Reservation Response Springtime in Paris Auction and Dinner Saturday, May 7, 2011 5 p.m. Portland Waterfront Marriott Hotel Foundation phone (503) 491‐7206 and fax (503) 491‐6008 Name________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City__________________________________State_________Zip_______________ Phone (day)_________________(eve)________________Email_________________ Reservations: Single dinner $100____Couple dinner $200____Table of ten $1000____ Enclosed is my check for $ ______________ Please charge my VISA / MASTERCARD / AMERICAN EXPRESS / DISCOVER CARD (circle one) Card Number ______________________________________Expiration date________ Signature_____________________________________________________________ I would like to make a donation. Please call me at _____________________________ Please Fill In Completely: ________ Place me at a no‐host table. ________Place me at a table reserved in the name of: _________________________ ________I am reserving a table for 10 under the name of: ______________________ ________Please send an invitation to: _____________________________________ Here are my guests: (List names, addresses and phone numbers and e‐mails)