C The Chronicle Annual External Oration 2010 - 2011 The Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMC&RI conducted the Annual External Oration on 11.02.11 at the College premises. Dr.V.Shantha, Chairman, Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai delivered the oration on the topic: “Cancer Cure, Then & Now :1955-2010”. A warm welcome was given to the eminent speaker by the Chairman and the Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
Volume 5 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2011
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
MAHATMA GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE & RESEARCH INSTITUTE TERTIARY CARE SERVICES MASTER HEALTH CHECKUP Master Health Checkup unit, deals with the preventive and curative aspects of Medicine of the public and also caters to the health needs of various public and private sector companies by performing the pre-employment checkups of new recruits and the annual health check up of the employees and their spouse, which has become mandatory for the companies under ISO requirements. During the period January 2011 to March 2011, a total of 404 cases were examined in the Master Health Checkup Unit. Among the public sector companies, B.S.N.L., Pondicherry had sent 20 officer cadre staff for their health checkup during the months of February and March 2011.
Details of Camps Participated Under KKT Scheme
Among the private sector companies, Asian Paints Ltd, SIPCOT, Cuddalore had sent their employees along with their spouse during March 2011, for annual health checkup, World Vision, Gingee branch, an NGO had sent 10 of its employees for their health check-up. ST-CMS Pvt Ltd, a private multi national power company sent its employees for their annual health check-ups during this quarter for the third consecutive year.
KKT has conducted 30 camps at various places at Cuddalore district in co - ordination with district health authorities and Life Help Centre Mettuppalyam, Cuddalore. More than 1000 patients have been screened at MGMC&RI hospital. Participation in Meeting Conducted by Health Minister A Team of Doctors from ORTHO/CTVS/ OBGY/OPTHAL/ENT/PAEDIATRICS participated in KKT camp under the supervision of our Honourable Health Minister at Muttam. More than 500 patients have been screened out of which 40 patients have been identified under KKT scheme for further treatment and surgeries. Honourable Health Minister appreciated the KKT unit of MGMC&RI for their sincere and efficient performance.
KALAIGNAR KAAPEETU THITTAM (KKT) Kalaignar Kaapeetu Thittam (KKT), established on 14.12. 2009 has so far completed 700 surgeries out of which 173 surgeries have been done during the first quarter of this academic year. Departments such as Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, ENT, General Surgery, OBGY, Ophthalmology, Paediatric surgery, Urology and Orthopaedics have rendered their efforts and services towards the successful implementation of this scheme .
“Rare Surgery performed” A team of Doctors from the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute successfully performed a rare surgery replacing two valves (Aortic and Mitral valve) with bacterial infection on two women patients under KKT scheme and it was published i n Ti m e s o f I n d i a o n 22.01.2011 and in Dina Thanthi on 25.01.2011 under the heading “Rare Surgery performed” Patients are on the rise day by day at MGMC&RI due to the courteous services rendered by the hospital KKT unit and it hopes to achieve commendable results in the days to come.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
UNIVERSITY COMMUNIQUE UK TEAM VISIT TO OUR UNIVERSITY A team of Medical Professionals from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow of United Kingdom had visited our University between 10.03.2011 and 12.03.2011 to discuss and finalize the modalities for the Official tie up between Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry, India and Royal College for Physician and Surgeons, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
The team has expressed their satisfaction over the facilities available, latest methodologies, patient care, research activities and our social responsibilities towards serving the society. We are sure that our institution, by its activity, infra structure and facility would have satisfied the team from Royal College, Glasgow and hope our institution will reach the next mile stone towards the growth.
The team comprising of Dr.Lan Anderson, Dr.Jordan, Dr.John Cooper and Dr.Sam Lingam visited our university. The agenda for the visit was to finalize the following: Curriculum exchange program between the two Universities. Students and Staff exchange programs. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University to be an off shore campus for Royal College, Glasgow. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth to be an examination centre for FRCP,FRCS exams conducted by Royal College, Glasgow. The team had spent two days at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry visiting all the departments of the Hospital, College, Operation Theatres, Wards, Centers of Innovation like Music Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Transgender Clinic, Central Research Lab, Skills Lab, all the Hostels, Staff Quarters, Students' Recreation Centers and Digital Library. The team also visited the Rural Health Centre at Seliamedu and the Tsunami Relief health centre, LHCRRD (Life Health Centre Rural and Rehabilitation Development) at Mettupalayam on the way to Chidambaram. The next day the team visited Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Thiruporur, Chennai, the constituent college of our University.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR INTERNS MGMC&RI regularly organizes 'The Interns Orientation and Training Program' to prepare the fresh medical graduates for the practical realities of the hospital world. The Interns Orientation Program 2011, was held on 05.01.11 for 69 Interns, who had passed out in December 2010. The program was inaugurated by Prof. K.R.Thiyagarajan, Medical Superintendent, MGMC&RI. The senior faculties from the Institute were the chosen resource personnel.
Paediatric Surgery, in association with the Medical Education Unit. At the end of the day's discussions, feedback was collected and analyzed to improve the scope of this program in the forthcoming years.
Dr.K. Surendra Menon started his oration by dedicating it to his post graduates.He spoke about the TB bacillus which is very sensitive to sunlight, surviving for just 3-5 hrs in sunlight, but surviving for more than 3-5 months in poorly ventilated,
The program was held in two sessions. The list of topics discussed were the Aims & Objectives of the Interns orientation and training program, Ethical issues in Medical Practice, Medico-legal aspects of medical practice, Rational use of diagnostic tests, Rational prescription practices, Communications skills in medical practice, Dealing with drug promotion, Role and responsibilities of Interns in the casualty and in the Health centers. The topics were discussed and group tasks and case scenarios were held to emphasize the issues discussed.
Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMC&RI conducted the Annual Internal Oration on 21.01.11 at the College premises. Prof.Dr.K. Surendra Menon M.D (Pulmonology), HOD, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, MGMC & RI, delivered the oration on the topic: “XDR-TB….A looming threat?” Dr.Nikhil Nanjappa, Post Graduate, General Surgery, was the Master of Ceremony. SAF President Dr.Tirou Arul welcomed the gathering and SAF Vice President Dr.Gunasekaran honoured the chief guest Prof.Dr.K. Surendra Menon with a bouquet. Ms. Uma, Jt.Secretary
The program was organized by Dr.V.N.Mahalakshmi, Professor of
welcomed Mrs.Lakshmi Menon with a bouquet. SAF President presented the SAF medal for Internal Oration to Dr.K. Surendra Menon. Dr.Mohamed Hanifa introduced the speaker.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
overcrowded areas. Upto 1944, the treatment for TB was Gold injection & sanitarium. In 1944, Streptomycin revolutionized TB treatment & was shortly followed by the use of INH and then the introduction of Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol, & Rifampicin in TB treatment. MDR TB are resistant to 1st line drugs but sensitive to 2nd line drugs, while extremely drug resistant (XDR) TB are also resistant to some 2nd line drugs. National Tuberculosis Programme was started in 1962 & DOTS under which there is supervised drug consumption thrice a week was introduced in 1993. In 1990, strains resistant to INH & Rifampicin were first recognized and was termed Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) TB . By 2005, strains were found to be resistant to not only the 1st line drugs but also to 3 out of the 6 - 2nd line drugs. 2nd line drugs include : Fluroquinolones, Aminoglycosides, Polypeptides, Cycloserine, Ethionamide, PAS. In 2006 WHO defined XDR TB as resistance to MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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fluroquinolones and any one of the injectable 2nd line drugs. XDR TB is now almost pandemic involving all continents & with 40% mortality. 3% of freshly diagnosed case and 12% of cases undergoing treatment have XDR TB. Factors responsible for the outbreak of XDR TB include: Inadequate control programs,Inadequate compliance, Infection control procedure breakdown, Immunosuppressed, Low index of suspicion and Inadequate lab communication.Development of resistance may be: Genetic,Non genetic - enzyme conferring resistance ( due to suboptimal DOS or presence of cavity lesions).This drug resistance may be: Natural resistance wild strain which has not been exposed to anti TB drugs & develops resistance due to random mutation, Primary resistance, Acquired resistance, Initial resistance due to hidden history of previous TB treatment and Cross resistance due to similarities in chemical structure (eg: INH & Ethionamide). Amplifier effect short course of chemotherapy in patients infected with drug resistant strains may create more resistance to drugs in use. Inadequate regimen allows a drug resistant strain to become dominant. Risk factors for XDR TB : Erratic treatment, Contact with known drug resistant TB patients and immunocompromised .The cause for this prevalence & spread of drug resistant TB is multifactorial & includes : Inappropriate guideline, Poor training, No monitoring of treatment, Poorly organized or funded TB control program, Drug related: inadequate supply, poor quality, unavailability of some drugs, poor storage conditions, wrong dose or combination - avoided with fixed drug combinations and Patients related: poor adherence, lack of information, lack of money, lack of transport, adverse effects, social barriers, malabsorption, substance dependency disorders and immunocompromised. A patient on ATT with worsening of symptoms should be suspected of having XDR TB. Investigations for such a patient include: ESR,Sputum smear, FBS /PPBS, Sputum AFB MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
culture & sensitivity, X ray chest , PCR, ELISA, Western Blot, tri dot, Cd4 and P24 for HIV.
Treatment protocol for XDR TB presently followed is : oral 1st line drugs + streptomycin, 2nd line injectables, fluroquinolones, 2nd line oral bacteriostatic drugs and under study with high dose INH etc .The treatment is given for 2 years with 6 months of intensive phase. Dominos effect a single new drug should never be added to a failing regime as it may lead to resistance development to the new drug. Other treatment under study includes immune stimulants & pulmonary resection if the disease is localized to reduce the mycobacterial burden. The WHO recommendation to prevent XDR TB is by strengthening the diagnosis. Prof.Dr.Robinson Smile presented a certificate of appreciation to Prof.Dr.K. Surendra Menon & the President of SAF presented a momento to him. Secretary of SAF, Dr.Kannan gave the vote of thanks.
Ceremony. Dr.Sri Rangaraj gave the invocation. The SAF President Dr.Tirou Arul welcomed the gathering while Prof Ananthakrishnan honored the chief guest with a bouquet. Prof. Muthurangan, Dean of Faculties felicitated the gathering and Prof. Ambujam introduced the speaker. President of SAF presented the SAF External Oration Medallion to Dr.V.Shantha.
Dr.V.Shantha began the oration by recollecting her great teachers who were role models for her, especially Dr.(Mrs).S Muthulakshmi Reddy & Dr.Krishnamurthy. Cancer Institute in Chennai was the 3rd specialized Cancer Care centre to be established in the country. At that time there was “Only morphine to help a cancer patient on their way to eternity”. Today cancer is considered preventable & curable. The present day principle of treatment in cancer is “cancer care”. Cancer is a generic name for a biological phenomenon. It is a wide spectrum of conditions that are different b i o l o g i c a l l y, i n e t i o l o g y & carcinogenesis, but share the common feature of uncontrolled proliferation leading to death if not successfully treated. All cells have an inherent capacity to multiply & get differentiated. They stop growing on contact with adjacent cells (i.e. they recognize &
ANNUAL EXTERNAL ORATION 2010 - 2011 The Annual External Oration by SAF, was conducted at the Ground floor Lecture Hall, College Block on 11.2.11. D r. V i k r a m C h e l l a k u m a r, P G , Ophthalmology, was the Master of
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
are used to: Control micromets which are responsible for remote recurrence of the disease and to reduce the tumour size to bring it within the scope of surgery.
respect other cells). However in cancer, the regulatory control is lost & cells multiply without purpose, limit or function. This occurs at the expense of other surrounding cells. These cells are monoclonal in origin.
3D planning, Conformational therapy, Rapid Arc and Chemopotentiation of radiation response.Treatment of solid tumours include: Surgery & RT for a local disease. It is of limited value in locally advanced disease & minimal value in metastasis. Curability of a The transition from a normal cell tumour depends on: tumour mass, to a cancer cell has a long latent period & metastasis. (RT before local treatment occurs by : 1. Initiation reaction to a is commenced), tumour cell population. carcinogen reversible, 2. Promotion Drug resistance for chemotherapy and multiplication of abnormal cells (pre CA n o d a l i n v o l v e m e n t i n d i c a t e s Cells) reversible, 3. Progression to a disseminated disease & has high risk for cancer cell irreversible. 3/4th of cancers remote recurrence. can be prevented by: a) simple living, b) rational habits, c) balanced diet, d) personal hygiene. In 1955 treatment of cancer was only surgery & high voltage radiotherapy. With the introduction of pre operative radiotherapy & chemotherapy the concept changed to one of multidisciplinary management.
Advances in radiation oncology include: Introduction of super voltage radiation in 1956, Introduction of linear accelerator in 1976, Virtual simulation &
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Resistant clones are proportional to tumour cell population, small volume tumour means less resistant clones and Steep dose response curve is observed in a variety of tumours. In the 1970s chemotherapy became an integral component of multimodal therapy of cancer (as adjuvant & neo adjuvant CT). Hurdles in the survival of a cancer patient include: Metastatic potential, Drug resistance, lack of sensitive tests to detect occult Mets. Adjuvant therapy (both RT & CT)
Tumour markers are used in: diagnosis & staging, Prognosis, Monitoring secondaries / recurrence and Screening. It is important to assess the risk in inherited cancers as susceptibility to cancer is more, they develop cancer at earlier age or develop multiple cancers. Predictive molecular pathology like DNA microassay prove helpful in study of gene expression or gene profile. Improved imaging & diagnostics, multidisciplinary management, primary, adjuvant & neo adjuvant chemotherapy and targeted therapy are some of the important milestones in cancer care till date.
Some changing concepts in treatment of cancer include: Stress on quality of life, Avoid mutilating surgery, Avoid long term morbidity and Multidisciplinary management. The future includes: Identification of those with inherited abnormal gene, Identification at pre cancer stage & chemoprevention, Cytotoxic drugs, Vaccines and Gene therapy. Finally Dr.Shantha said that there is a need for continued laboratory & clinical studies and integration of the knowledge acquired towards improvement in
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survival without modality bias & without scare of treatment. President of SAF presented a certificate of appreciation to the chief guest & Prof.Dr.Robinson Smile presented a momento to her. Secretary of SAF Dr.Kannan gave the vote of thanks.
visual aids to the elite audience who actively participated in the written Quiz. Later on he gave the answers to the audience which had a take home message on how to be alert in diagnosis of various disease which has unusual
SAF SPECIAL CLINICAL QUIZ Dr. S.Prakash MS.,FRCS (Glasgow) FAIS, Executive Director,Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd, Chennai who had come on a visit to MGMC&RI conducted a Special Clinical Quiz at the Scientific and Academic Forum for the Undergraduates, Post Graduates and faculty members of MGMC&RI, IGIDS and KGNC on 18.02.11. He gave 15 rare questions with an impressive audio-
symptoms . The prizes were distributed to the winners of MGMC&RI, IGIDS, and KGNC.
CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMME N a t i o n a l C M E o n “PERSONALISED MEDICINE� was organized by the Department of Pharmacology on 30.03.2011. As it is an upcoming topic which has the potential to revolutionise therapeutics, the Department of Pharmacology decided to conduct it with a view to create awareness and update knowledge in the field. Speakers were invited from J I P M E R , P o n d i c h e r r y, M G I M S , Sawangi, SSSMCRI and MGMC & RI. There was a good response for registrations from faculty, PGs and UGs of MGMC & RI and IGIDS. A total of 261 registrations were recorded. External
delegates from Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and West Bengal numbered 67 and internal delegates 194, including 10 spot registrations. The CME started with an inauguration function, wherein the ViceChancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University was the chief guest. Dr. Somasundaram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, delivered the keynote address. Thereafter, the Vice- Chancellor, formally inaugurated the CME and welcomed the gathering. Vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Jacob Jesurun, PG of the department of Pharmacology. The scientific sessions started with the talk on Pharmacogenomics by Dr. DG Shewade. This was followed by the talk on Chronopharmacology by Dr. Swanand Pathak. Dr. Mohammed Hanifah was the next speaker who delivered a talk on the Future of Rational Therapeutics. Dr. Meena Shrivastava dwelt at length on Personalised medicine and its present status, the pros and cons and the relevant ethical and socio-economic issues. The CME concluded with the vote of thanks by Dr. Manimekalai, Professor and Head, Dept of Pharmacology, MGMC & RI followed by a delicious lunch.
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
The Department of Pathology of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute started functioning in the form of a histopathology lab in hospital building on 19.11.2000. Cytology lab was also started in the same room on the same day which was later on shifted to college block as a full-fledged Pathology Department, rendering diagnostic pathology services to our hospital. The First UG batch came to the department in 2002-2003. Since then, the department has evolved into postgraduate department under leadership of eminent Pathologist and Academicians like Dr. A.J. Velliath, Dr. Prema, Dr K.R. Bhagyalakshmi and Dr.R.Narshiman from the time of its inception.
Central lab has 5 part differential haematology Autoanalyzer, multi-strip chemical autoanalyzer for chemical examination of urine, apart from other instruments required for haematology and clinical pathology investigations. Six well trained technicians work under guidance of lab supervisor and faculty.
THE FACULTY Presently, the Department is headed by Prof. Dhananjay Kotasthane since October 2009 who is instrumental in modernizing and updating the Department and channelizing UG & PG curriculum and also establishing Departmental Research Lab with the help of supporting staff in form of Prof. Rajendra Dhaka, Dr.G Koteeswaran, Asso. Prof., Dr.Mangala G, Dr.Zeenat Patvegar, Dr. P.V.Jadhav (Asst. Profs.) & Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane (Tutor)
INFRASTRUCTURE/SERVICES Hematology & Clinical pathology (Central lab), Blood Bank, Histopathology and Cytology are the service areas which come under Department of Pathology.
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The Hospital Blood bank was commissioned in 2002. Currently, Blood bank is fully equipped with facilities for Component separation and well trained technical staff who had undergone training for component separation at Transfusion Medicine, Department of The Tamilnadu M G R M e d i c a l U n i v e r s i t y, Chennai.
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Instruments required for component separation like refrigerated centrifuge, Cryobath, thawing bath, two Deep freezers (-40 &-80* C), Platelet agitator are available. With these instruments, separation of blood components like Fresh frozen Plasma, Cryoprecipitate and platelet concentrate can be done.
the process of starting Immunohistochemistry (IHC) very soon. A phase contrast microscope and trinocular microscopes with camera attachment with digital display for microphotography and postgraduate teaching are available. .
All these instruments are calibrated at regular intervals. ELISA Reader and Washer for testing blood for transfusion transmitted diseases is also present in the blood bank. Our blood bank is a regular participant of HIV EQAS (External quality assurance programme ) conducted by State research Lab(SRL) situated at JIPMER and each time the department results have tallied with them. Recently, the blood bank had FDA inspection for grant of license for components, which was successful. Once FDA issues the license, the blood bank will be starting component separation.
The Museum is supposed to be the identity of Pathology Department. Currently, the museum is having over 300 well labeled and numbered specimens along with 100 wet (unmounted) specimens. Also, charts displaying gross & microscopy of specimens are available for better understanding of surgical pathology for UG students.
HISTOPATHOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY LAB The histopathology lab is equipped with automatic tissue processor, microtome apart from other equipments required for tissue processing, section cutting & staining. Facilities for Histochemistry are also available. Cryostat is available for frozen sections. Cytology lab is equipped with facilities for cytological stains like PAP stain, Giemsa and other stains. Biopsy samples and cytology specimens are received from hospital for reporting. Histopathology and cytology reporting is carried out by Residents and Asst. Professors under guidance of Associate Professors and Professor.
LIBRARY CUM SEMINAR ROOM The Department is having 130 books which include WHO reference books for tumor Pathology of each system along with National & International journals.
RESEARCH LAB The Research lab is backbone of PG activity. The Research lab has been set up for doing special stains and is in
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
TEACHING ACTIVITIES Undergraduate teaching: Teaching schedule is prepared well in advance, based on the syllabus of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University and under the guidelines of Medical Council of India, New Delhi. Monthly teaching schedules are put on the notice board of the Department , so that students are well aware of the topics to be covered in the class and also facilitating the faculty to prepare the topics with visual aids. In practical classes, the batches are subdivided into small batches, which are allotted to tutors so as to promote small group teaching and to ensure proper attention to individual students. Practical halls are well equipped with advanced audio-visual aids, charts and ample microscopes in the ratio of 1:1 for students.Trinocular microscope with camera attachment with digital microscope with digital display is available in students laboratory and is used for teaching under graduate students.
Was by Dr.Roshan F Chinoy, formerly Professor and Head; Department of Pathology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai and currently senior consultant Oncopathologist at Prince Aly Khan hospital, Mumbai, delivered a talk on “Mimics of breast cancer”. She started the talk with the reasons for the growing threat of litigation. She stressed on the fact that every cancer in the breast need not be carcinoma; it could be sarcoma or lymphoma. Various reasons for missing low grade cancers on cytology were discussed.
Apart from teaching MBBS students, Pathology Department is also involved in teaching BDS and B.Sc (Nursing) students. Monthly tests are conducted to assess the students. Results of these tests are discussed with the students and counseling sessions are held in order to improve the performance of the students. Postgraduate teaching: Monthly PG activity schedule is prepared well in advance for better preparation. In each week, three PG activities viz- subject seminar, slide seminar and journal club are carried out under the able guidance of Professors & Associate Professors.
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES This year for the first time since inception of the department, CME on “Current Concepts in Pathology” was conducted on 05.03.2011.The objectives of the program was to keep postgraduates and faculties of pathology department as well as clinical departments abreast of the recent concepts in the field of pathology. The resource persons invited for this CME were from Maharshtra, Karnataka, Puducherry and Tamilnadu. Professor Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Head of the Department of Pathology, MGMC & RI delivered the welcome address.
The second session was by Professor P.V.Patil; Head of the Department of Pathology, J N Medical College, Belgaum. He discussed the evolution of “The Bethesda system 2001”.The role of Thin Prep Cytology was highlighted in the speech. The third session was by Professor Debadatta Basu, Department of Pathology, JIPMER, Puducherry. He delivered a lecture on “Utility of Bone Marrow trephine biopsy in Clinical practice”. He alerted the clinicians and pathologists to investigate for PNH while doing Aplastic anaemia follow-up in adults. He urged the need for research work, regarding Utility
The CME was inaugurated by Medical Superintendent Professor K.R.Thyagarajan. The first session
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Shanmugasamy, Dhananjay S. Kotasthane and Vaishali D. Kotasthane. Basal Cell Adenocarcinoma in the Tongue: An Unusual Presentation. Clinical Medicine Insights:Oncology 2010:4 127131 D r. G e e t a n j a l i G u p t a , D r. R e e c h a Singh, Dr.Pradeep Kumar, Dr.Dhananjay S. Kotasthane Primitive neuroectodermal of the kidney in a young female patient: A case report. The Internet Journal of pathology: 2010 Vol 10 Number 2 D r. G e e t a n j a l i G u p t a , D r. R e e c h a S i n g h , Dr.Dhananjay S. Kotasthane, Dr.Vaishali D. Kotasthane. Myelodysplastic syndromes/ neoplasms: Recent classification system based on World Health Organisation classification of tumours - international agency for research on cancer for haematopoeitic and lymphoid tissues. Journal of Blood Medicine 2010:1 171-182
of Bone Marrow biopsies in Osteopathies. The fourth session was by Dr.P.K.Rath, Consultant Pathologist, Doctors' diagnostic centre, Trichy, who discussed 12 interesting histopathology slides. The last session was again by Dr Roshan F Chinoy. Interesting and challenging slide seminar “Choices” was conducted by her. About 120 delegates had registered for this CME. Delegates were not only from MGMC & RI and other colleges in Pondicherry, but also from various places in Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh.
Dr. Geetanjali Gupta, Dr.Reecha Singh, Dr.Dhananjay S. Kotasthane, Dr.Vaishali D.Kotasthane, Dr.Shailesh Kumar . Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis in a male child with renal vein thrombus extending into the inferior vena cava : A case report. BMC Paediatrics 2010,10:47
In the valedictory function, Professor Dhananjay S Kotasthane assured to conduct many such scientific programmes in future. Excellent feedback regarding the quality of lectures and the conduct of CME was received from all the delegates.
D r. G e e t a n j a l i G u p t a , D r. D h a n a n j a y S.Kotasthane, Dr.Vaishali D.Kotasthane . Hysterectomy: A Clinico-Pathological Correlation Of 500 Cases The Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2010 : Volume 14 Number 1
Faculties & PGs are always encouraged to attend CMEs (Regional, National & International) and Pondicherry state level academic meetings.One such academic meeting was organized on 04.04.2010, by our Pathology department in which interesting histopathology slides were discussed.
THE FUTURE PLAN Future goals of the department include NABL accreditation for Blood bank, Central laboratory, Histopathology and Cytology services, Component separation in blood bank, improve diagnostic methods by starting newer techniques like immunohistohemistry, immunofluroscence, etc. Development of surgical pathology museum of the department and automation in Histopathology to avoid delays & for betterment of quality.
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
IN PURSUIT OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE strategies in infectious disease”, held at SMVMC&H, Pondicherry, between 11.03.2011 and 12.03.2011.
SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Ashok Kumar. Siderosis Bulbi. Journal of TNOA, Vol48, Issue 3, Sept 2010.
SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof & Head, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology presented a paper titled “A Randomized controlled study of programmed labour Vs traditional labour management” at 54th AICOG at Hyderabad International Convention Center between 07.01.2011 and 09.01.2011.
Ashok Kumar M, Retinal Capillary Hemangioma Treated with TTT. Journal of TNOA, Vol48, Issue 3, Sept 2010. Pradeepkumar NS, Joseph NM, Kanade V, Kotastane D. Students' perspectives on pathology museum: A multicentre questionnaire study. The National Medical Journal of India 2010;23(6):377.
Dr. Ilangovan V, Consultant Nephrologist, MGMC & RI delivered a guest lecture on “IgA Nephropathy - Approach to Treatment” at a CME on Glomerular Diseases, JIPMER on 21.01.2011.
Veerappan I, Gajipara V, Varghese S, Eshwarappa M. Disseminated hydatid disease mistaken for polycystic kidney disease by ultrasound. Kidney Int. 2010 Dec;78(12):1324. PubMed PMID: 21116276.
Dr.D.R.Bharati, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Community Medicine, MGMC & RI presented a paper on “Evaluation of the burden of type II Diabetes Mellitus in the population of Puducherry” at 55th Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association, 2011 organized by department of Public Health, KLE University, Belgaum, Karnataka between 28.01.2011 and 30.01.2011.
Kingshuk Lahon, Swarnamoni Das. Hepatoprotective activity of Ocimum sanctum alcoholic leaf extract against paracetamol-induced liver damage in Albino rats. Pharmacognosy Research;January 2011: Vol 03:Issue 01.
Dr.S.Ambujam, Prof & Head, Department of DVL, presented a paper titled “A study of Incidence of Trophic Ulcers in Leprosy patients undergoing treatment A impact of practising proper hand & foot care” in DERMACON National Conference in Gurgaon between 03.02.2011 and 07.02.2011.
Srirangaraj S, Ghose S, Joseph NM, Easow JM, Kumar S. Puerperal fever caused by Salmonella Typhi. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2011;31(3):267-8.
Dr.Mahalakshmi VN, Prof, Dept. of Pediatric surgery, delivered a lecture on Functional Reconstruction of Vagina: Is Sigmoid the Answer in OBGY Society of Pondicherry, on 27.02.2011.
Dr. Srirangaraj S, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, was awarded the 1st Prize for his poster titled “Opportunistic infections in relation to antiretroviral status among AIDS patients from South India”, during SOZOCONMICRO 2011 conference on “Current advances and
Dr.Mahalakshmi VN, Prof, Dept. of Pediatric surgery, presented a lecture on Nursing Care In Tracheoesophageal Fistula in a CME on 11.03.11 at Vinayaka Mission's College of Nursing, Pondicherry. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Prof & Head, Dept. of TBCD, delivered a talk on MDR-TB and XDR-TB in JIPMER on 23.03.2011. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Prof & Head, Dept. of TBCD, delivered a talk on “Drug Resistant-TB and after-math” in P.I.M.S on 24.03.2011. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Dept. Of Anesthesiology, attended a CME on Volatile Induction and Maintenance of Anaesthesia(VIMA) held in Ahmedabad on 26.03. 2011. He was a part of a panel discussion and also delivered a lecture on “Depth of anaesthesia-Newer concepts”.
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Prof & Head, Dr. Uma Devi S, Assoc. Prof, Dr. Noyal M Joseph, Dr. Pramodhini S, Asst Prof and Mr. Rajesh, Tutor, Department of Microbiology, attended the CME programme on “Update on Arboviral Diseases”, organized by the Puducherry IAMM Chapter, at Hotel Mass in Puducherry, on 22.01.2011.
Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, chaired a session in the CME program on “Update on Arboviral Diseases”, organized by the Puducherry IAMM Chapter, at Hotel Mass in Puducherry, on 22.01.2011.
Prof.Selvasundari, HOD, Prof.Dr.R.Pandurangan, Dr.K. Srikant, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Swathi.N, Dr.Rajalakshmi, Asst. Prof, Dept of Ophthalmology attended the Tamilnadu Ophthalmic Association Mid Term Conference at Puducherry on 22.01.2011 & 23.01.2011.
Prof. K.R.Thyagarajan, Medical Superintendent, chaired a scientific session during 44th Annual Conference of TNOA held at Madurai on 10.02.2011. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor and HOD, Department of TBCD, chaired the Scientific Update on Sleep Related Disorders conducted by Pondicherry Chest Society on 20.02.2011.
Dr.S.Ambujam, Prof.&HOD, Dept.of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology attended the DERMACON 2011 National Conference in Gurgaoun between 03.02.2011 and 07.02.2011.
Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor and HOD, Department of TBCD, chaired a CME on “Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF) diagnosis and current trends in management” on 20.03.2011.
Dr.Manoj Joshi, Assoc. Prof, Department of Pediatric Surgery, attended International Pediatric Urology Conference in Jabalpur (Central India) from 04.02.2011 to 06.02.2011.
Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor and HOD, Department of TBCD, chaired two sessions in JIPMER on World Tuberculosis Day on 23.03.2011.
Prof.M.Ravishankar, Prof & Head, Dept. Of anesthesiology, conducted a workshop on “Improving safety in OR” between 04.02.2011 and 06.02.2011 at Ramachandra Anaesthesia Continuing Education(RACE) organized by SRMC, Chennai.
Dr. Manimekalai K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology chaired the Scientific session in the National CME on “Personalised Medicine” on 30.03.2011.
P r o f . D r. S . S e l v a s u n d a r i , H O D , D e p t o f Ophthalmology attended the CME on “Duanne's Retraction Syndrome” organized by Pondicherry Ophthalmic Association at AEH, Pondicherry on 07.02.2011.
PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC/SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof & HOD, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended the Pre congress workshop of 54th AICOG on Antenatal fetal Surveillance on 05.01.2011 at Hotel Taj Banjara, Hyderabad.
Prof.K.R.Thyagarajan, Medical Superintendent, MGMC & RI, attended 44th annual conference of TNOA 2011 held at Madurai from 09.02.2011 to 11.02.2011.
Dr. P. Pallave, Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended Pre congress workshop of 54th AICOG on Operative Obstetrics on 05.01.2011 at Hotel Taj Krishna, Hyderabad.
Dr.Rajendra Dhaka, Prof, Dr.P.V.Jadhav, Dr.Zeenat Patvegar, Dr.Mangala G, Asst Profs and Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane,Tutor, Department of Pathology attended CME on “Current concepts in Pathology” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 05.03.2011.
Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof & HOD, Dr. P.Pallavee, Asst. Professor attended 54th AICOG at Hyderabad International Convention Center from 07.01.2011 to 09.01.2011.
Dr. Kingshuk Lahon, Assoc. Prof and Dr. Kartik Salwe Asst Prof, Department of Pharmacology, attended the “ CME on Current concepts in pathology” organized by Department of Pathology, MGMC & RI on 05.03.2011.
Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof & HOD, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended the CME on Adolescent gynecology on 28.02.2011 at JIPMER, Puducherry.
Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Prof & Head and Dr. Joshy M Easow, Prof, Department of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Current concepts in pathology”, organized by the Department of Pathology, MGMC & RI, on 05.03.2011.
Prof.Dr.S.Selvasundari, HOD and Dr. Swathi.N, Assistant Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology attended the CME on “Approach to Management of Glaucoma” organized by Pondicherry Ophthalmic Association at Pondicherry on 11.01.2011. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Dr. Pramodhini S, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Issues in HIV”, organized by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society at JIPMER,
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on 07.03.2011.
Raj,Tutor, Department of Microbiology, attended the “National CME on Personalized Medicine” organized by the Department of Pharmacology, MGMC & RI, on 30.03.2011.
Dr. Srirangaraj S, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, attended the South Zonal Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists, SOZOCON-2011, held at SMVMC&H, Pondicherry, on 11.03.2011 and 12.03.2011.
Dr. Rajendra Dhaka, Professor Dr.P.V.Jadhav, Dr.Zeenat Patvegar, and Dr.Mangala G, Asst Profs, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Personalized Medicine” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 30.03.2011.
Dr. ArunKumar Bilodi, Prof, Mrs. Mary Hydrina D'silva, Dr. Mugunthan, Dr. Devi Jansirani, Dr. Rijied Thompson Swer & Dr. Vinay, Asst. Professors and Mr. S. Rajesh, Tutor, Department of Anatomy attended, “The National CME on Clinical Anatomy of Cerebrum” held on 19.03.2011 at SRM Medical College, Chennai.
Dr. M. Ravishankar, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended a CME in Kumbakonam, organized by ISA Kumbakonam. He delivered a lecture on 'Successful laryngoscopy'.
MISCELLANY Dr. Pramodhini S, Asst. Professor, Department of Microbiology, attended the “CME on Tuberculosis and RNTCP”, organized by the State Tuberculosis Control Office at JIPMER, on 23.03.2011.
Sponsorship for project TECHLABS, USA has provided support for the study titled “Clostridium difficile associated disease”. The principal investigator of the study is Professor Joshy M Easow, Department of Microbiology and the co-investigators are Dr. Lavanya S, post-graduate, Department of Microbiology, Dr. Noyal M Joseph, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine. TECHLABS has provided kits worth Rs 1 lakh for this study through its global distributors in UK.
Dr. Manimekalai K, Prof & Head, Dr. Kingshuk Lahon, Assoc. Prof and Dr. Kartik Salwe, Asst. Prof, Department of Pharmacology, attended the “Staff enhancement program” with lecture on “How to publish” and “Meta analysis” organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on 25.03.2011. Mrs AN. Uma, Asst. Prof, Department of Anatomy, attended the “Staff enhancement program” with lecture on “How to publish” and organized by Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences on 25.03.2011.
Dr.A.R.Srinivasan,Professor of Biochemistry was one among the 5700 Carnatic musicians invited from across the Globe and who performed on a single stage at Chennai in an unique programNAADAVAIBHAVAM, hosted by The Art of Living foundation ( AOL ). AOL was founded by his Holiness S r i S r i R a v i s h a n k a r. Naadavaibhava m program has now entered into the Guinness Book of World r e c o r d s . D r. S r i n i v a s a n had specially composed a ragamalika viruttam (Lyrics and music) to commemorate this special event.This m u s i c a l composition can be accessed on the You Tube and the link is :http://www.youtu be.com/watch?v =kSFsWUvdYVY
Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Prof. & Head, Ms. Kandha Kumari G, Asst. Prof, Mr. Rajesh A, Tutor, Department of Microbiology, attended the CME on 'How to publish & Systematic review and meta-analysis', organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 25.03.2011. Dr. Seetesh Ghose Prof & Head, Dr.Senthil Coumari Assoc. Prof, Dr. P.Pallavee, Dr.Sunita Samal Asst. Profs, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended the Staff enhancement program conducted by scientific forum, IGIDS on 25.03.2011 at MGMC & RI, Puducherry. Dr.Rajendra Dhaka, Prof, Dr.P.V.Jadhav, Dr.Zeenat Patvegar and Dr.Mangala G, Asst Profs, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Staff enhancement Program” at MGMC & RI, Puducherry on 25.03.2011. Dr. ArunKumar Bilodi, Professor, Department of Anatomy attended CME on “Pain and its Management” organized by the Department of Anatomy held on26.03. 2011 at Sri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Thiruporur . Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Prof & Head, Dr. Joshy M Easow, Prof, Dr. Shailesh Kumar, Assoc. Prof and Ms. Sruthi
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OUT REACH SERVICES in R.K Nagar of Ariyankuppam. Dr. Partha Nandi, Asst. Prof of Community Medicine was the coordinator of the camp. 332 people were beneficiaries and around 147 patients were referred to various specialty departments at MGMC & RI.
Introduction The aim of the Medical Education is to produce doctors who will promote “the health for all people” but it is not being realized in many places despite the enormous progress that has been made during this century in the field of biomedical sciences. The individual patient should be able to accept a doctor trained as attentive listener, a careful observer, a sensitive communicator and an effective clinician; but it is no longer enough only to treat some of the sick. Thousands suffer and die every day from diseases which are preventable, curable or self inflicted, and millions have no ready access to health care of any kind.
On 10.1.2011 another, Multi-specialty camp was organized in Co-ordination with various departments of MGMC & RI in Bahour. Dr.D.R. Bharati, Asso. Prof. of Community Medicine was the coordinator of the camp. 406 people were the beneficiaries and 196 patients were referred to various specialties in MGMC & RI for further evaluation and treatment.
“Scientific research continues to bring rich rewards; but man needs more than science and it is the health needs of the human race as a whole, and of the whole person that medical education must affirm” (The Edinburgh Declaration, the world congress on Medical Education 1988). An eminent Scientist once remarked “The unfortunate thing about medical education in Indian is that it makes students “Technical Literals” but not “Educated”. Medical colleges have often been dubbed as “Ivory towers isolated from the health service systems, training students for ill defined academic standards and dimly perceived requirements of the twenty first century”. The above mentioned phrase can be applied to the current scenario of teaching of Community Medicine in India (Nath Anita et al: South East Asian Journal of Medical Education: Vol.2: Mo.2: 5-8:2008). Our century is in dire need for public Health Practitioners to meet the unmet need and reach the unreached with intense and conscious efforts.The Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, has tried and always made a sincere and continuous effort to fulfill the above mentioned gaps in health care systems in India. MGMC & RI not only train it's students (UG's & PG's) through Community Medicine's two health centres, namely RHTC (Seliamedu) and UHTC (Ariyankuppam) but also conducts several free Varumun Kaapoom Thittam camps in and around Pondicherry district, which is quite well known since its inception.
A Camp was held on Solai Nagar, Pondicherry District on 20.1.2011 led by Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Asso.Professor, Community Medicine. 519 local people were the beneficiaries from various speciality O.Ps and 206 Patient were referred in MGMC & RI for further definitive treatment. Yet another multispeciality camp was organized on 28.1.2011 in Malepattampakkam, Cuddalore, Dr. S.K.Gupta was the coordinator from the Dept. of Community Medicine, 492 local people were the beneficiaries and around 264 patients were referred to MGMC & RI. On 5.2.2011 a special camp was organized in Bahoor
Health Camps Several Health camps were conducted in the months of January 2011 to March 2011 by the Department of Community Medicine in and around Pondicherry districts, as well as in the neighboring districts to deliver the Prevention, Promotive and Curative Care Services in the community. On 07.01.2011 the first camp of the year was organized by the Dept. of Community Medicine in Coordination with other departments,like General Medicine, General Surgery, OBGY, Pediatrics, ENT, Ophthalmology etc MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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in Co-ordination with the various departments of MGMC & RI. Prof. Sharada M.P, HOD and Dr. Partha Nandi, Asst.Prof of the Dept. of Community Medicine were the Chief-co-ordinator and Co-ordinator of the camp respectively.
Panruti, Cuddalore, Dr. Partha Nandi, Asst.Prof, Community Medicine was the Co-ordinator of the camp. 245 Local people were the beneficiaries and around 38 patients were referred for further investigation and treatment.
Telemedicine was introduced for the first time at Community level by MGMC & RI in this particular camp. Around 15 patients were consulted with Dept of the cardiology
On 03.03.2011 a multispecialty health camp was organized in Puducherry Court. Prof. Sharada M.P (HOD) and Dr. Rajkumar Patil (Asso.Prof) were the Chief Co-ordinator and Co-ordinator of the camp respectively. 186 Patients were benefitted and 9 were referred to MGMC & RI to the Dept. of Medicine for further treatment.
MGMC & RI through the specially equipped Telemedicine Van and were benefitted . 334 people were the total beneficiaries of the camp and 153 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation. Thus patients with Cardiac complaints were given the benefits of telemedicine. A multispecialty camp was held on 8.2.2011 in Pudupalayam. Dr. Lokesh Agarwal, Asst.Prof, Community Medicine was the co-ordinator of the camp. 501 people were beneficiaries and 128 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation and treatment.
A camp was held in Devanam Pattinam (Cuddalore) on 9.3.2011. Dr. Lokesh Agarwal was the co-ordinator from the
Another Multispecialty camp was organized on 16.2.2011 in Dr.Rajkumar Patil, Asso.Prof, Community Medicine was the Co-ordinator of the camp. 361 people from the locality were benefitted, and around 80 patients were referred to 40 various departments of MGMC & RI for further treatment. A camp was organized in Chidambaram, Cuddalore on 22.2.2011. Dr.D.R.Bharati, Asso.Prof., Community Medicine was the co-ordinator. 470 local people were the beneficiaries and around 66 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further evaluation and necessary treatment. Yet another camp was organized on 25.02.2011 in
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Department of Community Medicine. 373 patients were the beneficiaries and around 80 patients were referred to MGMC & RI for further investigation and treatment. The last multispecialty camp in the month of March was held on 18.3.2011 in Thiruvandhipuram (Cuddalore) along with the NSS team of Kandaswamy Women's College, Cuddalore. Prof. Sharada M.P (HOD) and Dr.S.K. Gupta (Asst.Prof), Community Medicine, were the chief-coordinator and Co-ordinator of the camp respectively. Dr. Sharada, Professor & Head addressed the gathering. 458 local people were the beneficiaries and 94 patients were referred for further evaluation and treatment in various dept of MGMC & RI.
Activities in the Health Centres The O.P census for the month of January, 2011 in UHTC was 1403 (541 new + 862 cases) where as in RHTC was 1198 (563 + 635 old). In the month of Feb. 2011 there was 1429 (497 new + 932 old) patient who attended the OPD of UHTC, whereas it was 1244 (653 new + 591 old) in the OPD of RHTC.
The two health and training centers, namely Rural Health and Training centre (RHTC), Seliamedu, and Urban Health and Training Centre (UHTC), Ariyankuppam, are attached with the Department of Community Medicine since the inception of MGMC & RI for providing the preventive, promotive and curative, health care in the community.
1546 patients (543 new + 1003 old) have attended the OPD of UHTC, Ariyankuppam in the month of March, 2011, and 1168 patients (556 new + 612 old) have attended the OPD of RHTC, Seliamedu.
The centers function every week days from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm, except on Saturday , with working hours only up to 2.00 pm. The centre not only provides O.P service to the patients but also provides health educations and health promotional activities, as directed by the Department of Community Medicine on regular basis. Beside the above O.P Services, on every Thursdays, sessions of Health Education were done in the UHTC for all the patients and patients' attenders. People use to get benefited on various aspects like, general health and hygiene, oral hygiene, water borne diseases, vector borne diseases, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Cancer, Family Planning, Diet and Nutrition etc etc. Similarly on every Wednesday health educational sessions are organized in the RHTC, Seliamedu, as a part of Health promotion, Health Education and behavioral change program disseminated in the community by MGMC & RI. Thus we take the pride of being associated with the institution in providing these noble services in the community. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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MEDICAL SIMULATION CENTRE The Medical Simulation Centre is a state-of the-art multi-professional training facility and the only high fidelity simulation centre in Pondicherry. Starting as
“ThankYou�, said the Sim-Man once he was successfully stabilized after a heart attack.
Who is this Sim-man? One might ask. A sophisticated, life-size dummy which breathes, blinks, moves and talks like a human; the centerpiece of the Medical Simulation Centre.
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a brain child of our Hon'able Chairman, Mr.M.K.Rajagopalan, the Centre finally came into reality due to his constant perseverance and continued efforts in consultation with the Professors of our Institution.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
The centre was inaugurated on 19.01.2011 by Dr. Dilip Kumar Baliga, Director, Dept. of Health and Family Welfare Services, Govt. of Puducherry. Under the ableguidance of Prof.Ravishankar, HOD-Anesthesiology, also the Director for this centre and a host of Professors from Departments of General Surgery, Pediatrics, OBGY, Orthopedics, ENT, Ophthalmology, Anesthesia, Nursing and Medicine, the centre has successfully started functioning. The centre utilizes both Limbs and Things and Laerdal simulators including adults, children and babies and the simulation suite can be transformed into a ward area , maternity unit, ICU, surgery or general practice environment to allow great flexibility in the scope of simulation provided. The simulator provides the closest situation to the real thing without any risk to patients or learners, so that healthcare professionals can rehearse management of both routine and less common, lifethreatening, events.
response to particular interventions and drugs. Real monitors display the 'patient's' vital signs so participants can assess the patient's progress as they would in a real-life situation. Audiovisual equipment is fitted throughout the centre and all training scenarios are recorded, with playback then used to help reflection during debriefing which is facilitated by a faculty of experienced centre staff.
There are separate manikins for training in Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Airway Management, Setting up Intravenous access (both Internal and External) in Neonatal, Pediatrics and Adults.
These simulations focus on training medical students and health professionals about what to expect and more importantly, how to react. Procedures like administering injections, inserting IV cannulas, emergency cardiac resuscitations or delivering babies can be practiced repeatedly unti l one 'gets a hang of it'. It is so well programmed that incase of doing a CPR- an emergency cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, the manikins indicate if the medico is applying the required amount of pressure on the chest. UK Team visited the lab commending its infrastructure
The simulator provides the closest situation to the real thing without any risk to patients or learners, so that health care professionals can rehearse management of both routine and less common, life-threatening, events. Furthermore, the Centre also functions as an assessment for the Instructors to find out how successfully a medical student is able to apply practically the knowledge they gain from their syllabus. To conclude, a truly daring Endeavour and yet another milestone towards the growth of our Institution, The Medical Simulation Centre, stands testimony to the commitment in providing a high standard education, that we all cherish at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
Using high technology and a one-way mirrored control room, as well as a radio link with the instructor, the simulators can be programmed to mimic different medical conditions. It then replicates the appropriate physical MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
SCHOLARS IN THE MAKING PG Students News D r. J a g a n M o h a n R , Postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacology attended and presented a paper titled “Crowd sourcing in pharmacovigilance” in the International conference on Pharmacovigilance held at Goa on 27.02.2011. He was awarded as the “Young scientist of the Year” for the best oral paper presentation. Dr. Harish M, Postgraduate student, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, presented on “The Latest trends in the management of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSLC) at Pondicherry Chest Society on 23.01.11. Dr. Leonil, Postgraduate student, Dept. of Orthopedics, MGMC & RI attended 44th TNOA conference 2011 held at Madurai and presented a paper titled “Comparison of functional outcome trochanteric fracture treated with DHS & PFN” and a poster titled “Unsound ankylosis of knee”. Dr. Kanagarajan, Postgraduate student, Dept. of Community Medicine, MGMC & RI presented paper on “Prevalence of cataract blindness in th rural Puducherry” at 55 Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association, 2011 organized by department of Public Health, KLE University, Belgaum, Karnataka between 28.01.2011 and 30.01.2011. Dr. Kanagarajan, Dr. S. P r a b a k a r a n , D r. S u d h a r s h a n , Postgraduate students, Dept. of Community Medicine, MGMC & RI have attended the 55th Annual National Conference of Indian Public Health Association, 2011 organized by department of Public Health, KLE University, Belgaum, Karnataka between 28.01.2011 and 30.01.2011. Dr. Ramya, Dr. N. Kanchana, Dr. R. Sobana, Dr. Geetha Jana and Dr. A. Abirami, Postgraduate students of the Department of Physiology attended the National Workshop cum Seminar on “Role of yoga in prevention and management of Diabetes Mellitus.” at JIPMER, Pondicherry, held between 01.03.2011 and 02.03.2011. D r. U s h a K a n n a n , D r.
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Sundaravadhanam, Dr. Sadeesh, Dr.Siva Sree Ranga & Dr.Meera, Post Graduate students, Department of Anatomy attended, “The National CME on Clinical Anatomy of Cerebrum” held on 19.03.2011. at SRM Medical College, Chennai. Dr. Sreeraganidhi, Dr. Vikram Chellakumar, Dr. Divya, Dr. Avonuo, MS Postgraduate students, Dr. Sivapriya, Diploma Postgraduate student from Dept of Ophthalmology attended the CME on “Approach to Management of Glaucoma” organized by Pondicherry Ophthalmic Association at Pondicherry on 11.01.2011. Dr. Sreeraganidhi, Dr. Vikram Chellakumar, Dr. Divya, Dr. Avonuo, MS Postgraduate students, Dr. Sivapriya, Diploma Postgraduate student, from Dept of Ophthalmology attended the CME on “Duanne's Retraction Syndrome” organized by Pondicherry Ophthalmic Association at AEH, Pondicherry on 07.02.2011. Dr. Vikram Chellakumar, MS Postgraduate student, Dept of Ophthalmology attended the Tamilnadu Ophthalmic Association Mid Term Conference at Puducherry on 22.01.2011 & 23.01.2011. Dr. Vikram Chellakumar, MS Postgraduate student, Dept of Ophthalmology, was posted as an Observer at Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry from 21.02.2011 to 19.03.2011. Dr. Padmavathi S, Dr. Harsha M. Shetty, Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Dr. Jacob Jesurun R. S, Dr. Messaline Sunitha, Dr. Sudar Codi and Dr. Lavakumar S Postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology attended the Preconference workshop on “Therapeutic drug monitoring” organized by the Department of Pharmacology, Christian Medical College, Vellore on 22.02.2011. Dr. Padmavathi S, Dr. Harsha M. Shetty, Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Dr. Jacob Jesurun R. S, Dr Messaline Sunitha, Dr. Sudar Codi, and Dr. Lavakumar S, Postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology attended the National symposium on “Therapeutic drug monitoring”
organized by the Department of Pharmacology Christian medical college, Vellore between 23.02.2011 and 25.02.2011. D r. J a g a n M o h a n R , Postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacology presented a paper titled “Crowd sourcing in pharmacovigilance” in the SAF meeting on 18.02.2011. Dr. Lavakumar S and Dr. Johan Pandian J Postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology attended the “ CME” on “Current concepts in Pathology” organized by Dept. of Pathology, MGMC & RI on 05.03.2011. Dr. Messaline Sunitha, Dr. Sudar Codi, Dr. Lavakumar S, Dr. Johan PanDian J and Dr. Pandiamunian J Postgraduate students of the Department Of Pharmacology attended the “Staff enhancement programme” with lecture on “How to publish” and “Meta-analysis” organized by Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences in association with Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMC & RI and IGIDS on 25.03.2011. Dr. Arunava Kali, Dr. Pravin Charles MV, Dr. Saraswathi S, Dr. Deepa C, Dr. Lavanya S and Dr. Sivaranjani V, Postgraduate students (MD Microbiology) of the Department of Microbiology and Ms. Anita N, Ms. Desdemona Rasitha C, Ms. Varalakshmi R, Ms. Jayarani K and Ms. William Sharlin A, Postgraduate students pursuing M.sc Medical Microbiology, attended the CME programme on “Update on Arboviral Diseases”, organized by the Puducherry IAMM Chapter, at Hotel Mass in Puducherry, on 22.01.2011. Dr. Arunava Kali, Dr. Pravin Charles MV, Dr. Saraswathi S, Dr. Deepa C, Dr. Lavanya S and Dr. Sivaranjani V, Postgraduate students of the Department of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Issues in HIV”, organized by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society at JIPMER, on 07.03.2011. Dr.Kanagarajan, Dr. S . P r a b a k a r a n , D r. S u d h a r s h a n Postgraduate students, Dept of Community Medicine, attended “Short Course On Basic Epidemiology” MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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organized by Department of Community Medicine, JIPMER, Puducherry during 07.03.2011 and 12.03.2011. Dr. Arunava Kali, Dr. Pravin Charles MV and Dr. Saraswathi S, Postgraduate students of the Department of Microbiology, attended the “CME on Tuberculosis and RNTCP”, organized by the State Tuberculosis Control Office at JIPMER, on 23.03.2011. Dr. Deepa C, Dr. Lavanya S and Dr. Sivaranjani V, Postgraduate students of the Department of Microbiology and Ms. Anita N, Ms. Desdemona Rasitha C, Ms. Varalakshmi and Ms. William Sharlin, Postgraduate students pursuing M.Sc Medical Microbiology, attended the CME on 'How to publish & Systematic review and metaanalysis', organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 25.03.2011. Dr. Arunava Kali, Postgraduate Student (MD Microbiology) of the Department of Microbiology, attended the “National CME on Personalised Medicine” organised by the Department of Pharmacology, MGMC & RI, on 30.03.2011. Dr.Asha Jenkins, Dr.Tanvir, Postgraduate students of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended the 54th AICOG at Hyderabad International Convention Center between 07.01.2011 and 09.01.2011. Dr. Tanvir, Postgraduate student of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended the Pre congress workshop of 54th AICOG on Operative Obstetrics on 05.01.2011 at Hotel HICC, Hyderabad. Dr. Tanvir, Postgraduate student of The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology attended the CME on Adolescent gynecology on 28.02.2011 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr.Ashish Singh, Postgraduate student of The Department of DVL, attended the DERMACON National Conference in Gaurgon between 03.02.2011 and 07.02.2011. D r. A n a n t h a l a x m i , D r. Shameem, Dr.Geetanjali, Dr.Bhavani, D r. S h a n m u g a s a m y, D r. A d i t i , Dr.Venkataraman, Dr.Atul Jain, Dr.G.Kanimozhi, Postgraduate students of the Department of Pathology, attended CME on “current concepts in MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Pathology” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 05.03.2011. Dr.K.Bhavani, Dr.G.Kanimozhi, Postgraduate students of the Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Staff enhancement Programme” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 25.03.2011. Dr.K.Bhavani, Dr. K.Shanmugasamy, Dr.Atul Jain, Dr.G.kanimozhi, Postgraduate students of the Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Personalized Medicine” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry on 30.03.2011. Dr. Harish M, Dr. Ragulan R, Postgraduate students, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the Conference held in Commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day at Pondicherry Chest Society on 23.03.11. Dr. Harish M, Dr. Ragulan R, D r. R . R a m a n a n , D r. S i d d h a r t h , Dr.Bhairavaswamy Postgraduate students, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the “Scientific Update on Sleep Related Disorders”, conducted by the Pondicherry Chest Society on 20.02.11. Dr. Harish M, Dr. Ragulan R, D r. R . R a m a n a n , D r. S i d d h a r t h , Dr.Bhairavaswamy Postgraduate students, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended the CME on “Progressive Massive Fibrosis (PMF) diagnosis and current trends in management”, conducted by the Pondicherry Chest Society on 20.03.11. Dr Sameer Jahagirdar, Dr Jennyl, Dr Vignesh and Dr Karthikeyan, Postgraduate students, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended a CME in Kumbakonam, organized by ISA Kumbakonam. A survey titled 'Audit of various communication practices in perioperative care amongst anaesthesiologists' was conducted by Dr Sameer Jahagirdar on the delegates attending this CME. Dr Jennyl and Dr Charan, Postgraduate students, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended a workshop on “Improving safety in OR” between 0 4 . 0 2 . 2 0 11 a n d 0 6 . 0 2 . 2 0 11 a t Ramachandra Anaesthesia Continuing Education(RACE) organized by SRMC, Chennai.
UG Students News R. Rashmitha, R. Sindhuja, Allwyn Rayalu, Sam Christopher, S. Mohammed Mujamel, and C. Adithyan I year M.B.B.S students participated in the “Enter OQ XI” Quiz competition conducted by the Department of Physiology, Stanley Medical College on 11.03.2011. They won 8th place among 61 participating colleges. The student RRC members of MGMC & RI together with IGIDS participated in the Voluntary Blood Donation Month program at MGMC & RI campus and free blood grouping program at Kendriya Vidyalaya, JIPMER. Mr. Prem, Mr. Priyan Voltaire, Ms. Agila & Mr. Norton of final MBBS and Mr. ArunKumar & Mr. John Christian, second MBBS students played an active role in conduction of the program.
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CAMPAIGNS AND COMMEMORATIONS TUBERCULOSIS AWARENESS PROGRAM I n - H o u s e “ Tu b e r c u l o s i s Awareness Program” was conducted by the Scientific and Academic Forum and the Department of Pulmonary Medicine to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day on 28.03.2011 at MRD premises in MGMC & RI.The
MGMC & RI for the first time in a joint venture with the SAF Organization of the Dental college and Nursing college conducted the Cancer Day Poster competition on 08.02.11 . Poster competition was held
for Category - IV ( Nursing students of KGNC) . Dr.V.Shantha, Chairman, Cancer Institute (WIA),Chennai , who had come for the Annual External Oration on 11.02.11 visited the MRD premises and had a look at the posters . She commended on the good work of the SAF and requested the SAF team to make MGMC & RI a “No Tobacco Zone” The prizes were distributed on 1 8 . 0 2 . 1 0 b y D r. S . P r a k a s h MS.,FRCS(Glasgow) FAIS, Executive Director,Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd, Chennai. The creative drawings & paintings and the thoughtful
program was inaugurated by Medical Superintendent Dr.K.RThiagarajan and presided by Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor and HOD. Dr.Udayaraj Senior Consultant in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine addressed the general public regarding Pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis with emphasis on HIV co-infection. This was followed by interactive session, where the audience clarified their doubts. Informative pamphlets were distributed highlighting the Dos' and Donts' in preventing Tuberculosis.
under four categories viz: Category - I : PG's & Interns of MGMC & RI, Category - II : Under Graduates of MGMC & RI, Category - III : Dental students of IGIDS, Category - IV: Nursing students of KGNC. The theme of the competition was: “Teach children and teenager to avoid exposure by being Sun smart” Prevention is the key
CANCER DAY AWARENESS PROGRAM Scientific & Academic Forum of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry commemorated the “WORLD CANCER DAY” on the 08.02.2011 . The Scientific and Academic Forum of
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In all, 160 participants assembled in the MRD Medical Record Department at 9.00 am and pasted the posters on the walls for exhibition . The posters were judged by Prof. S.Ambujam & Prof. Dhananjay Kotasthane for Category I ( PGs & Interns), Prof. K.R.Thiyagarajan, Prof.Varadarajan and Dr.N.S.Kannan for Category II (MBBS of MGMC & RI), Prof. Sudha Rao, Prof.Seetesh Ghose of MGMC & RI and Prof.A.Sumathy , Prof.Camala of KGNC for Category III (Dental students of IGIDS); Prof. Vijayalakshmi and Prof Usha of IGIDS
message of the young minds were a treat to see and listen respectively. The winners of the Poster competition were CATEGORY I: Post Graduates & Interns of MGMC & RI I Prize: Dr.T.Sadeesh ( PG, Dept. of Anatomy), II Prize: Dr.M.Chandanapriya (Intern), III Prize: Dr.Avonoma.K, Dr.Sadhana, D r. A n i m d h a , D r. Ta n v i r ( P G Dermatology) CATEGORY II: Under Graduates of MGMC & RI I Prize: Mr. Prasun Sit (III Year MBBS), II Prize: Mr. Mohammed Fazil Ali.A (I Year MBBS), III Prize: Mr. Naveen.G ( I Year MBBS), Consolation Prizes: Ms. Pallavi.M, Ms. A.Bhuvaneshwari, Ms. Sharmila.C, Ms. Mithula.T, Ms. Bamitha, Mr.Ramanan,
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Mr. Muzamil, Ms.V.Roshini, Ms. Madhumathi ( I year MBBS), CATEGORY III: Under Graduates of IGIDS I Prize : Dr. Shouvik Malakar (Intern), Ms. Vandana Singh (Final Yr BDS)II Prize: Ms. Priyadarshini. K ( II Yr BDS) , Ms. Meenakshi. G ( II Yr BDS), Ms. Vanitha. ( Final Yr BDS), Ms. Karthika. (Final Yr BDS), III Prize: Ms. Ayesha ( I Yr BDS), Ms. Anjana ( I Yr BDS) ,Ms. Jayasudha .S ( II Yr BDS), Ms. Lakshmi. K.V( II Yr BDS), Ms.Veena Vijay ( II Yr BDS), Ms.Tessa Thomas( II Yr BDS), Ms. Akshaya.B ( I Yr BDS), Ms. Vishvaja .S ( I Yr BDS), CATEGORY IV: Under Graduates of KGNC I Prize : Ms. Sowmya Raju ( I yr Post B.Sc., Nursing),Ms. Vidhya. N (I yr B.Sc., Nursing ), II Prize: Mr. Thomas Paul ( I Yr. Post B.Sc., Nursing), Ms. Ranjani (VII Semester B.Sc ., Nursing), III Prize Mr. Ferryson (VIII Semester B.Sc., Nursing).
BLOOD DONATION MONTH The Red Ribbon Club (RRC) of MGMC & RI & IGIDS (Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth) organized “Blood Donation Month” for the Staff & Students of SBV and for the Public, in March 2011(partly sponsored by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society). The inauguration function was held on 02.03.2011. Prof. Muthurangan G, Dean of Faculties, SBV, inaugurated the function and felicitated the gathering. Prof. Robinson Smile, HOD,
Department of General Surgery, MGMC & RI and Prof.Kamalam, Principal, KGNC also felicitated the gathering. Dr. Shivasakthy M, Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics (Secretary RRC) delivered the vote of thanks. Fifty people volunteered for blood donation from the public and students. Volunteers from Human Right
grouping and about the simple procedure, to eliminate the fear in them. Blood grouping was done for 120 students and blood group identity cards were issued to them.
Protection Council of Puducherry branch also participated in the event. Student members of RRC educated the public on significance of blood donation and cleared the mythical issues about blood donation. In addition to the Blood Donation program, Blood Group Estimation and Rh typing for eighth standard children of Kendriya Vidyalaya JIPMER campus was conducted on 07.03.11. Prior to the procedure, Mr. Priyan Voltaire, Final year MBBS, (student member of RRC) educated the students about the significance of blood
WOMENS DAY On 01.03.2011, Womens day was celebrated at the SOS village at Pillaiyarkuppam. Dr. Sharada, Head of Department of Community Medicine was the Chief Guest. She gave a talk on the “Changing roles, responsibilities & rights of women”. She lauded the efforts of the SOS for the yeomen services rendered to society. The Dept of Community Medicine also conducts clinics in the SOS village regularly to treat minor ailments & referring others to MGMC & RI.
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Department of Paediatric Surgery has recently procured full set of Laparoscopy for children including hand Instruments and Imaging s y s t e m including single chip camera and High definition Monitor (Optec). Hand instruments include 5mm and 3mm set for all basic and advance pediatric surgical procedures like Appendecectomy, Non palpable testis Orchidopexy, VATS for Empyema decortications etc.
INTER-COLLEGIATE SPORTS 2011 The State Level Inter Medical Collegiate football, cricket, badminton, volleyball, table tennis, chess tournament was organized by Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital (Arena - 2011) between 02.03.2011 and 04.03.2011. In this tournament our team bagged 1st place in table tennis and 2nd place in cricket, football and badminton. Shri G.Abishek of 2008 MBBS batch was awarded as the best table tennis player in this tournament while Shri Sudan of 2010 MBBS batch was awarded the best badminton player in this tournament. MGMC & RI wishes the team of spirited sportsmen of the college the very best for now, as well as for all their future sportive endeavors.
The 62nd Republic Day of the Sovereign of India was celebrated on 26.01.2011 at MGMCRI Campus. The program started with the singing of patriotic songs by the students. Prof K.R. Thygarajan, Medical Superintendent, MGMCRI, hoisted our Nation's Tricolor flag. The students sang the National Anthem with respect and fervor. The ceremony concluded with patriotic speech by the students, felicitation by the Medical Superintendent and Prof. Kamalam, Principle, KGNC.
NEW EQUIPMENTS AND INSTRUMENTS Two new equipments were purchased by the Department of Physiology in March 2011, namely, Easy one standard spirometer for lung function test and Picko 6 for determining FEV1, FEV6 & FEV1/FEV6 ratio. The Dept of Ophthalmology at MGMC & RI has acquired a new SLIT LAMP BIOMICROSCOPE The Dept of Microbiology has acquired a Quantitative Buffy Coat (QBC) centrifuge and Fluorescent microscope for QBC. Aiming for up gradation,
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CENTRAL LIBRARY The Central Library was formally inaugurated on 19.01.2011 by Dr. Dilip Kumar Baliga, Director, Dept. of Health and Family Welfare Services, Govt. of Puducherry. The Central Library is fully automated. All Library transactions are done by computers. Ever since the Library was shifted to the present fascinating building, the library grew in size especially in collection of books. With the proposal for starting Super Specialty Courses, Books and Journals pertaining to the Departments of Cardiology , Pediatrics, Surgery,
Neuro-Surgery , Urology and CTV were purchased. The number of users of ERMED and DELNET has increased considerably. During this period, the team from GLASGOW- UNIVERSITY, U.K. visited the Library to have a tie-up with this university .The Team was very much impressed by the organizational set up of the library. During the first quarterly of the year the Library purchased 1903 books in all Branches of Medical & Allied Sciences, thus bringing the total number of books in the library to 11,120. This includes 860 Indian and 1043 foreign books and total sum of Rs.50 lakhs was spent for the purchase of books.
The Central Library has all Modern Facilities which include the following : Internet, Wi-Fi, OPAC, Photo-Copying, E-Journals (ERMED), E-Books, E-Learning, Digital Library, Separate Reading, Room for Students using their own Books, Separate Reading Room with Internet Facilities for Faculty, P.G.'s and Interns, Del-Net, Book Bank, Question Bank, CD'S & DVD', Archieves Collection Publication of International Organization like WHO, UNIEF, UNO, Publication of MH & FW, ICMR and Mini Seminar Hall for Conducting Small Workshop Seminars.
The Library placed order for 73 Indian and 82 Foreign Journals for 2011 thus bringing the total number of journals to 155. Foreign and Indian Journals where also purchased for Super Specialty Departments.
Dr. Naseeruddin Mohamed Hanif Pathvegar Asst. Professor of General Surgery(01/01/2011)
Dr.Sivaprakash.B, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, has been promoted to the rank of Professor with effect from 18/02/2011.
Dr.M.Narayanan Professor of General Medicine (03/01/2011) Dr.C.Deva Dass Asst.Professor of C.T.V.S (17/01/2011)
Dr.Ashok Kumar.M, Associate Professor of Ophthalmology has been promoted to the rank of Professor, with effect from 07/03/2011.
Dr.D.Abirami Asst.Professor of Dermatology (19/01/2011) Dr.Udhayaraj.V Sr.Resident of TBCD (18/02/2011)
Dr.Amirtha Ganesh .B, Asst.Professor of Cardiology has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with effect from 01.03.2011
Dr.Venkatesh.C Asst.Professor of Paediatrics (14/03/2011) Dr.Natarajan.K Asst.Professor of General Surgery (21/03/2011)
We congratulate these faculty members on their promotion.
The chronicle accords a warm welcome to all the faculty members. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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SHRI SATHYA SAI MEDICAL COLLEGE (ACTYER, JIPMER, P u d u c h e r r y. C M E started with the prayer song by the nightingales of year MBBS students. The welcome address was given by the organizing secretary Dr.Deben Laishram, Professor & HOD, Department of Physiology. Dr.VasanthaN.Subbiah, Dean, inaugurated the CME program by lighting the kuthuvilaku and gave inaugural address. The Dean and Medical Superintendent Dr.Musthaq Ahammed Khan felicitated the speakers of the CME and the inaugural function came to an end with Dr.Anuradha, Asst Prof. of Physiology proposing the vote of thanks .
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES CME on “Bone and Neuropathology”
The first talk of the scientific session was by Dr.Madhan Mohan, M.B.B.S, M.D, M.Sc.(Yoga), Professor & HOD, Department of Physiology and Program Director, FIAY, ACTYER, on 'Introduction to principles and practices of Yoga'. He has 40 years of experience in teaching & research and has been awarded the Karmayogi Shironmani by Yoganjali Natyalayam. He spoke about the pre-historic statements of the yoga during the early years and also explained about the healthy lifestyle by quoting the Sanskrit verse “Labhanam Shreshtham arogyam”. He also added a few words about the power of Pranayama and taught the Pranayama breathing to the audience which he said could be done at any time of the day.
The Department of Pathology organized a CME on Bone and Neuropathology on 24.02.2011. Eminent speakers in the field addressed the audience bench which comprised of all the faculties, PG students of MGMC, PIMS , Chettinad Medical College and UG students of SSSMC&RI. Dr.Radhi Lawrence discussed an “Overview of Bone Pathology”. Dr.Shantha Ravisankar on “Tumours of CNS”. The didactic lectures were followed by interactive case presentations. CME on “Pain And Its Management” On 26.03.2011, Department of Anatomy conducted a CME on “Pain & its Management”. The program was inaugurated by Dean, Dr Vasantha .N. Subbiah. Elite speakers enlightened the crowd with their interesting lectures. Dr Saratha Kathiresan spoke on “Facial pain & its perception”.Dr A . V. S r i n i v a s a n gave an under standing of “Management of Neurogenic pain in this millennium”. Dr.S.Ramaswamy gave a talk on “Hypnosis and its application to pain”. The program had a good strength of audience comprising of the students and faculty.
The second lecture was by Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, M.B.B.S, ADY, DPC, DSM, PGDFH, PGDY, FIAY, Program Co-ordinator, ACTYER, Chairman ICYER at Ananda Ashram, Puducherry He is also the Chairman of Yoganjali Natyalayam & General Secretary of Pondicherry Yogasana Association. His session was on the therapeutic potential of Yoga which was very interactive as he made all the audience to participate in his session. He also explained about the physiological benefits of Yoga & Pranayama. Third speaker Dr. Zeena Sanjay,Senior Research Fellow of ACYTER gave a talk on 'Scientific Research in Yoga'. She discussed about the research avenues and yoga therapy given by the ACTYER.The scientific session came to an end with the expert demonstration of Yogasana by Yoga Chemmal Mr. G.Dyanidy MCA, PGDYE, Yoga instructor, ACTYER, JIPMER.
CME Program on 'Physiological benefits of Yoga’ Teaching Learning Program for Faculty Members The Department of Physiology of SSSMC&RI conducted a CME Program on 'Physiological benefits of Yoga' on 17.01.2011.The speakers of CME were from 'Advance Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research'
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The Medical Education Training (MET) department conducted a “Teaching Learning methods training program” for the faculties in the cadre of Asst.
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Professor of various departments from the College & Hospital block on 06.01.2011 & 07.01.2011. The program was well attended & it was highly interactive on both days. The participants were impressed with the usefulness of the program. The topics and the resource persons of the MET were: “Introduction to MET” by Dr. Karthika, “Teaching Learning Methods” by Dr. Debin, “Clinical Simulations” by Dr. Suthanthira Devi, “Assessment” by Dr. Meena, “Objectives, Goals & Competencies” by Dr. Swayam Jothi, “Large Group Disscussion” by Dr. Karpagavel, “Group Dynamics” by Dr. Anuradha. The program concluded with the collection of feedback from the participants and distribution of certificates to them by Dr Vasantha .N. Subbiah, Dean, SSSMC&RI.
AATMATRISHA-2011 Aatmatrisha-2011, an intra-collegiate sport & Cultural extravaganza was organized by the staff and faculty between 21.03.2011 and 23.03.2011 at the open air theatre of the college campus. Like the previous years the students were divided in to 4 groups namely, Euphoriants, Triumphants, Gallants & Zealots and various Sport & Cultural activities were organized for them. At the end of the last day, the Overall Trophy was awarded to Gallants by the Dean, Dr.Vasantha N. Subbiah. To add colors to Aatmatrisha-
IN PURSUIT OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE Scientific Publications Dr.Meena Shrivastava, “Fundamental And Applied Pharmacology For Nurses” (2011).Published by Jaypee Brothers, Medical Publishers (P) Ltd (438 pages).It deals with Basic and applied issues in Pharmacology and is of immense help for Medical students, faculty and nursing students . Mahatme M.S., Shrivastava M.P. Patel S. Cost effectiveness analysis of anti-microbials in Acute Suppurative Otitis Media. Indian Practitioner, November 2010, vol. 63 no. 11: 714-720 Vandana badar, Meena Shrivastava, Sanjay Nawale; Prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in various departments of IGGMC, Nagpur. Indian practitioner, January 2011 vol 64 (1) 14-20
Officiation as Chair Person Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy, chaired the session on “Tumors of the Central Nervous system with few case studies” conducted by the Dept of Pathology, SSSMC&RI on 24.02. 2011.
Presentations and Participation in Scientific Events Dr.SwayamJothi , Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy, was one of the guest speakers on the “Congenital Anomalies of the Heart” on the CME conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine on 19.03.2011 at SSSMCRI. Dr.SwayamJothi, Prof & Head, Department of Anatomy, attended the CME held on “Importance of Anatomy Education in clinical practice & Branchial Arches” in Karpaga Vinayaga institute of Medical sciences and Research centre. Dr.Kannimel Helen Raju, Asst. Prof, Department of Anatomy, attended the CME on “Clinical Anatomy of Cerebrum” on 19.03.2011 at SRM College, Chennai. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
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Vidyapeeth University. Annual report by the Dean Dr. Vasantha N. Subbiah, and “Thought for the Day” by Dr.S.Sundaramoorthy, Head of Department, Pulmonary Medicine were special highlights of the function. Honourable Chairman Madam awarded the “Best outgoing student I M.B.B.S, 2009-2010” to Miss.G.Gayathri and the prestigious Mr.Krishnamoorthy Iyer Gold Medal and certificates for Anatomy, Physiology, and Biochemistry were awarded to the meritorious students. Certificate of Merit and Cash prize were given to the I M.B.B.S, 2009-2010 and also to the II M.B.B.S, 2008-2009 Batch students. Program ended with various cultural activities by the student which was followed by a delicious dinner. 2011 various events were also organized for the member of the faculty.
COLLEGE DAY The Second College Day of Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research institute was celebrated with pride and gaiety on 24.03.2011 at the open air theatre of the college campus. Dr. Mayilvahanan Natarajan, Vice-Chancellor, Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University was the chief guest for the function. Following the invocation and the welcome address by the students, Smt.Gowri Rajagopalan, Honourable Chairman, SSSMC&RI, inaugurated the function by lighting the ceremonial lamp. This was followed by the chief guest address and the inaugural address by Dr.D.R.Gunasekaran, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, Sri Balaji
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Dr. Pradeep, Tutor, Department of Orthodontics, attended the “Live Demonstration and Hands on Course on Soft and hard tissue Laser” at Tomorrow's Dentistry Today, 2011 held at Raintree hotel, Chennai on 10.04.2011 organized by Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry.
Scientific Publications / Presentations Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Professor & Head, Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontia, gave a guest lecture on “Effective use of Endodontic Irrigants” at Sri Ramachandra Institute of Dental Sciences, Porur, Chennai, on 02.02.11
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), conducted a scientific meeting on 28.01.11 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the Lecture hall, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences.Each paper was presented for 10 minutes with interactive sessions at the end of each paper. Certificates were awarded to the students. The students and staff presented paper on the following topics. Mr. Abdul, III yr: Remineralization of early enamel lesions Possibilities unlimited, from the Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Ms. Marie Asha Ambroise, IV yr: Prescription Dentistry in Cariology, from the Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Ms. Vasumathy, IV yr: Nano technology in dental biomaterial science, from the Dept. of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Ms. Swapna Bai Reddy, Intern: Reason for choosing dentistry as career option among I yr BDS students in Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth, from the Department of Public Health Dentistry Mr. Deepak Baskaran, Intern: Evidence of antibacterial efficacy of various restorative materials from 2005 to 2010, from the Dept. of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Dr. Geena Mary, Tutor: Evaluation of polishability and stainability of Silorane based composite resins - an in vitro study: from Dept. of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
On 11.01.2011, Dr.M. Senthil, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health dentistry conducted a oral health a w a r e n e s s program on the topic “Oral Health Is G a t e w a y To General Health” at Rajiv Gandhi C o l l e g e o f Engineering & Technology. In this program more than 200 engineering students participated and the program was organized by NSS unit of RGCET. Dr. Geena Mary, Tutor, Department of Conservative dentistry & Endodontia, attended the 23rd ISDR National conference at Chettinad Dental College, Chennai between 07.01.11 and 09.01.11 and presented a original research paper on “Evaluation of polishability and stainability of Silorane based Composite resin an in vitro Study.”
Participation In Academic/ Scientific Events
Interns and students poster presentation:
Dr. Vijayalakshmi K, Principal, IGIDS, attended an intensive didactic scientific program on “Live Demonstration and Hands on Course on Soft and hard tissue Laser” at Tomorrow's Dentistry Today, 2011 held at Raintree hotel, Chennai on 10.04.2011 organized by Indian Academy of Laser Dentistry.
Mr. Darshith and Mr. Vinod kumar, III yr: Amelogenesis Imperfecta: from Dept. of Oral pathology Dr. Shiva Santosh and Dr. Sneha, Interns: Plasma in Pediatrisc Dentistry from Dept. of Pedodontia Ms. Lakshmipriya and Vinothini, Final yrs: Minimally Invasive Dentistry: from Dept. of pedodontia
Dr. Karthikeyan B, Professor & Head, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery a t t e n d e d t h e International Dental Show (IDS) held at Cologne, Germany MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Mr. Karthik and Mr. Ramkumar: Final yrs; Dental Home: Dept. of Pedodontia Dr. Noora and Dr. Karthikeyan, Interns: WAND Technique: from Dept of Pedodontia
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Ms. Shanmugapriya and Ms. S. Sumitha, Final yrs: Regenerative Dentistry : from Dept of Pedodontia. Ms. Ilangovai and Ms. Krithiga : final yrs: Advanced Diagnostic aids : from Dept of Periodontia. Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) IGIDS participated with the SAF MGMC&RI SAF KGNC to commemorate the “World Cancer day” on, 08.02.11. The students of IGIDS participated enthusiastically in the poster competition. They did posters on the theme “Teach children and teenager to avoid sun exposure by being Sun Smart”. The participants were awarded three prizes in their category.
The Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), conducted a scientific meeting on 28.02.11 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm in the ground floor lecture hall, MGMC&RI to commemorate the National Science Day. Speaker 1: Dr. Yohan Chacko, Reader, Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, RMDCH, Annamalai University. The topic: “Dentistry is bread and butter! How about jam?” The essence of this lecture was how to pursue our passions in other fields with a strong foundation in the profession of dentistry. S p e a k e r 2 : D r. K . Srivatsan, Associate P r o f e s s o r, O r a l a n d Maxillofacial Surgery, Thai Mookambigai Dental College and Hospitals, Chennai. The topic: “Horoscope of Dentistry” The essence of this talk was to guide the undergraduates regarding their career options in future other than academics and practice.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
The Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), conducted a Staff Enhancement Program on 25.03.11 from 11.00am to 1.00pm in the ground floor lecture hall, MGMC&RI. Speaker 1: Dr. M.B. Aswath Narayanan BSc., M.D.S, Professor and Head, Dept. Of Public Health Dentistry, Tamilnadu Government Dental College and Hospital, Chennai The topic: “How to publish?” Speaker 2: Dr. M.Bagavandas Professor of Applied Statistics, School of Public Health, SRM University, Tamil Nadu. The topic: “A Systematic Review of Meta Analysis” The speakers enlightened the audience with a rich source of their knowledge on the appropriate designs for conducting research and the standard protocol for documenting them in scientific journals. Around 250
delegates from 20 medical, dental and nursing institutes in and around Puducherry, Tamilnadu and Tirupathi (comprising of the faculty members, post graduates, Interns and practitioners) have attended the program. Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Secretary SAF, delivered the welcome address. The VIPs lighted the Kuthuvilakku and inaugurated the function. Inaugural address was given by Prof.K.Vijayalakshmi, Principal, IGIDS. The Medical Superintendent, MGMC&RI, Prof.K.R.Thiyagarajan delivered the key note speech. The speakers of the day were introduced by Dr. M. Senthil, Vice- president SAF, and they were felicitated by Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, President of SAF. Vote of thanks was rendered by Dr. D. Jeyaraj, EC member, SAF.
UK TEAM VISIT A team of Medical Professionals from Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow of United Kingdom had visited our University between10.03.2011 and 12.03.2011 to discuss and finalize the modalities for the Official tie up between Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry, India MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
presented a paper on “ Prescription Dentistry” in the 23rd ISDR National conference at Chettinad Dental College, Chennai between 07.01.11 and 09.01.11. She also procured the best paper award in that session. Ms. Vasumathy, Final year, presented a paper on “Nanotechnology in Dental biomaterial Science” in the 23rd ISDR National conference at Chettinad Dental College, Chennai between 07.01.11 and 09.01.11. Mr. Abdul Khader, Third year, presented a paper on “Remineralization of early enamel lesionsPossibilities unlimited” at the All India IDA Conference, Vijayawada on 07.02.2011.
OUTREACH SERVICES On 04.02.2011, Department of Public Health dentistry conducted a School Oral Health program at Government Middle School, Poornakuppam. In this program about 170 school children participated and the program was organized by NSS unit of Rajiv Gandhi College of engineering and technology.
and Royal college for Physician and Surgeons, Glasgow, United Kingdom. and they were well satisfied with the infrastructure and functioning of the college.
APPOINTMENTS & PROMOTIONS Dr. Suji Kesavan MDS Senior Lecturer,Dept. of OMFS (19.02.2011) Dr. Dilip Kumar BDS, Tutor, Dept. of Orthodontics ( 03.01.2011)
Between January and February 2011, the department conducted “National Oral health program Bright Smile Bright Future” supported by Colgate & Palmolive and Indian Dental Association, Puducherry Branch. In this program about 15120 dental health packs containing tooth paste, tooth brush and pamphlets were distributed to school children covering 20 private and government schools.
The chronicle accords a warm welcome to all the faculty members. SCHOLARS IN THE MAKING (UG NEWS) Ms. Shamini Begum, participated in a national level Table clinic competition, held by “IDADentsply Student Clinician program” on 10.2.11 at Jaipur and presented her novel research table clinic titled “ N a t u r a l f i b e r reinforcement of esthetic restorative materials - an in vitro study”
CAMPAIGNS & COMMEMORATIONS To mark World Disable day on 17.03.2011, the Department of Public Health dentistry organized a oral health program at Ratna life help mentally challenged home in association with the Department of Pedodontia. In this program about 85 mentally challenged kids participated, tooth brushes and tooth paste were given to the kids and dental treatments were provided. MOU was made on that day with the Life Help Center to send children to the Department of Pedodontia for further treatment.
Mr. Deepak Baskaran, Intern presented a paper on “Evidence of antibacterial efficacy of various restorative material from 2005-10” in the 23rd ISDR National conference at Chettinad Dental College, Chennai between 07.01.11 and 09.01.11.He also procured the best paper award in that session.
Ms. Mary
Asha Ambroise, Final year,
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
 From January to March 2011 the department has organized about 19 dental camps. Some of the important camps are a. 19.02.11, at Alakiyanata Village, Cuddalore, organized by NSS unit of Krishnaswamy Engineering College, Cuddalore. Total number of people participated - 227. b. 03.03.11, at Life help nursery and primary school, Mettupalayam, Cuddalore. Total number of school children participated - 250. c. 2 2 . 0 3 . 11 a t M . K G a n d h i M i d d l e S c h o o l , Thiruchitrambalamm, Thindivanam Main road organized by Lions Club of Auro City. Total number of school children participated - 232.
WORLD DENTIST DAY EXHIBITION On 08.03.2011, the Department of Public Health dentistry in association with Scientific and Academic Forum, IGIDS has organized an oral health exhibition to mark World Dentist day. In this program 1295 general public, school and college students participated from 10 different schools & colleges of Puducherry and Cuddalore.
Various skits were performed for increasing dental awareness among public under the themes like, Smoking Cessation Program, Importance of Primary teeth and its Maintenance, How to Break Thumb Sucking Habit, Basic Life Support, Syncope, Angina, Trauma and Road Traffic Accident management. Audio-Visual Aids, LCD Projector and computer were utilized for Oral Health Education to educate the people who came for the exhibition. The videos were in different areas and its was contributed by all the departments. Variety of Contests and Games on Oral Health were conducted to attract the children as well as adults. They were, Perfect Smile Contest, Quiz Competition, Identify Celebrity Smile, Mix & Match, Coloring, Dental Slogan (Tamil and English),Selection of Restorative materials & Dental Fear Assessment. The program was covered by local media and newspapers.
Some of the salient features of the exhibition are Stalls for Various Oral Diseases like Basic Oral Health and H y g i e n e Maintenance, Perfect Smile contest, Gum and Periodontal Diseases, Diet and Dental c a r i e s , Crowding, MalAlignment and Oral Habits, Avulsed Tooth, Dental Trauma, Oral Cancer & Management of Missing Tooth.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
The RRC student members of IGIDS with Dr. ShivasakthyM, (Secretary, RRC) conducted the Voluntary blood donation month program along with MGMC&RI.They also conducted the free blood grouping camp at Kendriya Vidyalaya, JIPMER.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
KASTURBA GANDHI NURSING COLLEGE FACULTY ACTIVITIES SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS K a v i t h a R . R . To u r e t t e s Syndrome. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2011; 4(1):11-14. Thiruvikkiraman Z. Smoking Lurking Devils. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2011;4(1): 28-30.
Issues in Midwifery Practices”. KGNC hosted the 2nd National Conference on the theme “Amalgamation of Nursing Education and Practice” on 12.01.2011. The following faculty presented papers and posters during the conference: Ms. Sumathi P, Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, presented a poster on “Critical Thinking in Nurse Leadership”.
The 7th International Conference was held at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, on 03.01.2011 and the following faculty presented papers during the conference: Ms. Camala B, Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, on “Assessment of Knowledge on Reproductive Age Group of Women on Cervical Cancer”. Ms. Renuka K, Professor, Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, on “A Study to Assess the Prevalence of Monday Morning Syndrome among Adults in Puducherry”.
Ms Rajeswari S, Asso. Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, presented a poster on “Transactional Styles of Leadership”.
Ms. Elavarasi R, Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing, presented a poster on “Emerging Nurse Manager's Challenges”.
Ms. Annie Annal M , Professor, Department of Maternity Health Nursing, was a resource person at the state level workshop on “Midwifery Practice Quality Care” conducted by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Nursing, Perambalur, on 08.01.2011 and gave a talk on “Ethical and Legal MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC
Ms. Kavitha R R, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing, presented a paper on “Transactional Leadership in Nursing Practice”. Ms. Annapoorani K, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing, presented a paper on “Innovations in Nursing Curriculum”. D r. D i v y a C h o u d h a r y, Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics presented a paper on “Innovations in Curriculum”.
Ms. Suguna Mary D, Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing, presented a poster on “Quality Assurance”.
Ms. Bharathi AR, Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, on “A Study to Assess the Level of Depression among Infertile Women Attending Selected Infertility Clinic at Chennai”.
Ms. Bharathi A R, Professor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, presented a paper on “Styles of Leadership”.
Ms. Geetha C, Asst. Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, presented a paper on “Assessment of Knowledge on AIDS among Industrial Workers”. Ms. Sathiya Rani S, Asst. Prof., Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, presented a paper on “Critical Thinking”. Ms. Renuka K, Professor, Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, presented a paper on “SWOT Analysis”.
The first state level conference on “Standards and Pathways for Professional Excellence in Nursing Education” was conducted by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, on 21.02.2011. The following faculty presented papers on various topics during the conference: Ms. Sathiya Rani S, Asst. Prof., Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, on “Techniques to Improve Intellectual Skills”. Ms. Geetha C, Asst. Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, on “Effective Teaching Strategies”.
PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC/ SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Ms. Annapoorani K, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing, along with 1st and 2nd year M.Sc Nursing students, attended a National Level Workshop at R.V.S College of Nursing, Coimbatore, on “Standardized Nursing Language and Accurate Nursing Diagnosis”, on 06.01.2011 and 07.01.2011. Ms. Suryakala S Asst Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing, along with five M.Sc and twelve P.B. B.Sc Nursing students, attended a state level seminar on “Newer Advances in Gastroenterology” at MIOT College of
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Nursing, Chennai, on 19.01.2011. Dr. Kamalam S, Principal and Head of Department of Community Health Nursing, Ms. Camala B, Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Ms. Sathiya Rani S, Asst. Prof., Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, Ms. Elavarasi R , Lecturer, Department of community Health Nursing, attended a National Conference on “Publish Research Evidences for Professional Excellence” at KMCH, Coimbatore, on 21.01.2011 and 22.01.2011. Ms. Rani S, Lecturer, Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, attended a State Level Conference on “Standards and Pathways for Professional Excellence in Nursing Education” at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, on 21.02.2011 Ms. Camala B, Professor, Department of Child Health Nursing, Ms. Geetha C, Asst. Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, Ms . Elavarasi R, Lecturer, Department of Community Health Nursing, Ms. Kavitha R. R, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing,Ms. Annapoorani k, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing, Ms. Sathiya Rani S, Asst. Prof., Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, Ms. Kripa Angeline, Assoc. Prof., Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing and Mr. Niyamathulla , Asst Prof. Statistics, attended a Regional Scientific and Academic Forum on “ A Systematic Review of Meta Analysis and How to Publish” conducted by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, MGMCRI, on 25.03.2011.
COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES INTEGRATED PULSE POLIO IMMUNIZATION The students of 6th and 7th semester B.Sc Nursing participated in the “Integrated Pulse Polio Immunization”, on 27.02.2011. It helped the students to gain knowledge on various aspects of immunization.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
CAMPAIGNS AND COMMEMORATIONS RED RIBBON CLUB (RRC) The RRC of KGNC, under the able guidance and joint efforts of Prof. Renuka K, Program Organizer, Ms. Annapoorni K, Secretary, Ms. Rupa, Executive Member, organized a role play on “Care and Support for People Living with HIV \ AIDS ”, on 11.03.2011. The 2nd year Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
students depicted in a realistic and touching manner, how urban and rural families care and ignore the family members infected with HIV. Many women and adolescents benefitted out of it.
Tutor, Department of Mental Health Nursing, as the Joint Secretary . Guest lectures were organized during the first quarter of 2011. Dr. Karthikeyen , Asst. Prof., Department of Child Health , MGMCRI, delivered a lecture on “Influence of Nutrition on Childhood Development”. Ms. Latha Srikanth, Assoc Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, Indrani College of Nursing, Puducherry, presented on “Neonatal Emergencies” on 28.01.2011. The Scientific and Academic Forum of MGM&CRI, IGIDS and KGNC jointly organized a poster competition for students to commemorate “World Cancer Day” based on the theme “Teach Children and Teenagers to be Sun Smart” on 08.02.2011.Dr.Vijayalakshmi, Principal IGIDS and Prof.Usha, were the judges for the day. Prizes were given to the winners.
SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM School health programs were conducted by the 3rd semester students of B.Sc Nursing at Govt. Middle School, Ariyankuppam and Govt. Primary School, Kirumampakkam, Puducherry, on 11.02.2011 and 17.02.2011 respectively. About 500 students benefitted from this program.
WORK SHOP The 1st year students of M.Sc Nursing organized a Regional Workshop on “Supervisory Skills in Nursing- Reaps Excellence” on 03.03.2011. Dr.Rebecca Samson, Dean, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, was the Chief Guest. Scientific sessions were held and guest speakers enlightened the audience on various topics related to the theme.
The reins of the Scientific and Academic Forum of KGNC were taken over by Ms Rajeswari S, Asst. Prof., Department of Child Health Nursing, as the Secretary and Ms. Gerald Roselin,
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
LAMP LIGHTING Lamp lighting ceremony of the 8 t h batch students was held on 20.01.2011. The ceremony was solemnized in reverence of Florence Nightingale popularly known as “The lady with the lamp”.
The ceremony initiates the students to step into the clinical practice of the noble profession of nursing. Mrs.Asmath Ali Khan, Nursing Superintendent, MGMCRI was the chief guest. Several dignitaries graced the occasion. The students then dispersed, carrying in their hearts a great conviction to carry on this light of knowledge and wisdom, till the very end.
Ms Nandini and Ms. Ancy Rachel were the recipients of the award for the “ Best Clinical Nurse”.
of farewell greetings.
Ms. Geenet and Ms. Arockia Mary received the 1st and 2nd prizes respectively for General Proficiency for the year 2005-2009.
The Annual College Day “IGNITE 2011” was held on 31.03.2011. Various Inter-Batch competitions were conducted during the preceding weeks. The events were Face Painting, Mehendi, Rangoli, Extempore, Mime, Music and Dance.
Ms. Neethu Molly Kuriakose and Ms. Thara Lal received the 1st and 2nd prizes respectively for General Proficiency for the year 2006-2010.
GRADUATION DAY The 3rd graduation day for the 3rd th and 4 batch students of KGNC was held on 30.03.2011. Dr. Dilip Kumar Baliga, Director of Health and Family Welfare, Puducherry, was the honorable Chief Guest. Prof. Kamala Subbian, Principal, Venkateshwara College of Nursing, Chennai, graced the occasion as Guest of Honour. Prof. Gunasekaran D R, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, presided over the event.It was a moment of pride for the graduates, when the prestigious Scrolls of Honor were awarded by the Chief Guest. His inspiring address served to ignite and inspire the minds of the graduates.
With feelings of nostalgia, the graduates bade adieu to their Alma Mater. The curtain came down on graduation day 2011 with the exchange
The audiences were truly enthralled by the colorful display of talents. Prizes were given away to all the winners. It was a wonderful, fun filled day that will remain etched in the minds of everyone.
Prizes for academic excellence were distributed by Prof. Kamala Subbian. Ms. Arockia Mary and Ms. Jisha Thomas received the awards for the “Best Outgoing Students” for the year 2005-2009 and 2006-2010 respectively.
Jan - Mar 2011 Vol 5, Issue 1
C The Chronicle
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