Chronicle vol 10 iss 3 jul sep 2016

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Volume 10 (3)


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

The Chronicle


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth


Accredited by NAAC with “A” grade

 University Communique  MGMCRI- Research And Scholarship  Academic Initiatives  Innovations  The Dawn Of New Chapters  Scholars In The Making  Out Reach Services  Staff Nurses of MGMCRI  SSSMCRI  IGIDS  KGNC  AHS  CIDRF

P. 02 P. 06 P. 10 P. 30 P. 32 P. 34 P. 41 P. 46 P. 47 P. 59 P. 73 P. 81 P. 90

Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI and Dental Education Unit of IGIDS, under the aegis of Department of Health Professions Education organized a three days National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016)” from 18.08.2016 to 20.08.2016. The conference was inaugurated by Prof. Ved Prakash Mishra, Chairman, Academic Committee, Medical Council of India in presence of Dr. Prashanth Rajagopalan, Deputy Chairman of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, chaired the inaugural session. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS, welcomed the gathering. Dr B. V. Adkoli, Organizing Chairman, introduced the chief guest and Dr Seetesh Ghose, Organizing Secretary, proposed the Quick Link vote of thanks. (contd. pg. 82)


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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

University communique ▶▶ From VC’s Desk Vision for 21st Century Education A 7-year old girl used a computer to compose this philosophical statement: "The biggest thing about someone is imagination. Before you can be something, you must imagine it. " (Paraphrased from a quotation of Seymour Papert, the Guru of Constructionism)

Academic Activities of the Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University during the last quarter of 2015 July 24th - Key note address on Future of Medical Education at South Zone API conference at Thoothukudi. July 28th - Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) at SSSMCRI. July 29th - AAA for KGNC. July 30th - Farewell to Academic Officer, Prof. Ramasamy MGMCRI.

Scientist Salk imagined a way to eliminate polio from this planet; not a treatment to relieve it. President Kennedy imagined a man on the moon; not just a faster jet. At SBV, let us imagine an institution that revolutionizes learning for the 21st century; not one that recycles learning as we have known it in the past century. Let us imagine our colleges to be places in which students and teachers excitedly and joyfully stretch themselves to their limits in pursuit of goals set by their own visions; not a meek one that that just aims to make apathetic students satisfy minimal required standards.

Aug. 03rd - AAA for IGIDS. Aug. 11th - Academic Council Meeting.

Let us imagine our colleges to be places where every student will have a vision: A proud vision of self as a powerful life-long learner, A vibrant vision of a worth-while life ahead, An optimistic vision of a society to be proud of, and The skills and the ethic needed to follow these visions.

Given this, the rest will follow.

(Source: http:. . www. papert. org. articles. Vision_ for_education. html ) 2

Aug. 12th - Visiting Team from UK to CYTER & also talk to the visiting team –‘Salutogenesis’.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

U niv e rsit y Comm u n iqu e

Aug. 12th - Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management.

Aug. 24th - White Coat Ceremony at MGMCRI.

Aug. 18th - National Conference of Heath Profession Education Aug. 18th - Inauguration of Dental Education (Part I).

Aug. 25th - Post Validation of MBBS Question Paper. Aug. 26th - KGNC Inauguration of New Batch of B. Sc Nursing. Sept. 01st - Curriculum reforms in MBBS. Discussion with Dean, VP (Curriculum) & others. Aug. 19th - Inauguration of Medical Education (Part II).

Aug. 19 - Key note address on 'Inter Professional Education'. th

Aug. 22 - White Coat Ceremony at SSSMCRI. nd

Aug. 22nd - PGDHPE for II Batch – Inauguration.


Sept. 05th - Teachers Day Celebration organized by the student council.

Sept. 07th - Inauguration of National Conference of Psychiatric Nursing. Sept. 08th - Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management. Sept. 09th - CREAMS - Presentation by MBBS Students (III Semester).

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Sept. 14th - Presentation of Author copy of II edition of “Communication Skills in Clinical Practice” BY Mr. Jayanandhan of JAYPEE Brothers Medical publishers, Chennai Office.

Sept. 27th to Oct 5th - 18 hours Module on Communication Skill for PGs of Prosthodontics. Sept. 28th - Workshop for KGNC on Problem Based Questions. Sept. 30th - MBBS - Inauguration 2016 Batch – SSSMCRI..

FROM THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR Interview for the selection of Allied Health Science courses - (7. 7. 2016): Sept. 19 - Inauguration of MBBS - 2016 Batch – MGMCRI. th

The interview for selection of eligible candidates for the Undergraduate, postgraduate and M. Phil courses which fall under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences was conducted on 7th July 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean- Research and AHS of SBV. Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar of SBV and the heads of the concerned units attended the interview session. Majority of the applicants had attended the interview. PhD Public viva voce of SBV - (23. 7. 2016):

Sept. 21st - P lanning Meeting for Microbiome & Environment. Sept. 23rd - Launching of Pharmacogenomic services at MGMCRI by CIDRF.

The Public Viva Voce for the defense of the thesis by the PhD scholar Mrs. Sridevi (Part Time – External) was held on 23rd July 2016. Mrs. Sridevi successfully defended the thesis titled “Effects of Pergularia Daemia on noise induced changes in Albino Rats”. The Viva was held on 23. 7. 2016. The Board of Examiners were, Dr. Sethu Raman O. S, (External Member), Head, Department of Physiology, Malabar Dental College and Research Centre, Kerala, Dr. K. Sembulingam, (Guide) and Dr. Madan Mohan, Head, Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, (Member). Academic Council Meeting held on 11th August 2016:

Sept. 24th - Inauguration of Surgical CME at MGMCRI.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

The 21st Academic Council Meeting of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 11th August 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The Registrar, Prof. A. R.


U niv e rsit y Comm u n iqu e

Srinivasan tabled various agendas for ratification. There were elaborate discussions on the topics and the agendas were approved after detailed discussions with the consensus of all the members including the external experts. AZADI 70 - Freedom Fortnight (20, 22 and 23rd AUGUST 2016): As per the directives of University Grants Commission (UGC), AZADI 70 – Freedom Fortnight was celebrated at the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. On 22nd August 2016, Slogan Writing Competition on the theme “Quit Terrorism, Pervade Patriotism” was organized. Many students participated in the event with great zeal and interest. On 22 August 2016, an awareness programme on “Patriotism – the need of the hour” was organized and Thiru. Prapanchan, Sahitya Academy Winner, a tamil writer and orator spoke on the above topic in the programme organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences”. nd

On 23rd August 2016, mass singing of the National Anthem with divinity and patriotism was organized. A large number of staff and students of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth participated. In addition to the above, Essay Writing and painting contests were also organized for the students. A detailed report was sent to the University Grants Commission. PhD Music Therapy Service Contract: In continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IMC, KREMS, Austria, a more specific Service cum Cooperation Contract was signed in September 2016 between Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and IMC University of Applied Sciences and Head of the Josef Ressel Centre for Personalised Music Therapy, KREMS for the students from KREMS who are registering for their Doctoral programmes (PhD) in Music Therapy. On behalf of SBV, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS and Prof. Priv. Doz Mag. Dr. Gerhard Tucek and Mag. Ulrike Prommer on behalf of IMC KREMS signed the contract.

wing followed by the Guard of Honor. The Flag was hoisted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS and was accompanied by the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, and Vice Principal, Faculty of Nursing Sciences followed by their patriotic speech to the audience. The celebration was followed by Patriotic Songs by the students of MGMCRI, IGIDS & KGNC. To honor the best academic performance of the children of employees, there was the distribution of cash awards to the tune of R. 52, 000/- and certificates to the deserving children under the Employees Welfare Incentive Scheme for the year 2015 -16. The award winner of the day are as follows: Jansirani, Lab Technician, Pharmacology, daughter, Tholkaviya R; R.Iyyanar, Attender, daughter, Indhuja I;Madavan, J, Driver, Transport, daughter, Keerthana K; Adhilakshmi M, CT Technician, CT SCAN, son, Pon Aadhavan M; Sekar D, OT Assistant, Anaesthesiology, son Anandheswar S; Sam Benjamin G, Incharge, Transport, daughter, Merlin Bretta S; Pajany N, Attender, daughter, Jayachandrikaa P;Radjeswari S, MRI Technician, CT SCAN, son Saravanapriyan S;Indira Gandhi P, Nursing Supervisor, Nursing, daughter, Nandhini P; and Kanchana K, Technical Supervisor, Blood Bank, daughter, Arthi S. The function ended with the National Anthem, which was sung with patriotic fervor.

INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION AT SBV The Independence Day of our Nation was celebrated on 15th August 2016 in front of the Hospital entrance. On this occasion, the Dean Research & AHS hoisted the National Flag at 8. 00 a. m. Faculty members;non-teaching employees and students attended the function. The celebration started with Welcome Address by the student SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


mahatma gandhi

medical college and research institute Research and Scholarship ▶▶ PUBLICATIONS Ananthakrishnan N. Residents working hours and patient safety: Have we finally laid the issue to rest! National Medical Journal of India. 2016;29:23-5. Ananthakrishnan N. Competency based postgraduate medical education. Proceedings of the National Conference on Health Profession Education, Pondicherry. August, 2016:53-54.

Mourougan Sinnatamby, ivekanandan Nagaraja, Reddy Kanipakam Sathyanarayana, Gunaseelan Karunanidhi, Vivekanandam Singhavajala. Study of the dosimetric differences between 192Ir and 60Co sources of high dose rate brachytherapy for breast interstitial implant. Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy (RPOR)2016;21:453–459. Reddi Rani P, Reddy K. S. Primary prevention of cervical cancer. JPOG 2016;46-51.

Parthasarathy S, Sripriya R, Krishnaveni N. Anesthetic management of intestinal obstruction: A postgraduate educational review. Anesth Essays Res. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):397-401.

Kannan P, Mukherji A, Reddy KS et al. Change in quality of life in oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer patients treated with volumetric arc based concomitant boost therapy. Gulf J Oncology 2016;(21): 36-45.

Ramaligam Sripriya, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, MurugesanRavishankar. Ventilator dysfunction: Role of graphics in detection. Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology Sep 2016;465-467.

Kumar Satish Ravi, ManishaNaithani, Sohinder Kaur, K. S. Reddy, RachnaPasi. Abnormal Nuclear Variations in Response to Radiotherapy- As a Tool in Treatment Planning and Assessment of Prognosis. J ClinDiagn ResAug 2016;10(8):AC08-AC12.

Varohi Jain, Nikhilesh Singh, RichaGupta. Autonomic reactivity differs in young adults classified using revised Indian and WHO guidelines for obesity. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Sep2016;10(9):CC01-CC04. Vasanthan S, Madanmohan T, Bhavanani A B, Hanifah M, Jaiganesh K. Comparative study on the effect of yogic relaxing asanas and pranayamas on cardiovascular response in healthy young volunteers. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017;7(1) online. Sowjan M, Vikram R, Rajakumar P. G, Mohammad Ali. Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syndrome: A case report from South India. Int J Pediatr Res. 2016;3(9):646-648. doi:10. 17511/ijpr. 2016. 9. 02. Mourougan Sinnatamby, Vivekanandan Nagarajan, K S. Reddy, GunaseelanKarunanidhi, VivekanandamSinghavajala. Comparison of image-based three-dimensional treatment planning using AcurosTM BV and AAPM TG-43 algorithm for intracavitary brachytherapy of carcinoma cervix. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice 2016:1-9 © Cambridge University Press 2016, doi:10. 1017/S1460396916000248. 6

SathishBalachandr an, ShyamaPremSudha, Reddy KS, SaravananKandasamy. Acute Toxicity of Three Dimensional Conformal Concurrent Chemoradiation with Dose Optimization for External Beam Radiation in Carcinoma Cervix—A Prospective Study. International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology(IJMPER) 2016;5:204-211. ChellappaVijayakumar, Nanda Kishore Maroju, Krisnamachari Srinivasan, K. Satyanarayana Reddy. Clinical audit system as a quality improvement tool in the management of breast cancer. International Journal of Surgery(IJS). 2016;35:44-50. Arul VijayaVani S, Ananthanarayanan PH, Kadambari D, Harichandrakumar KT, Niranjan R, Nandeesha H. Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on side effects profile in patients of breast cancer treated with letrozole. ClinChimActaInt J Clin Chem. 2016;459:53–6. Babu MS, Sreesoorya KP, Menon SK, Saha S, Srinivasan AR, Vani SAV et al. Putative Role of Cardio Metabolic Risk among poorly controlled asthmatics in South Indian Population. Indian J ClinBiochem 2016;22:1–5.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

R e se a rch a nd S cholarship

Niranjan gopal, Reeta rajagambeeram, Shruthivenkatkumar et al. Association of salivary osteopontin levels with glycaemic status and microalbuminuria - in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J ClinDiagn Res 2016;10(8): BC06-08. Mugunthan N, Shanmugasamy K, Anbalagan J, Rajanarayanan S, Meenachi S. Effects of Long Term Exposure of 900-1800MHz Radiation Emitted from 2GMobile Phone on Mice Hippocampus –A Histomorphometric Study. JCdr Aug 2016;10(8): AF01-6. Mugunthan N Kannan R, Jebakani CF Anbalagan J. Variations in the Origin and Course of Right Hepatic Artery and its Surgical Significance. JCdr.Sep 2016;10(9): AC01-AC04. Jayasingh K, TumbanathamAppikatla – Is it APLA causing portal vein thrombosis with portal cavernoma – A case report. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2016;6(8):25-26. Jayasingh K, TumbanathamAppikatla -Significance of serum amylase and serum lipase level in acute organophosphorous poisoning; International Journal of Advanced Research 2016;4(8):1399-1409. Lokesh S, Siva Ranganathan Green, TonyKadavanu Mathew, Hemachandar R, Arun Kumar, Shashank Rakesh Tiwari, Amirtha Lakshmi, Ezhumalai G. A comparative study of platelet parameters in ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis and healthy individuals. International Journal of Advances in Medicine July2016;3(3):559-563. Litton J, Lokesh S. A cross-sectional study of prevalence and determinants of depression among stroke patients. Int J Adv Med. 2016; 3(3): 527-532. Green SR, Lokesh S, Mathew TK, K. J, S. R. A study of stress hyperglycemia and its relationship with the neurological outcome in patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke. Int J Adv Med. 2016; 3(3): 546-551 Bhavani K, UrsRoopa, Venkatraman J, Kotasthane D. Histopathological study of salivary gland tumours. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016;5(72):5240-4, DOI: 10. 14260/jemds/2016/1187. Thimmarayan G, Venkatraman J. Rationale use of platelet transfusion in dengue fever-experience from a tertiary care SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

hospital. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2016;5(70):5054-7, DOI: 10. 14260/jemds/2016/1148 Goneppanavar M, Dhaka RS. Undergraduate medical students' perspectives on objective structured practical examination in Pathology. Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2016;59:430-1. Sandra Mathew. A study of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis and its correlation with disease severity. IJHSR 2016;6(7):52-63 Rai AR, Rai R, Vani PC, Vadgaonkar R, Tonse M. A Cephalometric Analysis on Magnitudes and Shape of SellaTurcica. J Craniofac Surg. Jul 2016;(5):1317-20. Bharati Dharmvir Ranjan, Nandi Partha, Pal Ranabir, Yamuna ThiruvanthipuramV enkadesan, Lokeshmaran Anandharaj, Sarker Gautam. Evaluation of retention of knowledge and skills imparted to third semester MBBS students through basic prehospital care of fracture. Tropical Journal of Medical Research 2016;19(2):118-23. Boratne AV, Datta SS, Vijaykumar K, Joice Y SJ, Singh Z. Socio-Demographic Aspects of Selected Menstrual Hygienic Practices among Adolescent School Girls in Pondicherry . Ntl J Community Med 2016;7(6):510-514. Surekha Anbazhagan, Deepthi Shanbhag AnuAntony, Kypoo Bhanuprakash, Suguna Anbazhagan, Niresh Chandran, Goud Ramakrishna. Comparison of effectiveness of two methods of health education on cancer awareness among adolescent school children in a rural area of Southern India. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2016;(5):430-4. T. Arun, Praveen. C. B, C. P. GaneshBabu, Robinson Smile. Effect of off – Loading Device in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing - A Randomized Control Study. IOSR – JDMS. VI Sep 2016;15(9). Vell K, Senthil R, Patil R. Morbidity pattern among patients attending a private psychiatric clinic – a cross sectional study. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences 2016; 4(9D):3462-6. Selvaraj Stephen, Seung-Han Kim, Jothimani Pradeep, Young Jin Kim, Eun-Ye Kim, Sungman Park, Min-Woo Kim, Yoon-Won Kim. Evaluation of ImmuneMed scrub typhus rapid test kit, for diagnosis of scrub typhus. J Vector Borne Dis. 2016;53:283–7. Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Kim YJ, Park S, Premaratna R, Selvaraj S, Park SJ, Kim S, et al. Clinical Evaluation of Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit for Scrub Typhus with Improved Performance. J Korean Med Sci. 2016;31(8):1190-6. Pramodhini S, Umadevi S, Seetha KS. Detection of virulence determinants and its association with Drug resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;4(9):3917-23. Charles PM, Kali A, Srirangaraj S. Comparison of carbapenem breakpoints in Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines on antibiotic susceptibility test reporting of Acinetobacterbaumannii. Indian J PatholMicrobiol. 2016;59(3):429-30. Kali A. Psychobiotics: An emerging probiotic in psychiatric practice. Biomed J. 2016;39(3):223-4. Arumugam Sendhil Coumary, Murugesan Sharmila, Pradeep Sunitha, Bhatacharya J Lopamudra, Kolluru Vasavi. Intracranial tuberculoma presenting as AtypicalEclampsia: A Case Report. J ClinDiagn Res 2016;10(6):QD01-QD02. Rupal S, Pallavee Palai. Clinical study of primary caesarean section in multiparous women in a tertiary care hospital. . Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol. 2016;5(5):506-1509. Tapanpattanaik, SunitaSamal, Tanaya Jena. Prevalence and spectrum of congenital malformations in a tertiary care centre. Indian Journal of Neonatal Medicine and ResearchJuly2016;4(3):01-04. Pandiamunian Jayabal, Kartik J. Salwe, Somasundaram Ganesan, Bhanu Prakash Kolasani. A study on prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Puducherry, South India. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 5, 2016, 217-220. Raghuraman M. S. , Sivaraman B. Comparative study of anaphylaxis incidence in patients receiving antisnake venom with or without prophylactic adrenaline: A prospective, randomized, blinded study. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2016;5(4):1436-1440. doi:10. 18203/23192003. ijbcp20162449. Goneppanavar M, Dhaka RS. Undergraduate medical students' perspectives on objective structured practical 8

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

examination in Pathology. Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2016;59:430-1. Anugraha B, Srikanth K. A rare case of branch retinal vein occlusion following Sirsasana. International Journal of Yoga 2016;9: 173-5. Venkatesh S, Chandrasekaran V, Dhandapany G, Palanisamy S, Sadagopan S. A survey on internet usage and online learning behaviour among medical undergraduates. Postgrad Med J. 2016 Sep 19. pii: postgradmedj-2016-134164. doi: 10. 1136/postgradmedj-2016-134164. [Epub ahead of print]. SwagatMahapatra, Vineet Thomas Abraham. A comparative analysis of the two most common surgical exposures for clubfoot - International Surgery Journal 2016;3(3):1283 – 1286. Vineet Thomas Abraham, M. Chandrasekaran, SwagatMahapatra. Outcome of subtrochanteric fracture of the femur managed with proximal femoral nail. International Surgery Journal. August2016;(3)3:1296 – 1300. R. Nandakumar, Vineet Thomas Abraham, A. Prabhakaran, M. Chandrasekaran, SwagatMahapatra. Early weight bearing following intertrochanteric fractures managed with proximal femoral nail-Are we obsessed with complications. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical SciencesJuly 2016;(2)1:255-258. Suresh, Shanker, Lokesh. A study of clinical profile causes and complications of fever with thrombocytopenia. International Journal of Scientific Research Sep2016;5(9):78-79. Shanmugam Lokesh, Tony Mathew Kadavanu, Siva Ranganathan Green, Tarun Kumar Dutta, RadhakrishnanHemachandar, Arun Kumar Ramachandrappa, ShashankRakesh Tiwari, EzhumalaiGovindasamy. A comparative study of lipid profile and cardiovascular risk biomarkers among chronic hemodialysis patients and healthy individuals. J Clin Diagn ResSep2016;10(11): Oc15- Oc19. ShanmugamLokesh.Trace elements in Chronic hemodialysis patients and healthy individuals – A comparative study. J ClinDiagn ResOct2016;10(10):Oc14-Oc17.


R e se a rch a nd S cholarship

Kalirattiname, VijeshAnand, Aarthi and Deyagarasan. Rare Coinfection with zoonotic and viral disease in a young female. Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research 2016; 4(4):675-77.

Dr. TumbanathamAsst. Professor, Department of General Medicine was a Peer reviewer for Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research from July to Sep 2016, and reviewed 3 papers.

Chapter in books Satvinder Singh Bakshi. MCQ in ENT, Target JIPMER, 3rd edition. 2016. Peepee publishers, ISBN-108184452071& ISBN-13-978-8184452075.

Dr. S.Lokesh, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine Peer reviewed for the Journal of Current Trends in Clinical Medicine and Laboratory Biochemistry and for Journal of clinical and diagnostic research.

Kadambari D, Ananthakrishnan N. Male Breast Cancer. Puneet (Ed), RoshanLall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery2016;14:15-32. New Delhi, JaypeeBros.

Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and Head, Department of Pathologyreviewed article in Clinical Medicine Insights:Pathology in the month of August 2016.

Ananthakrishnan N, Kalyarasan R, Kate V. Corrosive injury of esophagus and stomach. Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi. 2016;194-206.

Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Department of ENT peer reviewed articles in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (IJOHNS) and Indian journal of Otology (IJO).

Kate V, Kalayarasan R, Elamurugan TP, Ananthakrishnan N. Surgery for peptic ulcer disease. Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi. 2016, 283-299.

Dr.SS Bakshi, Asst. Professor and Head, Department of ENT peer reviewed articles in, Journal of Surgery, Symbiosis group, International Journal of Dermatology and Journal of case reports and studies.

Editor / Reviewer

Book Publications

Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, appointed as a member of editorial board of Music & Medicine journal. Tenure: From 01. 07. 2016 to 30. 06. 2021.

PatilR. Swasthya Bhramaur Sachchai. 1 st ed. Jaipur: Bodhi Prakashan; 2016. ISBN No. : 978-93-86253-03-3.

Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and AHS was invited to be a reviewer for the prestigious “British Journal of Surgery. ”

K.R.Sethuraman. Communication Skills in Clinical Practice. II edition. JAYPEE Brothers, Medical publishers, Chennai.

Dr. A. N. Uma Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy peer reviewed a manuscript, for the journal, Advances in Research, a SCIENCEDOMAIN international publication. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor & Head, reviewed an article for British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. Dr. Arunava Kali, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for BMC Research Notes in Aug, 2016. Dr. Arunava Kali, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review a research project proposal for Czech Science Foundation.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016




Initiatives ▶▶ AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Awards Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Professor, Community Medicine received Fellowship of International Medical Science Academy (FIMSA) on 01. 05. 2016. Mr Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiology presented paper titled “A comparative study of the effect of yogic relaxing asanas and pranayams on HRV and perceived stress” in the International Conference on Environment and Occupational Health on 10. 09. 16 & 11. 09. 16, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai. His paper was awarded 2nd best paper in the oral paper presentation category. Dr. Arun Kumar R, Asst. Prof, and Dr. M. Santosh, Senor Resident, Department of General Medicine has been Awarded MNAMS – Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) on 23. 09. 2016. Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology received second prize on Podium presentation of her research paper on “Prospective, Randomized evaluation of single point subfascial injection of local anesthetic during ultrasound guided supraclavicular Vs costoclavicular brachial plexus block” on 6th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA India – 2016) held at Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16.

Oration by Prof. S. Srinivasan, Dept. of Pediatrics delivered and was awarded the D. G Benakappa Endowment Oration medallion at the South zone Pedicon held in Shivamogga from 14. 10. 16 to 16. 10. 16 10

Recognition Resource Person / Guest lecture in Academic Events Dr. Sameera M. Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology attended the “Interns Orientation Program 2016 as a Resource Person, held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 01. 07. 2016. Dr. Sendhil Coumary A, Professor, Obstetrics &Gynecology gave a talk on 'Pathophysiology of endometriosis' in National Endometcon 2016 in Trichy between 08. 07. 16 and 10. 07. 16. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD was Guest Faculty at “58th Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop” held from 16. 07. 16 to 17. 07. 16 at MERF, Chennai.

and Tail off Phenomenon’.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine along with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals conducted a programme on Adherence in Inhaler therapy in Adithi hotel, Pondicherry on 31. 7. 16. Prof. R. Pajanivel gave a talk on ‘Adherence in Airway Diseases’ while Dr. Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor, gave a talk on ‘Pseudoadherence

Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS and Professor of General Surgery gave a Keynote address

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

A ca de mic In itiatives

on Medical Professionalism at the Southzone Medical Students Conference, Pondicherry, July, 2016. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, invited to attend Specification Vetting Committee Meeting at JIPMER on 04. 08. 16. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry conducted a module on “Writing review of literature and references” at the Dissertation workshop for final year PG students at MGMCRI on 09. 08. 16. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry conducted a module on “Converting the dissertation into a journal article” at Dissertation workshop for final year PG students at MGMCRI on 12. 08. 16. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS and Professor of General Surgery delivered a lecture on, ‘Competency based postgraduate medical education’ at the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI held from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. In the same event he also conducted the workshop titled, ‘Approach to students with poor academic performance’. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology was the Resource Faculty for National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education”NCHPE 2016 conducted by the Dept of Medical Education MGMCRI, SBV from 19. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16. Dr. Kusha Nag, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, delivered a lecture on “Anesthetists nontechnical skills & Evaluation system (ANTS)”in the 32nd ISACON South and 32nd ISA Karnataka State Conference (ISACON-2016) on 20. 08. 16 at Belagavi, Karnataka. Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a speaker for a CME Program at Govt. Head Quarters Hospital, Cuddalore on 24. 08. 16.

Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited for Anaesthesia Machine Product evaluation (Anaesthesia Ventilator, EV 600A, 25. 08. 16-25. 09. 16) for AVASARALA (P) Ltd as a part of Consultancy Services Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD was Operating Faculty of “Live Otology Workshop SZERCON 16” on 26. 08. 16 at South Zone ENT Hospital, Villupuram. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD of ENT gave a Guest talk on “Management Of Allergic Rhinitis” held on

28. 08. 16 at Neyveli, IMA . Dr. A. N. Uma, Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy delivered a Motivational talk on, “ Building Self Confidence” during the I year B. Sc (Nursing) Orientation Programme on 06. 09. 16 at the Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry. Prof. R. Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a talk on “Newer anticoagulants” in CRSCON III 2016, held in Coimbatore on 7. 8. 2016. He also gave a talk on Pulmonary Function test, in “Introductory topics in Pulmonary Medicine -UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram between 10. 09. 16 & 11. 9. 2016. Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine gave a Guest talk on ‘Patient safety’ organized by IGIDS, Puducherry. Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Placement & entrepreneurship guidance programme - Personality development at KGNC, SBVU on 14. 09. 16 Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry conducted a module


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

on “Literature search and reference management” at Dissertation workshop for first year PG students at MGMCRI on 19. 09. 16. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, invited as a faculty to take part of 6th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA India – 2016) held at Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16.

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GLOBAL Hospital in Chennai between 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16. Department of Pulmonary Medicine along with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals conducted a programme on Adherence in Inhaler therapy in Adithi hotel, Pondicherry on 31. 7. 16. Prof. K. Surendra Menon, HOD, chaired the session. He also moderated a session of “Grand rounds” in CRSCON III 2016, held in Coimbatore on 07. 08. 16. Prof. C. P. Ganesh babu, Department of General Surgery chaired a session of Recent Concepts in Upper GI in TN & P ASICON, Salem on 12. 08. 16& 13. 08. 16 Dr. R. Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology chaired a session in “International Conference on Environment and Occupational Health” on 10. 09. 16 and 11. 09. 16, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai.

Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, delivered Communication skills module for IGIDS PG students at IGIDS on 29. 09. 16.

Dr. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor was the panelist at the Symposium, ‘Carcinoma PenisPremalignant Lesion’ at the Board of Education, Urological Society of India on 08. 07. 16 at the 27th SZUSICON. He also chaired a session and judged K Krishnaswamy prize paper session at TAPASUCON 2016 held at Yercaud between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.

Prof. K. Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine moderated the session on “ Palpation of Respiratory system” in “Introductory topics of Pulmonary MedicineUDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram between 10. 09. 16 and 11. 09. 16.

Prof. T. Tirou Aroul, Dr. K. V. Rajan, Department of General Surgery, chaired sessions in the GI Update,

Dr. N. Mugunthan, Professor, Dept. of Anatomy participated as a delegate and chaired a session at the International level Conference held from 23rd to 25th September 2016 under the agesis of the 39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chromepet, Chennai. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology chaired a session and also judged K Krishnaswamy prize paper session at TAPASUCON 2016 held at Yercaud between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Dr.Reddi Rani, Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired sessions on Anaemia and Regimen of MgSO4 in Postgraduate workshop conducted by Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. Syed Habeebulah, Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired a session in Postgraduate workshop on mass abdomen and post-menopausal bleeding conducted by Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. K. Jeyapalan, Professor, Department of General Medicine, chaired an academic session on Radiodiagnostic oncology organized by the IMA, Cuddalore on 18. 09. 2016.

Officiating as Chairperson / Moderator / Panelist in Academic / Scientific Events


Dr. Seetesh Ghose Professor and Head, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired sessions on ‘Infertility and Abnormal Uterine Bleedingin Postgraduate workshop’ conducted by Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.


Dr. Reddi Rani, Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology, chaired sessions in CME on Urogynecology conducted by Department of O&G, JIPMER, Puducherry, on 25. 09. 16. Dr. Syed Habeebulah, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired a sessions in CME on Urogynecology conducted by Department of O&G, JIPMER, Puducherry, on 25. 09. 16. Prof. M. Ramanathan, Head, Department of General Surgery, chaired session in the IMSACON-16 conference conducted by the International Medical Science Academic at Mauritius from 06. 10. 2016 to 08. 10. 2016

Dr. Manimekalai, Professor and HOD, Department of Pharmacology, was an External Examiner for Ph. D. Viva Voice, conducted in Bharat University, Chennai. Elected /Member in Scientific and Academic Offices Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, Elected as Executive Committee Member from South Zone for Academy of Regional Anaesthesia (AORA). Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology was elected as Treasurer of TAPASU for term 2016-18. Dr. Vasudevan . T, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Urology was elected as Council member, TAPASU, 2016.

Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Dept of ENT was elected as the Executive member, Cuddalore IMA on July 2016. Dr. S Gopalakrishnan, Professor, Department of ENT was one of the Members of peer committee for the accreditation by NAAC for Manipal University and visited the university from 23. 05. 2016 to 26. 05. 2016. Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology became Life Member of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, in July 2016. Dr. S. S. Rajasekar, Professor and Head, Dept. of Anatomy has been appointed as Faculty, Medical Education Unit, in September 2016, SBV University, Puducherry.

Organizing member

Prof. R. Krishnagopal, Orthopedics, was an examiner for M. S Ortho & D. OrthoKempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore on 14. 7. 16.

Dr. A. N. Uma, Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy was one of the core committee memberEditorial Committee [e- souvenir] and also edited the print version of the Proceedings on the ‘National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education” (NC-CTHPE)’ organized by the MEU, MGMCRI held at SBV campus from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016.

Dr. Narayanan, Professor, Department of General Medicine was the examiner for part II clinical examination for Kerala University of Health Sciences, at Gokulam Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.

Prof. Tirou Aroul, Department of General Surgery was the Co-Chairman in the CME Hepatoliare conference conducted by the MGMCRI in Pondicherry dated on 23. 09. 16 and 24. 09. 16.



Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The “Pharmacogenetic testing Services at MGMCRI” was inaugurated by the CIDRF and on 23. 09. 16 and Dr. Mirunalini. R, from the Department of Pharmacology was an organizing member in the committee. The Clinical Research and Audit by Medical students (CREAMS) programme for III semester MBBS students was organized by the office of the Dean. Dr. Seetharaman, Dr. Jayaramahandran, Dr. A. Suguna, Dr. A. Sureka, Dr. PruthuThekkur Gowda, Mr. Lokeshmaran, faculties from the department of Community Medicine played an active role in planning & implementation of 2 weeks program.

▶▶ Presentation in Academic / Scientific Events Dr. Udhaya Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology gave capsule talk on the topic, “Minimally invasive surgeries through interventional radiology- our experience” at the Scientific and Academy Forum held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 27. 07. 16. He also presented the same paper at Manakular Vinayaga Medical College, Pondicherry on 23. 08. 2016.

Dr. R. Ramesh, Prof & Head, Department of Biochemistry presented a paper, ‘Relationship between Noncognitive Scores and Academic Performance among Students Requiring Additional Curricular Support’ in the National Conference titled “Changing Trends in Health Professionals Education” organized by MEU, MGMC & RI on 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Dr. M. Sathish Babu, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry presented a paper, Supplementingopen Book Exercises during and after Lecture can be an alternate Teaching Learning Style on Undergraduate Medical Student’ in the National Conference titled “Changing Trends In Health Professionals Education” organized by MEU, MGMC & RI on 19. 08. 16& 20. 08. 16.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

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Dr. Henri Balraj, Professor, Department of Physiology, attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professional Education. " held from19. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Henri Balraj presented a paper titled “A journey towards multimodal approach in teaching /learning” in the conference. Dr. Meenu Priyadarshini N, Asst Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended the 30th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram between Sep 02. 09. 16 and 04. 09. 16 and presented a paper on ‘Effect of preoperative vaginal preparation with povidone iodine on post cesarean infections’. Dr. R. Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology presented a paper titled “A study on the correlation of Brachial Arterial Intima Media Thickness (BA IMT) and markers of atherosclerosis” in the International Conference on Environment and Occupational Health organized by the Association of Physiologist on 11. 09. 16, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai.

surgery” at the 39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu on Saturday, the 24. 09. 2016, and also presented the same paper at the International Conference Anatomy 2016 on 25. 09. 2016, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai. Dr. Prabavathy G, Asst. Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titled, “A study of Hyrtl’s anastomosis of umbilical arteries and its clinical correlation” at the 39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu on 24. 09. 2016, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai. Dr. K. A. Narayan, Professor, Dept of Community Medicine, attended the “International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare” at Singapore on 27. 09. 16 and 28. 09. 16 and presented a poster titled “Inter- professional capacity Building in Educational Sciences – The SBVU Innovation”.

Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Asst Professor, Department of Pathology, was invited for Oral Paper presentation “CytoHisto-Radiological and Biochemical correlation of Thyroid Lesions-A study in Rural tertiary hospital in eastern coast of Southern India” at 4th SAARC Academy of Cytology And Histopathology 2016- International Conference held at BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal on 18. 09. 16.

Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, gave an oral presentation on ‘The HeART Module - Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques’ at National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education 2016, SBV University, Pondicherry on 19. 09. 2016. Dr. A. N. Uma, Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy presented a paper titled, “Histopathological variations in testis, cytogenetic and hormonal alterations on male transgenders undergoing sex reassignment SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. SendhilCoumary A, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended an International Conference ‘ENDOMETCON’ at Trichy from 8. 07. 16 to 10. 07. 16. Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD & Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the annual conference of the Intra ocular Implant & Refractive Society of India as delegates held at Chennai on 08. 07. 16 & 09. 07. 16. Dr. S.Lokesh, Associate Professor, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine, attended 12th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India Tamilnadu Chapter held between 22. 07. 16 and 24. 07. 16 at Thoothukkudi. Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr. N Swathi & Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professors, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME “Interactive 3-D CME in orbit & Oculoplasty” conducted by the Pondicherry Ophthalmic association at Pondicherry on 24. 07. 16. Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended “MCI Revised Basic Course Workshop on Medical Education Technologies from 25. 07. 16 to 27. 07. 16 at JIPMER

Sonar, Kolkata.

Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Associate Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, presented a paper titled, ‘A study on the use of high Anterolateral portal for sparing the intrapatellar fat pad during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction’ at the 15th Annual conference of Indian Arthroscopy (IASCON) on 29. 09. 16 to 2. 10. 16 at ITC

▶▶ PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC/SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Dr. Jayanthi. S, Tutor, Department of Anatomy participated in a National Workshop on "Basic Technique in Fluorescence Microscopy" held at JIPMER between 22. 04. 2016 & 23. 04. 2016.


Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended “Attitude and Communication (ATCOM) workshop” held on 28. 07. 16 at JIPMER Dr. Satish Kumar, Professor & Head, Dr. Baskar R, Professor, Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Dr. Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professors, Dr. Prasanna P, Tutor Department of Forensic Medicine attended ‘Forensic CME 2016 “Management of Sexual Offence Cases-A multidisciplinary Approach” on 30. 07. 16 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. S. Karthik, Asst. Prof, Dr. Arun kumar. R. Asst. Prof, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst. Prof and Dr. Tamilarasan, SR, Department of General Medicine attended International Diabetes update 2016- organized by Dr. Mohan’s diabetes education academy, Chennai from 29. 07. 2016 to 31. 07. 2016 Dr. P. Karthikeyan Professor and HOD, Department of ENT attended “58th Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop” from 16. 07. 16 to 17. 07. 16 at MERF by Padmashree Mohan Kameswaran, Chennai . He attended “ENT Conclave” from 6. 08. 16 to 7. 08. 16 at hotel Le Meridian, Cochin organized by Prof Milind Kirtane and also attended Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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19th TNAOI Conference held from 09. 09. 16 to 11. 09. 16 at Hotel Shervaroys Yercaud.

Surgery attended ASICON TN & Pondy in Salem on 12. 08. 16 to 13. 08. 16.

Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Rani, Dr. Kusha, Dr. Sameera Jahagirdar, Dr. Sripriya, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professors, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Jaya, Dr. Gayatri, Dr. Annie, Dr. Indubala, Dr. Sreedhar Reddy, Assistant Professors, Dr. ArchanaAreti, Senior Resident, Dr. Senthil, Senior Resident Dr. Vivek, Senior Resident Dr. Siyam, Senior Resident participated 3rd edition of ISA Meet held on 23. 07. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry.

Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, and Dr. Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professors of Forensic Medicine department attended Elsevier Author workshop on 11. 08. 16 at Hotel Accord, Pondicherry conducted by Elsevier Publishers.

Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Tridip Dutta, Dr. R. Kannan, Prof. Palaniappan, Department of General Surgery attended GI update in Global, Chennai on 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16.

Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016), Workshop-Leading change in Medical Education and Mentoring and Feedback held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16.

Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology attended “Hands on Training Workshop on Flow Cytometry” held on 6. 08. 16 at Interdisciplinary Institute of Indian System of Medicine, SRM University, Kattankulathur.

Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16.

Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor & Dr. Subramaniam R, Senior Resident, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 16 to 07. 08. 16.

Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16.

Dr. Hariharan, Associate Professor, Dr. Kalaimani, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine attended ‘pollo advanced critical care conference 2016’ organized by Apollo Institute of Critical Care Medicine & Institute of Neurosciences held on 06. 08. 2016 at hotel Hyatt, Chennai.

Dr. Antony John Charles, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16.

Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in TANPSYCON ’16, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 06. 08. 16 & 07. 08. 16. Dr. Sithanandha Kumar, Dr. Bakshi, Assistant Professors Department of ENT attended lecture on “ENT Today” (Head and Neck Surgery) Laryngotracheal Surgery Workshop on 08. 08. 16 and 9. 08. 16 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Prof. Tirou Aroul, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu, Dr. R. Kannan, Dr. Durai. R, and Dr. N. S. Kannan, Department of General 16

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Prof. T. Tirou Aroul, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu and Dr. R. Kannan, Assoc. Prof, Department of General Surgery attended the work shop on ‘Teaching Clinical Skills’ in National conference on Health Professions Education in MGMCRI on 19. 08. 16. Dr. K. S. Seetha, Professor and Head, Dr. Pramodhini S, Associate Professor, Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale, Assistant Professor and Dr. Valentina Y and Dr. Prabha R, Tutors, Department of Microbiology, attended the national conference on “Changing trends in Health Professions Education” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry, between 19. 08. 2016 and 20. 08. 2016.


Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology participated in workshop on Professionalism and Teaching Clinical skills in digital Era at the NC-CTHPE 2016 held between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Prof. T. Tirou Aroul, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu and Dr. R. Kannan, Department of General Surgery attended National conference on Health Professions Education in MGMCRI between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. All Faculty from Department of General Surgery attended Gastro CME on 24. 09. 16 in MGMCRI. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated as a faculty on 32nd ISACON South and 32nd ISA Karnataka State Conference (ISACON-2016) on 20. 08. 16 at Belagavi, Karnataka. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor & Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016), SBVU at Puducherry from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. R. Reeta and Dr. Kulkarni Shweta, Department of Biochemistry attended workshop titled “Professionalism Teaching clinical skills in the Digital Era” while Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani. S, Department of Biochemistry attended workshop titled “Problem Learners”organized by MEU, MGMC & RI on 18. 08. 16. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor, Community Medicine, participated at the National Level Conference on Changing trends in health professions education at MGMCRI held between 19. 08. 2016 and 20. 08. 2016 and also participated in the Workshop on ‘Problem Learners’ and on ‘Mentoring & Feedback’.

Dr. Krishnan, Prof. & HOD, Department of DVL attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16 and also attended a session on ‘Problem Learners, Mentoring and Feedback’. Dr. Henri Balraj, Professor, Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology, attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professional Education. " held between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16, at MGMCRI. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. G Mangala, Dr. Shanmugasamy, Associate Professor, Dr. Bhavani, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Dr. Venkatraman J, Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Dr. Roopa, Dr. Mathumithra, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Pathology attended National conference on changing Trends in Health Professions Education”, held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16. Dr. S. S. Rajasekar, Professor and Head, Dr. Chandra Philip. X, Professor, Dr. N. Mugunthan, Professor, Dr. AN. Uma, Assistant Professor, Dr. G. Prabavathy, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, participated as delegates at the ‘National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education” (NC-CTHPE)’ organized by the MEU, MGMCRI held at SBV campus from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 16. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. G Mangala, Associate professor, Dr. Bhavani, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Dr. Roopa, Dr. Mathumithra, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Pathology attended workshop on “ Professionalism” in National conference on changing Trends in Health Professions Education”, held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16

Dr. Partha Nandi, Professor, Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. A. Suguna, Dr. A. Surekha, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, participated in the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI held from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016

Dr. Arun Kumar, R. Asst. Prof, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst. Prof, Dr. K. Jeyapalan, Professor, Dr. Arthi, Asst. Prof, Dr. Kalirathiname, Associate Professor, Dr. K. Jayasingh, Professor, Dr. Hariharan, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine attended National conference on ‘Changing trends in Health Professions Education’ organized by SBV AHEAD, SBV University, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16.

Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Dr. Reeta. R, Dr. Kulkarni Shweta Kulkarni and Dr. S. Arul Vijaya Vani, Department of Biochemistry attended the National Conference titled “Changing Trends in Health Professionals Education” between 19. 08. 16& 20. 08. 16.

Dr. Seetesh Professor and Head, Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Dr. Pallavee P, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended National conference on changing trends in health professional education (NC-CTHPE-2016) at MGMCRI between 19. 08. 16& 20. 08. 16.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Seetesh Ghose, attended the Workshop on ‘Professionalism’ and Workshop on Clinical Skill in Digital Era and Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended the Workshop on Problem learners on 19. 08. 16, SBV University, at the National conference on changing trends in health professional education (NC-CTHPE-2016), Pondicherry. Dr. G. Mangala, Associate Professor, department of Pathology, attended the National conference on Changing trends in Health Professions Education organised by SBVUbetween 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16 at Pondicherry and actively participated in the workshop on ‘Mentoring and feedback’ as well as workshop on ‘Professionalism’ Dr. Satish Kumar, Professor & Head, Dr. Baskar R, Professor, Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Dr. Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professors, Department of Forensic Medicine attended National conference on “Changing trends in Health Professions Education” held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16. Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, participated health camp conducted by Indian Medical Association (Pondicherry branch) at Vanurtaluk in August and rendered laboratory related services. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, participated in a Workshop on ‘Professionalism’, while, Dr. J. Sahithyaa, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine participated in a ‘Workshop on Clinical skills in Digital Era’ & Workshop on ‘Professionalism’ at the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI held from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. P. Karthikeyan Professor and Head, Dr. Vijayasundaram, Associate Professor, Department of ENT attended “Master Class Live Surgical Workshop” conducted by Dr. Vijayendra & Dr. Mahadevaiah between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16 at Hotel La Shangiri, Bangalore. Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, attended research methodology training and biostatistics between 20. 08. 16 and 21. 08. 16 at Chanre Health Care Pvt. Limited. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Dr. Karthik J Salwe and Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professors, Dr. Johan Pandian and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professors, Department of Pharmacology, attended a Conference 18

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

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on “Trends in Medical Education”, organized by MEU, MGMCRI, between 25. 08. 16 and 26. 08. 16. Dr. Deepak David and Dr. Vasudevan T, Asst. Professors, Department of Urology attended a CME in Jaipur, ‘Uroscope’ between 26. 08. 16 and 27. 08. 16 organized by a pharmaceutical company. About 150 faculties were invited and scientific discussion on recent advances in urology was the main focus. Dr. K. Jayasingh, Dr. K. Jeyapalan, Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Dr. Hariharan, Dr. Kalirathiname, Dr. M. Narayanan, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Dr. Arun kumar . R, Dr. Tamilarasan, Dr. Arun Kumar . A. , Dr. S. Shobna, Dr. Sabarirajan, Dr. Sudarsan, Dr. Vijay Anandaraj, Dr. Kalai Mani, Dr. S. S. Siva, Dr. Sakthi Suganya, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Lal, Dr. Tumbanatham, Dr. Jose Devasia, Dr. Karthik, Dr. Deyagarasan, Dr. Vel Murugan, Dr. . Tony Mathew, Faculty members, Department of General Medicine attended CME programme on “An approach to common Rheumatological disorders “ organized by the department of Medicine with Dr. I . Venkatesh . M. D.,D. M, Consultant Rheumatologist as the Speaker from AVMCH, Puducherry on 31. 08. 2016 Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Mr Vasanthan, Assistant Professor and Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology, attended conference on “Visual Electrophysiology and its Diagnostic Applications” on 02. 09. 16 held at Karpaga Vinayga Institute of Medical Science & Research Center, Kanchipuram Dr. A. Mossadeq, Prof & Head, Dr. S, Joseph Philipraj, Prof, Dr. Kalyanaraman Kone, Associate Prof, Dr. Vasudevan T, Dr. Deepak David, Asst. Professors, Department of Urology attended National Conference on distance education at Pondicherry University between 08. 09. 16 and 9. 09. 16. Dr. J. Anbalagan, Professor, Anatomy attended the State level Anatomy Conference held between 23. 09. 16 and 24. 09. 2016 at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai. Dr. Jeetendra Behera, Senior Resident, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended Basic and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy between 09.09.16 and 11.09.16 at Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dr. Kusha, Associate Professor, Dr. Sameera Jahagirdar, SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Department of Pathology, attended4th SAARC Academy of Cytology and Histopathology 2016 International conference held at BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal on 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.

Associate Professor, Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dr. Antony John Charles, Assistant Professor, Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor Dr. Gayatri, Assistant Professor Dr. Annie, Assistant Professor Dr. Indubala, Assistant Professor Dr. Sreedhar Reddy, Assistant Professor Dr. ArchanaAreti, Senior Resident, Dr. Senthil, Senior Resident Dr. Vivek, Senior Resident Dr. Siyam, Senior Resident participated 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. S. Karthi, & Dr. Kalaimani, Asst. Professors, Department of General Medicine, attended “ECG – Basics and beyond” advanced ECG Course conducted by Dept. of Electrophysiology & Pacing of Madras Medical MISSION, Chennai on 11. 09. 2016. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Department of Pathology, attended 4th SAARC Academy of Cytology and Histopathology 2016-Pre- conference CME on ‘Breast Pathology’ held at BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal on 16. 09. 16. Dr. Lopamudra B John, Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended Rockfert workshop and conference at Trichy on 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. A. Mossadeq, Prof & Head, Dr. S, Joseph Philipraj, Prof, Dr. Vasudevan T, Dr. Deepak David from Dept of Urology attended the 21st Annual conference of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry association of Urologists (TAPASUCON) held at Yercaud, Salem held between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Dr. Karthik J Salwe and Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professors, Dr. Johan Pandian and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professors, from the Department of Pharmacology, attended a CME, in IMA Hall, Cuddalore on “Cancers – where rays have a say and Knives have a cutting edge”, organized by IMA, Cuddalore and Apollo Cancer Institutes, Teynampet, Chennai on 18. 09. 16 at 7. 00PM. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended GXcerpts 2016, conducted by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, held in Chennai on 22. 9. 16. Dr. Antony John Charles, Assistant Professor, &Dr. Archana Areti, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, participatedas a delegate on 6th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA India – 2016) held at Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology participated in CME on Urogynaecology at JIPMER 25. 09. 16. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology attended National conference on “Emerging Challenges and Prospects in Distance education” conducted by DDE Pondicherry University on Sept 2016. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor & Head, Dr. P. Pallavee Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended CME in Urogynocology on 25. 09. 16 at JIPMER, Puducherry Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor & Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry attended CHETPSYCON 2016 – conference titled “Essentials in General Hospital Psychiatry” organized by Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu on 28. 09. 16. Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. J. Sahithyaa, Dr. A. Suguna, Dr. A. Surekha, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine, participated in a State level CME on Rabies at IGMC & RI on 28. 09. 16. Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended Workshop on ‘Role of ultrasonography in infertility and early pregnancy’, conducted by Mediscan on 29. 09. 16, CUSP 2016, Chennai. Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Dr. Pallavee P, Professor, Dr. RupalSamal, Asst Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

attended the 15th South Asian regional conference on Clinical Ultraonography Practice conducted by Mediscan in Chennai on 29. 09. 16 and 30. 09. 16. Prof. K. Surendra Menon, HOD, Prof. R. Pajanivel, Dr. Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor, and the postgraduates from the department of Pulmonary Medicine attended the

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Dr. Richa Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, completed an international online course titled “Instructional Methods in Health Profession Education” offered by University of Michigan on 3. 07. 16. Prof. SunithaSamal, Obstetrics & Gynecology completed training on Advanced ART Course for clinicians, from 22. 08. 16 to 10. 09. 16 at International Institute for Training and Research in Reproductive Health, Bangalore. Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head and Mr. V. Kuzhandai Velu, Department of Biochemistry tutor has completed International Advanced Diploma in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, August 2016.

‘Respiratory Science Master Class Webinar’ on 30. 9. 16 regarding ‘Role of Formoterol/Budesonide Maintenance & Reliever Regimen in prevention of Asthma exacerbations’. Dr. Ruby Pawankar (Nippon University, Japan) and Dr. Himanshu Garg (Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon) participated as Resource persons. This programme was conducted by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. Dr. R. Arunkumar, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine attended CME & Workshop on Neurology, NEWRON ’16, organized by Dept. of General Medicine, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine attended State level Conference CHETMEDICON 2016 on “Recent advances in Infectious diseases”, organized by Dept. of General Medicine at Chettinad hospitals & Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Kanchipuram.

Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, has completed certificate course in LQMS at Miothospital, Chennai . The Department of Pharmacology during third quarter has reported 46 ADR reports through mail to the Regional Pharmacovigilance Monitoring Centre, JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, selected for PGDHPE, SBV course 2016-2017, while Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, registered for PhD (Psychology) in SJJT University, Rajasthan. Book Release: Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology released a Tamil poem book - “Nila Mutram” on 25. 09. 16.

Dr. S. Karthi, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine attended Education programme on ‘IBS in India: Shifting Paradigms in management’ conducted by The John Hopkins School of Medicine. Webinar:During the third quarter of 2016, the Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine organized a webinar on:Evidence Based use of antibiotics in Sepsis : Current Controversies by Dr. SubhashTodi, New definitions in Sepsis by Dr. J Divatia, and the sessions were moderated by Dr. Rajesh Chawla. All postgraduates & Faculty members from Anaesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine attended.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

programs in addition to proving quality medical education. The celebration began with Prof. Partha Nandi, Vice Principal (Students) welcoming the gathering. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI then read out the Annual report for the year 2015 -16, chronicling the achievements of the college in various aspects like Curriculum, student and faculty achievements, research activities and hospital services. He also stressed about the introduction of the new ‘STEPS’ Curriculum for First MBBS and Competency Based Residency Program for postgraduates from this academic year onwards. He also informed that the Institution has been accredited with NAAC ‘A’ Grade in the recent inspection and ranked No. 93 in NIRF rating. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research and Allied Health Sciences felicitated the gathering. Prof. Mahalakshmi V. N. , Vice Principal (Curriculum) introduced the Chief Guest, Prof. George Chandy, Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and former Director, CMC, Vellore and currently the Director, Believers’ Church Medical College

and Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala, and announced the awardees. Every year, Institute Day serves as an opportunity to reward academic excellence and exemplary achievements. So on this day, it honoured those who had achieved outstanding results in the undergraduate & postgraduate medical programs. The chief guest of the day, Prof. George Chandy, distributed the academic achievement and congratulated the students and their parents. The day saw the proud faces of some of the alumni, stepping into the portals of their alma mater to receive their laurels! The institute was unable to conduct this annual ceremony over the last few years, due to various exigencies and thus nearly 289 awards to 152 awardees were distributed giving

a rough idea about the magnitude of the celebration! After the award ceremony, Prof. George Chandy addressed the students regarding;The realities of healthcare expenditure and the burden of health care cost to the poor in our country; the need to be both cost effective and quality oriented in our patient care activities, and the responsibilities and mission of the young graduates to bridge the gap between the affordability and quality in health care sector. Prof. Nirmal Coumare V. , Medical Superintendent proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, General Manager (Administration) was the Chief Co-coordinator and the Office of the Dean organized the event.



MGMCRI celebrated, ‘Institute Day’ on 15. 07. 2016 at SBV Auditorium, MGMCRI campus. The MGMCRI Institute day was an occasion to remember the College’s past and celebrate its future. During its 15 years of existence, the college had contributed immensely to the region and its growth through its tertiary care super-speciality medical and dental hospitals, rural health centers and telemedicine based outreach



Department of Urology, MGMC&RI hosted the prestigious SZUSICON 2016 “27th Association of Southern zone Urologists Annual conference” at SBV Auditorium from 8th to 10th July 2016, which was a colossal accomplishment and was decidedly cherished by the Urological Fraternity all over the country. We were privileged to have the presence of Dr. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Subhash Chandra Parija, Director, JIPMER as the Chief Guest for the inauguration function. We greeted more than 1000 Urologists across India as well as International faculties who gathered together at our home town “Puducherry” in our very own SBV Campus to witness an overwhelming feat of contemporary Urology. We organized a state of the art Operative workshop followed by exhilarating scientific sessions wherein more than 200 scientific papers were presented by Urological faculty and Postgraduates all across India. Dr. Mossadeq was the Organising Chairman, Dr. Kalyanaram Kone was the Organising Secretary, Dr. Joseph Philipraj was the Treasurer, Dr. Vasudevan and Dr. Deepak were the Joint secretaries. It is fair to conclude that the conference was a great success! More than 700 delegates attended the conference. On 8th July 2016 morning, there was a live transmission of surgeries from the operation theatre to the Auditorium. Prof. Shivashanmugham, Dr. Vasudevan and the OT staff coordinated the workshop in a most efficient manner. Various techniques of Laparoscopy, PCNL, Mini‐PCNL, RIRS, Laser Prostatectomy and Bipolar Enucleation of Prostate were skillfully demonstrated by the eminent faculty from across the country. 14 cases were safely completed in 5 OTs in a record time. The transmission of HD quality images from OT to the auditorium was a treat to watch on the big LED wall put up in the auditorium which was procured specially for the conference at a cost of 9 lakh rupees. A special cable was permanently placed from the OT to the auditorium which can be used for all the future workshop. The Board of Education, USI held Uro‐Update, an academic program in the afternoon covering the topics, Carcinoma of Penis and Urodynamics, with lectures, symposia and case discussions by faculty members from across the country.

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▶▶ CReAM Clinical Research and Audit for the Medical (CReAM) students entering clinical phase postings was conducted in the month of September. The III semester students actively participated in the event by presenting their work as posters and also made paper presentations.

gave away various Prizes/Awards/Fellowships of ASU for the year 2015 This was followed by a cultural program presented by the staff of the college, which was befitting the occasion. On 9th and 10th July 2016, there were various academic programs including Podium, Video and E‐Poster Presentations and Guest Lectures. There was a video conference from Birmingham, UK by Dr. Subramonian on the topic, ‘PCNL for kidneys with abnormal anatomy’ and by Dr. Vipul Patel on the topic, ‘Robotic Radical Prostatectomy’. In total, 160 scientific papers were presented in the various short paper sessions. The entire details of abstracts, full papers and program were available in the website more than a month prior to the conference. The banquet was held at Le Pondy Resorts on 9th July giving a memorable moment to the delegates to cherish. – By Dr. Kalyanaram Kone, Organizing Secretary, SZUSICON2016

day was Dr. I . Venkatesh . M. D. , D. M, Consultant Rheumatologist, AVMCH, Puducherry was attended by the faculty members of the department, Post graduates and Undergraduates.

Quiz programme

▶▶ Inauguration of the I MBBS – Sep 2016


▶▶ WHITE COAT CEREMONY – 24. 08. 2016

Breast Feeding Week Celebrations The Department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI in collaboration with Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC), Pondicherry conducted the following programmes as part of the World Breast Feeding week celebrations from August 1 to August 7, 2016.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MEDICINE CME on ‘An approach to common Rheumatological disorders’

The Inauguration Ceremony was held on 8th July 2016 evening at the College Auditorium, presided by the President of ASU, Dr. A. Mohan. Dr. Subhash Chandra Parija, Director, JIPMER was the chief guest and Dr. Prashanth Rajagopalan, (Deputy Chairman, SBV University) were the guests of honour. During the occasion, the President 22

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

A Quiz programme was conducted for the M. D. (Gen. Medicine) post graduates and Undergraduates on 31. 08. 2016 on ‘Rheumatological disorders’ and prizes were distributed to the winners by Dr. I . Venkatesh . M. D. , D. M, Consultant Rheumatologist, AVMCH, Puducherry

CME programme on “An approach to common Rheumatological disorders” was organized by the department of General Medicine and the speaker for the SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


On August 1, 2016, an Essay Competition was conducted by Ms. Geetha. C. and Ms. Sudha K. S (KGNC) on this year’s theme Breastfeeding- A key to Sustainable Development for nursing students. There were 45 essays, which were judged by Dr. Edith B. Jasmine, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI) who awarded Ms. Nandhini. S, Ms. Jayapradha. D and Ms. Rabeena. R the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively. On the same day, Ms. V. Suganya, Tutor, KGNC conducted a Poster Competition on the Topic – Promote Protect and support Breast Feedingfor nursing students. There were seven posters, which were judged by Prof. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI) who awarded Ms. Chandra Devi. L, Ms. Sharmila. S and Ms. Bharathy. P the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively.

Mrs. S. Rajeswari Asso. Prof, KGNC, and Ms. Sherin Nithya Asst. Prof, KGNC also delivered a Health Talk on the Topic - Guidelines for Working & Non-Working Women towards Breast Feeding on 1. 08. 2016 at the Pediatric OPD. On 02. 08. 16, Ms. B. Anitha, Asst. Prof, KGNC delivered a Health Talk on the Topic - Preparing Mother for successful Breast Feeding at the Post Natal Ward for all mothers which was immensely beneficial. Dr. Edith B. Jasmine, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI) delivered a Health Talk on the Topic - Breast Feeding Techniques and Maintenance on 03. 08. 2016 at the Immunization and Well Baby Clinic, which was beneficial for all the lactating mothers.

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Health Talk on the Topic - Developing Positive attitude towards Breast Feeding in Selimedu Village, Pondicherry. On the same day, a Breastfeeding Quiz for the OBG and Pediatric PGs was organized and conducted by Dr. Prarthana Das, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics. On 5 August 2016, a programme was conducted at 2. 00pm in the main Lecture Hall of the college under the aegis of Scientific Academic Forum (SAF) for all faculty members and students. Dr. Partha Nandi, President, SAF welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI)highlighted this year’s theme. Prof. Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI)introduced our guest speaker Dr. Adhisivam, Asso. Prof, Neonatology, JIPMERwho delivered a powerful, and enlighteningtalk on the topic, “Breastfeeding-Science & the Society”. Dr. Kannan, PG, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI)recited his Tamil poem on Breast Feeding. This was followed by Highlights of the entire week by Prof. Dr. P. Soundararajan, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC &RI), honoring of the prize winners and all those who helped in the successful conduction of the Breast Feeding week. Dr. A. N. Uma, Secretary, SAF mastered the entire session.

On 6 August 2016, various outreach programmes were jointly conducted by Department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI in collaboration with Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College. A Certificate was awarded by WABA for successfully conducting Breast Feeding Week 2016. On 04. 08. 2016, Mrs. V. Bamalakshmi, Asso. Prof, KGNC and Mrs. D. Aruna Devi, Asst. Prof, KGNC delivered a

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY CME on National Conference on Upper GI and HPB The Department of Surgery conducted a one day CME on National Conference on Upper GI and HPB (Conference Nationale sur Gastrointestinal Superieuret Chirurgie Hepatobiliaire) on the 24th Sept 2016 at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry. Renowned national level faculty had participated in the event. About 200 delegates participated in the event. The speakers were as follows: Dr. Kalayarasan, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Surgical Gastroenterology, JIPMER, Pondicherry spoke on ‘Recent


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Trends In Treatment Of Carcinoma Oesophagus’, Dr. G. Parthasarathy Consultant Surgical Gastroeneterologist, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad spoke on ‘Corrosive Injuries Of Oesophagus’, Dr. P. Balamourgane, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, SRMC, Chennai spoke on ‘Upper GI Surgical Problems In Pediatrics’, Dr. Prof. VikramKate, MBBS, Professor of Surgery & Gastrointestinal Surgery, JIPMER, Puducherry spoke on ‘Translational Gastrointestinal Research “Benchside To Bedside” – A Pioneering Experience Of Two Decades’, Dr. Kumarakrishnan S, Senior Consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Apollo Specialty Hospitals, Chennai, spoke on ‘Recent Trends In Management Of Liver Trauma’, Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar, Addl. Professor, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi spoke on ‘Liver Transplant in Acute Liver Failure – Current Status’, Dr. S. Sevvel, Senior Specialist, Dept. of Surgery / Surgical Gastroenterology, Indira Gandhi Govt. General Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, Pondicherry, spoke on ‘Management Of Chronic Pancreatitis’ and Dr. RanjitHariV, Senior Consultant and Head, Surgical Gastroenterology, HPB and Laparoscopic Surgery. SUT & Cosmopolitan Hospitals, Trivandrum, Kerala spoke on ‘Bile Duct Injuries’. There was a Panel Discussion on

‘Portal Hypertension’ and the session was moderated by Dr. RajnikanthPatcha, Consultant HPB and Liver Transplant Surgery, Global Hospitals, Chennai. The panelists were Dr. MagnusJeyaraj Mansard, Senior Consultant, HPB & Liver Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospitals, Chennai and Dr. B. Vinoth, Medical Gastroenterologist, AVMC, Pondicherry. There was also a ‘QUIZ’ session conducted by Dr. ManojKarthik S, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Surgery, MGMCRI, Puducherry. There was a prize poster competition on two categories – one for faculty / consultants and second category – residents on the theme “Innovations and Best Practices in GI Surgery”. In addition, there was a quiz program on the agenda. About 30 delegates took part in the poster competition It was an enjoyable, thought provoking scientific feast with discussion in the presence of experts in this specific field and it finished with a CME dinner. This meeting was accredited with 10 CME credit points fromTamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University and SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

2 CME credit Hours from Tamilnadu Medical Council and about 125 delegates participated in the event. The meeting was inaugurated by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBVU and Prof. Ravishnakar, Dean, MGMC RI and Prof. V. Nirmalcoumare, Medical Supdt. , MGMC RI felicitated along with Prof. Robinson Smile, Emeritus Professor. Prof. Ramanathan, Head, Dept. of Surgery welcomed the gathering and Prof. C. P. GaneshBabu gave a overview about the program. This program was done to felicitate Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, AHS, SBVU for his 40 years of academic excellence. All the speakers were his postgraduates who had passed out from the portals of JIPMER and they enthusiastically shared the good teaching and learning methods at this momentous occasion. He was felicitated with shawl / bouquet and a memento by the Department of Surgery. A CD with conference proceedings was released on this occasion. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan gave an acceptance speech on this occasion. A textbook of General Surgery which was compiled by the Department of Surgery was released on that occasion and the first copy was given to Prof. UshaCarounidy, Dean of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM SAF - INTERNAL MEET & GUEST LECTURES During the third Quarterly of 2016 ( July -Sept), the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted two internal meetings & four guest lectures. 27. 07. 2016 The first SAF internal meeting was held on 27. 07. 2016. The President of SAF Dr. ParthaNandi, Prof of Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Community Medicine &Vice Principal welcomed the gathering. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. , gave the Minutes of the Previous Meet, while Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Mediquiz. The session started with a Ted talk which was given by an international school girl, named Miss. Neha Chandra, Montgomery Middle Schools, Maryland, USA. She spoke on “An Innovation - AutBuddy”. “AutBuddy” is an app designed by Ms. Neha exclusively for children with autism to enable them to complete their schoolwork and daily tasks using a friendly mobile device.

Ted talk was followed by a capsule talk, “Minimally invasive surgeries through interventional radiology – Our experience by Dr. K. Udhaya Kumar, Asst. Prof. & Interventional Radiologist. There were three paper presentations namely “Life-threatening" Uterine AVM- Embolisation” by Dr. Sekhar Reddy, Post Graduate, Department of Radiology, “Isolated Splenic Cyst – Is Key Hole Surgery The Answer?” by Yash Vaidya, Post Graduate, Department of General Surgery and “Descriptive study analyzing the association between site of Entry with intra operative complications and stone clearance in Patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy” by Satyajeet P, PG, Department of Urology. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced. The meeting had a lucky dip contest where one of the members present in the audience cell was selected by a lucky Dr. aw and treated with a gift. The forum ended with prizes given to the winner of the quiz, certificates to the presenters and to the judges who evaluated the paper


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

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presenters. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 250 faculty and residents participated in this program.

ended with an interactiive session by the audience. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 150 faculty and residents participated in this program.

12. 08. 2016

Special SAF guest lecture on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity” – 12. 08. 16

The second SAF internal meeting was held on 12th August 2016 between 2. 00pm and 3. 00pm. The president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcomed the gathering. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, gave the Minutes of the Previous Meet, while Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Mediquiz on “Biodiversity and Diseases". This was followed by three presentations namely, “Case report of a mediastinal mass – A Diagnostic Challenge” by Dr. Sujaya Raghavendra, 2nd year Post Graduate, Dept. of General Medicine, “Hashimoto‟s Thyroiditis presenting with Acute Catatonia” by Dr. Preethy. R, 2nd Year Post graduate Department of Psychiatryand “A case report of Spinal Paraganglioma” by Dr. Trisha Banik, 2nd Year Post graduate, Department of Pathology. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced. The meeting had a lucky dip contest where one of the members present inthe audience cell was selected by a lucky Dr. aw and treated with a gift. The forum ended with prizes given to the winner of the quiz and certificates to the presenters

A guest lecture was organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI on 12th August 2016 between 3. 00pm to 4. 00pm. The President of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcomed the gathering. Considering the immense importance of biodiversity in mega-diverse country like India, we at MGMCRI as per the guidelines from the National Biodiversity Authority, Govt. of India, are initiating proactive action towards the conservation and sustainable use of our biodiversity. To achieve this goal the SAF Team invited Dr. S. Jayakumar, M. Sc. Ph. D. , Postdoc. (Yonsei University, Seoul, S. Korea ), Associate Professor Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University to talk on “Conservation of Biodiversity”.

species composition, removal of keystone species, unhealthy habitats for many animals, collapse in ecological niches, change in ecosystem functions, and so on. It is predicted that in the coming century, the composition of tropical forest species will change a lot owing to a warming climate. These changes in nature will have a serious impact on agriculture, monsoon, human health and society on the whole. Thus, it is the right time to take a decision to use the natural resources sustainably for the betterment of the future. If there is no biodiversity on earth, life will be miserable”. The talk was very effective that members in the forum took a resolution to conserve the biodiversity in their own small way upholding the slogan, ‘Save the planet’. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 200 faculty and residents participated in this program. SAF guest lecture on "Paradoxes in Cardiology". - 09. 09. 2016

and to the judges who evaluated the paper presenters. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 200 faculty and residents participated in this program. SAF guest lecture on Breastfeeding – Science and the Society - 05. 08. 2016 A guest lecture was organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics on 05. 08. 2016. The president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcomed the gathering. It was a special academic feast, to celebrate Breast Feeding Week with the theme – A Key to Sustainable Development. The academic feast was on the topic: Breastfeeding – Science and the Society by Dr. B. Adhisivam Associate Professor, Dept. , of Neonatology, JIPMER, Puducherry. The guest lecture SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

The essence of his talk: “Biodiversity is nothing but the variety and variability among the living beings on the earth surface. Biodiversity, the basic life-supporting system, helps the living beings directly and indirectly by many ways. In recent times, the pressure on biodiversity from the human community is unprecedented. Increasing human population, poverty, development at the cost of natural resources, mining, forest fire, extraction of various raw materials for industries, pollution, and global warming pose a serious threat to biodiversity. As per the IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature), more and more species are now being added to the red categories and many species are extinct before even being discovered and described. We have lost several wild relatives of floral and faunal species in the past centuries. If the degradation of biodiversity occurs at the same pace, the future generation will be in deep trouble. The destruction of biodiversity will have a cascading effect such as change in SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

A guest lecture was organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI in collaboration with the Department of Cardiology on 09. 09. 2016. The session began with the president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcoming the gathering. Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Medi Quiz on ‘Cardiology’. The SAF Guest Lecture was on the topic: "Paradoxes in Cardiology" by Dr. Raghavan Subramanyan, MD, DM, FRCPI, FSCAI, FCSI, Pediatric Cardiology,

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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Chief of Cardiology, Frontier Hospital, Chennai. The guest lecture ended with an interaction session by the audience. After the talk the answers to the Quiz was announced and the winner was treated with a gift. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept proposed the vote of thanks. About 150 faculty and residents participated in this program.

A c a d emi c I n i ti a ti ves

technique is orthotopic transplantation, in which the native liver is removed and replaced by the donor organ in the same anatomic location as the original liver. Liver transplantation is a viable treatment option for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure. Typically three surgeons and two anesthesiologists are involved, with up to four supporting nurses. The surgical procedure is very demanding and ranges from 4 to 18 hours depending on outcome. Numerous anastomoses and sutures, and many disconnections and reconnections of abdominal and liver tissue, must be made for the transplant to succeed, requiring an eligible recipient and a well-

Special SAF guest lecture on ‘An Overview on Liver Transplantation’ – 29. 09. 2016 Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMC RI in collaboration with the Department of Surgery, MGMC RI organized a Guest Talk on ‘Overview of Liver Transplantation’ by Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar, Assoc, Professor, Liver Transplantation, Institute of Liver and Biliary Diseases, New Delhi on 29. 09. 2016. The meeting was presided by Dr. A. N. Uma, Secretary, Scientific and Academic Forum. The welcome address was given by Prof. M. Ramanathan, Head, Dept. of Surgery, MGMC RI and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, AHS, SBV and Prof. Robinson Smile, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Surgery participated. The essence of Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar talk: “Liver transplantation or hepatic transplantation is the replacement of a diseased liver with some or all of a healthy liver from another person (allograft). The most commonly used

calibrated live or cadaveric donor match. People with either acute or chronic liver failure may need a liver transplant to survive. Acute liver failure (ALF) happens suddenly. Dr. ug-induced liver injury (DILI) is the leading cause of ALF in the United States. The most common cause of DILI is an overdose of acetaminophen (Tylenol). Chronic liver failure, also called end-stage liver disease, progresses over months, years, or decades. Most often, chronic liver failure is the result of cirrhosis, a condition in which scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue until the liver cannot function adequately”. The talk ended with healthy question and answer session with good amount of discussion. About 150 faculty and residents participated in this program.

Colonoscopy which includes Variceal ligation for esophageal varices, Sclerotherapy for fundal varix and ulcer bleed, Foreign body removal, Polypectomy etc, . The department performs skilled therapeutic procedure like PEG (Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy) and Esophageal stenting for Carcinoma Esophagus with Tracheo-esophageal fistula. Dr. B. Sajeeth Manikanda has conducted an awarness programme and Screening Camp on01. 08. 2016 on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day at Alpha Engineering College which was a great success.

▶▶ HOSPITAL PALLIATIVE CARE TEAM To meet the complex needs of patients with incurable and chronic illness, MGMCRI has formed a Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPCT) with its OPD in B1block, headed by Dr. K. . S. Reddy (Head of Dept. of Radiation Oncology). Patients who are terminal illness like advanced malignancies, patients with < 6 months life expectancy, requiring symptom and management supportive care are referred to the HPCT. HPCT is a multi-professional team providing an advisory service to patients and staff at MGMCRI. It is designed to complement the hospital services by providing evidence-based, individualized, symptomatic, complex psychosocial and terminal care for all patients with cancer and advanced non-malignant disease by liaising with other specialist palliative care services (hospital and community). Ms. AnuSavioThelly joined MGMCRI as a Nurse Consultant in the newly formed Department of Palliative Medicine in September, 2016. Following which she has represented the institution during her visit to various centers in the UK from September 18th, 2016 to 9th October, 2016. She attended the MPW course at St. Christopher’s Hospice, Sydenham, United Kingdom from Sept 19 to 23, 2016. She was the one among the two Asians who received the bursary award

for the same for 2016. She also underwent training in Lymphedema and Lipedema care at NHS Lymphedema clinic, Bromley, United Kingdom. She attended the oneday Autumn Conference and Annual General Meeting held at Sobell House, Oxford, United Kingdom on 24 September, 2016 and presented a paper on Community Capacity Building in Palliative Care. She also attended a seminar on Enhancing Palliative and End of Life care for LGBT people on 28 September 2016 at Cicely Saunders Institute, Kings College, London. She gave a presentation on Palliative Care in India-Opportunities and Challenges on 30 September 2016 at St. Christopher’s Education Centre, UK. She also underwent observership and training in the palliative unit at Royal Marsden Cancer Hospital, Chelsea, United Kingdom from October 3rd to 7th, 2016.

▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Transgender Column

Ms. K. Sheethal, Executive I Block, received an award as the OUTSTANDING TRANSGENDER from the Honorable Chief Minister of Pondicherry, Mr. Narayanaswamy. We wish her a grand success for more achievements.

HR dept. HR Department conducted an orientation program for the staffs of the hospital block in the month of August.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY Dr. B. Sajeeth Manikanda Prabu M. B. B. S. , DNB (Gen Med), DM (Gastro) joined MGMCRI as Assistant Professor in April 2016 and is Incharge of the Department of Medical Gastroenterology. He has so far performed more than 150 endoscopies per month which includes both diagnostic and therapeutic Upper GI endoscopy and 28

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Innovations ▶▶ SKILL LAB


From August to October 2016, the Skills Lab conducted the following activities.

Focus Group Discussion on CReAM

yy Conducted AHA certified 03 BLS courses where 50 students were successfully completed yy Conducted AHA certified 2 ACLS courses where 32 students were successfully completed

Prof B. V. Adkoli, Head, Dept of Health Professions Education participated in a Focus Group Discussion organized by Prof V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, MGMCRI to design and implement Clinical Research and Audit for the Medical (CReAM) students entering clinical phase postings.

yy Conducted CPR and Clinical skill practice workshop session for the “National Conference on Changing Trends In Health Professions Education” in association with MEU, MGMCRI where 50 candidates were participated. yy Conducted BLS Training workshop for Aravind Eye hospital, Pondicherry staffs where 20 staffs participated yy Conducted CPR training program for IMBBS Students where 120 students were participated yy Conducted clinical skill practice for V semester MBBS students.

Interns Orientation Program (IOP) Part 1 and Part 2 While internship is a crucial mile stone in medical education, there is a lack of structured approach to the


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

I nn ovation s

Dr. Mohammed Hanifah, Dr. Smile Robinson, Dr. B. Sivaprakash, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu, Dr. Kannan R, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Dr. Padmavathy, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Lal and Dr. Abu Backer. Both the programs were found highly relevant and useful by the interns as revealed by the feedback. training of interns in most of the medical colleges in India. Realizing the importance of training interns soon after their induction, the Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with issues such as patient safety, how to prevent medical errors, importance of team work, communication skills including verbal and non-verbal communication, rational diagnostics and therapeutics, ethical issues, dealing with pharmaceutical industries and medico-legal issues involved in patient care. During the current session MEU organized a comprehensive orientation program for the supplementary batch of interns, in which 21 interns took part. The program included highly interactive workshop utilizing a variety of techniques, small group discussions, video demonstrations, case scenarios, role plays and buzz sessions. The Part 1 program was held on 01. 07. 2016, beginning with a TED talk on “Doctor’s touch”. The faculty team consisted of Prof M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. S. Raghuraman, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Dr. Vijayalaakshmi Lal, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu and Dr. Sameer Jahagerdar. Part 2 of the Interns Orientation Program was held on 21 and 22, July 2016. The faculty team for Part 2 comprised of: Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, Curriculum, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Natesan Damodharan, Dr. Pramod Kumar, Dr. Lakshmi Mani, Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Lokesh,


Faculty Development Workshop series for MBBS Year 1 Faculty A series of hands-on workshops was organized by the MEU from 08. 06. 2016 to 09. 07. 2016, for the benefit of faculty of Basic Sciences Departments of MGMCRI. In all 25 Faculty members attended this series. The topics discussed during this series were: Teaching using a shared platform (Prof K. R. Sethuraman, VC and Prof K. A. Narayan), Education Counseling using VARK Inventory (Prof K. A. Narayan), Making Large Group Lectures more interactive (Prof N. Ananthakrishnan), Use of Interactive White Board (Dr. Jagan Mohan), Tips and Tricks for Small Group Teaching (Prof Seetesh Ghose), How to be an effective facilitator for a problem oriented learning session, The Flipped Class – Preparation and Process (Prof Usha Carounanidy) and Preparing Course Content for LMS – a step by step approach (Prof M. Ravishankar).

Workshop on PG Dissertation Write up The postgraduate training heavily relies on the grounding of students in the art and science of writing dissertation in particular and scientific articles in general. In order to train the PG residents in this area, the MEU of MGMCRI organized a five days workshop for the Final year PG students on “Dissertation- Write up” from 08. 08. 2016 to 12. 08. 2016 at the MEU (College Block Annexe). The program was attended by 54 final years post graduate students of all disciplines due to appear for their final examination. The issues addressed during the workshop were: use of IMRAD structure in writing a paper, writing an abstract, cleaning data, using statistical formulae, constructing tables, figures and other tools of data representation, how to manage bibliographical references using software and finally ethics of scientific writing, code of conduct including plagiarism checks. The workshop witnessed extensive use of interactive techniques including brief presentations and group tasks, followed by plenary sessions. The faculty for the workshop included Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. A. R. Srinivasan, Dr. G. Ezhumalai, Dr. Lokesh Maran, Dr. Sivaprakash, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar and Dr. Jagan Mohan. The evaluation of the program done on the final day using Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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a Program Evaluation questionnaire revealed that the program was highly relevant and useful to the participants.

PG Protocol writing workshop Post-graduate students are the prospective teachers and researchers. Hence their preparation for future career requires development of competency related to research methodology. In response to this felt need, MEU of MGMCRI conducted a two days workshop on Protocol writing on 19. 9. 2016 to 22. 09. 2016 for all the first year PG students (N=56). The issues addressed during this workshop were: An overview of research methodology, how to identify a research problem, writing a research question, skills in literature search, brief introduction to statistics, and the role of ethics in the research. The workshop included extensive interactive methods including brief presentation by the faculty, Group tasks followed by plenary sessions. The faculty team consisted of Prof. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B. Sivaprakash, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Lokesh Maran, Dr. G. Ehzumalai, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. A. R. Srinivasan, Dr. R. Jagan Mohan, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, and Dr. D. Gunasekaran. Evaluation of the program was done using Program Evaluation Questionnaire. The analysis revealed that the participants found this program highly relevant, useful and timely intervention for crystallizing their dissertation topics.

The dawn of


Sessions on Educational Counseling As a part of the comprehensive orientation program for the Freshers of MBBS, a session on Educational Counseling was organized for a week from 19. 09. 2016 to 28. 09. 2016 in rotating batches. Dr. B. V. Adkoli, Professor of Health Professions Education conducted these sessions in a highly interactive manner starting with “Breaking the Ice” experience to discuss some important tips for effective learning and study skills. The session ended with students taking up VARK Inventory to identify their preferred learning styles. The knowledge of preferred learning style is expected to result in a lot of benefits to both teachers and the students in pursuit of the medical course with an effective strategy.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY CRRI Orientation Programme for Undergraduate medical students was conducted by the Department of Pharmacology on 15. 07. 2016 between 10. 30 am-12. 00. Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professor, Dr. Mirunalini. R and Dr. Uma. N Assistant Professors conducted a session on the following topics: yy Causality Assessment of Adverse Drug Reactions. yy How to fill ADR Reporting Form. yy To inform new ADRs to the Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI via Intercom.

New chapters ▶▶ LEADERSHIP TRANSITION Dr. M. Ramanathan M. S ( Gen. Surg. ) F. R. C. S (Glasgow), who joined MGMCRI in May 2013 as Professor for Surgery has assumed charge as HOD of Surgery Department, MGMCRI from 28. 07. 2016. Before joining this institution he has worked as Medical Superintendent and later as the Dean of Rajah Muthuiah Medical College, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. Dr. Alai Taggu, a Specialist Physician in Critical care medicine joined MGMCRI on 01. 09. 2016 as Associate Prof & HOD, Department of Critical Care Medicine. He did MD (Anaesthesiology) in JIPMER, was awarded MRCP (UK) in 2011, did his DM (Critical Care Medicine, at St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, and was also awarded EDIC (European Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine), Brussels & FCCP (Fellow of American College of Chest Physicians), US. Dr. Johan Pandian, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, was recognized with the responsibility as Pharmacy Administration Incharge on 18.07.2016.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


The da wn of Ne w chapters

▶▶ APPOINTMENTS We take pride in welcoming the following faculty members who joined the fraternity of MGMC&RI during the third quarter of 2016.

Dr. Name

Dr. Venkatraman. J Dr. Rajswaroob. U Dr. Venkata Prasanna. K. S Dr. Rajesh R. N Dr. Tushar T. Doke Dr. Saranya Masilamani Dr. Santhosh. M Dr. Murugan. A Dr. Deepu Daniel. Dr. Jagadeswari. S Dr. Madhan Kumar. V Dr. Sultan Ahmed Dr. Sivamurukan. P Dr. Dinesh. T Dr. Suguna. A Dr. Surekha. A Dr. Ashwini Vishalakshmi Dr. Pruthu. T. K Dr. Senthilkumar. A Dr. Sajith. S Dr. Garima M Anandani Dr. Alai Taggu Dr. Podhini. J Dr. Sendhil Coumary



Assistant Professor Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Assistant Professor Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident DCMO Junior Resident Junior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Senior Resident Senior Resident Tutor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor

Pathology General Surgery General Surgery Paediatrics Orthopaedics General Medicine General Medicine General Surgery Casualty Neuro Surgery Nephrology Radiology Paediatrics Physiology Community Medicine Community Medicine OB&GY Community Medicine Pulmonary Medicine Radiology Pathology Critical Care unit Paediatrics OB&GY

Date of Joining 01. 07. 2016 04. 07. 2016 04. 07. 2016 11. 07. 2016 13. 07. 2016 14. 07. 2016 18. 07. 2016 18. 07. 2016 18. 07. 2016 18. 07. 2016 22. 07. 2016 25. 07. 2016 25. 07. 2016 29. 07. 2016 08. 08. 2016 08. 08. 2016 08. 08. 2016 11. 08. 2016 22. 08. 2016 23. 08. 2016 07. 09. 2016 01. 09. 2016 09. 09. 2016 24. 09. 2016

▶▶ PROMOTION Dr. Shanmugasamy. K, Assistant Professor, Biochemistry has been promoted as Associate Professor (16. 04. 2016) Dr. Sathish Babu. M, Assistant Professor, Pathology has been promoted as Associate Professor (10. 05. 2016) Dr. Sudar Codi. R, Assistant Professor, Pharmacology has been promoted as Associate Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Pravin Charles. M. V, Assistant Professor, Microbiology has been promoted as Associate Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Arunava Kali, Assistant Professor, Microbiology has been promoted as Associate Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Sadeesh. T, Assistant Professor, Anatomy has been promoted as Associate Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Usha Kannan, Assistant Professor, Anatomy has been promoted as Associate Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Sobana. R, Assistant Professor, Physiology has been promoted as Associate Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Vineeth Alexander, Senior Resident, Pulmonary Medicine has been promoted as Assistant Professor (05. 06. 2016) Dr. Meenu Priyadarshini, Senior Resident, OB & GY has been promoted as Assistant Professor (01. 07. 2016) Dr. Vigneshwaran. P, Senior Resident, Orthopaedics has been promoted as Assistant Professor (01. 08. 2016) Dr. Venkata Prasanna. K. S, Senior Resident, General Surgery has been promoted as Assistant Professor (04. 08. 2016) Dr. Murugan. A, Senior Resident, General Surgery has been promoted as Assistant Professor (18. 08. 2016) We congratulate all the faculty members on their appointments and promotions during the third quarter of 2016. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


scholars in


The making ▶▶ PG NEWS

Dr. M P Kavin Kumar and Dr. SruthiNarayanam, Post Graduates, Dept of ENT took part in Quiz competition held at 19th TNAOI Conference on 09. 09. 16 at Hotel Shervaroys, Yercaud and received 5th place.

Awards Dr. Roshini G, 2nd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a poster titled ''Our experience in the imaging in intervention of malignant biliary obstruction" and won 3rd prize in poster presentation competition at Chennai AMCON 2016, held on 30. 07. 16 & 31. 07. 16. Dr. Sumathi Sri, final year postgraduate, Dept. of Pediatrics presented a paper titled “A case of SSPE presenting as ataxia”, while Dr. AijasMoidu, final year postgraduate, Dept. of Pediatrics presented a poster titled “Thanatophoric dysplasia in a neonate” at the South Indian medical students conference (SIMSCON) held on 30. 08. 16 at ManakulaVinayar Medical College. Both the presentations were well appreciated by the team of judges. Dr. Sumathi Sri, and Dr. AijasMoidu, final year post-graduate won the award for the best paper and best poster respectively.

Dr. Arjun Ashok, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology, has got 3rd prize in the paper presentation in the 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry.

Scientific Presentations Dr. Bhanu, Final yr PG, Dr. Dharani, Final yr PG, Dr. Githanjali, 2nd yr PG, Department of DVL presented a paper titled, ‘Case report of solitary xanthogranuloma in the face’, ‘Common Cutaneous lesions in term neonates’ and Childhood SLE. not a common entity’, respectively at the Dermakid – Pediatric Dermatology Conference, held at ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Puducherry on 10. 07. 2016. Dr. Sekar Reddy, 3 rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled "Lifesaving uterine AVM Embolization" in Scientific and Academic Forum held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 27. 07. 16.

Dr. Indu, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology has got 1st prize in the E-poster presentation in the Annual Tamilnadu State Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologist (NELCON. 2016) hosted by ISA, Tirunelveli at BWDA Resorts, Courtallam on 03. 09. 16 and 04. 09. 16.

Dr. GreeshmaYarlagadda 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented an E-poster titled ''Life saving splenic artery embolisation" and a paper titled "Spectrum of imaging findings in mesenteric ischemia" at IRIA Andhra Pradesh state conference 2016, held on 27. 07. 16 and 28. 07. 16. Dr. NavyaSindhu 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a poster titled ''Painful to painless 34

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en route. Radio frequency ablation of osteoid osteoma" at Chennai AMCON 2016, held on 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16.

conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 06. 08. 2016.

Dr. GauravBalpande, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a poster titled ''A Rare Case of Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumour " at Chennai AMCON 2016, held on 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16.

Dr. Preethy R, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster presentation titled “Acute catatonia associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis” at TANPSYCON 2016, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 06. 08. 2016.

Dr. Anugraha, 3rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented a free paper “Tear film abnormalities in meibomian gland dysfunction patients” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Sindhuja M, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e. Poster “Visual disturbance as first symptom in chronic myeloid leukemia” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Memota, 3 rd YearPostgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented a Free Paper “Role of microperimetry in macular diseases” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Abhinay, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an E-Poster “Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome at term pregnancy with eclampsia” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Charanya T, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper presentation titled, “A cross sectional study of temperament and resilience of children of alcohol dependent individuals” at TANPSYCON 2016, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 6. 08. 16. Dr. Karthik B, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper presentation titled “Factors Influencing seeking of deaddiction services among alcohol dependence patients attending a tertiary health care centre – A crosssectional study” at TANPSYCON 2016, 31st Annual SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Vimi Varghese, Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented the paper on “Clinico Radiological profile of interstitial lung disease in South India” in CRSCON III, held in Coimbatore on 7. 8. 16. Dr. Arun N A, Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on “All wheezes are not Asthma”, while Dr. Vimi Varghese, Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented the paper

on “Clinico Radiological profile of interstitial lung disease in South India” in CRSCON III, held in Coimbatore on 7. 8. 2016. Dr. TrishaBanik, 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented oral paper “A case report of Spinal Paraganglioma” at Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) organized at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 9. 08. 16. Dr. Preethy R, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a PG paper presentation (SAF). Acute catatonia associated with Hashimoto's thyroiditis” at the SAF internal meeting, MGMCRI on 12. 08. 2016. Post graduates from the Department of Surgery made presentations at the ASICON TN & Pondy in Salem between 12. 08. 16 and 13. 08. 16; Dr. Surya Ram. presented a paper on, ‘Recurrent sinus in Gluteal region’; Dr. Anil Kumar presented a poster on ‘Incidental finding of liomyoma’; Dr. SushruthChavan presented a poster on ‘Mycetoma right index finger – A rare case report’; Dr. Vijay, presented a poster on ‘Acute mesenteric venous Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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thrombosis leading to small bowel gangrene – A case report’ and Dr. Balavignesh presented poster titled, ‘Flap cover in basal cell carcinoma of face - a case series’ and a paper titled, ’ Role of stenting in peripheral vasculsar disease in common femoral artery’ Dr. Trisha Banik, 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented oral paper “Cytohistological Correlation of Breast Lesions” at International Conference on Surgical Pathology (Pathsurge 2016) organized at SreeBalaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai between 22. 08. 16 and 24. 08. 16. Dr. VenkatRaghavan A. T. M. , 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented oral paper “Clinicopathological Profile of Ovarian Tumors in a Tertiary Care Centre” at International Conference on Surgical Pathology (Pathsurge 2016) organized at SreeBalaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai between 22. 08. 16 and 24. 08. 16.

RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram from from 02. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 and presented a poster on Misdiagnosis of abdominal pain in pregnancy a rare case report. Dr. Indu, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology presented E-poster presentation in the Annual Tamilnadu State Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologist (NELCON. 2016) hosted by ISA, Tirunelveli at BWDA Resorts, Courtallam on 03. 09. 16 and 04. 09. 16. Dr. M P Kavin Kumar, Post graduate, ENT, presented a paper titled, “Comparison of Endoscopic Turbinoplasty Versus Conventional Partial Inferior Turbinectomy in Chronic Hypertrophic Rhinitis” at 19th TNAOI Conference held in September at Hotel Shervaroys, Yercaud. Dr. SruthiNarayanam, Post graduate, ENT, presented a paper titled, “Various Modalities in Treatment of Tinnitus – A Comparative Study” at 19th TNAOI Conference held on 09. 09. 16 at Hotel Shervaroys, Yercaud.

Dr. Lasya, 2nd yr PG, Department of DVL presented an e-poster titled, “Congenital blueberry muffin with hairy pinnae, an association coexistence” at the ISPD Annual Conference between 26. 08. 16 and 28. 08. 16 at Hyderabad.

Dr. Arjun Ashok, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper presentation in the 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry.

Dr. AjayPrakash and Dr. Amrutha, post-graduates from the department of Pediatrics presented papers titled, ‘Extensive port wine staining, Bilateral leptomeningealangiomas, con genitalglaucoma:Neonatalsturge-weber syndrome’ and ‘Isolated unilateral duplex collecting system with complete duplication in a case of antenatal hydroureteronephrosis: A case report signifying the importance of antenatal ultrasonography’ respectively . in the South Indian medical students conference (SIMSCON) held on 30. 08. 16 at ManakulaVinayar Medical College

Dr. GauravBalpande, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a paper titled "Atypical Posterior Fossa Masses" at Pondicherry association of neuroscientist meet, held on 18. 09. 16. Dr. MohitVashishta, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a paper titled, "Unusual Spinal Tumours" at Pondicherry Association of Neuroscientist Meet, held on 18. 09. 16.

Dr. R. LakshmiPriya, final year post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the 30th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram from 02. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 and presented a paper on, ‘Comparison of exteriorization and insitu uterine repair at caesarean delivery’. Dr. R. Lakshmi Priya, final year post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the 30th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram from 02. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 and presented a poster on ‘A rare case report of Atypicaleclampsia’. Dr. A. FathimaShaheen final year post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the 30th Annual AICC 36

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Dr. Trisha Banik, 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented an oral paper “Cytohistological Correlation of Breast Lesions” at Maharashtra State Chapter Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (MAPCON 2016) organized at Dr. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Navi Mumbai on 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16.

vision”, conducted at Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry on 03. 08. 2016.

Scientific Participation

Dr. Dharani, Dr. Ben, Dr. Bhanu, final yr PGs participated in TYSA (Torrent Young Student Awards) 5th academic test on 05. 08. 2016.

Dr. Davis Thomas Pulimootil, S. R, Dr. Vishnu, Dr. Vinod, Post Graduates, along with their HOD, Dr. P. Karthikeyan,

Dr. Arjun, and Dr. Priyanka, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in the Advance Airway Course – RAALS 2016 as a delegate from 13. 08. 16 to 15. 08. 16.

Professor, Department of ENT attended “58th Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop” from 16. 07. 16 to 17. 07. 16 at MERF by Padmashree Mohan Kameswaran, Chennai. Dr. Priyanka, Dr. Arjun, Dr. Fernaz, Dr. Hajer, Dr. Ramsesh, Dr. Prajith, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Surya, Dr. Tina, Dr. Daniel Dr. Naveen, Dr. Anil, Dr. Harith, Dr. Govind, Dr. Gobinath, Dr. Arthi, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Abimanyu, Dr. Krishna, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in the 3rd edition of ISA Meet held on 23. 07. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry.

Dr. AshwinSegi, Dr. MemotaLaishram, 3rd Year Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology, attended “Kalpavriksha 2016” PG update program held at Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. Zeeshan, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology, attended the Annual Conference of the Bombay Ophthalmologists Association held at Bombay from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. Githanjali, Dr. Sriteja, Dr. Dhivya, Dr. Rajesh, Dr. Lasya, 2nd yr PGs, Department of DVL attended Patrick Yesudian quiz at Chennai on 10. 09. 2016.

Dr. Zeeshan, Dr. SruthiRajendran, Dr. Komal, Dr. VasanthKumar. R, Dr. Anudeep & Dr. SenthilPrasad. R, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME “Interactive 3. D CME in orbit & Oculoplasty” conducted by the Pondicherry Ophthalmic association at Pondicherry on 24. 07. 2016. Dr. AshwinSegi, Dr. Anugraha, Dr. Abhinay, Dr. Aditya, Dr. ReshmaShaji, Dr. VasanthKumar. R, Dr. Anudeep, Dr. SenthilPrasad. R, Dr. Paresh, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a lecture class on the topic “Clinical Application of Electrophysiology studies of SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Arjun, Dr. Fernaz, Dr. Hajer, Dr. Ramsesh, Dr. Prajith, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Tina, Dr. Ashit, Dr. Daniel Dr. Naveen, Dr. Anil, Dr. Harith, Dr. Govind, Dr. Gobinath, Dr. Arthi, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Abimanyu, Dr. Krishna Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in the 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. Kavin Kumar and Dr. SruthiNarayanam – Post Graduates, Department of ENT attended 19th TNAOI Conference held from 9. 09. 16 to 11. 09. 16 at Hotel ShervaroysYercaud. Dr. Karthikeyan and Dr. Thiyagesha Deva Ganapathi, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Introductory topics in Pulmonary Medicine. Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram on 10. 09. 16 & 11. 9. 2016. Dr. Karthikeyan and Dr. Thiyagesha Deva Ganapathi, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Introductory topics in Pulmonary Medicine UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram on 10. 09. 16 & 11. 9. 2016. Dr. R. LakshmiPriya, Dr. A. FathimaShaheen, Dr. Gisi Sebastian, Dr. Kabani, Dr. NemakalluSarala Reddy, Dr. Swathy, Dr. Sumaiya, Dr. Sivaranjini, Post graduates, department of OG attended post graduate workshop, MEDHA 2016 conducted by Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. IADVL Research methodology workshop was attended by 1st and 2nd year PGs, Department of DVL on 24. 09. 16 and 25. 09. 16 in Chennai at Sundaram Medical Foundation. Dr. Natasha C, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended BLS. ACLS course for PGs from 26. 09. 2016 to 29. 09. 2016.

Miscellany As a part of Student Support Activity, Lupin Pharmaceuticals Sponsored a Peak Flow Meter and a Pulse Oximeter to each of the First Year Post Graduates

of Department of Pulmonary Medicine on 17. 8. 2016.

▶▶ UG NEWS PIMS’ AURA The last few months have been action-filled for the student body of MGMCRI. It started with PIMS’ AURA, from 3rd to 5th of August where the students bagged the first and second places in Mehendi, 4pics 1word, Pictionary, Wealth out of waste and Creative writing. As far as sports go, we 38

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

managed to hit the jackpot in table tennis, where both the winners and runners-up were teams from our college. The boys managed to win 1st place in shot-put and 3rd in relay.

JIPMER’S SPANDAN On the 21st of August, JIPMER’s Spandan started. 7 days later we had managed to score 2nd place in Junior quiz and 3rd in fashion show. The girls bagged 2nd place in 100m sprint while the boys were runners-up in cricket.

CHETTINAD’S FUSION Fusion was the cultural fest organized by Chettinad Medical College from 7th to 10th September. Our students won 1st place in Gaana, the clash of the bands, 1st in shotput, 2nd in discus throw, 2nd in 400m relay and 3rd in 100m.

Freedom Fortnight Celebration Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute always takes pride in celebrating festivals of national importance and this year too on the 15th of August, the 70th year of independence was celebrated with pomp and grandeur. In accordance to directions received from the University Grants Commission (UGC), the Azadi 70- Yaad Karo Qurbani or the Freedom Fortnight was observed along with the rest of the nation. The patriotic Indian within us rejoiced as the Azaadi 70- Qurbaaniyaadkaro or the Freedom fortnight took flight. The two week long celebration began on the 9th of August 2016 and ended on the 23rd of august 2016. Organized to create an awareness about the sacrifices made by our forefathers, the students and the staff participated in a series of activities arranged by various clubs. The members of Eco Club and NSS undertook a tree planting drive on the 12th of August 2016, which was presided over by the Dean, Professor M. Ravishankar and the Vice Principal (Students), Professor Partha Nandi. The students planted over a dozen trees in the campus inculcating the idea of sustainable development. A painting competition was conducted on August 22nd where students showcased their artistic interpretation of the theme “Independent India”. The paintings were judged by Professor RajkumarPatil and Assistant Professor Dr. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

S chola rs in The M ak in g

Teachers’ Day Celebration As a homage to the hardwork and devotion of the teachers, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute celebrated teachers’ day on the 12th of September, 2016. Based on one of the five elements, Chi or Land signifies perseverance, stability and supportiveness which the nurturing teachers inculcate in their teachings to mould the minds and lives of students. Suganya from the Department of Community Medicine. The Dean gave away the prizes and awarded the first prize to Mr. Ragul Raj of 3rd year MBBS and the second prize to Ms. Jamuna also of 3rd year MBBS. The 14 days of events culminated on August 23rd, which saw students of all batches gather for the mass recitation of the national anthem.

The Dean, Vice Principal and chief security officer graced the occasion and threw light on the importance of patriotism and our responsibilities towards the nation.

The occasion was graced by our Honourable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences, Professor Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean of faculty of Medicine, Professor Dr. M Ravishankar, Vice Principal- Academics Professor Dr. V. N. Mahalakhsmi, Vice Principal- Student Affairs, Professor Dr. Parthanandi and the teaching faculty of the college. The event commenced with a special song dedicated to the teachers by Sri Nithi G and Jeyanthy Priyadarshini, accompanied by NarenVaidya of the 2013 batch after which the dignitaries commemorated the achievements of the teachers by cutting a cake. This was followed by testimonials from Dr. K. A. Narayanan, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. A. N. Uma and Dr. Jenith Berlin Raj on who and how teachers made a difference in their lives. The day ended with fun and frolic.

Independence Day Celebration The tradition of the Independence Day was upheld, starting with the flag hoist by Prof. Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean -Research and Allied Health Sciences along with Prof. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Dean-faculty of medicine and Prof. Dr. CarounaindyUsha, Dean-faculty of Dentistry. Following which, Prof. Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research and Allied Health Sciences inspired us with a speech celebrating the spirit of independence day speaking about discrimination in our country and the need to unite. We also had students from KGNC, IGIDS and MGMCRI singing a wide array of patriotic songs. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

A representative from each of the five batches spoke on the influence and impact that the teachers have made on their lives. Next was a musical presentation by Professor Dr. SumathySundar, Director of Music Therapy Education, enthralling the audience with her performance. The formal part of the function concluded with a video montage of Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The event began with the Dean, Professor. M. Ravishankar and the Vice Principal (Students), Professor ParthaNandhi planting the first saplings. This was followed by the team of students lead by the Physical Instructor Mr. Saravanan. Over a dozen trees were planted near the hostel premises. This event hopes to create an awareness about the present environmental issues and inspire the MGMCRI community to go green. the students who passed out, starting from the first batch to the batch of 2010 expressing their gratitude and love to the teachers who inspired and guided them. Finally, the most anticipated part of the evening, the fun and games saw a lot of teachers participating and having a ball of a time! High tea was served after all the merriment and the teachers were each presented with a tree sapling as a token of appreciation for “helping us grow”. The Celebration ended with a cricket match between two teams comprising of a mix of faculty and students captained by Professor Dr. P. Karthikeyan, H. O. D of Otorhinology and Associate Professor Dr. N. Mugunthan, Department of Anatomy. The team spearheaded by Dr. Mugunthan emerged as the winner but both the teams put up a good show of sportsmanship. Associate Professor Dr. S. Vijaysundaram was declared “Man of the Match” for his outstanding batting skills and Associate Professor Dr. Niranjan was presented a momento for being the “Most economic bowler”.

Tree Planting Ceremony The Eco Club along with the National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute organized a tree planting ceremony to mark their 1st year anniversary and to celebrate the International Youth Day. This event also served to commemorate the Azadi-70 Freedom Fortnight.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Students Enrichment Programs at MGMCRI Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), delivered a talk an Orientation program for interns titled “Introduction to doctor-patient communication” on 22. 07. 2016. Communication skills modules were conducted for MBBS 4th semester students by Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, on 12. 07. 2016 (Batch. B. Part 1), 19. 07. 2016(Batch. B. Part 2), 06. 09. 2016 (Batch. A. Part 1). Integrated clinical skills training – communication skills were conducted for MBBS 3rd semester students by Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, on 13. 09. 2016 to 16. 09. 2016. Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted an Orientation program for 1st year MBBS students . Mental health &wellbeing of medical students on 20. 09. 2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, conducted an Orientation program for 1st year MBBS students . Anti. ragging measures on 22. 09. 2016. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted an Orientation program for 1st year MBBS students . Getting the best out of the MBBS course: Team work matters on 28. 09. 2016. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted a Mental Health talk followed by Mental HealthScreening for 1st year MBBS students on 20. 09. 2016 to 23. 09. 2016 & 26. 09. 2016 to 28. 09. 2016.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Out reach

Staff Nurses of MGMC&RI



▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE During the period from July to September, 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized 17 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 2100 people among which more than 550 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further management. During the same period, nearly 900 patients were covered through the weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 18 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Nearly 600 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.

Community Health Camps S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Date 13. 07. 2016 14. 07. 2016 20. 07. 2016 21. 07. 2016 29. 07. 2016 30. 07. 2016 01. 08. 2016 01. 08. 2016 02. 08. 2016 04. 08. 2016 13. 08. 2016 01. 09. 2016 12. 09. 2016 14. 09. 2016 22. 09. 2016 27. 9. 2016 29. 9. 2016

Total Cases

Place Sathiya Special School (Karuvadikuppam) Mutharapalayam Thiruppapuliur Sathiya Special School (Seliyamadu) Maruthadu Sathiya Special School (Mutharampet) Alpha college of engineering (Bahour) Kattukuppam White Angle School (Pondy) Apollo Institution (Endiyur) Nathapattu Opthal Camp, Selimadu Oral health camp, Selimadu Utal, Thindivanam Pillaiyarkuppam Jeevanathapuram Godrej Industry Kattukuppam Total

116 167 165 70 137 104 115 60 240 207 113 130 80 110 30 145 125 2114

Extension OPD Services S. No 1 2 3 4

Place VKC . Embalam VKC . Kurvinatham Help Age India SOS . Save Our Soul

Date July . September (wed) July . September (Thu) July . September (Mon) July . September (Tue) Total 41

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Total Cases 230 342 284 22 878

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Community Health Awareness Programmes No Date


Place Anganwadi, Selimadu Anganwadi, Kudirupupalayam Government Girls High School, Cuddalore Anganwadi, Aranganoor Alpha Engineering Collage, Bahour Anganwadi, Pillaithottam Anganwadi, Aranganoor Godrej industry K. V. Government High School, Seliamedu Anganwadi, Kudiirupupalayam Anganwadi, Seliamedu Anganwadi, Seliamedu Anganwadi, Seliamedu Anganwadi, Seliamedu Anganwadi, Pillaithottam Godrej industry kattukuppam Anjal school Anganwadi, Seliamedu Total

1 2

09. 07. 2016 16. 07. 2016

Malnutrition to Anganwadi Mothers Health Education On Population


20. 07. 2016

Health And Hygiene Education Programme

4 5 6 7 8

20. 07. 2016 01. 08. 2016 06. 08. 2016 06. 08. 2016 06. 08. 2016

Health Education On Healthy life style World Hepatitis Day Breast Feeding Awareness Programme Breast Feeding Awareness Programme Breast Feeding Awareness Programme


08. 08. 2016

Breast Feeding Awareness Programme

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

13. 08. 2016 20. 08. 2016 27. 08. 2016 12. 09. 2016 20. 09. 2016 27. 09. 2016 29. 09. 2016 30. 09. 2016 30. 09. 2016

Suicide attempt Awareness Programme Health Education On Sanitary Health Education On Depression TB Awareness Programme Health Education On Diarrhea Hand Hygiene And Nutrition For Mother World Heart Day Hand Hygiene Awareness World Rabies Day

No. of Beneficiaries 22 20 80 20 80 33 22 40 45 35 15 15 15 20 35 55 25 15 592

Child Health Camp Mahatma Gandhi College and Research Institution and Child Help Line 1098 jointly organized a free medical camp at Jeevanathapuram (Puducherry) on 27. 9. 2016. The objective of the camp was to provide free medical services and refer for free treatment those patients who required long term attention. There was need for such a camp to provide basic health services. Areas covered were Jeevanathapuram, Ananthapuram and Tagore Nagar. The camp was sponsored by Jaya Emporium. Around 125 children aged 0. 6 years had health check. up. Around 145 people were benefited through this camp.



Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Hand Hygiene and Nutrition awareness programme for mothers At Anganwadi on 27. 9. 2016, Tuesday around 30 persons from Raja IyerThottam attended the health education and skit done by CRRI’s Dr. Siddarth, Dr. Prashanth,


O ut R e a c h Services

Dr. Satyavel, Dr. Noorulnasheeha and Dr. Preethi regarding antenatal care and hand hygiene. Social workers and Anganwadi staffs attended the programme.

Breast Feeding Awareness Programme A Breast Feeding Awareness Programme was organized at Aranganoor and Pillaithottam on 06. 08. 2016. More than 50 mothers participated and benefited through this awareness programme.

Commemoration of World Heart Day on 29. 09. 2016 A lecture by Dr. Amirtha Ganesh, Professor & Head, Dept of Cardiology, gave a lecture to the common public on “5 Simple ways to protect the heart “ which was well received and was attended by around 250 people .


▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MEDICINE On the occasion of ‘No alcohol campaign’ a lecture to common public was delivered by Dr. K. Jayasingh, Professor & Head, Dr. K. Jeyapalan and by the faculty from the department of Psychiatry on 15. 09. 2016. A role play was conducted by the students of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry. The programme was attended by around 250 people.

Blood bank of Department of Pathology conducted Voluntary Blood donation Camp wherein 15 CRRI students donated blood.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy and Dr. Mirunalini. R, Assistant Professors from the Department of Pharmacology attended a Medical Camp on 10. 09. 2016, organized by the Rotary Club of Puducherry at Government Primary School, Kattukuppam, Puducherry. On Behalf of the Pharmacovigilance Unit, Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, conducted an awareness campaign for the clinicians and staff nurses from various clinical departments, MGMCRI

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P, Assistant Professor, & Mr. Senthil Kumar M, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, attended a mental health camp at Karuvadikuppam, Puducherry, from 13. 07. 2016 to 14. 07. 2016. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Suriya Kumar T. , Post Graduate & Mr. Senthil Kumar M, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, attended a mental health camp at Sathya Special School, Seliamedu, Puducherry, from 21. 07. 2016 to 22. 07. 2016. Interns (CRRI) conducted a mental health awareness program at Seliamedu, Puducherry, under the guidance SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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O u t R ea c h S er vi c es

Kattumanarkudi, Cuddalore district. The awareness rally was flagged off by Circle Inspector Prathap. Following this, the students were addressed. After introductory speeches by Mr. Duraisamy of the Lions Club and Mr. Anbumani, camp co. ordinator, Dr. T. Kurinchi, Assistant Professor, department of ophthalmology, MGMCRI enlightened the students on the need, importance and the technical aspects of eye donation. Dr. Aditya, Resident in Ophthalmology and Mr. Lalit Mehra, Chairperson, Journey for sight, also

of Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Depar tment of Psychiatry, on 13. 08. 2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Depar tment of Ps y c h i a t r y, In collaboration with Department of General Medicine, MGMCRI, & KGNC conducted Awareness program on alcohol dependence, in MRD lobby on 15. 09. 2016.


▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY Dr. B. Sajeeth Manikanda Prabu, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, conducted an awarness programme and Screening Camp on 01. 08. 2016 on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day at Alpha Engineering College, where 160 students were the beneficiaries.

Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Awareness program on suicide prevention & positive thinking organized by Department of Social Work, St. Joseph College of Arts & Science, Cuddalore on 16. 09. 2016. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Suicide prevention. An awareness speech Organized by Nodal Officer, NMHP, Government of Puducherry & IGMCRI, Kadirkamam, Puducherry at PHC, Kirumampakkam on 27. 09. 2016 & 28. 09. 2016.

The department also conducted an awareness programme on 15. 09. 16 about eye donation and its importance to the nursing students in the Kasturbai Gandhi Nursing College, Pondicherry. The session was started by Dr. T. Kurinchi, Assistant Professor who gave a detailed talk about eye donation and its importance and also motivated them for good counseling to the patients and their relatives regarding their willingness to donate eyes.

On 09. 09. 2016 an awareness programme was conducted on the importance of eye donation to the patients who had come to the hospital. The session was started by Prof. Dr. K. Srikanth who gave a brief introduction about eye donation fortnight & its importance. The RMO Dr. M. Lakshmana Perumal was also present who shared his thoughts about eye donation and also motivated the patients regarding their willingness to donate eyes. Dr. Subramanian R gave


DBCS camps The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 14 District Blind Control Society Camps [DBCS Camps] between July to September 2016. A total of 3430 patients were screened and 334 underwent cataract surgery. The department faculty also participated in 13 general health camps during the quarter and screened 2714 patients and operated 64 patients.

added to the pleothora of information and motivated the students. This was followed by an interactive session where the students were questioned to test their knowledge and understanding of eye donation. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Chinnamani, President, Lions Club of Kattumanarkudi.

EYE Donation Fortnight EYE Donation Fortnight was celebrated by the Department of Ophthalmology from August 25th to September 8th 2016. On 07. 09. 2016, an awareness programme was conducted on the importance of eye donation to the nursing staff of our hospital. Dr. Reema Thomas, Senior Resident, gave a detailed insight into corneal transplantation & Hospital cornea retrieval program; the dos and don’ts were also elaborated. This talk was mainly conducted to educate the nursing staff to motivate the patient’s attenders for eye donation. 44

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Benign prostatic hyperplasia Awareness camp was conducted by the Department Of Urology at Pelican, a Home for the aged on 03. 08. 2016, which benefitted 250 people.

a detailed insight into corneal transplantation; the dos and don’ts were also elaborated. This talk was mainly conducted to educate the patients and motivate them for eye donation. In view of Eye Donation Fortnight, the department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, in association with the District Blindness Control Society and Lions Club, Kattumanarkudi, an awareness campaign was conducted on 09. 09. 2016 at Paruvatharaja Gurukula Higher Secondary School, SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

A Prostate awareness camp was conducted by the Department Of Urology at the Rock beech, Pondicherry on 25. 09. 2016, benefitting 400 people. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Staff nurses of


Staff Nurses of MGMC&RI

▶▶ In- service education programme Mrs. Prasanna (Nursing Supervisor) presented a topic on “Organ Donation” for the staff nurses at on 13. 07. 16. Mr. Parthipen (BD Sharp collectors) sales executive Manager presented a topic on “IV Cannulation” for the staff nurses on 20. 7. 16. Dr. Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS) presented a topic on “Prevention of Fall & Morse Scale Assessment” for the staff nurses on 27. 7. 16, 17. 08. 16 & 14. 09. 16.

Mrs. Anu (Nurse Consultant) presented a Sensitization programme on “Palliative Care” for the staff nurses on 10. 8. 16 and from13. 09. 16 to15. 09. 16.

Mr. Pravin & Mr. Sundar (Raman & Weil) Area sales Executive emphasized on “Hand Hygiene with sterlium” for the staff nurses on 27. 7. 16.

Mrs. Chandra Sivasubramanian (NS), Mrs. Danakala (NS), Mrs. Galaxy (DNS), Mrs. Theresae (ANS), Mr. Kingsley Kishore(Q. E), Prishanthini Anto (N. E), Uma (ICN), Niroja (ICN), Tamilrasi (Nursing Supervisor) and staff nurses Satheesh, Rajalakshmi, Rini attended the AOSTA (Back bone ) hospital information Programme at lecture Hall on 10. 8 . 16. Mr. Mathavan (Assistant Fire and safety officer) presented a topic on “Fire and Road Safety” for the staff nurses on 21. 09. 16 .

Dr. Lakshmi Mani (CCMO) presented a topic on “Maintenance of Equipments” for the staff nurses on 3. 08. 16.

Mrs. Theresa (ANS) presented a topic on, ‘Essential Leadership Skills in Nurses’ in the ‘Carrier Guidance Programme’ on 13. 09. 16.

Dr. Kalaivani (Associate professor) Microbiology Department and Dr. Mahalakshmi (Vice Principal) emphasized on “Hand Hygiene” for the staff on 24. 8. 16 & 28. 09. 16. 46

Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath(NS), Mrs. Prema Rajasekaran (NS), Prishanthini Anto (N. E) & N. Sivasankari (Nursing Supervisor) attended the “Grand Presentation” of the CReAMS programme on 9. 09. 16 . All NS, DNS, & ANS attended the conference on ‘Strategies for developing the Quality Care at KGNC’ on 07. 09. 16.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


shri sathya sai

Medical college and research institute ▶▶ PUBLICATIONS: RajeswaraRao N, Bhavani Prasad, SwayamJothi S, HemanthKommuru, BodepudiNarasimhaRao. Topography of Ganglion cells in the Inflammatory Appendicular Muscle coat: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical sciences 2016;15(7):51-53. KafeelHussain, SwayamJothi, Rajamadhava, NaryanaRao B. T. Study of Inferior Thyroid Artery and its Relation to the Sympathetic Chain in Full Term Fetuses. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016;5(3):19-21.

Creatinine Ratio as a Discriminator Factor in Azotemia Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):131-134. S. Suganya, E. Malligai, R. ShanmugaPriya, BalajiRajagopalan. A Cross Sectional Study to determine the association between Metabolic Syndrome and Hypothyroidism among Women Population Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):125-127. R. ShanmugaPriya, E. Malligai, Suganya, BalajiRajagopalan. A Study to Determine the Association of GammaglutamylTransferase Levels in Metabolic Syndrome Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):128-130.

EswariA. K, SrinivasaRao. Y, Swayamjothi. S, Sujatha. N. Branching pattern of Anterior branch of middle meningeal artery. International journal of recent scientific research 2016;7(7):12527-12529.

SarguruDatchinamoorthi, NaveenaRathanavel, BalajiRajagopalan and R. Vanaja. Study of Thyroid Dysfunction In Type II Diabetes Mellitus. IJPSR 2016;7(9):3877-3880.

SrinivasaRao. Y, Eswari A. K, Swayamjothi, Rajeshwar Rao. N. Morphology of Pterion. International journal of scientific research 2016;5(8):650-651.

SarguruDatchinamoorthi, Vanaja R, BalajiRajagopalan. Evaluation of Serum Electrolytes in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):251-253.

Sathia Lakshmi V, RakeshRanjan, Sujatha. N, SwayamJothi. S, Basilar artery aneurysm- A case report. Indian Journal of Anatomy & Surgery of Head, Neck & Brain, April-June, 2016;2(2): 63-64.

Sridhar Govindaswamy, Raja Danasekaran and KarnaboopathyRanganathan. Evaluation of Anti HBs response in Hepatitis B vaccinated health care workers in a tertiary care hospital of rural Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India. Journal of Disease and Global Health 2016;8(3):118-112.

SunitaBharati, N. Sujatha, S. SwayamJothi. Anomalous branches of Median nerve in the arm. IOSR-JDMS 2016;15(9):64-65. SrinivasaRao, SwayamJothi, SarathaKathiresan. Histogenesis of thymus in human fetuses of different gestational ages-A pilot study. IOSR-JDMS 2016;15(9):15-16. Glad Mohesh MI, S undaramur thy A, PremaSembulingam. The impact of cigarette smoking on lung function in smokers with differences in their nicotine dependency. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016;5(7):36-41. Suganya R. ShanmugaPriya, T. Rajini Samuel, BalajiRajagopalan. A Study to Evaluate the Role of Bun/ 47

Nachammai, S. M. , KarthikaJayakumar, Vinithra Suresh, M. Kousalya and Anbu N. Aravazhi. 2016. Haemagglutination and Resistance to the Bactericidal Activity of Serum as the Urovirulence Markers of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2016;5(9):514-523. Priyanka P, Pradeep B, and Nagulan S. Pleomorphic Liposarcoma of Breast: A Rare Case Report. RJPBCS. 2016;7(5):1265-68. ShrutiP. Hedge, Vijay KautilyaDayanidhi, Ravi. “Study of Prognostic indicators in Patients with Pseudoexfoliation syndrome undergoing cataract surgery”. Int. J of Anatomy, Radiology, Surgery 2016;5(3):0001-0005.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Mid-term assessment of the lymphatic filariasis elimination program. Environmental Disease. 2016;1(2):83-84. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Safe handling of healthcare waste: A priority public health concern. Journal of Medical Society. 2016;30(3):187-188. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, RamasamyJ;Nearing elimination of meningitis A from the African “meningitis belt” using meningococcal a conjugate vaccine. Germs. 2016;6(2):66-67. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Dealing with the neglected public health issue of drowning in low resource settings. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2016; 20(7):433-434. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Eligibility criteria for antiretroviral therapy expanded: World Health Organization aims for a better future for people living with HIV. Journal of Pioneering Medical Sciences. 2016;6(3):77. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the role of dietary factors in the development of breast cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 2016;12(2):493-498. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis in Cuba: A stepping stone toward acquired immune deficiency syndrome-free generation. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016; 21(1):54. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2015 outbreak of Zika virus disease declared as Public Health Emergency of International Concern: Justification, consequences, and the public health perspective. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):55. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preparing the world to meet diabetes related needs of the refugee population. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):60. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2016 global update on dracunculiasis eradication: Where we stand? What else needs to be done? Journal of Clinical Sciences. 2016;13(3):149-150. 48

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Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementing measures to minimize the global incidence of falls and its associated complications. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2016;20(8):489-490. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the role of communication barriers in healthcare [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Concept of health team in ensuring universal health care delivery [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Association between travel and Ebola disease: An overview [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Detrimental role of childhood obesity in adolescence and adulthood: developing nation’s perspective [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring holistic development of disabled children in developing countries [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Successful elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in India: Ray of hope for other nations. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016; 21(1):77. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening the health workforce to move forward towards universal health coverage and accomplish the 2030 goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):305-306. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Fukushima five years on: Public health consequences & response. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):362-363.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Dearth in research & development of health products for responding to neglected diseases: An urgent public health need. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):366-367.

2016 at “ENVOCCON 2016” International conference conducted by Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospitals under the aegis of the Association of Physiologists of Tamilnadu and bagged the first prize for his presentation.

Kalaivani A, Venkatesh S, Ramasamy J. Health seeking behavior on child care among fishermen community of Kovalam village, Tamil Nadu, India. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2015;14(3):5.

Guest Lectures / Invited Presentations

Sowjan M, Vikram R, RajakumarP. G, Mohammad Ali. Dyke-Davidoff-Massonsyndrome: A case report from South India. Int J PediatrRes. 2016;3(9):646-648.

Book Dr. S Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology- Author and editor for Microbiology in TARGET JIPMER PGMEE MCQS questions with explanatory answers book series 3rd edition Volume B. Nov 2014, May & Nov 2015. [Published in September 2016] Dr. S Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology- Author and editor for Microbiology in TARGET JIPMER PGMEE MCQS questions with explanatory answers supplementary book May 2016. [Published in September 2016]


Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr. Semmal presented a paper titled “Concept of Peer Review, Accepting Criticism Must Permeate in Siddha Medicine" during the Annual Convention of Alternative Medicine in Chennai in the month of July 2016. Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr. Semmaldelivered an invited guest lecture titled as “Medical and Health Education usingThirukkural”at Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Bell Village Mauritius, the event was organized by INTAD, International Tamil Diaspora Association on 06. 08. 2016. Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr. Semmal, presented a paper titled as “Imparting Medical and Health Education Using Ancient Indian Literature”During the Second European Tamil Conference held at Auberge de jeunesse Paris Yves Robert, 20 Esplanade NathaileSarraute, 75018 Paris, France on 17. 09. 2016.

▶▶ ACADEMIC INTIATIVES Awards Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Radiology received an awardfrom Prof. Kulasekaran, Ex-President, Indian Radiological imaging association for the meritorious services rendered by him at the Third Monthly Meet of Indian Radiology and Imaging Association (TN & PY), Chennai Sub-chapter, Chennai, on 21. 08. 2016. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof. &HOD was invited as guest speaker to give a lecture on ‘Immunohistochemistry’ in 15th Regional Society ofAnatomist’s meet at Maharaja’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh between 09. 07. 2016 & 10. 07. 2016.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing diseases through promotion of a healthier environment: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):364-365. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing the introduction of yellow fever in disease free nations: A global appeal. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):365-366.


Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI, presented a poster titled, “Impact of nicotine dependency on Lung functions” on 10. 09. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. S Prasanna Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, gave a Guest Lecture in “LABCON-AGP 2016” at A. G. Padmavati Hospital, Puducherry on the topic, ‘Importance of blood culture’.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. KarthikaJayaKumar, Prof & Head, Microbiology went as a Resource person for the 2 days workshop on Training first year faculty, conducted by MEU, SSSMCRI on 30. 07. 2016. Chairperson Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Anatomy chaired a scientific session in39thAnnualTamil Nadu Conference on Gross anatomy, Embryology, Histology in at Sree Balaji Medical College and hospital, Chennai on 24. 09. 2016.

Examiner Dr. KarthikaJayaKumar, conducted post graduate MD (Microbiology practical examination), in the capacity of external examiner for 3 days in Department of Microbiology of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore, on from 18. 07. 2016 to 20. 07. 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD of Anatomy received certificate of appreciation for being an Examiner for conducting Prize exam in Anatomy conducted by department of Anatomy Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital, OMR Thalambur Chennai on 16. 07. 2016. Elected as Member Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. &HOD appointed as Member in SC /ST cell of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for the academic year 2016-2017 on 04. 08. 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD appointed as Member in Women’s cell(Antigender harassment Cell) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for the academic year 2016-2017 on 04. 08. 2016. Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Dept. of Radiology, has been nominated by Vice Chancellor, SRM University, 50

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Kattankulathur, as a member, Board of Studies for Radiology Physics.

Presentations at Scientific Events Dr. V. Subramanian, Prof. and HOD, Dept. of Radiology delivered a lecture on ‘Acute Abdomen Imaging’ for Post graduates of General Surgery on 04. 07. 2016 at demonstration hall of the Radiology department. Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, gave an oral presentation on the title, “Perceptions on M-learning through WhatsApp application: a pilot study on first year medical students”, at the National conference on, “Changing trends in health professions education conducted by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry held between 19. 08. 2016 & 20. 08. 2016. Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended a National conference on Recent advances in cancer research and therapy between 08. 07. 2016 & 09. 07. 2016 at ChettinadHospital and Research Institute and presented a paper on “Analysis of various types of endpoints used in the drug approval for breast cancer”. Dr. MohanaRupa, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended a National conference on Recent advances in cancer research and therapy between 08. 07. 2016 & 09. 07. 2016at Chettinad hospital and research institute and presented a paper on “Emerging trends in role and use of biomarkers in clinical trials”. Dr.Sathia Lakshmi, Professor of Anatomy presented a scientific paper on ‘A Case Report of Intussusceptions in an infant’ at the 15th Regional Society of Anatomist’s Meet held at MIMS, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, on 10. 07. 2016. Poster presentation titled “Tender Coconut Water- A gift of Nature” on food science and toxicology topics was given by Mr. Ilanchezhian on 15. 09. 2016 at the International Conference on Environment and Health in Changing Climate” (ICEHCC2016) organized by Bharathidasan University, Trichyfrom 14. 09. 2016 to 16. 09. 2016. Dr Sathialakshmi presented a scientific paper in the 15th Regional Society ofAnatomist’s meet at Maharaja’s Institute of Medical sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh between 09. 07. 2016 & 10. 07. 2016. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Sunilkumar. Jada, Tutor/ PhD scholar in Department of Microbiology, participated and presented research paper for funding in State Task Force programme by RNTCP on 31. 08. 2016 at Chennai.

Ms. ShanmugaPriya attended a continuing professional education programme on laboratory medicine titled “Enhancing quality in medical laboratories” organized by Deepam Diagnostic centre, Chennai on 19. 08. 2016.

Participation in Scientific Events

Mr. Ilanchezhian, attended the ‘Recent advances in clinical laboratory practices’organized by Central Laboratory, Sri Balaji Medical College and Hospital on 29. 09. 2016.

Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Anatomyattendeda CME programme of IMSA TN chapter on ‘Early breast cancer’ by Dr.SankarSrinivasan, ‘Radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer’ by Dr.RathnaDevi, ‘Breast conservation surgery’ by Dr. C S Mani in association with Apollo cancer Hospital on 10. 07. 2016, participated as a delegate in a CME on “ChettinadOGCON-2016”, ‘Womb to World-Beyond medical barriers(Medical disorders in pregnancy –An update’ held at Chettinadu Health city on 16. 07. 2016, attended a CME on “Ophthalmology in practice” conducted by Tamil nadu Medical Practitioners Association (TAMPA) and Indian Medical Association(IMA) at Life line Rigid Hospital, Kilpauk on 17. 07. 2016, participated in the sensitization program for attitude and communication module organized by the MCI Nodal centre, CMC Vellore on 05. 08. 2016, attended the 416th monthly CME program of International Medical Sciences Academy on management of difficult labour by Dr.Vijayalakshmi and IVF-ET by Dr. N Chithra on 11. 09. 2016, attended CME on ‘Stress management’ at GRT annex By Dr. CMK Reddy &also attended a spiritual talk on ‘Fate and Karma’by Dr.Sarma at Sundaram Medicals on 18. 09. 2016. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof. &HOD, dept. of Anatomy participated in world bone and joint day organized by dept. of orthopaedics on 04. 08. 2016, attended inauguration of Pain clinic by Department of Anesthesiology at hospital campus, on 08. 08. 2016, attended CME on Carcinoma Breast conducted by dept. of General surgery on 9. 08. 2016, and attended scientific society meet on 25. 08. 16at SSSMCRI.

R. Gomathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, participated in the two days conference titledKaleidoscope of Pathology-II, organized by Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu, between between 08. 07. 2016 and 09. 07. 2016. Dr. NaseemNoorunisa, Professor of Pathology and Dr. R. Gomathi, Dr. P. Priyanka, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, participated in the three days International conference titled – PATHSURGE 2016, organized by SreeBalaji Medical college and Hospital, Chrompet, from 22. 08. 2016 to 24. 08. 2016. Prof. V. Subramanian, HOD of Radiologyattended CME program by Indian Medical Associationon 31. 07. 2016at Hotel Lemon Tree – Chennai and participated in a lecture discussion on‘Crystal Induced Arthropathies’ by Prof. Porkodi Rheumatologist and on ‘Thyroid Disorder’ by Dr. SruthiChandrasekaran, AB Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Consultant Endocrinologist. Prof. Subramanian. V, HODof Radiology attended a CME “Signa Unraveled – M R Master Series” on 13. 08. 16 at Hotel ITC Chola Chennai, for the lecture on ‘Imaging Brain Tumors and Advances in MR- NeuroAcute Stroke - The evolving land scope’ by Dr. Scott W Atlas, Professor and Chief of Neuroradiology, Stanford University, USA.

All faculty membersof Pharmacology attended CME on “Pharmacology and Biology of dying” conducted by department of Pharmacology, SSSMCRI on 16. 8. 16.

Dr. Rajesh Kannan N, AsstProfessor, Dept of Psychiatry, participated in the ‘Brain&Mind, a Neuropsychiatry CME’, held at Hotel Leela Palace, Chennai on 27. 08. 2016.

Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI attended the conference and a workshop titled, “Teaching clinical skills in digital era” held between 19. 08. 2016 and 20. 08. 2016 at the National conference on Changing trends in health professions education conducted by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry.

Dr. Swayamjothi, Prof. &HOD, Dr. Sathialakshmi, Professor, Dr. SunitaBharathi, Asst. Prof, Ms. Sujatha, Tutor, Anatomyparticipated as a delegate in the ‘National Conference On Changing Trends In Health Professions Education’ held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute from 18. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


Death Case Audit Meeting - 26. 07. 2016

Dr. V. Subramanian, Prof and HOD, Radiology and core team Dr. Anandapadmanabhan. J attended the E P A, Competency Based Medical Education program for Post graduates and e portfolio discussion by V. C and MEU team from SBV, Pondicherry.

Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI, gave a presentation titled, “ Google Forms : a free tool for the academia” at the Meeting.

Dr. Rajesh Kannan N, Asst.Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, SSSMCRI participated in the following Faculty Development Programs: Chennai Psychiatrist’s forum, titled ‘OCD and Schizophrenia’ held on 10. 07. 2016, hotel Raintree Chennai and TANPSYCON – 31st Annual conference of IPS- Tamilnadu chapter, held at Coimbatore between 06. 08. 2016 and 07. 08. 2016.

Ethics Committee Meeting -27. 07. 2016

Dr. Shruti. P. Hegde, Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology participated in “Chetticon”, a conference on Eye Donation and Corneal Transplantation conducted at Chettinadu Medical College hospital on 2nd September. Dr. Shruti. P. Hegde, Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology attended 4th World Conference of Ophthalmic Anaesthesia, at ITC Grand Cholabetween 03. 09. 2016 and 04. 09. 2016 conducted by Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai. Faculty Development Programs was attended by Dr. Keerthy Chandra on, ‘Core Training skills in Hip and Shoulder Arthroscopy’, at Deenanth Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune between 28. 07. 2016 and 29. 07. 2016 and an AO Spine Conference at Asia Pacific, Pune, between 01. 08. 2016 and 02. 08. 2016. Dr. RajiniSamuel, attended the National conference on changing trends in health professions education at MGMC & RI from 18. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16. International conference on, ‘Recent Advances in Modern Medicine: Molecular Signaling Scenarios in Tissues and Diseases’ held from 03. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital (20 credit points) attended by the following Faculties, Dr. Vanaja, Associate Professor, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professors, Mr. Ilanchezhian, Ms. Shanmuga Priyaand Ms. Sarguru, Tutors.

▶▶ Scientific / Clinical Society Meetings

Guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Stomach -Recent Trends’ Dr. O. L. NaganathBabu MS, DNB, Mch, FRCS(Edin), FACS(USA), FICS, FAIS, FIMSA, H. O. D & Professor Surgical Gastroenterology, Govt. Royapettahospital, Chennai gave a guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Stomach -Recent Trends’ on 09. 04. 2016 at the hospital lecture hall.

Dr. AnandaPadmanabhan. J, Radiology faculty presented “A case of seizure disorder- Multi organ hamartoma’, on 29. 07. 2016 atthe scientific society meeting for July 2016 at Seminar hall, 4th Floor, Hospital Block,

Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, Asst Professor, Dept of Forensic Medicine, presented a scientific paper titled “Sudden death in sleep: Autopsy Challenges facing a Forensic Pathologist” on 28. 09. 2016 in the scientific society meeting of SSSM&RI held in the Seminar Hall on 4th floor of SSSMC&RI Hospital.

▶▶ White Coat Ceremony – 22. 08. 2016 White Coat Ceremony event for the second year MBBS students was held on 22. 08. 2016. The event was preside by the Vice Chancellor of SBV, Prof. KR. Sethuraman and by the Dean of SSSMCRI, Prof. J. Mohanasundaram.

Faculty Development Program -13. 07. 2016.

Guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Breast’ Prof. S. Jegadesh Chandra Bose MS, M. Ch, Professor, Surgical Oncology, SRMC, Chennai gave a guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Breast’ at the hospital lecture hall on 09. 08. 2016. 52

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

The scientific society meeting for the month of August was held on 25. 08. 2016. Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Radiology organized meeting at Seminar hall, 4th Floor, Hospital Block. Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


on 26. 09. 2016, was attended by Dr. Vanaja, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru&Ms. ShanmugaPriya.

▶▶ INNOVATIONS First Year B. Sc Courses in Allied Health Sciences inauguration -24. 08. 2016

First Year MBBS Inauguration - 30. 09. 2016

Medical Education Unit, SSSMCRI Integrated curriculum Meeting was conducted by the Medical Education Unit on 07. 09. 2016 and it was attended by all the faculty members of SSSMC& RI.

Mr.Hemanth, Tutor, Mr.RajeswaraRao, Asst. Prof. , Dr.Sunitha, Asst. Prof, Dr. Mani, Asst. Prof, Department of Anatomy attended the Microteaching workshop conducted by MEU on 13. 09. 2016. Dr.Kafeel, Asst. Prof, Dr. Sunitha, Asst. Prof, MrRajeswaraRao, Asst. Prof. , Dr Mani, Asst. Prof. MsSujatha, Tutor, Mr.Hemanth, Tutor, Department of Anatomy attended the Small group teaching conducted by MEU on 14. 09. 2016.


of Dr. Gopinath. T. T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine. Patients and health staff were sensitized about the importance of hepatitis and the measures to prevent it.

World Hepatitis Day Awareness Program Department of Microbiology conducted Hep-B vaccination programme for students and staff (clinical, Non-clinical Departments, Nursing staff and non-teaching staff ) on, 28. 07. 2016 and163 persons were vaccinated. The Department once again conducted Hep-B vaccination programme for students and staff on29. 08. 2016, and 159 persons were vaccinated.

Magalir Kuzhlu Meeting -09. 07. 2016

All faculty members of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry participated in the workshop on “Faculty development program for first year faculty”conducted by the Medical Education Unit at SSSMCRI on 13. 07. 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD, Department of Anatomy was a resource faculty and gave a talk on ‘How to make small group teaching activities effective’ in the workshop.

World Breastfeeding Week (01. 08. 2016–07. 08. 2016) Faculty development program for first year facultywas conducted by the Medical Education Unit of SSSMC& RI. MEU conducted a workshop on “Specific Learning Objectives, Microteaching, Small Group Teaching and Problem Based Learning attended by the following faculties: On 13. 09. 2016 MEU conducted Micro-Teaching and it was attended by Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru&Ms. ShanmugaPriya. The Small Group Teachingwas conducted on 14. 09. 2016 and was attended by Dr. Vanaja, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru & Ms. ShanmugaPriya. The Problem Based Learningwas conducted on19. 09. 2016 & 20. 09. 2016 and it was attended by Dr. Vanaja, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru&Ms. ShanmugaPriya. Specific Learning Objectivesconducted 54

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Theme: “A Key to Sustainable Development”

World Hepatitis Day – 28. 07. 2016 Theme: “Know hepatitis-Act now” World Hepatitis Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 28. 07. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was conducted for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Breastfeeding week was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on 03. 08. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine and Paediatrics. A health talk using charts and models was organized to explain about the advantages of breastfeeding, nutritive contents of breast milk. Also, a video was shown to the mothers to orient them about the position of breastfeeding. Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was present for the session, In addition, Dr. BharaniKumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics gave a talk on the importance of breastfeeding, position of breastfeeding and advantages of exclusive breastfeeding. Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Similarly, World breastfeeding week was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 04. 08. 2016by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk and role play was performed for the welfare of the patients attending the centre by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath. T. T, Assistant Professor, and Department of Community Medicine. The session was attended by Dr.Santhosh, Assistant Professor from Paediatrics department who explained to the people about the benefits of breastfeeding.


Eye Donation Fortnight CelebrationFrom 25. 08. 2016 to 08. 09. 2016 During eye donation fortnight, which is celebrated between 25th august to 8th September every year, an awareness program was held in the hospital premises on 29th august 2016. The program witnessed active participation by faculty, post graduate student, students of pre final year & BSc optometry, CRRIs & the public. Basic facts on eye donation were explained using lectures, role play & hand outs distributed among the pubic visiting the hospital. Students enthusiastically participated in making posters & drawing kolam related to eye donation.

and clinical features of Rabies, treatment and Pre & Post exposure vaccination.

College between 08. 07. 2016 and 09. 07. 2016 - Credit points: 20.

In the quarter of July - September 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 41 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.

Dr. MachiReddy R, Dr. SekharReddy, Post graduate, dept of Ophthalmology attended CME on ‘ocular fundi’ at Riogoh on 30. 07. 2016.

Special Camp for Fisherwomen Community -26. 9. 2016 Every month fishing holiday to remember Tsunami was conducted under the leadership of Dr. Gopinath TT, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine on 26. 09. 2016 at North Nemmelli. About 122 were the beneficiaries.

▶▶ Department of Radiology Prof. V. Subramanian, HOD, Radiology, attended Mobile camp conducted by SathyaSai Trust, Chennai, in the village, Siruthavur on 02.09.2016 and helped the patients.

National Nutritional Week– 01. 09. 2016 to 07. 09. 2016

World Bone and Joint Day celebration -04. 08. 2016 The department of Orthopedics, conducted World Bone and Joint Day celebration in our institution and held an awareness program with poster competition on 04. 08. 2016. Orthopediciansperformed arthroscopic and spine surgeries and participated in the initiative of Indian Orthopaedic Association’s Guinness World Record for maximum free surgeries in a day.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Post Graduate News

Theme: “Life cycle approach for better nutrition”


National Nutritional Week was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 07. 09. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk with role play was organized for the 48 patients attending the centre. The health talk and role play was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath. T. T, Assistant Professor, and Department of Community Medicine. The aim of the session was to educate the beneficiaries and the paramedical staff about the importance of a healthy & nutritious diet and the necessity to consume a balanced diet.

Dr. RoopakVisakan Raja, postgraduate in the Department of ENT presented a research paper titled "Noise Pollution and Associated Hearing Loss" and was awarded the Prof. Dr. Sadasivan Gold Medal for best PG research paper presentation in Otology in the 19 th State Conference of Association Of Otolaryngologists of India held at Salem, Yercaurd on 9 to 11 September 2016.

Dr. Machireddy R. Dr. SekharReddy, Post graduate, dept of Ophthalmology, participated in “Chetticon”, a conference on Eye Donation and Corneal Transplantation conducted at Chettinadu Medical College Hospital on 02. 09. 2016. They also attended the 4th World Conference Of Ophthalmic Anaesthesia at ITC Grand Cholabetween 03. 09. 2016 and 04. 09. 2016 conducted by Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai.

Postgraduate Orientation Program- 28. 07. 2016 Postgraduate Orientation Program was conducted on 28. 07. 2016 by Mrs. Rama, Student Counselor, SBV.

Post Graduate Special Meeting was held on 01. 08. 2016

▶▶ CRRI News

World Rabies Day- 28. 09. 2016 Theme: “Educate. Vaccinate. Eliminate” World Rabies Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on 28. 09. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was given by the interns posted at RHTC to create awareness about rabies for the patients attending health center using charts and video. The session was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of dog bite, symptoms



Dr. Shubra Sharma 1st year PG, Department of Pathology, participated in the three days International conference titled – PATHSURGE 2016, organized by SreeBalaji Medical college and Hospital, Chrompet, from 22. 08. 2016 to 24. 08. 2016.


Participation Dr. Pushkar, Dr. Senthil . N Ganesh and Dr. Shubra Sharma. 1st year PG’s and Dr. Syed Ahmed Hussain, Second yr P. G, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Kaleidoscope of Pathology –II”, Chengalpattu Medical SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

CRRI Scientific Forum Meeting was held on 13. 07. 2016.During the third quarter the Clinical Society Meeting for CRRI – CRRI posted in the Radiology department has presented a case and participated in the Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

An Orientation Program was held for the second year MBBS students on 28. 07. 2016conducted by Mrs. Rama, Student Counselor, SBV.

discussion on the topic, ‘Imaging of lower lobe Tuberculosis’. Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Radiology attended CRRI Scientific Forum Meeting and presented a case, ‘NeuroCysticercosis’ on 17. 08. 2016.

▶▶ UG News Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair . G, Prof & HOD & Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, created a academic discussion group on whatsapp involving 2nd MBBS, 5th Semester students (143 batch) of SSSMC&RI for promoting discussion on topics involving Forensic Medicine and its recent advances, and MCQs discussion.

Azadi 70 Azadi 70 – National Anthem Recitation was celebrated on 23. 08. 2016 where all the medical students actively participated in the event.

Dr. A. Maduram, Associate Prof, Dept of Pharmacology conducted a quiz programme for the II yr MBBS students of SSSMCRI on 17. 08. 16.

Under graduate Orientation Program

▶▶ NEW APPOINTMENTS Dr. K. SoundaryaPriyadarsini, MD Pharmacology, a fresher, joined as a tutor in the department on 14. 07. 2016. Dr. AparnaSharma, joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Community Medicine on 27. 08. 2016. 58

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Dental sciences ▶▶ FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Publications Aniruddh YV, Ravi K, Edeinton A. Comparative evaluation of soft tissue changes in Class I borderline treated with extraction and non-extraction modalities. Dental Press J Orthod. 2016;21(4): 50-9. Jauhar PM, Pradeep BK, Senthil MK, Hanumanth, Venkatesan, Aniruddh, Arvinth, Nandakumar A. Evaluating the type of light transmittance in mono crystalline, poly crystalline and sapphire brackets, an in-vitro spectrofluorometer study. J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(8): 18-21. Kattakayam Annamary, Gajula Shivashankarappa Prathima, Renganathan Sajeev, Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, Venkatesan Ramesh, Govindasamy Ezhumalai. Colour Preference to Emotions in Relation to the Anxiety Level among School Children in Puducherry – A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016;10(7): ZC26-ZC30. Shankar Paulindraraj, Venkatesan Ramesh, Deepak Narayan, Amudha . S M. Vijayakumar, J. Aarthi. Hypodontia of primary dentition: A rare case report. JOMIDA. Sep 2016; 2(5): 40-41. Kurian J, Sajeev R, Kayalvizhi G, Prathima GS, Suganya M. Association between early childhood caries and age and gender specific height, weight and mid upper arm circumference of school children in puducherry- a comparative study. BEMS Reports. 2016;2(1): 13-7. Balaji Subramaniyan, Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, Sangeetha P, Neeraja R. Different techniques of band stabilisation in the impression for space maintainters: clinical aid in pediatric dentistry. EJPMR, 2016;3(7): 157-160. Shivayogi M Hugar, Ekta Govani, Suganya Mohandoss, Niraj S Gokhale, Pratibha Kukreja, Shweta Hugar. Knowledge attitude and perception among parents about ECC. Manipal Journal of Dental Sciences 2016;1(1): 13-20.


Devi S, Murugappan S, Swaminathan M, Illangovan K, Mangalekar SB, Kannaiyan A. Assessment of Periodontal Inflamed Surface Area and Its Relationship with Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes. J Health Sci Res 2016;7(1): 6-11. Karthikeyan. I, Monisha Khatree, Reetika Gaddale, Roopa Reddy Pandraveti. A Review on Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial Region. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1): 6-12. S. P. Indra Kumar, Gayathri Priyadharshini, Priyadharshini, Venkat Narayanan. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Supraglottic. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1): 20-23. Gayathri Priyadharshini, Jananni, Saravana Kumar, Pratebha, S. P. Indra Kumar. Bridge Flap for the Treatment of Multiple Gingival Recession. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1): 30-33. Priyadharshini, Pawar. DD, Triveni. MG, Tarun Kumar AB, Mehta. DS. Pouch Technique - A Pragmatic Approach for Gingival Recession. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1): 34-39. Nithin Joseph Jude, Suresh kumar. Predominant pattern of lip prints in Visakhapatnam population. International Journal of Current Research 2016;8(7): 34282-34285. Vidyalakshmi S, Madhavan Nirmal R, Veeravarmal V, Santha Devy A, Aravindhan R, Sumathy. Buccal Micronuclei Assay as a Tool For Biomonitoring DNA Damage in Oral Lichen Planus. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016;10(7): ZC05-ZC07. Vikneshan. M, Ankola AV, Hiremath A, Hebbal M, Suganya M. Functional foods and its role in improving oral health. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 6. 1 (2016). 13-19. Santhosh Kumar Caliaperoumal, R. Vezhavendhan, A. Santha devy, Priyavendhan and Uma Devi. Demonstration and Comparison of Keratin Pearl and Individual Cell Keratin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma using Modified Mallory’s Stain and Hematoxylin and Eosin. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2016;5(7): 586-591.

Volume10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Santhosh Kumar Caliaperoumal, R. Vezhavendhan, PriyaVendhan and Uma Devi. Comparison of Modified Papanicolaou and Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain in Demonstration of Keratin Pearl and Individual Cell Keratin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2016;5(7): 558-564. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA. The proposal of a BDS syllabus framework to suit choice based credit system (CBCS). J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(8): JC01–JC05. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV. Acceptability and feasibility of choice based credit system in BDS syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2016;4(6): 73-80. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Learn slow, achieve low students needing additional curricular support and psychological support (SNACS, SNAPS). International Education & Research Journal 2016;2(9);9-10.


Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof and Head, Dept of Cons & Endo delivered a guest lecture on External consultancy services for PG foundation in research programe from 02. 09. 16 to 05. 09. 16 in SRM Dental College, Chennai.

Dr. Senthil. M, Prof & Head, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry was invited as one of the Institutional review board & Ethics committee member at Best Dental Science College, Madurai on 20. 09. 16.

Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & Head and Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, were the invited speakers for ISP Colloquim titled “Controversies in Periodontology” held at Tagore Dental College Chennai on 08. 09. 16.

Dr. Suganya M, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics. received a cash award of Rs 5000/, for guiding the ICMR project on 23. 09. 16.

Dr G. S Prathima, Prof & Head, Dr Sanguida, Dept of Pedodontics, delivered a guest lecture “Laser Fundamentals” in the CDE Program- LASER ATELIER –soft tissue and hard tissue lecture & hands conducted by Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry on 27. 09. 16 at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry.

Awards/ Recognitions: Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics was appreciated with an honorary award for his contribution in the success of International Yoga fest and Yoga day 2016.

Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Quality improvement and future directions of dental education. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1);1-5.


Presentations in Conference/ CDE: Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & Endo presented Paper on “Multisources Feed Back” in National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 19. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, presented paper on “Perception of Dental students regarding their behavior skill, communication skill and interpersonal relationship competence- A cross sectional study” at National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 19. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics, presented paper on “Predicting the future of students needing additional curricular support” at National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 20. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI.

Guest lecture/ Recognition: Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD gave a guest lecture on the topic “Biomarkers” at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on 22. 07. 16 Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics, was one of the resource person for a workshop on Slow/Problem learners at National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 20. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI.

Dr. Harikrishnan P, Professor and Head, Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics, was invited to be part of a session in biomechanics group, Mechanical Eng. Department held at SRM University, Chennai on 29. 09. 16.

Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery was invited as one of the Institutional review board & Ethics committee member at Best Dental Science College, Madurai on 20. 09. 16.

Participation in Conference /CDE: Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics was a part of a team which participated in the “Himalyan Dental project- Oral health education and treatment for school children” in July 2016. Dr. Mithunjith and Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturers, Dept of Cons & Endo attended Recapitulation-VIII International Symposium on Root Dentin Stabilization on 08. 07. 16 at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai. All Professors and Readers and senior lecturers representing all departments and members of Scientific and Academic forum participated in workshop “Curriculum Development for Competency Based Education” held on 13. 07. 16 at IGIDS, Pondicherry.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016



Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Prof, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended Smile Make Over on 20. 07. 16 at Sri Venkateswara Dental College, Chennai Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD and Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer attended the CDE program at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on 22. 07. 16. Dr. Bindu, Reader, Dept of Cons & Endo attended Ecclieres on 26. 07. 16 and 27. 07. 16 at Accord Metro Politan, Chennai. Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended AERO- PG foundation program from 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16 at IGIDS. Dr. Sanguida. A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended the Continuing Dental Education Program & hands-on on “Crown/veneer preparation, impression techniques & temporization” conducted by the IDA Puducherry Branch on 07. 08. 16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended Conference and Hands on A-Z of Porcelain Laminate Veneers Pre Conference Course, 25th Annual Conference of IAACD from 12. 08. 16 to 15. 08. 16 at Nehru Centre Mumbai. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Manoharan, Professor, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Senthil M, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. Bindu, Reader, Dr. Sanguida, Reader Dr. Vikneshan, Reader, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Subbulakshmi, and Dr. Nansi, Tutors, Dental Education Unit, were the organizing members of the “National Conference on changing trends in health professions education” on 18. 08. 16 at SBVU. Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Prof and Head, Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Professors, Dr. Bindu Meera John, Reader, Dr. Padmaraj, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Geena Mary Tutor, Dept of Cons & Endo, Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr. V. Suresh, Prof & Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Prof. from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr G S Prathima, Prof & Head, Dr Sanguida, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr. Aniruddh Yashwanth, Senior lecturer, Dept of orthodontics, Dr. Manoharan Prof & Head, Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, Senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela Reader Dr. Jananni, Senior Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Sakthi Devi Senior Lecturer and Dr. Gayathri Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Dept. of Periodontics, Dr. Santha Devy, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Dr. Premlal, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Dr. Suganya, Dr. Subhalakshmi, Dept. of Oral Pathology attended Dental Educational Conference – Under Graduate Dental Education Time For Change? on 18. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics, participated in the panel discussion “Students stakeholders’ perspectives on dental education” in the National Conference on changing trends in health professions education on 18. 08. 16 at SBVU

Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, attended Hands on Course on Cad/Cam in 1st International Digital Dental Conference held in Hydrabad on 27. 08. 16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer attended full day lecture on Clinical Smile Designing by Dr. Florin Cofar (Romania) held in Mumbai on 28. 08. 16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, attended one day certification programme in “Occlusion” by “Robert Craddock” in Bangalore on 29. 08. 16.

Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof and Head, Dr. Bindu, Reader, Dept. of Cons & Endo, Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended National Conference on Changing Trends Health Professions Education on 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Shivasakthy M, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics attended a workshop on Mentoring and feedback conducted as a part of National Conference on Changing Trends Health Professions Education on 20. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Prof, Dept of Cons & Endo attended PG Collequim on 25. 08. 16 at Ragas Dental College, Chennai. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo attended 1st International Digital Dental Conference in Hydrebad from 26. 08. 16 to 28. 08. 16.


Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics was a part of the organizing team for the “Geospatial Vision Development workshop” at SBVU Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela Reader, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer Dept. of Periodontics participated in the ISP Colloquium titled “Controversies in Periodontology” held at Tagore Dental College on 08. 09. 16 Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics and Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept of Prosthodontics participated in the “South Indian Medical and Dental convention Chettinad Fusion 2K16” as a faculty escort from 7. 09. 16 to10. 09. 16.

Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, Dr. Rajkumar, Senior lecturers, Department of prosthodontics, participated in “Data Manipulation Using Cbct For Dental Implants” held on 22. 09. 16 at Thai Moogambigai Dental College & Hopital

consisted of individual lectures on Competency based dental curriculum followed by group activities on writing learning objectives, instructional and assessment methods.

Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Periodontics participated in the Laser CDE program conducted by the Dept. of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Dental College and Hospital, on 27. 09. 16.

As a part of Ministry of Human Resource Development’s decision to conduct activities in educational institutions all over the country in celebrating 70 years of independence “Azadi 70 yaad karo kurbani”, SAF, IGIDS organized a

22. 07. 16 – Yaad Karo Kurbani

Dr. Anoop Mathew, Dr. Arvinth, and Dr. Aniruddh Yashwanth, senior lecturers, Dept of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopeadics attended CDE on Laser Atelier held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on 27. 09. 16. Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, senior lecturer, department of prosthodontics, participated in lecture and hands on worshop on TOPIC “LASER ATLIER” on 29. 09. 16, at IGIDS, Pondicherry

▶▶ Miscellany


programme on 22nd August, 2016. A speech on “Patriotism” was given by Thiru. S. Vaidyalingam @ Prapanchan, Tamil writer and critic, Sahitya Akademi award winner which aimed to instill patriotism and cultural values in students and faculty members. The programme also consisted of a music performance with the theme of patriotism by the college band, Euphonianz.

13. 07. 16 - Curriculum development for Competency based education

27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16 - AERO- PG foundation program

Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics, participated in Red Ribbon club sensitization meeting on 03. 08. 16 at Pondicherry AIDS control society, Pondicherry.

The SAF of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted a workshop by Dr. Shailesh Lele, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia on “Curriculum development for Competency based education” on 13th July, 2016. The workshop was attended by the Dean, the heads of Departments and the faculty of IGIDS. The workshop

27. 07. 2016: The organizing team (2014 & 2015 post graduates batch) headed by Dr. Sathyanarayanan. R, PG Coordinator, Professor and Head, Department of Conservative and Endodontics, IGIDS gathered at 8. 30am for the PG foundation program in the annexure block, SBV. The registration desk was opened and a total

Dr. Vezhavendhan, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Dr. Suganya have attended the 6th CDE program on “Clinico Pathologic Conference” held on 11. 09. 16 organized by the Indian Dental Association – Madras Branch in association with Indian association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists. Faculties representing all departments attended the “Learning Management Software Workshop” on 16. 09. 2016, 23. 09. 2016 and 30. 09. 2016 organised by the Information Technology Department of SBV University. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

number of 36 delegates registered for the workshop. All the delegates were welcomed and seated in the allotted conference hall with the special presence of our esteemed Vice Chancellor Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr. Adkoli, Prof & Head, Dept of HPE, and our Dean, PG Studies, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, along with Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS and chief guest and facilitator for the day, Dr. Nagesh, Professor and HOD, BDCH, Davangere. The first session commenced at 9. 30am with the introductory speech by Dr. Sathya Narayanan. The delegates were randomly divided into 6 groups comprising of 6 members each. A pre-test questionnaire for the session was distributed among the participants. Dr. Sathya Narayanan offered a token of appreciation and vice chancellor honored Dr. Nagesh. The first presentation titled, ‘How to think’ was facilitated by Dr. Sathya Narayanan. He highlighted on thinking, bridging between language and thinking, critical thinking and levels of learning. As a tribute to the great thinker of our nation Dr. A. P. J. AbdulKalam, whose first death anniversary day coincides today, video clip of inspiring words about vision was played. He continued on freezing the thoughts using desktop wares, mobile apps and handed over the session to the core members, Dr. Tamizh and

Dr. Yoga who engaged the audience with ‘Mind Mapping’ and made the session lighter with a group activity at the end. Finally, an online feedback form was sent to the participants and the responses were displayed, analyzed and implemented in the next session. High tea was served between 11. 30 am and 12. 00 pm. The second module titled, ‘Research Methodology’ started with an interesting role play from the organizing team. Dr. Nagesh gave a overview of the topic under the following subheadings: Introduction, Roadmap of research, Selection of topic, Fundamentals, Objectives and types of research. Post lunch session on ‘Research designs’, started at 64

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2. 30 pm. The facilitators Dr. Nagesh, Dr. Sathyanarayanan,

along with core member Dr. Shouvik Malakar, covered from the minimal level of evidence till the gold standard in the field of research with clinical examples. The day was closed at 5. 00 pm with high tea after analysis of feedback. 28. 07. 2016: The second day of AERO began with the 1st module for the day titled “Evidence Based Dentistry” by Dr. Carounanidy Usha who drew the attention of the delegates with a classic example on obtaining solid evidence, followed by a captivating role play from the organising team. Hands on was conducted as a group activity on databases among the delegates. Feedback responses were documented and discussed. High tea was served at the end of the module. The session was taken over by the core member of research methodology, Dr. Santosh palla who enlighted on research question and hypothesis along with our research expertise Dr. Nagesh making the session simple and understanding. The 2nd module titled “Reference management” continued, headed by Dr. Satyanarayanan and the core members Dr. Danraj, Dr. Kavya engaging the delegates with hands on – Mendeley software. After the feedback analysis, our principal Dr. Carounanidy Usha honoured the chief guest, Dr. Nagesh. 29. 07. 2016: The last day of the three day PG foundation workshop, AERO 2016 commenced with the opening talk by Dr. Sathyanarayanan with the shuffling of the delegates and reassembling them in new groups to improve the discussions among the delegates. Our 2nd day facilitator for the AERO, Dr. Mahalakshmi, Associate professor, Department of Preventive and Social medicine, JIPMER, Puducherry, was introduced to the delegates and the session was taken over by her and the SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

core members Dr. Jayagopika, Dr. Yoga and Dr. Vidhya. The presentation begun with a video clip on biostatistics. The session was divided and portrayed into three presentations by the 3 core members of the organizing team, Dr. Gopika, Dr. Yoga and Dr. Vidhya. Dr. Gopika covered “Variables” with interesting group activities stating classic examples from dentistry. High tea was served between 10. 30 am to 11am, followed by the presentation of Dr. Yoga and Dr. Vidhya . Online Feedback was taken after each session and it was very interactive and informative. The afternoon session begun at 2pm with the introductory speech by Dr. Sathyanarayanan on “lacunae” in the field of research carried over by the core members of the Critical appraisal team Dr. Juhi and Dr. Shovik on journal club and critical reflection of the same. The last module for the workshop, Photo documentation headed by Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Dr. Praveen and the core members Dr. Abdul, Dr. Eunice, Dr. Prabhu and Dr. Jithin commenced at 3. 15 pm leaving the delegates awestruck. Live demonstration was given in groups headed by the core members for the candidates on “capturing”. Finally, an online general feedback form was sent to know the overall feed back of the delegates on AERO and the responses were displayed and analysed. Post test was conducted. At the end of the day, Dr. Carounanidy Usha delivered the vote of thanks, thanking the delegates for all their patience and sincerely acknowledged the lacunas and hindering factors during the workshop. The whole of the organizing team was introduced to the delegates and the efforts put in by them were applauded. Finally a memorable click was captured. Certificates were distributed to the delegates and a take home gift of an indigenously fabricated small photography kit was given. The delegates parted with promising note that they found the IGIDS’ans have made profound impact and they will put all in use in their post graduation.

18. 08. 16 National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education The National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education was organized at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth between 18. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Undergraduate dental education - A time for change was the theme for the first day. An elite crowd of dental academicians participated in the conference. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Vice principal, IGIDS welcomed the gathering. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences, IGIDS presented the bouquet and memento to the dignitaries on the dais. The inaugural program begun with lighting of kuthuvilaku by the dignitaries. Dr. Suhashini Nagda, former Dean, Nair Dental College and SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

an eminent dental educationist graced the occasion as a special guest and felicitated the gathering with her thought provoking speech on dental education in the inaugural program. Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth delivered the inaugural address. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences released the e-souvenier and felicitated the gathering. All the guest speakers were honoured by the dignitaries. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. M. Shivasakthy, organising secretary.

The event started with a Skype session on International perspectives of BDS curriculum. The speakers were Dr. Venkatesh Babu, academic faculty, Malaysia and Dr. Joshua Sheih, clinical instructor, Canada. Both the speakers shared their experiences as an Indian dental graduate working abroad and the key difference in the Indian and abroad system of dental education. The humane touch of the Indian faculty was appreciated well and the need for faculty development program and training on professionalism was insisted. Revision of the exam system in Indian BDS curriculum was insisted to be changed as more of formative assessment and OSCE pattern rather than the skill based exam. The second session on basic medical sciences perspectives in BDS syllabus was discussed by Dr. Krishna Kumar Raja, Prof & Head, Dept of Oral surgery, SRM Dental College, Chennai. He insisted on trimming of the cognitive load in basic medical sciences, system based integration, dental graduates to become teachers in basic sciences, early clinical exposure and syllabus revision by medical and dental faculty together. The session was followed by an interesting team presentation by Dr. Lakshmi Narayan, Principal, Thai Mookambigai Dental College, Chennai and Dr. Kandaswamy, Dean, SRMC Dental college, Chennai Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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He elaborated on the success of comprehensive clinics and flipped classes along with other innovative methods in education.

on dental sciences perspectives in BDS curriculum. They insisted on vetting of the classes by the Heads of Department, standard operating protocols in departments, integration of dental sciences, relevancy of the preclinical exercises, feedback from the students and involving the

The post lunch session was sharing of experiences at MS Ramaiah Institute by its Academic registrar, Dr. Pushpanjali. She insisted on designing curriculum to ensure competent dental graduates, choosing curriculum leaders and ethics. The session was followed by sharing of experiences from CODS Manipal by Dr. Dilip G. Naik, Dean. Manipal. He insisted on time to students to reflect their learning and sustenance of the. System. The concluding session of the day was a student panel discussion moderated by Dr. Shivasakthy. The students insisted on integration of basic science with clinical sciences, early clinical exposure and revision of orthondontics in ug syllabus. The concluding remarks of each session was made by Dr. Carounanidy Usha and Dr. Suhashini Nagda.

neglect – A case report- Dr. Anna Marry Kattakayam (III year PG); Nasoalveolar moulding- Dr. Kavitha M (II year PG); Management of mandibular fracture- A case reportDr. Radha . S (II year PG); Zirconia crown in pediatric dentistry- Dr. Vinothini . V (II year PG). The session was open for discussion after the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Vice Principal Dr. Saravana kumar. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.

The Student Clinician Orientation Programme (SCOPE) was organized by the Dental Education Unit in association with Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS on 19th September 2016 from 11: 00 AM to 01: 00 PM at Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. The program was initiated by welcoming the Student Clinician and badging them.

The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society program to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02. 30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar. The session

The badging was done by the Final year students of IGIDS. The students took the Hippocratic Oath read by Dr. Rajkumar, Student advisor. This was followed by a lecture on the Topic “Patient Safety in Dentistry” by Dr. Mohammed Hanifah, Professor of General Medicine Department, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Online feedback was taken after the session.

The prelunch session was sharing of Saveetha Dental College experiences in dental education by Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, Director, Saveetha Dental college, Chennai.

was organized by Dr. Sukriti Kumar, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral medicine & radiology and the session was moderated by Dr. Prathima G. S, Prof and head, Department of Pedodontics. There were six presentations on the topic, Laser assisted management of upper accessory labial frenum in a pediatric patient – A case report- Dr. Abhishek S Varghese (III year PG); Down syndrome and its management - A case report- Dr. K. Gayathri (III Year PG); Surgical management of impalement injury to Palate in a 3 Year Old Child: An outcome of safety 66

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Dept of Pedodontics, Organised and participated in CDE Program- LASER ATELIER on 27th Sept, 2016 at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry. The program was inaugurated

19. 09. 16 - Student Clinician Orientation Programme

30. 08. 2016- Clinical Society Meeting.

students in diagnosis and treatment planning rather than allotment system, provision for leading clinicians to become part time teachers, examination reforms and interchange of faculty between colleges.

27. 09. 16 - LASER ATELIER

by respected Dean, Prof Carounanidy Usha. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr Prathima G S. The number of beneficiaries were 80. Following this there was a lecture on fundamentals of lasers by Dr Prathima G S and lectures on soft tissue/ hard tissue lasers by the external resource person Dr Vidyaa Hari Iyer. As a stress breaker, there was a non didatic session conducted, after which the

hard tissue lecture continued. In the afternoon demo & hands on session was conducted for all participants. The program was concluded by a valedictory function, where in certificates were distributed to all the participants by our resource person.

29. 09. 2016- Clinical Society Meeting. The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society programme to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02. 30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Prof. Dr. R. Saravana SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


for their classes was given by Dr. Jannani, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology.

Dr. Ananthakrishanan, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, P. S to Chairman, Dean MGMCRI, Dr. Ravishankar, Dean IGIDS, Dr. Carounanidy Usha. A presentation was done regarding the ‘Report and outcome’ by Dr. Varsha Murthy following which the chief guest addressed the postgraduates and distributed the certificates.

On 21st September, an interactive session on “Specific Learning Objective and Lesson Plan” was taken by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS which was followed by a session on “Introduction to Microteaching” by Dr. SaravanaKumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS. The PGs were

▶▶ OUTREACH ACTIVITIES 01. 07. 16 to 15. 07. 16 – Himalayan Dental Project

Kumar, Vice Principal. The session was moderated by Dr. Vidhya, Reader, Department of Oral Pathology. There were four presentations on the topic, Odontoma - Report of 3 Cases - Dr. Bharani Priya & Dr. Preethi; Sialochemical Profile in Depressive Individuals - Dr. Umamaheshwari G; Oral Lipoma - A Case Report – Dr. R. Muthukumaran; Potentially Infectious Microorganisms in a Dental Health Care Setting – Poornima U. & Nivetha K. The sessions were opened for discussion at the end of all presentations. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Principal Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.

September 2016 – PG Pedagogy Post graduates, who are going to be future Dental educators are trained for Pedagogy by the Dental Education Unit of IGIDS. This program was conducted for 2nd and 3rd year post graduates for three days, 20th, 21st and 28th September 2016 at Medical Education Unit block. On 20th September, lecture on “Adult learning principles and teaching learning principles” was given by Dr. Shivashakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics which was followed by an interactive buzz session on TL principles for the postgraduates. Second lecture was on “Teaching Learning Media”, which covered the importance of Powerpoint presentation and effective use of blackboard/whiteboard

instructed to prepare a lesson plan and participate in the microteaching session on 28th September. On 28th September 2016, Microteaching practice session was conducted for postgraduates in 5 different venues at IGIDS. PGs from different departments were made into a batch and they were asked to practice in forenoon and afternoon sessions. Evaluation was done by the DEU facilitators, peers and two interns in each batch.

Bejoy, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Jithin and Dr. Sonia). The resource persons for the course were Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, MGMCRI and Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor in Prosthodontics, IGIDS. Nine sessions were conducted from 27. 9. 16 to 05. 10. 16. Various topics covered in these sessions were General communication skills for Health Professionals, Questioning, Listening skills and Answering skills, Factors influencing communication, Different types of health attitudes, Introduction to patient personality, empathy, non-verbal communication, Specialized and advanced forms of communication skills, Rapport building, Non-verbal skills for Health Professionals, assessment of communication skill and Holistic and patient centered care. The sessions were interactive with narratives from facilitators based on real-life experiences in Medicine and Dentistry with specific references to complete denture patients in Prosthodontics. Pre-test and post-test were conducted and significant improvement was shown in the post test results.

A Team of 5 faculties (Dr. Senthil, Dr. Selvabalaji, Dr. Karthikeyan, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. Tamil Murali Krishnan)

volunteered for the second time in the Himalayan Dental Project at Leh, Ladakh. The team worked at Lamdon Dental Clinic to provide Incremental Dental Care for

Lamdon group of schools run by Tibet Dynasty. Dental Health Education aid on “Oral health tips for Toddlers” was donated Rimpochee School.

27. 09. 16-05. 10. 16 Intensive Coaching on Communication Skills As a part of ongoing research in Dental education an ‘Intensive Coaching on Communication Skills’ was conducted for first and second year postgraduates of Prosthodontics (Dr. Devameena, Dr. Amuthavalli, Dr. 68

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08. 07. 16– 11. 07. 16 - Nilgiris Oral Health Program A certification program was conducted on 20. 10. 16 at Board Room, SBV. Chief guest Dr. Dubey, former Dean, MGMCRI, SBV distributed the certificates for the resource persons, participants and actors for the role play. The program was attended by Vice chancellor Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dean Allied Health Sciences, SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

For the second consecutive year, a team of 32 doctors participated in the Nilgiris Oral Health Program in association with ISLAND TRUST, Kotagiri and KATHIRVEL NAGAMMAL TRUST, Coonoor. Three remote underserved villages of Kothars, Badugas and Irular community were screened and treated for various Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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Dr. Arvina, second year post graduate student, Department of Periodontics, presented Pedagogy on “GCF its current perspective” at Meenachi Ammal Dental college, Chennai, held on 22. 07. 16. Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas Begum second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, attended CDE Programme at Meenachi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, held on 22. 07. 16. the nursing faculties of KGNC, Staff nurses and attenders of IGIDS was done from 8th to 10th August. There was speech by Dr. Hema, Ist year postgraduate student on

conducted dental screening for 55 drivers and conductors, identified their dental problems and emphasized the need for early treatment. Counselling was provided to quit the habit for those using tobacco and tobacco products. The drivers and conductors of PRTC buses were referred to IGIDS for treatment with free and minimal packages for dental treatment.

▶▶ LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS Appointments: Dr. Vijay Kumar appointed as senior lecturer, Dept. of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics on 12. 08. 16.

oral health problems. A total of 610 patients were covered with around 970 treatment procedures.

05. 08. 16 - Run for Rio A marathon was organized in view of World Youth Day and Independence Day with a motto of “RUN FOR RIO”, from IGIDS premises till Aravind Eye Hospital,

Oral health & its reflection on general health to all the attenders. Fun quiz was conducted for the dental students, who participated actively. Slogan and e-poster competition was conducted for all the dental students.

Dr. Santha Devy, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology has been appointed as Vice Principal, Student Affairs on 07. 09. 16.

28. 09. 16 - Dental screening camp at PRTC

Dr. Senthil is promoted as Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry from 04th May 2016

Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, IGIDS, organized and conducted two day dental screening camp for the drivers and conductors of Pondicherry Regional Transport Corporation, Puducherrry, on 22.07.2016 and 28.09.2016 at PRTC office, Puducherry. A team of 12 comprising of 2 faculties, 2 PG students and 8 CRRI’s


Dr. Vikneshan is promoted as Reader in the Department of Public Health Dentistry from 04th July 2016. Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Senior Lecturer in the department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology has been promoted as Reader in September 2016.


Thavalakupam, Puducherry, which covers a distance of 6 KM. NSS unit of IGIDS and Student council organized the event under the guidance of Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS.

Dr. Jeyagopika, Dr, Vijayaraja, IIIrd Year Post Graduates and Dr. Prabhu, Dr. Chandhana, Dr. Jasmine IInd Year Post Graduates, Dept of Cons & endo, attended RecapitulationVIII International Symposium On Root Dentin Stabilization on 8. 07. 16 at Meenakshi ammal Dental College, Chennai.

08. 08. 16 to 10. 08. 16 – Oral hygiene month The Department of Periodontology celebrated the Oral Hygiene month in August 2016. Dental screening of all 70

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Post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended a workshop on AERO –PG Foundation Program from 27. 07. 2016 to 29. 07. 2016 Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran, I year post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Pathology have participated in the Academic Enrichment and Research Orientation program “PG Foundation Workshop – AERO” conducted by IGIDS held from 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16. Dr. Ambily, Dr. Limly, Dr. Nandhini Dimple, First Year Post Graduates, Dept of Cons & Endo attended AEROPG FOUNDATION PROGRAM on 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16 at IGIDS. Dr. Jasmine, Dr. Prabhu, IInd Year Post Graduates attended Ecclieres on 26. 08. 16 to 27. 08. 16 at Accord Metro Politan, Chennai. Dr. Dhanraj, Dr. Juhi Jahan and Dr. Kavya. L, Second year Post graduate from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended observership training at Department of Radiology and Imagiology, MGMCRI from 01. 09. 2016 to 30. 09. 2016. Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran, I year post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Pathology have participated in the “18th IAOP - XXV IAOMP” conference conducted by Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists and International Congress of Oral Medicine at Chennai from 8. 09. 16 to 11. 09. 16. Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas Begum second year postgraduate students and Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Hema, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, first year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics attended ISP colloqium titled “Controversies in Periodontology” at Tagore Dental College, Chennai held on 9. 09. 16 and 10. 09. 16.

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Second and Third year PG’s attended “Data Manipulation Using CBCT for Dental Implants” held on 22. 09. 16 at Thai Moogambigai Dental College & Hospital Second and Third year Post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended a workshop on “Pedagogy & Micro Teaching” conducted by DEU, IGIDS on 21. 09. 2016 and 22. 09. 2016. Dr. Deepika, Dr. Monica & Dr. Venugopal, final year post graduate students from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the AOCMF Symposium on Advances in Secondary Management of Post Traumatic Deformity held from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16 at Kochi. Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran, I year post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Pathology have participated in the Continuing Dental Education Programme on LASER Atelier: Soft tissue & Hard tissue – Lecture and Hands-on organized by the Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS on 27. 09. 16. Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Hema, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, first year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, attended AERO foundation programme held at IGIDS from 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16.

Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Hema, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, first year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, attended “Perio interaction” at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai on 5. 10. 16.

▶▶ UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Award: Dr Swathy U, received a cash award of Rs 5000/, for completing the ICMR project on 23. 09. 16.

International Youth day The Red Ribbon Club student volunteers participated in the skit competition conducted by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society on 10. 08. 16.

Honoring of UG students by Dept. of Oral Pathology Batch of 2013 – 2018 were honoured by the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology for excelling in the University Examination - Oral Pathology & Microbiology on 21st Sep. 2016. 5 students (Elsie Sunitha Ebenezer, Jeffery Samuel, Ashna Maria Benny, Maria. S. Philip, Ramya. R), have obtained honour, 17 students distinction and 46 students first class performance. Bella Mary Abraham was recognised for her overall performance in III year B. D. S.

Dr. Ahila, Dr. Minu , Dr. Ughabharathy , third year postgraduate students and Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas Begum second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, presented microteaching class at IGIDS on 28. 09. 16. Dr. Arya Jaya Varma, Dr. Eunice John, Dr. Marie Asha Ambroise, 2nd year Post Graduates, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics attended CDE on selfie ligation at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on 29. 09. 16. 72

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kasturba gandhi

nursing college ▶▶ RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Aruna Devi. M, A study to assess the Effectiveness of Video Teaching on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Geriatric Care among the Caretaker in the Family Residing in the Ariyankuppam at Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. May-Aug 2016; 9(2): 10-12. Geetha. C Childhood Obesity Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: May – Aug 2016; 9(2): 40- 45. Geetha C. Assess the Knowledge Regarding the Contributing Factors of Mothers of Obese Children Aged 11-16 Years at Nonankuppam Village, Puducherry. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. 2016;7(7): 12732-12735. Hannah Aswini. D. S, Effectiveness of communication board on the level of scarification of the communication pattern among patients on mechanical ventilator. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: May – Aug 2016; 9(20): 49 - 51. Jayanthi K, Reishi Mushroom - Promising in Treatment of Depression. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing 2016;9(2): 49 - 51. Kripa Angeline A Knowledge on Cervical Cancer, International Journal of Oncological Nursing. 2016;2(2): 1-6 Rajalakshmy. P. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Pondicherry Journal Nursing. May – Aug 2016; 9(2): 36-38. Renuka. K, Kripa Angeline. A, Cognition on deterrence of osteoporosis among post menopausal women Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing. Jul-Dec 2016;4(2): 4-5. Sumathy. P, A Study to evaluate the effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge regarding polices initiated by the Government towards child welfare among women at Pillaiyarkuppam International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. Aug -2016;7(8): 12852-12854. 73

Umamaheswari. R, A descriptive study to assess the contributing factors of infertility and treatment modalities used among the infertile couples. Pondicherry Journal Nursing, May – Aug 2016; 9(2): 27-29.

▶▶ ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Recognitions Examiner Prof. P. Sumathy HOD of Department of Child Health Nursing & Prof. M. Annie Annal, HOD of Department of OBG Nursing, were appointed as Examiners at Rani Meiyammai College of Nursing, Annamalai University, Chidambaram on 9 – 13 August 2016. Consultancy service Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC is offering her consultancy service as technical consultant in Medical Surgical Nursing to Dream Next Academy, Puducherry since August 2016. Editor Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC attended the preliminary meeting for the plan of publications for the year 2017 as contributing editor for TNNMC Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing published by Tamil Nadu Nurses Midwives Council. She is holding the extramural post for the tenure period of 3 years.

Scientific Participations Mrs. Hannah Aswini Lecturer, participated in National level conference on the theme of “Quality Assurance in Nursing – Synergizing Towards Excellence” organized by Apollo College Of Nursing held on 01. 07. 2016 & 02. 07. 2016 at Apollo College Of Nursing, Chennai. Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing participated in training on psychodrama and completed 14 hours of training organized by Sue Daniel from Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne, Australia between 21. 07. 2016 & 22. 7. 2016 at Damien Foundation, Chennai

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Mrs. Nandhini. M, Lecturer Dept. of MSN and Mrs. P. Rajalakshmy, Lecturer in Nutrition participated in State Level Workshop on the theme “Life Cycle approach for Better Nutrition “in connection with the National Nutrition Week on 01. 09. 2016 at Sri Lakshmi Narayana institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM The Scientific and Academic Forum conducted by the Department of Child Health Nursing was held on 23. 09. 16 that focused on Growth and Development of the children. The highlights of this forum comprised of a quiz program for III year and IV year B. Sc Nursing students, which was mind blowing and interesting. Following this, there was an impressive session by Dr. Srinivasa Ragavan, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Paediatrics, and MGMCRI, who elaborated on Developmental Assessment of Children, Growth Chart, and Developmental Scales for Assessing Children, which was informative and beneficial for the participants.



▶▶ INNOVATION TEACHING Incorporation of Yoga in Nursing Curriculum Co-Curricular Programme The board of studies meeting was conducted on 15. 07. 2016 in Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College to incorporate yoga in the existing nursing syllabus in co-curricular hours prescribed by the regulatory body of Nursing.

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Placement Cell, KGNC Unit organized Placement and Entrepreneurship Guidance Programme for the final year B. Sc (N) (X batch) students which commenced on 12. 09. 2016. The training Programme began with an inauguration at 9: 30 am in I floor lecture hall, KGNC. with College Anthem followed by lighting of kuthuvilakku by the dignitaries, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, HOD, Department of OBG, Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Prof. Sumathy. P, Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Mrs. R. Umamaheswari, & Student representative. Welcome address was delivered by Mrs. S. Rajeswari, Placement Cell Officer, KGNC. Dr. Renuka

On 27. 07. 2016, Mrs. Sudha, Sr, Tutor, spoke on Pompe disease while Ms. Benya Elizabeth Rani, Assistant Professor spoke on Harlequin Ichthyosis. On 30. 8. 16, Mrs, Sherin Nithya spoke on Jeune therapy.

KGNC organized a value communication & training programme for freshers on 27. 09. 16. Mrs. Manopriya. V gave a warm welcome, and the presidential address was deliberated by Dr. Renuka. K. The guest speaker of the day was Mr. M. J. Rajesh Fernando, Value Communicative Trainer, Bangalore whose inspirational speech was regarding the value of communication in the field of nursing and how to maintain a therapeutic communication to the patient to provide effective patient care. Mr. Esaimanikumaran, Musician enchanted the hall with his tunes of melody. Vote of thanks was rendered by Ms. Ambika. R. Students felt that they were all inspired by the techniques for effective communication.

Mr. Dhivagar. S, joined KGNC as Lecturer /Tutor, Dept of Mental Health Nursing.

Value Added Lecture

Journal Club





Value Communication & Training

Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a Workshop on “Problem Based Questioning” which was conducted on 28. 09. 2016 between 2. 00 pm – 4. 00 pm, at Board Room I - Floor, Administrative Block, SBV. The Resource Speaker Prof. Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice- Chancellor, SBV and Prof. B. V. Adkoli, Head, Health Professions Education, SBV, were honored by Dr. Renuka. K Principal of KGNC.

Prof. Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice- Chancellor, SBV, deliberated on the method of PBQ, its types, importance and Rule of Thumb. The workshop was very informative with fountain head of illuminating ideas and all faculty members of KGNC were actively involved. There was a brief group discussion at the end of the session.

on the theme and gave a skill session on self affirmative techniques and art therapy to gain self relaxation. The faculty felt the session to be very useful

In commemoration of world eye donation day, the Dept of Ophthalmology deliberated a value added lecture on 15. 09. 16. Dr. Kurinji Assistant Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI deliberated on awareness regarding eye donation which was very informative.

Faculty Development Programme - 09. 07. 16 Faculty Development Programme was organized by M. Sc (N) II Year students on 09. 07. 16 at First Floor Lecture Hall on the theme “I am the creator of my life”. Mrs. Rama. S, Senior Student Welfare Officer, SBV deliberated SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

▶▶ INDUCTION PROGRAM-26. 8. 16 Induction programme for XIV Batch B. Sc Nursing, VIII Batch P. B. B. Sc & M. Sc Nursing was conducted on 26. 08. 2016. The inauguration began with Prayer Song at 9. 30am. The presidential address was given by Dr. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV. Prof. P. Sumathy, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC given an outline view about the institution. Ms. Nabina Bandari, Vice President, SNA deliberated on Facilitating Milieu in KGNC. Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A, Associate Professor, gave a birds view on “Your Helping Desk” - orientation to Mentors & Committees. Mrs. Mano Priya. V, Asst. Professor explained about “Professional Etiquettes”. Dr. Renuka. K, Principal highlighted “KGNC-Right place for global Development” and also administered the student oath which was recited by first year UG and PG Nursing students. The Advanced Learners of B. Sc Nursing were honored by the dignitaries on the dias followed by the release of the Hand Book. Chief Guest address was delivered by Our Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, SBV. The B. Sc Nursing II Year students enacted a Role Play on “Zero Tolerances of Ragging at KGNC”. Induction programme was conducted for one week 26. 08. 16 to 03. 09. 16. Students were divided into batches. Orientation about KGNC, Medical college & Hospital were given to the batches. Mrs. Jayanthi Asst. Professor, Mental Health Nursing had a discussion regarding “Creating Positive Attitude towards Nursing” to all the students on 29. 08. 16 Dr. Uma. A. N, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy & Dr. Ambujam, Department of DVL gave a motivational speech on “Building Self Confidence”. Regional language (Malayalam & Telugu) classes were taken. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

K, Principal, KGNC, delivered the presidential address in which she highlighted the purpose, benefits and need of Placement and Entrepreneurship Guidance Programme. Ms. R. Nabina Bhandari from final year B. Sc Nursing student shared her experiences in 4 years journey in KGNC. Prof. Sumathy P, HOD, department of Child Health Nursing felicitated the gathering. The chief guest address was given by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, HOD, Department of OBG, and he highlighted the importance of nursing profession in Medical Health Services. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. R. Umamaheswari, Asst. Prof, KGNC. The programme continued with series of Guest lecture on various perspectives which is as follows: Excellence in English Communicative Skills - Dr. Stephen Raj, Communication Skill Trainer, Puducherry, NABH Standard Of Quality Nursing by Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Asso. Prof, KGNC, Accupressure to Revitalise by Mr. Panneerselvam. K, Healer & Mrs. A. Josephine Elizebeth, Healer, The Cosmic Health Educational Trust, Puducherry, Critical Care Skills by Preparing ICU Nurses Dr. Alai Taggu, HOD, Critical Care, MGMCRI, Nursing Placement Opportunities Over The Horizon by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, Asst. Prof, KGNC, Ambulance Nursing by Ms. Anbu. M, Asst. Prof, KGNC & Mrs. S. Nandhini, Asst. Prof, KGNC, Essential Leadership Skills In Nurses by Mrs. Therasa. I, ANS, MGMCRI, Nurse Entrepreneur – An Extended Role by Dr. Renuka. K, Principal, KGNC, Building Professional Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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Competence by Mr. Baz Bharanidaran, Chief Marketing Officer, Dream Next Academy, Puducherry, Hospital Information System by Mr. Ramji, IT Incharge, MGMCRI andPersonality Development by Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI

▶▶ OUT REACH PROGRAMS Breast Feeding Week : Aug 1 to 7, 2016 The Department Of Child Health Nursing, KGNC and Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI jointly commemorated “The World Breast Feeding Week”- 2016 by organizing various Health talks, Outreach programme, Poster presentation and Essay competition on the theme “Breast feeding- A key to sustainable Development”. The core concept to promote, protect and support the working and non working women towards breast feeding was highly emphasized. All sessions were highly informative and interactive. The myths and doubts of the mothers regarding breast feeding were removed, and they gained adequate knowledge regarding the various aspect of breast feeding.


National Nutrition week an event of importance was observed from 1st to 7th September 2016. KGNC took this event in hand to create awareness regarding value of essential nutrients and impact on junk foods. This programme had a first move by joining hands with Puduvai Vaani FM 107. 8. Ms Mary Catherin D. E III year B. Sc (N) student gave a health talk on essential health tips which was aired on 02. 09. 16 2. 00 pm. The second focus was on school going children in Achariya Bala Siksha Mandir School, Fishing harbor road, Thengaithittu, wherein our II year B. Sc (N) students created an awareness based on the topic “Impact of Junk Food” for middle school children on 03. 09. 16. As a final move, the IV year B. Sc (N) Students gave a health talk on value of essential nutrients for patients gathered in MRD, MGMCRI on 06. 09. 16

World Heart Day – 25. 09. 16

04. 08. 16 The Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC organized a Special Health Talk on 04. 08. 2016 focusing on “Developing Positive Attitude Regarding Successful Breast Feeding, ” at Anganwadi center, at Seliamedu. The aim of Health Talk was Developing positive attitude on Breast Feeding to enhance the health of the Mother and Newborn Baby. Feedback was obtained from the beneficiaries which shown Grade – A The Dept. of Child Health Nursing organized an Awareness Program on Breastfeeding for Working Women in Godrej Company, Kattukuppam. Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Asso. Prof and Mrs. Sherin Nithya. S, Assist Professor, KGNC gave a health talk on advantages of breast feeding and storage of breast milk. The working women gained more information through this talk.

In commemoration of World Heart Day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing took a new venture this year to create awareness among IT professionals working in Lenovo Company. The objective of the program was to spread awareness and to sensitize the middle level managers with the growing burden of heart disease and the individuals role in prevention, as IT professional are at high risk group of developing cardiovascular diseases. Mrs. Kripa Angeline A, Associate Professor accompanied by 3 team members elucidated on four P’s of heart careprotect, promote, power and prevent. The Heart age of the participant were calculated. The session turned out to be informative and useful for everyone with the feedback being overwhelmingly positive from the participants.

Nutrition Week - 2016

Osteoporosis Screening Camp – 10. 8. 16

06. 08. 16


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Department of Medical Surgical Nursing conducted Osteoporosis Screening Camp for Women in PHC, Bahour Commune on 10. 8. 16. Medical officers of Bahour PHC and Dr. Renuka. K, Principla, KGNC inaugurated the Camp. Mrs. Manopriya. V, Lecturer, gave a Health Talk on Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis. Mr. Finny Moses. E, Lecturer, assisted in Bone Densitometry and Screening of patients for Serum Vit D3, Serum Iron and Serum Calcium under the Supervision of Medical Officer, PHC Bahour. Around 200 Women were benefitted by the camp. Affected women were take care with medical management.

at Mylai Guruji Nursery school, Govt. Hr. Sec. School. Mr. Rajendran, Panchayat President CN Palayam and Mr. Ramachandran, Head master Govt, Hr. Sec. school joint hands in this green mission.

The AZADI -70 Celebration As per the directives of UGC, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC), celebrated Azadi 70 (Independence 70) Yaad Karo Kurbani by organizing a slogan writing competition on the theme ‘Quit terrorism Pervade Patriotism’ both in Tamil/English on 20. 08. 2016 timing at venue 9. 30 am in the Library of KGNC. With great zeal and interest a total of 32 students took part in the competition. Each participant stated 5 slogans. The best slogans of 3 participants were identified. The jury consists of Mrs. A. Kripa Angeline, Asso. Prof, KGNC and Mrs. Geetha. C, Asso. Prof. KGNC. A mass singing of the National Anthem was organized on 23 rd August 2016, at 11 AM. All students assembled in the ground floor of KGNC, raised their voices, to sing our National Anthem. This programme had made the students to imbibe values such as self-discipline, responsibility and patriotism.

World Suicide Prevention Day: In commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC organized a Guest Lecture on the theme “Connect, Communicate and Care” by Mr. I. Jegan, Chief Executive Officer, Win Your Weakness Academy, Bangalore at MGMCRI College Block.The Guest Lecture started at 10. 00 am based on the objectives - To create awareness among the students on the value of life, to motivate the younger generation towards the personal, professional and societal growth and to prevent the ideation of self - harming through strong motivation. In between the session fun games were conducted to encourage the students.

▶▶ NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME International Youth Day on 12. 08. 16. As per the instruction received from Honourable Lieutenant Governor and with the guidance from respected Principal Dr. Renuka. K, NSS unit had massive tree planting in adopted villages. NSS volunteers received saplings from Dept. of forestry, Puducherry and the planting ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. Renuka, Principal KGNC and Rev. Fr. Zesu Nazaren, parish priest, Our lady of health church, Pillaiyarkuppam and planted the plants in church, in adopted village at C. N SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

70th Independence Day NSS Volunteers of SBV University together organized Independence day Celebration at MGMC&RI campus. Programme started with patriotic song, Sung by NSS volunteers our Dean, (R&AHS) Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan hoisted the National flag. & honored the academically top ranked children of employees. .

Training for Trainers on Social Harmony, National Unity, Human Rights. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur organized an training Programme at Annamalai University from 26th August to 30th August 2016 on the theme social harmony, National Unity And Human Rights. Mrs. Elavarasi. Asst. Prof Dept. of Community Health Nursing/ NSS Programme Officer participated behalf of KGNC, were Various topics Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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covered under this Programme such as human relation, Youth for National Integration, National Unity, Third Generation Human Rights, Yoga for social harmony, social responsibility, youth in Nation Building, Psychological perspective of social harmony, youth for human rights & on 28. 08. 2016 afternoon they arranged for field trip to Pitchavaram & Natarajar temple on 30. 08. 2016.

▶▶ RED RIBBON CLUB International Youth Day RRC of KGNC with 10 Students of B. Sc (N) II & IV year accompanied with faculty Mrs. R. Uma Maheswari actively participated in Bike rally which was conducted by Pondicherry AIDS control Society towards of International Youth Day celebration on 11. 8. 16 along with all the colleges in Puducherry. The bike rally started at 8. 30 am at Beach Road, Puducherry, covering many areas of Puducherry creating awareness among the public.


Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute and Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College on 15. 09. 2016. The event was held at OPD, MGMCRI wherein Our YRC volunteers enacted a Skit for creating awareness on the theme among the public regarding. The total beneficiaries were 150

▶▶ REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH UNIT The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Health Education programme on preparing mothers for Successful Breastfeeding with regard to World Breastfeeding Week Celebration in Antenatal & Postnatal Ward, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 02. 08. 16. 25. Around 25 postnatal mothers were benefitted.

September 2016 at IGMC&RI, Puducherry organized by National Mental Health Programme, Govt of Puducherry. yy Ms. D. Jayapradha, II year M. Sc (N) received II prize in Essay Competition on 23. 07. 2016 in the theme of - “Breast Feeding- a key to sustainable development” towards World Breast Feeding Week 2016.

SNA General Body Meeting Student Nurses Association of K. G. N. C conducted General Body Meeting on 22. 09. 2016. Following this, there was an impressive session focusing on the “Prevention of Chikungunya & Dengue”. Mrs. Elavarasi. R, Asst. Prof, Dept of Community Health Nursing was the guest speaker of the day. She highlighted on “Prevention of Chikungunya & Dengue” elaborately with adequate explanation. Principal, Dr. Renuka K inaugurated two clubs Pasumai Club and Kalaanjali Club. Badging Ceremony was conducted for the new office bearers by the former office bearers of SNA. Congratulations to the new office bearers.

SNA Election


▶▶ YOUTH RED CROSS International Eye Donation Fortnight Week Youth Red Cross (YRC) Volunteers of KGNC joining hands with Aravindhar Eye Hospital organized a rally for creating awareness among the public in Puducherry during the commemoration of International Eye Donation Fortnight Week on 04. 09. 2016. This mega event was held

at seashore of Puducherry. YRC volunteers participated with zeal and enthusiasm covering more than 400 public people.

World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day was celebrated based on the theme “No Alcohol – Know Your Risk” was commemorated by 78

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

yy Ms. Mary Catherin D E, B. Sc(N) III year received first Prize, Mr. Hemachandiran K, B. Sc(N) III year received Second Prize and Ms. Priyadharshini T, B. Sc(N) IV year received Third Prize in Slogan Writing during AZADI-70 celebration held on 20. 8. 16. yy Mr. Ramaragu Raman, B. Sc (N) IV year received Fifth Prize in Body Building Competition in Intercollegiate Competition -Pradharshini’16 held on Sept 28- Oct 1 at Govt Kilpauk Medical College, Hospital yy Mr. Muthukumaran V. K, B. Sc (N) II year received appreciation certificate in Solo Singing Competition in Intercollegiate Competition - Pradharshini’16 held on Sept 28- Oct 1 at Govt Kilpauk Medical College, Hospital yy Ms Gomathy P, Ms. Kalaiyarasi D, Ms. Malarmathi M, Ms. Kanimozhi M, Ms. Nandhini S, Ms. Veronica A, B. Sc(N) IV year Students represented KGNC as two teams received appreciation certificate in Intercollegiate Quiz Competition conducted on World Suicide Prevention Day 2016 on 15th SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

SNA Election was held on 29. 06. 2016 among B. Sc Nursing I, II, III year students and the polling results are as follows: Mr. Venkat Raj M, B. Sc (N) IV year-Vice President, Mr. Manikanadan S, B. Sc (N) III year-Treasurer, Mr. Arunkumar S, B. Sc (N) III year-Asst. Treasurer, Ms. Nandhini S, B. Sc (N) IV year-Secretary, Ms. Stellamarry W, B. Sc (N) IV year-Cultural Secretary, Mr. Kalaimathy B. Sc (N) III year-Asst. Cultural Secretary, Ms. Aripriya M, B. Sc (N) III year-Educational Secretary, Mr. Nandacumar V C, B. Sc (N) III year- Asst. Educational Secretary, Mr. Sangeetha Rajan R B. Sc (N) IV year-Sports Secretary and Mr. Aravinth Raj E- Asst. Sports Secretary.

Student’s Celebration - 07. 07. 16 The UG students expressed their joy to their seniors by hosting a farewell party. The outgoing UG &PG students rendered their gratitude to the institution and the faculty by hosting the thanks giving day.

Teacher’s Day Celebration - 05. 09. 16 The students of KGNC and SNA organized the Teacher’s Day Celebration on 05. 09. 16, focusing on GREEN MISSION as theme of the year. The teachers were honored for their dedicative service with green plant and energetic games for teachers was conducted to make teacher’s day special. Tulsi Plants were placed in the windows of classroom for purification of air and good oxygen exchange as the first initiative to propagate their green mission. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Alumni Meet- Kasturbians KGNC Kasturbians Alumni Meet was organized on 13. 09. 2016 at I Floor Lecture Hall, KGNC. Programme started with plenary session by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, M. F Quality Nurse Educator, MGMCRI presented on nursing placement opportunities over the Horizon. The Faculty and Alumni were welcomed by Mr. Ramaprabhu Z, Vice- President, AAKGNC. Previous Meeting Minutes and The Constitution and Bye-Laws were presented by Ms. Jayasri. J, Assistant Secretary, AAKGNC for new members. Financial Summary regarding Expenses, Fund and Current balance was detailed to the Alumnus by Ms. Aruna Devi M, Treasurer, AAKGNC. Prof Dr. Renuka K Patron felicitated the Kasturbians. On behalf of Alumni Association the Financial Assistance of Rs. 5000 /- each was provided to Three Nursing students, for their academic growth, those from rural and economically poor in status.

▶▶ IQAC 6th National Conference – 07. 09. 2016 Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College organized its 6th National Conference on “Developing Strategies for Quality Care in Psychiatry” on 7th September 2016. The organizing team was Dept. of Mental Health Nursing who dedicated themselves in the conference headed by Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Organizing Chairperson. The inaugural session started with the college Anthem. A warm welcome was accorded by the organizing Chairperson of the conference Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC. Our honorable Vice-Chancellor Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, SBV rendered the Presidential Address where he stated that, psychiatry has developed from asylum to institutionalized care. He also congratulated the organizing committee for choosing this theme and insisted for developing strategies among nurses. Followed by, Mrs. Prabavathy S, the Organizing Secretary unfolded the theme of the conference. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Dr. Eshwaran S, Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI felicitated the gathering. The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Lalitha K, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science (NIMHANS), College of Nursing, Bangalore, released the souvenir and delivered the key note address. The Resource speaker Mrs. Rajeshwari K, Assoc. Prof, HOD, Dept. of MHN, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, highlighted on the “Quality Care Continuum for Institutionalized Elderly with Dementia”. Dr. Lalitha K, Prof & HOD, Dept. Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore elaborated on “Quality Indicators in Community Psychiatry - reaching out to the corners”. Prof. Dr. Usha V K, HOD, Dept of MHN, Govt. College of Nursing, Kottaiyam, Kerala, gave a view of the “Managed Care environment in Psychiatry Fostering Good Clinical Outcome”. Poster Presentation and Evaluation was held before the commencement of afternoon session. Mr. Dhivagar S, awarded first prize for poster presentation. Dr. Sowmya B, Child Psychiatrist, Coimbatore, who deliberated about “Care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder– Issues and Challenges”. Prof. Lalitha P, HOD, Dept of MHN, Sri Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem started her session on the topic “Strategic care for acutely ill Psychiatric clients”.

initiative on therapies and developing care. The overall feedback from delegates was Excellent and Very Good, Students from various colleges gave feedback, as sessions were useful and they feel it can be practiced daily for stress free living.

▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS KGNC - Talk of the Town KGNC ranked first among 70 educational institutions under Pondicherry AIDS Control Society, in Puducherry for its vibrant activities through “Red Ribbon Club of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Unit evaluated by PACS. The Best RRC Award & Certificate was received by Dr. Renuka. K, Principal & Programme Organizer, RRC and Mrs. Umamaheswari. R, Secretary, RRC from Our Hon’ble Chief Minister, Thiru. Narayanasamy. V during

The most awaited Skill Session-I Live Exerso on therapies was headed by Prof. M. Louie Doss, Counselor & Psychotherapist, Anugraha College of Social Sciences, Dindigul. He gave a vivid presentation on “Gestalt Therapy”. He broadly demonstrated about empty chair technique, which was very interesting and useful in our day to day life to overcome stress and ego. The Skill Session-II Live Exerso was given by Ms. Sujithra C, Counselor & Psychotherapist, Anugraha College of Social Sciences, Dindigul. It was a very comprehensive skill session. She presented about the “Neuro Linguistic Programming”, and also demonstrated about, (VKD) Visual Kinestic Dissociation technique, which grabbed the attention of the audience. A total of 500 members (Delegates, Other Professionals and Students) attended the conference. The observer, Mrs. Kavitha D, Reader, East Coast College of Nursing, Puducherry, representative from The Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai delivered her feedback, where she appreciated the organizing committee for their 80

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the Celebration of International Youth Day held on 22. 8. 16 at Gandhi Thidal, Beach Road, Puducherry.

▶▶ UG & PG Results: University examinations for the students were conducted in the Month of August 2016 and the Results of SBV University examinations of UG & PG students were declared, which are as follows: B. Sc (N) Pass Percentage - 94. 7%, P. B. B. Sc (N) Pass Percentage -99%, and M. Sc (N) Pass Percentage - 100%. Faculty and students were congratulated and advised to have the same sprit in future examination too. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF





health sciences

▶▶ SBV AHEAD Establishment of Department of Health Professions Education: A new mile stone in the achievement of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is known for making significant strides during the last decade to emerge as a leader in creating new pathways of health professions education in the country. Various curricular reforms at the MBBS level, adoption of a competency based postgraduate medical education, establishment of new Centers devoted to YOGA and Music Therapy, are just few examples of its march towards exploring new frontiers of capacity building. In order to bring together all health professions to achieve academic excellence through training and research in pedagogical sciences, SBV had established an Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development (SBV- AHEAD). Under the banner of SBV AHEAD, the University launched Post Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education (PGDHPE) in 2014. This course has been reorganized with effect from this year, on the pattern of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the UGC and NAAC. For the first time a one year M. Phil program in Health Professions Education has been introduced for those who wish to continue after PGDHPE. The aspirants can now pursue highest degree of Ph D in Health Professions education. In order to run these courses and to provide an administrative structure for the activities mooted by SBV AHEAD, a new Department of Health Professions Education has been created under the Deanery of Allied Health Sciences, which is one more feather in the cap of SBV. The mission of this Department is to emerge one of the centres of excellence in Health Professions Education in the country, in alignment with the broader mission and vision of SBV. The Department of Health Profession will be responsible for running all programs in HPE (PGDHPE/M. Phil/ Ph D), and pursue training and research in education of all health professions. It will foster inter-professional education, and develop a community of practitioners who will be able to function as health profession educators who can play a key role in development of health workforce for tomorrow. DHPE will participate and organize local and 81

national workshops for the health profession educators. Further, it will provide consultation, training, and mentoring support to the needy individuals, departments, institutes and agencies within SBV as well as at the national level, working for the cause of health professions education. Organizational structure The Department has been structured in such a way that it draws the best talent and experience from all health professions. The Core faculty includes Dr B. V. Adkoli, Professor & Head, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Program Director, Dr M. Shivasakthy, IGIDS, Coordinator, Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV and Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences, SBV. Besides this the Dept draws a dedicated team of adjunct faculty members from the Medical Education, Dental Education Unit and Nursing Education Unit of the constituent colleges. Presently five candidates are pursuing PGDHPE, ten candidates are pursing M. Phil Course and seven research scholars are working on various studies related to education. The Department utilizes the existing facilities and infrastructure available with SBV campus and the constituent colleges.

ICMR – STS Awards At a grand and impressive function held on 23. 09. 2016, 28 recipients of ICMR -STS 2014 and their Guides were feted with certificates and cash awards. The felicitation ceremony was held during the inaugural function of the Pharmacogenetic testing services at MGMCRI. The programme was organised under the auspices of SBV AHEAD. Dr. Subash Chandra Parija , Director JIPMER was the Chief Guest. He lauded the initiative of SBV and eulogised the administration for having embarked on a significant endeavour, namely patronising student

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

research. Eight Faculty members who had published in nodal journals of high impact factor were also felicitated with a certificate and cash award at the same occasion. Other functionaries of SBV who spoke included Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research and AHS, Prof. M. Ravishankar, DeanFaculty of Medicine and Prof. C. Adithan, Director. This is yet another instance of "SBV MARCHES AHEAD"

Peer Reviewers / Editorials Dr B. V Adkoli reviewed submissions in the following journals: Advances in Medical Education and Practice (Dove Press), Advances in Health Sciences Education (Springer), National Medical Journal of India and Indian Pediatrics. Dr N. Ananthakrishan is a reviewer for articles on medical education for the National Medical Journal of India, Clinical teacher and Medical teacher.

National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016), 18-20, August 2016 CONTD PAGE -1. Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI and Dental Education Unit of IGIDS, under the aegis of Dept of Health Professions Education organized a three days National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016)” on 18-20, August 2016. While Day 1 was devoted to discussions on Undergraduate Dental Education, the Day 2 and 3 focused on trends in Medical Education. The three day academic feast had received a ‘30 points CME credit’ by the TN DrMGR University, a record in the history of Conferences


held by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. More than 250 delegates from medical and dental fraternity participated. Some of the unique features of this conference were participation by the leaders of regulatory bodies like Medical Council of India and Dental Council of India, talks and workshops by the top notch leaders in medical education across the country and sharing of best experiences and innovations introduced by the SBV with medical and dental fraternity from other colleges. Highlights of Medical Education Conference The conference was inaugurated by Prof Ved Prakash Mishra, Chairman, Academic Committee, Medical Council of India. The speakers consisted of renowned medical educationists, Dr Tejinder Singh, CMC, Ludhiana, Dr Rita Sood, AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr Anshu, Sevagram, Wardha, Dr Avinash Supe, Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai, Dr Himanshu Pandya, Karamsad, Gujarat, Dr P. V. Vijayaraghavan, SRMC, Chennai, Dr Latha Ravichandran, SRMC, Dr Krishna Seshadri, Chennai, besides stalwarts from SBV, Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS. The conference gave an opportunity for the SBV to present some of the major innovations done under the umbrella of SBV AHEAD, viz. , assessment reforms in medical education (Dr V. N. Mahalakshmi), MEU activities (Dr Seetesh Ghose), DEU activities (Dr Usha Carounanidy) and HPE Courses (Dr M. Shivasakthy). A conference souvenir CD edited and compiled by Dr A.N. Uma was released on the occasion.

There was a symposium forum on Integrated Teaching, chaired by Dr M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI. The panelists were Dr P. V. Vijayaraghavan, Dean Education, SRMU, Dr Latha Ravichandran, SRMC, Chennai, Dr Gitanjali Batmanabane, JIPMER, Pondicherry, Dr Himanshu Pandya, PSMC, Karamsad and Dr V. N. Mahalakshmi, MGMCRI. Free paper sessions were arranged for the participants to present their work on both the days which covered more than 30 papers. There were five hands on workshops besides, symposia and thematic free paper sessions. The workshop themes included, Change Management, Approach to problem learners, Mentoring and Feedback, Teaching clinical skills in the digital era and Professionalism. The three days of academic feast has reaffirmed the role of SBV as a key player in the field of health professions education in India.

SIMSCON 2016 Sri Manukula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital (SMVMCH) organized 8th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference – SIMSCON 2016 on the theme ‘Professionalism in Medicine’ on 29th July 2016. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences was the chief guest and delivered a key note address. Dr B. V. Adkoli, Professor of Health Professions Education spoke on ‘Skill development for Undergraduates’. Dr S. Balanehru, Deputy Director, CIDRF, discussed the ‘Current research developments for Medical Students’. The conference was attended by more than 600 delegates from various medical colleges. Following the presentations, there was a highly interactive question and answer session which was well received by the delegates.

Workshop on Problem Based Questioning for KGNC Faculty Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and Prof B. V. Adkoli, Head, Dept of Health Professions Education conducted a Workshop for the KGNC Faculty on the theme “Problem Based Questioning” on 28th September 2016. The workshop resulted in active participation by the faculty in improving the quality of problem based questions.

▶▶ Center For Yoga Threapy Education And Reaesrch YOGA THERAPY: CYTER conducts a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme through its Yoga Therapy OPD in I Block from 9 am to 1 pm every day. Consultations are offered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and Dr Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator and


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Yoga Therapist. Qualified Yoga instructors are imparting the schedules daily from 9 am to 4. 30 pm. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga therapy and lifestyle consultations are offered daily as part of Basic, Superior, Complete Cardiac and Deluxe Health Check packages of Master Heath Check-up in the Corporate Services Wing of the hospital since October 2013. We are also offering non-therapeutic general sessions for faculty, staff and students of SBVU from 6 to 7am and 4. 30 to 5. 30pm on all working days. Year





2010-16 (till June)




24, 275

2016 (July-Sept)





Grand total

27, 841

YOGA EDUCATION Our Yoga Therapy courses are among the most innovative courses in the world as they are offered through a medical institution thus integrating ancient wisdom of Yoga with the evidence based approach of modern medicine. Three batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, we have started credit based program of Certificate Courses in Yoga Therapy and M. Phil Yoga Therapy leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Credit Based Choice System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for these programs. Currently 5 students are undergoing the certificate program, 11 the PGDYT and 2 have enrolled for the MPhil in Yoga Therapy. Our students Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016









Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

include Medical doctors, dental and nursing professionals, physiotherapists, pharmacists, physical educators and Yoga instructors from India and France. CYTER has recently been accorded status of MEMBER SCHOOL of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YOGA THERAPISTS (USA), and we are proud that CYTER is the first University based Yoga Therapy School in India to receive this prestigious membership.

YOGA RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS: CYTER has published 53 papers and 19 abstracts on immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on www. youtube. com/user/CYTER2010. CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at www. facebook. com/cyter. mgmcri has more than 1650 likes and is very interactive with articles and Yoga tidbits and regular updates.


CYTER, followed by ‘Felicitation address’ by Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS, who also briefed the guests on ‘SBV’s innovations through the three eyes of AHS: Yoga therapy, Music therapy and Health Professionals Education’.

yogic relaxing asanas and pranayamas on HRV and perceived stress in healthy young volunteers. 10th Annual Conference of Association of Physiologists of Tamil Nadu (ENVOCCON). Sri Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Bharat University, Chennai. 9-11 September 2016. Pp. 202.


Dr Ananda and Dr Meena attended the BOS meeting at Kaivalyadhama. Dr Ananda also conducted the interview for yoga teachers while Dr Meena conducted lectures for students of GS College and a special workshop at the Samvad Special School. Discussions were held on future research projects by Kaivalyadhama and SBV on 1 & 2 July 2016.

On 10th Aug 2016, Prof KR Sethuraman VC SBVU and Prof N Ananthakrishnan Dean AHS inaugurated 4th batch of PGDYT (11 students) & 1st batch of MPhil (Yoga therapy) (2 students) at CYTER in presence of Prof Madanmohan Director CYTER, faculty and students of CYTER.

Publications in this quarter: Published papers: 1. Madanmohan T and Bhavanani AB. Physiological Benefits of Yogic Practices: A Brief Review. International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2016; 1(1): 0031-0043. 2. Bhavanani AB. Understanding Yoga as a Therapy. Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy. 2016;1 (1): 555551. Published abstracts : 1. Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan. Restoring human values in medicine: Role of Yoga. National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016). SBV, Pondicherry. 18-21 Aug 2016. pp. 85-86. 2. Dayanidy G, Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan Psychophysiological benefits of yoga training in physiotherapy students. National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016). SBV, Pondicherry. 18-21 Aug 2016. pp. 87-88. 3. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB, Renuka K. Yoga for nursing students: rationale and psychophysical benefits. National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016). SBV, Pondicherry. 18-21 Aug 2016. pp. 95-96 4. Vasanthan S, Madanmohan T, Bhavanani A B, Hanifah M. A comparative study of the effect of 84

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Dr Ananda and Dr Meena attended Doctoral Committee meeting of PhD student Vasanthan S on 12 July 2016 & 2nd Doctoral Committee meeting of PhD student P Uthiravelu on 16 July 2016

Dr. Ananda, as member of the Academic Council attended 21st Meeting of the Academic Council on 11 August 2016 in the Board room of SBV.

Dr. Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda and Dr. Meena were nominated as members of the Board of Studies (External Experts) for incorporating Yoga in B. Sc(N) curriculum of KGNC. First BOS meeting was held on 20 July 2016.

Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) organized an International Symposium on Yoga and Wellbeing at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry on the 12th August 2016.

Dr Ananda was the invited speaker and gave an interactive talk on " Bursting the managerial stress bubble: the yoga way" at Hotel Athithi for Madras Management Association, Pondy Chapter on 29 July 2016. More than 100 members of MMA Pondy Chapter attended the interactive session and were benefitted immensely.

The first part of the event was conducted between 10 and 11 am at the SBV University Board Room starting with the ‘Welcome address’ by Prof Madanmohan, Director

International Symposium on Yoga and Wellbeing

The lead talk on ‘Yoga for holistic wellness and optimal healing’ was given by Prof KR Sethuraman, the inspiring Vice Chancellor of SBV. In his talk, he delineated the concept of salutogenesis and linked the vital concepts of coherence (comprehension, meaningfulness and manageability) with wellness. He further described how Yoga can be the missing link providing a practical and philosophical framework for these concepts to manifest through integration with mainstream medicine. The full presentation is available from http: //www. slideshare. net/anandabhavanani/yoga-for-holistic-wellnesssalutogenesis-by-prof-kr-sethuraman and the video of the presentation is available from https: //www. youtube. com/ watch?v=r-p_7s54RIA Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV rendered a special song on the occasion highlighting the importance of Yoga for a sense of well-being and health. Prof VN Mahalakshmi, VP of MGMC&RI briefed participants about inclusion of Yoga in MBBS curriculum being done at MGMCRI during 10-day orientation program annually. The second half of the program was conducted from 11. 15am to 1. 15pm at CYTER Yoga Hall, I Block, MGMC & RI. Highlights of the symposium were the hands-on sessions given by Yoga teachers from the UK led by Yogacharini Kalavathi Devi as well as the CYTER Team. Topics included "Living Yoga in daily life", "Yoga for moms & babies", "Yoga for special children", " Yoga and mental health" and "Yoga's role in de-addiction". Presenters included Neeraj Churi (England/India), Fabrice Ledentu (France), Heather Casey (Ireland) as well as Tony O'dea, Gemma Rowe, Lorraine Ledentu, Samantha Davies,

Dr Ananda was invited to give Yoga awareness session for the Alumni Meet of the Golden Jubilee Alumni Batch 1966 of JIPMER at Grand Serena Hotel on 6. 8. 16. Lions Club of Pondicherry excellence invited Dr. Ananda to be Guest of Honor for the 100th year Centennial Celebration and Installation function for the year 2016 - 2017 on 7th August 2016 at Hotel Annamalai International, Pondicherry. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


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on “Yoga for the health and wellness of senior citizens “at the Serene Pelican, the community for the retired citizens on 10. 9. 2016. More than 50 seniors participated very enthusiastically and got benefitted.

Catherine Morgan, Melanie Beer and Seren Grime from Wales, UK. The program concluded with the summing-up of the day’s events by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and a vote of thanks by Dr Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator of CYTER. Dr Meena & Dayanidy G were resource persons for the intensive program for a group of students from the UK held at ICYER, Ananda Ashram. They conducted practice sessions for the group led by Yogacharini Kalavathi on 15 & 16 august between 6 - 8 AM

Dr. Ananda was invited Guest Speaker and Co-chairperson for Keynote session of the National Seminar on Emerging Trends of Research in Yoga and Naturopathy organized by CCRYN, Ministry of AYUSH, GOI at Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra, New Delhi from 16-18 September 2016. He presented a talk on “Yoking yoga research, yoga education and therapy” that was well appreciated by the erudite audience from all over the country.

Yoga sessions for faculty, staff and students of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth are going on regularly since September 2015. Classes are offered at CYTER Yoga hall on all working days between 6 to 7am and 4. 30 to 5. 30pm.

Dr. Ananda was invited to be part of an inter-religious panel discussion on "Dignity and Sanctity of Human Life" during inauguration of IDCR-Pondy at St Joseph of Cluny Hospital on 18 September 2016.

Dr. Ananda and Dr Meena were invited to give guest lecture from university teaching faculty at the UGC HRDC Pondicherry University on 26. 8. 2016. Yoga training (45 hours) as part of BSc Nursing Curriculum started for 100 nursing students of 1st year BSC (N) from KGNC on 29. 8. 2016. Introductory session given at KGNC and then training is given thrice weekly at CYTER. The hands on training sessions for 2nd year BSc nursing students of KGNC was started at CYTER on a regular basis with 5 students attending CYTER per week on rotational basis from 6. 9. 16. The students will be receiving 30 hours of such experience in Yoga therapy as part of their curricular activities.

Dr Meena and Dayanidy attended the orientation program for selection of QCI Examiners for Indian Yoga Association (IYA) at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, Pune on 19. 9. 2016. They both participated in the workshop organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India, under the scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals at two levels, managed by Quality Council of India, IYA. CYTER Team participated in the orientation program conducted for the first year MBBS students of MGMCRI and conducted interactive Yoga sessions for a week from 21. 9. 2016 to 28. 9. 2016. Dr Ananda gave a lecture on

Dr. Meena led CYTER Team along with the PGCFY and PGDYT students for the interactive awareness program 86

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Dr Ananda presented a well appreciated 2-day invited workshop on anatomy, physiology, pathology and Yoga therapy with reference to cardio-respiratory systems at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla on 23-24 September 2016. The two day program with more than 9 hours of teaching was well received by more than a hundred students of various diploma and degree courses as well as faculty members and invited visitors. The workshop was organised by Dr BR Sharmaji, the Principal of the GS College. It is to be noted that Dr Ananda is an Adjunct Professor of Kaivalyadhama‘s GS College and is Chairman of Board of Studies in Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga practices.


Dr. Ananda, Dr Meena and Sri G Dayanidy participated and presented papers in the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education

(NC-CTHPE 2016) at SBV, 18-20 Aug 2016.

“Wellbeing & Healthy Living through Yoga” followed by the practice session. Dr Meena presented on “Yoga - A Way of Life” followed by the practice session.


General sessions for SBV family





2015-16 (till June)





2016 (July-Sept)





Grand total


AWARDS yy Dr Meena Ramanathan was recognized as PhD Guide (Yoga Therapy & Inter Disciplinary Research) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry in July 2016 yy Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani was invited to be an examiner for Ph. D thesis by the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, Australia in July 2016. He was also invited to be on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Yoga & Physiotherapy, California, USA in July 2016 and included in Famous India: Nation’s Who’s Who published by Reguerdon Inc, New Delhi in August 2016. He was recognized as PhD Guide (Yoga Therapy & Inter Disciplinary Research) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry in August 2016. It was a special moment when he received the gracious felicitations from our respected VC, Dean (AHS) and Registrar upon being awarded the prestigious C-IAYT recognition (IAYT Certified SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Yoga Therapist) by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, USA in September 2016. It is notable that he is the first Indian to receive this honor.

▶▶ CENTER FOR MUSIC THERAPY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Launch of the first Master’s degree program in Medical Music Therapy on 22. 08. 2016 Recent scientific advances made in the field of neurosciences and music psychology on the potential of music to modulate activities of the brain and the understanding of the effect of music on human emotions, moods and feelings through neuro-imaging studies have strengthened the practice of music therapy as a complementary medicine under the ambit of integrative medicine. SBV, forerunners of music therapy music therapy in clinical practice, research and education in India have launched today the first Master’s degree in Medical Music Therapy from a health sciences university in the country from its Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research. The centre is headed by Dr. SumathySundar, PhD and is under the faculty of Allied Health Sciences of the university. This program is unique with the adoption of choice based credit system (CBCS) recommended by NAAC and UGC

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016









Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust


The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria – SBV Initiatives for Doctoral Program in Music Therapy from CMTER

report on the deliberations were submitted to the Vice Chancellor through the Dean ( Research and Allied Health Sciences). Also, the team from IMC Krems inspected the infrastructure and the other resources of the center and also visited CIDRF and its Director Dr. Adithan.

Visiting Scholar Program Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno, a Fellow of Music and Guided Imagery, Associate Professor, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA was invited as a visiting on the title “Live music therapy as on active focus of attention for pain and behavioural symptoms of distress during pediatric immunization”.

as a major reform in higher education. It is a learner centric program with immense flexibility to the learners to pursue diverse career options as clinical practitioners, teachers and researchers in music therapy. The electives offered are pain management, procedural support, mind body Medicine, brain biomarkers and psychiatric rehabilitation, community Health, neurological rehabilitation and paediatric applications and Developmental delays and learning disabilities. Learning is by a unique combination of self-directed learning and faculty led discussions using audio and video equipments, podcasts, webinars, seminars and national/international conferences and web based discussions with the faculty of the overseas partners, The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria.

Based on the directives of the officiating Vice Chancellor, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, the representatives from IMC Krems and SBV met in the board room on 18 07 2016 with an aim to confirm mutual feasibility to conduct a twinning doctoral program. Prof. Karl Ennsfellner, CEO and Prof. Gerhard Tucek, Research Head of IMC Krems and Prof. Dr. AR Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV and Dr. SumathySundar, Director, CMTER participated in the deliberations. Preliminary discussions featured matters related to UGC regulations for twinning programs between SBV and Krems, Ph. D. registration, collection of data, presentations at the doctoral and monitoring committees and the Ph. D. recognized supervisors for the program. Following the Preliminary Discussions, an official

The Master’s degree program also prepares the students to pursue a twinning Ph. D. program in music therapy between SBV and IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016

scholar CMTER, SBV to collaborate with relevant studies in this area of research. Dr. Gimeno conducted a workshop between 23 08 2016 to 26 08 2016 to the faculty and the

Faculty of CMTER organized a lecture and workshop for the Journal and discussion club of Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 08 09 2016

Research Publications Sundar S, Durai P, Parmar P. Indian classical music as receptive music therapy improves tridoshic balance and major depression in a pregnant woman. International Journal of Ayur. Pharma Research. 2016; 4(9) 8-11. Parmar P, Sundar S. Music therapy in Neonatology: What is known and what is not known. Ann. SBV. JanJun 2016;5(1). 38-42

Peer reviewer students of CMTER on the topic “Music and Guided Imagery”. She was invited as a co-investigator to a research project from CMTER titled “Effect of Music, Imagery and relaxation on the psycho-physiological and biochemical parameters of patients posted for percutaneous coronary interventions.

Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno, Associate Professor from State University of New York who was an external member of the Board of Studies of the Master’s degree Program in Medical Music Therapy was also present during the launch of the program. 88

Dr. SumathySundar as a member, scientific committee of the World Congress of Music Therapy slated in Tsukuba, Japan 2017 completed review of 60 numbers of papers / roundtable / workshop / poster proposals submitted for the World Congress by 15 09 2016

Faculty Awards & Recognitions Dr. SumathySundar was invited by the British High Commission, Chennai as a panelist on 15. 07. 2016 to speak on “Music as a way enhances social relationships”. Dr. SumathySundar received an award from SBV for publishing in a high impact journal “Clinical Paediatrics” SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Dr. SumathySundar reviewed a paper for the International Journal “Music and Medicine”

Upcoming Events 1. Team-SBV visits the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria between 23-26, November 2016 to sign the Memorandum of Agreement for the collaborative Ph. D. program in Music Therapy. 2. CMTER in collaboration with Department of Physiology to conduct “MEETS” a music therapy program for the I year MBBS students of MGMC&RI and SSSM&RI, Chennai and also a music therapy program for the I year B. Sc. Nursing students, KGNC. Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


Central inter-disciplinary


Research facility (ciDrf) ▶▶ ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Pharmcogenetic Testing Services @ CIDRF Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility, SBVU started Pharmacogenetic Testing Services at MGMCRI. An inaugural function was organized by CIDRF at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Puducherry on 23.09.2016 to launch Pharmacogenetic testing services. Prof. S.C.Parija, the Director of JIPMER was the chief guest for this event. He delivered a keynote address highlighting the benefits of personalized medicine. Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University presided over the meeting. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Panel Analgesics / Antitussives Angiotensin antagonists Antiarrhythmics Anticancer Anticoagulants Anticonvulsant Antidepressants Antidiabetics Antiemetics

S.No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences and Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, Faculty Medicine, MGMCRI offered felicitations. The Pharmacogenetic Testing Services is open to patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, psychiatric disorders, cancer, infections, inflammatory diseases, etc., to know their likely drugs and dosage, in order to achieve an effective drug response avoiding side effects of drugs. The healthy people can also utilize this service during their master health check-up at MGMCRI hospital, so that they can have a pharmacogenetic profile report which is valid throughout his/her life. The panel of tests to be done at CIDRF is given in the following table.

Panel Antifungal Antihistamines Antimalarials Antimuscarinics Antiplatelet Antipsychotics Antiviral Anxiolytics Appetite suppressant

S.No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Panel β – adrenergic blocking agents Calcium antagonist Dopamine transporter blocker MAO-inhibitors Neuroleptics NSAIDs Proton pump inhibitors Statins Vasodilators

Research Institute, Chennai between 08.07.2016 and 09.07.2016. yy Presided over D.M. examination at Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad between 14.07.2016 and 15.07.2016.

Release of the Pharmacogenetic testing services kit

▶▶ RECOGNITIONS Prof. C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF yy Delivered a lecture on “Recent advances in Cancer Research and Therapy” at Chettinad Hospital and 90

yy Participated as a resource person in the workshop on “Human Bioethics” at JIPMER on 26.07.2016. yy Attended the ICSU National Committee meeting of INSA at New Delhi on 25.07.2016. yy Participated as a resource person in the workshop on “Applications of clinical pharmacokinetics” at JIPMER, Puducherry between 19.08.2016 and 20.08.2016.

Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


yy Participated as a resource person in the CME “Pharmacogenetics & Genomics” at Sri Venkateshwara Medical College Hospital and Research Centre on 26.08.2016. yy Was the examiner for PhD viva voce at Manipal University on 10.09.2016. yy Was the judge for the award Dr.C.L.Malhotra Award instituted by the Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India on 16.09.2016 Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor, presented a research paper “Lectins (haemagglutinins) from the Red Alga Acanthophora spicifera : Isolation, characterization partial purification and selected physico-chemical properties” at the International Conference “Botany 2016” held at Savannah, Georgia, USA from 30.07.2016 to 03.08.2016.

▶▶ PARTICIPATION Pooja Pratheesh, Preethi Sreedharan and Akshaya Anbazhagan attended the National conference on "Recent Advances in Cancer Research and Therapy" (RACRT2016) held on 8-9 July, 2016 at Chettinad Health City, Tamil Nadu.

▶▶ PUBLICATIONS Aseervatham GS, Suryakala U, Doulethnisha, Sundaram S, Bose PC, Sivasudha T. Expression pattern of NMDA receptors reveals antiepileptic potential of apigenin 8-C-glucoside and chlorogenic acid in pilocarpine induced epileptic mice. Biomed Pharmacother. 2016;82:54-64. Adithan C, Subathra A. NAT2 gene polymorphism: covert drug interaction causing phenytoin toxicity. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2016;143:542 -4.


Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist, was invited to talk at the Workshop, “Application of Bioinformatics in Genome Analysis” at Madras Veterinary Col lege, Chennai on 12.08.2016.

1. Dr.R.K.Manchanda, Director General, Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi visited CIDRF visited CIDRF on 30.07.2016 and had discussed with Scientists for potential avenues of funding 2. Dr. Subbaya Subramanian, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery and Dr. Reena Kartha, College of Pharmacy, Center for Orphan Drug diseases from University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. They interacted with the scientists and scholars. Dr.Subbaya Subramanian delivered a lecture on 25.08.2016.

Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist delivered a guest lecture on “Bionics” at Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur, Kerala on 19.08.2016.

▶▶ AWARD Dr.Ageish Kumar was awarded Dr. Reuben award for best poster in the National conference on Medical Arthropodology, organized by “Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology” Osmania University between 20.08.2016 and 21.08.2016. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Subbaya Subramanian, and Dr. Reena Kartha, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA

▶▶ JOURNAL CLUB/SEMINARS Four research articles, three subject seminars were held during the period by the scholars and scientists of CIDRF. Volume 10 Issue 3 July - Sept 2016


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