The chronicle apr jun 2017

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Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Deemed University

Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade. NIRF India Ranking 2017: 83

Volume 11 (2) APR-JUn 2017

The Chronicle


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CONTENT MOU between Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, SBV, Puducherry It was a moment of great pride for Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College (KGNC) on 05.05.17, moving one step ahead, finding a place for the Kasturbians to place their feet abroad. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by Mr. Gregory Mc Caffrey, CEO, Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and Dr. Renuka K, Dean Faculty of Nursing sciences in the presence of a team comprising of Prof. K. R Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & AHS, SBV, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Mr. Ralph Mathew, Legal advisor, SBV, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, GM (Admin) along with the Nursing fraternity of KGNC.

 University Communique


 MGMCRI  Research And Scholarship P.11  Academic Initiatives P.14  Innovations P.40  The Dawn Of New Chapters P.43  Scholars In The Making P.44  Other Highlights P.51  Out Reach Services P.52  Staff Nurses P.55  SSSMCRI P.56  IGIDS P.74  KGNC P.96  AHS P.105  CIDRF P.116


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

University communique Academic Activities of the Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV University during the second quarter of 2017. April 3rd April 8th

E-Portfolio review with 1year PGs KGNC Day CRESCITA-Part II ( Awarding Ceremony) April 8th M.Phil Review April 9th Inaugurated MGMCRI Ophthal Department Conference on OCULAR trauma

April 27th Quarterly AAA of SSSMCRI April 28th Inaugurated EQUINOX student quiz at PIMS May 5th MoU between Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and KGNC, SBV

April 12th 10 AM Inaugurated KGNC conference on Forensic Medicine

May 5th Mock drill of IGIDS for UGC Review May 8th & 9th  Mock drill at MGMCRI for UGC Review May 12 National level PG Convention - IGIDS

April 12th 4PM Inaugurated sports day MGMCRI April 18th Quarterly AAA of IGIDS & KGNC April 20th Monthly Review Meeting with University functionaries & Management April 21st 4PM Sports Day at SSSMCRI April 25th & 26th   Quarterly AAA Meeting of MGMCRI 2

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

U niv e rsit y Comm u n iqu e

May 13th MPhil Counseling May 13th Delivered a talk on Educational Research at DHPE

June 15th Interaction with visiting Prof. Jayayraj on MCI review visit. June 19th Inaugurated Yoga week Celebration June 23rd Inaugurated Yoga day Conference June 24th Palliative Care training Certificate Ceremony June 29th Visiting Prof. D.K.Srinivas from Bangalore ( Review of DHPE Plans)



C’s Message – Move from Apathy to Active Involvement

May 15th Mock drill at SSSMCRI for UGC Review May 19th Mock drill at CIDRF for UGC Review May 20th Academic Council Meet SBV


trive for Healthy body and mind: Wellness is of primary importance to eschew apathy. A weakened body or mind can easily lead to fatigue and apathy.


ook for the Positives: Metaphorically speaking, in the real-life, "No glass is ever filled to the brim." Let us not complain and crib about the negatives; instead, we should focus on the positives and build on them for even better outcomes.

B May 26th Planning & Monitoring Board Meeting May 27th Board of Management Meeting

onding and Collaboration with other Staff: having professional bonding and a work-culture based on collaborating team-work galvanizes the whole team. We all perceive it during successful team based activities like conducting a conference or a Graduation Day. Why not extend the same bon-homie to daily work?


earn and Share New Knowledge and Skills: It is estimated that in 21st Century, one needs to learn 4 to 5 new skills every year. Learning new things and sharing them with our students and peers is delightful way of eradicating apathy in our lives.

H June 2nd Academic Council at chettinad ( Deemed University) June 9th PG Orientation talk on study skills for PGs at MGMCRI June12th PG Orientation talk on study skills for PGs at SSSMCRI SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

elping others: As health sciences faculty members, we can help our peers, students, patients and the general public. Volunteering to assist others in our areas of competence is a great way of leaving apathy behind.


ollow a scientific approach: Subjective empiricism is an easier way to run our lives but it limits our vision and stunts our intellectual development. Curiosity to objectively discover and document the truth is the basis of science and Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

we need to cultivate the scientific temper in ourselves and coax our peers and students to adopt the same.


ighten Up and Smile: Take Life's challenges on your stride. Miserable experiences of our past are often our 'good old stories' of Today, told with a smile or a chuckle. Keeping in mind that today's misery will be tomorrow's anecdote can give us the tolerance to accept Life and move on with a smile.

hh FROM THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR NIRF INDIA RANKINGS ANNOUNCED - (4th APRIL 2017) National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) India Rankings 2017 was announced by Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India on 4th April 2017. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was ranked 83rd rank among all Universities of India. It also bagged 2nd place in the parameter “Outreach & Inclusivity” with a score of 86.23 and 19th place in the parameter “Teaching & Learning Resources” with a score of 60.12. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for the second consecutive year had been ranked one among the top 100 Universities of India.

9th PLANNING & MONITORING BOARD MEET - ( 26th MAY 2017) The 9th meeting of the Planning & Monitoring Board was held on 26th May 2017 at 6.00 pm in the Administrative Block of SBV. The meet was chaired by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Dr. R.K. Chauhan, Former Secretary UGC and Prof. N. Sakthivel, Professor of Biotechnology, Pondicherry University attended the meeting as External experts and provided Valuable suggestions for the Board. Various approvals pertaining to academics, projects, purchase and Human Resource Management were provided towards the growth of SBV.

25th BOARD OF MANAGEMENT MEET- (27TH MAY 2017) The 25th Board of Management meet was held on 27th May 2017 at the Administrative Block of SBV, chaired by Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. Prof. Krishna Seshardi, Dr. R.K. Chauhan and Prof. Vimal Kumar Govindan of PSG Medical College, Coimbatore attended the meet as External Experts along with the other members of the highest decision making body of the University. Various sanctions towards to growth of SBV were accorded in the meet.

REGISTERATION OF MoA OF SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH AMENDED AS PER UGC (INSTITUTIONS DEEMED TO BE UNIVERSITIES) REGULATIONS 2016. – 21st APRIL 2017. Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth has amended its Memorandum of Association as per the UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) Regulations 2016. The same has been accepted by UGC vide its letter F.6 -50/2005 (CPP-I) dated 3/4/2017 and directed SBV to register the same. The MoA as approved by UGC was registered at the SubRegistrar office, Bahoor Commune on 21st April 2017.

23rd ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEET- 20th MAY 2017 The 23rd Academic Council Meet of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth was held on 20th May 2017 at the Administrative Block of SBV. The meeting was chaired by Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth. External Experts Prof. S.P.Thygarajan and Prof. G. Subramanian along with the internal members attended the meetings. Various academic decisions including the curriculum revision of BDS was approved by the Academic Council.


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

COMMON ENTRANCE TEST FOR ADMISSION TO NURSING COURSES & M.Sc MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY & MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY- (24th JUNE 2017) The Common Entrance Test for Admission to Nursing courses (P.B.B.Sc, B.Sc & M.Sc) Nursing and M.Sc – Medical Biochemistry & Medical Microbiology) for the academic year 2017-18 was conducted on 24th June 2017, Saturday between 10.00 am and 1.00 pm at the Ground Floor Lecture Hall of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute.


mahatma gandhi medical college and research institute Research and Scholarship hh Publications Department of Anaesthesiology Singh DR, Nag K, Nagella AB, Hemanth Kumar VR, Charles AJ. Efficacy of dexmedetomidine infusion for procedural comfort and intraoperative sedation in patients undergoing surgeries with subarachnoid block: A randomized double-blind clinical trial. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:294-9. Kumar TS, Indu K, Parthasarathy S. Successful management of above knee amputation with combined and modified nerve blocks. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:520-521. Parthasarathy S, Anusha B, Anaesthetic Management of hernia repair in a patient with coronary heart disease having done both coronary artery bypass graft and stenting earlier – a case report. British journal of pharmaceutical and medical research, May-June 2017;2(3):589-592

Department of Microbiology Pradeep J, Stephen S, Pooja P, Akshayavardhini A, Sangeetha B, Antony PX. Coxiellosis in domestic livestock of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu: Detection of Coxiella burnetii DNA by polymerase chain reaction in slaughtered ruminants. Veterinary World, 2017;10(6): 667-671. Kandhakumari G, Stephen S. Evaluation of a new rapid kit, BD MGIT TBc identification test for confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Indian J PatholMicrobiol2017;60:243-6. Valentina Y, Mohd Yousuf R, Yogamoorthi A. Biosynthesis of gold nanoparticle using cell-free extract of clinical isolates Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Malays J Med Biol Res. 2017;4(2):83-92. Anitharaj V, Stephen S, Pradeep J,Gunasekaran D, Jaya singh K, Shanmugam J. Scub typhus in Pondicherry : Meta analysis of cases reported in a tertiary care teaching hospital during 2012-2016. Biomedicine 2017;37(2):221-225

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Setu Rathod, Sunil Kumar Samal, SunitaSamal, SeeteshGhose. Knowledge and Awareness of Cervical 5

cancer and HPV vaccine among medical students: A cross sectional study. Journal of South Asian Federation of Menopausal Societies Jan-June 2017;5(1):41-44. Sunil Kumar Samal, Setu Rathod, SeeteshGhose, P. Pallavee. Barriers for non–acceptance of permanent method of family planning among eligible couples in a Teaching Hospital – A cross sectional study Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research 2017;4(2):161-165 Lakshmi P, Reddi RP, Lopamudra B. Comparative study of uterine repair during caesarean section: exteriorization repair versus in-situ repair. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:1426-9. Sebastian G, Ghose S, Soundararajan P. Comparison of maternal and neonatal outcome in elective lower segment cesarean section done at 38 and 39 weeks. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:1604-9 Reddi PR, Begum J, Reddy KS. Controversies in the management of early endometrial carcinoma-an update. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:2124-31. Ghose S, Reddy N. Study of occult stress urinary incontinence in pelvic organ prolapse. Int J Reprod Contracept ObstetGynecol 2017;6: 1392-7. Vinayagam V, Bobby Z, Habeebullah S, Chaturvedula Land BharadwajSKMaternal and cord blood plasma sEng and TGF-β1 in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy:A pilot study in a South Indian population.. J clinic and diag research. 2017:11(3):QC32-QC34

Department of Urology Vasudevan Thirugnanasambandam, Jeyaraman Ramanathan. Safety and efficacy of bipolar energy for transurethral resection of bladder tumours: a prospective quasi-randomized study. Turk J Urol 2017; 43(2): 141-6.

Department of Orthopaedics Krishna Gopal, Sandeep MMR, Prakash A, Jose A: Correlation between magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy in internal derangement of knee – International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics, 2017 May; 3(3):476-481.

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Department of Pathology

Department of General Surgery

Bhavani K, Venkatraman J, Roopa Urs AN, Dhananjay S Kotasthane. Thrombocytopenia and Altered Platelet Indices as Potential Marker in Complicated Malaria Caused by Plasmodium Vivax: Cross Sectional Descriptive Study. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017;(3):268-273.

Anathakrishnan N, Karthikeyan P, Jagan Mohan R, Pulimootil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR.. SBV model of competency based learning and training (COBALT) for postgraduate education. Annals of SBV, Vol 6, Issue 2 ( Jan-Jun 2017).

Janarthanam Venkatraman, K. Bhavani. Cytomorphological Patterns of Tuberculous Lymphadenitis in Correlation with AFB Positivity. Indian Journal of Pathology: Research and Practice 2017; 6 (2):250-254. Venkatraman J, K. Bhavani, Jeevitha. Study of Transfusion Transmitted Infections among blood donors in a Tertiary care Hospital in Puducherry. Indian Journal of Pathology and oncology. 2017; 4(2):252-255. Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS. Anaemia in Pregnant Women in Labour and its Correlation with Newborn weight-How far we have reached? National Journal of Laboratory Medicine 2017;6(2):8-13.

Cheekuri SK, Mohanty A, Ganesh T, Kannan R, Smile R. Hyperbilirubinemia as a predictor of the severity of acute appendicitis – an observational study. Int Surg J 2017;4:1341-4. Kumar R, Vaithianathan R, Sundaresan V. Single incision laparoscopic appendicectomy versus conventional laparoscopic appendicectomy – a prospective study. Int Surg J 2017;4:1588-93. Gautham G, Anand C, Karthik MS, Pajanivel R. Effects of capnoperitoneum for laparoscopy on liver, renal and pulmonary functions: a prospective observational study. Int Surg J 2017;4:1903-7.

Department of Community Medicine

Thangam R, Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS, Koteeswaran G, Kannan NS. Cytological and Histomorphological Correlation of Salivary Gland lesions:An Experience at Rural tertiary Healthcare Hospital. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017;4(2):217-221.

Hemapriya, Partha Nandi, Seetharaman, Ramya M. R, Nishanthini N, Lokeshmaran A. A study of menstrual hygiene and related personal hygiene practices among adolescent girls in rural Puducherry. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017 Jul; 4(7):2348-2355

Kotasthane VD, Kotasthane DS, Shanmugasamy K, Ancy A. Impact of Intervention On Awareness Of Biomedical Waste Disposal Among Medical Students. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine2017;4(2):193-200.

Narayan KA. Multi-source feedback in Dental postgraduation – A qualitative research. 2017; 5(1): Available at 73050

Bhavani K, Venkatraman J, Roopa Urs AN, Koteeswaran G, Dhananjay S. Kotasthane. Congenital eccrine angiomatous hamartoma – a rare hamartoma. Journal of Evolution of Research in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017;3(1):6-8. Bhavani K, Roopa Urs AN, Venkatraman J, Dhananjay S. Kotasthane. A rare case report ofBreast filariasis. Journal of Evolution of Research in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017; 3(1):6-7. Rajavigneshwari N,Kotasthane DS,Koteeswaran G.Clinicopathological Spectrum of Ovarian tumours in a tertiary care hospital.J Evolution Med Dent Sci 2017;6(36):2948-52. 6

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Patil R, Palve SB, Jayaramachandran S. False beliefs about causation of Diabetes Mellitus among adults in Urban Pondicherry.National journal; 6 (2):125-8 Boratne AV, Datta SS, Bahurupi YA, Murugavangini E, Hema Priya, Patil R. Knowledge of Danger Signs of Pregnancy, Labour and Post Partum Period among Mothers in Rural Pondicherry. IJPHRD. 2017; 8(2):116-121 Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan. Do life skills education has come into action? Indian journal of Youth and Adolescent health. 2017;4 (1): 55 Surekha A, Suguna Anbazhagan. Do Sudden nocturnal death syndrome-a global perspective; International journal of health science and research. 2017;7(7):24 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

R e se a rch a nd S c holarship

Suguna A, Naveen R, Surekha A, Amal Francis, Brian D’mello, Farah N Fathima. Profile and determinants of occupational injuries reporting to a tea garden hospital over the past decades – a mixed method study – Scholars journal of applied medical sciences. 2017; 5(6): 2295-2300

Bakshi SS. In reference to ‘Therapeutic efficacy of azithromycin and acetylcysteine in chronic otitis media with effusion’. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2017 Jun 13. doi: 10.1007/s00405-017-4623-7.

Niresh C, Surekha A, Goud R, Deepthi S, Joseph B. Prevalence of surgical conditions among rural population of Southern Karnataka. National journal of research in community medicine. 2017; 6 (2): 103.

Kumar RM, Pajanivel R, Koteeswaran G, Menon SK, Charles PM. Correlation of total serum immunoglobulin E level, sputum, and peripheral eosinophil count in assessing the clinical severity in bronchial asthma. Lung India 2017;34:256-61.

Gandhimathi K, Thekkur P, Majella MG, Selvaraj K, Chinnakali P, Adhishivam B, et al. Increasing trend in pediatric scrub typhus admissions in a tertiary care hospital, South India: clinical profile and outcomes of cases over four years, 2011-2014. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:915-20.

Department of General Medicine Ashwin T, Tumbanatham A, Green SR, Singh KJ. Clinico etiological profile of seizures in adults attending a tertiary care hospital. Int J Adv Med 2017;4:490-6. Patibandla S, Appikatla T, Jayasingh K. Study of the severity of stroke at the time of presentation in diabetic patients correlating with glycemic control. Int J Adv Med 2017;4:396-400. Rajhans R, Narayanan M. Assessment of arrhythmias in 50 patients of STelevation myocardial infarction after thrombolysis: a 24 hour Holter study. Int J Adv Med 2017;4:734-40. Sarin K, Dutta TK, Vinod K V. Clinical profile & complications of neurotoxic snake bite & comparison of two regimens of polyvalent anti-snake venom in its treatment.Indian J Med Res 2017;145:58-62.

Department of ENT Bakshi SS. A burning sensation in the mouth. Cleve Clin J Med. 2017 May; 84(5):344-345. doi: 10.3949/ ccjm.84a.16005. Bakshi SS. Image Gallery: Mucormycosis. Br J Dermatol. 2017 May; 176(5):e98. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15395. Bakshi SS. Image Gallery: Rhinosporidiosis. Br J Dermatol. 2017 Jun;176(6):e123. doi: 10.1111/bjd.15494. Bakshi SS. Letter to the editor. Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jun 3. doi: 10.1007/s10006-017-0634-1. [Epub ahead of print]. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Department of Pulmonary Medicine

Department of Pharmacology Kartik J. Salwe, Mirunalini R, Jervin Mano, Manimekalai K. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activity of Murraya Koenigii leaves extract against paracetamol induced hepatotoxicity in Rats. IJBCP: 6(6); June 2017:1274-81 Swapna R Nayaka, Sabari Anand J V. A questionnaire based study to assess the knowledge of 2nd year medical students on self-medication / OTC. IJRPP:6(2); April – June 2017:127-33

Department of Biochemistry Sathya G, SugumarRV,Ramesh R. Seasonal and gender differences in Vitamin D status among the obese adolescents: A prospective study.IJHS 2017; 3(1): 297-300 Jayanthi R, Srinivasan AR, Hanifah M, Maran AL. Associations among Insulin Resistance, Triacylglycerol/ High Density Lipoprotein (TAG/HDL ratio) and Thyroid hormone levels-A study on Type 2 diabetes mellitus in obese and overweight subjects.Diabetes MetabSyndr. 2016 Kulkarni S, Ramesh R, Srinivasan AR, Silvia CRWD. Evaluation of Preanalytical Quality Indicators by Six Sigma and Pareto’s Principle. Indian J ClinBiochem [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Jul 15]; Available from: http://www. Yoga S, Rangdhol V, Maithilikarpagaselvi N, Vandana S, Paulose S. Estimation of salivary sialic acid levels as a prognostic marker in patients with oral leukoplakia – A case-control study. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-99.

hh Editor/ reviewer Dr. S Lokesh, Dept. of Medicine, was a Reviewer in Journal of the clinical & Diagnostic Research and a Reviewer in the journal Current Research in Biomarkers Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017



A ca de mic In itiatives

Dr.Tumbanatham,, Dept. of Medicine was a Reviewer in Journal of the clinical & Diagnostic Research and Participated in the Case Challenge in the onliner New England Journal of Medicine on 27th April 2017. Dr. Siva Ranganathan Green, Dept. of Medicine was a Reviewer in Journal of the clinical & Diagnostic Research. Dr.Prof.P.Karthikeyan, ENT, was a reviewer in The Indian Journal of Anatomy and Surgery of Head, Neck and Brain in June 2017 and was a reviewer in the Indian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in April 2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Medical Virology, United Kingdom (Impact factor – 1.998) on 09.05.2017. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor & Head and Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, Department of Community Medicine were Thesis Reviewer at the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS)for Five Postgraduate thesis.

Dr. Partha Nandi, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Thesis Reviewer for RGUHS & JIPMER for Five Postgraduate thesis and 4 MPH thesis.

hh Copyright Registrations at MGMCRI Dr Sobana, Associate professor, Department of Physiology, applied for registration of Copyright for “MEETS: Musically Express your Emotions & Thoughts for Success” on 20th June 2017 to the Office of the Registrar of Copyrights Copyright Office, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion Ministry of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi-110066 (Diary Number: 9387/2017-CO/L) Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI has copyrighted HeART ((Health Assessment by Rapid Techniques) and CDFIT (Community Diagnosis and Feasible Intervention Training) programmes.Also applied as Co-applicants (Dr. N. Seetharaman and Dr. Narayan. K.A) for copyrighting CReAMS (Clinical Research and Audit by Medical Students).


Initiatives hh Awards Dr.A.Govindarajan.MS,DLO., Dedicated Medical Officer (Insurance Dept), MGMC&RI, received the best doctor award in the category of Administrative Services rendered in Tamilnadu Government service as Joint Director of Medical Services by the IMA Tamilnadu State Branch during 2012-14, on 08.07.2017. He received the award from Dr.C.Vijaya Baskar, the Hon’ble Health Minister & Principle Health Secretary of Tamilnadu.

Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was awarded a certificate of appreciation, in recognition of the active participation as a task force member & contribution to MBBS curricular development during the year 2016-2017 by MGMCRI, SBVU on 21.04.2017. Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham, Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics was awarded the Young Investigator’s Scholarship & Research Mentoring Program for the year 2017 by the International Society of Arthroscopy Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS) at the ISAKOS congress at Shanghai, China from 3rd to 8th June 2017.

hh Resource Person / Guest lecture in Academic/ Scientific Events Dr. M. Chandrsekaran (Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) was invited as a speaker 18th Dubai international Spine conference held on the 6th to 8th of May 2017 in Conrad hotel Dubai, UAE and delivered a talk on compressive SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Prof.S.Habeebullah, OBGY gave a lecture on “Return of Letrozole” at the CME of Obst & Gyn society of Pondicherry on 27.05.2017. Prof. S. Habeebullah, OBGY participated in CME program of Bangalore Society of ObGyn and conducted case discussions on ‘Ovarian tumours’ and Table viva for PGs on 23.06.2017.

myelopathy in patients with ossified posterior longitudinal ligament in cervical Spine. The talk was focusing on unique surgical technique (Anterior limited midline corpectomy) which was very well appreciated by the conference attendees. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, TBCD, delivered a talk on “Asthma Guidelines – An Update” held in the Department Seminar hall on 28.04.2017. It was sponsored by AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals.

Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, gave guest lecture titled “Correlates of obesity and vitamin D deficiency: A study of gender perspective” in 2 day National Conference on “Women and Work”, jointly organized by Centre for Women’s Studies, Pondicherry University and Puducherry State Resource Centre for women, Government of Pondicherry between 17th & 18th of March 2017. Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, gave guest lecture on how to set up a “Molecular biology lab and maintaining QC in molecular biology lab” organized by Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health sciences held on 13.4.2017 Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, delivered a guest talk on “Selection of quality control product” in house training for central laboratory technicians, organized by Department of Biochemistry MGMCRI held on 27.4.2017 Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, delivered a guest talk on “Levey Jennings charts, Westgard rules and interpretation” in house training for central laboratory technicians, organized by Department of Biochemistry MGMCRI held on 27.4.2017

Dr Venkatraman J, Assistant Professor, Pathology, was invited for a lecture on Pathogenesis of Diabetes Mellitus in CME on Diabetes Mellitus conducted in Ponnaiyah Ramanujam Institute of medical sciences on June 9th,2017..

Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to deliver a talk on “Oxygen therapy devices – tips” organized by Indian Medical Association, Kumbakonam on 30.04.2017.

Dr. S. Lokesh,, Dept. of Medicine was a Resource Person in a Seminar on Writing Research Protocol conducted at Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Puducherry on 11th April 2017. Prof S Habeebullah, OBGY gave a talk on ‘Tackling HELLP syndrome and Obstetric near miss’ at CME at Lotus hospital Visakhapatnam on 30.04.2017. 9

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to take theory class for the General SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

A ca de mic In itiatives

Surgery Postgraduate students on “Statistics and Labour Analgesia” on 18.05.2017 conducted by Dept. of General Surgery at D3 Lecture Hall, Hospital Block, MGMCRI Dr. Reeta. R, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, delivered a talk on “Introduction to quality control and calculations” in house training for central laboratory technicians, organized by Department of Biochemistry MGMCRI held on 27.4.2017 Dr. Archana Areti, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as faculty to take theory class for the III BDS students on 07.04.2017 conducted by Dept. of General Surgery at D3 Lecture Hall, Hospital Block, MGMCRI. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to give a special lecture on “First Aid” on Seventh session the systematic training program for CRRIs-2017 on 25.05.2017 organized by MGMRI, Puducherry.

organized by KAMS&RC and Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. It has been awarded 2 CME credit hours by TSMC. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Faculty to deliver a talk on “Extubation of Difficult Airway” at the CME on “Airway Update – 2017” CME and Workshop on 18.06.2017 organized by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Society of Anesthesiologists Puducherry State Branch.

Dr. Charulatha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Faculty to participate as an organizing team in the CME & Workshop on “Thoracic Anaesthesia 2017 on 28.05.2017 organized by the JIPMER. Dr. Ravishankar, Professor & Dean, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, participated on “Induction Programme for Post Graduates Students, Academic Year 2017 Part-1 and gave a special lecture on “An introduction to competency based Residency Programme” as a Resource Person on 09.06.2017 organized by MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to conduct workshop on “Simulation Workshop on Management of Crisis Scenarios” (PACE) from 16.06.2017 to 17.06.2017 organized by KAMS&RC and Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. It has been awarded 2 CME credit hours by TSMC.

Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct “Peripheral Nerve Block Workshop and Live Nerve Block Demonstration” on Ganga Refresher Anaesthesia Course, GARC 2017 from 22.06.2017 to 25.06.2017 organized by Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore. It has been awarded 30 credit point by Dr. MGR University and 6 credit hours by TNMC.

Dr. Rani, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to conduct workshop on “Simulation Workshop on Management of Crisis Scenarios” (PACE) from 16.06.2017 to 17.06.2017 organized by KAMS&RC and Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. It has been awarded 2 CME credit hours by TSMC.

Prof. Ravishankar, Dean, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was the Advisory Panel for National seminar cum workshop on “Role of Yoga in Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases” as part of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2017 on 23.06.2017 organized by CYTER in collaboration with Dept. of Physiology, MGMCRI.

Dr. Kusha Nag, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to conduct workshop on “Simulation Workshop on Management of Crisis Scenarios” (PACE) from 16.06.2017 to 17.06.2017

Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Faculty and resource person for Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care (CCEPC) 2017 conducted by Indian Association


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Infertility Meet organized by ARC International Fertility & Research Center on 13th and 14th May 2017 at Rani Meyyammai Hall, Chennai.

hh Officiating as Moderator / Panelist in Academic / Scientific Events

of Palliative Care (IAPC) and organized by Department of General Surgery and HPCT, MGMCRI on 24.06.17 to 25.06.17. Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology was invited as a Resource person to facilitate the Workshop on “CPR Training” for Medical Graduates on the occasion of 9th South Indian Medical Students Conference (SIMSCON-17) organized by the Students of Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College and Hospital, Pondicherry on 29.06.2017. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Resource Person at the Hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. Pruthu T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Resource Person at the Workshop on “Research Methodology and Protocol Writing” held during June 27th-29th at Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Studies (IGIDS), Pondicherry, India.

hh Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events Dr.Mossadeq, Urology, Prof & HOD chaired a session in the conference on 30 Apr 2017 at 4th mid-term conference under the aegis of TAPASU in Dhanalaxmi Sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited Member for M.VSC, Research Advisory Committee, held on 15.05.2017 at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Educational Research (R.I.V.E.R), Puducherry. Prof. Seetesh Ghose, HOD, OBGY attended and chaired a session on ‘3rd party reproduction’ in ARC International 11

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated in Panel discussion on “Role of Yoga in chronic disorders” during the International day of Yoga celebrations conducted by CYTER on 23.6.2017. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD of ENT, Moderator for Video session on phonosurgery by Dr V Anand on 24.04.2017 at ENT meet, Cuddalore. Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, invited to be Quiz master – MEDBIOQUEST-2017 organized by Department of Biochemistry, IGMCRI, Puducherry on 08.4.2017 Dr. N.Seetharaman, Professor & Head and Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, Department of Community Medicine were the Moderators at the World health day-Debate and Panel discussion on 7.4.17 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. Narayan. K.A, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was the Panelist at the Seminar cum workshop on Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases on 23.6.2017 by CYTER-SBVU at MGMCRI

hh Officiating as Judge in Academic / Scientific Events Dr. R.Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, invited as a Judge for best paper presentation among MLT students of Pondicherry organized by SVMCRC, Ariyar, Puducherry.

hh Examiner / Evaluator / Expert Dr. M. Narayanan, Dept. of Medicine was an External examiner for MD. (Gen. Medicine) Part II Clinical examination Dr. MGR Medical University, TN, AT Christian Medical College, Vellore between 24th and 25th May 2017 and also went as an External examiner for MD.(Gen. Medicine) Part II Clinical examination for Kerala University of Health Sciences, at Govt. Medical College, Ernakulam on 22nd & 23rd May 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Dr.R. Krishnagopal, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Kanchipuram Dist, on 28.04.2017.

Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in SV Medical College, Tirupathi from 30.5.2017 to 31.5.2017.

Dr.R. Krishnagopal, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to SRM Medical College, Potheri, Kattankulathur, Kancheepuram District, on 16.05.2017.

Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Maharajah institute of Medical sciences, Vizianagaram from 5.6.2017 to 6.6.2017.

Dr.R. Krishnagopal, Professor & HOD, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to Govt. Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Dr.MGR Medical University, Chennai, Salem on 26.05.2017. Dr.R. Nandakumar, Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as a external examiner for M.S Ortho & D. Ortho PG’s to Christian Medical College, Vellore from 24th to 26th May 2017. Dr.R. Nandakuma,r Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics went as an external examiner for M.S Ortho PG’s to M.S Ramaiah Medical College Bangalore from 15th & 16th June 2017. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai on 26.4.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in SRM University, Chennai on 12.5.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore from 22.5.2017 to 23.5.2017. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in CMC, Vellore on 24.5.2017. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in Thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur on 26.5.2017.


Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as External Examiner for the Post graduate examination in AJ Medical College, Mangalore from 24.6.2017 to 25.6.2017. Dr S Gopalakrishnan, Professor, ENT, was invited as a Post graduate examiner for SRM university on 16.05.17. Dr S Gopalakrishnan, Professor, ENT, went as an Expert external for ethics committee. AIISH, Mysore between 25.4.17 and 26.4.17. Dr.Prof. P. Karthikeyan was invited as a Post graduate examiner for Vaidehi University, Karnantka between 19.6.17 & 20.6.17. Dr.K.S.Seetha, Professor and HOD Evaluation of Dissertation for M.D. Microbiology Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, RGUHS, Karnataka 23.06.2017. Dr.K.S.Seetha, Professor and HOD External examiner for M.D. microbiology KIMS, Bangalore, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, RGUHS, Karnataka27.06.2017 to 30.06.2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology was selected as an External examiner for the valuation of M.Sc. MLT) Microbiology Practical / Clinical / Oral Examinations, May-June 2017 held on 25.06.2017 to 26.06.2017 at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology was selected as an External examiner for valuation of Ph. D thesis Medical Microbiology from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences RGUHS, Karnataka on 15.06.2017.

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Prof. S. Habeebullah, OBGY was an Examiner for National Board of Examinations O&G at Rajiv Gandhi Govt maternity hospital, Puducherry from 24th to 26th May 2017 and was an external Examiner for UG at IGMC, Puducherry on 30.06.2017. Prof.Dr.K.Srikanth, HOD, Department of Ophthalmology went to Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital as external examiner on 07.06.2017. Dr.A.R.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology went to Chettinad Medical College, Chennai as external examiner for IIIyr MBBS students from 12.06.17 to 14.06.17.

Elected / member in Scientific and Academic Offices

Dr Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology successfully completed 4 week online course on “Functional Genomics” offered by NPTEL online certification. Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate Professor and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor Department of Pharmacology attended the Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care for 2 days on 24th and 25th June 2017, Organized by the Department of Surgery and Department of Palliative Care, MGMCRI held at the Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI. Dr. Suguna A, and Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine secured DNB degree, National board of examinations from St. Stephen’s Community Health Centre, Delhi.

Prof. S. Habeebullah, OBGY was a member of Selection Board of faculty for AIIMS, Raipur on 19.04.2017.

hh Presentations in Academic / Scientific Events

Dr. R. Ramesh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry, was invited to be the Member of UG board of studies in Medical Lab Technology, Pondicherry University.

Dr. Vineet Thomas Abraham Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended the International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine ISAKOS) congress at Shanghai, China from 3rd to 8th June 2017 and also presented a poster titled – A Study on the efficacy of Platelet Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Rotator Cuff Tendinitis.

Fellowship / Online course participation / completion Dr. Anithasri, Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, completed online course title “Health research fundamentals” conducted by ICMR. Dr. Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, has completed the following European Respiratory Society’s distance learning activities online CMEs): Case report – “22 year old man with cough, fever and dyspnea” on 11.04.2017 and Case report – “Progressive dyspnea with chronic cough in a smoker” on 30.6.2017. Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Mr P Uthiravelu & Mr Selvakumar, Tutors, Department of Physiology completed course on “Efficient, quality assured data capture and analysis using Epidata” held from 25th to27th April, 2017 at MGMCRI. Dr. Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology successfully completed 6 month Nov, 2016 – Apr, 2017) certificate course on “Research methodology and statistics” conducted by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI. 13

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Dr. M.Chandrasekaran Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended the 5th Emirates international Orthopaedic congress & 1st American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Middle-East forum held from 20th to 22nd of April, 2017 at event centre Dubai festival City, Dubai, UAE. Presented Paper: Coracoclavicular polyester) suture reconstruction technique in type 3 acromio clavicular joint disruption. Dr. N. Seetharaman, Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine at the State Tuberculosis Task force, presented a paper on the title, “Spatial epidemiology of Tuberculosis’. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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hh Participation in Academic/Scientific Events

by MGMCRI, Puducherry. It has been awarded for 6 CME credit hours by TNMC.

Dr. Rajkumar Patil, Professor, Dr. Palve Sachin Bhaskar, Associate Professor, Dr. Suguna A and Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine participated in Seminar cum workshop on Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases on 23.6.2017 by CYTER-SBVU at MGMCRI.

Dr. Sripriya, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Associate Professors, Dr. Charulatha Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended “Airway Update – 2017 CME and Workshop on 18.06.2017 organized by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Society of Anesthesiologists Puducherry State Branch.

Dr. Seetharaman, Professor and Head, Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Associate Professor, Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. Sahitya, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine participated in hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry. Dr. P. Vaithiyanathan, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, attended the Short course in Biostatistics on “Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial regression” organized by the Department of Biostatistics, CMC, Vellore from 19th to 23rd June 2017. Dr. Pruthu TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine participated in workshop on “Modeling Epidemiological Count) Data: Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression Models” held during May 8th to 10th at Biostatistics resource and Training centre, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India. Dr. Annie Sheeba, and Dr. Charulatha Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology participated as a delegate for CME on “Research Methodology” organized by IRC on 11.04.2017. It has been awarded 2 CME credit point by TNMC. Dr. Charulatha and Dr. Archana Areti, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated in the “Workshop on Literature Search & Reference Management” from 19.04.2017 to 21.04.2017 organized by Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Annie Sheeba Dr. Charulatha, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated in workshop on “Efficient, Quality-assured Data Capture and Analysis Using EpiData from 25.04.2017 to 27.04.2017 organized SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Rani, Associate professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, attended “Peripheral Nerve Block Workshop and Live Nerve Block Demonstration” on Ganga Refresher Anaesthesia Course, GARC 2017 from 22.06.2017 to 25.06.2017 organized by Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore. Dr. Sripriya, Associate Professors, Dr. Indubala, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, attended Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care CCEPC) 2017 from 24.06.2017 to 25.06.2017 organized by Dept. of General Surgery and Hospital Palliative Care Unit, HPCT in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care, IAPC Dr. Pallavee, Professor, OBGY and Dr. Lopamudra, Associate Prof, OBGY attended the “EPIDATA workshop” from 25th to 27th April, 2017 held in MGMCRI organized by International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Prof. SeeteshGhose, Prof. Rani Reddi, Prof. P Pallavee, Dr. RupalSamal, Dr. Setu Rathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, OBGY attended the “Workshop on literature search and reference management” held in MGMCRI from 19th to 21st April,2017 organized by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI with collaboration with Abott India. Dr. Rupal Samal, Dr.Aishwarya Jagan, Dr.Sunil Kumar Samal and Dr.Setu Rathod attended the “IUI Workshop”, OBGY at ISHA Fertility Centre at Cuddalore on 18th June, 2017. Mr.KuzhandaiVelu. Tutor and Mr M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, attended Workshop on “Literature search and reference management” organized by Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI held on 19th April 2017. Dr.AN Uma, Asst. Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Anatomy Dept., attended Workshop on “Literature search and reference management” organized Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

by Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI held on 19th April 2017. Dr. Anithasri, Assistant professor), Department of Biochemistry, participated workshop titled “Quality management system and internal audit in medical labs as per ISO 15189-2012”, organized by PIMS held from 03rd to 06th May 2015. Dr. Anithasri Assistant Professor) and Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani. S Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry, participated National seminar cum workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” organized by Department of yoga therapy, MGMCRI held on 23rd June 2017. Dr. G. Niranjan, Professor and Mr. M. Lenin Research Scholar, Department of Biochemistry, attended Workshop on “Efficient, quality – assured data capture and analysis using Epidata” organized by Department of Community Medicine, MGMCRI held on 25th to 27th April 2017Dr. M. Chandrsekaran Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended Osteoporosis Essentials 2017 – international conference on Osteoporosis which was held on the 10th &11th of June 2017 at JW Marriot Hotel, Mumbai, India. Dr.M. Manoharan Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics) attended as a delegate in Cadaveric Workshop on Complex primary Knee & Hip arthroplasty at M.S Ramaiya Medical College on 24th & 25th June 2017. Dr.M. Manoharan Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, attended as a delegate in S’ROM Master course in Hip arthoplasty at MIOT Hospital Chennai on 13th & 14th June 2017. Dr Mangala G, Associate professor, Dept of Pathology attended the CME on “Gastrointestinal and Hepatobilliary pathology – Victory path 2017” conducted at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on April 7th & 8th 2017. Dr Venkatraman J, Assistant Professor, Dept of Pathology participated in CME “Diabetes Mellitus” conducted in Ponnaiyah Ramanujam Institute of medical sciences on June 9th,2017. Dr.Anandraj Vaithy K, Assistant Professor Dept of Pathology attended “4th Basic Molecular Pathology training workshop” conducted at Tata Medical Centre, Kolkatta from 11th – 18th June, 2017. 15

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Dr. Anandraj Vaithy K, Assiatant Professor Dept of Pathology attended “Hands on workshop on Flow cytometry” conducted by Interdisciplinary Research department –SRM University on 2nd May, 2017. Dr.Joseph Philipraj, Professor of Urology attended Robotic Urology Foundation Conference in Mumbai on 21-23 Apr 2017. Dr. Mossadeq, Dr.S.Joseph Philipraj, Dr.Kalyanram Kone and Dr. Vasudevan T, faculty of Urology attended 4th mid-term conference under the aegis of TAPASU in Dhanalaxmi Sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur on 30 Apr 2017. Dr.Mossadeq, Urology attended Nephro-urology update organized by Madurai Meenakshi Hospital and Research centre, Madurai. Dr.Mossadeq Chaired a session in the conference on 25 Jun 2017. Dr.T.K.Dutta – Professor, Department of General Medicine attended 22nd Congress of European Hematology Association – International Conference at Madrid Spain on 22-25th June 2017. Dr.T.K.Dutta – Professor, Department of General Medicine attended Cord blood world Europe International Conference at London on 17th – 19th May 2017. Dr. Siva Ranganathan Greeen, Associate Professor, & Dr. Sindhu, Senior Resident Department of General Medicine attended CME on Palliative Care on 24th & 25th June at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Tamilarasan, & Dr. Kalaimani, Senior Resident, Department of General Medicine attended Apollo Infectious diseases Conference at Apollo hospitals Chennai, on 10th and 11th June 2017. Dr. Tony Mathew, Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine attended Madurai Liver Congress conference at Madurai on 22.06.2017. Dr. Tony Mathew, Assistant Professor, & Dr. Kalaimani, Senior Resident, Department of General Medicine attended PAGE – PICU Update on 22.04.2017. Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended workshop on “Literature search & reference management” conducted by the Department SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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of Community Medicine, MGMCRI between 19th - 21th April, 2017 Dr Selvakumar, Tutor, Department of Physiology participated in Seminar cum Workshop on “Management of dermatological disorders and cancer – moving towards an integrative Siddha and Modern) approach” conducted by Manipal University in collaboration with Central Counsil for Research in Siddha CCRS), Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India on 11th and 12th Februray, 2017. Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor and Head, and Dr. Sudar Codi R, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the Pharmacoeconomic Workshop for 2 days June 16th and 17th 2017 held in PIMS, Puducherry.

Dr.R.Kalaivani, Asso.Prof, Department of Microbiology Participated in the workshop on Efficient, Quality – assured data capture and analysis using Epidata organised by Department of Community Medicine at MGMCRI, in collaboration with Internal union against Tuberculosis and Lung disease. from 25.05.17 – 27.05.17. Prof.Tirou Aroul, Dr.R.Kannan, Dr.Alok Mohanty & Dr.R.Durai attended Apollo International Rectal Cancer Symposium conducted at The Hyatt Regency, Chennai held between April 1st & 2nd, 2017.

Dr. Manimekalai.K, Professor & Head, Dr. Johan Pandian J Associate Professor and Dr. Uma Narayanamurthy, Assistant Professor, Professor Department of Pharmacology attended the Workshop on Literature Search and Reference Management from 19th to 21st April, 2017 MGMCRI Dr. Uma AN, Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy attended the Workshop on Literature Search and Reference Management from 19th to 21st April, 2017 MGMCRI

Prof.C.P.Ganesh Babu & Dr.R.Durai attended FIAGES 2017, a 3 day Laparoscopic Fellowship conducted by the Indian Association Gastro-Intestinal Endo-Surgeons at Madurai held from 16 – 18 June 2017.

Dr. S.S. Bakshi,Assistant Professor,Dr.Davis, Assistant Professor and Dr.Ramiya, Senior Resident, ENT, attended the palliative care medicine course conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Puducherry on 24.07.2017 and 25.07.2017.

Dr.AR.Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor and Dr.N.Swathi, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the workshop “Workshop on literature search & reference management” by SBVU from 19.04.17 to 21.04.17.

Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant professor, ENT, attended JIPMER THYROCON – Controversies and Consensus in Thyroid cancer on 29.04.2017 and 30.04.2017 in JIPMER, Puducherry

hh Miscellany news

Dr.S.S.Bakshi Assistant professor, ENT, attended the National seminar cum workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases on 23.06.2017 in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Puducherry. Dr. Jayapal V, Professor, Department of Microbiology participated in the one day workshop on “General awareness and propagation of Extra Mural Research EMR) scheme of Ministry of AYUSH” organized by Siddha Regional Research Institute CCRS) at Pondicherry University Convention cum Cultural Centre, Pondicherry on 21.04.2017 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Raj Kumar Patil, Prof, Community Medicine, MGMCRI, NAAC, coordinator and Dr.A.N.Uma, Asst. Prof of Medical Genetics, Dept. of Anatomy and Editor, ‘The Chronicle’, participated as experts in the ‘AAA Audit at MGMCRI on 13.4.2017. The Board of Studies for the Undergraduate MBBS and Postgraduate MD Community Medicine courses in Community Medicine met on 19.06.2017 to review and approve the proposed amendments to the Curriculum for Community Medicine. Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted Board of Studies for M.D., and D.T.C.D., on 7.4.2017 to revise the post graduates curriculum. Professor Chandrasekhar from SRMC, Chennai and Professor Sridhar from GHTM, Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Chennai participated as externals. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HOD and Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor participated as Internals. Professor and HOD chaired the meeting. The Minutes of the meeting and the recommendations were forwarded to the SBV University.

total numbers of participants were 15. The following topics were covered Introduction to quality control and calculations, Levey Jennings charts, Westgard rules and interpretation, Selection of quality control product.

Board of studies meeting for Pharmacology PG Curriculum 2017-2018 was held on 20th April 2017, in Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI.

Department of Physiology in collaboration with CYTER conducted one day National Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” on 23 June, 2017. The event was inaugurated by Ammaji Kalaimamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani in the presence of Prof KR Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Prof M Ravishankar, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Dr Uma.AN, Vice Principal, Allied Health Sciences. Organising Chairman Dr K Jaiganesh, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, MGMCRI, welcomed the gathering while Organising Secretary Dr Ananda proposed vote of thanks. The conference got an over whelming response with participants from all over the country. Padmashree Dr KK Aggarwal, President, Indian Medical Association, New Delhi, delivered keynote address through video conferencing. Invited lectures were delivered on “yogic lifestyle” by Yogacharya Aravinda Koithyar of Shreyas Centre in Bangalore and the “power of chanting as yoga therapy” by Yogacharini Smt Menaka Desikachar of the KHYF, Chennai in the forenoon session. Poster session was conducted during the lunch hour on the same topic. In the post lunch session panel discussion was held with Prof K A Narayan of Community Medicine, Prof Amirtha Ganesh of Cardiology, Prof Madanmohan Trakroo of Physiology and CYTER, Prof R Pajanivel of Pulmonology, Prof K Renuka of Nursing and Yogachemmal Dr Meena Ramanathan of CYTER as the experts. Dr Ananda moderated the panel discussion. In conclusion, practical aspects of the workshop were given by the CYTER team along with an invited presentation by Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani of ICYER at Ananda Ashram. The day long day National Seminar-cum-Workshop ended with valedictory session.

Dr Vaishali D Kotasthane, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology received certificate of appreciation and momento for participating in Yogasana Demonstration organized by CYTER,SBV University, Pondicherry as a part of International Yoga day celebrations on 21st June 2017.

Department of Pulmonary Medicine Department of Pulmonary medicine organized a CME on “RNTCP Technical & Operative Guidelines – 2016; The way forward” in MGMC & RI, D2 lecture hall on 19.4.2017. Dr.Govindharajan, State TB Officer, Puducherry, delivered the talk. Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor, introduced the speaker. Faculty and students from MGMC&RI and other constituent colleges of SBV attended the CME. Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted a Webinar on 06.06.2017 titled “Allergic Rhinitis & Bronchial asthma – United Airway Disease by Dr.Raja Dhar, Consultant – Fortis Hospital Anandapur, Kolkata” in the Department Seminar hall. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Dr.Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor and Post Graduates participated in the programme. It was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals.

Department of Physiology

Department of Biochemistry Department of Biochemistry organized in-house training for central laboratory technicians to celebrate Laboratory week on the topic “Quality control” on 27.04.2017. The 17

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The Department of General Surgery Basic Surgical Skill Workshop The Department of General Surgery, MGMCRI along with Ethicon Surgicals Ltd organised a Basic Surgical Skill Workshop for the postgraduates on 28th June

2017 at the D2 Lecture hall, Hospital Block from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM. The Workshop was conducted by Prof.Dr.C.Subbramaniam from Rajah Muthiah Medical College & Hospital, Annamalai University. The Skills list are as follows: Basic Surgical Instruments – BP handle Assembly and Usage of Instruments, Basic Suturing Techniques like Simple Sutures, Mattress Sutures, Subcuticular Sutures, Interrupted Sutures, and Continuous Sutures and lastly Abdomen Exposures like Abdominal Incisions and Abdominal Wall Closure. At the Post lunch Session Resection & Anastomosis with Animal Intestines was performed by all the participants followed by Vascular Anastamosis.

Activities of Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPTC) Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Dr. Anup John Thomas and Mrs.Anu Savio Thelly of HPCT Team met Chief Minister of Pondicherry on July 3rd to discuss regarding implementation strategies of NDPS Amendment for Union Territory of Pondicherry. HPCT along with Department of Surgery in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC), have conducted first Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care on 24th and 25th June 2017. MGMCRI is the only medical college recognized by IAPC in Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu to conduct the Certificate Course. Dr R Kannan (Asso Prof, Dept. of Surgery) was the organizing Sec. for the course. There were 37 participants altogether consisting of 32 from MGMCRI 3 doctors from JIPMER and one doctor from Chennai Pain and


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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Palliative Care for the course. Faculty from our institute Dr. Eswaran S, Dr. R Kannan, Dr. Sameera M, Dr. Shiva Ranganathan Green, Dr. Anup John Thomas of HPCT have also participated in the IAPC course. The course was inaugurated by Vice Chancellor Dr.KR Sethuraman. Dr. M Ravishankar (Dean), Prof Emr.Dr. Robinson Smile, Dr. Ramanathan HOD (General Surgery) and Dr. K.S.Reddy felicitated the gathering. Two guest faculty Dr. Mallika Thiruvadanan (Chennai) and Dr. Vidya R (Vishakapatnam) who were nominated by IAPC conducted the two day course through lectures, interactive sessions and role plays. Dr KS Reddy Chairman, (HPCT) took a session on the Role of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy in Palliative Care of terminally ill patients with cancer. Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh Asso Prof, Dept. of Anesthesiology, took a session on Practical Prescriptions and Mrs. Anu Savio Thelly took a sessions on Wound Management and Lymphedema Care. .

Department of Pharmacology Clinical Pharmacology Unit The Program Workshop on Literature search & reference management was conducted successfully from 19th – 21st April 2017. The Organizing Chairman was Dr. C. Adithan Professor of Pharmacology and Organizing Secretary was Dr. R. Mirunalini Asst. Prof. of Pharmacology. It was attended by Forty seven in house faculties. The program was mainly focused to improve research activities among clinicians and researchers. The workshop was conducted for three consecutive days in two sessions (12.00 – 100 PM & 2.00 – 3.00 PM) so that the participants could benefit. There were total of forty seven participants with 22 in forenoon session and 25 participants in afternoon session. Workshop was conducted in digital library second floor in Central library, MGMCRI so that each participant had access to system and internet facility. Dr Ravindra, (MD& DM Clinical Pharmacology) working as Senior project manager for south India division of Abbott India limited was the resource person for the workshop. Dr.C.Adithan, Director-CIDRF and Professor of Pharmacology welcomed Dr Ravindra and the participants.First day session was on literature search in which Dr Ravindra elaborated on different sources for literature search and mainly concentrated on pubmed search followed by hands on search by participants in the individual system with examples. 19

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Second day session was on introduction to Zotero software and its applications. All participants were taught how to download and install the software in their system and given as exercise.Third day was hands on training on zotero software for participants in their own laptops. They were asked to use the application using their own research and all their doubts were clarified individually at each step by Dr Ravindra. After each session Dr Ananthakrishnan N gave valedictory address and distributed certificates for the participants. Participants gave positive feedback on the workshop. Finally Dr Ravindra thanked the management and the organizers for their support. IAEC Renewal/Reconstitution of IAEC, Member Selection from the Institution and updating their CV was done on 30th April 2017, in Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI Approval of IAEC ends by 20th August, 2017). IAEC meeting held on 10th June 2017, and 6 protocols were approved with minor corrections, in Seminar Room, Department of Pharmacology, MGMCRI. On 16th June 2017, our IAEC was successfully registered online in the CPCSEA website.

Department of General Medicine A CME programme was conducted on 19.05.2017 at 12.00 noon at the F1 Seminar hall. Dr. Karthik. MD., D.M Endocrinology, gave a talk on “Approach to a patient with abnormal Serum TSH level “. All the faculty and the post graduates of the department attended the programme.

Department of Ophthalmology CME on “An Update on Ocular Trauma – 2017” The Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI conducted a CME “An Update on Ocular Trauma” on April 9th 2017. The programme started with the prayer song, followed by inauguration with the lamp lighting ceremony by the chief guest of honor respected Vice Chancellor Prof. K.R Sethuraman, who also spoke about the importance of ocular trauma and the holistic approach to a patient. After which, Prof.Dr.K.Srikanth, Head of the Department, Department of Ophthalmology, MGMCRI welcomed the delegates and gave a brief insight of the programme. The entire event had an excellent turnout with registrations nearing 100 delegates from various institutions. The first academic session was chaired by Dr.K.Srikanth and SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

A ca de mic In itiatives

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry. Around 25 people from various departments in the institution participated and got trained. These 29 participants were from various departments of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. There were a total of 6 facilitators who have been involved as facilitators in EpiData training workshops conducted by The Union in the past.

Department of Pediatrics CME on Office Pediatrics

Dr.Thanikachalam, the second session was chaired by Dr. Subashini M and Dr.Subashini Kaliyaperumal. Each session had renowned speakers from various institutions like Aravind Eye Hospital, JIPMER, Indira Gandhi Government General Hospital and our own institution, speaking of the presentations of ocular trauma to its management. Following lunch, Dr.Jaya Gayathri from AEH, Puducherry conducted a Video Assisted Surgical Techniques which was very informative. There was an interactive quiz session for the residents which were conducted by Dr.K.N.Jha and Dr.N.Swathi, which was won by Dr. Anahita and Dr.Harika of JIPMER. The CME was a grand success and it was very useful for the residents who come across trauma patients in day to day practice. The feedback regarding the CME was overwhelming positive.

The CME organized by the department of Pediatrics was held successfully on the 30th of April, 2017. It was held in the ground floor lecture hall of the College block. The theme of the CME was “Office Pediatrics”. The CME was inaugurated by Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Medical superintendent, MGMCRI in the presence of office bearers of the IAP Dr. Vaithilingam and Dr. Sarah Zeline Paul and the organizing chairman, Dr. Soundararajan. P, Professor and HOD of Pediatrics, MGMCRI. A booklet was released as a part of the event. The CME was partly supported by the SBV university funds. The total number of registrations was nearly 125. Twenty faculty speakers and moderators were invited for the CME. The topics covered during the CME were – under 5 wheezer, persistent diarrhea, vaccinology, office emergencies, rational antibiotic use in office practice, interpretation of CBC, recognition of Autism, epilepsy basics, common pediatric skin problems and difficult to treat nephrotic syndrome. The CME was well appreciated by all delegates. A free poster session was organized as a part of the event. A total of 13 posters were put up for display of which 9 were by the department of Pediatrics, MGMCRI. The posters were judged by Dr. Sriram Krishnamurthy and Dr. S. Srinivasan. Dr. Ajay Prakash and Dr. Sumathi were awarded the first and second places for the best posters respectively.

Department of Community Medicine Workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” Department of Community Medicine in Collaboration with International Union against Tuberculosis and lung disease has conducted an hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Children’s hospital, Chennai, Dr. Palaniraman. R,Tindivanam, Dr. Malathi. M, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Sriram. K, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Narayanan. PJIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Victor Jerome, Tamil Nadu, Dr. Preethi Kandasamy, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Pradeep Nair, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Adhisivam. B, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Gunasekaran. D,MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Soundararajan. P, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Namachivayam. V, Cuddalore, Dr. Ambujam, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Hemachandar. R, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Srinivasan. S, Puducherry, Dr. Eashwaran, MGMCRI, Puducherry, Dr. Arulkumaran, SMVMCH, Puducherry and Dr. Ramesh. S, RMMCH, Chidambaram.

hh SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM During the second quarterly of 2017, the Scientific and Academic Forum & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted, two internal meetings and two external meetings.

SAF INTERNAL MEET Internal SAF Panel Discussion on “Depression: Let’s Talk” on 07.04.2017

The following is the list of the faculty speakers and moderators who were invited for the event, namely Dr. Venkatesh. C, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Barath. J, JIPMER, Puducherry, Dr. Sasidharan, Dr. Mehta’s


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

This year’s World Health Day [WHD] theme is “Depression : Let’s talk”. The Department of Community Medicine, along with Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF) organized a bouquet of events in commemoration of the WHD :1. Students Debate on “When I feel low, who do I go to – my pal or theprofessional?” 2. Short Video Clip Contest and 3. Panel Discussion on “Let’s talk about the Black Dog”. The program has been added to the WHO’s webpage on the campaign – depression-campaign-2017//event/let-s-talk-about-theblack-dog.. The programs was opened for students from MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC.


A ca de mic In itiatives

Bilateral papilledema with cerebral venous thrombosis following PCOD treatment’ by Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed, Post Graduate, Dept. of Ophthalmology. The session ended with lucky dip and answers to the quiz.


The Panel Discussion was held on 07.04.2017@ 2.00 pm in the Ground Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Dr. Seetharaman N, Dr. Narayan KA, Dr. Jayaramachandran, Dr. Suguna and Dr. Surekha of Department of Community Medicine Co-ordinated the event with SAF team members.

SAF Internal meet on 02.06.2017 SAF Monthly meet was held on 02.06.2017 started with the Mediquiz, followed by a Capsule talk on the topic “Data Security: Introductory practical steps” by Dr. Jagan Mohan R, Head, Medical Informatics & IT who Introduced Faculty & postgraduates to basic skills in ensuring data safety in the Workplace.

SAF guest lecture on ‘Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships’ Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC in collaboration with CIDRF conducted a SAF Guest lecture of SBV on 10.05.2017 at 2.00 pm in the Ground floor, lecture hall, College block on the topic, ‘Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships’. The speaker of the day was Ms.Maya Sundararajan, Regional Officer, United States-India Educational Foundation, Fulbright Commission in India, American Consulate Building, Mount Road, Chennai who spoke all about United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF) 2018-2019 Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright Fellowships for Indian Citizens. SAF guest lecture on ‘Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning’ SAF conducted a guest talk on ‘Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning’ on 16th June 2017, Friday at 2.00pm in the Ground floor lecture hall, College block BY Singaravelu S, CFP, Certified Financial Planner, Professional Founder and Managing Partner, M/s. Future Dynamics FP, Pondicherry.

This was followed by three case report presentation namely ‘Glutaric Aciduria – Type1 – A Case Report highlighting Indian family perception of Inborn Errors of Metabolism’ by Dr.Varsha. S. Nair, Post Graduate, Dept. of Pediatrics,’ Low cost recycled paper method for simple and safe transport of blood sample for genetic analysis’ by Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas D, Scientist, CIDRF and ‘A Case Report:


During his talk he said, ‘Achieve peaceful financial life by changing the life of your personal finance! Tax paid by you is used for the growth of our Indian economy. Inflation is another form of tax paid by your family. Thanks, our Indian economy is growing at a rapid growth rate. But…Is your family gaining the benefits of this economic growth? Is your approach to your personal finance is outdated or messy? or Is there a method to place your family where it rains? Financial Planning is a comprehensive approach to capture the benefits of economic growth and transfer those benefits via various asset classes to achieve your life’s financial goals. The majority of the Indian families are still advised by agents of insurance companies / postal savings, banks and real estate brokers. Auditor’s advice are limited to tax filing. Many still dependent on provident funds, interest / rental incomes to meet their needs. Hoping their investments in real estates and gold will always grow. Thus a Certified Financial Planner is a must for achieving a peaceful financial life " Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017



Innovations hh Medical Simulation Centre (MSC) Medical Simulation Centre has Conducted AHA certified 09 BLS Provider courses. 85 CRRI’s from MGMCRI & SSSMCRI / 95 Students for KGNC and 22 Staff Nurses from Dream Next academy has completed the course successfully.

Around 73 students of IVth semester were trained in this period. We have conducted First aid training programs for CRRI’s. 45 of them participated. ENT faculty trained around 163 MBBS students on ENT Examination CPR & AED training program for Staff Nurses was conducted at the bed side by our BLS Instructors 101 of them participated.

They have Conducted AHA certified 04 ACLS Provider courses 75 students for MGMCRI & SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully. MGMCRI Certified BLS course was conducted at Sri Venkateshwara Medical College Hospital and research institution for Staff Nurses by Mr. Kingsle Kishore Coumar, Mr. Mohammed Rafi, Mrs. V.Manopriya. 152 of them were trained in BLS. In the Simulation centre, as a part of community awareness initiative on Pre-hospital Trauma Care & Basic Life Support, a team of certified trainers, Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Dr. Natesan and Dr. Sobana, conducted Hands on training program to various cadres of traffic police belonging to South Puducherry zone. 30 traffic police

AHA Certified PALS Provider Course has been conducted for Pediatric Department Post Graduates & Faculties. 14 of them completed the course. They have Conducted AHA Certified 04 BLS Instructor Courses and 02 ACLS Instructor Courses for Faculties. 02 Faculties were trained as BLS Instructors and 09 Faculties were trained as BLS & ACLS Instructors. Undergraduates are regularly trained in First aid, ECG, arrhythmias detection and management, CPR & AED. 23

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

I n n ovation s

participated in the program which was conducted on 17.04.2017. They were trained for two hours in learning the following skills (Basic life support, Arresting bleed, Fracture splinting, Helmet removal, Log rolling).

useful in honing the skills of the department residents and faculty in the management of an acutely sick child.

A helmet awareness rally for the general public as requested by the Traffic Police (South) was organised by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 29.04.2017. In this rally 30 NSS students and 20 traffic police personnel drove thier two whellers wearing helmets in the rally which was ably guided by Professor. M. Ravishankar, Dean – MGMCRI and Dr. Partha Nandi, Vice-Principal Students) Dr. Hemanth Kumar, Mr. Kannan Aiyar and Mr. Balamukundan and Mr. Rishi, NSS Student coordinator were present during the rally.

Revised Interns Orientation Program (IOP)

hh MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT, MGMCRI The Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program for Interns in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with specific issues and skills which are required for ensuring patient safety as well as for enhancing the quality of patient care in a hospital setting.

PALS Workshop- April 2017: The department of Pediatrics organized a American Heart Association (AHA) CERTIFIED Pediatrics

This year the program consisted of two common sessions followed by hands on experiences in small groups held at various places / sites of learning. The common sessions were RNTCP Module conducted by Departments of TB & Chest Diseases (TBCD), Community Medicine and Microbiology on 08.04.2017 and Handling Medical Legal Case conducted by Departments of Forensic Medicine and Chief of the casualty Medical Officer (CCMO) on 13.04.2017.

Advanced Life Support workshop for the postgraduate students and the faculty in the month of April 2017 at the Simulation centre, College block, MGMCRI. Dr. Gunasekaran. D was the internal expert and Dr. Soma Venkatesh was the external expert. The workshop on April 6 and 7 was attended by 7 postgraduates. The workshop on April 13 and 14 was attended by 7 faculty members. The workshop was really SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

The small group session were Universal Precautions & use of PPE (Dept. of Microbiology), Communications Skills – Introductory Module (Team Psychiatry), Clinical Note taking – written Communications (Obst & Gynae / Pediatric Surgery), First Aid (Team MSC) held on 27.04.2017, 11.05.2017 & 25.05.2017; Biomedical Waste Management (Dept. of Microbiology), Informed Consent (Obst & Gynae), Communications Skills – Advanced Module (Team Psychiatry), Recognition and Resuscitation of Shock (CCU / Anesthesia) held on 08.06.2017 & 29.06.2017. The overall program was found highly effective by the Interns (CRRIs) as they were able to develop various skills in different departments / facilities under the guidance of senior faculty. Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017



The dawn of

New chapters hh LEADERSHIP TRANSITION Dr. A.N Uma, Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, joined as Medical Geneticist in the Dept. of Anatomy, MGMCRI on 09.01.2006. She had been promoted as Vice-Principal, Allied Health Sciences on 01.05.2017. She completed her Masters in Bio-Medical Genetics and M.Phil in Genetics from PG IBMS, Chennai, Madras University. She did her Ph.D. in Medical Genetics, SBV University, Pondicherry. She also completed B.A & M.A in English, Annamalai University and B.Ed in English & Science, IGNOU, New Delhi. She is presently the Editor- in-Chief of ‘The Chronicle’, an Official Newsletter of SBV, Executive Editor of ‘Annals of SBV”, an in-house journal of SBV, and the Managing Editor of the Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences ( JBCAHS), an International peerreviewed quarterly journal of SBV. She has won 18 best paper awards at various State, National and

International levels and has also many publications in journals of high reputations to her credit.

APPOINTMENTS We take pride in welcoming the following faculty members who joined the fraternity of MGMC&RI during the 2 nd quarter of 2017.

Dr.Name Designation Department Date of Joining Dr. Prabhakaran.A Dr. Sivakumar Reddy L Ms. Malsawmzuali C Dr. Dhanya S Dr. Ramya S Dr. Mahesh R Dr. Kalaivani S Dr. Subashini S Dr. Sinduja R Dr. Vinoth Saravanan.M Dr. Sowmya.S Ms. Ektha Jain Dr. Jerene Mathews Dr. Archana.K Dr. Ontela Vijaya Dr. Ganeswar Barik Dr. Harsha Saxena Dr. Jei Karthikayani T P Dr. Vijaya Balaji M Dr. Banu Priya Dr. Radhakrishna Pedapati Dr. Krishna Prasad Dr. Arunavakali Dr. Harish Kumar M Dr. Uthpala V Dr. Arun Viswanath N Dr. Susmitha Tangirala Dr. Swetha Rajan. V

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Tutor Junior Resident Junior Resident Junior Resident Tutor Junior Resident Junior Resident Consultant Professor Tutor.Clinical Instructor Senior Resident Junior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Assistant Professor Senior Resident Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Senior Resident Senior Resident Assistant Professor 25

Orthopaedics Critical Care Medicine Anatomy Plastic Surgery Nephrology Cardiology Community Medicine Nephrology Medical Gastroenterology Radiology Pathology Psychiatry DVL Plastic Surgery OBGY OBGY Ophthalmology Paediatrics Cardiology Paediatrics General Medicine Orthopaedics Microbiology Orthopaedics OBGY Orthopaedics Paediatrics OBGY

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

12.04.2017 01.04.2017 05.04.2017 10.04.2017 10.04.2017 10.04.2017 10.04.2017 11.04.2017 21.04.2017 26.04.2017 29.04.2017 03.05.2017 23.05.2017 05.05.2017 08.05.2017 08.05.2017 08.05.2017 17.05.2017 17.05.2017 22.05.2017 01.06.2017 01.06.2017 05.06.2017 05.06.2017 05.06.2017 12.06.2017 12.06.2017 16.06.2017

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. Vaithiyanadane V Dr. Senthil Aakash. K Dr. Abdul Malik S Dr. Kamala Sundar T Dr. Ramiya Ramachandra Dr. Ben Easow George Dr. Nirmala Dr. Sumathi Sri R Dr. Arjun Ashok Dr. Gautham G Dr. Ramya Lakshmi R Dr. Shashank Tiwari Dr. Arul Kumar A Dr.Nemakallu Sarala Reddy

Tutor Senior Resident Senior Resident Assistant Professor Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident Senior Resident

Physiology Paediatrics Emergency Medicine Pharmacology ENT DVL General Medicine Paediatrics Anaesthesiology General Surgery General Medicine General Medicine General Surgery OBGY

19.06.2017 19.06.2017 19.06.2017 19.06.2017 27.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017 30.06.2017

hh PROMOTION Dr.Vineet Thomas Abraham, Associate Professor, Orthopaedics has been promoted as Professor (01.04.2017) Dr. Rajan.K.V , Associate Professor, General Surgery has been promoted as Professor (01.05.2017) Dr.Uma.A.N, Assistant Professor of Medical Genetics, Anatomy has been promoted as Associate Professor (29.04.2017) Dr.Sandeep.M.M.R, Assistant Professor, Orthopaedics has been promoted as Associate Professor (01.05.2017) Dr.Rupal Samal, Assistant Professor, OBGY has been promoted as Associate Professor(03.06.2017) We congratulate all the faculty members on their appointments and promotions during the Second quarter of 2017.

scholars in


The making hh MCh NEWS Scientific Presentations / Participation Dr.Vishal, MCh Urology student attended Robotic Urology Foundation Conference in Mumbai on 21-23 Apr2017.

Krishnamurthy and Dr. S. Srinivasan. Dr. Ajay Prakash and Dr. Sumathi, PGs of Pediatrics were awarded the first and second places for the best posters respectively.

Dr. Vishal and Dr. Bala Bhaskar.R, MCh Urology students attended 4th mid-term conference under the aegis of TAPASU in Dhanalaxmi Sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur on 30 Apr 2017.

hh PG NEWS Awards The CME “Office Pediatrics” was. organized by the department of Pediatrics on the 30th of April, 2017 at MGMCRI. A free poster session was organized as a part of the event. The posters were judged by Dr. Sriram 26

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


S chola rs in The M ak in g

Dr.Prasanna Venkatesh, Dr.Anugraha, Dr.Memota, Dr.Ashwin Segi, Dr.Komal, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Zeeshan, Dr Sruthi R, Dr.Aditya, Dr.Senthil, Dr.Vasanth Kumar.R, Dr.Anudeep, Dr.Sruthy Vaishali and Dr.Paresh, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a CME- “An Update on Ocular Trauma - 2017” conducted by Department of ophthalmology, MGMC&RI on 9.04.2017

Scientific Participation Dr. Indu, Dr. Gobinath, Dr. Daniel, Dr. Govind, Dr. Surya, Dr. Harith, Dr. Naveen, Dr. Krishna Postgraduate students of Dept. of Anesthesiology participated Parangipettai Circumcision Camp from 02.05.2017 to 05.05.2017. Dr. Indu, Dr. Daniel, Dr. Tina, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Surya, Postgraduate students of Dept. of Anesthesiology attended the CME & Workshop on “Thoracic Anaesthesia 2017 on 28.05.2017 organized by the JIPMER. Dr. Daniel, Dr. Harith, Dr. Gobinath, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Abhimanyu, Dr. Krishnan, Dr. Surya Postgraduate students of Dept. of Anesthesiology, attended Basic Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care (CCEPC) 2017 from 24.06.2017 to 25.06.2017. Dr. Daniel, Dr. Tina, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Surya, Dr. Harith, Dr. Gopinath, Dr. Govind, Dr. Krishna, Dr. Abhimanyu, Dr. John, Dr. Monisha, Dr. Janani, Postgraduate students of Dept. of Anesthesiology attended CME and Workshop on “Airway Update – 2017” on 18.06.2017 organized by Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences in association with Indian Society of Anesthesiologists Puducherry State Branch Dr. Venkat Ragavan A.T.M, Dr.Shameera Begum, Post graduates, Department of Pathology, participated in Thyroid Quiz 2017, held on 20th May 2017 at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Swathy, Dr. Sharmila, Dr. Amrutha, Dr. Kavitha, Dr Ayesha, Dr.Abhinaya final year postgraduate students, OBGY attended “Workshop on literature search and reference management” held in MGMCRI from 19 to 21st April,2017 organized by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI with collaboration with Abott India. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr.Sinduja, Dr.Sruthi, Dr.Abhinay, Dr.Senthil, Dr.Vaishali, Dr.Vasanth Kumar and Dr.Anudeep attended SAF presentation by Dr. Zeeshan on Bilateral Papilladema in patient with CVT following PCOD treatment on 02.06.17. Dr.Abhinay, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a conference Reticon -2017 at ITC on 23.04.17. Dr.Prasanna Venkatesh, Dr.Anugraha, Dr.Memota, Dr.Ashwin Segi, Dr.Komal, Postgraduates, Department of Ophthalmology attended a PG update conducted by Dr.V.R.Vijayaragavan, organised by Department of ophthalmology, MGMC&RI on 9.06.2017 Dr. Surendran V, Dr. Chitra, Dr. Sridhar, Post Graduates, Department of Community Medicine participated in hands on workshop on “Efficient, Quality assured Data Capture and Analysis using Epidata Software” held from April 25th to 27th 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMCRI), Pondicherry. Dr. Surendran V, Dr. Chitra, Dr. Sridhar, Post Graduates, Department of Community Medicine, attended the Short course in Biostatistics on “Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial regression” organized by the Department of Biostatistics, CMC, Vellore from 19th to 23rd June 2017. Dr. Surendran V,, Post Graduates, Department of Community Medicine participated in the Short course in Biostatistics on “Sample Size Calculation” organized by the Department of Biostatistics, CMC, Vellore on 11th & 12th May 2017.

hh Miscellany Dr.Mohamed Washid and Dr.Mohamed Jasheer – Final year post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine appeared for University exams in April – May and both have cleared their exams with flying colours. The Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Department of Pulmonary Medicine welcomed newly joined Post graduates - Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, Dr.N. Kirthiga Lakshmi and Dr. Mohammed Ziaul in the first week of June.

hh CRRI NEWS RNTCP orientation programme for CRRIs was organized by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine in MGMC & RI on 8/4/2017. Professor.M.Ravi Shankar, Dean-Faculty of Medicine inaugurated the programme and stressed the need to be abreast with the latest developments in the guidelines. Vice Principal – Curriculum Dr.V.N.Mahalakshmi participated in the inauguration and gave valuable support for the smooth conduct of the event. Dr.K.Surendra Menon, HoD, Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor and Dr.Vimal Raj.R, Assistant Professor delivered talks on various aspects of Technical

12th Inter Dental Collegiate Prize Examination in Pharmacology for BDS Students was held in SRM Dental College, Ramapuram, on 10th June 2017. Six of our Students from II year BDS attended the Prize examination and Miss.R.Sri Niranchana won the Prize examination. Mr Abishek K., guided by Dr Satvinder Singh Bakshi, ENT and Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, CYTER won the First Prize in poster presentation in National seminar cum workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” held on 23.6.17 at MGMCRI.

Student Enrichment Programmes

and Operational Guidelines (TOG) for TB -2016. Faculty from the Department of Microbiology and Community Medicine delivered talks on TOG - Microbiological and Operational aspects respectively. CRRIs participated enthusiastically throughout the day. Pre test and Post test were conducted, analyzed and the excerpt forwarded to the authorities.

hh UG News

Faculty, Department of Physiology conducted “Model/ poster Session” for kinaesthetic learning of I MBBS students in the module of endocrine physiology. 60 students participated in the program. Students presented their poster/models in front of Dr M Ravishankar, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dr Partha Nandi, Vice principle (students), invited faculty members and other students I MBBS. Dr Manimagalai, Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacology, Dr Seethaeaman Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine and Dr C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF judged the posters. Prizes and certificates were awarded to the participating students.

Awards Four team of MBBS students from MGMCRI participated in Microbiology Quiz competition organised by Department of Microbiology at Government Medical College, Theni on 23.06.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, accompanied the students. Out of a total of 188 teams from Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry, MGMCRI team comprising of Mr. PratyushR, Mr. Reuben Toi, 6th semester MBBS students and Mr. KavinilavanR, 4th semester MBBS student won first prize in the quiz competition. 28

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Out Reach


Services hh Department of Community Medicine Department of Community Medicine, MGMC&RI along with Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) office, Puducherry with help from Kirumampakkam PHC team conducted Dengue Outbreak investigation in Echangadu, Puducherry, June 2017. A community based cross sectional survey and epidemiological investigation was done for identifying potential sources, source reduction and also to identify the suspect cases in the area of Echangadu village. and Health awareness camp was conducted. During the period of April-June, 2017, nearly 300 patients were covered through our weekly extension

OP services conducted in Panithitu and Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 10 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Around 400 people were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes. Also a camp was organised in Sathya Special School on 30.6.2017 at Karuvadikuppam which benefited around 159 people.

Table 1: Extension OPD Services S. NO



Total Cases



April -June (wed)




April -June (Thu)




April -June (Mon)




Table 2: List of community health awareness programmes S. NO







No. of Beneficiaries

Anganwadi (Aranganoor)


Health education (sanitation) Yoga Awareness



Pulse polio programme




Kudierupalayam (Anganwadi)




Domestic Injury,Hook Warm infestion,head waves Dehydration





Pulse polio programme




UTI $ Anemia





Zoonotic diseases

Kudierupalayam (Anganwadi)




World no Tobacco day





Awareness about Dengue

Echakadu (Community Hall)


Vanithasan School (Selimedu)


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

200 6


Total 29



O ut R e a c h Services

hh DEPARTMENT OF TRANSFUSION MEDICINE WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY JUNE 2017 World Blood Donor Day is celebrated by the people in many countries of the world every year on the day of birthday Anniversary of Karl Landsteiner on June 14 1868. The event was first established in 2004 to raise awareness of the need for safe Blood and Blood products and to thank Blood donors for their voluntary lifesaving gifts of blood. The theme for Blood Donation day 2017 focus on blood donation in emergency situations Give blood, Give now, give often.

Department of Transfusion Medicine along with Department of Pathology of MGMCR & I celebrated World Blood Day on June 14th 2017. The occasion was graced by RMO, DMS who felicitated all Voluntary Blood donors with certificate and trophy. This was followed by short talk about Myths and Facts of Blood Donation by Dr.Shameera PG Pathology. She explained about criteria for blood donation, advantages of blood donation and cleared about all misconceptions about Blood Donation. At the end of session Vote of Thanks was given by Dr E. Sabari Priya Assistant Professor Department of Transfusion medicine.

Department of Physiology. Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology in collaboration with department of neurosurgery conducted “Pre Hospital Trauma care awareness cum training session” on 17th April, 2017 at MGMCRI simulation centre. It was attended by 60 traffic police personal of the Pondicherry South Zone.

The Department of Otorhinolaryngology And Head And Neck Surgery conducted 21 camps between April to June 2017.

Department of Ophthalmology The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 14 DBCS camps between April - June in which a total of 1784 patients were screened and 173 underwent cataract surgery.

Dept. of Anesthesiology Dr. Hemanth Kumar, professor, Dept. of Anesthesiology Conducted Hands on training program to various cadres of traffic police belonging to South Puducherry zone. Around 30 traffic police men participated in the programme conducted at Simulation centre, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College on 17.4.2017.

The function was followed by Voluntary Blood Donation in blood bank by Staff from personal Department and Doctors from pathology. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

A helmet awareness rally for the general public as requested by the Traffic Police (South) was organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry on 29.4.2017 by DR Hemanth Kumar V.R. The National Service Scheme (NSS) students of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute along with the Traffic Police (South) personnels had participated in the really which started from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pillaiyarkuppam and marched through the main road covering the stretch through Kirumampakkam, Thavalakuppam, Chunnambar Boat house and reached Ariyankuppam. In this rally 30 NSS students and 20 traffic police personnel drove their two wheelers wearing helmets in the rally which was ably guided by Professor. M. Ravishankar, Dean – MGMCRI and Dr. Partha Nandi, Vice-Principal

Staff nurses of



International Nurses Day” for the Nurses was celebrated on 12.05.17 with the Whole Nursing Team

Students) Dr. Hemanth Kumar V.R- professor of anaethesia, Mr. Kannan Aiyar- GM finance and Mr. Balamukundansenior personal manager and Mr. Rishi, NSS Student coordinator were present during the rally Dr. Parthasarathy, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, participated Parangipettai Circumcision Camp from 02.05.2017 to 05.05.2017

Staff Nurses of MGMC&RI Mr.Sony and Mr. Rajasekar from Romson Company along with Mrs. Vadivi ANS presented a topic on “Hospital Acquired Infection” for the nurses on 03.05.17. Mr.Selvaganapathi (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Peripheral Line Complication” for the staff nurses on 10.05.17.

Mrs.Vadivu (ANS) presented a topic on “Infection Control Measures” for the nurses at D2 Lecture Hall on 05.04.17. Mr.Selvaganapathi (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Bio medical Equipment Handling” for the nurses on 12.04.17. Mrs.BamaLakshmi (Associate Professor KGNC) presented a topic on “First Aid Management” for the nurses on 19.04.17. Mrs.Tamilarasi (Nursing Supervisor) presented the Death Audit and Mrs. Vadivu (ANS) Presented the Management of Medication in Nursing Audit Meeting under the Head of Mrs.Amir Alikhan Asmath Nursing Superintendent on 26.04.17 31

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Mr.Prishanthini Anto (Nurse Educator) presented a topic on “Care of Bedridden Patients” for the nurses on 17.05.17. Mrs.Vadivu (ANS) and Ms. Niroja ICN presented a topic on “Needle Stick Injury” for the nurses on 24.05.17. Mr.Kingsle Kishore Coumare (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “ MGMCRI Emergency Warning Signs & Symptoms” & CPR Review” for the Nurses at D2 Lecture Hall on 31.5.17. Mrs.Vadivu (ANS) presented a topic on “DENGUE” for the nurses on 07.06.17. Mr.Aravind (Sales Executive 3M Company) presented a topic on “Surgical Nail Clippers” for the Nurses on 14.06.17. Mr.Selvaganapathi (Quality Educator) presented a topic on “Pressure Sore Scales” for the nurses on 14.06.17. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


shri sathya sai

Medical college and research institute hh PUBLICATIONS Shrivastava SR. Holistic health. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2016; 6(4):e118. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving the health standards of women and girls trapped in conflicts: An urgent need. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017; 10(1):264-265. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Adopting mobile technology to improve maternal care in rural and low-resource settings. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017; 10(1):266-267. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving patient safety standards in hospitals: A global public health concern. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017; 10(1):275-276. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Zika Virus Disease: The current status and necessity to implement Strategic Response Framework. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):277-278. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Switching from trivalent to bivalent OPV: A landmark step in the global eradication of Polio. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):278-279. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Supporting and encouraging breastfeeding through strengthening of the existing legal provisions globally. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):280-282. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring health system resilience following a public health emergency: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):282-283.

newborn. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):287-288. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination accomplished from the South-East Asia Region: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):289-290. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Polio continues to be a public health emergency of international concern: Current updates. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):291-293. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Training midwives and other cadre of health workers using a solarcharged device in Ethiopia. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research. 2017;22(2):170-171. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Morocco succeeds to eliminate trachoma as a public health problem: World Health Organization. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22(1):46. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring early detection of cancer in low and middle income nations: World Health Organization. Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences. 2017;5(1):141-142. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Uniting the efforts of stakeholders to end tuberculosis globally by 2030. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):297-298. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Accelerating progress to achieve the Sustainable development Goal target 3.3 worldwide. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):299-300.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving adolescent health by meeting global standards set by the World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(1):284-285.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving urban health standards: Promotion of equity and development of healthier cities for sustainable development. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):301-302.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening reproductive and sexual health services to minimize the risk of Zika virus associated complications in

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Terminating the status of Public Health Emergency of International Concern for Ebola outbreak in West Africa: What does



Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


it mean? What next? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):303-304.

nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):475-476.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Moving ahead from leprosy elimination to leprosy-free world by 2020. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):305-306.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Limiting pesticide access to minimize suicide incidence. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):477.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. The public health concern of mental illnesses: Strengthening of the mental health sector. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):307-308.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the geographical burden and responding to the threat of the spread of dengue infection to the unaffected nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):481-482.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health concern of depression and anxiety disorders: Financial perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):309-310.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childhood cancers in low-resource settings: Reinforcing the need for intensification of efforts. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):488-489.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Advocating for the implementation of the updated guidelines for the management of Hepatitis C infection universally. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):311-312.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Advocating for the community empowerment and family support to improve the quality of care to Schizophrenia patients. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):490-491.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Radiation exposure in pediatric imaging: Justification, Optimization, and Risk communication. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):313-314. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming for malaria elimination: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):315-316. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring the universal adoption of Health Equity Assessment Toolkit to minimize health inequalities. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):317-318. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Conditional cash transfer to improve the status of the girl: Indian perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):319-320. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the public health challenge of HIV infection among the vulnerable population group of transgender: An urgent global need. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(2):457-458. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization advocates for a two point strategy to achieve eradication of Yaws from the endemic SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Ensuring global patient safety by minimizing medication-related errors: World Health Organization. Biology and Medicine (Aligarh). 2017;9(3):e126. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Discouraging the practice of tobacco initiation among children & adolescents through promotion of smokefree films. International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:34. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Childbirth rights for pregnant women: Success for Poland and inspiration for other nations! International Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017;8:42. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Encouraging collaborative efforts between environment and health sector to arrest climate deterioration. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22:59. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. World Health Organization validated websites provide reliable information on vaccine safety. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2017;22:78.

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Discouraging the practice of child marriage in Cambodia: United Nations Population Fund. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):106-107.

Muthukumar T, Konduru RK, Manikandan M, Asir J, Iqbal N, Bazroy J, et al. Scope of integrated teaching in a medical college: A study from South India. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31:127-30.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Role of public health laws in the advancement of right to health on an international scale. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):107-108.

Barman DD, Nair VK, Karnaboopathy R. Study of the trend of poisoning in a tertiary care hospital in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. 2017;39 (1):19-24.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Reinforcing the need to invest in health related research and development activities. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):108-109.

Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. India - An emerging epicenter of medical tourism. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2017; 6(2):135-136.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Scope of gender bias in health sector: Insights for policy makers. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):109-111.

Annadurai K, Selvasri S, Ramasamy J. Self-medication: Predictors and practices among rural population of Nellikuppam village, Kancheepuram district, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University. 2017;6(1):90-98.

Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the root causes for child marriage in Costa Rica by involving young advocates: United Nations Population Fund. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):112-113. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to achieve universal health coverage and improve health standards among migrant populations. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):113-114. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Advocating for the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of women. MAMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;3(2):115-116. Thresa SS, Ramasamy JD, Shrivastava SR. A crosssectional study to assess the knowledge and practices about breastfeeding among women in Sembakkam village, Kancheepuram District. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017;6(4):707-714. Thresa SS, Ramasamy JD, Shrivastava SR. A descriptive study to assess computer related health problems among software professionals. Biomedicine. 2016;36(4 suppl):163-165. Barman DD, Nair VK, Karnaboopathy R. Estimation of stature from measurement of the percutaneous length of radius in adult Tamil males. Journal of South India Medico-Legal Association. 2017;9(1):51-54.


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Ramasubramanian C, Mohandoss AA, Namasivayam RK. Employability of mentally ill persons in India: A selfreport- based population study. Ind Psychiatry J 2016; 25:171-8 Kurhekar PM, Prasad TK, Rajarathinam B, Raghuraman MS. Capnographic analysis of minimum mandatory flow rate for Hudson face mask: A randomized double-blind study. Anesth Essays Res 2017; 11: 463-67. Raghuraman M.S. Intrathecal nalbuphine - Will it gain wider acceptance? - A narrative review. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia 33 (2017) 289–293. http://dx.doi. org/10.1016/j.egja.2017.04.003 Raghuraman M.S. Comments on an article of EgJA in press. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia 33 (2017) 311. Raghuraman M.S. Comment on Assessment of Aspiration-Induced lung Injuries among Acute Drug Poisoning Patients; Loghman Hakim Hospital, Poisoning center International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2017;7(1): 81-2. Raghuraman, M.S. Comment on: “Intranasal Dexmedetomidine for Procedural Sedation in Children, a Suitable Alternative to Chloral Hydrate” Pediatr Drugs (2017). doi:10.1007/s40272-017-0245-1. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Lavakumar S, Arivazhagan N. Drug utilization pattern of antibiotics in an Intensive care unit in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Kancheepuram district, TamilNadu. International Journal of Current research. May 2017; 9(5):51440-2. Jayashree Veerasamy, Karthika Jayakumar and Gurulakshmi R.B. Profile of Hepatitis A and E in flood victims of rural Chennai. IJCMS, 2017; Vol. 3(6): 773-777. Sriram R, Prasanna S. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of rapidly growing mycobacteria isolated from cases of surgical site infections by microbroth dilution method at a tertiary care center. J Mar Med So. 2017; 19. Sivakumar Annamalai, Lavanya Mohanam, Veena Raja, Alwin Dev, Venkataraman Prabhu. Antiobesity, antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects of Diallyl trisulphide (DATS) alone or in combination with Orlistat on HFD induced obese rats. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 2017; 93: 81–87. Ilanchezhian, Shanmuga Priya, Suganya and Balaji Rajagopalan A study to evaluate the renal function parameters in preclampsia IJPSR, 2017; Vol. 8(1): 213-216. Ilanchezhian,Suganya,Rajini Samuel, Balaji Rajagopalan. Albumin/Creatinine Ratio to detect Renal dysfunction in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 43(2), March - April 2017; Article No. 29, Pages: 152-155. Ilanchezhian,Shanmuga Priya, Rajini Samuel, Balaji Rajagopalan A comparative study of blood glucose level measurement between glucometer, semi-autoanalyzer and autoanalyzer Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 43(2), March April 2017; Article No. 126. Vijay Kautilya D, Shruti P Hegde, Pritika Rajashekharen, Khatija Begum. Cross sectional survey on the awareness of pesticide labels & pesticide safety pictograms among paddy farmers in South India. Journal on health science & surveillance system. 2016;4(4):158-166

hh EDITOR / REVIEWER Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Community Medicine was selected as a Peer Reviewer for the following Journals, Indian Journal of Medical Research (13.04.2017), Journal of Medical Society (19.04.2017), Healthcare in Low-resources Settings (28.04.2017), Journal of Research in Medical Sciences (01.05.2017), Education for Health (05.05.2017), Journal of Behavioral Health (14.05.2017), Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research (22.05.2017), Journal of Injury and Violence Research (31.05.2017), Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine (03.04.2017, 10.05.2017, & 01.06.2017), Dr Rajesh Kannan N, reviewed a manuscript, titled “Psychological distress among children after flood in Cuddalore district, Tamil Nadu” for the Open Journal of Psychiatry & Allied Sciences. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine has been appointed on 23.04.2017 for the Editor Post of a Special Issue by the Primary Healthcare – Open Access journal, with the theme being “Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Dr. Harshavardhan B, Senior Resident, Department of Radiology was appointed as reviewer of the Journal of Radiology Case Reports ( JRCR) on 25th April 2017.

hh BOOK / CHAPTER PUBLICATION Dr. Pradeep Dhanasekharan, Assistant professor, Department of Surgery contributed to GENERAL SURGERY MCQ’s Questions & Answers with detailed explanation book, AIIMS MAY 2017. TARGET JIPMER MAY 2016 and TARGET JIPMER DECEMBER 2016.

Vijay Kautilya D, Shruti P Hegde, Pritika Rajashekharen, Khatija Begum. Knowledge, attitude & practice of pesticide safety measures among paddy farmers in South India. Indian journal of forensic medicine & community medicine, april – june 2017;4(2):139-144. Gurumani, Rajprakash, Roopak.An interesting case report of fronto cutaneous fistula.Int. Journal of Otolaryngology. pISSN 2454-5929/ eISSN 2454-5937. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

hh ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Awards Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head; Dr.Kafeel Hussain, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy won the Best paper award “RAENCON2017” held at SBMCH on 16th & 17th June 2017.

“Insights Related to Medical Science in Ancient Indian Literary Scripts” at the Singapore Tamil Writers Forum, Singapore on 29th April, 2017. Dr.Semmal, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, delivered a Special Invited Guest Lecture titled “Imparting Medical and Health Education Using Ancient Literary Works” at Paris, France on 3rd June 2017. Dr Karthika Jayakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology, gave a guest lecture on “Profile of Enteric Coccidian Infection in India” during CME at Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital, Chennai on 29.6.2017.

Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events

Recognitions Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professsor, Department of Community Medicine, was selected on 17.04.2017 for the International Medical Education Leadership Fellowship Programme of the “Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research” (FAIMER) for the years 2017-2019 at PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Coimbatore.

Dr. S Gurumani, Professor and Head, Department of ENT, chaired a session in “MECFEST 2017”- Live Cadaver Workshop organised by upgraded Institute of Otolarynglogy and Institute of Anatomy, Madras Medical College on 23.6.2017. Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, chaired a scientific session at “National conference in Radiological and Endoscopic Anatomy and Recent Advances” at Shree Balaji Medical College and hospital on 16th&17th June 2017.

Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in the 10th IAEC meeting of Sri Venkateshwara Engineering College as Link nominee of CPCSEA on 26th May 2017. Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in the 30th IAEC meeting of Human Biologicals Institute, Ooty as Socially Aware Nominee of CPCSEA on 28th June 2017.

hh Resource Persons in Academic Events Dr. Maduram A, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, was a resource person and gave a talk on “Essential Documents in Clinical trials and guidelines in protocol writing at Good Clinical Practices workshop on Clinical trials and Bioethics” on 21.03.2017 at SSSMCRI and at MGMCRI on 23.03.2017. Dr.Semmal, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, delivered a Special Invited Guest Lecture titled 36

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Dr.Jeyakumar Jeevan, Professor, Department of Dermatology, chaired a session on “Immunoflourescence In Autoimmune Bullous Diseases” at CME on HISTOPATHOLOGY conducted by Tamilnadu IADVL group & SIG Dermatopathology in Kanchi kamakodi child trust hospital, Chennai on 18th June 2017.

hh Examiner / Evaluator Dr. S. Gurumani, Professor and Head, Department of ENT, went as an external examiner for M.S.ENT at Government Kurnool Medical College from 31.5.2017 to 2.6.2017 and SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Sadhan Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad from 12.6.2017 to 14.6.2017.

“Pharmacoeconomics” at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry on 16th & 17th June 2017.

Dr G Sridhar, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, went as an external examiner for M.Sc Medical Microbiology, SRMC, Porur, Chennai from 15.6.2017 to 17.6.2017.

Dr.Vinod K, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, attended a Conference & workshop on “Advanced Interventional Management of Pain” held at New Delhi from 6th to 9th April 2017.

Mr.Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology went as an External Examiner for SRM University for BSc. Optometry on 17th June, 2017

Dr S.A.Mohamed Arif, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, attended live workshop on “Pain Management” at Sri Balaji Action Medical Instiute, New Delhi from 31st March to 5th April 2017.

Dr. Gurubharath I, Professor and Head, Department of Radiology went as an examiner for MSc & BSc RIT – AHS at Chettinad University on 22nd May 2017.

Participation in Academic / Scientific Events Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor and HOD, Dr.Sathialakshmi, Professor, Dr.Kafeel Hussain, Dr.Sunita Bharati Assistant Professors and Mr.Hemant.K, Tutor, Department of Anatomy, participated in the National conference in Radiological and endoscopic anatomy and recent advances at Sree Balaji Medical College and hospital on 16th and 17th June, 2017.

Dr Anupriya, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, attend the “Basics in Chronic Pain Management” at Daradia Pain Clinic, Kolkata from 10th to 21st April 2017. Dr.Shesha Divya Krishna, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, had participated in the “Airway Conference” at Puducherry, on 18th June 2017. Dr Mohan Ram Kumar, SR, Department of Ophthalmology attended “Reticon” National conference on retina at ITC Grand chola on 23rd April 2017. Dr Machireddy R Sekhar Reddy, PG, Department of Ophthalmology attended “Cataract Catalyst 2017” on 29th & 30th April at ITC Grand chola conducted by Sankara Netralaya. Dr Machireddy R Sekhar Reddy, PG, Department of Ophthalmology attended hands on workshop on “Phaco & Femtolaser” on 29th & 30th April at ITC Grand chola conducted by Sankara Netralaya.

Dr. Karthika Priya S, Tutor, Department of Microbiology, attended “Apollo Infectious Disease Conference” held at Chennai, on 10th & 11th June 2017. Dr.Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended Symposium on ‘Lurasidone – Recent Updates’ at Residency towers, Chennai on 12.05.2017. Dr.Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended CME on ‘Schizophrenia management’ at Hotel Accord Metropolitan, Chennai on 28.05.17. Dr. Lavakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, attended a National workshop on SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Mr. Ilanchezhian, Tutor and Mr. Sarguru, Tutor, Department of Biochemistry, attended CME on “Vitamin B 12 looking beyond obvious” at SRM medical college hospital and research centre Kattankulathur, on 10th May 2017. Dr.Latha.R and Mr. Glad Mohesh, Assistant Professors, Department of Physiology attended the Workshop on „Human Bioethics“ held on 26th April, 2017 organized by Division of Research and Department of Clinical Pharmacology at JIPMER, Pondicherry. Mr.Ratchagan, Tutor, Department of Physiology participated in Hands-On Workshop on “Laboratory Animals in Scientific Experimentation and Research Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

- LASER” on 26th April, 2017 conducted by Department of BRULAC & DRC, Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals, Chennai Dr.S.Vijayakumar and Dr.Sowmya, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, attended the “12th World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology” held in Bengaluru from 4th-7th May 2017.

Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, attended workdhop on “BOTOX” conducted in Dermalaya skin clinic, Chennai on 27th May 2017. Dr. Naseem N, Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, attended CME on “Update in Hematology” at Dr Mehta’s Multispeciality Hospital, Chennai on 29.04.2017. Dr.Naseem N, Professor and Head ; Dr. Priyanka, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology attended Mid Year Teaching Programme on “ Histo Onco Report Formats – What Information Does The Clinician Need To Treat The Patient” held at Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Chennai organised by Lister Metropolis on 3.6.2017 & 4.6.2017. Dr. Priyanka, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology attended CME on “GYNAEC ONCOPATHOLOGY-All embedded” held at Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Chennai on 17.6. 2017.

hh MICELLANY Dr. Gurubharath I, Professor and Head, Department of Radiology attended the Board of Studies for MSc AHS at Chettinad University on April 2017 and was appointed as Coordinator for Institutional website of SBVU.

Death Audit Meeting Dr.Gurumani, Professor and Head; Dr.Raj Prakash, Associate Professor; Dr.Pragadheeshwaran, Assistant Professor, and Dr.Roopak, M.S.ENT Post Graduate, Department of ENT, attended “MECFEST 2017- live cadaver workshop” organised by the upgraded Institute of Otolaryngology and Institute of Anatomy, Madras Medical College on 22.6.2017 and 23.6.2017.

The death case audit meeting for the April – June 2017 quarter was held on 25th April, 4th June, 27th June, 4th July and 27th July 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting.

Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, attended the “On-Site Training Session on Educational Innovation Project” as a part of FAIMER fellowship at PSG Coimbatore between 10.06.2017 to 17.06.2017.

Department of Microbiology organized a CME on 12th June, 2017 titled as “Emerging viral infectious disease”. Guest lecture on Zika virus was given by Dr. Rahul Dhodapkar, Professor, JIPMER.

Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology, attended CME on HISTOPATHOLOGY conducted by Tamilnadu IADVL group & SIG Dermatopathology in Kanchi kamakodi child trust hospital, Chennai on 18th June 2017. 38

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

CME, Seminar, Symposium, Workshop, Quiz & Conferences conducted

Department of Biochemistry, Organised a CME on 29.04.17 titled as “Glucose transporters in diabetes mellitus- friend or foe?. Guest lecture was given by Dr. S.V. Mythili, Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, SBMCH.



block. Presentations made were, A case of Testicular adrenal rests. By DR.Harshavardhan.B, Dept. of Radiology; A rare case of Childhood cutaneous TB By Dr.Sowmya, Department of Dermatology; An Interesting chest skiagram for discussion By Department of Respiratory medicine.

Department of Otorhinolaryngology organized a CME on 28.4.2017 titled “Basic Essential in FESS”. The guest lecture was delivered by Dr.Thalapathyramkumar, Professor of ENT, Salem Government Medical College.

The scientific society meeting for the month of May was held on 25th May, 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, kerato acanthoma – case report by Dr.Senthil.N.Ganesh, Department of Pathology; Difficlut asthma by Department.of pulmonology; Agenesis of corpus callosum -by Dr.Anand, Department of Radiology; Golden hour intervention by Dr. Eeshan, Department of Orthopaedics. The scientific society meeting for the month of June was held on 29th June 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, Medical masquerader of surgical abdomen by Dr. R.Bharanikumar, Departmen of Paedicatrics; X-ray chest for diagnosis-- quiz for PGs, Department of pulmonology; Study of c cells of thyroid gland by Dr.Kafeel Hussain, Department of Anatomy.

Department of Microbiology initiated True NAT –“In Country Study” on 22nd May 2017

hh MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT (MEU) The “Specific Learning Objective Workshop” was conducted by the Medical Educational Unit from 03.05.201704.05.2017, various faculty members participated in the academic exercise. The “Small Group Teaching Workshop” was conducted by the Medical Educational Unit from 21.06.201722.06.2017, various faculty members participated in the academic exercise.


hh NEW APPOINTMENTS Dr. J. Kanmani joined as a tutor in the Department of Community Medicine on 03.04.17. Dr. A. Jospine Amala joined as a tutor in Department of Community Medicine on 18.05.17. Dr. M. Suyambu Raja joined as a tutor in Department of Community Medicine on 01.06.17. Dr. Mali Kalpana Ramanna joined as a tutor in the Department of Pharmacology on 23.06.2017 Dr. Thirunavkarasu joined as Associate Professor in Department of General Surgery.

In order to streamline the research activities and to improve the research outcome of the institute, under the directions of Dean, the Medical Research Unit was constituted on 27.04.2017.

Dr. Praveen Kumar M joined as Senior Resident in Department of Radiology.



The scientific society meeting for the month of April was held on 9th May, 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

hh STUDENTS NEWS Dr.Seetharaman, 1st year PG attended the International Conference on Challenges in Management of Lifestyle Diseases and presented an oral paper titled “A study to Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

assess the pattern of lifestyle related factors among school children of Chrompet” at SRM Medical college, Chennai on 31.03.17 & 01.04.17. Dr. Sona, Final year PG and Dr. Indrabala, 1st year PG participated in the observation of World Health Day on 07.04.2017. Dr. Indrabala gave a health talk on the prevention of suicides and about dealing with the stigma associated with mental illness. PG dissertation committee meeting was held on 26th April, 2017 and the PG orientation Programme – I was conducted on 12th June 2017. Dr.Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr. Senthil N Ganesh, Dr. Shubhra Sharma First yr PG’s, Department of Pathology attended CME on Update in Hematology at Dr Mehta’s Multispeciality Hospital, Chennai on 29.04.2017. Dr. Senthil N Ganesh, 1st year PG, Department of Pathology presented “An Interesting case of Keratoacanthoma” in Scientific Society Meet on 25.5.2017. Dr.Syed Ahmed, 2nd year PG, Department of Pathology won prize in quiz competition in Scientific Society Meet on 25.5.2017. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, 2 year PG, Department of Pathology attended the CME “35 th ANNUAL NATIONAL CME” at J.N. Medical College, Belgavi held from 7th to 10th June 2017 and presented poster on “ Study of Thyroid Swellings Using Bethesda System and its correlation with Histopathology at Tertiary care centre. nd

Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, 2nd year PG attended CME on “GYNAEC ONCOPATHOLOGY-All embedded” at Department of Pathology, Institute Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology Egmore, Chennai held on 17.6. 2017. Mock exam was conducted for Post Graduate students examining patients as per MRCS OSCE scoring pattern.


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

CSF (CRRI’s SCIENTIFIC FORUM) The CSF meeting was held on 12th April 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, “An interesting case by Dr. Jaseem Ahmed, Department of general surgery; Complication of Pancreatitis – Imaging approach by Dr. Arun Muthukumar, Department of Radiology; “An Interesting case by Dr. Joshua, Department of General Surgery. The CSF meeting was held on 10th May 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, |Top 10 in asthma” by CRRI of Respiratory Medicine; “wolf ! Wolf !” by Dr. Balasubramaniam, Department of Internal Medicine, “Role play on paediatric Asthma”- Facts versus fiction, CRRI, Department of Paediatrics. The CSF meeting was held on 14th June 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations made were, “Post operative earth quake” by Dr. Sapna, Department of OBG, “Diagnostic dilemma in seizures” by Dr. Suryanarayanan, Department of Paediatrics,” An Interesting chest skiagram for discussion” by Dr. Jhanaki Priya, Department of Pulmonology, “Blunt injury abdomen and Splenic trauma, Department of General Surgery.

hh STUDENT SUPPORT ACTIVITIES The Department of Community Medicine conducted the Parent teachers meeting for the 7th semester on 29.04.2017. Mentor Mentee meeting on 29th May’17 and comprehensive information of all the mentees was collected and students were counseled depending on their performance. Parent teachers Meeting for the 6th Semester was conducted on 24.06.2017.

Undergraduate news mr.Vijay Madhaiyan, 3rd year MBBS and Ms.Srinidhi, 2 year MBBS, were nominated for Young Scientist Award competition conducted by Institutional Research Board of Chennai Medical College, Hospital & RC in participation with TNSCST and NCSTC. nd

Poster presentation on TrueNAT was conducted on 19th & 20th June 2017 for IV semester students by the Department of Microbiology & TBCD. It was moderated by Dr. Karthika Priya, tutor, Department of Microbiology. Two UG students participated in the UG Quiz Program of TANPSYCON 2017 held at Salem MEDICAL COLLEGE, on 4th June 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


The Department of Biochemistry organised an e-Poster presentation competition participated by 18 teams on 6 different topics related to Diabetes Mellitus. Two best e-posters were selected and awarded prize on 29/04/17. 1st Prize was awarded by Respected Dean to Sindhura and Swathi I MBBS. 2nd prize was awarded by the guest lecturer to Ananya and Deeksha I MBBS.

Department of General Surgery conducted SURGERY T20 QUIZ for UG Students on June 10, 2017.

The Department of Ophthalmology conducted the Ophthalmology Quiz on May 27th 2017, 6th semester student Ms.Vishnupriya won the prize in the quiz competition. The Department of Forensic Medicine organised student seminar on 28th April 2017 where Mr. Prithviraj. R, (Firearms, their types, components of firearms and their MLI); Ms. Sanchana Chandrasekhar, (Firearm injuries and their MLI) presented.

The Department of Pathology, celebrated World Blood Donor Day and conducted Poster competition for Undergraduates, CRRI’s and allied Health Science students on 14.6.2017.

The Department of Forensic Medicine organised student seminar on 26th May 2017, Mr. Lokesh.S. (Head Injury, skull fractures and their MLI); Miss Miss Ramyashree (Intra cranial haemorrhages and their MLI) presented. The Department of Forensic Medicine organised student seminar on 29th June 2017, Mr. Nizamuddin (Electrocution and lightning injury); Miss Indhuja.S (Road Traffic Accidents and their MLI) presented. The Department of Forensic Medicine organised the student debate on “Euthanasia” on 23.06.2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Under Assistance from the Anatomy Department, Ms. DuVichita, Ms. Deeksha, Ms. Maria & Ms. Gayathri attended Intercollegiate Quiz at SBMCH on 15.6.17 Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The Department of Anatomy conducted the Special Seminars Symposia on Uterus and it’s Adnexa for III table students on 17.04.17.

Ms Snehalatha & Mr Mistina Mano and other students participated in the student activity.

The Department of Anatomy, conducted the Symposia on Kidney and suprarenal gland for IV table students on 29.05 17. The Department of Biochemistry conducted Problem Oriented Learning - Diabetes Mellitus for I MBBS students on 08.05.2017.

The Department of Biochemistry, organized BIO SEMINAR for I MBBS students, Sree Harie Won 1st prize, Sabith & Akshaya received 2nd prize and Someshwar & Rajashri received 3rd prize from Dr. Venkadathri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology on 09/05/2017. [Megaoblastic anemia by Tejaswi I MBBS, Renal Function Test by Shashank I MBBS, Myocardial Infarction by Madhumithra I MBBS and Thalassemia by Tanushri I MBBS]. BIO-SEMINARS for the I MBBS: prize distribution awarded by Dr. Venkadathri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology.

The Department of Surgery conducted Student Enrichment programs for UG Students consisting of 3 Special Lectures Prof. Ismail,Dr. Devakannan, Dr. Praveen, one Workshops / Hands on Training by Dr. Gokul DY & Dr. Pradeep, two Training Programmes by Dr. Ismail & Dr. Praveen and two Value Added Lectures by Dr. Pradeep & Dr. Madhulika duting the second quarter of 2017. The Department of Physiology, conducted the Zebrafish poster competition for 1st year MBBS students on various arenas of research going on in zebrafish on 25th May, 2017. The first three best poster presentations were awarded with Book awards and certificates.

The Department of Biochemistry, Organised “BIO – ROLE PLAY” for I MBBS STUDENTS during the month of MAY 2017 on the topics, Vitamin A deficiency, Phenylketonuria, Alkaptonuria and Vitamin C deficiency which were very well executed by the students The Department of Biochemistry conducted “E-POSTERS ON ZEBRA FISH”, for I MBBS students on June 2017. Ms.Tanushri, Mr.Ashwin, Ms.Subeksha, Mr.Hariganesh, Mr.Jaswanth, Ms.Swetha, Mr.Anaga Pragash, Mr Hemanth & Ms Sindhuja and other students participated in it. BIO ART was conducted by the Department of Biochemistry for I MBBS students during June 2017. Ms Kajal, Ms Alankrita, Ms Sowbha, Ms Ashika Jainab, 42

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

The Department of Physiology conducted a Physiology quiz – COGNITO 2017 competition for 1st year MBBS on 26th May, 2017, total of 12 students in four team’s participated and first three places were awarded with books and certificates. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


The Department of Physiology, conducted Essay Quest competitions for 1st year MBBS students every month since the month of March, in which students were requested to write an essay on the works of Nobel Laureates born in that month during the past and the winners were awarded on the day of the quiz competition.

Department of Physiology, conducted Essay Competitions for the all the MBBS and AHS students to celebrate WORLD BLOOD DONOR DAY on the topic “Physiological changes after blood donation” on 14th June, 2017. Awards and certificates were given for first three places.

World Environment Day was celebrated on 5th June 2017

The Department of Physiology, has been conducting Student seminars for 1st year MBBS students after every module, and the best speakers were awarded on 26th May, 2017.

hh SWACCHA BHARATH Various Departments conducted special events related to Swatch Bharath. Students and Faculty members of various departments participated in it. An intra-college online essay competition was organized by the department of Forensic Medicine on “Go Green-Go clean Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan in the between 14- 24 June 2017. I MBBS students involved in cleaning the campus SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

hh OBSERVATION OF HEALTH DAYS International Yoga Day 21.06.2017 The International Yoga day was celebrated on 21.6.17. All departments and students participated in the training program. Talk on “Scientific perspective of Yoga” was deliverd by Dr.R.Lavanya, Dr.Kalavathy, Sky world communication service center, Chennai.

World Health Day – 07.04.2017 Theme: “Depression: Let’s talk.” The World Health Day was observed at our hospital on April 7th, Friday, 2017. As this year theme was ‘Depression: Let’s Talk’, in coordination with the Department of Psychiatry, World Health Day was observed on April 7th in Hospital Block, SSSMC&RI. Dr. Anusha, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry welcomed the audience and the Dean addressed them with a key note on depression. Symptoms of depression and need for the early treatment was discussed by Dr. Rajesh Kannan, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry. Dr. Indra Bala, First year PG, Community Medicine gave a brief health talk on prevention of suicides and dealing with the stigma associated with mental illness. This was followed by a role play on depression by Interns and poster presentation by students, interns and nursing staff. Poster presentation competition was also organised. Best posters were awarded with prizes.

World Health Day: Depression Let’s Talk Prog World Health Day 2017 “Let’s talk” on depression was observed at RHTC Sembakkam on 7th April 2017 by the department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts were organised. Interns posted at RHTC explained about the risk factors, signs and symptoms of depression, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Medical officer, the beneficiaries were also explained regarding the management of depression and the social stigma prevailing around it. World Health Day (2017) was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on 7th April by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the 44

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

importance of depression and its impact in our community and the measures taken to prevent it.

World Malaria day-25.04.2017 Theme: “A push for Prevention” World Malaria Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on April 25th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk and a video on malaria awareness were shown to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the mosquito breeding sites and measures of mosquito management.

World No Tobacco Day – 31.05.2017 Theme: “Tobacco – A threat to development” World No Tobacco Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on May 31st 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organised for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk and an demo using experimental model on impact of smoking on human lung shot by CM- CRRIs were shown to the audience under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the health effects of tobacco use and its management. World No Tobacco Day was observed in Thiruporur UHTC on May 31st by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre and also the health care personnel in the center. The health talk was done by the CRRIs’ posted in the centre, under the guidance of Dr. Gopinath.T.T, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and the Medical Officer. Patients and health personnel were educated regarding the side effects of tobacco and its impact on community and the need to minimize its consumption.

World Hypertension day- 17.05.2017 Theme: “Know your numbers” World hypertension day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on 15th May 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts on risk factors and clinical features of SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


hypertension was explained to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the complications of hypertension and importance of medical adherence, physical activity & diet restrictions.

Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the age limit and other criteria for blood donation. They were also explained about the importance and benefits of blood donation.

World Environment day -05.06.2017 Theme: “connecting people to nature” World Environment day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on June 5th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts on global warming was explained to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were also explained about the health hazards of environmental pollution. Department of Pathology and Microbiology celebrated World Environment Day on 5.6.2017. All the faculties of Pathology and Microbiology department and IV semester student’s cleaned two wheeler parking area in the college premises on 5. 6.17 and 6.6.17.

World Blood Donation Day- 14.06.2017 Theme: “Donate blood, Donate now, Donate often” World blood donation day was observed at RHTC, Sembakkam on June 14th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Patients were educated about the do’s and don’ts of blood donation by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor,

hh OUTREACH CAMPS & ACTIVITIES The Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 35 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. The Department of Surgery conducted 6 health camps on April (5th,8th,12th,17th,19th,24th); 8 health camps on May (3rd,8th,10th,13th,15th, 17th, 22nd, 31st) The Department of Ophthalmology conducted Outreach programs inclusive of 22 Camps and screened 142 patients. The total number of cataract surgeries done for camp patients is 21.


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

The Department of Radiology conducted Outreach programs, 3 camps on 7th April, 5th May and 2nd June. The Department of orthopaedics conducted health camps on 5th April, 7th April,5th May,24th May,2nd June,7th June. The Central Clinical Laboratory Biochemistry Technicians participated in the Medical camp conducted on 7th June 2017.

name ‘’CELESTRA 2K17’’ An epitome of ecstacy, which means ‘’Celestial Radiance’’. The fiesta was contested by the mighty 6 houses - AMBER YELLOW, AMETHYST PURPLE, EMERALD GREEN, SAPPHIRE BLUE, RUBY RED & ZIRCON BROWN. The sports events started off with a grand inauguration and innovative attractions on 23rd March. The event gained momentum rapidly in the coming days, by now the mood of the festivity has spread to the whole of people inside the campus students of all batches were seen actively taking part in all the sports activities. After an amazing stint of sporting excitement, the stage is now set for the cultural events. 18th, 19th, 20th of April were the scheduled dates which were destined to witness the phenomenon. The stint of 3 days went on incredibly great, with the likes of literary events, fun games, cultural events and so on. It was a perfect setting for students to stage their talents and they did just that without failing to enjoy the fun and excitement that the event has brought along. The events were judged by the faculties from every departments of clinical and non clinical wing. The gala started with the off stage events beginning with the first team event the colourful Rangoli at the college block followed by the solo event Painting. the other off stage events which took place were Mehendi, Vegetable Carving, Wealth Out Of Waste and Face Painting. To add more spice to the fest, Treasure Hunt was conducted during the noon. A lunch break of 30 mins was availed.

hh STUDENTS FOREVER…… CELESTRA, a Deeper Insight College life is what makes one’s youth charitable and livelier, thanks to the undying memories that are made along with gaining knowledge. Cultural and sports events are those times that creates a perfect setting for the above said words like it has happened in the previous years, even this year saw an event of that sort, studded with supreme glory and shouldered the legacy of the previous year. The 2014 batch MBBS students ‘’GENEZENS’’ were given the charge of organising this “CELEBRATION”. The intra college ‘sports and culturals’ was given the 46

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

The afternoon section saw the inception of literary events for the first time in college history. The events conducted were Haiku, Creative Writing & Cine Quiz. The crowd pulling attraction of literary events was ‘’THE DEBATE’’ where the words battled to win the supremacy and gave the crowd a lot of energy to cheer the first day up. The last off stage event conducted was MAN VS WILD which showcased the strength and never give up moments of the participants. Fun events were conducted at the end for the students and faculties to mark a good ending for the introductory day of CELESTRA 2K17. The second day marked an introduction to the on stage events conducted on a grandstand surrounded by eye catching lights, tunes added some mellow mood to the fest by crooning some popular tracks added a great platform for the students to showcase their talents to a jam packed audience. Tube light was the first event conducted followed by Jail break which gave many hilarious moments for the judges and the audience. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Channel Surfing was something new to the pack which was well accepted and presented by the contestants. An hour break was given to refresh their minds and for a good appetite to continue the energy of the gala. The scenes of the movies were reborn on the stage by the participants of six different houses with the event Spoof It Up. The platform was entertained with the group event Antakshari. When words fail, music speaks. The stage witnessed the origin of many singers and attracted lots of crowd with the breath taking melodies and energetic vocals of the students in the platform Solo Singing. When the music began, everyone started to dance. The stage was rocked with the moves of dancers which mesmerised the crowd which added more intensity to the event Solo Dancing.

stage was at high intensity dancing to the beats and tunes played by the DJ. The final day built up an enthusiasm and await among the students about the results and winners which was announced on the next day (21st April) ‘‘College Annual Day’’ and prizes were distributed - by Mr.Akshay Lal and Mr. Arul Anand, 6th Semester MBBS

An end to day 2 was even more interesting with premiere of Short Film captured by the students and was premiered as a second show for the audience which made CELESTRA 2K17 different from the previous years culturals. Students presented the themes in a professional way and the drama was very intense which made crowd watch every single scene of the short films. Day 3, the end of the cultural era. Day 3 marked with the event Minute to Win It which hits your heart to a high rate with the tasks among which face the cookie gained lot of cheers and laugh among audience. The contest to prove the real Tamizhan was conducted in the form of Tamizhanda, strictly an event in Tamil only. During every show an interval is a quite common thing, advertisements are telecasted during the interval time, an event named Adzap was organised to dramatise several products advertisement in a humorous way. A very famous event Connexion was conducted later followed by the all awaiting group event Variety Show where a stage is set for students to show their talents in an half an hour length event. Music, Dance, Drama, Action and other elements were mixed and presented to the crowd. The most awaited event of CELESTRA 2K17 The Group Dance where teams have a rebellion to win the jackpot. It lived up to its expectations in a grand manner. Great levels of enthusiasm and commitment were shown by the participants and they received a roar of applause. The last solo event conducted was Footloose where the participants adapted to the tunes played and entertained the audience with their moves. Swing along to the tunes of the DJ, dance like there is no tomorrow and party the night away with a groove. The end of CELESTRA 2K17 in the form of the energetic DJ & VJ NIGHT. DJ night was the perfect end for the era and SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017



hh ANNUAL DAY This year has certainly been an amazing when it comes to making historical landmarks in the history of the college. So far in this glorious stint of period since the commencement of this college, this year saw the first ever ANNUAL DAY. This was apparently proved to be a great finish for the annual cultural meet as it continued.... It is obvious that Well began is a Half done piece of work... As the saying goes Our Annual Day was an extravagant success.... Well planned and well executed... Series of events were been planned and executed which made the day as special as possible... The most expected day of ours was about to be inaugurated by the evening... The awaited morning’s few hours was been planned to entertain our staff members by accommodating an interesting event for them to get involved (Off-stage & On-stage events). As planned the events took place with absolute coordination. The often point of interest was ‘COOKING EVENT for STAFFS (off-stage event), followed by on-stage events with ultimate fact of fun along with respect for our staff members. Followed by: Inauguration, Prize distribution of culturals, sports, Literary & Academics. Guest performances by the UG students, PG students, Faculties, Staffs & College band. Batch & Team photo sessions. The actual bliss started then, the ever first ANNUAL DAY OF SHRI SATHYA SAI MEDICAL COLLEGE AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE was been Inaugurated with a pure feel of happiness and pride by our Dignitaries Our very own Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. K R Sethuraman along with our Respected Dean Dr Premanath Kotur, Respected Medical Superintendent Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Our Respected Vice Principals, Our Respected Sports Chairman Professor Dr. Vijaya Kumar Nair and Our Respected Cultural Chairman Professor Dr. Balaji Rajagopalan. Following the proud moment, another hour of smiles and victories of both curricular as well academic excellences was been recognised and appreciated by PRIZE DISTRIBUTIVE EVENTS of CELESTRA 2K17. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

The prizes were been distributed by the dignitaries. The ‘ first of all factor ‘ started with the Sports section of excellence.... The SPORTS CHAMPIONS were been given by our dignitaries and was been proudly held by EMERALD GREEN. The SPORTS RUNNERS UP was another proud team - AMETHYST PURPLE. The event that lights up the whole of the campus can be non-other than our CULTURAL EVENTS, Spreading up smiles and colours and lights all over the limits of SSSMC & RI.... The CULTURALS CHAMPIONS were the sparkling AMETHYST PURPLE TEAM and the CULTURALS RUNNERS UP was EMERALD GREEN. The heart core being the LITERARY & ACADEMICS, all the excellences prizes were been distributed... University top rank holders were been rewarded for their relentless hard works. To lighten up the atmosphere Guest performances were been performed by our UG & PG students, faculties, staff members & the COLLEGE BAND. The bliss of every student’s life is that ‘NOSTALGIC FEEL’ when u look back at your college life and the time spent out there in college.... The best way of regaining them is by CAPTURING THEM.... The day came to a tranquil conclusion with RESPECTIVE BATCH AND TEAM PHOTO SESSION. The bliss and the feel of innocence of college life has been captured to be cherished at last with a thought of ‘TO BE CONTINUED....’ in every one’s simple mind & heart.... by Ms.Hoormika, 6th Semester MBBS

COMMUNITY EXTENSION VIA E – LEARNING On 15-06-2017, Dr.Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG participated at the Panel Discussion (Vivadha Medai) conducted by the SUN Televsion Network. Contents are available in the Internet as well. Dr.Semmal explained about Pituitary Gland for the General Public Via a Science Program Broadcasted by All India Radio. Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


indira gandhi institute of

Dental sciences hh FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS Publications Paulose S, Rangdhol V, Yoga S. Chlorodontia in a child with neonatal jaundice J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-108 Palla S, Rangdhol V, Jeelani S, Vandana S, Sivasankarai T. Comparative evaluation of bone densities in edentulous and dentulous areas by fractal analysis on panoramic radiographs - A retrospective study. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-87.

Gokkulakrishnan S, Suresh Kumar, Nithin Jude. Oro antral fistula closure using sandwich technique. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research 2017;8(3). Gokkulakrishnan S, Suresh Kumar, Nithin Jude. Results of conservative treatment of condylar fractures. International Journal of Scientific Research 2017;6(4). Sivasankari T, Mathew P, Austin RD, Devi S.Marfan syndrome. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2017;9:73-7.

Yoga S, Rangdhol V, Maithilikarpagaselvi N, Vandana S, Paulose S. Estimation of salivary sialic acid levels as a prognostic marker in patients with oral leukoplakia - A case-control study. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-99

Kuduruthula S, Jananni M, Sivaramakrishnan. M. Short term, low dose Amlodipine induced severe gingival enlargement – A case report. International Journal of current research 2017; 5: 51179 – 82.

Jahan AJ, Vandana S, Rangdhol V, Palla S. Juvenile oral erosive lichen planus - A rare case report. Int J Med Dent Case Rep 2017;4:1-3.

Prathima GS, Gayathri K, Kayalvizhi G, Sanguida A. Use of dental anxiety questionnaire and clinical approaches: A national survey among pediatric dentists in India. J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-83.

Paulose S, Rangdhol V, KavyaL,Laxman VL. Midfacialparaesthesia - An unusual presentation in paranasal sinusitis. J Med RadiolPatholSurg.2017;4:18-21. Vandana S, Jahan AJ, Kavya, PallaS.Non-syndromic multiple odontogenickeratocysts - a case report. Int J Med Dent Case Rep 2017;4:1-4 Sivakumar Y, Rangdhol V, Sitra G, Vandana, Baliah J, Kayalvizhi EB. Occult pathologies in panoramic radiograph – A retrospective Study. IJCR 2017;9(04):49330-49333 Yoga S, Balaiah J, RangdholV, VandanaS, Paulose S, Kavya L. Assessment of age changes and gender differences based on anthropometric measurements of ear:A crosssectional study.JAdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:92-95

Prathima GS, Varghese AS, Sajeev R, Kayalvizhi G, Sanguida A, Balaji AS. Prevalence of dental fear and its relationship to dental caries and gingival disease among school children in Puducherry: A cross-sectional study J AdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1-91. Sanguida.A. Single upper central incisor syndromeReport of a rare case. Int J Med Dent Case Rep. 2017;4(1):1-4. Suganya M, Vikneshan M, Swathy U. Usage of complementary and alternative medicine: A survey among Indian dental professionals. Complement Ther Clin Pract.2017 Feb;26:26-29.

RangdholV. Paradigm shift in approach to potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer.JAdvClin Res Insights 2017;4:1.

Murthy V, Rajaram S, Choudhury S, Sethuraman K. R. Are we training enough of communication skills and patient psychology required in dental practice. JCDR 2017;11(4): ZE01-ZE04.

Sathyanarayanan R, Selvakumar C, Tamizhp pozhil guna.. Low Flow Venous Malformation of the Buccal Mucosa Treated by Surgical Excision - A Rare Case Report. International Journal Of Current Research. 2017;09(6):1-3

Murthy V, Sethuraman K. R, Choudhury S, Shakila R. Relevant communication skills for pregnant women- A dental perspective. International journal of pregnancy & child birth 2017; 2(3):1-4.


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Usha Carounanidy, K. R. Sethuraman, Ananthakrishnan Nilakantan, K. A. Narayan. Multisource feedback in dental postgraduation: A qualitative research. J Contemp Med Edu 2017;5(1):10-17 Bindu Meera John, Aamir Purra, Arindam Dutta, Abdul Wahid Zargar, Topographical effects of Guttapercha immersed in different concentration of sodium hypochlorite disinfection at different time interval : an atomic force microscopic study.International journal of Oral Health Dentistry 2017;3(1):54-8. Gopika GJ, Ramarao S Usha C, John BM, Vezhavendhan N. Histological evaluation of human pulp capped with light cured calcium based cements: A randomised control clinical trial. Int. J Sci Rep 2017;3(5):120-7.

Awards/ Recognition: Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics has filed patency of a mobile based educational system titled “SNACS - An Educational System for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education” and allotted with patent application number of 201741013553 with the filing date of 17.04.2017. Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics completed “Mindshift; breakthrough obstacles to learning and discover your hidden potential” online Coursera course and obtained certificate on April 2017. Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics received the Best Paper Award for “Value the formative

Kasinathan G, Kommi PB, Kumar SM, Yashwant A, Arani N, Sabapathy S. Evaluation of Soft Tissue Landmark Reliability between Manual and Computerized Plotting Methods. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(4):317-321. Yashwant AV,Dilip S,Krishnaraj R, Ravi K. Does Change in Thread Shape Influence the Pull Out Strength of Mini Implants? An In vitro Study. J Clin Diagn Res 2017; 11(5): ZC17–ZC20. Kanya SD, Babu KP, Venkatesan R, Kumar AN. Evaluation to prevent the Physical Changes in Colored Elastomeric Modules when exposed to various Dietary Media. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2017;18(6):458-462.

hh ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Guest lecture: Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology delivered a lecture in SCOPE on “Case documentation and record maintenance” on 25.05.2017 held at MGMCRI. Dr. Sivaramakrishnan. N, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has delivered a lecture on “Career opportunities after BDS” held on 26.05.17 organized by Dental Education Unit, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. Dr. Vezhavendhan N, Professor from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has delivered a lecture on the topic “Diagnosing Potentially Malignant disorder - Exfoliative cytology” for the Intern Spices Model on 2.06.17 at IGIDS SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Assessment for it values the student outcome- A historic Cohort study on dental undergraduate students in India” at 4th International conference on teaching and education science (ICTES 2017), 23.06.17 to 25.06.17 held at Penang, Malaysia. Dr.Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV/IGIDS SCORE (Systematic competency oriented education for CRRI’s in dentistry) at Intellectual property, India Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV- EPICS (Sri Balaji Vidyapeethevidence- based personalized imparting of communication skills) at Intellectual property, India. Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV- Pro-PReP (Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth practice oriented – peer review for prosthodontics) at Intellectual property, India. Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics filed copyright for SBV/IGIDS CB CRESIDENT(SBV/IGIDS – choice based credit system in dentistry) at Intellectual property, India. Dr. M. Shivasakthy Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics filed copyright for STRAP- SNACS- (Strategic pathway for students needing additional curricular support- The SBV initiative) at Intellectual property, India. Dr.Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology is a Assistant Editor and Issue editor of Journal of advanced clinical and research Insights. DrVandana, Reader is a Reviewer board member in the Journal of Oral Medicine, OralSurgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. DrVandana, Reader Collaborating with fungiscope registry in documenting cases of deep fungal infection. Dr. John, Senior lecturer is a Editorial board member in the Journal of Current Research in scientific Medicine. Dr.Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry won the second prize for the poster presentation on “Role of Yoga in chronic diseases” at the National Seminar cum Workshop on “Role of yoga in prevention, management & rehabilitation of chronic diseases” on 23rd June 2017, organised by the Dept. of CYTER at MGMCRI

Presentation in Conference/ CDE: Dr. Vandana, Reader, Dept of Oral medicine, presented Poster titled “Estimation of resistive index of oral squamous cell carcinoma and correlation with tumour thickness using color Doppler ultra sonogram” on 17.05.2017- 20.05.2017


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

in 6th International academy of oral oncology (IAOO) world congress held at Bangalore.

Participation in Conference /CDE: All faculty of IGIDS participated in the SAF program ‘Yoga for dentists’ held on 4.04.17, at SBV, Puducherry. Dr. Vandana, Reader, Dr.Swetha Paulose Senior lecturer attended lecture on Molecular aspects of Glaucoma by Dr. Ghanshyam Swaroop (CIDRF) on 07.04.2017. Dr. Vandana, Reader Dr. John, Dr.SwethaPaulose, Senior lecturer Dr. Muneer tutor, Dept of Oral Medicine, Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Pratebha Balu Professor, Dr. Priyadharshini, Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, Dr.Praveen, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, all faculty from Orthodontics attended orientation lecture on “Ful Bright Nehru Scholarship” for students researchers by Maya Soundaraj organized by SAF on 10.04.2017 at MGMCRI Dr. Selvabalaji.A, senior lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended the CDE program “Pedofest” held at Adhiparaskthi dental college, Melmaruvathur on 11.4.17 Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Vandana, Reader Dr. John, Dr.Sivasankari, Dr.SwethaPaulose, Senior lecturer Dr. Muneer tutor, Dept of Oral Medicine has attended the ‘Integrated Clinical Society Meeting’ on 21.04.17 organized by the department of Periodontology, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics and Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics on behalf of Scientific and Academic Program of IGIDS.



Dr.Mithunjith.k, Senior lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended a one day hands on course in Rubberdamaology held in Chennai on 22.04.17. Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof. from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the workshop ‘Analysis using epi-data’ held from 25.04.17 to 27.04.17 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.

Dr. Santha Devy, Professor and Head, Dept of Oral Pathology, Dr.Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology attended the Interns’ orientation program on 26.05.17 at IGIDS Dr. Swetha P Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine screened first year medical post graduate screening camp from 29.5.17 to 1.6.17 held at MGMCRI, SBV.

Dr. Santha Devy, Professor & Head, Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer & Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the Microbiology basic training for one week during April – May 2017 in the Department of Microbiology, MGMCRI, SBV.

Dr. Muneer, Tutor, Dept of Oral Medicine participated in world no tobacco day road rally organized by public health dentistry on 31.05.2017

Dr. Saravanakumar Prof & HOD, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Vineela. R Reader Department of Periodontology attended Board of studies on 11.05.2017 at IGIDS

Dr.Praveen, Senior Lecturer and Dr.Geena Mary, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended Awareness Program on Personal Financial Planning on 12.06.17 at MGMCRI.

Dr. Karthikeyan Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology, Dr.Lakshmi Devi, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Dr.Suganya, senior lecturer, Dr.Selvabalaji, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Pedodontics, Dr.Sivasankari, Dr.SwethaPaulose, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine actively contributed as Scientific Committee member at the 11th National PG Convention IAPHD held on 12.05.17 and 13.05.17. Dr.Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended “ Lecture on “Emerging Areas of Educational Research in Health Professions” on 13.5.17 at MEU Conference Hall Annexe, MGMCRI Dr. Vandana, Reader attended 6th International academy of oral oncology (IAOO) world congress held at Bangalore on 17.05.2017- 20.05.2017. Dr. Jananni Senior lecturer Department of Periodontology, Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer & Dr. Kishore, Tutor from the Dept. of oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Vandana, Reader Dr.Swetha Paulose Senior lecturer, Dept of Oral Medicine participated in the SAF program ‘Record maintenance and documentation’ in SCOPE by Dr.Vishwanath held on 25.05.17 at IGIDS, Puducherry SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Dr. Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer, Dept of Oral Medicine participated in door to door tumor board camp on 06.06.2017

Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the ‘International Yoga day celebration’ held from 20.6.17 to 23.6.17at SBV, Puducherry. Dr. John Senior lecturer and Dr. Muneer tutor, Dept. of Oral Medicine Dr. Prasanya, tutor, Department of Prosthodontics attended Nilgiris dental health program on 23.6.2017 to 25.6.2017 for the tribal population of Kothagiri. Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior lecturer, Department of Periodontology, Dr.Vikneshan, Reader, Dept of PHD, Dr.Prathima.G.S, Prof & Head, Dr.Sanguida.A, Reader, Dr.Suganya, senior lecturer Dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry participated as a delegate at the National Seminar cum workshop on “Role of Yoga in Prevention, management and Rehabilitation of Chronic diseases on 23.06.2017 Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof& Dr.Shyamala, Senior Lecturer, from the Dept. of Oral &Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head Dr. John, Dr.Sivasankari Senior lecturer, Dept. of Oral Medicine Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. Pratebha Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Professor, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, Dr.Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Dr.Bindu Meera John Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics attended ‘Protocol Writing & Basic research methodology’ workshop from 27.06.17 to 29.6.17 held at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry.

Examinership: Dr. Saravana Kumar Prof & HOD Department of Periodontology went as Postgraduate external examiner to Ramakrishna Dental College on 23rd and 24th May 2017. Dr. Premlal, Reader from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as external examiner for I year B.D.S. from 24th April to 26th April 2017 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University Chidambaram. Dr. Vidyalakshmi, Reader from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as external examiner for III year B.D.S. from 27th April to 29th April 2017 at Rajah Muthiah Dental College & Hospital, Annamalai University, Chidambaram. Dr.Bindu Meera John,Reader, Department of Conservative Dentitry and Endodontics went as an External Examiner to Rajah Muthiah Dental College For Second Year BDS (Preclinical Conservative Dentistry) on 27th to 29th of April 2017 in Chidambaram.

hh ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Yoga for the Dentist Scientific and Academic forum, IGIDS conducted an interactive Ted Talk program “Yoga for the dentist” on 4th April, 2017 which was delivered by Yogacharya Dr.Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Deputy director, Centre


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research (CYTER). The program was attended by clinical undergraduates, CRRIs, post graduates and faculty of IGIDS. The guest speaker for the day was introduced by Dr.Karthikeyan, Department of Periodontics. Dr.Ananda Balayogi detailed on the health hazards faced by dentists and doctors in general because of sedentary lifestyle and posture during work.He then explained the effects of yoga in helping achieve healthy and balanced lifestyle. Dr. Balayogi and his team from CYTER then demonstrated few asanas and made the audience perform the same. Vice principals, IGIDS, Dr. Saravanakumar and Dr. Santha Devy then presented memento and certificates of appreciation to Dr. Ananda Balayogi and Dr. Meena Ramanathan, CYTER. Feedback was collected from audience and the program ended with high tea.

21.04.2017- Clinical Society Meeting The Clinical society committee of IGIDS conducted the clinical society programme to discuss various research studies. The meeting started at 02.30 pm, the audience comprised of third years, final years, interns, Post graduates and faculties of IGIDS.The meeting was attended by our Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. Santha devy. The session was moderated by Dr. Priyadarshini (Senior Lecturer, Department of Periodontology). There were seven presentations on the topic, 1. Single step apexification with MTA- A case report by Dr Vijayaraja. 2. Reattachment of fractured coronal segment-A case report by Dr Souvik. 3. Morphological variation of root canal- An endodontic challenge by Dr Jeyagopika. 4. Acrylic cranial plate for the replacement of missing parietal bone – A case report by Dr Vidhya. 5. Silicone Finger prosthesis with internal cast metal framework- A case report by Dr Jithin. V. Mathew. 6. Ear prosthesis with spectacles attachment-A case report by Dr Sonia Abraham. 7. Salvaging teeth with questionable prognosis- A case report by Dr Arun Verghese, Dr Arvina and Dr Shahinas. The sessions were open for discussion at SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


the end of each presentation. Certificates were presented to the participants at the end of the presentations by Prof. Dr. Sathyanarayanan and Prof. Dr. Manoharan P S. Feedback forms were collected for all the speakers.

Fulbright scholarship for students and researchers 10th May 2017 Scientific and Academic Fora of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC conducted an orientation program on “Fulbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships” on 10th May 2017.The resource person for this program was Dr. S.

Lalitha Nageswari, Program Coordinator, United StatesIndia Educational Foundation, Fulbright Commission in India. This program provided an overview on who can apply for the Fulbright scholarship, the process of application and eligibility criteria for the applicants. The various types of scholarships under Fulbright foundation were also explained. The program was attended by faculty and postgraduates of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC. The program ended with interactive session and high tea.

Report on 11th National Pg Convention 2k17 National Post Graduate Convention of Indian Association Health Dentistry was inaugurated on 12th May 2017 by

Dr.R.K. Bali, former president Council of India & present Hon.Secretary in the presence of Dr. Sethuraman. K.R Vice chancellor, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Dr.Aswath Narayanan, President IAPHD and Dr.Carounanidy Usha, Dean, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences. This convention was based on the theme ORAL PROGRAMS “REACHING THE UNREACHED” where international speakers spoke on various aspects of delivering oral health care services to the underserved people. More than 250 public health dentist over the country presented their scientific posters and prototypes of various oral health programs to reach people. At the end, a panel discussion headed by Dr.Swathicharan, Program Director of National Oral Health Program (NOHP), Government of India, discussed on various models of public and private partnership in implementing NOHP. At the end of the panel discussion, the panel members released a model “Puducherry Declaration for Implementation of National Oral Health Program”. ​1. All the states should preferably have one Nodal officer or Oral Health Consultant for NOHP with a qualification of MDS Public health dentistry. 2. IAPHD should provide a Policy framework for implementation of PPP model by involving the public health dentistry departments of all the dental institutes for better implementation of NOHP. 3. This framework once drafted would be submitted to MoHFW for discussion and necessary action to be taken at all appropriate levels. 4. All the private public health dentistry departments will provide the services as directed by the Nodal officer and be supported as proposed by the policy framework. 5. The state Nodal officer will evaluate and monitor the PPP model and allocate the districts for each dental college for NOHP.

SCOPE 2017 The Student Clinician Orientation ProgrammE for the referred batch (2017-18) of III year students was organized by the Dental Education Unit, IGIDS on 25th May 2017. Prof. Santha Devy, Vice Principal (Students’ SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Affairs) addressed the students. Dr. Rajkumar, Students advisor, conducted the oath taking and badging ceremony. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology, IGIDS delivered a lecture on “Case documentation and Record maintenance”.

Student exchange program Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, IGIDS conducted student exchange program in Cariology

lecture on Cons Vs Endo by Prof.Carounanidy Usha and Protocol of Cariology clinic of IGIDS by Dr.Geena Mary. Post break session, lecture was delivered on Dental Caries-Current concepts by Prof.Carounanidy Usha. In the Post lunch session the exchange students had visited the Department and observed how the undergraduates did comprehensive case management under rubber dam isolation. The postgraduates were shown the cariology records. Host postgraduate Dr. Chandana demonstrated fluorescence camera in detection of dental caries. Finally the day ended with the self-reflection and debriefing of all the post graduate students. On the second day 26th May, the day started with the rapporteur session for the previous day by one post graduate student. The session started with lecture on Caries Risk Assessment by Prof. Carounanidy Usha. Followed by lecture on treatment decisions based on Caries Management by Risk Assessment by Prof. Carounanidy Usha and then assembled for the chair side learning: Caries Risk Assessment case sheet demonstrated by Dr. Geena Mary on patient. Post lunch session, post test was conducted. Program feedback through online was collected. Picture quiz was conducted on ICDAS -II. The session ended with reflection writing and photographic session.

Intern’s orientation program 2017 The intern’s orientation program for the referred batch of interns 2017 – 2018 was held on 28th May 2017 at LH III,

with M.S.Ramaiah Dental college, Bangalore on the 25th and 26th May 2017. On the first day, 25th May, there was an ice breaking session during which brief introduction happened between the host postgraduates and Postgraduates of M.S.Ramaiah Dental College. Pretest was conducted followed by 56

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MGMCRI. 15 interns attended the program. The program started with prayer song. Introduction to the speaker was done by Miss. Preethi Hepzibah. It was followed by interactive session on “Career options after BDS” by Dr. Sivaramakrishnan, Senior lecturer, Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, IGIDS. Honoring of the speaker was done by Dr. Santha Devy, Vice Principal, Student affairs. The program ended with college anthem & high tea. The program was organized by Dr. Jananni, Senior lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology, IGIDS.

Balint Session As part of ongoing research in Dental education, Balint Session was conducted on 22.06.17 from 10:00-11:30a.m for III year Postgraduates of Department of Prosthodontics. The session was conducted in presence of resource persons of ‘Intensive Coaching On Communication Skills’ - Dr. K.R. Sethuraman, Honorable Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, MGMCRI and Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor in Prosthodontics, IGIDS. The meeting was attended by Dr. Devameena, Dr. Amuthavalli and Dr. Bejoy. Video clippings of the improvement in communication skills was shown to the postgraduates apart from the discussions about ongoing and completed cases.

Report on Protocol Writing and Research Methodology workshop A workshop on “Protocol Writing and Research Methodology” was organized by research committee and IQAC, IGIDS from 27th to 29th June 2017 at Conference hall, 7th Floor new college block. Dr.Sonali Sarkar, Additional Professor, Dr.Palanivel.C, Associate Professor from the Department of PSM, JIPMER, Dr. Kalaiselvi.S, Assistant Professor, Dept of PSM, PIMS and Dr.Pruthu. TK, Assistant Professor, Dept of PSM, MGMCRI were facilitators for the workshop. Topics like study design, literature search, sample size calculation [using mobile app], concepts of inferential and descriptive statistics were SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

covered. On the final day of scientific sessions each group presented the protocol which was criticized by the resource faculties. The program concluded with distribution of certificates to the participants by the Principal, IGIDS.

hh OUTREACH ACTIVITIES World Autism Day The Department of Pedodontics and preventive dentistry commemmorated autism day on 06.04.2017 at Global trust for Special Children, Cuddalore. Oral health screening was done for 82 children affected with Autism and various disorders by Dr.Selva Balaji A and Dr.Vinothini V from Department of Paedodontics, IGIDS. A short yoga training session was conducted by Dr. Meena Ramanathan from CYTER department for the special children followed by a lecture on “Oral hygiene maintenance” for Special Children, teachers and care takers by Dr.Eswari. Games

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Scaler ’’an innovated compressor for ultrasonic scaling device was inaugurated by Dr. Senthil, Professor and Head of the Department of Public Health Dentistry. The device was used for the purpose of oral prophylaxis in the camp. About 60 special children were provided with Treatment which includes Oral prophylaxis and Restoration of teeth. The camp ended with the donation of A Special Health Education aid poster ‘’Oral Health Tips For Maintenance For Differently Abled Children’’ to M.Kumudham, Chairman, Global Trust for the Differently Abled. were conducted for children; gifts, oral health education books & CDs given to the children. World Health Day Camp - Global Special Home on 07.04.2017 On the event of World Health Day 07.04.2017, Guild and NSS is conducted Treatment camp for Global Special home Cuddalore. The members present in the camp are Dr.

Vezhavendan, Professor, Alumni coordinator, Dr. Senthil, Professor, Dr.Ramu, Tutor Dr. Ramesh, Senior Lecturer and 20 alumni. ‘’Low Cost Compressor for Ultrasonic


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

World No Tobacco Day Program -1 – Road Rally: Department of Public Health Dentistry, Indira Gandhi Institute Of Dental Sciences in association with Indian Dental Association, Puducherry Branch organized a World No Tobacco Day” Road Rally ( May 31st 2017) for

10th consecutive years to emphasize and create awareness on harmful effects of tobacco. The rally was inaugurated by Dr. Ganesh, President and Dr. Jayaraj, Secretary of IDA. The road rally started at Anna statue and ended at Gandhi statue via Nehru Street, this road rally had around 200



dentists and dental students participated to emphasize the theme of this year Tobacco a threat to development among general public and also to create awareness on harmful effects of tobacco. Program – II:Tobacco Cessation Clinic at Kirumampakkam The NSS Unit of Indira Gandhi institute of dental Sciences, Department of Public Health Dentistry in support with Cancer Institute (WIA) Chennai, and Cipla Nicotex. Contacted mobile tobacco cessation clinic at kirumampakkam on 1st June 2017. The clinic was started based on the recommendation from Dental Council of India and IAPHD Tamilnadu chapter. In this mobile tobacco cessation clinic around 150 general public were screened for carbon monoxide level using carbon monoxide meter sponsor by Cipla Nicotex. About 52 subject with tobacco habits were identified and given tobacco cessation counseling using IEC material given by cancer institute (WIA) Chennai. Nicotine replacement therapy was provided to the subject sponsored by Cipla Nicotex. Nilgiris Oral Health Program (NOHP) 2k17 (23.6.2017 to 26.6.2017) Team public health dentistry, NSS unit IGIDS in association with Kathirvel Nagammal Trust, Coonoor and Island trust, Kothagiri organized the NOHP for the 3rd consecutive year. A team of 35 consists of 6 faculties, 1 PG, 24 interns and 4 support staffs conducted the program from 23rd to 26th June 2017 at various places in NILGIRI district. DAY 1 (23.6.17): NOHP at community hall Hulical village, Coonoor. Program benefited 144 beneficiaries with various oral health procedures. BADUGA tribal community children of government school, primary and middle school

were given oral hygiene instructions. Oral health quality of life survey was done in kurumba tribal community at Pambalakombai. DAY 2 (24.6.17): NOHP at kil Kothagiri, Bomman estate hospital at Sholurmattam. The program benefited 150 beneficiaries with various oral health procedures. Oral health quality of life survey was conducted among Irular and Kurumbar tribal community village at Anthiyarai and Kumaramudi. DAY 3 (25.6.17): NOHP at Gudalur, Nilgiri. Paniya tribal community were benefited from this program. 115 beneficiaries were provided with various oral health treatment like extraction, restoration, scaling. Outcome of NOHP 2017: 3rd year, 3 villages, 3 tribal community, 450 beneficiaries, 700+ procedures, 2 school oral health education and oral health quality of life survey at 3 tribal community.

Dept. of Oral Medicine In continuation with the village adoption program, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Mr. Ilakiyapriyan and Mr. Xavier Praveen, Interns from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have screened 12 patients in 4 screening camps conducted on 12th April, 10th May 14th June and 28th June 2017.

hh LEADERSHIP TRANSITIONS Promotion: Dr. R. Saravanakumar has been promoted from VicePrincipal to Principal, IGIDS with effect from 14.06.17. He completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery and Masters of Dental Surgery (Periodontics) from Meenakshiammal Dental College, TN MGR Medical University, Chennai. He has also completed Master of Science in Psychotherapy SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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and Counseling from Mumbai and MBA-Human Resource Management at Alagappa University. He has various national and International publications to his credit.

III year post graduate students Dr. Aroumougam, Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the BICS class lecture delivered by Dr.Viswanathan Rangdol on 5th April 2017 organized by IGIDS. Dr.Jasmine, II Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended and Presented Paper on Knowledge, Attitude and Skills of Dental Practioners of Puducherry on Minimal Invasive Dentistry Concepts – A Questionnaire Survey in Pg Convention on 5th to 8th April at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaan, New Delhi

The Chronicle team congratulates Dr. R. Saravanakumar on his promotion as Principal, IGIDS.

hh STUDENT AND ALUMNI hh POST GRADUATE NEWS Presentation and Participation: Dr.Arya,Dr.Eunice,Dr.Asha,2nd year postgraduates and Dr.Basil, Dr.Helen,Dr.Lijin Kurien,1st year Post Graduates, Department of Orthodontics attended “Comprehensive Hands-on Workshop on Lingual Orthodontics” from 03-04-2017 to 05-04-2017 at Rajah Muthiah Dental college and hospital,Annamalai University,Chidambaram.

Dr.Chandana II Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended and Presented Paper on Invitro Evaluation of Reliability and Validity of Occlustal Caries Detection by Direct Visual Fluorescence Camera With Histological Validation Using ICDAS II Criteria in Pg Convention on 5th to 8th April at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaan, New Delhi. Dr.Prabhu, II Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Attended and Presented Poster on Comparative Evaluation of SingleStep Polishing Versus Multistep Polishing on Surface Roughness of Nano-Hybrid Resin Based Composite - An In-Vitro Study in Pg Convention on 5th to 8th April at Hyatt Regency, Gurgaan, New Delhi. I year post graduate students, Dr. Chitra and Dr. Muthukumaran from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the AERO class on Medical Record Maintenance by Dr. Vandhana held on 10th April 2017 organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry.

III year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar, Dr. Uma Maheswari. G and Dr. Aroumougam from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have participated in lecture by Dr. Anandha Balayogi “Yoga for Dentist” on 4th April 2017 organized by the department of CYTER.


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

III year post graduate students Dr. Satheesh Kumar and Dr. Uma Maheswari. G from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the ‘Integrated Clinical Society Meeting’ on 21st April 2017 organised by the department of Periodontology, Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics and Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics on behalf of Scientific and Academic Program of IGIDS. Dr.Arvina R, Dr. Arun Vargese and Dr. Shahinas second year postgraduate students, Department of Periodontology presented a paper on the topic Management of mobile SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


teeth with questionable prognosis at the Clinical society meeting on 21.04.2017.

organized by Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry.

Dr. Jithin 3rd year post graduate, Department of Prosthodontics presented a paper on Silicone finger prosthesis with internal cast metal framework- case report in the clinical society meeting held on 21-4-17 at MGMCRI. Dr. Vidya 3rd year post graduate, Department of Prosthodontics presented a paper on Acrylic cranial plate for the missing parietal bone- case report. Dr. Sonia 3rd year post graduate, Department of Prosthodontics presented a paper on Ear prosthesis with spectacle attachment- case report.

Dr.Arya,Dr.Eunice,Dr.Asha,2nd year postgraduates ,Department of Orthodontics attended “The Final Countdown,2017” (Convention on Modern Trends in Orthodontics) on 29-06-2017 at Saveetha Dental college and hospital,Chennai.

Dr.Ambily, Dr.Limly, Dr.Nandhini Dimple First Year Post Graduates, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, attended Re-Captulation-IX Recent Advances in Endodontics on 28th April at Meenakshi Dental College,Chennai Dr.Manjula D C 1st year post graduate undergone internship training program in the Department of PsychoOncology and resource center for tobacco control, Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai from 29.04.17-15.05.17 III year post graduate student Dr. Satheesh Kumar, I year post graduate student Dr. Muthukumaran from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have attended the special Guest lecture on ‘Fulbright Nehru and Fulbright India Scholarship program’ delivered by Mrs. Maya held on 10th May 2017 organized by SAF of MGMCRI, IGIDS and KGNC. Dr.Harish, Dr.Rajkumar & Dr.Sarath second year Postgraduates from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the medical screening camp held on 25.05.17 at SBV, Puducherry. Dr.Bharathi, final year Postgraduate from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery participated in the Nilgiris treatment camp held from 22.06.17 to 26.06.17 in Nilgiris. Dr.Ranjitha & Dr.Adhersh first year Postgraduates from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended ‘Protocol Writing & Basic research methodology’ workshop from 27.06.17 to 29.6.17 held at IGIDS, SBV, Puducherry. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has participated in the workshop on ‘Research Methodology and Protocol Writing’ held from 27th to 29th June 2017 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

hh UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Presentations: Intern Mr. Ilakkiyapriyan from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 10th May 2017. III year B.D.S. Supplementary batch students have participated in the ‘Student Clinician Orientation Program’ conducted on 25th May 2017 organised by Dental Education Unit of IGIDS. Intern Mr. Xavier Praveen from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 28th June 2017.

hh SANGAMAM 2017 Karpaga Vinayaga Collage of Dental Sciences, Chennai organised a scientific presentation on 19th April2017. Total of five under graduate student, third years of IGIDS had participated in the competition.The students were accompanied by Dr.Muneer, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, IGIDS.5 students had participated in the paper presentation out of which one paper won third place. The following Third year students participated in the scientific presentation - Third year student Mr. M.L.Kayelai Raj presented on Single Tooth Implant guided by Dr. Balaji, senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics, Miss. A.R.Manju presented on Magnetic Overdenture guided by Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics, Mr. M.Rajasurya presented on Shade selection of Tooth Using Digital Photography, Mr. Hamilton Arokia Raj. J presented on Music therapy and dentistry guided by Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dept of Prosthodontics and Miss. Sowbarnika Harikrishnan presented on “Perspective of Lasers in Dentistry” guided by Dr. Rajkumar, senior lecturer, Dept of Prosthodontics.

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kasturba gandhi

nursing college hh RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS Geetha C. Assessment of Practice on Documentation among Staff Nurses Working in MGMCRI. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):9-11. Jayanthi K, Renuka K. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Based Discharge Counseling on Patient Satisfaction among Patients in Selected Wards at MGMCRI. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):16-19. Jayasri J. Assess the Knowledge on Ill-Effects of Alcoholism among Alcoholics those who attend the De-Addiction Clinics in IGGMGH. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):27-30. Jayasri J. Mental Health in Prison - Issues & Challenges. Health action. April 2017; 26-28. Kripa Angeline A. Effectiveness of Balloon Exercise on Level of Dyspnea among Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Disorder. Journal of Lung, Pulmonary & Respiratory Research.2017. Kripa Angeline A. Systematic review on interventions for mucositis in cancer therapy – an update. Oncological International Journal of Nursing. 2017; 3(1):15-22. Manopriya V, Renuka K. Simulative Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Basic Life Support among NSS Students at Karaiyamputhur Government Higher Secondary School. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017;10(1):23-26. Rajalakshmy P. A Therapeutic Role of Flaxseed. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1): 34-37. Ezhilarasi E, Renuka K, Ponmani C. A Study to Assess the Impact of Warm Water Foot Immersion Therapy on Regulation of Body Temperature among Patients with Fever. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):1-4. Sherin Nithya S, Ruma Shanthini R. A Study to Assess the Impact of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge 62


Regarding Home Management on Prevention of Dengue among Women at Moorthikuppam. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):12-14. Soya Sunny, Sumathy P. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Soya Milk Administration on Degree of Malnutrition among Malnourished Children in Selected Anganwadi Centres at Seliamedu. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):5-8. Subakeerthi V. A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude on No-Scalpel Vasectomy among Teachers at Selected Schools. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. JanApr 2017; 10(1):31-33. Sumathy P, Finny Moses E. A Study to Assess the Risk Factors of Developing Thrombophlebitis among Children Admitted in Selected Hospital at Puducherry. International Journal of Health Sciences & Research. June 2017; 7(6): 250-253 Elavarasi R, Umamaheswari R. A study to assess the effectiveness of selected nursing interventions on regulation of blood pressure among patients with hypertension residing at selected rural areas in Puducherry. Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jan-Mar 2017; III (II): 55-64. Umamaheswari R. Assessment of Knowledge on Genetic Counselling among Antenatal Mothers at Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical Sciences. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jan-Apr 2017; 10(1):20-21. Umamaheswari R. Effectiveness of deep breathing exercise on menopausal symptoms among post-menopausal women. Indian Journal of Advanced Nursing. Jan-Mar 2017; III (1):84-87.

hh STATUS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS The Institutional review board meeting for students projects (UG &PG) was held on 4.5.17. Followed by this the IHEC meeting was conducted on 28.6.17 and 30.6.17 for UG, PG and department projects undertaken by the faculty. Thus in this quarter KGNC is undertaking 15 departmental projects, 16 PG projects and 39 UG projects

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hh ACADEMIC INITIATIVES AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS Recognitions Mrs.Rajeswari.S, Asso.Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing, deliberated on “Paramedical course” as a resource speaker in Career Guidance Program for 12th standard students, organized by District Education Department of Tamil Nadu at Krishnasamy Engineering College, Cuddalore on 06.04.17. Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A Asso. Prof, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, deliberated as resource speaker on “Critical Care Technology” in the CNE on Critical Care Nursing -Updates at Karuna College of nursing, Chitoor, kerala on 10.4.17.

Officiating as Chairperson / Moderator / Panelist in Academic / Scientific Events Examiner Prof. Annie Annal.M, HOD of Dept. of OBG Nursing, was appointed as a UG Examiner at Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry on 22.5.17- 24.5.17. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC, was appointed as practical examiner at Sri Manakula Vinayagar College of Nursing, Puducherry from 30.5.17 to 1.6.17 Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, was appointed as a paper setter for PG programme in Nursing, JIPMER college of Nursing on 30.5.2017. Mrs.Mano Priya, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Nursing foundation was appointed as a BLS Instructor (monitoring) in simulation lab, SBV on 3.6.17, 5.6.17 &6.6.17. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, KGNC, was appointed for paper valuation in Pondicherry University on 13.6.17 and 14.6.17 Mrs. Prabavathy S. Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Mental Health Nursing was appointed as a PG examiner in Vinayaka Missions College of Nursing, Puducherry on 20.06.17.

hh SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS Mrs.Bamalakshmi, Asso.Prof, Dept. of Community Health Nursing gave a lecture on “First Aid Management” in the CNE for staff nurses in MGMCRI 19.4.17. Ms. Nirmala, tutor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, provided orientation training on emergency services in MGMCRI for Novice Nurses of MGMCRI on from 17.03.17 to 21.03.17


Dr.Renuka.K Principal, KGNC, was a panelist in the National Seminar cum Workshop on Role of Yoga in Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases, organized by CYTER in collaboration with Dept. of Physiology held in commemoration of International yoga day celebration at MGMCRI on 23.6.17 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

All faculty members of KGNC participated in the State Level workshop on “Forensic Nursing –A New Door Open To Nurses” organized by KGNC on 12.4.2017 at Ground floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Mrs.Subakeerthi.V, Lecturer, Dept. of Community Health Nursing participated in “Nurses Role in hospital infection control” organized by JIPMER, Puducherry on 05.5.17. Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

All faculty members of KGNC participated in the guest lecture on “Fullbright Grants: Educational and Research Fellowships” organized by Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMCRI on 10.5.17. All faculty members of KGNC participated in guest lecture on “Nurses: A Voice to lead– Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)” organized by Nursing Education Unit on 12.5.17 in commemoration of International Nurses Day. All faculty members of KGNC participated in the guest lecture on “Emerging Areas of Educational Research in Health Professions” organized by Department of Health Professions Education on 13.5.17. Mrs. Rajeswari.S, Asso.Prof, Mrs.Geetha.C, Asso. Prof, Mrs.Sudha, Tutor, Asso.Prof, participated in the Regional level Yogasana competitions of health professions of Puducherry on Common yoga protocol organized by CYTER, SBV in collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association 22.06.17

STATE LEVEL WORK SHOP (12.04.17) The State level workshop on “Forensic Nursing – A New Door Open To Nurses” organised by I year M.Sc. Nursing students (2016-2017 batch) on12.04.17. The inaugural address was given by Vice Chancellor Prof. K.R.Sethuraman SBV. He, in his address appreciated PG students for taking this initiatives and suggested that program of this kind can be organised once in six months. The workshop - An overview was presented by Dr. Renuka K Dean, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, SBV. The bundle of knowledge was compressed in a CD and was released by the Chief Guest. Prof. M.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI felicitated the gathering and he emphasized that the Forensic Nursing is new to nursing field. Key note address was given by the chief guest, Dr. Gitanjali D Associate Professor and HOD Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Villupuram. She stated that Forensic science was very interesting and challenging field & the role of nurses in this area is very vital. The assemblage of eminent speakers in the field of Forensic Nursing across the

Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Asso. Prof, Ms. Anbu, Lecturer, Mrs.Mano Priya, Asst. Prof Department of Medical Surgical Nursing participated in the certificate course on essentials of Palliative care organised by Department of surgery & Hospital Palliative care Team, MGMCRI, in association with Indian Association of Palliative Care on 24.6.17 & 25.6.17 at MGMCRI Puducherry.

Dr. Mrs. Aruna Devi.M, Asst. Prof, Mrs.Lavanya, Asst. Prof, Mrs.Poongodi.V, Asst Prof and Mrs.B.Anitha, Lecturer, participated in Tamil Nadu recognized nursing schools and colleges association and all India recognized nursing schools and colleges association jointly organized interactive session and seminar on “Leadgement In Nursing”, Trichy on 30.6.17 64

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state rendered their deliberations. The valedictory session commenced by The total numbers of delegates were 250. The overall online feedback obtained rated the programme as excellent.


commemoration of International Nurses Day. Dr. A. Maria Therese, Professor the speaker of the day deliberated on “Nurses: A voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable development Goals (SDGS)” highlighting the need and role of nurses in achieving Sustainable development goals invoking the interest of all the faculty members.

Dept of Child Health Nursing hosted the Scientific Academic Forum on 27.4.17 focussing on communicable Diseases. The highlights of the forum comprised of a Quiz programme for III year B.Sc (N) students on the theme. The shovel of the forum was the guest talk on the topic “Scrub Typhus for children” by Dr. Karuppiah Pandi, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Paediatrics, MGMCRI. The Prize winners were awarded with certificates. KGNC –SAF organised a guest lecture on “Career Advancement Of Nurses Into Civil Services” deliberated by Mr.Suthandira Balan.P,Indian revenue services (IRS) our alumni from first batch of students on 27.06.17. His lecture was highly motivating instilling the seed into the minds of young students to take up civil services as their future career and provided cues to get through the civil service examinations.

NURSING EDUCATION UNIT (12.05.17) Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a guest lecture on “Nurses: A voice to Lead – Achieving the Sustainable development Goals (SDGS)” which was conducted on 12.05.2017 between 11.30 am – 1.00 pm, at I - Floor, MEU, MGMCRI in SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

hh INNOVATIONS TEACHING BLS TRAINING The final year B.Sc Nursing students underwent BLS training programme in the simulation lab of SBV on 3.05.17, 5.05.17, 6.05.17 Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

TRAINING IN INFERTILITY CLINIC The final year B.Sc Nursing students underwent training programme on care of patient with infertility in Srishti Hospital, Puducherry from 03.04.17 to 15.04.17

TRAINING IN ONCOLOGY NURSING The III year B.Sc Nursing students underwent training for oncology Nursing in Cancer Trust Hospital, Puducherry from 19.6.17 to 1.6.17

hh LEARNING Journal Club 22.04.17 Mrs. Bamalakshmi, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Com. Health Nursing presented on “Listeriosis” and Mr. Finy Moses, Tutor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing presented on “Chemoport”. 10.06.17 Ms.Ambika, Tutor, Department of Nursing Foundation presented on “Health Benefits of Spirulina” and Mrs. Subakeerthi, Tutor, Dept. of Com. Health Nursing presented on “

interest of the students towards grabbing the opportunities in Canada

hh OUT REACH PROGRAMS REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH UNIT The Reproductive Health Unit of department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a showmanship on “Antenatal Care” with regard to National Safe Motherhood Day 2017 in Antenatal ward, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 19.04.2017. B.Sc (N) IV year students actively participated in the programme and emphasized the care during antenatal period.

Value Added Lectures The Dept. of MSN organized value added lectures for III year B.Sc Nursing students from which is as follows: 21.6.17: Nursing Care of Patients Receiving Chemotherapy- Ms.Suguna, Nursing Personnel, Cancer Trust Hospital 25.6.17: Classifications Stages and Grading of Cancer,Dr. Asvini, Cancer Trust Hospital 26.6.17: Extravasations Management- Ms.Sagunthala Devi, Nursing Personnel, Cancer Trust Hospital

hh CAREER GUIDANCE PROGRAM Placement cell of KGNC organized a seminar on Placement Opportunities for Nurses at Canada 5.5.17 at II floor lecture hall, MGMCRI. Mrs. Rajeswari S, Placement cell Co- Ordinator welcomed the gathering. Mr. Gregory Mc Caffrey, CEO, Canadian Health Care Academy, threw light on Placement Opportunities for Nurses at Canada. Followed by this Mr.Henry Joseph, President, ABC study links, interacted with students and clarified their queries regarding placement at Canada. The program invoked the 66

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WORLD IMMUNIZATION WEEK (24.04.17-29.04.17) The Dept of Child Health Nursing, organized a Panel Discussion on Immunization by on 3.5.17 at Pediatric Immunization unit, MGMCR in comemoration of Immunization Week (24.04.17-29.04.17.The chairperson introduced the Panel members and the discussion opened up with the Importance of administering Vaccination, the Myths the public have towards Immunization, Immunization schedule followed by Government of India,and the need for administering Pulse Polio & Measles Rubella (MR) vaccine. All Panelists raised up with valid points, and the discussion was very fruitful fo the beneficiaries who were around 25. At the end, the SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF


Chairperson emphasized, the core concept ‘To Promote, Protect, Support Immunization, after which the floor was opened for discussion. Many mothers raised their Queries, especially about MR vaccines, Optional vaccines, missed doses, etc which was answered by the panelists.

PULSE POLIO VACCINE CAMPAIGN PHASE – I :- (02-04-2017) Dept of Com. Health Nursing, in association with Primary Health Centre, Kirumampakkam, Government of Puducherry organized Pulse Polio Vaccine campaign Phase - I on 02.4.17 from 7.30am to 1.00pm. The campaign was carried out among children up to 5 years in selected Anganwadi centers at, Kirumampakkam block, Puducherry covering around 2500 beneficiaries. B.Sc(N) students rendered their best services to the community in this regard covering 9 areas.

RED RIBBON CLUB –WORLD BLOOD DONORS DAY Awareness Rally on World Blood Donors Day 2017 organized by RRC on 14.06.2017 between 9.00 am to 11.30 am. 50 Students of B.Sc (N) I year accompanied by Ms.Ambiga, Tutor, participated in Awareness Rally in the beach near Gandhi statue creating awareness by carrying placards with awareness slogans. The Rally was inaugurated by Dr. Jayanthi, Project Director PACS at 9.00 am. The rally starts from Gandhi statue [from Gandhi statue via Bussy St, Anna Salai, Nehru St, Mission St, Bharathi Park and return to Gandhi statue].

PULSE POLIO VACCINE CAMPAIGN PHASE – II :- (30-04-2017) The II phase of the campaign was carried out in selected Anganwadi centers Kirumampakkam block, Puducherry covering around 2500 beneficiaries and 40 B.Sc(N)III year students administered Pulse Polio Vaccine for children covering around 7 areas.

WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY (07-06-2017) Dept. of Com. Health Nursing KGNC, organized an awareness programme on “Control of Tobacco Use”, on 07-06-2017 from 9.30am to 11.30am at Sakthinagar, Puducherry. The B.Sc (N) final year students conducted informative “Flash Mob” on the topic “No Tobacco, No Oral Cancer”. It grabbed the attention of audience and received a huge laud of applause.


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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Yoga Protocol during May & June2017 in regards to commemoration of International Day for Yoga 2017 which was organized by CYTER,SBV. 22.06.17 Mrs Lavanya.S, Asso.Prof and 48 B.Sc Nursing students from all batches participated in Regional level Yogasana Competition for students health professionals for Puducherry region organized by CYTER, SBV in Collaboration with Pondicherry Yogasana Association.

INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY 19.06.17 The faculty of KGNC and 1st year B.Sc Nursing students took part in the inauguration of International Yoga Day Celebrations which was inaugurated by Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and the dignitaries. Later the delegates participated lecture demo of common Yoga protocol. The different asanas were demonstrated by the students of KGNC and the yoga instructors in the CYTER. 1.06.17 B.Sc Nursing students of KGNC including NSS volunteers actively participated in the mega yoga event held at seashore of Pondicherry on 21.06.17 in order to commemorate International yoga day and demonstrated various asana to provoke the minds of public towards healthy lifestyle, followed that volunteers took part in yoga competition organized by CYTER,MGMRI. Mrs.Lavanya, Asst. Prof & Mrs.Anitha,B, Lecturer, completed Special Training in AYUSH Common

WORLD HEALTH DAY (24.06.17) Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, organized Open floor students Interaction-Experts Solution on the theme of Depression - Let’s Talk by the panel of experts, Dr.Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, Dr.Avudaippan S, Asst. Prof, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, Mrs. Josphine M.B. Sr. Student Welfare Officer, SBV, Mrs. Prabavathy S, Asso. Prof, HOD, Dept. of MHN, and Mrs.Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof, Dept. of MHN, on 24.6.17. The program commenced by 1.30pm with a warm welcome by Mrs.Hena Chandran, M.Sc(N) I-year, Mrs. Prabavathy, Asso. Prof, unfolded the theme of WHO, Depression Let’s Talk, which focused on the recent scenarios and early identification of depression and how to manage the depressive clients. Followed by this the open forum commenced with a queries from the students


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regarding their academics and personal development and how to overcome the problematic situation. The panel of expert’s gave suggestions for the students upliftment in their profession and how to solve their personal and social issues.

DRUG ABUSE DAY (26.06.17): Dept. of MHN, joining hands with Baratha Matha Deaddiction centre, and other Nursing colleges in Puducherry organized the International Day against Drug Abuse conducting an innovative exhibition. The Exhibition was inaugurated by Respected Minster, Thiru. Kandhasamy, Ministry of Social Welfare, Puducherry. The programme started with the motivational talk by students regarding Drug Abuse and chart display on various aspects of drug abuse such as ill effects of alcoholim. The PG students of Psychiatric Nursing students conducted assessment to identify the Initial stage of alcoholism by using standard scales and referred the patient to Baratha Matha De-addiciton centre for further management. The exhibition was well organized by all the Nursing colleges and Baratha Matha De addiction centre, it was highly beneficial for the general public which was evident by their valuable feedbacks. Thiru.R.K.R Anantha Raman, M.L.A, Govt. Korada, Puducherry visited the exhibition.

hh NSS SPECIAL CAMPING AT PILLAIYARKUPPAM Day-I: On 27.3.17, NSS Volunteers started their Special Camping at Pillayarkuppam with the theme ‘Digital India-Role of youth’. Morning volunteers were visited the ponlait and learned about process of pasteurization and the expert over there taught the students regarding milk hygiene and its importance in the current food practice scenario. The inaugural function held at Pillayarkuppam in the afternoon. Dr. Renuka.K, Principal, KGNC inaugurated the special camping and presided over the function. Day-II:

MOU – INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION It was a moment of great pride for KGNC on 5.5.17,moving one step ahead, finding a place for our Kasturbians to place their feet abroad. At 3 pm members gathered at Telepresence room, SBV, MOU was signed by Mr, Gregory Mc Caffrey, CEO, Canadian Health Care Academy, Canada and Dr. Renuka K, Dean Faculty of Nursing sciences in the presence of a team comprised of Prof. K. R Sethuraman, Vice – Chancellor, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan Dean, AHS, SBV, Prof. A. R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV, Mr. Ralph Mathew, Legal adviser, SBV, Mrs. Asha Suresh Babu, GM (Admin) and few faculty members of KGNC. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

On 28.3.17, NSS volunteers organized medical camp in coordination with department of community medicine at Govt. Middle school, Panaiyadikuppam. Nearly 170 school children were screened for common school health problems such as dental carries, visual problems, worm infestation, etc. And school teachers were screened for Hypertension. Afternoon volunteers organized health Education programme on prevention on swine flu for school children. Students were clarified their doubts regarding vector borne diseases and its prevention. Day-III: On 29.3.17, NSS volunteers organized comprehensive oral screening and treatment camp in coordination with department of Public dentistry at Govt. Middle school, Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Pandasozhanallur. Totally 171 children were screened for oral diseases, dental filling done for 72 children, scaling for 96 patients, and extraction done for 3 students after received proper concern from their parents. Afternoon volunteers organized health Education programme on Dental hygiene and brushing technique was demonstrated to the school children, and volunteers motivated the students to do the return demonstration. Day-IV: On 30.3.17, NSS volunteers visited kuravar colony, Karuvadikuppam and rendered their service to them. Volunteers cleaned the kuravar colony residential area and taught them regarding importance of hygienic practices and made the children to take bath on that day. Afternoon volunteers organized a programme on Digital India, presented by Dr.Jeyaprakash.A, Associate Professor, and RGCET. He explained the volunteers regarding digital locking of their Educational certificates and various e-transactions methods. Day-V: On 31.3.17, NSS volunteers visited the Pondicherry Museum where historically significant things were collected and preserved. By visiting that place students were learned about our culture and heritage. In the afternoon volunteers organized anti plastic awareness rally and taught the general public about the importance of environmental sanitation and hazards of plastic. Day-VI: On 01.4.17, NSS volunteers had demo session on “Cashless Transaction” lead by Mrs.Surya and his team member, marketing executives of Indian Bank, Kirumapakkam branch. They taught the simple things regarding cashless transaction which can be easily done by all elders in that rural area, and utilization of bank apps. In the afternoon volunteers given the orientation to all elders towards simple cashless transactions techniques and assessed for return demonstration. Day-VII On 02.4.17, Sri Sathya sai Seva organization team members came to our institution and given training on disaster management. They trained the volunteers to protect themselves and public from various types of disaster. Afternoon volunteers had Skill session on various types 70

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of disaster precautions. In the evening special camping was valedicted by Mr.Mano, Coordinator, Sri sathya Pillaiyarkuppam.

WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY NSS unit of KGNC commemorated world environment day with the theme “connecting people to nature-in the city and on the land from the poles to the equator”. As a part of this event poster competition was organized for volunteers in order to motivate them to preserve and protect nature.15 students were participated in that three have were selected according to obtained score

hh STUDENTS AND ALUMNI HIGHLIGHTS Awards for Extra/ Co- Curricular Activities SNA GENERAL BODY MEETING (06.05.2017): The SNA General Body Meeting was held on 06.05.2017 at II-Floor Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. The UGC announced to show the Short Video Regarding Ragging, So around 4 Short Videos were telecasted to the students of KGNC at 10.45 am.

STUDENTS NEWS Ms. Mary Catherin D E, B.Sc(N) III year received Best Debater, in Debate during World Health Day, conducted by Community Medicine Department, MGMCRI, held on 07.4.17. Ms. Thiruvalarselvi, B.Sc(N) III year received I prize, Ms. Chandradevi, B.Sc(N) IV year received II prize, in Poster Competition during World Environmental Day – Connecting People to Nature, conducted by NSS, KGNC, held on 16.06.17. Mr. Ravirajan V, received I prize, B.Sc(N) I year, Mr. Nandhakumar V C, received II prize, B.Sc(N) III year and Mr. Naveen R, received III prize, B.Sc(N) I year, in Yoga Competition (Under 20 yrs for boys) and Mr. Pragadheeswaran P, received I prize, Mr. Kathiravan K, received II prize, Mr. Praveen K, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year, in Yoga Competition (21-25 yrs for boys) during World Yoga Day, conducted by CYTER, MGMCRI held on 22.06.17. Ms. Rajeswari V, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year, in Yoga Competition (Under 20 yrs for girls) and Ms. Aripriya M, received II prize, Ms. Karthiga M, and Ms. Rohitha S, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year, in Yoga Competition (21-25 yrs for girls) during World Yoga Day, conducted by CYTER, MGMCRI held on 22.06.17. Ms. Mary Catherin D E, received I prize, Mr. Arunraj M, received SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

II prize, Ms. MariaMartin A, received III prize, B.Sc(N) III year, in Elocution Competition during International Drug abuse Day, conducted by KGNC coordinating with Baratha Matha Deaddiciton Centre held on 26.06.17

LA REVEDERE’ 17 Show your love in a symbolic way you feel, sentimental or affectionate. Genezons the 3rd year BSc(N) students joined hands with their juniors, Besparks and Grifenders to share their token of love by organizing a mega farewell party LA REVEDERE’ 17 for their beloved seniors Ryzentronz the outgoing batch. The farewell party was organized at RKN Beach resort, Pooranankuppam on 29thjune 2017. The program started at 6 PM and continued with the mindblowing performances by the students. The final year students had showers of love and affection bestowed by their juniors making the evening a remarkable moment which will be embarked in their hearts forever.

ALUMNI NEWS It is a prestigious moment for KGNC Mr. Suthandira Balan.P,alumni of 1st batch B.Sc Nursing, KGNC, secured a All India Rank of 1014 in the CSE 2015 and have been allotted Indian Railway Account Service based on results. He has cleared the exam for the second time securing the rank of 854 and likely to be allotted in Indian Revenue Service currently under 2 years training at National Academy of Direct Taxes, Nagpur. He will be appointed as assistant commissioner of incomeTtax Department.

hh OTHER HIGHLIGHTS CRESCITA - 2K17 – 08.04.17 The Awarding Ceremony -CRESCITA 2K17, Part II, held on 08.4.17, between 9.30am to 11.30am. Dr.Renuka


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

K, Principal, KGNC welcomed the gathering. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV rendered his valuable presidential address. With the motive of encouraging the students, in their Academic and Subject Toppers, Literary and Fine Arts excellence, students were honored with a shield and certificate by the dignitaries. Prof. A.R. Srinivasan, Registrar, SBV felicitated the gathering. The chief guest of the day Dr. Tharanikkarasu K, Controller of Examinations, Prof & Head, Dept. of Chemistry, Pondicherry University, in his chief guest address enlightened the highlights of Educational system and Nursing profession. The programme concluded with the Vote of thanks which was proposed by Prof.M.Annie Annal, HOD, Dept. of OBG Nursing, which was followed by the Cultural programme. The students entertained with their dazzling performance.

FACULTY NITE It was delightful evening at Anandha Inn on 9.4.17 from 6.00 pm with a august gathering of faculty members of MGMCRI, KGNC, IGIDS to take part in the celebration hosted by our Honourable Chairman Shri. MK. Rajagopalan, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth on the success of NAAC and NIRF. It was a moment of joy to have our chairman presiding over the evening programme congratulating the whole team of SBV. All the key persons and IQAC coordinators of constituent colleges were appreciate.

State level workshop on “Forensic Nursing – A New Door Open To Nurses”






health sciences

Department of Health Professions Education Special lecture on Scholarship in Medical Education by Prof N Ananthakrishnan The Department of Health Professions Education organizes regular monthly programs for the benefit of PGDHPE, M Phil and Ph D Scholars, besides faculty belonging to medical, dental and nursing education units (MEU/DEU/NEU) of constituent colleges. Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences and core faculty member of the Department of HPE delivered a special lecture on “Scholarship in Medical Education” on 04.04.2017. He clarified the fundamental concept of educational scholarship and discussed how it should be recognized and rewarded. Boyer’s concept of ‘scholarship redefined’ gave birth to a new, extended, fourfold dimension to the scholarship, viz., scholarship of discovery, teaching, application and integration. This has far reaching implications on future of faculty development. The lecture was well attended by all education units.

Special Lecture on Emerging areas of educational research in health professions This lecture delivered by Prof K R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV on 13.05.2017 was a fruit of his in-depth study and insight from his guest lecture delivered at the Educational Research International Conclave (ERICON 2017) held at Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (D.U.), Sawangi, Nagpur in February 2017. The lecture covered all aspects of educational research, types of educational research, the problems and hurdles for educational research in India and the way forward. The lecture was not only well attended, but a landmark exercise in strengthening research initiatives of SBV in the near future.

Belling the Bell Curve: Issues in Standard Setting The issues picked up the Dept of HPE are stimulating and often path breaking. Dr K.A. Narayan, Prof of Community Medicine & Director of HPE programs deliberated on the ‘hot’ issue in education, viz., standard setting. This lecture was held on 10/6/2017. With the help of theoretical models available the international literature,


Dr Narayan surprised the audience by telling how various agencies have adopted or adapted a wide range of methods of standard setting including some of which are not at all defensible. The audience felt the need for addressing this issue in greater depth lest we are swayed by the current of illogical practices. The HPE activities were coordinated by Dr Shivasakthy, Coordinator, under the guidance of Prof B.V. Adkoli, Head of HPE Department.

Guest Lecture Dr B.V. Adkoli delivered a Guest Lecture on ‘Mentorship and Feedback’ during JIPMER Connaissance 2017, the first International Undergraduate Medical Students’ Conference held at JIPMER on April 23, 2017.

Reviewer Dr B.V. Adkoli, Head, Dept of Health Professions Education, reviewed articles for Indian Pediatrics, National Medical Journal of India (3 papers) and BMJ Open.

CENTER FOR YOGA THERAPY EDUCATION & RESEARCH hh IMPORTANCE OF CYTER: CYTER has recently been accorded status of MEMBER SCHOOL of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YOGA THERAPISTS (USA), and we are proud that CYTER is the first University based Yoga Therapy School in India to receive this prestigious membership. It is also notable that CYTER is the only centre in India to have two IAYT certified Yoga therapists in Dr Ananda and Dr Meena.

hh YOGA THERAPY Regular Yoga therapy consultations and sessions are offered at CYTER from 9 am to 4.30 pm every day. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga consultations are offered daily as part of Health Check packages of Master Heath

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017




Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Check-up and general sessions for faculty, staff and students of SBVU from 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm every day. Year










2017 (Apr-Jun)





Grand Total


hh YOGA EDUCATION: Yoga Therapy courses from SBV are among the most innovative courses in the world as they are offered through a medical institution integrating ancient Yogic wisdom with evidence based approach of modern medicine. Three batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, we have started credit based program of Certificate Courses in Yoga Therapy and M. Phil Yoga Therapy leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for these programs. Currently 2 students are undergoing the certificate program (CCAYT), 11 PGDYT students and 2 have enrolled for the MPhil in Yoga Therapy. Our students include Medical doctors, dental and nursing professionals, physiotherapists, pharmacists, physical educators and Yoga instructors from India and France.

hh YOGA RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS: CYTER has published 65 papers and 23 abstracts on immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on www. CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at has 1,850 followers and is very interactive with articles and Yoga titbits and regular updates.

A. Compilation (1): 1. Souvenir of the National Seminar and CME on “Role of Yoga in Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of Chronic Diseases”. International Day of Yoga celebrations. CYTER, MGMCRI, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. Compiled and edited by Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan R and Dayanidy G. B. Published papers (4): 1. Madanmohan. Role of yoga in elderly population and chronic diseases. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 36-37. 2. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Research studies on the role of yoga in chronic diseases. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 47-51. 3. Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB. Resilience as an antidote to chronic diseases: Possible role of Yoga. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 52-56. 4. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M. Yoga therapy for chronic diseases: psychosomatic aspects. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 57-63. C. Published abstracts (1): 1. Ramanathan M. Managing chronic disorders: Yoga therapy perspective. Souvenir of International Day of Yoga celebrations 2k17 at SBVU, Puducherry. 19-23, June 2017. pg 66.

hh OUTREACH PROGRAMMES AND EVENTS: Dr Ananda presented an invited talk on Yoga for Dentists at the Scientific Academic Forum of IGIDS on 4th April 2017.

Publications in this quarter: 73

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Centre, Seliamedu. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena along with the CYTER Team conducted an Interactive Awareness Program on Yoga for School Children, participated enthusiastically by the students of Kavignar Vanidasanar Govt. Higher Sec. School at Seliamedu, coordinated by Dr Vindhya of RHTC on 7th April 2017.

World Autism Day was celebrated by CYTER and IGIDS of SBV on 6th April 2017 at the Global Trust for the Differently Abled, a residential school where Special Education, Medical & Vocational Rehabilitation is being offered to more than 80 children who are differently abled located in Thiruppapuliyur, Cuddalore. All the children enthusiastically participated in the Yoga session led by Dr Meena, Deputy Director CYTER and had a wonderful time enjoying the Yoga Jathis and Kriyas. Then instruction and demonstration for brushing the teeth was given by the IGIDS team followed by a dental screening program. Gifts were distributed among the children such as balls, painting materials, painting and colouring books and an album and DVD with instructions on proper tooth brushing techniques. A very satisfying experience both for us from SBV as well as those in the Global Trust School. Dr Ananda was an invited panelist on the event organized by SAF and Dept. of Community Medicine in commemoration of World Health Day with the central Theme of Depression-Let’s Talk and panel discussion was on “Let’s talk about the black dog” on 7th April 2017.

CYTER team participated actively in the World health Day 2017 commemorations organised by Dept of Community Medicine of MGMCRI of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University at the Rural Health Training SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Dr Ananda conducted a Yoga awareness shooting by Doordarshan Kendra Pondicherry at CYTER, SBV on 18th April 2017 and the program was telecast on 20th and 27th April 2017.

Certificates were issued for the successful completion of PG Certificate Course I on ‘Foundations of Yoga’ to Dr Srimathy, Course II on ‘Foundations of Yoga Therapy’ to Madhu Venkattan and Course III on ‘Applications of Yoga’ to Shvetika Kaul, Vidhyasri R, Manoj V. Dr Ananda is Director of Research Committee of Indian Yoga Association and in that role was invited to oversee the research project being done under Niyantrita Madhumeha Bharata (NMB) Abhiyan at SVYASA University Bangalore on 29th &30th May 2017. The project is being guided by Dr HR Nagendraji and Dr R Nagarathnaji and funded by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt of India.

Dr Ananda and Dr Meena conducted well appreciated interactive Yoga awareness program on 17 June at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology organised by NSS for Yoga Day 2017 75

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

Dr Ananda gave an invited talk on Yoga- A Way of Life for the Puducherry Sinthanaiyaalar Peravai at Jothi Eye Care, Pondicherry on 18th June 2017. Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were honoured and awarded by Muththamizhmaamani Pulavar Pattabiraman for their services in Yoga on this occasion.

hh SBV IDY 2K17 CELEBRATIONS: A GRAND SUCCESS As per guidelines issued by UGC and Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, the International Day of Yoga 2017 was celebrated at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (Deemed University accredited with ‘A’ Grade by NAAC), Pondicherry in a grand manner from 19-23 June 2017. The weeklong celebrations of IDY 2017 at SBV included local, regional and national events.

Yoga awareness programme was conducted on 19 june for 330 faculty and students of MGMCRI, KGNC and IGIDS along with 30 students and faculty from RGCET. The VC of SBV Prof KR Sethuraman and Registrar Prof AR Srinivasan graced the occasion along with representatives of SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF






the constituent colleges. Mass awareness Yoga programme was conducted for more than a hundred students and staff at Vanidasanar Higher Secondary School in Seliamedu as well as at the RHTC in collaboration with the Department of Community Medicine Dept on 20 June.

students led by the Chief Minister Sri V Narayanasamy in presence of the Union Minister of State Sri MJ Akbar.

On 21 June Dr Ananda Balayogi, Director CYTER and the team from SBV were part of the International Day of Yoga celebrations at the Pondicherry Promenade with mass demonstration of Common Yoga Protocol by nearly 3000 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

It is to be noted that Dr Ananda is a member of the Ministry of AYUSH Expert Committee for the celebrations of IDY since 2015 onwards. The grand event was organised by the Tourism, Health and Education departments of Puducherry Government. CYTER team also participated actively in the Workshop on Yoga and Wellness organised by Tourism Department and held at the Bharati Park. Dr Madanmohan, Dr Meena, Sri Dayanidy, Dr Balaji, Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017






Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

Ms Shvethika and others were invited presenters. In the evening Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were honoured by Chief Minister for their services for Yoga in Puducherry. On 22 June CYTER concluded a successful Regional Yoga competition for students of Health Professions Education institutions in Pondicherry region in association with Pondicherry Yogasana Association. The Vice chancellor of SBV Prof KR Sethuraman and Registrar Prof AR Srinivasan graced the occasion and gave away the prizes to worthy winners from JIPMER, MGMCRI, KGNC and CYTER. The final event, the crest jewel was the National Seminar-cum-Workshop on “Role of Yoga in prevention, management and rehabilitation of chronic diseases” held on 23 June with lectures, lecture-demonstrations, workshops and panel discussion by eminent experts.

“Yoga must remain Yoga and not get mutated through this churning that is happening in the process of the world celebration the International Day of Yoga with mass congregations” said Ammaji in her address. “Yoga has a great role in more than 2/3rd of patients who come to the hospital as they have Medically Unexplained Symptoms that do not require medical or surgical interventions but rather Yogic counselling and lifestyle management. Such patients should be sent to the Yoga OPD before going to any other OPD as this will save time, money, energy and prevent the unnecessary taxing of both the over burdened health care system as well as the patients and their family” said the respected Vice chancellor of SBV Prof KR Sethuraman in his special address.

The event was inaugurated by Ammaji Kalaimamani Yogacharini Meenakshi Devi Bhavanani in the presence of Prof KR Sethuraman, VC of SBV; Prof AR Srinivasan, Registrar; Prof M Ravishankar, Dean Faculty of Medicine and Dr .A.N.Uma, Vice principal Allied Health Sciences. The organising Chairman Prof K Jaiganesh, HOD of Physiology at MGMCRI welcomed the gathering while the organising Secretary Dr Ananda Balayogi Bhavanani, Director CYTER proposed Vote of Thanks. Participants from all over the country were treated to a most enlightening Keynote address through video conferencing by Padmashree Dr KK Aggarwal, the National President of IMA from New Delhi. He in a lucid manner led everyone on a journey through the integration 77

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In the afternoon an exhilarating panel discussion was held on the topic of the seminar with Prof K A Narayan of Community Medicine, Prof Amirtha Ganesh of Cardiology, Prof Madanmohan Trakroo of Physiology and CYTER, Prof R Pajanivel of Pulmonology, Prof K Renuka of Nursing and Yogachemmal Dr Meena Ramanathan of CYTER as the experts and moderated by Dr Ananda. A great wealth of information was imbibed by all participants from this unique team that brought into focus the preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of Yoga in chronic diseases. Clinical, community, nursing, research as well as Yoga therapy based perspectives were explored in great detail during the animated discussion. The practical aspects of the workshop were given by the CYTER team along with an invited presentation by Yogacharini Devasena Bhavanani of ICYER at Ananda Ashram. A poster presentation was also held on the seminar topic and first prizes were bagged by Mrs Josephine and Mr Abhishek of MGMCRI. The event was jointly organised by CYTER and the Department of Physiology with support of Community medicine, Allied Health Sciences and the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.


of traditional systems of healing such as Yoga with the modern empirical evidence based medicine. He stressed the concept of Yoga being essentially “parasympathetic” in nature. Hence, pranayama may be termed parasympathetic breathing, asanas as parasympathetic activity. The yamaniyama of Yoga are a parasympathetic lifestyle and the combination of all these aspects of Yoga produce relaxation facilitating healing of chronic diseases. The erudite audience gave him a standing ovation at the end of his presentation enjoyed by one and all. Invited presentations were given on Yogic lifestyle by Yogacharya Aravinda Koithyar of Shreyas Centre in Bangalore and the power of chanting as Yoga therapy by Yogacharini Smt Menaka Desikachar of the KHYF, Chennai. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Yoga sessions for faculty, staff and students of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth are going on regularly since September 2015. Classes are offered at CYTER Yoga hall on all working days between 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm. General sessions for SBV family





2015-17 (Jan-Mar)





2017 (Apr-Jun)





Grand Total


hh AWARDS AND RECOGNITION yy Dr Ananda was appointed as Director of CYTER, the Centre for Yoga Therapy Education and Research of the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University on 3rd May Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017





Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

2017. He succeeds his mentor Prof Madanmohan who served with distinction as Director until his retirement in March. Dr Ananda has served as Deputy Director of CYTER since 11th July 2013 and was issued the appointment order by the inspiring Vice Chancellor of SBVU Prof KR Sethuraman in the presence of the

AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru on 26th to 28th June 2017. IYA which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.

Dean Faculty of Medicine, Prof M Ravishankar. Dr Meena Ramanathan who was serving as Coordinatorcum-Yoga Therapist since inception of CYTER on 1st Nov 2010 has been aptly promoted to Deputy Director CYTER.

yy Dr Ananda and Dr Meena were honoured by the Chief Minister for their services for the cause of Yoga in Puducherry on 21st June 2017 at Gandhi tidal Pondicherry.

yy Sri Dayanidy G has successfully qualified for Assistant professor in the National Eligibility Test (NET) in Yoga held on 22nd January 2017 conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education on behalf of UGC. It is for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor in Indian Universities and Colleges. This is the first time when Yoga is added as one of the subject in UGC. yy Dr Meena Ramanathan was invited by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting Quality council of India exam (Approved by Ministry of


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017

CENTER FOR MUSIC THERAPY EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Center for Music Therapy Education and Research (CMTER), a unit under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences operates on an innovative salutogenic model of health in to medical sciences as a part of regular medical care to patients visiting the hospital attached to the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute. An inter-disciplinary music therapy team comprising of clinicians from Departments of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Cardiology, Psychiatry, Nephrology, Palliative care, Surgery, MICU and Dermatology actively collaborate with CMTER faculty in making referrals for music therapy services to improve physical, emotional, cognitive, social and spiritual well- being of the patients. This patient centered model of holistic care provides an optimum healing environment in the hospital at CMTER premises of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute focusing on factors influencing health and not just merely on the factors causing the disease or just the treatment. Patient satisfaction feedback reports and improved health care outcomes are documented. A dedicated Allied Health Sciences steering team with a strong leadership and the ever ready organizational support made it possible to set up professional education and training programs of 1 year Post Graduate Diploma Program, Master’s degree in Medical SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF






Music Therapy and a doctoral program in music therapy. Interdisciplinary collaborative teaching, patient care services and research are the core areas of success which have resulted in good number of research publications for all the clinical applications that are being practised. The activities of CMTER has drawn global visibility and recognition which has resulted in an overseas collaboration with The IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria and a letter of intent signed by Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge for collaborative research and teaching music therapy.

through their qualitative feedback reports which have been documented well. Music therapy is offered as procedural support for patient undergoing diagnostic procedures like MRI, endoscopy, colonoscopy and angiogram and treatment procedures like hemodialysis, angioplasty and chemotherapy. Pregnant women from the day of their first visit to the hospital are offered Garbhsanskar( a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby music therapy program) to give auditory stimulation to the foetus with low frequency sounds in the form of chanting for the neural pathways for

hh Education and Training Programs at CMTER

hh Interdisciplinary collaborative Patient Care Services from CMTER CMTER uses music therapy as a resource strengthening approach for improving health and well-being of the patients through its out- patient, in-patient and bedside services to enhance physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing. Reduced perception of pain and pre procedural anxiety, improvement in sleep quality and compliance to minor surgical procedures, normalization of hospital atmosphere and reduction of symptoms of depression and loneliness are some of the benefits reported by the patients SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017






Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust

auditory processing to be strengthened. This program also helps the mother-to-be in reduction of their pregnancy anxiety. Music therapy is also administered as a health resource in developing motor, emotional, psycho social and emotional skills In pediatric wards and to reduce crying spells during pediatric immunization procedures. All these applications have been endorsed by research publications emanating out of research projects taken up by the Center.

Research Institute. Prashanthi Rajan and Samay Ajmera Post Graduate Diploma internship trainees and Mrs.

Success Story of Music Therapy as a Salutogenic Framework at CMTER The key yardsticks used to measure the success story of CMTER are 1) The application of salutogenesis in every day patient care services in regular medical care in the hospital attached to the university 2) the intervention planning efforts of clinicians to include music therapy in implementing their interventions 3) strong interdisciplinary collaborations that CMTER has set in place for patient care services, research and professional training in music therapy 4)Quality of feedback reports received from the patients 4) Patient Care statistics 4) Emanating research publications from CMTER 5) the recognition of the innovative music therapy practice from CMTER by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council in the year 2015 6) consultation sought by overseas universities in the form of MOUs in training, clinical practice and research activities in music therapy 7) the strong academic programs that are set in place from one year post graduate diploma to Ph.D. program in music therapy. These measures indicate the persistent efforts and desired outcome of the welldefined objective of integrating salutogenic approach in our health sciences university which aims to focus on health and well-being of the patients.

Bhuvaneswari Ramesh, student of Master’s degree in Medical Music Therapy bagged the first prize for shor film on managing depression “The Black Dog”

hh World Health Day Program On 7 4 2017, Dr. Sumathy Sundar, Director, CMTER participated as a panelist during the World Health Day program organized by the Department of Community Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and 81

Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017



Central inter-disciplinary

Research facility (ciDrf) hh PUBLICATIONS During April-June 2017 quarter, CIDRF published four articles in Pubmed indexed journals. Pradeep J, Stephen S, Pooja P, Akshayavardhini A, Sangeetha B, Antony PX. Coxiellosis in domestic livestock of Puducherry and Tamil Nadu: Detection of Coxiellaburnetii DNA by polymerase chain reaction in slaughtered ruminants. Vet World. 2017;10(6):667-671 Velmurugan Anitharaj, Selvaraj Stephen, Jothimani Pradeep, Pratheesh Pooja, Sridharan Preethi. Diagnosis of acute Scrub Typhus in South India: Validation of GenoSen’s Scrub Typhus Real Time PCR kit by its comparison with a serological test (ELISA). J Global Infect Dis 2017;10(11):DC07-DC10. Sudha D, Ganapathy A, Mohan P, Mannan AU, Krishna S, Neriyanuri S, Swaminathan M, Rishi P, Chidambaram S, Arunachalam JP. Clinical and genetic analysis of Indian patients with NDP-related retinopathies. Int Ophthal 2017; 10:1-0. Sudha D, Kohansal-Nodehi M, Kovuri P, Manda SS, Neriyanuri S, Gopal L, Bhende P, Chidambaram S,Arunachalam JP. Proteomic profiling of human intraschisis cavity fluid. Clin Proteomics 2017;14(1):13.

hh NEW RESEARCH PROJECT AT CIDRF Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi received an intramural research grant from Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth amounting to 2.5 lakhs for a duration of two years on the topic Evaluation of Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory (in vivo) activity of Seaweed (Marine algae) extracts.


CIDRF hosted Dr. Pankaj Seth, Scientist and Professor from NBRC, Manesar, Gurgaon, India and organized for an invited talk by him.

hh HONORS AND RECOGNITIONS During April-June 2017, apart from the regular research work at CIDRF, the faculty was involved in the following academic activities: Dr. Adithan, Director, delivered a lecture at Connaissance 2017 – The first international undergraduate medical conference of JIPMER, Puducherry Dr. Adithan was a chairperson for CME on “Research Methodology” organized by Institute Research Committee, Indira Gandhi Medical College. Dr. Adithan delivered a guest Lecture in the CME on Pharmacogenomics in treatment of Non-communicable diseases, Chingelput Medical College, Chingelput Dr. Adithan was the Chief Guest for the inaugural function of the National Workshop on Pharmacoeconomics, at PIMS, Pondicherry Dr. Adithan attended the Editorial Board meeting of the Indian Journal of Medical Research at ICMR Head Quarters, New Delhi. Dr.Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist, CIDRF, was appointed as the President of Society for Underutilised Plants for Future Research, India Dr.A.J.Pandian, Principle Scientist, CIDRF, was invited as chief guest for the 10th Genetic Engineering Research Symposium held at SRM University

CIDRF faculty members attended three Faculty Development Programs organized at international and university level.

Dr.A.J.Pandian was invited to visit the facility and to further initiate collaborative studies for the establishment of SRM-DBT Genomics Facility with DBT, Govt. of India.

During April-June 2017, five journal club presentations were made by the research scholars of CIDRF

Dr C. Adithan, Director, CIDRF was one of the jury member who judged the posters of Department


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


of Physiology conducted “Model/poster Session” for kinaesthetic learning of I MBBS students in the module of endocrine physiology. 60 students participated in the program. Students presented their poster/models in front of Dr M Ravishankar, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dr Partha Nandi, Vice principle (students), invited faculty members and other students I MBBS. Prizes and certificates were awarded to the participating students.

Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas, Scientist, CIDRF Presented an in house developed patentable methodology for blood collection on paper for DNA isolation at the Scientific Academic Forum at MGMCRI

hh DIGNITARIES WHO VISITED CIDRF DURING APRIL-JUNE 2017 INCLUDED Dr.PF Kotur, SSSMCRI, Ammapettai Dr.Rajasekaran, UC San Diego, USA Dr.B.Ramesh Kumar, Dean, RIVER, Puducherry Dr.J.Thanislass, Head, Dept of VBC, RIVER Dr.Pankaj Seth, NBRC, Gurgaon CIDRF Small Animal Facility - meeting with the external experts

hh ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AND NEW COLLABORATIONS Dr. Agiesh Kumar B., Senior Scientist, CIDRF conducted a training program from 30th May-19th June 2017 Dr. Pooja Pratheesh, Scientist, CIDRF established a collaboration with Dr. Pankaj Seth, NBRC, Manesar, India


Volume 11 Issue 2 Apr - Jun 2017


“National PG Convention of Indian Association Health Dentistry ”

Patron & Chancellor


Advisory Board


Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth

Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherr y- 607 403


Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute


Puducherr y - 607 403


Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute


Nellikuppam, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu - 603 108.

Editorial Board Editor-In-Chief Design & Layout


Executive Editor




Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Puducherr y - 607 403

Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Puducherr y - 607 403







Allied Health Sciences Puducherr y - 607 403



Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility

0413 - 2615449 Ext : 746

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