The Leadership Stance If you ask people what quality they appreciate and admire most about their co-workers, business partners, and community members, one thing you are likely to hear them say is, “That person gets things done.” It is a metric everyone values. Too often these days we see jobs unfinished, decisions kicked down the road, promises not kept and direction not given, let alone followed. It isn’t an option for businesses. We can’t afford to put decisions off. Whether the decisions are big or small, business leaders have to make some tough calls that ultimately shape the future of their enterprises, their employees, and their communities. That’s part of the price of leadership. Unfortunately, many people only see leadership as a corner office with a picture window, a fancy title with a larger paycheck, or the big chair at the table. Those are the trappings that come with an elevated position; but true leadership is ultimately about taking responsibility for making decisions of consequence in good times and in bad. Whatever the decision, there will always be those willing to debate the call. If there is one lesson that should stand out about effective leadership, it is power of accountability.
The willingness to step forward, offer a vision, work to implement that vision, and then be measured on performance is what leaders live and breathe on a daily basis, from the moment they turn over the sign ‘Open for Business’ until they turn the lights off at the end of the day. Successful business leaders live by a high standard. They know they have to perform because they are measured every day by their sales, stock prices, customer satisfaction, and more. It’s one reason why more and more business leaders are starting to give even stronger voice to the issues that will shape our nation’s future. Every one of them wants quality schools for our kids and needs a skilled workforce ready to compete. They know real leadership means facing head on tough problems with tough decisions and not walking away. Leaving decisions to someone else abdicates the responsibilities that leadership requires. We all know that America’s “Inbox” is full when it comes to challenges—from fixing our economy to fixing our schools. Addressing those issues with the President, the Congress, and on state and local levels will not be easy but business leadership across America has demonstrated its willingness to step up to the plate. That courage has built the greatest marketplace and innovation that is the envy of the world. By following business’ lead, America will only grow stronger. Sincerely,
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