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college community ENROLL NOW PAGE 1





Volume 1.3 Winter 2011




MHCC’s unique new degree in Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education will literally get you outside PAGE 28

President John J. “Ski ‘ Sygielski Board of Directors Brian Freeman Rod Monroe Bob Morris Beverly Russell Duke Shepard Dave Shields Ralph Yates, D.O. Published by the Office of College Advancement Vice President of College Advancement & Executive Director, MHCC Foundation Cassie S. McVeety

register for classes today! Information to get you started: • Schedule and registration for winter term Mt. Hood Community College for-credit classes is now online at • Schedule of Community Education classes is inserted in the center of this publication — and also online at schedule. You can register by mail, fax, phone or online (details on page 5). • It’s never been easier to

Editor Maggie Huffman Graphic Design Spring Bastow Glenn Wright Contributors Marc Goldberg Jarrod Hogue Barbara Howell Todd Schwartz Kelli Walker Photography Spring Bastow Pat Casey Kelly James MHCC mails this publication to all district residents to inform them of the College’s programs, services and community events. Because the schedule is addressed to “Postal Customer,” individual names cannot be removed from the mailing list. Accessible formats for individuals with disabilities are available by calling the Disability Services Office at 503-497-6923 or 503-491-7670 (TDD). “College + Community” (USPS 002-866) Winter 2011. Published quarterly by Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, Oregon 97030. Periodicals postage paid at Gresham, Ore., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “College + Community” at 26000 SE Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030.



Mt. Hood Community College Mt. Hood Community College

Click Your Way to Class It’s never been easier to apply to MHCC, register for a class or take advantage of the resources of MHCC — it’s waiting for you at

Here’s how it works: This publication, College + Community, which you hold in your hands, includes a paper schedule of the Community Education courses only. You’ll find the complete schedule of MHCC’s forcredit courses at This is your route to information at MHCC. You can search by course title or academic discipline, and you’ll see dates, times, instructors, tuition and fees. Admissions and Registration are just a couple clicks away. You can search for classes without creating an account or logging in, so check it out. When it comes to all of our great Community Education classes, you can also find those online, as well as in the center of this publication, and you can register by mail, phone, fax or at So click your way to class — we’re looking forward to seeing you soon!

Off the Charts A nationwide mandate for electronic health records means the days of paper charts in the doctor’s office are numbered — and 55,000 new jobs are waiting across the U.S. MHCC is on the leading edge. That manila folder your doctor carries into the exam room, full of papers and charts containing your medical history, is on the way to being as long gone as the house call. The new age of health care requires much faster and easier sharing of information between providers, so medical records are rapidly becoming, like your financial records, part of a secure electronic database. In the long run, electronic health records (EHR) will help lower the costs and increase the quality of health care. In the short term, EHR means the health care industry must implement and perfect processes using new software tools — and they’re going to need help. An innovative new program at MHCC is on the forefront of training students for roles in providing that help, as part of a new industry and opportunity called health informatics. As part of a consortium of Oregon community colleges which is partnering with Oregon Health & Science University, funded in part by federal stimulus grants that mandate the training of workers nationwide in health informatics by 2014,

Blending Health Care And High Tech MHCC is now offering classes toward certification in two professions: Implementation Support Specialist and Technical/ Software Support. “Implementation Support Specialists provide on-site support before and during the transition to EHR systems at medical offices, clinics and hospitals,” says Donna Larson, dean of allied health at MHCC. “The Technical/Software Support role will continue after the transition with the EHR user, ensuring the technology functions properly and meets the needs of the user.” With 18 of the top 20 careers identified for future growth potential being in either technology or health care, it comes as no surprise that a hybrid of the two offers a big upside. “The person we’re training is a tech person wrapped up in a medical person — or vice versa. We’re

preparing health informaticians who have a foot in each world,” says Wayne Machuca, computer information systems instructor, and one of the MHCC faculty who helped develop the new classes. “Although it’s a lot to get done in just six months, which is the duration of this training, the students who earn this certificate will have job-ready skills and be ready to go to work. We plan to create a more in-depth Associate of Applied Science degree program in health informatics to follow-up this initial certification.” The new program is targeted, at least in the beginning, as an ideal opportunity for dislocated and laid off workers who are looking to re-invent their careers. “There’s an unbelievable market for this,” says Machuca. “A lot of well-paid jobs already exist and will continue to be created in this field.”

College + Community • Winter 2011


Good Advice New tools and techniques enable MHCC’s advisers to do even more to help students find their path and discover their future. For almost as long as there have been colleges, students have been turning to their advisers for help in navigating the required courses, making a plan to help them arrive at their graduation, trying to figure out what career they’re drawn to and sometimes just seeking a sympathetic ear when they are stuck, overwhelmed or disheartened. Good advisers have always managed to make that an individual, caring process, and now MHCC has put in place some new directions in college advising that offer students even more help and support. A new initiative called Appreciative Advising uses the “six Ds” to ensure that each student has everything they need to succeed. First, advisers disarm the student, making them comfortable with the advising experience. Then they discover what the student brings to MHCC, from academics to home life to goals and expectations. Next, they connect each student to his or her dreams, even if they go far beyond what that student believes he or she can accomplish. Design comes next, laying out a plan for the student, from which courses to take, to what careers are out there. The adviser helps put in place whatever the student may need to reach the goal, from child care to refreshing his or her learning skills. Then, 3

Mt. Hood Community College

Specialized Help To Guide The Way when the plan is ready, advisers help the student to deliver, with the help of tasks and timelines. Finally, advisers make sure the student does not settle — it’s not uncommon for students to hit the wall and lose momentum, and the adviser is there to bolster them, remind them of their dream and help them stretch to master the skills they need.

“Every student has

something magic

to bring to their education. This holistic mode of advising is a significant value-added process.”

“Every student has something magic to bring to their education,” says David Minger, vice president of student success and enrollment management at MHCC. “This holistic mode of advising is a significant value-added process,

where we no longer wait for students to initiate contacts with their advisers over the course of their schooling. This is a very proactive approach with great benefits for students.” The College also has some new technology in place. An innovative advising software called AgileGrad, developed by MHCC faculty member Andrew Dryden, helps advisers, students and prospective students quickly find and organize the optimum course schedule to fit their goals. Faculty can also use the tool to share notes and advising decisions with other advisers. And, to increase the number of MHCC students who benefit from the advising process, group advising sessions for new students utilize Apple iPads for wireless information access and entry. Even with the latest tools and new technology, one thing remains the same: A little good advice when you need it can make all the difference.

communityand education non-credit classes community education table of contents

Registration Form................................................ Community Education Classes........................... Class Locations and Abbreviations.................... Community Skills Center.................................... Non-Credit Online Classes ................................. Small Business Development Center................. Business and Industry Workforce Training........ Non-Credit Online Career Training ................... Quick Information Guide . .................................. Getting to MHCC ................................................

5 6 – 14 14 15 – 16 17 – 18 19 – 20 21 – 22 23 25 – 26 27

Main MHCC Phone Numbers Bruning Center for Allied

Health Education Gresham Campus Maywood Park Campus Admissions, Registration and Records Advising Financial Aid

503-491-6700 503-491-6422 503-491-6100 503-491-7393 503-491-7315 503-491-7262

Community Education Registration Form

Community Education Registration Form Student Information STUDENT ID or Social Security number





BIRTH DATE (required)













Course Registration COURSE NO.



Payment Information Paying by:

 Money order 


 Please bill me

You will be contacted if your class is filled or cancelled.

Other options to register: • ONLINE: Returning students, see panel below. • Mail: Please mail registration form and payment to: MHCC Community Education, Rm. 1162 26000 SE Stark Street, Gresham, OR 97030 • FAX: 503-491-7390 (use this form) • Phone: Call 503-491-7572



Do you plan to earn a degree, certificate or diploma at MHCC? A. One–year certificate B. Two–year degree C. High School diploma or GED D. No, here to take classes E. Undecided Employed (While in attendance) F Full-time (35 + hrs/week) P Part-time (5–34 hrs/week) N Not employed

Main reason for attending MHCC: A. Take classes, transfer to a four-year college B. Learn skills to get a job C. Improve job skills D. Explore career or educational options E. Take classes to finish high school or GED F. Improve writing, reading or math skills G. Learn English H. Personal interest/enrichment I. Other J. No response

I acknowledge I am legally obligated to pay all charges incurred by registering. Charges may include late payment fees, reasonable collection costs, attorney’s fee and Oregon Department of Revenue charges related to the collection of all delinquent debts owed to the College. To have the charges removed, I must process a drop or withdraw form through the Admissions, Registration and Records Office during the refund period.

or students not enrolled in the past 12 months

26000 SE Stark St. Gresham, OR 97030

c. CALL: 503-491-7572

Web Helpline: 503-491-6488

What is the highest level of education/training you have received beyond high school? (0) None (1) Some college, short-term training or private vocational school (2) One-year college certificate (3) Two-year college degree (4) Bachelor’s degree (5) Master’s degree (6) Ph.D./Professional degree Are you a veteran? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Student Signature___________________________________________________________

Returning Students


who have enrolled within the past 12 months

Course Description

1. Fill out this registration form. 1. Register and pay online. 2. You can register in one of three ways: Seven days a week, 24 hours a day! a. FAX this form to: (503) 491-7390 • Go to click on MyMHCC or use the direct link: b. MAIL this form to: MHCC Community Education • Your username is your MHCC ID Room 1162


Payment Information: Payment due date is the first day of the term. You may pay online with a check or bankcard/credit card. Log on to MyMHCC at, select “Student Services, Pay for School.” Payment in person may also be made in the Student Services Center on the Gresham Campus.


New Students


Cost of Class Course #

Class Title

additional fees may apply.


• The first time you log in, your password is your six-digit date of birth (ex. Sept. 21, 1960 = 092160) until you change it.

Section # Instructor Name The word “STAFF” is used when the specific instructor is not identified.

Class Day U M T W R F S

Class Dates

These are the Sunday dates the class Monday will cover. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


See key on pg. 14


Arts, Crafts

Special Interest

Creative Jewelry Making

ART4B $115 (Senior $105) Learn the fundamentals of simple jewelry construction (no string beading). More advanced students may learn casting and light setting. Sec. 91 6:30–9 p.m. G. Buyukas

T DDSO221 1/11/11–3/15/11

Beginning Jewelry Making ART4BJ $64 (Senior $54) Learn all the basics of jewelry making from terminology to tools and techniques. Includes guidelines, supply and resource list, hands-on workshop and review. Also, learn basic wire work, make findings and wrap bead ends. Sec. 31 6–9 p.m. P. Tait

R MAY 143 2/10/11–2/24/11

Beginners Watercolor ART4BW $105 (Senior $95) Learn traditional and realistic watercolor in this enjoyable class. We welcome new students and also those whose brushes and paints have developed cobwebs. The first night will be hands-on demos and discussions of painting subjects. A list of supplies will be given at that time. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. M. Dawkins

W VA13 1/12/11–3/16/11

Beginning Quilting ART4CC $77 (Senior $67) Have you always wanted to try quilting, but didn’t know where to begin? Do you find the array of books, patterns and tools both confusing and expensive? Then this class is for you! After our discussion on pattern selection, color theory, tools and techniques, sandwiching, quilting and binding, you will design your quilt and determine tools and supplies needed. Sec. 91 6–8:30 p.m. N. Tubbs

T DDSO236 1/11/11–3/1/11

Mosaic Art Workshop I ART4MW $64 (Senior $54) Learn the ancient art of direct-application mosaics using broken tile, dishes or glass shards. First class is a lecture, to inspire and distribute guidelines/supply list. Second class is an all-day, hands-on workshop. Final class is for grouting.

Sec. 91 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. U VA 13 P. Tait 3/13/11–3/13/11 6:30–9 p.m. P. Tait

R VA 13 3/3/11–3/3/11

7–9 p.m. P. Tait

R VA 13 3/17/11–3/17/11

Transparent Watercolor ART4PB $73 (Senior $63) Put the life in still life through the richness of perception. Emphasis is on vision training, drawing what you see, and painting what you feel. Your own style will develop and expand through learning process and technique, including drawing shortcuts and color theory. Sec. 31 9–Noon P. Hobbs

F MAY 304 1/14/11–3/18/11

Sec. 91 9–Noon P. Hobbs

S VA 13 1/15/11–3/19/11

Pottery ART4TB $130 (Senior $120) Hand-build or turn clay on electric wheel. Firing is done by instructor. $25 fee goes to the high school toward equipment use and room rental. Does not include clay and supplies. Some experience is helpful. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. M DDSO223 McIlhatta 1/10/11–3/14/11 No class on January 17. Sec. 92 6–9 p.m. R. Linn

W DDSO223 1/12/11–3/16/11

Beginning Knitting HOM4KF $77 (Senior $67) Your family and friends will enjoy your hand knitted original scarves, shawls and hats. Learn to select natural or synthetic yarns, use knitting equipment, read patterns, and knit a variety of decorative stitches. More advanced knitters will have challenging projects. Fee includes some supplies. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m M. Rees

T AC 1767 1/11/11–3/15/11

Just for Fun Piano MUS2IP $65 (Senior $55) Learn to play piano in one easy session. Nationally known pianist Donn Rochlin will

teach you all you need to know to play your favorite songs now! Learn musical shorthand and save hours of practice time. Discover the “tricks and licks” used by professional pianists. This course follows the same principals as those demonstrated on the PBS Special, “Flash Piano.” $25 additional fee payable to instructor at time of class for book and CD. Sec. 91 10 a.m.–1 p.m. D. Rochlin


AC 2101 1/29/11

Guitar for Beginners MUS4G $69 (Senior $59) Dust off your steel or nylon stringed guitar and learn how to play. Learn how to read sheet music and rhythm charts, chords and scales, lead and rhythm jazz. Sec. 91 5:45–7:05 p.m. W AC 2101 B. Cook 1/12/11–3/16/11 This section is for Level 2 students. Sec. 92 7:20–8:40 p.m. W AC 2101 B. Cook 1/12/11–3/16/11 This section is for Level 1 students.

Improvisation on the Piano MUS4IP $65 (Senior $55) In this unique high energy workshop you will learn the fundamentals of playing by ear and how chord “inversions” add style and professionalism to your playing. Learn to transpose, add color and spice with “extended chords” and much more. $25 additional fee payable to instructor at time of class for home study book and CD. Sec. 91 2–5 p.m. D. Rochlin


AC 2101 1/29/11

Take Control of Your Canon EOS Digital Camera PHT4C $62 (Senior $52) This class explains everything about your EOS digital camera. You will learn in clear non-technical language how to use every function on your camera. Canon lenses and flash units will also be discussed. Most Canon EOS Digital SLR cameras will be discussed. If you are not sure this class is right for you please call or e-mail the instructor, David Green 503-661-7506 or david@ Sec. 91 9–5 p.m. D. Green


AC 1251 1/29/11

Intro to Digital Photography PHT4D $39 (Senior $29) Want to go digital but don’t know where to start? This class covers the basics of digital photography, including media cards, printers, scanners, camera features, white balance, College + Community • Winter 2011





image quality and resolution with Photoshop demonstrations. This class will help you determine what features/equipment you need. Sec. 91 6–10 p.m. D. Green


AC 2756 1/20/11

Take Control of Your Nikon Digital SLR Camera PHT4NC $62 (Senior $52) Get to know everything about your Nikon digital SLR camera. You will learn in clear, nontechnical language how to use your camera functions as well as lenses and flash units. Most Nikon Digital SLR cameras will be discussed. If you are not sure this class is right for you please call or e-mail the instructor, David Green 503661-7506 or Sec. 91 9–5 p.m. D. Green


AC 1251 2/5/11

Understanding Composition in Photography PHT4UC $39 (Senior $29) Proper composition is the key that allows your viewer to appreciate your photos. This fourhour course covers beginning and intermediate composition techniques to improve the impact of your photos. Learn compositional techniques such as compositional formats, placement, shape, lines, texture and color to compose your scene. Sec. 91 6–10 p.m. D. Green


AC 2756 2/10/11

TRD4W $121 (Senior $111) This course is for beginning to advanced woodworkers. Learn to safely and successfully create projects from wood. All necessary tools and techniques will be demonstrated, with additional instruction provided as required. There are no required projects; however, projects will be recommended for beginners to increase their woodworking skills and use of tools and equipment. Sec. 91 3–5:25 p.m. W DDSO SHOP R. Kreisman 1/12/11–3/16/11 Sec. 92 5:35–8 p.m. W DDSO SHOP R. Kreisman 1/12/11–3/16/11

Computer & Technology

Microcomputer Use for Senior Citizens CS9G $59 (Senior $49) Enjoy a fun and easy hands-on basic computer and Internet skills course. Obtain a free e-mail account and learn to send and receive e-mails and attachments. Students create, save and print useful computer projects in Microsoft Word to take home. Learn how to use the Internet in a friendly manner and be able to search for information you need. Sec. 91 9–10:50 a.m. J. Aguilar

F AC 2611 1/14/11–3/11/11

The Basics of Selling on eBay

TRD4AG $145 (Senior $135) Guitars are a magical synthesis of wood, metal, string and sound – perhaps the most popular and versatile musical instrument today. Learn traditional and contemporary guitar making techniques from design to final setup and apply them to your personal guitar. All skill levels are encouraged and welcome. Come build the guitar of your dreams. Students are responsible for their own supplies. Instructor will discuss these items on the first night of class.

PC5BA $47 (Senior $37) Turn your clutter into cash! Learn to sell your stuff on the largest online auction site from an official five-star rated “education specialist trained by eBay.” With over 135 million users, eBay offers more than 50,000 categories to market your goods to the world! Learn how to open a seller account, build positive feedback, create effective listings, set pricing, upload images, attract bidders, accept credit card payments and pack and ship your merchandise. This course will provide all the fundamental skills needed to become a successful eBay seller. Optional $25 textbook can be purchased from instructor on the first day of class.

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. D. Biasca

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. M. Klink

Acoustic Guitar Construction




DDSO SHOP 1/13/11–3/17/11

Mt. Hood Community College

T AC 2603 1/11/11–2/8/11

eBay: Beyond the Basics PC5BS $51 (Senior $41) Learn the secrets of those making a full or parttime living on eBay! This course builds on the information presented in The Basics of Selling on eBay, and introduces more advanced selling strategies that will improve your profits and help your online auction sales to grow. Learn tips and tricks to enhance your lists, increase the quantity of your sales, avoid legal pitfalls, deal with returns and problem customers, encourage repeat business and market yourself. Learn to obtain merchandise that sells, list multiple items, establish an eBay Store, become a Power Seller, and earn a respectable income without leaving your home. Optional $25 textbook available from instructor on the first day of class. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. M. Klink

T AC 2603 2/15/11–3/15/11

Gently Learning the Computer PC5CB $65 (Senior $55) Learn the basics of how to operate and enjoy your computer with beginning techniques for creating, sharing, saving and sending files. Get a free e-mail address and learn how to safely explore the Internet. Slow paced, casual atmosphere with lots of hands-on practice and opportunity to ask questions. You may contact the instructor any time. Sec. 91 2:10–4 p.m. K. Huey

M AC 2611 1/10/11–3/14/11

More Gently Learning the Computer PC7CB $65 (Senior $55) This class continues where Gently Learning the Computer left off. Focus is on customizing and caring for your computer, techniques for managing e-mail, producing a Word document and spreadsheets, as well as how to social network safely. Slow paced, casual atmosphere. A lot of hands-on practice and opportunity to ask questions. Contact instructor anytime. Sec. 91 3:10–5 p.m. K. Huey

R AC 2554 1/13/11–3/17/11

Computación básica para estudiantes de habla Hispana PC5SP $67 (Senior $57) Uso de computadoras personales en espanol. Este curso es disenado para personas sin experiencia o conocimiento previo encomputacion. Esta clase provee introduccion al uso de computadoras, incluyendo email, internet, sistema operativo de Windows y vocabulario technologico-basico. Sec. 91 8–10:20 a.m. M. Pelayo

S AC 2604 1/15/11–2/12/11

Sec. 92 8–10:20 a.m. M. Pelayo

S AC 2604 2/19/11–3/19/11

Creating a Web Page PC6CW $70 (Senior $60) Create a home page for your business or individual use. You will start with an introduction to Dreamweaver and create a simple web page. This course also covers webbing your page to other Web pages on the Internet, adding pictures and backgrounds, creating table and graphic links and gathering information from people viewing your website. Finish your Web page in the course and put it on the Internet! Sec. 31 6–8:30 p.m. D. Huey

T MAY311 1/11/11–2/15/11

Have Fun with Photoshop: Intermediate Level PC6PH $70 (Senior $60) Use the same practical approach introduced in the Beginning Level class to learn more ways to enhance and improve your photos. This course makes intermediate tools and techniques available to those of us who are not professionals. Everyone can benefit from the ability to produce quality photographs and special effects. Whether you want to learn these skills for personal use or to improve your occupational marketability, this course makes it easy to learn the tricks of the trade. Discover techniques such as masking, layer manipulation, clipping paths and liters. It is recommended that you take the Beginning Level class or have prior experience working with Photoshop before taking this class. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. M. Klink

R AC 2611 1/13/11–3/17/11





Chinese medicine including an overview of diagnostic practices used to identify an illness or discomfort. Information about treatment modalities such as Chinese herbs, acupuncture and Qi meditation will be covered. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m. C. Wu

R AC 1776 1/13/11–3/3/11

Welcome to Medicare! HE4MC FREE Medicare doesn’t have to be confusing. This course will help participants understand Medicare basics and make informed choices. Topics: Medicare eligibility and enrollment; Parts A, B, C and D; covered services; Medicare insurance policies; and problem resolution. This free course is taught by trained volunteers in cooperation with Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. B. Earnest


AC 1001 1/13/11

Sec. 92 10 a.m.–Noon B. Earnest


AC 1001 2/5/11

Sec. 93 7–9 p.m. B. Earnest


AC 1001 3/10/11

Keep your Family Safe and Healthy HE5FH $29 (Senior $19) Learn natural solutions to headaches, auto safety and injuries and how to know if your kids are on drugs. The instructor will educate students about safe, effective and alternative methods for addressing these health and safety concerns. Students will leave each class session with increased knowledge on how they can improve their family’s health and safety.

a refresher course, this class will provide the basic skills and confidence needed to take your spot on the dance floor. The course will cover the three foundation dances of Foxtrot, East Coast Swing and Waltz, (as well as a brief introduction to their Latin relatives) which will allow you to dance to the majority of music played at any social dance occasion! Partner required; they must be enrolled in class. Sec. 91 6:30–7:30 p.m. M PE114 Becke 1/10/11–3/14/11

Flamenco Dance REC3FD $64 (Senior $54) Discover the passion of Spanish dance as you learn footwork, form and rhythms. Exercise becomes enjoyable when learning Sevillanas, Tangos and Rhumbas. Sec. 91 7–7:50p.m. P. Norris

M FRVW TBA 1/10/11–3/7/11

Tap Dance REC3TP $64 (Senior $54) A rhythmic, fun way to exercise. Students will learn basic tap vocabulary and style culminating in a choreographed dance. Sec. 91 8–8:50 p.m. P. Norris

M FRVW TBA 1/10/11–3/7/11

Silver and Fit Level II

PC6SP $67 (Senior $57) Este curso es disenado para personas sin experiencia o conocimiento previo en computacion. Esta clase provee introduccion al uso de computadoras, incluyendo e-mail, internet, sistema operativo de Windows y vocabulario technologico-basico.

Sec. 91 6–8 p.m. J. Nuttall


AC 2707 1/11/11

REC4AA $99 (Senior $89) Silver and Fit Level II is designed for moderately active older adults who exercise one or two days per week. The class is designed to increase the participant’s flexibility, joint stability, dynamic balance, coordination, agility, reaction time, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.

6–8 p.m. J. Nuttall


AC 2707 2/8/11

Sec. 91 1–1:45 p.m. S. Dobson

Sec. 91 10:30 a.m.–12:50 p.m. S AC 2604 M. Pelayo 1/15/11–2/12/11

6–8 p.m. J. Nuttall


AC 2707 3/8/11

Computación Básica Intermedia para Estudiantes de Habla Hispana

Sec. 92 10:30 a.m.–12:50 p.m. S AC 2604 M. Pelayo 2/19/11–3/19/11

Chinese Medicine HE4CM $58 (Senior $48) This course provides basic information about the theories and applications of

Beginning Ballroom Dance REC3BD $69 (Senior $59) Add fun to lifelong fitness through ballroom dancing! This course is an introduction to the basics of social dance. Whether you are new to the world of dancing, or simply in need of

M/W CAC 205 1/1/11–3/16/11

Adult Ballet REC4AB $88 (Senior $78) Explore the beauty and joy of learning ballet technique and stretch techniques to classical music. All levels welcome. Sec. 91 8:30–10:30 a.m. S PE 114 L. Morgan 1/8/11–3/12/11

College + Community • Winter 2011


Community Education Health, Fitness and Recreation

Sec. 91 9–3:30 p.m. M. Lummio


OFFSITE 2/5/11

performance in all your activities. Adapt strength conditioning will build your muscles evenly, giving you a great look and a body that will perform with greater strength and efficiency. Adapt Integration Training will put you back on the playground and teach your body to move as it was intended. The goal is to establish muscular coordination that your body has forgotten. Your instructors will select and adapt each movement to fit your ability. This class will make you feel young again. Includes 20, one-hour sessions, plus an initial one-on-one assessment appointment. Five different days and times are available for your convenience. Call 503-257-4142 for details.

Sec. 92 9–3:30 p.m. M. Lummio


OFFSITE 3/6/11

Sec. 91 TBA S. Dobson

Bushcraft Fundamentals REC4BP $129 (Senior $119) Learn to pack light, be warm, stay safe and enjoy the outdoors. Discover a variety of bushcraft and wilderness survival skills such as navigation, knot tying, tarp use, fire lighting in wet weather and more. Bushcraft experts will also discuss the use of knives, tools and tips for ultralight backpacking. The six-hour course will take place outdoors, so dress appropriately and pack your knife, lunch and water. Registration deadline is 10 days in advance.

Class held at Oxbow Park, $5 charge per car.

Group Ride

Chair Yoga

REC4GR $79-$99 (Senior $69-$89) Everyone finishes first in Group Ride! Pedal in groups, roll over hills, chase the pack, climb mountains, and spin your way to burning calories and strengthening your lower body. This 60-minute cycling program is geared for anyone who can ride a bike. Motivating music, awesome instructors, and an inspiring group environment lets you ride on!

REC4CY $99 (Senior $89) Get the benefits of yoga in this chair-assisted class! Stretch and revitalize your whole body while challenging balance and developing core stabilization. End the session with relaxation emphasizing breathing techniques. Sec. 91 Noon–12:45 p.m. M/W CAC 205 S. Dobson 1/10/11–3/16/11

Group Centergy REC4GC $99 (Senior $89) Grow longer and stronger as you explore this 60-minute journey of Yoga and Pilates movements. Positive up-lifting music, group dynamics and supporting instructors will enable you to center your energy, reduce stress, and even smile. Sec. 91 7:30–8:30 p.m. T/R CAC 205 S. Dobson 1/11/11–3/17/11

Group Power REC4GP $99 (Senior $89) This 60-minute barbell program strengthens all your major muscles in an inspiring, motivating group environment with fantastic music and awesome instructors. With simple, athletic movements such as squats, lunges, presses and curls, this class is for all ages and fitness levels. Sec. 91 5:30–6:30 a.m. T/R CAC 205 S. Dobson 1/11/11–3/17/11 Sec. 92 6:30–7:20 p.m. T CAC 205 5:30–6:20 p.m. R S. Dobson 1/11/11–3/17/11

ADAPT - Group Personal Training REC4GPT $169 (Senior $159) This class will sculpt the body and develop usable strength that will increase your 9

CAC 205 1/10/11–3/20/11

Mt. Hood Community College

Sec. 91 5:30–6:30 a .m. W CAC205 S. Dobson $79 1/12/11–3/16/11 Sec. 92 5:30–6:30 p.m. M/W CAC205 S. Dobson $99 1/10/11–3/16/11

Beginning Latin Dance REC4LD $69 (Senior $59) Add fun to lifelong fitness through Latin Dance! This course is an introduction to the basics of social Latin dance. Learn three of the most popular Latin dances; Rumba, Tango and Cha-Cha. You will gain the basic skills and confidence needed to take your spot on the dance floor and enjoy! Partner required; they must be enrolled in class. Sec. 91 7:45–8:45 p.m. M PE 114 Becker/Becker 1/10/11–3/14/11

Bicycle Maintenance and Repair REC4MR $89 (Senior $79) This course is designed for any bicycle owner who wants to learn the essentials of bicycle maintenance, from simple tune ups and adjustments to common roadside repairs. The information presented is applicable to all types of bicycles and is perfect for the bike commuter or weekend rider. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. N. Jones

W Outer Rim 1/12/11–1/26/11

Sec. 92 7–9 p.m. N. Jones

W Outer Rim 2/9/11–2/23/11

Belly Dance Fitness REC4WB $62 (Senior $52) Learn how dance fitness can reshape your body and your spirit! This course is an aerobic dance class that integrates different dance styles into an exercise form. Country, hip hop, funk, Latin, swing, belly dance, modern and world are examples of some of the dance methods used. No previous dance skills required. Sec. 91 6–6:50 p.m. P. Norris

M FRVW 1/10/11–3/07/11

Falun Gong REC5FG $19 (Senior $9) Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) is a traditional Chinese way of improving physical, mental and spiritual well-being through an easy to learn set of five exercises, including meditation. Falun Gong places a strong emphasis on the improvement of one’s inner self according to the universal principles of truth, compassion and tolerance. All are welcome to learn this practice that has benefited people all over the world. Sec. 91 11 a.m.–1:00 p.m. W ZION Teplitsky/Moss 1/12/11–3/16/11

Gentle Yoga REC5GY $84 (Senior $74) Sculpt long, lean muscles, firm and tone, while building strength, flexibility and concentration. Reduce stress, calm and strengthen the mind, emotions, glands, and organs with this gentle yoga workout. Wear loose layered clothing and bring two towels. Sec. 91 6:10–7:10 p.m. M PE 114 6:10–7:10 p.m. W PE 139E J. Kelly 1/10/11–3/16/11

Keep Moving-Seniors REC5KM $65-$42 (Senior $55-$32) Improve your flexibility, range of motion and balance. Bring one-half lb. weights for strength training and gentle stretching. No floor exercise. Sec. 91 7:55–8:45 a.m. M/W/F ZION D. Glasnap $65 1/10/11–3/18/11 Sec. 92 9:30–10:30 a.m. M/W/F CLUB D. Glasnap $65 1/10/11–3/18/11 Sec. 93 10–11 a.m. D. Glasnap $42

T/R ZION 1/11/11–3/17/11

Pilates and Yoga REC5P $79 (Senior $69) Sculpt long, lean muscles, firm and tone, while building strength, flexibility and concentration. Reduce stress, calm and strengthen the mind,

emotions, glands, and organs with this gentle yoga and Pilate’s workout. Wear loose, layered clothing and bring two towels. Sec. 91 7:30–8:20 p.m. M/W PE 139E J. Kelly 1/10/11–3/16/11 Sec. 92 4:30–5:20 p.m. T/R FRVW Dollowitch 1/11/11–03/17/11 Sec. 93 7:30–8:20 p.m. T/R PE139E Dollowitch 1/11/11–03/17/11

Tai Chi Chuan REC5TC $43-$79 (Senior $33-$69) Chinese form of exercise with self-defense application. Reduce the effects of stress. Develop power in the legs, flexibility in the hips and shoulders, suppleness in the spine, increased stamina, improved balance and posture. All are welcome; the benefits are life-changing. Sec. 31 12:15–1:15 p.m. M MAY LOBBY Weber-Kea 1/10/11–3/14/11 Sec. 91 5–6 p.m. STAFF

M/W FRVW 1/10/11–3/16/11

Sec. 92 7–8 p.m. Weber-Kea

M LUKE 1/10/11–3/14/11

Water Aerobics by Moonlight REC5WM $84 (Senior $74) Let a full glass wall help you enjoy the moonlit ambiance of this indoor pool as you work out the day’s frustrations. Learn new and innovative water aerobic exercises while working out in the shallow end of the swimming pool. Easy access, lots of parking, and you leave class feeling great! Fee includes on-duty lifeguard, use of pool, showers and locker room. Sec. 91 8–9 p.m. M. Furness

T/R RYMSPOOL 1/11/11–3/17/11

Warm Water Aerobics REC5WW $74 (Senior $64) Course includes water exercises, water aerobics and water games designed to improve fitness levels. Performed in shallow water to reduce the effects of gravity. Swimming skills are not required. Sec. 91 1–1:50 p.m. D. Johnson

T/R PL HYD 1/11/11–3/17/11

Yoga for Health REC5Y $89 (Senior $79) Balance your mind and body and reduce your stress. Learn proper body alignment and breath awareness through yoga poses to release tension, tone and strengthen muscles, bones and organs. Improve your ability to concentrate. Calm the mind and emotions and





get a good night’s sleep. For every level of condition. Wear loose clothing; bring a sticky mat, blanket and pillow. For ages 18 and up. Sec. 91 9–10:30 a.m. M. Corgiat

M/W ZION 1/10/11–3/16/11

Sec. 92 8–9:30 a.m. M. Corgiat

T/R ZION 1/11/11–3/17/11

Sec. 93 6–7:30 a.m. M. Corgiat

T/R FAIR 1/11/11–3/17/11

Women’s Safety and Self-Defense REC6SS $35 (Senior $25) Take charge of your personal Safety without fear. This tactical course covers many common types of assaults against women and how to avoid them. Women will quickly gain an understanding of the proven techniques and how to apply them in situations. Topics covered include danger awareness, personal/home safety tips, active self-defense, how not to become a victim, verbal self-defense and personal protection in general. Sec. 91 6–8:30 p.m. L. Sommerfeld


AC 2707 1/19/11

Sec. 92 6–8:30 p.m. L. Sommerfeld


AC 2707 2/23/11

Tai Chi Intermediate REC6TC $79 (Senior $69) This intermediate level course is a continuation of basic Tai Chi movements of form and application. Class will have a stronger focus on form. Prerequisite: Prior Tai Chi experience. Sec. 91 4:30–5:30 p.m. T/R FRVW STAFF 1/11/11–3/17/11

Dog Obedience AGR4DO $54 (Senior $44) Course covers basic obedience commands, training tools, manners and basic grooming. Instructor will discuss proper dog care to include diet and exercise needs. Students will have the opportunity to address individual concerns. Bring your dog to class on a leash. Also bring a jug of water and a water bowl. Sec. 91 10 a.m.–noon S AC N. Cox 1/15/11–2/19/11 Class is held in the covered area next to the College Center.

Private Pilot Ground School

AV5 $265 (Senior $255) Initial ground instruction in aeronautical skills and knowledge. Involves an introduction to pilot training. Obtain a basic working knowledge of flight, aerodynamics, aircraft instruments and systems, airspace and airport operations, air traffic control and radar services, radio communications, basic flight physiology, sources of flight information, fundamentals of weather theory, aviation weather hazards and much more. For a full class description, visit the online schedule at Sec. 91 6–8:30 p.m. R. Bailey

M/W GWA 1/3/11–3/16/11

Instrument Pilot Ground School AV6 $265 (Senior $255) This course involves ground instruction necessary to pass the FAA Instrument Pilot Knowledge Exam. Subjects covered include: aircraft flight instruments, altitude instrument flight, radio navigation, IFR departure, enroute and approach procedures, IFR emergencies, airspace and airport operations, Air Traffic Control system and services, meteorology theory, obtaining weather reports and forecasts, human factors and Federal Aviation Regulations. Sec. 91 6–8:30 p.m. R. Bailey

T/R GWA 1/4/11–3/17/11

Driver Education ODOT Certified DRV4DE $315 Course includes 30 classroom hours and 12 hours of in-vehicle training which consists of six hours behind-the-wheel with professional driving instructors and six hours of in-car observation (scheduled outside classroom hours). Learn safe driving techniques, etiquette and preparedness. Upon successful completion, students receive a certificate for submission to the DMV office at time of licensure and for insurance discounts. PLEASE NOTE: 12 hours of in-vehicle training (driving and observation time) is separate from scheduled classroom time. Student must have valid Oregon Driver’s Permit. Attendance is mandatory. Students over the age of 17, or who already have their license, or who obtain their license prior to course completion are charged an additional $210. Register for this course by

College + Community • Winter 2011


Community Education Home, Garden & Family

calling Oregon Driver Education Center at 503297-4813. See www.drivereducationcenter. com for more information. Sec. 31 9 a.m.–noon A. Crites

S MAY 220 1/8/11–3/19/11

Sec. 91 2–5 p.m. A. Crites

S AC 1309 1/8/11–3/19/11

Driver Safety Program DRV5DS $12/$14 This AARP class is a refresher for motorists age 50 and older. Classroom instruction only, no driving. Students completing the program receive a certificate and will be eligible for insurance discounts. No test. Participants need to bring their AARP cards to class. Fee is $12 for members/$14 for non-members. To join AARP prior to registration, please call (888) 687-2277. Sec. 91 9–12:50 p.m. I. Reid

F/S AC 1002 1/21/11–1/22/11

Building Wealth with Real Estate FIN4BW $29 (Senior $19) The first night is an overview of a process for getting from where you are financially to where you want to be using real estate as the investment vehicle. The second night is a planning workshop to put these principles into application. Workbook included. Sec. 91 6:30–8 p.m. S. Straub

T/R AC 1775 1/11/11–1/13/11

Sec. 92 6:30–8 p.m. S. Straub

T/R AC 1775 3/1/11–3/3/11

Sec. 31 6:30–8 p.m. S. Straub

M/W MAY 233 1/10/11–1/12/11

Sec. 32 6:30–8 p.m. S. Straub

M/W MAY 233 3/7/11–3/9/11

Sec. 91 6:15–9:45 p.m. T AC 1775 VonBorste 2/8/11–2/22/11 Sec. 92 6:15–9:45 p.m. VonBorste

R AC 1773 2/17/11–3/3/11

Finding Money for College FIN5MC $39 (Senior $29) Statistics show that college students will graduate with at least $20,000 of debt. In this class, we will work on getting FREE money to pay for your education. You will complete an application for financial aid as well as the OSAC Scholarship application. You will learn how to write outstanding scholarship essays and how to conduct effective scholarship searches that will result in the best possible outcome: lots of money for a college education. Sec. 91 10:30 a.m.–Noon S AC 2700 C. Parish 1/15/11–2/12/11

Retirement Planning Today FIN5RP $29 In straightforward language, this class explains time-tested strategies that help you to make informed financial decisions. This course helps you plan your future with confidence. Discover how to save money on taxes, manage investment risks and protect your assets from potential long-term health care expenses. Above all, this course shows you how to assess your financial situation and develop a personalized plan to achieve your goals. Class workbook can be purchased at the first class for $25 (per household unit). Sec. 91 6:30–9:30 p.m. A. Treat

R AC 2700 1/27/11–2/3/11

FIN4FC $29 (Senior $19) This course demonstrates both why and how to fund a college education far more easily than traditional methods. Workbook included.

Sec. 92 6:30–9:30 p.m. A. Treat

T AC 2700 2/1/11–2/8/11

Sec. 31 6:30–8 p.m. S. Straub

M/W MAY 219 1/24/11–1/26/11

Sec. 91 6:30–8 p.m. S. Straub

M/W AC 2709 1/31/11–2/2/11

GUN4CH $47 (Senior $37) This class satisfies all requirements to obtain an Oregon concealed handgun permit. Learn safety and responsibility of firearm ownership as well as how to obtain a concealed handgun permit, where the permit is valid and use of deadly force as described in ORS (Oregon Revised Statutes). Students who complete class as specified by instructor will receive a certificate.

Funding College with Real Estate

Financial Strategies for Successful Retirement FIN5M $49 Provides essential strategies and information to people who are very close to retirement, as well as to those who are as many as 15 years from retirement. Inflation, investments, taxes and more are taught in the context of retirement planning. Co-sponsorship with MHCC does not 11

connote endorsement of a particular broker or financial planning agency. A $49 fee per family of two will be paid to the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. For registration call 503-665-1131.

Mt. Hood Community College

Concealed Handgun Permit Class

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. S. Curtain

M AC 2608 1/31/11–1/31/11

Sec. 92 6–9 p.m. S. Curtain

M AC 2608 2/21/11–2/21/11

Welcome to Medicare! HE4MC FREE This course will help participants understand Medicare basics and make informed choices. Topics: Medicare eligibility and enrollment; Parts A, B, C and D; covered services; Medicare insurance policies; and problem resolution. This free course is taught by trained volunteers in cooperation with Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. B. Earnest Sec. 92 10 a.m.–Noon B. Earnest Sec. 93 7–9 p.m. B. Earnest

R AC 1001 1/13/11-1/13/11 S AC 1001 2/5/11–2/5/11 R AC 1001 3/10/11–3/10/11

Keep your Family Safe and Healthy HE5FH $29 (Senior $19) This course will cover topics such as natural solutions to headaches, auto safety and injuries and how to know if your kids are on drugs. The instructor will educate students about safe, effective and alternative methods for addressing these health and safety concerns. Students will leave each class session with increased knowledge on how they can improve their family’s health and safety. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m. J. Nuttall


AC 2707 1/11/11

6–8 p.m. J. Nuttall

AC 2707 2/8/11

6–8 p.m. J. Nuttall


AC 2707 3/8/11

Planning a Home Renovation HOM4HR $49 (Senior $39) Taught by a licensed architect with expertise in residential renovations. This course is designed for any homeowner planning a home addition or remodel. Topics include selecting a contractor, identifying red flags and understanding when to do it yourself and when to leave it to the professionals. Sec. 31 1–4 p.m. M. Hogue


MAY 219 1/23/11

Pruning Like a Pro HRT4P $69 (Senior $59) This is a three-part class to learn how to prune your landscape plants and trees with safety, using scientific and common sense methods. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. S. Schmidt

M AC 2700 2/7/11–2/21/11

Sustainable Residential Landscaping HRT4SL $69 (Senior $59) Learn residential landscaping using sustainable design techniques, soil preparation, plant selection, plant care and maintenance. Sec. 91 6:30–8:30 p.m. M/T/R HF 1 S. Schmidt 1/10, 1/11, 1/13/11

Wines of the World: United States HEC2WA $59 (Senior $49) First in a series of courses to learn what is behind the label on that bottle of wine. Develop an appreciation for the product of viniculture; discussion will center around the history, cultivation, production and storage of wine in all U.S. wine-production areas. Component tasting will be an integral part of each class. Must be 21 years of age and have photo ID. Sec. 91 6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 1/3/11–1/3/11

6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 1/10/11–1/10/11

6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

T AC 2059 1/18/11–1/18/11

6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 1/24/11–1/24/11

Wines of the World: France & Italy HEC2WB $59 (Senior $49) Second in a series of courses to learn what is behind the label in that bottle of wine. Develop an appreciation for the product of viniculture; discussion will center around the history, cultivation, production and storage of wine from Western Europe. Component tasting will be an integral part of each class. Must be 21 years of age and have photo ID. Sec. 91 6–9:20 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 1/31/11–1/31/11

6–9:20 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 2/7/11–2/7/11

6–9:20 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2000 2/14/11–2/14/11

Wines of the World: Other Countries HEC2WC $59 (Senior $49) Third in a series of courses to learn what is behind the label on that bottle of wine. Develop an appreciation for the product of viniculture; discussion will center around the history, cultivation, production and storage of wine from Eastern Europe and the Southern Hemisphere. Component tasting will be an integral part of each class. Must be 21 years of age and have photo ID. Sec. 91 6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 1600 2/21/11–2/21/11




Culture 6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 2/28/11–2/28/11

6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 3/7/11–3/7/11

6–8:50 p.m. C. Carrier

M AC 2059 3/14/11–3/14/11

HEC4BB $46 (Senior $36) Yeast, flour and water are just the beginning to wonderful bread. Besides learning about the different types of flour, we will make focaccia, whole grain, classic French baguette, dinner rolls of several types and a breadstick baguette edible centerpiece. T

DDSO 239 1/11/11

Professional Cake Decorating HEC4CD $99 (Senior $89) Prepare for a career in the professional cake decorating industry or learn to decorate like a “pro” for friends and family. You will master decorating techniques and achieve current industry standards for production. Recognition of completion certificate awarded upon completion. No experience is necessary. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. C. Sanders

T CN 177 1/11/11–3/15/11

Creamy Goat Cheese HEC4CG $35 (Senior $25) Learn to make easy goat cheese (Chevre) from a local cheese maker. This hands-on class will give you the skills to make creamy goat cheese and give you the confidence for more challenging cheeses. Students will try several variations, such as herbed logs; spice layered wheels and even a honeyed goat cheese. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. C. Lucero


Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. C. Lucero

W DDSO 239 2/2/11

Yogurt and Yogurt Cheese

Baking Basics

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

based cheeses soak up spices and sauces because they don’t melt. You can broil, simmer and even fry them. Each student will take home a rustic wheel of cheese.

DDSO 239 1/13/11

Simple Farmers' Cheese HEC4CGF $35 (Senior $25) Do it yourself versions of farmers’ cheeses are widely used around the world because they are delicious, great as vegetarian proteins and incredibly easy to make. These citric acid

HEC4CGY $35 (Senior $25) Do it yourself. Learn to make healthy fresh yogurt and delicious tangy cheese (Labne) from your yogurt all in one night. Students will culture milk, drain, and salt, shape into traditional bite size Labne morsels and take home soon to be yogurt and cheese batches. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. C. Lucero

R DDSO 239 3/3/11

Crock Pot Cooking HEC4CP $46 (Senior $36) Join us for crock pot cooking, slow soups and stews. Talk about comfort foods these dishes say love with every bite. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

R DDSO 239 1/20/11

Cooking Around the World: Moroccan Cooking HEC4CWM $46 (Senior $36) Try foods from countries around the world. This exotic Middle Eastern cuisine will delight and please your palate with dishes like tandoori chicken, baba ganouj and baklava. Come and taste some old favorites and new delights. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

R DDSO 239 3/17/11

Go Cheesy Dairy-Free! HEC4DF $34 (Senior $24) Come see how much fun it is to make your favorite delicious “cheese” dishes including cheesy spreads, dips, sauces, and even hard blocks of “cheese” - all without dairy or guilt! These incredible pure-vegetarian cheesy creations are made only with natural ingredients and can be used just like the “real things.” Sec. 91 11 a.m. –1:30 p.m. S AC 1775 D. Gabbe 1/15/11–1/15/11

College + Community • Winter 2011


Community Education Language, Travel & Culture

A Simply Elegant Dinner HEC4ED $46 (Senior $36) In this class we will prepare a menu sure to please that includes: chilled asparagus soup, lamb chops bathed in lemon, olive oil, herbs, pepper-jack polenta and roasted cauliflower. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

R DDSO 239 2/3/11

Food Gifts HEC4FG $46 (Senior $36) Gifts to make and give for the holidays or anytime. Holiday tasty treats for friends and to use as hostess gifts. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

T DDSO 239 1/18/11


Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

T DDSO 239 3/8/11

Indian Intrigue HEC4IU $46 (Senior $36) Chef Lois Foster will take you through a full flavored Indian dinner. At this class we will prepare delicious somosas, filled pastry pockets with a variety of fillings; chicken curry made with traditional fresh ground spices; stirfried green beans with coconut and Indian flavors; basmati rice infused with Saffron. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster


DDSO 239 3/1/11

HEC4KA $46 (Senior $36) In this class we look at healthy foods to prepare on your day off to eat during the week. Skip the gourmet take out, you can do it better!

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

R DDSO 239 2/24/11


DDSO 239 2/1/11


Pizza Wonderland

HEC4GC $46 (Senior $36) Incorporating more cooked greens is a great recipe for health. We will prepare traditional southern greens, Italian spinach and chard torte (or pie), and Asian greens such as baby bok choy with toasted sesame, ginger and soy.

HEC4PZ $46 (Senior $36) It’s a Pizza Wonderland once you’ve learned the classic dough. With Chef Lois Foster, you’ll learn how to make calzone, a bouquet of tasty parmesan breadsticks, homemade pizza with a variety of toppings, foccacia and Panini.

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster


DDSO 239 1/25/11


DDSO 239 2/10/11

Quick Breads, Scones and More

HEC4GN $46 (Senior $36) Using the fresh local bounty of the region we will celebrate the Great Northwest.

HEC4QB $46 (Senior $36) Ever have that one muffin that just doesn’t look right or a batter bread that doesn’t rise properly? Learn a few simple tricks to make perfect quick breads every time.

DDS0 239 3/15/11

Vegetarian Grab and Go HEC4GO $34 (Senior $24) Easy to prepare tasty, portable, out-of-hand meals to keep you fueled up as you’re dashing about. Come hungry! Sec. 91 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m. S AC 2707 D. Gabbe 2/5/10–2/5/11

Italian Dinner at Home HEC4ID $46 (Senior $36) At this time of year we might enjoy slower cooked meals that satisfy not only our taste Mt. Hood Community College

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster


HEC4SB $46 (Senior $36) This course is full of great ideas for a Sunday brunch. How about a breakfast stratta, scones made fresh, Grand Marnier marinated fresh seasonal fruit salad and omelettes. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster


DDSO 239 2/17/11

Spice of Africa-Knead the Dough HEC4SKD $46 (Senior $36) Get inside tips on how to make yummy homemade Kenyan flat bread (chapatti). Learn how to make this healthy, delicious bread. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. W. Machua


DDSO 239 2/22/11

DDSO 239 1/27/11

Spice of Africa-African Sunrise HEC4SAS $46 (Senior $36) Let the aroma of a delightful cup of Kenyan coffee stir your senses and get you rejuvenated. Then roll up your sleeves and roll out the dough for breakfast pastries or hot Uji to start your perfect morning. Sec. 91 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. S W. Machua

HEC4SKS $129 (Senior $119) This Spice of Africa-Kitchen Series consists of the following classes. African Sunrise, Push The Week Along, Stew the Pot and Knead the Dough. Sign up for the whole series and save or enjoy them individually. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. W. Machua

T/S DDSO239 2/5, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22

Saturday class 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at Zenger Farms

Regional Cuisine: The Great Northwest


Sunday Brunch

Spice of Africa-Kitchen Series

Cooking Ahead

HEC4FJ $46 (Senior $36) Join the fun! Come see how easy it is to make healthy sushi rolls. Explore this art form as you create several types: California roll, smoked salmon roll, seaweed salad and sticky rice.

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster


buds but bring a bit of comfort to our souls. Let’s try pasta en brodo, crostini with sundried tomatoes, spaghetti alla putanesca and spicy chicken cacciatore.

ZENG 2/5/11

Spice of Africa-Stew the Pot HEC4SSP $46 (Senior $36) Create a hearty stew that will tantalize your palate and leave you craving for more. Blend different spices and ingredients into perfect, flavorful harmony. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. W. Machua


DDSO 239 2/15/11

Spice of Africa-Push the Week Along HEC4SWA $46 (Senior $36) Add to your weekly food repertoire, an exciting mix of side dishes that go along with popular staple foods. Learn how to create meals that are quick and easy to prepare. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. W. Machua


DDSO 239 2/8/11

Thai Cooking HEC4TH $46 (Senior $36) Discover the rich and flavorful cuisine of Thailand using fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs, and a variety of meats and seafood. Interactive demonstration will include tasting plenty of mouth watering dishes. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. L. Foster


DDSO 239 3/10/11

class locations Vegetarian Beans & Grains Magic

Professional Novel & Memoir Writing

HEC4VB $34 (Senior $24) Beans and whole grains are among the most hearty and healthful foods around. Combined with other ingredients, these humble staples can provide a world of exciting dishes - including yummy desserts. Come discover the magic in beans and grains and watch how easy it is to use them in preparing inexpensive, low-fat, cholesterol-free, pure vegetarian dishes.

LAN4NM $73 (Senior $63) Provides a basic framework and experience for writing both fiction and nonfiction. Develop and complete your book-length project through professional critiques and peer review in this comfortable, friendly atmosphere. Prerequisite: LAN3NM recommended.

Sec. 91 6–8:30 p.m. D. Gabbe


AC 2707 2/17/11

Vegetarian Cooking with Greens HEC4VG $34 (Senior $24) Cooked greens can provide significant protections against cancer and osteoporosis. Come learn all about collards, kale, mustard greens, bok choy and other hardy calciumrich greens. Watch how they can be turned into savory dishes that are inexpensive, lowfat, cholesterol-free and pure vegetarian. Sec. 91 2–4:30 p.m. D. Gabbe


AC 2707 2/5/11

Vegetarian Kitchen HEC4VK $34 (Senior $24) There is an incredibly rich diversity of wholesome dishes to be found in a low-fat, pure vegetarian diet. Join us as we explore soy foods as well as beans and whole grains and see how quick and easy it is to prepare a medley of delicious, budget-friendly, cholesterol-free dishes including yummy desserts! Sec. 91 2–4:30 p.m. D. Gabbe


AC 2707 1/15/11

Sec. 31 6–8:30 p.m. C. Hiday

W MAY 310 1/12/11–3/16/11

Let’s Learn French LAN5FR $73 (Senior $63) In a fun, positive and interactive format, this class introduces beginners to the fundamentals of the French language and culture. Soon you will be using useful everyday phrases. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m. L. Brown

M AC 2756 1/10/11–3/14/11

Learn Spanish Gently LAN5S $87 (Senior $77) A conversational course with a wealth of practical expressions. Taught by an experienced instructor in a relaxed setting designed to aid you in your career, travels, and intercultural communication. Sec. 91 6–8:30 p.m. C. Bass

M AC 1502 1/10/11–3/14/11

Sec. 92 6:30–9 p.m. I. Almada

T DDSO202 1/11/11–3/15/11

Sec. 93 6:30–9 p.m. A. Long

T AC 2756 1/11/11–3/15/11

Sec. 94 6:30–9 p.m. C. Albertson

W AC 2756 1/12/11–3/16/11

MHCC Gresham Campus Buildings 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham AC EC GE HF

Academic Center Early Childhood Ed. G.E. Classroom Fisheries


IT Industrial Tech. PE Physical Education VA Visual Arts Center

The Bruning Center for Allied Health 1484 N.W. Civic Drive, Gresham 503-491-6700 Cascade Athletic Club - 205 9260 S.E. Stark Street, Portland Centennial High School 3505 S.E. 182nd, Gresham Club Estates East 12260 S.E. Main, Portland David Douglas High School 1001 S.E. 135th, Portland David Douglas South Building 1500 S.E. 130th, Portland Fairlawn Community Center 1280 N.E. Kane Road, Gresham Fairview Community Center 300 Harrison, Fairview Gorge Winds Aviation 920 N.W. Perimeter Way, Troutdale St. Luke’s 120 S.W. Towle Ave., Gresham MHCC Maywood Park Campus 10100 N.E. Prescott, Portland 503-491-6100 Reynolds Middle School 1200 N.E. 201st Ave., Fairview Small Business Development Center 328 N. Roberts, Gresham Zenger Farms 11741 S.E. Foster Road, Portland Zion Church of Christ 2025 N.E. 23rd Ave., Gresham

Novel and Memoir Writing Techniques

Learn Spanish Gently-Intermed.

LAN3NM $73 (Senior $63) Develop your writing skills and learn techniques necessary to begin your novel in a relaxed environment. Professional instruction includes lectures and assignments.

Introduction to Storytelling

LAN5SI $87 (Senior $77) An advanced conversational course with a wealth of practical expressions. Taught by an experienced instructor in a relaxed setting, designed to aid you in your career, travel and intercultural communication. Prerequisite: LAN5S, Learn Spanish Gently-Beginning.

THE4ST $45 (Senior $35) Enchant your family and friends with an expertly told tale. Participants will learn about the art of storytelling and will practice their skills in class.

Sec. 31 6–8:30 p.m. C. Hiday

M MAY 310 1/10/11–3/14/11

Writing Your Memoirs LAN4MM $47 (Senior $37) Record your life and experiences expressed with your personal style. Longtime, well respected instructor helps you weave the fabric of your life into a story for future generations to read and cherish. Sec. 91 1–3 p.m. Loisdotte

R FAIRLAWN 1/20/11–3/17/11

Sec. 91 6:30–9 p.m. STAFF

T AC 1583 1/11/11–3/15/11

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. E. Holmes

M AC 2700 1/10/11–1/10/11

Introduction to Voice-overs

LAN5TR $73 (Senior $63) Planning a trip to Italy? This class is perfect for those looking to learn basic expressions and comfortably move around the country. Language, culture and other travel tips provided to enhance any bon voyage!

THE4VO $45 (Senior $35) Learn to become a professional voice-over artist! Learn the many details of the voice-over industry: marketing philosophy, the importance of your voice-over demo, what to expect of clients, scripts and how a recording studio works. You will be amazed at how well you can sound with a little professional coaching.

Sec. 31 5:30–7:20 p.m. W MAY 307 Valenzuela 1/12/11–3/16/11

Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. Langworth

Italian for Travelers

M AC 2501 2/7/11–2/7/11

College + Community • Winter 2011


community skills center The Community Skills Center at the Maywood Park Campus offers self-paced computer and office skills classes designed to upgrade your job skills. • Open seven days a week. • Register and begin classes at any time. • Work at your own pace. • Set your own schedule to meet requirements. • Take up to 10 weeks after you register to complete a course. • Instructors are available to help guide you through your course.


1. Register anytime. Call 503-491-6122 2. Purchase textbook and supplies in the Business Office at the MHCC Maywood Park Campus. 3. Pick up course materials at the Community Skills Center and start class. COURSE FEES: $85 plus cost of textbook unless otherwise stated (subject to change).

COMMUNITY SKILLS CENTER WINTER TERM HOURS: Monday, Wednesday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Beginning Computer for ESL GEN6BE

$85 (Seniors $75)

This beginning computer course takes students through the basics of effectively using a computer to perform basic tasks. In this course you will be introduced to beginning level skills and using computers that run Windows XP, as well as basic documents, Internet and e-mail. Prerequisite: Low-intermediate ESL reading proficiency.

Beginning Computers for Seniors GEN6BN

$58 (Seniors $48)

This beginning course introduces students to basic computer tasks using Windows, typing with a word processor, navigating the Web and working with e-mail using computers that run Windows XP.

Introduction to the Internet and E-mailing GEN6CIA

$85 (Seniors $75)

This hands-on course teaches the student the skills required to access and navigate the Internet and World Wide Web. Students will learn the important features of web-based e-mail, how to locate websites, shop safely online, find data and search the Web for specific information. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows XP.

Data Entry Skill Building GEN6DB

$105 (Seniors $95)

The course teaches data entry skills including: data entry by touch, achieving accuracy, increased keystrokes per minute and appropriate data entry terminology. It addresses data entry skills from different data sources including handwritten documents, forms, computer printouts, and electronic information. Prerequisite: Basic Keyboarding by touch skills.


Mt. Hood Community College

Friday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Proofreading at the Computer GEN6DF

$70 (Seniors $60)

This hands-on course teaches basic proofreading skills such as proofreading comparatively, proofreading in a team, checking for consistency, using Word spelling and grammar check features and proofreading statistical information. Students will work with letters, memos, reports, Intranet postings and other workplace documents. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills.

Dreamweaver Level I GEN6DWA

$115 (Senior $105)

This hands-on course introduces basic concepts and features of Dreamweaver. Students learn to create their first website including: formatting text, inserting images and backgrounds, creating links and making tables. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating system and knowledge of a Web browser; Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.


$85 (Seniors $75)

Learn HTML basics for creating your own web pages.

PC Security and Maintenance GEN6MS

Keyboarding Basics $85 (Seniors $75)

Learn how to type without looking.

Sunday Noon – 4 p.m.

Keyboarding Skill Building GEN6OC

$85 (Seniors $75)

Increase speed/accuracy on the computer keyboard.

Keyboarding Formatting GEN6OD

$90 (Seniors $80)

This course is designed for the student who wants to take charge of their personal typing needs. After the completion of this course, a student should be able to format the most commonly used letters, reports, memos and table types encountered in the classroom, business, or personal settings. Prerequisite: Ability to keyboard by touch.

10-Keypad on the Computer GEN6OE

$85 (Seniors $75)

This course teaches the student how to operate the computer 10-key pad by touch and how to perform electronic calculator functions on the 10-key pad, using the computer calculator software program.

Fundamentals of Photoshop GEN6PH

$115 (Seniors $105)

Learn the fundamentals of manipulating pictures in Adobe Photoshop including layering, creating text and using effects.

$70 (Seniors $60)

This class covers the fundamentals of maintenance and security issues for Windows users.


Saturday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Windows 7 GEN6WN

$85 (Senior $75)

Learn the basics of Windows 7, including working with the desktop, file and folder management, and Windows 7 security.

Community Skills Center Community Education

Windows XP GEN6WXP

$85 (Senior $75)

This class is for the student who needs an introductory knowledge of Windows XP. Topics covered include: the desktop, multitasking in Windows XP, exploring Windows, working with Windows and menus, getting on-line help, customizing the Windows display and features, using Windows personal information and "My Computer", managing files and folders, starting applications, creating documents with WordPad, creating graphics in Paint and using Windows multimedia features and communications features.

Publisher - Level I GEN6YBC

$85 (Seniors $75)

Provides a beginning foundation in desktop publishing for professional purposes and home computing.

Publisher - Level II GEN6YBD

$85 (Seniors $75)

Designed for the student with some Publisher experience who is interested in using Publisher as a complete application for small business. Prerequisite: Publisher - Level I or consent of instructor.

Microsoft Office Essentials GEN6YOA

$115 (Seniors $105)

Learn the basics of Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Windows.

Microsoft Office Essentials with Keyboarding GEN6YOB

$175 (Seniors $165)

Learn the basics of Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Windows and Keyboarding.

Microsoft Office Essentials Plus GEN6YOC

$160 (Seniors $150)

This course is a continuation of Microsoft Office Essentials (GEN6YOA or GEN6YOB). Projects include: working with Word tables and creating a research paper; using Excel formulas, functions and formatting charts; creating more advanced queries in Access; and using the outline tab and clip art to enhance PowerPoint presentations. Prerequisite: Microsoft Office Essentials or introductory knowledge of Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Access 2007 - Level I GEN6ZAA

$85 (Seniors $75)

Learn basic operations of a database, using Access 2007.

Access 2007 - Level II GEN6ZAB

$85 (Seniors $75)

This hands-on course provides the student with competency to use more advanced database

features in Access 2007, including reports and macros. Prerequisite: Access Level I or consent of instructor.

letters, labels, envelopes, newsletters and mail merge. Prerequisite: Word - Level I or consent of instructor.

Excel 2007 - Level I

Word 2007 - Level III


$85 (Seniors $75)

This hands-on course explores the concepts and features of spreadsheets using Excel 2007. The student will build a basic spreadsheet; create an embedded chart; and use formulas, functions, formatting and Web queries. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

Excel 2007 - Level II GEN6ZEB

$85 (Seniors $75)

This hands-on course explores the essentials of the more advanced concepts and features needed to build a semi-complex worksheet using Excel 2007. The student will build skills by using financial functions to create data tables and amortization schedules, by creating and sorting databases, and by using and creating templates. Prerequisite: Excel 2007 - Level I or consent of instructor.

Outlook 2007 GEN6ZMA

$70 (Senior $60)

Learn to use the basic features of Outlook 2007 to enhance job skills. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

PowerPoint 2007 - Level I GEN6ZPA

$85 (Seniors $75)

This basic hands-on course teaches the basic components of PowerPoint 2007. The student will create, edit and deliver graphic presentations to work with text, templates and clip art to create a simple presentation. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

PowerPoint 2007 - Level II GEN6ZPB

$85 (Seniors $75)

This hands-on course teaches more complex components of PowerPoint 2007. The student will use embedding and customization features to prepare presentations. Prerequisite: PowerPoint - Level I or consent of instructor.

Word 2007 - Level I GEN6ZWA

$85 (Seniors $75)

This course provides an introduction to MS Word 2007. Topics include creating, saving and printing documents and saving documents as Web pages. Projects include creating an announcement, research paper, business letter, resume and Web pages. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

Word 2007 - Level II GEN6ZWB

$85 (Seniors $75)

This hands-on course explores the essentials of the more advanced concepts and features of Word 2007 including tables, charts, watermarks,


$100 (Seniors $90)

Designed for individuals who need to do word processing using advanced features of Word 2007.

QuickBooks 2008 GEN7DQ

$115 (Seniors $105)

Course lessons highlight the fastest, easiest way to use QuickBooks 2008; a small business accounting software. Students learn how to enter sales and accounts receivable, track items and inventory, set up budgets, track accounts payable, develop and maintain payroll, and prepare and analyze financial reports. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of accounting principles, the personal computer and small business.

Basic Business Writing Technique GEN7GR

$85 (Seniors $75)

Review grammar and punctuation for effective writing.

MS Office Business Simulation GEN7OS

$115 (Senior $105)

Using MS Office Suite applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), this course is designed to instruct students in project-based activities that simulate a work environment. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Windows and MS Office Suite.

Photoshop Plus GEN7PH

$115 (Senior $105)

Learn to plan, design and troubleshoot your own projects using advanced Photoshop tools. Add and manipulate layers, fix damaged photos and add text and graphics.

Strategies for Job Seekers GEN8JS

$130 (Seniors $120)

This is a self-paced course for job seekers with emphasis in areas such as self-assessment, networking, sending electronic resumes, cover letters, applications and preparing for interviews.

Medical Vocabulary MO16S

$97 ($87 Senior)

This non-credit self-paced course teaches the basic elements of medical words (prefixes, words, roots and suffixes). Medical abbreviations are studied so that the student is able to analyze, define and build medical terms that are most commonly used within the clinic/hospital environment.

College + Community • Winter 2011


non-credit online classes Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC), in partnership with Education2Go, offers online training programs for many in-demand occupations. Professionals from each respective field provide effective, up-to-date Web-based instruction. With MHCC’s online classes, students can work and study on their own time and keep their full-time jobs. • Hundreds of online classes available, covering a wide variety of subjects and interests. • All classes are instructor-facilitated and repeat monthly. • Classes start at a low $94. • Read your lesson and ask questions of your instructor at a time convenient to you.

CAREER & PROFESSIONAL Accounting Fundamentals Project Management Fundamentals Fundamentals of Supervision and Management Going Green at the Workplace Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay Wow, What a Great Event! Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business Creating a Successful Business Plan Nonprofit Fund-raising Essentials Become a Veterinary Assistant Legal Nurse Consulting Paralegal Preparation 1 Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search Making Age an Asset in Your Job Search

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Get Assertive! Get Funny! Achieving Success with Difficult People Healing Through Hypnosis Keys to Effective Communication


For more classes or to register go to or call 503-491-7571 COURSE SECTIONS: A new section of each online class will begin on December 8, January 19 and February 16. Each course consists of 12 two-hour sessions, provided twice weekly, over a six-week period. The lessons are supplemented by interactive quizzes, tutorials and online discussion via the Web.

Certificate in End of Life Care Certificate in Gerontology Introduction to Natural Health and Healing GED Preparation SAT/ACT Preparation GMAT Preparation GRE Preparation LSAT Preparation Discover Digital Photography Secrets of Better Photography Introduction to Photoshop CS4 Photographing People With Your Digital Camera Photoshop Elements 8 for the Digital Photographer Luscious, Low-Fat, Lightning-Quick Meals Going Green at Home Assisting Aging Parents Understanding Adolescents Speed Spanish I and II Grammar for ESL Where Does All My Money Go? Personal Finance Introduction to Stock Options Keys to Successful Money Management

Creating K-12 Learning Materials Solving Classroom Discipline Problems Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom Empowering Students with Disabilities Survival Kit for New Teachers Integrating Technology in the Classroom Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies That Work Ready, Set, Read! Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies Spanish for the Classroom Spanish for Medical Professionals Spanish for Law Enforcement Professionals Teaching Adult Learners

WRITING & PUBLISHING Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers Grammar Refresher The Keys to Effective Editing Get Grants! A to Z Grant Writing Writing Effective Grant Proposals Beginning Writer’s Workshop

This is only a partial list of our many class offerings. For a complete directory, please visit 17

Mt. Hood Community College

Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published Effective Business Writing Writing Essentials Writing for Children Travel Writing Writing for ESL

COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY Computer Skills for the Workplace Introduction to Microsoft Word Introduction to Microsoft Access Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Introduction to Microsoft Publisher Introduction to Microsoft Outlook Introduction to Microsoft Project Introduction to Illustrator CS3 Introduction to QuickBooks 2009 & 2010 Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2010 Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS3 and CS4 Photoshop CS4 for the Digital Photographer Introduction to C++ Programming Introduction to C# Programming Introduction Visual Basic 2005 Introduction to SQL Introduction to Java Programming Introduction to CSS and XHTML Help for the Helpdesk High-Speed Project Management Introduction to PHP and MySQL Creating Web Pages I & II Intermediate Dreamweaver Introduction to Dreamweaver CS4 Creating a Classroom Web Site Designing Effective Websites Achieving Top Search Engine Positions Introduction to PC Troubleshooting Introduction to Networking Intermediate Networking Wireless Networking Introduction to PC Security Basic CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep CompTIA® Network+ Certification Prep PMP Certification Prep 1


n o i t c u r es t s s r n u o o d C Board c e v o r App ractors cont : resents p e g e l l IT Co munity m o C d Mt. Hoo

➤ Rain Gardens 201 Technical Field ➤ Sustainable Site Planning

➤ Best Practices for Sustainable Sites Under Construction

➤ Site Strategies to Reduce Energy & Fuel Consumption

New CCB Continuing Education Requirements Begin 2011 Visit for more information. Call 503 491-7235 to reserve your space now.

Improve Your English Skills

Mejore sus habilidades de Inglés

Улучшить знания английского языка Nâng cao trình-độ tiếng Anh của bạn

ESL and ENL Classes

(English as a Second Language and English as a Non-native Language)

Reading Writing Listening Speaking Pronunciation

Gresham Campus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .503-491-7333 Classes at all times! Maywood Park Campus . . . . 503-491 6100 Very Affordable! Rockwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-491-7333 Español . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503-491-7675 College + Community • Winter 2011 • mhcc/edu/enl


small business development center The Mt. Hood Community College Small Business Development Center is part of the Oregon Small Business Development Center Network. We serve new and established businesses by providing: • Practical, affordable training. • Confidential business counseling at no charge. • Information and referral services. • Access to small business resources. TO REGISTER: Call 503-491-7658 or e-mail us at Register for the class a minimum of 72 hours before the start date.

SEMInARS AND WORKSHOPS To register call 503-491-7658.

Business Growth Program The Business Growth Program offers specialized training and business counseling to new and existing businesses. The Business Growth Program modules include: • Planning: How to manage the day to day details of running the business. • Finance: How much working capital (cash) you need and your bookkeeping, accounting, cash flow and tax needs. • Marketing: How to attract your target customers and promote your business. • Management: What are your staffing needs and how will you build a winning team? Date: 1/5 – 3/16† Time: 4 – 7 p.m. Fee: $395

Going into Business: Start Smart! Get your start-up questions answered here! This seminar is a must if you have a business idea or just opened your doors but still have some questions. What should you know before getting started? Topics to be covered: • Deciding on and registering your business name. • How to structure your business: sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, S corp., C corp. • State and local licensing and permitting requirements, Federal ID number. • Taxes, keeping records and filing.

LOCATION: Classes are held at either the MHCC Small Business Development Center at 323 N.E. Roberts in downtown Gresham (†), or at the Maywood Park campus at 10100 NE Prescott, – room 307, Portland, OR, 97220 (‡). TO CANCEL: Call 503-491-7658 or e-mail us at Cancellations 72 hours or more prior to seminar will be given a 100 percent refund. No refunds for cancellations within 72 hours of seminar.

• When will the money roll in? A quick exercise to determine the profitability of your idea. • Setting and attaining your business goals. • How to get people to buy your product or service. • Other free and low-cost business assistance programs available. Attendees are saying: “Excellent class! Well taught!” “A good starting point -Thank you! Date: 1/11†, 1/27‡, 2/15†, 3/15† Time: 6 – 9 p.m Fee: $55, Class size limited to 20.

Financial Projections for Your Business Learn how to identify initial costs to open your new business and find funding for them. Session includes tips and strategies for researching such costs as space, materials, equipment, professional fees and more. Date: 2/10†, 3/8† Time: 9 a.m. - Noon Fee: $55, Class size limited to 20.

QuickBooks Bootcamp™ 1 Getting Started with QuickBooks Two-Day Hands-On Training in QuickBooks New to QuickBooks or have little bookkeeping experience? This is the workshop to get you started right using the best selling accounting software. Learn to navigate in QuickBooks, enter your sales and pay your bills. Two Session Class. Date: 1/18 & 1/20† or 2/15 & 2/17† or 3/15 & 3/17† Time: 9 a.m. – noon Fee: $129, Class size limited to 9.

QuickBooks Bootcamp™ 2 Making QuickBooks Work for You Two-Day Hands-On Training in QuickBooks Create and customize a company in QuickBooks. Discover QuickBooks’ built-in features that help you understand your financial data to make better management decisions. This class is for people who have completed QuickBooks Bootcamp 1 or have bookkeeping experience. Two Session Class. Date: 1/25 & 1/27† or 2/22 & 2/24† or 3/22 & 3/24† Time: 9 a.m. – Noon Fee: $129, Class size limited to 9. QuickBooks Bootcamp 1 & 2 are loaded with bookkeeping tips and techniques. In each workshop, students will use QuickBooks 2011 on our computer. Training is done using a sample company and includes a free, individual follow-up session with the instructor. Sign up for QuickBooks Bootcamp 1 & 2 for $229 (save $29)

Bookkeeping for Small Business Get a big picture overview of the essential features of a good bookkeeping structure and processing guidelines. Learn about the management of money flowing in and out of your business, including owner contributions and draws. Date: 1/11†, 2/3† Time: 9 a.m. - Noon Fee: $55, Class size limited to 20.

† = MHCC Small Business Development Center at 323 N.E. Roberts, Gresham. ‡ = Maywood Park campus at 10100 NE Prescott – room 143, Portland. 19

Mt. Hood Community College

Small Business Development Center Community Education

Business Plan Bootcamp™ Three hands-on sessions to write your business plan including financial projections and marketing information that will support the plan. Date: 2/2 & 2/9 & 2/16‡ Time: 9 a.m. - Noon — or — Date: 3/2 & 3/9 & 3/16† Time: 6 – 9 p.m. Fee: $135, Class size limited to 20.

Smart Marketing A two-day marketing class that covers the following aspects of marketing: Day 1 - Understanding your favorite customers, their demographics, their pain, how they think and what words they use to refer to your products and services. Then crafting a marketing message that covers how your product or service will take away their pain and why you have the best solution for them. Day 2 - The best ways of getting your marketing message to your favorite customer. This includes traditional media like mail, print, radio and TV and all of the associated instruments. It also stresses the use of the Internet and the power of social media and covers the Web, e-mail and social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, YELP and Foursquare. It also covers the use of public relations to build your company image.

Small business WebinarS To register call 503-491-7658.

Our webinars allows you to stay at your office while still being able to participate in Small Business seminars to help your business grow.

To register: Call (503) 491-7658 or e-mail us at You must register for the class a minimum of 72 hours before the start date.

How to Build a Website for Your Business In this Webinar you will learn the basics of creating a successful website for your small business. The instructor will present tools to build your website, as well as Web hosting options to publish your site on the Internet.

Date: 1/14 Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Fee: No Charge

Date: 1/6 & 1/13† Time: 9 a.m. - Noon — or — Date: 3/3 & 3/10‡ Time: 6 – 9 p.m. Fee: $65, Class size limited to 20.

Contracting with the Government Small businesses face challenges when trying to win federal, state and local government contracts. The Small Business Administration can help small businesses work through these challenges. This class provides an in-depth approach to discovering and seeking contract opportunities available as well as the possible marketing tools that may assist in selling your product or service to the government. Date: 2/9† Time: 9:30 a.m. - Noon Fee: No Charge! Class size limited to 20.

Building a Successful Website for Your Business Learn the basics of creating and managing your website. Know the key elements of a user friendly website and how to direct customers to your site to promote your products and services.

Boosting Your Business Using Social Media Marketing Research shows that 70 percent of US adults visit online social networks. In this course, you will discover seven ways as a local business you can dominate your market if you embrace social networking to include social media in your overall marketing strategy. Date: 2/18†, 3/18† Time: 9 – 11:30 a.m. Fee: $55, Class size limited to 20.

Buying or Selling a Business This two-session workshop will guide you through the process of transferring the ownership of your business to a family member, employee, partner or an outsider. Expert advisers on business exit strategies will present strategies for the valuation of your business, tax implications of transferring the business and financing options for the potential owner of your business. Learn about the importance and process of an exit plan. This seminar is offered in partnership with Young Twedt McRostie LLP. Date: 2/22 & 2/24† Time: 6 – 9 p.m. Fee: $65, Class size limited to 20.

Date: 1/21†, 2/19† Time: 9 – 11:30 a.m. Fee: $55, Class size limited to 20.

How to Write a Business Plan

R U Bankable

This introductory webinar covers the basics of writing a business plan. The instructor will describe the key components of a successful business plan and share local resources for entrepreneurs and business owners.

This will be an informal conversation with local lenders regarding:

Date: 1/28 Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Fee: No Charge

How to Start Your Business Learn the basics of opening a small business in the State of Oregon. How to register your business name, open a business bank account and obtain a tax ID number for your business. Date: 2/4 Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Fee: No Charge

• Definition: What does bankable really mean? • Access to capital. • What are lenders really looking for? • Lending for start-ups versus existing businesses. • Next steps & resources. Date: 2/8 Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Fee: No Charge

Using Social Marketing to Promote Your Business Learn how to incorporate social media tools such as Facebook and Twitter to promote your business and attract new customers. The instructor will discuss the dos and don’ts of social media marketing. Date: 2/11 Time: 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Fee: No Charge

College + Community • Winter 2011


business & industry workforce training Offering personalized, innovative services to prepare your company to compete successfully in the global marketplace. If employees aren’t up-to-date in current industry standards, the Business and Industry Workforce Training (BIWT) at Mt. Hood Community College can design affordable training programs to strengthen a business’ workforce, enhance leadership skills, improve productivity and increase profitability. BIWT can provide customized training, including: • Basic Skills • Communication skills • Computer skills • Continuing education for professional licensing • Industry-specific training • Leadership and supervisory skills

CONSTRUCTION Rain Gardens 201 Technical Field This technical field class will help beginners to experienced designers, agency employees, developers, contractors, educators and others who want to be better prepared to make holistic design choices. We’ll learn in a fun and collaborative atmosphere about how the sum of the parts (inlets, outlets, check dams, etc.) in a variety of vegetated stormwater facilities (rain gardens, bioswales, infiltration basins, green streets, planters) can be designed, constructed, and maintained to improve or impact the watersheds in which we build them. We’ll do this by comparing and contrasting 10 different facilities in the field. *This course fulfills the CCB’s new continuing education requirement for two hours of Sustainable Building Practices, plus three elective hours. Date: 2/16/11 Time: 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Location: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $249 *CCB-RCE (2 hours core) LCB-CEH (3 hours technical)

Sustainable Site Planning This course serves as an upper level in-depth study of site planning so that contractors can apply best management practices to improve the short and long-term sustainability of new and remodeled sites. Students will work in breakout tables on relevant activities that will give them immediate hands-on experience in applying the learning outcomes. *This course fulfills the CCB’s new continuing education requirement for two hours of Sustainable Building Practices, plus one elective hour.


Mt. Hood Community College

• Specialized, in-demand training such as Lean Manufacturing/Lean Contracting and other career fields • Workplace language classes Employer clients working with MHCC include: • Boeing • Boring Fire Department • City of Gresham • Danner-La Crosse Footwear • Horizon Air • Leatherman Tool Group • Microchip • Tri-Met For more information: call (503) 491-7235 or e-mail

Date: 1/26/11 Time: 1–4 p.m. Location: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $149 *CCB-RCE (2 hours core) LCB-CEH (3 hours technical)

Best Practices for Sustainable Sites under Construction This course serves as an upper level in-depth study of how contractors can apply best management practices to protect natural resources. The importance of sediment prevention and erosion control as well as limiting disturbance during construction will be emphasized. *This course fulfills the CCB’s new continuing education requirement for two hours of Sustainable Building Practices. Date: 1/27/11 Time: 10 a.m.–Noon Location: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $99 *CCB-RCE (2 hours core) LCB-CEH (3 hours technical)

Site Strategies for Energy & Fuel Efficiency This course serves as an upper level in-depth study of best management practices that can reduce demand for energy inside and outside the building through sustainable landscape design, construction, operations and maintenance. *This course fulfills the CCB’s new continuing education requirement for two hours of Sustainable Building Practices. Date: 2/2/11 Time: 10 a.m.–Noon Location: Maywood Park Campuss Fee: $99 *CCB-RCE (2 hours core) LCB-CEH (3 hours technical)

Building Analyst & Envelope Professional Training Prepare yourself for the fast growing energy efficiency industry. Earn two Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certifications in eight weeks of weeknight and weekend classes—without having to take time off from your day job. The building analyst training will prepare you for the Building Performance Institute (BPI) national certification testing. Date: 1/11/11–3/11/11 Time: Tues. & Thurs. 6–9 p.m., Sat. 9–1 p.m. Location: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $2995 Date: 4/12/11–6/10/11 Time: Tues. & Thurs. 6–9 p.m., Sat. 9–1 p.m. Location: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $2995

PROFESSIONAL Spanish for Educators – Level I This basic Spanish course is designed for teaching professionals, counselors and administrators who communicate with Spanish-speaking students and their families. Participants study relevant vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and cultural aspects in educational environments. Date: 1/6/11–3/17/11 Time: Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30 Location: Gresham Campus Fee: $150 No class 1/20/11

Business and Industry Workforce Training Community Education

Trips Tours Mhcc Community Education Department Presents Tours to These Destinations:

● Swimming Pools ● Lessons ● Rock Wall ● Kids' Camps ● More

• Rome & the amalfi coast Departing March 2011 • ISLANDS OF NEW ENGLAND Departing June 2011


For tour brochures and more information, please call 503-491-7571 503-491-7243


Business Growth Program

Creating a website for your business is a process that requires a large amount of specialized knowledge. When you enroll in WebMentor, you can tap into the experience of a professional Web developer. Through six individual sessions, WebMentor will guide you through the process of creating a website including: • Building a Web presence • Creating user-friendly navigation • Constructing website architecture • Designing website visual appeal • Marketing with social media • Writing great content for your website

The Business Growth Program offers specialized training and business counseling to new and existing businesses in the start-up stage. The Business Growth Program modules include: • Planning: How to manage the day-to-day details of running the business • Finance: How much working capital (cash) you need and your bookkeeping, accounting, cash flow and tax needs • Marketing: How to attract your target customers and promote your business • Management: Your staffing needs and how to build a winning team

Dates & Times:

Date: 01/05 to 03/16


Time: 4–7 p.m. Location: MHCC Small Business Development Center Fee: $395

To be scheduled after registration MHCC Small Business Development Center

Fee: $295

Class meets every other Wednesday • 503-491-7658 IMAGINE! A successful business that serves your life. Let us show you the way. ™

College + Community • Summer 2010 College + Community • Winter 2011 2222

non-credit online career training Mt. Hood Community College, in partnership with Gatlin Education Services, offers online training programs for many in-demand occupations. Professionals from each respective field provide effective, up-to-date Webbased instruction. • Enroll and begin study at any time. • Most programs can be completed in less than six months. • Each program includes everything needed to succeed including books, lessons, quizzes and assignments. • Instructors/mentors are available to respond to any questions or concerns, as well as encourage and motivate you to succeed. • Courses are not MHCC credited classes and cannot be substituted for courses required in a degree program.

HEALTHCARE AND FITNESS Administrative Medical Specialist with Medical Billing and Coding+Medical Terminology Personal Fitness Trainer Personal Training and Group Exercise Training for Older Adults Pharmacy Technician Veterinary Assistant

$2295 $2095 $2395 $1995 $1795

$1995 $1895 $1795 $1595 $1595 $2095 $1895 $2095 $1795 $1895 $1595

IT AND SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT AutoCAD 2011 Cisco® CCNA® Authorized Certification Training CompTIA™ A+ Certification Training Help Desk Analyst: Tier 1 Support Specialist Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) Microsoft Office Specialist 2007 .NET Training Web Database Developer

For more classes or to register go to or call 503-491-7572 PROGRAM Each program includes a set of lessons and evaluations; grades are a combination of the instructor’s evaluation of students’ work and computer graded tests. Gatlin Education Services provides quality as well as the convenience of anytime, anywhere learning!


BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Administrative Professional with Microsoft Office Specialist Professional Bookkeeping with QuickBooks 2010 Certified Bookkeeper Certified Green Supply Chain Professional Certified Mediator Entrepreneurship: Start-Up and Business Owner Management Microsoft Office Specialist 2007 Non Profit Management Paralegal Search Engine Marketing Technical Writing


Certified Alternative Dispute Resolution Specialist Certified Mediator Management for IT Professionals Management Training Purchasing & Supply Chain Management

$2995 $1595 $2095 $2095 $2095

MEDIA AND DESIGN Digital Arts Certificate Graphic Design with Photoshop CS4 Multimedia Arts Certificate Webmaster

$5595 $1795 $5595 $1795

SKILLED TRADES AND INDUSTRIAL Building Analyst Quick Start Program (BPI BA Certification) Certified Green Supply Chain Professional Certified Window and Door Installer Freight Broker/Agent Training Home Inspection Certificate HVAC Technician Performing Comprehensive Building Assessments Senior Certified Sustainability Professional

$1195 $1595 $1795 $1695 $2095 $3095 $695 $2495

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & GOING GREEN $2395 $1995 $1695 $1495 $1795 $1895 $1995 $2195

Certified Indoor Air Quality Manager Certified Indoor Environmentalist Principles of Green Buildings Solar Power Professional Wind Energy Apprentice

$795 $895 $595 $1695 $2195

This is only a partial list of our many class offerings. For a complete directory, please visit 23

Mt. Hood Community College

Sustainability, Health and Safety Program Presents:

learn to design, develop

& build GREEN

in the Sustainable Building Adviser program

Next class begins October 2011 For additional information and registration please visit the program

website at: or call 503-491-7235.

The Sustainable Building Adviser (SBAP) ● Analyze the costs and benefits of is a non-credit program specifically incorporating sustainable building designed for professionals working in the measures. areas of architecture, engineering, design, ● Take advantage of financial developing and contracting who wish to create environmentally responsible and cost incentives and technical assistance offered by government, utilities and effective buildings. nonprofit organizations. The program is organized in nine monthly ● Work with architects, designers, weekend sessions (Friday to Saturday). All sessions are presented by expert builders, building operators and instructors in an interactive format with utilities to improve a building’s hands-on exercises, site visits and crossperformance. sector applicability. ● Establish a sustainable design goal for project Program Objectives: development. ● Identify and discuss the key practices ● Assist in the education and of sustainable building. training of staff in sustainable ● Establish competencies in applying building. LEED™, Earth Advantage™ and other relevant criteria or established guidelines.

career pathways Career Pathways

Laid off, worried about job security or want to retrain for a new career?


Start Date

Medical Customer Service Rep.

6 Months / 33 Credits

Jan. 3, 2011

Office Specialist

4 Months / Non-Credit

Jan. 18, 2011

For more information, contact: Steven R. Storla, Ph.D. - Career Pathways Coordinator 503-491-7251,

Then enroll in a Career Pathways training and learn the knowledge and skills you need to get a job quickly!

Vocational ESL (VESL): for non-native English speakers, immigrants and refugees

Career Pathways: • Prepare you for indemand occupations • Last only two terms • Offer work-centered classes • Provide job placement assistance

Length / Credits

• Give extensive student support • Offer instruction in technical, professional, business and vocational occupations


Length / Credits

Start Date

Nursing Assistant with VESL

6 Months / 7 credits

Jan. 3 , 2011

For more information, contact: Angelique Kauffman - Career Pathways Specialist 503-660-1444, College + Community • Winter 2010


mhcc quick information guide



Web shortcut

phone #

Registering for Classes Adding a Class / Late Registration Business Office Class Wait Lists Dropping a Class Testing / Assessment Center Withdrawing from College Course Information Academic Planning Academic Program Information Business and Industry Workforce Training (BIWT) Bachelor’s Degree Partnerships College Catalog Community Education Course Descriptions Degree Offerings English as a Second Language English as a Non-Native Language General Ed Dev. (GED) Grading Graduation Information Online Classes Proficiencies: Reading, Writing and Math Program Certificates Transcripts Transferring to or from MHCC Understanding Course Requirements FAQ’s for Advising Paying for College Financial Aid Payment Due Dates Payment Options Payment Plans Refunds Tuition Rate Table Scholarships Confidentiality of Records Release of Student Info Social Security Disclosure

503-491-7393 503-491-7393 503-491-7462 503-491-7393 503-491-7393 503-491-7678 503-491-7393 503-491-7393 503-491-7315 503-491-7315 503-491-6913


Mt. Hood Community College

503-491-7572 503-491-7315 503-491-7315 503-491-7333 503-491-6912 503-491-6433 503-491-7347 503-491-7393 503-491-7170 503-491-7315 503-491-7315 503-491-7462 503-491-7315 503-491-7315 503-491-7462 503-491-7262 Please call: 503-491-6981 or 503-491-7276 for information 503-491-7262 503-491-7384 503-491-7384 503-491-7384


Web shortcut

phone #

Student Code of Conduct Students Right to Know Student Rights and Responsibilities Student Life and Services Academic Advising and Transfer Center Admissions and Records Admissions Limited / Restricted Aquatic Center Athletics Campus Security Campus Tours Career Planning Center Child Care College Center Computer Labs Disability Services Events High School Students International Students Learning Success Center Library Resource Center Mountain Card New Student Orientation New Student Online Orientation Online Student Demos Program Adviser List Self-paced Classes Small Business Development Center Study Abroad TRiO Student Support Services Transitions Transiciones Veterans’ Services How to get to MHCC Directions to Gresham Campus Directions to Maywood Park Campus Directions to the Bruning Center for Allied Health Education

503-491-7317 503-491-7317 503-491-7317 503-491-7277 503-491-7315

503-491-7393 503-491-7393 503-491-7243 503-491-7452 503-491-7310 503-491-7228 503-491-7432 503-491-7169 503-491-7277 503-491-6998 503-491-6923 or 503-491-7670 TDD 503-491-7107 503-491-7421 503-491-7165 503-491-7108 503-491-7161 503-491-7100 503-491-7277 503-491-7315

503-491-7315 503-491-6100 503-491-7658 503-491-7497 503-491-7688 503-491-7680 503-491-7680 503-491-7346 503-491-6422 503-491-6100 503-491-6700

College + Community • Winter 2011


I-84 181st Ave

102nd Ave. 82nd Ave




Stark St.

Division St.


Division St.

Powell Blvd.

10100 NE Prescott St., Portland, Oregon 503-491-6100

Directions from the MHCC Gresham Campus: Travel west on I-84 Take the I-205 South/I-205 North exit Merge onto I-205 North Ramp Merge onto I-205 N. Take East Sandy Blvd. exit Merge onto NE Sandy Blvd. Turn right onto NE 102nd Ave. Turn right onto NE Prescott St. End at 10100 NE Prescott St.

From Portland: Travel east on I-84 Exit at I-205 North Take East Sandy Blvd. exit Merge onto NE Sandy Blvd. Turn right onto NE 102nd Ave. Turn right onto NE Prescott St. End at 10100 NE Prescott St.


Bruning Center for allied health education at Mhcc

Mt. Hood Community College

Directions from Vancouver: Travel south on I-205 South to I-84 east Drive east on I-84 to exit 17, Troutdale Turn right onto 257th Ave. at stoplight Continue on 257th through Stark St. MHCC is on the left just south of Stark St. End at 26000 SE Stark St.

Drive west on SE Stark St. Turn left onto SE 223rd Ave. Turn right onto SE Burnside Rd. Turn left onto NW Civic Dr. End at 1484 NW Civic Dr.

From Portland: Drive east on I-84 to exit 17, Troutdale Turn right onto 257th Ave. at stoplight Continue on 257th through Stark St. MHCC is on the left just south of Stark St. End at 26000 SE Stark St.

From Portland: Travel east on I-84 Take the 181 Ave. exit 13 to Gresham Turn right onto NE 181 Ave. Turn left onto E Burnside St. Turn right onto NW Civic Dr. End at 1484 NW Civic Dr.

For the most current calendar visit

MHCC gresham campus 26000 SE Stark St., Gresham, Oregon 503-491-6422

Directions from the MHCC Gresham Campus:

Winter Term Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/3 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No classes) . . . . 1/17 Winter Term Ends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/18



1484 NW Civic Dr., Gresham, Oregon 503-491-6700

Important Dates 2011


Powell Blvd.



3 Roberts


Civic Dr.

Burn side Rd.

Division St.


Stark St.

257th Kane Rd.

. lvd yB nd a S



Sand y Blvd .

223rd Ave



102nd Ave.

getting to mhcc


Worksource Portland metro east 19421 SE Stark St., Gresham, Oregon 503-660-1440


small business development center 323 NE Roberts Ave., Gresham, Oregon 503-491-7658

Adventure 101 MHCC’s unique new degree in Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education is both highly focused and way out there. This is something you haven’t seen in a college catalog before – the listing of the first quarter’s courses in one of MHCC’s newest Associate of Applied Science degree programs includes the following: Wilderness Survival, Algebra, River Kayaking, Backpacking and Camp Management, English Composition and Introduction to Water Sports. If that doesn’t convince you that you’re into something special, check the second quarter, which includes Rock Climbing, Avalanche Rescue Awareness, Wilderness First Responder and Computer Concepts. This is the new Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education degree, and it will prepare graduates for careers in outdoor recreation, wilderness travel and education. Unofficially, it will also prepare you to be Indiana Jones or Lara Croft, but that’s off the record. “This is a very unique degree for a community college,” says Bryan Anaclerio, co-creator and program coordinator. “There are only two schools in the nation doing this. Our program is so field-intensive, and it’s designed and built around offering a wealth of leadership experience, preparing graduates to go straight into the industry or continue in school.” That industry includes several hundred companies in Oregon alone that serve the outdoor adventure travel and recreation market,

From Computers To Canoes

Learning How To Lead Wilderness Adventures

including guiding companies, tour outfitters, outdoor education schools and more. Graduates of this MHCC program can go right into the outdoor recreation workforce, follow entrepreneurial opportunities or continue on to four-year degrees in tourism and outdoor leadership. Anaclerio and his wife Kim, who is also an instructor in the program, are perfect examples of the people who will emerge with this degree: They can take you into the wilderness on just about any kind of human-powered transportation there is, from a whitewater raft to a pair of skis, teach you everything you need to know to survive and thrive, and save your life six ways if you get into trouble. “Graduates of the program will earn 11 different certifications,” Anaclerio says, “including First Aid/CPR, Wilderness First Responder, Leave No Trace Master Educator, Swift Water Rescue

Technician, Climbing Wall, Single Pitch, Challenge Course Facilitator, Avalanche Level I, WEA (Wilderness Education Association) Stewardship and WEA Certified Outdoor Leader. It’s pretty intensive.” Pretty intensive, indeed — for students and faculty. At one point in the program, students spend an immersion term in the field: nearly five weeks in the backcountry working on technical outdoor skills on land and water and fine-tuning their teaching and leadership abilities. By graduation, students will have logged nearly 100 days of wilderness leadership experience. So, for those who see their career path looking a lot like a trail into the backcountry, this is an ideal program. “Bring motivation and a true love of the outdoors,” Anaclerio says, “and we’ll teach you the rest.”

For more information visit

College + Community • Winter 2011


Flying High MHCC’s long-term and hugely successful collaboration with Boeing Portland means good jobs and bright futures. If you’re like most people, you prefer to believe that the Boeing jetliner you’re traveling in has just two moving parts, both made from unbreakable Superflonium. The truth, of course, is that large commercial aircraft are extraordinarily complex machines with tens of thousands of sophisticated parts. From rivets to engines, they are all engineered and crafted to exceptional levels of precision. Many of those parts are made in Boeing’s Portland facility, including flight control components, wing components, engine mounts, landing gear beams and much more. It’s demanding, rewarding work, offering some of the very best manufacturing jobs in the country. For some 15 years, Boeing Portland and Mt. Hood Community College have maintained a successful collaboration in skills training, employee education and career counseling for the benefit of both Boeing workers and MHCC students.

“Mt. Hood has three full-time staff on-site at Boeing,” says Kelli Walker, who manages MHCC’s Economic and Workforce Development programs. “They coordinate educational programs, provide career advising and teach computer skills. We’re also integral in the Tech Prep program, a summer internship beginning with high school juniors, which leads some students to MHCC and an eventual apprenticeship as a machinist at Boeing.” The Tech Prep program, a collaborative effort of Boeing and the International Association of Machinists (IAM) union, provides a fantastic opportunity for area high school kids. “Boeing worked with the machinists’ union to identify key areas of need,” explains Sharon Birge, who partners with Stacy Brewing to administer Portland’s IAM/Boeing Joint Programs. “Tech Prep is an opportunity that’s embraced both by the Boeing leadership and the union, whose members enjoy mentoring students. It’s a win-win situation that lines up well with our philosophy of empowering and partnering with our workers.”

“MHCC’s collaboration with Boeing is one of the most valuable ways the College serves the needs of the community.” Dan Jones, an MHCC graduate who is now a Boeing employee, took advantage of Tech Prep and credits it with giving him a head start on a good career. “I did three summers at Boeing as an intern,” Jones says, “then I went on to MHCC. It went really smoothly, and my instructors at Mt. Hood prepared me to get a good job here. Currently, I’m a machinist apprentice, taking what I learned at MHCC to the next level, on really complex machines and manufacturing processes.” Tech Prep is just one of the many collaborations between Boeing and MHCC, which range from funding scholarships through the MHCC Foundation, to supporting fund-raising events and offering a range of MHCC educational opportunities to Boeing employees. “MHCC’s collaboration with Boeing is one of the most valuable ways the College serves the needs of the community,” notes John J. “Ski” Sygielski, MHCC president. “For years, we have worked together to make sure Boeing has a pool of trained and talented workers.” Mike Starr, Boeing Portland’s director of operations, explains,

Working Together

Dialing In On Good Careers “We try to align the learning institution with the business needs, so we’re able to focus on what makes the people at Boeing successful in their careers. Longevity is the message in this relationship — we expect to be here for decades to come, and the manufacturing careers we offer here are well-paid with good benefits and a solid future. We rely heavily on the knowledge and skills of our machinists as resources for the best way to do the job and teach the job. And we value the training collaboration with MHCC, because these are critical skills requiring a pool of highly accomplished, highly prepared workers.”

And those workers are always looking to improve their skills and their futures, which is where MHCC’s on-site people come in. “My job is career counseling,” says MHCC’s Skip Paynter. “My main charge is to work with IAM employees and help them navigate their careers at Boeing. We offer training in machining, assembly, inspection and more — a full gamut of resources are available. Boeing is a premier place for MHCC grads to work, and there are also engineering technology and engineering transfer students who seek opportunities here. This has been a terrific collaboration for a long time, and we plan to keep it going.”

Boeing’s Starr agrees: “These are good careers that people can spend a lifetime in, and the relationship with MHCC extends the range of talented people who can find their future making critical parts of the world’s most advanced commercial aircraft.” So the next time you’re taking off, accelerating down the runway with flaps extended and the plane beginning to rotate into the sky, you can depend on all those parts and pieces, and know that some of them were made right here in our community by MHCC graduates. 30



Double the Power of Your Gift! When you make a scholarship donation to the MHCC Foundation, your new and increased gift will be matched dollarfor-dollar, up to $120,000 by the James F. and Marion L. Miller Foundation Scholarship Challenge. This is the third and final year for the Miller Challenge – which will end March 31, 2011. Time is running out. Help put dreams within reach for deserving students in our community today! The more we raise, the more the Miller Foundation will match. Give online at or e-mail us at or call us at 503-491-7206. Thank you

for your support! For more information visit

This schedule is published to provide information to the general public. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of printing. However, the statements contained here are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between a student and the College. MHCC reserves the right to change or cancel a class at any time and to alter stated policy by action of the MHCC District Board of Education. Course offerings may be adjusted for economic reasons and students are urged to register early.

Save the Date: Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mt. Hood Community College Foundation

Auction & Dinner 5 p.m. Portland Waterfront Marriott 1401 SW Naito Parkway Portland, OR 97201 For more information or to make your reservation, call 503-491-7206. Visit us online at foundation or e-mail at

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