WITH BLUEPRINT:100 In 2018, CIM charted a bold new path with Blueprint:100, a visionary plan for the school’s second century. Driving this plan were CIM’s:
Mission: Empower the world’s most talented classical music students to fulfill their dreams and potential Vision: The future of classical music Values: •
Consistently uphold the CIM Standard of exceptional musical training
Engage in and contribute to the civic and cultural life of Northeast Ohio
Adhere to a sustainable business model
Institutional Learning Goals: •
Perform, create, and share music with technical prowess and informed, compelling artistry in the relentless quest for the highest level of excellence
Exhibit the professional skills of the 21st-century musician through coursework, co-curricular, and experiential activities
Evaluate, reason, and make decisions in your personal and professional life using broad-based knowledge
The Result A revitalized CIM. Every major objective in Blueprint:100 has been achieved or is underway, and the school today is poised for continued success in every category, now and for generations to come. 2
CAPITALIZATION BLUEPRINT: 1 0 0 GOA L To remain a leader in the increasingly competitive world of independent US conservatories and elite schools of music, CIM must decrease the average net cost of education and capitalize robustly in order to recruit through increased scholarships.
The Results Reduced, then froze tuition at $40,000 (down from $47,200) Secured gifts establishing new Presidential, Director’s, and Dean’s scholarships for nearly 50 students, up from 5
“My CIM scholarship gives me the opportunity to learn from some of the best musicians in the world,” said tenor trombone student Alex Karstedt. “It has rewarded me for the effort I have put into my craft, and allows me to continue learning. Thank you, CIM!”
Grew endowment nearly $10 million (since 2014) Increased scholarship spending per student by nearly 50 percent Built and purchased 1609 Hazel student residence and practice complex Navigated the COVID-19 pandemic with uncommon fiscal strength by prioritizing CIM’s students and employees Earned an “investment-grade” BBB- credit rating with “stable” outlook affirmed by Standard & Poor’s Established the “CIM Promise,” which guarantees students that their base tuition rate will not increase over the normal course of their degree
With a great building comes great, ongoing responsibility, and CIM takes that obligation seriously. CIM must improve its learning spaces – functionally, acoustically, and aesthetically.
The Results Guided by Blueprint:100, CIM made a three-year, $2.25 million investment in its physical property. Improvements include:
New, more energy-efficient heating and cooling system Comfortable, work-friendly student lounge New cloud computing systems
New LED lighting across campus
Upgraded acoustical properties in practice rooms New security cameras and parking lot technology New video conferencing technology in meeting rooms and Mixon Hall New furniture in gathering areas
New Mixon Hall stage floor 4
“These and other improvements on our campus help ensure that our students – and the larger CIM community – are immersed in an environment that nurtures excellence and world-class music education,” said Trustee Jeffrey B. Linton. “We are committed to investing in the physical space and technology our students need to succeed as professional musicians in the 21st century, while preserving the iconic and welcoming look and feel of our historic campus.”
“Our son has grown tremendously in CIM’s Academy,” said parents Tara and Jack Thompson. “Watching his confidence bloom on stage in breathtaking Mixon Hall has been a highlight. Our whole family is excited to be in this outstanding program.”
Preparatory education at CIM must reflect the quality and outcomes of the Conservatory under the aegis of the CIM Standard.
The Results Out of this determination arose the CIM Academy, a modern version of the comprehensive preparatory model espoused by CIM founder Ernest Bloch nearly a century ago. With its highest enrollment to date, more than one third of the 2023-24 Academy students are part of the Musical Pathway Fellowship, ensuring exceptional musical training, mentorship, networking, academic support, and more. In addition to taking private lessons, students in this unique, thriving program: Study music theory, choral singing, and ensemble playing Perform regularly, in a variety of settings Form a supportive community of their peers Become the well-rounded young professionals of tomorrow
Primary Instrument Study
Core Musicianship
Complete Musician
HOUSING BLUEPRINT: 1 0 0 GOA L If CIM students are to be the future of classical music, they must be accommodated in a manner that fully supports their artistic, academic, social, and professional development.
The Results This is precisely what 1609 Hazel achieves. CIM’s new residential and practice complex at 1609 Hazel allows students to focus on their work by providing: Spacious apartments fully equipped with all modern conveniences, including in-room laundry High-tech individual and ensemble practice rooms Wellness and fitness facilities Close proximity to CIM Secure on-site parking
“The value this brings to our students cannot be overstated,” said Antonio Pompa-Baldi, head of CIM’s piano department. “When visiting other institutions within the US, I realize how lucky we are. Our status as an all-Steinway school ensures quality.”
PIANOS BLUEPRINT: 1 0 0 GOA L A world-class musical education is only possible on the finest instruments. Blueprint:100 laid out a plan to replace and upgrade the CIM piano inventory.
The Results Refreshed its large inventory of Steinway & Sons pianos, through the acquisition, purchase, and restoration of 32 instruments Purchased three new-to-CIM concert grand pianos, including a spectacular new Steinway Model D concert grand Engaged two full-time piano technicians, for a total of three Guaranteed student access to the finest woodwind, string, keyboard, and percussion instruments 7
DIVERSITY BLUEPRINT: 1 0 0 GOA L At CIM, as in the larger world of classical music, diversity is a prime aspiration that applies to everyone and informs every decision. CIM is a national leader in diversity efforts by developing and delivering entrepreneurial training, leveraging its networks, and developing diverse programming.
The Results Since the launch of Blueprint:100, CIM has: Earned a five-fold increase in racial diversity among its students Proactively showcased, celebrated, and promoted musicians of color and their compositions on stage and in our classrooms Launched and grown a Musical Pathway Fellowship and Sphinx Performance Academy for young musicians of color Formed partnerships with the Gateway Music Festival and Equity Arc Developed and launched the Future of Music Faculty Fellowship, a career development initiative for Black and Latinx music professionals Built diverse Trustee, senior administration, and visiting faculty teams, including as officers of the Board and on the President’s Council
“At CIM, I feel seen and heard, and I know my colleagues do, too,” said voice student Kiana Lilly, president of CIM’s Black Student Union. “CIM highlights the importance of diversity in all spaces and is trying to figure out how to make diversity the normal in classical music.” 8
“There’s a reason the world’s most talented young musicians consistently choose a CIM education,” said President & CEO Paul W. Hogle. “We do everything to help students achieve the careers of their dreams.”
OUTCOMES BLUEPRINT: 1 0 0 GOA L In keeping with its mission and vision, CIM will ensure that graduates regularly earn positions in major orchestras, opera companies, chamber music ensembles, and institutions of higher learning.
The Results Today, CIM alumni can be found everywhere great music is made. CIM graduates: Constitute one-third of the musicians in The Cleveland Orchestra. Since 2015, CIM graduates have won more Cleveland Orchestra positions than any other school Figure prominently at major orchestras, chamber ensembles, and opera companies worldwide Regularly command the world’s great stages, produce significant compositions, and create awardwinning recordings Populate acclaimed centers of learning and hold administrative positions with leading institutions of every sort In the 2022-23 season alone, CIM alumni won nearly 100 job appointments at orchestras including Cleveland, Boston, New York, Seattle, Nashville, Cincinnati, and more, as well as positions in respected chamber music ensembles and faculty appointments at celebrated colleges, universities, and conservatories
“Our momentum has not flagged,” said Mark Litzler, CIM’s recently appointed Chief Development Officer. “Our mission demands that we proceed with Kulas Hall renovations and grow our endowment for scholarships, and that’s exactly what we will do.”
SECOND CENTURY CAMPAIGN BLUEPRINT: 1 0 0 GOA L In order to attract, retain, and properly train the world’s finest classical music students, Kulas Hall, CIM’s largest and historically iconic performance venue, must be refurbished in keeping with professional musical standards and acoustics. A campaign to grow scholarship endowments must be launched and achieved.
The Results Since the launch of its $40 million Second Century Campaign in 2020, CIM has:
Raised nearly $25 million in endowment, scholarship, and capital support Secured unanimous Trustee endorsement for the Kulas Hall renovation project Completed architectural, acoustical, and construction plans Shared project details with key donors Targeted construction to begin May 2024
Cover photo by Alex Cooke Page 2 photos by Tim Bates Page 3 photos by Tim Bates and Abigayle Flack Page 4 photo by Abigayle Flack Page 5 photos by Tanya Rosen-Jones Page 6 photos by Abigayle Flack, Daniel Lozada, and Robert Muller Page 7 photos by Abigayle Flack and Robert Muller
Page 8 photos by Robert Muller and Gregory Wilson Page 9 photo by Tim Bates Page 10 rendering provided by J. Kurtz Architects Page 11 photos by Tim Bates, Abigayle Flack, Daniel Lozada, and Robert Muller Back cover photos by Abigayle Flack and Daniel Lozada 11
11021 East Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44106