The chronicle jan mar 2016

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Volume 10 (1)

Jan-mar 2016

Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

The Chronicle


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth


Accredited by NAAC with “A” grade

´ University Communique ´ MGMCRI- Research And Scholarship ´ Academic Initiatives ´ Innovations ´ The Dawn Of New Chapters ´ Scholars In The Making ´ Other Highlights ´ Out Reach Services ´ Staff Nurses of MGMCRI ´ SSSMCRI ´ IGIDS ´ KGNC ´ AHS ´ CIDRF

P.02 P.12 P.13 P.27 P.29 P.30 P.34 P.37 P.38 P.41 P.45 P.64 P.76 P.85

P rof. Gilbert H Mudge, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a world renowned cardiologist at Brigham & Women’s Hospital delivered Shri. M.V.K. Iyer External oration on “The Treatment of Heart Failure at a Cross Road”, on 19.03.2016, organized by the Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI, Sri BalajiVidyapeeth (SBV ), Deemed University, Pondicherry. The oration was presided by Shri. M.K.Rajagopalan, Chairman of Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust. The Vice-Chancellor of SBV, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman felicitated the programme & gave introduction to Shri MVK Iyer Oration. The oration was largely attended by Deans of the constituent colleges, faculty, staff and students of SBV. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, SBV welcomed Quick Link the gathering and presented the Oration Medal. (contd. pg. 6)


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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

University communique ▶▶ From VC’s Desk Smartphone Addiction vitiates Professional Etiquette


common scene in our meetings and conferences nowadays: most of the audience peering in to their smart phones, while the unfortunate speaker tries desperately to make eye-contact and engage the audience. Similarly, while a patient tries to communicate with the doctor, the latter repeatedly looks at the mobile screen after every beep and ping it makes and tries to multi task. When the customary announcement is made to switch off the mobile phones in a conference hall, it is to request the audience that they adhere to the etiquette of listening to the speaker. Some of us are rude in not doing that and periodically interrupt the proceedings with loud jingles a.k.a. ring-tones; a few of us answer the phone in the hall itself and create a ‘parallel proceedings’ for those in the vicinity; a few keep texting or playing games. If academic staff members including seasoned senior professionals behave this way, how can we expect the ‘millennial generation’ who are ‘digital natives’ to listen to us when we teach them?

üü You fake listening and you have no idea what the person in front of you is talking about because you multi-task, checking your WhatsApp/FaceBook page, tweets and texts. If frequently checking your phone has become your habit, or if you feel restless when your phone is not with you, you may be a victim of technology addiction, the “always connectedness syndrome”. Combating Smartphone addiction üü Do not read emails/tweets/WhatsApp messages the first thing in the morning. üü Set limits on when and where you let yourself use the devices. üü Set a good example for your junior staff and students. üü Go offline periodically (similar to fasting to give GI tract a rest) Let us begin by improving our behaviour in SAF meetings.

Academic Activities of the Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University during the first quarter of 2016 JAN 1st - New Year message to academic staff & Management

Features of Smartphone addiction üü Feeling anxious whenever you do not have your phone in your physical possession. üü Constantly checking the phone for new texts, coupled with the compulsion to respond immediately. üü “Phantom cell-phone vibration syndrome” exists and it is a symptom of addiction (You felt phone vibrate but when you check the phone, it is a false alarm).


Volume 9 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

U niv e rsit y Comm u n iqu e

JAN 1st - Meet with Prof. R. Rajagopal from IOWA Regarding GIS –Workshop at SBV

JAN 21st-23rd -Part II Training of Trainers DEU-IGIDS JAN 22nd - Intercollegiate contest on PG Research. JAN 26th - Republic day celebration JAN 27th -Elocution Contest JAN 28th - MOU between CYTER and Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute

JAN 6th - KGNC Lamp Lighting Ceremony JAN 6th - Review meeting with DEU JAN 7th-9th - Training of Trainers DEU of IGIDS

JAN 30th - Guest Oration on “Innovation & Regulations in Medical Education” at METCON, Regional MCI centre, Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad FEB 1st - 2nd Credit based Conversion of PGDHPE curriculum. FEB 2nd - Planning of M.Phil (HP Edu) FEB 2nd -Moderator for Microteaching – FDP JAN 20th - Inauguration of MIST JAN 20th -CMTER Annual day Meet SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

FEB 3rd - CBCS conversion of courses of Music therapy and Yoga therapy Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

FEB 3rd - Visit to Sathya Special School, Puducherry FEB 3rd - FDP on ‘Goal setting, Bench Marking’ by Pro-VC

FEB 4th - Visit by CLTRT for academic collaboration with MGMCRI

FEB 6th - Valedictory-Function of Interns Oration Programme FEB 8th - Visit to SSSMCRI with SBV-PMI core group

FEB 12th - Inauguration of CME at MGMCRI on “Minimal access surgery” FEB 12th - Monthly Review Meeting among academic and management staff of SBV FEB 13th - Inauguration of CONFLUENCE, (CME) at MGMCRI

FEB 4th -Visiting Prof.Thameem Ansari from Penang Adventist hospital, Malaysia. FEB 5th - Inauguration of youth red cross of KGNC FEB 16th - Inauguration of CMTER Music International Conference

FEB 6th - Inauguration of Live workshop of ENT, MGMCRI 4

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


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FEB 19th - Chair-person for Academic Council meeting, SBV. FEB 20th - Inaugural executive committee meeting of SBV FEB 25th - Integrated lecture for 1st MBBS (Endocrinopathy) Chief Guest at graduation ceremony of a junior college of Cuddalore

FEB 27th-28th - Guest Oration on “Teaching the i-pad generation” at MECON-2016, JSS Medical college, Mysore

MAR 11th - Inauguration of sports day SBV MAR 11th - Monthly meeting of academic and management staff, SBV. MAR 14th - FDP-on competency based PG education at MEU, MGMCRI MAR 17th- College day of KGNC

MAR 18th - Key note address at Chronobiology conference, SBV MAR 18th - Meeting with Alumni of IGIDS

MAR 3rd - Inauguration of Spectra (Sports festival of MGMCRI) MAR 5th - Preside over SBV-Women’s day function MAR 9th - Visit to SSSMCRI MAR 11th - Chaired Board of Management meeting of SBV

MAR 19th - MOU signing ceremony between SBV & PMI MAR 19th - MVK-IYER Oration by Prof. Mudge, CEO-PMI MAR 19th - Super-speciality foundation stone inauguration SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

MAR 21st - KGNC Quarterly AA Audit MAR 22nd - IGIDS Quarterly AA Audit MAR 28th & 29th -MGMCRI Quarterly AA Audit MAR 30th - Internal review of progress of doctoral research (4 Scholars from IGIDS) MAR 31st - Chief Guest for graduation ceremony of Nursing college of PIMS-Puducherry

▶ SBV SIGNS AN MoU WITH HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL M.K. Rajagopalan, chairman, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, signed an MoU on academic partnership with Gilbert H. Mudge, M.D., CEO and president of Partners Medical International in Puducherry on 19.03.2016, in view of achieving academic excellence, quality, innovation and leadership in Health Professions Education (HPE) and comprehensive health care system. This collaboration will focus on development of an innovative SBV curriculum for the UG medical education within the guidelines of the Medical Council of India and faculty development to provide leadership. Gilbert H. Mudge, M.D., CEO and president of Partners Medical International (PMI) said that Partners HealthCare (Partners) was one of the largest academic medical systems in the United States. “The five-year agreement will concentrate on leadership development, faculty development and evolution of research mechanism,” he said. Addressing the reporters after the signing of MoU, Prof. Gilbert said that for a comprehensive health care, development of nursing education in India was important. “Training the physicians for health care needs and upgrading nursing training from primary to specialty would be the focus on this collaboration,” he said. 6

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean-Research and Allied Health Sciences, SBV, said that this will help to identify and intervene to help students at high risk, develop a competency based curriculum for post-graduate education with continuous monitoring with an e-portfolio and early exposure to the community for the medical students. He added that they would conduct research on the interface between complementary and allopathic medicine. The plan is to embed exposure to simulated patients and the skill lab as part of the education process, develop a modern and comprehensive learning management system (LMS) with the help of PMI. The SBV will also benefit from the working relationships with clinical institutions.

M.K. Rajagopalan, Chairman, Sri Balaji Educational and Charitable Public Trust, underlined a super specialty block with 20,000 sq ft would be built soon. Prof. Gilbert unveiled the foundation for the super specialty block. This block would provide space for Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Urology, Plastic Surgery and Paediatric Surgery. New department including Oncology, Radiotherapy and Palliative Care will be started to meet the needs of the community for effective cancer treatment, besides facilities for kidney, liver transplantations.

▶▶ FROM THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR RESEARCH DAY 2016 Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated RESEARCH DAY on 22nd Jan 2016. On this occasion SBV AHEAD & SAF MGMCRI organized SBV PRIMS (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) CONTEST for postgraduate scholars of various university. The Program started with Invocation by MrsBhuvaneshwari&MrsKalaVaradan of Music Therapy. It was inaugurated by lighting of the lamp by Vice Chancellor Dr.KR Sethuraman, Dr. M Ravishankar SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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(Dean-Faculty of Medicine, SBV), Dr.NAnanthakrishnan (Dean- Research & AHS), Prof. G.Subramanian (Advisor, CIDRF), Dr.AR.Srinivasan (Registrar, SBV), Dr.Ramesh (President -SAF, MGMCRI) and Judges of Competition. Dr.R Ramesh welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. The Podium & Poster presentations were presented from 9.30am to 2pm. During the valedictory function all the judges were felicitated by VC & Prof G Subramanian. It was followedbyremarks by the judges. Prize distribution was done for the winners of PG Symposium 2015 (18th Dec 2015) & SBV PRIMS CONTEST 2016. Prof G Subramanian (Advisor, CIDRF) addressed the PGs and Faculty. Prizes were sponsored by Prof G Subramanian. Program ended with Vote of thanks by Dr.AR Srinivasan followed by National Anthem Judges for Podium Presentation were Dr.NAnanthakrishnan , Dean-Research & PG Studies, SBV, Dr.GeorgeKurian, Prof of Gastroenterology, PIMS and Dr.Sujatha, Prof of Microbiology, JIPMER. Judges for Poster Presentation were Dr.Adithan , Director-CIDRF, SBV, Dr.Reba, Dean Research & HOD of Clinical Microbiology, PIMS and Dr.DeviprasadMahopatra, Associate Prof. Dept of Plastic Surgery, JIPMER. SBV AHEAD and SAF MGMCRI Congratulates the Winners of SBV PRIMS CONTEST. Winners of Podium Presentations: 1st Place - Dr.T.Beena Agnes Therese, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, IGIDS. 2nd place - Dr. V. Haarika, Pediatrics ,MGMCRI. 3rdPlace - Dr. Gerard Marshall Raj, Pharmacology, JIPMER. Winners of Poster Presentations: 1st Place - Ravindra BK, Pharmacology ,JIPMER . 2nd Place - Dr. Nivedita. E, General Medicine,MGMCRI. 3rd Place - Dr. Shreya Sharma, Dept of Pediatrics, JIPMER

PUBLIC VIVA VOCE FOR THE PhD STUDENTS OF SBV The Public Viva Voce for the defense of the thesis by the PhD scholars was held in the month of January 2016. The second batch of students who have completed their PhD thesis and whose thesis was approved by the Board SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

of Examiners (Thesis) had their Public Viva Voce during the month of January. Ms.Kandhakumari successfully defended the thesis titled “Diagnosis of Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis employing conventional and some new diagnostic tools on microbiological samples in a tertiary care hospital”. The Viva was held on 25/1/2016. The Board of Examiners were, Prof.Selvaraj Stephen (MGMCRI), Guide, Dr. G. Sumathi, MD, PhD, Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College & Research Institute (External Expert) and Dr. Seetha K.S, (MGMCRI). Dr. Mugunthan N successfully defended the thesis titled “Effects of chronic exposure of ultrahigh frequency radiation emitted from 2G & 3G cell phone on brain, liver, kidney, gonads of mice – A histological, biochemical and SDS page technique”.The Viva was held on 27/1/2016. The Board of Examiners consisted of Prof. Dr. Mrs. IndiraIngole, Professor of Anatomy & OSD, Dr. P.D.M. Medical College (External Expert), Dr. S.S. Rajasekar (MGMCRI) and Dr. J. Anbalagan (MGMCRI).

VISIT BY TEAM SBV TO MANIPAL UNIVERSITY The following members attended HACON 2016, a conference for Hospital Administrators of the private teaching hospitals at Manipal Hospital, Mangalore between the period 15th and 16th January 2016: Dr.Ravichandran, Additional Director, Mrs.Asha Suresh Babu, Secretary and Mr.JosephNaresh, Deputy Registrar, SBV. As a part of the visit, on 15th January, the team visited the university and met the medical college officials as well as the Registrar of Manipal University. HACON (Hospital Administrators Conclave, was organized for first time, specifically for the private medical college teaching hospitals. The lectures delivered in regard to the best practices and uniqueness of Manipal hospital. In the afternoon session lectures were given by few institutions about their best practices followed by panel discussions. The conference was inaugurated by the Dr.RamdossPai, Chancellor of Manipal University. SBV has agreed to conduct HACON 2017 at MGMCRI, Pondicherry.



Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

being upgraded to Master’s degree in the coming academic year. Medical, dental and nursing students of constituent colleges of SBV are given regular training and awareness programs through CYTER.

Lonavla, Maharashtra was held at 11am on 28 January 2016. The MoU signing ceremony was held at the Board Room in University Administrative Block in SBV Campus, Pondicherry-607 403. Sri SubodhTiwari, CEO of Kaivalyadhama represented and signed the MoU on behalf of Kaivalyadhama while Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV signed on behalf of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean PG, Research and Allied Health Sciences Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Admin) Prof Ravishankar and Additional Director Prof S Ravichandran. Medical Education Unit was represented by Prof B Adkoli and Mrs S Rama while management was represented by MrsAshaSUreshbabu. Deputy Registrar Mr. Joseph Naresh facilitated the ceremony. CYTER was represented by its Director, Prof Madanmohan, Deputy Director Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani and Coordinator-cum-Yoga therapist Dr. MeenaRamanathan. CYTER student community was represented by Vibha Shah, Prabhakaran along with the international observer Dr Krzysztof Bierski, an anthropologist from Germany.

This MoU signals the beginning of extensive collaboration in a wide range of activities related to Yoga Therapy, Education and Research. This will include joint educational and research activities, exchange of academic materials and publications as well as the exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions. Sri SUBODH TIWARI, CEO of Kaivalyadhama also gave a well appreciated invited talk highlighting the scientific research work done at Kaivalyadhama since 1924 for the Scientific Academic Forum of MGMC&RI in the afternoon. The talk was followed by an Interactive Stress Reduction Session by the CYTER Team consisting of Prof Madanmohan, Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani and Dr. MeenaRamanathan.

ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEET The 20th Academic Council Meeting of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth was held on 19th February 2016 under the chairmanship of Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth. The Registrar, Prof.A.R.Srinivasan tabled various agendas for ratification. There were elaborate discussions on the topics and the agendas were approved after detailed discussions with the consensus of all the members including the external members, Dr. S.P.

This is an innovative step as it represents the coming together of the modern medical science with the ancient traditional wisdom of Yoga. KAIVALYADHAMA is the oldest organized Yoga Institute in the world and was founded by Swami Kuvalayananda in 1924. Extensive scientific and literary research has been done there and a Yoga therapy hospital is running in the institute along with the GS college of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis. Sri BalajiVidyapeeth has been successfully running CYTER, a Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research in its campus since 2010 under the SBV AIM HIGH initiative. CYTER has published 42 papers on Yoga and Yoga research, given Yoga therapy consultations and sessions for more than 17,000 patients and is running a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy 8

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

Thygarajan and Dr. G.Subramanian.

WOMENS DAY CELEBRATIONS The Women’s Cell at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Deemed University organized various events in commemoration of the International Women’s Day which falls on 7th March of every year. On March 5th, famous orators and public speakers, Smt. BharathiBaskar and Shri. Raja participated in a interactive session on “Pledge for Parity”. Shri Raja, in his speech SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

U niv e rsit y Comm u n iqu e

journey in which the male and the female have to have smooth and balanced journey. She recalled the day which more than 1000 women employees of a spinning mill in the United States of America protested against their 14 hours of daily work and the day fell on 7th March which latter came to be observed all over the world as International Women’s Day. Today in our country, at the entry level of any profession, there is 50 percent male and 50 percent female, in the secondary level it shrinks to 30 percent female and the rest male and in the managerial level, it still shrinks to 6 percent women and 94 percent male. This scenario has to change in our country to achieve the real women empowerment. During the celebrations, Life Time Achievement Awards were given to Mrs. Amir Ali Khan Asmath, Nursing Superintendent, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and to Mrs. Shree Shah, Director of Sathya Special School, Pondicherry,

mentioned that, the women empowerment in the past 50 years is encouraging in India. The census by the English in 1710 revealed that the educational status in our country was below 0.01 percent whereas today this scenario has totally changed. But we need a long way to go ahead in case of child marriages and education for girls in rural areas. In India and in some parts of the world, the practice of banning women from using mobile phones and appearing in public places must be addressed. He also didn’t fail to mention that, it is the women in many instances prove to be a barrier to their own empowerment. Smt. BharathiBaskar in her address praised SBV for the feedback imitative from the girl students regarding their safety in the campus. While mentioning about the sex ratio in Pondicherry, in which the women out rank the men, shows the safety of women in the territory. This is a land mark feature of women in Pondicherry. She also added that the Women’s Day celebrations should continue till the discrimination against the female gender is eradicated. This state can be called the real Women Empowerment. She also agreed with Shri. Raja that women stood against their own freedom and empowerment. She recalled the 12 year struggle a girl who was attached by concentrated acid on her face underwent in our country to ban the easy availability of concentrated acids in our country. Life is a SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Earlier, Dr. UshaCarounanidy, Principal, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences welcomed the gathering. Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS felicitated the speakers and in the end Dr. RenukaGuhan, Principal, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College thanked all the participants. All the arrangements for the programme were done by Smt. Asha Suresh Babu, the secretary of Women’s Cell at SBV.

SBV - BOARD OF MANAGEMENT MEETING The 23rd Board of Management meeting of SBV was held on 11th March 2016 under the Chairmanship of Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of SBV. The External members, Prof. Krishna Seshadri and Dr. R.K.Chauhan participated. The Registrar, Prof. A.R.Srinivasan presented the various agendas which were approved by the Board.

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

PHD PROVISIONAL DEGREE CERTIFICATE At a simple, but a impressive ceremony, the Vice Chancellor Prof. K.R. Sethuraman,, SBV and Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research & AHS gave away the Ph.D provisional degree certificate to the maiden batch of Ph.D Scholars of SBV University. Dr.AN Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy along with her guide Prof.DhananjayS. Kotasthane,Pathology dept.,, Ms.Kandhakumari, Asst. Prof in Microbiology, KGNC along with her guide Prof.S.Stephen. Microbiology Dept., and Dr. Mugunthan N, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy along with his guide Prof.Anbalagan., Anatomy dept received their Ph.D provisional degree certificate. The Registrar, Prof.A.R.Srinivasan and the Deputy Registrars, Dr.Manonmani & Mr.JosephNaresh were also present on the occasion.

▶▶ STUDENTS COUNSELING SERVICE Life Skill Training for SSSMCRI Fresher’s (2015-2016 batch) The Fresher’s of SSSMCRI students were given an introduction to the essence of counseling and the importance of perseverance in achieving goal through PPT and PDF presentations. The feedback revealed that the fresher’s found this session as very useful (39%) and useful (53%).

Life Skill Trainings to SSSMCRI Interns SBV took a new initiative to impart life skill training to the Interns of SSSMCRI this year. This innovative measure is introduced in the month of January 2016, on a monthly training basis for 3 months. The module consisted of three activities: 10

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

1.Personality Development Workshop - 25.01.2016 Personality development is an essential component for the doctors. Doctors are valued highly for their dedication, sincerity, humanity and simplicity. Above all honesty is the quality that makes doctors be valued next to God by the Patients. The initial training workshop focused on the development of the above mentioned qualities during their training, as well as career and beyond. This becomes a part of Life Long Learning (LLL) tool. 2.Belief change Workshop - 23.02.2016 Most of the people find it difficult to overcome their negative thoughts and even to admit it overtly. Before being professionals every individual has to be recognized as a human being in order to deal with their personal difficulties. This training focused on guiding the Interns to change their negative belief into positive, through the daily practice of positive affirmation technique including reading motivational quotes. 3. Overcoming stress through Sound Healing - 23.03.2016 Stress is part and parcel of human life – especially more among professionals. Realizing the importance of dealing with stress in their life now and also throughout, the final module was introduced. The purpose of this module is to enable the Interns to understand the Physical, Psychological and Emotional causes and consequences of stress and ways of handling it through sound healing techniques. A Sound Healing treatment is deeply relaxing. Every cell in our body enjoys sound, and also responds well to the sound. Music can calm the nervous system and improve metabolism. Various methods of Sound healing (Ex: Vocal SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Expression, Using Instruments, Music therapy etc.,) were demonstrated to the participants to release stress. All the three trainings workshops were found very useful (30%) and useful (63%) by the participants as reported through the feedback received at the end of the workshop.

Group Therapy Group therapy is an established method of learning cum healing. This was also introduced to SSSMCRI students in the month of March 2016. A small group (8) of students from 2nd, 4th and 5th semester participated in this session. The HOD, Forensic Medicine Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair G was present in the session. The participants found this as a useful tool.

Parent Teachers Meeting at MGMCRI During the Parent – Teachers meeting at MGMCRI, the parents meet the student counselor along with their ward voluntarily to get guidance for modifying their approach and also to share their satisfaction as well as expectations regarding College and Hostel needs. As some parents feel hesitant to express freely with the Dean’s Office, they prefer to avail this facility for deriving academic support.

Sethuraman and was attended by all the faculty of all the constituent colleges of SBV.

▶ REPUBLIC DAY CELEBRATION “If there is one place on the face of earth where all the dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India”. It was the Republic day and the MGMCRI paid full respect to our mother India. Our Nation Flag was

Fine Arts Club Meetings (Extra Curricular activities-Coordination) Mrs.Rama, Student counselor (Coordinator) held two monthly meetings with Fine Arts Club members prior to Spectra 2k16 and one meeting after Spectra 2k16. The club members expressed the interest to attend demo cum trainings in this skill. This has been noted for future events.

Workshops Attended (FDP) Student Counselor, Mrs.Rama attended a 2 days’ workshop on “Relationships – Self and Others” Conducted by G.L.Sampoorna (Contact: at Chennai on 26th and 27th March, 2016.

hoisted followed by the March past and an effective speech by Vice Chancellor, SBV. The Loyalty Award was given to Mr.Muthulingam (Driver) for his act of true loyalty. The Students with good attendance record was also recognized and awarded on the day. With a Patriotic song by our students the event came to an end. The family members of MGMCRI dispersed with a thought of being together to commence a journey of peace, harmony and progress.

▶▶ INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL As a Quality Sustenance measure at SBV a faculty workshop on “Goal setting. Benchmarking and Perspective Planning” was organized by the IQAC SBV on 03.03.2016 at ground floor lecture hall at 2.00 pm. The workshop was conducted by the Pro Chancellor, Dr.YMJayaraj. The workshop was chaired by the Vice Chancellor, Prof. K.R. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


mahatma gandhi

medical college and research institute Research and Scholarship ▶▶ PUBLICATIONS Jayasingh K, Green SR. Enlightening injuries due to lightning. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research.2016;4(1):67-68. Nivedita E, Narayanan M, Siddarth N. A comparative study of the Intima medial thickness between diabetic and non diabetic patients. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2016;5(2):446-50 Parthasarathy S, Sripriya R, Hemanth Kumar VR. Comparative evaluation of addition of polygeline to bupivacaine in ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve blocks in patients undergoing hernioraphy—a randomized, doubleblind, controlled trial. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol Jan 2016;6:162-166. Radhika KS, Sripriya R, Ravishankar M, Hemanth Kumar VR, Jaya V, Parthasarathy S. Assessment of suitability of i-gel and laryngeal mask airway-supreme for controlled ventilation in anesthetized paralyzed patients: A prospective randomized trial. Anesth Essays Res Jan-Apr 2016;10:88-93.

Srirangaraj S, Kali A, Pradeep J. Multidrug resistant Shigella flexneri infection simulating intestinal intussusception. J Lab Physicians. 2016;8(1):55-7. Kali A, Srirangaraj S. EndNote as document manager for summative assessment. J Postgrad Med. 2016;15(10):10-1. Namrata Krishna Bhosale, Subhash Chandra Parija, Jharna Mandal and Shashi Ahuja. 2016. Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba and Microsporidial Keratitis. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App. Sci.5(2): 854-860. doi: 2016.502.097 Kavasseri L Janaki, Narayanasamy Subbaraju Kannan, M.Palaniappan, Partha Nandi. Profile of Breast Diseases in Post Pubertal Women Assessed by Clinical Breast Examination – A Community Based Study in Rural Pondicherry. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Feb, Vol-10(2): PC07-PC11. A. Ramana Priya, K. Jeyapriya, N. S. Kannan. Accuracy of Serum Uric Acid in Predicting Complications of PreEclampsia. Int J Cur Res Rev 2016;8(5).

Parthasarathy S, Sivashanmugam T, Incidence of PostDural Puncture Headache in Indian population: A need for a Relook, Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Jan 2016; 9(2):016, 230-232.

Santha Devy, A., S.Rajkumari and Uma, A.N. Control of Cross Infection at Dental Clinic-A Survey. Int.J.Curr. Microbiol.App.Sci. 2016;5(3): 9-14. doi: http://dx.doi. org/10.20546/ijcmas.2016.503.002.

Parthasarathy S, Ravishankar M, Hemanthkumar VR, Reported Pain During Labour – A Qualitative Study of Influencing Factors among Parturient During Confinement in Private or Government Hospital, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. Mar 2016; 10(3): UC01-UC03.


Reddi Rani P. Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy. Current Medical J of India.2016;21(10):5(2):375-8. Reddi Rani P., K.S.Reddy. Primary prevention of carcinoma cervix. JPOG;7(2):46-51. Lopamudra B John, Reddi Rani P., Seetesh Ghose. Leading twin in breech presentation, is routine Caesarean section necessary? IJRCOG.2016;7(2):46-51. 12

Kadambari D, Ananthakrishnan N. Male Breast Cancer, In, Puneet (Ed), Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery, Volume 14, New Delhi, Jaypee Bros, 2016, 15-32. Ananthakrishnan N, Kalyarasan R, Kate V. Corrosive injury of esophagus and stomach. In,Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi, 2016, 194-206. Kate V, Kalayarasan R, Elamurugan TP, Ananthakrishnan N. Surgery for peptic ulcer disease. In, Mishra PK, Ed, Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology, The Health Sciences Publisher, New Delhi, 2016, 194-206.

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016




conference of IRIA March 2016.

D r.S mr itaS wamy, HOD, Dept, of Radiology chaired the session of Dr. K Nagarajan, HOD Radiology, for his talk on “MSK Interventions” at JIPMER on the occasion of State

Dr.SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, OBGY, was a resource person and spoke on “Normal Pelvic Anatomy” at the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI -2016) in MGMCRI in Feb 2016.

Dr. Arunava Kali, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, joined Microbiology Insight Journal, Lawarence Press, New Delhi, as Assistant Editor. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, reviewed a manuscript titled “Seasonal dependence & BDNF genotype influences depression outcome & BDNF serum level in atopic dermatitis & psoriasis patients” for the World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, in March 2016. Dr. SunitaSamal, Prof, OBGY, was a resource person and spoke on “Peri operative evaluation of endoscopic surgery” and “Gynaecological endoscopic instruments” at the Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI -2016) in MGMCRI in Feb 2016.

day-to-day life”, organized by IMA, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, on 13.03.2016.

Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a resource person in a panel discussion on stress management in day-to-day life, organized by IMA, Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, on 13-03-2016. Dr. S. Mishra, Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, attended as invited faculty the 15th Annual conference of Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Association of Plastic Surgeons (TANPAPS – 2016) at CMC Vellore, TN on 22 & 23 Jan 2016 and delivered a guest lecture on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Dr. S. Mishra, Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, attended as invited faculty the 24th Annual Conference of National Academy of Burns (NABICON 2016) at Puri, Orissa held on 19-21 Feb 2016 and delivered a guest talk on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, gave a guest lecture at the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on 19th March, 2016.

Dr. S. Mishra, Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, attended as invited National faculty the Endo Surg-2016, 10th AIIMS Surgical week at AIIMS New Delhi on 6th March 2016 and delivered a lecture on “Management of lymphoedema of the limb: Approach in a resource poor area”.

Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, participated as a resource person in a panel discussion on “Stress management in

Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invested as Chairman to moderate the IEC meeting held at Indira Gandhi Medical College

Dr. JeetendraBehera, Senior Resident, OBGY, gave a guest lecture on “Contraception and prevention of unsafe abortion” at KGNC, in February 2016.


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&Research Institute, Pondicherry, for selecting suitable research projects submitted by the faculty members on 18.03.2016. Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, delivered an invited talk on “Funding Resources for Research Projects”, during the Scientific and Academic Forum meeting, organized by IGIDS on 23.03.2016. Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, was the chief guest and inaugurated

is organized on a “hands – on” training principle over 16 sessions covering Study designs, Study Instruments, Data collection, analysis and statistical interpretation, Critical Appraisal of Papers, Research Ethics and Preparation of Project Proposals. The course commenced in February and will conclude in June 2016. Twelve participants would be completing the course successfully. Dr. K.A. Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a resource person for the pedagogy training programmes for the following groups namely Dental Faculty from KarpagaVinayagar Dental Institute from 21 to 22 January 2016, Pedagogy training for second year postgraduates of MGMCRI on March 22 and Pedagogy training for Faulty of MGMCRI. He was invited by the Nursing Education Unit on 26th Feb 2016for a talk on ‘Choice Based Credit System for nursing.’ Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on Regional Anaesthesia PACCS-2016 at Centaury Super Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad on 12th and 13th March 2016.

the National Workshop on “Curriculum designing in Microbiology”, at St.Joseph’s College of Arts and Sciences, Cuddalore and also released the Symposium Souvenir on 18.02.2016. Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a talk on alcohol use & road safety, at the RTO (Regional Transport Office), Pondicherry, on 18-01-2016. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, was one of the Resource Committee members for the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, between 18.03.2016 and 19.03.2016. She was also was the editor for the proceedings of the National conference on “Chronobiology and health”

Prof.MohamedHanifah, Department of Medicine gave a guest lecture on ‘Diabetes’, on WHO day celebrated by the department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI. Prof.K.Jayasingh, Prof.MohamedHanifah and Prof.T.K.Dutta were the faculty members in the PG Clinical update programme held at PIMS ,Puducherry on 24/03/2016 Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, was elected President of Pondicherry Chest Society and Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine was elected as Treasurer. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine chaired a talk on ‘Management of MDR’ given by Pondicherry State TB Officer Dr.S.Govindarajan.

Dr. S. Krishnan, Department of DVL, was invited as a guest speaker at the National Conference Dermacon held from 21-24th January 2016 at Coimbatore and delivered a talk on “Tacking difficult cases of psoriasis”. Dr. K.A, Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine is a faculty for the workshop series on Research Methods and Statistics for faculty of MGMCRI. The series 14

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Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, chaired a session titled “Chronobiology of mood disorders”, at the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18-03-2016. Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, chaired the meeting of the Institute Ethics Committee of the Indira Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry on 29.01.2016. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD, attended “Pulmo PG Updates 2016” organized by Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences in Kochi, on February 5 and 6 and chaired a session on ‘Newer Management strategies in COPD’ and ‘Recent Advances in IPF’. Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘Ramachandra Rapid Respiratory Review’ held in Chennai on February 12 and 13 and delivered a talk on ‘Sleep diagnostic devices – Updates and Controversies’.

Dr. Srirangaraj S,Professor, Department of Microbiology, chaired a session titled, “Glimpses of research work carried out at CMTER” at the 3rd International Conference on “Best Practised Models and Research in Music Therapy: Global Perspectives” organized by CMTER, MGMC& RI, Pondicherry on 16 02 2016. Dr. SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, OBGY chaired a session on ‘Anemia’ at the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG 2016 held in Agra, from 13th – 17th January 2016. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, chaired the Panel Discussion on ‘Chronotherapeutics’ in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 19th, 2016.

Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘Pre-operative Pulmonary evaluation’ in a CME conducted in NLC GH, Neyveli, on February 26. Prof.K.SurendraMenon, HOD and Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘National Conference on Chronobiology and Health’ organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI on 18 & 19 March 2016. Prof.R.Pajanivel was a Resource person in the panel discussion on 19 March on “Chronobiology and Airway diseases”. Prof.K.Jayasingh chaired a session in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, conducted by the department of Physiology at MGMCRI, on 18 th& 19 th of March 2016 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Department of ENT, was chairperson for session on “Nasal cycle and its Therapeutic Applications – A Yogic Perspective” at the “National Conference on Chronobiology and Health” held on 18th March 2016 at MGMCRI Dr Dhananjay Kotasthane, HOD, Department of Pathology chaired a session on ‘Automation in Urine cytology’ at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. SunitaSamal, Prof, OBGY, presented a paper on “Ovarian cyst torsion in pregnancy – a review of 5 cases” at the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG 2016 held in Agra, from 13th – 17th January 2016 . Dr. Chandana, AsstProf, OBGY, spoke on “Cord Prolapse”, in the Obstetric Medicine Update in JIPMER. Dr. RupalSamal,AsstProf, OBGY, presented a paper on “Trends and Indications of Caesarean Section in a Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


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Tertiary care Hospital in Southern India” in 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG, Agra. Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, presented a poster titled, “Chromosomal abnormalities in congenital anomalous foetuses& babies - a possible outcome of chemicals exposures associated with environmental pollution” in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 18th and 19th, 2016.

Dr. RupalSamal,AsstProf, OBGY, has undergone ‘Orientation and Basic Hands on Training on Operative Hysteroscopy” on 24th January 2016, at Worlds Laproscopy Hospital, Guragon Haryana. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, served as one of the judges for the poster presentations at the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18-03-2016.

Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit Department of Anatomy, presented a poster titled, “Music Therapy and Downs Syndrome” at the 3rd International Conference on Music Therapy, organized by Center for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, on 16-02-2016.

Prof. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, was a Moderator for a debate on “Multilanguages – Beneficial or a problem to the family” by the KGNC students on 19.02.2016. She was also was the judge at the “Extempore Competition – Crescita 16” held for the B.Sc., Nursing Students on 04.03.2016 at KGNC, Pondicherry.

Dr. Kalaivani R,Assistant Professor, Microbiology, presented a poster titled ‘Incidence of SHV and CTX-M extended spectrum beta lactamase producing Gram negative bacterial isolates from antenatal mother with asymptomatic bacteriuria” at the 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) organized byInternational Society for Infectious Diseases on 03.03.2016 at Hyderabad.

Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, the judge for the “Elocution Competition”, held for the SBV Students on the occasion of the Swami Vivekananda’s 150th Birth Anniversary on 27.01.2016 held at MGMCRI, Pondicherry.

Dr. Namrata K Bhosale, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, presented a poster titled, “Utility of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba and Microsporidial Keratitis”at the 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) organized by International Society for Infectious Diseases on 05.03.2016 at Hyderabad. Dr. Shanmugasamy.K, Asst Prof, Department of Pathology presented poster on “A rare case report of proximal epithelioid sarcoma at unusal site- A diagnostic dilemma” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Anandraj Vaithy, Asst Prof, Department of Pathology presented paper on “Renal tuberculosis in chronic kidney disease- a study of 20 cases” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. 16

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, was a judge for Just a Minute Competition” during the programme on ‘ Shaping Young Orators – Reflection on Communication Building” held for the B.Sc., Nursing Students on 08.01.2016 at KGNC, Pondicherry. Dr.RupalSamal, AsstProf, OBGY, has successfully completed “da Vinci Surgical System Training Module [Robotic Surgery], on 26 th January 2016 at WLH, Gurgaon, Haryana. Dr. Kingshuk Lahon, Dr.Padmavathi.S, Dr.SudarCodi.R, Dr. Johan Pandian, Dr.Mirunalini.R, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, faculty members, Department of Pharmacology, conducted Pharmacovigilance awareness among the interns in Interns Orientation Programme in I Block in January 2016. Dr.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, became core member of Partners Medical International - PMI at MGMCRI Dr. K.S.Seetha, Prof & Head, Department of Microbiology, MGMC & RI, was selected as the co-ordinator for Puducherry Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Program. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Dr. J. Shanmugam, Emeritus Professor, Department of Microbiology, MGMC&RI and Dr. Kalaivani R, Assistant Professor, Microbiology, MGMC&RI, were appointed as committee members for Puducherry Antibiotic Resistance Surveillance Program. Dr. RupalSamal, Asst Prof,OBGY, was awarded as Young Faculty Award by 4th Academic Brilliance Awards -16 at Noida in February 2016. She wasawarded with Fellowship In Minimal Access Surgery[FMAS] and Diploma In Minimal Access Surgery[DMAS], by World Association Laproscopyhospital,in January 2016, Gurgaon, Haryana. She also became a life member of “World Association OfLaproscopic Surgeons” (WALS).She successfully passed CIMP exam and was certified as Credential Indian Menopause Practitioner at 21th IMSCON February 2016 held at Nagpur. Dr. Lopamudra, Dr. Jasmina Begum, Assoc Prof, Dr. Sunil Samal, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Ramanapriya, Asst Prof, Dr. MeenuPriyadarshini, Senior Resident, OBGY, became Fellow of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India.

Public Viva Voce - Ph.D Presentations 2016 Dr. Mugunthan N, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, successfully presented and defended his thesis titled, “Effects of chronic exposure of ultrahigh frequency radiation emitted from 2G & 3G cell phone on brain, liver, kidney, gonads of mice – A histological, biochemical and SDS page technique” under the guidance of Prof.J. Anbalagan at the public viva held on 27.01.2016and was declared eligible for the degree of PhD Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine, SBV University. The Board of Examiners consisted of

Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu” at the public viva held on 08.02.2016 and was declared eligible for the degree of PhD in Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar.

▶▶ PARTICIPATION IN ACADEMIC/SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Prof.R.Pajanivel attended the workshop on ‘Competency based curriculum & entrustable professional activities’ conducted by the SBV University, on March 14 & 21. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan and Dr. S. Jayaramachandran, Assistant Professors, Community Medicine, attended the Second International seminar on non-communicable diseases at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Pondicherry on 28th& 29th January, 2015. All faculty, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Pondicherry Chest Society (PCS) meet on January 24. 2016 Mr. Lokeshmaran, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine attended, “An introduction to R” organized by Foundation for Ecological Research, Advocacy and Learning, Pondicherry on 5th – 7th February, 2016 Dr.S.Srikanth, Professor and Dr.D.Abirami, Assistant Professor, Department of DVL attended the National Conference,Dermacon 2016 held from 21-24th January in Coimbatore. Dr.S.Ambujam Professor, Department of DVL attended the National Conference on ‘Pulse therapy’ held at SRMC, Chennai on 27-28th February 2016. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Prof and HOD, Dr. SunitaSamal, Prof, Dr.RupalSamal, Asst Prof, OBGY , attended the 59th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AICOG 2016 held in Agra, from 13th – 17th January 2016 as delegates.

Prof. Dr. Indira Ingole, Professor of Anatomy & OSD, Dr. P.D.M. Medical College (External Expert), Dr. S.S. Rajasekar (MGMCRI) and Dr. J. Anbalagan (MGMCRI). Prof. SS. Rajasekar, HOD, Dept. of Anatomy, successfully presented and defended his thesis titled, “Karyotype phenotype relationship study in fetuses with common trisomy aberrations of mothers reporting from SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Pallavee P, Prof,Dr. Lopamudra, Dr.Jasmina Begum, Assoc Profs , Dr. Chandana, Dr. Sunil Samal, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Ramanapriya, Asst Profs, Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini, Dr. Jhansi Lakshmi, Dr.JeetendraBehera, Senior Resident attended Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASI -2016) and skill course in MGMCRI in Feb 2016. Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Jasmina Begum, Assoc Prof, OBGY, attended a workshop in Endoscopy conference ASICON in New Delhi. Dr. Jasmina Begum, Assoc Prof, OBGY, attended IMSCON in Nagpur in Feb, 2016 as delegate. Dr.RupalSamal,AsstProf,OBGY, attended CME cum WOKSHOP on “Basic and Advanced Colposcopy” held at ‘Action Cancer Hospital’, New Delhi on 21 January 2016. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a guest lecture titled “Music, Addiction and Reward Processing - Implication for Therapy and Education” by Prof. JorgFachner (Professor of Music, Health & the Brain, Anglia Ruskin University, UK), jointly organized by Center for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI, & Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, on 15-02-2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sunayana C, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, participated in the 3rd International Conference on Music Therapy, organized by Center for Music Therapy Education & Research (CMTER), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University, Pondicherry, on 16-02-2016. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Dr.KingshukLahon, Dr.Katik J Salwe, Dr.SudarCodi.R, Dr. Johan Pandian, Dr.Mirunalini.R, Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Department of Pharmacology, participated as delegates in the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 18th and 19th, 2016. Dr.VijayaSundaram, Associate Professor, Department of ENT, attended “1st International Rhinology Workshop (FESSTIVAL)” held on March 25th to 27th at Sri BhagavanMahavir Jain Hospital, Bangalore. Dr. Sithanandha Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of ENT, attended ‘Amritha Skull Base conference’ held on January 28th 2016 at Cochin. Dr.Pravin Charles M.V., Dr.Kalaivani R, andDr. Namrata K. Bhosale, Assistant Professors, Department of Microbiology attended the 17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID) organized byInternational Society for Infectious Diseases on02.03.2016 to 05.03.2016 at Hyderabad. 18

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Dr. Valentina Y, Tutor, Department of Microbiology attended the National Conference on “Chronobiology and Health” organized by Department of Physiology, MGMC & RI on 18.03.2016and 19.03.2016 at MGMC & RI, Pondicherry. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a lecture titled “Illuminating the Brain” by Karl Deisseroth (Cell Press - TNQ India Distinguished Lectureship Series 2016) at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on 20-01-2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, and Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18-03-2016. Dr . Vaishali D Kotasthane, Asst.Professor, Department of Pathology attended online GIT path course for 3 months from Nov to Jan 2016. Dr. Mangala, Dr. Bhavani, Dr. Shanmugasamy, Dr. Vinitha, Dr. Anandraj Vaithy, faculty members, Department of Pathology attended,“ Hands on workshop and CME on Nephropathology” held between 04.03.2016 and 15.03.2016 at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr . Vaishali D Kotasthane and Dr. Vinita Singh, faculty, Department of Pathology attended National Conference on Chronobiology and Health, organized by the Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, Pondicherry, on 18.03.2016. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry participated in a workshop on ‘Psychotherapy in routine clinical practice’ conducted by Dr. Salman Akhtar, Professor of Psychiatry, Jefferson Medical Collegeat Bangalore, on 19-03-2016 & 20-03-2016. Dr. Shashidhara M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in the weekly training program on research methodology & biostatistics for Assistant Professors on all Wednesdays. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dr. Sameer M. Jahagirdar Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated INDO-US Critical Care Medicine Update SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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held at Sri SathyaSai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Whitefield, Bangalore on 16th and 17th January 2016. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dr. Krishnaveni, Professor, Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated “Live surgical workshop on Advanced Otological Surgery” by Padmashri Prof. Mohan Kameswaran held at MGMCRI on 06.02.16 organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology in association with Association of Otorhinolaryngology of India. Dr. DewanRoshan Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated ISSPCON Indore-2016 31st Annual National Conference of Indian Society for the study of pain at Brilliant Convention Center, Indore (MP) India on 5th to 7th February 2016. Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiolog y, participated Workshop IACTACON-2016 19th Annual National Conference Indian Association of Cardiovascular Thoracic Anesthesiologists at Radisson Blue Resort Temple Bay, Chennai on 12th to 14th February 2016. Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended IDRA Indian Diploma in Regional Anaesthesia Examination in New Delhi and IPSA workshop conducted by Indian College of Anesthesiologists in collaboration with Interventional Perioperative Sonography Association in New Delhi on 20th and 21st February 2016. Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professor, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Dr. Indubala Assistant Professor, Dr. Archana Senior Resident, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated Regional Anaesthesia PACCS-2016 at Centaury Super Speciality Hospital Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad on 12th and 13th March 2016. Dr.K.Jayasingh, Professor & Head, Dr.T.K.Dutta, Professor,Department of General Medicine, attended a workshop on Competency based Curriculum &Entrustable Professional Activitieson 14/03/2016 &21/03/2016. Dr.K.Jayasingh, Professor & Head, Department of General Medicineattended National conference on Chronobiology and Health on 18th& 19th March 2016 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr.A.Tumbanathan, Asst.Professor, Department of General Medicineattended CME in Hepatology held at JIPMER, Puducherry on 23/01/2016.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM During the first quarter of 2016, the Scientific and Academic Forum, Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted two internal meeting & 2 guest lectures, one Poster & Elocution contest to commemorate Swami Vivekananda’s 153rd Birth Anniversary, Research Day 2016 (Intercollegiate PG Dissertation Presentation Competition – SBV PRIMS), MedMasters- Intercollegiate MediQuiz Competition and Prestigious MVK IYER Annual External Oration The first SAF meeting was held on 5th February 2016. SAF secretary Dr.Pramod Kumar GN welcomed the gathering, R.Ramesh, SAF President, chaired the scientific session. Mediquiz was conducted by Dr.Prabavathy G. Capsule talk was given by Dr.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF on “Discussion on PhD thesis Vs PG Dissertation”. This was followed by Case presentations–‘Enlightening injuries due to lightening’ byDr.Ajay. PG, Dept of General Medicine, ‘The Epispadias Spectrum-A brief Appraisal’ by Dr.Satyajeet.P, Department of Urology, Emergency embolisation of bleeding gluteal AV Malformation‘ By Dr.Mohit, Junior Resident, Dept of Radiology. Certificates were issued for all PG Presentations&Mediquiz winner. Second SAF Meeting was held on 19th February 2016. Dr. R Ramesh R, chaired the session. Capsule talk was given by Dr. Vijay.J, Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, MGMCRIon “An Overview of Eyelid Defects Reconstruction” This was followed by Case presentations, ‘Retrobulbar Neuritis after Scrub Typhus’ by Dr. AshwinSegi, Resident, Department of Ophthalmology, ‘ Overlap Or Mixed?’ by Dr. Jim Litton J, Resident, Dept of General Medicine, ‘Cystic neoplasm ofpancreas’ by Dr. Ajay. B. Mosur, Resident, Department of General Surgery.Certificates were issued for all PG Presentations.

RESEARCH DAY SBV PRIMS CONTEST (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated RESEARCH DAY on 22nd Jan 2016. On this occasion SBV AHEAD & SAF MGMCRI organized SBV PRIMS (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) CONTEST for Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Swami Vivekananda’s 153rd Birth Anniversary Celebration Sri BalajiVidyapeethin association with SAF organized Poster and Elocution Competition for all students (UG & PGs) of constituent colleges of SBV to Commemorate Swami Vivekananda Birth Anniversary (12th January). Elocution Competition was held on 27th Jan 2016, at Ground lecture hall, College Block, MGMCRIwith the theme ‘Ideas and teachings of Swami Vivekananda –Are they relevant for today’s youth? The event was organized by the Vice Principal – Student Affairs with Vice Chancellor, Dr.KR Sethuraman, SBV chairing the session. The two judges were Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst.Prof in Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy MGMCRI and Mrs.Sumathy, Vice Principal, KGNC.

postgraduate scholars of various university. Refer page 6 for details.

SAF invited talk on YOGA RESEARCH Scientific Academic Forum (SAF) and Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research (CYTER), SBV AIM HIGH organized an invited guest talk on 28 January 2016 on “Highlights of Scientific Yoga Research at Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute” by Sri SubodhTiwari, CEO, Kaivalyadhama Yoga institute, Lonavla, Maharashtra. Dr.PramodKumar, Secretary,SAF welcomed the gathering. Dr.AnandaBalayogiBhavanani , Deputy Director, CYTER introduced the speaker to audience. Prof Madanmohan, Director CYTER and Head of the Department of Physiology chaired the invited talk. Refer page 7 for details..


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

Poster Competition was held on 29th Jan 2016, 10 am to 1 pm at Ground Floor Lobby, College Block, MGMCRI with the theme “Swami Vivekananda’s Contribution for our Nation”. Dr. AnandaBalayogiBhavanani (Deputy Director, CYTER) & Dr. Saravanakumar (Vice Principal, IGIDS) were judges for the competition. The winners of the Competition were Miss. Joanofarc (1st Place) II Year BSc Nursing student from KGNC, A.Kamalraj (2nd Place) I year BSc Nursing, KGNC, Mr.ReubenToi


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(3rd Place) II Year MBBS, MGMCRI. Consolation Prize – Ms.Thiruvalarselvi, II year BSc, KGNC.

sought strong emotional processes and helps to break the cycle of distress”.

SAF Guest Talk on ‘Music Therapy’

MEDMASTERS – Intercollegiate MediQuiz

SAF Special guest talk on“Music, addiction and reward processing. Implication for therapy and education” was held on 15.02.2016 with Prof.JorgFachner, DMSc, MS Ed., Professor of Music, Health and the Brain, Anglia Ruskin University, Dept of Music and Performing Arts

SAF & SPECTRA 2016 (Sports & Cultural Fest, MGMCRI) conducted the Annual intra & Intercollegiate Quiz Competition (MEDMASTERS 2016) on the 1st and the 3rd March 2016.

East Road, Cambridge CB1 1PT, UK, as the speaker of the day. The following are the essence of his talk. “Researching intense emotions has lead to brain investigations stressing the comparable activation of reward processes during pleasurable music experiences and drug action. Reviewing the scarce literature on the interaction of drug use and music appreciation indicate a lack of research on this cultural practice and its relation to addiction and mood regulation strategies. For some, but not for all, drug use may result in disorderly conduct and addictive behavior. Some rehabilitation centers do not allow music listening, as certain music experiences made under the influence may become a cue for drug craving. For rehabilitative means music therapy offers retraining of cued music experiences and state-depended recall of drug induced strong emotions in music Addictive processes narrow and recalibrate pathways and conscious choices for reward, but being involved in pleasing musical activities may help to reframe the narrowed focus of attention onto alternative opportunities of reward processing. Doing music therapy may offer new strategies for retraining narrowed attention onto externally


1st March – Intracollegiate Quiz Competition: Preliminary round for MGMCRI teams was conducted on 1st March from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Ground floor lecture hall in the College block. 10 teams were selected from MGMCRI to participate in Intercollegiate Quiz Competition on 3rd march. It was open to Undergraduates, Interns and Postgraduates with each team comprising of three participants. 3rd march – Intercollegiate Quiz Competition :Preliminary round was conducted on 3rdMarch at 11 am (Written round) in Second Floor Lecture Hall. 25 teams from different Medical colleges of Puducherry participated. Final 4 teams selected for final rounds of MedMasters. Final round was held between 2:00 PM. to 4:00 PM in MGMCRI Auditorium. It was inaugurated by Dr. M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI. The Quiz committee consisted of Dr.Pramod Kumar GN (Secretary,SAF& Associate Prof of Forensic Medicine), Dr.SS,Bakshi (SAF Treasurer & Assistant Prof of ENT), Dr.Reeta (Executive Member, SAF, Assistant Prof of Biochemistry), Dr.Prabhavathy (Executive Member, SAF, Assistant Prof of Anatomy), Dr.Durai R (Executive Member, SAF), Dr.ChetanAnand (Assistant Professor of Gen Surgery), Dr.Richa Gupta (Assistant Professor of Physiology), Dr.Prarthana Das (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics) and Dr.Jagan Mohan ( Head, IT & MI)

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Questions were mix of Medical and General Knowledge in 7-8 exciting rounds.Final 4 teams were from PIMS, MGMCRI, JIPMER& IGMCRI. Team from PIMS Secured first place (Trophy + Rs.15, 000.Cash + Certificate), Team MGMCRI stood second (Trophy + Rs.9,000.Cash+ Certificate)& Team JIPMER secured Third Place(Trophy + Rs.6,000.Cash + Certificate).

▶ “SHRI M.V.K.IYER EXTERNAL ORATION 2016” Contd. from cover page- Prof. Gilbert H Mudge, He is a global health expert, currently serving as President and CEO of Partners Healthcare International (PHI) since 2011, specializing in heart failure, cardiac transplantation and mechanical hearts. Dr. Mudge graduated from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and completed his internal medicine training at Presbyterian Hospital in NewYork. He has held numerous positions of national leadership, and has authored more than 130 publications.

the remarkable complexity of interaction within the context of the neurohormonal construct. As we stand at a crossroad in HF and begin to fervently pursue nonneurohormonal therapeutic targets, we must also direct attention at navigating the multifaceted labyrinth of the neurohormonal model that has led to the current imbroglio. The forum ended with Citation Recitation given by Prof R.Ramesh, President, SAF, MGMCRI. Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Secretary, SAF proposed the vote of thanks.

He had created awareness about the different drug modalities available for the treatment of heart failure. He explained that the advent of neurohormonal blockade in heart failure (HF) has been an overwhelming success, but current evidence points to a ceiling effect. It is our contention that the available evidence has uncovered 22

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▶▶ Department of ENT

▶▶ Department of Dermatology

Live Surgical Workshop on Advanced Otological surgery

CME on Leprosy

“A Live Surgical Workshop on Advanced Otological surgery ” held on February 6th 2016, hosted by department of ENT and head and neck surgery Mahatma Gandhi

Medical College Research Institute in association with the Association Of Otorhinolaryngologists India (AOI) Pondicherry chapter. The surgeries for Traumatic facial nerve palsy, Glomustympanicum, Otosclerosis, chronic suppurative otitis media were done. These procedures were done by Prof.Dr.MohanKameswaran director, Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai. Organizing Chairman and Organizing Secretary of workshop wereProf.Dr. P. Karthikeyan and Prof. Dr. V. NirmalCoumare respectively. The workshop was attended by 106 delegates which included ENT surgeons from Pondicherry, Cuddalore and residents from various Medical colleges.

▶▶ Department of Microbiology CME on Zika Virus outbreak Department of Microbiology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, organized a Guest Lecture on “Emergence of Vector-borne viral infections with emphasis on Zika virus outbreak” by Dr. Sivasubramanian, KIPM, Chennai, on 24.02.2016 at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry.


A CME on Leprosy was organized by the Department of Dermatology on 4th February 2016 at the lecture Hall of the college block with guest speakers from Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute (CLTRI), Chengalpattu. The speakers stressed on topics of current importance

like leprosy in India, NLEP in Puducherry, Epidemiology of leprosy , Diagnosis of leprosy and the management of cases. Dr.ShowkatAli, Director CLTRI and his team also shared their valuable experience of working in this field for the past many years. Post graduate students and faculty from other medical colleges in Pondicherry also accepted the invitations and attended the CME. A meeting was also held with the Vice Chancellor regarding future collaboration of SBVU with CLTRI.

▶▶ Department of General Medicine Department of General Medicine conducted a Postgraduate clinical update programme “Confluence 2016” on 13/02/2016 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.K.R.Sethuraman , Vice Chancellor, inaugurated the programme.Prof. S.Vithyavathi, Padmashri.Prof. T.V. Devaraj, Prof.S.Prabhushankar from Dept.ofGen. Medicine, AVMC&H, Prof.R.Balasubramaniyan, IGMC, Puducherry, Prof.R.P.Swaminathan, JIPMER, Puducherry, Prof.Kurian Thomas, PIMS, Puducherry, Prof.K.N.Viswanathan, SSSMCRI, Chennai,Prof. RamakrishnaRao, RMMC,Chidambaram were the external faculties and Prof.K.R.Sethuraman,Prof.K.Jaya

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singh, Prof.MohamedHanifah, Prof. M.Narayanan were the internal faculties for the programme. Around 100 Post graduates from various medical colleges in and around Puducherry attended the programme and were profusely benefitted.Variety of cases of Neurology, Cardiology, Pulmonary Medicine and Hepatology were discussed.

▶▶ Department of General Surgery 39th AMASI Skill Course and FMAS Examination The Department of Surgery of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry was hosting the 39th AMASI Skill Course under the aegis of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India. This event had

about 220 participants taking part in the mega event. It was a 3-day course from 11 – 13 th Feb 2016. Day one, had lectures and videos and discussions about the Basic Principles of Laparosocpy and it was attended by Surgeons and Gyanecologists..Day two, had two parallel sessions for surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology where there were basic and advanced Lap procedures were discussed. Day three, had advanced Lap procedures and there was an Examination which was conducted by our Internal Surgical and Obst and Gyanec faculty. All the three days


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

there were about 15 endotrainers available in the Skills Lab annexe and it was well utilized by all the participants. The participants were from different parts of India from Delhi to Karnataka to Kerala to Telegana. The inauguration was organized on the Second day with the national AMASI Secretary Dr.P.Senthilnathan and AMASI National President Dr. Suresh Chandra Hari participating and there were felicitations by Prof.SeeteshGhose, Head, Dept. of OG, MGMC and Prof.M.Ravisankar, Dean, MGMC &RI andProf.N.Ananthakrishnan, Dean PG Studies and Allied Health Sciences and the Chief Guest of the day was Prof.KR.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Puducherry. The gathering was welcomed by Prof.T.TirouAroul, Organizing Secretary and the Vote of Thanks was given by Dr.K.V.Rajan.

PG CME - Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training - MIST 2016 The Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI organized a PG CME - Mahatma Gandhi Intense Surgical Training (MIST) on 20th& 21st January 2016 at the Central Library Ground floor Lecture hall from 9.00 AM to 4.00PM on 20th and 9.00 AM to 1.00pm on 21st for postgraduates in Pondicherry and Chidambaram. There were 51 registrants out of which 25 were from other medical colleges. The First Session was started on 20.01.2016 with Breast case as topic which was chaired by Prof.Kabalimurthy from RMMCH, Chidambaram and Prof.Naresh from SVMCH, Pondicherry. The case was presented by a post graduate and was discussed in an interactive manner. Following the first session there was an

Inauguration ceremony with a welcome address delivered by our Organizing Chairman & Head of the Department, Prof.TirouAroul. The program was felicitated by the Medical SuperintendentProf.NirmalCoumare, Additional Director,Prof.Ravichandran, Dean(Administration) Prof.M.Ravishankar and Dean(PostgraduateStudies& Research)Prof.N.Ananthakrishnan. The Chief Guest Address was delivered by the Vice Chancellor, Prof.K.R.Sethuraman. The vote of thanks was delivered by the Organizing Secretary, Dr.C.B.Praveen. The Second session started after Tea with Vascular diseases which was chaired by Prof.C.AshleySolomon&Prof.SimonDasiah SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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from IGMC, Pondicherry and the case was presented by MGMCRI Postgraduates following which all broke up for a lunch. Post lunch session was brightened up by Dr.Vinay N Kaushik’s Quiz which made everyone ready for the next session. The last session of the day was Abdomen case discussion which was chaired by the legends of Surgery Prof.C.S.Subramanian from RMMCH,Chidambaram and Prof.Vikram Kate from JIPMER, Pondicherry. The discussion was very interactive and useful for the exam going post graduates and the day finished with high tea. The next day started with Thyroid as topic which was chaired by Prof.M.Ramanathan and Prof.T.TirouAroul from MGMCRI and Prof.S.Rajasekaran from SLIMS, Pondicherry. The Second Session was Oral Malignancy, a case of neck secondaries which was chaired by Prof.A.Bala Subramanian, Prof.Robinson Smile and Prof.GaneshBabu from MGMCRI which was discussed elaborately and examination of oral cavity was demonstrated on screen. The program concluded with a lunch. All sessions had live video of demonstrating clinical examination by post graduates and resource persons.

▶▶ Department of Psychiatry

Special lecture on “Introduction to anthropological perspectives on mental health” The Department of Psychiatry organized a special lecture titled, “Introduction to anthropological perspectives

on mental health” by Krzysztof Bierski, Medical Anthropologist, Berlin, on 16.02.2016.

▶▶ Department of Physiology National conference on “Chronobiology & Health” A two-day national conference on “Chronobiology and Health” was conducted on 18th and 19th March, 2016 MGMCRI. The event was awarded 15 credit points by Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University. Nearly 150

Communication skills workshop for MBBS students Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sunayana C, Asst Prof.and Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a communication skills workshop for 4thsemester MBBS students on 08-03-2016&15-032016. The modules comprised of introductory lectures, group tasks & discussions/plenary based on the group tasks. The workshop covered basic aspects pertaining to interpersonal skills & communication, means of communication, causes of patient dissatisfaction, benefits of good communication, changing scenarios & changing roles, doctors’ agenda vs patients’ agenda, empathy, rapport, questioning skills, listening skills, answering skills, health literacy, socioeconomic status & communication, patients’ attitude towards health, information sharing, counseling skills, non-verbal behavior, communicating prognosis, hope & risk, special / difficult scenarios. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

delegates attended the conference. Experts and eminent speakers enlighten the audience about the emerging field of “Chornobiology and health. Posters based on original research or review presented by 18 delegates. The theme of the poster session was Chronobiology, Health and Environment.

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016



Innovations ▶▶ MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT Interns Orientation Program Medical Education Unit (MEU) holds Interns Orientation Program (IOP) for all interns of MGMCRI in two parts. The first part of the IOP for the current batch of interns was held on 18.01.2016. The objectives of the program were:to sensitize the Interns to their various roles and responsibilities; to familiarize them with the code of conduct including duty hours, decorum, discipline, anddress-codes; to define the specific roles and responsibilities expected of the Interns in various settings such as OPDs, Wards, Emergency services, and peripheral health care services and to discussthe issues of patient care safety and universal precautions to be taken. The workshop was led by the Dean, MGMCRI, Vice Principals, Medical Superintendent and clinical faculty.

Microteaching sessions for the faculty Microteaching has been recognized as a powerful technique for improving the teaching skills of the teachers. The Medical Education Unit has been organizing regular programs for the entire faculty of MGMCRI to sensitize them on the concept and utility of microteaching followed by “Hands on” experience in small groups. The introductory sessions were conducted by Prof N. Ananthakrishnan and Prof K.A. Narayan on 27.01.2016, 5.02.2016, and 6.02.2016. These sessions were found helpful in sensitizing the participants about the concept of Microteaching and to outline the procedure for conducting Microteaching session. Following the orientation sessions, microteaching practice sessions were organized in small groups to provide practical experience for the participants to practice a Micro teaching session in a safe and controlled environment. These sessions were organized on 2.02.2016, 1.03.2016, 8.03.2016 and 24.03.2016 at MEU and other venues. The process consisted of practice of a micro-lesson followed by self-reflection from each participant and feedback given by the student volunteers, peers and faculty supervisorson the strengths and weaknesses of each presentation with constructive suggestions for improvement. The faculty

team consisted of Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Prof. B. V. Adkoli, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof. K. A. Narayan, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. S. Manoj Karthik, Prof. C. P. Ganesh Babu, Dr. Partha Nandi, Prof. Sunita Samal, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Prof. Tirou Aroul, Dr. Niranjan Gopal, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Prof. 26

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D. Gunasekaran, Dr. R. Kannan, Prof. K. Srikanth and Prof. N. Seetharaman. Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal, MGMCRI assisted in coordinating the Practice sessions. Research Methodology workshop series for Junior Faculty of MGMCRI Conducting research is a core skill for the faculty members. It is equally important to strengthen clinical training and patient care activities, besides generating funds for sustenance of activities. The Deanery of research at SBV has been playing a key role in sensitizing various cadres of faculty and residents in research methods and ethical aspects of conducting research. Keeping with this trend, the faculty of Medical Education Unit, and Bio-statistics division joined hands to put up a series of 15 workshops for the junior faculty of MGMCRI especially those who are motivated to pursue research projects in their respective departments. The workshop series was inaugurated by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Science on 4th Feb 2016, in which he stressed the need for such a series and hoped to see a large number of relevant and fruitful projects emerging out of this initiative. The on-going series consisting of 15 weekly sessions (from 4th February to 11th May 2016) covers issues such as Introduction to research, Study design, Sampling &Data collection, Data management, Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis testing, Sample Size estimation, Inferential statistics, Ethical issues in Research/Plagiarism, and Developing research proposal. The faculty team for the series consists of Dr. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof. K. A. Narayan Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Ramesh, Dr. G. Ezhumalai, Mr. A.Lokeshmaran, Dr. Seetharaman, Dr. Manimekalai, Prof. Adithan, and Dr. Shanmugam. With this new initiative MGMCRI has opened yet another window of opportunity for the faculty to excel in the field of Research and Publication.

Interns Orientation Program Part II The intern’s orientation program part II was held on 05.02.2016 and 06.02.2016 covering 121 interns, passed out in December 2015. The objectives of the program were to enable the interns to discuss why errors occur in the health care system and how to prevent them; to develop written and oral communication skills; to be aware of legal aspects of medical practice; to appreciate the role of rational diagnostics and rational therapeutics; to appreciate the role SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

of medical ethics in patient care and to be aware of the consequences of adverse drug reaction. The program comprised of interactive lectures, case scenarios, buzz sessions, small group discussions, role play, Video demonstration and other interactive methods. The program was guided by Prof.K. R. Sethuraman ViceChancellor and Prof. M. Ravishankar Dean. The session on ‘Why errors occur in the healthcare system’ and ‘how to prevent them’ was dealt by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum.Written Communication was discussed by Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Prof. & Head OB & GY.Group tasks were conducted by Dr. Natesan Damodharan. Verbal communication was covered by Dr. B. Sivaprakash Professor of Psychiatry. Group tasks were conducted by Dr. Partha Nandi VP, Student Affairs and Dr. Abu Backer Senior Resident of Psychiatry. Legal Aspects in Medical Practice were discussed by Dr. Pramod Kumar Assoc. Professor of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. ‘Rational considerations before you order diagnostic tests’ was discussed by Dr. Tirou Aroul Prof. & Head of Surgery. Rational approaches to therapeutics was dealt by Dr. Lokesh Professor of General Medicine. Group tasks were conducted by Dr. Mohammed Hanifah Professor of General Medicine, Dr. Robinson Smile. S Professor of Surgery, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman Vice - Chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidhyapeeth. Medical Ethics was dealt by Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum. Group tasks were conducted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean – Research and Dr. V. N. Mahalakshmi, VP Curriculum. Adverse Drug Reaction was dealt by Dr. KingShuk Lahon. M, Professor of Pharmacology.

Pedagogy Workshop for Post Graduates A three days’ workshop was organized in the MEU, for the first batch of PG Residents (N=22) from 25-27, February 2016. One of the main deficiencies noticed in the postgraduate training is lack of pedagogic skills in the residents to prepare them for future role as teachers. Realizing this gap, the Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI took a new initiative to start a Workshop for the PG Residents to train them in pedagogical skills. The specific competencies and skills addressed during this workshop were: Group dynamics and team building; Principles related to teaching learning and skills of lesson planning; Effective use of various teaching learning methods including methods suitable for small groups and large groups; Developing teaching skills through the practice of Microteaching; Awareness of principles of educational evaluation; the Role of Multi-Source Feedback / 360° assessment; and the Role of Portfolio in conducting formative evaluation. The workshop included interactive lectures, buzz sessions, small 27

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group discussions, case scenarios, video demonstrations and role play besides practice of Microteaching in small groups. The faculty team for the PG Pedagogy workshop consisted of Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof M Ravishankar, Prof K.A. Narayan, Prof B.V. Adkoli, Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Prof Sunitha Samal, Prof. P Pallavee, Prof. C.P. Ganesh Babu, Prof. N. Seetharaman, Dr. R Kannan, and Dr Niranjan.

Competency Based PG Medical Education – A unique program for the Senior Faculty of MGMCRI Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) is a major trend in postgraduate training across the globe. The residency training is inherently competency based and involves extensive self-directed learning. One of the areas of intervention identified as a follow up of SBV’s international collaborative program with Partners Medical International (PMI), Boston is the introduction of CBME at the Postgraduate level beginning with the 2016 entry batch. As a prelude to the introduction of CBME, the MEU and SBV AHEAD came together and launched a series of three workshops for the senior faculty of MGMCRI to sensitize them on the concept of CBME.

Workshop 1 (14.03.2016): Defining Competencies and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) The first segment was dealt by Prof K.R. Sethuraman, VC who discussed the concept of Competencies and their relation with Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs). The participants were familiarized with the Competency grid proposed by Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), USA under six heads. Further they identified the EPAs in their respective disciplines vis-à-vis the mile stones to be achieved during the PG training, e.g., PG entry and completion of PG training. The workshop included a brief introduction to the Competency grid suggested by ACGME and two buzz sessions. Buzz 1 involved the participants to comment on the given list of EPAs and to suggest the level to be expected from a resident at the time of joining PG course at MGMCRI (level 1: Only observation; level 2: can do under strict supervision; level 3: can do under loose supervision; level 4: can do independently; level 5: has expertise to teach others). Buzz 2 focused on identification of competency domains involved in the given EPA under the six domains of Competency: Medical Knowledge (MK), Patient Care (PC), Inter personal skills and communication (ISC), SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Professionalism (P), Practice Based Learning and Improvement (PBLI) and System Based Practice (SBP).

Workshop 2 (21.03.2016): Multiple Source Feedback (MSF) / 360° Assessment The second segment of the CBME was conducted by Prof B.V. Adkoli and Prof P. Karthikeyan. The objectives of this workshop were to sensitize the participants about the need for adopting Multiple Source Feedback (MSF) / 360° Assessment in order to comprehensively assess the attainment of EPAs at various levels. The participants were familiarized with a plethora of assessment tools which were linked with various EPAs.

Workshop 3 (22.03.2016): The role of E- Portfolio The third and the final segment of the CBME series was on linking the assessment through e-portfolio which was conducted by Prof. N. Ananthakrishan and Dr. Jagan Mohan. In this workshop, the participants identified various deficiencies in the current system of assessment in PG training. They appreciated that for assessing the EPAs, one has to rely on multiple source feedback, which can be captured only through maintenance of e-portfolio. This was followed by a practical demonstration of e-portfoilio as a part of learning management system (LMS) to guide the formative assessment. It is hoped that the batch of PGs to be enrolled for the ensuing session would switch over to the Competency Based curriculum, which will mark a new beginning in the postgraduate education at MGMCRI in particular and the country in general.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES BLS training program (based on the new guidelines) was been scheduled on every Tuesday and Friday between 9 a.m to 3 p.m and conducted by the Quality Educators namely Mr. M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar & Mrs.J.Deepa from the Department of Quality Management Services (QMS) in the Medical Simulation Centre, medical college block (MGMCRI). The participants were the novice nurses, OT technicians, dialysis technicians etc; and successfully completed the training program and received certificates. 28

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From 01.02.2016, skill based teaching class was started in all wards based on the information booklet of MGMCRI From 18.02.16 to 21.02.16, JIPMER conducted 8th National Assembly on Paediatric Emergency Medicine (NAPEM) Workshop. In view of this, Mr. M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, (Quality educator/ BLS Instructor) emphasized for the Jipmer staff nurses on how to recognize paediatric emergencies, incorporate strategies and anticipate complication for early stabilization and better outcome while caring for a sick child. On this occasion he received a shield with a certificate. From February 15th 2016, every Thursday and Friday 3pm to 4.30pm NABH training program started with full swing for all employees of MGMCRI with the information booklet provided for each employee by the co-ordination of Department of Quality Management Services (QMS) & HR department-organizing committee. The class was being taken by M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar quality educator. By this Pre-test and Post-test were also conducted for the employees. Care of immobility and Ryle’s tube insertion class was taken by Mr. M.F. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, (Quality educator) on 03.03.16 between 2.30pm to 4.30pm on D2 conference hall for all the nurses. On 10.03.16, Mrs. J. Deepa (Quality educator) emphasized on Dress code and Appearance, Restraints of Patients for all the staff nurses between 2.30pm to 4.30pm on D2 conference hall. Triage, LASA, End of life care & Care of vulnerable groups was focused by Mrs. J. Deepa (Quality educator) on 13.04.16 in D2 conference hall for the staff nurses of MGMC&RI. Pre-test and Post-test was also been conducted for the candidates.


The dawn of

New chapters ▶ APPOINTMENTS We take pride in welcoming the following faculty members who joined the fraternity of MGMC&RI during the firstquarter of 2016 Dr.Adhithan.C, Professor of Pharmacology joined MGMCRI on 18.01.2016

Dr.Tarun Kumar Dutta, Professor of General Medicine joined MGMCRI on 27.01.2016

Dr.Syed Habeebullah, Professor of OB & GY, joined MGMCRI on 03.02.2016

Dr.Gopalakrishnan.S, Professor of ENT, joined MGMCRI on 22.02.2016




Date of Joining

Dr.Arul Vijaya Vani.S Assistant Professor Biochemistry 01.01.2016 Dr.K.Mirudulatheresa Junior Resident Plastic Surgery 01.01.2016 Dr.Gobinath.J CMO Causality 01.01.2016 Dr.Haripriya.T Assistant Professor Radiology 06.01.2016 Dr.Vigneshwaran.P Sr.Resident Orthopaedics 11.01.2016 Dr.Kishore.R Medical Officer Community Medicine 18.01.2016 Dr.Subashini.S Medical Officer Community Medicine 19.01.2016 Dr.Bruno Bharathi.S Medical Officer First Contact Clinic 19.01.2016 Dr Gowtham.K Camp Medical Officer Community Medicine 20.01.2016 Dr.Shakthi.P Assistant Professor DVL 20.01.2016 Dr.Manoharan Assistant Professor Orthopaedics 29.01.2016 Dr.Sathya Sagar Assistant Professor General Medicine 02.02.2016 Dr.Deyagarasan.E Assistant Professor General Medicine 03.02.2016 Dr.Jerald Paul.I Lecturer.RSO Radiology 15.02.2016 Dr.Shanmugam.J Emeritus Professor Microbiology 01.02.2016 Dr.Janse Clothena.A Junior Resident Cardiology 01.03.2016 Dr.Shweta Rani.P Senior Resident OB & GY 09.03.2016 Dr.Malliga.S Junior Resident Neuro Surgery 22.03.2016 Dr.Priyanka.S Junior Resident Neuro Surgery 22.03.2016 Dr.Srinivasa Raghavan.R Assistant Professor Paediatrics 25.03.2016 Dr.Priyadharshini.N.A Assistant Professor Anatomy 28.03.2016 Dr.Arunkumar.R Assistant Professor General Medicine 28.03.2016

▶▶ Promotions Dr.Palve Sachin Bhaskar, Assistant Professor, Community Medicine has been promoted as Associate Professor (01.02.2016) Dr.Suchitra Balasaheb, Assistant Professor, Physiology has been promoted as Associate Professor (01.02.2016) Dr.Bini Mohan, Senior Resident, ENT has been promoted as Assistant Professor (01.01.2016) Dr.Harish Kumar.M, Senior Resident, Orthopaedics has been promoted as Assistant Professor (02.01.2016) Dr.Govindarajan.A, Senior Resident, ENT has been promoted as Assistant Professor (14.03.2016) We congratulate all the faculty members on their appointments and promotions during the first quarter of 2016. 29

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scholars in


The making ▶▶ PG NEWS Awards Dr. Karthik B, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “A study of the impact of adjunctive music listening on depression & anxiety”, at the 3rd International Conference on Music Therapy, organized by CMTER, SBV, on 16.02.2016, and won the best poster award. Dr.Nivedita, Final year MD (Gen.Med) Post graduate was awarded second prize in the poster competition titled, ‘The effectiveness of music on pain reduction during Venepuncture in Neonates’‘ in the TAPICON Conference held at Thanjavur , Tamil Nadu. She was also awarded second prize in the PRIMS – Intercollegiate Professional Research In Medicals Sciences, MGMCRI for the same presentation.

of Medical Sciences, Mangalore on 17 January and got first place and Rs 1000 cash prize.

Scientific Presentations Dr. Varunn, Final year PG, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented his dissertation in the inter college PG dissertation competition (PRIMS) on January 22, held in the SBV campus. Dr. Robbin B, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a case report titled “Acute confusional state in alcohol withdrawal - A diagnostic dilemma”, at the monthly meeting of the Scientific & Academic forum, MGMCRI, on 08.01.2016. Dr. Ben George, 2nd year post graduate, Department of DVL presented a paper titled “Pause before u Pulse” and poster titled “ DiagnosticDilemma in Pemphigus Vulgaris” , while Dr. GirllyKurian, 2nd year post graduate, Department of DVL presented a paper titled “ Clinicohistopathological correlation of immunobullous disorders” and poster on “ Rare presentation of pemphigus vulgaris” at the NationalConference on PULSE therapy held at SRMC, Chennai on 27th and 28th February 2016. Dr. BalasubramanianAnusha, Final Year PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented poster presentation on “Comparison of GASMAN simulated low flow anesthesia with real time using sevoflurane; air; oxygen mixture” in Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI on 22.01.2016.

DrAarthi, Final year PG, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated in the ‘Indian Chest Society (ICS) Talent Search 2016’ competition, organized by A.J. Institute

Dr. Hussain Ahmed, Final Year PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, presented podium presentation on “Effect of three different anesthetic management techniques on pain and functional outcome following inguinal hernia surgery A randomized controlled observer blinded study” in Scientific and Academic Forum, MGMCRI on 22.01.2016. Dr.GreeshmaYarlagadda, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “We may be incidental at times the cause too” and a poster titled “Endovascular Coil Embolization of Large Splenic Artery Aneurysm Eroding into Stomach”at IRIA, 69th Annual


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


S chola rs in The M ak in g

Conference of Indian Radiology &Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneshwar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Dr.Naveen N., 1st year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a poster titled “An Unusual Presentation: TB Spinous Process ”at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology &Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneshwar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Dr.Brinda K.V, 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “MRI Brain : An Eye Opener in Psychiatric Evaluation ” at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology &Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneswar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Also she presented a paper titled, “Endovascular Management of Post-Surgical Multiple Renal Artery Pseudoaneurysms ” at SAF 2016 held at MGMCRI. Dr.Mubarak R.M, 1st year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a poster titled “Imaging of Ectopic Thyroid Tissue in Submandibular Region –A Rare Clinical Entity” at IRIA, 69th Annual Conference of Indian Radiology & Imaging Association 2016 held at Bhubaneshwar from 21.01.16 to 24.01.16. Dr.MohitVashishta 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “MDCT angiographic variants of renal vasculature ” at TN & PY State Chapter of IRIA 2016 held at JIPMER, Puducherry.He also presented a paper titled “Emergency Glue Embolisationof Bleeding Gluteal Arterio­Venous Malformation ” at SAF 2016 held at MGMCRI in February. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr.GauravBalpande 2nd year Post Graduate, Department of Radiology presented a paper titled “MRI of post traumatic internal derangement of knee ” at TN & PY state chapter of IRIA, 2016 held at JIPMER,Puducherry. Dr. Anusha, PG, Department of Pathology presented a paper on “Clinic pathological correlation of gastric biopsies in a tertiary care centre” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Priya, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “Follicular carcinoma of thyroid with clear cell change presenting as a distant metastases” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Vigneshwari, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “Papillary carcinoma of thyroid in a 3 yr old child- a rare case report” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Venkat, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on” Microcystic meningioma – a rare case report” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry. Dr. Trisha, PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “a case report on Kylres disease” at the CME on Nephropathology held on 05.03.2016 held at PIMS, Puducherry.

Scientific Participations Dr.Arun N.A. and Dr.Vimi Varghese, first year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Pulmo PG Updates 2016” organized by Amritha Institute of Medical Sciences in Kochi, on February 5 and 6, 2016. Dr.Varunn M.D., Dr.M.Roshan Kumar and Dr. AarthiNarasimhan, Final year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘CMC Winter symposium on Tuberculosis’ held in CMC Vellore on Feb 11 & 12. Dr.M.Roshan Kumar and Dr. AarthiNarasimhan, Final year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended ‘Ramachandra Rapid Respiratory Review’ held in Chennai on February 12 and 13. All post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended Pondicherry Chest Society (PCS) meet on January 24. 2016. Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Senthil Kumar, Dr. Aravindraj, Final year PG Department of Anaesthesiology, participated RACE2016 CME programme, conducted by Department of Anaesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine held at SRMC, Porur, Chennai on 22nd to 24th January 2016. Dr. Aravindraj, Final Year PG, Dr. Balasubramanian Anusha, Final Year PG, Dr. Prajith, 2nd year PG, Dr. Naveen Kumar, 1st year PG, Department of Anaesthesiology, participated “Live surgical workshop on Advanced Otological Surgery” by Padmashri Prof. Mohan Kameswaran held at MGMCRI on 06.02.16 organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology in association with Association of Otorhinolaryngology of India. Dr. Bharathane, Dr.Jervin Mano, Dr. Saranya and Dr.Sumina, Post graduates, Department of Pharmacology, attended the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health at MGMC & RI, on March 18th and 19th, 2016. Dr. Kavin Kumar, Postgraduate, Department of ENT attended “1st International Rhinology Workshop (FESSTIVAL)” held on March 25th to 27th at Sri BhagavanMahavir Jain Hospital, Bangalore. Dr. Binoy, Postgraduate, Department of ENT, attended 57th All India Temporal Bone Workshop held on March 5th and 6th 2016 at Madras ENT Research Foundation, Chennai Dr.Rajesh, Dr.Gitanjali and Dr. Dhivya , first year post graduates, Department of DVL attended the National Conference Dermacon 2016 held from 21-24th January in Coimbatore. Dr.Ben George, Dr,GirllyKurian, Dr. Bhanupriya, Dr. Dharani D. (4 second year post graduates)and Dr. Sriteja and Dr.Lasya ( 2 first year post graduates), Department of DVL attended the National Conference on PULSE therapy held at SRMC, Chennai on 27-28th February 2016.

Department of DVL attended Inter College Final Year Post Graduate Training at Indira Gandhi Medical college, February 26, 2016 which was attended by post graduates of all Pondicherry Medical Colleges and conducted by Prof. Udayshankar (HOD, Indira Gandhi Medical College) and 2 invited professors as examiners from PIMS and JIPMER. Final year post graduates Dr. Behanansantosh, Dr. Anuja Anna Varghese and Dr. Sandra Eliza Mathew, Department of DVL underwent ACLS/BLS Training on 9th&10th Jan 2016 at Skill lab, MGMCRI.

▶▶ MISCELLANY Dr. Anusha Reddy and Dr Mubarak Basha 1st year Post graduate, Department of Radiology won award in Nail Painting Competition and Four Pics in one word” at the MGMCRI annual fest SPECTRA 2016. Three second year post graduates, Dr.Ben George, Dr. Bhanupriyaand Dr.Dharani, Department of DVL were sent for a peripheral posting to Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute (CLTRI),Chengalpet for training regarding the various types of leprosy cases, management and rehabilitation as followed under the National Leprosy Eradication Program from 4/1/2016 - 8/1/2016.

▶▶ World TB day Quiz The Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted World TB day Quiz on 22 March 2016 in commemoration with World TB Day celebrations. Students from MBBS VI semester participated enthusiastically. Certificates and cash prizes were given for the top 3 teams.

Dr.Bhanupriya, Dr, Dharani (2nd year post graduates) and Dr.Sriteja (1st year post graduate), Department of DVL attended a CME on Aesthetics at ManakulaVinayagaraMedical Collegeon 13 of February 2016. Dr. Behanansantosh, Dr. Anuja Varghese, Dr. Sandra Matthew and Dr. Sathya (final year postgraduates), 32

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


▶▶ MGMCRI—Spectra 2 k16: Inter Collegiate Sports MEET From March 3rd to 5th, MGMCRI unfolded their first inter-collegiate Sports & Culturals fest - ‘Spectra 2k16 in all its myriad hues. The event attracted participants from medical colleges in and around Puducherry such as JIPMER, PIMS, SVMC, IGMCRI & more. In these breath-taking, nail-biting and exciting 3 days, medicos were out to prove they were no push-over when it came to sports and games! Players won trophies for Table Tennis (men)- Winner, & Runner and Futsal (women) - Runner at the‘Arena 2016’ organized by Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Pondicherry.

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

▶▶ Happy Women’s Day We are actually growing towards a better and a healthy nation. In the past decade women have done most of the things which they thought were impossible a couple of decades back. This growth however is only achieved in 38% of the population of our nation. The rest still is under the old intuition. Women can and will achieve great things and make us proud.We should learn to acknowledge, fortify and not be an impediment to them.”Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacity... If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man’s superior.” - Mahatma Gandhi. There are still men in this world who are just not able to agree that women are equal and can bring about better changes.So here is something I would like to share. One Night President Obama and his wife Michelle decided to do something out of routine and go for a casual dinner at a restaurant that wasn’t too luxurious. When they were seated, the owner

of the restaurant asked the President’s secret service if he could please speak to the First Lady in private.They obliged and Michelle had a conversation with the owner. Following this conversation President Obama asked Michelle,“Why was he so interested in talking to you?”, President Obama curiously asked his wife.She informed the Husband that in her teenage years, the man had been madly in love with her.President Obama then said,“So if you had married him, you would now be the owner of this lovely restaurant?”Michelle responded, “No. If I had married him, he would now be the President of USA.” Believe it or not, sometimes its a woman that makes a man who he is. -Mr.Sivakadatsham .R, I MBBS Womans day celebration The womans cell of SBV organized Collage competitions for students of SBV colleges that saw a huge participation from the students.




▶ Transport Department During the Republic day function, 2016 at SBV, MGMCRI Campus the Vice Chancellor, SBV honored Mr.Muthulingam, Driver by giving ‘The Loyalty Award’ for his act of true loyalty.

ROLL UP OUR SLEEVES “A spill, a slip, a hospital trip” And we begin from the scratch…. With our sleeves up for the NABH Accreditation and as an additional step towards healthy and infection free hospital zone the Personnel Department along with the QMS Department and Fire & Safety Department conducts regular classes on all Thursdays and Fridays. Each session covers a minimum of 50 employees from different departments. The session focuses on Blood and Mercury Spills, Biomedical waste handing, infection control and fire and safety management. The session includes videos for easy understanding. A pre test and post test is conducted at the end of every session to understand the learning progress. In addition a demo session is also taken on

▶▶ Department of Personnel Management The Department of Personnel Management during the first quarter of 2016 has conducted many in-service training programmes for all the employees of SBV University. 34

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


O t he r Highlights


emergency situations like Cardiac arrest and employees are also given a list of emergency contact numbers.

“Do not depend on others for safety — Help yourself ”, the Personnel Department along with the safety officer conducted an interactive session on emergency Evacuation Plan. The session believes that for safety is not a gadget but a state of mind and included vertical & horizontal evacuation plan, Safe Assemble zone, evacuation plan and usage of map appropriately. Live demo was also given for clear understanding. In addition to it the employees were also given awareness on complete evacuation process and emergency contact numbers.

MASTER HEALTH CHECKUP A complete master health checkup for the staffs of SBV was organized in the month of February 2016. Many of the staff members benefitted from the complete health checkup wherein staffs found with ailments were referred to the respective medical departments for further management and due treatment.


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

people. This will include provisions that enable transgender people to access education, social protection, employment, health and other public services based on their gender identity or expression. The national assessment identifies the overall impact of such provisions on transgender people’s lives. This means it also looks at any gaps or barriers, including when laws or policies have not been implemented or enforced in practice.

CPR – TRAINING The cardiopulmonary resuscitation training was held in order to bring an act of alarm and immediate response to be done when someone’s breathing or heartbeat has stopped. The Personnel Department arranged for a though provoking session and it was conducted by the Quality educator. Step by Step first aid instructions were given along with the demo session.

▶ Shri VIDYAGANAPATHY temple II year Pooja celebration on 21.03.2016

▶▶ TRANSGENDER COLUMN National Transgender & Hijra Consultation at Delhi Ms.K.Sheetal,Transgender Right Actives, President cum Project Director, SCOHD Society ans Supervisor, MGMCRI attended a one day programme conducted by Ministry of Social Justice and empowerment which organized a Pre-legistative Consultation meeting on ‘The Rights of Transgender Persons Bill’ on 18.01.2016 at New Delhi. The meeting helped in the creation of a national network of transgender–hijra community to lead follow-up action for effective implementation of Supreme Court judgment and Transgender Bill. The legal and policy assessment and select state reviews on legal gender identity recognition in India. The study identifies any laws, regulations, policies or court decisions that are relevant to legal gender recognition for Transgender 36

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Out reach

services ▶▶ THE DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING [HEALTH CARE SERVICES] The Department of Marketing [Health care services] of MGMC&RI focuses patient services & Care. The department is led by Dr.S.Ravichandran – Additional Director Hospital Service,. The team Members consists of Mr.R.K.Selvakumar – Executive Marketing, Mr.A.Fazulu Rahman – Asst. Manager Marketing, Mr.M.Sudhakar – Coordinator Marketing, Mr.E.Thirugnanam – Coordinator Marketing, Mr.Vinothkumar – Parangipettai Coordinator, Mrs.S.Sudharsna – Public Relation Officer. The Department of Marketing alomg with other clinical departments conducted free health camps, Health awareness programs, corporate camps, Promotional activities, Corporate tie-ups & etc.

To streamline the academic processes and consolidate the training across centers, the trust established The Sankara Academy of Vision (SAV) in 2013. The Academy received a grant from the Sir Ratan Tata Trust (SRTT) and Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust (NRTT) to enhance the quality of training. The grant was for a period of two years. The purpose of the consultancy was to evaluate the impact of the grant on the training programme. Dr. K.A. Narayan made site visits to the Sankara hospitals in Coimbatore, Bangalore and Shimoga between 23rd and 30th January and to Ludhiana in February to evaluate the training programmes. The report has been submitted to the Ratan Tata Trust.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE Consultancy Services Dr. K.A. Narayan, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was invited to be an external consultant to carry out an “end of project” evaluation of the training programmes for medical and allied health professionals of the Sankara Academy of Vision. The academy is the

▶▶ Outreach Services During the period of Jan – Mar 2016, the Department of Community Medicine organized 36 community health camps at various underserved areas benefitting nearly 7500 people among which more than 1000 cases were referred to MGMCRI for further management. educational arm of The Sankara Eye Foundation, a Non Profit NGO and part of the Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Medical Trust. The organization is working towards freedom from preventable and curable blindness - “ Vision 20/20 by the year 2020 “ - wherein no one would be needlessly blind in the country. Founded in 1977 at Coimbatore, currently the Foundation has a chain of 13 Eye hospitals across the country. These hospitals provide free eye care and cataract surgery to the needy. The hospitals also impart training to medical and allied health professionals in ophthalmology namely Fellowships in specialities in ophthalmology, Diplomate of the National Board of examinations (DnB), BSc Optometry and Vision Care Technicians Course. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

During the same period, more than 1700 patients were covered through our weekly extension OP services conducted in Embalam and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness programme A health education programme on Breast and Cervical Cancers for the families of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) was organsied at Neyveli Lignite Corporation on 29.01.16. Dr.Sachin B. Palve, Assistant Professor of Community and Dr.Suchitra B. Parkhad, Assistant Professor of Physiology educated around 65 CSIF family members who have participated in the programme.

▶▶ DEPARTMENT OF DVL Centres), SOS Children’s Village in Pillaiyarkuppam and HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organized 19 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. More than 700 peoples were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes.

The department of DVL organized World Leprosy Day29th January 2016 wherein a patient awareness talk given by 2nd year post graduate, Dr. Sathya and RMO at the MRD premises followed by distribution of patient awareness leaflets. Dr.S.Krishnan, Professor and Dr.Sandra, 3rd year PG, Department of DVL went to camp at a school and screened students from class 1-10 along with physically handicapped and children in special school for autism at Mettupalayam on 19.2.2016

Staff nurses of



On 6.01.16 Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath (NS) attended “The Lamp Lighting Ceremony” for the B.Sc (Nsg) I Year students at KGNC .

Mr.Balamanikandan (SE) and Prematheran (GM) presented a topic on “Checking of Accu –Chek’ for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 13.01.16. 38

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


S t a ff Nurse s of MGM C&RI

Mr.Mathavan (Assistant Fire and Safety Officer) gave a talk on ‘Introduction of Fire and Safety & Ergonomics’ for the Staff Nurses in D2 Lecture Hall on 20.01.16 & 10.02.16.

Miss A.Prishanthini Anto (Nsg Educator) gave a talk on “BMW”, disposal for the house keeping attenders of MGMC&RI in D2 lecture hall on 9.02.16. Mrs.Elavarasi (Assistant Professor) gave a talk on “Guidelines of O2 Therapy” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 17.02.16. Miss.Anto (Nursing Educator) presented a topic on “Administration of medications” for the staff nurses at D2 lecture Hall on 01.03.16.

Mrs.Merlin Joy (Tutor) gave a talk on “Care of Bed Ridden Patients” for the staff nurses on 27.01.16 .

Mrs.Manopriya (Assistant Professor) emphasized on the topic “Care of CVP monitoring” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 24.02.16.

Dr.Sivaraman (Incharge of Casualty) presented a topic on “Nebulization” for the staff nurses between 3.30pm -4.30pm on 02.03.16.

D r. G . V. K u m a r (Psychologist) presented a topic on “Psychology” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 3.02.16.


Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath received the “Life time Achievement Award” from the management of MGMC & RI on 05.03.16 on the occasion of Woman’s Day Celebration. The Nursing Department celebrated the women’s day at MGMC&RI on 8.03.16. All the staff nurses honoured, the Nursing Superintendent Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath who received “The Life Time Achievement award” from

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Mrs.Pooja (Polymed Company) product Manager presented a topic on “ safety measures for needle stick injuries” at D2 lecture Hall on 16.03.16.

Mr.Palanivel, Mr.Somu gave a talk on “Management of Medication Administration” for the staff nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 23.03.16.

the management of SBV University at a meeting held on Woman’s Day. Dr.Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS), Mrs. Deonisia (DNS) and Mrs.Galaxie congratulated and spoke a few words on Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath, extensive contribution as the NS of SBV University, a place of Health Sciences. Mrs.Theresa, honoured NS with a four line poem, while the entire Nursing staff and the management joined their hands together for a thunderous applause.

Mrs.Siramani and Mr.Pramila (NABH Trainers) conducted a “NABH training programme” for the staff nurses at D2 lecture hall from 28.03.16 to 30.03.16.

Dr.Joshua Daniel (HOD) Associate Professor (MD) Blood transfusion Medicine gave a talk on transfusion reactions” for the staff Nurses in D2 lecture Hall on 9.03.16.


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016



shri sathya sai

Medical college and research institute ▶▶ Research And Scholarship PUBLICATIONS Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ebola-free Liberia: Scrutinizing the efforts of public health sector and international agencies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):1. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Global food safety: Challenges and recommended public health strategies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):8. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Inequality in health for women, infants and children: An alarming public health concern. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):10. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. 2000 to 2015: How far have we progressed in achieving the health related Millennium Development Goals? International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):11. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Risk communication: An integral element in public health emergencies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):12. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. How can we improve the universal uptake of HIV testing services? World Health Organization. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):13. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Is there no solution to minimize the aftermaths of heat waves? WHO comes up with an answer!!! International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):14. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Palliative care: An integral component of human right to health. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):15. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization advocates for expansion in the role of health workforce to prevent unsafe abortions. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):16. 41

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommended strategies to move closer towards the global eradication of polio: International Health Regulations. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):17. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The growing global problem of vaccine hesitancy: Time to take action. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):18. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Public health interventions to reduce the incidence of tobacco associated cancers. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):19. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tackling the rising trends of non-communicable diseases during public health emergencies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(1):20. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening directly observed treatment for tuberculosis in India. Biology & Medicine (Aligarh). 2016;8(1):122. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ebola outbreak in West-Africa: Bridging the gap between the public health authorities and the community. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2016;21(1):105-106. Tarun Khandednath, Saurabh RamBihariLal Shrivastava. A longitudinal study to assess the cost incurred by patients undergoing treatment for tuberculosis at directly observed treatment centre located in an urban slum community of Mumbai. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;2(1):28-32. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Formulation of a comprehensive protocol in clinical trials. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;2(1):57. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Moving towards the universal health coverage: A strategy to expedite health equity. Journal of Medical Society. 2016;30(1):70-71. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The 2015 Measles outbreak in America: Identified shortcomings

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

and recommendations to the health authorities. Annals of African Medicine. 2016;15(1):42-43. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strategies to prevent the emergence of radiation induced malignancies. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(2):34. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childhood malnutrition: Where does the world stand? What else is needed? International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(2):36. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Assessing the status of United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):87-89. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization calls for curbing illicit tobacco trade market. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):124-125. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Encouraging human immunodeficiency virus selftesting among vulnerable group of adolescents: A WHO initiative. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):126-127. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exclusive breastfeeding and stakeholders: Only together we can make it work. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2016;9(2):127-129. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Moving into the era of Age-friendly society: The global public health need. CHRISMED Journal of Health and Research. 2016;3(2):147-148. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Role of doctor-patient association in delivery of holistic medical care. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences. 2016;21(1):77-78. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Time to improve the outcome of preterm births in middle and low income nations. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(3):53. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization recommends costeffective interventions to control the rise in incidence 42


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

of non-communicable diseases in low resource settings. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2016;7(3):54. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to restore mental health among older adults: A loud cry. International Journal of Educational and Psychological Researches. 2016;2(2):139-140. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Successful containment of the 2015 cholera outbreak in Iraq. Community Acquired Infection. 2016;3(1):28-29. Danasekaran R, Annadurai K, Mani G. Safe management of health-care wastes: An uncared area in health system. The Journal of Community Health Management. 2016;3(1):1-2. Danasekaran R, Mani G, Annadurai K. Adolescent hypertension: A challenge for the future. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Sciences. 2016;15(1):5-9. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Perception and practices related to organ donation among a rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2016;4(1):72-84. Karthika Jayakumar, Rapid diagnosis of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. International Journal of Pharma and Bioscience.2016;2(7). Karthika JayaKumar, Microbial Vaginitis in Reproductive Women of Silk city of South India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016;2(5). Prasanna.S, A Comparative analysis of identification and antifungal susceptibility profile and candida isolates using conventional and automated techniques. IJCMAS. 2016;2(5). Prasanna.S. Trichophyton schoeuleinci: an unusual cause of taiena corpories, IJAMSCR. IJAMSCR. 2016;4(1). Sunilkumar.Jada. Detection of fecal occult blood among patients with intestinal parasitic infections attending a tertiary care centre. Journal of disease and Global health. 2016;5(2). Sunilkumar.Jada. A serological study of Cysticercosis in Tribal population of rural Kanchipuram. Journal of International Research in Medical and pharmaceutical Science. 2016;9(1). SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


M.Anitha. Antibacterial activity of aloe Vera gel extract. IJAIR.2016:8140. Divya.G. Bacteriological profile of urinary tract infection and their antibiotic susceptibility pattern in view of emerging drug resistance. RJBPCS. 2016;7(2): 1296-1301.

▶▶ ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Karthika Jaya Kumar , HOD, Department of Microbiology conducted special lectures (Integrated lecture) on Rheumatic fever in the month of Feb 2016,conducted at the Lecture hall for 2nd year students. The external experts were Dr. Nasreen , Dr. Syed Ahmed , Dr. Senthil, Dr.K.N.Vishwanathan, Dr. Venkadathri and Dr. D.Gomathi. The internal experts were Dr. Karthika Jaya Kumar and Dr. Jayashree. Under her guidance CRRI student presented oral paper in NATCON 2016 in Lucknow on: Diagnostic, Therapeutic monitoring of Tuberculosis patients of Silk City by Telemedicine, conducted Integrated teaching program on streptococcus for the III & IV semester students. Under the banner of MEU, Microbiology Department of SSSMC &RI organized one day Microteaching session for Assistant Professors on 04.03.2016, also two day Basic Life Support (BLS) training by The INSCOL Academy was conducted for the III & IV semester students between 17th & 18th of November, 2015. Karthika Jaya Kumar, Co-ordinated 101 students for inter college sports & cultures meet in MGMC Pondicherry from 3rd – 5th March 2016, wherein, Syamuga Priya, CRRI, got first prize for solo singing.


Dr Swayam Jothi,S, HOD, Department of Anatomy, attended CME at Rigid hospital (03.01.16), attended CME at KJ hospital (10.01.16), attended CME at Rajan Hospital (17.01.16), attended orientation programme for CRRI (23.01.16), attended orientation programme of MEU (23.01.16), was Judge for poster session on world cancer day (04.02.16), attended quiz programme conducted by pathology dept (05.02.16), attended CME on Thyroid cancer by CMK Reddy at Rigid hospital (07.02.16), attended One day spiritual camp at Karur (08.02.16), attended CME conducted by IMA on updates in Pulmonology by Dr.Jjayaraman at Hotel Jayapushpam (14.02.16), attended Dr Sharma’ s talk on Who am I at Cauvery Hospitals (14.02.16), conducted scientific research SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

committee was conducted .Mr Mani statistician gave a lecture on your publications made easy (15.02.16), attended CME on Health care on “The disease of the next decade by Dr. Kailash at Conference hall Bloom Health Care, Chennai. (28.02.16), attended Immunohistochemistr y workshop at SSSMCRI (29.02.16) , conducted Microteaching workshop for assistant professors at SSSMCRI (04.03.16), attended CME/ Village Project by Rajkumar & CMK Reddy at

Kalavakkam. (06.03.16), attended CME/Workshop on Yoga “ Introduction of Yoga in Medical Curriculum” (09.03.16), conducted Microteaching workshop for Associate professors at SSSMCRI (10.03.16), conducted Vertical Integrated teaching - Neuroanatomy from clinician point of view (12.03.16) taken on the topic, ‘Cerebrum & Cerebellum’ by Dr. Bala Subramanian and ‘Brain stem’ by Dr. Prabhakaran, attended IMA CME at Rajsundar on ‘updates in Specialities’ at Raj Palace Sundar (13.03.16), attended CME at KJ Hospital (14.03.16), attended the National Conference on Chronobiology & Health held at MGMCRI (18.03.16), and attended CME on Exploring An Enigma – “The Limbic System” at Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry (19.03.16), attended the Workshop on “Use of Computers Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

for Doctors” at Conference hall Bloom Health Care, Chennai (20.03.16). Dr Swayam Jothi,S, gave a guest lecture on “The Development of Nervous System” to the Post graduate students of MMC, SMC & KMC(22.03.16), conducted Microteaching workshop for Professors at SSSMCRI (25.03.16), attended CME ON “Understanding Creator’s Creation by its Creators Creative”(Making of an easy expressive Educational aids) at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre on 31.03.16.


CME on Leprosy – A Public Health Perspective A CME on Leprosy was organized by the Department of Community Medicine in collaboration with the Government of India Program Officers and Specialists from the Central Leprosy Training and Research Institute, Chengalpattu on 08.02.2016. The session was organized for the exam going batches of 6th & 7th semester. The details of the speakers and their assigned topic are as follows: Dr. M. K. Showkath Ali, M.B.B.S., D.P.H., F.M.T.D., Director, CLTRI, Head of Department of Epidemiology spoke on, Overview of Leprosy Dr. V. C. Giri, M.B.B.S., M.D. (SPM), P.D.C.R., P.G. D. Epi, Assistant Director, CLTRI, Head of Department of Epidemiology, spoke on Leprosy - Global Scenario & Epidemiology Dr. Vijay M. Bhagat, M.B.B.S, M.D. (PSM), P.D.C.R. Assistant Director, CLTRI, Department of Epidemiology, spoke on Updates in NLEP Dr. R. Veerakumaran, M.B.B.S., D. Ortho, D.N.B. (Ortho), WHO Fellow, Head of Department of Reconstructive Surgery, CLTRI, spoke on Diagnosis & Management of Leprosy Dr. T. Pugazhenthan, M.B.B.S, M.D. (Pharmac), P.D.C.R., P.G. D. Diabetology, Medical Officer, Clinical Division, CLTRI, spoke on Lepra Reactions Faculty Development Program - Introduction to Biostatistics & SPSS A Faculty Development Program was organized by the Department of Community Medicine in association with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), South 44

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Asia Private Limited, Bangalore, on 15th February 2016. A statistician from the organization, Mr. V. Mani, M.Sc., M. Phil., conducted the session for the faculties and the CRRIs regarding the importance of Statistics in publishing a paper. He even explained about the method of data entry in the SPSS software and procedure to apply statistical tests. The session was attended by 135 participants, comprising of 51 faculty members, 3 post-graduate students and 81 CRRIs.

▶▶ Out Reach Activities DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE World Cancer Day – 04.02.2016 World Cancer Day was observed in Sembakkam RHTC by the Department of Community Medicine on the 04th February, 2016. Students from the 4th semester was guided by the faculties to prepare charts and conduct a role play in the community to create awareness about the common cancers and the necessity of the people to approach health care establishments at the earliest to reduce the risk of development of complications & poor prognosis of the malignancies. Dr. Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Dr. Fathima, Lady Medical Officer, RHTC were present for the session. World Tuberculosis Day – 24.03.2016 The World Tuberculosis Day was observed by the Department of Community Medicine and the Department of Pulmonary Medicine on the 24th March, 2016. A Quiz session was organized for the MBBS students of sixth and seventh semester. The students were divided into five equal groups and six quiz rounds were conducted based on different epidemiological, laboratory, clinical aspects of the disease. In addition, some questions were even framed on the recent advances to test students’ familiarity with the recent developments. Out of the five groups, two best groups were rewarded by Dr. J. Mohanasundaram, Dean, along with Dr. Jegadeesh Ramasamy, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, and Dr. Sundaramurthy, Professor & Head, Department of Pulmonary Medicine. The awards for the winners were sponsored by Dr. Sundaramurthy. Outreach Camps In the quarter of January - March 2016, the Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 41 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

indira gandhi institute of

Dental sciences ▶▶ FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Publications A. Santha Devy, S. Rajkumari, A.N.Uma. Control of Cross Infection at Dental Clinic – A Survey. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.2016;5(3):9–14 Krishnaraj R, Murugan R, Premlal K R. Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic Root Extract of Beta vulgaris. Journal of Science 2016;6(1):39–40. Murugan R, Krishnaraj R, Premlal K R, Sengottuvelu S. Aphrodisiac Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Vitex negundo fruit in Male Wistar Albino Rats. Acta Biomedica Scientia. 2016;3(3):128–130. Premlal KR, Krishnaraj S, Elango K, Sengottuvelu S. Gastroprotective and Antioxidant Activity of Polygonum barbatum against Experimentally Induced Gastric Ulcer in Wistar Albino Rats. International Journal of Phytopharmacology. 2016;7(2):73–76. Umadevi Karthikeyan, Santha Devy A, Udhaya Visvanathan, Suganya Rajaram, Sivaramamkrishnan Muthanandam. Carriage Rate of Streptococcus mutans among type II Diabetic patients with dental caries and compared with non-diabetic population –A Comparative Study. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci.2016;5(3):938–948. AbiramiLakshmy J, Balaji J. Introduction of pre and post lecture multiple choice question for second year undergraduate medical students in microbiology: A technique to assess knowledge acquired from the lecture. Int J Res Med Sci 2016;4(2):575-78. Balaji. J, Ali SA, Sivasenthil S, Rajkumar E, Kumar P. Rehabilitation of Severely Resorbed Flabby Edentulous Ridge with Innovative Impression Technique: Case Series.J Int Oral Health 2016;8(1):137-139 Lakshmy JA, Katragadda R, Balaji .J. Speciation and antifungal susceptibility of esophageal candidiasis in cancer patients in a tertiary care hospital in South India. J Med Allied Sci 2016; 6(1):29-34. 45

Keerthi VN, Babu KP, Kumar MS, Mathew A, Yashwant A, Kumar AN. Comparative evaluation of corrosion depth and extent between pre-welded and welded bands in various intraoral simulated conditions: An in vitro scanned electron microscope study. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(4):451-454 Kanyas SD, Sankar H, Kommi PB, Arani N, Keerthi VN. Clinical Utilization of M Spring for the Space Closure of Midline Diastema - Clinical Case Reports. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Mar;10(3):ZD11-2. Kanya SD, Babu KP, Hanumanth S, Kumar MS, Kumar AN, Venkatesan, Mathew A, Priya S, Aniruth Y, Arvinth. Evaluation of Colored Elastomeric Modules for Leaching Properties when Exposed to Various Dietary Media: “An In Vitro Study”. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(1):58-62. Kommi PB, Venkatesan R, Keerthi N, Kumar AN, Kumar A, Gopinath V. A cephalometric assessment of ideal nasolabial angle range for South Indian population. J Int Oral Health 2016;8(2):205-207. Sudhakar R, Pratebha B. Fibrous structure of cementodentinal junction in disease: A scanning electron microscopic study. J Oral Max Pathology 2016;19(3): 325-329. M Kirthiga, M Manju, Praveen, W Umesh. Ethnic Association of Cusp of Carabelli Trait and Shoveling Trait in an Indian Population. J Clin Diagn Res 2016;10(3): ZC78 - ZC81. Kayalvizhi G, Balajisubramaniyan R, Suganya G, Neeraja R. Determining the efficacy of ocimum sanctum leaves extract on cariogenic properties of streptococcus mutans - an in vitro study. EJPMR 2016;3(3):257-264. P Shankar, V Ramesh, V Krishna, G Madhan, S Suprasidh, G Kesavan. Non Fluoride therapy for remineralization – A Review. Int J Pedo Rehab 2015; 2(2): 4 – 6.

▶▶ ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Guest lecture: Dr.CarounanidyUsha, Dean faculty of dentistry, Prof, Department of cons and endo delivered Guest lecture on titled,” Integrated Education and Practice in Dentistry – An

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Indian Scenario” In the INDO-US conference on Oral health and Well being on 06.01.16 and 7.01.16, at Meenakshi Mission hospital and Research center, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.

conducted by the Dept. of Tourism, Puducherry on on 06.01.16. Dr.Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of prosthodontics gave a guest lecture “Research for Undergraduate students at IGIDS, held on on 20.01.16. Dr. Saravanakumar R, Prof and Head, Dept of Periodontology participated as a panelist in 8thRapid review course on Periodontics, SRMDC, Chennai on 25.01.16 Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head department of cons and endo delivered on Product Profiles and Interesting Clinical Techniques” Presented in the Clinical Society Meeting at Sri BalajiVidhyapeeth, Puducherry, on 27.01.16. Dr. Saravanakumar R, Prof and Head, Dept of Periodontology gave a guest lecture titled “Use of Laser in Periodontal therapy” in Periosakthi held at Aadhiparasakthi dental college and hospital, Melmaruvathur on 18.03.16.

Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Department of cons and endo delivered Guest lecture on titled, “Integrated Education And Practice In Dentistry - An Indian Scenario” In The INDO-US Conference On Oral Health And Well Being on 06.01.16 and 7.01.16, at Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Center, Madurai, Tamil Nadu DrSenthil.M, Reader, Head of the Department, Department of Public Health Dentistry had delivered

a guest lecture on the topic “Reaching the unreachedIndigenous outreach activities” at Indo-US conference on 05-01-2016 & 06-01-2016. Dr Sanguida A, Reader, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry delivered a guest lecture on “Yoga and lifestyle disorders” at the 22nd International Yoga Festival 46

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Dr.Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of prosthodontics gave a guest lecture on “Citation And Reference Management Of Manuscript Writing” at SRM Dental College , Ramapuram, Chennai, on 06.04.16.

Awards: IGIDS won the Best Speciality hospital “Jonas Salk Award” for philanthropic activity conducted by Doctors

United Charitable Trust on 27th March 2016 at Hotel Annamalai, Pondicherry

Participation in Conference /CDE: Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics attended Conference on ICT in education technology at SRMC, Chennai on 21.01.16 and 22.01.16. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


All faculty from Dept of Prosthodontics organized and participated in “unraveling the myths of occlusion” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dentnal Science, on 29.01.16. Dr.R.Saravana Kumar, Prof and Head, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics Dr.Yuvaraj.V,Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Ramesh V, Senior Lecturer, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, participated in the lecture and hands on course with the theme “unraveling the myths of occlusion” held at IGIDS puducherry on 29.01.16 conducted by PRO- IGIDS. Dr.Mithunjith .K Senior Lecturer department of cons and endo attended a workshop on “Mastering occlusion”

Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dr. Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept of OMFS, Dr. Vezhavendan, Prof, Dept of Oral Pathology, attended “Cochrane south Asia workshop on protocol development” at Christian Medical college, Vellore from 08.02.2016 to 12.02.2016. Dr. Arvinth R, Senior Lecturer from Department of

by Stuart Orton Jones and by Metin Ibrahim in pune from 28.01.16 to 30.01.16. Dr Prathima G S Prof & Head, Dr Kirthiga M Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics attended Training of Trainers (TOTS) workshop conducted from 07.01.16 to 9.01.16 & 21.01.16 to 23.01.16 at IGIDS, Puducherry. Dr. Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor &Head, Dr. Suresh.V, Professor, Dr. Nithin Joseph Jude.B, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Saravanan.R, SeniorLecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Varshamurthy, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr.John Baliah, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “under graduate OOO consortium-2016” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 05.02.16.

Orthodontics attended the 1st European Aligner Society Congress held at Vienna, Austria on 13.02.16 and 14.02.16. Dr Prathima G S, Prof & Head, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr. S.Sakthi Devi & Dr. I.

Dr. Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer and Dr. Muneer, Tutor, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “Refresher Workshop on Prosthodontic Management of Temporo-mandibular disorders” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry from 11.02.16 to 12.02.16. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturers,Dept of Periodontics attended 3rd International Conference in Medical Education Progamme on Music Therapy titled“ Best Practised Models & Research in Music Therapy : Global Perspectives” held at SBV University, Puducherry on 16.02.16. Dr. Prasanya, Tutor, Dept of prosthodontics, participated as member of organizing committee in the continuing Medical education program on music therapy titled “Best Practised Models & Research In Music Therapy: Global Perspectives” held at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 16.02.16. Dr. R.Saravana Kumar, Prof and Head, Dr. Pratebha, Professor & Dr. S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Periodontics, Dr.Sathyanarayanan, Prof & Head, Dr.Karpagavinayagam, Prof, Dr.Bindu Reader, Dr.Mithunjith .K, Dr.Padmaraj, ,Dr.Praveen ,Senior Lecturer, Dept of Cons & Endo, Dr. Manoharan, Prof & Head, Dr.Srinivasan, Dr. David Livingstone, Dr. Varsha, Professors, Dr. Shivasakthy, Dr. Sivasenthil, Readers, Dr. Rajkumar, Dr. Mohammed Ali Senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Harikrishnan, Prof & HOD, Dr. Arvinth R. & Dr. Anirudh Yaswanth, Senior Lecturers from Dept of Orthodontics Dr. A. Santha Devy Professor & HOD, Dr. N. Vezhavendhan ,Professor, Dr. KR. Premlal, Reader & Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi Senior lecturer, Dept. of Oral Pathology, Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R,Professor&Head, DrYuvaraj.V,Professor, DrBalaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Saravanan.R Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Prathima G S Prof & Head, Dr Sajeev R Prof , Dr Kayalvizhi Prof, Dr Sanguida Reader, Dr Ramesh V Senior Lecturer, Dr Selvabalaji A Senior Lecturer, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr.Jeelani.S, Dr.Vandana.S, Reader, Dr.Sivasankari, and Dr.Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “Systematic Review Protocol Development Workshop Conducted by the Cochrane South Asia Team heldat Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry from 17.02.16 to 19.02.16. Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor &Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr Suresh V, Professor, ,DrYuvaraj.V,Professor, Dr.Balaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Nithin Joseph Jude.B,Senior Lecturer, Dr.Saravanan.R, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery and participated in “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, hosted by our institute, from 25.02.16 to 28.02.16. 48

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Dr.Mithunjith .K Senior Lecturer department of cons and endo attended a workshop on “Perio-Esthetics” by Dr. Neel Bhatavadekar in Mumbai on 6.03.16. All faculty from Dept of prosthodontics, organized and participated in the “Refresher workshop” on “Prosthodontic management of Temporo-mandibular Disorders” held at IGIDS on 11.03.16 and 12.03.16. Dr. R.Saravana Kumar, Prof and Head& Dr. I. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr.Mithunjith .K & Dr.Praveen, Senior Lecturer department of cons and endo, Dr.Yuvaraj.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Balaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery attended “Refresher Workshop” on prosthodontics management of TMJ disorders held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry on 11.03.2016. Dr.Vikneshan, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry had attended a workshop on Advanced Statistics Course conducted by National Institute of Epidemiology, Chennai between 14.03.16 to 18.03.16. Dr.Srinivasan, Professor, Dept of Prosthodontics, attended CDE, Computerized occlusal analysis in diagnosis and treatment planning, at Shree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Bharath University, held on 20.03.16. Dr. Ramesh V, Senior Lecturer, Dept of pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, attended “International workshop on disability advocacy and current trends in inclusion of CWSN” organized by “Satya Special school in association with Pondicherry University” on 22.03.16. Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi, Dr. M. Sivaramakrishnan, Dr. R. Suganya , Senior lecturers have attended the “Symposium on Salivary Gland Pathology” at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University on 23.03.16. Dr.R.Sathyanarayanan, Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Suresh.V, Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery participated in OOO consortium on “potentially malignant oral disorders”organized by the oral and maxillofacial pathology department of Adhiparasakthi dental college on 23.03.16. Dr. Mohammed Ali, Dr. Balaji Senior lecturers, Dr. Prasanya, Tutor Dept of prosthodontics, attending the trainer program on “Education Science & Technology for SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Dental Professionals” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science , from March 2015-december 2015. Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R,Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr. Suresh.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr. Nithin Joseph Jude.B, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeryattended the 4th national annual rapid review programme held between 29.03.16 to 1.04.16, “ROME 2016”, Conducted by the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at SRMC, Porur.

Miscellany Dr. M. Senthil has been elected as president elect for Indian association of public health dentistry, Tamilnadu chapter in the AGM held at Government dental college on 28.01.16

The IOWA team had presented a bird’s eye view of the activities in their institute and also had discussions to extend a formal collaboration in research and student observer ship programs.

Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, was a resource person for the microteaching practice session held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 23.02.16 & 01.03.16.

Training of Trainers workshop

Dr. Yuvaraj.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr. Saravanan.R,Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery represented our college at the Coorg coffee cup cricket tournament held between 11.04.16 to 13.04.16.

Activities of Scientific & Academic Forum 01.01.16 IOWA faculty visit to IGIDS A team of dentists visited IGIDS to overview the facilities of IGIDS and appraised the outreach activities of Public Health Dentistry. The team was interested in the project of deliveringOral health services to Special children of Sathya special school which is run by Department of Public Health Dentistry in association with Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry.


The 5th “Training of the trainers” programme (6 day module) of the Dental Education Unit of IGIDS was conducted for the faculty of IGIDS (7 newly joined professors, reader and senior lecturers) and Karpaga Vinayagar Institute of Dental Sciences (11 faculty).

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The first day (07/01/16) began with small introduction by Dr.Manoharan which was followed by an ice breaking session conducted by Dr.Shivsakthy. A pre test was then conducted. This was followed by the lecture on ‘Education as a system’ by Dr. Carounanidy Usha. This was followed by the lecture on “Taxonomy; domains and levels “by Dr.Manoharan .The post lunch session was on “specific learning objectives”, by Prof.Carounanidy Usha ,“Group Dynamics”. Dr.K.A.Narayan (Resource personAHEAD, SBV) & Dr. Bindu used the concept of “fish bowl” to explain group dynamics. The day ended with report writing and tea break. Day 2 (08/01/16) started with report reading by Dr.Harikrishnan. The first lecture was on “Teaching – Learning Principle’ & ‘Adult Learning Principles’ by Dr. K.R.Sethuraman (Resource Person- AHEAD, SBV). On the request of the participants teaching learning mediaprojected and non projected aids by Dr.Bindu, web 2.0 by Dr.Jananni, and mobile technology by Dr.Vignesan was preponed before lunch. This was followed by lunch break. The day ended with report writing and tea break. Day 3 (09/01/16) started with report reading by Dr.Saravanan followed by the lecture on ‘Teaching learning methods-an overview” by Dr.Senthil. This was followed by video demo on ‘Chairside Teaching-do’s and dont’s’ & followed by plenary session on teaching learning methods by Dr.Pratebha. After refreshment break there was lecture “class room management“ by Dr.Sanguida followed by “ lesson plan” by Prof Carounanidy Usha. Post lunch session, lecture on SNACS AND SNAPS was taken by Dr.Shivasakthy and “introduction to microteaching “was taken by Dr.Saravana Kumar with the rules laid for the forth coming microteaching practice session. The day ended with report writing and tea break. Day 4 (21/01/16) began with report reading by Dr.Shakila. The group then dispersed to four different halls for the microteaching practice sessions. Dr.K.R. Sethuraman, Dr. K.A.Narayan, Dr. Carounanidy Usha & Prof.Adkoli were the supervisors. This was followed by the lecture on “Evaluation principles & process” by Dr.K.A.Narayan (Resource Person, AHEAD, SBV). Lecture on “written examination” was taken by Dr.Manoharan .The post lunch session was on “question paper setting and blue printing” by Dr.Manoharan.

Dr.Senthil. “Viva voce by Dr.Sanguida, “Time and stress management in teaching” by Dr.K.A.Narayan. Post luch session the lectures were “post validation” by Dr.Saravana Kumar, “Item analysis” by Dr.Vignesan. The day ended with report writing . Day 6 (23/01/16) began with report reading by Dr. Aniz followed by the lecture on “Ethics for Educators” by Dr. K.R.Sethuraman. “SOLO taxonomy” by Dr.Bindu,”Quality assurance in education- feedback system” by Dr.Jananni. This was followed by a group discussion on ‘Curriculum review’ moderated by Dr. Carounanidy Usha & Dr. Saravanakumar.R. In the post lunch session “Broken square” game was conducted & certificates were distributed to the participants. The program feedback, pre test –post test analysis and individual feedbacks were also obtained. SAF program on Research for undergraduates The SAF of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted an “Orientation Programme” on 20th January,2016 for the undergraduates with the topic “ Research for Undergraduates” to create awareness and

motivate the under graduates towards research during or after their course. The orientation lecture was delivered by Prof. J. Srinivasan, Department of Prosthodontics. Clinical Society Meeting

Day 5 ( 22/01/16) began with report reading by Dr.Bala Guhan followed by the lectures on ‘OSCE/OSPE by 50

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The meeting was organized on 27.01.16 at 2.30pm, the audience comprised of 3rd years, final years, interns, post graduates and faculties of IGIDS. The session was organized by Dr. T.S. Balaji (senior lecturer, Dept of oral and maxillofacial surgery). There were three presentations, on the topic, “Product profiles and interesting clinical techniques”. Dr. Sathyanarayanan R, Prof and Head, Dept of Cons &Endo on “Management of grossly decayed tooth”; Dr. Saravana kumar R, Prof and Head, Dept of Periodontics on “Doxycycline- the drug wonder”; .Dr. Aravindh, Senior lecturer, Dept of orthodontics on “Smart align”. The session was open for discussion after every presentation. Certification was done and feedback forms were collected for all the three speakers. PROIGIDS 2016

of full mouth reconstruction with fixed prosthodontics. The Lecture by Prof. TV Padmanabhan included case presentation of various fixed full mouth cases. The Lecture by Dr. MadhanRadhakrishnan included briefing on the use of semiadjustable articulators and importance of programming. This was followed by lunch and hands on session for 21 paticipants on programming of articulator with models and volunteers, in the Department with the resource person Dr. Madhan along with Team Prostho Swachh Bharath Mission On the account of communication received from the UGC in connection with “Clean and Sanitized India”,NSS IGIDS organized oath taking ceremony on 02/02/2016 at IGIDS premises. Final year BDS students took part and pledged that they won’t litter their surroundings and made sure to propagate the message of “SWACH BHARAT MISSION”. OOO consortium 2016 The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology conducted a CDE program ‘Undergraduate “OOO” Consortium 2016’ on 5th Feb. 2016 with enlightening topics on Swellings of Jaw bones – An Integrated

The annual Continuing Dental Education programme from the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences conducted a day long CDE programme on the 29th of Jan 2016, with the theme of the year – “ Unravelling the myths of occlusion” had 3 invited speakers Prof. TV Padmanabhan, Prof. V. Anand Kumar and Dr. MadhanRadhakrishnan. The Lecture by Prof . V. Anand Kumar, SRMC, Chennai, included concepts and techniques

Approach by eminent speakers Dr. S.V. Srinivasan, Dr. P.D.Balamurali, Dr. K. Sankar from Mahatma Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Dental Sciences, Puducherry and Quiz programme on Jaw Bone Lesions by Dr. R. Aravindhan from SRM University, Chennai Oral surgeons Day As a part of Oral Surgeons Day celebration on Feb. 13th, Department of OMFS, IGIDS conducted a QUIZ competition covering various aspects of oral surgery. Five teams of students with three members each participated.


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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

all participants enabled effective delivery of the content. The honourable Vice Chancellor presided an informal inaugural and appreciated the value added programme to be conducted by the institute. Motivational lecture

Four rounds of questions were asked.The quiz was conducted by Dr.Yuvaraj V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery.The quiz competition was presided by the vice principal Dr. SaravanakumarProfessor &HOD of Periodontics andDr.Sathyanarayanan.R,Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Winners and runners were awarded a cash price of Rs.2000 & Rs.1000 respectively. Consolation prize was given to audience who answer the question. Over all students as well as audience had a fruitful learning experience and fun.

Yet another event from the SAF of Indira Gandhi Institue of Dental Sciences, was a motivational and inspiration drawn talk by Mr. Prason Christopher Robin aka Chronicwriter for the Undergraduate, Post Graduate, Interns, Faculty of Indira Gandhi Insitute of Dental

Cochrane workshop Another activity from SAF was the grand showcase of a value added workshop from eminent resource persons from the South Asian Cochrane Network, CMC, Vellore to conduct a three day long intensive workshop on Sytematic

Sciences on 20th of Feb 2015 from 11:00 to 12:00 am. The programme titled “ Magic Potion of an Influencer”, had interactive sessions and active participation from the participants towards understanding professionalism and what is the “extra mile” a health professional has to tread to become an influencer which included developing leadership qualities and keeping abreast with new in the profession with a perfect work and family life balance. Clinical Society Meeting

Review – Writing a protocol on the 17th 18th and 19th of Feb 2016. The resource persons were Prof. Prathap Tharyan, Director, SACN, Dr. Anand Viswanathan, Research Scientist, Mr. Richard Kirbakaran, Biostatistician, Mr. Jabez Paul Barnabas, Cochrane research Assistant and Adminstrator. A total of 39 in-house faculty including the Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Dean PG studies and research participated in the programme. The Digital Library of SBV with individual terminals and LAN connection for 52

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The meeting was organized on 24.02.16 at 11.30 am, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and facluties of IGIDS.The session was organized by Dr.Mohamedali (Senior lecturer, Department of prossthodontics ) and the session was moderated by Dr.Sathyanarayanan ( Prof and head, Department of conservative dentistry &Endodontics). There were four presentations on the topic, “Magnification” –by Dr.Jasmine; ICDAS by Dr.Chandanasai; Caries risk assessment by Dr.Jeyagoika.G; Rare inicident of Gates glidden drill fracture beyond the root apex and its retrieval.A case report by Dr.RenjuChantiam. The session was open for discussion after the end of all presentation. Certificates were given to the presenters at the end of the presentations SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


by Dr.Sathyanarayanan (Prof and head, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics) Target 2016 Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor & Head, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,Dr Suresh V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial

on the 11th and 12th March 2016. The resource person was Prof[Dr]ChethanHegde, from AB Shetty Memorial Institute of Dental Sciences, NITTE University,

Surgery, DrYuvaraj.V, Professor, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Balaji.T.S, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Nithin Joseph Jude.B, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral

Mangalore. The national programme had participations [Limited to 55] from colleges in Pondicherry, Tamilnadu and Kerala. The Workshop was enriched with interactive lectures and demonstrations with closed circuit camera for better visualization. The programme was welcomed very much by the participants, which was reflected in the excellent feedback which was obtained online at the end of the session. The workshop was accredited with 9 CDE points obtained from the Pondicherry State Dental Council. World Dentist Day – 6th March 2016

And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr.Saravanan.R, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery organized, “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, hosted by our institute, from 25th to 28th of February 2016.

On the occasion of World Dentist day, the Department of Public Health Dentistry had conducted programs

Refresher Workshop Yet another value added programme for the faculty and post graduates of the fraternity from the Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, was “Prosthodontic Management of TMJ Disorders” which was conducted SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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for different target population. The program includes, “I respect my oral health”- General public and traders had participated in this activity; Oral health awareness quiz competition for school children; Door to Door campaign for oral cancer awareness for housewives; Best tooth brushing demonstrator Research Funding Two lectures on research methodology and funding for research were delivered in the SAF programme on 23rd march, 2016. The first lecture was on sources of funding for research by Dr.Shanmugam,Ex CIDRF, Department of Microbiology. He provided elaborate details on various funding agencies and procedures involved in applying for the funds. The second lecture by Dr.Srinivasan.J, Department of Prosthodontics,IGIDS provided a basic overview of Cochrane oral health group and also on the steps in carrying out a systematic review. The lectures were well received by the students and faculty.

periodontics) and Dr.Sathyanarayanan (Prof and head, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics). Memorandum of Understanding MoU signed with Sultanpet Integrated Social Welfare Association [SISWA], which is an NGO working for the betterment of people of Sultanpet.The salient feature of MOU is to deliver a comprehensive oral health program services for the people of Sultanpet.

Clinical Society Meeting The meeting was organized on 28.03.16 at 11.45 am, the audience comprised of third years, final years,

interns, Post graduates and facluties of IGIDS. The session was organized by Dr.Mithunjith (Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics ) and the session was moderated by Dr.Saravanakumar ( Prof and head, Department of periodontics). There were four presentations on the topic, “Osteoradionecrosis” – A surgeons challenge by Dr. Deepika; Intraoral vascular malformation – “To touch or not” by Dr.Venugopalan; Left Condylar hyperplasia- A case report by Dr.Lucky; TMJ Ankylosis – To Interposition or not- “ The Debate persists” by Dr.Beena&Dr.Monica. The session was open for discussion after the end of all presentation. Certificates were given to the presenters at the end of the presentations by Dr.Saravanakumar( Prof and head, Department of 54

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MoUsigned with Lion’s club of India. The salient features are as School oral health program at Vilupuram and Cuddalore districts; To support the travelling expenses of the cleft palate&cleft lip patients to avail cleft&craniofacial rehabilitationprocedures at the dental college hospital; To support Hepatitis B vaccination program for high risk population.

Lions Club funding for Orthodontic Treatment In continuation of the support to the Department of Public Health Dentistry, theKattumannarKoil branch ofLions Club international, has funded for orthodontic treatment of patients for “UdhaviKarangal- A home for street boys and girls”. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Camp from Orthodontics Orthodontic camp for Orphanage home (Udhavi Karangal) was conducted along with the Department of Public Health Dentistry on 12.03.16 and 14 patients who requires orthodontic treatment were identified.

▶▶ LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS Appointments Dr. E. GayathriPriyadharshini appointed as Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology on 12.02.16. Dr. Agathian appointed as tutor, Dept. of Periodontology on 12.02.16. Dr. V. Priyadharshini appointed as Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology on 16.02.16. Dr. Kishore appointed as tutor, Dept. of Pedodontics and Preventive dentistry on 18.02.16 Dr. Tamil Murali Krishnan, appointed as Tutor in the Department of Public Health Dentistry on 21.03.2016

▶▶ STUDENT AND ALUMNI POST GRADUATE NEWS Dr. Uma Devi. N III year Post graduate student has participated in the CDE Programme “PATHO-VISTA” at M.R. Ambedkar Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore from 4th to 7th Jan. 2016 Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, Dr.R.Arvina, Dr.Arun Varghese, Dr.UghaBharathy, Dr.Minu P Mathew,Dr.Ahila, Post Graduate Students, Department of Periodontics attended “ Perio Interaction program” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental College, Chennai. Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled “Periodontal Pathogenesis-RANK-RANKL Mediated Bone Destruction” Perio Interaction Program” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental college,Chennai. Dr.Arvina R, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Papilla reconstruction-no more a challenge” Perio Interaction Program” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental College,Chennai.


Dr.Arun Varghese, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Animal models-a boon in periodontal research for now” on 6/1/16 at Saveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.UghaBharathy,Post Graduate Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Immunological aspect of periodontal pathogenesis-A fact” on 6/1/16 atSaveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.Minu P Mathew, Post Graduate Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Pathogenesis of alveolar bone destruction on 6/1/16 atSaveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr.Ahila, Post Graduate Department of Periodontics Presented poster titled“Pathogen associated molecular patterns-a fact” on 6/1/16 atSaveetha Dental College,Chennai. Dr. Lucky KumariIII year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, participated in the Intercollegiate Research day symposium, “PRIMS 2016” conducted by Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University on 22nd January 2016, and presented a poster on her dissertation titled “ A comparative study between 0.5% centbucridine and 2% Lignocaine with adrenaline for bilateral extraction of mandibular premolars using nerve block anesthesia: A double blind randomized controlled clinical study”. Dr. Beena Agnes Therese, III year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, participated in the Intercollegiate Research day symposium, “PRIMS 2016” conducted by Sri BalajiVidyapeeth University on 22nd January 2016, and presented a paper on her dissertation titled “Comparison of the effectiveness of transdermal diclofenac and oral diclofenac as preemptive analgesics for surgical removal of mandibular third molar impactions: A single blind randomized controlled clinical study”, and secured the first place. Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


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All Post Graduates from Dept of Prosthodontics, participated in the lecture/hands on course with the theme “Unravelling the myths of occlusion” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of DentnalScience on 29th January 2016. Dr. Uma Devi. N III year Post graduate student participated in the “Fourth National Rapid Review Programme” at Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai from 1st to 3rd Feb. 2016. Dr Santosh Palla and Dr. Yoga, Second year Post graduate from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended apprenticeship in Forensic Odontolgy at SDM

college of Dental Sciences, Dharward from 1.02.2016 – 6.02.2016. Dr.Dhanraj.T, Dr.Juhi jahan.A, Dr.Kavya.L first year post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “under graduate OOO consortium-2016” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry on 5th February 2016. Dr. VL.Lakshman, Dr. Lakshmi Priya .E, Dr. Shiva santhosh Third year post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended “Refresher Workshop on Prosthodontic Management of Temporomandibular disorders” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry from 11.02.2016-12.02.2016. Dr.Gopika, Dr. Shouvik, Dr.Vijayaraja2nd Years Post Graduate department of cons and endo, attended Interactive Forum-2016 and Won the 3rd Prize in Quiz Competition in Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Chidambaram on 22nd of February. D r. T h a m i z h p Po z h i l . G u n a I ye a r Po s t Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,were part of the organizing committee and 56

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participated in “TARGET 2016”, 4th Annual conference of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, hosted by our institute, from 25th to 28th of February 2016. Dr. Satheesh Kumar. K , II yr Post graduate Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology presented a paper titled “Salivary Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase estimation in chronic alcoholics in Puducherry population” at “XIV National Triple O Symposium - 2016”, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 4-6 March 2016. Dr. Uma Maheswari. G, II yr Post graduate Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology presented a paper titled “Sialochemical profile in Depressive Individuals – an Ex-vivo Study” at “XIV National Triple O Symposium - 2016”, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 4-6 March 2016. Dr. Aroumougam. A, II yr Post graduate Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology presented a poster titled “Odontogenic Cyst or a Tumor – A Case Report.” at “XIV National Triple O Symposium - 2016”, Subharti Dental College & Hospital, Swami Vivekanand Subharti University, Meerut on 4-6 March 2016. Dr.Dhanraj.T, Dr.Juhi jahan.A, Dr.Kavya.L first year post graduates from the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology attended workshop on “Research methodology and biostatistics” at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Pondicherry from 09.03.2016-11.03.2016. Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, DR. R. Arvina, Dr.Arun Varghese, Dr.UghaBharathy, Dr.Minu P Mathew,Dr. Ahila,Post Graduate Students, Department of Periodontics attended ” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention from 10/3/16 to 14/3/16 at Bhubaneswar. All Post Gradutes from Dept of Prosthodontics, Participated in the “Refresher workshop” on “Prosthodontic management of Temporo-mandibular Disorders” held at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dentnal Science, on 11th and 12th of March 2016. Dr.B.Shahinas Begum, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Relationship Between Body Mass Index And Periodontal Status Among A Group Of Dental Students In Puducherry” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Dr.R.Arvina, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Correlation between Periodontal treatment and dental impact on daily living-A questionnaire study ”PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.Arun Varghese,Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Efficacy and Accuracy of Anterior Middle Superior Alveolar Block in Maxillary Open Flap debridement”. PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.UghaBharathy, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Clinical evaluation of increase width of attached gingiva using modified apically repositioned flap” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.Minu P Mathew, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled “Evaluation of tensile strength of surgical absorbable and non-absorbable suture materials-basic research” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. Dr.Ahila, Post Graduate, Department of Periodontics Presented paper titled“Augmentation of interdental papilla using platelet rich fibrin –a case series with 6 months follow up” PERI ‘O’DISHA, 15th ISP PG Convention held at Bhubaneswar on 13/3/16. First year and second year post graduate students, Dept of pedodontics attended “international workshop on disability advocacy and current trends in inclusion of CWSN” organised by “Satya Special school in association with Pondicherry University” on 22nd March 2016. All II yr and III yr postgraduates from Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, participated in a CDE program, “OOO consortium on “Potentially Malignant Oral Disorders”, organized by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Adhiparasakthi dental college on 23rd March, 2016. Dr.Deepika.S, Dr.Monica.S, Dr.Venugopalan.V, II year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Lucky Kumari and Dr. Beena Agnes Therese III year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, presented at the Scientific and Academic Forum, Clinical society meeting held on 28th March, 2016. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

All First yr Post Graduate from Dept of Prosthodontics, Participated in Lecture & Hands On Workshop On “Maxillofacial Prosthdontics” , held at SRM Dental College, on 28th March,2016. Dr. Beena Agnes Therese and Dr. Lucky Kumari III year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, attended a Rapid review course on Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, “ROME 2016” conducted at Ramachandra Dental College form March 29th to April 1st 2016. Dr. Lucky Kumari, III year Post Graduate, Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Deepika and Dr. Monica,II year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, attended a microvascular free fibula flap surgery for the reconstruction of mandible on 27th April 2016 at SRM Dental College, Ramapuram. Dr. Beena Agnes ThereseIII year Post Graduate,Department Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery,participated at the International case reports conference in Saveetha Dental College, “SHOWCASE 2016” and was awarded the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Master award for her case series presentation titled “Gap arthroplasty vs Interpositional arthroplasty for the management of TMJ ankylosis – A case series”

UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Sports day inauguration Feb 20th Arena events of year 2016, commenced on the 20th of February at 8:30AM. It was inaugurated by the vice chancellor, Prof K.R. Sethuraman and the Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Dr Carounanidy Usha. The gathering was welcomed by the Student Advisor, Dr. Rajkumar. The event was felicitated by the vice chancellor, Prof K.R. Sethuraman. Introduction to arena was given by sports secretary Miss. Ravi Padmapriya. This was followed by introduction of Mr Dent10 (mascot) by the president of student council, Mr. John Shibin. This was followed by capping ceremony of the house captains, who were accompanied by their respective advisors by the vice chancellor. Following the capping ceremony, was the unveiling of the Richards trophy 2016 by the vice chancellor and the Dean, faculty of Dentistry. The vote of thanks was proposed

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by the Sports Advisor, Dr Yuvraj. With this the events of arena’16 commenced.


Skill Enhancement for Alumni

National Science Day Celebration was conducted on 29th Feb 2016 from 2 pm – 5 pm at 3rd floor lecture hall, MGMCRI. CRESCENDO 2016, the Award Ceremony for the batches 2009, 2010 and 2011 was also organized Skill Enhancement For Alumni (SEA), An Hand On Training Program In “Rotary Endodontics” Was Conducted On February 22,23rd& March 4th2016 For The ALUMNI’S Of IGIDS. The First Two Days Of The Program Consisted Of Lectures And Hand On Training In Fully Simulated Typhodont. After Two Weeks Of Self Directed And Guided

along with the celebration. The chief Guest of the occasion was Prof .G. Subramanian, Advisor, CIDRF, SBV. Other invited dignitaries were Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences, SBV and Dr. Vellore A. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV.

Learning, The Participants Carried Out The Treatment Under Guidance On Patients In The Department Of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics. The resource person was Dr.Sathyanarayanan.R, Professor & Head Of The Department. The program arrangements were made by faculties Dr.GeenaMary.G, Dr. Kalaiselvi and Post Graduate Dr.Vijayaraja of conservative dentistry and endodontics 58

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The occasion started with the college prayer song. Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, SBV, welcomed the Chief Guest with a floral bouquet and the welcome the gathering . Felicitation was done by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences, SBV and Dr. Vellore A. Srinivasan, Registrar, who blessed the fellow awardees and the gathering by a melodious poetry, which was well appreciated by all. The awardees of the batches 2009, 2010 & 2011 and the first batch of PG’s were honoured and the valedictorian

On 14th March 2016, the Sports day was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Yogacharya Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director, CYTER. The welcome address was given by the Ms. Ravi Padmapriya, Sports Secretary. The flag hoisting was done by the Chief Guest and Dr. Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry. IGIDians did a colourful march past followed by lighting of the torch. The Doves were released by the Chief Guest and mascot Dent10. The finals of various athletic track events were conducted on the sports day. The stars of ARENA were awarded by the chief guest and Dean, IGIDS. The Individual championship for men was won by Mr. Manikanda Prabu of Green House and women by Ms. Phanishree of Blue house. In Richard’s tournament, Man of the series was shared by Dr. Saravana Kumar and Dr. Mithunjith. The Women of the series for cricket was won by Ms. Monisha. The gathering was felicitated by the chief Guest. The program ended with vote of thanks by Miss Jyothi Lekshmi, Joint Sports Secretary, Student Council. The march past and overall ARENA’16 Championship was won by Purple house MELOMANIA 2016 Our Decennial cultural regale, celestial 2016 started with Melomania 2016 on 17th March 2016 at 1.30 PM in an open air theatre for the first time at IGIDS. The program was anchored by Ms. Infanta Preethi and Ms. Gayathri RS, CRRI. Dr. Manonmani Ravichandran, Deputy Registrar of Students affairs, SBV, was the chief guest and the events were judged by Mrs. Pushpa Narayanan, Dr. Partha Nandhi Vice Principal, MGMCRI and Ms. Ashrafa, senior Vocalist, in ARR college.

award was given to the respective valedictorian of each batch. Vote of thanks was given by Dr. Saravanakumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS, SBV. Brief introduction of the guest speaker was given by Dr. R. Sathyanarayanan, Professor and Head, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, IGIDS, SBV. Guest lecture was delivered on the topic “Occult dimensions in medicine and healing” by Sri. Sraddhalu Ranade, Scientist and Philosopher, Sri Aurobindo Ashram. He emphasized on how Science & Spirituality are related which was truly inspirational. The session ended with college anthem and dispersed for refreshment. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Solo singing is an open choice. Duet singing was divided into romantic and medley. Group singing was divided into 6 categories. Each house was allotted one category. The event concluded with the performance by Ms. Ashrafa at 5.30 PM. IGnite’16 IGnite’16, the college day function, happened on the eve of 19th March 2016 at the SBV grounds celebrating its 10th anniversary. The program began around 5 PM with the opening musical performance by the “Udhavi Karangal” which set the tone for the evening with its genuine spirituality. The event was hosted by Dr. Praveen, Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and Dr. Krithika, Senior Lecture, Department of Pedodontics, IGIDS, SBV. Mr. John Shibin, President, Student Council, welcomed the gathering and greeted the Chief Guest, Prof.Nagesh, Director of Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Disease Control, Karnataka and Prof. K. S. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, along with Prof. Usha Carounanidy, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, IGIDS and Prof. Saravanan Kumar, Vice Principal, IGIDS to the dais. All the nine Departments of Dentistry, Achiever undergraduate and post graduate students along with the non-teaching staffs were honored by the chief guest for their dedication towards the IGIDS’s progress. Prof. Usha Carounanidy, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry addressed the gathering about the decennial year celebration and journey of IGIDS throughout the 10 years.

Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, SBV, which was followed by an interesting Skype interaction with Dr. Veerasathpurush Reddy, Orthodontist, IOWA University, on the topic “Opportunities Abroad”. The program resumed with a guest lecture by Prof. K. Ranganathan, Head, Dept of Oral & Maxillofacial

This was followed by the highlight of the celebration “Release of the Decennial Coin” for the alumni students. Dr. Vijay Raja, President, GUILD, Alumni association, shared his memories and journey in this prestigious institute. Later, all the 10 batches were given medicinal plants by the Student Council members. The official college magazine “Glaze’16” was released by the Chief Guest. The champions of the cultural events were announced and trophies were given to the winning houses. IGIDS’s very own musical band “Euphoriannz” gave a pleasant musical performance which was followed by an inspiring message by chief guest Prof. Nagesh. Prof. Sethuraman addressed the gathering and commended the progress of IGIDS. Vote of Thanks was given by Mr. Arul Kumaran, General Secretary, student council. Miss. Karuna Sagari was a special guest to the celebration, who sparked the event with her beautiful style of narration, performed Bharatnatyam dance, which charmed the audience. The evening ended with an after dinner entertainment by the Faculty members. Euphoriannz were the star performers of the evening as they kept entertaining the audience.

Pathology, Ragas Dental College & Hospital on “Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology for better practice and life”. Prof. K. Ranganathan also gave certificates to alumni for skill enhancement program on Conventional Molar RCT and Rotary Endodontics demo at 12:30 PM. A workshop was conducted on the “Patient’s personality types and its management” by AHEAD, SBV & DEU

CONFLUENCE’16 On 18th March 2016, we the GUILD, IGIDS, along with a fraternity organized confluence’16. At 9:30 AM, the program commenced with the IGIDS prayer song. The welcome address was given by Prof. Carounanidy Usha, 60

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(Dental Education Unit), IGIDS. The program ended with college anthem.

and Dr. Rajkumar, Student Advisor. The program was anchored by Ms. Infanta Preethi, Ms. Gayathri RS and Ms. Sheba Varghese Thomas, CRRI. The events for the evening included dance competition, short films, skit and blithe of ethos. Being our decennial year celebration various themes were allotted to the dance participants. Solo dance was divided into Western, folk and classical categories. Duet dance was divided into Mirror dance, couple dance and property dance. Group dance was divided into tribal dance, pattern dance and old is gold dance. Mrs. Marie Stella, Principal of Kalai Alaiyam Fine arts academy for judging dance and Mr. Gowtham Ravichandran, Editor in Sun network, as a judge for Blithe of ethos, short film and skit. The programs concluded at 10.00PM.

At 1:30 PM, alumni annual general body meeting was conducted and annual agenda was discussed by the President, GUILD. Dr. Swetha Paulose, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology and Dr. Gayathri Priyadarshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontics were added as new executive members to GUILD. CELESTIAL 2016 The most awaited evening by the IGIDians , CELESTIAL 2K16 was held on 18th March at 5.30 PM with the cake cutting by Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Professor and Head, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics,


The overall championship of the CELESTIAL 2016 was bagged by yellow house and the runners up were Green house.

▶▶ AWARD Dr.Hema, alumni of 2010-11 batch of IGIDS did a project on developing an aid for blind during her internship in Department of Public Health Dentistry. She has won «EDWARD JENNER» award for Best CRRI by Doctors United Charitable Trust on 27th March 2016 at Hotel Annamalaifor her work on “Interns Social Responsibility”- Special health education aid in Braille for visually challenged children.

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kasturba gandhi

nurusing college ▶▶ RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Bamalakshmi.V Effectiveness of structured Teaching Programme on knowledge Attitude & Practice of Lorry Drivers regarding HIV/AIDS in selected area of Salem town, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):28-32. M.F. Kishore Coumar, Manopriya .V, A study to assess the level of knowledge on health promotion behavior among geriatric people at selected setting in Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):50-52. Renuka.K , K.Ruma shanthini, Barth syndrome , Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Journal of Medical Surgical Nursing . 2016;IV (1): 35 -37. M.F. Kishore Coumar, Renuka.K , A Study to Assess The Effect of Intra Dialytic Stretching Exercise on Muscle cramp (pain) among Patient Undergoing Hemodialysis In East Coast Hospital, Puducherry. International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research & Development Jan 2016;1, ( 1):314 – 319. Sumathy. P, Effectiveness of Exercises on Low Back Pain among Middle Aged Women , NITTE University Journal of Health Sciences, Mar 2016; 6(1)13-15. Geetha.C, Knowledge on Selected First Aid Measures among School Children, Puducherry, International Journal of Applied Research, Feb 2016;2(2):504-506 Lavanya.S,A Study to assess the knowledge regarding Prevention of childhood obesity among mothers of children in Kirumampakam village,Puducherry, Pondicherry Journal Nursing, 2015;8(3):39-42 Bamalakshmi.V Effectiveness of structured Teaching Programme on knowledge Attitude & Practice of Lorry Drivers regarding HIV/AIDS in selected area of Salem town, Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):28-32. M.F. Kishore Coumar, Manopriya .V, A study to assess the level of knowledge on health promotion behavior among geriatric people at selected setting in Chennai. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. 2015; 8(3):50-52. 64

Lavanya.S, Sophrology: A new approach to safe birth practices, Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing 2015;1(4):88-91.

▶▶ AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS IN SCIENTIFIC EVENTS Dr. Renuka.K, Principal was a Resource Person and deliberated on “Midwifery: Continuity of Care Makes A Difference” in International Conference on the theme Pillars of Midwifery –Insight, Information, Intuition in Mohammed Sathak A.J College of Nursing, The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R University, Chennai on 12.01.2016. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal deliberated on Application of Critical Pathway In Nursing as Resource Speaker in Regional CNE in Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital, Puducherry On 09.01.2016. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal deliberated on Art of Writing Literature Review as Resource speaker in National Conference on “Scientific Methods of Refining Professional Knowledge With Applied Statistics In Nursing in Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Nursing, Perambalur, Chennai On 25.02.2016. Mrs.P.Rajalakshmy, Lecturer Dept. of Nutrition deliberated on “Impact of junk food” as Resource Speaker in NSS camp organized by Wiseman Higher Secondary School On 24.03.2016. Prof. Sumathy. P, HOD, Child Health Nursing was Appointed as an observer by the TNNMC, organized by the Mother Theresa institute of Post Graduate & Research institute of Health sciences, Puducherry for the National Conference held on 31.03.2016 Mrs.Sumathy. P, HOD, Child Health Nursing was a delegate and paper presenter at the 12th International Nurses Conference on the theme” Meeting Challenges Transforming Nursing Care” on 05.01.2016 organized by the Faculty of Nursing at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai.

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


▶▶ SCIENTIFIC PARTICIPATIONS Mrs. Kousalya Tutor, Dept of Nursing Foundation participated in International level conference on 10.1.16 & 11.1.16 on the theme of “ Pillars of Midwifery –Insight, Information, Intuition”, held at, Mohammed Sathak AJ Nursing College, Chennai. Mrs.Subakeerthi.V, Asst.Prof Dept of Community health Nursing participated in 12th International Nurses Conference on “Meetingchallenges: Transforming Nursing Care” Organized by Sri Ramachandra University on 5th & 6th January.

üü Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing organized Scientific and Academic forum on 07.03.2015 focusing on the theme “Prevention of unsafe abortion and contraception”. A quiz programme was conducted in this regard. Final year B.Sc. (N) students enthusiastically participated and won the prizes. Dr. Jiteendra, Senior Resident, Dept. of OBG, was the guest speaker of the day. He gave an enlightening talk on “Prevention of unsafe abortion and contraception” which sought the attention of the gathering.

Prof. Sumathy P, HOD, Child Health Nursing was a participant for the Orientation Program on Research Methodology and Bio statistics on 1.3.2016 & 2.03.2016, organized at Sri Ramachandra University , Chennai. Mrs.Geetha.C, Assoc. Prof, Mrs.K.S.Sudha, Sr.Tutor, dept of Child Health Nursing and Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof, Mrs. Gayathri S, Tutor dept. of Mental Health Nursing participated in the International Workshop on Disability Advocacy and current Trends in Inclusion of CWSN organized by Sathya special school in association with Dept of Social work at Pondicherry University on 22nd March 2016.

▶▶ SCIENTIFIC ACADEMIC FORUM üü Department of Nursing Foundation hosted the SAF on 02.02.2016 focussing on the theme “Sleep and Rest for Healthy Living” Mrs.Ramya Asso.Prof. Department of Physiology,MGMCRI gave a guest lecture on “Sleep and Rest An essential ingredient for healthy living” Mrs.Kousalya ,Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation gave a lecture on “Sleep and Rest for Excelling Students” followed by a quiz programme for B.Sc (N) Students.


üü Department of child Health Nursing organized Scientific Academic Forum on 31.3.16 focusing on “Endocrine disorders in children”. The highlights of this forum comprised of a Quiz program for III year B.SC (N) students and an impressive session by Prof.S. Srinivasan, Professor in Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI. He delivered a guest lecture on Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus –Halt the Rise; Beat Diabetes.

▶▶ INNOVATION Literary Club of KGNC MATRIBASHA DIWAS In commemoration of Matribasha Diwas 2016, the Literary Club of KGNC buzzed with a cluster of activities to highlight the linguistic diversity of our country, to facilitate using one’ s mother tongue better, learning others mother tongue faster and to create a congenial atmosphere for appreciating and encouraging all Indian languages from 15.02.16 to 17.02.16. Around 50 to 60 students participated in Essay English, and Essay Tamil, 9 students participated in English & Tamil Elocution. Students also participated in Skit competition which was conducted in English, Tamil, Malayalam & Hindi. Debate & painting competitions were also conducted and prizes were awarded to the winners. Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Mass Cooking Demonstration/Exhibition on “Diet Fit For Diabetes Mellitus And Hypertension” was conducted on 25 - 02 -2016 at Pillaithottam where the Target groups were Known case of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension

School Health Programme School Health Programme regarding “Dental Care And Hygiene” was conducted on 29-01-2016 at Government Primary School, Seliamedu with theme of “Ever Lasting Teeth To Have An Ever Lasting Smile”.


World Cancer Day

Mass Cooking Demonstration/Exhibition

In Commemoration of World cancer day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing in unison with Rajiv Gandhi college of Engineering and Technology organized awareness programme on resoluting the queries on cancer. The theme of the year was “We can I can”. .Ms. Nandhini.M, Lecturer gave a lucid talk on “Prevention of cancer” followed by a video show. “I hear I forget I see I remember”. To emphasize the value of the quote a visual treat in the form of tablo which depicted all aspects of cancer was presented by the third yr B.Sc Nursing students of KGNC which received applause and appreciation from the delegates. The heart of the day was the brainstorming interactive session where the queries of the delegates were sorted out.

Mass Cooking Demonstration/Exhibition on “Protein Rich Diet” was conducted on 20.01.2016 at Pillaiyarkuppam for Mothers of under-five children focusing on the theme “Prevention and control of Malnutrition”.


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016



Screening For Leprosy” This Integrated Screening Programme was organized in association with Department of General Medicine and Department of Ophthalmology, MGMC&RI, Department of Dental, IGDS. Around 103 children were screened.

In addition an awareness programme was organized by dept of Community Health Nursing on 04-02-2016 focusing on “Prevention And Treatment Modalities Of Cancer” to General Public at City Health Center, Pillaithottam, followed by a Mime Show enacted by IV year B.Sc(N) Students.

World Leprosy Day In commemoration of World Leprosy Day as a “Integrated Health Screening For Leprosy” was organized by Department of Dermatology, MGMC&RI and Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC on 08-02-2016 at Government Primary School, Gunamangalam village. Dr. Girlly George, PG and Dr. Ben George, PG from Department of Dermatology & B. Sc(N) students, KGNC assessed the school children . In this programme 105 students were screened . “Role Play” on the theme “Prevention And Control Of Leprosy” was enacted by the KGNC students.

World Ebola Virus Day In commemoration of World Ebola Virus Day, an awareness programme was organized by IV year B.Sc(N) students on 09-03-2016 from 10-30 to 11-30am at Dr. Ambethkar Hr. Sec. School, Kirumabakkam through a lucid talk on “Prevention Of Ebola Infection”.

International Women’s Day Celebration

Integrated Health Camp on General and Dental Health Integrated Health Camp On General And Dental Health was organized on 16-02-2016 at Government Primary School, Gunamangalam village based on report of “Health SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Skit on ‘Gender Equality’ with regard to International Women’s day celebration in Seliamedu village, Puducherry on 10.03.2016. Our IV year B.Sc (N) students actively participated in the skit. The students through the Skit, emphasised the importance of gender equality and also insisted the rights of the women in the society. Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

World Disabled Day Department of Community Health Nursing, KGNC, organized a awareness programme to general public regarding Special attention for empowerment on Special Children, Seliamedu on 30-03-2016. In this programme IV year B.Sc (N) students of KGNC, enacted a Role Play regarding Important Education and empowerment skill for special children. It grabbed the attention of audience and received a huge round of applause. Towards the end of the programme queries from the public were clarified.

World Tuberculosis Day Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized awareness programme on 31.3.16 at Sashun Strides pharmaceutical company in Cuddalore. The objective of the programme was to light the theme “Unite to end TB.” Ms.Nirmala.S, Lecturer gave a video assisted health talk on “TUBERCULOSIS”. The next awaited moment of the day was the “Dolly show” by II year B.Sc Nursing Students on “Prevention of Tuberculosis” which received an appreciation from the workers with full of colorful delight and round of applause. This opportunity was well utilized by the workers to obliterate the myths and misconceptions about TB and clarify their doubts.

Higher Secondary School,Karayamputhur on Awareness on Dengue and Leptospirosis in order to prevent the outbreak of Dengue and Leptospirosis after a heavy rainfall in December 2015.

Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign 2016 The NSS volunteers 25 students on II B.Sc (N) were actively participated in the Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Programme Phase I & Phase II on 17.01.2016 & 21.06.2016 respectively, at Pillayarkuppam Pet, Kirumpakkam Pet, Narambai, Manapet, Moorthikupam, Koravalimedu, Kannikovil, Katukuppam and Panithitu. Students divided into small groups and they render in their service in 10-polio booth along with village nurses. Nearly 2300 children get benefited.

National Voter’s Day National Voter’s day celebration was organized by Election Department of Puducherry in order to create awareness for first time voters. Election Department of Puducherry organized various competitions such as Essay writing, slogan writing, Quiz, Elocution, Singing, Dance, Rangoli, Short film, Mobile application. As ever KGNC students took active participation and bagged prizes in elocution and singing competition. Prizes were distributed at the Voter’s Fest held on 24.01.16 at Kamban Kalaiyarangam, Puducherry.

Republic Day

▶▶ National Service Scheme New Year Medical Camp NSS volunteers of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing college joined hands with Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI, organized a Medical Camp on 01.01.16 at Panchavadi Temple. Nearly 300 people voluntarily came for screening certain common conditions such as Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension were routed out And the team has provided treatment for other common minor ailments.

School Health Programme On 11.01.16, NSS volunteers of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College organized a school health programme in Govt. 68

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NSS volunteers of SBV University celebrated 67th Republic day of our Nation on 26.01.16 at, MGMC&RI campus. Programme started with patriotic song sung by NSS volunteers, followed by which our honorable ViceChancellor hoisted the National Flag, accompanied by Principal of KGNC, Dr.Renuka.K. The Vice-Chancellor Honored the efficient employees and students of 3 constituent colleges for 100% attendance with a certificate.

▶▶ Special Camping at Pillayarkuppam 21.03.2016(Monday): KGNC NSS Volunteers started their Special Camping at Pillayarkuppam with the theme ‘Youth for SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Eco-Development’. The inaugural function was held at Pillayarkuppam in the afternoon. Prof.P.Sumathy, KGNC inaugurated the special camping and presided over the function. 22.03.2016 (Tuesday): Volunteers conducted survey on ‘Availability of sanitary latrine, Kitchen at Pillayarkuppam. 113 houses were covered. Community people eagerly participated in the survey. environment which will be maintained by the volunteers. One plant to one student concept was introduced and will be followed in future too. Registrar handed over the plants to the final year students as a sign to introduce the above concept. In the afternoon, volunteers planted saplings in the adopted village received from forest department of Puducherry.

23.03.2016 (Wednesday): Volunteers rendered their service in Panguni Uthiram festival. (Cleared traffic, swachitha activities.,etc) 24.03.2016 (Thursday): NSS volunteers conducted Basic cardiac life support training programme for Dr.Ambedkar Govt.Higher Secondary School teachers and XIth standard 26.03.2016 (Saturday): Sathya Sai Seva organization team members came to our institution and gave training on disaster management. Afternoon volunteers had Skill session on various types of disaster precautions.

students. Training was provided for school teachers and school students on 24.03.2016: Afternoon volunteers organized anti plastic awareness rally and Educated the general public about importance of environmental sanitation and hazards of plastic. 25.03.2016 (Friday): Registrar, SBV inaugurated terrace Herbal garden with beautiful Carnatic Raga at Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College as an initiation of creation of green SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

27.03.2016 (Sunday): Morning volunteers cleaned the church in Pillayarkuppam and planted 10 sapling in that Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

campus In the afternoon special camping was valedicted by Madam Sujatha child care taker, SOS children’s village, Pillaiyarkuppam. Volunteers presented the report of camp.

▶▶ APPOINTMENTS Mrs.D.S.Hannah Aswini, Lecturer, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing joined on 01.03.16.

▶▶ STUDENT AND ALUMNI UG STUDENTS NEWS üü Mr.V.K.Muthu Kumaran, I Year B. Sc (N) received first prize in singing competition organized by Government of Puducherry on the occasion of Youth Voters Day on 21.01.16 held at Kamban Kalaiyarangam, Puducherry. Ms. Mary Catherin. D.E, II Year B. Sc (N), Mr ArunRaj.E, II Year B. Sc (N), received consolation prizes for elocution. üü Mr. V.K.Muthu Kumaran, I Year B. Sc (N) have participated in Just a Minute competition organized on the occasion of Nutrition Week and received I prize. üü Ms Joanofarc. I, II Year B. Sc (N), Mr Kamal Raj, I Year B. Sc (N), Ms Thiruvalarselvi. T, II Year B. Sc (N) received I, II and consolation prizes respectively in Poster competition held in commemoration of Swami Vivekanandha Birthday on 29.01.16. üü B.Sc (N) students participated in Inter College Competitions of Elocution (English, Tamil), Essay Writing (English, Tamil) and quiz on the theme of AIDS awareness organized by Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry on 21.01.16. Ms. Mary Catherin D.E, II Year B. Sc (N), won the 1st Prize in English Elocution and Mr ArunRaj.E, II Year B. Sc (N) won the 2nd Prize in Tamil Elocution.

▶▶ PG STUDENTS NEWS üü II Year M. Sc (N) students, Ms.Jayapradha.D, Ms.Sandhiya.V, Mr.Dhivagar.S and Mr.Sugumar.S participated in Inter Collegiate Post Graduate Symposium based on PG Dissertation organized by SAF under the aegis of SBV AHEAD on 22.01.16.

▶▶ ALUMNI NEWS üü CONDOLENCE Dear faculty and friends of MGMC &RI,KGNC we are in a somber to inform the demise of our talented alumni Mr.Tarun Gokul II batch of our college passed away on 22nd March in a terrible freak accident at Coffs. Harbor in NSW Australia .He has touched us all in many ways we would remember in his prayers for his soul to rest in peace . üü PRIDEFUL MOMENT The first batch alumni member P.Suthandira Balan now working as staff nurse in JIPMER Hospital Puducherry has succeeded in clearing the AIR-1014 in the civil service examination held on 2015 conducted by UPSC. He is awaiting for service allocation. KGNC and chronicle team takes pride in congratulating the achiever on success. üü To add up a feather in the hats of KGNC our alumni secretary Mr.Vijayaraj has got placement as Lecturer in Ethopia University on March 2016. KGNC and chronicle team records their hearty congratulations.

▶▶ OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Educational Tour-2016 KGNC is always keen in providing good learning experience to the students in all perspective, with this objective an educational trip to New Delhi was organized where in 68 Students (PG- 4 no’s & UG- 64 no’s) and 4 faculty visited various places like Trained Association of India, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Indian Red Cross, and BLK Multi specialty Hospital from 04.01.16 to 13.01.16. A value added lectures was delivered by Prof.Jayanta.K .Das, Director, Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi on functions of Red Cross Society and by Mrs.


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016



Evelyn P.Kannan (Secretary General),TNAI, New Delhi on TNAI Activities and Ethics in Nursing .

Lamp Lighting The Lamp Lighting Ceremony of KGNC for the XIII batch B.Sc. (N) students was held on 06.01.2016 at MGMCRI campus. The programme commenced with the procession by dignitaries and the budding Nightingales. Dr.K.Renuka, Principal, KGNC welcomed the august audience. The Motivational presidential address was delivered by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor. Mrs. Nandhini.M, Lecturer, KGNC highlighted the significance of lamp lighting through her vivid presentation. The compassionate leaders of nursing passed the light from the Nightingale’s lamp to the budding nurses. The programme


traversed further by a prayer and dedication hymn sung by the students. Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath fore-worded the pledge and the students recited it. Dr.V.Nirmal Coumare delivered the special message. The chief guest address was given by Prof.M.J.Kumari,Principal, JIPMER College of Nursing, Puducherry.

Communication Building Programme Shaping young orators – A reflection of communication building was organized by the Department of Nursing Foundation, for the B.Sc Nursing I year on 8.1.2016. The dignitaries on the dias Dr.Renuka.K Principal of KGNC, Dr. S. Manonmani Deputy Registrar, Student Affairs, Dr. Shobana. R Asst. Prof, Dept. of Physiology, Dr. A.N. Uma Assoc.Prof, Dep. of Anatomy, Dr. Stephen Raj,

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Kingsly Institute Of Language And Culture studies, Royal university of Bhutan. As a part of reflection of communication skill building, various competition like podium presentation, Just A Minute & Speech contest were conducted for the students. Students enthusiastically participated in the contest.

The Youth Red Cross (YRC)

The Youth Red Cross (YRC) unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC) organized a first programme of first aid camp by III year for B. Sc (N) students for the benefit of pilgrims the local festival of Masimagam held on 22.02.16 at Vaithikuppam, Puducherry.

Nurses Education Unit

The Youth Red Cross (YRC) unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC) Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Deemed University was inaugurated on 05.02.2016 at 9.00 am by the Chief Guest Dr. K.V. Raman, Secretary Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) & Director of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Puducherry. Dr. K. Renuka, Principal of KGNC gave a warm welcome to the gathering. The event was presided by the Honorable Vice Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof. K .R. Sethuraman. Prof. Dr. V. Gopal, Chairman Managing Committee (IRCS) gave a brief about the Youth Red Cross and inspired the youth to have more commitment for humanitarian service. The student volunteers took up the oath, which was administered by Dr. K.V. Raman. Mr. Siva Ramachandran, Member, Managing Committee, IRCS, beautified the dias. Prof. N. Anathakrishnan, Dean, Research & PG Studies, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMC&RI, Dr. S. Ravichandran, Add. Director, MGMC&RI, felicitated the occasion.

The Youth Red Cross (YRC)

Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a Guest Lecture on “Choice Based Credit Grading System” which was conducted on 26.02.2016 between 2.00 – 4.00 pm, First Floor, Lecture Hall, MEU. Dr.R.Venkatesan, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Pondicherry University deliberated a Lecture on “Choice Based Credit Grading System”. Prof. Narayan. K. A Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI gave a short lecture on “Credit Grading System in Health Sciences.” The Guests were honored by Dr. Renuka. K , Principal of KGNC.

International Women’s Day, We @ SBV In commemoration of International women’s day, WE @ SBV planned and celebrated with the theme of Pledge for Parity. On 1st March 2016, women cell organized a Collage 72

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Competition on the theme Women Friendly Campus for students of constituent colleges of SBV. 8 teams of B.S c (Nursing) students participated. On 5th March 2016, we @ SBV organized the special programme. Mr. S. Raja, B.Com., MA., Pattimantra speaker, Moderator, TV Anchor and Mrs. Bharathy Baskar, B. Tech., MBA, (Public Speaker, TV Anchor) were special guest for the program and they enthralled the audience with their humorous intellectual speech.

▶▶ NABH Initiatives in KGNC KGNC in unison with MGMCRI spinned up with its wheel of activities to propel MGMCRI to accredit with NABH . To begin with all the faculty members of KGNC who are all holding the role of Ward In-charges in integrative service actively participated in the NABH orientation programme organized at MGMCRI from 28.03.16-30.03.16. With this bundle of information input on NABH, the faculty members work with the staff nurses in the concerned allotted wards towards NABH Accreditation Process by empowering the nurses regarding NABH, patient education and ward management. The faculty members also take initiatives in attending and deliberating lecture in the CNE for staff nurses held every month regarding the strategies to achieve NABH Status. Patients charts and records in the hospital are scrutinized regularly and maintained. Faculty members were training nurses on drug storage, PEP, Infection control and patients rights etc, in their respective wards.

▶▶ Sports Meet - 2016 The Sports Meet - 2016 inauguration was held on 11.03.2016 welcome address delivered by Mrs. Sujitha, Lecturer, SNA Advisor, KGNC. House robe & capping ceremony for young kasturbians of each houses was done by the honourable Vice Chancellor, followed by flag hoisting and March past by the students. It was in a perfect co-ordination in time by the students from respective houses of Sapphire Blue, Amber Yellow, Emerald Green, Ruby Red, Amethyst Purple and Zircon Brown. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman declared the sports meet open by releasing the dove. There was a huge round of applause from the group.solemn part of the ceremony, Lighting of Olympic Torch was initiated by the dignitaries. Captains of 6 houses went for a torch relay around the event ground. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV addressed the gathering. Inaugural ceremony came to an end with a thanking note by Ms. Nabina Bandari IVyr B.Sc (N) student SNA Secretary. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

▶▶ College Day- Crescita’16 The annual day cultural extravaganza – CRESCITA 16 had a unique flavor and style that made it a much-expected event in KGNC which took place on 17.03.2016. The Prof. Sumathy.P, HOD, Child Health Nursing welcomed the gathering, Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV rendered his valuable presidential address. The Sparklss16 3rd issue Students magazine which was a confluence of ideas, a perfect blend of the arts, the skills and creativity, was released by the dignitaries on the dias. It was a moment of great pride and happiness for all. The college annual report of 2015 – 2016 was deliberated by our Principal, Dr.Renuka.K who highlighted the progress and milestones of KGNC. Dr.S.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMC&RI felicitated the gathering. A special message was given by MJF. Lion. M. Thanigachalam. He appreciated nursing as noble profession. The chief guest of the day DR.H.Ranganath, M.B.B.S in his chief guest address enlightened the highlights of nursing profession With the motive of encouraging the students, in their academic excellence, toppers were honored with a shield followed by prize distribution for sports and cultural by the dignitaries,the overall championship was bagged by Purple House. 186 students bagged prizes for sports, 44 students for literary, 24 students for cultural events and 14 students for fine arts. The organizing batch were honored with shields. The programme concluded with the Vote of thanks which was proposed by Prof. M. Annie Annal which was followed by the Cultural programme. The students staged an entertaining, colorful, dashing events which brought to limelight the Kasturbians creative and artistic talents.


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016






health sciences

▶▶ Center for Yoga Therapy Education & Research IMPORTANCE OF CYTER: The Government of India and its Ministry of Health & Family Welfare are currently promoting indigenous systems of health in a strong manner through the ministry of AYUSH. The limitations of modern medicine in managing stress induced psychosomatic, chronic illnesses are the strength of Yoga and hence a holistic integration of both systems enables best quality of patient care. It is a matter of pride that our Deputy Director, Yogacharya Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani is serving on the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN) as well as the committee of experts for the International Day of Yoga celebrations in the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India. CYTER can be projected a nodal centre to train medical educators and administrators for setting up such

integrative health centers in our country as we have the necessary infrastructure and man power. We can proudly state that it is only in the supportive and innovative milieu of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth that the holistic art and science of Yoga, our cultural heritage, has been able to reach both the classes and the masses of our society optimally, effectively and holistically.

YOGA THERAPY CYTER is conducting a scientifically sound Yoga therapy programme through its Yoga Therapy OPD in I Block from 9 am to 1 pm, Monday-Saturday. Consultations are offered by Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER and Dr Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator and Yoga Therapist. Qualified Yoga instructors are imparting the schedules daily from 9 am to 1.30 pm. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga therapy and lifestyle consultations are offered daily as part of Basic, Superior, Complete Cardiac and Deluxe Health Check packages of Master Heath Check-up in the Corporate Services Wing of the hospital since October 2013. We are also offering non-therapeutic general sessions for faculty, staff and students of SBVU from 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm on all working days. Year










Grand total 21,330

2016 (Jan-Mar)





YOGA EDUCATION Our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) is one of the innovative courses in the world as it is offered through a medical institution and brings together the ancient wisdom of Yoga with the evidence based approach of modern medicine. The course is conducted by experienced faculties who have Yoga and modern medical training as well as a wealth of therapeutic and research experience with more than 200 publications to their credit. Two batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Currently eight students are undergoing the course enthusiastically.

Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, it has been decided to start a credit based program following options: 1. Pursue Certificate Coursesin Yoga Therapy of three months duration (total four courses of 8 Credit points, each), with options for exit after any course, thus obtaining a course completion certificate. (8 x 4 = 32 Credits) 2. Appear for PGDYT comprehensive examination, based on the four courses of study (8 x 4 = 32 + 2Cr for portfolio = 34 Credits) Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016







3. Continue further to M. Phil. program of one year (38 credits), subject to the candidate holding a Master’s Degree (science graduates will be given preference). This program eventually leads to Ph D Program in Yoga therapy.


To further facilitate ease of student progression, we are introducing both lateral entry and exit provisions in the courses. Students can leave after completing the certificate courses or continue in the PGDYT. Those students who have a Master’s degree (science graduates will be given preference) can join the M Phil program if they have completed PGDYT from SBV earlier.


The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Credit Based Choice System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for the new programs.



International Journal of Physiology 2016 ; 4 (1): 76-80. Bhavanani AB, Raj JB, Ramanathan M, Trakroo M. Effect of different pranayamas on respiratory sinus arrhythmia. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2016; 10: CC04-CC06. Bhavanani AB. A brief qualitative survey on the utilization of yoga research resources by yoga teachers. J Intercult Ethnopharmacol. 2016; 5(2): 168-173. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M. Nasal cycle and its therapeutic applications: a yogic perspective. Proceedings of the National Conference on Chronobiology and Health. MGMCRI, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry. 18-19 March 2016. pp 26-28. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Adaptive resilience exercises as envisioned in yoga. Proceedings of National Conference on Chronobiology & Health. MGMCRI, SBV, Pondicherry. 18-19 March 2016. pp 37-38.



CYTER has given training to nursing students, faculty members, senior citizens, special children and transgender participants and published 44 papers and 14 abstracts on the short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. We are currently studying the immediate effects of different Yoga techniques such as asanas, pranayamas and relaxation in different groups of patients and normal volunteers. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on user/CYTER2010. CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at www. has more than 1400 likes and is very interactive with articles and Yoga tidbits and regular updates.

Yogachemmal G Dayanidy joined as lecturer in CYTER on 14 March 2016. He has a Master’s degree in Yoga with extensive experience of working with patients of various conditions. He was part of the ACYTER at JIPMER since 2009 and was giving Yoga therapy especially with focus on helping those suffering from diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders. We welcome him to the CYTER team and wish him all success at SBV.

Publications 1. Punita P, Trakroo M, Palamalai SR, Subramanian S, Bhavanani AB, Madhavan C. Randomized controlled trial of 12-week yoga therapy as lifestyle intervention in patients of essential hypertension and cardiac autonomic function tests. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol 2016; 6: 19-26. 2. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Trakroo M, Thirusangu S. Effects of a single session of yogic relaxation on cardiovascular parameters in a transgender population. International Journal of Physiology 2016; 4 (1) : 27-31. 3. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Health status of elderly women residing in ahospice in Pondicherry. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Smt G Sarulatha re-joined CYTER as Yoga instructor on 12 February 2016. She has a Diploma in Yoga and Bharatanatyam from Yoganjali Natyalayam and has previously worked at CYTER between 2012 and 2014. She has extensive experience of working with women and children. We welcome her back to our CYTER team and wish her all success in her second innings.

▶▶ OUTREACH PROGRAMMES AND EVENTS A very successful interactive workshop on Yoga therapy was conducted by the CYTER team at the 22nd International Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016





Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Yoga Festival organized by Govt of Pondicherry Department of Tourism from 4-7 January 2016. The team was led by Prof. Madanmohan Director CYTER with presentations by Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, DD, CYTER and Dr. Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator, CYTER with excellent and well appreciated participation by staff, alumni and PGDYT students of SBVU. Our current PGDYT students Dr Sanguida, Mrs MB Josephine, Mrs Priya Philip and Ms Vibha Shah gave excellent oral paper presentations along with Dr R Balaji who is an alumnus of CYTER. CYTER provided awareness to more than 1000 visitors at the CYTER stall during the event that was very well received by all Yoga enthusiasts and general public.

benefit Heath Workers of Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and Post Graduate Institute (IGGGH & PGI) Pondicherry on the 23 January. Demonstration was done by the staff and students of CYTER. Regular Yoga Therapy sessions have been given in Psychiatry ward of MGMCRI hospital since 25January. Patients admitted in the wards as well as their family members have been participating with enthusiasm and interested staff, nursing students/trainees have also benefited from these interactive hands-on sessions in the wards. Yoga therapy is provided on 4 days a week, twice in the male and female wards each.

Yoga training was given for 6 weeks for 100 BSc 2nd Year nursing students from KGNC. The training was given thrice weekly at CYTER in two batches between January and April 2016.

Dr Ananda gave an invited talk on Yoga in Dravidian culture at the International Conference organized by International Movement for Tamil Culture at VST Mahal, Pondicherry on 17January. Dr Meena, Coordinator, CYTER was invited to give an interactive session on Yoga for Stress Management for CHWE (Continuous Heath Workers Education) to 78


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

Dr Krzysztof Bierski, an anthropologist from Berlin participated in observational training at CYTER during January and February. He keenly participated in all of CYTER activities and interviewed the patients and their caregivers as well as students and staff for a pilot qualitative study on effects of Yoga therapy in a psychiatric ward setting. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING was signed between Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth & Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla, Maharashtra on 28 January 2016. Sri Subodh Tiwari, CEO of Kaivalyadhama represented and signed the MoU on behalf of Kaivalyadhama while Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV signed on behalf of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF






in the presence of Vice Chancellor Prof KR Sethuraman, Dean PG, Research and Allied Health Sciences Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (Admin) Prof Ravishankar and Additional Director Prof S Ravichandran. Medical Education Unit was represented by Prof B Adkoli and Mrs S Rama while management was represented by Mrs Asha Sureshbabu. Deputy Registrar Mr. Joseph Naresh facilitated the ceremony. CYTER was represented by its Director, Prof Madanmohan, Deputy Director Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Coordinator-cumYoga therapist Dr. Meena Ramanathan. CYTER student community was represented by Vibha Shah, Prabhakaran along with the international observer Dr Krzysztof Bierski, an anthropologist from Germany. This MoU signals the beginning of extensive collaboration in a wide range of activities related to Yoga Therapy, Education and Research. This will include joint educational and research activities, exchange of academic materials and publications as well as the exchange of faculty members for research, lectures and discussions.

Along with the regular therapy consultation & classes for staff and students of SBVU in mornings and evenings, regular classes for PGDYT students also went on. On 12 February 2016, Dr Krzysztof Bierski gave a talk on Anthropology for faculty, students and staff of Psychiatry. CYTER collaborated with Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI during their Surgery Meeting held from 11 to 13 February. Yoga sessions were given at CYTER for the participants of the meeting. Board of Studies meeting for Yoga programs of CYTER was conducted at MGMCRI city centre on 16th Feb. The board constituted of Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani Director ICYER, Dr. Rajalakshmi from AYUSH, Mr. Mohanakrishnan from JIPMER who were the external experts and Prof Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, and Dr Meena Ramanathan- the Director, Deputy Director and Coordinator of CYTER respectively were also there, discussing about the introduction of Choice Based Credit System for PGDYT and MPhil courses in Yoga Therapy. Dr. Ananda gave a lecture to the MBBS students on Therapeutic Potential of Yoga on 19th Feb 2016. The Academic council meet was held on the same day and Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were special invitees for the meet.

Sri Subodh Tiwari, CEO of Kaivalyadhama also gave a well appreciated invited talk highlighting the scientific research work done at Kaivalyadhama since 1924 for the Scientific Academic Forum of MGMC&RI on 28 January 2016. The talk was followed by an Interactive Stress Reduction Session by the CYTER Team consisting of Prof Madanmohan, Dr. Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani and Dr. Meena Ramanathan.

Dr Meena was an invited guest at the Inauguration of “Yoga and Naturopathy Unit in Lifestyle Modification Health Centre”, Government of Puducherry; Directorate of Indian Systems of Medicine& Homeopathy (DISM&H), by Hon Chief Minister Thiru N.Rangasamy and Dr K.V.Raman, Director, DISM&H on 3 March 2016. Dr Ananda was resource person for the CME on “Memory: Mind to Molecules” held at the Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital, Siruvachur, Perambalur on 5.3.2016. The work of CYTER in SBV was highlighted


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016





Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

for staff and students as well as external participants in the CME.

CYTER team of Dr Madanmohan, Dr Ananda, Dr Meena and Sri Dhanush were resource persons for the CME and workshop on “Introduction of Yoga in medical curriculum” organized by departments of Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry at SSSMCRI on 9 March 2016.

to be initiated through MOU between SBVU and Kaivalyadhama on 16 March.

Dr Ananda was invited panelist for a panel discussion on ‘Men for Women – Understanding Gender, Equality’ organised by Indian Women Network, an initiative of Confederation of Indian Industry at Hotel Adhiti on the 12 March 2016. Dr Ananda was Chief Guest for ARENA 16, the Annual Sports Meet of IGIDS in SBVU on 14 March 2016.

Dr Meena participated in deliberations at SRD, Kaivalyadhama on future collaborative research projects 80

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016







Dr Meena was invited as a Consultant to Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla to facilitate YOGA MELA, a program specifically designed for the differently abled children of Samvadshala School for Special Children in Lonavla who participated along with family and teachers. This was a collaborative activity between Kaivalyadhama, CYTER and Freie University of Berlin, Germany on the 14and 15March 2016. As part of the National Conference on “Chronobiology and Health” organized by Department of Physiology, MGMCRI a workshop on “Adaptive resilience exercises as envisioned in Yoga” was conducted by Dr Meena, Dr Ananda and CYTER team at CYTER Yoga hall on 19 March 2016. 65 delegates of the conference participated and thoroughly enjoyed the interactive sessions.

Yogic perspective” that was well appreciated by the august gathering on 18 March 2016.

YOGA FOR THE SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH FAMILY: Yoga sessions for faculty, staff and students of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth are going on regularly since September 2015. Classes are offered at CYTER Yoga hall on all working days between 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm.

General sessions for SBV family


Female TG

Grand Total total






2016 (Jan-Mar)







CYTER participated actively in the National Conference on “Chronobiology and Health” organized by Department of Physiology, MGMCRI. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were invited resource persons for the conference that had 15 CME credit points. Dr Ananda presented an invited talk on “Nasal cycle and its therapeutic applications: A

Dr. Meena Ramanathan, Coordinator CYTER was honored on the International Women’s Day, 8 March 2016 with the “Achiever’s Award - Best Yoga Therapist 2016” by Karma Cultural Centre in association with Bharathidasan Women’s College, Puducherry. Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER was honored with BEST INDIAN PERSONALITIES AWARD 2016 from Friendship Forum, New Delhi for Excellence in Yoga - Feb 2016. Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER was included in ASIA PACIFIC WHO’S WHO (XIV Ed) published by Rifacimento International, New DelhiMarch 2016. Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER was inducted as Member of the Editorial Board of Yoga and Natural Therapy Journal, USA in February 2016. Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy Director CYTER was inducted as Member Editorial Board of the Journal of Alternative Medical Research, New Jersey, USA in March 2016.


Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016





Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

▶▶ CENTRE FOR MUSIC THERAPY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH (CMTER) 5th Anniversary Celebrations of CMTER during Jan. 2016 CMTER friends, faculty and the students joined together celebrated exciting 5th anniversary celebrations of the first five years of the Department of Music Therapy during 21-24 Jan 2016 with the theme, “Celebrating and Striving for Excellence in Music Therapy”. The week long campaign commenced with the grand inauguration at the

CMTER premises on 21st Jan. Hon Vice Chancellor Prof. KR Sethuraman was the Chief Guest who inaugurated the diverse events planned during the said week. Prof. N Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research and Allied Health Sciences delivered the felicitation address. The dhyana slokas of the Sapta Swaras were visually represented by colourful paintings and were invoked musically in different ragas by Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director along with all the faculty of CMTER.There was a patient awareness campaign organized in the MRD area of the hospital about the

flash mob with the farmers of Karikalambakkam village in the paddy fields bythe faculty of CMTER Bhuvaneswari Ramesh and Kala Varadan on 24.01.16.

Workshops and Seminars 1. On 15.02.2016, CMTER in collaboration with the Department of Physiology and Scientific Academic Forum organized a special lecture by Prof. Jorg Fachner, Department of Music, Brain and Health, Anglia Ruskin University who delivered a talk on “Music, Addiction and Reward Processing in the Brain” 2. Professor Gene Ann Behrens, Professor, Elizabeth Town College, Pennsylvania presented a workshop on Drumming and rhythmic improvisation and children with special needs on 15.02.2016 at CMTER Premises, I block I floor. All the faculty, students and internship trainees attended the workshop.

clinical benefits of music therapy on 23 01 2016. CMTER team visited each speciality department and distributed music therapy awareness documents for departmental use by clinicians on 22.01.16. The celebrations also focused on rural outreach. Another highlight of the week was that there was a community mass singing event with a rural 82

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International Conference/CME Program The Third International Conference on Music Therapy themed “Best Practiced Models and Research in Music Therapy: Global Perspectives” was conducted on 16.02.2016 at the ground floor lecture hall of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Dr. Vellore A R Srinivasan, the Registrar welcomed the gathering and Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director, Center for Music Therapy Education and Research delivered the welcome address and vote of thanks respectively. The Conference was inaugurated by Prof. Suzanne Hanser, Chair, Berklee College of Music, Massachusetts, Boston, USA online and her inaugural address focused on opportunities offered through this conference to the participants to understand how western science and eastern traditions, ragas and mantras can come together to provide more effective music therapy services and that even modern medicine in the West is waking up to what we, in India have since Vedic Traditions and integrate ancient wisdom,


contemplative traditions and spirituality into medical services and healthcare. The Conference Proceedings was released by the Vice Chancellor Prof. KR Sethuraman and the official bulletin “The Harmony” for the first quarter of the year 2016 was released by the Dean, Research and PG Studies and Allied Health Sciences, Prof. N Ananthakrishnan, Prof. KR Sethuraman, Prof. N Ananthakrishnan and Prof. M Ravishankar, Dean of Faculty of Medicine delivered their felicitations. Dr. Jorg Fachner, Professor, Music, Health and the Brain, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, Prof. Prof. Gene Ann Behrens, Director of Music Therapy Program, Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania, US, Dr. Anna Bokowska, University of Physical Sciences, Krakow, Poland, Dr. Tsivia Horesh from Israel, were the other overseas speakers apart from Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016





Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

who also spoke on behalf of SBV on the current research activities on music therapy from SBV. Dr. Jorg Fachner, in his key note address on Music Therapy and Biomarkers on Depression treatment talked about how can we document change as a function of doing music in a therapeutic setting and how it works. He elaborated on how biomarkers representing the effectiveness and those representing the music therapy process are related to an accumulation of and a focus on important moments in therapy time. That, analyzing resting state EEG may inform about group effects, while moments of interest in the improvisational process may reveal synchronization of brain processes. The promises

the hospital. Prof. Krishnan, Head of Dermatology, Prof. B Amirtha Ganesh, Head of Cardiology and Prof. Easwaran S, Head of Psychiatry and Kala Varadan, Tutor, CMTER spoke on how the clinicians adopt a holistic approach in providing the patient care services including music therapy. All the patients were feeling cheerful and hopeful in spite of their health issues after the program. Many patients thanked the hospital authorities for the clinical services rendered at a low cost. The patients requested to continue providing the best services to save the lives of the people. All the patients wrote their wishes, hopes, desires and dreams in the Tree of happiness and the line of hope. Mrs. Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, Tutor delivered the vote of thanks.

“The Harmony” Quarterly Bulletin from CMTER of biomarkers and neurometrics for music therapy were discussed to understand where and why change in therapy occurs. The delegates learnt the promises of biomarkers and neurometrics for music therapy drawn from the results of depression research, on recent work with wireless EEGs and improvisation, music performance, neuro-feedback and game applications in psychiatric and neuro-rehabilitation.

International Happiness Day Celebrations on 21.03.2016 CMTER celebrated the UN declared International Day of Happiness today on 21.03.2016 in the MRD lobby of the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute attached hospital. Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director, CMTER welcomed the gathering and explained the history and purpose of celebrating the International happiness day in the hospital to the patients and the faculty who have gathered for the event. She spoke about happiness being the fundamental birth right of all individuals and the need to take care of health which is the complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. Additional Director, Prof. S. Ravichandran inaugurated the Tree of Happiness and the Line of hope created by the faculty and the students of CMTER. He detailed about the stressful lives of modern age, how to cope with the stressors, detailed on the music therapy services offered as a complementary therapy from 84

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

The March 2016 issue featured an original article on the beneficial effects of group singing as a music therapy technique, when adopted with geriatric individuals living in an old age home. The study results indicated how singing in a group with themes of de-stressing and energizing, self-expression, managing emotions and sharing and bonding can reduce symptoms of loneliness and symptoms of depression. There were also photo stories, International conference news and Media coverage on CMTER’s activities.

Publications from CMTER Sundar S, Ramesh Bhuvaneswari, Varathan Kala. Live music therapy in waiting area of intensive care units: a novel concept for betterment of close relatives of ICU patients. Intl j Res Med Sci. 2016 Mar;4(3):947-949. DOI:http://

Upcoming Events World Autism Day Celebrations from 02.04.2016 to 04.04.2016 at Life Health Center for Rural Health and Rehabilitation, Alapakkam, Cuddalore. Pediatric Wellness Week with the theme “Music for Pediatric Wellness” from 26.04.2016 to 28.04.2016 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Central inter-disciplinary

Research facility (cidrf) ▶▶ New Director of CIDRF Dr.C.Adithan has joined as the new Director of the Central Inter Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) and Professor of Pharmacology at the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 18.01.2015. Earlier he worked as Faculty (Research) and Senior Professor and Head of department of Clinical Pharmacology in JIPMER. He had established an advanced research center in pharmacogenomics. He had conducted several workshops in this field. He has special skills in organizing new sections/activities (pharmacogenomics, pharmacovigilance, drug information center, clinical pharmacology unit, drug monitoring and toxicology services) and new department (BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal). He also organized 2 conferences and more than 25 workshops. He was the President of Indian Pharmacological Society (2007) and Southern Regional Indian Pharmacological Society (2003-2007). He also served as the Chief Editor of Indian Journal of Pharmacology for 9 years – re-elected unanimously twice (from 1992 to 2000). He has guiding/guided more than 14 PhD students. He successfully obtained more than Rs.3.5 crores by way of extramural research grants from ICMR, DST, DBT etc. He delivered more than 50 guest lectures in academic meetings-both nationally and internationally. He has published more than 172 research papers and has authored 3 books. He is a member of Faculty selection committees of AIIMS (New Delhi), PGIMER (Chandigarh), University of Delhi etc. He is also a member of expert committee / judge for awarding several research awards including the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize. The Chronicle team accords a warm welcome to Dr.C.Adithan.

Biotechnology, Govt. of India for the implementation of the project entitled “Small Animal Research Facility for Preclinical Studies and services” for a period of 3 years.

▶▶ Publications Shanmugam,J, Anita,T.S. Copper - A promising antimicrobial metal having potential application to reduce healthcare acquired infections. J.Internatl.Med.Sci.Acad, 2015;28(4):215-217. Chinnappan S, Shettikothanuru Ramachandrappa V, Tamilarasu K, Krishnan UM, Balakrishna Pillai AK, Rajendiran S. Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation by the Leaf Extract of Carica papaya During Dengue Infection: An In Vitro Study. Viral immunology. 2016 Apr 1;29(3):164-8. (Published online on 24th February, 2016). Subha L, Balakrishnan C, Natarajan S, Theetharappan M, Subramanian B, Neelakantan MA. Water soluble and efficient amino acid Schiff base receptor for reversible fluorescence turn-on detection of Zn²+ ions: Quantum chemical calculations and detection of bacteria. Spectrochim ActaA Mol Biomol Spectrosc. 2016;153:249-56.

▶▶ HONOURS AND RECOGNITIONS Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, has been nominated as a member of the Joint National Committee for International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) and International Union Pharmacology (IUPHAR) by Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi in January, 2016. Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, Scientist, CIDRF, delivered a special lecture on “Stem Cells in Healthcare Research” at the National conference on “Trends in Healthcare and

▶▶ New Research Projects Dr. Balanehru Subramanian, Deputy Director, CIDRF, has received Rs.4.39 crores from the Department of 85

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Biotechnology: Opportunity and Challenges” sponsored by SERB, DST, Govt of India – organized by AVVM Sri Pushpam College, Tanjavur on 22.01.2016. Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a guest lecture on “Personalized Therapy in Clinical Practice” on 25.01.2016, organized by the Department of Pharmacology at Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupathi on 25.01. 2016.

Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, presented capsule talk entitled “Discussion on PhD Thesis Vs PG Dissertation” in SAF meet held on 05.02.2016.

Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, was invited personally to contribute an article in a book titled “Developments of Pharmacology in India” edited by Dr. PC Dandiya (SMS Medical College, Jaipur) and Dr. GurudasKhilnani, (Gujarat Adani Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhuj). Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, attended the 7th Signal Review Panel (SRP) meeting under the Pharmacovigilance Programme of India on 01.03.2016 at CDSCO Headquarter, New Delhi. 86

Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016

Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, delivered a lecture entitled “Pharmacogenomics in National Pharmacovigilance Program of India” in the 41st Indian Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting and International Conference held at Vision Research Foundation on 03.03. 2016.

Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor-UGC Fellow, delivered an invited lecture on 18.03.2016 about the “Therapeutic Compounds from Seaweeds” in the RUSAMHRD Sponsored regional seminar on seaweeds - A resources for Livelihood, organized by the post Graduate department of Plant Science, Avvaiyar Government College for Women, Karaikal.

Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, was appointed as a member of the advisory panel for election for fellowship of the National Academy of Medical Sciences (India) in the discipline Pharmacology. Prof. C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF, was appointed as a member of the Institutional Human Ethical Committee (IHEC) of MGMCRI on 22.03.2016. Sri BalajiVidyapeeth celebrated RESEARCH DAY on 22nd Jan 2016. On this occasion SBV AHEAD & SAF MGMCRI organized SBV PRIMS (Postgraduate Research In Medical Sciences) CONTEST for postgraduate scholars of various university.. Dr.Adithan , Director-CIDRF, was one of the judges for the poster presentation. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


the establishment of biomarkers of biomedical importance” on 04.03.2016. Prof. Gilbert H. Mudge, Professor, CEO of Partners Healthcare International & Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA visited and interacted with the faculty of CIDRF on 19.03.2016.

▶▶ VISITS TO OTHER LABORATORIES ▶▶ JOURNAL CLUB/SEMINARS/TALKS An invited talk, a lab seminar and six journal clubs were held during the period. Two special lectures were delivered by Prof. C. Adithan on, “Writing a Successful Research Proposal” during the period.

Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Emeritus Professor-UGC Fellow visited Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Mandapam and also undertook a seaweed collection tour to Rameswaram and Mandapam from 15.02.16 to 18.02.16.

▶▶ NEW APPOINTMENT Ms. Padmavathi.P has been appointed as Laboratory Technician on 02.03.2016.

VISITORS TO CIDRF Dr. M.K.Showkath Ali, Director, Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute, Chengalpattu, visited CIDRF on 04.01.2016. He expressed his appreciation and complimented the team. Dr. Krishnamoorthy, Ex-Director of INSERM, France, visited and interacted with the scientists and gave his appreciation and comments on 02.02.2016.

▶▶ NEW COURSES/JOURNALS Two new courses have been proposed in the following areas: Fellowship program in Bio-Medical Research Techniques (ICeFeP in BMRT) PG Diploma in Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine


Dr. G.Anandan, Assistant Director (Leprosy), Directorate of Health and Family welfares, Puducherry visited the facility on 04.02.2016. Prof. Ritushree Kukreti, Principal Scientist from Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB), New Delhi visited CIDRF and delivered a guest lecture on “Pharmacogenomics and functional validation of gene in SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

The extension of CIDRF with allocation of new laboratory space is being planned involving regular discussion with all the faculty members and the staff of CIDRF. This is also expected to result in modification/renovation of the existing laboratory thereby increasing the floor areas of individual labs for accommodation of new equipment and dedicated work areas.

▶▶ TRAINING A PG student is being trained under one of our faculty in molecular biological techniques. This student has been an alumnus of the First National workshop on PCR held in the last quarter of 2015. Volume 10 Issue 1 Jan - Mar 2016





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