve 100% voluntary blood donation in all nations: Global vision. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):783-784. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Displaying solidarity and compassion to meet the needs of the refugee population in European region. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):787-788. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. My Best Friend: A community-based initiative to ensure women welfare in conflicts-affected Central African Republic region. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):789-790. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of the neglected population groups in Bhutan. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):791-792. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. New guidelines released to ensure transparency and enhance credibility of the reported health estimates: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):793-794. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Offering integrated package of services to counter stigma associated with HIV. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):795-796. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the public health challenge of obstetric fistula in developing nations: A preventable cause of physical and social disability. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):797-798. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the sensitive issue of sexual health by improving awareness and sexual education. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):799-800. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Training and deploying midwives to reduce the incidence of

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

maternal deaths in Somalia. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(4):801-802. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Reducing the level of pesticide residues in foods: World Health Organization. Environmental Disease. 2017;2(3):95-96. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The public health implications of Mycetoma: A neglected tropical disease. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2017;4(4):289-290. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommendations to promote safe and effective use of contraceptives: World Health Organization. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2017;4(4):291. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Springboard program: A ray of hope for the empowerment of victims of child marriage in Yemen. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2017;4(4):292. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization launches a network to improve quality of care for mothers, newborns and children. Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;10(4):184-185. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Promoting safe use of wastewater: Public health perspective. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(3):170-171. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Assessment of the health needs and preparation of an election manifesto by young people in Liberia. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(3):171-172. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Continue the intensity of the ongoing prevention and control measures to contain the 2016 outbreak of yellow fever in Angola. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1099-1100.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Universal health coverage: Necessity, monitoring, and the vision ahead. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1107-1108. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Building an effective mechanism to respond to the repeated outbreaks of cholera in the African region. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1109-1110. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Combating infectious diseases on the global scale in the era of the Sustainable Development Goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1111-1112. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Developing a mechanism to reduce after effects and track health workers affected by terrorism. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1113-1114. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of young people in developing nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1115-1116. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementing Maternal Death Surveillance and Response through the Millennium Villages Project: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1117-1118. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. International agencies working together to empower adolescent girls in Mozambique: A community-based intervention. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1119-1120. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Encouraging and expanding screening activities for cervical cancer in low-resource settings. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1121-1122.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Necessity to strengthen prevention activities and expand treatment services to accomplish global elimination of Hepatitis C. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1101-1102.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Expanding the reach and utility of Emergency Medical Teams to ensure appropriate management of disasters. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1356-1357.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Delivering comprehensive sexuality education among youths to eventually achieve human immunodeficiency virus-free generation. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1103-1104.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Establishing connection among all through blood donation: Current status and Public health implications. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1357-1358.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Young people acting as ambassadors for the accomplishment of women-related sustainable development goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1105-1106.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Identifying gaps and recommending targeted strategies to ensure effective control of Asthma. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5): 1359-1360.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing the outbreaks of food-borne botulism and minimizing the risk of fatality. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1360-1361.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The global public health challenge of malnutrition: Ensuring trend reversal. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1375-1376.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening civil registration system on a global scale: Offering double benefit for the Policy Makers and the Community. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1361-1362.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. How can we respond to the challenge of insufficient physical activity? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1377-1378.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting cervical cancer in low and middle income nations: Necessity of a comprehensive approach. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1363-1364.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Offering adolescent girls’ centered care in developing nations: Fighting against all odds. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1378-1379.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing the acquisition and progression of chronic Hepatitis B infection in middle and low income nations: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1364-1365.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Whether fractional dosing of yellow fever vaccine can be recommended to meet the challenges of the ongoing 2016 West African outbreak and the resulting vaccine shortage? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1379-1380.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Fasttracking efforts to accomplish the global elimination of trachoma by 2020. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1366-1367.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Noncommunicable diseases: Strengthening the process of data collection for potential risk factors. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1381-1382.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to achieve elimination of Chagas disease: Before it acquires a status of global public health concern. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5): 1367-1368.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Prevention and control of Hepatitis-A in developing nations: Public health perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1382-1384.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Elimination target for lymphatic filariasis attained in Sri Lanka and Maldives: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1369-1370. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Prevention and control of Legionellosis: A public health perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1370-1371. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Public health approach to minimize the prevalence and associated sequels of Leishmaniasis in the affected regions. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1371-1372. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Dealing with the neglected issue of oral health: Building a global consensus. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1373-1374. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting the end of the AIDS epidemic in the era of sustainable development by the year 2030. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5): 1374-1375.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the rapid upsurge in the rise of overweight and obesity at global scale. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1384-1385. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting asbestos across different industries to minimize the incidence of asbestos-related diseases on the global front. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1385-1386. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Global Health Security: Transforming commitments into practical actions. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1387-1388. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Public health measures to minimize exposure to arsenic and associated morbidities. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1388-1389. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring availability of pregnancy and childbirth care services in conflict-affected regions of Syria. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1390-1391. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Application of data available through health information

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

systems in preventing maternal deaths. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1391-1392.

diseases. Saudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences. 2018;6(1):45-46.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring delivery of integrated care for reducing the morbidity and mortality attributed to cardiovascular diseases. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1392-1394.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization emphasizes for the development of the priority list of medical devices for the management of cancers. International Journal of Health & Allied Sciences. 2017;6(4):245-246.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Mobilizing youth population to spread peace in the conflict-affected regions of Central Africa. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1394-1395.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Prequalification of the first rapid diagnostic Hepatitis C virus test: World Health Organization. Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;37(6):259-260.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending humanitarian assistance to displaced pregnant women in armed conflict-affected nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1396-1397.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Fighting against the menace of gender-based violence by resorting to web-based or mobile-based apps in Namibia. Biology and Medicine (Aligarh). 2017;9(6):e128.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Cardiovascular diseases in low and middle income nations: Responding to the leading cause of mortality. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(5):1397-1398.

Munusamy MM, Sheelaa WG, Lakshmi VP. Clinical presentation and prevalence of uterine fibroids: a 3-year study in 3-decade rural South Indian women. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017 Nov 23;6(12):5596-601.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Necessity to invest in cost-effective interventions for the prevention of hearing loss. Primary Health Care: Open Access. 2017;7(3):e121.

Lakshmi PV, Sheela WG, Munusamy MM. Post Hysterectomy morbidity: a suburban teaching hospital experience in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, South India. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2017 Sep 23;6(10):4656-60.

Shrivastava PS, Shrivastava SR, Mukthar MS. A community based study to assess the treatment adherence and its determinants among hypertensive patients residing in a rural area of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Medicine Science and Public Health. 2017;6(9):1386-1393. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Bhutan and Maldives eliminate measles: World Health Organization. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:91. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring tobacco control to strengthen the economy of a nation and improve the health standards of the population. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:94. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Zika virus disease: Necessity to have a better and sustained preparedness. Cukurova Medical Journal. 2017;42(4):790-791. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Adoption of the nutri-score system in France to reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22:111. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. HEARTS package for the management of cardiovascular

Kamaraj R, Maduram A, Raaman N. Hepatoprotective Activity Of Various Extracts Of Clausena Dentata (Willd.) Roem. (Syn. Clausena Willdenovii Wight. And Arn.) Rutaceae. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical research.2017;10(10): 310-13. Anusa MA, Rooban T. Burden of exposure to lead as a risk factor for mental illness in Indian children 1990–2015: A systematic analysis based on global burden of disease approach. Annals Indian Psychiatry 2017;1:88-96. Mohandoss A ANUSA. Quality of life in schizophrenic patients: Comparative study from South India. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2017;6:224-31. Muthukumar T, Konduru RK, Manikandan M, Asir J, Iqbal N, Bazroy J. Scope of integrated teaching in a medical college: A study from South India. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(2):127-130. Barman DD, Nair VK, Karnaboopathy R. Study of the trend of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2017;39(1):20-24. Hegde S P, Machireddy R, Kumar MR, Dyanidhi V K. A study of awareness of diabetic retinopathy, knowledge about its effect on vision& treatment options



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

among the diabetic patients visiting the ophthalmology department. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology.2017;3(4):495-499. Rajasekaran V, Srividhya G. A clinical study on laryngeal manifestations of tuberculosis. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2017 Sep 22;3(4):845-8. Rajasekaran V, BV SK. A study on clinical profile of non otogenic otalgia. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2017 Sep 22;3(4):1027-30. Rajasekaran V, BV SK, Sriraman G. Nasal flora in allergic rhinitis. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2017 Sep 22;3(4):904-7. Raghuraman M.S., Ranjit S. Regarding “Ultrasound Guided Femoral Nerve Block to Provide Analgesia for Positioning Patients with Femur Fracture Before Subarachnoid Block: Comparison with Intravenous Fentanyl” in Kathmandu University Medical Journal 2016;54(2):125-9. VOL. 15 | NO. 1 | ISSUE 57 | JAN.MARCH 2017: Page 88-89. Kurhekar P, Vinod K, Krishna JS, Raghuraman MS. Randomized comparison of isoflurane versus sevoflurane and desflurane for maintenance of ambulatory anesthesia. Anaesthesia Essays and Researches 2017;11:875-80. Sriraman G, Rajasekaran V, Raja RV. An interesting case of kartageners syndrome. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surgery 2017;3:761-3. Nachammai SM, Karthicka J, Molecular characterization of surface adhesins of uropathogenic escherichia coli from patients in a tertiary care hospital, Int.J. Adv.Res. 5(11), 818-823. Kafeel Hussain, Swayam Jothi S. Immunohistochemical Study on the Location of C-cells. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy & Physiology. 2017; 4(4): 521 – 523.

▶▶ EDITOR / REVIEWER Dr.K.N.Viswanathan, Vice – Principal, Clinical and PG Studies from the Dept of General Medicine, submitted MCQs in Internal Medicine for the PG entrance examination in JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine during this quarter has peer reviewed articles from the following journals – Education for Health, Journal of Medical Society, Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. Dr.S. Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology is the author and editor for Microbiology in TARGET JIPMER PGMEE MCQS questions with

explanatory answers supplementary book December 2016. Mr.Glad Mohesh M I, Asst.Prof. of Physiology was appointed as Reviewer in the Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal on 13.02.2017 and was appointed as member of the Editorial panel of the Journal EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine on 13.02.2017. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Community Medicine was selected as a Peer Reviewer for the following Journals, Indian Journal of Medical Research (13.04.2017), Journal of Medical Society (19.04.2017), Healthcare in Low-resources Settings (28.04.2017), Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (01.05.2017), Education for Health (05.05.2017), Journal of Behavioral Health (14.05.2017), Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research (22.05.2017), Journal of Injury and Violence Research (31.05.2017), Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (03.04.2017, 10.05.2017, & 01.06.2017), Dr Rajesh Kannan N, reviewed a manuscript, titled “Psychological distress among children after flood in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu” for the Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine has been appointed on 23.04.2017 for the Editor Post of a Special Issue by the Primary Healthcare – Open Access journal, with the theme being “Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Dr. Harshavardhan B, Senior Resident, Department of Radiology was appointed as reviewer of the Journal of Radiology Case Reports ( JRCR) on 25th April 2017. Dr.Kalaivani Annadurai, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine was invited as a peer-reviewer for BMC Public Health and Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences ans was was included in the Editorial Board of Journal of Comprehensive health, International Journal of Public Health Papers and Journal of Epidemiological papers. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was invited as a peer-reviewer for Indian Journal of Medical Research and Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine has been appointed on 23.04.2017 for the Editor Post of a Special Issue by the Primary Healthcare – Open Access journal, with the theme being “Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was invited for peer-review of the following articles: Indian Journal of Medical Research on 09.11.2017 & 20.11.2017, Education for

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Health on 24.11.2017, Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research on 31.12.2017.

won the III Prize in poster presentation during the SBV Research Week held at MGMCRI on 6.1.2017.

Dr.S.Gurumani, Professor and HOD, Department of ENT, Reviewed Chapter 53 in the second edition, “Diseases of ear, nose,throat;head and neck surgery”- Dr. Mohan Bansal.

Prof.Dr.Semmal, Head of the Physiology Department delivered a Special Lecture titled “Explaining Neurophysiology for Language Students Using Ancient Tamil Literature” conducted by Department of Scientific Tamil, and Tamil Development, Tamil University Thanjavur on 17. 03. 2017.

Dr. Harshavardhan B, Senior Resident, Department of Radiodiagnosis has reviewed an article for Journal of Radiology Case Reports on 12.12.2017

▶▶ BOOK / CHAPTER PUBLICATION Dr. Pradeep Dhanasekharan, Assistant professor, Department of Surgery contributed to GENERAL SURGERY MCQ’s Questions & Answers with detailed explanation book, AIIMS MAY 2017. TARGET JIPMER MAY 2016 and TARGET JIPMER DECEMBER 2016 Dr. Prasanna S. Microbiology chapter.In: Arun Babu T. TARGET JIPMER. 3rded. New Delhi: PEEPEE publishers; May 2017. Dr. Prasanna S. Microbiology, Parasitology, HIV, STDs and infectious disease chapters. In: Madhan Jeyaram & Ranjith AR. TARGET PG. 1st ed. Philadelphia, US. Lippincott Walters Kluwer Publishers; October 2017.

▶▶ AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Prof.Dr.K.N.Viswanathan, Vice Principal, Clinical and PG Studies from the Dept of General Medicine, was invited as an external examiner in medicine at the Royal College of medicine, Perakat University of KL, Malaysia from 27.02.17 to 03.03.17 He also attended as a faculty at the basic research workshop and Good clinical practice held at SSSMCRI.

Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head; Dr.Kafeel Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy won the Best paper award “RAENCON2017” held at SBMCH on 16th & 17th June 2017. Dr.Paramanantham, Professor, Department of Pediatrics received DOCTORS DAY AWARD from IMAChennai, Villivakkam & Ayyanavaram Branch on 1st July 2017 Professor Dr.I.Gurubharath, HOD, Dep received Ph.D in Radiology from the Tamilnadu Dr MGR medical university on September 6th, 2017. Dr. Swayam jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy was felicitated as Senior Faculty, during the Teachers Day Celebration held at SSSMCRI on 05.09.17. Professor Dr. Vivekananda Subramanianathan, Medical Superintendent, President, Association of Surgeons, Chennai City Chapter received the award of Honor at ASICON 2017, Jaipur (26 – 30 December 2017) Dr Sundaramurthy A, Professor and head, Department of Respiratory Medicine was awarded the D.Litt awarded by Ashcroft University, London & GEPRA India on 16.12.2017

Dr.Latha R, won the second prize in Oral presentation on the topic “Hypoxic stress on learning and memory in a zebrafish model” International conference “SYMMEDCON” on the theme Stress, Yoga and mindbody, medicine at SRMC, Chennai on 2nd and 3rd January, 2017. Dr Kafeel Hussain, Assistant Professor of anatomy won the II Prize & Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor of anatomy Dr Sundaramurthy A, became a direct member in World Organization of Family Doctors & World Medical Association on 16.10.17. Ms. Nachammai.SM, Tutor, Department of Microbiology won second prize in Poster presentation - “Molecular surface adhesions of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli “in SRM Dental college, on October 26, 2017 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr Swayam jothi, Professor and Head, Anatomy and Dr Sundaramurthy A, Professor and Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine received Dr APJ Abdul Kalam award for life time contribution in teaching and scientific excellence by Marina labs research and development on 21.10.17. Dr. Nadhana Prasanth, Assistant Professor of Surgery received 3rd Prize for Faculty Paper presentation titled ‘Difficulty and disparities in minimal access surgeries in emergencies’ on December 27th 2017 at ASICON 2017, Jaipur. Dr. Dost Mohammed Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology has completed the course on Principles of Bio-Ethics and Human Rights conducted by UNESCO Chair, Bioethics, Haifa, Department of Education and has been registered as a member of the International Forum of teachers of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics on 14.8.2017. Dr. Kalaivani Annadurai, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, have been nominated for a Cash Award of Rs. 5000 for guiding ICMR-STS projects for the year 2016. Dr. Prateek Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, have been nominated for a Cash Award of Rs. 5000 for guiding ICMR-STS projects for the year 2016. Dr. Geetha Mani, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, have been nominated for a Cash Award of Rs. 5000 for guiding ICMR-STS projects for the year 2016. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, has been nominated for a Cash Award of Rs. 32000 for publications with high Impact Factor for the year 2016. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, has also been nominated for a Cash Award of Rs. 47000 for high volume of publications for the year 2016. Mr. Nithya Balan, Mr. Mohd. Mukthar, and Mr. Arul Anand students of 7th Semester have been nominated for a Cash Award of Rs. 5000 each for successful completion of ICMR-STS projects for the year 2016, under the guidance of above mentioned faculties.

Dr Karthika Jayakumar Associate Professor of Microbiology chaired a session in the “National conference on Parasitology - PARACON 2017”, Held at Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 04.02.17. Dr.Latha R served as a Chairperson in SYMMEDCON 2017, on stress, yoga and mind body medicine conducted by Department of Physiology, SRMCRI. Dr. S Gurumani, Professor and Head, Department of ENT, chaired a session in “MECFEST 2017”- Live Cadaver Workshop organised by upgraded Institute of Otolarynglogy and Institute of Anatomy, Madras Medical College on 23.6.2017. Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, chaired a scientific session at “National conference in Radiological and Endoscopic Anatomy and Recent Advances” at Shree Balaji Medical College and hospital on 16th&17th June 2017. Dr.Jeyakumar Jeevan, Professor, Department of Dermatology, chaired a session on “Immunoflourescence In Autoimmune Bullous Diseases” at CME on HISTOPATHOLOGY conducted by Tamilnadu IADVL group & SIG Dermatopathology in Kanchi kamakodi child trust hospital, Chennai on 18th June 2017. Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy chaired a session at 40th Annual Conference of Tamilnadu & at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhuranthagam, on 23rd & 24th Sep 2017.

▶▶ Officiating as Judge in Academic / Scientific Events Dr G Sridhar, Associate Professor of Microbiology was the Judge for poster presentations in the “National conference on Parasitology - PARACON 2017”, Held at Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 04.02.17. Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, participated as Judge in Well Baby Competition conducted by Dept of Paediatrics SSSMCRI on 07.08.2017.

▶▶ Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events

Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy and Dr. Semmal, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology, has participated as a judge for a seminar on COCHLEAR IMPLANT for final year MBBS part-I organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology, SSSMCRI on 26.09.17.

Dr.Naseem Noorunisa,Professor of Pathology,Department of Pathology, Participated as chairperson in International conference titled – PATHSURGE 2016,Organized by Sree Balaji Medical college and Hospital, Chrompet, between 22nd to 24th of August 2016.

Dr. Venkatadri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology was a judge for the poster competition for VII Semester students on World Eye donation day conducted by Dept of Ophthalmology, SSSMCRI on 31.08.2017.

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▶▶ Resource Persons in Academic Events

pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical departments attended the workshop.

Professor Dr. Vivekananda Subramanianathan, Medical Superintendent was a resource person for the UGI endoscopy workshop at Stanley Medical College & Hospital, Chennai on 12.11.2017.

Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was the resource person for a FDP on Scientific Communication - “How to write a Research Article”. The interactive session was attended by more than 60 faculties, senior residents, tutors, and PG students.

Dr.Vijay Kautilya.D Associate professor and MEU coordinator was a resource person and organized the Second Revised Basic Workshop on Medical Education technology, at SSSMCRI, 10-12 October 2017.

Resource Persons in Academic / Scientific Events

Dr. Maduram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology was a resource person and gave a lecture on ‘Documentation in Clinical trial’ at the Golden Jubilee International Conference of IPS, Southern Region held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 5th July 2017

Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor of Pharmacology was a resource person and gave a talk on Essential Documents in Clinical trials and guidelines in protocol writing at Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics on 21.03.2017 at SSSMCRI and 23.03.2017 at MGMCRI.

Dr. Maduram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology was a resource person and gave a lecture on ‘How to set up a CRO and clinical trial unit’ at the National Industry Oriented Applied Pharmacology Conference held at SRMC, Chennai on 22nd September 2017.

Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology gave a talk on Investigator’s responsibilities at Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics on 21.03.2017 at SSSMCRI.

Dr.Semmal, Dr.Chitra, Dr.Latha, Mr.Glad Mohesh were resource persons for the Orientation programme conducted for I year MBBS Students between 12th to 16th September, 2017.

Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, was a resource person and gave a talk on “Essential Documents in Clinical trials and guidelines in protocol writing at Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics” on 21.03.2017 at SSSMCRI and at MGMCRI on 23.03.2017.

▶▶ Examiner / Evaluator

Dr.Semmal, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, delivered a Special Invited Guest Lecture titled “Insights Related to Medical Science in Ancient Indian Literary Scripts” at the Singapore Tamil Writers Forum, Singapore on 29th April, 2017. Dr.Semmal, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, delivered a Special Invited Guest Lecture titled “Imparting Medical and Health Education Using Ancient Literary Works” at Paris, France on 3rd June 2017. Dr Karthika Jayakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, gave a guest lecture on “Profile of Enteric Coccidian Infection in India” during CME at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai on 29.6.2017.

Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor of Pathology, went as an external examiner to Madras Medical College from 12.3.2017 to 19.3.2017. Dr Karthika Jayakumar, Professor of Microbiology went as an external examiner to St John’s Medical College, Bangalore from 03.02.2017 to 05.02.2017. Dr G Sridhar, Associate Professor of Microbiology went as an external examiner to Aarupadai Veedu Medical College &Hospital, Pondicherry from 20th to 23rd Feb 2017. Dr Karthika Jayakumar, Professor of Microbiology went as an external examiner for Ph.D., to Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore on 28.03.2017. Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an external examiner for MBBS at SRMC, Chennai from 02nd - 03rd March 2017 Dr.N.Arivazhagan, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an external examiner for MBBS at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research from 07.03.2017-11.03.2017.

Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Dr Anusa A.M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry were resource persons for the first Hands on Training Dr.N.Arivazhagan, Associate Professor of workshop conducted on “Evidence-based Medicine” Pharmacology went as an external examiner for (EBM) on 24th August 2017 organised by the Medical MBBS at K.A.P.V Govt. Medical College, Trichy from Research unit at SSSMCRI. 24 faculties from 14.03.2017-17.03.2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology went as an External examiner for MBBS Practical Examination held at CMC, Vellore on 07th -08th March 2017. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology went as an External examiner for BDS Practical Examination held at SRM Dental College, Katankulathur on 17.02.2017. Dr Mohanambal, Professor of OBG went as an external examiner for final MBBS exams at SRM University on 16, 17 & 18.02.17. Dr.Chitra, Associate Professor of Physiology went as an external examiner for BPT exams at ACS medical college on 30 & 31.03.17. Dr. S. Gurumani, Professor and Head, Department of ENT, went as an external examiner for M.S.ENT at Government Kurnool Medical College from 31.5.2017 to 2.6.2017 and Sadhan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad from 12.6.2017 to 14.6.2017. Dr G Sridhar, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, went as an external examiner for M.Sc Medical Microbiology, SRMC, Porur, Chennai from 15.6.2017 to 17.6.2017. Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology went as an External Examiner for SRM University for BSc. Optometry on 17th June, 2017 Dr. Gurubharath I, Professor and Head, Department of Radiology went as an examiner for MSc & BSc RIT – AHS at Chettinad University on 22nd May 2017. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy was appointed as honorary advisor of Regional society of Anatomist, Andhra Pradesh. Dr. A. Maduram, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an External Examiner for M.Sc Clinical Research to Chettinad University, Chennai on 23.11.2017 Dr. A. Maduram, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as an External Examiner for II MBBS to Saveetha University, Chennai from 16th -18th Dec 2017 Dr.S.Gurumani, Professor and HOD, Department of ENT, was an UG examiner for Dr Rajiv Gandhi medical university ( J.J.M medical college and S.S Medical college, Davengere, Karnataka) between 26th December 2017 to 3rd January 2018. Dr. M.Gopi, Assistant Professor of Physiology went as an External Examiner for Ist Year AHS Course to Chettinad Medical College & RI, Chennai from 22 – 25 November 2017.

▶▶ Fellowship/Online course participation/Completion Dr.Dilip Kumar, Asst Professor in Department of Anesthesiology attended an Online CME on Pain Management Strategies in the Elderly Inpatient Conducted by Harvard medical school, USA on 15.02.2017.

▶▶ PRESENTATION IN ACADEMIC / SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Dr. Muthukumar T. Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended and presented a paper, titled “An Epidemiological study of Road Traffic Accidents among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry” in the 44th Annual National Conference organized by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) at Science city, Kolkata from 10th -12th Feb 2017. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology presented a paper titled, “Effect of moderate exercise using pedometers on certain selected cardiovascular parameters in young adults” at CHETPHYSI-EXCON 2017, National conference on exercise physiology & Movement sciences conducted by Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute between 3rd & 4th March, 2017. Dr. Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor;Mr. Ilanchezhian,Ms. Shanmuga Priya and Mr. Sarguru tutors, Department of Biochemistry presented posters during the SBV research week poster competition held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 06.01.2017. Dr. Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry presented an e - Poster titled Newer models of acid base balance- convincing / confusing ) in National Conference HICCON 2017 at Sree Balaji Medical College & hospitals on 10.03.17. Dr. Vidhyalogini, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry presented an e - Poster titled Biochemical Analysis of Glycated hemoglobin in alcoholism in the National Conference HICCON 2017 at Sree Balaji Medical College & hospitals on 10.03.17. Sunilkumar Jada, Tutor Department of Microbiology presented a poster during the SBV Research week poster competition held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 06.01.2017. Dr V Jayashree, Assistant Professor of Microbiology presented a poster at MGMCRI on “Gut Microbiome Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance Augmented” during SBV Research Week at Pondicherry on 6.1.2017. Mr Rajeswara Rao, assistant professor and Mr Hemanth Kommuru, Ms Sujatha, tutors in Department

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of Anatomy presented posters during the SBV Research Week held at MGMCRI on 6.1.2017. Dr.Swayam Jothi.S, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Study of the Mandibular foramen and Mental foramen”; Dr Sathialakshmi, Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “A morphometric study of patella” and Dr Sunita, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Morphometric & Morphological Study of First Rib” at Regional society of Anatomy conference at Apollo hospitals Hyderabad bewtween 8th & 9th July 2017. Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy presented a paper on “Correlation between Coracoacromial arch & Shoulder Pain”. Dr. Sathialakshmi, Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Study of Mandibular Foramen” at the venue of the 40th Annual Conference of Tamilnadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhuranthagam, on 23rd & 24th Sep 2017. Dr. Karthika Jayakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology attended ACME & presented poster “Small group discussion in Large groupteaching” in CMC, Vellore from 9th to 12th September 2017.

Prof. Dr. I Gurubharath attended and presented a poster titled “Role of MRI Hysterosalphingogram in evaluating female infertility” in Indian Imaging academy –Body imaging Update 2017 held in Goa from 28th to 30th July 2017. Professor. P.F.Kotur, Dean, SSSMCRI participated as a “Resource person” at the ISA National conference held on 25-28 Nov 2017 at Kolkata. Professor Dr. Lalith Kumar, Professor of Surgery, and Professor Dr. Vivekananda Subramanianathan, Medical Superintendent delivered an Invited lecture for the UG Exam Symposium at Saveetha University, October 2017. Professor Dr. Vivekananda Subramanianathan, Medical Superintendent, delivered an “Oration by Eminent Faculty” at ASICON 2017, Jaipur (26 – 30 December 2017) Professor Dr. Vivekananda Subramanianathan, Medical Superintendent, delivered an Invited lecture for the PG Exam Symposium held by ASI in Madurai, November 2017

Dr. Pradeep D., Assistant Professor of Surgery delivered an Invited lecture on ‘Classification and management of Hydrocele’ and Dr. Madhulika, Assistant Professor Dr.Semmal, Professor & Head, Department of of Surgery delivered an Invited lecture on ‘Carcinoma Physiology attended and delivered a key note address Breast – Risk factors and Classification’ at the Professor in the title of “Using Internet in Imparting Medical and RNR UG Exam Symposium conducted by ASI, Chennai Health Education Using Ancient Indian Literary Works” on 10th December 2017. and presented Dr.Karthika J, Professor & Head, Department of a paper titled as “Challenges Microbiology attended RCBW- ACME in CMC as Faced a n d assessor on 31.10.2017, Gave a guest lecture on Neonatal Potential Scope sepsis in Department of Paediatrics, SSSMCRI on in Impar ting 21.11.2017. Health Education through Mobile Professor Dr. Vivekananda Subramanianathan, Learning Module Medical Superintendent gave a lecture on ‘Skin Tumours’ Using an Ancient at the venue of Professor RNR UG Exam Symposium Indian Literary on 9th and 10th December 2017. Work - Thirukkural at the venue of the World Tamil Internet Conference 2017, held from 25th to 27th Mr. Sunil Kumar Jada, Ph.D scholar, Department of August 2017 in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Microbiology appeared for public viva on 4.12.2018 & Tanjong Malim, Perak, Dura Ridzuan, Malaysia. The was awarded Doctor of Philosophy. Conference was organized by World Tamil Epics Research Association at Sultan Idris Education Dr. Kalaivani, Associate Professor and Dr. Gopinath University. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine attended the First International Conference Dr.M.S.Raghuraman, Professor, Department of on ‘Nutrition Before, Beyond and First 1000 Days of Anaesthesiology, delivered a talk on “Pain relief Life- Evidence and Action’ at National Institute of in Laparoscopic procedures” and Dr.K.Vinod, Nutrition, Hyderabad between 26-28 November 2017. Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology During the event, Dr. Kalaivani presented e-poster on delivered a talk on “Gofeld’s approach –Stellate ‘Preconception nutrition care: Predictors and Practices ganglion block” in the meeting conducted by “Indian among Married Female Software Professionals in Society of Anaesthesiology-Chennai chapter” on Chennai, Tamil Nadu” and Dr. Gopinath presented 08th July2017. e-poster on ‘Assessment of nutrition status of children SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

aged under five years in tribal population in Jawadhu Hills, Tamil Nadu’

Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpet on 09.02.2017.

Dr.Latha.R, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI attended and presented Poster on the topic “Acute predator stress affects short term memory in a zebra-fish model” at APPICON 2017 at JIPMER, Pondicherry between 12th October and 14th October, 2017.

Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology attended the national conference of Indian academy of Dermatologists, venereologists & leprologists “DERMACON 2017” held in Kolkata from 13th -16th January 2017.

Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, attended the “Sensitization Programme on Attitude and Communication (ATCOM) Module” at Christian Medical College, Vellore (MCI Nodal Centre) on 08.12.2017.

Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology attended the SPARSH Leprosy awareness campaign conducted by CLTRI, Chengalpet on 07.02.2017. Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology attended the workshop on “Lasers in Dermatology” in Stanley Medical College, Chennai on 23.02.2017. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology attended Demonstration workshop on “Botox & Fillers” held in Chennai on 26.03.2017.

Dr.Mohanambal, Professor of OBG, presented an oration during the State level OGSSI Conference on 11 and 12th November 2017, in Hilton Hotel, Chennai. The event was organized by the Obstetrics and Gynecological Society of India. Mr. V. Pandian, District TB Programme Coordinator visited the Dept to assess progress of TRUNAAT Validation study on 23.11.17 Mr. Ilanchezhian and Ms. Suganya, Tutors, Department of Biochemistry were selected for faculty podium presentation competition held on 12.12.2017 at MGMCRI Professor Dr. Semmal, HOD, Department of Physiology delivered a keynote address titled as “Medical Insights in Ancient Indian Literary Works” at an International Conference organized by the International Forum for Information technology, Toronto, Canada from 27th to 30th October 2017.

▶▶ PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC / SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Dr. Swayam Jothi attended the CME programme of IMSA on “Dermatophytosis - Current Trend and Management” held at K.J. Hospital, Chennai on 12.03.2017. Dr. Aparna Sharma, Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended a CME on ‘Challenges in Leprosy control in India’ at Central

Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology attended a National conference on recent management in diabetes mellitus “PHARMDIACON” at Sree Balaji Medical college Hospital, Chennai on 20.01.2017 Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology attended a National workshop on Good Clinical Practices, Bioethics and Conference on Strategies in conducting Clinical trial at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical college Hospital, Perambalur on 24th & 25th march 2017. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, attended the skill development course on the topic of “Laboratory Animal Experimentation for Researchers-Part I of IV” conducted by CARETS, CIDRF, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth campus, on 2nd February, 2017. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, attended the seminar on HPTLC-MS technique, applications and Hyphenation conducted by the Interdisciplinary Institute of Indian System of Medicine (IIISM) at SRM University, Kattankulathur on 15th February, 2017. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, participated in the two days (15th & 16th March) training program on Lab animal handling organised by the department of CLARET in Sathyabama University, Chennai. Dr.Dilip kumar.G & Dr.Krishnaprasad.T, Asst Professors, Department of Anesthesiology attended, Fellowship in Pain Management at Daradia Pain Clinic, Kolkata from 09.01.2017 to 20.01.2017.

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Dr.Vinod. K, Asst Professor in Department of Anesthesiology attended the conference titled as “Hospital acquired infections:, HICCON 2017, held at Sree Balaji medical college on 10.03.2017. Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry participated in a Workshop on Good Clinical Practice Guidelines (GCP) & Bioethics, conducted by Department of Pharmacology at SSSMCRI on 21.03.2017. Glad Mohesh MI, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in the training programme for CPCSEA nominees as shortlisted, selected candidate at Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, New Delhi between 29th & 30th of March 2017.

Dr. Mohanambal, Professor, Department of OBG attended FOGSI Workshop organized by OGSSI, Egmore, Chennai on 12.02.17. Mr. Saravanan, Tutor of anatomy participated in Genesis 2017 National conference on Embryology and Research conducted by Dept of Anatomy at Saveetha Medical College on 15th & 16th Feb 2017. Dr Swayam Jothi attended CME program of IMSA TN chapter on Diet & Kidney Diseases at KJ hospital, Chennai on 08.01.17. Dr Swayam Jothi attended student’s Seminar on Obstructive & Restrictive Lung Diseases, the event was moderated by Dr Sundaramurthy Prof & HOD, Department of TBCD on 09.01.17. Dr Swayam Jothi attended CME on Dermatology in family practice and Child with fever Organised by TAMPA at Hotel Sarovar Porico, Chennai on 29.01.17. Dr Swayam Jothi attended CME of IMSA on Surgical Emergencies and Approach to acute dyspnea at K J hospital, Chennai on 12.02.2017.

Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2017” at Apollo Hospitals held on 26.02.2017. Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor, Dr. Revathishree, Dr. R.Gomathi, Dr. P.Priyanka, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “The colours that count-Red,White and Grey” at Govt Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate held on 28.02.2017. Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar, Dr Aparna & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated and Dr. D. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor and Head, gave a speech titled as Growth & Development – Public Health Perspectives in a CME on “Growth & Development” organized by the Department of Anatomy, Community Medicine & Pediatrics in SSSMCRI on 14.02.2017. Dr.S.Gurumani, Prof and Head, ENT attended the CME “MERF OTOVAGANZA” held at Hotel Crowne plaza, Chennai on 24th – 26th February 2017. Dr Mohanambal, Professor ; Dr Wills Sheela, Associate Professor and Dr Vijayalakshmi, Dr Chellatamizh, Dr Deepa Dharishini, Assistant Professors Department of OBG attended HACON held at MGMCRI on 21.01.17.

Dr S Prasanna participated as a delegate in the “National conference on Parasitology - PARACON 2017”, Held at Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 04.02.17. Dr V Jayashree gave a lecture titled as “Enigma of the Brain – Understanding Autism” during the CME on Growth and Development conducted by Dept of Anatomy in collaboration with Dept of Community Medicine and Pediatrics at SSSMCRI on 14.2.2017. Dr.Raj prakash, Associate Prof, ENT attended the “4th International Rhinoplasty Workshop” held at Pune on 10th – 12th February 2017. Dr.Puja Ghosh Asst Prof, ENT attended the “AOICON 2017 KOLKATA” held at Science city convention centre, Kolkata on 3rd – 5th February 2017. Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry has participated in a Workshop on Good Clinical Practice Guidelines (GCP) & Bioethics, conducted by Department of Pharmacology at Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute on 21st March 2017. Dr.S.vijayakumar attended the national conference of Indian academy of Dermatologists, venereologists & leprologists “DERMACON 2017” held in Kolkata from 13-16th January. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, attended the SPARSH Leprosy awareness campaign conducted on 07.02.2017 in CLTRI, Chengalpet.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident attended the workshop on “LASERS IN DERMATOLOGY” IN STANLEY Medical College, chennai on 23.02.2017.

Dr.Shesha Divya Krishna, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, had participated in the “Airway Conference” at Puducherry, on 18th June 2017.

Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2017” at Apollo Hospitals held on 26th Feb 2017.

Dr Mohan Ram Kumar, SR, Department of Ophthalmology attended “Reticon” National conference on retina at ITC Grand chola on 23rd April 2017.

Dr.Naseem Noorunisa, Professor of Pathology and Dr. Revathishree, Dr. R.Gomathi, Dr. P.Priyanka, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “The colours that count-Red, White and Grey” at Govt Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate held on 28th Feb 2017. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor and HOD, Dr.Sathialakshmi, Professor, Dr.Kafeel Hussain, Dr.Sunita Bharati Assistant Professors and Mr.Hemant.K, Tutor, Department of Anatomy, participated in the National conference in Radiological and endoscopic anatomy and recent advances at Sree Balaji Medical College and hospital on 16th and 17th June, 2017. Dr. Karthika Priya S, Tutor, Department of Microbiology, attended “Apollo Infectious Disease Conference” held at Chennai, on 10 th & 11 th June 2017. Dr.Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended Symposium on ‘Lurasidone – Recent Updates’ at Residency towers, Chennai on 12.05.2017. Dr.Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended CME on ‘Schizophrenia management’ at Hotel Accord Metropolitan, Chennai on 28.05.17. Dr. Lavakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, attended a National workshop on “Pharmacoeconomics” at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry on 16th & 17th June 2017. Dr.Vinod K, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, attended a Conference & workshop on “Advanced Interventional Management of Pain” held at New Delhi from 6th to 9th April 2017. Dr S.A.Mohamed Arif, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, attended live workshop on “Pain Management” at Sri Balaji Action Medical Instiute, New Delhi from 31st March to 5th April 2017. Dr Anupriya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, attend the “Basics in Chronic Pain Management” at Daradia Pain Clinic, Kolkata from 10th to 21st April 2017.

Dr Machireddy R Sekhar Reddy, PG, Department of Ophthalmology attended “Cataract Catalyst 2017” on 29th & 30th April at ITC Grand chola conducted by Sankara Netralaya. Dr Machireddy R Sekhar Reddy, PG, Department of Ophthalmology attended hands on workshop on “Phaco & Femtolaser” on 29th & 30th April at ITC Grand chola conducted by Sankara Netralaya. Mr. Ilanchezhian, Tutor and Mr. Sarguru, Tutor, Department of Biochemistry, attended CME on “Vitamin B 12 looking beyond obvious” at SRM medical college hospital and research centre Kattankulathur, on 10th May 2017. Dr.Latha.R and Mr. Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professors, Department of Physiology attended the Workshop on „Human Bioethics“ held on 26th April, 2017 organized by Division of Research and Department of Clinical Pharmacology at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Mr.Ratchagan, Tutor, Department of Physiology participated in Hands-On Workshop on “Laboratory Animals in Scientific Experimentation and Research LASER” on 26th April, 2017 conducted by Department of BRULAC & DRC, Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals, Chennai Dr.S.Vijayakumar and Dr.Sowmya, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, attended the “12th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology” held in Bengaluru from 4th-7th May 2017. Dr.Gurumani, Professor and Head; Dr.Raj Prakash, Associate Professor; Dr.Pragadheeshwaran, Assistant Professor, and Dr.Roopak, M.S.ENT Post Graduate, Department of ENT, attended “MECFEST 2017- live cadaver workshop” organised by the upgraded Institute of Otolaryngology and Institute of Anatomy, Madras Medical College on 22.6.2017 and 23.6.2017. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, attended the “On-Site Training Session on Educational Innovation Project” as a part of FAIMER fellowship at PSG Coimbatore between 10.06.2017 to 17.06.2017. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, attended CME on HISTOPATHOLOGY conducted by Tamilnadu

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

IADVL group & SIG Dermatopathology in Kanchi kamakodi child trust hospital, Chennai on 18th June 2017. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, attended workdhop on “BOTOX” conducted in Dermalaya skin clinic, Chennai on 27th May 2017.

Dr Swayam jothi, Professor & Head; Dr Sathialakshmi, Professor; Dr Sunita, Assistant Professor; Mr Hemanth, Tutor & Ms Sujatha, Tutor; Department of Anatomy, attended a workshop on Cytogenetics at PIMS, Puducherry on 29.07.17

Dr Mani, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy attended -MIMECON 2017 – National Conference Dr. Naseem N, Professor and Head, Department of on Motivation, Inspiration & Millenium Engagement Pathology, attended CME on “Update in Hematology” workshop on 16.09.17. at Dr Mehta’s Multispeciality Hospital, Chennai on 29.04.2017. Dr.Dilip Kumar.G, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia attended the conference “Chettinad Dr.Naseem N, Professor and Head ; Dr. Priyanka, International Fertility colloquium 2017” at Chennai on Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology attended 24th September 2017. Mid Year Teaching Programme on “ Histo Onco Report Formats – What Information Does The Clinician Need Dr.Jeyakumari Jeevan, Professor, Department of To Treat The Patient” held at Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Dermatology attended the CME on 8th September Chennai organised by Lister Metropolis on 3.6.2017 2017 titled “Management of Resistant Mycosis” at hotel & 4.6.2017. SAVERA, Chennai.

Dr. Priyanka, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology attended CME on “GYNAEC ONCOPATHOLOGY-All embedded” held at Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chennai on 17.6. 2017. Dr Swayam jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Dr Sathialakshmi V Professor, Department of Anatomy, Dr Mani, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, and Dr. Sunita Bharati, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, attended MIMECON 2017 – National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millenium Engagement on16.09.17 at MGMCRI. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy and Dr.Sathialakshmi, Professor, Department of Anatomy and Dr.Sunita, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy attended CME on Cross sectional anatomy at SRMC, Chennai on 07.07.17 Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, attended Awareness programme on Good touch and Bad touch Organized by Women Empowerment Forum SSSMCRI on 26th & 27th, August 2017.

Dr.Jeyakumari Jeevan, Professor, Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assisstant Professor & Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology attended the International conference of Dermatopathology held at Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai between 26th & 27th August 2017. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assisstant Professor, Department of Dermatology attended Training course on Medical Micropigmentation conducted by NIKA academy in Amristar, Punjab from 12 to18th August 2017. Dr. Naseem N, Professor & HOD and Dr. Gomathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology attended “ An Advanced Hemostasis workshop’’ at SRMC, Chennai on 01.07.2017. Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry participated in TANPSYCON Tamilnadu Psychiatric Society 32nd Annual Conference at Yercaud on 8th & 9th July 2017. Dr.Mohan Ram Kumar, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, attended conference on IIRSI at ITC GRAND CHOLA on 8th and 9th July 2017.

Dr.Latha.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in the scientific writing workshop conducted at Golden Jubilee International Conference on Indian Pharmacological society Southern region organized by the Department of Pharmacology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry held on 3rd July, 2017.

Dr.Muthukumar, Assistant professor, from the Department of Community Medicine attended Sub Zonal Conference on Sustainable Development goals organised by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) Puducherry & Tamil Nadu at PIMS, Puducherry between 14th & 15th September 2017

Dr Swayam jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, attended the 428th CME programme of IMSA TN chapter at K J Hospital Auditorium, Chennai on10.09.17

Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the 6th International Conference on fertility and high risk pregnancy between 8th and 9th July, 2017



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Maduram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Dr. Lavakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the Golden Jubilee International Conference of IPS, Southern Region held at MGMCRI, Puducherry from 3rd-5th July 2017 Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology attended the Revised Basic course Workshop in Medical Education Technology and AT-COM module on behalf of the Medical Education Unit, SSSMCRI, held at the MCI Nodal centre CMC, Vellore from 25th to 28th July 2017. Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the “Neonatology conference” held at Chettinad Medical College & RI, Chennai on August 25th, 2017. Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the CME on Menstrual cycle and disorder organized by the Indian Medical Association, Chennai on 10th September, 2017. Dr.T.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics attended the Post Graduates Orientation program of 2017 batch at MGMCRI Pondicherry on 7th and 8th August, 2017. Prof.Dr.I.Gurubharath, Department of Radiology attended a CME on Hepatobiliary Imaging and Interventions organized by MGMCRI on September 10th, 2017. Dr.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics, attended the CME and workshop on Acetabular fractures at Vasanthi Hospital Chennai from 19.08.17 till 20.08.17. Dr.Jamal Mohamed, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopedics, attended the CME and workshop on Acetabular fractures at Vasanthi Hospital, Chennai on 13.08.17 Dr Baary and Dr. Harshavardhan attended a CME program in Cutting edge Radiology on July 29th 2017 organized by Radiology Education Foundation (REF) in Chennai. Various faculties participated 2nd Contact session of the MCI Advance Course in Medical Education at MCI Nodal Centre for National Faculty Development,CMC,Vellore from 9th -12th September 2017. Dr. S Gurumani,Professor and Head, Dr. Valli, Associate Professor and Dr. Puja Ghosh, Dr. Pragadeeswaran, Assistant Professors, Department of ENT attended

CME on “Recent trends in Rhinosinusitis” in Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, on 26th October 2017. Dr. Harshavardhan B, Senior Resident, Department of Radiology, attended RSNA 2017 Virtual Meeting from 25.11.2017 to 28.02.2018. Dr. Karthika priya, Tutor, Department of Microbiology attended CME on “ Mycobacteriology basics & beyond 2017” at NIRT, chetpet on 3 & 4.11.2017 Professor Dr.I Gurubharath attended the State monthly meet of (TN & PY ) Indian Radiological & Imaging Association & Monthly Meet of Chennai Sub chapter, at Government Kilpauk Medical College on 22.10.2017. Dr. Jamal Mohamed, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics attended MORE- 2017 as faculty on November 10th & 11th. Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy participated in Annual conference organized by Women doctors Association Tamil Nadu and was elected as EC member of association. Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy attended the 431st monthly CME programme of IMSA at KL hospital Chennai. Dr.Dilip Kumar.G, Asssistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia attended the Fellowship in Pain management from 11-16th Dec. 2017 at Delhi pain management centre. Dr.Chitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, attended CME on ‘Coronary Artery Disease - Technological Innovations’ held on 21 DEC, 2017, organised by the Department of Physiology, SRMC&RI Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy attended CME on Gait –talk the walk Organized by Institute of anatomy MMC, Chennai. Dr.S.Gurumani, Professor and Head, Department of ENT attended the Southzone ENT Conference –MIST ORL, October 2017. The faculties of ENT Department attended NATCON, National conference on Otorhinolaryngology, on 9th December 2017 at Balaji medical college,Chennai Dr.T.Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor, Ms. Suganya, Ms. Shanmuga Priya, tutors, Department of Biochemistry attended the CME on “Six Sigma” on 26th Oct 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University.

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Dr. Naseem N, Professor & Head, Department of Pathology attended CME in Dermato-pathology at CMC Vellore on 21.10.2017. Dr Jereen Varghese, Senior resident, Department of TBCD attended RNTCP Workshop - Zonal Task Force Meet (ZTF) South Zone II (29.11.17 & 30.11.17) Dr Ajeesh K P, Assistant Professor, Department of TBCD attended the two days hands on Workshop on Basic Polysomnography & Sleep Physiology conducted by NIMHANS, Bangalore on 22.12.17 & 23.12.17.

▶▶ Conduction of Academic Events CME on“Adolescent Health” Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology organised a CME titled“Adolescent Health”, where various department faculties attented the CME on 26th July 2017.

CME on “Applied anatomy of Lower Limb” Department of Anatomy Conducted a CME titled as “Applied anatomy of Lower Limb” on 3rd July 2017. During the event, Dr Jamal, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics delivered a lecture titled as “Applied aspects of thigh including Hip joint”; Dr Sundarrajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics delivered a lecture titled as “Applied aspects of leg including knee joint”.

Dr. Jagadesh Chandra Bose, MCh Surgical Oncology, HOD of Surgical Oncology, SRMC, and Chennai on 11.07.2017.

“Live surgical workshop on “Implantation of Scleral fixated IOL” The Department of Ophthalmology conducted a live surgical workshop on “Implantation of Scleral fixated IOL” on August 30th 2017. Dr.Manoj Vasudevan, Director of Janu Eye hospital at Kottivakkam, Chennai & Former Associate professor at Chettinad Medical College Hospital was the guest and demonstrated a surgical session.

CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT”


Department of ENT organised a CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT” on 29.08.2017 at SSSMCRI.

28th Institute Ethics Committee meeting for Human studies was held on 30th November, 2017. A total of 35 research projects were presented which included 27 PG dissertation projects, 1 PhD dissertation project and 7 faculty projects. All the projects were reviewed and approved by the Committee members.

CME on “MRI Safety awareness for Doctors and Students” Department of Radiology organised a CME on “MRI Safety awareness for Doctors and Students” on 26th July 2017.

CME on ‘Recognizing safety in Casting’ The National Casting week was celebrated by the Department of Orthopedics on 08.7.17, by the conduction of a CME on “Recognizing safety in Casting - Tips for Safe Casting”

Live Surgical workshop on Radical Parotidectomy with MRND Department of General Surgery conducted Live Surgical workshop on Radical Parotidectomy with MRND in GS OT Complex 2nd floor for which the Guest Speaker was

▶▶ MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT The “Revised Basic Course Workshop” was conducted by the Medical Educational Technology Unit along with CMC Vellore Nodal Centre. The academic event was held at SSSMCRI from 15.02.2017-17.02.2017, various faculty members participated in the academic exercise. The “Specific Learning Objective Workshop” was conducted by the Medical Educational Unit from 03.05.2017-04.05.2017, various faculty members participated in the academic exercise. The “Small Group Teaching Workshop” was conducted by the Medical Educational Unit from



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

21.06.2017-22.06.2017, various faculty members participated in the academic exercise. Faculties from various departments attended the One Day “Integrated Learning Sensitisation workshop on STEPS curriculum”, conducted by MEU, SSSMCRI on 30.08.2017. Dr.Latha.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology was a resource person in the event and delivered a lecture on the topic “Learning management system”. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was inducted as a member of the Medical Education Unit on 22.07.2017. Faculties from all the departments participated in scientific session on “How to write an article” at SSSMCRI on 1.9.2017. Faculties from all departments participated in “Workshop on STEPS Curriculum” FDP organised by MEU on 30.8.2017. Dr Shruti P Hegde conducted a session on “Flipped classroom” during FDP for 2nd year faculty of SSSMCRI for STEPS curriculum on 30th August 2017. Medical Education Unit of Shri Sathya Sai Medical College organized the MCI certified 2nd Revised Basic Course workshop during 10th -12th October 2017. Dr Margret Shanti FX was the MCI observer from CMC Vellore, Nodal Center for Medical Education. The workshop had 26 participants from SSSMCRI and also included 6 observers of the ACME course visiting from various colleges in Tamil Nadu. Medical Education Unit of Shri Sathya Sai Medical College organized a Post graduate Orientation Program: Part III -Workshop on Research Methodology & Evidence Based Medicine for First Year Post Graduates on 24th -26th October, 2017. The workshop has 29 first year post graduates as the participants.

of Medical students” as a part of the Orientation program for I MBBS students of 2017-18 batch, on 13th Sep 2017 at SSSMCRI. Monthly meetings of the medical research unit (MRU) held on third Wednesdays of the month of October, November and December has reviewed a total number of 5 projects – 4 faculty and 38 post graduate dissertation proposals. MRU was reconstituted in the month of December 2017 with induction of the following members into the committee, Dr.Pranjali M, Professor of Anesthesiology and Dr Gokul, Assistant Professor, General Surgery. MRU has successfully completed the below SEP program during this period, One day research methodology workshop on November 24.11.2017 which was attended by 42 undergraduate students. The programme was organised by MRU with MEU members supporting as session speakers along with MRU members. Calendar of Events for the year 2018 was drafted with programs designed to aim at the research capacity building of all the stakeholders in the campus ie. undergraduates, postgraduates and faculty.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEET The scientific society meeting for the month of January was held on 30.01.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Dipayan Berman, Asst Professor of Forensic Medicine presented a topic on Gastric lavage colon – Is it really a satisfactory means on internal decontamination in case of poisoning?. Dr.Balasubramaniam, Professor of General Medicine presented a rare case of Non cardiogenic pulmonary edema The scientific society meeting for the month of February was held on 23.02.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Mohamed Iliyas, Asst Professor of General Medicine presented a rare case of intractable

▶▶ MEDICAL RESEARCH UNIT (MRU) In order to streamline the research activities and to improve the research outcome of the institute, under the directions of Dean, the Medical Research Unit was constituted on 27.04.2017. Dr Anusa A.M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry was a Resource person in the Hands on Training Workshop on “Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) on 24th August 2017 organised by the Medical Research unit at SSSMCRI. Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry gave a talk on “Salutogenesis & Well-being

headache Dr.Gokul; Asst Professor of General Surgery presented a case entitled: Something fishy about that neck swelling The scientific society meeting for the month of March was held on 30.03.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Nasreen Begum, Professor

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

of General Medicine presented a case entitled: The postman always rings twice Dr.Gokul; Asst Professor of General Surgery presented a case of 14 years old girl with an epigastric mass. Dr.Sundaramurthy, Professor of Pulmonary Medicine conducted Chest Radiology Quiz for PG’s and JR’s

▶▶ FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS MCQ Workshop was conducted by Dr S.Swayam Jothi, Dr. Chithra, Dr.Vanaja, Dr. Latha and Dr. Rajini Samuel as part of Faculty development programme at SSSMCRI on 27.02.2017. Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar, Dr Aparna & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated in an Orientation programme on “MR Vaccination campaign”, organized by the Government of Tamil Nadu in association with World Health Organization on 31.01.2017 at SSSMCRI. Dr. Aparna Sharma, Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended a one day CME on ‘Challenges in Leprosy control in India’ at Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpet on 09.02.2017. Dr. Muthukumar T. Assistant Professor from the Department of Community Medicine attended the 44th Annual National Conference organized by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) from 10-12 Feb 2017 at Science city, Kolkata. He presented an oral paper, titled “An Epidemiological study of Road Traffic Accidents among patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry”. Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar, Dr Aparna & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated in a CME on “Growth & Development” organized by the Department of Anatomy, Community Medicine & Pediatrics in SSSMCRI on 14.02.2017. Dr. D. Jegadeesh Ramasamy gave a speech on ‘Growth & Development – Public Health Perspectives’. Dr. Kalaivani & Dr Raja, Associate Professors, Department of Community Medicine, participated in the ‘First Revised Basic Course Workshop’ conducted by CMC Vellore, MCI recognized Nodal center for Medical Education Technologies, held in SSSMCRI between 15-17th February, 2017. Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, and Dr. Muthukumar & Dr. Karnaboopathy, Assistant Professors, from the Department of Community

Medicine participated in a CME on “Infertility” organized by Department of OBG, SSSMCRI on 24.02.2017. Dr. Kalaivani and Dr. Raja, Associate Professors, Department of Community Medicine, participated in a “MCQ workshop” at SSSMCRI on 28.02.2017. Dr. D. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Dr. Kalaivani A, Dr. Raja, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Associate Professors, and Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Muthukumar Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine participated in a CME on “World TB day” organized by the Department of TBCD, SSSMCRI on 22.03.2017. Dr. Indra Bala, first year postgraduate, Department of Community Medicine gave a presentation on “Recent Updates in RNTCP”. TFaculties of SSSMCRI attended the Revised Basic course workshop in Medical education technologies and ATCOM module held at the MCI Nodal centre, CMC Vellore from 30.10.17 to 2.11.17. Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, Associate Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, participated in the Revised Basic Workshop on Medical Education technology and ATCOM module sensitization workshop, held at CMC Vellore between 5th-8th December 2017. Various Faculties from SSSMCRI attended the Teleconferencing session on 28.11.2017, with Partners Medical International, Boston and a team from the MGMCRI, regarding the existing challenges in SSSMCRI pertaining to medical education & patient care and the possible solutions for the same.

CSF (CRRI’s SCIENTIFIC FORUM) The CSF meeting was held on 18.01.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr.Raveena, CRRI from Dept of Radiology, presented a case on Retrocardiac shadows Dr.Shyam Sundar, CRRI from Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, presented about Domiciliary Oxygen. Dr. K.N.Viswanathan, Professor of General Medicine conducted clinical quiz for CRRI’s The next CSF meeting was held on 08.03.2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Dr. Govardhan, CRRI from Dept of General surgery presented two cases of blunt injury abdomen resulting in jejunal perforation. Dr. Karishma, CRRI from Dept of OBG presented a Retroperitoneal cyst mimicking an Ovarian tumour.Dr. Kaphila, CRRI from Dept of OBG presented a case on Knife on PID.Clinical Quiz was conducted by Dept of Pulmonary Medicine. The CSF meeting was held on 12th April 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, “An interesting case by Dr. Jaseem Ahmed, Department of general surgery; Complication



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

of Pancreatitis – Imaging approach by Dr. Arun Muthukumar, Department of Radiology; “An Interesting case by Dr. Joshua, Department of General Surgery. The CSF meeting was held on 10th May 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, |Top 10 in asthma” by CRRI of Respiratory Medicine; “wolf ! Wolf !” by Dr. Balasubramaniam, Department of Internal Medicine, “Role play on paediatric Asthma”Facts versus fiction, CRRI, Department of Paediatrics. The CSF meeting was held on 14th June 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, “Post operative earth quake” by Dr. Sapna, Department of OBG, “Diagnostic dilemma in seizures” by Dr. Suryanarayanan, Department of Paediatrics,” An Interesting chest skiagram for discussion” by Dr. Jhanaki Priya, Department of Pulmonology, “Blunt injury abdomen and Splenic trauma, Department of General Surgery. The CSF meeting was held on 12th July 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were on the topics, “Retrograde Intramedullary Fixation of Distal Femoral Fracture” by Dr. VijayaKumar, Department of Orthopaedics; “The Medical Lergend of 20th Century” by Professor Sundaramoorthy,Professor and Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine.

testis in newborn – by Jaseem Ahamed, Differential diagnosis of impetigo with vesicles by S. Karishma, Quiz-an interessting chest skiagram by Dept. of Respiratory Medicine.

▶▶ DEATH AUDIT MEETING The death case audit meeting for the Jan – March 2017 quarter was held on 31.01.2017, 28.02.17 and 28.03.17 respectively at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting. The death case audit meeting for the April – June 2017 quarter was held on 25th April, 4th June, 27th June, 4th July and 27th July 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting. The death case audit meeting for the July - September 2017 quarter was held on 25th July and on 26th September at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting The Death case audit meeting for October 2017 was held on 31.10.17, November 2017 was held on 28.11.17, and December was held on 26 December 2017 at the Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting.

The CSF meeting was held on 9th August 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were on the topics, “An Interesting Case” by Kavin K, ▶▶ CME, Seminar, & Conferences conducted Department of Psychiatry; “An Interesting PFT- Quiz” by Department of Respiratory Medicine. “Mobility is Life” by Aravind, Department of Orthopaedics Department of Microbiology organized a CME on 12th June, 2017 titled as “Emerging viral infectious disease”. The CSF meeting was held on 11th October 2017 at Guest lecture on Zika virus was given by Dr. Rahul Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were, Dhodapkar, Professor, JIPMER. Movement disorder by Department of Internal Medicine, an interesting chest x-ray for discussion by Department Department of Biochemistry, Organised a CME on of Pulmonary Medicine, ligamentotaxis by Dept. of 29.04.17 titled as “Glucose transporters in diabetes Orthopaedics. mellitus- friend or foe?. Guest lecture was given by Dr. S.V. Mythili, Professor & Head, Department of The CSF meeting was held on 8th November 2017 Biochemistry, SBMCH. at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made under the guidance of Department of General Department of Otorhinolaryngology organized a Surgery. The presentations were, “SURGEON AND CME on 28.4.2017 titled “Basic Essential in FESS”. The APPENDIX”, Embryology, Surgical Anatomy and guest lecture was delivered by Dr.Thalapathyramkumar, Physiology of Appendix, Etio-pathogenesis, Clinical Professor of ENT, Salem Government Medical College. features and Natural History of Acute Appendicitis, Department of Microbiology initiated True NAT –“In Differential Diagnosis and Investigations of Acute Appendicitis, Management of Acute Uncomplicated Country Study” on 22nd May 2017 and Complicated Appendicitis The CSF meeting was held on 20th December 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made under the guidance of Departmnent of Paediatrics. The presentations were, Natal and neonatal teeth in newborn by M. Karthikeyan, Differential diagnosis of haematuria in a child – by Praveen Balaji, Undescended


Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, II yr PG and Dr. Senthil.N Ganesh I year PG from the Department of Pathology, SSSMCRI, attended a CME programme on “An update in Uropathology”at CMC, Vellore on 3rd and 4th February 2017.

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain II yr PG, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr. Senthil N Ganesh,Dr. Shubhra Sharma I yr PG’s from the Department of Pathology, SSSMCRI, attended a CME programme on “The colours that count-Red,White and Grey” at Govt Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate held on 28th Feb 2017, Chennai.

attended a CME on “World TB day” on 22.03.2017 at SSSMCRI. Dr.Roopak Visakan Raja, PG ENT attended the “MERF OTOVAGANZA” held at Hotel Crowne plaza, Chennai on 24th – 26th February 2017.

Dr. Sona, Final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, I yr postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI attended a CME on “Recent updates in vaccination” at Omandurar Government Medical College, Chennai on 25.01.2017.

Dr. Indra Bala, first year postgraduate, Department of Community Medicine gave a presentation on “Recent Updates in RNTCP” at SSSMCRI on 22.03.2017. Dr.A.G.Balaji Viswanaath, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics attended the scientific event Ortho PG Crash Course at MMC, Chennai on 18th & 19th January 2017.

Dr. Sona, Final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala, first year postgraduate student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, attended a CME on “Leprosy updates” on 30.01.17 at SSSMCRI.

Dr.A.G.Balaji Viswanaath, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics attended the CME on spine pain management and microlumbar discectomy, Tanjore on 04.03.2017.

Dr. Sona, Final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, I year postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine attended an Orientation programme on “MR Vaccination campaign” at SSSMCRI. The orientation was given by Dr. Ragunath, WHO consultant.

Dr.Indra Bala, first year Post-graduate student from the Department of Community Medicine, attended 6st Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association from 24-26 February 2017 at AIIMS, Jodhpur.

Dr. Seetharaman, I year PG student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, attended a National Workshop on “Study designs in clinical trials” at SRM Medical College, Chennai between 03.02.17- 04.02.17. Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, I year postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI attended a CME on “Growth & Development” on 14.02.2017 at SSSMCRI.

Dr.Seetharaman, 1st year PG attended the International Conference on Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases and presented an oral paper titled “A study to assess the pattern of lifestyle related factors among school children of Chrompet” at SRM Medical college, Chennai on 31.03.17 & 01.04.17. Dr. Sona, Final year PG and Dr. Indrabala, 1st year PG participated in the observation of World Health Day on 07.04.2017. Dr. Indrabala gave a health talk on the prevention of suicides and about dealing with the stigma associated with mental illness.

Dr. Seetharaman, I year PG student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, PG dissertation committee meeting was held on 26th attended a CME on “Diabetes: A clinical perspective” April, 2017 and the PG orientation Programme – I was on 22.02.2017 at SSSMCRI. conducted on 12th June 2017. Dr. Seetharaman, first year PG student from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI, and attended “All India Workshop on Software Modules for Hospital Based Cancer Registration” organized by NCDIR-ICMR, held at Dr. B. Borooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, Assam between 02.03.2017 and 03.03.2017. Dr. Indra Bala, I year post-graduate student from the Department of Community Medicine attended 61st Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association from 24-26 February 2017 at AIIMS Jodhpur. Dr. Sona, final year PG, Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman, first year postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine, SSSMCRI,

Dr.Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr. Senthil N Ganesh, Dr. Shubhra Sharma First yr PG’s, Department of Pathology attended CME on Update in Hematology at Dr Mehta’s Multispeciality Hospital, Chennai on 29.04.2017. Dr. Senthil N Ganesh, 1st year PG, Department of Pathology presented “An Interesting case of Keratoacanthoma” in Scientific Society Meet on 25.5.2017. Dr.Syed Ahmed, 2nd year PG, Department of Pathology won prize in quiz competition in Scientific Society Meet on 25.5.2017. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, 2nd year PG, Department of Pathology attended the CME “35th ANNUAL



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

NATIONAL CME” at J.N. Medical College, Belgavi held from 7th to 10th June 2017 and presented poster on “ Study of Thyroid Swellings Using Bethesda System and its correlation with Histopathology at Tertiary care centre. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, 2nd year PG attended CME on “GYNAEC ONCOPATHOLOGY-All embedded” at Department of Pathology, Institute Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology Egmore, Chennai held on 17.6. 2017. Mock exam was conducted for Post Graduate students examining patients as per MRCS OSCE scoring pattern. Dr. Selvi, Dr.Janani, Dr.Meenatchi, PG, Department of OBG attended a LIVE Colposcopy workshop on December 10, 2017 at ISO- KGH Auditorium, Chennai. Dr. Selvi, PG, Department of OBG attended a conference on Controversies in Infertility Management from November 26-27, 2017 at Leelaa Palace, Chennai.

Dr. Kalusivalingam & Dr. Nilofer Banu, first year PG’s from the Department of Community Medicine, attended a workshop on “Psychometric analysis” at SRM Medical College, Kattankulathur between 13.11.17 to 17.11.17. Dr.Madhuri.K, Dr Rama Subbu Reddy.M, Dr.Shamsheer Khan.P,Dr.Thirupathi.S, Dr.Sumant Gosavi, Dr.Shanmuga Priya.A,Dr.Pratibha Divya Radha, Dr.Dona Das – Post graduates, Department of General Medicine attended the Rheumatology workshop “Rheuma Basiks 2017” on 7th October 2017 at Globval Hospitals, Chennai Dr.Madhuri.K, Dr.Shamsheer Khan.P, Dr.Thirupathi.S, Dr.Sumant Gosavi, Dr.Shanmuga Priya.A, Dr.Pratibha Divya Radha, Dr.Dhara kumar Mythra Varun – Post graduates, Department of General Medicine attended the Interventional Pulmonolgy workshop on 30th October 2017 at Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

Dr.Krithika, Dr.Sanjay, PG at Department of Radiology, attended the Subchapter IRIA conference at Government Kilpauk medical college on 22.10.2017. Dr.Sneha L, Dr.Krithika, Dr.Sanjay, PG’s attended the 70th annual State IRIA conference, Tuticorin at DSF plaza on 17.12.2017. During the 70th annual State IRIA conference, Tuticorin at DSF plaza on 16.12.2017, Dr. Sneha presented a paper on “A case study of rapunzel syndrome Dr. Sneha presented e-poster presentation on Topic :”Do not touch -skeletal lesions” Dr. Krithika presented oral presentation on Topic “Herlyn Werner syndrome.” Dr. Krithika presented e-poster presentation on Topic “first trimester ultrasound anomalies. Dr. Sanjay presented oral presentation on Topic “CT findings of brain in polycythemia.” PG dissertation committee meeting was conducted on 26th October’17. The postgraduates participated in it. Dr. Roopak PG II presented a poster on “An atypical case of Kartageners syndrome” in MIST ORL, OCTOBER 2017. Dr. Deepthi PG I presented a poster on “Aural myiasis –A case report” in MIST ORL, OCTOBER 2017. Dr. Kalusivalingam & Dr. Nilofer Banu, first year PG’s from the Department of Community Medicine, attended a workshop on “Qualitative Research” organized by Nodal Point Organisation, Chennai between 18.12.17 to 22.12.17.

Dr Venkatesh R, first year PG in TBCD Department attended CME on Basics & Beyond for 1styr PGs of Tamil Nadu by APT on 6th and 7th of October 2017. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, Second year Postgraduate, Department of Pathology attended 1st annual conference conducted by VAPCON (Vidarbha association of Pathology and Microbiology) and presented oral paper on “ Study Of Thyroid Cytopathology Using Bethesda System And Its Histopathologic Correlation At A Tertiary Care Hospital ” at Nagpur on 18th -19th November 2017. Dr. Syed ahmed Hussain, Final year Postgraduate and Dr. Senthil.N. Ganesh , Second year Postgraduate, Department of Pathology attended attended CME in Dermatopathology at CMC Vellore on 21.10.2017. Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, Final year postgraduate presented poster on “Expression of HER2/neu in breast carcinoma at a Tertiary care center” at SBV RESEARCH

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

WEEK held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute in Pondicherry on 8.12.2017. Dr. Indra Bala. S, Second year PG from Department of Community Medicine attended the First International Conference on ‘Nutrition Before, Beyond and First 1000 Days of Life- Evidence and Action’ at National Institute of Nutrition (ICMR) at Hyderabad between 26-28 November 2017, and presented an e-poster on ‘Effect of Mothers Haemoglobin on Birth Weight in a rural area of Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu.’ Dr Mamaleshwari Patil, PG Ophthalmology attended the Second World Conference on MSICS organised by ISMSICS & Aravind Eye care system, Chennai at ITC Grand Chola from 1st to 3rd December 2017.


Dr.Judy Veronica, PG of Pediatrics, presented a poster on Williams syndrome and a paper on breast feeding practices in a rural community and obtained her Newborn Resuscitation Program certificate from expert talk conference in Chettinad Health City on 26.8.17, while Dr.Varun PG of Pediatrics got his BLS and ACLS certification from MGMCRI on 13.09.2017.

Scientific Participations Newly joined Post graduates attended the PG Orientation programme part II organised by MEU at SSSMCRI from July 17th to19th 2017. Post-graduates from the Department of Community Medicine attended Quiz program on “Breast feeding Week” held in SSSMCRI hospital on 02.08.2017.

Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, II yr PG, from the Department Dr.Kalusivalingam, Dr.Nilofur Banu first year PGs of Pathology, SSSMCRI won first prize in poster from the Department of Community Medicine attended presentation at CME in “Treasure Hunt in Pathology” the CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT” organized by the Sri Venkateshwara Medical college and research Institute, Department of ENT on 29.08.2017. Puducherry on 28th January 2017 Dr. Balaji Viswanath, PG, Department of Orthopedics, Postgraduates, Department of Radiology attended a attended the ATLS course conducted by TNOA on 16 CME on Hepatobiliary Imaging and Interventions and 17.09.17 organized by MGMCRI on September 10th, 2017. Dr.Sneha and Dr.Krithika Postgraduates of Radiology Dr. Indra Bala.S, II year PG, PSM attended a Workshop on Basic Epidemiology, Statistics, SPSS & Critical won the II prize in poster presentation. Appraisal held at SRMC, Chennai from 29.08.2017 to Scientific Presentations 01.09.2017. Dr.Selvi MS 1st year Post graduate in Department of OBG attended and presented a poster at the venue of the “Neonatology conference” at Chettinad Medical College & RI held on August 25th, 2017. Dr.Shubhra Sharma II year PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “Squamous Cell Carcinoma arising in Chronic Osteomyelitis” in the CME titled “Kaleidoscope of Pathology III” at Chengalpattu Medical College held on 28th July 2017. Dr. Syed Ahmed,Final year PG, Department of Pathology presented a paper titled, Expression of HER2 neu in Breast Carcinomas” in a National CME on “Updates In Haematopathology” at Institute of Pathology, Madras Medical College on 26.08.17. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, II year PG, Department of Pathology presented “ An Interesting case of Mixed Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of colon” at Scientific Society Meeting at SSSMCRI,Hospital Block on 31st August 2017. Dr.Sai Preethi, I year PG from the Department of Dermatology presented a paper titled “Cutaneous tuberculosis in 3 year old child” held at Sree Balaji Medical College,Chennai on 26th & 27th August 2017.

Dr. Kalusivalingam, I year PG attended the Faculty development program on Scientific Communication held at SSSMCRI on 01.09.2017. Dr. Indra Bala.S II year PG attended the1st National Workshop cum CME on Health System Strengthening at JIMPER, Pondichery from 26.09.2017 to 29.09.2017. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr.Senthil N Ganesh, II year PGs, Department of Pathology attended a CME on “Kaleidoscope Of Pathology III” at Chengalpattu Medical College held on 28.7.17 and 29.7.17. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary II year PGs, Department of Pathology attended “CME on Bone Pathology ” at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Resarch Centre on 23.08.17. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr.Senthil N Ganesh, II year PGs, Dr. Syed Ahmed, Final year PG, Department of Pathology attended the National CME on “Updates In Haematopathology” at Institute of Pathology, Madras Medical College on 26.08.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, II year PGs, Department of Pathology, attended a CME on Soft tissue lesions at Medall Medical Academy on 01.9. 2017. Dr.Anupama & Dr.Sai preethi, I year PGs from the Department of Dermatology attended the International conference of Dermatopathology held at Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 26th & 27th August 2017. Dr.Machireddy R Sekhar reddy, PG from Department of General Medicine attended a workshop on E-Portfolio at SSSMCRI on 8th August 2017.

▶▶ UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Fifth semester U.G students Raja, Vignesh & Hemalatha and 60 students from fourth semester attended the CME “The colours that count-Red,White and Grey” at Govt Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate held on 28th Feb 2017. Ms. Sri Kiruthika and Ms. Annalakshmi, II MBBS students guided by Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor of Anatomy, attended the Inter collegiate competition and made a presentation of her ICMR STS project at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry on 03.01.17. P Nithin Kumar B, Srihari S., Ch. Sathyabhusan, I MBBS students accompanied by Mr.Saravanan attended the CME on CHD Connect & Karyokwiz at K.A.P.V Govt Medical College, Trichy on 06.01.17. Fourth Semester Students seminar conducted on 21.3.2017 on Microcytic anemia on 27.3.2017 Macrocytic anemia and 28.3.2017 Hemolytic anemia. Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology delivered a lecture on Prescription writing- Principles and Practices to the newly joined CRRIs as a part of Orientation programme held by MEU at SSSMCRI on 06.02.2017. Dr Kafeel Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, conducted Inter table Quiz competition on Lower limb and Thorax on 06.03.2017. Dr.Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry accompanied by one Team members at Inter College Quiz Biochemical case Scenarios held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on 31.03.17 attended by I M.B.B.S Students Department of Biochemistry guided the I M.B.B.S Students to attend the guest lecture on stress management at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on 31.03.17. Miss Preethi. P presented seminar on “Post mortem changes and their MLI; Miss Srinithi. M presented seminar on “Burn injuries and their MLI. Mr. Srivatsan

presented seminar on” Mechanical injury: Laceration and incised wound & their MLI; Miss. Ramyashree presented seminar on Mechanical injury: Abrasion and contusion and their MLI” conducted by the Department of Forensic Medicine on 23.03.2017. Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, Assistant professor of Forensic Medicine delivered a lecture on “Medical Ethics and its interface-vis a vis doctor-patient-state” in the CRRI orientation program held at SSSMCRI hospital on 06.02.2017. During the student seminar conducted by Department of Forensic Medicine on 23 March Mr. Srivatsan presented seminar on” Mechanical injury: Laceration and incised wound & their MLI and Miss.Ramyashree presented seminar on Mechanical injury: Abrasion and contusion and their MLI. Fifth semester U.G students Raja, Vignesh & Hemalatha have won the first prize in Hematoquiz at Omandurar Medical College on 28.02.17. Inter College Quiz Biochemical case Scenarios was held at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital on 31.03.17 attended by I M.B.B.S Students. 11 teams participated with 3 students per team. The Department of Community Medicine conducted the Parent teachers meeting for the 7th semester on 29.04.2017. Mentor Mentee meeting on 29th May’17 and comprehensive information of all the mentees was collected and students were counseled depending on their performance. Parent teachers Meeting for the 6th Semester was conducted on 24.06.2017. Mr.Vijay Madhaiyan, 3rd year MBBS and Ms.Srinidhi, 2 year MBBS, were nominated for Young Scientist Award competition conducted by Institutional Research Board of Chennai Medical College, Hospital & RC in participation with TNSCST and NCSTC. nd

Poster presentation on TrueNAT was conducted on 19th & 20th June 2017 for IV semester students by the Department of Microbiology & TBCD. It was moderated by Dr. Karthika Priya, tutor, Department of Microbiology. Two UG students participated in the UG Quiz Program of TANPSYCON 2017 held at Salem MEDICAL COLLEGE, on 4th June 2017. Department of General Surgery conducted SURGERY T20 QUIZ for UG Students on June 10, 2017. The Department of Ophthalmology conducted the Ophthalmology Quiz on May 27th 2017, 6th semester student Ms.Vishnupriya won the prize in the quiz competition.

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The Department of Forensic Medicine organised student seminar on 28th April 2017 where Mr. Prithviraj. R, (Firearms, their types, components of firearms and their MLI); Ms. Sanchana Chandrasekhar, (Firearm injuries and their MLI) presented. The Department of Forensic Medicine organised student seminar on 26th May 2017, Mr. Lokesh.S. (Head Injury, skull fractures and their MLI); Miss Miss Ramyashree (Intra cranial haemorrhages and their MLI) presented. The Department of Forensic Medicine organised student seminar on 29th June 2017, Mr. Nizamuddin (Electrocution and lightning injury); Miss Indhuja.S (Road Traffic Accidents and their MLI) presented. The Department of Forensic Medicine organised the student debate on “Euthanasia” on 23.06.2017. The Department of Biochemistry organised an e-Poster presentation competition participated by 18 teams on 6 different topics related to Diabetes Mellitus. Two best e-posters were selected and awarded prize on 29.04.17. 1st Prize was awarded by Respected Dean to Sindhura and Swathi I MBBS. 2nd prize was awarded by the guest lecturer to Ananya and Deeksha I MBBS. The Department of Pathology, celebrated World Blood Donor Day and conducted Poster competition for Undergraduates, CRRI’s and allied Health Science students on 14.6.2017. Under Assistance from the Anatomy Department, Ms. DuVichita, Ms. Deeksha, Ms. Maria & Ms. Gayathri attended Intercollegiate Quiz at SBMCH on 15.6.17 The Department of Anatomy conducted the Special Seminars Symposia on Uterus and it’s Adnexa for III table students on 17.04.17. The Department of Anatomy, conducted the Symposia on Kidney and suprarenal gland for IV table students on 29.05 17. The Department of Biochemistry conducted Problem Oriented Learning - Diabetes Mellitus for I MBBS students on 08.05.2017. The Department of Biochemistry, organized BIO SEMINAR for I MBBS students, Sree Harie Won 1st prize, Sabith & Akshaya received 2nd prize and Someshwar & Rajashri received 3rd prize from Dr. Venkadathri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology on 09.05.2017. [Megaoblastic anemia by Tejaswi I MBBS, Renal Function Test by Shashank I MBBS, Myocardial Infarction by Madhumithra I MBBS and Thalassemia by Tanushri I MBBS]. BIO-SEMINARS for the I MBBS: prize distribution awarded by Dr. Venkadathri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology.

The Department of Biochemistry, Organised “BIO –ROLE PLAY” for I MBBS STUDENTS during the month of MAY 2017 on the topics, Vitamin A deficiency, Phenylketonuria, Alkaptonuria and Vitamin C deficiency which were very well executed by the students The Department of Biochemistry conducted “E-POSTERS ON ZEBRA FISH”, for I MBBS students on June 2017. Ms.Tanushri, Mr.Ashwin, Ms.Subeksha, Mr.Hariganesh, Mr.Jaswanth, Ms.Swetha, Mr.Anaga Pragash, Mr Hemanth & Ms Sindhuja and other students participated in it. BIO ART was conducted by the Department of Biochemistry for I MBBS students during June 2017. Ms Kajal, Ms Alankrita, Ms Sowbha, Ms Ashika Jainab, Ms Snehalatha & Mr Mistina Mano and other students participated in the student activity. The Department of Surgery conducted Student Enrichment programs for UG Students consisting of 3 Special Lectures Prof. Ismail,Dr. Devakannan, Dr. Praveen, one Workshops / Hands on Training by Dr. Gokul DY & Dr. Pradeep, two Training Programmes by Dr. Ismail & Dr. Praveen and two Value Added Lectures by Dr. Pradeep & Dr. Madhulika duting the second quarter of 2017. The Department of Physiology, conducted the Zebrafish poster competition for 1st year MBBS students on various arenas of research going on in zebrafish on 25th May, 2017. The first three best poster presentations were awarded with Book awards and certificates. The Department of Physiology conducted a Physiology quiz – COGNITO 2017 competition for 1st year MBBS on 26th May, 2017, total of 12 students in four team’s participated and first three places were awarded with books and certificates. The Department of Physiology, conducted Essay Quest competitions for 1st year MBBS students every month since the month of March, in which students were requested to write an essay on the works of Nobel Laureates born in that month during the past and the winners were awarded on the day of the quiz competition. Department of Physiology, conducted Essay Competitions for the all the MBBS and AHS students to celebrate WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY on the topic “Physiological changes after blood donation” on 14th June, 2017. Awards and certificates were given for first three places. The Department of Physiology, has been conducting Student seminars for 1st year MBBS students after every module, and the best speakers were awarded on 26th May, 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Student extension/ enrichment program – Boston trip Ammapettai to Harvard by by Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, Prof & Head, Dept.of Microbiology. The student extension / enrichment program to Boston,was organised under the Auspices of SBVU, in the month of August 2017.This trip was organised by the University with the collaboration of external agency SEHPL. The organisers planned for ten day’s program in Boston including Teaching –learning experience, visits to General hospital, Medical museum. Before the Global learners were to leave the soil, they were given a sensitisation program by the organiser –Dr.Sharmila –Director of SHEPL, in Chennai. The travel kick started on August 14th midnight from Chennai international Airport with 21 students (15 SSSMCRI +5 MGMCRI + 1 New Delhi JR) accompanied by Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, Prof & Head, Dept.of Microbiology. The

The tour around the Harvard university was an enriching experience to the entire team, which took the members into the realms of American History & Boston tea party.The members visited the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),where the group had a visual treat in the Visual Art Building, interaction with Dr.Padmini Pillai, whose life history itself was a source of grit & determination to young blossoming professionals. the global learners also visited Langer lab. The group was thrilled to meet citizens clad in colonial costumes, taking food from truck. The team had training on skills like interpretation of ECG, Suturing techniques & performance of Ultra sound on volunteers. Group members had the glory of updating the History of medicine, by visiting the MGH museum.The day to day travel to different parts of Boston by train & walk, was a fortifying experience. The international travel also had an moment of Brain storming session in Boston public park on various issues on Medical field & their solutions. the team had a visit to world war 2 monument & traditional chocolate preparation centre. Which was quite lip smacking!!!The tenth day saw the team bidding Fair well to the program & the nation considered to be the Top globally. It was a rich learning experience for the team members, who at a very early age have set their foot in the best health oriented centre, which will percolate a long way through their career!!

Community Orientation program (HeART) flying was smooth& comfortable with 2 hours transition in Dubai. Landing in Boston, was a welcome relief after 17 hrs of flying !! The group had a warm welcome by Mr. Nick, designated Guide of the program, who started with ice breaking & dividing the 21 members, into different groups. Had a comfortable accommodation in Hi Boston Hostel, from where,the team had the start of every day’s program. The team had discussion on ‘Divergent thinking & on its creativity with Dr. Vignesh & Dr.Ramesh Subramaniam, in the Harvard University campus. The team had the opportunity to see the Harvard library, which is the second biggest in USA.

The experiential program on ‘Early community Exposure’ for I MBBS students using qualitative techniques like RRA was carried out between 06.10.17 and 16.10.17. Students in batches were taken to villages for field practices.

CReAMS Training on CReAMS (Clinical Research and Audit by Medical Students) was conducted for the II MBBS (III semester) students from November 20th to 24th, 2017. 131 students were divided into 13 batches and were allotted to different departments including UHTC. Students audited the system, allotted and collected data. On the 4th day, the data were collated and analyzed in the computer kiosk of the central library. On the 5th day the team leader presented and the findings were discussed. Thus the students were made to appreciate the system based care and practice. Department of ENT organised a poster presentation competition on “PREVENTION OF DEAFNESS” for VII semester students on 4.10.2017. Judges were Dr. Karthika Jayakumar (Professor of Microbiology), Dr. Nasreen (Professor of Medicine), Dr. Jayasree (Professor of Paediatrics), Dr. Roopa (Professor of OBG), Dr. Pushpa Kotur (Professor of OBG).

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Problem Oriented Learning on ‘Anemia’ participated by I MBBS students. Integrated learning by the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology on 01.11.17 Sixth semester MBBS students, Ms.Mrignayani and Ms. Hemalatha won the first and second prizes in the poster presentation at NATCON, National conference on Otorhinolaryngology, on 9th december 2017 at Shri Balaji Medical College, Chennai. Seminar by III Semester students on Necrosis, Gangrene and Apoptosis Presented by Divya, Alankrita and Kajal on 3.11.2017. Integrated seminar by Students on Iron Deficiency anemia presented by I year and II year MBBS students. Department of Physiology, integrated by Pathology department. Poiesis of the Red Cell and Iron Metabolism and Pathophysiology of Iron Deficiency Presented by Ms.Deepika and Ms.Geethika I year MBBS students, Classification and lab diagnosis of Anemia presented by Ms.Shruthi Ganesh and Ms.Martina III semester – II year MBBS students. Seminar by III Semester students on Vascular and Celluar events in Inflammation and Phagocytosis Presented by Aiswarya Raj, Varun Raj and Nurukurthi Surya Sravani on 1.12.2017. I year MBBS Students visited Transfusion medicine on 10.11.2017. Significance of Blood donation, Blood grouping and cross matching, equipments used in Blood bank were elaborated. Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI organized Blood bank visit along with Pathology department for the I MBBS students as a part of Early clinical exposure.

NATIONAL DEWORMING DAY – 10.02.2017 Theme: “Worm-free children healthy children” National Deworming Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 10th February by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients and children attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients, children and health personnel were educated regarding the importance of worm infestations and its effects in our community and the measures taken to prevent it.

INTERNATIONAL CONDOM DAY – 14.02.2017 Theme: “Always In Fashion” International Condom Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 14th February by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients, especially adults attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was delivered by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the importance and awareness of usage of condom and its role in the prevention of acquisition of sexually transmitted infections.

CANCER AWARENESS DAY – 16.02.2017 Theme: “We can. I can”

ROAD SAFETY AWARENESS WEEK (11.01.2017 – 17.01.2017)

Cancer awareness day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on February 16th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors common cancers by the CRRI posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available for various types of cancer.

Road safety awareness week was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on January 12th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Beneficiaries were educated about the safety measures to be taken while driving by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also educated about the basic traffic rules by the medical officer.

Similarly, cancer awareness day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on March 14th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Awareness regarding prevention and early identification of endometrial carcinoma and ovarian tumor was explained through health talk and a powerpoint presentation was given by Dr. Mohanambal, HOD, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Dr. Wills Sheela, Dr. Vijayalakshmi from Department of OG, and Dr. Muthukumar from Department of Community Medicine along with Medical officer,

The Department of Physiology Conducted Essay contest on Nobel Laureate on November 14th and the works and Contributions of Dr. Banting were recalled.




Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

RHTC and CRRIs posted in center also participated in the awareness program. Participants were explained about various risk factors, signs, symptoms and treatment of various cancers. The awareness program was concluded with health camp and screening.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE AWARENESS DAY – 19.02.2017 Healthy Lifestyle Awareness Day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on February 19th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Participants were explained about the healthy food habits, importance of physical activities and ill health effects of smoking and alcohol by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. The session concluded with a quiz regarding the healthy lifestyle for the participants.

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – 08.03.2017 Theme: “Women in the changing world of work: Plant 50-50 by 2030” International Women’s day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on March 8th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. Dr. Indrabala, first-year post graduate from the department of Community Medicine gave a speech on women empowerment. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer.

WORLD TB DAY – 25.03.2017

role play was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Patients as well as health personnel were educated regarding preventive measures and consequences of tuberculosis infections, if not treated properly and the necessity for the compliance to therapy. On 23.03.2017, the World TB day was celebrated by Departments of Microbiology and TBCD with Poster presentation by UGs, AHS students- we distributed prizes in separate categories for First year (1 prize), Second & third year (4 prizes) and AHS students (1 prize) with certificates for all participants. This event was organized by Mr Sunil kumar jada, Dr S Prasanna, Dr V Jayashree, Ms Lavanya and Dr G Sridhar. Organizing secretary (Dr Karthika Jayakumar) and Co-ordinator (Dr Sundaramurthy, Prof & HOD-TBCD)

INNOVATION AND BEST PRACTICES Poster Presentation titled ‘Electron Transport ChainI.M.B.B.S Student during an event organized by Department of Biochemistry . II year B.Sc M.L.T Students participated in poster presentation competition held on 23.03.17 at SSSMCRI in view of world Tuberculosis Day on 24.03.17 and won first prize among Allied Health Sciences Students.Poster Presentation Competition – Stop TB Fight Poverty. Poster Presentation Competition First Prize Among Allied Health Sciences Students

International Yoga Day 21.06.2017 The International Yoga day was celebrated on 21.6.17. All departments and students participated in the training program. Talk on “Scientific perspective of Yoga” was deliverd by Dr.R.Lavanya, Dr.Kalavathy, Sky world communication service center, Chennai.

Theme: “Unite to end TB”

World Health Day – 07.04.2017

World TB day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on March 25th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A role play about the risk factors, signs, symptoms, diagnosis & treatment of TB was organized for the beneficiaries. Role play was done by the interns posted at RHTC, Sembakkam, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. The participants were shown a video about stigma prevailing around TB and the importance of complete treatment for TB.

Theme: “Depression: Let’s talk.”

World TB Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 25th March by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk and role play was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre.The health talk and

The World Health Day was observed at our hospital on April 7th, Friday, 2017. As this year theme was ‘Depression: Let’s Talk’, in coordination with the Department of Psychiatry, World Health Day was observed on April 7th in Hospital Block, SSSMC&RI. Dr. Anusha, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry welcomed the audience and the Dean addressed them with a key note on depression. Symptoms of depression and need for the early treatment was discussed by Dr. Rajesh Kannan, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry. Dr. Indra Bala, First year PG, Community Medicine gave a brief health talk on prevention of suicides and dealing with the stigma associated with mental illness. This was followed by a role play on depression by

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

Interns and poster presentation by students, interns and nursing staff. Poster presentation competition was also organised. Best posters were awarded with prizes.

World Health Day: Depression Let’s Talk Prog World Health Day 2017 “Let’s talk” on depression was observed at RHTC Sembakkam on 7th April 2017 by the department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts were organised. Interns posted at RHTC explained about the risk factors, signs and symptoms of depression, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Medical officer, the beneficiaries were also explained regarding the management of depression and the social stigma prevailing around it. World Health Day (2017) was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 7th April by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the importance of depression and its impact in our community and the measures taken to prevent it.

World Malaria day-25.04.2017

Officer. Participants were explained regarding the health effects of tobacco use and its management. World No Tobacco Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on May 31st by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the side effects of tobacco and its impact on community and the need to minimize its consumption.

World Hypertension day- 17.05.2017 Theme: “Know your numbers” World hypertension day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on 15th May 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts on risk factors and clinical features of hypertension was explained to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the complications of hypertension and importance of medical adherence, physical activity & diet restrictions.

World Environment day -05.06.2017

Theme: “A push for Prevention” World Malaria Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on April 25th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk and a video on malaria awareness were shown to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the mosquito breeding sites and measures of mosquito management.

World No Tobacco Day – 31.05.2017 Theme: “Tobacco – A threat to development” World No Tobacco Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on May 31st 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk and an demo using experimental model on impact of smoking on human lung shot by CM- CRRIs were shown to the audience under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical

Theme: “connecting people to nature” World Environment day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on June 5th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts on global warming was explained to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the health hazards of environmental pollution. Department of Pathology and Microbiology celebrated World Environment Day on 5.6.2017. All the faculties of Pathology and Microbiology department and IV semester student’s cleaned two wheeler parking area in the college premises on 5. 6.17 and 6.6.17.

World Blood Donation Day- 14.06.2017 Theme: “Donate blood, Donate now, Donate often” World blood donation day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on June 14th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the do’s and don’ts of blood donation by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the age limit and other criteria for blood donation. They were also explained about the importance and benefits of blood donation.

World Breastfeeding Week Under the aegis of the management of SSSMCH & RI, the Department of Paediatrics grandly celebrated the World Breastfeeding Week in the first week of August 2017. Our respected Dean inaugurated the function on August 1st. The gathering was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Rajakumar.P.G., Prof. Dr. P. Paramanantham and Prof. Dr. Mohanambal addressed the audience and talked about the theme of the week which was Sustaining Breasfeeding – Together. Sister Sabha contributed with a talk on nursing aspects of breastfeeding. A poster competition on the theme was organized on that day. The competition was judged by the Medical Superintendent Dr. Vijayalakshmi and Prof. Dr. Venkatadri, HOD Pharmacology. The first prize was won by the CRRIs Arya, Ajith, Ajay, Akilan and Akarshana. An essay competition was organized for the final year students with Anusha and Sharath Gopal winning the first and second prizes respectively. Day 2 saw a fiercely competitive Post Graduate Quiz on Breastfeeding in which the Post Graduates of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Community medicine participated. The Quiz was conducted by Dr. Jaishree Vasudevan and Dr. Vikram R. The proud winners were Dr. Jeremy and Dr. Meenakshi. On 3.8.2017 we had a special extensive counseling session conducted in the OPD of the department by Dr Sowjan, Dr. Mohanraj and Dr. Vidhyalakshmi. This was an interactive session between the mothers, grandmothers and the paediatricians. Day 4 had a little fun and frolic in the form of Under graduate Quiz conducted by Dr. Sowjan and Dr. Sai Santosh. The winners were Anusha Narayanan, Gnana Rubini, Mounika, Kalaivani and Bhavani. On 5.8.2017, Dr. Edin Brow and Dr. Sai Santosh visited the Urban Health Centre at Thiruporur as part of our Outreach Program. The program included a skit, a talk on the benefits of breastfeeding and an interactive session with caregivers. On 6.8.2017, Dr. Bharani and the Post Graduates conducted counseling sessions for the Antenatal and post natal mothers in the Paediatric and Obstetrics ward in the hospital. The 7th day marked the end of this week’s celebration with a Well Baby contest conducted in the OPD of Department of Paediatrics. Dr. Puspha Kotur, professor Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Prof.Dr. Swayam jothi HOD Anatomy kindly consented to judge this function. The proud winners were felicitated by the Dean and Medical Superintendent during the valedictory function on 7.8.2017.The winners of various contests held during this week were also awarded certificates and

prizes. Dr Roopa, Professor Obstetrics and Gynaecology addressed the gathering. The week’s activity report was read out by Dr Bharani. The function formally ended with the rendering of the national anthem.

ORS Day and ORS Week The Department of Paediatrics, SSSMC & RI, Ammapettai celebrated ORS Day and ORS Week between 24th to 30th July 2017 with 29th July being celebrated as ORS Day. The activities of the week included various awareness programs conducted by the faculty and Post Graduates both in the OPD and

wards regarding hygiene, hand washing, diarrhea and its danger signs and preparation and usefulness of ORS. A poster competition was organized on 29th July on the eve of ORS Day amongst the students and CRRIs, the theme being ‘ORS – The Only Rational Solution’. The judges were Prof. Dr. Nasreen (Medicine), Prof. Dr. Balaji (HOD – Biochemistry) and Prof. Dr. Srinivasan (HOD – Dermatology). The first prize winners were a group of four MBBS students – Anusha, Narayanan, Gnana Rubini, Mounika and Kalaivani. Three posters tied for the second place: By Sharath Gopal, Vinothini and a group of four – Swarnabalan, Kirubakaran, Radhakrishnan and Karthik. All participants were awarded certificate of participation.International Yoga Day – 2017 International Yoga Day – 2017 was celebrated in a befitting way at SSSMCRI on Wednesday, 21st June 2017. More than 100 staff and students participated in the celebrations and the following activities were conducted in the College Block. The events started with a demonstration and performing of Yoga by the staff and students at 8.00 – 9.00 AM, followed by a Video film on Yoga between 9.00 – 9.30 AM in Ground Floor Lecture Hall. The main event was held between 9.30 -11.00 am. Dean welcomed all the dignitaries and the other participants. An inspiring and motivating speech emphasizing the benefits of Yoga were given by Dr.R.Lavanya & Dr.Kalavathy, Sky World Communication Service Center, Aliyar Chennai. Dr Karthika J Vice Principal, proposed Vote of thanks.

Doctors Day The Doctors Day was celebrated on 1st July 2017 at the hospital lobby in remembrance of legendary physician

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Dr B.C Roy. The gathering was conducted in presence of Medical Superintendent, Vice Principal, Faculties, Staffs and Students. The program commenced on with the Master of the ceremony Hoormika (VI Semester) welcoming the gathering. The invocation song was sung by the VI Semester Students. The Vice Principal, Dr Balaji Rajagopalan gave the welcome speech. The Doctors Day speech was given by Professor and HOD, Pulmonary Medicine Dr.Sundaramoorthy. The Presidential Address was conveyed by Medical Superintendent, Dr.Vijayalakshmi. Students from every batches displayed posters based on Doctors Day, around 12 posters were displayed. The posters were judged by Dr.Nasreen, Professor of General Medicine and Dr Srinivasan, HOD & Professor, Dermatology. The First prize was bagged by duo, Hemalatha and Venkatanagalakshmi (VI Semester) and 2nd prize was bagged by Shree Hari (II Semester). The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Akshay Lal (VI Semester).The ceremony ended with National Anthem followed by tea and snacks.

World Blood Donor Day Department of Pathology celebrated World Blood Donor Day on 21.7.2017. Skit programme conducted by BSc. MLT students to create awareness in blood donation. Speech on blood donation by Mr. Ganesan, Lab Incharge, Dr. Shubra Sharma II Year Post graduate and Vikash Raj IV semester student. Prizes distributed for Poster competition winners and honoured regular blood donors.

World Breastfeeding Week World breastfeeding week was observed at Thiruporur UHTC and Sembakkam RHTC on 1st week of August 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was given by the Pediatrics Assistant Professor and PG from Pediatrics & Community Medicine, and role-play was conducted by the CRRI’s. Breastfeeding mothers were given awareness and benefits of breastfeeding. This program conducted under the guidance of Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine.

World Rabies Day Theme: “Zero by 30”: World Rabies Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on September 18th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts were given to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of dog bite, symptoms and clinical

features of Rabies, treatment and Pre & Post exposure vaccination. World Rabies Day was observed at Thiruporur UHTC on September 18th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts were given to the participants by the interns posted at UHTC, under the guidance of Dr.Gopinath, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the prevention of dog bite and pre & post exposure prophylaxis vaccination.

World Oral Hygiene Day World Oral Hygiene day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on September 21st 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts were given to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the good and bad practices for oral hygiene and enlightened about the signs and symptoms of oral health problems.

World Deafness Day ENT conducted student seminar on occasion of world deafness day on 26.9.17.

Women Empowerment Forum An Awareness Programme about Good Touch and Bad Touch was conducted on 17.08.2017 to the Students of Suddhanandha Vidyalaya Matriculation School, Ammapettai. Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the Women Empowerment forum and the student education program regarding menstrual cycle & menstrual hygiene, held at Sudhandha school & DAV school, Chennai during August 2017.

BIG BANG KIT – A Revolution in Education System `10,000 was donated to Suddhanandha Vidyalaya Matriculation School Ammapettai on behalf of Women Empowerment Forum on 18.08.2017. Dr. Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry delivered an awareness speech on ‘Good Touch & Bad Touch’ to the students of Suddhanandha Vidhyalaya Matriculation School, organised by Women Empowerment Forum of SSSMCRI on 18th August 2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

An Awareness Programme on GOOD TOUCH AND BAD TOUCH to the Students of CEE DEE YES DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL. Speech about Good Touch and Bad Touch was delivered by Dr.Thamaraiselvi to school students on 29.08.2017. Dr Shruti P Hegde conducted a session on “Good touch Bad touch” for middle & high school students of Cee Dee Yes DAV Public school as a part of “women empowerment forum” of SSSMCRI on 29th August 2017.

of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors common cancers by the inters posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available for various types of cancer.

WORLD POLIO DAY – 24.10.2017


Theme: “A Celebration of the Unsung Heroes of Polio Eradication.”

Theme: “Women and diabetes-our right to a healthy future.”

World Polio Day (2017) was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 24th October by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was given by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the importance of polio virus infection and its impact in our community and the measures taken to prevent it.

World Diabetes Day (2017) was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 14th November by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the importance of prevention,

WORLD HEART DAY-5.10.17 Theme: “Share the power” World Heart day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on October 5th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts on healthy lifestyle for healthy heart was explained to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine. Participants were also explained about the signs and symptoms of myocardial infarction and other cardiac problems and various treatment modalities available for the same.

Dengue Awareness rally: 13.10.17 Dengue awareness rally was organized in Thiruporur. About 300 students from 1st and 2nd year MBBS participated in the rally along with faculties from various departments. Awareness was created to the general public by means of slogans, placards, banners and posters. Pamphlets on dengue awareness were distributed to the public by the students along the way. The rally ended at Thiruporur bus stand.

CANCER AWARENESS DAY- 08.11.17 Theme: “we can. I can” Cancer awareness day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on November 8th 2017 by the Department

management and complications of diabetes and its impact in our community and the measures taken to prevent it.World diabetes day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on November 15th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors common cancers by the inters posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available. World Diabetes Day (2017) was observed by the Department of Internal Medicine on 14.11.2017. The theme was in accordance with WHO - “Women and Diabetes”. The CME was organized by Dr Nasreen Begum. Topics depicting rare complications of diabetes like “sugar and tarantism, “movement disorder in diabetes was presented by First Year PG in General Medicine, Dr Dhara Varun; “sugar and ropes and polesconnective tissue disorders in diabetes” was presented

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

by Dr Shanmugapriya.A, First Year PG in General Medicine.The CME was followed by an innovative medical game show, “Catch the Phrase” was organized by Dr Nasreen Begum. A and was conducted by Dr Senthil Kumar.S. The contestants were 5 teams of CRRI”s. The game show involved the contestants finding out medical phrases which are given to the team leader along with the clues to be avoided.World Diabetes Day was organized by Professor Dr Nasreen Begum.A who gave a short introduction on the theme “WOMEN AND DIABETES”. The CME was presided over by the medical superintendent Professor Dr. Vivekanandan and was felicitated by Professor Dr Uma Devi.V and Professor Dr. Nasreen Begum. The Department of Internal medicine followed a color code for the day.The medical superintendent awarding certificates and shields to the post graduate residents Dr. Shanmugapriya.A and Dr. Dhara kumar Mythra Varun, for the CME presentations.


The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the importance of prevention, management of dengue fever and its impact in our community and the measures taken to prevent it. Mosquito breeding sites surveillance Dr. Muthukumar. T & Dr. Gopinath. T. T., Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine along with Maintenance Department conducted the surveillance for possible mosquito breeding sites in Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute campus between 27.10.17 and 30.10.17. The possible mosquito breeding sites were identified and suitable recommendations were suggested.

WORLD AIDS DAY- 02.12.17

Theme: “Protect yourself from mosquito bite “ Dengue awareness day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on November 13th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors common cancers by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available

Theme: “Right to Health” World AIDS day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on December 2nd 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available. Similarly World AIDS day was observed at UHTC, Thiruporur on December 1st 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine under the guidance of the Dr. Gopinath TT, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer, the C.R.R.Is & Postgraduates educated the audience about the routes of transmission of HIV and its treatment.

WORLD ASTHMA DAY- 25.12.17 Theme: “Global Initiatives for Asthma”

.Dengue Awareness day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 17th November by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center.

World Asthma day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on December 25th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the symptom and risk factors by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the treatment facilities available As part of the World COPD Day, a Workshop on Aerosol Therapy was conducted on 15.11.17



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Poster Competition on TB - HIV Awareness was conducted by the Department of Respiratory Medicine and the Department of Dermatology in Connection with the World AIDS Day on 1st Dec 2017.

Roentgen Day celebrations

The Department of Radiology conducted Outreach programs, 3 camps on 7th April, 5th May and 2nd June. The Department of orthopaedics conducted health camps on 5th April, 7th April,5th May,24th May,2nd June,7th June.

Roentgen Day celebrations by Department of Radiology included Painting competition, Monoacting, Medical Dumb Charades for BSc students, Pictorial Quiz for PGs, Debate and Singing, it was held on Nov 8th 2017.

The Central Clinical Laboratory Biochemistry Technicians participated in the Medical camp conducted on 7th June 2017.


CELESTRA, a Deeper Insight

In the quarter of January - March 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 41 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.

College life is what makes one’s youth charitable and livelier, thanks to the undying memories that are made along with gaining knowledge. Cultural and sports events are those times that creates a perfect setting for the above said words like it has happened in the previous years, even this year saw an event of that sort, studded with supreme glory and shouldered the legacy of the previous year.

The blood bank, Department of pathology conducted Blood Donation camp on 12.3.2017 at Ganesh mahal Thiruporur. 100 volunteers donated blood. Prof Dr. Ushadevi attended the Family welfare meeting conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu at Kanchipuram on 21.03.2017. Dr.N.Arivazhagan, Associate Professor of Pharmacology, conducted an awareness programme about Measles Rubella vaccine for SMVB Matric. Hr. Sec. School, Erode on 27 Feb, 2017. Sathya Sai Mobile Camp at Sirudhavur Camp was attended by Dr. Karunya Lakshmi on 06.01.2017; Dr. Tamilarsan on 03.02.2017; Dr. Anandapadmanabhan J on 03.03.2017. Mr.Sunilkumar. Jada, PhD scholar in Anatomy Department outsourced stool samples for the Institute `4000/- to Karpagam Faculties of Medical science, Coimbatore and Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Kanchipuram The Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 35 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. The Department of Surgery conducted 6 health camps on April (5th,8th,12th,17th,19th,24th); 8 health camps on May (3rd,8th,10th,13th,15th, 17th, 22nd, 31st) The Department of Ophthalmology conducted Outreach programs inclusive of 22 Camps and screened 142 patients. The total number of cataract surgeries done for camp patients is 21.


The 2014 batch MBBS students ‘’GENEZENS’’ were given the charge of organising this “CELEBRATION”. The intra college ‘sports and culturals’ was given the name ‘’CELESTRA 2K17’’ An epitome of ecstacy, which means ‘’Celestial Radiance’’. The fiesta was contested by the mighty 6 houses - AMBER YELLOW, AMETHYST PURPLE, EMERALD GREEN, SAPPHIRE BLUE, RUBY RED & ZIRCON BROWN. The sports events started off with a grand inauguration and innovative attractions on 23rd March. The event gained momentum rapidly in the coming days, by now the mood of the festivity has spread to the whole of people inside the campus students of all batches were seen actively taking part in all the sports activities. After an amazing stint of sporting excitement, the stage is now set for the cultural events. 18th, 19th, 20th of April were the scheduled dates which were destined to witness the phenomenon. The stint of 3 days went on incredibly great, with the likes of literary events, fun games, cultural events and so on. It was a perfect setting for students to stage their talents and they did just that without failing to enjoy the fun and excitement that the event has brought along. The events were judged by the faculties from every departments of clinical and non clinical wing. The gala started with the off stage events beginning with the first team event the colourful Rangoli at the college block followed by the solo event Painting. the other off stage events which took place were Mehendi, Vegetable Carving, Wealth Out Of Waste and Face Painting. To add more spice to the fest, Treasure Hunt was conducted during the noon. A lunch break of 30 mins was availed. The afternoon section saw the inception of literary events for the first time in college history. The events

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Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

conducted were Haiku, Creative Writing & Cine Quiz. The crowd pulling attraction of literary events was ‘’THE DEBATE’’ where the words battled to win the supremacy and gave the crowd a lot of energy to cheer the first day up. The last off stage event conducted was MAN VS WILD which showcased the strength and never give up moments of the participants. Fun events were conducted at the end for the students and faculties to mark a good ending for the introductory day of CELESTRA 2K17. The second day marked an introduction to the on stage events conducted on a grandstand surrounded by eye catching lights, tunes added some mellow mood to the fest by crooning some popular tracks added a great platform for the students to showcase their talents to a jam packed audience. Tube light was the first event conducted followed by Jail break which gave many hilarious moments for the judges and the audience. Channel Surfing was something new to the pack which was well accepted and presented by the contestants. An hour break was given to refresh their minds and for a good appetite to continue the energy of the gala. The scenes of the movies were reborn on the stage by the participants of six different houses with the event Spoof It Up. The platform was entertained with the group event Antakshari. When words fail, music speaks. The stage witnessed the origin of many singers and attracted lots of crowd with the breath taking melodies and energetic vocals of the students in the platform Solo Singing. When the music began, everyone started to dance. The stage was rocked with the moves of dancers which mesmerised the crowd which added more intensity to the event Solo Dancing. An end to day 2 was even more interesting with premiere of Short Film captured by the students and was premiered as a second show for the audience which made CELESTRA 2K17 different from the previous years culturals. Students presented the themes in a professional way and the drama was very intense which made crowd watch every single scene of the short films. Day 3, the end of the cultural era. Day 3 marked with the event Minute to Win It which hits your heart to a high rate with the tasks among which face the cookie gained lot of cheers and laugh among audience. The contest to prove the real Tamizhan was conducted in the form of Tamizhanda, strictly an event in Tamil only. During every show an interval is a quite common thing, advertisements are telecasted during the interval time, an event named Adzap was organised to dramatise several products advertisement in a humorous way. A very famous event Connexion was conducted later followed by the all awaiting group event Variety Show where a stage is set for students to show their talents in an half an hour length event. Music, Dance, Drama, Action and other elements were mixed and presented to the crowd. The most awaited event of CELESTRA 2K17 The Group Dance where teams have a rebellion to win the jackpot. It lived up to its expectations in a grand manner. Great levels of enthusiasm and commitment were shown by the participants and they received a roar of applause.

The last solo event conducted was Footloose where the participants adapted to the tunes played and entertained the audience with their moves. Swing along to the tunes of the DJ, dance like there is no tomorrow and party the night away with a groove. The end of CELESTRA 2K17 in the form of the energetic DJ & VJ NIGHT. DJ night was the perfect end for the era and stage was at high intensity dancing to the beats and tunes played by the DJ. The final day built up an enthusiasm and await among the students about the results and winners which was announced on the next day (21st April) ‘‘College Annual Day’’ and prizes were distributed - by Mr.Akshay Lal and Mr. Arul Anand, 6th Semester MBBS

▶▶ ANNUAL DAY This year has certainly been an amazing when it comes to making historical landmarks in the history of the college. So far in this glorious stint of period since the commencement of this college, this year saw the first ever ANNUAL DAY. This was apparently proved to be a great finish for the annual cultural meet as it continued.... It is obvious that Well began is a Half done piece of work... As the saying goes Our Annual Day was an extravagant success.... Well planned and well executed... Series of events were been planned and executed which made the day as special as possible... The most expected day of ours was about to be inaugurated by the evening... The awaited morning’s few hours was been planned to entertain our staff members by accommodating an interesting event for them to get involved (Off-stage & On-stage events). As planned the events took place with absolute coordination. The often point of interest was ‘COOKING EVENT for STAFFS (off-stage event), followed by on-stage events with ultimate fact of fun along with respect for our staff members. Followed by: Inauguration, Prize distribution of culturals, sports, Literary & Academics. Guest performances by the UG students, PG students, Faculties, Staffs & College band. Batch & Team photo sessions. The actual bliss started then, the ever first ANNUAL DAY OF SHRI SATHYA SAI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE was been Inaugurated with a pure feel of happiness and pride by our Dignitaries Our very own Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. K R Sethuraman along with our Respected Dean Dr Premanath Kotur, Respected Medical Superintendent Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Our Respected Vice Principals, Our Respected Sports Chairman Professor Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair and Our Respected Cultural Chairman Professor Dr. Balaji Rajagopalan. Following the proud moment, another hour of smiles and victories of both curricular as well academic excellences was been recognised and appreciated by PRIZE DISTRIBUTIVE EVENTS of CELESTRA 2K17. The prizes were been distributed by the dignitaries. The ‘ first of all factor ‘ started with the Sports section of excellence.... The SPORTS CHAMPIONS were been

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute

given by our dignitaries and was been proudly held by EMERALD GREEN. The SPORTS RUNNERS UP was another proud team - AMETHYST PURPLE. The event that lights up the whole of the campus can be non-other than our CULTURAL EVENTS, Spreading up smiles and colours and lights all over the limits of SSSMC & RI....The CULTURALS CHAMPIONS were the sparkling AMETHYST PURPLE TEAM and the CULTURALS RUNNERS UP was EMERALD GREEN. The heart core being the LITERARY & ACADEMICS, all the excellences prizes were been distributed... University top rank holders were been rewarded for their relentless hard works. To lighten up the atmosphere Guest performances were been performed by our UG & PG students, faculties, staff members & the COLLEGE BAND. The bliss of every student’s life is that ‘NOSTALGIC FEEL’ when u look back at your college life and the time spent out there in college.... The best way of regaining them is by CAPTURING THEM.... The day came to a tranquil conclusion with RESPECTIVE BATCH AND TEAM PHOTO SESSION. The bliss and the feel of innocence of college life has been captured to be cherished at last with a thought of ‘TO BE CONTINUED....’ in every one’s simple mind & heart.... by Ms.Hoormika, 6th Semester MBBS

Inaugration of New Philips ACHIEVA 1.5 TESLA MRI Unit Our Honorable Chairman Madam, Honorable Director and Honorable Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the New Philips ACHIEVA 1.5 TESLA MRI Unit on July 15, 2017.

Dr. Revathishree participated in Dengue Awareness Rally on 13.10.2017. Around 2000 participants from various schools and colleges in and around Thiruporur participated in the event. Blood Grouping and typing done for 165 students from Government school from Nellikuppam, kondangi and Vembedu on 9.11.2017 and 10.11.2017. The World COPD day was celebrated on 15th November 2017 and during the event PFT Screening Camp was conducted for Smokers and 20 patients were screened for COPD. The Ten Commandments of COPD Pamphlet was distributed among Students, Staff and Faculties. In the quarter of October to December 2017, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 46 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.

▶▶ COMMUNITY EXTENSION Dr. Shree Lakshmi Devi, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology gave a lecture on “Awareness on” off label medication usage and fraudulent drug products to 25 Suddhanandha Vidyalaya School students on 13.10.2017.Dr.Lavakumar, Associate Professor from the Department of Pharmacology gave a talk about “Quacks and False remedies” to General public – 10 in number Ammapettai village on 27.10.2017. The Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 42 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. Fever Camp was conducted by Department of General Medicine from 31.07.2017 to 01.08.2017. The Department of Ophthalmology has conducted 25 camps screeing a total of 903 patients, Total no of cataract surgeries done for camp patients is 27and the total number of surgeries done is over 81. The Department of Ophthalmology has conducted an Eye screening camp on 19th September at Chengalpattu in association with IDFC.

Inauguration of Cadaveric Lab Our Honorable Chairman Madam, Honorable Director and Honorable Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the Cadaveric Lab in SSSMCRI campus on July 16th 2017. It was followed by the conduction of the First Cadaveric Workshop on Knee Arthroscopy. Through 20 Camps the Departments of Ophthalmology out reached 1000 patients.. Pathology Department Faculties, Dr. Dost Mohammed Khan, Dr.Abilash,

Dr. Sowmya Dogiparthi, Asst.Prof, Dermatology, was invited By Shree Jain Sangh, Saidapet, Chennai, TN for a medical camp held at Shree Jugraj Lodha Medical Centre on Sep 18th & 19th 2017 and was honoured by the Saidapet Medical Centre with a momentum for her Service. Similarily, she also went as a Dermatologist to a Camp Organized by Besant Nagar, Adayar Rotary Club and MCDS Chennai, TN together for fishermen hamlets in fore shore estate.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences


Rising Star in Dentistry Healthcare & Education is IGIDS, a fast emerging institute of outstanding repute in Puducherry and adjoining areas as a tertiary care dental hospital. Efficiency refers to the act of doing the right things the right way. To be effective and efficient, the experienced and dedicated staff should form an able team with innovative ideas and boundless vision. IGIDS boasts of such a well-knit team of professionals who would enrich the professional commitment with core and state-of the-art skills. Presently the college has an intake of 100 students for BDS course and four batches of students are in pursuit of knowledge and excellence in their chosen discipline. IGIDS is fast emerging as a leader in dentistry in the region, thanks to its early adoption of modern dentistry techniques and technology, completely hands on training based curriculum and a vision to emerge as the dental hospital of preference and excellence in South India. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Message From Prof. R. Saravana Kumar, MDS Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Dear All, 2017 was a year of solid growth for IGIDS. We have been going through a major transformation over the past years and it is not easy to assess the transformation impact from one single year’s results, but when looking back, it becomes clear just how much has changed. Our transformation journey will continue to build from what we have been achieving. We recognize that the same factors that affected our performance at some point last year will continue to weigh on in 2018. However, we are confident we will improve during the years. We want to thank our visionaries for their continued trust for IGIDS



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Publications Eldho Babu, Sajeev R, Kayalvizhi G, Prathima G.S, Ramesh V. Validity of Demirjian and Cameriere Methods for Dental Age Estimation of Children aged 9 – 13 years in and around Puducherry– A Comparative Study. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(2):17-22. Nawaz KK, Selvabalaji, Krishnamurthy S, Sivaraman. A perfect diagnosis of Ellis-van Creveld syndrome by oral manifestations: a case report. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:257-60. Suresh kumar, Nithin Joseph Jude B, Sakthi Devi, Shiva Santhosh. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour associated with impacted canine in maxilla – A Case Report. International Journal of Current Research 2017; 9(1). Harsha Vardhan K, Jaikumar S, Premlal K R. Screening of Euphorbia hirta leaves for Antipsoriatic Activity in Mice. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci. 2017; 5 (1D): 255 – 258. Umadevi, Santha Devy, Udhaya Visvanathan, Vezhavendhan, Prem Lal, Vidyalakshmi S. Carriage Rate of Streptococcus mutans among type I & type II Diabetic Patients with Dental Caries and Compared with Non-Diabetic Population – A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Current Research. 2017; 9 (2): 46748 – 46754. Devi M, Vijayalakshmi D, Dhivya K, Vezhavendhan N. A Study on Awareness of Early Detection and Screening of Potentially Malignant Oral Disorders and Oral Cancer. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2017; 6: 35 – 8. Raaman AR, Pratebha B, Jananni M, Saravanakumar R. Comparison of efficacy of depigmentation of gingiva in terms of Image J intensity values and surface area of repigmentation using scalpel and diode laser. Int J Oral Health Sci 2016;6:59-64. Priyadharshini V, Triveni MG, Mehta DS. Management of gingival recession in mandibular molar using lateral pedicle flap technique. Int J Oral Health Sci 2016;6:96-9. Priyadharshini V, Triveni MG, Mehta DS, Tarun Kumar AB. Periodontal therapy and salivary nitric oxide metabolites. International journal of current research 2017;9: 46174-46180. Kumar S, Thomas SJ, Jude NJB, Devi S, Santhosh S. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumour associated with impacted canine in maxilla – A Case Report. International Journal of Current Research 2017;9(1).

Anitha K, Sakthi Devi S, Aravind V, Ramesh Babu MR, Premlal KR. An Insight into Knowledge, Attitude and Awareness of Oral Health among Diabetic Subjects in Puducherry – A Questionnaire Study Sch. J. App. Med. Sci., 2017; 5(2A):363-368 Denny George, Suresh.V, Sathyanarayanan.R, Yuvaraj.V, Balaji.T.S, Nithin Joseph Jude.B. A comparative study between titanium miniplates and three dimensional titanium plates with locking screws using bite force evaluation for management of anter ior mandibular fractures. Journal of scientific dentistry 2016;6(2):7-16. Carounanidy Usha, Sathyanarayanan Ramarao, Bindu Meera John, Praveen Rajesh, S Swatha, Evaluation of the Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to Wet and Dry Enamel Using Dentin Bonding Agents Containing Various Solvents Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jan, Vol-11(1): ZC41-ZC44 Geena Mary.G. Role of Yoga in Salutogenesis. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016; 6(2):73-75 Geena Mary, Ambily Jayadevan. Microbrush stamp technique to achieve occlusal topography for composite resin restorations - A Technical Report. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016; 6(2):76-82 Carounanidy Usha, Sathyanarayanan Ramarao, Bindu Meera John, Praveen Rajesh, S Swatha. Evaluation of the Shear Bond Strength of Composite Resin to Wet and Dry Enamel Using Dentin Bonding Agents Containing Various Solvents. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2017; 11(1): 41-44 Kasinathan G, Kumar S, Kommi PB, Hanumanth, Sabapathy S. Reliability in Landmark Plotting between Manual and Computerized Method - A Cephalometric Study. Int J Sci Stud 2017;4(12):73-78 Shekhawat KS, Chauhan A, Ramalingam N. Impact of Removable Partial Denture on Quality of Life measured after 6 Months and 1 Year of Use. World J Dent 2017;8(2):81-85. Yuvaraj V, Balaji T.S, Joseph N.J., Murthy V, Kumar S. A self-retaining lingual flap guarding device during surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molar. J Maxillofac Oral Surg 2017 doi:10.1007/s126630171006-y Shekhawat KS, Prasanya R, Senthil M, ChauhanA. Replacement of missing teeth among patients- factor determining the attitude. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016 6(2);23-9. Paulose S, Rangdhol V, Yoga S. Chlorodontia in a child with neonatal jaundice J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-108

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Palla S, Rangdhol V, Jeelani S, Vandana S, Sivasankarai T. Comparative evaluation of bone densities in edentulous and dentulous areas by fractal analysis on panoramic radiographs - A retrospective study. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-87.

Prathima GS, Gayathri K, Kayalvizhi G, Sanguida A. Use of dental anxiety questionnaire and clinical approaches: A national survey among pediatric dentists in India. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-83.

Yoga S, Rangdhol V, Maithilikarpagaselvi N, Vandana S, Paulose S. Estimation of salivary sialic acid levels as a prognostic marker in patients with oral leukoplakia - A case-control study. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-99

Prathima GS, Varghese AS, Sajeev R, Kayalvizhi G, Sanguida A, Balaji AS. Prevalence of dental fear and its relationship to dental caries and gingival disease among school children in Puducherry: A cross-sectional study J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-91.

Jahan AJ, Vandana S, Rangdhol V, Palla S. Juvenile oral erosive lichen planus - A rare case report. Int J Med Dent Case Rep 2017;4:1-3.

Sanguida.A. Single upper central incisor syndromeReport of a rare case. Int J Med Dent Case Rep. 2017;4(1):1-4.

Paulose S, Rangdhol V, KavyaL,Laxman VL. Midfacialparaesthesia - An unusual presentation in paranasal sinusitis. J Med RadiolPatholSurg.2017;4:18-21.

Suganya M, Vikneshan M, Swathy U. Usage of complementary and alternative medicine: A survey among Indian dental professionals. Complement Ther Clin Pract.2017 Feb;26:26-29.

Vandana S, Jahan AJ, Kavya, PallaS.Non-syndromic multiple odontogenickeratocysts - a case report. Int J Med Dent Case Rep 2017;4:1-4 Sivakumar Y, Rangdhol V, Sitra G, Vandana, Baliah J, Kayalvizhi EB. Occult pathologies in panoramic radiograph – A retrospective Study. IJCR 2017;9(04):49330-49333 Yoga S, Balaiah J, RangdholV, VandanaS, Paulose S, Kavya L. Assessment of age changes and gender differences based on anthropometric measurements of ear:A cross-sectional study.JAdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:92-95 RangdholV. Paradigm shift in approach to potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer.JAdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1. Sathyanarayanan R, Selvakumar C, Tamizhp pozhil guna.. Low Flow Venous Malformation of the Buccal Mucosa Treated by Surgical Excision - A Rare Case Report. International Journal Of Current Research. 2017;09(6):1-3 Gokkulakrishnan S, Suresh Kumar, Nithin Jude. Oro antral fistula closure using sandwich technique. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017;8(3). Gokkulakrishnan S, Suresh Kumar, Nithin Jude. Results of conservative treatment of condylar fractures. International Journal of Scientific Research 2017;6(4). Sivasankari T, Mathew P, Austin RD, Devi S.Marfan syndrome. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2017;9:73-7. Kuduruthula S, Jananni M, Sivaramakrishnan. M. Short term, low dose Amlodipine induced severe gingival enlargement – A case report. International Journal of current research 2017; 5: 51179 – 82.

Murthy V, Rajaram S, Choudhury S, Sethuraman K. R. Are we training enough of communication skills and patient psychology required in dental practice. JCDR 2017;11(4): ZE01-ZE04. Murthy V, Sethuraman K. R, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Relevant communication skills for pregnant women- A dental perspective. International journal of pregnancy & child birth 2017; 2(3):1-4. Usha Carounanidy, K. R. Sethuraman, Ananthakrishnan Nilakantan, K. A. Narayan. Multisource feedback in dental postgraduation: A qualitative research. J Contemp Med Edu 2017;5(1):10-17 Bindu Meera John, Aamir Purra, Arindam Dutta, Abdul Wahid Zargar, Topographical effects of Guttapercha immersed in different concentration of sodium hypochlorite disinfection at different time interval : an atomic force microscopic study.International journal of Oral Health Dentistry 2017;3(1):54-8. Gopika GJ, Ramarao S Usha C, John BM, Vezhavendhan N. Histological evaluation of human pulp capped with light cured calcium based cements: A randomised control clinical trial. Int. J Sci Rep 2017;3(5):120-7. Kasinathan G, Kommi PB, Kumar SM, Yashwant A, Arani N, Sabapathy S. Evaluation of Soft Tissue Landmark Reliability between Manual and Computerized Plotting Methods. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(4): 317-321. Yashwant AV,Dilip S,Krishnaraj R, Ravi K. Does Change in Thread Shape Influence the Pull Out Strength of Mini Implants? An In vitro Study. J Clin Diagn Res 2017; 11(5): ZC17–ZC20. Kanya SD, Babu KP, Venkatesan R, Kumar AN. Evaluation to prevent the Physical Changes in Colored



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Elastomeric Modules when exposed to various Dietary Media. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2017;18(6):458-462. Lakshman VL, Rangdhol V, Vandana S, Sitra G, Paulose S, Kayalvizhi EB. Prevalence and characterization of non-odontogenic orofacial pain in a tertiary health-care center at Puducherry - A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights.2017;4: 120–123. Rangdhol V, Santhosh S, Paulose S, Lakshmipriya E, Laxman VL, Kayalvizhi EB. Doppler ultrasonographic assessment of major salivary glands in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in correlation with salivary quantity and serum magnesium levels – A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights.2017; 4:114–119. Kavya L, Vandana S,Paulose S, Rangdhol V Baliah JW, Dhanraj T. Oral manifestation of genodermatoses. Journal of Medicine, Radiology, Pathology & Surgery.2017;4: 22–27 Baliah J, Keluskar V, Malleshappa A, Livingstone D, Kayalvizhi EB. Estimation and Comparison of Serum Beta 2 Microglobulin Level Among Patients with Oral Leukoplakia,Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Controls – An Observational Study. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research2017;2(5): 116 – 121 Thirunavukarsu S,Sekizhar V,RanghdolV,Vendan L.Bifid condyle:Radiographic dilemma. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2017;29:60-2. Sanguida A, Samir Dutta, Sarita Magu, Savita Sangwan, Shivani Mathur. Ultrasonographic Study of Masseter and Orbicularis Oris Muscles after Cessation of Thumb Sucking Habit – A Pilot Study. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences, 2017; 4(6): 254-258. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-7. Sathya narayanan. R, Selvakumar.C, Tamizhp pozhil Guna. Low flow venous malformation of the buccal mucosa treated by surgical excision- A rare case report. International Journal of current research may 2017:9(5). Lucky Shrihari, V. Suresh, V. Yuvaraj, R. Sathyanarayanan, M. Shyamala, S.Monica. A comparative study between 0.5% centbucridine and 2% lignocaine with adrenaline (1:200,000) for bilateral extraction of mandibular premolar using nerve block anesthesia. A double blind randomized controlled clinical study. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2017;6(9);2244-2249.

Rajaram S, Danasekaran BP, Venkatachalapathy R, Prashad KV, Rajaram S. N-acetylneuraminic acid: A scrutinizing tool in oral squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis. Dent Res J 2017;14:267-71. Umamaheswari G, Vezhavendhan N, Sivaramakrishnan M, Suganya R, Santha Devy A, Vidyalakshmi S. Sialochemical profile in depressive individuals: A cross‑sectional ex- vivo study. SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 2017;8(3):116 – 20. S.Vijayaraja, R. Sathyanarayanan, Carounanidy Usha, Bindu Meera John, K.Karpagavinayagam. Cariogenic microflora and ph in superficial and deep layer of occlusal carious lesions- Ametagenomic analysis. JCRI. 2017; 4:124-128 Suresh Babu K,Arani N,Kommi PB,Harikrishnan P,Kumar SM,Sabapathy RS, Vijaykumar V. Evaluating the Correlation between Anteroposterior and Mediolateral Compensatory Curves and their Influence on Dentoskeletal Morphology-An In vitro CBCT Study. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(8): ZC 49-52 Carounanidy Usha, Sathyanarayanan Ramarao, Bindu M John, Mintu E Babu. Anticariogenicity of stevia rebaudiana extract when used as a mouthwash in high caries risk patients. Randomized controlled clinical trial. WJOUD. 2017; 8(5):1-6 Shekhawat KS, Chauhan A,Sakthidevi S, Goyal P, Bhattacharjee S.Smokeless tobacco:Profiling sachets and pattern of use among low socioeconomic population of Puducherry.Contemp Clin Dent 2017;8:225-30. Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat, Sakthidevi S, Arunima Chauhan and Saru Sasi. Knowledge of accessing the most accessed Bio-medical database – PubMed Volume: 3; Issue: 8; August-2017; pp 1321-1332. Kayalvizhi EB, Baliah J, Livingstone D, Thirumurugan K. Occult Type II Dents in Dente Revealed By Cone Beam Computed Tomography in a Rare Case of Ekman Westborg Julin Syndrome.2017;2(5):73-76 Dhanraj T, Vandana S, Kavya L, Yoga S. Schwanoma of left infraorbital region – A case report on emphasis of advanced imaging in diagnosis. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2017;7(1):21-23 Kavya L, Paulose S, Vandana S, Yoga S. Lobular capillary hemangioma of buccal mucosa – A Case report. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2017;7(1):18-20 Kayalvizhi E B, Sitra G, Baliah J, Megala, Thirumurugan K, Kanmani R. Estimation and comparison of clinical staging and Candidal colony counts in oral leukoplakia before and after treatment with 1% topical antifungal therapy. International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2017;6(6):4453-4457

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Sivakumar Y, Vandana S, Kavya L, Dhanraj T. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura – A Case Report and update of recent treatment modalities. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2017;7(1):24-27

Aroumougam A, Vezhavendhan N, Suganya R, Umamaheswari G. Peripheral Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma of Maxilla. Journal of Scientific Dentistry. 2017; 7(1): 28-31.

Khader AK, Vandana S,Rangdhol V, Jeelani S. A review on diagnostic dental radiation risk during pregnancy: justifying the dilemma – Review. International Journal of Current Research 2017;9(5); 49924-49929.

Bharanippriyaa V, Preethe M, Umamaheswari G, Vidyalakshmi S. Odontoma- A Benign Mixed Odontogenic Tumor –Report of Two Cases. Journal of Scientific Dentistry. 2017; 7 (1): 32-36.

Aluckal E, Ismail A, Paulose A, Lakshmanan S, Balakrishnan MS, Mathew B, Vikneshan.M. Assessment of total antioxidant capacity and antimicrobial activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra in saliva of HIVinfected patients. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2017;9:S237-40. Shigli K, Nayak SS, Sankeshwari B, Fulari D, Chopade S, Wadgave U, Jirge V, Murugaboopathy V. Effectiveness of an Early Clinical Exposure Module on the Performance of Second Year Dental Students -A Randomized Controlled Study. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2017; 7: 236-241 Murthy V, Reddy VK, Vidyalakshmi S. Awareness of zinc toxicity in denture adhesives among dental practitioners in Puducherry- A cross sectional study. J Adv Clin Res Insights 2017;4:147-51. Karthikeyan I. Platform switched Dental implants. JSD 2017; 7(1):57-58. Reetika G, Shrikar Desai, Karthikeyan I, Sangeeta K. Phenytoin –induced gingival overgrowth: A case report. J Dent Specialities 2017;5:160-3. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, SaravanakumarR, Santha Devy A. Stress perception of second year dental undergraduate students- Across sectional study. Journal of Basic, Clinical & Applied Health Sciences 2017;1(1):32-7 Shekhawat KS, Golai S, Sakthidevi S, Nimbeni B, Chauhan A.Overview of Metrics that evaluate the impact of Scholarly work.IJCR 2017;9(3): 1364 -1377 Shekhawat KS, Sakthidevi S, Nimbeni B, Golai S, Chauhan A, Sasi S.Hunting Biomedical Literature in PubMed: Factors Affecting the Hunt. IJMRHS 2017;9(6):131-138 Shekhawat KS,Chauhan A,Sakthi Devi S, Kunjumon S.Construct Validity and Reliability of Jefferson Scale of Empathy- health Care Provider (Student version) among Final Year, Interns and Post – graduate Students of a Dental College in India. IJPHRD 2017;8(4):184 – 192

Umamaheswari G, Santha Devy A, Vidyalakshmi S, Satheesh Kumar K. Oral Lipoma - A Case Report. Journal of Scientific Dentistry. 2017; 7 (1): 37 - 41. Satheesh Kumar K, Premlal K R, Sivaramakrishnan M, Aroumougam A. Oral Squamous Papilloma. Journal of Scientific Dentistry. 2017; 7(1): 46 - 49. Manoharan PS. A rare case report of a patient with allergic reaction following use of a dental impression material. Int J Med Dent Case Rep 2017;2:1-3. doi: 10.15713/ins.ijmdcr.72. MurthyV, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Communication skills teaching learning in prosthodontics. Journal of Basic, clinical & Applied Health Sciences 2017:1(1); 38- 41. MurthyV, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Developing prosthodontic Residents communication stratergies with edentulous patient: A pilot study. Journal of Dental education; 81(11);1351-61. Dr. Vandana, Reader, Dept of OMR, Published article in “The Hindu” titled “11.6% of fishermen have malignant oral cavity: a study” on 21.11.17

▶▶ ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Guest lecture: Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology delivered a lecture on “Integrated teaching’’ in faculty development program organized by Dental Education unit, held at IGIDS on 12.01.17. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended and delivered a guest lecture on Salivary gland imaging and forensic radiology, at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai between 19.01.17 and 21.01.17. Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Design considerations in RPD, Philosophy and Principles on 5th Rapid Review & Revision Course in Prosthodontics and Implantology from 6.02.17 to 8.02.17 at Faculty of Dental sciences, Sri Ramachandra University.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Manoharan P.S, Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, delivered a lecture on “OSCE/OSPE” in faculty development program organized by Dental Education unit, held at IGIDS on 10.02.17.

Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer and Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology delivered a lecture on “Oral Hygiene” as a part of the Oral Hygiene day Celebration on 24.08.2017 at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering.

Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, and Head, Department Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics delivered a Key Note Lecture on “Current Concepts in Cariology” Department of Periodontology delivered a guest lecture on the topic Occlusion at the 10th National held on 11.02.17 and 12.02.17 at Trivandrum. ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 26.08.2017 and Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of 27.08.2017 Periodontology gave a guest lecture on the topic “Diagnosis and treatment planning in Periodontology” Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Professor, Department of Conservative & Endodontics gave the integrated guest at the IDA conference at Vellore on 26.02.2017. lecture on “Contact & Contour for better periodontal Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr. SaravanaKumar, health” and Dr. Pratebha, Professor Department of Dr. Manoharan, Dr. Senthil, Dr.M.Shivasakthy, Periodontology delivered a lecture on “Periodontal Dr.Vikneshan, Dr. Jananni were resource persons for considerations in establishing contacts and contours the “Faculty Training Program (TOT’S-DEU)” held with composite resins” at the Post-Conference course between 1.03.17 to 4.03.17, at SRM Dental college, conducted as a part of the 10th National ISPRP Ramapuram, Chennai. Conference in Chennai on 28.08.2017 Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dr. Jananni, Dr.Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology delivered a Prosthodontics, participated as guest speaker in the keynote lecture on the topic “Scope of periodontology” 4th CDE program held at JSL Dental clinic, Karaikalat Chettinad Dental College on 7.03.17. 17.09.2017 on “Impression – the first step to success”. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics attended the TYT-Teaching & Training skills for PGs held at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry on 10.03.17 as a resource person. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology delivered a lecture in SCOPE on “Case documentation and record maintenance” on 25.05.2017 held at MGMCRI. Dr. Sivaramakrishnan. N, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has delivered a lecture on “Career opportunities after BDS” held on 26.05.17 organized by Dental Education Unit, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. Dr. Vezhavendhan N, Professor from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has delivered a lecture on the topic “Diagnosing Potentially Malignant disorder - Exfoliative cytology” for the Intern Spices Model on 2.06.17 at IGIDS Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology gave a guest lecture on the occasion of Oral Hygiene day at Raja Muthaiah Dental College, Chidambaram on 01.08.2017 Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology delivered an orientation lecture for 1st year PG students of IGIDS on Value added programs in addition to Master of Dental surgery on 23.8.17 at MGMCRI.

Awards/ Recognition: Patency applied by Dr. Yuvraj, Professor, Dr. Balaji, Senior lecturer, Dept. of OMFS and Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics. Title: A selfretaining lingual flap guarding device for Extraction of mandibular lower third molars application number:E­2 .2920.2016/CHE Dr. Jananni, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology made a podium presentation on the topic “Evaluation of oral health attitude, knowledge and behavior among group of dental students in Pondicherry- preliminary cross sectional study and was awarded third prize during SBV research week conducted from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17 at MGMCRI Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has been awarded certificate of appreciation for her meritorious contributions towards the participation as Judge – Health Sciences in Anveshan 2016 jointly organized by Association of Indian Universities and Annamalai University at Annamalai University from 27.03.17 to 29.03.17. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics has filed patency of a mobile based educational system titled “SNACS - An Educational System for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education” and allotted with patent application number of 201741013553 with the filing date of 17.04.2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics completed “Mindshift; breakthrough obstacles to learning and discover your hidden potential” online Coursera course and obtained certificate on April 2017.

DrVandana, Reader is a Reviewer board member in the Journal of Oral Medicine, OralSurgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology.

DrVandana, Reader Collaborating with fungiscope Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics registry in documenting cases of deep fungal infection. received the Best Paper Award for “Value the formative Assessment for it values the student outcome- A historic Dr. John, Senior lecturer is a Editorial board member Cohort study on dental undergraduate students in India” in the Journal of Current Research in scientific Medicine. at 4th International conference on teaching and education science (ICTES 2017), 23.06.17 to 25.06.17 held at Dr.Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics and Penang, Malaysia. Preventive Dentistry won the second prize for the poster presentation on “Role of Yoga in chronic diseases” at the National Seminar cum Workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management & rehabilitation of chronic diseases” on 23rd June 2017, organised by the Dept. of CYTER at MGMCRI Dr. Vandana, Reader, is a member of International Academy of Oral oncology from 11.7.17 Dr. Senthil, Prof & Head, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17.

Dr.Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV/IGIDS SCORE (Systematic competency oriented education for CRRI’s in dentistry) at Intellectual property, India Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV- EPICS (Sri Balaji Vidyapeethevidence- based personalized imparting of communication skills) at Intellectual property, India. Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV- Pro-PReP (Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth practice oriented – peer review for prosthodontics) at Intellectual property, India. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV/IGIDS CB CRESIDENT(SBV/IGIDS – choice based credit system in dentistry) at Intellectual property, India. Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics filed copyright for STRAP- SNACS- (Strategic pathway for students needing additional curricular support- The SBV initiative) at Intellectual property, India. Dr.Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology is a Assistant Editor and Issue editor of Journal of advanced clinical and research Insights.

Dr. Vikneshan, Reader, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for BMJ South Asia Award -2017 and for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal SBV educational video and SCORE program for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV and for submitting the proposal for BMJ South Asia Award -2017 from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for BMJ South Asia Award -2017 and for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics has been certified for completing an online non-credit course “Instructional methods in Health Professions Education” authorized by University of Michigan and Offered through Coursera, on 05.09.17. Dr Bindu Meera John, Reader & Dr Prasanna Eswar Sai, Tutor, department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics invited as a judge Dental boys and girls hostel for swatchata pakhwada clean campaign (students hostel cleanliness) on 11.09.2017. Dr. Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, was a part of organizing committee for PEDOSPHERE, the 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held between 14.09.17 to16.09.17 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Dr.Manoharan P.S,Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics obtained certificate of accomplishment and gold medal for academic excellence having secured the highest marks in PG diploma in health profession education examination at university level on 22.09.17 at the Doctoral Convocation, SBV. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry was awarded certificate of accomplishment and Gold Medal by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for securing highest marks in Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy university exam of CYTER in 2016 at the Doctoral Convocation, SBV on 22.09.17. Dr Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer, received Gold Medal and certificate of excellence for securing highest marks in Oral Medicine and Radiology, MDS exams, 2015 at MGMCRI, SBV University on 22.9.17. Dr Bindu Meera John, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics was part of the Prize committee member for the special convocation conducted by SBV University which is held on 22.09.2017. Dr Prasanna Eswar Sai, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics were a part of organizing committee member of NITW(National Integrated Typhoon Workshop) 2017 conducted by Indian orthodontic society and the workshop was organized & hosted by Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, IGIDS.

Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Department of Periodontology, served as the Scientific Chairman in the National UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, served as the Scientific Co- Chairman in the National UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, served as the Registration in – Charge in the National UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, served as the Accomodation & Hospitality In-Charge in the National UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, served as the Treasurer in the National UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Dr. Senthil, Prof & Head, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry participated as a Consultant for National Oral Health Policy meeting held at New Delhi on 9th November 2017 Dr Aniruddh Yashwant.V won the 2nd place in the Faculty podium presentation at Intra collegiate competition in SBV Research Week held on 12th December 2017 Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Department of Periodontology, was awarded III prize in the SBV research week celebration for the paper titled “Assessment of true clinical end points in periodontal flap therapy patients” held on 12th December 2017

Officiation as chairperson: Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, and Head Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics on External reviewer, IRB, in SRM on Jan 2017 in Chennai.

Dr.Bindu M John judged poster competition for Dr. Saravana Kumar R. Department of Periodontology, SCORE Mangalore on 03.02.17 and 04.02.17 for served as the Organizing Co-Chairman in the National undergraduates. UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology participated in debate on topic Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Department of “Microsurgery” at SRMC between 9.02.17 and 12.02.17. Periodontology, served as the Organizing Secretary in the National UG Periodontology Conference “Perio Fiesta Dr G S Prathima, Prof and Head, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry chaired a scientific session at 2017” which was held on 3rd and 4th November 2017 Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

14th ISPPD National PG convention, PEDO-CARIE – Exploring ECC, held from 9th -11.02.17 at M S Ramaiah Medical College Auditorium, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Bengaluru.

Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics presented in the scientific session organized by Dept. of Health Professions Education, SBV on “The Concept of Best Evidence Medical Education” on 11.03.17.

Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery chaired a session of scientific paper presentation and poster presentation at the Face Stat-Us AOMSI Conference, Chennai from 2.03.17 to 4.03.17.

Dr. Vandana, Reader, Dept of Oral medicine, presented Poster titled “Estimation of resistive index of oral squamous cell carcinoma and correlation with tumour thickness using color Doppler ultra sonogram” on 17.05.2017- 20.05.2017 in 6th International academy of oral oncology (IAOO) world congress held at Bangalore.

Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology was the chairperson for a session at 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith in Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17. Dr.Prathima.G.S, Prof & Head, Dr Kayalvizhi, Professor, Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dr.Suganya, Dr Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry chaired a Scientific session at the PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th - 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head and Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have been acknowledged as Chair-person in the CDE programme “Path Scope 2017” held on 11th October 2017 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospital, Melmaruvathur.

Presentation in Conference/ CDE: Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has presented poster “Estimation of salivary glucose, pH, flow rate in Gestational Diabetes mellitus” at the Intracollegiate Competition in the SBV Research Week 2016 organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry under the auspices of Deanery – Research and Scientific & Academic Fora of SBV held from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17. Dr.Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology presented a poster on the topic “Evaluation of oral health attitude, knowledge and behavior among group of dental students in Pondicherry- preliminary cross sectional study during SBV research week conducted from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17 at MGMCRI.

Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics presented paper entitled at ” rejuvenating the quality of life of patient using dental implants - case series” Bioner Central European Symposium on 15th- 16th August 2017 at Tashkent, Uzbekisthan. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, presented an E- Poster on “Interdisciplinary Pediatric Dentistry” (Integrating Indigenous Medicine with Pedodontics for a Holistic Care. The Need of the Hour), Dr. Suganya M, Senior Lecturer in presented a original research paper titled “Effectiveness of On-the-Job training of primary health care workers on the knowledge regarding Infant Oral Health Care” (Interdisciplinary Pediatric Dentistry), Dr. Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry presented a original research paper titled Prevalence of the Cusp of Carabelli in children aged 11-16 Years In Davangere, A City In Karnataka at the PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, attended and presented poster titled “Structure of evaluation of a training program for dental graduates in internship” at MIMECON 2017 organised by medical education unit at MGMCRI on 16.09.17. Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics attended and presented poster titled “unrelenting motivation & inspiration of millenials using practice oriented peer review” at MIMECON 2017 organised by medical education un it at MGMCRI on 16.09.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. S. Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology presented a poster titled on “The Attitude of Millennial Dentists Towards Choosing Public Health Dentistry as a Career” in MIMECON - 2017 on 16.9.17 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology presented a poster titled on “Assessment of perception of competencies among group of dental students in Puducherry” in MIMECON - 2017 on 16.9.17 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, presented on outcome based education for PGDHPE candidates at SBV University.

Participation in Conference /CDE: Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. K.R. Premlal, Reader, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics have attended the Podium presentation in the SBV Research Week 2016 organised by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry under the auspices of Deanery – Research and Scientific & Academic Fora of SBV held from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17. All faculty have attended the faculty development program on “Integrated teaching” delivered by Dr. Mahalakshmi and Dr.Vishwanath on 12.01.17 at 7th floor conference hall. Dr.Aniruddh Yashwant.V, Senior lecturer, participated in “OrthoSearch-17” held at Adhiparasakthi Dental college & hospital, Melmaruvathur on 18.01.17. Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean and Head department of conservative dentistry and endodontics participated in the hospital administrators second annual conclave on current challenges in private teaching hospitals organized by the MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 21.01.17. Dr G S Prathima, Prof and Head, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a lecture on “ Conservative cast gold restoration – Tucker`s Technique” as part of Pre summit workshop of the First World Gold Restoration Summit held on 27.01.17 at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai.

of Gold Foil Operators from 29.01.17 to 31.01.17 in Accord Metropolitan, Chennai. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr.Pratebha Professor, Dept of periodontology, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Swetha Thomas, Lecturer, Dept of Oral Medicine, Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof. Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Suganya M, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Dr. Varsha professor, Dept of prosthodontics, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan. M and Dr. Suganya R, Senior Lecturers from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology attended the center for animal research, training and services, Nipunaskill development course on the topic of laboratory animal experimentation for researchers – Part I of IV at MGMCRI on 02.02.17. Dr.Vineela, Reader Dept. of Periodontology, Dr.Karthikeyan, Senior lecture Dept of Periodontology, Dr Sanguida, Reader, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a CDE program named ‘ORTHO MERGE’ on 03.02.17 at IGIDS, Puducherry. Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr. Nithin, Senior Lecturer, from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the ‘’Face Status Tamilnadu’’ AOMSI annual conference held from March 2.02.17 to 4.02.17. Dr.Bindu M John, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentitsry and Endodontics attended SCORE, for the undergraduates research held on 03.02.17 and 04.02.17 at T.M.A.Pai Convention Center, Mangalore. All faculty have attended the Faculty Development Program “Orientation Program on OSPE and OSCE” on 10.02.17. Dr.Mithunjith Senior Lecturer Attended an International Hands on Workshop on Masterclass by Walter Devato in Achievable Aesthetic Composite

Dr G S Prathima, Prof and Head, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended the First World Gold Restoration Summit held on 28.01.17 and 29.01.17 at Hotel Accord Metropolitan, Chennai, India. Dr.Bindu M John, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentitsry and Endodontics attended Cast Gold Workshop with Hands on, organised by Indian Academy Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Restorations Held in Kaula Lumpur,Malaysia on 11.02.17 and 12.02.17 All faculty have attended the Lecture on “Scientific Writing for Publication” delivered by Prof. Muthu. M. S. on 17.02.17 organized by Dental Education Unit and Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS . Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended “MCQ workshop” at MGMCRI on 23.02.17.

Dr. Anoop Mathew and Dr. Aniruddh Yashwant.V, Senior lecturers, participated in the 13th International Congress of Cleft lip and palate and craniofacial anomalies All faculty of IGIDS participated in the SAF program ‘Yoga for dentists’ held on 4.04.17, at SBV, Puducherry. Dr. Vandana, Reader, Dr.Swetha Paulose Senior lecturer attended lecture on Molecular aspects of Glaucoma by Dr. Ghanshyam Swaroop (CIDRF) on 07.04.2017.

Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Dr. Vandana, Reader Dr. John, Dr.SwethaPaulose, Periodontology gave a guest lecture on the topic “Diagnosis and treatment planning in Periodontology” Senior lecturer Dr. Muneer tutor, Dept of Oral Medicine, Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, at the IDA conference at Vellore on 26.02.17. Professor, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader from the department All faculty of IGIDS attended B.P. Rajan External of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Pratebha oration by Dr. Parameswaran on 28.02.17. Balu Professor, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, Dr.Praveen, Senior Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Professor, Dr. K.R. Prem Lal, Reader, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Endodontics, all faculty from Orthodontics attended Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. orientation lecture on “Ful Bright Nehru Scholarship” Suganya, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral for students researchers by Maya Soundaraj organized Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Pratebha Professor, by SAF on 10.04.2017 at MGMCRI Dr. Jananni, Senior lecturer, Dept of Periodontia have participated at the International Conference on Dr. Selvabalaji.A, senior lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics “Microbiome in Health, Disease and environment” and Preventive Dentistry attended the CDE program organised by Central Inter-disciplinary Research “Pedofest” held at Adhiparaskthi dental college, Facility of SBV University held on 3.03.17 and Melmaruvathur on 11.4.17 4.03.17. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head from the department Dr G S Prathima, Prof and Head, Dr Sanguida A, of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Vandana, Reader Reader, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Dr. Dr. John, Dr.Sivasankari, Dr.SwethaPaulose, Senior V.Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, lecturer Dr. Muneer tutor, Dept of Oral Medicine has Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept. of attended the ‘Integrated Clinical Society Meeting’ on prosthodontics, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. 21.04.17 organized by the department of Periodontology, of Periodontology, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader from the Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics and department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology attended the 4th International Conference on Music Therapy: Salutogenic Approach to Health conducted by CMTER, at MGMCRI, SBV University, on 10.03.17. Dr.Mithunjith Senior Lecturer Attended an Hands on Workshop on Microscopic Endodontics By Dr. Sijujacob Held in the Microscope Training Centre,Bangalore on 15.03.17 and 16.03.17. Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Nithin, Senior Lecturer, from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept of prosthodontics, Dr.Lakshmi Devi, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics participated in the “ORTHO SURGE’’ held on 25.03.17, at SBV, Puducherry. Dr.Lakshmi Devi, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended National level CDE program “RACE” for the Under Graduate students held on 30.03.17 & 31.03.17 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital, Melmaruvathur.

Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics on behalf of Scientific and Academic Program of IGIDS. Dr.Mithunjith.k, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended a one day hands on course in Rubberdamaology held in Chennai on 22.04.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof. from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the workshop ‘Analysis using epi-data’ held from 25.04.17 to 27.04.17 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer & Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the Microbiology basic training for one week during April – May 2017 in the Department of Microbiology, MGMCRI, SBV. Dr. Saravanakumar Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela. R Reader Department of Periodontology attended Board of studies on 11.05.2017 at IGIDS Dr. Karthikeyan Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology, Dr.Lakshmi Devi, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dr.Suganya, senior lecturer, Dr.Selvabalaji, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr.Sivasankari, Dr.SwethaPaulose, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine actively contributed as Scientific Committee member at the 11th National PG Convention IAPHD held on 12.05.17 and 13.05.17. Dr.Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended “ Lecture on “Emerging Areas of Educational Research in Health Professions” on 13.5.17 at MEU Conference Hall Annexe, MGMCRI

Dr. Muneer, Tutor, Dept of Oral Medicine participated in world no tobacco day road rally organized by public health dentistry on 31.05.2017 Dr. Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer, Dept of Oral Medicine participated in door to door tumor board camp on 06.06.2017 Dr.Praveen, Senior Lecturer and Dr.Geena Mary, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning on 12.06.17 at MGMCRI. Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the ‘International Yoga day celebration’ held from 20.6.17 to 23.6.17at SBV, Puducherry. Dr. John Senior lecturer and Dr. Muneer tutor, Dept. of Oral Medicine Dr. Prasanya, tutor, Department of Prosthodontics attended Nilgiris dental health program on 23.6.2017 to 25.6.2017 for the tribal population of Kothagiri. Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior lecturer, Department of Periodontology, Dr.Vikneshan, Reader, Dept of PHD, Dr.Prathima.G.S, Prof & Head, Dr.Sanguida.A, Reader, Dr.Suganya, senior lecturer Dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry participated as a delegate at the National Seminar cum workshop on “Role of Yoga in Prevention, management and Rehabilitation of Chronic diseases on 23.06.2017

Dr. Jananni Senior lecturer Department of Periodontology, Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer & Dr. Kishore, Tutor from the Dept. of oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Vandana, Reader Dr.Swetha Paulose Senior lecturer, Dept of Oral Medicine participated in the SAF program ‘Record maintenance and documentation’ in SCOPE by Dr.Vishwanath held on 25.05.17 at IGIDS, Puducherry

Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof& Dr.Shyamala, Senior Lecturer, from the Dept. of Oral &Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head Dr. John, Dr.Sivasankari Senior lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr.Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr.Bindu Meera John Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended ‘Protocol Writing & Basic research methodology’ workshop from 27.06.17 to 29.6.17 held at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry.

Dr. Santha Devy, Professor and Head, Dept of Oral Pathology, Dr.Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology attended the Interns’ orientation program on 26.05.17 at IGIDS

Dr. Prathima.G.S, Prof& Head, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry volunteered and participated in the Himalayan Dental project at Lambdon School and general population of Leh, Ladakh from 01.07.2017 to10.07.2017.

Dr. Swetha P Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine screened first year medical post graduate screening camp from 29.5.17 to 1.6.17 held at MGMCRI, SBV.

Dr. John attended pre-conference workshop and International conference on ‘Molecular Biological techniques in personalized Medicine’ at MGMCRI on 3.7.17 to 5.7.17

Dr. Vandana, Reader attended 6th International academy of oral oncology (IAOO) world congress held at Bangalore on 17.05.2017- 20.05.2017.

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Dr. Jananni Senior lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended Lecture on “Outcome Based Education in Health Professions’’ on 6.7.17 at MEU Conference Hall Annex, MGMCRI. Dr. Vandana Dr. John, Dr.Sivasankari attended guest lecture by Dr C.Palanivel on ‘My Tryst with Laproscopic Surgery’ as part of MVK Iyer Annual Oration at SAF, MGMCRI, on 14.7.17. Dr.R.Sathyanarayanan, Prof& Head, Dr. V.Yuvaraj. Prof, Dr. Nithin, Senior Lecturer & Dr.Shyamala, Senior Lecturer, from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended the MVK Oration on 14.07.17, at SBV, Puducherry. Dr. Vandana, Reader attended guest lecture by Professor Srinivasan on ‘Sustained breast feeding’ at SAF, MGMCRI on 4.8.17 Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Lakshmi Devi, Tutor attended Internal MCQ workshop conducted by Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan from 07.08.2017 to 10.08.2017 Dr.Aniruddh Yashwant.V was part of organizing team and participated in the SAF programme “NEET Orientation Lecture” held on 9th August, 2017. Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Professor & Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics participated in special webinar conducted by colgate on 10.08.2017 at IGIDS Conference hall. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology, Dr.Bindu Meera John, Dr. Praveen Rajesh & Dr. Nansi Ramalingam, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. Muneer, Tutor, Department of Prosthodontics Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor & Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dept. of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof & Dr.Shyamala, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. John, Dr. Swetha Paulose, Dept. of Oral Medicine, Dr.Senthil and Dr.Vikneshan attended MCQ workshop held at IGIDS, SBV on 17th,18th and 22nd August 2017 Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader Department of Periodontology attended the 10th National ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 26.08.2017 and 27.08.2017 Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology attended the lecture on “Periodontal considerations in establishing contacts and contours with composite resins” delivered by Dr. Pratebha during the Post-Conference

course conducted as a part of the 10th National ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 28.08.2017 Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, completed edweb webinar on “From Expel to Excel: Positive Alternatives to Expelling At-Risk Preschool Boys” related to SNACS and obtained certificate on 29.08.17. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, completed edweb webinar on “Support Struggling readers alongside their peers” related to SNACS and obtained certificate on 01.09.17. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dr Sevabalaji A, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended PEDOFEAST, CDE programme on Dental Trauma by Dr. Nester Cohenca, President of International Association of Dental Traumatology at Adhiparasakthi Dental College on 12th September 2017. Dr. Kishore, 15 interns and 5 final BDS students attended a one day workshop on “Accessibility – A Catalyst for Inclusion” on 15th September 2017 at Pondicherry University organized Sathya Special School. Dr. Prathima.G.S, Prof& Head, Dr Kayalvizhi, Professor, Dr. Sanguida. A, Reader, Dr.Suganya, Dr Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended PEDOSPHERE, 39TH Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr.Varsha Murthy, Prof, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended workshop titled “classroom/ lesion strategies to accommodate the diversity of ” on MIMECON 2017 organized by medical education un it at MGMCRI on 16.09.17. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Jananni Senior lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology participated as a Delegate in MIMECON - 2017 on 16.9.17 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry All the faculty of Department of Orthodontics were part of the organizing team and participated in National Integrated typodont workshop 2017 held on September 21st -23rd, 2017 Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended the Workshop on “Yoga and Psychotherapy- Bridging East and West” by Dr. Stephen Parker on 29th September 2017 organized by CYTER at SBV.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr. Prathima.G.S, Prof& Head, Dr.Suganya, Dr Selavabalaji A, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a colgate webinar on topic “TeDiE Technique- Injecting the innocent” delivered by Dr. MS Muthu, Prof and Head, Pediatric Dentistry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor and Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor and Dr. Prem Lal, Reader from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the CDE programme “Path Scope 2017” held on 11th October 2017 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospital, Melmaruvathur. Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Dr. S. Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Manoharan P. S. Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr. Vidyalakshmi. S, Reader, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology attended a CDE program “CORE” on 12.10.17 at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry Dr. Manoharan P. S. Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr John, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral medicine and radiology, Dr. S. Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended CDE program on “Empathy in patient care” on 13.10.17 Dr. Bindu Meera John, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentitry and Endodontics attended webinar on golden rules of shaping no matter how you spin it- Dr. John West, on the 16th October, 2017. Dr. Senthil, Prof & Head, Dr.Vikneshan, Reader, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry attended National conference held at A.C.P.M Dental college, Dhule between 3.11.17 and 5.11.17. Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Vandana, Reader and Dr John, senior lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended SAF Monthly Meet on “Predatory Publications’’, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry on 17th Nov 2017 Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Senthil, Prof & Head, Dr.Thamarai, Tutor, attended Certificate Course on Palliative care recognized by Indian Association of Palliative Care held at MGMC&RI on 17, 18 &19th November 2017. Dr.Praveen, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentitry and Endodontics attended International Esthetic Master’s World Online Congress, on 6th -10th Dec 2017. Dr.Vijaykumar.V was part of organizing team of “SBV Research week” held from 7th to 12th December, 2017.

Dr Prathima G S, Prof and Head, Dr Sanguida, Reader, Dept of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended the International symposium on Yoga Therapy held on 13 Dec, 2017 at CYTER department, MGMCRI campus, SBV, Pondicherry.

▶▶ Miscellany Dr.Vineela, Reader Dept. of Periodontology, Dr.Karthikeyan Senior lecturer Dept. of Periodontology and Dr.Priyadharshini, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology were the members of the organizing committee- “SBV Research Week” at MGMCRI from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17. Dr Selvabalaji, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept of Prosthodontics were a part of the organizing team in the 4th International Conference on Music Therapy: Salutogenic Approach to Health conducted by CMTER, at MGMCRI, SBV University, on 10.03.17.

Examinership: Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dept. of Periodontology went as an external examiner for undergraduate dental exams held at MGPGI Pondicherry on 14.02.2017 Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology went as an external examiner for undergraduate dental exams held at SRM Dental college, Chennai from 13.02.2017 to 16.02.2017. Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral Surgery was invited as an external examiner at Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital on 23.03.17 & 24.03.17. Dr. Saravana Kumar Prof & HOD Department of Periodontology went as Postgraduate external examiner to Ramakrishna Dental College on 23rd and 24th May 2017. Dr. Premlal, Reader from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as external examiner for I year B.D.S. from 24th April to 26th April 2017 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University Chidambaram. Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as external examiner for III year B.D.S. from 27th April to 29th April 2017 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Dr.Bindu Meera John,Reader, Department of Conservative Dentitry and Endodontics went as an External Examiner to Rajah Muthiah Dental College For Second Year BDS (Preclinical Conservative Dentistry) on 27th to 29th of April 2017 in Chidambaram.

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Dr.Manoharan P.S,Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics went as PG examiner to RMDCChidambaram from 10th and 11th july 2017 Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery was invited as an external examiner for a post graduate examination at M.R. Ambedkar Dental College, Bangalore from 24.07.17 to 26.07.17 Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology went as an PG examiner to Krishna Deva Raya Dental College, Bangalore on 24th, 25th, 26th, July 2017 Dr.Manoharan P.S,Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics went as PG examiner to kannur dental college from 26th to 28th july 2017. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, went as PG external examiner to KLE Dental College, Bangalore. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, went as PG external examiner to PMS Dental College, Trivandarum. Dr. Vikneshan, External examiner to RVS dental college, Coimbatore for DR.TN.MGR university IV BDS Public Health dentistry examination Dr. Senthil, External examiner to CSI Dental College, Madurai for DR.TN.MGR University, IV BDS Public Health dentistry examination Dr Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Department of Periodontology went as an UG examiner to Priyadharshini Dental College Chennai from 28.08.2017 to 31.08.2017 Dr.Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Recognized as PhD paper evaluator. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics Went for paper evaluation for final year, prosthodontics at Pondicherry University on 26.09.2017. Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics Went as external examiner to SRM dental college from 16th to 19th aug2017 Dr. N. Vezhavendhan, Professor from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as external examiner for I year B.D.S. on 11th & 12th September 2017 at Savitha Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi, Reader from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as External Paper Evaluator for III year B.D.S. on 26th September 2017 at Pondicherry University.

Dr. P. S Manoharan, Professor and Head, Department of Prosthodontics was recognized as PhD evaluator for Annamalai University and have evaluated Part I, II and III of PhD Examinations

▶▶ ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES SBV RESEARCH WEEK (January 2nd to 6th, 2017) Scientific and Academic fora of MGMCRI, IGIDS & KGNC organized the SBV Research week from January 2nd to 6th, 2017. This 5 day program showcased the ICMR research projects of Undergraduate students, Dissertations of Post graduate scholars of SBV and various colleges of Puducherry and also faculty research projects of SBV. Day 1 consisted of Intra University Poster Competition for ICMR projects by students of MGMCRI and SSMCRI and Intercollegiate podium presentation was held for ICMR projects of students of SBV and various medical and nursing colleges of Puducherry on Day 2(afternoon session).The winners of the ICMR podium presentation were awarded at the end of the program. Intra university poster presentation for dissertation of post graduates of the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University was held on 4.1.2017. The posters of Dr.Abdul and Dr.Yoga, Final year post graduate students, Department of Oral medicine and radiology were awarded 1st and 2nd places in the competition. The best three posters were selected to be presented for the Inter collegiate podium presentation held on 5.1.2017 (afternoon session). Post graduate scholars from various medical and nursing colleges of Puducherry presented their completed dissertations. Dr.Yoga, Final year post graduate student, Department of Oral medicine and radiology, IGIDS won the overall first place in this podium presentation. Intra university poster presentation for research projects of faculty of SBV was held on 6.1.2017. The best posters of faculty research projects were selected for podium presentation held on the same day (afternoon session).Dr.Jananni.M, Senior lecturer, Department of Periodontology, IGIDS won the third place in the podium presentation. The winners of the SBV research week and the judges for the event were honoured in the valedictory function held on 6.1.2017(Afternoon session).

FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM An Internal FDP on “INTEGRATION” was conducted by the Dental Education Unit, IGIDS for the faculty of IGIDS on 12.01.17. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Head of the Department, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology presented a lecture on “Integration in Dental Curriculum” and Dr. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, MGMCRI presented a lecture on “Integration in Medical Curriculum- MGMCRI Experience”



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Borderline Cases’. The lecture was followed by lunch for all the delegates. Post lunch session included the lecture of Dr. Baskar, Professor, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Rajah Muthaiah Dental College, Chidambaram. He delivered the lecture on ‘Informed Consent It’s Just Not a Signature’. The certificate of participation was awarded by the guest speakers to all the delegates and certificate of appreciation and a small memento was given to the guest speakers by the head of the department. The program ended with college anthem. The CDE program was funded by Ortho One, Medopharm & Sai Dental Supply.

ORTHOMERGE The CDE program, ORTHO MERGE 2017 was organized and conducted by Department of Orthodontics & dentofacial orthopedics, IGIDS, SBV, on 03.02.17. The program was aimed at enlightening the Post Graduates about the importance of statistics & treatment planning in orthodontics. The program was attended by 60 Delegates including faculty, postgraduates from various dental institutions of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu.

▶▶ FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM An Internal FDP on “OSCE/OSPE” was conducted by the Dental Education Unit, IGIDS for the faculty of IGIDS on 10.02.17. Dr. Manoharan, P.S. Head of the Department, Department of Prosthodontics delivered the lecture on OSCE/OSPE.

▶▶ HELMET AWARENESS CAMPAIGN – 13th FEB 2017 On the occasion of “Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons’ day 2017”, a bike rally was organized by the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, IGIDS to create awareness of helmet among general public. More than 60 volunteers of faculties & dental students participated in this rally. Mr.Rajeev Ranjan (SSP Law and order) invited as chief guest, Mr.Maran (SP traffic), Mr.Veera Balakrishnan (SP Law and order) were special invitees. The above

The program commenced at 9.30 AM with a prayer song followed by Welcome address by Dr. Senkutvan, Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics & dentofacial orthopaedics, IGIDS. To symbolize elimination of ignorance and bringing upon wisdom, kuthuvillaku was lit followed by a felicitation speech Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS. The inauguration was concluded by a vote of Thanks from Dr Pradeep babu kommi followed by college anthem and high tea. The first scientific session started with Dr Vignesh Kailasam, Professor Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, Sri Ramachandra Dental College & Hospital, Porur, Chennai. Dr.Vignesh Kailasam delivered an highly informative and enlightening lecture on “Statistics For The Orthodontist”. The second lecture was delivered by Dr.Dilip.S., Professor, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, SRM Dental college, Ramapuram, Chennai. He presented an insight on ‘Tactical Extraction Tips and Tricks’. The third lecture was delivered by Dr.Ratna, professor, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai. She presented a lecture on ‘Management of

dignitaries were felicitated by Dean Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr.Thiyagarajan (CMO) and Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of OMFS, IGIDS. The bike rally was inaugurated by Mr.Rajeev Ranjan and our Dean Dr. Carounanidy Usha. The road rally started at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College urban health centre and concluded at Gandhi statue in the beach via Kamaraj Salai, Anna salai, Bussy Street. The volunteers emphasized the importance of wearing helmets with placards and educational pamphlets were distributed throughout the rally. A Press note, Interview was released by Dr.Sathyanarayanan to stress the importance of wearing helmet.

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

▶▶ DARWIN’S WEEK The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology has celebrated the ‘Darwins Week from 13.02.17 to 17.02.17 on commemoration of Charles Darwin’s contributions to evolution by conducting various activities such as Community oral cancer screening camp, by encouraging faculty research proposals, debate for III year B.D.S. on the topic ‘Evolution of science and technology through ages, boon or bane’, motivational Speech by Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist from CIDRF on ‘The scientist as a responsible member of the society, A personal perceptive on research integrity’ to I year B.D.S and essay competition for postgraduates on the topic – ‘Research opportunities in the Undergraduate Curriculum – A Postgraduate perspective’.

Palla (Oral Medicine), Dr Monica (Oral Surgery), Dr Umamaheswari (Oral Pathology). The session was open for discussion after the end of all presentations. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by our Dean, Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.

▶▶ IRB REPORT The 13th Institutional review board meeting of IGIDS was held on 17.02.17 in Conference hall, 7th floor, IGIDS New block. The meeting on 17th feb,2017 was chaired by Prof.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS, Dr.Yuvraj, Member secretary, IRB, External members in the meeting were Dr. Balamurali, Professor, Dept of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, MGPGI, Puducherry, Dr.Gopichander, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, SRM dental college, Ramapuram, Chennai, Dr.Palanivel, Associate professor, Dept of Preventive & social medicine, JIPMER, Puducherry. The internal members in the meeting were Dr.Manoharan, Dr.Varsha, Dr.Pratibha. 12 new research proposals from UG, PG & faculty were reviewed and the modifications in study design and methodology were discussed in detail. The comments of the reviewers on the new research proposals were recorded online.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC WRITING FOR PUBLICATION – 17th February, 2017 ▶▶ CLINICAL SOCIETY MEETING Jan -Feb-2017 Clinical Society Meeting for the month of February was conducted from the Department of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology. The meeting started at 02.30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by our Dean, Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. R.Saravana Kumar and Prof. Dr. Santhadevy. The session was moderated by Dr.Anoop Mathew (Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics). There were three presentations on the topics 1. A case of LipomaDr Dhanraj (Oral Medicine), Dr Selvakumar (Oral Surgery), Dr A Aroumougam (Oral Pathology). 2. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma- A case Report. Dr Kavya (Oral Medicine), Dr Venugopalan (Oral Surgery), Dr Satheesh Kumar K (Oral Pathology). 3. Metastatic Carcinoma of Mandible- A case report. Dr Santhosh

Scientific Academic Forum (SAF) and Dental Education Unit (DEU), IGIDS, organized a lecture on “Scientific Writing for publication” on 17th February 2017, at MEU first floor lecture hall,Annexe block. The guest speaker for the day was introduced by Dr. Bindu M John, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, IGIDS. The guest speaker, Prof M.S.Muthu, Professor and Head, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Hospital, Chennai, shared his experience and enlightened the audience the art of scientific writing and narrated the steps towards getting a manuscript published. The audience for this highly informative lecture comprised of faculties of IGIDS and third year post graduate students. The guest speaker was honored with certificate of appreciation and memento by Prof Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of dentistry, IGIDS. Online feedbacks were taken and the session ended with high tea.

▶▶ NATIONAL SCIENCE FEST 2K17 National Science Fest 2K17 was celebrated on 28th February 2017 at IGIDS to commemorate Sir C V Raman’s contribution in Science. Inter collegiate table clinic competition was organized in association with scientific and academic program as a part of National Science Fest 2K17 at preclinical lab, Department of Prosthodontics, Old block, IGIDS, between 9 AM to 12.30 PM. The objectives of the program were to inculcate and nurture scientific interest among the growing undergraduate clinical dental students and



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

provide them a platform for expressing their ideas, concepts or a procedure in a table. Eminent judges for the inter collegiate competition were Prof Thillai Nayagam, Principal, Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospital, Melmaruvathur and Dr Senthil Nathan, Principal, Sri Venkateshwaraa Dental College, Pondicherry. A total of 81 comprising of 38 external and 43 in house candidates actively participated in the table clinic competition. The external participants were from eight colleges namely Rajah Mutiah Dental College and Hospital (Chidambaram), Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital (Chennai), Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospital (Melmaruvathur), Tagore Dental College and Hospital (Rathinamangalam), Saveetha Dental College and Hospital (Chennai), Babuji Dental College and Hospital (Davengere), Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences (Pondicherry) and SRM (Kaatan Kullathur). Simultaneously, patient educational poster and 2D model competition was also held for preclinical dental students at 3rd and 4th floor, new block, IGIDS. The competition was judged by Prof. Mohammed Hanifa, Department of General Medicine, MGMCRI, SBV and Prof. Sumathi, Child Health Nursing, KGNC. A total of 41 students actively competed and won prizes. Post lunch, the prizes for the winners of the table clinic, poster and 2D model competitions were given during the external oration program held at ground floor, MGMCRI.

▶▶ EXTERNAL ORATION, 28th February, 2017 The Annual Dr.B.P.Rajan External Oration, IGIDS was conducted on 28th February, 2017 in the afternoon session from 2.00PM to 4.30PM. The program started with the invocation of prayer song. Introduction of Dr. B. P. Rajan External Oration was rendered by the Prof.Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS. The immense contributions of Dr.B.P.Rajan to the field of dentistry were listed out. A Professor emeritus in Operative dentistry, he has held various important positions such as President, DCI and IDA, India, Vice Chancellor, Dr.MGR medical university, Chairman of Council of dental health, Special representative for the Govt of Tamilnadu in New Delhi, Founder of Ragas Dental college and Rajan dental hospital in Chennai. He was consultant and advisory board member for various renowned National and international bodies such as

ICMR, NBE, Dental education committee, Thesis Advisory committee for Tufts University etc. He had teaching experience of over 50 years and had numerous articles and books published to his credit. The Dean, IGIDS also shared her memorable and knowledgeable experience under Dr.B.P.Rajan. This was followed by the lighting of the Kuthuvilakku by the honourable dignitaries, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS, SBV University, Prof. A. Parameswaran, former Dean, TNGDC, Chennai and Mrs.Parameswaran. The felicitation address was given by Dr.Sethuraman, Vice chancellor, SBV University. The introduction for the guest speaker for the oration, Prof.A.Parameswaran, was given by Dr.P.S.Manoharan, Prof&Head, Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS. The achievements of Dr. A. Parameswaran in the field of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics and his contributions to dental education were briefed to the audience. Dr. A. Parameswaran was the Editor in–Chief of the professional body: ‘Federation of Operative Dentist of India’, membership in New York academy of sciences, Editorial board member of Asian journal of esthetic Dentistry (Malaysia), Asian Pacific Endodontic Federation (Australia),former President of Federation of Operative Dentistry India and active member in Indian Endodontic Society. His scholarship includes more than 40 publications in national and international journals and orations in more than 30 professional congregations. Following this introduction, the Orator medallion was bestowed upon Dr.A.Parameswaran by the Dean, IGIDS. The Dr.B.P.Rajan oration was then delivered by Dr.A.Parameswaran on “Future of General Dentistry”. His speech showed the transformation of dentistry in India from its primitive stage to the current scenario. His speech showcased the future prospects in dentistry and also the oppurtunities and guidance needed for the current generation of dental students. After the oration, the citation for Dr.A.Parameswaran was recited to the audience by Dr.Vineela Reddy, Member secretary, SAF and the citation was presented to Dr. A. Parameswaran by the Vice chancellor, SBV and the Dean, IGIDS. The oration program was followed by Prize distribution ceremony for the winners of Poster and Table clinic competition conducted as part of National Science Day celebration. The judges for this competition,

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Dr.Thillainayagam, Principal, APDC, Melmaruvathur and Dr.Senthilnathan, Principal, SVDC, Pondicherry, were honoured by the Vice chancellor, SBV and Dr.A.Parameswaran. The prizes were distributed to the winners by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Dr.A.Parameswaran, Dr.Carounanidy Usha and the judges. The Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.Pratheba.B, Member, DEU. The oration program ended with the college anthem and high tea.

▶▶ EXTERNAL CONSULTANCY, DENTAL EDUCATION UNIT The second external consultancy program of the Dental education unit of IGIDS was conducted at SRM Chennai. It was a four day training of trainers program from 01.03.17 to 04.03.17. Thirty five participants attended this program. The resource persons were Dr. M. Shivasakthy (teaching learning principles and adult learning principles, SNACS /SNAPS), Prof.Carounanidy Usha (Taxonomy of domains and Specific learning objectives, Lesson plan, small group teaching and chairside teaching, SOLO Taxonomy & Curriculum development), Dr.Jananni (Introduction to Microteaching, teaching learning media), Prof.Senthil.M (large group teaching and classroom discipline), Prof. Manoharan.P.S (Principles and practice of evaluation, question paper setting and blue print), Dr.Vikneshan (OSCE/OSPE) & Prof.Saravanakumar.R (oral exams). Parallel microteaching sessions were conducted by Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Prof.Saravana Kumar, Dr.Shivasakthy, Prof.Manoharan, Dr.Vikneshan.

and presented them with goodies. At the end of the day, the participants and accompanying parents were gathered for an interactive session on “improving oral hygiene practices”. An intra-collegiate patient education poster/video competition was held for undergraduate students on the 9th of March, 2017 where over 35 posters/videos were exhibited and judged. A walkathon was organized through the heart of Pondicherry from Raja theatre to Mahatma Gandhi Statue, with a goal to spread awareness on tooth decay and ended with a screening camp at the beach on the 11th of March, 2017. The posters made in the intra-collegiate competition were used for patient education. Around 200 volunteers including students and doctors from IGIDS participated in this walkathon with over 300 patients screened for dental caries. Tooth decay prevention aids such as toothpaste, mouth rinses, floss and interdental tooth brushes were distributed free of charge.

▶▶ CERAMIC WORKSHOP – 13.03.17-14.03.17 The two day workshop with hands on ceramic build up for metal ceramic restorations by Mr. Georgio, chief ceramist, Bio 1 Dental Lab on 13th and 14th march 2017 at IGIDS, started off with a welcome address by the Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, SBV it was an exclusive of all department faculties were participated.

▶▶ CELEBRATION OF CONS ENDO WEEK - 5th to 11th March, 2017 The first Annual National Cons Endo Week which themed “Caries Prevention Program” was celebrated in Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences (IGIDS), Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry in association with Indian academy of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics (IACDE) from the5th to 11th of March, 2017. An interschool poster competition titled “Tooth Cavities the way I know it” for middle school children (5th -8th standard) was conducted on the 7th of March, 2017 where over 55 enthusiastic students showcased their talents to four seasoned judges, who selected six of the best presentations

First session included an extensive lecture on the various materials, instruments and techniques available for metal-ceramic restorations. It was followed by a demonstration of step by step ceramic build up and firing of an anterior and posterior metal coping on a model. Each participant was then provided with a model, metal coping and a set of instruments. The participants had an hands on experience on manipulation of various ceramic shades and build up of the same on an anterior coping.

▶▶ ORTHOSURGE The CDE program, ORTHO SURGE 2017 was organized and conducted by Department of Orthodontics



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

& dentofacial orthopedics, IGIDS, SBV, on 25.03.17. The program was aimed at enlightening the Post Graduates about the importance of orthodontics in Orthoganathic, Cleft palate & its treatment planning. The program was attended by 60 Delegates including faculty, postgraduates from various dental institutions of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu. The program commenced at 9.30 AM with a prayer song followed by Welcome address by Dr. Senkutvan, Professor and Head, Department of Orthodontics & dentofacial orthopaedics, IGIDS. To symbolize elimination of ignorance and bringing upon wisdom, kuthuvillaku was lit followed by a felicitation speech by Dr.Shantha Devi, Vice Principal (student’s affairs) IGIDS. The inauguration was concluded by a vote of Thanks from Dr Hanumanth followed by college anthem and high tea. The first scientific session started with the informative lecture by Dr.U.S.Krishna Nayak, Dean, A.B.Shetty memorial dental college, managalore on the topic “multi-disciplinary approach’. The second lecture was delivered by Dr.P.Janardhanam, Professor, Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Sibar institute of dental sciences, Guntur,Andhra pradesh. He presented an insight on ‘Orthognathic Surgery-An Orthodontic Perspective’. The third lecture was delivered by Dr.Annamalai Thangavelu, Professor & Head, Department of Oral & maxillofacial surgery. Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University.He presented a lecture on ‘Orthognathic Surgery-An Surgical Perspective’’. Post lunch session included the fourth lecture by Dr.Sainath, Principal, Madha Dental College, Chennai. He delivered the lecture on ‘Adult Orthodontics’. The fifth lecture was delivered by Dr.Manikandan, professor & Director, Meenakshi Cleft & Craniofacial Center, MADC, Chennai. He presented a lecture on ‘Management of cleft – A maxillofacial surgeon’s perspective’’.

Professor, Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, Balaji Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. He presented a lecture on ‘Canine Impaction- A Surgical Perspective’. The eighth lecture was delivered by Dr.K.Rajasigamani, professor & Head, Department of orthodontics & dentofacial orthopaedics, Rajah Muthiah dental college & hospital, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. He presented a lecture on ‘Canine Impaction – A orthodontic perspective’. The certificate of participation was awarded to all the delegates and certificate of appreciation and a small memento was given to the guest speakers by the head of the department. The program ended with college anthem. The CDE program was funded by Ortho One, Medopharm, Anabond & 3m Uniteck.

Balint Sessions: Balint Sessions for periodic review of communication skills training for second and third year prosthodontic postgraduates was done two months (3rd and 4th January2017) and four months post training(1st and 7th march 2017). The sessions were conducted by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr.Varsha Murthy, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS, SBV and Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant professor in Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, SBV, Pondicherry. Dr.A.R.Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV attended the second session as an observer and gave valuable inputs.

Yoga for the Dentist Scientific and Academic forum, IGIDS conducted an interactive Ted Talk program “Yoga for the dentist” on 4th April, 2017 which was delivered by Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy director, Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER). The program was attended by clinical undergraduates, CRRIs, post graduates and faculty of IGIDS. The guest speaker for the day was introduced by Dr.Karthikeyan, Department of Periodontics. Dr.Ananda Balayogi detailed on the health hazards faced by dentists and doctors in general because of sedentary lifestyle and posture during work.He then explained the effects of yoga in helping achieve healthy and balanced lifestyle. Dr.

The sixth lecture was delivered by Dr.A.Nandakumar, Professor, Department of orthodontics & dentofacial orthopaedics, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. He presented a lecture on ‘Management of cleft – An Orthodontic perspective’’. The seventh lecture was delivered by Dr.T.Vigneshwaran, Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Balayogi and his team from CYTER then demonstrated few asanas and made the audience perform the same. Vice principals, IGIDS, Dr. Saravanakumar and Dr. Santha Devy then presented memento and certificates of appreciation to Dr. Ananda Balayogi and Dr. Meena Ramanathan, CYTER. Feedback was collected from audience and the program ended with high tea.

21.04.2017- Clinical Society Meeting The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society programme to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02.30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS.The meeting was attended by our Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. Santha devy. The session was moderated by Dr. Priyadarshini (Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology). There were seven presentations on the topic, 1. Single step apexification with MTA- A case report by Dr Vijayaraja. 2. Reattachment of fractured coronal segment-A case report by Dr Souvik. 3. Morphological variation of root canal- An endodontic challenge by Dr Jeyagopika. 4. Acrylic cranial plate for the replacement of missing parietal bone – A case report by Dr Vidhya. 5. Silicone Finger prosthesis with internal cast metal framework- A case report by Dr Jithin. V. Mathew. 6. Ear prosthesis with spectacles attachment-A case report by Dr Sonia Abraham. 7. Salvaging teeth with questionable prognosisA case report by Dr Arun Verghese, Dr Arvina and Dr Shahinas. The sessions were open for discussion at the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Prof. Dr. Sathyanarayanan and Prof. Dr. Manoharan P S. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.

Fulbright scholarship for students and researchers 10th May 2017 Scientific and Academic Fora of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC conducted an orientation program on “Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships” on 10th May 2017.The resource person for this program was Dr. S. Lalitha Nageswari, Program Coordinator, United StatesIndia Educational Foundation, Fulbright Commission in India. This program provided an overview on who can apply for the Fulbright scholarship, the process of application and eligibility criteria for the applicants. The various types of scholarships under Fulbright foundation were also explained. The program was attended by faculty and postgraduates of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC. The program ended with interactive session and high tea.

Narayanan, President IAPHD and Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. This convention was based on the theme ORAL PROGRAMS “REACHING THE UNREACHED” where international speakers spoke on various aspects of delivering oral health care services to the underserved people. More than 250 public health dentist over the country presented their scientific posters and prototypes of various oral health programs to reach people. At the end, a panel discussion headed by Dr.Swathicharan, Program Director of National Oral Health Program (NOHP), Government of India, discussed on various models of public and private partnership in implementing NOHP. At the end of the panel discussion, the panel members released a model “Puducherry Declaration for Implementation of National Oral Health Program”. 1​ . All the states should preferably have one Nodal officer or Oral Health Consultant for NOHP with a qualification of MDS Public health dentistry. 2. IAPHD should provide a Policy framework for implementation of PPP model by involving the public health dentistry departments of all the dental institutes for better implementation of NOHP. 3. This framework once drafted would be submitted to MoHFW for discussion and necessary action to be taken at all appropriate levels. 4. All the private public health dentistry departments will provide the services as directed by the Nodal officer and be supported as proposed by the policy framework. 5. The state Nodal officer will evaluate and monitor the PPP model and allocate the districts for each dental college for NOHP.

SCOPE 2017

Report on 11th National Pg Convention 2k17

The Student Clinician Orientation ProgrammE for the referred batch (2017-18) of III year students was organized by the Dental Education Unit, IGIDS on 25th May 2017. Prof. Santha Devy, Vice Principal (Students’ Affairs) addressed the students. Dr. Rajkumar, Students advisor, conducted the oath taking and badging ceremony. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology, IGIDS delivered a lecture on “Case documentation and Record maintenance”.

National Post Graduate Convention of Indian Association Health Dentistry was inaugurated on 12th May 2017 by Dr.R.K. Bali, former president Council of India & present Hon.Secretary in the presence of Dr. Sethuraman. K.R Vice chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Dr.Aswath

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, IGIDS conducted student exchange program in Cariology with M.S.Ramaiah Dental college, Bangalore on the 25th and 26th May 2017.

Student exchange program



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

On the first day, 25th May, there was an ice breaking session during which brief introduction happened between the host postgraduates and Postgraduates of M.S.Ramaiah Dental College. Pretest was conducted followed by lecture on Cons Vs Endo by Prof. Carounanidy Usha and Protocol of Cariology clinic of IGIDS by Dr.Geena Mary. Post break session, lecture was delivered on Dental Caries-Current concepts by Prof.Carounanidy Usha. In the Post lunch session the exchange students had visited the Department and observed how the undergraduates did comprehensive case management under rubber dam isolation. The postgraduates were shown the cariology records. Host postgraduate Dr. Chandana demonstrated fluorescence camera in detection of dental caries. Finally the day ended with the self-reflection and debriefing of all the post graduate students. On the second day 26th May, the day started with the rapporteur session for the previous day by one post graduate student. The session started with lecture on Caries Risk Assessment by Prof. Carounanidy Usha. Followed by lecture on treatment decisions based on Caries Management by Risk Assessment by Prof. Carounanidy Usha and then assembled for the chair side learning: Caries Risk Assessment case sheet demonstrated by Dr. Geena Mary on patient. Post lunch session, post test was conducted. Program feedback through online was collected. Picture quiz was conducted on ICDAS -II. The session ended with reflection writing and photographic session.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Devameena, Dr. Amuthavalli and Dr. Bejoy. Video clippings of the improvement in communication skills was shown to the postgraduates apart from the discussions about ongoing and completed cases.

Report on Protocol Writing and Research Methodology workshop A workshop on “Protocol Writing and Research Methodology” was organized by research committee and IQAC, IGIDS from 27th to 29th June 2017 at Conference hall, 7th Floor new college block. Dr.Sonali Sarkar, Additional Professor, Dr.Palanivel.C, Associate Professor from the Department of PSM, JIPMER, Dr. Kalaiselvi.S, Assistant Professor, Dept of PSM, PIMS and Dr.Pruthu. TK, Assistant Professor, Dept of PSM, MGMCRI were facilitators for the workshop. Topics like study design, literature search, sample size calculation [using mobile app], concepts of inferential and descriptive statistics were covered. On the final day of scientific sessions each group presented the protocol which was criticized by the resource faculties. The program concluded with distribution of certificates to the participants by the Principal, IGIDS.

Intern’s orientation program 2017 The intern’s orientation program for the referred batch of interns 2017 – 2018 was held on 28th May 2017 at LH III, MGMCRI. 15 interns attended the program. The program started with prayer song. Introduction to the speaker was done by Miss. Preethi Hepzibah. It was followed by interactive session on “Career options after BDS” by Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, IGIDS. Honoring of the speaker was done by Dr. Santha Devy, Vice Principal, Student affairs. The program ended with college anthem & high tea. The program was organized by Dr. Jananni, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, IGIDS.

Balint Session

Neet Orientation Programme Scientific and Academic forum, IGIDS organized NEET orientation programme on 9th August, 2017 at 2nd floor lecture hall,MGMCRI college block.The resource

As part of ongoing research in Dental education, Balint Session was conducted on 22.06.17 from 10:0011:30a.m for III year Postgraduates of Department of Prosthodontics. The session was conducted in presence of resource persons of ‘Intensive Coaching On Communication Skills’ - Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, MGMCRI and Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor in Prosthodontics, IGIDS. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

persons for this program were faculty of Vidyasagar Biomedica,Chennai. The programme was attended by 60 CRRIs (Batch 2016-17) of IGIDS.A short MCQ questionnaire session was conducted for the students and this was followed by discussion of the answers by Ms.Aiswarya from Vidyasagar Biomedica. Dr.Girija Sivakumar, Vidyasagar Biomedica provided with details on NEET exam and tips for exam preparation. Certificates of appreciation were provided for faculty of Vidyasagar biomedical by Dr.Vineela Reddy, Member secretary, SAF, IGIDS. Feedback was collected from students and the program ended with high tea.

Webinar on Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Prognosis in Endodontics SAF, IGIDS organized a webinar on Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Prognosis In Endodontics on 10th August, 2017 at Conference hall, New block 7th floor, IGIDS. The program was conducted in association with Colgate, India. The resource person for this program was Prof. Anish Naware, Founder of Integrated Endodontic Centre, Thane. The program was attended by faculty, post graduates, CRRIs and undergraduates from Department of Conservative dentistry and endodontics, IGIDS. This webinar provided a thorough insight on the diagnostic criteria, critical aspects of treatment planning for endodontic lesions. Feedback was collected from students at the end of the session.

their responsibilities in post-graduation at IGIDS and elaborated the AEROBICS CHAMP program that will run through the three years of their course. The doubts of the students were clarified. Dr. Shivasakthy, Coordinator, Dental Education Unit, IGIDS had a discussion with the postgraduates and proposed vote of thanks. Feedback was obtained for the program.

National Integrated Typodont Workshop (NITW) 2017 The National Integrated typodont workshop 2017 was conducted from September 21st -23rd, 2017 by Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial orthopaedics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University campus in association with Indian Orthodontic society, Adhiparasakthi dental college and hospital, Melmaruvathur and Raja Muthiah Dental college and hospital, Annamalai University and attended by more than 90 post graduate delegates and 25 faculty of various colleges from all over the country.

Workshop for Construction of Multiple Choice Questions The internal faculty development program for construction of MCQ was organized by Dental Education Unit, IGIDS on 17.08.17, 18.08.17 and 22.08.17. Two faculty members from each department were nominated for attending the workshop. Prof. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences had kindly consented to be the resource person. On 17th August, there was a lecture on the basic concepts designing MCQ and the types. The faculty were asked to prepare MCQ on all the types. On 18th August, pre validation of the prepared MCQ were done. The pre-validated questions were compiled as a question paper and administered to Interns for one hour time. All the papers were corrected and item analysis was done. The session on Post Validation of the MCQ were done and presented on 22nd August. The day ended with valedictory function and certification of the participants. Over all program feedback was obtained.

PG orientation program The orientation program for IGIDS postgraduates 2017-19 batch was conducted by Dental Education Unit on 23.08.17 at Conference room, IGIDS. Dr. Saravanakumar, Principal, IGIDS, welcomed the postgraduates. Dr. Vishwanath, Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral Medicine addressed the postgraduates on

The sessions were conducted by Dr.Puneet Batra, Professor and Head,Department of Orthodontics,IDST college,Modinagar,New delhi and Dr.Sunandha Roy Chowdary, Professor&Head, Department of Orthodontics, Shree Bankey Bihari Dental college,New Delhi. Prof.Dr.G.Chandrasekar, President of Indian Orthodontic Society, Dr.Ashwin George, IOS Vice president, Dr.C.Deepak, IOS secretary, Dr.Rajasigamani, Organizing chairman NITW and Dean of RMDCH, Annamalai University, Dr.Sudhakar.V,Co-organizing secretary, Dr.Bhaskar.V, Treasurer, NITW were the guests of Honour. The final session for the day was on Tweed Merrifield mechanics by Dr.Sarvaraj Kohli,Reader,Hikarini Dental college & hospital, Jabalpur. Lectures and hands on sessions by Dr. Jayesh Rahalkar, Prof and Head, Department of Orthodontics,DY Patil dental college, Pune and Dr.Girish Karandikar, Dean and HOD,Department of Orthodontics, Mahatma Gandhi Missions Dental college,Navi Mumbai. The workshop on lingual orthodontics conducted by Dr.Surya Kanta Das, Prof & Head, SCB Government dental college, Orissa.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

CDE – CORE 2017

Balint sessions: 3rd & 4th Balint Sessions for periodic review of communication skills training for third year prosthodontic postgraduates was done on 01.08.2017, 29.09.2017. The sessions were conducted by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr.Varsha Murthy, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS, SBV and Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant professor in Clinical Psychology,Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, SBV, Pondicherry.

On 12.10.17 the department conducted CDE program CORE 2017 titled “Prepare, prevent and protect-its legal implications” in ground floor lecture hall, MGMC and RI college block. The program highlighted the importance of having knowledge in legal aspects and precautions to be taken while handling patients. Two guest lectures were delivered by Mr. Ralph Alexander Mathew Legal officer, SBV and Mr. Solomon Raja Ex Principal, Government Law College, Puducherry followed by a panel discussion and high tea.

Workshop on Communication Skills A ‘WORKSHOP ON COMMUNICATION SKILLS’ was conducted for the second year postgraduate batch of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. The resource persons for the course were Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Clinical Psychologist, Assistant Professor in Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI and Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor in Prosthodontics, IGIDS. Eight sessions were conducted from 05.10.17 to 16.10.17.Various topics covered in these sessions were Core communication skills for Health Professionals,

Questioning, Listening skills and Answering skills, Factors influencing communication, Different types of health attitudes,Introduction to patient personality, Empathy, Non-verbal communication, Specialized and advanced forms of communication skills, Rapport building, Assessment of communication skill using Kalamazoo scale, Holistic and patient centered care, Breaking bad news, Dealing with patient dissatisfaction and Handling extremes of age. The mode of teaching w used for the sessions was interactive power point presentations, narratives from facilitators based on reallife experiences in Medicine and Dentistry with specific references to dental scenarios, role play videos, role plays by participants, plenary, think pair share sessions, real time doctor patient interaction videos etc. Pre-test and post-test were conducted and significant improvement was shown in the post test results. The certification program was conducted on 25.10.17 at MEU seminar hall, SBV. Certificates were distributed for the resource persons and participants.

Empathy in Patient Care The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry in association with Scientific Academic Forum, IGIDS had conducted the Continued Dental Education program for the Undergraduate on the topic “Empathy in Patient care” on 13th October 2017 with an objective to educate and relate the students how important is empathy in day to day patient care and as well as to sensitize the students in emotional health during the patient care. The resource person was DR. Kumar, PhD (Founder Director, Centre for Improving Relationship and Personal Effectiveness ) delivered the lecture as well combined it with the interactive session and exercises which was thoroughly enjoyed by the stake holders and it was indeed a memorable learning experience for those who gathered.

PERIOFIESTA The Department of Periodontology conducted a National Undergraduate conference “PERIO FIESTA 2017” on 3rd and 4th November 2017. A total of 244 student delegates and 16 faculty registrations from 20 dental colleges had attended the conference. The conference had two guest lectures; one was on the topic of “Scope of Periodontology for Undergraduates” by Dr. K. V. Arun, professor and Head, Ragas Dental college, Chennai. The other was an interesting lecture on “Yoga for Dentists” delivered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director, Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research (CYTER), SBV. Hands-on workshops on “LASER Periodontal Surgery” and “Dental Implant Placement - simulation” was conducted. A total of 127

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

student delegates registered for the workshops (73 participants for Implant workshop and 54 for LASER workshop). Debate on the topic “Web based learning Vs Conventional learning in Dentistry Today” was conducted which had 3 participants per team. The theme for Short film was “In Periodontology Department / Why I love Perio”. Four colleges has projected their short film videos. A gala banquet was organized at Sunway Manor. Paper presentations wit total of 49 participants and Poster presentations with a total of 35 participants were conducted. Table clinic comprised of 15 teams with a total of 58 participants. Scientific quiz with a total of 9 teams was conducted. The conference concluded with the Prize distribution and Valedictory function.

Future Dental Professionals Team Public Health Dentistry in association with Colgate, organized the annual CDE program titled “FUTURE DENTAL PROFESSIONALS – 2K17” on 30th November, 2017. In this program a total of 100 delegates including 3rd years, final years, interns, postgraduates and faculty participated. The guest lectures were on three different topics addressing 3rd years, final years, interns and postgraduates separately. Topic and Speaker : Interns & PG’s - Orientation Towards Palliative Dentistry – Unexplored Avenue Mrs. Anu, Nursing Consultant, Department of Palliative Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Hospital and research center, Pondicherry. IV BDS - Implant Dentistry – A New Beginning - Dr.Arun, Reader, Department of Prosthodontia, Sri Venkateshwara Dental College and Hospital, Ariyur, Pondicherry. III BDS - Management of Emergency in Dental Practice – Dr. Shyamala. M, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry.

Feb 10th 2017- Camp at Blue Star school A Comprehensive Oral Screening Camp Conducted at Blue stars Higher Secondary school Arumbathapuram, Puducherry. A total number of 494 School Children were screened for oral diseases. As a part of the program we have donated one dental health education Booklet titled “Keys for bright Smile” which will be use full to your School.

Dept. of Oral Pathology The department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology in continuation with the village adoption programme conducted 4 camps on 6th Feb., 22nd Feb., 8th Mar. & 22nd Mar. 2017 in Thookanankuppam Peripheral Health Centre wherein 15 patients were screened.

11th March 2017 – Women’s day celebration Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dr.Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology were part of women day celebration at Raja Nivas where, Dr.Saravana kumar delivered a speech on “Awareness of Oral health and Systemic health” to about 200 women from several SHGs on 9.03.2017. Dept of Public health Dentistry, conducted a Comprehensive Oral Screening Camp Conducted at Reddiyar Thirumana Mandapam, Cuddalore. On 11th March 2017, a total number of 44 patients were screened for oral diseases.

World Autism Day

▶▶ OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Jan 22nd 2017 A Comprehensive Oral Health Screening and treatment Camp was conducted at Mantec inductries, Puducherry. A total number of 167 patients were screened for oral diseases and 180 treatment procedures was completed.

The Department of Pedodontics and preventive dentistry commemmorated autism day on 06.04.2017 at Global trust for Special Children, Cuddalore. Oral health screening was done for 82 children affected with Autism and various disorders by Dr.Selva Balaji A and Dr.Vinothini V from Department of Paedodontics, IGIDS. A short yoga training session was conducted by Dr. Meena Ramanathan from CYTER department for the special children followed by a lecture on “Oral hygiene maintenance” for Special Children, teachers and care takers by Dr.Eswari. Games were conducted for children; gifts, oral health education books & CDs given to the children.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

World Health Day Camp - Global Special Home on 07.04.2017

support with Cancer Institute (WIA) Chennai, and Cipla Nicotex. Contacted mobile tobacco cessation clinic at kirumampakkam on 1st June 2017. The clinic was started based on the recommendation from Dental Council of India and IAPHD Tamilnadu chapter. In this mobile tobacco cessation clinic around 150 general public were screened for carbon monoxide level using carbon monoxide meter sponsor by Cipla Nicotex. About 52 subject with tobacco habits were identified and given tobacco cessation counseling using IEC material given by cancer institute (WIA) Chennai. Nicotine replacement therapy was provided to the subject sponsored by Cipla Nicotex.

On the event of World Health Day 07.04.2017, Guild and NSS is conducted Treatment camp for Global Special home Cuddalore. The members present in the camp are Dr. Vezhavendan, Professor, Alumni coordinator, Dr. Senthil, Professor, Dr.Ramu, Tutor Dr. Ramesh, Senior Lecturer and 20 alumni. ‘’Low Cost Compressor for Ultrasonic Scaler ’’an innovated compressor for ultrasonic scaling device was inaugurated by Dr. Senthil, Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health Dentistry. The device was used for the purpose of oral prophylaxis in the camp. About 60 special children were provided with Treatment which includes Oral prophylaxis and Nilgiris Oral Health Program (NOHP) 2k17 Restoration of teeth. The camp ended with the donation (23.6.2017 to 26.6.2017) of A Special Health Education aid poster ‘’Oral Health Team public health dentistry, NSS unit IGIDS in Tips For Maintenance For Differently Abled Children’’ to M.Kumudham, Chairman, Global Trust for the association with Kathirvel Nagammal Trust, Coonoor Differently Abled. and Island trust, Kothagiri organized the NOHP for the 3rd consecutive year. A team of 35 consists of 6 faculties, 1 PG, 24 interns and 4 support staffs conducted the World No Tobacco Day program from 23rd to 26th June 2017 at various places in NILGIRI district. Program -1 – Road Rally: Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute Of Dental Sciences in association with Indian Dental Association, Puducherry Branch organized a World No Tobacco Day” Road Rally ( May 31st 2017) for 10th consecutive years to emphasize and create awareness on harmful effects of tobacco. The rally was inaugurated by Dr. Ganesh, President and Dr. Jayaraj, Secretary of IDA. The road rally started at Anna statue and ended at Gandhi statue via Nehru Street, this road rally had around 200 dentists and dental students participated to emphasize the theme of this year Tobacco a threat to development among general public and also to create awareness on harmful effects of tobacco. Program – II:Tobacco Cessation Clinic at Kirumampakkam The NSS Unit of Indira Gandhi institute of dental Sciences, Department of Public Health Dentistry in

DAY 1 (23.6.17): NOHP at community hall Hulical village, Coonoor. Program benefited 144 beneficiaries with various oral health procedures. BADUGA tribal community children of government school, primary and middle school were given oral hygiene instructions. Oral health quality of life survey was done in kurumba tribal community at Pambalakombai. DAY 2 (24.6.17): NOHP at kil Kothagiri, Bomman estate hospital at Sholurmattam. The program benefited 150 beneficiaries with various oral health procedures. Oral health quality of life survey was conducted among Irular and Kurumbar tribal community village at Anthiyarai and Kumaramudi. DAY 3 (25.6.17): NOHP at Gudalur, Nilgiri. Paniya tribal community were benefited from this program. 115 beneficiaries were provided with various oral health treatment like extraction, restoration, scaling.

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Outcome of NOHP 2017: 3rd year, 3 villages, 3 tribal community, 450 beneficiaries, 700+ procedures, 2 school oral health education and oral health quality of life survey at 3 tribal community.

Dept. of Oral Medicine In continuation with the village adoption program, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Mr. Ilakiyapriyan and Mr. Xavier Praveen, Interns from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have screened 12 patients in 4 screening camps conducted on 12th April, 10th May 14th June and 28th June 2017. Dr. Vandana, Reader participated on 11.7.17, 17.7.17 and 8.8.17, Dr. Sivasankari, Senior lecturer on 22.7.17, in Door to door camp along with Department of Public Health dentistry.

Himalayan Dental Project (29 June to 19 July 2017) th


A Team of 4 faculties (Dr.Vikneshan, Dr.Prathima, Dr.Ramu, Dr.Kishore,) volunteered for the Himalayan Dental Project at Leh,Ladakh from 29th June to 19th July 2017. This is the 3rd consecutive year a team from IGIDS is volunteering for the project. The team worked at Lamdon Dental Clinic to provide incremental dental care for Lamdon group of schools run by Tibet Dynasty. The program was supported by Lions club of Pondicherry

Oral hygiene day – August 1 & 2nd 2017 Team Public Health Dentistry and NSS unit of Indira Gandhi institute of dental science has organized a two day awareness program on “World Oral hygiene day” to create awareness on the “Connection between Oral Health and Systemic Diseases”. Poster competitionm for school children and a flash mob was done at New shopping complex, J.N street on 1st and 2nd August.

and C.R.R.I.’s from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted a screening camp in Thookanankuppam village and created awareness as a celebration of World Oral Hygiene Day on 1st August 2017. The Faculty, Postgraduate students and the Interns of the Department of Periodontics, IGIDS conducted a screening and treatment camp for patients attending MRD, MGMCRI as a part of “Oral Hygiene Day Celebrations” on 11th August, 2017. The Faculty, Postgraduate students and the Interns of the Department of Periodontics, IGIDS conducted a screening camp for students of Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology as a part of “Oral Hygiene Day Celebrations” on 24th August, 2017.

National Swachata Pakhwada (11th September to 19th september) The NSS unit of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science had conducted NSS program for a week under the guidance of NSS Program Officer Dr. Ramu. The program commenced on 11.09.2017 with inauguration by our Dental Superintendent Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Principal Dr. Saravana kumar, Head of Public Health Dentistry Dr. Senthil, NSS officer Dr.Ramu. The event started by the volunteers actively took part in cleaning the campus premises and spreading the message of hygiene. On 12.09.2017 the NSS unit of IGIDS joined hands with the Bharath Green foundation of Bahore for sowing 5000 palm seeds. This event was inaugurated by the Bahore MLA Mr. Dhanavel. On 13.09.2017 the students of IGIDS participated in an essay competition in tamil and English on the topic “Innovative ways of spreading the message of hygiene”. The competition was judged by Mr. N.Arivoli and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi and the winners are awarded. On 14.09.2017 the elocution competition on the topic “Health and hygiene is the real wealth” which was judged by Dr. A.N.Uma, VP (AHS) and Dr. Janani. The winners were awarded prizes. On 15.09.2017 “The Clean hostel day” was conducted and the prizes were awarded for the students with neat and tidy rooms. This was judged by Dr. Bindu, Asmath for girls hostel, Dr. Prasanna and Dr. Muneer for Boys hostel. On 16.09.2017 we visited Dubryanpet for clean campaign and cleaned the premises as well as educated the inhabitants of the importance of personal hygiene and keeping the surrounding clean.

Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan & Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturers SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

On 19.09.2017 the Valedictory function was held which was presided over by Mr.N.Arivoli, Mrs.Vijayalakshmi, Dental superintendent Dr. Sathyanarayanan. The program commenced with the prayer song, presidential address, prize distribution and national anthem. Dr. Swetha, Senior Lecturer, participated in Medical camp along with Department of Health care services, MGMCRI 06.09.2017, 13.09.2017 and 25.09.2017. In continuation with the village adoption progrwam, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader & CRRI from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted screening camps on 12th July, 9th, 23rd & 30th August and 13th September 2017.

preventive practices. Of all the preventive practices, tooth-brushing has been the most effective and simple way to prevent dental caries as well as periodontal disease. November 7 is observed as National Tooth brushing day in India to reinforce the importance of children’s oral health and promote good tooth-brushing habits recommended by dental health professionals. This program is launched from 2015 to educate parents and kids to brush twice daily for at least two minutes to help reduce the risk of oral diseases.

Oral health program organized at Shanthi Bhavan - ‘A home for HIV positive childrens’ Team Public Health Dentistry Conducted a oral health program at Shanthi Bhavan -A Home For HIV Positive Childrens at Chinnakalapet, Puducherry.A Preliminary Oral Health data collection for the purpose of the program was conducted on 28th October 2017.A Team of 4 interns led by Dr. Guy Patrick Sandou did the data collection and compiled the need assessment for the program. Based on the need assessment, on 26th November2017, a team of 25 doctors consists of faculties, interns and supporting staff delivered emergency, Primary, Secondary and Palliative oral health procedures for the HIV Positive children. In this program, total Number of children benefitted was 92. Total Number of Scaling: 50; Total Number of Restoration: 22; Total Number of Extraction: 7. A Health Aid titled ‘’Do’s & Dont’s Of Oral Hygiene Practices‘’ was donated to the Shanthi Bhavan Children.The Whole program was organized and executed by Dr.Guy Patrick Sandou (CRRI).

On this day, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences, Pondicherry has organized a mass tooth brushing demonstration Bharathi Government High School, Bahoour. In collaboration with Colgate Palmolive, free Oral Health Kit was distributed to all the school children as well as proper brushing technique demonstration was done to all the school children. Around 240 school children were provided with Oral Health Kit and benefitted from this program. The school teachers were also educated regarding importance of oral health and maintaining oral hygiene. Students were interested in correcting their brushing technique also; they demonstrated proper brushing technique on the tooth model.

Children’s day

National Brushing Day–2017 Oral health is essential to general health and quality of life. Dental caries is the most common chronic diseases and adults, however it can be easily prevented by proper

On the occasion of Children`s Day, Nov 14, 2017, an oral health education program was conducted at Government middle school, Bahour.The number of beneficiaries were 110. The program started with a welcome speech by Dr Swarna (II nd year post graduate student). Lecture on Oral health education and brushing technique was delivered by Dr Selvabalaji to school children. Brushing technique was demonstrated by the Interns. Drawing competition was conducted for Class I to V students. Essay competition was conducted for class VI to VIII students. Prizes were awarded to the winners and gifts were distributed to all the students by the faculty and

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Post Graduates. Brushing technique poster was donated to Head Master by Dr.Selvabalaji. In commemoration of Children`s Day, oral health education and program was conducted at Bless Children’s Home, Reddichavadi on 2nd Dec 2017. The number of beneficiaries was 45. The program started with a welcome speech by Dr. Suganya. Quiz competition was conducted for 25 children in 5 groups. Questions were asked related to oral health awareness. Lecture on Oral health education was delivered by Dr. Suganya to children. Yoga demonstration was shown to the children by Yoga Expert Dr.Meena Ramanathan from Dept of CYTER, MGMCRI. Prizes were awarded to the winners in Quiz competition, dental kit along with gifts were distributed to all children by Post Graduates and Faculty. “Tea can” was donated to home In-charge by Department of Paedodontics.

Dept. of Oral Pathology In continuation with the village adoption programme, Dr. Prem Lal. K. R., Reader & CRRI’s from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted screening camps on 11th October, 22nd November & 27th December 2017.

Chettinadu Oral Health Program Team Public Health Dentistry in association with Nattarasan Nagarathar Sangam, Arpudha foundation & Rotary Club of Karaikudi organized 3 days comprehensive oral health program for 5th consecutive year from 3 Dec to 5th Dec 2017, in three day the program was conducted 3 different places. A total of 931 beneficiaries received oral care and more than 1400 procedures like scaling,

Disability Day In commemoration of International day of persons with Disabilities, special children were brought from Daya school, Cuddalore to Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS, oral health education program was conducted on 20th Dec 2017. The number of beneficiaries was 17 special children. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Principal has been invited as chief guest for the program. The program started with a welcome speech by Dr. Sanguida. Lecture on Oral health education was delivered by Dr. Eswari to children and parents. Screening was done to diagnose the oral diseases and comprehensive health care was provided to the children with disabilities. Dental kit along with gifts was distributed to all children by Post Graduates and Faculty.

Dept. of Oral Medicine Dr. Vandana, Reader, Depatment of Oral Medicine and Radiology Participated in Door to door camp along with Department of Public Health dentistry on 31.10.17. Dr John Baliah,Senior lecturer,Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended the Chettinadu oral health camp from 3.12.17 to 5.12.17. Dr Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer,Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended medical camp at Vadalur on 5.12.17

filling and extraction was done. State level speed dental intercollegiate quiz competition – Preliminary round. Team Public Health Dentistry in association with Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry- TN chapter and Speed Medical Institute, India conducted a State level Intercollegiate Quiz Competition preliminary round on 6th of December 2017. The preliminary round was won by Dr. Manikandan and Dr. Kanya from Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry. They will be representing Zone 5 for the State Level final round at Government Dental College, Chennai at 12th December 2017. The whole program was sponsored by Speed Medical Institute, Chennai.

Treatment Camp Comprehensive Treatment Camp conducted on 19th November 2017 at Manickudy Village Kumbakonam, Thanjavur District. The Birth Place of our beloved chairman.The following are the details of the camp. Total Number treated – 204. As a part of the program they have donated one dental health education aid poster titled Role of Nutrition on oral Disease, and wall clock titled “Healthy Tooth Vs Unhealthy Tooth”.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017


Curriculum – A Postgraduate perspective’ in the Darwin’s Week on 17.02.17 organized by the department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, IGIDS and Dr. Uma Maheswari. G has won the I prize.

POST GRADUATE NEWS Awards: Dr. Yoga 3rd year Post graduate, won first prize in podium presentation titled “Prediction of potentially malignant disorders in tobacco users with artificial neural network” at SBV research week on 04.01.2017

Dr. Eswari R, Dr. Narmatha M, Dr. Swarna K first year post graduates, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, attended “Updates in Paediatric DentistryCaries Preventive Measures” convention held at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on March 2017 and Dr. Narmatha M had won 3rd Prize for Paper Presentation titled “ICON-Ideal to Conserve” and Dr. Swarna K had won 3rd Prize for Paper Presentation titled “Silver Diamine Fluoride- disables caries with special care”. Dr Juhi Jahan A won Second prize in Essay writing competition in Darwin’s week.

Dr. Abdul khader 3rd year Post graduate won first prize in poster presentation titled “Effect of caesin phosphopeptide amorphous calcium phosphate (CPPACP) on micro hardness and morphological properties of enamel, dentin and cementum of teeth - pre and post radiation therapy: an in vitro study” at SBV research week on 04.01.17.

Dr. Radha.S IIIrd year post graduate of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has awarded best paper on “Comparative evaluation of plaque removal efficacy of manual and chewable tooth brushes in children – A Randomised Clinical Trial” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr Eswari, second year post graduate student, Dept of Pedodontics, has filed for copyright for an educative material named Pictorial toothbrushing learning booklet for children with Autism 17642/2017-CO/L Dr Jasmine R, 3rd year Post graduate, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics-“Best poster Presentation”-SBV RESEARCH WEEK held from 7th to 12th December 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.Prabhu A.R, 3rd year Post graduate, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - “Best Oral Paper Presentation”- 32nd IACDE & 25th IES National conference held from 23rd to 26th November 2017 at Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre, Gujarat.

Dr. Eswari R, Dr. Narmatha M, Dr. Swarna K, first year post graduates, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, attended 14th ISPPD National PG Convention held at M.S Ramaiah Dental College, Bangalore on Feb 2017 and Won Best Poster titled “Gift Your Tiny tot a healthy smile”. III year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar and Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the Essay Competition for IGIDS postgraduates on the topic – ‘Research opportunities in the Undergraduate

Dr.Nandini Dimple, 2nd year Post graduate, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - “Best Oral Paper Presentation”- 32nd IACDE & 25th IES National conference held from 23rd to 26th November 2017 at Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre, Gujarat.

Presentation and Participation: III year post graduate students from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the SBV Research Week 2016 organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry under the auspices of Deanery – Research and Scientific & Academic Forum of SBV held from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17 and presented posters in the forum. Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K – Salivary

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase Estimation in Chronic Alcoholics; Dr. Uma Maheswari – Sialochemical Profile of Depressive Patients under Anti-depressant Therapy; Dr. Aroumougam. A – Micronuclei Assay in Oral Exfoliated Buccal Cells of Pesticides Exposed Agricultural Labourers in Puducherry Population. Dr. Santhosh Palla 3rd year Post graduate, presented poster titled “Evaluation of DNA Damage and Cytotoxicity in Buccal Mucosal Cells by Micronuclear Assay Post exposure to Computerized Tomography Scan -An Observational study” at SBV research week on 04.01.2017. Dr. Ahila, third year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, presented poster on “Augmentation of interdental papilla using platelet rich fibrin with microsurgical technique – A clinical study” during SBV Research week held from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17 at MGMCRI. Dr. Ughabharathy, third year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, presented poster on “Clinical evaluation of increase in width of attached gingiva using modified apically repositioned flap – A clinical study” during SBV Research week held from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17 at MGMCRI. Dr. Minu, third year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, presented poster on “Evaluation of tensile strength of surgical absorbable and nonabsorbable suture materials – An in-vitro study” during SBV Research week held from 2.01.17 to 6.01.17 at MGMCRI. I year post graduate students Dr. Chitra. N and Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the peripheral posting in the Department of Anatomy at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University from 6.01.17 to 13.01.17. Dr.S.Deepika, Dr.S.Monica & Dr.V.Venugopal, final year Postgraduates presented poster in the podium presentation held on 04.01.17 at SBV, Puducherry 3rd year Post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended rapid review in oral medicine at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai from 19.01.17 to 21.01.17.

attended the 5th National Rapid Review Programme at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai from 29.01.17 to 31.01.17. Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas begum, second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontology, attended “Animal research, training and services” Nipuna- skill development course part-1” held on 2.02.2017 at MGMCRI. Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas begum, second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontology, attended CDE program titled “Microsurgery in Periodontics” on 6.02.2017 held at SRM Dental College, Chennai. Dr. Ahila, Dr. Ughabharathy, Dr. Minu, third year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontology, attended “9th Rapid review and revision course in Periodontology and Implantology” program from 09.02.17 to 12.02.17 held at Sri Ramachandra Dental College, Chennai. Dr.S.Deepika, Dr.S.Monica & Dr.V.Venugopal, final year Postgraduates participated in the 15th ‘OOO’ Symposium held at KLE, Belgaum from 16.02.17-18.02.17 Dr. Ahila, Dr. Ughabharathy, Dr. Minu, third year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontology, attended “Scientific writing for publication program” delivered by Prof. Muthu held at IGIDS, on 17.02.2017. I year post graduate students Dr. Chitra. N and Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the peripheral posting in the Department of Dermatology at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University from 15.02.17 to 17.02.17. III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the Lecture on “Scientific Writing for Publication” delivered by Prof. Muthu. M. S. on 17.02.17 organized by Dental Education Unit and Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS.

I year post graduate student Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the Medical camp at Virudhachalam along with the department of Community Medicine and screened 40 patients on 21.01.17.

III year post graduate students from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the Clinical Society Meeting on 24.02.17 at IGIDS and presented papers in the forum. Dr. Aroumougam - Oral Lipoma – Histopathology; Dr. Satheesh Kumar – Oral Squamous cell Carcinoma – Histopathology; Dr. Uma Maheswari. G - Metastatic carcinoma of mandible – Histopathology.

III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari.G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have

Dr Santosh Palla, 3rd year Post graduate, presented on “Metastatic thyroid carcinoma of mandible’ at Triple ‘O” Clinical Society Meeting, on 24.02.17; Dr Kavya L 2nd year



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

post graduate presented case report on “Oral squamous cell carcinoma” at Triple ‘O” Clinical Society Meeting, on 24.02.17; Dr Dhanraj T 2nd year post graduate presented case report on “Oral Lipoma” at Triple ‘O” Clinical Society Meeting, on 24.02.17. Dr.S.Monica, Dr.V.Venugopal, final year Postgraduates & Dr.Selvakumar, second year post graduate did case presentations at the interdepartmental clinical society meet held on 24.02.17 at MGMCRI, SBV, Puducherry.

Dr. Hema, first year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented paper on “Effectiveness of oral health education among visually challenged children using oral and braille method – a pre and post trial” during 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith held at Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17.

Dr.S.Deepika, Dr.S.Monica & Dr.V.Venugopal, final year Postgraduates attended the external peripheral posting at KIDWAI, Bangalore from Feb – Mar 2017.

Dr. Sivaranjani, first year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented poster on “Assessment of periodontal status and oral health knowledge, awareness and practices among transgender population in Puducherry and Cuddalore” during 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith held at Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17.

Dr.Monika, Dr.Deepika, Dr.Venugopal, Dr.Tamil, Dr.Selvakumar, Dr.Bharathi Dr.Harish, Dr.Rajkumar, Dr.Sarath Postgraduates from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the ‘’FACE STAT-US TAMILNADU’’, 4th annual conference held from 02.03.17 to 04.03.17 held in Chennai.

Dr. Vinoth kumar, first year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented paper on “Prevalence of periodontal disease among coal mine workers in Tamilnadu” during 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith held at Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17.

Dr. Arvina, second year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented poster on “plaque microbiota around natural tooth and implants – a comparative study” during International microbiome conference held at MGMCRI, on 03.03.17 and 04.03.17.

Dr.Arya,Dr.Eunice,Dr.Asha,2nd year postgraduates and Dr.Basil, Dr.Helen,Dr.Lijin Kurien,1st year Post Graduates, Department of Orthodontics attended “Comprehensive Hands-on Workshop on Lingual Orthodontics” from 03.04.2017 to 05.04.2017 at Rajah Muthiah Dental college and hospital,Annamalai University,Chidambaram.

I year post graduate student Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology along with Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI has participated in the Medical camp organized by NSS of AVC Art College at AVC Arts College, Mayiladuthurai along with the department of Community Medicine and screened 39 patients on 15.03.17.

III year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G and Dr. Aroumougam from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in lecture by Dr. Anandha Balayogi “Yoga for Dentist” on 4th April 2017 organized by the department of CYTER.

Dr. Arun Varghese, second year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented paper on “Correlation of salivary IL-6 in PCOS patients with and without periodontitis” during 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith held at Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17. Dr. Arvina, second year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented paper on “Plaque microbiota around natural tooth and implants – a comparative study” during 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith held at Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17. Dr. Shahinas begum, second year postgraduate student, Department of Periodontology, attended and presented paper on “Correlation of salivary RBP4 levels with BMI in chronic periodontitis patients” during 16th ISP PG Convention - Periozenith held at Manali from 24.03.17 to 26.03.17.

III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the BICS class lecture delivered by Dr.Viswanathan Rangdol on 5th April 2017 organized by IGIDS.

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

Dr.Jasmine, II Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended and Presented Paper on Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Dental Practioners of Puducherry on Minimal Invasive Dentistry Concepts – A Questionnaire Survey in Pg Convention on 5th to 8th April at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaan, New Delhi Dr.Chandana II Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended and Presented Paper on Invitro Evaluation of Reliability and Validity of Occlustal Caries Detection by Direct Visual Fluorescence Camera With Histological Validation Using ICDAS II Criteria in Pg Convention on 5th to 8th April at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaan, New Delhi. Dr.Prabhu, II Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended and Presented Poster on Comparative Evaluation of SingleStep Polishing Versus Multistep Polishing on Surface Roughness of Nano-Hybrid Resin Based Composite An In-Vitro Study in Pg Convention on 5th to 8th April at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaan, New Delhi. I year post graduate students, Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the AERO class on Medical Record Maintenance by Dr. Vandhana held on 10th April 2017 organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry. III year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar and Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the ‘Integrated Clinical Society Meeting’ on 21st April 2017 organised by the department of Periodontology, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics and Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics on behalf of Scientific and Academic Program of IGIDS. Dr.Arvina R, Dr. Arun Vargese and Dr. Shahinas second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontology presented a paper on the topic Management of mobile teeth with questionable prognosis at the Clinical society meeting on 21.04.2017.

and Endodontics, attended Re-Captulation-IX Recent Advances in Endodontics on 28th April at Meenakshi Dental College,Chennai Dr.Manjula D C 1st year post graduate undergone internship training program in the Department of PsychoOncology and resource center for tobacco control, Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai from 29.04.17-15.05.17 III year post graduate student Dr. Satheesh Kumar, I year post graduate student Dr. Muthukumaran from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the special Guest lecture on ‘Fulbright Nehru and Fulbright India Scholarship program’ delivered by Mrs. Maya held on 10th May 2017 organized by SAF of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC. Dr.Harish, Dr.Rajkumar & Dr.Sarath second year Postgraduates from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the medical screening camp held on 25.05.17 at SBV, Puducherry. Dr.Bharathi, final year Postgraduate from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the Nilgiris treatment camp held from 22.06.17 to 26.06.17 in Nilgiris. Dr.Ranjitha & Dr.Adhersh first year Postgraduates from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended ‘Protocol Writing & Basic research methodology’ workshop from 27.06.17 to 29.6.17 held at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the workshop on ‘Research Methodology and Protocol Writing’ held from 27th to 29th June 2017 organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry. Dr.Arya,Dr.Eunice,Dr.Asha,2nd year postgraduates ,Department of Orthodontics attended “The Final Countdown,2017” (Convention on Modern Trends in Orthodontics) on 29.06.2017 at Saveetha Dental college and hospital,Chennai. 2nd year and final year post graduates from the Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics participated in PG COLLOQUIM, organized by Tamilnadu Dental Council at Radha Regent, Chennai on 07.08.2017

Dr. Jithin 3 year post graduate, Department of Prosthodontics presented a paper on Silicone finger prosthesis with internal cast metal framework- case report in the clinical society meeting held on 21.4.17 at MGMCRI. Dr. Vidya 3rd year post graduate, Department of Prosthodontics presented a paper on Acrylic cranial plate for the missing parietal bone- case report. Dr. Sonia 3rd year post graduate, Department of Prosthodontics presented a paper on Ear prosthesis with spectacle attachment- case report.

I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of Biochemistry from 7th August to 9th August 2017 at Mahatama Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University.

Dr.Ambily, Dr.Limly, Dr.Nandhini Dimple First Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry

Dr. Juhi Jahan, third year PG presented and won the best paper award for original research titled’ Estimation




Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

of Hemodynamic parameters of Oral squamous cell carcinoma and occurrence of local metastasis using color Doppler Ultra sonogram – A case control study’ at National PG convention on 10.08.2017 at Kalinga Institute of Dental sciences, Bhubhaneswar, Odisha. Dr.Dhanraj, third year PG presented and won the best paper award for original research titled ‘Comparison of salivary acetaldehyde level between smokers with leukoplakia and smokers without leukoplakia.’ at National PG Convention on 10.08.2017 at Kalinga Institute of Dental Science. Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Dr. Kavitha.M, Dr. Radha.S, Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduates and Dr. Eswari. R, Dr.Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended “MYOBRACE” CDE Programme on 10th August in KSRIDSR, Tiruchengode.

: A cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, South India” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Eswari.R, Dr. Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has presented table clinic presentation on “Holistic interdisciplinary approach for children with special health care needs” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th - 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu.

Dr. Kavitha.M, Dr. Radha.S, Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduates and Dr. Eswari. R, Dr.Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department Dr.Arya, Dr.Eunice, Dr.Asha,3rd year postgraduates, of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended Department of Orthodontics presented scientific papers PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian at “IOS Zonal Orthodontic PG Convention, Dharwad” Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held on 11.08.2017 and 12.08.2017 at SDM college of dental from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra sciences & hospital, Dharwad. University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr Yoga Sivakumar PG Allumni received appreciation certificate and memento from SBV for being a nominee for the BMJ awards on 19.08.2017. Dr.Rajkumar second year Postgraduate from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery won the first place in 1500 meters relay at HYGIEA’17 (Inter medical & dental college sports meet) SRM medical college, Kattangulathur, chennai held from 20.09.2017 to 23.09.2017 I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of Clinical Pathology from 28th August to 31st August 2017 at Mahatama Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University. Dr. Kavitha. M IIIrd year post graduate of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has presented paper on “Awareness, Attitude and practise of Paediatricians regarding early childhood caries and infant oral health care in Puducherry – A cross-sectional descriptive survey” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduate of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has presented paper on “Age and reason for first dental visit among children aged to 9 years and knowledge and attitude of their parents towards dental procedure for children

Dr. Illankumaran, Post Graduate Department of Prosthodontics obtained Gold medal for best outgoing student 2015 MDS prosthodontics batch at Doctoral Convocation at SBV university held on 22nd September 2017. Dr.Rajab Ali, MDS, (Alumni Batch 2012-15) was awarded the gold medal in the subject of Orthodontics in MDS university examinations 2015 in SBV Convocation held on 22.09.2017. All the post graduates of Department of Orthodontics,IGIDS participated in National Integrated typodont workshop 2017 held on 21st -23rd, September 2017 Dr. Kavitha.M, Dr. Radha.S, Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduates and Dr. Eswari. R, Dr.Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended a colgate webinar on topic “TeDiE Technique- Injecting the innocent” delivered by Dr. MS Muthu, Prof and Head, Pediatric Dentistry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of Dermatology from 11th September to 13th September 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences

attended the external posting in the Department of General Microbiology from 25th September to 30th September 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University. Dr Manjula, 1st year post graduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended a workshop on Communication skill for dental post graduates from 5.10.17 to 17.10.17.

the Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology and Scientific & Academic Forum at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry. Dr.Ambily, Dr.Limly, Dr.Nandhini Dimple Second Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Attended Communication Skill Workshop held from 5th to 17th October 2017 at MGMCRI, SBV.

II year post graduate students Dr. Chitra & Dr. Muthukumaran and I year post graduate student Dr. Gayathri. C from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the Workshop on ‘Communication Skills for Dental Postgraduates’ conducted by the Dental Education Unit and Internal Quality Assurance Cell at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry held from 5th – 17th October 2017.

All I and II year postgraduates, Department of Orthodontics participated in “IOS Indian Orthodontic Conference” held at BM Birla Auditorium, Jaipur from 17th to 19th November 2017.

Second year post graduate student Dr. Eswari, Dr.Narmatha. M, Dr. Swarna, Second year post graduates, Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended “ Workshop on communication skills for Dental Postgraduates” conducted by Dental Education Unit and Internal Quality Assurance cell, IGIDS, SBV from 5.10.17 to 17.10.17.

Dr.Basil, Dr.Helen and Dr.Lijin, 2nd year postgraduates, Department of Orthodontics presented E posters at “IOS Indian Orthodontic Conference” held at BM Birla Auditorium, Jaipur from 17th to 19th November 2017.

Dr. Hema, Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Vinoth kumar, Second year postgraduates, Department of Periodontology, participated in “Communication Skill Development Program” from 5th October – 17th October held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri. C from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the CDE programme “Path Scope 2017” at Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospital, Melmaruvathur held on 11 th October 2017 and received first prize for presenting a scientific poster on “Molecular Pathogenesis of Leukoplakia”guided by Dr. Vezhavendhan,Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri. C from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the CDE programme ‘Clinical Oral Medicine & Radiology Evince’ “Prepare Protect Prevent – Legal Implications” held on 12th October 2017 organised by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Scientific & Academic Forum at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry. II year post graduate student, Dr. Chitra & Dr. Muthukumaran and I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri. C from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the CDE programme ‘Empathy in Patient care” held on 13th October 2017 by

Dr. Juhi Jahan, Dr.Dhanraj and Dr Kavya 3rd yr post graduates, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended CBCT workshop at MS Ramiah institute of dental sciences, Bangalore from 6.11.17 to 11.11.17

I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri. C from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the 26th National Conference with the theme on ‘Oral Cancer – Challenges, Innovations & Advances’ organised by the Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathologists held from 17th to 19th November 2017 at Bhubaneswar and presented a scientific poster on “Role of DNA repair Pathways in Ageing” guided by Dr. A. Santha Devy, Professor, HOD, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology. Dr.Ambily, Dr.Limly, Dr.Nandhini Dimple Second Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Attended 32nd IACDE & 25TH IES National conference held from 23rd to 26th November 2017 at Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre, Gujarat. Dr.Prabhu and Dr Chandana, Final Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Attended 32nd IACDE & 25TH IES National conference held from 23rd to 26th November 2017 at Mahatma Mandir Convention Centre, Gujarat. Final year post graduate student Dr.Kavitha, Dr. Radha, Dr. Vinothini and Second year post graduates Dr. Eswari, Dr.Narmatha. M, Dr. Swarna, Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended “Future Dental Professionals Program” conducted by Colgate in association with IDA on 30.11.17. Dr Manjula1st year post graduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended oncology posting at Adyar cancer institute (W.I.A), Chennai from 1.12.17 to 11.12.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr.Dhanraj and Dr Kavya, 3rd year postgraduates, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented poster titled ‘Comparison of salivary acetaldehyde level between smokers with leukoplakia and smokers without leukoplakia” and Effect of 0.1% tea tree oil oral rinse compared to1%topical clotrimazole in clinical and histopathological behaviour of oral candidasis -A comparative study” respectively at SBV research week held at MGMCand RI on 6.12.17 Dr.Jasmine, Dr.Chandana and Dr.Prabhu attended the SBV RESEARCH WEEK from 7th to 12th December 2017 at MGMCRI, SBV, Puducherry. Dr. Juhi Jahan, 3rd year postgraduate Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology presented her dissertation “Estimation of Hemodynamic parameters of Oral squamous cell carcinoma and occurrence of local metastasis using color Doppler Ultra sonogram – A case control study” on 8.12.17 in the podium presentation at SBV research week held at MGMCand RI. Dr.Shahinas Begum, presented a poster on the topic “Correlation of salivary rbp4 levels with BMI in chronic periodontitis patients” in Research week conducted by SBVU on 8th December 2017 Dr.Arvina, presented a poster on the topic “Plaque microbiota around restorations on natural tooth and implants -A comparative stud” in Research week conducted by SBVU on 8th December 2017 Dr.Arun Varghese, presented a poster on the topic “Salivary Il6levels in polycystic ovary syndrome patients with and without chronic periodontitis” in Research week conducted by SBVU on 8th December 2017 Dr Kavitha, third year Post Graduate student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry presented a poster titled “Evaluation of streptococcus mutans serotypes e,f,k in saliva samples of 6-12 year school children before and after a short term daily intake of probiotic lozenge” at SBV Research week held at MGMCRI college block on 08.12.17. Dr. Radha, third year Post Graduate student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry presented a poster titled “Comparative evaluation of the remineralising efficacy of fluoride varnish and its combination varnishes on white spot lesions in children with ECC – a RCT” at SBV Research week held at MGMCRI college block on 08.12.17.

Dr.Arya, Dr.Asha and Dr.Eunice, 3 rd year postgraduates, Department of Orthodontics presented their dissertations in poster format in SBV Research Week held on 10th December 2017. Dr. Manjula 1st year post graduate, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended CBCT training workshop at Meenakshi Ammal dental college and hospital, Chennai from 20.12.17 to 23.12.17.

▶▶ UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Mr. Jeffery, Final Year BDS obtained Distinction in prosthodontics final BDS exam 2017. Mr. Jeffry Sameul and Ms.Elsie Sunitha secured distinctions in Orthodontics in Final year BDS university examinations held in July 2017. I year B.D.S. students performance in University Examination – Dental Anatomy, Embryology and Oral Histology have secured First Class – 11 students and Distinction – 1student. III year B.D.S. students performance in University Examination – Oral Pathology and Microbiology have secured Honour – 2 students (Preethe, Shyam Sundar), First Class – 21 students and Distinction – 12 students. Intern Mr. Sai Jagannath from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 12th July 2017. Intern Ms. Reena Radhashri, Ms. Ramya, Ms. Sanchana Dheve, Ms. Radjeshwari and Mr. Sajar Saif from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted a screening camp in Thookanankuppam village and created awareness as commemoration of World Oral Hygiene Day on 1st August 2017. CRRI’s from the department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics took part in NEET orientation lecture on 09.08.2017. CRRI’s from the Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics took part in special webinar

Dr Vinothini, third year Post Graduate student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry presented a poster titled “Effect of passion fruit juice in removal of smear layer in root canal of ex-vivo human teeth – a SEM study at SBV Research week held at

MGMCRI college block on 08.12.17.

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organized by Colgate on 10.08.2017 at Conference hall, IGIDS. Interns and final year UG students attended PEDOFEAST, CDE programme on Dental Trauma by Dr. Nester Cohenca, President of International Association of Dental Traumatology at Adhiparasakthi Dental College on 12th September 2017. OroPatho Quiz was conducted by the Interns for III B.D.S. on Odontogenic cysts on 20th September 2017. Miss. Elsie Sunitha Ebenezer received the “Prof. D. Ramachandra Rao Memorial Award” from the Indian Society of Dental Research for scoring the highest mark in Periodontics in Final year BDS at the 30th ISDR annual Conference held in New Delhi on 30.09.2017. Interns Mr. Guy Patrick, Mr. Nitheesh from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology have attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 11th October 2017. Thirty three III year undergraduate students from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the CDE programme “Path Scope 2017” held on 11th October 2017 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College and Hospital, Melmaruvathur and presented in the scientific scientific session: Mr. Benson Paul – Scientific Paper on ‘ Odontogenic Keratocyst – A Case Report’ and received second prize the poster was guided by Dr. Premlal,Reader Dept. of oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry Mr. Julian - Scientific Paper on ‘Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumor – A Case Report’ and received third prize.guided by Dr. Vezhavendhan,Professor,Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry Ms. Sujeetha. G - Scientific Poster on ‘Electromagnetic Health Hazards’ and received third prize guided by Dr. Shivaramakrishnan,Senior lectures, Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry Ms. Salma Arif – Scientific Poster on “4 feet for acceptance”.and received third prize. The poster was guided by Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry Miss. Ashna Maria Benny, Intern won I place for paper presentation titled “Effect of nonsurgical periodontal therapy on glycemic control of non-diabetic periodontitis patients” in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017.

Mr. Jothy Aravind, Intern won Best Original research for paper presentation titled “General practitioner’s perception towards periodontal consultation” in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017. Miss. Salma Arif, Intern won III place for paper presentation titled “Minimal interocclusal space- a hurdle crossed” in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017. Miss. Shreya Mahesh, Intern won Best Case report for paper presentation titled “Vestibuloplasty with clasp retained stent” in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017. Miss. Divyalakshmi, Intern won Best Original Research for poster presentation titled “Use of saliva AST and ALP in diagnosing periodontal disease : a clinical and biochemical study” in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017. Miss. Sowbarnika, Final year won I place for poster presentation titled “Multiphasic Scaffolds- Way to Betterement” in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017. Mr. Kootiswaran, Mr. Ajith Kumar, Mr. Jeffrey Interns won the first place in the Quiz competition in the National UG Periodontology Conference PerioFiesta on 3rd and 4th November 2017. Intern Mr. Aravinth Kumar from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 27th December 2017.

Awards: In the “SCORE” program of the 1st Student Conference of Research in Education organised by Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, at Mangalore between 3.02.17 and 4.02.17 from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology: Intern - Ms. Halitha Banu has presented the paper “Self Negligence and Awareness among Oral Precancerous and Cancer Patients – A cross-sectional Questionnaire Study” & won the “Best Paper Award.”; Dr.Vijayashanthi, intern won the best paper titled “Attitude of dental students in managing underserved patients” held at Manipal ‘SCORE’on feb 2017. Miss. Krishna Priya, final year undergraduate from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery won the Best Paper award in manipal student convention held at Manipal dental college, Mangalore from 02.02.17 - 04.02.17. NSS unit of IGIDS students participated in National Voters Day Celebration 2017 which was conducted on



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

19.01.17 at Mother Therasa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health sciences, Gorimedu and 20.01.17 at Indira Gandhi Medical college, Kathirkamam. In slogan competition Miss. Balavaishnavi (3rd Year) won the1st price and also in poster competition Miss. Manju (3rd Year) won the 3rd price. This program was organized by State election department and State NSS of Puducherry. In the National Science Fest 2K17 organised by IGIDS on 28.02.17 from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology: I year B.D.S. students have presented in the Patient Education poster competition: Ms. Kaviya and Ms. Bhuvaneshwari – ‘Tobacco – Is it a Child’s Play?’ and won the “Best Patient Education Poster.”

Presentations: Miss Katherina Barman intern presented paper at UG convention titled “Oral health literacy intervention among the care givers of HIV positive children” at score 2017 Manipal University, Mangalore on 4.02.17. Miss Ashna IV year student presented poster at UG convention titled “comparison of digital and analog imaging” at score 2017 Manipal University, Mangalore on 4.02.17. Miss. G.A.Santhiya, Miss. M.Shameemmunisha, CRRI’S & Miss. Krishna Priya, Miss. Dhivya Lakshmi, Miss Aravind Kumar, Miss Fathimuthu Johara, Miss Poonguzhali, Miss VVS Lakshmi Sahithi, Miss Arungani, Miss Kalaivani, Miss Ramiya.R final year undergraduate students from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery did poster and paper presentations in manipal student convention held at Manipal dental college, Mangalore from 02.02.17 - 04.02.17. Intern Mr. Ilakkiyapriyan from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 10th May 2017. III year B.D.S. Supplementary batch students have participated in the ‘Student Clinician Orientation Program’ conducted on 25th May 2017 organised by Dental Education Unit of IGIDS. Intern Mr. Xavier Praveen from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 28th June 2017.

▶▶ PONGAL CELEBRATIONS Pongal festival celebrations were carried out by the faculty and students of IGIDS on 11.01.17. The celebration was inaugurated by our dean Prof. Carounanidy Usha and vice principals Dr. Saravana Kumar and Dr. Shantha Devi. The celebrations took place in a traditional manner which included the cooking of Pongal accompanied

by traditional rituals by the organizing batch, in front of the college. Rangoli competition and food fest was conducted by the organizing committee. Students from all the batches including faculty, PGs and nonteaching staff participated in the food fest by cooking a variety of foods which was sold. There were a total of 12 stalls. The rangoli competition 1st prize was won by the I yrs, 2nd prize by II yrs and 3rd prize by IV yr students.

▶▶ DEXTRIX’17 Dextrix 2K17 was inaugurated on mornings 22nd February with the art competition in the Event ARTESANIA, and Handicrafts competition held in the Oral Pathology Lab. 20 teams from various houses participated with 2 members per team. Face painting was also held on the noon of 22nd February with the theme HALLOWEEN which was held in the Pre-clinical conservative Lab. 20 teams from various houses participated with 2 members per team. Glass Painting was conducted on the next day 23rd February in the morning in the Oral Pathology Lab with maximum participants of 15 members. Later on 27th February, Henna on hand (Mehendi Design), was conducted with total of 20 teams (2 members /team). In the noon, Jewellery from waste was conducted in the Oral Pathology Lab. On March 2nd, Vegetable carving & paper crafting event Kirigami was conducted which was held in Pre-clinical conservative lab. On March 04, we conducted Nail Art in the oral pathology lab. On March 8 Eye Make-Up was conducted in the morning in the pre clinical conservative lab, with 15 teams. In noon, we conducted Rangoli in the ground floor verandah. On the next day March 09, we conducted the event named Executive makeup held in pre-clinical prosthodontics lab, which comprises of 15 teams from various houses with 2 members /team. On March 10 the last event of Dextrix (fine arts events), Cooking which was held in Pre-clinical prosthodontics lab & oral pathology lab, which had a participation of 24 teams with 3 members /team. We also conducted off stage events, Canvas painting, Finger print art, Visiting card, Selfie contest & Dubsmash.

▶▶ LOQUENTIA’17 LOQUENTIA’17 events started with Matribhasha diwas, a program for importance of Mother tongue on 21stof February. Twenty five students participated

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out of which three students were awarded prizes. This was followed by fun events like dumbcharades on 23 rd of February and Word shake on 24thof February.On 1st of march Pictionary was conducted between 10 am and 1 pm. On march 3 rd treasure hunt was conducted in and around the campus of IGIDS. On 9 th of March quiz was conducted among the houses by a quiz master from SIOL quiz club. Connections was conducted on 11 th of march. All the above mentioned Loquentia events was conducted in MGMC&RI 1st floor lecture hall No.2. Offstage events like Photography, dental cartoon/ strip and fictional writing were also conducted simultaneously.

▶▶ NATIONAL SCIENCE FEST Miss. Bharani Priya and Miss. Sowbarnika, III year students presented and won the First prize in the table clinic competition during National Science Day on the topic “Ultrasonics –Not just for scaling” under the guidance of Dr.Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer and Dr.Karthikeyan Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology on 28.02.2017. Miss. Prethee, IIIyr student presented a table clinic on the topic “AMSA technique for periodontal surgeries under the guidance of Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology on 28.02.2017. Miss. Merlin and Miss. Kalaivani, Final year students, presented a table clinic competition during National Science Day on “Simple Interrupted sutures made simpler” under the guidance of Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology on 28.02.2017. Miss. Ramya and Miss. Deepika, III yr student presented a 2D model competition during National Science Day on the topic “Gloving and De-gloving technique” under the guidance of Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology on 28.02.2017. Miss. Sujetha and Miss. Harini, II yr student presented a 2D model competition during National Science Day on the topic “Why to replace missing tooth?” under the guidance of Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Senior Lecturer Department of Prosthodontics on 28.02.2017. Miss. Nandhana and Miss. Yamuna, I yr student presented a poster competition during National Science Day on the topic “Prosthodontic treatment options for missing teeth ” under the guidance of Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Senior Lecturer Department of Prosthodontics on 28.02.2017. Miss. Shabnam, II yr student presented a Patient education 2D model during National Science Day on the topic “Implant as a replacement option” under the guidance of Dr. P.S. Manoharan, Head, Department of Prosthodontics on 28.02.2017.

Miss Lingeshwari Miss Swathi III Year student presented poster titled salivary Gland in National Science fest 2K17 on 18th Feb Guided by Dr Swetha Paulose Miss Ramiya Miss Pavithra Final year students presented poster titled “Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy” in National Science fest 2K17 on 18th Feb Guided by Dr.Vandana S Miss Sindhiya Miss Srinithi Final year students presented poster titled “ Probiotics” in National Science fest 2K17 on 18th Feb Guided by Dr Siva Sankari T In the National Science Fest 2K17 organized by IGIDS on 28.02.17 from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology: I year B.D.S. students have presented in the Patient Education poster competition: Ms. Kaviya and Ms. Bhuvaneshwari – ‘Tobacco – Is it a Child’s Play?’ and won the “Best Patient Education Poster.”; Ms. Riswana Dhasleem and Ms.Roshini Maria Irwina – ‘Global Oral Health Status – An Overview’; Mr. Geethansh Gaur and Mr. Silvin Joe – ‘Saliva – A Fantastic Diagnostic Body Fluid’; Mr. Chandru and Mr. Karthik Raja – ‘ Various Cleansing Aids’; Ms. Dharani and Ms. Rina Juliet – ‘Interesting Facts in Dentistry’; II year B.D.S. students - Ms. Narmatha and Ms. Chamundeeshwari - ‘Sterilization Protocol in Dentistry’; Ms. Angeline and Ms. Bakkiyalakshmi - ‘What is the most successful way to quit Smoking?’; Ms. Elavarasi – ‘Oil Pulling’; Ms. Vimala and Ms. Amritha Suresh – ‘Awareness of Oral Cancer’;III year B.D.S. students Ms. Sumithra and Ms. Juvairiya Nachiya have presented model on the topic ‘Cell cycle’ in the Table Clinic Competition. Savitha and Krishnendu (CRRI) presented a table clinic on “Shade selection using cross polarized photography”; Ashwini and dhivya [CRRI] presented a table clinic on working length estimation by using electronic apex locator in a preclinical typhodontic model ; Manju and Balavaishnavi Third Years presented in table clinic competition by Microbrush stamp technique as a model ; Archana and Arthi second years presented a table clinic on Patient education aid on various Restorative materials ; Pavithra and Vaishnavi final years presented in table clinic on Fibre reinforced composite- A boom to conservative approach ; Ashna and salma arif final years presented in table clinic on customized MTA carrier; Reena and rajashree CRRI) presented a table clinic on Cost effective endodontic sonic activator ; Nazila and Abirami second years presented in poster presentation on patient education aidon cariogenic and non cariogenic; Rafiya and Irene second years presented in poster presentation on patient education on self dental examination ; Shanora and keerthana second years presented in poster presentation on patient education on tooth cavities; Sarika and Amritha second years presented in poster presentation on patient education on dental floss held on 28.02.17 at IGIDS.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ ARENA’ 17 On 06th March 2017, the Sports day was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Dr.A.S.Ebenezer, National volley ball coach, Indian Team. The welcome address was given by the Sports Secretary, Mr. Midhun. The flag hoisting & Lighting of the torch was done by the Chief Guest. The Doves were set free by the Chief Guest & our Dean Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Sports oath had taken by Mr.Midhun followed by our students. The finals of various athletic track events & group events were conducted on the sports day. The gathering was felicitated by the chief Guest. The programme ended with vote of thanks by Dr. Kishore, Sports Advisor, Student Council. On 07th March 2017, the awarding ceremony for the prize winners began with the welcome address given by Mr. L.S.Sarvesh Ram, President, Student Council. Hoisting of our national flag was done by our chief guest Mr. Muthu Kaeshavulu, Deputy Director of sports, Govt. of India & our H’ble Vice chancellor Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, followed by march past by all the houses. The medals and certificates were awarded by the chief guest and vice chancellor. Friendly cricket match for men and Throw ball match for women were conducted after the awarding ceremony. The sports day ended with the vote of thanks by Mr. Midhun, Sports Secretary, Student council.

and Dr. Kalaiselvi, Cultural Advisor. The winners of dextrix’17 and loquentia’17 were awarded by Dr. Manoharan PS, Head of the department, Prosthodontics, Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Head of the department, Oral Medicine and Radiology, and Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry. The program ended with high tea.

▶▶ CONFLUENCE The Annual guild alumni get together “Confluence” was conducted on 17.03.17 at Ram hall, Ananda bhavan (opp to MGMCRI). The session continued with the guest lecture on Antibiotics & Analgesic - use and misuse by Prof. Madivannan, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Guild Alumni association gave memento as a token of appreciation to the Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery for the success of skill enhancement program minor oral surgery impaction hands on program (SEA). Then the certificate is given by The Dean, IGIDS to all the SEA program participants and camp participants.

▶▶ SEA PROGRAM 2017- ‘’ MINOR ORAL SURGERY IMPACTION HANDS ON ’’ Every year Skill Enhancement program for Alumni (SEA) is conducted to enhance the clinical skills of the GUILD alumni. This year it was planned on the topic of minor oral surgery impaction hands on by the Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery.17 alumni registered for the program were scheduled from 09.03.17 to 13.03.17. On the first day of the program theory lectures for the course was taken by the faculty of the department. From second day onwards hands on workshop was conducted on minor oral surgery impaction. Alumni were divided into three groups and each day 5 cases were allotted to the alumni and it was done under the supervision of the faculties of the OMFS department.

▶▶ MELOMANIA’17 Melomania’17, an inter house singing competition, happened on 16th March 2017 at IGIDS campus. The program commenced around 2 PM and the welcome address was given by Miss. Vijayashanthi, CRRI. Dr. Nalini Vittobane, Judge for the event, Alumni, GUILD, was honored with the floral bouquet by Miss. Shalini, Cultural secretary. The program was hosted by Miss. Lakshmipriyaa and Miss. Vijayashanthi. Inter house solo singing, duet singing and group singing was followed guest performance by Dr. Nalini Vittobane. The prizes were distributed to the winners by Dr. Nalini Vittobane

▶▶ CELESTIAL’17 CELESTIAL’17, cultural program of IGIDS, was conducted on 17th march 2017 evening at SBV ground. The program commenced around 5.30 pm with an invocation and cake cutting by the organizing batch Compadres and the gathering was welcomed by our cultural secretary Miss. Lakshmipriyaa, and the show was hosted by Miss. Preethi Epsiba, joint cultural secretary and Miss.Vijaya Shanthi, Joint scientific secretary. Both the judges Miss. Swetha, an actress and dancer and Mr. Saberesh, short film director were felicitated with floral bouquet by our cultural secretaries. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, SBV and Dr. Saravana Kumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS and Dr. Santhadevy, Vice Principal, IGIDS, were also felicitated with floral bouquet by our president and cultural secretaries. The ILLUMINA’17, an inter house competitive performances, started with the solo classical which was followed by the inauguration of ILLUMINA’17 by Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Kalaiselvi, Cultural advisor, along with the organizing batch “COMPADRES” with the LED balloons and sky shots. This was followed by

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duet dance competitive performances of the each house happened with dinner around 8.30 pm. Later an event called BLITHE OF ETHOS with different themes were presented by each houses and in between the each performances short film of each houses directed by our own students was projected on the side screens. It was based upon the theme given to their respective houses. Final event, group dance was judged by Miss. Swetha. The prizes for the winners of celestial events were given by Ms. Swetha and Mr. Saberesh.

▶▶ IGNITE ‘17 IGnite’ 17, our college day function, was conducted on the evening of 18th March 2017 at SBV ground celebrating its 11th year anniversary. The program commenced around 5pm with an opening musical Veenai performance by our intern Ms. Kaavya N. Special dance and skit performance were given by Sathya special school children. The event was hosted by Dr. Anoop Mathew, Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics and Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontics. Mr. Sarvesh Ram, President of Student council, welcomed and greeted the chief guest, Mrs. Jeyanthi rajesh, Head, System integration, Deputy project director, ISRO, Prof. K R Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of dentistry, IGIDS, Prof. Saravana Kumar, Vice Principal and Prof. Santha Devi, Vice Principal, IGIDS. Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, delivered the college report and the events of IGIDS, 2016-2017. This was followed by felicitation of chief guest by Prof. K R Sethuraman. Mrs. Jeyanthi Rajesh, Chief Guest, addressed the gathering by her inspirational speech on space research. The official college magazine “GLAZE’ 17” was released by the chief guest and the editorial team. The champions of Arena’17, Dextrix ’17, Loquentia’17 and Celestial’17, were announced by the respected secretaries and advisors, and the overall championship of cultural were achieved by green house and the overall championship for batch events were achieved by the final year batch “Octacrownz”. This was followed by speech of our alumni guild Dr. Kishore about his journey in our college, and then the vote of thanks was given by Mr. Ashok Kumar, General Secretary, student council. Then the cultural events were started initially with the faculty team’s musical performance, and then our college band “Euphonianz” gave a light music performance and which was followed by the batch performances of Stylodentz, Dravergonz, Zenforianz, Octacrowns and Legendiers. The evening ended with the open stage dance, dinner and photo session for the faculties, post graduates and all of the batches.

▶▶ SCORE In the “SCORE” program of the 1 st Student Conference of Research in Education organised by Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal,

at Mangalore on 3.02.17 and 4.02.17 from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology: Intern - Ms. Vinitha Kumari has presented the paper “Awareness of Oral Probiotics among Dental Practitioners of Puducherry”. IV year B.D.S. students Mr. Jothy Aravind and Mr. Ajith Kumar have presented poster “Signature of Cancer – A Genetic Print.”; III year B.D.S. students Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Shaiek Nizamuddin, Mr. Antony Jebaraj, Ms. Manju, Mr. Shyam Sundar, Ms. Sumithra, Ms. Juvairiya, Ms. Bala Vaishnavi have presented patient Education video on “Tobacco awareness ‘Ignorance is Bliss’ But Not Always.” Yogesh, Anupriya,Yazhini, Suwetha, Ijas 3rd Year Students Presented Educational Video On Prevention of Dental Caries ; Pavithra, Vaishnavi Final Year Students Presented Poster on Fibre Reinforced Composite ; Karishma, Jayashree, Sumithra 3rd Year Students Presented Poster on Repair and Replacement of Restoration; Kishore, Sriram, Ganesh, Hari Prasanth3rd Year Students Presented Educational Video on Different Techniques Of Matrix and Wedges ; Fahad(CRRI) Presented Paper on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Oral Health among the Transgender population in Puducherry,India-A Cross sectional Questionnaire Survey; Ramya(CRRI) Presented Paper on Comparative Evaluation of Proximal Contact build –up in Amalgam Restorations using Sectional Matrix System and Circumferential Matrix System-An Invitro Study ; Ravi, Kottishwaran Final Year Students Presented Poster – At The Apex or Beyond The Apex-Evidence Based Report on Working Length Estimation; held on 3rd and 4th feburary 2017 at T.M.A.Pai Convention Center, Mangalore.

▶▶ SANGAMAM 2017 Karpaga Vinayaga Collage of Dental Sciences, Chennai organised a scientific presentation on 19th April2017. Total of five under graduate student, third years of IGIDS had participated in the competition.The students were accompanied by Dr.Muneer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, IGIDS.5 students had participated in the paper presentation out of which one paper won third place. The following Third year students participated in the scientific presentation Third year student Mr. M.L.Kayelai Raj presented on Single Tooth Implant guided by Dr. Balaji, senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics, Miss. A.R.Manju presented on Magnetic Overdenture guided by Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Mr. M.Rajasurya presented on Shade selection of Tooth Using Digital Photography, Mr. Hamilton Arokia Raj. J presented on Music therapy and dentistry guided by Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics and Miss. Sowbarnika Harikrishnan presented on “Perspective of Lasers in Dentistry” guided by Dr. Rajkumar, senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College


GNC provides high achieving undergraduate students to excel intellectually and clinically, rendering efficacious & quality nursing care to the general public through our hospital. We train our students to develop critical clinical skills, patient management and ward administration, ethics and professional conduct and empower them to be able to tackle any situation and function anywhere in the world. Our aim is not only to keep up the excellent record of academic performances but also to unearth the hidden skills in each one of our students and nurture, encourage them to be happy, health and efficient nurses of tomorrow. KGNC enjoys the greatest advantage of coexisting with Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute’s teaching Hospital which allows our students access and exposure to all the modern healthcare systems, wards, operating theaters and technology. Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Message From Prof. Dr. Renuka K, M.Sc (N),Ph.D (N) Principal of Faculty of Nursing Science Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

As every New Year dawns, newer ideas, newer thoughts and newer changes flash our minds, racing up for success. I feel extremely happy to share a few lines for the Annual Report of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV) 2017, a Centre of Academic Excellence, providing a platform for every individual to maximize their potentials. The Annual Report 2017 is loaded up with cherishable professional memories of all constituent Colleges of SBV, is a matter of great pride and accomplishment. Hopes, aspirations and dreams of KGNC, to reach the pinnacle of success is made possible by our envisioned, enthusiastic and Respected Chancellor Sri. M.K.Rajagopalan, and Vice-Chairman Dr. Prasanth Rajagopalan and also by the able guidance and support rendered by our Honourable Vice-Chancellor, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, and by our Dean of Faculty, SBV & Research @AHS, Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan. Every issue of chronicle gives us a sense of happiness and contentment when we witness our perspirations & perseverance transformed into story of success. Kudos to my own team for the unwavering support and enthusiasm, extended at every point of time. We will strive to give away our best in the future too. KGNC family also salutes all our well-wishers, who have led the pathway to success. KGNC team will always contribute towards achieving the unified goal of SBV. I wish the Annual Report Editing Team & IQAC team for spreading the fragrance of SBV even to the unreached.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Divagar S,Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Laughter therapy on stress and anxiety among elderly at selected old age Home, Puducherry, International Journal of Research & Review: Dec 2016 : 3 (12) 3459-3463. Gayathri. S, Jayasri J. Cancer and Mental Health, Health Action Journal: Jan-2017, 30 (1) 31-33. Jayasri J. School Health, Health Action Journal: Jan2017, 30 (1) 28-30. Renuka.K , Anbhu.M. Yoga for Palliative Nurses, Annals of SBV: July-December 2016, 5 (2) 23-25. Sugumar S, Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effectiveness of Group therapy on Psychological well being among alcohol dependents at selected De addiction, Puducherry, IOSR Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences : Jan – Feb 2017 1 (1) 145-147. Santhiya V, Prabavathy S, Renuka K. A Study to assess the effectiveness level of knowledge and attitude regarding mental illness among general public at Molapakkam village, Puducherry, International Journal of Research & Review: Dec 2016 3(12) 3443-3447 Geetha C. Assessment of Practice on Documentation among Staff Nurses Working in MGMCRI. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):9-11. Jayanthi K, Renuka K. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Based Discharge Counseling on Patient Satisfaction among Patients in Selected Wards at MGMCRI. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):16-19. Jayasri J. Assess the Knowledge on Ill-Effects of Alcoholism among Alcoholics those who attend the De-Addiction Clinics in IGGMGH. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):27-30 Jayasri J. Mental Health in Prison - Issues & Challenges. Health action. April 2017; 26-28. Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of Balloon Exercise on Level of Dyspnea among Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Disorder. Journal of Lung, Pulmonary & Respiratory Research.2017.

among NSS Students at Karaiyamputhur Government Higher Secondary School. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017;10(1):23-26. Rajalakshmy P. A Therapeutic Role of Flaxseed. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1): 34-37. Ezhilarasi E, Renuka K, Ponmani C. A Study to Assess the Impact of Warm Water Foot Immersion Therapy on Regulation of Body Temperature among Patients with Fever. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):1-4. Sherin Nithya S, Ruma Shanthini R. A Study to Assess the Impact of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Home Management on Prevention of Dengue among Women at Moorthikuppam. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. JanApr 2017; 10(1):12-14. Soya Sunny, Sumathy P. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Soya Milk Administration on Degree of Malnutrition among Malnourished Children in Selected Anganwadi Centres at Seliamedu. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10( 1):5-8. Subakeerthi V. A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude on No-Scalpel Vasectomy among Teachers at Selected Schools. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. JanApr 2017; 10(1):31-33. Sumathy P, Finny Moses E. A Study to Assess the Risk Factors of Developing Thrombophlebitis among Children Admitted in Selected Hospital at Puducherry. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. June 2017; 7(6): 250-253 Elavarasi R, Umamaheswari R. A study to assess the effectiveness of selected nursing interventions on regulation of blood pressure among patients with hypertension residing at selected rural areas in Puducherry. Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing. JanMar 2017; III (II): 55-64. Umamaheswari R. Assessment of Knowledge on Genetic Counselling among Antenatal Mothers at Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):20-21.

Kripa Angeline A. Systematic review on interventions for mucositis in cancer therapy – an update. Oncological International Journal of Nursing. 2017; 3(1):15-22.

Umamaheswari R. Effectiveness of deep breathing exercise on menopausal symptoms among postmenopausal women. Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jan-Mar 2017; III (1):84-87.

Manopriya V, Renuka K. Simulative Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Basic Life Support

Anitha B, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):65-68.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

Annie Annal M ,Umamaheswari R, A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on early detection of visual disturbances in children among primary school teachers in a selected school at Puducherry. International journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal &Neonatal Nursing.(IJOPNN) .2017 ;3(2): 19-21. Carolin P, Kamalam S, Aruna Devi M, Assessment of knowledge on anemia and the effectiveness of lemon juice in improving Hemoglobin level among Adolescent. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2): 40-43 . Feba Sam, Renuka K , Nandhini S, Impact of Innovative Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Skill regarding Basic Cardiac Life Support among Students. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017;11(2): 1-4 . Finny Moses E, Assessment of Knowledge on Biomedical Waste Management among Critical Care Health Workers in SMVMCH, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2): 29-33. Finny Moses E. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Mud Therapy among Clients with Knee Osteoarthritis. International journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. August 2017; 3(1): 11-14. Geetha.C, Facts related to Obesity. International Journal of Current Research. August 2017; 9(8):56083-56084. Jaya Pradha D, A Study to assess the effectiveness of Lamaze Breathing Exercise on Labour Pain among primi gravid women admitted in Labour ward at MGMC&RI, Puducherry. International Journal of Information Research and Review. september 2017; 4(6): 4491-4495. Jayasri J, Orthorexia: The Dirty Downside of Clean Eating. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017;11(2):73-78 .Jayasri J, Pesticides : Food Safety And Management. Health action. August 2017;9(2): 4-6.

Lavanya S, Effectiveness of ice pack application on reduction of labour pain among primi gravid women during first stage of labour admitted in MGMCRI. International journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal &Neonatal Nursing (IJOPNN) . 2017 ;3(2):1-5. Lekshmi S, Annie Annal M, Lavanya S, Effects of different Maternal Positions on maternal parameters and fetal heart rate among Antenatal Mothers during NonStress Test. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):16-21. Rajeswari S, Impact of Social Media on Lifestyle and Learning Behaviour among Adolescents . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):12-15. Ramaprabhu Z, Effectiveness of Sleep Management Strategies in Reducing Insomnia among Elderly . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017;11(2): 22-28. Renuka K,Jayanthi K, Infiniti – Mind Mapping Learning Model. Annals SBV. Jan –June 2017 ;6(1):12-14. Saranya S, Pfeiffer Syndrome . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):69-72 . Sharisadan, AnnieAnnal M, Poongodi V, Effectiveness of Information Education Communication Package on knowledge regarding Dysmenorrhea among Adolescent Girls in selected schools at Puducherry . Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):34-39. Sivaranjani, Prabavathy S, Jayanthi K , Assessment of the Psycho Social Problems associated with Obese Adolescents. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2): 44-47 .

Jayasri J, Preventing Silicosis. Health action. July 2017;19(2).

Suganya V, Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and attitude regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):48-52.

Kripa Angeline A , Anbu M , Renuka K, Impact of flipped classes on knowledge regarding HIV post exposure Prophylaxsis among dental students. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ). Aug 2017; 3(8): 103-105.

Sumathy.P, Effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding junk food and its effects among adolescents in selected urban school at Puducherry. International Journal of Applied Research. June 2017;3(6): 574-577.

Kripa Angeline A, Effectiveness of panel discussion among Nursing Students. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ). Aug 2017;3(8):18-20.

Aileen George, Renuka.K , KripaAngeline.A . A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Deep breathing Exercise With Incentive Spirometer on the Respiratory Status of Patients Who Have Undergone Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery in Selected Hospital Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3): 15-20

Kripa Angeline A, Mycetoma Madura Foot – Case Report. International Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. August 2017; 3(1): 15-19.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Geetha.C. A study to assess the effectiveness of educational programme on knowledge regarding obesity among school children in a selected school, Puducherry. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, December 2017; 6(12):7890-7892.

among Patients with Skin Traction. International Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. July – December 2017; 3 (2): 25-31

Jassin Joseph, Annie Annal , UmaMaheswari R. Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Programmes on Knowledge regarding Cervical Cancer and its Preventive Measure Among Reproductive Age Group Women. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3): 9-11.

Resha Benny , Kamalam S , Bamalakshmi.V.A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge, Attitude And Practice of Women on Hazards of Tobacco Consumption and to Identify Their Health Problem in Selected Rural and Urban Area With A View of Organizing an Educational Programme At Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3): 27-31.

Jayasri.J ,Jayanthi.K. Urban Health :Issues And Challenges . Health action. Oct 2017: 22-24. Jayasri.J ,Dhivagar.V. Laws that govern medical negligence. Health action. Nov 2017: 12-14. Jayasri.J. Preventing Medico –Legal issues in Clinical Practice. Health action. Nov 2017 :18-20. Jayasri.J .Couvade Syndrome.International journal of Nursing Critical Care Journal. December 2017; 3 (2): 1-5.

Rajalakshmy.P.Types of Diabetes Mellitus. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3):47-49

▶▶ STATUS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS The Institutional review board meeting for students projects (UG &PG) was held on 4.5.17. Followed by this the IHEC meeting was conducted on 28.6.17 and 30.6.17 for UG, PG and department projects undertaken by the faculty. Thus in this quarter KGNC is undertaking 15 departmental projects, 16 PG projects and 39 UG projects


Jayasri.J .Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. International journal of Neurological Nursing Journal. December 2017;3 (2): 57-61.


Jayasri.J. Prevention of Substance abuse in India. Health Action. December 2017; 30(12):10-12

Dr.Renuka.K, Principal, HOD, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, enlightened on “Communication of Research Findings”. as a Resource speaker at the Regional Workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by PIMS College of Nursing, Puducherry on 24.01.2017.

Jayapradha.D, Annie Annal, Renuka K. A study to assess the effectiveness of Lamaze breathing exercise on labour pain among primi gravid women admitted in labour ward at MGMCRI. International Journal of information research and review, (IJIRR). Oct – Dec 2017 ;4(9): 4491-4495. Kripa Angeline.A . Systematic Review on Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Risk of Lung Cancer. International Journal of Oncological Nursing . 2017; 3 (2):20-24 Lavanya.S, Kripa Angeline.A. Sjogren’s Syndrome and Oral Care – A Review. International Journal of Immunological Nursing . December 2017;(2):24-31. Pramodhini S, Stephen S, Shanmugam J,Renuka.K. Prevalence & Antibiogram of MRSA Isolated from patient samples and Health Care Workers in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Puducherry. India. Int. J. Curr. Microbial. App. Sci December 2017; 6(12): 1419-1424. Prabavathy.S. Breaking Bad News - A Psychological Approach. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing, Sep –Dec 2017; 10 (3) : 36-41. Praimathi.A . Effectiveness of Cold Application and Range of Motion Exercise on Prevention of Complication


Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Asso.Prof Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, threw light on “Role of Nurse in Ophthalmic Emergencies” as a Resource Speaker at the National level Conference on “Ophthalmic Emergencies” organized by Sresakthimayeil Institute of Nursing Research ( J.K.K.Nataraja Education Institutions) on 24.2.2017. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, was a Resource Person at the 3rd National Seminar on “Unseen Pain,Silent Tears & Unabated Agony “Child Abuse - Visualize, Interalise And Realise” organized by Mother Mary’s Institute of Nursing Deowal Road, Nasrala, Distt. Hoshiarpur, on 09.03.17. She deliberated on “Physical abuse and its implications and corporal punishment”. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, deliberated on “Manuscript preparation and organization of the scientific research paper” as a Resource speaker at the 3rd National Seminar on “Fostering Scientific Temper in Nurse Through Scientific Paper Writing and Publication Ethics” organized by Sri Guru Ramdass Nursing Institute,Pandher, Amritsar on 11.03.17.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

Mrs.Rajeswari.S, Asso.Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, deliberated on “Paramedical course” as a resource speaker in Career Guidance Program for 12th standard students, organized by District Education Department of Tamil Nadu at Krishnasamy Engineering College, Cuddalore on 06.04.17.

Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A Asso. Prof. Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing, was appointed as an Observer by TamilNadu Nursing and midwifery Council(TNNMC) for the workshop on Enterostomy care organized by Dept. of Nursing and Surgical Gastroenterology, JIPMER on 05.10.2017.

Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A Asso. Prof, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, deliberated as resource speaker on “Critical Care Technology” in the CNE on Critical Care Nursing -Updates at Karuna College of nursing, Chitoor, kerala on 10.4.17.

Mrs.Lavanya, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing was appointed as an TNNMC observer for the State Level conference on Clinical Strategies/ TechniquesDelineating Differences by Preceptors organized by A.G.Padmavathy College of Nursing, Puducherry on 25.10.2017.

Dr.Renuka.K Principal, KGNC, was a panelist in the National Seminar cum Workshop on Role of Yoga in Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases, organized by CYTER in collaboration with Dept. of Physiology held in commemoration of International yoga day celebration at MGMCRI on 23.6.17 In the State Level Symposium on “Understanding Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” held on 6th and 7th july 2017 the following faculties from KGNC were occupied the dais. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing on “Conceptual framework in Nursing Research” Prof.Sumathy.P , HOD , Dept. of Child Health Nursing on “Data collection Method’. Prof.Annie Annal, HOD of Department of OBG Nursing on “Tool for Measurement and its Essential”. Mrs. Geetha.C, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing on “Communication and Utilization of Research Findings”. Mrs. Kripa Angeline A, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing on “Essential of Nursing Research”. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing has deliberated on “Health consumer satisfaction- prime areas of quality improvement” in the National Conference organized by Alumni Association of KGNC on the theme “Quality Pathways in Healthcare System” held on 08.09.17. Mrs.Aruna Devi.M, Asst. prof. Department of Community Health Nursing, deliberated on “Hospital Accreditation Process and Magnet Status –Focus on Nurse” in National Conference on “Quality pathways in health care system”, KGNC, Puducherry on 08.09.17. Mrs. Prabavathy.S, HOD Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, deliberated as a resource speaker on Breaking Bad News- a Psychological approach in the CNE on the Gastrointestinal Nursing Enriching, Empowering And Emphasizing knowledge on 04.10.2017 organized by Dept. of Nursing and Surgical Gastroenterology, JIPMER

Mrs. Prabavathy.S,HOD ,Dept of Mental Health Nursing, was appointed as an TNNMC Observer for State level workshop on Back to Basics- to reduce Gap Between Nurse and Patient on 17.11.2017 organized by College of Nursing, East Coast Institute of Medical sciences Puducherry. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC, chaired the session in the National Conference on “Transformation of Knowledge From Theory, Practice & Research to Enhance The Patient Care” organised by JIPMER College of Nursing on 05.12.2017. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC is recognized as reviewer of skill text and videos by Elsiever Clinical Skills Manual Volume – 2; Medical Surgical Nursing, First Edition on 06.12.17 onwards Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council Inspector: Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing was appointed as TNNMC Inspector by Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai to visit Sacred Heart Nursing College, Madurai on 3rd July 2017. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing was appointed as TNC Inspector by Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai to visit Vinayaka Mission’s College of Nursing, Karaikal on 6th July 2017. Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD , Department of Child Health Nursing was appointed as TNC Inspector by Tamil Nadu Nurses &Midwives Council, Chennai to visit Padmashree College of Nursing, Walajabad on 7th Aug 2017

▶▶ Officiating as Chairperson / Moderator / Panelist in Academic / Scientific Events Examiner Mrs. Bamalakshmi.V, Asso. Prof, HOD, Dept. of Community Health Nursing was an organizing committee member in Inter/Intra Collegiate Competition, SBV Research Week,held at MGMCRI on 06.01.2017.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Prof.Sumathy.P HOD, Dept of Child Health Nursing was one of the Jury members for the poster competition, in commemoration of the National Science Day at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science SBV on 28.02.2017 Prof. Annie Annal.M, HOD of Dept. of OBG Nursing, was appointed as a UG Examiner at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry on 22.5.17- 24.5.17. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC, was appointed as practical examiner at Sri Manakula Vinayagar College of Nursing, Puducherry from 30.5.17 to 1.6.17 Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, was appointed as a paper setter for PG programme in Nursing, JIPMER college of Nursing on 30.5.2017. Mrs.Mano Priya, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Nursing foundation was appointed as a BLS Instructor (monitoring) in simulation lab, SBV on 3.6.17, 5.6.17 &6.6.17. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, KGNC, was appointed for paper valuation in Pondicherry University on 13.6.17 and 14.6.17 Mrs. Prabavathy S. Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Mental Health Nursing was appointed as a PG examiner in Vinayaka Missions College of Nursing, Puducherry on 20.06.17. Prof.Sumathy.P , HOD , Department of Child Health Nursing was appointed as an Examiner for Practical Examination and Paper valuation at Rani Meiyammai College of Nursing, Annamalai University,Chidambaram from 9 to 11st Aug 2017. Mrs.Lavanya S, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing, was a paper valuator at Pondicherry University, Puducherry, on 24.08.17. Mrs.Kripa Angeline .A Associate Professor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, was appointed as a practical examiner for UG students at vinayaka mission college of Nursing,Karaikal from 4.09.2017 to 09.09.2017. Mrs.Poongodi.V Asst.Prof, & Mrs. Umamaheswari.R Asst.Prof, Dept. of OBG Nursing, Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A Asso. Prof. Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, P.Rajalakshmy, Lecturer in Nutrition, Mrs. Prabavathy.S,HOD , Dept. of Mental Health Nursing Mrs. Sherine Nithiya.S Dept. of Child Health Nursing, Mrs. Subakeerthi.V Dept. of Community Health Nursing were appointed as paper evaluators in Pondicherry University, on 03.10.17.

The following faculty were appointed as PG examiners by The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University which is as follows: Mrs. Rajeswari.S, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing - College of Nursing, Christian Medical College , Vellore on 30th -31st Oct, 2017 Prof.M.Annie Annal, HOD, Dept. of OBG Nursing, -Sakthi college of Nursing , Dindugal (Dt) Tamil Nadu, on 02.11.17. Prof.Sumathy.P , HOD , Dept. of Child Health Nursing -Indira College of Nursing, Trichy on 6.11.17. Mrs. Geetha.C, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing -College of Nursing, Madurai Medical College , Madurai on 26th Oct, 2017. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC, -Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Nursing, Perambalur on 31.10.17 and 01.11.17. Prof.Sumathy.P , HOD , Dept. of Child Health Nursing was appointed UG Examiner in JIPMER College of Nursing, Puducherry on 24.11.17.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATION The Research Week 2017 was organized by the SBV on 12.12.2017. The following faculty from KGNC presented papers which is as follows Mrs.Lavanya, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing, -Effectiveness of ICT based teaching on pubertal health among prepubertal age group. Mrs.Elavarasi.R, Asst. prof. Dept of Community Health Nursing -A experimental study to assess the effectiveness of abdominal breathing exercise on regulation of blood pressure among patients with hypertension residing at Pilliyarkuppam , Puducherry Mr.Ramaprabhu.Z, Assistant professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing -A study to assess the effectiveness of Burger – Aliens Exercise on wound healing process among the diabetic foot ulcer patients admitted in MGMCRI, Puducherry.

▶▶ Course Trainer Mrs.Manopriya ,Asst. Prof. Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, was deputed as BLS Instructors for Medical Interns on 26.09.17

▶▶ EDITORIAL BOARD Dr.Renuka.K, is Authoring the Adoption for Joyce.M Black. Text book of Medical & Surgical Nursing- Clinical Management for Positive Outcome.9th Edition. ISBN

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

N0:81--8147.541.0 Elsevier publication the following members are the contributing authors. Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Mrs.Manopriya.V,Mrs. Anbhu.,Ms.Nirmala.S, Mrs.Nandhini.M Facuty Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing Adoption - Joyce.M Black. Medical & Surgical Nursing- Clinical Management for Positive Outcome.9th Edition. ISBN N0:81--8147.541.0

▶▶ FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS Mr.Finny Moses and Ms.Anbhu.M, Tutor Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing has completed BLS and ACLS course accredited by AHA at JIPMER center on 06.07.17 and 07.07.17.

▶▶ COPYRIGHTS Renuka.K, Kripa Angeline. A. 7C’S Multidisciplinary Teaching – Learning Framework – KGNC Model. May 2016: 9260/2017-CO/L. Renuka.K, K. Jayanthi. KGNC’s – INFINITI –MIND Mapping Learning Model: May 2016; 9262/2017-CO/L. Renuka.K, Anandha Balayogi Bhavanani. Incorporation of Yoga Therapy Education in Nursing Curriculum –Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV) Model: May 2016; 9265/2017-CO/L. Renuka.K, Z. Ramaprabhu. Telephonic Nursing – KGNC’s Cost effective method of Nursing Service: Dec 2014; 9289/2017-CO/L.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS The following faculty members from KGNC presented poster in research week 2016 on 05.01.2017organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth,which as follows.

& Exploration of The Needs For Health Care Among Initial Defaulters of Tuberculosis Treatment in Selected Areas, Puducherry”. Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy, Lecturer in Nutrition “Effect of Zinc Food Supplement on Blood Glucose, Lipid Profile And Serum Zinc Among Type II Diabetes Mellitus Patient in Selected Rural Areas at Puducherry”. Mrs. Kripa Angeline.A Asso.Prof Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing “A study to assess the impact of flipped classes on knowledge regarding post exposure prophylaxis among dental students in Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences (IGIDS),Puducherry”. Ms.Nirmala.S.Tutor Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing “ A study to assess the effect of information education communication package on knowledge regarding estrogen dominance in precocious puberty among mothers of school going girls in selected urban school at Puducherry”. Ms.M.Anbhu, Tutor Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing,“A study to assess the effectiveness of nurse directed intervention on prevention and management of osteoporosis among women residing in selected rural areas of Puducherry”. Prof.M. Annie Annal, HOD, Dept of OBG Nursing, “A Study to assess the Cultural Practices of Postnatal mothers”. Mrs.S.Lavanya ,Asst Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing, “A Comparative study to assess the effectiveness of Ice pack application Vs Hot application in reducing the labour pain process in mothers in Ist stage of labour admitted in MGMCRI”.

Ms. B. Anitha , Lecturer, Dept of OBG Nursing, “A Study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD Dept of Child Health Nursing, programme (STP) on knowledge regarding zika fever “Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on among staff Nurses, MGMCRI at Puducherry” and was Knowledge Regarding Newborn care and Danger signs” selected as one among the seven for Podium presentation. among Postnatal Mothers in Kirumampakkam PHC, Puducherry. Mrs.Bamalakshmi, Asso.Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing gave a lecture on “First Aid Management” Mrs. Geetha. C Asso. Prof. Dept. of child Health in the CNE for staff nurses in MGMCRI 19.4.17. Nursing, “Assess the Knowledge Regarding the Ms. Nirmala, tutor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, Contributing Factors of Childhood Obesity among the Mothers of Obese Children aged 11-16 years at provided orientation training on emergency services in Nonankuppam Village, Puducherry. MGMCRI for Novice Nurses of MGMCRI on from 17.03.17 to 21.03.17. Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Asso. Prof. Dept. of child Health All faculty members from KGNC Participated in the Nursing, “A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching Porgramme on Knowledge Regarding State Level Symposium on the theme “Understanding Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents Among Adolescents Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” held on 6th in a Selected School at Puducherry”. and 7th july 2017. Mrs. Bamalakshmi.V, Asso. Prof & Mrs.Subakeerthi.V Dept. of Community Health Nursing “Identification

Mrs.Lavanya, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing, Participated in Workshop on “Environmental Hazards



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

of Electronic Waste” organized by Avai village welfare society, Karaikal at Dr.Abdul Kalam Planetarium, Lawspet, Puducherry on 11.08.17. Mrs.Prabavathy.S HOD, Mrs.Jayanthi.R Dept. of Mental Health Nursing Participated in workshop on “YOLO – Health ATM ” organized by yalo All faculty members from KGNC Participated in 8th National Seminar on “ Quality pathways in Health care system” Organized by Alumni Association of KGNC on 08.09.2017.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC PARTICIPATIONS D.S.Hannah Aswini, Lecturer, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing participated in a CNE on “Role of Nursing Staff in Oncology” held at Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital and Research Center, Puducherry on 11.02.17. Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof, Ms. Jayasri J, Tutor, Mr. Dhivagar S, Tutor, Mrs. MaliniPon Angel, Tutor, Dept. of Mental health Nursing participated in National conference on “Childhood Disorders” organized by Dept of Psychiatry, held at MGMCRI on 17.02.17. Mrs.Elavarasi.R Asst.Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing participated in 5th Society of Community Health Nurses of India National conference on “Community Health Nursing – A Global Perspective to Indian Context” organized by Omayal Achi College of Nursing , Puzhal held on 02.02.17 – 03.02.17.

Nursing Education Unit on 12.5.17 in commemoration of International Nurses Day. All faculty members of KGNC participated in the guest lecture on “Emerging Areas of Educational Research in Health Professions” organized by Department of Health Professions Education on 13.5.17. Mrs. Rajeswari.S, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Geetha.C, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Sudha, Tutor, Asso.Prof, participated in the Regional level Yogasana competitions of health professions of Puducherry on Common yoga protocol organized by CYTER, SBV in collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association 22.06.17 Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Asso. Prof, Ms. Anbu, Lecturer, Mrs.Mano Priya, Asst. Prof Department of Medical Surgical Nursing participated in the certificate course on essentials of Palliative care organised by Department of surgery & Hospital Palliative care Team, MGMCRI, in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care on 24.6.17 & 25.6.17 at MGMCRI Puducherry. Mrs. Aruna Devi.M, Asst. Prof, Mrs.Lavanya, Asst. Prof, Mrs.Poongodi.V, Asst Prof and Mrs.B.Anitha, Lecturer, participated in Tamil Nadu recognized nursing schools and colleges association and all India recognized nursing schools and colleges association jointly organized interactive session and seminar on “Leadgement In Nursing”, Trichy on 30.6.17.


Department of Medical Surgical Nursing Prof.M. Annie Annal, HOD, Ms.Sajini Merin Mathew.S, (10.01.17)

Tutor, Ms.Suganya.B, Tutor, Dept of OBG Nursing participated in CME on “Adolescent Gynecology” Department of Medical Surgical Nursing hosted the organized by Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Scientific Academic Forum on 11.1.17 focusing on the MGMCRI held on 18.02.2017. theme “FAST HUG – Care of patients in critical care unit”. The programme started with quiz competition for III All faculty members of KGNC participated in the State Year students on the theme. The shovel of the forum was Level workshop on “Forensic Nursing –A New Door the guest talk on the topic “FAST HUG – Care of patients Open To Nurses” organized by KGNC on 12.4.2017 at in critical care unit” by Dr. Alai Taggu, HOD, Dept of Critical Care Medicine, MGMCRI who gave an overview Ground floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. on the basics in care of patients in critical care units. Mrs.Subakeerthi.V, Lecturer, Dept. of Community Health Nursing participated in “Nurses Role in hospital DEPT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING infection control” organized by JIPMER, Puducherry - 30.01.17 on 05.5.17. Dept of Community Health Nursing hosted the Scientific All faculty members of KGNC participated in the guest Academic Forum on 30.01. 2017 focusing on the theme lecture on “Fullbright Grants: Educational and Research “Learning A-Z about Leprosy”. Dr. Jayaramachandran, Fellowships” organized by Scientific and Academic MD, Asst. Prof, Dept of Community Medicine, MGMC Forum of MGMCRI on 10.5.17. & RI, was the guest speaker of the day. He highlighted on Diabetes, and how to Eat Healthy Diet to control All faculty members of KGNC participated in guest and prevent Diabetes. Mrs.Bamalakshmi.V Asso.Prof. lecture on “Nurses: A Voice to lead– Achieving the gave a lecture on “National Forum on Elemination of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)” organized by Leprosy as a Public Health Problem”

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

NURSING FOUNDATION -28.02.2017 Dept of Nursing Foundation organized a Scientific Academic Forum on Nurses lead in fighting infection on 28.2.17. Quiz competition was conducted for the B.Sc (N) I year students on the theme. Dr.Kalaivani .R ,Asso.Prof, Dept. of. Microbiology, MGMCRI, was the Guest speaker who threw light on “Fighting Infection “ which caught the attention of the delegates.

DEPT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING – 20.10.17 Dept of Community Health Nursing organized Scientific Academic Forum on 20.10.17 focusing on the theme Dengue Prevention and care – Health professional’s Role. Dr. Uma Shankar, Medical officer, Primary health centre Bahour, the guest speaker of the day gave an enlightening talk on the theme which was very informative.



Dept of Child Health Nursing hosted the Scientific Academic Forum on 27.4.17 focussing on communicable Diseases. The highlights of the forum comprised of a Quiz programme for III year B.Sc (N) students on the theme. The shovel of the forum was the guest talk on the topic “Scrub Typhus for children” by Dr. Karuppiah Pandi, Asst.Prof, Dept. of Paediatrics, MGMCRI. The Prize winners were awarded with certificates.

Dept of Nursing Foundation organized Scientific Academic Forum on 28.11.17 focusing on the theme Entrepreneurship. Dr. S. Ramkumar, Director, Entrepreneurship Development cell, Govt. of Puducherry invited as a chief guest and he deliberated on the theme “Entrepreneurship Guidance Programme” the guest speaker was shonored by our beloved Principal.

KGNC –SAF organised a guest lecture on “Career Advancement of Nurses Into Civil Services” deliberated by Mr.Suthandira Balan.P ,Indian revenue services (IRS) our alumni from first batch of students on 27.06.17. His lecture was highly motivating instilling the seed into the minds of young students to take up civil services as their future career and provided cues to get through the civil service examinations.

DEPT. OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING – 20.07.17 The Scientific and Academic Forum on 20.07.17 was conducted focusing on the theme “Recent Advancement in Infertility Management” A quiz programme was conducted in this regard for B.Sc. (N) IV year students. They enthusiastically participated and won the prizes. Dr.Lopamudra B John, Asso. Prof. Dept. of OBG, MGMCRI, gave an update on “Recent Advancement in Infertility Management” which drew the attention of the gathering.

DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH NURSING – 12.09.17 The Scientific and Academic Forum was conducted on 12.09.17. The session started with a warm brief talk about glimpse on Suicide Prevention Day by Mrs. Prabavathy.S, HOD, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Asso.Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, gave a lucid talk on “Take a Minute, Change a Life” and followed by Mr. Rajkumar.M, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI on “Prevention of SelfHarming Thoughts-Tips for the Adolescents”. The session was very informative and beneficial for the participants.

▶▶ NURSING EDUCATION UNIT Nursing Education Unit& Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly Organized a guest lecture on “Classroom Management & Strategies to handle Problematic Students” at I - Floor, MEU hall, MGMCRI on 01.02.2017 between 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm. The Guest Speaker Dr. R. Muthumanickam, Principal, Krishnasamy College of Education for Women, Puducherry,gave a lucid talk on the above theme. Prof. B.V. Adkoli Head, Dept. of Health Profession Education also participated in the interaction session and gave his valuable inputs in classroom management. There was a brief group discussion at the end of the session. Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a guest lecture on “Nurses: A voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable development Goals (SDGS)” which was conducted on 12.05.2017 between 11.30 am – 1.00 pm, at I - Floor, MEU, MGMCRI in commemoration of International Nurses Day. Dr. A. Maria Therese, Professor the speaker of the day deliberated on “Nurses: A voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable development Goals (SDGS)” highlighting the need and role of nurses in achieving Sustainable development goals invoking the interest of all the faculty members. Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a workshop on “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model”. on 09.09.2017. Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, deliberated on “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model”. Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing conducted the skill session. The workshop was very informative for all faculty members who were actively involved utilizing this “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model” for students and self. Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a work shop on “Team Based



Annual Report

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Learning- An Innovative Teaching Method” on 21.12.2017 at MEU , Discussion Hall, First floor , SBV. The resource speaker Dr.Priyalatha ,, RAS Al Khaima enlightened the group on Team Based Learning. The skill session was an eye opener for TBL. The session concluded with interaction, wherein queries were clarified . It was very useful session for the faculty and PG Students.

Ms.Nandhini. M Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Proton Beam Therapy”.

Ms.Nirmala. S Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Toast Skin Syndrome”.


Journal club meet was held on 27.10.2017 wherein Mrs.Nandini.M, Lecturer, Dept of MSN, presented on Proton Beam Therapy & Ms.Nirmala.S, Tutor, Dept of MSN, presented on Toasted Skin Syndrome .


▶▶ Faculty development program


All the faculty of KGNC participated in the value added session on “Mind over Matter” Organized by SBV on 27.2.2017.

The final year B.Sc Nursing students underwent BLS training programme in the simulation lab of SBV on 3.05.17, 5.05.17, 6.05.17




The final year B.Sc Nursing students underwent training programme on care of patient with infertility in Srishti Hospital, Puducherry from 03.04.17 to 15.04.17

Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing organized value added lecture for III year B.Sc. Nursing students which is as follows


9.01.17:Oncological emergencies - Dr.Pooja Sethi,,Radiation Oncologist , Nursing care of patients receiving chemotherapy - Ms.suguna ,Nursing personnel on 2.2.17: Classifications ,stages and grading of cancer -Dr.Asvini,,Duty Doctor,Extravasation management Ms. Sagunthala Devi Nursing personnel

The III year B.Sc Nursing students underwent training for oncology Nursing in Cancer Trust Hospital, Puducherry from 19.6.17 to 1.6.17

LEARNING Journal Club The Journal club was organized on 04.02.17 in II floor lecture hall KGNC. Mrs. Manopriya, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing presented on “Negative Pressure Wound Healing Therapy” and Mrs. Merlin Joy, Tutor, Dept. of Nursing Foundation presented on “Chemotherapy” 22.04.17 Mrs. Bamalakshmi, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Com. Health Nursing presented on “Listeriosis” and Mr. Finy Moses, Tutor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing presented on “Chemoport”. 10.06.17 Ms.Ambika, Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation presented on “Health Benefits of Spirulina” 29.07.17

Ms.Hanna Ashwini, Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Hoffa’s Syndromes” .

Ms.Ponmani,C, Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Soffa Score”.

4.3.17: Introduction to Palliative Care Nursing Ms.Anu Savio Thelly, Nurse Consultant,Palliative Medicine,MGMCRI 21.6.17: Nursing Care of Patients Receiving Chemotherapy- Ms.Suguna, Nursing Personnel, Cancer Trust Hospital 25.6.17: Classifications Stages and Grading of Cancer,Dr. Asvini, Cancer Trust Hospital 26.6.17: Extravasations Management- Ms.Sagunthala Devi, Nursing Personnel, Cancer Trust Hospital 4.10.17:Handling of chemotherapy - Mrs. Thenmozhi, Incharge Nurse atPuducherry Cancer Trust Hospital, 6.10.17:Staging of cancer-Dr. Aswini, Chief Medical Officer Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital 7.10.17:Dr. Cancer pain management- Dr. Aswini, Chief Medical Officer Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital 9.10.17: Extravasations management-Ms.Suguna, Nursing Personnel, Puducherry 10.10.17: General introduction to cancer -Dr. Poojasethi, Radiation Oncologist,Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

11.10.17:Radiation therapy -Mr. Kathiresan, HODDept of Radiation Therapy, Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital. 12.10.17:Diagnosis and treatment of cancer-Dr. Kabilar, Radiation Oncologist, Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital

▶▶ GUEST LECTURE The SNA of KGNC organised a guest lecture by .Dr. Purisai.S.Natarajan, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D,Retired Professor, Sacred Heart College, Thirupathur on “Preserving Cultural Heritage – Role of Youngsters” on 10.2.17.The lecture commanded the full attention of the students.

SIMULATION I Year B.SC(N) students underwent simulation training on basic procedures like injections,NG tube insertion & feeding in different batches from 12.12.16 – 14.12.16.

▶▶ TRAINING IN ONCOLOGY NURSING: The III year B.Sc Nursing students underwent training programme for oncology nursing in Cancer trust hospital , Puducherry from 14. 10.17 to 22.12.17.

SIMULATION The final year B.Sc Nursing & I Year M.Sc Nursing students from dept of OBG underwent Hands on training for OBG Procedures in SBV, Simulation Lab from 19.12.17 to 22.12.17.

▶▶ ANGANWADI TRAINING PROGRAMME Mr.Ramaprabhu.Z, Asst Professor, Dept of Community Health Nursing, KGNC, conducted a training programme to Anganwadi workers regarding Dengue prevention and its control on 26.10.17 at Anganwadi centres, Pilliyarkuppam Pet, Puducherry covering a population of 45 Anganwadi workers.

▶▶ CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAM Placement cell of KGNC organized a seminar on Placement Opportunities for Nurses at Canada 5.5.17 at II floor lecture hall, MGMCRI. Mrs. Rajeswari S, Placement cell Co- Ordinator welcomed the gathering. Mr. Gregory Mc Caffrey, CEO, Canadian Health Care Academy, threw light on Placement Opportunities for Nurses at Canada. Followed by this Mr.Henry Joseph, President, ABC study links, interacted with students and clarified their queries regarding placement at Canada. The program invoked the interest of the students towards grabbing the opportunities in Canada

TRAINING IN ADDICTION MANAGEMENT – (14.11.17 to 16.11.17) Dept of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC & IQAC in association with TTK Hospital, Chennai organized 3 days Addiction Management Training Programme for final year students from 14.11.17 to 16.11.17 in KGNC .The Programme started with a welcome speech by Mrs. Prabavathy.S HOD, Dept of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC. The guest speakers were Ms. ReshmaMalick and Ms. Sudha Mani, Co-ordinator, RRTC South-I, from TTK Hospital, Chennai. The other resource speakers were Dr.Avudaiyappan, Asst.Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, MGMCRI , , Dr.Balaji, Asst Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, JIPMER, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Asst.Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, Mrs. Prabavathy, HOD, Dept of Psychiatric Nursing, KGNC, Mrs.Jayanthi, Asst.Professor, Dept of Psychiatric Nursing, KGNC, Mr.Suresh, Psychologist, Sathia Special School . The training programme focused on types of addiction among which Introduction to substance related addiction disorders ,management of detoxification, overview of Substance abuse , Universal Precautions and safety guidelines to prevent HIV Transmission in Health Care setting were noteworthy.

▶▶ TRAINING IN INFERTILITY CLINIC: The final year B.Sc Nursing students underwent training programme on care of patient with infertility in Srishti Hospital, Puducherry from 22.11.17 to 15.12.17.

▶▶ CAREER ENLIGHTENMENT- EXTERNSHIP PROGRAM Placement cell, IQAC KGNC Unit organized Career Enlightenment- Externship Program for the final year B.Sc (N) (XI batch) students which commenced on 04.09.2017. The training Programme began with an inauguration at 9:30 am. Welcome address was delivered by Mrs. Rajeswari S, Placement Cell Officer, KGNC. Dr. R enuka K, Principal, KGNC, delivered the presidential address in which she highlighted the purpose, benefits and need of Career Enlightenment- Externship Program. Ms. Veronica A final year B.Sc Nursing student shared her 4 years experiences in KGNC. Prof. Sumathy. P, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing felicitated the gathering. The chief guest address was given Dr.K. Jaiganesh , HOD, Department of Physiology. In his special message, he emphasized about how to overcome with workload by giving an example from basic physiology of break and accelerator system. He motivated



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Jan-Dec 2017

the students for their professional development. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. R.Elavarasi Asst. Prof, KGNC. The programme continued with the various sessions followed by Mrs.Rajeswari S, Associate Professor, KGNC - NABH Standards of Quality Nursing Dr. Sameera, Senior Resident, Dept. of Critical Care Medicine, MGMCRI, - Critical Care Skills- Preparing ICU Nurses Ms. Anbu M& Mr. Finny Moses Asst. Professor, KGNC. – Ambulance Nursing Mr. Dr Stanley D Isaac, (Director), Goodwill Consultancy, Puducherry - Trans Oceanic Opportunities in Nursing. 05.10.2017 Ms.Elavarasi R , Asst.Prof Dept Of Community Health Nursing, KGNC - Leadership Skills for Nurses. Ms.Namratha Joseph, Excutive Director, legal and recruitment operations of URC - Steering Towards Global Placement Mr.Ranjith Raj William, Chairman of URC, retired IPS officer - encouraged the students to choose the best job to get better life style. Mr. R Srinivasan, Head of strategy, URC- motivated the students for higher studies and part time job. Ms Josephine B, Student Counselor, SBV- Personality Development Mr. Ramprabhu Z, Asst. Prof, Vice President of Alumni Association, KGNC - functions of Alumni association and roles and responsibilities of each Alumnus. Mrs. Arunadevi M, Asst. Prof - financial account of Alumni Association.

on communication Building.Ms.Raichel Rajan B.Sc(N) I Year Student rendered the warm welcome Address followed by Podium Presentation, Just A Minute and Debate by the students.There was an active participation from the students in all the events. The winners were duly appreciated by the principal and other a panel of judges.

MATRIBHASHA DIWAS – 2017 Matribhasha Diwas - 2017, with “International Mother Language Day”as the theme of the year , was commemorated in KGNC on 22.02.17. an essay competition on Keeping Alive – The Mother Tongue (English & Tamil) & Magic of Multilingualism (English) was conducted at Ground Floor, KGNC, Puducherry. The day had a good number of PG & UG student participation. Literary Club of KGNC in association with Shakespeare institute of English studies organised creative writing competitions for the students on 7.10.17 in KGNC which included essay writing, poetry, and painting . LCK had a enthusiastic 30 participants awaiting for the results. Literary Club of KGNC organised dumb charades competition in commemoration of Geriatric Day for the students on 5.11.17 to showcase the literary talents of the new buds of KGNC .LCK witnessed the hidden literary skills of the 20 first year B.Sc Nursing student participants. Literary Club of KGNC in association with centre for cultural education training and research, TamilNadu organised state level open book competition in KGNC as centre on 23.11.17 with active 40 participants. As per the direction of Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, Government of Puducherry and Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Govt. of. India, Literary Club of KGNC facilitated students to participate in 3rd National Essay Competition on “Water Related Issues” (Topic “Swachh Jal- Swachh Bharat) phase I on 31.12.2017.


- the name of the Hospital Information System of MGMCHRI

Dr.Renuka K, Principal - Nurse Entrepreneur- An Extended Role.

▶▶ Literary club –KGNC COMMUNICATION BUILDING PROGRAMME-2017 Dept.of.Nursing Foundation organize Communication building program annually for first year B.Sc (N) students. 15.02.17 marked the programme in this year focusing on the theme “Preparing Young Orators – Reflection

KGNC hosted the Induction and orientation programme for XV Batch B.Sc Nursing, X Batch P.B.B.Sc & M.Sc Nursing on 15.09.2017.Prof. Annie Annal. M, HOD Dept. of OBG Nursing accorded a warm welcome to the gathering. Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A Asso. Prof. Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing gave a good orientation about the institution to the gathering through her capsule talk on KGNC – A Glimpse. Mr.Hemachandiran. K, Vice President, SNA deliberated on Students’ Friendly Environment in KGNC. Prof. P. Sumathy, HOD, Dept of Child Health Nursing, KGNC, gave a facilitating talk on “Students’ Support Desk” - Orientation to Mentors & Committees. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal highlighted

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

on “-KGNC-A centre for global Development” and administered the student oath for the I year UG and PG students. The faculty handling SNACS classes and the Advanced Learners of B.Sc Nursing were honored by the dignitaries on the dais followed by the release of the Hand Book. Our Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, SBV delivered the chief guest address. The B.Sc Nursing II Year students enacted a Role Play on “Anti- Ragging awareness at KGNC”. Induction programme -orientation continued for one week from 18.09.17 to 21.09.17. Orientation to the infrastructure of KGNC, Medical college & Hospital , CYTER (Center for Yoga Therapy Education and Research)and CMTER (Center for Music Therapy Education and Research)were given to the students in batches. Mrs. M. B. Josephine and Mrs. Priya student counselors, conducted a brief session on self development, memory improvement techniques and study methods on 19.09.17, 22.09.17 and 25.09.17. Mrs. Aruna devi. M. Asst. Prof. Dept. of Community Health Nursing. Elaborated on Code of behavior and Ms. Tamil Kalaiyarasi gave an introduction to Communication skill classes.

demonstration on Iron rich diet that aid in prevention and control of Anemia in Sakthi nagar, Puducherry on 06.03.17.

WORLD LEPROSY DAY : (10.2.2017) Department of Community Health Nursing organized a role play on “Control of Leprosy And Regain the Life of Leprosy Patient” on 10.02.17 at Government High School,Pillaiyarkuppam .

MUMPS & RUBELLA VACCINE CAMPAIGN (6.02.17 to 17.02.17) Dept.of Community health Nursing joined hand with Primary Health Centre,Kirumampakkam and Govt. of Puducherry to organize MR Vaccine campaign.The campaign was carried out for children between the age group of 9 months to 12 years in selected Anganwadi centres & schools at,Kirumampakkam block,Puducherry from 06.02.17 to 17.02.17.

NATIONAL BURNS AWARENESS WEEK – 28.02. 2017 Department of Medical Surgical Nursing took a march in front by organizing an Instructive Video Assisted Health Talk among General Public ,Adingapattu on Prevention of Fire Accident and First Aid Management of Burns.on 28.02. 2017in commemoration of national burns awareness week . Ms. Nirmala, Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing, sensitized the public about the Common causes of fire accident at house and community and first aid management of the burns wound until they reach nearest health care facility followed by the presentation, a video show emphasizing the value of precious time and prudent act during a fire accident were highlighted. In addition, information on how to prevent “Rescuer becoming a Victim” was also staged.


▶▶ OUT REACH PROGRAMS MASS COOKING DEMONSTRATION : (23.1.2017) The dept of community health nursing with II year B.Sc (N) students conducted a Mass cooking demonstration on protein rich diet on the theme of prevention and control of Protein Energy Malnutrition in Pilliyarkuppam, Puducherry on 23.01.17 .

MASS COOKING DEMONSTRATION : (06.03.2017) The Dept of Community Health Nursing with II year B.Sc (N) students conducted a Mass cooking

The Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing took long leap in Commemorating the world Glaucoma day in union with NSS unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College and the Dept. of ophthalmology at Mahatma Gandhi Medical college and research institute Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry in organizing the screening camp and health awareness programme on world glaucoma day on 11.03.2017 at B. Mutlur. The program was inaugurated by Mr. Natarajan, Regional manager of Gramavidial Microfinancial LTD in B. Mutlur and the camp was conducted by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Swathi, Dr. Ashwinth, Dr. Vasanth department of ophthalmology at Mahatma Gandhi medical college and research institute, Mrs. Manopriya, Ms.Ponmani.c Faculty dept of Medical Surgical Nursing at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry. Ms.Ponmani.c, Tutor, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College gave a lucid health talk on “Glaucoma” followed by a video show.



Annual Report

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In commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day, Department of Community Health Nursing, organized a awareness programme on “Prevention & Control of Tuberculosis” B.Sc (N) II year students of KGNC enacted a mime show on the theme “Let’s Move Towards The World Where There Is No Tuberculosis” for the general public on 10.03.17.


WORLD IMMUNIZATION WEEK (24.04.17-29.04.17) The Dept of Child Health Nursing, organized a Panel Discussion on Immunization by on 3.5.17 at Pediatric Immunization unit , MGMCR in comemoration of Immunization Week (24.04.17-29.04.17.The chairperson introduced the Panel members and the discussion opened up with the Importance of administering Vaccination, the Myths the public have towards Immunization , Immunization schedule followed by Government of India ,and the need for administering Pulse Polio & Measles Rubella (MR) vaccine . All Panelists raised up with valid points, and the discussion was very fruitful fo the beneficiaries who were around 25. At the end, the Chairperson emphasized, the core concept ‘To Promote, Protect, Support Immunization, after which the floor was opened for discussion. Many mothers raised their Queries, especially about MR vaccines, Optional vaccines, missed doses, etc which was answered by the panelists.

The faculty of KGNC and 1st year B.Sc Nursing students took part in the inauguration of International Yoga Day Celebrations which was inaugurated by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and the dignitaries. Later the delegates participated lecture demo of common Yoga protocol. The different asanas were demonstrated by the students of KGNC and the yoga instructors in the CYTER. 1.06.17 B.Sc Nursing students of KGNC including NSS volunteers actively participated in the mega yoga event held at seashore of Pondicherry on 21.06.17 in order to commemorate International yoga day and demonstrated various asana to provoke the minds of public towards healthy lifestyle, followed that volunteers took part in yoga competition organized by CYTER,MGMRI. Mrs.Lavanya, Asst. Prof & Mrs.Anitha,B, Lecturer, completed Special Training in AYUSH Common Yoga Protocol during May & June 2017 in regards to commemoration of International Day for Yoga 2017 which was organized by CYTER,SBV

PULSE POLIO VACCINE CAMPAIGN | PHASE – I : (02.04.2017) Dept of Com. Health Nursing, in association with Primary Health Centre, Kirumampakkam, Government of Puducherry organized Pulse Polio Vaccine campaign Phase - I on 02.4.17 from 7.30am to 1.00pm. The campaign was carried out among children up to 5 years in selected Anganwadi centers at, Kirumampakkam block, Puducherry covering around 2500 beneficiaries. B.Sc(N) students rendered their best services to the community in this regard covering 9 areas.



The II phase of the campaign was carried out in selected Anganwadi centers Kirumampakkam block, Puducherry covering around 2500 beneficiaries and 40 B.Sc(N) III year students administered Pulse Polio Vaccine for children covering around 7 areas.

WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY (07.06.2017) Dept. of Com. Health Nursing KGNC, organized an awareness programme on “Control of Tobacco Use”, on 07.06.2017 from 9.30am to 11.30am at Sakthinagar, Puducherry. The B.Sc (N) final year students conducted informative “Flash Mob” on the topic “No Tobacco, No Oral Cancer”. It grabbed the attention of audience and received a huge laud of applause.

Mrs Lavanya.S, Asso.Prof and 48 B.Sc Nursing students from all batches participated in Regional level Yogasana Competition for students health professionals for Puducherry region organized by CYTER, SBV in Collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association.

WORLD HEALTH DAY (24.06.17) Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, organized Open floor students Interaction-Experts Solution on the theme of Depression - Let’s Talk by the panel of experts, Dr.Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Dr.Avudaippan S, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, Mrs. Josphine M.B. Sr. Student Welfare Officer, SBV, Mrs. Prabavathy S, Asso. Prof, HOD, Dept. of MHN, and Mrs.Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof, Dept. of MHN, on 24.6.17.

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

The program commenced by 1.30pm with a warm welcome by Mrs.Hena Chandran, M.Sc(N) I-year, Mrs. Prabavathy, Asso. Prof, unfolded the theme of WHO, Depression Let’s Talk, which focused on the recent scenarios and early identification of depression and how to manage the depressive clients. Followed by this the open forum commenced with a queries from the students regarding their academics and personal development and how to overcome the problematic situation. The panel of expert’s gave suggestions for the students upliftment in their profession and how to solve their personal and social issues.

was very informative for the public. The crowd gave an enthusiastic response by asking many queries, which was clarified at the end of the session.

DRUG ABUSE DAY (26.06.17):


Dept. of MHN, joining hands with Baratha Matha Deaddiction centre, and other Nursing colleges in Puducherry organized the International Day against Drug Abuse conducting an innovative exhibition. The Exhibition was inaugurated by Respected Minster, Thiru. Kandhasamy, Ministry of Social Welfare, Puducherry. The programme started with the motivational talk by students regarding Drug Abuse and chart display on various aspects of drug abuse such as ill effects of alcoholim. The PG students of Psychiatric Nursing students conducted assessment to identify the Initial stage of alcoholism by using standard scales and referred the patient to Baratha Matha De-addiciton centre for further management. The exhibition was well organized by all the Nursing colleges and Baratha Matha De addiction centre, it was highly beneficial for the general public which was evident by their valuable feedbacks. Thiru.R.K.R Anantha Raman, M.L.A, Govt. Korada, Puducherry visited the exhibition.

The B.Sc (N) II year Students and Dept. of Community Health Nursing conducted an awareness programme on “Dental Care and Hygiene” among school students at Govt. Primary School, Pillayarkuppam. In this programme 80 students got benefited. Mrs. Subakeerthi.V Asst.Prof. gave a health on dental care and how to maintain dental hygiene on 28.07.17.

AWARENESS PROGRAM FOR MALARIA PREVENTION 28.07.17 Dept. of Community Health Nursing Organized an Awareness programme on “Prevention and Control of Malaria” on 28.07.17 at Anganwadi center, Pillayarkuppam, Mr.Ramaprabu.Z Asst.Prof. gave awareness talk on “Control of Malaria to Anganwadi Workers”.

BREAST FEEDING WEEK - August 1st week 2017 01.08.17 The Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC and Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI jointly commemorated “The World Breast Feeding Week”-2017 by organizing various Innovative Programmes such us , Essay competition on the topic “Galvanize actions to achieve sustainable Development Goal by 2030”, Role play on “Breast feeding is not a choice it’s every Mother’s responsibility” by PG students from the Department of Child Health Nursing & OBG Nursing, It was highly entertaining. 02.08.17 Poster competition was conducted on the Theme, “Sustaining Breast Feeding Together”, 29 students participated from Nursing college. 03.08.17 M.Sc (N) first year students of Child Health Nursing Conducted a Situational Analysis regarding Challenges and Hindering Factors pertaining to Breast Feeding among 21 Postnatal Mothers in Postnatal ward. The result of the analysis was done and problems of mothers towards Breast feeding were ruled out.



In commemoration of World hepatitis Day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized an awareness programme to highlight on the theme “Eliminate Hepatitis” on 28.07.17 at Male Medical Ward, MGMCRI. Mrs.Nandhini. M., Lecturer, gave a video assisted health talk on “Over View of Hepatitis ” which

Competition was conducted for Mothers regarding the correct feeding technique using a check list in post natal ward. The mothers eagerly participated in the competition. Three mothers out of 20 were found to follow correct feeding technique and they were appreciated with gifts.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

NATIONAL NUTRITION WEEK – September 1ST week 2017 02.09.17 KGNC always has its societal consciousness! In Commemoration of National Nutrition Week NSS unit of KGNC organized A Health Assessment Camp and Health Awareness Programme in Rock Beach near Gandhi statue, Puducherry between 06.30 am – 11.00 am. The programme was carried out by 20 NSS volunteers (III year B.Sc (N headed by 2 faculty members Mrs.R.Elavarasi Asst.Prof Dept. of Community Health Nursing and Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy Lecturer in Nutrition. This Programme Includes Anthropometric Measurement, Hemoglobin test and Diet Advice also provided regarding their problems towards public. 82 members were undergone health check-up and got benefited, feedbacks were obtained from beneficiaries. 04.09.17 We Kasthurbian’s took a march in front by organizing a Health talk for Anganwadi trainers, Kirumampakam, Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy Lecturer in Nutrition, Ms. Mary Catherin D.E and Ms.Kiruthika E, IV year B.Sc(N) students sensitized the Anganwadi trainers on the theme “Infants and Young Children Feeding Practices” on 04.09.2017 by 10.30am to 11.30am.. About 20 Anganwadi trainers got benefited. A positive feedback was collected from them. 06.09.17 Awareness Programme was conducted for the Antenatal and Postnatal Mother’s in H1 ward MGMCRI on 06.09.17 by 11.30 am -12.30 pm. Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy Lecturer in Nutrition gave a health talk through power point presentation on “Infant and under five Feeding Practices” which is the theme of the year.

WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY 06.09.17 In commemoration of world Suicide Prevention day on 06.09.2017 Dept. of Mental health Nursing, KGNC, Organized a Lecture on the theme “Digital Abuse and Its Protective Measures” by B.Sc (N) IV Year students at Joevi English High School, Puducherry . The aim of the programme is to create awareness among the students regarding protection against digital abuse. The students gave a energetic talk on Digital abuse and its protective measures of Blue Whale Game. The Beneficence of programme was 8thStd students

World Mental Health Day - 11.10.17 In commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2017, Dept of Mental Health Nursing organized a Mental Wellness Awareness Programme for both the Primary School teachers and students of Govt. Primary School,

Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry on 11.10.17, between 10.00 am to 12.30pm. The Overview of the Programme was given by Mrs.Prabavathy.SHod, Dept. of MHN, KGNC,The PG students gave a lucid talk on Overview of Mental Health and Mental Illness, Resources for Mentally Ill people in and around India, Mental Wellbeing and Issues faced by Teachers in Work Place and Ways to achieve the Mental Wellness at Workplace..

AWARENESS PROGRAMME - 16.10.17 Adolescent Counseling Unit, KGNC organized the Open Floor Students’ Interaction on “DIGITAL ABUSE”., in Pettit Semmainare Higher Secondary School, Puducherry on16.10.17 between 2-3pm . The Programme overview was given by Mrs. Prabavathy S HOD, Dept of Mental Health Nursing. Mrs. Kripa Angeline, A, Assoc Prof, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing, KGNC enlightened the targeted audience on “Digital Abuse-Boon or Bane” followed by a glimpse on Mental wellbeing by Ms. Dhivya R, M.Sc.N I year, KGNC. Students interacted well and understood about the importance of digital abuse

PALLIATIVE CARE DAY – 01.11.17 In commemoration of Palliative Care day(14.10.17) the third year B.Sc (N) students from Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing year enacted a role play on “Palliative Care”, highlighting the needed Palliative Care services for the patients affected with different types of cancer to improve their quality of life on 01.11.17 at Puducherry Cancer Trust Hospital, Nonankuppam followed by an interaction session led by Mrs. Hannah Ashwini.S.Asst prof. Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing.

DENGUE AWARENESS PROGRAMME Camp Phase I (02.11.17 ) Dept of Community Health Nursing, KGNC in association with government of Puducherry participated in “Door To Door Survey and Source Reduction Camp” on Dengue at Thavalakuppam Block, Puducherry on 02.11.17 from 8.30am to 2.30pm covering around 300 housesd for source reduction.The camp was coordinated by 3 health inspectors with 3 faculty and final year students from department of community health nursing .The group conducted door to door survey on Dengue and carrying out source reduction activities such as finding the number of containers with water, number of containers found positive for Aedes mosquito breeding, number of containers destroyed/removed and identification of suspected cases among which 15 cases were referred to PHC, Thavalakuppam, Puducherry. Camp Phase II (12.12.17) The “Door To Door Survey And Source Reduction Camp” On Dengue phase II was conducted at T.N

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

palayam, Puducherry on 12.12.17 from 8.30am to 2.30pm.The same activities as in phase I was carried out by the team. The activities of phase I was successful as no suspected case of dengue was identified in Phase II. Flash Mob(08.11.17) Dept of Community Health Nursing, KGNC conducted a Flash mob on “Dengue Prevention and Control”enacted by final year B.Sc (N) students in TNpalayam, Thavalakuppam Block, Puducherry on 08.11.17.The flash mob emphasized on Dengue Prevention and its Control Measures including source reduction on mosquito breeding which sought the attention of 75 members.

SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME ON DENGUE PREVENTION Dept of Community Health Nursing organized School Health Programme on “Dengue Prevention” on15.11.17 at Govt.Hr.Sec.School, Kuruvinatham,Puducherry,The students gave a health talk on dengue and its control measures as well as pamphlet were distributed to all students and teachers.

NEWBORN WEEK CELEBRATION- 15.11.2017 to 21.11.2017 In commemoration of New born week Celebration, Dept of Child Health Nursing KGNC, organized a series of activities like Poster competition, Slogan Competition, symposium and Quiz programme for postnatal mothers. The core concept to promote, protect and support Newborn care was highly emphasized. All sessions were highly informative and interactive. The myths related to Newborn Care were removed, and they gained adequate knowledge.

MASS COOKING DEMONSTRATION (N) IV year students of dept. of Community Health Nursing conducted a mass cooking demonstration on 17.11.17 at Govt primary school, seliyamedu Puducherry demonstrating the importance of “ Protein Rich Diet”. Students divided themselves into small group and displayed the prepared protein rich recipes depicting the nutritional values.

WORLD DIABETES DAY (17.11.17) In commemoration of “World Diabetes Day”, Dept of Community Health Nursing,KGNC, organized a puppet show on “Woman and Diabetes on Right to a Healthy Future”on 17.11.17 at Thavalakuppam PHC, Puducherry attracting around 60 beneficiaries.

FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAMME (22.11.17) Dept of Community Health Nursing, in association with Primary Health Center, Kirumapakkam, Government of

Puducherry provided health awareness regarding “Family Planning Programme”, on 22.11.17 at Primary Health Center, Kirumapakkam. IV year B.Sc (N) students gave a health talk on “Family Planning and No Scalpal Vasectomy” for the target couples.

EYE CAMP (22.11.17) Dept of Community Health Nursing, in association with Primary Health Center, Kirumapakkam, Government of Puducherry organized “Eye Camp” on 22.11.17 from 09.30 – 12.30pm at Govt. Primary School, Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry. The camp was supported by Doctors 2, Technicians 2, Nursing faculty and 8 B.Sc (N) IV Year students and Ophthal camp co-ordinator. 87 school students were screened for various visual disorders such as immature senile cataract, Refraction, Presbyopia, Squint and Allergic conjunctivitis among which 6 students with visual problems were referred to Primary Health Center, Kirumapakkam for further treatment.

AWARENESS PROGRAM FOR TRANSGENGERS The Dept of Mental Health Nursing and RRC of KGNC organised an awareness program for transgenders at SCHOD Society, Pudupalayam, Cuddalore on 3.12.17. Mrs.Umamaheswari.R, Lecturer secretary RRC unit KGNC & M.Sc (N) I Year Students from dept of MHN gave an awareness talk on “Prevention of Dengue fever” elaborating on the modes of transmission, clinical features, management and prevention . the targeted group gave a positive feedback requesting many more such sessions in future.

CHILDREN’S DAY – 14.11.2017 Children’s day celebration was organized by the Dept. of Child Health Nursing KGNC, I Year and II year M.Sc Nursing students, on 14.11.2017 at Paediatric Medical Ward, MGMCRI. A skit on “Ill effects of Junk Foods” was enacted by I and II-year PG students with the concept of “Dora the Explorer”. The students transformed themselves as Dora, Boots and Swiper and conveyed the message in a simple , humorous and understandable way about the foods to be avoided, and their ill effects on Health and the foods to be taken alternatively instead of junk foods. Doctors from Department of Paediatrics, MGMCRI and faculty members of KGNC made their gracious presence. Around 30 parents with their children attended the programme, and they thoroughly enjoyed the programme. Thus, Children’s Day celebration ended up with great joy and happiness.

WORLD STROKE DAY – 08.12.17 In commemoration of World Stroke Day, Department Of Medical Surgical Nursing organized awareness programme on 08.12.17 at Male Medical Ward, MGMCRI highlighting the theme of the year “what



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

is the reason for preventing stroke.” Ms.Piraimathi.A, Tutor gave a video assisted health talk on “Over View of Stroke and its prevention ” placing emphasis on the basis of occurrence of stroke, risk factors and the important vital strategies to prevent stroke.

MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSES WEEK (11.12.17 to 21.12.17) Envisioning the role of Medical Surgical Nurses in health care, the Department of Medical Surgical Nursing took pride in commemorating the Medical Surgical Nurses week at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College from 11.12.17 to 21.12.2017 for 6 days. The Commemoration included a series of activities in educating the futuristic Medical Surgical Nurses, which included Quiz competition, Clinical Meet, Workshop on Physical Assessment &Skill Drill on Therapeutic Communication hosted by the faculty members, I & II year PG students & III Year B.Sc (N) students from the Department Of Medical Surgical Nursing.

VOTER’S DAY CELEBRATION (25.01.17): National voter’s day was organized by Election department of Puducherry. Inter-collegiate competitions for students such as Essay competition, Elocution, Extempore, slogan writing, poster, short film etc, were organized in order to motivate the young students towards taking part in Electoral responsibility. The winners of the competition received their certificates & memento from CEO of Puducherry . Mr.Kalaichelvan.B, B.Sc(N)IV year and Ms.Joan of arc, B.Sc(N) III year received the consolation prize for Essay writing & Poster competition

REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATION (26.01.17): NSS volunteers of SBV University celebrated 68 th republic day on 26.01.17 at MGMC&RI campus. Programme started with patriotic song sung by NSS volunteers followed by hosting of National flag by honorable Dean accompanied by Prof.M. Annie Annal, HOD, Dept of OBG Nursing. Appreciation certificate were issued to the students of 3 constituent colleges for their 100% attendance and efficient employees were honored by our respected Deans of MGMC&RI Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan and Prof.M.Ravishankar.

WORLD GLAUCOMA DAY (11.03.17): NSS volunteers of KGNC unit under the able guidance of Department of Medical Surgical Nursing and Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI commemorated the World Glaucoma day with the theme “Beat invisible Glaucoma” on 11.03.17 at B.Mutloor.

SPECIAL CAMPING AT PILLAIYARKUPPAM Day-I: On 27.3.17, NSS Volunteers started their Special Camping at Pillayarkuppam with the theme ‘Digital IndiaRole of youth’. Morning volunteers were visited the ponlait and learned about process of pasteurization and the expert over there taught the students regarding milk hygiene and its importance in the current food practice scenario. The inaugural function held at Pillayarkuppam in the afternoon. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC inaugurated the special camping and presided over the function. Day-II: On 28.3.17, NSS volunteers organized medical camp in coordination with department of community medicine at Govt. Middle school, Panaiyadikuppam. Nearly 170 school children were screened for common school health problems such as dental carries, visual problems, worm infestation, etc. And school teachers were screened for Hypertension. Afternoon volunteers organized health Education programme on prevention on swine flu for school children. Students were clarified their doubts regarding vector borne diseases and its prevention. Day-III: On 29.3.17, NSS volunteers organized comprehensive oral screening and treatment camp in coordination with department of Public dentistry at Govt. Middle school, Pandasozhanallur. Totally 171 children were screened for oral diseases, dental filling done for 72 children, scaling for 96 patients, and extraction done for 3 students after received proper concern from their parents. Afternoon volunteers organized health Education programme on Dental hygiene and brushing technique was demonstrated to the school children, and volunteers motivated the students to do the return demonstration. Day-IV: On 30.3.17, NSS volunteers visited kuravar colony, Karuvadikuppam and rendered their service to them. Volunteers cleaned the kuravar colony residential area and taught them regarding importance of hygienic practices and made the children to take bath on that day. Afternoon volunteers organized a programme on Digital India, presented by Dr.Jeyaprakash.A, Associate Professor, and RGCET. He explained the volunteers regarding digital locking of their Educational certificates and various e-transactions methods. Day-V: On 31.3.17, NSS volunteers visited the Pondicherry Museum where historically significant things were

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

collected and preserved. By visiting that place students were learned about our culture and heritage. In the afternoon volunteers organized anti plastic awareness rally and taught the general public about the importance of environmental sanitation and hazards of plastic. Day-VI: On 01.4.17, NSS volunteers had demo session on “Cashless Transaction” lead by Mrs.Surya and his team member, marketing executives of Indian Bank, Kirumapakkam branch. They taught the simple things regarding cashless transaction which can be easily done by all elders in that rural area, and utilization of bank apps. In the afternoon volunteers given the orientation to all elders towards simple cashless transactions techniques and assessed for return demonstration. Day-VII On 02.4.17, Sri Sathya sai Seva organization team members came to our institution and given training on disaster management. They trained the volunteers to protect themselves and public from various types of disaster. Afternoon volunteers had Skill session on various types of disaster precautions. In the evening special camping was valedicted by Mr.Mano, Coordinator, Sri sathya Pillaiyarkuppam.

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY NSS unit of KGNC commemorated world environment day with the theme “connecting people to nature-in the city and on the land from the poles to the equator”. As a part of this event poster competition was organized for volunteers in order to motivate them to preserve and protect nature.15 students were participated in that three have were selected according to obtained score.

NEW INDIA PLEDGE: (09.08.17) As per the recommendation of UGC and MHRD, students had the oath taking ceremony on Pledge for new India movement 2017-2022 in our college campus in order to get rid the country of five problems as identified by Respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi ie.,Poverty, Corruption, Communalism, Terrorism and Casteism.

SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME: (14.08.17) NSS unit of KGNC and Dept of Community Health Nursing organized an health awareness programme on Environmental Sanitation and prevention of Dengue & Malaria for school children at Govt.Middle school, Pandasozhanallur, Mrs.Elavarasi Asst. Prof and Mrs. Aruna devi. M. Asst. Prof. Dept. of Community Health Nursing gave a talk.

INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION: (15.08.17) NSS volunteers of SBV University in unison organized Independence Day celebration at MGMC&RI campus. NSS volunteers atarted the programme wit a followed that respected Dean Prof.Ravisankar accompanied by Prof.Sumathy. P, Vice-Principal KGNC, Dr.Saravanan, IGIDS, hoisted the national flag. During that celebration dedicated employees and the wards of employees who excelled in academic were honored.

SWACHHTA PAKHWADA (01.09.17-15.09.17) As per UGC direction, NSS unit of KGNC organized series of activity towards Swachhta Pakhwada. 01.09.17 (Clean Campus Day) - NSS volunteers cleaned the area around the college premises 04.09.17(Clean Mess Day) - NSS volunteers cleaned their dining area by themselves. 05.09.17-Essay Contest - Students actively participated in the Essay competition on the theme “Innovative ways for spreading the message of hygiene”. 06.09.17(Clean Surrounding Day)- NSS volunteers cleaned the nearby Church in order to maintain cleanliness of the surrounding area. 07.09.17(Care for the Surroundings) - NSS Volunteers visited the nearby village (Kudiyirupupalayam) observed and studied (surveyed) the area for garbage cleaning systems available in public spaces. 08.09.17 (Care for the Surroundings) - NSS Volunteers visited the nearby village (Seliamedu) and explained the concept of cleanliness to the public 09.09.17 (Observational Visit to Market) NSS Volunteers visited the cuddalore Vegetable market(Uzhavar Santhai) in order to study the method of disposal. 09.09.17/10.09.17 (observational visit to government hospital) -NSS Volunteers visited Cuddalore Government Hospital and explained about the Bio-medical waste management system. 11.09.17 observational visit to baby sarah home- NSS volunteers visited the Baby Sarah home in order to study the method of disposal. 12.09.17 (Guest Lecture on System for Cleanliness) NSS Volunteers listened to the guest lecture presented by G.Savoundirarajan, Commissioner, Bahour Commune Panchayat. He deliberated about the local available methods for disposal of waste, segregation of waste, recycling of waste and role of youth in maintaining cleanliness and hygienic environment.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

13.09.17 (Clean Hostel Room Contest) - clean hostel room contest was conducted. One best room was selected Room.No 105 (Ms.Udya Nila) has won the cleanest hostel room award. 14.09.17-Elocution Contest – on the theme “Health and Hygiene is the Real Wealth”. 15.09.17 - Closing ceremony of Swachhta Pakhwada-2017 which was conducted from September 1st to 14th. Various activities were organized by NSS unit of KGNC and the winners of all the competition were honored by the head of the institution Dr.Renuka.K Principal, KGNC. She motivated the students to involve in social responsible activities along with academic activities.

ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CAMP: (25.09.17-27.09.17) NSS cell and Maiam Foundation jointly organized environmental training camp for NSS volunteers and students in order to promote eco-friendly environment. In that 3 days camp they have arranged for indoor visit to their garden and explained about various rare type of plants and the identification of environmental changes of the plants, visit to museum, trekking towards upper and lower palani hills, cultural programmes on environmental conservation and finally with feedback session. The volunteers got benefitted towards this programme.

BLIND WALK RALLY: INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANING DAY: (16.09.17) International coastal cleaning day was organized by Indian coast guard, NSS cell. As a part of this programme NSS volunteers cleaned the Narambai seashore along with local community and local administrating executives.

ELECTORAL AWARENESS PROGRAMME (26.09.17) NSS unit of KGNC join hands with Election Department Puducherry organized a awareness programme for B.Sc (N) I year students. They haves explained about importance of vote among youth.

With the slogan “Let’s everyone see” a rally of different kind was organized by the project Vision India to commemorate World Sight Day on 12.12.17. In this rally 50 NSS volunteers of KGNC walked with blind folded eyes for a distance of 1.5kms from Anna thidal to Gandhi Statue, Beach. These volunteers were led by visually challenged people. The main objective of this rally was to create awareness on eye donation by focusing on the difficulties faced by visually impaired people. Finally the volunteers took a self initiated promise to donate their eyes in the near future.

WORLD DIABETES DAY RALLY: NSS volunteers took part in the awareness rally on the theme “Women and Diabetes: Our right to a healthy future”organized by Department of Health and Family Welfare,Govt.ofPuducherry on 14.11.17 at Puducherry seashore. It created a good impact on public regarding early screening of diabetes (particularly women’s), healthy life style practices, good food habits and regular follow-up of those affected with diabetes.

SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAMME: NSS volunteers of KGNC unit with the guidance of Dept.of Community Health Nursing Faculty members organized a school health programme on 05.12.17. Physical examination was performed for all school children and few children were identified with some minor health problems like dental carries, worm Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

infestation, scabies, etc., which was reported to head of the institution for further action. After health assessment volunteers performed a skit on the theme “Dengue prevention and its management” which received a huge applause from the Head of the Institution and teachers.

MASS COOKING DEMONSTRATION: NSS volunteers of KGNC unit with the guidance of Dept.of Community Health Nursing Faculty members organized mass cooking demonstration on 07.12.17 with the theme “Iron and calcium rich”. List of rich sources, deficiencies and importance of iron and calcium rich diet were explained to all mothers those who gathered there and their queries were clarified.


RED RIBBON CLUB - INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY 2017 Red Ribbon Club of KGNC has participated in various Competition on HIV/AIDS awareness and Voluntary Blood Donation in Commemoration of International Youth Day organized by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society at Conference Hall of State Health Mission, Puducherry held on 22.08.17 and 23.08.17. Students from M.Sc (N) I Year and B.Sc (N) II Year were actively Participated in the Collage Competition and Street Play Competition on HIV/AIDS awareness which was guided by our faculty with Mrs.Umamaheswari.R, Secretary, RRC, and Ms.Ambiga, Executive Member, RRC KGNC.Students from 20 different colleges from puducherry were get participated in this competitions. Our Students won the Consolation Prize.

NSS Volunteers of KGNC unit actively took part in the awareness programme organized by the Health and Family welfare Department Govt.Of Puducherry on the theme Siddha Medicine for Respiratory Tract Infection on 19.12.17 from 9.00am to 12pm.The students prepared posters on the theme Siddha Medicine for Respiratory Tract Infection and displayed in PHC. Patients were advised to have a look on those posters and it was explained to the public. These awareness posters created good impact among the public regarding usage of siddha medicine with the take home message of “Let food be the medicine”The Additional Director from DMS appreciated KGNC volunteers for their presentation and distributed prizes and certificates to the students. First 3 prizes were bagged by KGNC students.



Skit was enacted by B.Sc (N) III & IV Year students on the theme of “HIV/AIDS Awareness” on 06.12.2017 between 11.00am to 12.30 pm explaining the causes, transmission & prevention of HIV/AIDS

The Reproductive Health Unit , Dept of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a “Health Talk on Narrative Story with Gynecological health issues” with regard to International Women’s day celebration in Seliamedu village, Puducherry on 16.03.2017.I year M.Sc (N) students provided Health talk on present Gynecological issues and its management.

Red Ribbon Club of KGNC Commemorated World AIDS Awareness Week 2017 from 23.11.17 to 7.12.17 by Conducting Various Programs. In Commemoration of World AIDS Day RRC of KGNC in Collaboration with Pondicherry AIDS Control Society Organized a Poster Competition, Still Photography Competition, and Short film making Competition on HIV/AIDS Awareness.A Health talk on HIV/AIDS Awareness was given by Ms.Maria Martin, B.Sc. (N) IV year student in Thavalakuppam PHC, Puducherry on 01.12.2017 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am. 06.12.2017

Iyear PG students from dept of OBG Nursing organised a health talk and interaction on HIV/AIDS Awareness in Antenatal ward, MGMCRI on 06.12.2017 from 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm covering around 25 beneficiaries present in the ward.

The Reproductive Health Unit of department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a showmanship on “Antenatal Care” with regard to National Safe Motherhood Day 2017 in Antenatal ward, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 19.04.2017. B.Sc (N) IV year students actively participated in the programme and emphasized the care during antenatal period.


The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Role Play with regard to “World Breast feeding Week” in Antenatal and Pediatric OPD, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 01.08.2017. M.Sc (N) I Year –OBG and Pediatric Specialty Students emphasized on sustaining breast-feeding to the mothers who attended the OPD


B.Sc.(N) IV year students created awareness through Villupattu about HIV/AIDS Awareness among patients in Bharath Matha De-addiction Centre, Ariyankuppam describing the causes, symptoms, and management, follow-up and prevention techniques .

Youth Red Cross member of KGNC (5 members) organised the “Mock Drill Camp- Emergency Life Care”& Triage Coding in five different places of Puducherry Uppalam, Helipad Ground,ousteri, Kalapet on 10.03.17.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

KGNC YRC unit joined hands with Pondicherry National disaster team to organize a mock drill on disaster training camp on 20.11.2017 in Kirumampakkam, Panithittu village.

Ms.Mary Catherin D E ,B.Sc(N) III year received first Prize in English Elocution in commemoration of International Women’s Day, organized by SBV 29.03.17.

Puducherry safety Munchaku Association organized Martial arts and safety munchaku held at Parvathy Marriage hall, Lawspet on 11.11.2017.YRC volunteers from KGNC unit rendered their first aid service to the karate volunteers.

Ms.Mary Catherin D.E B.Sc(N) III year, bagged III prize,silver medal from Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV in Intercollegiate Chancellors Medal 2017 Elocution Competition on “Science and Technology for Specially Abled Person” held at MGMCRI on 1.3.17it ws a moment of pride for KGNC..

KGNC YRC volunteers distributed the first cycle of distribution of NilavembuConcoctionto the the students, teaching and non-teaching staffs for three consecutive days on 13.11.2017 to 15.11.2017in KGNC .

I Year B.SC(N) students (4) participated in the International Conference conducted by CMTER on “Music Therapy –Salutogenic Approach to Health” at MGMCRI on 10.03.17.

KGNC YRC unit & Transport Department, Pondicherry organized awareness session on Road Safety & Traffic Awareness to the nursing students on 1.12.2017.A lucid deliberation was given by Motor vehicle inspector Mr.S.Ravichandra on Road Safety & Traffic Awareness.

Ms. Mary Catherin D E, B.Sc(N) III year received Best Debater, in Debate during World Health Day, conducted by Community Medicine Department, MGMCRI, held on 07.4.17.

▶▶ STUDENTS AND ALUMNI HIGHLIGHTS Awards for Extra/ Co Curricular Activities Ms.Mary Cathrin D.E B.Sc(N) III year won 1st prize in English elocution and Mr.Arun raj won 2nd prize in Tamil elocution in Inter College competition on commemoration of World AIDS Day organized by Pondicherry Engineering College on 25.01.17. KGNC students participated in intercollegiate tournament (running, relay, long jump, cricket, volley ball, throw ball and badminton) conducted by Mother Teresa Post Graduate Research Institute & Health Science at Puducherry on 01.02.17 to 03.02.17. The winners were Ms.Divyabharathi, III year B.Sc (N) III prize in 1500 meter running race and Monisha.R,IIyr – BSc (N) III prize in 400 meter running race.

Ms. Thiruvalarselvi, B.Sc(N) III year received I prize, Ms. Chandradevi, B.Sc(N) IV year received II prize, in Poster Competition during World Environmental Day – Connecting People to Nature, conducted by NSS, KGNC, held on 16.06.17. Mr. Ravirajan V, received I prize, B.Sc(N) I year, Mr. Nandhakumar V C, received II prize, B.Sc(N) III year and Mr. Naveen R, received III prize, B.Sc(N) I year, in Yoga Competition (Under 20 yrs for boys) and Mr. Pragadheeswaran P, received I prize, Mr. Kathiravan K, received II prize, Mr. Praveen K, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year , in Yoga Competition (21-25 yrs for boys) during World Yoga Day, conducted by CYTER, MGMCRI held on 22.06.17. Ms. Rajeswari V, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year , in Yoga Competition (Under 20 yrs for girls) and Ms. Aripriya M, received II prize, Ms. Karthiga M, and Ms. Rohitha S, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year , in Yoga Competition (21-25 yrs for girls) during World Yoga Day, conducted by CYTER, MGMCRI held on 22.06.17.

M.Sc(N) I Year students and B.SC(N) IV Year students participated in CME on “Adolescent Gynecology” Ms. Mary Catherin D E , received I prize, Mr. Arunraj organized by Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI held on 18.02.2017. M, received II prize, Ms. MariaMartin A, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year , in Elocution Competition during Mr. Nesapriyan, IIyr – BSc (N) & Mr. Muthukumaran, International Drug abuse Day, conducted by KGNC IIyr – BSc (N), participated in Solo Singing on coordinating with Baratha Matha Deaddiciton Centre 02.03.17.Mr. Sameer, Iyr – BSc (N), participated in held on 26.06.17. Photography and Selfie Contest on 03.03.17 at RecO-Fest, an Intercollegiate Tech cum Cultural Fest, Mr. Nandhacumar. V. C B.Sc (N) IV year bagged a I conducted by Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering prize, Ms. V. Rajeshwari B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize in under 20 yrs category, Mr.Pragatheesswaran. and Technology. P B.Sc (N) IV year received I prize, Mr. Praveen. K Mr.Paraanthaman. B.Sc (N) IV year received first Prize B.Sc (N) IV year got III prize, Mr. Kathiravan. K B.Sc and Ms.Nandhini.S (N) III yr received Second (N) IV year received II prize, Ms. Karthiga. M B.Sc Prize in Short Video Message in commemoration of (N) IV year received III prize, Ms. Rohitha.S B.Sc (N) International Women’s Day, SBV on 29.03.17. IV year received III prize, Ms. Aripriya. M B.Sc (N) Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

IV year received II prize in 21-25 yrs category in yoga competition during World yoga day was organized by MGMCRI on 22.06.17. Mr. Naveen. R B.Sc(N) II year student bagged I Prize in Tamil Elocution competition in commemoration of World breast feeding week organized by SMVMCH on 05.08.17. Ms. Yogapriya. A. R B.Sc (N) III year received III prize in Open Category chess competition organized by King Anandh Chess Club in Nagapattinam stadium, Nagapattinam on 22.10.17. Ms. Rajeswari. M, Mr. Hemachandran. V, Mr. Manikandan. P and Mr. Ramkumar. P B.Sc (N) I year received I prize& Ms. Keerthana. S, Ms. Reshma. S, Mr. Thamizhvendan. D , Mr. Vignesh. K B.Sc (N) I year received II prize in Dumb Charades competition organized by Literary Club of KGNC during World geriatric day on 04.11.17 Ms. Raichel Rajan and Ms. Sivasankari. K, B.Sc (N) II year received I prize Ms. Kiruthiga. R and Ms. Sivabakya. S, B.Sc (N) II year received II prize in scrabbles game competition organized by Literary Club of KGNC during World environmental day on 14.11.17. Ms. Thiruvalarselvi. T B.Sc (N) IV year received I prize and Mr. Pugazhenthi. M, B.Sc (N) I year received II prize in organ donation poster competition organized by JIPMER on 23.11.17. Mr. Manikandan. S B.Sc (N) IV year received consolation prize (Rs. 500 ) for photography competition, and Mr. Hemachandiran. K and Ms. Marry Catherine. D.E. B.Sc (N) IV year received consolation prize (Rs. 1,000 ) for short film competition organized by PACS during world AIDS day from 23.11.17 to 24.11.17. Ms. Nivedha. G was awarded as “Junior Kalaisigaram Award” by “Kuzhanthaigal Kalai Ilakiya Valarchi Kazhagam” in Puducherry on 17.12.17. Ms. Raichal rajan B.Sc (N) II year, Ms. Monisha. G (N) III year and Ms. Maria Martin. A. B.Sc (N) IV year students were awarded by Lions Club,Puducherry for Outstanding Performance in academics Puducherry on 23.12.17. Ms. Pragadeeshwari. S, Mr. Nandhakumar. VC,Mr. Pavithran Ms. Rajam. P, Ms. Thenmozhi. M and Mr. Karthikesh. R B.Sc (N) IV year students presented poster in research week organized by MGMCRI from 07.12.17 to 12.12.17. Ms. Pragadeeshwari. S, B.Sc (N) IV year got II place in podium presentation.

▶▶ PG NEWS Ms. Amal Suzanne .Y ,Ms. Nivetha.G, Mrs. Nandhini.D, Mrs. Vanitha.N, Mrs. Priyalatha.G, Ms. Vishnupriya.D,

Mrs. Jasmine Sentamilselvi.C, Ms. Chandralekha.S, Ms. Keerthiga.V, Mr. Parameswar.P, Mr. Surendran.S.R, Mr. Mahesh.S, Mr. Haridass.V, Mrs. Hena Chandran, Ms. Suganya.T, and Ms. Suganya.K M.Sc (N) II year students presented poster in research week organized by MGMCRI from 07.12.17 to 12.12.17. Mr. Surendran.S.R, Mr. Mahesh.S,were shortlisted for podium presentation and Mr. Surendran.S.R bagged prize in poster competition

SWACHHTA PAKHWADA In commemoration of Swachhta Pakhwada competiotion were conducted .Ms.I.Joanofarc B.Sc (N) IV, Ms.Rajasri B.Sc (N) IV Mr.Nesapriyan B.Sc (N) IV bagged first three prizes in Essay competition on 05.09.17.Ms.D.E.Mary Catherine B.Sc(N) IV year , Ms. I .Rizwana Banu B.Sc(N) III year and Ms.Pavithra R, B.Sc(N) bagged first three places in Elocution competition on 14.09.17.

PEC ‘O’ Fest Pondicherry Engineering College organized PEC ‘O’ Fest 17 in Puducherry from 26.09.17 to 28.09.17. Kasturbians participated in various competitions. our Ms. Aripriya.M and Mr. Karthikesh.R B.Sc (N) IV year received I prize in face painting. Ms. Nivetha and Ms. Komathi.T B.Sc (N) IV year bagged I and II prize in Mehandhi Compitition, Ms. Gomathi. K, Ms. Thenmozhi. M and Soundarya. M got II prize in Dumb charades. Ms. Kalaimathy. K B.Sc (N) IV year got II prize in Walkathon. Mr. Aravinthraj .E B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize in Eat the bun competition and Ms. Aripriya. M B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize in tattoo art.

SPACIBA-17 The Ryzentronz (XI Batch) students hosted the “SPACIBA-17” an occasion for showing their gratitude to their mentors on 22.07.17 . Programme commenced with college anthem followed by cultural and honouring the teachers.The programme ended with sharing of their 4 years journey in KGNC through a video show which captured all the joyful and vital events in the past 4years.

LA REVEDERE’ 17 Show your love in a symbolic way you feel, sentimental or affectionate. Genezons the 3rd year BSc(N) students joined hands with their juniors, Besparks and Grifenders to share their token of love by organizing a mega farewell party LA REVEDERE’ 17 for their beloved seniors Ryzentronz the outgoing batch. The farewell party was organized at RKN Beach resort, Pooranankuppam on 29thjune 2017. The program started at 6 PM and continued with the mindblowing performances by the students. The final year students had showers of love and affection bestowed by their juniors making the evening a remarkable moment which will be embarked in their hearts forever.


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

ALUMNI NEWS: It is a prestigious moment for KGNC Mr. Suthandira Balan.P,alumni of 1st batch B.Sc Nursing, KGNC, secured a All India Rank of 1014 in the CSE 2015 and have been allotted Indian Railway Account Service based on results. He has cleared the exam for the second time securing the rank of 854 and likely to be allotted in Indian Revenue Service currently under 2 years training at National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur. He will be appointed as assistant commissioner of incomeTtax Department.

TEACHER’S DAY CELEBRATION Genezons the final year B.Sc (N) students hosted the Teacher’s day 2017 on 05.09.17 the students gave a cordial welcome through an elegant dance followed by entertainment programme and games for faculty. The students honored the faculty for their service .As a highlight of the day Our beloved principal inaugurated the mission – Traditional Renaissance (rebirth of tradition) by initiating the usage of pot for storing the drinking water.

GENERAL BODY MEETING The Student Nurses Association General Body Meeting was held on 10.02.17 at Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. The meeting started at 1.30 pm. Previous meeting minutes was passed by Mr. M. Venkat Raj, B.Sc (N) IV year student and seconded by Ms. Priyanka K, B.Sc (N) IV year student. The SNA Account Details was passed by Mr. S. Manikandan, B.Sc (N) III year student and seconded by Mr. Hemachandiran, B.Sc (N) III year student. Dr.Purisai.S.Natarajan, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D, Retired Professor, Sacred Heart College, Thirupathur, given a Guest Lecture on “Preserving Cultural Heritage – Role of Youngsters”.Dr. Renuka .K Principal /President SNA supplemented with her talk on “Role of youngsters in Preserving Cultural Heritage”.


Ms.Soya Sunny, Msc Child Health Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Benin D.S, Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Resha Benny, Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Parvathy O.G., Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Kavitha. R.R, Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2013 Ms.Jinu Abraham, Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Rakavi R. , Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Gerald Roseline M, Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Padmapriya. P , Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2013 Mr.Dhivagar. S ,Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2014 Ms.Emil K Paul, Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Shari Sadan, Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Deepa J., Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Jaya Pradha. D, Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2014

B.Sc. Nursing

The SNA General Body Meeting was held on 06.05.2017 at II-Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. The UGC announced to show the Short Video Regarding Ragging, So around 4 Short Videos were telecasted to the students of KGNC at 10.45 am.

Ms.Poornima. D, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2009


Ms.Valli.C, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2011

SBV organized its first Doctoral Convocation 2017 on 22.09.17 in third floor hall MGMCRI . The following students of KGNC received the gold medal for their academic excellence .

Ms.Keerthiga V, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2011

Ms.Rintu Treesa James, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Rajeswari K, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2010

Ms.Nabina Bhandari , B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012

M.Sc Nursing

Ms.Susai Mary. R ,B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012

Ms. Jemima S, Msc Child Health Nursing Batch of 2010

Ms.Deepika. K, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012

Ms.Srigowri. D ,B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

P.B.B.Sc Nursing


Ms.Deepti R.V, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Jeyalakshmi N., P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Aswathy K.S. P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2009 Likitha Kumar A., P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2010


Ms.Lisha Cyriac, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2011

KGNC is always keen in providing good learning experience to the students in all perspective, with this objective an educational trip to New Delhi was organized where in 95 Students UG- 95 no’s and 4 faculty visited various places like National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Indian Red Cross, Indira Gandhi memorial ,Red Fort and BLK Multi specialty Hospital from 01.01.17 to 13.01.17.In TNAI Mrs.Vatchala Dhinakaran ,Asst.Secretary General, she explained about the historical events and miles stone in the growth of Nursing Profession and TNAI.

Ms.Riya George, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Rajalakshmi. C, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Justin Mary. V, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Saranya. V, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2013 !

16 members of M.Sc Nursing (II YR) students attended the campus interview conducted OMICS group for the post of Event Manager on 6- 11- 2017. Mr. Surendar. S.R, Ms. S. Chandraleka, Ms. D. Vishnu Priya were short listed for second level interview on 15. 12. 2017.

KGNC Chronicle team congratulate all medal winners


▶▶ ALUMNI NEWS Ms.Ruma Shanthini I Batch of KGNC has received the best nurse award for the year 2017 working as a Nursing Quality coordinator, Muhayel General Hospital, Saudi .

▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY Ms. B. Anitha , Lecturer, Dept of OBG Nursing, participated in yoga demonstration at Beach Road towards celebration of International Yoga Day 2017 organized by CYTER & Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of Puducherry on 5.1.17

PONGAL CELEBRATION The SNA unit of KGNC relished the joy of pongal hosting a small celebration on 13.01.17 at 3.30 pm The faculty members and students greeted each other with Pongal wishes and the Traditional Food Pongal Was Served to all.

CAMPUS INTERVIEW Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Research Institute and Placement cell Conducted an interview for our outgoing students on 9.10.17. Panel members of Staff Recruitment Mr. Bala Mukundan, Personnel Manager, Dr.Swathi, DMS and Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath, Nursing Superintendent, conducted the interview. It comprised of two rounds written and oral test, 33 students attended the interview and all the students got selected.

In commemoration of International Women’s Day WE @ SBV conducted elocution and short video message competition on the theme of the year “Be Bold for change-women in the changing world of work” . students from all 4 constituent colleges of SBV participated. The panel of jury were Mrs.Rupa Jha & Mrs. Meena, trainer Dept. of Yoga therapy. A total of 6 students from KGNC participated in the elocution and short video message competition the winners were awarded with the prize and certificate during SPECTRA inaugural on 29.03.17

SPORTS MEET-2017 The Inauguration of sports meet-2017 was held on 23.02.2017.The inauguration commenced with college anthem at 3.30pm, followed by welcome address delivered by Mrs. Jayanthi. K, Asst.Prof, SNA Advisor, KGNC .The first proceeding House robe & capping ceremony for young Kasturbians of each houses by the Honorable Vice chancellor ,followed by Flag hoisting and March past by the students . the students from Respective Houses of Sapphire Blue, Amber Yellow, Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Amethyst Purple Zircon Brown showcased a perfect parade with pride.Prof.K.R.Sethuraman& Dr. Renuka.K Principal declared the Sports meet open by releasing the doves .The Inauguration proceeded with the next event of Lighting of Olympic Torch ignited by the dignitaries and carried over by the Captains of 6 houses on to a torch Relay around the track..Prof.K.R.Sethuraman ,Vice – Chancellor,SBV addressed the gathering with his unique motivational speech. Ms.Nandhini.S,B.Sc(N) IV Year student ,SNA Secretary, rendered the vote of thanks, The day concluded with the National Anthem in Air. The sports events continued with various events for the next two days with full spirit and vigour.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

CRESCITA - 2K17 The Annual Day cultural – CRESCITA 2K17 a colourful evening in the calendar of KGNC was held on 24.03.2017 in SBV ground adorned by a elegant stage of grandiosity and colorful air balloons. Mrs. Kripa Angeline A, Associate Professor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing welcomed the gathering. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV rendered his valuable presidential address. The CD of Sparklss’17, 5th issue Students magazine which was a perfect blend of skills, artistic talents and creativity of the students had a grand launch by the dignitaries on the Dias. Prof. P.sumathy the chief editor gave a glimpse of the contents in SPARKLSS which was innovative. The college annual report of 2016 – 2017 was deliberated by our Principal, Dr.Renuka K, who highlighted the progress and milestones of KGNC which was noteworthy. With the motive of showcasing the talent of students in sports and extracurricular activities cultural , various competitions on fine arts, literary , sports & culturals were conducted for the past two weeks . The winners of the events were honored on this day with a shield and certificate by the dignitaries.The prideful moment on stage was the bagging of overall trophy by redhouse bringing lot of cheers from the gathering.the untiring efforts of the students were evident by the joy seen on the faces of the students when the Ryzentronz recieved the trophy for organizing batch. Prof. A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV and Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI felicitated the gathering. The chief guest of the day Dr. Daisy Saran, Managing Director, Daisy Hospitals, Chennai, in her chief guest address motivated the group on the values of life. The programme concluded with the Vote of thanks which was proposed by Prof. P. Sumathy, HOD, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, which was followed by the Cultural programme. The students staged entertaining, colorful, dazzling events which brought to limelight the Kasturbians creative and artistic talents.

INTEGRATED TEACHING PROGRAMME The Department of Child Health Nursing conducted an Integrated Teaching Programme (ITP) on the Topic “Tetralogy of Fallot”, on 31.03.2017. The aim of having a comprehensive coverage of the topic was made possible by the effective deliberations by Faculty members from various departments. The list of speakers were Dr.Prabavathy.G Asst.Prof Dept.of Anatomy, MGMCRI, Dr. Niranjana.D, Asst.Prof Dept.of Physiology, MGMCRI , Dr. Prarthana Das Asst.Prof , Dept.of Paediatrics, MGMCRI , Dr, Ragava Choudry.N, II year P.G, Dept.of Cardiology MGMCRI and Ms. Sherin Nithiya.S Asst.Prof, Dept.of Child Health Nursing. The audience being the B.Sc (N) III Year was benefited at large. The programme was very informative

and students gained adequate information regarding all aspect of Tetralogy of Fallot.

CRESCITA - 2K17 – 08.04.17 The Awarding Ceremony -CRESCITA 2K17, Part II, held on 08.4.17, between 9.30am to 11.30am. Dr.Renuka K, Principal, KGNC welcomed the gathering. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV rendered his valuable presidential address. With the motive of encouraging the students, in their Academic and Subject Toppers, Literary and Fine Arts excellence, students were honored with a shield and certificate by the dignitaries. Prof. A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV felicitated the gathering. The chief guest of the day Dr. Tharanikkarasu K, Controller of Examinations, Prof & Head, Dept. of Chemistry, Pondicherry University, in his chief guest address enlightened the highlights of Educational system and Nursing profession. The programme concluded with the Vote of thanks which was proposed by Prof.M.Annie Annal, HOD, Dept. of OBG Nursing, which was followed by the Cultural programme. The students entertained with their dazzling performance.

STATE LEVEL WORK SHOP (12.04.17) The State level workshop on “Forensic Nursing – A New Door Open To Nurses” organised by I year M.Sc. Nursing students (2016-2017 batch) on12.04.17. The inaugural address was given by Vice Chancellor Prof. K.R.Sethuraman SBV. He, in his address appreciated PG students for taking this initiatives and suggested that program of this kind can be organised once in six months. The workshop - An overview was presented by Dr. Renuka K Dean, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, SBV. The bundle of knowledge was compressed in a CD and was released by the Chief Guest. Prof. M.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI felicitated the gathering and he emphasized that the Forensic Nursing is new to nursing field. Key note address was given by the chief guest, Dr. Gitanjali D Associate Professor and HOD Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Villupuram. She stated that Forensic science was very interesting and challenging field & the role of nurses in this area is very vital. The assemblage of eminent speakers in the field of Forensic Nursing across the state rendered their deliberations. The valedictory session commenced by The total numbers of delegates were 250. The overall online feedback obtained rated the programme as excellent

MOU – INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION It was a moment of great pride for KGNC on 5.5.17 ,moving one step ahead, finding a place for our Kasturbians to place their feet abroad. At 3 pm members gathered at Telepresence room, SBV, MOU was signed

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

by Mr, Gregory Mc Caffrey, CEO, Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and Dr. Renuka K, Dean Faculty of Nursing sciences in the presence of a team comprised of Prof. K. R Sethuraman, Vice – Chancellor, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan Dean, AHS, SBV, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Mr. Ralph Mathew, Legal adviser, SBV, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, GM (Admin) and few faculty members of KGNC

were participated in an interview amongst 43 students were selected. On 28.08.17 Manipal Group of Institutions, Karnataka. Conducted an interview in AVMC campus 23 students were attended amongst 19 students got selected.

YOUNG INDIA, NEW INDIA 11.09.17 As per the instruction from UGC in commemoration of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s centenary celebration and 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda we the Kasturbians and faculties attended the speech by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi through digital media facility in campus.

MULTI DISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM KGNC IQAC unit and Department of Mental Health Nursing jointly organized a Multidisciplinary symposium on “Personality Disorder” on 16.09.2017 . The symposium consisted of the following Speakers, Dr. Avudaiappan. S, Asso.Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, Ms. Ektha Jain, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI .Ms. Jayasri.J, Lecturer Dept. of Psychiatric Nursing, KGNC .Mrs. Rajalakshmi.P, Lecturer ,KGNC. The Symposium gave a broad view on all the aspects of Personality Disorder from the views of Psychologist, Psychiatrist , Psychiatric Nursing, and Nutritionist respectively. Which was very informative to the III year B.Sc (N) Students who were the beneficiaries.



It was delightful evening at Anandha Inn on 9.4.17 from 6.00 pm with a august gathering of faculty members of MGMCRI, KGNC, IGIDS to take part in the celebration hosted by our Honourable Chairman Shri . MK. Rajagopalan, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth on the success of NAAC and NIRF . It was a moment of joy to have our chairman presiding over the evening programme congratulating the whole team of SBV . All the key persons and IQAC coordinators of constituent colleges were appreciated and honoured. Mrs. Kripa Angeline, Assoc Prof,KGNC too was honoured by our honourable chairman for leading the KGNC team and their contribution towards Accreditation by NAAC with A Grade . It was a happy occasion for all the faculty members.

The Ayudha Pooja was celebrated on 28.09.17 at 3 pm in Library, KGNC. Principal Dr. Renuka K, and all the faculty members and students participated & invoked the blessings of Goddess Saraswathi. This programme was organized by II year M.Sc Nursing and IV year B.Sc Nursing students.

CAMPUS INTERVIEW Ray of success! KGNC arranged the Campus interview from various hospitals for out going batch of B.Sc(N) students. On 11th and 14th August 2017. HR from Medanta-The Medcity Hospital, New Delhi conducted an interview through Skype, the facility was arranged by IT Department MGMC&RI. Around 55 students

KGNC REACHING HEIGHTS! KGNC has added a feather to its cap. The Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing under the Leadership of Dr.Renuka .K, and the team members Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A, Mrs.Monopriya.V, Ms. Anbu.M and Mr. Finny Moses .E was nominated for category Quality Improvement team of the year hosted by British Medical Journal Awards South Asia 2017 it’s a prideful moment as the department has been short listed from phase I and selected for Phase II. Chronicle team Accords A Hearty Congratulation to the team. The Good Thoughts and Mission by our visionary leader Shri.M.K.Rajagopalan Chancellor SBV and the dedicated work by the KGNC team under the leadership of Dr.Renuka.K has reaped success! It’s



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

aprestigious moment for the Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College which has been ranked as 5th amongst the top ten Promising Nursing Colleges reviewed by Journal of Higher Education.

Results! UG Pass percentage - 87 %

KGNC CHARITY MISSION KGNC took an initiative in its charity mission by sponsoring Rs 4000/- for the State Level Throw Ball competition for the blind children organized by Tanjore Blind Throw Ball Association on 24.12.17. Mrs. Rajeswari .S Asso. Prof , Department of Child Health Nursing, invited as a chief guest to the Prize Distribution Ceremony and she felicitated the gathering.


PG Pass percentage – 100 % KGNC chronicle team congratulated them !

▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS LAMP LIGHTING The Lamp Lighting Ceremony of KGNC for the XV batch B.Sc. (N) students was held on 20.12.2017 at MGMCRI campus. The programme commenced with the procession by dignitaries and the budding nightingales. Dr.K.Renuka, Principal, KGNC welcomed the august audience. The hall illumined with the kuthuvillaku lighted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research) SBV, Dr. K. Renuka, Principal, KGNC, Prof. Nirmal Coumare. V, Medical Superintendent, MGMCRI, Mrs. D. Danakala, Nursing Superintendent, MGMCRI, Dr. Karaline Rajkumar, Principal RMCON, Chidambaram. The motivational presidential address was delivered by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research) SBV. Mrs. Anitha. B, Lecturer, KGNC, highlighted the Significance of Lamp Lighting through presentation. The compassionate leaders of nursing passed the light from the Nightingale’s lamp to the budding nurses. The programme traversed further by a prayer and dedication hymn sung by the students. Mrs. D. Danakala, NS, MGMCRI , foreworded the pledge and the students recited it. Prof. V. Nirmal Coumare, MS and Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI delivered the felicitations. The chief Guest address was given Dr. Dr. Karaline Rajkumar, Principal RMCON, Chidambaram. Prof. P. Sumathy, Vice - Principal, KGNC, rendered the Vote of thanks.

As per directives of National Commission of Women, Govt. of India and Directorate of Higher and Technical Education. Govt. of Puducherry Women Empowerment Cell of KGNC organized Intra college competition for our Nursing students to create awareness about the legal rights of women. Multiple Choice Question test was planned and conducted on 15.11.2017 between 2.30 -3.30pm at Lecture hall IV and Multipurpose hall of KGNC, 94Nursing students ( Under graduate and Post Graduate) participated. Time duration was for one hour to answer the question booklet with 50 MCQs. On the next day a lecture class was taken by Mrs.Rajeswari S, Asso.Prof. Member secretary of Women cell and Learning material related to Women Rights in India: Constitutional Rights and Legal Rights was distributed to the participants to enhance their knowledge for their future reference. On 28.11.2017 the winners, were awarded by Dr.Ramkumar S, Director, Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Government of Puducherry.

CHRISTMAS DAY AND NEW YEAR CELEBRATION: Adding Meaning to Joy of Christmas Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College &Lions club of Puducherry organized Cultural Programme for the geriatrics residing at Hospice Home for Aged, Puducherry as part of Christmas celebration accompanied with Mrs.B.Anitha, Lecturer, Dept of OBG Nursing on 21.12.17 The performance of the students illuminated the hospice home with cheers and smiles. The Students nurses association took the lead in organizing the Christmas day and New Year celebration in KGNC on 22.12.17. Principal Dr. Renuka K, the faculty members

▶▶ IQAC STATE LEVEL SYMPOSIUM “Understanding Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” the State level symposium organized by Research & IQAC unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College on 6th and 7th July 2017. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman Vice Chancellor SBV delivered the inaugural address .. The session was started by Mrs. Kripa Angeline, Asso. Prof. ,KGNC started the session with a lucid talk on on Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College

“ Essentials of Nursing Research”. Prof.N.Seetharaman ,Head of the Department, Community Medicine ,MGMC&RI deliberated on “Review of Relevant literature”. Dr.R.Lakshmi.R, Assistant Professor, JIPMER deliberated on “Understanding Research Approach and Design”. Dr.PruthuGowda.T.K, Asst. Prof., Dept of Community Medicine, MGMCRI gave a lecture on “Sampling technique and sampling size calculation” .Dr. Renuka K Dean, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, SBV threw light on Conceptual Frame work in Nursing Research.. The second day of the symposium started with the deliberation on “Data Collection Method” by Prof. Sumathy ,Vice Principal,KGNC, followed by Prof.Annie Annal, HOD, Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology ,KGNC on “Tools for measurement and its essentials” .The final presentation of the symposium was by Mrs.Geetha.C, Associate Professor ,KGNC on “Communication and Utilization of Research outcome”.

8th NATIONAL CONFERENCE – 08.09.2017 The Alumni Association of KGNC took the pride organizing the 8th National conference in KGNC on “Quality Pathways in Health Care System”on 8th September 2017 as a commemoration of its decennial year with their prominent and distinguished alumni .A warm welcome was accorded by the president of Alumni Association of KGNC Ms. RumaShanthini.K. Prof.dr.. Ravishankar.M, Dean.,MGMCRI headed the Stamp release ceremony and rendered the Presidential Address . Dr, Renuka . K Dean Faculty of Nursing Sciences, gave an overview about the conference. Dr. Vellore.AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV Inaugurated the Book Bank a new initiative in KGNC and felicitated the gathering. The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr.G.MuthamilSelvi, Principal, VMCON released the Souvenir and delivered the key note address.The Inaugural Ceremony came to an end with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Ramaprabhu. Z, Vice- President, Alumni Association of KGNC. The plenary session commenced at 9.00 am with the first speaker Ms.RumaShanthini.K, Nursing Quality coordinator, Muhayel General Hospital, Saudi Arabia. who elaborated on “Hospital informatics system at India and Abroad”.

on “Hospital Accreditation process and Magnet statusFocus on Nurses” . And finally Prof. Dr. Renuka. K,Principal, KGNC explored her views on “Health consumer satisfactionPrime areas of Quality improvement”. A total of 306members (Delegates, Other Professionals and Students) attended the conference. The observer, Mrs.Rajeswari. R, Professor, Indirani College of Nursing, Puducherry, representative from The Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai delivered her feedback, where she appreciated the organizing committee for their initiative on Decennial year Celebration.

Workshop on “Basics of Palliative Care KGNC – IQAC unit & Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized a Workshop on “Basics of Palliative Care” targeting the young students nurses of KGNC. Ms. Ishrath Fathima I Year, PG hosted the proceeding of the day. The programme was inaugurated by Dr. Renuka.K Principal/HOD, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A, Associate Professor & IQAC Co- Ordinator, KGNC, Dr. Sneha Rooh, Palliative Physician, MNJ Institute of Oncology Hyderabad. Dr. Renuka.K delivered presidential address in which she highlited the importance of Palliative Care. Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A, Associate Professor opened up the day by giving broad overview on the need for Workshop on Basics of Palliative Care. Dr. Sneha Rooh, Palliative Physician, led the whole day elaborating on Basics of Palliative Care which included Introduction to Palliative Care, Code of Ethics, and Communication & End of Life Care.

Dr.G.Muthamilselvi,Principal,VMCON,Puducherry deliberated on “Nurse Leadership in quality health outcome”, Dr.Vijayalakshmi, Principal, Vignesh College of Nursing, Thiruvannamalai gave a view on “Clinical Nurse specialist practitioner in India-Nuts and Bolts”, Prof.Fabiola.M.Dhanaraj,Principal, Arulmigu Meenakshi College of Nursing, Kanchipuram enlighted on “Nursing in 2025-Growth and Challenges”, Mrs. Soya Sunny Infection control Nurse, Paalana Institute of Medical sciences, Kerala deliberated about “Hospital Preparedness for outbreaks”. Mrs.Parvathy.O.G, Nurse Researcher, Bangalore shared her views on “Ethics and patient care standards”. Mrs.Aruna Devi. M,Asst.Prof, KGNC,shared her ideas SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF





Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Allied Health Sciences


ne of the most noteworthy features of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is the promulgation of unique, objective, job oriented and evidence based courses in complementary and alternative medicine, besides offering conventional undergraduate and postgraduate ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCE programmes. There is an exclusive deanery to look into the academic aspects of such programmes and also the cohesive research that goes concomitant with the academics. UGC lays emphasis on choice based credit courses as a part of academic flexibility vested with the deemed University. Taking cognizance of this, the Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences has implemented certain novel and job oriented courses in choice based credit system in certain nodal areas that have been less frequented hitherto in other Universities, viz Health Professions Education, Yoga Therapy and Music Therapy.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Message From Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, MS (AIIMS)., DNBE, FRCS (Eng)., FRCS( Edin)., FRCS (Glasgow)., FACS., FICS., FACG., FIMSA., FACS., Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences.

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and its constituent colleges have been taking long strides recently consistent with the goal of creating a centre of excellence in medical learning in a semi urban/semi rural environment. The current annual report is testimony to this fact. SBV prides itself at creating a learning environment which will facilitate, not only acquisition of knowledge and development of skills, but also, bring about lasting and desirable changes in attitudes. These are the endeavors, which have led to SBV being ranked amongst the top one hundred institutions of learning in India, as per NIRF ranking and amongst ‘A’ grade institutions according to NAAC. There is constant ongoing multi-faceted faculty development programmes aimed at creating a teaching work force, which would make learning pleasant to the students and thus supporting students in their endeavors. Besides, SBV lays a lot of emphasisis on facilitating, creating and promoting research right from undergraduate to doctoral students, so that, students take their first steps towards evidence based medical practice. Our whole emphasis is shifted focused holistic development of our students. It is to this environment, I invite you all to jointly put our shoulders to the wheel and push with all our might for greater success in all our endeavors.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION Activities of the Department of Health Professions Education (DHPE) The Department of Health Professions Education which launched two innovative credit based courses in SBV, viz., PGDHPE and M. Phil programs in 2016, started a new activity in the form of monthly Journal Club meets, Guest Lectures or in-house lectures on a dedicated topic of interest in health professions education. This program is open to all members belonging to Medical/Dental/ Nursing Education Units, besides any faculty member working in any institute interested in the field of health professions education. The activity therefore fosters inter-professional and inter-disciplinary approach to health sciences education and research which is a unique feature of SBV.

Journal Club by Dr C.G. Ganesh Babu: Dr. Ganesh Babu, Professor of Surgery and M. Phil candidate presented a Journal Club on 07.01.17. He discussed a research article “Choski B.D. et al - A “Resident-as-Teacher” Curriculum Using a Flipped Classroom Approach: Can a Model Designed for Efficiency Also Be Effective? Academic Medicine, 2014; Vol. 20:1-4”. Dr Usha Carounanidy, Principal, IGIDS, Dean of Dental Faculty and a candidate for M. Phil presented a Journal Club on 4.02.2017 on a research article entitled “Schiekirka S and Raupach T. A systematic review of factors influencing student ratings in undergraduate medical education course evaluations, BMC Medical Education 2015; 15:30:1-9”.

assessment. Even student assessment by the patients receives 5% weightage. Though the long term impact of this thread on the MBBS program is yet to be evaluated, this has been perceived as a major intervention to produce doctors who are competent and compassionate. The guest lecture was attended by Prof KR Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor of SBV and several leaders and educators from Medical, Dental and Nursing profession. Prof K.A. Narayan introduced the guest and Prof B.V. Adkoli proposed a vote of thanks.

Scientific Session A scientific session was organized by the DHPE on 11.03.2017 in which Dr M. Shivasakthy, Coordinator of DHPE made a presentation on the concept of Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME). The session was chaired by Prof P.F. Kotur, Dean of SSSMCRI who opined that one has to be careful in applying the best evidences developed elsewhere in the international context to local context in which the scenario presented may be quite different. Prof C. Adithan, Director of CIDRF, gave a memento to Prof P.F. Kotur.

Guest Lecture by Prof (Dr) S.P. Pani The Department of Health Professions Education, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University organized an Guest Lecture by Prof (Dr) S.P. Pani on 3.3.2017 on the “Professional Development of Medicos throughout the MBBS course”, sharing his experience at the Quest International University, Perak, Malaysia. The Quest University has introduced a Personal, Professional Development and Ethics (PPDE), thread which runs throughout the MBBS Course, with a combination of instructional methods and continuous

A scientific session was organized by CHPE on 04.11.2017. DrVarsha Murthy, a Ph D scholar presented on “The feasibility of Kirkpatrick model for evaluative research”. This was followed by another presentation by Dr Ganesh Babu on “A review of microteaching with special reference to Indian Medical Education”.

Guest lecture by Dr Sunita Vagha The Department of Health Professions Education organized a Guest Lecture by Dr Sunita Vagha, on 24.3.2017. Dr Vagha is the Director, School for Health Professions Education Research, Datta Meghe Institute Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


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of Medical Sciences (DMIMS), Deemed University, Sawangi, Wardha, Maharashtra. She narrated her experience of DMIMS Model of Health Professions Education, while recalling that her induction in to NTTC, JIPMER, led by Prof KR Sethuraman, way back in 2000 was a turning point in her career. Prof K.R. Sethuraman, the Vice Chancellor in his presidential remark said that the fruits of faculty development come slowly but surely. Dr Shivasakthy, coordinator introduced the Guest Speaker. Dr B.V. Adkoli concluded that DHPE of SBV is willing to collaborate with DMIMS in introducing best practices in health professions education and research.

Special lecture on Scholarship in Medical Education by Prof N Ananthakrishnan The Department of Health Professions Education organizes regular monthly programs for the benefit of PGDHPE, M Phil and Ph D Scholars, besides faculty belonging to medical, dental and nursing education units (MEU/DEU/NEU) of constituent colleges. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences and core faculty member of the Department of HPE delivered a special lecture on “Scholarship in Medical Education” on 04.04.2017. He clarified the fundamental concept of educational scholarship and discussed how it should be recognized and rewarded. Boyer’s concept of ‘scholarship redefined’ gave birth to a new, extended, fourfold dimension to the scholarship, viz., scholarship of discovery, teaching, application and integration. This has far reaching implications on future of faculty development. The lecture was well attended by all education units.

Special Lecture on Emerging areas of educational research in health professions This lecture delivered by Prof K R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV on 13.05.2017 was a fruit of his in-depth study and insight from his guest lecture delivered at the Educational Research International Conclave (ERICON 2017) held at Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (D.U.), Sawangi, Nagpur in February 2017. The lecture covered all aspects of educational research, types of educational research, the problems and hurdles for educational research in India and the way forward. The lecture was not only well attended, but a landmark exercise in strengthening research initiatives of SBV in the near future.

Belling the Bell Curve: Issues in Standard Setting The issues picked up the Dept of HPE are stimulating and often path breaking. Dr K.A. Narayan, Prof of Community Medicine & Director of HPE programs deliberated on the ‘hot’ issue in education, viz., standard setting. This lecture was held on 10.6.2017. With the help of theoretical models available the international literature, Dr Narayan surprised the audience by telling

how various agencies have adopted or adapted a wide range of methods of standard setting including some of which are not at all defensible. The audience felt the need for addressing this issue in greater depth lest we are swayed by the current of illogical practices. The HPE activities were coordinated by Dr Shivasakthy, Coordinator, under the guidance of Prof B.V. Adkoli, Head of HPE Department.

Guest Lecture Dr B.V. Adkoli delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘Mentorship and Feedback’ during JIPMER Connaissance 2017, the first International Undergraduate Medical Students’ Conference held at JIPMER on April 23, 2017.

Reviewer Dr B.V. Adkoli, Head, Dept of Health Professions Education, reviewed articles for Indian Pediatrics, National Medical Journal of India (3 papers) and BMJ Open.

Progress of Innovative Courses in Health professions Education The Department of HPE had earlier launched a stream of credit based courses, viz., Certificate Courses leading to PGDHPE and M Phil under the Deanery of Research & Allied Sciences. The second batch of five candidates (three from MGMCRI and two from IGIDS) have completed PGDHPE course work in July 2017.

Remodeling of PGDHPE Course for extending its scope beyond SBV Considering that the capacity building of health professions faculty needs to be extended beyond SBV campus, the Department has remodeled its Certificate Courses in such a way that faculty members from other medical colleges can also enroll and benefit from SBV expertise. The new batch has an added technology in addition to direct contact sessions in the form of a dedicated e-portfolios The Centre for Health Professions Education (CHPE) entered its second year with the successful completion of second batch of PGDHPE, an innovative, credit-based program launched by the SBV. The successful candidates are Dr. Pramod Kumar (Dept of Forensic Medicine, MGMCRI), Dr. AbhijitVinodraoBoratne (Dept of Community Medicine, MGMCRI), Dr. SukantoSarkar (Dept of Psychiatry, MGMCRI) and DrJananniMuthu (IGIDS). With this, CHPE has contributed its mite to the capacity building of mid-level faculty across the SBV which is its major mission. The faculty mentors for the batch were Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Prof



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

N Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS, Prof K.A. Narayan, Prof B.V. Adkoli, Director, CHPE andDr M. Shivasakthy, Dy Director, CHPE.

M Phil and Ph D Courses in HPE Presently seven faculty (five from medical and two from nursing) are pursuing credit based M Phil Course. A monograph review meeting was held on 24.08.2017 to review the progress. Six candidates (three from medical and three from dentistry are pursuing Ph D studies in health professions education. Annual Review meeting of Doctoral Committee (Dental & Medicine PhD scholars) was held on 22nd July 2017. The first batch of M Phil candidates, enrolled in October 2016, completed their first phase of study culminating in the submission of a monograph as a requirement to proceed further. The candidates include DrNiranjan, MGMCRI, Dr Ganesh Babu, and Dr R. Kannan (MGMCRI), MsJayanthi S, and MsElavarasi (KGNC), DrNavin R and DrSuzane, external candidates.

External Peer Expert for AAA Dr B.V. Adkoli, Prof & Head was invited by Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, DMIMS(DU), Sawangi, Wardha as an external peer expert for Academic, Administrative & Assessment Audit (AAA) of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha on 22nd & 23rd August, 2017.

Annals of SBV Special Issue on Health Professions Education A special issue of Annals of SBV devoted to the theme of “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education” was brought out to focus on research and publication in education. The issue covered 14 articles which were selected after peer review and plagiarism check, thanks to the full support received from Annals of SBV Team.

List of Publications from Dept of Health Professions Education

Resource Personnel The core faculty of Dept of Health Professions Education, viz., Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof K A Narayan, Prof P.F. Kotur, and Prof B.V. Adkoli have actively contributed to various workshops organized by MGMCRI and other centres. The National Workshop on Millennials’ Inspiration, Motivation and Engagement (MIMECON 2017) organized by the Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI was conceptualized and guided by Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV.

Visits and Academic Exchanges Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and Core Faculty member of HPE participated in MHRD Conference for Vice Chancellors held at New Delhi on 8th July 2017. He presented a talk on “E-portfolio for PGs at MGMCRI”. Discussions were held with visiting Prof S. P. Pani, and Dr Vijayalakshmi, from Quest International University, Perak (QIUP), Malaysia regarding their experience with outcome based medical education on 6th July 2017

1. Murugaiyan S, Ramasamy R, R SA, R R, Gandhe MB, Gopal N, S AVV. Self-Directed Learning Module in Biochemistry: A Teaching - Learning Study Conducted on Graduate South Indian Medical Students. International Journal of Health Sciences Research. 2016;6(5):125-132. 2. Usha C, Sethuraman KR, Ananthkarishnan N, Narayan, KA. Multisource feedback in dentalpostgraduation: a qualitative research. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 2017, 5(1), 10-17. 3. Adkoli B.V. Educational Research in Health Sciences (Editorial) Journal of Educational Technology in Health Sciences. 2017;4(2):38-41 4. Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS Curriculum with Research Component: Road to Professional Achievements. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):21-23. 5. Ananthakrishnan N., Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV Model of Competency Based Learning and Training (COBALT) For Post Graduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017;6(1):5-9. 6. Adkoli BV. Changing Trends in Health Professions Education: the need to strike a right balance! Editorial. Annals of SBV 2017;6 (1):4 7. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-47. 8. Singh S. Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR, Ezhumalai G. Students’ perception of problem solving exercise in radiology education for undergraduates. EPJMR 2017;4(02):631-38. 9. Murthy V, Rajaram S, Choudhury S, SethuramanK.R. Are we Training Enough of Communication Skills and Patient Psychology

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Required in Dental Practice. Jrnl of Clin and Diag Res 2017 Apr, Vol-11(4): ZE01-ZE04. 10. Singh CS, Adkoli BV, Ezhumalai G, Sethuraman KR. Status of radiology teaching at undergraduate level. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):41-43. 11. Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R (2017) Relevant Communication Skills for Pregnant Women - A Dental Perspective. IntJ Pregn& Chi Birth 2(3):00022. DOI:10.15406/ ipcb.2017.02.00022

Book chapter

Ramesh R, Ananthakrishnan N Results. In, “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper” Parija SC, Kate V, Eds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, 61-74.

Support for Faculty Development

CENTER FOR YOGA THERAPY EDUCATION & RESEARCH IMPORTANCE OF CYTER At CYTER we have an integrated set up where we are educating future Yoga therapists while simultaneously helping patients recover from illnesses and at the same time developing an understanding through scientific research.Whereas Yoga is usually found in departments of Physical Education and Sports in most universities, we at CYTER have it in a medical institution thus enhancing the learning curve of our trainees. This also enables us to offer integrative and holistic therapeutic benefits for patients in our hospital as many departments refer patients for Yoga therapy regularly.

Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and Core Faculty member of CHPE conducted a series of Workshops on Communication skills for II year Postgraduates of IGIDS, leading to a certification. The series was held in the form of seven sessions scheduled between 5th to 17th October 2017 in the CHPE venue.

Consultancy Activities of CHPE As a part of consultancy activity, Prof B.V. Adkoli conducted a three day Faculty Development workshop for the faculty of AIIMS, Rishikesh on 27-29th November 2017. DrNalin Mehta, Professor of Physiology from AIIMS, New Delhi was another resource person. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof Ravi Kant, Director and CEO of AIIMS, Rishikesh who stressed the need for strengthening faculty development as a key factor for sustaining curricular changes in medical education at all levels.

CYTER has recently been accorded status of MEMBER SCHOOL of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YOGA THERAPISTS (USA), and we are proud that CYTER is the first University based Yoga Therapy School in India to receive this prestigious membership. It is also notable that CYTER is the only centre in India to have two IAYT certified Yoga therapists in DrAnanda and DrMeena. Appreciation for CYTER by“Padmashree” Dr H R NAGENDRA, PhD, Chancellor, S-VYASA, Bengaluru, India CHAIRMAN, –– Task force of AYUSH –– IDY Experts Committee, –– National committee for “Diabetes control program” –– SAC of CCRYN, Ministry of AYUSH –– Expert Committee - Yoga for Teacher educators, NCTE

Prof K. R. Sethuraman attended 11th – ViceChancellor’s Round Table Conference held at SVIMS, Tirupathi on Health Sciences Education on 10.10.2017. He also attended South Zone VC’s Meet held on 17-20, December 2017 at Calicut to discuss the theme Accreditation & Global ranking.

–– Expert Committee for Yoga for schools, NCERT –– Committee on Yoga Education in Universities. “I am happy to note that Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Pondichery is involved on promoting education in



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

areas related to health from under graduate level to Post Graduate level, under the umbrella of its various institutes established by Sri BalajiVidyapeeth. The institute Apart from promoting formal traditional professional education, is also promoting the traditional ancient Indian knowledge of Yoga education and Research through its CYTER. CYTER is engaged in spreading awareness about traditional Yoga and its benefit for the welfare of the society, in addition to carrying out research in yoga with a view to establish the scientific validations of Yoga for health and mind and thus establishing the strong scientific foundation for Yoga, which is most needed of the hour. I convey my best wishes to Sri BalajiVidyapeeth and CYTER for their efforts in promoting Yoga and I wish the Institute all the success in its endeavour”.

▶▶ YOGA THERAPY Regular Yoga therapy consultations and sessions are offered at CYTER from 9 am to 4.30 pm every day. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga consultations are offered daily as part of Health Check packages of Master Heath Check-up and general sessions for faculty, staff and students of SBVU from 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm every day.

▶▶ YOGA EDUCATION Yoga Therapy courses from SBV are among the most innovative courses in the world as they are offered through a medical institution integrating ancient Yogic wisdom with evidence based approach of modern medicine. Three batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, we have started credit based program of Certificate Courses in Yoga Therapy and M. Phil Yoga Therapy leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for these programs. Currently 5 students are undergoing the certificate program (CCAY), 11 PGDYT students and 2 have enrolled for the MPhil in Yoga Therapy. Our students include Medical doctors, dental and nursing professionals, physiotherapists, pharmacists, physical educators and Yoga instructors from India and France. Yoga Therapy courses from SBV are among the most innovative courses in the world as they are offered through a medical institution integrating ancient Yogic wisdom with evidence based approach of modern

medicine. Three batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, we have started credit based program of Certificate Coursesin Yoga Therapyand M. Phil Yoga Therapy leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for these programs. Currently 7 students are undergoing the certificate program (CFY), 3 PGDYT students and 1 student has enrolled for the MPhil in Yoga Therapy. Selection of students for PhD in Yoga Therapy is in progress.

▶▶ YOGA RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS: CYTER has published 60 papers and 21 abstracts on immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at has 1,758 followers and is very interactive with articles and Yoga titbits and regular updates.

Publications in I quarter: A. Published papers (3): Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB, Trakroo M. Effect of a 12-week yoga therapy program on mental health status in elderly women inmates of a hospice. Int J Yoga 2017; 10: 24-28. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Understanding how yoga works: a short review of findings from CYTER, Pondicherry, India. EJPMR 2017; 4(1): 256-262. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Mental health and wellbeing in silver citizens through yoga. EJBPS 2017; 4 (3): 288-292. B. Published abstracts (1): Vasanthan S, Raghul S, Bhavanani AB, Jaiganesh K. Effect of overnight sleep deprivation on autonomic function test and perceived stress in young healthy medical professionals. Abstracts of SYMMEDCON 2017, International conference on Stress, Yoga, Mind-Body Medicine. Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Porur, Chennai. 2- 4 January 2017. Pg 54. CYTER has published 65 papers and 23 abstracts on immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Allied Health Sciences

CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at cyter.sbv has 1,850 followers and is very interactive with articles and Yoga titbits and regular updates.

B. Chapters in books (1): 1. Bhavanani AB and Ramanathan M. Psychophysiology of Yoga Postures: Ancient and Modern Perspectives of Asanas. In: Shirley Telles and Nilkamal Singh editors. Research-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology of Yoga. IGI Global, Editors; 2017. p.1-16

Publications in II quarter:

C. Published papers (3):

A. Compilation (1):

1. Bhavanani AB. Integrating Yoga in Health Professional Education: The SBV Experience. Annals of SBV 2017; 6 (1): 28-32. 2. Bhavanani AB. Efficacy of Yoga in Respiratory Disorders: Some Research Finding. Tamilnadu and Puducherry State Conference on Pulmonary Diseases TAPPCON. Pondicherry, India: Department of Pulmonoloy, SBV; 2017. 55-57. 3. Bhavanani AB. Integrating Yoga in Health Professional Education: The SBV Experience. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 4 (2), 42-46

1. Souvenir of the National Seminar and CME on “Role of Yoga in Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases”. International Day of Yoga celebrations. CYTER, MGMCRI, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. Compiled and edited by Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan R and Dayanidy G. B. Published papers (4): 1. Madanmohan. Role of yoga in elderly population and chronic diseases. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 36-37. 2. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Research studies on the role of yoga in chronic diseases. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 47-51. 3. Ramanathan M,Bhavanani AB.Resilience as an antidote to chronic diseases: Possible role of Yoga. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 52-56. 4. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M. Yoga therapy for chronic diseases: psychosomatic aspects. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 57-63. C. Published abstracts (1): 1. Ramanathan M. Managing chronic disorders: Yoga therapy perspective. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 66. CYTER has published 68 papers and 24 abstractson immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at has 1,933 followers and is very interactive with articles and Yoga titbits and regular updates.

Publications in III quarter: A. Books (1): 1. Bhavanani AB. A Primer of Yoga Theory. 5th Edition. Pondicherry, India: Dhivyananda Creations; 2017.

D. Published abstracts (1): Bhavanani AB. Role of Yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders. Proceeding & abstracts of the Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Southern Region – 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 4 & 5 July 2017. Pg 63-65. CYTER has published 71 papers and 24 abstracts on immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at has 2,062 followers and is very interactive with articles and Yoga titbits and regular updates.

Publications in IV quarter: A. Chapters in books (1): 1. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Yoga for children with special needs and yoga for the silver citizens (Module I: Preparing for the practice). In: Samson AM, ed. The Holistic Healing Power of Yoga. USA: TheYogaDarshan; 28-31. B. Published papers (3): 1. Bhavanani AB. Yoga for Dental Professional: Scope and Simplified Practices. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2017; 7(1): 1-11. 2. Bhavanani AB. Role of yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders. Yoga Mimamsa 2017;49:42-7



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

3. Pal D, K, Bhalla A, Bammidi S, Telles S, Kohli A, Kumar S, Devi P, Kaur N, Sharma K, Kumar R, Malik N, Thakur V, Bhargava G, G, Goyal A, K, Devi G, Chauhan S, Singh G, Ahmad S, Joshi M, Narwal S, Sharma K, Tyagi R, Modgil S, Bali P, Bhatt V, Sharma J, Singh A, Negi J, Rajesh S, K, Sharma G, Sharma P, Vats R, Nagarathna R, Bhavanani A, B, Burugupalli K, M, Vetrivendan R, Nagendra H, R, Anand A, Can Yoga-Based Diabetes Management Studies Facilitate Integrative Medicine in India Current Status and Future Directions. Integr Med Int 2017;4:125-141

CYTER Team participated enthusiastically in the 23rd International Yoga Festival organized by Department of Tourism, Govt of Puducherry from 4-7th January 2017. Prof Madanmohan, Director CYTER gave a talk on “Yoga & Health Professional Education” followed by

▶▶ OUTREACH PROGRAMMES AND EVENTS: Dr Meena was part of the program recorded by the Doordarshan Puducherry crew to celebrate “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” to create awareness amongst the common people. Dr Meena explained the causes, early assessment, treatment and prevention of birth of children with disabilities. She also spoke about the benefits of yoga for such children. This special program was telecast highlighting this event in Doordarshan Pondicherry, DD Pondy and Pothigai TV at 6 pm on the same day. The filming was done at SADAY School, the school for children with disabilities. Teachers, staff members and all the students of the school participated in this program and gave a Yoga demonstration. Dr Ananda was Chief Guest for the program on “Spiritual Parenting” organized by Acharya Group of Institutions at Kamban Kalai Arangam on 11 December 2016. Dr Ananda was invited to be Chief Guest and present a talk on “Yoga for Health Professionals: Concepts and practices” during the Annual Scientific Society Meet of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital Kalitheerthalkuppam, Madagadipet on 16 December 2016.

an excellent group demonstration by the staff, alumni and students of PGDYT and certificate courses under guidance of Dr Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator CYTER. Dr Meena also chaired a session on “Yoga for the Special Child” and presented the work being done followed by a sweet demonstration by children of the SADAY Special School where she has been giving Yoga Therapy for the past decade. Dr Ananda Balayogi, DD of CYTER was advisor for the festival. He coordinated final rounds of the championship and gave a talk on “Meditation: The inner Yoga” in the session chaired by Ammaji Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Director of ICYER who is Advisor and Adjunct Faculty of CYTER. Other CYTER members who presented talks included Sri G Dayanidy, Lecturer CYTER on “Yoga in School Education”, Dr R Balaji, MPhil student on “Managing Lifestyle Disorders with Yoga”, Sri Artchoudane S, MPhil student on “Enhancing the Life Force” and Dr. Sreemathi Rengsamy, Alumnus of CYTER on “Health and Wellbeing Through Yoga”. Sri Satish Kumar and Sri Manikandan, PGDYT Students of CYTER were jury members for the Yogasana competitions. Dr Madanmohan and Dr Ananda were felicitated for their assistance in the festival by Govt of Puducherry during the valedictory function on 7 January 2017. Dr Ananda was invited to be a Resource Person and give a presentation on “Managing Stress Through Yoga: Concepts and Methods” during PONCON 2016, the 7th Annual Pondicherry State Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologists at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 7th January 2017.

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Dr Nidheesh Kumar Yadav from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala, Pune visited CYTER. Hoping for more Interactive work in future between both the institutions on 2nd February 2017. Dr Meena was invited to conduct a lec-dem on “Importance of Yoga for the Senior Citizens” for the members of JIPMER Pensioner’s Association on 5th February 2017 at Hotel Surguru ECR. More than 200 members participated enthusiastically in the interactive session and enjoyed thoroughly. A special visit to CYTER by Sunny Singh the Founder / CEO, Edifecs & RoundGlass Partners. Hoping to take wellness (salutogenesis) further worldwide! Dr Ananda invited as resource person for the Bhopal Yoga fest 2017 held at TT Stadium in Bhopal on 26th & 27th February 2017 and organized by Sant Hirdaram medical college of naturopathy and yogic sciences sponsored by Ministry of AYUSH Govt of India and coordinated by CCRYN. Dr Meena invited to attend International Women’s day celebrations on 8th march hosted by the Vice-Chancellor at 3.00 pm in the university board roam, SBV. The theme for this year is “Be bold for change”. Dr Ananda was an invited guest for the three days International Yoga Fest from 8th-10th March 2017 held at Talkatora Indoor Stadium, New Delhi. The International Yoga Fest was organized as a Curtain Raiser for International Day of Yoga (IDY) 2017. Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Urban Development and Housing, Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated the International Yoga Fest (IYF) and Minister of State (Independent Charge) for AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik, presided over the function. Secretary AYUSH Sh. Ajit M. Sharan, Yog Rishi Swami Ramdev, Dr. H.R. Nagendra, Swami Chidananda Saraswati, Sh. O.P. Tiwari, Smt. Hamsa Jayadeva, Swami Bharat Bhushan, Swami Ritawan Bharati, Sister BK Asha, Sri S.Sridharan were Guests of Honor.

Association where he is an EC member. All major yoga traditions were represented in this historic meeting at MDNIY. Dr Meena was the invited Guest Speaker for the CME organized by St Joseph Cluny Hospital, Pondicherry on 12th March on “Stay Serene Sans (without) Stress” at the Conference Hall of St Cluny Hospital. It was an interactive lec-dem that was well attended by senior doctors of Pondicherry. CYTER Alumni and present students gave an excellent demonstration which was appreciated by all. Dr Ananda Balayogi and Smt Devasena present Yoga workshops in PHOENIX 2017 International Medical Students Conference at the A J Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Mangalore on 24th & 25th March 2017. This Mega event is scheduled from the, spanning over 5 days, and will be filled with Lectures from International Speakers, Oral, Poster & Plenary Sessions, Incredible Socials & Unique workshops. Dr. Meena was invited to conduct an Awareness programme on “Health & wellbeing in senior citizens through Yoga” for our members of Pondicherry senior citizens’ welfare association, Pondicherry Entitle on 26th March 2017 at St. Patric School, Pondicherry. Dr Ananda presented an invited talk on Yoga for Dentists at the Scientific Academic Forum of IGIDS on 4th April 2017. World Autism Day was celebrated by CYTER and IGIDS of SBV on 6th April 2017 at the Global Trust for the Differently Abled, a residential school where Special Education, Medical & Vocational Rehabilitation is being offered to more than 80 children who are differently abled located in Thiruppapuliyur, Cuddalore. All the children enthusiastically participated in the Yoga session led by Dr Meena, Deputy Director CYTER and had a wonderful time enjoying the Yoga Jathis and Kriyas. Then

Dr Ananda gave a talk on Yoga in daily life and a workshop on basic practices for health and wellness. He was also guest of honor at the valedictory function. He also participated in the GB meeting of the Indian Yoga

instruction and demonstration for brushing the teeth was given by the IGIDS team followed by a dental screening program. Gifts were distributed among the children such as balls, painting materials, painting and colouring books and an album and DVD with instructions on proper tooth brushing techniques. A very satisfying experience both for us from SBV as well as those in the Global Trust School. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

CYTER team participated actively in the World health Day 2017 commemorations organised by Dept of Community Medicine of MGMCRI of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University at the Rural Health Training Centre, Seliamedu. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena along with the CYTER Team conducted an Interactive Awareness Program on Yoga for School Children, participated enthusiastically by the students of Kavignar Vanidasanar Govt. Higher Sec. School at Seliamedu, coordinated by Dr Vindhya of RHTC on 7th April 2017. Dr Ananda was an invited panelist on the event organized by SAF and Dept. of Community Medicine in commemoration of World Health Day with the central Theme of Depression-Let’s Talk and panel discussion was on “Let’s talk about the black dog” on 7th April 2017.

Dr Ananda conducted a Yoga awareness shooting by Doordarshan Kendra Pondicherry at CYTER, SBV on 18th April 2017 and the program was telecast on 20th and 27th April 2017.

Dr Ananda gave an invited talk on Yoga- A Way of Life for the Puducherry Sinthanaiyaalar Peravai at Jothi Eye Care, Pondicherry on 18th June 2017. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were honoured and awarded by Muththamizhmaamani Pulavar Pattabiraman for their services in Yoga on this occasion. Dr.Ananda gave a presentation on “Role of Yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders” for the first year Medical students at MGMC&RI and DrMeena led them through a practice session on de-stressing practices along with the CYTER team on 1 July 2017. Dr.Ananda was invited to be a Resource Person and deliver invited lecture on “Research in Yoga” for the 25th Workshop on Research Methodology and Bio- Statistics for AYUSH PG Students and Researchers organised by Department of Siddha of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University on 3 July 2017. Dr.Ananda was invited to be a Resource Person and present talk on “Role of Yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders” during the Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian

Certificates were issued for the successful completion of PG Certificate Course I on ‘Foundations of Yoga’ to Dr Srimathy, Course II on ‘Foundations of Yoga Therapy’ to Madhu Venkattan and Course III on ‘Applications of Yoga’ to Shvetika Kaul, Vidhyasri R, Manoj V. Dr Ananda is Director of Research Committee of Indian Yoga Association and in that role was invited to oversee the research project being done under Niyantrita Madhumeha Bharata (NMB) Abhiyan at SVYASA University Bangalore on 29th &30th May 2017. The project is being guided by Dr HR Nagendraji and Dr R Nagarathnaji and funded by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena conducted well appreciated interactive Yoga awareness program on 17 June at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology organised by NSS for Yoga Day 2017

Pharmacological Society, Southern Region at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry on 5 July 2017. Dr.Ananda and Dr.Meena attended the Doctor’s Day Celebration conducted by SAF, MGMC&RI on ‘Promoting Doctor-Patient Trust-The Need of the Hour’ on 7 July 2017. Dr..Ananda was invited as Chairman for Board of Studies in “Anatomy & Physiology of Human Body in the context of Yoga” at GS College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavlaon 10 July 2017. CYTER organised a Workshop on Yoga Chikitsa, “The Application of Yoga as a Therapy” presented by Dr KausthubDesikachar PhD, Chief Yoga Therapist, Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation, Chennai between 10 am and 1 pm on 24 July 2017 at CYTER,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMC&RI), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Pondicherry. He is also an adjunct faculty for CYTER.

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More than 50 participated and enjoyed the interactive workshop.

conducting lectures and Research committee meetings on 22 & 23 August 2017.

Dr.Meena was invited to conduct the viva for the 7th South India Yogasana Championship-2017, organized by Padmam Yoga and Natural Living Development Trust affiliated to Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University and co-organised by Tamil Nadu Sports Yogasana Association held at Nehru Indoor Stadium, Chennai on 30 July 2017.

Dr.Meena was invited to conduct the Continuous Nursing Education (CNE) on ‘Stress Management for Nurses through Yoga’, on 23rd August, between 2 and 4 pm for all the Nurses of MGMC&RI. More than 150 of them participated and enjoyed the interactive program thoroughly.

Dr.Meena was awarded the Best Yoga Teacher Award by Tamil Nadu Sports Yogasana Association in appreciation for the services rendered in the field of Yoga on the occasion of the 3rd International Day of Yoga on 21.6.2017 at Chennai. Dr.Ananda was invited to inaugurate the Yoga therapy training program on 31 July 2017. Around 30 Chinese students in the authentic tradition of T.Krishnamacharya and Sri TKV Desikachar at Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, Chennai. Yogachemmal G Dayanidy received blessings from our respected Vice Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth Prof KR Sethuraman Sir and Dean AHS Prof N Ananthakrishnan Sir on his successful clearing the UGC NET exam for Assistant Professorship in Yoga on 9 August 2017.

Inaugural ceremony of Yoga therapy courses for CYTER 2017-18 batch was held on on 21 August 2017. The PG Certificate, PG Diploma and MPhil courses in Yoga Therapy were inaugurated by Prof KRSethuraman sir, Vice Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth in presence of Prof NAnanthakrishnan Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences (AHS) and Dr AN Uma, Vice Principal of AHS. PG Certificate students ShvetikaKaul and Vidhyasri received the certificate for their successful completion of Certificate of Clinical Applications of Yoga Therapy. Dr.Ananda and DrMeena attended the Felicitation of Faculty ceremony that honored faculty members for submitting proposals for copyright and BMJ Awards on the same day. Dr.Ananda sir was invited as Resource person to Kaivalyadhama Yoga center, Lonavala, Pune for

Mrs Maxine Levy, a Senior Yoga Teacher from the UK visited CYTER and participated in all its activities from 4 to 8 September 2017. Dr.Meena was invited to conduct a lecture cum Demonstrationon ‘Stress Management and awareness of Yoga’ for the newly recruited Nurses of MGMC&RI, Pondicherry held on 8 September 2017. Dr.Meena was invited to present on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and alleviation of its symptoms through Yoga at Serene Pelican, a Township for the Retired Community, on 14 September 2017. This collaborative venture between CYTER and the ENT dept. of MGMC&RI, was a great success with around a hundred senior citizens participating and benefiting through this program. Thanks to DrSatvinder Singh Bakshi for CYTER being a part of such an event. Danushapnadeesh, Yoga Instructor, gave a demonstration of the Yogic Techniques and students Team from CYTER assisted the senior citizens to perform the techniques. CYTER team conducted Yoga awareness session as part of the orientation program for the first year MBBS students of MGMC&RI, Dental students of IGIDS and BSc Nursing students of KGNC 2017 batch. Sri G Dayanidy gave a Lecture on History & benefits of Yoga followed by the practice session at CYTER Yoga Hall, nearly 250 Medical students, 26 dental students and 100 nursing students participated in the program. Yoga sessions were held on 12, 13, 14, & 16 September 2017 for the medical students, 22, 26, 27 & 28 September 2017 for dental students and 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27 & 28 for nursing students. Pre-Post Test analysis was also done. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was also done by nursing students. Alumni of CYTER Dr Balaji and Dr Sanguida received gold medals for PGDYT for 2014 and 2016 respectively during the Doctoral Convocation held on 22nd September 2017. DrAnanda attended the program as the Director of CYTER. Dr. Ananda was invited as Chief Guest for the SHISHOPANAYANA for the 29th batch of fresh BNYS students joining the course at SDM College of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Ujire on 23 & 24 September 2017. He received a blessing from Padmavibhushan Sri VirendraHeggadeji the Dharmadikari of Dharmasthala.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Dr.Meenacollected the Post study data for the Interdisciplinary study on Effect of Yoga as an adjuvant therapy in improving the brushing skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder between CYTER and IGIDS of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth at Carunai School for children with special needs on 28 September 2017. An interactive workshop on “Yoga and psychotherapy (Bridging East and West)” was presented by Dr STEPHEN PARKER (Stomaji) Psy.D from the USA on the auspicious day of Saraswati Puja, 29 September 2017 at the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research of the Sri BalajiVidyapeeth at MGMC&RI. He has lectured on yoga, meditation and spiritual practice throughout the U.S. and Canada as well as in Carribean countries, Holland, South Africa, Korea, Hong Kong and India. Topics covered included a detailed understanding the links between Yoga and psychotherapy as well as the concepts and techniques of Yoga that are amiable to be utilized in psychological counselling and therapy. Important case studies and anecdotes from his nearly four decade career were shared in a jovial and enlightening manner. All participants felt renewed by the session that gave an impetus to the work being done at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth towards the integration of yoga therapy in mainstream modern medicine. “Make your work a play, then all life will be joyful” was the parting message from Stomaji CYTER’s Director, DrAnanda was invited as Resource person for 3-day Intensive Retreat oraganised by Integral Yoga Academy of Australasia on 12-15 October 2017. He was honured to be invited by the International Yoga Teachers Association (IYTA) as a Keynote Presenter at the IYTA 50 Year Anniversary Conference in Sydney, Australia from 20-22 October 2017. DrMeena, Deputy Director, CYTER was invited to conduct a session for the newly recruited Nurses on ‘Stress Management and awareness of Yoga’ as part of their Induction Program on 11.10.2017 & 14.11.2017.

MBBS students visiting CYTER on 26.10.2017 as part of the excellent CReAMS (Clinical research &

Audit by Medical Students) initiative that enables them to know their college (MGMC&RI) so much better. 7th birthday celebrations of CYTER on 2nd November 2017 were a special occasion to honor the Silver Citizens through Yoga with a special workshop by Smt B Meenakshi and team on “Sit & Be Fit”. Prof DrNalini coordinated the workshop. The event was graced by the respected VC Prof K Raman Sethuraman , Dean AHS Prof N Ananthakrishnan , Dean Medicine Prof Ravi Shankar , VP of AHS Dr AN Uma, Hon. Advisor CYTER MadanmohanTrakroo among others. Dr Ananda was invited to present a guest Lecture on Yoga for dental professionals during “Perio Fiesta”, the undergraduate periodontology conference organised by IGIDS at SBV on 3rd & 4th November 2017. CYTER team gave an excellent show with the highly popular Yoga awareness program during the mega health camp organized in collaboration with Sri SundarRamani Charitable Trust to celebrate completion of the 60th birthday of our honorable Chancellor, Shri M. K. Rajagopalan at Manickudy on Sunday the 19th November 2017. CYTER was represented by DrVasundhara, Shvetika, Sarulatha and Ghayatri. Dr Ananda and DrMeena were invited to conduct a Consultation /Counselling session at Integra Software Solutions for the welfare of their senior executive members along with their families. Sri SriramSubramanya and SmtAnuSriram, the Managing Directors of Integra were also present during the session. Dr Meena was invited as a chief guest for the 19th Annual Day Celebrations of the Senior Citizens’ Welfare Association of Puducherry to create awareness about the ‘Benefits of Yoga for the senior citizens’ for the members of the association along with their familiesat Vivekananda School on 26 November 2017. Around 300 members attended the program and got benefitted. Dr Ananda was invited as Resource person for the Continuing Physiotherapy Education Program on the occasion of World COPD day 2017 to deliver a lecture on the topic “Yoga for Respiratory Disorders” for the UG & PG students of Physiotherapy at College of Physiotherapy, MTPG & RIHS, aGovt. of Puducherry Institution on the 28th November 2017 at the College Auditorium. Dr Meena and Sri Dayanidy G were invited to present on “Yoga as an Adjuvant Therapy for Respiratory Disorders” during the S. P. O. I. 17, the International Conference of Pulmonology at Le Pondy near Poornakuppam on 2ndDecemer 2017. This was an event filled with eminent Pulmonologists from all around the world. Wonderful rapt audience who were very interested and intrigued by the innovative aspect of Yoga as an Adjuvant Therapy for Respiratory Disorders. All of them enthusiastically

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participated in the demonstration of the Yoga techniques used in these conditions. Overwhelming response from all the participants. Certificates were issued for all the seven students who had successfully completed Certificate Course 1“Certificate in Foundation of Yoga” Dr Meena was invited to the Bless Children’s Home at Reddichavady, Pondicherry, to celebrate the Children’s Day on 2nd December 2017. It was a joint venture between CYTER and IGIDS of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth. A short program with Yoga Asanas and Pranayama were taught to the students of the Home who participated with zest and zeal. Following which, a short quiz program was conducted by IGIDS and tooth brushes and tooth paste was supplied to all the children. To see such enthusiasm in these orphan children was heartwarming. First batch MPhil Viva examination was conducted on 5th December 2017. DrIlangovan, HOD of Dept of Yoga of the TNPESU was the External Examiner. He appreciated the work being done by CYTER to maintain high standards of education in Yoga Therapy in a medical setting. Dr Meena, was selected to present a paper on Yoga research during faculty research presentations on 12.12.2017 during the SBV Research Week held from 7 to 12 December 2017.

ICYER at Ananda Ashram, YoganjaliNatyalayam and the Pondicherry Yogasana Association. More than 65 participants from the USA, Czech Republic, France, UK, Netherlands and India participated in the two day event with invited faculty including Dr Lori Rubenstein Fazzio and Shanna Hughes of the Loyola Marymount University, USA; DrSaradaSreedeviAmma, the International Consultant Clinical/ Counselling Psychologist and Yogacharya Sri S Sridharan, Trustee, KYM, Chennai. CYTER faculty included the Prof Madanmohan, DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani, DrMeenaRamanathan, Sri G Dayanidy and MsShvetikaKaul. The sessions were chaired by eminent experts including DrKaliarathnam, Sri N Ardhanari and Yogacharini Cathy Davis of the UK. Topics covered in the event included, “Educating Yoga Therapists as Lifestyle Management experts”, “Managing Chronic Pain Through Yoga”, “Yoga and mental health of sexually abused women”, “Diagnsotic tools of Yoga Therapy-the CYTER model”, “Principles and practice of Yoga therapy as followed in Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM)”, “Understanding Yoga Research & Updates from CYTER” as well as practice session on Clinical Yoga therapy.

MonikeWalraven of the Netherlands commented, “Impressed how yoga therapy is integrating in the academic hospital & university here in Pondicherry. International Yoga Therapy Symposium at Sri Doctors of different disciplines prescribe yoga therapy for their patients. Yoga therapists visit the palliative Balaji Vidyapeeth Department and mental health Department frequently. The importance of Yoga as part of “Integrative Medicine” Yoga classes are supporting university students (medical, was stressed repeatedly by all speakers and participants nurse, dentist) and patients. The CYTER Team do during the International Yoga Therapy Symposium amazing work!” organised by the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research of the Sri BalajiVidyapeeth at its MGMCRI Lori Rubenstein Fazzio was impressed and commented joyfully, “It was a most spectacular day!! Thank you so campus on 13th and 15th December 2017. much everyone from CYTER, ICYER and SBV for the This was the very first Yoga therapy event in India incredible generosity and organization of this special where five internationally certified C-IAYT Yoga event.” therapists were presenting on the same day. The eminent International Yoga Therapy expert The event was organised by CYTER in collaboration Larry Payne commented, “This is the beginning of an with Loyala Marymount University (California, USA), integrative tradition between the east and the west that Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (Chennai, India), will have great ramifications for the international Yoga community!” CYTER and CMTER teams performed a joint Cultural Programme in honour of the UGC Expert committee on December 15th 2017 at SBV Auditorium. An artistic group Yogasanademonstration was given by the CYTER Team synchronised with a musical rendition of the Gayatri Mantra by the CMTER Team. CYTER Team included DrMeena, Dayanidy G, Artchoudane, DrVasundara, Vidyasri, Dhanushapnadesh and Ghayathri. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Tim and Monika Walraven from Eindhoven, NoordBrabant, Netherlands, currently pursuing their studies in yoga at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute visited CYTER. They participated in the activities and will be presenting a detailed report at KDHAM with whom CYTER has anMoU.

(HOD, Dept of HPE), Prof Jaiganesh (HoD Physiology, MGMCRI), Dr Saravana kumar (Vice Principle, IGIDS) and Prof Eswaran (HoD Psychiatry, MGMCRI) while management was represented by GM Admin Mrs Asha Sureshbabu. Deputy Registrar Mr. Joseph Naresh felicitated the ceremony.

DrAnandaattended the 4th Meeting of National Board for Promotion & Development of Yoga & Naturopathy on 20.12.2017 at AyushBhawan, New Delhi.

CYTER was represented by its Director, Prof Madanmohan, Deputy Director Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Coordinator-cum-Yoga therapist Dr. Meena Ramanathan and Lecturer Sri G Dayanidy along with students of Certificate, PG Diploma and MPhil Courses in Yoga therapy. This is an innovative step as it represents the coming together of the modern medical science with India’s Leading Research & Innovation Driven multi campus Pvt. University, Amity University. The university additionally operates Amity Global Business School, and a law School in its name which is affiliated with Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University in New Delhi.

DrAnanda and DrMeena attended the Doctoral Committee meeting held for MsMangalagowri who is pursuing her PhD as an Interdisciplinary Project in Biochemistry &Yoga Therapy on The Effect of Yoga Therapy on Oxidative Stress and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Type II Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomised Control Trial CYTER Team were the organizing members of the 32nd Pondicherry state level Yoga Sports Competitions held on 30th& 31th December 2017 with more than 800 participants competing in it.

▶▶ MOU BETWEEN SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH AND AMITY UNIVERSITY We are pleased to announce the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH (Deemed University Accredited with A Grade by NAAC), Pondicherry & AMITY UNIVERSITY New Delhi (Private University Accredited with A Grade by NAAC) at 9.45 AM on 31st March 2017. The MoU signing ceremony was held at the Board Room in University Administrative Block in SBV Campus, Pondicherry-607 403. Dr W SELVAMURTHY, President Amity Science, Technology and Innovation Foundation, Director General for Amity Directorate of Science and Innovation, Chair Professor for Life Sciences and Chancellor, Amity University, Chhattisgarh represented and signed the MoU on behalf of Amity University while Prof KR SETHURAMAN, Vice Chancellor of SBV signed on behalf of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in the presence of Prof AR Srinivasan (Registrar SBV ) and Prof Ravishankar (Dean MGMCRI). Others present were Prof C Adithan (Director CIDRF), Prof B Adkoli

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has been successfully running CYTER, a Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research in its campus since 2010 under the SBV AIM HIGH initiative. CYTER has published 60 papers on Yoga and Yoga research, given Yoga therapy consultations and sessions for more than 34,000 patients and is running Certificate Courses, Post Graduate Diploma (fourth Batch going on) and MPhil leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of these programs is adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. CYTER has recently been accorded status of Member School of the International Association of Yoga Therapists (USA), and we are proud that CYTER is the first University based Yoga Therapy School in India to receive this prestigious membership. Medical, dental, nursing students and students of constituent colleges of SBV are given regular training and awareness programs in Yoga through CYTER. This MoU signals the beginning of extensive collaboration in a wide range of activities related to Yoga Therapy, Education and Research. This will include joint educational and research activities, exchange of academic materials and publications as well as the exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions. Dr W Selvamurthy gave an invited guest lecture from 11 AM the same day on “Yoga for Everyone - Scientific Perspectives” highlighting the scientific research work done in Yoga and graciously shared comprehensive and commendable years of experience in this field.

▶▶ AWARDS AND RECOGNITION yy Dr Meena Ramanathan and Sri G Dayanidy were appointed by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting QCI exam (Approved by Ministry of AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru in October & November 2016. IYA which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


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QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India and managed by the QCI.

upon being awarded the prestigious C-IAYT recognition (IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist) by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, USA in February 2017.

yy Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani was awarded as InSPA PK Subbaraja Trust Best Performance Award by Indian School Psychology Association during the International Conference organized by InSPA and Dept. of Applied Psychology of

yy Dr Ananda was appointed as Director of CYTER, the Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research of the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 3rd May 2017. He succeeds his mentor Prof

Pondicherry University on 13 Oct 2016. He received the award from Chief Minister of Puducherry Sri V Narayanasamy in the presence of VC of Pondicherry University and other dignitaries.

Madanmohan who served with distinction as Director until his retirement in March. Dr Ananda has served as Deputy Director of CYTER since 11th July 2013 and was issued the appointment order by the inspiring Vice Chancellor of SBVU Prof KR Sethuraman in the presence of the Dean Faculty of Medicine, Prof M Ravishankar. Dr Meena Ramanathan who was serving as Coordinator-cumYoga Therapist since inception of CYTER on 1st Nov 2010 has been aptly promoted to Deputy Director CYTER.

yy Dr Ananda was invited as a judge for the elocution contest on the theme “Science & Technology for Specially abled persons” on 1st March 2017 organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in celebrating National Science Day (1st March) – Chancellor’s Medal 2017 in remembrance of the discovery of “the Raman Effect” by the Noble Laureate Sir CV Raman(28th February 1930). yy Dr Ananda was invited as Editorial Board Member of Med One is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access and multidisciplinary general psychiatry journal on 10th march 2017. The goal of the Journal is to publish outstanding papers in clinical and basic research in the fields of psychiatry, psychology and related brain neuroscience. yy Dr Meena was invited as a judge for the elocution and Audio-visual competitions as part of the Woman’s Day Celebrations conducted by the Women’s Cell of SBV between the students of medical, Dental, Nursing colleges held on 13th March 2017. yy Dr Ananda was nominated by Ministry of AYUSH, GOI to serve as Yoga Expert on the Inter-Ministerial Committee for the International Day of Yoga 2017. yy It was a special moment when Dr Meena Ramanathan received the gracious felicitations from our respected Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean (AHS) Prof N Ananthakrishnan and Deputy Director (CYTER) Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani

yy Sri Dayanidy G has successfully qualified for Assistant professor in the National Eligibility Test (NET) in Yoga held on 22nd January 2017 conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education on behalf of UGC. It is for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor in Indian Universities and Colleges. This is the first time when Yoga is added as one of the subject in UGC. yy Dr Meena Ramanathan was invited by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting Quality council of India exam (Approved by Ministry of AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru on 26th to 28th June 2017. IYA which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. yy Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were honoured by the Chief Minister for their services for the cause of Yoga in Puducherry on 21st June 2017 at Gandhi tidal Pondicherry.



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Registrar Prof AR Srinivasan graced the occasion along with representatives of the constituent colleges. Mass awareness Yoga programme was conducted for more than a hundred students and staff at Vanidasanar Higher Secondary School in Seliamedu as well as at the RHTC in collaboration with the Department of Community Medicine Dept on 20 June.

DrMeena was awarded the Best Yoga Teacher Award by Tamil Nadu Sports Yogasana Association in appreciation for the services rendered in the field of Yoga on the occasion of the 3rd International Day of Yoga on 30 July 2017 at Chennai. Sri Dayanidy G was invited by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting Quality council of India exam (Approved by Ministry of AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru on 26th to 29th July 2017. IYA which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. Dr Meena and Sri Dayanidy G was invited by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting Quality council of India exam (Approved by Ministry of AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru on 28th 29th October and 25th - 26th November 2017. IYA which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. Hon’ble Minister of AYUSH (IC), in his capacity as Chairman, National Board for Promotion & Development of Yoga & Naturopathy (NBPDYN) nominated DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani, Director CYTER as yoga experts non-official member of NBPDYN.

▶▶ SBV IDY 2K17 CELEBRATIONS: A GRAND SUCCESS As per guidelines issued by UGC and Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, the International Day of Yoga 2017 was celebrated at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC), Pondicherry in a grand manner from 19-23 June 2017. The weeklong celebrations of IDY 2017 at SBV included local, regional and national events. Yoga awareness programme was conducted on 19 june for 330 faculty and students of MGMCRI, KGNC and IGIDS along with 30 students and faculty from RGCET. The VC of SBV Prof KR Sethuraman and

On 21 June Dr Ananda Balayogi, Director CYTER and the team from SBV were part of the International Day of Yoga celebrations at the Pondicherry Promenade with mass demonstration of Common Yoga Protocol by nearly 3000 students led by the Chief Minister Sri V Narayanasamy in presence of the Union Minister of State Sri MJ Akbar. It is to be noted that Dr Ananda is a member of the Ministry of AYUSH Expert Committee for the celebrations of IDY since 2015 onwards. The grand event was organised by the Tourism, Health and Education departments of Puducherry Government. CYTER team also participated actively in the Workshop on Yoga and Wellness organised by Tourism Department and held at the Bharati Park. Dr Madanmohan, Dr Meena, Sri Dayanidy, Dr Balaji, Ms Shvethika and others were invited presenters. In the evening Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were honoured by Chief Minister for their services for Yoga in Puducherry. On 22 June CYTER concluded a successful Regional Yoga competition for students of Health Professions Education institutions in Pondicherry region in association with Pondicherry Yogasana Association. The Vice chancellor of SBV Prof KR Sethuraman and Registrar Prof AR Srinivasan graced the occasion and gave away the prizes to worthy winners from JIPMER, MGMCRI, KGNC and CYTER. The final event, the crest jewel was the National Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Role of Yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” held on 23 June with lectures, lecture-demonstrations, workshops and panel discussion by eminent experts. The event was inaugurated by Ammaji Kalaimamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani in the presence of Prof KR Sethuraman, VC of SBV; Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar; Prof M Ravishankar, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Dr .A.N.Uma, Vice principal Allied Health Sciences. “Yoga must remain Yoga and not get mutated through this churning that is happening in the process of the world celebration the International Day of Yoga with mass congregations” said Ammaji in her address. “Yoga has a great role in more than 2/3rd of patients who come to the hospital as they have Medically Unexplained Symptoms that do not require medical or surgical interventions but rather Yogic counselling and lifestyle management.

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Such patients should be sent to the Yoga OPD before going to any other OPD as this will save time, money, energy and prevent the unnecessary taxing of both the over burdened health care system as well as the patients and their family” said the respected Vice chancellor of SBV Prof KR Sethuraman in his special address. The organising Chairman Prof K Jaiganesh, HOD of Physiology at MGMCRI welcomed the gathering while the organising Secretary Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director CYTER proposed Vote of Thanks. Participants from all over the country were treated to a most enlightening Keynote address through video conferencing by Padmashree Dr KK Aggarwal, the National President of IMA from New Delhi. He in a lucid manner led everyone on a journey through the integration of traditional systems of healing such as Yoga with the modern empirical evidence based medicine. He stressed the concept of Yoga being essentially “parasympathetic” in nature. Hence, pranayama may be termed parasympathetic breathing, asanas as parasympathetic activity. The yama-niyama of Yoga are a parasympathetic lifestyle and the combination of all these aspects of Yoga produce relaxation facilitating healing of chronic diseases. The erudite audience gave him a standing ovation at the end of his presentation enjoyed by one and all. Invited presentations were given on Yogic lifestyle by Yogacharya Aravinda Koithyar of Shreyas Centre in Bangalore and the power of chanting as Yoga therapy by Yogacharini Smt Menaka Desikachar of the KHYF, Chennai. In the afternoon an exhilarating panel discussion was held on the topic of the seminar with Prof K A Narayan of Community Medicine, Prof Amirtha Ganesh of Cardiology, Prof Madanmohan Trakroo of Physiology and CYTER, Prof R Pajanivel of Pulmonology, Prof K Renuka of Nursing and Yogachemmal Dr Meena Ramanathan of CYTER as the experts and moderated by Dr Ananda. A great wealth of information was imbibed by all participants from this unique team that brought into focus the preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of Yoga in chronic diseases. Clinical, community, nursing, research as well as Yoga therapy based perspectives were explored in great detail during the animated discussion. The practical aspects of the workshop were given by the CYTER team along with an invited presentation by Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani of ICYER at Ananda Ashram. A poster presentation was also held on the seminar topic and first prizes were bagged by Mrs Josephine and Mr Abhishek of MGMCRI. The event was jointly organised by CYTER and the Department of Physiology with support of Community

medicine, Allied Health Sciences and the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.

CENTER FOR MUSIC THERAPY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 6th Anniversary Celebrations of CMTER Center for Music Therapy Education and Research (CMTER) celebrated its 6 th anniversary on 10.02.17 in alignment to its visionary spirits and pioneering mission of introducing Music Therapy as a Complementary Medicine into its regular medical care. Functioning under the Deanery of

Research and Allied Health Sciences, headed by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, the Center is currently headed by Dr. SumathySundar. The Center has provided patient services since 2010, trained aspiring music therapists, supervised interns and students and has contributed considerably to the body of literature of music therapy in many international journals of repute so far. The anniversary event began with the unique musical invocation of the sapthaswaras of Indian music and a musical rendition of both the welcome address and introduction of the Chief Guest. Former Director of Internal Medicine, Madras Medical College and presently the Dean, Govt. Medical College, Perambalur – Music Maestro Kalaimamani and Padmashri Prof. Dr. Sirkali G Sivachidambaram was the guest of honour and delivered the key note address. SBV Vice Chancellor Prof. KR Sethuraman spoke on the pioneering mission crafted by the university to introduce music therapy as an innovative method with a salutogenic focus into medical sciences. Prof. N Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Allied Health Sciences delivered the felicitations and spoke on the activities of the Center, the academic initiatives, overseas collaborations, research initiatives and publications and the patient care services provided in diverse areas by the Center. Dr. Sirkali Sivachidambaram spoke on the evidences showing effectiveness of specific ragas on specific medical conditions, and also how it is difficult to explain listening to a particular raga is beneficial in a particular medical condition, considering multiple aspects of Indian ragas, diverse culture of patients multifactorial nature of health and illnesses and how more research is needed in this area. He appreciated that SBV serves as a model for future music therapy centres in the country



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and also stressed the need for developing music therapy programs in government medical colleges and hospitals for which SBV would serve as a model and how future music therapy centers could look up to CMTER for the development, research and clinical applications of music therapy. The program ended with the CMTER faculty and students rendering a musical vote of thanks.

International Collaboration On 10.3.2017, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth inked a Letter of Intent with Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom on promoting international academic cooperation, exchanging the materials in education, research and publications related to Music Therapy, exploring the possibility of joint research in the field of Music Therapy.

International Conference of Music Therapy The 4th International Conference on Music Therapy :Salutogenic Approach to Health was organised on 10th March 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute by Centre for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER). Prof. Gerhard Tucek, Head Josef Ressel Centre for personalised Music Therapy of IMC University of Applied Sciences, KREMS, Austria deliverd the inaugural address. In his inaugural address he said that Current neuro-imaging and neuro-anthropological investigations have revealed fresh insights on therapeutic effects of music and here are emerging trends of personalized music therapy services based on new ways of thinking through inter-disciplinary dialogues. This will pave way to understand the music therapy mechanisms/processes and the current trends of development in delivering the music therapy services. The cultural expressions of human experiences like fear, sorrow, pain, emotions and behavior may be different but the phenomenon of understanding what is common and what is different and how we handle these human

Therapy and adult mental health in the 21st Century. She highlighted the specific ways in which people with personality disorder use music in Music therapy as, music provides a link between emotion and thought, music is used to heighten understanding of expression of emotion, links between memory of abuse and childhood music making can be powerful. She revealed an alarming statistics of WHO that, 350 million across the globe suffer from depression, 60 million with biploar disorder, 21 million with schizophrenia and 47.5 million with dementia related illness. Professor Felicity Baker, Co-Director, National Music Therapy Research Unit, The University of Melbourne, Australia spoke on Facilitating neurological organisation and recovery of speech in people with aquired aphasia through a modified melodic intonation therapy programme. Dr. JorgFachner Professor of Music, Health and Brain at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, United Kingdom spoke on Imagery and brain processing in Receptive Music Therapy Seetings and Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno of State University of New York at New Paltz spoke on Clinical Research on Music Therapy.The Conference was presided over by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth and was attended by Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Prof. A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Dr. Adithan, Director, Central Interdisciplinary Research Foundation, Professors, staff and delegates from other colleges and institutes. The conference was organised by Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research (CMTER) headed by Dr. SumathySundar.

International Workshop on Music and Guided Imagery Technique on 11.3.2017 An international workshop was hosted by CMTER on 11 03 2017 between10 am to 12 noon at Center for Music Therapy Education and Research, I block, I floor on the topic “ Music and Guided Imagery Technique� conducted by Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno, Associate Professor, State University of New York at New Paltz. This workshop was intended to help the delegates understand the use of this technique in a hospital setting. The workshop included a practical experience of Music and Guided Imagery.

experiences through music and making the connections with people is what we do in music therapy. This helps us to understand the anthropological needs in pathological conditions and create a therapeutic relationship which is important in having the desired positive clinical outcomes. In the Key note address, Dr. Helen Odell Miller, director of Music Therapy Research Centre at Anglica Ruskin University, Cambridge spoke on Music Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


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Editor Dr. SumathySundar was invited to serve the editorial board of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine on 15. 01.2017

▶▶ Education and Training Programs at CMTER

List of Resource Persons (International) visiting CMTER Ms. Wilena Browne, Music Therapist, Bay Crest Health Sciences, Toronto, Canada visited CMTER on 28.1.2017. Prof. Felicity Baker, Department of Music Therapy, The University of Melbourne visited CMTER from 09. 3.17 to 12. 3. 17 Prof. Gerhard Tucek, Head of Research, Josef Ressel Center for Personalized music therapy research, The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria visited CMTER from 09.03.17 to 11.3.2017 Prof. JorgFachner, Head of Music, Brain and the Health, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK visited CMTER from 9.3.2017 and 11.3.17 Prof. Felicity Baker, Department of Music Therapy, The University of Melbourne visited CMTER from 09. 3.17 to 12. 3. 17 Associate Professor Maria Montserrat Gimeno, Associate Professor, State University of New York at New Paltz visited CMTER from 10.3.17 to 11.3.17


▶▶ Interdisciplinary collaborative Patient Care Services from CMTER CMTER uses music therapy as a resource strengthening approach for improving health and well-being of the patients through its out- patient, in-patient and bedside services to enhance physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being. Reduced perception of pain and pre procedural anxiety, improvement in sleep quality and compliance to minor surgical procedures, normalization of hospital atmosphere and reduction of symptoms of depression and loneliness are some of the benefits reported by the patients through their qualitative feedback reports which have been documented well. Music therapy is offered as procedural support for patient undergoing diagnostic procedures like MRI, endoscopy,

Sundar S, Srinivasan AR. (Ed.) Music Therapy: Salutogenic Focus to Health. 4th International Conference proceedings. Sri BalajiVidyapeeth. Pondicherry. Mathew D, Sundar S, Subramaniam E, Parmar PN. Music therapy as group singing improves geriatric depression scale scores and loneliness in geriatric adults with mild depression: A randomized controlled study. Int J EducPsychol Res 2017;3:6-10. The Harmony. Official Bulletin of the Center for Music Therapy Education and Research. March 2017; VI(1).

colonoscopy and angiogram and treatment procedures like hemodialysis, angioplasty and chemotherapy. Pregnant women from the day of their first visit to the hospital are offered Garbhsanskar( a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby music therapy program) to give auditory stimulation to the foetus with low frequency sounds in the form of chanting for the neural pathways for auditory processing to be strengthened. This program also helps the mother-to-be in reduction of their pregnancy anxiety. Music therapy is also administered as a health resource in developing motor, emotional, SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


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psycho social and emotional skills In pediatric wards and to reduce crying spells during pediatric immunization procedures. All these applications have been endorsed by research publications emanating out of research projects taken up by the Center.

World Federation of Music Therapy for the period 2014 and 2017 and she was re-elected as the chair of the commission for the period 2017 – 2020 during the World Congress of Music Therapy held in Tsukuba Convention Center, Japan between July 4-8, 2017

Success Story of Music Therapy as a Salutogenic Framework at CMTER

Dr. Baishali Mukherjee, adjunctive faculty of CMTER also was appointed as regional liaison for South East Asia of the World Federation of Music Therapy during the WCMT held in Japan in July 2017

The key yardsticks used to measure the success story of CMTER are 1) The application of salutogenesis in every day patient care services in regular medical care in the hospital attached to the university 2) the intervention planning efforts of clinicians to include music therapy in implementing their interventions 3) strong interdisciplinary collaborations that CMTER has set in place for patient care services, research and professional training in music therapy 4)Quality of feedback reports received from the patients 4) Patient Care statistics 4) Emanating research publications from CMTER 5) the recognition of the innovative music therapy practice from CMTER by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council in the year 2015 6) consultation sought by overseas universities in the form of MOUs in training, clinical practice and research activities in music therapy 7) the strong academic programs that are set in place from one year post graduate diploma to Ph.D. program in music therapy. These measures indicate the persistent efforts and desired outcome of the welldefined objective of integrating salutogenic approach in our health sciences university which aims to focus on health and well-being of the patients.

▶▶ World Health Day Program On 7 4 2017, Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director, CMTER participated as a panelist during the World Health Day program organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute. Prashanthi Rajan and Samay Ajmera Post Graduate Diploma internship trainees and Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, student of Master’s degree in Medical Music Therapy bagged the first prize for shor film on managing depression “The Black Dog”

▶▶ Recognitions Dr. SumathySundar, Director of CMTER was the chair of Education and Training Commission of the

Dr. SumathySundar, Director presented an invited talk on “Networking for World Federation of Music Therapy: The Metaphor of the Spin Drum in Tsukuba on July 7, 2017.

▶▶ Officiating as Chairperson in Academic Events 1. Dr. SumathySundar, Director, Chaired a round table on “Music Therapy Education and Training Programs World-wide. The members of the round table were from South Korea, Japan, Australia, Latin America and USA during the World Congress of Music Therapy held on 05.07.2017 1. Dr. SumathySundar was invited to give a talk on “ Music Therapy in Pulmonary Rehabilitation”at the 17th International Congress of the Society of Pulmonologists of the Indian Ocean held in Pondicherry, Le Pondy on 02.12.2017

▶▶ Faculty Highlights Dr. ShobanaJaiganesh, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Support faculty and alumnus of CMTER received a gold medal for PGDMT 2014 during the Doctoral Convocation day held on 22.09.2017 Dr. Baishali Mukherjee, adjunct faculty, presented on “Music Therapy in Autistic Spectrum Disorder” and Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Tutor, presented on “Effect of music therapy on the emotional well –being of a patient who had corrosive acid poisoning” during the World Congress of Music Therapy held in Japan July 2017. Dr. SumathySundar, Director CMTER and Dr. Baishali Mukherjee, adjunct faculty at CMTER performed a Spanish song along with the other council members of the

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Mozart and Science Congress, Nov. 2017 in Austria Our Vice Chancellor Prof. KR sethuraman was invited to give a spot light speech on “The Concept of Salutogenesis” during the Mozart and Science Congress held in between 10 -11 Nov 2017 at the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria

Student Exchange Program – Austrian Trip of SBV students World Federation of Music Therapy during the inaugural ceremony of the World Congress of Music Therapy on 04.07.2017 at Tsukuba Convention Center, Japan.

IMC – SBV Student Exchange Program

Both SugunaVaradarajan and S. Prashanthi presented posters during the Mozart and Science Congress held in Nov. 2017 on the topics “Effect of music based on Indian Time Theory of Ragas on patients diagnosed with

Tobias Aumann, a music therapy student from the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Austria visited CMTER for a period of 1 month from July 11, 2017.

Music Therapy for the Staff in SBV The CMTER team conducted a music therapy induction program for the newly recruited nurses of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute at CMTER premises on 9.11.2017

pre-hypertension” and “Effect of music therapy on state anxiety and emotional responses of the patients posted for MRI procedure” respectively on 10 11 2017. Both SugunaVaradarajan and S. Prashanthi were undergoing a training from the Department of Music Therapy, The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria on “Qualitative content analysis with GT Atlas ti Video analysis/software, Methods for Music Therapy and Face Reader software in music therapy” from 12 11 2017 to 23 11 2017

Intellectual Property Rights from CMTER

Music Therapy In/ternship Program The second national internship program for the year 2017 began on 01 08 2017. The Registar, SBV inaugurated the program. Dr. S. Ambujam, Professor and Head, Department of Dermatology, Dr. B Amirtha Ganesh, Professor and Head, Department of Cardiology Dr. B Sivaprakash, Prof. and Head, Department of Psychiatry addressed the internship trainees on how music can help patients when they are hospitalized/ visiting the hospital for treatment. Three internship trainees SamayAjmera, rashanthi S and SugunaVaradarajan completed the 6 months internship training on 31 07 2017

SBV Model of Development and Implementation of Curriculum of M.Sc. Medical Music Therapy. Copyright granted on 19.9.17. Registration No. L-69795/2017. “MEETS”- Musically Express Your Emotions and Thoughts for Success. Copyright granted on 11.10.17. Registration No. L- 69472/2017 SBV Model of Credit-based Music Therapy Internship Training. Copyright application registered vide diary no. 15799/2017-CO/L dated 9.11.17 (subsequently granted)



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

B.SC ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Inauguration of 4th batch of AHS Inauguration of the fourth batch if B.Sc AHS programme was conducted on August 17, 2017, at the second floor, college Annexe Block, MGMCRI in the presence of Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dean, Research &AHS, Dean MGMCRI and the Registrar, SBV, HODs and faculty members of pre & para clinical departments. The dignitaries lighted the lamp, enlighted the students with words of wisdom and blessed the students to do well in all their endeavors. 102 Students have joined under various AHS courses for the academic year 2017-18.

Poonkuzhali, Hemapriya, Kowlsalya, Karthika, Vijay, Rajkumar and Castro, students of BSc Radiology and Imaging Technology participated in «FLAIR» a national level conference held on 23 & 24 of April 2017 at Sree ChitraTirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology. The following first year students has presented poster in the conference mentioned: R.Hemapriya and S. Karthika presented a poster on Gluteal Arteriovenous malformation, Arun Gobi and Sujitha presented a poster on Magnetic Resonance Elastography, Adityan, Rajkumar presented a poster on photo acoustic imaging , while Sivashankari and Archana presented a poster on prevention of Nosocomial infection in Radiology department. Ms. G.Kowsalya, 2nd year BSc R & IT, won the neat presentation award at the conference.

Ayudhapooja Celebration Ayudhapooja was celebrated at AHS class room on 27.09.2017in the gracious presence of the Vice Chancellor and Dean AHS& Research. The VC gave a talk for student on the occasion of ayudhapooja on how to imbibe good qualities and throw away the negative qualities for an excellent future. They blessed and distributed Pens and Chocolates to the students.

SWACHHTA PAKHWADA A fortnight of environment awareness campaign under Swachh Bharat Mission was achieved at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth wherein Allied Health Sciences students participated with full heart, soul and mind to achieve total sanitization and cleanliness by October 2, 2019 as Swacchh Bharat Mission. It was a voluntary exercise at SBV to create a Clean India. In view of this AHS students participated along with the students of MGMCRI for an essay contest on the topic ‘Innovative ways of spreading the message of hygiene’ was held and it was open to all studens. More than 90 students participated in this event and has been conducted under the supervision of Dr.A.N.Uma, Vice Principal, (AHS) and Dr.Pramod, Professor, Forensic Dept. There were active participation from ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Students, wherein 82 students participated. Winners were selected and prizes were distributed to them.

STUDENT ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ten AHS Radiology students - Mr.Adityan, ArunGobi, Archana, Sujitha, Sanitha, Sivashankari, Thenmozhi,

▶▶ FACULTY NEWS Publication Dr. Uma A N, Tirou Aroul T, Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Apoorvalakshmi S.Premature Centromere Division in Oral Premalignant and Malignant Patients-A Cytogenetic Biomarker. Journal of Basic, Clinical & Applied Health Sciences [ JBCAHS]. 2017;1(1):21-25

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Allied Health Sciences

Quiz Competitions on ‘Women Rights’

▶▶ Participation

As per directives of the UGC, the Women cell of MGMCRI organized an inter-college quiz competition on “WOMEN RIGHT”. The students of MGMCRI, KGNC, IGDC and AHS participated. Ninety eight students from Allied Health Science participated in the quiz competition and Ms.Deepika B.Sc., I year MIT and Ms.Suthasri B.Sc., I year Anesthesia Technology Mr.Senthilkumar, Tutor of Optometry (AHS) Dr. A.N got the II prize and received the cash amount of Rs.500 Uma, Vice Principal, AHS and Ms.Apoorvalakshmi.S, each during the valedictory function of Research Week Coordinator, AHS attended the “Blind Walk Rally” 2017 Programme. organized by “Project Vision Pondicherry” along with 20 first year B.Sc., Optometry students on 12.10.2017 ▶▶ STUDENT PARTICIPATION and were awarded with a participation certificate. Ms.TAmizhkalaiarasi, Tutor of English, AHS, attended the State level awareness programme on the topic, “Sustainable Waste Management” on behalf of World Environment Day and was awarded with participation certificates

Mr.Jerald Paul.I, AHS Lecturer & RSO, Radiology Dept., MGMCRI, attended a workshop on “Radiological Safety and Imaging Techniques” from 25.11.2017 to 27.11.2017 at PSG Institute of Medical Science and Research & Hospital, Coimbatore.

▶▶ STUDENT NEWS Competitions on the occasion of Swachata Pakhwada As per the directives of the UGC, MGMCRI organized “SWACHHATA PAKHWADA” from 01.09.2017 to 05.09.2017 at the college premises. In relevant to the program our institution conducted Elocution competition on the topic, “Health and Hygiene is the Real Wealth”. 102 AHS students participated in the above said competition and Ms.Semmathi from 1st year B.Sc., Anaesthesia Technology secured second prize out of 9 participants. The institution also included Essay competition on “Innovative Way for Spreading the Message of Hygiene” in three different languages such as Malayalam, Tamil and English. The winners of the competition are as follows: Ms.Ashley1st year B.Sc., Anaesthesia Technology got the first prize and Anita Antony 1st year B.Sc., Anaesthesia Technology got the second prize for essay competition in Malayalam. In English essay competition, Ms.Jayasree 1st year B.Sc., Cardiac Care Technology received the Second Prize and Aishwarya H 1st year B.Sc., Medial Imaging Technology got the Consolation. While in the Tamil essay competition Ms.Fathima Bee 1st year Optometry got the First Prize and Mr. Lokeshkumar 1st year Cardiac Care Technology got the Second Prize

Workshop on “Radiological Safety and Imaging Techniques”

The second year BSc. Medical Imaging Technology students of Allied Health Science attended a workshop on “Radiological Safety and Imaging Techniques” on 25.11.2017 27.11.2017 at PSG Institute of Medical Science and Research & Hospital, Coimbatore. The workshop offered a comprehensive education training programme for allied health professions to enhance their skills in Radiology.

▶▶ AWARNESS PROGRAM As per the directives of the UGC a State level awareness programme was conducted on 24.10.2017on the topic “Sustainable Waste Management” on behalf of “World Environment Day” and 102 students of AHS participated in the programme and were awarded with participation certificates

▶▶ OUT REACH PROGRAM Blind Walk Rally “Project Vision Pondicherry” organized a “Blind Walk Rally” on 12.10.2017. Twenty students of Optometry, Allied Health Science participated in the program and walked from Anna Tidal to Gandhi Statue in order to create awareness to the public about Eye Donation and the importance of vision (eye). The programme was headed by the Honorable Chief Minister of Puducherry Mr. V.Narayanasamy. Mr. Senthilkumar, Tutor of Optometry, accompanied and guided the students.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility


fter the IT revolution, we are on the brink of an imminent healthcare revolution with emerging areas of research in genomic medicine, stem cell research, novel vaccines, dependable diagnostics, targeted drug delivery and so on. Hence, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, Puducherry has geared up to be in the band wagon of pioneers in all these interdisciplinary research areas by establishing CIDRF as a world-class research center soliciting collaborations globally. This infrastructure is unique in our country owing to its conception, organization and the ambience. This facility has been approved by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Government of India as a recognized research center.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Message From Prof.C.Adithan Director of CIDRF

Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) was established in 2012 by the visionary Chairman Shri.M.K. Rajagopalan. The research facilities of CIDRF are well utilized by the Departments of Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Paediatrics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Microbiology, Surgery, Medicine, Psychiatry, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics & Gynaecology of MGMCRI, and also by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, CYTER, CMTER of Allied Health Sciences. The DBT funded multicrore research project for establishing a GLP enabled Small Animal Research Facility for high end Pre-clinical studies and services is progressing well. In this year we have submitted 7 research proposals for external funding. Besides, 3 collaborative research proposals with Pondicherry University, JIPMER and SASTRA University are submitted for extramural funding. In order to promote research, Dr.Vany Adithan research fund at a total cost of Rs.36 lakhs have been established. In the academic front, 8 full time PhD students joined CIDRF which is highest so far since the inception of CIDRF. Two students have joined the PG Diploma in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine course. As a new initiative, CIDRF has taken the responsibility of publishing a peer reviewed quarterly journal titled “SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Science�. CIDRF also has the honour of organizing 2 international conferences on microbiome and pharmacology respectively. We have published 17 research papers in indexed journals in 2017 which was only 10 in 2016. CIDRF continues to provide pharmacogenetic testing services and therapeutic drug monitoring of anticonvulsant services to MGMCRI hospital patients. In our efforts towards capacity development and dissemination of knowledge, CIDRF organized a national workshop on molecular biology techniques in personalized medicine. It also provided training for 2 international students and 7 students from India in 2017. Our scientists have attended more than 35 conferences/ workshops as invited speakers or resource persons. We are able to achieve this, due to the support and guidance provided by Vice-Chancellor, SBV, Dean (Research and AHS) and Advisor to CIDRF. I thank our Chairman Shri.M.K. Rajagopalan for his continuous support and encouragement.



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “MICROBIOME IN HEALTH, DISEASE AND ENVIRONMENT” An International Conference on, “Microbiome in Health, Disease and Environment” was organized by Central Inter- Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF), Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV), at Puducherry, India during 3-4 March 2017, in accordance with the commitment to UGC as third annual conference of the 5 year series on ‘Environmental Science’. The human microbiomes living in & on us are not only invaders but also beneficial colonizers and forms the fundamental component of human physiology, essential for development, immunity and nutrition. The central purpose of this Microbiome Conference 2017 was to integrate researchers conducting microbiome research in environmental and biomedical arenas across a broad cross-section of sub-disciplines with common scientific objectives. Basically, it provided an extensive mind-sharing, learning and networking 4 credit hours of category 1 CME (Continual Medical Education) credits which proved to be useful for updating knowledge to all clinicians who attended the conference.

platform, while encouraging Post-graduate students, Ph.D scholars, Scientists, Clinicians and Professionals from various interdisciplinary fields like Ecology, Microbiology, Probiotics, Pharmacology, Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatrics, Dental Sciences, Oncology,Genetics to participate; present their research work and brainstorm with stalwarts in the subject. Notably, this international conference received Government of India recognition and sponsorship from the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), Medical Council of India (MCI), Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB). Tamil Nadu Medical Council accredited this conference and awarded

Few of the eminent scientists and clinicians who participated in the conference as resource persons includes, Dr.K.Venkataraman, Former Director of the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Kolkata and Senior Scientific Consultant, National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Chennai; Dr.K.V.Devi Prasad, Professor, Department of Ecology & Environmental Sciences, Pondicherry Central University, Puducherry; Dr.B.S.Ramakrishna, Governing Body Member of Yakult India Microbiota and Probiotic Science Foundation, New Delhi and Director, Medical Gastroenterology, SRM Institutes for Medical Science (SIMS), Chennai; Prof.Dominique Charron, Professor Emeritus in Immunology, Paris Diderot University, France; Dr.S.P.Pani, Deputy Dean (Pre-clinical), Faculty of Medicine, Quest International University Perak, Ipoh, Malaysia; Dr.K.S.Reddy, Professor and Head, Department of Radiation Oncology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Puducherry; Dr.R.Krishnamoorthy, Former Director of Research, INSERM, Paris, France; Dr.Ritushree

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility

Kukreti, Principal Scientist, Genomics And Molecular Medicine, CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi; Dr.T.K.Dutta Professor, Department of General Medicine, MGMCRI, Puducherry; Dr.S.C.Parija, Director, JIPMER, Puducherry; Dr.Mohamed Aslam, Advisor, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, Central Inter- Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) was the organizing Chairman and Dr.A.Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist at CIDRF was the organizing Secretary of the conference. Also, Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, ViceChancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV ) University; Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research & Allied Health Sceinces); Dr.M.Ravishankar, Dean (Academics), MGCMRI; Dr.G.Subramanian, Advisor & Founding member, CIDRF and all faculties of CIDRF constituted the organized team who exerted their strenuous efforts in conducting the event. We earnestly thank ICMR, MCI, SERB and INSA for the funding and support in making the conference possible.

▶▶ SMALL ANIMAL RESEARCH FACILITY The developing Small Animal Research Facility named “Center for Animal Research, Training and Services (CAReTS)” inaugurated “NIPUNA” - a Biomedical Research and Skill Development Program on the 2nd February 2017. This was attended by 175 participants. This was supported by Dept of Biotechnology, Govt of India. Project Management Committee overseeing the progress of the DBT funded Project - “Small Animal Research Facility for Preclinical Studies and Services” met on April 29, 2017 in the SBV Board Room, MGMCRI Campus, Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry 607 403. DBT nominated experts Dr. S.G. Ramachandra,

Chief Research Scientist, IISC, Bangalore, Dr. A.B. Pant, Principal Scientist, CSIR-IITR, Lucknow and Dr. P.V. Mohanan, Scientist G, SCTIMST, Thiruvananthapuram along with members of the Committee Dr.R.Baskarn, Pondicherry University and Dr. Narendar Sivvaswamy, Syncromax, Chennai visited the proposed animal facility construction site accompanied by the PI Dr. Balanehru Subramanian and Mr.K.Ravishankar, PMC Member and CEO, SBECPT.

▶▶ HONOURS AND RECOGNITIONS Prof.C.Adithan was the judge for the intra/inter collegiate poster competition for PG during SBV research week 2016 held between 2nd and 6th January 2017. Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi, was the chief guest for the “The Secret Health Benefits of Underutilised marine plants the Seaweeds- Sea vegetables” in the National conference on “Under utilised plants, food security and climate link” held during 20-21st Jan 2017 at Gorakhpur University. Prof.C.Adithan contributed as a resource person in the 13 National Workshop on “Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics in Pharmacogenomcis” held during 23rd to 26th January 2017 organized by the Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, JIPMER, Puducherry. Prof.C.Adithan participated as a faculty in “Grant Writing Workshop” organized by Division of Research, JIPMER on 27th and 28th January 2017. Prof.C.Adithan has participated as a guest speaker at the National Workshop on “Study Designs in Clinical Trials” Organized by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, SRM Medical College Hospital and Research Centre on 3rd and 4th February 2017. Prof.C.Adithan attended a doctoral committee meeting at JIPMER on 6th February 2017. Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi delivered a motivational talk for researchers on 9th February 2017 at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry. Prof.C.Adithan has delivered a talk on “Microbiome and Precision Medicine” in the 50th Annual Inaugural Golden Jubilee Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society held on 14th and 15th February 2017 organized by Dept of Pharmacology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna. Prof.C.Adithan was a guest speaker in the 4th International Conference on Music Therapy titled “Music Therapy: Salutogenic approach to health” held on 10th March 2017. Prof.C.Adithan was a resource perons in the “GCP workshop on Clinical Trials and Bioethics” organized



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

by clinical pharmacology unit, Dept of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Puducherry held on 23rd March 2017. Prof.C.Adithan, Director, was invited as an expert in the selection committee for conducting interview for promotin of faculty under assessment promotion scheme at AIIMS, Rishikesh on 25th March 2017.

Dr C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF was one of the jury member who judged the posters of Department of Physiology conducted “Model/poster Session” for kinaesthetic learning of I MBBS students in the module of endocrine physiology.

Dr.Agieshkumar was given a cash prize for an oral presentation titled “Sphingolipids in the pathogenesis of dengue” in the 13th Conference on vectors and vectorborne diseases held during 27th February to 1st March 2017, organized by National Academy of Vector borne diseases at Chennai. Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi delivered a talk titled “Marine resources for health benefit”in the 6th National Conference on Recent Trends in Industrial Pharmacognosy held on 31st Mar 2017 at Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, delivered a lecture at Connaissance 2017 – The first international undergraduate medical conference of JIPMER, Puducherry Dr.C.Adithan, Director, was a chairperson for CME on “Research Methodology” organized by Institute Research Committee, Indira Gandhi Medical College. Dr.C.Adithan delivered a guest Lecture in the CME on Pharmacogenomics in treatment of Non-communicable diseases, Chingelput Medical College, Chingelput. Dr.C.Adithan was the Chief Guest for the inaugural function of the National Workshop on Pharmacogeonomics, at PIMS, Pondicherry

Dr. C. Adithan, Director-CIDRF, Director-CIDRF attended two Equipment Specification vetting Committee meetings at JIPMER as a subject expert Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, was invited as a chairperson at the 24th Annual Meeting of Indian Eye Research Group (IERG) ARVO-India Chapter to be held in Aravind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai during 29th and 30th July 2017. Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, was assigned as the Associate Editor of the SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences ( JBCAHS).

Dr.C.Adithan attended the Editorial Board meeting of the Indian Journal of Medical Research at ICMR Head Quarters, New Delhi.

Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, was awarded the visiting fellowship at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research ( JNCASR), Bangalore, a DST institute.

Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, was appointed as the President of Society for Underutilised Plants for Future Research, India on 1st April 2017.

Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist, attended and given invited lecture in the Seaweed conference held at NIOT, Chennai on 16th Septermber 2017.

Dr.A.J.Pandian, Principal Scientist, CIDRF, was invited as chief guest for the 10th Genetic Engineering Research Symposium held at SRM University on 9th May 2017.

Dr. Agieshkumar B, Senior Scientist, served as a peer reviewer for a manuscript submitted to Nature Scientific Reports.

Dr.A.J.Pandian was invited to visit the facility and to further initiate collaborative studies for the establishment of SRM-DBT Genomics Facility with DBT, Govt. of India on 9th May 2017. Dr.C.Adithan, Director-CIDRF is the Chairman and Examiner for the final examination of DM (Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics) at Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, scheduled during 14th & 15th July 2017

Dr. Veni Subramanyam, Scientist, was invited for a talk on “Occupational Diseases, Hygiene and Its SocioEconomic Impact” in National seminar on Environment & Occupational Health (NSEOH-2017) organized by PG & Research Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s college of Arts and Science, Cuddalore on September 9, 2017. Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J delivered an invited lecture on “Stem cells: Present and Future” at the Dept of Biochemistry, Tagore Medical College on July 13th 2017.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility

Regional Council for Research in Siddha, Puducherry for the discussion about research collaboration on 10th Nov 2017.


Dr. Anitha T.S, Scientist, served as one of the Resource person in Nipuna (Hands-on-Workshop) Part-II held on August 21 & 22, 2017 at CIDRF. Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas was a resource person for Bioinformatics training in the 13th National Workshop on Basic Techniques in Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics in Pharmacogenomics organized by Departments of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, JIPMER, Puducherry, during 23 – 26 January 2017 Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas was invited by EMSI society and School of Life Sciences, Manipal University to deliver a talk titled “Exposomics” at the International conference on Advances in Cellular, Genomic and Epigenomic Insights on Environmental Mutagenesis and Health held during 27-29, January, 2017 Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist, CIDRF presented an in house developed patentable methodology for blood collection on paper for DNA isolation at the Scientific Academic Forum at MGMCRI on 2nd June 2017. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, was the Guest of Honour for the valedictory function for the National Conference on Pura Maruthuvam held on 9th and 10th December 2017 at Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam JIPMER Auditorium, Puducherry.

Ms.Akshayavardhani presented a poster titled “Differentiation of pre-adipocytes to adipocytes in combination with free fatty acids in 3T3-L1 cells” in the 5th International Conference on Molecular Signaling: Basics to Applications held during 10th – 12th January, 2017 at AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai. Dr.A.Jayamuruga Pandian attended a Molecular Oncology Workshop conducted by Strand Life Sciences at their premises in Bangalore on 24 January 2017. Dr.Pooja Pratheesh attended a workshop on “Science administration and management” organized by Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune during 14th – 17th February 2017. Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi attended the Indo-US workshop on Flow Cytometry held during 22nd to 24th February, 2017 at CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow. Mr.Rakesh Sharma delivered an oral presentation titled “Isolation and characterization of enteric pathogen from psoriatic arthritic patient fecal samples” in the conference Molecular Characteristics of Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria - Causes, Consequence & Control held during 22nd – 24th March, 2017 at the Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy, Erode. He received the third prize for best research presentation.

Dr.C.Adithan, Director, delivered a guest lecture in the National Workshop on “Computational approaches to drug discovery” held on 18th December 2017 at Pondicherry University. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, was invited as a resource person to deliver a talk in a national workshop – “Computational Approaches to Drug Discovery” conducted by DBT – Sub Distributed Information Centre, Pondicherry University on 18th December 2017. Dr.N.Mangaiyarkarasi attended UKERI Pre-bid workshop, India- Chennai at British consulate on 6th Oct 2017. She visited Central Council for Research in Siddha to meet the director, discussed for MoU and a project proposal on 10th Oct 2017. She also attended and given invited lecture in the Seaweed conference held at NIOT, Chennai on 16th Oct 2017. She had visited

Dr.Agieshkumar delivered an oral presentation titled “Sphingolipids in the pathogenesis of dengue” in the 13th Conference on vectors and vector- borne diseases held during 27th February to 1st March 2017, organized by National Academy of Vector borne diseases at Chennai. Dr. Anitha T.S, Scientist, participated in an “International Conference on Environment, Genes, Health & Diseases -2017” held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (22nd Aug-24th Aug, 2017)



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

▶▶ PUBLICATIONS Adithan C: Four decades in Pharmacological Research: Pharmacokinetics to Pharmacogenomics. In Dandiya PC, Kulkarni SK and Khilnani (ed), Pharmacologists of India,Their contribution. Vallabh Prakashan. Delhi. First Edition, 2017. Pages 146-151.

PtNPs nanocomposite towards biological applications. Biomed Pharmacother. 2017;92:479-490. Sudha D, Kohansal-Nodehi M, Kovuri P, Manda SS, Neriyanuri S, Gopal L, Bhende P, Chidambaram S, Arunachalam JP. Proteomic profiling of human intraschisis cavity fluid. Clin Proteomics 2017;14(1):13.

Adithan C and Surendiran A. Publishing misconduct including plagiarism and permissions. In Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research paper. Editors S.C.Parija and V.Kate . Springer Nature Singapore Pvt. Ltd. 2017. Pages 177-188

Sudha D, Ganapathy A, Mohan P, Mannan AU, Krishna S, Neriyanuri S, Swaminathan M, Rishi P, Chidambaram S, Arunachalam JP. Clinical and genetic analysis of Indian patients with NDP-related retinopathies. Int Ophthal 2017; 10:1-0.

Sripriya S, Raman R, Soumittra N, Pandian AJ. Current Research Perspectives in Understanding Diabetic Retinopathy. In Advances in Vision Research, Volume I 2017 (pp. 259-274). Springer Japan.

Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS curriculum with research component: Road to professional. Ann. SBV 2017; 6(1):21-3.

Research Papers Cleetus C, Vijayakumar R, Kadhiravan T, Narayanan P, Parija SC, Agieshkumar B Pillai, Soundravally R Differential expression of NADPH oxidase- 2 (Nox2) and nuclear factor erythroid 2- related factor 2 (Nrf2) transcripts in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from dengue patients. Virus Dis 2017;28(1):54-60 Cleetus C, Vijayakumar R, Kadhiravan T, Narayanan P, Parija SC, Agieshkumar B Pillai *, Soundravally R * A study on gene expression profile of endogenous antioxidant enzymes: CAT, MnSOD and GPx in dengue patients. Indian J Clin Biochem: 2017.1-9 * Corresponding authors Pillai, Agieshkumar, Mitra, A, SL, Hoti; Nagarajan, Usha; Rajendran, Soundravally; Krishnan, Umamaheswari, MisraRakesh RNA interference in mosquito vectors: An overview of RNAi in understanding mosquito immune responses, dsRNA delivery systems and potential applications in vector control. Insect Mol Biol. 2017;26:127-139. Sarayu G, Agieshkumar B Pillai, Vijayakumar SR, Kadhiravan T, Rahul D, James Kah,Soundravally R Increased serum levels of macrophage activation marker sCD163 in Dengue patients : J Clin Virol 2017. 86:62-67. Priyadharsini R, Umamaheswaran G, Raja TR, Kumar AA, Subraja K, Dkhar SA, Satheesh S, Adithan C, Shewade DG. Frequency of single nucleotide platelet receptor gene polymorphism (P2Y12-i744T> C) in coronary artery disease patients among Tamilian population. J Community Genet. 2017;2:1-6. Ramkumar VS, Pugazhendhi A, Prakash S, Ahila NK, Vinoj G, Selvam S, Kumar G, Kannapiran E, Rajendran RB. Synthesis of platinum nanoparticles using seaweed Padinagymnospora and their catalytic activity as PVP/

Pradeep J, Stephen S, Pooja P, Akshayavardhini A, Sangeetha B, Antony PX. Coxiellosis in domestic livestock of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu: Detection of Coxiellaburnetii DNA by polymerase chain reaction in slaughtered ruminants. Vet World. 2017;10(6):667-671 Sivagurunathan S, Arunachalam JP, Chidambaram S. PIWI-like protein, HIWI2 is aberrantly expressed in retinoblastoma cells and affects cell-cycle potentially through OTX2. Cell Mol Biol Lett. 2017; 22: 17.Published online 2017 Aug 29 Velmurugan Anitharaj, Selvaraj Stephen, Jothimani Pradeep, Pratheesh Pooja, Sridharan Preethi. Diagnosis of acute Scrub Typhus in South India: Validation of GenoSen’s Scrub Typhus Real Time PCR kit by its comparison with a serological test (ELISA). J Global Infect Dis 2017:9; 108-112 Mangaiyarkarasi R, Nadimuthu NP, Influence of environment on haemagglutinin activity and protein content of selected seaweeds from Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, India. J Chem, Biol Physic Sci; 2017:7; 1184-9 Behera SK, Kishtapati CR, Gunaseelan V, Dubashi B, Chandrasekaran A, Selvarajan S. Chemotherapy Induced Adverse Drug Reactions in Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. J Young Pharm. 2017;9(4):588-92 Sam Vijay Kumar J, Harikrishnan R, Silambarasi N, Seethesh Ghose, Balanehru S, C.Adithan. Human colostrum is a rich source of cells with stem cell-like properties. J Basic Clin Appl Health Sci 2017;1: 26-31 Sivagurunathan S, Arunachalam JP, Chidambaram S. PIWI-like protein, HIWI2 is aberrantly expressed in retinoblastoma cells and affects cell-cycle potentially through OTX2. Cellular & Mol Bio Lett. 2017: 29;22(1):17.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility

Behera S.K., Xavier A.S., Gunaseelan V., Ravindra B.K., Selvarajan S, Chandrasekaran A, Dkhar S.A. Drug information centre as referral service in a south Indian tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2017;7:182-7.

▶▶ SPECIAL LECTURES @ CIDRF Dr. Satyamoorthy, School of life sciences, Manipal Univeristy delivered a lecture on “Confounding Factors for Pharmacogenomics” 16th March 2017. CIDRF hosted Dr. Pankaj Seth, Scientist and Professor from NBRC, Manesar, Gurgaon, India and organized for an invited talk by him. Dr.Dinesh Kumar, President Indian Pharmacological Society delivered a lecture at CIDRF on 3rd July, 2017.


Bharathiar University (Mr.Dinesh Kumar) are being trained at CIDRF.

▶▶ MoUs Memoranda of Understanding are being forged with three collaborating institutes/firms to further research at CIDRF vis-à-vis: 1. Strand Biosciences, Bangalore 2. Annamalai University 3. KL University

▶▶ VISITORS TO CIDRF Dr.C.Saravana Babu, Assoc.Prof and Coordinater Animal Research, JSS University, Dr.B.Ramesh Kumar, Dean, Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary Education, Puducherry,

Doctoral Committee meeting was held on February 7th at CIDRF for Dr.Prathebha who is undertaking her research work under the guidance of Prof.C.Adithan. Prof.C.Adithan also attended two DC meetings at Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI.

Dr.S.P.Subramaniyan, Patent Office, Chennai. Dr.A.Hannah Rachel Vasanthi, Pondicherry University. Dr.Mohammed Aslam, Advisor, Dept of Biotehnology, Govt of India.

Ms. Preethi Sridharan and Ms.Akshayavardhani presented their work progress in the Doctoral Committee meeting held on 1st August 2017 at CIDRF. Five Research Advisory Committee meetings were conducted: 4 for Dr. Vany Adithan PhD Fellows – Full time (Ms. Rajalakshmi.K – 9.12.2017, Mr. Shreyas Koduvalli – 20.12.2017, Mr. Vignesh – 20.12.2017 and Ms. Indrani Biswas – 22.12.2017) and 1 Part time PhD Fellow (Dr. Uma Maheswari- 9.12.2017).


Dr.Dominique Charron, Paris University, France. Dr.Borg Fachner, Anglia Ruskin Univeristy, UK. Dr.M.G.Rabbani, Director – Cardiology, Aligarh Muslim University Dr.K.Sathyamoorthy, School of Life sciences, Manipal Univeristy, Dr.W.Selvamurthy, President ASTIF, Amity University.

Mr. Kevin Rabindra from Ohio State, USA underwent a two weeks training in molecular biology techniques at CIDRF. The training was co-ordinated by Dr. Agieshkumar.B and Ms. Vigneswari is carrying out 3 months Internship under the supervision of Dr.Agieshkumar.B, in the areas of dengue pathology.

Dr.Satyamoorthy, School of life sciences, Manipal University.

Mr.Jeffrey Immanuel and Mr.Harikrishnan – Final year B.Tech students from Jeppiar College of Engineering, Chennai were trained and have prepared their thesis. They were guided by Dr.Agiesh Kumar B, Senior Scientist and Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, Scientist, CIDRF. Ms.Valli (USA) has joined on Feb 6, 2017 and Ms.Minna Catherine joined on Feb 9, 2017 as a research trainee under the guidance of Dr.Agiesh Kumar.

Dr.B.Ramesh Kumar, Dean, RIVER, Puducherry.

Two students (B.Tech Biotechnology) from Jeppiar Engineering College, Chennai (Mr.Ajay Samuel and Mr.Amrith) and one student (M.Sc Biotechnology) from

Dr.PF Kotur, SSSMCRI, Ammapettai, Dr.Rajasekaran, UC San Diego, USA.

Dr.J.Thanislass, Head, Dept of VBC, RIVER. Dr.Pankaj Seth, NBRC, Gurgaon. Dr.Michael Spedding , Spedding Research Solutions SAS, France,. Dr.Dinesh Kumar, President Indian Pharmacological Society, Hyderabad,



Annual Report

Jan-Dec 2017

Prof. Bikash Medhi, Dept of Pharmacology, PGIMER. Dr. M.A. Akbarsha, Ex Director MGDC, Bharathidasan Univesity, Trichy, Dr.G. Rajeswari, Professor - HOD, Dept of Biochemistry, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada.

▶▶ WORKSHOP on MOLECULAR BIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES IN PERSONALIZED MEDICINE. A Pre-conference workshop on “Molecular biological techniques in Personalized medicine” was organized by the Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) as a part of SRIPSCON-17 on 3rd July 2017. The workshop was attended by 23 participants from various medical Institutes from all over India. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF & Organizing Chair flagged off the workshop with the welcome address and introduced the Scientists of CIDRF who were the instructors. Dr. Agieshkumar.B, Senior Scientist and the Co-coordinator, presented the over view of the workshop. The workshop saw two orientation sessions by scientists of CIDRF : ‘DNA extraction’ by Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J and RFLP by Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas. The next two hands-on sessions were on: (1) ‘Conventional PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis’ by Dr. Anita T.S and Dr.Pooja Pratheesh (2) ‘Real-time PCR for genotyping’ by Dr. Agieshkumar.B and Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas. Pre- and post-workshop evaluation tests for the participants on the concepts of PCR were conducted. Written feedback forms were received from participants at the end of the workshop. Dr. C. Adithan concluded the workshop with

his valedictory remarks and distributed the certificates to the participants.

▶▶ PATENT Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J filed the first application (with complete specifications) for a patent from CIDRF titled “Development of a novel inexpensive liquid removal apparatus for mammalian cell culture” at the Chennai Intellectual Property Office on October 14, 2017.

▶▶ INSTITUTION OF DR. VANY ADITHAN RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Dr.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has donated Rs 36 Lakhs to Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, Puducherry, in memory of his late wife Dr.(Mrs) Vany Adithan in order to institute research fellowships at Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility. Under this research scheme four students were selected for pursuing PhD in the thrust areas of CIDRF. The students were selected based on an all India competitive examination conducted by CIDRF followed by a personal interview. The names of the selected students are Ms.Rajalakshmi, Mr.Shreyas Koduvalli, Mr.Vignesh and Ms.Indrani Biswas. Each student is awarded for Rs 15,000 monthly stipend and Rs 1,00,000 contingency per year for three years.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility

▶▶ NEW EXTRAMURAL RESEARCH PROJECT Department of Biotechnology has approved a project entitled “Seaweed Cultivation Training for Women Fisher Folks in Coastal Areas of Tamil Nadu and Investigation of Nutraceuticals for Health Benefits from Seaweeds” submitted by Dr. N. Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist.

▶▶ CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Ms. Akshayavardhani A and Ms. Preethi Sridharan delivered oral presentations in 5th International conference on Environment, Genes, Health and Diseases (EGHD 2017) at Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore on August 22nd to 24th 2017. Mr.Rakesh Sharma delivered an oral presentation titled “Isolation and characterization of enteric pathogen from psoriatic arthritic patient fecal samples” in the conference Molecular Characteristics of Multi Drug Resistant Bacteria - Causes, Consequence & Control held during 22nd – 24th March, 2017 at the Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathy, Erode.

▶▶ CIDRF IRON JUBILEE CELEBRATIONSOctober 29, 2017 CIDRF completed five successful years on October 29, 2017 and the day was celebrated with much enthusiasm. CIDRF scientists and staff were welcomed by Dr. G. Subramanian, Advisor -CIDRF. Dr. C. Adithan and Dr. Balanehru S., Deputy Director- CIDRF presented the annual report for CIDRF and CAReTs respectively. Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, honorable vice-chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth released the CIDRF booklet detailing CIDRF facility and achievements. Prof. P.P. Mathur, Ex Vice Chancellor, KIIT University and Prof. J. Balachander, Ex. Medical Superintendent-JIPMER graced the occasion as specials guests for the day and delivered invigorating and motivating talks embarking on the journey to future.



Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed-to-be - University)

Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade NIRF INDIA RANKINGS 2017 - SBV : 83 PONDY – CUDDALORE MAIN ROAD, PILLAIYARKUPPAM, PONDICHERRY – 607 402. Phone: 0413 – 2611807, 0413 – 2615449 to 456. E.mail:

Editing, Design & Layout - Dr.A.N.Uma- 2017 © Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

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