Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
BHOOMI POOJA FOR TEMPLE CONSTRUCTION Bhoomi Pooja for the proposed construction of a Temple near the main entrance of MGMC&RI Campus was held on 24.11.11. With reverberating spiritual prayers from Pandits , our Honorable Chairman
Shri M.K.Rajagopalan laid the down the foundation stone. The Vice Chancellor, the Dean, members of the faculty and Management Staff members attended and graced the spiritual function.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
THE DAWN OF NEW CHAPTERS Dr. Srinivasan Sadagopan, joined Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 14.12.11 after his superannuation as Professor and HOD, Paediatrics from JIPMER, Pondicherry. He obtained his MBBS degree in Dec1969 and D.C.H in 1973 from Madras University as a student of JIPMER. After one year of post DCH Registrarship in JIPMER Paediatrics department, he joined M.D Paediatrics in Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi University in 1974. He joined JIPMER as Senior Resident on 5th October 1976 and served as a Faculty of Paediatrics from 29th January 1979. He served as Professor from 1st December 1991 to 21st January 2000 and then became Director-Professor in the same department. He underwent a Certificate Course in National Institute of Nutrition , Tarnaka, Hyderabad , W.H.O Fellowship Programme in the Control of Diarrhoeal Disorders in SriLanka, Thailand and Indonesia and WHO sponsored Medical Education Course in Remodelled Paediatric Undergraduate Curriculum in Jabalpur Medical College, MP, India. He has been involved in postgraduate clinical training and CME Programmes organized by IAP and National Board of Exams, New Delhi. He has served as MBBS/DCH/ MD/DNB Examiner/ PhD in various Universities and Institutes. He has to his credit publications in 105 Indian journals, 25 International journals and 15 Chapters in Text Books and in other Paediatric related Books. He has given 10 Orations in National/ Southern Zonal / Tamil Nadu/ Andhra/ Karnataka/ Kerala IAP Annual Conferences and has given Internal Faculty oration of JIPMER on the topic, “Paediatrics – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”. The Chronicle accords a warm welcome to Prof. Srinivasan Sadagopan
Dr.Arun Prasath.P Asst.Professor, Cardiology 01.12.2011
We take pride in welcoming the following faculty members who joined the fraternity of MGMC&RI during the Last Quarter of 2011 APPOINTMENTS Dr.Ashish Saraogi Sr.Resident, Anaesthesiology 01.10.2011
Dr.Ashish Kumar Jose Asst.Professor, Orthopaedics 01.10.2011
Dr.Abhijit .V.Boratne Asst.Professor, Community Medicine 17.10.2011
Dr.Kasinathan. A C.M.O Casualty 31.10.2011 Dr.Shweta Asst.Professor, OB&GY 01.11.2011 Dr.Baskaran Senior Resident, Gen.Medicine 02.11.2011 Dr.Vijisha Phalgunan Asst.Professor, Anatomy 02.11.2011 Dr.Rizwan Ahamed C.M.O, Casualty 15.11.2011 Dr.Antony John Charles Asst.Professor, Anesthesiology 21.11.2011
Dr.Arijit Audhya Asst.Professor, E.N.T 02.12.2011
Dr.Shib Sekhar Datta Asst.Professor, Community Medicine 28.10.2011
Dr.Moutusi Audhya Asst.Professor Dermatology 02.12.2011
Dr.S.Uma Devi , Asso.Prof in the dept of Micro Biology has been promoted to Professor w.e.f 3.11.2011 Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Clinical Psychologist dept of Psychiatry has been promoted to Asst.Professor w.e.f 18.11.2011 Dr.Krishna Gopal.R, Asso.Prof in the dept of Orthopaedics has been promoted to Professor w.e.f. 01.12.2011 Dr.Sudeepta Kumar Swain, Asst.Prof in the dept of General Surgery has been promoted to Associate Professor w.e.f 06.12.2011 Dr.Sunita Samal, Asst.Prof in the dept of OG&GY has been promoted to Associate Professor w.e.f 06.12.2011 We congratulate these faculty members on their promotion.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
HIC CON 2011
This year, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry, organized the Second Annual Conference of Hospital Infection Control, on 4th and 5th of November 2011.The conference theme, “Strategies to combat antimicrobial resistancepursue or perish” was adopted from the WHO’s message for the World Health Day 2011,”Combat Antimicrobial Resistance – No action today; No cure tomorrow”. The mission was to develop a knowledge network, provide educational resources and promote evidence based practices in the area of Infection control and Rational antimicrobial therapy as the primary strategies to combat the emerging threat of antimicrobial resistance. The conference program was painstakingly researched, ensuring the agenda covers issues that matter in day today practice. The speakers were selected based on their individual areas of expertise, their ability to communicate effectively and their commitment to the cause. The conference was targeted at practicing Physicians, Surgeons, Pediatricians, Gynecologists, Microbiologists, Pharmacologists and Community Health Physicians, Hospital Administrators, Nurses and Medical / Nursing students. The total number of delegates who attended this conference was 562. The conference was partly sponsored by WHO – Country office, India and Medical Council of India and was accredited by Tamilnadu Dr MGR Medical University and was awarded 20 CME Credit points. The Major Issues Covered During the Course of this Program This year’s conference focused on the strategies that need to be evolved, practiced and publicized to combat Antimicrobial resistance.
Antibiotics 6. Infection Control In The Hospitals Is Everyone’s Business 7. Communication Is A Key Factor To Prevent Hospital Acquired Infections 8. Focus On Some Of The Effective Infection Control Practices To Be Followed In The Hospital Setting • Creative approaches that need to be developed to enforce the principles of hand hygiene among all healthcare professionals; the need to empower patients in this regard • Universal precautions and the use of personal protective equipments • Post exposure prophylaxis after needle stick and other injuries injuries against HBsAg and HIV • The role of Central Sterile Supplies Department in prevention of HAIs • Cleaning and decontamination in OTs, ICUs and wards - This paper discussed the definition of hospital surfaces, different methods used for cleaning and decontamination in operating rooms, wards and critical care areas, research evidences and emerging technology. • An Audit of reusable devices • Peri operative nursing care • Safe injection practices to be followed 9. Identification of Anti Drug Therapy for severe Infections– Mdr Tb, Xdr Tb, Mdr Typhoid, Artemesinin Resistant Malaria, Clostridium Difficle Infections.
Other Activities
To enhance learning and to encourage sharing of ideas, a free paper and a poster session with focus on infection control and rational antimicrobial therapy were included. The organizer hope to continue their mission in future. -Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, Organising Secretary, HICC
1. The Need To Combat Antimicrobial Resistance And Urgent Steps To Be Taken In This Regard 2. The Evolving Trends Of Antimicrobial Resistance Over The Past Few Decades 3. The Specific Role Of Microbiology Lab In Infection Surveillance 4. Infection Control As Indicator Of Quality In Healthcare 5. The Role Of Antimicrobial Stewardship - To Optimize Clinical Outcomes By Best Practices For Selection, Dosing, Route And Duration Of The Appropriate
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
THE CHRONOLOGY OF The Chronicle - 2011
Publications Since 2008
Scopus, Pub Med, Web of Science - 76
Census - Rural and Urban health centres RHTC OP CENSUS – 14413 UHTC OP CENSUS 16682
SAF Activities 2011 • • • • • • • • • •
Annual Internal Oration Annual External Oration Annual Medi Quiz 7 Guest lectures 5 Capsule talk 6 Special Talk 1 Poster Competition on Cancer Day 5 Case Series 22 Cases Reports 2 Innovations
• • • • • • • • • •
Tuberculosis Awareness Programme Cancer Day Awareness Programme Blood Donation Day and Month Blood Donation Camp Women’s day World Health Day World diabetes day Breast feeding Week Children’s Day Celebration AIDS Awareness Programme
Campaigns and Commemoration - 2011
Master Health Check up 2011
Total number of cases screened – 1576 cases
Central Research Laboratory 2011
Cytogenetics Unit - 33 cases Karyotyped.
January • • • •
Intern Orientation Program Inauguration of Central Library Inauguration of Medical Simulation Center Inauguration of Telemedicine Unit
• Special Clinical Quiz
• UK Team Visit to our University • National CME on “Personalised Medicine” - Dept. of Pharmacology • Annual Sports meet
• College Day –Talentia 2011 • Election of new SAF office bearers -2011-12 • CME on “Anti –microbial resistance: No action today, no cure tomorrow” - SAF • MCI inspection successfully held for the recognition of PG Qualification - SBV University • 41 PG students from MGMCRI and 30 PG students from KGNC cleared from SBV University. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
• Orientation Program for Post Graduates • 6 STS ICMR 2010 students Oral presentations at National & International conference. • 16 STS ICMR 2011 Projects approved
• Adoption of Health Centre of Life Help Centre for Rural Rehabilitation Development • Workshop on “Device closure of Congenital Heart Disease”
• Vice Chancellor at the International Conference on “Students Mental Health : Issues and Challenges”, Ponicherry University. • CME on “Current Controversies in Medical Practices” - SAF
• Unveiling of the Statue of Mahatma Gandhiji • Life time achievement award to Prof .Selvasundari, HOD, Department of Ophthalmology • Fresher’s Orientation Program • Commendation certificates to the teaching & non teaching staff at the 65th Independence Day
• Introduction of Tamil Nadu - Chief Minister Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (TN – CMCHIS) Interim at MGMCRI • CME on “Gestational Medicine”- Department of General Medicine • CME on “Understanding Inhalation Anesthesia: Virtual to Visual” - Department of Anesthesiology • Glascow University Team Visit to our University. • UG Medal Exam : Department of Medicine
• Ph D programme - Doctoral committee meeting • Gandhi Jayanthi Celerbration
• The 2nd Annual HIC CON on the theme, “Strategies to combat antimicrobial resistance-pursue or perish” • Institutional Human / Animal Ethical Meetings • Boomi Pooja for a Temple at MGMC&RI Campus • Inauguration of MVK Iyer Clinical Examination Ward • 1st Annual Conference on “Bone Tumors” Department of Orthopedics • The Chairman, Mr.M.K.Rajagopalan attended the 2nd Triennial Conference for Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists and Associated Professionals at SECC Glasgow.
• “Life Time Achievement Award” to Prof.D.R.Gunaserkaran, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University by TGOUN, Nagaland
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Anuradha.S, Bharathi.K. Uterine Mullerian Adenosarcoma with Sarcomatous Overgrowth Showing Myoblastic Differentiation in a Post Menopausal Patient”. Journal of Medical Science &Technology; 1(1); 018-022. Veerendra Kumar Arumalla. Serum high sensitivity C- reactive protein in different grades of obesity. RJPBCS, Oct-Dec 2011; Vol-2, Issue 4, Pages 1041-1046. Veerendra Kumar Arumalla, K. Rajashekar Reddy. Plasma Homocysteine and traditional risk factors in young acute myocardial infarction patients. IJABPT-2011, Vol-2, Issue-4, Page no 54 to 57. Veerendra Kumar Arumalla, Dose-dependent impacts on the diagnostic efficacies of atherogenic lipids in adult Indian smokers. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011 November (Suppl-2), Vol-5(7): 1352-1355.
Dr.Subramanian, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine completed his residency in Medicine in New Jersey (Drexel University & did his Infectious Diseases fellowship at Wayne State University, Detroit. His research work was on azole resistance in Aspergillus which involves training in various microbiological techniques like minimum inhibitory concentration, functional inhibitory concentration, DNA extraction, RNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction and comparing DNA isolated with the database to understand mutations. He also worked with newer microbiological techniques like peptide nucleic acid fluorescent in situ hybridization (PNA-FISH), and 16s rRNA analysis. During this period he attended 4 conferences (IDSA, ICAAC, ASTMH and ACTG) with poster presentations & also published 2 peer reviewed major articles in this period.
Dr.Swayam Jothi, Prof &Head, Department of Anatomy was felicitated for being the author of book on Embryology & Awarded M.M Cooper award for best presentation at scientific session day 34th Annual conference of the Association of Anatomists by Vice chancellor of Dr . MGR Medical University on 15.10.2011. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Prof &Head, Department of Anatomy Chaired a scientific session during the ANATCON 2011 Presented a paper entitled ‘Embalmed Cadavers-Are they infective’ and was once again selected for Dr .M.M Cooper award on 16.10.2011. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy received Dr R K Kesavan Rolling shield for Tamil work in Medicine. Dr. Karthika Jayakumar Prof & HOD-Dept of Microbiology gave an Oral presentation on the “Safety in Handling of Cadavers” in the XXXV National Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, held in BHU-VARANASI between 22.11.2011 & 26.11.2011. Sunil kumar. Jada, Tutor of Microbiology, gave an oral presentation on “Parasitic Plethora” at the XXXV National Conference of the IAMM which was held at BHU-VARANASI between 22.11.2011 & 26.11.2011 and was short listed for “ IAMM Silver Jubilee Prize for the best Paper in Parasitology” Dr.Swayam Jothi chaired a session on histology during the ASI conference held at Sri Aurobindo Medical college & Post graduate institute, Indore. Prof V.M.Parthasarathy, HOD of Orthopedics attended “The Indian Orthopedics Association Annual Conference” in Noida & chaired a Scientific session. Dr.Swayam Jothi attended 66th Annual Medical Conference SIMACON -2011 Hosted by IMA, Salem between 10.12.2011 & 12.12.2011.
Scientific Presentations / Participations
Dr.Anuradha.N, Associate Professor, Dr.Latha.B & Mr.Glad Mogesh, Assistant Professor , Department of Physiology attended 5th Annual conference of the Association of Physiologists of Tamilnadu, APTCON 2011 at CMC, Vellore on 7.10.2011 & 8.10.2011. Mr.Glad Mogesh Presented a poster entitled’ Pulmonary function test in granite polishers – a preliminary study’.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr.Nasreen Begum, Prof& Head, Department of Medicine presented a paper entitled “Roly-Poly” in ANATCON@MAPIMS 2011 -34th Annual Conference on 15.10.11.
days basic workshop in Medical Education Technology from 13.10.2011 to 15.10.2011 at CMC, Vellore
Dr.Veerendra, Assisstant Professor ,Department of Biochemistry has attended AMBICON 2011 at Trichy between 16.12.2011 to 18.12.2011. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Prof & Head and Mr. Hemanth Kommuru, tutor, Department of Anatomy attended 59th NATCON of Anatomical society of India at Indore between 27.12.2011 to 29.12.2011.
UG News:
Ms.Maria Fortuna, 5th semester student presented a poster entitled “Effect of Electronic Gadgets on Life Style Disorders” in APTCON, 2011 at CMC, Vellore on 7.10.2011. Mr.Avinash & Ms.G.Gayathri, 5th Semester Students presented a paper entitled “ Lymphoid hyperplasia in Acute & Chronic Appendicitis”, Mr.Alexander Mathew & Mr.Yuvaraj, 5th Semester Students presented a paper on “Epithelial Hyperplasia and prominent ganglion cells in Acute and Chronic Appendicitis” and Ms.Maria Fortuna presented on “Sub mucosal fatty deposition in Appendicitis” at State Conference of Anatomy, Mel Maruvathur Medical College on Oct 2011.
Activities of Medical Education Unit (MEU)
Dr.T.R.Gopalan, Dean, SSSMC&RI & Dr. Pravir Bodhka, Prof& Head, Department of Forensic Medicine attended the Sensitization workshop on 12.10.2011 at CMC, Vellore.
Lecture cum Workshop on Microteaching for the tutors was done by Dr.Swayam Jothi of 19.10.2011. Dr.Sheriff, Prof&Head, Department of Biochemistry & Dr.Narasimha Rao, Asso.Prof of Physiology attended the 3 days basic workshop in Medical Education Technology at CMC,Vellore between 9.11.2011 &11.11.2011. Lecture cum Workshop on Teaching methods for the Assistant Professors was done by Dr.Deben Laishram, Prof & HOD, Department of Physiology & Dr. Pravir Bodhka, Prof & HOD, Department of Forensic Medicine on 23 .11.,2011.
Medical & Clinical Society Activities
Dr.Narasimha Rao gave a talk on the topic Mirror Neurons - Physiological and Clinical Perspectives on 14.10.2011. Dr.Sulthan Sheriff gave a talk on HDL on Nov 2011.“Life is Mobility: Mobility is Life – Presented by Dr.Sundarajan, Assistant Professor of Orthopedics on Nov,2011. Dr.Nasreen Begam presented a case of RolyPoly & Bronchogenic Cyst –Rupture on 12.9.2011 & 14.11.2011 respectively.
New Appointments Dr.Karthika Jeyakumar, Prof&Head, Department of Microbiology, Dr. Swayam Jothi, Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy & Dr.Deben Laishram, Prof& Head, Department of Physiology attended the 3 MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Dr.Dilip Chandra Das , Prof & Head, Department of Physiology, 01.12.2011 Dr. N. Gopal Reddy, Prof and Head, Department of Pharmacology, 31.10.2011. Dr.S.P.Sinha, Prof, Department of Community
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Medicine, 01.12.2011 Dr.B.Latha, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, 03.10.2011. Dr.S.Swaminathan, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, 01.12.2011. Ms.S.Sukanya, Tutor Department of Physiology, 03.10.2011. Dr.T.Suganya, Tutor, Department of Community Medicine, 12.12.2011.
The Department of Physiology organized a CME on “Anaemia” for 1st Year M.B.B.S students. The Department also conducted Poster competition on the same topic with the active participation of all the Students on 4.11.2011.
Dr.N.Anuradha, Dept of Physiology has been promoted to Associate Professor from 19.10.2011 Dr.V.Sathyalakshmi, Dept of Anatomy has been promoted to Associate Professor from 13.11.2011
The chronicle accords a warm welcome to the newly joined faculty and congratulates the faculty on their promotion. Rare Surgery Performed
Open reduction and internal fixation with bone graft using same side fibular segment for Pseudoarthrosis left tibia for 6 year old girl done by the Department of Orthopedics.
Life Time Achievement Award
Prof.V.M.Parthasarathy, Prof & Head, Dept of Orthopedics was awarded “Life Time Achievement Award” by Dr.M.G.R Medical University on 25.11.2011.
Conduction of CME
The Department of Dermatology ,Venereology and Leprology organized a CME on “Superficial Fungal infections and Viral infections” for the 5th semester students on 18.10. 2011
The Department of Microbiology organized a guest lecture on “Zero HIV Prevalence” Zero HIV Stigma” “Zero HIV Deaths” by Dr. Bimal Rajasekar Charles,Project, Director, APAC on 02.12.11.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Article Where Is God ?
LIFE is cruel to “certain human beings”. In this context, words such as “Almighty”, “Fate”, “Nature”, “Science” can also replace the LIFE as synonyms. On elaboration of the Life’s cruelty : Isolation, Snubbing, Humiliation,Untouchability,Ignoring, Denial of basic rights, ditched and ostracized by the family and society, Physical and verbal abuse, teasing, Slavery, Prostitution are the description to which the “certain human beings” are subjected throughout their life . Nonetheless mistakes of them, they are humiliated to the core for no reasons. The individual who inflicts pain on them are universally distributed is the hard core truth. The so called civilized society and the rationalistic individuals fail to be rationale towards “them”. Education broadens the intelligence but narrows the heart (emotions) – this phrase beckons the truth especially the treatment meted out to those “certain human beings” in day to day life. We hail ourselves that INDIA shines in all spheres of Growth and Development and eventually in the near future our motherland is going to attain the Super Power status in the world. Transparent introspection is the need of the hour. Development of Science and Technology on par with the other countries at the compromise of our human values like,love,affection,compassion, kindness, humility, brotherhood, equanimity, non hatred feeling, peace etc. converts the human race into Machines (Robots). Is this a real constructive super Power status??!!........ NEVER……!! Today, Let us all take an oath by joining hands together with those “few isolated individuals” and treat
everyone alike and on par with us. I’l remove the Knot : “certain human beings” and “few isolated individuals” phrases refer to “THE TRANSGENDERS”!! They Have a Life. They need to live. Every living beings emotions on earth must be respected. Their interests and participation in all spheres of life should not be denied by the fellow people. A very grave unpardonable SIN or CURSE is: To deny them the Love, Affection,Recognition and pushing them to the corner of Life. With Purity of Heart, let us all condemn this and swear that we will not be part and parcel of this endless SIN. The moment we give the Love and Understand them, we are sure to experience and reflect “THE GOD” in us!! We salute our sister concern MAHATHMA GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE & RI, PUDUCHERRY who had already established a full fledged TRANSGENDER CLINIC, a FIRST and THE BEST human touch of its kind. With Wholehearted Smile and Goodwill gesture, we accept THE TRANSGENDERS on par with us and be GOOD SAMARITANS!! CHEERS!!!
Dr.Balaji Rajagopalan Asso. Professor,
Biochemistry, sssmc & ri.
The Department of community medicine has organized AIDS awareness rally in Thiruporur and III semester students participated in that rally followed by AIDS awareness role play by III semester students in Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Thiruporur on 1.12.2011.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
In Pursuit of Professional Excellence Scientific Publications
Shivasakthy M., Syed Asharaf Ali. Customized Sectional Stock Tray for a Patient with a Restricted Oral Opening: A Case Report. JCDR Dec 2011;5(8):1686-7.
Scientific Presentations
The panelists were Prof. N. Ethirajan Prof. & HOD. Department of Community Medicine, Rajamuthaiah Medical College, Dr. Gilbert Fernandez, HOD of DVL, Indra Gandhi Government College & Post Graduate Institute & Mrs. Rajeswari, President of Cuddalore, PNP (Positive Network of People). Dr. Shivasakthy M, Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Secretary of the Red Ribbon club, moderated the Panel discussion by the experts.
Dr Vishwanath. R.Rangdhol, Prof & Head, Department Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, delivered a guest lecture on “Clinical and Radiological aspects of Salivary Gland Tumors” held at Rajarajeswari Dental College and Hospital, Bangalore on 14.10.11. Dr. Kayalvizhi Gurusamy, Reader, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry presented a paper on “Occulodental Digital Syndrome – A Case Report”at the 33 National conference of ISPPD between 3.11.11 and 6.11.11 at TMA Pai Convention centre, Mangalore.
Dr Vishwanath . R. Rangdhol, Prof & Head, Department Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, conducted a panel discussion on “Terminologies regarding pulp and periapical diseases at National IAOMR conference held at Bangalore between 9.12.11 and 11.12.11 Dr Vandana.S, Senior lecturer, Department Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, presented a research paper titled “Case control study to estimate salivary cortisol levels in patients with dry mouth” at National IAOMR conference held at Bangalore between 9.12.11and 11.12.11 Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof & Head, Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics delivered a guest lecture on “Research Methodology” at SRM dental college and Hospital, Chennai on 16.11.11. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Reader, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry attended the 29th Taminadu State IDA Conference between 18.11.11 and 20.11.11 at Yercaud, Salem and delivered a guest lecture on “Pediatric Dentistry – A Panacea” A Panel discussion on “HIV/AIDS awareness” on the commemoration of World AIDS Day was conducted by the Department of DVL, MGMCRI on 01.12.11.
Officiation as Chairperson in Academic /Scientific Events Dr. Senthil M, Reader, Department of Public health dentistry chaired a scientific session themed “Affordable quality core is a channel to promote oral health” at the 16th National Conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry held at Bangalore between 04.11.11 and 06.11.11. Dr. Shivasakthy M, Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, judged an Intercollegiate Poster Competition at KGNC organized on the theme “Getting To Zero - New Hiv Infection”.along with Prof. Kamalam, Principal KGNC on 29.11.2011. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
course at National IAOMR conference held at Bangalore between 9.12.11and 11.12.11.
Academic Activities
Scientific and Academic Forum, IGIDS, in association with Colgate-Palmolive ltd organized a Novel product launch meet for the students of IGIDS on 12.10.11. The launch is on a new product “Colgate Prorelief tooth paste”. A guest lecture on “Desensitizers”
Participation in Academic/Scientific Events
Dr. Srinivasan J, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics attended the 18th Indian Society of Implantology conference at Hyderabad between 21.10.11 and 23.10.11. Dr. Prathima GS, Prof& Head, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry attended the 33rd National conference of ISPPD between 3.11.11 and 6.11.11 at TMA Pai Convention centre, Mangalore. Dr. Jayaraj D. and Dr. Sanguida A., Senior lecturer, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry attended the 29th Tamilnadu Student Convention, between 5.11.11 and 6.11.11 held at Vivekananda Dental College for Women, Thiruchengode. Dr. Jayaraj D. Senior lecturer, Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry attended 2nd workshop on “Scientific and Medical Writing” on 02.12.11, conducted by Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai. Dr. Baburajan K, Prof & Head, Department of Prosthodontics attended the 29th Taminadu State IDA Conference between 18.11.11 and 20.11.11 at Yercaud, Salem.
was delivered by Dr. ShivaManjunath, Prof & Head, Department of Periodontics.
Campaigns & Commemorations
On the occasion of children’s day on 14.11.11, the Department of Pediatric and Preventive dentistry has organized for various programs and competitions
Dr. Sivasenthil, Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics attended the 29th Taminadu State IDA Conference between 18.11.11 and 20.11.11 at Yercaud, Salem. Dr. Baburajan K, Prof & Head, Department of Prosthodontics attended the 38th Indian Prosthodontic Society Conference at Dubai between 2.12.11 and 5.12.11. Dr Sitra .G, Senior lecturer, Department Of Oral Medicine and Radiology, attended pre-conference MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
with the theme of “Tooth Fairy Kingdom: Promoting Oral Health In Children”. The program was held in three sessions. The details are as follows 1.Promoting Pediatric Dentistry through Pediatrics
Oral health education talk was delivered by Dr. Sanguida, Senior lecturer to all the expectant mothers, parents and children among the out-patients and inpatients in Department of pediatrics and obstetrics & gynecology. Oral health screening was done for all the inpatients in the pediatric ward and the needful patients were motivated to get the treatment done. Proper brushing technique demonstrations were done and oral hygiene kit was distributed to them. 2.Competition For Dental Students The following competitions were held among the UG students and Interns of dental college.
Cartoonodontics: Explaining dental procedures/concepts through cartooning. Around 20 teams had participated, of which the best two teams were selected by the invited guest, Dr. K. Vijayalakshmi, Principal, IGIDS who judged the event.
First Place: Reshma, Sithara, Sherin – IV year Second Place: Bhavithra.V, Lavanya.A, Beena.S – II year Kids Dental Recipe: Oral Health Instructions for children through poster. Around 15 teams had participated, of which the best two teams were selected by the invited guest Dr. Saravanan, Professor, Dept of Public Health Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College, who judged the event. First place: Shilpa Philip, Sugirtha, Rincy Philomina – III Year Second Place: Deepan Kumar, Pavithra, Heena – Interns Kids’ Dental Zone: Portrayal of ideal pediatric dental setup by Model/Table clinic. Around 10 teams
had participated, of which the best two teams were selected by the invited guest Dr. Arun Prasad Rao, Professor, Dept of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College, Annamalai University, who judged the event.
First place: Praisy, Sruthy, Smitha – IV Year Second place: Shouvik, Dayanithi, Pavithra – Interns A valedictory function was held at the end of the competition; Prof. Dr. Prathima G.S., Head of the Department had delivered the welcome address. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Our invited judges had distributed the prizes for all the winners and also participation certificates were given to all the participants. The judges were felicitated by Dr. K. Vijayalakshmi, Principal, IGIDS and senior faculty members. 3.School Dental Health Program As a part of the children’s day celebrations, team from IGIDS visited the Govt. Primary School, Kanniyakoil, where the following events were organized. Healthy Teeth for Healthy Body: Drawing competition among 3rd, 4th and 5th class students. The best 3 drawings in each class were selected and prizes were awarded to them.
15.12.11, at Queen Mary’s High School, Lawspet, Pondicherry where around 150 children were screened. Treatment was provided for 50 children and the remaining children were asked to report for the indicated treatment to the institute.
AIDS Awareness Week
The student members of Red Ribbon Club, IGIDS along with Dr. Shivasakthy M, Secretary, RRC participated in the commemoration of AIDS awareness week conducted by Department of DVL between
Perfect Smile Contest: Children of class 1st and nd 2 were screened and the person with full complement of teeth without decay were selected and given prizes. Oral health education talk was delivered and oral hygiene kit and refreshments were also arranged for all the children.
25.11.11 and 01.12.11. The student members enacted a role play on AIDS awareness at the MRD premises, MGMCRI and Ariyankuppam health centre. They also gave a speech on the routes of transmission of HIV/AIDS and cleared the myth among the public gathered.
School health Program
Dept of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry along with the Department of Public health dentistry organized a screening cum treatment camp on MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Appointments & Promotions Dr.S.Jeelani, Sr.Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology - 12.10.2011 Dr.Pavithranand.A, Orthodontics - 14.10.2011
Abdul Khader, final year BDS student presented a paper on “ACP-CPP: The Panacea for Reversibility of Caries – A Reality or Myth?” from the Dept of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry and was awarded the best paper.
Dr.Jagat Reddy.R.C, Professor, Dept. of Oral Medicine & Radiology - 01.11.2011 Dr.G.Kayalvizhi, Reader, Dept. of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry - 15.11.2011 Dr.Rachita Akshaya Shetti, Tutor, Dept. of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics - 07.12.2011
Dr.N.Balaji, Reader, Dept of Oral Pathology has been promoted as Professor with effect from 25.11.2011 The Chronicle accords a warm welcome to newly appointed faculty and congratulates the faculty on his promotion.
UG News Tamilnadu IDA Student Convention Undergraduate students of IGIDS attended the 29th Tamilnadu IDA Student Convention, between 5.11.11 and 6.11.11 held at Vivekananda Dental College for Women, Thiruchengode. The students participated in the scientific presentations as well as in the cultural programs and bagged prizes.
Meenakshi, Muneer, Nalini, third year BDS students presented a poster on “Tooth Friendly Sweeteners – An Alternative To Sucromania” from the Dept of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry and was awarded the best poster. Riya Tressa Augustian, CRRI, presented a paper titled “Endodontic mishaps” from the Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics and secured first place. Kavitha M, Angel jemmimah, Shivashankar third year BDS students presented a poster on “Estimating the prevalence of common dental anomalies in primary and permanent dentition” from the Department of Oral Pathology and secured second place. Lakshmi.K.V, third year BDS presented a paper titled “Detection and treatment decision of
Shouvik Malakar, intern presented a paper titled “Evaluation of Medical Education System in India” from the Department of Public health dentistry and secured first place.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
primary coronal caries based on international caries detection and assessment system (ICDAS) and caries management by risk assessment system (CAMBRA)” from the Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics and secured third place. Deepan Kumar.C.V, Ram Kumar , Abbe Precilla interns presented a poster titled, “Indian preventive league-IPL” from the Department of Public health dentistry and secured third place. Heena kauser, Nimisha, Anjali.C.V interns presented a poster titled, “Nanotechnology in dentistry” from the Department of Orthodontics and secured third place. Pavithra Damai, intern presented a paper titled “Practical Quota and Exam Related Stress in Clinical Dental Students in the Dental Colleges of Pondicherry Town” from the Department of Public health dentistry.
In the cultural events Shouvik malakar, Ram kumar, interns won collage; Shouvik Malakar, intern won face painting; Shivasanthosh, intern won Soap carving; Pavithra, intern won foot loose and Dharshith, final BDS & Ranjini, third BDS won the solo song in male and female category respectively.
Undergraduate Convention in Pedodontics The following students attended the 2nd Undergraduate Convention in Pedodontics held on 03.12.11, at Sri Balaji Dental College, Chennai and made presentations. Praisy and Binsi, Final Year BDS students, presented a poster on “Lasers-Star wars In Pediatric Dentistry” and secured 2nd place.
Prathibha, intern presented a paper titled “Efficiency of Two Commercially Available Sugar Free Chewing Gums in Plaque Control- Randomised Control Trial” from the Department of Public health dentistry. Dayanithi.B.S, intern presented a paper titled “Low Flow Vascular Mal Formation” from the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Vandana Singh, intern presented a paper titled “Tracheostomy” from the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Jayasree .J, Shakthivathy .K, Binsi ubaid final year BDS students presented a poster titled, “Problem oriented approach diagnosis and treatment planning in conservative and Endodontics” from the Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontics. Vinodhini, Pathiventhan and Suresh Babu, Interns presented a table clinic on “Biological Restorations – smile bank” and secured 3rd place. Abdul Khader and Neetu John, Final Year BDS students, presented a Poster on “FRC in pediatric dentistry – Glistening Smiles; Widening Horizons” Shruthi and Smitha, Final Year BDS students, presented a poster on “SHED-The New Tooth Fairy; Banking Dental Stem Cells” Karthick , Intern presented a poster on “The Dwarf –Nanorobotics in Dentistry”
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
KASTURBA GANDHI NURSING COLLEGE In Pursuit Of Professional Excellence Scientific Publications
Rajeswari S . Brain Injuries and Malformations Pertaining to CNS. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2011; 4(3):20-23. Geetha C. Hypotheses. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2011; 4(3):24-26.
Scientific Presentations
Ms Rajeswari S, Associate Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing , was a resource person at the Continuing Nursing Education conducted by Sabari College of Nursing , Puducherry, on 01.11.2011. She spoke on “Common Neurological Disorders among Children”. Prof Renuka K , HOD and Ms Kripa Angeline A, Associate Professor, Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, were resource persons at the 2nd National Conference on Hospital Infection Control, MGMCRI, Puducherry, and presented on “Perioperative Care” and “Injection without Infection –Safe Practice,” respectively. Ms Elavarasi R, Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing, presented a paper on “Nursing- A Safe Profession” at the state level conference on Current Concerns on Foundation of Nursing, at Indrani College of Nursing, Ariyur, Puducherry.
Participation In Scientific Events
Ms Punali R, Clinical Instructor, Department of Child Health Nursing participated in the Continuing Nursing Education on Common Neurological Disorders among Children, organized by Sabari College of Nursing, Puducherry, on 01.11.2011. Mr Niyamathulla U, Assistant Professor, Ms Aruna Devi M, Lecturer, Ms Punali R, Ms Suganya,Ms Hemalatha N, Clinical Instructors, Ms Deepa J and Ms Rajalakshmi 1st Year M.Sc students attended a Continuing Nursing Education on “HIV/AIDS An Update,” at the Manakular Vinayagar Medical College, Puducherry on 01.12.2011. Ms Elavarasi R, Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing, along with Ms Deepa J and Ms Parvathi O.G, 1st Year M.Sc students attended an International Conference on “Geriatric Nursing” at Ganga Institute of Health Sciences, Coimbatore, on 11.11.2011. Ms kalaiselvi A, Lecturer, Medical and Surgical Nursing, attended a Regional Conference on “Education For Life” at R.V.S College of Nursing, Coimbatore, on 14.12.2011.
Commemorations World Heart Day
In commemoration of World Heart Day the 2nd year B.Sc Nursing Students presented a role play on the theme, “One World , One Heart, One Home,” on 06.10.2011. It was a wonderful depiction of The Risk Factors Associated with Cardio - Vascular Diseases. It was enjoyed and well – appreciated by everyone. The 2nd year M.Sc Nursing students gave a health talk on the theme and pamphlets were also distributed. Dr. Amirtha Ganesh, Asso Prof, Department of Cardiology, MGMCRI, was the guest speaker and he delivered a lecture on “Prevention and Management of Heart Diseases”.
World Diabetes Day
A poster competition was conducted on 22.11.2011 to commemorate World diabetes day. Students actively participated and prizes were distributed.
Children’s Day
On 14.11.2011, the children’s day was jointly celebrated by the Department of Pediatrics MGMCRI, IGIDS, and KGNC. A role play was enacted by the students of 3rd year B.Sc Nursing on the theme “Child Safety”, which was enjoyed by everyone.
Newborn Week Celebration
In commemoration of the new born week celebration, a poster competition was organized on 21.11.2011. Students of 7th semester, 3rd year B.Sc and 1st year M.Sc Nursing actively participated in it. Prizes were awarded to the winners.
Community Health Services The 3rd year B.Sc Nursing students demonstrated healthy cooking practices at Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry, on 14.10.2011. The public were educated about healthy food which is good for heart.
NSS Activities
Students volunteers of the NSS unit of KGNC participated in a training program conducted by the state NSS, at the Agricultural Complex, Thattanchavady, Puducherry, on 08.10.2011. The training mainly focused on “Rain Water Harvesting”. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Principal, KGNC and Dr. Shivasakthy.M, Lecturer, IGIDS were the judges for the day. Winners were awarded with prizes. RRC volunteers were also keen in targeting
Inter- collegiate program on Legal Literacy, Human Rights and Right to Inform was organized at Dr. Ambedkar Government Law College, Puducherry, on 08.10.2011. Our students also participated in the Anti Terrorism Day program organized by the Tagore Arts and Science College, Lawspet, Puducherry.
RRC Activities
The 2nd year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing students conducted a panel discussion on “Misconception and Facts regarding HIV/AIDS” on 26.11.2011. An innovative and informative interaction with the public, on awareness was conducted by the 1st year M.Sc Nursing student volunteers at Kirumampakkam PHC, Puducherry, on 28.11.2011. The audiences were explained about HIV in detail. Pamphlets were also distributed and doubts were clarified.
the youngsters towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS. A role play on “Preventing HIV/AIDS Lies in the Hands of Youngsters” was enacted at the Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Bahoor, Puducherry, which opened the eyes of the students and made them resolve to fight against AIDS.
Academic Events Scientific And Academic Forum A guest lecture was organized on 24.11.2011
by Scientific and Academic Forum KGNC. Dr. Senthil Kumari, Asst. Professor, OBG Department, MGMCRI was the guest speaker and she spoke on “Obstetrical ShockAn Update”. She elaborated on the different types of shock, causes and management. She discussed about the various new advanced technologies in managing post- partum hemorrhage. She also highlighted the recent trends in the care of mother during intranatal and postnatal periods. The presentation was highly informative. Ms Sarojini, Lecturer, Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing, Puducherry, was the second presenter of the day. She spoke on the topic “Asherman’s Syndrome”.
On 29.11.2011, an Intercollegiate Poster Competition was organized on the theme “Getting To Zero - New Hiv Infection”. Students from various colleges enthusiastically participated. Dr. Kamalam, MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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