Employeegiving new

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Be │Cause of You MHCC Employee Giving Form MHCC Employee: _________________________________________ Department: _______________________Phone:_______________________Email:________________ Yes! Here is my gift in support of Mt. Hood Community College students. (Gifts are tax-deductible.) PLEASE DESIGNATE MY GIFT AS FOLLOWS: Greatest Need General Foundation Scholarships Scholarship or Program Fund (See listing) __________________________________________ Future Connect Scholarship Fund GIVING OPTIONS MHCC PAYROLL DEDUCTION: (For gifts of $5 per month or more)

*Your investment makes a difference: $10 per month ($120 per year), $20 per month ($240 per year), $50 per month ($600 per year) Continual $__________________ each pay period. This will be a continuous deduction until HR office is advised to discontinue. Payroll deduction will begin with the payroll following the month the form is turned in. Limited $_____________ each pay period. Beg. Date: ___________ End Date: _____________ Employee Authorization Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________ OR DIRECT PAYMENT OPTIONS: Give online at mhcc.edu – GIVE NOW - to make a gift by credit or debit card Check Enclosed: $_____________ Please make checks payable to the MHCC Foundation and return to the Foundation office PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION ON: Becoming a member of the Heritage Society by including MHCC in my will or estate Making a gift of securities Making a gift of real property PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE FOUNDATION OFFICE OR SUBMIT BY EMAIL. THANK YOU! Submit via Email

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