complete a degree or certificate
Volume 4.1 • Fall 2013
PAGES 11-26
ThingsAre Inclusive Here a New Diversity Resource Center OPENS ON GRESHAM CAMPUS ... page 27
be enrolled President Debra Derr Board of Directors Paul Capell Robert Coen Susie Jones Maggie Nelson Diane Noriega George “Sonny” Yellott James Zordich Published by the Office of College Advancement Director, Community Development Executive Director, MHCC Foundation Michelle Gregory Editor Maggie Huffman Graphic Design Glenn Wright Contributors Jarrod Hogue Eliza Lane Kimberly Murray Todd Schwartz Photography Spring Bastow Glenn Wright Cover: Diversity Resource Center Coordinator Melinda Bullen, photographed by Glenn Wright
MHCC mails this publication to all district residents to inform them of the college’s programs, services and community events. Because the schedule is addressed to “Postal Customer,” individual names cannot be removed from the mailing list. Accessible formats for individuals with disabilities are available by calling the Disability Services Office at 503-497-6923 or 503-491-7670 (TDD). “College + Community” (USPS 002866) Fall 2013. Published quarterly by Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, Oregon 97030. Periodicals postage paid at Gresham, Ore., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “College + Community” at 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030.
Mt. Hood Community College
There’s a lot to do at Mt. Hood Community College this fall! • If you are interested in theatre, mark your calendars for Nov. 4, 6, 8, 13, 15 and 16 for a production of Alice in Wonderland. • Or, get your dance on and try out for a part in Footloose. Auditions will be held Nov. 19, 20 and 21; performances will be in February and March. • Come cheer on the MHCC Saints volleyball and cross country teams, get inspired by art exhibits and ooh and ah at planetarium shows. • MHCC will join National Manufacturing Day, Oct. 4, to highlight the importance of manufacturing to the nation’s economy and draw attention to the many rewarding high-skill jobs in manufacturing fields. (To reserve a space or for event details, please call 503-491-7235.)
Have a Little Class
We have classes on virtually every subject imaginable! To make registration super easy for you, we have included a list of credit courses right here in this magazine (pages 3 – 10) that will be offered this fall at MHCC’s three campuses (Gresham, The Bruning Center and Maywood Park). Once you select your courses, go online to to find course times, locations and instructors. If your interests lean toward the fun and personal enrichment side, this magazine also has a complete list of non-credit courses (pages 11 - 26). Turn to page 12 for registration information. MHCC will be vibrant and colorful this fall! It’s a great place to be | your dream.
MHCC students can refresh themselves with a cup of coffee while recharging their electronic devices at several solar-powered picnic tables on the Gresham Campus. The stations were donated by Associated Student Government.
See You at MHCC This Fall!
be coached for success A CASE of Right Place, Right Time A new grant from the U.S. Department of Labor helps MHCC provide even more support as students upgrade their skills and find careers. Ask MHCC student David Trusov about the CASE grant, and you won’t get a list of numbers and participating agencies. You get this, from the heart: “When my career coach CAREER PATHWAYS Wendy Lebow told me about the The CASE grant provides employment help services at MHCC, opportunities that lead to careers I was intrigued because I needed an internship credit to graduate. Full of curiosity and eagerness to find help, I entered her office with my resume in hand. It was not perfect, I’ll admit, but with a fire of confidence and landed a benefit for local businesses as the it was enough for Wendy to help me a paid summer internship as an college aligns curriculum with skills polish it up and make it stand out.” information technology infrastructure needed in the workforce and trains technician,” says Trusov. “This qualified workers.” In the meantime, Susan R. Spencer, opportunity only employer partnership coordinator, “This gives us more had already been making connections comes once in horsepower to help students “I knew I had a with companies that offer internships, a lifetime, and bridge from education to I am enjoying among them R.R. Donnelley, a work,” adds Steven Storla, every bit of this Nasdaq-traded global provider of Career Pathways coordinator. of landing an experience.” integrated communications. Spencer “We work early on with our interview due referred Trusov to the company. The CASE grant students to remove barriers
high chance
“Thanks to the help, inspiration and confidence Wendy gave me, I applied
MHCC Student David Trusov
(Credentials, and help them move into to the polished their careers.” Acceleration resume and and Support for training I received MHCC also works to develop Employment) partnerships with area brings $1.8 from MHCC” businesses to discover their million to MHCC staffing needs and provide over three years. solutions — solutions The grant supports such as Trusov and other skilled, career pathways that lead to upgraded committed employees. skills and enhanced employment opportunities for students and MHCC uses Student Resource Specialists jobseekers. (SRS) to help achieve CASE outcomes and college completions. For more information “The resources provided by this grant on SRS, please see page 2. provide options for students that lead to employment opportunities and For more information on the CASE grant, further education which can be a please contact Steven Storla at 503-491great motivator to move forward,” says 7251; Marc Goldberg, dean of Economic & Workforce Development. “This is also College + Community • Fall 2013
be open to opportunities personal and academic barriers that prevent them from staying in school. We connect students with resources in the community that help to remove these barriers.” In short, the Student Resource Specialists help students to advance into college-level coursework and earn college certificates and degrees so they can qualify for good jobs.
the kellys Kelley Keith (left) with Student Resource Specialists Kelly Love and Kellie Pierson
Making College Work Student Resource Specialists help demystify college for students in MHCC’s Adult Basic Skills programs. Fact number one: In East Multnomah County, census data shows that there are more than 30,000 adults 45 years of age and older who do not have a high school diploma. Fact number two: When you don’t graduate from high school, don’t have a lot of financial resources, don’t have a family tradition of higher education and/or don’t speak English as your native language, the idea of going to college and lifting yourself up can be intimidating. That is, unless you know the ropes. Fact number three: At MHCC, “the Kellys” are ready, eager and expertly prepared to help. Kelley Keith, Kelly Love and Kellie Pierson offer resources, information, encouragement and support. Love and Pierson are Student Resource Specialists. Keith is Dean of Adult Basic Skills, a division at MHCC that serves approximately 3,000 students annu-
ally who are motivated to pursue their educational and career goals, but may not be ready to jump into college-level credit courses. “Student Resource Specialists focus on improving student persistence and success,” says Keith. “For example, we initiate student contact through proactive advising and communicate directly with students to engage them in practices that ensure their success.” Keith also says, “We provide career and vocational advising, academic planning, personal and academic goal-setting and help students identify
The Student Resource Specialists help
students to advance into college-
level coursework and earn college certificates and degrees
The Student Resource Specialists serve students who are enrolled in MHCC’s English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and Adult Basic Education (ABE) General Educational Development (GED) programs. Those students span a wide range. They could be 18 years old or in their 50s. They may be individuals who haven’t completed high school or recent immigrants with doctorate degrees who don’t yet speak English well. They may be working toward a welding certificate or an eventual advanced degree. They share a need for help with the process of attending, learning self-advocacy strategies and succeeding at and completing their education at MHCC. “Best practices and research suggest that the tipping point is 15 college credits,” Keith says. “If a student can get that far, they have a greater chance of completing college. Our job is to show them their potential and to help them reach for it. From a professional standpoint, it’s very rewarding to see our students achieve their goals!” MHCC uses Student Resource Specialists (SRS) to help achieve CASE outcomes and college completions. For more information on the CASE grant, please see page 1. For more information about Student Resource Specialists, please call Kelly Love (503-491-7329) or Kellie Pierson (503-491-7004).
Register Now
for College Credit Courses
credit courses complete your degree Information about credit classes, pages 4 – 10 • Register Now
Apply and register online at Click on
be enrolled Classes Begin Sept. 23
Main MHCC Phone Numbers Admissions, Registration and Records
Financial Aid
Gresham Campus
Maywood Park Campus
The Bruning Center for Allied
Health Education
College + Community • Fall 2013
college credit courses
Credit Courses Arts, Crafts and Special Interest
Are you shy a few credits? Are you a recent high school graduate aiming your sights on college? Want to enhance your knowledge and sharpen your professional skills? MHCC is the place to be this FALL! We’ve made it super easy to get on the path to fulfilling your dreams. Check out pages 4–10 for a list of credit classes, then enroll at Make this the fall you Take Credit for a Smart Decision! Term begins Sept. 23, ends Dec. 13. Find your course time, location and instructor by going online to, contacting the department or calling 503-491-7393. Some programs may be limited or restricted entry. Students must be accepted into the program in order to enroll in classes.
Course # Course Name
Medical Language for Healthcare Settings
ANTH101 Intro to Biological Anthropology ANTH102 Intro to Archaeology and World Prehistory ANTH103 Intro to Cultural Anthropology ANTH180 Language and Culture
Course # Course Name
BI100 BI121 BI122 BI231 BI232 BI233 BI234
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Online BI100 BI231 BI232 BI233
Survey of Body Systems Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Human Anatomy & Physiology III
4 4 4 4
Hybrid BI121 BI122
Essentials/Human Anatomy and Physiology I Essentials/Human Anatomy and Physiology II
4 4
anthropology 503-491-7480
Course # Course Name
ANTH101 Intro to Biological Anthropology 3 ANTH102 Intro to Archaeology and World Prehistory 3 ANTH103 Intro to Cultural Anthropology 3
3 3 3 3
Survey of Body Systems Essentials/Human Anatomy and Physiology I Essentials/Human Anatomy and Physiology II Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Human Anatomy & Physiology III Microbiology
ANTH180 Language and Culture
allied health - general
ART115 ART117
Printmaking I Printmaking II Printmaking III Painting I Painting II Painting III Sculpture I Sculpture II Sculpture III
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Course # Course Name
ART271 ART272 ART273 ART281 ART282 ART283 ART291 ART292 ART293
Basic Design I: Two-Dimensional Basic Design III: Three-Dimensional ART198A Independent Studies: Visual Arts ART198B Independent Studies: Visual Arts ART198C Independent Studies: Visual Arts ART219A Calligraphy – Bookhand ART225 Digital Art I ART229 Digital Art: Multimedia ART231 Drawing I ART232 Drawing II ART233 Drawing III ART234 Life Drawing I ART235 Life Drawing II ART236 Life Drawing III ART240 Drawing - Cartooning I ART241 Drawing - Cartooning II ART254 Ceramics I ART255 Ceramics II ART256 Ceramics III ART257 Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing I ART257B Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing I ART258 Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing II ART258B Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing II ART259 Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing III ART259B Jewelrymaking/Metalsmithing III
4 4 1 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 2
ART204 History of Western Art: Prehistoric – Byzantine ART205 History of Western Art: Medieval - Renaissance ART211 Survey of Visual Arts
4 4 4
automotive–ford asset 503-491-7016
— LIMITED ENTRY PROGRAM — Course # Course Name Credits
AMF110 Internal Combustion Engine Theory AMF111 Internal Combustion Engine Lab AMF118 Electrical Systems Theory AMF119 Electrical Systems Lab AMF120 Minor Vehicle Services
4 2 4 2 2
aUto–CAP/IMPORT/HONDA PACT 503-491-7016
— LIMITED ENTRY PROGRAM — Course # Course Name Credits
AM050 AM051 AM053 AM054
General Repair/ The Vehicle Service Industry General Repair - Brake Systems General Repair - Steering and Suspension Systems Basic Electrical/Light Repair and Maintenance
2 2 2 2
Fall Term Credit Courses
AM251 AM252 AM253 AM254 AM256 AM257
Engine Performance II Theory 4 Engine Performance II Lab 3 Steering & Suspension Theory 3 Steering & Suspension Lab 1 Heating & Air Conditioning Theory 3 Heating and Air Conditioning Lab 1
Hybrid BA206 BA218 BA224 BA238
biology/botany BI101A BI102A BI103D BI103E BI112 BI211 FN225 FW252
General Biology I: Survey of Cellular Biology 4 General Biology II: Survey of Molecular Life and Genetics 4 General Biology III: Northwest Forest Ecology 4 General Biology III: Ecology of the Tropics 4 Biology for Allied Health 5 Principles of Biology I 5 Nutrition 4 Mammals: Biology & Techniques 4 Nutrition
Biology for Allied Health
Hybrid BI112
business admin. & Mgmt. 503-491-7515
Course # Course Name
BA101 Intro to Business BA131 Intro to Business Computing BA150 Developing a Small Business BA203 Intro to International Business BA205 Business Communications BA211 Principles of Accounting I BA212 Principles of Accounting II BA222 Finance BA223 Principles of Marketing BA226 Intro to Business Law BA265 Operations Management Workflow Analysis BA285 Leadership & Human Relations
4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
Online BA101 BA131 BA205 BA206 BA211 BA212 BA213 BA220 BA223 BA226 BA231
Intro to Business Intro to Business Computing Business Communications Management and Supervisory Fundamentals Principles of Accounting I Principles of Accounting II Principles of Accounting III Tax Accounting Principles of Marketing Intro to Business Law Information Technology/Business
4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4
Course # Course Name
BT110 Business Editing BT121 Keyboarding Principles BT121A Basic Keyboarding BT121B Keyboard Formatting BT122 Professional Keyboarding BT123A Keyboarding Skill Development BT123B Keyboarding Skill Refinement BT124 Keyboarding Enrichment BT210ZAA Access - Level I BT210ZAB Access - Level II BT210ZBA Publisher - Level I BT210ZBB Publisher - Level II BT210ZEA Excel - Level I BT210ZEB Excel - Level II BT210ZEC Excel - Level III BT210ZIO Internet for the Business Professional BT210ZPA PowerPoint - Level I BT210ZPB PowerPoint - Level II BT210ZQA QuickBooks for the Workplace BT210ZWA Word - Level I BT210ZWB Word - Level II BT210ZWC Word - Level III BT210ZWP Beginning Windows BT220 Electronic Calculator and 10-Key Operations WE280OPC Coop Ed - Office Professionals WE280OPD Coop Ed - Office Professionals WE280OPF Coop Ed - Office Professionals
3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 6
Online BT110 BT118 BT125
Business Editing Records and Information Management Microsoft Word Training
3 3
Hybrid BT101 Office Careers Survey BT116 Communication Technologies
1 3
chemistry 503-491-7364
Course # Course Name
CH103 CH104
Chemistry for Allied Health General, Organic and Biological Chemistry I CH151 Basic Chemistry CH199EP Chemistry of Environmental Pollutants
For class times, locations and instructors visit
CH221 General Chemistry I CH241 Organic Chemistry I CH298A Independent Study: Chemistry GS105A Physical Science: Chemistry for the Consumer
5 5 4
5 5 1 4
Hybrid CH103 CH221
Online FN225
4 3 3 4
business technology
Course # Course Name
Management and Supervisory Fundamentals Personal Finance Human Resource Management Sales
5 5
Chemistry for Allied Health General Chemistry I
computer info. systems 503-491-7515
Course # Course Name
CIS120 Computer Concepts I 3 CIS120L Computer Concepts Lab I 1 CIS122 Computer Concepts III 4 CIS125GA Intro to Game Design 3 CIS140 Intro to Operating Systems 4 CIS140W Windows OS 2 CIS145A Computer Maintenance and Forensics I 3 CIS151 Network Fundamentals 4 CIS195 Web Development I 3 CIS235ANM Intro to 3-D Animation 3 CIS235GMA Advanced 3-D Modeling 3 CIS244 Intro to Systems Analysis 3 CIS279S Windows Server OS 4 HI106 Health Management Information Systems 3 HI108 Installation and Maintenance of Health IT Systems 3 VT10CAA Special Projects 1 VT10CAC Special Projects 3 VT10CAD Special Projects 4 WE280CAB Coop Ed - Computer Applications 2 WE280CAC Coop Ed - Computer Applications 3 WE280CAD Coop Ed - Computer Applications 4
Online CIS100 Computer Careers Exploration CIS120 Computer Concepts I CIS120L Computer Concepts Lab I CIS125DB Desktop Database CIS125SS Spreadsheet CIS125WP Word Processing CIS197HTM Web Authoring: HTML5 and CSS3 CIS284S Intro to Computer Security
1 3 1 3 3 3 3 4
Hybrid CIS120L Computer Concepts Lab I CIS152 Fundamentals of Routing Theory and Technology CIS197WAA Web Authoring: Applications CIS276 SQL CS160 Computer Science Orientation
1 4 3 4 4
College + Community • Fall 2013
Fall Term Credit Courses
— LIMITED ENTRY PROGRAM — Course # Course Name
Course # Course Name Credits
COS110 COS111 COS113 COS201 COS215 COS217 COS218
Hair Design Theory Hair Design Lab and Pre-Clinic Cosmetology Lab and Clinic I Concepts in Cosmetology Cosmetology Lab and Clinic II Cosmetology Lab and Clinic III Cosmetology Board Exam Prep Theory COS219 Cosmetology Board Exam Prep Lab and Clinic
4 8 8 4 8 8 4
Intro to Criminal Justice Admin: Law Enforcement Agencies CJA112 Intro to Criminal Justice Admin: The Court System CJA211 Intro to Criminal Law: Fundamentals CJA230 Juvenile Crime and the Juvenile Justice Process CJA298 Independent Study - Reading and Conference: Criminal Justice
3 3 3 3 3
early childhood education 503-491-6985
Preschool Materials and Environments ECE136 Connecting with Children ECE140 Intro to Early Childhood Education ECE144 Early Childhood Observation Techniques ECE166 Seminar - Beginning ECE170 Health, Safety and Nutrition ECE236 Social/Emotional Development ECE244 Observation for Assessment ECE248 Special Needs and Inclusion ECE261 Child Development Principles ECE272 Interpersonal Skills ECE273 Art Education in Preschool WE280CDC Coop Ed - Early Childhood
3 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 2 3 4 3 3
economics 503-491-7515
Course # Course Name
EC115 EC201 EC202
Intro to Economics Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics Principles of Economics II: Macroeconomics
3 4 4
Online EC201 EC202
Principles of Economics I: Microeconomics Principles of Economics II: Macroeconomics
ED209A Practicum: Introductory Observation and Experience ED209B Practicum: Introductory Observation and Experience ED270A Teaching at the Community College: Planning/Instruction
1 2 1
engineering 503-491-7292
1 3
Education Orientation Intro to Education
Course # Course Name
Course # Course Name
CRIMINAL JUSTICE Course # Course Name
ED142 ED200
Fisheries technology
ENGR211 Statics ENGR248 Engineering Graphics: Solidworks ET122 Engineering Drawing ET130 Architectural CAD Drawing ET142 Civil CAD ET150 Plane Surveying ET222 Fluid Mechanics GE101 Engineering Orientation VT10AEA Special Projects VT10AEC Special Projects VT10AED Special Projects VT10CEB Special Projects VT10MEA Special Projects VT10MEC Special Projects WE280AEC Coop Ed - Architectural Tech WE280AED Coop Ed - Architectural Tech
4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 4 2 1 3 3 4
Course # Course Name
Fishery Techniques I Fish Biology I Fish Husbandry I Fisheries Data Analysis Techniques Field Projects Current Issues/Natural Resources Stream Habitat Assessment and Improvement WE280FIA Coop Ed - Fisheries WE280FIB Coop Ed - Fisheries WE280FIC Coop Ed - Fisheries WE280FID Coop Ed - Fisheries
4 4 6 2 2 1 2 1 2 3 4
Funeral service education 503-491-6940
— RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in FSE classes.
geography 503-491-7480
Course # Course Name
GEOG105 Intro to Physical Geography GEOG208 The Geography of the U.S. and Canada GEOG298 Independent Study - Reading and Conference: Geography
3 3 3
Hybrid ET210 ET231
FI101 FI111 FI201 FI207 FI211 FI231 FI241
3 4
Sustainable Engineering Basic Strengths of Materials
eNL* 503-491-7333
Course # Course Name
ENL094R Lower Intermediate Reading ENL094S Lower Intermediate Speaking/ Listening ENL094W Lower Intermediate Writing ENL120P Pronunciation I ENL120R Intermediate Reading ENL120S Intermediate Speaking/Listening ENL120W Intermediate Writing ENL201P Pronunciation 2 ENL201R Advanced Reading ENL201S Advanced Speaking and Listening ENL201W Advanced Writing
5 5 5 2 5 5 5 2 5 5 5
Course # Course Name
G148C G201 GS106
Volcanoes and Their Activity Principles of Physical Geology Physical Science: Geology
3 4 4
health/physical ed 503-491-7450
Course # Course Name
HE202 Adult Development and Aging 1 HE204 Diet and Weight Control 3 HE207 Stress Control-Activity Intervention 1 HE208 HIV/AIDS and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections 1 HE250 Personal Health 3 HE252 First Aid: Responding to Emergencies 3 HE255 Alcohol and the Family 3 HE261 CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 1 HE265 Women's Health Issues 2 HPE285OL Wilderness Survival 3 HPE295 Health and Fitness for Life 3 PE131 Intro to Physical Education 3 PE185AK Cardio Kickboxing/Muscle Blast 1 PE185AS Step and Sculpt 1
4 * English as a Non-Native Language
Fall Term Credit Courses
PE185CE Cardio/Lower Body and Abs 1 PE185CF Hip-Hop Cardio Combo 1 PE185CG Spinning and Abs 1 PE185CH Beginning Tai Chi 1 PE185CN Intermediate Tai Chi 1 PE185CP Pilates 1 PE185CR Pilates Plus 1 PE185CS Cardio Cross Training 1 PE185CV Advanced Tai Chi 1 PE185DAA Beginning Ballet 1 PE185DAB Intermediate Ballet 1 PE185DAH Jazz/Hip-Hop Dance - Beginning 1 PE185DAJ Jazz/Hip-Hop Dance - Intermediate 1 PE185FA Lower Body and Abs 1 PE185FD Core Conditioning 1 PE185FE Exercise Bootcamp 1 PE185FW Beginning Fitness Walking 1 PE185FY Intermediate Fitness Walking 1 PE185GA Beginning Golf 1 PE185GB Intermediate Golf 1 PE185HB Beginning Horsemanship 1 PE185HC Intermediate Horsemanship 1 PE185KA Beginning Tae Kwon Do 1 PE185KB Intermediate Tae Kwon Do 1 PE185KC Advanced Tae Kwon Do 1 PE185KD Street Defense: The Combative Art 1 PE185KY River Kayaking 1 PE185LAA Basketball Conditioning 1 PE185LAI Volleyball Strategies, Advanced 1 PE185MNA Basketball 1 PE185MNB Basketball Conditioning 1 PE185MND Baseball Conditioning 1 PE285OH Adventure Education 2 PE285ON Outdoor Leadership 2 PE185PF Applied Cross Training 1 PE185RK Beginning Rock Climbing 1 PE185RR Road Running 1 PE185SF Soccer 1 PE185SWH Intro to Scuba 1 PE185SWK Water Aerobics 1 PE185SWM Beginning Swimming 1 PE185SWQ Fitness Lap Swimming 1 PE185WSB Softball Conditioning 1 PE185SWY Flexible Fitness Lap Swim 1 PE185SWZ Intro to Swim Training 1 PE185TA Beginning Tennis 1 PE185TB Intermediate Tennis 1 PE185TD Track and Field 1 PE185TE Running Cross Country 1 PE185VA Beginning Volleyball 1 PE185VB Intermediate Volleyball 1 PE185WD Weight Lifting - Beginning 1 PE185WE Weight Lifting - Intermediate 1 PE185YC Mind-Body Yoga 1 PE185YL Yo-lates 1 PE185ZT Zumba/Tone 1 PE185ZU Zumba 1 PE280A Coop Ed - Physical Education 1 PE280B Coop Ed - Physical Education 2 PE280C Coop Ed - Physical Education 3 PE280D Coop Ed - Physical Education 4 PE280E Coop Ed - Physical Education 5
PE280F Coop Ed - Physical Education PE285OA Backpacking and Camp Management PE285OY Wilderness Orientation PE294OA Methods of Teaching Outdoor Activities REC5PF Fitness through Applied Cross Training WL186 Leave No Trace
6 3 1 3 0 2 1 3 2 3
HE205 Diet Appraisal HE250 Personal Health HE265 Women's Health Issues HPE295 Health and Fitness for Life
history 503-491-7480
Course # Course Name
HST103 Western Civilization: Modern Europe HST104 History of the Middle East (Eastern Civilization) HST110 Ancient World History HST111 Medieval World History HST112 Modern World History HST201 U.S. History: Pre-Colonial - 1840 HST202 U.S. History: 1840 - 1917 HST203 U.S. History: 1910 - Present HST204 Women in U.S. History HST270 History of Mexico HST294 History of Ancient Greece HST298 History Research
4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 1
Online HST110
Ancient World History
hospitality & Tourism 503-491-7515
Course # Course Name
Intro to the Hospitality Industry 4 Essential Etiquette for Business and Hospitality 2 HT140 Travel and Tourism Geography 3 HT144 Destination Specialist 2 HT234 Sanitation and Safety 2 HT235 Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Cooking Soups, Stocks, Sauces, Meat and Game 4 HT241 International Hospitality/Tourism 3 HT242 Supervisory Management for the Hospitality Industry 3 HT260 Hospitality Industry Marketing 3 VT10HTA Special Projects 1 VT10HTB Special Projects 2 VT10HTC Special Projects 3 WE280HTC Coop Ed - Hospitality/Tourism 3 WE280HTD Coop Ed - Hospitality/Tourism 4 WE280HTE Coop Ed - Hospitality/Tourism 5 WE280HTH Coop Ed - Hospitality/Tourism 8 WE280HTL Coop Ed - Hospitality/Tourism 12 HT108 HT112
For class times, locations and instructors visit
human development 503-491-7317
Course # Course Name
Life Planning for Women English Learners 0 ED120 Leadership I - Theory 1 HD090 Transition to College 1 HD100A College Success 1 HD110 Career Planning 1 HD130 Today's Careers 2 HD202 Life Transitions 3 HD204 Developing Emotional Intelligence 3 HD208 Career and Life Planning 3 HD209C How To Get the Job You Want 3 HD209RES Developing Your Resume 1
Online HD110 Career Planning 1 HD130HC Intro to Today's Careers: Health 2
iNFO SYSTEMS & TECH. MGMT. 503-491-7515
Course # Course Name
ISTM183C Fundamentals of CyberSecurity 3 ISTM283A Fundamentals of Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity 3 ISTM283B Security Strategies 3
iNTEGRATED MEDIA 503-491-7410
Course # Course Name
ART261 Photography I ART262 Photography II DP249 Photojournalism GD250 Developing Brand Identity IM178 Sound, Frame, Light IM270 Project Development J216 Reporting I RB150 Broadcasting I RB250 Digital Systems TV150 Fundamentals of Digital Video TV250 Advanced Digital Filmmaking VT10IMA Special Projects: Integrated Media VT10IMB Special Projects: Integrated Media VT10IMC Special Projects: Integrated Media VT10IMD Special Projects: Integrated Media WE280IMA Coop Ed - Integrated Media WE280IMB Coop Ed - Integrated Media WE280IMC Coop Ed - Integrated Media WE280IMD Coop Ed - Integrated Media
3 3 5 5 4 4 3 2 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Hybrid ART260 Digital Photography and Imaging 4 GD150 Principles of Graphic Design 5 IM150 Digital Imaging 5 IM179 Digital Tools and Workflow 5 IM260 Pro Practice for Integrated Media 4
College + Community • Fall 2013
Fall Term Credit Courses
iNTEGRATED MEtals 503-491-7470
— LIMITED ENTRY PROGRAM — Course # Course Name
IMTL020 Computation Skills for Metals Careers IMTL110 Machine Shop I Theory IMTL111 Machine Shop I Lab IMTL114 Blueprint Reading for the Metals Industry IMTL114C Blueprint Reading for Machine Tool Applications IMTL116 Intro to Precision Measuring IMTL116B Intro to Precision Measuring IMTL120 SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding/Stick) Theory IMTL121 SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding/Stick) Lab IMTL121B SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding/Stick) Lab IMTL124 Blueprint Reading for Welding Applications IMTL128 GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding/TIG) Theory IMTL129 GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding/TIG) Lab IMTL155 Industrial Safety IMTL215 Inspection and Measurement MFG214 Integrated Machine Shop I Lab MFG216 CNC/CAM (Computer Numerical Control/Computer Assist. Mach'g) MFG217 Modern Manufacturing Concepts WLD116 General Welding I WLDX11 Intro to GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding/TIG) Theory/Lab
4 3 3 4 3 3 2
4 2
2 3 4 3 4 3 3 2
CS125J Digital Typography for Journalism 1 J101 Grammar for Communicators 2 J216 Reporting I 3
learning success center DE9LAB SKD10 SKH20 SKH30 SKH35
0 1 1 3 3
literature/humanities 503-491-7290
Course # Course Name
ENG104 Intro to Literature: Fiction ENG105 Intro to Literature: Drama ENG106 Intro to Literature: Poetry
3 3 3 3 4 3 3 2
— LIMITED ENTRY PROGRAM — Course # Course Name
MFGX11A Machine Tool Applications Lab MFGX11B Machine Tool Applications Lab MFGX11C Machine Tool Applications Lab VT10MFA Special Projects VT10MFB Special Projects VT10MFC Special Projects VT10MFD Special Projects WE280MFA Coop Ed - Machine Tool WE280MFC Coop Ed - Machine Tool WE280MFD Coop Ed - Machine Tool
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 3 4
mathematics 503-491-7292
Tutorial Lab Study Skills Laboratory Computer Access Evaluation Computer Access I Computer Access II
WR242 Creative Writing: Poetry I WR247B The Literary Publication
Course # Course Name
Course # Course Name
3 1 2 3 3 1
4 4 3
4 4 4
MTH010 MTH020 MTH060 MTH065 MTH095 MTH105 MTH111 MTH112 MTH211 MTH243 MTH244 MTH251 MTH252
Conceptual Arithmetic 4 Applied Arithmetic & Pre-algebra 4 Beginning Algebra I 4 Beginning Algebra II 4 Int Algebra w/RT Triangle Trig 5 Intro - Contemporary Math 4 Pre-Calculus I: Elementary Func 5 Pre-Calculus II: Trig/Geometry 5 Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics I 4 Probability and Statistics I 4 Statistics II 4 Calculus I: Differential Calculus 4 Calculus II: Integral Calculus 4
4 5
MTH253 Calculus III MTH254 Calculus IV: Vector Calculus
Online MTH060 MTH065 MTH111 MTH243 MTH244
Beginning Algebra I Beginning Algebra II Pre-Calculus I: Elementary Func Probability and Statistics I Statistics II
4 4 5 4 4
medical office 503-491-7180
Course # Course Name
ENG104 Intro to Literature: Fiction ENG112 Intro to Literary Genres: Science Fiction FA257 Films and Society FA266 The Great Film Directors HUM202 Age of Technology: Ethics in the Workplace INTL101 Intro to International Studies WS101 Intro to Women's Studies
journalism Course # Course Name
ENG107 World Literature: The Classical World (Seventh Century B.C. to 1200 A.D.) ENG201 Shakespeare: The Early Plays FA258 Understanding the Film HUM202 Age of Technology: Ethics in the Workplace WR198A Writing: Independent Study WR198B Writing: Independent Study WR198C Writing: Independent Study WR241 Creative Writing: Fiction I WR247A The Literary Publication
Powerful Strategies for the Office Team 4 MO114 Medical Terminology I 3 MO116 Medical Office Procedures 4 MO120 Intro to Medical Transcription 3 MO121 Medical Transcription I 3 MO122 Medical Transcription II 3 MO125 Disease Processes 3 MO230 Medical Coding I: ICD-10-CM 3 MO240 Medical Office Billing I 3 VT10MOC Special Projects 3 WE280MOAD Coop Ed - Medical Office Accounting 4 WE280MOBH Coop Ed - Medical Office Billing 8 WE280MOCH Coop Ed - Medical Office Coding 8 WE280MOD Coop Ed - Medical Office 4 WE280MOH Coop Ed - Medical Office 8 WE280MOMD Coop Ed - Medical Office Mgmt 4 WE280MORD Coop Ed - Medical Office Receptionist 4 WE280MOSD Coop Ed - Medical Office Unit Secretary 4 WE280MOTD Coop Ed - Medical Customer Service Rep 4
mental health/human svc. 503-491-7178
— RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in HS classes.
modern language 503-491-7290
ASL101 ASL102 ASL103 ASL201 FR101 GER101 ITAL101 JPN101 JPN111 JPN201 SPAN101 SPAN102 SPAN103
First-year American Sign Language I 4 First-year American Sign Language II 4 First-Year American Sign Lang. III 4 Second-Year American Sign Lang. I 4 First-year French I 5 First-year German I 5 First-year Italian I 5 First-year Japanese I 5 Beg Japanese Conversation I 3 Second-year Japanese I 5 First-year Spanish I 5 First-year Spanish II 5 First-year Spanish III 5
Fall Term Credit Courses
SPAN201 Second-year Spanish I SPAN211 Intermediate Spanish Conversation I
Online 4
SPAN201 Second-year Spanish I
Hybrid 5 5
FR101 First-year French I SPAN101 First-year Spanish I
mUSIC 503-491-7410
Course Name
MUP101 Symphonic Band: First Year MUP105 Jazz Ensemble MUP114 General Ensemble/ Instrumental: First Year MUP115 Chamber Choir: First Year MUP121 Symphonic Choir: First Year MUP146 Orchestra: First Year MUP171 Individual Lessons: Piano MUP172 Individual Lessons: Harpsichord MUP173 Individual Lessons: Organ MUP174 Individual Lessons: Voice MUP175 Individual Lessons: Violin MUP176 Individual Lessons: Viola MUP177 Individual Lessons: Cello MUP178 Individual Lessons: Bass MUP179 Individual Lessons: Harp MUP180 Individual Lessons: Guitar MUP181 Individual Lessons: Flute MUP182 Individual Lessons: Oboe MUP183 Individual Lessons: Clarinet MUP184 Individual Lessons: Saxophone MUP185 Individual Lessons: Bassoon MUP186 Individual Lessons: Trumpet MUP187 Individual Lessons: French Horn MUP188 Individual Lessons: Trombone MUP189 Individual Lessons: Baritone MUP190 Individual Lessons: Tuba MUP191 Individual Lessons: Percussion MUP192 Individual Lessons: Miscellaneous MUP201 Symphonic Band: Second Year MUP205 Jazz Ensemble MUP214 General Ensemble/ Instrumental: Second Year MUP215 Chamber Choir: Second Year MUP221 Symphonic Choir: Second Year MUP246 Orchestra: Second Year MUP271 Individual Lessons: Piano MUP272 Individual Lessons: Harpsichord MUP273 Individual Lessons: Organ MUP274 Individual Lessons: Voice MUP275 Individual Lessons: Violin MUP276 Individual Lessons: Viola MUP277 Individual Lessons: Cello MUP278 Individual Lessons: Bass MUP279 Individual Lessons: Harp
1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Individual Lessons: Guitar 1 Individual Lessons: Flute 1 Individual Lessons: Oboe 1 Individual Lessons: Clarinet 1 Individual Lessons: Saxophone 1 Individual Lessons: Bassoon 1 Individual Lessons: Trumpet 1 Individual Lessons: French Horn 1 Individual Lessons: Trombone 1 Individual Lessons: Baritone 1 Individual Lessons: Tuba 1 Individual Lessons: Percussion 1 Individual Lessons: Miscellaneous 1 Music Fundamentals 3 Music Appreciation/ Music for the Listener 3 MUS111 Music Theory I 3 MUS121 Aural Skills I 1 MUS131 Group Piano I 2 MUS161 Jazz Improvisation 2 MUS198A Independent Studies: Music 1 MUS198B Independent Studies: Music 2 MUS198C Independent Studies: Music 3 MUS211 Music Theory IV 3 MUS221 Aural Skills IV: Modulation 1 MUS231 Keyboard Harmony I 2 MUS262 Music History: Baroque to Romantic 1680-1883 3 MUS280A Coop Ed - Music 1 MUS3P Music Practice Sessions 0 MUP280 MUP281 MUP282 MUP283 MUP284 MUP285 MUP286 MUP287 MUP288 MUP289 MUP290 MUP291 MUP292 MUS101 MUS105
natural resources tech. 503-491-7364
Course Name
F111 F141 F200 F240 FT222 NR140P
Intro to Natural Resources Tree and Shrub Identification Intro to Forest Surveying Natural Resources Ecology Forest Measurements II Intro to Forest Soils: Soils and Plant Interactions NR160 Wildland Fire VT10NRA Special Projects WE280NRA Coop Ed - Natural Resources WE280NRB Coop Ed - Natural Resources WE280NRC Coop Ed - Natural Resources WE280NRD Coop Ed - Natural Resources
3 3 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 2 3 4
Course Name
PHL191 PHL201 PHL202 R210
Language & Layout of Argument Intro to Philosophy Fundamental Ethics World Religions
4 4 4 3
Intro to Philosophy Fundamental Ethics World Religions History of the Old Testament
4 4 3 3
Online PHL201 PHL202 R210 R211
physics/astronomy 503-491-7364
Course Name
GS104 PH121 PH201 PH211
Physical Science - Physics General Astronomy General Physics I General Physics with Calculus I
4 3 5 5
— RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in PTA classes.
Course Name
PS200 PS201 PS209 PS241 PS280D PS298
Intro to Political Science American Government Problems in American Politics Intro to Political Terrorism Coop Ed - Political Science Political Science Research
4 4 4 4 4 1
Intro to Political Science American Government Intro to Environmental Politics
4 4 3
Online PS200 PS201 PS297
practical nursing 503-491-6700
— RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in PN classes.
For class times, locations and instructors visit
physical therapist assistant
nursing — RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in NRS classes.
Course Name
PSY101 PSY201 PSY202 PSY231 PSY237 PSY239
Psychology of Human Relations General Psychology General Psychology Human Sexuality Human Development Intro to Abnormal Psychology
3 4 4 3 4 4
College + Community • Fall 2013
Fall Term Credit Courses
Online PSY101 PSY201 PSY202 PSY232 PSY237 PSY239
Psychology of Human Relations General Psychology General Psychology Sexuality and Society Human Development Intro to Abnormal Psychology
3 4 4 3 4 4
reading Course#
Course Name
EL115C RD090
Academic Success Strategies Effective Reading and Learning Strategies Reading for College Success Critical Reading
— RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in RT classes.
SOCIOLOGy 503-491-7480
Course Name
SOC204 General Sociology: Principles of Sociology 3 SOC205 General Sociology: Social Institutions 3 SOC206 General Sociology: Social Problems 3 SOC213 Race Relations in the United States 3
Online SOC204 General Sociology: Principles of Sociology 3 SOC205 General Sociology: Social Institutions 3 SOC206 General Sociology: Social Problems 3 SOC213 Race Relations in the United States 3 SOC223 Sociology of Aging 3
SP111 SP219
Fundamentals of Public Speaking 4 Small Group Communication 3
SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY — RESTRICTED ENTRY PROGRAM — Students must be accepted into this program to enroll in ST classes. Course Name
Sterile Processing Technician 7 Intro to Perioperative Nursing for the Registered Nurse 4 RNX27L Intro to Perioperative Nursing for the Registered Nurse - Lab 0
Course Name
Environmental Science II: Intro to Environmental Engineering SHS100 Intro to Environmental Health and Safety SHS101 Environmental Health and Safety Regulations I SHS221 Environmental Safety I: Emergency Response Planning SHS225 Human and Environmental Toxicology SHS230 Sustainable Business Practice VT10EVA Special Projects VT10EVD Special Projects WE280EVA Coop Ed - Environmental Science and Safety WE280EVB Coop Ed - Environmental Science and Safety WE280EVC Coop Ed - Environmental Science and Safety WE280EVD Coop Ed - Environmental Science and Safety
THEATRE 503-491-7410
Course Name
SP100 SP111 SP114 SP115 SP218 SP221A SP221B SP221C
Basic Speech Communication 3 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 4 Argument and Critical Discourse 3 Intro: Intercultural Communication 3 Interpersonal Communication 3 Forensics 1 Forensics 2 Forensics 3
SP100 SP111
Basic Speech Communication 3 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 4
Course Name
TA100 TA111
Intro to Acting Technical Theatre: Scenery and Rigging Technical Theatre Workshop, First Year Technical Theatre Workshop, First Year Technical Theatre Workshop, First Year Acting Fundamentals I Theatre Workshop: Children's Workshop - First Year Independent Studies: Theatre
TA114A TA114B TA114C TA141 TA153D TA198A
2 3 1 2 3 3 2 6
Online TA106
Theatre History: Origins to the Renaissance
TA198B Independent Studies: Theatre TA198C Independent Studies: Theatre TA214A Technical Theatre Workshop: Second Year TA214B Technical Theatre Workshop: Second Year TA214C Technical Theatre Workshop: Second Year TA227 Theatrical Makeup TA253D Theatre Workshop: Children's Theatre - Second Year TA280F Coop Ed - Theatre
5 3 3
Interpersonal Communication 3 Intro: Intercultural Communication 3
RD115 RD117
SP218 SP115
4 2 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 2 3 4
3 3 1 2 3 3 2 1
Course Name
1 2 1 2 4
VT10WEA Special Projects VT10WEB Special Projects WLDX19A Welding Practice Lab WLDX19B Welding Practice Lab WLDX19D Welding Practice Lab
writing / composition 503-491-7290
Course Name
Writing Skills: Sentence to Paragraph 4 Writing Skills: Paragraph to Essay 4 Workplace Communications I 3 Intro to College Writing 4 English Composition 4 English Composition: Critical Thinking 4 Practical Grammar for Writers 3 Technical Report Writing 4 Creative Writing: Nonfiction 3
WR090 WR101 WR115 WR121 WR122 WR132 WR227 WR240
Online WR101 WR115 WR121 WR122 WR227
Workplace Communications I Intro to College Writing English Composition English Composition: Critical Thinking Technical Report Writing
3 4 4 4 4
be registered communityandeducation non-credit classes
How to Register................................................ 12
Class Locations and Abbreviations................ 12
Community Education Classes....................... 13 – 18
Community Skills Center................................. 19 – 21
Business and Industry Workforce Training..... 22 – 23
Small Business Development Center............. 24 – 25 Non-credit Online Classes............................... 26
Main MHCC Phone Numbers Admissions, Registration and Records
Financial Aid
Gresham Campus
Maywood Park Campus
The Bruning Center for Allied
Health Education
Register for non-credit classes at
Class Location Key Save a tree Quickly register online
Academic Center Aquatic Center Early Childhood Center G.E. Classroom Fisheries Industrial Technology Physical Education Visual Arts Center
BCAH The Bruning Center for Allied Health Education 1484 N.W. Civic Dr., Gresham 503-491-6700 BRID Bridlewood Horsemanship Center
24/7 registration Buy for friends or family
35649 S.E. Lusted Rd., Boring
Automated confirmations Promotional discounts Links to venue maps Share on social sites Manage your account View course history Bundle and save Online registration is available now If you need assistance with the new online system, please call 503-491-7572. Our friendly staff will be happy to help you!
For assistance call 503-491-7572
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26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham
Campus maps available online at
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MHCC Gresham Campus Buildings
COMMUNITY ED CLASS KEY: Course Description
Cost of Class Course #
Section # Instructor Name The word “STAFF” is used when the specific instructor is not identified.
Class Title
Class Day U M T W R F S
additional fees may apply.
Class Dates Location
Sunday These are the See key to Monday dates the class right on this Tuesday will cover page Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
CAC Cascade Athletic Club - 205 9260 S.E. Stark St., Portland CENT Centennial High School 3505 S.E. 182nd Ave., Gresham CLHS Cascade Locks High School 300 Wa Na Pa St., Cascade Locks CLUB Club Estates East 12260 S.E. Main St., Portland CROS CrossFit PDX 2206-1 N.W. Birdsdale Ave., Gresham DD David Douglas High School 1001 S.E. 135th Ave., Portland DDSO David Douglas South Building 1500 S.E. 130th Ave., Portland ECTC Energy Conservation Training Center 11517 N.E. Marx St., Portland ELKS Elks Lodge #1805 3330 N.E. Division St., Gresham FAIR Fairlawn Community Center 1280 N.E. Kane Rd., Gresham FRVW Fairview Community Center 300 Harrison St., Fairview LUKE St. Luke’s 120 S.W. Towle Ave., Gresham MAY MHCC Maywood Park Campus 10100 N.E. Prescott St., Portland 503-491-6100 ORIM Outer Rim Bike Shop 10625 N.E. Halsey St., Portland PAM Portland Art Museum 1219 S.W. Park Ave., Portland PPI PPI Group Training Center 6015 N.E. 80th Ave., Portland RYHS Reynolds High School 1698 S.W. Cherry Park Rd., Troutdale RYMS Reynolds Middle School Pool 1200 N.E. 201st Ave., Fairview SBDC Small Business Development Center 501 N.E. Hood Ave., Suite 240, Gresham TTD Portland-Troutdale Airport N.W. Perimeter Way, Troutdale ZION Zion Church of Christ 2025 N.E. 23rd Ave., Gresham
Community Education
Senior Discount: Save $10 on any feebased non-credit Community Education class if you are an MHCC district resident age 62 or better! For more information on senior discounts visit:
arts, crafts, special interest
Art Through the Ages ART4PM $29 ($19 Senior) Learn from works of art in the Portland Art Museum galleries, from ancient Greek to modern contemporary. Note: $15 payable to “Portland Art Museum” for pass. Sec. 20 K. Whalen Noon–2 p.m. S
PAM 11/2–11/16
Beginning Knitting HOM4KF $77 ($67 Senior) Learn how to select yarns, use knitting equipment, read patterns and knit a variety of decorative stitches. Advanced knitters given more challenging projects. Supply list provided first class. Fee includes some supplies. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m.
M. Rees T
AC 1767 9/24–11/26
Creative Jewelry Making ART4B $115 ($105 Senior) Learn the fundamentals of simple jewelry construction (no string beading). More advanced students may learn casting and light setting. Sec. 91 G. Buyukas DDSO 221 6:30–9 p.m. T 9/24–11/26
Beginning Jewelry Making ART4BJ $64 ($54 Senior) Learn all the basics of jewelry making from terminology to tools and techniques. Also, learn basic wire work, make findings and wrap bead ends. Supply list provided first class. Sec. 31 6–9 p.m.
P. Dugas-Tait R
MAY 143 10/24–11/7
Mosaic Art Workshop I ART4MW $64 ($54 Senior) Learn direct-application mosaics using broken tile, dishes or glass shards. Lecture, guidelines and supply list are given at first class. Second class is an all-day, hands-on workshop. Final class, students grout their creations. Sec. 91 P. Dugas-Tait 6:30–9 p.m. R 11 a.m.–5 p.m. U 7–9 p.m. R
VA 13 11/21 VA 13 12/1 VA 13 12/5
Experimental Mixed Media: Texture, Layer and Color ART4EM $69 ($59 Senior) Want to play more with your artwork, instead of just painting? In this class, you will explore texture and layering techniques for mixed media works on a variety of surfaces, such as paper, canvas, wood and fabric. You will be introduced to both fundamental and experimental painting techniques and encouraged to focus on texture, layering and color blending. It will give you the experience for controlling the background of your paintings while enhancing skills in your approaches to abstract painting. Students will need to purchase approximately $20 in supplies. Sec. 91 M. Takahashi 6:30–9 p.m. M
VA 13 9/23–10/28
Experiments in Drawing ART4ED $89 ($79 Senior) Join the fun in this technique-based experimental drawing class! Discover how to use new materials and techniques in the pursuit of making more interesting and expressive drawings. Approximately $45 in supplies will need to be purchased. No class 11/27. Sec. 94 5–8 p.m.
P. Driscoll W
VA 15 9/25–12/4
Working with Wool: From Raw Fleece to Finished Felt and Yarn
ART4CC $84 ($74 Senior) Design your own quilt. Determine tools and supplies needed after discussion on pattern selection, color theory, tools and techniques, sandwiching, quilting and binding.
HOM4WY $49 ($39 Senior) Students start with the raw fleece and end with yarn and felt for sewing, knitting or weaving. Learn how to select and store fiber, wash it, then pick, card and comb it. Practice basic felting and yarn spinning, then dye the finished products. Fiber and tools provided, however, students are encouraged to bring or fashion their own.
Sec. 91 N. Tubbs DDSO 236 6–8:30 p.m. T 10/8–11/26
Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.
Beginning Quilting
T. Harrison R
Register today at – classes fill up fast!
VA 13 10/3–11/14
Explorations in Traditional Japanese Painting ART4JP $69 ($59 Senior) In this class, you will be introduced to fundamental skills and knowledge of Japanese painting. Japanese painting uses materials with close analogs in nature in order to engage with the environment. Discover the basic methods of pigment making and learn how to paint on a variety of surfaces. Students will also explore design fundamentals in composition, such as the exploration of figure and ground through the use gold and silver leaf. Sec. 91 M. Takahashi 6:30–9 p.m. T
VA 13 10/29-12/3
Pottery ART4TB $130 ($120 Senior) Hand-build or turn clay on electric wheel. Firing is done by instructor; $25 fee goes to the high school toward equipment use and room rental and does not include clay and supplies. Some experience is helpful. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.
R. Linn DDSO 223 W 9/25–12/4
Jam Session-Perform with Confidence MUS4J $49 ($39 Senior ) Designed for beginning to intermediate aspiring musicians who want a relaxed, fun outlet to raise their performance comfort level. Suggested instruments: guitar, bass, keys, vocal, drums, harmonica and horns. Prerequisite: a working knowledge of simple blues forms or progressions. Bring your own amplifier. Sec. 91 K. Fitzgerald 6:30–8:30 p.m. W
AC 2102 9/25–11/13
Just for Fun Piano MUS2IP $65 ($55 Senior) All you need to know to play your favorite songs now! Learn musical shorthand and "tricks and licks" used by professionals. Optional $25 additional fee payable at time of class for home study book and CD. Sec. 91 D. Rochlin 10 a.m.–1 p.m. S
AC 2138 10/26
Improvisation on the Piano MUS4IP $65 ($55 Senior) Learn the fundamentals of playing by ear and how chord "inversions" add style and professionalism to your playing. Learn to transpose, add color and spice with "extended chords" and much more. Sec. 91 D. Rochlin 2–5 p.m. S
AC 2138 10/26
College + Community • Fall 2013
Community Education
Guitar for Beginners MUS4G $74 ($64 Senior) Learn to play chords, read tablature and sing songs. Learn to tune, strum and play melodies. All levels welcome but beginners are the focus. Start with simple chord structures then move to songs. Bring guitar to class. No class 11/28. Sec. 91 L. Jones 6–7:20 p.m.
AC 2138 9/25–12/4
Beginning Mandolin MUS4M $80 ($70 Senior) Learn to tune, play chords, sing songs and play melodies. Light theory will be taught as well as strumming and picking techniques. Sec. 94 L. Jones 10–11 a.m.
AC 2101 9/28–11/30
Beginning Banjo MUS4BB $80 ($70 Senior) Bring your banjo to class and learn tunings, chords and exercises for picking claw style. No experience necessary but music background a plus. Sec. 91 L. Jones 7:30–9:30 p.m. R
AC 2138 10/17–11/21
Ukulele for Beginners MUS4UK $80 ($70 Senior) Learn to play the ukulele with professional musician Lew Jones. Learn light music theory, ukulele history, techniques, chords and melodies. Bring ukulele to class. No class 11/27. Sec. 91 L. Jones 7:30–9 p.m.
AC 2138 9/25–12/4
Acoustic Guitar Construction
Sec 91 R. Kreisman DDHS SHOP 3–5:25 p.m. W 9/25–12/4 Sec 92 R. Kreisman DDHS SHOP 5:35–8 p.m. W 9/25–12/4
Transparent Watercolor ART4PB $78 ($68 Senior) Put the life in still life through the richness of perception. Emphasis is on vision training, drawing what you see and painting what you feel. Your own style will develop and expand through learning process and technique, including drawing shortcuts and color theory. Sec. 31 P. Hobbs 9 a.m.–noon F Sec. 91 P. Hobbs 9 a.m.–noon S
MAY 304 9/27–11/15 VA 13 9/28–11/16
Watercolor for All ART4BW $78 ($68 Senior) Approach watercolors using a variety of styles and techniques: glazing, masking, washes, textured effects, pouring, dry brushing, tricks and wet on wet. Learn color mixing, composition and color theory. Explore different ways of seeing to become more visually literate. Students work on subjects of their choice in a supportive, relaxed environment. Supply list at class. Beginning and continuing students welcome. Sec. 91
P. Hobbs
6–9 p.m.
VA 13 9/25–11/13
Understanding Photography Composition PHT4UC $49 ($39 Senior) Covers beginning and intermediate composition techniques to improve the impact of your photos. Sec. 91 D. Green 6–10 p.m. T
AC 1582 10/29
Adobe Lightroom Crash Course! PC4AL $99 ($89 Senior) This course introduces photographers of all backgrounds to Adobe Lightroom, a program that organizes, edits and develops photos at a fraction of the price of Photoshop. Come learn the workflow and techniques from a professional photographer and get the most from your camera! Sec. 91 E. Urdahl 9 a.m.–6 p.m. S Sec. 92 E. Urdahl 9 a.m.–6 p.m. S Sec. 93 E. Urdahl 9 a.m.–6 p.m. S
AC 1386 10/12 AC 1386 10/19 AC 1386 10/26
Community Skills Center Membership — Learn Computers & More! PC4CSC $89 ($79 Senior) Enjoy 10 weeks of unlimited access to over 1,400 online training videos and practice files for computer and business skills including MS Office and Adobe software. Includes technical assistance, more. For more information visit or call 503-491-6122. Sec. 31 STAFF
MAY 116 9/23–12/13
Gently Learning the Computer
TRD4AG $125 ($115 Senior) Learn traditional and contemporary guitar making techniques from design to final setup and apply them to your personal guitar. All skill levels are encouraged and welcome. Come build the guitar of your dreams. No class 11/28.
PHT4C $72 ($62 Senior) Learn in clear, non-technical language how to use every function on your EOS digital camera. Canon lenses, flash units discussed.
PC5CB $69 ($59 Senior) Learn beginning techniques for creating, sharing, saving and sending files. Meet the mouse and keyboard. Learn to e-mail, send attachments, work with photos and browse the Internet. Come enjoy this slow-paced, casual atmosphere, with lots of hands-on practice and opportunities to ask questions!
Sec. 91 D. Biasca DDHS SHOP 6–9 p.m. R 9/26-12/5
Sec. 91 D. Green 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S
Sec. 91 C. Kriesman 3:30–5:30 p.m. M
Woodworking TRD4W $121 ($111 Senior) This course is designed for beginning to advanced woodworkers. Learn to safely and successfully create projects from wood. All necessary tools and techniques will be demonstrated, with additional instruction provided as you require it. There are no required projects; however, projects will be recommended for beginners to increase
their woodworking skills and use of tools and equipment. Advanced students will receive additional instruction as needed. No class 11/27.
Take Control of Your Canon EOS Digital Camera
AC 1584 10/19
Take Control of Your Nikon Digital SLR Camera PHT4NC $72 ($62 Senior) Learn in clear, non-technical language how to use your Nikon digital SLR camera's functions as well as lenses and flash units. Sec. 91 D. Green 9 a.m.–5 p.m. S
Register today at – classes fill up fast!
AC 1584 10/26
AC 2554 9/23-12/14
Computer Use for Seniors CS9G $64 ($54 Senior) Fun and easy hands-on basic computer and Internet skills course. Learn how to search for information and send and receive emails and attachments. Create, save and print useful computer projects in Microsoft Word. Sec. 94 J. Aguilar 9:10–11 a.m. F
AC 2554 9/27–11/22
Community Education
Facebook Security
CrossFit Training
Zumba Gold
PC4FS $29 ($19 Senior) Learn how to set Facebook security features to protect privacy; prevent fraudulent activity, spamming and account stealing; and assure application safety—a must for all Facebook users and parents of Facebook users.
REC5CF $ 180 ($170 Senior) CrossFit increases one's ability to move well, have power and play harder in everyday life through constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movements. No class 11/28.
REC5ZMG $89 ($79 Senior) Zumba Gold is a lower intensity version of Zumba, a Latin-inspired dance fitness program that blends international music and infectious steps to form dance. Perfect for seniors and those with lower fitness levels or physical limitations. Easy to follow at any size or age. No class 11/11 and 11/28.
Sec. 31 D. Huey 6–8:30 p.m.
MAY 303 10/1
Building a Website with WordPress PC5WP $79 ($69 Senior) If you have mastered computer basics, you can build a WordPress website with shopping cart. Contact instructor in advance to set up a free WordPress test site for class: http:// Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.
S. See M S. See T
AC 2554 10/14 & 10/21 AC 2600 10/29
iPad Basics Workshop PC4EIC $30 ($20 Senior) Learn Apple's iPad touch interface, email, photos, websurfing and other topics. Bring your iPad and let's play! Sec 31 B. McDaniel 6–7:30 p.m. M/W
MAY 219 11/4–11/18
Fun with Photoshop: Beginning Level PC5PH $74 ($64 Senior) Learn to work with digital photographs and scanned prints. Fix common photographic problems, restore old photographs and create original artwork using Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. No class 11/28. Sec. 94 D. Huey 7:10–9 p.m.
AC 1658 9/26–12/5
health, fitness & recreation
Bodyfit REC5BF $79 ($69 Senior) Designed for older adults who have been away from regular exercise or never exercised. The entire class can be done seated in a chair, with options involving standing if you choose. All moves can be modified to lower or higher intensity. Use of light hand weights, resistance bands and cardio intervals are also an option. Class will focus on exercises for balance, stretching and strengthening hip flexor, quad and hamstring muscles. Sec. 91 P. Latshaw 5–5:50 p.m. M/W
FRVW 9/23–12/11
Sec 91 D. Berry 9–10 a.m. T/R Sec. 92 D. Berry 2–3 p.m. T/R
CROS 9/24–12/12 CROS 9/24–12/12
Beginning Ballroom Dance
Sec. 91 P. Latshaw 4–4:50 p.m. M/W
FRVW 9/23–12/4
Adult Ballet
REC3BD $59 ($49 Senior) Provides the basic skills so you can take your spot on the dance floor. Covers the two foundational components: East Coast swing and waltz. Enrolled partner required.
REC4AB $88 ($78 Senior) Explore the beauty and joy of learning ballet technique and stretch techniques to classical music. All levels welcome. No class 11/30.
Sec. 91 Shioshi/Schalk 6:40–7:40 p.m. M
Sec 91 L. Morgan 8:30–10:30 a.m. S
PE 114 9/30–12/9
PE 114 9/28–12/7
Tap Dance
Silver and Fit Level II
REC3TP $64 ($54 Senior) A rhythmic, fun way to exercise. Students will learn basic tap vocabulary and style culminating in a choreographed dance.
REC4AA $99 ($89 Senior) Designed for moderately active older adults who exercise one or two days per week. Increase flexibility, joint stability, dynamic balance, coordination, reaction time, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Sec. 94 K. Miller 8–8:50 p.m. M
FRVW 9/23–12/9
Beginning Cha Cha and Night Club 2 Step REC4CC $59 ($49 Senior) Both Cha Cha and Night Club 2 Step cover the basic dance skills and are easy to learn. Come join the fun! Enrolled partner required. No class 11/11. Sec. 91 Shioshi/Schalk 7:45–8:45 p.m. M
PE 114 9/30–12/9
Intermediate Ballroom Dance REC4BD $59 ($49 Senior) Add fun and confidence to ballroom dance. Review basic steps and rhythms of waltz and East Coast swing. Learn new steps, add styling and musicality. Prerequisite: Beginning ballroom dance or basic waltz and East Coast swing. Sec. 94 Shioshi/Schalk 6:30–7:30 p.m. R
FRVW 10/3–12/12
Belly Dance Fitness REC4WB $64 ($54 Senior) Experience the beauty and mystery of this ancient women's dance. Body isolations, stretching, movement combinations and veil work will be included. No class 11/11. Sec. 94 K. Miller 7–7:50 p.m. M
Sec. 91 S. Dobson 1–1:45 p.m. M/W
CAC 205 9/23–12/4
Group Power REC4GP $99 ($89 Senior) Strengthens all your major muscles in an inspiring, motivating group environment with simple, athletic movements such as squats, lunges, presses and curls. Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels. Sec. 91 S. Dobson 5:30–6:20 a.m. T/R Sec. 92 S. Dobson 5:30–6:20 p.m. R 6:30–7:20 p.m. T
CAC 205 9/24–12/3 CAC 205 9/26–12/5 CAC 205 9/24–12/3
Group Ride REC4GR $79-$99 ($69-$89 Senior) Spin your way to burning calories and strengthening your lower body. This class is geared for anyone who can ride a bike. Sec. 91 S. Dobson $79 CAC 205 5:30–6:30 a.m. W 9/25–12/4 Sec. 92 S. Dobson $99 CAC 205 5:30–6:30 p.m. M/W 9/23–12/4
FRVW 9/23–12/9
College + Community • Fall 2013
Community Education
Group Kick
Reiki Level 1
Okinawan Karate and Self Defense
REC4MM $99 ($89 Senior) This electric 60-minute fusion class of martial arts and boxing movements will kick your cardio fitness to the next level while defining and shaping your body and self-confidence. No class 11/28.
HE3RK $120 ($110 Senior) Learn how to give Reiki treatments for yourself and others. Reiki is a method of stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Reiki is a re-connection with the energy from a divine source. Learn how to become a conduit for this energy. Participants will practice giving sessions to themselves and others in the class.
REC6MA $62 ($52 Senior) Original Okinawan Karate includes strikes, kicks, throws and grappling techniques. All levels welcome. Learn through kata (forms), kumite (sparring) and practice. Self defense and safe practices taught in a blend of traditional karate and modern sport style training. No class 11/30.
Sec. 94 S. Dobson 5:30–6:20 p.m. T Sec. 95 6:30–7:20 p.m. R
CAC 205 9/24–12/3 CAC 205 9/26–12/5
Keep Moving — Seniors REC5KM $65 ($55 Senior) Improve your flexibility, range of motion and balance. Bring 1- or 2-pound weights for strength training and stretching. No floor exercise. Sec. 91 D. Glasnapp ZION 7:55–8:45 a.m. M/W/F 9/23–12/6 Sec. 92 D. Glasnapp CLUB 9:30–10:30 a.m. M/W/F 9/23–12/6 Sec. 93 D. Glasnapp ZION 10–11 a.m. T/R ($47–$37 Senior) 9/24–12/5
AC 2707 10/19
Sec. 91 S. Dobson Noon–12:45 p.m. M/W
CAC 205 9/23–12/4
Yoga for Health REC5Y $89 ($79 Senior) Learn proper body alignment and breath awareness. Release tension and tone and strengthen muscles, bones and organs. Improve concentration, calm the mind and emotions. Wear loose clothing; bring a mat, blanket and pillow. Entry level, ages 18 and up. Sec. 91 M. Corgiat ZION 9:05–10:35 a.m. M/W 9/23–12/11 Sec. 92 M. Corgiat ZION 8–9:30 a.m. T/R 9/24–12/12 Sec. 93 M. Corgiat FAIR 6–7:30 p.m. T/R 9/24–12/12
PE 114 9/28–12/7
Professional Cake Decorating
Sec. 91 J. Hashizume 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. U
AC 2707 10/20
REC7TC $43 ($33 Senior) This class uses the entire Classical Yang Style long form of Tai Chi Chuan with attention to posture, breath and mindfulness. The Plum Flower Chinese broadsword set will also be practiced. Swords available for use in class.
REC4CY $99 ($89 Senior) Get the benefits of yoga in this chair-assisted class. Stretch and revitalize your whole body while challenging balance and developing core stabilization.
HE4RK $120 ($110 Senior) This class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. You will learn the Reiki Level 2 symbols and how to use them to help heal unwanted habits and facilitate distant healings. Practice time includes giving and receiving a Reiki treatment.
REC5WM $89 ($79 Senior) Enjoy the moonlit ambiance of an indoor pool as you work out the day's frustrations. Learn new and innovative water aerobic exercises in the shallow end of the swimming pool. No class 11/28.
Chair Yoga
K. Davis
Advanced Tai Chi Chuan & Broadsword
RYMS POOL 9/24–12/5
Section 91 5–7 p.m.
Reiki Level 2
Water Aerobics by Moonlight
Sec. 91 M. Furness 8:30–9:30 p.m. T/R
Sec 91 J. Hashizume 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. S
Sec. 91 B. Newman 7:10–8:10 p.m. M
FAIR 9/23–12/2
Beginning Tai Chi Chuan & Qigong REC5TC $43 ($33 Senior) Internal form of Kung Fu reduces effects of stress; develops leg power, hip, shoulder and spine flexibility; increases stamina; and improves balance and posture. Includes the Qigong Eight Pieces of Brocade and the first section of the Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan form. No class 11/11. Sec. 31 2–3 p.m. Sec. 91 6–7 p.m.
B. Newman M B. Newman M
MAY 311 9/23–12/2 FAIR 9/23–12/2
Fire Dragon Qigong REC5QC $40 ($30 Senior) Qigong (or "energy work") revitalizes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Through the use of visualization, breath and gentle movement, develop a natural state of heath and well-being by returning the body to a state of free-flowing Qi (or "vital energy"). Sec 94 J. Brown 6:40–7:40 p.m. R
Register today at – classes fill up fast!
FRVW 10/3–12/12
HEC4CD $99 ($89 Senior) Prepare for a career or learn to cake decorate like a "pro" for friends and family. Master decorating techniques and achieve current industry standards for production. Recognition of Completion certificate awarded upon completion. For all levels, no experience necessary. Additional supplies needed, supply list provided first day of class. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.
C. Sanders T
CENT 177 9/24–11/12
Intro to Herbs for Health HE4HS $49 ($39 Senior) Explore the history of herbs for health and how they may be used to support the immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Learn to make formulas, tinctures, salves and other herbal remedies. Sec. 91 1–4 p.m.
M. Turner S
AC 1775 10/5–10/26
Land Navigation with Map & Compass REC5LN $79 ($69 Senior) Learn land navigation and orienteering. Includes understanding map symbols, traveling by compass or map, finding bearings, sketching maps, traveling in the wilderness and using GPS. $12 textbook purchase and compass required. Sec 91 M. Allen 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m. S
AC 1767 9/28–11/16
Abuse Prevention Training HE3AP Free Learn how to teach children that they have a right to feel safe, to understand what it means to be safe and to know what to do when they are feeling unsafe. Teachers and parents will walk away with skills and confidence to start conversations with the children in their lives. Sec. 94 6–9 p.m.
R. Seemann F
AC 2057 10/18
Community Education
Modern Retirement Planning FIN5RP $49 ($39 Senior) Planning your retirement can be confusing. This course help you set goals, address inflation, avoid mistakes, assess investments, manage risks, lower taxes and plan your estate. You will learn the pros and cons of many popular strategies in an unbiased, educational environment. Textbook included in registration fee. Sec. 91 C. Brewster 6:30–9:30 p.m. T Sec. 92 C. Brewster 9 a.m.–noon S
AC 1571 10/15–10/22 AC 1571 10/19–10/26
Financial Strategies FIN5M $49 Provides essential strategies and information to people who are very close to retirement, as well as those who are as many as fifteen years from retirement. Inflation, investments, taxes and more are taught in the context of retirement planning. A $49 fee per family of two will be paid to the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. To register, call Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce at 503-6651131. Sec. 91 W. VonBorstel AC1775 6:15–9:45 p.m. T 10/1–10/15 Sec. 92 W. VonBorstel AC1775 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m. S 10/12–10/26
Social Security Strategies FIN3SS $49 A detailed overview of your Social Security and retirement planning alternatives taught in an easy-to-understand format in an informal classroom setting. A $49 fee per family of two will be paid to the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. To register, call Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce at 503-6651131. Sec. 91 W. VonBorstel 6:15–8:45 p.m. T Sec. 92 W. VonBorstel 6:15–8:45 p.m. W
AC1309 9/24 AC1005 10/2
Welcome to Medicare! HE4MC Free Understand Medicare basics and make informed choices. Taught by trained volunteers in cooperation with Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services. Sec. 91 B. Earnest 7–9:15 p.m. R Sec. 92 B. Earnest 10 a.m.–12:15 p.m. S
AC 1001 9/26 AC 1001 10/19
Sec. 93 B. Earnest 7–9:15 p.m. R Sec. 94 B. Earnest 7–9:15 p.m. R
AC 1001 11/21 AC 1001 12/12
Baby Signs
to help the highly sensitive person survive and thrive both at work and at home, when the world feels overwhelming. Sec. 91 L. Binns 6:30–8:30 p.m.
AC 1553 10/24
Go from Stuck to Unstoppable
HOM4BS $30 ($20 Senior) This workshop is for parents/caregivers of babies age 6-24 months. Learn everything you need to know to get started using sign language with your pre-verbal baby. This is an adults-only workshop, but non-mobile babies are welcome.
HOM4SU $29 ($19 Senior) Wherever you are feeling stuck and would like to see change—whether it’s in your financial situation, relationships, health, business or career—it is possible for things to change—and more easily than you think.
Sec. 94 A. Bazley 6–7:30 p.m. W
Sec. 91 L. Binns 6:30–8:30 p.m.
AC 1519 10/9
AC 1583 10/10
Sign, Say and Play with Baby
Discovering Your Civil War Ancestor
HOM4SP $72 ($62 Senior) Learn to communicate with your pre-verbal baby! Parents/caregivers and babies 6-24 months are welcome. Learn to use sign language with your baby. Read books, sing songs and play games that promote language and cognitive development.
HOM4CW $89 ($79 Senior) If your family was in the U.S. in the 1860s, chances are at least one of your relatives served in either the Union or Confederate armies during the U.S. Civil War. Using the Internet, your family records and important primary sources, learn the details of your ancestor's Civil War service.
Sec. 94 A. Bazley 10–11 a.m. W
AC 1775 10/16–11/20
Concealed Handgun Permit Class GUN4CH $49 ($39 Senior) Satisfies requirements to obtain a Concealed Carry License (CHL), valid in Oregon and 16 other states. Covers safety and responsibility of firearm ownership, how to obtain a CHL, where the permit is valid, how to interact with law enforcement and use of deadly force as described in Oregon Revised Statues (ORS). Students who complete class receive an Oregon Concealed Carry Training Certificate. Sec. 94 6–9 p.m.
S. Curtain M
AC 2775 10/21
Clearing Clutter: It’s Not About the Stuff HOM4MC $29 ($19 Senior) Are there stacks of magazines, books and mail taking up space? Are your closets a mess? Are there parts of your house that you're too embarrassed to show people? Learn how just a few small, easy changes can have a big impact on your life. Sec. 91 L. Binns 6:30–8:30 p.m.
AC 1583 10/17
Help for Highly Sensitive People HOM4HS $29 ($19 Senior) Have you been told you are too shy or too sensitive? Do you crave time alone? Are you easily overwhelmed by noise, confusion or crowds? If so, you might be highly sensitive. This workshop provides practical information
Sec. 94 K. Eakman 9 a.m.–4 p.m. S
AC 2554 10/19
Genealogy 101: Getting Started HOM4GA $89 ($79 Senior) One-day class teaches the foundational steps for creating a family tree and researching your genealogy. Students must be computer and Internet literate. Sec. 91 K. Eakman 9 a.m.–4 p.m. S Sec. 92 K. Eakman 9 a.m.–4 p.m. S
AC 2554 10/12 AC 2554 11/2
Pruning Like a Pro HRT4P $69 ($59 Senior) Learn effects of pruning, winter/summer reasons to prune, tools used in pruning, care of tools, wound dressings, how to make cuts, timing and techniques for pruning. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 6 CEH credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt 6:30–8:30 p.m. M/T/R
FISH 1 10/7–10/10
Sustainable Water Strategies HRT4SW $29 ($19 Senior) Understand the importance of applying water as a finite resource. Learn plant needs, find soil resources and use common sense in watering. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 2 CEH credits. Sec. 94 S. Schmidt 6:30–8:30 p.m. M
FISH 1 10/21
College + Community • Fall 2013
Community Education
Sustainable Landscaping Techniques HRT4SL $69 ($59 Senior) Learn basic landscape types, soil improvement and storm water mitigation. Covers watering techniques, plant information, planting problems, proper tree staking, weed control and organic growing. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 6 CEH credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt 6:30–8:30 p.m. T/W/R
FISH 1 9/24–9/26
Sustainable Living 101 HRT4SV $129 ($119 Senior) Ready to take steps to increase self-sufficiency and reduce your environmental impact? This two-week crash course prepares you to start incorporating sustainability into your daily life. Topics include sustainable gardening, renewable energy, buying local, wildlife habitat, alternative transportation, resources for continued assistance, ways to get involved and more! Tuesday and Thursday class times will be at MHCC, Saturday sessions offsite for tours and demos. Sec. 91 Koper/Stamberger AC 1553 6:30–8:30 p.m. T/R 9/24–10/3 10 a.m. –3 p.m. S 9/28 & 10/5
Driver’s Education ODOT Certified DRVDE
Offered through Reynolds High School for teens and young adults with a valid driving permit. Students receive 33 hours of classroom instruction plus six hours behind-the-wheel and six hours of active observation. Students who will be 18 or older before course ends, or who already have a license or obtain it prior to course completion pay an additional $210 at registration. Students attend one 3-hour class each week and may choose, each week, to attend either a 3:30–6:30 p.m. Monday session or a 9 a.m.–noon Saturday session. In-car drive times will be scheduled during the first class. To register or for more information, go to Reynolds High School main office at 257th and Cherry Park Road. Information also available at 503-407-8974.
Close Reading for a More Fulfilling Experience
LAN4WM $59 ($49 Senior) Using selections from the Oprah Book Club, learn close-read techniques and how words convey information and insight to transmit truth and beauty, and to form and transform world vision. No class 11/28. Sec. 94 4–6 p.m.
R. Heacock R
AC 1582 10/3–12/12
19th Century Romantic Poetry: Shelley with Byron & Keats LAN4SP $69 ($59 Senior) A fun way to study literature without worrying about a grade. Class will primarily focus on the poet Shelley and his connections to Byron and Keats. Reading will include Shelley's major poems and his philosophy on love and life. Students can read and discuss the material in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. No class 11/11. Sec. 91 L. Jones 2:10–4 p.m.
AC 1575 9/23-12/2
Memoir Writing –Tell Your Own True Story LAN4TS $62 ($52 Senior) For novice or experienced writers, this hands-on class investigates the craft of truthful storytelling through an exploration of the elements of fiction: plot, setting, theme, dialog and character — all in the context of telling a true story. Through exercises and discussion you will learn to craft personal narratives by making the mundane interesting and turning real people into interesting characters. No class 11/28. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m.
R. Heacock R
AC 1582 10/3–12/12
Writing Your Memoirs LAN4MM $47 ($37 Senior) Create a record of your life and experiences expressed with your personal style. Instructor helps you weave the fabric of your life into a story for future generations to read and cherish. Includes short lectures and writing exercises. No class 11/28. Sec. 91 1–3 p.m.
R. Mahoney R
FAIR 9/26–12/5
Professional Novel & Memoir Writing LAN4NM $73 ($63 Senior) Develop and complete your book-length project through professional critiques and peer review in this comfortable, friendly atmosphere. No class 11/27. Sec. 31 C. Hiday 6–8:30 p.m. W
MAY 310 9/25–12/4
Conversational Japanese LAN5J $69 ($59 Senior) Guided by a native Japanese instructor, you'll learn useful conversational phrases and vocabulary while gaining cultural knowledge. Sec. 94 T. Akiyama-Becker AC 1266 6:30–8:30 p.m. W 9/25–12/4
Register today at – classes fill up fast!
Basic Russian through Russian Folk Songs LAN5RU $89 ($79 Senior) Learn to sing or listen to Russian folk songs while learning Russian language basics, Russian life, history and traditions. Sec. 91 N. Hougen 6–8:30 p.m. M
AC 1506 9/23–12/9
Learn Spanish Gently LAN5S $87 ($77 Senior) This is a conversational course designed to aid you in your career, travels and intercultural communication. Sec. 93 I. Almada DDHS 202 6–8:30 p.m. T/R 9/24–11/26 Sec. 91 D. Arguello AC 2756 6–8:30 p.m. W 10/2–12/11
Adult Beginning Acting THE4IA $89 ($79 Senior) With an emphasis on doing, this class introduces professional ideals while giving all actors a chance to learn and develop in a challenging and nurturing environment. Students will perform in class regularly. No experience necessary. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m.
V. Lawrence T
TBA 10/1–19
Acting with a Focus on Comedy: How to be Funny THE4CA $129 ($119 Senior) Come discover your individual talent to make words funny. Plan to work on comedic scenes and monologues from classic or contemporary theatre and film. You will develop a character, memorize lines and perform in a comfortable environment. Sec. 91 M. Brouse Peoples TBA 6:30–8 p.m. T/W 9/24-11/13
History of Oregon HIS4HO $45 ($35 Senior) Explore Oregon's rich history from pre-territory through statehood into the 21st century. Learn about the key events and individuals in each period including Lewis and Clark's expedition, the Oregon Trail, statehood and the history of Portland. You will leave with a better understanding of Oregon's past and how it shaped the present. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m.
R. Montgomery AC 1520 W 10/2–10/30
community skills center The Community Skills Center at the Maywood Park Campus (102nd & N.E. Prescott) offers self-paced computer and office skills classes designed to upgrade your job skills. • Register and begin classes at any time. • Set your own schedule to meet requirements. • Take up to 10 weeks after you register to complete a course. • Work at your own pace. • Instructors are available to help guide you through your course.
TO GET STARTED: 1. Register anytime at 503-491-6100. 2. Purchase textbook and supplies in the business office at MHCC's Maywood Park Campus. 3. Pick up course materials at the Community Skills Center and start class. For information call 503-491-6122.
Testing Services: CPT*, Tues. noon–8 p.m. (walk-ins). Test proctoring for MHCC online courses during open lab hours.
* College Placement Test
COMMUNITY SKILLS CENTER FALL TERM HOURS: Closed Nov. 11, 27, 28 and 29. Last day of fall term is Dec. 13. Monday, Wednesday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Beginning Computer for ESL GEN6BE
$90 ($80 Senior)
A fun way to learn the basics of computers for students with limited knowledge of English. Using a visual approach, it takes students with intermediate English reading skills through the basics of using a computer to perform elementary tasks. Learn about Windows, simple documents, the Internet and email. Prerequisite: Low-intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) reading proficiency.
Beginning Computers for Seniors GEN6BN
$45 ($35 Senior)
Discover the excitement of learning new skills. Computers are an integral part of everyday life and keeping in touch with friends and family. This self-guided course teaches the student about Windows, word processing, email and Internet. Find out how to use them to your advantage. Instructional help is available in the lab.
Introduction to the Internet and Emailing GEN6CIA
$90 ($80 Senior)
Discover how the Internet can change your life! Learn the skills to locate websites, shop safely online and search the Web for specific information. The choices are unlimited! You will also learn the skills for Web-based email to communicate with friends and family. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.
Proofreading at the Computer GEN6DF
$75 ($65 Senior)
Improve the quality of your written communications. In today's workplace it's important to produce documents that are error free. Brush
up on your knowledge of grammar and learn how to get the most out of your word processor's writing tools. This class teaches simple methods of proofreading used by professional proofreaders that you can apply to any document. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills.
Protect, Clean and Speed Up Your PC GEN6MS
$45 ($35 Senior)
This class is a non-technical, easy, fun way to learn how to protect and maintain your home computer. Information is provided so you understand security risks you may encounter and the actions needed to overcome them. Keep your PC running smoothly with regular tune-ups to ensure it lives longer, performs better and avoids debilitating crashes.
Keyboarding Basics GEN6OB
$90 ($80 Senior)
Designed for individuals who have little or no training in typing or keyboarding. This course introduces students to techniques that will allow them to memorize the order of the keys and practice typing for speed and accuracy. The focus of this class is on typing without looking at the computer keyboard or backtracking to fix mistakes.
Keyboarding Skillbuilding GEN6OC
$90 ($80 Senior)
Intended for students who need to refine and further develop speed and accuracy skills. Learn the symbols and numeric keys. Increase your productivity while enhancing your marketability. Prerequisite: Basic keyboarding skills.
Saturday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Sunday Noon – 4 p.m.
10-Keypad on the Computer GEN6OE
$90 ($80 Senior)
Designed to teach the computer numeric keypad by touch with speed and accuracy using industry standards. This skill is especially helpful to people in the fields of data entry, accounting, office administration, insurance, banking, finance and any other work that requires numeric input.
Fundamentals of Photoshop GEN6PH
$120 ($110 Senior)
Photoshop is an incredibly popular software tool used to enhance photos. Explore digital imaging techniques through this hands-on, project-oriented course. You'll have no trouble following this step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach as you learn how to edit photos, use selection tools, create and manipulate layers, apply filtering techniques, prepare your images for printing and much more.
Digital Photo Editing for Seniors GEN6SDP
$45 ($35 Senior)
Digital cameras are among the hottest consumer items on the market! This class will help you learn the many features of digital photo editing. It includes instructions on using scanners, printers and photo CDs. Subjects such as scanning old photos and slides and repairing damaged photos are covered in detail. Textbook comes bundled with a CD-ROM containing the full version of the digital photo editing program ArcSoft PhotoStudio.
Google for Seniors GEN6SGO
$45 ($35 Senior)
In addition to its popular search engine, Google has produced many useful applica-
College + Community • Fall 2013
Community Skills Center
tions. These applications are free to download and install. With Google Earth you can check your vacation destination in advance from a bird's-eye view. With Google Maps you can plan your route. Additional applications include Chat and Google Talk. Learn how to publish an online journal with Blogger and create a simple website with Google Sites. Google for Seniors is a fun class that guides you through some of Google's most popular features!
Interesting Online Applications for Seniors GEN6SIA
$45 ($35 Senior)
The Web is a great place to find free online tools and applications that allow better communication with friends and family and gives you the opportunity to enjoy other activities. View almost every spot on the globe with Google Earth. Create your own blog or journal with Blogger. Discover how to use eBay to buy and sell just about anything. Create your own personal Web page in Facebook. Invite all your friends to view your vacation pictures in an online photo album created with MyPhotoAlbum. This exciting class introduces you to 13 of the most popular online applications.
Internet & Email for Seniors GEN6SIE
$45 ($35 Senior)
Have fun learning how to navigate through the Internet. Use Windows Live to create and send emails, add attachments and manage your email folders. Discover the variety of websites and search the Web for specific information. You will also find out how to protect your computer from spyware and viruses. This class is for anyone who feels lost on the Internet. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.
MS Office for Seniors GEN6SMO
$45 ($35 Senior)
Do you want to learn how MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) can enhance your everyday life? Then, this is the class for you. Write a letter, make a budget, create a digital photo album and much more. Register for this self-paced class and find out how MS Office can help you. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.
More Windows 7 for Seniors GEN6SMW
$45 ($35 Senior)
Expand on Windows 7 for Seniors and discover some of the most useful, practical and fun components of Windows 7. Learn about computer security, creating user accounts, burning CDs and DVDs and setting parental controls. Important issues will be dealt with so you can work safely and efficiently. Find fun ways to organize your photo collection and view photos with Windows Photo Viewer, along with using Windows Media Player to play music and movies. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.
Picasa for Seniors $45 ($35 Senior)
Present and organize photo collections using Picasa, a free and easy-to-use photo management program. Apply several useful editing options such as removing red eye, improving color quality and cropping photos. Print your pictures or create a slide show. Learn to safeguard pictures by burning them to a CD or DVD. Create Web albums or publish photos to a blog.
Photo and Video Editing for Seniors GEN6SPV
$45 ($35 Senior)
In Windows 7, create beautiful pictures through editing in the user-friendly Windows Live Photo Gallery program. Share your photos in an online photo album or slide show. With Windows Live Movie Maker, create professional-looking movies with your videos and photos from vacations or any event. Add special effects, transitions, sound and captions to your movie. To share a video you’ll learn how to prepare and send it by email, burn it to a DVD or upload it to YouTube. This class will discuss how to import your videos and photos from a digital video camera, photo camera, mobile phone or other external storage device.
Windows Live Essentials for Seniors GEN6SWL
$45 ($35 Senior)
Do you take pictures and want to share them with friends? With just a few mouse clicks you can convert your own Windows Live Web space into a beautiful photo album. From any place in the world you can use the Internet to access your blog, email messages, calendar and address book, all created with Windows Essentials Live programs. Edit video files and change them into online movies or conduct a video conversation and have a live chat with your friends. Take this fun class to learn step-bystep how to use all of these program elements and many more.
Windows 7 GEN6WN
$90 ($80 Senior)
This class is perfect for first time computer users. Learn the latest Microsoft operating system, Windows 7, in a friendly atmosphere. This self-guided course focuses on Windows 7 fundamentals with an emphasis on the file management skills you need to master today's computers.
Publisher - Level I GEN6YBC*
$90 ($80 Senior)
Publisher is one of Microsoft Office Suite's hidden gems. Learn how to create publications from scratch or use one of the hundreds of business and personal designs in Publisher. Highlights of this course include creating and
editing a publication, designing a newsletter, customizing a tri-fold brochure and creating an email letter. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.
Publisher - Level II GEN6YBD*
$90 ($80 Senior)
Designed for the student with some Publisher experience who is interested in using Publisher as a complete application for small business. Prerequisite: Publisher - Level I or consent of instructor.
Microsoft Office Essentials GEN6YOA*
$120 ($110 Senior)
A great place to start! This introduces students to Microsoft Office Suite, the most commonly used software in the business world today. The emphasis is on learning basics of Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Students will also gain knowledge of the Windows user interface and file management skills.
Microsoft Office Essentials with Keyboarding GEN6YOB*
$180 ($170 Senior)
This introduces students to Microsoft Office Suite, the most commonly used software in the business world today, while learning to type. The emphasis is on learning the basics of Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Students will also gain knowledge of the Windows user interface and file management skills. Learn to type by touch and build speed and accuracy with this self-guided keyboarding program. Increases your confidence in operating computers!
Microsoft Office Essentials Level II GEN6YOC*
$165 ($155 Senior)
Expand your knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite by performing more advanced assignments in Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Topics include formatting Word documents, working with charts and formulas in Excel, querying and maintaining an Access database and designing a PowerPoint presentation. Discover how each program can be used to produce quality business documents you can be proud of. Prerequisite: Introductory knowledge of Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.
Access Level I GEN6ZAA*
$90 ($80 Senior)
Discover the benefits of using a database by focusing on the basics of Access in this self-guided course. Learn to create and enter data, extract the data (queries), build efficient front-ends for that data (forms) and publish the results in an easy-to-read format (reports). Prerequisite: Familiarity with Windows environment.
Community Skills Center
Access Level II GEN6ZAB*
$90 ($80 Senior)
Master intermediate Access tools and techniques required to create a user-friendly database in this self-guided course. Present your data in attractive reports and forms. Create macros that make a database intuitive enough for a computer novice to use. Prerequisite: Access Level I or consent of instructor.
PowerPoint Level II GEN6ZPB*
$90 ($80 Senior)
Produce presentations enhanced with visual and audio elements that will be remembered by your target audience. PowerPoint 2007 gives you the flexibility to create, revise and reuse a presentation to fit your needs. Learn to make an animated self-running presentation. Prerequisite: Beginning knowledge of PowerPoint 2007, PowerPoint - Level I or consent of instructor.
Excel Level I GEN6ZEA*
$90 ($80 Senior)
Explore, experiment and take advantage of the features of Excel. Learn how to build a basic spreadsheet, create an embedded chart and use formulas, functions and formatting. Use your new skills to complete calculations, make decisions, graph data and develop professional-looking reports! Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.
Excel Level II GEN6ZEB*
Outlook Level I
PowerPoint Level I GEN6ZPA*
Word is a full-feature word processing program that allows you to create professional-looking documents and revise them with ease. Explore ways to create fliers, letters, memos, resumes and more. Utilize Word editing tools to improve your work. Discover formatting techniques to visually enhance your documents by adding borders, pictures and images. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.
$90 ($80 Senior)
Extend your basic skills and knowledge of Word and create more intricate and varied documents. Existing skills and knowledge are enhanced by covering more advanced aspects of key topics such as formatting, tables and lists. New features are introduced such as merging, envelopes, mailing labels, multiple columns, text boxes and WordArt. Produce professionallooking documents that reflect the quality of your work. Prerequisite: Word - Level I or consent of instructor.
Word Level III $105 ($95 Senior)
Our advanced course teaches the most challenging features and functionality of Word including integrating Word with other programs, collaborating on documents, managing document versions, adding reference marks and notes and using XML in Word. This is an ideal course for experienced users who want to fully utilize Word. Prerequisite: Intermediate knowledge of Word.
$90 ($80 Senior)
Unlock your creativity with PowerPoint. Create professional-looking slide shows using well designed layouts. Modify these layouts to create custom slides to fit your specific needs and enhance your information. Add illustrations, shapes, custom backgrounds, transitions and diagrams. Fun and simple to use. Prerequisite: Familiarity with Windows environment.
QuickBooks GEN7DQ
$120 ($110 Senior)
Class teaches you how to set up your company right the first time. Using QuickBooks, you can get rid of your stacks of paperwork and manage your customers, vendors, products and financial data easily in orderly lists. You can extract the information from these lists to generate accurate and professional-looking invoices, billing statements and payroll checks. Get business savvy with QuickBooks! Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of accounting principles, the personal computer and small business.
* When registering choose section 30 for MS 2010 or section 31 for MS 2007.
$90 ($80 Senior)
Wouldn't you like to feel more confident about your writing skills? Those who write well get noticed and are valued in an organization. This class will teach you how to write with a purpose, avoid common errors and proofread and apply business editing techniques. Review your grammar skills and create and format business documents, letters, memos, email messages and short reports. Review grammar and punctuation for effective writing.
MS Office Business Simulation GEN7OS
$120 ($110 Senior)
Using your fundamental Microsoft Office Suite skills, produce practical and realistic business projects. Complete assignments that require the creation of documents, forms, presentations, worksheets and database tools for a business. Take this class to increase your workplace competency.
Word Level II
$75 ($65 Senior)
Outlook is commonly used in business environments to communicate and coordinate with colleagues. Discover how to send, receive, reply to and forward email messages. Organize your schedule and events using Calendar tools. Maintain contact lists, to-do lists and notes. Topics include creating distribution lists, attaching files to messages and opening and saving attached files. Streamline your workplace today.
$90 ($80 Senior)
$90 ($80 Senior)
Excel Level II focuses on streamlining and enhancing spreadsheets with templates, charts, graphics and formulas. Apply visual elements and advanced formulas to a worksheet to display data in various formats. Topics include financial tables, data tables and amortization schedules. Create, sort and query tables, create templates and work with multiple worksheets and workbooks. Increase your confidence and build problem solving skills! Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Excel.
Word Level I
Basic Business Writing Technique
Photoshop Plus GEN7PH
$120 ($110 Senior)
Expand your knowledge of Photoshop with this self-guided intermediate course. Discover how to fix photographs by removing flaws, resizing, correcting exposure and utilizing the healing brush tool. Create multiple versions of images for use in various projects.
Medical Vocabulary MO16S
$110 ($100 Senior)
Knowing medical terminology is essential in any area of the medical field. We offer this noncredit, self-paced course that teaches the basic elements of medical words (prefixes, roots and suffixes). Medical abbreviations are studied so the student is able to analyze, define and build medical terms that are most commonly used within the clinic/hospital environment.
Community Skills Center Membership - Learn Computers & More! PC4CSC
$89 ($79 Senior)
Enjoy 10 weeks of unlimited access to over 1,400 computer and business skills online training videos, hands-on practice files, MS Office and Adobe software, Wi-Fi, meeting spaces, library serves, technical assistance and more. Join anytime. For hours or more information visit or call 503-491-6122.
College + Community • Fall 2013
business & industry workforce training Offering personalized, innovative services to prepare your company to compete successfully in the global marketplace Business and Industry Workforce Training (BIWT) at Mt. Hood Community College is the employer's connection to customized, affordable training programs designed to strengthen a business workforce, enhance leadership skills, improve productivity and increase profitability. BIWT can provide customized training, including: • Computer software skills • Continuing education for professional licensing • Industry-specific training • Leadership and supervisory skills • Professional communication skills
CONSTRUCTION Building Analyst and Envelope Professional Training Prepare yourself for the fast growing energy efficiency industry. Earn two Building Performance Institute (BPI) certifications in eight weeks of weeknight and weekend classes without having to take time off from your day job. The training includes BPI national certification testing. Date: TBA Time: Wed., 5:30–8:30 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–noon Place: ECTC Fee: $2,995
Building Science Principles (BSP) This certification course is your first step into the world of energy efficient home performance. Understand the relationship between the building envelope, heating, air conditioning, insulation, mechanical ventilation, lighting, appliances and other systems of the home. Learn how all these systems affect the comfort, health and safety of occupants and durability of the home. The training includes BPI certification testing fee. Date: 9/12–9/26 Time: Thu., 5:30–7:30 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $325
• Project management and continuous improvement • Specialized training such as Lean Manufacturing/ Lean Contracting • Training and credentials in workplace health and safety • Workplace language classes Employer clients working with MHCC include: • Boeing • City of Gresham • Danner-La Crosse Footwear • Horizon Air • Imperial Manufacturing
• Leatherman Tool Group • Microchip Technology Inc. • ON Semiconductor • TriMet
Contact us: 503-491-7235 •
Heating Professional Building Performance Institute (BPI) certification is the nationally approved training standard of the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program of the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency. BPI Building Analyst or Performance Tested Comfort Systems certification (PTCS) is a required prerequisite. Date: 10/1–10/24 Time: Tue.–Thu., 5:30–8:30 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $1,495
PTCS Duct Sealing Technician Performance Tested Comfort Systems (PTCS) is a certification program for contractors installing, servicing or inspecting heat pumps and ductwork. Technicians who successfully complete the course will become PTCS certified and eligible to participate in various regional programs. Date: TBA Time: Tue.–Thu., 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $600
Weatherization Tech This course is designed to train students how to properly weatherize existing buildings and homes. Students will receive field training where they will perform weatherization and repair activities. This Clean Energy Works Oregon qualified program includes a WHALC (Whole House Air Leakage Control) certification from Building Performance Institute (BPI).
Date: 9/9–9/20 Time: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $2,995
Introduction to AutoCAD 2013 This hands-on, three-day course introduces the user to AutoCAD. Designed for students who are not currently using AutoCAD or using version 2008 or older, this course will teach students to use AutoCAD to design and draft in 2D and create, layer, edit, modify, annotate, dimension and prepare sheets for plotting. This course also introduces the user to features, commands and techniques for becoming more productive when creating, annotating and printing drawings with AutoCAD. More advanced topics include advanced objects, advanced dimensioning, manipulating objects and data, dynamic blocks, plotting and more. Date: 10/8–10/10 Time: Tue.–Thu., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995 Date: 11/12–11/14 Time: Tue.–Thu., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995
Business & Industry Workforce Training
Intermediate AutoCAD 2013 This hands-on, three-day course introduces the user to more advanced features, commands and techniques for becoming more productive when creating, annotating and printing drawings with AutoCAD. Topics include advanced objects, advanced dimensioning, manipulating objects and data, dynamic blocks, plotting and more. Date: 10/29–10/30 Time: Tue.–Wed., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995
AutoCAD Certification Exams The Autodesk Certification Exams are a reliable validation of skills and knowledge, and can lead to accelerated professional development, improved productivity and enhanced credibility. These exams can only be taken through an Autodesk Authorized Certification Center. Exams offered include AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D and Revit Architecture. Date: Time: Place: Fee:
10/18 Fri., 8:30–11:30 a.m. PPI $175
AutoCAD Civil 3D This hands-on three-day course introduces the user to AutoCAD Civil 3D, a powerful civil engineering tool that creates intelligent relationships between objects so design changes are dynamically updated. This course provides the student with a foundation for using the dynamic technology of Civil 3D. Everything from importing points and creating surfaces, to finished corridor/road design will be covered. Students will leave this class confident with Civil 3D. Date: 10/2–10/4 Time: Wed.–Fri., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995 Date: 11/6–11/7 Time: Wed.–Fri., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995
Introduction to Revit Architecture 2013 This hands-on, three-day course introduces the user to Revit Architecture while learning the fundamental concepts of building information modeling. This course will guide students through this diverse software, enabling the student to create full 3D architectural project models and set them up in working drawings.
Date: 10/14–10/16 Time: Mon.–Wed., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995 Date: 12/10–12/12 Time: Tue.–Thur., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: PPI Fee: $995
healthcare Adult Care Home Basic Training This course is required in the state of Oregon for providers and resident managers of adult care homes, and is a basic introduction to the care requirements of residents. Date: 9/3–9/20 Place: Online Fee: $380 Date: 10/14–10/22 Place: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $380 Date: 12/2–12/20 Place: Online Fee: $380
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) The EMT program provides practical, handson training for individuals seeking employment as a fire officer, EMT or paramedic. Opportunities also exist with home health agencies, emergency rooms, urgent care clinics and hospital transportation services. Date: Begins Sept. 23 Time: Mon. & Wed., 5–8:30 p.m. Place: Bruning Center Fee: $1,595 Additional fees required
Nursing Assistant The training includes 51 hours of online theory, 24 hours of lab practice and 75 hours of clinical practicum at an assigned facility. After successful completion of this course, the student is eligible for the Oregon State Certified Nursing Assistant 1 exam. Visit mhcc. edu/cna for details. Date: 9/23–11/14 Time: 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Place: Gresham Campus, AC 1756 Fee: $1,495 Additional fees required
OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY Globally Harmonized System (GHS) The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) is an international approach to hazard communication, providing criteria for classification of chemical hazards, and a standardized approach to label elements and safety data sheets. The GHS is based on major existing systems around the world. This training is required by OSHA for employers with hazardous chemicals in the workplace. Date: Time: Place: Fee:
12/13 Fri., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Bruning Center $175/$165 government or nonprofit
HAZWOPER (Refresher-8 hour) This course meets the requirements in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for eight hours of annual refresher training for workers at hazardous waste sites. This course is designed for general site workers who remove hazardous waste or who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards. Date: TBA Time: Fri., 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Place: Gresham Campus Fee: $125
total access pass Your ticket to 10 weeks of unlimited access to over 1,400 computer and business skills online training videos – including MS Office and Adobe software! Available six days a week, including evenings, at Maywood Park Campus, 102nd & N.E. Prescott. Enjoy Wi-Fi Internet access, meeting spaces, software workbooks, library services, Macs, limited technical assistance and more.
For hours or more information call 503-491-6122 or visit College + Community • Summer 2013 College + Community • Fall 2013
small business development center The Mt. Hood Community College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is part of the Oregon Small Business Development Center Network. We serve new and established businesses by providing: • Access to small business resources , information and referral services • Free confidential business counseling • Practical, affordable training TO REGISTER: Go to Register for the class a minimum of 72 hours before the start date. TO CANCEL: Call 503-491-7658 or email us at Cancellations 72 hours or more prior to seminar will be given a 100 percent refund. No refunds for cancellations within 72 hours of seminar.
The small business development center is now located at 501 N.E. Hood Ave., Suite 240, Gresham, OrE.
Seminars and Workshops To register go to Participate in these workshops from your business, home or the SBDC classroom. Highspeed Internet connection required for all online live webinars.
STARTING A BUSINESS Oregon Small Business Fair If you are planning on starting a small business or recently opened your own business, you need to be at the 20th Annual Oregon Small Business Fair. The Oregon Small Business Fair provides information and training opportunities that will help new and existing business owners comply with laws and regulations. This event is sponsored by local, state and federal agencies and nonprofit organizations. Admission into the Business Fair is FREE! RSVP at mhccbizcenter. org/oregonbizfair or phone 503-491-7658. Date: 9/28 Time: 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Fee: $35 Location: PSU Business Accelerator 2828 S.W. Corbett Ave., Portland, OR 97201 *Registration fee for luncheon and seminars
Going into Business: Start Smart! Learn the basics of opening a small business in the state of Oregon. How to register your business name, resources for small businesses, access to capital, open a business bank account and obtain a tax ID number for your business. Individual business advising at no charge available after completing this training. Registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $10 24
Empezando Su Negocio (Spanish) Aprenda los pasos necesarios para iniciar un pequeño negocio en el estado de Oregon. Este taller por internet cubre los siguientes temas: Cómo Registrar su Negocio, Recursos para Pequeños Negocios, Acceso a Capital, Cómo Abrir una Cuenta de Cheques y Obtener su EIN (Número de Impuesto para Su Negocio). Asesoria individual en Español sin costo alguno al completar esta clase. Inscripciones abiertas: 9/23–12/13 Clase virtual: Costo: $10
New Business Foundations Program This six-week online program is a must if you are opening a new business or have a business idea. Work with individual business counselors during the process of opening your business and get your questions answered. Topics to be covered: • Business plan outline • Forms of doing business • Products/services description • Promoting your business • Start-up expenses • Financial statements • Financing the business
Individual business counseling available free of charge to participants. Registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $95, Includes learning materials
Business Plan Bootcamp™ Session 1: Arrive with an idea, leave with an outline Session 2: Building the business plan Session 3: Adding the financial projections and marketing spreadsheet
Individual business counseling available free of charge to participants.
Open registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $55, Includes six months software access
Small Business Legal Basics Learn to protect your small business and deal with some of the legal issues involved when owning and running a business. You will discover how to avoid common mistakes while dealing with contracts, hiring employees and the structure of your business. In addition, this class covers different licensing requirements and regulations, as well as tax implications for you and your business. This seminar is offered in partnership with the law firm Young Twedt McRostie LLP. Date: 10/22 or 11/19 Time: Noon–1 p.m. Fee: $10 Location: Classroom or live webinar
Are You Bankable? How to Get a Business Loan This seminar will help you get answers to the following questions: • What is the current access to capital? • What are some sources of capital? • What banks are lending? • What are lenders really looking for? • What are the steps to getting a loan? • Am I bankable? What should I know? • What if I'm not bankable? How can I become bankable? • What if I get denied? Business counseling available free of charge upon completion of the webinar. Open registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $10
Small Business Development Center
2. Plan, create and customize a QuickBooks company file tailored to your business needs
Hiring New Employees
3. Correct QuickBooks posting errors with an understanding of basic accounting principles
Business Website Essentials
Learn how to attract and hire quality employees and how to begin the employee/employer relationship on the right foot, including proper job postings, applications, job descriptions and hiring paperwork. Learn about the differences between an employee and independent contractor. Business counseling available free of charge upon completion of the webinar. Open registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $10
Contracting with the Government Small businesses face challenges when trying to win federal, state and local government contracts. The Small Business Development Center at MHCC helps small businesses work through these challenges. This class provides an in-depth approach to discovering and seeking contract opportunities as well as the marketing tools that may assist in selling your product or service to the government. Business counseling available free of charge upon completion of the webinar. Open registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $10
BOOKKEEPING & QUICKBOOKS Bookkeeping for Small Business Learn basic accounting practices used by professional bookkeepers and accountants. Become familiar with the tools available to develop a bookkeeping system that works for your business including QuickBooks. Business counseling available free of charge upon completion of the webinar. Open registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $35
QuickBooks Bootcamp™ 1: Company Setup and File Management Two days of hands-on training in QuickBooks consisting of two, three-hour sessions. After an introduction to basic accounting principles used by all editions of QuickBooks, you will use the software to create a company file, customize it, manage its movement between computers and generate reports essential to your business. Learning Outcomes: 1. Choose the right QuickBooks edition for your business
4. Manage multiple copies of a QuickBooks company file between multiple computers 5. Generate and utilize valuable financial re ports essential to business Date: 10/8 and 10/10 or 12/3 and 12/5 Time: 9 a.m.–noon Fee: $115 Class limited to 9, textbook not included
QuickBooks Bootcamp™ 2: Managing Business Transactions Two days of hands-on training in QuickBooks consisting of two, three-hour sessions. Working with real-life customer, vendor and banking transactions, you will use the software to process money coming into and going out of a business as part of a 30-day bookkeeping cycle vital to your business. Learning Outcomes: 1. Set up and manage lists of customers, vendors and items 2. Post to the software and manage: a. Customer invoices b. Sales receipts c. Customer payments d. Deposits e. Vendor bills f. Bill payments g. Checks h. Credit card transactions
3. Manage the movement of money between bank accounts 4. A well-planned 30-day bookkeeping cycle: a. Reconcile bank statements b. Manage paper flow c. Generate and file essential financial reports
Date: 10/15 and 10/17 or 12/10 and 12/12 Time: 9 a.m.–noon Fee: $115 Class limited to 9, textbook not included
Weekend QuickBooks Bootcamp™ Bootcamp 1: Company setup and file management (one six-hour class) Bootcamp 2: Managing business transactions (one six-hour class) Date: Bootcamp 1: 11/9 Date: Bootcamp 2: 11/16 Time: 9 a.m.–4 p.m. One-hour lunch break Fee: $115 per Bootcamp Class limited to 9, textbook not included
Learn easy step-by-step essentials to building your own small business website. Designed for any skill-set, the instructor will walk through the budget-conscious options and tools to build a successful business website from scratch. Date: 10/18 or 11/15 or 12/13 Time: 9:30–11:30 a.m. Fee: $10 Location: Live webinar only
WebMentor Through six classes and individual mentor sessions, WebMentor will guide you through the process of creating an effective professional business website and social media tools. Individual business counseling available free of charge to participants in this training. Session 1: How to plan for your website Session 2: Competitive analysis Session 3: 10 essential pages Session 4: Keywords and copywriting Session 5: Marketing with social media Session 6: Analyzing your traffic
Registration: 9/23–12/13 Available online at: Fee: $195, Includes learning materials Scholarships and payment options available; for more information call 503-491-7658
Facebook for Business 101 This workshop will give you a solid foundation of Facebook features and how to integrate them effectively in your business. You will learn how to use Facebook successfully to reach out and interact with your friends and customers. You will need a personal Facebook account to create a page for your business. Go to to create a new account. • Learn key features of Facebook. • Manage your business contacts and keep them from seeing personal posts. • Use the “info” tab to increase you business. • Build your list of business fans strategically. • Use your friends list to be more productive. • Use your profile to promote your business effectively.
Date: 10/4 or *11/7 Time: 10 a.m–noon or *4–6 p.m. Fee: $35 Location: Classroom
College + Community • Fall 2013
non-credit online classes MHCC, in partnership with Education2Go, an industry leader in online learning for adults, offers online training programs for many in-demand workforce skills and occupations. Professionals from each respective field provide effective, up-to-date Web-based instruction. With MHCC’s online classes, students can work and study on their own time and keep their full-time jobs. • Choose from classes that are instructor-facilitated or self-paced. • Many classes cost $94 and start throughout the term. • Hundreds of online classes available, covering a wide variety of subjects and interests. • Read your lesson and ask questions of your instructor at a time convenient to you.
TO REGISTER: For more class information or to register go to or call 503-491-7571. COURSE SECTIONS: A new section of each online class will begin Sept. 19, Oct. 17, Nov. 14 and Dec. 12. Each course consists of 12 two-hour sessions, provided twice weekly, over a sixweek period. The lessons are supplemented by interactive quizzes, tutorials and online discussion via the Web.
This partial list represents our most popular class offerings. For a complete directory, please visit
CAREER & PROFESSIONAL Accounting Fundamentals Fundamentals of Supervision & Management Going Green at the Workplace Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay Wow, What a Great Event! Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business Creating a Successful Business Plan Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials Explore a Career as a Paralegal Explore a Career as a Pharmacy Technician Explore a Career in a Dental Office Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Get Assertive! Get Funny! Healing Through Hypnosis Keys to Effective Communication Certificate in End of Life Care Certificate in Gerontology Introduction to Natural Health and Healing GED Preparation SAT/ACT Preparation GMAT Preparation GRE Preparation LSAT Preparation Discover Digital Photography Secrets of Better Photography Photoshop Elements 8 for the Digital Photographer Luscious, Low-Fat, Lightning-Quick Meals Going Green at Home
Assisting Aging Parents Understanding Adolescents Speed Spanish I and II Where Does All My Money Go? Personal Finance Introduction to Stock Options Keys to Successful Money Management Creating K-12 Learning Materials Solving Classroom Discipline Problems Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom Survival Kit for New Teachers Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies that Work Ready, Set, Read! Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies Spanish for the Classroom Spanish for Medical Professionals Spanish for Law Enforcement Professionals Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards Teaching Adult Learners
WRITING & PUBLISHING Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers Grammar Refresher The Keys to Effective Editing Get Grants! A to Z Grant Writing Writing Effective Grant Proposals Beginning Writer’s Workshop Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published Effective Business Writing Writing Essentials Writing for Children Travel Writing Writing for ESL
COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY Computer Skills for the Workplace Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010 Introduction to Microsoft Access Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Introduction to Microsoft Publisher Introduction to Microsoft Project 2010 Introduction to Illustrator CS3 Introduction to QuickBooks 2009 & 2010 Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2010 Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS4 and CS5 Photoshop CS4 for the Digital Photographer Adobe Flash CS5 Introduction to C++ Programming Introduction to Java Programming Introduction to CSS and XHTML Help for the Helpdesk Introduction to PHP and MySQL Creating Web Pages I & II Intermediate Dreamweaver Intermediate SQL Introduction to Dreamweaver CS5 Creating a Classroom Website Designing Effective Websites Achieving Top Search Engine Positions Introduction to Networking Intermediate Networking Wireless Networking Introduction to Programming Introduction to PC Security Basic CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep CompTIA® Network+ Certification Prep PMP Certification Prep 1
be inclusive Inspired by Difference Years in the making, a new Diversity Resource Center opens this fall at MHCC. The problem, as is often the case, was money. Everyone at MHCC agreed that a Diversity Resource Center (DRC) was a good idea and a vital support for exploring and building both diversity and the cultural fluency needed to harness it as a resource. However, finding the necessary funding to launch and staff the center wasn’t easy. But now the vision—and the dollars—have aligned. “The barrier was always financial,” says David Sussman, manager of MHCC’s Student Union and Specialized Student Support Services. “Now, the college administration and student leadership have joined together to make the Diversity Resource Center a reality.” The DRC is an opportunity for students, MHCC employees and the community to further develop intercultural interaction and fluency, which of course benefits everyone. “At MHCC, we view diversity in the broadest sense,” Sussman explains. “To help ensure it is inclusive of all people and the rich backgrounds that they bring to our learning community, we see diversity extending to everyone and touching on all the things that make each of us unique.” Sussman also says, “Examining the deeper components of how people identify themselves—the ones that often are at the heart of what brings people together or, conversely, creates division—are
CREATING A PLACE FOR EVERYONE ASG Vice President Eduardo Ortiz, Specialized Student Support Manager David Sussman and Diversity Resource Center Coordinator Melinda Bullen
all of value to the work of the DRC and MHCC as a whole. In fact, it is this dynamic, ever-evolving mosaic of individual differences that we view as one of our college’s richest resources and will drive the DRC in this rapidly changing world.” To make the dream of a DRC a reality, Associated Student Government (ASG) agreed to provide the resources to upgrade space in the Student Union for the center and the college agreed to fund a staff position, for which Melinda Bullen has been hired.
“We see diversity
extending to everyone and
touching on all the things that make each of us unique”
“This is a work in progress among students, faculty and the community,” says Bullen, who carries the title Diversity Resource Center coordinator. “The center can act as a meeting place, figuratively and literally; a space that serves the campus as a cultural learning library; a safe space for dialogue and a venue for events and workshops.” “Diversity expands social development,” adds Laura Aguon, ASG president. “The ability to learn from people of different backgrounds encourages collective inspiration and fosters pivotal innovation that will benefit students across the three MHCC campuses.” “Diversity is about much more than color or culture,” concludes Sussman. “The Diversity Resource Center will offer engagement, along with awareness, understanding and conversation—which of course all translate to education.” For more information on the Diversity Resource Center, please contact Melinda Bullen at
College + Community • Fall 2013
be a community asset Community College, Community Partner One of the most powerful examples of MHCC’s mission of partnership with the community is the Customized Training department within the Economic and Workforce Development division. These are two words that stand for a lot: community college. Most people can readily visualize the “college” part…a campus, students taking classes from faculty, earning degrees. It’s the “community” part that is less clear—probably because it covers so much ground, lots of services and partnerships, a variety of opportunities and means many things to many people. One of the strongest and most effective of those community partnerships is all about making the people and businesses of our region
more skilled, more competitive and more successful. In a nutshell, that’s the Customized Training department. It provides instruction in a range of areas, from computer systems to on-the-job safety to industryspecific topics.
When it comes to powering employers’ workforces with new skills and opportunities, MHCC provides continuing education and customized training to support professional development, licensure and assist businesses with their workforce needs.
“We up-skill workers, with the goal of a better workforce to serve the needs and fuel the success of local business and industry,” explains Marc Goldberg, dean of Economic and Workforce Development. “This is where serving students and supporting the needs of businesses intersect. The department becomes the eyes and ears of MHCC when it comes to the type of skilled workforce that’s needed and what kinds of efforts and programs will get us there.”
“We take pride in being responsive and receptive to our customers, who are our students, regional businesses and the entire community,” says Jarrod Hogue, manager of workforce development. “We can quickly build a course or training program to fill a need.” Hogue manages a team of three workforce training coordinators, each of whom serves a sector of the local economy. Robert Weinman works with manufacturers; Paul Wild serves healthcare; and Dawn Loomis
mhcc’s WORKFORCE PARTNERSHIP TEAM Left to right are Paul Wild, Dawn Loomis, Jarrod Hogue and Robert Weinman
“We take pride in being responsive and receptive to our customers, who are our students, regional businesses and the
entire community.
We can quickly build a course or training program to fill a need.”
handles food processors, information technology providers and all the other various industries that find a home in East County. “We design and implement custom training for employees,” says Wild, “and it’s the client who drives what we offer. The end result for employers is a smarter, more skilled, more productive workforce. For employees, we provide high-value training that makes them more competitive in the job market. It’s a win for both sides, and what we do helps power the economic development of the entire MHCC district.” Like Wild, Loomis brings a background in workforce development and a desire to work in what may well be MHCC’s most
entrepreneurial division. “I’ve done employee training myself,” she says, “and its value is very clear. The best and most successful employers know how important it is to invest in their workers—as the skills of the employees grow, so grows the company.” Weinman, who brought his experience in the private sector to MHCC nearly a decade ago to work at the vital interface between business and industry and the community college mission, agrees. “A lot of employers have common needs and challenges, but the approach we take to answering those needs is always customized for the specific company. We go on site, we listen, we create a tangible connection so MHCC can be the best possible resource for these businesses,” says Weinman. “We are a conduit for the entire college to understand and help provide what will best serve both students and the employers for whom they hope to one day work. “Our Customized Training department makes MHCC a true partner in the success of the people we teach and the people who need their skills,” continues Weinman. “MHCC is the definition of a community college, which is to be a complete and engaged community partner.” For more information, please contact the Customized Training department at 503-491-7235;
Lots of Portland-area businesses employ graduates from MHCC’s welding and machining programs. MHCC can help you earn a certificate or degree. Take a tour, meet employers and talk to MHCC graduates. For reservations and details, please call 503-491-7235.
Our client list for customized training spans manufacturing, government, education, banking and more. Aerotek Inc. The Boeing Company City of Gresham Clackamas County Bank Connor Manufacturing Services Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce Imperial Manufacturing International Paper Insitu Leatherman Tool Group Microchip Technology Inc. Multnomah Education Service District ON Semiconductor Portland Development Commission Ryukoku University Shanghai International Studies University System Services of America Transportation Security Administration Toyo Tanso USA WorkSource Oregon Find out how MHCC can enhance your organization’s leadership skills, productivity and competitiveness. Contact us at 503-491-7235 or at College + Community • Fall 2013
be oriented Gettin’ It Together in the O.C. Suppose you’re a new student at MHCC, just figuring out how to navigate the campus, how to get the classes you want—how to get lunch, for that matter. Or, you are a current student, interested in how to use the online registration system. Maybe you’ve been out of school for awhile and are restarting your education, with financial aid questions or veteran services questions, or… What you need is a convenient place on campus with all the information and answers, and maybe with a cool SoCal TV show nickname. OK, that last part isn’t really important, but it just so happens that MHCC’s new O.C.—Orientation Center—is opening this fall in Gresham 97030 in Room AC1002. “The O.C. is designed to be a line-free, customized, ‘sit down and let’s talk’ center for new, restarting and current students,” says Sydney Eustrom, MHCC’s manager of Student Outreach. The center will house 20-plus computers and serve as the go-to site for students to get oriented or reoriented on the registration process, MyMHCC (the college’s online gateway for students), support
services, general financial aid procedures, online payments and more—all via one-on-one support. “The O.C. improves on a system in which new students had to complete 11 steps in up to seven different locations in a process that took anywhere from four days to four weeks. The O.C. will reduce the steps to just three, locations to three or fewer, and time to 48 hours or less once a student’s admission form has been processed,” Eustrom continues. “For many, the college-going process isn’t an intuitive thing that automatically makes sense. It’s a process with its own vocabular y, ever-changing procedures and a road map of options,” says Eustrom. “The O.C.’s purpose is to walk (or run) students through the starting points, thus setting the tone for a successful kick-off to their educational journey.”
Foundation Annual Auction & Dinner A Benefit for MHCC Students
Saturday April 26, 2014 Red Lion Hotel on the River For information call 503-491-7206. Visit us online at or email at
The O.C. hours are Monday – Tuesday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Wednesday, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Thursday, 8 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. and Friday, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. For more information, please call 503-491-6927.
complete college This schedule is published to provide information to the general public. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of test Wait for email confirmation and student ID number. printing. However, the statements contained here are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contractplacement between a student and the college.While MHCC reserves the right change or of the MHCC Go by to action room AC2335. you wait, apply fortofinancial aidcancel at a class at any time and to alter stated policy District Board of Education. Course are urged register early. yourtostudent ID number (If offerings eligible, may be adjusted for economic reasons and studentsBring
processing may take up to six weeks.)
and photo ID.
VISIT THE ORIENTATION CENTER Go to room AC1002. Complete orientation and registration in the O.C.