Chronicle Apr jun 2013

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Volume 7 Issue



APR - JUN 2013

The Chronicle Contents

University Communique CIDRF Research And Scholarship Academic Initiatives Innovations Faculty Achievements And Awards The Dawn Of New Chapters Out Reach Services Scholars In The Making Talentia - 2013 Other Highlights Spot Light - General Medicine SSSMCRI IGIDS KGNC

A Hearty Welcome P.02 P.05 P.07 P.09 P.16 P.22 P.22 P.24 P.29 P.32 P.35 P.38 P.40 P.44 P.52

Dr K.R. Sethuraman, joined as the Vice Chancellor Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 05.04.2013. He has completed his undergraduate (1966-72) and postgraduate (1973-76) Medical Education in Internal Medicine at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Later, he underwent training in Cardiology at SCTIMST at Thiruvananthapuram for three years, from 1978 to 1981. He joined JIPMER as a Lecturer in Medicine and served there for 25 years (1981-2006). He was promoted as a Professor of Medicine in 1991, as the head of department of Medical Education in 2000 and as the Director-Professor and Head of Medicine in 2003. He took voluntary retirement in 2006 and moved over to Malaysia as the Dean of Medicine at AIMST University for 7 years. During this period, he was also the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic and International Affairs from 2008. His interests are varied and wide. He is an eminent educationist and has over four decades of experience in Medical Education. Contd Page - 2

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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University University Communique

The medical programme at AIMST was consolidated during his tenure and more than 80% of the graduates were found to be fully competent. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman is a meticulous and a prolific writer. He has published books/monographs on Rational Therapy, Medical Education, DoctorPatient Communication, Clinical Echography, Objective Structured Clinical Examination and Medical Ethics & Professionalism. The last one, translated in Tamil (titled “Post Mortem”) has sold more than 10,000 copies. He has produced videos for teaching purposes on medical promotion, oral communication skills and on “How to face an oral examination”. Since 2005, he is a member of the International Advisory Panel for three editions of Davidson’s Textbook of Medicine, and has contributed chapters for the companion volumes - Davidson’s Clinical Cases & Davidson’s 100 Clinical Cases. He is all set for the next edition of “Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine” expected to be released in late 2014. He is a strong believer of scientific research and harnesses curiosity in the minds of young medical students, creating a wave of scientific temper in them. He has to his credit over 40 indexed publications. He has visited South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand and New Delhi as short term advisor to WHO. The Chronicle team accords a warm welcome to Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, honourable Vice-Chancellor of SBV University.

K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 10.04.2013. Principals, Heads of various Departments and members of the faculty from MGMCRI, IDIGS and KGNC and all the Administrative staffs of SBVU graced the function. The new office is situated on the first floor of the annex building, behind the main college block. It has cubicles for the Controller of Examinations, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Deputy Registrar (examination), Assistant Registrars and other clerical staff. It is a well aerated

Examination Wing Of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University

The new office of the examination wing of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University was inaugurated by Prof.

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building with numerous windows, false ceiling and is well furnished. New instruments like latest Xerox machines, new computers, printers and other office furniture have been provided. A new air-conditioned examination hall has been provided for conducting the examinations for both post-graduates and undergraduates at the third floor

ground floor, lecture Hall, College block on 12.04.2013

R egional A nd Global Engagement AIMST University, M alaysia

of the Library hall. The hall has a seating capacity of 150 students. The examination wing has currently the following staffs - Controller of Examinations-Prof.Mahalakshmi.V.N., Deputy Controller of Examinations - Dr.Srirangaraj.S., Deputy Registrar - Mr.Ponnurengam.E., Assistant RegistrarMs.R.Dhanajayanthi., Senior Assistant- Mrs.Jamuna.S., Senior Computer data analyzer-Mr.Seeetharaman.K., Senior Computer data analyzer-Mr. Udayakumar.J., Junior AssistantMrs.Sharboon, Junior Assistant- Ms.Suganya.J., Accounts Assistant- Mr.Ramesh.G. and Attenders- Mr.E.Jayabalan & Mr.A. Balaraman. This dedicated team of examination wing has successfully conducted exams for PBBSc, BSc Nursing, BDS, MSc Medical Biochemistry, MD/MS-Part-I Basic Sciences, MD/MS-Part-II, PG Diploma and MSc Nursing students from January to June 2013.

Prof.K.R.Sethuraman A ddressing The Sbvu Faculty Members.

The newly joined Vice Chancellor of SBVU, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman addressed a gathering consisting of MGMCRI, IDIGS and KGNC faculty members at the


Dr Mariette D’Souza, Senior Assoc Professor of Dermatology, AIMST University, Malaysia visited SBVU & MGMCRI on 29.05.2013. She made courtesy calls to the VC, Prof.K.R Sethuraman and the Dean-PG Studies and Research, Prof.N.Ananathakrishnan. She also met the Dean of MGMCRI, Dr S Krishnan to discuss the feasibility of collaborative clinical studies in Dermatology. She was interested in Inter-University study in collaboration with the department of DVL, MGM& RI on following topics: Pattern of Cutaneous infections & infestations, DLQI in psoriasis

patients, PLSI Psoriasis Life Stress Indicators, PDI Psoriasis Disability Index and Pattern of dermatoses- a comparative study in tertiary care centre. She appreciated the spacious infrastructure of the department of dermatology. She also mentioned that separate consulting rooms for each faculty facilitated privacy for out patient consultations. She was happy with the side room minor OT facility where many procedures were carried out on a daily basis under aseptic precautions. She highly commended the regular teaching curriculum for UGs and PGs and the posting facilities for UGs and Interns.

Ser a M ey Monastic University, K arnatak a

A 6-member delegation lead by the CEO/VC of Sera Mey Monastic University, venerable Gyutoe Khensur Volume 7 Issue 2

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Rinpoche Ngawang Jorden visited SBVU on 12.06.2013. Venerable Gyutoe Khensur Rinpoche Ngawang Jorden is the 90th Abbot Holder and the current CEO/VC of Sera Mey Monastic University (a deemed to be University for Advanced Buddhist Studies) situated at Bylakuppe - 571104, Mysore District Karnataka ( website: http://www.serameymonastery. org ).The purpose of the visit was to explore the feasibility of inviting His Holiness Dalai Lama early next year to address the students of SBVU and of other institutions in Puducherry. The visitors were assisted by Mr S Mathivanan, a well wisher of MGMCRI & SBVU.

R estitution Of Internal Quality A ssurance Cell

Subsequent to the revival of Assessment process for obtaining NAAC Accreditation for SBVU, the University has restituted the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) which was officially inaugurated on 06.09.2009. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been established as per the mandatory requirements of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore, which proposes that, for quality up gradation, every Higher Educational Institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a “pre-accreditation” quality sustenance measure (Revised NAAC 2012 guidelines). Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC would become a part of SBU University’s system and work towards realizing the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The prime task of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic improvement in the performance of constituent institutions of SBVU. The IQAC would make a significant and meaningful contribution to the University and would channelize the efforts and measures of the constituent institutions towards academic excellence. The establishment of the IQAC is the first step towards the internalization and institutionalization of quality enhancement. Its success depends upon the sense of belongingness and participation it can inculcate in all the constituents of the institution. It would not be yet another hierarchical structure or recordkeeping exercise in the institution; but would be a facilitative and participative voluntary system of the University. The IQAC has the potential to become a vehicle for ushering in quality Volume 7 Issue 2

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by working out intervention strategies to remove deficiencies and enhance quality. The basic Objectives of the IQAC - SBVU are to : Ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the Institution, Instill a sense of quality consciousness in all stakeholders, Formulate strategies for all-round development of institution, Promote innovative methods of teaching and learning, Formulate internal mechanisms for quality checks, Invite suggestions from stakeholders connected with higher education namely, students, parents, teachers, staff, and society in general and implement quality systems, Assure the stake holders of the accountability of the institution for its own quality and probity, Incorporate the feedback/suggestions/ inputs of the stakeholders in governance and to Inculcate value systems amongst students. The IQAC evolves mechanisms and procedures for ensuring the following: timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks, the relevance and quality of academic and research programmes, equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society, optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning in health care education, the credibility of evaluation procedures. the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services, research sharing and networking with other institutions in India and abroad. Composition of the IQAC-SBVU : Chairperson: Vice-Chancellor–Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, The Deans / Principals of Constituent Colleges (MGMC&RI, IGIDS, KGNC & SSSMC&RI), Eminent Senior Professors: Dr.Ananthakrishnan, Dean – R&PGS, Dr.K.A.Narayan, Professor & HOD, Community Medicine, Director / Deputy Director, CIDRF, Dr.Seethesh Ghose, Professor & HOD, OBS&GYN, and Dr.Ravishankar, Prof. &HOD, Anesthesiology. The Faculty members include Dr.Gunasekaran.D, Professor of Paediatrics, Dr.Seetha, Professor and HOD, Microbiology, Dr.David Livingstone, Reader, Prosthodontics, IGIDS, Ms.Renuka.K, VicePrincipal, Nursing, KGNC, Registrar- Dr.A.R.Srinivasan,. COE- Prof.V.N.Mahalakshmi, Dr.Jegan Mohan, Head, HIMS, Mr. Balamukundan, Personnel Manager , Mr. Kannan Iyer, GM, Finance and Dr.Pajanivel.R , Member Secretary


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Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) During the first half yearly of 2013, the following dignitaries visited CIDRF. Individual meetings were held to establish joint research programs. Currently, collaborative research in areas of expertise is being incubated. Padmashree Prof. Dr Mohan Kameswaran, Managing Director, Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd, Chennai visited on March 22, 2013. Dr Mohan Kameswaran and CIDRF have shared mutual interest to set up collaborative research in ENT in association with Department of ENT, MGMC&RI. Dr Mohan Kameswaran quotes, “A great pleasure and privilege to visit the CIDRF and see the facility. A dedicated team of committed scientists add feather to the cap of the center. I am confident that truly outstanding work will emerge from the center”.

Prof.Dr.S.P.Pani, MD(Micro), Ph D (Epid),FISCD, Deputy Dean (Pre-clinical), Research Professor & Head, Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Quest International University Perak, No. 122A, Jalan Haji Eusoff, Jalan Kampar, 30250, IPOH, Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia along with Prof. Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Additional Professor and Dr.Ranjith Mehenderkar, Asst.Prof., of the same University visited CIDRF on April 25, 2013. An elaborative meeting was held to establish a multi-level collaboration between QIUP, SBV and CIDRF. Dr Pani quotes, “I can see the light: The Dawn

- a promise for future sunrise - in very productive research. The infrastructure is fabulous, the scientific man power dedicated - the future will open up with linkages - productive and openness to transdiciplinary research. I look forward for a bright future for the center”.

Dr Vijayalakshmi quotes, “It is very heartening to see a true inter-disciplinary (rather trans-disciplinary) approach integrating not only allopathic medicine but also valuable indigenous Indian Systems of Medicine. It is not only the instruments and building but also the human resources which I see it already here. I wish all success for this endeavour which will fulfill the dream of the institute, already catering to the community”. Dr. E.S. Prakash, Assoc Prof of Physiology, Mercer Univ School of Medicine, Macon, GA, USA visited CIDRF on May 16, 2013. Dr Prakash quotes, “very glad to note this investment by the university into establishing a satate of the art research center - aimed at fostering translational research and look forward to learning about the research output from here”. Dr. V.S.Negi, Professor of Immunology, Jipmer, Puducherry visited CIDRF on June 5, 2013. A collaborative research arrangement in immunology was discussed and agreed. Dr Negi quotes, “visited the facility which is going to be one of its kind in a private medical institution. JIPMER can benefit by collaborating with the research facility”.

Dr. M.Prakash Rao, Scientist -4 from Department of Ayush, Govt of India visited CIDRF on June 5, 2013. Dr Rao


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gave insight into opportunities available in AYUSH research and funding. Dr Rao quotes, “the facilities available are too good to carry out collaborative studies”. DrN.Balaji, MD(H), Director of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy, Govt of Puducherry visited CIDRF on June 5, 2013 to explore possibilities of setting up a collaboration to conduct AYUSH research in CIDRF. Dr. Balaji quotes, “visited this institute. The facilities and infrastructure is excellent to do research work in AYUSH”. Dr V.R.Ravi, MS (Ortho) a consultant orthopedic surgeon from Maruti Hospital, Trichy providing stem cell based treatment services at Mother Cell Regenerative Center Pvt Ltd at Trichy visited CIDRF to carve a platform to share the stem cell research facilities at CIDRF. Dr Ravi quotes, “excellent facilities waiting to be utilized. Will form a center for translation from lab to bed side”. Dr Ravi was accompanied by Dr Devanand a general physician from Villupuram. Dr Edwin Michael from University of Notre Dame, USA accompanied by Dr Rauf of Foundation of Ecology Research Advocacy and Learning, Puducherry visited CIDRF on June 19, 2013. Dr Michael quotes, “excellent facilities and a great young team. Best of luck in developing projects in place”. A MoU on community based health research group was executed between CIDRF, MGMC&RI, SBV University, Prof Edwin Michael of Notre Dame University, Indiana, USA, Dr Rauf of Foundation of Ecology Research Advocacy and Learning, Puducherry and Prof S.P.Pani, Quest International University Perak, Ipoh, Malaysia. The group

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will take up a project on worm-load in school going children of Cuddalore district. On May 25, 2013, the Chairman Shri M.K.Rajagopalan, sanctioned project seed money of Rs.2.85 lakhs to carry out four research projects submitted by the Dept of Biochemistry, MGMC&RI. Recipients of the grant money are Dr Ramesh, Dr Srinivasan, Dr Mahendra Gandhe and Dr Niranjan. Faculties of Indira Ganidhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV visited CIDRF in four batches on June 24th and 25th, 2013. Dr Balanehru Subramanian explained the infrastructure and facilties available in CIDRF that could be used in research conducted by the faculty of IGIDS and welcomed everyone to come for chat session to discuss projects from various departments of IGIDS. On June 27th , 2013, Dr Subramanian, Advisor Research addressed the SAF meeting organized by IGIDS and enlightened the faculty and post graduates of IGIDS on “Research funding opportunites and grant writing mechanism”. Dr Pooja Pretheesh, Scientist, CIDRF submitted a project proposal on “Establishment of an immune human antibody library against Dengue virus” to be funded by Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India. The grant was submitted on June 20th, 2013. Dr Balanehru Subramanian accompanied by Dr.Manimekalai, Professor of Pharmacology, MGMC&RI, Dr Veni, Scientist, CIDRF, Dr Pretebha , Department of Periodontics, IGIDS and Dr Johan Pandian , Asst Prof of Pharmacology, MGMC&RI visited Nichi-In Center for Regenerative Medicine, Chennai and held a meeting in the month of June 2013 with Dr Samuel JK Abraham to set up a collaboration in Stem Cell Research between CIDRF, NichiIn Center for Regenerative Medicine, Chennai and Nichi-In Center for Regenerative Medicine, Japan. A MoU is currently in progress. The same team also met with Director of Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Rev Dr Francis P Xavier and discussed opportunities for collaboration with CIDRF . Dr Balanehru Subramanian Deputy Director, CIDRF


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Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Research And Scholarship Book Publications

Ananthakrishnan N. Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi2013;1-214.

Scientific Publications

Shib Sekhar Datta. A study to explore the determinants of child health in Melghat, Maharashtra. The Health Agenda 2013;1(2):36-41. Manoj Karthick S, Manoj Kumar R, Ananthakrishnan N. Gossypiboma: An unusual foreign body of the male urethra. Indian Journal of Surgery, 2012;75:77-78. Kate V, Kalayarasan R, Ananthakrishnan N. Sequential therapy versus standard triple-drug therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a Systematic Review of recent evidence. Drugs 2013;73:815-24. Lakshmi CP, Vijayahari R, Kate V, Ananthakrishnan N. A hospital based epidemiological study of corrosive alimentary injuries with particular reference to the Indian experience. National Medical Journal of India 2013;26:31-6. Thakuria B, Lahon K. The Beta Lactam Antibiotics as an Empirical Therapy in a developing county: An update on their current status and Recommendations to counter the resistance against them. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic research 2013;7(6):1207 – 1214. Reddy S, Somasundaram G. Acute toxicological Evaluation of Pet-ether Extract of Portulaca oleracea (LINN) on Rodents. International Journal of Medical research & health sciences 2013;2(2):130-136. Pandiamunian J, Somasundaram G, Manimekalai K, Salwe KJ. A study of Prescribing pattern of drugs by general practitioners in a rural area of Tamilnadu International journal of Pharma and Biosciences 2013;4(2):480–486. Pandian J, Lahon K, Lavakumar S. Effect of Acute administration of celecoxib on anxiolytic activity of Fluoxetine in albino mice. Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2013;4(2):1259-1265. P Pallavee, Sunita Samal, P Sabita. Foreign body in vagina: A cause of persistant vaginal discharge in children. Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol Jun 2013;2(2):224-225 P Pallavee, Sunita Samal, Rupal Samal. Peripheral arterial disease in a female using high-dose combined oral contraceptive pill. Indian J Pharmacol 2013;45:303-4 S Ghose,V Ramya, S Samal, S Swain. Vaginoplasty in crytomenorrhoea with functioning uterus. The Internet Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics.2013;17:1


Niranjan G, Amrutha P V, Srinivasan A R, Ramesh R, Sathishbabu M, Sathiya. Role of TSH on Urinary Calcium Excretion In Post Menopausal Women of South Indian Population. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013;7(6):1099-1101. S.Venkata Rao, Mahendra Gandhe, S.Indira, P.Srilakshmi, Kalyan Goswami. The role of the total cholesterol level in the assessment of the severity of myocardial infarction. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2013;7(5):972-73. Pratheesh R, Swallow DM, Rajaratnam S, Jacob KS, Chacko G, Joseph M, Chacko AG. Incidence, predictors and early post-operative course of diabetes insipidus in paediatric craniopharygioma: a comparison with adults. Childs Nerv Syst Jun 2013;29(6):941-9. Vineet Thomas Abraham, M.Chandrasekaran, R.Nandakumar. Ganglion Cyst or Meniscal Cyst – A dilemma. Published online European Orthopaedics and Traumatology Venkatesh C, Kavinkardhikh ET, Sadagopan S, Ghose S. A survey on quality of postnatal care delivery to neonates as perceived by their mothers. Indian J Maternal Child Health 2013;15(1):1-10. Devi J, Venkatesh C, Chhavi N, Gunasekaran D, Soundararajan P. Leptospirosis complicated by cerebral edema and hypotension in a 13 year old boy. RJPBCS 2013; 4(2):1367-9 V. Soma, C. Venkatesh. Preventing paracetamol (acetaminophen) overuse: do we really need a 500mg/5 ml preparation. Indian Pediatr 2013;50(5):526. M. Ravishankar R. Sripriya; V. R. Hemanth Kumar. Internal leaks into anaesthesia machines: an unaddressed problem. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2013;111:126-127. Sobana R, Jaiganesh K, Barathi P. A study on the relationship of music therapy and the personality traits of neuroticism and agreeableness. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. 2013;2:1 – 78. Sobana R, Jaiganesh K, Barathi P. Role of rag ahir bhairav as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) on blood pressure in pre - hypertensive adults. Journal of Medical Science & Technology. 2013;2:66-70. Barathi P, Jaiganesh K, Sobana R. Prognosis in music therapy interventions is associated with the emotional intelligence-alexithymia spectrum. The Antiseptic –Journal of Medicine and Surgery. 2013;110:292-294. Sobana R, Jaiganesh K, Barathi P. A survey of the musical preferences of young adolescents newly admitted to the medical school. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Volume 7 Issue 2

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Sciences. 2013;4:654 – 658. E Ram Prasath, Rajkumar Patil. Awareness and perception regarding eye donation in rural Pondicherry. Indian Journal of Medical Specialities 2013;4(1):MEDICON 2013 Abstracts.

Chapters In Book

Ananthakrishnan N. Introduction to postgraduate dissertations – Implications and Purpose. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;1-3. Ananthakrishnan N. Parts of a dissertation. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;4-7. Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. Time frame for the dissertation – Planning the process. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;8-10. Ananthakrishnan N. Selection and finalization of the topic. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;11-15. Ananthakrishnan N. Ethical issues involved in research on archived specimens. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;7678. Ananthakrishnan N. How to get started with actually writing the dissertation. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;9497. Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. Writing the results section. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;101-113. Ananthakrishnan N. Checklist – what the examiner looks for. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;162-165. Ananthakrishnan N. Plagiarism, What it is and what are its implications? In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;166-169. Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. How to write a research paper based on the dissertation. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach.Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;170-178.

Volume 7 Issue 2

Apr - Jun 2013

Ananthakrishnan N. Introduction to postgraduate dissertations – Implications and Purpose. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;1-3. Ananthakrishnan N. Parts of a dissertation. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;4-7. Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. Time frame for the dissertation – Planning the process. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;8-10. Ananthakrishnan N. Selection and finalization of the topic. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;11-15. Ananthakrishnan N. Ethical issues involved in research on archived specimens. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;7678. Ananthakrishnan N. How to get started with actually writing the dissertation. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;9497. Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. Writing the results section. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;101-113. Ananthakrishnan N. Checklist – what the examiner looks for. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;162-165. Ananthakrishnan N. Plagiarism, What it is and what are its implications? In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;166-169. Ananthakrishnan N, Shanthi AK. How to write a research paper based on the dissertation. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013;170-178. Partha Nandi ‘Writing the Introduction’. In, Ananthakrishnan N. Ed, Medical Postgraduate Dissertations, A step by step approach. Published by United India Periodicals Private Ltd, New Delhi 2013; P. 127-30.


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Academic Initiatives CME Program

A CME program was organized by the Department of Marketing [Health Care Services] in collaboration with IMA, Cuddalore. The CME program was conducted at Cuddalore on 19.05.2013. The speakers for the CME were Dr.S.Ravichandran, Asso.Prof, Dept. of Ortho and Deputy Director Hospital services who spoke on the topic, “Challenges in treating rural patients with Osteoarthritis Knee” and Dr.Prasant Nayak, Asso.Prof, Dept.of.Urology who on the topic, “Recent Advances in Urolithiasis” to an audience of 55 doctors.

carefully selected guest speakers for the CME were all Prof. Smiles beloved students, making the CME a memorable one for every one who had participated as a delegate. Following Prof. Ananthakrishnan address, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman gave the inaugural address. Prof.Krishnan, Dean (Admini) MGMCRI, felicitated the gathering and Dr. C. P. Ganesh Babu, proposed the vote of thanks. The National CME had seven eminent speakers.

Basic Skills Programme

The Department of General Surgery had organized a basic skills programme on 09.06.2013 on suturing knotting and bowel anastamosis for all the 24 residents of the department of General Surgery in association with Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education, Chennai.

National CME on Surgical Emergencies “Urgences Chirurgicales”

The Department of General Surgery organized a one day National CME on Surgical Emergencies “Urgences Chirurgicales” on 15.06.2013. The Core organizing team consisted of organizing chairman - Prof. G.S. Ramachandran, Org. Secretary - Dr. C.P.Ganesh Babu, Joint secretary - Dr. Manoj Karthik, and Treasurer - Dr. R. Kannan . Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University honoured the CME as Chief Guest of the day. Prof. Tirou Aroul welcomed the gathering. Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan gave the key note address. During his address he honored a stalwart who has been in the field of medicine for more than half a century and welcomed Dr. Robinson Smile, a great General Surgeon to the dias. He spoke in depth of great works and all about his great endeavors in the field of teaching and practice of General Surgery. The souvenir ‘Festschrift’ was release by the VC, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, who gave the first copy to Prof.Smiles. Prof.Ananthakrishnan also mentioned that the

Dr.M.S. Gopalakrishnan.Ms,MCh., Asst.Prof. Dept of Neurosurgery, JIPMER spoke on the topic, ‘Head Injury - Pearls in the Management’. The session was chaired by Dr. Pratheesh, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Neuro Surgery, MGMC &RI. Dr. Nanda Kishore Maroju, MS, Asst.Prof Dept. of General Surgery, JIPMER, spoke on the topic, Evaluation of Traumatised Abdomen’. The session was chaired by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, PG’s Studies, MGMC &RI.

Dr. Srikanth MS., MCh. Head of Dept. of Surgical Gastroentrology, Global Hospital, Bangalore, spoke on the topic, ‘Acute Necrotising Pancreatitis Do’s & Don’t’s’. The session was chaired by Prof. T. Chandralanathan, Senior Consultant surgical Gastro Enterologist, Cuddalore Dr. G. Krishnakumar, MS., MCh, Asst.Prof. Dept


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of Pediatric Surgery, JIPMER, spoke on the topic, ‘Acute Pediatric Scrotum’. The session was chaired by Prof. V.N.Mahalakshmi Prof.& Head Dept of Pead.Surgery, MGMC & RI. Prof. N. Sekar, MS., MCh., Senior Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. spoke on the topic, Acute limb Ischemia – Principles in Management. The session was chaired by Prof. Simon, Head Dept. of Surgery, IGMC & RI. Dr. Ranjith Sukumar, MS.,MCh., Associate Prof. Dept. of Surgical Endocrinology, MES Medical College spoke on the topic, ‘Endocrine Crisis in Surgical Practice’. The session was chaired by Prof. Thalapathy, Dept of Surgical Endocrinology, MMC, Chennai. Dr. Ranganath, MS., MCh., Consultant Surgical Oncologist, Yasoda Cancer Institute spoke on the topic, ‘Oncosurgical Emergencies’. The session was chaired by Dr. Rajasundram, Surgical Oncology, Apollo Specialty hospital, Chennai. A quiz programme for residents was organized by Dr.Manoj Karthik. All the session had very good interactions by the audience. A total of about 380 delegates participated in the CME meeting. Poster session on the theme “Emergency Surgery” was organized for the residents.

Officiation as Chairperson/ R esource person In Academic /Scientific Events

as a resource person in the 2 day workshop on “Advanced Cardiac Life support” conducted on June, 2013 at MGMCRI. Dr. S Parthasarathy, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, chaired a session of Tamil poets “Kaviyarangam” organized by Manammandram, Salem.

Presentations in Academic/Scientific Events

Prof. Ananthakrishnan N, Dept. of surgery, presented a paper titled, ‘Indian Good Clinical Practice Guidelines – an Introduction” at the Workshop on Bioethics held at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry, April 2013. Dr. S. Selvasundari, Prof & Head, Dept. of Ophthalmology had been invited as a guest to a CME program titled “Uvea” held at Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry on 30.04.13. Prof. S. Selvasundari and Dr. K.N.Jha, Dept. of Ophthalmology had been invited as guests to a CME program titled “Glaucoma” conducted by the Cuddalore I.M.A on 05.05.13. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Prof & Head, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘Senescence & Lung’ at Pulmocon 2013 at 15th Annual Conference o Academy of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, held at Kumarakam between 04.05.13 and 05.05.13.

Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Dept. of Microbiology chaired “Institutional Ethical committee” of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 10.06.13. Dr.Seetesh Ghose, Dept. of OBGY, chaired a session on “High Risk Pregnancy” held at Sri Laximinarayana Institute of Medical Science, Puducherry on 28.06.13 Prof.R.Krishnagopal Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, chaired three sessions and was a faculty to Arthrochennai – 2013, an International Arthroscopy Conference held at Chennai between 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. Dr. Hemath Kumar V R, Assoc. Prof and Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated Volume 7 Issue 2

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Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Asst Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology delivered a lecture on “Airway Management tools in ACLS” in “Advanced Cardiac Life Support” workshop organized at Simulation Center, SBV University. Dr.N.Mugunthan, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Anatomy, presented 2 papers titled “Effects of chronic exposure of ultra high frequency radiation emitted from 2G cell phone on kidney of mice- a histo-morphometric study” and “A randomized open label study to compare structured interactive lectures and conventional lectures” in the 2nd National Conference of society of Clinical Anatomist held between 25.05.13 and 26.05.13 at Salem. Dr.Usha Kannan, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Anatomy, presented a paper titled “Correlative study of coronary dominance in human cadaveric hearts, foetal hearts and in angiograms” in the 2nd National Conference of society of Clinical Anatomist held between 25.05.13 and 26.05.13 at Salem. Dr. T Shivashanmugam, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care delivered a lecture on “Peripheral nerve blocks in current clinical practice” in Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists meet at Kanyakumari on 25.05.13. Mrs.A.N.Uma, Asst. Prof. Medical Genetics, Dept. of Anatomy, presented a poster titled, “An Emergent cytogenetic evaluation of a male with Gynaecomastia” at the National CME-Urgences Chirugicales held on 15.06.13 at MGMC&RI, Puducherry. Dr. T Shivashanmugam, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care delivered a lecture on “Role of regional anaesthesia on prevention of chronic post-surgical pain” in ISA meet at Chennai on 22.06.13.

Participation in Academic/Scientific Events

Dr. Sunita Samal, Dr. A.K.Mahapatro, and Dr. Jasmina Begam, Dept. of OBGY, attended “FERTFOCUSSBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

2013”between 06.04.13 and 07.04.13 at Coimbatore. Dr. A.R. Rajalakshmi, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Ophthalmology, attended a Continued Medical Education Program on “Angle Closure Glaucoma” on 25.04.13 at JIPMER. Prof.P.Karthikeyan, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, attended the 9th International workshop on “Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery” organized by Dr. Sathish Jain and Dr. Amin Kassam at Birla auditorium, Jaipur between 26.04.13 and 28.04.13. Dr.Nandakumar, Dr.Surendher Kumar, Assoc Profs, Dept. of Orthopaedic Surgery, attended 3rd Ganga Operative Arthroplasty Course held at Coimbatore between 23.05.13 and 26.05.13. Mr. V. Kuzhandai Velu, Tutor, Dept. of Biochemistry, participated in Practical Summer Training workshop in “Chromatography, Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics (PCMB’ 13)” from 05.06.13 to 14.06.13, organized by the School of Bio-Sciences and Technology at VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Prof & Head, and Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 16.06.13 – ‘Latest Modalities in Management of Asthma’ Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Asst.Prof, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, attended “Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy cadaveric workshop” at SRMC Chennai on 22.06.13. Dr. Vijaya Sundaram, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology attended live surgical conference “ENT FOCUS 2013” held at Coimbatore between 22.06.13 and 23.06.13. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, participated in the Level 1 Basic Course Workshop on Medical Education Technologies conducted by Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute, Porur, Chennai (Regional centre for conducting faculty development workshops as recognized by the Medical Council of India), between 24.04.13 and 26.04.13. Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Asst.Prof., Dept of Pharmacology was an invited panelist at the networking event named “Economy of Medicine at CPHI” (Chinese Pharma Industry) Networking event between 25.06.13 and 26.06.13 at Shanghai, China. Dr. Yuti, Asst.Prof, Dept of DVL, attended a work shop on “Sexually Transmitted Infections” held at Indira Gandhi Govt. General Hospital, Pondicherry on 27.06.13. Dr. Eswaran S, Prof, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Prof, Dr. Vinodh Kumar J, Asst. Prof, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dept. of Psychiatry, attended TANPSYCON 2013, the 28th Annual Conference of the Tamilnadu State Branch of the Indian Psychiatry Society, organized at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. Prof. K A Narayan, Dr. Partha Nandi, Assoc Prof, Volume 7 Issue 2

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Dr. Shib Sekhar Datta, Dr. Abhijit Boratne, Dr. Yogesh Bahurupi, Dr. Prabhakaran M, Dr. Kanagarajan P and Dr. Vaidyanathan P, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Community Medicine, attended Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM), Puducherry State Chapter meet on 30.06.13 organized at Hotel Executive Inn, Pondicherry.

Dr. S Parthasarathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, released two books on Tamil literature: Sitharalai Sinthanaigal part 2 & 3 at Kumbakonam on 05.06.2013. The event was chaired by Prof. Muthurangan, Ex-Dean, MGMCRI and Dr. A L Meenakshisundaram received the first copy of the book release.


Prof .K. R Sethuraman , Vice chancellor, SBVU, is in the International Advisory Panel for next edition of “Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine” expected to be released in late 2014. Dr. Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Simulation Center, SBV University was a “Chief coordinator” in organizing a 2 day workshop on “Advanced Cardiac Life support”. The workshop took place at simulation center, SBV University. Prof. Srinivasan, Dept. of Pediatrics, has been invited to participate as a member of child health research subcommittee as a part of ICMR-INCLEN-CHNRI initiative. Prof K.Srikanth, Dept. of Ophthalmology, was instrumental in conducting a conference titled “Glaucoma” on behalf of Cuddalore I.M.A on 05.05.13. Prof. P.Soundararajan, Dept. of Pediatrics, successfully completed the University of Berkely`s online statistics course STAT 2.2X, May 2013. Dr. Srinivasan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Pediatrics, was invited to attend the graduation day function 2013, at JIPMER on 20.04.13, in the capacity of President, Jipmer Alumni Association and Member of Hospital Affairs Committee. Dr. Partha Nandi, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Community Medicine conducted ‘Annual Sports Day - 2013’ at MGMCRI on 29.03.13 and 30.03.13 and ‘College Day - 2013’ on 26.04.13 and 27.04.13, as Staff Advisor for the Student Council and Coordinator of the whole Program ‘The Talentia 2013’. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, and Dr. Gaurav Kulkarni, Postgraduate Resident, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a Psychiatry Quiz for MBBS students, at TANPSYCON 2013, the 28th annual conference of the Tamilnadu State Branch of the Indian Psychiatry Society, organized at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. Six teams from various medical colleges in Tamilnadu participated in this quiz. A panel discussion was conducted by the Department of Physiology with faculties from other reputed institutes for upgrading the infrastructure, teaching module, PG & UG curriculum and Theory & Practical examination pattern for PG and UG. Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Neurosurgery performs New surgical procedures namely “Occipito-cervical fusion” and “Neonatal Ventriculoperitoneal shunt”.

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From the desk of Urology Head, Prof.A.Mossadeq, MGMCRI.

A Short report on Annual Meeting of American Urological Association (AUA), Sandiago,California, U.S.A. held from 04.05.2013 to 08.05.2013 “It is indeed my proud privilege to work as faculty at MGMCRI where we are actively encouraged to exhibit the unique blend of academic administrative liberty with logistic support for innovative ideology. I take this opportunity to thank our Chancellor, Vice Chancellor & Administration for their whole hearted support to promote Clinical Research. At this point of time, I feel it would be more appropriate for me to share some salient features of 108th Annual Meet of AUA which I attended as member of AUA and as a delegate representing MGMCRI. The 108th Annual Meet of AUA was indeed a great global event with 16,000 attendees from 115 Nations featuring five days filled with more than 2000 presentations and 118 courses with few hundreds of Science and Technology exhibitors. Apart from routine participation of relevant sessions, I was fortunate to meet and interact with the AUA President Dr.Dennis A.Pessis of Illinois and AUA Secretary General Dr.Gopal Badlani of North Carolina regarding certain aspects of Tissue culture as applied to substitution Urethroplasty. As the fall out of this discussion, I mailed a note to Dr.Ryan Terlecky of Wake Forest University School of Medicine… ‘As member of AUA and Prof. of Urology from South India with passion towards Neuro Urology and Regenerative Medicine as applied to Urethroplasty, it would be my pleasure to correspond to you. I am exited to know about the work of Zhang and his team with regard to Urinary Stem Cell. Further I would like to know more about its current status in clinical application. As Prof of Urology from a teaching Institution, handling quite a SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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lot of patients with urethral stricture disease, I would be able to give positive feed back on this subject’. I got an encouraging reply from Dr.Ryan Terlecky which was communicated to the Director of CIDRF for further follow up. Dr.Ryan Terlecky in his email wrote, ‘Dr. Mossadeq the work with urinary stem cells is certainly intriguing and the presentation at the AUA

was well received. As far as clinical applications in the US, this still seems to be merely a window toward the future. There is a long regulatory process for any tissue and/or cell based therapies. However, I am using off-the-shelf matrix in urethral substitution. I’ve only treated a handful of patients, but there has been 100% ‘take’ of these materials. We plan to look at the results in a prospective fashion in an upcoming trial. Additionally, we continue to investigate immunologic modulators for existing strictures. Whenever I make it to India, it would be a pleasure to operate with you. I would encourage you to discuss participation in the Scholars Exchange Program. Many young Urologists from the US who are interested in reconstruction are considering participation in these valuable opportunities’. ‘Research involves - not merely seeing or what everybody else sees but perceiving and doing what nobody else has.” - The Journey has just begun..... the Search continues...” -Prof.A.Mossadeq

Scientific A nd Academic Forum A nnual SAF M ediquiz 2013

The Annual SAF Mediquiz, ‘The Medmasters’ was conducted on 09.04.13 (preliminary round) &11.04.13 (final round). The Quiz master of the day was Dr. Chetan Anand. The Quiz saw a very enthusiastic participation from the


undergraduates, CRRIs and the post-graduates who fought off for the newly Instituted ‘Medmasters’ rolling trophy. The Quiz was a high-tech affair with lots of audio-visual rounds, use of an electronic buzzer system and questions on a wide range of medical and non-medical questions. The Quiz was won by the team of CRRIs comprising of Dr. G.Abhishek, Dr. S.Arun Mithra and Dr. R.Arun Karthtik

G ener al B ody meeting

The election of office bearers for the Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI for the academic year 2013-14 was conducted on the 12.04.13. The election was conducted with Dr. Robinson Smile being the returning officer for the polls. The following members were selected as office bearers, President - Dr. Krishnan S, Professor and Head of the Dept. of Dermatology, Vice-President- Dr. Soundararajan P, Professor of Pediatrics, Secretary-Dr. Prasant Nayak, Associate Professor of Urology, Joint Secretary-Dr. Srikanth K, Professor of Ophthalmology, Treasurer- Dr. Senthi Toshi, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, Executive Members, Dr. Chandrasekar, Assoc. Prof of Orthopedics, Dr. Balachandar M, Asst. Prof of General Surgery and Dr. Sobana R, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Physiology respectively. During the session, SAF 2012-13 BEST PAPER award was given to Dr. Srinivasan, M Ch student of Urology.The Chronicle congratulates the newly elected team and wishes them a great tenure. Volume 7 Issue 2

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SAF guest lecture on “Changing Par adigms in COPD”

SAF guest lecture on “Syncope : P hysiological Tests and their C linical I mplications”

A guest lecture was conducted on 21.06.13 by Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI in collaboration with Department of Pulmonary Medicine to commemorate the “World No-Tobacco Day -2013”. Dr.Prasanna Kumar Thomas, Consultant Pulmonologist-Fortis Malar & Vijaya Hospitals delivered the lecture on “Changing Paradigms in COPD”. The lecture highlighted on the recent changes in the outlook of management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease- a deadly crippling disease in smokers with specific focus on the Smoking cessation Interventions. The mesmerizing lecture invited a lot of discussion from the audience and provided valuable insights into the newer interventions in COPD.

A guest lecture was conducted on 16.05.13 by Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI in collaboration with Dept. of Physiology. The speaker was Dr. E.S. Prakash, Assoc Prof, Dept. of Physiology, Mercer School of Medicine, USA. He gave an exhaustive and highly informative talk on the physiological concepts of baroreceptor mechanism, etiology, and diagnosis of syncope by Tilt table testing. It created a wave of awareness among the faculty members and PGs on the significance of tilt table test and how it would help in a long run in diagnosis and monitoring the prognosis of syncope.

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SAF - I nternal meetings

During the second quarterly of 2013, the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted two internal meeting. On 10.05.13, the first internal meeting commenced with a Mediquiz by Dr Chetan Anand, Asst.Prof., General Surgery. A capsule talk titled “Neurosurgery in MGMCRI – An Update” was presented by Dr Pratheesh Ravindran, Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery, MGMCRI. Dr Geetha Jana, Post Graduate, Department of Physiology presented a case series entitled, “Effects of the Indian Raga Bageshri on the body temperature of cancer patient on chemotherapy” which was followed by case report entitled, “A case of Cardiovocal syndrome” by Dr C Devi, Junior Resident, Department of cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, MGMCRI and another case series entitled “MINIPERC- Our Initial experience with Ureteroscopic PCNL” by Dr Deepak David, Post Graduate, Department of Urology MGMCRI. On 07.06.13 the second internal meeting commenced with a Mediquiz by Dr Prasant Nayak, Secretary of SAF. This was followed by a special talk entitled “Role of Plastic Surgery in Oncological Management” by Dr V Narayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Plastic Surgery. There was yet another capsule talk titled, “Some thought on Medical Ethics (The Traditional Outlook)” which was presented by Dr K Yoganarasimha, Prof and Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, MGMCRI. While highlighting that the ethical behavior as a matter of personal judgment and conscience, Dr K Yoganarasimha went in to the depth of the dilemma that the modern doctors are facing in the form of dependence on modern technology and in the name of sophisticated technology the hospitals and the nursing homes becoming the business houses. He talked about the issues which are ethical in character and import like euthanasia, iatrogenic diseases, Medicolegal responsibilities, pregnancy tests, artificial insemination, organ transplantation, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer technology etc,. He went on to explain that in the welter of all these confounding issues how the Indian traditional outlook dealt with the situation. He liberally quoted the ‘Enduring Values’ from Charaka, Sushrutha, Vagbhata, Yagnavalkya, Yogarathnakara and Mithakshara


the famous commentator of the law giver Manu. Then he went on to the ‘Ideals to be pursued’ quoting from the great Indian epic ‘Mahabharatha’. He ended his talk with a stern warning that Public increasingly distrusts us because we have become too condescending to listen, too mediocre to keep up and too greedy to truly care for the welfare of the patients. He also pleaded before it is too late, let us show our humility and renew the badge of service we have sworn to serve.

“World No -Tobacco Day -2013 - Poster C ompetition

The SAF, MGMCRI, collaborating with the Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine conducted a poster competition amongst undergraduates of MGMCRI, IGIDS, SSSMCRI & KGNC. The theme was centered on the anti-smoking campaign and saw enthusiastic participation from the UGs of the aforementioned colleges. The posters were judged on the presentation and the message. The judges were the VC of SBV, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, the Dean of MGMCRI, Dr. S. Krishnan and the Professor of Pulmonary Medicine, MGMCRI, Dr Pajanivel. The winners of the competition were 1st Prize : Ms. Rajeswari, IGIDS, 2nd Prize : Mr. Thirumalaivasan, SSSMCRI. Honorable Mentions: Ms. Sahana Shruti (MGMCRI), Mr. Nirumalan P (SSSMCRI) and Ms. Katherina Barman (IGIDS). The prizes were distributed by Dr. P. Thomas, eminent Pulmonary Physician from Chennai who delivered a talk on ‘Changing Paradigms on COPD’.

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Innovations Teaching - L earning

Skill lab

Professor Moses Dass, a senior emergency surgeon from Tampa, Florida, visited MGMCRI for a week from 12.05.2013 to 18.05.2013 to conduct Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course. He is a fully trained instructor for ACLS at AIMST University, Malaysia where he works as a Visiting Professor of Surgery. Professor Moses Dass visited the skill lab and organized ACLS introductory course for the registered PG students. He also conducted training session for the nursing staff on basic life support. He was impressed with the commitment of the staff and students of MGMCRI and KGNC. the coordinator of the workshop. Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology), Dr. Jagan Mohan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology), Dr. Amritha Ganesh & Dr. Arun Kumar (Assistant Professors, Dept. of Cardiology) delivered talks on “Airway management tools in ACLS”, “Antiarrhythmics in ACLS”, “ Identifying arrhythmias in ACLS” & “Myocardial ischaemia-pathophysiology & management” respectively. The postgraduates from Surgery, Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopedics, Anaesthesiology, Chest Medicine attended the workshop.

“A dvanced C ardiac L ife Support (ACLS)” tr aining workshop :

Department of Anaesthesiology & Simulation Center, MGMCRI organized a workshop on Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) under guidance of Prof. Ravishankar, Chief Coordinator & Head of Simulation Center, MGMCRI between 13.05.2013 and 14.05.201. Dr. Moses Dass, Senior Emergency Surgeon, USA was invited as an external expert to guide the workshop activities. Dr. V R.Hemanth Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology was

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Dr. Moses Dass delivered a talk on ‘Outline on abdominal & thoracic trauma management” on 15.05.2013. The postgraduates from Surgery, Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopedics, Anaesthesiology, Chest Medicine were the beneficiaries from the workshop.

Nursing Education Programme for Nurses, Staff and Faculty of Rajiv Gandhi Government Women and Children Hospital. The students and staff members from many Nursing Colleges in and around Pondicherry and Nurses attended and were benefitted. There was also a demonstration of various practices given during the CNE. Demonstration was given by Ms. Sangeetha, the Yoga Instructor of the Yoga Therapy Unit.

“Basic L ife Support ” hands on tr aining workshop for D ental Faculty & Students :

Department of Anaesthesiology & Simulation Center, MGMCRI organized hands on training workshop on “Basic Life Support” on 16.05.2013. Dr. Moses Dass, Senior Emergency Surgeon, USA was invited as an external expert to guide the workshop activities. Dr. C. Usha, Principal, IGIDS gave a welcome address at the workshop. Dr. V R Hemanth Kumar (Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology), Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology), Dr. C. Ramesh, HOD of OMFS, IGIDS were resource persons for the workshop.

Center for Yoga Therapy Education & R eserarch

Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, the Hon Advisor of the Yoga Therapy Unit, MGMCRI, presented the abstract of the study conducted in the unit in the 7th International Conference, “Yoga for the Youth classical and contemporary perspectives” at Kaivalyadham, Lonavla , the premier institute of Yoga, from 27.12.2012 to 30.12.2012. A talk was given by Meena Ramanathan, the Coordinator/Yoga Therapist ,CYTER- Center for Yoga Therapy Education & Reserarch, MGMCRI, on the topic,” Stress Destructs; Yoga Constructs”, at Rajiv Gandhi Government Women And Children Hospital, Ellapillaichavadi, Pondicherry on 19.05.2013 as a part of CNE- Continuous


Statistics : During the first half of the year 2013 the Yoga Therapy Unit had a total number of 483 patients as beneficiaries (130 Male patients and 353 female patients).

A C ase report

Differential Effects of Uninostril and Alternate Nostril Pranayamas on Cardiovascular Parameters and Reaction Time - Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani1, Meena Ramanathan, R Balaji, D Pushpa, CYTER, MGMCRI. Background : Recent studies have reported the differential physiological and psychological effects of yogic uninostril (UNB) and alternate nostril breathing (ANB) techniques. The present study aims is to determine differential effects of these techniques on reaction time (RT), heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP). Materials and methods : Twenty yoga trained subjects came to the lab on six different days and RT, HR and BP were recorded randomly before and after 9 rounds of right UNB (surya nadi-SN), left UNB (chandra nadi-CN), right initiated ANB (surya bhedana-SB), left initiated ANB (chandra bhedana-CB), nadi shuddhi (NS) and normal breathing (NB). Results : Overall comparison of ∆ % changes showed statistically significant differences between groups for all parameters. There was an overall reduction in HR and BP based parameters following CB, CN and NS with concurrent increases following SB and SN. The differential effects of right nostril initiated (SB and SN) and left nostril initiated (CB, CN, NS) UNB and ANB techniques were clearly evidenced. Changes following NB were insignificant in all respects. The overall comparison of ∆ % changes for RT showed statistically

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significant differences between groups that were significantly lowered following both SB and SN. Discussion and conclusion: Our study provides evidence of sympathomimetic effects of right nostril initiated pranayamas with sympatholytic/ parasympathetomimetic effect following left nostril initiated pranayamas. We suggest that the main effect of UNB and ANB techniques is determined by the nostril used for inspiration rather than that used for expiration. We conclude that right and left yogic UNB and ANB techniques have differential physiological effects that are in tune with the traditional swara yoga concept that air flow through right nostril (surya nadi and pingala swara) is activatory in nature while the flow through left nostril (chandra nadi and ida swara) is relaxatory. Keywords: pranayama, blood pressure, heart rate, reaction time

Music Medicine Unit I ndian Music Ther apy R ag H amsadvani R elieves Fatigue A nd E levates The Mood Of L isteners

A case study from the Music Medicine Unit, MGMC&RI Mr. S, a 46-year-old, married male with persistent fatigue, muscle pain, and insomnia was referred to the Music Medicine Unit. To identify the cause of his fatigue, routine blood test along with thyroid, liver, and renal functions were performed. However, nothing abnormal was detected. Additional laboratory evaluations were also carried out to rule out systemic infections. The fatigue persisted for about 6 months, could not be relieved by rest and a concrete medical diagnosis could not be arrived at. Because he had only 2 accompanying symptoms (sleep dysfunction and musculoskeletal pain), he did not meet all of the criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and his fatigue was diagnosed as Idiopathic Fatigue Syndrome (ICF). The Piper Fatigue Scale (PFS)1 was used to assess the severity of his fatigue. The PFS is composed of 22 numerically scaled, “0” to “10” items that measure four dimensions of subjective fatigue: behavioral/severity (6 items); affective meaning (5 items); sensory (5 items); and cognitive/mood (6 items). These 22 items are used to calculate the four sub-scale/ dimensional scores and the total fatigue scores. The severity codes range from “0” or “none”, 1-3 (mild), 4-6 (moderate) to a score of 7-10, which is designated as severe in intensity. Rag Hamsadvani was administered through head phones for 40 min, everyday in the morning at 10 am, for a duration of 1 month. To facilitate continuous listening, he was given the music CD to listen at home, whenever he was unable to come to the MMU for listening to the music. After 1 month of continuous listening, his fatigue score came down from 7 (severe) to 4 (moderate). There were also considerable changes in his lifestyle. Before the therapy he stated, “I never feel refreshed after waking up in the morning”, ‘I am not able to Volume 7 Issue 2

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remember things properly”, “In the daytime, I am constantly feeling the desire to sleep”. After 4 weeks of listening to Rag Hamsadvani, he no longer complained of severe fatigue, and his family noticed that he was much more lively and energetic than before. About Rag Hamsadvani Rag Hamsadvani radiates positive energy imbibed with vitality, enthusiasm and optimism. Sri Muthuswamy Dikshitar, one of the trinities of South Indian Carnatic music, has composed a kriti in Hamsadvani, ‘Vatapi ganapathim’, which is played at the beginning of musical concerts to enliven the audience. In this composition, he glorifies Lord Ganesha as destroying all sadness/obstacles. It is interesting to note that most of the compositions in Hamsadvani by various composers is based on an invocation to Lord Ganesha, who is the Lord responsible for clearing all obstacles and hindrances, and is therefore invoked for auspiciousness at the beginning of any event. The nature of emotion evoked on listening to Rag Hamsadvani- joy, happiness, enthusiasm. Hamsadhvani literally means ‘Sound of Swans’. It has a pentatonic scale, which is a derived scale, as it does not have all the seven musical notes. Hamsadhvani does not contain Ma (madhyamam) or Dha (dhaivatam). ārohana or ascent: S R2 G3 P N3 S avarohana or descent: S N3 P G3 R2 S This rag instills joy and happiness in the mind of listeners. Other factors responsible for relief from fatigue 1) Certain elements within the music, such as a change of melodic line or rhythm, that create expectations about the future development of the music. The expectation the listener has about the further course of musical events is a determinant for the experience of `musical emotions. Music arouses expectations, which may or not be directly and immediately satisfied. The greater the build-up of suspense of tension, the greater the emotional release upon resolution2. The primary dimension on which emotion is experienced is in terms of a build-up of tension and release of tension, both within the music and in the listener. The more elaborate the build-up of tension to a certain climax, the more intense emotions will be experienced. When resolution follows, relaxation follows. 2) A `naive’ listener without much music theoretical knowledge has a predominant affective response towards music whereas a trained listener reacts mostly cognitively while listening to music3 . 3) Both Berlyne 4, Mandler5 see arousal as an important factor in emotional experiences while listening to music. A typical example of physical experiences reported when listening to music is the experience of thrills. Goldstein6 illustrated that thrills were experienced by 96% of the subjects.


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Such a thrill can be experienced, when Hamsadvani is played, accompanied by a fast rhythm. This may be responsible for the mood elevation induced on listening to this rag. To conclude, Rag Hamsadvani may have a potential positive effect on ICF, and it can be used as an alternative treatment of choice for patients with ICF. Well-designed clinical trials including randomized controlled trials with large number of participants are necessary to assess the exact mechanisms involved. Other benefits of listening to Rag Hamsadvani Mr. Y was referred to the Music Medicine Unit with the complaints of extreme anxiety, palpitations and dyspnea, after her son met with a brain injury in a road traffic accident. She was found to have a normal ECG, and her lung function tests did not reveal any abnormality. She was diagnosed as suffering from anxiety due to her son’s poor prognosis. She was administered Rag Hamsadvani at a speed of 42/ mt (the speed of the patient’s breath rate) for a duration of 15 mts, followed by the same Rag at a speed of 12/mt. Her breath rate gradually subsided to a count of 16/mt. The role of Entrainment in Music Therapy: Entrainment is one thing time locking into another7. In the 1700’s German scientists, working with grandfather clocks in their workspace, left one night after setting the clocks, noticing all the clock’s pendulums were swinging randomly. The next morning they found that all of the pendulums were swinging together, again, one thing time locking into another. Entrainment is a natural phenomenon of physics. With this idea of entrainment, the music therapist matches, for example, the music’s tempo to the patient’s breath rate (heart rate or mood can also be considered). Entrainment is complete when the music therapist can affect change in the patient’s physiology through musical variation. Example: If a painful patient is anxious and breathing rapidly, the music therapist will play (live) music at the speed (tempo) that matches the patient’s rapid breath rate. When it is noticed that the patient is focused on the music, the music therapist will gradually begin to slow the music down, thereby effectively slowing the patient’s breath rate at the same time. This completes the entrainment process. Entrainment is also very effective for pain management. In an entrainment study Rider used different types of music and imagery to reduce pain and effect muscle relaxation. The entrainment music, which was one of five conditions in which the prevalent mood shifted from tension to relaxation, was significantly the most effective condition in reducing pain and EMG levels. One key to music’s welldocumented positive effects on pain management and entrainment is preferred music. Through assessment, the music therapist will help the patient (or family) identify music that will elicit positive, euphoric or sedative responses.


Or very simply, what music does the patient have the most positive associations? When we can identify music that elicits feelings and emotions of past positive experiences, the patient can use these conditioned responses to override feelings of anxiety and pain. Because of its pentatonic structure and non-complicated ascent and descent, this rag can be ideally used for entrainment purposes. References 1. Piper BF, Dibble SL, Dodd MJ, Weiss MC, Slaughter RE, Paul SM. (1998 ). The revised Piper Fatigue Scale: psychometric evaluation in women with breast cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum ;25(4): 677-84. 2. Meyer, Leonard B. (1956). Emotion and meaning in music. Chicago: Chicago Press. 3. Jansma, Mireille & Vries, Bart de (1995). Muziek en emotie (pp. 204-222). In: Evers, Jansma, Mak, De Vries (Eds). Muziekpsychologie. Assen: Van Gorcum. 4. Berlyne, Daniel Ellis (1971). Aesthetics and psychobiology. New York: Appleton Century-Crofts. 5. Mandler, George (1984). Mind and body: Psychology of emotions and stress. New York: Norton. 6. Goldstein, Avram (1980). Thrills in response to music and other stimuli. Physiological Psychology, 8, 1, 126-129. 7. Rider, M.S., Floyd, J.W., & Kirkpatric, J. (1985). The effect of music, imagery, and relaxation on corticosteroids and the re- entrainment of circadian rhythms. Journal of Music Therapy, 22(1), 46-58.

Statistics : During the first half of 2013, the Music Medicine Unit, MGMCRI, recorded a total of 78 male and 78 female patients for the music therapy. The patient gave genuine comments like, ‘I feel really better after hearing music, it works well’ and ‘This music totally relaxed me’, which keeps the unit going high and happy at serving the needy patients.

Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI.

“M icroteaching”

“The Medical Education Unit (MEU) conducted a workshop on “Microteaching” for the Assistant Professors of MGMCRI. on 4th, 6th &10th June 2013. The principal aim of this session was to allow the participants to go through a microteaching session so that the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure is learnt by experience. The objectives of the program was to make the participants to:

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Identify the principles underlying microteaching, Enumerate its steps, Apply microteaching technique for improving one or more teaching skills and Motivate their colleagues to use microteaching. “Microteaching” was conducted in two phase i.e. introduction followed by workshop. The introduction was on 04.06.2013. The resource person for the introduction was Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG studies and research, SBVU. 60 Assistant professors who attended the introduction class were divided into small groups of 6 members. Workshop was conducted for 46 of them on 06.06.2013 and 10.06.2013 in seminar halls of different departments in college and hospital block. The resource persons for these two days were Prof.K.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor; Prof.K.A.Narayan, Dept. of Community Medicine; Prof.K.Yoganarasimha, Dept. of FMT; Prof.M.MadanMohan, Dept. of Physiology; Prof.SeeteshGhose, Dept. of O&G; Prof.A.R.Srinivasan & Prof.R.Ramesh, Dept.of Biochemistry; Prof.B.Sivaprakash. Dept. of Psychiatry; Prof.Thiru Aroul, Dept.of Surgery and Dr.Partha Nandi, Assoc.Prof Dept.of Com.Med. 18 interns participated as students’ observer and gave their valuable opinion. Evaluation was done through feedback form Peer / Peer student observer. At the end of the program everybody felt that the program was very helpful and they requested for re-teaching session. The constructive remarks from the students were well appreciated by the concerned faculty.

Work shop for Final year Post Gr aduates on “Dissertation- actual write up ”

dissertation, to realize, what goes into the aims, objectives, subject and methods, results, observations, discussion, conclusion, abstracts and bibliography, to familiarise the software of statistics, to manage references using software, To format their own write up and to make them aware about the plagiarism. The objectives were translated into practice by the use of didactic short presentation, group task by the students, presentation by the students and plenary sessions, The program was held over a period of 2 ½ days in five sessions. Besides short and interesting power point presentations, faculty member of MEU helped the students to understand different difficult aspect of the statistics, reference management and formatting using Microsoft word. Evaluation of the program was by using questionnaire. The questionnaire involved the subjective assessment of the quality of the program, the usefulness of the subject, facilitatory factors, hindering factors and general comment. Feedback on each session was collected on daily basis and feedback on whole program was collected at the end. In all the post graduate students felt the workshop indeed helped them to get a neat and a finer picture about how to write their dissertation.

Patient care

I nsur ance /C laim Department

In the month of June, a team of members from

Medical Education Unit (MEU) of MGMCRI, conducted a Work shop for Final year Post Graduates on “Dissertationactual write up” was held from 16.05.2013(Thursday) to 18.05.2013 (Saturday) at Second floor, lecture hall, college block, MGMCRI The programme was meant for final year post graduate students of all disciplines, due to appear for their final examination on April-2014. Out of 60 post graduates 58 attended the workshop. The main aim of the workshop was to fine tune the dissertations write up of the final year post graduate. The objectives of the program was structured in a way to enable the students: to differentiate between protocol and dissertation, to familiarise the different contents of the Volume 7 Issue 2

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TNHSP (Tamil Nadu Health System Project) inspected the hospital regarding the TNCMHIS, and was satisfied by the infrastructure and treatment given to the patients. The team gave a good feedback about the hospital and health care rendered to the patient. Under TNCMHIS scheme more than 1500 patients were benefited. The Department is very happy to inform that MGMCRI hospital is now been empanelled with TNHSP- diagnostic procedures wherein 20 patients utilized the service. In TNCMCHIS, more than 100 dialysis were successfully done and nearly 25 patients were benefitted through this scheme.

A R are Case R eport :

Department of Orthopedics

Use of Fibular strut graft along with retrograde intramedullary nailing in Supracondylar Fracture of the Femur Prof. R Nandakumar, Dr M Chandrasekaran, Dr Vineet Thomas Abraham, Dr Sandeep MMR - Dept. of Orthopedics A 32 year old male presented to the casualty with pain and swelling of the R thigh and (R) leg following a history of a Road traffic accident 2 wheeler vs 4 wheeler. On examination the patient had swelling, a lacerated wound through which the bone was protruding out and tenderness in the lower third (R) thigh. He also had swelling and tenderness in the middle and lower third R leg. X- ray showed us that he had an open Supracondylar fracture of the femur and a Ipsilateral segmental (broken in 2 places) fracture of the tibia.

The problems we faced were: open fracture of the femur which was broken in multiple places with a large defect. The tibia was also broken in two places. Since the patient had a wound the first concern was that the wound should heal. So we planned a staged procedure.In the first stage: wound debridement was done and External fixator was applied for the femur and tibia. After 10 days, once the wounds had healed and there was no sign of infection the External


fixators were removed. The major issue to be addressed was 8cm of shortening of the limb because of bone loss. There have been different techniques described to manage the bone loss acutely or in stages. We did a retrograde intramedullary nail fixation of the fracture femur and to manage the 8 cm bone loss, we harvested fibula from the left side and split the graft and placed 5 cm of graft on either side of the nail to bridge the defect due to bone loss. Cortico-cancellous bone graft was harvested from the same side iliac crest and was packed into the fracture site to aid in union. Intramedullary interlocking nailing for the tibia was also done. Post operatively patient only had 3 cm shortening. Now at 6 months post surgery both the fractures in the femur and tibia have united well. Patient is now walking with a heel raise and is able to carry out his work as an OT technician. Supracondylar fractures of the femur with bone defects are a challenge to treat. Especially when the fracture is associated with large bone defects many different options of treatment have been described. In our technique we used fibular grafts along with cortico-cancellous graft to manage the bone defect and achieved good bony union. In literature either the fibular graft has been used in established non unions or it has been used along with Ilizarov fixator or sometimes even locking compression plate.We report this case as there have been no reported cases of fibular grafting along with a retrograde intramedullary nail in open fractures of the femur to manage bone defects as a primary mode of treatment. The patient achieved good bony union and was able to get back to his daily activities.

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Faculty Achievements And Awards Fellowship


Prof. Robinson Smile, Head, Dept. of General Surgery was awarded ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ by Indian Medical Association, Pondicherry Branch.

Dr. Sunita Samal and Dr P Pallavee, Associate Professors , Dept. of OBGY were awarded Fellowship in “Day Care Gynaecological Endoscopy” in May 2013 at Akola Endoscopic Centre .

The Dawn Of New Chapters L eadership Tr ansitions Dr.Krishnan.S, Professor, Department of Dermatology has been appointed as Dean-Administration. Dr.S.Krishnan, did his undergraduate from Madurai Medical College (1971-1977), then diploma & MD in Dermatology from Madras Medical College during the year 1978-80 & 1981-83 respectively. He worked as Professor in Dermatology in Tirunelveli Medical College & Madurai Medical College & retired as dean in Thuthukudi Medical College. He joined MGMCRI on 01.04.2012 in Dept. DVL, as Professor & HOD and now has been promoted as Dean administration since June 2013. He was an inspector for University affiliation in Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University and also MCI-Inspector for DVL Course. He has a passion for Carnatic Music & is a carnatic music percutionist. He is an approved All India Radio artist. He has many publications in national journals. He has given many speeches & orations in both State & National Conferences. Dr.Narayan.K.A Professor & HOD Community Medicine has been appointed as Vice Principal. Dr. K A Narayan joined the Department of Community Medicine at MGMC & RI as Professor and Head on 15.04.2013. He has also been appointed as Vice-Principal since June 2013. He did his MBBS and DPH, MD from JIPMER. Later he served as Professor and Head of Dept. of Community Medicine at JIPMER and was deeply involved in strengthening Medical Education Unit, MIS network and Telemedicine Unit there. Before joining here, he served as Professor of Community Medicine, Director (Medical Education) and as Deputy Dean (Academic) at AIMST University, Malaysia . Prof. Jaya Singh. K appointed as Prof & HOD, General Medicine, on 05.06.2013 Dr.K.Jayasingh , Head , Dept. of Medicine , graduated from Govt. Chingleput Medical College , Tamilnadu, and studied M.D. at Govt. Stanley Medical College, Chennai , Tamilnadu . Before joining at MGMCRI on 05.06.2013 he served for about 24 years in the Tamilnadu Medical Services in various taluk, district and Medical College hospitals and gained wide knowledge in the patient care as well as teaching experience. He is keenly interested in Research and has published papers in national journals. His fields of interest are Diabetes and Obesity. Presently along with the enthusiastic team of General Medicine faculty, he is striving hard to achieve the goal of making the department to be best in the region of Puducherry. Dr.Krishnagopal has been promoted as Professor & HOD of Orthopaedics w.e.f.04.04.2013 He did hid MBBS at JJM Medical College in 1996 and MS(Orthopaedics) at SRMCRI, Chennai. He joined MGMCRI in Sept. 2002 and did Fellowship in Sports Medicine and Orthoscopy at SMRCRI and at Netherlands in 2003. He was awarded FRCS (Glasgow) in 2012.

Prof.Arunchandra Singh has been promoted as Professor & HOD of Anatomy w.e.f.10.06.2013. He joined MGMCRI on April, 2006 as Professor, Dept of Anatomy and has several publication to his credit.

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Prof.Easwaran- has been promoted as Professor & HOD of Psychiatry w.e.f.10.06.2013 Dr.S.Eswaran , did MBBS & MD from Grant Medical College, Bombay University and DPM from the college of Physicians & Surgeons, Bombay. He joined MGMCRI in Jan 2012, promoted as Professor & later as Head of the department. He has about 35yrs of clinical experience in the subject as private practitioner & teacher. His main interest lies in the applications of computers in Psychiatry & Psychotherapy. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Prof.Srikanth.S- has been promoted as Professor & HOD of Dermatology Dr S. Srikanth Professor did his undergraduate in1993 & Post graduate MD DVL in1998 at JIPMER He worked as a senior resident in the Department of DVL, JIPMER from 1998-2001. He joined MGMC&RI in August 2001 as Assistant professor & promoted to Associate Professor& Professor in August 2006 & 2010 respectively. He is been promoted as Professor& Head of Department, DVL since June 2013. He has to his credit 9 publication at National and International levels.

A ppointments:

Name Designation Department Date of Joining Dr. Vasavi Kolluru Asst Prof Ob & Gy 01.04.2013 Dr. Satvinder Singh Bakshi Asst Prof ENT 05.04.2013 Dr. Mary M Sr. Resident Ob & Gy 08.04.2013 Dr. Swathi N Asst Prof Ophthalmology 10.04.2013 Dr. Nirmal Bharathi S CMO Casualty 17.04.2013 Dr. Anandraj S Asso Prof Ob & Gy 26.04.2013 Dr. Yuti Chinmay Nakhwa Asst Prof DVL 30.04.2013 Dr. Sankar V Asst Prof Paediatrics 30.04.2013 Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane Asst Prof Pathology 02.05.2013 Dr. Vaithiyanathan Asst Prof Com.Medicine 02.05.2013 Dr. Sujeeth G Asst Prof Ob & Gy 02.05.2013 Dr. Deepak Narayanan.S Asst Prof Emergency Medicine 02.05.2013 Dr. Nithyaraj.R Asst Prof Emergency Medicine 02.05.2013 Dr. Karunakaran Deepan Asst Prof Emergency Medicine 02.05.2013 Dr. Vijisha Phalgunan Asst Prof Anatomy 06.05.2013 Dr. Ajit Kumar Asst Prof Radiology 06.05.2013 Dr. Antony Jean Asst Prof Radiology 06.05.2013 Dr.Meera.K Asst Prof Anatomy 08.05.2013 Dr.Seetha Raman.N Professor Com. Medicine 08.05.2013 Dr.Selvam.E Sr. Resident Anaesthesiology 09.05.2013 Dr.Mathiventhan.M Asst Prof Gen. Medicine 15.05.2013 Dr.Aruloli.M Asst Prof Anaesthesiology 16.05.2013 Dr.Sumathi.J Sr. Resident CTVS 16.05.2013 Dr.Arun.T Asst Prof Gen. Surgery 17.05.2013 Dr.Ramanathan.M Professor Gen. Surgery 20.05.2013 Dr.Thirilogasundary Asst Prof Anaesthesiology 27.05.2013 Dr.Anand Monickam Medical officer I/C Anaesthesiology 27.05.2013 Dr.Karthik.M.M C M O Casualty 27.05.2013 Dr. Jaya.V Asst Prof Anaesthesiology 03.06.2013 Dr.Johan Pandian Asst Prof Pharmacology 03.06.2013 Dr.Vijaya Sundaram Asst Prof ENT 03.06.2013 Dr.Rupal Samal Asst Prof Ob & Gy 03.06.2013 Dr.Joseph Philipraj Professor Urology 04.06.2013 Dr.Chandra Philip.X Asso Prof Anatomy 04.06.2013 Dr.Sanjeev Kumar Gupta Asst Prof Community medicine 05.06.2013 Dr.Yamini Sundara Priya Professor General Medicine 08.06.2013 Dr.Abu Backer.S Sr. Resident Psychiatry 10.06.2013 Dr.Maheswari.N.G Sr. Resident Ob & Gy 12.06.2013 Dr.Vijay Anand Asst Prof Anaesthesiology 12.06.2013 Dr.Senthil Kumar.S Asst Prof Gen.Medicine 12.06.2013 Dr.Gopal.M Asst Prof CTVS 12.06.2013 Dr.Prabavathy.G Asst Prof Anatomy 13.06.2013 Dr.Dhiyanesh.K Asst Prof Orthopaedics 13.06.2013


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Dr.Vinodh Kumar Dr.Balaji Chinnasamy Dr.Preethi RA Dr.Aishwarya Jagan Dr.Arun Kumar.R

Asst Prof Sr. Resident Asst Prof Asst Prof Sr. Resident

Psychiatry General Medicine Ob & Gy Ob & Gy General Medicine

17.06.2013 19.06.2013 26.06.2013 26.06.2013 26.06.2013

Dr. N. Seetharaman joined the Department of Community Medicine at MGMC & RI as Professor on 08.05.2013. He did his MBBS from SRMC & RI, Chennai and MD in Community Medicine from PSG IMS&R, Coimbatore. His interest areas include Spatial Epidemiology, Research Methodology and Medical Education.

Promotions During The Second Quarter Of 2013 Dr.Somasundaram.G joined as Associate Professor in the dept of Pharmacology at MGMCRI on 08.03.2010 and has been promoted as Professor from 01.04.2013. He did his MBBS at Annamalai University and MD from SRMC & RI, Chennai He has to his credit 13 publications . Dr.Lopamudra-Assistant Professor Ob & Gy has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr.Jayaraman.G-Assistant Professor, Radiology has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr.Mugunthan.N-Assistant Professor, Anatomy has been promoted as Associate Professor. Dr. Pratheesh Ravindran- Assistant Professor Neuro Surgery has been promoted as Associate Professor.

Additional Responsibility

Prof.P. Karthikeyan, HOD Department of ENT, took over charge as Chief Warden with effect from 12.06.13.

We congr atulate all the members on their appointments and promotions .

Out Reach Services Department of Orthopaedics

Free osteoporosis detection Camp was conducted on 23.04.2013 at Orthopaedics OPD. 150 people attended the Camp, Out of which 83 were diagnosed osteopenic and 3 people were diagnosed to be osteoporotic.

Transgender Camp

Prof .S.Krishnan H.O.D (DVL) along with all Post graduates attended a Transgender Camp at Kothattai near Chidambaram on 22.05.2013. An awareness pamphlets were also issued regarding the Health and the Health care facilities available in our hospilal.

Department of Ophthalmology

Department of Ophthalmology conducted 4 camps from April to June 2013 in accordance with D.B.C.S. On 07.04.2013 in Panruti 155 patients were screened and 5 patients were operated for cataract surgery. On 24.04.2013 in Mutloor 125 patients were screened and 6 patients were operated for cataract surgery. On 14.05.2013 in Chidambaram 127 patients were screened and 4 patients were operated for cataract surgery. On 02.06.2013 in Vadalur 155 patients were screened and 12 patients were operated for cataract surgery. Volume 7 Issue 2

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Blood Donation Day

Dept of Healthcare services and Pathology organized a public awareness program at the MRD complex on Blood donation in view of World Blood Donors day on 14.06.2013.

for voluntary blood donation, eligibility criteria for blood donation, risks caused by getting blood from professional donors, pretransfusion tests and uses of blood components .In his speech, Dean, Prof. Krishnan appealed to public to come forward and voluntarily donate blood. Prof Dhananjay S Kotasthane, HOD, Pathology enlightened the gathering about the history of celebration of 14th June, every year as World blood donor day. “Give the gift of life: donate blood”, was the slogan for this year’s campaign.14th June 2013 was also the 10th anniversary of World Blood Donor Day. Following the program, members of public donated blood in blood bank of MGMCRI.

A visit to Sri Sarada A shram

The program was chaired by Dean, Prof. Krishnan, Prof Dhananjay S Kotasthane, HOD, Dept of Pathology and Prof Srikanth S, HOD, Dept of Dermatology graced the occasion. Faculties and PG students of Pathology and Dermatology were present on the occasion. Dr Jeevaraj, PG student, dept of Pathology delivered a speech on “Awareness about Blood Donation”. He highlighted importance and need Sri Sarada Ashram, Trichy, Trunk Road, New Edaikkal, Ulundurpet, VillupuramDistt., Chennai, Tamilnadu has been working on a broader platform of Rural Development, Watershed Development, Women Development, Improving methods of agriculture, Education & Health etc. The 160acre land site was a parched and dreary land with no grass or tree. Swami AnantanandaMaharaj and Mata Yatheeswari RamakrishnapriyaAmba, the moving spirits of the Ashram, developed it into a verdant area. 45 Sisters assist them. The sisters are highly qualified engineers, bankers, teachers etc. The ashram has taken initiative in forming 300 SHGs in 100 villages with 6,000 women members, have empowered women to be economically independent and runs a residential school and arts college. The impressive college building was designed and built by the sisters at a fraction of market value. The Ashram runs camps in the 150 village surrounding it. A full fledged health centre has been set up in the ashram premises. A telemedicine link has been established with the Arvind Eye Hospital to provide ophthalmic services. The Ashram has played a key role in initiating and promoting organic farming in the district. Demonstration projects for composting, vermin-culture and azolla cultivation have been set up. The highlight is a museum which shows the agricultural practices. A seed bank to preserve samples of traditional varieties of rice grown in Tamil Nadu has been set up. The ashram has organized relief materials to The Ashram such as


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programs, corporate camps, promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups etc..

Free Medical Camps

From the month of April to June, 2013 the Department of Marketing [Health care services] conducted 40 medical camps in and around Puducherry and Cuddalore district.

cooking utensils, plates, beds, blankets and clothes stacked and kept ready in a room. At the shortest notice, they can be rushed to the areas of distress. The ashram is on a constant alert to respond to emergencies -both man made and natural - in the quickest possible time. The ashram is situated in an area of water scarcity. It has help renovate several tanks in the area and built recharge wells which replenish the ground water. This has solved the chronic water scarcity to a great extent. Senior citizens home for women: The Ashram has a centre for senior citizens. Those who do not have any support are able to live in dignity and comfort in the ashram. Vice Chancellor of Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, who has a long association with the Ashram, Prof. Ravichandran, DDHS and Prof. K.A Narayan, Vice Principal and Head of Community Medicine, visited the ashram on 24.06.2013. They were given a tour of the facilities and an overview of the activities. They paid their respects to MataYatheeswari PriyaAmba, the head of the Ashram and discussed with the sisters on ways of collaboration between the ashram and the University for services and training. The visit was an eye opener on how genuine service and dedication can make changes to a society.

The Department of M arketing [Health Care Services]

The department of Marketing [Health care services] of MGMC&RI focuses only on patient services. The team led by Dr.S.Ravichandran Deputy Director – Hospital services had conducted several free health camps, Health awareness Volume 7 Issue 2

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On 07.04.2013 & 21.04.2013, free health check up camp was organized in collaboration with Nalamudan Puduvai and Nalamudan Cuddalore, where 435 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 131 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for Master Health Check Up. On 07.04.2013 & 28.04.2013, free health mega camp was organized at social organization, Thirumavoor & Thirukovilur, where 500 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 121 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

On 08.04.2013 & 23.04.2013, free medical camp was organized at Equitars, Kattumannarkovil, where 243 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 116 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 12.04.2013, a free corporate health camp was organized at EID parry, Ariyur, where 190 employees were the beneficiaries out of whom 47 employees were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.


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On 18.04.2013 & 27.04.2013, free medical camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Kumaratchi & B.Mutlur where 780 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 207 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

On 19.04.2013 & 26.04.2013 medical camp was organized at SARANA trust, Pondicherry, where 100 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 36 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 19.04.2013 & 26.04.2013 medical camp was companied with LHCRRD & CM Scheme section, Mettupalayam & Parangipettai, where 340 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 123 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.


On 25.04.2013 & 28.04.2013, free health screening camp was organized at, SOS & St.Josheph school, where 200 children’s were the beneficiaries out of whom 150 children’s were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 05.05.2013, free health mega camp was organized

at Vivasaigal Sangam, Panruti, where 510 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 96 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 09.05.2013 & 30.05.2013, free health check up camp was organized at Sai Baba Kovil, where 300 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 100 patient s were referred to MGMC & RI for Master Health Check Up.

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On 12.05.2013, 19.05.2013 & 26.05.2013, free health check up camp was organized Nalamudan Puduvai and Nalamudan Cuddalore, where 426 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 137 patient s were referred to MGMC & RI for Master Health Check Up. On 14.05.2013, free medical camp was organized at Equitars, Kollidam, where 186 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 36 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 20.05.2013 & 22.05.2013 medical camp was companied with LHCRRD & SCOD – Pachan for TG, Mettupalayam & Cuddalore, where 148 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 37 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 20.05.2013 & 22.05.2013 medical camp was companied with LHCRRD & PHC, Mettupalayam & Paramgipettai, where 196 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 40 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.\ On 28.05.2013 & 31.05.2013, free medical camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Ulunthurpettai & Chidambaram where 960 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 142 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 28.05.2013 & 26.04.2013 medical camp was Companied with Airtel Employee’s, Cuddalore where 135 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 39 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 02.06.2013, 09.06.2013 & 23.06.2013, free health check up camp was organized Nalamudan Puduvai and Nalamudan Cuddalore, where 563 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 115 patient s were referred to MGMC & RI for Master Health Check Up. On 28.06.2013 & 29.06.2013, free medical camp was organized at Gramavidiyal, Nellikuppam & Puvanagiri where 1160 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 176 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment. On 30.06.2013, free health mega camp was organized at Islamic Association, Nellikuppam, where 334 patients were the beneficiaries out of whom 75 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation & treatment.

The Department of Community Medicine

Mr. Rangaswamy and handed over a policy about ‘banning tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship’ for further action.

A health education programme was organized at Aranganur anganwadi, in the field practice area of RHTC, Seliamedu on 20.05.2013. The programme was led by Dr. Kanagarajan P (Assistant Professor) and also attended by Prof. A K Narayan (Prof. and Head), Dr. Surendar Rangaswamy (Postgraduate) from Department of Community Medicine. Health education programme was organized at Aranganur Pet anganwadi, in the field practice area of RHTC, Seliamedu on 28.05.2013. The programme was led by Dr. Kanagarajan P (Assistant Professor) and also attended by Dr. Surendar Rangaswamy (Postgraduate) from Department of Community Medicine. Health education programme was organized at Nirnayapet anganwadi, in the field practice area of RHTC, Seliamedu on 06.06.2013. The programme was led by Dr. Kanagarajan P (Assistant Professor) and also attended by Prof. Seetharaman Narayanan, Dr. Surendar Rangaswamy, Dr. Rajkumar S (both postgraduates) from Department of Community Medicine.

World No Tobacco Day 2013’

A road rally was organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on 31.05.2013 to mark the ‘World No Tobacco Day - 2013’. The rally was flagged off by Dr. K A Narayan, Prof and Head of Dept. of Community Medicine. Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Suganthi, Dr. Surendar, Dr. Hema priya, Dr. Krithiga and Dr. Ramya; all post graduates from department of Community Medicine participated in the rally and at the finishing end met Chief Minister of Puducherry Volume 7 Issue 2

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Scholars In The Making Students Curricular Activities PG NEWS AWARDS

Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Post graduate student, Dept. of Community Medicine, presented a poster titled, ‘A Study on needle stick injury among health care workers in a teaching medical institute, Puducherry’ at ‘CME on Emergency Surgeries’ organized by Dept. of Surgery at MGMCRI on 15.06.13 and jointly won 2nd Prize under non-surgical category.

Dr. Suganthi, Post graduate student, Dept. of Community Medicine, presented a poster titled ‘Disaster preparedness among interns in a private medical college hospital in Puducherry’ at ‘CME on Emergency Surgeries’ organized by Dept. of Surgery at MGMCRI on 15.06.13 and jointly won 2nd Prize under non-surgical category.

S cientific P resentations

Dr. Sharmila, Post graduate student, Dept. of OBGY, presented a poster titled “Vulvar Pedunculated Angiomyxoma – A Rare Case Report” on 08.06.13 at FOGSI World Congress in Women’s Health Care at Bengaluru between 07.06.13 and 09.06.13. Dr. Sowjanya, Post graduate student, Dept. of OBGY, presented a poster titled “Unusual Mullerian Anomaly in Pregnancy - A Case Report” on 08.06.13 at FOGSI World Congress in Women’s Health Care at Bengaluru between 07.06.13 and 09.06.13. Dr. Sony Joseph, Post graduate student, Dept. of Biochemistry, participated in southern regional conference with title “National Seminar on Biomarkers” organized by The Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (Kerala chapter) at MES Medical College, Perinthalmana, Kerala between 08.06.13 and 09.06.13.He also presented a paper (oral presentation) with title “Role of TSH on Urinary Calcium Excretion In Post Menopausal Women of South


Indian Population”. Dr. Arun Abraham Jose, Dr. Neelima Vijayan and Dr. Davis Thomas Pulimoottil, Post-graduate students, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology, presented posters titled “A stitch in time saves nine” - Tracheostomy and its role in the management of the acute airway, “When life bleeds out- Management of life threatening epistaxis” and “Act Now – Deep Neck Space infections and its Emergency Management” respectively at the National CME on Urgencies Chirurgicale held on 15.06.13 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.S.Vedha, Post graduate, Dept. of Anatomy, presented a poster titled “Anatomical basis of urethral rupture” at the National CME-Urgences Chirugicales held on 15.06.13 at MGMC&RI, Puducherry. Dr. Sony Joseph, MD Post graduate student, Dept. of Biochemistry, participated in National CME with title “Urgences Chirurgicales” organized by Department of Surgery, MGMC&RI, Puducherry, on 15.06.13. He also presented a paper (Poster presentation) with title “Biomarkers of Surgical Emergencies – An overview” Dr.Anitta, Post graduate student, Dept of DVL, presented a poster titled “TCA Treated Steatocystoma multiplex” at ASICON 2013. Dr.Raji, Post graduate, Dept of DVL presented a poster titled “Electro desiccation of Sebaceous Cyst” at ASICON 2013 Dr.Krishna Bhargava, Post graduate student, Dept. of Orthopedics presented a poster on “Floating knee a surgical emergence” and Dr. Karunakaran Post graduate student, D.ortho presented a poster on “Neglected pilon fracture” at Urgencies Chirurgicales at MGMC & RI on 15.06.13. Dr. Jawahar Kennedy A, Postgraduate Resident, Dept of Psychiatry, presented a paper titled “Manic symptoms induced by acyclovir - A case report”, at TANPSYCON 2013, the 28th annual conference of the Tamilnadu State Branch of the Indian Psychiatry Society, organized at JIPMER, Puducherry, on 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. Dr. Jawahar Kennedy A, Postgraduate Resident, Dept of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “Pattern of inpatient referrals of deliberate self-harm to consultation-liaison psychiatry in a tertiary care hospital”, at TANPSYCON 2013, the 28th annual conference of the Tamilnadu State Branch of the Indian Psychiatry Society, organized at JIPMER, Puducherry, on 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. Dr. Janet Konthoujam, Postgraduate Resident, Dept of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “Circumscribed amnesia in a patient with attempted suicidal hanging”, at TANPSYCON 2013, the 28th annual conference of the Tamilnadu State Branch of the Indian Psychiatry Society, organized at JIPMER, Puducherry, on 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. .

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Participation I n Academic /S cientific Events

Dr. Neelima Vijayan, Postgraduate student, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, attended the First National Conference on “Snoring and Sleep Apnoea” held at Chennai, April 2013. Dr. Varun Kumar (Final Year D.O.), Dr. Nancy Elizabeth (second Year M.S.), Dr. Maithreyee (second Year M.S.), Dept. of Ophthalmology, attended a continued medical education program on “Angle closure Glaucoma” on 25.04.13 at JIPMER. Dr.N.Sandeep Krishna, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Post Graduate students, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the CME on ‘Cancer Update’ held at Regional Cancer Center, JIPMER on 27.04.13. Dr.Anitta, Dr.Raji, Dr.Nithin, Dr.Jenny, Dr.Nithya, Dr.Shobana, Postgraduate students, Dept. of DVL attended ASICON-2013 at Bangalore, on 28.04.13. Dr. Varun Kumar (Final Year D.O.), Dept. of Ophthalmology, attended a CME titled ‘Uvea’ in Aravind Eye Hospital Pondicherry on 30.04.13. Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr. Varghese Louis, Post Graduate students, Dept. Of Pulmonary Medicine, attended Pulmocon 2013, 15th Annual Conference of Academy of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Held at Kumarakam between 04.05.13 and 05.05.13. Dr. Varun Kumar (Final Year D.O.), Dept of Ophthalmology, attended and had been an MC for a CME Program titled ‘Glaucoma’ conducted by the Cuddalore I.M.A 05.05.13. Dr. P.Jagadeesh Kumar, Dr. N.Sandeep Krishna, Post Graduate students, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, attended two day training program on ‘Advanced Cardiac Life Support – ACLS’ Conducted by Professor Moses Dass, Senior Emergency Surgeon, at MGMCRI between 13.05.13 and 14.05.13. Dr. Surendar Rangaswamy, Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Suganthi and Dr. Rajkumar S, Postgraduate students, Dept. of Community Medicine, attended a workshop on ‘Dissertation Writing’ at MGMCRI organized by Institute Research Committee between 16.05.13 and18.05.13. Dr. Valentina. Y, Dr. Sukanya. S and Dr. Diego Edwin, Postgraduate students, Dept. of Microbiology attended the CME on “An update on antimicrobial agents and control of resistance” organized by Department of Microbiology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and IAMM Pondicherry Chapter on 25.05.13, at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry. Ms. R. Priya, Ms. K. Punithavalli, Ms. V. Shamly, Ms. J. Jeevabala and Ms. G. Sabana Yasmine, Master of Science, Medical Microbiology, attended the CME on “An update on antimicrobial agents and control of resistance” organized by Department of Microbiology, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and IAMM Pondicherry Chapter on 25.05.13, at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and

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Hospital, Pondicherry. Dr. Sowjanya and Dr.Sharmila, Post Graduate students, Dept. of OBGY attended the USG in Early Pregnancy workshop at FOGSI WORLD CONGRESS in Women’s Health Care at Bengaluru between 07.06.13 and 09.06.13. Dr. P.Jagadeesh Kumar, Dr. N.Sandeep Krishna, Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Dr. Varghese Louis, Dr. Varunn, Dr. Roshan Kumar, Post Graduate students, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Pondicherry Chest society meeting on 16.06.13 – ‘Latest Modalities in Management of Asthma’. Dr. Varun Kumar, Dr. Nancy Elizabeth, Dr. G. Vishnu Teja, Dr. Chinmayee and Dr. Reema had attended a Continued Medical Education programme “Current Trends in Ophthalmology” on 21.06.13 at SLIMS, Pudhucherry. Dr.C.Raj Thilak, Postgraduate student, Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology attended live surgical conference “ENT FOCUS 2013” held at Coimbatore between 22.06.13 and 23.06.13. Dr.Mirunalini, Dr.Velvizhy Post graduate student, Dept. of Pharmacology, attended workshop on “Clinical Trials: Design , Analyses, Interpretation and Reporting” held between 24.06.13 and 28.06.13 conducted by Biostatistics Resource and Training centre, Christian Medical College Vellore. Dr. Nithya, Postgraduate student, Dept. of DVL attended a Work shop on Sexually Transmitted Infection held at Indira Gandhi Govt General Hospital Pondicherry on 27.06.13. Dr. Gaurav Kulkarni and Dr. Robbin Bose, Postgraduate Residents, Department of Psychiatry, attended TANPSYCON 2013, the 28th annual conference of the Tamilnadu State Branch of the Indian Psychiatry Society, organized at JIPMER, Puducherry, on 29.06.13 and 30.06.13. Dr. Surendar Rangaswamy, Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dr. Fredrick Stephens, Dr. Nitesh Mangal and Dr. Nishanthini, Postgraduate students, Dept. of Community Medicine, attended Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM), Puducherry State Chapter meet on 30.06.13 organized at Hotel Executive Inn, Pondicherry.


M edicon 2013

It has been 5 years since the inception of MEDICON and the conference is becoming more and more popular with every edition. MEDICON provides a viable platform for young researchers and budding doctors, to showcase their contributions to research. Out of 14 students selected for ICMR- STS 2012 and who had successfully completed STS 2012, seven students have been selected for MEDICON 2013, an International Conference for medical students to be held at New Delhi, from 11.04.13 to 14.04.13, at University College of Medical Sciences. S.Arun kumar under the guidance of Dr.C.Venkatesh, Dept. of Pediatrics, presented a poster, titled, “Peak expiratory SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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flow rates in semi urban school aged children 6 – 12 years of age”. V.Keerthi Jain under the guidance of Dr.Mahendra Gandhe, Dept. of Biochemistry, presented a paper, titled “Evaluation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D and trace elements like calcium and magnesium level and their association with insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes mellitus”. S.Hema under the guidance of Dr.Uma Devi, Dept. of Microbiology, presented a poster titled, “Intestinal parasitic infections in preschool and school going children from rural area” in Puducherry. obstructive airway disease in smokers”. E.Ram Prasath under the guidance of Dr.Rajkumar Patil, Dept. of Community Medicine, presented a poster titled, “Awareness and perception regarding eye donation in rural Pondicherry”. S.John Christian under the guidance of Dr.Karthikeyan, Dept. of ENT, presented a poster titled, “Hearing evaluation in mobile phone users”. The students of MGMC&RI, who were successful in securing ICMR award for student research in 2012, were felicitated by the Vice Chancellor, Prof.K.R Sethuraman and the Registrar, Prof. A.R.Srinivasan on 08.05.13. M.Induja under the guidance of Dr.Seethesh Ghose, Dept. of Obsterics and Gynecology, presented a poster titled, “Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in pregnant women with anemia” and won the BEST POSTER SESSION. R.Srividya under the guidance of Dr.Surendra Menon, Dept. of Pumlonary and chest medicine, presented a poster titled, “Interpretation of FEF 25-75% as predictors of chronic


Students Extra / Co curricular Activities

Dr Karthikeyan, Prof & Head, Dept. of ENT, along with the badminton and football team, visited Prof.K.R Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, to share the moment of triumph, as they were the winners of recently conducted sports competition.

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Talentia 2013 - 27th & 28th April On 21st February 2013, “TALENTIA’13”, the Annual Students’ Cultural and Sports Events were officially declared open by Dr.Prabal Joshi, Dr.LokeshAggarwal and Dr.ChetanAnand at the MGMC sports complex. It was quite entertaining to see the athletic and sporty side of our beloved teachers.

This year was indeed special as we were self-sufficient in terms of venue requisite for the events, within our campus. On 29th, March 2013, the annual sports meet was kick started at our college ground by the then Vice Chancellor in charge, Prof. G. Muthurangan and the Dean, PG studies, Prof.. N. Ananthakrishnan.

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Since the events were conducted for the first time within our campus, there was an overwhelming attendance by the senior faculty members. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Sports Convener was the pillar of guidance and helped us make the event a grand success. The 30th March 2013, witnessed some nail biting finishes and high drama. At the end of the day, the prize distribution was held and the overall sports trophy went to the organising batch - Fedorranz.

The various literary and fine art events were held between 22nd-25th, April. The events were co ordinated by Prof. DhananjayKotasthane and Dr.Krishnaveni. As usual the events were crowd pulling and thought provoking. On 26th April, the day of the much awaited Talentia


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2013 arrived. This year the theme chosen was “Halloween”, based on the pagan tradition of all hallows eve. The morbidly entertaining holiday was brought to life by the creative decoration of the campus and permeated into every events central theme. The events were declared open by the Dean, Prof. G. Muthurangan with his enthralling speech. This was followed by mime and Adzap. After the dinner break came the much awaited music show. Music has been traditionally MGMC’s strong point and has made it one of the best band in South India. This year too they did not disappoint us.

The dance competitions were a keenly contested event and all the batches had their own unique style in entertaining the audience. Day one finished on a high note making it a difficult task to judge the best amongst the best.

On 27th April, MGMC witnessed history in the making; “THE PRISM’13” release. A spectacularly coordinated event which saw grim reapers reaping the hard work of The Prism Committee in sync with the dead man’s tune. It truly was a gem on the crown. The events of the second day started with the skit that brought a touch of Shakespearean genius to our stage. We paused for a much deserved dinner break. They say “never judge a book by its cover” and that’s exactly what we discovered to be true that night. From the faculty fashion show, to their


singing, we were shown a whole new side of our professors that we never would have imagined was there. This was followed by the much awaited event (this time for real), the annual fashion show. The theme of the event was ‘Fairy tales’ and the audience were enthralled, as the participants brought alive the magic of the classics on stage that night. The night culminated in the prize distribution which saw the organising batch take home the overall trophy. This grand event would not have been possible without the guidance and support of our staff advisor, Dr.Partha Nandi who was the back bone of the student council. He has truly been a phenomenal leader and a beacon of support during this journey. The batch of 2009 is grateful to him. We would fail in our duty if I don’t mention the contribution of the management and our fellow students in making this TALENTIA ‘13 a success. We may have had our differences but every member of the batch came together to make this event what it was and will be a memorable one forever. This has truly been an incredible journey from the start to the finish.

A lumini News


Five students of MGMCRI (2006 batch) have been successfully placed in post graduate courses at reputed colleges in Tamil Nadu through PG-NEET Exams - 2013. Also five alumini students have once again joined their parent institution - MGMCRI for their post graduation. (Details in next issue). The Chronicle congratulates them on their admission and wishes them a great learning process

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Talentia 2013 - 27th & 28th A pril

College Day Celerbration

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Other Highlights

Inauguration of the New Pharmacy

The New Pharmacy at MGMCRI was inaugurated by our Vice Chancellor, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman on 04.04.2013. The 24 hour service rendered by the Pharmacy has Pharmacists working for the smooth, quick functioning and delivery of medicines to the public. The pharmacy is headed by Mr.Tamil Selvan, Purchase Manager and assisted by Mr.K.Bharanidaran Pharmacy incharge.

M ay Day Celebrations 2013

‘May Day’ which is observed as ‘Workers Day’, worldwide, was celebrated at MGMCRI. As a good will gesture towards the welfare of the employees, respected Chairman wanted this celebration to be initiated and continued every year. The Personnel Department under the


guidance of Sr. Personnel Manager, Mr. Balamukundan and Personal Secretary to Chairman Mrs. Asha Sureshbabu had organized a special programme for all workers on 01.05.2013 in the College Block at 08.30 am. All the workers of the institute including clerical staff, technicians and attenders were invited to attend the function. Sr. Personnel Manger welcomed the gathering. In his welcome speech, he said this was a new beginning towards the cordial relationship with the employees. Dean, Prof. G. Muthurangan was the guest of the day. He highlighted the importance of workers Day and requested all the employees to work hard towards the welfare of the Institute. Medical Superintendent Prof. Nirmal Coumare in his speech advised the workers to work towards fulfilling the Vision and Mission of our institute.During the function, Mr.Subramani, Attender in OT, the senior most attender was honoured with a shawl. All other workers were

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given special gifts on behalf of our Chairman. There was a wide appreciation from the workers for this new initiative.

Introductory Meeting for the newly joined PG students

An Introductory Meeting for the newly joined PG students of MGMCRI was held on 03.06.2013 at the lecture hall, College Block. The session began with an invocation song by the Deputy Controller of Exams Dr. Srirangaraj, following which Prof. Nirmal Coumare , MS, welcomed the gathering. Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean R & PR studies

Prof.K.R.Sethuraman on 05.06.2013. The New Emergency Wing has the state of the art facilities and managed by well qualified Emergency Physician, Nurses and Paramedical staff, trained to use advanced emergency medical equipments and resources. The Emergency Service Department has a separate resuscitation ward, with state of art equipments, ventilators, defibrillators, AEDs, bedside X-rays, USG and resources, centralized air conditioning and 24 hrs ambulance services. The department provides emergency life support services at nominal cost. This facility would help and improve emergency patient care and standardize best practices round the clock.

New equipments and Instruments

Department of Pathology

introduced the heads of all the departments and spoke a few words to the newly joined Post Graduates about ‘attendance, discipline and dress code’. Prof.V.N.Mahalakshmi, Controller of Exams, gave a hint on the ‘rules regarding dissertation and examination’. Prof.K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal spoke on the ‘Hostel rules and regulations’. The key note address by the Vice Chancellor of SBVU, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman created a sparkle in the minds of the newly joined PG students with a realization that nothing can be achieved without hard work and dedication of body , soul and mind. The session came to an end with Prof.A.R.Srinivasan, Registrar of SBVU proposing the vote of thanks.

Inauguration of the New Emergency Medical Services

It was with Great sense of pride and immense pleasure that the Department of Emergency Service announced the opening of the new 25 bedded Emergency Medical Services wing at MGMCRI. It was inaugurated by our Vice Chancellor, Volume 7 Issue 2

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A new imported “Semiautomatic rotary microtome” was installed in histopathology section of Pathology Dept. With this, it will be possible to get thin uniform tissue sections of 4-5 micron thickness, which will help the pathologist in interpretation and reporting.

Department of R adiodiagnosis

Ultrasonic energy was first applied to the human body for medical purposes by Dr. George Ludwig at the Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Maryland in the late 1940s. English born and educated John Wild (1914– 2009) first used ultrasound to assess the thickness of bowel tissue as early as 1949 and for his early work he has been described as the “father of medical ultrasound”. Sonography (ultrasonography) has been widely used in medicine ever SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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since. Equipped with the versatility to perform both diagnosis and therapeutic procedures, ultrasound is crucial in guidance of interventional procedures. With the advent of the pre monsoon came the much awaited additions to the ultrasound section of Department of Radiodiagnosis. Two pristine, state of the art machines were installed this month. An Acuson S2000 from Siemens and a D8 of Mind Ray.

1. MIND RAY – DC8 equipped with 8 probes each serving a particular purpose .

Some of the added features include:• HR Flow is an innovative technology to better visualize tiny vessels and complex flow patterns. • High resolution iClear: speckle suppression technology improves contrast resolution to better detect and visualize pathological structures. It is now even available for 3D/4D imaging. • iBeam spatial compounding: use multiple scan angles to form a single image that has enhanced contrast resolution and improved visualization. • Contrast Agent Imaging an added feature absent in the previous lineage of machines.

2. ACUSON S2000 – equipped with D ynamic TCE™ Tissue C ontr ast E nhancement Technology.

Some of the added features include:• HD Zoom facilitates evaluation and measurements of complex anatomy. • Clarify™ Vascular Enhancement Technology - Reduces noise and artifacts to provide exceptional contrast resolution and clear delineation of micro– and microvasculature. • 6C1 HD transducer - An indispensable transducer for any general imaging lab with broad clinical utility. • 14L5 HD transducer - an essential breast, small parts, orbit and vascular imaging tool with a large field of view. • eSie Touch™ - Elasticity Imaging to evaluate tissue strain from the abdomen to small parts with an extraordinary degree of sensitivityin order to gain further insight into lesion pathology. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

• Virtual Touch Technology* Siemens’ second generation implementation of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) technology. Minimizes user-variation and maximizes reproducibility and accuracy. Optimized for abdomen, renal, breast & thyroid • Virtual Touch Technology* Siemens’ second generation implementation of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) technology. Minimizes user-variation and maximizes reproducibility and accuracy. Optimized for abdomen, renal, breast & thyroid.

“ KUDOS! ” From : P.M.Nair, IAS ( Retd.), Formerly Secretary to Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India To : Sudharsana, Public Relation Officer, MGMCRI. Dear Sudharsana I write this letter to express my extreme happiness and sincere gratitude to you for the promptness and extraordinary professional personal care that you took in conducting me to the appropriate places and medical personnel when I came to your esteemed institution for TMT on 4th June 2013. I really have no adequate words to express my thanks to you for the same. I also notice how were attending to other jobs detailed for you with equal promptitude, alacrity and ease at the same time. I have no doubt that you are an assert to MGMCRI. May God Almighty bestowed His abundant Blessing on you so that only good things happen to you always and you continue to keep the flag flying for your institute which has already earned a name for itself all over, because of people like you. Once again, thanking you for every thing. With warm and personal regards,

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The Department of General Medicine Introduction

The Department of Medicine is one of the major departments of MGMC&RI holding the flag of the institute high in the sky over the past 10 years. Apart from the health care rendered to the sick people in this region, it also imparts an updated knowledge in General Medicine to both undergraduate and post graduate medical students. The Vice Chancellor of SBV University Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, apart from being a great academician, is also an Internal Physician, guiding the department in all its endeavors. Headed by Prof.K.Jayasingh, the department has a proficient team of faculty members. It has senior physicians and teachers like Prof.P.Selvaraj, Prof.S.Ragupathy, Prof.S.Yamini Sundarapriya, Associate Professors Dr.Kalirathname, Dr.E.Hariharan, Dr.Hanifa, Dr.Narayanan, Dr.Thunbanathan and being assisted by young and enthusiastic physicians like Dr.Logesh, Dr.Siva.P.K, Dr.Senthil, Dr.Deepak, Dr.Nabeel, Dr.Siva Green, Dr.M.Mathivendha, Dr.Aju Abraham, Dr.Thenmozhi, Dr.Tamilarasan, Dr.Arunkumar and Dr.Balaji. The department is committed to the concept of “Practice of Evidence based Medicine” and delivers the same while treating each and every patient. It handles many critically ill patients every day round the clock in high dependant areas like Casualty, MICU and ICU fully equipped with latest Ventilators, Cardiac Monitors, Defibrillators, Pulseoxymeters and Infusion pumps etc where intensive monitoring and treatment are the priority. The department runs an outpatient department on 6 days a week where patients with minor ailments are investigated thoroughly and treated as outpatients. Patients who need an inpatient care are routinely admitted. They are given a courteous, cost effective, and appropriate treatment

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by physicians belonging to 6 Units of the department. Patients with complex and complicated medical problems are effectively treated and sent home safely. As a routine, every year it handles thousands of patients with Diabetes and systemic hypertension, the morbidities present day concern of our country. The department also ‘rise to the occasion’ on situation of epidemics in the community such as outbreak of fever likes Dengue, Leptospirosis and Swine flu.

The Micu (Medical Intensive Care Unit)

The MICU of MGMCRI is an eight bedded modern facility, headed by Dr.Mohamed Hanifah M.D.,MRCP(UK),who has more than 10 years of experience in Intensive Coronary Care Unit and more than 5 years of experience in MICU. He is ably supported by other members of the faculty, the Post Graduates and Interns of the Department and all the other clinical departments of the Hospital. The mission of the Unit is “The Patient is Supreme”. MICU is a close patterned unit which admits patients


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mainly in life threatening medical conditions like Acute Coronary Syndrome, Acute Decompensated Heart Failure, life threatening arrhythmias, septic shock, Cerebro Vascular Accidents, Status Epilepticus, Hepatic Encephalopathy etc. The dedication of the Doctors, Nursing Staff, Technicians and other support staff has ensured that the unit is able to provide a commendable service to the community.

of Puducherry. The faculty members have several research publications to their credit in peer – reviewed journals. Presently the department is planning to take up a minimum of one Research Study by each unit every year. It also has a plan to take up collaborative Research Studies with ‘AYUSH’ – a central government research organization for alternate medicine.

Academic Activities

The department of Medicine offers exhaustive UG and PG training programmes. The PG training programme supports an annual intake of eight candidates. The faculty members are well grounded in contemporary medical education technology. Problem based learning methods are effectively implemented. Meticulous training is imparted on Clinical Medicine to both undergraduates and Post Graduates. Regular academic programmes such as clinicopathological conferences, Journal club discussions, CME programmes, Seminars on current medical topics, and ‘Rare case’ presentations in the department Clinical Society meetings are conducted every week regularly.

Future Vision A nd Mission

The department of M edicine aims to develop :

A “Regional Diabetes Center” where comprehensive screening, management, training and Research for Diabetes. A “Referral Center for infectious disease”- to which patients with Dengue, Leptospirosis , Swine flu , Complicated Malaria etc. from various primary and secondary care hospitals to be referred for advanced investigation procedures, diagnosis and apt management. A “Regional epicenter for sharing the knowledge among the health care professionals in this region of Puducherry”.

R esearch Activities

The department is also actively involved in the Research activities. Over the past 10 years it has undertaken many Research Studies on health problems prevalent in this region SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute R esearch A nd Scholarship

Hemanth.Kommuru., Swayam Jothi. S., Deeptha Vasudevan., Rajeswara Rao.N., Sree Lekha. D., Jesintha Antony. Presence of Lower accessory lobes in the lungs International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences, ISSN 2278- 5221, Vol.2, No.3, June 2013. Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Dr Pravir Bodkha, Prasanth Poothanthan.Determination of stature and sex from anthropometry of the foot among south Indians.” International Journal of Review in Life Sciences. Int.J.Rev.Life ScienceVol. 3(2) June 2013;1-5 Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Assessment of knowledge about obesity among students in a medical college in Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Progress in Health Sciences. 2013;3(1):54-60. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Knowledge and practices about Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program among clinicians of a medical college in India: A cross-sectional study. Progress in Health Sciences. 2013;3(1):94-103. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Faculty development program: A boost in medical education. Research and Development in Medical Education. 2013;2(1):1-2. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Airborne infection control in healthcare settings. Infection Ecology & Epidemiology. 2013;3:21411. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases - Public health perspective. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;4(6):736-737. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Self breast examination: A tool for early diagnosis of breast cancer. American Journal of Public Health Research. 2013;1(6):135-139. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Community based monitoring: Reviving hopes realizing rights. Progress in Health Sciences. 2013;3(1):159-161. Saurabh Shrivastava, Prateek Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Public health approach towards reduction in maternal mortality in South Asia. International Journal of Gynecological and Obstetrical Research. 2013;1(1):17-27. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. Study to assess utilization of antenatal and intranatal services amongst women in an urban slum of Mumbai.

Volume 7 Issue 2

Apr - Jun 2013

TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013;12(2):157-164. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. Tuberculosis: Active case finding survey in an urban area of India, in 2012. Journal of Research in Health Sciences. 2013;13;(1):19-23. Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. A study of spousal domestic violence in an urban slum of Mumbai. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;4(1):27-32. Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. Contraceptive practices adopted by women attending an urban health centre. African Health Sciences. 2012;12(4):461-421. Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. An epidemiological study of adult female burns patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital. Progress in Health Sciences. 2012;2(2):21-28. Saurabh Rambiharilal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. Neonatal Birth weight – A mystery? Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academics Publishing House; 2012. [ISBN 978-3-659-20860-7].

R esearch Activities C ompleted P rojects:

Rao BN, Pal GK, Pal Pravati. “Effect of subcutaneous injection of estradiol on feeding and drinking behaviors and body weight in basolateral amygdaloid lesioned rats”. (In press 2013) Tambi Medabala, Rao BN, Glad Mohesh MI, Praveenkumar M. Effect of Cigarette and Cigar Smoking on Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (In press 2013)

Ongoing R esearch P rojects:

“Probiotics”- Dr. Krishnappa, Dr.Sridhar- Department of Microbiology Study of the profile of Verbal and Non- verbal Clues of Deception among people of South Indian descent - Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Pramika - Department of Forensic medicine Study to identify age specific class characters handwriting and their predictive accuracy among the South Indians - Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Dr Pravir Bodkha, Swathi Department of Forensic medicine Study of handwriting class characters of among south Indians, the extrinsic factors that influence these class characters and reflection of these characters on attempted imitation - Dr Pravir Bodkha, Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Anusha ,A G Pavithra- Department of Forensic medicine Study of correlation of lip print patterns in parents and their children amoung south Indians - Dr Laishram, Dr SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Vijay Kautilya, Dr Pravir Bodkha, Abhishek-- Department of Forensic medicine Sexual dimorphism in the anthropometry of the hand among south Indians - Dr Pravir Bodkha, Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Uma shankari - Department of Forensic medicine Estimation of stature from the length of the thumb among South Indians - Dr Pravir Bodkha, Sri Sai Janani Department of Forensic medicine Knowledge, attitude and practice of pesticide use in paddy farming in south India - Dr Vijay Kautilya D, Dr Pravir Bodkha, Khatija, Prithika - Department of Forensic medicine

Academic Initiatives

Participation I n S cientific Events

Dr.Srividhya Assistant Professor of Pulmonology participated in “State Task force” (RNTCP) meeting conducted by RNTCP on 19.06.2013. Mr.Sunil Kumar, PhD student attended “ Tamilnadu State Task Force – STF Meeting on 19.06.2013 at Teynampet, Chennai. Dr.S. Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy attended Basic Electrocardiology course at the Arrhythmia heart failure academy institute of cardiovascular diseases, conducted by the Madras Mission on 22.06.2013.

C me On C linical A natomy

Department of Anatomy conducted a CME “CLINICAL ANATOMY” on 03.05.2013. The speakers were Dr. W.M.S.Johnson M.D. Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy, Sri Balaji Medical College & Research Institute who spoke on ‘Importance of Anatomy in Clinical Practice’ and Dr. B. Balasubramanian, M.D.(Internal Medicine), D.T.C.D. Associate Professor Department Of General Medicine, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute. who spoke on ‘Clinical Anatomy.”

A to Z Facts in A sthma :

An article on “A to Z Facts in Asthma” has been sent to JIMA health magazine for World Asthma Day (May 2013) by Department of Pulmonary medicine.

Students News

Pg News Doctor al committee meeting:

During the second quarter of 2013, the PhD students Mr. Hemanth Kommuru, Mr. Rajeswar Rao and Mr. Sunil Kumar and their Guides updated the PhD project work to the Doctoral committee members .on May and June 2013.

Postgr aduates in pathology

Three students have joined as postgraduate in Department of Pathology in May 2013 namely Dr. Hemanathan.G, Dr. Ishwarya.S and Dr. Saba Yasmin. They attended an interactive seminar on histopathology slide discussion on 17.06.2013 at SRMC & RI , Chennai. They have been posted in Anatomy Department for a week from 10.06.2013 to15.06.2013 to learn normal histology and morbid anatomy

World H ealth Day – 7th A pril 2013

In order to spread awareness about hypertension and lifestyle diseases among the undergraduate medical students of 6th and 7th semester, the Department of Community Medicine observed World Health Day on 08.04.2013. This year the World Health Day Theme was on HYPERTENSION.


CRRI SCIENTIFIC FORUM (CSF) - Case presentation by CRRIs on every Wednesdays, has been inducted for the Interns to present interesting cases which they come across in their postings. Dr.A.Sundaramurthy Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonary medicine has been appointed as coordinator for this programme.


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UG News Quiz C ompetitions

A quiz competition was conducted among all the MBBS students of 6th and 7th semester who were grouped in 14 group each consisting of 8-10 students. The quiz consisted of questions pertaining to multiple topics about the lifestyle diseases for a comprehensive understanding about the topic. The winner group was suitably rewarded at the end. The awards were sponsored by Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Physiology quiz IGLOO 2013 was conducted for I MBBS students on 06.05.2013. Totally 20 students were selected from preliminary test and 4 teams were formed with 5 members in each team. Final quiz comprised of totally 6 rounds – History, MCQ’s, photo quiz , Buzzer round, Rapid fire and Applied physiology. Audience questions were asked and prizes were given. Trophies were given by Professor and HOD of Physiology to winners and runners. Certificates were given to all participants.

Department of Anatomy Conducted Quiz on 25.05.2013 for the I M.B.B.S students 2012-13 batch. Department of Microbiology conducted semi-final round quiz competition for the 4th semester students on 22.06.2013 and 11 students were selected for the Final round.


Department Of Dermatology P emphigus Vulgaris –A C ase R eport

A 14 year old female came with the history of oral erosions in the buccal mucosa for 1 month duration following which she developed multiple fluid filled skin lesions all over the body which ruptured and formed erosions.

On examination she had bilateral pedal edema. Multiple large flaccid bullae were seen over trunk, front of chest, back, upper limbs & lower limbs. Multiple erosions & crusting were present over trunk & extremities. Nikolsky’s sign was positive. Oral and genital mucosa showed erosions & crusted plaques along with oral candidiasis. Right index finger showed periungual bulla. Histopathological examination revealed cleft and bulla in the suprabasal zone with basal cells remaining attached to the dermis. The patient was treated with good nursing care along with maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance. Topical treatment with Potassium permanganate soaks, saline soaks & topical antibiotics for skin lesions were given. Systemic steroids, antibiotics, anti fungal and supportive measures were given. Two pints of fresh blood was transfused. After treatment she improved and was discharged with no new lesions and advised for regular follow up. Birthday of the patient was celebrated on 19th May in the ward which made the patient very happy and boosted her morale. Pemphigus is an autoimmune blistering disease that is characterized clinically by flaccid intraepithelial blisters, erosions, ulceration of skin and mucous membranes,

Poster C ompetition

M.THIRUMALAIVASAN, 6th Semester student and P.NIRMALAN 4th semester student were participated in the Poster Competition on” NO SMOKING CAMPAIGN” conducted by MGMC & RI on 24.5.2013. They were awarded 2nd prize and special prize respectively in Scientific and Academic Forum conducted by MGMC & RI on 21.06.2013

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histologically by acantholysis and immunologically by presence of autoantibodies against cell membrane components of keratinocytes. Any oral ulcer for more than 2 weeks must be attended to. All bullous lesions are not varicella. Good nursing care as for burns patients along with regular follow up is very essential for such patients. - Dr.Jeyakumari Jeevan, Prof and HOD, Department of Dermatology.

Patient – C are

Infection Control Committee monitors Bio-medical waste management in hospital by routine weekly hospital rounds. It Conducts health education classes for the paramedical and housekeeping staff members.

Vaccination P rogr amme - H epatitis B Vaccine (H bv) – Second S chedule

The Microbiology Department in collaboration with hospital infection control committee conducted HBV programme (Second schedule) between 08.05.2013 and 09.05.2013, in which Doctors, Medical Students and various paramedical staffs were vaccination with first dose of HBV.

Other Highlights

The Department of Microbiology in continuation with MOU receives HIV kits free of cost from “TANSACS”, Egmore, Chennai since 2010 July –till date .

A ppointments

The Microbiology Central lab Technicians attended DOTS meeting conducted at Chengalpet, Chennai in the month of June 2013.

I nternal Quality A ssesment C ontrol (Iqac )

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University is in the process of NAAC accreditation. As a constituent college of SBVU, SSSMC & RI has constituted NAAC Subcommittee to prepare the self study reports. Following are the members of the committee; Dr.T.R.Gopalan - Member of the Central Core Committee (SBVU), Chairman, M.I.Glad Mohesh, Secretary, SSSMC & RI – University Task force, NAAC Subcommittee Members , SSSMC&RI : Dr.Thirunarayanan – Medical Superintendent, Dr.Nasreen Begam - Dept. of General medicine, Dr.Mohammed Ismail - Dept. of General surgery, Dr.Sudanthira Devi - Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dr.Prema - Dept. of Paediatrics, Dr.G.K.Prasad - Dept. of Ophthalmology, Dr.Jayaprasad - Dept. of Orthopaedics, Dr.SathyaLakshmi - Dept. of Anatomy, Dr.Ramesh Varadharajan - Dept. of ENT, Dr.Srividhya - Dept. of Pulmonary medicine, Dr.Saurabh Shrivastava - Dept. of Community medicine, Dr.Raja - Dept. of Community medicine, Dr.Vijay Kautilya - Dept. of Forensic medicine, Dr.Jacob Jesurun - Dept. of Pharmacology, Dr.Veerendra Kumar - Dept. of Biochemistry, Dr.Arrthy - Dept. of Physiology, Dr.Mohan - Dept. of Anaesthesia, Dr.Thendral - Dept. of Psychiatry and Dr.Rameshwari Dept. of Dermatology

The Dawn Of New Chapters

Name Designation Dr.V.Umadevi Professor Dr.P.Varadharajan Professor Dr.Manimaran Professor Dr.Nerune Savitri, Assistant Professor Dr.Revathy Assistant Professor Dr.Dost Mohamed Khan Assistant Professor Dr.Lavakumar Assistant Professor Dr.Thiyagarajan Assistant Professor Dr.Dilip Kumar Assistant Professor Dr.Wills Sheela Assistant Professor Dr.Shantha Senior Resident Dr.Puvithra Senior Resident Dr.Gnanasekar Senior Resident

Leadership Transitions Dr.Ramesh Varadharajan , Associate Professor of ENT has been appointed as Deputy Medical Superintendent.

Department General Medicine General Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pharmacology General Surgery Anasthesia Obstetrics & Gynaecology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Obstetrics & Gynaecology Anasthesia

Date 25-04-13 01-06-13 21-06-13 22-05-13 02-05-13 01-07-13 02-05-13 11-03-13 07-06-13 03-05-13 29-04-13 24-06-13 14-06-13

Dr.N.Prabhu, Asst Professor of Physiology has been promoted as Associate Professor w.e.f. 01.06.2013 and has also been appointed as Deputy Controller of Examinations of SSSMC&RI by SBV university.

The Chronicle team congratulates the faculty members on their Appointments and Promotions. SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Ongoing R esearch P roject

Guide: Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Department of Periodontics A study on Incidence and Prevelance of Periodontal Diseases - Dr. Lakshmi Priya, Tutor.

Academic Initiatives

Participation I n C onferences / Cde :

Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Department of Periodontology, attended an Anatomy Conference in Salem organized by Society of Clinical Anatomy between 26.05.13 and 27.05.13. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Prof & Head, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, attended the National PG Convention held at K.M. Shah Dental College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University, Vadodara, Gujarat from14.06.13 to 16.06.13. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Department of Periodontology, attended a workshop on Training of Teachers conducted by Indian Society of Periodontology at Kottayam between 21.06.13 and 23.06.13. Dr. Pratheba was deputed from the college (IGIDS) for the meeting about the STEMCELL at NCRM, Chennai on 26.06.13. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics attended the 29th Research methodology and biostatistics workshop conducted by the Dept. of Epidemiology, Dr. MGR Medical University at Chennai between 24.06.13 and 28.06.13.

S cientific & Academic Forum 19.04.13 - Saf I nternal Pg M eet

The SAF Internal Scientific Meet comprising post graduate students presentations was organized on 19.04.13 (2pm – 4pm) at the lecture hall in the 2nd floor of Medical College block. 98 participants were present. The program started with the collaring of the President by the Secretary. This was followed by the PG presentations. 1.Oral Pathology & Microbiology – Dr. Aparna. K – Expression of Different Species of Candida in Chronic Debilitated Patients. Dr. Vishwanath (HOD, Oral Medicine) presented the certificate of appreciation. 2.Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics – Dr. Rajeswari. A – Chair Side Protocol for Caries Risk Assessment – Technical Report. Dr. Ramesh (HOD- Oral Surgery) presented the certificate of appreciation. 3.Oral Medicine & Radiology – Dr. Madhulika. N- Idiopathic Orofacial Granulomatosis – A Diagnostic Dilemma. Dr. Srinivasan (Prosthodontics) presented the certificate of appreciation. Volume 7 Issue 2

Apr - Jun 2013

4.Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery – Dr. Melvin Arul Dev – Esthetic Approach for management of Zygomatic Complex Fractures – Report of 4 Cases. Dr. Shantha Devy(HOD, Oral Pathology) presented the certificate of appreciation. 5.Pedodontics – Dr. Vivek.K – Modern Concepts in Aesthetic Rehabilitation in Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Saravanakumar (HOD Periodontics) presented the certificate of appreciation.

The students who got best paper/poster awards at the Moksha UG convention were presented with certificates of appreciation. Dr. Carounanidy Usha (Principal-IGIDS) presented the certificates to the best paper awardees M.Kishore (3rd year), K.Savitha (2nd year), Lakshman (Intern), S.Abirami (3rd year) & Vijayashanthi (1st Year) & Dr. Senthil.M presented the certificates to the best poster awardees.- Smitha Maria Augustine, Prasanya.R, Praisy Susan Sam, (Interns), Ravi Padmapriya Savitha. K, Shameemunisha, (2nd year)

27.04.13- Tobacco Free C ampus

As an effort to ensure ‘TOBACCO FREE CAMPUS’ as per the UGC instructions, the Scientific & Academic Forum took the following measures. 1.Signature Campaign - ‘ Tobacco Free Campus’ Ink Your Pledge Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS Inaugurated SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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16.05.13- Basic L ife Support HANDS-ON

A lecture and Hands-on course on Basic Life Support for the Faculty and Post graduates of IGIDS was organized at

the signature campaign and made the first signature against tobacco use in the campus. All Staffs, Postgraduates, Interns and Students who pledged that they will not use tobacco and prevent tobacco use & sale in the campus, signed in the banners that were displayed in Dept. of Public Health Dentistry.

2.Slogan Contest Students, faculty & staff wrote ‘anti-tobacco’ slogans in Tamil, English & Hindi. BEST SLOGANS were selected and the slogans will be displayed as posters/placards in the dental college/campus.

11.05.13- First Faculty Development P rogr am

The first faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 11.05.13. Dr. Sethuraman.K.R., Vice Chancellor, SBV lectured on Teaching learning principles & Lesson plan.


the Medical Skills Simulation Centre, MGMCRI. The course was conducted by Prof Moses Dass, Professor of Emergency Surgery Malaysia. Certificates were distributed to all the participants.

17.05.13 - Workshop on “Tobacco C essation ” For Dental Students

The scientific and Academic forum, IGIDS in collaboration with the Dept of Public Health Dentistry, conducted a workshop on how to say no to tobacco, for all the students, PGs and Faculty of IGIDS on 17.05.13. A team of 3 dentists – Dr.Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr.Senthil, Reader, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry and Mr.Abdul Khader, Intern conducted the program. The topics presented includes, Aping Effect of Tobacco – Mr. Abdul Khader (INTERN); History of Tobacco & How to say no to tobacco – Dr. Senthil.M

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(Reader, Public Health Dentistry); 5A’s of tobacco cessation – Dr. Saravanakumar. R ( HOD, Periodontics); Developing strategies & taking a pledge against Tobacco- Dr. Senthil. M; A picture quiz competition was conducted and the winner was Dr.Yuvaraj, Reader (Department Of Oral And Maxillo Facial Surgery).

25.05.13 – 2nd Faculty Development P rogr am

The second program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 25.05.13. Dr. Sethuraman.K.R. - Vice Chancellor, SBV lectured on ‘lesson planning’.

31.05.13 – World No Tobacco Day- Road R ally

The SAF in association with the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry & Indian Dental Association organized a road rally on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day.The rally was flagged off by Dr. Dr.K.R.Narayanan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI. The rally started at Anna statue, proceeded via

29.05.13 - 30/05/13 World No Tobacco Day Street P lay

On the occasion of World No Tobacco Day, the SAF in association with the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry & Indian Dental Association organized a Street Play “Tobaccos Foot Prints” on 29th & 30th May at Gandhi Thidal,

Anna Salai, Raja Theater, Nehru Street, Mission Street and ended at Mahatma Gandhi Statue. 200 dental students, staffs & IDA members participated in the rally. The road rally was aired by Jaya TV, Right channel, AMN TV, Moon TV, AJK. Slogans were shouted to emphasize on tobacco free youth. Posters and leaflets were distributed to the commercial establishments present on the route. Students carried health education posters and charts. A Representation was given to Honorable Chief Minister of Pondicherry, Thiru Rangaswamy for Effective Implementation of tobacco rules and regulations like To implement no smoking rule effectively in public places; To ban the sale of tobacco products to the adolescences under the age 18 years; To ban the sale of tobacco

Puducherry from 6.00pm to 12.00pm. The street play was clapped by Dr.Sethuraman.K.R, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University. The street play “Tobaccos Foot Prints” was directed by Miss. Geetha, Intern. The play was performed by a team 15 students. The street play was telecasted in the local channels like Right Channel, Deepam TV. Dinkaran News paper published an article about this street play. Hello Fm aired a live update about the street play on both the days.

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products in and around school & college campus; Increase the rates of all tobacco products; To introduce a chapter or lesson on harmful effects of tobacco in school curriculum; To implement the proposed rule on pictographical presentation of tobacco related diseases on tobacco products.

05.06.13 – C ontinuing Dental E ducation P rogr am – Dept. of P eriodontology

on 08.06.13. Dr. K.A.Narayan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI lectured on Specific Learning Outcome (components & utility) & Taxonomy domains.

21.06.13- Poster C ompetition

The Scientific and Academic Forum in association with the Department of Periodontology organized a lecture on “Current opinions in management of biofilms and periodontal diseases” sponsored by Indian Society of Periodontology and Listerine on 05.06.13 at the 2nd floor lecture hall-medical college block. The program began with the lighting of the Kuthuvillaku by the Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS, Dr. Ramesh.C, Vice Principal, Dr. Santha Devy, Prof & Head In charge, Dept. of Oral Pathology, Dr.Manoharan, Prof &

Miss. Radjesvary of 1st year B.D.S. won the first prize in the “No Smoking Campaign” poster competition conducted by the SAF-MGMCRI & Miss. Katherine Barman of 1st year B.D.S. won certificate in the ‘Honourable Mentions’ category.

24.06.13 & 25.06.13 - CIDRF Visit

The Scientific and Academic Forum organized a field visit to the Central Inter- Disciplinary Reasearch Facility, MGMCRI. All Faculty of IGIDS attended the lab visit.

Dr. Balanehru, Deputy Director, CIDRF explained about the equipments and facilities available in the research lab.

27.06.13- L ecture on Various Funding R esources Head, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Dr.Senthil, Reader, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry. All clinical students, interns, PG’s and Faculty participated. Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, delivered the lecture. Listerine kits with certificate of participation were distributed to all the participants.

08.06.13- Faculty Development P rogr am

The third faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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R esearch in Dentistry

The Scientific and Academic Forum organized a Lecture on “Various funding resources available for dental research” for all the Faculty and Post Graduate students. The lecture was delivered by Dr.G. Subramanian, Director, CIDRF.

29.06.13- Faculty Development P rogr am

The fourth faculty development program of the Health Professional Faculty Development Unit of SBV was conducted on 29.06.13. Dr. K.A.Narayanan, Vice Principal, MGMCRI lectured on SLO- Taxonomic levels & Synchronising to institution’s vision and mission.

L eadership Tr ansitions New appointments

Dr. Santha Devy, Professor and Head In charge, Department of Oral Pathology, 05.04.13 Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, 15.04.13 Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, 15.04.13 Dr. Anitha, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology , 09.05.13 Dr. Sitra. G, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology,09.05.13. Dr. Hanumanth, Senior Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics, 10.05.13 Dr. Suganya. M, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pedodontics, 11.05.13 Dr. John Baliah, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, 13.05.13. Dr. Balaji T. S, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, 15.05.13 Dr. Rajkumar, Senior Lecturer, Dept. Of Prosthodontics, 20.05.13 Dr. Mahendira Kumar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery, 22.05.13 Dr. P. S. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dept. Of Prosthodontics, 01.06.13 Dr. Suganya. R, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, 03.06.13 Dr. Pratheba, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology,14.06.13 Dr.Mithunjith.K, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 17.06.13 Dr.Jimsha V.K, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral medicine and radiology 17.06.13. Dr.Padmaraj S.N, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, 27.06.13 The Chronicle accords a warm welcome to all the newly joined faculty

P romotion


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Apr - Jun 2013




Prosthodontics is promoted as Reader w. e. f 27.06.13. The Chronicle congratulates the faculty on her promotion.


Dr.Rajeswari and Dr.Mintu Elizabeth Babu, Postgraduate students, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics, presented a paper on “Evaluating the Validity of the Randomised Controlled Clinical trials with Herbal Interventions- A Systematic Review” and on “Antimicrobial Efficacy of Stevia Rebundiana bertoni leaves against Mutans Streptococci-An invitro study” respectively at14th IACDE & IES PG CONVENTION between 07.06.13 and 09.06.13 at SDM Dental college and Hospital, Dharwad. Karnataka. Dr. Madhulika Naidu, second year Postgraduate student presented a scientific paper and was awarded BEST PAPER AWARD for the paper titled “A case control study to detect the extend of DNA damage in erosive erythematous lichen planus & oral lichenoid reaction using comet assay – a pilot study” at the National PG Convention held at K.M. Shah Dental College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University, Vadodara, Gujarat between14.06.13 and 16.06.13. Dr. Swetha Paulose, Dr. Madhulika Naidu and Dr. Kayalvizhi E B, Post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology, attended the National PG Convention held at K.M. Shah Dental College, Sumandeep Vidyapeeth University, Vadodara, Gujarat between14.06.13 and 16.06.13.

EXTRA / CO-CURRICULAR 2nd S outh I ndian UG C onvention, MOKSHA

109 students participated in the 2nd South Indian UG Convention held between 06.04.13 and 07.04.13 at Sri Venkateswara Dental College& Hospital , OMR, Thalambur, Chennai. The students participated in paper and poster presentations, teeth setting, tooth carving, debate, face painting, quiz, mehendi, soap carving, rangoli, fashion show, group dance, singing, duet foot loose, atheletics , table tennis, carrom, chess, throwball, volley ball and kho kho & cricket. Papers presented: M.Kishore (3rd year) - MicronucleiA biomarker of cytogenetic damage. (Oral Pathology) (I PRIZE); K.Savitha (2nd year) – Ozone Therapy- A New Revolution In Dentistry (Prosthodontics) (I PRIZE); Lakshman (intern) – Esthetic Approaches In Treatment Of Zygomatic Fractures. (Oral Surgery) (II PRIZE); S.Abirami (3rd year) – Probiotics (Oral Pathology)- III PRIZE; Vijayashanthi (1st Year) – Denture Markers – An Eye Opener during disasters (Prosthodontics) –( I PRIZE); Neetu John (Intern) – Are We the Nature’s Architects. (Periodontics); Abdul Khader (Intern) – Psychological Stress In 1st & Final Year Students in Dental curriculum. (Public Health Dentistry)


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The students of III year B.D.S, S. Vishwaja, K. Thabasam, Femina Pockoo, Anija.R participated in the ‘FUN WITH ORAL PATHOLOGY - QUIZ COMPETITION’ conducted by the Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Sri Venkateswara Dental College & Hospital on 19.04.13 & have won 3rd prize in the “EXTEMPORE TALK” round. (Topic: Trigeminal Neuralgia).

College Day R eport - IGNITE ‘13

Posters presented: Smitha Maria Augustine, Praisy Susan Sam, Prasanya (Interns)- Characterisation of denture base with food grade colorants – A Case Report (Prosthodontics) (I PRIZE); Savitha, Shameemunisha, Ravi Padmapriya (2nd year) – Use Of Silver Nano Particles in Dentistry. (Prosthodontics) ( III PRIZE); Kishore, Agathian, Duraimurugan (Final Year) – Prevalence of Dental Anomalies in Down syndrome Children. (Oral Pathology); Akshaya, Narmatha, Vishwaja (3rd year) – Various avenues of Public Health Dentistry. (Public Health Dentistry); Nandhini, Hasini, Preethi ( 2nd year) – Dental Materials To Watch Out For. (Prosthodontics); Gayathri. R.S, Aishwarya.R, Abinaya ( 2nd year) – Deep fungal infections and diabetes. (Oral Pathology); Sandhiya, Tamil Selvi, Infant Preethi (2nd year) – Thyro-Oro-Care(Oral Pathology); G S Vidhya, Sinduri (Interns) – Dental Stem Cells (Periodontics) Sports: 100 Mts- Ravi Padmapriya – II PRIZE; CHESS- Katherine- III RD PRIZE Culturals: SINGING – Duet- Ranjani & Nalini Devi – I Prize; DUET FOOT LOOSE – Vijayalakshmi, Sabari Nathan – II Prize; QUIZ – Sakthiyavathi, Santosh & Lakshmi - Reached Finals. VOLLEY BALL – Reached Semi Finals; FASHION SHOW – Qualified For Individual Titles – Smriti, Hasini, Lakshman.

19.04.13- Fun with Or al Pathology- quiz competition


The boom of the IGnite’13 was heard on the eve of 22nd June in the presence of our honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV University, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, and our special invitee Mrs. Sethuraman. The evening started on a cultural note with special performance by our beloved professor and a carnatic musician Prof. Vellore A.R. Srinivasan, Dept of Biochemistry, MGMC &RI. He delivered a morsing and kanjeera recital which was accompanied with an instrumental music rendered by the students Mr.Santhosh, Ms. Jayasree and Ms. Sakthiyavathi. This was followed by a touching stage performance from Miss Rani, a differently abled talented individual from Missionary Charity Home. The Vice Principal, Professor and Head, Dept of oral & maxillofacial surgery, Dr. Ramesh presented the college report. A video depicting the milestones and evolution of I.G.I.D.S from inception to its proud present being was screened. GLAZE ’13 – the college magazine was released by the honorable Vice Chancellor. The magazine which showcased the talents of the students in academics, sports and cultural activities, was released in a novel way by opening a giant magazine case. The Vice Chancellor did the honors along with the Editorial Advisor Dr. Yuvaraj, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Editorial Secretary – Miss. A. Lidhiya, Graphic designer – Mr. Abdul Khader [President of Student Counil] and the other magazine committee members. CONFLUENCE ’13 – the maiden alumni meet was declared open through inauguration of an alumni website which hallmarked the registered alumni members by the honorable Vice Chancellor. 45 alumni dentists from IGIDS made their presence to celebrate the occasion. The programme ended with a grand spread of delicious food. Music and dance show by the students during the banquet was a visual treat to the invitees. The story behind…..The proposal of the IGnite 2013, was brought out by the student council soon after its formation with 12 enthusiastic student members from the interns. They were nominated by the faculties and the committee was delegated for various activities in planning and organizing under different advisors from the faculty. Chief Advisor- Prof. Carounanidhy Usha, Prinicpal; President – Mr.Abdul Khader, CRRI; Vice-President – Mr.Vijay Raja, CRRI; General secretary- Ms.Sakthiyavathi, CRRI; Joint secretary - Ms.Praisy Susan Sam, CRRI; Finance

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Advisor - Dr.Senthil.M. ; Dept. of Public Health Dentistry ; Finance Secretary - Ms. Devi.K, CRRI; Joint Finance Secretary- Ms. Jayasree, CRRI; Literary Advisor - Dr. Shanthi ; Dept. of Oral Pathology; Literary secretary - Ms. Rebekah.P, CRRI; Finearts Advisor - Dr. David ; Dept. of Prosthodontics : Fine Arts Secretary - Ms. Prasanya.R , CRRI; Culturals Advisor - Dr. Anna ; Dept. of Conservative; Culturals Secretary - Ms.Neethu Jhon, CRRI; Sports Advisor - Dr.Sarvana Kumar ; Dept of Periodontics; Sports Secretary - Mr.Anas.K, CRRI; Editorial Advisor- Dr.Yuvaraj; Editorial Secretary - Ms. Lidhiya.A, CRRI; Joint Editorial secretary -Ms.Minakshamma.K, CRRI and the Student co-ordinator and Advisor – Prof. P. S. Manoharan, Department of Prosthodontics The College Day IGnite was planned to be organized by the student council through successive meets with the chief advisor our beloved Principal, who through her rich experience and punctual guidance helped us to carry out the plan in a smooth manner. The battle of Undergraduates - FLAMBOYANTZ (2009 batch), VALVOYANZ (2010 batch), XYNAXXYLERZ (2011 batch), COMPADERS (2012 batch), Postgraduates LEGENDIERS and the faculties – PHOENIX fought the good fight under various events and categories. The grand evening IGnite noted the culmination of various events which were held from 16th of May 2013. Fine Arts - The Dextrix’13 (16th to 30th May 2013), Literary events-The Loquentia’13- (18th to 27th May 2013), Cultural events-The Celestial ’13- (18th & 21st may 2013) and Sports Day - The Arena (1st & 2nd June 2013). Prizes were distributed for the winners of the events. The overall best batch 2013 was also honored with a rolling trophy. Fine arts - Face art, Art from waste, Rangoli, Soap carving, Pot decoration, Vegetable carving and Sculpting. 72 participated from all the batches including faculties in teams. 47 prizes were declared as winners and runners. Literary events Poetry, Extempore, Subs Q, Tom Dick and Harry, Quiz and Pictionary were conducted in 2nd floor MGMC&RI lecture hall. 160 students and faculty participated out of which 23 members were declared as winners & runners. Sports – The grand inauguration of the sports day was by Prof. K. Krishnan, Dean, by releasing two doves which symbolized peace and unity. All the events were conducted in the college grounds. March past and torch lighting was held in the presence of the chief guest. Flag hoisting and oath taking was carried out with the discipline and fervor. 150 participants were encouraged by the presence of all students and faculties and prizes were declared for all winners and runners. Culturals – Showcased Singing competition in male solo, female solo and duet categories with and Skit with two teams. On the whole 38 participated and all the winners and runners were awarded prizes. The sizzling evening of the cultural programme was conducted on the grand stage with


talented and glamorous students from UG and PG section. All the batches electrified the stage with astounding performances. The performance of the students in all events was judged by eminent personalities who excel in the respective fields.

A lumini report: Confluence’13

The first Annual General Body meeting (AGM), of Alumini was held on 22.06.13 at 4.30 pm at first floor lecture hall, IGIDS. Out of 100 members, 47 members were present for AGM. The office bearers were selected for the alumini association for two years period. President – Dr. Karthik; Vice President – Dr. Lakshmanan; Secretary – Dr. Shivasanthosh; Joint Secretary – Dr. Marie Asha Ambroise; Treasurer – Dr. Vijayaraja; Joint treasurer – Dr. Lakshmi Priya; Website manager – Dr. Pathiventhan; apart from this six executive members were elected. In the meeting, the office bearers approved to register the association with the Society of Registration, Govt. of

Pudhucherry. The nominal registration fee was approved for the members to register. Two medicinal trees were planted in front of the college on behalf of each alumini batches. The alumini had proposed for maintenance of a Herbal Garden by planting one medicinal tree for remembrance of each batch. The EC meeting will be conducted once in three months. The program concluded with Maiden Alumini dinner the same day night at 8 pm.

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Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Academic Initiatives S cientific P resentation:

Dr. Kamalam S, Principal / Nursing director KGNC and Head of Community Health Nursing Department was a resource person at the Continuing Nursing Education programme organized by government hospital, Puducherry on 15.05.2013. She delivered a talk on “Roles and Responsibilities of Nurse in Emergency and Critical Care Nursing.”

Ms.Punali, .Asst. lecturer participated in the CME. The following faculty participated in the poster competition, Ms.Jayasakthi Prabhavathi.J , Ms. Jayasri -, Ms. PriyadarshiniClinical Instructors, Ms.Jayasakthi Prabhavathi.J – secured first place in poster competition in Nursing. Congratulations!

S cientific and Academic Forum

Participation in S cientific Events

Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD of Department of Child Health Nursing and Mrs.Lavanya.S, lecturer Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Ms. Thivya.N Lecturer, Mrs.Deepa.B, Asst Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing underwent one day training programme on Neonatal Resuscitation, organized Indian Academy of Pediatrics at Sabari College of Nursing on 18.04.2013.

The SAF of KGNC in association with the Department of Medical and Surgical organized a quiz programme on the Theme “ Blood donation and Transfusion” on 28.06.2013. The BSc .(N) students participated and won the prizes.Mrs. Mangala, Associate professor, Department of Pathology was the guest speaker of the day. She Presented topic on “Nurses Role in Blood donation and Transfusion.” Ms.Jini Skaria M.Sc (N), II year presented a case report on ‘Infective Endocarditis’.

Innovations Journal C lub

The following faculty presented the following topics in the journal club of KGNC. Ms.Priyadarshini Asst.Lecturer spoke on ‘Health Benefits of Fruits’, Ms.Uma Maheswari Lecturer on Reflexology, Ms.Elavarasi on Crimean Congo Fever, Ms.Deepa Asst. Lecturer on ‘Kala Azar .’

Yoga Therapy

KGNC takes keen interest in maintaining the mental wellbeing of the students. The second year B.Sc.(N) students

C me

Ms.Jayasri, Clinical Instructor participated in a CME on Laser Dermato Surgery on 14.04.2013 at JIPMER Puducherry.. A CME was organised by the Department of Surgery, MGMC &RI on Urgencies Chirurgicales on 15.06.2013 at MGMCRI. A poster competition was organized on the same. Prof.Renuka.K – Vice Principal, Mrs.KripaAngeline.A, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Geetha.C, Asso.Prof, Ms.Ruma Shanthini, Lecturer, Mr.Vijayaraj, Lecturer, Mrs.Revathy, Asst. lecturer,

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are sent for yoga therapy in order to relive their mental stress and maintain their health and fitness. The students extend an enthusiastic participation in this regard and express very good relaxation on following the therapy.

Faculty Achievements A nd Awards

Ms.Kripa Angeline. Assoc.Prof. Received the Best Nursing Faculty Award with Cash Award from Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth during Nurses Day celebration held on 10.05.2013 at MGMC&RI. KGNC, faculty and students whole heartedly register their congratulations to Ms. Kripa Angeline.

on, “Dental Hygiene” on 10.4.13 at Govt. Primary school, Seliamedu, following which a mass cooking demonstration also was conducted on nutritious food for school children. The group had an enthusiastic participation. The school students with dental problems were referred to IGIDS in MGMC&RI campus.

Student News

PG NEWS - Curricular

The PG students presented the following topics in the journal club of KGNC. Ms.Gnanamani.P.II MSc.(N)- Health Benefits of Banana, Ms.Parvathy II MSc.(N)- Mud Therapy, Ms. Rajalakshmi II MSc.(N) – Health Benefits of Guava, Ms. Remya I MSc.(N)– Endovenous Laser Ablation Therap and Ms. Lintu Francis I MSc.(N)- Capgras – Syndrome.

M easles Vaccination Day. (M arch 16)

Leadership Transitions

Prof .Renuka.K, Prof.Sumathy.P, Prof.Annie Annal, Ms.Kripa Angeline, Assoc.Prof and Ms.Prabavathy Assoc Prof have been bestowed with an additional responsibility as members in editorial committee of Pondicherry Journal of Nursing with Dr.S.Kamalam as the Chief Editor.

Out R each Activities Deputation

One Faculty of KGNC is deputed to work in ICTC (Integrated Council and Testing Centre) programme every month in rotation. ICTC has got an MOU with NACO (National Aids Control Organization).The Faculty member who worked in coordination with department of Dermatology in carrying out the activities of ICTC are as follows- Ms.Thivya Lecture, Ms.Geetha. C.Assoc.Prof and Mr.Vijayraj, Lecturer for the months of April May and June respectively.

The Department of Child Health Nursing commemorated the Measles Vaccination Day by organizing a health awareness programme on “Prevention of Measles” to the postnatal mothers at postnatal ward in MGMC & RI on 05.04.2013 at 10am – 11am. The PG students organized the programme and there was a good response from the mothers too.


The untiring efforts of Principal, the team of Faculty and students has yielded a good harvest. The PG and PBBSc (N) students of 2011-13 batches have passed out successfully with flying colors producing cent percent result.

UG NEWS - C ocurricular

The UG students of KGNC had an enthusiastic participation in the poster competition organized by the Department of Surgery, MGMC&RI on “Urgencies Chirurgicales” on 15.06.2013, Mr. Surendiran II year BSc(N) secured II place in the poster competition in the Nursing category.

School health programme

The Department Of Community Health Nursing with the UG students organized a school health programme focusing

E xtr acurricular

B.Sc(N) II & III Year students participated in Inter college sports competition organized by Mother Theresa Post Graduates Studies and Research Institute on 14.04.13 and won laurels to our institution which are as follows SBVU u CIDRF u MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

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Mr.Rajasekaran, Mr. Isaivanan , Mr.Krishnamoorthy, Mr.Sivasubramanian, Mr. Kalidass - I prize in Volley ball, Mr.Kalidass- II Prize in Chess,Mr.Harish Mohan & Mr.Krishnamoorthy- I Prize in Carom, and Mr.Sivasubramanian- I Prize Shuttle Cork.

role in every health care setting. The nurses of MGMC &RI too, are always very busy round the clock, to provide a holistic care to the patients visiting MGMC&RI. A team of dedicated doctors, nurses and paramedical staffs are on their wheels taking part in the general medical camps conducted regularly by MGMCRI. Out reach camp services in places like Karaikal, Ariyankuppam, Panruti etc are conducted every Sundays, so as to enable more patient care where height, weight, blood sugar, blood pressure and ECG are done freely. Patients requiring medical care are referred to MGMCRI for further treatment and management .

C ontinuing Nursing E ducation (CNE)

Other Highlights

KGNC has a proposal to host its First International Conference in the month of November, 2013 and the wheels have started to roll in this regard. KGNC has proposed to inaugurate the Alumni Association of KGNC i.e KASTURBIANS- REACHING HEIGHTS OF EXCELLENCE ACROSS THE WORLD on 11.07.2013. KGNC has proposed to start a Laugh Therapy Unit in the next Quarter of 2013.

Nurses Of MGMC&RI

Physicians are the brain and nurses are the heart of patient care in the health care industry. Nurses play a vital

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Apr - Jun 2013

The nurses update their knowledge through the CNE programmes which are conducted on every Wednesdays. During the first half yearly of 2013 the nurses had the benefit of attending CNE programmes on the following topics : ‘Drugs and fluids calculation children, Neprotic syndrome’ by Dr.Chaavi, AP, Pediatric Dept., Biomedical waste management and instructions by S/NStellamary,N/SArivukarasi, ‘CPR’ by Dr.Hemanth, AP Anesthesiology dept., ‘Care of Patients with traction’ by Dr.Muthumanickam,Orthopedics dept.,AP., ‘Nursing Management of Diabetic foot ulcer’ by Dr.N.S.Kannan, AP., Dept of Surgery, ‘Care of patients with Mechanical ventilator’ by Dr.Sameer, AP Anesthesiology dept. ‘Medical records’ by Mr.Paul (MRO),‘AGE’ by Dr.Anzar, AP, Pediatric Dept, ‘Myocardial Infraction’ by Dr.Anand , ‘CVA’ by Dr.P.K.Shiva, AP , General Medicine, ‘Sutures and related needles’ by Mr.Karthikeyan from Johnson & Johnson Company, ‘Records & reporting’ and ‘Fire & Safety measure’ by Nsg.Sup Ms.Therasa. Nurses are deputed to other hospitals & colleges under training of GFATM and HIV,


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AIDS programme, Fire and safety measures and workshop on biomedical waste management to keep in trend with the latest news and information.

I nternational Nurses Day C elebr ation – 2013

Nurses Day celebration was organized by KGNC with support of MGMC&RI on 12.05.2013 under the guidance of respected Principal / Nursing Director, Dr.S.Kamalam. The theme of the year 2013 was Millennium Development Goals – Closing the Gap. The programme was presided by the Vice Chancellor, Dr.K.R.Sethuraman. Dr.G.Muthurangan, Dean of faculty, Dr.Nirmal Coumare, MS and Dr. Ravichandran, Deputy Director, Dr.Lakshmanaperumal, RMO, MGMC & RI felicitated the gathering. Dr.S.Kamalam. Nursing Director recited the NURSE’S Pledge which was repeated by the Faculty, the Staff Nurses & Nursing students.

the members of the faculty of KGNC submit their heartfelt gratitude to the chancellor of SBVU for this kind of honor. The Vice-Chancellor honored Dr.S.Kamalam, Nursing Director and Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath, Nursing Superintendent for their dedicated service in nursing and constant support to MGMC &RI for more than a decade. He also distributed the prizes for the staff nurses who participated in sports and cultural events. The students and staff nurses gave cultural feasts which were very enjoyable.

Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath, Nursing superintendent proposed the vote of thanks. MGMC&RI hosted a relishing dinner too. This day would linger forever in the hearts of every nurses of MGMC&RI and KGNC

Awards and cash prizes were given to the Nurses under various categories by the Vice Chancellor. The recipients were Mrs.Kripa Angeline, Asso.Prof, KGNC -Best Nursing Faculty, Ms.Anitha, Staff Nurse, ICU Incharge-Best Nurse, Ms.Bhavani -Best Nursing Assistant, Ms.Purani Ammal -Best ANM. Prizes were distributed to the winners in various competitions conducted earlier in KGNC. This day created an evergreen memory in the hearts of every nurses and all


Volume 7 Issue 2

Apr - Jun 2013



Editor-In-Chief Prof. SEETESH GHOSE


Executive Editors






Editorial Board

Design & Layout Mr. GEORGE FERNANDEZ


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Indira Gandhi Institute of Denatl Sciences Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry- 605 402

Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute Nellikuppam, kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu - 603 108. E.mail : - Visit The Chronicle Online at

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