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college community



MHCC customizes a training program for Microchip employees Volume 3.2 • Winter 2013






be enrolled President Michael Hay Board of Directors Paul Capell Robert Coen Brian Freeman Rod Monroe Maggie Nelson Diane Noriega Dave Shields Published by the Office of College Advancement Director, Community Development Executive Director, MHCC Foundation Michelle Gregory Editor Maggie Huffman Graphic Design Spring Bastow Glenn Wright Contributors Jarrod Hogue Eliza Lane Kimberly Murray Todd Schwartz Photography Spring Bastow Glenn Wright Cover Photo by: Kelly James

We are here to serve you! In the above photo, Mt. Hood Community College employees gather on the front lawn to spell out the initials of Oregon’s fourth largest community college. We are proud to be part of MHCC and you can count on us to make your student experience the best it can be! To watch a quick video of the “Making of the MHCC Photo,” click on and be sure to read the message at the end. Whether you are interested in taking credit classes (see pages 3–6 for tips on how to get started), non-credit classes (see pages 7–25 for a course schedule) or just want to learn more about your community college, this magazine is a great resource. Registering is oh, so easy! For credit classes, you may register online and in-person. (Visit for the course schedule.) For non-credit classes, you may register via phone, fax, mail and in-person. (Refer to the registration form on page 8.)

MHCC mails this publication to all district residents to inform them of the college’s programs, services and community events. Because the schedule is addressed to “Postal Customer,” individual names cannot be removed from the mailing list. Accessible formats for individuals with disabilities are available by calling the Disability Services Office at 503-497-6923 or 503-491-7670 (TDD). “College + Community” (USPS 002-866) Winter 2013. Published quarterly by Mt. Hood Community College, 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, Oregon 97030. Periodicals postage paid at Gresham, Ore., and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to “College + Community” at 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030.


Mt. Hood Community College

Here are some important dates to remember: Registration for winter term is now open and classes begin Jan. 7. Welcome to MHCC!

be a learner Success, No Waiting MHCC’s Learning Success Center makes help with classes, study skills and the academic life available seven days a week. All of life should work like this: There’s something you don’t understand, something you just don’t get. You go to a magical, welcoming place where rows of tables are marked with signs. You simply find the sign listing your particular problem, sit down and right away a smiling someone comes to help you. Someone with the skills and the knowledge to answer your questions is always there, ready to jump in. Well, most of life isn’t quite that organized or helpful, unless you are talking about the tutors and learning specialists at Mt. Hood Community College. Upstairs at the MHCC Library, the Learning Success Center brings together students, tutors, learning specialists and faculty in a warm, relaxed environment. Students in any credited class or English as a Second Language (ESL) non-credit class can visit the table with the Chemistry or Math 60 or Biology (or whatever else) sign, and find knowledgeable tutors to help. Just down the hall is a fully equipped computer lab as well as a tutoring center for assistance with languages from Spanish to Japanese to American Sign Language.

“This is so rewarding, helping someone with the thing that you once struggled with yourself.”



Math? Chemistry? English?

Tutors take the confusion out of challenging classes – FREE

“At any one time there may be 25 to 30 tutors working here,” says Sharon Juenemann, director of the Learning Success Center, “and help is available in math, science, writing, software skills and much more. We hire people who are both good at the subject and have a real desire to help others be successful.” And the tutors also have empathy —many of them once sat at these same tables as confused students themselves. “This is so rewarding, helping someone with the thing that you once struggled with yourself,” says Cheryl Barnes, an MHCC graduate who is now a student at Portland State University. “I remember how much help I needed. I found the key to unlock the mysteries of math right here.” MHCC student and chemistry tutor Henry Vanacore agrees: “The help I got here made a real difference. It extended my learning time. Some people just get it right away, but that wasn’t me. I needed the extra hours before certain subjects made sense. Clarity comes with time.”

“A lot of students don’t really know the best ways to study,” Juenemann explains. “They just do what they think they should, or what they’ve seen on TV or in a movie. But we understand so much now about how people learn. The way you best study algebra, for example, is much different than the best way to study, say, sociology. We can help make people much more effective learners and time managers. And that can make the difference between success and frustration, even between a college degree and a failed effort.” The rewards of the program go both ways—students get support, and tutors get the satisfaction that they have played a vital role in students’ successes. “Helping others in this way lets me see other perspectives on things that interest me,” Barnes says. “Everyone learns in different ways.” For more information about this helpful student service, please visit

College + Community • Winter 2013


be energized Turnaround Expert An MHCC graduate uses his education to turn the recession of 2008 into success in a growing new field. Jeff Catlin is nothing if not versatile. In three decades of work experience, he’s held 22 job with 16 different companies. Takeovers, buyouts, layoffs—all have kept this U.S. Navy veteran learning new skills and managing to stay positive. He’s owned businesses as well, and the sale of his combination brewpub/ computer store (an interesting way to improve the user experience!) in 2002 led him to MHCC to improve the math and writing skills he knew would be needed in the next phase of his career. Using what he learned about market signals in his MHCC economics class, Catlin saw trouble coming, and began to think about what to do next. He was doing well in sales with a major appliance manufacturer, but that industry depended on housing, and he could feel the

bubble bursting. Soon after, he found himself pushing 50 and jobless. He had been involved with energy conservation at his company, so he decided to retrain as a certified home energy auditor (the consultants who inspect and assess homes and businesses for energy use and efficiency, then design plans for improvement). Catlin quickly hit a Catch-22. “You just couldn’t get certification training unless you already had a job in the industry,” he recalls. “The training agencies told me they wished they knew of an independent training source for people who wanted to get into the business.” A bit of energy was efficiently used when the light bulb came on for Catlin. “I didn’t really want to start another business,” he says, “because I knew how hard it was. But I realized I had to move quickly.” Catlin got help from the Small Business Development Center and sent his business plan to the president of MHCC, who passed it on to WorkSource Oregon, the agency that eventually gave Catlin his first training contract. Demand was great, and his business, Energy Conservation Training Company (ECONTC), grew rapidly. So rapidly, in fact, his company was purchased by Applied Proactive Technologies just 18 months later. Today, Catlin serves as director of education services at ECONTC which has guided more than 900 trainees to more than 1,200 professional certifications since 2009. The company is one of the real leaders in the industry and serves as MHCC’s training partner for building performance classes. MHCC utilizes ECONTC’s experts and facilities to offer Building Analyst & Envelope Professional (a dual certification

Energy Assessment

goes high-tech

through the Building Performance Institute), Weatherization Technician, Performance Tested Comfort Systems, and Heating Professional. “MHCC is fortunate to have access to the ECONTC training center for our classes,” says Jarrod Hogue, manager of the college’s Workforce and Continuing Education department. “WorkSource Oregon often provides grant money to help dislocated workers pay for re-training.” “Virtually every student we’ve trained is working in the industry,” says Catlin. And none of this would have happened without MHCC. Without my MHCC education I couldn’t have achieved the reboot I have—it’s a cliché to say that it was life-changing, but that’s exactly what it was. I’m very lucky—and going to MHCC was one of the luckiest things I ever did.” For more information on training for the fast-growing energy efficiency industry, call 503-491-7235.

Register Now

for College Credit Courses

be registered credit courses work toward your degree It might be a two-year degree. Or a certificate that you earn in just a few months. Maybe you want to take core classes where they are less expensive and transfer to a university. Whatever your path, MHCC has the credit classes that will help you to achieve your dreams. Pages 3–6 will show you a few options. College + Community • Winter 2013

areas of study – credit courses Areas of Study

Transfer AAS*

Administrative Office Professional ● Administrative Office Professional: Human Resource Management ● Administrative Office Professional: Web ● Office Assistant Office Clerk Office Software Specialist Art ● Automotive Technology Chrysler CAP ● Ford ASSET ● Honda PACT ● IMPORT ● Automotive Technology: Light Repair and Maintenance Biology ● Business Administration & Management Business Management ● Retail Management Business Management: Accounting ● Accounting Clerk Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management ● Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Business (ASOT- Business) ● Chemistry / Biochemistry ● Chiropractic (pre-professional) ● Computer Game Development ● Computer Information Systems (CIS) ● CIS: Database Development ● CIS: Health Informatics ● CIS: Information Technology ● CIS: Networks and Operating Systems ● CIS: Web Management / Webmaster ● Cosmetology ● Criminal Justice Administration ● CyberSecurity and Networking ● Dental Hygiene ● Dentistry (pre-professional) ● Early Childhood Education ● Economics ● Education ● Employment Skills Training Engineering Architectural Engineering Technology ● Civil Engineering Technology ● Civil Engineering Technology: Environmental ● Mechanical Engineering Technology ● English ● Environmental Science and Management ● Fisheries Technology ● Funeral Service Education ● General Social Science ● Geography ● Geology ● History ● Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) ● ● HTM: Culinary / Catering ●

* Associate of Applied Science **Career Pathway Certificate of Completion



1-yr CPCC** 1-yr


<1-yr 1-yr


1-yr 1-yr 1-yr 1-yr

1-yr <1-yr



Areas of Study



HTM: Hotel / Restaurant Management HTM: Hotel, Restaurant, Meetings Management ● HTM: Meetings and Special Events Management HTM: Recreation and Leisure ● HTM: Travel ● Integrated Media Integrated Media: Broadcasting ● Integrated Media: Graphic Design ● ● Integrated Media: Photography ● Integrated Media: Video ● Integrated Metals Integrated Metals: AWS Certified Welder Integrated Metals: CNC / CAD / CAM Integrated Metals: Machine Tool Operator Integrated Metals: Machine Tool Technology ● Integrated Metals: VESL / Accelerated CNC Operator Integrated Metals: VESL / Accelerated Welding Technology Integrated Metals: Welding Technology Mathematics ● Medical Office Specialist ● Medical Office Specialist: Accounting ● Medical Office Specialist: Management ● Medical Office Specialist: Unit Secretary ● Medical Billing / Claims Analyst Medical Customer Service Representative Medical Office Coding Medical Receptionist Medicine (pre-professional) ● Mental Health / Human Service ● ● Mental Health / Human Service Youth Worker Modern Languages ● Music ● Natural Resource Technology Natural Resource Technology: Forest Resources ● Natural Resource Technology: Wildlife Resources ● Nursing ● Practical Nursing Pharmacy (pre-professional) ● Philosophy ● Physical Education / Exercise and Sport Science ● Physical Therapist Assistant ● Physics ● Political Science ● Psychology ● Respiratory Care ● Sociology ● Surgical Technology ● Sustainability, Health and Safety ● ● (see Environmental Science and Management) Theatre Arts ● Undecided / Undeclared Exploratory ● Veterinary Medicine (pre-professional) ● Zoology ●



1-yr 1-yr 1-yr

CPCC** CPCC** 1-yr

CPCC** CPCC** 1-yr

1-yr CPCC** 1-yr 1-yr

1-yr 1-yr



For information contact Advising, 503-491-7315

How to Commute to Class in Your Slippers and Earn Degree areasaof study or Certificate distance learning - credit courses If you think you can’t start–or resume–college because of your work schedule or obligations, MHCC has a solution that allows you to attend classes from your home, or from across the planet–even in the middle of the night. At Mt. Hood Community College, we’re all about helping students achieve their dreams. And when we say students, we mean military veterans and their families, recent high school graduates, those who started their education a couple of decades ago, or people in need of a new career. Actually, we’re talking about anyone who realizes that the path to a better job often lies in a college diploma or certificate. If you think you don’t have time for college, here’s some great news. MHCC offers a wide range of credit classes through its online or Distance Learning program. That means you can “commute” to class in your jammies and slippers and still earn a degree! We also offer online and hybrid (a combination of online and on-campus) courses. With more than 180 courses (such as art, math and public speaking), Distance Learning fits nicely into a busy schedule. Call 503-491-7170 or visit for more information on Distance Learning credit classes. For a list of non-credit online courses see page 18.

Are Online Courses For Me? The most successful students in online courses are self-motivated, highly organized and structured. In an online or hybrid course, students are expected to log in the day the course begins and participate throughout each week of the term. Courses are structured and have deadlines for work and participation each week. Students are required to participate in group discussions and interact with other students and instructors.

Requirements: For online and hybrid courses, students must have access to an updated personal computer, Web browser and Internet connection. Distance Learning online courses run on all types of computers including PCs, MACs and Linux systems. Students are welcome to participate in online and hybrid courses from campus computer labs and the MHCC Libraries at the Gresham and Maywood Park Campuses. Students must have computer skills including working knowledge of word processing software, file management, document attachment, email and the ability to navigate the Internet.

How Do I Register for Online and Hybrid Courses? Just visit and click on MyMHCC.

College + Community • Winter 2013


getting started – credit courses #1

Apply for Admission

• If you have never taken classes at MHCC. • If you are a returning student who has not been enrolled at MHCC during the past 12 months: • Complete the form 48 hours prior to taking the College Placement Test (CPT). Forms can be found at

• After applying for admission to the college, you will receive an acceptance letter with your college ID (identification) number and password, which serve as your initial login information.


# 3A

• Log on to the MyMHCC portal at to register online.

• See video demonstrations at


Arrange Transportation

• Parking permits are not required at any of the MHCC campuses. Visit for parking options on and around campus, cycling resources, parking map, crime awareness/campus security, and FAQs. Tri-Met passes are available for purchase at the MHCC Bookstore.

# 7 Pay For Classes

• Tuition and fees are due the first day of each term. See

Visit Testing Services

• For CPT schedule, testing information and resources for math and grammar review, see and

• After completion of CPT, proceed to step 4.

# 3B

For Students with Previous College Credits: Visit the Academic Advising & Transfer Center

• Bring your academic transcripts with you to the Academic Advising & Transfer Center (AATC), inside the Student Services office. An adviser will unofficially evaluate your proficiencies and prerequisites in order to assist in planning your first term schedule. Proceeding to step 4 is recommended, but not required for transfer students. For more information, please visit the AATC online at

Attend an Advising Workshop

• After you have completed steps 1 – 3, sign up for a workshop online at • Bring your test results and MyMHCC login information to access the MyMHCC computer portal. • In the workshop you will learn about planning your schedule and utilizing MHCC’s registration system. • For more information, call 503-491-7315 or email questions to We are here to help you!


Register For Classes

Arrange Financial Aid

• Visit or • Applications take approximately 12 weeks to process!



• Students must pay all charges unless they drop classes by the refund date.


Get To Know MHCC

• Attend the New Student Orientation program in person or online at • Schedule a campus tour at


Buy Your Books

• You can find your required textbooks online at

• Or visit the MHCC Bookstore at the Gresham Campus.

# 10

Get Your MHCC Activity Card

# 11

Manage Your Class Registration

• Stop by the Gresham Campus Library or the Student Union to have your student photo taken for the MHCC Activity Card two weeks before classes begin.

• Students are responsible for their attendance in classes for which they are enrolled. • Non-attendance is not a basis for refund or nonpayment of tuition. For more information, visit

Sign up for Winter Classes Today!

be registered communityand education non-credit classes community education table of contents

Registration Form................................................ Community Education Classes........................... Class Locations and Abbreviations.................... Non-credit Online Classes................................... Community Skills Center.................................... Business and Industry Workforce Training........ Small Business Development Center................. Getting to MHCC.................................................

8 9 – 17 17 18 19 – 21 22 – 23 24 – 25 26

Main MHCC Phone Numbers Admissions, Registration and Records




The Bruning Center for Allied


Health Education Financial Aid


Gresham Campus


Maywood Park Campus


Community Education Registration Form

Community Education Registration Form Registration for Non-Credit Classes Only STUDENT ID or Social Security Number





BIRTH DATE (required)











Course Registration COURSE NO.



Payment Information Paying by:

 Money order 


 Please bill me

You will be contacted if your class is filled or canceled

Other options to register: • ONLINE: Returning students, see panel below • Mail: Please mail registration form and payment to: MHCC Community Education, AC1162

26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR 97030

• FAX: 503-491-7390 (use this form) • Phone: Call 503-491-7572



Do you plan to earn a degree, certificate or diploma at MHCC? A. One–year certificate B. Two–year degree C. High school diploma or GED D. No, here to take classes E. Undecided Employed (While in attendance) F. Full-time (35+ hrs/week) P. Part-time (5–34 hrs/week) N. Not employed

Main reason for attending MHCC: A. Take classes, transfer to a four-year college B. Learn skills to get a job C. Improve job skills D. Explore career or educational options E. Take classes to finish high school or GED F. Improve writing, reading or math skills G. Learn English H. Personal interest/enrichment I. Other J. No response

I acknowledge I am legally obligated to pay all charges incurred by registering. Charges may include late payment fees, reasonable collection costs, attorney’s fee and Oregon Department of Revenue charges related to the collection of all delinquent debts owed to the college. To have the charges removed, I must process a drop or withdraw form through the Admissions, Registration and Records office during the refund period.

or students not enrolled in the past 12 months


Room AC1162 26000 S.E. Stark St. Gresham, OR 97030

c. CALL: 503-491-7572

Web Helpline: 503-491-7393

What is the highest level of education/training you have received beyond high school? (0) None (1) Some college, short-term training or private vocational school (2) One-year college certificate (3) Two-year college degree (4) Bachelor’s degree (5) Master’s degree (6) Ph.D./Professional degree Are you a veteran? ❏ Yes ❏ No

Student Signature___________________________________________________________

Returning Students


who have enrolled within the past 12 months

Course Description

Register and pay online 1. Fill out this registration form 2. You may register in one of three ways: Seven days a week, 24 hours a day! • Go to click on MyMHCC a. FAX this form to: 503-491-7390 or use the direct link: b. MAIL this form to: MHCC Community Education • Your username is your


Payment Information: Payment due date is the first day of the term. You may pay online with a check or debit/credit card. Log on to MyMHCC at, select “Student Services, Pay for School.” Payment in person may also be made in the Student Services Center on the Gresham Campus.


New Students


MHCC ID number • The first time you log in, your password is your six-digit date of birth (i.e. Sept. 21, 1960 = 092160) until you change it Registration for non-credit classes

Cost of Class Course #

Section # Instructor Name The word “STAFF” is used when the specific instructor is not identified.

Class Title

Class Day U M T W R F S

additional fees may apply.

Class Dates Location

Sunday These are the See key on Monday dates the class page 17 Tuesday will cover Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Arts, Crafts

Transparent Watercolor

Special Interest

Senior Discount: Save $10 on any feebased non-credit Community Education class if you are an MHCC district resident age 62 or better! For more information on senior discounts visit:

Beginning Knitting HOM4KF $46 ($36 Senior) Your family and friends will enjoy your hand-knitted original scarves, shawls and hats. This class shows how to select natural or synthetic yarns, use knitting equipment, read patterns and knit a variety of decorative stitches. Advanced knitters will be given more challenging projects. Instructor will provide supply list first class. Fee includes some supplies. Sec. 92 6–8 p.m.

M. Rees W

AC 1767 1/9–3/13

Creative Jewelry Making ART4B $115 ($105 Senior) Learn the fundamentals of simple jewelry construction (no string beading). More advanced students may learn casting and light setting. Sec. 91 G. Buyukas 6:30–9 p.m. T

DDSO 221 1/8–3/12

Beginning Jewelry Making ART4BJ $64 ($54 Senior) Learn all the basics of jewelry making from terminology to tools and techniques. Includes guidelines, supply and resource list, followed by more hands-on workshop and review. Also, learn basic wire work, make findings and wrap bead ends. Supply list provided first day of class. Sec. 31 6–9 p.m.

P. Dugas-Tait R

MAY 143 1/31–2/14

ART4PB $78 ($68 Senior) Emphasis is on vision training, drawing what you see and painting what you feel. Your own style will develop and expand through learning process and technique, including drawing shortcuts and color theory. Supply list provided first day of class.

Found Object Jewelry

ART4FO $125 ($115 Senior) Make your own high-fashion costume jewelry for a fraction of the cost. Combine broken, old or mismatched jewelry with interesting found objects to make unique costume jewelry. Learn to find, dismantle and assemble jewelry without expensive tooling or kilns. Supply list provided first day of class. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

G. Swenson R

DDSO 222 1/10–3/14

Watercolor for All ART4BW $78 ($68 Senior) Approach watercolors using a variety of styles and techniques: glazing, masking, washes, textured effects, pouring, dry brushing, tricks and wet-on-wet. Learn color mixing, composition and color theory. Students work on subjects of their choice. Beginning and continuing students welcome. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

P. Hobbs

VA 13 1/9–3/13


ART4CC $84 ($74 Senior) Have you always wanted to try quilting, but didn't know where to begin? After our discussion on pattern selection, color theory, tools and techniques, sandwiching, quilting and binding, you will design your quilt and determine tools and supplies needed. T

DDSO 236 1/8–3/12

Mosaic Art Workshop I ART4MW $64 ($54 Senior) Students learn the ancient art and technique of direct-application mosaics using broken tile, dishes or glass shards. First class is a lecture to inspire and distribute guidelines/ supply list. Second class is an all-day, handson workshop. Final class allows students to grout their creations. Sec. 91 P. Dugas-Tait 6:30–9 p.m. R 10:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. U 7–9 p.m. R

VA 13 2/28 VA 13 3/10 VA 13 3/14


MAY 304 1/11–3/15 VA 13 1/12–3/16

Art through the Ages ART4PM $29 ($19 Senior) Learn firsthand from works of art in the Portland Art Museum galleries. From ancient Greek to modern and contemporary, explore and analyze the wonderful complexities of art! Note: $12 payable to Portland Art Museum for pass. Sec. 20 6–8 p.m.

K. Whalen R

OFF SITE 2/7–2/28

Pottery ART4TB $130 ($120 Senior) Hand-build or turn clay on electric wheel. Firing is done by instructor; $25 fee goes to the high school toward equipment use and room rental, does not include clay and supplies. Some experience is helpful. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

Beginning Quilting

Sec. 91 N. Tubbs 6–8:30 p.m.

Sec. 31 P. Hobbs 9 a.m.–Noon Sec. 91 P. Hobbs 9 a.m.–Noon

R. Linn W

DDSO 223 1/9–3/13

Just for Fun Piano MUS2IP $65 ($55 Senior) All you need to know to play your favorite songs now! Learn musical shorthand and "tricks and licks" used by professionals. Follows the same principles as the PBS Special, "Flash Piano." Optional $25 additional fee payable to instructor at time of class for home study book and CD. Sec. 91 D. Rochlin 10 a.m.–1 p.m.


AC 2138 1/19

Improvisation on the Piano MUS4IP $65 ($55 Senior) Learn the fundamentals of playing by ear and how chord "inversions" add style and professionalism to your playing. Learn to transpose, add color and spice with "extended chords," and much more. Sec. 91 2–5 p.m.

D. Rochlin S

AC 2138 1/19

College + Community • Winter 2013


Community Education Arts, Crafts and Special Interest

Guitar for Beginners

Acoustic Guitar Construction

MUS4G $74 ($64 Senior) Learn how to play chords, read tablature and sing songs. Learn to tune, strum and play melodies. All levels welcome but beginners are the focus. Start with simple chord structures then move to actual songs. Find your musical yearning through the guitar. Bring guitar to class.

TRD4AG $125 ($115 Senior) Learn traditional and contemporary guitar making techniques from design to final setup and apply them to your personal guitar. All skill levels are encouraged and welcome. Come build the guitar of your dreams.

Sec. 91 L. Jones 6–7:20 p.m.


AC 2138 1/9–3/13

Intermediate Guitar and Songwriting MUS4GI $80 ($70 Senior) Learn chord voicing from standards. Light jazz and classical guitar mixed in with people playing their original songs or instrumentals. Poets and writers welcome; they don't need to bring an instrument to class. Sec. 91 L. Jones 2:10–4 p.m.


AC 2101 1/7–3/11

Beginning Mandolin MUS4M $80 ($70 Senior) This little instrument is used by Paul McCartney, Rod Stewart, REM and lots of Irish and bluegrass bands. Learn to tune, play chords, sing songs and play melodies. Light theory will be taught as well as strumming and picking techniques. Sec. 91 L. Jones 2:10–4 p.m.

AC 2101 1/8–3/5


Beginning Banjo MUS4BB $80 ($70 Senior) Learn to play banjo the Earl Scruggs way and style. Bring your banjo to class and learn tunings, chords and exercises for picking claw style. Learn to play banjo favorites like "Foggy Mountain Breakdown." No experience necessary but any music in your background a plus. Sec. 91 L. Jones 7:30-9:30 p.m.


AC 2138 1/17–3/7

Ukulele for Beginners MUS4UK $80 ($70 Senior) Learn to play the ukulele with professional musician Lew Jones. This instrument has been used by the Beatles and other musicians for its charming sound. Learn its history and expertise. Learn chords, melodies and sing-a-longs. Techniques and light music theory will also be explained. Bring ukulele to class. Handouts will be given and books are optional. Sec. 91 L. Jones 7:30–9 p.m.



AC 2138 1/9–3/13

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

D. Biasca R

DDSO SHOP 1/10–3/14

Ukulele Construction TRD4UC $125 ($115 Senior) Use your basic woodworking skills and learn to make a concert ukulele. You supply the materials, we supply the plans and expertise to help you craft an instrument you will be proud to say "I made this." Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

D. Biasca

DDSO SHOP T 1/8–3/12

Woodworking TRD4W $121 ($111 Senior) For beginning to advanced woodworkers. All necessary tools and techniques will be demonstrated, with additional instruction as needed. No required projects; however, projects will be recommended for beginners to increase woodworking skills, use of tools and equipment. Sec. 91 R. Kreisman DDSO SHOP 3–5:25 p.m. W 1/9–3/13 Sec. 92 R. Kreisman DDSO SHOP 5:35–8 p.m. W 1/9–3/13

Take Control of Your Canon EOS Digital Camera PHT4C $72 ($62 Senior) This class explains everything about your EOS digital camera. You will learn in clear, non-technical language how to use every function on your camera. Canon lenses and flash units will also be discussed. Sec. 91 D. Green 9 a.m.–5 p.m.


AC 2756 1/19

Take Control of Your Nikon Digital SLR Camera PHT4NC $72 ($62 Senior) Learn everything about your Nikon digital SLR camera in clear, non-technical language —how to use your camera functions as well as lenses and flash units. Most Nikon digital SLR cameras will be discussed. Not sure if this class is right for you? Call or email the instructor at 503-661-7506 or Sec. 91 D. Green 9 a.m.–5 p.m.


AC 2756 1/26 • Call 503-491-7572 and register today to reserve your seat in a class!

Understanding Photography Composition PHT4UC $49 ($39 Senior) Proper composition is the key that allows your viewer to appreciate your photos. This four-hour course covers beginning and intermediate composition techniques to improve the impact of your photos. Learn how to use compositional techniques such as formats, placement, shape, lines, texture and color to compose your scene. If you are not sure this class is right for you, please call or email the instructor, David Green, 503-661-7506 or Sec. 91 D. Green 6–10 p.m.


AC 2756 1/31

Professional Cake Decorating HEC4CD $99 ($89 Senior) Prepare for a career in the professional cake decorating industry or learn to decorate like a pro for friends and family. Master decorating techniques and achieve current industry standards for production. Recognition of Completion certificate awarded upon completion. For all levels, no experience needed. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

C. Sanders T

CENT 177 1/8–2/26

Community Skills Center Membership - Learn Computers & More! PC4CSC $89 ($79 Senior) Enjoy 10 weeks of unlimited access to over 1,400 computer and business skills online training videos, hands-on practice files, MS Office and Adobe software, Wi-Fi, meeting spaces, library services, technical assistance and more. Join anytime. Located conveniently at the Maywood Park Campus. For hours or more information visit or call 503-491-6122. Sec. 31 STAFF Open 7 days a week

MAY 116 1/7–3/22

Computer Use for Seniors CS9G $64 ($54 Senior) Enjoy a fun and easy hands-on basic computer and Internet skills course. Obtain a free email account and learn to send and receive emails and attachments. Create, save and print useful computer projects in Microsoft Word to take home. Learn how to use the Internet in a friendly manner and be able to search for information you need. Sec. 91 J. Aguilar 9–10:50 a.m.


AC 2554 1/11–3/8

(see pages 20-22 for more computer classes)

Gently Learning the Computer 1 PC5CB $69 ($59 Senior) Beginning techniques for creating, sharing, saving and sending files. Meet the mouse and keyboard. Learn to email, send attachments, work with photos and browse the Internet. Slow-paced, casual atmosphere with lots of hands-on practice and opportunities to ask questions. Contact the instructor anytime: Sec. 91 K. Huey 3:30–5:30 p.m.

AC 2611 1/7–3/18




WordPress – Build and Maintain Your Website

PC7CB $74 ($64 Senior) Continues where Gently Learning Computer 1 left off. Customize your computer and create your own personal filing system. Download, save and install simple programs. Fun with photos and music. Tips for maintenance. Slowpaced, hands-on practice with opportunities to ask questions. Contact instuctor anytime:

PC5WP $79 ($69 Senior) WordPress is the world’s most popular online software for building websites, and it’s incredibly user friendly. If you have mastered the computer basics—copying and pasting, navigating your hard drive comfortably, managing multiple tabs in your browser—you can build a WordPress website with shopping cart or add a shopping cart to your existing WordPress site. Please contact instructor in advance to have a free WordPress test site set up for you to work on in class. Contact instructor at

Sec. 91 K. Huey 3:30–5:30 p.m.

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.


Gently Learning the Computer 2


AC 1271 1/10–3/14

Creating Mobile Apps with HTML5 Online $95 Learn to make mobile apps that run on iPhone and iPad, as well as on Android, Blackberry and Windows Phone. In this course, you'll learn how to imagine, design, build and optimize a cross-platform mobile app using the very latest HTML5 standards. The result will be a mobile app that's fast and runs on just about any smartphone or tablet computer. Start Date(s): 1/16, 2/20, 3/20 Enroll at

Social Media for Business PC5WT $75 ($65 Senior) Harness the power of Web 2.0 tools and social networking to market your products and services, differentiate your niche, improve customer service and work smarter, not harder. Sec. 31 D. Huey 9–11:30 a.m.


MAY 303 2/15–3/8

S. See R

TBD 1/17–1/31

iPad Basics Workshop: Explore Your iPad's Capabilites PC4EIC $30 ($20 Senior) Hands-on learning covers Apple's iPad touch interface, email, photos, Websurfing and other topics the class suggests. Bring your iPad and let's play! Sec 31 B. McDaniel MAY 220 6–7:30 p.m. M/W 1/28–2/6

Put the "I" in iPhone and iPad PC4IP $60 ($50 Senior) Learn to text, take photos/videos, collect music, set up a calendar, download apps, transfer "stuff" to your computer and get the latest tweets. Also covers iPod Touch, iTunes and iCloud. Bring your own "I" product for practice or attend for information only. Sec. 31 D. Huey 10 a.m.–Noon


MAY 303 2/5–2/26

The Basics of Selling on eBay

Facebook Security PC4FS $29 ($19 Senior) Students will learn how to properly set security features of Facebook to protect privacy, and prevent fraudulent activity, spamming and account stealing and assure application safety. This class is a must for all Facebook users and parents of Facebook users.

PC5BA $52 ($42 Senior) Market your goods to the world. Find out how to open a seller account, build positive feedback, create effective listings, set pricing, upload images, attract bidders, accept credit card payments and pack and ship your merchandise. Optional $25 textbook available for purchase on the first day of class.

Sec. 31 D. Huey 6–8:30 p.m.

Sec. 91 M. Klink 6:10–9 p.m.


MAY 303 1/15


eBay: Beyond the Basics

PC5BS $56 ($46 Senior) Learn the secrets of making a full or part-time living on eBay! Course builds on The Basics of Selling on eBay, introduces more advanced selling strategies to improve profits and grow sales. Learn tips and tricks to enhance listings, increase sales quantity, avoid legal pitfalls, deal with returns and problem customers, encourage repeat business and market yourself. Optional $25 textbook available for purchase on the first day of class. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

M. Klink T

AC 1659 2/12–3/12

Create Your Own Website PC5BW $60 ($50 Senior) Design your own customized website and/or blog with an easy to learn editor. Learn to format text, add photos or graphics, create links, create a Web store, buy a domain name and more. Instruction on Windows 7 computer. Okay to bring your own laptop. Sec. 31 1–3 p.m.

D. Huey T

MAY 303 1/8–1/29

Creating a Web Page PC6CW $70 ($60 Senior) Create a website for your business, hobby or personal use. Start with an introduction to Dreamweaver CS5. Covers creating a basic main page, inserting backgrounds and graphics, adding additional page(s), navigation and links. Get information on domain names, how to launch your site and track visitors. Sec. 31 D. Huey 6–8:30 p.m.


MAY 303 2/7–3/14

Introduction to Macintosh PC5MC $60 ($50 Senior) Hands-on course covers the Macintosh computer, its innovative features and utilization of the Mac operating system (OS). Designed for new Mac users, or any computer user interested in expanding computer skills. Sec. 31 D. Huey 10 a.m.–Noon


VA 28 1/8–1/29

AC 2554 1/8–2/5 College + Community • Winter 2013


Community Education Computer and Technology

Have Fun with Photoshop: Beginning Level PC5PH $74 ($64 Senior) Learn tips for working with digital photographs and scanned prints to make photos look better. Whether for personal use or occupational marketability, learn to fix common photographic problems, restore old photographs and even create original artwork using Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Sec. 91 7–9 p.m.

D. Huey M

AC 2611 1/7–3/11

An Introduction to HTML5 with CSS3 PC5SH $75 ($65 Senior) Back to the basics, no XML or XHTML, only the basics of laying out a page in HTML5. Also covers CSS3 basics that change font, size and color; bold, italicize or underline. Instruction on Windows 7 computer. Students may bring their own laptops. Sec. 31 1–3 p.m.

D. Huey T

MAY 303 2/5–3/5

Computación Básica para Estudiantes de Habla Hispana PC5SP $47 ($37 Senior) Este curso está diseñado para los usuarios sin experiencia o conocimiento previo en computación. Las clases le ayudaran a familiarizarse con los conceptos básicos de una computadora personal y Windows, introducir el uso del correo electrónico, el uso de un navegador de Internet y técnicas básicas de búsqueda utilizando un navegador Web. Sec. 91 J. Serratos 9–11:20 a.m. Sec. 92 J. Serratos 9–11:20 a.m.

AC 2611 1/12–2/9 AC 2611 S 2/16–3/16


Computación Básica Intermedia para Estudiantes de Habla Hispana PC6SP $47 ($37 Senior) Esta clase está diseñada para estudiantes que han completado Computación Básica para estudiantes de habla hispana. Los estudiantes continuarán aprendiendo Word 2007. También aprenderán a crear una presentación en PowerPoint y Publisher 2007. Aprenda a crear un álbum de fotos de presentación, volantes y folletos. Sec. 91 J. Serratos 9 a.m.–1:50 p.m. Sec. 92 J. Serratos 11:30 a.m.–1:50 p.m.


AC 2611 1/12–2/9 AC 2611 S 2/16–3/16


Computer Troubleshooting

Adult Ballet

PC5TS $67 ($57 Senior) Save time and money for your business or family by learning how to properly maintain and troubleshoot your desktop or laptop PC. Students will learn to perform memory and performance evaluations, set up or troubleshoot Internet connections, back up data, improve performances through updates, prevent and remove viruses and spyware, upgrade memory and install components.

REC4AB $88 ($78 Senior) Explore the beauty and joy of learning ballet and stretch techniques to classical music. All levels welcome.

Sec. 91 J. Fonseca 6:30–8:30 p.m.


AC 1658 1/8–2/5

Beginning Ballroom Dance REC3BD $59 ($49 Senior) Whether you are new to the world of dancing, or simply in need of a refresher course, this class will provide the basic skills and confidence needed to take your spot on the dance floor. Covers the two foundational components: East Coast swing and waltz. Enrolled partner required. Sec. 91 Shioshi/Schalk 6:30–7:30 p.m. M

PE 114 1/7–3/4

Tap Dance REC3TP $64 ($54 Senior) A rhythmic, fun way to exercise. Students will learn basic tap vocabulary and style culminating in a choreographed dance. Sec. 91 K. Miller 8–8:50 p.m.


FRVW 1/7–3/18

Beginning West Coast Swing REC3WC $59 ($49 Senior) Learning this fun, exciting dance will give you the basic skills and confidence needed to take your spot on any dance floor—at a wedding, in a ballroom or at a nightclub. Prerequisites: Some dancing experience (Beginning Ballroom or Night Club 2 Step/Cha Cha) and an enrolled partner. Sec. 91 Shioshi/Schalk 7:45–8:45 p.m. M

PE 114 1/7–3/4

Intermediate West Coast Swing REC4WC $59 ($49 Senior) Continue to add fun and confidence to your West Coast swing. Review basic steps and rhythms. Learn new steps while adding styling and musicality. Prerequisite: Beginning West Cast swing or a basic knowledge of West Coast swing, and an enrolled partner. Sec. 91 Shioshi/Schalk 7:45–8:45 p.m. R

PE 114 1/10–3/14 • Call 503-491-7572 and register today to reserve your seat in a class!

Sec. 91 L. Morgan 8:30–10:30 a.m.


PE 114 1/12–3/16

Beginning Ballet REC4BB $89 ($79 Senior) Designed to develop an appreciation of technique and style through participation. Pure technique will be stressed with emphasis on terminology, traditional background and personal value. Sec. 91 J. Kelly 1:10–2:30 p.m.

PE 114 1/8–3/21


Conscious Movement through Dance REC4CM $73 ($63 Senior) Explore movement as a portal entry to the body when breath, spirit and intent unite in conscious, authentic expression. Improve flexibility, cardiovascular and brain function while reducing stress and depression through self-paced practice. Enjoy music and build relationships while engaging in a unique opportunity to promote health and self-discovery. Sec. 91 M. Turner 6:30–8 p.m.


AC 1252 1/10–3/14

Belly Dance Fitness REC4WB $64 ($54 Senior) Time to shimmy and shake your way to fitness! Experience the beauty and mystery of this ancient womens' dance. Body isolations, stretching, movement combinations and veil work will be included. Sec. 91 K. Miller 7–7:50 p.m.


FRVW 1/7–3/18

Zumba Fitness REC5ZM $89 ($79 Senior) This Latin-inspired dance fitness program blends international music and infectious steps to form dance that is downright addictive. Incorporating cumbia, merengue, salsa, reggaeton, mambo, rumba, flamenco and hip-hop, both fast and slow rhythms help tone and sculpt the body. Dance hard and burn 600 – 1,000 calories each class! Sec. 91 C. Cranston 5–5:50 p.m. M/W

FRVW 1/7–3/13

Zumba Gold REC5ZMG $89 ($79 Senior) Zumba Gold is lower intensity version of Zumba, a Latin-inspired dance fitness program that blends international music and infectious steps to form dance. Zumba Gold is perfect for seniors, participants at lower fitness levels or for individuals who have physical limitations. The dance-fitness program has been carefully designed to be easy to follow by individuals of any size or age. Sec. 91 C. Cranston 4–4:50 p.m. M/W

FRVW 1/7–3/13

Silver and Fit Level II REC4AA $99 ($89 Senior) Silver and Fit Level II is designed for moderately active older adults who exercise one or two days per week. The class is designed to increase the participant's flexibility, joint stability, dynamic balance, coordination, agility, reaction time, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance. Sec. 91 S. Dobson 1–1:50 p.m. M/W

CAC 205 1/7–3/13

Group Power REC4GP $99 ($89 Senior) Group Power is your hour of power! This 60-minute barbell program strengthens all your major muscles in an inspiring, motivating group environment with fantastic music and awesome instructors. With simple, athletic movements such as squats, lunges, presses and curls, this class is for all ages and fitness levels. Sec. 91 S. Dobson CAC 205 5:30–6:30 a.m. T/R 1/8–3/12 Sec. 92 S. Dobson CAC 205 5:30–6:20 p.m. R 1/10–3/14 CAC 205 6:30–7:20 p.m. T 1/8–3/12

Group Ride REC4GR $79-$99 ($69-$89 Senior) Pedal in groups, roll over hills, chase the pack, climb mountains and spin your way to burning calories and strengthening your lower body. This 60-minute cycling program is geared for anyone who can ride a bike. Motivating music, awesome instructors and inspiring group environment let you ride on! Sec. 91 S. Dobson $79 CAC 205 5:30–6:30 a.m. W 1/9–3/13 Sec. 92 S. Dobson $99 CAC 205 5:30–6:30 p.m. M/W 1/7–3/13

Group Kick





REC4MM $99 ($89 Senior) This electric 60-minute fusion class of martial arts and boxing movements will kick your cardio fitness to the next level while defining and shaping your body and self-confidence. Energetic music, awesome instructors and a group environment will keep you punching, kicking and smiling!

Sec. 91 S. Dobson CAC 205 5:30–6:20 p.m. T 1/8–3/12 CAC 205 6:30–7:20 p.m. R 1/10–3/7

Keep Moving-Seniors REC5KM $65 ($55 Senior) Improve your flexibility, range of motion and balance. Bring 1 or 2-pound weights for strength training and stretching. No floor exercise. Sec. 91 D. Glasnapp 7:55–8:45 a.m. M/W/F Sec. 92 D. Glasnapp 9:30–10:30 a.m. M/W/F Sec. 93 D. Glasnapp 10–11 a.m. T/R

ZION CH 1/7–3/15 CLUB EST 1/7–3/15 ZION CH 1/8–3/14

Water Aerobics by Moonlight REC5WM $89 ($79 Senior) Enjoy the moonlit ambiance of an indoor pool as you work out the day's frustrations. Learn new and innovative water aerobic exercises in the shallow end of the swimming pool. Fee includes on-duty lifeguard, use of pool, showers and locker room. Sec. 91 8–9 p.m.

M. Furness T/R

RYMS POOL 1/8–3/14

Gentle Yoga REC5GY $84 ($74 Senior) Sculpt long, lean muscles, firm and tone, while building strength, flexibility and concentration. Reduce stress, calm and strengthen the mind, emotions, glands and organs with this gentle yoga workout. Wear loose, layered clothing and bring two towels. Sec. 91 G. Dollowitch 6:10–7 p.m. M/W

PE 139E 1/7–3/6

Chair Yoga

REC4CY $99 ($89 Senior) Get the benefits of yoga in this chair-assisted class! Stretch and revitalize your whole body while challenging balance and developing core stabilization. End the session with relaxation emphasizing breathing techniques. Sec. 91 S. Dobson Noon–12:45 p.m. M/W

CAC 205 1/7–3/13

Pilates and Yoga REC5P $79 ($69 Senior) Develop a strong, flexible and firm body with gentle exercises. Movements improve balance, and increase flexibility and abdominal strengthening while maintaining healthy breathing. Bring your own mat. Sec. 91 G. Dollowitch 7:10–8 p.m. M/W Sec. 92 G. Dollowitch 7:30–8:20 p.m. T/R

PE 139E 1/7–3/6 PE 114 1/8–3/7

Yoga for Health REC5Y $89 ($79 Senior) Learn proper body alignment and breath awareness through yoga poses that release tension, and tone and strengthen muscles, bones and organs. Improve your ability to concentrate. Calm the mind and emotions and get a good night's sleep. Wear loose clothing; bring a sticky mat, blanket and pillow. Entry level class. Ages 18 and up. Sec. 91 M. Corgiat ZION CH 9:05–10:35 a.m. M/W 1/7–3/13 Sec. 92 M. Corgiat ZION CH 8–9:30 a.m. T/R 1/8–3/14 Sec. 93 M. Corgiat FAIR 6–7:30 p.m. T/R 1/8–3/14

Advanced Tai Chi Chuan and Broadsword REC7TC $43 ($33 Senior) This class uses the entire Classical Yang Style long form of Tai Chi Chuan with attention to posture, breath and mindfulness. The Plum Flower Chinese broadsword set will also be practiced. Swords available for use in class. Sec. 91 B. Newman 7:10–8:10 p.m. M

FAIR 1/7–3/11

College + Community • Winter 2013


Community Education Health, Fitness and Recreation

Beginning Tai Chi Chuan and Qigong

Intro to Herbs for Health

Abuse Prevention Training

REC5TC $43 ($33 Senior) Chinese internal form of Kung Fu reduces the effects of stress; develops leg power, hip, shoulder and spine flexibility, increases stamina; improves balance and posture. Includes the Qigong Eight Pieces of Brocade and the first section of the Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan form.

HE4HS $49 ($39 Senior) Explore the history of herbs for health and how they may be used to support the immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Learn how to make formulas, tinctures, salves and other herbal remedies. Learn how herbs may be used to make useful, inexpensive holiday gifts.

HE3AP Free Learn how to teach the children in your life that they have a right to feel safe, to understand what it means to be safe and to know what to do when they are feeling unsafe. Teachers and parents will walk away with skills and confidence to start conversations with the children in their lives.

Sec. 31 2–3 p.m. Sec. 91 6–7 p.m.

Sec. 91 1–4 p.m.

Sec. 91 6–9 p.m.

B. Newman M B. Newman M

MAY 101 1/7–3/18 FAIR 1/7–3/18

Fire Dragon Qigong REC5QC $40 ($30 Senior) QiGong (or "energy work") is a way to revitalize our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Through the use of visualization, breath and gentle movement, develop a natural state of heath and well-being by returning the body to a state of free-flowing Qi (or "vital energy"). Sec 91 J. Brown 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m.


TBD 1/10–3/21

Beginning Tae Kwon Do REC3TK $89 ($79 Senior) Basic instruction in the art of Tae Kwon Do (Korean Karate) as taught by the World Tae Kwon Do Federation and USAT (United States of America Tae Kwon Do). Sec. 91 M. Foulke 6:30–9:30 p.m.


PE 114 1/9–3/20

Reiki Level 1 HE3RK $120 ($110 Senior) Learn how to give Reiki treatments for yourself and others. Reiki is a method of stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. Reiki is a re-connection with the energy from a divine source. Participants will practice giving sessions to themselves and others in the class. Sec. 91 J. Hashizume 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. S

AC 2707 2/2

Reiki Level 2 HE4RK $120 ($110 Senior) This class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. You will learn the Reiki Level 2 symbols and how to use them to help heal unwanted habits and facilitate distant healings. Practice time includes giving and receiving a Reiki treatment. Sec. 91 J. Hashizume 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. U


AC 2707 2/3

M. Turner S

AC 1653 1/12–2/2

R. Seemann

AC 2057 2/8


Bicycle Maintenance and Repair

Driver Education ODOT Certified

REC4MR $89 ($79 Senior) This course is designed for any bicycle owner who wants to learn the essentials of bicycle maintenance, from simple tuneups and adjustments to common roadside repairs. The information presented is applicable to all types of bicycles and is perfect for the bike commuter or weekend rider.

DRV4DE $315 ($305 Senior) Includes 30 classroom hours and 12 hours of in-vehicle training. Upon successful completion, receive a certificate for submission to the DMV and for insurance discounts. To register, call 503-225-0770. For more information visit Students over the age of 17, or who already have their license, or who obtain their license prior to course completion will be charged an additional $210.

Sec. 91 7–9 p.m. Sec. 92 7–9 p.m.

N. Jones

ORIM 2/13 ORIM 3/6

W N. Jones W

Land Navigation with Map and Compass REC5LN $79 ($69 Senior) For the outdoor professional or weekend hiker, this course offers land navigation, orienteering information and opportunities to practice outdoors. Includes understanding map symbols, traveling by compass or map, finding bearings, sketching maps, traveling in the wilderness and using GPS. $12 textbook purchase required. Sec 91 M. Allen 11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.


TBD 2/2–3/23

Sec. 91 STAFF 9 a.m.–Noon


AC 1309 1/12–3/23

Building Wealth with Real Estate FIN4BW $29 ($19 Senior) The first night is an overview of a process for getting from where you are financially to where you want to be using real estate as the investment vehicle. The second night is a planning workshop to put these principles into application. Workbook included. Sec. 31 S. Straub 6:30–8 p.m. M/W Sec. 91 S. Straub 6:30–8 p.m. T/R

MAY 307 1/7–1/9 AC 2756 2/5–2/7

Private Pilot Ground School

Financial Strategies

AV5 $295 ($285 Senior) This course is an introduction to pilot training with initial ground instruction in aeronautical skills and knowledge. Obtain a basic working knowledge of flight aerodynamics, aircraft instruments and systems, airspace and airport operations, air traffic control and radar services, radio communications, basic flight physiology, sources of flight information, fundamentals of weather theory, aviation weather hazards and much more. For a full class description, visit the online schedule at

$49 Provides essential strategies and information to those close to retirement, and those as many as 15 years from retirement. Inflation, investments, taxes and more are taught in the context of retirement planning. A $49 fee per family of two will be paid to the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. To register, call Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce at 503-665-1131.

Sec. 91 R. Bailey TTD ARPT 6–8:30 p.m. M/W 1/7–3/20 • Call 503-491-7572 and register today to reserve your seat in a class!

Sec. 91 W. von Borstel 6:15–9:45 p.m. W Sec. 92 W. von Borstel 6:15–9:45 p.m. T

AC 1775 2/6–2/20 AC 1775 2/12–2/26

Social Security Strategies $49 A detailed overview of your Social Security and retirement planning alternatives taught in an easy-to-understand format in an informal classroom setting. A $49 fee per family of two will be paid to the Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce. To register, call Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce at 503-665-1131. Sec. 91 W. von Borstel 6:15–8:45 p.m. W Sec. 92 W. von Borstel 6:15–8:45 p.m. T

AC 1775 3/6 AC 3303 3/12

Baby Signs HOM4BS $30 ($20 Senior) This workshop is for parents/caregivers of babies age 6-24 months. Learn everything you need to know to get started using sign language with your pre-verbal baby. Learn to teach your baby to "talk" before he or she can talk! This is an adults only workshop, but non-mobile babies are welcome. Sec. 91 A. Bazley 6–7:30 p.m.


AC 1553 2/6





Concealed Handgun Permit Class

GUN4CH $49 ($39 Senior) One-evening class designed to satisfy all requirements to obtain a Concealed Carry License (CHL), valid in Oregon and 16 other states. Covers safety and responsibility of firearm ownership, how to obtain a CHL, where the permit is valid, how to interact with law enforcement and use of deadly force as described in ORS (Oregon Revised Statues). All students who complete class as specified by instructor will receive an Oregon Concealed Carry Training Certificate. Sec. 91 6–9 p.m. Sec. 92 6–9 p.m.

S. Curtain M S. Curtain M

AC 2728 1/28 AC 2728 2/18

Sign, Say and Play with Baby

Managing Your Space, Paper & Time

HOM4SP $72 ($62 Senior) Learn how to communicate with your preverbal baby! Parents/caregivers and babies 6-24 months are welcome to join this fun, interactive play class! Learn how to use sign language with your baby. Read books, sing songs and play games that promote language and cognitive development.

HOM4CC $29 ($19 Senior) Taught by a professional organizer, this course will provide you with proven strategies to help you be better organized. Learn how to identify what to keep, sell, toss, donate or recycle. Organize your paper to help you manage your bills and prepare for tax season. Create a clutter-free home with more space and time for you and your family.

Sec. 91 A. Bazley 10–11 a.m.


AC 1775 2/1–3/8

Welcome to Medicare! HE4MC Free Medicare doesn't have to be confusing. Learn to understand Medicare basics and make informed choices. Topics: Medicare eligibility and enrollment; Parts A, B, C and D; covered services; Medicare insurance policies; and problem resolution. Taught by trained volunteers in cooperation with Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services. Sec. 91 B. Earnest 7–9:15 p.m. Sec. 92 B. Earnest 10 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Sec. 93 B. Earnest 7–9:15 p.m.


AC 1001 1/17 AC 1001 2/16 AC 1001 3/14

Sec. 91 1–3 p.m. Sec. 92 1–3 p.m.

C. Reineccius S C. Reineccius S

AC 1775 1/12 AC 1775 3/16

Clearing Clutter: It’s Not About the Stuff HOM4MC $29 ($19 Senior) Take a look at your home. Are there stacks of magazines, books and mail taking up space? Are your closets a mess? Are there parts of your house that you're too embarrassed to show people? Once you understand what's behind the clutter, it makes it so much easier to deal with. Learn how just a few small, easy changes can have a big impact on your life. Sec. 91 L. Binns 6:30–8:30 p.m.


AC 1502 2/13

Take Yourself from Stuck to Unstoppable

HOM4SU $29 ($19 Senior) Many people are feeling stuck in some way right now. Perhaps you’ve been feeling that way for some time, or perhaps you’re finding now the things that have worked for you in the past are no longer working in the same way. Wherever you are feeling stuck, wherever you would like to see change—whether it’s in your financial situation, your relationships, health, business or career—it is possible for things to change—and more easily than you think. Sec. 91 L. Binns 6:30–8:30 p.m.


AC 1502 2/6

Energize Your Office for Business Success HOM4RP $29 ($19 Senior) The environment that you work in is crucial to your business success. Enhance your work area in ways that will make a positive difference. Recognize areas that may be holding you back! Sec. 91 L. Binns 6:30–8:30 p.m.


AC 1502 2/20

Discovering Your Civil War Ancestor HOM4CW $89 ($79 Senior) If your family was in the U.S. in the 1860s, chances are at least one of your relatives served in either the Union or Confederate armies during the U.S. Civil War. Using the Internet, your family records and important primary sources, learn the details of your ancestor's Civil War service. Sec. 91 K. Eakman 10 a.m.–Noon


AC 2554 1/12–2/9

Genealogy 101: Getting Started HOM4GA $89 ($79 Senior) Hands-on, computer-based course teaches the foundational steps for creating a family tree and researching your genealogy. Using computer-based resources, learn to uncover the facts of your ancestry and review and evaluate sources for accuracy. Students must be computer and Internet literate. Sec. 91 K. Eakman 6:10–8 p.m. M/W

AC 1659 1/7–1/30

College + Community • Winter 2013






Home Vegetable Gardening Done Right

HOM4VG $69 ($59 Senior) Learn how to start seeds, determine soil type, conduct a soil test and prepare the soil with soil amendments. Discuss organic and non organic options, watering, planting methods, weed control and mulching, harvesting and seed collecting. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 6 (CEH) credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt FISH 1 6:30–8:30 p.m. T/W/R 2/18, 2/19, 2/21

Fall and Winter Vegetable Gardening for Pros HRT5FW $75 ($65 Senior) An advanced class that focuses on developing a sustainable vegetable garden to grow produce for an extended season. Learn the more in-depth concepts of planting and timing, crop rotations, cover crops, weather, crop protections and soil preparation. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 6 (CEH) credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt FISH 1 6:30–8:30 p.m. T/W/R 2/26, 2/27, 2/28

Pruning Like a Pro HRT4P $69 ($59 Senior) This class teaches plant structure, growth cycles, effects of pruning-winter/summer, reasons to prune, tools used in pruning, care of tools, wound dressings, how to make cuts, timing and techniques for pruning. Covers various trees, fruit trees, vines, roses, perennials and grasses, berries and grapes, and shrubs. Instructor shares his 40+ years' experience and journey in arboriculture, landscaping and nursery plant growing with enthusiasm and humor. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 6 (CEH) Credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt 6:30–8:30 p.m. T/W/R

Sustainable Water Strategies

HRT4SW $29 ($19 Senior) Designed to raise awareness of the importance of applying water as a finite resource. Learn how to understand plant needs, find soil resources and apply common sense in watering. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 2 (CEH) credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt 6:30–8:30 p.m. 6:30–8:30 p.m.


FISH 1 1/31 3/7

Sustainable Landscaping Techniques HRT4SL $69 ($59 Senior) Be gentler to the environment. Learn basic landscape types, elements of a landscape, soil information resources, soil improvement, soil testing, mitigating storm water, rain gardens, plant information resources, watering techniques, planting problems, staking trees, weed control options and the value of organic growing. Oregon Landscape Contractor Board approved: 6 (CEH) credits. Sec. 91 S. Schmidt FISH 1 6:30–8:30 p.m. M/T/R 2/11, 2/12, 2/14

Life and Career Transitions HOM5LC $79 ($69 Senior) This course will assist adults to navigate major life and career transitions using personality and career assessments, group support, community resources and goal-setting activities. Transitions may include job layoff, divorce, children growing up, disability, retirement or a desire to change careers. Each student will leave the class with an action plan that includes goals, resources, timelines and plans for ongoing support. Sec. 91 6–8 p.m.

C. Dettman T

AC TBA 1/22–3/12

FISH 1 2/4, 2/5, 2/7

Wines of the World: United States HEC2WA $59 ($49 Senior) This is the first in a series of courses to learn what is behind the label on that bottle of wine. Develop an appreciation for the product of viniculture. Discussion will center around the history, cultivation, production and storage of wine from all United States wine-production areas. Component tasting will be an integral part of each class. Student must be 21 years of age and have photo ID. Sec. 91 C. Carrier 6:10–9 p.m. 6:10–9 p.m. 6:10–9 p.m. • Call 503-491-7572 and register today to reserve your seat in a class!

AC 2059 1/14 1/22 1/28

Wines of the World: France and Italy HEC2WB $59 ($49 Senior) This is the second in a series of courses to learn what is behind the label on that bottle of wine. Develop an appreciation for the product of viniculture. Discussion will center around the history, cultivation, production and storage of wine from Western Europe, including France, Italy and Germany. Component tasting will be an integral part of each class. Student must be 21 years of age and have photo ID. Sec. 91 C. Carrier 6:10–9:30 p.m.


AC 2059 2/4–2/18

Wines of the World: Other Countries HEC2WC $59 ($49 Senior) This is the third in a series of courses to learn what is behind the label on that bottle of wine. Develop an appreciation for the product of viniculture. Discussion will center around the history, cultivation, production and storage of wine from Eastern Europe and the Southern Hemisphere. Component tasting will be an integral part of each class. Student must be 21 years of age and have photo ID. Sec. 91 C. Carrier 6:10–9 p.m.


AC 2059 2/25–3/18

Writing Your Memoirs LAN4MM $47 ($37 Senior) Create a record of your life and experiences expressed with your personal style. Longtime, well-respected instructor helps you weave the fabric of your life into a story for future generations to read and cherish. Includes short lectures and writing exercises. Sec. 91 1–3 p.m.



R. Mahoney R

FAIR 1/24–3/28

Professional Novel and Memoir Writing LAN4NM $73 ($63 Senior) Provides a basic framework and experience for writing both fiction and nonfiction. Develop and complete your book-length project through professional critiques and peer review in this comfortable, friendly atmosphere. Sec. 31 C. Hiday 6–8:30 p.m.


MAY 310 1/9–3/13

Short Story Writing LAN4PM $69 ($59 Senior) Develop writing and literacy skills through selected readings, short lectures and collaborative writing exercises. Learn how to get connected with local writing communities through writing circles, blogging and small press publication resources. This course helps students become well-rounded fiction writers. Sec. 31 J. Gapinski 6:30–8:30 p.m. W

MAY 307 1/9–2/13

Individual Excellence! Online $95 Develop career-enhancing skills in a single course that covers 12 popular one-day seminar topics, including goal-setting, time management and personal organization. You'll learn how to improve your creative abilities, gain confidence with financial matters and minimize conflict in your life. Develop a fulfilling career plan and improve relationships with co-workers, friends and family. Start Dates 1/6, 2/20, 3/20 Enroll at

How to Teach English Abroad LAN4TA $29 ($19 Senior) Do you have a college degree in any subject and a desire to travel? Then, the world is waiting for you. Learn the step-by-step process needed to teach English around the world. The instructor has a master's in Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and has spent several years teaching in Eastern Asia. If you are interested in making this exciting career first step, or if you are wondering how to get out of your current career and explore new possibilities, this class will give you the knowledge needed to make an informed decision. Sec. 91 C. Martinez 7–8:30 p.m. T

AC 1584 2/4–2/11

Conversational Japanese LAN5J $69 ($59 Senior) Guided by a native Japanese instructor, you'll learn useful conversational phrases and vocabulary while gaining cultural knowledge. Sec. 91 T. Akiyama-Becker AC 2756 6:30–8:30 p.m. W 1/9–3/13

Basic Russian through Russian Folk Songs LAN5RU $89 ($79 Senior) Designed for those interested in learning the basics of Russian language while learning to sing or listen to traditional Russian songs and ballads. Emotive Russian folk songs will acquaint you with many aspects of Russian life, history and traditions. Guided by a native Russian folk singer and guitar player. Sec. 91 N. Hougen 6–8:30 p.m. M

AC 1553 1/7–3/11

Learn Spanish Gently LAN5S $87 ($77 Senior) A conversational course with a wealth of practical expressions. Taught by an experienced instructor in a relaxed setting designed to aid you in your career, travels and intercultural communication. Sec. 91 I. Almada 6–8:30 p.m. T Sec. 92 C. Albertson 6:30–9 p.m. W Sec. 93 C. Bass 6–8:30 p.m. M

DDSO 202 1/8–3/12 AC 3313 1/9–3/13 AC 2756 1/7–3/11

Learn Spanish Gently-Intermediate LAN5SI $87 ($77 Senior) An advanced conversational course with a wealth of practical expressions. Taught by an experienced instructor in a relaxed setting designed to aid you in your career, travel and intercultural communication. Sec. 91 A. Long 6–8:30 p.m.


AC 2700 1/8–3/12

Adult Beginning Acting THE4IA $89 ($79 Senior) With an emphasis on doing, this class introduces professional ideals while giving all actors a chance to learn and develop in a challenging and nurturing environment. Students will perform in class regularly. No experience necessary! Sec. 91 6–8 p.m.

V. Lawrence R

TBD 1/17–3/21

Class Locations MHCC Gresham Campus Buildings 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham AC AQ ECC GE FISH IT PE VA

Academic Center Aquatic Center Early Childhood Center G.E. Classroom Fisheries Industrial Technology Physical Education Visual Arts Center

Campus maps available online at BCAH

The Bruning Center for Allied Health Education 1484 N.W. Civic Dr., Gresham 503-491-6700

BRID Bridlewood Horsemanship Center 35649 S.E. Lusted Rd., Boring CAC Cascade Athletic Club - 205 9260 S.E. Stark St., Portland CENT Centennial High School 3505 S.E. 182nd Ave., Gresham CLHS Cascade Locks High School 300 Wa Na Pa St., Cascade Locks CLUB Club Estates East 12260 S.E. Main St., Portland DD David Douglas High School 1001 S.E. 135th Ave., Portland DDSO David Douglas South Building 1500 S.E. 130th Ave., Portland ECTC Energy Conservation Training Center 11517 N.E. Marx St., Portland FAIR Fairlawn Community Center 1280 N.E. Kane Rd., Gresham FRVW Fairview Community Center 300 Harrison St., Fairview LUKE St. Luke’s 120 S.W. Towle Ave., Gresham MAY MHCC Maywood Park Campus 10100 N.E. Prescott St., Portland 503-491-6100 ORIM Outer Rim Bike Shop 10625 N.E. Halsey St., Portland RYMS Reynolds Middle School Pool 1200 N.E. 201st Ave., Fairview SBDC Small Business Development Center 501 N.E. Hood Ave., Suite 240, Gresham TTD Portland-Troutdale Airport N.W. Perimeter Way, Troutdale ZION Zion Church of Christ 2025 N.E. 23rd Ave., Gresham

College + Community • Winter 2013


non-credit online classes MHCC, in partnership with Education2Go, an industry leader in online learning for adults, offers online training programs for many in-demand workforce skills and occupations. Professionals from each respective field provide effective, up-to-date Web-based instruction. With MHCC’s online classes, students can work and study on their own time and keep their full-time jobs. • Choose from classes that are instructor-facilitated or self-paced. • Many classes cost $95 and start throughout the term. • Hundreds of online classes available, covering a wide variety of subjects and interests. • Read your lesson and ask questions of your instructor at a time convenient to you.

TO REGISTER: For more classes or to register go to or call 503-491-7571. For more information call 503-491-7571. COURSE SECTIONS: A new section of each online class will begin Jan. 6, Feb. 20 and March 20. Each course consists of 12 two-hour sessions, provided twice weekly, over a six-week period. The lessons are supplemented by interactive quizzes, tutorials and online discussion via the Web.

This is only a partial list of our many class offerings. For a complete directory, please visit

CAREER & PROFESSIONAL Accounting Fundamentals Creating a Successful Business Plan Explore a Career as a Paralegal Explore a Career as a Pharmacy Technician Explore a Career in a Dental Office Fundamentals of Supervision & Management Going Green at the Workplace Learn to Buy and Sell on eBay Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search Wow, What a Great Event!

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Assisting Aging Parents Certificate in End of Life Care Certificate in Gerontology Creating K-12 Learning Materials Differentiated Instruction in the Classroom Discover Digital Photography GED Preparation Get Assertive! Get Funny! GMAT Preparation Going Green at Home GRE Preparation Healing Through Hypnosis Introduction to Natural Health and Healing Introduction to Stock Options Keys to Effective Communication Keys to Successful Money Management LSAT Preparation 18

Luscious, Low-Fat, Lightning-Quick Meals Personal Finance Photoshop Elements 8 for the Digital Photographer Ready, Set, Read! Response to Intervention: Reading Strategies that Work SAT/ACT Preparation Secrets of Better Photography Singapore Math: Number Sense and Computational Strategies Solving Classroom Discipline Problems Spanish for Law Enforcement Professionals Spanish for Medical Professionals Spanish for the Classroom Speed Spanish I and II Survival Kit for New Teachers Teaching Adult Learners Teaching Smarter with SMART Boards Understanding Adolescents Where Does All My Money Go?

WRITING & PUBLISHING A to Z Grant Writing Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published Beginning Writer’s Workshop Effective Business Writing Get Grants! Grammar Refresher The Keys to Effective Editing Travel Writing Writeriffic: Creativity Training for Writers Writing Effective Grant Proposals Writing Essentials Writing for Children Writing for ESL

COMPUTER & TECHNOLOGY Achieving Top Search Engine Positions Adobe Flash CS5 Basic CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep CompTIA® Network+ Certification Prep CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep Computer Skills for the Workplace Creating a Classroom Website Creating Web Pages I & II Designing Effective Websites Help for the Helpdesk Intermediate Dreamweaver Intermediate Networking Intermediate SQL Introduction to Adobe InDesign CS4 and CS5 Introduction to C++ Programming Introduction to CSS and XHTML Introduction to Dreamweaver CS5 Introduction to Illustrator CS3 Introduction to Java Programming Introduction to Microsoft Access Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Introduction to Microsoft Project 2010 Introduction to Microsoft Publisher Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010 Introduction to Networking Introduction to PC Security Introduction to PHP and MySQL Introduction to Programming Introduction to QuickBooks 2009 & 2010 Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2010 Photoshop CS4 for the Digital Photographer PMP Certification Prep 1 Wireless Networking

community skills center TO GET STARTED: 1. Call anytime to register, 503-491-6100.

The Community Skills Center at the Maywood Park Campus (102nd & N.E. Prescott) offers self-paced computer and office skills classes designed to upgrade your job skills. • Open seven days a week. • Register and begin classes at any time. • Work at your own pace. • Set your own schedule to meet requirements. • Take up to 10 weeks after you register to complete a course. • Instructors are available to help guide you through your course.

Testing Services • CPT*, Tues. 4–9 p.m. (walk-ins) • Test proctoring for MHCC online courses during open lab hours.

2. Purchase textbook and supplies in the business office at the MHCC Maywood Park Campus. 3. Pick up course materials at the Community Skills Center and start class.

* College Placement Test

For information call 503-491-6122.

COMMUNITY SKILLS CENTER WINTER TERM HOURS: Closed Jan. 21 for Martin Luther King Day. Last day of winter term is March 23. Monday, Wednesday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Beginning Computer for ESL GEN6BE

$90 ($80 Senior)

A fun way to learn the basics of computers for students with limited knowledge of English. Using a visual approach, it takes students with intermediate English reading skills through the basics of using a computer to perform elementary tasks. Learn about Windows, simple documents, the Internet and email. Prerequisite: Low-intermediate ESL reading proficiency.

Beginning Computers for Seniors GEN6BN

$45 ($35 Senior)

Discover the excitement of learning new skills! Computers are an integral part of everyday life and keeping in touch with friends and family. This self-guided course teaches the student about Windows, word processing, email and Internet. Find out how to use them to your advantage. Instructional help is available in the lab.

Introduction to the Internet and Emailing GEN6CIA

$90 ($80 Senior)

Discover how the Internet can change your life! Learn the skills to locate websites, shop safely online and search the Web for specific information. The choices are unlimited! You will also learn the skills for Web-based email to communicate with friends and family. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.

Proofreading at the Computer GEN6DF

$75 ($65 Senior)

Improve the quality of your written communications. In today's workplace it's important to produce documents that are error free. Brush

Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

up on your knowledge of grammar and learn how to get the most out of your word processor's writing tools. This class teaches simple methods of proofreading used by professional proofreaders that you can apply to any document. Prerequisite: Basic computer skills.

Protect, Clean and Speed Up Your PC GEN6MS

$45 ($35 Senior)

This class is a non-technical, easy, fun way to learn how to protect and maintain your home computer. Information is provided so you understand security risks you may encounter and the actions needed to overcome them. Keep your PC running smoothly with regular tune-ups, to ensure it lives longer, performs better and avoids debilitating crashes.

Keyboarding Basics GEN6OB

$90 ($80 Senior)

Designed for individuals who have little or no training in typing or keyboarding. This course introduces students to techniques that will allow them to memorize the order of the keys and practice typing for speed and accuracy. The focus of this class is on typing without looking at the computer keyboard or backtracking to fix mistakes.

Keyboarding Skillbuilding GEN6OC

$90 ($80 Senior)

Intended for students who need to refine and further develop speed and accuracy skills. Learn the symbols and numeric keys. Increase your productivity while enhancing your marketability! Prerequisite: Basic keyboarding skills.

Saturday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Sunday Noon – 4 p.m.

10-Keypad on the Computer GEN6OE

$90 ($80 Senior)

Designed to teach the computer numeric keypad by touch with speed and accuracy using industry standards. This skill is especially helpful to people in the fields of data entry, accounting, office administration, insurance, banking, finance and any other work that requires numeric input.

Fundamentals of Photoshop GEN6PH

$120 ($110 Senior)

Photoshop is an incredibly popular software tool used to enhance photos. Explore digital imaging techniques through this hands-on, project-oriented course. You'll have no trouble following this step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach as you learn how to edit photos, use selection tools, create and manipulate layers, apply filtering techniques, prepare your images for printing and much more!

Digital Photo Editing for Seniors GEN6SDP

$45 ($35 Senior)

Digital cameras are among the hottest consumer items on the market! This class will help you learn the many features of digital photo editing. It includes instructions on using scanners, printers and photo CDs. Subjects such as scanning old photos and slides and repairing damaged photos are covered in detail. Textbook comes bundled with a CD-ROM containing the full version of the digital photo editing program ArcSoft PhotoStudio.

College + Community • Winter 2013


Community Education Community Skills Center

Google for Seniors $45 ($35 Senior)


Besides its popular search engine, Google has produced many useful applications. These applications are free to download and install. With Google Earth you can check your vacation destination in advance from a bird's-eye view. With Google Maps you can plan your route. Additional applications include Chat and Google Talk. Learn how to publish an online journal with Blogger and create a simple website with Google Sites. Google for Seniors is a fun class that guides you through some of Google's most popular features!

Interesting Online Applications for Seniors $45 ($35 Senior)


The Web is a great place to find free online tools and applications that allow better communication with friends and family and gives you the opportunity to enjoy other activities. Create your own blog or journal with Blogger. Discover how to use eBay to buy and sell just about anything. Create your own personal Web page in Facebook. Invite all your friends to view your vacation pictures in an online photo album created with MyPhotoAlbum. This exciting class introduces you to 13 of the most popular online applications.

Internet & Email for Seniors $45 ($35 Senior)


Have fun learning how to navigate through the Internet. Use Windows Live to create and send emails, add attachments and manage your email folders. Discover the variety of websites and search the Web for specific information. You will also find out how to protect your computer from spyware and viruses. This class is for anyone who feels lost on the Internet! Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.

Mac for Seniors GEN6SIM

$45 ($35 Senior)

Discover the world of Apple Macintosh. This course covers creating documents, using emails, downloading and saving music and applications. You will also learn about the Internet.

MS Office for Seniors GEN6SMO

$45 ($35 Senior)

Do you want to learn how MS Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) can enhance your everyday life? Then, this is the class for you! Write a letter, make a budget, create a digital photo album and much more. Register for this self-paced class and find out how MS Office can help you. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.


More Windows 7 for Seniors GEN6SMW

$45 ($35 Senior)

Expand on Windows 7 for Seniors and discover some of the most useful, practical and fun components of Windows 7. Learn about computer security, creating user accounts, burning CDs and DVDs and setting parental controls. Important issues will be dealt with so you can work safely and efficiently. Find fun ways to organize your photo collection and view photos with Windows Photo Viewer, along with using Windows Media Player to play music and movies. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.

Picasa for Seniors GEN6SPI

$45 ($35 Senior)

Present and organize photos using Picasa, a free and easy-to-use photo management program. Apply several useful editing options, such as removing red eye, improving color quality and cropping photos. Print your pictures or create a slide show. Learn to safeguard pictures by burning them to a CD or DVD. Create Web albums or publish photos to a blog.

Photo and Video Editing for Seniors GEN6SPV

$45 ($35 Senior)

In Windows 7, create beautiful pictures through editing in the user-friendly Windows Live Photo Gallery program. Share your photos in an online photo album or slide show. With Windows Live Movie Maker, create professional-looking movies with your videos and photos from vacations or any event! Add special effects, transitions, sound and captions to your movie. To share a video you’ll learn how to prepare and send it by email, burn it to a DVD or upload it to YouTube. This class will discuss how to import your videos and photos from a digital video camera, photo camera, mobile phone or other external storage device.

Windows Live Essentials for Seniors GEN6SWL

$45 ($35 Senior)

Do you take pictures and want to share them with friends? With just a few mouse clicks you can convert your own Windows Live Web space into a beautiful photo album. From any place in the world you can use the Internet to access your blog, email messages, calendar and address book, all created with Windows Essentials Live programs. Edit video files to make online movies or conduct a video conversation and have a live chat with your friends.

Windows 7 GEN6WN

$90 ($80 Senior)

This class is perfect for first time computer users. Learn the Microsoft operating system, Windows 7, in a friendly atmosphere. This self-guided course focuses on Windows 7 fundamentals with an emphasis on file management skills.

Publisher - Level I GEN6YBC*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Publisher is one of Microsoft Office Suite's hidden gems. Learn how to create publications from scratch or use one of the hundreds of business and personal designs in Publisher. Highlights of this course include creating and editing a publication, designing a newsletter, customizing a tri-fold brochure and creating an email letter. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Windows.

Publisher - Level II GEN6YBD*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Designed for the student with some Publisher experience who is interested in using Publisher as a complete application for small business. Prerequisite: Publisher - Level I or consent of instructor.

Microsoft Office Essentials GEN6YOA*

$120 ($110 Senior)

A great place to start! This introduces students to Microsoft Office Suite, the most commonly used software in the business world today. The emphasis is on learning basics of Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Students will also gain knowledge of the Windows user interface and file management skills.

Microsoft Office Essentials with Keyboarding GEN6YOB*

$180 ($170 Senior)

This introduces students to Microsoft Office Suite, the most commonly used software in the business world today, while learning to type. The emphasis is on learning the basics of Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Students will also gain knowledge of the Windows user interface and file management skills. Learn to type by touch and build speed and accuracy with this self-guided keyboarding program. Increases your confidence in operating computers!

Microsoft Office Essentials Level II GEN6YOC*

$165 ($155 Senior)

Expand your knowledge of the Microsoft Office Suite by performing more advanced assignments in Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Topics include formatting Word documents, working with charts and formulas in Excel, querying and maintaining an Access database and designing a PowerPoint presentation. Discover how each program can be used to produce quality business documents that will make you proud. Prerequisite: Introductory knowledge of Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint.

* When registering choose section 30 for MS 2010 or section 31 for MS 2007.

Community Skills Center Community Education

Access Level I GEN6ZAA*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Discover the benefits of using a database by focusing on the basics of Access in this selfguided course. Learn to create and enter data, extract the data (queries), build efficient frontends for that data (forms) and publish the results in an easy-to-read format (reports). Prerequisite: Familiarity with Windows environment.

Access Level II GEN6ZAB* $90 ($80 Senior) Master intermediate Access tools and techniques required to create a user-friendly database in this self-guided course. Present your data in attractive reports and forms. Create macros that make a database intuitive enough for a computer novice to use. Prerequisite: Access Level I or consent of instructor.

Excel Level I GEN6ZEA*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Explore, experiment and take advantage of the features of Excel. Learn how to build a basic spreadsheet, create an embedded chart and use formulas, functions and formatting. Use your new skills to complete calculations, make decisions, graph data and develop professional-looking reports. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

Excel Level II GEN6ZEB*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Excel Level II focuses on streamlining and enhancing spreadsheets with templates, charts, graphics and formulas. Apply visual elements and advanced formulas to a worksheet to display data in various formats. Topics include financial tables, data tables and amortization schedules. Create, sort and query tables, create templates and work with multiple worksheets and workbooks. Increase your confidence and build problem-solving skills. Prerequisite: Basic Knowledge of Excel.

Outlook Level I GEN6ZMA*

$75 ($65 Senior)

Outlook is commonly used in business environments to communicate and coordinate with colleagues. Discover how to send, receive, reply to and forward email messages. Organize your schedule and events using calendar tools. Maintain contact lists, to-do lists and notes. Topics include creating distribution lists, attaching files to messages and opening and saving attached files. Streamline your workplace today.

PowerPoint Level I GEN6ZPA*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Unlock your creativity with PowerPoint. Create professional-looking slide shows using well

designed layouts. Modify these layouts to create custom slides to fit your specific needs and enhance your information. Add illustrations, shapes, custom backgrounds, transitions and diagrams. Fun and simple to use! Prerequisite: Familiarity with Windows environment.

PowerPoint Level II GEN6ZPB*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Produce presentations enhanced with visual and audio elements that will be remembered by your target audience. PowerPoint 2007 gives you the flexibility to create, revise and reuse a presentation to fit your needs. Learn to make an animated self-running presentation. Prerequisite: Beginning knowledge of PowerPoint 2007, PowerPoint - Level I or consent of instructor.

Word Level I $90 ($80 Senior)


Create professional-looking documents and revise them with ease. Explore ways to create fliers, letters, memos, resumes and more. Utilize Word editing tools to improve your work. Discover formatting techniques to visually enhance your documents by adding borders, pictures and images. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows.

tract the information from these lists to generate accurate and professional-looking invoices, billing statements and payroll checks. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of accounting principles, the personal computer and small business.

Basic Business Writing Technique GEN7GR

MS Office Business Simulation GEN7OS

$90 ($80 Senior)

Extend your basic skills and knowledge of Word and create more intricate and varied documents. Existing skills and knowledge are enhanced by covering more advanced aspects of key topics such as formatting, tables and lists. New features are introduced such as merging, envelopes, mailing labels, multiple columns, text boxes and WordArt. Produce professionallooking documents that reflect the quality of your work. Prerequisite: Word - Level I or consent of instructor.

Word Level III $105 ($95 Senior)


Our advanced course teaches the most challenging features and functionality of Word including integrating Word with other programs, collaborating on documents, managing document versions, adding reference marks and notes and using XML in Word. This is an ideal course for experienced users who want to fully utilize Word. Prerequisite: Intermediate knowledge of Word.

QuickBooks GEN7DQ

$120 ($110 Senior)

This class teaches you how to set up your company right the first time. Using QuickBooks, you can get rid of your stacks of paperwork, and manage your customers, vendors, products and financial data easily in orderly lists. You can ex-

* When registering choose section 30 for MS 2010 or section 31 for MS 2007.

$120 ($110 Senior)

Using your fundamental Microsoft Office Suite skills, produce practical and realistic business projects. Complete assignments that require the creation of documents, forms, presentations, worksheets and database tools for a business. Take this class to increase your workplace competency.

Word Level II GEN6ZWB*

$90 ($80 Senior)

Wouldn't you like to feel more confident about your writing skills? Those who write well get noticed and are valued in an organization. This class will teach you how to write with a purpose, avoid common errors, proofread and apply business editing techniques. Review your grammar skills and create and format business documents, letters, memos, email messages and short reports. Review grammar and punctuation for effective writing.

Photoshop Plus GEN7PH

$120 ($110 Senior)

Expand your knowledge of Photoshop with this self-guided intermediate course. Discover how to fix photographs by removing flaws, resizing, correcting exposure and utilizing the healing brush tool. Create multiple versions of images for use in various projects. Learn to transform your photographs today!

Medical Vocabulary MO16S

$110 ($100 Senior)

Knowing medical terminology is essential in any area of the medical field. We offer this noncredit, self-paced course that teaches the basic elements of medical words (prefixes, roots and suffixes). Medical abbreviations are studied so the student is able to analyze, define and build medical terms that are most commonly used within the clinic/hospital environment.

Community Skills Center Membership - Learn Computers & More! PC4CSC

$89 ($79 Senior)

Enjoy 10 weeks of unlimited access to more than 1,400 computer and business skills online training videos, hands-on practice files, MS Office and Adobe software, Wi-Fi, meeting spaces, library services, technical assistance and more. Join anytime! Located conveniently at the Maywood Park Campus (102nd & N.E. Prescott). For hours or more information visit or call 503-491-6122.

College + Community • Winter 2013


business & industry workforce training Offering personalized, innovative services to prepare your company to compete successfully in the global marketplace Business and Industry Workforce Training (BIWT) at Mt. Hood Community College is the employer's connection to customized, affordable training programs designed to strengthen a business workforce, enhance leadership skills, improve productivity and increase profitability. BIWT can provide customized training, including: • Computer software skills • Continuing education for professional licensing • Industry-specific training • Leadership and supervisory skills • Professional communication skills

CONSTRUCTION Building Analyst & Envelope Professional Training Prepare yourself for the fast growing energy efficiency industry. Earn two Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certifications in eight weeks of weeknight and weekend classes without having to take time off from your day job. The training includes BPI national certification testing. Date: 1/16–2/23 Time: Wed., 5:30–8:30 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $2,995 Date: 3/13–4/27 Time: Wed., 5:30–8:30 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $2,995

Heating Professional Building Performance Institute (BPI) certification is the nationally approved training standard of the Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Program of the U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency. BPI Building Analyst or Performance Tested Comfort Systems certification (PTCS) is a required prerequisite.


• Project management and continuous improvement • Specialized training such as Lean Manufacturing/ Lean Contracting • Training and credentials in workplace health and safety • Workplace language classes Employer clients working with MHCC include: • Boeing • City of Gresham • Danner-La Crosse Footwear • Horizon Air • Imperial Manufacturing

• Leatherman Tool Group • Microchip Technology Inc. • ON Semiconductor • TriMet

Contact us: 503-491-7235 •

Date: 1/14–18 or 3/11–15 Time: Mon.–Fri., 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $1,495

PTCS Duct Sealing Technician Performance Tested Comfort Systems (PTCS) is a certification program for contractors installing, servicing or inspecting heat pumps and ductwork. Technicians who successfully complete the course will become PTCS certified and eligible to participate in various regional programs. Date: 2/4–6 or 3/4–6 Time: Mon.–Wed., 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $500

Sustainable Building Advisor Program specifically designed for professionals working in the areas of architecture, engineering, design, developing and contracting who wish to create environmentally responsible and cost effective buildings. The program is organized in nine monthly weekend sessions (Friday to Saturday). All sessions are presented by expert instructors in an interactive format with hands-on exercises, site visits and cross-sector applicability. Date: 1/11–9/7 Time: Fri.–Sat., TBA (once a month) Place: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $2,445

Weatherization Tech This course is designed to train students how to properly weatherize existing buildings and homes. Students will receive field training where they will perform weatherization and repair activities. This Clean Energy Works Oregon qualified program includes a WHALC (Whole House Air Leakage Control) certification from Building Performance Institute (BPI). Date: 2/11–22 Time: Mon.–Fri., 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Place: ECTC Fee: $2,995

healthcare Adult Care Home Basic Training This course is required in the state of Oregon for providers and resident managers of adult care homes, and is a basic introduction to the care requirements of residents. Date: 1/7–1/15 Time: Mon.-Wed., 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Place: Maywood Park Campus Fee: $380 All inclusive Date: 2/25–3/15 Place: Online Fee: $380 All inclusive

Business and Industry Workforce Training Community Education

Home Health Aide

Nursing - Train the Trainer

This 40-hour course prepares Certified Nursing Assistants to become Home Health Aides. This online training includes a brief lab and clinical portion and is a requirement of the Home Health Agency Licensure via the Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. Prerequisites: current CNA1 license.

A practical introduction to adult education theory, Train the Trainer provides an opportunity to learn active teaching methodologies among nursing peers. This course is ideal for RNs, LPNs or CNAs looking to move into a instructor or leadership role. This course complies with OSBN education requirement for new nursing assistant instructors.

Date: Begins 2/11 Time: Online w/lab and clinical TBD Place: Gresham Campus Fee: $495

Date: Time: Place: Fee:

Nursing Assistant The training includes 51 hours of online theory, 24 hours of lab practice and 75 hours of clinical practicum at an assigned facility. After successful completion of this course, the student is eligible for the Oregon State Certified Nursing Assistant 1 exam. Visit cna for details. Date: Time: Place: Fee:

1/7– 3/6 Mon., Wed., Fri., 8:30 a.m.–9:30 p.m. AC 1756 $1,595 Additional fees required

Date: Time: Place: Fee:

1/12–3/24 Sat., Sun., 9 a.m.–5 p.m. AC 1756 $1,595 Additional fees required

Date: Time: Place: Fee:

2/4–4/2 TBA Online w/ Lab in AC 1756 $1,595 Additional fees required

2/9 Sat., 10 a.m.–3 p.m. Maywood Park Campus $325 CEU / $275 Non-Credit

Wilderness First Aid Students will be given a foundation of first aid principles and skills that will enable them to identify and respond to emergencies in wilderness and/or remote areas (including urban disasters, earthquakes and hurricanes) when EMS (Emergency Medical Services) are not available. Prerequisite: current CPR/ AED Certification. Date: Time: Place: Fee:

3/8, 3/15, 3/22 Fri., 9 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Gresham Campus $125* Required textbook not included

PROFESSIONAL IFC Professional Coach Certification Start your career, boost your company or enhance the lives of others with a professional coaching certification through the International Coach Federation. Students have the option of choosing between two areas of emphasis: Life and Wellness Coach or Professional Business and Executive Coach. This 60-hour intensive ICF course will teach you how to champion and motivate others to learn, develop and achieve success both personally and professionally. Hours are eligible for ICF credential. Date: 2/8–10, 3/15–17 Time: Fri., 1–8 p.m.; Sat., 9 a.m.–6 p.m; Sun., 8 a.m.–2 p.m. Place: TBA Fee: $2,495

Preparing for Global Harmonization (GHS) Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) is a system that defines and classifies the hazards of chemical products, and communicates health and safety information on labels and material safety data sheets. This course will highlight principles and best practices. Date: 2/22 Time: Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Place: Bruning Center Fee: $175

total access pass $


Your ticket to 10 weeks of unlimited access to over 1,400 computer and business skills online training videos – including MS Office and Adobe software! Available seven days a week, including evenings, at Maywood Park Campus, 102nd & N.E. Prescott. Enjoy Wi-Fi Internet access, meeting spaces, software workbooks, library services, Macs, limited technical assistance and more.

For hours or more information call 503-491-6122 or visit College + Community • Winter 2013


small business development center The Mt. Hood Community College Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is part of the Oregon Small Business Development Center Network. We serve new and established businesses by providing: • Access to small business resources • Free confidential business counseling • Information and referral services • Practical, affordable training

TO REGISTER: Call 503-491-7658 or email us at Register for the class a minimum of 72 hours before the start date. TO CANCEL: Call 503-491-7658 or email us at Cancellations 72 hours or more prior to seminar will be given a 100 percent refund. No refunds for cancellations within 72 hours of seminar

The small business development center is now located at 501 N.E. Hood Ave., Suite 240 , Gresham, Oregon

Seminars and Workshops To register call 503-491-7658 Participate in workshops from your business, home or SBDC classroom. High-speed Internet connection required for all online live webinars.

STARTING A BUSINESS Going into Business: Start Smart! Learn the basics of opening a small business in Oregon: How to register your business name, resources for small businesses, access to capital, open a business bank account and obtain a tax ID number for your business. Individual business advising at no charge available after completing this training. Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: Fee: No charge

Empezando Su Negocio (Spanish) Aprenda los pasos necesarios para iniciar un pequeño negocio en el estado de Oregon. Este taller por internet cubre los siguientes temas: Cómo Registrar su Negocio, Recursos para Pequeños Negocios, Acceso a Capital, Cómo Abrir una Cuenta de Cheques y Obtener su EIN (Número de Impuesto para Su Negocio). Asesoria individual en Español sis costo alguno al completar esta clase. Inscripciones abiertas: 1/7 to 3/22 Clase virtual: Costo: No hay cuota de inscripción

New Business Foundations Program This six-week online program is a must if you are opening a new business or have a business idea. Work with individual business counselors during the process of opening your business and get your questions answered. 24

Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: Fee: $195, Includes learning materials

Fundamentos Para Nuevos Negocios (Spanish) Este programa de 6-semanas en-linea (curso virtual por internet) le ayurará con el proceso de iniciar y planear su nuevo negocio o evaluar la oportunidad de su idea de negocio. Trabaje con asesores profesionales durante este curso y reciba contestación a sus preguntas. Inscripciones abiertas: 1/7 to 3/22 Clase virtual: Costo: $195, Incluye curso y materials

Small Business Legal Basics In this seminar you will learn how to protect your small business and deal with some of the legal issues involved when owning and running a business. You will discover how to avoid common mistakes while dealing with contracts, hiring employees and the structure of your business. In addition, it covers different licensing requirements and regulations, as well as tax implications for you and your business. This seminar is offered in partnership with the law firm Young Twedt McRostie, LLP. Date: 1/29 or 2/26 or 3/26 Time: Noon–1 p.m. Fee: No charge, Class limited to 20 Location: Classroom or live webinar

• What if I'm not bankable? How can I become bankable? • What if I get denied?

Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: Fee: No charge

BUSINESS PLANNING Business Start-Up Program The Business Start-Up Program will help you plan and grow your new small business successfully! This 10-week program includes business plan software, learning materials, online business training and individual business coaching. Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: mhccbizcenter.or Fee: $295, Includes learning materials

GROWING YOUR BUSINESS Business Growth Program The Business Growth Program offers specialized online training and individual business coaching to new and existing companies (must be at least one-year in business). Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: Fee: $395, Includes learning materials

How to Get a Business Loan

Dos and Don’ts of Workers' Compensation

Attend this seminar and get the answers to these questions: • What is the current access to capital? • What are some sources of capital? • What banks are lending? • What are lenders really looking for? • What are the steps to getting a loan? • Am I bankable? What should I know?

Having proper workers' compensation insurance coverage is critical to your business and the welfare of your workers. Workers Compensation Division doesn't wait for a worker to get hurt to investigate and penalize non-complying employers. A penalty before a claim is a relatively inexpensive wake-up call. An employer who heeds the warning and gets

Small Business Development Center Community Education

insurance can avoid the much higher costs of claims, claim penalties and tort liability that go with uninsured injuries. Date: 2/13 Time: 10 a.m.–Noon Fee: No charge Location: Classroom or live webinar

Small Business Sales Learn how to prospect, qualify, close sales and perform post-sales servicing. You will be able to use these tools to ensure your business has a predictable revenue stream and profitable long-term customer relationships. Date: 1/31 Time: 9–10:30 a.m. Fee: $35 Location: Classroom or live webinar

Hiring New Employees Look at how to attract and hire quality employees. How to begin the employee/employer relationship off on the right foot, including proper job postings, applications, job descriptions and hiring paperwork. Learn about the differences between an employee and independent contractor. Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: Fee: No Charge

Contracting with the Government Small businesses face challenges when trying to win federal, state and local government contracts. The Small Business Administration can help small businesses work through these challenges. This class provides an in-depth approach to discovering and seeking contract opportunities as well as the marketing tools that may assist in selling your product or service to the government. Date: 1/16 or 2/27 Time: 9:30 a.m.–Noon Fee: No Charge Location: Classroom or live webinar Available online at:

Business Insurance 101 This class will address basic questions regarding business personal property, commercial general liability, bonds and workers compensation insurance. Presented by: Lori Stegmann, Stegmann Insurance Agency. Date: 1/30 or 3/6 Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Fee: No charge Location: Classroom or live webinar



Bookkeeping for Small Business

Understanding How Marketing Can Sustain and Grow Your Business

Learn basic accounting practices used by professional bookkeepers and accountants. Become familiar with the tools available to develop a bookkeeping system that works for your business. Date: 1/9 or 2/20 Time: 9 a.m.–Noon Fee: $55, Class limited to 10 Location: Classroom or live webinar

QuickBooks Bootcamp™ 1: 
Company Setup and File Management Two days of hands-on training in QuickBooks consisting of two, three-hour sessions. After an introduction to basic accounting principles used by all editions of QuickBooks, you will use the software to create a company file, customize it, manage its movement between computers and generate reports essential to your business. Date: 1/15 & 1/17 or 3/12 & 3/14 Time: 9 a.m.–Noon Fee: $135 per Bootcamp or $235 for both Class limited to 8, textbook not included

QuickBooks Bootcamp™ 2: 
 Managing Business Transactions Two days of hands-on training in QuickBooks consisting of two, three-hour sessions. Working with real-life customer, vendor and banking transactions, you will use the software to process money coming into and going out of a business as part of a 30-day bookkeeping cycle vital to your business. Date: 1/22 & 1/24 or 3/19 & 3/21 Time: 9 a.m.–Noon Fee: $135 per Bootcamp or $235 for both Class limited to 8, textbook not included

Weekend QuickBooks Bootcamp™ Bootcamp 1: Company Setup and File Management (one six-hour class) Bootcamp 2: Managing Business Transactions (one six-hour class) Date: Bootcamp 1: 2/9 Date: Bootcamp 2: 2/16 Time: 9 a.m.–4 p.m. One-hour lunch break Fee: $135 per Bootcamp or $235 for both Class limited to 8, textbook not included

Upon completion of this session you’ll be able to identify and locate your target customers through demographics (census data), psychographics (lifestyle data), geographic (location data), linguistics (keyword analysis) and behavioristics. This presentation will also cover the unique message you need to develop for these targeted customers and the use of traditional printed media (ads, brochures, etc.) and social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) to deliver this unique message to your targeted audience. Date: 2/21 Time: 9 a.m.–Noon Fee: $55, Class limited to 10 Location: Classroom or live webinar

Business Website Essentials Learn easy step-by-step essentials to building your own small business website. Designed for any skill set, the instructor will walk through the budget-conscious options and tools to build a successful business website from scratch. Date: 1/11 or 2/8 or 3/8 Time: 9:30–11:30 a.m. Fee: $35 Location: Classroom or live webinar

WebMentor Have an expert Web designer guide you through the steps of creating a website for your business. Through six classes and individual mentor sessions, WebMentor will guide you through the process of creating an effective professional business website: Session 1: How to plan for your website Session 2: Competitive analysis Session 3: 10 essential pages Session 4: Keywords and copywriting Session 5: Marketing with social media Session 6: Analyzing your traffic

Registration available: 1/7 to 3/22 Available online at: Fee: $395

Social Media Marketing For Business Learn to use social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and YouTube to promote your business and attract new customers. The instructor will discuss the key elements of successful social media marketing. Date: 3/28 Time: 9–10:30 a.m. Fee: $35 Location: Classroom or live webinar

College + Community • Winter 2013


getting to mhcc

I-84 181st Ave

102nd Ave. 82nd Ave




Stark St.

Division St.


Division St.

Powell Blvd.

10100 N.E. Prescott St., Portland, OR 503-491-6100

Directions from the MHCC Gresham Campus: Travel west on I-84 Take the I-205 south/I-205 north exit Merge onto I-205 north ramp Merge onto I-205 north Take E. Sandy Blvd. exit Merge onto N.E. Sandy Blvd. Turn right onto N.E. 102nd Ave. Turn right onto N.E. Prescott St. End at 10100 N.E. Prescott St.

From Portland: Travel east on I-84 Exit at I-205 north Take E. Sandy Blvd. exit Merge onto N.E. Sandy Blvd. Turn right onto N.E. 102nd Ave. Turn right onto N.E. Prescott St. End at 10100 N.E. Prescott St.


THE Bruning Center for allied health education at Mhcc

Directions from Vancouver: Travel south on I-205 to I-84 east Drive east on I-84 to exit 17, Troutdale Turn right onto 257th Ave. at stoplight Continue on 257th Ave. through Stark St. MHCC is on the left just south of Stark St. End at 257th Ave./Kane Rd.

Drive west on S.E. Stark St. Turn left onto S.E. 223rd Ave. Turn right onto S.E. Burnside Rd. Turn left onto N.W. Civic Dr. End at 1484 N.W. Civic Dr.

From Portland: Drive east on I-84 to exit 17, Troutdale Turn right onto 257th Ave. at stoplight Continue on 257th through Stark St. MHCC is on the left just south of Stark St. End at 257th Ave./Kane Rd.

From Portland: Travel east on I-84 Take the 181st Ave. exit 13 to Gresham Turn right onto N.E. 181st Ave. Turn left onto E. Burnside St. Turn right onto N.W. Civic Dr. End at 1484 N.W. Civic Dr.

For the most current calendar visit

MHCC gresham campus 26000 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR 503-491-6422

Directions from the MHCC Gresham Campus:

Winter Term Begins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/7 Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No classes). . . . . . . . 1/21 Winter Term Ends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/23



1484 N.W. Civic Dr., Gresham, OR 503-491-6700

Important Dates 2013


Powell Blvd.



3 Hood


Civic Dr.

Burn side Rd.

Division St.


Stark St.

257th/Kane Rd.


. lvd yB nd a S


Sand y Blvd .

223rd Ave



102nd Ave.

For campus maps visit


Worksource Portland metro east 19421 S.E. Stark St., Gresham, OR 503-660-1440


small business development center

501 N.E. Hood Ave., Suite 240, Gresham, OR 503-491-7658

be productive Embedded Education Partnering with the East County semiconductor industry, MHCC helps provide industry-specific training in project management and problem-solving. You may have driven past the Microchip Technology Inc. facility on Stark Street and wondered exactly what they do. Actually, they help make your car run, control the touch screen on the GPS you may have been using or the smartphone you shouldn’t have been using, and even keep the LED lights on your dashboard on—among dozens of other functions. As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of microcontrollers, memory and analog semiconductors, Microchip Technology, founded in 1989, provides semiconductor-based products to more than 70,000 customers ranging from General Electric and Panasonic to Motorola, GM-Delco and Honeywell. Microchip’s products span applications called the embedded industry (components which are embedded into and form the “brains” of products from appliances to tablet computer touch screens to engines). Additionally, automobiles, medical devices, Ethernet applications, battery systems, lighting, wireless connectivity— the list is nearly endless.

Without getting all quantum physics about it, virtually anything electronic contains microcontrollers—such as a small computer on a single integrated circuit—which are made functional by semiconductors passing electrical current through a chemical lattice. They are called semiconductors because the rate at which they conduct electricity falls between a conductor (such as copper wire) and an insulator (such as polymers or glass). Manufacturing semiconductors and the microcontrollers that use them is a tremendously complex and precise process. So are the training needs of the teams that drive the process— which is where MHCC’s commitment to serving the educational needs of local industry comes in. “The training needs of semiconductor manufacturers have distinctive characteristics,” says MHCC’s Robert Weinman, who helps design and coordinate training programs with local industry. “Those include highlyspecialized content specific to semiconductor manufacture, with narrow time windows for training opportunities. The semiconductor market is highly volatile and companies have remained competitive by diversifying their client base and product offerings. This requires an innovative design team and an extremely agile production team.”

“MHCC has been responsive and proactive, offering input on what they need to teach and what our people need to learn.” Working in concert with local semiconductor makers such as Microchip, MHCC helps deliver core courses to employee teams in problem-solving, project management and software skills for lean manufacturing. These courses bring additional skills and value to their careers and improve production, resource allocation and innovation for the companies at which they work. It’s a high-tech win-win. “Working with MHCC helps us keep things local, build a better network of providers and offer our team members an on-site source of valuable training,” says Lynn Stephan, manufacturing training and organizational development manager at Microchip Technology. “I’ve been working with community colleges throughout my career to help provide technology training, and MHCC has been responsive and proactive, offering input on what they need to teach and what our people need to learn. It’s a productive partnership.” In other words, MHCC is a conductor of knowledge—simple as that. For more information on how MHCC can help your company or organization with business and industry workforce training, please call 503-491-7235 or email

College + Community • Winter 2013


be empowered Getting Avid The new AVID Center for Students is up and learning at MHCC. As we reported in the Summer 2012 issue of College + Community, Mt. Hood Community College is the first and only college in Oregon to adopt the AVID postsecondary program. For more than three decades worldwide, Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) has been meeting the previously unmet needs of underserved, under-represented, and pretty much under-everythinged students, creating a new way of preparing those students (and inspiring their teachers) for college readiness and eventual success in a global society. The program is now serving more than 450,000 students, from fourth grade to college, in 4,800 schools across America and 16 countries. MHCC is one of just two colleges in the Northwest to adopt the program.

The Art

of Teaching

Learning specialists meet frequently with AVID students

Until just a few months ago, the one missing component of the MHCC program was the physical manifestation of this holistic, systemic and sustained program of engagement with students. The final piece to fall into place, the AVID Center, is located on the mezzanine level of the Gresham Campus Library and is now open to serve students. The Center is both a place to find support and cohort (group)-based courses designed to develop within students the best habits of mind and work, and to clearly communicate the importance of using goals to drive progress. In a sense, AVID redefines teaching and learning from a top-down, individual challenge to a studentcentered team sport. “This is a true learning community,” says Lauren Smith, AVID program coordinator at MHCC. “For our students, AVID means


taking classes with the same group of students, who all work with their instructors to refine and build the skills essential to getting an education, from goal-setting and time management to ways to balance work and family with school. AVID provides proven curriculum for these classes.” For MHCC faculty, “AVID means a unique set of teaching strategies and lesson plans which speak to the learner who has not quite acclimated to college,” Smith says.

“AVID means a unique set of teaching strategies and lesson plans which speak to the learner who has not quite acclimated to college.”

One unique option allows AVID cohorts to focus on one of three themes in a given semester: music, money or sustainable foods. Those themes are interwoven into the reading and writing classes. For example, one of the assignments for the AVID reading students enrolled in the music focus is to write a paper on the ethics and outcomes of file sharing. Students in the AVID program at MHCC often come from similar AVID classes in high school. The program is currently in place in the GreshamBarlow, Parkrose, Portland and Reynolds school districts, to name a few. Counselors at high schools that have not yet adopted AVID often recommend their students to colleges that offer the program.

y e n o


And, it is also a very good way to harness the power of studentfocused learning to create exciting futures. “AVID has been a real gain for me,” says Turner. “It’s an opportunity to take advantage of some great resources and help.” For more information on AVID at MHCC, please contact Lauren Smith at 503-491-7331 or email



“It’s been helpful to me in so many ways,” notes MHCC student Kevin Turner, who has taken several AVID courses. “It helps embed each case study and lesson in your mind, and taking each class with the same group of students creates a supportive environment—almost a learning family. Everyone helps each other willingly. AVID clarifies assignments and goals.”

As Christie Plinski, vice president for Instruction at MHCC, noted in our previous feature on this topic, “Our first cohort of AVID students is already showing gains in performance and persistence. This a group of students who came from situations in which they were underprepared for collegelevel learning. Yet, with the AVID program, eight of 10 of them moved forward to the next term at MHCC. Those are very good results.”


“It helps embed each case study and lesson in your mind, and taking each class with the same group of students creates a supportive environment — almost a learning family.”

“There are no set selection criteria,” explains Smith, who came to MHCC after teaching in the AVID program at Reynolds High School, “but we are working to reach underserved learners who may be minorities, adults who have been out of school for extended periods, the middle of the road incoming freshmen and veterans—anyone who might flounder a bit otherwise. We help them advocate for themselves and reach their goals.”



You May Have Already Earned an Associate Degree A new pilot program is helping students earn associate degrees after they have transferred to a four-year school and accumulated the credits needed to fulfill the two-year degree program requirements. This “reverse transfer” program is a joint collaboration between the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) and the Oregon University System (OUS), thanks to a $450,000 grant from the Lumina Foundation. Cam Preus, commissioner of CCWD, says, “Bottom line, attaining an associate degree on the way to a bachelor’s degree helps keep students on track to graduation, and helps them in their jobs and careers with an additional, valuable credential.” In addition, with the tough job market continuing in Oregon, reverse transfer degrees can give an extra edge to recent graduates. Having both an associate and a bachelor’s degree on a resume reflects a broader, more accurate view of a graduate’s skills and training received over time. To see if you qualify, or for more information, please visit


be degreed

Saturday, May 4, 2013 This schedule is published to provide information to the general public. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of printing. However, the statements contained here are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between a student and the college. MHCC reserves the right to change or cancel a class at any time and to alter stated policy by action of the MHCC District Board of Education. Course offerings may be adjusted for economic reasons and students are urged to register early.

Foundation Annual Power of the Dream Auction & Dinner Red Lion Hotel on the River • 5 p.m. For information call 503-491-7206. Visit us online at or email at

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