1 minute read
Home Automation
Bespoke integration of: lighting; heating; curtain & blinds
Technology changes so quickly, housing stock by contrast changes so slowly!
So its not surprising that when the two are put together they take time to stabilise and come together.
The smart home incorporates such a wide array of devices (from audio visual through to heating and security and everything in between) all of which traditionally come from their own individual market sector and have their own methods of operating, most have the potential of not just being controlled from their own buttons or switches or remotes but from any device anywhere. With out a knowledge of the market place and understanding of technology things can very quickly get very complicated and end up being of less value rather than more.
What ever the future brings the home of the foreseeable future will still incorporate cables and wires, but we can now plan those cable runs with some certainty and be assured that the devices that fix to them will still be useable many years into the future and hopefully for the life expectancy of the property.
Household Automation has many years of expertise in designing smart home infrastructure we use well proven topologies and manufacturers of equipment with a history of reliability and backward compatibility.
So if you are looking for a simple reliable well proven automated solution or a fully functional all singing an dancing automated home then contact Household Automation.
E-mail: info@household-automation.co.uk
NEXT EDITION: Smart home - When a switch is not just a switch - Explore the possibilities of what can be done with the press of a button
Est: 1999
Control of your home from your smartphone
Consultation and design Comprehensive automated control: Lighting, heating and blinds control using KNX equipment (www.knxuk.org) Forward thinking service and maintenance