Sai oct dec 2013 vol 3 iss 4

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Issue – 4

October - December 2013



Contents 1.Editorial Pg.

SAIGENESIS WISHES The Management, Administration Dean, Faculty, Staff and Students



2.Science sense Pg.


3.Do You Know Pg.


4.Campus Events Pg.


5.Popcorn Pg. Disclaimer: The views expressed by the Authors in the Articles published in “Saigenesis” are their Own. The Editorial Board is in no way responsible for any liability arising out of the contents/Text of this Publication.



6.Editorial Board Pg.



Editorial In Search of…… A possibility only to the Six Sensed Human beings is on the verge of complete extinction – “HUMOR” Sense!!! Fast paced life and the phenomenal growth of the technology is grabbing the sense of HUMOR from man. “What is this Life if full of care; We have no time to Stand and Stare?!...” Life's journey is losing its sheen by the disappearance of HUMOR!! HUMOR can be simple, subtle, sometimes thought provoking and satirical but nevertheless hurt the sentiments and personal feelings of the individual. Spontaneity in smile and whole hearted laughter is the natural glow of a HUMOUR. Humor cut across all boundaries. Reel comedy and humor are on the rise in movies but we are losing the same in our day to day life. Hefty price to be paid in the years to come unless we are awake to safeguard our humor as our life's treasure and preserve for the several generations! Humor has to be inculcated and practiced consistently and effortlessly. Keen observation of our surroundings and fellow beings with whom loads of comedy exists is suffice to develop the same. Here is The Humor Gurukulam! Change of perception and Attitude towards everything in a lighter vein and carefree way in the correct sense are the pre-requisites for humor. Best and top of all is: The person who can laugh about Himself!! Nowadays, Our laughter and humor are in total reservation with the “non-living” tech gadgets and gizmos only; whereas the same are dwindling towards our “living” fellow beings!! Need of the hour is the introspection and recuperation!!! Down due to the losses of lives, money, profession; Strain in the family and friends relationship; Devoid of love, affection and recognition from our near and dear ones; Wound to self respect and dignity; Grief stricken by natural calamities and disasters; Pushed to the corner of life and on the roads after losing everything; Living in a vegetable state losing the hope towards life; - Still if we can laugh with satire and lighter vein in a tone “ ALL THESE ARE SAPPA MATTER ….!!!”, no wonder we'll scale the Life's Everest of Happiness and Peace and we'll be the Real Beautiful Living Gods!!! Cheers!! Dr.Balaji Rajagopalan, Prof. & Head, Bio-Chemistry

Science Sense SPLIT HAND SPLIT FOOT SYNDROME - ECTRODACTYLY Introduction: Hands and feet have huge functional importance, because of the part played by them in the daily activities of a person. Apart from normal activities, they also have cosmetic significance. Limb development begins when mesenchymal cells proliferate from the somatic layer of the lateral plate of mesoderm. These cells accumulate under epidermal tissue to create a circular bulge called Limb Bud.* Limb bud remains active and its signaling stimulates AER-Apical ectodermal ridge and formation of ZPA-Zone of polarizing activity within the mesenchyme. AER activity is maintained by mesenchymal cells, determine what type of limb will form**


Science Sense


The genetic mutation will cause Ectodermal disorders which may affect the Mesodermal structures,so that AER activity, that leads to various deformities like SHSF. Case Presentation : 60+years old Mrs.X was admitted in the medical ward for evaluation for fever of one month duration.. On examination the obvious, striking physical sign was deformed hands and feet otherwise normal on physical examination. Patient was investigated, found to be having UTI and managed with appropriate medications ,improved and discharged . Birth/marriage/family Hx: She was born of a non-consanguineous marriage, full-term by vaginal delivery, had no perinatal problems. Married his close relative, gave birth 6 children .All of them and the grand children have no any congenital anomalies. Her maternal uncle had a similar deformity, but not, his children.So, no similar deformity reported from family members of her previous and present generations. This patient has the rare congenital anomaly “ cleft hand and foot syndrome”- called by various names –“Split Hand Split Foot syndrome”,and ”Lobster claw hand”. Reported in literature that SHSF may be associated with-syndactyl, symbractyly, Cleft lip and skin/hair disorder. Pictures of Mrs.X In the right hand the growth of thumb,ring,and little fingers are normal, absence of middle and incomplete growth of i n d e x f i n g e r. I n t h e lefthand,incomplete growth of thumb, absence of index, middle finger and normal growth of ring and little finger. Right foot shows complete growth of great toe,4th.and 5th toes,absence of 2nd. and 3rd.In the Left foot complete growth of great toe,partly deformed little toe and absence of 2nd,3rd,and 4th.toes.Unfortunately I did not take the X-Rays,which would have given more information about the growth of meta carpals and meta tarsals. She has no skin,hair anomalies, or cleft lip/ palate . Embroyological explanation :The ectoderm is one of the primitive embryonic components. This will give rise to nervous system, hair,teeth,nails,eyes,ears and nose. During development, the ectoderm undergoes complex interactions with mesoderm, so ectodermal disorders may lead to abnormalities of mesodermal structures such as the musculoskeletal and GU systems-**** SHSM also known as Ectrodactyly is a congenital limb malformation,charcterised by deep median cleft of the hand and/or foot due to absence of Central rays, associated hypoplasia / aplasia of the phalanges metacarpals and metatarsals. There are five genetic mutation are known to be associated with SHFM, among them Type I the most common .Non-syndromal variety limited to hands and feet follows inheritance an autosomal dominant gene, but some case reports pointed out that,may be due reccesive also. ***The ectrodactyly phenotype and underlying AER defect. (A) Clinical variability of ectrodactyly. (B) Normal development of the autopod (top) and ectrodactyly malformation (bottom). Ectrodactyly is caused by a failure to maintain median AER activity (red) in the developing limb bud (left), leading to the absence of the central


12 weeks Gestation- -Cleft foot- Ultra sound Image-Indian J Hum Genet. 2009 Sep-Dec; 15(3): 140–142.


Science Sense

rays (right). (Future) positions of digits 1–5 are indicated. AER, apical ectodermal ridge; PZ, progress zone; ZPA, zone of polarizing activity. Conclusion : 60 year Mrs.X having the rarest congenital deformity,called split hand split foot syndrome with out any other associated anomalies .She belongs to Non-syndromal variety of genetic mutation type I- autosomal recessive , because no other siblings has similar or any other anomaly. Ref: 1) * (Ohuchi et al. 1997; Sekine et al. 1999) 2) **WEB 3) *** Ectrodactyly/split hand feet malformation- (Indian J Hum Genet. 2009 Sep-Dec; 15(3): 140–142./ Nat. Genet. 21 (1): 138–41. doi:10.1038/5096. PMID 9916808 4) ****Am J Med Genet A. 2009;149A:2003-13.

Human Molecular Genetics

Dr.B.Balasubramanian Associate professor, Department of GM

IT IS A RARE BUT DISTINCT CLINICAL ENTITY IN NEUROLOGY 35 yrs old female was admitted on 8/11/13 in our hospital with the complaints of headache on& off from 2 years ,blurring of of vision 2 months and pain in left eye , double vision 40 days, difficulty in moving the eyes on either side from 1 month. No history of fever, vomiting , dysphagia , dysarthria. No history of motor , sensory , cerebellar symptoms .Not a known case of DM , HTN , IHD and also no use of OCP.Married 3 children , full-term normal delivery, no threatened abortion or stillbirth , no history of trauma in past O/E - Patient was conscious, communicative, coherent, fundus normal LEFT EYE - EOM-restricted movement on lateral and medial gaze , upward and downward movements are also restricted ,no redness in eye , watering in eye is present . pupil size is 4mm reacting to light both direct and consensual. Decreased sensation in and around the orbit and also the left half RIGHT EYE - Movement is normal in all the direction . pupillary reaction normal Other cranial nerves are normal .no motor weakness of the face and limbs. No other long tract signs, no cerebellar features, both the carotids are equal, no meningial signs, spine and cranium is normal . B.P- 110/70mmHg, pulse rate – 88/min regular, respiratory rate – 21/min CVS ,RS, Abdomen- Are normal. Diagnosis- with the above clinical history and physical findings the possibility of painful ophthalmoplegia (tolosa- hunt syndrome)was entertained .The diagram given below shows the exact anatomy of the above syndrome . INVESTIGATIONS AFTER TREATMENT

Hb-10mg dl ; RBC-3.9 mill ccm ; PCV- 33% ; MCV- 84 fi ; MCH-26pg ; MCHC-36gl TLC- 5,700/cmm ; DLC N-54% , L-33% , E-6% , M7% ; platelet -4.2 lac/cmm RBS- 92mg/dl ; urea- 29mg/dl ; creatnine- 0.9 mg/dl ;


SSSMC & RI ESR- 45/86 mm/hr HIV I&II- negative negative

; VDRL- non reactive ; mantoux –

CT- BRAIN- Brain & orbit normal study TREATMENT-Patient was started on oral prednisolone 60mg/day .patient has shown good clinical improvement in that sense pain in the eye decreased, movement of the left eyeball was fairly good, with improved vision.Patient was discharged on 17/11/13 with the advice to continue cortisone with tapering of dosage and review after 15 days PAINFUL OPTHALMOPLEGIA (TOLOSA-HUNT SYNDROME) It is believed to be due to a non specific chronic inflammatory lesion usually involving the carotid artery and the cavernous sinus. Occasionally spreading into the cranial fossa , orbit. The tolosa-hunt syndrome presents with steady boring pain behind the eye on the involved site with usually preceeds to opthalmoplegia by several days. The cranial nerves that are affected 3,4,6 ophthalmic division of the 5th nerve some times involvement of optic nerve and sympathetic paralysis with horners syndrome . This condition persists for many weeks further attack may also occur after months or years of remission. There is good response to corticosteroid therapy. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS - 1. Carotid cavernous sinus fistula 2. Periostitis of the orbital fissure 3.syphilitic meningitis with oculomotor palsy 4.Ethmoidal sinusitis and orbital cellulitis 5. Cavernous sinus thrombosis 6.orbital neoplasms 7. Aneurysm of the internal carotid artery 6. Temporal arteritis7.polyarteritis nodosa 8. Ophthalmoplegic migraine 9. Painful ophthalmoplegia (Tolosa-hunt syndrome) Dr.E.Prabakaran MD, DM (Neurologist), Battu. Dinesh Chandra, CRRI

Till there is Life!! Case Report-1 Mrs.GB, 42 F, D.O.A.-15.4.11. D.o.d.-23.4.11 for SOB -2 yrs, cough with expectoration, H/O hemoptysis+No other comorbidity. O/E CVS -S1,S2 PSM+.RS Bil crepts+++Clinical diag-Severe TR,PAH/?IPAH CorPulmonale; Tab Sildenafil; GGHConfirmed the diagnosis of IPAH Case Report-2 • Mrs.S • D.O.A.31.7.2012 • Severe SOB cough wth expect. Diagnosed as ASD -OS Mod -severe PAH.Dilated RV. CT Chest- june 2011 Lt lung cystic bronchiectasis, Rt ML bronchiectasis. • 30.3.13 Echo- SSSMC&RI Severe PAH,70mm/hg. valves N.


Echo- GGH-RA,RV Dilated, D shaped LV.Severe PHT-59mmHg Case Report-3 • Mrs.V, aged 44 years was first treated elsewhere on 21st December 2012 for Severe SOB, Scanty Micturition and Dizziness. Diagnosed as RHD. • Echo-RHD/Mild MS/MR/AR/TR/PAH S/B Cardiologist diagnosed as IPAH/Severe PAH/RV Failure/AF Treated in JIPMER.Diagnosed as corpulmonale. Subsequently Admitted and •treated in SRMC for 15days duration & discharged on 29th January 2013 with a diagnosis of Ascites with ARF. • Echo on 17th January 2013: • EF:65%; Dilated RA/RV/PA and its

SSSMC & RI branches; Valves Normal, Trivial MR • Moderate TR, Moderate PAH; PAP-59mmHg, RV Dysfunction +LV Grade I Diastolic Dysfunction SSSMC & RI D.O.A: 12th February 2013 D.O.D: 1st March 2013 • C/O- SOB, Abdominal distention, swelling of legs and Rt.Arm since discharge from the previous institution • O/E Pt. looks very sick, Cold Extremities, Dyspnoeic, TachypnoeicPallor +Edema- B/L Lower Limb, Abdominal Wall, Rt. Upper Limb. • CVS- S1 S2 S3 +RS- B/L Extensive Crepitations +++P/A – Distended with Gross Ascites, Liver palpable subsequently Epigastric Pulsations, BS +CNS-No FND • Provisional Diagnosis: CorPulmonale • Discussed with Spouse • ECG- RBBB/RAD/Multiple VPCs ++Shifted to MICU • Pulmonologist Opinion- Chronic Airflow Limitation with Type II Respiratory Failure. • Treated withAnti Failure Medications, Amiodarone drip, 2ìg/kg/min Abdominal paracentesis done. Pt .Started on T.Warfarin 2mg OD after PT/PTT/INR-N & increased upto 6mg OD. th • 17 February 2013- BP dropped to 70/40mmHg. Dopamine Drip started @ 10mg/kg/min T.Sildenafil 25mg OD 18th February 2013- Swelling and Pain ↓d –Rt.Upper Limb. • 19th February 2013- Started on Physiotherapy and Breathing Exercises. • 21st February 2013- Rpt CXR- Cardiomegaly, B/L Lower Zone Haziness with Widening of Vascular Pedicles. Patient improved day by day and swelling in Both lower limbs and

Rt.Upper limb edema reduced.Patient able to lie down flat Investigations: • Bld works routine CBC Hgb 9.5 (unxplained iron def in PAH wth CTEPH),KFT- N ,LFT- N • 17th February 2013: Sr.K+ - 4.9 mEq/L PT – 18; aPTT-31; INR-1.4 Ascitic fluid Cytopath – No Malignant Cells • 19th February 2013: – Sr.K+ - 3.7mEq/LLFT- N th • 20 February 2013: – D.Dimer – 3.70 ìg/EU/ml <0.5 – Negative>0.5 – Positive – HCV –NegativeHbsAg –Negative ABG=pH-7.363; pCO286.9mmHg; pO2-48.7mmHg Na+-142mmol/L; K+3.66mmol/L; Cl- 99mmol/LHCO3 48.3mmol/L 18th February 2013: Hb-9.4g/dL; TLC-9,900/cmm; DC-70N|20L|2E|2aPTT31; PT-25; INR-2.3; Sr.K+ - 4.3mEq/L Doppler Study of B/L LL Venous System :

• Partial Thrombosis with recanalised flow noted in the right common femoral, superficial femoral and sapheno-femoral junctionRt.Jugular Vein ThrombosisDilated IVC CT CHEST : Ectaticchanges noted in the Right Middle lobe and posterior lobewithseptalthickening • Though all the 3 pts had PAH & Cor pulmonale in common and were on tab Sildenafil the causes were different The reason for choosing the TITLE Jab thak hai jan is , when the pt was brought in a extreme moribund status & the condition explained to her husband , he said 'we had


SSSMC & RI been running around to several hospitals,we h've brought her with enormous hopes, so let her be here TILL THERE IS LIFE (Jab thak hai jaan)' When the pt was being discharged it was explained to her husband that though she has tremendously improved she can have only restricted activities,He said if she is just be there as the lady of the house THAT'S ENOUGH FOR ME (Idupodum enakku)

Dr. A.Nasreen Begum Department Of Internal Medicine

Do You Know Know Thy Eco File:KTE-2013/tree-05 Botanical name : Rhapis excelsa Common name : Broadleaf lady palm. Native : Southern China and Taiwan, Phytochemicals present: Documents not found Traditional medicine: Not native to our region, being used as an ornamental plant, Scientific findings: No documented evidence to say these have medicinal property, but there are reports that they were used in traditional Chinese medicine. Hence its very clear that research on this plant parts & uses are open to be documented in scientific literature. These plants attracted my attention when they were included to the eco-system of our campus. Everyday these are among the few type of potted ornamental plants at the entrance of our college corridor. Ever tried to know the names of these plants,

their natural habitat? traditional or medicinal importance? Since Know Thy Eco was started as a series of writings on documentation of the plants and trees in the campus, we have included for the readers this plant which has literally no documented evidence on medicinal use. Avenue for scientific research on its phytochemical compounds, antimicrobial, antifungal, anticancer (?) activities are open. Hits on search engines as of 02-01 -2014, 7.50 pm: 1. Pubmed - 2 2. Google scholar - 1020 3. Scirus - 1100 4. Science direct - 44


M.I.Glad Mohesh, M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology.

SSSMC & RI PAUSE ....DOES THE PATIENT NEED A PACEMAKER? A pause on ECG can be due to many causes ranging from very benign to very severe condition requiring pacemaker. Here we documented simple clinical ways to differentiate them • CAUSES1 Sinus pause/Arrest 2 SA exit block 3 Sinus arrhythmias 4 Wenckebach (Mobitz type 1) 5 Non conducted Atrial Premature contractions 1 .Sinus pause / arrestWhen SA node fails to fire 2. SA exit block• SA node is firing on schedule but tissues around it not carrying the impulse The pause will be equal to the multiplication of R-R interval. 3. Sinus arrhythmiasIt fluctuates with inspiration(HR increases) 4. Wenckebach (Mobitz type 1) Cyclic lengthening of PR interval and followed by a dropped QRS complex. P wave will not be followed by a QRS complex 5. Non conducted premature Atrial contraction • A pause will be there after a sinus rhythm • P wave will submerge in T wave WHAT IS A ATRIAL PREMATURE CONTRACTION (APC)? • Abnormal early beat, not arising from SA node so P wave will not be normal • P-P interval varies • QRS complex will be narrow since APC comes from atrium and travels through AV node and use the normal conduction system to spread • Usually no pause after a APC Non conducted Atrial premature contraction (NCAPC) • If a atrial contraction occurs when AV node has not recovered yet from refractory period, the APC fails to the ventricles and QRS complex will not be formed • Ectopy will fall near the level of T wave • The ECG will show a premature , ectopy (P wave) occurring and no QRS complex afterwards • See the previous T morphology wave carefully. Because in NCAPC P wave submerges in T wave so the morphology will b changed SummaryUsually pacemaker indicates in sinus pause >3 second or with symptoms. Careful analysis of ECG will confirm benign cause and avoid needless pacemaker.

Dr. R.V Sridhar, Cardiologist Abhijeet Ashika, CRRI



Campus Events DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Training programme: JADA SUNILKUMAR PARTICIPATED IN THE “HANDS ON WORKSHOP ON TECHNIQUES IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE” IN PUNE ON 18th & 23th –Nov -2013.ORGANISED BY MOVING ACADEMY OF MEDICINE & BIOMEDICINE WORLD AIDS DAY - The Department of Microbiology in collaboration with Dermatology Dept& ICC ,observed WORLD AIDS DAY on Dec 1st in the Hospital Campus. The inaugural function had the nodal officer welcoming the gathering, DEAN giving the Presidential address, discussed about the stepping up the pace, mobilsing the stakeholders, and building on the present to change the course of the epidemic!! DMS discussing about the theme of the year: “SHARED RESPONSIBILITY: STRENGTHENING THE RESULTS FOR AN AIDS FREE GENERATION”. The programme was well attended by the out patients who had an interactive session & witnessed plays in which the Staff Nurse & lab technicians enacted two role plays that depicted the spread of HIV by different routes& methods. The program also included the poetry recitation by Mrs.Suthanthira Mary - Lab incharge & a new version of thirukkural by Dr.Srinivasan, Dept of Dermatology. The programme also had a dance performance by central lab technicians adding color to the day & the programme ended by prize distribution to the participants in the various events of the day.


Our Dean

B V ï V « V l Ð D Ä Ã é D ï V Â ï ï V k V Â ï V _ ¼ Ä V ï V © Ã ì ¨ l â ü Ö ¿ Â ï © Ã â | Health care: Department of Microbiology along with ICC organized Hepatitis B Vaccination programme on 21/12/2013 in the hospital I floor. The faculty members, Staff Nurse & CRRI benefited from the programme 121 persons were vaccinated. Doctors -7, Staff Nurse – 63, Lab technicians - 25, others (OT technicians, House Keeping) - 26. The next vaccination programme is planned for January 21st, 2014. MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT The MEU, SSSMC& RI Organized BLS programme an October 8th & 9th in collaboration with INSCOL for the III semester, II MBBS Students. The morning lectures were followed by the demonstration of the INSCOL Speakers. In the afternoon session the students had hands on training, on individual basis and all of them felt it was extremely useful & said that it made them feel as a real Health Care worker!!! PUBLICATIONS : 1. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Health care of elderly:













Determinants, needs and services. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;4(10):1224-1225. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBASE, ELSEVIER] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Roadmap to achieve global elimination of child labor in near future. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2013;9(4):149-152. [Indexed in Scopus, EMBASE, ELSEVIER] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Coronary heart disease: Pandemic in a true sense. Journal of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Research. 2013;5(3):125126. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, EMBASE] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Constructive feedback: A step towards meaningful evaluation. International e-Journal of Science, Medicine & Education. 2013;7(2):51. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Prevention of nosocomial infections in low resource countries. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings. 2013;1(2):e23. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Reduction in global burden of stroke in underserved areas. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. 2013;4(4):475-476. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Infant mortality: Need to bridge the existing gap. International Journal of Maternal and Child Health. 2013;1(3):51-52. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Community monitoring: A strategy to watch out for. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. 2013;6:170-177. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Microteaching: Inculcating teaching skills in tomorrow's teachers. Journal of Medical Society. 2013;27(2):162. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava. HIV – Tuberculosis Interface: A comparison of collateral prevalence of HIV and tuberculosis (TB) in an urban health centre. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2013;6(3):290-296. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBASE] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Safe motherhood: Implementation of risk approach in developing nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2013;6(3):386-387.











[Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBASE] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. The necessity of a balanced diet to prevent the emergence of lifestyle disorders. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2013;26(3):156-157. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Notification of tuberculosis cases in India: Moving ahead in Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program. Infection, Ecology & Epidemiology. 2013;3:23006. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, EMBASE] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Exploring the impact of public health measures in prevention and control of oral cancer. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2013;4(11):1242-1243. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBASE, ELSEVIER] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Public health measures to counter nutritional stress of pregnancy. South African Family Practice. 2013;55(6):581-582. [Indexed in Scopus, EMBASE] Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Problem based learning in undergraduate medical curriculum: An Indian perspective. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2013;1(2):200-201. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Advocating use of antioxidants in ensuring optimal health. Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders. 2013;2(4):1000121. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Establishing schools that promote health: Is it worth doing? Turkish Journal of Public Health. 2013;11(3):212-213. Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Tuberculosis control in India: Path to achieve the millennium development goal. Primary Health Care : Open Access. 2013;3(3):1000141. [Indexed in PubMed, Scopus] SatiPrasad Sinha, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy. Depression in an older adult rural population in India. MEDICC Review. 2013;15(4):41-44. [Indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, EMBASE, ELSEVIER] Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. Rehabilitation of female burns patients admitted in a tertiary care hospital: A longitudinal study. Healthline. 2013;4(1):82-88.


SSSMC & RI 22. Geetha M, Kalaivani A, Raja D. Healthcare seeking behaviour for symptoms of reproductive tract infections among rural married women in Tamil Nadu - A community based study. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2013;12(3):3. [Indexed in Scopus] 23. Sridhar G1, Keerthana A2, Karthika J3, Raja D4, Jasmine Priscilla.Oct,2013. Bacterial and fungal colonization of mobile phones used by health care workers-an emerging threat.International J Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health care. Issue 3,Vol 5. 24. Gladmohesh.M.I, Arul Bhagyaraj.R. Dipping tobacco and its health risks among young adults - A short study. Al Ameen J Med Sci 2014; 7(1) :8-12. 25. Dr. M. Dost Mohamed Khan, DR. D. Manimaran. Pattern of Thyroid Neoplasms in Nellore Area – A Clinicopathological Correlation. Int J Pharm Bio Sci 2013 Oct; 4(4): 1344 – 1351. 26.*Dr.L.Siva, Dr.Balaji R a j a g o p a l a n , D r. Ve e r e n d r a K u m a r, D r. B . L a x m i k a n t h . C a n c e r : A B i o c h e m i c a l Perspective- A Review Article. International Journal of Science Innovations and Discovery,(IJSID), 2013, 3 (4), 85-101. 27. Senthil Kumar.V1*, Siva.L2 and Balaji Rajagopalan2 . Fasting Plasma Glucose and Hba1c Levels in Type1 and Type 2 Diabetics on comparison to Healthy Normal Individuals-A Health Alert: Research Article. International Journal of Science Innovations and Discovery,(IJSID), 2013, 3 (5), 522-527. 28. Siva.L1, Balaji Rajagopalan2,Yuvaraj2 .Predictor of Coronary Heart Disease in Diabetics- Research Article. The Experiment, 2013 Vol. 16(2), 1112-1122. 29. Dr.L.SIVA1*,Dr.V.SENTHILKUMAR2 ROLE OF IRON AND COPPER IN DIABETICS – ResearchArticle. Bulletin of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences: Vol.1.Issue.3.2013, 210-221. 30. Congenital Talipes Equino Varus Rajeswara Rao.N Sekhar R Dr..Vasudeva Reddy J .,Swayam Jothi S. IJSR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH vol 2 issue:10 Oct 2013 31. Horseshoe Kidney Swayam Jothi DoraiRaj.S Shri Sathya Sai medical college & Research institute,Kanchipuram Jacintha AntonySai Suchithra. DSree Lekha .D.Sirisha.B.Abhiramchandra.G.ASRAM,Eluru,A.P. IJSR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH vol 2 issue:10 Oct 2013 32. Profunda Femoris Artery and its Branching Pattern and Variations Eswari AK, Hemanth. Kommuru, Satyalakshimi V, Swayam Jothi S. Department of Anatomy, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Nellikuppam - 603 108, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Anatomical


Sciences 33. High Origin of Radial Artery – A Case Report Sai Sucheethra D, Sree Lekha D, Department of Anatomy, Guntur Medical College, Guntur, Andra Pradesh, India Swayam Jothi Dorai Raj S, Rajeswara Rao N Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Nellikuppam - 603 108, International Journal of Anatomical Sciences 34. Branching Pattern of Arch of Aorta – A Case Report Jacintha Antony‡, Rajeswara Rao N*, Hemanth Kommuru*, Swaym Jothi S*. Department of Anatomy, Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chromepet, Chennai – 600 044, Tamil Nadu, India *Department of Anatomy, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Nellikuppam - 603 108, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Anatomical Sciences 35. Variations in the Venous Patterns of the Head and Neck Sree Lekha D, Sai Sucheethra D, Swayam Jothi Dorai Raj S, Uday Kumar P. Department of Anatomy, Guntur Medical College, Guntur, Andra Predesh, India International Journal of Anatomical Science C O N F E R E N C E A T T E N D E D A N D PA P E R S PRESENTED: Attended 36th Annual conference of Association of Anatomists Tamilnadu 0n 5th &6th October 2013 at SRM Medical college hospital Potheri TN 1. Anatomical Study of Insula in Human Cadavers Hemanth.Kommuru – PG doing Ph.D Hemanth.Kommuru, Hema Priya.J, Deeptha Vasudevan., Divya Bharathi.A., Guru Vijayaraghavan., Swayam Jothi. S., SSSMC&RI 2. Calcarine And Parieto Occipital Sulci - Swayam Jothi.S – Professor & H.O.D Swayam Jothi.S., Sujatha. N., Rajeswara Rao. N, Hemanth Kommuru, SSSMC & RI 3. Polycystic Kidney- A Case Report - A.K. Eswari – Associate professor A.K. Eswari, Swayam jothi.S, Rajeswara rao. N. SSSMC & RI. 4. Arteria Profunda Brachi And Its Variations Sathialakshmi .V– Associate professor. Sathialakshmi V, Christilda Felicia, Swayam Jothi. S, Hemanth. Kommuru. SSSMC&RI 5. Pyramidalis Muscle - Rakesh Ranjan. S – Associate Professor Rakesh Ranjan. S, Sujatha .N, Sreelekha. D, Rajeswara Rao.N, Hemanth. K, Swayam Jothi., SSSMC & RI Attended NATCON -61 National conference of the Anatomical society of India at PGIMER ,Chandigarh on 23rd -25th of November 2013 1. VARIATIONS IN LOBATION OF LUNG - LOWER ACCESSORY LOBES Swayam jothi .S, Hemanth kommuru, Deeptha vasudevan, Hema priya

SSSMC & RI 2. MYENTERIC PLEXES IN THE WALL OF APPENDIX Rajeswara Rao N .Hemanth Kommuru, Bharathy K ., Anuradha, S. Swayam Jothi, S. 3. SEGMENTAL VARIATIONS OF RECTUS ABDOMINIS MUSCLE BY TENDINUOUS INTERSECTIONS D.sreelekha. S. Swayam jothi,, Jacintha Antony, Uday kumar.P 4. PRESSURE EFFECT OF ABERRANT RENAL ARTERIES ON URETER Athota Vijayalakshmidevi., Sree Lekha, D. Guntur Medical College Mohamed Nidhal. S., Uday Kumar.P, Swayam Jothi,S. Sujatha.N SSSMC&RI 5. THORACIC PART OF SYMPATHETIC CHAIN AND ITS BRANCHING PATTERN VARIATIONS Hemanth. Kommuru., Swayam Jothi,S., Bapuji. P., Rajeswara Rao.N. SSSMC&RI 6. Poster Presentation By Dr Mani – Circle of Willis with Hypoplastic left Internal Carotid Artery and Heart with a replaced Mitral Valve-A Case Report. PARTICIPATION BY STUDENTS: 1. The Transverse Temporal Gyri – A Cadaveric Study Deeptha Vasudevan – U.G. student






Deeptha Vasudevan, Hemanth. Kommuru. Hema Priya J., Padeep Kumar. A., Mohamed Nidhal.S., Swayam Jothi. S. SSSMC&RI Anomalies Of Thyroid Gland - Pradeep Kumar.V – U.G. student Pradeep Kumar.V, Mohamed Nidhal, Rajeswara rao.N, Hemanth Kommuru, Swayam Jothi,S, SSSMC&RI Enlarged Lateral Ventricle-A Case Report - Guru Vijaya Raghavan . S– U.G. student Guru Vijaya Raghavan. S, Sai Sucheethra, D., Swayam Jothi, S., Thendral,M SSSMC & RI Pressure Effect of Aberrant Renal Arteries On Ureter Mohamed Nidhal. S - U.G. student Mohamed Nidhal. S.,Vijayalakshmi, A.,Sree Lekha, D. Bharathy.K, Anuradha. S., Uday Kumar.P Swayam Jothi,S. SSSMC&RI Visual Area – Calcarine Sulcus - Guru Vijaya Raghavan. S - U.G. student Guru Vijaya Raghavan. S, Balasubramanin.B, Prabakaran, Sujatha .N, Swayam Jothi.S., SSSMC&RI Opercula Covering The Insula - Divya Bharathy,A U.G. student Divya Bharathy, A., Hemanth Kommuru, Rajeswara Rao, Guru Vijaya Raghavan.S., Swayam Jothi, S., SSSMC&RI

CONGRATULATIONS!!! The following six students of ii yr iv semester participated in the essay and poster making competitons held on 13-12-2013 at Karpagam faculty of Medical Sciences, Coimbatore on the topic “Education and Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus”. 1. Alwyn Alec Lasrado 2. Ajith prasath.A 3. R.Sriram 4. Arun muthukumar M.K Alwyn, Sriram, Govardhanan, Ajith Prasath, Srivathsa, Arun MuthuKumar – 4th sem

5. Srivathsa.P 6. Govardhanan V.S. The First Prize in poster making competition was won by P.Srivathsa and V.S.Govardhanan The First Prize in essay competiton was won by R.Sriram Sriram . R – 1st Prize in essay writing

Govardhanan, Srivathsa 1st Prize in poster making



Dr.Swayam Jothi


ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS : Dr Swayam jothi S chaired for FREE PAPER SESSION at SRM Medical College Hospital & Research centre, Kattankulathur on 5th -6th OCT Dr Swayam Jothi S Awarded Dr M .M .Cooper Memorial Award for Teachers for the Best paper presented at scientific session during the 36th Annual conference, SRM Medical College Hospital & Research centre Dr . Eswari A. K. was awarded Dr M .M .Cooper Memorial Award for Teachers for the Best paper presented at scientific session during the 36th Annual conference.on 5th Oct. Dr.Swayam jothi S chaired the session in NATCON held at PGI Chandigarh.on 23rd -25th of November 2013Dr.Swayam jothi S Received the founder fellowship of ASI held at PGI Chandigarh. Dr.Swayam jothi S Presented scientific paper on “ Serosal covering of the Appendix” for Mahdi Hasan Gold Medal Award.

Mr. Rajeshwar Rao

Dr. Sathyalakshmi


Mr. Hemanth

Dr. Rakesh Rajan



Deeptha Vasudevan

Pradeep kumar V

Hema priya

Mohammad Nidhal .S

DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE PRIZE COMPETITION (03/10/2013) A Prize Competition was organized by the Department of Community Medicine for the students of VI and VII semester students. The theme of the competition was on “socio-cultural practices”. Total 19 students participated in the prize competition, consisting of two rounds with three questions each. Nithya D (VII semester) was declared as the best performing student and was rewarded with certificate and memento by Dr. T. R. Gopalan, Dean and Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine. Rest all participants were issued certificates by the Dean to acknowledge their participation. The prizes were sponsored by Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy. WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY (10/10/2013) Theme for the year 2013 – “Mental health and older adults”

Felicitation of Winner

Winners of Prize Competition



World Mental Health Day was observed in Anbagam – a special school for mentally ill, disabled and old aged persons. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Dr. Thendral, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, in coordination with the support staff of the centre organized games such as running competition and musical chairs separately for men and women within the premises of special school. The day also proved to be a platform for the inmates to bring out their special talents like singing, dancing, poem recitation and kung-fu skills demonstration. All the winners of the competition were rewarded for their whole-hearted participation at the end of the session by the present faculties.

World Mental Health Day Faculty and Staffs

World Mental Health Day Faculty and Staffs

WORLD DIABETES DAY (14/11/2013) Theme for the year 2013 – “Diabetes Education and Prevention” World Diabetes Day was observed in the Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute. A health talk was given to spread awareness about Diabetes and delay its onset in general public. Dr. Nasreen, Professor, Department of General Medicine, Dr. Thangasamy, Professor, Department of General Medicine, and Dr. Geetha M, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, were present for the session. Almost 100 beneficiaries were present for the health talk. DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY

Post graduate Student of pathology department participated in Cytocon poster presentation on. October 03/06/2013.



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By P.Suthanthira Mary Central Lab Incharge

Poothathan Prashanth, Exoticans, 2010




PATRONS : Chancellor – Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan, Pro- Chancellor – Smt. Gowri Rajagopalan, Chief Advisors: Vice-Chancellor- Prof. K.R. Sethuraman Dean – Prof. T.R. Gopalan Editorial Committee: 1. Dr.Balaji Rajagopalan, Prof & Head Biochemistry – Editorin-Chief

2. Dr. Suthanthira Devi, Prof. & Head – OG 3. Dr. Swayam Jyothi, Prof. & Head - Anatomy 4. Dr. Sundharamurthy, Prof. & Head – TB & Chest 5. Dr. Nasreen, Prof & Head – General Medicine 6. Dr. Sri Vidhya, Asst. Prof. – Pulmonary Medicine 7. Dr. Sridhar, Asso. Prof – Microbiology 8. Mr. Glad Mohesh, Asst. Prof. – Physiology 9. Ms. N.Swetha, Tutor – Biochemistry Students Committee: 1. Mr. Dhuvarakesh

- Phoenix 2008

2. Ms. Aruna Priyanka Mallu

- Phoenix 2008

3. Mr. Abhirup Chakraborthy

- Mavericks 2009

4. Ms. Sriya Alagappan

- Mavericks 2009

5. Mr. Naveen Rajamohan

- Exoticans 2010

6. Ms. Monica Roselin

- Exoticans 2010

7. Mr. Mohamed Nidhal

- Valiants 2011

8. Ms. Divya

- Valiants 2011

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