Welcome to the
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October 24, 2022 The Derryfield Country Club
Event Sponsors and Supporters
Community Leadership Award
3 PRESENTING SPONSOR Brady Sullivan Properties PLATINUM SPONSORS CGI Business Solutions Eldridge Investment Advisors, Inc. Elliot Health System Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare PROCON GOLD SPONSOR Dartmouth Health Service Credit Union United Healthcare SILVER SPONSORS Amerihealth Caritas EVR Advertising Financial Strategies Retirement Partners Members First Credit Union New Hampshire Healthy Families Rise Private Wealth Management BRONZE SPONSORS Anthem Anagnost Investments Catholic Medical Center Farnum Center Members First Credit Union Northeast Delta Dental St. Mary’s Bank Stebbins Commercial Properties WIPFLI CPA’s and Consultants Wadleigh Starr & Peters, PLLC ***** DESSERT SPONSOR Genoa Healthcare
The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester Annual Celebration for Mental Health WELCOME OPENING
Kevin Sheppard KEYNOTE SPEAKER Randy Stevens LIVE AUCTION 2022 Wheelock-Nardi Advocacy Award Jim Monahan Susan Paschell Announcement of raffle winners Proceeds from tonight’s event will help to provide community-based behavioral health care services for children and adults in need.
CEO Greeting About the Speaker
Randy Stevens
Good Evening,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your support, some of you for the first time, others for your support year after year.
Our Annual Event holds a special place in our community, as we take time to gather and celebrate our successes, and honor the remarkable people who help us to achieve our goals.
Your support fuels our staff and acknowledges the importance of the work that we do. It helps reduce stigma. It builds the morale of our staff who, day in and day out, give their all to helping people recover and reclaim their lives beyond their illness.
As we face new challenges in the coming years, I know that together we will become stronger, more innovative, more acces sible, and even more hopeful for the wellness of the individuals and the community we serve.
It is with gratitude that I personally acknowledge our award winners tonight, our outgoing Board Chair, Kevin Sheppard, and Jim Monahan and Susan Paschell of the Dupont Group for their leadership and unique contributions in our collective efforts to not only raise awareness of mental health and substance misuse but in taking action towards an equitable system of care for our patients, their families, and our community.
Sincerely, Patricia Carty
President and CEO
Randy is a 32-year-old man who grew up in Rochester, NH, and currently works as a Peer Support Specialist for The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester. A Peer Support Specialist is a person with “lived experience” who has been trained to support those who struggle with mental health, psychological trauma, or substance misuse. Their per sonal experience of these particular challenges provides peer support specialists with expertise that professional training cannot replicate.
Randy endured many tragedies in his life, and in his re covery, he made the decision to accept his past, learn from it, and use those experiences to help others. In addition to maintaining his recovery and supporting others in their recovery journey while at work, Randy is also pursuing an advanced degree toward a Masters in Social Work (MSW). He currently maintains a 4.0 average and is a member of two different honor societies. Randy is on track to graduate in September 2025 with an MSW, which will open up even more opportunities for him in his career as a licensed social worker.
Randy’s experiences and emotional journey through recovery, will leave you inspired.
Partner of
Congratulations to The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester and the award winners!
Easterseals NH and Farnum stand with you in supporting our community’s mental health needs.
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Mental Health Matters
A proud supporter of The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
one of the
6 7 www.amerihealthcaritasnh.com
AmeriHealth Caritas New Hampshire is proud to celebrate
Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester’s 23rd Annual Celebration of Mental Health
thank and commend you for providing mental health services and programs to the Greater Manchester area for over 60 years.
Business Solutions
region’s fastest growing, most innovative benefit brokerage and consulting firms. In addition to its dedication to customer service, CGI offers its clients peace of mind knowing
CGI’s planning and implementation services will allow them to effectively deal with Healthcare Reform and the extremely challenging and changing benefits marketplace. Whether your needs involve benefit design, compliance, or administration solutions, CGI has the resources to help your business and your employees prepare for a quickly evolving marketplace. Contact a CGI professional at 603.622.4600 and learn how we can help your company with its HR needs.
603.622.4600 l cgibusinesssolutions.com HOPE IS BEING ABLE TO SEE THERE IS LIGHT DESPITE ALL OF THE DARKNESS. Advertising YEARS OF SUCCESS30 + Thank you for helping the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester offer hope and improve the lives of our neighbors and community members. Strategic & Creative Services for Marketing Communications “ “
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2022 Community Leadership Award
Kevin Sheppard
The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester is pleased to honor Kevin Sheppard, as the 2022 recipient of the Community Leadership Award. Former long-time Director of Manchester Public Works, Sheppard is a true servant leader and willingly gives his time to many organizations.
Sheppard served on The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester Board of Directors since 2016 and was appointed Chairman in 2021. During his tenure with MHCGM, Sheppard was instrumental in the advancement of many initiatives which greatly improved efficiencies and departmental structures of The Center. He frequently went above and beyond his duties as Board Chairmen and offered valuable input and influence in areas that supported The Center and/or patients thereof, such as his role in the project to totally revitalize MHCGM’s Manchester Street residence.
In addition to serving on several standing committees with The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester, Sheppard is a member of several professional organizations and also spent seven years as a “successful match” in the Greater Manchester Big Brothers/Big Sisters program and was a regular volunteer of the Manchester Soup Kitchen.
2022 Wheelock-Nardi Advocacy Award
Jim Monahan and Susan Paschell
The Dupont Group is a consulting firm that has represented the NH Community Behavioral Health Association since 2005, providing lobbying, advocacy, and communications services. Through tireless legislative work, both Monahan and Paschell have persistently supported the needs of those affected by mental illness.
Jim is the President of The Dupont Group, based in Concord, New Hampshire. The practice focuses on representing businesses and nonprofits, such as The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester before state and federal government agencies to advocate for effective communications, Medicaid policy, and behavioral health issues. In recent years, Jim has been the public policy architect of a number of major legislative and regulatory initiatives including projects in the Medicaid and behavioral health arenas. Jim is well known for providing news media analysis on topics around politics and public policy.
Paschell is a Senior Associate with The Dupont Group. Her work in the legislative area has helped to create new policies that have improved the state-supported services for behavioral health and substance misuse programs. Susan has worked in the legislative arena in both Maine and New Hampshire and in the past, worked as a lobbyist for numerous business and non-profit clients, including health care, behavioral health, social and juvenile justice interests.
About the Community Leadership Award
The Award was established by our board of directors to recognize and honor business or community leaders who exemplify the leadership and commitment needed to build and support a caring and healthy community. Honorees are selected for their involvement in business, civic, philanthropic, artistic, or cultural activities that enhance the quality of life and wellness of our citizens.
About the Wheelock-Nardi Advocacy Award
The Award is presented to an individual or organization who exemplifies a high standard of commitment and advocacy for those with mental illness. The award is named in honor of former New Hampshire Hospital Superintendent Major Wheelock and former State Representative Theodora Nardi. The pair co-authored the 1982 Wheelock-Nardi Report which became the blue print for the shift from an institutional focus to a community based system of behavioral healthcare in New Hampshire.
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Past Award Recipients
Sylvio Dupuis
Eugene Van Loan III
Gail Garceau
Robert Raiche
Fred Kfoury, Jr.
Fred Rusczek
Ed & Muriel Broad
Hon. John Broderick
Manchester Marathon Association
Ellie Cochran
Anna Thomas
David Mara Families in Transition
Paul Mertzic
Hon. Patrick Long
Gossler Park Elementary School
CIT Manchester Police Officers
Jeffrey Seifert
Rep Theodora Nardi & Major Wheelock NAMI NH
Donald Shumway
Peggy Straw Janet Stiles
Susan McLane
Dr. Robert Vidaver
J. Michael Degnan
Paul Gorman
Jack Lightfoot Michael Cohen
Jay Couture
Kenneth Jue
Wayne Williams Kendall Snow
Hon. Tina Nadeau
Hon. Barbara A.M. Maloney
Dr. Robert Drake
Kenneth Norton Shawne Wickham
Peter and Maureen Janelle
Sen. Donna Soucy
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SMALL ENOUGH big difference. to make a Proud to Support The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester MembersFirstNH.org Bedford • Manchester (603) 622-8781 Insured by NCUA Partnering for better Harvard Pilgrim Health Care is proud to support The Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester Celebration for Mental Health Benefit event. Together, we can work toward better for everyone in our communities. Learn more at harvardpilgrim.org
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Supporters Advocates Wellsense Healthplan Lavallee Brensinger Architects Primary Bank Bellwether Credit Union Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan Wieczorek Insurance Stigma Busters CCA Global Amoskeag Health Pelmac Industries The Dupont Group TD Bank Fidium Fiber Baker Newman Noyes The Granite Group Conway Technology Group Manchester Community College Friends: Merchants Auto, Office Alternatives, NAMI NH PROCON is
proud to support
Center of
Greater Manchester
and their mission of
helping children, teens and adults
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22 Guiding the way to better mental health UnitedHealthcare is proud to support the care and compassion that MHCGM provides to our local community. Visit uhc.com 004F2E1C 09/22 Congratulations Kevin Sheppard and Jim
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