Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Deemed University
Accredited by NAAC with “A” Grade. NIRF India Ranking 2017: 83
Volume 11 (3) JULY -SEPT 2017
The Chronicle
SRI BALAJI VIDYAPEETH DOCTORAL CONVOCATION 2017 Sri BalajiVidyapeeth,Deemed to be University, Pondicherry, accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade had its Doctoral Convocation 2017 on Friday, the 22nd of September 2017. At this Doctoral convocation, Six PhD scholars, two each in DM Cardiology and M.Ch Urology were awarded their degrees during the solemn ceremony. 156 medals for academic excellence and overall academic proficiency were also given away to the UG, PG graduands. Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan, Former ViceChancellor, University of Madras and presently, the Professor of Eminence and Dean – Research of Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai was the Chief Guest and delivered the Convocation address.The Faculty members, Deans, Controller of Examinations, Registrar, Members of the Board of Management, Vice Chairman of Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust, ViceChancellor, and Chancellor graced the ocassion.
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CONTENT University Communique
MGMCRI Research And Scholarship P.05 Academic Initiatives P.08 Innovations P.23 The Dawn Of New Chapters P.25 Scholars In The Making P.26 Out Reach Services P.29 Staff Nurses P.31 SSSMCRI P.32 IGIDS P.50 KGNC P.62 AHS P.72 CIDRF P.82
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth
University communique hh From VC’s Desk
hh VC’s Activity III quarter (July – Septemeber - 2017)
Move from Apathy to Active Involvement Strive for Healthy body and mind: Wellness is of primary importance to eschew apathy. A weakened body or mind can easily lead to fatigue and apathy. Look for the Positives: Metaphorically speaking, in the real-life, “No glass is ever filled to the brim.” Let us not complain and crib about the negatives; instead, we should focus on the positives and build on them for even better outcomes. Bonding and Collaboration with other Staff: having professional bonding and a work-culture based on collaborating team-work galvanizes the whole team. We all perceive it during successful team based activities like conducting a conference or a Graduation Day. Why not extend the same bon-homie to daily work? Learn and Share New Knowledge and Skills: It is estimated that in 21st Century, one needs to learn 4 to 5 new skills every year. Learning new things and sharing them with our students and peers is delightful way of eradicating apathy in our lives.
July 2017 July 4th 9 AM Inaugurated south zone conference of Indian Pharm Society July 5th 5 PM Valedictory function of IPS Conference July 6th 10 AM Inaugurated Research Work shop at KGNC 2 PM outcome based education – discussions at MEU with visiting Prof. Pani & Dr.Vijayalakshmi from QIUPMalaysia 2 PM Doctors Day CelebrationMGMCRI July 7th July 8th Visit to Delhi to present a talk on “Eportfolio for PGs at MGMCRI” at MHRD Conference forViceChancellors. July 13th Quarterly AAA for IGIDS & KGNC July 14th Inauguration of MRIFacility & cadaver lab at SSSMCRI July 14th MVK Iyer Oration at MGMCRI
Helping others: As health sciences faculty members, we can help our peers, students, patients and the general public. Volunteering to assist others in our areas of competence is a great way of leaving apathy behind., Follow a scientific approach: Subjective empiricism is an easier way to run our lives but it limits our vision and stunts our intellectual development. Curiosity to objectively discover and document the truth is the basis of science and we need to cultivate the scientific temper in ourselves and coax our peers and students to adopt the same.
July 15th Valedictory function of PGS Orientation at MGMCRI July 17th EPortfolio for 2nd year PGs July 19th Quarterly AAA at SSSMCRI
Lighten Up and Smile: Take Life’s challenges on your stride. Miserable experiences of our past are often our ‘good old stories’ of Today, told with a smile or a chuckle. Keeping in mind that today’s misery will be tomorrow’s anecdote can give us the tolerance to accept Life and move on with a smile.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
U niv e rsit y Comm u n iqu e
July 20th Induction program for Interns at MGMCRI July 22nd Annual Review of Doctoral Committee (Dental &Medicine PhD scholars) July 24-25th Quarterly AAA for MGMCRI July 28th Academic Council Meet at Chettinad (Deemed University)
Aug 2017
Aug 17th Monthly Meeting for University & Academic functionaries Aug 18th SAF Talk on Professionalism & Humanism in Medical Education. st Aug 21 CYTER Inauguration on New Batch Aug 23rd-30th Daily Review of UGC Documentation Aug 30th Release of ‘Health Sparkles’, Hospital newsletter
Aug 1st Balint Review Section for Dental PGs EPortfolio 1 year PGs Aug 7th Aug 8th Singing of MOU with Cuddalore Cancer Hospital
September 2017
Aug 11 th
Aug 17th
Sep 2nd
Inauguration of Pulmonology Conference
Sep 5th
Inauguration of DSA in Radiology
Medical services, FDP on “BASIC” Inauguration
Inauguration of AHS Course
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Sep 6th SSSMCRI Boston visit feedback from the 20 Students PMI – 2017 & 2018 Planning Meeting Sep 6th Sep 7-9th Visit to KIMS, Amalapuram, AP for talk on “Lipids in Health & Diseases” Sep 11 th Inauguration of MBBS Batch 9 AM MGMCRI, 2 PM SSSMCRI.
Sep 15th Monthly Meeting on arrangement of Doctoral Convocation th Sep 15 Nursing I year Inauguration
Sep 22nd – BOM Meeting; Sep 22nd Doctoral Convocation
Sep 23 rd Inauguration of TamilNadu Anatomy Conference at KVIMS (KANCON – 2017) th Sep 26 F.N Baliant session MDS Prosthodontics Sep 29th Ayudha Pooja celebration at SBV.
Sep 16th Keynote talk in FDP on “Motivation of Millennial Bond Medicos” FDP by MEU of MGMCRI.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
The Independence Day of our Nation was celebrated on 15th Aug 2017 in front of the Hospital entrance. On this occasion, the Dean, Faculty of Medicine hoisted the National Flag at 8. 00 a. m. Faculty members; nonteaching employees and students attended the function. The celebration started with Welcome Address by the student wing followed by the Guard of Honor. The Flag was hoisted by Prof. M.Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI and was accompanied by the Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Vice Principal, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, and Vice Principal, Allied Health Sciences followed by Prof. M.Ravishankar, patriotic speech to the audience. The celebration was followed by Patriotic Songs by the students of MGMCRI, IGIDS & KGNC. To honor the best academic performance of the children of employees, there was the distribution of cash awards and certificates to the deserving children under the SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Employees Welfare Incentive Scheme for the year 2016 -17. Awards were also given to employees for ‘Honesty’. The function ended with the National Anthem, which was sung with patriotic fervor. The entire program was organized by Dr.Partha Nandi, Vice Principal, Student Affairs, MGMCRI.
Sri BalajiVidyapeeth,Deemed to be University, Pondicherry, accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade had its Doctoral Convocation 2017 on Friday, the 22nd of September 2017. At this Doctoral convocation, Six PhD scholars, two each in DM Cardiology and M.Ch – Urology were awarded their degrees during the solemn ceremony. 156 medals for academic excellence and overall academic proficiency were also given away to the UG, PG graduands in the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing Sciences and Allied Health Sciences of all the constituent colleges of SBV. Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan, Former ViceChancellor, University of Madras and presently, the Professor of Eminence and Dean – Research of Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai was the Chief Guest and delivered the Convocation address. The ceremonial academic procession began at 2.30 pm on 22nd September 2017 led by the PhD graduands followed by DM, M.Ch graduands, medal winners, heads of the departments of various faculties of the constituent colleges, Deans, Controller of Examinations, Registrar, Members of the Board of Management, ViceChairman of Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust, ViceChancellor, Chief Guest and Chancellor.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
The Hon’ble Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Shri. M.K. Rajagopalan declared the convocation open.
The ViceChancellor, Prof. K.R. Sethuraman, read out the concise academic report by dwelling on Curricular, cocurricular, extracurricular, patient care and research oriented activities of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth.
The respective Dean of Faculties and the Controller of Examinations, presented the medal winners to the Chief Guest who did the honours to the awardees.
The respective Dean of Faculties presented the graduands to the Chancellor followed by the award of the degrees bestowed by the Chancellor. 6
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Srirangaraj then requested the Hon’ble Chancellor to sign the degree of records. Following the signing, the Hon’ble Chancellor formally declared the Convocation as concluded. The entire assembly rose to their feet for the National Anthem, followed by the return of the solemn academic procession.
The Dean – Research & AHS, SBV, Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan administered the integrity pledge to the doctoral graduands. This was followed by the introduction of the Chief Guest by the Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean – Faculty of Medicine, SBV.
Prof. S.P. Thyagarajan, the Chief Guest delivered the prestigious Convocation address on the Health Sector Manpower: Demand and Supply chain management for India. Prof. Thyagarajan quoted the report of World Health Organization (WHO) 2016 underlining India’s contribution to the World’s Global Disease burden that encompasses communicable and noncommunicable diseases. He further highlighted the cardinal role to be played by the nation’s health sector manpower. The dearth of trained health professionals in India continues to hamper our prospects in realizing health delivery goals. Two other major scenario are linked in this context namely demand: supply requirement of health professionals and general practice system which is globally recognized to be the basis for health care system so as to eventually bridge the gap in quality and quantity. Prof. Thyagarajan concluded his convocation address by emphasizing on the nobility associated with the health professions which would enable them to serve the needy without any discrimination. The Registrar, Prof. A.R. Srinivasan proposed a formal vote of thanks. The Controller of Examination, Prof S. 7
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
mahatma gandhi medical college and research institute Research and Scholarship hh Publications
of Puducherry and surrounding districts of Tamil Nadu. J Parasit Dis 2017;41(3):1-4.
Department of Anaesthesiology Parthasarathy S, Senthilkumar T. Age-based local anesthetic dosing in pediatric spinal anesthesia: Evaluation of a new formula – A pilot study in Indian patients. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:627-9.
Pradeep J, Stephen S, Ambroise S, Gunasekaran D. Diagnosis of acute Q Fever by detection of Coxieall burnetii DNA in Real Time PCR, employing a commercial Genesig Easy Kit. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11:DC10-DC13.
Raj SA, Singh DR, Charles SA, Krishnaveni N. Efficacy of tramadol or dexamethasone as an adjuvant to levobupivacaine in ultrasound-guided supraclavicular plexus block for upper limb surgery: A randomized double-blinded controlled study. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:567-71.
Segar L, Easow JM, Srirangaraj S, Hanifah M, Joseph NM, Seetha K S. Prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection among the patients attending a tertiary care teaching hospital. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2017;60:221-5.
Singh DR, Mohamed H, Krishnaveni N, Nag K. Evaluating the efficacy of tramadol as an adjuvant to intrathecal isobaric levobupivacaine for elective infraumbilical surgeries. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:572-7.
Ghose S, Chandana G, Rathod S, Lopamudra BJ. Giant dermoid cyst of ovary in postmenopausal woman: a case report. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3195-6.
Kiran LV, Sivashanmugam T, Kumar VR, Krishnaveni N, Parthasarathy S. Relative efficacy of ultrasound-guided ilioinguinal-iliohypogastric nerve block versus transverse abdominis plane block for postoperative analgesia following lower segment cesarean section: A prospective, randomized observer-blinded trial. Anesth Essays Res 2017;11:713-7.
Rathod S, Samal SK. Clinical analysis of post sterilization failure cases in a tertiary hospital. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3294-6.
Department of Microbiology
Aishwarya J, Sasikala R, Dilshath S. Efficacy of morphological indexing of ovarian tumor: preoperative determination of risk of malignancy. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3458-63.
Anitharaj V, Stephen S, Pradeep J, Pooja P, Preethi S. Diagnosis of acute scrub typhus in South India: Validation of Geno-Sen’s scrub typhus real time polymerase chain reaction kit by its comparison with a serological ELISA test. J Global Infect Dis. 2017;9(3):108-112. Stephen S, Ghose S, Anitharaj V, Pradeep J. Seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in Healthy Pregnant Women of Puducherry. Indian J Microbiol Res. 2017; 2017;4(3):290-292. Kandhakumari G, Muthurangan G, Stephen S, Menon SK. Tuberculous cold abscess of anterior chest wall. Indian J Microbiol Res. 2017;4(3):341-3. Stephen S, Pradeep J, Anitharaj V, Janarthanam V. Seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in voluntary blood donors 8
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Nanthakumar MP, Arumugam SC. Adolescent endometriosis. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2017;6:3213-8.
John LB, Reddi RP, Ghose S. Maternal factors associated with large for gestational age babies and its outcome when compared with those of appropriate for gestational age. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3586-9 Hembram M, Durairaj J, Maurya DK. A rare case of schwannoma mimicking ovarian tumour.Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3695-8. Sasikala R, Aishwarya J, Dilshath S. Clinical profile of cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy and puerperium in South India. Int J ReprodContraceptObstetGynecol 2017;6:3124-8.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Reddi Rani P, Rathod S, Samal SK Contraception for Adolescents –A Review Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics &Gynaecology 2017:8(4):115-121.
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Radiology
Memota Laishram, Krishnagopal Srikanth, Rajalakshmi Ramachandran Adityapuram, Swathi Nagarajan, Ezhumalai Govindasamy. Microperimetry – A New Tool for Assessing Retinal Sensitivity in Macular Diseases. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Jul, Vol-11(7): NC08-NC11
SnehaLalith, Karunya Lakshmi Gopalakrishnan, Gurubharath Ilangovan, Subramanian Venkataraman, Anandapadmanabhan Jayajothi. Rapunzel Syndrome – Case Report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Sep, Vol-11(9): TD01-TD02. DOI: 10.7860/ JCDR/2017/28593.10594.
Prasanna Venkatesh Ramesh, Kirti Nath Jha, Krishnagopal Srikanth. Comparison of Central Corneal Thickness using Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Versus Ultrasound Pachymetry. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2017 Aug, Vol-11(8): NC08-NC11.
Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Department of Community Medicine
NathDhritiman, Das Prarthana. Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill, 2016: Is It a Right Step in the Right Direction? International Journal of Education and Research in Health Sciences, July-September 2017; 3(3):1.
Vaithyanathan, PruthuThekkur, BoovaragasamyChithra, Suguna A, Surekha A, Seetharaman N. Concomitant Behavioral Risk Factors of Non Communicable Diseases and its Associated Factors among Adults in the Selected Rural Areas of Puducherry, South India: A Community Based Cross-sectional Study. National Journal of Research in Community Medicine. 2017; 6(2):149-154
Reddi Rani P, Vishalakshi A.Zika virus in Pregnancy. Indian Obstetrics &Gynaecology 2017:7(2):22-25.
Prasanna P, NathDhritiman, GN Kumar Pramod, Das Prarthana. Correlation between road conditions and non – fatal road traffic accidents – a prospective study.Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, July – Dec 2017, 11 (2): 96 – 99.
Department of Orthopaedics
Kumar S, Dal GL, Patil R. Profile of road traffic accidents in southern Rajasthan-A retrospective hospital based cross sectional study. Medicolegal update.2017; 17(2):31-5
Shamin AB, Abraham VT, Nandakumar R. Functional outcome of distal radius fracture managed with locking compression plate. International Journal of Orthopaedics Traumatology & Surgical Science. 2017;3(1):728-732.
Bahurupi YA, Bojja SS, Boratne AV, Datta SS. Household Expenditures on Illnesses during Infancy in a Rural Community: A Cross Sectional Study from Pondicherry. Natl J Community Med 2017; 8(8):506-511.
Department of Pathology
Angeline N, Anbazhagan S, Surekha A, Joseph S, Kiran PR. Health impact of chennai floods 2015: Observations in a medical relief camp. Int J Health Syst Disaster Manage 2017;5:46-8.
Mulka A, Kotasthane V D, Dhaka R, Kotasthane D S. Correlation of Histopathological Study of Breast Lesions with cytology and mammography as a measure of internal quality and diagnostic accuracy. Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2017;4(4):398 – 402.
Department of General Medicine
Priya R, Kotasthane D S, Kotasthane V D, Koteeswaran G. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Of Cervical Lymphadenopathy: Is There Anything Different At South Coastal Region Of India? Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2017;4(4): 460-466.
Tarun Kumar Dutta, Hitha Dijith, Venugopaln Y. Vishnu, Shailendra Prasad Verma, Deepak Charles, Kolar Viswanath Vinod, Debdatta Basu –Long term outcome of splenectomy in chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura. International Journal Of Hematology Research 2017;Vol 3 No 1.
Bhavani K, VenkatramanJ,Dhananjay SK. Study of platelet parameters in women with iron deficiency anemia. Indian Journal of Pathology Research and Practice, 2017;6(3):650-54.
Madhusudhanan P, NarayananM, Karthik S, EzhumalaiRole of BNP as a screening tool to identify asymptomatic cardiac disease in Type 2 diabetic patients ; International Journal Of advanced research 5(8) 96-101.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
R e se a rch a nd S cholarship
Velmurugan Anitharaj, Selvaraj Stephen, Jothimani Pradeep, Dhandapany Gunasekaran, Kannaiyan Jayasingh , Jayaraman Shanmugam ; Scrub typhus in Pondicherry: Meta analysis of cases reported in a tertiary care teaching hospital during 2012-2016 Biomedicine 2017; 37(2) :221-225. Sarin K, Dutta TK, Vinod KV, Clinical profile and complications of neurotoxic snake bite and comparison of two regimens of polyvalent anti snake venom in its treatment. Indian JmED Res 2017;145:58-62.
Department of Dermatology GirllyKurian, Krishnan S., Shakthi P.A prospective case control study on metabolic syndrome in lichen planus in a tertiary care centre.Int J Res Dermatol 2017;3(3):427-432. Dharani D., Krishnan S., Manobalan K A cross sectional study on autologous serum skin test in chronic urticaria in a tertiary care centre. Int J Res Dermatol 2017;3(3):418-426.
Department of ENT Bakshi SS, “ Endoscopically-assisted extracapsular dissection of pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland through a postauricular sulcus approach in young patients” Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017 Jul 20. pii: S0266-4356(17)30232-2. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2017.07.002. Bakshi SS, Gopalakrishnan S, Prof. Nirmal Coumare on” A randomized study comparing the efficacy of mometasone furoate and fluticasone furoate on the ocular and nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis”. Int J Otorhinolaryngology Head Neck Surg 2017; 3 :xxx- xx. Bakshi SS. “Letter to the editor” Am J Otolaryngol. 2017 Sep - Oct; 38(5):637. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2017.06.013. Bakshi SS. “Rhinosporidiosis Allergy Clin Immunol” Pract. 2017 Jul 28. pii: S2213-2198(17)30509-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2017.06.025 Bakshi SS, Balpande G. The thumb sign” N Z Med J. 2017 Jul 21; 130(1459):71-72. Bakshi SS, Urs R. Maxillary hydatid cyst” Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2017 Aug 28. pii: S00016519(17)30162-0. Doi 10.1016 /j.otorri.2017.06. 006. Bakshi SS, Kumar T Lon.” Carotid Body Tumor” J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2017 Aug 14. doi: 10.1097/ MPH.0000000000000952. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Bakshi SS on “ J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2017” Aug 26. pii: S0278- 2391(17)31007-8. doi: 10.1016/j. joms.2017.07.165.
Department of Physiology RichaGupta,Nikhilesh Singh, Ramya Kumar. Longitudinal predictive validity of emotional intelligence on first year medical students perceived stress. BMC Medical Education (2017) 17:139. PalveSuchitraSachin, PalveSachinBhaskar. Efficacy of delivering endocrine system in integrated modular curriculum for first year MBBS students. Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics (2017) 7:2.
Department of Biochemistry Kulkarni SV, Meenatchi S, Reeta R, Ramesh R, Srinivasan AR, Lenin C. Association of glycemic status with bone turnover markers in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J App Basic Med Res. 2017 R. Jayanthi, A R Srinivasan, G. Niranjan, R Ramesh. Association of divalent cation and insulin resistance with thyoid hormones in patients with type 2 diabtetes mellitus, Diab Met Syndr: Clin Res Rev.2017 Niranjjan R, Sahu SK, Roy G, Vani SAV. Source of previous anti-TB treatment for re-treatment TB cases registered under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program in Pondicherry. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2017;4(9):3386–93.
Department of Urology Joseph Philipraj, Vishal shet, Vasudevan T. A study of the correlation between Ano-scrotal distance, Ano-genital distance and their ratio in common male urological conditions. World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. volume 6, issue 10, 1128-1137. S. Joseph Philipraj, Deepak Vishal Shet. To Close Or Not To Close? Donor Site Morbidity After Buccal Mucosal Graft Harvesting. world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. SJIF Impact Factor 6.647, Volume 6, Issue 9, 1373-1383
Department of Psychiatry Sarkar S, Choudhury S, Ezhumalai G, Konthoujam J. Risk factors for the development of delirium in alcohol dependence syndrome: Clinical and neurobiological implications. Indian J Psychiatry 2017;59:300-5. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Kabeer KK, Ananthakrishnan N, Anand C, Balasundaram S. Prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Stress, Anxiety or Depression in Functional Dyspepsia and Outcome after Appropriate Intervention. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017 Aug;11(8):VC11-VC15.
Editor/ reviewer Dr P Karthikeyan, Professor, ENT reviewed article titled ‘office based videolaryngoscopy, comparison of 0 and 70 degree endoscopes’ in Indian Journal of otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Dr SS Bakshi, Asst.Prof, ENT reviewed article titled ‘Neutrophil-Lymphocyte Ratio in Children with recurrent wheezing” in Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology Journal, ‘Medical management of esophageal food impaction refractory to endoscopic interventions’ in Journal of gastric Disorders and Therapy, ‘MelkerssonRosenthal syndrome presenting as recurrent facial palsy with lingua plicata’ in BMJ Case Reports, ‘Ear Infection in Children: A hidden threat’ in Annals of Otolaryngology and Rhinology and “Obstructive hydrocephalous”: An unusual complication of chronic suppurative otitis media’ in Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, JSciMed Central. Prof Rani Reddi P, Department of OBGY, is a peer reviewer for Journal of Clinical & Diagnostic Research and Indian Obstetrics &Gynaecology and is an Editorial Board member of Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics &Gynaecology& Indian Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
tips with patients, community and connecting the health care team with updates. This vision was brought into reality when the Health Sparkles - Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & RI, Hospital Division Newsletter first issue was released on 31.08.2017 in A1 conference Hall, Mahatma Gandhi hospital. Mrs. Kripa Angeline, Asso. Prof KGNC welcomed the dignitaries - Prof. K.R. Sethuraman (Vice Chancellor), Prof.M. Ravishankar (Dean-MGMCRI), Dr. Krishna Seshadri (SBV Consultant), Dr. Nirmal Coumare (MS- MGMCRI), Mrs Asha Sureshbabu, (GM - Admin). The gathering had all Hods and professors of the clinical department, Nursing superintendent and their team, Principal, KGNC and Vice principal, MGMCRI and the members of HRD. Dr. Swati Jayant Pawar (DMS- MGMCRI), chief editor of the newsletter provided a glimpse of the newsletter to the gathering .The first issue was released by the employees of the MGMCRI, Mr. Arokia Raj & Mr.Pushpanadhan and Prof .K.R. Sethuraman Vice Chancellor, SBV received the Newsletter. As a motivation to the employees a Star performer of the month will be identified by the Health Sparkles editorial team based on their performance and services rendered and awarded in every issue. The pride of the first star performer of the month was bagged by Mrs. G. Kanchana, EEG Technician. Prof .K.R. Sethuraman Vice Chancellor, SBV honoured the star performer with a cash award of Rs. 1000. The editorial team of Health Sparkles will strive to utilize the opportunity in every issue to enforce the services provide in the hospital, connect with patients, attract new and repeat patients and readers from the health care team.
S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor, Dept of Urology, got selected as Editorial Committee member of Journal of Kidney and Renal Disease- Gavin Publishers. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research ( JCDR) on 20.09.2017, was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Journal of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (Turkey) on 24.09.2017, and was invited to conduct review of a scientific paper for Indian Journal of Medical Research (IJMR) on 07.09.2017.
hh “Health Sparkles”, Newsletter, MGMCRI Publication The Mahatma Gandhi Hospital took up its new venture with the thought initiated by Dr. Prasanth Rajagopalan Vice Chairman, SBV to share announcements and health 11
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Initiatives hh AWARDS Dr.A.N.Uma, Vice Principal (AHS), Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, was awarded Ph.D degree in Medical Genetics under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences during ‘Doctoral convocation’of Sri BalajiVidyapeethon 22nd September 2017. Dr.Vasanthan, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, was awarded PhD degree in Medical Physiology in September, 2017.
Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, received award of “Academic Excellence” for outstanding performance in MD Physiology during Doctoral convocation on 22nd September 2017.
Dr.Sobana, Associate professor, Department of Physiology, received award of “Academic Excellence” for outstanding performance in PG Diploma in Music Therapy during Doctoral convocation on 22nd September 2017. Dr.K. Shanmugasamy.k, Associate professor, Dept of Pathology received gold medal in MD Pathology on 22rd September 2017 at SBV Doctoral Convocation held at SBV university. 12
Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane, Associate professor, Dept of Pathology received gold medal in MD Pathology on 22rd September 2017 at SBV Doctoral Convocation held at SBV university.
Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Associate Professor received Gold medal in PG Diploma in Good Clinical Laboratory Practices.
Ms. Shurthi Meenachi received Gold medal in M.Sc. (Medical Biochemistry) for the batch 2015 Dr. Prof.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD was nominated for “The BMJ awards South Asia 2017” for the category excellance in medical education, titled, ‘SBVU model of competency based learning and training for post graduate education in august 2017’.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Suguna A and Dr. Surekha A, Assistant Professors, Department of Community Medicine were awarded MNAMS – Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences. Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Sethuraman KR, Professor, Dr. Mahalakshmi VN, Professor, presented a poster titled “Structured implementation of communication skills training in the medical curriculum: Reflections and appraisal” in National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - For 21 C medicos (MIMECON) organized by SBV, Pondicherry, held on 16-09-2017. The poster was awarded 2nd Prize in the Poster Competition.
Resource Person / Guest lecture in Academic/ Scientific Events Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, was the Course coordinator for ASTRA – (Advance Surgical Training & Research Academy) Basic Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop on Knee on 14th July 2017 at ShriSathiyaSai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Kanchipuram District.
Prof.R.Krishnagopal, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a Faculty in VMC shoulder Con 2017 held on 22nd& 23rd July 2017 at Velammal Medical College Hospital, Madurai.
Dr. Krishna Prasad, Dr.N.J. Reguvaran, & Dr.R. Chitarth Senior Residents, Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as faculty in Palakkad deformity Course held from 22nd to 24th September 2017 Golden Hall, Joby’s Mall, Palakkad.
Prof.R.Pajanivel, Department of pulmonary medicine delivered a talk on “Towards a Smart Shift in Bronchial Asthma Management” conducted by Department of Pulmonary Medicine on 24.08.2017. Dr.RPajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine gave a speech on “Biomarkers in Bronchial asthma” held in CRSCON-2017, Coimbatore organized by Coimbatore Respiratory Society on 06.08.2017. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine, attended a conference on Annual medicine update program API,Trichy on AUG13,2017,delivered a talk on “Current Trends in Asthma Management”.
Dr.SeeteshGhose, HOD, Department of OBGY, attended national level conference ‘MIMECON-2017’ at MGMCRI Pondicherry as resource Person on 16.09.2017. Prof Syed Habeebullah, Department of OBGY, gave a guest lecture on “Ovarian cysts in all age groups” at the 37 th Annual conference of THANJAVUR Obstetric&Gynaecology society on 13th august 2017. Prof Syed Habeebullah, Department of OBGY, was a Resource person at the CME for postgraduates “FOCUS
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
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2017” held at TRICHUR (Kerala) and discussed 2 cases: a) ‘Cancer endometrium’ b) ‘gestational trophoblastic diseases’ on 24th August 2017 Dr.Richa, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology delivered lecture on “E-learning & Electronic resources”, “Use of text books & referencing / blue file” & conducted “LMS workshop” as a part of one week orientation program for First Year MBBS students conducted by MGMCRI held from 12th to 15th September, 2017. Dr.Nikhilesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology delivered lecture on “Departmental resources for learning” as a part of one week orientation program for First Year MBBS students conducted by MGMCRI on 15th September, 2017. Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology delivered lecture on “Practicals’& OSPEs – Getting the best out of them” as a part of one week orientation program for First Year MBBS students conducted by MGMCRI on 15th September, 2017. Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, participated as a resource person / panelist, in a panel discussion in a CME titled “Professional Perception, Attitude and Knowledge on Child Abuse”, organized by Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, JIPMER, on 05-08-2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a guest lecture on “Take a minute, change a life” in SAF, KGNC on 12-09-2017. Rajkumar M, Clinical Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a guest lecture on “Prevention of selfharming thoughts - Tips for adolescents” in SAF, KGNC on 12-09-2017.
Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted a session titled “Doctor-patient communication - An introduction”, at the Induction and Orientation Program - Part II - for Postgraduate Residents - 2017), on 06-07-2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Department of Psychiatry, conducted a session titled “Professional communication and teamwork in health care settings” at the Induction and Orientation Program - Part II - for Postgraduate Residents - 2017), on 07-07-2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a module titled “Writing review of literature and references” at the dissertation workshop for final year PG students, organized at MGMCRI on 11-07-2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a module titled “Converting the dissertation into a journal article” at the dissertation workshop for final year PG students, organized at MGMCRI on 15-07-2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered an orientation lecture for the interns of Centre for Music Therapy Education and Research (CMTER), SBV, on 02-08-2017. Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine conducted “ CNE on Aerosol Therapy - NEBULA on AUG 2, 2017, organized by the department of Pulmonary Medicine and CIPLA Respiratory Division. Total participants-150. And on SEP 11,2017 as part of staff nurses induction program. Total participants-15.
Dr. Avudaiappan S, Assistant Professor, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, participated as resource persons in a Multidisciplinary symposium / Integrated Teaching Program on “Personality disorders”, organised by Department of Mental Health Nursing, KGNC, on 16-09-2017. Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, delivered a guest lecture in commemoration of World Suicide Prevention Day, at Aarupadai Veedu Medical College (AVMC), Puducherry, on 25-09-2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine conducted “TAPPCON 2017-PG QUIZ” in MGMC & RI on 03.09.2017. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof. Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Breast feeding during caesarean section awareness programme” on 02.07.17 conducted by Indian Medical Association, Kumbakonam.
Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct on “GA Simulation center Training Workshop” at Simulation Laboratory Yenepoya University, Deralakatte, Mangalore on 22nd July 2017.
Charulatha Asst. Prof., Dr. Yasha Senior resident Dept. of Anaesthesiology were invited as a faculty to conduct cadaveric workshop on “Ultrasound in Regional Anesthesia” at 33rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Trichy (ISACON SOUTH 2017) on 4th, 5th and 6th August 2017.
Dr. Parthasarathy, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to give a talk on “Status asthmaticus with Strangulated Inguinal hernia plan hernia repair / Laparotomy – Anaesthetic management” at 33 rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Trichy (ISACON SOUTH 2017) on 5th August 2017 at Trichy. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Resource Person for Panel Discussion – “Helping the Post-graduates cross the exam hurdle” at 33rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Trichy (ISACON SOUTH 2017) on 4th, 5th and 6th August 2017.
Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct on “GA Simulation center Training Workshop” at Simulation Laboratory Yenepoya University, Deralakatte, Mangalore on 22nd July 2017. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Resource Person to give an introduction to CRRI – Polices & Practices on Interns Orientation Program 2017 Part-I conducted by MEU, MGMCRI on 24.07.2017 Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Simulation – Perioperative scenarios and emergencies” at 33 rd Annual South Zone Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists, Trichy on 4th, 5th and 6th August 2017. Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dr. Sripriya, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Annie Sheeba, and Dr. 15
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Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof, Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Resource Person to conduct class on “Acute Pain Relief ” in the 15th session of the systematic training program for all CRRIs 2017-18 held on 10.08.2017 at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Dr. Charulatha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Resource Person to conduct class on “Acute Pain Relief ” in the 15th session of the systematic training program for all CRRIs 2017-18 held on 17.08.2017 at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Intubation on Mannequin & Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation, Airway Management, Lung USG, and Echo” on Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI
Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Needle visualization under ultrasound – Practical tips” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.
Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Intubation on Mannequin & Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation” on Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI.
Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Advanced anaesthesia workstation: Is it a boon?” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.
Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Using digital technology to enhance the learning experience of “Millennials” in MIMECON-2017 held at MGMCRI on September 16th 2017.
Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to deliver a lecture on “Pain blocks patient selection and preventing complications” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.
Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to conduct workshop on “Class room/ session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners” in MIMECON-2017 held at MGMCRI on September 16th 2017. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to attend Specification Vetting Committee Meeting for the Equipment “ABG machine and Transport Ventilator” at JIPMER on 19.09.2017. Dr. Annie Sheeba, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology was invited as a Resource Person to conduct class on “Acute Pain Relief ” in the 18th session of the systematic training program for all CRRIs 2017-18 held on 21.09.2017 at D2 Lecture Hall, MGMCRI. Prof. Ravishankar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology launched 9100c NXT new anaesthesia machine for GE Health Care on 22nd September 2017 during 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017).
Dr. Sripriya, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Gayatri, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated as a faculty on “Thoracic Anaesthesia Workshop” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a Resource Person to conduct Faculty Development Program on Simulation Based Medical Education (SBME) at MEU, MGMCRI on 26th and 27th of September 2017. Dr.K.N.Jha, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology participated as a faculty and delivered a talk, “Keratoplasty in India: Bridging the Gap” at the 9th Annual meeting of the Eye bank association of India and “Cornea and Eye bank Conference” held at Patna, on 09.09.2017 & 10.09.2017.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
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Dr. Prof.P.Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated in the “PG orientation programme briefing about the Cobalt along with Prof.Dr.Ananthakrishnan” conducted on 6/7/17, 7/7/17 and 8/7/17 in MGMCRI. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated and gave a guest talk on “Etiopathogenesis and Diagnosis of Otoscerosis” a CME on overview of otosclerosis organized by AVMC, Pondicherry on 23/8/2017. Prof.Karthikeyan and Prof. Gopalakrishnan, ENT gave a talk in AVMC
Dr.Prof. S. Gopalakrishnan, Professor, participated as a speaker in the CME “an overview of otosclerosis” conducted in AVMC, Pondicherry on 23/08/17.
Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology delivered a Guest talk on “Rabies: Let us talk” in the World Rabies day CME programme held at AVMCH, Pondicherry, organized by Dept. of Microbiology, AVMCH on 21.09.2017.
hh Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events Dr.K.Udhaya Kumar, Interventional Radiologist, MGMCRI was invited as a chairperson at National conference of Indian association of Surgical gastroenterology - IASGCON 2017 held at JIPMER.
Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as chair person in “Interventional Pulmonology update 2017’’ held in Apollo hospital, Chennai on 30.07.2017. Prof. Dr.KSurendraMenon (HOD), Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine participated as chairperson on “Pulmonary aspergillosis” held in CRSCON-2017, Coimbatore on 06.08.2017.
Dr. Seetharaman, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person forAFP-Measles Surveillance Programme.. Dr. Narayan KA, Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a Resource Person for CARETS –Biomedical skill development program. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, Department of Microbiology, was invited as Resource person for Centre for Animal Research Training and Services (CARETS), CIDRF on 21.08.2017 and 22.08.2017. 17
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Prof Rani Reddi P, Department of OBGY, attended and chaired a session in a CME on “Recent Advances in Management of Cancer Cervix” in JIPMER on September 19th 2017. Prof S Habeebullah, Department of OBGY, attended “Colposcopy” work shop and CME on “Management of cancer cervix” held at JIPMER, Pondicherry on 16 & 17th September 2017 and chaired a scientific session. Dr.JosephPhilipraj and Dr.KalyanramKone, faculty, Department of Urology chaired a session in the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists SZUSICON 2017 in Kasturbha Medical College, Manipal held on 11 to 13 Aug 2017 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Dr.Mossadeq and Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology chaired a session in the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, held from 15 to 17 Sep 2017. Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as Chairperson and conducted Upper & Lower limb blocks, thoracic, paravertebral and Lumbar spine blocks workshop on 7th National Conference of Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA2017) at Indore from 8th September to 10th September 2017. Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a faculty to chair a session on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON-2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER.
hh Officiating as Moderator / Panelist in Academic / Scientific Events Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, was a moderator for the Live Webinar on “ Recent advances in cochlear implants by Dr. Mohan Kameshwaran” conducted on 2/7/17 in Hotel Atithi. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated as a moderator for “Endoscopic medial maxillectomy” by Dr.Prabhu Karthik at cuddalore ENT meet conducted on 3/8/17
hh Officiating as Judge in Academic / Scientific Events Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as a judge at Scientific and Academic Forum of MGMCRI, on 18th August 2017.
hh Examiner / Evaluator/ Expert Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, was invited as an examiner for the IDCCN Exams to be held on 29th July 2017 (Saturday afternoon) and 30th July 2017 (Sunday) at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute Pondicherry. Dr.R. Pajanivel, Professor, Department of Pulmonary Medicine went as an external examiner for
Post graduate examination in SRMC University, Chennai on 04.08.2017 Prof Rani Reddi P, Department of OBGY, went as DNB Examiner at Vanivillas Hospital, Bangalore in May 2017. Dr.SeeteshGhose, HOD, Department of OBGY, went to Osmania Medical College as UG examiner on 19.08.2017. Dr.R.Kalaivani, Associate Professor, Microbiology, went as an external examiner for MSc Medical Microbiology at PIMS, Puducherry, Pondicherry University from 18th to 20th, July, 2017. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant Professor, ENT, was invited as an Undergraduate examiner for JSS medical college, Mysuru on 05/08/17 and 06/08/17. Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant Professor, ENT, was invited as “Undergraduate examiner for Mediciti medical college”, Medehal, Telangana on 23/08/17 and 24/08/17 Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology Conducted Ph.D. Public Viva-Voce as External Examiner for Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka on 21.08.2017. Dr. Selvaraj Stephen, Professor, department of Microbiology assessed Ph.D. work as a Subject Expert for Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka on 21.08.2017.
hh Elected / member in Scientific and Academic Offices Dr.A.N.Uma, Vice Principal (AHS), Associate Professor of Medical Genetics, Genetic Unit, Department of Anatomy, was elected as Vice President of Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI on 27-07-2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was elected as Secretary of Scientific & Academic Forum, MGMCRI on 27-07-2017. Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, Organising committee member in the “National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millenials Engagement” on 16/9/17 in MGMCRI Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
hh Fellowship / Online course participation / completion Dr.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, completed “Basic simulation education course” conducted by the Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI, on 26th& 27th September, 2017.
Dr. Pramod Kumar GN, Professor of Forensic Medicine presented a poster on “Perception of students towards Structured Oral examination in comparison with Conventional Oral examination in Forensic Medicine” in XIV South India Medicolegal Association Conference on 23rd Sept 2017 held at Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad.
Dr.Chandana, Department of OBGY, completed fellowship on “Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynaecology” in MEDISCAN systems, Chennai 2016-2017. Prof SeeteshGhose, Dr.RupalSamal, Associate Prof, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Asst. Prof, Department of OBGY, successfully completed Basic Simulation Education Course conducted on 26th&27th September, 2017 by Dr.DinkerPai at Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI. Dr.Pallavee P, Department of OBGY, completed NTTC (National Teachers Training Course) at JIPMER, Puducherry from 13th to 19th September, 2017.
hh Presentations in Academic / Scientific Events Dr. M. Sathishbabu, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry presented poster presentation titled ““Putative role of sleep quality on academic performance of UG medical students”in National Conference “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017.
Dr.Bhavani K, Associate professor,Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “Osteonecrosis in adolescent- Acute lymphoblastic leukemia” at Chetmedicon 2017 Clinical hematology National conference and CME on 19th August 2017 at Chettinad medical college and hospital, Chennai. Dr.RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “Acute undifferentiated leukemia- A rare case report” at Chetmedicon 2017 Clinical hematology National conference and CME on 19th August 2017 at Chettinad medical college and hospital, Chennai.
Dr K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Swathi.N, Associate Professor Department of Ophthalmology presented a poster “Impact of an educational module on the knowledge & attitude of nursing students towards eye donation” in MIMECON 2017 held at MGMC&RI, on 16.09.2107. Prof.M. Chandrasekaran, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, presented paper in 2nd International Conference on Spine and Spinal Disorders, July 24th – 26th 2017 Rome, Italy. Dr.Kalaiyarasan, senior resident, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented a paper on “Prevalence of allergic bronchopulmonaryaspergillosis in asthmatic patients: a prospective institutional study” in State level conference “TAPPCON 2017” in MGMC & RI on 03.09.2017. 19
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Dr.Bhavani K, Associate professor, Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “ Problem based learning- An effective approach to improve learning outcomes in medical teaching” at MIMECON conference conducted at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16th September 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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from Pondicherry university- DDE Aug 2017, attended lap-Endofusion 3D workshop at PVS Hospital Cochin9th -10th Sep 2017, was the Treasurer for “MIMECON” 2017- Organised by MEU-MGMCRI 16th Sep 2017, was the Master of Ceremony for “ Doctoral Convocation 2017 “ of SBVU, attended Dr T S Jairam CUE organised by Bangalore Urology Society, 23rd – 24th Sep 2017 and visited Institute of Nephrology and Urology 22nd – 30th Sep 2017 as Part Of Urological Society of India Teacher Travelling Fellowship for the year 2017. Dr.RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology presented a poster on “ Innovation in Histopathology practical teaching- Students and Teachers perspective” at MIMECON conference conducted at MGMCRI,Pondicherry on 16th September 2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, presented a Poster titled “Effect of case-based discussion on attitude of interns towards psychiatry - A comparative study” at the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - For 21 C medicos (MIMECON) organized by SBV, Pondicherry, held on 16-09-2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology presented a poster entitled “Motivation of Students in Co curricular activities” in the National Conference on “Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” organised by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09 2017.
hh Participation in Academic/Scientific Events Dr. S. Joseph Philipraj, Professor, Dept of Urology participated in SZUSICON 2017 held at Manipal 10-11th August 2017, Completed MBA- Hospital Management
Dr. Aruly Vijaya Vani, Assistant professor Department of Biochemistry attended national workshop title “Scientific writing” organsized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 3rd July 2017. Prof. Niranjan, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Reeta R, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Arul Vijaya Vani, Associate professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in Promoting doctor –patient trust- The Need of the Hour organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 7th July 2017. Dr. Ramesh R, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Conference titled “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. R. Reeta, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Conference titled “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017
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Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Conference titled “MIMECON 2017 Motivation inspiration and millennials engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. R. Reeta, Associate Professor, participated in National Workshop titled “MIMECON 2017 - Session strategies to accommodate diversity of learners” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. Kulkarni Sweta, Assistant professor, Department of Biochemistry participated in National Workshop titled “MIMECON 2017 - Session strategies to accommodate diversity of learners” organized by Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute on 16th September 2017 Dr. Seetha KS, Professor and HOD, Dr. Jayapal V, Dr. Umadevi S, Professors, Dr. Pramodhini S, Dr. Pravin Charles M.V, Dr. Kalaivani R, Associate Professors and Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale and Dr. Valentina Y, Assistant Professors, department of Microbiology attended the National Conference on “Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” organised by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09 2017. Dr. Jayapal V, Dr. Umadevi S, Professors, Dr. Pramodhini S, Associate Professor and Dr. Namrata K. Bhosale and Dr. Valentina Y, Assistant Professors, department of Microbiology participated in the workshop on “Digital Technology” organized by organised by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09 2017. Dr. Sivashanmugam, Professor and Head and Dr. Jaya, Assistant Professor attended “Basic Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop” organized by Department of Orthopedic, MGMCRI and visited the ASTRA Lab at Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute on 14th July 2017. Prof. Sivashanmugam, HOD, Prof. Hemanth Kumar, Dr, Kusha Nag, Dr. Dewan Roshan Singh, Dr. Antony John Charles, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Annie Sheeba, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anesthesiology, has attended “Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care Course at MGMCRI, as Instructor Candidate on 11th, 12th, and 13th August 2017. It was awarded 6 credit hours and 2 CME credit by the TNMC. 21
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr. Indubala, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, attended as delegate on Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI Dr. Charulatha, Dr. Antony John Charles, Dr. Jaya, Dr. Annie Sheeba, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology, participated workshop as a delegate in MIMECON-2017 held at MGMCRI on September 16th 2017. Dr. Rani, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Kusha Nag, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Jaya, Dr. Annie Sheeba Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology attended as a delegate on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr. Antony John Charles Associate Professor,Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated as a delegate on “Thoracic Anaesthesia Workshop” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr. Charulatha, Dr. Jaya Asst. Prof., Dept. of Anaesthesiology participated as a delegate on “ENT Anaesthesia Workshop” on ISACON Puducherry 2017, 8th Annual State Conference of Puducherry (PONCON2017) held on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of September 2017 at JIPMER. Dr.RajkumarPatil, Dr Partha Nandi, Dr. Palve Sachin Bhaskar, Dr. Jayaramachandran, Dr. Suguna A, Dr Arun, Dr Sindhu, Dr Ankita, Dr Hariteja, Department of Community Medicine participated in Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM), Puducherry and Tamilnadu Sub Zonal conference - 2017 at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences on 14th and 15th September. Dr. Seetharaman, Dr Narayan KA, Dr. Abhijit V. Boratne, Dr. Jayaramachandran S, Dr. Suguna A, Department of Community Medicine participated in Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIME) - For 21 C Medicos, a national conference cum workshops on Saturday, Sep 16, 2017 @ Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry, India. Dr. Seetharaman and Dr. Narayan KA, Department of Community Medicine participated in the PG Dissertation write up workshop and Induction cum Orientation program for PGs SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Dr. Surekha A, Department of Community Medicine has participated in the workshop on Developing a protocol for a Cochrane Systematic Review held during August 17-19, 2017 in Community Health Division, Bangalore Baptist Hospital in collaboration with Cochrane South Asia Dr. Surekha A, Department of Community Medicine has participated in the interactive workshop on “Yoga and psychotherapy (Bridging East and West)” presented by Dr STEPHEN PARKER (Stomaji) Psy.D from the USA on 29th September 2017 at the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research of the Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth at MGMC&RI. Meeting regarding new RHTC was attended by Dr. Seetharaman and other rmembers of IPHA. The General Body meet was attended by Dr. Narayan and Dr. Partha Nandi, faculty, Department of Community Medicine. Dr K Srikanth, Professor and HOD, Dr AR Rajalakshmi, Associate Professor & Dr.Swathi. N, Associate Professor, Department of Ophthalmology attended the MIMECON 2017 at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry on 16.09.2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a faculty development program on E-portfolio organized at MGMCRI, Puducherry, on 05-07-2017 and 03-08-2017. Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended the National Midterm CME of Indian Psychiatric Society at Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh on 12-08-2017 and 13-08-2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended the 32nd Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society - Tamil Nadu Chapter (TANPSYCON) at Yercaud, Salem on 08-09-2017 and 09-09-2017. Dr. Ashwinth Jothy P, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended 3rd State Conference Tamil Nadu and Puducherry State Conference on Pulmonary Diseases (TAPPCON 2017), organized by Association of Pulmonologists of Puducherry, held at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Pondicherry, on 02-09-2017 to 03-09-2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sukanto Sarkar, Associate Professor, Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Assistant SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - For 21 C medicos (MIMECON) organized by SBV, Pondicherry. held on 16-09-2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor and Dr. Ashwinth Jothy, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, attended a workshop on “EMR - Investigation and Prescription Training” organized by Department of IT, MGMCRI held on 28-09-2017. Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, participated in a workshop titled “Using digital technology to enhance the learning experience of the Millennials”, at the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIMECON), organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, held on 16-09-2017. Dr. Dhananjay S Kotasthane,Professor and HOD, Dr.Sowmya, Professor, Dr. G Mangala, Dr. K Shanmugasamy, DrBhavani, Dr.Vaishali D Kotasthane, Associate Professors, Dr.Anandraj, Dr. RoopaUrs AN, Dr.Garima, DrArunkumar, Assistant Professors, Dr.Sujaya, Tutor, Dept of Pathology attended MIMECON conference conducted at MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16th September 2017. Dr. Bhavani, Associate Professor, Dept of Pathology attended Hematology CME on 23rd September 2017 at JIPMER, Puducherry. Dr. Bhavani, Associate professor and Dr. RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology attended SRU Hemotask 2017, An advanced hemostatsis workshop on 1st July at SRMC, Porur, Chennai. Dr. Bhavani, Associate professor and Dr. RoopaUrs AN, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology attended Chetmedicon 2017 Clinical hematology National conference and CME on 19th August 2017 at Chettinad medical college and hospital, Chennai. Dr. K. AnandrajVaithy, Assistant professor, Dept of Pathology underwent Basic medical education workshop held at JIPMER, Puducherry from 23rd September to 29th September 2017. Dr.Mossadeq, Dr.JosephPhilipraj and Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology attended the Prof W E Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
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Moses Endowment Lecture &Urethroplasty Workshop conducted at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore on 15 &16 Jul 2017. Dr.JosephPhilipraj, Dr.KalyanramKone and Dr. Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology attended the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists SZUSICON 2017 in Kasturbha Medical College, Manipal held from 11 to13 Aug 2017.
Dr.G.ThayumanaSundaram, &Dr.A.Prabhakaran, Assistant Professors, Dept. of Orthopaedics participated as a delegate in ASTRA – (Advance Surgical Training & Research Academy) Basic Arthroscopy Cadaveric Workshop on Knee on 14th July 2017 at ShriSathiyaSai Medical College & Research Institute, Ammapettai, Kanchipuram District.
Dr.JosephPhilipraj faculty, Department of Urology attended the Lap Endofusion 2017 workshop held at Kochi on 9 & 10 Sep 2017. Dr.Mossadeq, Dr.KalyanramKone and Dr.Vasudevan T, faculty, Department of Urology attended the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, Chennai held from 15 to 17 Sep 2017. Dr.JosephPhilipraj, faculty, Department of Urology attended the 20thDr.T S Jayaram Memorial Live Operative Workshop & CUE held at INU, Bangalore, held from 24 to 25 Sep 2017. Dr.JosephPhilipraj, faculty, Department of Urology attended the “Prepare Protect Prevent – Legal Implications” CDE program held at IGIDS, Pondicherry on12 Oct 2017. CME on Pediatric dermatology, SRMC Chennai heldon16th September, 2017 was attended by Dr.Preethi, senior resident, Department of Dermatology. Prof.R. Surendher Kumar, Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate in Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society (APAS) will be held from 18th - 20th August, 2017 at Hotel Leela, Chennai, India. Dr.M. Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate in TRAUMACON 2017 held at Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel from 10th to 13th August, 2017. Dr.M. Manoharan, Associate Professor Dept. of Orthopaedics,participated as a delegate in Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society (APAS) will be held from 18th - 20th August, 2017 at Hotel Leela, Chennai, India. 23
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Dr. Vimal Raj, Assistant professor, Department of Pulmonary medicine attended National conference cum workshop in Medical education (MIMECON 2017) on SEP16, 2017 in MGMCRI, Pondicherry. Dr.SeeteshGhose, Department of OBGY, attended national level workshop on ‘Session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners’ in ‘MIMECON-2017’ at MGMCRI Pondicherry as delegate on 16.09.2017. It has 10 credit points from The TNMGR Medical University. Dr. SetuRathod, Dr.. Sunil Kumar Samal, Asst. Professor &Dr.GaneswarBarik,SR, Department of OBGY, attended Workshop on Doppler in Obstetrics at Lotus Hospitals Erode on 2nd July, 2017. (5 credit points) Dr.RupalSamal, Associate Professor, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Meenupriyadarshini,Asst Prof, Dr.Devanshi&Dr. Ganeswar, SR, Department of OBGY, attended “National Conference on Fertility and High Risk Pregnancy FERTICON 2017” in Chennai on 8th&9th July,2017. (25 credit points). Prof SeeteshGhose, HOD, Dr.GaneswarBarik, Senior Resident, Department of OBGY, attended National level “CME on Prevention and management of Cervical Cancer” at JIPMER, Pondicherry as delegate on 16th& 17th September, 2017. Prof SeeteshGhose, Prof Reddi Rani P, Prof Syed Habeeebullah, Prof Pallavee P, Lopamudra John, Dr.RupalSamal,Associate Professor, Dr. Sunil Kumar SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Samal, Dr.SetuRathod, Dr.Madhusmita,, Department of OBGY, attended SAF Guest Lecture on Functional/ Restorative Neurosurgery by Dr. R Ramnarayan on 15th September 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
Dr.AN Uma, Associate Professor of Genetics, Anatomy, attended Workshop on “Scientific writing” by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 3rd July, 2017 credited with 2hours at MGMCRI, Puducherry
Prof SeeteshGhose, Prof Reddi Rani P, Prof Syed Habeeebullah, Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini, Dr.Chandana, Dr. Ashwini, Dr.Vijaya, Dr.Divya, Department of OBGY, attended SAF Guest Lecture on “Sustaining Breast Feeding Together” by Dr. S Srinivasan Tamil Nadu State Co-ordinator, NRHM on 04.08.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
DrSatish Kumar, Professor & HOD, DrPramod Kumar, Professor, DrDhritimanNath, Associate Professor, &DrPrasanna P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMCRI attended a CME“Professional Perception, Attitude and Knowledge on Child Abuse” held at the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, JIPMER, Puducherry on 5.8.2017.
Prof Reddi Rani P, Prof Syed Habeeebullah, Prof Pallavee P, Dr.Lopamudra B John, Dr.RupalSamal, Dr. Sunil Kumar Samal, Dr.MeenuPriyadarshini, Dr. Ashwini, Dr.Madhusmita, Dr.Ganeswar, Department of OBGY, attended Shri MVK Iyer Oration by Dr. C Palanivelu on “My Tryst with Laparoscopic Surgery” on 14.07.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
Dr.Pramod Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMCRI attended a conference “SIMLA XIV Annual Conference of South India Medico Legal Association (SIMLA -2017)” held at Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad on 21-23 Sept 2017.
Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology attended the workshop on “Classroom/ session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners” conducted by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI on 16th September, 2017 Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology attended the national seminar-cum-CME on “Movements and thought disorders- Insights from neurophysiology” organised department of Physiology, AVMCH on 9th September, 2017. Dr.Suchitra, Associate Professor, DrRicha Gupta, DrNikhilesh Singh, &Dr Devi R Nithiya, Assistant Professors, Department of Physiology attended the national conference on “Motivation, Inspiration, and Millennial for 21 C Medicos” conducted by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI on 16th September, 2017. Dr.R.Kalaivani, Associate Professor, Microbiology, attended Workshop on “Scientific writing” by Dept. of Pharmacology, MGMCRI on 3rd July, 2017 (credit hour 2) at MGMCRI, Puducherry and also attended workshop on “Classroom/ Seminar strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners” in Motivation, Inspiration & Millennial engagement conference organized by Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, Pondicherry on 16.09.2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr.Pramod Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, MGMCRI attended a National conference cum workshop “MIMECON - Motivation Inspiration and Millennial’ Engagement (MIME) - For 21 C Medicos”atMahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry, India on Sep 16, 2017 Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, participated as a delegate in “ENT today” conducted in Hotel Marriot,Hyderabad organized by Dr Milind Kirtane on 19/8/17 Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD participated as a delegate in the “national conference on motivation,inspiration and millenials engagement “ on 16/9/17 in MGMCRI Dr. S.S. Bakshi, Assistant Professor participated as delegate in the “golden jubilee international conference of Indian Pharmacology Society- Pre Conference Workshop On Scientific Writing” conducted on 3/7/17 in MGMCRI Dr. S S Bakshi, Assistant Professor participated as a delegate in the “ workshop on Yoga chikitsa the application of yoga as a therapy” conducted on 24/7/17 in MGMCRI Dr.S.S.Bakshi, Assistant professor participated as delegate in” National conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millenial’s Engagement “ on 16/9/17 in MGMCRI Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
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The participation of the faculty recharging programs by the Department of general Medicine are, the 9th Apollo institute of critical care conference 2017- 05/08/2017 organised by Apollo institute of critical care Medicine was attended by Dr. TONY Mathew – Asst. Professor, Neuroemergency crash course organised by Global health city on 09/07/2017 Attended by Dr. Kalaimani, Rhythm – Advanced ECG programme held at Chennai was attended by Dr. Tony Mathew, Dr. Kalaimani, Alice – Apollo leadership and innovation in cardiac endevours organised by Apollo hospital v Chenna was attended by Dr. Kalaimani, Trendo – 2017 – 5th Annual conference of Endocrine society of Tamilnadu and Puducherry was attended by Dr. Arunkumar, Dr. Tony Kadavanu, Dr. Velmurugan, Dr. Kalaimani, Dr. Tamilarasan, Tapicon – 2017 organised by Association of Physicians of India was attended by Dr. R. Arunkumar, Dr. Shobna sundaram and Dr. Siva Green, Criticare- Puducherry – organized by Indian society of Critical care Medicine – Puducherry Chapter- 7th and 8th – October 2017 was attended by by Dr. R. Arunkumar, Dr. Mohan’s International Diabetes Update 2017 organised by Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Educatiob Academy on 28th to 30 th July 2017 was attended by Dr. R. Arunkumar, Dr. Siva Green and Dr. Tamilarasan, State level workshop on Recent advances in Diagnostics and interventions in Gastroenterology organized by Dept. of Gen. Med, Gen. Surgery and Medical Gastroenterology, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry was attended by by Dr. K.Jayasingh, Dr. K.Jeyapalan, and Dr. Kalaimani, Basic assessment & Support in Intensive Care course at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College& Research Institute on 11th, 12th and 13th August 2017 was attended by Dr. K.Jayasingh, Dr. Siva Green. Dr. Kalaimani, Dr. Tony Mathew and Dr. Shobna Sundaram,, ICML- Organized by Mumbai Hematology Group – on 30th June to July 2017 was attended by Dr. Tarun Kumar Dutta, and the National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millinnials engagement MIMECON 2017 organized by MEU of Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth attended by Dr. K.Jayasingh and Dr. Mohamed Hanifah.
Pulmonary Medicine was the Organising Chairperson and Dr.R.Pajanivel, Professor; Department of Pulmonary Medicine was the Organizing Secretary. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV participated in the inauguration as Chief Guest. Prof.M.Ravi Shankar, Dean – Faculty of Medicine felicitated the inauguration event. Prof.K.SurendraMenon welcomed the gathering. Prof.K.R.Sethuraman released the conference souvenir. Prof.K.SurendraMenon delivered the Presidential address. The Lifetime achievement awardees – Dr.Udhayaraj and Dr.Sivarman were honoured by the Vice Chancellor.
Prof.K.R.Sethuraman, Prof.M.Ravi Shankar along with Organising Chairperson Dr.K.SurendraMenon, Dr.P.K.Thomas, President, Association of Pulmonologists of Tamil Nadu (APT) &Organising Secretary Dr.R.Pajanivel felicitated the family of late Prof.V.K.Padmanaban, eminent Pulmonologist from Puducherry on whose name the TAPPCON 2017 Oration- “Is Lung Transplantation in India a reality ?” was delivered by Prof.RMPLRamanathan, Professor & HOD, PSG IMS&R, Coimbatore. Prof.R.Pajanivel delivered the vote of thanks.
hh Department of Pulmonary Medicine TAPPCON 2017 Department of Pulmonary Medicine conducted 3rdTamilnadu and Pondicherry State conference on pulmonary diseases (TAPPCON 2017) in MGMC & RI on 02.09.2017& 03.09.2017under the aegis of Association of Pulmonologists of Puducherry (APP) at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (MGMC & RI), Puducherry. Dr.K.SurendraMenon, Professor &HoD, Department of 25
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Scientific session started with Clinical Grand Rounds (2 sessions) by Dr.R.Sridhar, Professor of Pulmonology, Stanley Medical College & Institute of Thoracic Medicine, Tambaram and Dr.T.Dhanasekar, Professor of Pulmonology, Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Porur, Chennai. Paper presentations – Free paper & Award paper and Poster presentations were conducted on both the days with active participation from Post Graduates. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
MrsAnuSavioThelly got selected to participate in ECHO (Extension of Community Health Outcome) online webinar and presented a report on status of NDPS amendment in Pondicherry on 20th September 2017 A team of energetic medical students have painted the walls of palliative care ward under the guidance of Dr. SatvinderBakshi (Dept of ENT) during the last week of September, 2017. Day 2 started with a panel discussion on Interstitital Lung Disease (ILD), moderated by Prof.P.K.Thomas, President, APT. Two eminent Pulmonologists, a Radiologist and a Pathologist participated in the discussion on various aspects of clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of ILD. The sessions closed with a PG quiz participated by more than 20 teams in preliminary round and the best 5 teams fought in the finals for the top spot. Team from JIPMER won the accolades. Post Graduate from Stanley Medical College won the Best paper award and a Post Graduate from Madras Medical College won the first place in Best Poster Category. The 2 day conference was attended by more than 150 delegates from Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. The conference was accredited with 3 CME credit points (Category III) by Tamil Nadu Medical Council. PSG IMS & R, Coimbatore, was selected as the venue for TAPPCON 2018.
hh TG Clinic at Department of Dermatology Transgender clinic functions on Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 12 pm every week. During the month of July-September 19 new cases were registered and 42 transgenders had come for follow up visits.On every visit, the transgenders are screened for various sexually transmitted infections and treated for dermatological diseases. Routine screening tests HIV,HbsAg, complete blood count and other relevant investigations are done. ICTC helps in counselling and assessment of their knowledge about STD/HIV and provides awareness about modes of transmission of STD/ HIV and safe sex practices. Condoms are issued free of cost. Department of DVL offers laser hair removal treatment for all transgenders seeking treatment for cosmetic concerns.
hh Department of Radiology Activities of Hospital Palliative Care Team (HPTC) First batch IAPC Essentials of Palliative Care exam was conducted at D2 Lecture Hall on 29th August. Dr.Adinarayanan, Asso Prof, Dept of Anesthesiology, JIPMER was the IAPC Examiner. On 9th September 2017, Dr.Dewan Roshan Singh and Mrs. AnuSavioThelly along with representatives of Pondicherry Opioid Committee met Lt.GovernorKiranBedi at Raj Bhavan to discuss regarding improving availability of opioids for pain management. 26
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Department of Radiology, MGMCRI, conducted a CME “BILIVE – CME on HepatoBiliary Interventions” on September 9, 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Prof Dr. B.R Nagaraj Head of the Department, department of Radiology had delivered the welcome address at the Inauguration of CME. All the honorable dignitaries on the dias lighted the kuthuvilaku at the inauguration of CME. Prof. Dr. Nirmalcoumare, medical superintendent, MGMCRI & Prof. Dr. C. Amarnath, Secretary General, IRIA Central, addressed the gathering on the inauguration of CME. The chief guest, Prof. Dr. Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI addressed the crowd during the inaugural ceremony.Dr. Lokesh Kumar, Assistant professor, Department of Radiology, MGMCRI, giving the vote of thanks during the inauguration ceremony.
Dr. K. Udhaya Kumar, interventional Radiologist, MGMCRI was one of the honorable speaker at the CME.
hh Department of ENT The department of ENT along with AOI Pondicherry conducted a guest lecture in Hotel Accord, Pondicherry on 19.09.2017. Dr VinidhPaleri MS, FRCS, Consultant Head and Neck Surgeon, The Royal Marsden Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom gave a talk on Overview of Robotics in Head and Neck surgery.
CMEs by the Department Of General Medicine 20.07.2017- Optimal medical treatment in Congestive Heart failure, by Dr. Amirthaganesh. MD.DM, Professor of Cardiology, MGMCRI and on 12.09.2017- Appropriate use of Sartans in hypertension management by Dr. Arun Prasad, MD.DM, Professor of Cardiology, MGMCRI.
Extracurricular activities Dr. Prof. P. Karthikeyan, Professor and HOD, ENT, participated as the sports coordinator in “IMA Tamilnadu 27
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State North Zone and East Zone Sports Meet 2017” and won the silver medal for Tennis doubles and Gold for volleyball conducted on 2.9.17 and 3.9.17.
hh SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM During the third quarterly of 2017, the Scientific and Academic Forum & Medical Education Unit, MGMCRI, conducted one external oration, one general body meeting, two guest talks and two internal meetings.
SAF INTERNAL MEET A new SAF team was formed after the General Body Meet on 27.07.17. Annual General Body Meeting was held under the chair of Dr Robinson Smile, Prof. Dept. of Surgery and Dr.Partha Nandi, SAF President of 2016-17, to elect the members of SAF, MGMCRI for the year 2017-18. Around 95 SAF members were present in the meet & the members of the new SAF team were elected as per the rules & regulations. The New SAF Team for 2017-18: President: Dr C.P Ganesh Babu; Vice President: Dr Uma A.N; Secretary: Dr Sukanto Sarkar; Joint Secretary: Dr S SBakshi; Treasurer: Dr Sivarajan AA; Executive Members: Dr Padmavathi, Dr Tony Mathew, Dr Shanmugasamy, Dr Ajay (PG, Surgery). Internal meetings were organized 1st week of every month consisting of TED talk followed by Mediquiz, Capsule talk & paper presentation by Post-graduate student/faculty. Internal meetings for the month of August & September 2017 were conducted on 18.08.2017 & 01.09.2017 respectively.
member. There was Vice Chancellor Dr KR Sethuraman delivering a Capsule talk on ‘Professionalism vs Humanism in Medicine’. This was followed by paper presentations viz, ‘An Uncommon Cause of Brain Calcinosis’ by Dr. Prasanna Venkatesh R, Postgraduate, Dept of General Medicine, ‘Bowel within a bowel’ - to perform intusussception you need intestinal susception by Dr. Prethivee N, Postgraduate, Dept of Surgery and ‘Mermaid Baby - Sirenomelia: An earliest detected case antenatal case’ by Dr. M. Anusha Reddy, Postgraduate, Department of Radiology. The second internal meeting was held on 01.09.2017 composing of a TED Talk on, A well educated mind Vs a well formed mind by Dr Shashi Tharoor, followed by Mediquiz by Dr.Tony, EC member. There was a Special Talk on Hospital corneal retrieval programme by Dr Swathi N, Dept of Ophthalmology, a Capsule talk on “Program evaluation demystified” by Prof. Mahalakshmi VN, Vice Principal Curriculum, MGMCRI. This was followed by paper presentations viz, ‘ SLE manifesting as Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia’ by Thannushree A.B, 3rd Year MBBS Student, MGMCRI, ‘Congenital Blueberry Muffin with Hairy Pinnae- an association or co-existence’ by Dr. Lasya M, Postgraduate, DVL and ‘ Airleak syndrome in a child-a preventable emergency ‘ by Dr. C.Kannan, Postgraduate, Department of Paediatrics.
SAF EXTERNAL MEET First SAF Guest Lecture for the month of August was organized in collaboration Dept. of Paediatrics in commemoration of ‘World Breast Feeding Week’ on 04-082017. Dr S. Srinivasan, Professor Institute of Child Health, Chennai & Tamil Nadu State Coordinator, NRHM spoke on the theme, “Sustaining Breast Feeding” emphazing on early initiation & maintenance of exclusive breast feeding.
The First internal meeting was held on 18.08.17 composing of a TED Talk on, The Skill of Self Confidence by Dr Ivan Joseph, followed by Mediquiz by Dr.Tony, EC 28
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The second SAF Guest talk for the month of September was conducted on 15.09.2017. The Guest speaker was eminent Neurosurgeon Dr R. Ramnarayan MS,MCH from Chennai who spoke on the topic “Functional/ Restorative Neurosurgery”.
SAF EXTERNAL ORATION 2017 Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University, Puducherry conducted Shri M.V.K Iyer External Oration in the afternoon of Friday 14th July, 2017 under the banner of Scientific and Academic Forum (SAF). The oration was awarded to Dr. C Palanivelu, MS, MCh, DNB, FACS, FRCS(Hon) Ed., Chairman, GEM Hospital and Research Centre, who spoke on the topic, “ My tryst with laparoscopic surgery” at Ground floor lecture, College Block, MGMCRI campus. Two time Dr.B.C.Roy National Awardee, Dr. C Palanivelu, spoke about his humble beginning being born to a poor farm workers from a village in Tiruchengode and how after many hardships managed to complete his schoolings at an age of 21. He also spoke how he went on to do his MBBS, MS in General Surgery and later on doing M.Ch in Surgical Gastroenterology. Craving to learn more, he after a great struggle went on to do laproscopic Surgeries, second of its kind to be done in India. He invented new technique for cancer esophagus in esophagectomy. This procedure named after him and called “Palanivelu’s technique of esophagectomy”. Laparoscopic Whipple operation for cancer Pancreas was performed for the first time in the world. He mentioned many new innovations to his credit like Choledochalcyst laparoscopic excision & Hepatojejunostomy, Hydatid cyst excision named as palanivelu’s hydatid trocar system, Single incision colorectal cancer resection that won him the SAGES award winning operation and the Gastrectomy for cancer stomach which he presented as key note address Japanese society in 2006. He felt very proud when he said that he was awarded “Life Time achievement” for his contribution in field of cancer, a wish that was conquered since he always wanted to help the cancer patients to survive and lead a normal life. He also informed about the recipient of the highest honour of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, United 29
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Kingdom in appreciation of his scientific contribution in the field of minimal access surgery at global level, an award that sent all the doctors looking at him awestruck. The audience were happy to note that he was the First Indian to win International Olympic Silver Medal for surgery which was held at Phoenix US in 2009, First Indian till now to win Best Video award in 16th European Best video award and first prize 2500 Euros in 2007, and first to be conferred with SAGES Awards for the three consecutive years, from 2003, by the American gastrointestinal SAGES University in recognition of his innovations. He mentioned the names of the few latest books authored by him which are of international repute, also that he was the first Indian surgeon to operate and teach in various countries, the first Indian to be conferred with Fellowship by Latin American old University, honored with the “Living Legend of Laproscopy Award” by New York City Council & New York Tamil Sangam in 2012and first to get the Fellowship Ad Hominem Award, the highest honour given by the Royal college of Surgeons of Edinburgh in 2003. Not forgotten his background, he said that he goes to villages regularly to organise free camps and select patients for free operations through GEM Medical Foundation a charitable organisation. He said that he has provided for brilliant, poor female students food, accommodation, college fees and transport made free for studying B.Sc Nursing. He felt proud to have started post doctoral fellowship and to have brought out four Ph.D students in laparoscopic surgery. In all he said that only commitment and will power would lead to the road to success.
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Teachers’ day celebration -05.09.2017
I year MBBS inauguration 2017 – 11.09.2017
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Innovations hh INNOVATIONS Medical Simulation Centre (MSC) Medical Simulation Centre, MGMCRI, an authorized International Training Centre of American Heart Association has during the third quarterly of 2017 conducted AHA certified 10 BLS Provider courses wherein 187 CRRI’s from IGIDS/ MGMCRI & SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully, Conducted AHA certified 06 ACLS Provider courses wherein 98 students of MGMCRI & SSSMCRI completed the Course successfully, A nursing Educator has been trained as a AHA Certified BLS Instructor in this period, Undergraduates are regularly trained in First aid, ECG, arrhythmias detection and management, CPR & AED. Around 72 students of Vth semester were trained in this period, ENT faculty trained around 347 MBBS students on ENT Examination and Ophthal Faculties trained 210 MBBS Students on Ophthalmic Examination, MGMCRI Certified BLS course was conducted for Aravindh Eye Hospital PG’s & Staff Nurses at Medical Simulation Centre by Dr. Sobana and Dr. Sindhupriya. 25 of them were trained in BLS, conducted MGMCRI Certified BLS course for Jipmer Staff nurses also. 10 of them were trained, 60 MGMCRI CRRI’s were trained in team work by psychiatry team and 80 CRRI’s were trained in Catheterization technique by Urology Faculty, Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care Instructor Course was conducted at Medical Simulation Centre on 11th August 2017. Dr. Ramesh Venkataraman and Dr. Shiva Kumar Iyer Facilitated the course. 14 MGMCRI Faculties were trained as a BASIC Course Instructors. BASIC Provider course was conducted on 12th & 13th September 2017. Around 30 MGMCRI Faculties & PG’s has completed the course successfully, and a Faculty development program was conducted in medical simulation Centre on 26th & 27th September 2017. The program was facilitated by Dr. Dinker Pai & Dr. Hemanth Kumar wherein 17 MGMCRI Faculties participated in the program.
MEDICAL EDUCATION UNIT, MGMCRI Faculty Development Program (FDP) on E-PORTFOLIO A Faculty Development Program (FDP) was organized by the MEU on the topic “E-PORTFOLIO” on 05.07.2017, in the College block lecture hall. The objective of the FDP was to sensitize the faculty about the new cloud based e-portfolio planned for newly joined postgraduates. It was attended by 60 faculty members of various departments including four MEU faculty from SSSMCRI as observers. The resource persons were Dr. M. Ravishankar, Dr. K.A. Narayan and Dr. R. Jaganmohon. The program started
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
with the welcome address by Dr. Seetesh Ghose. The participants were asked to reflect on the ‘pro’s and ‘con’s of e-portfolio initiated last year. Suggestions were invited how to improve upon it. A couple of postgraduate students from the Department of Pathology and psychiatry demonstrated the manner in which e-portfolio helped them in effective learning. They also reflected the challenges involved in maintaining e-portfolio from student's prospective. This was followed by demonstration of modified version of e-portfolio by Dr. M. Ravishankar, and Dr. K.A. Narayan which can be operated from android based smart phone. Participants were given ‘hands on’ experience to log onto the e-portfolio from their smart phone. This was followed by an interactive session. Practical ‘hands on session’ on the use of e-portfolio A Practical ‘hands on session’ on the use of e-portfolio was conducted for the faculty of all Departments concerned with PG Residency program on 03/08/2017 in Central Library, Digital lab. In all 40 members participated in this workshop which was found very useful for monitoring PG training based on Competency model (CBME) Induction and Orientation Programs for the Fresh Residents (2017 Batch)
about expectations from residents in the hospital setting. Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chanceller of SBV in his key note address focused on various Learning Skills required for the PGs to excel in their studies. Prof. Karthikeyan, HOD of ENT proposed a vote of thanks. The Psychiatry team conducted a salutogenesis program for Residents. During afternoon session the students were enrolled in ‘Garuda Ganesh’ which is in house Learning Management System of SBV. The Program was attended by 65 residents, faculties and HODs from all departments
Induction & Orientation Program Part II
The Part II of the Induction and Orientation Program was organized by the MEU on three days, viz, 06/07/2016, 07/07/2017 & 15/07/2017 in the MEU Block. The following sessions were conducted by the faculty members: Ice Breaking by Dr. R. Kannan and Dr. Richa Gupta; Competency Based Residency Program: the Nuts and Bolts by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan and P. Karthikeyan; Effective use of e – Portfolios as a learning tool by Prof. M. Ravishankar and Prof. K. A. Narayan; An Introduction to Doctor Patient Communications by Dr. Sunayana Choudhury; Patient Safety: Can residents prevent health care errors and improve ‘Quality of Care’ by Prof. M. Ravishankar, Prof. Pratheesh Ravindran; Professional communications and teamwork in Healthcare Setting by Dr. Sukanto Sarkar
Medical Education Unit (MEU) Organized a Comprehensive Induction and Orientation Program for the Fresh residents (2017 Batch). The Program was organized in two Parts.
Part I: Induction Program
The first part was held on 9th June 2017. The Program started with invocation and lamp lighting ceremony. Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal Curriculum, welcomed the gathering. This was followed by self introduction of the HODs and participants. Prof. M. Ravishankar, Dean (Admin) explained about Competency Based Teaching and Learning (COBALT) model pioneered by the MGMCRI. Prof. Nirmal Coumare V, Medical Superintendent talked
and Dr. Sunayana Choudhury; Principles of medical ethics by Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan and Prof. CP. Ganesh Babu. The orientation program included extensive group work and ‘hands on’ experience as follows; Creation & Maintenance of E – Portfolio – A hands on workshop – Prof. M. Ravishankar , Dr. R. Jaganmohan
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
and Prof. P. Karthikeyan; Documentation & Written Communications -Dr. Seetesh Ghose and Dr. K. Srikanth A program evaluation was conducted by the MEU. A large majority of the Participants expressed that the program was highly interactive, useful and the objectives were largely achieved. Workshop on PG Dissertation Write up The postgraduate training heavily relies on the grounding of students in the art and science of writing dissertation in particular and scientific articles in general. In order to train the PG residents in this area, the MEU of MGMCRI organized a five days workshop for the Final year PG students on “Dissertation - Write up” from 10/07/2017 to 13/07/2017 & 15/07/2017 at the MEU (College Block Annexe). The program was attended by 64 final year post graduate students of all disciplines due to appear for their final examination. The issues addressed during the workshop were: Introduction to the workshop, How to get started with the dissertation, Writing Aims and Objectives, Material and Methods, Cleaning data, preparing master chart, analysis, generating tables and figures, Writing review of literature and references, Writing Observations and results, Group tasks and plenary on writing Observation and results, Writing Discussion, Writing introduction, Writing Abstract, Writing Acknowledgements, Formatting and Layout of Dissertations, certificate, plagiarism check and uploading, Ethical issues & plagiarism, The final check, Group task and plenary. The workshop witnessed extensive use of interactive techniques including brief presentations and group tasks, followed by plenary sessions. The faculty for the workshop included Prof. N. Ananthakrishnan, Dr. A.R. Srinivasan, Dr. G. Ezhumalai, Dr. Lokesh Maran, Dr. Sivaprakash, Dr. R. Ramesh, Dr. D. Gunasekaran, Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. K.A. Narayan and Dr. Jagan Mohan. The evaluation of the program done on the final day using a Program Evaluation questionnaire revealed that the program was highly relevant and useful to the participants. Interns Orientation Program (IOP) for July 2017 Batch While internship is a crucial milestone in medical education, there is a lack of structured approach to the training of interns in most of the medical colleges in India. Realizing the 33
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importance of training interns soon after their induction, the Medical Education Unit (MEU) has been conducting a comprehensive training program in two parts. The first part deals with sensitizing the interns regarding the hospital services, their duties and code of conduct. The second part deals with specific issues and skills which are required for ensuring patient safety as well as for enhancing the quality of patient care in a hospital setting. The issues include: How to prevent medical errors, importance of team work, communication skills including verbal and non-verbal communication, rational diagnostics and therapeutics, ethical issues, dealing with pharmaceutical industries and medico-legal issues involved in patient care. The Part 1 program was held on 24.07.2017, beginning with a TED talk on “Doctor’s touch”. This was followed by other issues such as an introduction to CRRI - Policies & Practices, Hospital Policies for Interns, OPD & Wards, PHCs including camps, High Dependency Units and Infection Control Policies. Keynote Address was given by Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV. The faculty team consisted of Prof M Ravishankar, Dean, MGMCRI, Prof. V. N. Mahalakshmi, Prof. Seetesh Ghose, Dr. C. P. Ganeshbabu, Dr. Nirmal Coumare, Prof. Seetharaman, Dr. Mohamed Hanifah and Dr. V. Jayapal. Revised Interns Orientation Program (IOP) The revised program for Interns Orientation Program consisted of a series of sessions on various topics which were conducted through ‘hands on’ experiences in small groups held at various places / sites of learning on rotation. The common sessions were Biomedical Waste Management (Dept. of Microbiology), Informed Consent (Obst & Gynae), Communications Skills – Advanced Module (Team Psychiatry), Recognition and Resuscitation of Shock (CCU / Anesthesia) held on 13.07.2017 & 27.07.2017. AC Pain Relief conducted by Anaesthesiology department, ADR – Recognition and Reporting & Rational Prescription writing (Team Pharmacology), Catheterization by Urology Department and Team Work by Psychiatry Department held on 17.08.2017, 24.08.2017, 07.09.2017 & 21.09.2017. The overall program was found highly effective by the Interns (CRRIs) as they were able to develop various skills in different departments / facilities under the guidance of senior faculty
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
National Conference cum Workshop on Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIMECON 2017) A National Conference cum Workshop on “Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement” (MIMECON) was organised by the Medical Education Unit, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute under funding from the Medical Council of India on 16th September
2017. The conference was attended by 134 participants from Puducherry, Chennai, Villupuram, Karaikal, Kanchipuram, and Karnataka State.The main objectives of the conference were to identify the characteristics of Millennial students and how to respond to these changes in organizing teaching learning process. Other issues which were discussed during this conference were the five R’s of engaging today’s students, the attributes liked by students in an ideal professor, how to accommodate the growing diversity of learners, how to improve student achievement 34
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by creating a healthy learning environment, how to engage and motivate these Millennial learners and how to assess their knowledge and abilities. Facilitators of the workshop included experts from SBV, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, MCI Nodal center, Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai , Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry and Sri Manakula Vinayagar Medical College & Hospital, Puducherry. Representatives
from other organizations involved in education/training of Health Professions’ Students were invited as delegates. Prof K R Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV introduced the theme of the Conference and requested the participants reach out to all sections of the Medical Education community to promote greater awareness on effective SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
engagement of the millennial students who have joined Health Professions course by 2017. At the beginning of the conference a pledge was signed by all the participants endorsing their commitment to support Millennials’ growth and development. The deliberation of the Conference included lectures, discussions, two hands on Workshops and Poster Sessions, related to the theme. The Resource Persons included Prof V.Vijayaraghavan, Vice Chancellor of SRMU, Prof Krishna Seshadri, Consultant, SBV, Dr Latha Ravichandran, SRMC, Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV, Prof M Ravishanker, Dean (Admin), Prof K.A. Narayan Prof N Ananthakrishnan, Dean (R& AHS) and Prof B.V. Adkoli chaired a session. The topics covered were “Millennials” as Medicos: who are they & how do they learn?, Who is the “ideal teacher” & what is “ideal teaching” for Today’s learners, Creating an ideal learning environment to meet the expectations of today’s students and Current methods of Outcomes Assessment for/as/of Learning. There were two hands on Workshops viz., ‘Using digital technology to enhance the learning experience of the Millennials’ and ‘Classroom/ session strategies to accommodate the diversity of learners’. The posters were presented under the theme of Innovative educational strategies for 21st century. The analysis of the feedback received from the participants showed that the conference was largely successful in attaining its objectives. It was felt that more number such workshops were needed
Faculty Development Program on Simulation Based Medical Education A Faculty development workshop on Basic Simulation Education was held for interested faculty of MGMCRI on 26/09/2017 and 27/09/2017. The objective of the workshop was to sensitize the faculty about the advantages of Simulation and how to incorporate Simulation in Medical Education. This workshop was conducted by Simulation pedagogy team consisting of Dr. Dinker Pai and Dr. Hemanth Kumar who are coordinating the activities of Medical Simulation center. The workshop consisted of detailed introduction to
Simulation pedagogy and practical demonstration of various simulation techniques supplemented with videos, followed by debriefing sessions. In all 16 participants were involved as participant, facilitator and observer on rotation basis. Each station involved preparation (5 min), brief (5 min), activity (10 min), debrief (15 min) and Feedback (10 min). A program evaluation was conducted at the end of the workshop. The feedback received from the participants shows that the workshop was highly beneficial in their journey of pursuing simulation pedagogy. They however felt a time constraint and recommended a workshop of 2-3 days for enriching the experience.
for achieving greater dissemination of this novel concept. Prof V.N. Mahalakshmi, Vice Principal was the Organizing Secretary and Prof Seetesh Ghose, Coordinator of MEU was the Joint Organizing Secretary. The Conference was awarded 10 CME Credits by Dr MGR Medical University, Tamil Nadu.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
scholars in
The making hh MCh NEWS Scientific Presentations. Participation Dr.Karthik M, Dr.Vishal and Dr.Rohit, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the Prof W E Moses Endowment Lecture &Urethroplasty Workshop conducted at Ganga Hospital, Coimbatore, held on 15 & 16 Jul 2017. Dr.Karthik M, Dr.Vishal and Dr.BalaBhaskar Reddy M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Southern Urologists SZUSICON 2017 in Kasturbha Medical College, Manipal held from 11 to 13 Aug 2017.
between September 23 & 24, 2017 at Mysore and received the first prize among the presented 7 papers from Dr. R K Goulatia. Dr. Naveen Kumar Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology won first prize in paper presentation titled on “Hemidiaphragmatic function assessment following USG guided supraclavicular versus costoclavicular brachial plexus block” at ISACON-South Trichy, held from 4.8.17 to 6.8.17 in Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM), Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli.
Dr.Karthik M and Dr.Vishal, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the Lap Endofusion 2017 workshop held at Kochi on 9 & 10 Sep 2017. Dr.Karthik M, Dr.Vishal and Dr.Rohit P, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, Chennai, held from 15 to 17 Sep 2017. Dr.Karthik M and Dr.Vishal, M.Ch, Post Graduate, Department of Urology attended the 22nd Annual Conference TAPASUCON 2017 in SRM Medical College, Chennai held on 14 & 15 Oct 2017.
Dr. Indu K Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology won first prize in podium paper presentation titled “Influence of arm positions on ultrasonic visualization of subclavian vein in mechanically ventilated patients in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017.
Awards Dr. Vijay Kumar final year postgraduate, Radiology Department, presented paper, titled, Recurrent massive hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis defaulter - embolisation of unusual source of hemoptysis at the CME on Chest imaging, held
Dr. Daniel Rajadurai Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology won first prize in poster presentation titled “ultrasound guided parasternal block a novel technique of post-operative analgesia for median sternotomy incision in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017. 36
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S chola rs in The M ak in g
temporomandibular joint ankylosis and impossible mouth opening – a case report” at ISACON-South Trichy, held from 4.8.17 to 6.8.17 in Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM), Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli.
Scientific Presentations Dr. Vijay Kumar final year postgraduate, Radiology, presented a paper and a poster in Tirupathi. AndhraPradesh at the State IRIA Conference, held between August 19 & 20, 2017 and participated at the BALRAD-2017 International conference conducted under the aegisis of Association with American Institute of Radiologic Pathology on ‘Musculoskeletal imaging’ held at Chennai on 29 &30 September, 2017. He also participated at the SYNERGY India, 2017 International conference, held at Mumbai from August 6 to 8, 2017 and had an opportunity to present two e-posters, namely, ‘Superselective renal artery embolisation of Angiomyolipoma’ and ‘Uterine artery embolisation for AVM’ among total 25 selected E-posters, following this he was offered sponsorship to attend SYNERGY Miami, Florida, to be held from 9 to 13, November 2017.
Dr. Surya, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology presented his poster presentation on “A novel water based cadaveric specimen model to refine Sonoanatomy relevant of brachial plexus at various levels” at ISACON-South Trichy, held from 4.8.17 to 6.8.17 in Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM), Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli. Dr. Naveen Kumar, Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology, presented his poster presentation “ Double lumen tue insertion made easy”in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017. Dr. Tina Mary Thomas, Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology, presented her paper presentation on “Quantitative assessment of ultrasound guided sciatic nerve – A comparison of single point versus two point injection techniques” in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017.
Dr. Daniel Rajadurai, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology presented his paper on “Comparison of lignocaine-bupivacaine mixture to bupivacaine for supraclavicular brachial plexus block – A randomized case control trial” at ISACON-South Trichy, held from 4.8.17 to 6.8.17 in Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM), Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli. Dr. Tina Mary Thomas, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology presented her poster on “A novel innovative technique for correct placement of cooptechendobronchical blocker in difficult airway with tracheal deviation - case report” at ISACON-South Trichy, held from 4.8.17 to 6.8.17 in Chennai Medical College Hospital and Research Centre (SRM), Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli. Dr. Mammen Philip Varghese, Postgraduate, Department of Anaesthesiology presented his poster presentation on “Airway management of a pediatric patient with severe SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr. Mammen Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology, presented his paper presentation on titled “Randomized comparison of two video laryngoscopes for nasotracheal intubation: true view vs. Kings Vision” n ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Surya, Postgraduates Dept. of Anaesthesiology presented his paper presentation on “comparison of epidural boluses of 0.08% levobupivacaine and 0.1% ropivacaine using fentanyl as an adjuvant for labour analgesia” in ISACON Puducherry 2017, held at JIPMER from 22nd, 23rd and 24th of September 2017.
presented a poster on “Eventeration Of Diaphragm With Chilaiditi Sign-A Rare occurance”, Dr.Kirthigalakshmi presented a poster on “Horseshoe Lung” and Dr.ZiaulHaq presented a poster on “Bronchoesophageal Fistula”.
Dr. LasyaMandadi (final yr PG), Department of DVL presented a paper in SAF on 01.09.17, titled “Congenital Blueberry muffin baby with hairy pinna – An association or co existence”. Dr. LasyaMandadi (final yr PG) Department of DVL presented a poster titled “Giant pyogenic granuloma or bacillary angiomatosis – A diagnostic dilemma in HIV” at Cuticon, Tamilnadu on 30.09.17. Dr.T. Pradeep Kumar, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics, presented a poster in 16th Annual Conference of the Orthopaedic Association of South Indian States (OASISCON 2017) held from 1st to 3rd September 2017, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka on the topic, ‘Traumatic Lumbosacral Dislocation’. Dr.K.M. Roshan Raj, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics, presented a poster in 16th Annual Conference of the Orthopaedic Association of South Indian States (OASISCON 2017) held from 1st to 3rd September 2017, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karnataka on the topic, The Sprengel Deformity. Dr. Thiyagesh deva ganapathy, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented poster in “CRSCON 2017- 4th Annual conference of Coimbatore Respiratory Society” on “All Wheezes Are Not Asthma”. Dr. KarthikeyanKani, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented poster in “CRSCON 2017- 4th Annual conference of Coimbatore Respiratory Society” on “Clinicoradiological profile of ILD cases presenting in a tertiary care hospital in south India”. Dr. Thiyagesh deva ganapathy, Dr.Karthikeyan, Dr.Mohammed Ibrahim, Dr.Kirthigalakshmi, Dr.ZiaulHaq, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine presented poster in State level conference “TAPPCON 2017” in MGMC & RI on 03.09.2017 wherein Dr.Thiyagesh deva ganapathy presented a poster on “Case series of opaque hemithorax”, Dr.Karthikeyankani presented a poster on Case Report On “An Unusual Case Of Hoarseness Of Voice”, Dr.Mohammed Ibrahim 38
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr. Ayesha, Post graduate, Department of OBGY presented a poster on “Bowel evisceration post vaginal hysterectomy” at “ Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. Dr. Ayesha, Post graduate, Department of OBGY presented a paper titled “6 hours Foley’s removal Vs 24 hours Foley’s removal post vaginal hysterectomy” at “Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. Dr.Abhinaya presented a poster “Mucocolpos mimicking Hematocolpos”at Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. Dr.Swathy, Post graduate, Department of OBGY presented a poster titled “A Case of Postmenopausal Pyocolpometra due to secondary vaginal atresia” “ Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr.Swathy, Post graduate, Department of OBGY presented a paper titled “Cross sectional study of DIPSI & IADPSG ”at “ Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. Dr.Sharmila, Post graduate, Department of OBGY presented a poster “POEMS syndrome in a case of bilateral dermoid cyst”at “ Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017. Dr. Preethy R, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a paper titled “A Cross Sectional study of Psychiatric Morbidity & Quality of life among subjects utilizing the preventive health care services of Tertiary hospital” in the 32nd Annual Conference of IPS - Tamil Nadu Chapter (TANPSYCON) held at Yercaud, Salem on 08-09-2017 & 09-09-2017. Dr. Natasha Celia Saldanha, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented a poster titled “Complex Neuropsychiatric Manifestations in a patient with probable Binswanger’s Diseases - A Case Report” in the 32nd Annual Conference of IPS - Tamil Nadu Chapter (TANPSYCON) held at Yercaud, Salem on 08-09-2017 & 09-09-2017. Dr. Natasha Celia Saldanha, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, presented her e-portfolio v2 (based on a new template created in the Department of Psychiatry) at the Institutional PG e-portfolio review meeting on 07-09-2017.
of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017. Dr. Anudeep.K, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e- Poster “Sympathetic ophthalmia - a case report ” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017. Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed, 3rd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e- Poster “True exfoliation – A case report” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017. Dr. Sruthi R, 3nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e- Poster “Optic disc melanocytoma – A case report ” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017.
hh Scientific Participation Dr,Vinod, postgraduate, ENT, attended the workshop on “hands on Temporal Bone Dissection Course” conducted by Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai on 09.09.2017 Dr.Paresh Nichlani, Dr.Senthil Prasad.R, Department of Ophthalmology attended the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017.
Dr Zeeshan Ahmed, 3rd Year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented a Free Paper “Diurnal variation of CCT and IOP in PXF eyes” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017.
Dr. Natasha Celia Saldanha, PG resident, Department of Psychiatry, participated as a student facilitator at the National conference & workshop on Motivation, Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement (MIMECON), organized by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Pondicherry, held on 16-09-2017. She delivered a short presentation during the session titled “Who is the ideal teacher & what is ideal teaching for today’s learners”.
Dr. Shruthy Vaishali R, 2 nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e- Poster “Isolated cavernous hemangioma of conjunctiva” in the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Ophthalmologists Association held at Erode from 04.08.2017 to 06.08.2017.
Dr. Preethy R, Dr. Natasha CS, Dr. Monika S, PG Residents, Department of Psychiatry, attended the 32nd Annual Conference of IPS - Tamil Nadu Chapter, CME on TANPSYCON held at Yercaud, Salem on 08-09-2017 & 09-09-2017.
Dr. Vasanth Kumar, 2nd year Postgraduate, Department of Ophthalmology presented an e- Poster “A case of CRAONeed for detailed investigation” in the Annual Conference
Dr. Monika S, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended extramural postings at NIMHANS, Bangalore, from 01-09-2017 to 15-10-2017.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Suriyakumar T, PG Resident, Department of Psychiatry, attended a workshop on “EMR - Investigation and Prescription Training” organized by Department of IT, MGMCRI, on 28-09-2017
CUTICON 2017 Tamilnaduheld at Thirunelveli from 29.09.17 to 01.10.17 was attended by Dr.Lasya (final yr PG) and Dr.Rosni (2nd yr PG), Department of Dermatology.
Dr. Daggupati Harith, Dr. Govind Shaji, Dr. Nikhila, Dr. Krishna Reddy, Postgraduates, Dept. of Anesthesiology, attended “Basic Assessment & Support in Intensive Care Course at MGMCRI, as a Provider Candidate on 11th, 12th, and 13th August 2017.
Dr.Swathy, Dr.Sharmila&Dr.Kavitha, Post graduates, Department of OBGY attended National level “CME on Prevention and management of Cervical Cancer” at JIPMER, Pondicherry as delegate on 16th& 17th September, 2017.
Dr. Tina, Dr. Mammen, Dr. Naveen, Dr. Indu, Dr. Surya, Dr. Krishna, Dr. Nikhila, Postgraduates, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, attended Respiratory Critical Care Scientific program (one day workshop) on 20.08.2017 at MGMCRI.
Dr. Ayesha, Dr.Abhinaya, Dr.Swathy, Dr.Sharmila, Post graduates, Department of OBGY attended “ Advances in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine” organised by Trivandrum OBGY club at VivantaTaj Trivandrum on 11th to 13th August, 2017.
Dr.VenkatRaghavan, Dr.MadhuBalaji and Dr. Varghese, Post graduates, Dept of Pathologyparticipated in Quiz competition in HEMAT CME 2017 held at JIPMER, Puducherry on Sept, 2017.
Dr.Swathy, Dr.Amrutha, Dr.Shruti, Dr.Sharmila, Dr. Ashwin, Dr.Shravani, Dr.Prudvi, Dr.Roshini, Dr.Garima, Dr.Soumya, Dr.Meenakshi, Post graduates, Department of OBGY attended Shri MVK Iyer Oration by Dr. C Palanivelu on “My Tryst with Laparoscopic Surgery” on 14.07.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry.
Dr. Pritem.A.R, Post Graduate, Dept. of Orthopaedics, participated as a delegate in 15th Calicut Ortho course 2017 (Post Graduate Training & Instructional Course) held from 7th to 9th July 2017. Dr. Thiyagesh Deva Ganapathy& Dr. Karthikeyan, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “CRSCON 2017- 4th Annual conference of Coimbatore Respiratory Society ” on 05.07.2017 & 06.08.2017 in Hotel Grand Regent, Coimbatore. Dr. Arun Na& Dr. Vimi Varghese Dr. Chandrajith, Post graduates, Department of Pulmonary Medicine attended “Interventional Pulmonology update 2017’’ in Apollo hospital, Chennai on 30.07.2017. Dermoscopy Basics Workshop – JIPMER between22.07.17 and 23.07.17 was attended by 1st year post graduates, Department of Dermatology, Dr.Alagammai, Dr. Harshitha, Dr. Salma, Dr.Prathiba and 2nd year post graduates Dr. Roshni and Dr.Sapna. CME on Pediatric dermatology, SRMC Chennai held on16th September, 2017was attended by Dr.Rajesh and Dr.Nivethitha (2nd yr. post graduates) and Dr.Preethi, senior resident, Department of Dermatology. 40
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr.Prudvi, Dr.Ishwarya, Dr.Soumya, Dr.Shruti, Dr.Amrutha, Dr.Swathy, Dr.Ashwin, Dr.Pratima, Post graduate, Department of OBGY attended SAF Guest Lecture on Functional. Restorative Neurosurgery by Dr. R Ramnarayan on 15th September 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr.Ishwarya, Dr.Jishma, Dr.Moshina, Dr.Kavita, Dr. Shinju, Dr. Nikita, Dr.Sandhiya, Dr.Vidya, Post graduate, Department of OBGY attended SAF Guest Lecture on “Sustaining Breast Feeding Together” by Dr. S Srinivasan Tamil Nadu State Co-ordinator, NRHM on 04.08.2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry. Dr. Ishwarya, Dr. Nikita & Dr. Shinju, Post graduate, Department of OBGY attended the “Breast Feeding Quiz” organized by Dept. of Paediatrics in first week of August, 2017.
Miscellany A PG update program by the Department of Ophthalmology on “Corneal dystrophies and degenerations” by Dr K Vasantha, Former Director & Superintendent, RIOGOH, Chennai was organized on 02.09.2017.
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
hh UG News AWARDS Miss A. B. Thannushree, Dr SS Bakshi, Assistant Professor was awarded “ First prize for poster presentation in ‘Empower 17’ – The 13th international Medical Student’s Research Congress” conducted in Govt. Stanley medical College, Chennai on 19.07.17 to 22.07.17.
Out Reach Serv
Reshma.C, II MBBS student, Mrs. Kavitha V and Mr. Abishek, III MBBS students prepared a model on “Drug resistance in bacteria” under the guidance of faculties of Microbiology department, MGMCRI and participated in model competition in the same event.
The department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology is proud to announce that our students R Pratyush, (VII Sem) &Kavinilavan (V SEM) from MGMCRI secured 1st Place in INDICIA 17 - Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Quiz Competition organized by ThanjavurGovt Medical College, Tamilnadu on July 29th 2017. Mr.Ragul (III yr MBBS student) and Dr.Vasanthan received certificate of acceptance for their ICMR-STS project titled “Effect of overnight sleep deprivation on autonomic function tests and perceived stress”. A group of MBBS students participated in Pterion 2017, an academic event held at Coimbatore Government Medical College on 23.08.2017 and 24.08.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, accompanied the students. The team comprising of Mr. Pratyush R, III MBBS student, Mr. Narendran and Mr. Kavinilavan R, II MBBS students participated in the Quiz competition and won the first prize. Mrs. V.Kavitha, III MBBS student presented a case titled “Chronic Osteomyelitis caused by an uncommon pathogen” with the guidance of Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology and Dr. Manoharan, Associate Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, MGMCRI and won third prize. A group of MBBS students participated in an academic event organised by Dept. of Microbiology, Trichy Medical College on 11.09.2017. Dr. Umadevi S, Professor, Department of Microbiology, accompanied the students. Three teams of MBBS students participated in a quiz competition on “Microbiology and Infectious diseases”. Out of our two teams which were selected for final round, the team comprising of Mr. Pratyush R, III MBBS student, Mr. Kavinilavan R and Mr.Girishanth, II MBBS students won the first place. A team II MBBS students comprising of Mr. Prasanna, Mr. Parthiban and Mr. Newfin created a video on “MDR TB : A challenge” under the guidance of faculties of Department of Microbiology and with the support of Dr. Pajanivel, Professor, Dept. Pulmonary Medicine, MGMCRI. They won the first place for video presentation competition. Another team of students, Mrs. 41
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
hh Student Enrichment Programmes Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology) and Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry, organised a program on “Salutogenesis and well-being of medical students” as part of the Orientation. Induction Program for MBBS Y1 - Batch of 2017, on 12-09-2017. As part of this program, Dr. Sunayana C, delivered a talk on “Mental health and well-being of medical students”. A comprehensive introduction was provided regarding the online “Mental health & well-being questionnaire for 1st year MBBS students”. This questionnaire was prepared by the Department of Psychiatry, with technical help from Department of IT, MGMCRI. Eleven Communication skills training modules were organized by a team from Department of Psychiatry comprising Dr. Sivaprakash B, Professor, Dr. Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant Professor (Clinical Psychology), Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Mr. Rajkumar (Psychologist), Ms. Ektha Jain (Psychologist) for MBBS Semester 4 & 5 between 13-07-2017 and 21-09-2017. Feedback discussion for MBBS 6th Semester students by Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Abu Backer S, Senior Resident, Department of Psychiatry held on 08-08-2017. Paediatric Quiz for UGs (2017) : 30th IAP Paediatrics quiz for undergraduates 2017, local college round was conducted in Mahatma Gandhi Medical College& Research Institute, Pondicherry on 07/07/2017. 6 teams participated each consisting of 2 students from the final year M.B.B.S. The quiz had 6 rounds, in which this year we had included quiz mountain in the final round. Manasa Saraswathy and Manaswini, were the winners and were selected for the zonal round. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Out Reach
Services hh Department of Community Medicine During the period of July-Septmber, 2017, nearly 300 patients were covered through the weekly extension OP services conducted in Panithituand Kuruvinattham (MSSRF Village Knowledge Centres), HelpAge India in Thamaraikulam, Cuddalore. The Department of Community Medicine organised 8 community health awareness programmes in various places in Cuddalore and Pondicherry district. Around 400 people were educated and benefited through these awareness programmes. yy CDFIT-Community Diagnosis and Feasible Intervention Training by Fourth semester students (Three batches). Students actively participated in the
intervention programmes during CDFIT – Designed and distributed pamphlets to the community yy Conducted a School health Check up at Century Academic School, Korkadu yy Conducted Dengue health talk in Shasun Industry yy Awareness programme on ‘Solid Waste Management’ under our Department’s “My Campus- Clean Campus” Initiative for the people visiting our hospital. Venue : MRD by Dr. Partha Nandi, Dr. Surendran, Dr. Sindhu yy Same programme was also conducted at at Kennedy Nagar Anganwadi under service area of UHTC and also at RHTC: SwachhaPakkawada (by NSS students)
Table 1: Extension OPD Services S. NO Place 1
VKC - Panithitu
Total Cases
April -June (wed)
VKC - Kurvinatham
April -June(Thu)
Table 2: List of community health awareness programmes S. NO Date
School Health Check Up
Centuray academic school
2 4
School Health Check Up
No. of Beneficiaries
Century academic school
Breast Feeding
Solid Waste Management
Breast Feeding
Solid Waste Management
Health Education
SR Subramainam Govt. high school
Dr. Surekha, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine was a Part of a Disaster relief camp for poor people in Bihar supportedby Camillian Task Force (CTF) along with Caritas India. Covered 3 districts – Purnea, Ararea, Katihar from 4 th -19th of September 2017 – Medical camp covered 12000 beneficiaries. Recently, States across India have been heavily hit by foods that have led to huge loss of life 42
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and have left millions of people afected. The heavy rains wreaked havoc in several North and North-eastern states of India like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, and Assam. Major rivers in these states have breached banks, inundated new areas and displaced thousands of people. Natural disasters are common threats and medical aid will continue to be required at all stages of disaster recovery.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr Surekha, Assistant Professor represented MGMCRI along with Camillian Task Force team provided medical care to the diverse array of patients in the aftermath of disaster. Throughout the stay there, saw cases of respiratory and skin infections, diarrhoeal diseases, severely acute malnourished children, Kala Azaretc and could do interventions like medical treatment, health education, nutritional rehabilitation, mass deworming. Dr. SairaBanu, the WHO Surveillance Medical Officer (SMO) for our region conducted a sensitization program on 27.07.2017 in our institution regarding the implementation of case-based reporting & surveillance for Measles-Rubella and Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) surveillance- Faculties and PGs from Dept. of Community Medicine, Paediatrics and Microbiology participated.
hh DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY The Department of Ophthalmology conducted 14 DBCS camps between July and September. A total of 1300 patients were screened and 267 underwent cataract surgery.
hh 32nd EYE DONATION AWARENESS FORTNIGHT WEEK CELEBRATION EYE Donation Fortnight was celebrated by the Department of Ophthalmology from August 25th – September 8th 2017.
Activities at MGMCRI campus during eye donation fortnight 2017 Department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute conducted EYE DONATION FORTNIGHT 2017. We conducted an awareness programme on 1/9/17 about eye donation and its importance to the students and faculty members of Mahatma Gandhi Medical College. The session was started by Dr. N.Swathi, Associate professor in the department of ophthalmology who gave a detailed talk about eye donation and its importance and also motivated them for good counseling to the patients and their relatives regarding their willingness to donate eyes.
hh Report on Eye Donation Class for hospital staff nurses. A CNE Programme was conducted on 13/9/2017 by the department of Ophthalmology to create awareness among nurses regarding eye donation and hospital cornea retrieval program. The Dr.Vanaja Vaidhyanadhan, the founder of Jothi eye hospital was the chief guest. Dr.Vanaja Vaidhyanadhan delivered a special talk on Eye care and Eye donation. Around 100 nurses attended the Programme. The session was highly useful and informative to the nurses. Nurses obtained knowledge regarding eye care and eye donation. The program ended with assurance that our nurses will spread the awareness message regarding eye donation.
Eye Donation Awareness Campaign for School Students, Thittakudi In view of Eye Donation Fortnight, the department of Ophthalmology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, in association with the District Blindness Control Society and Lions Club, Thittakudi, held an awareness campaign on 30/8/2017 at Govt. boys Higher Secondary School, Thittakudi, Cuddalore district. The awareness rally was flagged off by Mr. A.Arunmozhithevan, Member of Parliament, Cuddalore. Following this, the students were addressed. After introductory speeches by Mr.Murugappan of the Lions Club and Mr.Anbumani, camp co-ordinator, Dr.R. Subramanian, Senior Resident, department of ophthalmology, MGMCRI enlightened the students on the need, importance, and the technical aspects of eye donation. Mr.Sundravel also added to the plethora of information and motivated the students. This was followed by an interactive session where the students were questioned to test their knowledge and understanding of eye donation. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mr.Chinamani, President, and Lions Club of Kattumanarkudi. 43
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
hh DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHIATRY Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted a group education and training program for the Parents of children with Specific learning disabilities (SLD) on 15-07-2017. Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted a program for the significant others of ADS patients titled “Roles and Responsibilities of Significant SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
S t a ff Nurse s of MGM C&RI
others of patients with Alcohol Dependence syndrome” to explain their roles and responsibilities in supporting treatment and prevention (PART - A), on 29-07-2017. Dr. Eswaran S, Professor and Head, Dr. Avudaiappan, Assistant Professor, Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, conducted a program for the Significant others of ADS patients titled “Roles and Responsibilities of Significant others of patients with Alcohol Dependence syndrome” to explain their roles and responsibilities in supporting treatment and prevention (PART - B), on 23-09-017.
hh STUDENT WELFARE DEPARTMENT Department of Physiology Dr.R.Sobana, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology conducted “Hands on workshop on BLS” for Post graduates and staff nurses of Arvindh Eye Hospital,Puducherry on 17th July 2017.
Mr. Rajkumar M, Psychologist, Ms. Ektha Jain, Psychologist, and Ms. Abirami, Social Worker, Department of Psychiatry, conducted a psychoeducation program for relatives of patients with schizophrenia & related disorders, on 19-08-2017.
Staff nurses of
Tracheostomy care and Barrier Nursing, 07.07.2017. The topic was presented by Esther Jeevitha, Nurse Manager, Bharath Home Medicals. CAUTI – 12.7.2017, the topic was presented by Mrs.Vadivu ANS and Mr.Rajasekar, Ramsons Surgicals. Emergency Trauma Care on 19.7.2017, the topic was presented by Dr.Sivaraman, Assistant Professor, EMS.
Staff Nurses of MGMC&RI
of Pulmonary Medicine), Importance of Communication for Nurses- On 16.8.17 the topic was presented by Mrs. Anusha (Counsellor).
Stress Management for Nurses through Yoga Therapyon 23.8.17, the topic was presented by Dr.Meena Ramanathan (Deputy Director-CYTER),
AOSTA -HIMS Training - 26.7.17 was presented by Dr.Prateesh Ravindran, Professor, Neuro Surgery dept, Nebulization Therapy - 02.08.17, the Topic was presented by Dr.Vimal Kumar, (Assistant Professor, Dept SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Cervical Cancer Vaccine - 30.8.17, the Topic was presented by Dr.Ganesh Barik (Senior Resident) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ) and the Importance of Communication for Nurses - 06.9.17 was presented by Dr.Adkoli (Professor and Head, MEU). Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
S t a ff Nurse s of MGM C&RI
Eye care and Eye donation for Nurses – 13.9.17 the topic was presented by Dr. Vanaja Vaidhyanadhan, (Founder Jothi Eye Hospital, Pondicherry),
On 28.9.17 Ayudha Pooja was celebrated in NS Office around 12.30 pm. Resident Medical Officer graced the occasion. Around 50 nurses and other Departmental Staffs had attended the pooja and prasadham were distributed to all. Status Epilepticus and its Management – 20.9.17,the topic was presented by Dr.Andrew (Assistant Professor, Emergency Medical Services) AOSTA-Pharmacy Indent - on 22.9.17, the topic was presented by Mr.Nandhkishor ( Assistant Manager -Pharmacy), Surgical Site Infection - 27.9.17, the topic was presented by Mr. K.Vriddhagiri (Nurse Educator).
hh SPECIAL OCCASIONS On 02.08.17 in Pediatric OPD Breast Feeding Day was celebrated by the Department of Nursing and various events were conducted and the prizes were distributed to the winners. Participation Certificates were provided to all the Participants. An Awareness Programme was organized by the Department of Nursing on 02.9.2017 in collaboration with Dietary Department on Importance of Nutrition which was mainly imposed on Diabetic, Antenatal. Postnatal and Renal diet in Medical, OG and Dialysis ward respectively. The Programme was organized by the Nurse Educator Mr.K.Vriddhagiri and the Chief Dietician Mrs.Lakshmi and her team. The following members were the Chief Guest of the Programme. Mrs. Chandra Subramanian - Nursing Superintendent, Mrs.Galaxie Devavaram Deputy Nursing Superintendent, Mrs.Therasa - Assistant Nursing Superintendent. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
hh OUTSIDE INSERVICE EDUCATION On 08.9.17 the following five nurses have attended the Wound Care Management Programme held at Chennai, namely Mrs. Therasa, Mr. K Vriddhagiri, Mrs. Vennila Ms. Arul Dhurnisha &Ms.Suganya. The Programme was really useful cum informative and it was mainly focused on Anatomy, Physiology of the Skin, Wound Healing Process, Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Pressure Ulcer, Gas Gangrene Management and Dressing Techniques. They have Gained Adequate Knowledge Regarding Wound Care. They have also provided them with information booklet and CD. Hands on Training classes will be conducted for the other Nurses in the Ward side by the Trainers. On 23.9.17 and 24.9.17 the all India CSSD summit -2017 held in Hotel Marriot, Banglore was organized by the GKE cleaning and Sterlization monitoring and Medovation products. the following persons have attended the Programme, Ms.Vadivu, Ms.Uma Makeswari, Mr.Mohammed Rafi, Mr.Harish mohan, Mr.Suresh Babu, Mr.Purushothaman, Mr.Raja Ramann and Mr.Uday kumar.These staffs will motivate and display all the modules to all nursing and CSSD staffs. They will take class in CNE session regarding the following topics, Biomedical Waste Management, Infection Control Quality Indicators, NABH Standards and Protocols (CSSD work highlighted) and.Blood and Body fluid exposure. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
shri sathya sai
Medical college and research institute hh PUBLICATIONS Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Necessity to augment the financial investment in the water, sanitation, and hygiene services worldwide. Environmental disease. 2017;2(2):67-68. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strategic implementation of the global strategy for the containment of the viral hepatitis infections. Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine. 2017;3(1):64-65. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Empowering the vulnerable and disadvantaged girls from the indigenous community of Guatemala. Journal of Current Research in Scientific Medicine. 2017;3(1):68-69. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Necessity to break the relationship between tobacco addiction and deprived economy in China. Al Ameen Journal of Medical Sciences. 2017;10(3):229-230. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Exploring the role of color coding in ensuring delivery of quality assured health care services. Menoufia Medical Journal. 2017;30(1):331-332. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommending global public health strategies to counter the impact of climate change on health. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(2):138-139. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Involving traditional leaders to respond to the problems faced by youths: United Nations Population Fund. Primary Healthcare: Open Access. 2017;7(2):e120. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Promotion of physical activity: A crucial strategy to delay the onset of non-communicable diseases. Muller Journal of Medical Sciences and Research. 2017;8(2):106-107. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening primary prevention interventions to tackle the problem of congenital anomalies. Journal of Medical Society. 2017;31(3):217-218.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Tackling the public health concern of the double burden of malnutrition on the global scale. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):493-494. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. A newer toolkit to respond to sexual violence on a global scale: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):495-496. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Addressing the challenges of diagnostic delay and longer treatment duration for multi-drug resistant TB: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):497-498. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Strengthening research and development activities to effectively contain the epidemics of infectious diseases: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):499-500. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Safe Space: An effective option to ensure normalcy in the lives of refugee women and girls in conflict-affected Syria. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):501-502. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Involving fathers in achieving gender equality through a television reality show. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):503-504. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. INSPIRE: A comprehensive package to reduce violence against children and provide a safe and nurturing environment. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):507-508. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Challenges in HIV care: Accelerating the pace of HIV-related services to accomplish the set global targets. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):509-510. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Census: A systematic and comprehensive tool to address the needs of the disadvantaged population groups. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):511-512.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Legal protection for women in Yemen: A sorry state. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):513-514. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Anticipated shortage of benzathine penicillin: A threat to the ongoing global commitment for elimination of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):515-516.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Up scaling of interventions for the control of Echinococcosis and its associated complications. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):737-738. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting the underestimated and under-diagnosed global problem of headache disorders. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):739-740.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Employing mobile applications to improve the outcomes of adolescent’s pregnancy. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):517-518.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Rising global estimates of dementia: An urgent public health need to stem the tide. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):741-742.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Sexual and reproductive health needs of women and girls: Determinants, Utilization, and Role of adolescent peer educators. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):519-520.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Taking major strides in dengue vaccine research: World Health Organization. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):743-744.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Social and health inequalities augment the incidence of Zika virus disease and its aftereffects. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):521-522.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Recommended strategies to respond to the challenge of poor immunization coverage in low and middle income nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):746-747.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Yellow fever outbreak in Angola: The potential global threat and the prevailing challenges in the control of the disease. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):523-524.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Planning a concerted effort to minimize the adverse consequences of cannabis: Public health perspective. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):749-750.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding for ensuring sustainable development. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):525-526.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. After three decades of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster: Where we are? What we have to focus upon? Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):753-754.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Aiming to target gender barriers for improving the health and welfare standards of girls. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):527-528.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Responding to the challenge of rising air pollution levels in world’s poorest cities. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):756-757.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Improving the drinking water supply universally and bridging the existing gaps. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):529-530.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Minimizing the rates of unsafe abortion in developing nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):760-761.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Accomplishing mother-to-child elimination of human immunodeficiency and syphilis: A remarkable achievement and a ray of hope for other nations. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):521-532.
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Targeting health sector to tackle the menace of female genital mutilation. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):761-762.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Zika virus disease: Potential risk for the athletes and the international visitors in the Rio Olympic Games, 2016. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):762-764. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Potential risk of Zika virus outbreak in the European region: Public health alert. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):764-765. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Increase in average life expectancy and the need to strengthen the monitoring process to track the progress of Sustainable Development Goals. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2017;10(3):765-766. Shrivastava SR, Shrivastava PS, Ramasamy J. Extending humanitarian assistance to people in the Borno state of Nigeria. International Journal of Health System and Disaster Management. 2017;5(2):49-50. Danasekaran R, Raja P, Ranganathan K. Utilization of antenatal healthcare services among fishermen population in Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu: A cross-sectional study. Indian J Community Med 2017;42(3):159-62. Johnson AKS, Abraham SB, Muthukumar T, Joy Bazroy, Purty AJ, Singh Z. Knowledge of food groups among mothers of preschool Children in a rural area of Villupuram district, Tamilnadu. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(2):67-71. Vishnuprasad R, Bazroy J, Madhanraj K, Prashanth HR, Singh Z, Samuel AK, T Muthukumar. Visual impairment among 10–14-year school children in Puducherry: A cross-sectional study. J Family Med Prim Care 2017;6:58-62. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. India – An Emerging Epicenter of Medical Tourism. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University.2017:6(2):135-6. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. Controlled temperature chain: Reaching the unreached in resourcelimited settings. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2017;16(3):477-79. Annadurai K, Mani G, Danasekaran R. Prophylactic Mastectomy: A boon or bane? Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(1):34-51. 48
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Annadurai K. Exploring the application of colour coding for quality health care. Journal of Comprehensive Health. 2017;5(2):74-6. Annadurai K, Danasekaran R, Mani G. Nutritional psychiatry: An evolving concept. J Res Med Sci 2017;22:88. Srinidhii Murugappan, Glad Mohesh. A Guided Learning Experience to Understand the Niche of Basic Medical Research and Capacity Building. Journal of Research in Medical Education & Ethics.2017;7( 2):99-103. Mani G, Danasekaran R, Annadurai K. E-Pharmacies in India. Empowerment or an Emerging Conundrum? Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2017;16(1):14. Annadurai K, Selvasri S, Ramasamy J. Self Medication: Predictors and Practices among Rural Population of Nellikuppam Village, Kancheepuram District, Tamil Nadu. Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University.2017;6(1):90-8. Sujatha Nagari., Swayam Jothi S., Sunita P Bharati., Hemanth Kommuru. Morphometric and Morphological Study of Lower End of Ulna. JMSCR.2017;5(7): 24392 – 24397. Swayam Jothi S, Kafeel Hussain A., Attitude and Aptitude of the first year referred batch of medical students Ann.SBV, Jan-Jun 2017 Vinod K, Kurhekar P, Sharanya K,Raghuraman MS. Study on evaluating the Adequacy of Psoas Compartment Block and Sacral Plexus Block for Lower Limb Surgeries. J Recent Adv Pain 2017; 3 (2): 66-70. Raghuraman M.S. Comment on: ‘’Automated control of end-tidal sevoflurane in living donor hepatectomy - a prospective, randomized, controlled study.” Egypt J Anaesth (2017), egja.2017.08.001 Raghuraman M.S. Comment on: Comparison of Intraabdominal and Trocar Site Local Anaesthetic Infiltration on Postoperative Analgesia after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Turk J Anaesthesiol Reanim 2017; 45: 239-41. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Rajasekaran V, Srividhya G. A clinical study on laryngeal manifestations of tuberculosis. International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. 2017 Sep 2.
Vikram R, Balachandran CS. Study of hematological indices in neonates admitted with non-obstructive jaundice and its outcome in a tertiary care hospital. Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017;4:1827-32.
Dr.T.Rajini Samuel, Dr. R. Vyshnavi, Dr.R.Vanaja, C.M, Ragashree, Dr.Balaji Rajagopalan. Graphical Analysis of Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Using Standard Base Excess Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., September - October 2017; 46(1): 223-228.
hh BOOK PUBLICATIONS Dr. Prasanna S. Microbiology chapter.In: Arun Babu T. TARGET JIPMER. 3rded. New Delhi: PEEPEE publishers; May 2017.
Nasren Begum A, Naseem Noorunnisa, K Madhuri. Diverse presentation of pancytopenia - analytical study in rural population of Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu. Medpulse. International Medical Journal. July 2017;4 (7):850-52. Nasren Begum A, Naseem Noorunnisa, Shamsheer Khan. Thyroid disorders – A random analysis of dysfunction and associations.Medpulse. International Medical Journal. August 2017;4(8):896- 898. Sowjan, Bharani kumar, Rajakumar, Sai santhosh, Cerebro costo mandibular syndrome in neonate- a rare case report. International journal of current medical and pharmaceutical research, 2016; 2:1058-1060. Sowjan, Vikram, Rajakumar. Dyke Davidoff masson syndrome-a case report from south India, International journal of pediatric research. September 2016; 3(9)
Dr. Prasanna S. Microbiology, Parasitology, HIV, STDs and infectious disease chapters. In: Madhan Jeyaram & Ranjith AR. TARGET PG. 1st ed. Philadelphia, US. Lippincott Walters Kluwer Publishers; October 2017.
Alexander Mannu, Ganesh Narayana, Ganavi Ramagopal, Jaishree Vasudevan, Pradeep G Nayar. Study of cardiac changes in children with malnutrition. Indian J Child Health 2017;4(3):314-317. Ganavi Ramagopal, Jaishree Vasudevan. Clinical and etiological profile of children with pathological short stature.Int J Contemp Pediatr 2017:4(1):73-7. Ganavi RamaGopal, Edin Brow, Alexander M., Jaishree Vasudevan, L. Uma devi Demographic,Clinical and Hematological Profile of Children with Bronchiolitis: A Comparative Study between Respiratory Syncitial Virus [RSV] and [NON RSV] Groups. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Aug;10(8):SC05-SC08. Karthika Priya.S, Karthika Jayakumar. Chromobacterium Violaceum isolated from Young Adult with UTI from a Tertiary Care Center. JMSCR.2017;5(10):15. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
hh EDITOR / REVIEWER Dr.Kalaivani Annadurai, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine was invited as a peer-reviewer for BMC Public Health and Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was invited as a peer-reviewer for Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Indian Journal of Medical Research and Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University. Dr.Kalaivani Annadurai, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine was included in the Editorial Board of Journal of Comprehensive health, International Journal of Public Health Papers and Journal of Epidemiological papers. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine has been appointed on 23.04.2017 for the Editor Post of a Special Issue by the Primary Healthcare – Open Access journal, with the theme being “Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease”.
on ‘Documentation in Clinical trial’ at the Golden Jubilee International Conference of IPS, Southern Region held at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 5th July 2017 Dr. Maduram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology was a resource person and gave a lecture on ‘How to set up a CRO and clinical trial unit’ at the National Industry Oriented Applied Pharmacology Conference held at SRMC, Chennai on 22nd September 2017. Dr.Semmal, Dr.Chitra, Dr.Latha, Mr.Glad Mohesh were resource persons for the Orientation programme conducted for I year MBBS Students between 12th to 16th September, 2017.
Honorary member/ Examiner
Dr.Paramanantham, Professor, Department of Pediatrics received DOCTORS DAY AWARD from IMA-Chennai, Villivakkam & Ayyanavaram Branch on 1st July 2017
Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy was appointed as honorary advisor of Regional society of Anatomist, Andhra Pradesh.
Professor Dr.I.Gurubharath, HOD, Dep received Ph.D in Radiology from the Tamilnadu Dr MGR medical university on September 6th, 2017.
Professor Dr Gurumani, HOD, Dept. of ENT was a post-graduate examiner for model exa m in M.S.ENT at Saveetha Medical College and hospital on 28.7.17.
Awa rds
Dr. Swayam jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy was felicitated as Senior Faculty, during the Teachers Day Celebration held at SSSMCRI on 05.09.17.
Recognitions Resource Persons in Academic Events Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine and Dr Anusa A.M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry were resource persons for the first Hands on Training workshop conducted on “Evidence-based Medicine” (EBM) on 24th August 2017 organised by the Medical Research unit at SSSMCRI. 24 faculties from pre-clinical, para-clinical and clinical departments attended the workshop. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was the resource person for a FDP on Scientific Communication - “How to write a Research Article”. The interactive session was attended by more than 60 faculties, senior residents, tutors, and PG students. Dr. Maduram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology was a resource person and gave a lecture 50
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
hh Officiating as Judge in Academic / Scientific Events Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, participated as Judge in Well Baby Competition conducted by Dept of Paediatrics SSSMCRI on 07.08.2017. Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy and Dr. Semmal, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology, has participated as a judge for a seminar on COCHLEAR IMPLANT for final year MBBS part-I organized by Department of Otorhinolaryngology, SSSMCRI on 26.09.17.
Dr. Venkatadri, Professor & Head, Department of Pharmacology was a judge for the poster competition for VII Semester students on World Eye donation day conducted by Dept of Ophthalmology, SSSMCRI on 31.08.2017.
hh Officiating as Chairperson in Academic / Scientific Events Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy chaired a session at 40th Annual Conference of Tamilnadu & at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhuranthagam, on 23rd & 24th Sep 2017.
Dr.Semmal, Professor & Head, Department of Physiology attended and delivered a key note address in the title of “Using Internet in Imparting Medical and Health Education Using Ancient Indian Literary Works” and presented a paper titled as “Challenges Faced and Potential Scope in Imparting Health Education through Mobile Learning Module Using an Ancient Indian Literary Work - Thirukkural at the venue of the World Tamil Internet Conference 2017, held from 25th to 27th August 2017 in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Dura Ridzuan, Malaysia. The Conference was organized by World Tamil Epics Research Association at Sultan Idris Education University.
hh Presentation in Academic / Scientific events Dr.Swayam Jothi.S, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Study of the Mandibular foramen and Mental foramen”; Dr Sathialakshmi, Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “A morphometric study of patella” and Dr Sunita, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Morphometric & Morphological Study of First Rib” at Regional society of Anatomy conference at Apollo hospitals Hyderabad bewtween 8th & 9th July 2017. Dr. Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy presented a paper on “Correlation between Coracoacromial arch & Shoulder Pain”. Dr. Sathialakshmi, Professor, Department of Anatomy, presented a paper on “Study of Mandibular Foramen” at the venue of the 40th Annual Conference of Tamilnadu at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences, Madhuranthagam, on 23rd & 24th Sep 2017.
Dr.M.S.Raghuraman, Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, delivered a talk on “Pain relief in Laparoscopic procedures” and Dr.K.Vinod, Associate Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology delivered a talk on “Gofeld’s approach –Stellate ganglion block” in the meeting conducted by “Indian Society of AnaesthesiologyChennai chapter” on 08th July2017.
Dr. Karthika Jayakumar, Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology attended ACME & presented poster “Small group discussion in Large groupteaching” in CMC, Vellore from 9th to 12th September 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Indian Pharmacological society Southern region organized by the Department of Pharmacology, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry held on 3rd July, 2017. Dr Swayam jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, attended the 428th CME programme of IMSA TN chapter at K J Hospital Auditorium, Chennai on10/09/17 Prof. Dr. I Gurubharath attended and presented a poster titled “Role of MRI Hysterosalphingogram in evaluating female infertility” in Indian Imaging academy –Body imaging Update 2017 held in Goa from 28th to 30th July 2017.
hh Participation in Academic / Scientific Events Dr Swayam jothi, Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Dr Sathialakshmi V Professor, Department of Anatomy, Dr Mani, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, and Dr. Sunita Bharati, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, attended MIMECON 2017 – National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration and Millenium Engagement on16.09.17 at MGMCRI. Dr.Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy and Dr.Sathialakshmi, Professor, Department of Anatomy and Dr.Sunita, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy attended CME on Cross sectional anatomy at SRMC, Chennai on 07.07.17 Dr Swayam Jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, attended Awareness programme on Good touch and Bad touch Organized by Women Empowerment Forum SSSMCRI on 26th & 27th, August 2017.
Dr Swayam jothi, Professor & Head; Dr Sathialakshmi, Professor; Dr Sunita, Assistant Professor; Mr Hemanth, Tutor & Ms Sujatha, Tutor; Department of Anatomy, attended a workshop on Cytogenetics at PIMS, Puducherry on 29.07.17 Dr Mani, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy attended -MIMECON 2017 – National Conference on Motivation, Inspiration & Millenium Engagement workshop on 16.09.17. Dr.Dilip Kumar.G, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesia attended the conference “Chettinad International Fertility colloquium 2017” at Chennai on 24th September 2017. Dr.Jeyakumari Jeevan, Professor, Department of Dermatology attended the CME on 8th September 2017 titled “Management of Resistant Mycosis” at hotel SAVERA, Chennai. Dr.Jeyakumari Jeevan, Professor, Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assisstant Professor & Dr.S.Vijayakumar, Senior Resident, Department of Dermatology attended the International conference of Dermatopathology held at Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai between 26th & 27th August 2017. Dr.Sowmya Dogiparthi, Assisstant Professor, Department of Dermatology attended Training course on Medical Micropigmentation conducted by NIKA academy in Amristar, Punjab from 12 to18th August 2017.
Dr.Latha.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology participated in the scientific writing workshop conducted at Golden Jubilee International Conference on 52
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr. Naseem N, Professor & HOD and Dr. Gomathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology attended “ An Advanced Hemostasis workshop’’ at SRMC, Chennai on 01.07.2017.
Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the CME on Menstrual cycle and disorder organized by the Indian Medical Association, Chennai on 10th September, 2017.
Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry participated in TANPSYCON Tamilnadu Psychiatric Society 32nd Annual Conference at Yercaud on 8th & 9th July 2017. Dr.Mohan Ram Kumar, Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, attended conference on IIRSI at ITC GRAND CHOLA on 8th and 9th July 2017. Dr.Muthukumar, Assistant professor, from the Department of Community Medicine attended Sub Zonal Conference on Sustainable Development goals organised by the Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM) Puducherry & Tamil Nadu at PIMS, Puducherry between 14th & 15th September 2017 Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the 6th International Conference on fertility and high risk pregnancy between 8th and 9th July, 2017 Dr. Maduram, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Dr. Lavakumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology attended the Golden Jubilee International Conference of IPS, Southern Region held at MGMCRI, Puducherry from 3rd-5th July 2017
Dr.T.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics attended the Post Graduates Orientation program of 2017 batch at MGMCRI Pondicherry on 7th and 8th August, 2017. Prof.Dr.I.Gurubharath, Department of Radiology attended a CME on Hepatobiliary Imaging and Interventions organized by MGMCRI on September 10th, 2017. Dr.Jamal Mohamed, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopedics, attended the CME and workshop on Acetabular fractures at Vasanthi Hospital, Chennai on 13.08.17
Dr. Lavakumar, Asst Professor of Pharmacology attended the Revised Basic course Workshop in Medical Education Technology and AT-COM module on behalf of the Medical Education Unit, SSSMCRI, held at the MCI Nodal centre CMC, Vellore from 25th to 28th July 2017.
Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the “Neonatology conference” held at Chettinad Medical College & RI, Chennai on August 25th, 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Dr.Sundararajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopedics, attended the CME and workshop on Acetabular fractures at Vasanthi Hospital Chennai from 19/08/17 till 20.08.17. Dr Baary and Dr. Harshavardhan attended a CME program in Cutting edge Radiology on July 29th 2017 organized by Radiology Education Foundation (REF) in Chennai.
CME on “Applied anatomy of Lower Limb” Department of Anatomy Conducted a CME titled as “Applied anatomy of Lower Limb” on 3rd July 2017. During the event, Dr Jamal, Associate Professor, Department of Orthopaedics delivered a lecture titled as “Applied aspects of thigh including Hip joint”; Dr Sundarrajan, Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics delivered a lecture titled as “Applied aspects of leg including knee joint”.
CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT” Department of ENT organised a CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT” on 29.08.2017 at SSSMCRI.
CME on “MRI Safety awareness for Doctors and Students” Department of Radiology organised a CME on “MRI Safety awareness for Doctors and Students” on 26th July 2017.
Various faculties participated 2nd Contact session of the MCI Advance Course in Medical Education at MCI Nodal Centre for National Faculty Development,CMC,Vellore from 9th -12th September 2017.
CME on ‘Recognizing safety in Casting’ The National Casting week was celebrated by the Department of Orthopedics on 08.7.17, by the conduction of a CME on “Recognizing safety in Casting - Tips for Safe Casting”
hh Conduction of Academic Events CME on“Adolescent Health” Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology organised a CME titled“Adolescent Health”, where various department faculties attented the CME on 26th July 2017.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Live Surgical workshop on Radical Parotidectomy with MRND Department of General Surgery conducted Live Surgical workshop on Radical Parotidectomy with MRND in GS OT Complex 2nd floor for which the Guest Speaker was SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr. Jagadesh Chandra Bose, MCh Surgical Oncology, HOD of Surgical Oncology, SRMC, and Chennai on 11.07.2017.
hh Medical Education Unit (MEU) Workshop on Steps Curriculum Faculties from various departments attended the One Day “Integrated Learning Sensitisation workshop on STEPS curriculum”, conducted by MEU, SSSMCRI on 30.08.2017.
Dr.Latha.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology was a resource person in the event and delivered a lecture on the topic “Learning management system”. Dr. Saurabh Shrivastava, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, was inducted as a member of the Medical Education Unit on 22.07.2017. Faculties from all the departments participated in scientific session on “How to write an article” at SSSMCRI on 1.9.2017.
“Live surgical workshop on “Implantation of Scleral fixated IOL” The Department of Ophthalmology conducted a live surgical workshop on “Implantation of Scleral fixated IOL” on August 30th 2017. Dr.Manoj Vasudevan, Director of Janu Eye hospital at Kottivakkam, Chennai & Former Associate professor at Chettinad Medical College Hospital was the guest and demonstrated a surgical session.
Faculties from all departments participated in “Workshop on STEPS Curriculum” FDP organised by MEU on 30.8.2017. Dr Shruti P Hegde conducted a session on “Flipped classroom” during FDP for 2nd year faculty of SSSMCRI for STEPS curriculum on 30th August 2017.
hh Medical Research Unit (MRU) Dr Anusa A.M, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry was a Resource person in the Hands on Training Workshop on “Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) on 24th August 2017 organised by the Medical Research unit at SSSMCRI. Dr Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry gave a talk on “Salutogenesis & Well-being of Medical students” as a part of the Orientation program for I MBBS students of 2017-18 batch, on 13th Sep 2017 at SSSMCRI.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
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hh Scientific Society Meet The Scientific Society Meeting for the month of August was held on 31st August 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were on the topics, “Mixed Mucinous Carcinoma of Sigmoid Colon: a Case report” by Pushkar Chaudhary, Department of Pathology. “Transposition of Great Arteries with Large VSD with PDA with CCF” by Dr.Navya, Postgraduate Department of Paediatrics. An Interesting Chest X ray for discussion - Quiz for Pg’s Department of Pulmonology. The Scientific Society Meeting for the month of September was held on 28th September 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were on the topics, “Dysmenorrhoea : Expect the Unexpected” by Dr.S.Krithika, Department of Radiodiagnosis. “SPN for Discussion” by Departmnet of Pulmology. “Oncological Experience of the Department of General Surgery” by Dr. D. Pradeep, Department of General Surgery.
Dr. Chandana, joined as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pathology joined on 17.7.2017. Dr. Abilash, joined as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology joined on 1.9.2017. Dr. S. Shree Lakshmi Devi, joined as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology on 01.09.2017 Dr. S. Prabhakaran, joined as a Tutor in the Department of Pharmacology on 11.08.2017
hh Student Support Activities CRRI Orientation Program- 02.08.2017
hh CRRI’s Scientific Forum (CSF) The CSF meeting was held on 12th July 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were on the topics, “Retrograde Intramedullary Fixation of Distal Femoral Fracture” by Dr. VijayaKumar, Department of Orthopaedics; “The Medical Lergend of 20th Century” by Professor Sundaramoorthy,Professor and Head, Department of Respiratory Medicine. The CSF meeting was held on 9th August 2017 at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. Presentations were on the topics, “An Interesting Case” by Kavin K, Department of Psychiatry; “An Interesting PFT- Quiz” by Department of Respiratory Medicine. “Mobility is Life” by Aravind, Department of Orthopaedics
Death Audit Meeting The death case audit meeting for the July - September 2017 quarter was held on 25th July and on 26th September at Seminar Hall 4th floor, Hospital block. All the faculties, Postgraduates and Junior Residents attended the meeting.
hh NEW APPOINTMENTS Dr. Sahaya Sona Thresa joined as a Tutor in the Department of Community Medicine on 07.08.2017. Dr. Dost Mohamed Khan joined as an Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology on 1.7.2017. 56
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr.Semmal, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology was appointed as the student coordinator for the SSSMC RI section of the University level Student Newsletter. The Department of Physiology conducted an event to distribute certificates and awards for the student winners of the Blood donation awareness essay contest conducted on 13th July 2017. Distribution of certificates and awards for the students who won in Elsevier Physiology MCQ competition – college level on 13th July 2017. First 3 places were nominated for zonal level. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Scientific Presentations Dr.Selvi MS 1st year Post graduate in Department of OBG attended and presented a poster at the venue of the “Neonatology conference” at Chettinad Medical College & RI held on August 25th, 2017. Dr.Shubhra Sharma II year PG, Department of Pathology presented a poster on “Squamous Cell Carcinoma arising in Chronic Osteomyelitis” in the CME titled “Kaleidoscope of Pathology III” at Chengalpattu Medical College held on 28th July 2017. Dr. Syed Ahmed,Final year PG, Department of Pathology presented a paper titled, Expression of HER2 neu in Breast Carcinomas” in a National CME on “Updates In Haematopathology” at Institute of Pathology, Madras Medical College on 26.08.17. Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, II year PG, Department of Pathology presented “ An Interesting case of Mixed Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of colon” at Scientific Society Meeting at SSSMCRI,Hospital Block on 31st August 2017.
hh STUDENT NEWS Postgraduate News Awards Postgraduates, Department of Radiology attended a CME on Hepatobiliary Imaging and Interventions organized by MGMCRI on September 10th, 2017. Dr.Sneha and Dr.Krithika Postgraduates of Radiology won the II prize in poster presentation.
Dr.Sai Preethi, I year PG from the Department of Dermatology presented a paper titled “Cutaneous tuberculosis in 3 year old child” held at Sree Balaji Medical College,Chennai on 26th & 27th August 2017. Dr.Judy Veronica, PG of Pediatrics, presented a poster on Williams syndrome and a paper on breast feeding practices in a rural community and obtained her Newborn Resuscitation Program certificate from expert talk conference in Chettinad Health City on 26.8.17, while Dr.Varun PG of Pediatrics got his BLS and ACLS certification from MGMCRI on 13.09.2017.
Scientific Participations Newly joined Post graduates attended the PG Orientation programme part II organised by MEU at SSSMCRI from July 17th to19th 2017. Post-graduates from the Department of Community Medicine attended Quiz program on “Breast feeding Week” held in SSSMCRI hospital on 02.08.2017. Dr.Kalusivalingam, Dr.Nilofur Banu first year PGs from the Department of Community Medicine attended the CME on “Foreign Bodies in ENT” organized by the Department of ENT on 29.08.2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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Dr. Balaji Viswanath, PG, Department of Orthopedics, attended the ATLS course conducted by TNOA on 16 and 17.09.17
Dr.Machireddy R Sekhar reddy, PG from Department of General Medicine attended a workshop on E-Portfolio at SSSMCRI on 8th August 2017.
Undergraduate News Ms.Sanjana, Ms.Kaviya and Mr.Dinesh; V Semester student presented a seminar on on Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns disease and Intestinal Polyps conducted by the Department of Pathology on 1.9.2017.
Dr. Indra Bala.S, II year PG, PSM attended a Workshop on Basic Epidemiology, Statistics, SPSS & Critical Appraisal held at SRMC, Chennai from 29.08.2017 to 01.09.2017.
Department of Ophthalmology on the eve of “National Eye Donation Fortnight”conducted a Poster competition for students of VII Semester from August 25th to September 8th 2017.
Dr. Kalusivalingam, I year PG attended the Faculty development program on Scientific Communication held at SSSMCRI on 01.09.2017. Dr. Indra Bala.S II year PG attended the1st National Workshop cum CME on Health System Strengthening at JIMPER, Pondichery from 26.09.2017 to 29.09.2017. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr.Senthil N Ganesh, II year PGs, Department of Pathology attended a CME on “Kaleidoscope Of Pathology III” at Chengalpattu Medical College held on 28.7.17 and 29.7.17. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary II year PGs, Department of Pathology attended “CME on Bone Pathology ” at Karpaga Vinayaga Institute of Medical Sciences and Resarch Centre on 23.08.17. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, Dr.Senthil N Ganesh, II year PGs, Dr. Syed Ahmed, Final year PG, Department of Pathology attended the National CME on “Updates In Haematopathology” at Institute of Pathology, Madras Medical College on 26.08.17. Dr. Shubhra Sharma, Dr. Pushkar Chaudhary, II year PGs, Department of Pathology, attended a CME on Soft tissue lesions at Medall Medical Academy on 01.9. 2017. Dr.Anupama & Dr.Sai preethi, I year PGs from the Department of Dermatology attended the International conference of Dermatopathology held at Sree Balaji Medical College, Chennai on 26th & 27th August 2017. 58
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Ms. P. Preethi, V Semester Student presented a seminar on Paracetamol poisoning organised by the Department of Pharmacology at SSSMCRI on 05.09.2017.
Student extension/ enrichment program – Boston trip Ammapettai to Harvard by by Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, Prof & Head, Dept.of Microbiology. The student extension / enrichment program to Boston,was organised under the Auspices of SBVU, in the month of August 2017.This trip was organised by the University with the collaboration of external agency SEHPL. The organisers planned for ten day’s program in Boston including Teaching –learning experience, visits to General hospital, Medical museum. Before the Global learners were to leave the soil, they were given a sensitisation program by the organiser –Dr.Sharmila – Director of SHEPL, in Chennai. The travel kick started on SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
August 14th midnight from Chennai international Airport with 21 students (15 SSSMCRI +5 MGMCRI + 1 New Delhi JR) accompanied by Dr.Karthika Jayakumar, Prof & Head, Dept.of Microbiology. The flying was smooth& comfortable with 2 hours transition in Dubai. Landing in Boston, was a welcome relief after 17 hrs of flying !! The group had a warm welcome by Mr. Nick, designated Guide of the program, who started with ice breaking & dividing the 21 members, into different groups. Had a comfortable accommodation in Hi Boston Hostel, from where,the team had the start of every day’s program. The team had discussion on ‘Divergent thinking & on its creativity with Dr. Vignesh & Dr.Ramesh Subramaniam, in the Harvard University campus. The team had the opportunity to see the Harvard library, which is the second biggest in USA. The tour around the Harvard university was an enriching experience to the entire team, which took the members into the realms of American History & Boston tea party.The members visited the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),where the group had a visual treat in the Visual Art Building, interaction with Dr.Padmini Pillai, whose life history itself was a source of grit & determination to young blossoming professionals. the global learners also visited Langer lab. The group was thrilled to meet citizens clad in colonial costumes, taking food from truck. The team had training on skills like interpretation of ECG, Suturing techniques & performance of Ultra sound on volunteers.Group members had the glory of updating the History of medicine, by visiting the MGH museum.The day to day travel to different parts of Boston by train & walk, was a fortifying experience. The international travel also had an moment of Brain storming session in Boston public park on various issues on Medical field & their solutions. the team had a visit to world war 2 monument & traditional chocolate preparation centre. Which was quite lip smacking!!!The tenth day saw the team bidding Fair well to the program & the nation considered to be the Top globally.
It was a rich learning experience for the team members, who at a very early age have set their foot in the best health oriented centre, which will percolate a long way through their career!!
Convocation Day Awards The Annual Doctoral convocation of SBV was held at MGMCRI campus on 22 September, 2017. The 2008,2009,2010 MBBS Best outgoing Students were awarded with Medals. Dr.Sriram from 2008 batch, Dr.Gayathri from 2009 batch and Dr. Naveen Raj, Dr. Poornima from 2010 Batch were the Medal winners. The Head of the Departments from all the Departments of SSSMCRI attended the Convocation program.
Dr.Hemanathan, who had completed his MD in Pathology at SSSMCRI (2014 Batch) Won the Gold Medal in the University Post graduate examination.
Inaugration of the First MBBS (2017- 2018 ) Batch The Inauguration of the First MBBS (2017-2018) Batch took place on September 11, 2017. Honourable Chairman Madam, Honourable Vice Chancellor, Honourable Dean of Faculty MGMCRI, Honourable Dean of SSSMCRI and Vice Principals, Medical Superintendent Inaugurated the Ceremony. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Young India, New India- A Resurgent Nation: From Sankalp to Sidhhi. On 7th September 2017, Hon’ble Prime Minister addressed the student Leaders convention on the occasion of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s Centenary Cleberation and 125th Anniversary of Swamy Vivekananda’s Address at the Chicago World Parliament of Religious. The theme of Programme is young India, New IndiaA Resurgent Nation: From Sankalp to Sidhhi. The programme had the live telecast of our Hon’ble Prime Minister‘s speech, to the Nation. It was observed as per UGC norms, in our hospital block, 4th floor with MBBS7th, 8th, 9th Sem students, CRRI’S, AHS students along with faculties, MS and Dean from 10.00 am to 1.00pm on 7th Sep 2017.
Inaugration of the Third Batch of Allied Health Sciences The Inauguration of the Third Batch of Alled Health Sciences students joined on 17th August 2017. Honourable Dean Inaugrated the Ceremony, followed by the Welcome address and the key note address was given by the AHS Coordinator. All the Head of the Departments related to the Course delivered their orientation leactures during the event.
Swaccha Bharath Every 1st and 3rd Saturdays Swachh Bharat has been conducted for the 5th semester students, college surroundings were cleaned, and it is done under the guidance of PGs from the Department of Community Medicine. 60
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Swachhta Pakhwada As per UGC guidelines “Swachhta Pakhwada” (Cleanliness Fortnight) was organized by SSSMCRI from 1st Sep to 15th Sep 2017, Department of Community Medicine participated in the outreach activities – all faculties and postgraduates from the Department of Community Medicine co-ordination with other departments participated in the activity along with the students. The activities done were cleaning the roads leading to institution, cleaning health system in public places, visit to Sembakkam village, and visit to nearby markets & orphanages and a debriefing session with the CEO of town panchyat.
hh COMMEMMORATIONS Independence Day Celebration The Independence Day Celebrations were conducted on 15th August 2017 at SSSMCRI Campus. Honourable Dean Hoisted the National Flag. Students and Staff members participated in the event.
World Teachers Day Faculties from various departments participated in teachers day program conducted in SSSMCRI on 5th September 2017. Dr. Swayam jothi, Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy was felicitated as Senior Faculty, during the Teachers Day Celebration held at SSSMCRI on 05.09.17.
Dr.Ramasamy, a senior faculty of Anatomy was the guest and was felicitated for his acheivements as a renowned teacher. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
hh OBSERVATION OF HEALTH DAYS World Breastfeeding Week Under the aegis of the management of SSSMCH & RI, the Department of Paediatrics grandly celebrated the World Breastfeeding Week in the first week of August 2017. Our respected Dean inaugurated the function on August 1st. The gathering was welcomed by Prof. Dr. Rajakumar.P.G., Prof. Dr. P. Paramanantham and Prof. Dr. Mohanambal addressed the audience and talked about the theme of the week which was Sustaining Breasfeeding – Together. Sister Sabha contributed with a talk on nursing aspects of breastfeeding. A poster competition on the theme was organized on that day. The competition was judged by the Medical Superintendent Dr. Vijayalakshmi and Prof. Dr. Venkatadri, HOD Pharmacology. The first prize was won by the CRRIs Arya, Ajith, Ajay, Akilan and Akarshana. An essay competition was organized for the final year students with Anusha and Sharath Gopal winning the first and second prizes respectively. Day 2 saw a fiercely competitive Post Graduate Quiz on Breastfeeding in which the Post Graduates of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Community medicine participated. The Quiz was conducted by Dr. Jaishree Vasudevan and Dr. Vikram R. The proud winners were Dr. Jeremy and Dr. Meenakshi. On 3/8/2017 we had a special extensive counseling session conducted in the OPD of the department by Dr Sowjan, Dr. Mohanraj and Dr. Vidhyalakshmi. This was an interactive session between the mothers, grandmothers and the paediatricians. Day 4 had a little fun and frolic in the form of Under graduate Quiz conducted by Dr. Sowjan and Dr. Sai Santosh. The winners were Anusha Narayanan, Gnana Rubini, Mounika, Kalaivani and Bhavani. On 5/8/2017, Dr. Edin Brow and Dr. Sai Santosh visited the Urban Health Centre at Thiruporur as part of our Outreach Program. The program included a skit, a talk on the benefits of breastfeeding and an interactive session with caregivers. On 6/8/2017, Dr. Bharani and the Post Graduates conducted counseling sessions for the Antenatal and post natal mothers in the Paediatric and Obstetrics ward in the hospital. The 7th day marked the end of this week’s celebration with a Well Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
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Baby contest conducted in the OPD of Department of Paediatrics. Dr. Puspha Kotur, professor Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Prof.Dr. Swayam jothi HOD Anatomy kindly consented to judge this function. The proud winners were felicitated by the Dean and Medical Superintendent during the valedictory function on 7/8/2017.The winners of various contests held during this week were also awarded certificates and prizes. Dr Roopa, Professor Obstetrics and Gynaecology addressed the gathering. The week’s activity report was read out by Dr Bharani. The function formally ended with the rendering of the national anthem.
International Yoga Day – 2017
ORS Day and ORS Week The Department of Paediatrics, SSSMC & RI, Ammapettai celebrated ORS Day and ORS Week between 24th to 30th July 2017 with 29th July being celebrated as ORS Day. The activities of the week included various awareness programs conducted by the faculty and Post Graduates both in the OPD and wards regarding hygiene, hand washing, diarrhea and its danger signs and preparation and usefulness of ORS. A poster competition was organized on 29th July on the eve of ORS Day amongst the students and CRRIs, the theme being ‘ORS – The Only Rational Solution’. The judges were Prof. Dr. Nasreen (Medicine), Prof. Dr. Balaji (HOD – Biochemistry) and Prof. Dr. Srinivasan (HOD – Dermatology). The first prize winners were a group of four MBBS students – Anusha, Narayanan, Gnana Rubini, Mounika and Kalaivani. Three posters tied for the second place: By Sharath Gopal, Vinothini and a group of four – Swarnabalan, Kirubakaran, Radhakrishnan and Karthik. All participants were awarded certificate of participation. 62
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International Yoga Day – 2017 was celebrated in a befitting way at SSSMCRI on Wednesday, 21st June 2017. More than 100 staff and students participated in the celebrations and the following activities were conducted in the College Block. The events started with a demonstration and performing of Yoga by the staff and students at 8.00 – 9.00 AM, followed by a Video film on Yoga between 9.00 – 9.30 AM in Ground Floor Lecture Hall. The main event was held between 9.30 -11.00 am. Dean welcomed all the dignitaries and the other participants. An inspiring and motivating speech emphasizing the benefits of Yoga were given by Dr.R.Lavanya & Dr.Kalavathy, Sky World Communication Service Center, Aliyar Chennai. Dr Karthika J Vice Principal, proposed Vote of thanks.
Doctors Day The Doctors Day was celebrated on 1st July 2017 at the hospital lobby in remembrance of legendary physician Dr B.C Roy. The gathering was conducted in presence of Medical Superintendent, Vice Principal, Faculties, Staffs and Students. The program commenced on with the Master of the ceremony Hoormika (VI Semester) welcoming the gathering. The invocation song was sung by the VI Semester Students. The Vice Principal, Dr Balaji Rajagopalan gave the welcome speech. The Doctors Day speech was given by Professor and HOD, Pulmonary Medicine Dr.Sundaramoorthy. The Presidential Address was conveyed by Medical Superintendent, Dr.Vijayalakshmi. Students from every batches displayed posters based on Doctors Day, around 12 posters were displayed. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
The posters were judged by Dr.Nasreen, Professor of General Medicine and Dr Srinivasan, HOD & Professor, Dermatology. The First prize was bagged by duo, Hemalatha and Venkatanagalakshmi (VI Semester) and 2nd prize was bagged by Shree Hari (II Semester). The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Akshay Lal (VI Semester).The ceremony ended with National Anthem followed by tea and snacks.
A health talk was given by the Pediatrics Assistant Professor and PG from Pediatrics & Community Medicine, and role-play was conducted by the CRRI’s. Breastfeeding mothers were given awareness and benefits of breastfeeding. This program conducted under the guidance of Assistant Professors from the Department of Community Medicine.
World Rabies Day
World Blood Donor Day Department of Pathology celebrated World Blood Donor Day on 21.7.2017. Skit programme conducted by BSc. MLT students to create awareness in blood donation. Speech on blood donation by Mr. Ganesan, Lab Incharge, Dr. Shubra Sharma II Year Post graduate and Vikash Raj IV semester student. Prizes distributed for Poster competition winners and honoured regular blood donors.
Theme: “Zero by 30”: World Rabies Day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on September 18th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts were given to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the Do’s and Don’ts of dog bite, symptoms and clinical features of Rabies, treatment and Pre & Post exposure vaccination. World Rabies Day was observed at Thiruporur UHTC on September 18th 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts were given to the participants by the interns posted at UHTC, under the guidance of Dr.Gopinath, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the prevention of dog bite and pre & post exposure prophylaxis vaccination.
World Oral Hygiene Day World Breastfeeding Week World breastfeeding week was observed at Thiruporur UHTC and Sembakkam RHTC on 1st week of August 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
World Oral Hygiene day was observed at Sembakkam RHTC on September 21st 2017 by the Department of Community Medicine. A health talk using charts was organized for the welfare of the patients attending the centre. Health talk using charts were given to the participants by the interns posted at RHTC, under the guidance of Dr. Muthukumar, Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine and the Medical Officer. Participants were explained regarding the good and bad practices for oral hygiene and enlightened about the signs and symptoms of oral health problems.
World Deafness Day ENT conducted student seminar on occasion of world deafness day on 26.9.17.
Women Empowerment Forum An Awareness Programme about Good Touch and Bad Touch was conducted on 17.08.2017 to the Students of Suddhanandha Vidyalaya Matriculation School, Ammapettai.
BIG BANG KIT – A Revolution in Education System `10,000 was donated to Suddhanandha Vidyalaya Matriculation School Ammapettai on behalf of Women Empowerment Forum on 18.08.2017.
Dr. Rajesh Kannan N, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry delivered an awareness speech on ‘Good Touch & Bad Touch’ to the students of Suddhanandha Vidhyalaya Matriculation School, organised by Women Empowerment Forum of SSSMCRI on 18th August 2017.
Dr.M. Mohanambal, Professor and Head, Department of OBG attended the Women Empowerment forum and the student education program regarding menstrual cycle & menstrual hygiene, held at Sudhandha school & DAV school, Chennai during August 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
An Awareness Programme on GOOD TOUCH AND BAD TOUCH to the Students of CEE DEE YES DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL. Speech about Good Touch and Bad Touch was delivered by Dr.Thamaraiselvi to school students on 29.08.2017. Dr Shruti P Hegde conducted Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
a session on “Good touch Bad touch” for middle & high school students of Cee Dee Yes DAV Public school as a part of “women empowerment forum” of SSSMCRI on 29th August 2017.
Dr. Sowmya Dogiparthi, Asst.Prof, Dermatology, was invited By Shree Jain Sangh, Saidapet, Chennai, TN for a medical camp held at Shree Jugraj Lodha Medical Centre on Sep 18th & 19th 2017 and was honoured by the Saidapet Medical Centre with a momentum for her Service. Similarily, she also went as a Dermatologist to a Camp Organized by Besant Nagar, Adayar Rotary Club and MCDS Chennai, TN together for fishermen hamlets in fore shore estate.
The Department of Ophthalmology conducted an Eye screening camp on 19th September at Chengalpattu in association with IDFC.
The Department of Community Medicine in coordination with specialists from various clinical departments, and paramedical staffs conducted 42 outreach camps at Guduvancherry, Anbagam (Pananagattupakkam), Mullipakkam, and Manampathy. Fever Camp was conducted by Department of General Medicine from 31.07.2017 to 01.08.2017.
The Department of Ophthalmology has conducted 25 camps screeing a total of 903 patients, Total no of cataract surgeries done for camp patients is 27and the total number of surgeries done is over 81. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr.N.Mathivanan, Assistant Professor, participated in Thanthi TV Programme on Dengue on 09.08.17. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr.Semmal, Professor and Head, Department of Physiology, released 3 Educational Videos in YouTube explaining the importance of Integrating Modern Health Care with Ancient Indian Literature http://
Inaugration of New Philips ACHIEVA 1.5 TESLA MRI Unit Our Honorable Chairman Madam, Honorable Director and Honorable Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the New Philips ACHIEVA 1.5 TESLA MRI Unit on July 15, 2017.
Inauguration of Cadaveric Lab Our Honorable Chairman Madam, Honorable Director and Honorable Vice-Chancellor inaugurated the Cadaveric Lab in SSSMCRI campus on July 16th 2017. It was followed by the conduction of the First Cadaveric Workshop on Knee Arthroscopy. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
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indira gandhi institute of
Dental sciences hh FACULTY HIGHLIGHTS
mucosa treated by surgical excision- A rare case report. International Journal of current research may 2017:9(5).
Publications Lakshman VL, Rangdhol V, Vandana S, Sitra G, Paulose S, Kayalvizhi EB. Prevalence and characterization of nonodontogenic orofacial pain in a tertiary health-care center at Puducherry - A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights.2017;4:120–123. Rangdhol V, Santhosh S, Paulose S, Lakshmipriya E, Laxman VL, Kayalvizhi EB. Doppler ultrasonographic assessment of major salivary glands in Type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in correlation with salivary quantity and serum magnesium levels – A cross-sectional study. Journal of Advanced Clinical & Research Insights.2017; 4:114–119. Kavya L, Vandana S,Paulose S, Rangdhol V Baliah JW, Dhanraj T. Oral manifestation of genodermatoses. Journal of Medicine, Radiology, Pathology & Surgery.2017;4: 22–27 Baliah J, Keluskar V, Malleshappa A, Livingstone D, Kayalvizhi EB. Estimation and Comparison of Serum Beta 2 Microglobulin Level Among Patients with Oral Leukoplakia,Oral Submucous Fibrosis, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Controls – An Observational Study. International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research2017;2(5): 116 – 121 Thirunavukarsu S,Sekizhar V,RanghdolV,Vendan L.Bifid condyle:Radiographic dilemma. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2017;29:60-2. Sanguida A, Samir Dutta, Sarita Magu, Savita Sangwan, Shivani Mathur. Ultrasonographic Study of Masseter and Orbicularis Oris Muscles after Cessation of Thumb Sucking Habit – A Pilot Study. Scholars Journal of Dental Sciences, 2017; 4(6): 254-258. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-7. Sathya narayanan. R, Selvakumar.C, Tamizhp pozhil Guna. Low flow venous malformation of the buccal 67
Lucky Shrihari, V. Suresh, V. Yuvaraj, R. Sathyanarayanan, M. Shyamala, S.Monica. A comparative study between 0.5% centbucridine and 2% lignocaine with adrenaline (1:200,000) for bilateral extraction of mandibular premolar using nerve block anesthesia. A double blind randomized controlled clinical study. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2017;6(9);2244-2249. Rajaram S, Danasekaran BP, Venkatachalapathy R, Prashad KV, Rajaram S. N-acetylneuraminic acid: A scrutinizing tool in oral squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis. Dent Res J 2017;14:267-71. Umamaheswari G, Vezhavendhan N, Sivaramakrishnan M, Suganya R, Santha Devy A, Vidyalakshmi S. Sialochemical profile in depressive individuals: A cross‑sectional ex- vivo study. SRM Journal of Research in Dental Sciences 2017;8(3):116 – 20. S.Vijayaraja, R. Sathyanarayanan, Carounanidy Usha, Bindu Meera John, K.Karpagavinayagam. Cariogenic microflora and ph in superficial and deep layer of occlusal carious lesions- Ametagenomic analysis. JCRI. 2017; 4:124-128 Suresh Babu K,Arani N,Kommi PB,Harikrishnan P,Kumar SM,Sabapathy RS, Vijaykumar V. Evaluating the Correlation between Anteroposterior and Mediolateral Compensatory Curves and their Influence on Dentoskeletal Morphology-An In vitro CBCT Study. J Clin Diagn Res 2017;11(8): ZC 49-52 Carounanidy Usha, Sathyanarayanan Ramarao, Bindu M John, Mintu E Babu. Anticariogenicity of stevia rebaudiana extract when used as a mouthwash in high caries risk patients. Randomized controlled clinical trial. WJOUD. 2017; 8(5):1-6 Shekhawat KS, Chauhan A,Sakthidevi S, Goyal P, Bhattacharjee S.Smokeless tobacco:Profiling sachets and pattern of use among low socioeconomic population of Puducherry.Contemp Clin Dent 2017;8:225-30. Kuldeep Singh Shekhawat, Sakthidevi S, Arunima Chauhan and Saru Sasi. Knowledge of accessing the most
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accessed Bio-medical database – PubMed Volume: 3; Issue: 8; August-2017; pp 1321-1332. Kayalvizhi EB, Baliah J, Livingstone D, Thirumurugan K. Occult Type II Dents in Dente Revealed By Cone Beam Computed Tomography in a Rare Case of Ekman Westborg Julin Syndrome.2017;2(5):73-76
Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Professor, Department of Conservative & Endodontics gave the integrated guest lecture on “Contact & Contour for better periodontal health” at the Post-Conference course conducted as a part of the 10th National ISPRP Conference on 28.08.17
hh ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Guest lecture: Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology gave a guest lecture on the occasion of Oral Hygiene day at Raja Muthaiah Dental College, Chidambaram on 01.08.2017 Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol, Professor and Head, Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology delivered an orientation lecture for 1st year PG students of IGIDS on Value added programs in addition to Master of Dental surgery on 23.8.17 at MGMCRI. Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer and Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology delivered a lecture on “Oral Hygiene” as a part of the Oral Hygiene day Celebration on 24.08.2017 at Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering. Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology delivered a guest lecture on the topic Occlusion at the 10th National ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 26.08.2017 and 27.08.2017 Dr. Pratebha, Professor Department of Periodontology delivered a lecture on “Periodontal considerations in establishing contacts and contours with composite resins” at the Post-Conference course conducted as a part of the 10th National ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 28.08.2017
Dr.Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, participated as guest speaker in the 4th CDE program held at JSL Dental clinic, Karaikal17.09.2017 on “Impression – the first step to success”.
Awards/ Recognition: Dr. Vandana, Reader, is a member of International Academy of Oral oncology from 11.7.17 Dr. Senthil, Prof & Head, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Vikneshan, Reader, Dept. of Public Health Dentistry received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for BMJ South Asia Award -2017 from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal SBV educational video
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and SCORE program for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, ViceChancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Varsha, Prof, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for BMJ South Asia Award -2017 from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for BMJ South Asia Award -2017 from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics received the certificate of appreciation for submitting the proposal for Copyright of SBV from Dr. K.R.Sethuraman, Vice-Chancellor, SBV University on 19.08.17. Dr. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics has been certified for completing an online non-credit course “Instructional methods in Health Professions Education” authorized by University of Michigan and Offered through Coursera, on 05.09.17. Dr Bindu Meera John, Reader & Dr Prasanna Eswar Sai, Tutor, department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics invited as a judge Dental boys and girls hostel for swatchata pakhwada clean campaign (students hostel cleanliness) on 11-09-2017. Dr. Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, was a part of organizing committee for PEDOSPHERE, the 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held between 14.09.17 to16.09.17 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Dr.Manoharan P.S,Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics obtained certificate of accomplishment and gold medal for academic excellence having secured the highest marks in PG diploma in health profession education examination at university level on 22.09.17 at the Doctoral Convocation, SBV. 69
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Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry was awarded certificate of accomplishment and Gold Medal by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth for securing highest marks in Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Therapy university exam of CYTER in 2016 at the Doctoral Convocation, SBV on 22.09.17. Dr Swetha Paulose, Senior lecturer, received Gold Medal and certificate of excellence for securing highest marks in Oral Medicine and Radiology, MDS exams, 2015 at MGMCRI, SBV University on 22.9.17. Dr Bindu Meera John, Reader, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics was part of the Prize committee member for the special convocation conducted by SBV University which is held on 22-09-2017. Dr Prasanna Eswar Sai, Tutor, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics were a part of organizing committee member of NITW(National Integrated Typhoon Workshop) 2017 conducted by Indian orthodontic society and the workshop was organized & hosted by Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics, IGIDS.
Officiation as chairperson: Dr.Prathima.G.S, Prof & Head, Dr Kayalvizhi, Professor, Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dr.Suganya, Dr Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry chaired a Scientific session at the PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
Presentation in Conference/ CDE: Dr.Balaji, Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics presented paper entitled at ” rejuvenating the quality of life of patient using dental implants - case series” Bioner
Central European Symposium on 15th- 16th August 2017 at Tashkent, Uzbekisthan. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry presented an E- Poster on “Interdisciplinary Pediatric Dentistry” (Integrating Indigenous Medicine with Pedodontics for a Holistic Care. The Need of the Hour) at the PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Suganya M, Senior Lecturer in Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry presented a original research paper titled “Effectiveness of On-the-Job training of primary health care workers on the knowledge regarding Infant Oral Health Care” (Interdisciplinary Pediatric Dentistry) at the PEDOSPHERE, 39TH Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer in Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry presented a original research paper titled Prevalence of the Cusp of Carabelli in children aged 11-16 Years In Davangere, A City In Karnataka at the PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu.
Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology presented a poster titled on “Assessment of perception of competencies among group of dental students in Puducherry” in MIMECON - 2017 on 16.9.17 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, presented on outcome based education for PGDHPE candidates at SBV University.
Participation in Conference /CDE: Dr. Prathima.G.S, Prof& Head, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry volunteered and participated in the Himalayan Dental project at Lambdon School and general population of Leh, Ladakh from 01-07-2017 to10-07-2017. Dr. John attended pre-conference workshop and International conference on ‘Molecular Biological techniques in personalized Medicine’ at MGMCRI on 3.7.17 to 5.7.17 Dr. Jananni Senior lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended Lecture on “Outcome Based Education in Health Professions’’ on 6.7.17 at MEU Conference Hall Annex, MGMCRI. Dr. Vandana Dr. John, Dr.Sivasankari attended guest lecture by Dr C.Palanivel on ‘My Tryst with Laproscopic Surgery’ as part of MVK Iyer Annual Oration at SAF, MGMCRI, on 14.7.17.
Dr. Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, attended and presented poster titled “Structure of evaluation of a training program for dental graduates in internship” at MIMECON 2017 organised by medical education unit at MGMCRI on 16.09.17.
Dr.R.Sathyanarayanan, Prof& Head, Dr. V.Yuvaraj. Prof, Dr. Nithin, Senior Lecturer & Dr.Shyamala, Senior Lecturer, from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery attended the MVK Oration on 14.07.17, at SBV, Puducherry.
Dr. Varsha Murthy, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics attended and presented poster titled “unrelenting motivation & inspiration of millenials using practice oriented peer review” at MIMECON 2017 organised by medical education un it at MGMCRI on 16.09.17.
Dr. Vandana, Reader attended guest lecture by Professor Srinivasan on ‘Sustained breast feeding’ at SAF, MGMCRI on 4.8.17
Dr. S. Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology presented a poster titled on “The Attitude of Millennial Dentists Towards Choosing Public Health Dentistry as a Career” in MIMECON - 2017 on 16.9.17 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth.
Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Lakshmi Devi, Tutor attended Internal MCQ workshop conducted by Prof. N.Ananthakrishnan from 07.08.2017 to 10.08.2017 Dr.Aniruddh Yashwant.V was part of organizing team and participated in the SAF programme “NEET Orientation Lecture” held on 9th August, 2017.
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Dr. Karpagavinayagam, Professor & Dr. Praveen Rajesh, Senior Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics participated in special webinar conducted by colgate on 10-08-2017 at IGIDS Conference hall.
Dr. Kishore, 15 interns and 5 final BDS students attended a one day workshop on “Accessibility – A Catalyst for Inclusion” on 15th September 2017 at Pondicherry University organized Sathya Special School.
Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology, Dr.Bindu Meera John, Dr. Praveen Rajesh & Dr. Nansi Ramalingam, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Dr. Muneer, Tutor, Department of Prosthodontics Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor & Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dept. of Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof & Dr.Shyamala, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. John, Dr. Swetha Paulose, Dept. of Oral Medicine, Dr.Senthil and Dr.Vikneshan attended MCQ workshop held at IGIDS, SBV on 17th,18th and 22nd August 2017
Dr. Prathima.G.S, Prof& Head, Dr Kayalvizhi, Professor, Dr. Sanguida. A, Reader, Dr.Suganya, Dr Kirthiga M, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended PEDOSPHERE, 39TH Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu.
Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Dr. Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader Department of Periodontology attended the 10th National ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 26-08-2017 and 27-08-2017 Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Dr. Jananni Senior Lecturer, Dr. Karthikeyan, Senior Lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi Senior Lecturer, Dr. Priyadharshini Senior Lecturer Department of Periodontology attended the lecture on “Periodontal considerations in establishing contacts and contours with composite resins” delivered by Dr. Pratebha during the Post-Conference course conducted as a part of the 10th National ISPRP Conference in Chennai on 28-08-2017 Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, completed edweb webinar on “From Expel to Excel: Positive Alternatives to Expelling At-Risk Preschool Boys” related to SNACS and obtained certificate on 29.08.17. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, completed edweb webinar on “Support Struggling readers alongside their peers” related to SNACS and obtained certificate on 01.09.17. Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dr Sevabalaji A, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended PEDOFEAST, CDE programme on Dental Trauma by Dr. Nester Cohenca, President of International Association of Dental Traumatology at Adhiparasakthi Dental College on 12th September 2017. 71
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Dr.Varsha Murthy, Prof, Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology attended workshop titled “classroom/ lesion strategies to accommodate the diversity of ” on MIMECON 2017 organized by medical education un it at MGMCRI on 16.09.17. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, Dr. Pratebha Professor, Dr. Jananni Senior lecturer, Dr.S.Sakthi Devi, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Periodontology participated as a Delegate in MIMECON - 2017 on 16.9.17 at Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry All the faculty of Department of Orthodontics were part of the organizing team and participated in National Integrated typodont workshop 2017 held on September 21st -23rd, 2017 Dr. Sanguida.A, Reader, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended the Workshop on “Yoga and Psychotherapy- Bridging East and West” by Dr. Stephen Parker on 29th September 2017 organized by CYTER at SBV. Dr. Prathima.G.S, Prof& Head, Dr.Suganya, Dr Selavabalaji A, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Paedodontics & Preventive Dentistry attended a colgate webinar on topic “TeDiE Technique- Injecting the innocent” delivered by Dr. MS Muthu, Prof and Head, Pediatric Dentistry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College.
Examinership: Dr.Manoharan P.S,Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics Went as PG examiner to RMDCChidambaram from 10th and 11th july 2017 Dr. V.Yuvaraj, Prof, from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery was invited as an external examiner for a post SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
graduate examination at M.R. Ambedkar Dental College, Bangalore from 24.07.17 to 26.07.17
as External Paper Evaluator for III year B.D.S. on 26th September 2017 at Pondicherry University.
Dr. Saravana Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontology went as an PG examiner to Krishna Deva Raya Dental College, Bangalore on 24th, 25th, 26th, July 2017
Dr.Manoharan P.S,Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics Went as PG examiner to kannur dental college from 26th to 28th july 2017. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, went as PG external examiner to KLE Dental College, Bangalore. Dr. Vishwanath Rangdhol Professor and Head, went as PG external examiner to PMS Dental College, Trivandarum.
Neet Orientation Programme Scientific and Academic forum, IGIDS organized NEET orientation programme on 9th August, 2017 at 2nd floor lecture hall,MGMCRI college block.The resource persons for this program were faculty of Vidyasagar Biomedica,Chennai. The programme was attended by 60 CRRIs (Batch 2016-17) of IGIDS.A short MCQ questionnaire session was conducted for the students and this was followed by discussion of the answers by Ms.Aiswarya from Vidyasagar Biomedica. Dr.Girija Sivakumar, Vidyasagar Biomedica provided with details on NEET exam and tips for exam
Dr. Vikneshan, External examiner to RVS dental college, Coimbatore for DR.TN.MGR university IV BDS Public Health dentistry examination Dr. Senthil, External examiner to CSI Dental College, Madurai for DR.TN.MGR University, IV BDS Public Health dentistry examination Dr Vineela Katam Reddy, Reader, Department of Periodontology went as an UG examiner to Priyadharshini Dental College Chennai from 28-08-2017 to 31-08-2017 Dr.Manoharan P.S, Prof and Head, Department of Prosthodontics, Recognization as PhD paper evaluator. Dr. M. Shivasakthy, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics Went for paper evaluation for final year, prosthodontics at Pondicherry University on 26-9-17. Dr. Sivasenthil, Reader, Department of Prosthodontics Went as external examiner to SRM dental college from 16th to 19th aug2017
preparation. Certificates of appreciation were provided for faculty of Vidyasagar biomedical by Dr.Vineela Reddy, Member secretary, SAF, IGIDS. Feedback was collected from students and the program ended with high tea.
Webinar on Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Prognosis in Endodontics SAF, IGIDS organized a webinar on Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Prognosis In Endodontics on 10th August, 2017 at Conference hall, New block 7th floor, IGIDS. The program was conducted in association with Colgate, India. The resource person for this program was Prof. Anish
Dr. N. Vezhavendhan, Professor from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged as external examiner for I year B.D.S. on 11th & 12th September 2017 at Savitha Dental College & Hospital, Chennai. Dr. S. Vidyalakshmi, Reader from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology was acknowledged SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Naware, Founder of Integrated Endodontic Centre, Thane. The program was attended by faculty, post graduates, CRRIs and undergraduates from Department of Conservative dentistry and endodontics, IGIDS. This webinar provided a thorough insight on the diagnostic criteria, critical aspects of treatment planning for endodontic lesions. Feedback was collected from students at the end of the session.
run through the three years of their course. The doubts of the students were clarified. Dr. Shivasakthy, Coordinator,
Workshop for Construction of Multiple Choice Questions The internal faculty development program for construction of MCQ was organized by Dental Education Unit, IGIDS on 17.08.17, 18.08.17 and 22.08.17. Two faculty members from each department were nominated for attending the workshop. Prof. Ananthakrishnan, Dean, Research & Allied Health Sciences had kindly consented to be the resource person. On 17th August, there was a lecture on the basic concepts designing MCQ and the types. The faculty were asked to prepare MCQ on all the types. On 18th August, pre validation of the prepared MCQ were done. The prevalidated questions were compiled as a question paper and administered to Interns for one hour time. All the papers
Dental Education Unit, IGIDS had a discussion with the postgraduates and proposed vote of thanks. Feedback was obtained for the program.
National Integrated Typodont Workshop (NITW) 2017 The National Integrated typodont workshop 2017 was conducted from September 21st -23rd, 2017 by Department
were corrected and item analysis was done. The session on Post Validation of the MCQ were done and presented on 22nd August. The day ended with valedictory function and certification of the participants. Over all program feedback was obtained.
PG orientation program The orientation program for IGIDS postgraduates 2017-19 batch was conducted by Dental Education Unit on 23.08.17 at Conference room, IGIDS. Dr. Saravanakumar, Principal, IGIDS, welcomed the postgraduates. Dr. Vishwanath, Prof & Head, Dept. of Oral Medicine addressed the postgraduates on their responsibilities in post-graduation at IGIDS and elaborated the AEROBICS CHAMP program that will 73
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
of Orthodontics & Dentofacial orthopaedics, Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental sciences, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University campus in association with Indian Orthodontic society, Adhiparasakthi dental college and hospital, Melmaruvathur and Raja Muthiah Dental college and hospital, Annamalai University and attended by more than 90 post graduate delegates and 25 faculty of various colleges from all over the country. The first two sessions on Day 1 were conducted by Dr.Puneet Batra, Professor and Head,Department of Orthodontics,IDST college,Modinagar,New delhi and Dr.Sunandha Roy Chowdary, Professor&Head, Department of Orthodontics, Shree Bankey Bihari Dental college,New Delhi.The sessions were held at Ground floor hall,Central library,Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University. Post lunch, all the delegates and organizing members assembled for the Inaugural function at Ground floor lecture hall, MGMCRI college block. This function was attended by eminent orthodontists namely Prof. Dr.G.Chandrasekar, President of Indian Orthodontic Society, Dr.Ashwin George, IOS Vice president, Dr.C.Deepak, IOS secretary, Dr.Rajasigamani, Organizing chairman NITW and Dean of RMDCH, Annamalai University, Dr.Sudhakar.V,Co-organizing secretary, Dr.Bhaskar.V, Treasurer, NITW. Dr.C.Deepak adorned the presidential jewels on Dr.G.Chandrasekar,IOS President. Dr.Rajasigamani,Organizing chairman addressed the welcome speech. This was followed by Presidential speech by Dr.G.Chandrasekar and speeches by Dr.C.Deepak and Dr.Puneet Batra. They congratulated Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University for hosting and organizing the National Integrated typodont workshop. The Vote of thanks was delivered by Prof.Dr.R.S.Senkutvan.
The final session for the day was on Tweed Merrifield mechanics by Dr.Sarvaraj Kohli,Reader,Hikarini Dental college&hospital,Jabalpur.This session was followed by dinner and banquet at Hotel Happy Green for all the delegates and organizing committee members. The second day of the workshop consisted of lectures and hands on sessions by Dr. Jayesh Rahalkar, Prof and Head, Department of Orthodontics,DY Patil dental college,Pune and Dr.Girish Karandikar, Dean and HOD,Department of Orthodontics, Mahatma Gandhi Missions Dental college,Navi Mumbai. Various stalls were put up by the Platinum, Gold and Silver sponsors of the event for the benefit of the delegates. The third day of the workshop was on lingual orthodontics by Dr.Surya Kanta Das, Prof& Head, SCB Government dental college,Orissa. The lectures and hands on session were on typhodont Mushroom arches, ligation and space closure, CAD CAM lingual orthodontics. Post lunch, the valedictory function was held in the same venue. Certificates of participation was given to all the delegates by Dr.Rajasigamani & Dr.Surya Kanta Das. The programme feedback was collected from all the delegates and the session ended with high tea.
Balint sessions: 3rd & 4th Balint Sessions for periodic review of communication skills training for third year prosthodontic postgraduates was done on 1-8-2017 29-9-2017. The sessions were conducted by Dr.K.R.Sethuraman,Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dr.Varsha Murthy, Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, IGIDS, SBV and Dr.Sunayana Choudhury, Assistant professor in Clinical Psychology,Department of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, SBV, Pondicherry. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
hh OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Dr. Vandana, Reader participated on 11.7.17, 17.7.17 and 8.8.17, Dr. Sivasankari, Senior lecturer on 22.7.17, in Door to door camp along with Department of Public Health dentistry.
Himalayan Dental Project (29 th June to 19 th July 2017) A Team of 4 faculties (Dr.Vikneshan, Dr.Prathima, Dr.Ramu, Dr.Kishore,) volunteered for the Himalayan Dental Project
Oral hygiene day – August 1 & 2nd 2017 Team Public Health Dentistry and NSS unit of Indira Gandhi institute of dental science has organized a two day awareness program on “World Oral hygiene day” to create awareness on the “Connection between Oral Health and Systemic Diseases”. A flash mob was done at New shopping complex, J.N street on 1st and 2nd August. Dr. Vezhavendhan, Professor, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader, Dr. Sivaramakrishnan & Dr. Suganya, Senior Lecturers and C.R.R.I.’s from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted a screening camp in Thookanankuppam village and created awareness as a celebration of World Oral Hygiene Day on 1st August 2017. The Faculty, Postgraduate students and the Interns of the Department of Periodontics, IGIDS conducted a screening and treatment camp for patients attending MRD, MGMCRI as a part of “Oral Hygiene Day Celebrations” on 11th August, 2017. The Faculty, Postgraduate students and the Interns of the Department of Periodontics, IGIDS conducted a screening camp for students of Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology as a part of “Oral Hygiene Day Celebrations” on 24th August, 2017.
at Leh, Ladakh from 29thJune to 19thJuly 2017. This is the 3rd consecutive year a team from IGIDS is volunteering for the project. The team worked at Lamdon Dental Clinic to provide incremental dental care for Lamdon group of schools run by Tibet Dynasty. The program was supported by Lions club of Pondicherry 75
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
National Swachata Pakhwada (11th September to 19th september) The NSS unit of Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Science had conducted NSS program for a week under the guidance of NSS Program Officer Dr. Ramu. The program commenced on 11.9.2017 with inauguration by our Dental Superintendent Dr. Sathyanarayanan, Principal Dr. Saravana kumar, Head of Public Health Dentistry
and Mrs. Vijayalakshmi and the winners are awarded. On 14.9.17 the elocution competition on the topic “Health and hygiene is the real wealth” which was judged by Dr. A.N.Uma, VP (AHS) and Dr. Janani. The winners were awarded prizes. On 15.9.17 “The Clean hostel day” was conducted and the prizes were awarded for the students with neat and tidy rooms. This was judged by Dr. Bindu, Asmath for girls hostel, Dr. Prasanna and Dr. Muneer for Boys hostel. On 16.9.17 we visited Dubryanpet for clean campaign and cleaned the premises as well as educated the inhabitants of the importance of personal hygiene and keeping the surrounding clean. On 19.9.17 the Valedictory function was held which was presided over by Mr.N.Arivoli, Mrs.Vijayalakshmi,
Dr. Senthil, NSS officer Dr.Ramu. The event started by the volunteers actively took part in cleaning the campus premises and spreading the message of hygiene. On 12.9.17 the NSS unit of IGIDS joined hands with the Bharath Green foundation of Bahore for sowing 5000
Dental superintendent Dr. Sathyanarayanan. The program commenced with the prayer song, presidential address, prize distribution and national anthem. Dr. Swetha, Senior Lecturer, participated in Medical camp along with Department of Health care services, MGMCRI 6.9.17, 13.9.17 and 25.9.17.
palm seeds. This event was inaugurated by the Bahore MLA Mr. Dhanavel. On 13.9.17 the students of IGIDS participated in an essay competition in tamil and English on the topic “Innovative ways of spreading the message of hygiene”. The competition was judged by Mr. N.Arivoli
In continuation with the village adoption progrwam, Dr. Prem Lal, Reader & CRRI from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted screening camps on 12th July, 9th, 23rd & 30th August and 13th September 2017.
hh STUDENT AND ALUMNI POST GRADUATE NEWS Awards Dr. Radha.S IIIrd year post graduate of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has awarded best paper on “Comparative evaluation of plaque removal efficacy of manual and chewable tooth brushes in children – A Randomised Clinical Trial” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Presentation and Participation: 2 year and final year post graduates from the Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics participated in PG COLLOQUIM, organized by Tamilnadu Dental Council at Radha Regent, Chennai on 07-08-2017
Dr.Rajkumar second year Postgraduate from the Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery won the first place in 1500 meters relay at HYGIEA’17 (Inter medical & dental college sports meet) SRM medical college, Kattangulathur, chennai held from 20.09.17 to 23.09.17
I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of Biochemistry from 7th August to 9th August 2017 at Mahatama Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University.
I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of Clinical Pathology from 28th August to 31st August 2017 at Mahatama Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University.
Dr. Juhi Jahan, third year PG presented and won the best paper award for original research titled’ Estimation of Hemodynamic parameters of Oral squamous cell carcinoma and occurrence of local metastasis using color Doppler Ultra sonogram – A case control study’ at National PG convention on 10.8.17 at Kalinga Institute of Dental sciences, Bhubhaneswar, Odisha.
Dr. Kavitha. M IIIrd year post graduate of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has presented paper on “Awareness, Attitude and practise of Paediatricians regarding early childhood caries and infant oral health care in Puducherry – A cross-sectional descriptive survey” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu.
Dr.Dhanraj, third year PG presented and won the best paper award for original research titled ‘Comparison of salivary acetaldehyde level between smokers with leukoplakia and smokers without leukoplakia.’ at National PG Convention on 10.8.17at Kalinga Institute of Dental Science. Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Dr. Kavitha.M, Dr. Radha.S, Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduates and Dr. Eswari. R, Dr.Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended “MYOBRACE” CDE Programme on 10 th August in KSRIDSR ,
Dr.Arya, Dr.Eunice, Dr.Asha,3rd year postgraduates, Department of Orthodontics presented scientific papers at “IOS Zonal Orthodontic PG Convention, Dharwad” on 11-08-2017 and 12-08-2017 at SDM college of dental sciences & hospital, Dharwad. Dr Yoga Sivakumar PG Allumni received appreciation certificate and memento from SBV for being a nominee for the BMJ awards on 19.8.2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduate of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has presented paper on “Age and reason for first dental visit among children aged o to 9 years and knowledge and attitude of their parents towards dental procedure for children : A cross-sectional study in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, South India” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Eswari.R, Dr. Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry has presented table clinic presentation on “Holistic interdisciplinary approach for children with special health care needs” in PEDOSPHERE, 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 13th - 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Dr. Kavitha.M, Dr. Radha.S, Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduates and Dr. Eswari. R, Dr.Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended PEDOSPHERE, 39TH Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry held from 14th – 16th September 2017 at Sri Ramachandra University, Chennai, TamilNadu. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr. Illankumaran, Post Graduate Department of Prosthodontics obtained Gold medal for best outgoing student 2015 MDS prosthodontics batch at Doctoral Convocation at SBV university held on 22nd September 2017. Dr.Rajab Ali, MDS, (Alumni Batch 2012-15) was awarded the gold medal in the subject of Orthodontics in MDS university examinations 2015 in SBV Convocation held on 22-09-2017. All the post graduates of Department of Orthodontics,IGIDS participated in National Integrated typodont workshop 2017 held on September 21st -23rd, 2017 Dr. Kavitha.M, Dr. Radha.S, Dr. Vinothini.V IIIrd year post graduates and Dr. Eswari. R, Dr.Narmatha.M, Dr. Swarna.K IInd year post graduates of department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry attended a colgate webinar on topic “TeDiE Technique- Injecting the innocent” delivered by Dr. MS Muthu, Prof and Head, Pediatric Dentistry, Sri Ramachandra Medical College. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of Dermatology from 11th September to 13th September 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University. I year post graduate student, Dr. Gayathri from the Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has attended the external posting in the Department of General Microbiology from 25th September to 30th September 2017 at Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, SBV University.
III year B.D.S. students performance in University Examination – Oral Pathology and Microbiology have secured Honour – 2 students (Preethe, Shyam Sundar), First Class – 21 students and Distinction – 12 students. Intern Mr. Sai Jagannath from the Department of Oral pathology and Microbiology has attended the screening camp at Primary Health Centre in Thookanankuppam on 12th July 2017. Intern Ms. Reena Radhashri, Ms. Ramya, Ms. Sanchana Dheve, Ms. Radjeshwari and Mr. Sajar Saif from the department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have conducted a screening camp in Thookanankuppam village and created awareness as commemoration of World Oral Hygiene Day on 1st August 2017. CRRI’s from the department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics took part in NEET orientation lecture on 09-08-2017. CRRI’s from the Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics took part in special webinar organized by Colgate on 10-08-2017 at Conference hall, IGIDS. Interns and final year UG students attended PEDOFEAST, CDE programme on Dental Trauma by Dr. Nester Cohenca, President of International Association of Dental Traumatology at Adhiparasakthi Dental College on 12th September 2017. OroPatho Quiz was conducted by the Interns for III B.D.S. on Odontogenic cysts on 20th September 2017.
hh UNDERGRADUATE NEWS Mr. Jeffery, Final Year BDS obtained Distinction in prosthodontics final BDS exam 2017. Mr. Jeffry Sameul and Ms.Elsie Sunitha secured distinctions in Orthodontics in Final year BDS university examinations held in July 2017. I year B.D.S. students performance in University Examination – Dental Anatomy, Embryology and Oral Histology have secured First Class – 11 students and Distinction – 1student. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Miss. Elsie Sunitha Ebenezer received the “Prof. D. Ramachandra Rao Memorial Award” from the Indian Society of Dental Research for scoring the highest mark in Periodontics in Final year BDS at the 30th ISDR annual Conference held in New Delhi on 30-09-2017. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
kasturba gandhi
nursing college hh Publications Anitha B, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):65-68. Annie Annal M,Umamaheswari R, A study to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on early detection of visual disturbances in children among primary school teachers in a selected school at Puducherry. International journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal &Neonatal Nursing. (IJOPNN).2017 ;3(2): 19-21. Carolin P, Kamalam S, Aruna Devi M, Assessment of knowledge on anemia and the effectiveness of lemon juice in improving Hemoglobin level among Adolescent. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2): 40-43. Feba Sam, Renuka K , Nandhini S, Impact of Innovative Teaching Programme on Knowledge and Skill regarding Basic Cardiac Life Support among Students. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017;11(2): 1-4. Finny Moses E, Assessment of Knowledge on Biomedical Waste Management among Critical Care Health Workers in SMVMCH, Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2): 29-33. Finny Moses E. A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Mud Therapy among Clients with Knee Osteoarthritis. International journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. August 2017; 3(1): 11-14. Geetha.C, Facts related to Obesity. International Journal of Current Research. August 2017; 9(8):56083-56084. Jaya Pradha D, A Study to assess the effectiveness of Lamaze Breathing Exercise on Labour Pain among primi gravid women admitted in Labour ward at MGMC&RI, Puducherry. International Journal of Information Research and Review. september 2017; 4(6): 4491-4495. Jayasri J, Orthorexia: The Dirty Downside of Clean Eating. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017;11(2):73-78. Jayasri J, Pesticides : Food Safety And Management. Health action. August 2017;9(2): 4-6. 79
Jayasri J, Preventing Silicosis. Health action. July 2017;19(2). Kripa Angeline A, Anbu M, Renuka K, Impact of flipped classes on knowledge regarding HIV post exposure Prophylaxsis among dental students. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ). Aug 2017; 3(8): 103-105. Kripa Angeline A, Effectiveness of panel discussion among Nursing Students. International Education and Research Journal (IERJ). Aug 2017;3(8):18-20. Kripa Angeline A, Mycetoma Madura Foot – Case Report. International Journal of Orthopaedic Nursing. August 2017; 3(1): 15-19. Lavanya S, Effectiveness of ice pack application on reduction of labour pain among primi gravid women during first stage of labour admitted in MGMCRI. International journal of Obstetrics, Perinatal &Neonatal Nursing (IJOPNN). 2017 ;3(2):1-5. Lekshmi S, Annie Annal M, Lavanya S, Effects of different Maternal Positions on maternal parameters and fetal heart rate among Antenatal Mothers during NonStress Test. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):16-21. Rajeswari S, Impact of Social Media on Lifestyle and Learning Behaviour among Adolescents. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):12-15. Ramaprabhu Z, Effectiveness of Sleep Management Strategies in Reducing Insomnia among Elderly. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017;11(2): 22-28. Renuka K,Jayanthi K, Infiniti – Mind Mapping Learning Model. Annals SBV. Jan –June 2017 ;6(1):12-14. Saranya S, Pfeiffer Syndrome. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):69-72. Sharisadan, AnnieAnnal M, Poongodi V, Effectiveness of Information Education Communication Package on knowledge regarding Dysmenorrhea among Adolescent Girls in selected schools at Puducherry. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):34-39.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sivaranjani, Prabavathy S, Jayanthi K, Assessment of the Psycho Social Problems associated with Obese Adolescents. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2): 44-47. Suganya V, Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on Knowledge and attitude regarding Menstrual Hygiene among Adolescent Girls. Pondicherry Journal of Nursing. Jun-Aug 2017; 11(2):48-52. Sumathy.P, Effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and practice regarding junk food and its effects among adolescents in selected urban school at Puducherry. International Journal of Applied Research. June 2017;3(6): 574-577.
hh ACADEMIC INITIATIVES Resource Person In the State Level Symposium on “Understanding Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” held on 6th and 7th july 2017 the following faculties from KGNC were present. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing on “Conceptual framework in Nursing Research”.Prof. Sumathy.P, HOD, Dept. of Child Health Nursing on “Data collection Method’. Prof.Annie Annal, HOD of Department of OBG Nursing on “Tool for Measurement and its Essential”. Mrs. Geetha.C, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Child Health Nursing on “Communication and Utilization of Research Findings”. Mrs. Kripa Angeline A, Asso. Prof, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing on “Essential of Nursing Research”. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing has deliberated on “Health consumer satisfaction- prime areas of quality improvement” in the National Conference organized by Alumni Association of KGNC on the theme “Quality Pathways in Healthcare System” held on 08.09.17. Mrs.Aruna Devi.M, Asst. prof. Department of Community Health Nursing, deliberated on “Hospital Accreditation Process and Magnet Status –Focus on Nurse” in National Conference on “Quality pathways in health care system”, KGNC, Puducherry on 08.09.17.
Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council Inspector: Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing was appointed as TNNMC Inspector by Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai to visit Sacred Heart Nursing College, Madurai on 3rd July 2017. Dr.Renuka.K Principal, HOD Medical Surgical Nursing was appointed as TNC Inspector by Tamil Nadu Nurses SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
& Midwives Council, Chennai to visit Vinayaka Mission’s College of Nursing, Karaikal on 6th July 2017. Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing was appointed as TNC Inspector by Tamil Nadu Nurses &Midwives Council, Chennai to visit Padmashree College of Nursing, Walajabad on 7th Aug 2017.
Examiner Prof.Sumathy.P, HOD, Department of Child Health Nursing was appointed as an Examiner for Practical Examination and Paper valuation at Rani Meiyammai College of Nursing, Annamalai University,Chidambaram from 9 to 11st Aug 2017. Mrs.Lavanya S, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing, was a paper valuator at Pondicherry University, Puducherry, on 24.08.17. Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A Associate Professor, Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, was appointed as a practical examiner for UG students at vinayaka mission college of Nursing,Karaikal from 4.09.2017 to 09.09.2017.
Course Trainer Mrs.Manopriya,Asst. Prof. Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing, was deputed as BLS Instructors for Medical Interns on 26.09.17.
hh EDITORIAL BOARD Dr.Renuka.K, is Authoring the Adoption for Joyce.M Black. Text book of Medical & Surgical Nursing- Clinical Management for Positive Outcome.9th Edition. ISBN N0:81--8147-541-0 Elsevier publication the following members are the contributing authors. Mrs.Kripa Angeline.A, Mrs.Manopriya.V,Mrs. Anbhu.,Ms.Nirmala.S, Mrs.Nandhini.M Facuty Dept.of Medical Surgical Nursing Adoption Joyce.M Black. Medical & Surgical Nursing- Clinical Management for Positive Outcome.9th Edition. ISBN N0:81--8147-541-0
hh FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS Mr.Finny Moses and Ms.Anbhu.M, Tutor Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing has completed BLS and ACLS course accredited by AHA at JIPMER center on 06.07.17 and 07.07.17. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
COPYRIGHTS Renuka.K, Kripa Angeline. A. 7C’S Multidisciplinary Teaching – Learning Framework – KGNC Model. May 2016: 9260/2017-CO/L.
“Recent Advancement in Infertility Management” which drew the attention of the gathering.
Renuka.K, K. Jayanthi. KGNC’s – INFINITI –MIND Mapping Learning Model: May 2016; 9262/2017-CO/L. Renuka.K, Anandha Balayogi Bhavanani. Incorporation of Yoga Therapy Education in Nursing Curriculum –Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV ) Model: May 2016; 9265/2017-CO/L. Renuka.K, Z. Ramaprabhu. Telephonic Nursing – KGNC’s Cost effective method of Nursing Service: Dec 2014; 9289/2017-CO/L.
hh SCIENTIFIC PARTICIPATIONS All faculty members from KGNC participated in the State Level Symposium on the theme “Understanding Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” held on 6th and 7th july 2017. Mrs.Lavanya, Asst.Prof, Dept of OBG Nursing, participated in Workshop on “Environmental Hazards of Electronic Waste” organized by Avai village welfare society, Karaikal at Dr.Abdul Kalam Planetarium, Lawspet, Puducherry on 11.08.17. Mrs.Prabavathy.S HOD, Mrs.Jayanthi.R Dept. of Mental Health Nursing participated in workshop on “YOLO – Health ATM ” organized by yalo All faculty members from KGNC participated in 8th National Seminar on “ Quality pathways in Health care system” Organized by Alumni Association of KGNC on 08.09.2017.
hh DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH NURSING The Scientific and Academic Forum was conducted on 12.09.17. The session started with a warm brief talk about glimpse on Suicide Prevention Day by Mrs. Prabavathy.S, HOD, Dept. of Mental Health Nursing, Dr. SukantoSarkar, Asso.Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, gave a lucid talk on “Take a Minute, Change a Life” and followed by Mr. Rajkumar.M, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI on “Prevention of Self-Harming Thoughts-Tips for the Adolescents”. The session was very informative and beneficial for the participants.
hh SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC FORUM Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing The Scientific and Academic Forum on 20.07.17 was conducted focusing on the theme “Recent Advancement in Infertility Management” A quiz programme was conducted in this regard for B.Sc. (N) IV year students. They enthusiastically participated and won the prizes. Dr.Lopamudra B John, Asso. Prof. Dept. of OBG, MGMCRI, gave an update on 81
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
hh NURSING EDUCATION UNIT Nursing Education Unit & Internal Quality Assurance Cell Jointly Organized a workshop on “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model”. on 09.09.2017. Dr. Renuka K, Principal, KGNC, deliberated on “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model”. Mrs. Jayanthi K, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Mental Health Nursing conducted the skill session. The workshop was very informative for all faculty members who were actively involved utilizing this “INFINITI – Mind Mapping Learning Model” for students and self.
hh INNOVATIONS LEARNING Journal Club 29.07.17 Ms.Hanna Ashwini, Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Hoffa’s Syndromes”. Ms.Ponmani,C, Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Soffa Score”.
Development” and administered the student oath for the I year UG and PG students. The faculty handling SNACS classes and the Advanced Learners of B.Sc Nursing were honored by the dignitaries on the dais followed by the release of the Hand Book. Our Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. K. R. Sethuraman, SBV delivered the chief guest address. The B.Sc Nursing II Year students enacted a Role Play on “Anti- Ragging awareness at KGNC”. Induction programme -orientation continued for one week from 18.09.17 to 21.09.17. Orientation to the infrastructure of KGNC, Medical college & Hospital, CYTER (Center for Yoga Therapy Education and Research)and CMTER (Center for Music Therapy Education and Research)were given to the students in batches. Mrs. M. B. Josephine and Mrs. Priya student counselors, conducted a brief session on self development, memory improvement techniques and study methods on 19.09.17, 22.09.17 and 25.09.17. Mrs. Aruna devi. M. Asst. Prof. Dept. of Community Health Nursing. Elaborated on Code of behavior and Ms. Tamil Kalaiyarasi gave an introduction to Communication skill classes.
Ms.Nandhini. M Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Proton Beam Therapy”. Ms.Nirmala. S Tutor, Dept of Medical Surgical Nursing Presented on “Toast Skin Syndrome”.
hh APPOINTMENT Mrs. Saranya.S, joined as Lecturer/ Tutor, Dept of Child Health Nursing.
hh INDUCTION AND ORIENTATION PROGRAM-15.09.17 KGNC hosted the Induction and orientation programme for XV Batch B.Sc Nursing, X Batch P.B.B.Sc & M.Sc Nursing on 15.09.2017.Prof. Annie Annal. M, HOD Dept. of OBG Nursing accorded a warm welcome to the gathering. Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A Asso. Prof. Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing gave a good orientation about the institution to the gathering through her capsule talk on KGNC – A Glimpse. Mr.Hemachandiran. K, Vice President, SNA deliberated on Students’ Friendly Environment in KGNC. Prof. P. Sumathy, HOD, Dept of Child Health Nursing, KGNC, gave a facilitating talk on “Students’ Support Desk” - Orientation to Mentors & Committees. Dr.Renuka.K, Principal highlighted on “-KGNC-A centre for global SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
hh NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME New India Pledge: (09.08.17) As per the recommendation of UGC and MHRD, students had the oath taking ceremony on Pledge for new India movement 2017-2022 in our college campus in order to get rid the country of five problems as identified by Respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi ie.,Poverty, Corruption, Communalism, Terrorism and Casteism. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
School Health Programme: (14.08.17) NSS unit of KGNC and Dept of Community Health Nursing organized an health awareness programme on Environmental Sanitation and prevention of Dengue & Malaria for school children at Govt.Middle school, Pandasozhanallur, Mrs.Elavarasi Asst. Prof and Mrs. Aruna devi. M. Asst. Prof. Dept. of Community Health Nursing gave a talk.
05.09.17-Essay Contest - Students actively participated in the Essay competition on the theme “Innovative ways for spreading the message of hygiene”.
Independence Day Celebration: (15.08.17) NSS volunteers of SBV University in unison organized Independence Day celebration at MGMC&RI campus. NSS volunteers atarted the programme wit a followed that respected Dean Prof.Ravisankar accompanied by Prof. Sumathy. P, Vice-Principal KGNC, Dr.Saravanan, IGIDS, hoisted the national flag. During that celebration dedicated employees and the wards of employees who excelled in academic were honored.
06.09.17(Clean Surrounding Day)- NSS volunteers cleaned the nearby Church in order to maintain cleanliness of the surrounding area.
Swachhta Pakhwada (01.09.17-15.09.17) As per UGC direction, NSS unit of KGNC organized series of activity towards Swachhta Pakhwada. 01.09.17 (Clean Campus Day) - NSS volunteers cleaned the area around the college premises. 07.09.17(Care for the Surroundings) - NSS Volunteers visited the nearby village (Kudiyirupupalayam) observed and studied (surveyed) the area for garbage cleaning systems available in public spaces.
04.09.17(Clean Mess Day) - NSS volunteers cleaned their dining area by themselves. 83
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
08.09.17 (Care for the Surroundings) - NSS Volunteers visited the nearby village (Seliamedu) and explained the concept of cleanliness to the public
12.09.17 (Guest Lecture on System for Cleanliness) NSS Volunteers listened to the guest lecture presented by G.Savoundirarajan, Commissioner, Bahour Commune Panchayat. He deliberated about the local available methods for disposal of waste, segregation of waste, recycling of waste and role of youth in maintaining cleanliness and hygienic environment.
09.09.17 (Observational Visit to Market) - NSS Volunteers visited the cuddalore Vegetable market(Uzhavar Santhai) in order to study the method of disposal. 13.09.17 (Clean Hostel Room Contest) - clean hostel room contest was conducted. One best room was selected Room.No 105 (Ms.Udya Nila) has won the cleanest hostel room award.
09.09.17/10.09.17 (observational visit to government hospital) -NSS Volunteers visited Cuddalore Government Hospital and explained about the Bio-medical waste management system. 14.09.17-Elocution Contest – on the theme “Health and Hygiene is the Real Wealth”.
11.09.17 observational visit to baby sarah home- NSS volunteers visited the Baby Sarah home in order to study the method of disposal. 15.09.17 - Closing ceremony of Swachhta Pakhwada-2017 which was conducted from September 1st to 14th. Various activities were organized by NSS unit of KGNC and the winners of all the competition were honored by the head of the institution Dr.Renuka.K Principal, KGNC. She motivated the students to involve in social responsible activities along with academic activities. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANING DAY: (16.09.17) International coastal cleaning day was organized by Indian coast guard, NSS cell. As a part of this programme NSS volunteers cleaned the Narambai seashore along with local community and local administrating executives.
ELECTORAL AWARENESS PROGRAMME (26.09.17) NSS unit of KGNC join hands with Election Department Puducherry organized a awareness programme for B.Sc (N) I year students. They haves explained about importance of vote among youth.
Day organized by Pondicherry AIDS Control Society at Conference Hall of State Health Mission, Puducherry held on 22.08.17 and 23.08.17. Students from M.Sc (N) I Year and B.Sc (N) II Year were actively Participated in the Collage Competition and Street Play Competition on HIV/AIDS awareness which was guided by our faculty with Mrs.Umamaheswari.R, Secretary, RRC, and Ms.Ambiga, Executive Member, RRC KGNC.Students from 20 different colleges from puducherry were get participated in this competitions. Our Students won the Consolation Prize.
ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING CAMP: (25.09.17-27.09.17) NSS cell and Maiam Foundation jointly organized environmental training camp for NSS volunteers and students in order to promote eco-friendly environment. In that 3 days camp they have arranged for indoor visit to their garden and explained about various rare type of plants and the identification of environmental changes of the plants, visit to museum, trekking towards upper and lower palani hills, cultural programmes on environmental conservation and finally with feedback session. The volunteers got benefitted towards this programme.
Red Ribbon Club of KGNC has participated in various Competition on HIV/AIDS awareness and Voluntary Blood Donation in Commemoration of International Youth
The Reproductive Health Unit of Department of OBG Nursing, KGNC conducted a Role Play with regard to “World Breast feeding Week” in Antenatal and Pediatric
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
OPD, MGMCRI, Puducherry on 01.08.2017. M.Sc (N) I Year –OBG and Pediatric Specialty Students emphasized on sustaining breast-feeding to the mothers who attended the OPD.
80 students got benefited. Mrs. Subakeerthi.V Asst.Prof. gave a health on dental care and how to maintain dental hygiene on 28-07-17.
BREAST FEEDING WEEK –August 1st week 2017
In commemoration of World hepatitis Day, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized an awareness programme to highlight on the theme “Eliminate Hepatitis” on 28.07.17 at Male Medical Ward, MGMCRI. Mrs.Nandhini. M., Lecturer, gave a video assisted health talk on “Over View of Hepatitis ” which was very informative for the public. The crowd gave an enthusiastic response by asking many queries, which was clarified at the end of the session.
AWARENESS PROGRAM FOR MALARIA PREVENTION 28.07.17 Dept. of Community Health Nursing Organized an Awareness programme on “Prevention and Control of Malaria” on 28-07-17 at Anganwadi center, Pillayarkuppam, Mr.Ramaprabu.Z Asst.Prof. gave awareness talk on “Control of Malaria to Anganwadi Workers”.
The Department of Child Health Nursing, KGNC and Dept. of Pediatrics, MGMCRI jointly commemorated “The World Breast Feeding Week”-2017 by organizing various Innovative Programmes such us, Essay competition on the topic “Galvanize actions to achieve sustainable Development Goal by 2030”, Role play on “Breast feeding is not a choice it’s every Mother’s responsibility” by PG students from the Department of Child Health Nursing & OBG Nursing, It was highly entertaining. 02.08.17 Poster competition was conducted on the Theme, “Sustaining Breast Feeding Together”, 29 students participated from Nursing college. 03.08.17 M.Sc (N) first year students of Child Health Nursing Conducted a Situational Analysis regarding Challenges and Hindering Factors pertaining to Breast Feeding among 21 Postnatal Mothers in Postnatal ward. The result of the analysis was done and problems of mothers towards Breast feeding were ruled out.
SCHOOL AWARENESS PROGRAMME 28-07-17 The B.Sc (N) II year Students and Dept. of Community Health Nursing conducted an awareness programme on “Dental Care and Hygiene” among school students at Govt. Primary School, Pillayarkuppam. In this programme SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
04.08.17 Competition was conducted for Mothers regarding the correct feeding technique using a check list in post natal ward. The mothers eagerly participated in the competition. Three mothers out of 20 were found to follow correct feeding technique and they were appreciated with gifts. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Includes Anthropometric Measurement, Hemoglobin test and Diet Advice also provided regarding their problems towards public. 82 members were undergone health check-up and got benefited, feedbacks were obtained from beneficiaries. 04.09.17 We Kasthurbian’s took a march in front by organizing a Health talk for Anganwadi trainers, Kirumampakam, Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy Lecturer in Nutrition, Ms. Mary Catherin D.E and Ms.Kiruthika E, IV year B.Sc(N) students sensitized the Anganwadi trainers on the theme “Infants and Young Children Feeding Practices” on 04.09.2017 by 10.30am to 11.30am.. About 20 Anganwadi trainers got benefited. A positive feedback was collected from them.
NATIONAL NUTRITION WEEK – September 1ST week 2017 02.09.17 KGNC always has its societal consciousness! In Commemoration of National Nutrition Week NSS unit of KGNC organized A Health Assessment Camp and Health Awareness Programme in Rock Beach near Gandhi statue, Puducherry between 06.30 am – 11.00 am. The programme was carried out by 20 NSS volunteers (III year B.Sc (N headed by 2 faculty members Mrs.R.Elavarasi Asst.Prof Dept. of Community Health Nursing and Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy Lecturer in Nutrition. This Programme
06.09.17 Awareness Programme was conducted for the Antenatal and Postnatal Mother’s in H1 ward MGMCRI on 06.09.17 by 11.30 am -12.30 pm. Mrs. P.Rajalakshmy Lecturer in Nutrition gave a health talk through power point presentation on “Infant and under five Feeding Practices” which is the theme of the year.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY 06.09.17 In commemoration of world Suicide Prevention day on 06-09-2017 Dept. of Mental health Nursing, KGNC, Organized a Lecture on the theme “Digital Abuse and Its Protective Measures” by B.Sc (N) IV Year students at Joevi English High School, Puducherry. The aim of the programme is to create awareness among the students regarding protection against digital abuse. The students gave a energetic talk on Digital abuse and its protective measures of Blue Whale Game. The Beneficence of programme was 8thStd students
Swachhta Pakhwada In commemoration of Swachhta Pakhwada competiotion were conducted.Ms.I.Joanofarc B.Sc (N) IV, Ms.Rajasri B.Sc (N) IV Mr.Nesapriyan B.Sc (N) IV bagged first three prizes in Essay competition on 05.09.17.Ms.D.E.Mary Catherine B.Sc(N) IV year, Ms. I.Rizwana Banu B.Sc(N) III year and Ms.Pavithra R, B.Sc(N) bagged first three places in Elocution competition on 14.09.17.
PEC ‘O’ Fest Pondicherry Engineering College organized PEC ‘O’ Fest 17 in Puducherry from 26.09.17 to 28.09.17. Kasturbians participated in various competitions.our Ms. Aripriya.M and Mr. Karthikesh.R B.Sc (N) IV year received I prize in face painting. Ms. Nivetha and Ms. Komathi.T B.Sc (N) IV year bagged I and II prize in Mehandhi Compitition, Ms. Gomathi. K, Ms. Thenmozhi. M and Soundarya. M got II prize in Dumb charades. Ms. Kalaimathy. K B.Sc (N) IV year got II prize in Walkathon. Mr. Aravinthraj.E B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize in Eat the bun competition and Ms. Aripriya. M B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize in tattoo art.
hh STUDENTS AND ALUMNI HIGHLIGHTS Awards for Extra/ Co Curricular Activities Mr. Nandhacumar. V. C B.Sc (N) IV year bagged a I prize, Ms. V. Rajeshwari B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize in under 20 yrs category, Mr.Pragatheesswaran. P B.Sc (N) IV year received I prize, Mr. Praveen. K B.Sc (N) IV year got III prize, Mr. Kathiravan. K B.Sc (N) IV year received II prize, Ms. Karthiga. M B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize, Ms. Rohitha.S B.Sc (N) IV year received III prize, Ms. Aripriya. M B.Sc (N) IV year received II prize in 21-25 yrs category in yoga competition during World yoga day was organized by MGMCRI on 22.06.17. Mr. Naveen. R B.Sc(N) II year student bagged I Prize in Tamil Elocution competition in commemoration of World breast feeding week organized by SMVMCH on 05.08.17. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
The Ryzentronz (XI Batch) students hosted the “SPACIBA-17” an occasion for showing their gratitude to their mentors on 22.07.17. Programme commenced with college anthem followed by cultural and honouring the teachers.The programme ended with sharing of their 4 years journey in KGNC through a video show which captured all the joyful and vital events in the past 4years.
Teacher’s Day Celebration Genezons the final year B.Sc (N) students hosted the Teacher’s day 2017 on 05.09.17 the students gave a cordial welcome through an elegant dance followed by entertainment programme and games for faculty. The students honored the faculty for their service.As a highlight of the day Our beloved principal inaugurated the mission – Traditional Renaissance (rebirth of tradition) by initiating the usage of pot for storing the drinking water. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
P.B.B.Sc Nursing
hh DOCTORAL CONVOCATION 2017 SBV organized its first Doctoral Convocation 2017 on 22.09.17 in third floor hall MGMCRI. The following students of KGNC received the gold medal for their academic excellence.
M.Sc Nursing Ms. Jemima S, Msc Child Health Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Soya Sunny, Msc Child Health Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Benin D.S, Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Resha Benny, Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Parvathy O.G., Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Kavitha. R.R, Msc Community Health Nursing Batch of 2013 Ms.Jinu Abraham, Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Rakavi R., Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Gerald Roseline M, Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Padmapriya. P, Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2013 Mr.Dhivagar. S,Msc Medical Surgical Nursing Batch of 2014 Ms.Emil K Paul, Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Shari Sadan, Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Deepa J., Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Jaya Pradha. D, Msc Obs. & Gyn. Nursing Batch of 2014
Ms.Deepti R.V, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Jeyalakshmi N., P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Aswathy K.S. P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2009 Likitha Kumar A., P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Lisha Cyriac, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Riya George, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Rajalakshmi. C, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Justin Mary. V, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Saranya. V, P.B.B.Sc Nursing Batch of 2013 KGNC Chronicle team congratulate all medal winners !
Alumni News
Ms.Ruma Shanthini I Batch of KGNC has received the best nurse award for the year 2017 working as a Nursing Quality coordinator, Muhayel General Hospital, Saudi.
hh IQAC State Level Symposium “Understanding Research Methodology-Basic to Advanced” the State level symposium organized by Research & IQAC unit of Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College on 6th and 7th July 2017. Prof. K.R.Sethuraman Vice Chancellor SBV delivered the inaugural address.. The session was started by Mrs. Kripa Angeline, Asso. Prof.,KGNC started the session with a lucid talk on on “ Essentials of Nursing Research”. Prof.N.Seetharaman,Head of the Department, Community Medicine,MGMC&RI deliberated on “Review of Relevant literature”. Dr.R.Lakshmi.R, Assistant Professor, JIPMER deliberated on “Understanding Research Approach and Design”. Dr.PruthuGowda.T.K, Asst. Prof., Dept of Community Medicine, MGMCRI gave a lecture on “Sampling technique and sampling size calculation”.Dr. Renuka K Dean, Faculty of Nursing Sciences, SBV threw
B.Sc. Nursing
Ms.Poornima. D, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Rintu Treesa James, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2009 Ms.Rajeswari K, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2010 Ms.Valli.C, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Keerthiga V, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2011 Ms.Nabina Bhandari, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Susai Mary. R,B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Srigowri. D,B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012 Ms.Deepika. K, B.Sc. Nursing Batch of 2012 SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
light on Conceptual Frame work in Nursing Research.. The second day of the symposium started with the deliberation on “Data Collection Method” by Prof. Sumathy,Vice Principal,KGNC, followed by Prof.Annie Annal, HOD, Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology,KGNC on “Tools for measurement and its essentials”.The final presentation of the symposium was by Mrs.Geetha.C, Associate Professor,KGNC on “Communication and Utilization of Research outcome”.
And finally Prof. Dr. Renuka. K,Principal, KGNC explored her views on “Health consumer satisfaction-Prime areas of Quality improvement”. A total of 306members (Delegates, Other Professionals
8thNATIONAL CONFERENCE – 08.09.2017 The Alumni Association of KGNC took the pride organizing the 8th National conferencein kgnc on “Quality Pathways in Health Care System” on 8th September 2017 as a commemoration of its decennial year with their prominent and distinguished alumni .A warm welcome was accorded by the president of Alumni Association of KGNC Ms. RumaShanthini.K. Prof.Dr..Ravishankar.M, Dean.,MGMCRI headed the Stamp release ceremony and rendered the Presidential Address. Dr, Renuka. K Dean Faculty of Nursing Sciences, gave an overview about the conference. Dr. Vellore.AR Srinivasan, Registrar SBV Inaugurated the Book Bank a new initiative in KGNC and felicitated the gathering. The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr.G.MuthamilSelvi, Principal, VMCON released the Souvenir and delivered the key note address.The Inaugural Ceremony came to an end with the Vote of Thanks proposed by Mr. Ramaprabhu. Z, Vice- President, Alumni Association of KGNC. The plenary session commenced at 9.00 am with the first speaker Ms.RumaShanthini.K, Nursing Quality coordinator, Muhayel General Hospital, Saudi Arabia. who elaborated on “Hospital informatics system at India and Abroad”. Dr.G.Muthamilselvi, Principal, VMCON, Puducherry deliberated on “Nurse Leadership in quality health outcome”, Dr.Vijayalakshmi, Principal, Vignesh College of Nursing, Thiruvannamalai gave a view on “Clinical Nurse specialist practitioner in India-Nuts and Bolts”, Prof.Fabiola.M.Dhanaraj,Principal, Arulmigu Meenakshi College of Nursing, Kanchipuram enlighted on “Nursing in 2025-Growth and Challenges”, Mrs.Soya Sunny Infection control Nurse, Paalana Institute of Medical sciences, Kerala deliberated about “Hospital Preparedness for outbreaks”. Mrs.Parvathy.O.G, Nurse Researcher, Bangalore shared her views on “Ethics and patient care standards”. Mrs. Aruna Devi. M,Asst.Prof, KGNC,shared her ideas on “Hospital Accreditation process and Magnet status-Focus on Nurses”. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
and Students) attended the conference. The observer, Mrs.Rajeswari. R, Professor, Indirani College of Nursing, Puducherry, representative from The Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai delivered her feedback, where she appreciated the organizing committee for their initiative on Decennial year Celebration.
hh OTHER HIGHLIGHTS Campus Interview Ray of success! KGNC arranged the Campus interview from various hospitals for out going batch of B.Sc(N) students. On 11th and 14th August 2017. HR from Medanta-The Medcity Hospital, New Delhi conducted an interview through Skype, the facility was arranged by IT Department MGMC&RI. Around 55 students were participated in an interview amongst 43 students were selected. On 28.08.17 Manipal Group of Institutions, Karnataka. Conducted an interview in AVMC campus 23 students were attended amongst 19 students got selected. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Young India, New India 11.09.17 As per the instruction from UGC in commemoration of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s centenary celebration and 125th Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda we the Kasturbians and faculties attended the speech by our honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi through digital media facility in campus. Psychiatrist, Psychiatric Nursing, and Nutritionist respectively. Which was very informative to the III year B.Sc (N) Students who were the beneficiaries.
Ayudha Pooja The Ayudha Pooja was celebrated on 28.09.17 at 3 pm in Library, KGNC. Principal Dr. Renuka K, and all the faculty members and students participated & invoked the blessings of Goddess Saraswathi. This programme was organized by II year M.Sc Nursing and IV year B.Sc Nursing students.
KGNC Reaching Heights!
Multi Disciplinary Symposium KGNC IQAC unit and Department of Mental Health Nursing jointly organized a Multidisciplinary symposium on “Personality Disorder” on 16-09-2017. The symposium consisted of the following Speakers, Dr. Avudaiappan. S, Asso.Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI, Ms. Ektha Jain, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Psychiatry, MGMCRI.Ms. Jayasri.J, Lecturer Dept. of Psychiatric Nursing, KGNC.Mrs. Rajalakshmi.P, Lecturer ,KGNC. The Symposium gave a broad view on all the aspects of Personality Disorder from the views of Psychologist,
KGNC has added a feather to its cap. The Dept. of Medical Surgical Nursing under the Leadership of Dr.Renuka.K, and the team members Mrs. Kripa Angeline. A, Mrs. Monopriya.V, Ms. Anbu.M and Mr. Finny Moses.E was nominated for category Quality Improvement team of the year hosted by British Medical Journal Awards South Asia 2017 it’s a prideful moment as the department has been short listed from phase I and selected for Phase II. Chronicle team Accords A Hearty Congratulation to the team. The Good Thoughts and Mission by our visionary leader Shri.M.K.Rajagopalan Chancellor SBV and the dedicated work by the KGNC teamunder the leadership of Dr.Renuka.K has reaped success! It’s aprestigious moment for the Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College which has been ranked as 5th amongst the top ten Promising Nursing Colleges reviewed by Journal of Higher Education.
Results! UG Pass percentage - 87 % PG Pass percentage – 100 % KGNC chronicle team congratulated them !
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
health sciences
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PROFESSIONS EDUCATION Progress of Innovative Courses in Health professions Education The Department of HPE had earlier launched a stream of credit based courses, viz., Certificate Courses leading to PGDHPE and M Phil under the Deanery of Research & Allied Sciences. The second batch of five candidates (three from MGMCRI and two from IGIDS) have completed PGDHPE course work in July 2017.
Remodeling of PGDHPE Course for extending its scope beyond SBV Considering that the capacity building of health professions faculty needs to be extended beyond SBV campus, the Department has remodeled its Certificate Courses in such a way that faculty members from other medical colleges can also enroll and benefit from SBV expertise. The new batch has an added technology in addition to direct contact sessions in the form of a dedicated e-portfolios
M Phil and Ph D Courses in HPE Presently seven faculty (five from medical and two from nursing) are pursuing credit based M Phil Course. A monograph review meeting was held on 24.08.2017 to review the progress. Six candidates (three from medical and three from dentistry are pursuing Ph D studies in health professions education. Annual Review meeting of Doctoral Committee (Dental & Medicine PhD scholars) was held on 22nd July 2017.
Resource Personnel The core faculty of Dept of Health Professions Education, viz., Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Prof N. Ananthakrishnan, Prof K A Narayan, Prof P.F. Kotur, and Prof B.V. Adkoli have actively contributed to various workshops organized by MGMCRI and other centres. The National Workshop on Millennials’ Inspiration, Motivation and Engagement (MIMECON 2017) organized by the Medical Education Unit of MGMCRI was conceptualized and guided by Prof K. R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor, SBV.
Visits and Academic Exchanges Prof K.R. Sethuraman, Vice Chancellor and Core Faculty member of HPE participated in MHRD Conference for Vice Chancellors held at New Delhi on 8th July 2017. He presented a talk on “E-portfolio for PGs at MGMCRI”. Discussions were held with visiting Prof S. P. Pani, and Dr Vijayalakshmi, from Quest International University, Perak (QIUP), Malaysia regarding their experience with outcome based medical education on 6th July 2017
External Peer Expert for AAA Dr B.V. Adkoli, Prof & Head was invited by Hon’ble ViceChancellor, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, DMIMS(DU), Sawangi, Wardha as an external peer expert for Academic, Administrative & Assessment Audit (AAA) of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (Deemed University), Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha on 22nd & 23rd August, 2017.
Annals of SBV Special Issue on Health Professions Education A special issue of Annals of SBV devoted to the theme of “Changing Trends in Health Professions Education” was brought out to focus on research and publication in education. The issue covered 14 articles which were selected after peer review and plagiarism check, thanks to the full support received from Annals of SBV Team.
List of Publications from Dept of Health Professions Education 1. Murugaiyan S, Ramasamy R, R SA, R R, Gandhe MB, Gopal N, S AVV. Self-Directed Learning Module in Biochemistry: A Teaching - Learning Study Conducted on Graduate South Indian Medical Students. International Journal of Health Sciences Research. 2016;6(5):125-132.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
2. Usha C, Sethuraman KR, Ananthkarishnan N, Narayan, KA. Multisource feedback in dentalpostgraduation: a qualitative research. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 2017, 5(1), 10-17. 3. Adkoli B.V. Educational Research in Health Sciences (Editorial) Journal of Educational Technology in Health Sciences. 2017;4(2):38-41 4. Adithan C, Adkoli BV. Enrichment of MBBS Curriculum with Research Component: Road to Professional Achievements. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):21-23. 5. Ananthakrishnan N., Karthikeyan P, Jaganmohan R, Pulimoottil DT, Ravishankar M, Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR. SBV Model of Competency Based Learning and Training (COBALT) For Post Graduate Education. Annals of SBV, 2017;6(1):5-9. 6. Adkoli BV. Changing Trends in Health Professions Education: the need to strike a right balance! Editorial. Annals of SBV 2017;6 (1):4 7. Shivasakthy M, Sethuraman KR. Students Needing Additional Curricular Support and Psychological Support (SNACS, SNAPS) – A perspective shift. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):44-47. 8. Singh S. Adkoli BV, Sethuraman KR, Ezhumalai G. Students’ perception of problem solving exercise in radiology education for undergraduates. EPJMR 2017;4(02):631-38. 9. Murthy V, Rajaram S, Choudhury S, SethuramanK.R. Are we Training Enough of Communication Skills and Patient Psychology Required in Dental Practice. Jrnl of Clin and Diag Res 2017 Apr, Vol-11(4): ZE01-ZE04. 10. Singh CS, Adkoli BV, Ezhumalai G, Sethuraman KR. Status of radiology teaching at undergraduate level. Annals of SBV 2017;6(1):41-43. 11. Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Choudhury S, Shakila R (2017) Relevant Communication Skills for Pregnant Women - A Dental Perspective. IntJ Pregn& Chi Birth 2(3):00022. DOI:10.15406/ipcb.2017.02.00022
helping patients recover from illnesses and at the same time developing an understanding through scientific research.Whereas Yoga is usually found in departments of Physical Education and Sports in most universities, we at CYTER have it in a medical institution thus enhancing the learning curve of our trainees. This also enables us to offer integrative and holistic therapeutic benefits for patients in our hospital as many departments refer patients for Yoga therapy regularly. CYTER has recently been accorded status of MEMBER SCHOOL of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YOGA THERAPISTS (USA), and we are proud that CYTER is the first University based Yoga Therapy School in India to receive this prestigious membership. It is also notable that CYTER is the only centre in India to have two IAYT certified Yoga therapists in DrAnanda and DrMeena.
hh YOGA THERAPY Regular Yoga therapy consultations and sessions are offered at CYTER from 9 am to 4.30 pm every day. Individualised and group Yoga therapy sessions are being conducted for various medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, musculoskeletal, neurological, dermatological and psychiatric disorders with excellent feedback from participants. Yoga consultations are offered daily as part of Health Check packages of Master Heath Check-up and general sessions for faculty, staff and students of SBVU from 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm every day. Year
2010-17 ( Till June)
2017 ( July-Sept)
Grand Total
Book chapter
Ramesh R, Ananthakrishnan N Results. In, “Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper” Parija SC, Kate V, Eds, Springer, Singapore, 2017, 61-74.
Yoga Therapy courses from SBV are among the most innovative courses in the world as they are offered through a medical institution integrating ancient Yogic wisdom with evidence based approach of modern medicine. Three batches of students have graduated from our PG Diploma in Yoga Therapy (PGDYT) and we are very proud that they are the first set of Yoga Therapists graduating from a modern medical university. Inspired by the success of this course, and to provide a new pathway for the aspiring healers across health profession, we have started credit
CENTER FOR YOGA THERAPY EDUCATION &RESEARCH hh IMPORTANCE OF CYTER At CYTER we have an integrated set up where we are educating future Yoga therapists while simultaneously SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
based program of Certificate Coursesin Yoga Therapyand M. Phil Yoga Therapy leading to PhD in Yoga therapy. The major highlight of the new programs is adoption of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) recommended by the NAAC and UGC as a major reform in higher education. As a corollary to this system, a competency based approach has been proposed for these programs. Currently 7 students are undergoing the certificate program (CFY), 3 PGDYT students and 1 student has enrolled for the MPhil in Yoga Therapy. Selection of students for PhD in Yoga Therapy is in progress.
hh YOGA RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS CYTER has published 68 papers and 24 abstractson immediate, short and long term, health enhancing benefits of such training and therapeutic programmes. CYTER’s virtual presence on the net has been receiving many favourable reviews and more than sixty educational videos made by the CYTER team are available on com/user/CYTER2010. CYTER’s FACEBOOK page at has 1,933 followers and is very interactive with articles and Yoga titbits and regular updates.
D. Published abstracts (1): Bhavanani AB. Role of Yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders. Proceeding & abstracts of the Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Southern Region – 2017 at MGMCRI, Puducherry on 4 & 5 July 2017. Pg 63-65.
hh OUTREACH PROGRAMMES AND EVENTS: Dr.Ananda gave a presentation on “Role of Yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders” for the first year Medical students at MGMC&RI and DrMeena led them through a practice session on de-stressing practices along with the CYTER team on 1 July 2017.
Publications in this quarter: A. Books (1): 1. Bhavanani AB. A Primer of Yoga Theory. 5th Edition. Pondicherry, India: Dhivyananda Creations; 2017. B. Chapters in books (1): 1. Bhavanani AB and Ramanathan M. Psychophysiology of Yoga Postures: Ancient and Modern Perspectives of Asanas. In: Shirley Telles and Nilkamal Singh editors. Research-Based Perspectives on the Psychophysiology of Yoga. IGI Global, Editors; 2017. p.1-16
Dr.Ananda was invited to be a Resource Person and deliver invited lecture on “Research in Yoga” for the 25th Workshop on Research Methodology and Bio- Statistics for AYUSH PG Students and Researchers organised by Department of Siddha of the Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University on 3 July 2017.
C. Published papers (3): 1. Bhavanani AB. Integrating Yoga in Health Professional Education: The SBV Experience. Annals of SBV 2017; 6 (1): 28-32. 2. Bhavanani AB. Efficacy of Yoga in Respiratory Disorders: Some Research Finding. Tamilnadu and Puducherry State Conference on Pulmonary Diseases TAPPCON. Pondicherry, India: Department of Pulmonoloy, SBV; 2017. 55-57. 3. Bhavanani AB. Integrating Yoga in Health Professional Education: The SBV Experience. Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences 4 (2), 42-46 94
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr.Ananda was invited to be a Resource Person and present talk on “Role of Yoga in prevention and management of lifestyle disorders” during the Golden Jubilee International Conference of Indian Pharmacological Society, Southern Region at MGMC&RI, Pondicherry on 5 July 2017. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr.Ananda and Dr.Meena attended the Doctor’s Day Celebration conducted by SAF, MGMC&RI on ‘Promoting Doctor-Patient Trust-The Need of the Hour’ on 7 July 2017. Dr..Ananda was invited as Chairman for Board of Studies in “Anatomy & Physiology of Human Body in the context of Yoga” at GS College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis, Kaivalyadhama, Lonavlaon 10 July 2017. Dr.Meena was invited to conduct the viva for the 7th South India Yogasana Championship-2017, organized by Padmam Yoga and Natural Living Development Trust affiliated to Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University and co-organised by Tamil Nadu Sports Yogasana Association held at Nehru Indoor Stadium, Chennai on 30 July 2017.
CYTER organised a Workshop on Yoga Chikitsa, “The Application of Yoga as a Therapy” presented by Dr KausthubDesikachar PhD, Chief Yoga Therapist, Krishnamacharya Healing and Yoga Foundation, Chennai between 10 am and 1 pm on 24 July 2017 at CYTER,Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute (MGMC&RI), Sri BalajiVidyapeeth, Pondicherry. He is also an adjunct faculty for CYTER. More than 50 participated and enjoyed the interactive workshop.
Dr.Meena was awarded the Best Yoga Teacher Award by Tamil Nadu Sports Yogasana Association in appreciation for the services rendered in the field of Yoga on the occasion of the 3rd International Day of Yoga on 21.6.2017 at Chennai.
Dr.Ananda was invited to inaugurate the Yoga therapy training program on 31 July 2017. Around 30 Chinese students in the authentic tradition of T.Krishnamacharya and Sri TKV Desikachar at Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, Chennai. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Yogachemmal G Dayanidy received blessings from our respected Vice Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth Prof KR Sethuraman Sir and Dean AHS Prof N Ananthakrishnan Sir on his successful clearing the UGC NET exam for Assistant Professorship in Yoga on 9 August 2017.
Dr.Ananda sir was invited as Resource person to Kaivalyadhama Yoga center, Lonavala, Pune for conducting lectures and Research committee meetings on 22 & 23 August 2017. Dr.Meena was invited to conduct the Continuous Nursing Education (CNE) on ‘Stress Management for Nurses through Yoga’, on 23rd August, between 2 and 4 pm for all the Nurses of MGMC&RI. More than 150 of them participated and enjoyed the interactive program thoroughly.
Inaugural ceremony of Yoga therapy courses for CYTER 2017-18 batch was held on on 21 August 2017. The PG Certificate, PG Diploma and MPhil courses in Yoga Therapy were inaugurated by Prof KRSethuraman sir, Vice Chancellor of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth in presence of Prof NAnanthakrishnan Dean Research and Allied Health Sciences (AHS) and Dr AN Uma, Vice Principal of AHS. PG Certificate students ShvetikaKaul and Vidhyasri received the certificate for their successful completion of Certificate of Clinical Applications of Yoga Therapy. Dr.Ananda and DrMeena attended the Felicitation of Faculty ceremony that honored faculty members for submitting proposals for copyright and BMJ Awards on the same day. Mrs Maxine Levy, a Senior Yoga Teacher from the UK visited CYTER and participated in all its activities from 4 to 8 September 2017. Dr.Meena was invited to conduct a lecture cum Demonstrationon ‘Stress Management and awareness of Yoga’ for the newly recruited Nurses of MGMC&RI, Pondicherry held on 8 September 2017.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr.Meena was invited to present on Obstructive Sleep Apnea and alleviation of its symptoms through Yoga at Serene Pelican, a Township for the Retired Community, on 14 September 2017. This collaborative venture between CYTER and the ENT dept. of MGMC&RI, was a great success with around a hundred senior citizens participating and benefiting through this program. Thanks to DrSatvinder Singh Bakshi for CYTER being a part of such an event. Danushapnadeesh, Yoga Instructor, gave a demonstration of the Yogic Techniques and students Team from CYTER assisted the senior citizens to perform the techniques.
CYTER team conducted Yoga awareness session as part of the orientation program for the first year MBBS students of MGMC&RI, Dental students of IGIDS and BSc Nursing students of KGNC 2017 batch. Sri G Dayanidy gave a Lecture on History & benefits of Yoga followed by the practice session at CYTER Yoga Hall, nearly 250 Medical students, 26 dental students and 100 nursing students participated in the program. Yoga
sessions were held on 12, 13, 14, & 16 September 2017 for the medical students, 22, 26, 27 & 28 September 2017 for dental students and 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27 & 28 for nursing students. Pre-Post Test analysis was also done. State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was also done by nursing students. Alumni of CYTER Dr Balaji and Dr Sanguida received gold medals for PGDYT for 2014 and 2016 respectively during the Doctoral Convocation held on 22nd September 2017. DrAnanda attended the program as the Director of CYTER. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Dr. Ananda was invited as Chief Guest for the SHISHOPANAYANA for the 29th batch of fresh BNYS students joining the course at SDM College of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Ujire on 23 & 24 September 2017. He received a blessing from Padmavibhushan Sri VirendraHeggadeji the Dharmadikari of Dharmasthala.
Topics covered included a detailed understanding the links between Yoga and psychotherapy as well as the concepts and techniques of Yoga that are amiable to be utilized in psychological counselling and therapy. Important case studies and anecdotes from his nearly four decade career were shared in a jovial and enlightening manner. All participants felt renewed by the session that gave an impetus to the work being done at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth towards the integration of yoga therapy in mainstream modern medicine. “Make your work a play, then all life will be joyful” was the parting message from Stomaji.
Dr.Meenacollected the Post study data for the Interdisciplinary study on Effect of Yoga as an adjuvant therapy in improving the brushing skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder between CYTER and IGIDS of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth at Carunai School for children with special needs on 28 September 2017.
An interactive workshop on “Yoga and psychotherapy (Bridging East and West)” was presented by Dr STEPHEN PARKER (Stomaji) Psy.D from the USA on the auspicious day of Saraswati Puja, 29 September 2017 at the Centre for Yoga Therapy, Education and Research of the Sri BalajiVidyapeeth at MGMC&RI. He has lectured on yoga, meditation and spiritual practice throughout the U.S. and Canada as well as in Carribean countries, Holland, South Africa, Korea, Hong Kong and India. 98
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Yoga sessions for faculty, staff and students of Sri BalajiVidyapeeth are going on regularly since September 2015. Classes are offered at CYTER Yoga hall on all working days between 6 to 7am and 4.30 to 5.30pm. General sessions for SBV family
Male Female TG Total
2015-17 ( Till June )
2017 ( July-Sept)
Grand Total
5942 6723
hh AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: DrMeena was awarded the Best Yoga Teacher Award by Tamil Nadu Sports Yogasana Association in appreciation for the services rendered in the field of Yoga on the occasion of the 3rd International Day of Yoga on 30 July 2017 at Chennai. participated in this event and has been conducted under the supervision of Dr.A.N.Uma, Vice Principal, (AHS) and Dr.Pramod, Professor, Forensic Dept. There were active participation from ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES Students, wherein 82 students participated. Winners were selected and prizes were distributed to them.
Sri Dayanidy G was invited by Indian Yoga Association as examiners for conducting Quality council of India exam (Approved by Ministry of AYUSH) at SVYASA University, Bengaluru on 26th to 29th July 2017. IYA which has been approved as a personnel certification Body by the QCI to certify the Yoga professionals in Level-I & Level –II, under the Scheme Voluntary Certification of Yoga Professionals, launched by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India.
Inauguration of 4th batch of AHS Inauguration of the fourth batch if B.Sc AHS programme was conducted on August 17, 2017, at the second floor, college Annexe Block, MGMCRI in the presence of Vice Chancellor, SBV, Dean, Research &AHS, Dean MGMCRI and the Registrar, SBV, HODs and faculty members of pre & para clinical departments. The dignitaries lighted the lamp, enlighted the students with words of wisdom and blessed the students to do well in all their endeavors. 102
hh B.SC ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES SWACHHTA PAKHWADA A fortnight of environment awareness campaign under Swachh Bharat Mission was achieved at Sri BalajiVidyapeeth wherein Allied Health Sciences students participated with full heart, soul and mind to achieve total sanitization and cleanliness by October 2, 2019 as Swacchh Bharat Mission. It was a voluntary exercise at SBV to create a Clean India. In view of this AHS students participated along with the students of MGMCRI for an essay contest on the topic ‘Innovative ways of spreading the message of hygiene’ was held and it was open to all studens. More than 90 students SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Sri Balaji Educational & Charitable Public Trust
Students have joined under various AHS courses for the academic year 2017-18
STUDENT ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Ten AHS Radiology students - Mr.Adityan, ArunGobi,Archana, Sujitha, Sanitha, Sivashankari, Thenmozhi, Poonkuzhali, Hemapriya, Kowlsalya, Karthika, Vijay, Rajkumar and Castro, students of BSc Radiology and Imaging Technology participated in «FLAIR» a national level conference held on 23 & 24 of April 2017 at SreeChitraTirunal Institute for Medical Science and Technology. The following first year students has presented poster in the conference mentioned: R.Hemapriya and S. Karthika presented a poster on Gluteal Arteriovenous malformation, Arun Gobi and Sujitha presented a poster on Magnetic Resonance Elastography, Adityan, Rajkumar presented a poster on photo acoustic imaging , while Sivashankari and Archana presented a poster on prevention of Nosocomial infection in Radiology department. Ms. G.Kowsalya, 2nd year BSc R&IT, won the neat presentation award at the conference. 100
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Ayudhapooja Celebration Ayudhapooja was celebrated at AHS class room on 27.09.2017in the gracious presence of the Vice Chancellor and Dean AHS& Research. The VC gave a talk for student on the occasion of ayudhapooja on how to imbibe good qualities and throw away the negative qualities for an excellent future. They blessed and distributed Pens and Chocolates to the students.
Central inter-disciplinary
Research facility (ciDrf) hh WORKSHOP on MOLECULAR BIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES IN PERSONALIZED MEDICINE. A Pre-conference workshop on “Molecular biological techniques in Personalized medicine” was organized by the Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility (CIDRF) as a part of SRIPSCON-17 on 3rd July 2017. The workshop was attended by 23 participants from various medical Institutes from all over India. Dr.C.Adithan, Director, CIDRF & Organizing Chair flagged off the workshop with the welcome address and introduced the Scientists of CIDRF who were the instructors. Dr. Agieshkumar.B, Senior Scientist and the Co-coordinator, presented the over view of the workshop. The workshop saw two orientation sessions by Scientists of CIDRF: (1) ‘DNA extraction’ by Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J, (2) ‘RFLP by Dr. Benet Bosco Dhas. The next two hands-on sessions were on: (1) ‘Conventional PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis’ by Dr. Anita T.S and Dr.Pooja Pratheesh (2) ‘Real-time PCR for genotyping’ by Dr. Agieshkumar.B and Dr.Benet Bosco Dhas. Pre- and post-workshop evaluation tests for the participants on the concepts of PCR were conducted. Written feedback forms were received from participants at the end of the workshop. Dr. C. Adithan concluded the workshop with his valedictory remarks and distributed the certificates to the participants.
hh PUBLICATIONS Mangaiyarkarasi R, Nadimuthu NP, Influence of environment on haemagglutinin activity and protein content of selected seaweeds from Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, India. J Chem, Biol Physic Sci; 2017:7; 1184-9 Behera SK, Kishtapati CR, Gunaseelan V, Dubashi B, Chandrasekaran A, Selvarajan S. Chemotherapy Induced Adverse Drug Reactions in Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. J Young Pharm. 2017;9(4):588-92 Velmurugan Anitharaj, Selvaraj Stephen, Jothimani Pradeep, Pratheesh Pooja, Sridharan Preethi. Diagnosis of acute Scrub Typhus in South India: Validation of GenoSen’s Scrub Typhus Real Time PCR kit by its comparison with a serological test (ELISA). J Global Infect Dis 2017;10(11):DC07-DC10. 101
hh PATENT Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J filed the first complete patent from CIDRF titled “Development of a novel inexpensive liquid removal apparatus for mammalian cell culture” at the Chennai Intellectual Property Office on October 14, 2017.
hh HONOURS AND RECOGNITIONS Dr.C.Adithan, Director-CIDRF is the Chairman and Examiner for the final examination of DM (Clinical Pharmacology Therapeutics) at Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, scheduled during 14th & 15th July 2017 Dr. C. Adithan, Director-CIDRF, instituted Dr. Vany Adithan PhD Fellowships and supervised the overall selection procedure for the same. Dr. C. Adithan, Director-CIDRF, as the editor coordinated and finalized the content for first SBV journal. Dr. C. Adithan, Director-CIDRF, Director-CIDRF attended two Equipment Specification vetting Committee meetings at JIPMER as a subject expert Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, has been invited as a chairperson at the 24th Annual Meeting of Indian Eye Research Group (IERG) ARVO-India Chapter to be held in Aravind Medical Research Foundation, Madurai during 29th and 30th July 2017. Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, has been assigned as the Associate Editor of the SBV Journal of Basic, Clinical and Applied Health Sciences ( JBCAHS). Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, was awarded the visiting fellowship at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research ( JNCASR), Bangalore, a DST institute. Dr. A. Jayamuruga Pandian, Principal Scientist, was a part of the panel for the selection of PhD candidates for Dr.Vany Adithan PhD fellowship.
Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist, attended and given invited lecture in the Seaweed conference held at NIOT, Chennai. Dr. Mangaiyarkarasi, Senior Scientist,attended UKERI Pre-bid workshop, India- Chennai at British consulate
Dr. Anitha T.S, Scientist, participated in an “International Conference on Environment, Genes, Health & Diseases -2017” held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (22nd Aug-24th Aug, 2017)
Dr. Agieshkumar B, Senior Scientist, was the coordinator for the examination and selection of PhD candidates for Dr. Vany Adithan PhD fellowships and was a part of the panel for the selection of PhD candidates from Dr. Vany Adithan PhD fellowships
Ms. Preethi Sridharan and Ms.Akshayavardhani presented their work progress in the Doctoral Committee meeting held on 1st August 2017 at CIDRF.
Dr. Agieshkumar B, Senior Scientist, was the coordinator for the examination and selection of PhD candidates for Dr. Vany Adithan PhD fellowships and was a part of the panel for the selection of PhD candidates from Dr. Vany Adithan PhD fellowships
Ms. Akshayavardhani A and Ms. Preethi Sridharan delivered oral presentations in 5th International conference on Environment, Genes, Health and Diseases (EGHD 2017) at Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore on August 22nd to 24th 2017.
Dr. Agieshkumar B, Senior Scientist, served as a peer reviewer for a manuscript submitted to Nature Scientific Reports
Dr. Veni Subramanyam, Scientist was invited for a talk on “Occupational Diseases, Hygiene and Its SocioEconomic Impact” in National seminar on Environment & Occupational Health (NSEOH-2017) organized by PG & Research Department of Biochemistry, St. Joseph’s college of Arts and Science, Cuddalore on September 9, 2017. Dr. Pooja Pratheesh, Scientist, was a part of the panel for the selection of PhD candidates from Dr. Vany Adithan PhD fellowships. Dr. Sam Vijay Kumar J delivered an invited lecture on “Stem cells: Present and Future” at the Dept of Biochemistry, Tagore Medical College on July 13th 2017.
Dr.Dinesh Kumar, President Indian Pharmacological Society delivered a lecture at CIDRF on 3rd July, 2017. Seven journal clubs and seminar were presented by the scholars and scientists of CIDRF.
hh TRAINING Mr. Kevin Rabindra from Ohio State, USA underwent a two weeks training in molecular biology techniques at CIDRF. The training was co-ordinated by Dr. Agieshkumar.B and Ms. Vigneswari is carrying out 3 months Internship under the supervision of Dr.Agieshkumar.B, in the areas of dengue pathology.
hh VISITORS @ CIDRF Dr.Michael Spedding, Spedding Research Solutions SAS, France, on July 3, 2017. Dr.Dinesh Kumar, President Indian Pharmacological Society, Hyderabad, on July 3, 2017 Prof. Bikash Medhi, Dept of Pharmacology, PGIMER, on July 4, 2017
Dr. Anitha T.S, Scientist, served as one of the Resource person in Nipuna (Hands-on-Workshop) Part-II held on August 21 & 22, 2017 at CIDRF. SBV v MGMCRI v SSSMCRI v IGIDS v KGNC v AHS v CIDRF
Dr. M.A. Akbarsha, Ex Director MGDC, Bharathidasan Univesity, Trichy, on July 22, 2017. Dr.G. Rajeswari, Professor - HOD, Dept of Biochemistry, Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada on July 22, 2017. Volume 11 Issue 3 July - Sept 2017
National Conference cum Workshop on Motivation Inspiration and Millennials’ Engagement - 2017
Patron & Chancellor
Advisory Board
Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth Pillaiyarkuppam, Puducherr y- 607 403
Prof. ANANTHAKRISHNAN N Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute
Puducherr y - 607 403
Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute
Editorial Board
Nellikuppam, Kancheepuram Dist., Tamil Nadu - 603 108.
Editor-In-Chief Design & Layout
Executive Editor
Indira Gandhi Institute of Dental Sciences Puducherr y - 607 403
Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College Puducherr y - 607 403
Allied Health Sciences Puducherr y - 607 403
Central Inter-Disciplinary Research Facility
0413 - 2615449 Ext : 746