Cussac resume FR/EN

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marie-­‐hélène cussac

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resume FR/EN highlights CV format Europass

marie-­‐hélène cussac communication -­‐ affaires européennes 117 chaussée d’ixelles 1050 bruxelles – belgique +32 494 41 82 09 +33 6 72 67 52 57

en bref

Née le 17 octobre 1978, Française, célibataire. Après une formation de professeur de langue et de musique, spécialisation sur les questions de pouvoir rhétorique des communautés subalternes dans le discours public. Développement progressif d’une passion pour la communication, tout particulièrement dans le contexte de l’Union européenne. A étudié et vécu aux Etats-­‐Unis, en Belgique, France, Grande-­‐Bretagne, Irlande et Irlande du Nord. A mené plusieurs missions à travers l’UE et développé un vaste réseau de contacts.


2007 -­‐ 2010 – Communication Manager à Generation Europe Foundation asbl, Bruxelles (B) depuis 2005 – Consultante en communication pour le European Union Youth Orchestra, Bruxelles (B) 2005 -­‐ 2007 – Project Manager au Development Office du Collège d’Europe, Bruges (B) 2005 -­‐ 2006 – Consultante pour le Comité économique et social européen & la Présidence autrichienne de l’UE, Bruxelles (B) et Salzbourg (AT) 2004 -­‐ 2005 – Assistante de projets chez Palmer/Rae Associates, Bruxelles (B) 2003 – Communications Officer à EIPAL, European Institute for Public Affairs and Lobbying, Bruxelles (B) 2002 -­‐ 2003 – Stage à l’Ambassade de France en Belgique sur les programmes-­‐cadres de la Commission européenne 2002 – Stage à la Commission européenne, DG Education et Culture, unité Programmes-­‐cadres 2000 -­‐ 2001 – Professeur de français, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (USA)


2003 -­‐ 2004 – Master en études européennes, Mention Très Bien au mémoire de recherche (politique de sécurité dans le Caucase Sud), Collège d’Europe, Bruges (B) 2000 -­‐ 2001 – Cours de Master en théories rhétoriques et communication interculturelle, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (USA) 1996 -­‐ 2000 – Maîtrise d’anglais, Mention Très Bien, Université de Clermont-­‐Ferrand (F) et University of Durham (UK) 1994 -­‐ 2000 – Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes en Formation Musicale, piano, Conservatoire National de Musique de Clermont-­‐Ferrand (F)


Langues : anglais courant, allemand, néerlandais basique, italien et espagnol lus, russe débutant IT: Microsoft Office, In-­‐Design et Adobe Acrobat, Joomla, Drupal et Wordpress Permis de conduire (français, américain et international) Esprit d’équipe (communication interculturelle au sein d’équipes multiculturelles, ancienne rameuse) Passion pour le design (graphisme, architecture, haute couture) et la musique (direction, chant)

marie-­‐hélène cussac c o m m u n i c a t i o n -­‐ e u a f f a i r s 117 chaussée d’ixelles 1050 brussels – belgium +32 494 41 82 09 +33 6 72 67 52 57

in brief Born 17 October 1978, French, single. Originally trained as a language and music teacher, focused on ways to achieve power in the public discourse in subaltern communities and developed a passion for communications within the context of the European Union project. Studied and worked in America, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Ran missions across the EU and developed a wide professional network.

coming from

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 2007 -­‐ 2010 – Communication Manager at Generation Europe Foundation asbl 2005 onwards – Communications consultant for the European Union Youth Orchestra 2005 -­‐ 2007 – Project Manager at the Development Office of the College of Europe 2005 -­‐ 2006 – Consultant for the European Economic and Social Committee & the Austrian EU Presidency 2004 -­‐ 2005 – Project assistant at Palmer/Rae Associates 2003 – Communications Officer at European Institute for Public Affairs and Lobbying 2000 -­‐ 2001 – French teacher at Florida Atlantic University


2002 -­‐ 2003 – Ambassade de France en Belgique, on European Commission framework programmes 2002 – European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Framework programmes unit


2003 -­‐ 2004 – Master in European studies, First Class Honours to the dissertation, College of Europe, Bruges (B) 2000 -­‐ 2001 – Graduate courses on rhetorical theory and intercultural communication, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (USA) 1996 -­‐ 2000 – Master of English literature and history, First Class Honours, University of Clermont-­‐ Ferrand (F) and University of Durham (UK) 1994 -­‐ 2000 – Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes en Formation Musicale, Conservatoire National de Musique de Clermont-­‐Ferrand (F) (piano studies)

together with Languages : fluent English, good German, basic Dutch, reading Spanish and Italian, beginner in Russian IT skills : Microsoft Office, In-­‐Design and Adobe Acrobat, Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress Driving licences (French, USA and international) A strong team spirit (intercultural communication in multicultural teams, former rower) A passion for design (graphic, architectural and fashion) and music (choral conductor, singer)

rédaction édition publication

marie-­‐hélène cussac communication -­‐ affaires européennes +32 494 41 82 09 +33 6 72 67 52 57

Agenda Europa

Editeur de l’Agenda Europa 2009-­‐2010 / juillet 2008 – janvier 2009 / agenda pour les 15-­‐18 ans distribué gratuitement aux écoles de l’UE qui le commandent 3,3 million d’exemplaires / 96 pages d’edito / 29 éditions / 23 langues communication quotidienne avec 14 DGs de la Commission européenne (gestion de 57 textes) gestion de l’équipe éditoriale: rédacteurs, relecteurs, graphistes, tout en rédigeant et relisant moi-­‐même créatrice d’un guide de style édito pour les Agendas Europa Contrat-­‐cadre entre Génération Europe Foundation asbl et DG SANCO de la Commission européenne

GE Vibes Newsletter Créatrice du bulletin d’info mensuel pour la communauté des 19-­‐29 ans de Génération Europe (6.000 membres). Magazine lancé en mars 2008. Aujourd’hui rebaptisé « Buzz », disponible sur www.generation-­‐ -­‐ choix du graphisme / conception: rubriques + politique édito / rédaction de 80% du bulletin, en anglais -­‐ lancement en septembre 2008 d’une rubrique invitant un auteur à écrire dans une autre langue

Pick of the week Créatrice de la section “pick of the week” sur la page d’accueil de Génération Europe (sept. 2008) / revue de presse européenne / mise en ligne d’articles sélectionnés appelant les 19-­‐29 ans à la réflexion sur les affaires européennes

EUROPE DIRECT Newsletter Mensuels /Responsable de l’édition en 3 langues : DE – EN – FR / janv.. 2006 à nov. 2007 -­‐ conception : rubriques + politique éditoriale / conseils auprès de la Direction Générale Communication de la Commission européenne / Rédaction de 90% des articles, en anglais -­‐ conception de la rubrique EUROSCOPE en 2007 -­‐ en contact permanent avec les membres du Réseau EUROPE DIRECT : environ 450 Relais ED et 380 Centres de Documentation européenne et Membres Team Europe Ces bulletins sont disponibles sur Internet : _fr.htm Contrat-­‐cadre entre le Collège d’Europe et DG COMM de la Commission européenne

Visions d’Europe Responsable du projet de publication dirigée par Prof. Bronisław Geremek et Prof. Robert Picht./ oct. 2005 – nov. 2007 Manuscrit publié aux Editions Odile Jacob (septembre 2007). Publication en anglais prévue. -­‐ organisation des conférences et débats publics liés au Projet « Visions d’Europe » -­‐ gestion des relations contractuelles avec les auteurs, les traducteurs et les maisons d’édition

The Sound of Europe Responsable de la rédaction du verbatim et des conclusions de la conférence d’ouverture de la Présidence autrichienne de l’UE / sept. 2005 – mars 2006 « The Sound of Europe » Salzburg, 27-­‐28 janvier 2006 -­‐ recrutement et gestion d’une équipe de preneurs de notes -­‐ coopération étroite entre la Chancellerie Fédérale d’Autriche à Vienne et le Comité économique et social européen à Bruxelles Volume I: ISBN no. 92-­‐830-­‐0611-­‐9 & Volume II: EECS Special Reviews, catalogue no.: EESC – C-­‐2006-­‐05-­‐EN.­‐C-­‐2006-­‐05-­‐EN.pdf

events design & management

marie-­‐hélène cussac c o m m u n i c a t i o n -­‐ e u a f f a i r s +32 494 41 82 09 +33 6 72 67 52 57

h i g h l i g h t s

La place de l’Entreprise dans la mission d’Education Organised conference with Generation Europe Foundation asbl and Génération Europe France / Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, 9 November 2009 Design of the event format / design of conference material All documents and photos available at www.generation-­‐ > events


Welcoming H.E. Eyyubov, guest of honour of DO10

Initiated a marketing/PR event celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Development Office (DO) of the College of Europe / Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels, 3 May 2007 -­‐ design of the event / conception of the « DO10 » name / design of 3 video animations presenting the DO and its various activities worldwide / design of the « DO10 » present given to guests -­‐ management of invitations and of logistics (about 150 guests – management of a 6-­‐staff team) -­‐ media relations : press release, TV -­‐ excellent knowledge of conference rooms media events venues in Brussels All documents and photos available at­‐DO10.html

EU-­‐Canada Young Journalism Award

One of the DO10 videos

Interview with Dan Bilefsky, EU correspondent in 2007 for the International Herald Tribune

ATE round table, Brussels 2008

Project manager / From 2005-­‐ Editions 2006 and 2007 Design and management of a one-­‐week programme allowing young Canadian journalists to discover and appreciate the European media scene, while introducing them to European politics and policies. -­‐ excellent knowledge of journalists circles specialised in EU affairs in Brussels -­‐ good knowledge of the media focusing on EU affairs: press – TV – radio – newswires -­‐ won the call for tender for this project two years in a row (while staff at the College of Europe) Participant’s comment : « I think it’s really Marie-­Hélène that played the mentor role since she was always with us, knew everyone and could give us briefings whenever necessary. »

Visions of Europe

Project manager / October 2005 to November 2007 Organisation of conferences and debates in Brussels, Paris and Turin on multiculrural Europe, the question of European identity, social Europe, the reform of the EU Institutions, etc. -­‐ marketing and communication / logistics organisation -­‐ relation with the local press / press release in the local languages

European Union Youth Orchestra

Organisation of the EUYO auditions in Belgium / Since 2005 / -­‐ communication with candidates, conservatories, host in Brussels & EUYO -­‐ logistics organisation

Alpbach Team Europe & Alpbach-­‐IG France IG France Kamingespräch with key politicians, Alpbach 2005

Non-­‐for-­‐profit organisations ad-­‐hoc to the European Forum Alpbach / In charge of ATE (Brussels) since 2002 and Secretary General (2003-­2009) and President (2010) of IG France (Paris). Organisation of various activities (conferences, round tables, debates) all year round allowing to the debating to continue beyond the two-­‐week forum each August / Organisation of Kamingespräche in August in Alpbach (fireside talks) More info on the EFA available at

Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail(s) Nationality(-ies) Date of birth Gender

Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

CUSSAC Marie-Hélène 117 Chaussée d’Ixelles, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium Mobile: Belgium +32 494 41 82 09

France: (+33) 06 72 67 52 57 or on French 17 October 1978 Female

November 2007 – March 2010 Communication Manager  Editor of the Europa Diary 2009-2010, a diary for the 15-18 year olds, 3.3 M copies in EU 27; this involves daily communication with 14 EU Commission Directorate Generals for the content of 57 texts (total of 96 A5 pages of editorial content in the diary), management of the editorial team: writers, proofreaders, graphic designers, etc., while also writing, proofreading, and editing myself. As editor, I initiated a style guide for the future editions of this diary.  Creator and editor of GE Vibes, the monthly newsletter of the Generation Europe online community (6,000 members, 19-29 year olds)  Web editor of the Generation Europe website dedicated to the 19-29 year olds o For this website, I launched a job & internship offers section as well as a Young Experts Database – a database of young professionals only which shall be open to recruiters once the project is completed. The Generation Europe YED is the first of its kind on the EU market. o I also launched the ‘pick of the week’ section to highlight some interesting articles in the European press and encourage members of the GE online Community to read the foreign press and appreciate the various national opinions on certain EU topics.  Business development - Project management: o I initiated projects for instance for the European Employment Week: launched a survey Europe wide (beyond EU 27), published a report, presented the report at EEW in the presence of GE Community members, and then organised a talk-show with EC Commissioner for Employment. This for instance led to the participation of Generation Europe to the Job Day EUROPE at the Commission in September 2008, where GE Community members joined for another talk-show with Commissioner Spidla and other employment policy experts. GE was active for the 2009 EEW and is currently preparing activities for EEW 2010. o Develop strong links with the European Commission Stagiaires Committee, with other young people organisations e.g. the South American Business Forum, etc.  While at Generation Europe, I have worked at strengthening the presence of Generation Europe Foundation (the part dealing with the 19-29 year olds) amongst young people’s think-tanks. For instance, GEF was invited as reviewer of the Alcohol Advertising Monitoring Report produced by EASA (the European Advertising Standards Alliance) in December 2008 and again for October 2009. Generation Europe Foundation, 123 Chaussée Saint-Pierre, 1040 Brussels, Belgium Communication consultancy – foundation specialised in communication with young people

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held

Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

October 2005 – November 2007 Project Manager  Organisation of conferences (academic or professional training) and large-scale events (EU-wide), good at Public Relations, ex of recent event I entirely designed:  Conception and running of training courses in EU affairs (seminars, workshops, summer schools)  Project management: Managing those conferences and courses (marketing, communication, financial planning, budget management, contractual relations, etc.)  Business development - Development of a strong network of contacts with key decisionmakers for project development (e.g. in the Southern Caucasus)  Editor and writer of the EUROPE DIRECT monthly newsletter for the ED Relays in EU 27 (Service Contract with DG COMM of the European Commission)  Managed the ‘Visions of Europe’ project which led to the publication of the book by Prof. Picht and Prof. Geremek Visions d’Europe, Ed. Odile Jacob, Paris, 2007 – management of all contractual relations. College of Europe, Development Office, Dijver 11, 8000 Brugge, Belgium EU affairs academic institution / Service provider October 2005 – February 2006 Team leader – writer Part-time freelance consultant for the Conference: “The Sound of Europe”, Salzburg, 27-28 January 2006 (  Manager of the team of minutes takers (team of 5 people)  Writer: In charge of the drafting of the verbatim of all conference proceedings (ISBN 92-8300611-9) + Conclusions of the conference in the EECS Special Reviews (catalogue number: EESC – C-2006-05-EN) European Economic and Social Committee (with the Austrian Presidency of the EU), Rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels, Belgium European Institution November 2004 – June 2005 Project Assistant Project management:  Develop project proposals (research)  Coordination of a project  Report on funding schemes Office management:  Develop databases and archives for material  Website updating Palmer/Rae Associates, Robert Palmer, 74 Rue de la Croix de Pierre, 1060 Brussels, Belgium International cultural advising – Cultural consulting November 2005 onwards Communications Officer EUYO Communication:  Dealing with all EUYO-related questions in Belgium  Responsible for the annual EUYO national auditions in Belgium: o logistics of the venue (renting, managing availability of instruments e.g. percussions, communication with the people in charge of the audition venue, etc.) o as well as communication with all musicians interested in auditioning for the EUYO, communication with applicants, organisation of the audition schedule, etc. European Union Youth Orchestra, 65 Sloane Street, SW1X 9SH London, UK Cultural sector

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities

October 2004 – January 2005 Consultant (Brussels-based) Survey: “The Status of the Private Sponsoring in the Arts” (over 80 companies consulted)  Questionnaire writing + analysis of collected data  Expertise of research and communication skills with the corporate and non-EU sectors European Union Youth Orchestra, 65 Sloane Street, SW1X 9SH London, UK Cultural sector May – July 2003 Communications Officer Restructure EIPAL communication strategy :  Website  Advertising  Press contacts  Communication with guests speakers (Public Affairs) and students about EU decision-making processes + most effective lobbying strategies EIPAL—European Institute for Public Affairs and Lobbying—, Rue du Président 13, 1000 Brussels, Belgium Public Affairs – Public Relations November 2002 – April 2003 Junior consultant in cultural affairs  Encourage the participation of French cultural institutes abroad to the framework programs of the European Commission (DG EAC)  Created a « Culture 2000 » presentation for a workshop for the Foreign Service network days in Paris  Surveys: Participation in European Commission programmes of the French cultural institutes in EU25 and the Brussels-based cultural institutes  Establish network among DG Culture of the French Foreign Service and Commission officials (Lobby skills) Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Ambassade de France en Belgique, Service de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle, 42 boulevard du Régent, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique Diplomacy – Interest Representation – Consulting March – July 2002 Intern  Research and editing of dossiers concerning cultural industries (music and book) – acquired knowledge of cultural networks/interest groups  Study on mobility and free movement of people and products in the cultural sector: o Preparatory works o Translation  Reporting (English/French): o Inter-institutional relations (cultural committee meetings) o International cultural networks conferences  Web Communication: o Updating o Writing for the Newsletter (good knowledge of the “Culture 2000” projects management)  As an elected member of the Stagiaires’ Committee, Vice-treasurer (overall budget of 75,000€), writing monthly for the European Stagiaires Journal. European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Policy and Framework Programmes Unit, Belliard 100, 1040 Brussels, Belgium EU administration – Cultural sector

August 2000 – May 2001 French Teacher  French teacher to 1st to 4th year students (Pedagogy courses provided + Communicative Approach Teaching methods)  IT-Assistant for the Foreign Languages and Media Center of FAU

Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Dates Occupation or position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of employer Type of business or sector

Florida Atlantic University, College of Arts and Letters, Department of French, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33 431, USA Education

January – May 2001 Piano Accompanist Accompanying and coaching of voice students for performance Florida Atlantic University, College of Arts and Letters, Department of Vocal Studies, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL 33 431, USA Education

Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered

Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training

September 2003 – June 2004 Master of Arts in European Political and Administrative Studies (Mention Bien)  General courses: EU Law and Decision-Making Process, EU Media, Interest Representation  Focus: European security – The transatlantic relationship o MA Thesis (Mention Très Bien): “From the Balkans to the Southern Caucasus: Sleepwalking Towards a Repetition of History? Time to prove an efficient Security Strategy” – Focus on the security challenges of the Southern Caucasus and European Neighbourhood Policy College of Europe, Brugge – Postgraduate education

September 2001 – October 2002 1st year of a PhD in Ethnomusicology (on hold for more academic hindsight) – Arts and Humanities Research Board Award offered  Focus: Ethnic Identity Issues – Intercultural Communication – Culture and Politics  PhD claim: Music as Rhetoric: In subaltern communities, musical practices constitute a rhetorical tool to achieve power in the public discourse Queen’s University Belfast, Department of Anthropology – Postgraduate education

August 2000 – May 2001 1st year of a Master of Arts in communication (1 year contract as a Graduate Teaching Assistant)  Communication (Rhetoric – Intercultural Communication)  Musical studies (Choral conducting – Voice – History) Florida Atlantic University, College of Arts and Letters, Departments of Communication and Music – Postgraduate education October 1996 – July 2000 Maîtrise (MA) de Lettres, Langues et Civilisations: Anglais, Mention Très Bien (1st Class Honours)  English and American literature - history - linguistics - critical theory translation  Special course : Teaching of French as a Foreign Language  MA dissertation : Cajun culture and identity Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France + University of Durham, Durham, England Undergraduate and Graduate Education September 1994 – July 2000 Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes en Formation Musicale Piano studies, including solfège and choral singing Conservatoire National de Musique de Clermont-Ferrand, France

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s) Self-assessment



European level (*)





































Russian Social skills and competences

    

Organisational skills and competences

  

Technical skills and competences

 


Spoken interaction


Spoken production

Very sociable person: this is probably the reason why I pay so much attention to social interaction, and thus the reason why I work in communication, leading teams (e.g. as editor or conductor) as much as a being a dedicated team member (e.g. as choral singer or rower). I think I have been successful as a team leader so far because I first consider myself as a member of the team, just like the others. Very good team spirit – enjoy leading teams (motivating the team, dealing with tensions, etc) Easily adapting to multicultural environments and multicultural teams Strong listening skills Good communicator (especially in multicultural environments) Strong but flexible coordinator – very good negotiator (win-win deals) I have an eye for details and I pay great attention to the form (the way it looks) as much as to the content of any piece of work. Very organised Team leading experiences: o 2006: “Sound of Europe” conference, leading the team of minutes-takers during the conference and managing conference reports for the Austrian Presidency. o 2003 onwards: « Alpbach Team Europe », Vice President, in charge of the Grant Scheme / writing for Alpbach News during the European Forum Alpbach o 2002: « Generation Europe » elected French Delegate for the Youth Summit 2002 on CSR matters / Interview techniques training o 2002: Spokesperson, Anthropology Department students to the Faculty of Humanities, Queen’s University Belfast Active in Students’ Union politics for more interrelations amongst local and international students o 1999: Organisation and responsibility (alone) of a trip to Scotland for the students of the English Department of the Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, France o Summer 1997, 98, 2001: Euro Languages College, Eire (Clongowes Wood College Ennis College): French teacher to young teenagers o 1995-96: BAFA—Brevet d’Aptitude à la Fonction d’Animateur—French qualification certifying the ability to run activities for summer/winter camps, with a specialisation in ski teaching/snow activities for children “Esprit d’initiative” o 2004: Creation of a non-for-profit organisation, « Forum Alpbach France », Secretary General (2004-2009) – President (2010) o 2003: Set up of the College of Europe Vocal Ensemble, conductor in 2003-2004 o 1996: Creation of a non-profit organisation « Field Hollers », Gospel songs and Negro spirituals ensemble, President in 1996-1997 Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure Good problem-solving skills

Computer skills and competences Artistic skills and competences

Microsoft Office – InDesign – Adobe Acrobat – Dreamweaver / Joomla / Drupal / Wordpress (website management) – Web CEO for File Transfer Protocols   

Other skills and competences

 

Driving licence(s)

Pianist – Clarinettist – Soprano Music teaching (taught musical theory and the piano, coached vocal student for performance, please see above) Training for soloist singing (Brussels Royal Conservatory) and for the chorus of operas (May 2008 and Wallonia Opera in March 2009) Fieldwork for cultural studies: by myself and on my own initiative: Haiti - the Dominican Republic (2001) and Thailand (2007) Rowing (1999-2000, 2001-2002)

French, American and international driving licences (cars).

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