Dynasys Brochure Retail Industry

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DynaSys offers the n.SKEP速 Retail Planning solution, a user-friendly and powerful tool, very appreciated by the users, as well as Supply Chain expertise. Sylvie Raymond, Organization and IT Director, Kesa Electricals Gie


N.SKEP® RETAIL PLANNING SOLUTION DYNASYS DISTRIBUTION RETAIL European leader in Supply Chain Planning solutions, DynaSys provides the distribution and trade business segments with collaborative planning solutions aimed at optimizing the whole supply chain. In order to meet corporate values as well as requirements of customers and of stores or organizational constraints, the Supply Chain and its management have to be quicker, more reliable, more flexible, more measurable and more shared. The n.SKEP® Retail Planning solution by DynaSys is integrated, flexible, to be customized and will enable you to plan and optimize your Supply Chain, and to better control its complexity.

ISSUES OF THE DISTRIBUTION AND TRADE BUSINESS SEGMENT Customer Loyalty Retail and massive distribution have to face market evolutions and to be flexible as well as reactive in order to develop an adapted offer at the right price, while respecting regulations in force. Within this very competitive business segment, the management of customers, of sales and points of sales are the main concerns of distributors: the basic consumer has to become a faithful and satisfied customer! In order to guarantee an optimum service rate for stores and customers during the whole year, it is necessary to be reactive to the requirements of markets, to improve the brand image, to respect the customer commitment and to guarantee availability of product.






Profit Maximization Faced with a more informed and more evanescent consumer as well as to the increase of e-commerce, trademarks and stores also have to differentiate themselves with even lower prices, obtained through cost reduction linked to their global Supply Chain. Therefore companies have to optimize and reduce their stocks on platforms (overstock, obsolete products), to reduce procurement costs or even optimize the load of trucks and containers (orders groupings) in order to maximize their profit all along the supply chain. Internal and External Collaboration Because of flows complexity, companies of the distribution and retail segment have to increase their visibility on the whole Supply Chain. This problem is encountered in the priorities to improve synergies and internal collaboration between the different corporate functions (marketing, sales, procurement, logistics), but also in the connection with suppliers. This consensual management of Supply Chain activities, from unique and shared data, will enable to improve the agility of the organization.

CONCRETE RESULTS • Customer service improvement: shortened delivery times, extension of assortments, fewer stock-outs, products availability, reactivity to demand evolutions. • Margin increase: cost reduction (distribution, procurement, stocktaking, stock), less


N.SKEP® RETAIL PLANNING SOLUTION obsolescence, gain of market shares. • Global network efficiency: visibility improvement, improvement of internal and external collaboration, anticipation of procurement requirements, control of the Supply Chain complexity.

A SOLUTION ADAPTED TO YOUR NEEDS Demand Planning • Generation of sales forecasts based on the analysis of historical data (EpoS information, orders portfolio, de-stocking) • Calculation of forecasts: automation of processes, multi-level (platforms, warehouse, stores), intermittent demand, automatic choice of statistical models, Slow Mover, Fast Mover • Event / promotion mgmt (repetitive and multiproduct promotion, cannibalism) at different levels • Life cycle management of products: the different life stages of a product are taken into account (introduction, growth, maturity, replacement, decline) in the forecast calculation. Real time management of product subs with smooth transition • Information are shared with different players in order to elaborate a consensual forecast (internal and external collaborative) • Management of assortment and product diversity, collection management, stores referencing Procurement Planning • Definition of procurement strategies (suppliers, minimal/maximal stock, delivery rate • Plans definition for orders and supplier delivery


• Supplier selection and integration of suppliersitems constraints (delivery and orders lead times, capacities, delivery multiples and minimums) and stock (quarantine time, max stock, use-by date) • Procurement optimization: group of supplier orders (by truck, complete container, min order) • Supplier collaboration: share of forecasts and procurement plans Stocks Planning • Management of turnover rates • Calculation and optimization of safety stocks • Calculation, optimization of procurement plans • Planning of the platform capacities • Deployment of multi-level stocks • Management of alerts: projected stock-outs, logistic capacities enabling the increase of corporate reactivity With the n.SKEP® Retail Planning solution by DynaSys, get a unique ergonomics (multi-level hierarchies, multi-units, graphic views, …) and all the simulation power on the whole Supply Chain, from the customer to the supplier.

PERFORMANCES AND INTEGRATION Thanks to n.SKEP® Retail Planning, you will be able to measure and improve the performances of your global supply chain! The n.SKEP® Retail Planning solution was designed to communicate easily with the corporate IT system (SAP, JDE, Oracle, Lawson, Infor, specific tools).







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