Chronicle JUL-SEP 2010 NEWS

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Volume 4 Issue 3 July - Sep 2010

INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTS - 2010 Our team of spirited MGMC & RI students bagged 1st place in Football, 2nd place in Carrom (women doubles), 4th place in Carrom (men doubles), and 4th place in Chess (men) at the State level Inter-Collegiate tournament held at Puducherry, between 11.08.10 and 13.08.10.



Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

MAHATMA GANDHI MEDICAL COLLEGE & RESEARCH INSTITUTE TERTIARY CARE SERVICES Master Health Checkup Unit Master Health check up unit, a rare of its kind in MGMCRI offers preventive health services under one roof for the public as well as for company employees. During the Quarter , July 2010 to September 2010, 343 persons were examined in the Master Health Checkup unit under various packages. The private sector companies Foseco India Ltd, Muthirapalayam, Pondicherry, Teleflex Medical Pvt Ltd, Thirubuvanai, Pondicherry, Tanfac Ltd, SIPOT, Cu ddalor e, STCMS Power Ltd , Uthangal, Virudhachalam had sent its employees for annual health check up as well as their new recruits for pre – employment health check up. Han ds on tr aining pr ogr amme for Basic Life Supp or t Tr aining. Basic Life Support Training is an essential component in a medicos carrier. Every year this training will be provided for the 3 rd Semester MBBS students, once they are placed for the clinical postings.

This year, hands on training programme was organized, with an idea whereby each student will be given an opportunity to perform a live demo on the dummies, including the cardio pulmonary resuscitation(CPR). TACT Academy for clinical training, Chennai organized a two day live work shop on Basic Life Support. The III Semester students were divided into two batches of 50 each. In the training programme, the students were explained in detail about CPR adult, CPR paediatrics and at the end of the session each one of them were asked to perform CPR individually on the dummies. This is the basic principle of Sk ill Lab. Each students were issued a participation certificate on behalf of TACT Academy, Chennai.

The departments involved in rendering its utmost medical care are the Urology, Cardiology, Orthopedics, ENT, General Surgery, OGBY, Ophthalmology and Pediatrics . KKT had conducted 15 camps in co-ordination with Primary Health Centre at different villages with the assistance of deputy director of health services, Cuddalore. KKT personnel’s also participated in a meeting convened by District Collector, Cuddalore wherein Honorable Health Minister Thiru . M.R.K.Panneerselvam presided over the function.

Kalaignar Kaapeetu Thittam (KKT) As per the MOU entered between M/S Star Health Insurance & Allied Co Ltd and MGMC&RI, the patient are treated under Kalaignar Kaapeetu Thittam (KKT) scheme ,in all 143 patients benefitted from this scheme in the third quarterly of the year.



Sur ger y Done : Orif C 95dynamic Condylar Screw

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



CM E on “Va scu lar Sur ger y” The Department of General Surgery in collaboration with the Department of CTVS, organized a CME on “Vascular surgery” on the 31st of July 2010 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Researc h Institute, Pondicherry. The topics for the CME were carefully selec ted by a team of experts which include Prof. D.R. Gunasekaran, Prof. S. Robinson Smile, Prof.N.Anatha krishnan, Prof.G.S.Ramac handran, Prof. T.Tirou Aroul and Prof.G. Muthurangan. The speakers were experts in their respective field of cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery. The topics and the profile of speakers were as follows:- 1. Approach to a case of peripheral arterial disease Dr. G. Muthurangan, Prof & HOD of CTVS, MGMC & RI. 2. Upper limb ischaemia - Dr. S. R. Subramaniam,


Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Vijaya Hospital, Chennai. 3. Indications, tec hniques and outcome of surgery for peripheral arterial disease - Dr. M. Rajkumar, Prof & HOD of Vasc ular Surgery, Stanley Medical College, Chennai. 4. DVT & Pulmonary embolism, Current concepts in prevention, diagnosis and manage ment - Dr. Vidyasagaran, Prof. & HOD of Vascular Surgery, MMC, Chennai. 5. Pathophysiology and management of venousulcer- Dr. K.S.Vijayaraghavan, Vascular Surgeon, KS Hospital, Chennai. 6. Aortic Aneurysms - Dr. C.S. Vijayashankar, Chief consultant, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Apollo Hospital, Chennai. 7. Endovascular interventions - Dr. N. Sekar, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Apollo Hospital, Chennai. The CME was attended by various categories of medical personnel including UG & PG students, practicing general surgeons, medical college faculty, Professors and Heads of departme nts from


Pondicherry, Cuddalore, Chidambaram, Chennai etc. 280 delegates from the above said places attended the CME. Earlier, after the first talk, there was a formal inauguration of the CME. Prof. S. Robinson Smile, HOD of Surgery welcomed the gathering, dignitaries on and off the dais stressed upon the need for a CME in Vascular Surgery. The Medical Superintendent, Prof. A.P. Sambandan welcomed the gathering. Prof. G. Muthuranga n welcomed the Vice – Chancellor with a bouquet and a memento and later Prof. D.R. Gunasekaran delivered the presidential address. Prof. T. Tirou Aroul proposed the vote of thanks. The post lunch quiz programme which was conducted by Dr. Manoj Karthik, Asst. Prof. of Gen. Surgery was very much appreciated by the invited speakers, faculty and delegates. All the speakers were overwhelmed with our hospitality and agreed to help us in our future academic activates.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

CME on Ocu lar fun dus in Gener al Medicine The first CME on Ocular Fundus in General Medicine was conducted on 29-09-2010 by the Department of Ophthalmology, MGMC & RI. Prof A.P.Sambandam, Medical Superintendent, was the chief guest. The inauguration ceremony with lighting of the lamp by Professor R.Pandurangan, Prof. Robinson Smile and Prof. Muthurangan started the scientific session. Five speakers including two guest speakers illuminated the audience about the changes in ocular fundus which occur in different systemic diseases. Dr.K. Srikant, Assoc. Prof, MGMC & RI, gave an introduction to the normal fundus and different ways of examination . Dr.M.Ashokkumar, Assoc .Prof, MGMC & RI, talked on inherited retinal disorders and the effects of some systemic drugs on the retina.

Retinopathy and recent trends in its management. Dr.N.Swathi, Asst. Prof, MGMC & RI, gave the vote of thanks. The scientific session was followed by Hands on training in Direct Ophthalmoscopy for interns and postgraduate students from other specialties. The program concluded with refreshments to all delegates.

Prof. Dr.R.Pandurangan, explained how to diagnose papilledema & how to differentiate it from optic neuritis.


Dr. T. Sivashanmugam, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care successfully organized a Continuing Medical Education at the First Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologist, Puducherry (ISA-PONCON 2010) under presidential guidance of Dr. Ravishankar M, Professor and Head, Department of Anesthesiology & Critical Care .The CME included five academic lectures delivered by eminent professors from South India. The Depar tment of For ensic Medicin e at th e Casualty….

Prof.Renuka Srinivasan, Dept of Ophthalmology, JIPMER, spoke on various ocular manifestations of Systemic diseases with special emphasis on Hypertensive retinopathy and HIV retinopathy.

The Department of Forensic Medicine in the third quarterly of the year got involved in the Academic activities in the Casualty to strengthen the Emergency Doctors in dealing with Medico-Legal cases. The brainstorming idea of involving the members of the Forensic Department to educate the casualty

Dr.Anirudda, Retina Consultant, Aravind Eye Hospitals, Puducherry, elaborated on Diabetic MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

CME on “An esthesiology Cr itical Car e”


2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

medical officers to handle the MedicoLegal cases was that of our respected Dean Prof. D.R. Gunasekaran and Medical Superintendent , Dr. K.R. Thiyagarajan.The activity is particularly

he spoke on the topic “Emerging Technologies In Radiation Therapy Of Cancer”.

stereotactic treatments, often with the help of a neurosurgeon for tumors in the brain or spine.

He spoke elaborately about Radiation therapy or radiotherapy also called radiation oncology, and sometimes abbreviated to XRT, the medical use of ionizing radiation as part of cancer treatment to control malignant cells . Radiotherapy may be used for curative or adjuvant treatment. It is used as palliative treatment . Conventional external beam radiotherapy (2DXRT) is delivered via two-dimensional beams using linear accelerator machines.

Virtual simulation, the most basic form of planning, allows more accurate placement of radiation beams than is possible using conventional Xrays, where soft-tissue structures are often difficult to assess and normal tissues difficult to protect. IntensityModulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is an advanced type of high-precision radiation that is the next generation of 3DCRT. IMRT also improves the ability to conform the treatment volume to concave tumor shapes.

channeled towards the Practical Aspects of handling Medico-Legal cases, such as standard documentation and certifications, reorienting the medical knowledge and the Duties of Doctor in Medico-Legal cases.

Systemic radioisotope therapy is a form of targeted therapy. Targeting can be due to the chemical properties of the isotope such as radioiodine which is specifically absorbed by the thyroid gland a thousand fold better than other bodily organs. The informative talk took the audience into a spell paving way to a concluding interactive session.

SAF guest lecture on “Emerging Technologies in Radiation Therapy of Cancer”. A Guest lecture was conducted on 27.07.2010 by Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), MGMC & RI. The speaker was Prof. K.S.Reddy, Dean, JIPMER, Puducherry, Director, Regional Cancer Centre,Puducherry and

Stereotactic radiation is a specialized type of external beam radiation therapy. It uses focused radiation beams targeting a well-defined tumor using extremely detailed imaging scans. Radiation oncologists perform

SAF guest lecture on “Breast Feeding & Complementary Feeding”. The Guest lecture was conducted on 06.08.10 by Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), MGMC & RI. The speaker was Prof. Vishnu Bhatt, MD (Paed.)., DHA, DDE, Professor of Paediatrics, Head, Neonatology Division ,Dept. of Paediatrics, JIPMER, Puducherry. Prof. Vishnu Bhatt elaborated on the advantages & importance of breast feeding for the mother, child & the family. He explained that Breast milk contains all the required nourishment for the new born in the right proportion & also contains antibodies. Very rarely does a new born develop lactose intolerance.



2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Therefore there is no absolute contraindicati on for breast feeding. Relati ve contraindi cation is HIV + status in the mother. In such a case, with perinatal HAART, breast feeding may be continued, or the chil d could start on artifi cial feeds. F or the mother, breast feeding ai ds in uterine involution & also as a method of contracept ion. It also poses a lesser economic burden on the fa mil y. There is a very low ri sk of infection in exclusively breast fed babies. Top feeds ma y be started after 4-6 mont hs, starting with liquids & graduall y progressing t o se misoli d & solid food. In cases where the mot her is unable to breast feed, a wet nurse (whose medical history is known) may be hired or the child may be given artifi cial feeds

the topic “Cardiotocography, Scope And Its P lace Today”.

SA F guest “ Ech oca r diogr aph y P r a ct ice”.

Dr.A.K.D ebdas t alked about Cardiotocography (CTG ) & the need to monitor by CTG . It can moni tor foetal stress due to uterine contraction, head compressi on and cord compression / stretching. Thus CTG can help in early detection of foetal distress.It can be used to monitor uterine cont raction & foetal stress intrapartum. It i s of great help in determi ning when to go for Csecti on.CTG provides hard evidence

that are close to breast mi lk in composition. Cow’s mi lk is not a suitable substation for breast mi lk. The talk was foll owed by a live audience int eracti ve session. SAF gu est lect ur e on “C ar di ot ocogr a phy, Scope A nd It s P lace T od ay” . A Guest lecture was conducted on 27.08.2010 by Scientific and Acade mic F orum & Department of Obstretics & Gynaecology, MGMC & RI .The speaker was Dr.A.K.D ebdas, FRCOG, FRCS , MD , A ssoc.Prof, Depart ment of O bstre tics & Gynaecology, Jamshedpur Medical College, Jamshedpur and he spoke on


in allowing high risk women to continue their pregnancy to great er maturit y.To concl ude, CTG is a good test for foetal well ness but not for foet al illness. Therefore whe n abnormal, CTG should be followed by a second test like vibroacoustic stimul ator, foetal bl ood sampling and foetal ECG. The talk was followed by live audience inte racti on.

medico-legally for int ervention / non intervention. Clinical monitoring requires more frequent monitori ng; onl y few abnormaliti es can be picked up & cannot be performed during a uterine contraction

lect ur e on In Gen er al

A Guest lecture was conducted on 04.09.10 by Scientific and Acade mic Forum ( SAF) and Dept of Medicine , MGMC & RI. The speaker was P rof. Dr.R.Alagesan, MD, D M (cardiology), P rof & HOD (Retd) Dept of Cardiology, Madras Medical College, P rof. Emeritus, Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR. Medical Uni versit y Chennai and he spoke on the topic “Echocardi ography In General Practice”.

Prof.Dr.R.Alagesan started the talk wit h a glimpse of history where Drs Elder & Hertz obta ined the first Echocardiography recordi ngs.

Antenat ally CTG is useful in cases of low foetal move ments, false labour pain, premature labour & need for tocol ytic therapy. CTG i s the onl y means to monitor twins. It is import ant


July--Sep, Sep,Vol Vol44 2010 July

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Echo had progressed from single dimensions (M mode) to 2D & 3D modes. Doppler (color, continuous wave) have been added. Tran esophageal 3D echo is another new modification. Normal Echo is done through parenteral window (at the level of left ventricle, mitral & aortic valves), or apical window. The color coding denotes the direction of blood flow with respect to the probe & not oxygenation status.He discussed the usefulness of Echo in patients with heart failure, Valvular heart disease, Congenital heart disease, pericardial effusion ,

SAF guest lecture on “Endoscopic Ultrasound and Its Therapeutic Impact On Upper GI Tr act”. A Guest talk was conducted on 04.09.10 by Scientificand Academic Forum and Dept of Medicine , MGMC & RI .The speaker was Dr.S.Palaniappan. MD, DM (Medical Gastroenterology) , Senior Consultant, Gastroenterologist, Interventional Endoscopist/ Endologist, Global Hospital, Chennai and he spoke on the topic “Endoscopic Ultrasound And Its Therapeutic Impact On Upper GI Tract”.

The pancreatic gland can be screened completely & FNAC performed under vision.The scope of endoscopic ultrasound is wide & ever growing. He discussed around 20 cases in which endoscopic ultrasound was used for diagnosis or treatment. They included cases of Invasive adenocarcinoma of head of pancreas, benign cyst of head of pancreas, lymphocele of pancreas, Insulinoma, caseating granuloma (D/D Adenocarcinoma) for which the diagnosis was clinched by FNAC through endoscopic ultrasound. Celiac block and CBD stenting were a few procedures performed under guidance of endoscopic ultrasound. The talk and the interactive session which followed it were very useful to the gathered audience.

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, pulmonary embolism, dissection of aorta, presence of mass in cardiac chambers to differentiate angina & on angina chest pain, to differentiate MI from early depolarization syndrome, to differentiate suspected liver cirrhosis from the treatable constrictive pericarditis. It also helps detect complications of MI. The session ended with an interactive session with the audience.


Dr.S.Palaniappan spoke on the role & impact of endoscopy amidst investigations like CT & MRI. Radial scope give a picture similar to CT scan while linear scope can be used for intervention & therapy. It also has potential for Doppler addition. Effect of air, bone & fat is negated & a good USG image can be obtained. In vivo histology sections of the GIT can be obtained by an endoscopic ultrasound.


SAF guest lectur e on “Endovascular Jour ney”. A Guest talk was conducted on 30.09.10 by Scientific and Academic Forum and Dept of Medicine , MGMC & RI. The speaker was Dr.A.L.Periakarrupan MD,DM Consultant, , Interventional Radiologist, Apollo Specialty Hospital, Madurai and he spoke on the topic “Endovascular Journey”.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Pathologists Academic Meeting on 17.04.10. About 40 faculties and Postgraduate students from differentcolleges in Pondicherry state attended this meeting. The main agenda of this meeting was Histopathology Slide Seminar.Seven interesting histopathology slides contributed bydifferent Medical Institutes were discussed in this Slide Seminar.

Endovascular journey are the procedures done through percutaneous vacular access to treat variety of vascular abnormalities from head to foot. Patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage due to aneurysm or AVM can be treated with coiling and onyx embolization. Stroke in an acute setting can be thrombolysed intra arterially after the intravenous window period to decrease morbidity. Recurrent stroke due to carotid stenosis can be treated by angioplasty and stenting. Massive hemoptysis due to pulmonary turberculosis can treat by bronchial artery embolization or pulmonary artery coiling in case of Rasmussen aneurym as a big alternative to lobectomy. Pseudoaneurysms due to iatrogenic or secondary to trauma can be treated by coiling rather than re opening the abdomen with adhesions.

stenting. Below knee angioplasty can be done in diabetic patients for healing of diabetic ulcers and skin grafts. IVC filter can be placed for patients with progressing deep vein thrombosis or patients who cannot be placed on anticoagulants. Endovascular procedures are big alternatives to vascular neurosurgery and other vascular surgeries. In other systems it is a method of avoiding one more surgery or decrease blood loss or improve blood circulation in obstructed vessels. The talk and the interactive session which followed it were very useful to the elite audience. Pondich er r y State Level Pathologists Academ ic Meeting Department Of Pathology organized a Pondicherry State Level

The welcome address of this function was given by Dr.Dhananjay S.Kotasthane, Prof and HOD, Department Of Pathology.

The proceedings were conducted by Dr.Pradeep Kumar N.S., Associate Prof, Department Of Pathology and the Faculties and PGS of different Medical Institutes presented their histopathology cases. Our histopathology case was presented by Dr.Reecha Singh, Asst Professor. The meeting was concluded with vote of thanks, which was delivered by Dr.Reecha Singh.

Post partal hemorrhage can be managed by uterine artery embolization preventing hysterectomy at young age. Uterine artery embolization can be done for uterine fibroids presenting with menorrhagia in young patients to prevent early osteoporosis due to hysterectomy. Peripheral vascular disease presenting with claudication and ulcers can be treated by angioplasty and MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC


2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

IN PURSUIT OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE SCI ENT IF IC P U BL ICAT IO NS Gupt a G, Singh R, Kotasthane DS, Kotasthane VD, Kumar S. Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis in a male child with renal vein thrombus extending i nto the i nferior vena ca va: a Case Report. BMC Pediatrics. 2010;10:47. Kumar S, P ajani vel R, Joseph NM, Umadevi S, Hanifah M, Si ngh R. Pulmonary nocardiosis presenting as bilateral pneumonia in an immunocompet ent patient – An unusual host response. The Internet Journal of Microbiology. 2010;9:19.

Dr.Geetanjali Gupta, Dr.Reecha Singh, Dr.P radeep Kumar, Dr.Dhananjay S.Kot asthane P rimiti ve neuroectodermal of the ki dney i n a young female patient: A ca se report. The Internet Journal of pathology: 2010;Vol 10: No. 2 Dr.Geetanjali Gupta, Dr.Reecha Singh, D r.Dhana njay S.Kotasthane, Dr.Vaishali D.Kot asthane Myelodysplastic syndromes/neoplasms: Recent classification system based on W orld Health Organisation classification of tumours – i nternational agency for research on cancer for haematopoei tic and lymphoi d tissues. Journal of Blood Medicine 2010:1 171182 Dr.Geetanj ali Gupta, D r.Reecha Singh, Dr.Dhananjay S.Kotasthane, Dr.Vaishali D.Kotasthane, D r.Shailesh Kumar.Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis i n a male child with re nal vein thrombus exte nding int o the inferior vena cava: A case report . BMC Paediatrics 2010,10:47

Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2010 : Vol 14: No1 Lahon K , Baira gi KK, Cha turvedi RK. Et hics i n cl inica l re se arch: sho ul d guide line s be uni ve rsa ll y repl aced by l aws? Medico-legal Update Jul-Dec 2010, V ol 10, No 2 Dr. Patil Rajkumar. “Taboos and misconcepti ons about food during pregnancy among rural population of P ondi cherry”. Cal icut Medical Journal 8(2): August, 2010 Dr. Partha Nandi: “P erception of Menstrual H ygiene and Practices in Adolescent Girls”. Indian Medical Gazett e (ISS N-0019-5863), August, 2010 . O F F ICI ATI ON AS CH AI RP ERS ON I N A CADE MIC S / SCI ENT IF IC E VENT S Prof. Sudha Rao, Head, Department of Anatomy and P rof. Anbalagan. J, chaired the sci enti fic sessions on Cl inical Anatomy and Medical Education and Museum Technique Sessions respectively at the rd 33 Annual Conference of A ssociation of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institut e of Medical Sci ences & Research Ce ntre, Maduranthagam District, held between 25.09.10 and 26.09.10. Dr. S. Ambuj am, P rofessor & Head of the Department, D epartment of Dermatology, V enereology & Leprology, chaired a session in the 1 st

International Congress on Hair “Hair Indi a 2010” from 3r dt o 5th September, 2010. She was also the judge of Best paper award- case report category in the S outh zone Dermat ology 2010 conference, held at Mysore between 13.08.10 and 15.08.10. Dr. S iva Reddy B, P rofessor, D epartment of Forensic Medicine , chaired a Scientific session at the 7 th A nnual conference – SIMLA 2010 held at N RI Medi cal College, Chi nnaka kani, G untur (Dt), Andhra P radesh, held between 17.09.2010 and 19.09.2010. Dr Krishnagopal , Associ ate P rofessor and Consultant Arthroscopic S urgeon, D epartment of Ort hopaedics chaired a Scient ific Session, “Nailing V s P lating of Proximal Ti bia Fractures” at the 9 th Annual Conference of O rthopaedic Associ ation of S outh Indi an St ates held at Chennai between 28.08.10 and 29.08.10. Dr. S. Robinson smile, P rofessor and Head, Department of G eneral Surgery moderated a session at a CME in Head & N eck Cancer Conducted by “Regional Cancer Cent re”, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 31.08.10. Dr. N. Ananthakri shnan, P rofessor of Surgery moderated a sessi on in a CME on “Early and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer” conducted by t he Regional Ca ncer Centre, JIP MER, P ondicherry on 8.8.10 for the Topic: S urgical Management of Breast Cancer.

Dr. Geetanjali Gupta, Dr.Dhananjay S.Kota sthane , Dr.Vaishali D. Kotasthane. Hysterectomy: A Cl inico-Pathological Correlation Of 500 Cases The Internet



2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. N. Ananthakrishna n, Professor of Surgery, attended the National conference of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology at Hyderabad in September, 2010 and chaired two sessions including the best paper award session. Dr. N. Ananthakrishna n, Professor of Surgery attended the Annual Confere nce of the International Hepato – Biliary Pancreatic Association – Indian Chapter” as an invitee and chaired two Scientific sessions including the best paper award session. AWARDS IN ACADE MI CS /SCI ENT IFIC E VE NTS

presented in the year 2009 titled “Histomorphometric study on D uctus Arteriosus”. Mrs.A.N.Uma, Assista nt Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titled “Chromosomal breakage syndrome –case reports of two patients ” at the 33 rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu at Karpaga V ina yaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Maduranthagam District, held betwee n 25.09.10 & 26.09.10 and was awarded the best paper in the category of Embryology & Genetics. She also received the M.M. Cooper award for the best paper presented in the year 2009

Dr.Sivashanmugam, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, was awarded common wealth fellowship awards at Leeds General Infirmary, UK. He will be doing training and research on use of ultrasound in anesthesiology and critical care. Mrs. Mary Hydrina D’silva, Assistant Professor, Departme nt of Anatomy, presented a paper titled Renal agenesis – “A case report” at the 33 rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Science s & Research Centre, Madurantha gam District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10.


She also received the M.M. award for the best paper


titled “A Fe male phenotype in a Male Karyotype”. Dr. N.Mugunthan, Assista nt Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titled “Variations of left Hepatic Artery” at the 33 rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Maduranthaga m District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10 and was awarded the best paper in the category of Gross Anatomy. He also received the Cooper award for the best presented in the year 2009 “Anatomical variations of artery”.


Dr. D.Devi Jansirani, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titled “Ossified pterygospinous ligaments in human skull” at the 33 rd A nnual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Maduranthagam District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10 and was awarded the best paper in the category of Osteology. Dr. G.Vinay, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titl ed “Sex determination of human mandible using bigonal breadth, bicondylar breadth and mandibular angle” at the 33r d Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil N adu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Maduranthagam District, held on betwee n 25.09.10 & 26.09.10. Dr. Rijied T hompson Swer, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, received the Dr. Jeyavelu Memorial award for the best paper presented in the year 2009 titl ed “DNA Damage in congenital malformation in children below 5-years” at the

M.M. paper titled Cystic

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

33 rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Ta mil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Madurantha gam District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10. R.Rajesh, Tutor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titled “An accessory slip of abductor digiti minimi arising from anti-brachial fasc ia and it’s clinical significance”- a case report at the 33rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Maduranthagam District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10 and was awarded as the best paper in the category of Gross Anatomy. Mrs.A.N. Uma, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, participated in the Poster competition titled “Mitotic Non disjunction in a unilateral renal agene sis fetus” at the 33 rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Ta mil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Madurantha gam District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10 and was awarded as the best poster. SCI ENT IFIC PRE SE NTAT IONS Dr. P. K. Siva, Assistant professor in the Department of

at Stockholm, Sweden 23.11.2010 and 26.11.2010

betwee n

Dr. Ravishankar M, Professor & HOD Anaesthesiology & Critical Care was invited to Balaji Anaesthesia Postgraduate Update (BAPU) held at Tirupathi on 04.09.10 & 05.09.10. He spoke on “Low Flow Anaesthesia”. Dr. T Sivashanmugam, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology delivered his talk on “Update on ARDS” at Karnataka ISA State conference (KISACON-2010) in August 2010. Dr. Ravishankar M was invited to Annual State Conference of Andhra Pradesh (ISA APCON - 2010) between 17.09.10 &19.09.10. He delivered the talk on “An Insight into the Vapourizers”. Dr. Debendra Kumar Tripathy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care, MGMCRI delivered a talk on “Ultrasound guided Regional Anaesthesia – A Practical Approach”. The Conference was conducted by Indian society of Anaesthesiologists (ISA), Puducherry on 12.09.10. Dr. Ravishankar M, Professor & HOD Anaesthesiology delivered his lecture on First Annual State conference, Puducherry chapter (Indian

Society of Anaesthesiologist, Puducherry, PONCON 2010). His talk was on “Organizing New Operating Theatre Facility”. Dr. Siva reddy. B, Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, presented a scientific paper titled “Casualty services – Medico legal Aspects” at the 7 th Annual confere nce – SIMLA 2010 held at NRI Medical College, Chinnakakani, Guntur (Dt), Andhra Pradesh, between 17.09.10 and 19.09.10. Dr .Srirangaraj S, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology attended and presented a paper titled,

‘Total lymphocyte count as surrogate for CD4 counts after HAART initiation – a study from Mysore India’ at the International Conference On Opportunistic Pathogens (ICOPA – India 2010) at AIIMS, Ne w Delhi held between 28.09.10 and 30.09.10.

Medicine attended the conference EASD-2010- European Association For Study Of Diabetes held



2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. T.Tirou Aroul. Professor, Department of G eneral Surgery presented a paper titled “Role of Radiation therapy in Early and Locally Advanced Breast Cancer ” at the CME in “Early & locally advanced Breast cancer” Conducted by “Regional Cancer Centre”, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 08.08.10. Dr. S. Robinson smile, Professor and H ead, Department of General Surgery presented a paper titled “Surgical Management of locally Advanced Breast Cancer” at the “CME in “Early & locally advanced Breast cancer” Conducted by”Re gional Cancer Centre”, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 08.08.10. Dr.M.Ashok K umar, Associate Professor Ophthalmology, presented a scientific paper titled “A Randomised Comparative Study To Grid Laser And Sub-Treshold Micro-Pulse Diode Laser In The Treatment Of Diabetic Maculopathy” on 02.08.2010 at the 58 th annual conference of Tamilnadu Ophthalmic Conference at Salem. Dr. N. Anantha krishnan Professor , D epartment of General Surgery presented a paper titled “Surgical Management of Early Breast Cancer at the “CME in “Early & locally advanced Breast cancer” Conducted by”Regional Cancer Centre”, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 08.08.10. Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Professor of Surgery delivered a talk on, ”What to do if the colon does not reach the neck while performing an Esophagocoloplasty in the CME program during the National conference of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology at Hyde rabad in September, 2010 Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, Professor of Paediatric Surgery, th attended the 10 Annual Conference of MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

Tamilnadu and Pondicherry A ssociation of Paediatric surgeons, at Che nnai from 23-07-2010 to 25-07-2010. She present three papers titled, Xanthogranulamatous pyelanephritis in a child with multiple ureteric calculi - A case report,An unusual case of acquired Tracheo – esophageal fistula in an adult and Congenital right intrathoracic stomach secondary to hiatus hernia in an infant.

PART ICI PATI ON I N ACA DEM ICS / SCI ENT IFIC EVE NTS Dr Veerappan , Associate Professor and Consultant Spine and Joint Replacement Surgeon, D epartment of Orthopaedics attended a cadaveric workshop on ‘Total Hip and Knee Replace ment’ at Bangkok (Thailand) on 28.08.10 and 29.08.10. Dr. S. Ambujam, Prof. & Head of the Department, Dept. of Dermatology, V enereology & Leprology, participated in the 1 st International Congress on Hair “H air India 2010” at Mahabalipuram between 03.09.10 and 05.09.10. Mrs. Mary Hydrina Dsilva, Mrs.A.N.Uma, Dr.N.Mugunthan, Dr.D.Devi Jansi Rani, Dr.Rijied Thompson Swer, D r. G. V inay,Asst. Professors and Mr.Rajesh, Tutor, Department of Anatomy participated in a “N ational workshop on wax coating Technique” at, Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai held on 24.07.10. Dr.N.Mugunthan, Dr.D. Devi Jansirani, Asst.Professors, D epartment of Anatomy participated in the CME program on “National CME on digital medical education”, at, Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai held on 14.08.10. Dr. S. Murugesan, Consultant Neurologist, Department of N eurology


attended the 18 th Annual Conference of Indian Academy of Neurology at Trichy between 24.09.10 and 26.09.10. Dr.Seetesh Ghose, Professor and Head of Obstetrics and G ynecology, attended the “Endoscopy Workshop” on 04.08.10 at the 10 th International Conference at The institute of reproductive Medicine and women’s health, MMM, Chennai. Dr.Sendhil Coumary, Assoc. Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology attended the D.K.Tank Memorial Conference from 17.09.10 to 19.09.10 organized by Aseo-Ocea nic Federation of Obstetrics a nd Gynecology FOG SI and Mumba i Obstetrics and Gynecology society at Mumbai. Dr.Sunitha Samal, D r.P.Pallavee and Dr.A.K.Chitra A ssistant Professors of Department of O bstetrics and Gynecology attended 12 th South Asian Regional Conference O n Clinical Ultrasonography In Practice at Chenna i from 24.09.10 to 26.09.10 organized by MEDISCAN . Dr. Swathi. N, Dr.Rajalakshmi, A ssistant Professor and Dr.Nagarajan, Senior Resident, attended the annual conference of Intraocular Implant A nd Refractive Society Of India on 10.07.2010 & 11.07.2010 at Chennai. Dr. R.Pandurangan , Professor & HOD, Dept of Ophthalmology , D r.M.Ashok Kumar& Dr.K.Srika nth, A ssociate Professors ,Dr. Swathi.N, A ssistant Professor, attended the annual conference of Tamilnadu O phthalmology Association at Salem between 31-07-2010 and 02-08-2010. Dr Krishnagopal , Associate Professor and Consultant Arthroscopic Surgeon, Department of Orthopedics attended Indian Arthroscopic Society Conference held at Chennai on 25.09.10 and 26.09.10.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr Surendra Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, attended the conference and the pre conference ‘Post Graduate Teaching Course’ held at Sri Ramchandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai on 27.8.10 under the aegis of OASISCON. Dr Surendra Kumar and Dr Abhishek , Assistant Professors ,department of Orthopaedics, attended Ganga Operative Trauma Course held at Ganga Hospital ,Coimbatore, from 23.09.10 to 26.09.10. Dr.Dhananjay S.Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Department Of Pathology attended Annual Conference of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu Chapter of Indian associations of Pathologists and Microbiologists at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 13.08.10 &14.08.10. Dr.Vaishali D.Kotasthane, Tutor, Department Of Pathology underwent a training in blood component separation for one week between 26.07.10 and 31.07.10 along with technicians in blood bank at Department of blood transfusion at Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai. Dr. T.Tirou Aroul, Professor, Department of General Surgery attended a CME in Head & Neck Cancer “Regional Cancer Centre”, JIPMER, Pondicherry on 31.08.10.

organized by Ethicon Institute Surgical Education in July, 2010.


Dr.K.V.Rajan and Dr.R.Kannan, Asst. Prof., Department of Surgery attended a workshop on the “Laproscopic Inguinal Hernia Workshop” organized by Stanley Medical College in Chennai on 28.09.10. Dr. Surender Menon, Head, Department of TBCD, attended the conference ‘Visiting Professor to Govt Medical College’ at Calicut held on 14.08.10 and 15.08.10. Prof. Surendra Menon, Head, Dr. R. Pajanivel, Department of TBCD , attended a guest Lecture titled, “Management of Malignancy in older age group” at Pondicherry Chest Society, Puducherry on 26.09.10. Prof. Surendra Menon, Head, Department of TBCD, attended a guest Lecture on New trends in Management of Interstitial Lung Disease at Govt Medical college at Kottyam held on 19.09.10. MISC EL LANY Dr. R.Pandurangan , Professor & HOD, Department of Ophthalmology took over as President of The Tamilnadu Ophthalmology Association at Salem on 31st July 2010.

Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan , Professor of Surgery ,was appointed as the chairmen of the postgraduate committee of the Medical Council of India by the new Board of Governors of the MCI. Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Professor of Surgery, was felicitated and awarded a medallion by the IASG in Hyderabad in September, 2010 during the National Conference of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology for contribution to the field of surgical gastroenterology in India and for establishment of the specialty of Surgical Gastroenterology in India as one of the founder members. Dr.M.Ashok Kumar& Dr.K.Srikanth, Associate Professors in the Dept. of Ophthalmology conducted an Instruction Course on “Small Incision Cataract Surgery- A Step By Step Approach” at the 58 th annual conference Of Tamilnadu Ophthalmic Conference at Salem on 31st July 2010. Or ien tation Pr ogr am for I MBBS students The third batch of 150 first MBBS students joined our institution under Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 09.08.10. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. D.R. Gunasekaran addressed the gathering of students and their parents. ( Con td Page: 17 )

Dr.K.V.Rajan and Dr.R.Kannan, Asst. Prof., Department of Surgery attended a one day workshop on “Laparoscopic Hernia Repair” organized by Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education in 12.07.10 at Chennai. Dr. Sudeepta Kumar Swain, Asst. Prof., Department of Surgery attended hands on training on “Laparoscopic Hernia Repair” at Meenakshi Hospital at Madurai



2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

SCHOLARS IN THE MAKING P G Stu dents’ News Dr. Ashish Singh, Post graduate student of the Dept. of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology participated and presented a paper titled ‘Cytogenetics in Genodermatoses: A Series” in the South Zone Dermatology Conference-2010 held at Mysore between 13.08.10 and 15.08.10. He bagged the Best paper award-case series category.

and Microbiologists at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 13.08.10 and 14.08.10.

Refractive Society Of India on 10.07.2010 & 11.07.2010 at Chennai.

Dr.UshaKannan, Dr.Sundaravadhanam K.V.K, Dr.Sadeesh.T, Dr.Siva Sree Ranga,.M.K and Dr.Meera.K, Post graduate students from the Department of Anatomy participated in a work shop on “National workshop on wax coating Technique” at, Sri Balaji Medical College, Chennai held on 24.07.10.

Dr. Vikram Chellakumar, MS Post graduate, Dr. Sivapriya, diploma postgradguate attended the annual conference of Tamilnadu Ophthalmology Association at Salem between 31-07-10 and 02-08-2010.

Dr. Vishranth SP, Post graduate students of the Dept. of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology, participated in the First International Congress on Hair “Hair India 2010” between 03.09.10 and 05.09.10 at Mahabalipuram. Dr. Ashish Singh & Dr. Vishranth SP Post graduate students of Dept. of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology participated in the “Live Laser Workshop” at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 15.09.10. Dr. Ashish Singh, Post graduate student of the Dept. of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology, participated in the First International Congress on Hair “Hair India 2010” between 03.09.10 and 05.09.10 at Mahabalipuram. He presented an award paper titled ‘Monilethrix: Cytogenetics a probable predictor’. Dr.K.Shanmugasamy, Post graduate student presented a poster titled “Mucormycosis in hard palate-A case report”, at the Annual conference of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu Chapter Of Indian Association Of Pathologists and Microbiologists at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 13.08.10 and 14.08.10. Dr.K.Bhavani, Post graduate student presented a poster titled “Myoepithelioma of parotid gland-A case report”, at the Annual conference of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu Chapter Of Indian Association Of Pathologists MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

Dr.Aditi,Dr.Bhavani,Dr.Geetan jali,Dr.Shameem,Dr.Shamugasamy , Postgraduate students of Department of Pathology attended The Annual Conference of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu Chapter of Indian Associations Of Pathologists And Microbiologists at JIPMER,Pondicherry on 13.08.10 and 14.08.10. Dr. Vikram Chellakumar .Postgraduate ,Dept of Ophthalmology, presented a scientific paper titled “A Randomised Comparative Study To Grid Laser And Sub-Treshold MicroPulse Diode Laser In The Treatment Of Diabetic Maculopathy” on 02.08.2010 at the 58th annual conference of Tamilnadu Ophthalmic Conference at Salem. Dr. Vikram Chellakumar, Post graduate, Dr. Sivapriya, diploma postgradguate attended the annual conference of Intraocular Implant And 14

Dr Muthumanickam, Dr Vamsi K, Dr Aditya , Dr Lionel and Dr Praveen, Post Graduate students, Department of Orthopaedics attended the conference and the pre conference ‘Post Graduate Teaching Course’ held at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur , Chennai on 27.08.10 under the aegis of OASISCON. Dr. Vishranth SP, Post graduate student of the Dept. of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology participated and presented a poster titled ‘Ra rities in Leprosy’ in the South Zone Dermatology Conference2010 held at Mysore between 13.08.10 and 15.08.10.

Dr. K. Abilash, Post Graduate in Surgery and Dr. U. Ram kumar, Post Graduate in Paediatrics attended the 10th Annual Conference of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Association of Paediatric surgeons, at Chennai from 23-07-2010 to 25-07-2010 and presented one paper each on An unusual case of recto urethral fistula in a 11 years old boy – A case report and Salmenellasis mimicking lymphoma – An unusual case, respectively

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Padmavathi S, Dr. Harsha M.Shetty, Dr. Jagan Mohan R,Dr.Jacob Jesurun R.S,Dr. Messaline Sunitha, Dr. Sudar Codi, Dr.Lavakumar S, Pr.Johan Pandian J, Postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology attended a Workshop on ‘Good Clinical Practice in Clinical Trials’ held at JIPMER, Pondicherry by the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, JIPMER in collaboration with PFIZER, Indian on 25.09.10 Dr. Padmavathi s, Dr. Harsha M.Shetty, Dr. Jaga n Mohan R,Dr.messaline Sunitha, Postgraduate students of the Department of Pharmacology attended a workshop on ‘Clinical Research Training’ held by Department of Biotechnology, Govt. Of India, conducted by Sugen life sciences Pvt. Ltd., at Tirupathi, ap between 28.06.10 and 02.07.10. The workshop was held to train future clinical investigatiors in Drug Development and clinical research process. Dr. Rama nan & Dr. Siddharth , Postgra dua te stude nts of Departme nt of TBCD attended the conference “Visiting Professor to Govt Medical College” at Calicut held on 14.08.10 and 15.08.10.

UG Students’ News: Mr.Raj.S. was awarded Dr.M.M. Cooper Merit award for obtaining First Rank in Anatomy in I MBBS course during the year 2009-10 belonging to Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University ,MGMC & RI Puducherry , at the 33rd Annual Conference of Association of Anatomists Tamil Nadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Maduranthagam District, held between 25.09.10 & 26.09.10 .

2010. 28 teams o f three me mbers e ach par ticipated in the Prelimina ry a nd Five Best Teams were selected to pa rticipate in the Final Round The Jeopa rdy style quiz was fierce ly a nd closely contested with na rrow margins re sulting in a tie bre aker for the top prize . T he a udience also participate d e nthusiastically in both c heering and a nswering audience dire cte d questions. T he first Prize wa s won by Dinesh Kumar S., Dilip Chandar D a nd Pra ga thee swarane M., Interns of M GMCRI.

‘Ph i Sci Ann iver sa r y Quiz 2010’ ‘Phi Sci Anniversa ry Quiz 2010’ wa s conducte d by the De pt. of Pharmacology on 5 th and 7 th of July,

Dr. R. Ramanan , Dr. M. Harish ,Dr. Siddharth and Dr. Ragulan Postgra dua te stude nts of Departme nt of TBCD attended a guest Lecture on “New trends in Management of Interstitial Lung Disease” at Govt Medical college at Kottyam held on 19.09.10. Dr. R. Ra manan, Dr. M. Harish, Dr. Siddharth and Dr. Ragulan Postgra dua te stude nts of Departme nt of TBCD attended a guest Lecture titled, “Manage ment of Malignanc y in older age group” at Pondicherry Chest Society, Puduc herry on 26.09.10.



2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

CAMPAIGNS AND COMMEMORATIONS B abu, PS to Chairman for provi ding m anpower and support in m aki ng this nobl e init iation of ‘Go Green’ slogan a dream com e true in the near future.

‘ E ye Dona t ion F or t night ’ Dept of Ophthalm ology and Scientific & Academ ic Forum conducted an awarness programm e on 14.09.10 to celebrat e “EYE DONATION FO RTNIGHT”, at the MRD prem ises. The m em bers of the faculty , Post graduates and CR RI from the Dept of Ophthalm ol ogy spoke to the public and t he patients about the need for Eye Donati on and its im portance. ‘S AF ME DGR EE N INI TIA TIV E’

On the sam e da y a poster competition was conduct ed on the topic: “EYE DO NATION- ILLUMINATE LIVES ”. The them e focused on the im portance and need for eye donation There were a total of 28 posters from 3 categories: C ategory - I : PG ’s & Interns of MGMC RI – 6 students ,Category - II : Under Graduates of MGMCR I – 9 students and Cat egory III: N ursi ng students of KG NC – 13 stude nts . P rofessor Dr.Stephen , HOD, Dept of Microbiology and Mrs Kam alam, P rincipal KGN C were j udges for category I & II. Prof Dr.S.Am bujam , HOD, Dept of Dermat ology and P rof Robinson S mile, HOD, Dept. of General Surgery were judges for category III. R esults were as follows: Category I – 1 st prize - Dr.Yam ini and nd st 2 prize – Dr.D inesh, Cat egory II – 1 nd prize – Manu & G unjan and 2 prize – M.Monica K umbhat, Category III – st nd 1 prize –K.Jayaranjani and 2 prize – Karthi ka Devi . P ri zes were given at the int ernal m onthly m eeting of SAF on 17.09.2010.


Sci entific & Academi c Forum (S AF) organized a tree sapli ng planting at the Girls hostel on 10th Sept 2010 . The P resident of SAF Prof.A.P.Sam bantham ,the Dean of Facul ties P rof.K .T.Thiyagarajan, P rof Robi nson Sm iles .S., HOD, Dept of General Surgery, S AF team and the student comm unit y were the eager participants for the event under the banner “SAF-MEDGR EEN IN ITIATIVE”.

Out of 100 saplings sponsored by Prof R obinson Sm iles .S, 30 saplings were pl anted near the G irl s hostel, MGMCR I C am pus. Dr.Lakshna, Medgreen Captain ,(Intern - Batch 2005) who initiated such an event to m ake the world a greener place to live in took volunteers from the first year MBB S student who activel y plant ed the saplings and promi sed to take care of the plant s for the next five years. The S AF team places on record its sincere thanks to the Managem ent a nd to Mrs.Asha Suresh 16

A request from The SAF-MEDGR EEN t eam…. We all know the world is c overed by more number of concrete j ungle s than it wa s. W e have to take the m oral responsibili ty towards the c reati ons of these jungles, as it was we who destroyed the rainforests. There is no point in blami ng anyone i n particular for it. It is the duty of every human on e arth to prot ect t he only pla net that can sustain li fe form s. The m em bers of S cienti fic and Acade mic F orum and student comm unity ‘ M ED GREEN ’, the children of mother Earth have taken a sm all initiative to protect our dear m om by planti ng at M GMC & RI Ca mpus around 30 saplings as of now - a drop's equival ent but we believe t hat ‘ Tiny Drops Make a n Ocean’.

W e go with the motto "Go green", and a lso go wi th what Wangari Maathai , the N obel Peace prize winner for her c ontribution to sustainable ecological a nd environmental development said, “The environm ent is very im portant in t he aspects of Peace because when we destroy our resources, they become scarce and we fight over them". The S AF-MEDGR EEN places its hum ble request to everyone to plant one or m ore t ree saplings a nd m ake the planet earth a better place to live in.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

‘Mini Lecture Competition’ A ‘Mini Lecture Competition’ in commemoration of Dr. Radhakrishnan’s (former president of India) birthday celebrated nationwide as ‘Teachers Day’, was held by the department of pharmacology for undergraduate students and CRRI’s on 3rd September, 2010.

An Essay competition on this year’s theme “Breast feeding – Just 10 steps- The Baby Friendly Way” was held for the MBBS students. A poster competition on the same theme was also conducted for the Nursing college students. Many students participated enthusiastically, in both the competitions. The PG students in our Pediatric department presented a Symposium; the importance of breast milk, the physiology of lactation, common problems in breast feeding and their management were some of the topics discussed.

Orientation Program for I MBBS students A formal inauguration was held following which Orientation program for the newly joined students was conducted to familiarize them with the first years subjects and teachers , their responsibilities as a student and as the future doctors of the society. The Chronicle wishes them a warm welcome and success in all their future endeavors.

Counseling on the various aspects of breast feeding was done for the mothers in the Post-natal wards and Ante-natal clinics of our Hospital and in the rural health centers.

The competition witnessed enthusiastic participation and impressive performances adjudged by a panel of six senior and experienced professors. Three top awards were given away at the MGMCRI’s Scientific and Academic Forum. BREAST FEEDING CELEBRATIONS 01-08-10 TO 07-08-10 Every year, the first week of August is observed as Breast feeding week, all over the World; Department of Pediatrics have celebrated the same this year, for the tenth time, since the inception of this college.


Department of Paediatrics and Scientific and Academic Forum of our Institute, jointly organized the valedictory function & Prize distribution on Friday, 6th August 10. On the same occasion, Dr. Vishnu Bhat, Director-Professor, Department of Paediatrics, JIPMER, gave a lecture on “Breast feeding & Complementary feeding”. After explaining the meaning of this year’s Breast feeding week theme, he highlighted the various advantages of human breast milk and stressed the importance of exclusive breast feeding. He also discussed the scientific aspects of the weaning and infant feeding. The function was attended by many faculties, students and Staff nurses.


2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS 2010 The 64th Independence Day was celebrated with gaiety on 15.08.2010 at MGMCRI Campus. The program started with the singing of patriotic songs by the students. Prof A.P.Sambanthan, Medical Superintendent, MGMCRI, hoisted our Nation’s Tricolor flag. The students sang the National Anthem with respect and fervor. The Management issued certificate of commendation, to the following faculty and staff members of MGMC&RI, IGIDS and KGNC, in appreciation of the services rendered. The Medical Superintendent ,Prof A.P.Sambanthan, MGMC&RI gave away the certificates. The recipients are Dr. Joshy M. Easow , Mrs.. Mary Hydrina D’Silva,Dr. Sunita Samal,Dr. Sudeepta Kumar Swain ,Dr. Siva shanmugam ,Dr. Reena Rajan,Mrs. Joy.J ,Dr. Vezhavendan ,Mrs. Ashalatha ,Mrs. Deonisia Philip,Ms. R.Suriya , Ms.R.Sandira ,Ms. R. Komala, Ms. I. Sundari ,Ms. K. Bhuvaneswari,Ms. D. Jothi ,Ms. Jasi Caroline, Ms. Margret Philomina ,.Ms. Managalakshmi M. ,Ms. Shanthi Sitrasou, Mr.Srinivasan ,Ms. B. Amounda ,Mr. U. Shankar ,Ms. Vanitha ,Mr. Thanigavelu ,Mr. Antoine Dass Savoul S.,Ms. Uma Mageshwari M.,Ms. Sharmila D. ,Mrs. KanchanaK., Ms. Uma Devi R., Mr. R. Siva Kumar ,Mr. B. Balachander,Mr. Karthikeyan S. ,Mr. R. Krishnaraj ,Mr. Padma Kumar S., Mr. A. Vijay ,Mr. M. Abdul Azis, Mr. Leslie Premanand A., Mr. Elumalai , Mr.Vijayan ,Mr. Dhanasekaran ,Mr. Iyyanar, Ms. M. Sasikala, Mr. V. Sakthidasan, Mrs. Jayamani, Ms. P. Valli, Ms. K. Bhavani ,Ms. Meenatchi , Mr.


Saravanan M. ,Mr. Murali, Mrs.Velvizhi G., Mr. Jayabalan E.,& Mr. Balaraman A. Inter-Collegiate Sports 2010 Spandan 2010 was organized by JIPMER between 31st August and 4th September. Our team of spirited sportsmen, bagged the 2nd place in the Football, 2nd place in the Table Tennis . Mr.Vigneswaran Vinoth of 2008 MBBS batch was awarded as Best Football Player in this National Level Tournament held between Medical Colleges only. Inter – Collegiate Quiz competition SURGENIUS- 2010.

Dr. Dinesh kumar S, Dr. Dilip ChandarS, and Dr. Pragatheeswarane.M , Interns of 2005 Batch took part in the SURGENIUS- 2010, conducted by The Aarupadai Veedu Medical College, Pondicherry on 06.08.10. They won the first place and awarded a cash prize and a trophy. Surgenius is an Annual Intercollegiate Surgery Quiz Competition and this year 51 team from various medical colleges from TamilNadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry participated and MGMC & RI team won with a big margin. Hearty Congratulationsto the MGMC & RI team.


2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

THE DAWN OF NEW CHAPTERS APPOINTMENTS & PROMOTIONS We tak e p ride in welcoming the following facult y member s who joined th e fr atern ity of MGMC&RI du ring the thir d q uar ter of 2010

APPOINTMENTS Dr. Pragnesh P Parmar Assistant Professor of Forensic Medicine (01.07.2010) Dr. Rajkumar Patil Associate Professor of Community Medicine (01.07.2010) Dr. A.V. Prabhakaran Assistant Professor of Radiology (05.07.2010) Dr. Merin Iype Assistant Professor of Physiology (12.07.2010) Dr. Senthil Coumary .A Associate Professor of OBGY (16.07.2010) Dr.Niranjan .G Assistant Professor of Bio – Chemistry (21.07.2010) Dr. Gurunandan .U Assistant Professor of General Surgery (23.07.2010) Dr. Gayathri .H Assistant Professor of ENT (28.07.2010) Dr. Radha Sarawagi Gupta Associate Professor of Radiology (05.08.2010) Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta Assistant Professor of Community Medicine (05.08.2010) Dr. Anita Selvakumari Jayasurya Assistant Professor of Microbiology (11.08.2010)


Dr. T.V. Murali Krishna Assistant Professor of General Medicine (14.08.2010)

Dr. Patel Dhavalkumar Jivanlal Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine (17.08.2010) Dr. Zeenat Patavegar Assistant Professor of Pathology (31.08.2010) Dr. Mahendra B Gandhe Assistant Professor of Bio – Chemistry (01.09.2010) Dr. Kartik J Salwe Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (01.09.2010) Dr. M. Kalirattiname Assistant Professor of General Medicine (13.09.2010)

Dr. S. Srikanth, Associate Professor of Dermatology, has been promoted to the rank of Professor, with effect from 01.08.2010. Dr. Kingshuk Lahon, Assistant Professor of Pharmacology, has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, with effect from 04.09.2010. Dr. K. Jaiganesh, Assistant Professor of Physiology, has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, with effect from 06.09.2010. We congratulate these faculty member s on their p romotion. P rof. DR. B. SIVA REDDY

Dr. S. Pramodhini Assistant Professor of Microbiology (20.09.2010) Dr. Sunitha .V.C Assistant Professor of Radiology (20.09.2010) Dr. Babu Elangovan Assistant Professor of Surgery (Gastro Enterology) (25.09.2010) The ch ronicle accor ds a war m welcome to all the facult y memb er s.

PROMOTIONS Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Associate Professor of Paediatric Surgery, has been promoted to the rank of Professor,with effect from 15.07.2010. Dr. Dharmvir Ranjan Bharati, Assistant Professor, has been promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, with effect from 21.07.2010.


Dr. B. Siva Reddy graduated from Kurnool Government Medical College and MD Forensic Medicine from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Belgaum. He worked as Casualty Medical Officer in Nigeria for 8 years before returning to India and joined as a Tutor in Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai in 1990. He worked in various capacities in the department of Forensic Medicine at Rajah Mutthiah Medical College, Annamalai University and retired as Professor & Head in June 2010 .

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

He joine d our institution as Professor of Forensic Medicine on 02.07.2010.


He is an active member of various organizations of Forensic Medicine like IAFM, SIMLA, K AMLS & IMA and a co-ordinator in Health Sciences courses of Medico Legal practice in Annamalai University. The chronicle accords a warm welcome to Prof. Dr. B. Siva reddy


Prof. Dr. R. Nandakumar graduated from Coimbatore Medical College, did D.Ortho at Kilpauk Medical College where he started the first 24hrs Fracture Clinic in 1980. He finished his MS Ortho from Kilpauk Medical College, during the year 1987 – 1990. He has worked in Central Institute of Orthopaedics at Safdarjang Hospital New Delhi, Ne yveli Lignite Corporation Hospital , Assistant Professor at RMMCH, A nnamalai University and at AVM C&H as an Associate Professor. He joine d our institution as Professor of Orthopaedics on 08.09.2010. His fields of interest are Polytrauma, Orthoplasty, Paediatrics Orthopaedics. He has been executive committee member TNO A for 3 yrs and a President of Cholamandalam Ortho Club for 2 years.


Born on 13-3-1941 Expired on 22-6-2010 Born in a middle class family, Shri.V. Govindaraj finished his School final and studied Stenography. He joined JIPMER service in 1961 and retired in March 1997. Having worked in various capacities at JIPMER, he retired as a Senior Personnel Assistant (Gazetted rank) to the Dea n . He joined MGMC&RI in July 2001, as Secretary to the Dean. His valuable services for the MCI, U GC and other statutory authorities inspections for the approval, accreditation etc., are exemplary and records immortal. His works, contributions, devotion to duty were always in high order and appreciated by our Chairman. His loss is irreparable and not replaceable by anyone.

“H e is a fixed example for a working element. Thou gh he has left us, still we follow the rules and regu lation s framed by him, official documents drafted by him and qu otation s used by him in va riou s letters add ressed to the higher authorities. Not a single day has passed withou t speaking abou t him or withou t bringing any memory about him. So as to say, still he lives with us”. – H ear tfelt messa ge fr om the Vice chancellor ,P rof.D.R Gunasekara n. 20

RESEARCH ACTIVITIE S & ITS PROTOCOL SH O RT TE RM ST UDE NTSHI P (STS ) – ICM R Pr ojects, Yea r 2010 Six undergraduate students of MGMCRI figured among the select band of students who rec eived the prestigious ICMR STS for the year 2010. The abstracts of their project reports are provided below and bear ample testimony to the scientific temperament, research capabilities and perseverance of our aspiring undergraduate researchers. ABSTRAC TS Title: Problems associated with breastfeeding in the immediate postpartum period Na me of the studen t investiga tor : Ms. BhuvaneswariK.,M.B.B.S(VII semester) Na me of the G uid e: Prof. Soundararajan P., Head, Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI Abstr a ct: T he observational study was primarily undertaken to identify the problems encountered by mothers during breastfeeding in the immediate postpartum period. The focus was on the number of mothers who had been provided antenatal counseling ( ANC ). Commonly encountered problems that have emerged from the study include administration of pre-lacteal feeds and milk substitutes, inadequate ANC, maternal fe ver and breast tenderness in primigra vida. The study provided an insight into the various facets of proper breastfeeding viz., proper A NC of the chosen population, reinforcement and reiteration of the manda tory implementation of ANC (by the nursing personnel) and steps to combat maternal fever, especially common in primigra vida. Though the small sample size could be a limiting fac tor in the present study, it is suggested that the promulgation of e ffective AN C methods in combination with rational IE C tools would go a long wa y in ensuring proper implementation of exclusive breastfeeding.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Ti tle: Ser um m agnesium l evels as a n ind icat or of stat us of D iab etes mell itu s Type 2 Na me of t he st udent in vestiga t or : Mr. Ramadass S ., M.B.B.S. ( V II semester )

Na me of th e G uid e: Prof.Srinivasan A.R Dept. of Biochemistry, MGMCRI Abstr a ct : Patients wit h Type 2 Diabetes melli tus incl uded in t his study were grouped under three categories, based on t he levels of HbA1c ,vi z. Group 1 = 6.5% to 8% ( good control) Group 2 = 8% to 9% ( need intervent ion) and Group 3 = > 9% ( poor control). The prevalence of hypomagnesaemia was 66.7% and 74.3% among pat ients with normal and abnormal FBS. W hile the prevalence of hypomagnesaemia was 44.4% among patient s with normal le vel of PPBS, it was 78% among pat ient s with abnormal P PBS .The prevalence was found to be significantl y higher among those with abnormal PPBS levels. Magnesium levels i n serum are independent of age and sex The serum Ma gnesium levels decline with increasing l evels of HbA1c. Moreover, a strong negative correlati on between the variables on logarithmic scale was observed. Magnesium levels decrease exponentiall y wit h the duration of Type 2 Diabetes mel litus.Thi s study has suggested that hypomagnesemia


could al so be used as an i ndicator of clinical status of Type 2 DM. Moreover, the cost of estimation with regard to magnesium l evels is much less a s compared t o that of HbA1c ( one sixth). This could support the uti lity of magnesium as a sensiti ve, economic and good indicator of t he cl inical status as envisa ged in T ype 2 Diabetes mel litus. Since magnesium levels dwi ndle wi th respect to the duration of Diabet es mell itus Type 2 ( as per the present study), suppl ementation with dietary magnesium could amel iorate t he compli cations of Type 2 DM Tit le: A stud y of th e effects of music on ph ysiologica l mea su r es in hea lt hy subj ect s Na me of t he stud ent investiga tor : Ms. Ayeesha S ithika T, M.B.B.S. ( IX se mester )

Na me of t he G uide: Dr. S iva prakash B, Associate Professor, D ept. of Psychiatry,MGMCRI Abstr a ct : The object ives of the study were aimed at monitori ng the effect of brief exposure to music, anadjuvant t herapy coming under the realms of Complementary and Alternat ive medicine ( CAM ) .The effect of music on anxi ety, heart rate, bl ood pressure, and respiratory rat e was studied. Sixt y healthy undergraduate fina l year medical stude nts participated in the anal ytical, experi mental study (Randomized controlled trial). Subject s of i ntervent ion group (n =


30) l istened to rel axing music for 30 minut es. Subjects of cont rol group (n = 30) rested quietly for 30 minutes. T he measurement of heart rat e, blood pressure, respiratory rat e and al so t he State -Trait Anxi ety Inventory scores were the outcome measures.A 30 minute -period of l istening to relaxing music resulted i n a signifi cant decli ne i n state anxiety, in heal thy subjects (P < 0.05). A 30 minute-period of quiet rest al so resulted i n a signi fi cant decline in state anxiety (P < 0.05). H owever, t he reduction i n anxie ty i nduced by l istening to relaxing music was significantly great er than t hat produced by rest (MannW hitne y U test, Z= -2.12, P = 0.03). S ignificant reductions in heart rat e, systolic BP and respiratory rate were observed after 30 minut es of exposure to music (P < 0.05), though t hese were not significantly different from those produced by quiet rest (Mann-W hi tney U test, P > 0.05). T rait anxiety showed no signi fi cant correlation with the change in state anxiety induced by relaxi ng music (rho = 0.156, P > 0.05) or quiet rest (rho = 0.182, P > 0.05). This study found no significant correlation between cardio-respi ratory paramet ers, and cha nge in state anxiety induced by relaxing music (P > 0.05) or quiet rest (P > 0.05). D ecline i n state anxiet y induced by relaxing music had no signi fi cant correlation with the subject’s musicali ty (rho = -0.163, P = 0.39). H owever, the state anxiety score after 30 minutes of rela xing music showed an inverse correlation wit h t he subject’s musicali ty (rho = 0.445, P = 0.014). No signi fi cant correlation was observed bet wee n cardio-respiratory parameters aft er exposure to relaxing music and the subject’s musicalit y (P > 0.05).

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The findings of this study have implications for the role of music in health promotion a nd disease prevention. The validity of these findings in clinical settings needs to be verified through further research. Title: A case contr ol study of ocu lar pr oblem s r ela ted to lon g ter m computer use Na me of the stud ent investiga tor : Ms. Shanmugapriya R, M.B.B.S. ( IX semester )

Na me of the Guid e: Dr. Ashok kumar M, Associate Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology,MGMCRI Abstr a ct : Ocular problems due to fusion range and tear film abnormalities are known to occur I long term computer users. Computer science based students form a good source to study the effect of computers on the eyes. A case control study between computer science students (group A n=150) and non computer science students (group B n=120) of an engineering college was carried out on the basis of a questionnaire designed for addressing ocular symptoms, duration of computer use, awareness regarding computer related eye problems, angle of gaze, fusion range and Schirmer’s test. Fusion range was better in group B (7.26 cm ) as against group A (8.71 cm). Sc hirmer’s test was better in group B ( 28.35 mm) as against A (13.8 mm). Symptoms related to computer use were more in group A than group B. Angle of ga ze greater than 14 degrees depicted a statistically significant decline in ocular symptoms. Awareness was present in only 73 out of 150 students in group A and correlated MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

with a better angle of gaze. Computer related eye strain can be reduced by creating better awareness among regular computer users.

T itle: Fr equen cy of a cr ocentr ic ( satellite ) a ssocia tion in sm ok er s a nd n on - sm ok er s Nam e of the studen t investiga tor : Mr.Raj S, M.B.B.S.( V seme ster)

T itle: I ntr aocular pr essur e va r iations a fter pup illar y dila tation in d iab etic pa tients Na me of the student investigator : Vijaya Shankar K., M.B.B.S. (VII semester)

Na me of the Guide: Dr.Srikanth KAssociate Professor of Ophthalmology,MGMCRI Ab str act: 50 diabetic patients who had attended our Ophthalmology OPD clinics were included in the study group and 50 non diabetic patients who were referred for fundus examination were included in the control group as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The angle was measured using Shaffer’s grading and IOP before and after dilation was recorded using the Goldmann’s applanation tonometer. Tropicamide was used to dilate the pupil. The observations were tabulated and analysed using ‘Paired t test’.The IOP was found to be significantly raised after pupillary dilation in diabetic patients as compared to the non diabetics and the results correlated very well with the other studies done. Dilation of pupil in diabetics is associated with a moderate rise in IOP as compared to the non diabetic group. These findings suggest that ophthalmologists must be aware of the increased risk of glaucoma while evalua ting diabetic patients.


Nam e of the Gu ide : Ms. Uma.A.N., Assistant Professor,Cytogenetic Division,dept. of Anatomy,MGMCRI Abstr a ct: Cytogenetic assays in peripheral blood lymphocytes were carried out to assess the incidence of satellite associations a mong 12 smokers and 12 nonsmokers of “Embalam “ , a small hamlet in Puducherry. Smokers were divided into three groups based on their smoking index using the International Smoking Index (SI) formula : SI = No. of cigarettes / beedi’s / cigars per day X No. of years the smoker has been smoking.12 smokers were sub stratified into THREE groups based on their smoking index: 4 Smokers ( Group I) - less than 150, 4 Smokers ( Group II ) – 150 to 300, 4 Smokers ( Group III ) - more than 300. The results showed that among the smokers there is a linear increase in the frequency of satellite association with respect to their smoking index as compared to the non smoking control group. The “ODDS” Ratio showed a gradual increase in the satellite association with the increase in smoking index. The ‘t’ test for Satellite Association showed a highly significant difference (p < 0.01) in all the three groups of smokers as compared to their non smoking counterparts. Chromosomal aberrations were observed in smokers of smoking index greater than 300.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



General Surgery is one of the major departments started wit h t he incepti on of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute in t he year 2001. T he department i mparts training for the MBBS undergraduates from the beginning and for the MS postgraduates from the year 2007. Apart from t eaching the students, the major work is provi ding pati ent care i n the out patient department from Monday to Saturday and emergency services 24 hours da y. F a cult y The department consists of a team of competent academicians and surgeons capable of teaching the fine art and sci ence of Surgery. Und er gr a dua t e tr a ini ng The undergraduates are taught by extensive use of audi o-visual aids to reinforce their understanding of the subject. The curriculum followed is as prescribed by the Medical Council of India. Clinical demonstrations and case presentat ions are always done in small groups to reach out to every last student. In addit ion seminars, symposia and integrated teaching are conducted weekly. The students are exposed to operative procedures performed in the theatre by the use of modern AudioVisual t elecast system from t he operating table. This facili ty all ows a two-way interaction bet ween the operati ng t eam and the students to put the mat ter into perspect ive. These are complemented with periodic tests in both theory and clinics as well as a model exa mination in preparation for the Uni versity examinations. Significa nt a chievement s by t he stud ent s Success rate of U G student s in surgery is always greater than 90%. Dr. Rakesh of 2001 batch –University gold medalli st in G eneral Surgery.


Dr. Ram of 2005 batch – University gold medallist in General Surgery. P ostgr adu at e t r ain ing The Institute has been accepting students as a part of the MS postgraduation programme since 2007. Four students are undergoing traini ng in each of the first two batches and the recent batch consists of fi ve students. Teaching programme for the month is planned in adva nce and are conducted in the aft ernoons. It includes lectures, seminars, journal cl ub and clinicals.

Cu r r iculum U pda t e The curriculum for undergraduat es and postgraduates was modified in the year 2009, i n vie w of the emerging t rends, recent advances as well as common surgical problems in this geographic locale. It was redesigned by faculty of surgery under the auspices of Board of Studies

nuances of the subject. The department is comput eri zed for official as wel l as academic work.

Depa r tm ent al L ibr a r y a nd M use um The l ibrary is well equipped with over 150 books in General Surgery and allied specialties .It remains up-todate wit h all recentl y published books. Op er at ivewor k The department i s equipped wi th well furnished operating t heatre. The patients are operated on an elective basis on all working days. The procedures range from hernioplasty through mastectomy, thyroi dect omy to supra- major surgeri es such as abdomino perineal resection and Whipple’s procedure, laparoscopic chol ec ystect omy and appendicectomy and laproscopic ingui nal hernia are performed rout inely

Sem ina r r oom a nd Comp ut er s State-of-the-art ai r- conditioned semi nar room with an LCD projection system aids the students fat hom the 23

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The department also accepts patients from the Casualty 24x7. If any surgical procedure is deemed necessary, it is preformed the same day. En doscopy Suite The endoscopy suite is replete with an upper and lower GI video endoscopes with recording/playback facility. We routinely perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures endoscopically. Large number of patients benefit from this minimally invasive procedure

Best pr actices The department strives its best to uphold the cause of education and training. To further this cause, it engages in certain best practices such as... v Small group teaching and bedside clinics v Integrated teaching for UG students. v Monthly General Clinics for the final year students v Audio visual presentations, E-learning. v Live telecast of operative procedures. v Well supervised PG academic

activities & operative training with immediate assessment by the faculty. v Monthly departmental Audit meetings

OUT REACH SERVICES Con duction of Health Camp s:

Diagnostic procedures include H.pylori testing, issue biopsy, brush cytology. Deployment of stents in inoperable esophageal cancers as well as banding or injection sclerotherapy for bleeding is done

Out-r each Ser vices Our department believes that health care should not only be limited just to the hospital but also to carry it to the community. Our faculty have been involved in this programme and camps (governmental and nongovernmental) are conducted every fortnight in the neighbouring villages. Patients who are in need of further care are treated back at our hospital. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC

According to the rural health care system of India, the sub-centre is the most peripheral and first contact point between the primary health care system and the community which provides basic drugs for minor ailment needed for taking care of essential health need for men, women and children. The Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is providing 100% central assistance to all the sub-centers in the country since April, 2002 in the form of salary of ANMs & LHV, Rent & contingency in addition to drugs and equipment kits. Still it is hard to believe that the most unreached in the periphery are being benefitted with unbiased, rational and sincere health care deliveries. MGMC & RI, since its inception has always tried to provide with an equitable distribution of health care to all the population and people under its jurisdiction to make the MOST of what is called as “HEALTH FOR ALL” by conducting various health camps in and around Pondicherry . On 16.09.10, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with other departments of MGMC & RI, viz., OBGY,Pediatrics, 24

Ortho, ENT, Medicine, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Dermatology and Dental has conducted a successful multi-specialty health camp at Thirubuvanai, in Pondicherry District. A total of 601 patients were benefitted while the department of General Medicine Scoring highest with 213 No. of OPD patients. The camp was very responsive and fruitful under the leadership’s of Dr. D. R. Bharati and supervision of Dr.R. Patil & Dr.S.K.Gupta. The management of Rane (Madras) Ltd. Thirubuvanai participated actively in organizing the camp, providing vehicle for transport for rural people in Co-ordination with rural people in Co-ordination with the management of MGMC & RI. OPD consultation, Lab Examination, Treatment, referral services and IEC on various health aspects were all provided by MGMC & RI. On 01.08.10 (Sunday) a health camp was conducted in S.O.S Village as per request by the village Director, and approval by Dean, MGMC & RI. The health camp turned out to be very successful one as all the Children (150 in number) and all the appointed mother of the

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

children (10 in number), total 160 patient, attended the OPD for health check-up.

About 62 patients were referred to the various department (mostly in the department of ENT & Dermatology) for further evaluation and treatment. The health ca mp was supervised by Dr.Partha Nandi (Asst. Prof.), with other team of Doctors the Post-Graduate students of the department of Community Medicine namely Dr. Sudarshan, B.P, Dr. Ranagaraj.P, Dr. Prabakaran.M. & Dr. Prasad. T M ass aw ar eness Ca mpa igns. On 01.08.10 a health awareness programme was conducted by the department of community M edicine in SOS Children village. About 170 children and appointed mothers of the village along with other staff got benefitted. The Topic of awareness given were on “Personal Hygiene” and “oral hygiene”. The audience were very responsive and interactive making the program a very successful one.

field for the under-graduate MBBS students as per norms.

O PD UHTC, Ariyankuppa m 72 patients the beneficiaries.

During the month of July to September, 2010 a total of 5617 patient got health care service from the OPD of UH TC, Ariyankuppam, while 5346 persons had reported at the OPD of RHTC, Seliamedu to get basic curative and preventive services. basic curative and preventive services.

On 2 nd of August, 2010 a talk on “A lcohol and Liver Diseases” was delivered in the community of Seliamedu by a P.G student under the guidance of an Assista nt Prof, 162 people were beneficiaries.

Several public awareness talks have been organized at the OPDs of the health centers a nd in the schools under the filed practice areas of MGMC & RI. Most of the patients attending OPD, School Children and teachers could gain useful health informations. In this regard the Asst.Prof, the Medical Officer, Post-Graduate students of the Department of Community Medicine and ANM delivere d talks on 12.7.2010 regarding “Nutrition and Prevention of Diseases” at K. V. G ovt. Higher Secondary School, where about 220 students were beneficiaries.

T he urban (Ariyankuppam) and Rural (Seliamedu) health centres of MGMC & RI are actively providing preventive, promotive a nd basic curative care & services ever since inception, under the department of community medicine. Besides these several other academic activities are also being carried out for practical teaching in the


On 23 rd of August, 2010 a talk on Malaria, Filaria and Dengue was delivered at Govt. Primary School, K .Palayam. About 150 students a nd their teachers were the beneficiaries. A talk on “Water Born D iseases a nd its Prevention” was delivered by the Medical Officer in the U HTC, Ariyankuppam OPD, around 69 patients were beneficiaries.

On 07.07.10 Malaria awareness month celebration was conducted at PHC,Kirumampakkam. Dr.Prabakaran (PG) gave a health talk on “Malaria prevention and control”.Around 120 villagers participated in the event. Activities in the H ealth Cen tr es

Yet another talk on “Vector Born Diseases” was delivered by a P.G students in the OPD of RHTC, Seliamedu on 19.08.2010, 83 patients were the beneficiaries.

A TB awareness programme wa s conducted at the Health Sub-Centre, Mathi Krishnapura m by P.G Students D r.Kanagarajan, with the help of N GO “CRO SS” and PHC, Kiruma mpakkam staff. 36 people were the beneficiaries.

A “Well Baby Show” 2010 was conducted on 19.07.10 at PHC, Kirumampakkam. D r.Prabakaran (PG Student) and Interns participated actively. Health education about child health was given to mothers to make babies healthy. Prizes were distributed to the 3 healthy infants. On 22.7.2010 a talk on “Water Born D iseases” was delivered by the Medical Officer and a P.G student in the 25

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

SHRI SATHYA SAI MEDICAL COLLEGE APPOINTMENTS The following faculty joined Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute during the third quarter of 2010: Prof. V.T. Ramakrishnan, Professor, Department of Paediatrics Dr Veerendra Kumar Arumazza, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry. Dr.MD. Khader Faheem , Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology. Dr. P. Karunasree, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology. , Dr. Jampala Srinivasan, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology. Dr.G.Sridhar, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology. We wish them the very best in the years to come. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES: Continuing Medical Education Continuing Medical Education on ‘CURRENT PERSPECTIVES IN HYPERTENSION’ was organized by Department of Pharmacology on Tuesday, the 10.08.10. Following the welcome address by the Dean Dr. Vasantha N.Subbiah , Mrs.Gowri Rajagopalan, the Chairman, SSSMC & Research Institute lighted the ceremonial lamp and inaugurated the function.

and clinical manifestations of hypertension. Dr.C.B.Tharani, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Saveetha Medical College, Thantalam delivered lecture on Antihypertensive drugsApplied Pharmacology-I. Dr.A.Ruckmani, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute continued on Antihypertensive drugs- Applied Pharmacology-II. Dr.D.Muthu Kumar, Professor, Department of Cardiology, Government Stanley Medical College & Hospital, concluded the session by his talk on Clinical management of hypertension. Audience bench comprised of students & Staffs of SSSMC and other Medical Colleges

in the city. Students volunteered by all means in the arrangements of this successful CME program. Students also displayed charts on hypertension and did Rangoli on hypertension and its complications.There was interesting discussion from staff and students at the end of the session which was followed by a grand lunch. The Orientation Training Program on STD/ HIV/AIDS: The orientation training program on STD/ HIV/AIDS was conducted by the Department of Microbiology in collaboration with APAC -VHS and TANSACS on July th th 29 and 30 2010.

Dr.B.Vishwanatha Rao, Professor, Institute of Physiology & Experimental Medicine, Madras Medical College gave a lecture on Introduction and Pathophysiology Of Hypertension. Dr. D. Rajasekaran, Professor and Head, Department of Medicine, Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute explained Diagnosis MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC


2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The speakers and topic were 1. Dr.Usman, Retired director, Institute of venereology , MMC spoke on Epidemiology of HIV, Pathogenesis and Natural history of HIV & WHO clinical staging of HIV in Adults and children.The audience bench were enlightened and entertained by his humor.2. Dr.Thilagavathi, Asst professor, Department of Serology, MMC – spoke on Lab diagnosis of STD/ HIV .3. Dr. Amudha Hari, Consultant O&G Lifeline hospitals spoke on HIV &Women . 4. Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, HOD, Department of Microbiology spoke on Universal work precautions, Hospital waste management, post exposure prophylaxis. 5. Dr.Mahalingam, spoke on Counseling of HIV affected individuals.

INAUGURATI ON OF IRC TC A Memorandum Of Understanding was signed between Shri Shambu Kallolikar IAS, Project director, Tamilnadu state AIDS control society and Dr.Karthika Jayakumar HOD, Department of Microbiology, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute on 29.07.2010 under the auspices of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University and thus from now SSSMC

Dr.Sundaramurthy, HOD Pulmonology Medicine was awarded

This enables the Department of Microbiology to screen patients’ for HIV infection free of cost and so far around 500 samples are screened after counseling of the patients. A pre-test & post-test counseling is also given to the patient.

He was also awarded “the best citizens of India award 2010” by the International Publishing House. We congratulate & wish him all success in all his future endeavors.



the honorary professorship, by the IMA College of General practitioners in recognition of his Academic excellence, Social contributions, Altruistic attitude and Aptitude for teaching. Hospital is proud to be a recognized centre for IRCTC.

On the second day the III and 1V semester students were given hands on training on “Lab diagnosis of HIV in adults and children including sample collection and post test evaluation. Two days informative program concluded with the distribution of certificates to the students.



2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

INDIRA GANDHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES I Rank-Miss. Vasumathy II Rank-Miss. Marie Asha III Rank -Miss. Rekha A Secon d yea r BDS: I Rank -Mr. Santosh II Rank -Miss. Neethu John III Rank -Miss. Binsy Fir st yea r BDS (SBV Univer sity): I Rank -Miss. Shilpa Philip II Rank -Miss. Saranya B III Rank -Miss. Saranya P

Dental Council Recognition: Outr each ser vices:

Academic Activities:

The D epartment of Public Health D entistry has organized a school Teacher training program and inauguration of National Oral health program for school children under the title “Bright Smile Bright Future” on 02.07.10. The Program was inaugurated by D r. V ijayalakshmi K, Principal, Indira Gandhi Instit ute of Dental Sciences and the training progra m was conducted by Dr. Arunprasath Rao,

Dr. Senthil M, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public health Dentistry delivered a Guest lecture on “Communication skills in dental practice” at Hotel A tithi on 29.08.10 organized by IDA, Puducherry.

Professor, Department of Pedodontics & Preventive dentistry, Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University. More than 50 teachers from various Private and Government schools of Bahour commune has participated in this program. The program was sponsored by Indian Dental Association, Puducherry branch and Colgate Palmolive India Ltd.

According to Part-I of the schedule to the Dentists Act, 1948 (16 of 1940)pertaining to recognition of dental degrees awarded by Pondiche rry U niversity, Puducherry, the Indira G andhi Institute of Dental Sciences Puducherry has been inserted by Dental Council of India, G overnment of India on 19.08.10. Dr. David, Dr. Vezhavendan, Dr. Senthil M participated in “D r. Anil Kohli committee on National Survey to estimate dental health manpower and disease prevalence in urban and rural India” conducted by De ntal Council of India. They have conducted the survey in Puducherry state. More than 1000 people from rural and urban household were examined and reported.

Appointments and Pr omotions:

Hear ty Congr atulations!

D r.Murali .G Senior Lecturer (13/07/2010)

The Pondicherry University and Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University exams for dental students were conducted between July and August 2010. The Students exhibited their talents and secured more marks. The Rank Holders of each batch includes, Fina l year BDS: I Rank-Mr. B. Karthikeyan II Rank- Mr. Anil K Mathew III Rank-Miss. Swapna Bai Reddy Th ir d year BDS:


The Dental Council of India Inspection wa s conducted between July and August 2010 for the recognition of the college as the first batch stude nts appeared for their final year University Exams. The inspection wa s met successfully by all the departments of IGIDS.


We take pride in welcoming the following fac ulty members who joined the fraternity of IGIDS during the third quarter of 2010. D r.Bindu Meera John Lecturer of Conserva tive Dentistry and Endodontics (02/07/2010)



D r. D. Jayaraj Lecturer of Pedodontics & Preventive D entistry (21/07/2010) D r. Pradeep Kumar Tutor of Dental College (08/09/2010) D r. P. Kalaiselvi Tutor of Dental College (21/09/2010)

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dental abscess can kill you! Ludwig’s angina – A Case Repor t In tr oduction An abscessed tooth or gums are just a common dental problem which can be easily cured. But, the common dental problem can be so dangerous if we don't cure them right awa y. If Left untreated complications can range from Ludwig's angina or facial cellulitis to septicemia, and from brain abscess to endocarditis. It is a rapidly spreading cellulitis that may produce upper airway obstruction often leading to death. The most common cause of Ludwig's angina is an odontogenic infection, from one or more grossly decayed, infected teeth, and is usually as a result of native oral streptococci or a mixed aerobicanaerobic oral flora. Additional possible etiological factors include sialadenitis, compound mandibular fractures, or puncture wounds of the floor of the mouth Ca se r epor t: A 21 year old male patient reported to the Department of oral & maxillofacial surgery with a complaint of facial swelling & difficulty in eating food. His clinical presentation included trismus, tongue ele vation and large soft tissue swelling under the mandible, extending bilaterally to the angles of the mandible and inferiorly approximate ly down to the hyoid bone. The patient was ha ving difficulty in maintaining his own salivary secretions because of dysphagea. Intraorally 46 & 47 was grossly carious. On supine position he was having dyspnoea.


A diagnosis of Ludwig's angina was made and he was scheduled for emergency draina ge of the abscess. Awake fiberoptic intubation was planned, with tracheostomy as a backup After usual sterile preparation, an incision wa s made at the submental and bilateral submandibular areas and blunt dissection to the lingual inferior border of the mandible was carried out. Through the submental incision, the blunt dissection continued through the mylohyoid muscle to the sublingual areas to access all through. After opening the all the three spaces, through and through corrugated drains were placed to maintain drainage of pus and facilitate daily irrigation. On 1 st post operative day, the vitals became stable & the sublingual swelling was reduced. He was able to have liquid diet. The source of infection (46 &47) was removed. On 3rd postoperative day once the pus discharge became minimal the drains were removed. Tracheostomy tube was removed on 5 th postoperative day Discussion: The unique anatomy of the floor of the mouth plays an important role in the development and extension of intraoral infections. The usual infectious course begins with a periapical dental abscess of the second or third mandibular molar. The roots of these tee th e xtend inferior to the insertion of the mylohyoid muscle, so that if untreated, the infection may continue from primary spaces to penetrate the thin inner cortex of the mandible and will involve the posterior margin of the mylohyoid muscle to the submandibular space. At this time, the infection ma y develop and progress at such an alarming rate that special precautions regarding airway maintenance must be taken. Because the mandible, hyoid bone, and supe rficial layer of the deep cervical fascia limit tissue expansion associated with the developing edema, the floor of the mouth a nd the tongue base will become displaced superiorly and posteriorly, resulting in severe airway compromise. Further extension of the infection may spread into the mediastinum and the carotid sheath resulting in severe thoracal infection. Rupture of abscesses 29

along the wa y may cause aspiration of pus into the lungs and/or even pericarditis. Untreated, the mortality is close to 100 percent, both from the acute sepsis and from airway obstruction. The patient with Ludwig's angina will have severe and obvious extraoral swellings including bilateral submandibular, submental, and sublingual spaces. Common presentation is elevation and displacement of the tongue, trismus, drooling of saliva, airway obstruction, dysphagea and/or dyspnea, and a hoarse (“hot potato”) voice. With extensive use of antibiotics, most facial infections improve before they have a chance to progress to Ludwig's angina. The mortality rate from Ludwig's angina, when recognized, has decreased from 50 to 5 percent. Therapy also includes early surgical removal of the source of infection (which is often grossly carious dentition) via extraction, aggressive, and vigorous incision and drainage procedures with appropriate placement of drains, along with intense and prolonged antibiotic therapy and maintenance of a patent airway. While penicillin administered intravenously and in high doses is the empirical antibiotic of choice, it is often recommended to use metronidazole as well. For patients who have had repeated episodes of dental infections, clindamycin is often the antibiotic of choice.

C onclusion: Because of its invasive nature, early recognition and treatment of Ludwig's angina is extremely important .In order to prevent a similar life-threatening e merge ncy, health care providers should not neglect even minimal complaints of dental pain. Dr.SURESH V, Assoc.Prof, Dept. of OMFS, IGIDS.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust



Pr ofession al

SCI ENT IFIC PU BL ICAT IO NS Kamalam. S. The e ffectiveness of health intervention on nutritional problem among adolescent girls. Nightingale Nursing Times. 2010;6(5):62-66. Rajeswari S. Breast milk Saves Life. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2010; 3(1):32-35. Bharathi A R. A Study to Asse ss the Level of Depression among Infertile Women in a Selected Hospital at Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2010;3(1):39-41. SCI ENT IFIC PR ESE NTA TIO NS Ms. Camala B, Professor, Department of Child H ealth Nursing, was a resource person at the CNE on Neonatal Nursing conducted by Sabari College of Nursing on 22.07.2010. She spoke on “Newer Concepts and Interventions in New Born Care.” Ms. Kavitha R. R, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing, was a resource person at the CNE conducted by Sabari College of Nursing on 29.09.2010 and elaborated on “Role of Care Givers in Continued and Integrated Care for Mentally Ill Clients.”

Ms. Bharathi A. R, Ms. Renuka K, Professors, Ms. Kripa Angeline A, Ms. Sathya Rani S , Assistant Professors, Ms. Rani S , Lecturer and Mr. Raja Rajan Madhan M , Assistant Lecturer, attended the regional CME on “ Advanced Technology in Cardio Vascular Surgery” organized by the Department of General Surgery and Cardiovascular Surgery of MGMCRI, Puducherry, on 31. 07. 2010. CO M MUN ITY SE RVI CES


The 6th semester students of B.Sc Nursing demonstrated healthy cooking practices at Ariyankuppam, Puducherry, on 07.09.2010. A puppet show was also conducted by the m on 30.09.2010 at the PHC , Kirumampa kkam, Puducherry , to stress the importance of including vegetables a nd fruits in the diet. \CA MPAI GNS CO M ME MO RAT IO NS


Safe Mother hood Da y th

The 8 se mester students of B.Sc N ursing, organized a symposium in comme moration of the ‘Safe Motherhood Day’, on 31.07.2010. W or ld Popu lation Da y In commemoration of the world population day, a role play was organized by the 6 th se mester stude nts of B.Sc Nursing on the theme, “Every O ne Counts”, on 27.07.2010. R ed Ribbon Clu b (R RC) The RRC of K GNC organized a seminar on “Coping with H IV/AID S”, on 15.09.2010, wherein the Post Basic B.Sc Nursing students presented on the various aspects of HIV. A symposium on “HIV/AID S in pregnancy – an early alert” was conducted on 22.09.2010 and the Post Basic B.Sc Nursing students actively participated in it.

Wor ld Dia betes Da y

‘ Eye dona tion for tn igh t’

In commemoration of the World Diabetes D ay, a panel discussion on diabetes was organized by the 6 th semester students of B.Sc Nursing, on 26.07.2010.

Dept of Ophthalmology and Scientific & Academic Forum of MG MC & RI conducted a poster competition on 14.09.2010 to

PART ICIPA TIO N IN SCIE NT IFIC EV ENT S Ms. Sumathy P, Professor , Ms. Geetha C, Ms. Sathya Rani S, Assista nt Professors, Ms. Kavitha R. R, Ms. Rani S , Ms Rajeswari S , Lecturers and Mr. Raja Rajan Madhan M , Assistant Lecturer , attended the state level workshop on “Philosophical Perspectives in Current Scenario” organized by Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing, Puducherry, on 09.07.2010. MGMCRI u SSSMCRI u IGIDS u KGNC


2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

attended the programme benefitted by it.



Community Health Nursing, Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing, Puducherry, elaborated on the topic “Home Health Nursing” on 21.08.2010. Dr. Sunitha Samuel, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MGMCRI, Puducherry, enlightened the audience on “Preconceptual Counseling and Antenatal Care”. Ms Raja Rajeswari, Lecturer, Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing, Puducherry, spoke on “Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndromes”. Ms. Visithra , Lecturer, Sabari College of Nursing, Puducherry, gave a lecture on “Birth Balls”. Ms. Jayashankari, Associate Professor, PIMS College of nursing, Puducherry, gave a detailed talk on “HPV Vaccines” on 24.09.2010.

celebrate “EYE DONATION FORTNIGHT”. The topic of the competition was: “EYE DONATIONILLUMINATE LIVES” Nursing students actively participated



in it and the 1 prize K.Jayaranjani while the went to Karthika Devi.

The following faculty members joined KGNC during the third quarter of 2010.

went to 2 nd prize

Ms. Geeta C, M.Sc Nursing, Assistant Professor, 02.07.2010 Dr. Divya Choudhary, Ph.D, Professor in Nutrition & Dietetics, 03.07.2010. ACADEMIC EVENTS

Ms. Annie Annal M, M.Sc Nursing, Professor, 09.07.2010

Scientific And Academic Forum The Scientific and Academic Forum of KGNC organized guest lectures during the third quarter of 2010. World Breast Feeding Week KGNC observed the ‘World Breast Feeding Week’, by organizing events in the form of Role Play, Puppet Show, Villupaatu, Poster and Essay Competitions, between 02.08.2010 and 07.08.2010, at the Pediatric OPD, Pediatric Ward and Community Centers to help create an awareness regarding the benefits of Breast Feeding. Many postnatal and antenatal mothers


Ms. Amudha Shobana, Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing , Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing , Puducherry , delivered a lecture on “Alternative Birthing Centres”.Ms. Vadivukarasi , Lecturer , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing , Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing , Puducherry, presented a talk on “Pros and Cons of Oral Pills”, on 30.07.2010. Ms. Uma, Lecturer, Department of 31

Mr. Niyamathulla U, M.Sc, M.Phil, Assistant Professor in Biostatistics, 01.09.2010. KGNC extends a warm welcome to the newly appointed faculty members. MISCELLANY The Department of Medical & Surgical Nursing organized a competition on ‘Preparation of Models’ for the Post Basic B.Sc Nursing students on 08.09.2010. Ms.Eunice Jebapriya N and Ms. Ajitha C won the 1st and 2nd prizes respectively.

2010 July - Sep, Vol 4

Issue 3


















An Outlook of SSSMC&RI





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