Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade
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To be in the forefront of higher education in order to give India the high calibre manpower she needs.
To provide quality collegiate education from undergraduate level to postdoctoral programs. To ensure a high standard of behavior and discipline, amongst our student community. To guarantee rapid transfer of the very latest research findings into our Institutions. To create a climate of joyful learning to impart skills in students which will make them successful in their endeavor. To provide meaningful industrial education, research and training at all levels. To offer a wide range and flexibility of options especially in the areas of non-formal and continuing education. To set a high standard of professional conduct and ethics for staff and students alike.
C ON T EN T S Sbv •• University Communique
08 10
•• Research and Scholarship
•• Academic Initiatives
•• Innovations 100 •• Scholars In The Making
•• Other Highlights
•• Out Reach Services
•• Staff Nurses of MgmcRi 136
SSSMCRI 138 Igids 168 Kgnc 214 Ahs 242 Cidrf 270 PUBLICATION DATABASE - 2016 280 SBV PUBLICATION DATABASE 2016 Cumulative publications of SBV for the year 2016 is 669. For further details log on to .
AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT For details of the Financial Resource of SBV for the years 2014 to 2016 log on to
Message From Shri M.K.Rajagopalan, Chairman of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
You are our National Treasure, and our Country’s Future is in your Hands. Our Nation looks forward to utilize your talents in service of the Society. We firmly believe that the moulding of the student into a well qualified Professional largely depends on the broad vision of educational Institute. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University is an embodiment of a broader vision and planned development of a sound education system... where the environment is conducive and pleasant to study, live and work, where education and research hand in hand flourish... where the hidden and inherent skills and talents of the students are nurtured and developed for the benefit of the society, for generations to come. Whatever be your ambition in health profession, the University’s refined course curriculum, reflective of contemporary developments and needs, provide opportunities for observation, investigation and discussion, thus motivating and nurturing young talents within the dynamic intellectual environment of SBV(DU). Our highly qualified, skilled and experienced academic team, fostering innovation and generating new knowledge, is dedicated to help you achieve the best. Sri Balaji Vidypeeth’s prime goal is to create an enlightened and healthy society and it has been at the vanguard of Nation development, supporting the progress of Humanity through high standards of education and research, for a long, sound, purposeful and meaningful life. Come, join our world. Let us create a better integrated global community of shared benefits, responsibilities and values for the benefit of all things living. Our origins and lives may be different, but we do share the same planet and belong to the same Mother Earth. And remember.... you are the nation’s greatest gift and we are duty bound to do our best for our Nation.
Message From Prof. Rajaram Pagadala, Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
Healthcare Professionals Training is in making Leaders of Tomorrow, at SBVU is Unique - 2016 Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, a Deemed University (SBVU) made remarkable achievements and earned the deserved status by all the accreditation councils. Over the years, the SBVU also attained not only National but also earned a place in the International academic environment. Innovative fields of application of Music and Yoga were added for teaching and researching to aid quick recovery of disease and disability. The credit goes to the untiring faculty and staff encouraged by the management. The facilities at SBVU includes world class center for Inter-disciplinary research attracting scientists from all over. Not satisfied with the laid down standards management constantly explored various internationals methods to be adopted tailoring to the needs of the Indian situation. This achievement has attracted international universities from UK, USA and Europe to seek collaboration. It stance is distinctive, in the list of Institutions granted by various agencies that assess and grant accreditation. The involvement of students and faculty in dealing with community based healthcare services is commendable. In the community, research on multimorbidity helps take measures for prevention of diseases like diabetes, hypertension and obesity, the faculty involves in imparting health education to adopt healthy life styles. The thrust on teaching and training is fundamentally learned to discharge their duties sincerely and effectively. Make a continuous habit of acquiring knowledge to serve the suffering humanity better. Thus, we aimed at not only making physicians of tomorrow but leaders in the community capable of managing and also be able to control with authority, the healthcare services to be delivered. These practices make SBVU a unique institution.
Message From Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
After the heady success of achieving NAAC A-grade in November last year, the current year has been a sobering watershed year due to major changes in student intake, ushered in by the NEET2016. All the private educational institutions in India needed to make major adjustments in their structure and functions to accommodate the new socio-political and economic realities. At SBVU, since an excellent infrastructure for a large scale operation has been put in place by the visionary Chairman of SBECPT, Shri. M.K.Rajagopalan, the medical and dental institutions could cope with these adjustments without too much difficulty. The faculty members are infact pleased with the ‘first NEET intake’ as the cohort of students seen to be a performance-oriented lot. The results of university examinations have been quite acceptable. The initiative by the supplementary examinations for year-1 MBBS within 6-8 weeks of the main exam has successfully brought the referred batch back to the mainstream. Over the next four years, the medical faculty would have no “supplementary batches”. Meanwhile, the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences in forging ahead, thanks to the centres of yoga therapy (CYTER), Music therapy (CMTER), and Health Professions Education (HPE). University of IOWA has sent five dental Student for short-term observership to IGIDS. This is likely to expand in future. KGNC is as always, rock-solid in its execution of academic programmes and the documentation. Our Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) has got a multi-crore grant from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Government of India to set up a regional centre for Small Animal Research. Our efforts in scaling upto meet the expectations of NAAC in 2015 has also helped us in the NIRF ranking process initiated for the first time during 2015-’16. SBVU has been placed among the top 100 universities of India (Rank 93) in the very first NIRF listing released in 2016. In the subcomponent of Teaching- Learning Resources, SBVU secured 26th rank, which is highly satisfying. We are motivated to perform even better in future. In view of several positive developments, we are pleased to compile the annual report of 2016 and place it on record. With the performance oriented academic and administrative staff working in sync to achieve the vision of the top leadership, SBVU and its constituent units are poised for greater growth in the years to come.
Message From Prof. A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University.
Year 2016 had been yet another busy year at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, in the realms of Academics, Research and patient care. A few cardinal happenings marked Year 2016 in the annals of SBV. To mention a few:NIRF ranking 2016 that was bestowed on SBV (93), with a high ranking in Teaching-Learning Resources (23rd); Starting of the unique academic programmes based on CBCS, viz. M.Sc. Medical Music Therapy, M.Phil. Yoga Therapy and M.Phil. Health Professions Education; Recognition of CMTER by Foreign Universities that has culminated in an MoU with IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria for doctoral programme in Music Therapy and recognition bestowed by International association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) on CYTER faculty. More of quality and value added academic programmes are on the anvil. With the concerted efforts of everyone at SBV, it may not be an exaggeration to state that SBV would romp home with greater success in year 2017.
Universit y Co mmun i que
University Communique ▶▶ From VC’s Desk Smartphone Addiction vitiates Professional Etiquette
common scene in our meetings and conferences nowadays: most of the audience peering in to their smart phones, while the unfortunate speaker tries desperately to make eye-contact and engage the audience. Similarly, while a patient tries to communicate with the doctor, the latter repeatedly looks at the mobile screen after every beep and ping it makes and tries to multi task. When the customary announcement is made to switch off the mobile phones in a conference hall, it is to request the audience that they adhere to the etiquette of listening to the speaker. Some of us are rude in not doing that and periodically interrupt the proceedings with loud jingles a.k.a. ring-tones; a few of us answer the phone in the hall itself and create a ‘parallel proceedings’ for those in the vicinity; a few keep texting or playing games. If academic staff members including seasoned senior professionals behave this way, how can we expect the ‘millennial generation’ who are ‘digital natives’ to listen to us when we teach them? Features of Smartphone addiction yy Feeling anxious whenever you do not have your phone in your physical possession. yy Constantly checking the phone for new texts, coupled with the compulsion to respond immediately. yy “Phantom cell-phone vibration syndrome” exists and it is a symptom of addiction (You felt phone vibrate but when you check the phone, it is a false alarm). yy You fake listening and you have no idea what the person in front of you is talking about because you multi-task, checking your WhatsApp/FaceBook page, tweets and texts. If frequently checking your phone has become your habit, or if you feel restless when your phone is not with you,
you may be a victim of technology addiction, the “always connectedness syndrome”. Combating Smartphone addiction yy Do not read emails/tweets/WhatsApp messages the first thing in the morning. yy Set limits on when and where you let yourself use the devices. yy Set a good example for your junior staff and students. yy Go offline periodically (similar to fasting to give GI tract a rest) Let us begin by improving our behaviour in SAF meetings.
Key messages to aspiring Heads of Department (HOD) 1.Welcome to middle management The HOD‘s Chair is a middle management administrative position. You are the interface between faculty, residents, and staff (on the one hand) and the Dean’s Office (on the other). That’s all it is. Periodically remind yourself, “I am middle management in administrative capacity.” 2. Know your institution Every institution has its own work-culture and therefore, different institutions would have different expectations for the HOD. HODs’ authority at private institutions tends to be far greater than at public institutions; they can be more authoritarian. Formal performance reviews are common in public institutions, but may be absent at private institutions. 3. Learning curve for being HOD HODs are chosen because they have a track record of success in their earlier positions. So is success as the departmental chair-person assured? Unfortunately, not always! Recall ‘Peter Principle’ (or read up), which says: “Everyone rises to their level of incompetence.” That is why an academician’s
annual Report 2016
Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
professional success in teaching, patient-care and/or research may not extend in to successful Headship, if she/he has already crossed the peak of her/his capability. Furthermore, being HOD is quite different from anything tackled before as an academic staff. The important thing of a new HOD is to realize that there is a learning curve. On the job growth can occur, if one genuinely realizes that one has a lot to learn. 4. Getting to know your predecessor Most often, your predecessor HOD will remain in the Department as a senior faculty member, and one who has been through it all of it before you. Your predecessor may view you with ambivalence. Your successes may not generate admiration, and your failures may not create much support or sympathy. Treat your predecessor with due respect. Set up meetings, lunches or breakfasts, to catch up. Let your predecessor initially mentor you; nothing is more flattering to your predecessor! Mentoring will engage your predecessor and give him/her a stake in your success; you will have an ally, which is a good thing, especially in the private institutions. 5. Understand how you will be evaluated
an HOD and his/her dept look good, or look terrible. As HOD, you will be spending more time with them. You need to be supportive of your support staff and create a good working atmosphere. 8. Alienation is easy, reconciliation is hard Most of us are used to having casual conversation with our colleagues in the Department. Now that you are the Head, you will find that your words are taken far more seriously; some your casual comments are not so casual anymore. Academic physicians generally have fragile egos and are easily upset by these. Bottom line: As a responsible HOD, Try and be politically correct, even while making casual remarks. 9. You can never have too many meetings You will establish a departmental ambience, whether you intend to or not. Ideally, that ambience will encompass collegiality, respect, and integrity. The best way to establish the right climate is through meetings. This is HOD’s major work: meetings, meetings, and more meetings. Not emails but meetings! A meeting, which is boring, is actually a good sign: it means that important issues are being addressed, and that there is seriousness of purpose in issues.
What are the institution’s criteria for a successful HOD? The review criteria may well be available on paper, for your own perusal. Or it may require a detailed discussion with the Dean. You will need to come to grips with your institution’s review criteria, even if they are vastly different from what you think they should be. What you want to avoid is a situation where by your own criteria you are doing a great job, but by the institution’s criteria and expectations, you are not.
10. The key to recruitment
6. Know who your role models really are
11. When it’s time to go
You have your own role model for HOD, of course. There are HODs who you admire, respect, and wish to imitate. You will also tend to see events through the prism of your own in the department under your former HOD. It would take effort to come out of that and make your own mark.
You may have started as HOD with a fixed time frame for the position. But the perks, the sense of entitlement, the stipend, and the ‘superficial deference’ can prove to be addictive. What started as a short stint slowly extends to be a ‘life sentence’. But the reality is that only you know if you are enjoying the experience. If excitement is replaced by dread and boredom, it is perhaps time to go. It is also essential to remember that you are working at the pleasure of the Dean. If the Dean really is no longer pleased, your tenure as HOD is over.
Your attention will focus on your faculty, your residents, and medical students. But the most easily overlooked members of your Department are your support staff. They can make
Extracted from: International Journal of Medical Education. 2011;2:147-151.DOI:10.5116/ijme.4ece.862d SRI BA L
7. Support staff, a key to HOD’s success
Probably the most exciting thing about being HOD is recruiting. New people, new energy, new ideas, and maybe new problems! Many talented recruits turn out to be ‘worldclass headaches’. In politically correct words, they are “high maintenance” faculty. They don’t need HOD, they need treatment! When recruiting, trust your gut instinct.
Universit y Commun i que
Vision for 21st Century Education A 7-year old girl used a computer to compose this philosophical statement: “The biggest thing about someone is imagination. Before you can be something, you must imagine it. “ (Paraphrased from a quotation of Seymour Papert, the Guru of Constructionism) Scientist Salk imagined a way to eliminate polio from this planet; not a treatment to relieve it. President Kennedy imagined a man on the moon; not just a faster jet. At SBV, let us imagine an institution that revolutionizes learning for the 21st century; not one that recycles learning as we have known it in the past century. Let us imagine our colleges to be places in which students and teachers excitedly and joyfully stretch themselves to their limits in pursuit of goals set by their own visions; not a meek one that that just aims to make apathetic students satisfy minimal required standards. Let us imagine our colleges to be places where every student will have a vision: A proud vision of self as a powerful life-long learner, A vibrant vision of a worth-while life ahead, An optimistic vision of a society to be proud of, and The skills and the ethic needed to follow these visions.
Given this, the rest will follow.
Does the client: Know what to expect and when? yy Have the right information at the right time? yy Know whom to contact for his/her specific needs? yy Know what to do if things donot go as planned or as smoothly as expected? yy Get informed promptly and adequately if something goes wrong or if there is a delay? yy Get acknowledgment of requests or complaints submitted to us? Do our clients’ interactions within our organization: yy Work as we intend them to work? yy Flow in a way that’s logical and easy to follow? yy Provide the right level of interaction at the right time? yy Give the right information? yy Are weproviding the client too much or too little information? Is our organization: yy Efficient and effective? yy Organized, with clear responsibilities for client interaction? yy Or are we confusing to the client with too many options or departments? Based on an honest introspection, we could decide what we need to collectively achieve in order to attract more and more clients in to our organization for education or clinical service. Let this be our focus for 2017 to collectively forge ahead in terms of client satisfaction. (Ref: newSTR_85.htm)
Academic Activities of the Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University during the year 2016
(Source: http:. . www. papert. org. articles. Vision_ for_education. html )
JAN 1st - New Year message to academic staff & Management
Enhancing the Client Experience: a laudable goal for 2017
JAN 1st - Meet with Prof. R. Rajagopal from IOWA Regarding GIS –Workshop at SBV
With the current highly competitive situation in health professions education and practice, all the health-professions need to enhance the client experiences. The client could be (i) a prospective or a current student visiting us for education or (ii) a patient visiting us for service. Here are initial queries to helpour analysis get started. Add specific questions related to our specific context and objectives.
JAN 6th - KGNC Lamp Lighting Ceremony JAN 6th - Review meeting with DEU JAN 7th-9th - Training of Trainers DEU of IGIDS JAN 20th - Inauguration of MIST JAN 20th -CMTER Annual day Meet
annual Report 2016
Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
JAN 21st-23rd -Part II Training of Trainers DEU-IGIDS
FEB 8th - Visit to SSSMCRI with SBV-PMI core group
JAN 22nd - Intercollegiate contest on PG Research.
FEB 12th - Inauguration of CME at MGMCRI on “Minimal access surgery”
JAN 26th - Republic day celebration JAN 27th -Elocution Contest
FEB 12th - Monthly Review Meeting among academic and management staff of SBV
JAN 28th - MOU between CYTER and Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute
FEB 13th - Inauguration of CONFLUENCE, (CME) at MGMCRI
JAN 30th - Guest Oration on “Innovation & Regulations in Medical Education” at METCON, Regional MCI centre, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad
FEB 16th - Inauguration of CMTER Music International Conference
FEB 1st - 2nd Credit based Conversion of PGDHPE curriculum. FEB 2nd - Planning of M.Phil (HP Edu) FEB 2nd -Moderator for Microteaching – FDP FEB 3rd - CBCS conversion of courses of Music therapy and Yoga therapy FEB 3rd - Visit to Sathya Special School, Puducherry
FEB 19th - Chair-person for Academic Council meeting, SBV. FEB 20th - Inaugural executive committee meeting of SBV FEB 25th - Integrated lecture for 1st MBBS (Endocrinopathy) Chief Guest at graduation ceremony of a junior college of Cuddalore FEB 27th-28th - Guest Oration on “Teaching the i-pad generation” at MECON-2016, JSS Medical college, Mysore
FEB 3rd - FDP on ‘Goal setting, Bench Marking’ by Pro-VC FEB 4th - Visit by CLTRT for academic collaboration with MGMCRI FEB 4th -Visiting Prof.Thameem Ansari from Penang Adventist hospital, Malaysia.
MAR 3rd - Inauguration of Sports festival of MGMCRI -Spectra 2016 MAR 5th - Preside over SBV-Women’s day function MAR 9th - Visit to SSSMCRI
FEB 6th - Inauguration of Live workshop of ENT, MGMCRI
MAR 11th - Chaired Board of Management meeting of SBV
FEB 6th - Valedictory-Function of Interns Oration Programme
MAR 11th - Inauguration of sports day SBV
FEB 5th - Inauguration of youth red cross of KGNC
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MAR 11th - Monthly meeting of academic and management staff, SBV. MAR 14th - FDP-on competency based PG education at MEU, MGMCRI MAR 17th- College day of KGNC MAR 18th - Key note address at Chronobiology conference,
MAR 21st - KGNC Quarterly AA Audit MAR 22nd - IGIDS Quarterly AA Audit MAR 28th & 29th -MGMCRI Quarterly AA Audit MAR 30th - Internal review of progress of doctoral research (4 Scholars from IGIDS) MAR 31st - Chief Guest for graduation ceremony of Nursing college of PIMS-Puducherry April 1st - Chief Guest –College Day at SSSMCRI April 5th - Introduction of Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) at SSSMCRI April 6th - Visit to KIMS for CRRI Orientation (demo)
MAR 18th - Meeting with Alumni of IGIDS MAR 19th - MOU signing ceremony between SBV & PMI
April 8th - Monthly Review Meeting of University Officials and senior Management April 9th - Chaired Planning & Monitoring Committee Meeting of SBV April 13th - Quarterly Audit at SSSMCRI April 15th - Attended RukmaniAmmal Internal Oration of SAF-MGMCRI
MAR 19th - MVK-IYER Oration by Prof. Mudge, CEO-PMI MAR 19th - Super-speciality foundation stone inauguration
April 19th -Launching of Immuno-Histo-Chemistry Lab at Oral Pathology dept., IGIDS April 19th - Adopting ‘SPICES Model’ for CRRI training at IGIDS April 20th - Final planning for the PMI Visit to SBV
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Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
April 25th -28th - PMI-SBV joint workshop for Educational reforms at MGMCRI & SSSMCRI
May 31st - Quarterly Audit of KGNC June 1st - Quarterly Audit of IGIDS June 3rd - FDP on IPR & Patent conducted by IPR Cell June 4th - Review of Progress with Annual Report of 2015 & The Chronicle June 6th – Inaugurated the National Symposium on “An Update on Antimicrobial Agents and their Uses” at MGMCRI June 14th - Quarterly Audit of MGMCRI
April 26 - IPR-Day commemoration th
April 29 - Visit to SSSMCRI with PMI Group th
May 6th - Meeting with Dental Education Unit for consultancy Plans May 13th - Monthly Review Meeting of University Officials and senior Management
June 16th - Monthly Review Meeting of University Officials & handing over the charge to Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan as Officiating VC. On 07.07.2016, Lt. Governor KiranBedi convened a meeting with College Heads to harness the potential of youth for achieving the goal of a prosperous Puducherry.
May 17th - CBME for PGs Session at MGMCRI May 21st - Discussion on Chronicle (First quarter) May 25th - Inaugurated Yoga Therapy Conference May 26th - CBME for PGs at SSSMCRI May 28th - Skype meeting with Prof. Rajagopalan of IOWA on GSI needs analysis workshop May 30th - Annual Review of PhD Scholars in Medicine (3) & Dentistry (4)
July 24th - Key note address on Future of Medical Education at South Zone API conference at Thoothukudi.
May 30th – PG Orientation Programme
July 28th - Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) at SSSMCRI. July 29th - AAA for KGNC. July 30th - Farewell to Academic Officer, Prof. Ramasamy MGMCRI. Aug. 03rd - AAA for IGIDS. Aug. 11th - Academic Council Meeting.
Aug. 12th - Visiting Team from UK to CYTER & also talk to the visiting team –‘Salutogenesis’.
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Aug. 12th - Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management.
Sept. 07th - Inauguration of National Conference of Psychiatric Nursing.
Aug. 18th - National Conference of Heath Profession Education
Sept. 08th - Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management. Sept. 09th - CREAMS - Presentation by MBBS Students (III Semester).
Aug. 18th - Inauguration of Dental Education (Part I). Aug. 19th - Inauguration of Medical Education (Part II). Aug. 19 - Key note address on ‘Inter Professional Education’. th
Aug. 22nd - White Coat Ceremony at SSSMCRI.
Sept. 14th - Presentation of Author copy of II edition of “Communication Skills in Clinical Practice” BY Mr. Jayanandhan of JAYPEE Brothers - Medical publishers, Chennai Office.
Aug. 22nd - PGDHPE for II Batch – Inauguration.
Sept. 19th - Inauguration of MBBS - 2016 Batch – MGMCRI. Sept. 21st - Planning Meeting for Microbiome & Environment. Aug. 24th - White Coat Ceremony at MGMCRI. Aug. 25th - Post Validation of MBBS Question Paper.
Sept. 23rd - Launching of Pharmacogenomic services at MGMCRI by CIDRF.
Aug. 26th - KGNC Inauguration of New Batch of B. Sc Nursing. Sept. 01st - Curriculum reforms in MBBS. Discussion with Dean, VP (Curriculum) & others. Sept. 05th - Teachers Day Celebration organized by the student council.
annual Report 2016
Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Sept. 24th - Inauguration of Surgical CME at MGMCRI.
Oct 13th – Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management Oct 17th – Review Meeting with PhD scholars Oct 24th – Inaugural address to the New Batch of BDS students of IGIDS Nov 02nd – Attended the Anniversary Day Celebration of CYTER
Sept. 27th to Oct 5th - 18 hours Module on Communication Skill for PGs of Prosthodontics.
Nov 03rd – Inaugurated International seminar on Endocrine disorders at MGMCRI
Sept. 28th - Workshop for KGNC on Problem Based Questions.
Nov 04th – Attended Annual Internal Oration by Prof N Ananthakrishnan for SAF-IGIDS
Sept. 30th - MBBS - Inauguration 2016 Batch – SSSMCRI. Oct 3rd- 5th – Intensive Coaching on Communication skill for senior PGs of MDS (Prostho) Oct 7th – Keynote Address at Chettinad Medical College for the new MBBS Students Nov 09th – External member for Academic Council Meeting of Chettinad University, Chennai Nov 10th – Inauguration of CME on Translational Research in Diabetes Mellitus
Oct 12th – Inaugurated Nursing conference on Cancer Care (Onco Nursing)
Nov 11th – Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management Nov 12th – Inaugural address at the Annual CME programme at Aravind Eye Hospital. Nov 13th – Special Meeting with NIRF consultants Nov 18th – Inauguration of “MORE” – a CME Programme of Orthopaedics at MGMCRI
Oct 13th – Conducted a 4-hour workshop on “Integrated Teaching and Learning” at MEDUCON-2016 at JIPMER
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Nov 21st -22nd – Chaired the quarterly Academic Audit of MGMCRI for IQAC
Dec 20th – Career Guidance and Support (C-5) Program for outgoing interns
Nov 23rd-27th – Visit to IMC-KREMS, Austria for signing MOU on Doctoral Research in Music Therapy at CMTER of AHS Faculty, SBVU
Dec 20th – Meeting with Prof. Arthur Nowak and visiting dental students of IOWA University.
Nov 29 – Supervised NIRF Data final Upload
Dec 22nd – Academic Council Meeting of SBV
Dec 1 – Meeting with M.R.Rajagopal of Pallium India, Trivandrum.
Dec 28th – Exit meeting with Prof. Nowak IOWA University
Dec 5th – Bhoomi Pooja of Small Animal Research Lab.
Dec 29th – Portfolio presentation by the five visiting students of Dentistry, IOWA University.
Dec 5th – FDP on “Authentic assessment” for MGMCRI (HODs) organized by MEU Dec 10th – Attended OMEGA Conference at Vijayawada to talk on “Authentic Assessment of under Graduates in Medicine,” Organized by PSIM, Dr NTRUHS, AP Dec 15th – Presided over the Lamp lighting ceremony of KGNC Dec 16th – Website Audit Dec 16th – Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management Dec 19th- 23rd – Review E-Portfolio all the first year PGs of MGMCRI
Dec 30th – In-depth discussion with Prof. Krishna Seshathri, Visiting Consultant, MGMCRI.
▶ SBV SIGNS AN MoU WITH HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL M.K. Rajagopalan, chairman, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, signed an MoU on academic partnership with Gilbert H. Mudge, M.D., CEO and president of Partners Medical International in Puducherry on 19.03.2016, in view of achieving academic excellence, quality, innovation and leadership in Health Professions Education (HPE) and comprehensive health care system. This collaboration will focus on development of an innovative SBV curriculum for the UG medical education within the guidelines of the Medical Council of India and faculty development to provide leadership. Gilbert H. Mudge, M.D., CEO and president of Partners Medical International (PMI) said that Partners HealthCare (Partners) was one of the largest academic medical systems in the United States. “The fiveyear agreement will concentrate on leadership development, faculty development and evolution of research mechanism,” he said. Addressing the reporters after the signing of MoU, Prof. Gilbert said that for a comprehensive health care, development of nursing education in India was important. “Training the physicians for health care needs and upgrading nursing training from primary to specialty would be the focus on this collaboration,” he said.
annual Report 2016
Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
yy Life Skill Trainings to KGNC Fresher’s (2015-2016 batch): Exams – especially the first ever College University Exams – usually create anxiety in the students mind. Understanding the impact of it, the Fresher’s of KGNC students were given a workshop on “Overcoming Exam Anxiety through Instant Emotional Freedom Technique” on 1st June, 2016 to enable them prepares well for the upcoming University exams. The feedback revealed that the fresher’s found this session as very useful (60%) and useful (39%).
yy Life Skill Trainings to KGNC Second Year Students: Though stress is inevitable and unavoidable in health care professional course students, it is equally important to learn ways of managing it. As per the request of the second year nursing students, they were given a workshop on “Stress Management” on 2nd June, 2016. This module focused on enabling the students understands the cause and consequences of stress and ways of dealing with it in a healthy way. The feedback revealed that the students found this session as very useful (55%) and useful (43%). yy Group Counseling : a) A group of 8 students from one batch and 15 students from another batch of MGMCRI underwent group counseling for lack of sufficient attendance. The intervention enabled the students to share their difficulties with open mind and needed guidance given to modify their behavior.b) A group of 5 students from a batch of KGNC were given group counseling to overcome the difficulties in academic concentration. The intervention revealed that the students were having stress due to various personal reasons. In the follow up session, a group therapy was done using “Dance Movement Psychotherapy” to overcome stress. Body movement is one of the simplest methods of stress buster and the students were taught to use it on daily basis. This would help them to study with ease and concentrate more. c) A group of 5 students from a different batch of KGNC were given group counseling to overcome the behavioral problem they have had. This intervention was felt very useful by the participants as they shared their feelings in a safety environment. Behavior modification suggested for further management. d) A group of 3 staffs of MGMCRI took group counseling to overcome negative thoughts. Positive affirmation practice on daily basis is an effective tool to replace the negative thoughts. The staffs were given Alpha Affirmations Audio Therapy to experience the benefits as a group. They were guided to affirm on daily basis to replace the old negative thoughts into new positive ones. Daily affirmative practice reinforces the new practice and gets anchored at the unconscious level for permanent change. At the end the participants expressed the healthy feeling experienced by them during the audio session. yy Speaker Address -Yoga for Mind and Body: On 25th May, 2016 the Senior Student Welfare Officer gave a talk on “Yoga for Mind and Body” as a part of Yoga Fest -2016, organized by CYTER as a prelude to International Day of Yoga 2016. She highlighted the importance of 7 chakra balance for healthy mind and
N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research and Allied Health Sciences, SBV, said that this will help to identify and intervene to help students at high risk, develop a competency based curriculum for post-graduate education with continuous monitoring with an e-portfolio and early exposure to the community for the medical students. He added that they would conduct research on the interface between complementary and allopathic medicine. The plan is to embed exposure to simulated patients and the skill lab as part of the education process, develop a modern and comprehensive learning management system (LMS) with the help of PMI. The SBV will also benefit from the working relationships with clinical institutions. M.K. Rajagopalan, Chairman, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, underlined a super specialty block with 20,000 sq ft would be built soon. Prof. Gilbert unveiled the foundation for the super specialty block. This block would provide space for Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Urology, Plastic Surgery and Paediatric Surgery. New department including Oncology, Radiotherapy and Palliative Care will be started to meet the needs of the community for effective cancer treatment, besides facilities for kidney, liver transplantations.
▶▶ MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT Students Counseling Serviceat SBV
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body and suggested 5 simple Yoga postures for daily practice to maintain the same. yy Fine Arts Club Workshop: A workshop on “Fabric Painting” was conducted to MGMCRI students on behalf of Fine Arts Club on 21.04.2016 between 04.00 pm – 06.00 pm. Fifty eight students from 4th, 5th and 6th semester participated in the workshop. yy Workshop/Seminar Attended(FDP): Senior Student Welfare Officer, Mrs.S.Rama, attended a 5days’ workshop on “Dance Movement Psychotherapy,” conducted by Preetha Ramasubramanian at WCC, Chennai from 06 to 10 June, 2016. She also attended the 1 Day National Seminar and CME on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education” at MGMCRI.
▶▶ FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DEAN - Research and ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Prof.N.Ananthkrishnan, Dean (Research and AHS), received a Scroll of honor from the Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology held at Coimbatore from 06.10.16 to 09.10.16 in appreciation of the outstanding contribution to the establishment of the specialty of Surgical and Gastroenterology and for his contribution to the commencement, sustenance and growth of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology in India. Ananthakrishnan N, delivered a guest lecture on the topic, ‘Work place based assessment – is it possible in India’ and ‘Postgraduate training in Surgery’ at Meducon, 2016, Pondicherry in the month of October, 2016. He also gave the Dr.R.Ahmed Internal Oration, Scientific and Academic Forum, IGIDS, SBV, Pondicherry, in the month of November, 2016 on the topic, ‘Professionalism’. He delivered a guest lecture on the topic, ‘Optimum evaluation Points during curriculum and rationale’ at OMEGA, 2016, Vijayawada, December, 2016.
▶▶ FROM THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR RESEARCH DAY 2016 Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated RESEARCH DAY on 22nd Jan 2016. On this occasion SBV AHEAD & SAF MGMCRI organized SBV PRIMS (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) CONTEST for postgraduate scholars of various university. The Program started with Invocation by MrsBhuvaneshwari&MrsKalaVaradan of Music Therapy. It was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by Vice Chancellor Dr.KR Sethuraman, Dr. M Ravishankar (Dean-Faculty of
Medicine, SBV), Dr.NAnanthakrishnan (Dean- Research & AHS), Prof. G.Subramanian (Advisor, CIDRF), Dr.AR. Srinivasan (Registrar, SBV), Dr.Ramesh (President -SAF, MGMCRI) and Judges of Competition. Dr.R Ramesh welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. The Podium & Poster presentations were presented from 9.30am to 2pm. During the valedictory function all the judges were felicitated by VC & Prof G Subramanian. It was followedbyremarks by the judges. Prize distribution was done for the winners of PG Symposium 2015 (18th Dec 2015) & SBV PRIMS CONTEST 2016. Prof G Subramanian (Advisor, CIDRF) addressed the PGs and Faculty. Prizes were sponsored by Prof G Subramanian. Program ended with Vote of thanks by Dr.AR Srinivasan followed by National Anthem Judges for Podium Presentation were Dr.NAnanthakrishnan , Dean-Research & PG Studies, SBV, Dr.GeorgeKurian, Prof of Gastroenterology, PIMS and Dr.Sujatha, Prof of Microbiology, JIPMER. Judges for Poster Presentation were Dr.Adithan , Director-CIDRF, SBV, Dr.Reba, Dean Research & HOD of Clinical Microbiology, PIMS and Dr.DeviprasadMahopatra, Associate Prof. Dept of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER. SBV AHEAD and SAF MGMCRI Congratulates the Winners of SBV PRIMS CONTEST. Winners of Podium Presentations: 1st Place - Dr.T.Beena Agnes Therese, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, IGIDS. 2nd place - Dr. V. Haarika, Pediatrics ,MGMCRI. 3rdPlace - Dr. Gerard Marshall Raj, Pharmacology, JIPMER. Winners of Poster Presentations: 1st Place - Ravindra BK, Pharmacology ,JIPMER . 2nd Place - Dr. Nivedita. E, General Medicine,MGMCRI. 3rd Place - Dr. Shreya Sharma, Dept of Pediatrics, JIPMER
PUBLIC VIVA VOCE FOR THE PhD STUDENTS OF SBV The Public Viva Voce for the defense of the thesis by the PhD scholars was held in the month of January 2016. The second batch of students who have completed their PhD thesis and whose thesis was approved by the Board of Examiners (Thesis) had their Public Viva Voce during the month of January.
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Ms.Kandhakumari successfully defended the thesis titled “Diagnosis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis employing conventional and some new diagnostic tools on microbiological samples in a tertiary care hospital”. The Viva was held on 25/1/2016. The Board of Examiners were, Prof.Selvaraj Stephen (MGMCRI), Guide, Dr. G. Sumathi, MD, PhD, Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College & Research Institute (External Expert) and Dr. Seetha K.S, (MGMCRI).
VISIT BY TEAM SBV TO MANIPAL UNIVERSITY The following members attended HACON 2016, a conference for Hospital Administrators of the private teaching hospitals at Manipal Hospital, Mangalore between the period 15th and 16th January 2016: Dr.Ravichandran, Additional Director, Mrs.Asha Suresh Babu, Secretary and Mr.JosephNaresh, Deputy Registrar, SBV. As a part of the visit, on 15th January, the team visited the university and met the medical college officials as well as the Registrar of Manipal University. HACON (Hospital Administrators Conclave, was organized for first time, specifically for the private medical college teaching hospitals. The lectures delivered in regard to the best practices and uniqueness of Manipal hospital. In the afternoon session lectures were given by few institutions about their best practices followed by panel discussions. The conference was inaugurated by the Dr.RamdossPai, Chancellor of Manipal University. SBV has agreed to conduct HACON 2017 at MGMCRI, Pondicherry.
MOU BETWEEN SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH AND KAIVALYADHAMA The signing of MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH (Deemed University Accredited with A Grade by NAAC), Pondicherry & KAIVALYADHAMA YOGA INSTITUTE, Lonavla, Maharashtra was held at 11am on 28 January 2016. The MoU signing ceremony was held at the Board Room in University Administrative Block in SBV Campus, Pondicherry-607 403.
This is an innovative step as it represents the coming together of the modern medical science with the ancient traditional wisdom of Yoga. KAIVALYADHAMA is the oldest organized Yoga Institute in the world and was founded by Swami Kuvalayananda in 1924. Extensive scientific and literary research has been done there and a Yoga therapy hospital is running in the institute along with the GS college of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis. Sri BalajiVidyapeeth has been successfully running CYTER, a Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research in its campus since 2010 under the SBV AIM HIGH initiative. CYTER has published 42 papers on Yoga and Yoga research, given Yoga therapy consultations and sessions for more than 17,000 patients and is running a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy being upgraded to Master’s degree in the coming academic year. Medical, dental and nursing students of constituent colleges of SBV are given regular training and awareness programs through CYTER. This MoU signals the beginning of extensive collaboration in a wide range of activities related to Yoga Therapy, Education
Sri SubodhTiwari, CEO of Kaivalyadhama represented and signed the MoU on behalf of Kaivalyadhama while Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV signed on behalf of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean PG, Research and Allied Health Sciences Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Admin) Prof Ravishankar and Additional Director Prof S Ravichandran. Medical Education Unit was represented by Prof B Adkoli and Mrs S Rama while management was represented by MrsAshaSUreshbabu. Deputy Registrar Mr. Joseph Naresh facilitated the ceremony. CYTER was represented by its Director, Prof Madanmohan, Deputy Director Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani and Coordinator-cumYoga therapist Dr. MeenaRamanathan. CYTER student community was represented by Vibha Shah, Prabhakaran along with the international observer Dr Krzysztof Bierski, an anthropologist from Germany.
Dr. Mugunthan N successfully defended the thesis titled “Effects of chronic exposure of ultrahigh frequency radiation emitted from 2G & 3G cell phone on brain, liver, kidney, gonads of mice – A histological, biochemical and SDS page technique”.The Viva was held on 27/1/2016. The Board of Examiners consisted of Prof. Dr. Mrs.IndiraIngole, Professor of Anatomy & OSD, Dr. P.D.M. Medical College (External Expert), Dr. S.S. Rajasekar (MGMCRI) and Dr. J. Anbalagan (MGMCRI).
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and Research. This will include joint educational and research activities, exchange of academic materials and publications as well as the exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions. Sri SUBODH TIWARI, CEO of Kaivalyadhama also gave a well appreciated invited talk highlighting the scientific research work done at Kaivalyadhama since 1924 for the Scientific Academic Forum of MGMC&RI in the afternoon. The talk was followed by an Interactive Stress Reduction Session by the CYTER Team consisting of Prof Madanmohan, Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani and Dr. MeenaRamanathan.
ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEET The 20th Academic Council Meeting of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth was held on 19th February 2016 under the chairmanship of Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth. The Registrar, Prof.A.R.Srinivasan tabled various agendas for ratification. There were elaborate discussions on the topics and the agendas were approved after detailed discussions with the consensus of all the members including the external members, Dr. S.P. Thygarajan and Dr. G.Subramanian.
WOMENS DAY CELEBRATIONS The Women’s Cell at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Deemed University organized various events in commemoration of the International Women’s Day which falls on 7th March of every year.On March 5th, famous orators and public speakers, Smt. BharathiBaskar and Shri. Raja participated in a interactive session on “Pledge for Parity”. Shri Raja, in his speech mentioned that, the women empowerment in the past 50 years is encouraging in India. The census by the English in 1710 revealed that the educational status in our country was below 0.01 percent whereas today this scenario has totally changed. But we need a long way to go ahead in case of child
marriages and education for girls in rural areas. In India and in some parts of the world, the practice of banning women from using mobile phones and appearing in public places must be addressed. He also didn’t fail to mention that, it is the women in many instances prove to be a barrier to their own empowerment. Smt. BharathiBaskar in her address praised SBV for the feedback imitative from the girl students regarding their safety in the campus. While mentioning about the sex ratio in Pondicherry, in which the women out rank the men, shows the safety of women in the territory. This is a land mark feature of women in Pondicherry. She also added that the Women’s Day celebrations should continue till the discrimination against the female gender is eradicated. This state can be called the real Women Empowerment. She also agreed with Shri. Raja that women stood against their own freedom and empowerment. She recalled the 12 year struggle a girl who was attached by concentrated acid on her face underwent in our country to ban the easy availability of concentrated acids in our country. Life is a journey in which the male and the female have to have smooth and balanced journey. She recalled the day which more than 1000 women employees of a spinning mill in the United States of America protested against their 14 hours of daily work and the day fell on 7th March which latter came to be observed all over the world as International Women’s Day. Today in our country, at the entry level of any profession, there is 50 percent male and 50 percent female, in the secondary level it shrinks to 30 percent female and the rest male and in the managerial level, it still shrinks to 6 percent women and 94 percent male. This scenario has to change in our country to achieve the real women empowerment.During the celebrations, Life Time Achievement Awards were given to Mrs. Amir Ali Khan Asmath, Nursing Superintendent, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and to Mrs. Shree Shah, Director of Sathya Special School, Pondicherry, Earlier, Dr. UshaCarounanidy, Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences welcomed the gathering. Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS felicitated the speakers and in the end Dr. RenukaGuhan, Principal, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College thanked all the participants. All the arrangements for the programme were done by Smt. Asha Suresh Babu, the secretary of Women’s Cell at SBV.
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Dinakaran Educational Expo 2016
At a simple, but a impressive ceremony, the Vice Chancellor Prof. K.R. Sethuraman,, SBV and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS gave away the Ph.D provisional degree certificate to the maiden batch of Ph.D Scholars of SBV University. Dr.AN Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy along with her guide Prof.DhananjayS.Kotasthane,Pathology dept.,, Ms.Kandhakumari, Asst.Prof in Microbiology, KGNC along with her guide Prof.S.Stephen. Microbiology Dept., and Dr. Mugunthan N, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy along with his guide Prof.Anbalagan., Anatomy dept received their Ph.D provisional degree certificate. The Registrar, Prof.A.R.Srinivasan and the Deputy Registrars, Dr.Manonmani & Mr.JosephNaresh were also present on the occasion.
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth participated in the Educational Expo 2016 conducted by Dinakaran daily at NT Mahal, Pondicherry on 15th, 16th and 17th April 2016. The Expo was inaugurated by Shri. N. Rangasamy, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Puducherry. Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, constituent colleges of SBV jointly participated in the Educational Expo. The stall of SBV highlighted about the various courses offered under Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Nursing courses and Dental courses. Faculty from the constituent colleges, Medical Physicists from MGMCRI and Social Workers from the department of Community Medicine of MGMCRI were involved in the smooth conduct of the Expo.
The 23rd Board of Management meeting of SBV was held on 11th March 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of SBV. The External members, Prof. Krishna Seshadri and Dr. R.K.Chauhan participated. The Registrar, Prof. A.R.Srinivasan presented the various agendas which were approved by the Board.
Planning & Monitoring Board Meeting The Planning and Monitoring Board of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth met on 09.04.2016 under the chairmanship of the ViceChancellor, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman at the Board Room of the Administrative Block of the University. Dr. R.K. Chauhan, Former Secretary to UGC participated in the meet as an External Expert. All the members of Planning and Monitoring Board participated in the meet and the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dean – Research & AHS, SBV and Medical Superintendent of MGMCRI participated as Special Invitees. The Board met and discussed the action report of the previous meet and also recommended future plans for the year 2016-17 towards the growth of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.
Meeting the Lt. GovernorofPuducherry Lt. Governor of Puducherry, Dr. KiranBedi had organized a meeting with the Principals of Government colleges of Puducherry on 7th June 2016.Our Vice-Chancellor, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman was invited as a special invitee to attend the meeting along with the Director of JIPMER. The meeting was held to discuss the plan to involve the youth (College Students) in achieving the goals of prosperous Puducherry. It was decided to collectively observe the International Yoga Day on 21st June 2016 in which students from all colleges will represent and take part in “Puducherry Students Beach Yoga”. The constituent colleges of SBV participated in the mega event and also volunteered for other services on that day.
The Deputy Registrar (Academics) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Shri. Joseph NareshS, attended the Board of Studies meet at the Department of Social Work, St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science, Cuddalore on 6th April 2016. He attended the meeting as an External Expert in Social Work, along with the Head, department of Social Work, Pondicherry University.
Attending the BOS meet atSt. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science, Cuddalore.
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Proceeding of IPR Awareness Workshop with Focus on “ Patents And Copyrights”, 3rd June (Friday) 2016, SBV, Pondicherry A Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) with focus on “Patent and Copyright” was held by the IPR Cell of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth at the MGMCRI Campus on 3rd June 2016, Friday. Total 180 delegates consisting of faculties and students from different subject’s viz. Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering, Nursing, Law and Basic Sciences from universities and colleges; from all over the Pondicherry & Tamilnadu attended the meet. The Tamil Nadu Medical Council has accredited 1 hrs of CME credit to the conference.
Management”. He illuminated on the different aspects of filling of copy right and protecting them. Open Forum: In the afternoon there was open forum from 2.30- 4.00 pm in which all the four guest speakers were kind enough to take questions from the audience and interact with them. There was lot of questions from the audience to which the guest speakers responded. The session was lively. Feedbacks were collected at the end. Out of 180 delegates 94 (52%) participants responded for the feedback, 76 % participants told the topics were relevant to the workshop. 89% told teaching learning experience was encouraging and 86% told the entire workshop was useful.
The conference was inaugurated by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, who, in his key note address mentioned that Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is laying strong emphasis on innovation and it is paying off. In his felicitation address Mr.YashawantDevPanwar, Scientist E and Head, PFC TIFAC, New Delhi Spoke on the new IPR policy of Government of India; the role and scope of IPR in academic institutions all over the country; and the role of PFC in facilitating patents from academic institutions.Prof S Mishra, Organizing Chairman welcomed the gathering and Dr M Senthil, Organizing Secretary offered the vote of thanks.
Interview for the selection of Allied Health Science courses - (7. 7. 2016):
Guest lectures session: Mr. YashawantDevPanwar, Scientist E and Head PFC TIFAC, presented on the topic, “ Management of Intellectual Property Rights in academic Institutions”; and he elaborated on the role of PFC in filling patents.Mr. Raja, Assistant controller of patents and designs,
PhD Public viva voce of SBV - (23. 7. 2016):
The interview for selection of eligible candidates for the Undergraduate, postgraduate and M. Phil courses which fall under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences was conducted on 7th July 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean- Research and AHS of SBV. Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar of SBV and the heads of the concerned units attended the interview session. Majority of the applicants had attended the interview.
The Public Viva Voce for the defense of the thesis by the PhD scholar Mrs. Sridevi (Part Time – External) was held on 23rd July 2016. Mrs. Sridevi successfully defended the thesis titled “Effects of Pergularia Daemia on noise induced changes in Albino Rats”. The Viva was held on 23. 7. 2016. The Board of Examiners were, Dr. Sethu Raman O. S, (External Member), Head, Department of Physiology, Malabar Dental College and Research Centre, Kerala, Dr. K. Sembulingam, (Guide) and Dr. Madan Mohan, Head, Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, (Member). Academic Council Meeting held on 11th August 2016:
Government of India, Chennai spoke on “Patenting system in India”; steps for filling patents; and their evaluation by the patent office. Shri.ArvindVishwanathan, IPR Consultant, Chennai spoke on “Patent information and its use” and extensively dealt with search for patents.Shri.Surya Senthil, IPR Attorney, Jus Maxima Law, Chennai spoke on “Copyright
The 21st Academic Council Meeting of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 11th August 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The Registrar, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan tabled various agendas for ratification. There were elaborate discussions on the topics and the agendas were approved after detailed discussions with the consensus of all the members including the external experts.
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AZADI 70 - Freedom Fortnight (20, 22 and 23rd AUGUST 2016):
was signed between SBV and IMC, KREMS for Doctoral Research in Music Therapy.
As per the directives of University Grants Commission (UGC), AZADI 70 – Freedom Fortnight was celebrated at the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. On 22nd August 2016, Slogan Writing Competition on the theme “Quit Terrorism, Pervade Patriotism” was organized. Many students participated in the event with great zeal and interest.
Felicitation of Task force members of NIRF 2017
On 22nd August 2016, an awareness programme on “Patriotism – the need of the hour” was organized and Thiru. Prapanchan, Sahitya Academy Winner, a tamil writer and orator spoke on the above topic in the programme organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences”. On 23rd August 2016, mass singing of the National Anthem with divinity and patriotism was organized. A large number of staff and students of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth participated. In addition to the above, Essay Writing and painting contests were also organized for the students. A detailed report was sent to the University Grants Commission. PhD Music Therapy Service Contract: In continuation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IMC, KREMS, Austria, a more specific Service cum Cooperation Contract was signed in September 2016 between Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and IMC University of Applied Sciences and Head of the Josef Ressel Centre for Personalised
A Felicitation programme to recognize all the task force members and the functionaries from all the constituent colleges of SBV for their committed and dedicated work that led to the successful upload of the data pertaining to National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) -2017 was held on 3rd December 2016 at the Board Room of the University under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice – Chancellor and presided by Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research and AHS. The Vice – Chancellor complemented the single minded efforts and dedication of the task force members in realizing this endeavor which from now on will be an annual exercise of immense significance. Vice – Chancellor placed on record the efforts put by Dean – Research & AHS in co-coordinating this process which was held over a period of more than two months. The members were felicitated with mementos.
22nd Academic Council meet of SBV The 22nd Academic Council meet of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 22nd December 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice – Chancellor in the Board Room of the University. The External Experts Dr. S.P. Thyagarajan, Professor of Eminence and Dean (Research) of Sri Ramachandra University and Prof. G. Subramanian, Founder Director, National Facility for Marine Cyanobacteria, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli. Many academic proposals were ratified in the meeting which was largely attended by the members of the Academic Council.
▶▶ STUDENTS COUNSELING SERVICE Life Skill Training for SSSMCRI Fresher’s (2015-2016 batch)
SBV took a new initiative to impart life skill training to the Interns of SSSMCRI this year. This innovative measure is introduced in the month of January 2016, on a monthly
Life Skill Trainings to SSSMCRI Interns
Music Therapy, KREMS for the students from KREMS who are registering for their Doctoral programmes (PhD) in Music Therapy. On behalf of SBV, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, ViceChancellor and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS and Prof. Priv. Doz Mag. Dr. Gerhard Tucek and Mag. Ulrike Prommer on behalf of IMC KREMS signed the contract. An official Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
The Fresher’s of SSSMCRI students were given an introduction to the essence of counseling and the importance of perseverance in achieving goal through PPT and PDF presentations. The feedback revealed that the fresher’s found this session as very useful (39%) and useful (53%).
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All the three trainings workshops were found very useful (30%) and useful (63%) by the participants as reported through the feedback received at the end of the workshop.
Group Therapy
training basis for 3 months. The module consisted of three activities:
Group therapy is an established method of learning cum healing. This was also introduced to SSSMCRI students in the month of March 2016. A small group (8) of students from 2nd, 4th and 5th semester participated in this session. The HOD, Forensic Medicine Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair G was present in the session. The participants found this as a useful tool.
1.Personality Development Workshop - 25.01.2016
Parent Teachers Meeting at MGMCRI
Personality development is an essential component for the doctors. Doctors are valued highly for their dedication, sincerity, humanity and simplicity. Above all honesty is the quality that makes doctors be valued next to God by the Patients. The initial training workshop focused on the development of the above mentioned qualities during their training, as well as career and beyond. This becomes a part of Life Long Learning (LLL) tool. 2.Belief change Workshop - 23.02.2016 Most of the people find it difficult to overcome their negative thoughts and even to admit it overtly. Before being professionals every individual has to be recognized as a human being in order to deal with their personal difficulties. This training focused on guiding the Interns to change their negative belief into positive, through the daily practice of positive affirmation technique including reading motivational quotes. 3. Overcoming stress through Sound Healing - 23.03.2016 Stress is part and parcel of human life – especially more among professionals. Realizing the importance of dealing with stress in their life now and also throughout, the final module was introduced. The purpose of this module is to enable the Interns to understand the Physical, Psychological and Emotional causes and consequences of stress and ways of handling it through sound healing techniques. A Sound Healing treatment is deeply relaxing. Every cell in our body enjoys sound, and also responds well to the sound. Music can calm the nervous system and improve metabolism. Various methods of Sound healing (Ex: Vocal Expression, Using Instruments, Music therapy etc.,) were demonstrated to the participants to release stress.
During the Parent – Teachers meeting at MGMCRI, the parents meet the student counselor along with their ward voluntarily to get guidance for modifying their approach and also to share their satisfaction as well as expectations regarding College and Hostel needs. As some parents feel hesitant to express freely with the Dean’s Office, they prefer to avail this facility for deriving academic support.
Fine Arts Club Meetings (Extra Curricular activities-Coordination) Mrs.Rama, Student counselor (Coordinator) held two monthly meetings with Fine Arts Club members prior to Spectra 2k16 and one meeting after Spectra 2k16. The club members expressed the interest to attend demo cum trainings in this skill. This has been noted for future events.
Workshops Attended (FDP) Student Counselor, Mrs.Rama attended a 2 days’ workshop on “Relationships – Self and Others” Conducted by G.L.Sampoorna (Contact: at Chennai on 26th and 27th March, 2016.
▶▶ INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL As a Quality Sustenance measure at SBV a faculty workshop on “Goal setting. Benchmarking and Perspective Planning” was organized by the IQAC SBV on 03.03.2016 at ground floor lecture hall at 2.00 pm. The workshop was conducted by the Pro Chancellor, Dr.YMJayaraj. The workshop was chaired by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman and was attended by all the faculty of all the constituent colleges of SBV.
▶▶ REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATION “If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days
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▶▶ Independence Day The Independence Day of our Nation was celebrated on 15th August 2016 in front of the Hospital entrance. On this occasion, the Dean Research & AHS hoisted the National Flag at 8. 00 a. m. Faculty members;non-teaching employees and students attended the function. The celebration started with Welcome Address by the student wing followed by the Guard of Honor. The Flag was hoisted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS and was accompanied by the Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, and Vice
The celebration was followed by Patriotic Songs by the students of MGMCRI, IGIDS & KGNC. To honor the best academic performance of the children of employees, there was the distribution of cash awards to the tune of R. 52, 000/- and certificates to the deserving children under the Employees Welfare Incentive Scheme for the year 2015 -16. The award winner of the day are as follows: Jansirani, Lab Technician, Pharmacology, daughter, Tholkaviya R; R.Iyyanar, Attender, daughter, Indhuja I;Madavan, J, Driver, Transport, daughter, Keerthana K; Adhilakshmi M, CT Technician, CT SCAN, son, Pon Aadhavan M; Sekar D, OT Assistant, Anaesthesiology, son Anandheswar S; Sam Benjamin G, Incharge, Transport, daughter, Merlin Bretta S; Pajany N, Attender, daughter, Jayachandrikaa P;Radjeswari S, MRI Technician, CT SCAN, son Saravanapriyan S;Indira Gandhi P, Nursing Supervisor, Nursing, daughter, Nandhini P; and Kanchana K, Technical Supervisor, Blood Bank, daughter, Arthi S. The function ended with the National Anthem, which was sung with patriotic fervor.
Principal, Faculty of Nursing Sciences followed by their patriotic speech to the audience.
when man began the dream of existence, it is India”. It was the Republic day and the MGMCRI paid full respect to our mother India. Our Nation Flag was hoisted followed by the March past and an effective speech by Vice Chancellor, SBV. The Loyalty Award was given to Mr.Muthulingam (Driver) for his act of true loyalty. The Students with good attendance record was also recognized and awarded on the day. With a Patriotic song by our students the event came to an end. The family members of MGMCRI dispersed with a thought of being together to commence a journey of peace, harmony and progress.
Universit y Commun i que
▶▶ FROM THE OFFICE OF CENTRAL LIBRARY The Central library, SBV is housed in a separate centralized three storied building and it is fully automated. It is a high tech library with all modern facilities like WIFI, Internet, Digital Library, E Learning, CCTV and OPAC. It has a separate own book reading section with capacity for 250 students for using their own book. The library has reach collection (21,800) of latest print books and 10,000 E-books. The library is subscribing 136 print journals which include 64 International and 72 National Journals. In addition to this the library also subscribes for 3000 online journals. The Library collection is updated periodically with latest books. The collection includes not only books on health and allied sciences but also books on Words of Wisdom and other areas of Interest like Yoga, Computer Science, Music and Management. The library has collections which include publications brought out by International organizations like WHO, UNICEF, UN and by National Organizations like ICMR, DGHS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and DST. There is a separate thesis collection with 500 thesis. The archives collection has journals from 2001 onwards. The Library spends every year 50L on Print Journals and 10L on E Journals.The Library is used extensively by Faculty, PG, and UG. On an average about 300 persons are using the Library.For the better utilization of the Resources available and also to feel free, the library organizes orientation program for all the new students in which all about the Library (Timing, Rules and Regulations, Services and Facilities) and Dos and Don’t are briefed.With all these high tech qualities the central library serves as the main “Learning Resource
Center” for MGMCRI and for the constituent colleges, KGNC, IGIDS and SSSMCRI
▶▶ THE CHRONOLOGY OF “THE CHRONICLE” - 2016 JANUARY • MGMCRI won the “Duct Philanthropy Awards-2016 • KGNC Lamp Lighting Ceremony • Training of Trainers DEU of IGIDS • IOWA faculty visit to IGIDS • IGIDS program on Research for undergraduates • Inauguration of MIST - MGMCRI • Communication Building Programme at KGNC • Intercollegiate paper / poster contest on PG Research - SBV • MOU between CYTER and Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute • CDE programme on “ Unraveling the myths of occlusion” • Invited talk on “Highlights of Scientific Yoga Research at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute” by Sri SubodhTiwari
FEBRUARY • SBV- FDP on ‘Goal setting, Bench Marking’ by Pro-VC • Third International Conference on Music Therapy • Guest talk on“Music, addiction and reward processing. Implication for therapy and education” by Prof.JorgFachner - MGMCRI • CDE program ‘Undergraduate “OOO” Consortium 2016’ • CME on Common Orthopedic Ailments - SSSMCRI • CDE workshop on Sytematic Review – Writing a protocol • “Magic Potion of an Influencer” talk by Mr. Prason Christopher Robin at IGIDS
annual Report 2016
28 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
• Visit by CLTRT for academic collaboration with MGMCRI • CME on Zika Virus outbreak - MGMCRI • NEU on “Choice Based Credit Grading System” • CME on Leprosy at MGMCRI & SSSMCRI
• TEE Workshop - “Simulation based workshop on transesophageal echocardiography” • Symposium on ‘Management of Diabetes Mellitus’ -MGMCRI • World health day program for Transgenders – IGIDS
• Guest talk by Prof.Thameem Ansari from Penang Adventist hospital, Malaysia – MGMCRI
• Guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Stomach -Recent Trends’ by Dr. O. L. NaganathBabu -SSSMCRI
• Inauguration of youth red cross of KGNC
• Live Surgical Workshop on Advanced Otological Surgery - MGMCRI
• Workshop on Geospatial Information & Research -SBV
• Valedictory Function of Interns Oration Programme – MGMCRI & SSSMCRI • Meeting at SSSMCRI with SBV–PMI core group • CME on “Minimal access surgery” – MGMCRI • 39th AMASI Skill Course and FMAS Examination – MGMCRI • Postgraduate clinical update programme “Confluence 2016” - MGMCRI • PG CME - Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training – MIST 2016 • Special lecture on, “Introduction to anthropological perspectives on mental health” by Krzysztof Bierski - MGMCRI • “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of OMFSs
MARCH • Spectra 2K16 , Arena’16, IGnite’16, Celestial 2K16, Crescita 16 of SBV • IGIDS organized Confluence’16.
• Workshop series on Research Methods and Bio-Statistics - MGMCRI • Training workshop on Bayley scales of Infant and toddler development- MGMCRI • Meeting with Dental Education Unit for consultancy Plans • CBME for PGs Session at MGMCRI • Inaugurated Yoga Therapy Conference • CBME for PGs at SSSMCRI • PG Orientation Programme - MGMCRI • Basic Surgical Skills Workshop - MGMCRI • Webinar on “Critical thinking in Health Education & Evidence based Dentistry” by Dr.Terese A Marshall, IOWA, USA. • NEU guest lecture on “OSPE & OSCE” • 2nd national level workshop on Polymerase Chain Reaction - CIDRF
• Intra & Intercollegiate Quiz Competition - MEDMASTERS 2016
• Proceeding of IPR Awareness Workshop with Focus on “ Patents And Copyrights” -SBV
• Refresher Workshop - “Prosthodontic Management of TMJ Disorders”
• National Symposium on “An Update on Antimicrobial Agents and their Uses” at MGMCRI
• SBV-Women’s day function
• National conference on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education - MGMCRI
• National conference on “Chronobiology & Health” - MGMCRI • Meeting with Alumni of IGIDS
• Dental Education External Consultancy
• MOU signing ceremony between SBV & PMI
• MVK-IYER Oration by Prof. Mudge, CEO-PMI - MGMCRI
• MGMCRI celebrated, ‘Institute Day’
• Super-speciality foundation stone Inauguration -SBV
• 27th Association of Southern zone Urologists Annual conference”- MGMCRI
• GLAUCOS 2016’, CME on Glaucoma - MGMCRI
• Workshop by Dr. Shailesh Lele, Saudi Arabia on “Curriculum development for Competency based education” – IGIDS
• Introduction of Competency Based Medical Education - SSSMCRI
• AERO- PG foundation program – IGIDS
• Rukmani Ammal Internal Oration of SAF-MGMCRI
• Himalayan Dental Project at Leh, Ladakh - IGIDS
• Launching of Immuno-Histo-Chemistry Lab- IGIDS
• IPR-Day commemoration • Special seminar on “Current concepts about emergence from anesthesia”
• Visiting Team from UK to CYTER talk on ‘Salutogenesis’. • Special SAF guest lecture on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity” - MGMCRI
• Guest talk by Dr. Adhisivam, on, “Breastfeeding-Science & the Society”. - MGMCRI
• PMI-SBV joint workshop for Educational reforms at MGMCRI & SSSMCRI
Universit y Commun i que
• National Conference of Heath Profession Education – DEU & MEU
• CME on Anesthesia – SSMCRI
• White Coat Ceremony at MGMCRI & SSSMCRI. • PGDHPE for II Batch – Inauguration.
• CIDRF Workshop on “Basic and Applied Bioinformatics for Clinical Genomics”
• KGNC Inauguration of New Batch of B. Sc Nursing.
• CME on ‘An approach to common Rheumatological disorders’- SSSMCRI
• Commemoration of National Unity Day -SBV
• Anniversary Day Celebration of CYTER
• Guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Breast’ Prof. S. Jegadesh Chandra Bose – SSSMCRI
• Lecture on “Surgical consideration in implant placement in the aesthetic zone” - MGMCRI
• International Symposium on Yoga and Wellbeing – CYTER
• International seminar on Endocrine disorders at MGMCRI
• Launch of the first Master’s degree program in Medical Music Therapy
• SAF Annual Dr. R. Ahmed Internal Oration, IGIDS by Prof N Ananthakrishnan
• IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria – SBV Initiatives for Doctoral Program in Music Therapy from CMTER
• CME - Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis & Management of Diabetes Mellitus - MGMCRI • “MORE” – a CME Programme of Orthopaedics at MGMCRI
SEPTEMBER • CME on National Conference on Upper GI and HPB - MGMCRI
• Visit to IMC-KREMS, Austria for signing MOU on Doctoral Research in Music Therapy at CMTER of AHS Faculty, SBVU
• SAF guest lecture on “Paradoxes in Cardiology” - MGMCRI
• SAF Panel discussion on “Practicing Safe Medicine” - MGMCRI
• SAF Guest Talk on ‘Overview of Liver Transplantation’ by Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar - MGMCRI
• CME on “Artificial sweeteners” by Dr. Sadishkumar - MGMCRI
• CDE Program- LASER ATELIER -IGIDS • Curriculum reforms in MBBS – MGMCRI & SSSMCRI
• CME on the “Role of Nuclear Medicine in Thyroid Management” – SSSMCRI
• Teachers Day Celebration
• CME on ‘Recent trends in Management of CSOM’ – SSSMCRI
• Inauguration of National Conference of Psychiatric Nursing.
• Guest lecture on “Reference Managers for Your Research” – SSSMCRI
• CREAMS - Presentation by MBBS Students (III Semester). • Inauguration of MBBS - 2016 Batch – MGMCRI & SSSMCRI • Launching of Pharmacogenomic services at MGMCRI by CIDRF. • Inauguration of Surgical CME at MGMCRI. • 18 hours Module on Communication Skill for PGs of Prosthodontics. • Workshop for KGNC on Problem Based Questions. • 6th National Conference on “Developing Strategies for Quality Care in Psychiatry” -KGNC • Placement and Entrepreneurship Guidance Programme -KGNC
OCTOBER • Intensive Coaching on Communication skill for PGs of MDS (Prostho) • The 7th National Conference on Breaking Bad News to Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing • First BDS Induction Program • Workshop on quality management system and internal audit ISO 15189-2012 – MGMCRI • Inauguration of the New PICU- MGMCRI • Guest talk for students on ‘Ill effects of drug abuse and addiction’ by Mr.Venkatesh Babu, I.R.S - MGMCRI • Guest Lecture on ‘Pharmacoeconomics’ –SSMCRI
• Creation of Department of Critical Care Medicine - MGMCRI
• CME on “Psoriasis - SSSMCRI • CDE program, Clinical Oral Medicine and Radiology Evince (CORE)
DECEMBER • Guest lecture on “Integration of Palliative Care in Medical Practice”
and SAF “Symposium on End of Life Care Issues in ICU” by M.R.Rajagopal of Pallium, Trivandrum. - MGMCRI • Inauguration of the Inpatient ward for Palliative Care- MGMCRI • CME on “Sleep Disordered Breathing” - MGMCRI • Bhoomi Pooja of Small Animal Research Lab -CIDRF • FDP on “Authentic assessment” for MGMCRI (HODs) organized by MEU • Lamp lighting ceremony of KGNC • Review E-Portfolio all the first year PGs of MGMCRI • Career Guidance and Support (C-5) Program for outgoing interns - MGMCRI • International Student Observership Program With Prof. Arthur Nowak and visiting dental students of IOWA University. & Portfolio presentation by the five visiting students of Dentistry, IOWA University. • International CDE program was conducted Infant Oral Health Care - “The Untold Story” • CIDRF - “National Hands-on Workshop on Advanced Methods in Real Time PCR techniques in Biomedical Research”
annual Report 2016
mahatma gandhi medical college and research institute
Message From Prof. M. Ravishankar, DA., MD (Anaesthesiology), FRCP (Glasgow) Dean, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute.
Last year MGMCRI set one of its goals as ‘to ascend up to the top of medical colleges in INDIA’. Lot of effort has gone into achieving them. To start, with a team of educationist worked in collaboration with Partners Medical International (PMI) to reorganize the curriculum delivery. The task force set up for the purpose under the leadership of VP (Curriculum) Dr. Mahalakshmi.V.N, has come out with a curriculum design named ‘STEPS’. ‘S’ standing for student centrie, ‘T’ for Trans disciplinary, ‘E’ for early experiential exposure to clinical science and community. ‘P’ for problem orientated learning and ‘S’ for self directed learning. The effort was fruitful in introducing the STEPS curriculum for the First year students joined in September 2016 and it is being successfully implemented. The efforts are on to put the second year curriculum in line and hopes to introduce it in 2017. Towards developing self confidence and leadership qualities, the student council of MGMCRI had been given the opportunity to organise the Inter medical sports and cultural festival ‘SPECTRA’ under the guidance of faculty. This task they have executed well and all praise for the emerged leaders of the students. Hope this trend will continue.
Research and Scholarship ▶▶ PUBLICATIONS Jayasingh K, Green SR. Enlightening injuries due to lightning. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research.2016;4(1):67-68. Nivedita E, Narayanan M, Siddarth N. A comparative study of the Intima medial thickness between diabetic and non diabetic patients. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2016;5(2):446-50 Parthasarathy S, Sripriya R, Hemanth Kumar VR. Comparative evaluation of addition of polygeline to bupivacaine in ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve blocks in patients undergoing hernioraphy—a randomized, doubleblind, controlled trial. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol Jan 2016;6:162-166. Radhika KS, Sripriya R, Ravishankar M, Hemanth Kumar VR, Jaya V, Parthasarathy S. Assessment of suitability of i-gel and laryngeal mask airway-supreme for controlled ventilation in anesthetized paralyzed patients: A prospective randomized trial. Anesth Essays Res Jan-Apr 2016;10:88-93.
Srirangaraj S, Kali A, Pradeep J. Multidrug resistant Shigella flexneri infection simulating intestinal intussusception. J Lab Physicians. 2016;8(1):55-7. Kali A, Srirangaraj S. EndNote as document manager for summative assessment. J Postgrad Med. 2016;15(10):10-1. Namrata Krishna Bhosale, Subhash Chandra Parija, Jharna Mandal and Shashi Ahuja. 2016. Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba and Microsporidial Keratitis. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.5(2): 854-860. doi: 2016.502.097 Kavasseri L Janaki, Narayanasamy Subbaraju Kannan, M.Palaniappan, Partha Nandi. Profile of Breast Diseases in Post Pubertal Women Assessed by Clinical Breast Examination – A Community Based Study in Rural Pondicherry. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Feb, Vol-10(2): PC07-PC11. A. Ramana Priya, K. Jeyapriya, N. S. Kannan. Accuracy of Serum Uric Acid in Predicting Complications of PreEclampsia. Int J Cur Res Rev 2016;8(5).
Parthasarathy S, Sivashanmugam T, Incidence of PostDural Puncture Headache in Indian population: A need for a Relook, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Jan 2016; 9(2):016, 230-232.
Santha Devy, A., S.Rajkumari and Uma, A.N. Control of Cross Infection at Dental Clinic-A Survey. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol.App.Sci. 2016;5(3): 9-14. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.20546/ijcmas.2016.503.002.
Parthasarathy S, Ravishankar M, Hemanthkumar VR, Reported Pain During Labour – A Qualitative Study of Influencing Factors among Parturient During Confinement in Private or Government Hospital, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Mar 2016; 10(3): UC01-UC03.
Punithavalli K, Pramodhini S, Umadevi S, Seetha KS. Speciation and Detection of Virulence Factors of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci Isolated from Various Clinical Samples. Int J CurrMicrobiol App Sci 2016;5(4):159-164.
Reddi Rani P. Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. Current Medical J of India.2016;21(10):5(2):375-8. Reddi Rani P., K.S.Reddy. Primary prevention of carcinoma cervix. JPOG;7(2):46-51.
Raj JB, Kalaivani R. Comparative in-vitro evaluation of anthelmintic property of leaves and rhizome of Costuspictus D Don against albendazole. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2016; 6. DOI: 10.5455/ njpp.2016.6.0205423032016. Ramasamy R, Murugaiyan SB, Arulkumaran U. Sathiya .R. KuzhandaiVelu V. Gopal N. Comparative study of adenosine deaminase activity, insulin resistance and lipoprotein(a) among smokers and healthy non-smokers.
Lopamudra B John, Reddi Rani P., Seetesh Ghose. Leading twin in breech presentation, is routine Caesarean section necessary? IJRCOG.2016;7(2):46-51.
Researc h and S ch olar sh i p
Int J Res Med Sci. (2016), [cited July 08, 2016]; 4(6): 1950-1953.doi:10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms20161739. M. Joshua Daniel, Prakash H Muddegowda, ChezhianSubash, Jyothi B Lingegowda, NiranjanGopal , Krishna Prasad. Study of Twenty One Cases of Red Cell Exchange in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India. J ClinDiagn Res 2016;10(5): EC28-EC30. Murugaiyan S, Ramasamy R, R SA, R R, Gandhe MB, Gopal N, S AVV. Self-Directed Learning Module in Biochemistry: A Teaching - Learning Study Conducted on Graduate South Indian Medical Students. IJHSR. (2016), [cited July 08, 2016]; 6(5): 125-132. VijayaraniKannaiyan, DeepaShanmugam, K. Jaiganesh. A study on evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacology in second MBBS students. Int J of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(6):1561-1564. Umadevi S, Pramodhini S, Kalaivani R, Seetha KS. Umbilical Sepsis Caused by Multidrug Resistant Strain of Kocuriakristinae in a New Born: A Case Report. J ClinDiagn Res. 2016;10(4): DD01-DD02. Berlinraj J, Kalaivani R. Comparative in-vitro evaluation of antihelmintic property of leaves and rhizome of Costuspictus D. Don against albendazole. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2016;6(5):1-4. Gandhe MB, Velu VK, Shyamini SRS, Saha S, Ramesh R, Babu MS. Circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D status in apparently healthy adolescents and its association with body mass index in Puducherry population. Indian J Child Health. 2016; 3(2):110-115. Kumar S, Patil R, Dad GL. A Retrospective Study of Poisoning Cases at a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Southern Rajasthan. Medicolegal update 2016;16(2):239-43. Hemapriya S, Patil R, Nisha N, Palve S, Lokeshmaran A. A study of misconceptions about childhood diarrhoea among adults in urban Pondicherry, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016;3:1442-8. Patil R, Palve SB, Vell K, Boratne AV. Evaluation of multiple choice questions by item analysis in a medical college at Pondicherry, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016;3:1612-6.
Bharati DR, Nandi P, Pal R, Yamuna TV, Lokeshmaran A, Sarker G. Evaluation of retention of knowledge and skills imparted to third semester MBBS students through basic prehospital care of fracture. Trop J Med Res [serial online] 2016 [cited 2016 Jul 20];19:118-23. Ramya K, Mukundan A, LokeshMaran A. Elevated blood pressure and obesity in young adults of hypertensive parent versus normotensive parent. Int J Res in Med Sci. 2016;4(5):1475-8 Subramani HP, RajkumarPatil NN, Palve S, Lokeshmaran A. A study of misconceptions about childhood diarrhoea among adults in urban Pondicherry, India. Int J Community Med Public Health 2016;3(6):1442-8. Ravindra R. Bhata, Gayatri Mishra, Sandeep K. Mishra, SatyenParida, Magill’s forceps-shaped stylet: An aid to difficult intubation, Ain-Shams J Anesthesiol 2016;9:316. Varghese AA, Srikanth S, Gunasekaran D, Mehta N. Study of Cutaneous Lesions in Term Neonates in a Tertiary Care Hospital. IJHSR 2016; 6(4): 80-92. Reddi Rani P, Jasmina Begum. Screening and diagnosis of GDM- where do we stand. J ClinDiagn Res. 2016:10(14) QEC1-3. Reddi Rani P. Pre ecclampsia. Current Med J of Ind.2016;24(2):17-22. John B Lopamudra, Reddi Rani P,SeeteshGhose. Outcome of clinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy: a case control study. Int J of ReprodContracepObs and Gynaec.2016;5(6):1996-99. Chinmayee.P, K.Srikanth, K,.N.Jha, A.R.Rajalakshmi, Dr.N.Swathi. Evaluation of Optic Nerve Head and Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer by Optical CoherenceTomography in Primary Open Angle Glaucoma.International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016;5(2):11-13. Reema Thomas, Srikanth.K. Role of Optical Coherence Tomography in Assessing Anterior Chamber Angles. Jounal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2016 April,Vol-10(4:NC18-NC20). K N Jha. Ophthalmology Teaching-learning in Undergraduate Classes: Roadblocks and the Remedies. JClinDiagn Res 2015;9(8).
annual Report 2016
34 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
SwathiNagarajan, VeerabahuVelayutham, G. Ezhumalai. Comparative evaluation of applanation and indentation tonometers in a community ophthalmology setting in Southern India. Saudi J Ophthalmol (2015) - online. Rajalakshmi AR, Kumar MA. Hyaluronidase hypersensitivity: A rare complication of peribulbar block. Indian J Ophthalmol 2016;64:160-2. AnugrahaBalamurugan, KrishnagopalSrikanth. A rare case of branch retinal vein occlusion following Sirsasana. International Journal of Yoga 2016;9. KirtiNathJha. Ocular trauma has fallen on our blind spot. 2016 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Research 2016;4:65-9. Nandakumar R, SwagatMahapatra. Infected non-unions of long bones→ is low cost antibiotic nail a viable option in Indian scenario. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 2016;3(5):1492-1495. Ravichandran S, Ashish K Jose, Krishnagopal R, Surendher Kumar R, Serum homocysteine levels and the risk of Osteoporosis: Int J Med Res Rev 2016;4(4):557561. doi: 10.17511/ijmrr.2016.i04.14. Shanmugasamy K, Bhavani K, Vaithy AK, Narasimhan R, Kotasthane DS. Clinical correlation of upper gastrointestinal endoscopic biopsies with histopathological findings and to study the histopathological profile of various neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. J Pharm Biomed Sci 2016;06(03): 220–224. Shanmugasamy. K, AnandrajVaithy. K, Bhavani K, Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Cyto-histological correlation of breast lump - as a part of internal quality Control. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2016;3(2);328-335. SoundharyaMoorthy, SudarCodi.R, Surendher.R and Manimekalai.K. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of Tramadol versus Tapentadol in Acute Osteoarthritic Knee Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Asian J Pharm Clin Res 2016;9(3):1-4.
Varghese AA, Srikanth S, Gunasekaran D, Mehta N. Study of Cutaneous Lesions in Term Neonates in a Tertiary Care Hospital. IJHSR. 2016;6(4):80-92. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the Editor regarding “Tympanic membrane perforation in children: Endoscopic type I tympanoplasty, a newly technique, is it worthwhile?” International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Jan 2016; 80 (1):109. ijporl.2015.11.026. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Rhinosporidiosis. Medicina Clinica 2016. 146; 12 : e73.DOI: 10.1016/j. medcli.2015.11.007. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Investigation of the relationship between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. The Journal of laryngology and otology. Supplement 12/2015; 129(12):1251-1252. DOI:10.1017/S002221511500290X. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the editor “Diagnosing Fish Bone and Chicken Bone Impactions in the Emergency Department Setting: Measuring the System Utility of the Plain Film Screen”. The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology 2016:125 (4); 352. DOI:10.1177/0003489415612802. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Comment on: Effect of topical ofloxacin on bacterial biofilms in refractory post-sinus surgery rhino-sinusitis. Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology. DOI: 10.1007/s00405-015-3860-x. Satvinder Singh Bakshi,V. Nirmal Coumare,Madhu Priya, Sithananda Kumar. Long-Term Complications of Button Batteries in the Nose. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2016 Mar; 50(3):485-7. doi:10.1016/j. jemermed.2015.10.041. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. An unusual cause for facial nerve palsy: mucormycosis. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries.1-4. 10.1007/ s13410-016-0468-7.
Sarkar S, Subramaniam E, Konthoujam J. A novel approach in the detoxification of intravenous buprenorphine dependence. Indian J Psychiatry 2016;58:152-6.
Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Comment on the Effect of Nasal Septal Deviation on Frontal and Maxillary Sinus Volumes and Development of Sinusitis. Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.DOI: 10.1097/ SCS.0000000000002350.
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Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letters to the editor. Ear Nose Throat J. 2015 October-November;94(10-11):E50. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to editor “Outcome evaluation of clarithromycin, metronidazole and lansoprazole regimens in Helicobacter pylori positive or negative children with resistant otitis media with effusion”. The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 2016; 130 (3): 318. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. A common tumor in an uncommon location: Lipoma of the palate. Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery. 2015; 5(2): 237-239. DOI: 10.4103/2231-0746.175761. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Mucormicosis rinoorbital. Medicina Clínica. doi:10.1016/j.medcli.2015.11.042. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Plummer-Vinson Syndrome. Mayo clinic proceedings. 2016 91; 3: 404. 10.1016/j. mayocp.2015.11.002. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Ludwig’s angina. Archives of Disease in childhood. doi:10.1136/ archdischild-2015-310395. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the editor. Clinical Otolaryngology 2016;41(2):197 DOI: 10.1111/ coa.12584. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the editor. Clinical Otolaryngology. April 2016;41(2):199. DOI: 10.1111/ coa.12587. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Commentary to: ‘Longterm symptom relief after septoplasty,’ Doi: 10.1007/ s00405-014-3406-7. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Archiv für Klinische und Experimentelle Ohren- Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde. DOI: 10.1007/s00405-016-3991-8. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Commentary to: ‘Is neutrophil– lymphocyte ratio associated with the severity of allergic rhinitis in children? European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology and Head & Neck. 273;10:3447-3448. DOI 10.1007/s00405-016-3923-7. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Agrandamiento tonsilar unilateral. Medicina Clinica. October 2016;147(7):e41 . DOI: 10.1016/j.medcli.2016.02.030.
Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Rhino-orbital mucormycosis in a patient with diabetes. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. DOI: 10.1016/S2213-8587(15)00522-7. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the Editor: Assessment of patients with nasal polyposis by the neutrophil-tolymphocyte ratio and eosinophil-to-lymphocyte ratio. Kulak burun bogaz ihtisas dergisi: KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat 26(3):193-4. DOI: 10.5606/ kbbihtisas.2016.00947. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Don’t neglect the sinus! Clinical medicine (London, England) 16(2):204-204. DOI: 10.7861/clinmedicine.16-2-204. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. May 2016.DOI: 10.1097/MPH.0000000000000568. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Ectopic incisors in the maxillary sinus. Saudi Journal of Dental Research DOI: 10.1016/j. sjdr.2016.04.001. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Cystic Hygroma. Acta Clinica Belgica. International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine. DOI: 10.1080/17843286.2016.1181863. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the Editor ‘Endoscopic culture-directed antibiotic therapy: Impact on patient symptoms in chronic rhinosinusitis’. American Journal of Otolaryngology. July 2016;37(4):387. DOI: 10.1016/j. amjoto.2015.07.018. Satvinder Singh Bakshi, P. Rajalakshmi. Molusco contagioso. Medicina Clinica. June 2016. Satvinder Singh Bakshi , P. Rajalakshmi. Rhinosporidiosis. Acta Clinica Belgica : International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine. 10.1080/17843286.2016.1192756. Lavanya Karanam, Satvinder Singh Bakshi, Madhu Priya, V. Nirmal Coumare, S. Vijayasundaram. Primary Non‑Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Tongue: A Rare Presentation. Dent Allied Sci 2016; 5:50-2.. 10.4103/2277-4696.185184. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. In Response to: Albumin Levels in Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis with Nasal Polyp. The Journal of craniofacial surgery. DOI: 10.1097/ SCS.0000000000003024.
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Satvinder Singh Bakshi. An unusually long process: Eagle syndrome. The American journal of medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2016.05.047. Satvinder Singh Bakshi , Sumita Bhattacharjee. Geographic Tongue. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology- In practice. DOI: 10.1016/j. jaip.2016.06.017. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Parapharyngeal Tumor. The American journal of medicine. DOI: 10.1016/j. amjmed.2016.06.021. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. In reference to “EndoscopeAssisted Transoral Removal of a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst Using A Frenotomy Incision: A Prospective Clinical Trial”. The laryngoscope. DOI: 10.1002/lary.25700. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Letter to the Editor regarding in-office cup biopsy: Head & Neck. DOI: 10.1002/hed.24551. Ananthakrishnan N. Residents working hours and patient safety: Have we finally laid the issue to rest! National Medical Journal of India. 2016;29:23-5. Ananthakrishnan N. Competency based postgraduate medical education. Proceedings of the National Conference on Health Profession Education, Pondicherry. August, 2016:53-54. Parthasarathy S, Sripriya R, Krishnaveni N. Anesthetic management of intestinal obstruction: A postgraduate educational review. Anesth Essays Res. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):397-401. Ramaligam Sripriya, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, MurugesanRavishankar. Ventilator dysfunction: Role of graphics in detection. Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology Sep 2016;465-467.
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ChellappaVijayakumar, Nanda Kishore Maroju, Krisnamachari Srinivasan, K. Satyanarayana Reddy. Clinical audit system as a quality improvement tool in the management of breast cancer. International Journal of Surgery(IJS). 2016;35:44-50.
Varohi Jain, Nikhilesh Singh, RichaGupta. Autonomic reactivity differs in young adults classified using revised Indian and WHO guidelines for obesity. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Sep2016;10(9):CC01-CC04.
SathishBalachandr an, ShyamaPremSudha, Reddy KS, SaravananKandasamy. Acute Toxicity of Three Dimensional Conformal Concurrent Chemoradiation with Dose Optimization for External Beam Radiation in Carcinoma Cervix—A Prospective Study. International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology(IJMPER) 2016;5:204-211.
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Arul VijayaVani S, Ananthanarayanan PH, Kadambari D, Harichandrakumar KT, Niranjan R, Nandeesha H. Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on side effects profile in patients of breast cancer treated with letrozole. ClinChimActaInt J Clin Chem. 2016;459:53–6. Babu MS, Sreesoorya KP, Menon SK, Saha S, Srinivasan AR, Vani SAV et al. Putative Role of Cardio Metabolic Risk among poorly controlled asthmatics in South Indian Population. Indian J ClinBiochem 2016;22:1–5. Niranjan gopal, Reeta rajagambeeram, Shruthivenkatkumar et al. Association of salivary osteopontin levels with glycaemic status and microalbuminuria - in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J ClinDiagn Res 2016;10(8): BC06-08. Mugunthan N, Shanmugasamy K, Anbalagan J, Rajanarayanan S, Meenachi S. Effects of Long Term Exposure of 900-1800MHz Radiation Emitted from 2GMobile Phone on Mice Hippocampus –A Histomorphometric Study. JCdr Aug 2016;10(8): AF01-6. Mugunthan N Kannan R, Jebakani CF Anbalagan J. Variations in the Origin and Course of Right Hepatic Artery and its Surgical Significance. JCdr.Sep 2016;10(9): AC01-AC04. Jayasingh K, TumbanathamAppikatla – Is it APLA causing portal vein thrombosis with portal cavernoma – A case report. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2016;6(8):25-26. Jayasingh K, TumbanathamAppikatla -Significance of serum amylase and serum lipase level in acute organophosphorous poisoning; International Journal of Advanced Research 2016;4(8):1399-1409. Lokesh S, Siva Ranganathan Green, TonyKadavanu Mathew, Hemachandar R, Arun Kumar, Shashank Rakesh Tiwari, Amirtha Lakshmi, Ezhumalai G. A comparative study of platelet parameters in ESRD patients undergoing hemodialysis and healthy individuals. International Journal of Advances in Medicine July2016;3(3):559-563. Litton J, Lokesh S. A cross-sectional study of prevalence and determinants of depression among stroke patients. Int J Adv Med. 2016; 3(3): 527-532. Green SR, Lokesh S, Mathew TK, K. J, S. R. A study of stress hyperglycemia and its relationship with the neurological
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Vell K, Senthil R, Patil R. Morbidity pattern among patients attending a private psychiatric clinic – a cross sectional study. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences 2016; 4(9D):3462-6. Selvaraj Stephen, Seung-Han Kim, Jothimani Pradeep, Young Jin Kim, Eun-Ye Kim, Sungman Park, Min-Woo Kim, Yoon-Won Kim. Evaluation of ImmuneMed scrub typhus rapid test kit, for diagnosis of scrub typhus. J Vector Borne Dis. 2016;53:283–7. Kim YJ, Park S, Premaratna R, Selvaraj S, Park SJ, Kim S, et al. Clinical Evaluation of Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit for Scrub Typhus with Improved Performance. J Korean Med Sci. 2016;31(8):1190-6.
Raghuraman M. S. , Sivaraman B. Comparative study of anaphylaxis incidence in patients receiving anti-snake venom with or without prophylactic adrenaline: A prospective, randomized, blinded study. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2016;5(4):1436-1440. doi:10. 18203/2319-2003. ijbcp20162449. Goneppanavar M, Dhaka RS. Undergraduate medical students’ perspectives on objective structured practical examination in Pathology. Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2016;59:430-1. Anugraha B, Srikanth K. A rare case of branch retinal vein occlusion following Sirsasana. International Journal of Yoga 2016;9: 173-5.
Pramodhini S, Umadevi S, Seetha KS. Detection of virulence determinants and its association with Drug resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;4(9):3917-23.
Venkatesh S, Chandrasekaran V, Dhandapany G, Palanisamy S, Sadagopan S. A survey on internet usage and online learning behaviour among medical undergraduates. Postgrad Med J. 2016 Sep 19. pii: postgradmedj-2016-134164. doi: 10. 1136/postgradmedj-2016-134164. [Epub ahead of print].
Charles PM, Kali A, Srirangaraj S. Comparison of carbapenem breakpoints in Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines on antibiotic susceptibility test reporting of Acinetobacterbaumannii. Indian J PatholMicrobiol. 2016;59(3):429-30.
SwagatMahapatra, Vineet Thomas Abraham. A comparative analysis of the two most common surgical exposures for clubfoot - International Surgery Journal 2016;3(3):1283 – 1286.
Arumugam Sendhil Coumary, Murugesan Sharmila, Pradeep Sunitha, Bhatacharya J Lopamudra, Kolluru Vasavi. Intracranial tuberculoma presenting as AtypicalEclampsia: A Case Report. J ClinDiagn Res 2016;10(6):QD01-QD02. Rupal S, Pallavee Palai. Clinical study of primary caesarean section in multiparous women in a tertiary care hospital. . Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol. 2016;5(5):506-1509. Tapanpattanaik, SunitaSamal, Tanaya Jena. Prevalence and spectrum of congenital malformations in a tertiary care centre. Indian Journal of Neonatal Medicine and ResearchJuly2016;4(3):01-04. Pandiamunian Jayabal, Kartik J. Salwe, Somasundaram Ganesan, Bhanu Prakash Kolasani. A study on prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Puducherry, South India. Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 9, Issue 5, 2016, 217-220.
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R. Nandakumar, Vineet Thomas Abraham, A. Prabhakaran, M. Chandrasekaran, SwagatMahapatra. Early weight bearing following intertrochanteric fractures managed with proximal femoral nail-Are we obsessed with complications. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical SciencesJuly 2016;(2)1:255-258.
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ShanmugamLokesh. Trace elements in Chronic hemodialysis patients and healthy individuals – A comparative study. J ClinDiagn ResOct2016;10(10):Oc14-Oc17. Kalirattiname, VijeshAnand, Aarthi and Deyagarasan. Rare Coinfection with zoonotic and viral disease in a young female. Int. J. of Multidisciplinary and Current research 2016; 4(4):675-77. Rani P, Hemanth Kumar VR, Ravishankar M, Sivashanmugam T, Sripriya R, Trilogasundary M.Rapid and reliable smooth extubation – Comparison of Fentanyl with dexmedetomidine: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial. Anesth Essays Res Sep-Dec 2016;10:597-601. Srinivasaraghavan R, Dhandapany G. Non availability of Cloxacillin, A Deterrent for Rational Antimicrobial Practice. Indian Pediatr. 2016;53(11):1032-1033. PMID: 27889744 Rajkumar M, Santhanam T Efficacy of Expressive Writing Therapy (cognitive based) in Managing Depression and Anxiety. International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Nov 2016;6(5): 1-5. P. Karthikeyan, DT Pulimoottil. Regarding “Analysis of the incidence and factors predictive of inadvertent parathyroidectomy during thyroid surgery.” J Laryngol Otol 2016;130:669-73. Pandiamunian J, Kartik J. Salwe, Somasundaram G, Kolasani BP. A study on prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital in Puducherry, south india. AJPCR2016;9(5): Sumina S, Kingshuk Lahon, Johan Pandian and Manimekalai K. Evaluation of Acute Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Ocinum sanctum (Tulsi) Leaf in Wistar Albino Rats. RJPBCS 2016;7(6): Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan. Are women vulnerable or defendable to disaster? Health action. Dec 2016;29(12):17. Surekha A, Anbazhagan S. Non-Communicable Diseases during Disaster - Time to Take Action. IJHSR 2016;6(12):292-296. Suguna Anbazhagan,SurekhaA. Social Accountability in Medical schols-Do the students account about it? Indian Journal of Research 2016;5(11):24.
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Satvinder Singh Bakshi.Tiroides lingual. Medicina Clinica. DOI:10.1016/j.medcli.2016.07.029 Bakshi SS A hard calculus: submandibular sialolithiasis. The American journal of medicine. DOI: http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2016.09.010 Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Plexiform Neurofibroma. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. 2016 Nov;83(11):792. Bakshi SS. Pretreatment Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Salivary Gland Tumors Is Associated with Malignancy. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery 155(6):1069-1069 Satvinder Singh Bakshi, Anandraj Vaithy K. Antrochoanal Polyp. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology : In Practice. DOI: jaip.2016.10.005 Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology : In Practice. DOI: Satvinder Singh Bakshi. Mandíbula abultada. Medicina Clinica. - DOI:10.1016/j.medcli.2016.09.035 Priya M, Bakshi SS, Coumare V N, Vijayasundaram S, Latheef MN. Solitary extraosseous neurofibroma of hard palate: Report of a case with a review of literature. J Dent Allied Sci. 2016;5(2):95-97. Anitharaj V, Stephen S, Pradeep J, Park S, Kim SH, Kim YJ, Kim EY, Kim YW. Serological Diagnosis of Acute Scrub Typhus in South India: Evaluation of InBios Scrub Typhus Detect IgM Rapid Test, and Comparison with other Serological Tests. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016;10(11):7-10. Kalaivani R, Kali A, M.V.P Charles, K.S Seetha. Comparitive evaluation of three stool concentration techniques in the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections. Int.j. 2016;5(11):299-304. Ravichandran.L, Umadevi S, Pramodhini.S,Srirangaraj.S. Seetha.K.S.Prevelance of virulence factors among clinical isolates of Enterococcus spp. Asian journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical research 2016;9(3):1-4
Samiyappa DP, Ghose S, John LB, Samal R. Maternal and perinatal outcome in meconium stained amniotic fluid at term: a case control study. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016;5:3404-10. Shanmugam A, Ghose S, Parida P, Begum J. Sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for medical termination of pregnancy: a comparative study. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016;5:3398-403. Jenkins A, Sendhil CA, Ghose S. Comparison of the efficacy of extra amniotic Foley catheter, intravaginal prostaglandin E1 tablet and intracervical prostaglandin E2 gel for pre induction cervical ripening: a randomized comparative study. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016;5:3902-8. Reddi Rani. Menopause and HRT Current Medical Journal of India 2016:22(7):41-45. N.Mugunthan, K.Shanmuga Samy,J.Anbalagan,S. Meenachi, Long term exposure of 900-1800 MHz mobile phone radiationn on mice liver-Ahistological study, National journal of clinical Anatomy, 2016;5(4):196-201.
▶▶ Editor / Reviewer Dr.P..Karthikeyan Professor and Head, Dept. of ENT, reviewed an article “A Study on the difference in treatment response of intranasal corticosteroids on eosinophilic and non eosinophilic allergic rhinitis” in Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (IJOHNS) on June , peer reviewed articles in Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (IJOHNS) and Indian journal of Otology (IJO), reviewed article for “Indian Journal Of Anatomy of Head , Neck And Brain” .Dr. Srirangaraj S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of scientific papers for Indian Journal of Medical Research and Journal of Infection in Developing Countries inApril, 2016. Dr. Arunava Kali, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Indian Journal of Medical Research in May, 2016. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane,Professor and HOD, Department of Pathology, was invited to conduct review of
Umadevi S, Pramodhini S, Seetha KS. Resistance pattern of Enterococcus spp.Isolated from clinical specimens. Int J CurrMicrobiol App Sci 2016;5(11):340-345.
Priya M, Bakshi SS, Coumare V N, Vijayasundaram S, Latheef MN. Solitary extraosseous neurofibroma of hard palate: Report of a case with a review of literature. J Dent Allied Sci 2016;5(2):95-97.
Researc h and S c holar sh i p
scientific paper in Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology in June, 2016, reviewed an article for journal. Libertas academica - Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology. and reviewed an article for journal. Libertas academica - Clinical Medicine Insights: Pathology. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, appointed as a member of editorial board of Music & Medicine journal. Tenure: From 01. 07. 2016 to 30. 06. 2021. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and AHS was invited to be a reviewer for the prestigious “British Journal of Surgery. ” Dr. A. N. Uma Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy peer reviewed a manuscript, for the journal, Advances in Research, a SCIENCEDOMAIN international publication. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor & Head, reviewed an article for British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research. Dr. Arunava Kali, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for BMC Research Notes in Aug, 2016., was invited to conduct review a research project proposal for Czech Science Foundation. Dr. TumbanathamAsst. Professor, Department of General Medicine was a Peer reviewer for Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research from July to Dec 2016, and reviewed 5 papers. Dr. S.Lokesh, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine Peer reviewed for the Journal of Current Trends in Clinical Medicine and Laboratory Biochemistry and for Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. and is also is the Editor for Journal of Current trends in clinical medicine and laboratory biochemistry and for Journal of clinical and diagnostic research Dr.SS Bakshi, Asst. Professor and Head, Department of ENT peer reviewed articles in, Journal of Surgery, Symbiosis group, International Journal of Dermatology and Journal of case reports and studies. Prof.Joseph Philipraj, Department of Urology was selected as member of editorial committee for Indian journal of Urology on 16.12.2016.
TEXT BOOK PUBLICATIONS Book Chapter Contribution Kadambari D, Ananthakrishnan N. Male Breast Cancer, In, Puneet (Ed), Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery, Volume 14, New Delhi, Jaypee Bros, 2016, 15-32. Ananthakrishnan N, Kalyarasan R, Kate V. Corrosive injury of esophagus and stomach. In,Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi, 2016, 194-206. Kate V, Kalayarasan R, Elamurugan TP, Ananthakrishnan N. Surgery for peptic ulcer disease. In, Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi, 2016, 194-206. Pramod Kumar G N. Regional and Transportation Injuries. In, Forensic Medicine –Prep Manual for Undergraduates, 1st Ed, Elsevier RELX India Pvt Ltd New Delhi. 2016;94-102. Pramod Kumar G N. Sexual Offences. In, Forensic Medicine –Prep Manual for Undergraduates, 1st Ed, Elsevier RELX India Pvt Ltd New Delhi. 2016;175-185. Satvinder Singh Bakshi. MCQ in ENT, Target JIPMER, 3rd edition. 2016. Peepee publishers, ISBN-10-8184452071& ISBN-13-978-8184452075. Kadambari D, Ananthakrishnan N. Male Breast Cancer. Puneet (Ed), RoshanLall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery2016;14:15-32. New Delhi, JaypeeBros. Ananthakrishnan N, Kalyarasan R, Kate V. Corrosive injury of esophagus and stomach. Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi. 2016;194-206. Kate V, Kalayarasan R, Elamurugan TP, Ananthakrishnan N. Surgery for peptic ulcer disease. Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi. 2016, 283-299. PatilR. Swasthya Bhramaur Sachchai. 1 st ed. Jaipur: Bodhi Prakashan; 2016. ISBN No. : 978-93-86253-03-3. K.R.Sethuraman. Communication Skills in Clinical Practice. II edition, 2016. JAYPEE Brothers, Medical publishers, Chennai.
annual Report 2016
Academic Initiatives ▶▶ AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS Dr.SmritaSwamy, HOD, Dept, of Radiology chaired the session of Dr. K Nagarajan, HOD Radiology, for his talk on “MSK Interventions” at JIPMER on the occasion of State conference of IRIA March 2016. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, OBGY, was a resource person and spoke on “Normal Pelvic Anatomy” at the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI -2016) in MGMCRI in Feb 2016.
Dr. Arunava Kali, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, joined Microbiology Insight Journal, Lawarence Press, New Delhi, as Assistant Editor. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, reviewed a manuscript titled “Seasonal dependence & BDNF genotype influences depression outcome & BDNF serum level in atopic dermatitis & psoriasis patients” for the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, in March 2016.
Dr. S. Mishra, Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, attended as invited faculty the 15th Annual conference of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Association of Plastic Surgeons (TANPAPS – 2016) at CMC Vellore, TN on 22 & 23 Jan 2016 and delivered a guest lecture on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
Dr. SunitaSamal, Prof, OBGY, was a resource person and spoke on “Peri operative evaluation of endoscopic surgery” and “Gynaecological endoscopic instruments” at the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI -2016) in MGMCRI in Feb 2016.
Dr. S. Mishra, Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, attended as invited faculty the 24th Annual Conference of National Academy of Burns (NABICON 2016) at Puri, Orissa held on 19-21 Feb 2016 and delivered a guest talk on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
Dr. JeetendraBehera, Senior Resident, OBGY, gave a guest lecture on “Contraception and prevention of unsafe abortion” at KGNC, in February 2016.
Dr. S. Mishra, Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, attended as invited National faculty the Endo Surg-2016, 10th AIIMS Surgical week at AIIMS New Delhi on 6th March 2016 and delivered a lecture on “Management of lymphoedema of the limb: Approach in a resource poor area”.
Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, participated as a resource person in a panel discussion on “Stress management in day-to-day life”, organized by IMA, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, on 13.03.2016. Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a resource person in a panel discussion on stress management in day-to-day life, organized by IMA, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, on 13-03-2016.
Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, delivered an invited talk on “Funding Resources for Research Projects”, during the Scientific and Academic Forum meeting, organized by IGIDS on 23.03.2016.
Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invested as Chairman to moderate the IEC meeting held at Indira Gandhi Medical College &Research Institute, Pondicherry, for selecting suitable research projects submitted by the faculty members on 18.03.2016.
Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, gave a guest lecture at the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on 19th March, 2016.
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Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, was the chief guest and inaugurated the National Workshop on “Curriculum designing in Microbiology”, at St.Joseph’s College of Arts and Sciences, Cuddalore and also released the Symposium Souvenir on 18.02.2016. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on alcohol use & road safety, at the RTO (Regional Transport Office), Pondicherry, on 18-01-2016. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, was one of the Resource Committee members for the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, between 18.03.2016 and 19.03.2016. She was also was the editor for the proceedings of the National conference on “Chronobiology and health” Dr. S. Krishnan, Department of DVL, was invited as a guest speaker at the National Conference Dermacon held from 21-24th January 2016 at Coimbatore and delivered a talk on “Tacking difficult cases of psoriasis”. Dr. K.A, Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine is a faculty for the workshop series on Research Methods and Statistics for faculty of MGMCRI. The series is organized on a “hands – on” training principle over 16 sessions covering Study designs, Study Instruments, Data collection, analysis and statistical interpretation, Critical Appraisal of Papers, Research Ethics and Preparation of Project Proposals. The course commenced in February and will conclude in June 2016. Twelve participants would be completing the course successfully. Dr. K.A. Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a resource person for the pedagogy training programmes for the following groups namely Dental Faculty from KarpagaVinayagar Dental Institute from 21 to 22 January 2016, Pedagogy training for second year postgraduates of MGMCRI on March 22 and Pedagogy training for Faulty of MGMCRI. He was invited by the Nursing Education Unit on 26th Feb 2016for a talk on ‘Choice Based Credit System for nursing.’ Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on Regional Anaesthesia PACCS-2016 at Centaury Super Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad on 12th and 13th March 2016.
Prof.MohamedHanifah, Department of Medicine gave a guest lecture on ‘Diabetes’, on WHO day celebrated by the department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI. Prof.K.Jayasingh, Prof.MohamedHanifah and Prof.T.K.Dutta were the faculty members in the PG Clinical update programme held at PIMS ,Puducherry on 24/03/2016 Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, was elected President of Pondicherry Chest Society and Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was elected as Treasurer. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine chaired a talk on ‘Management of MDR’ given by Pondicherry State TB Officer Dr.S.Govindarajan. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, attended “Pulmo PG Updates 2016” organized by Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences in Kochi, on February 5 and 6 and chaired a session on ‘Newer Management strategies in COPD’ and ‘Recent Advances in IPF’. Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘Ramachandra Rapid Respiratory Review’ held in Chennai on February 12 and 13 and delivered a talk on ‘Sleep diagnostic devices – Updates and Controversies’.
Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘Pre-operative Pulmonary evaluation’ in a CME conducted in NLC GH, Neyveli, on February 26. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD and Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘National Conference on Chronobiology and Health’ organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI on 18 & 19 March 2016. Prof.R.Pajanivel was a Resource person in the panel discussion on 19 March on “Chronobiology and Airway diseases”.
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Prof.K.Jayasingh chaired a session in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, conducted by the department of Physiology at MGMCRI, on 18 th& 19 th of March 2016 Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, chaired a session titled “Chronobiology of mood disorders”, at the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18-03-2016.
Dr. Chandana, AsstProf, OBGY, spoke on “Cord Prolapse”, in the Obstetric Medicine Update in JIPMER. Dr. RupalSamal,AsstProf, OBGY, presented a paper on “Trends and Indications of Caesarean Section in a Tertiary care Hospital in Southern India” in 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG, Agra.
Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, chaired the meeting of the Institute Ethics Committee of the Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 29.01.2016.
Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, presented a poster titled, “Chromosomal abnormalities in congenital anomalous foetuses& babies - a possible outcome of chemicals exposures associated with environmental pollution” in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 18th and 19th, 2016.
Dr. Srirangaraj S,Professor, Department of Microbiology, chaired a session titled, “Glimpses of research work carried out at CMTER” at the 3rd International Conference on “Best Practised Models and Research in Music Therapy: Global Perspectives” organized by CMTER, MGMC& RI, Pondicherry on 16 02 2016.
Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, presented a poster titled, “Music Therapy and Downs Syndrome” at the 3rd International Conference on Music Therapy, organized by Center for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, on 16-02-2016.
Dr. SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, OBGY chaired a session on ‘Anemia’ at the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG 2016 held in Agra, from 13th – 17th January 2016.
Dr. Kalaivani R,Assistant Professor, Microbiology, presented a poster titled ‘Incidence of SHV and CTX-M extended spectrum beta lactamase producing Gram negative bacterial isolates from antenatal mother with asymptomatic bacteriuria” at the 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) organized byInternational Society for Infectious Diseases on 03.03.2016 at Hyderabad.
Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of ENT, was chairperson for session on “Nasal cycle and its Therapeutic Applications – A Yogic Perspective” at the “National Conference on Chronobiology and Health” held on 18th March 2016 at MGMCRI Dr Dhananjay Kotasthane, HOD, Department of Pathology chaired a session on ‘Automation in Urine cytology’ at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. SunitaSamal, Prof, OBGY, presented a paper on “Ovarian cyst torsion in pregnancy – a review of 5 cases” at the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG 2016 held in Agra, from 13th – 17th January 2016 .
Dr. Shanmugasamy.K, Asst Prof, Department of Pathology presented poster on “A rare case report of proximal epithelioid sarcoma at unusal site- A diagnostic dilemma” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry.
Dr. Namrata K Bhosale, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, presented a poster titled, “Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba and Microsporidial Keratitis”at the 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) organized by International Society for Infectious Diseases on 05.03.2016 at Hyderabad.
Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, chaired the Panel Discussion on ‘Chronotherapeutics’ in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 19th, 2016.
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Dr. Anandraj Vaithy, Asst Prof, Department of Pathology presented paper on “Renal tuberculosis in chronic kidney disease- a study of 20 cases” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. RupalSamal,AsstProf, OBGY, has undergone ‘Orientation and Basic Hands on Training on Operative Hysteroscopy” on 24th January 2016, at Worlds Laproscopy Hospital, Guragon Haryana. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, served as one of the judges for the poster presentations at the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18-03-2016. Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, was a Moderator for a debate on “Multilanguages – Beneficial or a problem to the family” by the KGNC students on 19.02.2016. She was also was the judge at the “Extempore Competition – Crescita 16” held for the B.Sc., Nursing Students on 04.03.2016 at KGNC, Pondicherry. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, the judge for the “Elocution Competition”, held for the SBV Students on the occasion of the Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary on 27.01.2016 held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, was a judge for Just a Minute Competition” during the programme on ‘ Shaping Young Orators – Reflection on Communication Building” held for the B.Sc., Nursing Students on 08.01.2016 at KGNC, Pondicherry. Dr.RupalSamal, AsstProf, OBGY, has successfully completed “da Vinci Surgical System Training Module [Robotic Surgery], on 26 th January 2016 at WLH, Gurgaon, Haryana. Dr. Kingshuk Lahon, Dr.Padmavathi.S, Dr.SudarCodi.R, Dr. Johan Pandian, Dr.Mirunalini.R, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, faculty members, Department of Pharmacology, conducted Pharmacovigilance awareness among the interns in Interns Orientation Programme in I Block in January 2016. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, became core member of Partners Medical International - PMI at MGMCRI
Dr. K.S.Seetha, Prof & Head, Department of Microbiology, MGMC & RI, was selected as the co-ordinator for Puducherry Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Program. Dr. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, MGMC&RI and Dr. Kalaivani R, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, MGMC&RI, were appointed as committee members for Puducherry Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Program. Dr. RupalSamal, Asst Prof,OBGY, was awarded as Young Faculty Award by 4th Academic Brilliance Awards -16 at Noida in February 2016. She wasawarded with Fellowship In Minimal Access Surgery[FMAS] and Diploma In Minimal Access Surgery[DMAS], by World Association Laproscopyhospital,in January 2016, Gurgaon, Haryana. She also became a life member of “World Association OfLaproscopic Surgeons” (WALS).She successfully passed CIMP exam and was certified as Credential Indian Menopause Practitioner at 21th IMSCON February 2016 held at Nagpur. Dr. Lopamudra, Dr. Jasmina Begum, Assoc Prof, Dr. Sunil Samal, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Ramanapriya, Asst Prof, Dr. MeenuPriyadarshini, Senior Resident, OBGY, became Fellow of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India. Dr. Mugunthan N, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, successfully presented and defended his thesis titled, “Effects of chronic exposure of ultrahigh frequency radiation emitted from 2G & 3G cell phone on brain, liver, kidney, gonads of mice – A histological, biochemical and SDS page technique” under the guidance of Prof.J. Anbalagan at the public viva held on 27.01.2016and was declared eligible for the degree of PhD Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine, SBV University. The Board of Examiners consisted of Prof. Dr. Indira Ingole, Professor of Anatomy & OSD, Dr. P.D.M. Medical College (External Expert), Dr. S.S. Rajasekar (MGMCRI) and Dr. J. Anbalagan (MGMCRI). Prof. SS. Rajasekar, HOD, Dept. of Anatomy, successfully presented and defended his thesis titled, “Karyotype phenotype relationship study in fetuses with common trisomy aberrations of mothers reporting from Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu” at the public viva held on 08.02.2016 and was declared eligible for the degree of PhD in Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar. Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Dept. of Urology, chaired and judged for “Brij Kishore Patna Prize paper” at the Annual
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Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor,Department of Microbiology, participated as a resource Faculty for the MGMCRI Workshop on “Research Methodology and Bio. Statistics”, organized from 04.02.2016 to 01.06.2016. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD, Department of Pharmacology participated as a resource person in the “Research Methodology and Bio-statistics” workshop conducted in MGMCRI during the period from 04.02.2016 to 01.06.2016, and gave a talk on “Institutional Animal Ethics Committee” on 20.05.16. Dr.N.Swathi, Assoc. Prof, Department of Ophthalmology was invited as external examiner to Villupuram Medical College on 2.03.16 and 3.03.16. Dr.A.R.Rajalakshmi, Assoc. Prof, Department of Ophthalmology was invited as external examiner to Villupuram Medical College between 4.03.16 and 5.03.16. Dr.K.Srikanth, Prof. & HOD, Department of Ophthalmology was invited as external examiner at Chettinad Medical College from 18.01.16 to 20.01.16 and Chennai Medical College from 7.03.16 to 9.03.16. Prof. AnanthakrishnanN, Dean, (R &AHS) and Professor, General Surgery, was the resource person, at the SSSMCRI, Chennai on 05.04.2016 at the workshop, “Portfolios in postgraduate education and spoke on the topic, “Competency based Postgraduate Education’. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Professor and Head, Department of OBG, chaired a session on ‘Epilepsy in pregnancy’ in Obstetric medicine update conference in JIPMER on 10.04.16. Dr.Syed Habebullah, Professor, Department of OBG, chaired a session on ‘Audit, Chronic kidney disease, heart disease, rheumatology and neonatology’ in Obstetric medicine update conference in JIPMER on10.04.16. Dr. K. A. Narayan, Professor, Community Medicine, was the resource person for Workshop on Pedagogy training for PGs at MGMC&RI on “Large Group Teaching” on 11.04.2016. He attended the Faculty Development Program under the PMI–SBV Initiative held from 26.04.2016 to 29.04.2016 at MGMCRI. He also attended an Orientation program “Entrustable Professional Activity for postgraduates”
Prof. Ananthakrishnan N. Dean, (R &AHS) and Professor, General Surgery was invited as a resource person for the “CME on Bioethics” held at IGMC& RI, Pondicherry on 12.04.2016 and spoke on the topic, “Review of Study Protocols by Ethics Committee.” Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology delivered a guest talk titled, “Sources of Funding for Medical Research” in the CME on “Ethics in Medical Research” at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 12.04.2016. Dr. A.N.Uma. Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. was invited as a Special Invitee for the Syllabus / curriculum approval of the course, “PG Diploma in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine on 12.04.2016, conducted by Prof.C.Adhityan, Director, CIDRF. Dr. S.Krishnan, Prof. & HOD, Department of DVL went as external examiner on 16.04.16 to SRM Medical College, Kattankulathur, Chennai and also went as the external examiner on 27.06.16 & 28.06.16 to Narayana Medical College, Nellore. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine chaired the session, “Medical Thoracoscopy” by Dr.Yuvarajan, Pulmonologist at SMVMC, in the Pondicherry Chest Society meet on 17.04.2016. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine chaired the session: “Medical Thoracoscopy” by Dr.Yuvarajan, Pulmonologist at SMVMC, in Pondicherry Chest Society meet on 17.4.2016. Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology was invited to deliver a guest lecture on “Arboviral infections in India and south east Asia” at A.C.S. Medical College and Research Institute, Dr.MGR Educational and Research University, Chennai on 20.04.2016.
in April 2016 and was the resource person on Workshop for first year faculty on “Integrated Teaching: Sharing a Platform” held on 08.06.2016 at MGMC&RI. He coordinated and was the resource person for PG Orientation for First Year PGs and spoke on “Roles and responsibilities of Post Graduates in Teaching” held on 09.06 2016 at MGMC&RI. He was the Judge for Poster Competition as part of International Yoga day celebrations organized by CYTER on 21.06.2016 at MGMC&RI.
Conference of Urological Society of India- USICON 2016 held at Hyderabad between 7.01.16 and 10.01.16.
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Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, gave a talk on Introduction and keynote seminar on “Current Concepts about emergence from anesthesia” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 22.04.2016. Dr.S.S.Rajasekar, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, had the privilege of being part of the PSG FAIMER decennial celebrations which had International FAIMER Faculty contributing their expertise to provide international flavor to the learning experiences during the 2016 onsite sessions which included several Capacity building workshops and he participated in workshop on “Managing Stakeholders for successful projects” by Ralf R Graves (Director, FAIMER, USA) & Suvetha K (PSG IMSR). Dr. Indubala Maurya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, gave a talk on “Pharmacology of Desflurane” at (SEP) special seminar on “Current Concepts about emergence from anesthesia” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 22.04.2016. Dr. Sameer M Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, gave a talk on “Awake versus recovered – Understanding the difference during anesthetic emergence” at (SEP) special seminar on “Current Concepts about emergence from anesthesia” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 22.04.2016. Dr. Karthik, Asst.Professor. Department of General Medicine was a guest speaker in a Pondicherry level CME on “Management of T2DM in India – A patient centric approach” held on 26.04.2016 at Hotel Accord, Puducherry organized by ZydusCadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Dr G. Chandana, Assistant Professor, Department of OBG, gave a talk on ‘Cord Prolapse’in Obstetric Emergencies conference in JIPMER in April. Dr.R.Srinivasa Raghavan, Department of Paediatrics gave a Guest talk as a CME in Sri Venkateshwara Medical College Hospital and Research Centre about the Autism Spectrum disorder- Pediatrician’s role in early identification and diagnosis on 26.04.16. Dr. A.N.Uma. Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. was invited be be the Chief guest at the KIDZEE school, Cuddalore , ‘Convocation for Primary Students’ on April 2016. Dr.A.N.Uma, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, and Dr.S.Jayanthi, Department of Anatomy
was a panelist in the multidisciplinary symposium on “Holistic Approach of Demyelination Disorders” held at KGNC, SBV University on 05.05.16. Mr. Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology was a panelist in the multidisciplinary symposium on “Holistic Approach of Demyelination Disorders” held at KGNC, SBV University on 05.05.16. Dr. Pravin Charles M.V, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, delivered a guest talk titled, “Zika virus-an update” organized by Student Nursing Association, KGNC, Pondicherry on 07.05.2016. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, gave a talk on “Self-Expressed Parturient Problems after Emergency Cesarean Delivery under Subarachnoid Block-Need to Introspect and find solution” at 4th International Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics (ICGO-2016) between 28.05.16 and 30.05.16 in Barcelona, Spain. Dr.J.Shanmugam as the Chairman of the IEC at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Govt.of Puducherry, chaired the IEC meeting held on May, 2016. Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Professor and Registrar, Department of Biochemistry delivered a guest lecture titled “Serum Magnesium levels as a measure of glycemic control in Type 2 diabetes mellitus” in Continuing Medical Education program organized by the Department of Biochemistry, Christian Medical College, Vellore on 01.06.16. Dr. S.Krishnan, Prof. & HOD, Department of DVL participated as a member of organizing committee and chaired a session in IPR Awareness Workshop focusing on “Patents and Copyrights” held on 3.06.16, SBV, Puducherry. Prof. S. Srinivasan, Department of Paediatrics chaired a session in IPR Awareness workshop focusing on “Patents and Copyrights” held at MGMCRI on the topic, TIFACTechnology Information Forecasting and Assessment Council on 03.6.16. Dr. Kusha Nag, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU delivered a lecture on “Interpretation of CXR, CT brain, X-ray, and foreign body esophagus” on ISA PG Meet conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU, MGMCRI associated with ISA Puducherry Branch at Hotel Athithi on 04.06.16.
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Dr. Karthik, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine was a guest speaker at the Pondicherry level CME on “Metabolic Syndrome” on 11.06.2016 held at Hotel Sunway Manor, Puducherry organized by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, was the moderator for the Video session on Microlaryngeal flap surgery by Dr. NupurKapooron 11.06.2016 at ENT meet, Cuddalore. Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, delivered an awareness talk at an alcohol awareness program at the SP office, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, in collaboration with Dr. Surendar, Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, on 11.06.2016. Prof. S. Srinivasan, Department of Paediatrics as a National Trainer participated as a resource person in ‘4 in 1Training IYCF’held at Gandhi Medical College, Secunderabad and conducted a Specialist course titled, ‘Infant and young Child feeding Counseling (IYCF)’, from 20.6.16 to 26.6.16. He also delivered a talk about Rational use of Antibiotics in Paediatric Practice at St. Joseph’s Hospital Cluny on 12.6.16 Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD, Department of Pharmacology participated as a resource person in the CME – “Diabetes Mellitus – Future Perspectives” conducted by the Department of Pharmacology, Chengalpattu Medical College, Dr.M.G.R. Medical University on 14.06.16, and gave a talk on “Introduction to Diabetes Mellitus”. Dr. G. Niranjan, Associate Professor, Dr. KulkarniSweta, Dr. Arul VijayaVani, Assistant Professors, Department of Biochemistry, attended National symposium on An update on antimicrobial agents and their uses organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 15.06.16. Prof. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine was a guest speaker at the National conference on “Update on Antimicrobial agents” conducted by IMSA on 15.06.2016 at MGMCRI. Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology delivered a guest talk titled, “Advances in
Dr. Bakshi, Assistant Professor was the Joint Secretary for the “An Update on Antimicrobials” CME held on 15.06.2016 at MGMCRI Puducherry. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, conducted workshop on “Peripheral Nerve Block” (USG+PNS), at Ganga Anaesthesia Refresher Course GARC-2016, Ganga Hospital & Medical Center, Coimbatore from 16.06.16 to 19.06.16. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated as Special invitee to attend Leadership Summit held as a part of “Ganga Anaesthesia Refresher Course GARC-2016” at Ganga Hospital & Medical Center, Coimbatore from 16.06.16 to 19.06.16 Dr. A.N.Uma. Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. has been recognized as Guide for Ph.D/ M.Phil program at SBV University on 17.6.16. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, served as external examiner for postgraduate Psychiatry (MD/DPM) examinations conducted at the following institutions viz: on 18.06.2016 & 19.06.2016 at Mamata Medical College, Khammam (NTRUHS), Telangana, on 20.06.2016 at Guntur Government Medical College (NTRUHS), Guntur, Andhra Pradesh and on 21.06.2016 on Bharath Medical College, Hyderabad (NTRUHS). Dr. Madanmohan, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology delivered a talk on “Therapeutic Potential of Yoga and L-D on Introduction to Yogic Postures” at International Yoga Day celebrations at AVMCH, Vinayaka Mission University, Puducherry on 20.06.16. Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology delivered a guest talk titled, “Flying VirusesEmerging Bat borne infections” in the CME on “Emerging Infections – An Update” at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital on 24.06.2016. Prof. K. SurendraMenon chaired a session on ‘Diagnosis and Treatment on Sleep Disordered Breathing’. Prof. R.Pajanivel, chaired the session. “Sleep Disordered Breathing – Pathophysiology, Comorbidities and Complications” held
antimicrobial testing methods” in the National Symposium on “An Update on Antimicrobial Agents and their uses” at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 15.06.2016.
Dr. Charulatha, Assistant professor, Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU delivered a lecture on “Interpretation of CXR, CT brain and foreign body esophagus” on ISA PG Meet conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU, MGMCRI associated with ISA Puducherry Branch at Hotel Athithi on 04.06.16.
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at Chettinad Medical College and Research Institute on 25.6.2016. Prof. S. Srinivasan, Department of Paediatrics delivered, ‘Dr. Nirmala Kesaree Oration Lecture on ‘Paediatircs care beyond clinic’ at the CME on ‘Rationale Antibiotic Practice’ at Bapuji Child Health Institute & Research Centre, Davangere on 25.06.16. Dr. Sameer Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented the topic of “Difficult case on Lung Abscess” as a Webinar on “Dilemmas in Antimicrobial Management of Critical ill patients”, conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU joined together with Sanofi India Pvt. Ltd on 28.06.2016 at Library Seminar Hall, Library Block, MGMCRI. Prof. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry delivered guest take titled “Pre-Analytical & Analytical Variable of Renal Markers” in CME on Clinical update on renal markers organized by Dept. of Biochemistry at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry on 30.06.16.
Dr.R.Sobana, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, was elected joint secretary of Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) of MGMCRI. Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was elected as an executive member of Scientific& Academic Forum, MGMCRI. Dr. A.N.Uma. Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept., was the committee member and coordinated the fine arts and Literary & debate clubs during the SPECTRA 2016. Dr.Jeneth, Dr.Suchitra and Dr.Richa were inducted as task force members in the curricular reforms for academic year 2016-17. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology received “HALL OF FAME” awards at Ganga Anaesthesia Refresher Course GARC-2016, Ganga Hospital & Medical Center, Coimbatore from 16.06.16 to 19.06.16.
Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, attended National seminar and CME on Introducing yoga in health professions education conducted by Dept. of Physiology, MGMC & RI and Dept. of Tourism, Govt. of Puducherry, 21 June 2016 at MGMC &RI and attended CME on Clinical update on renal markers organized by Dept. of Biochemistry at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry on 30.06.16. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, served as examiner for valuation of the following extramural postgraduate dissertation: “Depression in SLE: Its relationship to neuropsychological deficits & presence of antibodies associated with CNS lupus”. JIPMER, Pondicherry in June 2016. Dr Syed Habebullah, Professor, Department of OBG, took part in the panel discussion on ‘Adnexal mass in extremes of age’ in a national CME at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai. Dr. A.N.Uma. Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. has been elected as the Secretary of the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) of MGMCRI for the year 2016-17.
Best Demonstration Prizes were bagged by B Anitha, Dr.Kusha Nag, Lavanya S, Dr .Narayan K A,Dr.Priyadharshini V, Pushpa Narayan, Rajeswari S, RupamJha, Sangeetha M A, Dr.Santha Devi A, Shyamala B Adkoli, Dr.Sobana R, Sudha K S, Dr.SunayanaChoudhury and Dr.VaishaliKotasthane in Yogasana Demonstration Event held on 20.06.16 and 21.06.16 as part of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2016 at MGMCRI, SBV Pondicherry. Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Professor, Community Medicine received Fellowship of International Medical Science Academy (FIMSA) on 01. 05. 2016. Mr Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physiology presented paper titled “A comparative study of the effect of
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yogic relaxing asanas and pranayams on HRV and perceived stress” in the International Conference on Environment and Occupational Health on 10. 09. 16 & 11. 09. 16, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai. His paper was awarded 2nd best paper in the oral paper presentation category. Dr. Arun Kumar R, Asst. Prof, and Dr. M. Santosh, Senor Resident, Department of General Medicine has been Awarded MNAMS – Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) on 23. 09. 2016. Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology received second prize on Podium presentation of her research paper on “Prospective, Randomized evaluation of single point subfascial injection of local anesthetic during ultrasound guided supraclavicular Vs costoclavicular brachial plexus block” on 6th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA India – 2016) held at Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16.
Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD was Guest Faculty at “58th Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop” held from 16. 07. 16 to 17. 07. 16 at MERF, Chennai. Department of Pulmonary Medicine along with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals conducted a programme on Adherence in Inhaler therapy in Adithi hotel, Pondicherry on 31. 7. 16. Prof. R. Pajanivel gave a talk on ‘Adherence in Airway Diseases’ while Dr. Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor, gave a talk on ‘Pseudoadherence and Tail off Phenomenon’. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS and Professor of General Surgery gave a Keynote address on Medical Professionalism at the Southzone Medical Students Conference, Pondicherry, July, 2016. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, invited to attend Specification Vetting Committee Meeting at JIPMER on 04. 08. 16. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry conducted a module on “Writing review of literature and references” at the Dissertation workshop for final year PG students at MGMCRI on 09. 08. 16. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry conducted a module on “Converting the dissertation into a journal article” at Dissertation workshop for final year PG students at MGMCRI on 12. 08. 16.
Dr. Sameera M. Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology attended the “Interns Orientation Program 2016 as a Resource Person, held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 01. 07. 2016. Dr. Sendhil Coumary A, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology gave a talk on ‘Pathophysiology of endometriosis’ in National Endometcon 2016 in Trichy between 08. 07. 16 and 10. 07. 16.
Dr. Kusha Nag, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, delivered a lecture on “Anesthetists nontechnical skills & Evaluation system (ANTS)”in the 32nd ISACON South and 32nd ISA Karnataka State Conference (ISACON-2016) on 20. 08. 16 at Belagavi, Karnataka.
Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology was the Resource Faculty for National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education”NCHPE 2016 conducted by the Dept of Medical Education MGMCRI, SBV from 19. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16.
Oration by Prof. S. Srinivasan, Dept. of Pediatrics delivered and was awarded the D. G Benakappa Endowment Oration medallion at the South zone Pedicon held in Shivamogga from 14. 10. 16 to 16. 10. 16
Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS and Professor of General Surgery delivered a lecture on, ‘Competency based postgraduate medical education’ at the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI held from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. In the same event he also conducted the workshop titled, ‘Approach to students with poor academic performance’.
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Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a speaker for a CME Program at Govt. Head Quarters Hospital, Cuddalore on 24. 08. 16. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited for Anaesthesia Machine Product evaluation (Anaesthesia Ventilator, EV 600A, 25. 08. 16-25. 09. 16) for AVASARALA (P) Ltd as a part of Consultancy Services Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD was Operating Faculty of “Live Otology Workshop SZERCON 16” on 26. 08. 16 at South Zone ENT Hospital, Villupuram.
guidance programme - Personality development at KGNC, SBVU on 14. 09. 16 Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry conducted a module on “Literature search and reference management” at Dissertation workshop for first year PG students at MGMCRI on 19. 09. 16. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, invited as a faculty to take part of 6th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA India – 2016) held at Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16. Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, delivered Communication skills module for IGIDS PG students at IGIDS on 29. 09. 16. Dr. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor was the panelist at the Symposium, ‘Carcinoma Penis- Premalignant Lesion’ at the Board of Education, Urological Society of India on 08. 07. 16 at the 27th SZUSICON. He also chaired a session and judged K Krishnaswamy prize paper session at TAPASUCON 2016 held at Yercaud between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.
Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD of ENT gave a Guest talk on “Management Of Allergic Rhinitis” held on 28. 08. 16 at Neyveli, IMA . Dr. A. N. Uma, Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy delivered a Motivational talk on, “ Building Self Confidence” during the I year B. Sc (Nursing) Orientation Programme on 06. 09. 16 at the Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry. Prof. R. Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a talk on “Newer anticoagulants” in CRSCON III 2016, held in Coimbatore on 7. 8. 2016. He also gave a talk on Pulmonary Function test, in “Introductory topics in Pulmonary Medicine -UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram between 10. 09. 16 & 11. 9. 2016. Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine gave a Guest talk on ‘Patient safety’ organized by IGIDS, Puducherry. Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Placement & entrepreneurship
Prof. T. Tirou Aroul, Dr. K. V. Rajan, Department of General Surgery, chaired sessions in the GI Update, GLOBAL Hospital in Chennai between 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16. Department of Pulmonary Medicine along with Glenmark Pharmaceuticals conducted a programme on Adherence in Inhaler therapy in Adithi hotel, Pondicherry on 31. 7. 16. Prof. K. Surendra Menon, HOD, chaired the session. He also moderated a session of “Grand rounds” in CRSCON III 2016, held in Coimbatore on 07. 08. 16. Prof. C. P. Ganesh babu, Department of General Surgery chaired a session of Recent Concepts in Upper GI in TN & P ASICON, Salem on 12. 08. 16 & 13. 08. 16 Dr. R. Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology chaired a session in “International Conference on Environment and Occupational Health” on 10. 09. 16 and 11. 09. 16, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai. Prof. K. Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine moderated the session on “Palpation of Respiratory system” in “Introductory topics of Pulmonary
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Medicine- UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram between 10. 09. 16 and 11. 09. 16. Dr. N. Mugunthan, Professor, Dept. of Anatomy participated as a delegate and chaired a session at the International level Conference held from 23rd to 25th September 2016 under the agesis of the 39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chromepet, Chennai. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology chaired a session and also judged K Krishnaswamy prize paper session at TAPASUCON 2016 held at Yercaud between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.
Prof. R. Krishnagopal, Orthopedics, was an examiner for M. S Ortho & D. OrthoKempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore on 14. 7. 16.
Dr. Syed Habeebulah, Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired a session in Postgraduate workshop on mass abdomen and post-menopausal bleeding conducted by Obstetrics and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. K. Jeyapalan, Professor, Department of General Medicine, chaired an academic session on Radiodiagnostic oncology organized by the IMA, Cuddalore on 18. 09. 2016. Dr. Reddi Rani, Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology, chaired sessions in CME on Urogynecology conducted by Department of O&G, JIPMER, Puducherry, on 25. 09. 16.
Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, Elected as Executive Committee Member from South Zone for Academy of Regional Anaesthesia (AORA). Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology was elected as Treasurer of TAPASU for term 2016-18. Dr. Vasudevan . T, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Urology was elected as Council member, TAPASU, 2016. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Dept of ENT was elected as the Executive member, Cuddalore IMA on July 2016. Dr. S Gopalakrishnan, Professor, Department of ENT was one of the Members of peer committee for the accreditation by NAAC for Manipal University and visited the university from 23. 05. 2016 to 26. 05. 2016. Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology became Life Member of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India, in July 2016. Dr. S. S. Rajasekar, Professor and Head, Dept. of Anatomy has been appointed as Faculty, Medical Education Unit, in September 2016, SBV University, Puducherry.
Dr. Manimekalai, Professor and HOD, Department of Pharmacology, was an External Examiner for Ph. D. Viva Voice, conducted in Bharat University, Chennai.
Dr.Reddi Rani, Professor, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired sessions on Anaemia and Regimen of MgSO4 in Postgraduate workshop conducted by Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.
Prof. M. Ramanathan, Head, Department of General Surgery, chaired session in the IMSACON-16 conference conducted by the International Medical Science Academic at Mauritius from 06. 10. 2016 to 08. 10. 2016
Dr. Narayanan, Professor, Department of General Medicine was the examiner for part II clinical examination for Kerala University of Health Sciences, at Gokulam Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Dr. Seetesh Ghose Professor and Head, Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired sessions on ‘Infertility and Abnormal Uterine Bleedingin Postgraduate workshop’ conducted by Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry, between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.
Dr. Syed Habeebulah, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology chaired a sessions in CME on Urogynecology conducted by Department of O&G, JIPMER, Puducherry, on 25. 09. 16.
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Dr. A. N. Uma, Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy was one of the core committee memberEditorial Committee [e- souvenir] and also edited the print version of the Proceedings on the ‘National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education” (NC-CTHPE)’ organized by the MEU, MGMCRI held at SBV campus from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Prof. Tirou Aroul, Department of General Surgery was the Co-Chairman in the CME Hepatoliare conference conducted by the MGMCRI in Pondicherry dated on 23. 09. 16 and 24. 09. 16. The “Pharmacogenetic testing Services at MGMCRI” was inaugurated by the CIDRF and on 23. 09. 16 and Dr. Mirunalini. R, from the Department of Pharmacology was an organizing member in the committee. The Clinical Research and Audit by Medical students (CREAMS) programme for III semester MBBS students was organized by the office of the Dean. Dr. Seetharaman, Dr. Jayaramahandran, Dr. A. Suguna, Dr. A. Sureka, Dr. PruthuThekkur Gowda, Mr. Lokeshmaran, faculties from the department of Community Medicine played an active role in planning & implementation of 2 weeks program. Dr. Arul VijayaVani S, Asst. Professor, Department of Biochemistry was awarded Gold medal (91%) from NPTEL online certification course on Health Research Fundamentals (NIE-ICMR e-certificate course). Dr. Niranjan G, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry got the best poster presentation titled “Effectiveness of tem learning for 1st MBBS students” at the National MEDUCON-2016, organized by NTTC, JIPMER, Puducherry on 14.10.2016. Dr.R.Vimal Raj, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended the Basic Bronchoscopy &Thoracoscopy Workshop 2016, organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine, Christian Medical College, Vellore, between 18.10.2016 and 19.10.2016 and got First prize in the QUIZ competition. Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended a conference “ENT ACADEMY organized by Dr.Deenadayalan at Hotel Raviz” Kollam, Kerala, between 21.10.2016 and 22.10.2016 and won 2nd Prize in QUIZ competition.
Dr. Alai Taggu, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of CCM was conferred European Diploma in Intensive Care on 24.11.2016. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine got First Prize in Faculty TB/HIV Quiz at the South Zone –II RNTCP Task Force Meeting held at PIMS, Pondicherry between 01.12.2016 and 02.12.2016. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst. Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy was awarded a memento from the Chancellery of SBV, in appreciation for her sustained effort to collect and disseminate data-backed news of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 03.12.16 at SBV Office, MGMCRI. Dr. Alai Taggu, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of Critical Care Medicine, was invited as an overseas faculty and delivered a talk on “Assessment of intravascular status, using carotid flow Doppler” at Annual Conference of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 at Milan, Italy on 03.09.2016. Dr. Alai Taggu, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of Critical Care Medicine, delivered a talk on “Use of ultrasonography for assessment of diastolic dysfunction (E/E’) and diaphragmatic fractional change as a predictor of extubation outcome” at Annual Conference of European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 at Milan, Italy on 03.09.2016. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, department of Community Medicine was a resource person at the IAPSMIPHA Workshop on ‘Efficient, Quality assured data capture using EpiData software’ held at PIMS, Puducherry in collaboration with International Union Against Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis (IUALTD-Union). Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was a resource person at the CME on “The Medical Education Conference 2016 (MEDUCON 2016)” in JIPMER on 14.10.2016. Dr. K. A. Narayan, Professor, department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person at the Medical Education Conference-2016 (MEDUCON-2016)” between 13.10.16 and 14.10.16 in JIPMER. Dr.V.Jayapal, Professor, Department of Microbiology, delivered a Guest lecture in CME on, “Automation in
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Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anesthesiology, invited as a Faculty to deliver a talk on “US in anesthesiology – seeing is behaving” on CHETANCON 2016 Commemorating “World Anaesthesia Day” held at Chettinad University, Chennai on 15.10.2016.
Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a talk on “US in anesthesiology – seeing is behaving” and conducted “World Anaesthesia Day-CME” at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Pondicherry on 17.10.2016. Dr. Syed Habeebullah, Professor of O&G was an invited speaker at a CME on Abnormal Uterine Bleeding conducted by OGSP Pondicherry on 16.10.16. Dr. Syed Habeebullah, Professor of O&G was an invited as speaker to QUEST 2016 at Calicut for case discussion on Adnexal mass and Post Menopausal Bleeding on 21.10.16. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was a Resource person and delivered a talk on “Orphan lung diseases” in the South Zone Pulmonary Medicine PG CME 2016, held at the Institute of Thoracic Medicine, Tambaram, between 21.10.16 and 22.10.16. Dr. S. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk titled “Dignity in mental health: Psychological & mental health first aid for all” at KGNC SAF on 24.10.2016. Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor of Physiology was a resource person in the Integrated Teaching Programme at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College on “Pregnancy Induced Hypertension” on 26.10.16.
Dr.Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine was invited as a speaker at the International conference on Endocrinology organized by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 3.11.16 at MGMCRI, Pondicherry.
Dr.SendhilCoumary, Professor of O&G was invited for a PG case discussion on ‘Recurrent Pregnancy Loss’ at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College Pondicherry 4.11.16. Dr. S. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on “Depression on General Practice” in IMA Panruti on 05.11.2016. Dr. Parthasarathy S, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, was invited as chairperson on “Ultrasound in trauma” on (IGAP-2016) 5th Annual CME and Workshop conducted by IGMCRI, between 5.11.16 and 6.11.16. Dr. Hemanth Kumar,Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as resource person on “Transthoracic echo workshop” (IGAP-2016) at 5th Annual CME and Workshop conducted by IGMCRI, between 5.11.16 and 6.11.16. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine delivered a talk in the 18th Joint National Conference on Pulmonary Disease (NAPCON) on “Stem Cells in ARDS” and chaired a session on “Asthma Symposium” conducted by National College of Chest Physicians (India) & Indian Chest Society held at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Mumbai from 24.11.16 to 27.11.16. Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery gave
Dr. Syed Habeebullah, Professor of O&G, was an invited speaker at a PG CME ‘OBGYAN’ at KUPPAM, on 2.11.16.
Microbiology-an advantage for physicians”, conducted by SVMC&RC, Puducherry under the auspices of IAMM -Puducherry Chapter, on 14.10.2016.
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a talk on “Emergimg trends in tracheostomy” at “ENT CARE 2016 – Airway Managament – An Overview” held at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai on 11.11.2016.
Dr.Udhaya Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology chaired a session at Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute for the CME on Gastro Enterology held on 15.10.16.
Dr. Syed Habeebullah , Professors of O&G delivered an Oration on ‘Cesearean Section – Problems and Solutions’ and also delivered a guest lecture on ‘Obstetric Coagulopathy’ at the VizagObgyn Society Golden Jubilee celebrations on 26.11.16.
Dr.Jeetendra, Faculty of O&G, chaired a session at YUVA FOGSI Kochi between 12.11.16 and 13.11.16.
Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a guest faculty to deliver a talk on “clinical applicability of gas laws” at the Annual Anaesthesia National conference (ISACON 2016) held at Ludhiana, from 25.11.16 to 29.11.16. Dr.Kalyanram. K, Department of Urology delivered a lecture on ‘Hormonal Therapy for Ca Prostate’ at the CME-Clinical discussion on Ca Prostate Molecular biology, androgen deprivation therapy, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 04.12.2016 Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a lecture on “Psychosocial aspects of sleep-disordered breathing” at a CME on Sleep-Disordered Breathing - A Medical & Surgical Overview, jointly organized by the departments of Pulmonary Medicine & Otorhinolaryngology, at MGMCRI, Puducherry, on 09.12.2016. Dr. Sivashanmugam,Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Faculty to deliver a lecture on “Image optimization” and conducted workshop on Regional Anaesthesia on VIEWSS-2016 held at Velammal Medical College Hospital & Research Institute at Madurai between 10.12.16 and 11.12.16. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Management of Acute Pain” at Update on pain and inflammation for frontline physicians (UPFRONT CME 2016) organized by Indian Medical Association, Kumbakonam Branch at Kumbakonam on 24.12.2016. Prof. M. Ramanathan, HOD, Department of General Surgery chaired a session in the IMSACON-16 conference conducted by the International Medical Science Academic at Mauritius during the period from 06.10.2016 to 08.10.2016
Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry chaired a session on “Psychosocial aspects of sleep-disordered breathing” at a CME on Sleep-Disordered Breathing - A Medical & Surgical Overview, jointly organized by the departments of Pulmonary Medicine & Otorhinolaryngology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry, on 09.12.2016. Dr.K.SurendraMenon, Professor & H.O.D, participated at the 2nd Tamil Nadu And Puducherry State Conference on Pulmonary Diseases (TAPPCON-2016) and chaired sessions on “Approach To Undiagnosed Pleural Effusion” and a topic on ‘Solitary Pulmonary Nodule’, held at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, between 10.12.16 and 11.12.16. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine chaired sessions on “An Overview On Pulmonary Hypertension, Oxygen Therapy” and “Step by step approach to ABG, PFT, USG and HRCT Thorax” , held at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, between 10.12.16 and 11.12.16. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine chaired a session ‘Current trends in Medical litigation cases’ in CME (1st MEDICO – JURIDIQUE 2016) on “Insights on Current Medicolegal Issues” organized by Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, IGMCRI, Pondicherry on 17.12.16. Prof..RajkumarPatil, Dept. Of Community Medicine and Coordinator, IQAC and Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst. Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy & Editor-in -Chief, ‘The Chronicle’ chaired the quarterly Academic Audit of MGMCRI for IQAC between 21.11.2016 and 22.11.2016. Under the aegis of Urological society of India, Continuing Urological education programme in memory of Prof.H.S.Bhat was conducted in Puttaparthy on 07.11.16 wherein Dr.KalyanramKone, Associate Professor, Department of Urology moderated a session on pointcounterpoint debate.
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Prof. N. Seetharaman, department of Community Medicine was a panelist at the CME on Translational Medicine in the diagnosis & Management of Diabetes Mellitus held at MGMCRI on 10.11.16. The session on “Video Demonstration on OSA surgeries” by Dr. VikasAgarwal was moderated by Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at ENT meet, Cuddalore on 30.11.16.
Dr. Lopa B John, Assoc. Professor O&G, went as an Undergraduate examiner to Indira Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry, on 8.12.16. Dr. SeeteshGhose , Professor and Head, O&G, went as an undergraduate examiner to JIPMER, from 8.12.16 to 10.12.16. Dr. Pallavee P, Professor O&G, went as an Undergraduate examiner to Indira Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry, on 10.12.16.
Dr. Ambujam Sreedevi, Prof. Dept. of DVL was invited as moderator for a debate on “Media and Family Influence on Present Day Adolescents”- Are they positive or negative towards Prevention of HIV/AIDS” held on 6.12.16 , conducted by RED RIBBON CLUB.
Dr K Srikanth, Prof & HOD, Department of Ophthalmology was invited as External Examiner for Undergraduate Examination (Final MBBS-I) at JIPMER, Pondicherry from 22.12.2016 to 24.12.2016.
Dr.S.Krishnan, Prof. Dept.of DVL, judged the award paper presentations at Dermazone conducted from 07.10.16 to 09.10.16 at Trichy.
Dr.Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine was an MD. Thesis evaluator for Chettinadu university during this quarter.
Dr. K.A. Narayan, department of Community Medicine was the Judge for the poster sessions at the 2nd Annual Scientific Society meeting of Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences on 14.10.16.
Dr.Narayanan, Professor, Department of General Medicine went as the External examiner for MD (GM) for part II clinical examination for Chettinadu University, Chennai and as the External examiner for MD ( GM) for part II clinical examination for Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai during this quarter.
Under the aegis of Urological society of India, Continuing Urological education programme in memory of Prof.H.S.Bhat was conducted in Puttaparthy on 07.11.2016. Prof. JosephPhilipraj, Department of Urology was selected for Point-Counterpoint debate on the access during PCNL (Upper pole Vs Lower pole) and he was for lower pole access. Dr.SunitaSamal, Professor O&G, went as an Post graduate examiner to Mysore Medical College on 18.11.16. Dr.Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, served as external Examiner for MD Psychiatry Exams at Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam (NTR University), from 25.11.16 to 26.11.16 and 26.12.16 to 27.12.16. Dr. S. Vijayasundaram, Associate Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology was invited as External Examiner for Undergraduate Examination (Final MBBS-I) at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry from 06.12.16 to 08.12.16.
Dr. N. Seetharaman was the Selection Committee member at the PSG-PRIME in the month of November, 2016. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was elected as RNTCP Zonal –II Task Force ViceChairperson 2016 in the RNTCP meet held in Puducherry, on 1&2 December 2016. Dr. Alai Taggu, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of CCM was elected for advanced training program in the tertiary care Center for ECMO / Transplant ICU by Mead Hospital, New South Wales Australia, Sydney. Dr. Alai Taggu, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of Critical Care Medicine was a co-coordinator of workshops on ‘Mechanical Ventilation’ and ‘Haemodynamic monitoring’ for postgraduate trainees (Internal Medicine, Anaesthesiology and Pulmonology specialities) at Annual Conference of
Rajkumar M., Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, joined as member of Tamil Nadu Psychology Association in October 2016.
Dr. ReddiRani, Professor O&G, was the Judge for Poster presentation to PIMS, Puducherry on 14.10.16.
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European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, 2016 at Milan, Italy in October 2016. Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor of Physiology, Coordinated with the CMTER and conducted “MEETS” (Musically Express your Emotions & Thoughts for Success) for I MBBS student on 19.10.16. 228 I MBBS students participated in the structured programme. Dr. Kartik J Salwe, faculty, Department of Pharmacology attended the IHEC meeting conducted in Aravind Eye Hospital, Puducherry, on 24.11.16, as an External IHEC Member. Dr. Suguna.A and Dr. Surekha.A, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine, organizing members, co-ordinated World AIDS Day by coducting Quiz for MBBS STUDENTS on 1.12.2016 at MGMCRI. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, Professor & HOD, was the organizing co-chairperson while Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, was the co-Treasurer for the 2nd Tamil Nadu And Puducherry State Conference On Pulmonary Diseases (TAPPCON-2016) at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, on 10.12.16 and 11.12.16. Dr. Manimekalai. K, Chairperson/Member Secretary IAEC, MGMCRI and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Organizing Member, IAEC, MGMCRI of the Department of Pharmacology organized the IAEC Meeting, in the Seminar Room, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 21.12.16.
Fellowship / Online course participation / completion Rajkumar M., Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, completed three months certification course on “Learning Disability” in SDS Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Chennai on 9.10.2016. Dr.SunilSamal completed USG training at Lotus Hospitals Erode in the month of October 2016. Four doctors are selected every year for Ganga Hospital - Synthes Fellowship in Hand and Reconstructive Microsurgery in the Asia Pacific Region, three doctors from outside INDIA and one doctor from INDIA. Dr.Vijay J, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery was selected for this International fellowship at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, and received the fellowship titled, Ganga Synthes Fellowship for reconstructive microsurgery and hand surgery.
Dr.AnandrajVaithy, Asst. Professor of Pathology had successfully completed Fellowship training course in Cytopathology offered by Indian Academy of Cytology at Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala from 1.11.16 to 30.11.16. Dr. SunitaSamal, Dr.Pallavee, Dr.AishwaryaJagan, Dr.RupalSamal completed a certificate course in GDM on 13.11.16. Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini completed her USG training at Sonoscans Coimbatore in November 2016.
▶▶ Presentation in Academic / Scientific Events Dr. Udhaya Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology gave capsule talk on the topic, “Minimally invasive surgeries through interventional radiology- our experience” at the Scientific and Academy Forum held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 27. 07. 16. He also presented the same paper at Manakular Vinayaga Medical College, Pondicherry on 23. 08. 2016. Dr. R. Ramesh, Prof & Head, Department of Biochemistry presented a paper, ‘Relationship between Noncognitive Scores and Academic Performance among Students Requiring Additional Curricular Support’ in the National Conference titled “Changing Trends in Health Professionals Education” organized by MEU, MGMC & RI on 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Dr. M. Sathish Babu, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry presented a paper, Supplementingopen Book Exercises during and after Lecture can be an alternate Teaching Learning Style on Undergraduate Medical Student’ in the
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National Conference titled “Changing Trends In Health Professionals Education” organized by MEU, MGMC & RI on 19. 08. 16& 20. 08. 16. Dr. Henri Balraj, Professor, Department of Physiology, attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professional Education. “ held from19. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Henri Balraj presented a paper titled “A journey towards multimodal approach in teaching /learning” in the conference.
Dr. K. A. Narayan, Professor, Dept of Community Medicine, attended the “International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare” at Singapore on 27. 09. 16 and 28. 09. 16 and presented a poster titled “Inter- professional capacity Building in Educational Sciences – The SBVU Innovation”.
Dr. Meenu Priyadarshini N, Asst Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended the 30 th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram between Sep 02. 09. 16 and 04. 09. 16 and presented a paper on ‘Effect of pre-operative vaginal preparation with povidone iodine on post cesarean infections’. Dr. R. Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology presented a paper titled “A study on the correlation of Brachial Arterial Intima Media Thickness (BA IMT) and markers of atherosclerosis” in the International Conference on Environment and Occupational Health organized by the Association of Physiologist on 11. 09. 16, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai. Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Asst Professor, Department of Pathology, was invited for Oral Paper presentation “CytoHisto-Radiological and Biochemical correlation of Thyroid Lesions-A study in Rural tertiary hospital in eastern coast of Southern India” at 4th SAARC Academy of Cytology And Histopathology 2016- International Conference held at BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal on 18. 09. 16. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, gave an oral presentation on ‘The HeART Module - Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques’ at National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education 2016, SBV University, Pondicherry on 19. 09. 2016.
Dr. Prabavathy G, Asst. Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper titled, “A study of Hyrtl’s anastomosis of umbilical arteries and its clinical correlation” at the 39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu on 24. 09. 2016, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai. Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Associate Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, presented a paper titled, ‘A study on the use of high Anterolateral portal for sparing the intrapatellar fat pad during arthroscopic ACL reconstruction’ at the 15th Annual conference of Indian Arthroscopy (IASCON) on 29. 09. 16 to 2. 10. 16 at ITC Sonar, Kolkata. Rajkumar M., Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper titled “Efficacy of expressive writing therapy (cognitive based) in managing depression and anxiety” in 3rdInternational Conference of the Department of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University & 6th In SPA International Conference - Successful mental health & wellbeing, at Pondicherry University on 15.10.2016.
Dr. A. N. Uma, Asst. Professor in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy presented a paper titled, “Histopathological variations in testis, cytogenetic and hormonal alterations on male transgenders undergoing sex reassignment surgery” at the 39th Annual Conference of Association of Anatomist, Tamil Nadu on Saturday, the 24. 09. 2016, and also presented the same paper at the International Conference Anatomy 2016 on 25. 09. 2016, held at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai.
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Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor of Physiology, presented a poster titled “A study on the influence of age in the accuracy of Non Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) recording compared to Intra Arterial Pressures (IAP)”in the National level CME “Healthy Ageing” conducted on 21.10.16 at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry. Dr. Sunayana C., Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster presentation titled, “Hypnotherapy revisited: Evidence from two case studies - International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Clinical Psychology: Training, Research and Practice” in NIMHANS, Bangalore on 17.11.2016. Dr. Uma Devi, Professor, Department of Microbiology made a poster Presentation on “Comparative analysis of detection of VRE by various Phenotypic methods” in MICROCON – 2016, the 40th Annual conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists from 25.11.2016 to 27.11.2016, at PGIMER, Chandigarh.
Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain, at Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai from 09.12.2016 to 11.12.2016. Mr. V. KuzhandaiVelu, Tutor cum Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, participated and poster presented title “Diagnostic role of MicroRNA-499 in Acute Myocardial Infarction” atACBICON2016 Organized by Department of Biochemistry, Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru, Karnataka from 12.12.16 to 15.12.16 Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Associate Prof., Department of Orthopaedics attended as a delegate in “61st Annual conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association and presented paper: Treating the Torm Rotator Cuff : Outcome of Transosseous Mini Open Rotator Cuff Repair on 16.12.16. Dr. M.Manoharan, faculty, Department of Orthopaedics attended as a delegate in “61st Annual conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association and presented a poster titled, Interesting Case – Radial Nerve Entrapement in Lateral Condyle Humurus- Case Report on 16.12.16.
Dr. Srirangaraj, Professor, Department of Microbiology made Oral Presentation on “Evaluation of invitro susceptibility to Fosfomycinampng gram negative bacterial isolates from urine culture, a study from Puducherry” in MICROCON – 2016, the 40th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists from 25.11.2016 to 27.11.2016, at PGIMER, Chandigarh Dr. Gayatri Mishra presented a poster on “Dual mode ventilation (jet ventilation along with the conventional ventilation) for miPo laryngeal surgery for multiple vocal cord polyps”on TMC National Conference on “The Difficult Airway” TMC-DAC-2016 organized by Department of
Dr.A.R.Pritem, Faculty, Department of Orthopaedics attended as a delegate in “61st Annual conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association and presented a paper titled, Lumbar Canal Decompression by Miunilateral Approach With Contralateral Decompression on 16.12.16 Dr. Anandraj Vaithy, Asst.Prof, Department of Pathology, presented a poster titled, Medical Students’ perception on role of audiovisual aids versus virtual microscopy in slide observation at the MEDUCON-2016 JIPMER-NTTC National Conference Sponsored By Medical Council of India, which was graced by eminent speakers like Prof.Ananthakrishnan Dean Research, SBVU, Professor. KR.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBVU.
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▶▶ PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC/SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Prof.R.Pajanivel attended the workshop on ‘Competency based curriculum & entrustable professional activities’ conducted by the SBV University, on March 14 & 21. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan and Dr. S. Jayaramachandran, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine, attended the Second International seminar on noncommunicable diseases at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry on 28th& 29th January, 2015. All faculty, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Pondicherry Chest Society (PCS) meet on January 24. 2016 Mr. Lokeshmaran, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine attended, “An introduction to R” organized by Foundation for Ecological Research, Advocacy and Learning, Pondicherry on 5th – 7th February, 2016 Dr.S.Srikanth, Professor and Dr.D.Abirami, Assistant Professor, Department of DVL attended the National Conference,Dermacon 2016 held from 21-24th January in Coimbatore. Dr.S.Ambujam Professor, Department of DVL attended the National Conference on ‘Pulse therapy’ held at SRMC, Chennai on 27-28th February 2016. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, Dr. SunitaSamal, Prof, Dr.RupalSamal, Asst Prof, OBGY , attended the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG 2016 held in Agra, from 13th – 17th January 2016 as delegates. Dr. Pallavee P, Prof,Dr. Lopamudra, Dr.Jasmina Begum, Assoc Profs , Dr. Chandana, Dr. Sunil Samal, Dr.SetuRathod,
Dr. Jasmina Begum, Assoc Prof, OBGY, attended a workshop in Endoscopy conference ASICON in New Delhi. Dr. Jasmina Begum, Assoc Prof, OBGY, attended IMSCON in Nagpur in Feb, 2016 as delegate. Dr.RupalSamal,AsstProf,OBGY, attended CME cum WOKSHOP on “Basic and Advanced Colposcopy” held at ‘Action Cancer Hospital’, New Delhi on 21 January 2016. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a guest lecture titled “Music, Addiction and Reward Processing - Implication for Therapy and Education” by Prof. JorgFachner (Professor of Music, Health & the Brain, Anglia Ruskin University, UK), jointly organized by Center for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI, & Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, on 15-02-2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, participated in the 3rd International Conference on Music Therapy, organized by Center for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, on 16-02-2016. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Dr.KingshukLahon, Dr.Katik J Salwe, Dr.SudarCodi.R, Dr. Johan Pandian, Dr.Mirunalini.R, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Department of Pharmacology, participated as delegates in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 18th and 19th, 2016. Dr.VijayaSundaram, Associate Professor, Department of ENT, attended “1st International Rhinology Workshop (FESSTIVAL)” held on March 25th to 27th at Sri BhagavanMahavir Jain Hospital, Bangalore. Dr. Sithanandha Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, attended ‘Amritha Skull Base conference’ held on January 28th 2016 at Cochin. Dr.Pravin Charles M.V., Dr.Kalaivani R, andDr. Namrata K. Bhosale, Assistant Professors, Department of
Dr.Ramanapriya, Asst Profs, Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini, Dr. Jhansi Lakshmi, Dr.JeetendraBehera, Senior Resident attended Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI -2016) and skill course in MGMCRI in Feb 2016.
Dr. Anandraj Vaithy, Asst.Prof, Department of Pathology, presented a poster titled, ‘A novel step in fixing the turn around time in surgical pathology reports-A part of quality management system’ at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, National Conference, in December 2016.
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Microbiology attended the 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) organized byInternational Society for Infectious Diseases on02.03.2016 to 05.03.2016 at Hyderabad. Dr. Valentina Y, Tutor, Department of Microbiology attended the National Conference on “Chronobiology and Health” organized by Department of Physiology, MGMC & RI on 18.03.2016and 19.03.2016 at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a lecture titled “Illuminating the Brain” by Karl Deisseroth (Cell Press - TNQ India Distinguished Lectureship Series 2016) at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 20-01-2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, and Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18-03-2016. Dr . Vaishali D Kotasthane, Asst.Professor, Department of Pathology attended online GIT path course for 3 months from Nov to Jan 2016. Dr. Mangala, Dr. Bhavani, Dr. Shanmugasamy, Dr. Vinitha, Dr. Anandraj Vaithy, faculty members, Department of Pathology attended,“ Hands on workshop and CME on Nephropathology” held between 04.03.2016 and 15.03.2016 at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr . Vaishali D Kotasthane and Dr. Vinita Singh, faculty, Department of Pathology attended National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18.03.2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry participated in a workshop on ‘Psychotherapy in routine clinical practice’ conducted by Dr. Salman Akhtar, Professor of Psychiatry, Jefferson Medical Collegeat Bangalore, on 19-03-2016 & 20-03-2016. Dr. Shashidhara M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the weekly training program on research methodology & biostatistics for Assistant Professors on all Wednesdays.
Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated INDO-US Critical Care Medicine Update held at Sri SathyaSai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, Bangalore on 16th and 17th January 2016. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dr. Krishnaveni, Professor, Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated “Live surgical workshop on Advanced Otological Surgery” by Padmashri Prof. Mohan Kameswaran held at MGMCRI on 06.02.16 organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology in association with Association of Otorhinolaryngology of India. Dr. DewanRoshan Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated ISSPCON Indore-2016 31st Annual National Conference of Indian Society for the study of pain at Brilliant Convention Center, Indore (MP) India on 5th to 7th February 2016. Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated Workshop IACTACON-2016 19th Annual National Conference Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anesthesiologists at Radisson Blue Resort Temple Bay, Chennai on 12th to 14th February 2016. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended IDRA Indian Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia Examination in New Delhi and IPSA workshop conducted by Indian College of Anesthesiologists in collaboration with Interventional Perioperative Sonography Association in New Delhi on 20th and 21st February 2016. Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Dr. Indubala Assistant Professor, Dr. Archana Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated Regional Anaesthesia PACCS-2016 at Centaury Super Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad on 12th and 13th March 2016. Dr.K.Jayasingh, Professor & Head, Dr.T.K.Dutta, Professor,Department of General Medicine, attended a workshop on Competency based Curriculum &Entrustable Professional Activitieson 14/03/2016 &21/03/2016. Dr.K.Jayasingh, Professor & Head, Department of General Medicineattended National conference on Chronobiology and Health on 18th& 19th March 2016
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Dr.A.Tumbanathan, Asst.Professor, Department of General Medicineattended CME in Hepatology held at JIPMER, Puducherry on 23/01/2016. Dr.A.Mossadeq. Prof. & HOD, Dr.KalyanraKone, Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty members, Dept. of Urology, attended USICON 2016 held at Hyderabad from 7.01.16 to 10.01.16. Dr.A.Mossadeq. Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Urology, attended USICON 2016 held at Hyderabad from 7.01.16 to10.01.16. He was the Chairman of Board of Studies in Urology and also revised the curriculum for MCh Urology- SBV- Mar 2016. He attended MidTerm CUE of TAPASU Held at Coimbatore June 2016. Dr.Swathi.N, and Dr.S.VeniPriya, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Conference TNOA MidYear Meet conducted by Pondicherry Ophthalmologists’ Association between 30.01.16 and 31.01.16. Dr.K.N.Jha, Department of Ophthalmology attended, the National Annual conference of the All India Ophthalmic Association, Calcutta, from 25.02.16 to 27.02.2016. Dr.S.JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Dept. of Urology participated at Annual Conference of Urological Society of India- USICON 2016 held at Hyderabad from 7.01.16 to10.01.16. He attended Intellectual Property Rights awareness workshop held at MGMCRI in association with PFC and TIFAAC- DST Govtof India on 3rd June 2016. He is the Member Secretary of Board of Studies in Urology and revised the curriculum for MCh Urology for SBV in Mar 2016, he also evaluated dissertation and set papers of MCh Urology for SRM University in June 2016. Dr. M. SathishBabu Associate Professor, and Dr. R. Reeta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, attended Training Programmed in Research Methodology 4.02.16 to 1.06.16 organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute.
Dr. Kalaivani R, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, attended the CME on “Combating microbes in hospital critical areas” in Velammal Medical College and Research Institute, Madurai on 02.04.2016. Dr. Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, participated in an awareness program on music therapy & autism, organized in commemoration of World Autism Awareness Day, by CMTER, SBVU, in collaboration with Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, at Rathna Special School, Life Help Centre for Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Mettupalayam, Cuddalore, on 04.04.2016. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a microteaching practice session organized by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, on 05.04.2016. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor and Head, Dr. Syed Habebullah, Dr. P. Pallavee, Professors, Dr. Jasmina Begum, Associate Professor, Dr . G. Chandana, Dr. Sunil Samal, Dr.JeetendraBehera, Assistant Professors, Department of OBGY, attended the Obstetric medicine update conference at JIPMER on 10.04.16 as a delegate. Dr.R.Surendher Kumar, Department of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate – 10th Annual Conference ISHKS2016, from 8.4.16 to 10.4.16, ITC Grand Chola, Chennai. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and Head, Dr. Vaishali D Kotasthane, Asst Professor participated in 12th Headquarter CME on 9.04.16 and 10.04.16 at IAPM House, Cuttack, Odisha. Dr.Mirunalini.R, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor’s, Department of Pharmacology, attended a CME on “Ethical Aspects of Bio Medical Research”, organized by Institute Ethics Committee, IGMC&RI on 12.04.16.
Dr.N.Swathi, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME on An Eye on Eye conducted by Pondicherry Ophthalmologists’ Association on 06.03.16.
All faculty and PGs, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Pondicherry Chest Society (PCS) meet on 17.4.2016.
Dr.R.Sobana, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology attended Workshop on “Research methodology and Biostatistics held from 4.02.16 to 1.06.16 at MGMCRI.
Mr. Jerald Paul, RSO, Dept. of Radiology, participated in Dinakaran Educational exhibition held at NC Mahal, Pondichery from 14.04.16 to 17.04.16, disseminated information about B.Sc (R & IT course) & all other Allied health science courses for SSMCRI & MGMCRI. Handled queries from over 200 students.
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Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. K Shanmugasamy, Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane, Dr.AnandrajVaithy, Dr. T Madhumitra, Asst Professors, participated in the Workshop on Basics in Immunohistochemistry conducted by Dept of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 19.04.16 Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. DewanRoshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Dr. IndubalaMaurya, Assistant Professor, Dr. Archana, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated at (SEP) special seminar on “Current Concepts about emergence from anesthesia” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 22.04.2016. Dr. R.Krishnagopal, Department of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate at the Combined 3rd ISAKOS Knee Course & 6th Pune Knee Course 2016, between 22.04.16 and 23.04.16 at Hotel J W Marriott, Pune. The following faculties from the department of Anatomy participated “Basic Techniques in Fluorescence Microscopy” National workshop between 22.04.16 and 23.04.16 at JIPMER namely, Dr. S.S. Rajasekar, HOD, Dr.T. Anitha Nancy, Asst. Prof.Dr.R. Praveena, Asst. Prof. and Dr. P.C. Vani, Asst. Prof. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and Head, Department of ENT attended 1st India summit 2016 Italian society of Rhinology on 23.04.16 at Hyatt Regency Chennai. Faculty of the Department of Psychiatry attended the PMI lecture on “Operational principles derived from vision, mission statement, and values” on 26.04.2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor & HOD, Department of Psychiatry, participated in PMI.SBV workshop on “Vision, mission, role of HODs” on 26.04.2016. Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the PMI.SBV workshop on “Developing & planning a project” on 26.04.2016. Dr. K. Jayasingh, Dr. S.Lokesh, Dr.SivaRanganathan Green and Dr. Kadavanu Tony Mathew, Department of General Medicine attended Workshop on “Partners Medical International” from 26. 04.2016 to 29.04.2016 conducted at SBV University, Puducherry.
Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in PMI.SBV workshop on “Instructional design and module creation”, on 27.04.2016. Faculty of the Department of Psychiatry attended the PMI lecture on “Faculty roles as researchers, counselors, developers of curriculum & change management” on 28.04.2016. Dr.Partha Nandi, Dr.Abhijith V Boratane, Professors, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. S. Jayaramachandran, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Community Medicine, attended the Faculty Development Program under the PMI – SBV Initiative between 26.04.16 and 29.04.16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Rani, Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar, Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professors, Dr. Gayatri, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Dr. IndubalaMaurya, Assistant Professor, Dr. Archana, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in workshop on “Simulation Based Workshop on Transesophageal Echocardiography” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI on 30.04.2016. Dr.N.Seetharaman, Professor & HOD, Dr.RajkumarPatil, Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, attended an Orientation program on Entrustable Professional Activity for postgraduates in April, 2016. Dr. Richa Gupta completed an international online course titled “Foundations of teaching and learning: Curriculum” authorized by Commonwealth Educational Trust and offered through Coursera in April 2016. The Workshop on Bayley’s scales of Infant and Toddler development. III (BSID III) was conducted by Department of Paediatricson 7.5.16 at venue of MGMCRI, the faculties who attended this workshop were Dr.P.Soundarajan, Dr.B.Gunasekaran, Dr.Srinivasan Raghavan, Dr.EdithB. Jasmine, Dr.Prarthanna Das, Dr.KaruppiahPandi and Dr.Anandhi. The Workshop on Bayley’s scales of Infant and Toddler development. III (BSID III) was conducted by Department of Paediatricson 7.5.16 at venue of MGMCRI, the faculties who attended this workshop were Dr.B.Gunasekaran, Dr.Srinivasan Raghavan, Dr.Edith B.Jasmine, Dr.Prarthanna Das, Dr.Karuppiah Pandi, Dr.Anandhi and Dr.P.Soundarajan. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept., participated National Symposium on “An Update On Antimicrobial: Agents And Their Uses” held at MGMCRI on 15.05.16.
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Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, & Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended the “Great Minds Confluence” – a CME on pharmacotherapy of depression, at Chennai, on 22.05.2016. Dr.Mirunalini.R, Assistant Professor, Dr.Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Dr.SabariAnand, Tutor, Department of Pharmacology attended a “2nd National Workshop on PCR techniques”, organized and conducted by the Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) unit, MGMCRI between 24.05.16 and 25.05.16. Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor and Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology attended 2nd national workshop on PCR technique held on 24.05.16 and 25.05.16. Dr. Jayanthi, Tutor, Department of Anatomy attended 2nd national workshop on PCR technique held on 24.05.16 and 25.05.16. Dr. A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof. of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept, participated in International Webninar on ‘Critical thinking in health education & evidence based Dentistry” conducted by SAF of IGIDS, held on 27.05.16. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, attended the Weekend educative course in Psychiatry, at Bangalore, between 28.05.2016 & 29.05.2016. Dr.A.R.Rajalakshmi, and Dr.R.Subramaniyan, Department of Ophthalmology attended Pondicherry Ophthal Association, ONH on 29.05.2016. Dr. A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof. in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. participated in the Faculty Development Program for the first year faculty conducted by MEU, MGMCRI titled ‘Teaching using a shared plateform – rules of the game by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman & Prof KA.Narayan and Preparing Course contents for LMS by Prof.M.Ravishankar in the month of June 2016.
Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, department of ENT attended Workshop on “Patent and copyright organized by Intellectual Property Rights on 03.06.16 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.Manimekalai.K, HOD, Department of Pharmacology attended “IPR awareness Workshop” on 03.06.16. Dr. Henri Balraj, Professor, Department of Physiology attended IRP awareness workshop “Patents and copyrights” held on 3.06.2016 at MGMCRI. Dr.Karthik,Dr. Kadavanu Tony Mathew and Dr.A. Arunkumar Department of General Medicine attended Workshop on “Intellectual Patent Rights awareness” on03.06.2016 at MGMC&RI, Puducherry Dr. S. Jayaramachandran, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, attended workshop on Patents and copyright on 3.06.16 at MGMC&RI Dr.Tarun Kumar Dutta, Department of General Medicine attended Annual European Heamatology Association meeting Copenhagen, Denmark, conducted from 09.6.16 to 12.06.2016. Dr. E. Hariharan Department of General Medicine attended “Apollo Infectious disease conference”, conducted by Apollo hospitals, Chennai, conducted on 11.06.16 and 12.06.16. Dr. Johan Pandian, Dr.Mirunalini.R, Dr.Uma.N, Assistant Professor’s Department of Pharmacology attended the CME on “Diabetes Mellitus – Future Perspectives” conducted by the Department of Pharmacology, Chengalpattu Medical College, Dr.M.G.R. Medical University on 14.06.16. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD, Dr.SudarCodi.R, Dr.JohanPandian, Assistant Professor’s, Department of Pharmacology attended a CME. “An Update on Antimicrobials”, conducted by the Department of Microbiology, MGMCRI, on 15.06.16. Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended an update on antimicrobial agents & their uses, at MGMCRI, on 15.06.2016.
Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop on Patent and Copyright, organized at MGMCRI, on 03.06.2016.
Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, & Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop on Implementation of Competency based Postgraduate Education (including EPAs and e.portfolio), organized by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, on 17.05.2016.
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Dr.Mohamed Hanifah, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Dr.Karthik, Dr.A.Aarthi, Dr. Kadavanu Tony Mathew, Dr.Deyagarasan, Dr.R.Arunkuma, Dr.Jose Devasia, Dr.A.Arunkumar and Dr.VijayalakshmiLal, Department of General Medicine attended National Conference on “Update on antimicrobials”, conducted by IMSA on 15.06.2016 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor, Dr. Stephen S, Dr. Umadevi S, Dr. Jayapal V, Professors, Dr. Pramodhini S, Associate Professor, Dr. Pravin Charles M.V, Dr. Kalaivani R, Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale, Assistant Professors and Dr. Lavanya S, Dr. Valentina Y, Tutors, Department of Microbiology, attended the national symposium on “An update on Antimicrobial Surveillance” organized by International Medical Science Academic (IMSA), Puducherry Chapter and HICC, MGMC & RI, Pondicherry, on 15.06.2016. Prof. P. Soundararajan, Department of Paediatrics attended the CME on An update on antimicrobials held at MGMCRI, on15.6.16. Dr. Ambujam, Prof., Dr. Manobalan, AP, Department of DVL attended National symposium on “An update on antimicrobial agents and their uses” conducted by department of Microbiology on 15.06.16. Dr.RajkumarPatil, Professor Community Medicineand Dr. S. Jayaramachandran, Assistant Professor attended, the national symposium on An update on Antimicrobial agents and their use on 15.06.16 and A national seminar on Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education on 21.06.16 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. Rani, Dr. Kusha Nag, Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professors, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in workshop on “Ganga Anaesthesia Refresher Course. GARC.2016” at Ganga Hospital & Medical Center, Coimbatore on 16.06.16. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, &Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, attended a national seminar on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education”, organized by CYTER, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, on 21.06.2016. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor attended National Seminar & CME on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education” held on 21.06.16 at MGMCRI, SBV University, Pondicherry
Dr. Bakshi, Assistant professor attended “International Day of Yoga Celebrations 2016 CME on 21.06.16 held at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop on hypnosis at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Kalitheerthalkuppam, Madagadipet, Puducherry, on 25.06.2016. Prof K Surendra Menon Head of the Department, Prof. R. Pajanivel, Dr. MohammedJasheer and Dr Mohammed Washid, Post Graduates attended “Updates in Sleep Medicine. 2016” held at Chettinad Medical College and Research Institute on 25.6.2016. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor and Head, Department of OBG, attended the FOGSI.FIGO conference in Pune in June as a delegate. Dr.Deepak David, Asst.Prof., Dept. of Urology, attended live operative workshop held at Shimla, in the month of June 2016 Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dr. Ravishankar, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Rani, Dr. Sripriya, Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar, Dr. DewanRoshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Jaya, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Dr. Archana, Dr. Senthil, Dr. Vivek, Dr. SiyamSundar, Senior Resident, participated ISA Puducherry PG Meet 2nd Edition on Interpretation of CXR, CT brain, and foreign body esophagus. Dr. Jayanthi. S, Tutor, Department of Anatomy participated in a National Workshop on “Basic Technique in Fluorescence Microscopy” held at JIPMER between 22. 04. 2016 & 23. 04. 2016. Dr. SendhilCoumary A, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology, attended an International Conference ‘ENDOMETCON’ at Trichy from 8. 07. 16 to 10. 07. 16. Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD & Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the annual conference of the Intra ocular Implant & Refractive Society of India as delegates held at Chennai on 08. 07. 16 & 09. 07. 16. Dr. S.Lokesh, Associate Professor, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine,
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Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr. N Swathi & Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professors, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME “Interactive 3-D CME in orbit & Oculoplasty” conducted by the Pondicherry Ophthalmic association at Pondicherry on 24. 07. 16. Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended “MCI Revised Basic Course Workshop on Medical Education Technologies from 25. 07. 16 to 27. 07. 16 at JIPMER Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended “Attitude and Communication (ATCOM) workshop” held on 28. 07. 16 at JIPMER Dr. Satish Kumar, Professor & Head, Dr. Baskar R, Professor, Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Dr. Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professors, Dr. Prasanna P, Tutor Department of Forensic Medicine attended ‘Forensic CME 2016 “Management of Sexual Offence Cases-A multidisciplinary Approach” on 30. 07. 16 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. S. Karthik, Asst. Prof, Dr. Arun kumar. R. Asst. Prof, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst. Prof and Dr. Tamilarasan, SR, Department of General Medicine attended International Diabetes update 2016- organized by Dr. Mohan’s diabetes education academy, Chennai from 29. 07. 2016 to 31. 07. 2016 Dr. P. Karthikeyan Professor and HOD, Department of ENT attended “58 th Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop” from 16. 07. 16 to 17. 07. 16 at MERF by Padmashree Mohan Kameswaran, Chennai . He attended “ENT Conclave” from 6. 08. 16 to 7. 08. 16 at hotel Le Meridian, Cochin organized by Prof Milind Kirtane and also attended 19th TNAOI Conference held from 09. 09. 16 to 11. 09. 16 at Hotel Shervaroys Yercaud. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Rani, Dr. Kusha, Dr. Sameera Jahagirdar, Dr. Sripriya, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professors, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Jaya, Dr. Gayatri, Dr. Annie, Dr. Indubala, Dr. Sreedhar Reddy, Assistant Professors, Dr. Archana Areti, Senior Resident, Dr. Senthil, Senior Resident Dr. Vivek, Senior Resident Dr. Siyam, Senior Resident participated 3rd edition of ISA Meet held on 23. 07. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry.
Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology attended “Hands on Training Workshop on Flow Cytometry” held on 6. 08. 16 at Interdisciplinary Institute of Indian System of Medicine, SRM University, Kattankulathur. Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor & Dr. Subramaniam R, Senior Resident, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 16 to 07. 08. 16. Dr. Hariharan, Associate Professor, Dr. Kalaimani, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine attended ‘pollo advanced critical care conference 2016’ organized by Apollo Institute of Critical Care Medicine & Institute of Neurosciences held on 06. 08. 2016 at hotel Hyatt, Chennai. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in TANPSYCON ’16, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 06. 08. 16 & 07. 08. 16. Dr. Sithanandha Kumar, Dr. Bakshi, Assistant Professors Department of ENT attended lecture on “ENT Today” (Head and Neck Surgery) Laryngotracheal Surgery Workshop on 08. 08. 16 and 9. 08. 16 at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Prof. Tirou Aroul, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu, Dr. R. Kannan, Dr. Durai. R, and Dr. N. S. Kannan, Department of General Surgery attended ASICON TN & Pondy in Salem on 12. 08. 16 to 13. 08. 16. D r. Pramod Kumar GN, and Dr. Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professors of Forensic Medicine department attended Elsevier Author workshop on 11. 08. 16 at Hotel Accord, Pondicherry conducted by Elsevier Publishers. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016), Workshop-Leading change in Medical Education and Mentoring and Feedback held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16.
Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Tridip Dutta, Dr. R. Kannan, Prof. Palaniappan, Department of General Surgery attended GI update in Global, Chennai on 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16.
attended 12th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India Tamilnadu Chapter held between 22. 07. 16 and 24. 07. 16 at Thoothukkudi.
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Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Dr. Antony John Charles, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) held at MGMCRI, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Prof. T. Tirou Aroul, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu and Dr. R. Kannan, Assoc. Prof, Department of General Surgery attended the work shop on ‘Teaching Clinical Skills’ in National conference on Health Professions Education in MGMCRI on 19. 08. 16. Dr. K. S. Seetha, Professor and Head, Dr. Pramodhini S, Associate Professor, Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale, Assistant Professor and Dr. Valentina Y and Dr. Prabha R, Tutors, Department of Microbiology, attended the national conference on “Changing trends in Health Professions Education” at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry, between 19. 08. 2016 and 20. 08. 2016. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology participated in workshop on Professionalism and Teaching Clinical skills in digital Era at the NC-CTHPE 2016 held between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Prof. T. Tirou Aroul, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu and Dr. R. Kannan, Department of General Surgery attended National conference on Health Professions Education in MGMCRI between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. All Faculty from Department of General Surgery attended Gastro CME on 24. 09. 16 in MGMCRI. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated as a faculty on 32nd ISACON South and 32nd ISA Karnataka State Conference (ISACON2016) on 20. 08. 16 at Belagavi, Karnataka. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor & Rajkumar M, Clinical
Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016), SBVU at Puducherry from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. R. Reeta and Dr. Kulkarni Shweta, Department of Biochemistry attended workshop titled “Professionalism Teaching clinical skills in the Digital Era” while Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani. S, Department of Biochemistry attended workshop titled “Problem Learners”organized by MEU, MGMC & RI on 18. 08. 16. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor, Community Medicine, participated at the National Level Conference on Changing trends in health professions education at MGMCRI held between 19. 08. 2016 and 20. 08. 2016 and also participated in the Workshop on ‘Problem Learners’ and on ‘Mentoring & Feedback’. Dr. Partha Nandi, Professor, Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. A. Suguna, Dr. A. Surekha, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine, participated in the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI held from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016 Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Dr. Reeta. R, Dr. Kulkarni Shweta Kulkarni and Dr. S. Arul Vijaya Vani, Department of Biochemistry attended the National Conference titled “Changing Trends in Health Professionals Education” between 19. 08. 16& 20. 08. 16. Dr. Krishnan, Prof. & HOD, Department of DVL attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16 and also attended a session on ‘Problem Learners, Mentoring and Feedback’. Dr. Henri Balraj, Professor, Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology, attended National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professional Education. “ held between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16, at MGMCRI. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. G Mangala, Dr. Shanmugasamy, Associate Professor, Dr. Bhavani, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Dr. Venkatraman J, Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Dr. Roopa, Dr. Mathumithra, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Pathology attended National conference on changing Trends in Health Professions Education”, held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16.
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Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. G Mangala, Associate professor, Dr. Bhavani, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Dr. Roopa, Dr. Mathumithra, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Pathology attended workshop on “ Professionalism” in National conference on changing Trends in Health Professions Education”, held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16 Dr. Arun Kumar, R. Asst. Prof, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Asst. Prof, Dr. K. Jeyapalan, Professor, Dr. Arthi, Asst. Prof, Dr. Kalirathiname, Associate Professor, Dr. K. Jayasingh, Professor, Dr. Hariharan, Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine attended National conference on ‘Changing trends in Health Professions Education’ organized by SBV AHEAD, SBV University, Puducherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16. Dr. Seetesh Professor and Head, Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Dr. Pallavee P, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended National conference on changing trends in health professional education (NC-CTHPE-2016) at MGMCRI between 19. 08. 16& 20. 08. 16. Dr. Seetesh Ghose, attended the Workshop on ‘Professionalism’ and Workshop on Clinical Skill in Digital Era and Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended the Workshop on Problem learners on 19. 08. 16, SBV University, at the National conference on changing trends in health professional education (NC-CTHPE-2016), Pondicherry. Dr. G. Mangala, Associate Professor, department of Pathology, attended the National conference on Changing trends in Health Professions Education organised by SBVUbetween 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16 at Pondicherry and actively participated in the workshop on ‘Mentoring and feedback’ as well as workshop on ‘Professionalism’ Dr. Satish Kumar, Professor & Head, Dr. Baskar R, Professor, Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Dr. Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professors, Department of Forensic Medicine attended National conference on “Changing trends in Health
Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, participated health camp conducted by Indian Medical Association (Pondicherry branch) at Vanurtaluk in August and rendered laboratory related services. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, participated in a Workshop on ‘Professionalism’, while, Dr. J. Sahithyaa, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine participated in a ‘Workshop on Clinical skills in Digital Era’ & Workshop on ‘Professionalism’ at the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education at MGMCRI held from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. P. Karthikeyan Professor and Head, Dr. Vijayasundaram, Associate Professor, Department of ENT attended “Master Class Live Surgical Workshop” conducted by Dr. Vijayendra & Dr. Mahadevaiah between 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16 at Hotel La Shangiri, Bangalore. Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, attended research methodology training and biostatistics between 20. 08. 16 and 21. 08. 16 at Chanre Health Care Pvt. Limited. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Dr. Karthik J Salwe and Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professors, Dr. Johan Pandian and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professors, Department of Pharmacology, attended a Conference on “Trends in Medical Education”, organized by MEU, MGMCRI, between 25. 08. 16 and 26. 08. 16. Dr. Deepak David and Dr. Vasudevan T, Asst. Professors, Department of Urology attended a CME in Jaipur, ‘Uroscope’ between 26. 08. 16 and 27. 08. 16 organized by a pharmaceutical company. About 150 faculties were invited and scientific discussion on recent advances in urology was the main focus. Dr. K. Jayasingh, Dr. K. Jeyapalan, Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Dr. Hariharan, Dr. Kalirathiname, Dr. M. Narayanan, Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Dr. Arun kumar . R, Dr. Tamilarasan, Dr. Arun Kumar . A, Dr. S. Shobna, Dr. Sabarirajan, Dr. Sudarsan, Dr. Vijay Anandaraj, Dr. Kalai Mani, Dr. S. S. Siva, Dr. Sakthi Suganya, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Lal, Dr. Tumbanatham, Dr. Jose Devasia, Dr. Karthik, Dr. Deyagarasan, Dr. Vel Murugan, Dr. . Tony Mathew, Faculty members, Department of General Medicine attended CME programme on “An approach to common Rheumatological disorders “ organized by the
Professions Education” held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry between 19. 08. 16 & 20. 08. 16.
Dr. S. S. Rajasekar, Professor and Head, Dr. Chandra Philip. X, Professor, Dr. N. Mugunthan, Professor, Dr. AN. Uma, Assistant Professor, Dr. G. Prabavathy, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, participated as delegates at the ‘National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education” (NC-CTHPE)’ organized by the MEU, MGMCRI held at SBV campus from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 16.
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department of Medicine with Dr. I . Venkatesh . M. D., D. M, Consultant Rheumatologist as the Speaker from AVMCH, Puducherry on 31. 08. 2016
4th SAARC Academy of Cytology and Histopathology 2016Pre- conference CME on ‘Breast Pathology’ held at BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal on 16. 09. 16.
Dr. Jeneth Berlin Raj, Associate Professor, Mr Vasanthan, Assistant Professor and Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology, attended conference on “Visual Electrophysiology and its Diagnostic Applications” on 02. 09. 16 held at Karpaga Vinayga Institute of Medical Science & Research Center, Kanchipuram
Dr. Lopamudra B John, Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended Rockfert workshop and conference at Trichy on 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16.
Dr. A. Mossadeq, Prof & Head, Dr. S, Joseph Philipraj, Prof, Dr. Kalyanaraman Kone, Associate Prof, Dr. Vasudevan T, Dr. Deepak David, Asst. Professors, Department of Urology attended National Conference on distance education at Pondicherry University between 08. 09. 16 and 9. 09. 16. Dr. J. Anbalagan, Professor, Anatomy attended the State level Anatomy Conference held between 23. 09. 16 and 24. 09. 2016 at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chrompet, Chennai. Dr. Jeetendra Behera, Senior Resident, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended Basic and Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy between 09.09.16 and 11.09.16 at Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dr. Kusha, Associate Professor, Dr. Sameera Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dr. Antony John Charles, Assistant Professor, Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor Dr. Gayatri, Assistant Professor Dr. Annie, Assistant Professor Dr. Indubala, Assistant Professor Dr. Sreedhar Reddy, Assistant Professor Dr. ArchanaAreti, Senior Resident, Dr. Senthil, Senior Resident Dr. Vivek, Senior Resident Dr. Siyam, Senior Resident participated 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. S. Karthi, & Dr. Kalaimani, Asst. Professors, Department of General Medicine, attended “ECG – Basics and beyond” advanced ECG Course conducted by Dept. of Electrophysiology & Pacing of Madras Medical MISSION, Chennai on 11. 09. 2016. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Department of Pathology, attended
Dr. A. Mossadeq, Prof & Head, Dr. S, Joseph Philipraj, Prof, Dr. Vasudevan T, Dr. Deepak David from Dept of Urology attended the 21st Annual conference of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry association of Urologists (TAPASUCON) held at Yercaud, Salem held between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Dr. Karthik J Salwe and Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professors, Dr. Johan Pandian and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professors, from the Department of Pharmacology, attended a CME, in IMA Hall, Cuddalore on “Cancers – where rays have a say and Knives have a cutting edge”, organized by IMA, Cuddalore and Apollo Cancer Institutes, Teynampet, Chennai on 18. 09. 16 at 7. 00PM. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Professor and HOD, Dr. Vaishali Kotasthane, Department of Pathology, attended 4th SAARC Academy of Cytology and Histopathology 2016 - International conference held at BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal on 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. Dr. Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended GXcerpts 2016, conducted by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, held in Chennai on 22. 9. 16. Dr. Antony John Charles, Assistant Professor, & Dr. Archana Areti, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, participatedas a delegate on 6th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA India – 2016) held at Marriott Hotel & Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology participated in CME on Urogynaecology at JIPMER 25. 09. 16. Dr. S. JosephPhilipraj, Professor, Department of Urology attended National conference on “Emerging Challenges and Prospects in Distance education” conducted by DDE Pondicherry University on Sept 2016.
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Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor & Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry attended CHETPSYCON 2016 – conference titled “Essentials in General Hospital Psychiatry” organized by Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Tamil Nadu on 28. 09. 16. Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. J. Sahithyaa, Dr. A. Suguna, Dr. A. Surekha, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine, participated in a State level CME on Rabies at IGMC & RI on 28. 09. 16. Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended Workshop on ‘Role of ultrasonography in infertility and early pregnancy’, conducted by Mediscan on 29. 09. 16, CUSP 2016, Chennai. Dr. SunitaSamal, Professor, Dr. Pallavee P, Professor, Dr. RupalSamal, Asst Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended the 15th South Asian regional conference on Clinical Ultraonography Practice conducted by Mediscan in Chennai on 29. 09. 16 and 30. 09. 16. Prof. K. Surendra Menon, HOD, Prof. R. Pajanivel, Dr. Vimal Raj. R, Assistant Professor, and the postgraduates from the department of Pulmonary Medicine attended the ‘Respiratory Science Master Class Webinar’ on 30. 9. 16 regarding ‘Role of Formoterol/Budesonide Maintenance & Reliever Regimen in prevention of Asthma exacerbations’. Dr. Ruby Pawankar (Nippon University, Japan) and Dr. Himanshu Garg (Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon) participated as Resource persons. This programme was conducted by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. Dr. R. Arunkumar, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine attended CME & Workshop on Neurology, NEWRON ’16, organized by Dept. of General Medicine, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. Dr. Mohamed Hanifah, Professor, Department of General Medicine attended State level Conference CHETMEDICON 2016 on “Recent advances in Infectious diseases”, organized by Dept. of General Medicine at Chettinad hospitals & Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Kanchipuram.
Webinar:During the third quarter of 2016, the Department of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine organized a webinar on:Evidence Based use of antibiotics in Sepsis : Current Controversies by Dr. SubhashTodi, New definitions in Sepsis by Dr. J Divatia, and the sessions were moderated by Dr. Rajesh Chawla. All postgraduates & Faculty members from Anaesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine attended Dr.Vijay J, MS MRCS DNB (General Surgery ), MCh, DNB (Plastic Surgery), Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery , attended training course for hair transplant in February at MEDISPA at Jaipur held from 07.02.2016 to 12.02.2016. Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the SIDCER Survey, JIPMER 2016, as a Survey trainee for 3 days from 3.10.16 to 5.10.16 held at JIPMER. Dr.Manimekalai.K, HOD and Dr. Mirunalini. R, Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology attended Elsevier Author Workshop 2016, on 6.10.16 held at Accord Hotel, Puducherry. Prof. C.P. Ganesh Babu, Department of General Surgery attended IASYCON 2016 held in Coimbatore from 6.10.16 to 9.10.16. Dr. Vaithiyanathan and Dr. Suguna, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine attended a MEU workshop on ‘Learning Objective writing’ on 07.10.2016 Dr.S.Kalaimani, Dr. Sakthi Suganya, Dr. Tony Mathew Kadavanu, Asst .Professors, and Dr. K. Sudharsan, Senior resident, Department of General Medicine attended a work shop on Setting the learning objectives on 07.10.2016 at ME Unit, MGMCRI. Dr. Umadevi, Faculty member, Department of Microbiology attended a workshop on “Academic Leadership” MEDUCON- 2016, organised by MEU, JIPMER & Alumini association NTTC,JIPMER held on 13.10.2016 JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr Maithili Karpaga Selvi N and Dr. Sripradha, Tutors, Department of Biochemistry, participated Hands on
Dr. S. Karthi, Asst. Professor, Department of General Medicine attended Education programme on ‘IBS in India: Shifting Paradigms in management’ conducted by The John Hopkins School of Medicine.
Dr. SeeteshGhose, Professor & Head, Dr. P. Pallavee Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology attended CME in Urogynocology on 25. 09. 16 at JIPMER, Puducherry
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workshop on “Basic and Applied Bioinformatics for Clinical Genomics” conducted by CIDRF, SBV 14.10.16. Prof. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Dr. Niranjan, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, participated in National at MEDUCON-2016, organized by NTTC, JIPMER, Puducherry 14.10.16. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine attended MEDUCON 2016- National Conference on Medical Education at JIPMER on 14.10.16 Dr. Namratha K Bhosale, Dr. Valentina .Y, Faculty members, Department of Microbiology attended CME on, “Automation in Microbiology-an advantage for physicians”, conducted by SVMC&RC, Puducherry under the auspices of IAMM-Puducherry Chapter, on 14.10.16. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the CME on “The Medical Education Conference 2016 (MEDUCON 2016)” in JIPMER on 14.10.2016. Dr. S. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in “IPSOCON 2016” 49th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society – South Zone Branch held at Crowne Plaza Chennai Adyar Park from 14.10.16 to 16.10.16.
Dr. Sunita Samal, Dr.Sendhil Coumary, Professors of O&G and Dr. RupalSamal, Asst. Professor O&G attended a CME on Abnormal Uterine Bleeding conducted by OGSP Pondicherry on 16.10.16. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Faculty member, Department of Microbiology attended workshop on “State Measles/ Rubella case-based surveillance transitioning workshop” at Puducherry organized by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India & WHO were granted two days from 18.10.2016 to 19.10.2016. Dr. Pramodhini, Dr. Pravin Charles M.V, Dr. Namratha K Bhosale, Dr. Valentina .Y, and Dr. Prabha, Faculty members, Department of Microbiology attended workshop on “Training programme on Laboratory Quality system & Internal Audit as per IS/ISO: 15189 organized by HELP in Department of Biochemistry, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute , Pondicherry, from 19.10.16 to 22.10.16. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended International Meet with Prof.Eric Bateman a TOT Meeting on “SMART Therapy” in Asthma, held at Hotel Radisson Blu, Chennai, on 20.10.16.
Dr.Vijay J, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery attended the training program on Cranio maxillofacial Surgeries at Mumbai, held from 14.10.16 to 16.10.16.
Dr. Madanmohan, Professor & Head, Dr.K.Jai Ganesh, Professor, Mr. Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Dr. Selvakumar, and Mr. Uthiravelu, Tutors, Department of Physiology attended the National level CME “Healthy Ageing” conducted on 21.10.16 at Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry.
Dr. Arun kumar, Dr.S.Kalaimani, Asst .Professors, Department of General Medicine attended “PAGE’ – CME programme on Gastroenterology at IGMC&RI, Pondicherry, on 15.10.2016.
Dr. R. Kalaivani, Faculty member, Department of Microbiology attended CME on restrict Review & Renew antibiotics” organised by department of Microbiology at PIMS on 22.10.16.
Dr. Abhijith V Bortane, Associate Professor, Dr. Vaithiyanathan, Dr.Jayaramachandran S, Dr. Suguna and Dr. Surekha, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine participated in CME Programme on Surveillance of Measles and Polio on 15.10.2016 at JIPMER.
Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Rani, Dr. Kusha, Dr. Sameer Jahagirdar, Dr. Sripriya, Dr. DewanRoshan Singh, Associate Professors, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Gayatri Mishra, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Dr. Indubala, Assistant Professors, Dr. ArchanaAreti, Dr. Senthil Kumar, Dr. Vivek, Dr. SiyamSundar, Senior Residents, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated a ISA Puducherry PG Meet 5th edition on Interpretation of Capnography and Spirometry organized by Dept. of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI associated with ISA Puducherry Branch at Hotel Athithi on 22.10.2016.
Dr. Arul VijayaVani S, Asst Prof., Mrs. V. Mohana Valli, Tutor, Department of Biochemistry, participated in Workshop quality management system and internal audit in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012 organized by Department of Biochemistry in collaboration of ‘HELP 360’, New Delhi at MEU, MGMCRI from 19.10.16 to 22.10.16.
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Dr. Arun kumar, Dr. Tony Mathew Kadavanu, and Dr. Sakthi Suganya, Asst Professors, Department of General Medicine attended a CME- Infectious diseases update at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 22.10.16. Dr. A.Thumbanatham, Asst Professor, Department of General Medicine attended a CME- Infectious diseases update at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 22.10.16. Prof. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Dr. Niranjan G, Dr. M. Sathish Babu, Associate Professors, Dr. R. Reeta, Asst Prof., Mrs. V.MohanaValli, Tutor attended conference CLINICON-2016, Trichy, Tamil Nadu on 23.10.2016. Dr.Pallavee P, Professor of O&G attended CME on Fetal Imaging at AVMC, Puducherry on 3.11.16. Dr.Pramod Kumar GN, Associate Professor of Forensic Medicine attended ‘International seminar on Endocrinological disorders’ organized by Dept of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 03.11.16. Dr.Pallavee, Dr,SunitaSamal Professors of O&G Dr.Lopamudra B John, Assoc. Professor O&G and Dr.Rupal Samal, Asst. Professor, O&G attended the International Seminar on endocrine disorders on 3.11.16 at MGMCRI. Prof. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Dr. M. Sathish Babu Associate Professor, Dr. R. Reeta, Dr. S. Arul Vijaya Vani, Asst Profs., Mrs. V. MohanaValli, Dr Maithili Karpaga Selvi N and Dr.Sripradha Tutors, Department of Biochemistry, attended International Seminar on Endocrinological disorders, organized by Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, on 3.11.16. Dr.Tridip Dutta Baruah, Dr.Balasubramanian, Dr.Kannan.R, Dr.Saravana kumar.S, Dr.Ganesh Babu C.PDr. Mugilan, Dr.Vinoth S and Dr.R.Durai, Faculty, Department of Surgery, attended Endoscopy Fellowship Training Course in Erode (EFIAGES 2016) from 3rd November to 5th November 2016. from 3.11.16 to 6.11.16.
Dr. Soundararajan, Faculty, Pediatrics Department attended International seminar on endocrinology disorders held at MGMCRI on 03.11.2016. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant professor attended Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, “International Seminar on Endocrinological Disorders” on 3.11.2016 at MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr. Aarthi A, Dr. Tony Mathew Kadavanu, Dr. J Thamilarasan, and Dr.S.Kalaimani, Asst Professors, Dr. K. Sudharsan, Senior resident, Department of General Medicine attended a seminar on Endocrine disorders on 03.11.2016 at MGMCRI, organized by the department of Pharmacology. Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy and Dr. Mirunalini. R Department of Pharmacology attended the CME DRIVE 2016, on 6.11.16 organized by the Diabetes Research Foundation, Puducherry at Shenbagha Hotel, Puducherry. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor & Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, and Dr. Archana, Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended as a delegate on 5th Annual CME & Workshop (IGAP-2016) organized by Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care, IGMCRI and ISA-Puducherry State Branch on 5.11.16 and 6.11.16. Under the aegis of Urological society of India, Continuing Urological education programme in memory of Prof.H.S. Bhat was conducted in Puttaparthy on 07.11.2016. It was attended by Dr.A.Mossadeq (Prof & HOD), Dr. S, Joseph Philipraj (Prof ), DrVasudevan T, Dr. Deepak, Asst.Professors, department of Urology. Dr. Tony Mathew Kadavanu, and Dr.S.Kalaimani, Asst. Professors, Department of General Medicine attended CME on Translational Medicine in Diabetes on 10.11.2016 at MGMCRI. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended a CME on “Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus” organized by the Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI on 10.11.2016.
Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery and Dr.Joseph Philipraj, Professor of Urology, attended a “Workshop on MCI Revised Basic Course and ATCOM
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Module Workshop” at JIPMER, Pondicherry, as delegates on 07.11.2016 and 10.11.2016. Dr. Suguna.A and Dr. Surekha.A ,Assistant Professors, Community Medicine participated in MEU- Micro Teaching Programme on 10.11.2016 at MGMCRI. Dr. Madanmohan, Professor & Head, Dr. Nikhilesh Singh, Dr. Richa Gupta, Dr Devi R Nithiya, Asst. Professors,Mr. Uthiravelu, Tutor, Physiology dept., attended the National level CME “Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus”, conducted on 10.11.16 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended “Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus” on 10.11.2016 at MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Prof. T.K.Dutta, Department of General Medicine attended 57th Annual conference of Indian Society of Haematology, Blood Transfusion at Jaipur on 10.11.16 to 13.11.16. Prof. S. Gopalakrishan, Professor, Dr. S.S.Bakshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery attended “ENT CARE 2016 Airway Management - An Overview” on 11.11.2016 at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai. Dr. K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr. KN Jha, Professor of Ophthalmology, Dr. AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Dr. N Swathi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Conference “PHACO EXCEL 2016 – Excellence in Cataract Surgery” as delegates held at Aravind eye Hospital, Pondicherry on 12.11.2016 & 13.11.2016. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD and Dr. Mirunalini. R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended a Guest Lecture on “Psychiatric Genetics”, in CIDRF, on 14.11.16. All Faculties, Department of Psychiatry, participated the SAF Guest Lecture titled “Recent advances in psychiatric genetics” by Dr. Krishnamoorthy R, INSERM, Paris on 14.11.2016. Dr Ramesh R, HOD, Department of Biochemistry, participated in the e-learning course conducted by MEU India group on 15.11.16.
Dr. J Thamilarasan, Senior resident, Department of General Medicine attended Annual conference of Research society for the study of Diabetes in India at HICC, Hyderabad, from 18.11.16 to 20.11.16. Dr. K. Sudharsan, Senior resident, Department of General Medicine attended Annual conference of Research society for the study of Diabetes in India at HICC, Hyderabad, from 18.11.16 to 20.11.16. Rajkumar M., Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop on “Application of Digital Technology in Medical & Social Sciences Research” conducted by SDS Institute of Behavioural Sciences, Chennai on 26.11.16 & 27.11.16. Dr. Soundararajan, Dr.Anup, Dr.Manju, Dr.Lalitha, Faculty, Pediatrics Department, attended workshop on development: Cradles to crayons and beyond held at AVMC on 27.11.2016. Dr.SunitaSamal, Professors of O&G Dr.Rupal Samal, Dr.Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr.Setu Rathod and Dr.Madhusmita, Asst. Professor O&G attended a Live Laparoscopy workshop at MGMCRI relayed from Indore India on 27.11.16. Dr. B.R. Nagaraj, Professor and HOD, Department of Radiology attended the Inauguration of District branch of IRIA at Davangere on 28.11.16. Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the Monthly CME’s in Cuddalore IMA for the months from October and November, 2016 held at IMA Hall, Cuddalore. Dr. Pruthu T K has participated in RNTCP South Zone-2 Zonal Task Force- 2016 on 01.12.2016 and 02.12.2016 at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Science, Puducherry. Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD and Dr. Mirunalini. R Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the CME on Commemoration of World Diabetes Day - Speaker Dr. Sadhish Kumar Kamalanathan, Endocrinologist, JIPMER, organized by the Department of Medicine, MGMCRI. Dr. Manimekalai. K, HOD, Department of Pharmacology attended and issued the awards for the Prize winners of the Quiz competition for AIDS day, organized by the Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI.
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Dr.A.Mossadeq (Prof & HOD), Dr. S, Joseph Philipraj (Prof ), DrVasudevan T, Dr. Deepak, Asst.Professors, department of Urology attended a CME on ‘Clinical discussion on Ca Prostate Mollecular biology, androgen deprivation therapy, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy’held at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 04.12.2016.
Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst. Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy participated as a delegate at the CME on “Sleep Disordered Breathing - A Medical and Surgical Review” jointly organized by the departments of Pulmonary Medicine and ENT, held on 09.12.2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended a workshop on “Authentic Assessment of Graduate Outcomes” held at MEU, MGMCRI on 05.12.2016 and 08.12.2016.
Dr. Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor of Physiology attended the National level CME on “Sleep disordered breathing- A medical and surgical overview jointly organized by Dept of Pulmonary Medicine and Department of otorhinolaryngology on 9.12.16 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
Dr. Eswaran S, Professor & Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B., Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended workshop titled “Authentic Assessment of Graduate Outcomes” in MEU Lecture Hall, MGMCRI on 5.12.2016 & 08.12.2016. Dr. K.S. Seetha, Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Dr. Umadevi, Faculty members, Department of Microbiology attended Workshop on Real Time PCR technique in Biomedical research, conducted by SBV on 08.12.2016 & 10.12.2016. Dr. K.S. Seetha, Faculty members, Department of Microbiologyattended CME on sleep disordered breathing – A medical and surgical overview on 9.12.16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Dr. Kartik J Salwe, Dr. Johan Pandian J, Dr. Mirunalini R and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, faculty, Department of Pharmacology attended the CME on Sleep Disordered Breathing, A Medical and Surgical overview, jointly organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Otorhinolaryngology, MGMCRI on 9.12.16. Dr. Soundararajan, Faculty, Pediatrics Department attended CME on “Sleep Disordered Breathing – A Medical and Surgical Overview” organized by Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Department of Otorhinolaryngology at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 09.12.2016. Dr.Jayaramachandran S, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine has participated in Sleep Disordered Breathing - A Medical & Surgical Overview on 09.12.2016 held at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
Dr. P.Dhivya, Asst .Professor, Department of General Medicine attended CME Programme on Obstructive sleep apnoea jointly organized by the departments of Pulmonary Medicine and ENT, held on 09.12.2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Gayatri Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, has attended as a delegate on TMC National Conference on “The Difficult Airway” TMC-DAC-2016 organized by Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain, at Tata Memorial Center, Mumbai from 09.12.2016 to 11.12.2016. Dr.A.A. Rajamani, Department of Orthopaedics attended as a faculty in 61st Annual conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association, from12.12.16 to 17.12.16. Dr.Satish Kumar, Professor & Head, Dr.Dhritiman Nath, Associate Professor Dr.Prasanna P, Tutor of Forensic Medicine attended CME (1st MEDICO – JURIDIQUE 2016) on “Insights on Current Medicolegal Issues” organized by Dept of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, IGMCRI, Pondicherry on 17.12.16. Prof. R. Kannan, Assoc.Prof, Department of General Surgery attended ASICON conference in the month of December 2016, held in Mysore
Dr. Jaya, and Dr.Indubala, Assistant Professors, Dr. BalasubramaniamAnusha, Senior Resident Department of Anaesthesiology, attend as a delegate on CME on “Sleep Disordered Breathing – A Medical and Surgical Overview” organized by Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Department of Otorhinolaryngology at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 09.12.2016.
Dr. Manimekalai.K, HOD, Associate Professors Dr. Kartik J. Salwe& Dr. Padmavathi.S, Department of Pharmacology attended the Authentic assessment of graduate outcomes on 5.12.16 & 8.12.16 at MGMCRI
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Dr. Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor of Physiology attended the International level workshop on “Techniques in physiological science” for SAARC nations organized by Department of Physiology held at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi from 20.12.16 to 22.12.16. Dr. Arul VijayaVani S, Asst. Professor, Department of Biochemistry, participated in “Workshop in aligning objectives to learning and assessment” conducted by MEU, MGMCRI. Dr. Kartik J Salwe, Dr. Padmavathi. S, Dr. Johan Pandian. J, Dr. Mirunalini. R, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy and Dr. SabariAnandh, faculty, Department of Pharmacology attended the CME on Translational Medicine, organized by the Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI.
▶▶ MISCELLANY Dr. KulkarniSweta, Assistant Professor, Mr. V. KuzhandaiVelu, Mrs. R. Sathiya, Mrs. V. MohanaValli Tutors and Mr. M. Lenin, Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, completed ICMR Online Course entitled “Health Research Fundamentals”. Dr. Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology, completed following national online courses viz: Health Research Fundamentals: NPTEL online course by NIE. ICMR, a 3 month (20 hour) course, Introduction to Research: NPTEL online course by IIT Madras, a 2 month (10 hour) course, Psychiatry – an overview: NPTEL online course by IIT Kanpur, a 2 month (10 hour) course, Human molecular genetics: NPTEL online course by IIT Kanpur, a 2 month (10 hour) course Dr. Richa Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, completed an international online course titled “Instructional Methods in Health Profession Education” offered by University of Michigan on 3. 07. 16. Prof. SunithaSamal, Obstetrics & Gynecology completed training on Advanced ART Course for clinicians, from 22. 08. 16 to 10. 09. 16 at International Institute for Training and Research in Reproductive Health, Bangalore. Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head and Mr. V. Kuzhandai Velu, Department of Biochemistry tutor has completed International Advanced Diploma in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, August 2016.
Dr. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, has completed certificate course in LQMS at Miothospital, Chennai . The Department of Pharmacology during third quarter has reported 46 ADR reports through mail to the Regional Pharmacovigilance Monitoring Centre, JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, selected for PGDHPE, SBV course 2016-2017, while Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, registered for PhD (Psychology) in SJJT University, Rajasthan. Book Release: Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology released a Tamil poem book - “Nila Mutram” on 25. 09. 16. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst. Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy was the judge for the Elocution competition on the topic’ National Unity vs Aspirations of the States’ for the UG medical student s on the occasion of National Unity Day “Rashtriya Ekta Diwas” held on 05.11.2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. “Critical Care Unit” from the Anaesthesiology Department has been developed into “Department of Critical Care Medicine” on 01.10.2016. Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar has been transferred as Assistant Professor in Department of Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Sreedhar Reddy has been transferred as Assistant Professor in Department of Critical Care Medicine. ‘Palliative care inpatient ward” was inaugurated by Dr. M.R. Rajagopal, Pallium India, at I block first floor, MGMCRI on 01.12.2016. Dr. Dewan Roshan Sigh, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, is part of Hospital Palliative Care Team.
▶▶ SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM During the first quarter of 2016, the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted two internal meeting & 2 guest lectures, one Poster & Elocution contest to commemorate Swami Vivekananda’s 153rd Birth Anniversary, Research Day 2016 (Intercollegiate PG Dissertation Presentation Competition – SBV PRIMS), MedMasters- Intercollegiate MediQuiz Competition and Prestigious MVK IYER Annual External Oration
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The first SAF meeting was held on 5th February 2016. SAF secretary Dr.Pramod Kumar GN welcomed the gathering, R.Ramesh, SAF President, chaired the scientific session. Mediquiz was conducted by Dr.Prabavathy G. Capsule talk was given by Dr.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF on “Discussion on PhD thesis Vs PG Dissertation”. This was followed by Case presentations–‘Enlightening injuries due to lightening’ byDr.Ajay. PG, Dept of General Medicine, ‘The Epispadias Spectrum-A brief Appraisal’ by Dr.Satyajeet.P, Department of Urology, Emergency embolisation of bleeding gluteal AV Malformation‘ By Dr.Mohit, Junior Resident, Dept of Radiology. Certificates were issued for all PG Presentations&Mediquiz winner. Second SAF Meeting was held on 19th February 2016. Dr. R Ramesh R, chaired the session. Capsule talk was given by Dr. Vijay.J, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, MGMCRIon “An Overview of Eyelid Defects Reconstruction” This was followed by Case presentations, ‘Retrobulbar Neuritis after Scrub Typhus’ by Dr. AshwinSegi, Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, ‘ Overlap Or Mixed?’ by Dr. Jim Litton J, Resident, Dept of General Medicine, ‘Cystic neoplasm ofpancreas’ by Dr. Ajay. B. Mosur, Resident, Department of General Surgery.Certificates were issued for all PG Presentations.
RESEARCH DAY SBV PRIMS CONTEST (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences)
HIGH organized an invited guest talk on 28 January 2016 on “Highlights of Scientific Yoga Research at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute” by Sri SubodhTiwari, CEO, Kaivalyadhama Yoga institute, Lonavla, Maharashtra. Dr.PramodKumar, Secretary,SAF welcomed the gathering. Dr.AnandaBalayogiBhavanani , Deputy Director, CYTER introduced the speaker to audience. Prof Madanmohan, Director CYTER and Head of the Department of Physiology chaired the invited talk. Refer page 7 for details..
Swami Vivekananda’s 153rd Birth Anniversary Celebration Sri BalajiVidyapeethin association with SAF organized Poster and Elocution Competition for all students (UG & PGs) of constituent colleges of SBV to Commemorate Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary (12th January). Elocution Competition was held on 27th Jan 2016, at Ground lecture hall, College Block, MGMCRIwith the theme ‘Ideas and teachings of Swami Vivekananda –Are they relevant for today’s youth? The event was organized by the Vice Principal – Student Affairs with Vice Chancellor, Dr.KR Sethuraman, SBV chairing the session. The two judges were Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy MGMCRI and Mrs.Sumathy, Vice Principal, KGNC. Poster Competition was held on 29th Jan 2016, 10 am to 1 pm at Ground Floor Lobby, College Block, MGMCRI with the theme “Swami Vivekananda’s Contribution for our Nation”. Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani (Deputy Director, CYTER) & Dr. Saravanakumar (Vice Principal, IGIDS) were judges for the competition. The winners of the Competition were Miss. Joanofarc (1st Place) II Year BSc Nursing student from KGNC, A.Kamalraj (2nd Place) I year BSc Nursing, KGNC, Mr.ReubenToi (3rd Place) II Year MBBS, MGMCRI. Consolation Prize – Ms.Thiruvalarselvi, II year BSc, KGNC.
SAF Guest Talk on ‘Music Therapy’
SAF invited talk on YOGA RESEARCH Scientific Academic Forum (SAF) and Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research (CYTER), SBV AIM
East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT, UK, as the speaker of the day. The following are the essence of his talk. “Researching intense emotions has lead to brain investigations stressing the comparable activation of reward processes during pleasurable music experiences and drug action. Reviewing
SAF Special guest talk on“Music, addiction and reward processing. Implication for therapy and education” was held on 15.02.2016 with Prof.JorgFachner, DMSc, MS Ed., Professor of Music, Health and the Brain, Anglia Ruskin University, Dept of Music and Performing Arts
Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated RESEARCH DAY on 22nd Jan 2016. On this occasion SBV AHEAD & SAF MGMCRI organized SBV PRIMS (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) CONTEST for postgraduate scholars of various university. Refer page 6 for details.
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the scarce literature on the interaction of drug use and music appreciation indicate a lack of research on this cultural practice and its relation to addiction and mood regulation strategies. For some, but not for all, drug use may result in disorderly conduct and addictive behavior. Some rehabilitation centers do not allow music listening, as certain music experiences made under the influence may become a cue for drug craving. For rehabilitative means music therapy offers retraining of cued music experiences and state-depended recall of drug induced strong emotions in music Addictive processes narrow and recalibrate pathways and conscious choices for reward, but being involved in pleasing musical activities may help to reframe the narrowed focus of attention onto alternative opportunities of reward processing. Doing music therapy may offer new strategies for retraining narrowed attention onto externally sought strong emotional processes and helps to break the cycle of distress”.
MEDMASTERS – Intercollegiate MediQuiz SAF & SPECTRA 2016 (Sports & Cultural Fest, MGMCRI) conducted the Annual intra & Intercollegiate Quiz Competition (MEDMASTERS 2016) on the 1st and the 3rd March 2016.
Final round was held between 2:00 PM. to 4:00 PM in MGMCRI Auditorium. It was inaugurated by Dr. M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI. The Quiz committee consisted of Dr.Pramod Kumar GN (Secretary,SAF& Associate Prof of Forensic Medicine), Dr.SS,Bakshi (SAF Treasurer & Assistant Prof of ENT), Dr.Reeta (Executive Member, SAF, Assistant Prof of Biochemistry), Dr.Prabhavathy (Executive Member, SAF, Assistant Prof of Anatomy), Dr.Durai R (Executive Member, SAF), Dr.ChetanAnand (Assistant Professor of Gen Surgery), Dr.Richa Gupta (Assistant Professor of Physiology), Dr.Prarthana Das (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics) and Dr.Jagan Mohan ( Head, IT & MI) Questions were mix of Medical and General Knowledge in 7-8 exciting rounds.Final 4 teams were from PIMS, MGMCRI, JIPMER& IGMCRI. Team from PIMS Secured first place (Trophy + Rs.15, 000.Cash + Certificate), Team MGMCRI stood second (Trophy + Rs.9,000.Cash+ Certificate)& Team JIPMER secured Third Place(Trophy + Rs.6,000.Cash + Certificate).
1st March – Intracollegiate Quiz Competition: Preliminary round for MGMCRI teams was conducted on 1st March from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Ground floor lecture hall in the College block. 10 teams were selected from MGMCRI to participate in Intercollegiate Quiz Competition on 3rd march. It was open to Undergraduates, Interns and Postgraduates with each team comprising of three participants.
Contd. from cover page- Prof. Gilbert H Mudge, He is a global health expert, currently serving as President and CEO of Partners Healthcare International (PHI) since 2011, specializing in heart failure, cardiac transplantation and mechanical hearts. Dr. Mudge graduated from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and completed his internal medicine training at Presbyterian Hospital in NewYork. He has held numerous positions of national leadership, and has authored more than 130 publications.
3rd march – Intercollegiate Quiz Competition :Preliminary round was conducted on 3rdMarch at 11 am (Written round) in Second Floor Lecture Hall. 25 teams from different Medical colleges of Puducherry participated. Final 4 teams selected for final rounds of MedMasters.
He had created awareness about the different drug modalities available for the treatment of heart failure. He explained that the advent of neurohormonal blockade in heart failure (HF) has been an overwhelming success, but current evidence points to a ceiling effect. It is our contention that the
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available evidence has uncovered the remarkable complexity of interaction within the context of the neurohormonal construct. As we stand at a crossroad in HF and begin to fervently pursue non-neurohormonal therapeutic targets, we must also direct attention at navigating the multifaceted labyrinth of the neurohormonal model that has led to the current imbroglio. The forum ended with Citation Recitation given by Prof R.Ramesh, President, SAF, MGMCRI. Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Secretary, SAF proposed the vote of thanks.
World Health Day (7th April 2016) SAF organized Symposium on ‘Management of Diabetes Mellitus’ to commemorate the “World Health Day” held on 6th April 2016. On this occasion two in- house guest talks were organized by SAF. Every year, the World Health Organization selects a priority area of global public health concern as the theme for World Health Day, which falls on 7 April, the birthday of the Organization. The theme for World Health Day 2016 is diabetes, a non communicable disease (NCD) directly impacting millions of people of globally, mostly in low and middle income countries. World Health Day 2016 objectives are: Increase awareness about the rise in diabetes, and its staggering burden and consequences, in particular in low income and middle income countries, Trigger a set of specific, effective and affordable actions to tackle diabetes. These will include steps to prevent diabetes and diagnose, treat and care for people with diabetes and Launching the first WHO Global report on diabetes, which will describe the burden and consequences of diabetes.
Personalized medicine for diabetes (PMFD) involves use of genetic information of a person to tailor strategies for preventing, detecting, treating, or monitoring their diabetes. Their usage in clinical practice consists of 3 steps. First, identification of genes and biomarkers for diabetes as well as for obesity .the greatest risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Second, selection of individualized therapies (which drug? what dose? which diet? Drug least likely to cause side effects or toxicity? genetic profile?). Third, measurement of circulating biomarkers of diabetes to monitor the response to prevention or therapy. The response to sulphonylureas were found to be influenced by ABCC8 and KCNJ11 genes which encode sulphonylureas receptors. Glimepiride and metformin response was reported to be modulated by CYP2C9 and OCT1 genetic polymorphism respectively. Besides the above genes, microRNA are also emerging as important players in the management of diabetes mellitus. There are specific miRNA for each function in diabetes namely control the insulin synthesis. miR.375, miR.30d; control insulin granule exocytosis. miR.9, miR.29a/b/c, miR.375, miR.124a, miR.34a; alter ATP/ADP ratio in insulin secretion (miRNA.15a, miR.9, miR.29a, b.); control pancreatic cell fate and pancreas formation.miR.375, miR.21, miR.34a, and miR.146a and insulin resistance.miR.222, miR.27a, miR125a, miR.195, and miR.103. More research is needed to translate the benefits of genomic research into clinical practice. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A New Dimension by Prof. MohamedHanifah, Professor of Medicine, MGMCRI
SMT RUKMANI AMMAL ANNUAL INTERNAL ORATION 2016 Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University, Puducherry conducted Smt. K. RukmaniAmmal Annual Internal Oration in the afternoon of Friday 15th April, 2016 under the banner of Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF). The oration was awarded to Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor of Microbiology, MGMCRI. Dr. Pramod Kumar GN (Secretary, SAF) welcomed the gathering, Prof. Ramesh (President, SAF) presented the oration medal to Dr. Selvaraj
“Molecular advances in the management of diabetes mellitus: Focus on Personalized Medicine and microRNA, “by Prof.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF
Several genes have also been identified to modulate the response to diabetic therapy which have a prognostic role.
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Stephen and read the citation. Prof. M. Ravishankar (Dean, Faculty of Medicine) presided over the function and gave introduction to Smt. K RukmaniAmmal Internal oration & explained the contribution of Smt.RukmaniAmmal& her family towards education. The topic of oration was “rickettsial diseases in India- An underdiagnosed entity”. Prof Jayapal, Dept. of Microbiology introduced a speaker to the audience. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen has four decades of experience in rickettsial diseases. He was an expert member of Indian Council Medical Research Task Force on Rickettsial Diseases in India (2010.11). He has completed ICMR Research Project in Puducherry (2012.2015) and received the funding of nearly Thirty Three lakhs (33 Lakhs). He presented the recent scenario of Indian Tick typhus (Spotted Fever), Q Fever & Scrub Typhus in Pondicherry and neighbouring Tamil Nadu and also highlighted the challenges of rickettsial diseases diagnosis facing India especially the cost and availability of imported kits. In this present era of molecular diagnosis, the relevance of highly specialized techniques like Immunofluorescence Assay & Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) are highlighted. He also highlighted the research work done in MGMCRI in collaboration with CIDRF (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research facility) at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University. Dr.Stephen recommended that :a) Clinicians’ awareness regarding Spotted fever & Q Fever needs improvement to the level of ST knowledge b) Imported serological and molecular test kits for rickettsial diagnosis to be made available at affordable cost c) kits to be prepared by ICMR/ICAR/DRDE Labs and supplied to the researchers d)Adequate funding to be provided to the researcher The oration was attended by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman (Vice.Chancellor, SBV), Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan (Dean, Research & AHS), Prof. M. Ravishankar (Dean, Faculty of Medicine), Prof. Ravichandran (Additional Director), Prof. NirmalCoumare (Medical Superintendent), Prof. A.R.Srinivasan (Registrar), Senior Professors, Faculty
members of constituent colleges of SBV University and Management & Administrative staffs. Dr.SS.Bakshi proposed the vote of thanks.
SAF General Body Meeting on 20th May 2016 The election of office bearers for 11th Executive Council of Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI for the academic year 2016-17 was conducted on the 20th of May 2016. The election was conducted with Dr. Ramesh R being the returning officer for the polls, Co-chaired by Dr.Robinson Smile, Dept of Surgery. Before the election, Dr.Pramod Kumar GN presented the secretary report for the year 2015-16 followed by accounts details (balance sheet) given by Dr.SSBaskshi. The following members were selected as office bearers. President - Dr.Partha Nandi, Prof of Community Medicine & Vice Principal,Vice President - Dr. Kannan R, Associate Professor of Surgery, Secretary -Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept.,Joint Secretary - Dr.Sobana.R, Assistant Professor of Physiology, Treasurer- Dr.Durai R, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Four Executive Members Dr.Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor of Community Medicine, Dr.SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Dr. Praveen Charles, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Dr.Gaurav B, Resident, Dept of Radiology.
SAF Best Paper awards for the year 2015- 16 Best Scientific Paper for the Year 2015.16 in Case Report Category was awarded to Dr. Robbin Bose, PG, Department of Psychiatry for his presentation titled “Acute Confusional state in Alcohol withdrawal a diagnostic dilemma.“Best Scientific Paper for the Year 2015.16 in Case Series Category was awarded for “TUFF.PCNL Totally Ultrasound guided Fluoro Free PerCutaneous Nephro Lithotomy” presented by Dr. SatyajeetPattnaik, Senior Resident, Department of Urology. Dr.KirtiNathJha, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology was honored for maximal attendance and active participation in the SAF Internal Meet/Presentations held during the Year 2015-16 at MGMCRI. Department
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SAF Internal Meeting The new team of SAF for the year 2016-17 conducted its first internal meeting on 17th June 2016. The president of SAFDr.ParthaNandi , Prof of Community Medicine & Vice Principal welcomed the gathering. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept., gave the Minutes of the Previous Meet, while Dr.SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Mediquiz. The session started with a Capsule Talk, titled, ‘Heuristics for designing Coordination – A cognitive Approach to Process Control.’by Prof. VN Mahalakshmi, VP (Curriculum) & Professor of Pediatric Surgery. This was followed by three presentations namely, ‘Visible clue for the invisible monster’ by Dr.SritejaArya, PG, Department of Dermatology, Spontaneous vertebral artery dissection – a case report by Dr.R.Amirtha Lakshmi, Post Graduate, Department of General Medicine and finally ‘Uncommon complication of a common problem’ by Raghava Chowdary, PG, Department of Cardiology. The meeting saw the inclusion of a lucky dip contest where one of the members present in the audience cell was selected by a lucky draw and treated with a gift. The forum ended with prizes given to the winner of the quiz and certificates to the presenters.
SAF - INTERNAL MEET & GUEST LECTURES During the third Quarterly of 2016 (July -Sept), the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted two internal meetings & four guest lectures. 27. 07. 2016 The first SAF internal meeting was held on 27. 07. 2016. The President of SAF Dr. ParthaNandi, Prof of Community Medicine &Vice Principal welcomed the gathering. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. , gave the Minutes of the Previous Meet, while Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Mediquiz. The session started with a Ted talk which was given by an international school girl, named Miss. Neha Chandra, Montgomery Middle Schools, Maryland, USA. She spoke on “An Innovation AutBuddy”. “AutBuddy” is an app designed by Ms. Neha exclusively for children with autism to enable them to complete their schoolwork and daily tasks using a friendly mobile device.
12. 08. 2016 The second SAF internal meeting was held on 12th August 2016 between 2. 00pm and 3. 00pm. The president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcomed the gathering. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, gave the Minutes of the Previous Meet, while Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Mediquiz on “Biodiversity and Diseases”. This was followed by three presentations namely, “Case report of a mediastinal mass – A Diagnostic Challenge” by Dr. Sujaya Raghavendra, 2nd year Post Graduate, Dept. of General Medicine, “Hashimoto‟s Thyroiditis presenting with Acute Catatonia” by Dr. Preethy. R, 2nd Year Post graduate Department of Psychiatryand “A case report of Spinal Paraganglioma” by Dr. Trisha Banik, 2nd Year Post graduate, Department of Pathology. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced. The meeting had a lucky dip contest where one of the members present inthe audience cell was selected by a lucky Draw and treated with a gift. The forum ended with prizes given to the winner of the quiz and certificates to the presenters and to the judges who evaluated the paper presenters. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 200 faculty and residents participated in this program. SAF guest lecture on Breastfeeding – Science and the Society - 05. 08. 2016 A guest lecture was organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit,
Ted talk was followed by a capsule talk, “Minimally invasive surgeries through interventional radiology – Our experience by Dr. K. Udhaya Kumar, Asst. Prof. & Interventional Radiologist. There were three paper presentations namely “Life-threatening” Uterine AVM- Embolisation” by Dr. Sekhar Reddy, Post Graduate, Department of Radiology, “Isolated Splenic Cyst – Is Key Hole Surgery The Answer?” by Yash Vaidya, Post Graduate, Department of General Surgery and “Descriptive study analyzing the association between site of Entry with intra operative complications and stone clearance in Patients undergoing percutaneous nephrolithotomy” by Satyajeet P, PG, Department of Urology. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced. The meeting had a lucky dip contest where one of the members present in the audience cell was selected by a lucky Dr. aw and treated with a gift. The forum ended with prizes given to the winner of the quiz, certificates to the presenters and to the judges who evaluated the paper presenters. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 250 faculty and residents participated in this program.
of Radiology & Dept of General Surgery were honored for maximum participation in the Scientific and Academic Forum Presentations held during the year 2015.16 at MGMCRI.
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MGMCRI in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics on 05. 08. 2016. The president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcomed the gathering. It was a special academic feast, to celebrate Breast Feeding Week with the theme – A Key to Sustainable Development. The academic feast was on the topic: Breastfeeding – Science and the Society by Dr. B. Adhisivam Associate Professor, Dept., of Neonatology, JIPMER, Puducherry. The guest lecture ended with an interactiive session by the audience. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 150 faculty and residents participated in this program. Special SAF guest lecture on ‘Conservation of Biodiversity” – 12. 08. 16 A guest lecture was organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI on 12th August 2016 between 3. 00 pm to 4. 00 pm. The President of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcomed the gathering. Considering the immense importance of biodiversity in mega-diverse country like India, we at MGMCRI as per the guidelines from the National Biodiversity Authority, Govt. of India, are initiating proactive action towards the conservation and sustainable use of our biodiversity. To achieve this goal the SAF Team invited Dr. S. Jayakumar, M. Sc. Ph. D., Postdoc. (Yonsei University, Seoul, S. Korea ), Associate Professor Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University to talk on “Conservation of Biodiversity”. The essence of his talk: “Biodiversity is nothing but the variety and variability among the living beings on the earth surface. Biodiversity, the basic life-supporting system, helps the living beings directly and indirectly by many ways. In recent times, the pressure on biodiversity from the human community is unprecedented. Increasing human population, poverty, development at the cost of natural resources, mining, forest fire, extraction of various raw materials for industries, pollution, and global warming pose a serious threat to
biodiversity. As per the IUCN (The International Union for Conservation of Nature), more and more species are now being added to the red categories and many species are extinct before even being discovered and described. We have lost several wild relatives of floral and faunal species in the past centuries. If the degradation of biodiversity occurs at the same pace, the future generation will be in deep trouble. The destruction of biodiversity will have a cascading effect such as change in species composition, removal of keystone species, unhealthy habitats for many animals, collapse in ecological niches, change in ecosystem functions, and so on. It is predicted that in the coming century, the composition of tropical forest species will change a lot owing to a warming climate. These changes in nature will have a serious impact on agriculture, monsoon, human health and society on the whole. Thus, it is the right time to take a decision to use the natural resources sustainably for the betterment of the future. If there is no biodiversity on earth, life will be miserable”. The talk was very effective that members in the forum took a resolution to conserve the biodiversity in their own small way upholding the slogan, ‘Save the planet’. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 200 faculty and residents participated in this program. SAF guest lecture on “Paradoxes in Cardiology”. - 09. 09. 2016 A guest lecture was organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF), Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI in collaboration with the Department of Cardiology on 09. 09. 2016. The session began with the president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, welcoming the gathering. Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Medi Quiz on ‘Cardiology’. The SAF Guest Lecture was on the topic: “Paradoxes in Cardiology” by Dr. Raghavan Subramanyan, MD, DM, FRCPI, FSCAI, FCSI, Pediatric Cardiology, Chief of Cardiology, Frontier Hospital, Chennai. The guest lecture ended with an interaction session by the audience. After the talk the answers to the Quiz was announced and the winner
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Special SAF guest lecture on ‘An Overview on Liver Transplantation’ – 29. 09. 2016 Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMC RI in collaboration with the Department of Surgery, MGMC RI organized a Guest Talk on ‘Overview of Liver Transplantation’ by Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar, Assoc, Professor, Liver Transplantation, Institute of Liver and Biliary Diseases, New Delhi on 29. 09. 2016. The meeting was presided by Dr. A. N. Uma, Secretary, Scientific and Academic Forum. The welcome address was given by Prof. M. Ramanathan, Head, Dept. of Surgery, MGMC RI and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, AHS, SBV and Prof. Robinson Smile, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Surgery participated. The essence of Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar talk: “Liver transplantation or hepatic transplantation is the replacement of a diseased liver with some or all of a healthy liver from another person (allograft). The most commonly used technique is orthotopic transplantation, in which the native liver is removed and replaced by the donor organ in the same anatomic location as the original liver. Liver transplantation is a viable treatment option for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure. Typically three surgeons and
SAF - INTERNAL MEET 07. 10. 2016 The first SAF internal meeting for the last quarter was held on 07.10.2016. The president of SAF Dr. Partha Nandi, Prof
During the last quarterly of 2016 (Oct- Dec), the Scientific and Academic Forum & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted four internal meetings, and three external meetings consisting of one panel discussion, one guest lectures, and one symposium.
was treated with a gift. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept proposed the vote of thanks. About 150 faculty and residents participated in this program.
two anesthesiologists are involved, with up to four supporting nurses. The surgical procedure is very demanding and ranges from 4 to 18 hours depending on outcome. Numerous anastomoses and sutures, and many disconnections and reconnections of abdominal and liver tissue, must be made for the transplant to succeed, requiring an eligible recipient and a wellcalibrated live or cadaveric donor match. People with either acute or chronic liver failure may need a liver transplant to survive. Acute liver failure (ALF) happens suddenly. Dr. ug-induced liver injury (DILI) is the leading cause of ALF in the United States. The most common cause of DILI is an overdose of acetaminophen (Tylenol). Chronic liver failure, also called end-stage liver disease, progresses over months, years, or decades. Most often, chronic liver failure is the result of cirrhosis, a condition in which scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue until the liver cannot function adequately”. The talk ended with healthy question and answer session with good amount of discussion. About 150 faculty and residents participated in this program.
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of Community Medicine & Vice Principal welcomed the gathering. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept. , gave the Minutes of the Previous Meet, while Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor of Psychiatry conducted the Mediquiz. There were three paper presentations namely “Pedunculated mesenteric lipoma causing intestinal obstruction” by Dr. Sadhan, Post Graduate, Department of Gen. Surgery, Multiple “silent” Abscesses in a Child with Hyper IgE Syndrome” by Dr. Sumathisri,R, Post Graduate, Department of Pediatrics and “An Interesting Case of Neck Pain in an Adolescent” by Dr. N.J. Reguvaran, Post Graduate, Department of Orthopaedics. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced. The meeting had a lucky dip contest where one of the members present in the audience cell was selected by a lucky Draw and treated with a gift. The forum ended with prizes given to the winner of the quiz, certificates to the presenters and to the judges who evaluated the paper presenters. SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, proposed the vote of thanks. About 250 faculty and residents participated in this program.
04.11.2016 The third SAF internal meeting for the last quarter was held on 04.11.2016 between 2. 00 pm and 4.00 pm in the presence of the president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, and other members of SAF team. The session started with the Dr. SukantoSarkar, conducting the Mediquiz. This was followed five case presentations namely, ‘Role of Platelet Rich Plasma in Healing of Chronic Ulcers and Wounds’ by R Balavignesh, Postgraduate, Department of Surgery. ‘HHH syndrome’ by Dr. Gaurav Balpande, Postgraduate, Dept of Radiology. ‘A Rare case report of Vanishing Bone Disease’ by Dr. Shamim Ahmed, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics. ‘Non Communicating Rudimentary Horn of Uterus’ by Dr. Mohit Vashishta, Postgraduate, Dept of Radiology and Intradural extra medullary lesion of capillary hemanigioma - A Rare Case for diagnosis by Dr.R.Chitarth, Postgraduate, Department of Orthopedics. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced followed by the regular formalities as per the earlier meetings. 175 faculty and residents participated in this program.
The second SAF internal meeting for the last quarter was held on 21.10.2016 between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm in the presence of the president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, SAF Secretary,
The fourth SAF internal meeting for the last quarter was held on 09.12.2016 between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm in the presence of the president of SAF, Dr. ParthaNandi, SAF Secretary, Dr. Uma AN, and other members of SAF team. The session started with the Dr. Sukanto Sarkar conducting the Mediquiz. This was followed by a Capsule talk on “The Pioglitazone controversy -What can it teach us?” by Dr Karthik Balachandran, Asst Professor, Department of Endocrinology. The capsule talk was followed by three presentations namely, ‘Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Rare or Not?’ by Dr. Shashank Tiwari, Postgraduate, Dept of General Medicine, ‘Innovative IR’ by Dr. Sarath Sasidharan Pillai, Postgraduate, Dept of Radiology and ‘A Rare Case Report of Breast Lump – Interesting Cytomorphological Diagnosis’ by Dr. Shameera Begum, Postgraduate, Department of Pathology. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced followed by the regular formalities as per the earlier meetings. 200 faculty and residents participated in this program.
Dr. Uma AN, and other members of SAF team. The session started with the Dr. SukantoSarkar conducting the Mediquiz. This was followed by a Capsule talk on “Surgical treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms” (With Surgical videos) by Dr.R Pratheesh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery. The capsule talk was followed by three presentations namely, ‘Save the Spleen”- Coil embolisation by Dr.Greeshma Yarlagadda, Final year Post Graduate, Radiology Dept., “When the Mask gave up the Masquerading” by Dr. Ben George, Final year Post Graduate, DVL Dept., and “A Case of Hemorrhagic Fever” by Dr. Sivaji Patibandla, Postgraduate, General Medicine Dept. The results of the quiz and the winners were announced followed by the regular formalities as the earlier meet. 200 faculty and residents participated in this program.
SAF EXTERNAL MEET Panel discussion on “Practicing Safe Medicine” A PANEL DISCUSSION was held on 18.11.2016 at Ground Floor Lecture Hall, College Block on the topic, “ ‘Practicing Safe Medicine’: Safe Patient, Safe Doctor, and Safe Community”. The Panelist were Dr.TN.Ravisankar, MBBS, DFM (Colombo), PGDMC & E., Hony. Secretary, FSS, President Elect, Indian Medical Association, TN State,
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Guest lecture on “Integration of Palliative Care in Medical Practice” SAF, in collaboration with the Hospital Palliative Care Team, MGMCRI conducted a Guest lecture on 01.12.2016, Thursday at 2.00 pm in the Ground floor lecture hall, College block. The SAF Guest Lecture was held on the topic, “Integration of Palliative Care in Medical Practice” with the speaker of the day being Dr.M. R. Rajagopal, MD, Chairman, Pallium India, (WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Policy on Access to Pain Relief ), Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences. The SAF talk was an ever cherished one. “Dr.M.R.Rajagopal, put light into the feeling of hopelessness, despair, worries about children and the hurdles of patients with life limiting illness, uncontrolled pain and other symptoms that add intensity to their helplessness. Such patients step into the palliative care unit which does a great soulful personal touch and care that makes them feel better. With such holistic and empathetic approach, the palliative care unit assures comfort and dignity to the dying patients”.
vigilant about our own safety in the workplace. Medical workplaces need to develop a culture of best practice when it comes to safety of the doctors and the patients. This requires constant vigilance and improvement wherever possible’.
Branch, Deepam Hospital, Muthurangan Road, West Tambaram. Chennai, Dr.Dekal.V, M.D (Forensic Medicine), PGDMLE, Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine, Saveetha Medical College, Thandalam, Chennai, Dr.P.Elanthirayan, MS, MRCS., M.Ch (Pediatric Surgery) Consultant Pediatric Surgeon, Crisis Committee, Cuddalore and Dr.C.P.Ganesh Babu, MS, Professor of General Surgery, MGMCRI. The Moderator for the session was Dr.Partha Nandi, Vice Principal (Student Affairs), Professor, PSM Dept., SAF- President, MGMCRI. The discussion threw light on many issues. The following are a few excerpts: ‘Modern health care is highly complex, high risk and error prone. Not surprisingly, health care errors and consequent adverse events are a leading cause of death and injury, even though welldocumented methods to prevent the occurrence of many of these errors are available. The recent heightened attention that has been focused on medical errors has sparked interest in the use of health care practices that reduce the risk of harm resulting from the processes, systems, or environments of care, i.e., Safe medical practices that not only serves the patients but also lays a helping hand to the treating doctors. As doctors, we are used to treating patients who have been involved in accidents, including workplace accidents and mishaps. They range from minor trauma to catastrophic injuries. But, as medical professionals, we also need to remain
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SAF “Symposium on End of Life Care Issues in ICU”.
▶▶ Department of Microbiology
SAF, in collaboration with the Department of Critical Care Medicine conducted a Symposium on 02.12.2016, Friday at 2.00 pm in the D2 Lecture Hall, Second Floor, Hospital Block on the topic “Symposium on : End of life care decisions in Intensive care unit in Indian scenario “. The symposium had an eminent speaker, Dr.M.R.Rajagopal, Chairman, Pallium India, (WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Policy on Access to Pain Relief ), Trivandrum Institute of Palliative Sciences who inaugurated the symposium, delivered a talk and took the session for a debate with Dr. Alai Taggu, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept. of Critical Care Medicine. The main points that were discussed were ‘The end of life care decisions (EOLD) are grossly neglected in the present practice’, ‘The legal stand on EOLD in India is not clear’, ‘CPR for patients coming under the EOLD makers is questionable’, and ‘The way forward in the absence of law of the land is through: a) CLEAR discussion, b) Daily Clear documentation and c) Form a joint committee with multi-disciplinary involvement to discuss futility and hence a decision on CPR in those patients.
CME on Zika Virus outbreak
▶▶ Department of ENT Live Surgical Workshop on Advanced Otological surgery “A Live Surgical Workshop on Advanced Otological surgery ” held on February 6th 2016, hosted by department of ENT and head and neck surgery Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Research Institute in association with the Association Of Otorhinolaryngologists India (AOI) Pondicherry chapter. The surgeries for Traumatic facial nerve palsy, Glomustympanicum, Otosclerosis, chronic suppurative otitis media were done. These procedures were done by Prof.Dr.MohanKameswaran director, Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai. Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary of workshop wereProf.Dr. P. Karthikeyan and Prof. Dr. V. NirmalCoumare respectively. The workshop was attended by 106 delegates which included ENT surgeons from Pondicherry, Cuddalore and residents from various Medical colleges.
Department of Microbiology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, organized a Guest Lecture on “Emergence of Vector-borne viral infections with emphasis on Zika virus outbreak” by Dr. Sivasubramanian, KIPM, Chennai, on 24.02.2016 at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry.
▶▶ Department of Dermatology CME on Leprosy A CME on Leprosy was organized by the Department of Dermatology on 4th February 2016 at the lecture Hall of the college block with guest speakers from Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute (CLTRI), Chengalpattu. The speakers stressed on topics of current importance like leprosy in India, NLEP in Puducherry, Epidemiology of leprosy , Diagnosis of leprosy and the management of cases. Dr.ShowkatAli, Director CLTRI and his team also shared their valuable experience of working in this field for the past many years. Post graduate students and faculty from other medical colleges in Pondicherry also accepted the invitations and attended the CME. A meeting was also held with the Vice Chancellor regarding future collaboration of SBVU with CLTRI.
▶▶ Department of General Medicine Department of General Medicine conducted a Postgraduate clinical update programme “Confluence 2016” on 13/02/2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.Dr.K.R.Sethuraman , Vice Chancellor, inaugurated the programme.Prof. S.Vithyavathi, Padmashri.Prof. T.V. Devaraj, Prof.S.Prabhushankar from Dept.ofGen.Medicine, AVMC&H, Prof.R.Balasubramaniyan, IGMC, Puducherry, Prof.R.P.Swaminathan, JIPMER, Puducherry, Prof.Kurian Thomas, PIMS, Puducherry, Prof.K.N.Viswanathan, SSSMCRI, Chennai,Prof. RamakrishnaRao, RMMC,Chidambaram were the external faculties and Prof.K.R.Sethuraman,Prof.K.Jayasingh, Prof. MohamedHanifah, Prof. M.Narayanan were the internal
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Dept. of OG, MGMC and Prof.M.Ravisankar, Dean, MGMC &RI andProf.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG Studies and Allied Health Sciences and the Chief Guest of the day was Prof.KR.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Puducherry. The gathering was welcomed by Prof.T.TirouAroul, Organizing Secretary and the Vote of Thanks was given by Dr.K.V.Rajan.
▶▶ Department of General Surgery 39th AMASI Skill Course and FMAS Examination The Department of Surgery of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry was hosting the 39th AMASI Skill Course under the aegis of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India. This event had about 220 participants taking part in the mega event. It was a 3-day course from 11 – 13 th Feb 2016. Day one, had lectures and videos and discussions about the Basic Principles of Laparosocpy and it was attended by Surgeons and Gyanecologists..Day two, had two parallel sessions for surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology where there were basic and advanced Lap procedures were discussed. Day three, had advanced Lap procedures and there was an Examination which was conducted by our Internal Surgical and Obst and Gyanec faculty. All the three days there were about 15 endotrainers available in the Skills Lab annexe and it was well utilized by all the participants. The participants were from different parts of India from Delhi to Karnataka to Kerala to Telegana. The inauguration was organized on the Second day with the national AMASI Secretary Dr.P.Senthilnathan and AMASI National President Dr. Suresh Chandra Hari participating and there were felicitations by Prof.SeeteshGhose, Head,
The Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI organized a PG CME - Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training (MIST) on 20th& 21st January 2016 at the Central Library Ground floor Lecture hall from 9.00 AM to 4.00PM on 20th and 9.00 AM to 1.00pm on 21st for postgraduates in Pondicherry and Chidambaram. There were 51 registrants out of which 25 were from other medical colleges. The First Session was started on 20.01.2016 with Breast case as topic which was chaired by Prof.Kabalimurthy from RMMCH, Chidambaram and Prof.Naresh from SVMCH, Pondicherry. The case was presented by a post graduate and was discussed in an interactive manner. Following the first session there was an Inauguration ceremony with a welcome address delivered by our Organizing Chairman & Head of the Department, Prof.TirouAroul. The program was felicitated by the Medical SuperintendentProf.NirmalCoumare, Additional Director,Prof.Ravichandran, Dean(Administration) Prof.M.Ravishankar and Dean(PostgraduateStudies& Research)Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan. The Chief Guest Address was delivered by the Vice Chancellor, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman. The vote of thanks was delivered by the Organizing Secretary, Dr.C.B.Praveen. The Second session started after Tea with Vascular diseases which was chaired by Prof.C.AshleySolomon&Prof.SimonDasiah from IGMC, Pondicherry and the case was presented by MGMCRI Postgraduates following which all broke up for a lunch. Post lunch session was brightened up by Dr.Vinay N Kaushik’s Quiz which made everyone ready for the next session. The last session of the day was Abdomen case discussion which
faculties for the programme. Around 100 Post graduates from various medical colleges in and around Puducherry attended the programme and were profusely benefitted.Variety of cases of Neurology, Cardiology, Pulmonary Medicine and Hepatology were discussed.
PG CME - Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training - MIST 2016
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was chaired by the legends of Surgery Prof.C.S.Subramanian from RMMCH,Chidambaram and Prof.Vikram Kate from JIPMER, Pondicherry. The discussion was very interactive and useful for the exam going post graduates and the day finished with high tea. The next day started with Thyroid as topic which was chaired by Prof.M.Ramanathan and Prof.T.TirouAroul from MGMCRI and Prof.S.Rajasekaran from SLIMS, Pondicherry. The Second Session was Oral Malignancy, a case of neck secondaries which was chaired by Prof.A.Bala Subramanian, Prof.Robinson Smile and Prof.GaneshBabu from MGMCRI which was discussed elaborately and examination of oral cavity was demonstrated on screen. The program concluded with a lunch. All sessions had live video of demonstrating clinical examination by post graduates and resource persons.
▶▶ Department of Psychiatry
Special lecture on “Introduction to anthropological perspectives on mental health” The Department of Psychiatry organized a special lecture titled, “Introduction to anthropological perspectives on mental health” by Krzysztof Bierski, Medical Anthropologist, Berlin, on 16.02.2016.
▶▶ Department of Physiology National conference on “Chronobiology & Health” A two-day national conference on “Chronobiology and Health” was conducted on 18th and 19th March, 2016 MGMCRI. The event was awarded 15 credit points by Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University. Nearly 150 delegates attended the conference. Experts and eminent speakers enlighten the audience about the emerging field of “Chornobiology and health. Posters based on original
Communication skills workshop for MBBS students Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Asst Prof. and Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a communication skills workshop for 4thsemester MBBS students on 08-03-2016&15-03-2016. The modules comprised of introductory lectures, group tasks & discussions/ plenary based on the group tasks. The workshop covered basic aspects pertaining to interpersonal skills & communication, means of communication, causes of patient dissatisfaction, benefits of good communication, changing scenarios & changing roles, doctors’ agenda vs patients’ agenda, empathy, rapport, questioning skills, listening skills, answering skills, health literacy, socioeconomic status & communication, patients’ attitude towards health, information sharing, counseling skills, non-verbal behavior, communicating prognosis, hope & risk, special / difficult scenarios.
research or review presented by 18 delegates. The theme of the poster session was Chronobiology, Health and Environment.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE Workshop on Geospatial Information & Research The department of Community Medicinewas part of the organizing team for the Needs assessment workshop on Geospatial Information & Research jointly organized
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by University of IOWA and Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. The key highlights of the workshop are creating a vision for geospatial infrastructures for every institution at various scales, interacting to identify key applications in spatial sciences for each sector, Showcasing latest applications in big data, practice & research, networking between individuals and institutions for applications and collaborative research. Opportunities, Engaging participants to articulate their own institutional strengths & needs in the area of geospatial infrastructures, Creating opportunities for long term collaborations in research, Exploring collaborations in developing joint, degree programs certificates, internships, and online and professional development courses. The participants were leaders and policy makers from a cross section of governmental and nongovernmental agencies involved in the development and management of spatially referenced data dealing with cities, forests, land, environment, wildlife, fisheries population, transportation, healthcare, disease, hazards/disasters, energy, waste management & others. The key Facilitators from the University of Iowa (UI)& Iowa City were lead by Dr. Raj Rajagopal, founder director of the “India Winterim Program” at The University of Iowa which was the Winner of the 2015 Andrew Heiskell Award for “Best of the Brand” in Study Abroad. The other members of the team are Dr. Marc Linderman, who directs the Ulhyperspectral sensor research lab, teaches courses in lidar, remote sensing, and wind energy sitting, Dr. Eric Tate specializing in natural hazards, water scarcity, social vulnerability, & disaster resilience, George Paterson, a manager of the University of IOWA’s state-of-the-art energy control center which collects over 400,000 data feeds on a continuous basis from 90+ buildings to enable smart energy management of the campus, with an estimated annual energy budget of S90 million, Josh Busard who directs the planning, development, & sustainability of Johnson County, home to the University of Iowa & Iowa City, consistently ranked as one of the top 10 livable communities in the US, and Mr. Jeremie Moen, Director of IT at the University of Lowa’s Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research.
Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Professor K.A Narayan, Professor of Community Medicine, Professor. M Senthil, Professor of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. Vikneshwaran, Public Health Dentistry. Professor N. Seetharaman, Professor of Community Medicine is the organizingsecretary. On June 29th the IOWA faculty visited Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. They visited the Anatomy Museum, The Clinical Skills Centre and the Centre for Inter Disciplinary Research.
Workshop series on Research Methods and Bio-Statistics Dr. K.A, Narayan and Mr.Lokeshmaran were resource persons for the workshop series on Research Methods and Statistics for faculty of MGMCRI. The series is organised on a “hands – on” training principle over 16 sessions covering Study designs, Study Instruments, Data collection, analysis and statistical interpretation, Critical Appraisal of Papers, Research Ethics and Preparation of Project Proposals. The course commenced in February and concluded in June. 16 participants completed the course successfully.
▶▶ The Partners Medical International (PMI) The Partners Medical International (PMI) team consisting of Dr. Thomas Aretz, and Dr. Lynn Eckhert visited the SBV campus, Pondicherry from 25.04.2016 to 29.04.2016. Their visit on 25.04.2016, started with the discussion on the ‘vision and mission statements as a guideline for the curriculum’ of SBV University. The session was attended by Prof. KR. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor; Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, (R & AHS); Prof. M.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI; Prof.C.Usha; Principal, IGIDS; Prof.K.Renuka, Principal, KGNC; Dr Prashanth Rajagopalan, Deputy Chairman, SBV, Mrs. Asha SureshBabu, GM (Admini), Dr. VN. Mahalakshmi, VP, (Curriculum); Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Co-ordinator, MEU; Dr. Karthikeyan, HOD, ENT; Dr. P.Sumathy, VP, KGNC and Dr.R Jaganmohan, IT in-charge.. Dr.Thomas Aretz gave everybody the insight about how it need to be framed, factors to be considered for its formation and how to achieve
Dr. K.V. Devi Prasad, Professor of Ecology, University of Pondicherry spoke on the Draft National Policy on Geographical information systems. The organising team was led by VC, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman and Dean Research and Allied Health Studies, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan. The others in the team were Prof. M. Ravi Shankar Dean, MGMCRI, Prof. UshaCournanidhi, Dean, IGIDS, Professor
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it. It was decided that constituent colleges would form the institutional vision and mission aligning with the university vision and mission and also departments would be asked to form departmental vision and mission aligning with institute vision and mission. This meeting was followed by the presentations like Feedback & Academic Governance Structure by Dr. M.Ravishankar, the Dean; Curriculum Integration, Delivery, OSCE by Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, the Vice-Principal, curriculum; PG Medical Education & FDPs by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, the Co-ordinator, Medical Education Unit; Entrusted Professional Activities for Postgraduates by Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT; LMS by Dr.R Jaganmohon , IT in-charge. On the same day there was an interactive session on ‘student as agent for curricular change’ in which Dr. Thomas Aretz and Dr. Lynn Eckhert interacted with the students from first year to final year. It was an interactive session where Dr. Thomas stimulated the students to think how they can be an agent for curricular change.
During the last session of the day Dr. V.N. Mahalakshmi, presented the ‘curriculum plan and the road map’ in the presence of leadership, PMI and core team. The 2nd day, 26.04.2016, started with the HODs workshop on ‘alignment of department vision and mission with the vision and mission of the institute’. It was conducted by Dr. Thomas Aretz. All the heads of the departments were guided to form their departmental vision and mission which should align with the institute vision and mission. This was followed by workshop on ‘roles in teaching, patient care, research and service responsibility, authority and delegation’. In this session besides discussion on roles and responsibilities of the departmental heads, how to keep balance between all responsibilities were also discussed. This session was jointly conducted by Dr. Thomas Aretz and Dr. Lynn Eckhert. In the afternoon Dr. Thomas Aretz made a presentation on ‘operational principles derived from vision, mission statement and values’ to all faculties. The day ended with a session on developing and planning a project. The essence of the session was to consider the factors while planning and developing any project proposal. During this session few model project proposal like how to write proposal for
equipment procurement, starting a new service, starting an educational initiatives were discussed in detail. The 3rd day, 27.04.2016, started with the FDP on ‘instructional design and module creation-pedagogy and content administering modules student assessment and program evaluation’. It was attended by the midlevel faculty and a workshop on ‘evolving curriculum plan’ was conducted by Dr. Thomas Aretz. This was attended by the task force of the all department, who were asked to work on 10 module planning from first year to final year mentioning the objectives and teaching learning methods. On day four, 28.04.2016, started with the workshop on ‘feedback and program evaluation’ for the HODs. This was conducted by the Dr.Thomas Aretz and Dr. Lynn Ekhert. In this session various methods of feedback and the program evaluation was discussed. This was followed by a focused group discussion with the students on curricular change, where PMI team interacted with the curricular group students year 1 to 4. In the afternoon there was a presentation by Dr. Lynn Ekhert on the topic ‘faculty roles as researchers, counselors, developers of curriculum and change management’. This was followed by a short discussion on ‘evolving curriculum plan’ between PMI team and the task force. On day five, 29.04.2016, the PMI team and SBV core team summarized the previous four days activities and finalized the next steps and probable areas of collaboration for the future. All the sessions were attended by representative from MGMCRI, SSSMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY Special seminar on “Current concepts about emergence from anesthesia” Special seminar on “Current concepts about emergence from anesthesia” (SEP), was conducted in the Seminar Room, Dept. of Anaesthesiology and CCU, MGMCRI on 22.04.2016. The first Lecture was on thetopic, Introduction to the Current concepts about emergence from anesthesia by Prof. Ravishankar M., Dean, MGMCRI, SBVU. Followed by the second Lecture was on the topic, Pharmacology of Desflurane by Dr. IndubalaMaurya, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology and the third talk on ‘Awake versus recovered – Understanding the difference during anesthetic emergence’ by Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology. The session ended by Prof. T. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology proposing the vote of thanks.
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TEE Workshop - “Simulation based workshop on transesophageal echocardiography” TEE Workshop- “Simulation based workshop on transesophageal echocardiography”.(FDP) was conducted at the D2 Lecture Hall, 2nd Floor, Hospital Complex, MGMCRI, on 30.04.2016. Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, conducted (TEE) “Simulation Based Workshop on Transesophageal Echocardiography” at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI on 30.04.2016. ISA Puducherry PG Meet was conducted by the Department of Anaesthesiology at Hotel Athithi, Pondicherry on 04.06.2016. A Webinar was conducted at the Library Seminar Hall, Library Block, MGMCRI, on 28.06.16. Dr. Sameer Jahagirdar, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented the topic of “Difficult case of Lung Abscess” as a Webinar on “Dilemmas in Antimicrobial Management of Critical ill Patients”, conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU joined together with Sanofi India Pvt. Ltd on 28.06.2016 at Library Seminar Hall, Library Block.
He also gave an insight of the programme. The whole event had an excellent turnout with registrations nearing 100 delegates. The academic sessions started soon after, with renowned speakers from JIPMER, Aravind Eye Hospital, Indira Gandhi Govt. General Hospital and our own institution, speaking on the vital and advancing areas of interest in glaucoma. The beginning of the afternoon session also witnessed an interactive quiz held by Dr.SwathiUpadhyaya and team, from Aravind Eye Hospital, which was won by third year residents from our own institute namely Dr.Vishnu, Dr.Chinmayee and Dr.Reema. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.S.VeniPriya. The CME turned out to be informative and useful for everyone with the feedback being overwhelmingly positive.
Skill transfer workshop on cadavers
Prof.of Ophthalmology SRMC, Chennai, Dr.M.Radhakrishnan, conducted a skill transfer workshop on cadavers on 22.01.16 on the topic, “Oculoplasty (LID Surgeries)”. Participants were Dr.K.Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Prof K.N.Jha, Ophthalmology, Dr.A.R.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Dr.N.Swathi, Associate Professor, Dr.S.VeniPriya, Asst.Professor, Dr.SimaBiswas, Asst.Professor and Dr.R.Subramaniyan, Senior Resident.
GLAUCOS2016’, CME on Glaucoma
He spoke on the importance of diagnosing glaucoma and what it meant for the common man. This was followed by the lighting of the lamp and the welcome address by Prof. Dr.K.Srikanth, HOD, Department of Ophthalmology, MGMC& RI.
The workshop had an overwhelming response, with 22 participants registering for the workshop (14 from our institute. 8 faculty and 6 PGs, 5 from JIPMER and 3 from Neyveli
A one day training workshop on Bayley scales of Infant and toddler development (BSID III) was conducted by the Department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI in association with Pearson Academy of India on May 7, 2016 from 9 AM to 5 PM at the Skills lab, demonstration room, College block.
Glaucos.2016’- a CME on Glaucoma, was held on 20th March 2016 and was a grand success. The chief guest of honour for the inauguration ceremony was Prof.Dr.M.Ravishankar, Dean (Admin), MGMCRI.
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the workshop a presentation was done by the Sales manager of Ethicon Surgicals regarding the types of sutures, needles and newer advancements in wound closure equipments.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY National conference on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education
Lignite corporation hospital). Ms. Lalitha Subramanian, a faculty in Clinical Psychology in the Department of Pediatrics (Karthikeyan Child Development Unit), Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, was the external resource person. She has been trained in Bayley.III in the USA. She has significant experience working with children and adolescent with developmental disabilities in the hospital and school settings. She has worked with the children of various districts in the USA from infancy through high school age. The workshop was well received and the participants gave a good feedback at the end of the workshop.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SURGERY Basic Surgical Skills Workshop The Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI along with Ethicon Surgicals Ltd organized a Basic Surgical Skill Workshop for the postgraduates on 25thMay 2016 at the OPD Seminar RoomB B lock from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. The Workshop was conducted by Prof. Dr.C.Subbramaniam from Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital, Annamalai University. The Skills list is as follows: Basic Surgical Instruments BP handle Assembly and Usage of Instruments. Basic Suturing Techniques - Simple Sutures, Mattress Sutures, Subcuticular Sutures, Interrupted Sutures and Continuous Sutures. Abdomen Exposure - Abdominal Incisions and Abdominal Wall Closure. Resection & Anastomosis with Animal Intestines was performed by all participants. After
Department of Physiology, CYTER and Department of Tourism, Govt. of Puducherry worked jointly to organize one day national conference on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education” on 21st June, 2016. The venue of the conference was Ground Floor Lecture Hall, College Block, MGMCRI. Conference was awarded 10 credit points by Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University. Nearly 150 delegates attended the conference. Experts and eminent speakers from the field of medicine and yoga shed light on various aspects of yoga in health professional education.. Other attraction of the event was poster presentations on “Yoga and Positive Health”.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PULMONARY MEDICINE World Asthma Day World Asthma Day was celebrated in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine by showing Patient awareness Videos in our OPD on 03.05.2016. World Asthma Day Special webcast was organized by Cipla in our OPD premises on May 7. Dr. SandeepSalvi. Director of Chest Research Foundation, Pune participated in the program. All the Faculty and PGs attended the program.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY National Symposium on “An Update on Antimicrfobial Agents and their Uses” As the Convener and Chairman, Dr.J.Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor of Microbiology, MGMCRI took initiatives and organized a National Symposium on “An Update on Antimicrobial Agents and their Uses” in joint collaboration with the International Medical Sciences Academy (IMSA), Puducherry Chapter on 15.06.2016 at MGMCRI. Nine invited Speakers delivered state of art talks on various aspects of Antimicrobial agents and their uses. The names of the invited Speakers were (1) Dr.V.Govindaraj, Director. IGMC& RI, (2) Dr.K.N.Viswanathan, Prof.of Medicine, SSSMC & RI, (3) Dr.J.Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor of Microbiology, MGMCRI, (4) Dr.S,Ramesh, Prof.of Pediatrics, Rajah MuthaihMC,Annamalai University, (5)
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▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF FORENSIC MEDICINE Dr.Sathish Kumar, Prof., & HOD of Forensic Medicine prepared students practical record note book. The book was officially released by the Dean (Faculty of Medicine) of MGMCRI in the presence of Vice Chancellor, Dean (Research & AHS), and the Registrar, SBV, on 13.04.2016.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF DVL An International delegate had a meeting with Dr.S.Srikanth, Prof. of DVL in the month of April, 2016. regarding transgenders
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Clinical Pharmacology Unit The Department of Pharmacology is actively involved in clinical research projects and ICMR STS projects. It provides ADR monitoring and drug information service to MGMCRI hospital patients. Now, the Department of Pharmacology has started the “Clinical Pharmacology Unit” at MGMCRI. “Clinical Pharmacology is the scientific discipline that involves all aspects of the relationship between drugs and humans. It is a multidisciplinary science that encompasses professionals with a wide variety of scientific skills including medicine, pharmacology, pharmacy, biomedical science and nursing”. The Clinical Pharmacology office will function from I Block Ground floor. The Clinical Pharmacology ward has been allotted six beds in General Medicine ward in D4 hospital block under the care of Dr. Jayasingh, HOD,General Medicine. This ward will be used for clinical research of both academic and sponsored clinical research. The routine clinical care will be provided by the concerned clinician with their team. The faculty attached to Clinical Pharmacology will collaborate with the clinician and in design, conduct and monitoring of the clinical research. The faculty attached to the Clinical Pharmacology unit are Dr.C.Adithan, Professor of Pharmacology and Dr.Mirunalini, Asst Professor of Pharmacology.
MGMCRI celebrated, ‘Institute Day’ on 15. 07. 2016 at SBV Auditorium, MGMCRI campus. The MGMCRI Institute day was an occasion to remember the College’s past and celebrate its future. During its 15 years of existence, the college had contributed immensely to the region and its growth through its tertiary care super-speciality medical and dental hospitals, rural health centers and telemedicine based outreach programs in addition to proving quality medical education. The celebration began with Prof. Partha Nandi, Vice Principal (Students) welcoming the gathering. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI then read out the Annual report for the year 2015 -16, chronicling the achievements of the college in various aspects like Curriculum, student and faculty achievements, research activities and hospital services. He also stressed about the introduction of the new ‘STEPS’ Curriculum for First MBBS and Competency Based Residency Program for postgraduates from this academic year onwards. He also informed that the Institution has been accredited with NAAC ‘A’ Grade in the recent inspection and ranked No. 93 in NIRF rating. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research and Allied Health Sciences felicitated the gathering. Prof. Mahalakshmi V. N. , Vice Principal (Curriculum) introduced the Chief Guest, Prof. George Chandy, Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology and former Director, CMC, Vellore and currently the Director, Believers’ Church Medical College and Hospital, Thiruvalla, Kerala, and announced the awardees. Every year, Institute Day serves as an opportunity to reward academic excellence and exemplary achievements. So on this day, it honoured those who had achieved outstanding results in the undergraduate & postgraduate medical programs. The chief guest of the day, Prof. George Chandy, distributed the academic achievement and congratulated the students and their parents. The day saw the proud faces of some of the alumni, stepping into the portals of their alma mater to receive their laurels! The institute was unable to conduct this annual ceremony over the last few years, due to various exigencies and thus nearly 289 awards to
Dr.MohamedHanifah, Prof. of Medicine, MGMCRI, (6) Dr.R.Senthil Kumar, Sr.Consultant, Critical Care Medicine, Apollo Hospitals – Chennai, (7) Dr.G.Narendran, Asst. Director, Natl. Inst. for Research on TB (NIRT) . ICMR, Chennai, (8) Dr.Sandhya Bhatt, Assoc. Prof. of Microbiology, PIMS and (9) Dr.S.Sandhya, Asst.Prof. of Clin. Pharmacology, JIPMER. 150 delegates from Tamil Nadu and Puducherry attended this symposium. The symposium obtained 2 credit hour points from the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
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152 awardees were distributed giving a rough idea about the magnitude of the celebration! After the award ceremony, Prof. George Chandy addressed the students regarding;The realities of healthcare expenditure and the burden of health care cost to the poor in our country; the need to be both cost effective and quality oriented in our patient care activities, and the responsibilities and mission of the young graduates to bridge the gap between the affordability and quality in health care sector. Prof. Nirmal Coumare V. , Medical Superintendent proposed the vote of thanks. Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, General Manager (Administration) was the Chief Co-coordinator and the Office of the Dean organized the event.
who gathered together at our home town “Puducherry” in our very own SBV Campus to witness an overwhelming feat of contemporary Urology. We organized a state of the art Operative workshop followed by exhilarating scientific sessions wherein more than 200 scientific papers were presented by Urological faculty and Postgraduates all across India. Dr. Mossadeq was the Organising Chairman, Dr. Kalyanaram Kone was the Organising Secretary, Dr. Joseph Philipraj was the Treasurer, Dr. Vasudevan and Dr. Deepak were the Joint secretaries. It is fair to conclude that the conference was a great success! More than 700 delegates attended the conference.
On 8th July 2016 morning, there was a live transmission of surgeries from the operation theatre to the Auditorium. Prof. Shivashanmugham, Dr. Vasudevan and the OT staff coordinated the workshop in a most efficient manner. Various techniques of Laparoscopy, PCNL, Mini‐PCNL, RIRS, Laser Prostatectomy and Bipolar Enucleation of Prostate were skillfully demonstrated by the eminent faculty from across the country. 14 cases were safely completed in 5 OTs in a record time. The transmission of HD quality images from OT to the auditorium was a treat to watch on the big LED wall put up in the auditorium which was procured specially for the conference at a cost of 9 lakh rupees. A special cable was permanently placed from the OT to the auditorium which can be used for all the future workshop. The Board of Education, USI held Uro‐Update, an academic program in the afternoon covering the topics, Carcinoma of Penis and Urodynamics, with lectures, symposia and case discussions by faculty members from across the country.
SZUSICON 2016 Department of Urology, MGMC&RI hosted the prestigious SZUSICON 2016 “27th Association of Southern zone Urologists Annual conference” at SBV Auditorium from 8th to 10th July 2016, which was a colossal accomplishment and was decidedly cherished by the Urological Fraternity all over the country. We were privileged to have the presence of Dr. Subhash Chandra Parija, Director, JIPMER as the Chief Guest for the inauguration function. We greeted more than 1000 Urologists across India as well as International faculties
The Inauguration Ceremony was held on 8th July 2016 evening at the College Auditorium, presided by the President of ASU, Dr. A. Mohan. Dr. Subhash Chandra Parija, Director,
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JIPMER was the chief guest and Dr. Prashanth Rajagopalan, (Deputy Chairman, SBV University) were the guests of honour. During the occasion, the President gave away various Prizes/Awards/Fellowships of ASU for the year 2015 This was followed by a cultural program presented by the staff of the college, which was befitting the occasion.
On 9th and 10th July 2016, there were various academic programs including Podium, Video and E‐Poster Presentations and Guest Lectures. There was a video conference from Birmingham, UK by Dr. Subramonian on the topic, ‘PCNL for kidneys with abnormal anatomy’ and by Dr. Vipul Patel on the topic, ‘Robotic Radical Prostatectomy’. In total, 160 scientific papers were presented in the various short paper sessions. The entire details of abstracts, full papers and program were available in the website more than a month prior to the conference. The banquet was held at Le Pondy Resorts on 9th July giving a memorable moment to the delegates to cherish. – By Dr. Kalyanaram Kone, Organizing Secretary, SZUSICON2016
▶▶ CReAM Clinical Research and Audit for the Medical (CReAM) students entering clinical phase postings was conducted in the month of September. The III semester students actively participated in the event by presenting their work as posters and also made paper presentations. 6
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL MEDICINE CME on ‘An approach to common Rheumatological disorders’ CME programme on “An approach to common Rheumatological disorders” was organized by the department of General Medicine and the speaker for the day was Dr. I . Venkatesh . M. D. , D. M, Consultant Rheumatologist, AVMCH, Puducherry was attended by the faculty members of the department, Post graduates and Undergraduates.
Quiz programme A Quiz programme was conducted for the M. D. (Gen. Medicine) post graduates and Undergraduates on 31. 08. 2016 on ‘Rheumatological disorders’ and prizes were distributed to the winners by Dr. I . Venkatesh . M. D. , D. M, Consultant Rheumatologist, AVMCH, Puducherry
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS Breast Feeding Week Celebrations The Department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI in collaboration with Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC), Pondicherry conducted the following programmes as part of the World Breast Feeding week celebrations from August 1 to August 7, 2016. On August 1, 2016, an Essay Competition was conducted by Ms. Geetha. C. and Ms. Sudha K. S (KGNC) on this year’s theme Breastfeeding- A key to Sustainable Development for nursing students. There were 45 essays, which were judged by Dr. Edith B. Jasmine, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI) who awarded Ms. Nandhini. S, Ms. Jayapradha. D and Ms. Rabeena. R the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively.
On the same day, Ms. V. Suganya, Tutor, KGNC conducted a Poster Competition on the Topic – Promote Protect and support Breast Feedingfor nursing students. There were seven posters, which were judged by Prof. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI) who awarded Ms. Chandra
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Devi. L, Ms. Sharmila. S and Ms. Bharathy. P the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes respectively. Mrs. S. Rajeswari Asso. Prof, KGNC, and Ms. Sherin Nithya Asst. Prof, KGNC also delivered a Health Talk on the Topic Guidelines for Working & Non-Working Women towards Breast Feeding on 1. 08. 2016 at the Pediatric OPD. On 02. 08. 16, Ms. B. Anitha, Asst. Prof, KGNC delivered a Health Talk on the Topic - Preparing Mother for successful Breast Feeding at the Post Natal Ward for all mothers which was immensely beneficial. Dr. Edith B. Jasmine, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI) delivered a Health Talk on the Topic - Breast Feeding Techniques and Maintenance on 03. 08. 2016 at the Immunization and Well Baby Clinic, which was beneficial for all the lactating mothers. On 04. 08. 2016, Mrs. V. Bamalakshmi, Asso. Prof, KGNC and Mrs. D. Aruna Devi, Asst. Prof, KGNC delivered a Health Talk on the Topic - Developing Positive attitude towards Breast Feeding in Selimedu Village, Pondicherry. On the same day, a Breastfeeding Quiz for the OBG and Pediatric PGs was organized and conducted by Dr. Prarthana Das, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics.
On 5 August 2016, a programme was conducted at 2. 00pm in the main Lecture Hall of the college under the aegis of Scientific Academic Forum (SAF) for all faculty members and students. Dr. Partha Nandi, President, SAF welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr. S. Srinivasan, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI)highlighted this year’s theme. Prof. Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI)introduced our guest speaker Dr. Adhisivam, Asso. Prof, Neonatology, JIPMERwho delivered a powerful, and enlighteningtalk on the topic, “Breastfeeding-Science & the Society”. Dr. Kannan, PG, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC & RI)recited his Tamil poem on Breast Feeding. This was followed by Highlights of the entire week by Prof. Dr. P. Soundararajan, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics (MGMC &RI), honoring of the prize winners and all those who helped in the successful conduction of the Breast Feeding week. Dr. A. N. Uma, Secretary, SAF mastered the entire session. On 6 August 2016, various outreach programmes were jointly conducted by Department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI in collaboration with Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College. A Certificate was awarded by WABA for successfully conducting Breast Feeding Week 2016.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY CME on National Conference on Upper GI and HPB The Department of Surgery conducted a one day CME on National Conference on Upper GI and HPB (Conference Nationale sur Gastrointestinal Superieuret Chirurgie Hepatobiliaire) on the 24th Sept 2016 at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry. Renowned national level faculty had participated in the event. About 200 delegates participated in the event. The speakers were as follows: Dr. Kalayarasan, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Surgical Gastroenterology, JIPMER, Pondicherry spoke on ‘Recent Trends In Treatment Of Carcinoma Oesophagus’, Dr. G. Parthasarathy Consultant Surgical
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▶▶ Department of Pharmacology INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ENDOCRINOLOGICAL DISORDERS Department of Pharmacology successfully organized a one day seminar program entitled as “International Seminar on Endocrinological Disorders” on November 3rd 2016. Nearly 110 delegates attended the program. The program started with the inauguration function in which the Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman delivered the inaugural address and Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Prof. M. Ravishankar presented the keynote address. International Experts and
eminent speakers from the field of endocrinology enlightened the delegates about the various endocrinological disorders. The renowned Endocrinologist from Dalhousie University, Canada, Dr.Santhosh Kumar NL, shared his ideas about the management of pituitary tumors. Dr Nanda Kumar N from Blackpool Victoria teaching hospital, UK enlightened the crowd about juvenile diabetes mellitus. Dr Mohamed Hanifah, Professor of General Medicine, MGMCRI spoke about the management of subclinical hypothyroidism and Dr.Gowri Dorairajan Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, JIPMER shared her knowledge about the management of PCOD. Dr.Dedeepiya Devaprasad V. from Niche- in – centre for regenerative medicine in Chennai gave a talk on the role of stem cells in endocrinological disorders. Finally there was a Panel discussion on the topic “Cost effective management of endocrinological disorders” convened by Prof. Manimekalai K. Head of the Department, Pharmacology. The program ended with the valedictory function.
JIPMER and they enthusiastically shared the good teaching and learning methods at this momentous occasion. He was felicitated with shawl / bouquet and a memento by the Department of Surgery. A CD with conference proceedings was released on this occasion. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan gave an acceptance speech on this occasion. A textbook of General Surgery which was compiled by the Department of Surgery was released on that occasion and the first copy was given to Prof. UshaCarounidy, Dean of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry.
Gastroeneterologist, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad spoke on ‘Corrosive Injuries Of Oesophagus’, Dr. P. Balamourgane, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Pediatric Surgery, SRMC, Chennai spoke on ‘Upper GI Surgical Problems In Pediatrics’, Dr. Prof. VikramKate, MBBS, Professor of Surgery & Gastrointestinal Surgery, JIPMER, Puducherry spoke on ‘Translational Gastrointestinal Research “Benchside To Bedside” – A Pioneering Experience Of Two Decades’, Dr. Kumarakrishnan S, Senior Consultant, Surgical Gastroenterology, Apollo Specialty Hospitals, Chennai, spoke on ‘Recent Trends In Management Of Liver Trauma’, Dr. M. P. Senthilkumar, Addl. Professor, Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences, New Delhi spoke on ‘Liver Transplant in Acute Liver Failure – Current Status’, Dr. S. Sevvel, Senior Specialist, Dept. of Surgery / Surgical Gastroenterology, Indira Gandhi Govt. General Hospital & Post Graduate Institute, Pondicherry, spoke on ‘Management Of Chronic Pancreatitis’ and Dr. Ranjit Hari V, Senior Consultant and Head, Surgical Gastroenterology, HPB and Laparoscopic Surgery. SUT & Cosmopolitan Hospitals, Trivandrum, Kerala spoke on ‘Bile Duct Injuries’. There was a Panel Discussion on ‘Portal Hypertension’ and the session was moderated by Dr. RajnikanthPatcha, Consultant HPB and Liver Transplant Surgery, Global Hospitals, Chennai. The panelists were Dr. MagnusJeyaraj Mansard, Senior Consultant, HPB & Liver Transplant Surgery, Manipal Hospitals, Chennai and Dr. B. Vinoth, Medical Gastroenterologist, AVMC, Pondicherry. There was also a ‘QUIZ’ session conducted by Dr. ManojKarthik S, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Surgery, MGMCRI, Puducherry. There was a prize poster competition on two categories – one for faculty / consultants and second category – residents on the theme “Innovations and Best Practices in GI Surgery”. In addition, there was a quiz program on the agenda. About 30 delegates took part in the poster competition It was an enjoyable, thought provoking scientific feast with discussion in the presence of experts in this specific field and it finished with a CME dinner. This meeting was accredited with 10 CME credit points fromTamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University and 2 CME credit Hours from Tamilnadu Medical Council and about 125 delegates participated in the event. The meeting was inaugurated by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBVU and Prof. Ravishnakar, Dean, MGMC RI and Prof. V. Nirmalcoumare, Medical Supdt. , MGMC RI felicitated along with Prof. Robinson Smile, Emeritus Professor. Prof. Ramanathan, Head, Dept. of Surgery welcomed the gathering and Prof. C. P. GaneshBabu gave a overview about the program. This program was done to felicitate Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, AHS, SBVU for his 40 years of academic excellence. All the speakers were his postgraduates who had passed out from the portals of
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▶▶ Department of TBCD and Department of ENT CME ON “SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING (SDB)” – A MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OVERVIEW Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Department of Otorhinolaryngology jointly organised a CME on “SLEEP DISORDERED BREATHING (SDB)” on 9th December 2016 sponsored by Philips Respironics held at the Central library, SBV campus, Puducherry. Prof.P.Karthikeyan, HOD, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, gave the welcome address. The chief guest Prof.M.Ravishankar, Dean (Faculty of Medicine), MGMCRI, inaugurated the program by lighting the lamp and gave the inaugural address. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, gave the keynote address. Nearly 150 delegates attended the CME. Experts and eminent speakers from the fields of Pulmonary Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Cardiology, Psychiatry, General Medicine, and Endocrinology shed light on medical, surgical and psycho-social aspects of sleep disordered breathing. Prof.K.SurendraMenon chaired a session with Prof.King Herald Kisku (HOD, Pulmonary Medicine, PIMS, Pondicherry) on “Sleep Disordered Breathing – an overview and approach to diagnosis”. Dr.R.Vimal Raj, Assistant Professor, gave a talk on “Non-Surgical Management of SDB-OSA” at the CME. This session was chaired by Prof. R.Pajanivel and Dr.S.Yuvarajan, Associate Professor, Pulmonary Medicine, SMVMC, Pondicherry. The CME ended with a panel discussion on “Approach to Patients with SDB”. Dr. Loganathan, Interventional Pulmonologist, Ramakrishna Hospitals, Coimbatore, Dr.VijayaKrishnan.P, Consultant, Otorhinolaryngologist, MERF, Chennai, Professor B.Amirtha Ganesh , HOD , Cardiology, MGMCRI and Dr.Karthik Balachander, Endocrinologist, MGMCRI were the panelists. Dr.Vidyasagar
.R, Associate Professor of ENT, NRI Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh moderated the discussion. Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof R. Pajanivel. All sessions were well received and the participants gave a good feedback. The CME was awarded 2 credit points by Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
▶▶ Department of Biochemistry WORKSHOP ON QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AND INTERNAL AUDIT - ISO 15189-2012 The Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI organized a Workshop a quality management system (QMS) and internal audit in medical laboratories as per ISO 15189-2012 and in association with HELP 360 from 19th to 22nd October
2016. Eminent resource person including Prof. M. K. Lalitha, Former Head, Department of Microbiology CMC vellore and former Prof. Ramadeshikan, Professor, Institute of Biochemistry, Madras Medical College elaborated on several facets of quality Management, as applied to diagnostic laboratory. The programme was inaugurated by Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean-Faculty, MGMCRI, SBV. There are nearly 20 participants were participated in this workshop those are faculty and technical persons form various institute in and around Puducherry.
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faculties of department of Biochemistry led by the Professor and Head, Dr. R. Ramesh.
The department of biochemistry conducted an national Continuing Medical Education Programme title “Translational medicine in the Diagnosis & Management of Diabetes Mellitus”, on 10th November 2016. Diabetes mellitus has been assuming menacing proportions since the last few years and there is an immediate need to focus attention on Translation research in Diabetes mellitus
▶▶ Department of Orthopaedics MORE 2016 (MGMCRI ORTHOPAEDIC REVISION EDUCATION) on 18, 19 November 2016 Department of Orthopaedics conducted the 2nd Post Graduates teaching programme in the Institute and in the State of Pondicherry was conducted on 18 & 19 November 2016. Presence of eminent faculties from various Institutes was hallmark for this program. A total of 15 were external and 6 were internal faculties. It had four sessions of Clinical case discussions and didactic lectures on approach to various case scenarios. This programme has been planned to be organized annually for the benefit of exam going Post Graduates.Dr.Tumbanatham, Asst.Professor, Department of General Medicine peer reviewer for Journal of Clinical and diagnostic research during this quarter.Dr.Lokesh , Associate Professor, Department of General Medicine, is the Editor for Journal of Current trends in clinical medicine and laboratory biochemistry and for Journal of clinical and diagnostic research
which means that effective bedside. This year the theme was titled ‘Eyes on Diabetes’. Eminent speakers drawn from prestigious institutions, namely Dr. Aaron Chapla Scientist-Molecular endocrinology laboratory,Christian medical college, Vellore, Dr. Jayesh Warade, Consultant Biochemist &Molecular Biology, NABL assessor, Meenakshi mission Hospital, Madurai, Faculty –Abott POCT, USA, Dr. Channaveerappa Bammigatti Associate Professor, Dept. of General Medicine JIPMER and two of them are form our own institute Prof. R. Ramesh Head, Department of Biochemistry, MGMCRI and Dr. Anand Balayogi Bhavanani, Dept. of Yoga therapy, MGMC&RI were the resource persons. Impressive postens donned the portals of the Department of Biochemistry. Earlier, the Hon’ble VC of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Pro. K. R. Sethuraman and the Dean ( Research & AHS) Prof N. Ananthakrishnan laid emphasis on the cardinal principle of Translational Research and Prof C. Adithan, Director CIDRF offered felicitations.
On 14.11.2016, as part of the commemoration of the World Diabetes day, a CME cum Student Enrichment programme was conducted. A special talk was delivered by Dr. Sadishkumar Kamalanathan, Associate Professor of Endocrinology, JIPMER, Puducherry on “Artificial sweeteners – How safe are they?” Around 150 UG students and 50 PGS attended the programme
▶▶ Department of Pediatrics
Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with central laboratory MGMCRI conducted workshop on “Good Practices in Phlebotomy” for laboratory technicians and nursing staff. The workshop was held on 5rd and 7th December 2015 at C-II block of Hospital and nearly 80 to 100 participants from our institute got trained. Phlebotomy has frequently been highlighted in all programmed meant for educating laboratory personnel. However a unique feature of this workshop was that, several less emphasized points in analytical/clinical biochemistry pertaining to phlebotomy were enumerated by Dr. Kulkarni Sweta and Dr. R.Reeta
The newly constructed Pediatric Intensive Care unit complex was inaugurated on 21.10.2016 by Prof. S.Srinivasan in the presence of the Resident Medical Officer, Dr. Lakshmana Perumal. All the members of the nursing team and Pediatrics faculty were present during the occasion. The new PICU complex is located in the third floor C block extension of the main hospital complex. It is a six-bedded ICU with ventilator and all infra-structure necessary for managing sick children.
CME on “Artificial sweeteners”
▶▶ Department of General Medicine
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▶▶ Department of Critical Care Medicine
attended by 16 doctors (from GH & IGMC) from different specialties.
The creation of Department of Critical Care Medicine was officially inaugurated by the office of Dean on 14.11.2016 with its functioning faculties as Dr. Alai Taggu (Associate Professor & HOD), Dr. Sameera M Jahagirdar (Associate Professor) and Dr. Sreedhar Reddy (Assistant Professor).The Department of Critical care medicine and SAF conducted a symposium on “End of life care decisions (EOLDs) in ICU” on 02.12.2016. Dr. Rajagopal, Chairman, Pallium India was the Guest Speaker. The session was interactive and an eye opener to the concept of EOLDs in India.
▶▶ Department of QMS
▶▶ Hospital Palliative Care Team Inauguration of the Inpatient ward for Palliative Care Hospital Palliative Care Team has opened an inpatient ward for Palliative Care which was inaugurated by Dr. MR Rajagopal - who is better known as Father of Palliative Medicine in India on December 1st, 2016. Ms. Anu Savio Thelly was a Resource Person for the 7th National Conference on ‘Breaking Bad News to Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing”-Exploring New Horizons’, held on 12th October,2016 at KGNC, Pondicherry in association with ICMR. She spoke on ‘Integration of Alternative Therapies into Cancer Care.’
Mr.M.F.Kishore Coumar, M.Sc nursing (Quality Educator/ BLS instructor) presented a topic on “How to communicate effectively with patients, doctors and all health care professionals” for all OPD nurses on 21.11.16. and he handled the session on “Care of Spine injuries” in Medical stimulation centre for Dept of General Surgery, Orthopaedics, Anaesthesia (MS,MD,Asso.Prof & Diploma students) on 24.10.16 to 27.10.16 Mr.S.Selvaganapathi M.Sc nursing (Quality educator) presented a topic on “Basics of ECG” for staff Nurses in virtue of Continuing Nurses Education Programme on 19.10.16, 9.11.16, 16.11.16, He also handled a class on “Bed Sore” for Staff Nurse on 14.12.16.
▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Transgender Column Ms. K. Sheethal, Executive I Block, received an award as the OUTSTANDING TRANSGENDER from the Honorable Chief Minister of Pondicherry, Mr. Narayanaswamy. We wish her a grand success for more achievements.
Ms. Anu Savio Thelly has been selected to the Faculty pool of Palliative care in Pondicherry. She was a resource person for Foundation course in Palliative Medicine for Doctors from 15th-17th December, 2016 held at General Hospital, Pondicherry. This is the first training program in palliative Medicine conducted by Department of Health & Family Welfare for Medical Personnel working in different cadres for the Government of Pondicherry. The foundation course was
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▶▶ MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT Interns Orientation Program Medical Education Unit (MEU) holds Interns Orientation Program (IOP) for all interns of MGMCRI in two parts. The first part of the IOP for the current batch of interns was held on 18.01.2016. The objectives of the program were:to sensitize the Interns to their various roles and responsibilities; to familiarize them with the code of conduct including duty hours, decorum, discipline, anddress-codes; to define the specific roles and responsibilities expected of the Interns in various settings such as OPDs, Wards, Emergency services, and peripheral health care services and to discussthe issues of patient care safety and universal precautions to be taken. The workshop was led by the Dean, MGMCRI, Vice Principals, Medical Superintendent and clinical faculty.
Microteaching sessions for the faculty Microteaching has been recognized as a powerful technique for improving the teaching skills of the teachers. The Medical Education Unit has been organizing regular programs for the entire faculty of MGMCRI to sensitize them on the concept and utility of microteaching followed by “Hands on” experience in small groups. The introductory sessions were conducted by Prof N. Ananthakrishnan and Prof K.A. Narayan on 27.01.2016, 5.02.2016, and 6.02.2016. These sessions were found helpful in sensitizing the participants about the concept of Microteaching and to outline the procedure for conducting Microteaching session. Following the orientation sessions, microteaching practice sessions were organized in small groups to provide practical experience for the participants to practice a Micro teaching session in a safe and controlled environment. These sessions were organized on 2.02.2016, 1.03.2016, 8.03.2016 and 24.03.2016 at MEU and other venues. The process consisted of practice of a micro-lesson followed by selfreflection from each participant and feedback given by the student volunteers, peers and faculty supervisorson the strengths and weaknesses of each presentation with constructive suggestions for improvement. The faculty
and Prof. N. Seetharaman. Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, MGMCRI assisted in coordinating the Practice sessions. Research Methodology workshop series for Junior Faculty of MGMCRI Conducting research is a core skill for the faculty members. It is equally important to strengthen clinical training and patient care activities, besides generating funds for sustenance of activities. The Deanery of research at SBV has been playing a key role in sensitizing various cadres of faculty and residents in research methods and ethical aspects of conducting research. Keeping with this trend, the faculty of Medical Education Unit, and Bio-statistics division joined hands to put up a series of 15 workshops for the junior faculty of MGMCRI especially those who are motivated to pursue research projects in their respective departments. The workshop series was inaugurated by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Science on 4th Feb 2016, in which he stressed the need for such a series and hoped to see a large number of relevant and fruitful projects emerging out of this initiative. The on-going series consisting of 15 weekly sessions (from 4th February to 11th May 2016) covers issues such as Introduction to research, Study design, Sampling &Data collection, Data management, Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis testing, Sample Size estimation, Inferential statistics, Ethical issues in Research/Plagiarism, and Developing research proposal. The faculty team for the series consists of Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof. K. A. Narayan Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. G. Ezhumalai, Mr. A.Lokeshmaran, Dr. Seetharaman, Dr. Manimekalai, Prof. Adithan, and Dr. Shanmugam. With this new initiative MGMCRI has opened yet another window of opportunity for the faculty to excel in the field of Research and Publication.
Interns Orientation Program Part II
team consisted of Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Prof. B. V. Adkoli, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof. K. A. Narayan, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. S. Manoj Karthik, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu, Dr. Partha Nandi, Prof. Sunita Samal, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Niranjan Gopal, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Prof. D. Gunasekaran, Dr. R. Kannan, Prof. K. Srikanth
The intern’s orientation program part II was held on 05.02.2016 and 06.02.2016 covering 121 interns, passed out in December 2015. The objectives of the program were to enable the interns to discuss why errors occur in the health care system and how to prevent them; to develop written and oral communication skills; to be aware of legal aspects of medical practice; to appreciate the role of rational diagnostics and rational therapeutics; to appreciate the role of medical ethics in patient care and to be aware of the consequences of adverse drug reaction.
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The program comprised of interactive lectures, case scenarios, buzz sessions, small group discussions, role play, Video demonstration and other interactive methods. The program was guided by Prof.K. R. Sethuraman ViceChancellor and Prof. M. Ravishankar Dean. The session on ‘Why errors occur in the healthcare system’ and ‘how to prevent them’ was dealt by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum.Written Communication was discussed by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof. & Head OB & GY.Group tasks were conducted by Dr. Natesan Damodharan. Verbal communication was covered by Dr. B. Sivaprakash Professor of Psychiatry. Group tasks were conducted by Dr. Partha Nandi VP, Student Affairs and Dr. Abu Backer Senior Resident of Psychiatry. Legal Aspects in Medical Practice were discussed by Dr. Pramod Kumar Assoc. Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. ‘Rational considerations before you order diagnostic tests’ was discussed by Dr. Tirou Aroul Prof. & Head of Surgery. Rational approaches to therapeutics was dealt by Dr. Lokesh Professor of General Medicine. Group tasks were conducted by Dr. Mohammed Hanifah Professor of General Medicine, Dr. Robinson Smile. S Professor of Surgery, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman Vice - Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth. Medical Ethics was dealt by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum. Group tasks were conducted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research and Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum. Adverse Drug Reaction was dealt by Dr. KingShuk Lahon. M, Professor of Pharmacology.
Pedagogy Workshop for Post Graduates A three days’ workshop was organized in the MEU, for the first batch of PG Residents (N=22) from 25-27, February 2016. One of the main deficiencies noticed in the postgraduate training is lack of pedagogic skills in the residents to prepare them for future role as teachers. Realizing this gap, the Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI took a new initiative to start a Workshop for the PG Residents to train them in pedagogical skills. The specific competencies and skills addressed during this workshop were: Group dynamics and team building; Principles related to teaching learning and skills of lesson planning; Effective use of various teaching learning methods including methods suitable for small groups and large groups; Developing teaching skills through the practice of Microteaching; Awareness of principles of educational evaluation; the Role of Multi-Source Feedback / 360° assessment; and the Role of Portfolio in conducting formative evaluation. The workshop included interactive lectures, buzz sessions, small group discussions, case scenarios, video demonstrations and role play besides practice of Microteaching in small groups. The faculty team for the PG
Pedagogy workshop consisted of Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof M Ravishankar, Prof K.A. Narayan, Prof B.V. Adkoli, Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Prof Sunitha Samal, Prof. P Pallavee, Prof. C.P. Ganesh Babu, Prof. N. Seetharaman, Dr. R Kannan, and Dr Niranjan.
Competency Based PG Medical Education – A unique program for the Senior Faculty of MGMCRI Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) is a major trend in postgraduate training across the globe. The residency training is inherently competency based and involves extensive self-directed learning. One of the areas of intervention identified as a follow up of SBV’s international collaborative program with Partners Medical International (PMI), Boston is the introduction of CBME at the Postgraduate level beginning with the 2016 entry batch. As a prelude to the introduction of CBME, the MEU and SBV AHEAD came together and launched a series of three workshops for the senior faculty of MGMCRI to sensitize them on the concept of CBME.
Workshop 1 (14.03.2016): Defining Competencies and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) The first segment was dealt by Prof K.R. Sethuraman, VC who discussed the concept of Competencies and their relation with Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). The participants were familiarized with the Competency grid proposed by Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), USA under six heads. Further they identified the EPAs in their respective disciplines vis-à-vis the mile stones to be achieved during the PG training, e.g., PG entry and completion of PG training. The workshop included a brief introduction to the Competency grid suggested by ACGME and two buzz sessions. Buzz 1 involved the participants to comment on the given list of EPAs and to suggest the level to be expected from a resident at the time of joining PG course at MGMCRI (level 1: Only observation; level 2: can do under strict supervision; level 3: can do under loose supervision; level 4: can do independently; level 5: has expertise to teach others). Buzz 2 focused on identification of competency domains involved in the given EPA under the six domains of Competency: Medical Knowledge (MK), Patient Care (PC), Inter personal skills and communication (ISC), Professionalism (P), Practice Based Learning and Improvement (PBLI) and System Based Practice (SBP).
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Workshop 2 (21.03.2016): Multiple Source Feedback (MSF) / 360° Assessment
Workshop 3 (22.03.2016): The role of E- Portfolio The third and the final segment of the CBME series was on linking the assessment through e-portfolio which was conducted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishan and Dr. Jagan Mohan. In this workshop, the participants identified various deficiencies in the current system of assessment in PG training. They appreciated that for assessing the EPAs, one has to rely on multiple source feedback, which can be captured only through maintenance of e-portfolio. This was followed by a practical demonstration of e-portfoilio as a part of learning management system (LMS) to guide the formative assessment. It is hoped that the batch of PGs to be enrolled for the ensuing session would switch over to the Competency Based curriculum, which will mark a new beginning in the postgraduate education at MGMCRI in particular and the country in general.
Induction and Orientation Programs for the Fresh Residents (2016 Batch) Medical Education Unit (MEU) Organized a Comprehensive Induction and Orientation Program for the Fresh residents (2016 Batch). The Program was organized in two Parts.
The first part was held on 1st June 2016. The Fresh batch of residents were welcomed in a glittering lamp lighting ceremony presided by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, the Vice Chancellor of SBV. Prof. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent welcomed the gathering. Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, Curriculum introduced the HODs, after self-introduction by the participants. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean (Admin) explained about the MGMCRI, its infrastructure and facilities available for the residents. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Res & AHS) introduced the system of competency based PG Medical Education, which is being introduced by the MGMCRI for the first time in India. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman in his key note address appealed to the residents to be well prepared to deal with the changes necessitated by rising expectation from the community, the global phenomenon of migration of Doctors and the need to impart uniform and high standard of quality services. Prof. Partha Nandi, Vice Principal, student Affairs proposed a vote of thanks. The Program was attended by 77 residents, faculties and HODs from all departments
Induction & Orientation Program Part II The part II of the Induction and Orientation Program was organized by the MEU on three days, viz, 09/06/2016 to 11/06/2016 in the MEU Block. The following sessions were conducted by the faculty members: Roles and participation in educational activities by Prof. K. A. Narayan; Competency Based Residency Program by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan; Patient Safety: How can residents’ prevent Health care errors and improve ‘Quality of Care’ by Prof. M. Ravishankar; Resident Wellbeing, Fatigue and Assistance by Prof. Siva Prakash. B; Interpersonal Communications and Working as a member of the Health care team by Prof. Seetesh Ghose; Residents’ central role in Critical Information Flow and Documentation by Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi. The orientation program included extensive group work and ‘hands on’ experience as follows; A – Self Assessment of EPAs – Prof. P. Karthikeyan; B- Registration in SIS - Dr. Jagan Mohan;
Part I: Induction Program
The second segment of the CBME was conducted by Prof B.V. Adkoli and Prof P. Karthikeyan. The objectives of this workshop were to sensitize the participants about the need for adopting Multiple Source Feedback (MSF) / 360° Assessment in order to comprehensively assess the attainment of EPAs at various levels. The participants were familiarized with a plethora of assessment tools which were linked with various EPAs.
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C - Resident wellbeing, Fatigue & Assistance – Prof. B. Siva Prakash. A program evaluation was conducted by the MEU. A large majority of the Participants expressed that the program was highly interactive, useful and the objectives were largely achieved.
Career Guidance and Support (C-5) Program for outgoing interns A Career guidance and support program for batch of interns (July – June 2015) was held at MEU on 21st June 2016. The program was attended by 35 Interns. The five major components of the program (C-5) were dealt by the faculty of MEU / MGMCRI as follows: Coming together by Prof. Seethesh Ghose; Career Gradient & Mobility by Prof. M. Ravishankar; Qualities to hone & nurture in a young doctor by Prof. Robinson S. Smile; Career options Ahead – An Interactive session by Prof. N. Seetharaman; Student Experience at MGMCRI – Course feedback by Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi; Pledge to continuing Association by Alumni Group. The highlight of this program consisted of feedback from the outgoing batch of MBBS Students on their course experience, which was collected, compiled and presented by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal of MGMCRI. Prof. Partha Nandi, Vice Principal (Student Affairs) proposed a vote of thanks.
Valedictory Session of Research Methodology Workshop Series for the Faculty of MGMCRI Medical Education Unit in collaboration with other departments of MGMCRI had organized a series of 17 weekly sessions for sensitizing the junior faculty in Research Methodology. The Valedictory function of this series was held at MEU on 1st June 2016. The function was attended by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, VC, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Research & AHS), the participants and faculty. The faculties involved in this series are Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof. K.A. Narayan, Prof. Partha Nandi, Dr. Ezhumalai, Mr. LokeshMaran, Dr. Manimegalai, Dr. Adithyan and Dr. Shanmugam. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, who was instrumental in this initiative pleaded that the faculty trained in this series should play a key role in disseminating the information and transfer their skills to take up research projects that bring credibility to the SBV mission. Prof. K.R. Sethuraman gave away the certificates to the participants and wishes them an exciting role as researchers. Prof. K.A. Narayan, Dr. G. Ezhumalai and Mr. M. LokeshMaran were thanked for their hard work put up this whole series in an interactive and ‘hands-on’ mode.
Faculty Development Program for the Year I faculty of MGMCRI & New initiative by MEU During last one year MEU had taken several initiatives to strengthen Faculty Development of the MGMCRI. A
recent initiative has been to organize a series of half day workshops for the basic science faculty on key themes in Faculty Development. The first in the series was on “Teaching using a shared platform - Rules of the Game” conducted by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, VC, SBV and Prof. K. A. Narayan, MEU Faculty. A series of workshops have been lined up for future, being led by the MEU faculty.
Focus Group Discussion on CReAM Prof B. V. Adkoli, Head, Dept of Health Professions Education participated in a Focus Group Discussion organized by Prof V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, MGMCRI to design and implement Clinical Research and Audit for the Medical (CReAM) students entering clinical phase postings.
Interns Orientation Program (IOP) Part 1 and Part 2 While internship is a crucial mile stone in medical education, there is a lack of structured approach to the training of interns in most of the medical colleges in India. Realizing the importance of training interns soon after their induction, the Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with issues such as patient safety, how to prevent medical errors, importance of team work, communication skills including verbal and non-verbal communication, rational diagnostics and therapeutics, ethical issues, dealing with pharmaceutical industries and medico-legal issues involved in patient care. During the current session MEU organized a comprehensive orientation program for the supplementary batch of interns, in which 21 interns took part. The program included highly interactive workshop utilizing a variety of techniques, small group discussions, video demonstrations, case scenarios, role plays and buzz sessions. The Part 1 program was held on 01. 07. 2016, beginning with a TED talk on “Doctor’s touch”. The faculty team consisted of Prof M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Medical Superintendent, Dr. M. S. Raghuraman, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Dr. Vijayalaakshmi Lal, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu and Dr. Sameer Jahagerdar. Part 2 of the Interns Orientation Program was held on 21 and 22, July 2016. The faculty team for Part 2 comprised of: Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, Curriculum, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Natesan Damodharan, Dr. Pramod Kumar, Dr. Lakshmi Mani, Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Mohammed Hanifah, Dr. Smile Robinson, Dr. B. Sivaprakash, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu,
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Dr. Kannan R, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Dr. Padmavathy, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Lal and Dr. Abu Backer. Both the programs were found highly relevant and useful by the interns as revealed by the feedback.
Faculty Development Workshop series for MBBS Year 1 Faculty
Workshop on PG Dissertation Write up The postgraduate training heavily relies on the grounding of students in the art and science of writing dissertation in particular and scientific articles in general. In order to train the PG residents in this area, the MEU of MGMCRI organized a five days workshop for the Final year PG students on “Dissertation- Write up” from 08. 08. 2016 to 12. 08. 2016 at the MEU (College Block Annexe). The program was attended by 54 final years post graduate students of all disciplines due to appear for their final examination. The issues addressed during the workshop were: use of IMRAD structure in writing a paper, writing an abstract, cleaning data, using statistical formulae, constructing tables, figures and other tools of data representation, how to manage bibliographical references using software and finally ethics of scientific writing, code of conduct including plagiarism checks. The workshop witnessed extensive use of interactive techniques including brief presentations and group tasks, followed by plenary sessions. The faculty for the workshop included Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. A. R. Srinivasan, Dr. G. Ezhumalai, Dr. Lokesh Maran, Dr. Sivaprakash, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar and Dr. Jagan Mohan. The evaluation of the program done on the final day using a Program Evaluation questionnaire revealed that the program was highly relevant and useful to the participants.
Post-graduate students are the prospective teachers and researchers. Hence their preparation for future career requires development of competency related to research methodology. In response to this felt need, MEU of MGMCRI conducted a two days workshop on Protocol writing on 19. 9. 2016 to 22. 09. 2016 for all the first year PG students (N=56). The issues addressed during this workshop were: An overview of research methodology, how to identify a research problem, writing a research question, skills in literature search, brief introduction to statistics, and the role of ethics in the research. The workshop included extensive interactive methods including brief presentation by the faculty, Group tasks followed by plenary sessions. The faculty team consisted of Prof. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. B. Sivaprakash, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Lokesh Maran, Dr. G. Ehzumalai, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. A. R. Srinivasan, Dr. R. Jagan Mohan, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, and Dr. D. Gunasekaran. Evaluation of the program was done using Program Evaluation Questionnaire. The analysis revealed that the participants found this program highly relevant, useful and timely intervention for crystallizing their dissertation topics.
Sessions on Educational Counseling As a part of the comprehensive orientation program for the Freshers of MBBS, a session on Educational Counseling was organized for a week from 19. 09. 2016 to 28. 09. 2016 in rotating batches. Dr. B. V. Adkoli, Professor of Health Professions Education conducted these sessions in a highly interactive manner starting with “Breaking the
PG Protocol writing workshop
A series of hands-on workshops was organized by the MEU from 08. 06. 2016 to 09. 07. 2016, for the benefit of faculty of Basic Sciences Departments of MGMCRI. In all 25 Faculty members attended this series. The topics discussed during this series were: Teaching using a shared platform (Prof K. R. Sethuraman, VC and Prof K. A. Narayan), Education Counseling using VARK Inventory (Prof K. A. Narayan), Making Large Group Lectures more interactive (Prof N. Ananthakrishnan), Use of Interactive White Board (Dr. Jagan Mohan), Tips and Tricks for Small Group Teaching (Prof Seetesh Ghose), How to be an effective facilitator for a problem oriented learning session, The Flipped Class – Preparation and Process (Prof Usha Carounanidy) and Preparing Course Content for LMS – a step by step approach (Prof M. Ravishankar).
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participants in general felt that the workshop was helpful in writing the specific learning objective.
Microteaching Workshops for the Faculty of MGMCRI
Ice” experience to discuss some important tips for effective learning and study skills. The session ended with students taking up VARK Inventory to identify their preferred learning styles. The knowledge of preferred learning style is expected to result in a lot of benefits to both teachers and the students in pursuit of the medical course with an effective strategy.
Workshop for Specific Learning Objectives A workshop on specific learning objective was conducted in two sessions on 07.10.2016 & 25.10.2016. Dr. Krishna Sesadri, Visiting Professor of Endocrinology and Medical Education, Member of Board of Management & Consultant, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was the resource person. Dr. Seetesh Ghose Professor & Head OBGY, Dr. B.V. Adkoli Professor Dept of HPE, Dr. Seetha Professor & Head Microbiology and Dr. C.P. Ganeshbabu Professor Surgery, acted as facilitators. In all 21 faculty members participated from the departments of Pathology, Anatomy, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Pediatrics, General Medicine, Biochemistry, General Surgery, Forensic Medicine, ENT, Community Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Physiology. The objective of the workshop was to sensitize the II MBBS faculty on writing specific learning objectives. During the workshop Dr. Seshadri elaborately explained in detail the need for writing objectives, components of objective, and attributes of a well written objective. He stressed the use of appropriate action verbs for various domains and level of objectives. During the session he encouraged the participant faculty to formulate the objectives for a class on ‘tuberculosis’ for 5th semester students. The participant faculty developed the objectives for various domains on the same and each group was given the opportunity to present their list which was followed by in-depth discussion. Dr Seshadri also touched briefly on a strategy to integrate teaching and learning of the expected outcomes looking at the ‘big picture’ of the MBBS Curriculum. These two sessions were very much interactive. At the end of the workshop feedback was obtained from the participant regarding the usefulness of the workshop. The
Microteaching has been recognized as a powerful technique for improving the teaching skills of the teachers. The Medical Education Unit has been organizing regular programs for the entire faculty of MGMCRI to sensitize them on the concept and utility of microteaching followed by “Hands on” experience in small groups. The main objective of microteaching is to enable the participants to practice, reflect and improve their teaching skill sets in a safe and controlled environment. Microteaching workshops involve a briefing by the faculty besides ‘hands on’ practice session in small groups including ten minutes teaching by the participants on rotation, followed by extensive feedback including participants’ own reflection, feedback from student volunteers, peers and supervisors. The orientation sessions were conducted by Prof Seetesh Ghose on 03.11.2016 for sensitizing 31 faculty members, which was followed by two small group practice sessions (7th and 15th November 2016) under the supervision of the SBV/MEU faculty team comprising of Prof. B. V. Adkoli, Prof. K. A. Narayan, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. Partha Nandi, Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Niranjan Gopal, Prof. D. Gunasekaran, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane, Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi assisted in coordinating the Practice sessions. The analysis of the feedback received from the participants reveals that microteaching experience was a kind of “eye opener” for the faculty in understanding their strengths and weaknesses in teaching. Especially, the junior faculty appreciated the tips given for adopting interactive style of teaching to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
Authentic Assessment of Graduate Outcomes Workshop Two workshops on Authentic Assessment of Graduate Outcomes was conducted on 05.12.2016 and 08.12.2016. In all 45 faculty members participated from the department of Anaesthesiology, Pathology, Anatomy, Microbiology, DVL, Pharmacology, Pediatrics, General Medicine, Biochemistry, General Surgery, Forensic Medicine, Psychiatry, ENT, Community Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Ortho, TBCD and Physiology. The Workshop was conducted by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, VC, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean (R &
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AHS) SBV, Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI & Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum.
Career Guidance and Support (C-5) Program for outgoing interns A Career guidance and support program for batch of interns (January – December 2016) was held at College block, Ground Floor Lecture hall on 20th December 2016. The program was attended by 102 Interns.
V. N. Mahalakshmi; Pledge to continuing association by Alumni Group. The highlight of this program was detailed feedback from the outgoing batch of MBBS Students on their course experience, which was collected, compiled and presented by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal of MGMCRI. Prof. Partha Nandi, Vice Principal (Student Affairs) proposed a vote of thanks.
The program included five major components (C-5) dealt by the resource persons as follows: ‘Coming together’ by Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI; Career Gradient & Mobility by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, VC, SBV; Qualities to hone & nurture in a young doctor by Prof. Meenakshi Sundaram, Dean, Thiruvarur Medical College; Career options Ahead – An Interactive session by Prof. N. Seetharaman, HOD, Community Medicine, MGMCRI; NEET PG – The Implications for Outgoing Graduates - A Panel Discussion consisting of panelists, viz., Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Prof. Meenakshi Sundaram, Prof. Krishna Seshadri moderated by Prof. Mohamed Hanifa; Student Experience at MGMCRI – Course feedback by Prof.
▶▶ Medical Simulation CeNtre (MSC)
In appreciation of the activities of the MSC, MGMCRI, American Heart Association has renewed the prestigious International Training Centre status for 3 more years. From
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the inception as AHA Accrediated ITC (International Training Centre) the MSC, MGMCRI has developed 15 faculties as instructors to teach BLS, ACLS. With the active involvement& participation of the instructors, the MSC could accomplish the herculean task of disseminating CPR skill training to Interns, Postgraduates and Nurses. ITC team is also actively involved in creating community awareness BLS by conducting diverse our reach programmes to police personal and Geriatric community. During the last Quarter of 2016 MSC has conducted, 6 sessions of BLS programmes were conducted for the Interns of MGMCRI, 4 sessions of ACLS programmes
From 18.02.16 to 21.02.16, JIPMER conducted 8th National Assembly on Paediatric Emergency Medicine (NAPEM) Workshop. In view of this, Mr. M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, (Quality educator/ BLS Instructor) emphasized for the Jipmer staff nurses on how to recognize paediatric emergencies, incorporate strategies and anticipate complication for early stabilization and better outcome while caring for a sick child. On this occasion he received a shield with a certificate. From February 15th 2016, every Thursday and Friday 3pm to 4.30pm NABH training program started with full swing for all employees of MGMCRI with the information booklet provided for each employee by the co-ordination of Department of Quality Management Services (QMS) & HR department-organizing committee. The class was being taken by M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar quality educator. By this Pre-test and Post-test were also conducted for the employees. Care of immobility and Ryle’s tube insertion class was taken by Mr. M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, (Quality educator) on 03.03.16 between 2.30pm to 4.30pm on D2 conference hall for all the nurses.On 10.03.16, Mrs. J. Deepa (Quality educator) emphasized on Dress code and Appearance, Restraints of Patients for all the staff nurses between 2.30pm to 4.30pm on D2 conference hall.
were conducted for the Postgraduates of MGMCRI. Dr. R. Sobana, Assoc. Professor of Physiology & Mr. Kishore, Quality Instructor conducted an awareness programme cum demonstration of BLS to “Serene Pelican” Geriatric community on 1st December, which was attended by 70 elderly and also conducted a “Hands on Neonatal Resuscitation Skills Training for Nurses” for BSc Nursing students of KGNC on 3rd, 4th, 8th and 12th December which was attended by 100 BSc Nursing students of KGNC BLS training program (based on the new guidelines) was been scheduled on every Tuesday and Friday between 9 a.m to 3 p.m and conducted by the Quality Educators namely Mr. M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar & Mrs.J.Deepa from the Department of Quality Management Services (QMS) in the Medical Simulation Centre, medical college block (MGMCRI). The participants were the novice nurses, OT technicians, dialysis technicians etc; and successfully completed the training program and received certificates. From 01.02.2016, skill based teaching class was started in all wards based on the information booklet of MGMCRI
Triage, LASA, End of life care & Care of vulnerable groups was focused by Mrs. J. Deepa (Quality educator) on 13.04.16 in D2 conference hall for the staff nurses of MGMC&RI. Pretest and Post-test was also been conducted for the candidates From August to October 2016, the Skills Lab conducted the following activities. yy Conducted AHA certified 03 BLS courses where 50 students were successfully completed yy Conducted AHA certified 2 ACLS courses where 32 students were successfully completed yy Conducted CPR and Clinical skill practice workshop session for the “National Conference on Changing Trends In Health Professions Education” in association with MEU, MGMCRI where 50 candidates were participated. yy Conducted BLS Training workshop for Aravind Eye hospital, Pondicherry staffs where 20 staffs participated yy Conducted CPR training program for IMBBS Students where 120 students were participated yy Conducted clinical skill practice for V semester MBBS students.
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Scholars in The Making ▶▶ M.Ch NEWS Dr.SatyajitPatnaik, M.Ch, Postgraduate, Department of Urology, presented a paper titled, ‘Totally Ultrasound guided fluro free PCNL” at USICON 2016 held at Hyderabad from 07.01.16 to 10.01.16. He also attended Andrology workshop at Nadiad, Gujarat in March 2016. Dr.VishalShet, M.Ch, Post graduate, Department of Urology, attended MidTerm CUE of TAPASU Held at Coimbatore in June 2016. Dr.Karthik, M.Ch, Post graduate, Department of Urology, attended live operative workshop held at Shimla in June 2016.
DrAarthi, Final year PG, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated in the ‘Indian Chest Society (ICS) Talent Search 2016’ competition, organized by A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore on 17 January and got first place and Rs 1000 cash prize.
Under the aegis of Urological society of India, Continuing Urological education programme in memory of Prof.H.S. Bhat was conducted in Puttaparthy on 07.11.2016 and the CME was attended by Dr.Sathyajeet and Dr.Vishal, postgraduates Department of Urology. CME-Clinical discussion on Ca Prostate Molecular biology, androgen deprivation therapy, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy was held at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 04.12.2016 and the program was attended by Dr.Sathyajeet, Dr.Vishal and Dr. Karthik post-graduates, Department of Urology.
Awards Dr. Karthik B, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “A study of the impact of adjunctive music listening on depression & anxiety”, at the 3rd International Conference on Music Therapy, organized by CMTER, SBV, on 16.02.2016, and won the best poster award.
Dr. Robbin Bose, Postgraduate student, Department of Psychiatry, received best paper award for a case report titled “Acute confusional state in alcohol withdrawal - A diagnostic dilemma”, presented at the Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI, on 08.01.2016. The award was given on 20.05.2016. Dr. Roshini G, 2nd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a poster titled ‘’Our experience in the imaging in intervention of malignant biliary obstruction” and won 3rd prize in poster presentation competition at Chennai AMCON 2016, held on 30. 07. 16 & 31. 07. 16.
Dr.Nivedita, Final year MD (Gen.Med) Post graduate was awarded second prize in the poster competition titled, ‘The effectiveness of music on pain reduction during Venepuncture in Neonates’‘ in the TAPICON Conference held at Thanjavur , Tamil Nadu. She was also awarded second prize in the PRIMS – Intercollegiate Professional Research In Medicals Sciences, MGMCRI for the same presentation.
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Dr. Sumathi Sri, final year postgraduate, Dept. of Pediatrics presented a paper titled “A case of SSPE presenting as ataxia”, while Dr. AijasMoidu, final year postgraduate, Dept. of Pediatrics presented a poster titled “Thanatophoric dysplasia in a neonate” at the South Indian medical students conference (SIMSCON) held on 30. 08. 16 at ManakulaVinayar Medical College. Both the presentations were well appreciated by the team of judges. Dr. Sumathi Sri, and Dr. AijasMoidu, final year post-graduate won the award for the best paper and best poster respectively. Dr. Indu, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology has got 1st prize in the E-poster presentation in the Annual Tamilnadu State Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologist (NELCON. 2016) hosted by ISA, Tirunelveli at BWDA Resorts, Courtallam on 03. 09. 16 and 04. 09. 16.
Diabetes Mellitus, organized by Department of Biochemistry, MGMC & RI, SBV on 10.11.16. Dr Mubarak R M, second year resident in Department of Radiology won first prize in poster presentation titled “Posterior Circulation Stroke as the Initial Manifestation of CVJ Anomaly with Vertebral Artery Dissection” in Chennai Medical College Hospital And Research Institute, Trichy on 10.11.16. Dr. Ben and Dr. Sriteja, 3rd yr PG, Dept.of DVL won 3rd prize at the National IADVL QUIZ competition at CUTICON, Pondicherry on 27.11.16. Dr.Navya Sindhu, final year post graduate in Department of Radiology, presented an E-posters at 69th Annual State conference IRIA TN & PY chapter of IRIA titled, “Budd Chiari Syndrome: Finding a way to decongestion with percutaneous stenting” and won first prize for the poster.
Scientific Presentations Dr. Varunn, Final year PG, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented his dissertation in the inter college PG dissertation competition (PRIMS) on January 22, held in the SBV campus. Dr. M P Kavin Kumar and Dr. SruthiNarayanam, Post Graduates, Dept of ENT took part in Quiz competition held at 19th TNAOI Conference on 09. 09. 16 at Hotel Shervaroys, Yercaud and received 5th place. Dr. Arjun Ashok, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology, has got 3rd prize in the paper presentation in the 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Mr. Lenin N, Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry awarded first prize for poster competition title “Association between Genetic Variation in Beta Cell Function Genes Gycemic Control in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus”, CME “Translational medicine in the diagnosis & management of
Dr. Robbin B, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a case report titled “Acute confusional state in alcohol withdrawal - A diagnostic dilemma”, at the monthly meeting of the Scientific & Academic forum, MGMCRI, on 08.01.2016. Dr. Ben George, 2nd year post graduate, Department of DVL presented a paper titled “Pause before u Pulse” and poster titled “ DiagnosticDilemma in Pemphigus Vulgaris” , while Dr. GirllyKurian, 2nd year post graduate, Department of DVL presented a paper titled “ Clinicohistopathological correlation of immunobullous disorders” and poster on “ Rare presentation of pemphigus vulgaris” at the NationalConference on PULSE therapy held at SRMC, Chennai on 27th and 28th February 2016.
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Dr. Hussain Ahmed, Final Year PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented podium presentation on “Effect of three different anesthetic management techniques on pain and functional outcome following inguinal hernia surgery A randomized controlled observer blinded study” in Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI on 22.01.2016. Dr.GreeshmaYarlagadda, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “We may be incidental at times the cause too” and a poster titled “Endovascular Coil Embolization of Large Splenic Artery Aneurysm Eroding into Stomach”at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology &Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneshwar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Dr.Naveen N., 1st year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a poster titled “An Unusual Presentation: TB Spinous Process ”at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology &Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneshwar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Dr.Brinda K.V, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “MRI Brain : An Eye Opener in Psychiatric Evaluation ” at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology &Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneswar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Also she presented a paper titled, “Endovascular Management of PostSurgical Multiple Renal Artery Pseudoaneurysms ” at SAF 2016 held at MGMCRI. Dr.Mubarak R.M, 1st year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a poster titled “Imaging of Ectopic Thyroid Tissue in Submandibular Region –A Rare Clinical Entity” at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology & Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneshwar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Dr.MohitVashishta 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “MDCT angiographic variants of renal vasculature ” at TN & PY State Chapter of IRIA 2016 held at JIPMER, Puducherry.He also presented a paper titled “Emergency Glue Embolisationof Bleeding Gluteal ArterioVenous Malformation ” at SAF 2016 held at MGMCRI in February.
Dr. Anusha, PG, Department of Pathology presented a paper on “Clinic pathological correlation of gastric biopsies in a tertiary care centre” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Priya, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “Follicular carcinoma of thyroid with clear cell change presenting as a distant metastases” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Vigneshwari, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “Papillary carcinoma of thyroid in a 3 yr old child- a rare case report” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Venkat, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on” Microcystic meningioma – a rare case report” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Trisha, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “a case report on Kylres disease” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Senthil, Dr.Aravind, Dr.Hussian, Dr.Vivek, Dr.Siyam, Final year PGs, Dr. Priyanka, Dr.Arjun, Dr.Fernaz, Dr.Ramsesh, Dr.Hajer, Dr.Prajith, Dr. Balaji, Dr. Chandan, 2nd Year PGs, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Surya, Dr. Tina, Dr. Indu, Dr. Naveen, Dr.Ashit, Dr. Anil, 1st year PGs, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated at (SEP) special seminar on “Current about emergency from anesthesia” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, MGMCRI on 22.04.2016. Dr. Priyanka, Dr.Fernaz, Dr.Hajer, Dr.Prajith, Dr.Chandan, 2nd Year PGs, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Surya, Dr. Tina, Dr. Indu, Dr. Daniel Dr. Naveen, Dr.Ashit, Dr. Anil, 1st year PGs, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated (TEE) “Simulation Based Workshop on Transesophageal Echocardiography” conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI on 30.04.2016. Dr. Priyanka, Dr.Fernaz, Dr.Hajer, Dr.Prajith, Dr.Chandan, Dr.Mammen, Dr. Surya, Dr. Tina, Dr. Indu, Dr. Daniel
Dr.GauravBalpande 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “MRI of post traumatic internal derangement of knee ” at TN & PY state chapter of IRIA, 2016 held at JIPMER,Puducherry.
Dr. BalasubramanianAnusha, Final Year PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented poster presentation on “Comparison of GASMAN simulated low flow anesthesia with real time using sevoflurane; air; oxygen mixture” in Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI on 22.01.2016.
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Dr. Naveen, Dr.Ashit, Dr. Anil, Dr. Harith, Dr.Govind, Dr.Gobinath, Dr.Arthi, Dr.Nikhila, PGs, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated on Interpretation of CXR, CT brain, and foreign body esophagus on ISA PG Meet conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology and CCU, MGMCRI associated with ISA Puducherry Branch at Hotel Athithi on 04.06.16 Dr. Indu, PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated workshop on “Ganga Anaesthesia Refresher Course GARC2016” at Ganga Hospital & Medical Center, Coimbatore from 16.06.16 to 19.06.16. Dr. Dharani, final year PG, Department of DVL, presented an e-poster on Autologous Hemotherapy at NIMHANS convention centre, Bangalore between 11.06.16 and 12.06.16. Dr. SritejaArya, final year PG, Department of DVL, presented a case series “Visible clues to invisible monster” in SAF PG presentation on 17.06.16. Dr. GauravBalpande, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “HemichoreaHemiballismus Hyperglycemia Syndrome’’ at Pondicherry Association of Neuroscientists, Puducherry, held on 08.05.2016 in Pondicherry. Dr. K.V Brinda, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “Neurogenic to Nephrogenic’’ at Pondicherry Association of Neuroscientists, Puducherry, held on 08.05. 2016 in Pondicherry. Dr. Lakshmipriya, Final year postgraduate student, Department of OBG presented a poster on ‘Takaiyasu arteritis in pregnancy – a case report’ in Yuva FOGSI conference in Madurai in May. Dr.Sarala, Final year postgraduate student, Department of OBG presented a poster on ‘Mature cystic teratoma at the Fallopian tube associated with uterine leiomyoma- a case report’ in FOGSI-FIGO conference in Pune in June. Dr.Kabani, Final year postgraduate student, Department of OBG presented a poster on ‘ A case of polyhydramnios associated with first branchial arch syndrome’ in FOGSIFIGO conference in Pune in June. Dr.Gisi, Final year postgraduate student, Department of OBG presented a poster on ‘Secondary broad ligament twin
ectopic pregnancy – A rare case report’ in FOGSI-FIGO conference in Pune in June. Dr. Bhanu, Final yr PG, Dr. Dharani, Final yr PG, Dr. Githanjali, 2nd yr PG, Department of DVL presented a paper titled, ‘Case report of solitary xanthogranuloma in the face’, ‘Common Cutaneous lesions in term neonates’ and Childhood SLE. not a common entity’, respectively at the Dermakid – Pediatric Dermatology Conference, held at ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Puducherry on 10. 07. 2016. Dr. Sekar Reddy, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “Lifesaving uterine AVM Embolization” in Scientific and Academic Forum held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 27. 07. 16. Dr. GreeshmaYarlagadda 3 rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented an E-poster titled ‘’Life saving splenic artery embolisation” and a paper titled “Spectrum of imaging findings in mesenteric ischemia” at IRIA Andhra Pradesh state conference 2016, held on 27. 07. 16 and 28. 07. 16. Dr. NavyaSindhu 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a poster titled ‘’Painful to painless en route. Radio frequency ablation of osteoid osteoma” at Chennai AMCON 2016, held on 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16. Dr. GauravBalpande, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a poster titled ‘’A Rare Case of Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumour “ at Chennai AMCON 2016, held on 30. 07. 16 and 31. 07. 16. Dr. Anugraha, 3 rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented a free paper “Tear film abnormalities in meibomian gland dysfunction patients” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Sindhuja M, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e. Poster “Visual disturbance as first symptom in chronic myeloid leukemia” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016.
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Dr. Memota, 3 rd YearPostgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented a Free Paper “Role of microperimetry in macular diseases” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Abhinay, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an E-Poster “Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome at term pregnancy with eclampsia” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Vellore from 05. 08. 2016 to 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Charanya T, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper presentation titled, “A cross sectional study of temperament and resilience of children of alcohol dependent individuals” at TANPSYCON 2016, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 6. 08. 16. Dr. Karthik B, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper presentation titled “Factors Influencing seeking of deaddiction services among alcohol dependence patients attending a tertiary health care centre – A crosssectional study” at TANPSYCON 2016, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 06. 08. 2016. Dr. Preethy R, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster presentation titled “Acute catatonia associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis” at TANPSYCON 2016, 31st Annual conference of IPS – Tamil Nadu Chapter held at Coimbatore on 06. 08. 2016. Dr. Vimi Varghese, Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented the paper on “Clinico Radiological profile of interstitial lung disease in South India” in CRSCON III, held in Coimbatore on 7. 8. 16. Dr. Arun N A, Post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on “All wheezes are not Asthma”, while Dr. Vimi Varghese, Post graduate, Department of
Pulmonary Medicine presented the paper on “Clinico Radiological profile of interstitial lung disease in South India” in CRSCON III, held in Coimbatore on 7. 8. 2016. Dr. TrishaBanik, 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented oral paper “A case report of Spinal Paraganglioma” at Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) organized at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 9. 08. 16. Dr. Preethy R, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a PG paper presentation (SAF). Acute catatonia associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis” at the SAF internal meeting, MGMCRI on 12. 08. 2016. Post graduates from the Department of Surgery made presentations at the ASICON TN & Pondy in Salem between 12. 08. 16 and 13. 08. 16; Dr. Surya Ram. presented a paper on, ‘Recurrent sinus in Gluteal region’; Dr. Anil Kumar presented a poster on ‘Incidental finding of liomyoma’; Dr. SushruthChavan presented a poster on ‘Mycetoma right index finger – A rare case report’; Dr. Vijay, presented a poster on ‘Acute mesenteric venous thrombosis leading to small bowel gangrene – A case report’ and Dr. Balavignesh presented poster titled, ‘Flap cover in basal cell carcinoma of face - a case series’ and a paper titled, ’ Role of stenting in peripheral vasculsar disease in common femoral artery’ Dr. Trisha Banik, 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented oral paper “Cytohistological Correlation of Breast Lesions” at International Conference on Surgical Pathology (Pathsurge 2016) organized at SreeBalaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai between 22. 08. 16 and 24. 08. 16. Dr. VenkatRaghavan A. T. M. , 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented oral paper “Clinicopathological Profile of Ovarian Tumors in a Tertiary Care Centre” at International Conference on Surgical Pathology (Pathsurge 2016) organized at SreeBalaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai between 22. 08. 16 and 24. 08. 16. Dr. Lasya, 2nd yr PG, Department of DVL presented an e-poster titled, “Congenital blueberry muffin with hairy pinnae, an association coexistence” at the ISPD Annual Conference between 26. 08. 16 and 28. 08. 16 at Hyderabad.
Dr. AjayPrakash and Dr. Amrutha, post-graduates from the department of Pediatrics presented papers titled, ‘Extensive port wine staining, Bilateral leptomeningealangiomas, conge
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nitalglaucoma:Neonatalsturge-weber syndrome’ and ‘Isolated unilateral duplex collecting system with complete duplication in a case of antenatal hydroureteronephrosis: A case report signifying the importance of antenatal ultrasonography’ respectively . in the South Indian medical students conference (SIMSCON) held on 30. 08. 16 at ManakulaVinayar Medical College
Masses” at Pondicherry association of neuroscientist meet, held on 18. 09. 16.
Dr. R. LakshmiPriya, final year post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the 30th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram from 02. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 and presented a paper on, ‘Comparison of exteriorization and insitu uterine repair at caesarean delivery’.
Dr. Trisha Banik, 2nd year PG student, Department of Pathology, presented an oral paper “Cytohistological Correlation of Breast Lesions” at Maharashtra State Chapter Conference of Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists (MAPCON 2016) organized at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Navi Mumbai on 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16.
Dr. R. Lakshmi Priya, final year post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the 30 th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram from 02. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 and presented a poster on ‘A rare case report of Atypicaleclampsia’. Dr. A. FathimaShaheen final year post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the 30th Annual AICC RCOG 2016 Conference in Mahabalipuram from from 02. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 and presented a poster on Misdiagnosis of abdominal pain in pregnancy a rare case report. Dr. Indu, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology presented E-poster presentation in the Annual Tamilnadu State Conference of the Indian Society of Anesthesiologist (NELCON. 2016) hosted by ISA, Tirunelveli at BWDA Resorts, Courtallam on 03. 09. 16 and 04. 09. 16. Dr. M P Kavin Kumar, Post graduate, ENT, presented a paper titled, “Comparison of Endoscopic Turbinoplasty Versus Conventional Partial Inferior Turbinectomy in Chronic Hypertrophic Rhinitis” at 19th TNAOI Conference held in September at Hotel Shervaroys, Yercaud. Dr. SruthiNarayanam, Post graduate, ENT, presented a paper titled, “Various Modalities in Treatment of Tinnitus – A Comparative Study” at 19th TNAOI Conference held on 09. 09. 16 at Hotel Shervaroys, Yercaud. Dr. Arjun Ashok, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented paper presentation in the 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. GauravBalpande, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a paper titled “Atypical Posterior Fossa
Dr. MohitVashishta, 3rd year post graduate, Department of Radiology, presented a paper titled, “Unusual Spinal Tumours” at Pondicherry Association of Neuroscientist Meet, held on 18. 09. 16.
Mr. M. Lenin, Department of Biochemistry, Research Scholar participated and presented poster titled “Association between genetic variation in beta cell function genes glycemic control in gestational diabetes mellitus” at ACBICON2016, organized by Department of Biochemistry, Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru, Karnataka held from 12.12.16 to 15.12.16. Two of Full Time Ph.D. students, department of Microbiology, made Oral presentation of their research papers in an UGC Sponsored National Conference on “Emerging Infectious diseases and Curative Measures-2016” on 22.12.2016 held at Kamaraj College, Thoothukudi. Mr.Jothimani Pradeep spoke on the topic, ‘Confirmation of acute Q fever by PCR in patients positive for Coxiellaburnetii Phase II IgM antibody by Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) – A retrospective Study’ while Velmurugan Anitharaj spoke on the topic ‘Comparison of Serological and Molecular diagnosis for acute Scrub Typhus in Puducherry’.\ Dr. Dhivya, Dr.Geetanjali, and Dr. Rajesh, 2nd year PG, Dept. of DVL presented free paper on ‘Systematized verricous epidermal nevus’, ‘Papillon- Lefevre syndrome – A case report’, and an award Paper on “Exophialaspinifera – An uncommon bug in an immune competent host causing subcutaneous phaeohyphomycoses” respectively at the Dermazone conference held at Trichy from 07.10.2016 to 09.10.2016. Dr.Navya Sindhu, final year post graduate in Department of Radiology, presented paper “Role of MRI In the Evaluation of Compressive Myelopathy” at Annual IRIA Telangana State Conference on 14.10.16 in Hyderabad.
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Two post-graduates from Department of Pediatric, presented papers at the Muthu-Nellai Neocon organized by the National neonatology forum, Tamil Nadu chapter, held on 16.10.2016. Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh presented the paper titled “TORCH infection- an under recognized problem”. Dr. Sridhar Sangaiah, presented the paper titled “Evaluation and treatment of iatrogenic acquired Staphylococcus aureus infection in a previously healthy term neonate”. Both presentations were well appreciated by the team of judges. A certificate of appreciation for the same was presented to both.
Dr. Bhanupriya, 3rd yr PG, Dept. of DVL made a poster presentation on a case report – “confluent and reticulate papillamatosis” and Dr. Lasya , 2nd year PG made a poster presentation on “Cutaneous and sexually transmitted infections in transgenders – An introspective study” at CUTICON, Pondicherry on 27.11.16.
Dr. Ben George, 3rd year PG, presented a Case report “When the mask gave up the masquerading” in the SAF meeting conducted on 21.10.16.
Dr. Lasya, 2nd yr PG, Dr. Ben, 3rd yr PG and Dr. Sriteja, 3rd yr PG , Dept. of DVL did their award paper presentation on “congenital blueberry muffin with lainypinnal an anociation / co existence”, ‘Case report of pellagra and hypothyroidism and “SSS Vs TEN – A diagnostic challenge” respectively at CUTICON, Pondicherry on 27.11.16.
Dr.Mohit Vashishta, Final year resident, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled, “Non Communication Rudimentary Horn of Uterus” at Scientific and Academic Forum on 04.11.16.
Dr. Gitanjali, and Dr. Divya, 2nd yr PG, Dept. of DVL presented posters titled, ‘Behcets disease-a case report’ and ‘Rare presentation of Bullous pemphigoid’ respectively at CUTICON, Pondicherry on 27.11.16.
Dr. Gaurav Balpande, Final year resident, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “HHH syndrome” at Scientific and Academic Forum on 04.11.16.
Dr.Shameera Begum, 1st year PG student, Dept of Pathology presented oral paper, titled, “A rare case report of breast lump – Interesting cytomorphological diagnosis at SAF organized at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry on 9.12.16.
Dr. Fathima, Final year Post graduate, O&G presented a paper on “Impact of decision delivery interval in Category 2 Caesarean Section”at OGSSI Annual Conference 2016 at Chennai between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16. Dr.Kabani, Final year Post graduate, O&G presented a paper on “Comparative study of pap smear in pregnant and non-pregnant women” at OGSSI Annual Conference 2016 at Chennai between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16. Dr.Sriteja, 3 rd year PG, Dept. of DVL presented a poster on “Visible clues to the invisible monster” at CUTICON held in Andhra Pradesh between 12.11.16 & 13.11.16. Two post-graduates from Department of Pediatric, Dr. Ajay Prakash. T. R and Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh, were awarded certificates for Oral presentation in the National level Pediatric postgraduate exam refresher course - RIPE 2016 at Sri Ramachandra university, Chennai held between 19.11.16 and 20.11.16. Both the presentations were appreciated by the faculty trainers at the event.
Dr. Arun N.A, 2nd year postgraduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated and presented a poster titled “Case Series Of Opaque Hemithorax” in the 2nd Tamil Nadu And Puducherry State Conference On Pulmonar y Diseases( TAPPCON-2016), held at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, between 10.12.16 and 11.12.16 Dr.Vimi Varghese, 2nd year post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated and presented a poster titled “Clinico Radiological Profile of ILD Cases Presenting in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India” in the 2nd Tamil Nadu and Puducherry State Conference on Pulmonary Diseases (TAPPCON-2016), held at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, between 10.12.16 and 11.12.16. Dr. N Sarala Reddy, Final year Post graduate, O&G presented a paper on “Study of occult urinary incontinence I Pelvic organ prolapse” at Telangana Congress of Obstetrics
Dr.Sarath Sasidharan Pillai, First year resident, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled, “Innovative Intervention- Super Selective Renal Artery Embolisation” at Scientific and Academic Forum on 09.12.16.
Dr. Gisi Sebastian, Final year Post graduate, O&G presented a paper on “Comparison of maternal and neonatal outcome in elective LSCS” done at 38 weeks and 39 weeks at OGSSI Annual Conference 2016 at Chennai between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16.
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and Gynaecology Conference 2016 at Khammam between 10.12.16 and 11.12.16. Dr.Greeshma Yarlagadda., PG III MD Radiology, presented a paper titled, “Quantification of Calcium Score In Patients Referred For Coronary CT and Correlation with Carotid Intima Media thickness and Sub Cutaneous Abdominal Fat Thickness” at IRIA State Conference held from 15.12.16 to 18.12.16 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Dr.Sekhar Reddy, PG III MD Radiology presented paper at ‘INDO –US imaging update’ which was held in Hyderabad, titled, ‘Comparative and Correlative Study Of Balthazhar Computed Tomography Severity Index and Modified Computed Tomograpghy Severity Index in Predicting the Outcome of Acute Pancreatitis’. Dr.K.V.Brinda, PG III MD Radiology presented paper on “Correlation of Doppler imaging in characterizing focal breast lesion with ultrasound and histopathology” at IRIA State Conference held from 15.12.16 to 18.12.16 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Dr.GauravBalpande, Final year resident, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled, ‘MRI evaluation of posttraumatic internal derangement of knee” at IRIA State Conference held from 15.12.16 to 18.12.16 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Dr. Mubarak R M, second year resident in Department of Radiology presented a paper titled, “One in a Million Disorder-Tolosa Hunt Syndrome MR Imaging Appearance” at IRIA State Conference held from 15.12.16 to 18.12.16 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Dr. Mubarak R M, second year resident in department of radiology presented a poster titled “Ectopic Parotid” at IRIA State Conference held from 15.12.16 to 18.12.16 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Dr.Navya Sindhu, final year post graduate in Department of Radiology, presented paper “Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage Masquerading as Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension” at 69th Annual IRIA Tamil Nadu State Conference 2016 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai. Dr.Navya Sindhu, final year post graduate in Department of Radiology, presented an E-posters at 69th Annual State conference IRIA TN & PY chapter of IRIA titled, “Painful
to painfree en route – Radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma”.
Scientific Participations Dr.Arun N.A. and Dr.Vimi Varghese, first year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Pulmo PG Updates 2016” organized by Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences in Kochi, on February 5 and 6, 2016. Dr.Varunn M.D., Dr.M.Roshan Kumar and Dr. AarthiNarasimhan, Final year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘CMC Winter symposium on Tuberculosis’ held in CMC Vellore on Feb 11 & 12. Dr.M.Roshan Kumar and Dr. AarthiNarasimhan, Final year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘Ramachandra Rapid Respiratory Review’ held in Chennai on February 12 and 13. All post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Pondicherry Chest Society (PCS) meet on January 24. 2016. Dr. Senthil Kumar, Dr. Aravindraj, Final year PG Department of Anaesthesiology, participated RACE2016 CME programme, conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine held at SRMC, Porur, Chennai on 22nd to 24th January 2016. Dr. Aravindraj, Final Year PG, Dr. Balasubramanian Anusha, Final Year PG, Dr. Prajith, 2nd year PG, Dr. Naveen Kumar, 1st year PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated “Live surgical workshop on Advanced Otological Surgery” by Padmashri Prof. Mohan Kameswaran held at MGMCRI on 06.02.16 organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology in association with Association of Otorhinolaryngology of India. Dr. Bharathane, Dr.Jervin Mano, Dr. Saranya and Dr.Sumina, Post graduates, Department of Pharmacology, attended the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 18th and 19th, 2016. Dr. Kavin Kumar, Postgraduate, Department of ENT attended “1st International Rhinology Workshop (FESSTIVAL)” held on March 25th to 27th at Sri BhagavanMahavir Jain Hospital, Bangalore. Dr. Binoy, Postgraduate, Department of ENT, attended 57th All India Temporal Bone Workshop held on March 5th and 6th 2016 at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai
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Dr.Ben George, Dr,GirllyKurian, Dr. Bhanupriya, Dr. Dharani D. (4 second year post graduates)and Dr. Sriteja and Dr.Lasya ( 2 first year post graduates), Department of DVL attended the National Conference on PULSE therapy held at SRMC, Chennai on 27-28th February 2016. Dr.Bhanupriya, Dr, Dharani (2nd year post graduates) and Dr.Sriteja (1st year post graduate), Department of DVL attended a CME on Aesthetics at ManakulaVinayagaraMedical Collegeon 13 of February 2016. Dr. Behanansantosh, Dr. Anuja Varghese, Dr. Sandra Matthew and Dr. Sathya (final year postgraduates), Department of DVL attended Inter College Final Year Post Graduate Training at Indira Gandhi Medical college, February 26, 2016 which was attended by post graduates of all Pondicherry Medical Colleges and conducted by Prof. Udayshankar (HOD, Indira Gandhi Medical College) and 2 invited professors as examiners from PIMS and JIPMER. Final year post graduates Dr. Behanansantosh, Dr. Anuja Anna Varghese and Dr. Sandra Eliza Mathew, Department of DVL underwent ACLS/BLS Training on 9th&10th Jan 2016 at Skill lab, MGMCRI. Dr. Karthik B, Postgraduate student, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a PG workshop on ‘Pedagogy’, organized by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, between 05.04.2016 & 13.04.2016. Dr. Charanya T & Dr. Preethy R, Postgraduate students, Department of Psychiatry, attended an update on antimicrobial agents & their uses, at MGMCRI, on 15-06-2016. Dr. CharanyaT&Dr. Preethy R, Postgraduate students, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop on ‘Hypnosis’ at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Madagadipet, Puducherry, on 25.06.2016. All the Postgraduate students, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Pondicherry Chest Society (PCS) meet on 17.4.2016.
Dr. Dharani, Dr. Ben George, final year PGs, Dr. Lasya, Dr.Gitanjali, 2nd year PGs, Department of DVL, attended National symposium on “An update on antimicrobial agents and their uses” conducted by Department of Microbiology on 15.06.2016. Dr.VishnuTeja, Dr.Reema Thomas, Dr.Chinmayee, Dr.Anugraha, Dr.Prassana Venkatesh, Dr.SruthiRajendiran, Dr.Zeeshan, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attended, TNOA Mid Year conference, ‘Ponvizhi’ on 30.01.2016. Dr.Anugraha, Dr.Prassana Venkatesh, Dr.Aditya, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attended ‘Glacoma Essence & Essentials’on 03.01.2016 held at Mahathma Eye Hospital,Trichy. Dr.VishnuTeja, Dr.Reema Thomas, Dr.Chinmayee, Dr.AshwinSegi, Dr.Memota,Dr.Anugraha, Dr.Prassana Venkatesh, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Aditya, Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Zeeshan, Dr.Sindhuja, Dr.Komal, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attended ‘Skills Transfer Oculoplasty’ on 22.01.2016. Dr.Zeeshan, Ophthalmology Postgraduate student attended AIOS from 24.02.2016 to 28.02.2016. Dr.VinuTeja, Dr.Reema Thomas, Dr.Chinmayee, Dr.AshwinSegi,Dr.Memota, Dr.Anugraha Dr.Prassana Venkatesh, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Aditya, Dr.SruthiRajendiran, Dr.Zeeshan, Dr.Sindhuja, Dr.KomalOphthalmology Postgraduate students attended POA meet on 06.03.2016 titled, ‘An Eye on Eye’. Dr.Reema, Dr.AshwinSegi, Dr.Memota, Dr.Anugraha, Dr.Aditya, Dr.Zeeshan,Dr.SruthiRajandiran, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attended Oculoplasty festival CME, PIMS on 09.01.2016. Dr.VishnuTeja, Dr.Reema Thomas, Dr.Chinmayee, Dr. A s h w i n Se g i , Dr. Me m o t a , Dr. A n u g r a h a , Dr.PrassanaVenkatesh, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Aditya, Dr.SruthiRajendiran, Dr.Zeeshan, Dr.Sindhuja, Dr.Komal, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attended GLAUCOS 2016 Glaucoma CME, conducted by Department Of Ophthalmology MGMC &RI on 20.03.2016.
Dr. Dharani, Dr.Sriteja, final year Postgraduate students and Dr. Dhivya, 2nd year Postgraduate student, Department of DVL, attended “National Symposium on clinical dermatology and bedside investigations” at NIMHANS convention centre, Bangalore between 11.06.16 and 12.06.16.
Dr.Rajesh, Dr.Gitanjali and Dr. Dhivya , first year post graduates, Department of DVL attended the National Conference Dermacon 2016 held from 21-24th January in Coimbatore.
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Dr,Zeeshan, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Komal, Dr.Sindhuja, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attended POA on 29.05.16. Dr.PrassanaVenkatesh, Dr.Anugraha, Dr. SruthiVaishali, Dr.Vasanth, Dr.Anudeep, Dr.Shaji, Dr.Senthil, Dr.Paresh, Dr.Aditya, Dr.AshwinSegi, Ophthalmology Postgraduate students attendeda CME at Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry on 18.06.16. Dr.Vishnu and Dr.Vinodm, ENT postgraduates, attended “Live Endoscopic Ear Surgery” on 18.06.16 at Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Puducherry Ms. JenithaJohnsi P, Mr. Bhuvaneswar D and Mr. Noble Prince, Master of Science, Medical Microbiology students, attended the National symposium on “An update on Antimicrobial Surveillance” organized by International Medical Science Academic (IMSA), Puducherry Chapter and HICC, MGMC & RI, Pondicherry, on 15.06.2016.
DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Orientation program for PGs The Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, participated in the orientation program for 1st year PG students at Sri SathyaSai Medical College and Research Institute, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, on 30.06.2016.Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, &Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted workshops on “Doctor-patient communication” & “Professional communication and teamwork in health care settings” for the benefit of the PG students. Dr. Sunayana delivered a lecture titled “Mental health & wellbeing of PG residents”. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, participated in the development of content & resources for this program. Dr. Davis Thomas Pulimootil, S. R, Dr. Vishnu, Dr. Vinod, Post Graduates, along with their HOD, Dr. P. Karthikeyan, Professor, Department of ENT attended “58th Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop” from 16. 07. 16 to 17. 07. 16 at MERF by Padmashree Mohan Kameswaran, Chennai. Dr. Priyanka, Dr. Arjun, Dr. Fernaz, Dr. Hajer, Dr. Ramsesh, Dr. Prajith, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Surya, Dr. Tina, Dr. Daniel Dr. Naveen, Dr. Anil, Dr. Harith, Dr. Govind, Dr. Gobinath, Dr. Arthi, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Abimanyu, Dr. Krishna, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated
in the 3rd edition of ISA Meet held on 23. 07. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. Zeeshan, Dr. SruthiRajendran, Dr. Komal, Dr. VasanthKumar. R, Dr. Anudeep & Dr. SenthilPrasad. R, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME “Interactive 3. D CME in orbit & Oculoplasty” conducted by the Pondicherry Ophthalmic association at Pondicherry on 24. 07. 2016. Dr. AshwinSegi, Dr. Anugraha, Dr. Abhinay, Dr. Aditya, Dr. ReshmaShaji, Dr. VasanthKumar. R, Dr. Anudeep, Dr. SenthilPrasad. R, Dr. Paresh, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a lecture class on the topic “Clinical Application of Electrophysiology studies of vision”, conducted at Aravind Eye Hospital, Pondicherry on 03. 08. 2016. Dr. Dharani, Dr. Ben, Dr. Bhanu, final yr PGs participated in TYSA (Torrent Young Student Awards) 5th academic test on 05. 08. 2016. Dr. Arjun, and Dr. Priyanka, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in the Advance Airway Course – RAALS 2016 as a delegate from 13. 08. 16 to 15. 08. 16. Dr. AshwinSegi, Dr. MemotaLaishram, 3 rd Year Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology, attended “Kalpavriksha 2016” PG update program held at Agarwal’s Eye Hospital, Chennai from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. Zeeshan, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology, attended the Annual Conference of the Bombay Ophthalmologists Association held at Bombay from 18. 08. 2016 to 20. 08. 2016. Dr. Githanjali, Dr. Sriteja, Dr. Dhivya, Dr. Rajesh, Dr. Lasya, 2nd yr PGs, Department of DVL attended Patrick Yesudian quiz at Chennai on 10. 09. 2016. Dr. Arjun, Dr. Fernaz, Dr. Hajer, Dr. Ramsesh, Dr. Prajith, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Tina, Dr. Ashit, Dr. Daniel Dr. Naveen, Dr. Anil, Dr. Harith, Dr. Govind, Dr. Gobinath, Dr. Arthi, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Abimanyu, Dr. Krishna Department of Anaesthesiology, participated in the 4th edition of ISA Meet Research Day Celebration held on 10. 09. 16 at Hotel Athithi, Puducherry. Dr. Kavin Kumar and Dr. SruthiNarayanam – Post Graduates, Department of ENT attended 19th TNAOI
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Conference held from 9. 09. 16 to 11. 09. 16 at Hotel ShervaroysYercaud. Dr. Karthikeyan and Dr. Thiyagesha Deva Ganapathi, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Introductory topics in Pulmonary Medicine. UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram on 10. 09. 16 & 11. 9. 2016. Dr. Karthikeyan and Dr. Thiyagesha Deva Ganapathi, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Introductory topics in Pulmonary Medicine - UDAYAM 2016”, held in Tambaram on 10. 09. 16 & 11. 9. 2016. Dr. R. LakshmiPriya, Dr. A. FathimaShaheen, Dr. Gisi Sebastian, Dr. Kabani, Dr. NemakalluSarala Reddy, Dr. Swathy, Dr. Sumaiya, Dr. Sivaranjini, Post graduates, department of OG attended post graduate workshop, MEDHA 2016 conducted by Obstetric and Gynecology Society of Pondicherry on behalf of Indian College of Obstetrics and Gynecology at JIPMER, Puducherry between 17. 09. 16 and 18. 09. 16. IADVL Research methodology workshop was attended by 1st and 2nd year PGs, Department of DVL on 24. 09. 16 and 25. 09. 16 in Chennai at Sundaram Medical Foundation. Dr. Natasha C, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended BLS. ACLS course for PGs from 26. 09. 2016 to 29. 09. 2016. Dr.AshwinSegi, Dr.Memota Laishram, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Sindhuja M, Dr.Aditya M, Dr.VasanthKumar.R, Dr.Anudeep, & Dr.SruthyVaishali, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME “Vizhi Meet 2016- Ocular surface disorders and corneal diseases” conducted by the Villupuram District Ophthalmic Society in association with SVMC, at SVMC, Pondicherry on 02.10.2016. Dr. Prajith, Dr.Ramesh, Dr.Indu, Dr.Gobinath, Dr. Harith, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended CME and Workshop on Anaesthesia Work Station and Advanced Airway (XIX World Anesthesia Day – 2016 ) organized by Department of Anaesthesiology, Stanley Medical College Chennai on 15.10.16 and 16.10.16.
21.10.2016, while Dr. Suriyakumar T, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended BLS/ACLS course for PGs on 15.11.2016 to 18.11.2016. Dr. Thiyagesa Deva Ganapathy, 1st year post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended and successfully completed the three day program on basic life support and advanced cardiac life support at MGMCRI from 19.10.16 to 21.10.16. Dr. Kavin Kumar M.P, Dr.Prathana Seles, Dr.Raam Deepak, Dr. Roby Thomas, Postgraduates, Department of Otorhinolaryngology attended a workshop and surgical workshop ESCON 2016 from 21.10.2016 to 23.10.2016 at SVMC, Pondicherry. Dr. Arun N.A, Dr.Vimi Varghese, Dr.Chandrajith. C, Postgraduates Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended the Pulmonary Medicine post graduate meet 2016 held at A.J. Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Mangaluru, on 6.11.16. Dr. Kabani, Dr.Fathima, Dr.Gisi Sebastian, post graduates, O&G attended OGSSI Annual Conference 2016 at Chennai between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16. Dr. Vishnu Narayanan and Dr .Prathana Seles, Post graduates attended “ENT CARE 2016 - Airway Management - An Overview” on 11.11.2016 at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai. Dr.Anugraha, Dr.AshwinSegi, Dr Memota Laishram, Dr Prasanna Venkatesh, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Zeeshan, Dr. Sindhuja M, Dr. Sruthi R, Dr.Paresh Nichlani, Dr.Vasanth Kumar.R, Dr.Anudeep, & Dr.Sruthy Vaishali, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME “PHACO EXCEL 2016 – Excellence in Cataract Surgery” as delegates held at Aravind eye Hospital, Pondicherry on 12.11.2016 and 13.11.2016 Dr. Chandrajith.C, 1st year post graduate, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended and successfully completed the three day program on basic life support and advanced cardiac life support at MGMCRI from 15.11.16 to 17.11.16.
Dr. Monika S, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended BLS/ACLS course for PGs on 17.10.2016 to
Dr Abhinay, 2 nd year, Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology attended the 35 th Annual State Conference of the Karnataka Ophthalmic Society “KOSCON 2016” as delegate held at Udipi from 18.11.2016 to 20.11.2016.
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Dr.Vinod Amaran, Postgraduate, Department of Otorhinolaryngology attended a conference “ISOCON 2016” held on 18.11.2016 to 20.11.2016 at Welcom Hotel Raviz Kadavu, Calicut, Kerala.
▶▶ UG Students NEWS
Drs.Ajay, Aijas, Madhumitha, Subbareddy, Sridhar, Prasanna, Sumathysri, post graduates, Pediatric Department attended Ramachandra Intensive pediatrics postgraduate exam review held at SRMC, Chennai between 19.11.2016 and 20.11.2016.
The department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology is proud to announce that the students R.Pratyush, SreePriyanka&SaiSaranya (IV SEM) from MGMCRI secured 2nd Place in Intercollegiate Quiz Competition in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology “JUSTITIA 16” organized by Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 30.06.2016.
Dr. Gisi, Dr.Kabani, Dr.Lakshmipriya, Dr.Kavitha, Dr.Amrutha, Dr.Prathima, Dr.Prudvi, Dr.Swathy, Dr.Sumaiya, post graduates, O&G attended live laparoscopic workshop at MGMCRI relayed from Indore on 27.11.16.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE A workshop on“Entrustable Professional Activity”
Dr. Indu, Dr. Tina Mary Thomas, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology, attend a CME on “Sleep Disordered Breathing – A Medical and Surgical Overview” organized by Department of Pulmonary Medicine and Department of Otorhinolaryngology at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 09.12.2016.
A workshop on“Entrustable Professional Activity” for postgraduates was conducted on 9th June, 2016 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Karthikeyan, Professor, dept of ENT, MGMC&RI was the resource person for the workshop.
Dr. Charanya T, Dr.Preethy R, Dr.Madhukar J, Dr. Natasha CS, Dr. Monika S (PG Residents), Department of Psychiatry, attended the CME on Sleep-Disordered Breathing - A medical & surgical overview, jointly organized by the departments of Pulmonary Medicine & Otorhinolaryngology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry, on 09.12.2016.
A quiz programme for MBBS students was organized on the event of World Health Day on 7th April 2016. The quiz program was conducted simultaneously in various medical colleges throughout the country, in collaboration with the IAPSM chapters of the respective states.
MISCELLANY Dr. Anusha Reddy and Dr Mubarak Basha 1st year Post graduate, Department of Radiology won award in Nail Painting Competition and Four Pics in one word” at the MGMCRI annual fest SPECTRA 2016. Three second year post graduates, Dr.Ben George, Dr. Bhanupriyaand Dr.Dharani, Department of DVL were sent for a peripheral posting to Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute (CLTRI),Chengalpet for training regarding the various types of leprosy cases, management and rehabilitation as followed under the National Leprosy Eradication Program from 4/1/2016 - 8/1/2016.
Quiz Competition
DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Quiz Competition Dr. J. Shanmugam in collaboration with Department of Microbiology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute organized a Quiz Program in Medical Microbiology inviting Medical colleges in Puducherry. The organizing committee members were Dr. Shanmugam J, Emeritus Professor, Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Dr.Pramodhini S, Associate Professor, Dr. Pravin Charles M.V, Assistant
As a part of Student Support Activity, Lupin Pharmaceuticals Sponsored a Peak Flow Meter and a Pulse Oximeter to each of the First Year Post Graduates of Department of Pulmonary Medicine on 17. 8. 2016.
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Professor and Dr. Valentina Y, Tutor, Department of Microbiology. Five Medical colleges from Puducherry state took part in this Med Micro Quiz-2016 held on 29.04.2016. Each team consisted of 3 students (One each from 2nd, 3rd and 4th year MBBS). There were six rounds- 4 routine question rounds, one visual round and one rapid fire questions. Three prizes were awarded for the best answered teams. Besides merit certificates, cash prizes were also given - Rs.3000, Rs,2250& Rs.1500,respectively for the first, second and third places. The first prize went to Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Centre, the second prize to Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital and the third prize to Sri Venketeshwara Medical College and Research Institute.
Rounder”, 2014-2015 was given to Mr. K. Sakthivel, Award for the “Best Attendance”, 2014-2016 was given to Miss. C. Seethala and the Award for the “Consolation Prize for the Best Attendance” was given to Mr. K.G.Mahesh, Miss. V. YaminiPrabhu and Miss. D. SaravanaPriya.
Poster competition
The last few months have been action-filled for the student body of MGMCRI. It started with PIMS’ AURA, from 3rd to 5th of August where the students bagged the first and second places in Mehendi, 4pics 1word, Pictionary, Wealth out of waste and Creative writing. As far as sports go, we managed to hit the jackpot in table tennis, where both the winners and runners-up were teams from our college. The boys managed to win 1st place in shot-put and 3rd in relay.
The Pharmacovigilance unit of MGMCRI, Puducherry organized a poster competition for the medical undergraduates on 9th May, 2016 to create awareness among the students about the significance of Adverse drug reaction reporting. The theme for the competition was “Lets join together for safer medicines” with the following sub- titles – ‘ADR Reporting Importance’, ‘How to Report ADR &to whom?’ and ‘Our role in ADR reporting.’ Students participated with great enthusiasm and came up with bright ideas. Students were instructed to participate individually or as a team. Totally there were 13 teams with 26 participants. The posters were judged by Dr. Krishnan, HOD, Department of DVL and Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Department of Pediatrics and their valuable comments on each poster was also obtained. Cash prize of Rs 5000/- was awarded for those teams who secured first three places.1st prize (Rs.2500) – was shared by Ms. Sweadha A & Ms. Thannushree AB, 2nd prize(Rs.1500) – was won by Mr. SakthiRamnath, 3rd prize(Rs.1000) – was shared by Mr. R. Samraja, Miss. G. Miruthula & Mr. R. Punith Jain. The department has planned to display these posters in our hospital to make a constant reminder for the clinicians and other health care professionals in the hospital to report all types of ADR and safeguard patients from harmful medications. Best Students awards
DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Communication skills workshops Communication skills workshops were conducted for MBBS 4th semester students by Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, on 19.04.2016, 26.04.2016, 31.05.2016 and on 07.06.2016.
JIPMER’S SPANDAN On the 21st of August, JIPMER’s Spandan started. 7 days later we had managed to score 2nd place in Junior quiz and 3rd in fashion show. The girls bagged 2nd place in 100m sprint while the boys were runners-up in cricket.
CHETTINAD’S FUSION Fusion was the cultural fest organized by Chettinad Medical College from 7th to 10th September. Our students won 1st place in Gaana, the clash of the bands, 1st in shot-put, 2nd in discus throw, 2nd in 400m relay and 3rd in 100m.
Freedom Fortnight Celebration Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute always takes pride in celebrating festivals of national importance and this year too on the 15th of August, the 70th year of independence was celebrated with pomp and grandeur. In accordance to directions received from the University Grants Commission (UGC), the Azadi 70- Yaad Karo Qurbani or the Freedom Fortnight was observed along with the rest of the nation. The patriotic Indian within us rejoiced as the Azaadi 70- Qurbaaniyaadkaro or the Freedom fortnight took flight. The two week long celebration began on the 9th of August 2016 and ended on the 23rd of august 2016.
For the year 2014-2015, Department of Pharmacology distributed prize under various categories for the medical students in the SAF Meeting conducted on 20th May 2016, at the Ground floor Lecture Hall, College Block, MGMCRI. Award for the “Best student of the year”, 2014-2015 was given to Miss. K. ManasaSaraswathy, Award for the “Best All
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Organized to create an awareness about the sacrifices made by our forefathers, the students and the staff participated in a series of activities arranged by various clubs. The members of Eco Club and NSS undertook a tree planting drive on the 12th of August 2016, which was presided over by the Dean, Professor M. Ravishankar and the Vice Principal (Students), Professor Partha Nandi. The students planted over a dozen trees in the campus inculcating the idea of sustainable development. A painting competition was conducted on August 22nd where students showcased their artistic interpretation of the theme “Independent India”. The paintings were judged by Professor RajkumarPatil and Assistant Professor Dr. Suganya from the Department of Community Medicine. The Dean gave away the prizes and awarded the first prize to Mr. Ragul Raj of 3rd year MBBS and the second prize to Ms. Jamuna also of 3rd year MBBS. The 14 days of events culminated on August 23 , which saw students of all batches gather for the mass recitation of the national anthem. rd
The Dean, Vice Principal and chief security officer graced the occasion and threw light on the importance of patriotism and our responsibilities towards the nation.
Independence Day Celebration The tradition of the Independence Day was upheld, starting with the flag hoist by Prof. Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean -Research and Allied Health Sciences along with Prof. Dr. M. Ravishankar, Dean-faculty of medicine and Prof. Dr. CarounaindyUsha, Dean-faculty of Dentistry. Following which, Prof. Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research and Allied Health Sciences inspired us with a speech celebrating the spirit of independence day speaking about discrimination in our country and the need to unite. We also had students from KGNC, IGIDS and MGMCRI singing a wide array of patriotic songs.
Teachers’ Day Celebration As a homage to the hardwork and devotion of the teachers, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute celebrated teachers’ day on the 12th of September, 2016. Based on one of the five elements, Chi or Land signifies perseverance, stability and supportiveness which the nurturing teachers inculcate in their teachings to mould the minds and lives of students.
The occasion was graced by our Honourable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences, Professor Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean of faculty of Medicine, Professor Dr. M Ravishankar, Vice Principal- Academics Professor Dr. V. N. Mahalakhsmi, Vice Principal- Student Affairs, Professor Dr. Parthanandi and the teaching faculty of the college. The event commenced with a special song dedicated to the teachers by Sri Nithi G and Jeyanthy Priyadarshini, accompanied by NarenVaidya of the 2013 batch after which the dignitaries commemorated the achievements of the teachers by cutting a cake. This was followed by testimonials from Dr. K. A. Narayanan, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. A. N. Uma and Dr. Jenith Berlin Raj on who and how teachers made a difference in their lives. The day ended with fun and frolic. A representative from each of the five batches spoke on the influence and impact that the teachers have made on their lives. Next was a musical presentation by Professor Dr. SumathySundar, Director of Music Therapy Education, enthralling the audience with her performance. The formal part of the function concluded with a video montage of the students who passed out, starting from the first batch to the batch of 2010 expressing their gratitude and love to the teachers who inspired and guided them. Finally, the most anticipated part of the evening, the fun and games saw a lot of teachers participating and having a ball of a time! High tea was served after all the merriment and the teachers were each presented with a tree sapling as a token of appreciation for “helping us grow”. The Celebration ended with a cricket match between two teams comprising of a mix of faculty and students captained by Professor Dr. P. Karthikeyan, H. O. D of Otorhinology and Associate Professor Dr. N. Mugunthan, Department of Anatomy. The team spearheaded by Dr. Mugunthan emerged as the winner but both the teams put up a good show of sportsmanship. Associate Professor Dr. S. Vijaysundaram was declared “Man of the Match” for his outstanding batting skills and Associate Professor Dr. Niranjan was presented a momento for being the “Most economic bowler”.
Tree Planting Ceremony The Eco Club along with the National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research
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video message was conducted in the department where 25 students participated in observation of World AIDS day 2016 on the theme “Hands Up for HIV Prevention” on 01st Dec 2016. Winners were given certificate of achievement and participation certificate was given to all.
Winners of Quiz Competition
Institute organized a tree planting ceremony to mark their 1st year anniversary and to celebrate the International Youth Day. This event also served to commemorate the Azadi-70 Freedom Fortnight.
The department of Forensic medicine & Toxicology is proud to announce that R Pratyush & Praveen Kumar (V SEM) from MGMCRI secured 1st Place in National Level Quiz Competition in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology organized by Bangalore Medical College & research Institute, Bangalore on 15.09.2016.
The event began with the Dean, Professor. M. Ravishankar and the Vice Principal (Students), Professor ParthaNandhi planting the first saplings. This was followed by the team of students lead by the Physical Instructor Mr. Saravanan. Over a dozen trees were planted near the hostel premises. This event hopes to create an awareness about the present environmental issues and inspire the MGMCRI community to go green.
Student enrichment programs
Elocution Competition
As part of the training in “Integrated clinical skills - Review of systems” for 3rd semester MBBS students, a mental health module was organized by the department of Psychiatry on 05.10.2016. The module was handled by Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P & Dr. Abu Backer S., Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry.
On the occasion of National Unity Day “RashtriyaEktaDiwas” an Elocution competition on the topic’ National Unity Vs Aspirations of the States’ was held for the UG medical students on 05.11.2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.Partha Nandi, Vice Principal, Student Affairs organized the event. The Vice Chancellor of SBV, Prof.Sethuraman KR and the Dean of MGMCRI, Prof. M.Ravishankar graced the occasion and awarded the winners and all the participant with certificates.
MBBS students of MGMCRI, trained by the Department of Psychiatry, participated in an elocution contest on “Destigmatizing mental health problems”, organized by NMHP, Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry, in commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2016, on 26.10.2016. MGMCRI bagged 1st & 3rd places. Ms. Krupashree S won the 1st prize in the contest, while Ms. RinildaRajee Mathew won the 3rd prize in the contest.
World AIDS Day-2016
The department of Community Medicine conducted the following competitions for the MBBS students viz: Quiz (Prelims on 30th Nov 2016) where 24 students participated, Poster competition conducted in MRD area where 4 students participated, Slogan writing was conducted in the department where 16 students participated and Short
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▶▶ Spectra 2K16 : Inter-medical collegiate festival at MGMCRI The campus of the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI) is abuzz with sporting and cultural events with SPECTRA 2K16, an inter-medical collegiate fest, getting underway here. The event has attracted participants from medical colleges in and around Puducherry such as Jipmer, PIMS, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and IGMCRI. On day one, medicos were out to prove they were no pushover when it came to sports and games. The cricket teams from MGMCRI, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College were selected for the next round
in the Super Six cricket match. In the prelims of throw ball match, the teams from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences were judged winners. Vinayaka Missions Medical College, Karaikal, won the preliminary round of the football match.
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If they missed out in sports, the PIMS contingent made a strong showing in the Fine Arts section, bagging the first two spots in sketching. The hosts went one better bagging all the three prizes in painting, nail art and wealth out of waste contests.It is not all sports and cultural though with quiz contests to pick brains and an ex-tempore oratory contest where participants have to think on their feet. In the Literature and Debate segment, the quizzers from PIMS trumped the competition in the medical quiz MEDMASTERS conducted by Scientific Academic Forum with MGMCRI settling for runners up and Jipmer finishing in third spot. A high point after the solo singing and solo dance in the evening was the live music show by the ‘Nenjukkulle’ sensation Shakthisree Gopalan and Sathya Prakash, play back singer. According to the organisers, the various events have attracted more than 3,500 footfalls. An equally action-packed day awaits participants on the concluding day on Saturday with the final rounds of Futsal, Throw ball, Volley ball, Table tennis and Tattoo art, Eat – A – Thon, Fish out of water and Cine Quiz. In all SPECTRA 2016 was a treat for all. - STUDENTS FOREVER
for 1st year MBBS students . Mental health &wellbeing of medical students on 20. 09. 2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, conducted an Orientation program for 1st year MBBS students . Anti. ragging measures on 22. 09. 2016. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted an Orientation program for 1st year MBBS students . Getting the best out of the MBBS course: Team work matters on 28. 09. 2016. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted a Mental Health talk followed by Mental HealthScreening for 1st year MBBS students on 20. 09. 2016 to 23. 09. 2016 & 26. 09. 2016 to 28. 09. 2016.
▶▶ World TB day Quiz The Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted World TB day Quiz on 22 March 2016 in commemoration with World TB Day celebrations. Students from MBBS VI semester participated enthusiastically. Certificates and cash prizes were given for the top 3 teams.
▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Students Enrichment Programs at MGMCRI Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), delivered a talk an Orientation program for interns titled “Introduction to doctor-patient communication” on 22. 07. 2016. Communication skills modules were conducted for MBBS 4th semester students by Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, on 12. 07. 2016 (Batch. B. Part 1), 19. 07. 2016(Batch. B. Part 2), 06. 09. 2016 (Batch. A. Part 1). Integrated clinical skills training – communication skills were conducted for MBBS 3rd semester students by Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, on 13. 09. 2016 to 16. 09. 2016.
▶▶ Guest talk on ‘Ill effects of drug abuse and addiction’ Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University in collaboration the Central Bureau of Narcotics conducted a guest talk on, ‘Ill effects of drug abuse and addiction’. The talk was delivered by Mr.Venkatesh Babu, I.R.S, Assistant Narcotics Commissioner, Central Bureau of Narcotics on 10.10.2016.
Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted an Orientation program
Other Highlights other highlights ▶▶ Department of Personnel Management ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES “A spill, a slip, a hospital trip” And we begin from the scratch…. With our sleeves up for the NABH Accreditation and as an additional step towards healthy and infection free hospital zone the Personnel Department along with the QMS Department and Fire & Safety Department conducts regular classes on all Thursdays and Fridays. Each session covers a minimum of 50 employees from different departments. The session focuses on Blood and Mercury Spills, Biomedical waste handing, infection control and fire and safety management. The session includes videos for easy understanding. A pre test and post test is conducted at the end of every session to understand the learning progress. In addition a demo session is also taken on emergency situations like Cardiac arrest and employees are also given a list of emergency contact numbers.
MASTER HEALTH CHECKUP A complete master health checkup for the staffs of SBV was organized in the month of February 2016. Many of the staff members benefitted from the complete health checkup wherein staffs found with ailments were referred to the respective medical departments for further management and due treatment.
FIRE & SAFETY TRAINING “Do not depend on others for safety — Help yourself ”, the Personnel Department along with the safety officer conducted an interactive session on emergency Evacuation Plan. The session believes that for safety is not a gadget but a state of mind and included vertical & horizontal evacuation plan, Safe Assemble zone, evacuation plan and usage of map appropriately. Live demo was also given for clear understanding. In addition to it the employees were also given awareness on complete evacuation process and emergency contact numbers.
O t her Hi gh li gh ts 125
CPR – TRAINING The cardiopulmonary resuscitation training was held in order to bring an act of alarm and immediate response to be done when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. The Personnel Department arranged for a though provoking session and it was conducted by the Quality educator. Step by Step first aid instructions were given along with the demo session.
▶▶ Activities from the DEPARTMENT OF HR yy Topic: Regarding staff welfare Content: This is first time in MGMCRI for Deepavali festival Management issued coupon with 10% discount at V.S. Textile for purchasing of dress Materials. Date: 18/10/2016 at MS office yy T opic: Psychology (Positive thoughts and Emotions can Transform our Lives) on 26/08/2016 Content: The HR department organized a Motivational class to think about positive benefits to enhance life greatly. Participants were taught to be aware of their thoughts and emotions which can be psychologically affect them in many ways. Increasing one’s energy levels in positive way will create a ripple effect which will touch and transform all those around them. Speaker: Mrs. Marie Bernadette Josephine yy Topic: Psychology (Accepting and feeling good about ourselves) on : 10/12/2016 Content: This activity is based on inter-personal communication which is a part of person’s life; the success factor largely depends on the intra- personal communication. The participants were taught to increase their self-esteem levels which form the basis of any self – development training, and thus creating a harmony of body, mind and spirit. Speaker: Mrs. Marie Bernadette Josephine yy Topic: Life Insurance Corporation Content: It is an awareness program to create awareness about basic of Life Insurance and benefits of financial tool for retirement planning, savings, financing children’s education etc. by Mr. Sathiyamoorthy, Branch Manager and LIC Agents on 14/12/2016 and 17/12/2016
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Out Reach Services ▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE Consultancy Services Dr. K.A. Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was invited to be an external consultant to carry out an “end of project” evaluation of the training programmes for medical and allied health professionals of the Sankara Academy of Vision. The academy is the educational arm of The Sankara Eye Foundation, a Non Profit NGO and part of the Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Medical Trust. The organization is working towards freedom from preventable and curable blindness - “ Vision 20/20 by the year 2020 “ - wherein no one would be needlessly blind in the country. Founded in 1977 at Coimbatore, currently the Foundation has a chain of 13 Eye hospitals across the country. These hospitals provide free eye care and cataract surgery to the needy. The hospitals also impart training to medical and allied health professionals in ophthalmology namely Fellowships in specialities in ophthalmology, Diplomate of the National Board of examinations (DnB), BSc Optometry and Vision Care Technicians Course. To streamline the academic processes and consolidate the training across centers, the trust established The Sankara Academy of Vision (SAV) in 2013. The Academy received a grant from the Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) and Navajbai
Ratan Tata Trust (NRTT) to enhance the quality of training. The grant was for a period of two years. The purpose of the consultancy was to evaluate the impact of the grant on the training programme. Dr. K.A. Narayan made site visits to the Sankara hospitals in Coimbatore, Bangalore and Shimoga between 23rd and 30th January and to Ludhiana in February to evaluate the training programmes. The report has been submitted to the Ratan Tata Trust. During the period of April- June, 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized 12 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 1500 people among which more than 250 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further management. During the same period, nearly 1000 patients were covered through our weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 13 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. More than 400 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.
No. of Beneficiaries
World Health Day Awareness Programme-UHTC, Pondicherry
World Health Day Awareness Programme-RHTC, Selimedu
World Health Day Awareness Programme-Muna Hospital , Parangipatti
World Health Day Awareness Programme-LHRD - Mettupalayam
Water Disposal Health Education Programme-Kudirupalayam Anganwadi, Selimedu
Alcoholism Health Education Programme-Selimedu Anganwadi
Chicken Box Health Education Programme-Aranganoor Anganwadi
Health Education On Depression-Kudirupalayam Anganwadi, Selimedu
Health Education On Nutritional Anemia-Aranganoor Anganwadi
Awareness on world Tobacco day-Selimedu, Anganwadi
Health Education On Dm-Kudirupalayam Anganwadi, Selimedu
Awareness on Blood Donation-Selimedu Anganwadi
Awareness on organ donation-Gunamangalam
O u t Reac h S e r v i ce s 127
During the same period, nearly 900 patients were covered through the weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 18 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Nearly 600 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.
Community Health Camps S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Total Cases
13. 07. 2016 14. 07. 2016 20. 07. 2016 21. 07. 2016 29. 07. 2016 30. 07. 2016 01. 08. 2016 01. 08. 2016 02. 08. 2016 04. 08. 2016 13. 08. 2016 01. 09. 2016 12. 09. 2016 14. 09. 2016 22. 09. 2016 27. 9. 2016 29. 9. 2016
Sathiya Special School (Karuvadikuppam) Mutharapalayam Thiruppapuliur Sathiya Special School (Seliyamadu) Maruthadu Sathiya Special School (Mutharampet) Alpha college of engineering (Bahour) Kattukuppam White Angle School (Pondy) Apollo Institution (Endiyur) Nathapattu Opthal Camp, Selimadu Oral health camp, Selimadu Utal, Thindivanam Pillaiyarkuppam Jeevanathapuram Godrej Industry Kattukuppam Total
116 167 165 70 137 104 115 60 240 207 113 130 80 110 30 145 125 2114
Extension OPD Services S. No 1 2 3 4
Place VKC . Embalam VKC . Kurvinatham Help Age India SOS . Save Our Soul
Date July . September (wed) July . September (Thu) July . September (Mon) July . September (Tue) Total
Total Cases 230 342 284 22 878
Community Health Awareness Programmes No Date
Place Anganwadi, Selimadu Anganwadi, Kudirupupalayam Government Girls High School, Cuddalore Anganwadi, Aranganoor Alpha Engineering Collage, Bahour Anganwadi, Pillaithottam
1 2
09. 07. 2016 16. 07. 2016
Malnutrition to Anganwadi Mothers Health Education On Population
20. 07. 2016
Health And Hygiene Education Programme
4 5 6
20. 07. 2016 01. 08. 2016 06. 08. 2016
Health Education On Healthy life style World Hepatitis Day Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
annual Report 2016
No. of Beneficiaries 22 20 80 20 80 33
128 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
No Date
No. of Beneficiaries
06. 08. 2016
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
Anganwadi, Aranganoor
06. 08. 2016
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
Godrej industry
08. 08. 2016
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme
K. V. Government High School, Seliamedu
13. 08. 2016
Suicide attempt Awareness Programme
Anganwadi, Kudiirupupalayam
20. 08. 2016
Health Education On Sanitary
Anganwadi, Seliamedu
27. 08. 2016
Health Education On Depression
Anganwadi, Seliamedu
12. 09. 2016
TB Awareness Programme
Anganwadi, Seliamedu
20. 09. 2016
Health Education On Diarrhea
Anganwadi, Seliamedu
27. 09. 2016
Hand Hygiene And Nutrition For Mother
Anganwadi, Pillaithottam
29. 09. 2016
World Heart Day
Godrej industry kattukuppam
30. 09. 2016
Hand Hygiene Awareness
Anjal school
30. 09. 2016
World Rabies Day
Anganwadi, Seliamedu
15 Total
Child Health Camp Mahatma Gandhi College and Research Institution and Child Help Line 1098 jointly organized a free medical camp at Jeevanathapuram (Puducherry) on 27. 9. 2016. The objective of the camp was to provide free medical services and refer for free treatment those patients who required long term attention. There was need for such a camp to provide basic health services. Areas covered were Jeevanathapuram, Ananthapuram and Tagore Nagar. The camp was sponsored by Jaya Emporium. Around 125 children aged 0. 6 years had health check. up. Around 145 people were benefited through this camp.
At Anganwadi on 27. 9. 2016, Tuesday around 30 persons from Raja IyerThottam attended the health education and skit done by CRRI’s Dr. Siddarth, Dr. Prashanth, Dr. Satyavel, Dr. Noorulnasheeha and Dr. Preethi regarding antenatal care and hand hygiene. Social workers and Anganwadi staffs attended the programme.
Breast Feeding Awareness Programme A Breast Feeding Awareness Programme was organized at Aranganoor and Pillaithottam on 06. 08. 2016. More than 50 mothers participated and benefited through this awareness programme. During the period of October-December, 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized
During the same period, nearly 500 patients were covered through our weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres),SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 15 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Nearly 700 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.
11 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 1200 people among which more than 230 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further manag ement.
Hand Hygiene and Nutrition awareness programme for mothers
O u t Reac h S e r v i ce s 129
▶▶ List of Community Health Camps S.No
Total Cases
White Angle Screening Camp,
Screening Camp Century Academy
White Angle Screening Camp,
Screening Camp Century Academy
Screening Camp School Teacher Century Academy
Annusamy school ,Selimadu
Sagodiri Short Stay Home
Balayam Home
Urban Health Traning Center
108 Total
▶▶ Extension OPD Services S. No
Total Cases
October - December (wed)
October - December (Thu)
October - December (Mon)
October - December (Tue)
17 Total
▶▶ List of Community Health Awareness Programmes Topic
No. of Beneficiaries
S. No
World Rabies Day
K.V.Government High School, Seliamedu
Health Education On Anemia
White Angle School, Puducherry
Awareness Programme on Breast Cancer
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130 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
No. of Beneficiaries
S. No
Awareness Programme on Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Awareness Programme
Anganwadi,Suntharameshthiri street
Awareness Programme on Breast Cancer to Teacher
White Angle School, Puducherry
Dengue Awareness
K.V.Government High School, Seliamedu
Anemia ,Obesity ,Non Dental caries To School Teacher
Screening Camp Century Academy
World Mental Health Day
Breast Cancer Awareness Programme
Sagodiri Short Stay Home
World polio day
Anganwadi, Kudiirupupalayam
World Diabetes day
Anganwadi, Kandhanpet
World AIDS Day
Near Bus stand
World AIDS Day
St.Josephscollege, Cuddalore
First Aid Awarness Programme
Sri AdidyaVidyasharam School
100 Total
Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness programme
During the period of Jan – Mar 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized 36 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 7500 people among which more than 1000 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further management. During the same period, more than 1700 patients were covered through our weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organized 19 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. More than 700 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.
The department of DVL organized World Leprosy Day- 29th January 2016 wherein a patient awareness talk given by 2nd year post graduate, Dr. Sathya and RMO at the MRD premises followed by distribution of patient awareness leaflets. Dr.S.Krishnan, Professor and Dr.Sandra, 3rd year PG, Department of DVL went to camp at a school and screened students from class 1-10 along with physically handicapped and children in special school for autism at Mettupalayam on 19.2.2016
A health education programme on Breast and Cervical Cancers for the families of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) was organsied at Neyveli Lignite Corporation on 29.01.16. Dr.Sachin B. Palve, Assistant Professor of Community and Dr.Suchitra B. Parkhad, Assistant Professor of Physiology educated around 65 CSIF family members who have participated in the programme.
▶▶ Outreach Services
O u t Reac h S e r v i ce s 131
During the period from July to September, 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized 17 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 2100 people among which more than 550 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further management. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dr. Chandan Paul, Dr. FernazBasha, Dr. Daniel Rajadurai, Dr. Mammen Phillip Varghese, Dr. Tina Mary Thomas, Dr. Surya, Dr. Indu, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology participated circumcision camp at Parangipettai from 02.05.2016 to 06.05.2016. Dr. DewanRoshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dr. Antony John Charles, Assistant Professor, Dr.Ramsesh Manohar, Dr. Arjun Ashok, Postgraduates, Department of Anaesthesiology participated circumcision camp at MGMCRI, on 25.05.2016. Department of Ophthalmology conducted 24 eye camps from January to June. Number of screened cases were 1906 for Jan- June2016 , out of which number of Operatedcases were 147. They also conducted 50 General camps. Department of Orthopaedics conducted Bone Marrow Density camp at Ground floor F- block Orthopaedics OPD on 27.6.2016 and the total number of beneficiaries were 42. Mr.Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiologydelivered lecture in “Diabetes Mellitus Awareness Programme” conducted by Thiruvalluvar College, Kurinjipadi, Cuddalore On Behalf of the Pharmacovigilance Unit, Department of Pharmacology, an awareness campaign is being conducted for the clinicians and staff nurses. From April to June this campaign was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology, Department of Orthopedics and for the Nursing Staffs, MGMCRI. Interns (CRRI) conducted a mental health awareness program at Anganwadi, Seliamedu, Pondicherry, under the guidance of Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, on 23.04.2016.Interns (CRRI) conducted a mental health awareness program at Anganwadi, Kudiyiruppupalayam, Pondicherry, under the guidance of Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, on 10.05.2016. A mental health awareness program on anxiety disorders, was conducted by interns (CRRI), with the support of the Department of Psychiatry, in Kurviyathoppu Anganwadi, Seliamedu, Pondicherry, on 25.06.2016. Twentywomen
& five school children attended this program. The interns enlightened the audience about various types of anxiety disorders, signs and symptoms, myths about anxiety disorders and treatment options. The program ended with an interactive session with Dr. Abu Backer, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry. On the occasion of ‘No alcohol campaign’ a lecture to common public was delivered by Dr. K. Jayasingh, Professor & Head, Dr. K. Jeyapalan and by the faculty from the department of Psychiatry on 15. 09. 2016. A role play was conducted by the students of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Puducherry. The programme was attended by around 250 people.
Commemoration of World Heart Day on 29. 09. 2016 A lecture by Dr. Amirtha Ganesh, Professor & Head, Dept of Cardiology, gave a lecture to the common public on “5 Simple ways to protect the heart “ which was well received and was attended by around 250 people . Blood bank of Department of Pathology conducted Voluntary Blood donation Camp wherein 15 CRRI students donated blood. Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy and Dr. Mirunalini. R, Assistant Professors from the Department of Pharmacology attended a Medical Camp on 10. 09. 2016, organized by the Rotary Club of Puducherry at Government Primary School, Kattukuppam, Puducherry. On Behalf of the Pharmacovigilance Unit, Dr. Mani mekalai. K, HOD, Dr. Padmavathi. S, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, conducted an awareness campaign for the clinicians and staff nurses from various clinical departments, MGMCRI Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P, Assistant Professor, & Mr. Senthil Kumar M, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, attended a mental health camp at Karuvadikuppam, Puducherry, from 13. 07. 2016 to 14. 07. 2016. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Suriya Kumar T. , Post Graduate & Mr. Senthil Kumar M, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, attended a mental health camp at Sathya Special School, Seliamedu, Puducherry, from 21. 07. 2016 to 22. 07. 2016. Interns (CRRI) conducted a mental health awareness program at Seliamedu, Puducherry, under the guidance of Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, on 13. 08. 2016.
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Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Awareness program on suicide prevention & positive tthinking organized by Department of Social Work, St. Joseph College of Arts & Science, Cuddalore on 16. 09. 2016. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on Suicide prevention. An awareness speech Organized by Nodal Officer, NMHP, Government of Puducherry & IGMCRI, Kadirkamam, Puducherry at PHC, Kirumampakkam on 27. 09. 2016 & 28. 09. 2016.
DBCS camps The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 14 District Blind Control Society Camps [DBCS Camps] between July to September 2016. A total of 3430 patients were screened and 334 underwent cataract surgery. The department faculty also participated in 13 general health camps during the quarter and screened 2714 patients and operated 64 patients.
EYE Donation Fortnight EYE Donation Fortnight was celebrated by the Department of Ophthalmology from August 25th to September 8th 2016. On 07. 09. 2016, an awareness programme was conducted on the importance of eye donation to the nursing staff of our hospital. Dr. Reema Thomas, Senior Resident, gave a detailed insight into corneal transplantation & Hospital cornea retrieval program; the dos and don’ts were also elaborated. This talk was mainly conducted to educate the nursing staff to motivate the patient’s attenders for eye donation. On 09. 09. 2016 an awareness programme was conducted on the importance of eye donation to the patients who had come to the hospital. The session was started by Prof. Dr. K. Srikanth who gave a brief introduction about eye donation fortnight & its importance. The RMO Dr. M. Lakshmana Perumal was also present who shared his thoughts about eye donation and also motivated the patients regarding their willingness to donate eyes. Dr. Subramanian R gave a detailed insight into corneal transplantation; the dos and don’ts were also elaborated. This talk was mainly conducted to educate the patients and motivate them for eye donation.
The department also conducted an awareness programme on 15. 09. 16 about eye donation and its importance to the nursing students in the Kasturbai Gandhi Nursing College, Pondicherry. The session was started by Dr. T. Kurinchi, Assistant Professor who gave a detailed talk about eye donation and its importance and also motivated them for good counseling to the patients and their relatives regarding their willingness to donate eyes. Dr. B. Sajeeth Manikanda Prabu, Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, conducted an awarness programme and Screening Camp on 01. 08. 2016 on the occasion of World Hepatitis Day at Alpha Engineering College, where 160 students were the beneficiaries. Benign prostatic hyperplasia Awareness camp was conducted by the Department Of Urology at Pelican, a Home for the aged on 03. 08. 2016, which benefitted 250 people.
A Prostate awareness camp was conducted by the Department Of Urology at the Rock beech, Pondicherry on 25. 09. 2016, benefitting 400 people Department of Ophthalmology conducted 8 DBCS camps from Octobers to December 2016. A total of 903 patients were screened and 62 underwent cataract surgery. The department got renewal for conducting the DBCS free cataract surgical camps for the Villupuram district after a successful inspection by the District Programme Officer on 13.10.2016.
In view of Eye Donation Fortnight, the department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, in association with the District Blindness Control Society and Lions Club, Kattumanarkudi, an awareness campaign was conducted on 09. 09. 2016 at Paruvatharaja Gurukula Higher Secondary School, Kattumanarkudi, Cuddalore district. The awareness rally was flagged off by Circle Inspector Prathap. Following this, the students were addressed. After introductory speeches by Mr. Duraisamy of the Lions Club and Mr. Anbumani, camp co. ordinator, Dr. T. Kurinchi, Assistant Professor, department of ophthalmology, MGMCRI enlightened the students on the need, importance and the technical aspects of eye donation. Dr. Aditya, Resident in Ophthalmology and Mr. Lalit Mehra, Chairperson, Journey for sight, also added to the pleothora of information and motivated the students. This was followed by an interactive session where the students were questioned to test their knowledge and understanding of eye donation. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr. Chinnamani, President, Lions Club of Kattumanarkudi.
Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, In collaboration with Department of General Medicine, MGMCR I, & KGNC conducted Awareness program on alcohol dependence, in MRD lobby on 15. 09. 2016.
O u t Reac h S e r v i ce s 133
Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry participated in a mental health awareness program titled, “Mental Health and Motivation”, organized by Kirubalaya, Seva trust, Korukkamedu, Thavalakuppam on 18.10.2016. The Department of Psychiatry organized a mental health awareness program in the MRD lobby on 12-10-2016 in commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2016. This event was organized in collaboration with Tamil Nadu Psychology Association. The Department of Psychiatry served as one of the logistics partners for a cycle rally (Chennai-Kanyakumari) that was organized by the Tamil Nadu Psychology Association in commemoration of World Mental Health Day 2016.Dr. AshwinthJothy P., Assistant Professor & Dr. Suriyakumar T, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended a mental health camp at Kirubalaya, Thavalakuppam, Puducherry, on 29.11.2016 and the number of beneficiaries’ were15.
World Psoriasis Day World Psoriasis Day which is on the 29th Oct 2016 was celebrated by the Department of DVL on 03.11.2016. Awareness leaflets were distributed to the patients.
World AIDS Day World Psoriasis Day was celebrated on 01.12.2016 by the Department of DVL along with the Red Ribbon Club. Patient awareness talks were given by DrNivethitha (1st year Post Graduate) and Dr. Sathya (Senior Resident) at the MRD premises. A short AIDS awareness film was screened at the demonstration room at the department of DVL.
TG clinic A Transgender clinic is being conducted on every Mondays and Wednesdays. 76 TGs have come for review and 6 have newly registered during the months of Oct to Dec 2016. Members of the transgender community come to the DVL department for services like screening for sexually transmitted diseases and counseling regarding their prevention. Testing for HIV, Hepatitis B and syphilis are routinely done. Laser hair removal is also done to improve the cosmetic appeal of the transgenders.
▶▶ “DUCT PHILANTHROPY AWARDS-2016” MGMCRI is sensitive and committed to the welfare of the community. The services provided by the institute in the flood-affected areas in Dec 2015 were recognized and rewarded by the Doctors United Charitable Trust with “DUCT PHILANTHROPY AWARDS-2016” under the highest category “THE HIPPOCRATES AWARD”. The award was received by Prof. M Ravishankar, Dean , Faculty of Medicine, MGMCRI. This award was given in the appreciation for the OUTSTANDING MEDICAL COLLEGE that has made enormous contribution in the field of philanthropy with exemplary patient care regardless of the financial status of the patient.
World Diabetes day World Diabetes day was commemorated on 14.11.2016 at the MRD complex wherein a public awareness programme was conducted by the Department of General Medicine. Dr.K.Jeyapalan gave a talk in Tamil to the common public about ‘Diabetes’.
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▶▶ THE DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING The Department of Marketing [Health Care Services] of MGMC&RI focuses patient services & Care. The team Members consists of Mr.A.Smith Naveen Raj - Manager Marketing, Mr.M.Sudhakar– Asst.Manager Facilities, Mr.E.Thirugnanam –Coordinator Marketing, Mrs.S.Sudharsna – Customer care Manager . Mr.J.Simon Lourdu - Camp organizer. Mr.M.Vilva Jegan – Centrer’s Coordinator, The Department of Marketing along with other clinical departments for the year 2016 conducted 79 free health camps, Health awareness programs, corporate camps, Promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups and the list is as follows:
Place Panjavadi Maruuvaie Pethankuppam Sindha manikuppam Azhaginatham Bhuvanagari Mettukuppam Panithittu (Baby Sara Home) ariyankuppam Singirikudi Ariyankuppam school Sangelikuppam Cuddalore Neyveli Parangepettai Oriyur Thirukovilur Cuddalore Pondy Panruti Cuddalore Gunamangalam Pondy ( Santha Trust School) Parangipatti Kattumanarkovil Chidambaram Naduveerapattu Uppalam - Pondy Embalam Tindivanam (Collaboration with lions club) Angle's school Vadalur TANFSC - Cuddalore OT Seshanganur Pudhukuppam
Patients Screened 162 75 165 210 188 156 156 168 130 75 70 110 180 210 243 140 298 960 190 242 220 168 200 268 180 240 320 280 220 180 250 220 280 180 20
Camp Dates 1.1.2016 1.2.2016 1.3.2016 1.4.2016 1.7.2016 1.8.2016 1.8.2016 1.9.2016 1.9.2016 1.12.2016 1.12.2016 1.12.2016 1.18.2016 1.18.2016 1.23.2016 1.23.2016 1.30.2016 2.7.2016 2.10.2016 2.12.2016 2.13.2016 2.16.2016 2.18.2016 2.19.2016 2.25.2016 2.28.2016 2.29.2016 3.6.2016 3.10.2016 3.16.2016 3.16.2016 3.18.2016 3.22.2016 3.23.2016 3.26.2016
S.No 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
O u t Reac h S e r v i ce s 135
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
4.26.2016 4.29.2016 4.29.2016 5.11.2016 5.11.2016 5.23.2016 5.26.2016 5.30.2016 6.19.2016 6.24.2016 6.24.2016 6.24.2016 7.13.2016 7.14.2016 7.20.2016 7.21.2016 7.29.2016 7.30.2016 8.1.2016 8.4.2016 8.12.2016 8.13.2016 8.27.2016 9.3.2016 9.14.2016 9.17.2016 9.22.2016 9.29.2016 9.30.2016 10.7.2016 10.14.2016 10.19.2016 27.10.2016 05.11.2016 12.11.2016 16.11.2016 19.11.2016 24.11.2016 25.11.2016 25.11.2016 26.11.2016 04.12.2016 17.12.2016 30.12.2016
Rotary Club - Madhagadipet Sharana Home Mehendra Big Beach - Kandhanpet MNTN - Pathirikuppam Embalam Help Age India Kurivinatham Thamarikulam Thindivanam Kanni kovil govt primary school Uluthurpatti kalmandapam Karuvadikuppam Muthiraipalayam Thiruppapuliyur Seliyamedu Maruthadu,Cuddalore Sathya Special School Kattukuppam Endiyur,Thindivanam Kaanattampuliyur Thottapattu Kattumannarkovil Peruvarapur Thindivanam Thittakudi Pillaiyarkuppam Sathankuppam Panruti MNTN Home,Cuddalore Baby Sara Home, Ariyankuppam Neyveli Mettupalayam - Centre Perumakkal- Lions Club Panruti - Rotary Club Cuddalore- Grama Vidiyal Uchimedu - Lions Club PS Palayam - Pondy Law College Gingee - Trust Kurinjipadi - RSBY Thindivanam - Lions Club Sanjivirayanpet Cuddalore - IMPA Melpattampakkam - PHC Grand Total
annual Report 2016
155 60 130 80 45 60 55 80 98 72 358 243 116 141 162 70 138 96 57 207 378 113 290 246 238 165 119 167 26 105 203 164 135 225 115 142 84 163 295 245 169 116 192 167 11741
Staff Nurses of MGMC&RI
Staff Nurses of MGMC&RI Nursing Superintendent Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath who received “The Life Time Achievement award” from the management of SBV University at a meeting held on Woman’s Day. Dr.Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS), Mrs. Deonisia (DNS) and Mrs.Galaxie congratulated and spoke a few words on Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath, extensive contribution as the NS of SBV University, a place of Health Sciences. Mrs.Theresa, honoured NS with a four line poem, while the entire Nursing staff and the management joined their hands together for a thunderous applause. Dr.Joshua Daniel (HOD) Associate Professor (MD) Blood transfusion Medicine gave a talk on transfusion reactions” for the staff Nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 9.03.16. Mrs.Pooja (Polymed Company) product Manager presented a topic on “ safety measures for needle stick injuries” at D2 lecture Hall on 16.03.16. Mr.Palanivel, Mr.Somu gave a talk on “Management of Medication Administration” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 23.03.16. Mrs.Siramani and Mr.Pramila (NABH Trainers) conducted a “NABH training programme” for the staff nurses at D2 lecture hall from 28.03.16 to 30.03.16. The Nursing Audit meeting was conducted and organized by our NS, Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath on 4.05.16. The chairperson was Dr.SwatiJayant Pawar(DMS) and audit Convener was Mrs.Asmath. The Nursing department of MGMC&RI,commemorated ‘International Nurses day celebration.’ Dr.Ravishankar (Dean) delivered a speech, Dr .Lakshmana Perumal (RMO) gave a talk for the nurses. Dr.NirmalCoumare (MS) motivated the staff nurses to support for NABH accreditation, Mrs.AmirAlikhanAsmath (N.S) unfolded the theme and gave a talk regarding the nursing profession and finally, the Dean and NS cut the cake and distributed the sweets for all the Nurses on 12.05.16 .
On 6.01.16 Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath (NS) attended “The Lamp Lighting Ceremony” for the B.Sc (Nsg) I Year students at KGNC . Mr.Balamanikandan (SE) and Prematheran (GM) presented a topic on “Checking of Accu –Chek’ for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 13.01.16. Mr.Mathavan (Assistant Fire and Safety Officer) gave a talk on ‘Introduction of Fire and Safety & Ergonomics’ for the Staff Nurses in D2 Lecture Hall on 20.01.16 & 10.02.16. Mrs.Merlin Joy (Tutor) gave a talk on “Care of Bed Ridden Patients” for the staff nurses on 27.01.16 . Dr.G.V.Kumar (Psychologist) presented a topic on “Psychology” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 3.02.16. Miss A.Prishanthini Anto (Nsg Educator) gave a talk on “BMW”, disposal for the house keeping attenders of MGMC&RI in D2 lecture hall on 9.02.16. Mrs.Elavarasi (Assistant Professor) gave a talk on “Guidelines of O2 Therapy” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 17.02.16. Miss.Anto (Nursing Educator) presented a topic on “Administration of medications” for the staff nurses at D2 lecture Hall on 01.03.16. Mrs.Manopriya (Assistant Professor) emphasized on the topic “Care of CVP monitoring” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 24.02.16. Dr.Sivaraman (Incharge of Casualty) presented a topic on “Nebulization” for the staff nurses between 3.30pm -4.30pm on 02.03.16. Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath received the “Life time Achievement Award” from the management of MGMC & RI on 05.03.16 on the occasion of Woman’s Day Celebration. The Nursing Department celebrated the women’s day at MGMC&RI on 8.03.16. All the staff nurses honoured, the
S t aff Nu rses of MGMC &RI 137
Mrs. Prasanna (Nursing Supervisor) presented a topic on “Organ Donation” for the staff nurses at on 13. 07. 16. Mr. Parthipen (BD Sharp collectors) sales executive Manager presented a topic on “IV Cannulation” for the staff nurses on 20. 7. 16. Dr. Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS) presented a topic on “Prevention of Fall & Morse Scale Assessment” for the staff nurses on 27. 7. 16, 17. 08. 16 & 14. 09. 16. Mr. Pravin & Mr. Sundar (Raman & Weil) Area sales Executive emphasized on “Hand Hygiene with sterlium” for the staff nurses on 27. 7. 16. Dr. Lakshmi Mani (CCMO) presented a topic on “Maintenance of Equipments” for the staff nurses on 3. 08. 16. Dr. Kalaivani (Associate professor) Microbiology Department and Dr. Mahalakshmi (Vice Principal) emphasized on “Hand Hygiene” for the staff on 24. 8. 16 & 28. 09. 16. Mrs. Anu (Nurse Consultant) presented a Sensitization programme on “Palliative Care” for the staff nurses on 10. 8. 16 and from13. 09. 16 to15. 09. 16. Mrs. Chandra Sivasubramanian (NS), Mrs. Danakala (NS), Mrs. Galaxy (DNS), Mrs. Theresae (ANS), Mr. Kingsley Kishore(Q. E), Prishanthini Anto (N. E), Uma (ICN), Niroja (ICN), Tamilrasi (Nursing Supervisor) and staff nurses Satheesh, Rajalakshmi, Rini attended the AOSTA (Back bone ) hospital information Programme at lecture Hall on 10. 8 . 16. Mr. Mathavan (Assistant Fire and safety officer) presented a topic on “Fire and Road Safety” for the staff nurses on 21. 09. 16 . Mrs. Theresa (ANS) presented a topic on, ‘Essential Leadership Skills in Nurses’ in the ‘Carrier Guidance Programme’ on 13. 09. 16. Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath(NS), Mrs. Prema Rajasekaran (NS), Prishanthini Anto (N. E) & N. Sivasankari (Nursing Supervisor) attended the “Grand Presentation” of the CReAMS programme on 9. 09. 16 . All NS, DNS, & ANS attended the conference on ‘Strategies for developing the Quality Care at KGNC’ on 07. 09. 16. Dr.Sajeeth Manikandan (Associate Professor) presented a topic on “Enema (Lactulose)” on 05.10.16 . Dr.Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS) presented a topic on “Prevention Of Fall & Morse Scale Assessment” on 12.10.16 . Mr.Selvaganapathy (QE) presented a topic on “Basic monitoring of ECG & Abnormalities of ECG” on 19.10.16, 09.11,16 and 16.11.16 .
Mr.Mohammed Rafi (Nursing Supervisor) presented a topic on “Maintenance of equipments” on 02.11.16 and 23.11.16 . Mrs.Marthal(ANS), presented the topic on “ Meningitis” on 7.12.16. Dr.Praveen Charles(Associate Professor),Microbiology, Dr.Ramesh (HOD), Department of Biochemistry, Dr.Swetha Keelkarani, (AP) Biochemistry, Dr.Garima, Pathology (AP), Mr.Lesley (Lab Incharge ) presented the topic on “Collection of Sampling” on 6.12.16 & 07.12.16. Mrs.Motcha Alankari (Nursing Supervisor) presented the topic on “ stem Technology “ on 28.12.16. Mr. Mohammed Rafi (Nursing Supervisor) attended the International conference on healthcare on Healthcare, Nursing and diseases Management (HNDM) held at Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore and presented his Research paper, “A Hermenutic phenomenological study to explore the lived IN Experience of Adult transgenders in Accessing health care services from public institutions in Puducherry, India on 10.11.16 & 11.11.16. Mrs .Lakshmi Thangam (ANS) & S/N Santhiya attended the National Conference on “Complexities and evolving towards a better direction in emergency poly trauma care” in Indirani College of Nursing at Ariyur on 23.11.16 and 24.11.16. Mrs.Chandra (NS), Mrs.Deonisia Philip (DNS), Mrs.Therasa (ANS), Miss.A.Prishanthini Anto (NE) and staff Nurses I/N Glory, I/N Ganagavalli, S/N Indumathi, S/N Amsavalli, S/N Selvi, M/N Prathap, S/N Victori Rani, attended the CME On “sleep Disordered Breathing” at seminar Hall on 9.12.16.
▶▶ Campus Interview At KGNC, Campus Interview was conducted for 29 candidates by the Recruitment committee members Dr. Swati Jayant pawar (DMS), Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath (NS), Sr.Personnel Manager and Miss.A.Prishanthini Anto (NE ) on 07.12.16.
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shri sathya sai
Medical college and research institute
Message From Prof.Karthika Jayakumar, Vice Principal (Pre & Para Clinical), Sri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute.
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College, a unit of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry, a NAAC ‘A’ grade is a young institute in rural Chennai, and has the unique distinction of being the FIRST INSTITUTION IN ASIA, to have COMPETENCY BASED POST GRADUATE PROGRAM with EPA –entrustable professional activity portfolio. This activity was initiated in the year 2015, for the newly inducted Post graduate students 2015-2018. The institution, also includes a career oriented, integrated curriculum, which was inducted for the NEET undergraduate batch in the year 2015. This curriculum connects the various subjects, breaks their barrier, removing their territory borders. It aids in systematic alignment of teaching / learning methods, ensures development of concepts, allowing the learner to develop meaningful activities that can be connected to real life situations .it prompts the learner to have reflections, which is vital for practice guides & practice principles. The program has an effective outcome, of an “Indian Medical Graduate”, who will be the ideal medical professional, whom we wish to visit, when we are sick!!! The undergraduates also enjoy the extension activities, in the form of funded research activities-STS -ICMR, presentation of posters, papers in national conferences, indexed journals. All these, inculcate the leadership qualities, team member activities, which are necessary for the blossoming health care worker of the Nation!!
140 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
â–śâ–ś Research And Scholarship PUBLICATIONS Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ebola-free Liberia: Scrutinizing the efforts of public health sector and international agencies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):1. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Global food safety: Challenges and recommended public health strategies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):8. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Inequality in health for women, infants and children: An alarming public health concern. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):10. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2000 to 2015: How far have we progressed in achieving the health related Millennium Development Goals? International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):11. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Risk communication: An integral element in public health emergencies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):12. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. How can we improve the universal uptake of HIV testing services? World Health Organization. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):13. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Is there no solution to minimize the aftermaths of heat waves? WHO comes up with an answer!!! International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):14. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Palliative care: An integral component of human right to health. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):15. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization advocates for expansion in the role of health workforce to prevent unsafe abortions. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):16.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The growing global problem of vaccine hesitancy: Time to take action. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):18. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Public health interventions to reduce the incidence of tobacco associated cancers. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):19. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tackling the rising trends of non-communicable diseases during public health emergencies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):20. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening directly observed treatment for tuberculosis in India. Biology & Medicine (Aligarh). 2016;8(1):122. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ebola outbreak in West-Africa: Bridging the gap between the public health authorities and the community. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2016;21(1):105-106. Tarun Khandednath, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. A longitudinal study to assess the cost incurred by patients undergoing treatment for tuberculosis at directly observed treatment centre located in an urban slum community of Mumbai. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;2(1):28-32. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Formulation of a comprehensive protocol in clinical trials. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;2(1):57. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Moving towards the universal health coverage: A strategy to expedite health equity. Journal of Medical Society. 2016;30(1):70-71. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The 2015 Measles outbreak in America: Identified shortcomings and recommendations to the health authorities. Annals of African Medicine. 2016;15(1):42-43. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strategies to prevent the emergence of radiation induced malignancies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(2):34. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childhood malnutrition: Where does the world stand? What else is needed? International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(2):36.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommended strategies to move closer towards the global eradication of polio: International Health Regulations. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):17.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Assessing the status of United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):87-89. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization calls for curbing illicit tobacco trade market. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):124-125. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Encouraging human immunodeficiency virus self-testing among vulnerable group of adolescents: A WHO initiative. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):126-127. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exclusive breastfeeding and stakeholders: Only together we can make it work. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):127-129. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Moving into the era of Age-friendly society: The global public health need. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2016;3(2):147-148. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Role of doctor-patient association in delivery of holistic medical care. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):77-78. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Time to improve the outcome of preterm births in middle and low income nations. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(3):53. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization recommends cost-effective interventions to control the rise in incidence of non-communicable diseases in low resource settings. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(3):54. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to restore mental health among older adults: A loud cry. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches. 2016;2(2):139-140. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Successful containment of the 2015 cholera outbreak in Iraq. Community Acquired Infection. 2016;3(1):28-29.
Danasekaran R, Annadurai K, Mani G. Safe management of health-care wastes: An uncared area in health system. The Journal of Community Health Management. 2016;3(1):1-2. Danasekaran R, Mani G, Annadurai K. Adolescent hypertension: A challenge for the future. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;15(1):5-9. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Perception and practices related to organ donation among a rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2016;4(1):72-84. Karthika Jayakumar, Rapid diagnosis of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. International Journal of Pharma and Bioscience.2016;2(7). Karthika JayaKumar, Microbial Vaginitis in Reproductive Women of Silk city of South India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;2(5). Prasanna.S, A Comparative analysis of identification and antifungal susceptibility profile and candida isolates using conventional and automated techniques. IJCMAS. 2016;2(5). Prasanna.S. Trichophyton schoeuleinci: an unusual cause of taiena corpories, IJAMSCR. IJAMSCR. 2016;4(1). Sunilkumar.Jada. Detection of fecal occult blood among patients with intestinal parasitic infections attending a tertiary care centre. Journal of disease and Global health. 2016;5(2). Sunilkumar.Jada. A serological study of Cysticercosis in Tribal population of rural Kanchipuram. Journal of International Research in Medical and pharmaceutical Science. 2016;9(1). M.Anitha. Antibacterial activity of aloe Vera gel extract. IJAIR.2016:8140. Divya.G. Bacteriological profile of urinary tract infection and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in view of emerging drug resistance. RJBPCS. 2016;7(2): 1296-1301. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Failure to achieve reduction in the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus among men who have sex with men: A worrisome global concern. Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS. 2016;37(1):88-89.
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Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to eliminate Onchocerciasis from the African and Latin American nations: The World Health Organization. Environmental Disease. 2016;1(1):31-32.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization appeals to international stakeholders to streamline the management of healthcare waste. Sifa Medical Journal. 2016;3(2):58-59.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ending child marriage: Battling for a girl’s right to choose. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016;6(1):e114.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization introduces a new digital tool to address the unmet needs for family planning among postpartum women. Sifa Medical Journal. 2016;3(2):60-61.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2015 MERS-CoV infection outbreak in Korea: Deficiencies in the health system. Journal of Contemporary Clinical Practice. 2016;2(1):31-33. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Millennium development goal target to reverse the global malaria incidence accomplished: The ground reality and what next? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(3):141-142. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. A comprehensive approach to minimize the aftereffects of disability on health standards in low resource settings. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(3):211-212. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening the quality of household water treatment products on a global scale: World Health Organization. Journal of Earth, Environment and Health Sciences. 2016;2(1):39-40. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Dementia in middle- and low-income nations: A public health priority. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):5. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Thank you for saving my life: Blood donation matters. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):13. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Elder abuse: Working together to ensure healthy, meaningful and dignified life. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):23. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. How can we minimize the health related consequences of El Niño on millions of people worldwide? Sifa Medical Journal. 2016;3(2):54-55.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Mid-term assessment of the decade of action for road safety: Progress made, yet at a slow rate. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2016;20(5):312-313. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommending measures to address the public health concern of neglected tropical diseases. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2015;1(3):173-175. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Enormous need to improve the global measles vaccination coverage: World Health Organization. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;2(2):109-110. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Envisaging the adoption of framework to globally eliminate rabies: World Health Organization. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;2(2):110-111. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the adverse consequences of disability on health status in rural settings. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. 2016;7(2):319-321. Shrivastava SR, Krishnan S, Shrivastava PS. Responding to the challenge of autism spectrum disorder in low resource settings. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. 2016;7(3):472-473. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Bridging the epilepsy treatment gap in low and middle income nations. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice. 2016;7(3):475-476.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Zika virus disease outbreaks in the American region in 2015 – 2016. Sifa Medical Journal. 2016;3(2):56-57.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Alarming global estimates of Herpes simplex-1: A lot needs to be done from the public health dimension. Journal of Medical Society. 2016;30(2):126-127.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Friendly vaccination: Responding effectively to the vaccine associated iatrogenic pain on a global scale. Journal of Medical Society. 2016;30(2):130-131. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Striving forward towards malaria elimination and the necessity to be persistent in our efforts. Healthcare in Low-resource Settings. 2016;4(1):5755. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization releases estimates of foodborne diseases for the very first time: An opportunity for the national program managers. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management. 2016;4(2):71-72. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening the health care delivery system to respond to the health needs of the migrant population: European nations’ perspective. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2016;3(3):240-241. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization advocates for a healthy diet for all: Global perspective. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):44. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the ever neglected sexual and reproductive health needs of women living with HIV. Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine. 2016;2(1):56-57. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Reduction in global maternal mortality ratio far from expectation: So what next? Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine. 2016;2(1):58-59. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing nonsmokers from being exposed to secondhand smoke: Global perspective. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7:78. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Physical inactivity and development of diabetes: An association worth to be explored. Biology and Medicine (Aligarh). 2016;8(4):e124. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Standardizing the assessment and management protocol of critically ill under-five children: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):215-216.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Standardized management of Zika virus infection during pregnancy. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):217-218. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Working together to accomplish gender equality in health: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):286-287. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the World Health Organization call for ensuring accessibility to antiretroviral therapy for all. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):288-289. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementing universal minimal standards to counter the challenge of gender-based violence in emergencies. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):289-290. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Safe Childbirth Checklist: A simple tool to encourage best practices by skilled attendants. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):290-291. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Emphasizing the need to achieve universal health coverage worldwide. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):292-293. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childhood tuberculosis: Administering child-friendly tuberculosis medicines in the right dosage universally. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):293-294. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Breastfeeding and strengthening of the economy: Offering merits beyond nutrition. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(4):298-299. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Expanding the surveillance for the gonococcal resistance. Community Acquired Infection. 2016;3(2):67-68. T. Rajini Samuel, Ilanchezian, Balaji Rajagopalan .Application of Modified Henderson Equation in ABG Interpretation. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 37(2), March – April 2016; Article No. 30, Pages: 169-177 R. Vanaja and J.Mercy Jasmine. Antioxidant activity of Phytoformulation I, a polyherbal formulation, on hyperlipidemic wistar rats.Biomedicine: 2016; 36(I):109-116.
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T. Rajini Samuel, Manjula Devi, Shanthi, Balaji Rajagopalan .Is red blood cell distribution width (RDW) A novel renal biomarker for diabetic complications ? Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 37(2), March – April 2016; Article No. 29, Pages: 163-168. Anita .M, mathivanthani.p , ramya.k, vijay.M at all, assessment of bacterial contamination on contact lens among medicos; International journal of pharma research and health sciences ; VOLEME 4(3),2016,PAGE.1160-1165. Anita.M., Hamapriya.J ,mathivanthani.P ,ramya.K , monisha DM., a study on effectiveness of sweet orange against bacterial wound isolates ,international journal of plant ,animal and environmental sciences ; 2016. volem-6 issue 3 Prasanna S, Roy P, Sriram R, Grover N, Pandit P and Kulkarni MA. Comparison of E-test and Colorimetric Micro Broth Dilution Method for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Candida Isolates. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2016; 5(5): 194-204. Farook AK, Ilangovan G, Ravi R, Farook AS, Magudeeswaran PK. Role of Multiplanar Reconstruction Imaging and Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Imaging in Diagnosing Cranial and Facial Fractures. Int J Sci Stud 2016;4(1):239-243.
Jacob Jesurun RS, Lavakumar S. “Nephroprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Abutilon indicum root in Gentamicin induced acute renal failure in wistar albino rats”. Int J Basic Clin Pharmacol.2016; 5(3): 841-45. Kurhekar P, Kumar SM, Sampath D.; Comparative evaluation of intrathecal morphine and intrathecal dexmedetomidine in patients undergoing gynaecological surgeries under spinal anaesthesia: A prospective randomised double blind study; Indian J Anaesth 2016;60:382-7. Harshavardhan B, Anandapadmanabhan J, Himabindu T (2016, Apr 17). Intestinal Ascariasis. URL: http://www. DOI: 10.1594/EURORAD/ CASE.13583 Abdul Khader Farook, Gurubharath Ilangovan, Rajesh Ravi, Abubacker Sulaiman Farook, Praveen Kumar Magudeeswaran. (April 2016). Role of Multiplanar Recontruction Imaging and Three dimensional computed tomography imaging in diagnosing cranial and facial fractures. International Journal of Scientific Study, April 2016;(4)1. DOI:10.17354/ijss/2016/224. Balaganesan H, Ilangovan G, Tirumalasetty H, Jayajothi A, Venkataraman S; Solitary choroid plexus lipoma evaluation by computed tomography with review of literature. IAIM, 2016; 3(5): 127-132.
Farook AK, Kandru LA, Elangovan V, Farook AS, Magudeeswaran PK. Diagnostic Evaluation of Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint: Value of Adding T2 Mapping Sequence to a Routine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol. Int J Sci Stud 2016;4(2):233-236.
Anandapadmananbhan J, Gurubharath I, Himabindu T, Harshavardhan B; Improving accuracy of ultrasonography in diagnosing acute appendicitis with an additional imaging technique to imaging protocol. Sch. J. App. Med. Sci. (SJAMS), 2016; 4(5A): 1467 - 1470 .
Glad Mohesh MI, Jyotsna Srinath, Rajeev K, Sundaramurthy A. A cross sectional survey on knowledge, attitude and practices of health care professionals towards tobacco control in south India. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016, 5, 4:67-71.
Shruti Prabhat Hegde, Vijay Kautilya D, Ravi. Study of prognostic indicators in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome undergoing cataract surgery. International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery. 2016 July;5(3): 0001-0005.
Raju, S., Chinnakkannu, K., Sunderayan, R., & Puttaswamy, M. K. (2015). Rotational landmarks of the distal femur in Indian population: A MRI-based study. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 10, 186.
D.D. Barman, V.K. Nair.G “Post-mortem Examination:Combining conventional autopsy technique with virtual autopsy - Concerted effort by the departments of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and Radiology .Annals of SBV JanJune 2016; Vol: 5(1):76-78. Hemanathan Guhanandam, Revathishree Rajamani, Naseem Noorunisa, Manimaran Durairaj. Expression of cytokeratin 19 and Thyroperoxidase in relation to
Sundarajan.T,Swayam Jothi S,Jayaprasad,J, HemaPriya J,MalavikaJ(2016). Radio-Ulnar Synstosis.IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical sciences (IOSR-JDMS).15 , 1(X) 69-71.
morphological features in non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of thyroid.JCDR.2016 Jun;10(6):EC01-EC03.
Hypothyroidism among Women Population Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):125-127.
RajeswaraRao N, Bhavani Prasad, SwayamJothi S, HemanthKommuru, BodepudiNarasimhaRao. Topography of Ganglion cells in the Inflammatory Appendicular Muscle coat: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical sciences 2016;15(7):51-53.
R. ShanmugaPriya, E. Malligai, Suganya, BalajiRajagopalan. A Study to Determine the Association of GammaglutamylTransferase Levels in Metabolic Syndrome Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):128-130.
KafeelHussain, SwayamJothi, Rajamadhava, NaryanaRao B. T. Study of Inferior Thyroid Artery and its Relation to the Sympathetic Chain in Full Term Fetuses. International Journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery 2016;5(3):19-21. EswariA. K, SrinivasaRao. Y, Swayamjothi. S, Sujatha. N. Branching pattern of Anterior branch of middle meningeal artery. International journal of recent scientific research 2016;7(7):12527-12529. SrinivasaRao. Y, Eswari A. K, Swayamjothi, Rajeshwar Rao. N. Morphology of Pterion. International journal of scientific research 2016;5(8):650-651. Sathia Lakshmi V, RakeshRanjan, Sujatha. N, SwayamJothi. S, Basilar artery aneurysm- A case report. Indian Journal of Anatomy & Surgery of Head, Neck & Brain, April-June, 2016;2(2): 63-64. SunitaBharati, N. Sujatha, S. SwayamJothi. Anomalous branches of Median nerve in the arm. IOSR-JDMS 2016;15(9):64-65. SrinivasaRao, SwayamJothi, SarathaKathiresan. Histogenesis of thymus in human fetuses of different gestational ages-A pilot study. IOSR-JDMS 2016;15(9):15-16. Glad Mohesh MI, Sundaramurthy A, PremaSembulingam. The impact of cigarette smoking on lung function in smokers with differences in their nicotine dependency. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016;5(7):36-41. Suganya R. ShanmugaPriya, T. Rajini Samuel, BalajiRajagopalan. A Study to Evaluate the Role of Bun/ Creatinine Ratio as a Discriminator Factor in Azotemia Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):131-134. S. Suganya, E. Malligai, R. ShanmugaPriya, BalajiRajagopalan. A Cross Sectional Study to determine the association between Metabolic Syndrome and
SarguruDatchinamoorthi, NaveenaRathanavel, BalajiRajagopalan and R. Vanaja. Study of Thyroid Dysfunction In Type II Diabetes Mellitus. IJPSR 2016;7(9):3877-3880. SarguruDatchinamoorthi, Vanaja R, BalajiRajagopalan. Evaluation of Serum Electrolytes in Type II Diabetes Mellitus Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res. , 2016;40(1):251-253. Sridhar Govindaswamy, Raja Danasekaran and KarnaboopathyRanganathan. Evaluation of Anti HBs response in Hepatitis B vaccinated health care workers in a tertiary care hospital of rural Kanchipuram District, Tamilnadu, India. Journal of Disease and Global Health 2016;8(3):118-112. Nachammai, S. M. , KarthikaJayakumar, Vinithra Suresh, M. Kousalya and Anbu N. Aravazhi. 2016. Haemagglutination and Resistance to the Bactericidal Activity of Serum as the Urovirulence Markers of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2016;5(9):514-523. Priyanka P, Pradeep B, and Nagulan S. Pleomorphic Liposarcoma of Breast: A Rare Case Report. RJPBCS. 2016;7(5):1265-68. ShrutiP. Hedge, Vijay KautilyaDayanidhi, Ravi. “Study of Prognostic indicators in Patients with Pseudoexfoliation syndrome undergoing cataract surgery”. Int. J of Anatomy, Radiology, Surgery 2016;5(3):0001-0005. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Mid-term assessment of the lymphatic filariasis elimination program. Environmental Disease. 2016;1(2):83-84. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Safe handling of healthcare waste: A priority public health concern. Journal of Medical Society. 2016;30(3):187-188. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, RamasamyJ;Nearing elimination of meningitis A from the African “meningitis belt” using meningococcal a conjugate vaccine. Germs. 2016;6(2):66-67.
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Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Dealing with the neglected public health issue of drowning in low resource settings. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2016; 20(7):433-434. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Eligibility criteria for antiretroviral therapy expanded: World Health Organization aims for a better future for people living with HIV. Journal of Pioneering Medical Sciences. 2016;6(3):77. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the role of dietary factors in the development of breast cancer. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 2016;12(2):493-498. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis in Cuba: A stepping stone toward acquired immune deficiency syndrome-free generation. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016; 21(1):54. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2015 outbreak of Zika virus disease declared as Public Health Emergency of International Concern: Justification, consequences, and the public health perspective. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):55. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preparing the world to meet diabetes related needs of the refugee population. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):60. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2016 global update on dracunculiasis eradication: Where we stand? What else needs to be done? Journal of Clinical Sciences. 2016;13(3):149-150. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementing measures to minimize the global incidence of falls and its associated complications. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine. 2016;20(8):489-490.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Association between travel and Ebola disease: An overview [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Detrimental role of childhood obesity in adolescence and adulthood: developing nation’s perspective [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring holistic development of disabled children in developing countries [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016]. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Successful elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in India: Ray of hope for other nations. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2016; 21(1):77. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening the health workforce to move forward towards universal health coverage and accomplish the 2030 goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):305-306. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Fukushima five years on: Public health consequences & response. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):362-363. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing diseases through promotion of a healthier environment: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):364-365. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Preventing the introduction of yellow fever in disease free nations: A global appeal. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):365-366. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Dearth in research & development of health products for responding to neglected diseases: An urgent public health need. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(5):366-367.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Concept of health team in ensuring universal health care delivery [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016].
Sowjan M, Vikram R, RajakumarP. G, Mohammad Ali. Dyke-Davidoff-Massonsyndrome: A case report from South India. Int J PediatrRes. 2016;3(9):646-648.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the role of communication barriers in healthcare [Internet] 2015 [cited 29 July 2016].
Kalaivani A, Venkatesh S, Ramasamy J. Health seeking behavior on child care among fishermen community of Kovalam village, Tamil Nadu, India. Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2015;14(3):5.
Shrivastava, SR; Shrivastava, PS; Ramasamy, J,Supporting the Global Initiative of Preventing Childhood Hearing Loss: Act Now, Here’s How! Noise and Health 2016;8(84):280-81
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Neutralizing the contribution of obesogenic environment in the development of childhood obesity ,Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016 ;9(6):430-431
Mohandoss A. Ideological cause and hero worship related suicides: Indian perspective and changing trends during 20012014: An exploratory study. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 2016;38(6):553-559
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Responding to the public health challenge of rising maternal mortality in humanitarian crises,Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health .2016;9(6):404-405
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health concerns associated with Buruli ulcer on a global scale , Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9(6) :441-442
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Strengthening and expanding the targeted interventions to accomplish schistosomiasis elimination Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2016; 9(6):431-432
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. An indispensable need to offer comprehensive clinical care to the Ebola survivors ,Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016 ;9(6) :425-426
Mani G., Danasekaran R., Annadurai K. Substandard, spurious, falsely-labelled, falsified and counterfeit (SSFFC) drugs: Time to take a bitter pill, Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, 2016:5(4):122-124
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Devising a comprehensive Strategy to improve the neonatal health and survival rates in low-resource settings,Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9(6):414-415
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Targeting the challenge of reducing the adverse consequences of mercury on health, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health .2016;9(6):428-429
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Don’t we have better challenges and bigger enemies than targeting the health sector itself? Time to introspect! Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9(6) :412-413
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Where does the world stand in the battle against tuberculosis? 2015 global update, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2016 ;9(6):405-06
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Enhancing the involvement of stakeholders in developing the list of assistive products for the disabled and the elderly, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9 (6) :406-407
Raghuraman M.S. Errors in an article published in EgJA in 2016. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia , 2016
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Exploring the multiple dimensions in the control of Zika virus disease: Vector control, surveillance, clinical care, risk communication, travel, and promotion of research, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9(6):377-378 Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Human African trypanosomiasis: Aiming to eliminate the disease by 2020 , Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9(6):438-439 Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J. Implementing strategic response framework for the control of Zika virus infection: World Health Organization, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 2016;9(6):408-409
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J. Assessment of the level of awareness about tuberculosis among the different stakeholders of a medical college, Tamil Nadu ,TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 2016; 5(6):537-544 Datchinamoorthi S., Vanaja R., Rajagopalan B. Evaluation of serum electrolytes in type II diabetes mellitus , International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016;40(1):251-253 Priyanka P., Pradeep B., Nagulan S. Pleomorphic liposarcoma of breast: A rare case report Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2016;7(5):1265-68 Suganya S., Malligai E., Shanmuga Priya R., Rajagopalan B. A cross sectional study to determine the association between metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism among
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women population International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016;40(1):125-127
South India, , 2016, ternational Journal of Current Research.2016;8(10):39922-39924
Suganya, Shanmuga Priya R., Rajini Samuel T., Rajagopalan B. A study to evaluate the role of Bun/creatinine ratio as a discriminator factor in azotemia, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016;40(1): 131-134
S Swayam Jothi, J Antony, N Sujatha, Bifurcation of Facial Nerve, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2016;15(5):84-86
Ramalingam L., Ramesh R. Heart rate variability is reduced in sedentary young females with higher body mass index ,National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2016;6(5):407-411 Mohesh, MIG; Sundaramurthy, A; Sembulingam, P The impact of cigarette smoking on lung function in smokers with differences in their nicotine dependency, International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences, 2016;5 (7):36-41 Shrivastava, SR; Shrivastava, PS; Ramasamy, J World Health Organization releases new recommendations to comprehensively address the problem of maternal peripartum infections, Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2016;21(6) Priya R Shanmuga; Malligai E; Suganya; Rajagopalan Balaji, A study to determine the association of gammaglutamyl transferase levels in metabolic syndrome International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016;40(1):128-30 Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Implementation of enhanced gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance program in Thailand. Indian dermatology online journal, 2016;7(6):545-546 Shrivastava SR,Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J, Addressing the issue of shortage of oral cholera vaccines on the global front. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University, 2016;9(6):774-775 Prasanna S, Sunilkumar Jada and Karthika Jayakumar, A rare case of tinea nigra of scalp in an immunocompetent individual caused by caused by Hortaea werneckii and Rhodotorula rubra from Kancheepuram,
D.Madhavi, Sreelekha Dorairaj, S. Swayam Jothi Dorairaj, Hemanth Kommuru. Dermatoglyphic Study in Breast Carcinoma Patients, International Journal of Science and Research, 2016;5(10) Sowjan.M,Vikram.R,Rajkumar.P.G,Mohammad Ali DykeDavidoff-Masson syndrome:A case report from South India, International Journal of Pediatric Research, 2016;3(9) Shrivastava SR,Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Hajj. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University , 2016;9 (5):635-636 Glad Mohesh MI, Semmal Syed Meerasa, Perceptions on M-learning through WhatsApp application ,Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, 2016; 3(2):57- 60 Prasanna S, S. Dharanidevi, Nikunja Kumar Das and Sathya Raj. Prevalence, Phenotypic Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Non-Fermentative Gram, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2016;5(8):442-454 Shrivastava SR,Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J Strengthening prevention and control activities to respond to the challenge of emergence of chikungunya in American and European regions, Environmental Disease, 2016;1(3):105-106 Datchinamoorthi S, Vanaja R and Rajagopalan, The study of serum vitamin d status with insulin resistance in obese
Sathiyakala R, Suguna S, Karnaboopathy R Comparison Of Vaginal Hysterectomy And Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy In Women With Benign Uterine Disease:a Retrospective Study ,International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016;5(11):3915-3918
Priyanka P., Pradeep B., Gomathi R. Evans tumor: A rare case report. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, 2016;7(6):841-845
T Ilanchezhian, R Vanaja and Balaji Rajagopalan, Comparative Study of the Estimation of LDL Cholesterol by the Direct Method and Friedewald Equation in Secondary Hyperlipidemia, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2016;7(11):4632- 4636
adolescents .International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2016;7(12):5088-5091 Srbl Shrivastava, Ps Shrivastava,Jegadeesh Ramasamy, What can be done at national level for the welfare of the aging population: World Health Organization leads the way, Journal of Geriatric Mental Health, 2016;3(2):185-186 R Rajkamal, M Kumar, M Raj, M Rajesh,Jaya Kiruthiga, Joy Bazroy, Assessment of water quality standards in the villages of Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu, India, International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2016;3(11):3179-3183 M Anitha, DM Monisha, K Ramya, Y Chinmayee, A. Mohamed Sulthan, A study on the occurrence of bacterial isolation in mouth ulcer patients. International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences, 2016;3(10):188-192 G Mani, R Danasekaran, K Annadurai, DisasterResilient Hospitals: The Noah’s Ark, Public Health of Indonesia, 2016;2(4):172-176 SRBL Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Envisaging plain packaging of tobacco products: Appeal to national policymakers ,International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2016;7(1):131 N Noorunnisa, SA Hussa, Evaluation of endometrial biopsies in abnormal uterine bleeding - analytical study in rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. MedPulse, International Medical Journal, 2016;3(10):866-868 K Annadurai, R Danasekaran, G Mani, K Annadurai, Exploring the Role of Self-Care in Preventive Nephrology, Scholars Report, 2016; 1(2):1-3 KG Seshadri, Improving decision-making in thyroid nodules ,Thyroid Research and Practice, 2016;13(3):99-100 K Mohan, L Mohana Rupa, Ketamine and levobupivacaine versus ,levobupivacaine alone for post operative analgesia and side effects in lower abdominal surgeries in children– A comparative study ,International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 2016;3(10):70-73 S Rajendiran, U Gopalan, K Jayakumar, Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B infection among pregnant women in
South India, International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2016; 6(1):249-251 S Jayalakshmi, S Dharanidevi, The Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India-A Retrospective Study, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2016;5(10):718-723 Karthika Jayakumar, A comparative microscopic and cultural tuberculosis diagnostic study in rural Chennai. International Journal of Current Research, 2016;8(10):39915-39918 Sunita Bharathi,N.Suthatha,S.Swayam Jothi, Anomalous branches of Median Nerve in the arm ,IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2016;15(9):15-18 Naseem Noorunnisa, Prema Saldanha, Syed Ahmed Hussain, Senthil N. Ganesh. Diversity in the spectrum of malignant soft tissue tumors, International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, 2016;21(1):1-4 SR Srivastava, Shrivastava.PA, Ramasamy.J, Eligibiligy criteria for antiretroviral therapy expanded:World Health Organization aims for a better future for people living with HIV, Journal of Pioneering Medical Sciences, 2016;6(3): 77 Sridhar Govindaswamy,Raja Danasekaran and Karnaboopathy Ranganathan. Evaluation of Anti HBs response in Hepatitis B vaccinated health care workers in a tertiary care hospital of rural Kanchipuram District, Tamil nadu,India, Journal of Disease and Global health, 2016;8(3):18-112 Srinivasa Rao.Y,SwayamJothi.S,Saratha Kathiresan, Histogensis of thymus in human foetuses of different gestational ages-A pilot study, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 2016;15(9):15-18 Sunilkumar Jada, Suyambu Raja, Karthika Jayakumar and PriyadarshiSahu. Incidence of Intestinal Parasitic infestation and anemia among school children in Ammapettai, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2016;(11):14312-14316 Raghuraman M.S, Letter to the Editor:Errors in an article published in EgJA, Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia,2016. Prasanna S, Karthika Jayakumar and Jayashree V, Primary cutaneous aspergillosis- Tinea pedis caused by Aspergillus nigerin an immunocompetent adult individual residing in
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silk city of Kancheepuram district. International Journal of Advanced Research, 2016;4(9):443-446 Dipayan DB, Vijaya KNG, Sudden Unexplained Death in Sleep in Adults: Autopsy Challenges. Journal of Karnataka Medico-legal Society, 2016, 25(2)
Book Dr. S Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology- Author and editor for Microbiology in TARGET JIPMER PGMEE MCQS questions with explanatory answers book series 3rd edition Volume B. Nov 2014, May & Nov 2015. [Published in September 2016] Dr. S Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology- Author and editor for Microbiology in TARGET JIPMER PGMEE MCQS questions with explanatory answers supplementary book May 2016. [Published in September 2016] Dr.K N Viswanathan, Professor of Internal Medicine, SSSMCRI has authored the following Chapters in the 9th edition of Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine 2017 Elsevier-published in Sept 2016, namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Rabies Rheumatic fever Neurocysticercosis Visceral Leishmaniasis Cholera Leptospirosis Clinical case study
Dr.K N Viswanathan, Professor of Internal Medicine, SSSMCRI has authored a chapter titled, “Foodborne Illness”: in Bope’s Conn’s Current Therapy 2017, Elsevier-published in Dec 2016.
monitoring of Tuberculosis patients of Silk City by Telemedicine, conducted Integrated teaching program on streptococcus for the III & IV semester students. Under the banner of MEU, Microbiology Department of SSSMC &RI organized one day Microteaching session for Assistant Professors on 04.03.2016, also two day Basic Life Support (BLS) training by The INSCOL Academy was conducted for the III & IV semester students between 17th & 18th of November, 2015. Karthika Jaya Kumar, Co-ordinated 101 students for inter college sports & cultures meet in MGMC Pondicherry from 3rd – 5th March 2016, wherein, Syamuga Priya, CRRI, got first prize for solo singing.
DEPARTMENT OF ANATOMY Dr Swayam Jothi,S, HOD, Department of Anatomy, attended CME at Rigid hospital (03.01.16), attended CME at KJ hospital (10.01.16), attended CME at Rajan Hospital (17.01.16), attended orientation programme for CRRI (23.01.16), attended orientation programme of MEU (23.01.16), was Judge for poster session on world cancer day (04.02.16), attended quiz programme conducted by pathology dept (05.02.16), attended CME on Thyroid cancer by CMK Reddy at Rigid hospital (07.02.16), attended One day spiritual camp at Karur (08.02.16), attended CME conducted by IMA on updates in Pulmonology by Dr.Jjayaraman at Hotel Jayapushpam (14.02.16), attended Dr Sharma’ s talk on Who am I at Cauvery Hospitals (14.02.16), conducted scientific research committee was conducted .Mr Mani statistician gave a lecture on your publications made easy (15.02.16), attended CME on Health care on “The disease of the next decade by Dr. Kailash at Conference hall Bloom Health Care, Chennai. (28.02.16), attended Immunohistochemistry workshop at SSSMCRI (29.02.16) , conducted Microteaching workshop for assistant professors at SSSMCRI (04.03.16), attended CME/ Village Project by Rajkumar & CMK Reddy at Kalavakkam. (06.03.16), attended CME/Workshop on Yoga “ Introduction of Yoga in Medical Curriculum” (09.03.16), conducted Microteaching workshop for Associate professors at SSSMCRI (10.03.16),
Karthika Jaya Kumar , HOD, Department of Microbiology conducted special lectures (Integrated lecture) on Rheumatic fever in the month of Feb 2016,conducted at the Lecture hall for 2nd year students. The external experts were Dr. Nasreen , Dr. Syed Ahmed , Dr. Senthil, Dr.K.N.Vishwanathan, Dr. Venkadathri and Dr. D.Gomathi. The internal experts were Dr. Karthika Jaya Kumar and Dr. Jayashree.
Under her guidance CRRI student presented oral paper in NATCON 2016 in Lucknow on: Diagnostic, Therapeutic
conducted Vertical Integrated teaching - Neuroanatomy from clinician point of view (12.03.16) taken on the topic, ‘Cerebrum & Cerebellum’ by Dr. Bala Subramanian and ‘Brain stem’ by Dr. Prabhakaran, attended IMA CME at Rajsundar on ‘updates in Specialities’ at Raj Palace Sundar (13.03.16), attended CME at KJ Hospital (14.03.16), attended the National Conference on Chronobiology & Health held at MGMCRI (18.03.16), and attended CME on Exploring An Enigma – “The Limbic System” at Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry (19.03.16), attended the Workshop on “Use of Computers for Doctors” at Conference hall Bloom Health Care, Chennai (20.03.16). Dr Swayam Jothi,S, gave a guest lecture on “The Development of Nervous System” to the Post graduate students of MMC, SMC & KMC(22.03.16), conducted Microteaching workshop for Professors at SSSMCRI (25.03.16), attended CME ON “Understanding Creator’s Creation by its Creators Creative”(Making of an easy expressive Educational aids) at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre on 31.03.16.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE CME on Leprosy – A Public Health Perspective
Dr. T. Pugazhenthan, M.B.B.S, M.D. (Pharmac), P.D.C.R., P.G. D. Diabetology, Medical Officer, Clinical Division, CLTRI, spoke on Lepra Reactions Faculty Development Program - Introduction to Biostatistics & SPSS A Faculty Development Program was organized by the Department of Community Medicine in association with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), South Asia Private Limited, Bangalore, on 15th February 2016. A statistician from the organization, Mr. V. Mani, M.Sc., M. Phil., conducted the session for the faculties and the CRRIs regarding the importance of Statistics in publishing a paper. He even explained about the method of data entry in the SPSS software and procedure to apply statistical tests. The session was attended by 135 participants, comprising of 51 faculty members, 3 post-graduate students and 81 CRRIs.
Awards and Recognitions Dr.J.Mohanasundaram, Dean ,SSSMCRI participated and was one the jury for the poster session held as part of the International Convention on World Homeopathy Day, 2016 held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 9th & 10th April 2016.
A CME on Leprosy was organized by the Department of Community Medicine in collaboration with the Government of India Program Officers and Specialists from the Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpattu on 08.02.2016. The session was organized for the exam going batches of 6th & 7th semester. The details of the speakers and their assigned topic are as follows: Dr. M. K. Showkath Ali, M.B.B.S., D.P.H., F.M.T.D., Director, CLTRI, Head of Department of Epidemiology spoke on, Overview of Leprosy Dr. V. C. Giri, M.B.B.S., M.D. (SPM), P.D.C.R., P.G. D. Epi, Assistant Director, CLTRI, Head of Department of Epidemiology, spoke on Leprosy - Global Scenario & Epidemiology Dr. Vijay M. Bhagat, M.B.B.S, M.D. (PSM), P.D.C.R. Assistant Director, CLTRI, Department of Epidemiology, spoke on Updates in NLEP Dr. R. Veerakumaran, M.B.B.S., D. Ortho, D.N.B. (Ortho), WHO Fellow, Head of Department of Reconstructive Surgery, CLTRI, spoke on Diagnosis & Management of Leprosy
Dr. N.Venkatadri, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Pharmacology gave a guest lecture to the Faculty and staff of the Department of Anatomy on the topic ‘Functional Anatomy of CNS’ on 06.05.16. Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair .G, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Forensic Medicine presented a scientific paper titled, “Crime scene Investigation” on 26th May 2016 Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair .G, Prof & HOD & Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, conducted ‘Problem based learning exercises’ for the 2nd MBBS students in the last week of June 2016. Dr. S.Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy attended the Faculty Development Programme on
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Competency Based Medical Education for Post-graduates (FDP-CBME-PG) at SSSMCRI on 5th April; Attended the talk on Global polio eradication and End game strategy by Dr Ratnesh Consultant, the World Health Organization on 7th April; attended the CME at KJ Hospital on 10th April; attended the CME at Rigid hospital on 10th April; attended PMI workshop at MGMCRI between 25.04.16 to 29.04.16; attended the CME programme of IMSA on Managing Oesophageal cancer participated by Dr Mohammed Ali Director of Medical gastroenterology MMC & Prof.SM Chandramohan President ESOINDIA.
Must Permeate in Siddha Medicine” during the Annual Convention of Alternative Medicine in Chennai in the month of July 2016. Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr. Semmal delivered an invited guest lecture titled as “Medical and Health Education usingThirukkural”at Rajiv Gandhi Science Centre, Bell Village Mauritius, the event was organized by INTAD, International Tamil Diaspora Association on 06. 08. 2016.
Dr.Chitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology and Mr.Ratchagan, Tutor, Department of Physiology participated as a delegate in the National Seminar and CME on – Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education on 21, June at MGMC&RI, SBV, Pondicherry. Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Radiology received an awardfrom Prof. Kulasekaran, Ex-President, Indian Radiological imaging association for the meritorious services rendered by him at the Third Monthly Meet of Indian Radiology and Imaging Association (TN & PY), Chennai Sub-chapter, Chennai, on 21. 08. 2016.
Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI, presented a poster titled, “Impact of nicotine dependency on Lung functions” on 10. 09. 2016 at “ENVOCCON 2016” International conference conducted by Sri Balaji Medical College & Hospitals under the aegis of the Association of Physiologists of Tamilnadu and bagged the first prize for his presentation. Prof.Vijayalakshmi, Department of Anesthesiology, received the “Lifetime achievement award” by ISA-Chennai on 16.10.2016. Guest Lectures / Invited Presentations
Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr. Semmal, presented a paper titled as “Imparting Medical and Health Education Using Ancient Indian Literature”During the Second European Tamil Conference held at Auberge de jeunesse Paris Yves Robert, 20 Esplanade NathaileSarraute, 75018 Paris, France on 17. 09. 2016. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof. &HOD was invited as guest speaker to give a lecture on ‘Immunohistochemistry’ in 15th Regional Society ofAnatomist’s meet at Maharaja’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh between 09. 07. 2016 & 10. 07. 2016. Dr. S Prasanna Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, gave a Guest Lecture in “LABCON-AGP 2016” at A. G. Padmavati Hospital, Puducherry on the topic, ‘Importance of blood culture’. Dr. KarthikaJayaKumar, Prof & Head, Microbiology went as a Resource person for the 2 days workshop on Training first year faculty, conducted by MEU, SSSMCRI on 30. 07. 2016. Chairperson
Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr. Semmal presented a paper titled “Concept of Peer Review, Accepting Criticism
Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Anatomy chaired a scientific session in 39th AnnualTamil Nadu Conference on Gross anatomy, Embryology, Histology in at Sree Balaji Medical College and hospital, Chennai on 24. 09. 2016.
Examiner Dr. KarthikaJayaKumar, conducted post graduate MD (Microbiology practical examination), in the capacity of external examiner for 3 days in Department of Microbiology of Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore, on from 18. 07. 2016 to 20. 07. 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD of Anatomy received certificate of appreciation for being an Examiner for
conducting Prize exam in Anatomy conducted by department of Anatomy Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital, OMR Thalambur Chennai on 16. 07. 2016. Dr.Valli, Associate professor, of ENT went as an external examiner for undergraduate MBBS ENT exam on 12, 15 & 16 December, 2016 at Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute (Chettinad University). Dr.K N Viswanathan, Professor of Internal Medicine, SSSMCRI was Invited as External Examiner in Medicine for SEGI University at Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (with the clinical campus at Sibu) from 9/10-13/10/2016. Elected as Member Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. &HOD appointed as Member in SC /ST cell of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for the academic year 2016-2017 on 04. 08. 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD appointed as Member in Women’s cell(Antigender harassment Cell) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for the academic year 2016-2017 on 04. 08. 2016. Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Dept. of Radiology, has been nominated by Vice Chancellor, SRM University, Kattankulathur, as a member, Board of Studies for Radiology Physics.
Dr.K N Viswanathan, Professor of Internal Medicine, SSSMCRI was invited to be the Advisory Board Member for the 9th edition of Kumar and Clark’s Clinical Medicine9th edition,2017-published in Sept 2016.
Resource person Glad Mohesh M I., Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology has delivered a lecture titled, “Influence of Tobacco on Heart” in the 3 days Zonal level Orientation programme for Youth Red Cross(YRC) volunteers and YRC programme officers” at Thiruvalluvar University, Serkkadu, Vellore conducted between 25th to 27th October 2016. Dr.KarthikaJayakumar, Vice Principal (Pre & Para clinical), Professor and Head in Department of Microbiology, SSMCRI, gave a guest lecture titled, “Profile Of Enteric Coccidian Infections In India” at the 10th National conference of Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology from 3rd to 6th November 2016, JIPMER, Puducherry. On 5th December 2016, Dr.Semmal Syed Meerasa, Professor, HOD of Physiology delivered a special invited guest lecture titled, “Imparting Medical and Health Education to Arts and Science Students Using Ancient Indian Literature” at the Department of Linguistics, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli. Dr.K N Viswanathan, Professor of Internal Medicine, SSSMCRI was Invited speaker in TAPICON (Tamil Nadu API 12th annual conference) at Tuticorin on 24.07.2017 on “Bedside Medicine-a forgotten art?” and published in Clinical Medicine 2016 p 51-55. Dr.K N Viswanathan, Professor of Internal Medicine, SSSMCRI was Invited as External Expert for conducting Assured promotion- for Associate Professors of Medicine at JIPMER on 21st August, 2016. Dr.Naseem Noorunisa , Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology, participated as chairperson in International conference titled – PATHSURGE 2016,organized by Sree
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Balaji Medical college and Hospital, Chrompet, held between 22nd to 24th of August 2016. Dr.Maduram A, Associate Professor of Pharmacology went as a resource person and judged the poster competition during the National conference on Medication Management and Safety held on 6th October 2016 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai.
Dr.Jeyakumari Jeevan, Professor of Dermatology chaired a session on “Androgenetic alopecia Medical management” by Dr.Jayaraman MD.,DD., & “Non venereal Genital dermatoses” by Dr.Rajesh Rajagopalan in 20th Dermazone south & 7th Cuticon conference held on 7th October 2016 in Tiruchirapalli.
Dr.Semmal Syed Meerasa, Professor, HOD of Physiology, chaired a session titled, “Modern Research in Indian Literature” at the “International Conference on Islamic Tamil Literature, Sri lanka” held from 11th to 13th December 2016 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. .
Presentations at Scientific Events Dr. V. Subramanian, Prof. and HOD, Dept. of Radiology delivered a lecture on ‘Acute Abdomen Imaging’ for Post graduates of General Surgery on 04. 07. 2016 at demonstration hall of the Radiology department. Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, gave an oral presentation on the title, “Perceptions on M-learning through WhatsApp application: a pilot study on first year medical students”, at the National conference on, “Changing trends in health professions education conducted by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry held between 19. 08. 2016 & 20. 08. 2016. Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended a National conference on Recent advances in cancer research and therapy between 08. 07. 2016 & 09. 07. 2016 at ChettinadHospital and Research Institute and presented a paper on “Analysis of various types of endpoints used in the drug approval for breast cancer”. Dr. MohanaRupa, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended a National conference on Recent advances in cancer research and therapy between 08. 07. 2016 & 09. 07. 2016at Chettinad hospital and research institute and presented a paper on “Emerging trends in role and use of biomarkers in clinical trials”. Dr.Sathia Lakshmi, Professor of Anatomy presented a scientific paper on ‘A Case Report of Intussusceptions in an infant’ at the 15th Regional Society of Anatomist’s Meet held at MIMS, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh, on 10. 07. 2016.
Dr.Swayamjothi, Prof and HOD, Department of Anatomy, chaired the scientific committee meeting held on 17.10.2016 and also chaired the Ethical committee meeting on 27.10.2016.
Dr Sathialakshmi presented a scientific paper in the 15th Regional Society ofAnatomist’s meet at Maharaja’s Institute
Poster presentation titled “Tender Coconut Water- A gift of Nature” on food science and toxicology topics was given by Mr. Ilanchezhian on 15. 09. 2016 at the International Conference on Environment and Health in Changing Climate” (ICEHCC2016) organized by Bharathidasan University, Trichyfrom 14. 09. 2016 to 16. 09. 2016.
Dr.Jeyakumari jeevan, Professor of Dermatology chaired a session on “Atopic Dermatitis – Managing skin & Beyond” in International conference of Paediatric Dermatology held in Sree Balaji medical college, Chennai on 11th November 2016
of Medical sciences, Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh between 09. 07. 2016 & 10. 07. 2016. Sunilkumar. Jada, Tutor/ PhD scholar in Department of Microbiology, participated and presented research paper for funding in State Task Force programme by RNTCP on 31. 08. 2016 at Chennai. Mr.Glad Mohesh M I., Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology has presented a Poster titled, “Low cost custom built experimental setup to investigate light induced damages in retina of Zebrafish animal models” at the International Conference on Radiation Biology (ICRB 2016) conducted by SRM University, Kattankulathur between 9th to 11th November, 2016.
Sunilkumar.Jada, PhD scholar/ Tutor in Department of Microbiology, presented research paper on the topic’ Intestinal parasitic infections profile among tribal population of Kanchipuram, Chennai’ at the 10th National conference of Indian Academy of Tropical Parasitology from 3rd to 6th November 2016, JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Lavakumar S, Assistant professor from the Department of Pharmacology attended a National conference on ‘Basic and Clinical pharmacology’ held between 8th and 9th October 2016 at Narayana Medical College and Research Institute, Nellore and presented a poster on ‘A study on evaluation on the level of drug compliance among the outpatients who are on a long term drug therapy in a tertiary care teaching hospital – a questionnaire based prospective study’
Dr.Semmal Syed Meerasa, Professor, HOD of Physiology presented a research paper titled as “Imparting Medical and Health Education Using a 17th Century Tamil Literary Work, the Seeraappuraanam” at the “International Conference on Islamic Tamil Literature, Sri lanka” held from 11th to 13th December 2016 at Colombo, Sri Lanka
▶▶ participation in sceintific events
Dr.Sathialakshmi participated and presented a poster titled, ‘A study of sacral hiatus in human sacrum’ in 64th Annual conference of Anatomical society of India held at AIIMS, Jodhpur on 29.11.2016.
Dr.A.Jamal Mohamed, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, attended Micro Teaching Training Session at SSSMC&RI on 25.03.16.
Dr.Kafeel Hussain participated and presented paper on ‘Distribution of C cells in Normal thyroid’ in 64th Annual conference of Anatomical society of India held at AIIMS, Jodhpur on 29.11.2016. Dr.Sunita Bharati participated and presented poster titled, ‘Study of Radiological pattern in feet of disabled leprosy patients attending tertiary care hospital’ in 64th Annual conference of Anatomical society of India held at AIIMS, Jodhpur on 29.11.2016. Dr.Swayamjothi, Prof and HOD, department of Anatomy presented a case on ‘Histopathological findings of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis’ in scientific society meet SSSMCRI on 27.10.2016. Scientific paper “Doctor’s Burnout – How To Prevent” was presented by Prof. V. Subramanian, HOD, SSSMC & RI during the Seventh Monthly Meet of Chennai Subchapter – Indian Radiological & Imaging association (TN & PY) at ACS Medical College on 02.10.2016
Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology attended a one day workshop on “Intellectual property right” on April 6th organized by Center for Intellectual property rights, Anna University, Chennai.
Dr.T.Sundararajan, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics attended Annual Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons 10th conference at ITC Grand Chola Chennai from 08th to 10th , April 2016. Dr.Keerthy Chandra, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics; attended the Cadaveric Workshop on Primary and Complex Hip Arthroplasty, MSRALC, Bangalore in the month of May 2016; Cadaveric Workshop on Basic and Advanced Shoulder Arthroscopy, MSRALC, Bangalore in the month of June 2016; Core Training skills in Hip and Shoulder Arthroscopy, Deenanth Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune in the month of July 2016. Dr. Lavakumar , Asst. Professor of Pharmacology attended a CME programme on Diabetes mellitus- future perspectives on 14.6.16 at Chengalpattu Medical College, attended a National symposium on “An update on antimicrobial agents and their uses” on 15.6.16 at MGMCRI, Pondicherry and attended 4th Chennai advanced wound care conference conducted by TRAMP trust between 18th and 19th June 1016 at Residency towers, Chennai.
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Dr.S.Vijayakumar from Dermatology attended the 20th Dermazone south & 7th Cuticon conference held on 7th, 8th & 9th October 2016 in Tiruchirapalli, Tamilnadu. He also attended International conference of Paediatric Dermatology held in Sree Balaji medical college,Chennai on 11th & 12th November 2016. Department Of Orthopedics Faculty participated in Indian Orthopaedic association annual conference at Kochi held from 12th to 17th December 2016. Dr.SwayamJothi, Professor and HOD of Anatomy, attended 417th monthly CME programme of IMSA Tamilnadu chapter .Topic- Overview of viral epidemics physicians perspective by Dr R Muthuselvam Prof department of medicine, KMC on 9.10.2016. Dr.SwayamJothi Professor and HOD of Anatomy, attended CME programme of IMA Tamilnadu chapter. Topic – Venous diseases of the leg by Prof CMK Reddy, Presentation of interesting cases, X rays & operative clippings on 16.10.2016, attended CME programme IMSA TN chapter on Vascular surgery on 13.11.2016, attended CME conducted by Department of Dermatology SSSMCRI on Psoriasis Basic essentials by Dr Parimalamkumar HOD KMC on 02.11.2016, attended CME programme on Role of Nuclear medicine in Thyroid management by Dr G Sridhar senior consultant Billroth hospitals on 08.11.2016, attended CME conducted by internal medicine department on 16.11.2016, and she also attended CME conducted by IMA at Life line hospitals New Avadi road Kilpauk on 20.11.2016. Dr.S.Gurumani, Professor and HOD of ENT attended CME on ‘Airway management - an overview’ on 11.11.2016 organized by department of ENT at Chettinad Hospital And Research Institute. CME on Anesthesia by Dept. of Anesthesia attended by Prof. V. Subramanian, Radiology HOD at SSSMCRI, 4th floor lecture hall, Hospital block on 14.10.2016. Dr.S.Prasanna Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, attended as a delegate in the CME- “Neuro Virology” held on 05.11.2016 at Sri Ramachandra Medical college& Research Institute.
Dr.NaseemNoorunisa, Professor of Pathology and Dr. R. Revathishree , Dr.P.Priyanka, Dr.Dineshkumar, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, participated in International CME on Update in Surgical Pathology on 14.10.2016, Madras Medical College. Dr Shruti, Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology & Dr Vijayalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept of OBG, SSSMCRI, attended one day sensitization programme on ATCOM module at CMC Vellore on 21st October 2016. All the faculty of the Department of Anatomy, attended Faculty development programme on References Managers for your Research by Dr. D C Mathangi at SSSMC RI. Dr. Kalaivani, Dr. Raja, Dr. Geetha, Dr. Saurabh, Dr. Prateek, Dr. Karnabhoopathy, Dr. Muthukumar attended a session on “Mendely – Reference manager” organized by the Department of Physiology on 26.11.2016. Dr.Naseem Noorunisa , Professor of Pathology and Dr. R.Revathishree, Dr.Dineshkumar, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, Participated in “Reference Manager For Your Research, organized by Department of Physiology, at ShriSathyaSai Medical College And Research Institute on 26.11.2016. All the faculty of Anatomy attended FORENSIQUEST-2016 conducted by department of forensic medicine SSSMC RI on 18-10-2016. Dr.Swayamjothi, Prof and HOD department of anatomy participated in World anaesthesia day on 14.10.2016, and also participated in public awareness programme on World diabetes Day at SSSMCRI on 14.11.2016. Dr.Vinod.K, Dr.Mohamed Arif, Dr.Sheshadivya Krishna. Department of Anesthesiology, attended the CHETANCON 2016 on 15.10.2016 at Chennai. Dr.Dilipkumar.G, Dr.PranjaliKurehkar, Dr.Jagan, Department of Anesthesiology attended the Regional Anesthesia course at Back and pain centre, Chennai on 22nd & 23rd Oct 2016.
Dr. V.Jayashree, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology attended as a delegate in the CME- “Neuro Virology” held on 05.11.2016 at Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Research Institute.
The faculty members from the department of Orthopaedics, participated in Indian Orthopaedic Association world record free surgery event on 23.10.2016.
Dr. Lavakumar S, Assistant Professor from the Department of Pharmacology attended an International seminar on Endocrinological disorders on 3rd November 2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.NaseemNoorunisa , Professor of Pathology and Dr. R.Revathishree, Dr.Dineshkumar, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, participated in CHETPATHCON 2016- Lymphoma update on 19.11.2016, at Chettinad Medical College and Research Institute. Dr.G.Srinivasan, Professor & HOD, DVL attended faculty development programme titled“Reference manager for your research” conducted by department of physiology, SSSMCRI on 26.11.2016. Mr.Ratchagan K, Department of Physiology participated at the Workshop on “simple cost effective portable experimentation in physiology” on 30th Nov 2016 conducted by the Department of Physiology at Saveetha medical college, Thandalamchennai Dr.Latha.R participated as a delegate for the SAARC workshop on “Techniques in Physiological Sciences” at AIIMS, New Delhi between 20th and 22nd December, 2016. Dr. Karthika Jayakumar, Professor and HOD of Microbiology, and Sunilkumar.Jada, PhD scholar/ Tutor in Department of Microbiology participated in 40 th National Conference of the Indian Association of Medical Microbiologists held from 23rd to 27th Nov at PGIMER, Chandigarh, India. Dr. A. M. Anusa, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry, attended The IPSOCON 2016, the 49th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society – South Zone Branch held at Hotel Crowne Plaza, Chennai from 14th to 16th October 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Anatomyattendeda CME programme of IMSA TN chapter on ‘Early breast cancer’ by Dr.SankarSrinivasan, ‘Radiotherapy in the treatment of breast cancer’ by Dr.RathnaDevi, ‘Breast conservation surgery’ by Dr. C S Mani in association with Apollo cancer Hospital on 10. 07. 2016, participated as a delegate in a CME on “ChettinadOGCON-2016”, ‘Womb to World-Beyond medical barriers(Medical disorders in pregnancy –An update’ held at Chettinadu Health city on 16. 07. 2016, attended a CME on “Ophthalmology in practice” conducted by Tamil nadu Medical Practitioners Association
(TAMPA) and Indian Medical Association(IMA) at Life line Rigid Hospital, Kilpauk on 17. 07. 2016, participated in the sensitization program for attitude and communication module organized by the MCI Nodal centre, CMC Vellore on 05. 08. 2016, attended the 416th monthly CME program of International Medical Sciences Academy on management of difficult labour by Dr.Vijayalakshmi and IVF-ET by Dr. N Chithra on 11. 09. 2016, attended CME on ‘Stress management’ at GRT annex By Dr. CMK Reddy &also attended a spiritual talk on ‘Fate and Karma’by Dr.Sarma at Sundaram Medicals on 18. 09. 2016. Dr. S. SwayamJothi, Prof. &HOD, dept. of Anatomy participated in world bone and joint day organized by dept. of orthopaedics on 04. 08. 2016, attended inauguration of Pain clinic by Department of Anesthesiology at hospital campus, on 08. 08. 2016, attended CME on Carcinoma Breast conducted by dept. of General surgery on 9. 08. 2016, and attended scientific society meet on 25. 08. 16at SSSMCRI. All faculty membersof Pharmacology attended CME on “Pharmacology and Biology of dying” conducted by department of Pharmacology, SSSMCRI on 16. 8. 16. Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI attended the conference and a workshop titled, “Teaching clinical skills in digital era” held between 19. 08. 2016 and 20. 08. 2016 at the National conference on Changing trends in health professions education conducted by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Puducherry. Ms. ShanmugaPriya attended a continuing professional education programme on laboratory medicine titled “Enhancing quality in medical laboratories” organized by Deepam Diagnostic centre, Chennai on 19. 08. 2016. Mr. Ilanchezhian, attended the ‘Recent advances in clinical laboratory practices’organized by Central Laboratory, Sri Balaji Medical College and Hospital on 29. 09. 2016. R. Gomathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, participated in the two days conference titledKaleidoscope of Pathology-II, organized by Chengalpattu Medical College, Chengalpattu, between between 08. 07. 2016 and 09. 07. 2016. Dr. NaseemNoorunisa, Professor of Pathology and Dr. R. Gomathi, Dr. P. Priyanka, Assistant Professors, Department of Pathology, participated in the three days International conference titled – PATHSURGE 2016, organized by
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Prof. V. Subramanian, HOD of Radiologyattended CME program by Indian Medical Associationon 31. 07. 2016 at Hotel Lemon Tree – Chennai and participated in a lecture discussion on‘Crystal Induced Arthropathies’ by Prof. Porkodi Rheumatologist and on ‘Thyroid Disorder’ by Dr. SruthiChandrasekaran, AB Internal Medicine and Endocrinology, Consultant Endocrinologist. Prof. Subramanian. V, HODof Radiology attended a CME “Signa Unraveled – M R Master Series” on 13. 08. 16 at Hotel ITC Chola Chennai, for the lecture on ‘Imaging Brain Tumors and Advances in MR- Neuro-Acute Stroke - The evolving land scope’ by Dr. Scott W Atlas, Professor and Chief of Neuroradiology, Stanford University, USA. Dr. Rajesh Kannan N, AsstProfessor, Dept of Psychiatry, participated in the ‘Brain&Mind, a Neuropsychiatry CME’, held at Hotel Leela Palace, Chennai on 27. 08. 2016. Dr. Swayamjothi, Prof. &HOD, Dr. Sathialakshmi, Professor, Dr. SunitaBharathi, Asst. Prof, Ms. Sujatha, Tutor, Anatomyparticipated as a delegate in the ‘National Conference On Changing Trends In Health Professions Education’ held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute from 18. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16. Dr. V. Subramanian, Prof and HOD, Radiology and core team Dr. Anandapadmanabhan. J attended the E P A, Competency Based Medical Education program for Post graduates and e portfolio discussion by V. C and MEU team from SBV, Pondicherry. Dr. Rajesh Kannan N, Asst.Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, SSSMCRI participated in the following Faculty Development Programs: Chennai Psychiatrist’s forum, titled ‘OCD and Schizophrenia’ held on 10. 07. 2016, hotel Raintree Chennai and TANPSYCON – 31st Annual conference of IPS- Tamilnadu chapter, held at Coimbatore between 06. 08. 2016 and 07. 08. 2016. Dr. Shruti. P. Hegde, Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology participated in “Chetticon”, a conference on Eye Donation and Corneal Transplantation conducted at Chettinadu Medical College hospital on 2nd September. Dr. Shruti. P. Hegde, Associate Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology attended 4th World Conference of
Faculty Development Programs was attended by Dr. Keerthy Chandra on, ‘Core Training skills in Hip and Shoulder Arthroscopy’, at Deenanth Mangeshkar Hospital, Pune between 28. 07. 2016 and 29. 07. 2016 and an AO Spine Conference at Asia Pacific, Pune, between 01. 08. 2016 and 02. 08. 2016. Dr. RajiniSamuel, attended the National conference on changing trends in health professions education at MGMC & RI from 18. 08. 16 to 20. 08. 16. International conference on, ‘Recent Advances in Modern Medicine: Molecular Signaling Scenarios in Tissues and Diseases’ held from 03. 09. 16 to 04. 09. 16 Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital (20 credit points) attended by the following Faculties, Dr. Vanaja, Associate Professor, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Assistant Professors, Mr. Ilanchezhian, Ms. Shanmuga Priyaand Ms. Sarguru, Tutors.
Scientific Society Meeting – 28th April 2016 Dr.Sridhar, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology welcomed the gathering. The scientific session began with an Interesting case presentation of Rickettsial Fever by Dr.Vikram, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics followed by a talk on Intellectual Property Rights by Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology.
Dean with the Heads - Meeting. The Pre / Para clinical HOD’s meeting was held on 19.04.2016 in the Dean room – College Block.
Quarterly Academic Audit at SSSMCRI Quaterly Internal Audit Meeting for the last quarter of 2015 and first quarter of 2016 was held on 12.04.16 and 10.06.2016 respectively. The quarterly performance audit of all the departments of SSSMCRI was chaired by the Vice Chancellor of SBV, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman in the presence of the Dean, Prof.J.Mohanasundaram, the Registrar, Prof. S.Srinivasan, NAAC Coordinator, Prof. R.Pajanivel and Executive Editor of ‘The Chronicle’, Dr.A.N.Uma.
CME on Common Orthopedic Ailments The department of Orthopedics organized the CME on Common Orthopedic Ailments after age 60 on 9th Feb 2016. Invited guest lecture was delivered during the occasion
Ophthalmic Anaesthesia, at ITC Grand Cholabetween 03. 09. 2016 and 04. 09. 2016 conducted by Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai.
SreeBalaji Medical college and Hospital, Chrompet, from 22. 08. 2016 to 24. 08. 2016.
by Prof.S.Karunakaran and Prof. S.Shanmugasundaram delivered lectures related to the topic. Prof. & HOD, Dr. Subramanian V was awarded with “Distinguished Scientist award” at Venus International Foundation, Annual Research Meet– ARM 2016.
Guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Breast’ Prof. S. Jegadesh Chandra Bose MS, M. Ch, Professor, Surgical Oncology, SRMC, Chennai gave a guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Breast’ at the hospital lecture hall on 09. 08. 2016.
The scientific society meeting for the month of August was held on 25. 08. 2016. Prof. V. Subramanian HOD, Radiology organized meeting at Seminar hall, 4th Floor, Hospital Block. Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI, gave a presentation titled, “ Google Forms : a free tool for the academia” at the Meeting. Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, Asst Professor, Dept of Forensic Medicine, presented a scientific paper titled “Sudden death in sleep: Autopsy Challenges facing a Forensic Pathologist” on 28. 09. 2016 in the scientific society meeting of SSSM&RI held in the Seminar Hall on 4th floor of SSSMC&RI Hospital.
White Coat Ceremony – 22. 08. 2016 White Coat Ceremony event for the second year MBBS students was held on 22. 08. 2016. The event was preside by the Vice Chancellor of SBV, Prof. KR. Sethuraman and by the Dean of SSSMCRI, Prof. J. Mohanasundaram.
Guest Lecture on “Pharmacoeconomics”
Guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Stomach -Recent Trends’ Dr. O. L. NaganathBabu MS, DNB, Mch, FRCS(Edin), FACS(USA), FICS, FAIS, FIMSA, H. O. D & Professor Surgical Gastroenterology, Govt. Royapettahospital, Chennai gave a guest lecture on ‘Carcinoma Stomach -Recent Trends’ on 09. 04. 2016 at the hospital lecture hall.
Scientific / Clinical Society Meetings Dr. AnandaPadmanabhan. J, Radiology faculty presented “A case of seizure disorder- Multi organ hamartoma’, on 29. 07. 2016 atthe scientific society meeting for July 2016 at Seminar hall, 4th Floor, Hospital Block,
A Guest Lecture was organized by the Department of Community Medicine on ‘Pharmacoeconomics’ using the principle of 4Ds - Discuss-Discover-DevelopDisseminate, as per and to fulfill M.C.I. P.G Education Regulations 2000 (amended up to September 2016) on 18th October 2016. The session was attended by almost all post-graduate students from the para-clinical and the clinical departments. It was very well accepted by the audience and the post-graduate students were awarded with certificates of participation.
CME on the “Role of Nuclear Medicine in Thyroid Management” Dept. of Radiodiagnosis conducted a CME on the “Role of Nuclear Medicine in Thyroid Management” on 08.11.2016 on the occasion of Roentgen day celebrations at Seminar Hall 4th Floor Hospital Campus. The Speaker of the day was Dr.G.Sridhar, Senior Consultant and Nuclear Medicine Physician, Billroth Hospitals, Chennai.
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CME on Anesthesia CME programme was conducted at SSSMCRI on 14 October 2016 by Department of Anesthesiology, in commemoration with “World Anesthesia Day.”
CME on ‘Recent trends in Management of CSOM’ Department of ENT at SSSMCRI conducted a CME on ‘Recent trends in Management of CSOM’ on 10.11.2016. The Speaker was Dr.Ramakrishnan, Associate Professor, SRM Medical College, Kattankulathur.
Guest lecture on “Reference Managers for Your Research”
MEU conducted Micro-Teaching and it was attended by Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru&Ms. ShanmugaPriya. The Small Group Teachingwas conducted on 14. 09. 2016 and was attended by Dr. Vanaja, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru & Ms. ShanmugaPriya. The Problem Based Learningwas conducted on19. 09. 2016 & 20. 09. 2016 and it was attended by Dr. Vanaja, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru&Ms. ShanmugaPriya. Specific Learning Objectivesconducted on 26. 09. 2016, was attended by Dr. Vanaja, Dr. Rajini Samuel, Dr. VidhyaLogini, Ms. Suganya, Mr. Sarguru & Ms. ShanmugaPriya.
Department of Physiology, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & RI organized a faculty development programme titled, “Reference Managers for Your Research” on 26.11.2016. Professor Dr.D.C.Mathangi, Professor of Physiology, Chettinad Medical College Hospitals and Research Institute, Chennai was the resource person. She shared her expertise in the use of Reference Manager Softwares like EndNote and Mendeley.
Mr.Hemanth, Tutor, Mr.RajeswaraRao, Asst. Prof., Dr.Sunitha, Asst. Prof, Dr. Mani, Asst. Prof, Department of Anatomy attended the Microteaching workshop conducted by MEU on 13. 09. 2016. Dr.Kafeel, Asst. Prof, Dr. Sunitha, Asst. Prof, MrRajeswaraRao, Asst. Prof. , Dr Mani, Asst. Prof. MsSujatha, Tutor, Mr.Hemanth, Tutor, Department of Anatomy attended the Small group teaching conducted by MEU on 14. 09. 2016.
CME on “Psoriasis
Innovations in Teaching and learning
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy conducted a CME on November 2nd, 2016 on the topic, “Psoriasis – Basic Essentials” at SSSMCRI. The resource person was Dr.Parimalam kumar, Professor & Head, Department of DVL, Kilpauk Medical College and Goverment Royapettah Hospital, Chennai on account of world psoriasis day.
Dr. Vijay Kautilya D, participated as a resource person during the Three day Orientation programme organized by the Medical Education unit as a resource person and delivered a guest lecture on ‘Ethics in medical practice’ held from October 3rd to 5th 2016.
▶▶ INNOVATIONS Medical Education Unit, SSSMCRI Integrated curriculum Meeting was conducted by the Medical Education Unit on 07. 09. 2016 and it was attended by all the faculty members of SSSMC& RI. All faculty members of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry participated in the workshop on “Faculty development program for first year faculty”conducted by the Medical Education Unit at SSSMCRI on 13. 07. 2016. Dr. SwayamJothi, Prof. & HOD, Department of Anatomy was a resource faculty and gave a talk on ‘How to make small group teaching activities effective’ in the workshop.
A session was conducted by Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman on English language vocabulary, and comprehension skills for 1st Year MBBS students on 18.10.2016. A meeting was held in Anatomy Library SSSMC RI by Prof J Anbalagan and Prof S.S Rajasekar from MGMCRI, regarding the Blue print agenda and discussion about integrated teaching module on 25.11.2016. Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, participated as Resource person and gave inaugural address on Mentor Mentee system and VP speech in orientation programme for 1st year 2016 batch students from 17 to19th Oct 2016.
Faculty development program for first year facultywas conducted by the Medical Education Unit of SSSMC& RI. MEU conducted a workshop on “Specific Learning Objectives, Microteaching, Small Group Teaching and Problem Based Learning attended by the following faculties: On 13. 09. 2016
World Cancer Day – 04.02.2016
World Cancer Day was observed in Sembakkam RHTC by the Department of Community Medicine on the 04th February, 2016. Students from the 4th semester
was guided by the faculties to prepare charts and conduct a role play in the community to create awareness about the common cancers and the necessity of the people to approach health care establishments at the earliest to reduce the risk of development of complications & poor prognosis of the malignancies. Dr. Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Dr. Fathima, Lady Medical Officer, RHTC were present for the session. World Tuberculosis Day – 24.03.2016
World Immunization Week Observation – 24.04.2016 – 30.04.2016 Theme: Close the immunization gap Immunization Week was observed in the Thiruporur UHTC by the Department of Community Medicine in the last week of the April month. A health talk was given to all the women coming to the centre with children in the under-five year age group, and they were explained about the importance of immunizing their child against vaccine-preventable diseases.
World No Tobacco Day – 31.05.2016
The World Tuberculosis Day was observed by the Department of Community Medicine and the Department of Pulmonary Medicine on the 24th March, 2016. A Quiz session was organized for the MBBS students of sixth and seventh semester. The students were divided into five equal groups and six quiz rounds were conducted based on different epidemiological, laboratory, clinical aspects of the disease. In addition, some questions were even framed on the recent advances to test students’ familiarity with the recent developments. Out of the five groups, two best groups were rewarded by Dr. J. Mohanasundaram, Dean, along with Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, and Dr. Sundaramurthy, Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine. The awards for the winners were sponsored by Dr. Sundaramurthy. Outreach Camps In the quarter of January - March 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 41 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.
Theme: Get ready for plain packaging No Tobacco Day was observed in both Sembakkam RHTC and Thiruporur UHTC with the help of CRRIs’ posted in the Department of Community Medicine. A role play was organized in both the centers to depict the side effects of consuming tobacco in any form and an interactive session was conducted for clearing the doubts of the beneficiaries.
World Blood Donation Day – 14.06.2016 Theme: Blood connects us all A rally was organized by the Department of Community Medicine in the field practice area of Sembakkam RHTC to create awareness about the importance of voluntary blood donation and its role in saving human lives. Dr. Gopinath, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was present for the rally and guided the Medical Officer RHTC, CRRIs and the paramedical staff.
World Astham Day – 03.05.2016 World Astham Day was conducted by the department of TBCD on 03.05.2016 where eminent talks related to the topic and competitions for students were held.
World Health Day – 07.04.2016
Outreach Camps
Theme: Halt the rise: Beat Diabetes
The Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 39 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.
World Health Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 07th April, 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk and role-play was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. The health talk and role play was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of the Medical Officer, and patients were counseled regarding the importance of periodic blood sugar estimation, adherence to therapy, and role of self-care in preventing the progression of the disease.
World Hepatitis Day – 28. 07. 2016 Theme: “Know hepatitis-Act now” World Hepatitis Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 28. 07. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine.
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A health talk was conducted for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath. T. T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine. Patients and health staff were sensitized about the importance of hepatitis and the measures to prevent it.
World Hepatitis Day Awareness Program Department of Microbiology conducted Hep-B vaccination programme for students and staff (clinical, Non-clinical Departments, Nursing staff and non-teaching staff ) on, 28. 07. 2016 and163 persons were vaccinated. The
was shown to the mothers to orient them about the position of breastfeeding. Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was present for the session, In addition, Dr. BharaniKumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics gave a talk on the importance of breastfeeding, position of breastfeeding and advantages of exclusive breastfeeding. Similarly, World breastfeeding week was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 04. 08. 2016by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk and role play was performed for the welfare of the patients attending the centre by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath. T. T, Assistant Professor, and Department of Community Medicine. The session was attended by Dr.Santhosh, Assistant Professor from Paediatrics department who explained to the people about the benefits of breastfeeding.
World Bone and Joint Day celebration -04. 08. 2016
Department once again conducted Hep-B vaccination programme for students and staff on29. 08. 2016, and 159 persons were vaccinated.
The department of Orthopedics, conducted World Bone and Joint Day celebration in our institution and held an awareness program with poster competition on 04. 08. 2016. Orthopediciansperformed arthroscopic and spine surgeries and participated in the initiative of Indian Orthopaedic Association’s Guinness World Record for maximum free surgeries in a day.
World Breastfeeding Week (01. 08. 2016–07. 08. 2016) Theme: “A Key to Sustainable Development” Breastfeeding week was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on 03. 08. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine and Paediatrics. A health talk using charts and models was organized to explain about the advantages of breastfeeding, nutritive contents of breast milk. Also, a video
Eye Donation Fortnight CelebrationFrom 25. 08. 2016 to 08. 09. 2016
During eye donation fortnight, which is celebrated between 25th august to 8th September every year, an awareness program was held in the hospital premises on 29th august 2016. The program witnessed active participation by faculty, post graduate student, students of pre final year & BSc optometry, CRRIs & the public. Basic facts on eye
donation were explained using lectures, role play & hand outs distributed among the pubic visiting the hospital. Students enthusiastically participated in making posters & drawing kolam related to eye donation.
conducted 38 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manambathi. Department of Psychiatry Organized Camps at Anbagam, A center for Mentally Challenged.
National Nutritional Week– 01. 09. 2016 to 07. 09. 2016
World Mental Health Day – 10.10.2016
Theme: “Life cycle approach for better nutrition”
Theme: “Psychological first aid”
National Nutritional Week was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 07. 09. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk with role play was organized for the 48 patients attending the centre. The health talk and role play was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath. T. T, Assistant Professor, and Department of Community Medicine. The aim of the session was to educate the beneficiaries and the paramedical staff about the importance of a healthy & nutritious diet and the necessity to consume a balanced diet.
World Mental Health day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on October 10th 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. The health talk was delivered by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer and covered various areas pertaining to mental health, namely signs and symptoms of mental health problems, psychiatric counseling and behavioural therapy. Participants were also explained about the stigma prevailing around mental illness and the importance of mental health in attaining the perfect health.
World Rabies Day- 28. 09. 2016 Theme: “Educate. Vaccinate. Eliminate” World Rabies Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on 28. 09. 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was given by the interns posted at RHTC to create awareness about rabies for the patients attending health center using charts and video. The session was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of dog bite, symptoms and clinical features of Rabies, treatment and Pre & Post exposure vaccination. In the quarter of July - September 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 41 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy.
Special Camp for Fisherwomen Community -26. 9. 2016 Every month fishing holiday to remember Tsunami was conducted under the leadership of Dr. Gopinath TT, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine on 26. 09. 2016 at North Nemmelli. About 122 were the beneficiaries.
Outreach Camps In the quarter of October - December 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs
Global Handwashing Day – 13.10.2016 Theme: “Make Handwashing a Habit” Global Handwashing Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 13th October 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was delivered by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were sensitized regarding the importance of handwashing in preventing the acquisition of infection.
World Diabetes Day – 14.11.2016 Theme: “Eyes on diabetes” World Diabetes day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on November 14th 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. The session consisted of a role play and a health talk for the benefit of the patients attending the centre. The role play was performed by the interns and highlighted the importance of treatment compliance in the management of diabetes mellitus and the significance of periodic blood sugar estimation. Further, a health talk was given using charts and the beneficiaries were oriented about the symptoms of diabetes, complication of uncontrolled diabetes, and
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World Aids Day – 01.12.2016 Theme: “Hands up for HIV prevention” World AIDS day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on December 1st 2016 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts and posters was given by the CRRIs’ posted at RHTC. Awareness regarding the stigma prevailing around the disease, treatment and diagnostic facility available were explained to the participants under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. The participants were also sensitized about the risk factors of AIDS and safe sex practices. Participants then
A similar sort of session was also observed at Thiruporur UHTC on 1st December by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was given by the CRRIs’ regarding the importance of prevention measures to prevent the acquisition of infection. Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer were present for the session. The Department Activities of Microbiology, The global hand washing week- “HAND WASHING AND HAND HYGIENE WEEK” was celebrated on 19.10.2016 with poster & video presentations by staff nurses, lectures by DrKarthika Jayakumar (Prof & HOD Microbiology), on ‘Nosocomial infections’, Dr V Jayashree (Assistant Prof Microbiology) on ‘Universal safety precautions’, Dr S Prasanna (Assistant Prof Microbiology) on ‘Antimicrobial resistance & spread in health carepersona’ and later prizes were distributed in presence of DMS, Radiology HOD & Dermatology HOD. Judges for poster presentation were Dr.Sundaramurthy Prof & HOD TBCD &Dr. G. Sridhar Associate Prof Microbiology & for video presentation it was Dr.Srinivasan, Prof & HOD Dermatology & Dr.G.Sridhar, Associate Prof Microbiology.
▶▶ STUDENTS NEWS Post Graduate News Post Graduate orientation program was held in the month of May 2016 under the Chairmanship of Smt.Gowri Rajagopalan.
clarified their doubts and queries regarding HIV/AIDS in an interactive session which followed the health talk.
importance of dietary and lifestyle modifications in the care of diabetic patients. The entire session was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Finally, the program ended with an interactive session, in which Dr. Muthukumar clarified participant’s doubts and queries regarding diabetes. World Diabetes Day was also observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 14th November by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk and a role play was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. In addition, a special screening program for diabetes was conducted, under which five new cases were detected. Simultaneously, health personnel were educated about the necessity to take measures to prevent the onset of diabetes.
Dr. RoopakVisakan Raja, postgraduate in the Department of ENT presented a research paper titled “Noise Pollution and Associated Hearing Loss” and was awarded the Prof. Dr. Sadasivan Gold Medal for best PG research paper presentation in Otology in the 19 th State Conference of Association Of Otolaryngologists of India held at Salem, Yercaurd on 9 to 11 September 2016. Dr. Pushkar, Dr. Senthil . N Ganesh and Dr. Shubra Sharma. 1st year PG’s and Dr. Syed Ahmed Hussain, Second yr P. G, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Kaleidoscope of Pathology –II”, Chengalpattu Medical College between 08. 07. 2016 and 09. 07. 2016 - Credit points: 20. Dr. MachiReddy R, Dr. SekharReddy, Post graduate, dept of Ophthalmology attended CME on ‘ocular fundi’ at Riogoh on 30. 07. 2016. Dr. Shubra Sharma 1st year PG, Department of Pathology, participated in the three days International conference titled – PATHSURGE 2016, organized by SreeBalaji Medical college and Hospital, Chrompet, from 22. 08. 2016 to 24. 08. 2016. Dr. Machireddy R. Dr. SekharReddy, Post graduate, dept of Ophthalmology, participated in “Chetticon”, a conference on Eye Donation and Corneal Transplantation conducted at Chettinadu Medical College Hospital on 02. 09. 2016. They also attended the 4th World Conference Of Ophthalmic Anaesthesia at ITC Grand Cholabetween 03. 09. 2016 and 04. 09. 2016 conducted by Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai.
Dr. SahayaSonaThresa and Dr. IndraBala, postgraduate students from the Department of Community Medicine attended a two days CME held between 22.10.2016 & 23.10.2016 on “Post-graduation Refresher Course” organized by the Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore. Dr. Sona (final year postgraduate), Dr. Indra Bala & Dr. Seetharaman (first year postgraduate), Department of Community Medicine attended a session on “Mendely – Reference manager” organized by the Department of Physiology on 26.11.2016. Dr. IndraBala, first year post-graduate student from the Department of Community Medicine was selected for the “Certificate Course in Research Methodology and Biostatistics for Medical Professionals” by the National Institute of Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai. It was a 10 days course held from 13th to 23rd Dec 2016. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, first year post graduate, Department of Pathology, participated as a delegate in the “Autopsy Workshop - 2016” conducted by the Department of Pathology, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore on 7th and 8th October 2016. Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, Second year post graduate, Dr. Senthil.N Ganesh and Dr.Pushkarchaudhary, first year post graduates, Department of Pathology, Participated in CHETPATHCON 2016- Lymphoma update on 19.11.2016 at Chettinad Medical College & Research Institute.
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Dr.Syed Ahmed Hussain, Second year post graduate, Dr. Senthil .N Ganesh and Dr.Pushkar chaudhary, Dr.Shubra Sharma, first year post graduates, Department of Pathology, participated in “Reference Manager For Your Research, organized by Department of Physiology, SSSMCRI on 26.11.2016. Department of Pulmonary Medicine organized ‘World Diabetic Day’ and a talk on Diabetic Lung was presented by MD General Medicine PG.
held on the 7th of April 2016 and the top twelve students were selected for the finals. The twelve students were divided into 4 teams of 3 members each by lots. Our respected Dean, kindly consented to give away the prizes and certificates to the participants where, Baskara Amsath Raja. R, Abi Karthika. P, Sinduja. S were the winners and Sanchana. C, Mubeen Fathima. A, Shruti Ganesh were the runners. The third place went to Swathi. R, Ashmitha Devi. K, Sridhar. K.R. The fourth place went to Aiswarya Krishnakumar, Arunachalam Ashwin. A.D and Tamil Oviya. N
Dr. RoopakVisakan Raja, Post Graduate of ENT, attended CME on ‘Airway management - an overview’ on 11.11.2016 organized by department of ENT at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, a CME on ‘Sleep disordered breathing – a medical and surgical overview’ on 9.12.2016 organized by the Department of ENT and Pulmonary Medicine at MGMCRI, Puducherry and a CME on ‘Head and Neck Surgery update’ on 11th December 2016 organized by the Department of ENT at Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institue.
Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair . G, Prof & HOD & Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, created a academic discussion group on whatsapp involving 2nd MBBS, 5th Semester students (143 batch) of SSSMC&RI for promoting discussion on topics involving Forensic Medicine and its recent advances, and MCQs discussion.
▶▶ CRRI News
Under graduate Orientation Program
CRRI Scientific Forum was conducted on 15th April 2016 at the 4th floor seminar hall in the hospital block. The following presentations were done. Congenital CytoMegalo
Virus infection presenting as CP by S.Nivethitha-Dept of Paediatrics, RectoVaginal Fistula by Pramika-Dept of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Binocular Diplopia by Varun Kumar-Dept of Ophthalmology,Vascular Parkinsonism by Bastina Jenoffia-Dept of General Medicine. About 50 faculty members and 80 interns took part in the programme
▶▶ UG News
Dr. A. Maduram, Associate Prof, Dept of Pharmacology conducted a quiz programme for the II yr MBBS students of SSSMCRI on 17. 08. 16. An Orientation Program was held for the second year MBBS students on 28. 07. 2016conducted by Mrs. Rama, Student Counselor, SBV.
Azadi 70 Azadi 70 – National Anthem Recitation was celebrated on 23. 08. 2016 where all the medical students actively participated in the event.
The Department of Physiology conducted a quiz programme, QUEST 2016, for the first MBBS students of the batch 2015- 2016 on 30.4. 2016. A Preliminary round was first
Under the guidance of Sunilkumar.Jada, PhD scholar/ Tutor , 2nd MBBS students, JerrinCinthiya.K, Silvia Antony raj, Pratikshia.K got 3rd prize in experimental modals, in PEQUENOQUES-16, K.A.P Viswanathan Government Medical College, Trichy held on 7th October 2016.
Physiology Quiz Program
A seminar for 5th Semester students was conducted by Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman on 25-10-2016.The Students named Mr. Akshaylal.E.S, Miss Venkatanagalakshmi.L, Miss Leena.V had presented their respective topics in this seminar. Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman had conducted two sessions of integrated teaching for 5th semester students with Dr. C.K.Singh, Radiology department MGMC&RI at the department of Radiodiagnosis, SSSMC&RI on 17th & 24th November 2016.
World AIDS Day - Poster Competition
Student Enrichment Programs Dr. N.Venkatadri, Prof & HOD, Dept of Pharmacology gave a guest lecture to the II yr UG students of MGMCRI, Pondicherry; on the topic ‘How to learn and remember’ on 25.05.16 17 Orientation program was conducted to I MBBS Students on 19.10.2016 by the Department of Anatomy. th
Microbiology department conducted a Quiz on 15.12.2016 for V semester students. Raja and Rajan won the first prize and Ashwini and Rabeensa won the second prize. Prizes were distributed by Dr. KarthikaJayakumar, Prof & HOD & other colleagues, Dept of Microbiology.
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy conducted a poster competition on AIDS awareness for undergraduate students on December 1st 2016 on account of world AIDS day.
Roentgen Day Celebrations Roentgen Day Celebrations saw many competitions for BSc RIT students were conducted namely, Students Speech, Poster presentations, Radiological Dumb Charades, Students dance and finally Prize distribution was done in the presence of CRRIs and faculties of Department of Radiodiagnosis at Radiology Department on 08.11.2016
Departmental quiz competition (Forensiquest 2016) was conducted for the fifth semester Medical Students on by Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman, Assistant Professor on 18.10.2016 by the Department of Forensic Medicine. A seminar for 3rd Semester students was conducted by Dr. Dipayan Deb Barman on 21.10.2016.The Students named Mr. BaskaraAsmathRaja.r, Mr.MaxtonSam.W, Miss. MubeenFathima .A, Miss. Ragashree C.M had presented their respective topics in this seminar.
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indira gandhi
institute of Dental sciences
Message From Prof. Carounanidy Usha, MDS., PGDHPE., Dean, Faculty of Dentistry Principal of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences
It is with pleasure and pride I reflect that the goals set for the previous year have been accomplished successfully. These accomplishments have contributed, though humbly, to the impressive NIRF ranking of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. These accomplishments have also helped IGIDS to set higher objectives for the subsequent years. Good service to humanity never goes unnoticed. This has proved to be true for IGIDS this year. The extended outreach programs of IGIDS has fetched us global recognition that the University of Iowa, USA, sent their graduate students for 10 days of observership program to the department of Public Health Dentistry. This provided an excellent platform to understand dental education in global context. IGIDS also was the recipient of the DUCT philanthropy award for the services rendered to public by way of camps. Student’s outcome and the Alumni welfare were the focus of the last academic year. A wide-spread feedback from the alumni on the relevance of current dental education led to the conduct of the first national level dental education conference. The proceedings including a proposal on choice based credit systems for dental education was proposed to the Dental Council of India. This was done with the hope of improving the relevance of education to practice and for the stable future of dental graduates in the current times of turbulent transformations in eligibility exams and higher studies. It is also heart-warming to note that IGIDS has taken the full benefit of the Central Research facilities of SBV and the Allied Health Sciences facilities such as Health professions education, Yoga therapy and Music therapy departments, to commence collaborative research projects. I am positive that these researches will yield results that can transform the dental services rendered to the patient. Looking back at the activities of last year I, as the team leader of IGIDS is convinced that under the able guidance of the Chancellor, Sri M.K. Rajagopalan, Vice-Chancellor, Prof K.R. Sethuraman and the Dean-Research, Prof. N. Anantakrishanan. IGIDS that has grown wings over the years is ready not just to fly, but to soar higher.
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▶▶ FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Publications A. Santha Devy, S. Rajkumari, A.N.Uma. Control of Cross Infection at Dental Clinic – A Survey. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.2016;5(3):9–14
IGIDS Kanyas SD, Sankar H, Kommi PB, Arani N, Keerthi VN. Clinical Utilization of M Spring for the Space Closure of Midline Diastema - Clinical Case Reports. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Mar;10(3):ZD11-2.
Krishnaraj R, Murugan R, Premlal K R. Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic Root Extract of Beta vulgaris. Journal of Science 2016;6(1):39–40.
Kanya SD, Babu KP, Hanumanth S, Kumar MS, Kumar AN, Venkatesan, Mathew A, Priya S, Aniruth Y, Arvinth. Evaluation of Colored Elastomeric Modules for Leaching Properties when Exposed to Various Dietary Media: “An In Vitro Study”. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(1):58-62.
Murugan R, Krishnaraj R, Premlal K R, Sengottuvelu S. Aphrodisiac Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Vitex negundo fruit in Male Wistar Albino Rats. Acta Biomedica Scientia. 2016;3(3):128–130.
Kommi PB, Venkatesan R, Keerthi N, Kumar AN, Kumar A, Gopinath V. A cephalometric assessment of ideal nasolabial angle range for South Indian population. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(2):205-207.
Premlal KR, Krishnaraj S, Elango K, Sengottuvelu S. Gastroprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Polygonum barbatum against Experimentally Induced Gastric Ulcer in Wistar Albino Rats. International Journal of Phytopharmacology. 2016;7(2):73–76.
Sudhakar R, Pratebha B. Fibrous structure of cementodentinal junction in disease: A scanning electron microscopic study. J Oral Max Pathology 2016;19(3): 325-329.
Umadevi Karthikeyan, Santha Devy A, Udhaya Visvanathan, Suganya Rajaram, Sivaramamkrishnan Muthanandam. Carriage Rate of Streptococcus mutans among type II Diabetic patients with dental caries and compared with non-diabetic population –A Comparative Study. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.2016;5(3):938–948. AbiramiLakshmy J, Balaji J. Introduction of pre and post lecture multiple choice question for second year undergraduate medical students in microbiology: A technique to assess knowledge acquired from the lecture. Int J Res Med Sci 2016;4(2):575-78. Balaji. J, Ali SA, Sivasenthil S, Rajkumar E, Kumar P. Rehabilitation of Severely Resorbed Flabby Edentulous Ridge with Innovative Impression Technique: Case Series.J Int Oral Health 2016;8(1):137-139 Lakshmy JA, Katragadda R, Balaji .J. Speciation and antifungal susceptibility of esophageal candidiasis in cancer patients in a tertiary care hospital in South India. J Med Allied Sci 2016; 6(1):29-34.
M Kirthiga, M Manju, Praveen, W Umesh. Ethnic Association of Cusp of Carabelli Trait and Shoveling Trait in an Indian Population. J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(3): ZC78 - ZC81. Kayalvizhi G, Balajisubramaniyan R, Suganya G, Neeraja R. Determining the efficacy of ocimum sanctum leaves extract on cariogenic properties of streptococcus mutans an in vitro study. EJPMR 2016;3(3):257-264. P Shankar, V Ramesh, V Krishna, G Madhan, S Suprasidh, G Kesavan. Non Fluoride therapy for remineralization – A Review. Int J Pedo Rehab 2015; 2(2): 4 – 6. Yashwant VA, Arayambath B. Proximal Stripping and the apprehension to implement it in Contemporary Orthodontics: A Review. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews 2016;2(12):18-21 Hanumanth S, Murali PS. Non extraction treatment of dental class II malocclusion in adolescent patient using fixed functional appliance. Annals of Dental Specialty 2016;4(2):54-56 Babu KP, Keerthi VN, Madathody D, Prasanna AL, Gopinath V, Kumar MS, Kumar AN. Evaluating the Surface Characteristics of Stainless Steel, TMA, Timolium and Titanium-niobium Wires: an in vivo Scanning Electron Microscopy. J.Contemp Dent Pract.2016;17(5):372-376.
Keerthi VN, Babu KP, Kumar MS, Mathew A, Yashwant A, Kumar AN. Comparative evaluation of corrosion depth and extent between pre-welded and welded bands in various intraoral simulated conditions: An in vitro scanned electron microscope study. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(4):451-454
Paavai Illango, Arulpari Mahalingam, Harinath Parthasarathy, Vineela Katam Reddy, Venkat Subba Reddy. Evaluation of TLR2 and 4 in Chronic Periodontitis. JCDR 2016;10(6):ZC86-ZC89. Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat, Arunima Chauhan, S Sakthi Devi, Hemanth Kumar, Pratibha Mishra. School Based Intervention Programme on Gingival Health of 10-12 Years Old Government Aided School Children of Basavangudi in Bangalore City – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 2016;7(2):72-80. Lavanya Priya KP, Premlal KR, Krishnaraj R, Murugan R, Jaikumar S. Wound healing activity of methanolic extract of Waltheria indica root against burn wound model in rats. International Journal of Innovative Drug Discovery. 2016; 6 (2): 75 – 77. Latha M, Premlal KR, Lavanya Priya KP, Sengottuvelu S. Invitro and Invivo Antiasthmatic Activity of Ethanolic Bark Extract of Symplocos racemosa. Sch. Acad. J. Biosci. 2016; 4 (5): 444 – 447. Jayaraman. S, Singh BP, Ramanathan B, Pazhaniappan Pillai. M, Kirubakar R. Fabrication of complete/ partial dentures (different final impression techniques and materials) for treating edentulous patients( protocol) - Cochrane database of systemic reviews 2016:6:1-16 Jayachandran AL, Katragadda R, Thyagarajan R, Vajravelu L, Manikesi S, Kaliappan S, Jayachandran B. Oral Candidiasis among Cancer Patients attending a tertiary care hospital in Chennai, South India. An evaluation of cliniccomycological association and antifungal susceptibility pattern. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 2016;1-6 Sathyanarayanan R, Suresh V, Stanley Mangalakumar Robert F, Krishna Kumar Mallick. Complications of semi-rigid fixation of mandibular fractures – A ten year retrospective study. Journal of dental & medical sciences.2016;15(6):85-87. Ramesh Venkatesan, Mohan Naveen, Ravi Teja, Shankar Paulindraraj, Sai K Vallabhaneni, Selva B Arumugam. Psychosocial Effects of Fractured Anterior Teeth among Rural Children. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2016 Apr-Jun; 9(2):128–130. Nawaz KK, Santham Krishnamurthy, Selvabalaji, N Nazriya. Riga fede disease- A case report. JMSCR 2016;4(6):89-91.
Nawaz KK, Santham Krishnamurthy, Selvabalaji, N Nazriya. Capillary hemangioma of the hard palate – a case report. European journal of biomedial and pharmaceuial sciences2016;3(7):1-3.
BOOK Dr.Vishwanath Rangdhol, Prof and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology have contributed the Chapter Titled Systemic disorders and their clinical implications in “Textbook of Oral Medicine Oral Diagnosis and Oral Radiology”. (ISBN: 9788131237991). Aniruddh YV, Ravi K, Edeinton A. Comparative evaluation of soft tissue changes in Class I borderline treated with extraction and non-extraction modalities. Dental Press J Orthod. 2016;21(4): 50-9. Jauhar PM, Pradeep BK, Senthil MK, Hanumanth, Venkatesan, Aniruddh, Arvinth, Nandakumar A. Evaluating the type of light transmittance in mono crystalline, poly crystalline and sapphire brackets, an in-vitro spectrofluorometer study. J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(8): 18-21. Kattakayam Annamary, Gajula Shivashankarappa Prathima, Renganathan Sajeev, Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, Venkatesan Ramesh, Govindasamy Ezhumalai. Colour Preference to Emotions in Relation to the Anxiety Level among School Children in Puducherry – A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016;10(7): ZC26-ZC30. Shankar Paulindraraj, Venkatesan Ramesh, Deepak Narayan, Amudha . S M. Vijayakumar, J. Aarthi. Hypodontia of primary dentition: A rare case report. JOMIDA. Sep 2016; 2(5): 40-41. Kurian J, Sajeev R, Kayalvizhi G, Prathima GS, Suganya M. Association between early childhood caries and age and gender specific height, weight and mid upper arm circumference of school children in puducherrya comparative study. BEMS Reports. 2016;2(1): 13-7. Balaji Subramaniyan, Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, Sangeetha P, Neeraja R. Different techniques of band stabilisation in the impression for space maintainters: clinical aid in pediatric dentistry. EJPMR, 2016;3(7): 157-160. Shivayogi M Hugar, Ekta Govani, Suganya Mohandoss, Niraj S Gokhale, Pratibha Kukreja, Shweta Hugar. Knowledge attitude and perception among parents
annual Report 2016
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about ECC. Manipal Journal of Dental Sciences 2016; 1(1): 13-20.
Demonstration of Keratin Pearl and Individual Cell Keratin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2016;5(7): 558-564.
Devi S, Murugappan S, Swaminathan M, Illangovan K, Mangalekar SB, Kannaiyan A. Assessment of Periodontal Inflamed Surface Area and Its Relationship with Glycemic Control in Type 2 Diabetes. J Health Sci Res 2016; 7(1): 6-11.
Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Narayan KA. The proposal of a BDS syllabus framework to suit choice based credit system (CBCS). J Clin Diagn Res 2016; 10(8): JC01–JC05.
Karthikeyan. I, Monisha Khatree, Reetika Gaddale, Roopa Reddy Pandraveti. A Review on Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial Region. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1): 6-12.
Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Adkoli BV. Acceptability and feasibility of choice based credit system in BDS syllabus. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research 2016;4(6): 73-80.
S. P. Indra Kumar, Gayathri Priyadharshini, Priyadharshini, Venkat Narayanan. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Supraglottic. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1): 20-23.
Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Learn slow, achieve low students needing additional curricular support and psychological support (SNACS, SNAPS). International Education & Research Journal 2016;2(9);9-10.
Gayathri Priyadharshini, Jananni, Saravana Kumar, Pratebha, S. P. Indra Kumar. Bridge Flap for the Treatment of Multiple Gingival Recession. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1): 30-33. Priyadharshini, Pawar. DD, Triveni. MG, Tarun Kumar AB, Mehta. DS. Pouch Technique - A Pragmatic Approach for Gingival Recession. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1): 34-39. Nithin Joseph Jude, Suresh kumar. Predominant pattern of lip prints in Visakhapatnam population. International Journal of Current Research 2016;8(7): 34282-34285. Vidyalakshmi S, Madhavan Nirmal R, Veeravarmal V, Santha Devy A, Aravindhan R, Sumathy. Buccal Micronuclei Assay as a Tool For Biomonitoring DNA Damage in Oral Lichen Planus. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016;10(7): ZC05-ZC07. Vikneshan. M, Ankola AV, Hiremath A, Hebbal M, Suganya M. Functional foods and its role in improving oral health. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 6. 1 (2016). 13-19. Santhosh Kumar Caliaperoumal, R. Vezhavendhan, A. Santha devy, Priyavendhan and Uma Devi. Demonstration and Comparison of Keratin Pearl and Individual Cell Keratin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma using Modified Mallory’s Stain and Hematoxylin and Eosin. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 2016;5(7): 586-591.
Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR, Carounanidy Usha. Quality improvement and future directions of dental education. Journal of Scientific Dentistry 2016;6(1);1-5. Hiremath A, Murugaboopathy V, Ankola AV, Hebbal M, Mohandoss S, Pastay P. Prevalence of Dental Caries Among Primary School Children of India. A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Oct, Vol-10(10): 47-50. M.Vikneshan, A.V. Ankola, Anand Hiremath, Mamata Hebbal, Suganya M, Functional foods and its role in improving oral health. Journal of Scientific Dentistry, 2016;6(1):13-19. Aparna K, Vezhavendhan N, Pramodhini. Prevalence of candida species in chronic debilitating patients with oral candidiasis – a pilot study. International journal of contemporary medical research 2015;2(1):32 -38. Mathew A, Nagachandran KS, Vijayalakshmi D. Stress and displacement pattern Evaluation using two different palatal expanders in unilateral cleft lip and palate: A three dimensional finite element analysis. Prog Orthod 2016; 17:38-48.
Santhosh Kumar Caliaperoumal, R. Vezhavendhan, PriyaVendhan and Uma Devi. Comparison of Modified Papanicolaou and Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain in
Krishnapriya, Sathyanarayanan Ramanujam, V Suresh. Knowledge and awareness about hand hygiene practices among dental students of dental college, puducherry: A cross sectional study. International Journal of Current Research 2016;8(11):
Jananni M, Sivaramakrishnan M, Mahendra M. Mouth the mirror of lungs – Where does the connection lie?. Front. Med. 2016; 10(4): 405 – 9. Anjana Yogesh, Latha M, Saravana Balaji M D, Premlal K R, Vinod Mony, Sivaprakash V. Anti-Diarrhoeal Activity of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Kedrostis foetidissima in Mice. International Journal of Pharmacology & Toxicology. 2016; 6(2): 94 - 96. Umamaheswari G, Suganya R, Sivaramakrishnan M, Vidyalakshmi S. Oral Lichen Planus – A Case Report with Current Trends. International Journal of Applied Sciences. 2016; 5(1): 6 -17. Anjana Yogesh, Latha M, Saravana Balaji M D, Premlal K R, Vinod Mony, Sengottuvelu S. Wound healing activity of Monoterpene rich Origanum majorana on experimentally induced wound in rats. International Journal of Phytopharmacology. 2016; 7 (4): 233 – 236.
Dr. Santha Devy, Prof & Head from the department of Oral Pathology& Microbiology was awarded the ‘Best Demonstration prize in Yogasana Demonstration’ at the International day of Yoga Celebrations 2016 held at SBV University, Puducherry on 20.6.2016. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry won 2nd prize in Yogasana competition & 3rd prize in poster competition titled “Yoga and positive health” conducted at the International day of Yoga Celebrations 2016 held at SBV University, Puducherry on 20.6.2016. Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, was awarded Best demonstration prize in Yogasana competition at the International day of Yoga Celebrations 2016 held at SBV University, Puducherry on 20.6.2016. Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics was appreciated with an honorary award for his contribution in the success of International Yoga fest and Yoga day 2016.
Latha M, Premlal K R, Paranthaman T, Ashish Vijay Jain. Effect of Azadirachta indica Stem Bark Extract on Carious Lesions in Deciduous teeth. Sch. J. Dent. Sci. 2016; 3 (10): 284 – 286.
▶▶ ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Awards IGIDS won the Best Speciality hospital “Jonas Salk Award” for philanthropic activity conducted by Doctors United Charitable Trust on 27th March 2016 at Hotel Annamalai, Pondicherry
Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery was invited as one of the Institutional review board & Ethics committee member at Best Dental Science College, Madurai on 20. 09. 16. Dr. Senthil. M, Prof & Head, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry was invited as one of the Institutional review board & Ethics committee member at Best Dental Science College, Madurai on 20. 09. 16.
Dr. Geena Mary, Tutor of Cons and Endo awarded Third Prize in Essay Competition titled Roll of Yoga in Salutogenesis in” YOGAFEST 2016” at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, on 18.06.16.
Dr. Suganya M, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics. received a cash award of Rs 5000/, for guiding the ICMR project on 23. 09. 16. Dr. Harikrishnan P, Professor and Head, Dept of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics, was invited to be part of a session in biomechanics group, Mechanical
annual Report 2016
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Eng. Department held at SRM University, Chennai on 29. 09. 16. “IGIDS - NSS unit” has been selected has one of the ten best NSS unit in Pondicherry state by Pondicherry NSS Cell. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy from CYTER, MGMCRI on 9.11.16. Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, obtained Diplomate World congress for Oral Implantology (DWCOI) at 10th World congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference, New Delhi between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16.
Recognition / Guest lecture: Dr.CarounanidyUsha, Dean faculty of dentistry, Prof, Department of cons and endo delivered Guest lecture on titled,” Integrated Education and Practice in Dentistry – An Indian Scenario” In the INDO-US conference on Oral health and Well being on 06.01.16 and 7.01.16, at Meenakshi Mission hospital and Research center, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
Dr. Balaji. J, Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, obtained Diplomate World congress for Oral Implantology (DWCOI) at 10th World congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference, New Delhi between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics was awarded fellowship and Masters in Implantology by International congress of Oral implantologists (ICOI), U.S.A, in the international conference, World conference of Oral implantologists (WCOI) held in NewDelhi between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16.
Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Department of cons and endo delivered Guest lecture on titled, “Integrated Education And Practice In Dentistry - An Indian Scenario” In The INDO-US Conference On Oral Health And Well Being on 06.01.16 and 7.01.16, at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Center, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics was awarded best oral presentation for the poster titled “Comparative evaluation of NSAIDs vs corticosteroids on post –operative pain: A double-blind randomized control pain.” in Roots Summit, 2016 held in Dubai between 30.11.16 and 3.12.16.
DrSenthil.M, Reader, Head of the Department, Department of Public Health Dentistry had delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Reaching the unreached- Indigenous outreach activities” at Indo-US conference on 05-01-2016 & 06-01-2016. Dr Sanguida A, Reader, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry delivered a guest lecture on “Yoga and lifestyle disorders” at the 22nd International Yoga Festival conducted by the Dept. of Tourism, Puducherry on on 06.01.16. Dr.Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of prosthodontics gave a guest lecture “Research for Undergraduate students at IGIDS, held on on 20.01.16. Dr. Saravanakumar R, Prof and Head, Dept of Periodontology participated as a panelist in 8thRapid review course on Periodontics, SRMDC, Chennai on 25.01.16 Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head department of cons and endo delivered on Product Profiles and Interesting Clinical Techniques” Presented in the Clinical Society Meeting at Sri BalajiVidhyapeeth, Puducherry, on 27.01.16. Dr. Saravanakumar R, Prof and Head, Dept of Periodontology gave a guest lecture titled “Use of Laser in Periodontal therapy” in Periosakthi held at Aadhiparasakthi dental college and hospital, Melmaruvathur on 18.03.16. Dr.Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of prosthodontics gave a guest lecture on “Citation And Reference Management Of Manuscript Writing” at SRM Dental College , Ramapuram, Chennai, on 06.04.16. Dr.P. S. Manoharan, Prof and Head, Dept of Prosthodontics gave a guest lecture titled “Geriatic considerations in denture patients” at Raja Muthiah Dental College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram on the event of World Geriatic Day on 1.10.16. Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, and Head department of conservative dentistry and endodontics - on External Consultancy to AB shetty memorial institute of dental sciences, for annual academic audit on 23.11.16 to 24.11.16 in Deralakatte. Dr.Mithunjith, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - Presented a guest lecture on “Digital dental photography-with Live demo and hands on” in Dr.K.M.Venkatachalam Oration in IDA Madurai on 27.11.16.
Dr. Saravanakumar Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, delivered an IDA Guest Lecture on “Perio for All” at Thiruvarur on18.12.16. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Dept. of prosthodontics, has been awarded for delivering a Lecture and hand on training “Citation and reference management of transcript writing”, in CDE program held on 06.04.15 at SRM Dental College, Chennai Dr Prathima G S delivered a guest lecture on “Lasers –A Wave of the future“ in 2nd state level CDE program for UG students, interns & faculty held on 27.04.16 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital, Melmaruvathur. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Dr. Saravana Kumar, Prof & Head, Dr. Prateba, Professor, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. P.S. Manoharan, Professor and head, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Dr. Senthil, Prof & Head, Dr. Vikneshan, Senior lecturer, Dept of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. Sanguida, Reader, Dept of Pedodontics conducted Guest lecture at the workshop for dental educators held between 13.06.16, 14.06.16 and 23.06.16, 24.06.16 at Priyadarshini Dental College and hospital. Dr. Harikrishnan, Prof & Head gave Guest Lecture on “Recent Trends in Industrial Effluent Treatment” Organized by Department of Chemical Engineering at Pondicherry Engineering College between 20.06.16 and 25.06.16. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, delivered keynote lecture titled “Research methodology and process of patenting” at the 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society National Postgraduate convention, between 24.06.16 and 26.06.16 held at Vydehi Institute of dental science Bangalore. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Department of prosthodontics, attended the CDE program on computerized occlusal analysis in diagnosis and treatment planning held at Sree Balaji Dental College & hospital on 20.03.16. All faculty of IGIDS attended the faculty development program on 19.04.16 on “Competency based education & SPICES model of training for the interns” conducted by SAF, IGIDS. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a one day CDE program titled “Pedofeast” organized by the dept. of Pedodntics,
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Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, Dr .John Baliah, Dr. Sivasankari, Dr. Sukriti Kumar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics attended the lecture “Music therapy for health & wellbeing” conducted by SAF-IGIDS on 04.05.16. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi & Dr. E. Gayathri Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturers, Dr P.S. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. Shivasakthy.M, Reader, Department of prosthodontics Dept of periodontics attended the CME on “Ethical aspects of biomedical research” held at IGMCR & I, Puducherry on 12.4.2016. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Jananni &Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturers, Dept of Periodontics, participated in the “International Symposium on Regeneration” held at Rajas Dental College, Kanyakumari on 15.4.2016. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD gave a guest lecture on the topic “Biomarkers” at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on 22. 07. 16 Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics, was one of the resource person for a workshop on Slow/ Problem learners at National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 20. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof and Head, Dept of Cons & Endo delivered a guest lecture on External consultancy services for PG foundation in research programe from 02. 09. 16 to 05. 09. 16 in SRM Dental College, Chennai. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & Head and Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, were the invited speakers for ISP Colloquim titled “Controversies in Periodontology” held at Tagore Dental College Chennai on 08. 09. 16. Dr G. S Prathima, Prof & Head, Dr Sanguida, Dept of Pedodontics, delivered a guest lecture “Laser Fundamentals” in the CDE Program- LASER ATELIER –soft tissue and hard tissue lecture & hands conducted by Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry on 27. 09. 16 at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry.
Dr. Saravanakumar Prof. & Head, Dept. of Periodontology went as a PG examiner to JKKN Dental college and hospital, Komarapalayam, Tamil Nadu on 3.11.16 and 4.11.16. Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, chaired a scientific session in the International College of Dentists, Conference and Convocation 2016 held at Hyaat Regency Chennai, conducted by Tagore dental college on 17.12.16 and 18.12.16. Dr.Saravana Kumar R, Prof & Head, Dept of Periodontics, chaired a session of scientific paper presentation at the International Symposium on Regenerationheldat Rajas Dental College, Kanyakumari on 15.4.2016. Dr. P.S. Manoharan, Professor and head , Dept. of prosthodontics, Chaired a scientific session for e- poster competition in comprehensive prosthodontic review, 23.04.16 at Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital. Dr.Senthil.M was the organizing secretary of the National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) conducted by the IPR Cell of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth at the MGMCRI campus on 03.06.16. Dr. Srinivasan, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, chaired a scientific session at the 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society National Postgraduate convention at Vydehi Institute of dental science Bangalore held between 24.06.16 and 26.06.16. Dr. Balaji, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Prosthodontics, chaired a scientific session at the 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society National Postgraduate convention at Vydehi Institute of dental science Bangalore held between 24.06.16 and 26.06.16. Dr.Senthil.M and Dr.Vikneshan were part of organizing the GIS Consortium - Vision Development Workshop which was held at Hotel Athiti on 27.06.16 & 28.06.16. The program was jointly organized by University of IOWA and SBV, had 32 participants from various governmental organization and other institutions.
Presentation in Conference/ CDE: Dr.Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, presented a paper titled “Perio-esthetics- An overview”, at the Clinical Society meeting held at IGIDS, Puducherry on 17.6.2016.
Officiation as Chairperson
Adhiparasakthi Dental College & Hospital, Melmaruvathur on 27.04.16.
Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof & Head, Dept of Cons & Endo presented Paper on “Multisources Feed Back” in National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 19. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI.
conference he presented a scientific paper titled “Universal Back Resting Device – “A New Cost Effective Device to Provide Dental Health Care in Rural Areas” and he also chaired a scientific session in the conference.
Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, presented paper on “Perception of Dental students regarding their behavior skill, communication skill and interpersonal relationship competence- A cross sectional study” at National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 19. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI.
Dr. Balaji. J Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, presented a paper “Full mouth rehabilitation using dental implants - case series” at 44th Indian Prosthodontic Society Conference, Mumbai between 1.12.16 and 4.12.16.
Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics, presented paper on “Predicting the future of students needing additional curricular support” at National Conference On Changing Trends in health Professions Education on 20. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Balaji. J, Senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, presented a paper “Rejuvinating the quality of life of patients using Dental implants- Case report” at 10th World congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference, New Delhi between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16. Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader Department of Prosthodontics, presented a paper “Functional and esthetic reconstruction with prosthesis using dental implants- case report” at 10th World congress for Oral Implantology & AAID Global Conference, New Delhi between 11.11.16 and 13.11.16. Dr. Shivasakthy. M, Reader Department of Prosthodontics, presented a poster titled “Reliability of internal assessment performance in identification of students needing additional curricular support (SNACS) in B.D.S-A retrospective Study” at MEDUCON 2016 held at JIPMER on 13.11.16 and 14.11.16.
Professor Dr.Vishwanath Rangdhol, Head, Dept of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended National Conference organized by Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology at Kanyakumari on 16.12.16 and presented a paper on “Integrated teaching modules- Our experience.”
Participation in Conference /CDE: Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics attended Conference on ICT in education technology at SRMC, Chennai on 21.01.16 and 22.01.16. All faculty from Dept of Prosthodontics organized and participated in “unraveling the myths of occlusion” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dentnal Science, on 29.01.16. Dr.R.Saravana Kumar, Prof and Head, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics Dr.Yuvaraj.V,Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Ramesh V, Senior Lecturer, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, participated in the lecture and hands on course with the theme “unraveling the myths of occlusion” held at IGIDS puducherry on 29.01.16 conducted by PRO- IGIDS. Dr.Mithunjith .K Senior Lecturer department of cons and endo attended a workshop on “Mastering occlusion” by Stuart Orton Jones and by Metin Ibrahim in pune from 28.01.16 to 30.01.16. Dr Prathima G S Prof & Head, Dr Kirthiga M Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics attended Training of Trainers (TOTS) workshop conducted from 07.01.16 to 9.01.16 & 21.01.16 to 23.01.16 at IGIDS, Puducherry.
Dr.M. Senthil has participated in the 21st National conference of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry from 17.11.16 to 19.11.16 organized by Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences of KIIT University, Bhubaneswar. In this
Dr. Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor &Head, Dr. Suresh.V, Professor, Dr. Nithin Joseph Jude.B, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Saravanan.R, SeniorLecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Varshamurthy, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr.John Baliah, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “under graduate
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OOO consortium-2016” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 05.02.16. Dr. Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer and Dr. Muneer, Tutor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “Refresher Workshop on Prosthodontic Management of Temporo-mandibular disorders” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry from 11.02.16 to 12.02.16. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dr. Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept of OMFS, Dr. Vezhavendan, Prof, Dept of Oral Pathology, attended “Cochrane south Asia workshop on protocol development” at Christian Medical college, Vellore from 08.02.2016 to 12.02.2016. Dr. Arvinth R, Senior Lecturer from Department of Orthodontics attended the 1st European Aligner Society Congress held at Vienna, Austria on 13.02.16 and 14.02.16. Dr Prathima G S, Prof & Head, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr. S.Sakthi Devi & Dr. I. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturers,Dept of Periodontics attended 3rd
International Conference in Medical Education Progamme on Music Therapy titled“ Best Practised Models & Research in Music Therapy : Global Perspectives” held at SBV University, Puducherry on 16.02.16. Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept of prosthodontics, participated as member of organizing committee in the continuing Medical education program on music therapy titled “Best Practised Models & Research In Music Therapy: Global Perspectives” held at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 16.02.16.
.K, Dr.Padmaraj, ,Dr.Praveen ,Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr.Srinivasan, Dr. David Livingstone, Dr. Varsha, Professors, Dr. Shivasakthy, Dr. Sivasenthil, Readers, Dr. Rajkumar, Dr. Mohammed Ali Senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Harikrishnan, Prof & HOD, Dr. Arvinth R. & Dr. Anirudh Yaswanth, Senior Lecturers from Dept of Orthodontics Dr. A. Santha Devy Professor & HOD, Dr. N. Vezhavendhan ,Professor, Dr. KR. Premlal, Reader & Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi Senior lecturer, Dept. of Oral Pathology, Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R,Professor&Head, DrYuvaraj.V,Professor, DrBalaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Saravanan.R Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Prathima G S Prof & Head, Dr Sajeev R Prof , Dr Kayalvizhi Prof, Dr Sanguida Reader, Dr Ramesh V Senior Lecturer, Dr Selvabalaji A Senior Lecturer, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr.Jeelani.S, Dr.Vandana.S, Reader, Dr.Sivasankari, and Dr.Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “Systematic Review Protocol Development Workshop Conducted by the Cochrane South Asia Team heldat Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry from 17.02.16 to 19.02.16. Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor &Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Suresh V, Professor, ,DrYuvaraj.V,Professor, Dr.Balaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Nithin Joseph Jude.B,Senior Lecturer, Dr.Saravanan.R, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery and participated in “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, hosted by our institute, from 25.02.16 to 28.02.16. Dr.Mithunjith .K Senior Lecturer department of cons and endo attended a workshop on “Perio-Esthetics” by Dr. Neel Bhatavadekar in Mumbai on 6.03.16. All faculty from Dept of prosthodontics, organized and participated in the “Refresher workshop” on “Prosthodontic management of Temporo-mandibular Disorders” held at IGIDS on 11.03.16 and 12.03.16.
Dr. R.Saravana Kumar, Prof and Head, Dr. Pratebha, Professor & Dr. S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr.Karpagavinayagam, Prof, Dr.Bindu Reader, Dr.Mithunjith
Dr. R.Saravana Kumar, Prof and Head& Dr. I. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Mithunjith .K & Dr.Praveen, Senior Lecturer department of cons and endo, Dr.Yuvaraj.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Balaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery attended “Refresher Workshop” on prosthodontics management of TMJ disorders held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry on 11.03.2016.
Dr.Vikneshan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry had attended a workshop on Advanced Statistics Course conducted by National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai between 14.03.16 to 18.03.16. Dr.Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, attended CDE, Computerized occlusal analysis in diagnosis and treatment planning, at Shree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Bharath University, held on 20.03.16. Dr. Ramesh V, Senior Lecturer, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, attended “International workshop on disability advocacy and current trends in inclusion of CWSN” organized by “Satya Special school in association with Pondicherry University” on 22.03.16. Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi, Dr. M. Sivaramakrishnan, Dr. R. Suganya , Senior lecturers have attended the “Symposium on Salivary Gland Pathology” at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University on 23.03.16. Dr.R.Sathyanarayanan, Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Suresh.V, Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery participated in OOO consortium on “potentially malignant oral disorders”organized by the oral and maxillofacial pathology department of Adhiparasakthi dental college on 23.03.16. Dr. Mohammed Ali, Dr. Balaji Senior lecturers, Dr. Prasanya, Tutor Dept of prosthodontics, attending the trainer program on “Education Science & Technology for Dental Professionals” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science , from March 2015-december 2015. Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R,Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr. Suresh.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr. Nithin Joseph Jude.B, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeryattended the 4th national annual rapid review programme held between 29.03.16 to 1.04.16, “ROME 2016”, Conducted by the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at SRMC, Porur. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. K.R. Premlal, Reader, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Subhalakshmi, Tutor, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the “Interprofessional Workshop on Basics of Immunohistochemistry” conducted by the Department of
Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on 19.04.16. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha, Professor, Dr. Jananni. M, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Dr. Karthikeyan & Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, Dr. Vandana, Reader Dr. John Baliah, Dr. Sivasankari ,Dr. Sukriti Kumar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dr. V. Suresh, Professor, Dr. V. Yuvaraj , Professor, Dr.Nithin, Senior Lecturer & Dr. R. Saravanan Senior Lecturer, Dept of Oral Surgery, Dr. Prathima G S, Dr. Sajeev R, Dr. Sanguida, Dr. Ramesh V, Dr. Kirthiga M, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. K.R. Premlal, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Subhalakshmi, Tutor, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr.Anoop Mathew, Dr. Anirudh Yaswanth, Dr. Hanumanth, Senior Lecturers, Department of Orthodontics Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. Varsha ,Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, participated in the webinar “Critical Thinking in Health Education & Evidence Based Dentistry” with resource person Dr Teresa A.Marshall organized by Scientific and academic forum on 27.05.16 at IGIDS, SBV University, Puducherry Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. K.R. Premlal, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Subhalakshmi, Tutor, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. John Baliah, Senior Lecturer, & Dr. Muneer, Tutor Participated in World no tobacco rally on 31.05.16 organized by Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV, Puducherry. Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head Department of Cons and Endo, Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & Head, Dr. Pratebha, Professor,Dr. Jananni & Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturers, Dept of Periodontics Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr Vandana, Reader Dr .John Baliah, Dr. Sivasankari Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr Varsha, Professor, Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. Rajkumar, senior lecturer, Dr. Balaji, senior lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan Professor, Dr, V. Yuvaraj Professor, & Dr. Nithin Joseph Jude, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended a one day workshop on
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Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a lecture on “Human origin, Health & Disease” organized by the CIDRF, MGMCRI on 09.06.16. Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, Dr. Vineela. R, Reader, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Professor & Dr. T.S. Balaji, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended the CME on “Update on Microbiology” held at MGMC&RI, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry on 15.6.2016. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a public awareness program on yoga conducted by CYTER, MGMCRI for senior citizens at St. Patrick School and for inmates of Cluny Hospice on 19.06.16 on the occasion of International Yoga Day celebrations. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & Head, Dr. Pratebha, Professor, Dr. Vineela. R, Reader, Dr. Jananni. M, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Dr. Karthikeyan &Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology, Dr Prathima G S, Dr Kayalvizhi G, Dr Sanguida, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr . Varsha , Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Professor & Dr. T.S. Balaji, Senior Lecturer, Dept of OMFS participated in the National seminar & CME on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education” held on 21.06.16 at MGMCRI & RI, SBV University, Pondicherry. Dr.Harikrishnan, Prof & Head, attended awareness workshop on Advanced Material Characterization & Synthesis Facilities on 27.06.16 & 28.06.16 in Department of Nuclear Physics, University of Madras. Dr. Shivasakthy.M, Reader, Department of prosthodontics, participated in short course on biostatistics & epidemiology for clinical and public health research using STATA held between 27.06.16 and 30.06.16 at CMC Vellore. Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics was a part of a team which participated in the “Himalyan Dental project- Oral health education and treatment for school children” in July 2016.
All Professors and Readers and senior lecturers representing all departments and members of Scientific and Academic forum participated in workshop “Curriculum Development for Competency Based Education” held on 13. 07. 16 at IGIDS, Pondicherry. Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Prof, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended Smile Make Over on 20. 07. 16 at Sri Venkateswara Dental College, Chennai Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD and Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer attended the CDE program at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai on 22. 07. 16. Dr. Bindu, Reader, Dept of Cons & Endo attended Ecclieres on 26. 07. 16 and 27. 07. 16 at Accord Metro Politan, Chennai. Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended AERO- PG foundation program from 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16 at IGIDS. Dr. Sanguida. A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended the Continuing Dental Education Program & hands-on on “Crown/veneer preparation, impression techniques & temporization” conducted by the IDA Puducherry Branch on 07. 08. 16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, attended Conference and Hands on A-Z of Porcelain Laminate Veneers Pre Conference Course, 25th Annual Conference of IAACD from 12. 08. 16 to 15. 08. 16 at Nehru Centre Mumbai. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Manoharan, Professor, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Senthil M, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. Bindu, Reader, Dr. Sanguida, Reader Dr. Vikneshan, Reader, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Subbulakshmi, and Dr. Nansi, Tutors, Dental Education Unit, were the organizing members of the “National Conference on changing trends in health professions education” on 18. 08. 16 at SBVU. Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Prof and Head, Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Professors, Dr. Bindu
Dr. Mithunjith and Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturers, Dept of Cons & Endo attended Recapitulation-VIII International Symposium on Root Dentin Stabilization on 08. 07. 16 at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai.
“Patent & Copyright” organized by the IPR cell, SBV in collaboration with TIFAC & Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India on 03.06.16.
Meera John, Reader, Dr. Padmaraj, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Geena Mary Tutor, Dept of Cons & Endo, Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr. V. Suresh, Prof & Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Prof. from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr G S Prathima, Prof & Head, Dr Sanguida, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr. Aniruddh Yashwanth, Senior lecturer, Dept of orthodontics, Dr. Manoharan Prof & Head, Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, Senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela Reader Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Sakthi Devi Senior Lecturer and Dr. Gayathri Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Dept. of Periodontics, Dr. Santha Devy, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Dr. Premlal, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Dr. Suganya, Dr. Subhalakshmi, Dept. of Oral Pathology attended Dental Educational Conference – Under Graduate Dental Education Time For Change? on 18. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics, participated in the panel discussion “Students stakeholders’ perspectives on dental education” in the National Conference on changing trends in health professions education on 18. 08. 16 at SBVU Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Prof and Head, Dr. Bindu, Reader, Dept. of Cons & Endo, Dr. Varsha, Professor, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. V. Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended National Conference on Changing Trends Health Professions Education on 19. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16 at MGMCRI. Dr. Shivasakthy M, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics attended a workshop on Mentoring and feedback conducted as a part of National Conference on Changing Trends Health Professions Education on 20. 08. 16 at MGMC&RI. Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Prof, Dept of Cons & Endo attended PG Collequim on 25. 08. 16 at Ragas Dental College, Chennai. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo attended 1st International Digital Dental Conference in Hydrebad from 26. 08. 16 to 28. 08. 16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, attended Hands on Course on Cad/Cam in 1st International Digital Dental Conference held in Hydrabad on 27. 08. 16.
Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer attended full day lecture on Clinical Smile Designing by Dr. Florin Cofar (Romania) held in Mumbai on 28. 08. 16. Dr. Mithunjith, Senior Lecturer, attended one day certification programme in “Occlusion” by “Robert Craddock” in Bangalore on 29. 08. 16. Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics was a part of the organizing team for the “Geospatial Vision Development workshop” at SBVU Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela Reader, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer Dept. of Periodontics participated in the ISP Colloquium titled “Controversies in Periodontology” held at Tagore Dental College on 08. 09. 16 Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontics and Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept of Prosthodontics participated in the “South Indian Medical and Dental convention Chettinad Fusion 2K16” as a faculty escort from 7. 09. 16 to10. 09. 16. Dr. Vezhavendhan, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Dr. Suganya have attended the 6th CDE program on “Clinico Pathologic Conference” held on 11. 09. 16 organized by the Indian Dental Association – Madras Branch in association with Indian association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists. Faculties representing all departments attended the “Learning Management Software Workshop” on 16. 09. 2016, 23. 09. 2016 and 30. 09. 2016 organised by the Information Technology Department of SBV University. Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, Dr. Rajkumar, Senior lecturers, Department of prosthodontics, participated in “Data Manipulation Using Cbct For Dental Implants” held on 22. 09. 16 at Thai Moogambigai Dental College & Hopital Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Periodontics participated in the Laser CDE program conducted by the Dept. of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Dental College and Hospital, on 27. 09. 16. Dr. Anoop Mathew, Dr. Arvinth, and Dr. Aniruddh Yashwanth, senior lecturers, Dept of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopeadics attended CDE on Laser Atelier held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on 27. 09. 16.
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Dr Anoop Mathew, Dr Aniruddh, Dr Aravinth Senior lecturers Dept of Orthodontics attended the “Laser Atelier” CDE program held on 26.09.16 at Indira Gandhi Dental College, Puducherry Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, and Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended the “Interns Orientation Program” on 5.10.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of Dental sciences. Dr. Saravanakumar Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, and Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Dept. of Periodontology attended CIDRF workshop “Clinical Genomics and Bioinformatics on 14.10.16 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute. Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology and Dr. Sakthi Devi Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology participated in the conference on “MEDUCON” conducted by Dept. of medical education and alumni association of national teacher training center by on JIPMER. Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, attended CDE program “CORE” conducted by the Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology on 17.10.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences. Dr Anoop Mathew, Dr Aniruddh, Dr Vijaykumar, Dr Aravinth, Senior lecturers, Dept of Orthodontics attended the “CORE 2016” CDE program held on 17.10.16 at Indira Gandhi Dental College, Puducherry. Dr. Saravanakumar Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, attended the Board of studies certificate course on 22.10.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences Dr. Saravanakumar, Prof. & HOD, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended First year Induction program on 24.10.16.
Dr.R Sathyanarayanan Prof, Dr.V Suresh Prof, Dr.V Yuvaraj Prof, Dr. T.S.Balaji Senior Lecturer and Dr. B.Nithin Joseph Jude Senior Lecturer from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the “OOO” Symposium in management of vascular lesions held on 01.11.16 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College, Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu. Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Sakthi Devi Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology participated in the guest lecture On “Surgical considerations in implant placement in the esthetic zone” conducted by SAF on 02.11.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences. All faculty of IGIDS attended “Dr. Rafiauddin Ahmed Internal Oration programme” conducted by SAF and DEU on 04.11.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of Dental sciences. Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader, Dr. Rajkumar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics attended CDE on “Be Aware, Be Prepared, Be ready” Medical Emergencies in Dentistry at Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha University, Chennai on 09.11.16. Dr.Geena Mary, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended CDE program on “Be aware, Be prepared, Be ready” Medical emergencies in Dentistry in Saveetha Dental College, Chennai held on 09.11.16 Dr.Mithunjith, senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended an international conference “World conference of Oral implantologists (WCOI) held in NewDelhi from 11.11.16 to 13.11.16. Dr. Shivasakthy. M, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, attended preconference workshop on “Research in medical
Dr. Saravanakumar Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, attended the Clinical Society meet held by the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry on 25.10.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences.
Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, senior lecturer, department of prosthodontics, participated in lecture and hands on worshop on TOPIC “LASER ATLIER” on 29. 09. 16, at IGIDS, Pondicherry
education” at MEDUCON 2016 held at JIPMER on 13.11.16 and 14.11.16. Dr. Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry participated in the Cochrane Review Completion Workshop from 14.11.16 to 18.11.16. Dr.Praveen Rajesh. Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics participated in Cochrane- South Asia’s “Review Completion workshop” held in Christian Medical College, Vellore from 14.11.16 to 18.11.16. Dr Prathima G S, Prof and Head, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended two days intensive course on Direct gold foil restorations with hands-on and clinical patient work on 20.11.16 at Indian academy of gold foil operators Chennai. Dr. Selvabalaji A, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry participated in a camp for special children (Rainbow Foundation, Vanrapet) organized by Guild Association, IGIDS in association with Rotary Club, on 22.11.16. All faculty of IGIDS attended the Clinical Society meet held by the Dept. Orthodontics on 29.11.16 at Indira Gandhi institute of dental sciences. Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology contributed voluntarily in the Blood Donation program conducted by SBV Blood Donors Club RRC? on the occasion of “AIDS day” on 01.12.16. Dr Prathima G S, Prof and Head, Dr Kayalvizhi, Prof, Dr Sanguida, Reader, Dr Suganya M, Dr Ramesh V,
Dr Selvabalaji A, Dr Kirthiga M, Senior lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended an International CDE Program on “Infant Oral Health Care - the untold story” organized by Department of Public Health Dentistry on the 23.12.16 at IGIDS, Pondicherry. Dr. Saravanakumar Prof. & HOD, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Pratebha Balu, Professor, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology Dr. Sakthi Devi, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, attended an International CDE program on “Infant Oral Health Care- The Untold Story” conducted by the Dept. of Public Health Dentistry and SAF, IGIDS on 23.12.16.
▶▶ ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES World Autism Day In commemoration of “World Autism Awareness Day “, 20 children with Autism spectrum disorder from Satya Special School were invited to Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS on 07.04.16. 18 children with ASD, 5 care takers and 10 parents assembled in the Department Seminar hall. A Short welcome speech with the objectives of the Program was delivered by Dr. Ramesh V. Health education and awareness talk was delivered by Dr. A. Selva Balaji. Children were screened and Treated by the Postgraduate students. Gifts in the form of crayons and toothbrush/paste kit were distributed to the children.
World health day program for Transgenders Department of Public Health Dentistry, Alumini Association (GUILD) of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth University and Sagodarargal Community of Oriented Health Development (SCOHD)
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Interprofessional Workshop on Basics of Immunohistochemistry The Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has conducted an “Interprofessional Workshop on Basics of Immunohistochemistry” on 19.04.16. The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology in association with Pathnsitu Biotechnologies had conducted Hands on Workshop on “Interdisciplinary workshop on the Basics of Immunohistochemistry” on 19th April 2016. The resource person included were Mr. S. K. Doss Director, Sales and Marketing, Mr. Jijo Jeevans, Technical Assistant, Mr. Keshav - Technical Assistant, Mr. Thirugnanam- Technical Assistant from Pathnsitu Biotechnologies Ltd. Around 41 delegates from different colleges participated in the prrogram. There was a lecture on Introduction to basics of Immuno Histochemistry, Trouble shootings in IHC by Mr. S. K Doss followed by hands on workshop.
Clinical Society Meeting - April The clinical society meet for the month of April 2016 was done by the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology on 30.04.16. It was held in Lecture hall no: 3, MGMCRI block. The session was organized by Dr. Nithin Jude, Senior Lecturer, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in the presence of Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean and Prof. Dr.Saravanakumar, Vice Principal. The target audience were students (Ugs, Pgs, Interns) and faculties of IGIDS. There were five presentations, Reactive gingival lesions – A case series by Dr. Kavya.L; Non- healing ulcers at the lateral border of the tongue – A case series by Dr. Juhi Jahan; Bite mark analysis using adobe photoshop
Music therapy The Scientific and Academic Forum of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted a program “Music therapy for health and wellbeing” on 04.05.16 for the undergraduates, postgraduates and faculty. Dr.Sumathi
Sundar and the team from CMTER, SBV spoke on the role of music therapy in health. An interactive and meditation session was well appreciated by the audience.
Webinar The Scientific and Academic Forum on 27.05.16 conducted a webinar on “Critical thinking in Health Education & Evidence based Dentistry” by Dr.Terese A Marshall, College of Dentistry, University of Iowa, USA. This webinar was attended by the faculty of IGIDS, MEU and NEU. It focused on the importance of evidence based dentistry for under graduate education and the participants were given an insight on the evidence based curriculum followed in the University of IOWA. This was followed by an interactive session with queries on curriculum designing for evidence based dentistry raised by the participants.
Dental Education External Consultancy The 5th “Training of Trainers” program (4 day module) & the first external consultancy program of the Dental Education Unit of IGIDS was conducted for the faculty of Priyadarshini Dental College & Hospital, Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu on 13-06-2016, 14-06-16, 23-06-2016 & 24/06/16. The DEU members were split into group of five to conduct the two sessions. Group one includes Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr. Saravana Kumar, Dr. Shivasakthy, Dr. Jananni & Dr.
software by Dr.Santosh Palla; Oral Leukoplakia – Is biopsy at initial appointment dire? by Dr.Dhanraj; Mosquito’s ( A to Z ) ---an environmental awareness attempt by Dr.Abdul Khader. The session was moderated by Dr. Santha Devy, Prof and head, Department of Oral Pathology. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Dr.Saravana Kumar.
jointly organized “World health day program for Transgenders” on “Hepatitis B Vaccination, oral health, Diabetes & wellbeing” on 9.04.16. The salient features of the program are, 65 transgenders participated in the program, they were vaccinated with Hepatitis B vaccine; Oral Health Diabetes & wellbeing awareness health talk was given by Dr. Kishore, Tutor; All the Transgenders were provided with basic oral health care services at the Dental college & Hospital. The program was sponsored by the alumni of the Dental college as a part of their Philanthropy activity. The program was co-ordinated by the GUILD association and Mrs. Sheethal Nayak, Director SCOHD Society.
Vikneshan & Group two includes Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr. Manoharan, Dr. Prateba, Dr. Senthil & Dr. Sanguida. Total number of participants were 22. The first day (13/06/16) began with a short inauguration at 9 am in the presence of the Principal Dr. Sharma & faculty of Priyadarshini Dental College & Hospital followed by the pretest. This was followed by the lecture on ‘Teaching Learning Principles & Adult learning principles’ by Dr. Shivasakthy. This was followed by the lectures on “Taxonomy” by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, “Specific learning Outcomes” by Dr.Vikneshan. The post lunch session was on “Lesson plan” by Dr. Saravana Kumar. The participants were asked to prepare lesson plans and were announced award for best lesson plan. Day 2 (14/06/16): The first lecture was on ‘Large group teaching & Classroom discipline” by Dr. Saravana Kumar followed by lectures on “Small group teaching & Chairside teaching’ by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, ‘Teaching and Learning media, Mobile technology and web 2’ by Dr. Jananni & “Introduction to Microteaching” by Dr. Vikneshan. The post lunch session was on “Students needing additional curricular & Psychological support (SNACS/ SNAPS)” by Dr. Shivasakthy. Day 3 (23/06/16): The group dispersed to four different halls for the microteaching practice sessions supervised by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dr. Manoharan , Dr. Prateba, Dr. Senthil & Dr. Sanguida. This was followed by the lecture on ‘Principles and practice of evaluation” by Dr. Prateba & ‘Written exam, Question paper setting & blue print” by Dr. Manoharan.
Day 4 (24/06/16) started with the lecture on SOLO taxonomy Dr.Carounanidy Usha followed by the lecture on “Oral exams” by Dr. Sanguida, “OSCE/OSPE” by Dr. Senthil & “Curriculum development” by Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Post lunch, post test & broken square game were conducted followed by distribution of certificates to participants. The program feedback & individual feedback for every lecture were also obtained. The facilitators were
given a small memento as a token of appreciation. The DEU team presented a memento emphasizing the importance of training of trainers through a Thirukkural.
Clinical Society meeting - June The clinical society meet for the month of June 2016 was done by the Department of Periodontology on 17.06.16. It was held in Lecture hall no: 3, MGMCRI block. The session was organized by Dr. Priyadharshini V, Senior Lecturer, Periodontology in the presence of Vice Principal, Prof. Saravana Kumar. The target audience were students (Ugs, Pgs, Interns) and faculties of IGIDS. There were four presentations on the topic, Perio-Esthetics -An overview - Dr.Priyadharshini; Multiple teeth recession –Management – Dr.Arvina; Single tooth recession –Management – Dr.Shahinas; Management of shallow vestibule and inadequate width of attached gingiva - Dr. Arun Varghese. The session was moderated by Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Prof and head, Department of Periodontology. The session was open for discussion after the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Vice Principal Dr. Saravanakumar.
13. 07. 16 - Curriculum development for Competency based education The SAF of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted a workshop by Dr. Shailesh Lele, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia on “Curriculum development for Competency based education” on 13th July, 2016. The workshop was attended by the Dean, the heads of
Departments and the faculty of IGIDS. The workshop consisted of individual lectures on Competency based dental curriculum followed by group activities on writing learning objectives, instructional and assessment methods.
22. 07. 16 – Yaad Karo Kurbani As a part of Ministry of Human Resource Development’s decision to conduct activities in educational institutions all
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over the country in celebrating 70 years of independence “Azadi 70 yaad karo kurbani”, SAF, IGIDS organized a programme on 22nd August, 2016. A speech on “Patriotism” was given by Thiru. S. Vaidyalingam @ Prapanchan, Tamil writer and critic, Sahitya Akademi award winner which aimed to instill patriotism and cultural values in students and faculty members. The programme also consisted of a music performance with the theme of patriotism by the college band, Euphonianz.
27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16 - AERO- PG foundation program 27. 07. 2016: The organizing team (2014 & 2015 post graduates batch) headed by Dr. Sathyanarayanan. R, PG Coordinator, Professor and Head, Department of Conservative and Endodontics, IGIDS gathered at 8. 30am for the PG foundation program in the annexure block, SBV. The registration desk was opened and a total number of 36 delegates registered for the workshop. All the delegates were welcomed and seated in the allotted conference hall with the special presence of our esteemed Vice Chancellor Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dr. Adkoli,
and levels of learning. As a tribute to the great thinker of our nation Dr. A. P. J. AbdulKalam, whose first death anniversary day coincides today, video clip of inspiring words about vision was played. He continued on freezing the thoughts using desktop wares, mobile apps and handed over the session to the core members, Dr. Tamizh and Dr. Yoga who engaged the audience with ‘Mind Mapping’ and made the session lighter with a group activity at the end. Finally, an online feedback form was sent to the participants and the responses were displayed, analyzed and implemented in the next session. High tea was served between 11. 30 am and 12. 00 pm. The second module titled, ‘Research Methodology’ started with an interesting role play from the organizing team. Dr. Nagesh gave a overview of the topic under the following subheadings: Introduction, Roadmap of research, Selection of topic, Fundamentals, Objectives and types of research. Post lunch session on ‘Research designs’, started at 2. 30 pm. The facilitators Dr. Nagesh, Dr. Sathyanarayanan, along with core member Dr. Shouvik Malakar, covered from the minimal level of evidence till the gold standard in the field of research with clinical examples. The day was closed at 5. 00 pm with high tea after analysis of feedback.
28. 07. 2016: The second day of AERO began with the 1st module for the day titled “Evidence Based Dentistry” by Dr. Carounanidy Usha who drew the attention of the delegates with a classic example on obtaining solid evidence, followed by a captivating role play from the organising team. Hands on was conducted as a group activity on databases among the delegates. Feedback responses were documented and discussed. High tea was served at the end of the module. The session was taken over by the core member of research methodology, Dr. Santosh palla who enlighted on research question and hypothesis along with our research expertise Dr. Nagesh making the session simple and understanding.
The first presentation titled, ‘How to think’ was facilitated by Dr. Sathya Narayanan. He highlighted on thinking, bridging between language and thinking, critical thinking
The 2nd module titled “Reference management” continued, headed by Dr. Satyanarayanan and the core members Dr. Danraj, Dr. Kavya engaging the delegates with hands
Prof & Head, Dept of HPE, and our Dean, PG Studies, Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, along with Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS and chief guest and facilitator for the day, Dr. Nagesh, Professor and HOD, BDCH, Davangere. The first session commenced at 9. 30am with the introductory speech by Dr. Sathya Narayanan. The delegates were randomly divided into 6 groups comprising of 6 members each. A pre-test questionnaire for the session was distributed among the participants. Dr. Sathya Narayanan offered a token of appreciation and vice chancellor honored Dr. Nagesh.
on – Mendeley software. After the feedback analysis, our principal Dr. Carounanidy Usha honoured the chief guest, Dr. Nagesh. 29. 07. 2016: The last day of the three day PG foundation workshop, AERO 2016 commenced with the opening talk by Dr. Sathyanarayanan with the shuffling of the delegates and reassembling them in new groups to improve the discussions among the delegates.
Our 2nd day facilitator for the AERO, Dr. Mahalakshmi, Associate professor, Department of Preventive and Social medicine, JIPMER, Puducherry, was introduced to the delegates and the session was taken over by her and the core members Dr. Jayagopika, Dr. Yoga and Dr. Vidhya. The presentation begun with a video clip on biostatistics. The session was divided and portrayed into three presentations by the 3 core members of the organizing team, Dr. Gopika, Dr. Yoga and Dr. Vidhya. Dr. Gopika covered “Variables” with interesting group activities stating classic examples from dentistry. High tea was served between 10. 30 am to 11am, followed by the presentation of Dr. Yoga and Dr. Vidhya . Online Feedback was taken after each session and it was very interactive and informative. The afternoon session begun at 2pm with the introductory speech by Dr. Sathyanarayanan on “lacunae” in the field of
research carried over by the core members of the Critical appraisal team Dr. Juhi and Dr. Shovik on journal club and critical reflection of the same. The last module for the workshop, Photo documentation headed by Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Dr. Praveen and the core members Dr. Abdul, Dr. Eunice, Dr. Prabhu and Dr. Jithin commenced at 3. 15 pm leaving the delegates awestruck. Live demonstration was given in groups headed by the core members for the candidates on “capturing”. Finally, an online general feedback form was sent to know the overall feed back of the delegates on AERO and the responses were displayed and analysed. Post test was conducted. At the end of the day, Dr. Carounanidy Usha delivered the vote of thanks, thanking the delegates for all their patience and sincerely acknowledged the lacunas and hindering factors during the workshop. The whole of the organizing team was introduced to the delegates and the efforts put in by them were applauded. Finally a memorable click was captured. Certificates were distributed to the delegates and a take home gift of an indigenously fabricated small photography kit was given. The delegates parted with promising note that they found the IGIDS’ans have made profound impact and they will put all in use in their post graduation.
18. 08. 16 National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education The National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education was organized at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth between 18. 08. 16 and 20. 08. 16. Undergraduate dental education - A time for change was the theme for the first day. An elite crowd of dental academicians participated in the conference. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Vice principal, IGIDS welcomed the gathering. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dental Sciences, IGIDS presented the bouquet and memento to the dignitaries on the dais. The inaugural program begun with lighting of kuthuvilaku by the dignitaries.
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The second session on basic medical sciences perspectives in BDS syllabus was discussed by Dr. Krishna Kumar Raja, Prof & Head, Dept of Oral surgery, SRM Dental College, Chennai. He insisted on trimming of the cognitive load in basic medical sciences, system based integration, dental graduates to become teachers in basic sciences, early clinical exposure and syllabus revision by medical and dental faculty together.
The event started with a Skype session on International perspectives of BDS curriculum. The speakers were Dr. Venkatesh Babu, academic faculty, Malaysia and Dr. Joshua Sheih, clinical instructor, Canada. Both the speakers shared their experiences as an Indian dental graduate working abroad and the key difference in the Indian and abroad system of dental education. The humane touch of the Indian faculty was appreciated well and the need for faculty development program and training on professionalism was insisted. Revision of the exam system in Indian BDS curriculum was insisted to be changed as more of formative assessment and OSCE pattern rather than the skill based exam.
The post lunch session was sharing of experiences at MS Ramaiah Institute by its Academic registrar, Dr. Pushpanjali. She insisted on designing curriculum to ensure competent dental graduates, choosing curriculum leaders and ethics. The session was followed by sharing of experiences from CODS Manipal by Dr. Dilip G. Naik, Dean. Manipal. He insisted on time to students to reflect their learning and sustenance of the. System.
The prelunch session was sharing of Saveetha Dental College experiences in dental education by Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, Director, Saveetha Dental college, Chennai. He elaborated on the success of comprehensive clinics and flipped classes along with other innovative methods in education.
Dr. Suhashini Nagda, former Dean, Nair Dental College and an eminent dental educationist graced the occasion as a special guest and felicitated the gathering with her thought provoking speech on dental education in the inaugural program. Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth delivered the inaugural address. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences released the e-souvenier and felicitated the gathering. All the guest speakers were honoured by the dignitaries. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. M. Shivasakthy, organising secretary.
The session was followed by an interesting team presentation by Dr. Lakshmi Narayan, Principal, Thai Mookambigai Dental College, Chennai and Dr. Kandaswamy, Dean, SRMC Dental college, Chennai on dental sciences perspectives in BDS curriculum. They insisted on vetting of the classes by the Heads of Department, standard operating protocols in departments, integration of dental sciences, relevancy of the preclinical exercises, feedback from the students and involving the students in diagnosis and treatment planning rather than allotment system, provision for leading clinicians to become part time teachers, examination reforms and interchange of faculty between colleges.
The concluding session of the day was a student panel discussion moderated by Dr. Shivasakthy. The students insisted on integration of basic science with clinical sciences, early clinical exposure and revision of orthondontics in ug syllabus. The concluding remarks of each session was made by Dr. Carounanidy Usha and Dr. Suhashini Nagda.
30. 08. 2016- Clinical Society Meeting. The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society program to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02. 30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar. The session was organized by Dr. Sukriti Kumar, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral medicine & radiology and the session was moderated by Dr. Prathima G. S, Prof and head, Department of Pedodontics. There were six presentations on the topic, Laser assisted management of upper accessory labial frenum in a pediatric patient – A case reportDr. Abhishek S Varghese (III year PG); Down syndrome and its management - A case report- Dr. K. Gayathri (III Year PG); Surgical management of impalement injury to Palate in a 3 Year Old Child: An outcome of safety neglect – A case report- Dr. Anna Marry Kattakayam (III year PG); Nasoalveolar moulding- Dr. Kavitha M (II year PG); Management of mandibular fracture- A case report- Dr. Radha . S (II year PG); Zirconia crown in pediatric dentistry- Dr. Vinothini . V (II year PG). The session was open for discussion after the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Vice Principal Dr. Saravana kumar. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.
19. 09. 16 - Student Clinician Orientation Programme The Student Clinician Orientation Programme (SCOPE) was organized by the Dental Education Unit in association with Scientific and Academic Forum of IGIDS on 19th September 2016 from 11: 00 AM to 01: 00 PM at
Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. The program was initiated by welcoming the Student Clinician and badging them. The badging was done by the Final year students of IGIDS. The students took the Hippocratic Oath read by Dr. Rajkumar, Student advisor. This was followed by a lecture on the Topic “Patient Safety in Dentistry” by Dr. Mohammed Hanifah, Professor of General Medicine Department, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Online feedback was taken after the session.
27. 09. 16 - LASER ATELIER Dept of Pedodontics, Organised and participated in CDE Program- LASER ATELIER on 27th Sept, 2016 at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry. The program was inaugurated by respected Dean, Prof Carounanidy Usha. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr Prathima G S. The number of
beneficiaries were 80. Following this there was a lecture on fundamentals of lasers by Dr Prathima G S and lectures on soft tissue/ hard tissue lasers by the external resource person Dr Vidyaa Hari Iyer. As a stress breaker, there was a non didatic session conducted, after which the hard tissue lecture continued. In the afternoon demo & hands on session was conducted for all participants. The program was concluded by a valedictory function, where in certificates were distributed to all the participants by our resource person.
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29. 09. 2016- Clinical Society Meeting. The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society programme to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02. 30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Prof. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar, Vice Principal. The session was moderated by Dr. Vidhya, Reader, Department of Oral Pathology. There were four presentations on the topic, Odontoma - Report of 3 Cases - Dr. Bharani Priya & Dr. Preethi; Sialochemical Profile in Depressive Individuals - Dr. Umamaheshwari G; Oral Lipoma - A Case Report – Dr. R. Muthukumaran; Potentially Infectious Microorganisms in a Dental Health Care Setting – Poornima U. & Nivetha K. The sessions were opened for discussion at the end of all presentations. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Principal Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.
27. 09. 16-05. 10. 16 Intensive Coaching on Communication Skills As a part of ongoing research in Dental education an ‘Intensive Coaching on Communication Skills’ was conducted for first and second year postgraduates of Prosthodontics (Dr. Devameena, Dr. Amuthavalli, Dr. Bejoy, Dr. Vidya, Dr. Jithin and Dr. Sonia). The resource persons for the course were Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, MGMCRI and Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor in Prosthodontics, IGIDS. Nine sessions were conducted
September 2016 – PG Pedagogy Post graduates, who are going to be future Dental educators are trained for Pedagogy by the Dental Education Unit of IGIDS. This program was conducted for 2nd and 3rd year post graduates for three days, 20th, 21st and 28th September 2016 at Medical Education Unit block. On 20th September, lecture on “Adult learning principles and teaching learning principles” was given by Dr. Shivashakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics which was followed by an interactive buzz session on TL principles for the postgraduates. Second lecture was on “Teaching Learning Media”, which covered the importance of Powerpoint presentation and effective use of blackboard/whiteboard for their classes was given by Dr. Jannani, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology. On 21st September, an interactive session on “Specific Learning Objective and Lesson Plan” was taken by Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Principal, IGIDS which was followed by a session on “Introduction to Microteaching” by Dr. SaravanaKumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS. The PGs were instructed to prepare a lesson plan and participate in the microteaching session on 28th September.
from 27. 9. 16 to 05. 10. 16. Various topics covered in these sessions were General communication skills for Health Professionals, Questioning, Listening skills and Answering skills, Factors influencing communication, Different types of health attitudes, Introduction to patient personality, empathy, non-verbal communication, Specialized and advanced forms of communication skills, Rapport building, Non-verbal skills for Health Professionals, assessment of communication skill and Holistic and patient centered care. The sessions were interactive with narratives from facilitators based on real-life experiences in Medicine and Dentistry with specific references to complete denture patients in Prosthodontics. Pre-test and post-test were conducted and significant improvement was shown in the post test results.
On 28th September 2016, Microteaching practice session was conducted for postgraduates in 5 different venues at IGIDS. PGs from different departments were made into a batch and they were asked to practice in forenoon and afternoon sessions. Evaluation was done by the DEU facilitators, peers and two interns in each batch.
A certification program was conducted on 20. 10. 16 at Board Room, SBV. Chief guest Dr. Dubey, former Dean, MGMCRI, SBV distributed the certificates for the resource persons, participants and actors for the role play. The program was attended by Vice chancellor Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Dean Allied Health Sciences, Dr. Ananthakrishanan, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, P. S to Chairman, Dean MGMCRI, Dr. Ravishankar, Dean IGIDS, Dr. Carounanidy Usha. A presentation was done regarding the ‘Report and outcome’ by Dr. Varsha Murthy following which the chief guest addressed the postgraduates and distributed the certificates.
5.10.16 Interns Orientation Program The SAF,IGIDS organized the Intern orientation programme for the CRRI batch 2016-17 on 5th October, 2016 and was attended by the Vice principals (Dr.Saravanakumar and Dr.Shanthadevy), faculty members and the interns. An introduction lecture on “SPICES” model for assessment of interns was delivered by Dr.Manoharan,Dept of Prosthodontics. The orientation towards clinical assessment and practice and the scope of dentistry were briefed upon. Dr.Annie Sharon (Passed out alumni Batch 2015-16) was honoured for conducting research survey in Neyveli Lignite Corporation on “Oral health status for coal mine workers”.
17.10.16 C linical Oral Medicine and Radiology Evince The CDE program, Clinical Oral Medicine and Radiology Evince (CORE), was organized and conducted by Department of Oral medicine and Radiology, IGIDS, SBV on 17th October 2016. The program was aimed at enlightening the CRRI about the importance of Oral Medicine in clinical practice and the postgraduates and Entrepreneurs in learning the nuances of successful Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology practice.
appreciation were awarded to the winners and the delegates by the Guest speakers. The following were the prize winners for the poster competition. PG Category: Dr. Sowmya H, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai won first prize for paper titled CBCT: A paradigm shift for clinical dentistry – evaluation of maxillary molars and surrounding structures; Dr. Nandhini G, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai won the second prize for paper titled “Evaluation of variability of styloid process – CBCT study.” UG Category: Mr. Illakkiyapriyan K and Ms. VijayaShanthi, Interns, IGIDS won first prize for poster titled CBCT “2D / 3D imaging - A scrutinized examination”; Ms. Shameemunisha and Ms. Sandhiya, IGIDS won the second prize for poster titled “Child abuse and neglect – Greater the knowledge greater the responsibility to diagnose”.
24.10.16 First BDS Induction Program
Topic for presentations were ‘Do’s and Dont’s of a successful Oral Medicine Practice” & “Entrepreneurship in Maxillofacial Radiology” with Dr Srinivas K, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences, Orissa and Dr. Vinod Kumar AR, Proprietor and Chief Radiologist, 3D Digital Diagnostic Dental Centre, Bangalore respectively. The program was attended by 120 registrants including faculty, private practitioners, postgraduates and CRRI from various dental institutions of Pondicherry and Tamilnadu. A poster competition was also conducted during CORE 2016. A total of ten posters in undergraduate and post graduate categories were displayed and judged by the guest speakers. Two prizes separately for UG and PG categories were given. The prizes for the poster competition and certificate of
The induction program for the 11th batch (2016-17) BDS students was held on 24th October 2016 at lecture hall, College Block, MGMCRI. Vice Chancellor, SBV Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, & Dr. Ananthakrishnan Dean, R&AHS, SBV graced the occasion. All first year students and their parents attended the program. The program began with welcome address by Dr. Jananni, Senior Lecturer, Periodontics, IGIDS followed by college prayer & lighting of kuthuvilaku by the dignitaries, parents and students. Dean, IGIDS Dr.Carounanidy Usha addressed the gathering and gave an overview of the BDS course. Dr. Saravanakumar.R, Vice Principal, IGIDS (Academics) briefed the audience about the academic details. This was followed by an introduction of the various welfare committees for first year students by Dr. Santhadevy. A, Vice Principal IGIDS (Students’ welfare). Dr. Shivasakthy, Co-ordinator, Dental Education Unit, IGIDS introduced the learning support details provided for 1st year students at IGIDS. Students’ Cousellor, SBV Mrs. Josephine addressed the gathering. This was followed by felicitation by Dr.Ananthakrishnan,
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Dean, R&AHS, SBV. This was followed by a lecture by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman on “Excellence In Education”. One parent who is also a Dentist by Profession expressed her views & this was followed by a speech by Dr.Preethi.V, alumni IGIDS who shared her experiences in IGIDS. The program ended with high tea.
25.10.2016- Clinical Society Meeting. The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society programme to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02.45 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by our Principal, Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar and Prof. Dr. Santhadevi. The session was moderated by Dr. Vikneshan (Reader, Department Community Dentistry). There were three presentations on the topic, 1. Oral health status of industrial coal mine workers- A cross-sectional study- Dr.Annie Sharon. 2. Oral health programs for coal minersA prototype- Miss Nivetha (Final Year BDS). 3. Prevelance of tobacco consumption and perception of tobacco use among high school students- Mr Fahad (CRRI). The sessions were open for discussion at the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Principal Prof. Dr. Carounanidy Usha. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.
31.10.16 Commemoration of National Unity Day On 31.10.16, Rashtriya Ektadivas (National Unity Day), which is commemorated for the birth anniversary of Sardhar Vallabhai Patel in IGIDS campus. Dr. ShanthaDevi (Vice-Principal, Student affairs) and Dr.Saravana Kumar, Vice-principal (Academics), were present. Dr.Shantha Devy conveyed the agenda to the students. A pledge was taken by the students. Dr. Rajkumar read the pledge and the students repeated it after him. Faculty, Post graduates, Interns and Final year’s students participated.
by Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics and Dr.Jannani, Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics. The topic for elocution was “National Unity vs. Aspiration of states”. The undergraduates and postgraduates participated in the competition with a total of 18 participants. The competition commenced at 11am within the campus annex block. The first year students were the audience. The program concluded at 1pm. The first prize medal was given to Priyanka (IIIyr.), the second prize medal was given to Roshan (Iyr.) the third prize certificate was given to Dr. ShouvikMalakar (PG).
02.11.16 Surgical Consideration in Implant Placement in the Aesthetic Zone The SAF, IGIDS organized a lecture on “Surgical consideration in implant placement in the aesthetic zone” on 2nd November 2016. The introduction to the session was given by Dr.Aniruddh, Secretary, SAF. The resource person was Dr. Kavitha Pol Nalavade, Associate professor and guide in the department of periodontology at
Dr. G.D.Pol foundations Y.M.T Dental College, Kharghar, Maharashtra. The lecture aimed at teaching advanced techniques for placement of implants in the aesthetic zone. It was attended by the Dean IGIDS, Post graduate students and faculty of the Departments under Implant board, IGIDS. Dr.Kavitha spoke on the basic principles and design of dental implants to be placed in the aesthetic zone. She also briefed about the smile designing, periodontal considerations and current trends in implant placement.The certificate of appreciation was presented to the speaker by Dr.Pratibha, Professor, Department of Periodontology, Member, Implant board, IGIDS.
04.11.16 Annual Internal Oration
On 5.11.16 in commemoration of the birthday of Sardhar Vallabhai Patel an elocution competition was held in IGIDS campus for the students and was judged
The Annual Dr. R. Ahmed Internal Oration, IGIDS was conducted on 4th November, 2016 organized by SAF&DEU, IGIDS. The program started with the invocation of prayer song. This was followed by the lighting of the Kuthuvilakku by the honourable dignitaries, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice Chancellor, Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research
&AHS, Dr.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI and Prof.Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, SBV University. Introduction of the Dr.R.Ahmed Internal Oration was rendered by the Dean, IGIDS. The immense contributions of Dr.R.Ahmed to the field of dentistry in India such as founding the first dental college in the country in Calcutta, establishment of Indian dental journal and Bengal dental association were listed. The felicitation address was given by Dr.Sethuraman, Vice chancellor, SBV University. The introduction for the guest speaker for the oration, Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan was given by Dr.P.S.Manoharan, Prof&Head, Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS. The achievements of Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan in the field of Surgical Gasteroenterology and his contributions to medical education and post graduate training were briefed to the audience after which the Orator medallion was bestowed upon him by the Dean, IGIDS. The Dr.R.Ahmed oration was then delivered by Dr.Ananthakrishnan on Professionalism. His speech stressed the importance of professionalism among medical and dental fraternity, the methods of obtaining feedback on professional behavior and enlightened the audience with real life scenarios and examples. After the oration, the citation for Dr. Ananthakrishnan was recited to the audience by Dr. Vineela Reddy, Member secretary, SAF and the citation was presented to Dr.Ananthakrishnan with a standing ovation from the audience. The Vote of thanks was delivered by Dr.Shivasakthy, Member secretary, DEU. The oration program ended with the college anthem and high tea.
14.11.16 - Commemoration of Childrens Day In commemoration of children’s day (Nov14th) there was a photographic competition held for all undergraduate and postgraduate students under the theme ‘SMILING POTRAIT OF CHILDREN’ conducted by Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. The judge for the
program was Dr Praveen (Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics). The total number of participants for the program were 14. 1st and 2nd prizes and certificates were awarded to the best photographs for the students by on 17.11.16 during the General Body Meeting. The winners were Dr Santhiya, CRRI and Vishnupriya, III year UG student.
28.11.2016. - Clinical Society Meeting The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society programme to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02.30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The meeting was attended by our Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. R. Saravana Kumar and Prof. Dr. Santhadevi. The session was moderated by Dr. Anoop Mathew (Senior Lecturer, Department of orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics). There were five presentations on the topic, 1. Retainers in orthodontics- Miss Sanjana Sathyan. (Intern). 2. Video demonstration on fabrication of fixed retainer-A case report- Miss Sandhya Jothi. (Intern). 3. Evaluation of reliability in landmark identification between manual and computerized method-A cephalometric in-vitro study- Dr K Geetha (IIIrd Year Post Graduate). 4. Friction vs Frictionless mechanics for orthodontic space closure- Two case reports-Dr Arya Jayavarma (IInd Year Post Graduate). 5. Treatment of skeletal class II malocclusion using two different treatment modalities- A comparative case report- Dr Eunice John (IInd Year Post Graduate). The sessions were open for discussion at the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. Santhadevi. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.
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01.12.16 Commemoration of World Aids Day On the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1.12.16, Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute in collaboration with Department of Public Health Dentistry, IGIDS and Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC had conducted Quiz, Poster competition, Slogan writing competition and short video message competition.
01.12.16 C ommemoration of World Aids Day by RRC On the occasion of World AIDS Day on 1.12.16, Red Ribbon Club, IGIDS organized a Poster competition on AIDS awareness and Voluntary blood donation. An introduction to the program was given by Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Program Organizer, RRC followed by a
talk on this year theme by Dr. Shouvik, Postgraduate, Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. The event was judged by Dr. Suresh V, Professor and Dr. Nithin Jude, Senior lecturer, Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery in which 45 students participated. On the same day Dr. Sivasankari, Treasurer, RRC led the Voluntary blood donation program in Blood Bank, SBV. 20 members volunteered for blood donation.
20.12.16 to 30.12.16 – International Student Observership Program
programs done. DAY 1: 20.12.2016 Tuesday: Introduction and Orientation of the Students to Hospital Service; DAY2: 21.12.2016 Wednesday - Door To Door Oral Cancer Screening at Kuttiyankuppam Village, Cuddalore District. DAY 3: 22.12.2016 Thursday - Oral Health Program For Hearing And Speech Impaired At Vela Special School, Villupuram. DAY 4: 23.12.2016 Friday – Continuing Dental Education program – Infant Oral Health care – The Untold Story. DAY 5: 24.12.2016 Saturday – Comprehensive oral health program at Sultanpet, Pondicherry. DAY 6: 26.12.16 Monday – Oral health program for Transgenders at SCOHD Cuddalore. DAY 7: 27.12.2016 Tuesday – School Oral Health Program for Special Children at Sathya Special School, Pondicherry. DAY8: 28.12.16 Wednesday – Comprehensive oral health
5 dental students and 1 faculty from University of IOWA participated in this program from 20th December to 30th December 2016. The Department of Public Health Dentistry, IGIDS, SBVU in association with Department of preventive & Community Dentistry, College of Dentistry, University of IOWA,USA, organized maiden students exchange program ISOP from 20.12.16 to 29.12.16.
For this program 1 Faculty, 1 PG, 4 UG have participated from COD, University of IOWA, USA in ISOP. Various outreach activities were organized by team PHD for this program. The following are the brief outline of activities and
program Nuduvirapattu, Cuddalore. DAY9: 29.12.16 Thursday The visiting international Students presented their portfolio and reflection on the program, Honorable Vice Chancellor of SBV and Dean Faculty of dentistry awarded the certificates to the international students.
23.12.16 - International CDE Program International CDE program was conducted Infant Oral Health Care – “The Untold Story” on 23.12.16, Topic 1: Paradigm Shift: Infant Oral Health Care- Primary Prevention by Arthur J. Nowak, Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa, Fellow Pediatric Oral Health Research and Policy Center American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Topic 2: Dental Public Health Programs and Interventions - A Look at Best Practices in Iowa by Dr. Nyla Balakrishnan, Resident, Dental Public Health, Department of Preventive & Community Dentistry University of Iowa College of Dentistry & Dental Clinics. The program was attended by PG and UG students of various colleges of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry.
▶▶ OUTREACH ACTIVITIES The Department of Periodontics organized “screening camp on 13.4.2016 at Adithya catering college, Anna nagar, Puducherry. The team comprising ofDr. Saravanakumar, Prof & HOD,Dr. Jananni & Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturers, Dr.Ahila, Dr.Ugha Bharathi & Dr. Minu, Post graduate students conducted oral screening and delivered health education talk regarding oral hygiene measures. The feedback obtained from the college was excellent.
Report on Himalayan Dental Project A Team of 5 faculties (Dr.Senthil, Dr.Selvabalaji, Dr.Karthikeyan, Dr.Ramesh, Dr.Tamil Murali Krishnan) volunteered the Himalayan Dental Project at Leh, Ladakh, J & k from 1st July to 15th July 2016 for the 2nd time. The team worked at Lamdon Dental Clinic to provide Incremental Dental Care for Lamdon group of schools run by Tibet Dynasty. The salient features of project are:Letter of Agreement was signed with the project director Mr. Bill Kite for yearly participation in the Himalayan Dental Project by a team of experienced faculties from the institute; Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir recognized the team of dentist from IGIDS & issued a govt. order to provide dental services at Himalayan Dental Project; The school management invited the team from IGIDS as special guest for Dalai Lama’s birthday celebration at school presided by a Rimpochee from Tibet; Oral Health Screening & Education was done to children and teachers of 5 Lamdon schools in Ladakh; No. of school children & teachers covered in this project are
850 and they were provided comprehensive oral health care at Lamdon dental clinic; Dental Health Education Aid were donated to the school & school teachers training program on oral health were also provided in this project.
World No tobacco Day rally Indian Dental Association, Puducherry Branch in association with Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences organized “World No Tobacco Day” Road Rally on 31.05.16. The road rally was organized to create awareness of tobacco related problems among general public with focus on this year theme “Get Ready for Plain Packing”. In this road rally more than 200 volunteers consists of dentists, dental students and transgenders from Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pillayarkuppam, Puducherry, Mahatma Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Gorimedu, State Office National Oral health Program & Sahodaran Community for Oriented Health Development participated in this rally to create awareness among public on Tobacco related Oral & General health problems.The road rally was inaugurated by Dean Dr. Carounanidy Usha of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Secretary Dr.Ravishankar and President Dr.Arun Prasad rao from Indian Dental Association, Puducherry branch. The Road rally started at Anna statute and ended at Gandhi statute in the beach via Nehru Street. In this Road Rally the volunteers carried placards, emphasizing the importance of plain packing.
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01. 07. 16 to 15. 07. 16 – Himalayan Dental Project
screened and treated for various oral health problems. A total of 610 patients were covered with around 970 treatment procedures.
05. 08. 16 - Run for Rio
A Team of 5 faculties (Dr. Senthil, Dr. Selvabalaji, Dr. Karthikeyan, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. Tamil Murali Krishnan) volunteered for the second time in the Himalayan Dental Project at Leh, Ladakh. The team worked at Lamdon Dental Clinic to provide Incremental Dental Care for Lamdon group of schools run by Tibet Dynasty. Dental Health Education aid on “Oral health tips for Toddlers” was donated Rimpochee School.
A marathon was organized in view of World Youth Day and Independence Day with a motto of “RUN FOR RIO”, from IGIDS premises till Aravind Eye Hospital, Thavalakupam, Puducherry, which covers a distance of 6 KM. NSS unit of IGIDS and Student council organized the event under the guidance of Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, IGIDS.
08. 07. 16– 11. 07. 16 - Nilgiris Oral Health Program For the second consecutive year, a team of 32 doctors participated in the Nilgiris Oral Health Program in association with ISLAND TRUST, Kotagiri and KATHIRVEL
08. 08. 16 to 10. 08. 16 – Oral hygiene month The Department of Periodontology celebrated the Oral Hygiene month in August 2016. Dental screening of all the nursing faculties of KGNC, Staff nurses and attenders of IGIDS was done from 8th to 10th August. There was speech by Dr. Hema, Ist year postgraduate student on Oral health & its reflection on general health to all the attenders. Fun quiz was conducted for the dental students, who participated actively. Slogan and e-poster competition was conducted for all the dental students.
28. 09. 16 - Dental screening camp at PRTC
NAGAMMAL TRUST, Coonoor. Three remote underserved villages of Kothars, Badugas and Irular community were
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, IGIDS, organized and conducted two day dental screening camp for the drivers and conductors of Pondicherry Regional
Transport Corporation, Puducherrry, on 22.07.2016 and 28.09.2016 at PRTC office, Puducherry. A team of 12 comprising of 2 faculties, 2 PG students and 8 CRRI’s conducted dental screening for 55 drivers and conductors, identified their dental problems and emphasized the need for early treatment. Counselling was provided to quit the habit for those using tobacco and tobacco products. The drivers and conductors of PRTC buses were referred to IGIDS for treatment with free and minimal packages for dental treatment.
Free Denture Camp The Department of Prosthodontics, Indira Gandhi Institute of dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth and Indian Prosthodontic Society, Tamilnadu Chapter, conducted the Marathon Free Denture Camp at Veerangipuram, Kandatchipuram Tk, Villupuram Dt. during the period October - November 2016. Around 48 completely and partially edentulous patients were screened for rehabilitation and treatment procedures for replacement of teeth were
performed for 13 completely edentulous patients and 17 partially edentulous patients to receive complete and partial dentures on 07.10.16. All the materials, human resources including transportation were provided from the university. The second part took care of the final delivery of removable partial dentures and interim procedures in complete dentures like border moulding and jaw relations were carried out on 25th of October 2016. In the third part of the camp on 11th of November 2016, the doctors and post graduates delivered all the complete dentures and addressed symptoms of the removable partial dentures. The patients were benefitted in accessing high end treatment at their doorstep. Dr. Manoharan, Dr. Rajkumar, Dr, Ali, Dr. Balaji, Faculty, Department of Prosthodontics along with second year and third year postgraduates and 12 interns participated in the camp.
oral health program in “Government Middle School” at Kuttiyankuppam village along with department of Public Health Dentistry on 6.11.2016 Sunday at 10.00 am. This swatch bharath campaign was to emphasize the importance of plastic free environment in Government Middle School, Kuttiyankuppam. The program inaugurated by Dr. SanthaDevi, Vice Principal, IGIDS and village president, Dr. Ramu, NSS Program officer conducted the program. The main aim of this NSS Campaign was to remove plastic waste and house hold waste in and around school campus. Instructed the school student, and Created awareness among village, about cleanliness and its importance and about prevention of communicable diseases. Recommended the village president to place dust bin in suitable area where dust accumulation is more. Oral health program was conducted to create awareness and to emphasis the important of clean mouth. In this program oral health screening, treatment like scaling, extraction and restoration were done for 152 beneficiaries and 200 treatments were delivered.
Oral Pathology The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology has conducted a Camp at Kuttiyankuppam village on 06.11.16 along with faculties – Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya. R, Senior Lecturer, III year post graduate students - Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar,
NSS Swach Bharat Campaign The NSS unit of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences organized one day Swach Bharath Campaign and
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Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, I year post graduate students Dr. Chitra. N and Dr. Muthukumaran. R and Interns posted - Ms. Krishnendu. M.C., Ms. Kiruthika. K.S. to screen for potentially malignant disorders in oral cavity.
National Toothbrushing Day Team Public health dentistry has organised a “National tooth Brushing day program for special children” at Sri Siva Sakthi Mentally Challenged Special School, Cuddalore on 07.11.16. In this program tooth brushing demonstration and videos were displayed to the special children and they were educated about the important of tooth brushing. Oral health screening and treatment were provided to 50
Oral Health Program for Drivers and Security Personnel of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Inauguration of “Oral Health Program for Drivers and Security Personnel of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth” on 22.11.16. The program was inaugurated by Vice Principle Students affair Dr.Santhadevi and First case sheet for drivers and security guards was given by dental hospital Superintendent Dr.Sathyanarayanan.
Treatment Camp Organized by Alumni The Alumni’s of IGIDS - Guild Alumni Association conducted a Comprehensive Oral Health treatment camp for adults and children with special needs on 22.11.16 to provide basic Oral Hygiene care in association with Rotatory Club of Pondicherry Aurocity in Rainbow Fundation, Puducherry. The camp program started with inaugural address by Rotatory Club Asst. Governor RTN. Vanaja Vaithianathan. The treatment for the special need children and adults was done after the inaugural program. 14 Alumni’s along with 2 Senior Faculties of IGIDS had done 22 scaling, 20 filling and one extraction for 28 patients.
Report on Chettinad Oral Health Program-2016
Special children. Dental health packs containing toothpaste and tooth brush were distributed to all the beneficiaries. Dental health education aid “Tooth brushing stickers was donated to the school.
Pedodontics In accordance with children’s day celebration on 14.11.16, a drawing competition was held in Udavi Karangal Orphanage, Ariyankuppam for children aged 9-14 years by Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry. Prizes were distributed to the best drawing in each standard by Dr Suganya. In addition, an oral health education talk was delivered by Dr. Suganya, following with oral health kits were distributed to all the students.
For the fourth consecutive year, a team of 30 consists of 4 Faculties, 21 interns and 5 Paramedical staffs conducted this program from 28th November 2016 to 30th November 2016 at various places of Sivagangai District. Day 1: 28.11.2016 – The program was organized by Vallal Mena Hospital at Rani Mahal, Puliyal Village, Devakottai. Day 2: 29.11.16 – Nattarasan Kottai Nagarathar Sangam organized a Comprehensive Oral Health Camp at Nagarathar Kalyana Mahal, Nattarasan Kottai, Sivangangai District. Day 3: 30-112016 – The third day program was organized by Arputha foundation at M.V. Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Muthupattinam, Karaikudi.
▶▶ Miscellany Dr. M. Senthil has been elected as president elect for Indian association of public health dentistry, Tamilnadu chapter in the AGM held at Government dental college on 28.01.16 Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, was a resource person for the microteaching practice session held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 23.02.16 & 01.03.16.
Dr. Yuvaraj.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr. Saravanan.R,Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery represented
our college at the Coorg coffee cup cricket tournament held between 11.04.16 to 13.04.16. Dr. S A Mohammed Ali, senior lecturer, Department of prosthodontics, has been awarded Certificate for completing CAD CAM course theory and hands on training for 80 hours duration at Indian dental academy, Hyderabad, between 24.04.16 and 1.05.16. Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics has been awarded Certificate for completing an online non- credit course “Learning how to learn: powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects” authorized by University of California, San Diego and Offered through Coursera, on 19.06.16 Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept. of prosthodontics, participated in Red Ribbon club sensitization meeting on 03. 08. 16 at Pondicherry AIDS control society, Pondicherry. Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has enrolled for Post Doctoral Research under SBV University in the month of October 2016. Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology went as external examiner for I year B.D.S. on 23.11.16 at Rajah Muthiah dental College & Hospital, Chidambaram. Dr. S.Sivasenthil, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics went as external examiner for II BDS at Rajah Muthiah dental College & Hospital, Chidambaram and MGPGI, Pondicherry.
The IOWA team had presented a bird’s eye view of the activities in their institute and also had discussions to extend a formal collaboration in research and student observer ship programs. Training of Trainers workshop The 5th “Training of the trainers” programme (6 day module) of the Dental Education Unit of IGIDS was conducted for the faculty of IGIDS (7 newly joined professors, reader and senior lecturers) and Karpaga Vinayagar Institute of Dental Sciences (11 faculty). The first day (07/01/16) began with small introduction by Dr.Manoharan which was followed by an ice breaking session conducted by Dr.Shivsakthy. A pre test was then conducted. This was followed by the lecture on ‘Education as a system’ by Dr. Carounanidy Usha. This was followed by the lecture on “Taxonomy; domains
Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics went as external examiner for IV BDS at Rajah Muthiah dental College & Hospital, Chidambaram on 09.12.16.
▶▶ Scientific & Academic Forum 01.01.16 IOWA faculty visit to IGIDS A team of dentists visited IGIDS to overview the facilities of IGIDS and appraised the outreach activities of Public Health Dentistry. The team was interested in the project of deliveringOral health services to Special children of Sathya special school which is run by Department of Public Health Dentistry in association with Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry.
and levels “by Dr.Manoharan .The post lunch session was on “specific learning objectives”, by Prof.Carounanidy Usha ,“Group Dynamics”. Dr.K.A.Narayan (Resource personAHEAD, SBV) & Dr. Bindu used the concept of “fish
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bowl” to explain group dynamics. The day ended with report writing and tea break. Day 2 (08/01/16) started with report reading by Dr.Harikrishnan. The first lecture was on “Teaching – Learning Principle’ & ‘Adult Learning Principles’ by Dr. K.R.Sethuraman (Resource Person- AHEAD, SBV). On the request of the participants teaching learning media- projected and non projected aids by Dr.Bindu, web 2.0 by Dr.Jananni, and mobile technology by Dr.Vignesan was preponed before lunch. This was followed by lunch break. The day ended with report writing and tea break. Day 3 (09/01/16) started with report reading by Dr.Saravanan followed by the lecture on ‘Teaching learning methods-an overview” by Dr.Senthil. This was followed by video demo on ‘Chairside Teaching-do’s and dont’s’ & followed by plenary session on teaching learning methods by Dr.Pratebha. After refreshment break there was lecture “class room management“ by Dr.Sanguida followed by “ lesson plan” by Prof Carounanidy Usha. Post lunch session, lecture on SNACS AND SNAPS was taken by Dr.Shivasakthy and “introduction to microteaching “was taken by Dr.Saravana Kumar with the rules laid for the forth coming microteaching practice session. The day ended with report writing and tea break. Day 4 (21/01/16) began with report reading by Dr.Shakila. The group then dispersed to four different halls for the microteaching practice sessions. Dr.K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. K.A.Narayan, Dr. Carounanidy Usha & Prof.Adkoli were the supervisors. This was followed by the lecture on “Evaluation principles & process” by Dr.K.A.Narayan (Resource Person, AHEAD, SBV). Lecture on “written examination” was taken by Dr.Manoharan .The post lunch session was on “question paper setting and blue printing” by Dr.Manoharan. Day 5 ( 22/01/16) began with report reading by Dr.Bala Guhan followed by the lectures on ‘OSCE/OSPE by Dr.Senthil. “Viva voce by Dr.Sanguida, “Time and stress management in teaching” by Dr.K.A.Narayan. Post luch session the lectures were “post validation” by Dr.Saravana Kumar, “Item analysis” by Dr.Vignesan. The day ended with report writing .
Dr. Saravanakumar.R. In the post lunch session “Broken square” game was conducted & certificates were distributed to the participants. The program feedback, pre test –post test analysis and individual feedbacks were also obtained. SAF program on Research for undergraduates The SAF of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted an “Orientation Programme” on 20th January,2016 for the undergraduates with the topic “ Research for Undergraduates” to create awareness and motivate the under graduates towards research during or after their course. The orientation lecture was delivered by Prof. J. Srinivasan, Department of Prosthodontics. Clinical Society Meeting The meeting was organized on 27.01.16 at 2.30pm, the audience comprised of 3rd years, final years, interns, post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The session was organized by Dr. T.S. Balaji (senior lecturer, Dept of oral and maxillofacial surgery). There were three presentations, on the topic, “Product profiles and interesting clinical techniques”. Dr. Sathyanarayanan R, Prof and Head, Dept of Cons &Endo on “Management of grossly decayed tooth”; Dr. Saravana kumar R, Prof and Head, Dept of Periodontics on “Doxycycline- the drug wonder”; .Dr. Aravindh, Senior lecturer, Dept of orthodontics on “Smart align”. The session was open for discussion after every presentation. Certification was done and feedback forms were collected for all the three speakers. PROIGIDS 2016 The annual Continuing Dental Education programme from the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted a day long CDE programme on the 29th of Jan 2016, with the theme of the year – “ Unravelling the myths of occlusion” had
Day 6 (23/01/16) began with report reading by Dr. Aniz followed by the lecture on “Ethics for Educators” by Dr. K.R.Sethuraman. “SOLO taxonomy” by Dr.Bindu,”Quality assurance in education- feedback system” by Dr.Jananni. This was followed by a group discussion on ‘Curriculum review’ moderated by Dr. Carounanidy Usha &
3 invited speakers Prof. TV Padmanabhan, Prof. V. Anand Kumar and Dr. MadhanRadhakrishnan. The Lecture by Prof . V. Anand Kumar, SRMC, Chennai, included concepts and techniques of full mouth reconstruction with fixed prosthodontics. The Lecture by Prof. TV Padmanabhan included case presentation of various fixed full mouth cases. The Lecture by Dr. MadhanRadhakrishnan included briefing on the use of semiadjustable articulators and importance of programming. This was followed by lunch and hands on session for 21 paticipants on programming of articulator with models and volunteers, in the Department with the resource person Dr. Madhan along with Team Prostho Swachh Bharath Mission On the account of communication received from the UGC in connection with “Clean and Sanitized India”,NSS IGIDS organized oath taking ceremony on 02/02/2016 at IGIDS premises. Final year BDS students took part and pledged that they won’t litter their surroundings and made sure to propagate the message of “SWACH BHARAT MISSION”. OOO consortium 2016 The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology conducted a CDE program ‘Undergraduate “OOO” Consortium 2016’ on 5th Feb. 2016 with enlightening topics on Swellings of Jaw bones – An Integrated Approach by eminent speakers Dr. S.V. Srinivasan, Dr. P.D.Balamurali, Dr. K. Sankar from Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry and Quiz programme on Jaw Bone Lesions by Dr. R. Aravindhan from SRM University, Chennai Oral surgeons Day As a part of Oral Surgeons Day celebration on Feb. 13th, Department of OMFS, IGIDS conducted a QUIZ competition covering various aspects of oral surgery. Five teams of students with three members each participated. Four rounds of questions were asked. The quiz was conducted
by Dr.Yuvaraj V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery.The quiz competition was presided by the vice principal Dr. SaravanakumarProfessor &HOD of Periodontics andDr.Sathyanarayanan.R,Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Winners and runners were awarded a cash price of Rs.2000 & Rs.1000 respectively. Consolation prize was given to audience who answer the question. Over all students as well as audience had a fruitful learning experience and fun. Motivational lecture Yet another event from the SAF of Indira Gandhi Institue of Dental Sciences, was a motivational and inspiration drawn talk by Mr. Prason Christopher Robin aka Chronicwriter for the Undergraduate, Post Graduate, Interns, Faculty of Indira Gandhi Insitute of Dental Sciences on 20th of Feb 2015 from 11:00 to 12:00 am. The programme titled “ Magic Potion of an Influencer”, had interactive sessions and active participation from the participants towards understanding professionalism and what is the “extra mile” a health professional has to tread to become an influencer which included developing leadership qualities and keeping abreast with new in the profession with a perfect work and family life balance. Cochrane workshop Another activity from SAF was the grand showcase of a value added workshop from eminent resource persons from the South Asian Cochrane Network, CMC, Vellore to conduct a three day long intensive workshop on Sytematic Review – Writing a protocol on the 17th 18th and 19th of Feb 2016. The resource persons were Prof. Prathap Tharyan, Director, SACN, Dr. Anand Viswanathan, Research Scientist, Mr. Richard Kirbakaran, Biostatistician, Mr. Jabez Paul Barnabas, Cochrane research Assistant and Adminstrator. A total of 39 in-house faculty including the Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Dean PG studies and research participated in the programme. The Digital Library of SBV with individual terminals and LAN connection for all participants enabled
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effective delivery of the content. The honourable Vice Chancellor presided an informal inaugural and appreciated the value added programme to be conducted by the institute. Clinical Society Meeting The meeting was organized on 24.02.16 at 11.30 am, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and facluties of IGIDS.The session was organized by Dr.Mohamedali (Senior lecturer, Department of prossthodontics ) and the session was moderated by Dr.Sathyanarayanan ( Prof and head, Department of conservative dentistry &Endodontics). There were four presentations on the topic, “Magnification” –by Dr.Jasmine; ICDAS by Dr.Chandanasai; Caries risk assessment by Dr.Jeyagoika.G; Rare inicident of Gates glidden drill fracture beyond the root apex and its retrieval.A case report by Dr.RenjuChantiam. The session was open for discussion after the end of all presentation. Certificates were given to the presenters at the end of the presentations by Dr.Sathyanarayanan (Prof and head, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics) Target 2016 Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr Suresh V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, DrYuvaraj.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,
Refresher Workshop Yet another value added programme for the faculty and post graduates of the fraternity from the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, was “Prosthodontic Management of TMJ Disorders” which was conducted on the 11th and 12th March 2016. The resource person was Prof[Dr]ChethanHegde, from AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, NITTE University, Mangalore. The national programme had participations [Limited to 55] from colleges in Pondicherry, Tamilnadu and Kerala. The Workshop was enriched with interactive lectures and demonstrations with closed circuit camera for better visualization. The programme was welcomed very much by the participants, which was reflected in the excellent feedback which was obtained online at the end of the session. The workshop was accredited with 9 CDE points obtained from the Pondicherry State Dental Council. World Dentist Day – 6th March 2016 On the occasion of World Dentist day, the Department of Public Health Dentistry had conducted programs for different target population. The program includes, “I respect my oral health”- General public and traders had participated in this activity; Oral health awareness quiz competition for school children; Door to Door campaign for oral cancer awareness for housewives; Best tooth brushing demonstrator Research Funding Two lectures on research methodology and funding for research were delivered in the SAF programme on 23rd march, 2016. The first lecture was on sources of funding for research by Dr.Shanmugam,Ex CIDRF, Department of Microbiology. He provided elaborate details on various funding agencies and procedures involved in applying for the funds. The second lecture by Dr.Srinivasan.J, Department of Prosthodontics,IGIDS provided a basic overview of Cochrane oral health group and also on the steps in carrying out a systematic review. The lectures were well received by the students and faculty.
Dr.Balaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Nithin Joseph Jude.B, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Saravanan.R, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery organized, “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, hosted by our institute, from 25th to 28th of February 2016.
Clinical Society Meeting
The meeting was organized on 28.03.16 at 11.45 am, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and facluties of IGIDS. The session was organized by Dr.Mithunjith (Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics ) and the session was moderated by Dr.Saravanakumar ( Prof and head,
Department of periodontics). There were four presentations on the topic, “Osteoradionecrosis” – A surgeons challenge by Dr. Deepika; Intraoral vascular malformation – “To touch or not” by Dr.Venugopalan; Left Condylar hyperplasia- A case report by Dr.Lucky; TMJ Ankylosis – To Interposition or not- “ The Debate persists” by Dr.Beena&Dr.Monica. The session was open for discussion after the end of all presentation. Certificates were given to the presenters at the end of the presentations by Dr.Saravanakumar( Prof and head, Department of periodontics) and Dr.Sathyanarayanan (Prof and head, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics). Memorandum of Understanding MoU signed with Sultanpet Integrated Social Welfare Association [SISWA], which is an NGO working for the betterment of people of Sultanpet.The salient feature of MOU is to deliver a comprehensive oral health program services for the people of Sultanpet. MoUsigned with Lion’s club of India. The salient features are as School oral health program at Vilupuram and Cuddalore districts; To support the travelling expenses of the cleft palate&cleft lip patients to avail cleft&craniofacial rehabilitationprocedures at the dental college hospital; To support Hepatitis B vaccination program for high risk population. Lions Club funding for Orthodontic Treatment In continuation of the support to the Department of Public Health Dentistry, theKattumannarKoil branch ofLions Club international, has funded for orthodontic treatment of patients for “UdhaviKarangal- A home for street boys and girls”. Camp from Orthodontics Orthodontic camp for Orphanage home (Udhavi Karangal) was conducted along with the Department of Public Health Dentistry on 12.03.16 and 14 patients who requires orthodontic treatment were identified.
▶▶ STUDENT AND ALUMNI POST GRADUATE NEWS Dr. Uma Devi. N III year Post graduate student has participated in the CDE Programme “PATHO-VISTA” at M.R. Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore from 4th to 7th Jan. 2016
Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, Dr.R.Arvina, Dr.Arun Varghese, Dr.UghaBharathy, Dr.Minu P Mathew,Dr.Ahila, Post Graduate Students, Department of Periodontics attended “ Perio Interaction program” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai. Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled “Periodontal Pathogenesis-RANK-RANKL Mediated Bone Destruction” Perio Interaction Program” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental college,Chennai. Dr.Arvina R, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Papilla reconstruction-no more a challenge” Perio Interaction Program” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.Arun Varghese, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Animal models-a boon in periodontal research for now” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.UghaBharathy,Post Graduate Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Immunological aspect of periodontal pathogenesis-A fact” on 6/1/16 atSaveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.Minu P Mathew, Post Graduate Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Pathogenesis of alveolar bone destruction on 6/1/16 atSaveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.Ahila, Post Graduate Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Pathogen associated molecular patterns-a fact” on 6/1/16 atSaveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr. Lucky KumariIII year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, participated in the Intercollegiate Research day symposium, “PRIMS 2016” conducted by Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University on 22nd January 2016, and presented a poster on her dissertation titled “ A comparative study between 0.5% centbucridine and 2% Lignocaine with adrenaline for bilateral extraction of mandibular premolars using nerve block anesthesia: A double blind randomized controlled clinical study”. Dr. Beena Agnes Therese, III year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, participated in the Intercollegiate Research day symposium, “PRIMS 2016” conducted by Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University on 22nd January 2016, and presented a paper on her dissertation titled
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“Comparison of the effectiveness of transdermal diclofenac and oral diclofenac as preemptive analgesics for surgical removal of mandibular third molar impactions: A single blind randomized controlled clinical study”, and secured the first place. All Post Graduates from Dept of Prosthodontics, participated in the lecture/hands on course with the theme “Unravelling the myths of occlusion” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of DentnalScience on 29th January 2016. Dr. Uma Devi. N III year Post graduate student participated in the “Fourth National Rapid Review Programme” at Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai from 1st to 3rd Feb. 2016. Dr Santosh Palla and Dr. Yoga, Second year Post graduate from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended apprenticeship in Forensic Odontolgy at SDM college of Dental Sciences, Dharward from 1.02.2016 – 6.02.2016.
Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Chidambaram on 22nd of February. Dr.ThamizhpPozhil. GunaI year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,were part of the organizing committee and participated in “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, hosted by our institute, from 25th to 28th of February 2016. Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K , II yr Post graduate Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology presented a paper titled “Salivary Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase estimation in chronic alcoholics in Puducherry population” at “XIV National Triple O Symposium - 2016”, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 4-6 March 2016. Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, II yr Post graduate Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology presented a paper titled “Sialochemical profile in Depressive Individuals – an Ex-vivo Study” at “XIV National Triple O Symposium - 2016”, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 4-6 March 2016. Dr. Aroumougam. A, II yr Post graduate Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology presented a poster titled “Odontogenic Cyst or a Tumor – A Case Report.” at “XIV National Triple O Symposium - 2016”, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 4-6 March 2016.
Dr.Dhanraj.T, Dr.Juhi jahan.A, Dr.Kavya.L first year post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “under graduate OOO consortium-2016” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 5th February 2016. Dr. VL.Lakshman, Dr. Lakshmi Priya .E, Dr. Shiva santhosh Third year post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “Refresher Workshop on Prosthodontic Management of Temporo-mandibular disorders” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry from 11.02.2016-12.02.2016.
Dr.Dhanraj.T, Dr.Juhi jahan.A, Dr.Kavya.L first year post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended workshop on “Research methodology and biostatistics” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry from 09.03.2016-11.03.2016. Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, DR. R. Arvina, Dr.Arun Varghese, Dr.UghaBharathy, Dr.Minu P Mathew,Dr.Ahila,Post Graduate Students, Department of Periodontics attended ” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention from 10/3/16 to 14/3/16 at Bhubaneswar.
Dr.Gopika, Dr. Shouvik, Dr.Vijayaraja2nd Years Post Graduate department of cons and endo, attended Interactive Forum-2016 and Won the 3rd Prize in Quiz Competition in
All Post Gradutes from Dept of Prosthodontics, Participated in the “Refresher workshop” on “Prosthodontic management of Temporo-mandibular Disorders” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dentnal Science, on 11th and 12th of March 2016.
Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Relationship Between Body Mass Index And Periodontal Status Among A Group Of Dental Students In Puducherry” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.R.Arvina, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Correlation between Periodontal treatment and dental impact on daily living-A questionnaire study ”PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.Arun Varghese,Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Efficacy and Accuracy of Anterior Middle Superior Alveolar Block in Maxillary Open Flap debridement”. PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.UghaBharathy, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Clinical evaluation of increase width of attached gingiva using modified apically repositioned flap” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.Minu P Mathew, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Evaluation of tensile strength of surgical absorbable and non-absorbable suture materials-basic research” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.Ahila, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled“Augmentation of interdental papilla using platelet rich fibrin –a case series with 6 months follow up” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16.
Surgery, Dr. Lucky Kumari and Dr. Beena Agnes Therese III year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, presented at the Scientific and Academic Forum, Clinical society meeting held on 28th March, 2016. All First yr Post Graduate from Dept of Prosthodontics, Participated in Lecture & Hands On Workshop On “Maxillofacial Prosthdontics” , held at SRM Dental College, on 28th March,2016. Dr. Beena Agnes Therese and Dr. Lucky Kumari III year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, attended a Rapid review course on Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, “ROME 2016” conducted at Ramachandra Dental College form March 29th to April 1st 2016. Dr. Lucky Kumari, III year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Deepika and Dr. Monica,II year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, attended a microvascular free fibula flap surgery for the reconstruction of mandible on 27th April 2016 at SRM Dental College, Ramapuram. Dr. Beena Agnes ThereseIII year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,participated at the International case reports conference in Saveetha Dental College, “SHOWCASE 2016” and was awarded the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Master award for her case series presentation titled “Gap arthroplasty vs Interpositional arthroplasty for the management of TMJ ankylosis – A case series” Dr Annamary Kattakayam, post graduate won the PEDO MASTER AWARD for the showcase presentation held in Saveetha Dental College between 29.04.16 and 30.04.16.
First year and second year post graduate students, Dept of pedodontics attended “international workshop on disability advocacy and current trends in inclusion of CWSN” organised by “Satya Special school in association with Pondicherry University” on 22nd March 2016. All II yr and III yr postgraduates from Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, participated in a CDE program, “OOO consortium on “Potentially Malignant Oral Disorders”, organized by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Adhiparasakthi dental college on 23rd March, 2016. Dr.Deepika.S, Dr.Monica.S, Dr.Venugopalan.V, II year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial
Dr. Arvina.R was awarded first prize in essay competition as part of Yoga Fest celebrations held at SBV University, Puducherry son 25.5.16.
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Techniques at CIDRF, MGMCRI, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry on 25.05.16 Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K, II year post graduate student, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, II year post graduate student, Dr. Aroumougam. A, II year post graduate student from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the National Symposium on “An Update on Antimicrobial Agents and their Uses” conducted by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 15.06.16. Dr. Arun Varghese.V.T was awarded second prize in essay competition as part of International day of yoga celebrations held at SBV University, Puducherry on 21.6.16.
Presentation and participation: Dr.Jeyagopika II Year,Dr.Sudhagar, Dr.Renju IIIrd Post Graduates attended 17th IACDE - IES Pg convention from 1.4.16 to 3.4.16 at Peoples dental academy, Bhopal. Dr. Arun Varghese.V.T, attended conference in the “International Symposium on Regeneration” held at Rajas Dental College, Kanyakumari on 14.4.16. Dr. Uma Devi, III year post graduate student, Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K, II year post graduate student, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, II year post graduate student, Dr. Aroumougam. A, II year post graduate student from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the “Interprofessional Workshop on Basics of Immunohistochemistry” conducted by the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on 19.04.16. Dr.Sudhagar III Year Post Graduate presented paper in “Show Case 2016” Titled” Management of ICDAS Using Gold Foil Restoration”: A Case Report (My First Experience DFG); Dr.Shouvik II Year Post Graduate Presented Paper titled Management of Avulsed Permanent Tooth Using international Association of Dental Traumatalogy Guidelines: A Case Report on 29.04.16 and 30.04.16 at Saveetha dental college, Chennai. Dr.Kavya.L, I year post graduate Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended Hepatitis B Vaccination camp for Transgenders at Sahodaran Community hall Puducherry on 18.5.16
Third year PG’s attended 18th Indian Prosthodontic Society National Postgraduate convention at Vydehi Institute of dental science Bangalore between 24.06.16 and 26.06.16. Dr. Devameena dinesh, Dr. amuthavalli presented a paper on the topic ‘ A comparative evaluation of dimension stability and accuracy of two new extended pour irreversible hydrocolloid with silicone as final impression material for fixed prosthesis- An invitro study’ at 18th IPS national PG Convention conducted by vydehi institute of dental science, bengaluru between 24.06.16 and 26.06.16. Dr.Bejoy, Dr. Soumu presented a paper on the topic ‘ An evaluation of loss of accuracy in transfer of occulusal contacts and disocclusion from patients to programmed semi adjustable articulator and virtual articulator’ 18th IPS national PG Convention conducted by vydehi institute of dental science, bengaluru between 24.06.16 and 26.06.16. Dr. Jeyagopika, Dr, Vijayaraja, IIIrd Year Post Graduates and Dr. Prabhu, Dr. Chandhana, Dr. Jasmine IInd Year Post Graduates, Dept of Cons & endo, attended RecapitulationVIII International Symposium On Root Dentin Stabilization on 8. 07. 16 at Meenakshi ammal Dental College, Chennai. Dr. Arvina, second year post graduate student, Department of Periodontics, presented Pedagogy on “GCF its current perspective” at Meenachi Ammal Dental college, Chennai, held on 22. 07. 16. Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas Begum second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, attended CDE Programme at Meenachi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, held on 22. 07. 16. Post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended a workshop on AERO –PG Foundation Program from 27. 07. 2016 to 29. 07. 2016
Dr. Shouvik, Dr.Vijayaraja, Post Graduates, Department of Cons and Endo, attended 2nd National Workshop on PCR
Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran, I year post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Pathology have participated in the Academic Enrichment and Research Orientation program “PG Foundation Workshop – AERO” conducted by IGIDS held from 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16. Dr. Ambily, Dr. Limly, Dr. Nandhini Dimple, First Year Post Graduates, Dept of Cons & Endo attended AEROPG FOUNDATION PROGRAM on 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16 at IGIDS. Dr. Jasmine, Dr. Prabhu, IInd Year Post Graduates attended Ecclieres on 26. 08. 16 to 27. 08. 16 at Accord Metro Politan, Chennai. Dr. Dhanraj, Dr. Juhi Jahan and Dr. Kavya. L, Second year Post graduate from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended observership training at Department of Radiology and Imagiology, MGMCRI from 01. 09. 2016 to 30. 09. 2016. Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran, I year post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Pathology have participated in the “18th IAOP - XXV IAOMP” conference conducted by Indian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists and International Congress of Oral Medicine at Chennai from 8. 09. 16 to 11. 09. 16. Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas Begum second year postgraduate students and Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Hema, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, first year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics attended ISP colloqium titled “Controversies in Periodontology” at Tagore Dental College, Chennai held on 9. 09. 16 and 10. 09. 16. Second and Third year PG’s attended “Data Manipulation Using CBCT for Dental Implants” held on 22. 09. 16 at Thai Moogambigai Dental College & Hospital Second and Third year Post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended a workshop on “Pedagogy & Micro Teaching” conducted by DEU, IGIDS on 21. 09. 2016 and 22. 09. 2016.
Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran, I year post graduate students, Dept. of Oral Pathology have participated in the Continuing Dental Education Programme on LASER Atelier: Soft tissue & Hard tissue – Lecture and Hands-on organized by the Department of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry, IGIDS on 27. 09. 16. Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Hema, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, first year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, attended AERO foundation programme held at IGIDS from 27. 07. 16 to 29. 07. 16. Dr. Ahila, Dr. Minu , Dr. Ughabharathy , third year postgraduate students and Dr. Arun Varghese, Dr. Arvina, Dr. Shahinas Begum second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, presented microteaching class at IGIDS on 28. 09. 16. Dr. Arya Jaya Varma, Dr. Eunice John, Dr. Marie Asha Ambroise, 2nd year Post Graduates, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopeadics attended CDE on selfie ligation at Meenakshi Ammal Dental College and Hospital, Chennai on 29. 09. 16. Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Hema, Dr. Vinoth Kumar, first year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontics, attended “Perio interaction” at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai on 5. 10. 16. Dr Abhishiek, II year postgraduate student, Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has been given permission for the patent of the toothbrush under Indian Registered Patent Agent, registration number: IN/PA 1477 Dr Yoga Sivakumar, III year Post Graduate student got the best paper award at National Level Paper Presentation contest on MAKE IN INDIA organised by The Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Govt of Indiafor presenting a paper titled “Artificial
Dr. Deepika, Dr. Monica & Dr. Venugopal, final year post graduate students from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the AOCMF Symposium on Advances in Secondary Management of Post Traumatic Deformity held from 23. 09. 16 to 25. 09. 16 at Kochi.
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Neural Network –One step ahead in saving human race from cancer” held at Sathyabama University, Chennai, on 19.11.16.
& Microbiology have participated in the Role Play Sessions on “Communication skills for Clinical Practice” under SBV-AHEAD on 20.10.16.
Dr.Kavya, Dr Dhanraj and Dr Juhi, 1st year Post-graduates in Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, attended National Conference organized by Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology at Kanyakumari from 15.12.2016 to 17.12.2016 .Dr Juhi won the best paper award for paper titled “Sarcomatoid Carcinoma- A rare case report” and Dr Kavya won the best paper award for paper titled, “Effect
I year post graduate students Dr. Chitra. N and Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the external posting in the Department of General Microbiology at Mahatama Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University from 24.10.16 to 3.11.16. Dr. Rajkumar, Dr. Harish and Dr. Sarath, 1st year post graduate students from the dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the “OOO” Symposium in management of vascular lesions held on 1.11.16 at Adhiparasakthi Dental College, Melmaruvathur, Tamil Nadu. Dr.Basil Joseph, Dr Helen Rachel Xavier, Dr Lijin James, Post Graduates, Dept of Orthodontics attended the” 51st Indian Orthodontic Conference and 8th World Implant Conference” held between 3.11.16 and 6.11.16 at 2016 Grand Hyatt, Goa.
of 1% clotrimazole and 0.1% Tea Tree oil on patients with candiasis - A comparative study.” Dr. Shouvik, IIIrd Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Participated National Unity Day and Got 3rd Prize in Elocution Competition on 05.11.16 in IGIDS.
Presentations and Participations Dr.V.T.Arun Varghese, II year postgraduate, Department of Periodontology, Dr.B.Na.Vinoth Kumar, I year postgraduate, Department of Periodontology, attended CDE programme CORE’16 conducted by Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, IGIDS, Puducherry on 17.10.16. III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the Continuing Dental Education Programme “CORE 2016” at Indira Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of dental Sciences organised by the Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, IGIDS on 17.10.16.
III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari.G and I year post graduate students Dr. Chitra. N and Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the Department camp at Kuttiyankuppam village on 06.11.16. III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in the “VIII Interactive Slide Seminar” organised by the department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology at the faculty of Dental Sciences, Sri Ramachandra University held on 12.11.16 and presented a paper on - Dr. Aroumougam – “Chondromyxoid Fibroma – A Case Report”; Dr. Satheesh Kumar – “Lymphoma A case Report”; Dr. Uma Maheswari.G – “Congenital Granular Cell Epulis – A Case Report” I year post graduate student Dr. Chitra. N from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the MGMCRI Camp at Virudhachalam – Sathakudal on 19.11.16. I year post graduate students Dr. Chitra. N and Dr. Muthukumaran. R from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the external posting in the Department of General at Mahatma Gandhi Medical
III year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G and I year post graduate student Dr. Chitra from the department of Oral Pathology
College & Research Institute, SBV University from 12.12.16 to 19.12.16.
▶▶ UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Sports day inauguration Feb 20th Arena events of year 2016, commenced on the 20th of February at 8:30AM. It was inaugurated by the vice chancellor, Prof K.R. Sethuraman and the Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Dr Carounanidy Usha. The gathering was welcomed by the Student Advisor, Dr. Rajkumar. The event was felicitated by the vice chancellor, Prof K.R. Sethuraman. Introduction to arena was given by sports secretary Miss. Ravi Padmapriya. This was followed by introduction of Mr Dent10 (mascot) by the president of student council, Mr. John Shibin. This was followed by capping ceremony of the house captains, who were accompanied by their respective advisors by the vice chancellor.
along with the celebration. The chief Guest of the occasion was Prof .G. Subramanian, Advisor, CIDRF, SBV. Other invited dignitaries were Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences, SBV and Dr. Vellore A. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV. The occasion started with the college prayer song. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, SBV, welcomed the Chief Guest with a floral bouquet and the welcome the gathering . Felicitation was done by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences, SBV and Dr. Vellore A. Srinivasan, Registrar, who blessed the fellow awardees and the gathering by a melodious poetry, which was well appreciated by all. The awardees of the batches 2009, 2010 & 2011 and the first batch of PG’s were honoured and the valedictorian award was given to the respective valedictorian of each batch. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Saravanakumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS, SBV.
Following the capping ceremony, was the unveiling of the Richards trophy 2016 by the vice chancellor and the Dean, faculty of Dentistry. The vote of thanks was proposed by the Sports Advisor, Dr Yuvraj. With this the events of arena’16 commenced. Skill Enhancement for Alumni Skill Enhancement For Alumni (SEA), An Hand On Training Program In “Rotary Endodontics” Was Conducted On February 22,23rd& March 4th2016 For The ALUMNI’S Of IGIDS. The First Two Days Of The Program Consisted Of Lectures And Hand On Training In Fully Simulated Typhodont. After Two Weeks Of Self Directed And Guided Learning, The Participants Carried Out The Treatment Under Guidance On Patients In The Department Of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics. The resource person was Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor & Head Of The Department. The program arrangements were made by faculties Dr.GeenaMary.G, Dr. Kalaiselvi and Post Graduate Dr.Vijayaraja of conservative dentistry and endodontics CRESCENDO 2016 National Science Day Celebration was conducted on 29th Feb 2016 from 2 pm – 5 pm at 3rd floor lecture hall, MGMCRI. CRESCENDO 2016, the Award Ceremony for the batches 2009, 2010 and 2011 was also organized
Brief introduction of the guest speaker was given by Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Professor and Head, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, IGIDS, SBV. Guest lecture was delivered on the topic “Occult dimensions in medicine and healing” by Sri. Sraddhalu Ranade, Scientist and Philosopher, Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He emphasized on how Science & Spirituality are related which was truly inspirational. The session ended with college anthem and dispersed for refreshment. ARENA’16 On 14th March 2016, the Sports day was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director, CYTER. The welcome address was given by the Ms. Ravi Padmapriya, Sports Secretary. The flag hoisting was done by the Chief Guest and Dr. Carounanidy
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Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry. IGIDians did a colourful march past followed by lighting of the torch. The Doves were released by the Chief Guest and mascot Dent10. The finals of various athletic track events were conducted on the sports day. The stars of ARENA were awarded by the chief guest and Dean, IGIDS. The Individual championship for men was won by Mr. Manikanda Prabu of Green House and women by Ms. Phanishree of Blue house. In Richard’s tournament, Man of the series was shared by Dr. Saravana Kumar and Dr. Mithunjith. The Women of the series for cricket was won by Ms. Monisha. The gathering was felicitated by the chief Guest. The program ended with vote of thanks by Miss Jyothi Lekshmi, Joint Sports Secretary, Student Council. The march past and overall ARENA’16 Championship was won by Purple house MELOMANIA 2016 Our Decennial cultural regale, celestial 2016 started with Melomania 2016 on 17th March 2016 at 1.30 PM in an open air theatre for the first time at IGIDS. The program was anchored by Ms. Infanta Preethi and Ms. Gayathri RS, CRRI. Dr. Manonmani Ravichandran, Deputy Registrar of Students affairs, SBV, was the chief guest and the events were judged by Mrs. Pushpa Narayanan, Dr. Partha Nandhi Vice Principal, MGMCRI and Ms. Ashrafa, senior Vocalist, in ARR college. Solo singing is an open choice. Duet singing was divided into romantic and medley. Group singing was divided into 6 categories. Each house was allotted one category. The event concluded with the performance by Ms. Ashrafa at 5.30 PM. IGnite’16
Prof. Usha Carounanidy, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, IGIDS and Prof. Saravanan Kumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS to the dais. All the nine Departments of Dentistry, Achiever undergraduate and post graduate students along with the non-teaching staffs were honored by the chief guest for their dedication towards the IGIDS’s progress. Prof. Usha Carounanidy, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry addressed the gathering about the decennial year celebration and journey of IGIDS throughout the 10 years. This was followed by the highlight of the celebration “Release of the Decennial Coin” for the alumni students. Dr. Vijay Raja, President, GUILD, Alumni association, shared his memories and journey in this prestigious institute. Later, all the 10 batches were given medicinal plants by the Student Council members. The official college magazine “Glaze’16” was released by the Chief Guest. The champions of the cultural events were announced and trophies were given to the winning houses. IGIDS’s very own musical band “Euphoriannz” gave a pleasant musical performance which was followed by an inspiring message by chief guest Prof. Nagesh. Prof. Sethuraman addressed the gathering and commended the progress of IGIDS. Vote of Thanks was given by Mr. Arul Kumaran, General Secretary, student council. Miss. Karuna Sagari was a special guest to the celebration, who sparked the event with her beautiful style of narration, performed Bharatnatyam dance, which charmed the audience. The evening ended with an after dinner entertainment by the Faculty members. Euphoriannz were the star performers of the evening as they kept entertaining the audience. CONFLUENCE’16
IGnite’16, the college day function, happened on the eve of 19th March 2016 at the SBV grounds celebrating its 10th anniversary. The program began around 5 PM with the opening musical performance by the “Udhavi Karangal” which set the tone for the evening with its genuine spirituality. The event was hosted by Dr. Praveen, Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Dr. Krithika, Senior Lecture, Department of Pedodontics, IGIDS, SBV.
On 18th March 2016, we the GUILD, IGIDS, along with a fraternity organized confluence’16. At 9:30 AM,
Mr. John Shibin, President, Student Council, welcomed the gathering and greeted the Chief Guest, Prof.Nagesh, Director of Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Disease Control, Karnataka and Prof. K. S. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, along with
the program commenced with the IGIDS prayer song. The welcome address was given by Prof. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, SBV, which was followed by an interesting Skype interaction with Dr. Veerasathpurush Reddy, Orthodontist, IOWA University, on the topic “Opportunities Abroad”. The program resumed with a guest lecture by Prof. K. Ranganathan, Head, Dept of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, Ragas Dental College & Hospital on “Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology for better practice and life”. Prof. K. Ranganathan also gave certificates to alumni for skill enhancement program on Conventional Molar RCT and Rotary Endodontics demo at 12:30 PM. A workshop was conducted on the “Patient’s personality types and its management” by AHEAD, SBV & DEU (Dental Education Unit), IGIDS. The program ended with college anthem.
At 1:30 PM, alumni annual general body meeting was conducted and annual agenda was discussed by the President, GUILD. Dr. Swetha Paulose, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology and Dr. Gayathri Priyadarshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontics were added as new executive members to GUILD.
folk and classical categories. Duet dance was divided into Mirror dance, couple dance and property dance. Group dance was divided into tribal dance, pattern dance and old is gold dance. Mrs. Marie Stella, Principal of Kalai Alaiyam Fine arts academy for judging dance and Mr. Gowtham Ravichandran, Editor in Sun network, as a judge for Blithe of ethos, short film and skit. The programs concluded at 10.00PM. The overall championship of the CELESTIAL 2016 was bagged by yellow house and the runners up were Green house.
Educational trip to the “Pasteur Institute of India” at Coonoor. The Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology had organised an Educational trip for III year B.D.S. to the “Pasteur Institute of India” at Coonoor on 23.05.16 to provide an added inspiring experience regarding the application of Microbiology and Pathology. It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, NewDelhi. Dr. Sivaramakrishnan. M, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya. R, Senior Lecturer along with Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, II year post graduate student, Dr. Aroumougam. A, II year post graduate student from the department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology accompanied 82 III year B.D.S. students. Mr. Ramakrishnan, Chief Technical Assistant and Dr. Shibani Barmanth, Chief Medical Officer comprehended on the history of the foundation of the institute, the current activities of the Institute, the vaccines produced and the regulations along with a glimpse of vaccination protocol along with handout regarding facts on rabies vaccine. Dr. Samundeeswari was awarded by Indian Prosthodontic Society for securing first mark in Prosthodontic exam in final BDS at CME on comprehensive prosthodontic review, 23.04.16 at Sri Venkateswara Dental College and Hospital.
CELESTIAL 2016 The most awaited evening by the IGIDians , CELESTIAL 2K16 was held on 18th March at 5.30 PM with the cake cutting by Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Professor and Head, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, and Dr. Rajkumar, Student Advisor. The program was anchored by Ms. Infanta Preethi, Ms. Gayathri RS and Ms. Sheba Varghese Thomas, CRRI. The events for the evening included dance competition, short films, skit and blithe of ethos. Being our decennial year celebration various themes were allotted to the dance participants. Solo dance was divided into Western,
Dr.Annie Sharon, CRRI Dept of Public Health Dentistry had conducted a study on “Oral Health Status of Coal Miners in an Industrial Township”, Neyveli. She received a short
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internship at the Neyveli lignite corporation Health Centre for this purpose and completed the study successfully and submitted the report. Field Visit – Final BDS students - The Department of Public Health Dentistry had organized a Field visit at Siruwani water treatment plant, Coimbatore as part of the environmental syllabus for final BDS students on 02-05-2016. Two faculties and 72 students had visited the plant, which had rapid sand filtration unit.
International Youth day The Red Ribbon Club student volunteers participated in the skit competition conducted by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society on 10. 08. 16.
Honoring of UG students by Dept. of Oral Pathology Batch of 2013 – 2018 were honoured by the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology for excelling in the University Examination - Oral Pathology & Microbiology on 21st Sep. 2016. 5 students (Elsie Sunitha Ebenezer, Jeffery Samuel,
Ashna Maria Benny, Maria. S. Philip, Ramya. R), have obtained honour, 17 students distinction and 46 students first class performance. Bella Mary Abraham was recognised for her overall performance in III year B. D. S.
▶▶ student Awards Dr Swathy U, received a cash award of Rs 5000/, for completing the ICMR project on 23. 09. 16. Undergraduate students of IGIDS had actively participated in Slogan writing competition and short video message competition organized by MGMCRI on World AIDS Day, 1.12.16. In Slogan writing competition First prize was secured by Ms. Sona Priyanka, First BDS and Second prize was secured by Mr.Rahul, Third BDS. Undergraduate students of IGIDS had actively participated in poster competition organized by Red Ribbon Club, IGIDS on World AIDS Day, 01.12.16. First prize was secured by Ms. Manju, III BDS, Second prize was secured by Ms. Kavya, I BDS, Ms. Preethi Epsibah, IV BDS and third prize was secured by Ms. Amritha and Ms. Sarika of II BDS Dr.Hema, alumni of 2010-11 batch of IGIDS did a project on developing an aid for blind during her internship in Department of Public Health Dentistry. She has won «EDWARD JENNER» award for Best CRRI by Doctors United Charitable Trust on 27th March 2016 at Hotel Annamalaifor her work on “Interns Social Responsibility”Special health education aid in Braille for visually challenged children.
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kasturba gandhi
nursing college
Message From Prof. Dr. Renuka K,
M.Sc (N),Ph.D (N)
Principal of Faculty of Nursing Science Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas a step of progress, a change for innovation; phenomenal way to success. At the end, implementation of ideas show the success and happiness pop up competing each other on the top. This annual report of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth 2016 extends our happiness to cherish our professional memories through delighted action oriented pages of constituent colleges and their prideful moments. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth gives us opportunity to sprint, reach the target and also makes us to reminisce the past events filled with perspired days and sleepless nights sacrifices, sufferings and struggles of every soul in Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College to feel the joy of success today. This energetic balance amongst us in profession is made possible by the large support & motivation provided by our envisioned, enthusiastic & respected Chairman, Shri M. K. Rajagopalan who always spin the wheel of drive throughout our journey. Also with the able guidance & leadership of our honourable Vice Chancellor, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Dean (Research @AHS), Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, KGNC team took strides consistently towards excellence in academics, quality care research and innovative extensional activities. KGNC family salutes all the leaders, pillars, constant motivators who pushed us with the spirit towards all our endeavors which gave us the sense of satisfaction. I hope our shining rays will be radiant ever & even far to the unreached in further years too with support of our young & energetic faculty, students and all staff. Once again with self pat, KGNC team is ready to streak towards the unified goals of SBV. We wish the Annual Report editing team & IQAC team who spread the fragrance of SBV for their meticulous effort.
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▶▶ RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Bamalakshmi.V Effectiveness of structured Teaching Programme on knowledge Attitude & Practice of Lorry Drivers regarding HIV/AIDS in selected area of Salem town, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):28-32. M.F. Kishore Coumar, Manopriya .V, A study to assess the level of knowledge on health promotion behavior among geriatric people at selected setting in Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):50-52. Renuka.K , K.Ruma shanthini, Barth syndrome , Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing . 2016;IV (1): 35 -37. M.F. Kishore Coumar, Renuka.K , A Study to Assess The Effect of Intra Dialytic Stretching Exercise on Muscle cramp (pain) among Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis In East Coast Hospital, Puducherry. International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research & Development Jan 2016;1, ( 1):314 – 319. Sumathy. P, Effectiveness of Exercises on Low Back Pain among Middle Aged Women , NITTE University Journal of Health Sciences, Mar 2016; 6(1)13-15. Geetha.C, Knowledge on Selected First Aid Measures among School Children, Puducherry, International Journal of Applied Research, Feb 2016;2(2):504-506 Lavanya.S,A Study to assess the knowledge regarding Prevention of childhood obesity among mothers of children in Kirumampakam village,Puducherry, Pondicherry Journal Nursing, 2015;8(3):39-42 Bamalakshmi.V Effectiveness of structured Teaching Programme on knowledge Attitude & Practice of Lorry Drivers regarding HIV/AIDS in selected area of Salem town, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):28-32. M.F. Kishore Coumar, Manopriya .V, A study to assess the level of knowledge on health promotion behavior among geriatric people at selected setting in Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):50-52.
S.Lavanya. Effectiveness of Nursing Care on Postnatal Mothers immediately after the delivery.International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing(IJOPNN).2016:2(1):.5-10. C.Geetha. Knowledge on Occupational hazards and the practice of using protective devices among the workers of plastic package industry, Puducherry, India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.April 2016;7(4):10502-04. KripaAngeline.A ,S.Nirmala,Renuka.K. A study to assess the effectiveness of Music Therapy on Hypertension among teachers in selected schools at Puducherry. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research.May 2016;7(5):10858-61. P.Rajalakshmy. Optimization of coconut butter prepared by incorporating peanut butter and diary butter.Journal of Advanced Research in Food Science Nutrition.May 2016;2(1). S.Lavanya,B.Anitha. A study to assess the Effectiveness of Beetroot Juice among adults with hypertension at selected rural area in Puducherry. Indian journal of Advanced Nursing. Jan-March 2016;II (1):97-105. Deepa Varghese, M.Annie Annal. A study on assessment of change in knowledge after administration of an informational module on gestational diabetes mellitus and its prevention of complications among antenatal women in MGMC&RI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-April 2016;9(1):7-9. Jinu Abraham, Renuka K, M.Anbu. A study to assess the quality of life among patients with coronary artery diseases.Pondicherry Journal of NursingJan-April 2016;9(1):17-19 . Parvathy.O.G ,Kamalam.S, Elavarasi.R. A study to assess the effectiveness of ivy gourd (cocciniaindica) in reduction of blood glucose level among patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pillayarkuppam Area, Puducherry.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing.Jan-April 2016;9(1): 34-36 . JayanthiRajendran. Abnormal cholesterol uptake rate of leucocytes reflecting metabolic aberration in noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ischemic heart
Lavanya.S, Sophrology: A new approach to safe birth practices, Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing 2015;1(4):88-91.
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disease patients. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing.Jan-April 2016;9(1):27-33 .
Nurses and Midwives Council, Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing. Jul-Dec 2016;4(2): 4-5.
Poongodi V. A study to assess the knowledge regarding post operative care among Primigravida mothers undergoing caesarean section in selected hospital. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing.Jan-April 2016;9(1): 37-39 .
Sumathy. P, A Study to evaluate the effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge regarding polices initiated by the Government towards child welfare among women at Pillaiyarkuppam International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. Aug -2016;7(8): 12852-12854.
Prabavathy.S. OTHELLO Syndrome.Pondicherry Journal of Nursing.Jan-April 2016;9(1):44-46 .
Umamaheswari. R, A descriptive study to assess the contributing factors of infertility and treatment modalities used among the infertile couples. Pondicherry Journal Nursing, May – Aug 2016; 9(2): 27-29.
M. F. Kingsly Kishore Coumar , Renuka .K. A Study to assess the effect of Intra -Dialytic Stretching exercise on muscle strength (pain) among patients undergoing hemodialysis in a selected Hospital at Puducherry. Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing.Jan-March 2016;II(1):82-87 Aruna Devi. M, A study to assess the Effectiveness of Video Teaching on Knowledge and Practice Regarding Geriatric Care among the Caretaker in the Family Residing in the Ariyankuppam at Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. May-Aug 2016; 9(2): 10-12. Geetha. C Childhood Obesity Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: May – Aug 2016; 9(2): 40- 45. Geetha C. Assess the Knowledge Regarding the Contributing Factors of Mothers of Obese Children Aged 11-16 Years at Nonankuppam Village, Puducherry. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research. 2016;7(7): 12732-12735. Hannah Aswini. D. S, Effectiveness of communication board on the level of scarification of the communication pattern among patients on mechanical ventilator. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing: May – Aug 2016; 9(20): 49 - 51. Jayanthi K, Reishi Mushroom - Promising in Treatment of Depression. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing 2016; 9(2): 49 - 51. Kripa Angeline A Knowledge on Cervical Cancer, International Journal of Oncological Nursing. 2016; 2(2): 1-6 Rajalakshmy. P. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Pondicherry Journal Nursing. May – Aug 2016; 9(2): 36-38. Renuka. K, Kripa Angeline. A, Cognition on deterrence of osteoporosis among post menopausal women Tamil Nadu
Anitha.B, Annie Annal.M. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme (STP) on Knowledge Regarding Zika Fever among Staff Nurses in MGMCRI, at Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):16-18. Bamalakshmi.V. Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme On knowledge and attitude of adolescent girls regarding Breast Self-Examination in Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering And Technology (RGCET) Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):28-32. Beniya Elizabeth Rani. R, Prabavathy. S. A comparative study to assess the level of stress, coping strategies and quality of life of institutionalized and non institutionalized elderly residing at Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3): 22-27. Geetha.C. Fight Obesity –Healthy Weight-Healthy lives. International Journal of Applied Research 2016; 2 (10):672-675. Gayathri S, Prabavathy S. Upholding Dignity in Mental Health Care Practice. Health Action Journal. Oct 2016; 29 (10): 15-16. Jayanthi K, Prabavathy S. Cultural Competence for Mental Health. Health Action Journal. Oct 2016; 29(10): 28-29. Jayasri J, Prabavathy S. Quality in Mental Health Care Services. Health Action Journal. Oct 2016; 29(10): 30-32. Jayasri J, Gayathri S. Case Report on Plummer Vinson Syndrome. International Journal of Nursing Education. Oct to Dec 2016; 8(4): 167-169.
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Jayanthi K, Suganya R, Suganya S, Sumathi P. The Effectiveness Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) Based Discharge Counseling on Patient Satisfaction Among Patients in Selected Wards at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):37-41. Kripa Angeline.A,Anbhu M ,Renuka .K. Effectiveness of Helfer Skin Tap Technique on Pain During IM Injection. International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research. 2016;2(2): 41-51. Lavanya.S, , Anitha.B Comparative study to assess the knowledge on pregnancy induced hypertension among cases and control antenatal mothers attending antenatal OPD at MGMCRI ,Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):42-45. Renuka K, Manopriya. V. Effectiveness of informational module on knowledge regarding estrogen dominance in urban school. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):9-12. Sherin Nithya.S, Ruma Shanthini. Assess the impact of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding home management on prevention of Dengue. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016;10(3):13-15. Sumathy. P, Geetha. C, Rajeswari. S. Effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding newborn care and danger signs of new born among the Postnatal Mothers in Kirumampakkam PHC, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Sep-Dec 2016; 10(3):16-18.
▶▶ AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS IN SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Dr. Renuka.K, Principal was a Resource Person and deliberated on “Midwifery: Continuity of Care Makes A Difference” in International Conference on the theme Pillars of Midwifery –Insight, Information, Intuition in Mohammed Sathak A.J College of Nursing, The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R University, Chennai on 12.01.2016.
on “Scientific Methods of Refining Professional Knowledge With Applied Statistics In Nursing in Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Nursing, Perambalur, Chennai On 25.02.2016. Mrs.P.Rajalakshmy, Lecturer Dept. of Nutrition deliberated on “Impact of junk food” as Resource Speaker in NSS camp organized by Wiseman Higher Secondary School On 24.03.2016. Prof. Sumathy. P, HOD, Child Health Nursing was Appointed as an observer by the TNNMC, organized by the Mother Theresa institute of Post Graduate & Research institute of Health sciences, Puducherry for the National Conference held on 31.03.2016 Mrs.Sumathy. P, HOD, Child Health Nursing was a delegate and paper presenter at the 12th International Nurses Conference on the theme” Meeting Challenges Transforming Nursing Care” on 05.01.2016 organized by the Faculty of Nursing at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai. Prof.Sumathy.P, Department of Child Health Nursing was appointed as PG examiner at Rani Meyyammai College of Nursing, Annamalai University, on 25.10. 2016 Prof. M. Annie Annal, HOD, Department of OBG Nursing, was appointed as a practical examiner for II year M.Sc N (OBG) and dissertation evaluation at PSG College of Nursing Coimbatore on 8 & 9th November 2016. Dr.Renuka.K Principal,HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, was appointed as a PG examiner to Mohamed Sathak AJ College Of Nursing ,Chennai ,from 14.11.16 to 16.11.16. Prof. M. Annie Annal, HOD, Department of OBG Nursing, was appointed as an observer by the Tamil Nadu Nurses Midwives Council for the 6th National Conference & first scientific academic forum on Emerging Approaches, A Bright Tomorrow Bridging Part & Future Nursing Research organized by College of Nursing, PIMS on 7.10.2016.
Dr. Renuka.K, Principal deliberated on Art of Writing Literature Review as Resource speaker in National Conference
Prof.Sumathy.P, Department of Child Health Nursing, Prof.M. Annie Annal, HOD, Dept of OBG Nursing, Mrs. Kripa Angeline.A, Asso.Prof. Dept Medical Surgical Nursing chaired the scientific session on 7th National Conference organized by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, in association with ICMR,on the theme Breaking Bad News to Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing “ Exploring New Horizons” held on 12 .10.2016.
Dr. Renuka.K, Principal deliberated on Application of Critical Pathway In Nursing as Resource Speaker in Regional CNE in Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital, Puducherry On 09.01.2016.
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Mrs.S.Rajeswari, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Lavanya,Asst. Prof, Mrs.Anitha, Asst.Prof, K.S.Sudha, Senior Tutor, Ms.Sangeetha.M.A. Tutor received the best demonstrator award in Yogasana demonstrator competition held on 20.06.16 in commemoration of International Day for Yoga organized by CYTER, SBV. Texilla American University has recognized Dr. Renuka .K as an evaluator for student’s contextual projects from April 2016. Prof.AnnieAnnal, HOD, Department of OBG Nursing,was a resource person at the National Conference on “Strengthening Midwifery Practice-A way forward”organized by Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of Health Sciences ,Puducherry on 11.4.2016.She enlighted the group on “Human milk – A boon to the Society” Mrs.Kripa Angeline. A , Associate Prof, was Appointed was appointed as an observer by The Tamilnadu Nurses And Midwives Council(TNNMC) Chennai for the National Conference on Genetikos, Genomes & Genomics in Nursing Organized by Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing, Karaikal on 22.04.2016 . Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD Child Health Nursing was appointed as an Inspector by the TNNMC on 07.05.16 to Mookambigai College of Nursing, Kaniyakumari District. Dr.Renuka.K Principal,HOD Medical Surgical Nursing, was deputed as Inspector to Venkateshwara College of Nursing, by The Tamilnadu Nurses And Midwives Council Chennai, on 9.05.16. Mrs.Kripa Angeline. A, Associate Prof, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing chaired the scientific session in IPR Awareness workshop on Patents and Copyrights organized by IPR CellSBV on 03.06.2016 at MGMC & RI. Dr.Renuka.K Principal of KGNC, HOD , Medical Surgical Nursing was an external board member in the Institutional Review Board of Sri ManakularVinayagar college of Nursing in the IRB meeting held ,on 14.06.2016. Mrs.Rajeswari.S, Asso.Prof. , was appointed as an observer by TNNMC for the state level workshop on “OSCE-An Assessment of well-defined clinical skills”organized by Indirani College of Nursing, Ariyur, Puducherry on 22.06.16
Prof. P. Sumathy HOD of Department of Child Health Nursing & Prof. M. Annie Annal, HOD of Department of OBG Nursing, were appointed as Examiners at Rani Meiyammai College of Nursing, Annamalai University, Chidambaram on 9 – 13 August 2016. Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC is offering her consultancy service as technical consultant in Medical Surgical Nursing to Dream Next Academy, Puducherry since August 2016. Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC attended the preliminary meeting for the plan of publications for the year 2017 as contributing editor for TNNMC Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing published by Tamil Nadu Nurses Midwives Council. She is holding the extramural post for the tenure period of 3 years. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, deliberated on “Cancer Connection And Correction In Lifestyle” in 7th National Conference organized by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing in association with ICMR, on the theme Breaking Bad News To Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing “- Exploring New Horizons” held on 12 .10.2016. Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Asso.Prof. Dept Medical Surgical Nursing, deliberated in skill session Hands on Training – Stomal Therapy in 7th National Conference organized by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing in association with ICMR, on the theme Breaking Bad News To Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing “- Exploring New Horizons” held on 12 .10.2016. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, deliberated on IV- Cannulation as Resource speaker in
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State Level Workshop on “Hands on drill for Nursing procedures” in Sri Manakular Vinayagar College of Nursing, Kalitheertthalkoppam, Puducherry on 23.11.16. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing was as a Resource Person in a National Seminar Co-sponsored by ICMR, organized by RAPSBUN, School Of Nursing, Shillong, and deliberated on “Child Abuse – Physical Abuse In Children And Its Ill Effects Along With Corporal Punishment” held on 02.12.2016 .
Ms. Beniya Elizabeth Rani R, Asst. Prof. and Mrs. Sujitha M, Lecturer, Department of Mental Health Nursing participated in “Autism Awareness Day” organized by CMTER with Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 04.04.16. Prof. P.Sumathy was a participant in the Faculty Development Programme conducted by SBV in association with The Partners Medical International from 25thto 29th April 2016 at MGMCRI.
IPR cell SBV organized IPR Awareness workshop focusing on “Patents and Copy rights” on 03.06.16 at MGMCRI, Puducherry, wherein Mrs.Kripa Angeline. A & Mrs. Bamalakshmi. were the members of the organizing committee The following faculty participated in the workshop as delegate which are as follows: Prof.P.Sumathy, Mrs.Geetha.C, Asso. Prof, Mrs.S.Rajeswari, Asso.Prof, Mrs. Prabavathy S Asso. Prof, Mrs.Poongodi.V,, Ms.Anbu.M Lecturer, Ms.HannaAswini.D.S Lecturer, Ms.Nandhini.M, Lecturer, Ms.Nirmala.S Lecturer, Mr.Finny Mosses Lecturer Ms. Manopriya.V Lecturer, and Ms.K.S.Sudha, Sr. Tutor, Mrs. Kousalya, Asst.lect, Ms.Ambika, Asst.lect, Mrs.Merlin Joy.S, Asst.lect, Mr. Silambarasi, Asst. Lect, Ms.Sangeetha.M.A, Asst.Lect and Ms.Suganya.V, Asst.Lect.
Mrs. Kousalya Tutor, Dept of Nursing Foundation participated in International level conference on 10.1.16 & 11.1.16 on the theme of “ Pillars of Midwifery –Insight, Information, Intuition”, held at, Mohammed Sathak AJ Nursing College, Chennai.
All faculty members of KGNC participated in the International Yoga Fest 2016 organized by Center of Yoga Therapy Education and Research Department (CYTER) of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Puducherry in a grand manner from 26.05.16.
Mrs.Subakeerthi.V, Asst.Prof Dept of Community health Nursing participated in 12th International Nurses Conference on “Meetingchallenges: Transforming Nursing Care” Organized by Sri Ramachandra University on 5th & 6th January.
Mrs. Hannah Aswini Lecturer, participated in National level conference on the theme of “Quality Assurance in Nursing – Synergizing Towards Excellence” organized by Apollo College Of Nursing held on 01. 07. 2016 & 02. 07. 2016 at Apollo College Of Nursing, Chennai.
Prof. Sumathy P, HOD, Child Health Nursing was a participant for the Orientation Program on Research Methodology and Bio statistics on 1.3.2016 & 2.03.2016, organized at Sri Ramachandra University , Chennai.
Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing participated in training on psychodrama and completed 14 hours of training organized by Sue Daniel from Psychodrama Institute of Melbourne, Australia between 21. 07. 2016 & 22. 7. 2016 at Damien Foundation, Chennai
Mrs. Nandhini. M, Lecturer Dept. of MSN and Mrs. P. Rajalakshmy, Lecturer in Nutrition participated in State Level Workshop on the theme “Life Cycle approach for Better Nutrition “in connection with the National Nutrition Week on 01. 09. 2016 at Sri Lakshmi Narayana institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry.
Mrs.Geetha.C, Assoc. Prof, Mrs.K.S.Sudha, Sr.Tutor, dept of Child Health Nursing and Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof, Mrs. Gayathri S, Tutor dept. of Mental Health Nursing participated in the International Workshop on Disability Advocacy and current Trends in Inclusion of CWSN organized by Sathya special school in association with Dept of Social work at Pondicherry University on 22nd March 2016.
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All faculty of KGNC Participated in 7th National conference on “Breaking News to Rehabilitation Oncology Nursing exploring New Horizons” on 12.10.16 organized by Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, KGNC. Mrs.Nirmala, Tutor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, Mrs. Rajeswari.S, Asso. Prof Dept. of Child Health Nursing, and Mrs. Aruna Devi.M, Asst. Prof Dept. of Community Health Nursing participated in Workshop on Research Methodology and Bioststistics JIPMER college of Nursing on 25 & 26th October 2016. Mrs S. Lavanya, Asst. Prof, Ms.B.Anitha, Lecturer, Dept of OBG Nursing and Mrs.Kowsalya Asst.lecturer, Dept. of Nursing Foundation participated in yoga practical session commemoration in 6th foundation day focusing on the theme of yoga in nursing education organized by department of CYTER MGMCRI, which was held on 02.11.16 in CYTER, MGMCRI. All faculty of KGNC Participated in Symposium on “Is CPR The only Pathway for End of Life in Critical Care Unit” organized by Critical Care Medicine And Palliative Care on 2.12.2016 at D2 Conference Hall, MGMCRI.
▶▶ Scientific Presentations Mrs. Subakeerthi.V, Asst. Prof, Dept of Community health Nursing presented a paper on “Assessment of the Knowledge and Attitude on No-Scalpel Vasectomy among Teachers” Mrs.Iniyaval, Asst. Lecturer Dept. of OBG Nursing presented a paper on “ Evidence Based Approaches for Reducing Maternal Mortality” in the 5th National Conference on “Strengthening Midwifery Practice – A Way Forward” organized by Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences on 11.04.16. Mrs.R.Jayanthi ,Asst.Prof. Biochemistry, , spoke on, “Clinical sensitivity and specificity of HOMA-IRA study on Insulin resistance in overweight and obese patients with type II Diabetes Mellitus” in 43rd National Conference of Association of Clinical Biochemists of India (ACBICON 2016) at Kasturba Medical College, Mangaluru on 14.12.16. The following faculty members from KGNC presented a paper and poster in 7th National conference on “Breaking News to Rehabilitation Oncology Nursing exploring New Horizons” on 12.10.16 organized by Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, KGNC.
Mrs.B.Anitha, Lecturer, Dept of OBG Nursing, spoke on, “A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Zika Fever Among Staff Nurses” in MGMCRI, at Puducherry & won best paper award Mrs. Geetha.C ,Asso.Prof- Dept. of Child Health Nursing, spoke on, “Childhood Cancer”. Mrs. Aruna Devi.M, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, spoke on, “Home Cancer Services Door to Door Approaches”. Mrs. Bamalakshmi.V, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, spoke on, “Strategies on Community Based Palliative Care” & Exhibited A Poster On “Community Palliative Care” Mrs. Elavarasi .R, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, spoke on, “Cancer Nutrition & Rehabilitation” Mrs. Gayathri S, Tutor. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, spoke on, “Effect of Cancer on Mental Health”. Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, spoke on “Psychological Wellbeing and Palliative Care”. Mrs. Jayasri J, Tutor. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing spoke on “Herbal Therapies in Cancer Prevention and Treatment”. Mrs S. Lavanya, Asst Prof, Dept. of OBG Nursing, spoke on “Effectiveness of Ice Pack Application Vs Hot Application on Labour Pain Perception among Primi Gravid Women during First Stage of Labour”. Mrs. Rajeswari.S, Asso.Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, spoke on, “Clinical guidelines on pain management for child with cancer”. Mr.Z.Ramaprabhu, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, spoke on, “Vitamin C – The Magic Bullet”. Mrs. Sherin Nithya.S, Asst Prof Dept. of Child Health Nursing, spoke on, “Complementary therapy for children with cancer” & won best paper award Ms. Suganya.V, Tutor, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, spoke on, ‘Impact on Patients underwent Chemotherapy’
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Mrs. Subakeerthi.V, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, spoke on, “Cancer Awareness Communitythe Road to better Health” and exhibited poster on same topic. Mrs.R.Uma Maheswari , Asst Prof, Dept of OBG, spoke on “Nursing Effectiveness of Deep Breathing Exercise on Menopausal Symptoms among Women”.
▶▶ SCIENTIFIC ACADEMIC FORUM (SAF) yy Department of Nursing Foundation hosted the SAF on 02.02.2016 focussing on the theme “Sleep and Rest for Healthy Living” Mrs.Ramya Asso.Prof.Department of Physiology,MGMCRI gave a guest lecture on “Sleep and Rest An essential ingredient for healthy living” Mrs.Kousalya ,Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation gave a lecture on “Sleep and Rest for Excelling Students” followed by a quiz programme for B.Sc (N) Students. yy Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing organized Scientific and Academic forum on 07.03.2015 focusing on the theme “Prevention of unsafe abortion and contraception”. A quiz programme was conducted in this regard. Final year B.Sc. (N) students enthusiastically participated and won the prizes. Dr. Jiteendra, Senior Resident, Dept. of OBG, was the guest speaker of the day. He gave an enlightening talk on “Prevention of unsafe abortion and contraception” which sought the attention of the gathering.
yy Department of child Health Nursing organized Scientific Academic Forum on 31.3.16 focusing on “Endocrine disorders in children”. The highlights of this forum comprised of a Quiz program for III year
Community Health Nursing -25.06.15 Department of Community Health Nursing hosted the Scientific Academic Forum focusing on “Eat Healthy; Beat Diabetes”on 22.04.16. The Forum started with the Quiz Programme for Third Year B.Sc (N) Students on the theme. Dr.S.Karthi, MD, Asst. Prof, Dept of General Medicine, MGMC & RI was the guest speaker of the day. who highlighted the Diet that controls and prevents Diabetes .Mrs. Bamalakshmi.V, Asso. Prof, deliberated on “Role of Community Health Nurse in Prevention and Control of Diabetes Mellitus”.
Medical Surgical Nursing- 24.06.16 In commemoration of World Blood Donation Day the Department of Medical Surgical Nursing hosted the Scientific Academic Forum on 24.06. 2016. The theme of the year was“Blood connects us all”. The programme started with an extempore for III year B.Sc (N) on the topics focusing the theme. The shovel of the forum was the guest talk on the topic “Blood Connects Us All” Guest Speaker: Dr.S.Jayanthi, Project Director, Pondicherry AIDS Control Society Puducherry, who threw a light on voluntary blood donation. At the end of the session, certificates were distributed to the prize winners. The Scientific and Academic Forum conducted by the Department of Child Health Nursing was held on 23. 09. 16 that focused on Growth and Development of the children. The highlights of this forum comprised of a quiz program for III year and IV year B. Sc Nursing students, which was mind blowing and interesting. Following this, there was an impressive session by Dr. Srinivasa Ragavan, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Paediatrics, and MGMCRI, who elaborated on Developmental Assessment of Children, Growth Chart, and Developmental Scales for Assessing Children, which was informative and beneficial for the participants. Department of Mental Health Nursing organized a SAF meeting on 16.11.16, focusing on “Dignity in Mental Health-Psychological First Aid for all”. Mrs.Prabhavathy S, Asso.Prof, HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing,
B.SC (N) students and an impressive session by Prof.S. Srinivasan, Professor in Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI. He delivered a guest lecture on Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus –Halt the Rise; Beat Diabetes.
Mrs. Sudha. K.S, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, spoke on, “Prioritized Needs & Suggested Quality Cancer Care”.
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on 31.06.16 at Anganwadi centre, Gunamangalam village, Cuddalore. Mind Mapping for SNACS
KGNC gave a lucid talk on “Role of Nurse in Psychological First Aid”, Dr.Avudaiappan, Asst.Prof, Dept of Psychiatry, MGMCRI the guest speaker of the day deliberated on “Dignity in Mental Health-Psychological First Aid for all”.
A workshop on Mind Mapping for Students Needing Additional Curricular Support (SNACS) was organized for the B.Sc Nursing I & II Year students on 24.06.2016 from 9.00am to 4.00pm at MEU, MGMCRI. Principal of KGNC Dr.Renuka.K rendered the felicitation address. Dr. Stephenraj. P, Institute of Language and Culture Studies, Royal University of Bhutan was the Guest Speaker of the day who highlighted on the importance of “Mind Mapping for SNACS”. Mrs.Rama Sr.Student Welfare Officer, SBV also felicitated the gathering.
Department of OBG Nursing organized a Scientific and Academic Forum meeting on 28.11.2016 focusing on the theme “Identification and Management of MalPresentations and Mal Positions.” IV year B.Sc (N) students participated in the quiz competition. Dr. Aswini Asst. Prof, Dept of OBG, MGMCRI gave an enlightening talk on obstetrical management of Malpresentation and Malposition. Ms. Nanthini.S IV year B.Sc (N) student presented a case on Breech presentation.
As a part of the Mind Mapping, Dr. Stephenraj. P deliberated mind mapping techniques and conducted various activities like small group discussion (5 Nos in a group), drawing Mind Mapping & writing test was conducted for improving the concentration of the students. Students performed all the activities very enthusiastically. Oral feedbackwas obtained from the students. They found it to be highly beneficial and they thanked for the opportunity provided. They said that it helped them to erase their fears out of their mind and they gained confidence to face the forthcoming university exams.
Literary club of KGNC
Literary Club of KGNC
The Literary club of KGNC motivated and prepared the student to participate in the various competitions organized by CYTER in commemoration of International Yoga Day on 26.05.2016 and bagged several prizes bringing fame to KGNC.
MATRIBASHA DIWAS In commemoration of Matribasha Diwas 2016, the Literary Club of KGNC buzzed with a cluster of activities to highlight the linguistic diversity of our country, to facilitate using one’ s mother tongue better, learning others mother tongue faster and to create a congenial atmosphere for appreciating and encouraging all Indian languages from 15.02.16 to 17.02.16. Around 50 to 60 students participated in Essay English, and Essay Tamil, 9 students participated in English & Tamil Elocution. Students also participated in Skit competition which was conducted in English, Tamil, Malayalam & Hindi. Debate & painting competitions were also conducted and prizes were awarded to the winners.
TEACHING Anganwadi Training Programme Mr.Ramaprabhu.Z, Asst.Prof. from Dept. of Community Health Nursing, KGNC organized a training programme to the Anganwadi workers regarding “First Aid Measures”
LEARNING BLS Training - Eighty nine, IV year B.Sc Nursing studentsof KGNC underwentBLS training programfrom 16.06.16 to 12.07.16 in batches with 7 members in state of the art simulation lab of MGMCRI. They had theory classes, hands on training skill session, were evaluated and were certified as BLS provider by American Heart Association. Mrs. Manopriya, Asst Prof, Dept Of Medical Surgical Nursing underwent American Heart Association certified Basic Life Support Providers training course in state of the art Simulation lab, SBV, MGMCRI on 09.05.2016. Ms. Jayapradha.D II year M.Sc (N) student department of OBG nursing underwent training programme in Srishti Hospital (The first test tube center in Puducherry) from 20.06.16 to 01.07.16 (2weeks).
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Value Added Lecture: The Student Nurses Association of KGNC organized a value added guest lecture on ‘A to Z about Zikavirus’ byDr.Praveen, Asst Prof, Dept of Microbiology, MGMCRIon 07.05.2016.
TEACHING Incorporation of Yoga in Nursing Curriculum Co-Curricular Programme
Learning Journal Club Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, spoke on, “Psychodrama” on 19.10.16. Mrs.Kowsalya, Tutor, spoke on, “Mirrror Therapy –Stroke” on 19.10.16. Ms. Veronica A, B.Sc (N) IV year student, spoke on, “Case Report on Preterm” on 25.11.16. Ms.Durga Z, B.Sc (N) IV year student, spoke on, “Lotus Birth” on 25.11.16.
The board of studies meeting was conducted on 15. 07. 2016 in Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College to incorporate yoga in the existing nursing syllabus in co-curricular hours prescribed by the regulatory body of Nursing.
Value Communication & Training
Mass Cooking Demonstration/Exhibition
KGNC organized a value communication & training programme for freshers on 27. 09. 16. Mrs. Manopriya. V gave a warm welcome, and the presidential address was deliberated by Dr. Renuka. K. The guest speaker of the day was Mr. M. J. Rajesh Fernando, Value Communicative Trainer, Bangalore whose inspirational speech was regarding the value of communication in the field of nursing and how to maintain a therapeutic communication to the patient to provide effective patient care. Mr. Esaimanikumaran, Musician enchanted the hall with his tunes of melody. Vote of thanks was rendered by Ms. Ambika. R. Students felt that they were all inspired by the techniques for effective communication.
Mass Cooking Demonstration/Exhibition on “Protein Rich Diet” was conducted on 20.01.2016 at Pillaiyarkuppam for Mothers of under-five children focusing on the theme “Prevention and control of Malnutrition”.
LEARNING Value Added Lecture In commemoration of world eye donation day, the Dept of Ophthalmology deliberated a value added lecture on 15. 09. 16. Dr. Kurinji Assistant Professor, Dept of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI deliberated on awareness regarding eye donation which was very informative.
Faculty Development Programme - 09. 07. 16 Faculty Development Programme was organized by M. Sc (N) II Year students on 09. 07. 16 at First Floor Lecture Hall on the theme “I am the creator of my life”. Mrs. Rama. S, Senior Student Welfare Officer, SBV deliberated on the theme and gave a skill session on self affirmative techniques and art therapy to gain self relaxation. The faculty felt the session to be very useful
Mass Cooking Demonstration/Exhibition on “Diet Fit For Diabetes Mellitus And Hypertension” was conducted on 25 - 02 -2016 at Pillaithottam where the Target groups were Known case of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension
School Health Programme School Health Programme regarding “Dental Care And Hygiene” was conducted on 29-01-2016 at Government Primary School, Seliamedu with theme of “Ever Lasting Teeth To Have An Ever Lasting Smile”.
World Cancer Day
On 27. 07. 2016, Mrs. Sudha, Sr, Tutor, spoke on Pompe disease while Ms. Benya Elizabeth Rani, Assistant Professor spoke on Harlequin Ichthyosis.
In Commemoration of World cancer day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing in unison with Rajiv Gandhi college of Engineering and Technology organized awareness programme on resoluting the queries on cancer. The theme of the year was “We can I can”. .Ms.Nandhini.M, Lecturer gave
Journal Club
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a lucid talk on “Prevention of cancer” followed by a video show. “I hear I forget I see I remember”. To emphasize the value of the quote a visual treat in the form of tablo which depicted all aspects of cancer was presented by the third yr B.Sc Nursing students of KGNC which received applause and appreciation from the delegates. The heart of the day was the brainstorming interactive session where the queries of the delegates were sorted out.
were screened . “Role Play” on the theme “Prevention And Control Of Leprosy” was enacted by the KGNC students.
Integrated Health Camp on General and Dental Health Integrated Health Camp On General And Dental Health was organized on 16-02-2016 at Government Primary School, Gunamangalam village based on report of “Health Screening For Leprosy” This Integrated Screening Programme was organized in association with Department of General Medicine and Department of Ophthalmology, MGMC&RI, Department of Dental, IGDS. Around 103 children were screened.
World Ebola Virus Day In commemoration of World Ebola Virus Day, an awareness programme was organized by IV year B.Sc(N) students on 09-03-2016 from 10-30 to 11-30am at Dr. Ambethkar Hr. Sec. School, Kirumabakkam through a lucid talk on “Prevention Of Ebola Infection”.
International Women’s Day Celebration In addition an awareness programme was organized by dept of Community Health Nursing on 04-02-2016 focusing on “Prevention And Treatment Modalities Of Cancer” to General Public at City Health Center, Pillaithottam, followed by a Mime Show enacted by IV year B.Sc(N) Students.
World Leprosy Day In commemoration of World Leprosy Day as a “Integrated Health Screening For Leprosy” was organized by Department of Dermatology, MGMC&RI and Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC on 08-02-2016 at Government Primary School, Gunamangalam village. Dr. Girlly George, PG and Dr. Ben George, PG from Department of Dermatology & B. Sc(N) students, KGNC assessed the school children . In this programme 105 students
The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Skit on ‘Gender Equality’ with regard to International Women’s day celebration in Seliamedu village, Puducherry on 10.03.2016. Our IV year B.Sc (N) students actively participated in the skit. The students through the Skit, emphasised the importance of gender equality and also insisted the rights of the women in the society.
World Disabled Day Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC, organized a awareness programme to general public regarding Special attention for empowerment on Special Children, Seliamedu on 30-03-2016. In this programme IV year B.Sc (N) students of KGNC, enacted a Role Play regarding Important Education and empowerment skill for special children. It grabbed the attention of audience and received a huge round of applause. Towards the end of the programme queries from the public were clarified.
World Tuberculosis Day Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized awareness programme on 31.3.16 at Sashun Strides pharmaceutical company in Cuddalore. The objective of the programme was to light the theme “Unite to end TB.” Ms.Nirmala.S, Lecturer gave a video assisted health talk on “TUBERCULOSIS”. The next awaited moment of the day was the “Dolly show” by II year B.Sc Nursing Students on “Prevention of Tuberculosis”
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which received an appreciation from the workers with full of colorful delight and round of applause. This opportunity was well utilized by the workers to obliterate the myths and misconceptions about TB and clarify their doubts.
World Environmental Day In commemoration of World Environmental Day, the Essay Competition was organized on 10.06.2016 by Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC. The topics focused on the different aspects of Environmental Health – Namely viz: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Zero Tolerance for illegal wildlife trade and Clean and Healthy Environment. The Essays were evaluated by Prof. Sumathy, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC and Dr. RajkumarPatil, Asso. Prof, Dept of Community Medicine, MGMCRI.The winners, Ms.Priyadarshini, Ms.Nandhini and Ms. Journaforc.J, were awarded with certificates.
International Drug Abuse Day International Drug Abuse Day was celebrated on 25.06.16 from 9am to 1pm at Indira Gandhi Square to New Bus Stand, Puducherry. The Department of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC joined hands with Bharatha Matha Deaddiction Centre. The day was made eventful by conducting the rally. The event commenced with a grand welcome by Mr.GopalPillai, Chairman, Mother Trust, Bharatha Matha Deaddiction Centre, Puducherry. The Honourable Chief Minister, Thiru. V. Narayanaswamy, Thiru. Kandhaswamy and Thiru. Siva, MLA graced the occasion.
pamphlet distribution and mike announcements,from IG square, to new bus stand Puducherry. Faculty members and students from various colleges of nursing in Puducherry also participated in the rally.Our students actively participated and won prizes in various competitions like Essay, Elocution and Painting. Prizes for the students were distributed by Thiru. Siva, MLA (Orleanpet), Puducherry.
Breast Feeding Week : Aug 1 to 7, 2016 The Department Of Child Health Nursing, KGNC and Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI jointly commemorated “The World Breast Feeding Week”- 2016 by organizing various Health talks, Outreach programme, Poster presentation and Essay competition on the theme “Breast feeding- A key to sustainable Development”. The core concept to promote, protect and support the working and non working women towards breast feeding was highly emphasized. All sessions were highly informative and interactive. The myths and doubts of the mothers regarding breast feeding were removed, and they gained adequate knowledge regarding the various aspect of breast feeding. 04. 08. 16 The Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC organized a Special Health Talk on 04. 08. 2016 focusing on “Developing Positive Attitude Regarding Successful Breast Feeding, ” at Anganwadi center, at Seliamedu. The aim of Health Talk was Developing positive attitude on Breast Feeding to enhance the health of the Mother and Newborn Baby. Feedback was obtained from the beneficiaries which shown Grade – A
Rally was flagged by our honourable Chief Minister, Thiru. V. Narayanaswamy, of Puducherry. Under the guidance of the faculty members, M.Sc (N) II year and B.Sc (N) III year students ralliedusing theme based placards, face paintings,
06. 08. 16
The Dept. of Child Health Nursing organized an Awareness Program on Breastfeeding for Working Women in Godrej
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Company, Kattukuppam. Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Asso. Prof and Mrs. Sherin Nithya. S, Assist Professor, KGNC gave a health talk on advantages of breast feeding and storage of breast milk. The working women gained more information through this talk.
Nutrition Week - 2016 National Nutrition week an event of importance was observed from 1st to 7th September 2016. KGNC took this event in hand to create awareness regarding value of essential nutrients and impact on junk foods. This programme had a first move by joining hands with Puduvai Vaani FM 107. 8. Ms Mary Catherin D. E III year B. Sc (N) student gave a health talk on essential health tips which was aired on 02. 09. 16 2. 00 pm. The second focus was on school going children in Achariya Bala Siksha Mandir School, Fishing harbor road, Thengaithittu, wherein our II year B. Sc (N) students created an awareness based on the topic “Impact of Junk Food” for middle school children on 03. 09. 16. As a final move, the IV year B. Sc (N) Students gave a health talk on value of essential nutrients for patients gathered in MRD, MGMCRI on 06. 09. 16
Osteoporosis Screening Camp – 10. 8. 16 Department of Medical Surgical Nursing conducted Osteoporosis Screening Camp for Women in PHC, Bahour Commune on 10. 8. 16. Medical officers of Bahour PHC and Dr. Renuka. K, Principla, KGNC inaugurated the Camp. Mrs. Manopriya. V, Lecturer, gave a Health Talk on Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis. Mr. Finny Moses. E, Lecturer, assisted in Bone Densitometry and Screening of patients for Serum Vit D3, Serum Iron and Serum Calcium under the Supervision of Medical Officer, PHC Bahour. Around 200 Women were benefitted by the camp. Affected women were take care with medical management.
World Suicide Prevention Day:
World Heart Day – 25. 09. 16 In commemoration of World Heart Day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing took a new venture this year to create awareness among IT professionals working in Lenovo Company. The objective of the program was to spread awareness and to sensitize the middle level managers with the growing burden of heart disease and the individuals role in prevention, as IT professional are at high risk group of developing cardiovascular diseases. Mrs. Kripa Angeline A, Associate Professor accompanied by 3 team members elucidated on four P’s of heart care- protect, promote, power and prevent. The Heart age of the participant were calculated. The session turned out to be informative and useful for everyone with the feedback being overwhelmingly positive from the participants.
In commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC organized a Guest Lecture on the theme “Connect, Communicate and Care” by Mr. I. Jegan, Chief Executive Officer, Win Your Weakness Academy, Bangalore at MGMCRI College Block.The Guest Lecture started at 10. 00 am based on the objectives - To create awareness among the students on the value of life, to motivate the younger generation towards the personal, professional and societal growth and to prevent the ideation of self - harming through strong motivation. In between the session fun games were conducted to encourage the students.
Mass Cooking Demonstration-04.10.16 Dept. of Community Health Nursing conducted a Mass Cooking demonstration focusing on “Prevention & Control of Diabetes Mellitus”, on 04.10.16 from 10.30 to 12.00 noon at Adingapet. Towards the end of the programme queries from public were clarified.
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Awareness Programme - 21.10.16 Dept. of Community Health Nursing conducted an awareness programme regarding “Prevention & Control of Dengue” at Dr.Ambedkar Hr.Sec.School, Kirumampakkam on 21.10.2016. Ms.R.Kayalvizhi & Mr.M.Sasikumar B.Sc IV year students gave a talk on, ‘How to Prevent & Control Dengue’.
World Diabetes Day - 15.11.16 In commemoration of World diabetes day Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized awareness programme on 15.11.2016 at Anganwadi in Pillaiyarkuppam. The objective of the programme was to highlight the theme “Eyes on Diabetes”. Mrs.Nandhini.M, Lecturer gave a Video Assisted Health talk on “Over View of Diabetes Mellitus”, which was very informative for the public
Newborn Week Celebration – 15th ‑ 21st November‑2016 In commemoration of New born week, Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC organized a series of activities from 15th to 21st Nov 2016. Poetry competition on the theme ‘New Born’ both in Tamil & English was organized for UG &PG Students on15.11.16. A total 32 students showcased their Poetic talents by penning down their thoughts, and feelings about new born. On 16.11.16, students exhibited their artistic ability in the form
of Posters on the theme ‘New Born care’. On 17.11.16, a Healthy baby contest was conducted in three categories namely, 0-6 months, 7 months to 1 year and 1 to 2 years. Children were evaluated based on a structured evaluation proforma and from each category the first place were awarded with crown and sash ribbon. Eight consolation prizes were given to the children at Pillayarkupampet, Puducherry. Interactive session was organized at post natal ward at MGMC &RI by M.Sc. Nursing I year, Dept. of Child Health Nursing speciality students on 18.11.16. Discussion focused on breast feeding, Importance of maintaining thermo regulation, Immunization, Treatment of minor ailments and Maintenance of good personal hygiene by mothers. It was a very interesting interactive session and mothers found it to be very beneficial. Feedback were collected from beneficiaries and evaluated. 93 % of the beneficiaries rated the programme as highly informative and interactive.
Eye Camp - 02.11.2016 Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College joining hands with Lions club of Puducherry Excellence & Dept of Ophthalmology, MGMC&RI organized an eye camp in the village C.N Palayam, Cuddalore district adopted by MGMC&RI. Nearly 60 people were identified with various visual disorders such as immature senile cataract, presbyopia, squint, allergic conjunctivitis and 11 were referred to MGMC&RI for further high level treatment like cataract extraction, squint correction etc. Camp was supported by 5 doctors, technician, Mrs.ArunaDevi, Asst.Prof, KGNC & 7 B.Sc (N) final year students.
National Service Scheme - New Year Medical Camp
NSS volunteers of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing college joined hands with Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI, organized a Medical Camp on 01.01.16 at Panchavadi Temple. Nearly 300 people voluntarily came for screening certain common conditions such as Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension were routed out And the team has provided treatment for other common minor ailments.
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School Health Programme On 11.01.16, NSS volunteers of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College organized a school health programme in Govt.Higher Secondary School,Karayamputhur on Awareness on Dengue and Leptospirosis in order to prevent the outbreak of Dengue and Leptospirosis after a heavy rainfall in December 2015.
Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign 2016 The NSS volunteers 25 students on II B.Sc (N) were actively participated in the Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Programme Phase I & Phase II on 17.01.2016 & 21.06.2016 respectively, at Pillayarkuppam Pet, Kirumpakkam Pet, Narambai, Manapet, Moorthikupam, Koravalimedu, Kannikovil, Katukuppam and Panithitu. Students divided into small groups and they render in their service in 10-polio booth along with village nurses. Nearly 2300 children get benefited.
National Voter’s Day National Voter’s day celebration was organized by Election Department of Puducherry in order to create awareness for first time voters. Election Department of Puducherry organized various competitions such as Essay writing, slogan writing, Quiz, Elocution, Singing, Dance, Rangoli, Short film, Mobile application. As ever KGNC students took active participation and bagged prizes in elocution and singing competition. Prizes were distributed at the Voter’s Fest held on 24.01.16 at Kamban Kalaiyarangam, Puducherry.
Republic Day NSS volunteers of SBV University celebrated 67th Republic day of our Nation on 26.01.16 at, MGMC&RI campus. Programme started with patriotic song sung by NSS volunteers, followed by which our honorable Vice-Chancellor hoisted the National Flag, accompanied by Principal of KGNC, Dr.Renuka.K. The Vice-Chancellor Honored the efficient employees and students of 3 constituent colleges for 100% attendance with a certificate NSS volunteers of KGNC unit actively took part in the “Enabled Pondy Mission” and mobilized all the disabled people towards polling booth in order to achieve 100% polling during the general election of Puducherry legislative assembly held on16.05.16. Our volunteers were highly appreciated by Mr.P.Jawahar, IAS, District Electoral Officer, Puducherry. Government of Puducherry celebrated International yoga day on 21.06.16. As per the direction of honorable Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry a mega yoga event was
held at seashore of Puducherry on 21.06.16. Our volunteers actively took part in this event and demonstrated various asana for creating awareness among the public in Puducherry seashore.
REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH UNIT The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Health education Programme on ‘Postnatal care’ with regard to “National Safe motherhood Day celebration” in Antenatal & Post natal ward, MGMC RI, Puducherry on 11.04.2016.Ms.Jayapradha.S, M.Sc (N) II Year Student gave an elaborate health talk to the mothers on postnatal care and clarified their queries.
YOUTH RED CROSS Active and enthusiastic volunteers of KGNC Youth Red Cross staged a traditional art Villupattu on Organ Donation to General Public, Gunamangalam Village, Cuddalore in commemoration of world organ day on 30.06.16. The message through the villupattu reached the minds of nearly 40 beneficiaries.
International Youth Day on 12. 08. 16. As per the instruction received from Honourable Lieutenant Governor and with the guidance from respected Principal Dr. Renuka. K, NSS unit had massive tree planting in adopted villages. NSS volunteers received saplings from Dept. of forestry, Puducherry and the planting ceremony was inaugurated by Dr. Renuka, Principal KGNC and Rev. Fr. Zesu Nazaren, parish priest, Our lady of health church, Pillaiyarkuppam and planted the plants in church, in adopted village at C. N at Mylai Guruji Nursery school, Govt. Hr. Sec. School. Mr. Rajendran, Panchayat President CN Palayam and Mr. Ramachandran, Head master Govt, Hr. Sec. school joint hands in this green mission.
The AZADI -70 Celebration As per the directives of UGC, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC), celebrated Azadi 70 (Independence 70) Yaad Karo Kurbani by organizing a slogan writing competition on the theme ‘Quit terrorism Pervade Patriotism’ both in Tamil/English on 20. 08. 2016 timing at venue 9. 30 am in the Library of KGNC. With great zeal and interest a total of 32 students took part in the competition. Each participant stated 5 slogans. The best slogans of 3 participants were identified. The jury consists of Mrs. A. Kripa Angeline, Asso. Prof, KGNC and Mrs. Geetha. C, Asso. Prof. KGNC. A mass singing of the National Anthem was organized on 23 rd August 2016, at 11 AM. All students assembled in the ground floor of KGNC, raised their voices, to sing our
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National Anthem. This programme had made the students to imbibe values such as self-discipline, responsibility and patriotism.
70th Independence Day NSS Volunteers of SBV University together organized Independence day Celebration at MGMC&RI campus. Programme started with patriotic song, Sung by NSS volunteers our Dean, (R&AHS) Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan hoisted the National flag. & honored the academically top ranked children of employees. .
Training for Trainers on Social Harmony, National Unity, Human Rights. Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur organized an training Programme at Annamalai University from 26th August to 30th August 2016 on the theme social harmony, National Unity And Human Rights. Mrs. Elavarasi. Asst. Prof Dept. of Community Health Nursing/ NSS Programme Officer participated behalf of KGNC, were Various topics covered under this Programme such as human relation, Youth for National Integration, National Unity, Third Generation Human Rights, Yoga for social harmony, social responsibility, youth in Nation Building, Psychological perspective of social harmony, youth for human rights & on 28. 08. 2016 afternoon they arranged for field trip to Pitchavaram & Natarajar temple on 30. 08. 2016. RED RIBBON CLUB
International Youth Day RRC of KGNC with 10 Students of B. Sc (N) II & IV year accompanied with faculty Mrs. R. Uma Maheswari actively participated in Bike rally which was conducted by Pondicherry AIDS control Society towards of International Youth Day celebration on 11. 8. 16 along with all the colleges in Puducherry. The bike rally started at 8. 30 am at Beach Road, Puducherry, covering many areas of Puducherry creating awareness among the public.
World Diabetes Day World Diabetes Day was celebrated based on the theme “No Alcohol – Know Your Risk” was commemorated by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute and Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College on 15. 09. 2016. The event was held at OPD, MGMCRI wherein Our YRC volunteers enacted a Skit for creating awareness on the theme among the public regarding. The total beneficiaries were 150 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH UNIT The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Health Education programme on preparing mothers for Successful Breastfeeding with regard to World Breastfeeding Week Celebration in Antenatal & Postnatal Ward, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 02. 08. 16. 25. Around 25 postnatal mothers were benefitted. NSS unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College is been identified as one of the “Best Performing unit” in the list of top ten colleges in Puducherry as per the assessment done by Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs, Govt.of.India. The Chronicle team registers its heartfelt congratulation.
Red Ribbon Club (RRC) In commemoration of World AIDS day on 01.12.16, RRC of KGNC in collaboration with Department of Community Medicine ,MGMCRI, organized various competitions like poster competition, slogan writing and Short video Message, wherein our nursing students participated enthusiastically in all the competitions and won many prizes. On 02.12.16, RRC volunteers of KGNC participated & donated blood in Voluntary Blood Donation program at Blood Bank, MGMCRI. On 03.12.16, RRC Volunteers (45 students) and NSS volunteers of KGNC participated in Bicycle Rally regarding Public Awareness
International Eye Donation Fortnight Week
Programme related to HIV/AIDS at Puducherry. On 04.12.16, Mrs.Anitha.B, Lecturer accompanied with, B.Sc(N) III year students Ms.Mary Catherin.D.E, & Ms. Rajam.P gave a Health Talk on ‘Prevention of Venereal
Youth Red Cross (YRC) Volunteers of KGNC joining hands with Aravindhar Eye Hospital organized a rally for creating awareness among the public in Puducherry during the commemoration of International Eye Donation Fortnight Week on 04. 09. 2016. This mega event was held at seashore of Puducherry. YRC volunteers participated with zeal and enthusiasm covering more than 400 public people.
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diseases for transgender community’ at SCHOD Society, Pudupalayam, Cuddalore. On 05.12.16, Ms. Sajini Merin Mathew.S, Tutor of KGNC, accompanied by B.Sc(N) IV year student. Ms.Sowmiya B.Sc IV year student gave a Health talk on “Prevention of HIV through Parentchild Transmission” for Ante-natal mothers at Antenatal OPD, MGMCRI. Simultaneously Lucky Draw and Video – Show Programme was conducted on the topic regarding Awareness on HIV/AIDS at Dr.Ambedkar. Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Pudupalayam, Puducherry on 07.12.16, Skit on the theme of Exploring the relationship between HIV/AIDS and Alcoholism was showcased in Bharat Matha De-Addiction Centre, Ariyankuppam. III year B.Sc(N) students enthusiastically participated in the skit. On 09.12.16, the RRC activities concluded with Debate on the theme of “Media and Family Influence on Present Day Adolescents - Are they positive or negative towards prevention of HIV/AIDS?”. Moderator Prof. Ambujam, DVL, MGMCRI graced the programme by her moderation & valuable information followed by Valediction in which certificates were distributed for the winners and participants.
Youth Red Cross Youth Red Cross volunteeers with Advisor participated in Inter State Youth Red Cross Training Camp for Boys on 19.10.2016 to 24.10.2016 was held at Laxmi Bhavan, Dharamsala, Sri Mata Mansa Devi Shrine Board, Panchakula. Four students from final year B.Sc(Nursing) and one male counselor attended various interactive class sessions by the experts of concerned field for one week scheduled and Acquired adequate knowledge regarding First Aid, Disaster management, HIV & AIDS etc. Students enthusiastically participated in skill session about C.P.R & Bandages & demonstrated their skills to the participants. They bagged the First prize in spoon Race. On 22.10.2016 students checked, monitored Blood Pressure for all the counselors and students of various states.
▶▶ STUDENT AND ALUMNI UG STUDENTS NEWS yy Mr.V.K.Muthu Kumaran, I Year B. Sc (N) received first prize in singing competition organized by Government of Puducherry on the occasion of Youth Voters Day on 21.01.16 held at Kamban Kalaiyarangam, Puducherry. Ms. Mary Catherin. D.E, II Year B. Sc (N), Mr ArunRaj.E, II Year B. Sc (N), received consolation prizes for elocution. yy Mr. V.K.Muthu Kumaran, I Year B. Sc (N) have participated in Just a Minute competition organized on the occasion of Nutrition Week and received I prize. yy Ms Joanofarc. I, II Year B. Sc (N), Mr Kamal Raj, I Year B. Sc (N), Ms Thiruvalarselvi. T, II Year B. Sc (N) received I, II and consolation prizes respectively in Poster competition held in commemoration of Swami Vivekanandha Birthday on 29.01.16. yy B.Sc (N) students participated in Inter College Competitions of Elocution (English, Tamil), Essay Writing (English, Tamil) and quiz on the theme of AIDS awareness organized by Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry on 21.01.16. Ms. Mary Catherin D.E, II Year B. Sc (N), won the 1st Prize in English Elocution and Mr ArunRaj.E, II Year B. Sc (N) won the 2nd Prize in Tamil Elocution.
Awards for Extra/ Co Curricular Activities Mr. K.Hemachandiran , II year B.Sc (N), Ms.A.Veronica III year B.Sc (N), and Ms.R.KayalvizhiIII Year B.Sc(N) won the I, II, III prize respectively in the Extempore held on commemoration of world blood donation day in the SAF hosted by dept. of MSN on 24.06. 2016. The Kasturbians through Literary club of KGNC participated in various competition organized by CYTER in commemoration of International Yoga Day on 26.05.2016 and bagged several prizes which is as follows.Poster competition
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Mr P. Gowtham &Mr A Kamal Raj, B.Sc(N) I Year B.Sc (N), - I & II prize. Essay competition Ms.Joanofarc. B.Sc(N), II Year- II prize. Quiz competition Ms. M Aripriya, Ms. Joanofarc. I & Ms. P Rajam, II Year, B.Sc (N), - II prize and Ms.Mary Catherine DE, MrHemachandiran & MsSivapriya, B.Sc(N) II Year - III prize. Cultural, Mr. M Arunraj, Ms. P Barathi & Ms. Malathi A & Mr. Muthukumaran - I Year, B.Sc (N), -II prize. Ms. Kruba and Ms. P Barathi got III prize.
SNA GENERAL BODY MEETING: The SNA General Body Meeting was held on 07.05.2016 at ground floor lecture hall, MGMCRI. After the general proceedings of the meeting and value added lecture by Dr. Praveen, Asst Prof, Dept of Microbiology, MGMCRI on ‘A to Z about Zika virus’, the students were appreciated with certificate for active and enthusiastic participation in various intercollegiate competitions.
SNA Election
Competition -Pradharshini’16 held on Sept 28- Oct 1 at Govt Kilpauk Medical College, Hospital yy Mr. Muthukumaran V. K, B. Sc (N) II year received appreciation certificate in Solo Singing Competition in Intercollegiate Competition - Pradharshini’16 held on Sept 28- Oct 1 at Govt Kilpauk Medical College, Hospital yy Ms Gomathy P, Ms. Kalaiyarasi D, Ms. Malarmathi M, Ms. Kanimozhi M, Ms. Nandhini S, Ms. Veronica A, B. Sc(N) IV year Students represented KGNC as two teams received appreciation certificate in Intercollegiate Quiz Competition conducted on World Suicide Prevention Day 2016 on 15th September 2016 at IGMC&RI, Puducherry organized by National Mental Health Programme, Govt of Puducherry. yy Ms. D. Jayapradha, II year M. Sc (N) received II prize in Essay Competition on 23. 07. 2016 in the theme of - “Breast Feeding- a key to sustainable development” towards World Breast Feeding Week 2016.
SNA election was held on 29.06.2016 among B. Sc (N) I, II, & III year students for the new office bearers. The following students were elected based on the polling results.Vice President - Mr M. Venkat Raj, III year B.Sc (N), Secretary - Ms S. Nandhini, III year B.Sc (N), Cultural Secretary- Ms W. Stella Mary, III year B.Sc (N), Asst Cultural Secretary- Ms K. Kalaimathy, II year B.Sc (N),Educational Secretary - Ms M. Aripriya, II year B.Sc (N), Asst Educational Secretary - Mr V.C. Nanda Cumar, II year B.Sc (N), Treasurer– Mr S. Manikandan, II year B.Sc (N), Asst Treasurer- Mr S. Arun Kumar, II year B.Sc (N), Sports Secretary- Mr R. SangeethaRajan III year B.Sc (N) and Asst Sports Secretary- Mr E. Aravinth Raj, II year B.Sc (N)- Congratulations to New Office Bearers!
Student Nurses Association of K. G. N. C conducted General Body Meeting on 22. 09. 2016. Following this, there was an impressive session focusing on the “Prevention of Chikungunya & Dengue”. Mrs. Elavarasi. R, Asst. Prof, Dept of Community Health Nursing was the guest speaker of the day. She highlighted on “Prevention of Chikungunya & Dengue” elaborately with adequate explanation. Principal, Dr. Renuka K inaugurated two clubs Pasumai Club and Kalaanjali Club. Badging Ceremony was conducted for the new office bearers by the former office bearers of SNA. Congratulations to the new office bearers.
Teacher’s Day Celebration - 05. 09. 16
Final Year B.Sc (N) Students attended the Off – Campus Interview held at Apollo Information Center on 13.6.16. The selection process for the students was based on written test and oral interview. 21 students out of 32 got placement in Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. Chronicle team KGNC registers a hearty congratulations to the students.
The students of KGNC and SNA organized the Teacher’s Day Celebration on 05. 09. 16, focusing on GREEN MISSION as theme of the year. The teachers were honored for their dedicative service with green plant and energetic games for teachers was conducted to make teacher’s day special. Tulsi Plants were placed in the windows of classroom for purification of air and good oxygen exchange as the first initiative to propagate their green mission.
yy Ms. Mary Catherin D E, B. Sc(N) III year received first Prize, Mr. Hemachandiran K, B. Sc(N) III year received Second Prize and Ms. Priyadharshini T, B. Sc(N) IV year received Third Prize in Slogan Writing during AZADI-70 celebration held on 20. 8. 16. yy Mr. Ramaragu Raman, B. Sc (N) IV year received Fifth Prize in Body Building Competition in Intercollegiate
KGNC Kasturbians Alumni Meet was organized on 13. 09. 2016 at I Floor Lecture Hall, KGNC. Programme started with plenary session by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, M. F Quality Nurse Educator, MGMCRI presented on nursing placement opportunities over the Horizon. The Faculty and
Alumni Meet- Kasturbians
SNA General Body Meeting
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Alumni were welcomed by Mr. Ramaprabhu Z, Vice- President, AAKGNC. Previous Meeting Minutes and The Constitution and Bye-Laws were presented by Ms. Jayasri. J, Assistant Secretary, AAKGNC for new members. Financial Summary regarding Expenses, Fund and Current balance was detailed to the Alumnus by Ms. Aruna Devi M, Treasurer, AAKGNC. Prof Dr. Renuka K Patron felicitated the Kasturbians. On behalf of Alumni Association the Financial Assistance of Rs. 5000 /- each was provided to Three Nursing students, for their academic growth, those from rural and economically poor in status.
Awards for Extra/ Co-Curricular Activities Ms.Mary Catherin D E ,B.Sc(N) III year received first Prize and Ms. Raichal Rajan, B.Sc(N) I year received Second Prize in English Elocution held on 03.11.16 in commemoration of National Unity Day, KGNC. Mr. Arunraj, B.Sc(N) III year received first Prize and Ms. Kayalvizhi, B.Sc(N) IV year received Second Prize in Tamil Elocution held on 03.11.16 in commemoration of National Unity Day, KGNC. Mr. Prathap R, Mr. Venkatraj M, Mr. Promoth M and Mr. Kalaiselvan B IV yr BSc(N), participated YRC camp in Chandigarh while Mr. Prathap R, received I place in Spoon Rac. Ms.Amal Suzanne.Y III rd year B.Sc(N) student won the 3rd prize and in short video message in world AIDS day on 1.12.16 organized by RRC of KGNC in collaboration with Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI . Ms.Mary Catherin.D.E, Mr.Hemachandran.S, Mr.Kathiravan.K and Mr.Manikandan.S got the 2nd prize message in world AIDS day on 1.12.16 organized by RRC of KGNC in collaboration with Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI.
▶▶ IQAC Integrated Teaching Programme As a part of student enrichment programme,“ IQAC KGNC has initiated the integrated teaching programme to further enhance the knowledge and foster integrative learning among the students. The first ITP was hosted by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organizing aMultidisciplinary Symposium on “Holistic Approach of Demyelination Disorders” on 05.05.2016. With the E-blessings of our Chairman, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, SBV the Integrated Teaching Program was inaugurated by Dr.Renuka.K, Principal/HOD Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, KGNC. The symposium consisted of the deliberations of the following speakers, Dr.S.Jayanthi, M.Sc (Medical Anatomy),Tutor, Dept. of Anatomy, MGMCRI , Mr.Vasanthan, M.Sc, Physiology, Asst Professor, Dept. of Physiology, MGMCRI, Dr.A.N.Uma, MSc, M.Phil, Ph D (Medical Genetics), Asst Professor, Genetic unit, Dept. of Anatomy, MGMCRI, Dr.G.Kandhakumari, M.Sc, PhD, Asst Professor in Microbiology, KGNC Mrs.R.Jayanthi, M.Sc, M.Phil, Asst. Professor in Biochemistry, KGNC. Dr.S.TSakthiSuganya,M.D(GeneralMedicine),Asst. Professor, Dept. of General Medicine, MGMCRI, Ms. M.Anbu, M.Sc (Nursing), Lecturer, KGNC, Mr.V.Velkumar, MPT, Physiotherapist, MGMCRI, and Mrs.P.Rajalaksmi, M.Sc (Food science and Nutrition), Lecturer, KGNC. The symposium gave a broad view on the holistic approach of “Holistic Approach of Demyelination Disorders” which was very informative and comprehensive, starting from anatomy to nursing care for the student fraternity. The students gave an enthusiastic response for this collaborative presentation, which was evident through the feedback and post test score.
6th National Conference – 07. 09. 2016 Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College organized its 6th National Conference on “Developing Strategies for
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Quality Care in Psychiatry” on 7th September 2016. The organizing team was Dept. of Mental Health Nursing who dedicated themselves in the conference headed by Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Organizing Chairperson.
Disorder– Issues and Challenges”. Prof. Lalitha P, HOD, Dept of MHN, Sri Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem started her session on the topic “Strategic care for acutely ill Psychiatric clients”.
The inaugural session started with the college Anthem. A warm welcome was accorded by the organizing Chairperson of the conference Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC. Our honorable Vice-Chancellor Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, SBV rendered the Presidential Address where he stated that, psychiatry has developed from asylum to institutionalized care. He also congratulated the organizing committee for choosing this theme and insisted for developing strategies among nurses. Followed by, Mrs. Prabavathy S, the Organizing Secretary unfolded the theme of the conference. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Dr. Eshwaran S, Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI felicitated the gathering.
The most awaited Skill Session-I Live Exerso on therapies was headed by Prof. M. Louie Doss, Counselor & Psychotherapist, Anugraha College of Social Sciences, Dindigul. He gave a vivid presentation on “Gestalt Therapy”. He broadly demonstrated about empty chair technique, which was very interesting and useful in our day to day life to overcome stress and ego.
The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Lalitha K, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science (NIMHANS), College of Nursing, Bangalore, released the souvenir and delivered the key note address. The Resource speaker Mrs. Rajeshwari K, Assoc. Prof, HOD, Dept. of MHN, Narayana College of Nursing, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh, highlighted on the “Quality Care Continuum for Institutionalized Elderly with Dementia”. Dr. Lalitha K, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore elaborated on “Quality Indicators in Community Psychiatry - reaching out to the corners”. Prof. Dr. Usha V K, HOD, Dept of MHN, Govt. College of Nursing, Kottaiyam, Kerala, gave a view of the “Managed Care environment in Psychiatry - Fostering Good Clinical Outcome”. Poster Presentation and Evaluation was held before the commencement of afternoon session. Mr. Dhivagar S, awarded first prize for poster presentation.
The Skill Session-II Live Exerso was given by Ms. Sujithra C, Counselor & Psychotherapist, Anugraha College of Social Sciences, Dindigul. It was a very comprehensive skill session. She presented about the “Neuro Linguistic Programming”, and also demonstrated about, (VKD) Visual Kinestic Dissociation technique, which grabbed the attention of the audience. A total of 500 members (Delegates, Other Professionals and Students) attended the conference. The observer, Mrs. Kavitha D, Reader, East Coast College of Nursing, Puducherry, representative from The Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai delivered her feedback, where she appreciated the organizing committee for their initiative on therapies and developing care. The overall feedback from delegates was Excellent and Very Good, Students from various colleges gave feedback, as sessions were useful and they feel it can be practiced daily for stress free living.
7th National Conference - 12.10.2016
Dr. Sowmya B, Child Psychiatrist, Coimbatore, who deliberated about “Care of children with Autism Spectrum
In today’s changing climate, oncology nurses work much more closely with a diverse team of healthcare professionals and having an intimate knowledge of cancer and the treatment process has become even more important. With this objective Department Medical Surgical Nursing took a long leap to join hands with its prideful sponsorship from Indian Council Medical Research (ICMR) to organize the 7th
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National Conference on Breaking Bad News to Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing” – Exploring New Horizons on 12.10.16 at Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. The inaugural session commenced with a warm welcome accorded by Mrs.Kripa Angeline A, Associate Professor KGNC. Our honorable Vice-Chancellor, SBV, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, rendered the Presidential Address followed by Dr. Renuka . K Principal KGNC, who gave a brief note on the need of the theme and conference logo. Dr. K.S. Reddy, Radiation Oncologist, MGMCRI, delivered the key note address. The Chief Guest, Ms. Radha Saini, Fellow, UICC GENEVA released the conference souvenir and delivered the inaugural address. Dr. A R Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, felicitated the gathering. The galaxy of eminent speakers in the field of Palliative medicine from north to south across the Nation namely Dr. Asoke Chackalakal Mathew, Faculty in Palliative Medicine, Lakshmi Sundaravadanan Hospital, Chennai, Mrs. Alice Stella Verginia. K.J, National Faculty IAPC Pain & Palliative Care, Calicut Medical College, Prof. Sathyanarayana. T.E Principal, Kidwai Memorial College of Nursing Bangalore, Dr. Mallika Tiruvadanan, Faculty in Palliative Medicine, Lakshmi Sundaravadanan Hospital, Chennai, Ms. Radha Saini, Fellow UICC Geneva Dr. Renuka.K Principal, KGNC, Ms.Anu Savio Thelly, Nurse Consultant, Palliative medicine MGMCRI, deliberated on the importance of high- quality communication process in breaking bad news to cancer patients, Caring for cancer pain with compassion, Quality living with cancer through palliative care, Care of patients with radiation therapy, Occupational health hazards in oncology settings, Integration Of Alternative Therapies of Cancer Care and Cancer Connection and Correction in Lifestyle. The most awaited hour of the conference was skill session on stomal therapy by Mrs. Geethakumari. B.S Entero Stomal Therapist, Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, and by Mrs. A. Kripa Angeline. The conference attracted a large number of delegates from various parts of the state who attended the conference with great zeal and enthusiasm. The day culminated with the valedictory session.
▶▶ PG STUDENTS NEWS yy II Year M. Sc (N) students, Ms.Jayapradha.D, Ms.Sandhiya.V, Mr.Dhivagar.S and Mr.Sugumar.S participated in Inter Collegiate Post Graduate Symposium based on PG Dissertation organized by SAF under the aegis of SBV AHEAD on 22.01.16.
Mr.Surendran.S.R M. Sc(N) I year student won the 3rd Prize for the competition ‘Message’ in world AIDS day on 1.12.16 organized by RRC of KGNC in collaboration with Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI. Mr.Mahesh .S M.Sc(N)I year student won the 3rd prize in poster competition in ‘slogan writing message’ in world AIDS day on 1.12.16 organized by RRC of KGNC in collaboration with Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI. Mr.Mahesh.S M.Sc. (N) I year student presented a poster titled “Alternative therapies for cancer patients” and won the I place in 7th National Conference organized by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing in association with ICMR, on the theme Breaking Bad News to Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing “- Exploring New Horizons” held on 12.10.2016. Mrs.Nandhini.D M.Sc. (N) I year student presented a poster titled “Breast Cancer” and won the II place in 7th National Conference organized by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing in association with ICMR, on the theme Breaking Bad News To Rehabilitation “Oncology Nursing “Exploring New Horizons” held on 12 .10.2016. All M.Sc. (N) I year students participated in National conference on “Understanding Complexities And Evolving Towards A Better Direction In Emergency Poly Trauma Care” at Indirani College of Nursing, Puducherry from 23.11.2016 to 24.11.2016.
▶▶ NURSING EDUCATION UNIT OSPE & OSCE Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a guest lecture on “OSPE & OSCE” which was conducted on 14.05.2016 between 9.30and 11.30 am, at First Floor, Lecture Hall, MEU. The Guest Speakers were Prof. Dr .G. Muthamil Selvi, Principal, Vinayaka Mission College of Nursing, Puducherry and Prof. Mahalakshmi. V. N. Vice- Principal (Curriculum), MGMCRI, deliberated on OSPE & OSCE respectively. The lectures covered nursing perspectives in implementing OSPE & OSCE in KGNC.The lecture was followed by an interactive open house discussion. The guest speakers were honored with memento. Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a Workshop on “Problem Based Questioning” which was conducted on 28. 09. 2016
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between 2. 00 pm – 4. 00 pm, at Board Room I - Floor, Administrative Block, SBV. The Resource Speaker Prof. Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice- Chancellor, SBV and Prof. B. V. Adkoli, Head, Health Professions Education, SBV, were honored by Dr. Renuka. K Principal of KGNC. Prof. Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice- Chancellor, SBV, deliberated on the method of PBQ, its types, importance and Rule of Thumb. The workshop was very informative with fountain head of illuminating ideas and all faculty members of KGNC were actively involved. There was a brief group discussion at the end of the session. Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell jointly organized a follow up workshop on “Problem Based Questioning” which was conducted on 21.10.16 at MEU, I - Floor, SBV. The Resource Speaker Prof. B. V. Adkoli, Head, Health Professions Education, SBV headed the skill session on formulating Problem Based Questioning the faculty members of KGNC who were grouped. The session concluded with a group discussion, wherein queries were clarified according to their specialties.
▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Educational Tour-2016 KGNC is always keen in providing good learning experience to the students in all perspective, with this objective an educational trip to New Delhi was organized where in 68 Students (PG- 4 no’s & UG- 64 no’s) and 4 faculty visited various places like Trained Association of India, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Indian Red Cross, and BLK Multi specialty Hospital from 04.01.16 to 13.01.16. A value added lectures was delivered by Prof.Jayanta.K .Das, Director, Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi on functions of Red Cross Society and by Mrs.Evelyn P.Kannan (Secretary General),TNAI, New Delhi on TNAI Activities and Ethics in Nursing .
and dedication hymn sung by the students. Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath fore-worded the pledge and the students recited it. Dr.V.Nirmal Coumare delivered the special message. The chief guest address was given by Prof.M.J.Kumari,Principal, JIPMER College of Nursing, Puducherry.
Communication Building Programme Shaping young orators – A reflection of communication building was organized by the Department of Nursing Foundation, for the B.Sc Nursing I year on 8.1.2016.The dignitaries on the dias Dr.Renuka.K Principal of KGNC, Dr. S. Manonmani Deputy Registrar, Student Affairs, Dr. Shobana. R Asst. Prof, Dept. of Physiology, Dr. A.N. Uma Assoc.Prof, Dep. of Anatomy, Dr. Stephen Raj, Dr. Kingsly Institute Of Language And Culture studies, Royal university of Bhutan. As a part of reflection of communication skill building, various competition like podium presentation, Just A Minute & Speech contest were conducted for the students. Students enthusiastically participated in the contest.
The Youth Red Cross (YRC)
Lamp Lighting
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony of KGNC for the XIII batch B.Sc. (N) students was held on 06.01.2016 at MGMCRI campus. The programme commenced with the procession by dignitaries and the budding Nightingales. Dr.K.Renuka, Principal, KGNC welcomed the august audience. The Motivational presidential address was delivered by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor. Mrs.Nandhini.M, Lecturer, KGNC highlighted the significance of lamp lighting through her vivid presentation. The compassionate leaders of nursing passed the light from the Nightingale’s lamp to the budding nurses. The programme traversed further by a prayer
The Youth Red Cross (YRC) unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC) Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Deemed University was inaugurated on 05.02.2016 at 9.00 am by the Chief Guest Dr. K.V. Raman, Secretary Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) & Director of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Puducherry. Dr. K. Renuka, Principal of KGNC gave a warm welcome to the gathering. The event was presided by the Honorable Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof. K .R. Sethuraman. Prof. Dr. V. Gopal, Chairman Managing Committee (IRCS) gave a brief about the Youth Red Cross and inspired the youth to have more commitment for humanitarian service. The student volunteers took up the oath, which was administered by Dr. K.V. Raman. Mr. Siva Ramachandran, Member, Managing Committee, IRCS, beautified the dias. Prof. N. Anathakrishnan, Dean, Research & PG Studies, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMC&RI, Dr. S. Ravichandran, Add. Director, MGMC&RI, felicitated the occasion.
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The Youth Red Cross (YRC) The Youth Red Cross (YRC) unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC) organized a first programme of first aid camp by III year for B. Sc (N) students for the benefit of pilgrims the local festival of Masimagam held on 22.02.16 at Vaithikuppam, Puducherry.
Nurses Education Unit Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a Guest Lecture on “Choice Based Credit Grading System” which was conducted on 26.02.2016 between 2.00 – 4.00 pm, First Floor, Lecture Hall, MEU. Dr.R.Venkatesan, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Pondicherry University deliberated a Lecture on
the issue regarding prevention of adolescent crime , provision of career guidance to the students and the participation of institution in international yoga day & international youth day on 10.06.16.
KGNC - Talk of the Town KGNC ranked first among 70 educational institutions under Pondicherry AIDS Control Society, in Puducherry for its vibrant activities through “Red Ribbon Club of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Unit evaluated by PACS. The Best RRC Award & Certificate was received by Dr. Renuka. K, Principal & Programme Organizer, RRC and Mrs. Umamaheswari. R, Secretary, RRC from Our Hon’ble Chief Minister, Thiru. Narayanasamy. V during the Celebration of International Youth Day held on 22. 8. 16 at Gandhi Thidal, Beach Road, Puducherry.
A LEAP AHEAD “Choice Based Credit Grading System”. Prof. Narayan. K. A Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI gave a short lecture on “Credit Grading System in Health Sciences.” The Guests were honored by Dr. Renuka. K , Principal of KGNC.
Mrs.Bamalakshmi.V, Mrs.Subakeerthi.V have undertaken the research on “Identification and Exploration of the Needs for Health Care among Initial Defaults of Tuberculosis Treatment in Selected Area, Puducherry”, funded by “Tuberculosis Association of India”.
International Women’s Day, We @ SBV
World Mental Health Day - 10.10.16
In commemoration of International women’s day, WE @ SBV planned and celebrated with the theme of Pledge for Parity. On 1st March 2016, women cell organized a Collage Competition on the theme Women Friendly Campus for students of constituent colleges of SBV. 8 teams of B.S c (Nursing) students participated. On 5th March 2016, we @ SBV organized the special programme. Mr. S. Raja, B.Com., MA., Pattimantra speaker, Moderator, TV Anchor and Mrs. Bharathy Baskar, B. Tech., MBA, (Public Speaker, TV Anchor) were special guest for the program and they enthralled the audience with their humorous intellectual speech.
In commemoration of World Mental Health Day, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC organized Yoga performed for 15 minutes for creating positive vibration Skit, Dance and singing program in SH Hospital.
Dr .Renuka .K, Principal of KGNC , attended a meeting convened for all principals of private colleges with the Lt.Governor of Puducherry KIREN BEDI IPS to discuss on
Special Camping at Pillayarkuppam 21.03.2016(Monday): KGNC NSS Volunteers started their Special Camping at Pillayarkuppam with the theme ‘Youth for Eco-Development’. The inaugural function was held at Pillayarkuppam in the afternoon. Prof.P.Sumathy, KGNC inaugurated the special camping and presided over the function. 22.03.2016 (Tuesday): Volunteers conducted survey on ‘Availability of sanitary latrine, Kitchen at Pillayarkuppam.
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113 houses were covered. Community people eagerly participated in the survey. 23.03.2016 (Wednesday): Volunteers rendered their service in Panguni Uthiram festival. (Cleared traffic, swachitha activities.,etc) 24.03.2016 (Thursday): NSS volunteers conducted Basic cardiac life support training programme for Dr.Ambedkar Govt.Higher Secondary School teachers and XIth standard students. Training was provided for school teachers and school students on 24.03.2016: Afternoon volunteers organized anti plastic awareness rally and Educated the general public about importance of environmental sanitation and hazards of plastic. 25.03.2016 (Friday): Registrar, SBV inaugurated terrace Herbal garden with beautiful Carnatic Raga at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College as an initiation of creation of green environment which will be maintained by the volunteers. One plant to one student concept was introduced and will be followed in future too. Registrar handed over the plants to the final year students as a sign to introduce the above concept. In the afternoon, volunteers planted saplings in the adopted village received from forest department of Puducherry. 26.03.2016 (Saturday): Sathya Sai Seva organization team members came to our institution and gave training on disaster management. Afternoon volunteers had Skill session on various types of disaster precautions. 27.03.2016 (Sunday): Morning volunteers cleaned the church in Pillayarkuppam and planted 10 sapling in that campus In the afternoon special camping was valedicted by Madam Sujatha child care taker, SOS children’s village, Pillaiyarkuppam. Volunteers presented the report of camp
▶▶ ALUMNI NEWS yy CONDOLENCE Dear faculty and friends of MGMC &RI,KGNC we are in a somber to inform the demise of our talented alumni Mr.Tarun Gokul II batch of our college passed away on 22nd March in a terrible freak accident at Coffs. Harbor in NSW Australia .He has touched us all in many ways we would remember in his prayers for his soul to rest in peace .
examination held on 2015 conducted by UPSC.He is awaiting for service allocation. KGNC and chronicle team takes pride in congratulating the achiever on success. yy To add up a feather in the hats of KGNC our alumni secretary Mr.Vijayaraj has got placement as Lecturer in Ethopia University on March 2016. KGNC and chronicle team records their hearty congratulations.
▶▶ NABH Initiatives in KGNC KGNC in unison with MGMCRI spinned up with its wheel of activities to propel MGMCRI to accredit with NABH . To begin with all the faculty members of KGNC who are all holding the role of Ward In-charges in integrative service actively participated in the NABH orientation programme organized at MGMCRI from 28.03.16-30.03.16. With this bundle of information input on NABH, the faculty members work with the staff nurses in the concerned allotted wards towards NABH Accreditation Process by empowering the nurses regarding NABH, patient education and ward management. The faculty members also take initiatives in attending and deliberating lecture in the CNE for staff nurses held every month regarding the strategies to achieve NABH Status. Patients charts and records in the hospital are scrutinized regularly and maintained. Faculty members were training nurses on drug storage, PEP, Infection control and patients rights etc, in their respective wards.
▶▶ Sports Meet - 2016 The Sports Meet - 2016 inauguration was held on 11.03.2016 welcome address delivered by Mrs. Sujitha, Lecturer, SNA Advisor, KGNC. House robe & capping ceremony for young kasturbians of each houses was done by the honourable Vice Chancellor, followed by flag hoisting and March past by the students. It was in a perfect co-ordination in time by the students from respective houses of Sapphire Blue, Amber Yellow, Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Amethyst Purple and Zircon Brown.
yy PRIDEFUL MOMENT The first batch alumni member P.Suthandira Balan now working as staff nurse in JIPMER Hospital Puducherry has succeeded in clearing the AIR-1014 in the civil service
Prof.K.R.Sethuraman declared the sports meet open by releasing the dove. There was a huge round of applause from the group.solemn part of the ceremony, Lighting of Olympic Torch was initiated by the dignitaries. Captains of 6 houses went for a torch relay around the event ground. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV addressed the gathering. Inaugural ceremony came to an end with a thanking note by Ms. Nabina Bandari IVyr B.Sc (N) student SNA Secretary.
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▶▶ College Day- Crescita’16 The annual day cultural extravaganza – CRESCITA 16 had a unique flavor and style that made it a much-expected event in KGNC which took place on 17.03.2016. The Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD, Child Health Nursing welcomed the gathering, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV rendered his valuable presidential address. The Sparklss- 16 3rd issue Students magazine which was a confluence of ideas, a perfect blend of the arts, the skills and creativity, was released by the dignitaries on the dias. It was a moment of great pride and happiness for all. The college annual report of 2015 – 2016 was deliberated by our Principal, Dr.Renuka.K who highlighted the progress and milestones of KGNC. Dr.S.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMC&RI felicitated the gathering. A special message was given by MJF. Lion. M. Thanigachalam. He appreciated nursing as noble profession. The chief guest of the day DR.H.Ranganath, M.B.B.S in his chief guest address enlightened the highlights of nursing profession
With the motive of encouraging the students, in their academic excellence, toppers were honored with a shield followed by prize distribution for sports and cultural by the dignitaries,the overall championship was bagged by Purple House. 186 students bagged prizes for sports, 44 students for literary, 24 students for cultural events and 14 students for fine arts. The organizing batch were honored with shields. The programme concluded with the Vote of thanks which was proposed by Prof. M. Annie Annal which was followed by the Cultural programme. The students staged an entertaining, colorful, dashing events which brought to limelight the Kasturbians creative and artistic talents.
▶▶ INDUCTION PROGRAM-26. 8. 16 Induction programme for XIV Batch B. Sc Nursing, VIII Batch P. B. B. Sc & M. Sc Nursing was conducted on 26. 08. 2016. The inauguration began with Prayer Song at 9. 30am. The presidential address was given by Dr. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV. Prof. P. Sumathy, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC given an outline view about the institution. Ms. Nabina Bandari, Vice President, SNA deliberated on Facilitating Milieu in KGNC. Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A, Associate Professor, gave a birds view on “Your Helping Desk” orientation to Mentors & Committees. Mrs. Mano Priya. V, Asst. Professor explained about “Professional Etiquettes”. Dr. Renuka. K, Principal highlighted “KGNC-Right place for global Development” and also administered the student oath which was recited by first year UG and PG Nursing students. The Advanced Learners of B. Sc Nursing were
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Dr. Uma. A. N, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy & Dr. Ambujam, Department of DVL gave a motivational speech on “Building Self Confidence”. Regional language (Malayalam & Telugu) classes were taken.
PLACEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP GUIDANCE PROGRAMME FOR 10th BATCH OF B. Sc (NURSING) STUDENTS Placement Cell, KGNC Unit organized Placement and Entrepreneurship Guidance Programme for the final year B. Sc (N) (X batch) students which commenced on 12. 09. 2016. The training Programme began with an inauguration at 9: 30 am in I floor lecture hall, KGNC. with College Anthem followed by lighting of kuthuvilakku by the dignitaries, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, HOD, Department of OBG, Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Prof. Sumathy. P, Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Mrs. R. Umamaheswari, & Student representative. Welcome address was delivered by Mrs. S. Rajeswari, Placement Cell Officer, KGNC. Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, delivered the presidential address in which she highlighted the purpose, benefits and need of Placement and Entrepreneurship Guidance Programme. Ms. R. Nabina Bhandari from final year B. Sc Nursing student shared her experiences in 4 years journey in KGNC. Prof. Sumathy P, HOD, department of Child Health Nursing felicitated the gathering. The chief guest address was given by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, HOD, Department of OBG, and he highlighted the importance of nursing profession in Medical Health Services. Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. R. Umamaheswari, Asst. Prof, KGNC. The programme continued with series of Guest lecture on various perspectives which is as follows: Excellence in English Communicative Skills Dr. Stephen Raj, Communication Skill Trainer, Puducherry, NABH Standard Of Quality Nursing by Mrs. Rajeswari. S, Asso. Prof, KGNC, Accupressure to Revitalise by Mr. Panneerselvam. K, Healer & Mrs. A. Josephine Elizebeth, Healer, The Cosmic Health Educational Trust, Puducherry, Critical Care Skills by Preparing ICU Nurses -
▶▶ UG & PG Results: University examinations for the students were conducted in the Month of August 2016 and the Results of SBV University examinations of UG & PG students were declared, which are as follows: B. Sc (N) Pass Percentage - 94. 7%, P. B. B. Sc (N) Pass Percentage -99%, and M. Sc (N) Pass Percentage 100%. Faculty and students were congratulated and advised to have the same sprit in future examination too.
▶▶ MULTI DISCIPLINARY SYMPOSIUM Integrated Teaching Programme The Integrated Teaching Programme was organized by Department of OBG on the theme of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension on 26.10.2016 in first floor lecture hall, KGNC. Faculty members from various departments dealt the different aspects of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension. The list of speakers were, R.Shobana, Dept. of Physiology, MGMCRI, Mrs.Anitha B, Asst. Prof, Dept of OBG, KGNC, Mr.Sabari Anandh, Tutor, Dept of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Ms.Amrutha Ratna, PG II year, Dept of OBG, MGMCRI, Mrs. Lavanya S, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG. KGNC, Dr.Rajavigneshwari, Tutor, Dept of Pathology, MGMCRI, Mrs.Jayanthi, Asst. Prof, Dept of Biochemistry, KGNC. The programme was very informative and students gained adequate information regarding all aspect of Pregnancy induced Hypertension.
Government Collaboration Our faculty Mrs. A. Kalpana, Sr. Asst & Mrs. R. Kousalya, Tutor deputed as a Coach and Asst. Coach respectively for Puducherry girls team for the 25th Mini Nationals Volley Ball Championship held at Madhya Pradesh, Murena from 16.11.16 – 25.11.16
Dr. Alai Taggu, HOD, Critical Care, MGMCRI, Nursing Placement Opportunities Over The Horizon by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, Asst. Prof, KGNC, Ambulance Nursing by Ms. Anbu. M, Asst. Prof, KGNC & Mrs. S. Nandhini, Asst. Prof, KGNC, Essential Leadership Skills In Nurses by Mrs. Therasa. I, ANS, MGMCRI, Nurse Entrepreneur – An Extended Role by Dr. Renuka. K, Principal, KGNC, Building Professional Competence by Mr. Baz Bharanidaran, Chief Marketing Officer, Dream Next Academy, Puducherry, Hospital Information System by Mr. Ramji, IT Incharge, MGMCRI andPersonality Development by Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI
honored by the dignitaries on the dias followed by the release of the Hand Book. Chief Guest address was delivered by Our Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, SBV. The B. Sc Nursing II Year students enacted a Role Play on “Zero Tolerances of Ragging at KGNC”. Induction programme was conducted for one week 26. 08. 16 to 03. 09. 16. Students were divided into batches. Orientation about KGNC, Medical college & Hospital were given to the batches. Mrs. Jayanthi Asst. Professor, Mental Health Nursing had a discussion regarding “Creating Positive Attitude towards Nursing” to all the students on 29. 08. 16
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group dance, Solo dance, solo song, group song, mime and orchestral performance, were organized by Mrs. Jayanthi.K, Asst.Professor & Mr.Divagar.S, Tutor KGNC & Mr.Joseph Mathew, Secretary Mother & Child Foundation, Pyankulam. In addition III year B.Sc (N) students of KGNC organized a cycle rally at Kerala on 21.00.16 starting from St.Thomas U.P School, Payankulam ended at sacred heart hospital covering nearly 5 Kms. The students, had interaction with school children, general public at Kerala, during the cycle rally.
Children’s Day - 14.11.16 Children’s Day celebration was organized by the Department of Child Health Nursing, with a colorful start in the Paediatric Medical Ward on 14.11.16. Prof. D. Gunasekaran, Department of Paediatrics, RMO, DMS, MGMC&RI, Faculty members of KGNC and Doctors from Paediatric Department made their gracious presence. During the skit on “Prevention and Management of Dengue” enacted by III Year B.Sc. Nursing Students. The students transformed themselves as Mosquitoes, and in a very humorous way & conveyed the causes, mode of transmission, source of breeding, clinical manifestations, management and prevention. Followed by this, Cinematic songs with the lyrics focusing on personal hygiene were staged, in the form of dance. It enthralled the entire audience. Around 35 parents with their children attended the programme, and they thoroughly enjoyed both the programmes, and also cleared all their doubts. Thus, Children’s Day celebration ended up with great joy and happiness. Feedback was collected from the parents and evaluated. 95 % of the parents elicited that the programme was highly, informative, interesting and excellent and one parent stated that, she has never seen a program of this kind and it was very enjoyable as well as informative.
EK Bharat Shreshta Bharat- Action Report - NOV 2016 As per the direction of MHRD, UGC and Our ViceChancellor, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College has organized intercollegiate cultural festival on 20.11.16 between 3-5 pm at Mother and Child foundation, Mylakombu, Pyankulam, Kerala where the students from other colleges participated which is as follows: St.Joseph College, Moolamatum, Kerala, Henry Belkal Arts and Science College, Melugavu, Kerala, Holy Family Institute of Nursing, Mudalakulam, Kerala, St.Thomas U.P. School, Pyankulam, Kerala, St.Ritha’s High School, Pyankulam, Kerala. III year B.Sc (N) students were posted in Sacred Heart Hospital, Pyankulam at Kerala for their Mental Health postings, they conducted the intercollegiate cultural fest for the audience of Kerala. Cultural programmes include
▶▶ LAMP LIGHTING CEREMONY Lamp Lighting Ceremony of KGNC for the XIV batch B.Sc. (N) students was held on 15.12.2016 at MGMCRI campus. The programme commenced with the procession by dignitaries and the budding nightingales. Ms. S.Sherin Nithya, Asst.Prof, KGNC, mastered the ceremony. Dr.K.Renuka, Principal, KGNC welcomed the august audience. The hall illumined with the lighting of kuthuvilaku lit by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-chancellor, SBV, Prof. Dr. R. Danasu, Principal, Sri Manakula Vinayagar College of Nursing, Puducherry, Prof.M.Ravi Shankar Dean, SBV, Dr. K. Renuka, Principal, KGNC, Dr. Nirmal Coumare. V, Medical Superintendent, MGMCRI, Mrs. Amir Alikhan Asmath, Nursing Superintendent, MGMCRI. The motivational presidential address was delivered by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV, Prof.M.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI delivered THE felicitation. Dr.V.Nirmal Coumare, MS, MGMCRI delivered the special message. Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Associate Professor & Ms.Anbhu.M, Lecturer, KGNC highlighted the significance of lamp lighting through a visual treat tabloo. The compassionate leaders of nursing passed the light from the Nightingale’s lamp to the budding nurses. The programme traversed further by a prayer and dedication hymn sung by the students. Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath fore-worded the pledge and the students recited it. The chief guest address was given by Dr. R. Danasu, Principal SMVCON, Puducherry. Prof. M. Annie Annal, HOD, Dept.of OBG, KGNC, rendered the Vote of thanks.
▶▶ NOVATO FISETA 30.11. 2016 II year Nursing students accorded a warm welcome to their juniors on fresher’s day, on 30.11.12 at I-floor lecture hall KGNC .mind blowing cultural events was staged with variety of games the new buds of KGNC were made elated with special gift. Motivational speech was delivered by Prof. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC.Health screening and vaccination for Hepatitis-B for I- year B.Sc Nursing students was conducted from 23.11.2016 to 24.11.2016.
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health sciences
Message From Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan, MS (AIIMS)., DNBE, FRCS (Eng)., FRCS( Edin)., FRCS (Glasgow)., FACS., FICS., FACG., FIMSA., FACS., Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences.
One of the most noteworthy features of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth during the year 2016 is the promulgation of unique, objective, job oriented and evidence based courses in complementary and alternative medicine, besides offering conventional undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. We have looked into the academic aspects of such programmes and also the cohesive research that goes concomitant with the academics. UGC lays emphasis on choice based credit courses as a part of academic flexibility vested with the deemed University. Taking cognizance of this, we have implemented novel and job oriented courses in choice based credit system in certain nodal areas that have been less frequented hitherto in other Universities, viz Health Professions Education, Yoga Therapy and Music Therapy. SBV takes pride in stating that doctoral programmes exist in crucial and inter-disciplinary courses / subject areas. During the last quarter of 2016, an MoU with IMC, KREMS, AUSTRIA has been effected with reference to the PhD Programme in Music Therapy and we feel proud to say that SBV is the first University with which IMC, KREMS has entered into an agreement for Doctoral Research in Music Therapy. It is on a happy note that I wish to state that Allied Health Sciences at SBV has provided the rationale for the integration of various traditional healing techniques like Yoga and Music to promote healing, health, and longevity. Thanks to the foresight of Chairman, Management and all the constituent colleges of SBV. With an excellent infrastructure in place, our goal of being in the top twenty by twenty-twenty is well within reach. I invite you all to jointly put our shoulders to the wheel and push with all our might.
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▶▶ Health Professions education Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics Training The series of workshop was conducted by the Department of Research and Allied Health Sciences on “Research Methodology and Bio-Statistics”. The session commenced on04.02.2016 and with 17 week sessions, came to an end on 01.06.2016. The resource person for the 17 week modules were, Dr.K.R.Sethuraman, Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dr.K.A.Narayan, Dr.Partha Nandi, Dr.G.Ezhumalai, Mr.A.Lokeshmaran, Dr.Manimekalai, Dr.Adithan, Dr.Shanmugam and Dr.Adkoli. A valedictory function was held with the Vice-Chancellor of SBV University presiding over the function on 01.06.2016.The welcome address was given by the course co-coordinator,Dr.G.Ezhumalai, Sr. Statistician & Research consultant of SBV University. The overview of the programme was narrated by Dr.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS. Dr.K.A.Narayan, Professor, Community Medicine presented consolidated “online feedback” given by the participants in a power point presentation. The participants gave their views about the
training programme and gave suggestions to improve. The respected Vice-Chancellor gave his valuable remarks and distributed the certificates to the 16 successful participants who completed the course.The 16 participants are,Dr. Sithananda Kumar @ Venkatesan.R, ENT, Dr.S.S.Bakshi ENT, Dr.IndubalaMaurya, Anaes, Dr.Gayatri Mishra, Anaes, Dr.Antony John Charles.S, Anaes, Dr.Shashidara, Psychiatry, Dr.Vani.P.C, Anatomy, Dr.AnithaNancy.T, Anatomy, Dr.Arthi, Anatomy, Dr.Praveena, Anatomy, Dr.VivekShrihari, Gen.Surgery, Dr.SathishBabu.M, Biochem, Dr.Reeta.R, Bio-chem, Dr.Bhavani. K, Pathology, Dr.JeetendraBehera, OGBY and Dr.Sobana.R, Physiology. The valedictory function ended with the vote of thanks voiced by Mr.Lokeshmaran, Assistant Professor (Statistics).
Establishment of Department of Health Professions Education: A new mile stone in the achievement of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.
Various curricular reforms at the MBBS level, adoption of a competency based postgraduate medical education, establishment of new Centers devoted to YOGA and Music Therapy, are just few examples of its march towards exploring new frontiers of capacity building. In order to bring together all health professions to achieve academic excellence through training and research in pedagogical sciences, SBV had established an Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development (SBV- AHEAD). Under the banner of SBV AHEAD, the University launched Post Graduate Diploma in Health Professions Education (PGDHPE) in 2014. This course has been reorganized with effect from this year, on the pattern of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the UGC and NAAC. For the first time a one year M. Phil program in Health Professions Education has been introduced for those who wish to continue after PGDHPE. The aspirants can now pursue highest degree of Ph D in Health Professions education. In order to run these courses and to provide an administrative structure for the activities mooted by SBV AHEAD, a new Department of Health Professions Education has been created under the Deanery of Allied Health Sciences, which is one more feather in the cap of SBV. The mission of this Department is to emerge one of the centres of excellence in Health Professions Education in the country, in alignment with the broader mission and vision of SBV. The Department of Health Profession will be responsible for running all programs in HPE (PGDHPE/M. Phil/ Ph D), and pursue training and research in education of all health professions. It will foster inter-professional education, and develop a community of practitioners who will be able to function as health profession educators who can play a key role in development of health workforce for tomorrow. DHPE will participate and organize local and national workshops for the health profession educators. Further, it will provide consultation, training, and mentoring support to the needy individuals, departments, institutes and agencies within SBV as well as at the national level, working for the cause of health professions education. Organizational structure
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is known for making significant strides during the last decade to emerge as a leader in creating new pathways of health professions education in the country.
The Department has been structured in such a way that it draws the best talent and experience from all health professions. The Core faculty includes Dr B. V. Adkoli, Professor & Head, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Program Director, Dr M. Shivasakthy, IGIDS, Coordinator, Dr. K. R. Sethuraman,
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Vice Chancellor, SBV and Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences, SBV. Besides this the Dept draws a dedicated team of adjunct faculty members from the Medical Education, Dental Education Unit and Nursing Education Unit of the constituent colleges. Presently five candidates are pursuing PGDHPE, ten candidates are pursing M. Phil Course and seven research scholars are working on various studies related to education. The Department utilizes the existing facilities and infrastructure available with SBV campus and the constituent colleges.
ICMR – STS Awards At a grand and impressive function held on 23. 09. 2016, 28 recipients of ICMR -STS 2014 and their Guides were
feted with certificates and cash awards. The felicitation ceremony was held during the inaugural function of the Pharmacogenetic testing services at MGMCRI. The programme was organised under the auspices of SBV AHEAD. Dr. Subash Chandra Parija , Director JIPMER was the Chief Guest. He lauded the initiative of SBV and eulogised the administration for having embarked on a significant endeavour, namely patronising student research. Eight Faculty members who had published in nodal journals of high impact factor were also felicitated with a certificate
and cash award at the same occasion. Other functionaries of SBV who spoke included Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, ViceChancellor, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research and AHS, Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean-Faculty of Medicine and Prof. C. Adithan, Director. This is yet another instance of “SBV MARCHES AHEAD”
Peer Reviewers / Editorials Dr B. V Adkoli reviewed submissions in the following journals: Advances in Medical Education and Practice (Dove Press), Advances in Health Sciences Education (Springer), National Medical Journal of India and Indian Pediatrics. Dr N. Ananthakrishan is a reviewer for articles on medical education for the National Medical Journal of India, Clinical teacher and Medical teacher.
National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016), 18-20, August 2016 Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI and Dental Education Unit of IGIDS, under the aegis of Dept of Health Professions Education organized a three days National Conference on “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016)” on 18-20, August 2016. While Day 1 was devoted to discussions on Undergraduate Dental Education, the Day 2 and 3 focused on trends in Medical Education. The three day academic feast had received a ‘30 points CME credit’ by the TN DrMGR University, a record in the history of Conferences held by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. More than 250 delegates from medical and dental fraternity participated. Some of the unique features of this conference were participation by the leaders of regulatory bodies like Medical Council of India and Dental Council of India, talks and workshops by the top notch leaders in medical education across the country and sharing of best experiences
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and innovations introduced by the SBV with medical and dental fraternity from other colleges. Highlights of Medical Education Conference The conference was inaugurated by Prof Ved Prakash Mishra, Chairman, Academic Committee, Medical Council of India. The speakers consisted of renowned medical educationists, Dr Tejinder Singh, CMC, Ludhiana, Dr Rita Sood, AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr Anshu, Sevagram, Wardha, Dr Avinash Supe, Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai, Dr Himanshu Pandya, Karamsad, Gujarat, Dr P. V. Vijayaraghavan, SRMC, Chennai, Dr Latha Ravichandran, SRMC, Dr Krishna Seshadri, Chennai, besides stalwarts from SBV, Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS. The conference gave an opportunity for the SBV to present some of the major innovations done under the umbrella of SBV AHEAD, viz. , assessment reforms in medical education (Dr V. N. Mahalakshmi), MEU activities (Dr Seetesh Ghose), DEU activities (Dr Usha Carounanidy) and HPE Courses (Dr M. Shivasakthy). A conference souvenir CD edited and compiled by Dr A.N. Uma was released on the occasion. There was a symposium forum on Integrated Teaching, chaired by Dr M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI. The panelists were Dr P. V. Vijayaraghavan, Dean Education, SRMU, Dr Latha Ravichandran, SRMC, Chennai, Dr Gitanjali Batmanabane, JIPMER, Pondicherry, Dr Himanshu Pandya, PSMC, Karamsad and Dr V. N. Mahalakshmi, MGMCRI. Free paper sessions were arranged for the participants to present their work on both the days which covered more than 30 papers. There were five hands on workshops besides, symposia and thematic free paper sessions. The workshop themes included, Change Management, Approach to problem learners, Mentoring and Feedback, Teaching clinical skills in the digital era and Professionalism. The three days of academic feast has reaffirmed the role of SBV as a key player in the field of health professions education in India.
for Undergraduates’. Dr S. Balanehru, Deputy Director, CIDRF, discussed the ‘Current research developments for Medical Students’. The conference was attended by more than 600 delegates from various medical colleges. Following the presentations, there was a highly interactive question and answer session which was well received by the delegates.
Workshop on Problem Based Questioning for KGNC Faculty Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and Prof B. V. Adkoli, Head, Dept of Health Professions Education conducted a Workshop for the KGNC Faculty on the theme “Problem Based Questioning” on 28th September 2016. The workshop resulted in active participation by the faculty in improving the quality of problem based questions. Under the banner of SBV AHEAD, the University launched a first of its kind, the M.Phil course in Health Professions Education (PGDHPE) for developing a new cadre of health professions educators. The M. Phil course was formally launched on 5th October 2016 in the presence of Dr K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS, and Dr A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV. Dr M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Dr. UshaCarounanidy, Dean, Dentistry, IGIDS, DrRenuka, Dean, Nursing, besides faculty, M Phil/Ph D scholars and PGDHPE candidates attended the function. A workshop was organized on 3rd December 2016 to arrive at a consensus statement on the vision and mission of the Department, which was attended by 25 participants consisting of core faculty, PGDHPE/M. Phil/ Ph D scholars. The vision of Dept of Health Professions Education is to emerge as a centre of excellence in Health Professions Education in the country by 2020.
Sri Manukula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital (SMVMCH) organized 8th South Indian Medical Students’ Conference – SIMSCON 2016 on the theme ‘Professionalism in Medicine’ on 29th July 2016. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences was the chief guest and delivered a key note address. Dr B. V. Adkoli, Professor of Health Professions Education spoke on ‘Skill development
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For realizing this vision, the mission statements of DHPE are as follows: to promote a high quality training, research and consultancy activities in HPE, to train and develop a cadre of health professions educators who are competent and willing to meet the future challenges in the health sector and to foster inter-professional education in health profession. Some of the specific activities being planned by the department in addition to the running of PGDHPE/M. Phil/Ph D programs are as follows: 1. Promoting research and scholarship: Monthly Journal Clubs, research projects, participation in national and international events, and publication in education 2. To support faculty development programs across SBV Institutes for introducing innovative curricula such as competency based curriculum, evaluation reforms, quality enhancement, patient safety, skill development, harnessing IT capabilities, professionalism and any other area of relevance to HPE 3. Extending training activities at Regional and National levels, Networking with leaders and professional networks in India and abroad 4. Providing consultancy services to the needy institutions on a short term or long term basis 5. Networking with Medical, Dental, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences Professionals within the University and outside 6. Launching on-line courses and other mechanisms of blended learning 7. Participating and promoting training, and research activities in inter-professional education in the country and beyond The Department draws the best talent and experience from all health professions. The Core faculty includes Dr B. V. Adkoli, Professor & Head, Dr. K. A. Narayan, Program Director, Dr M. Shivasakthy, IGIDS, Coordinator, Dr. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV and Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences, SBV. Besides this the Dept draws a dedicated team of adjunct faculty members from the Medical Education, Dental Education Unit and Nursing Education Unit of constituent colleges of SBV. Ten candidates have successfully completed First batch of PGDHPE and five have been enrolled in the second batch. Ten candidates have joined M.Phil Course and seven scholars from SBV campus are working on PhD related to education in their respective specialties.
â–śâ–ś Center for Yoga Therapy Education & Research The Government of India and its Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are currently promoting indigenous systems of health in a strong manner through the ministry of AYUSH. The limitations of modern medicine in managing stress induced psychosomatic, chronic illnesses are the strength of Yoga and hence a holistic integration of both systems enables best quality of patient care. It is a matter of pride that our Deputy Director, Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani is serving on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN) as well as the committee of experts for the International Day of Yoga celebrations in the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. CYTER can be projected a nodal centre to train medical educators and administrators for setting up such integrative health centers in our country as we have the necessary infrastructure and man power. We can proudly state that it is only in the supportive and innovative milieu of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth that the holistic art and science of Yoga, our cultural heritage, has been able to reach both the classes and the masses of our society optimally, effectively and holistically. Under the benevolent leadership of our Hon Prime Minister Sri NarendraModiji, himself a practicing Yogi, the Government of India and its Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are currently promoting Yoga and other indigenous systems of health strongly through Ministry of AYUSH. It is a matter of pride that our Deputy Director, YogacharyaDrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani is serving on Scientific Advisory Committee of the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN) as well as the National Committee of Experts for International Day of Yoga celebrations of Ministry of AYUSH. The work of CYTER and the name of SBVU has become popular worldwide and it has been suggested that CYTER be projected as a nodal centre to train medical educators and administrators for setting up such integrative health centers in our country. We can proudly state that it is only in the supportive and innovative milieu of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth that the holistic art and science of Yoga, our cultural heritage, has been able to reach both the classes and the masses of our society optimally, effectively and holistically. We thank our Chairman, Vice Chairman, Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Dean AHS as well as all members of the management and administration for their support at all times. Under the benevolent leadership of our Hon Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modiji, himself a practicing Yogi,
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the Government of India and its Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are currently promoting Yoga and other indigenous systems of health strongly through Ministry of AYUSH. It is a matter of pride that our Deputy Director, Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani is serving on Scientific Advisory Committee of Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) and the AYUSH National Committee of Experts for International Day of Yoga Celebrations and Yoga for Diabetes Program.
YOGA THERAPY CYTER is conducting a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme through its Yoga Therapy OPD in I Block from 9 am to 1 pm, Monday-Saturday. Consultations are offered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and Dr Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator and Yoga Therapist. Qualified Yoga instructors are imparting the schedules daily from 9 am to 1.30 pm. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga therapy and lifestyle consultations are offered daily as part of Basic, Superior, Complete Cardiac and Deluxe Health Check packages of Master Heath Check-up in the Corporate Services Wing of the hospital since October 2013. We are also offering non-therapeutic general sessions for faculty, staff and students of SBVU from 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm on all working days.
1. Pursue Certificate Coursesin Yoga Therapy of three months duration (total four courses of 8 Credit points, each), with options for exit after any course, thus obtaining a course completion certificate. (8 x 4 = 32 Credits) 2. Appear for PGDYT comprehensive examination, based on the four courses of study (8 x 4 = 32 + 2Cr for portfolio = 34 Credits) 3. Continue further to M. Phil. program of one year (38 credits), subject to the candidate holding a Master’s Degree (science graduates will be given preference). This program eventually leads to Ph D Program in Yoga therapy. To further facilitate ease of student progression, we are introducing both lateral entry and exit provisions in the courses. Students can leave after completing the certificate courses or continue in the PGDYT. Those students who have a Master’s degree (science graduates will be given preference) can join the M Phil program if they have completed PGDYT from SBV earlier. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Credit Based Choice System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for the new programs.
YOGA EDUCATION Our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) is one of the innovative courses in the world as it is offered through a medical institution and brings together the ancient wisdom of Yoga with the evidence based approach of modern medicine. The course is conducted by experienced faculties who have Yoga and modern medical training as well as a wealth of therapeutic and research experience with more than 200 publications to their credit. Two batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Currently eight students are undergoing the course enthusiastically.
Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, it has been decided to start a credit based program following options:
Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, we have started credit based program of Certificate Courses in Yoga Therapy and M. Phil Yoga Therapy leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Credit Based Choice System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for these programs. Currently 5 students are undergoing the certificate program, 11 the PGDYT and 2 have enrolled for the MPhil in Yoga Therapy. Our students include Medical doctors, dental and nursing professionals, physiotherapists, pharmacists, physical educators and Yoga instructors from India and France. CYTER has recently been accorded status of MEMBER SCHOOL of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YOGA THERAPISTS (USA), and we are proud that CYTER is the first University based Yoga Therapy School in India to receive this prestigious membership.
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YOGA RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS CYTER has given training to nursing students, faculty members, senior citizens, special children and transgender participants and published 44 papers and 14 abstracts on the short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. We are currently studying the immediate effects of different Yoga techniques such as asanas, pranayamas and relaxation in different groups of patients and normal volunteers. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at mgmcri has more than 1400 likes and is very interactive with articles and Yoga tidbits and regular updates.
8. Madanmohan T and Bhavanani AB. Physiological Benefits of Yogic Practices: A Brief Review. International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2016; 1(1): 0031-0043. 9. Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan. Restoring human values in medicine: Role of Yoga. National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016). SBV, Pondicherry. 18-21 Aug 2016. pp. 85-86. 10. Dayanidy G, Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan Psychophysiological benefits of yoga training in physiotherapy students. National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016). SBV, Pondicherry. 18-21 Aug 2016. pp. 87-88.
1. Punita P, Trakroo M, Palamalai SR, Subramanian S, Bhavanani AB, Madhavan C. Randomized controlled trial of 12-week yoga therapy as lifestyle intervention in patients of essential hypertension and cardiac autonomic function tests. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2016; 6: 19-26.
11. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB, Renuka K. Yoga for nursing students: rationale and psychophysical benefits. National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016). SBV, Pondicherry. 18-21 Aug 2016. pp. 95-96
2. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Trakroo M, Thirusangu S. Effects of a single session of yogic relaxation on cardiovascular parameters in a transgender population. International Journal of Physiology 2016; 4 (1) : 27-31.
12. Vasanthan S, Madanmohan T, Bhavanani A B, Hanifah M. A comparative study of the effect of yogic relaxing asanas and pranayamas on HRV and perceived stress in healthy young volunteers. 10th Annual Conference of Association of Physiologists of Tamil Nadu (ENVOCCON). Sri Balaji Medical College and Hospital, Bharat University, Chennai. 9-11 September 2016. Pp. 202.
3. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Health status of elderly women residing in ahospice in Pondicherry. International Journal of Physiology 2016 ; 4 (1): 76-80. 4. Bhavanani AB, Raj JB, Ramanathan M, Trakroo M. Effect of different pranayamas on respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2016; 10: CC04-CC06. 5. Bhavanani AB. A brief qualitative survey on the utilization of yoga research resources by yoga teachers. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2016; 5(2): 168-173.
13. Souvenir of the National Seminar and CME on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education”. International Day of Yoga celebrations. CYTER, MGMCRI, Puducherry. 19-21, June 2016. 14. Bhavanani AB. Understanding Yoga as a Therapy. Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy. 2016; 1 (1): 555551.
6. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M. Nasal cycle and its therapeutic applications: a yogic perspective. Proceedings of the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health. MGMCRI, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry. 18-19 March 2016. pp 26-28.
15. Sovik R, Bhavanani AB. History, Philosophy, and Practice of Yoga. In: Sat BirKhalsa, Lorenzo Cohen, Timothy McCall, and Shirley Telles editors. The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care. East Lothian, UK: HANDSPRING PUB LTD ; 2016. P 17-29.
7. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Adaptive resilience exercises as envisioned in yoga. Proceedings of National Conference on Chronobiology & Health. MGMCRI, SBV, Pondicherry. 18-19 March 2016. pp 37-38.
16. Bhavanani AB. Power of Pranayama. Abstracts of the International Conference on Yoga for Body and Beyond. Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. New Delhi. 22-23 June 2016. pg 20.
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17. Madanmohan T and Bhavanani AB. Physiological Benefits of Yogic Practices: A Brief Review. International Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine 2016; 1(1): 0031-0043. 18. “Yoga Practical Notes”- compiled and edited by Dayanidy G and Bhavanani AB. CYTER, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. 2 Nov 2016. 19. Bhavanani AB. Mental Health and Wellbeing through Yoga. Jacobs Journal of Yoga and Natural Medicine. 2016; 1 (1): 004. 20. Bhavanani AB. Mental Health and Wellbeing through Yoga. Book of abstracts. 6th InSPA International Conference & 3rd International Conference of the Department of Applied Psychology of Pondicherry University. 13-15 October 2016. 21. Bhavanani AB. Enhancing Management of Type 2 Diabetes through Yoga. Souvenir of CME on ‘Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus’, organized by Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 10 November 2016.
▶▶ OUTREACH PROGRAMMES AND EVENTS A very successful interactive workshop on Yoga therapy was conducted by the CYTER team at the 22nd International Yoga Festival organized by Govt of Pondicherry Department of Tourism from 4-7 January 2016. The team was led by Prof. Madanmohan Director CYTER with presentations by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, DD, CYTER and Dr.
stall during the event that was very well received by all Yoga enthusiasts and general public. Yoga training was given for 6 weeks for 100 BSc 2nd Year nursing students from KGNC. The training was given thrice weekly at CYTER in two batches between January and April 2016. Dr Ananda gave an invited talk on Yoga in Dravidian culture at the International Conference organized by International Movement for Tamil Culture at VST Mahal, Pondicherry on 17January. Dr Meena, Coordinator, CYTER was invited to give an interactive session on Yoga for Stress Management for CHWE (Continuous Heath Workers Education) to benefit Heath Workers of Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and Post Graduate Institute (IGGGH & PGI) Pondicherry on the 23 January. Demonstration was done by the staff and students of CYTER. Regular Yoga Therapy sessions have been given in Psychiatry ward of MGMCRI hospital since 25January. Patients admitted in the wards as well as their family members have been participating with enthusiasm and interested staff, nursing students/trainees have also benefited from these interactive hands-on sessions in the wards. Yoga therapy is provided on 4 days a week, twice in the male and female wards each. Dr Krzysztof Bierski, an anthropologist from Berlin participated in observational training at CYTER during January and February. He keenly participated in all of CYTER activities and interviewed the patients and their caregivers as well as students and staff for a pilot qualitative study on effects of Yoga therapy in a psychiatric ward setting. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING was signed between Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth & Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla, Maharashtra on 28 January 2016. Sri
Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator, CYTER with excellent and well appreciated participation by staff, alumni and PGDYT students of SBVU. Our current PGDYT students Dr Sanguida, Mrs MB Josephine, Mrs Priya Philip and Ms Vibha Shah gave excellent oral paper presentations along with Dr R Balaji who is an alumnus of CYTER. CYTER provided awareness to more than 1000 visitors at the CYTER
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Subodh Tiwari, CEO of Kaivalyadhama represented and signed the MoU on behalf of Kaivalyadhama while Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV signed on behalf of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean PG, Research and Allied Health Sciences Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Admin) Prof Ravishankar and Additional Director Prof S Ravichandran. Medical Education Unit was represented by Prof B Adkoli and Mrs S Rama while management was represented by Mrs Asha Sureshbabu. Deputy Registrar Mr. Joseph Naresh facilitated the ceremony. CYTER was represented by its Director, Prof Madanmohan, Deputy Director Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Coordinator-cum-Yoga therapist Dr. Meena Ramanathan. CYTER student community was represented by Vibha Shah, Prabhakaran along with the international observer Dr Krzysztof Bierski, an anthropologist from Germany. This MoU signals the beginning of extensive collaboration in a wide range of activities related to Yoga Therapy, Education and Research. This will include joint educational and research activities, exchange of academic materials and publications as well as the exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions. Sri Subodh Tiwari, CEO of Kaivalyadhama also gave a well appreciated invited talk highlighting the scientific research work done at Kaivalyadhama since 1924 for the Scientific Academic Forum of MGMC&RI on 28 January 2016. The talk was followed by an Interactive Stress Reduction Session by the CYTER Team consisting of Prof Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Dr. Meena Ramanathan.
discussing about the introduction of Choice Based Credit System for PGDYT and MPhil courses in Yoga Therapy. Dr. Ananda gave a lecture to the MBBS students on Therapeutic Potential of Yoga on 19th Feb 2016. The Academic council meet was held on the same day and Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were special invitees for the meet. Dr Meena was an invited guest at the Inauguration of “Yoga and Naturopathy Unit in Lifestyle Modification Health Centre”, Government of Puducherry; Directorate of Indian Systems of Medicine& Homeopathy (DISM&H), by Hon Chief Minister Thiru N.Rangasamy and Dr K.V.Raman, Director, DISM&H on 3 March 2016. Dr Ananda was resource person for the CME on “Memory: Mind to Molecules” held at the Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, Siruvachur, Perambalur on 5.3.2016. The work of CYTER in SBV was highlighted for staff and students as well as external participants in the CME. CYTER team of Dr Madanmohan, Dr Ananda, Dr Meena and Sri Dhanush were resource persons for the CME and workshop on “Introduction of Yoga in medical curriculum” organized by departments of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry at SSSMCRI on 9 March 2016.
Along with the regular therapy consultation & classes for staff and students of SBVU in mornings and evenings, regular classes for PGDYT students also went on. On 12 February 2016, Dr Krzysztof Bierski gave a talk on Anthropology for faculty, students and staff of Psychiatry. CYTER collaborated with Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI during their Surgery Meeting held from 11 to 13 February. Yoga sessions were given at CYTER for the participants of the meeting. Board of Studies meeting for Yoga programs of CYTER was conducted at MGMCRI city centre on 16th Feb. The board constituted of Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani Director ICYER, Dr. Rajalakshmi from AYUSH, Mr. Mohanakrishnan from JIPMER who were the external experts and Prof Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, and Dr Meena Ramanathan- the Director, Deputy Director and Coordinator of CYTER respectively were also there,
Dr Ananda was invited panelist for a panel discussion on ‘Men for Women – Understanding Gender, Equality’ organised by Indian Women Network, an initiative of Confederation of Indian Industry at Hotel Adhiti on the 12 March 2016. Dr Ananda was Chief Guest for ARENA 16, the Annual Sports Meet of IGIDS in SBVU on 14 March 2016.
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Dr Meena was invited as a Consultant to Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla to facilitate YOGA MELA, a program specifically designed for the differently abled children of Samvadshala School for Special Children in Lonavla who participated along with family and teachers. This was a collaborative activity between Kaivalyadhama, CYTER and Freie University of Berlin, Germany on the 14and 15March 2016. As part of the National Conference on “Chronobiology and Health” organized by Department of Physiology, MGMCRI a workshop on “Adaptive resilience exercises as envisioned in Yoga” was conducted by Dr Meena, Dr Ananda and CYTER team at CYTER Yoga hall on 19 March 2016. 65 delegates of the conference participated and thoroughly enjoyed the interactive sessions. CYTER participated actively in the National Conference on “Chronobiology and Health” organized by Department of Physiology, MGMCRI. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were invited resource persons for the conference that had 15 CME credit points. Dr Ananda presented an invited talk on “Nasal cycle and its therapeutic applications: A Yogic perspective” that was well appreciated by the august gathering on 18 March 2016. DrMeena was an invited speaker for the National Workshop on Yoga: “Be Healthy, Be Divine” conducted by Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University on 9 April 2016 at Chennai. The event was organized by Department of Yoga, TNPESU. She presented a lecture-demonstration on the topic “Therapeutic potentials of Yoga”. Poster release function for Yoga Fest and IDY 2016 was organized at University Conference Hall on 15 April
DrAnanda was invited to Canada and USA as consultant to conduct Yoga and Yoga therapy program at Montreal between 20-24 April and then at Kripalu in USA from 24 April to 1st May 2016. In Montreal he presented an invited talk for 110 students and faculty of the Vanier College on 22 April, and for 35 Yoga teachers and enthusiast at YOGNAT studio on 23rd. He led a Yoga education and experiential retreat with 25 participants at the ErmitageSte-Croix, on the Lake of Two Mountains, in Montreal. All the events were well received and the work of CYTER and SBV was highlighted. From 24th April to 1st May, DrAnanda was principal faculty for “Yoga Therapy in Medical Settings” module conducted by Integrative Yoga Therapy at Kripalu, one of the biggest Yoga and healing centres in the USA. Other eminent Yoga therapy leaders teaching in the program included Amrita Sandra McLanahan from Yogaville, Dr Sat BirKhalsa from Harvard, Susi Amendola of the Dean Ornish program, Karen Clarke with her program for multiple scleroses and the team of Allen Wilkens and Terry Roth Schaff with their work on neurological Yoga therapy. He also interacted with Dr Robert Saper of Boston University Centre for Integrative Medicine and Dr Baxter Bell who is a leading Yoga therapist and medical doctor dealing with geriatric issues. The IYT program is run by Joseph Le Page who is a pioneer in Yoga Therapy since the past 3 decades. CYTER is honored to be associated with their work and have their appreciation for our work in Pondicherry. DrAnanda conducted interactive workshop on “Empowering Women through Yoga” in the Seminar on Holistic Health organized by Indian Woman’s Network at Hotel Adithi on 17 June 2016. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena attended the BOS meeting at Kaivalyadhama. Dr Ananda also conducted the interview for yoga teachers while Dr Meena conducted lectures for students of GS College and a special workshop at the Samvad Special School. Discussions were held on future research projects by Kaivalyadhama and SBV on 1 & 2 July 2016.
2016. The event was graced by our Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean (Research and AHS) Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Registrar Prof AR Srinivasan along with DrManonmani Dep. Reg (Student affairs), Prof BV Adkoli, Smt Rama, and Sri SV Iyer president of Pondicherry Senior Citizen Welfare Association, coordinators of medical, dental and nursing colleges and CYTER team members. A detailed article appeared in The Hindu on 16 April.
Dr Meena participated in deliberations at SRD, Kaivalyadhama on future collaborative research projects to be initiated through MOU between SBVU and Kaivalyadhama on 16 March.
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Dr Ananda and Dr Meena attended Doctoral Committee meeting of PhD student Vasanthan S on 12 July 2016 & 2nd Doctoral Committee meeting of PhD student P Uthiravelu on 16 July 2016 Dr. Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda and Dr. Meena were nominated as members of the Board of Studies (External Experts) for incorporating Yoga in B. Sc(N) curriculum of KGNC. First BOS meeting was held on 20 July 2016. Dr Ananda was the invited speaker and gave an interactive talk on “ Bursting the managerial stress bubble: the yoga way” at Hotel Athithi for Madras Management Association, Pondy Chapter on 29 July 2016. More than 100 members of MMA Pondy Chapter attended the interactive session and were benefitted immensely. Dr Ananda was invited to give Yoga awareness session for the Alumni Meet of the Golden Jubilee Alumni Batch 1966 of JIPMER at Grand Serena Hotel on 6. 8. 16. Lions Club of Pondicherry excellence invited Dr. Ananda to be Guest of Honor for the 100th year Centennial Celebration and Installation function for the year 2016 - 2017 on 7th August 2016 at Hotel Annamalai International, Pondicherry. On 10th Aug 2016, Prof KR Sethuraman VC SBVU and Prof N Ananthakrishnan Dean AHS inaugurated 4th batch of PGDYT (11 students) & 1st batch of MPhil (Yoga therapy) (2 students) at CYTER in presence of Prof Madanmohan Director CYTER, faculty and students of CYTER. Dr. Ananda, as member of the Academic Council attended 21st Meeting of the Academic Council on 11 August 2016 in the Board room of SBV.
International Symposium on Yoga and Wellbeing Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER) organized an International Symposium on Yoga and Wellbeing at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry on the 12th August 2016. The first part of the event was conducted between 10 and 11 am at the SBV University Board Room starting with the ‘Welcome address’ by Prof Madanmohan, Director CYTER, followed by ‘Felicitation address’ by Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research & AHS, who also briefed the guests on ‘SBV’s innovations through the three eyes of AHS: Yoga therapy, Music therapy and Health Professionals Education’. The lead talk on ‘Yoga for holistic wellness and optimal healing’ was given by Prof KR Sethuraman, the inspiring Vice Chancellor of SBV. In his talk, he delineated the concept of salutogenesis and linked the vital concepts of coherence (comprehension, meaningfulness and manageability) with wellness. He further described how Yoga can be the missing link providing a practical and philosophical framework for these concepts to manifest through integration with mainstream medicine. The full presentation is available from http: //www. slideshare. net/anandabhavanani/yogafor-holistic-wellness-salutogenesis-by-prof-kr-sethuraman and the video of the presentation is available from https: //www. youtube. com/watch?v=r-p_7s54RIA Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV rendered a special song on the occasion highlighting the importance of Yoga for a sense of well-being and health. Prof VN Mahalakshmi, VP of MGMC&RI briefed participants about inclusion of Yoga in MBBS curriculum being done at MGMCRI during 10-day orientation program annually. The second half of the program was conducted from 11. 15am to 1. 15pm at CYTER Yoga Hall, I Block, MGMC & RI.
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Dr. Ananda, Dr Meena and Sri G Dayanidy participated and presented papers in the National Conference on Changing Trends in Health Professions Education (NC-CTHPE 2016) at SBV, 18-20 Aug 2016. Dr. Ananda and Dr Meena were invited to give guest lecture from university teaching faculty at the UGC HRDC Pondicherry University on 26. 8. 2016. Yoga training (45 hours) as part of BSc Nursing Curriculum started for 100 nursing students of 1st year BSC (N) from KGNC on 29. 8. 2016. Introductory session given at KGNC and then training is given thrice weekly at CYTER. The hands on training sessions for 2nd year BSc nursing students of KGNC was started at CYTER on a regular basis with 5 students attending CYTER per week on rotational basis from 6. 9. 16. The students will be receiving 30 hours of such experience in Yoga therapy as part of their curricular activities.
Dr. Ananda was invited Guest Speaker and Co-chairperson for Keynote session of the National Seminar on Emerging Trends of Research in Yoga and Naturopathy organized by CCRYN, Ministry of AYUSH, GOI at Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra, New Delhi from 16-18 September 2016. He presented a talk on “Yoking yoga research, yoga education and therapy” that was well appreciated by the erudite audience from all over the country. Dr. Ananda was invited to be part of an inter-religious panel discussion on “Dignity and Sanctity of Human Life” during inauguration of IDCR-Pondy at St Joseph of Cluny Hospital on 18 September 2016. Dr Meena and Dayanidy attended the orientation program for selection of QCI Examiners for Indian Yoga Association (IYA) at Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla, Pune on 19. 9. 2016. They both participated in the workshop organized by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India, under the scheme for Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals at two levels, managed by Quality Council of India, IYA. CYTER Team participated in the orientation program conducted for the first year MBBS students of MGMCRI and conducted interactive Yoga sessions for a week from 21. 9. 2016 to 28. 9. 2016. Dr Ananda gave a lecture on “Wellbeing & Healthy Living through Yoga” followed by the practice session. Dr Meena presented on “Yoga - A Way of Life” followed by the practice session. Dr Ananda presented a well appreciated 2-day invited workshop on anatomy, physiology, pathology and Yoga therapy with reference to cardio-respiratory systems at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla on 23-24 September 2016. The two day program with more than 9 hours of teaching was well received by more than a hundred students of various diploma and degree courses as well as faculty members and invited visitors. The workshop was organised by Dr BR Sharmaji, the Principal of the GS College. It is to be noted that Dr Ananda is an Adjunct Professor of Kaivalyadhama‘s GS College and is Chairman of Board of Studies in Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga practices.
Dr. Meena led CYTER Team along with the PGCFY and PGDYT students for the interactive awareness program on “Yoga for the health and wellness of senior citizens” at the Serene Pelican, the community for the retired citizens on 10. 9. 2016. More than 50 seniors participated very enthusiastically and got benefitted.
Highlights of the symposium were the hands-on sessions given by Yoga teachers from the UK led by Yogacharini Kalavathi Devi as well as the CYTER Team. Topics included “Living Yoga in daily life”, “Yoga for moms & babies”, “Yoga for special children”, “ Yoga and mental health” and “Yoga’s role in de-addiction”. Presenters included Neeraj Churi (England/ India), Fabrice Ledentu (France), Heather Casey (Ireland) as well as Tony O’dea, Gemma Rowe, Lorraine Ledentu, Samantha Davies, Catherine Morgan, Melanie Beer and Seren Grime from Wales, UK. The program concluded with the summing-up of the day’s events by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and a vote of thanks by Dr Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator of CYTER. Dr Meena & Dayanidy G were resource persons for the intensive program for a group of students from the UK held at ICYER, Ananda Ashram. They conducted practice sessions for the group led by Yogacharini Kalavathi on 15 & 16 august between 6 - 8 AM
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Dr Ananda was invited Guest Speaker for “Mental health Day” celebrations of Dept of Applied Psychology, Pondicherry University on 11 Oct 2016.
AR Srinivasan, Yogacharini Vijaya from Gitananda Yoga Society of Berlin, Germany and Prof VN Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal MGMC&RI offered felicitations.
CYTER conducted Three days interactive Yoga sessions as Orientation program for the first year BDS students of IGIDS starts on 19.10.2016
CYTER’s Director Prof Madanmohan welcomed the guests for the celebrations that were coordinated by Dr.Meena Ramanathan and the CYTER Team led by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani who proposed the vote of thanks. Staff and students of KGNC and CYTER gave a special performance that included poetry, singing, dancing and demonstrations of advanced Yogasana to mark the occasion.
Dr.Meena gave a presentation on “Mental Health and Wellbeing in Silver Citizens through Yoga” during 6thInSPA International Conference and 3rd International Conference of the Department of Applied Psychology of Pondicherry University at HRDC of the Academic Staff College at Pondicherry University on 14th Oct 2016. CYTER team of DrAnanda, DrMeena and Sri Dayanidy G were invited to present the Orientation Program for the first year MBBS Students of SSSMCRI, SBV on 18th October 2016.
A book on «Yoga Practical Notes” compiled and edited by Sri G Dayanidy, Lecturer at CYTER was released on the occasion that was graced by attendees from MGMC&RI, KGNC, CMTER, ICYER at Ananda Ashram, Yoganjali Natyalayam and Pondicherry Yogasana
Dr.Ananda gave a presentation on “Mental Health and Wellbeing through Yoga” during 6th InSPA International Conference and 3rd International Conference of the Department of Applied Psychology of Pondicherry University as part of the plenary session at Convention Centre of the Pondicherry University on 15th Oct 2016. The 6th Foundation Day of CYTER, the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education & Research in Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry was celebrated at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute on Tuesday, 2nd November 2016. The theme of this year’s celebration was “Introducing Yoga in Nursing Education” and was presided over by the Vice Chancellor of SBV, Prof KR Sethuraman in the presence of Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean Allied Health Sciences and Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV. Dr K Renuka, Dean Nursing Faculty and Principal Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College gave the thematic address highlighting innovations in nursing curriculum at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth that for the first time anywhere have included Yoga Therapy in the BSc Nursing curriculum with students receiving 90 hours of Yoga Therapy training through CYTER during their 3 year course. Prof KR Sethuraman reminded nursing students of their vital role in healthcare as the primary caregivers for patients and stressed the importance of Yoga in their personal and professional life. Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Prof
Dr.Ananda was an invited expert for consultative meeting chaired by Secretary AYUSH at the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India on 18.11.2016 to firm the views for articulating during the Inter-Governmental Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage (IGC-ICH) held 28 November to 2 December 2016 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to defend India’s interest for inscription of “Yoga” in Representative List of the UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage. On 1 December 2016, Yoga was inscribed in the UNESCO’s list of ICH. Dr Ananda was an invited Resource Person for Capacity Building Workshop at WHO Collaborating Centre for Traditional Medicine (Yoga), MDNIY, Delhi from 28th - 30th November, 2016. His presentations on “Role of Yoga in Chronic Lung Disorders” were well appreciated by professionals who participated from all over India. He also attended EC meeting of Indian Yoga Association on 27.12.2016 at MDNIY. Dr.Ananda was a resource person for the CME on “Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes
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CYTER faculty and students participated actively in the Yoga Sports Championship 2016 organised by Pondicherry Yogasana Association on 12 & 13 November 2016 at SubalakshmiMahal. Dr.Meena was invited to conduct a workshop on “Yoga Awareness & Yoga Therapy” to the Deaf & Dumb Students a special School for the CWSN Students under the Control of the Social Welfare Department, Karaikal, Government of Puducherry organized by Pearl- Academy of Yoga and Cultural Arts on 24th November 2016. 25 students with Visual and Hearing impairment participated and enjoyed doing the practices thoroughly, which was well taken and appreciated by all present.
RECOGNITIONS: yy DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER was inducted as Member of the Editorial Board of Jacobs Journal of Yoga, Austin, Texas, USA in April 2016. yy DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER was inducted as Member Editorial Board of the Annals of Yoga & Physical Therapy, New Jersey, USA, in May 2016. yy Dr Meena Ramanathan was recognized as PhD Guide (Yoga Therapy & Inter Disciplinary Research) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry in July 2016 yy Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani was invited to be an examiner for Ph. D thesis by the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, Australia in July 2016. He was also invited to be on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Yoga & Physiotherapy, California, USA in July 2016 and included in Famous India: Nation’s Who’s Who published by Reguerdon Inc, New Delhi in August 2016. He was recognized as PhD Guide (Yoga Therapy & Inter Disciplinary Research) of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry in August 2016. It was a special moment when he received the gracious felicitations from our respected VC, Dean (AHS) and Registrar upon being awarded the prestigious C-IAYT recognition (IAYT Certified Yoga Therapist) by the International Association of Yoga Therapists, USA in September 2016. It is notable that he is the first Indian to receive this honor.
SBV YOGA FEST 2016 As per guidelines issued by UGC and Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India the International Day of Yoga 2016
The Common Yoga Protocol booklet prepared by Ministry of AYUSH was officially handed over by the Vice Chancellor to Prof AR Srinivasan (Registrar of SBV), Prof Ravishankar (Dean, MGMC&RI), Prof CarounanidyUsha (Dean, IGIDS) and Prof K Renuka (Principal, KGNC). In his Yoga Fest oration, Prof KR Sethuraman expressed the need for health professionals to look towards salutogenesis, an understanding of the internal and external factors that induce health rather than merely mechanically focusing on pathogenesis of disease. “Human beings are flawed as they are always susceptible to disease. Yet, some stay healthy even in the worst of conditions. This is because they have a sense of coherence within themselves, find meaning in their lives and hence are more at ease with their lives” said he. Yoga is an ancient system that enables us to create positive environments both within ourselves as well as in the surrounding environment. This harmonious and dynamic balance between the internal and external worlds produces health and wellbeing and healing starts to occur rather than merely managing with symptomatic cures routinely given out by health professionals. In his felicitation address, Prof N Ananthakrishnan, the Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences in Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth elucidated the steps being taken by Ministry of AYUSH and UGC to facilitate the integration of Yoga and traditional systems of healing in modern medical and paramedical education. Yoga should be part of all courses as it is our gift to the world and has the potential to be an integrative modality of healing working in tandem with modern medicine. SBV has been a forerunner in this integration of the old and the new as for the past six years Yoga therapy and
was celebrated at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth in a grand manner from 19-21 June 2016. As a prelude to this event, SBV YOGA FEST was celebrated on 25-26 May 2016 to create awareness of Yoga amongst the university student community. SBV Yoga Fest 2016 got off to a colourful start at MGMC&RI on 25 May 2016 with its inauguration by the respected Vice Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth Prof KR Sethuraman in the presence of the Dean (Research and AHS) Prof N Ananthakrishnan and Deans of the medical, dental and nursing faculties of the deemed university. More than 250 medical, dental and nursing students as well as faculty members and invited guests are participating in the two day event that has been organized on 25 and 26 May 2016 as a prelude to the International Day of Yoga to be celebrated worldwide on 21 June 2016.
Mellitus”, organized by Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI on 10th Nov 2016. He was also an invited panelist for the panel discussion held in the afternoon session of the CME.
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music therapy have been brought into the hospital services for benefits of the patients and post graduate programs are running successfully. He announced that SBV will soon also have doctoral programs in these fields as the Government of India is willing to administratively and financially support international students who wish to do such programs in Indian universities. Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV sang a beautiful poetic benediction on the occasion praying for success of the International Day of Yoga worldwide. His heartfelt rendition in the Raga Desh touched everyone and created a sense of deep calm and peace from within. “Yoga is one of the best lifestyles that enables us to live a happy and healthy life” said Prod Madanmohan, Director CYTER and Head Department of Physiology in his talk. He explained the traditional and modern aspects of lifestyle and expressed the need for individuals to take up responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Smt Rama, Senior Student Welfare Officer in the university explained the mind and body connections strengthened by Yoga. She gave an overview of the energy matrix of seven Chakras that power the human being from the bottom of the spine to the top of the head and introduced five important Yoga practices for health and wellbeing. Dr. Madhavan, Director, Vivekananda Institute of Yoga Therapy and his team of five young students from Karur gave a spellbinding presentation of advanced Asanas (Yuva yoga). The entire audience was awe struck by the astonishing display of skill by the young demonstrators who bent, turned and twisted their bodies into all sorts of impossible positions by virtue of great practice and agility. Each and every one of the students performed the different postures to near perfection and this enthused the audience who gave them a long ovation at the end of the session. Earlier the CYTER team gave a detailed presentation of the Common Yoga Protocol being practiced daily at CYTER for mass demonstration on 21 June 2016 at the Pondicherry Beach
front. Yogachemmal G Dayanidy, Lecturer CYTER explained the CYP practices while the Yoga instructors SmtSarulatha and Sri Dhanushapnadeesh gave an excellent demonstration of all the techniques. The final session of the day was on the “Power of Pranayama” by DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER. This interactive session saw involvement form the entire audience who were led through different Pranayama techniques including Sukha, Chandra Nadi, Surya Nadi and Pranava Pranayama. Everyone enjoyed the releasing technique of “shake and throw” with the NasargaMukhaBhastrika thus letting go of all their tensions and stresses in a conscious manner. “Pranayama as a therapy is relatively safe, cost effective and only needs you and your positive self effort to strive for wellness”, said he. In the afternoon an essay competition was held on “Yoga and salutogenesis” as well as the preliminary round of the Yoga quiz to select finalists for the event on 26 May. Events on Day-2 of the SBV Yoga fest included Yoga poster competition at 9am, Yoga Quiz at 10am and Yoga cultural from 11.30am at CYTER Yoga hall. The second day of SBV Yoga fest started with a poster competition where the students presented their colourful and meaningful posters depicting concepts of Yoga and wellness, lifestyle, power of Pranayama and Yoga and salutogenesis. The jury members were Prof Madanmohan, Dr M Madhavan of Karur and YogachariniDevasenaBhavanani of ICYER and YoganjaliNatyalayam. In a tough fight featuring 17 competitors P Gowtham of KGNC bagged first prize followed by J John Shibin of IGIDs and A Kamalraj of KGNC in second and third places. In the Yoga essay competition, the judges DrVanajaVaithiyanathan of Jothi Eye Care and DrNaliniSrinivasan of YoganjaliNatyalayam had a tough time deciding the winner out of 41 entries as all submissions were
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all of an excellent standard. DrArvina R of IGIDS bagged the first prize for her excellent essay on Yoga and salutogenesis while Joanofarc I of KGNC and Anupriya B of IGIDS bagged second and third prizes respectively. The Yoga Quiz had 11 teams with three members each entering the event and after two rounds of elimination through MCQ method the top six teams were selected to participate in the final round conducted by Yogachemmal G Dayanidy of CYTER. It was an amazing time as all teams vied for top honours with rapid answers flying fast and clear through the many rounds of questions. The team of V Bharanippriyaa, T Khadija Tamim and NiloferKan of IGIDS won the Yoga Quiz beating out all the other five teams by a huge margin. The team from KGNC consisting of M Ari Priya, I Joanofarc and P Rajam came a credible second. The final event of the day was the Yoga Cultural event and the KGNC team of M Arun Raj, P Barathy and A Malathi won over not only their fellow competitors but also the hearts of the judges and audience with their spectacular performance. Their depiction of the Shiva Tandava with Yogasanas and the subsequent calming down of the strident energies into peaceful co-existence was depicted with grace and artistry. Judges for this event were Yogacharya O Gangadharan of Pondicherry Yogasana Association and YogachariniDevasena of YoganjaliNatyalayam. The valedictory function and prize distribution was held from 3pm and Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was chief guest. Other dignitaries present on the occasion included DrManonmaniRavichandran, Deputy Registrar (Students) of SBV, YogachariniDevasenaBhavanani, DrNaliniSrinivasan and DrVanajaVaithiyanathan. Prof AR Srinivasan expressed his happiness at the wonderful participation from all the students and suggested they develop their Yogic talents further through the multifaceted activities of CYTER including PG courses. DrVanajaVaithiyanathan narrated the benefits she has felt through the practice of Yoga and expressed her desire that all medical and paramedical students undergo Yoga training to make them better human beings and greater healers. DrMadanmohan, Director of CYTER summed up the multiple events conducted during the SBV Yoga Fest and motivated the students to continue their practice of Yoga and develop a greater understanding of this great art and science of humanity.
SBV 2nd International Day of Yoga 2016 Report on the IDY 2016 celebrations organized from 19 to 21 June 2016 by the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER), Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute under auspices of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry. It is a great pride for every Indian that efforts of our honorable Prime Minster ShriNarendraModiji bore fruit and the United Nations declared June 21 as International Day of Yoga. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University celebrated the event last year with multifaceted activities from 21 to 26 June 2015. This year too it celebrated the 2nd International Day of Yoga with numerous events from 19 - 21 June 2016. As per guidelines issued by UGC and Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, the International Day of Yoga 2016 was celebrated from 19-21 June 2016 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University accredited with “A” grade by NAAC), Pondicherry in a grand manner. As a prelude, CYTER had also organized the SBV YOGA FEST, a two day Yoga and cultural event for medical, dental and nursing students of SBV on 25 & 26 May 2016 to create awareness about Yoga. Multifaceted activities organized by CYTER from 19-21 June included a workshop on “Silver Yoga” for senior citizens, mass performance of the Common Yoga Protocol, Yogasana competitions and demonstrations and a National Seminar and CME on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education”. A public awareness programme and Workshop on “Silver Yoga” was conducted from 9 am to 12 noon on 19 June at St Patricks’ HS School in association with HelpAge India and Pondicherry Senior Citizen’s Association. More than 100 senior citizens and members of the general public participated enthusiastically in the workshop conducted by the CYTER team led by YogachemmalDrMeenaRamanathan. Dr V Muthu, President of Puduvai Tamil Sangam was the Chief Guest. Various Yoga practices for health and wellbeing were delineated and demonstrated for the benefit of elders in our local community.
The excellent work done by the IDY coordinators of IGIDS and KGNC DrKarthikeyan and MsSangeeta was highly commended by DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani who then proposed a vote of thanks and the two day festival concluded with the Shanti Mantra for world peace.
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A special interactive programme was also conducted in the afternoon for elderly inmates of the Hospice of St Cluny, Pondicherry. All inmates and caring sisters enjoyed the fun filled session and expressed their feelings of happiness and wellbeing after the session. On June 20, Yogasana competitions were conducted at MGMCRI for students of all constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. More than 50 students participated and demonstrated their skills in five different Yogasanas of which three were compulsory and two were of their own choice. The nursing students were especially enthusiastic and showcased great skill as they have been receiving regular training at CYTER, thanks to the efforts of the Principal and administration of the Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College. Faculty and staff members from the medical, nursing and dental fraternity skillfully participated in a demonstration event. Top ten participants received “Best Demonstrator” awards. The daylong event was conducted with the support of Pondicherry Yogasana Association and esteemed members of the jury included Yogachemmal C Shanmugam, YogachemmalSmtLalithaShanmugam, Yogachemmal E Gajendiran, YogachemmalSenthilkumar, Yogachemmal S Govindarajan and SmtLatha.
On June 21, from 6 to 8 am CYTER team as well as staff and students from SBV participated in the Mass Performance of the AYUSH Common Yoga Protocol at the Pondicherry Beach Promenade. The event was widely covered by me dia and was a grand success. DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani coordinated the event with the Department of Tourism, Govt of Pondicherry. From 9 am to 5.30 pm a National Seminar and CME was held at MGMCRI on “Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education”. This event was organized by CYTER in collaboration with Department of Physiology, MGMCRI
and Department of Tourism, Govt of Puducherry. It featured invited talks, lecture demonstrations by eminent experts as well as an evocative panel discussion on “Strategies for Introducing Yoga in Health Professions Education”. This seminar is of great importance as it is imperative that medical, dental and paramedical students receive a positive introduction to Yoga and its therapeutic potential during their formative years. Latest guidelines of UGC, MCI and other councils recommend introduction of Yoga for students. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth is one of the first to comply with these guidelines and through CYTER provides regular yoga training to medical, dental and nursing students of its constituent colleges. The world renowned AmmajiYogachariniMeenakshi Devi Bhavanani of ICYER - Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry and eminent physiologist-yogi Prof RL Bijlani of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi sanctified the daylong event. The program began with a thought provoking talk on “Integrating Yoga & Ayurveda in clinical practice: an experiential perspective” by Dr. Madhavan, Director of the Vivekananda Institute of Yoga Therapy, Karur, Tamil Nadu with an excellent demonstration of advanced asanas by his student Miss Mariyayi, an International Yoga Sport Champion. The CME was inaugurated by Ammaji in presence of Prof RL Bijlani and Mr. Mounissamy, Director of Tourism, Govt. of Puducherry. The function was presided over by Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences of SBV and felicitated by Prof Ravishankar, Dean of MGMCRI and Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV. Prof Madanmohan, the organizing chairman welcomed everyone and honored the guests while organizing secretary DrAnandaBalayogiBhavanani proposed vote of thanks. Prof Jaiganesh and Prof Henri Balraj of Physiology Department were in charge of scientific programme and coordination with other health professional colleges. YogachemmalDrMeenaRamanathan was mistress of ceremonies while Yogachemmal G Dayanidy coordinated the core team from CYTER and Department of Physiology. In her keynote address AmmajiYogachariniMeenakshi Devi Bhavanani, Director of ICYER at Ananda Ashram, Pondicherry exhorted all health professionals to first practice what they preach.”Can someone who is sick, cure the illness of another? Can someone who is miserable make others happy? Can someone who is tense teach others how to relax?” she asked. “Doctors and other health professions need to adopt a healthy way of life and the time has come” she said to add
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Prof RL Bijlani, Former Head of the department of Physiology, AIIMS, New Delhi and presently with Aurobindo Ashram, New Delhi gave an inspiring presentation on “Spirituality and modern medicine: have the twain met?” that detailed the way science and spirituality are ultimately all one and the same. He detailed the work done by pioneers in the use of the mind-body approach including Dean Ornish, Bernie Siegel and Deepak Chopra who all have deep and intimate contact with the spiritual basis of yoga. He said that this had enabled them to interpret psycho-neuro-immunology and the mind-body relationship in a wider context. A practical oriented session featuring simplified Yoga practices for health professionals was led by Yogacharya Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani who suggested that the health professionals could bring such simple Yoga techniques into their daily life and even do them in their offices while working for the welfare of humanity in the hospitals. In the post lunch session, Mrs. FharzanaSiraj of Orange Ray Studio, Chennai gave an educative presentation on how yoga is modified to suit each individual in the process of Yoga therapy. She illustrated the teachings of her Guru Padmavibhushan BKS Iyengar in helping so many people benefit from Yoga in his illustrious life. A highly charged panel discussion was led by moderator Prof BV Adkoli, professor of Health Professions Education, SBV. The panel discussed the strategies and modalities of integrating Yoga in health professions education. Members of the panel included Prof Ravishankar (Dean of Medicine), Prof CarounanidyUsha (Dean of Dental Sciences), Prof K Renuka (Dean of Nursing Sciences), Prof Madanmohan (Director CYTER & HOD, Physiology) and J Mohanakrishnan (Physiotherapist from JIPMER). Many pertinent questions were debated by the panelists regarding difficulties in this process of integration and also success stories from each faculty were illustrated in this session that had the audience totally engaged throughout the session. The seminar ended with the valedictory function in which members of the core team were felicitated and prizes given to winners in Yogasana, poster and online essay competition categories.
International Day of Yoga Competition Results 2016: In the Yogasana Competitions held for IDY 2016, Rajeswari V, Nandacumar V C, Harsha P, and Kumaresan M, all from KGNC bagged 1st prizes in the U20 and 20-25 yr female and male categories. Priya Philip and Prabakaran A of CYTER bagged 1st prizes for the above 25 female and male categories. In the Poster Presentation event DrGayathriKamalasanam of IGIDS bagged 1st prize with Gowdham P of KGNC coming 2nd and Sanguida A and Narmatha M of IGIDS bagging 3rd place. In the Essay Competition Josephine MB of CYTER bagged 1st prize with Arun Varghese VT of IGIDS coming 2nd. Priya Felix Philip of CYTER and Geena Mary of IGID received 3rd prize. Best Demonstration Prizes were bagged by B Anitha, DrKusha Nag, Lavanya S, Dr Narayan K A , DrPriyadharshini V, Pushpa Narayan, Rajeswari S, RupamJha, Sangeetha M A, DrSantha Devi A, Shyamala B Adkoli, DrSobana R, Sudha K S, DrSunayanaChoudhury and DrVaishaliKotasthane
AYUSH MINISTRY’S INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “YOGA FOR THE BODY AND BEYOND” DrAnanda was an invited resource person for International Conference on “Yoga for the Body and Beyond” organized at VigyanBhawan, New Delhi from 22-23 June 2016 by the Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India. The grand event was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri M Hamid Ansari and saw participation from more than 34 countries as well as all states of India. DrAnanda presented an invited talk in the first technical session on “Power of Pranayama” and participated in the concluding Panel Discussion that fielded pertinent questions from the enthusiastic global audience. He also participated in the executive committee meetings of the Indian Yoga Association of which he is Director of Publications. DrAnanda and DrMeena participated in the International Yoga Day celebrations at Integra Software, Pondicherry and conducted an interactive workshop on “Yoga for Health and Wellbeing” on 29th June, 2016 for all the faculty, staff members and employees of Integra attended enthusiastically and enjoyed doing the practices.
DrMeena and Sri G Dayanidy, represented CYTER and conducted a panel discussion on Importance of Yoga in Daily Life at the IDY 2016 celebrations organized by Department of Tourism and Nehru Yuva Kendra in same evening at Gandhi Tidal with many hundreds of people participating in the event.
a new dimension to health professions by introducing Yoga in health professional education.
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Dr.Meena was part of the program recorded by the DoordarshanPuducherry crew to celebrate “International Day of Persons with Disabilities” to create awareness amongst the common people. DrMeena explained the causes, early assessment, treatment and prevention of birth of children with disabilities. She also spoke about the benefits of yoga for such children. This special program was telecast highlighting this event in Doordarshan Pondicherry, DD PondyandPothigai TV at 6 pm on the same day. The filming was done at SADAY School, the school for children with disabilities. Teachers, staff members and all the students of the school participated in this program and gave a Yoga demonstration.
▶▶ AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Dr. Ananda was Chief Guest for the program on “Spiritual Parenting” organized by Acharya Group of Institutions at KambanKalaiArangam on 11 December 2016. Dr.Ananda was invited to be Chief Guest and present a talk on “Yoga for Health Professionals: Concepts and practices” during the Annual Scientific Society Meet of Sri ManakulaVinayagar Medical College and Hospital Kalitheerthalkuppam, Madagadipet on 16 December 2016. Dr.MeenaRamanathan and Sri G Dayanidy were appointed by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting QCI exam (Approved by Ministry of AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru in October & November 2016. IYA
which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India and managed by the QCI. Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani was awarded as InSPA PK Subbaraja Trust Best Performance Award by Indian School Psychology Association during the International Conference organized by InSPA and Dept. of Applied Psychology of Pondicherry University on 13 Oct 2016. He received the award from Chief Minister of Puducherry Sri V Narayanasamy in the presence of VC of Pondicherry University and other dignitaries.
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▶▶ CENTRE FOR MUSIC THERAPY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (CMTER) 5th Anniversary Celebrations of CMTER during Jan. 2016 CMTER friends, faculty and the students joined together celebrated exciting 5th anniversary celebrations of the first five years of the Department of Music Therapy during 21-24 Jan 2016 with the theme, “Celebrating and Striving for Excellence in Music Therapy”. The week long campaign commenced
with the grand inauguration at the CMTER premises on 21st Jan. Hon Vice Chancellor Prof. KR Sethuraman was the Chief Guest who inaugurated the diverse events planned during the said week. Prof. N Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences delivered the felicitation address. The dhyana slokas of the Sapta Swaras were visually represented by colourful paintings and were invoked musically in different ragas by Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director along with all the faculty of CMTER. There was a patient awareness campaign organized in the MRD area of the hospital about the clinical benefits of music therapy on 23 01 2016. CMTER team visited each speciality department and distributed music therapy awareness documents for departmental use by clinicians on 22.01.16. The celebrations also focused on rural outreach. Another highlight of the week was that there was a community mass singing event with a rural flash mob with the farmers of Karikalambakkam village in the paddy fields bythe faculty of CMTER Bhuvaneswari Ramesh and Kala Varadan on 24.01.16.
Drumming and rhythmic improvisation and children with special needs on 15.02.2016 at CMTER Premises, I block I floor. All the faculty, students and internship trainees attended the workshop.
International Conference/CME Program The Third International Conference on Music Therapy themed “Best Practiced Models and Research in Music Therapy: Global Perspectives” was conducted on 16.02.2016 at the ground floor lecture hall of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Dr. Vellore A R Srinivasan, the Registrar welcomed the gathering and Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director, Center for Music Therapy Education and Research delivered the welcome address and vote of thanks respectively. The Conference was inaugurated by Prof. Suzanne Hanser, Chair, Berklee College of Music, Massachusetts, Boston, USA online and her inaugural address focused on opportunities offered through this conference to the participants to understand how western science and eastern traditions, ragas and mantras can come together to provide more effective music therapy services and that even modern medicine in the West is waking up to what we, in India have since Vedic Traditions and integrate ancient wisdom, contemplative traditions and spirituality into medical services and healthcare. The Conference Proceedings was released by the Vice Chancellor Prof. KR Sethuraman and the official bulletin “The Harmony” for the first quarter of the year 2016 was released by the Dean, Research and PG Studies and Allied Health Sciences, Prof. N Ananthakrishnan, Prof. KR Sethuraman, Prof. N Ananthakrishnan and Prof. M Ravishankar, Dean of Faculty of Medicine delivered their felicitations. Dr. Jorg Fachner, Professor, Music, Health and the Brain, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Prof. Prof. Gene Ann Behrens, Director of Music Therapy Program, Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania, US, Dr. Anna Bokowska, University of Physical Sciences, Krakow, Poland, Dr. Tsivia Horesh
Workshops and Seminars
1. On 15.02.2016, CMTER in collaboration with the Department of Physiology and Scientific Academic Forum organized a special lecture by Prof. Jorg Fachner, Department of Music, Brain and Health, Anglia Ruskin University who delivered a talk on “Music, Addiction and Reward Processing in the Brain” 2. Professor Gene Ann Behrens, Professor, Elizabeth Town College, Pennsylvania presented a workshop on
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age, how to cope with the stressors, detailed on the music therapy services offered as a complementary therapy from the hospital. Prof. Krishnan, Head of Dermatology, Prof. B Amirtha Ganesh, Head of Cardiology and Prof. Easwaran S, Head of Psychiatry and Kala Varadan, Tutor, CMTER spoke on how the clinicians adopt a holistic approach in providing the patient care services including music therapy.
from Israel, were the other overseas speakers apart from Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director who also spoke on behalf of SBV on the current research activities on music therapy from SBV. Dr. Jorg Fachner, in his key note address on Music Therapy and Biomarkers on Depression treatment talked about how can we document change as a function of doing music in a therapeutic setting and how it works. He elaborated on how biomarkers representing the effectiveness and those representing the music therapy process are related to an accumulation of and a focus on important moments in therapy time. That, analyzing resting state EEG may inform about group effects, while moments of interest in the improvisational process may reveal synchronization of brain processes. The promises of biomarkers and neurometrics for music therapy were discussed to understand where and why change in therapy occurs. The delegates learnt the promises of biomarkers and neurometrics for music therapy drawn from the results of depression research, on recent work with wireless EEGs and improvisation, music performance, neuro-feedback and game applications in psychiatric and neuro-rehabilitation.
International Happiness Day Celebrations on 21.03.2016 CMTER celebrated the UN declared International Day of Happiness today on 21.03.2016 in the MRD lobby of the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute attached hospital. Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director, CMTER welcomed the gathering and explained the history and purpose of celebrating the International happiness day in the hospital to the patients and the faculty who have gathered for the event. She spoke about happiness being the fundamental birth right of all individuals and the need to take care of health which is the complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. Additional Director, Prof. S. Ravichandran inaugurated the Tree of Happiness and the Line of hope created by the faculty and the students of CMTER. He detailed about the stressful lives of modern
All the patients were feeling cheerful and hopeful in spite of their health issues after the program. Many patients thanked the hospital authorities for the clinical services rendered at a low cost. The patients requested to continue providing the best services to save the lives of the people. All the patients wrote their wishes, hopes, desires and dreams in the Tree of happiness and the line of hope. Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Tutor delivered the vote of thanks.
“The Harmony� Quarterly Bulletin from CMTER The March 2016 issue featured an original article on the beneficial effects of group singing as a music therapy technique, when adopted with geriatric individuals living in an old age home. The study results indicated how singing in a group with themes of de-stressing and energizing, self-expression, managing emotions and sharing and bonding can reduce symptoms of loneliness and symptoms of depression. There were also photo stories, International conference news and Media coverage on CMTER’s activities.
Music Therapy Clinical Services CMTER provides clinical music therapy services from Monday through Friday from 9 pm to 4 pm in the OPD areas of departments of OBGYN, Surgery, Radiology, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Nephrology, Dermatology and Neuro-Surgery to all the patients who need psychological support during diagnostic and interventional procedures like endoscopy, MRI scan, Angioplasty, dermato-surgical procedures, hemodialysisand so on. The faculty of CMTER work in labour room during latent and active stages of labour and in antenatal wards to reduce their perception of pain and anxiety and improve depressed moods. Faculty also provide music therapy as a complementary therapy in pre and post operative pain management and help in modulating attention, behaviour, emotions, cognition and communication in specialized areas like neurological rehabilitation, community health, children with special needs and pediatric applications.
New Training Programs in Music Therapy Apart from the already existing one year program of Post Graduate Diploma in Music Therapy, CMTER launches
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the first Master’s degree program in Medical Music” in the country from the academic year starting July 2016. The program also is unique across the globe as it is the first of its kind emanating from a health sciences university and being a hospital based training program The major highlight of the program is adoption of choice based credit system (CBCS) with 72 credits recommended by NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for the new program.
CMTER celebrated World Autism Awareness day. Autism is a life-long disabling condition often manifested by communication deficits, language and speech impairments, reduced social interaction with stereo typed patterns of behaviours. These clinical manifestations/symptoms produce either hypofunctional or hyperfunctional conditions due to the genetic, environmental and developmental factors influencing this condition. World Autism Awareness Day declared by
skills. Musical experiences are ways to explore the children’s world of emotions and feelings. Music Therapy interventions make use of the natural pre-disposition to music of people with ASD. On 4th of April, the faculty and the students of Center for Music Therapy Education and Research and the Department of Psychiatry conducted an autism awareness campaign in Rathna Special School. The parents of all the children with special needs were invited. Mrs.Sudha, Principal, Rathna Special School welcomed the gathering. The faculty and the students of CMTER demonstrated to the parents how the children responded positively to music in the areas of attention, social interactions, making purposeful movements and verbal and non-verbal communication. Dr.Rajkumar, clinical psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI presented on the symptoms which the parents have to notice in their children to go for medical and psychological screening and seek psychological/music therapy services. All the parents actively involved in interactions with the psychiatric and the CMTER team and clarified their doubts and learnt to seek help through psychological and music therapy services. In summary, the awareness program focused on how music could be useful to help children in the autistic spectrum. The integration of innovative music therapy services by CMTER, a unit of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth in extending their professional services to this community through Life Help Center and Rathna Special School was very well appreciated. Mr.Jayaraman, special educator proposed the vote of thanks.
CMTER celebrated Pediatric Wellness Week from 26.04.16 to 28.04.16 CMTER faculty and students in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics celebratedPediatric Wellness Week from 26 04 2016 to 28 04 2016 with the theme “Music for Pediatric Wellness” at MGMCRI to show that smiles are also important in addition to drugs, injections and surgeries and the children coming to hospital can also be in cheerful mood and forget that they are in a hospital environment. CMTER started hosting a number of music programs for both the parents and children by way of musical story telling, musical drama, singing and other creative art activities in the pediatric inpatient wards and OPD since 26 04 2016. Children visiting the OPD were cheerfully watching music videos, singing and playing musical instruments and music therapists were also singing with the children. Dr.SumathySundar, Director, CMTER and Professor Soundararajan, Department of Pediatrics inaugurated the events with the children visiting the pediatricOPD on the first day. The medical students posted to the pediatric department for training also actively participated in the music program meant for pediatricwellness. The music therapists were wearing animal masks and singing
United Nations as on 02 04 2016 was observed by Center for Music Therapy Education and Research, a unit of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth functioning from Mahatma Gandhi Medical college and Research Institute Campus from 02 04 2016 to 04 04 2016 in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry. CMTER, since 2014, had a clear focus on community outreach in making available the music therapy services to the children with special needs and the faculty and students have been regularly visiting Rathna Special School, Life Help Center for Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Mettupalayam, Cuddalore. The School houses around 70 children for day care facilities and the children are either in the autistic spectrum or having intellectual developmental disability or cerebral palsy and so on. Music Therapy services are regularly offered as a rehabilitative intervention weekly once to these children in order to stimulate attention, engagement, interaction and interactive and reciprocal play and focus on communication and joint social interactions, expression of emotions, promoting pleasure, enjoyment and stimulating creatively and concentration. There are also music therapy interventions to improve their motor
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animal songs. There was a drama in which doctors and nurses were portrayed as friends of children to remove needle fears and there were musical stories with messages about health and other children themes. CMTER for the past one and half years has been regularly extending music therapy services during immunization procedures to all the children visiting the hospital for immunization programs as a way to distract the children from pain during the painful immunization procedures and reduce their distress levels. The music therapy program also addressed to reduce the anxiety levels of the parent holding the children during the procedures. This also resulted in a research project from CMTER and the Department of Pediatrics, results of which were published in an international journal. The pediatric musical activities were not only planned towards a positive recovery trajectory of the children by promoting wellness, reducing the distress levels of neonates/ infants/children, the parents and the family during the hospital visit/stay but also are meant to develop skills in motor, communication, emotional and cognitive domains as a part of healthy development of the children in their lives. There were also creative musical activities on all the three days to increase compliance to diagnostic and interventional procedures, reduce pain perception and crying spells in children and to make the children adjust to the hospital environment. The faculty of CMTER Bhuvaneswari Ramesh and Kala Varadhan with the music therapy internship trainees Stephen Philip and Fr. Devadhaswere actively involved in enacting the musical dramas, stories, singing and carrying out the creative art activities with the children.
GarbhSanskar and SuprajaJanana– a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby workshop organized by CMTER CMTER in collaboration with Department of OBGYN conducted a GarbhSanskar (a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby) workshop on 07 06 2016 to pregnant women between 11 am to 12 noon in the PG seminar hall of the OBGYN department. During this program, all pregnant mothers learnt about the benefits of music therapy during pregnancy and beyond and had diverse experiential musical activities. CMTER team composed songs to make them feel blessed. Welcomebaby songs were composed and sung by every one. Musical prayers in the form of chanting for the health of the mother and health of the baby, chants, breathing and chakra activation musical exercises were part of workshop. Dr.SumathySundar also explained the auditory processing in the foetus and spoke on the traditional mechanisms of manipulating the micro environment in-utero by music and other auditory
stimulations. She also provided the scientific explanation to the pregnant women on the ritualistic practices integrating music and chanting recommending such practices during pregnancy. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Kala Varadhan and FatherDevadoss assisted Dr.SumathySundar in conducting this program. Faculty from Aravind Eye Hospital, Thavalakuppamalso attended this workshop and thanked CMTER for organizing this program.
Academic Presentations In the first half of 2016, Dr.SumathySundar was a resource person for the National CME organized by the Department of Physiology on “Chronobiology and Health” and delivered an invited talk on “ A case report of effect of music therapy on improving the tridoshic balance and depression in a pregnant woman” On 25 05 2016, Dr.SumathySundar, Director, CMTER presented a talk on Music Therapy for health and well-being in Scientific Academic Forum of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences on the topic Music Therapy for Health and Being.
International Presence The 4th International Conference on Music and Medicine under the auspices of International Association for Music and Medicine (IAMM) was conducted between June 11-13, 2016 at Beijing, China. Dr.SumathySundar, one of the founding members of IAMM was invited to give a talk on 13.06.2016 on the topic “Integrating cultural music therapy approaches with pregnant women in a south Indian hospital”. Kala Varadan, Tutor, CMTER participated as a delegate at the 4th International Conference on Music and Medicine held in Beijing, China during June 11-13, 2016.
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Dr.SumathySundar was invited in April 2016 and appointed by the World Federation of Music Therapy as a member to serve the scientific committee of the World Congress of Music Therapy in Japan in 2017 and to review the paper/ roundtable/workshop proposals planned for the congress. Dr.SumathySundar reviewed a paper on “Hindustani Ragas can uplift the mood in patients with cerebrovascular accident and diffuse head injury” for the journal “Music and Medicine”, of the International Association for Music and Medicine.
Launch of the first Master’s degree program in Medical Music Therapy on 22. 08. 2016 Recent scientific advances made in the field of neurosciences and music psychology on the potential of music to modulate activities of the brain and the understanding of the effect of music on human emotions, moods and feelings through neuro-imaging studies have strengthened the practice of music therapy as a complementary medicine under the ambit of integrative medicine. SBV, forerunners of music therapy music therapy in clinical practice, research and education in India have launched today the first Master’s degree in Medical Music Therapy from a health sciences university in the country from its Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research. The centre is headed by Dr. SumathySundar, PhD and is under the faculty of Allied Health Sciences of the university. This program is unique with the adoption of choice based credit system (CBCS) recommended by NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. It is a learner centric program with immense flexibility to the learners to pursue diverse career options as clinical practitioners, teachers and researchers in music therapy. The electives offered are pain management, procedural support, mind body Medicine, brain biomarkers and psychiatric rehabilitation, community Health, neurological rehabilitation and paediatric applications and Developmental delays and learning disabilities. Learning is by a unique combination of self-directed learning and faculty led discussions using audio and video equipments, podcasts, webinars, seminars and national/international conferences and web based discussions with the faculty of the overseas partners, The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria. The Master’s degree program also prepares the students to pursue a twinning Ph. D. program in music therapy between SBV and IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria. Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno, Associate Professor from State University of New York who was an external member of the Board of Studies of the Master’s degree Program in Medical Music Therapy was also present during the launch of the program.
Based on the directives of the officiating Vice Chancellor, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, the representatives from IMC Krems and SBV met in the board room on 18.07.2016 with an aim to confirm mutual feasibility to conduct a twinning doctoral program. Prof. Karl Ennsfellner, CEO and Prof. Gerhard Tucek, Research Head of IMC Krems and Prof. Dr. AR Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV and Dr. SumathySundar, Director, CMTER participated in the deliberations. Preliminary discussions featured matters related to UGC regulations for twinning programs between SBV and Krems, Ph. D. registration, collection of data, presentations at the doctoral and monitoring committees and the Ph. D. recognized supervisors for the program. Following the Preliminary Discussions, an official report on the deliberations were submitted to the Vice Chancellor through the Dean ( Research and Allied Health Sciences). Also, the team from IMC Krems inspected the infrastructure and the other resources of the center and also visited CIDRF and its Director Dr. Adithan.
Visiting Scholar Program Dr. Maria Montserrat Gimeno, a Fellow of Music and Guided Imagery, Associate Professor, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA was invited as a visiting scholar CMTER, SBV to collaborate with relevant studies in this area of research. Dr. Gimeno conducted a workshop between 23.08.2016 to 26.08.2016 to the faculty and the students of CMTER on the topic “Music and Guided Imagery”. She was invited as a co-investigator to a research project from CMTER titled “Effect of Music, Imagery and relaxation on the psychophysiological and biochemical parameters of patients posted for percutaneous coronary interventions.
Faculty Awards & Recognitions Dr. SumathySundar was invited by the British High Commission, Chennai as a panelist on 15. 07. 2016 to speak on “Music as a way enhances social relationships”. Dr. SumathySundar received an award from SBV for publishing in a high impact journal “Clinical Paediatrics” on the title “Live music therapy as on active focus of attention for pain and behavioural symptoms of distress during pediatric immunization”.
The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria – SBV Initiatives for Doctoral Program in Music Therapy from CMTER
International Academic Recognitions:
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Dr. SumathySundar as a member, scientific committee of the World Congress of Music Therapy slated in Tsukuba, Japan 2017 completed review of 60 numbers of papers / roundtable / workshop / poster proposals submitted for the World Congress by 15.09.2016 Faculty of CMTER organized a lecture and workshop for the Journal and discussion club of Manakula Vinayagar Medical College, Pondicherry on 08.09.2016
MOU for a collaborative Ph.D. program with the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria Known for its focus towards salutogenesis in medical sciences and for its innovative and pioneering work in introducing music therapy in to medical care, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, has entered into an MoU for a collaborative doctoral program in music therapy with the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria one of the Austria’s leading international universities of Applied Sciences, a world leader in many aspects such as business, health and life sciences. A delegation from SBV headed by the Vice Chancellor Dr. KR Sethuraman along with Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences, Dr. Vellore A R Srinivasan, Registrar and Dr. Sumathy Director, Center for Music Therapy Education and Research, SBV were invited by the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria during the inaugural ceremony of the Josef Russel Center for Personalized music therapy set up by the Austrian Government and the other partner hospitals and companies with a grant size of 1.75 million Euros. During the function, Dr. Karl Ennsfellner, CEO and Dr. GerhardTucek, Head of Therapeutic Sciences of the Josef Russel Center for Personalized Music Therapy signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of IMC Krems and Vice Chancellor Dr. KR Sethuraman and Dean Dr. N Ananthakrishnan signed on behalf of SBV. The MoU was for collaboration between the two institutes for the PhD course in Music therapy. VC, Prof. Sethuraman, indicated that this collaborative doctoral program in music therapy will stimulate innovative academic dialogue between researchers, experts, students and music therapy practitioners for the benefit of patients. Registrar, Dr. Vellore AR Srinivasan released the service contract for this collaborative doctoral program. This MOU aims at long term collaboration to promote novel methods in the form of music therapy as a salutogenic approach. The Center for Music Therapy Education and Research of SBV will accept Ph.D. research scholars from the IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria. Both the universities are keen on taking forward this collaboration beyond music therapy to other areas such as exchange of undergraduate scholars, observership for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of music therapy and collaboration in nursing education besides research.
As a follow up, the first batch of research scholars from IMC Krems are expected to join this program at SBV immediately. Dr. Adithan, Director, Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility of SBV plans to send high profile speakers from SBV from the departments of medicine, pharmacology and biotechnology to the world class “International Life Sciences Meeting” to be held in IMC Krems during April. 5-6, 2017
MEETS - “Musically Express your Emotions & Thoughts for Success” The CMTER team in collaboration with the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI conducted a structured music therapy program “MEETS” to the fresh medical entrants of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College with a goal to improve their focus of attention, motivation and self- esteem levels and evaluate their learning attitude. 228 I year MBBS students participated in the program on 05.10.2016. The music therapy activities conducted by the faculty of CMTER included 1) Rhythmic Improvisation with musical instruments to enhances focus of attention and concentration. 2) Song writing & group singing to improve self-expression, socialization, coordination and team work. 3) Relaxation training with music to restore calmness and balance. Feedback regarding the subjective feelings evoked was obtained from all the participants. 88% liked the session very much, 84% felt the content very useful and 82% of them wished to have similar sessions regularly in future. Regarding the impact of the sessions, 12% of the total participants reported improvement in their communication, 18 % felt it helped to develop self-expression 24% perceived improvement in their attention & focus, whereas 44 % gave the feedback that it relieved their stress. A similar program was conducted for freshers in Sri SathyaSai Medical College and Research Institute, Chennai and nurses enrolled for the bachelor’s degree program in nursing in Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College as a part of the induction program. The program was also very well received by the students of both the colleges.
Overseas Academic Presentations Dr. SumathySundar, Director, CMTER delivered a key note address on “Music Therapy: Bridging Traditions and Science” during the Asian Music Therapy Congress held between November 18-20, 2016 at Taipei, Taiwan.
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Central inter-disciplinary
Research facility (cidrf)
Message From Prof.C.Adithan the Director of CIDRF
Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) was established 4 years ago by the visionary Chairman Shri.M.K. Rajagopalan. It is serving as a central facility for interdisciplinary research by the constituent colleges of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. In the year 2016 CIDRF activities were strengthened by new recruitment of Scientists and supporting staff andnew research grants. CIDRF received a multicrore research grant from Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India for establishing a GLP enabled Small Animal Research Facility for high end Pre-clinical studies and services. This facility will alsobe involved in technical manpower development. The newly joined scientists are undertaking cutting edge research in personalized therapy as well as Genetic Engineering which is again unique in this part of the country. CIDRF is having collaboration with anaesthesiology, cardiology, paediatrics, pharmacology, microbiology, surgery, medicine, psychiatry, orthopaedics, obstetrics and Gynaecology of MGMCRI, and also collaborate with Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, CYTER and CMTER of AHS. Besides, several joint research proposals with Pondicherry University, JIPMER and SASTRA University are submitted for external funding.In the academic front, Wehavestarted two new and unique academic programs namely Fellowship program in Bio-Medical Research Techniques (ICeFeP in BMRT) and PG Diploma in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. In order to improvepatient care, CIDRF started pharmacogenetic services of 26 panels of drugs towards personalized therapy. We are one of the very few academic centres in India providing this service at an affordable cost. Therapeutic drug monitoring of anticonvulsant services are also provided by us. In its efforts towards capacity development and dissemination of knowledge, CIDRF organised 3 national workshops in this year. Our Scientists participated in 51 scientific meetings in various capacities all over India. Scientists of CIDRF published 15 papers in indexed journals. We are able to achieve this due to support and guidance provided by Vice-Chancellor, SBVU, Dean (Research and AHS) and Advisor to CIDRF. We hope in the coming year our scientists will get involved in many more National and International collaborative research projects and bring laurels to our University
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▶▶ New Director of CIDRF
Dr.C.Adithan has joined as the new Director of the Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) and Professor of Pharmacology at the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 18.01.2015. Earlier he worked as Faculty (Research) and Senior Professor and Head of department of Clinical Pharmacology in JIPMER. He had established an advanced research center in pharmacogenomics. He had conducted several workshops in this field. He has special skills in organizing new sections/activities (pharmacogenomics, pharmacovigilance, drug information center, clinical pharmacology unit, drug monitoring and toxicology services) and new department (BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal). He also organized 2 conferences and more than 25 workshops. He was the President of Indian Pharmacological Society (2007) and Southern Regional Indian Pharmacological Society (2003-2007). He also served as the Chief Editor of Indian Journal of Pharmacology for 9 years – re-elected unanimously twice (from 1992 to 2000). He has guiding/guided more than 14 PhD students. He successfully obtained more than Rs.3.5 crores by way of extramural research grants from ICMR, DST, DBT etc. He delivered more than 50 guest lectures in academic meetings-both nationally and internationally. He has published more than 172 research papers and has authored 3 books. New Director of CIDRF
▶▶ ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Pharmcogenetic Testing Services @ CIDRF Central Interdisciplinary Research Facility, SBVU started Pharmacogenetic Testing Services at MGMCRI. An inaugural function was organized by CIDRF at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Puducherry on 23.09.2016 to launch Pharmacogenetic testing services. Prof. S.C.Parija, the Director of JIPMER was the chief guest for this event. He delivered a keynote address highlighting the benefits of personalized medicine. Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University presided over the meeting. Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean of Research and Allied Health Sciences and Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, Faculty Medicine, MGMCRI offered felicitations. The Pharmacogenetic Testing Services is open to patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, psychiatric disorders, cancer, infections, inflammatory diseases, etc., to know their likely drugs and dosage, in order to achieve an effective drug response avoiding side effects of drugs. The healthy people can also utilize this service during their master health check-up at MGMCRI hospital, so that they can have a pharmacogenetic profile report which is valid throughout his/her life. The panel of tests to be done at CIDRF is given in the following table.
S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Panel Analgesics / Antitussives Angiotensin antagonists Antiarrhythmics Anticancer Anticoagulants Anticonvulsant Antidepressants Antidiabetics Antiemetics
S.No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Panel Antifungal Antihistamines Antimalarials Antimuscarinics Antiplatelet Antipsychotics Antiviral Anxiolytics Appetite suppressant
S.No. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Panel β – adrenergic blocking agents Calcium antagonist Dopamine transporter blocker MAO-inhibitors Neuroleptics NSAIDs Proton pump inhibitors Statins Vasodilators
▶▶ New Research Projects
Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF, has received Rs.4.39 crores from the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India for the implementation of the project entitled “Small Animal Research Facility for Preclinical Studies and services” for a period of 3 years.
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SANCTIONED RESEARCH PROJECTS Dr.Agiesh Kumar, Senior Scientist and Dr.Anitha T.S, Scientist have secured one project each funded by the Department of Science, Technology and Education, Government of Puducherry.
▶▶ Publications Shanmugam,J, Anita,T.S. Copper - A promising antimicrobial metal having potential application to reduce healthcare acquired infections. J.Internatl.Med.Sci.Acad, 2015;28(4):215-217. Chinnappan S, Shettikothanuru Ramachandrappa V, Tamilarasu K, Krishnan UM, Balakrishna Pillai AK, Rajendiran S. Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation by the Leaf Extract of Carica papaya During Dengue Infection: An In Vitro Study. Viral immunology. 2016 Apr 1;29(3):164-8. (Published online on 24th February, 2016). Subha L, Balakrishnan C, Natarajan S, Theetharappan M, Subramanian B, Neelakantan MA. Water soluble and efficient amino acid Schiff base receptor for reversible fluorescence turn-on detection of Zn²+ ions: Quantum chemical calculations and detection of bacteria. Spectrochim ActaA Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2016;153:249-56.
Balanehru S, Adithan C. Multiple facets of a progressive research facility – Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF). Ann.SBV. 2016; 5:6-9. Adithan C. Bringing Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine into clinical practice. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5:10-14. Agieshkumar B, Elanthriyan S. Genome editing tools and its potential applications in translational medicine – A brief overview. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5:15-19. Anitha TS. microRNA, A clinical diagnostic and prognostic biomarker. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5: 20-28. Benet BoscoDhas D. Therapeutic epigenetics – a boon to the future. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5:29-32. Veni S, Srinivasan N. Osteoprotectice effect of few Indian herbs: an update. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5: 42-50. PoojaPratheesh. Glioblastoma: evolving niches and challenges. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5: 51-54. Preethi S. Glioblastomamultiforme metabolism: adding fuel to the flame. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5: 55-58. Sam Vijay Kumar J. Cancer stem cells – a brief overview. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5: 59-66.
Jose M, Mathaiyan J, Kattimani S, Adithan S, Chandrasekaran A. Role of CYP2C19 gene polymorphism in acute alcohol withdrawal treatment with loading dose of diazepam in a South Indian population. Eur J Clinl Pharm. 2016: 72:807-12.
Farzana Begum L. Mannose binding lectin-genetic variations, deficiency and disease associations. Ann.SBV. 2016; 5: 67-72.
Sam Vijay Kumar J. Life of a biological researcher. Current Science. 2016;110:1602.
Akshayavardhani A. Adipose tissue hypoxia in obesity. Ann. SBV. 2016; 5: 73-75.
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Aseervatham GS, Suryakala U, Doulethnisha, Sundaram S, Bose PC, Sivasudha T. Expression pattern of NMDA receptors reveals antiepileptic potential of apigenin 8-C-glucoside and chlorogenic acid in pilocarpine induced epileptic mice. Biomed Pharmacother. 2016;82:54-64. Adithan C, Subathra A. NAT2 gene polymorphism: covert drug interaction causing phenytoin toxicity. The Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2016;143:542 -4. Ganesan S, Vikneswaran G, Reddy KC, Subrahmanyam DK, Adithan C. A Survey on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pharmacovigilance towards Adverse drug reactions reporting among Doctors and Nurses in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. J Young Pharmacists. 2016;8:471-6.
the National conference on “Trends in Healthcare and Biotechnology: Opportunity and Challenges” sponsored by SERB, DST, Govt of India – organized by AVVM Sri Pushpam College, Tanjavur on 22.01.2016. Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a guest lecture on “Personalized Therapy in Clinical Practice” on 25.01.2016, organized by the Department of Pharmacology at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi on 25.01. 2016. Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, presented capsule talk entitled “Discussion on PhD Thesis Vs PG Dissertation” in SAF meet held on 05.02.2016.
Rajesh D, Muthukumar S, Saibaba G, Siva D, Akbarsha MA, Gulyz B, Padmanabhan P and Archunan G, Structural elucidation of estrus urinary lipocalin protein (EULP) and evaluating binding affinity of with pheromones using molecular docking and fluorescence study Sci. Rep. Oct 26;6:35900. doi: 10.1038/srep35900.
▶▶ HONOURS AND RECOGNITIONS Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been nominated as a member of the Joint National Committee for International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) and International Union Pharmacology (IUPHAR) by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi in January, 2016. Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, Scientist, CIDRF, delivered a special lecture on “Stem Cells in Healthcare Research” at
Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, attended the 7th Signal Review Panel (SRP) meeting under the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India on 01.03.2016 at CDSCO Headquarter, New Delhi.
Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, was invited personally to contribute an article in a book titled “Developments of Pharmacology in India” edited by Dr. PC Dandiya (SMS Medical College, Jaipur) and Dr. GurudasKhilnani, (Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhuj).
Saibaba G, Rajesh D, Muthukumar S, Sathiyanarayanan G, Padmanabhan P, Akbarsha MA, Gulyás B, Archunan G. Proteomic analysis of human saliva: An approach to find the marker protein for ovulation. Reproductive Biology. 2016;16:287-94.
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Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a lecture entitled “Pharmacogenomics in National Pharmacovigilance Program of India” in the 41st Indian Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting and International Conference held at Vision Research Foundation on 03.03. 2016. Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor-UGC Fellow, delivered an invited lecture on 18.03.2016 about the “Therapeutic Compounds from Seaweeds” in the RUSAMHRD Sponsored regional seminar on seaweeds - A resources for Livelihood, organized by the post Graduate department of Plant Science, Avvaiyar Government College for Women, Karaikal.
Dr. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, presided over the Institutional Human Ethical Committee (IHEC) meeting at Vector Control Research Centre as the Chairman on 13th April, 2016. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been appointed as an Editorial Board Member for Therapeutic Advances in Cardiology, ScientiaRicerca, California, USA on 30th May, 2016. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, adjudicated Ph.D examination for thesis titled “Genetic and Epigenetic Analysis of Phenotypic Heterogeneity and Drug Response in Bipolar Disorder” from Manipal University, Manipal. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a lecture at the workshop on “Research methodology and Bio-Statistics” held during the period of 4th February to 1st June, 2016, at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and research Institute. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been appointed as a member of the Advisory Panel for rating the Candidates for Fellowship/Membership of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, was appointed as a member of the advisory panel for election for fellowship of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) in the discipline Pharmacology. Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, was appointed as a member of the Institutional Human Ethical Committee (IHEC) of MGMCRI on 22.03.2016. Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated RESEARCH DAY on 22nd Jan 2016. On this occasion SBV AHEAD & SAF MGMCRI organized SBV PRIMS (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) CONTEST for postgraduate scholars of various university.. Dr.Adithan , Director-CIDRF, was one of the judges for the poster presentation.
Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a lecture in the workshop on “Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies” held on 5th April, 2016, at JIPMER, Puducherry Dr.C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a lecture on “microRNA and Diabetes” at the SAF meeting held at MGMCRI on 6th April, 2016. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been appointed by DBT, Govt. of India, as a member of the newly constituted Project Management Committee for the on-site assessment of the project of CIDRF - “Small Animal Research Facility for Preclinical Studies and Services” on 4th May, 2016. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been recognized as PhD Guide/Supervisor for PhD / M.Phil programmes of Pharmacology and Inter-disciplinary Research of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for a period of 5 years from 17th June, 2016. Dr. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been an external examiner for D.M practical Examination in Clinical Pharmacology on 17th and 18th May, 2016 at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi. Dr.Agiesh Kumar B, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, was the Organizing Secretary for the 2nd national workshop on
annual Report 2016
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Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) on the 24th and 25th of May 2016. Dr.Agiesh Kumar B, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, served as a resource person in a workshop on “PCR based molecular techniques” organized by the Dept. of Biochemistry, JIPMER on 12th and 13th April, 2016. Dr. Agiesh Kumar B, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, reviewed a manuscript - “An Unusual Case of Echinostomaspp in a Retro-positive patient- A Case Report” for the Journal: Human Parasitic Diseases. Dr. Agiesh Kumar B, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, has been recognized as a PhD Guide/Supervisor for PhD / M.Phil programmes at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for a period of 5 years from 17th June, 2016.
yy Was the examiner for PhD viva voce at Manipal University on 10.09.2016. yy Was the judge for the award Dr.C.L.Malhotra Award instituted by the Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India on 16.09.2016 yy Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor, presented a research paper “Lectins (haemagglutinins) from the Red Alga Acanthophora spicifera : Isolation, characterization partial purification and selected physico-chemical properties” at the International Conference “Botany 2016” held at Savannah, Georgia, USA from 30.07.2016 to 03.08.2016. Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist, was invited to talk at the Workshop, “Application of Bioinformatics in Genome Analysis” at Madras Veterinary College, Chennai on 12.08.2016.
Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, Scientist, CIDRF attended the Indian Association of Cancer Research (IACR) PreConference Workshop on “Assays for Cell Migration and Invasion” held at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi on 7th April, 2016.
Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist delivered a guest lecture on “Bionics” at Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kannur, Kerala on 19.08.2016.
Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor, CIDRF, reviewed the paper titled “Diversity and abundance of ArbuscularMycorrhizal Fungi under Different Plant and Soil Properties in Sidama, Southern Ethiopia” for the Journal of Plant Sciences, New York. USA.
Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF was appointed External Examiner and Chairman, Board of Examiners to conduct supplementary examination for DM (Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics) at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad on 21st October, 2016.
Prof. C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF
Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF adjudicated a PhD thesis entitled, “Regulatory T Cell Deficiency” submitted at Osmania University, Hyderabad.
Dr.Pandian was invited to be a panelist in the CME entitled ‘Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes mellitus’ organized by Dept of Biochemistry, MGMCRI on 10th November, 2016. Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas was invited to deliver a talk entitled “Web based computational tools for comprehensive genome analysis” during the conference on Genetic and genome analysis for novel therapeutics on 20th Dec 2016. Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas conducted a hands-on session on “Genome informatics and big data” during the conference
Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF participated in the CME titled, “Translational Medicine in the Diagnosis and Management of Diabetes Mellitus” at MGMCRI on 10th November, 2016.
yy Delivered a lecture on “Recent advances in Cancer Research and Therapy” at Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai between 08.07.2016 and 09.07.2016. yy Presided over D.M. examination at Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad between 14.07.2016 and 15.07.2016. yy Participated as a resource person in the workshop on “Human Bioethics” at JIPMER on 26.07.2016. yy Attended the ICSU National Committee meeting of INSA at New Delhi on 25.07.2016. yy Participated as a resource person in the workshop on “Applications of clinical pharmacokinetics” at JIPMER, Puducherry between 19.08.2016 and 20.08.2016. yy Participated as a resource person in the CME “Pharmacogenetics & Genomics” at Sri Venkateshwara Medical College Hospital and Research Centre on 26.08.2016.
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on Modernization in Bioinformatics & Big Data held at the dept. of computer applications. Pooja Pratheesh, Preethi Sreedharan and Akshaya Anbazhagan attended the National conference on “Recent Advances in Cancer Research and Therapy” (RACRT-2016) held on 8-9 July, 2016 at Chettinad Health City, Tamil Nadu. Dr.Sam Vijay Kumar J, Scientist, CIDRF attended the 7th International Conference on Stem Cells and Cancer organized by International center for Stem Cells, Cancer and Biotechnology, held from 21st Oct to 23rd Oct, 2016 at Goa. He delivered an oral presentation entitled, “Colostrum is a better source of stem cells than breast milk.” Ms.Preethi Sreedharan, Ph.D Scholar, CIDRF, presented a poster entitled “Cytotoxic effect of Cerium oxide nanoparticles on U251 cells under different Physico-chemical environment” at the CUSAT and NUS joint International Conference on Biotechnology and Neuroscience (CUSBAN 2016) organized by Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi (Kerala) from 19th to 21st Dec, 2016 The Board of Studies meeting towards the PG Diploma in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine course was held on 12th April, 2016 under the chairmanship of Dr. Adithan. The meeting was attended by the following: Dr. Sivagnanan (Dean, IGMCRI), Dr. Sakthivel N (Professor of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University),
Dr. ReenaGulati (Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, JIPMER), Dr. Manimekalai (Professor and Head, Dept of Pharmacology, MGMCRI), Dr. Eswaran S (Professor and Head, Dept of Psychiatry MGMCRI), Dr. AdikoliBalachandar (Head, Dept. of Medical Education, MGMCRI). The committee finalised the course content and approved for starting the PG Diploma course in this academic year itself.
WORKSHOP ON PCR CIDRF organized its 2nd national level workshop on Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) on the 24th and 25th of May 2016 for medical/life sciences post-graduates and faculty. Dr.Agiesh Kumar B, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, was the organizing secretary for the workshop. The workshop was attended by 17 participants from various Institutes in Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF, flagged off the workshop. Dr. Agiesh Kumar, the Organizing Secretary, presented the over view of the workshop. The workshop saw two orientation sessions by scientists and scholars of CIDRF: (1) ‘DNA extraction’ by Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, (2) ‘RNA extraction’ by Dr. VeniSubramanyam. The next two hands-on sessions were on: (1) ‘Conventional PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis’ by Dr. Benet BoscoDhas and (2) ‘Real-time PCR’ by Dr. AgieshKumar.B. Pre- and post-workshop evaluation tests for the participants on the concepts of PCR were conducted by Dr.N.Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor and Dr. PoojaPratheesh, Scientist. Dr.
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C. Adithan concluded the workshop with his valedictory remarks and distributed the certificates to the participants.
Medical School, USA visited and interacted with the faculty of CIDRF on 19.03.2016.\
Dr.R.K.Manchanda, Director General, Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi visited CIDRF visited CIDRF on 30.07.2016 and had discussed with Scientists for potential avenues of funding
An invited talk, a lab seminar and six journal clubs were held during the period. Two special lectures were delivered by Prof. C. Adithan on, “Writing a Successful Research Proposal” during the period. Three research articles, three subject seminars were held during the period by the scholars and scientists. Dr. K. Thangaraj, Senior Principal Scientist, from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, delivered a guest lecture on “Human origin health and disease” on June 9th, 2016
Dr. Subbaya Subramanian, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery and Dr. Reena Kartha, College of Pharmacy, Center for Orphan Drug diseases from University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA. They interacted with the scientists and scholars. Dr.Subbaya Subramanian delivered a lecture on 25.08.2016.
Dr. SankarganeshJeyaraj, ITM, UKT, Tubingen, Germany delivered an invited lecture at CIDRF on “Next-generation sequencing analysis of Plasmodium species diversity in patients with symptomatic malaria in Gabon” on June 27th 2016. Four research articles, three subject seminars were held during the period by the scholars and scientists of CIDRF.
▶▶ VISITORS TO CIDRF Dr. M.K.Showkath Ali, Director, Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute, Chengalpattu, visited CIDRF on 04.01.2016. He expressed his appreciation and complimented the team.
Dr. Subbaya Subramanian, and Dr. Reena Kartha, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA CIDRF was visited by the following eminent scientists who also delivered talks in the campus.
Dr. Krishnamoorthy, Ex-Director of INSERM, France, visited and interacted with the scientists and gave his appreciation and comments on 02.02.2016.
Dr.Rajagopal Krishnamoorthy, Ex-Director (INSERM), France, delivered a talk on, ‘Genetics of psycho-somatic disease’ on 14th November, 2016.
Dr. G.Anandan, Assistant Director (Leprosy), Directorate of Health and Family welfares, Puducherry visited the facility on 04.02.2016.
Dr. Suresh Kumar Rayala, IIT-M, Chennai, delivered a talk on, ‘Real Time PCR in Cancer Diagnostics: Bridging bench to bedside’ on 8.12.12
Prof. Ritushree Kukreti, Principal Scientist from Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi visited CIDRF and delivered a guest lecture on “Pharmacogenomics and functional validation of gene in the establishment of biomarkers of biomedical importance” on 04.03.2016.
Dr. Ravi Nagalingam Sundaresan, IISc, Bangalore, delivered a talk on, ‘MIQE guidelines and their importance for the design of a reliable real time PCR assay’ on 9th December, 2016. Dr.Vinod Scaria, CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi, delivered a talk on, ‘Personal Genomes to Precision Medicine’ on 10th December 2016.
Prof. Gilbert H. Mudge, Professor, CEO of Partners Healthcare International & Professor of Medicine, Harvard
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▶▶ VISITS TO OTHER LABORATORIES Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor-UGC Fellow visited Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Mandapam and also undertook a seaweed collection tour to Rameswaram and Mandapam from 15.02.16 to 18.02.16. Dr. P.Usha Rani, Professor and HOD, Dept of Clinical Pharmacology, Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, visited CIDRF and interacted with the scientists and scholars. Dr. K. Thangaraj, Senior Principal Scientist, from Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, visited CIDRF on 9 June 2016 and interacted with the scientists and scholars. He also delivered a talk on “Human Origin, Health and Disease “. This was attended by many faculty and research scientists from MGMCRI. Dr. SankarganeshJeyaraj from the Institute for Tropen Medicine, University of Tuebingen, Germany visited the CIDRF on 27 June 2016 and engaged in scientific discussions with all. He also delivered a talk on “Next-Generation Sequencing analysis of Plasmodium species diversity in patients with asymptomatic malaria in Gabon “. This was attended by many faculty and research scientists.
explained in different contexts including needle prick injury, burn and corrosive liquid spillage. The staff also benefitted from the detailed information on services available in MGMCRI for patients and the specific information including benefits, leave regulations, attendance, tights and responsibilities of the employees.
▶▶ AWARD Dr.Ageish Kumar was awarded Dr. Reuben award for best poster in the National conference on Medical Arthropodology, organized by “Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology” Osmania University between 20.08.2016 and 21.08.2016.
▶▶ SMALL ANIMAL RESEARCH FACILITY Under the proficiency and blessings of the SBECPT, Bhoomi Pooja for the developing Small Animal Research Facility named “Center for Animal Research, Training and Services (CAReTS)” was performed at
▶▶ NEW COURSES/JOURNALS Two new courses have been proposed in the following areas: Fellowship program in Bio-Medical Research Techniques (ICeFeP in BMRT) PG Diploma in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine
▶▶ TRAINING A PG student is being trained under one of our faculty in molecular biological techniques. This student has been an alumnus of the First National workshop on PCR held in the last quarter of 2015.
▶▶ SAFETY & WASTE MANAGEMENT A lecture was held for CIDRF faculty and staff on proper waste disposal on 28th June, 2016. The lecture detailed different colour codes for disposal of laboratory waste and proper management of segregated waste material. The lecture also served to educate the staff of CIDRF on the 7 steps of hand-washing. Personnel safety in the laboratory was
the building site (opposite to SBV auditorium) from 09.00 am - 10.30 am on Monday, December 05, 2016. This infrastructure development project is a joint venture of CIDRF-SBECPT and Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India entitled “Small Animal Research Facility For Preclinical Studies and Services”. Bhoomi Pooja was performed, and attended by the Prof.K.R.Sethuraman (Vice Chancellor), Prof.Ravishankar (Dean - Academics), Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan (Dean Research & AHS), Prof.C.Adithan (Director, CIDRF), Dr. Balanehru Subramanian (Dy. Director, CIDRF), Dr.Srinivasan (Registrar), Mr.Suresh Babu (SBV Project Manager), Co-Investigators & Staff of CAReTs, CIDRF Staff and Research Scholars. On this occasion, the building floor plans (Ground, 1st and 2nd floors) for the Small Animal Research Facility were displayed to invoke the blessings of
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the almighty. This event marked the beginning of preclinical research paradigm in this campus, which can be utilized by research scholars and staff of SBV, and other Institutions in this region. Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director is the Principal Investigator of the project. Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF contributed a chapter in
the book entitled - Pharmacologists of India, published by Vallabh Prakashan. Delhi. First Edition, 2017. P146-151).
National Hands-on Workshop on Real Time PCR in Biomedical Research
The workshop was intended to give hands-on training in genome bioinformatics for interested health professionals, students and research scholars of SBV and other Institutes. The workshop had 31 participants registered from various institutes in and around Puducherry & Chennai. Dr. Basant K Tiwary, Associate Professor, Centre for Bioinformatics,
CIDRF organized a three days “National Hands-on Workshop on Advanced Methods in Real Time PCR techniques in Biomedical Research” from December 8-10, 2016. The workshop was organized by Dr. Pooja Pratheesh, Scientist, CIDRF. The workshop was attended by twenty participants selected from states all over India like Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala among others. The workshop covered all the advanced techniques related to Real Time PCR like Gene expression analysis, Gene quantification and Pathogen detection, SNP analysis, microRNA expression analysis and Genome informatics. The workshop was inaugurated by SBV Vice Chancellor Dr. K. Sethuraman in the presence of dignitaries like Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. M. Ravishankar, Dr. Srinivasan, Dr. C. Adithan and the invited guest faculty. The workshop had thematic lecture by the experts from the institutes of national importance as well as CIDRF faculty including Dr. Pooja Pratheesh, Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas, Ms. Preethi S. and Ms. Akshayavardhani A.On the first day Dr. Suresh Kumar Rayala from Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai delivered the keynote address on the topic “Bridging bench to bedside: Real Time PCR”. The second day saw Dr. Ravi Nagalingam Sundaresan from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore discuss about “MIQE Guidelines and their importance for the design of a reliable Real Time PCR assay.” The third day was dedicated to the Genome informatics and Dr. Vinod Scaria from CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi was invited to deliver a talk on “Personal Genome to Personalized Medicine”. The hands-on training was aptly supported by
▶▶ WORKSHOPS Basic and Applied Bioinformatics for Clinical Genomics A one day hands-on workshop was organized by Dr. D. Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist, CIDRF entitled “Basic and Applied Bioinformatics for Clinical Genomics” on 14th October, 2016.
He shared his experience of forty years of his pharmacological research.
Pondicherry University, Puducherry has been invited as the Chief Guest. The program was honoured by the guest lectures delivered by Dr. Nanda Kumar Yellapu, Scientist-C, VCRC, Puducherry and Dr. Krishna Kumar, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacy Practice, CL Baid Metha College of Pharmacy, Chennai.
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QIAGEN (Chennai), Roche (Chennai), Helini Biomolecules (Chennai), Synergy Scientific (Chennai), Biocorporals (Chennai), National Scientific Suppliers (Pondicherry), Priority Life sciences (Coimbatore) among others. The evening of 2nd worshop day was marked by the get-together organized at Club Mahindra Beach Resort, Pondicherry which provided ample opportunity for the researchers, faculty and invited speakers to interact on an informal note. The valedictory function on 10th December was presided over by Prof. G. Subramanian, Advisor, CIDRF who, along with Dr. VinodScaria gave away the certificates to the participants. CIDRF received glowing feedback for this endeavor and we look forward to organize many such workshops in future for the benefit of students and faculty alike.
Dr.B.Udayakumari as Senior Research Fellow. Mr.S.K.S.Sarvana Kathikeyan as Senior Research Fellow. Mr.Vipin Sharma as Senior Research Fellow. Mr.K.Ramkumar as Lab Technician. Ms.Deivanayaki B as Lab Technician. Mr.A.Candassamy as Lab Attendant. Mr.R.Ravikumar a Lab Attendant.
▶▶ MoUs Memoranda of Understanding are on the line with three collaborating institutes/firms to further research at CIDRF vis-à-vis , Strand Biosciences, Bangalore, Annamalai University and KL University
Ms.K.Rajalakshmi (M.Sc., Biochemistry) and Ms.S.Suganya (M.Sc., Medical Biochemistry) joined as lab technicians at CIDRF on November 28th, 2016. Ms.A.Senthamizhselvi (M.Com., Corporate Secretaryship) has joined CIDRF as accounts assistant and store keeper on November 11th, 2016. The following members have been appointed as staffs under the “Center for Animal Research, Training and Services (CAReTS)”, DBT sponsored research project.
The members of Academic Council of SBV namely SP.Thyagarajan, Prof.G.Subramanian, Prof.KR.Sethuraman, Prof.N.Ananthkrishnan, Prof.M.Ravishankar,Prof.C.Adithan, Prof.Nirmal Coumare, Prof.AR Srinivasan, Dr.MR. Prashanth, Vice Chairman, Mrs.Asha Suresh Babu & Special invitees, participated in the tree plantation ceremony that was conducted by SBV in order to promote the green campus initiative on 22nd December, 2016.
annual Report 2016
Shrivastava S.R., Krishnan S., Shrivastava P.S.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Kali A.
Annadurai K., Danasekaran R., Mani G.
Shrivastava S.R.B.L., Mid-term assessment of 2016 Shrivastava P.S., the decade of action for Ramasamy J. road safety: Progress made, yet at a slow rate
Kali A., Srirangaraj S.
Addressing the adverse consequences of disability on health status in rural settings
Responding to the challenge of autism spectrum disorder in low-resource settings 2016
Reference management: A 2016 critical element of scientific writing
Personalized medicine: A paradigm shift towards promising health care
EndNote as document manager for summative assessment
Bridging the epilepsy treatment gap in low- and middle-income nations
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
A novel approach in the detoxification of intravenous buprenorphine dependence
Sarkar S., Subramaniam E., Konthoujam J.
Anaesthesia practice and reproductive outcomes: Facts unveiled
Nagella A.B., Ravishankar M., Hemanth Kumar V.R.
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Journal of Community Neurosciences Medicine in Rural Practice
Journal of Community Neurosciences Medicine in Rural Practice
Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Journal of Community Neurosciences Medicine in Rural Practice
Indian Journal of Psychiatry Psychiatry
Indian Journal of Anaesthesiology Anaesthesia
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
280 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
C I DR F 280
Charles P.M.V., Kali A., Srirangaraj S.
Rajalakshmi AR, Kumar MA.
Goneppanavar M., Dhaka R.S.
Lalitha V., Pal G.K., Pal P., Parija S.C., Murugaiyan S.B.
Stephen S, Kim SH, Pradeep J, Kim YJ, Kim EY, Park S, Kim MW, Kim YW.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Radhakrishnan H.
Gopal N., Koner B.C., Bhattacharjee A., Bhat V.
Comparison of carbapen2016 em breakpoints in Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute and European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing guidelines on antibiotic susceptibility test reporting of Acinetobacter baumannii
Undergraduate medical students’ perspectives on objective structured practical examination in Pathology
Implementing measures to minimize the global incidence of falls and its associated complications
Hyaluronidase hypersensitivity: A rare complication of peribulbar block.
Gender Difference in the 2016 Role of Posterodorsal Amygdala on the Regulation of Food Intake, Adiposity and Immunological Responses in Albino Wistar Rats
Evaluation of ImmuneMed scrub typhus rapid test kit, for diagnosis of scrub typhus.
Baclofen-induced neurotoxicity in a patient with end-stage renal disease.
Assay of urinary pro2016 tein-bound sialic acid can differentiate steroidsensitive nephrotic syndrome from steroid-resistant cases
Kali A., Kalaivani R., Aeromonas hydrophila 2016 Charles P., Seetha K. meningitis and fulminant sepsis in preterm newborn: A case report and review of literature
Community Medicine
Indian Journal Microbiology of Pathology and Microbiology
Indian Journal Anatomy of Pathology and Microbiology
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
Annals of Neurosciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Journal of Vector Microbiology Borne Diseases
Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation
Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation
Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Adithan C., Subathra A.
Dearth in research and development of health products for responding to neglected diseases: An urgent public health need
Assessing the status of United Nations Millennium Development Goals
Standardizing the assessment and management protocol of critically ill under-five children: World Health Organization
Safe childbirth checklist: A simple tool to encourage best practices by skilled attendants
Responding to the World Health Organization call for ensuring accessibility to antiretroviral therapy for all
Emphasizing the need to achieve universal health coverage worldwide
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
2016 Childhood tuberculosis: Administering child-friendly tuberculosis medicines in the right dosage universally
Breastfeeding and 2016 strengthening of the economy: Offering merits beyond nutrition
Indian Journal of Medical Research
NAT2 gene polymorphism: Covert drug interaction causing phenytoin toxicity
282 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 282
Bakshi S.S.
Young-Jin Kim,1,* Sungman Park,1,* Ranjan Premaratna,2 Stephen Selvaraj,3 Sang-Jin Park,1 Sora Kim,1 Donghwan Kim,1 Min Soo Kim,1 Dong Hoon Shin,4 Kyung-Chan Choi,5 Soon-Hwan Kwon,6 Wonjun Seo,7 Nam Taek Lee,8 SeungHan Kim,9 Heui Keun Kang,9 and YoonWon Kim
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Rai A.R., Rai R., PC V., Rai R., Vadgaonkar R., Tonse M.
E Elamaran, P Ranganadin
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Clinical Evaluation of Rapid 2016 Diagnostic Test Kit for Scrub Typhus with Improved Performance
A Hard Calculus: Submandibular Sialolithiasis
A Cephalometric Analysis on Magnitudes and Shape of Sella Turcica
World Health Organization calls for curbing illicit tobacco trade market
Strengthening the health 2016 workforce to move forward toward universal health coverage and accomplish the set 2030 goals
Pulmonary benign metastasizing leiomyoma
Preventing the introduction 2016 of yellow fever in disease-free nations: A global appeal
Journal of Korean Medical Science
American Journal of Medicine
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Community Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Cardiothoracic and Mahatma Gandhi Vascular Surgery Medical College and Research Institute
Annals of Tropi- Community cal Medicine and Medicine Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Annals of Tropi- Community cal Medicine and Medicine Public Health
Community Medicine
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropi- Community cal Medicine and Medicine Public Health
Preventing diseases through promotion of a healthier environment: World Health Organization
Fukushima 5 years on: 2016 Public health consequences and response
Annals of Tropi- Community cal Medicine and Medicine Public Health
Exclusive breastfeeding and 2016 stakeholders: Only together we can make it work
1190 1196
1317 1320
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi S.S., Kumar S.
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi S.S., Bhattacharjee S.
Bakshi S.S.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
VN Keerthi, SD Kanya, KP Babu, A Mathew,A Nanda Kumar
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Bakshi S.S.
Head and Neck European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology
2016 Letter to the Editor regarding “Reducing neck incision length during thyroid surgery does not improve satisfaction in patients” by Kim et al.
Letter to the Editor regarding in-office cup biopsy
American Journal of Otolaryngology
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Letter to the editor concern- 2016 ing: ‘Correlation between clinical findings and eosinophil/neutrophil ratio in patients with nasal polyps’
Letter to the Editor
Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma
In response to: Albumin levels in patients with chronicrhinosinusitis with nasal polyp
Elder abuse: Working 2016 together to ensure healthy, meaningful, and dignified life
Early prevention and inter- 2016 vention of Class II division 1 in growing patients
Dementia in middle- and low-income nations: A public health priority
Comment on the effect of nasal septal deviation on frontal and maxillary sinus volumes and development of sinusitis
284 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1061 1061
1730 1730
1616 -
C I DR F 284
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi Ss.
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi S.S., , Ms Dnb, Rajalakshmi P., , Md
Mathew A., Nagachandran K.S., Vijayalakshmi D.
Shrivastava, SR; Shrivastava, PS; Ramasamy, J
Jayachandran A.L., Katragadda R., Thyagarajan R., Vajravelu L., Manikesi S., Kaliappan S., Jayachandran B.
Bakshi S.S., Rajalakshmi P.
Muthu J., Muthanandam S., Mahendra J.
Bakshi S.S.
Sundar S., Ramesh B., Dixit P.B., Venkatesh S., Das P., Gunasekaran D.
Supporting the Global Initiative of Preventing Childhood Hearing Loss: Act Now, Here’s How!
Stress and displacement 2016 pattern evaluation using two different palatal expanders in unilateral cleft lip and palate: a three-dimensional finite element analysis
“pretreatment Neutro2016 phil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Salivary Gland Tumors Is Associated with Malignancy”
Plummer-Vinson Syndrome.
Plexiform neurofibroma
Mouth the mirror of lungs: where does the connection lie?
Oral Candidiasis among Cancer Patients Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Chennai, South India: An Evaluation of Clinicomycological Association and Antifungal Susceptibility Pattern
Molluscum contagiosum
Ludwig’s angina
2016 Live Music Therapy as an Active Focus of Attention for Pain and Behavioral Symptoms of Distress during Pediatric Immunization
Noise and Health
Progress in Orthodontics
Acta Clinica Belgica
Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
Mayo clinic proceedings
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine
Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology
Frontiers of Medicine
Medicina Clinica
Archives of Disease in Childhood
Clinical Pediatrics
Community Medicine
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
1069 -
Bakshi S.S.
Pallavee P., Begum J., Samal S.K., Ghose S.
Shetty P., Bargale A., Patil B.R., Mohan R., Dinesh U.S., Vishwanatha J.K., Gai P.B., Patil V.S., Amsavardani T.S.
Bakshi Ss, Coumare Long-Term Complications Vn, Priya M, of Button Batteries in the Kumar S. Nose.
Elamurugan E, Hemachandar R.
Bakshi SS, Bhattacharjee S.
Commentary to: ‘Is neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio associated with the severity of allergic rhinitis in children?’
Cervical tuberculosis: A diagnostic dilemma
Cell surface interaction of annexin A2 and galectin-3 modulates epidermal growth factor receptor signaling in Her-2 negative breast cancer cells
Ankle arteriovenous fistula - a rare site of choice for hemodialysis.
Geographic Tongue.
Bakshi SS.
An Unusually Long Process: Eagle Syndrome.
Subha L, Balakrishnan C, Natarajan S, Theetharappan M, Subramanian B, Neelakantan Ma.
Water Soluble and Efficient 2016 Amino Acid Schiff Base Receptor for Reversible Fluorescence Turn-on Detection of Zn2+ Ions: Quantum Chemical Calculations and Detection of Bacteria
Thank you for saving my life: Blood donation matters
Saurabh Rambiharilal Shrivastava,Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
286 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
The journal of Vascular Access
The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
The American Journal of Medicine
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Cardiothoracic and Mahatma Gandhi Vascular Surgery Medical College and Research Institute
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
3447 3448
C I DR F 286
Huang F., Ichihara S., Yamada Y., Banu S., Ichihara G.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Aseervatham G.S.B., Suryakala U., Doulethunisha, Sundaram S., Bose P.C., Sivasudha T.
Pallavee P., Samal R., Begum J., Ghose S.
Sathiya Priya C., Bhavani K., Anuradha C.V.
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi SS.
Sarawagi R., Sundar S., Raghuvanshi S., Gupta S.K., Jayaraman G.
Letter to the Editor regard- 2016 ing “Tympanic membrane perforation in children: Endoscopic type I tympanoplasty a newly technique, is it worthwhile?”
High-calorie diet inflates steatogenic effects of valproic acid in mice
Foetal fibular hemimelia with focal femoral deficiency following prenatal misoprostol use: A case report 2016
Expression pattern of 2016 NMDA receptors reveals antiepileptic potential of apigenin 8-C-glucoside and chlorogenic acid in pilocarpine induced epileptic mice
Elimination of motherto-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus and syphilis in Cuba: A stepping stone toward acquired immune deficiency syndrome-free generation
Effect of 4-week inhalation exposure to 1-bromopropane on blood pressure in rats
Don’t neglect the sinus!
Common and uncommon anatomical variants of intrahepatic bile ducts in magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and its clinical implication
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Toxicology Pathology Mechanisms and Methods
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Biomedicine And Pharmacotherapy
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
Journal of Applied Toxicology
Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London
Polish Journal of Radiology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kali A.
Ananthakrishnan N. Residents working hours 2016 and patient safety: Have we finally laid the issue to rest!
Bakshi S.S.
Jose M., Mathaiyan J., Kattimani S., Adithan S., Chandrasekaran A.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Bakshi S.S.
Commentary to: ‘Longterm symptom relief after septoplasty,’
The 2015 measles outbreak in America: Identified shortcomings and recommendations to the health authorities
Successful elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus in India: Ray of hope for other nations
Role of CYP2C19 gene poly- 2016 morphism in acute alcohol withdrawal treatment with loading dose of diazepam in a South Indian population
Rhino-orbital mucormycosis in a patient with diabetes
Psychobiotics: An emerging probiotic in psychiatric practice.
Population-based estimation 2016 of renal function in healthy young Indian adults based on body mass index and sex correlating renal volume, serum creatinine, and cystatin C
Rajagopalan P., Abraham G., Reddy Y.N.V., Lakshmanasami R., Prakash M.L., Reddy Y.N.V.
Outcome evaluation of clarithromycin, metronidazole and lansoprazole regimens in Helicobacter pylori positive or negative children with resistant otitis media with effusion
Bakshi S.S.
288 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Annals of Community African Medicine Medicine
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
General Medicine
National Medical General Surgery Journal of India
Biomedical Journal
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease
Journal of ENT and Head & Laryngology and Neck Surgery Otology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
4041 4042
C I DR F 288
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi SS.
Bakshi SS.
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi S.S.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Saranathan R, Kumari R, Kalaivani R, Suresh S, Rani A, Purty S, K P.
Bakshi SS.
2015 outbreak of zika virus 2016 disease declared as public health emergency of international concern: Justification, consequences, and the public health perspective
World health organization 2016 advocates for a healthy diet for all: Global perspective
Letter to the Editor:The impact of perioperative dexamethasone on swallowing impairment score after thyroidectomy
Letter to the Editor
In reference to late tracheotomy is associated with higher morbidity and mortality in mechanically ventilated patients. 2016
In reference to endo2016 scope-assisted transoral removal of a thyroglossal duct cyst using a frenotomy incision: A prospective clinical trial.
Comment on: Effect of topical ofloxacin on bacterial biofilms in refractory post-sinus surgery rhino-sinusitis
2016 Detection of ISAba1 in association with a novel allelic variant of the β-lactamase ADC-82 and class D β-lactamase genes mediating carbapenem resistance among the clinical isolates of MDR A. baumannii.
Parapharyngeal Tumor.
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
Clinical Otolaryngology
Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology
European Archives of Oto-RhinoLaryngology
Journal of medical microbiology
The American Journal of Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
E208 -
E210 -
e331 e332
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Singh Bakshi S.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Padmanabhan K., Pulimoottil D.T.
Rajesh D., Muthukumar S., Saibaba G., Siva D., Akbarsha M.A., Gulyร ยกs B., Padmanabhan P., Archunan G.
Jebamalar A.A., Prabhat P., Balakrishnapillai A.K., Parmeswaran N., Dhiman P., Rajendiran S.
Devising a comprehensive strategy to improve the neonatal health and survival rates in low-resource settings
An indispensable need to offer comprehensive clinical care to the Ebola survivors
Addressing the public health concerns associated with Buruli ulcer on a global scale
Cystic Hygroma
Structural elucidation of estrus urinary lipocalin protein (EULP) and evaluating binding affinity with pheromones using molecular docking and fluorescence study
Preparing the world to meet diabetes-related needs of the refugee population
2016 Comparison of distortion product otoacoustic emissions and pure tone audiometry in occupational screening for auditory deficit due to noise exposure
Cerebrospinal fluid ferritin 2016 and albumin index: potential candidates for scoring system to differentiate between bacterial and viral meningitis in children
290 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Acta Clinica Belgica
Scientific Reports
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
OtoJournal of Laryngology and Rhinolaryngology Otology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1165 -
C I DR F 290
Raghuraman M.S.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Jayaraman S., Singh B.P., Ramanathan B., Pazhaniappan Pillai M., Kirubakaran R.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Sam Vijay Kumar J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Millennium development goal target to reverse the global malaria incidence accomplished: The ground reality and what next?
Life of a biological researcher
Implementing universal minimal standards to counter the challenge of gender-based violence in emergencies
Implementing strategic response framework for the control of Zika virus infection: World Health Organization
Human African trypanoso- 2016 miasis: Aiming to eliminate the disease by 2020
Fabrication of complete/ 2016 partial dentures (different final impression techniques and materials) for treating edentulous patients
Exploring the multiple dimen- 2016 sions in the control of Zika virus disease: Vector control, surveillance, clinical care, risk communication, travel, and promotion of research
Errors in an article published in EgJA in 2016
Enhancing the involvement 2016 of stakeholders in developing the list of assistive products for the disabled and the elderly
Don’t we have better chal2016 lenges and bigger enemies than targeting the health sector itself? Time to introspect!
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Current Science
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Egyptian Journal Anaesthesiology of Anaesthesia
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1602 -
SS Bakshi
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Mani G., Danasekaran R., Annadurai K.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
An unusual cause for facial nerve palsy: mucormycosis-a case report
Working together to accomplish gender equality in health: World Health Organization
Where does the world stand in the battle against tuberculosis? 2015 global update
Targeting the challenge of reducing the adverse consequences of mercury on health
Substandard, spurious, 2016 falsely-labelled, falsified and counterfeit (SSFFC) drugs: Time to take a bitter pill
Strengthening and expanding the targeted interventions to accomplish schistosomiasis elimination
Standardized management of Zika virus infection during pregnancy
Responding to the public health challenge of rising maternal mortality in humanitarian crises
Neutralizing the contribu- 2016 tion of obesogenic environment in the development of childhood obesity
292 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Journal of diabetes in developing countries
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Journal of Community Krishna Institute Medicine of Medical Sciences University
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 292
Ganesan S., Vikneswaran G., Reddy K.C., Subrahmanyam D.K., Adithan C.
Sinnatamby M., Nagarajan V., Reddy K.S., Karunanidhi G., Singhavajala V.
K Hwang
Arul Vijaya Vani S., Ananthanarayanan P.H., Kadambari D., Harichandrakumar K.T., Niranjjan R., Nandeesha H.
Shrivastava S., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Elangovan S., Rajalakshmi A.R., Velayutham V., Ranjit Prabhu D.
Danasekaran R., Mani G., Annadurai K.
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Encouraging human immu2016 nodeficiency virus self-Testing among vulnerable group of adolescents: A World Health Organization initiative
Effects of vitamin D and calcium supplementation on side effects profile in patients of breast cancer treated with letrozole
Early Descriptions of the Forehead Muscle and Traumatic Blepharoptosis: Historical Vignette
Comparison of image-based three-dimensional treatment planning using AcurosTM BV and AAPM TG-43 algorithm for intracavitary brachytherapy of carcinoma cervix
A survey on knowledge, at- 2016 titude and practice of pharmacovigilance towards adverse drug reactions reporting among doctors and nurses in a tertiary care hospital in South India
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Clinica Chimica Acta
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery
Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice
Community Medicine
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of Young CIDRF Pharmacists
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Expert Review of Ophthalmology Ophthalmology
Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
Adolescent hypertension: A 2016 challenge for the future
An analysis of ocular firecracker injuries in five consecutive years during a festive season in a tertiary eye care hospital in South India
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
A comprehensive approach 2016 to minimize the aftereffects of disability on health standards in low resource settings
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Salwe K.J., A study on polypharmacy 2016 Kalyansundaram D., and potential drug-drug Bahurupi Y. interactions among elderly patients admitted in department of medicine of a tertiary care hospital in puducherry
Kirthiga M., Manju M., Praveen R., Umesh W.
Ilango P., Mahalingam A., Parthasarathy H., Reddy V.K., Reddy V.S.
Mohamed JP, Kommi PB, Kumar MS, Hanumanth, Venkatesan, Aniruddh, Arvinth, Kumar AN.
Parthasarathy S., Reported pain during labour – 2016 Ravishankar M., A qualitative study of influencHemanthkumar V.R. ing factors among parturient during confinement in private or government hospital
Evaluation of TLR2 and 4 in chronic periodontitis
Evaluating the Type of Light Transmittance in Mono Crystalline, Poly Crystalline and Sapphire Brackets- An Invitro Spectrofluorometer Study. 2016
Ethnic association of cusp of carabelli trait and shoveling trait in an Indian population
Effect of different pranayamas on respiratory sinus arrhythmia
Bhavanani A.B., Raj J.B., Ramanathan M., Trakroo M.
Analysis of the incidence 2016 and factors predictive of inadvertent parathyroidectomy during thyroid surgery
Karthikeyan P., Pulimoottil D.T.
Imaging features of spinal tanycytic ependymoma
Tomek.M, Jayajothi.A, Brandner.s, Jaunmuktane, Lee CH, Davagnanam
294 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
Journal of OtoLaryngology and Rhinolaryngology Otology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
UC03 2249-782X
ZC86 ZC89
ZC18 ZC21
CC04 CC06
FC06 FC10
C I DR F 294
Prabhu R., Kannan N.S., Vinoth S., Praveen C.B.
Gopal N., Rajagambeeram R., Venkatkumar S., Vijayan M.V., Murugaiyan S.B., Gopal S.P., Ramsamy S., Alwar V.
Karthikeyan P., Vijayasundaram S., Pulimoottil D.T.
Gopi M., Arumugam A.
Shanmugam L., Kadavanu T.M., Green S.R., Dutta T.K., Radhakrishnan H., Ramachandrappa A.K., Tiwari S.R., Govindasamy E.
Umadevi Sivaraman, Pramodhini Subramanian, Kalaivani Ramakrishnan, K.s.Seetha
Manivasakan S., Sethuraman K.R., Narayan K.A.
Joshua Daniel M., Muddegowda P.H., Subash C., Lingegowda J.B., Gopal N., Prasad K.
Association of salivary osteopontin levels with glycaemic status and microalbuminuria - In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
A retrospective epidemiological study of rhinosporidiosis in a rural tertiary care centre in Pondicherry
Ainhum - A rare case report
Acute myoclonic jerk terminated by a simple procedure – A case report
A comparative study of lipid profile and cardiovascular risk biomarkers among chronic haemodialysis patients and healthy individuals
Umbilical sepsis caused by multidrug resistant strain of Kocuria Kristinae in a new born: A case report
The proposal of a BDS syllabus framework to suit choice based credit system (CBCS)
Study of twenty one cases of red cell exchange in a tertiary care hospital in Southern India
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
General Surgery
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
General Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
General Medicine
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Transfusion Medicine
PD18 2249-782X
OD17 2249-782X
OC19 2249-782X
DD02 2249-782X
BC06 BC08
MC04 MC08 2249-782X
EC28 EC30
Guhanandam H., Rajamani R., Noorunnisa N., Durairaj M.
Mugunthan N., Shanmugasamy K., Anbalagan J., Rajanarayanan S., Meenachi S.
Rajswaroob U., Kannan R., Kannan N.S., Tirouaroul T.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J.
Annamary K., Prathima G., Sajeev R., Kayalvizhi G., Ramesh V., Ezhumalai G.
Vidyalakshmi S., Madhavan Nirmal R., Veeravarmal V., Santhadevy A., Aravindhan R., Sumathy
Kanya S.D., Sankar H., Kommi P.B., Arani N., Keerthi V.N.
Jain A., Singh N., Gupta R.
Expression of Cytokera2016 tin-19 and thyroperoxidase in relation to morphological features in non-neoplastic and neoplastic lesions of thyroid
Effects of long term exposure of 900-1800 MHz radiation emitted from 2G mobile phone on mice hippocampus-A histomorphometric study 2016
Effectiveness of centchro2016 man on regression of fibroadenosis and Mastalgia
Dealing with the neglected public health issue of drowning in low-resource settings
Colour preference to emotions in relation to the anxiety level among school children in Puducherry – A cross-sectional study
Clinical utilization of M 2016 spring for the space closure of midline diastema - clinical case reports
Buccal micronuclei assay as a tool for biomonitoring DNA damage in oral lichen planus
2016 Autonomic reactivity differs in young adults classified using revised Indian and WHO guidelines for obesity
296 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
General Surgery
Community Medicine
Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
EC01 EC03
AF01 AF06
PC10 PC14
ZC26 ZC30
ZC05 ZC07
CC01 CC04
C I DR F 296
Shanmugam L., Green S.R., Radhakrishnan H., Kadavanu T.M., Ramachandrappa A., Tiwari S.R., Rajkumar A.L., Govindasamy E.
Thulasi Raman R., Manimaran D., Rachakatla P. Bharathi K., Afroz T., Sagar R.
Rani PR, Begum J.
Kochupurakal R.T., Srikanth K., Jha K.N., Rajalakshmi A.R., Nagarajan S., Ezhumalai G.
Janaki Kavasseri L; Kannan Narayanasamy Subbaraju; Palaniappan M ; Nandi Partha
Kumaraguru V., Prabhu R., Kannan N.S.
Banwari G., Karia S., Avudaiappan S.M., Tharayil H., Andrade C.
Balaguru P., Hariharan V., Manivel R., Trakroo M.
Subramanian K., Aroul T., Kuppusamy S., Gunashekaran V.
Trace elements in chronic haemodialysis patients and healthy individuals-A comparative study
Study of basic coagulation parameters among HIV patients in correlation to CD4 counts and ART status
Screening and Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Where Do We Stand.
Profile of breast diseases in post pubertal women assessed by clinical breast examination – A community based study in rural pondicherry
Role of optical coherence tomography in assessing anterior chamber angles
Penile epidermal cyst: A case report
2016 Modafinil augmentation of atypical antipsychotic agents: Duplicate publication, self-plagiarism, salami publication, and other matters
2016 Measuring respiratory pressures with mercury manometer in low economic health care settings- an analytical study
Intra luminal metastases to 2016 Duodenum: A histological surprise
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
General Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
General Surgery
General Surgery
General Surgery
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
OC17 2249-782X
QE04 2249-782X
NC20 2249-782X
EC04 EC06
PD06 2249-782X
PC07 PC11
PD10 2249-782X
CC12 CC15
Balasubramanian P., Boopathy V., Govindasamy E., Venkatesh B.P.
Mohandoss A.
Hiremath A., Murugaboopathy V., Ankola A.V., Hebbal M., Mohandoss S., Pastay P.
Ravi K.S., Naithani M., Kaur S., Reddy K.S., Pasi R.
Hemachandar R.
Muthulingam M., Mahapatra S.
Unusual presentation of ra- 2016 dial nerve entrapment with lateral humeral condyle fracture – a case report
Acquired perforating dermatosis in a diabetic patient on hemodialysis
Abnormal nuclear variations in response to radiotherapy- As a tool in treatment planning and assessment of prognosis
Prevalence of dental caries 2016 among primary school children of India - A cross-sectional study
Ideological cause and hero 2016 worship related suicides: Indian perspective and changing trends during 2001-2014: An exploratory study
Assessment of portal venous and hepatic artery haemodynamic variation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients
Contribution of Indian psy- 2016 chiatrists to PubMed listed mental health literature during 1995–2013: An exploratory study
AA Mohandoss, R Thavarajah
2016 Using smartphone video “selfies” to monitor change in toothbrushing behavior after a brief intervention: A pilot study
Mugunthan N.P., Variations in the origin Kannan R., Jebakani and course of right hepatC.F., Anbalagan J. ic artery and its surgical significance
PDM Kumar, AA Mohandoss, T Walls, T Rooban,, Lance T Vernon
298 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Public Health Dentistry
Indian Journal of Nephrology Nephrology
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indian Journal of Psychiatry Dental Research
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
RD06 2249-782X
AC08 AC12
ZC47 ZC50
AC01 AC04
C I DR F 298
Anitha M., Monica Roselin E., Monisha D.M., Chella Karthik J.
Sharma Arvind; Mittal Radhey Shyam 2016
Prevalence of obesity and 2016 overweight among medicos in both male and female students
Devaraj B., Kali A., Modified biphasic media Pravin Charles M.V., for blood culture Seetha K.S.
A giant frontal cavernous malformation with review of literature
School based intervention 2016 programme on gingival health of 10-12 years Old Government Aided School Children of Basavangudi in Bangalore City – A randomized controlled trial
Evaluating the surface characteristics of stainless steel, TMA, timolium, and titanium-niobium wires: An In vivo scanning electron microscope study
Shekhawat K.S., Chauhan A., Sakthi Devi S., Kumar H., Mishra P.
Babu K Pradeep; Keerthi V Naga; Madathody Deepika; Prasanna A Laxmi; Gopinath Vidhya; Kumar M Senthil; Kumar A Nanda
2016 Comparison of the efficacy and safety of tramadol versus tapentadol in acute osteoarthritic knee pain: A randomized, controlled trial
Moorthy S., Sudar Codi R., Surendher R., Manimekalai K.
2016 A retriospective study of poisoning cases at a Tertiary care teaching Hospital of Southern Rajasthan
Parthasarathy S., Incidence of post-dural Sivashanmugham T. puncture headache in Indian population: A need for a relook
Kumar.S, Patil,R, Dad GL
Clinical utility of fractional 2016 exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) as a biomarker to predict severity of disease and response to inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) in asthma patients
Neelamegan R., Saka V., Tamilarasu K., Rajaram M., Selvarajan S., Chandrasekaran A.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Community Medicine
Journal of Neuro Surgery Neurosciences in Rural Practice
Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Medico Legal Update
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
FC01 FC06
Suganya S., Malligai E., Shanmuga Priya R., Rajagopalan B.
T.Rajini Application of modified Samuel,Ilanchezian, Henderson equation in Balaji Rajagopalan ABG interpretation
Suganya, Shanmuga Priya R., Rajini Samuel T., Rajagopalan B.
Sumina S., Lahon K., Pandian J., Manimekalai K.
Datchinamoorthi S., Vanaja R., Rajagopalan B.
Rajini Samuel T., Devi M., Shanthi, Rajagopalan B.
Is red blood cell distribu2016 tion width (RDW) A novel renal biomarker for diabetic complications?
Evaluation of serum electrolytes in type II diabetes mellitus
Evaluation of acute anxi2016 olytic and antidepressant activity of ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi) leaf in wistar albino rats
A study to evaluate the role 2016 of Bun/creatinine ratio as a discriminator factor in azotemia
A cross sectional study to 2016 determine the association between metabolic syndrome and hypothyroidism among women population
Pandiamunian J., Salwe K.J., Somasundaram G., Kolasani B.P.
2016 A study on prescribing pattern of antimicrobial agents in the neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital in puducherry, South India
Shrivastava S.R.B.L., Strengthening directly Shrivastava P.S., observed treatment for Ramasamy J. tuberculosis in India
300 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Biology and Medicine
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1470 1477
C I DR F 300
Divya G., Sri Kiruthika K., Ashwini V., Pavithra B.
Arumugam S.C., Murugesan S., Pradeep S., John L., Kolluru V.
Marimuthu C., Abraham V.T., Ravichandran M., Achimuthu R.
Bakshi S.S., Anandraj Vaithy K.
Yashwant V A, K R, Arumugam E.
Vadagaonkar R., Rai A.R., Rai R., Prabhu L.V., Pai M.M., Vani P.C.
Balpande G., Sobana R., Swamy S., Madanmohan, Ganesh A., Parthasarahy, Jaiganesh K.
Ravichandran L., Umadevi S., Pramodhini S., Srirangaraj S., Seetha K.S.
Comparative evaluation 2016 of soft tissue changes in Class I borderline patients treated with extraction and nonextraction modalities.
Antrochoanal Polyp
Antimicrobial prophylaxis in instrumented spinal fusion surgery: A comparative analysis of 24-hour and 72-hour dosages
Morphometric analysis of internal acoustic meatus and its surgically relevant relations in human temporal bones
Intracranial tuberculoma presenting as atypical eclampsia: A case report
Bacteriological profile of Urinary tract infection and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in view of emerging drug resistance
A correlative study on the association of Brachial Arterial Intima Media Thickness (BA IMT) and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) so as to quantify BA IMT as a biomarker of atherosclerosis
Prevalence of virulence fac- 2016 tors among clinical isolates of enterococcus SPP
Dental press journal of orthodontics
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
Asian Spine Journal
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1018 1022
QD02 2249-782X 1584 1588
1296 1301
2538 2543
Jayanthi R, Srinivasan AR, Hanifah M, Maran AL.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Bakshi S.S.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Balakrishna Pillai A, Nagarajan U, Mitra A, Krishnan U, Rajendran S, Hoti SL, Mishra RK.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
S.NO 2016
Associations among Insulin 2016 Resistance, Triacylglycerol/High Density Lipoprotein (TAG/HDL ratio) and Thyroid hormone levels-A study on Type 2 diabetes mellitus in obese and overweight subjects.
2000 to 2015: How far have we progressed in achieving the health related millennium development goals? 2016
RNA interference in 2016 mosquito: understanding immune responses, double-stranded RNA delivery systems and potential applications in vector control.
Preventing nonsmokers from being exposed to secondhand smoke: Global perspective
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome
2016 Failure to achieve reduction in the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus among men who have sex with men: A worrisome global concern
Ebola-free Liberia: Scrutinizing the efforts of public health sector and international agencies
302 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Medicine
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Community Medicine
Insect molecular CIDRF biology
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
Indian Journal of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and AIDS
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 302
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Saibaba G., Rajesh D., Muthukumar S., Sathiyanarayanan G., Padmanabhan P., Akbarsha M.A., GulyĂƒÂĄs B., Archunan G.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
SRBL Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, J Ramasamy
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Praveen R., Thakur S., Kirthiga M.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Venkatesh S., Chandrasekaran V., Dhandapany G., Palanisamy S., Sadagopan S.
203 2016
Proteomic analysis of human saliva: An approach to find the marker protein for ovulation
Palliative care: An integral component of human right to health
Is there no solution to minimize the aftermaths of heat waves? World health organization comes up with an answer!!!
Inequality in health for women, infants, and children: An alarming public health concern
How can we improve the universal uptake of hiv testing services? World health organization
Global food safety: Challenges and recommended public health strategies
Exploring the role of dietary factors in the development of breast cancer
Comparative Evaluation of Premedication with Ketorolac and Prednisolone on Postendodontic Pain: A Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial
Childhood malnutrition: 2016 Where does the world stand? What else is needed?
A survey on internet usage and online learning behaviour among medical undergraduates
Reproductive Biology
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
International Community Journal of PreMedicine ventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Journal of Cancer Therapeutics and Research
Journal of Endodontics
International Community Journal of PreMedicine ventive Medicine
Postgraduate Medical Journal
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Singh Bakshi S.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
World health organization advocates for expansion in the role of health workforce to prevent unsafe abortions
Unilateral tonsillar enlarge- 2016 ment
Time to Improve the Outcome of Preterm Births in Middle and Low-Income Nations
The growing global problem of vaccine hesitancy: Time to take action
Tackling the rising trends of noncommunicable diseases during public health emergencies
Strategies to prevent the emergence of radiation-induced malignancies
Risk communication: An integral element in public health emergencies
Recommended strategies to move closer toward the global eradication of polio: International health regulations
Public health interventions to reduce the incidence of tobacco associated cancers
304 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Medicina Clinica
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 304
Singh Bakshi S.
Bakshi S.S.
Bakshi S.S.
Shrivastava S.R., Saurabh Shrivastava P., Ramasamy J.
Bakshi Ss
Suganya M, Vikneshan, Hiremath A.
Sathish Babu M., Sreesoorya K.P., Menon S.K., Saha S., Srinivasan A.R., Arul Vijaya Vani S., Reeta R., Kuzhandai Velu V.
Ramkumar S., Vijayalakshmi S., Seetharaman N., Pajanivel R., Lokeshmaran A.
Mohandoss A., Thavarajah R.
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Rhino-orbital mucormycosis
Nearing elimination of meningitis a from the african “meningitis belt†using meningococcal a conjugate vaccine
Lingual thyroid
Letter to the Editor
A lumpy jaw
Timely management of knocked out teeth - are the nurses aware?
Putative Role of Cardio 2016 Metabolic Risk Among Poorly Controlled Asthmatics in South Indian Population
Health-related quality of 2016 life among tuberculosis patients under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme in rural and urban Puducherry
A study on suicide among Indians living with cancer during 2001-2014
World health organization 2016 recommends cost-effective interventions to control the rise in incidence of noncommunicable diseases in low-resource settings
Medicina Clinica
GERMS Journal
Medicina Clinica
Otology and Neurotology
Medicina Clinica
Journal of clinical nursing
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Community Medicine
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry
Indian Journal of Community Tuberculosis Medicine
Community Medicine
Indian Journal of Psychiatry Cancer
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1257 1263
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Mahapatra S., Ambasta S.
Naren Vaidya,R. Sobana, Jaiganesh Krishnan
Begum R., Shree R.
SS Bakshi
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Latha Ramalingam, Rajalakshmi Ramesh, Ratchagan Kuppan
Punitap.Trakroo.M, Palamalai Sr, Subramanian.S, Bhavanani Ab, Madhavan.C
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Moving toward the universal health coverage: A strategy to expedite health equity
Bilateral discoid medial menisci a case report
Nasal meningocele
Randomised controlled trial of 12-week yoga therapy as lifestyle intervention in patients of essential hypertension and cardiac autonomi function tests.
Prevalence of Internet 2016 addiction and its impact on the physiological balance of mental health
Correlation between red 2016 blood cell distribution width and b-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in patients with acute coronary syndrome
Assessment of the level of awareness about tuberculosis among the different stakeholders of a medical college, Tamil Nadu
Assessment of cardia sympathovagal activity in overweight young adult males
Alarming global estimates 2016 of herpes simplex virus 1: A lot needs to be done from the public health dimension
306 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Medical Society
JBJS Case Connector
Archives of Disease in Childhood
National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin
National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Journal of Medical Society
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
B108 B115
C I DR F 306
Priyanka P., Pradeep B., Nagulan S.
Dadkhah M., Correspondence Bianciardi G., Prashanth G.P., Shivalingam G., Kumar A., Aggarwal V., Garg R., Singh K., Bavdekar S.B., Srinivasaraghavan R., Dhandapany G.
Priyanka P., Pradeep B., Gomathi R.
Coumary A S., Ghose S.
Harlequin Ichthyosis - A case report
Evans tumor: A rare case report
An interesting case of fish envenomation
Pleomorphic liposarcoma of breast: A rare case report
Friendly vaccination: Responding effectively to the vaccine associated iatrogenic pain on a global scale
Shrivastava S.R., Shrivastava P.S., Ramasamy J.
Comparative in-vitro evaluation of anthelmintic property of leaves and rhizome of costus pictus D Don against albendazole.
Raj JB,Kalaivani.R
Safe handling of healthcare waste: A priority public health concern
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
General Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Journal of the Indian Medical Association
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Indian Pediatrics Paediatrics
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences
Journal of Medical Society
National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Journal of Medical Society
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1027 1033
B336 B338
1265 1268
Sarawagi R, Sundar S, Gupta SK, Raghuwanshi S.
D Manimaran
Bakshi SS.
Srinivasaraghavan, R; Dhandapany, G
Shrivastava, SR; Shrivastava, PS; Ramasamy, J
Shyamala M, Ramesh C, Yuvaraj V, Suresh V, SathyaNarayanan R, Balaji TS, Neil Dominic M, Nithin Joseph Jude B.
Bhavanani AB.
Gaddale R, Mudda JA, Karthikeyan I, Desai SR, Shinde H, Deshpande P.
Ramalingam L., Ramesh R.
S.NO 2016
A not so safe safety pin!
Idiopathic Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis Masquerading as a Breast Tumor: A Case Report
Anatomical Variations of Cystic Ducts in Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography and Clinical Implications.
World Health Organization releases new recommendations to comprehensively address the problem of maternal peripartum infections
Non-availability of Cloxacil- 2016 lin - A Deterrent for Rational Antimicrobial Practice
Changes in cellular and molecular components of peripheral blood in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis
A Comparative Study 2016 Between Bupivacaine with Adrenaline and Carbonated Bupivacaine with Adrenaline for Surgical Removal of Impacted Mandibular Third Molar.
A brief qualitative survey on 2016 the utilization of Yoga research resources by Yoga teachers.
Heart rate variability is reduced in sedentary young females with higher body mass index
308 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Yoga Therapy
The Medical journal of Australia
Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal
Radiology Research and Practice
Journal of Community Research in Medicine Medical Sciences
Indian Pediatrics Paediatrics
Journal of Investigative and Clinical Dentistry
Oral and Journal of Maxillofacial and Maxillofacial Oral Surgery Surgery
Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology
National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1032 1033
C I DR F 308
Datchinamoorthi S, Vanaja R and Rajagopalan
N.Suresh Kumar,Gurubharath Ilangovan,A.Sriram Khanna
P Sumathy
Mohesh, MIG; Sundaramurthy, A; Sembulingam, P
T Ilanchezhian, R Vanaja and Balaji Rajagopalan
Glad Mohesh.M.I, Jyotsna Srinath, Rajeev.K, Sundaramurthy.A
SR Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Bakshi, SS
Bakshi, SS
The study of serum vitamin 2016 d status with insulin resistance in obese adolescents
The impact of cigarette smoking on lung function in smokers with differences in their nicotine dependency
Striving toward malaria elimination and the necessity to be persistent in our efforts 2016
General Surgeons triaging 2016 head injury patients in accident and emergency in a teaching hospital of South India
Effectiveness of Exercises on Low Back Pain among Middle Aged Women at Puducherry
Comparative Study of the Estimation of LDL Cholesterol by the Direct Method and Friedewald Equation in Secondary Hyperlipidemia
A cross sectional survey on knowledge, attitude and practices of health care professionals towards tobacco control in South India
Removal of inverted papilloma from the frontal recess: how we do it
A service evaluation of 2016 HDU-related adenotonsillectomy cancellations in one hundred and sixty-nine children at a University Teaching Hospital
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences
Healthcare in Low-resource Settings
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Community Medicine
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Nitte University Child Health Journal of Health Nursing Science
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences
Clinical Otolaryngology
Clinical Otolaryngology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
5088 5091
1036 1037
4632 4636
Datchinamoorthi, STUDY OF THYROID Sarguru; RathaDYSFUNCTION IN TYPE II navel, Naveena; DIABETES MELLITUS Rajagopalan, Balaji; Vanaja, R
Lysander, A; Ganesh, A
SS Bakshi
Chinnappan.S, Shettikothanuru Ramachandrappa.V, Tamilarasu.K, Krishnan UM, Balakrishna Pillai AK, Rajendiran.S 2016
Letter to the Editor: Agran- 2016 damiento tonsilar unilateral-DOI:1016/j.medcli.201 6.02.030
Inhibition of Platelet Aggregationn by the Leaf Extract of Carica papaya During dengue infection: An in vitro study
Transradial Cardiac Catheterization and Endothelial Dysfunction
A Prasath TCTAP A-159 Safety and 2016 Palamalai,Santhosh Efficacy of Balloon Mitral Satheesh Valvotomy in Post Trans Ventricular Mitral Commissurotomy Restenosis
Outcomes in Patients with Triple Vessel Disease Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Murugesan, G; Lysander, A
2016 Incidence of SHV and CTX-M Extended spectrum β-lactamases producing gram negative bacterial isolates from antenatal mother with asymptomatic bacteriuria
K Ramakrishnan
Shivanna, R; Thimmarayan, G; Janarthanam, V; Rao, KSSR
310 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Medicina Clinica
Viral immunology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Journal of the GENERAL American College of Cardiology
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
3877 3880
100 7381 7383
C I DR F 310
Anitharaj V, Stephen S, Pradeep J, Park S, Kim SH, Kim YJ, Kim EY, Kim YW.
Sreenivasan Srirangaraj ; Kali Arunava ; Pradeep Jothimani
A Balamurugan, K Srikanth
Lingegowda Jyothi B; Jeyakumar Joshua Daniel; Muddegowda Prakash H; Pitchai R ; Gopal Niranjan ; Sinha Pammy
Ramakrishnan, SN; Palamalai, AP; Lysander, A; Chowdary, R; Kansal, A
Bhosale, NK; Mandal, J; Parija, S; Ahuja, S
Thimmarayan G,Venkatraman J
Bhavani K, UrsRoopa, Venkatraman J, Kotasthane.D
Kumar, MR; Rathna, S; Sowmya, S; Gandhi, N; Venkatraman, J
Hanumanth.s, Murali PS,
Serological Diagnosis of Acute 2016 Scrub Typhus in Southern India: Evaluation of InBios Scrub Typhus Detect IgM Rapid Test and Comparison with other Serological Tests.
Multidrug resistant Shigella flexneri infection simulating intestinal intussusception
A rare case of branch retinal vein occlusion following Sirsasana
An audit of requests for fresh frozen plasma in a Tertiary Care Center in South India
Utility of Polymerase chain reaction in diagnosis of Acanthamoeba and Microsporidial keratitis
Coronary Slow Flow Phenomenon (CSFP) - Assessment of the Role of Endothelial Dysfunction
Rationale use of platelet transfusion in dengue fever-experience from a tertiary care hospital
Histopathological study of salivary gland tumours
Non-extraction treatment 2016 of dental class II malocclusionn in Adolescent patient using fixed functional appliance
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Journal of Laboratory Physicians
International Journal of Yoga
Journal of Laboratory Physicians
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Annals of Dental Speciality
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Immunohematolo- Mahatma Gandhi gy and Transfusion Medical College and Medicine Research Institute
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
5054 5047
5240 5244
7071 7075
Joy A L Magdalin; Appavoo M Reginald; Mohesh M I Glad
SB Parkhad, SB Palve, B RUPANJALI
Nair G Vijaya Kumar; Barman Dipayan Deb
Vanaja R; Jasmine J Mercy
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Parkhad Suchitra B; Palve Sachin B; Rupanjali B
Priya A Ramana; Jeyapriya K; Kannan N S
J Begum, P Palai, S Ghose
Kali A, Bhuvaneshwar D, Charles PM, Seetha KS.
Change in social psyche: A trigger to commit crime
Assessment of Status of Depression and Anxiety among Infertile Women in Chennai
Assessment of status of depression and anxiety among infertile women in Chennai
Antiangiogenic activity of Strychnos nux vomica leaf extract on chick chorioallantoic membrane model
Antioxidant activity of Phytoformulaltion 1, a polyherbal formulation, on hyperlipidemic Wistar rats
Physical Inactivity and 2016 Development of Diabetes: An Association Worth to be Explored
Accuracy of serum uric acid 2016 in predicting complications of pre-eclampsia
Complete molar pregnancy in postmenopausal women
Antibacterial synergy of curcumin with antibiotics against biofilm producing clinical bacterial isolates.
312 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine
International Journal of Physiology
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research
Biology and Medicine
International Journal of Current Research and Review
Journal of Midlife Health
Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy
Forensic Medicine
Community Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
e124 -
C I DR F 312
Radhika KS, Sripriya R, Ravishankar M, Hemanth Kumar VR, Jaya V, Parthasarathy S.
S Parthasarathy, R Sripriya, N Krishnaveni
Pradeep Jothimani; Stephen Selvaraj; Sangeetha Balakrishnan; Antony Prabakar Xavier
Sharanya K; Vinod K; Lakshmi K
Antony John charlges.S, Raghuraman MS,Raji Sharma, David George Veliath
Assessment of suitability of i-gel and laryngeal mask airway-supreme for controlled ventilation in anesthetized paralyzed patients: A prospective randomized trial.
Anesthetic management of intestinal obstruction: A postgraduate educational review
Seroprevalence of bovine coxiellosis in Puducherry and Tamil Nadu - with a note on its relevance to human Q fever
Comparison of widal and 2016 typhoid immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin G in rapid and early diagnosis of enteric fever
Comparison of oral clon2016 dine with oral midazolam in managing agitation following sevoflurane anesthesia: A prospective,Randomized double-blinded study
A study to determine the association of gammaglutamyl transferase levels in metabolic syndrome
Priya R Shanmuga; Malligai E; Suganya; Rajagopalan Balaji
Shrivastava Saurabh Role of doctor-patient R; Shrivastava association in delivery of Prateek S; holistic medical care Ramasamy Jegadeesh
2016 Relationship between clinically palpable axillary lymph node and histological posmvity for metastasis and management in breast cancer patients
David S Deepak; Kumar CH Sadhan; Aroul T Tirou; Smile Robinson
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research
Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences
International Journal of Current Research and Review
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Community Medicine Biochemistry
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
General Surgery
Nirmala S.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J.
SRBL Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
P Rani, VR Hemanth Kumar, M Ravishankar, T Sivashanmugam, R Sripriya, M Trilogasundary
HD Shewade, S Govindarajan, P Thekkur,C. Palanivel, M. Muthaiah,A. M. V. KumarV. Gupta,B. N. Sharath, J. P. Tripathy, K. Vivekananda,G. Roy3
Sundar Sumathy, Parin N.Parmar
Kannan P, Mukherji A, Reddy KS et al
Ebola outbreak in West Africa: Bridging the gap between the public health authorities and the community.
A multisystem langerhan cell histiocytosis in association with systemic lupus erythematosus- A rare presentation.
Envisaging plain packaging of tobacco products: Appeal to national policymakers
MDR-TB in Puducherry, 2016 India: reduction in attrition and turnaround time in the diagnosis and treatment pathway
Rapid and reliable smooth extubation–Comparison of fentanyl with dexmedetomidine: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial
Effect of a Single Musical Cakra activation Manoeuvre on Body Temperature: An Exploratory study
Change in the Quality of Life in Oropharyngeal, Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Cancer Patients treated with Volumetric Modulated Arc-Based Concomitant Boost Radiotherapy.
314 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research
Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
International Journal of Preventive Medicine
Public Health Action
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches
Ancient Science of Life
The gulf journal of oncology
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Music Therapy
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 314
Ss Bakshi
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J.
M Sinnatamby, V Nagarajan,Reddy Kanipakam Sathyanarayanaa, c, Gunaseelan Karunanidhia, Vivekanandam Singhavajalaa
Abdulateef Ds, Ali Aj, Abdulateef Ds, Mohesh Mi.
Patibandla S, K JS, Tumbanatham, Appikatla.
Venkatesan R, Naveen M, Teja R, Paulindraraj S, Vallabhaneni SK, Arumugam SB.
Tiwari S, S S, S L, K J.
M Ramanathan, AB Bhavanani, M Trakroo
Letter to the Editor: As2016 sessment of patients with nasal polyposis by the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and eosinophil-to-lymphocyte ratio
Implementation of enhanced gonococcal antimicrobial surveillance program in Thailand.
Study of the dosimetric differences between 192 Ir and 60 Co sources of high dose rate brachytherapy for breast interstitial implant
Smoking Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Among Health Care Professionals from Sulaymaniyah City/ Iraq.
Psychosocial Effects of Fractured Anterior Teeth among Rural Children.
Is it APLA causing portal vein thrombosis with portal cavernoma?
Fever in trance.
Effect of a 12-week yoga 2016 therapy program on mental health status in elderly women inmates of a hospice
Community Medicine
The Turkish ENT and Head & Journal of Ear Neck Surgery Nose and Thorat
Indian dermatology online journal
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy
Tobacco Use Insights
International Pediatric and Journal of Preventive Clinical Pediatric Dentistry Dentistry
Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
Journal of the Association of Physicians of India
International Journal of Yoga
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
E Nivedita, M Narayanan, Dr.Siddarth N
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
Shrivastava SR,Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
Dr.Swagat Mahapatra, Dr.Vineet Thomas Abhram
PB Kommi, R Venkatesan, N Keerthi, A Nanda Kumar, Senthil Kumar, Vidhya Gopinath
Addressing the issue of 2016 shortage of oral cholera vaccines on the global front.
Addressing the ever neglected sexual and reproductive health needs of women living with HIV
A Comparative Study of the Carotid Intima Medial Thickness Between Diabetic and Non Diabetic Patients
A comparative analysis of 2016 the two most common surgical exposures for clubfoot
A Cephalometric Assessment of Ideal Nasolabial Angle Range for South Indian Population
Acceptability and feasibility of Choice Based credit system in BDS syllabus
Shivasakthy Manivasakan, K.R.Sethuraman.B.V.Adholi
Kannan B, Nagella AB, Sathia Prabhu A, Sasidharan GM, Ramesh AS, Madhugiri V.
Incidence of Potential Drug-Drug Interactions in a Limited and Stereotyped Prescription Setting - Comparison of Two Free Online Pharmacopoeias.
Sukla P, Shrivastava Assessment of the cardiac SR, Shrivastava PS, autonomic neuropathy Rao NL. among the known diabetics and age-matched controls using noninvasive cardiovascular reflex tests in a South-Indian population: A case-control study.
316 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University
Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine
International Journal of Scientific Research
International Surgery Journal
Journal of International Oral Health
International Journal for innovation education and research
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
General Medicine
Avicenna journal Community of medicine Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 316
R Murugan, R Krishnaraj, KR Premlal, S Sengottuvelu
Prasanna S, Sunilkumar Jada and Karthika Jayakumar
Sunilkumar Jada, Karthika Jayakumar, Priyadarshi Soumyaranjan Sahu, E.Prabakaran and Subramanian
Hemapriya.s, PatilR, Nisha.N, Palve.S, Lokeshmaran.A
Jerin Kurian, Sajeev Renganathan, Kayalvizhi Gurusamy, Prathima Gajula Shivashankarappa, Suganya Mohandoss
VR Hiremath, PM Kurhekar, D Kumar
SR Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava,Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Basker.P, Sampath.P, Arumugasamy.P, Kolandaswamy K.G and Ezhumalai.G
A study of misconceptions about hildhood diarrhoea among adults in urban Pondicherry, India
Association between early childhood caries and age and gender specific height, weight and mid upper arm circumference of school children in puducherry-“a comparative study�
A serological study of cysticercosis in tribal population of rural Kancheepuram
A rare case of tinea nigra of 2016 scalp in an immunocompetent individual caused by caused by Hortaea werneckii and Rhodotorula rubra from Kancheepuram, South India
Aphrodisiac Activity Of 2016 Ethanolic Extract Of Vitex Negundo Fruit In Male Wistar Albino Rats
Anaesthetic Management in the Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Aiming to eliminate 2016 onchocerciasis from the African and Latin American nations: the World Health Organization
Aedes indices and their significance on the evaluation of the Dengue control activities in Rajapalayam Municipality of Tamil Nadu,India
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Biology, Engineering, Medicine and Science Reports
Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
International Journal of Current Research
Acta Biomedica Scientia
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Environmental Disease
Journal of Mozquito Research
Community Medicine
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Community Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
39924 0975-833X
1442 1448
Vijayarani Kannayan, Sobana Jaiganesh
V Kannaiyan, D Shanmugam, K Jaiganesh
VT Abraham, R Krishnagopal, V Kondreddi, Swagat Mahapatra
N Mugunthan, C Felicia, J Anbalagan
S Swayam Jothi, J Antony, N Sujatha
J Jayasri, S Gayathri
Umadevi Karthikeyan, SanthaDevy A, UdhayaVisvanathan, SuganyaRajaram, SivaramakrishnanMuthanandam.
M Anitha, J Hemapriya, P Mathivathani, K Ramya,DM.Monisha
Case Report on Plummer-Vinson Syndrome
Carriage Rate of Strepto2016 coccus mutans among type II Diabetic patients with dental caries and compared with non-diabetic population –A Comparative Study
Bifurcation of Facial Nerve
Bifid ureter and multiple renal arteries: clinical and embryological significance
A study on the functional outcome of arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction done with bone patellar tendon bone graft using the IKDC score
A Study on Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Pharmacology in Second MBBS Students
A study on evaluation of 2016 awareness of social responsibility among medical students
318 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Journal of Nursing Education
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Mental Health Nursing
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
IOSR Journal Anatomy of Dental and Medical Sciences
Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research
International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health
International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences
1561 1564
C I DR F 318
Mahendra Bhauraoji Gandhe, V Kuzhandai Velu, Sree Shyamini S R, Subiman Saha, Ramesh Ramasamy, M Sathish Babu
Dr.Renuka.K, Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A
Parthasarathy.S, Sripriya R.Hemanthkumar VR
Keerthi VN,Babu KP,Kumar MS,Mathew A, Yashwant.A,Kumar AN
Kalaivani.R, Kali.A, M.V.P charles, K.S.Seetha
A Prabhakaran, R Nandakumar
Ramasamy.R, Murugaiyan SB, Arulkumaran.U,Sathiya.R, Kuzhandai Velu.V Gopal.N
Comparative study of adenosine deaminase activity, insulin resistance and lipoprotein(a)among smokers and healthy non-smokers
Comparative Functional 2016 Analysis between Titanium and Stainless Steel Proximal Femoral Nail in the Treatment of Intertrochanteric Fractures of Femur
Compara tive evaluation of three stool concentration techniques in the diagnosis of intestinal parasitic infections.
Comparative Evaluation of 2016 Corrosion Depth and Extent between Pre-welded and Welded Bands in Various Intraoral Simulated Conditions: An In Vitro Scanned electron microscope study
Comparative evaluation of 2016 addition of polygenline to bupivacaine in ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve blocks in patients undergoing hernioraphy-a randomized, double-blind
Cognition on deterrence of Osteoporosis among post menopausal Women
Circulating 25-hydroxyvita- 2016 min D status in apparently healthy adolescents and its association with body mass index in Puducherry population
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
International Biochemistry Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
International Journal of Scientific Study
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Journal of International Oral Health
National journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Tamil Nadu GENERAL Nurses and Midwives Council Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing
Indian Journal of Biochemistry child health
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1950 1953
Sriram K and vigneshan.M
A Jenkins, S Ghose
AS Devy, S Rajkumari, AN Uma
Santhosh Kumar Caliaperoumal, R.Vezhavendhan, A. Santha devy,Priyavendhan and Uma Devi
D.Madhavi, Sreelekha Dorairaj, S. Swayam Jothi Dorairaj, Hemanth Kommuru.
Raaghuraman.M.S Sivaraman.B
S.NO 2016
Dermatoglyphic Study in Breast Carcinoma Patients
Demonstration and Comparison of Keratin Pearl and Individual Cell Keratin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma using Modified Mallory’s Stain and Hematoxylin and Eosin.
Control of Cross Infection at Dental Clinic–A Survey
Comparison of the efficacy 2016 of extra amniotic Foley catheter, intraveginal prostaglandin E1 tablet and intracervical postaglandin E2 gel for pre induction cerical ripening: a randomized comparative study.
Comparison of Gingival and 2016 periodontal Status between Patient with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Normal Controls.
Comparative study of anaphylaxis incidence in patients receiving anti-snake venom with or without prophylactic adrenaline: a prospective, randomized, blinded study
320 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
General Medicine
International Journal of Science and Research
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
GENERAL International Journal of advanced Dental Research
International Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1436 1440
C I DR F 320
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
SRBL Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, J Ramasamy
AB Bhavanani, M Ramanathan, T Madanmohan, T Senthil
Ramya.K, Mukundan.A, LokeshMaran.A
KR Premlal
Niranjan Gopal, Kiriprasad R, Subiman S, Sathish Babu M, Ramesh R. Hanifah M, Prakash H Muddegowda
Enormous need to improve 2016 the global measles vaccination coverage: World health organization
Ending Child Marriage: 2016 Battling for a Girl’s Right to Choose
Elevated blood pressure 2016 and obesity in young adults of hypertensive parent versus normotensive parent
Effects of a Single Session of Yogic Relaxation on Cardiovascular Parameters in a Transgender Population 2016
Effect of Azadirachta indica 2016 Stem Bark Extract on Carious Lesions in Deciduous Teeth
Educating people about the healthy edible oils and its storage practices can reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome: A KAP study
Sowjan.M,Vikram.R, Dyke-Davidoff-Masson syn- 2016 Rajkumar.P.G, drome:A case report from Mohammad Ali South India
Distal femur fractures treated with mipo locking compression plate technique: a prospective study on the functional outcome
M.Chandrasekaran. Ravichandran Subbaraj, R.Nandakumar, Krishna Bhargava Reddy
Detection of fecal occult blood among patients with intestinal parasitic infections attending a tetiary care centre
Sunil Kumar Jada,Karthika Jayakumar, R.Vinoth, Ragavi Ravichandran, N.Sivanandham and Chitanya Seda
Community Medicine MAMC Journal of Community Medical Sciences Medicine
Primary Health Care
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
International Physiology Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Mental Health Nursing
Scholars journal of dental sciences
International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research
International Journal of Pediatric Research
International journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology and Surgical Sciences
Journal of Disease and Global Health
1475 1478
R Patil, SB Palve, K Vell, AV Boratne
Dharmvir Ranjan Bharati, Partha Namndi, Ranabir Pal, Thiruvanthipuram Venkadesan Yamuna, Andharaj Lokeshmaran, Gautam Sarker
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
N Noorunnisa, SA Hussa
SD Kanya, KPB Kommi, S Hanumanth,Kumar, M Senthil; Kumar, A Nanda
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
S.NO 2016
Expanding the surveillance for the gonococcal resistance
Evaluation of retention of knowledge and skills imparted to third semester MBBS students through basic prehospital care of fracture
Evaluation of multiple choice questions by item analysis in a medical college at Pondicherry, India
Evaluation of endometrial biopsies in abnormal uterine bleeding - analytical study in rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. MedPulse
Evaluation of Colored 2016 Elastomeric Modules for Teaching Properties when Exposed to Various Dietary Media:� An In Vitro Study�
Envisaging the adoption of framework to globally eliminate rabies: World health organization
322 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Acquired Infection
Tropical Journal of Medical Research
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
MedPulse -International Medical Journal
Journal of International Oral Health
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
MAMC Journal of Community Medical Sciences Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1612 1616
C I DR F 322
Manoharan.M, Swagat Mahapatra
V.suresh, R.sathyanarayanan, G.sureshkumar
Abirami Lakshmy.J, Balaji.J
C Geetha
S Manivasakan, KR Sethuraman, C Usha
S Sumathy, R Bhuvaneswari, V Kala
SR Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, J Ramasamy
M Ramanathan, AB Bhavanani
K Annadurai, R Danasekaran, G Mani, K Annadurai
369 International Journal of Physiology
Live music therapy in waiting area of intensive care units: a novel concept for betterment of close relatives of ICU patients
Introduction of pre and post lecture multiple choice question for second year undergraduate medical students in microbiology: a technique to assess knowledge acquired from the lecture
Intraoral Dermoid Cyst - A Rare Case Report.
Internal fixation of pediat- 2016 ric shaft femur fractures by titanium elastic nails: clinical and radiological study Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Community Medicine
Yoga Therapy
Community Medicine
International Music Therapy Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
International Prosthodontics Education and Research Journal
International Child Health Journal of Nursing Recent Scientific Research
International Prosthodontics Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
Global Journal For Research Analysis
International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics
SIFA Medical Journal
Scholars Report
How can we minimize the 2016 health-related consequences of El NiĎ o on millions of people worldwide?
Health Status of Elderly Women Residing in a Hospice in Pondicherry
Exploring the Role of Self-Care in Preventive Nephrology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Jacob Jesuru RS,Lavakumar.S
KN Jha
VT Abraham, M Chandrasekaran, Swagat Mahapatra
M Chitra, DC Mathangi, P Johnson
Glad Mohesh MI, Semmal Syed Meerasa
Perceptions on M-learning through WhatsApp application
Oxidative stress during spontaneous vaginal delivery: comparison between maternal and neonatal oxidative status
Outcome of subtrochanteric fracture of the femur managed with proximal femoral nail
Ocular trauma has fallen on 2016 our blind spot
Nephroprotective effect of ethanolic extract of abutilon indicum root in gentamicin induced aucute renal failure 2016
Mucormicosis rinoorbital-a 2016 case study
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Hajj.
Ss Bakshi
Shrivastava SR,Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
MandĂbula abultada
SS Bakshi
Magill’s forceps-shaped stylet: An aid to difficult intubation
Srinivasa Rao.Y, Morphology of Pterion Eswari AK, Swayam Jothi.S.Rajeswara Rao.N
RR Bhat, G Mishra, SK Mishra, S Parida
324 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences
International Journal of Medical Research and Review
International Surgery Journal
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology and Research
International Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Medicina Clinica
InternationalJournal of Scientific Research
Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University
Medicina Clinica
Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 324
L Karanam, SS Bakshi, M Priya, VN Coumare,S Vijayasundaram
VA Yashwant, B Arayambath
Sivasakthy.M,Sethu- Quality improvement and raman.KR,Cafuture directions of dental rounanidy Usha education
J Balaji, Sam Ali, S Sivasenthil,E Rajkumar, P Prasanna Kumar
Murthy.v, Choudury.S, Shakila.r, Setharaman KR
Safe management of health-care wastes:An uncared area in health system.
Role of motivational inter- 2016 viewing in patient centered care in dentistry
Rehabilitation of Severely Resorbed Flabby Edentulous Ridge with Innovative Impression Technique: Case Series
Saurabh Reduction in global materRamBihariLal nal mortality ratio far from Shrivastava, Prateek expectation: So what next? Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Proximal Stripping and the Apprehension to Implement it in Contemporary Orthodontics: A Review
Primary Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the tongue: A rare presentation
Prevalence, Phenotypic Characterization and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Non-Fermentative Gram Negative Bacilli Isolates at a Tertiary Care Centre
Prasanna S, S. Dharanidevi, Nikunja Kumar Das and Sathya Raj.
Planning and implementing school oral health programs: A scoping review
KS Shekhawat, A Chauhan, H Priya
Physiological Benefits of Yogic Practices: A brief review
Madanamohan.T, Bhavanani.AB
Journal of Community Health Management
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
International Prosthodontics Education and Research Journal
Journal of International Oral Health
Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine
Journal of Scientific Dentistry
IJSS Case reports Orthodontics and reviews and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
Journal of Dental ENT and Head & and ALLIED Neck Surgery SCIENCES
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Yoga Therapy
Journal of Indian Community Association of Dentistry Public Health Dentistry
International Journal of Traditional and complementary Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Ravichandran.S, Ashish K Jose, Krishnagopal.R
Priya.M,Bakshi SS, Vijayasundaram.S, Latheef MN
Ja Lakshmy, R Katragadda, Radhika; Balaji, J
SPI Kumar, G Priyadharshini‌
Shrivastava SR,Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Murugaiyan.S,Ramasamy.R,R SA, R R,Gandhe MB, Gopal N, S AVV
Strengthening the Quality of Household Water Treatment Products on a Global Scale: World Health Organization
Strengthening the health care delivery system to respond to the health needs of the migrant population: European nations’ perspective
Strengthening prevention and control activities to respond to the challenge of emergence of chikungunya in American and European regions
squamous Cell Carcinoma of supraglottic
Speciation and antifungal susceptibility of esophageal candidiasis in cancer patients in a tertiary care hospital in South India
Solitary extraosseous neurofibroma of hard palate:Report of a case with a review of literature
Serum homocysteine levels 2016 and the risk of Osteoporosis
Self-Directed learning Mod- 2016 ule in Biochemistry: A teaching-Learning study conducted on Graduate South Indian Medical students
326 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Medicine
Journal of Earth, Enviromental and Health Sciences
Community Medicine
CHRISMED Community Journal of Health Medicine and Research
Environmental Disease
Journal of Scientific Dentistry
Journal of Medical and Allied Sciences Prosthodontics
Journal of Dental ENT and Allied Sciences
International Journal of Medical Research and Review
International Biochemistry Journal of Health Sciences and Research
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 326
Saurabh R Shrivas- Zika virus disease outtava, Prateek S Shri- breaks in the American vastava, Jegadeesh region in 2015-2016 Ramasamy
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Yoga and Cardiovascular Health: Exploring Possible Benefits and Postulated Mechanisms
World Health Organization releases estimates of foodborne diseases for the very first time: An opportunity for the national program managers
World Health Organization 2016 introduces a new digital tool to address the unmet need for family planning among postpartum women
World Health Organization 2016 appeals to international stakeholders to streamline the mechanism for the management of health-care waste
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
What can be done at national level for the welfare of the aging population: World Health Organization leads the way
Ventilator dysfunction: role 2016 of graphics in detection
R Sripriya, S Parthasarathy, M Ravishankar
Tiroides lingual
Srbl Shrivastava, Ps Shrivastava,Jegadeesh Ramasamy
SS Bakshi
Study of cutaneous Lesions 2016 in Term Neonates in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Varghese AA,Srikanth.S,Gunasekaran.D,Mehta.N
Music Therapy
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
International Community Medical Journal Medicine of Sifa University
SM Journal of Cardiovascular Disorders
International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management
SIFA Medical Journal
SIFA Medical Journal
Journal of Geriatric Mental Health
Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology
Medicina Clinica
International Paediatrics Journal of Health Sciences and Research
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1003 -
A Raghu Raaman, B Pratebha, M Jananni, R Saravanakumar
V Priyadharshini, MG Triveni,DS Mehta
Shanmugasamy.K, Anandraj Vaithy, Bhavani.K,Dhananjay.S,Kotesthane
Sundar Sumathy,Durai pavitra,Parmar Parin.N
Saurabh R Shrivastava, Prateek S Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
S Rajendiran, U Gopalan, K Jayakumar
Cytolo-histological correlation of breast lump-as a part of internal quality control
Indian Classical Music As 2016 Receptive Music Therapy Improves Tridoshic Balance And Major Depression In A Pregnant Woman
Management of gingival recession in mandibular molar using lateral pedicle flap technique
Comparison of efficacy of 2016 depigmentation of gingiva in terms of ImageJ intensity values and surface area of repigmentation using scalpel and diode laser
Responding to the Public Health Threat of Lassa Fever in West Africa
Seroprevalence of Hepatitis 2016 B infection among pregnant women in South India
SATHIYAKALA R, Comparison Of Vaginal SUGUNA S, KARNA- Hysterectomy And LaparoBOOPATHY R scopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy In Women With Benign Uterine Disease:a Retrospective Study
Assessment of water quality standards in the villages of Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu, India
R Rajkamal, M Kumar, M Raj, M Rajesh,Jaya Kiruthiga, Joy Bazroy
328 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Music Therapy
Community Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Community Medicine
Indian journal of Pathology Pathology and Oncology
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research
International Journal of Oral Health Sciences
International Journal of Oral Health Sciences
Journal of Earth, Enviromental and Health Sciences
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
3915 3918
3179 3183
C I DR F 328
S Prasanna, P Roy, N Grover, P Bhatt,Dudhat Vaibhav Laxmikant Rao5 and Nikunja Kumar Das
D Manimaran, DM Khan, K Bharathi, TR Raman, S Anuradha
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
M Anitha, DM Sathya Pandurangan, J Hemapriya
Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan S
Mathumithra. T, Roopa Urs, Shreya, Bhavani S,Dhananjay Kotasthane
Pramodhini.S, UmadeviS, Seetha KS
Dr.Reddi Rani.P, Dr.Chandana.G
A Comparative Analysis on 2016 Identification and Antifungal Susceptibility Profile of Candida Isolates Using Conventional and Automated Techniques
A clinicopathological study 2016 of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma with review of literature
2016 global update on 2016 dracunculiasis eradication: Where we stand? What else needs to be done?
Percutaneous Coronary 2016 Interventions And Contrast Induced Nephropathy – Clinical Outcomes And Risk Factors.
Prevalence of gram positive 2016 and gram negative organisms in various clinical samples
Evaluation of platelet indices in Acute Coronary Syndromes and Diabetes Mellitus. 2016
Non-communicable diseas- 2016 es during Disaster - Time to Take Action
Comparative study of virulence factors among MBL and Non MBL producing Urinary isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosain a tertiary care Hospital
An update in new treatment strategies
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Community Medicine
International Pathology Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
Journal of Clinical Sciences
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions GENERAL
International Microbiology Journal of allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
International Community Journal of Health Medicine Sciences and Research
Indian Journal of Microbiology Research
Indian Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
A618 A622
TS Khandednath, S Fernandes, JS Kuwatada, Saurabh R Shrivastava
S Parthasarathy, SAJ Charles
M Anitha, D.M.Mon- Analysis on the Pervasiveisha, M.Nivethitha, ness and Essential Aspects A.Mohamed of Myopia Sulthan, S.A.Annapoorani and J.Hemapriya
AN Shetti, SL Karigar, RG Mustilwar, DR Singh, K Nag
SRBL Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, J Ramasamy
J Litton, S Lokesh
Anesthesiologist in cath lab; the roles and goals!! A postgraduate educational review
Analgesic efficacy of ultrasound identified trigger point injection in myofascial pain syndrome: A pilot study in Indian patients
A longitudinal study to assess the cost incurred by patients undergoing treatment for tuberculosis in an urban slum community
Aiming to restore mental health among older adults: A loud cry
A cross-sectional study of prevalence and determinants of depression among stroke patients
2016 A comparative study of platelet parameters in end stage renal disease patients undergoing haemodialysis and healthy individuals
S Lokesh, SR Green, TK Mathew, Arun Kumar, Shashank Rakesh Tiwari, Amirtha Lakshmi, Ezhumalai G.
A comparative study of conventional antibiotic sensitivity testing against silver nanoparticles among diabetic foot ulcer patients
A Malar
330 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Medicine
General Medicine
General Medicine
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Indian Journal of Anaesthesiology Pain
MAMC Journal of Community Medical Sciences Medicine
International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical ANALYSIS
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 330
K Jayakumar, Diviya.G
M Anitha, DM Monisha, K Ramya, Y Chinmayee, A. Mohamed Sulthan
SR Green, S Lokesh, TK Mathew, K Jayasingh, Ragupathy S
M Anitha, P Mathivathani, K Ramya, M Vijay, J Hema priya
D Kaliyamoorthi, G.DIVYA
Shuba Srinivasan, Jyothi B. Lingegowda, Ramkumar Kurpad R, Prakash H. Muddegowda, Niranjan Gopal
KK Nawaz, S Krishnamurthy
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
A Study to Detect ESBL producing Escherichia coli Isolates From Women with Genital Tract Infection
A study on the occurrence of bacterial isolation in mouth ulcer patients.
A study of stress hyperglycemia and its relationship with the neurological outcome in patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke
Indian Journal of Applied Research
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare
International Journal of Pharma Research and Health Sciences
Global Journal For Research Analysis
International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics
2016 A perfect diagnosis of Ellis-van Creveld syndrome by oral manifestations: a case report
A Rare Case Report of Fungal Keratitis Caused by Curvularia Lunata in Rural District of Kancheepuram
International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research
An urgent global need to 2016 reduce the prevalence of youth violence in heterogeneous settings
General Medicine
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
4255 4258
1160 1165
R Samal, P Palai, S Ghose
Anusa Arunachalam Mohandoss, Rooban Thavarajah
Ashir Kolikka l Ra Carcinoma of Maxillary machamparamSinus Masquerading as bathu1, Ma noj Odontogenic Infection Vengal2, Abdulla Mufeed3, Nizaro Siyo4, Anis Ahmed5
E Elamurugan, R Hemachandar
Shanmugasamy K,Bhavani K,Anandraj Vaithy K,Narashiman R,Dhananjay S Kotasthane
E Elamurugan, R Hemachandar
E Elamaran
2016 Contribution and Performance of Indian Psychiatrists and a Pan-Indian Psychiatry Journal to Mental Health Literature during 2010-14
Clinical study of primary caesarean section in multiparous women in a tertiary care hospital 2016
Clinical Correlation of Upper 2016 Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Biopsies with Histopathological Findings and To Study the Histopathological Profile of Various Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic Lesions
Brachiocephalic Arteriovenous Fistula through the Median Antecubital Vein for Hemodialysis
Brachiocephalic arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis through the median antecubital vein
Brachial Artery Disruption: 2016 Hyperextension of Elbow
Awareness among CRRI 2016 against Blood Borne Pathogens
M Anitha, K Ramya, P Mathivathani, D.M.Monisha, Silvia Antony Raj, K.Pratikshia
332 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Cardiothoracic and Mahatma Gandhi Vascular Surgery Medical College and Research Institute
Journal of Scientometric Research
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SURGERY
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Oral Medicine and Radiology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Cardiothoracic and Mahatma Gandhi Vascular Surgery Medical College and Research Institute
Indian Journal of Cardiothoracic and Mahatma Gandhi Nephrology Vascular Surgery Medical College and Research Institute
Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SURGERY
The Indian Journal of Basic and applied research
1506 1509
C I DR F 332
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
S Thiagarajan, AP Sambandan, R Gopalakrishnan
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
ASS Bakshi, BS Bakshi
G Mani, R Danasekaran, K Annadurai
DM Khan
Nandakumar R, Vineet Thomas Abraham, Prabhakaran A, Chandrasekaran M, Swagat Mahapatra
AK Farook, LA Kandru, V Elangovan, AS Farook,Praveen Kumar Magudeeswaran
R Sarawagi, S Kankanala, SK Gupta
Ensuring improvement in the health data to revamp the health systems: World Health Organization
Ectopic Supernumery Intranasal Tooth 2016
Ectopic incisors in the max- 2016 illary sinus
Ebola outbreak in West-Af- 2016 rica exposes the need for reforms in the functioning of the World Health Organization
Early Weight Bearing Following Intertrochanteric Fractures Managed With Proximal Femoral Nail; Are We Obsessed With Complications?
Diagnostic methodologies for the dengue viral infection
2016 Diagnostic Evaluation of Articular Cartilage of the Knee Joint: Value of Adding T2 Mapping Sequence to a Routine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocol
Detection of numeric and morphological variation at lumbosacral junction: Role of whole spine magnetic resonance imaging
International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research
Otolaryngology online Journal
The Saudi Journal for Dental Research
International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research
International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology and Surgical Sciences
Public Health of Indonesia
Community Medicine
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
Community Medicine
International Pathology Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
International Journal of Scientific Study
West African Journal of Radiology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Vijayalakshmi T,Nithyalakshmi J, Sumathi G, Stephen Selvaraj
E Elamuguran, Y Vaidya
KG Seshadri
S Patibandla, T Appikatla,JAYA SINGH K
RR Thulasi, D Manimaran, G Hemanathan, Tameem Afroz, Radha Sagar
SRBL Shrivastava, PS Shrivastava, J Ramasamy
SH Priya, SS Datta, YA Bahurupi, KA Narayan, N Nishanthini, MR Ramya
MR Ramya, Hema Priya S, Shib Sekhar Datta, Yogesh A Bahurupi, K A Narayan, Nishanthini Anbarasan
M Anitha, K Pratikshia, A Mohamed Sultan, D.M.Monisha
Is it APLA Causing Portal Vein Thrombosis with Portal Cavernoma?
Improving decision-making 2016 in thyroid nodules
Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome: A Rare Presentation
HIV co-infection among 2016 Pulmonary Tuberculosis infected persons in and around District of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Hematological abnormali- 2016 ties in HIV infected individuals in correlation to CD4 counts and art status
Formulation of a Comprehensive Protocol in Clinical Trials
Factors Influencing Weekly IFA Supplementation Programme (WIFS) among School Children: Where to Focus Our Attention?
Factors influencing weekly iron folic acid supplementation programme among school children: Where to focus our attention?
Existence of bacterial Flora in the Urogenital Tract
334 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Medicine
Indian Journal of Applied Research
Thyroid Research and Practice
Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular SURGERY
Indian Journal of Microbiology Research
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Cardiothoracic and Mahatma Gandhi Vascular Surgery Medical College and Research Institute
Asian Journal of Pathology Medical Sciences
MAMC Journal of Community Medical Sciences Medicine
Saudi Journal for Community Health Sciences Medicine
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
The Indian Journal of Basic and applied research
1075 1079
C I DR F 334
S Pandurangan, M Mohanambal
V Jayashree, K Jayakumar, S Parvathi
Saurabh Rambiharilal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Dhana Priya Samiyappa, SeeteshGhose, LopamudraB.John, RupalSamal
B Malepati, M Hanifah, A Prasath, Dr. Haarika Vadlamudi
LB John, P Reddi Rani, S Ghose
K Mohan, L Mohana Rupa
Mid-term assessment of the lymphatic filariasis elimination program
Microbiological Corroboration for Diagnosis of VAP (Ventilator Associated Pneumonia) by Quantitative Culture of Endotracheal Aspirate (QEA) in ICU Patients in a Tertiary Hospital, South India
Microbial Vaginitis in Reproductive Women of Silk city of South India
Mean Platelet Volume in Acute Coronary Syndrome
Maternal and perinatal out- 2016 come in meconium stained amniotic fluid at term: a case control study
Leading twin in breech presentation, is routine caesarean section necessary?
Ketamine and levobupivacaine versus levobupivacaine alone for post operative analgesia and side effects in lower abdominal surgeries in children–A comparative study
Environmental Disease
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Indian Journal of Applied Research
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
International Archives of Integrated Medicine
Community Medicine
General Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
3404 3410
S Mahapatra, R Nandakumar
Y Valentina, S Srirangaraj
S Jayalakshmi, S Pandurangan
Geetha Mani1, Raja Danasekaran, Kalaivani Annadurai
M Vikneshan, AV Ankola, M Hebbal, Sharma R and Suganya M5
JB Lopamudra, RP Reddi, S Ghose
Eb Kayalvizhi, Vl Lakshman, G Sitra, S Yoga, R. Kanmani, N Megala
HY Suma, K Ariyanachi, T Anitha Nancy
Sr Shrivastava, Ps Shrivastava, J Ramasamy
Pregnancy associated Urinary Tract Infection: Prevalence and Screening
Post Traumatic Anterior Dislocation of Hip in a Five Year Old Child 2016
Performance of Modified 2016 Hodge Test for Detection of Carbapenemase Producing Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Perceptions and practices related to organ donation among a rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India
Patterns of Tobacco Usage and Oral Mucosal Lesions of Industrial Workers: A Cross Sectional Study
Outcome of clinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy: a case control study
Oral leukoplakia: A review and its update
Multiple Variations of Lateral Cord of Brachial Plexus And Its Branches in the Arm
Moving into the era of age-friendly society: The global public health need
336 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
The Indian Practitioner
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Journal of Comprehensive Health
Austin Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Journal of Medicine, Radiology, Pathology and Surgery
International Journal of Anatomy and Research
Community Medicine
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Oral Medicine and Radiology
CHRISMED Community Journal of Health Medicine and Research
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1996 1999
2498 2501
C I DR F 336
HK Manjunatha, JB Lingegowda, Prakash H Muddegowda, Ramkumar Kurpad R.4, Bhargavi Mohan5, Niranjan Gopal6
Ramesh Ramaswamy, Niranjan Gopal, Sony Joseph, Sathish Babu Murugaiyan, M. Joseph, Densely Jose, V. Kuzhandaivelu, A. Velayutharaj
Kp Valli, S Pramodhini, S Umadevi and K. S. Seetha
H Balaganesan, G Ilangovan, H Tirumalasetty‌
AK Farook, G Ilangovan, R Ravi, AS Farook, Praveen Kumar Magudeeswaran
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
M Anitha, K Pratikshia, Am Sulthan, M Vijay
Status of Micro and Macro Nutrients in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Suggesting the Importance of Cation Ratios
Spectrum of lesions encountered in fallopian tube histopathology; Retrospective Analysis: Our experience
Speciation and Detection of Virulence Factors of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci Isolated from Various Clinical Samples
Solitary choroid plexus lipoma evaluation by computed tomography with review of literature
Role of Multiplanar Reconstruction Imaging and Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Imaging in Diagnosing Cranial and Facial Fractures
Responding to the risk posed to health and environment by short-lived climate pollutants
Prevalence Of Bacterial Growh In Throat Swab Culture
Journal of Diabetes Mellitus
Archives of Cytology and Histopathology Research
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
International Archives of Integrated Medicine
International Journal of Scientific Study
International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Health Care
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Saurabh Systematically addressing RamBihariLal the health concerns of Shrivastava, Prateek migrants universally Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
B Anjay, R Hemachandar
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
C Thanikachalam, A Dhandapani, S Choudhury,A. Sankaran
TS Kumar, K Indu, S Parthasarathy
Srbl Shrivastava, Ps Shrivastava,Jegadeesh Ramasamy
Temperament and resilience of children of alcohol dependent individuals
Targeting Global Elimina2016 tion of Soil-transmitted Helminth Infections among Children by 2020
Systemic Lupus with Erythema Multiforme–so called Rowell’s Syndrome
Successful management of above knee amputation with combined and modified nerve blocks
Successful containment of the 2015 cholera outbreak in Iraq
Sublingual versus vaginal misoprostol for medical termination of pregnancy: a comparative study
A Shanmugam, S Ghose, P Parida, Jasmina Begum
Study on cutaneous manifestation among type II diabetes mellitus in rural Pondicherry, India
Kandaswamy, Kanagarajan P., Suganthi K., Lokeshmaran A
338 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
European Psychiatry
Journal of Earth, Enviromental and Health Sciences
International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research
International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches
Community Acquired Infection
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Community Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
3398 3403
C I DR F 338
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
Niranjan Gopal, Srinivasan A. R, Prakash H. Muddegowda, Sathish Babu Murugaiyan, Srikanth K, Ramesh Ramaswamy,Anitha Rajendiran
S Shobana, M Hanifah
Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava, Jegadeesh Ramasamy
S Jayalakshmi, S Dharanidevi
M Anitha, DM Monisha, AM Sulthan, K Pratikshia‌
R Rajesh, Sa Singh, Ka Vaithy, K. Manimekalai, Dhananjay Kotasthane5, S. S. Rajasekar
2015 MERS-CoV infection outbreak in Korea: Deficiencies in the health system.
Journal of Contemporary Clinical Practice
International Journal of Scientific Research
International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare
International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Pure and Applied Bioscience
International Journal of Current Research and Review
Zebra Fish Animal Model 2016 on Tuberculosis: a Boon for Researchers Involved in New Drug Discovery
Why not universally empower adolescents? Commitment by the World Health Organization
The Ubiquitous use and Side Effects of Diuretics
The Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Southern India-A Retrospective Study
The Frequency of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Clinical isolates in a Tertiary Care Hospital
The Effect Of Mucuna Pruriens Seed Extract On Pancreas And Liver Of Diabetic Wistar Rats
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
General Medicine
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
4363 4373
Ms.Beniya Elizabeth Rani.r, Mrs.Prabavathy.S
A case study-Intestinal Ascariasis
A comparative study to 2016 assess the level of stress, coping strategies and quality of life of institutionalized
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Current Research
Anesthesia: Essays and Researches
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Science and Research
A case Report: Successful 2016 management of above knee amputation with combined and modified nerve blocks
Abstract:Yoga for nursing students:rationale and psychophysical benefits
Abstracts: Restoring human values in medicine: Role of Yoga
Karthika Jayakumar A comparative microscopic and cultural tuberculosis diagnostic study in rural Chennai.
Harshavardhan.B, Anandapadmanabhan.J, Himabindu.T
Kumar TS,Indu K.Parathasarathy
Ramanathan.M,Bhavanani AB,Renuka.K
Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan
Dayanidy.G,Bhava- Abstract: Psychophysinani AB, Madanmo- ological benefits of yoga han training in physiotherapy students
Abnormal cholesterol uptake rate of leucocytes reflecting metabolic aberration in non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus with ischemic heart disease patients
Mrs.Jayanthi Rajendran & Mrs. Sumathy Kumar
Abnormal changes in Swayam Jothi.S,the Glenoid Cavity of the Jaaaaacintha Antony, Usha Kannan,- Scapula Sujatha.N, Hemanth Kommuru,Rajeswara Rao.N
340 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Mental Health Nursing
Yoga Therapy
Yoga Therapy
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Child Health Nursing
Yoga Therapy
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1189 1192
C I DR F 340
Karthikeyan.I, Monisha Khatree, Reetika Gaddale, Ropa Reddy Pandraveti
Krishnaraj.R, Murugan.R, Premlal.K.R
Anjana Yogesh, Latha.M, Saravana balaji MD, remlal K.R, Vinod Mony, Sivaprakash.V
Sunita Bharathi,N. Suthatha,S.Swayam Jothi
M.Anitha, J.Hema Priya, D.M. Monisha, G.B.Pavithra
Raja Danasekaran, Kalaivani Annadurai, Geetha Mani
Chinmayee.P, Srikanth.K, K.N.Jha, A.R.Rajalakshmi, Dr.N.Swathi
Sathish Balachandr an, Shyama Prem Sudha, Reddy KS, Saravanan kandasamy
A review on Prosthetic re- 2016 habilitation of Maxillofacial region
Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic Root Extract of Beta vulgaris
Anti-Diarrhoeal activity of Ethanoloc Leaf extract of Kedrostis foetidissimain Mice
Anti-Bacterial activity of aloe vera gel extract
Anomalous branches of Median Nerve in the arm
Analysis of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer and Optic Nerve Head by Optical Coherence tomography in POAG
Air pollution: The biggest environmental health risk.
Adipose tissue hypoxia in obesity
A descriptive study to assess 2016 the contributing factors of infertility and treatment modalities used among the infertility couples
Acute toxicity of three dimen- 2016 sional conformal concurrent chemoradiation with Dose Optimization for External Beam Radiation in Carcinoma Cervix-A prospetive study
Journal of Scientific Dentistry
Journal of Science
International Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Community Medicine
IOSR Journal Anatomy of Dental and Medical Sciences
International journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development
Annals of SBV
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International GENERAL Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Sherin Nithya.S, Ruma Shanthini
Suresh, Shanker, Lokesh
Sandra mathew
T.Suresh Kumar, Swagat Mahapatra
Devi.s, Murugappan, s.Swaminathan.M, Ilangovan, K.Manalekar SB, Kannaiyan.A
Vijesh Anand, Assessment of Left ventric- 2016 Kalirattiname, Arun ular filling pressur and its Prasath Palamalai correlation with severity of Chronic Kidney disease
A study of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis and its coorelation with disease severity
A study of clinical profit cases and complications of fever with thrombocytopeni 2016
A study of assess the impact 2016 of structured teaching programme on knolwledge regarding home management on prevention of Dengue among women at Moorthikuppam in Puducherry
Assess the knolwedge regard- 2016 ing the contributing factors of childhood obesity among the mothers of obese children aged 11-16 years at Nonankuppam village, puducherry.
Assessment of Regenerate in Limbs by Ilizarov External Fixatioin
Assessment of Periodontal inflamed surface area and its relationship with Glycemic control in Type 2 diabetes
Assessment of Cardiac functions in Cirrhosis of Liver
Dr.Harsh Vardhan Tevethia, A.Tumbanathan, K.Jayasingh
Are women vulnerable or defendable to disaster?
Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan S
342 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Child Health Nursing
International GENERAL Journal of Health Sciences and Research
International Journal of Scientific Research
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Child Health Journal of Nursing Recent Scientific Research
International Journal of Scientific study
General Medicine
International Periodontology Journal of Health Sciences and Research
Indian heart Journal
Community Medicine
IOSR Journal General Medicine of Dental and Medical Sciences
Health action
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
12735 0976-3031
C I DR F 342
Mrs . Deepa Varghese & Prof. M .Annie Annal
V.Santhiya,S. Prabavathy, Dr.Renuka.K
S.Lavanya, B.Anitha
Mrs.Parvathy.O.G, Prof.Kamalam.S, Mrs.Elavarasi.R
S.Divagar,S. Prabavathy, Dr.Renuka.K
Kripa Angeline.A, S.Nirmala,Dr. Renuka.K
Anitha.B, Annie Annal.M
A study to assess the Effectiveness of structed teaching programme (STP) on knowledge regarding Zika fever among staff nurses in MGMCRI at Puducherry
A study to assess the effectivenessof Music Therapy on hypertension among teachers in selected schools at Puducherry
A study to assess the effectiveness of Laghter therapy on stress and anxiety among elderly at selected old age Home,Puducherry
A study to assess the effectiveness of ivy gourd (coccinia indica) in reduction of blood glucose level among patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pillayarkuppam Area, Puducherry.
A study to assess the effectiveness of beetroot juice among adults with hypertensioin at selected rural area in Puducherry
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
International GENERAL Journal of Recent Scientific Research
International Journal of Research and Review
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Indian Journal of advanced Nursing
International Journal of Research and Review
A study to assess the effec- 2016 tiveness level of knowledge and attitude regarding mental illness among general public at Molapakkam village, Pondicherry 2016
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
A study on assessment of change in knowledge after administration of an informational module on gestational diabetes mellitus and its prevention of complications among antenatal women in MGMC&RI, Puducherry.
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
3459 3463
3443 3447
M.Aruna Devi
Mr.M.F.Kingsly Kishore coumar, Dr.Renuka.K, Dr.S.J.Nalini
Mrs. Poongodi V, Asst.Prof
Mrs. Jinu Abraham, Dr.Renuka.K, Ms.M.Anbu
A study to evaluate the 2016 effectiveness of awareness programme on knowledge regarding policies initiated by the government towards child welfare among women and Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherry
A study to assess the quality of life among patients with coronary artery diseases.
A study to assess the 2016 knowledge regarding post operative care among Primi gravida mothers undergoing caesarean section in selected hospital.
A study to assess the effect of intra-dialytic stretching exercise on muscle crop (pain)among patients undergoing hemodialysis in East Coast Hospital, Puducherry 2016
A study to assess the effec- 2016 tiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and practive regarding geriatric care among the caretaker in the family
A study to assess the effectiveness of structred teaching programme on knowledge and attitude of adolescent girls regarding Breast self-examination in Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology,Puducherry
344 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Community Health Nursing
International Child Health Journal of Nursing Recent Scientific Research
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Indian Journal of advanced Nursing
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
C I DR F 344
Gayatri Priyadharshini,Jananni,Saravana Kumar, Pratebha S.P,Indra Kumar
Sam Vijay Kumar J
M.Khaja Khalid Capillary haemangioma Nazaz,G.S,Sivaram of the hard palate-a case Sivakumar,Santham report Krishnamurthy,Selvabalaji, Nazriya Nawaz
Sathia Lakshmi.V Rakesh Ranjan,Sujatha.N.Swayam Jothi.S
Cancer stem cells-a brief overview
Bringing pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine into clinical practice
Bridge flap for the treatment of multiple gingival recession
Eswari AK,Srinivasa Branching of Anterior Rao.Y,Swayam Branch of Middle Meningel Jothi.S.Sujatha.N Artery
Basilar Artery Aneurysm-A case report
Barth Syndrome
K.Renuka,K. Rumashanthini
A trace elements in chronic 2016 Haemodialysis Patients and healthy individuals-A comparative study
Lokesh Shanmugam, Siva Ranganathan Green, Hemachandar Radhakrishnan Tony Mathew Kadavanu, Arunkumar Ramchandrappa,Shashank Rakesh Tiwari, Amirtha Lakshmi Rajkumar, Ezhumalai Gonvidasamy
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
Journal of Scientific Dentistry
International Anatomy Journal of Recent Scientific Research
Indian journal Anatomy of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain
Tamil Nadu GENERAL Nurses and Midwives Council Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing
Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Chellappa Vijayakumar, nanda Kishore Maroju, Krisnamachari Srinivasan, K.Satya narayana Reddy
S.Lavanya, B.Anitha
SurekhaAnbazhagan, Deepthi Shanhag AnuAntony, Kypoo Bhanuprakash, Suguna Anbazhagan, Niresh Chandran, Goud Ramakrishna
Santhosh Kumar Caliaperoumal, R.Vezhavendhan, Priyavendhan and Uma Devi
Prasanna.S,Roy.P, Sriram.R, Grover.N, Pandit.P, Kulkarni.MA
S.Prasanna, Sunilkumar Jada and Sathya Raj
Comparison of Modified Papanicolaou and Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain in Demonstration of Keratin Pearl and Individual Cell Keratin in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Comparisonof E-test and 2016 colorimetric micro broth dilution method for antifungal susceptibility testing of candida isolates
Comparison of effetiveness 2016 of two methods of health education on cancer awareness among adolescent school children in a rural area of Southern India
Comparative study to assess 2016 the knowledge on pregnancy induced hypertension among cases and control anteatal mothers attending antenatal OPD at MGMCRi.Pondicherry
Clinical audit system as a quality improvement tool inn the management of breast cancer
Childhood obesity-A lifelong Threat to Health
Case series of Pseudomonas stutzeri at a Tertiary care centre from Kancheepuram District, India
346 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Journal of Family Medicine and Primary care
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Surery
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Obstetrical & Gynaecological Nursing
Child Health Nursing
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 346
Hannah Aswini.D.S
Manopriya.V, Dr.Renuka.K, Kripa Angeline.A
Naseem Noorunnisa, Prema Saldanha, Syed Ahmed Hussain, Senthil N. Ganesh
Kayalvizhi G, Balajisubramaniyan R, Suganya G, NeerajaR
Balaji Subramaniyan, Gurusamy Kayalvizhi, Sangeetha.P, Neeraja.R
Pramodhini.S, Umadevi.S, Seetha.KS
Boratne AV, Datta SS, Vijayakumar K, Joice Y SJ Singh.Z
Swayam Jothi.S
Jayanthi.k, Prabavathy.S
Sathyanarayanan R, Suresh V, Robert MS et al
Effectiveness of health talk on knowledge regarding prevention of osteoporosis among rural women
Effectiveness of communi- 2016 cation board on the level of satisfaction of the communication pattern among patients on mechanical vetiliation
Diversity in the spectrum of malignant soft tissue tumors
Diffferent techniques of band stabilistion in the impression for space maintenters:clinical aid in pediatric dentistry 2016
Determining the efficacy 2016 of ocimum sanctum leaves extract on cariogenic properties of streptococcus mutans - an in vitro study
Detection of virulence determinants and its association with Drug resistance in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Demographic aspects os selected menstrual hygienic practices among adolescent school girls in Pondicherry
Dehisence of Facial Canal
Cultural competence for mental health
Complications of semi-rigid fixation of mandibular fractures – A ten year retrospective study.
International journal of orthopaedic Nursing
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Medical Surgical Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
International GENERAL Journal of Research in Medical Sciences
National Journal of Community Medicine
International Journal of Scientific Research
Health action
IOSR Journal GENERAL of Dental and Medical Sciences
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
3917 3923
P.Sumathy,C. Geetha,Rajeswari.S
Dr. R. Reeta, Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, S. Krupashree, Dr. R. Pajanivel, Dr Ramesh. R
Bhavanani AB, Majewski.L, Bhavanani AB, Majewski.L, Twari.S
Effect of Inhaled Corticosteroids on Glucolipotoxicity and High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Asthma Patients
Efficacy of expressive 2016 writing therapy(cognitive based)in managing depression and anxiety
Effects of an Intesive 3 week Yoga Retreat on Sense of WellBeing in cancer survivors
Effectiveness of structured 2016 teaching program on knowledge regarding newborn care and danger signs of new born among the postnatal mothers in Kirumampakkam PHC, Puducherry
Effectiveness of Nursing Care on Postnatal Mothers Immediately After the Delivery
Rajkumar, Santhanam.T
Mrs. S.Lavanya, Dr.R.Danusu
Effectiveness of informational module on knwoeldge regarding estrogen dominance in urban school
Effectiveness of Helfer skin tap technique on pain during IM Injection
T.Arun, Praveen.C.B, Effect of off-loading device C.P.Ganesh banu, in diabetic foot ulcer healRobinson Smile ing-A randomized control study
Kripa Angeline.A, Ms.Anbhu M, Ddr.Renuka.K
348 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
International Psychiatry Multidisciplinary Research journal
Journal of Alternative Medicine Research
Yoga Therapy
Child Health Nursing
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Medical Surgical Nursing GENERAL
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Medical Surgical Nursing
IOSR Journal GENERAL of Dental and Medical Sciences
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
C I DR F 348
V.Sakthivadivel, Gurubharath Ilangovan
Mathumithra T, Koteeswaran G, Jeevaraj G.
M.Vikneshan, AV.Ankola, Anand Hiremath, Mamata Hebbal, Suganya.M
Krzysztof Bierski, Ananda balayogi Bhavanani, Esswaran.S, Madanamohan
Sridhar Govindaswamy, Raja Danasekaran and Karnaboopathy Ranganathan
Jayasingh.K, Green SR
Bhavanani AB,Majewski.L, Bhavanani AB
SR Srivastava, Shrivastava.PA, Ramasamy.J
Functional foods and its role in improving oral health
Finding Peace on a Psychiatric Ward with Yoga;Report on a Pilor Anthropological study in Pondicherry,India
Fight obesity healthy weight-Healthy Lives
Extra skeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcome- a rare case report
Evaluation of cardiat 2016 abnormalities in HIV patients and its relation with WHO staging, duration of infection and opportunistic infections
Evaluation of Anti HBs re2016 sponse in Hepatitis B vaccinated health care workers in a tertiary care hospital of rural Kanchipuram District, Tamil nadu,India
Enlightening injuries due to lightening
Enhancing quality of Life in 2016 cancer survivors through Yoga
Eligibiligy criteria for antiretroviral therapy expanded:World Health Organization aims for a better future for people living with HIV
General Medicine
Yoga Therapy
Journal of Scientific Dentistry
Annals of SBV
International Journal of Applied Research
International Journal of Science and Research
Music Therapy
Child Health Nursing
Scholars Journal Radiology of Applied Medical Sciences
Journal of Disease and Global health
International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research
Annals of SBV
Journal of Community Pioneering Medicine Medical Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Premlal KR,Krishnaraj S, Elango K, Sengottuvelu S
Ageiskhumar.B, Elanthiraiyan
Pooja Pratheesh
Nachammai.S.M, Karthikajayakumar, Vinithra Suresh.M.Kousalya and Anbu N.Aravazhi
Shankar Paulindraraj, Venkatesan Ramesh, Deepak Narayan, Amudha .S M. Vijayakumar, J. Aarthi
Srinivasa Rao.Y, SwayamJothi.S, Saratha Kathiresan
Sahu Sibasis, Ravichandran.s, Surendher Kumar.R, Krishna Gopal.R
Hypodontia of primary dentition : A rare case report.
Histogensis of thymus in 2016 human foetuses of different gestational ages-A pilot study
Haemagglutination and 2016 Resistance to the Bactericidal activity of serum as the urovirulence markers of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli
Glioblastoma multiforme metabolism: additing fuel to the flame
Glioblastoma :evolving niches and challenges
Gestational diabetes mellitus:A review article
Genome editing tools and its potential applications in transational medicine-A brief overview
Gastroprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Polygonumbarbatum against Experimentally Induced Gastric Ulcer in Wistar Albino Rats.
Functional outcome follow- 2016 ing elastic stable intramedullary nailing for clavicle fractures
350 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Marthandam IDA
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
IOSR Journal Anatomy of Dental and Medical Sciences
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Annals of SBV
International Journal of Phytopharmacology
International journal orthopaedics Traumatology and Surgical Sciences
C I DR F 350
Krishnapriya.R,Sathyanarayanan Ramanujam and V.Suresh
Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Ms.Sandhiya.V
Murthy.V, Sethuraman KR, Choundhury.S, Shakila.R
Latha.M, Premlal KR, Lavanya Priya KP, Sengottuvelu.S
Nandakumar. Swagat Mahapatra
Vellore A.R.Srinivasan
Sunilkumar Jada, Suyambu Raja, Karthika Jayakumar and PriyadarshiSahu
Anandapadmanabhan.J, Gurubharath.I, Himabindi.T, Harshavardhan.B
Knowledge and awareness 2016 about hand higiene practices among dental students of denal college,Puduchery:A cross sectional study
Knolwedge on cervical cancer
Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy
Invitro and Invivo Antiasth- 2016 matic Activity of Ethanolic Bark extract of symplocos racemosa.
Interdisciplinary approach 2016 in management of Edentulousness in Menopausal women-A Narrative Review
Infected Non-unions of long bones is low cost antibiotic nail A viable option in Indian Scenario
Indian Classical Music:An objective sluice inn the realms of Mind-Body medicine
Incidence of Intestinal Parasitic infestation and anemia among school children in Ammapettai
Improving accuracy of 2016 ultrasonography in diagnosisng acute appendictitis with an additional imaging technique to imaging protocol
International Journal of Current Research
International journal of oncological nursing
Current Medical Journal of India
Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences
Obstetrics and Gynecology International Journal
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Annals of SBV
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Scholars Journal Radiology of Applied Medical Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
14316 2320-5148
2454 7379
1467 147
Shrivastava SR
P.Karthikeyan, Davis Thmas Pulimoottil
N.Mugunthan, K.Shanmuga Samy, J.Anbalagan, S.Meenachi
Jaichandar Subramanian
Reddi Rani
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J
C.Geetha, Associate Prof.
Farzana Begum Liakath
Shivayogi M Hugar, Exta Govani, Suganya Mohandoss, Niraj S gokhale, Pratinbha Kukreje, Shweta hugar
Menopause and HRT
“MEMory� in the mammali- 2016 an brain
Mannose binding lectin-ge- 2016 netic variations, deficiency and disease associatioin
Long term exposure of 900-1800 MHz mobile phone radiationn on mice liver-Ahistological study
Letter to the Editor: Regarding comparison of distortion product otoacoustic emissions and pure tone audiometry in occupational ascreening for auditory deficit due to noise exposure
Letter to the Editor:Integrated health care
Letter to the Editor: 2016 Extending humanitarian assistance to the survivors of gender-based violence in Ukraine
Knowledge on selected first 2016 aid measures among school children, Puducherry
Knowledge attitude and perceptionn among parents about ECC
352 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Current Medical Journal of India
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
National journal of clinical Anatomy
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Community Medicine
Community Medicine
Child Health Nursing
Journal of ENT Laryngology and Otology
Primary Healthcare: Open Access
Primary Healthcare: Open Access
International Journal of Applied Research
Manipal Journal of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
1165 -
C I DR F 352
Sunita Bharati, Jayshree Deshpande, Ujwal Gajbe, SV Pandid, S.Swayamjothi
Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy
Palla.S,Rangdhol,V, Sitra.G, Balaih.J
Kalirattiname, Vijesh Anand, Aarthi and Deyagarasan
Sundar.S, Paarmar PN
Parin N Parmar, Sumathy.S
Balanehru Subramanian, Adithan.C
Vell.K,Senthil.R, Patil.R
Sundar.S Parmar PN
Anitha TS
Bhavanani AB
Orafacial Manifestifation of growth Hormone Defiency
Optimization of coconut 2016 butter prepared by incorporating peanut butter and diary butter.
one set utilizationn practic- 2016 es by Medical students of Central India
Noonan syndrome with hepatitis B virus association-A rare case report
Music therapy in neonatology:what is known and what is unknown
Music therapy: Bridging traditional healing system and modern science
Musicogenetics:A new speciality onn horizon
Multiple facets of a progressive research facility-CIDRF
Morbidity pattern among 2016 patients attending a private psychiatric clinic-a cross sectional study
microRNA,A clinical diagnostic and prognostic biomarker
Mental Health and Wellbeing Through yoga
International Journal of Current Research
Journal of Advanced Research food Science Nutrition
International Journal of Healthcare and Biomedical Research
International Journal of Multidisciplinary And Current Research
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
Oral Medicine and Radiology
General Medicine
Music Therapy
Music Therapy
Scholars Journal GENERAL of Applied Medical Sciences
Annals of SBV
Jacob journal of Yoga Therapy Yoga and Natural Medicine
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
1 28
42935 0975-833X
3462 3466
Gokulakrishnan S, Suresh Kumar , Nithin JJ et al
Sutha Nagari,Bharath CH,N.V,Swayam Jothi.S,Mani Maran.D,Hemanth Kommuru
Dr.Priyadharshini, Pawar.DD, Triveni. MG, Tarun Kumar AB, Mehta DS
Dipayana Deb Barman, Vijaya Kumar Nair.G
Reddi Rani.P
Mrs. Prabavathy.S, Asst.Prof
Veni S,Srinivasan.N
Tapan Pattanaick, Sunita Samal, Tanaya Jena
Umamaheswari.G,SuganyaR, Sivaramakrishnan.M, Vidyalakshmi.S
Presence of Cholesteron clefts in chronic tonsillitis
Pre ecclampsia
Predominant pattern of lip prints in Visakhapatnam population.
Pravelence and spectrum of congenital malformations in a tertiary care centre
Pouch technique-a prag2016 matic approach for Gingival Recessioin
Post-mortem examination:- 2016 combining conventional autospy-concerned efforts by the departments of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and Radiology
OTHELLO Syndrome
Osteoprotective effect of 2016 few Indian herbs:an update
Oral Lichen Planus-A case report with current trends
354 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research
Current Medical Journal of India
International Journal of Current Research
Indian journal of Neonatal Medicine and Research
Journal of Scientific Dentistry
Annals of SBV
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
Annals of SBV
International journal of applied sciences
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
0972-2203 10896 2455-0450
34285 0975-833X
C I DR F 354
Kalirattiname,Vijesh Anand,Aarthi and Deyagarasan
Umadevi.S,Pramodhini.S,Seetha KS
Nawaz KK,Santham Krishnamurthy,Selvabalaji,N. Nazriya
Anjay.B,Jayasingh.K,Tumbanatham.A, GreenSR, Ezhumalai.G
Signicance of serum amylase and serum lipase level in acute organophosphorous poisoning
Riga fede disease-A case report
Resistance pattern of Enterococcus spp.Isolated from clinical specimens
Reishi Mushoroom-Promis- 2016 ing in treatment of Depression
Rare coinfectionn with zoonotics and viral disease in a young female
Radio-Ulnar synostosis
Karthika jayakumar, Rapid diagnosis of mycoMonica Roselin.Em bacterium tuberculosis
Sundararajan.T,Swayam Jothi.S,Jaya Prasad,J, Hema Priya.J, Malavika.J
Quality in mental health care services
Jayasri.J, Prabavathy.S
Reddi Rani.P,K.S.Reddy
Primary prevention of carcinoma cervix
Prasanna S, Primary cutaneous asper2016 Karthika Jayakumar gillosis- Tinea pedis caused and Jayashree V by Aspergillus nigerin an immunocompetent adult individual residing in silk city of Kancheepuram district.
Mental Health Nursing
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
International Journal of Advanced Research
Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Research
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
International Journal of Multidisciplinary And Current Research
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
General Medicine
IOSR Journal Orthopaedics of Dental and Medical Sciences
Health action
Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
International Journal of Advanced Research
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
1399 1409
Benet Bosco dhas.D Therapeutic epigenetics-a boon to the future
Wills G Sheela, A.Nasreen Begum, M.Anitha
Jayanthi K, Suganya R, Suganya S, Sumathi P
Swayam Jothi.S
Throid dysfuncyion in young women with anbormal uterine bleeding in Kancheepuram district
The effectiveness of infor2016 mation and communication Technology (Ict) based discharge counselling on patient satisfaction among patients in selected wards at MGMCRI, Puducherry
Surface projection of internal acoustic meatus
Sudden Unexplained Death in Sleep in Adults: Autopsy Challenges.
Dipayan DB, Vijaya KNG
International journal of Research in Medical and Basic Sciences
Annals of SBV
Pondicherry Journal of Nursing
General Medicine
Forensic Medicine
Forensic Medicine
Indian journal Anatomy of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain
Journal of Karnataka Medico-legal Society
International journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery
International journal of Anatomy, Radiology and Surgery
Music Therapy
Annals of SBV
Indian journal of Community Research Medicine
Study of Prognostic in2016 dicators in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome undergoing cataract surgery
Study of Inferior Thyroid artery and its relations to the sympathetic chain in full term foetuses
Kafeel Hussain.A.Swayam Jothi.S.,Rajamadhava.R,Narayana Rao BT
Stress and its management by Yoga
Shruti Prabhat Hedge, Vijay Kautilya Dayanidhi, Ravi
Social Accountability in Medical scholls-Do the students account about it?
Suguna Anbazhagan S, Surekha A,
356 Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
C I DR F 356
Gayathri.S, Prabavathy.S
Lavanya.M, Pemlal KR, Lavanya riya KP, Krishnaraj.R, Muruan.R, Jaikumar.S
Bhavanani AB
Renuka.K, Anbu.M
Anjana Yogesh , Latha.M, Saravana Balaji.MD, Premlal KR, Vind Mony, Sengottuvelu.S
Bhavanani AB
Prasanna.S, Kandaswamy.M, Srinivasan.G, Karthika Jayakumar
Rajeswara Rao.N, Bhavani Prasad, Swayam Jothi.S, Hemanth Kommuru, Bodepudi Narasimha Rao
Yoga Therapy:An overview
Yoga for Palliative Care Nurses
Wound healing activity of methanolic extract of Waltheria indica root againswt burn would model in rats.
Would healing activity of Monoterpene rich Origanum majorana on experimentally induced would in rats
Upholding dignity in mental health care practice
understanding Yoga as a Therapy
Trichophyton schoenleinii:An unusual cause of Tinea corporis
Topography of ganlion cells in the Inflammatory Appendicular Muscle coat
Annals of SBV
Annals of SBV
International Journal of Innovative Drug Discovery
International Journal of Phytopharmacology
Health action
Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy
Yoga Therapy
Medical Surgical Nursing
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Mental Health Nursing
Yoga Therapy
International Microbiology Journal of allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research
IOSR Journal Anatomy of Dental and Medical Sciences
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute
Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute
Puducherr y - 607 403
Nellikuppam, Kancheepuram Dist. , Tamil Nadu - 603 108.
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College
Puducherr y - 607 403
Puducherr y - 607 403
Allied Health Sciences Puducherr y - 607 403
Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility
Complied and Edited by Dr.A.N.Uma