May 2020 Material Handling Network

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MAY 2020


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What Will Change PostCoronavirus

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Nine Tips to Make Working Remotely Work for You and Your Employer

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Automation is a Critical Technology to Help People during Coronavirus Crisis

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May 2020

Material Handling Network

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Material Handling Network

May 2020


VOL. 39 NO. 5

MAY 2020 6 | SAFETY CORNER Five Ways for Managing Warehouse Traffic

10 | FEATURE STORY What Will Change Post-Coronavirus

12 | BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Nine Tips to Make Working Remotely Work for You and Your Employer

22 | INDUSTRY NEWS 24 | FEATURE STORY Automation is a Critical Technology to Help People during Coronavirus Crisis


14 | FEATURE STORY Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles: Cornonavirus Pushes Logistic Automation up the Agenda

Material Handling Network (ISSN #2155-1685) is published monthly serving the material handling industry. Editorial opinion expressed herein are the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Material Handling Network. Material Handling Network assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors or advertising content and reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason, at any time.

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May 2020

Material Handling Network

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Material Handling Network

May 2020



Five Ways for Managing Warehouse Traffic

Every year forklift accidents cause tens of thousands of injuries and a forklift is involved in one out of six workplace deaths. Waiting until an accident occurs is far too late to take a look at improving how you’re managing warehouse traffic. In order to protect pedestrians, equipment operators, facility visitors, and other employees, you must eliminate traffic hazards and work to prevent future accidents. As one of the very first steps of creating a traffic management plan, you want to design the facility in a way that eliminates or minimizes interactions between pedestrians and vehicles. Look at how traffic flows around the workplace, consider efficient routes, and wherever possible keep people and forklifts separate. Following the ‘Rules of the Road’ For most forklift operators, adopting many of the common ‘rules of the road’ will become second nature in a facility environment. Creating traffic controls, you see out in the real world such as crosswalks at intersections, four-way stops, and marking vehicle lanes make the space easier to navigate for everyone. For example, be sure to document who has the right of way when it comes to intersections and enforce this rule with traffic control signs. When looking at the intersections in your facility, use floor marking tape or paint to create safe crossing zones for pedestrians. Use common traffic signals such as one way only signs, do not enter signs, yield signs, and stop signs to better control the flow of traffic. Because these signs are universally recognizable, it’s an extremely simple step for improving warehouse safety.


May 2020

Material Handling Network

Enforce Safe Speeds Just like cars traveling on the highway, maintaining a safe speed is critical for preventing accidents. While OSHA does not have specific speed limits set for the safe operation of a powered industrial truck, they do give several factors you should take into consideration for evaluating and determining a safe speed such as the type of truck being used, adequate stopping distance, operating surface conditions, and other safety issues. The safest speed for forklift travel will likely vary around for your facility. For instance, you may decide to maintain lower speeds in corridors and aisleways, require reduced speeds around corners and down ramps, and keep lower speeds in areas where the driver’s visibility is reduced. Be sure operators know what their traveling speed should be by posting several speed limit signs in the area that can be seen from either direction. Remember, even a forklift traveling at a very slow speed can crush and severely injure someone. Keep Others Safe Pedestrians, facility visitors, line workers, and those not operating a forklift will need to have their own safety plan to adhere to. For example, designating separate entrances and exits for individuals and vehicles can prevent blind corners and collisions. Installing barriers is an excellent and highly effective way to ensure people are physically separated from vehicle traffic; keep visitors out of areas are operated and vice versa. Another simple solution is to have workers in the area don high-visibility clothing so forklift operators can spot them at any time. OSHA recommends operators yield the right of way to pedestrians and to sound the horn at blind corners or when backing up. This is information that should be included in your written traffic management plan and must be included in training. For pedestrians, they should be trained on keeping to the side of aisles, understanding where driver’s visibility may be limited, and what their role in preventing accidents. Create Safe Areas Demarcating spaces for different operations help to maintain order in the workplace and keep everyone in safe areas. Consider the following: • To avoid serious hazards, all electric industrial truck will need to have an area set up specifically for


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Material Handling Network

May 2020


SAFETY CORNER CONTINUED charging large lead-acid batteries away from pedestrian walkways. Within the battery charging area, floor marking should be used to mark off individual parking spaces and warning signs posted detailing hazards, required PPE, charging instructions, and other safety procedure. • It’s important to keep non-essential workers out of hazardous areas whenever possible. Designate “no-go zones” for both equipment and people based on movements to stop accidents. Post “Do Not Enter” signs and use floor marking tape so workers don’t accidentally enter spaces where they may be injured. These areas may include loading and unloading zones, parking areas, battery charging areas, etc. • If your facility has outside loading docks, be sure to designate customer pick-up zones near pedestrian walkways to keep them out of loading dock vehicle paths. Another simple way to keep facility visitors safe is by posting signs outside work areas alerting authorized personal only; this will keep those unfamiliar with your traffic management plan from entering areas that pose a risk to them. Continuously Improving Your Traffic Management Plan Remember, once you have established a safety traffic system in your workplace it is not set in stone! Even after completing a risk assessment, writing a traffic control program, installing safety signs, conducting training, implementing new procedures, etc., there is always room for improvement. Be sure to regularly talk to employees about safety issues they notice and work to address their concerns promptly. It’s important to take a proactive approach and encourage workers to report safety problems so future accidents can be prevented. Take regular inspections of the workplace and in addition to periodically reviewing and updating your plan, investigate all near misses. As defined by OSHA, a near miss or incident occurs when no injury was sustained and no property was damaged, but a worker could have gotten hurt had circumstances been even slightly different. Taking a hard look at near misses, identifying the root cause, and correcting the problem is one of the most proactive measures an employer can take. Conclusion The right time to work on your warehouse traffic management plan is sooner rather than later. By the time an employee is injured, or a collision has occurred, it’s too late. Be sure your employees are trained, your operators are trained, and your facility is designed to protect everyone. Jesse Allred 8

May 2020

Material Handling Network


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Why the Superior Turret? • Save Money by Increased Storage Capacity • Not Difficult to Use like the Others • Work Both Sides of the Aisle • Versatility - Rack to Truck • Limit the Learning Curve • Simplicity in Design • Low Maintenance • Multiple Options • Electric or LP


Material Handling Network

May 2020



What Will Change Post-Coronavirus 2) Becoming Decentralized - Those organizations that were dependent on physical offices and locations to operate are being hit the hardest. Companies that are tied to old ERP systems which require an individual tethered to an in-office computer, or have one team controlling key parts of their process are feeling the impacts of a "single point of failure". Organizations moving forward should immediately examine and identify ways to decentralize their processes and provide more power to individual employees to take customer engagements from beginning to end. It's an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 epidemic has turned virtually all business on its head. With virtually the entire world on partial or complete lockdown, this is the opportunity to examine what the business world will look like once we get through this pandemic. While many might believe that our world will dramatically change, it's more likely that many people and organizations will want to "get back to normal" as fast as possible. However, there likely will be 4 key changes that will impact almost every organization. 1) Getting Smarter, Faster, Nimbler - The epidemic has shown that organizations that have been operating through traditional methodologies were caught flatfooted. Their inability for employees to work remotely, access information quickly and easily, lack of digitization and lack of employee empowerment have caused congestion at the least and complete shutdown at the worst. Coming out of COVID, organizations need to focus on examining and implementing approaches to simplify their processes, improving their ability to pivot, and empowering employees with the skills and resources to quickly solve problems.

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May 2020


Material Handling Network

3) Improving Communication Skills - In a time of a major emergency, effective and efficient communication is essential. Organizations without clear and simple communication strategies are quickly discovering the hidden complexity of getting things done that was tolerated during the times of the status quo. Companies will need to fully review and audit their communication processes, along with determining the skillsets employees need to become more effective and efficient. 4) Examining Relevance - Do you matter? More specifically, do you matter to your customers in a time of unprecedented challenges? Organizations have a great opportunity to identify how they can help simplify and support their customers in this time of need. How can you identify ways to serve customers in a new and relevant way? One financial institution has gone beyond the trend of waiving overdraft fees and skip payment options and has developed a new service for every single one of their customers to create a $400 emergency savings account by a simple round-up auto-deposit. There's no way to predict exactly how the business world will change following the Coronavirus pandemic, but there's no question that things will change. However, this is the opportunity to take a hard look at how your organization operates, and where improvements can be made. Don't wait for the next pandemic, as you may not survive the next wave. Andrea Olson is a strategist, speaker, author, and customer-centricity expert. As the CEO at Pragmadik, she helps organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to Fortune 500, and has served as an outside consultant for EY and McKinsey. More information is also available on and

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Material Handling Network

May 2020



Nine Tips to Make Working Remotely Work for You and Your Employer The concept of remote working has been around for a long time. Many entrepreneurs have mastered the ability to work virtually, but it is often a major challenge for those who normally work in a busy office setting to shift to working outside their traditional office environment. Working remotely can feel more isolating than mingling with co-workers in an office setting. Being effective while you work remotely takes more than a mindset shift. It requires a disciplined approach to planning your activities and seeking out opportunities to interact with your co-workers. Here are nine practical tips you can use to make the most of this experience. Establish a Routine: Just as you have a routine in your normal workday, try to mimic this routine as you work in your remote location. Whether it is at your home, an airport, or a coffee shop, following your normal work schedule is vital to feeling like you are really working. Start your workday at the same time. Make sure you get dressed. Wearing your pajamas might be comfortable, but it does not prepare your mindset for work. It can become easy to get distracted when you are working in a different environment, so focus on acting like you’re still working in a supervised workplace. This approach will help you feel more like you are working. Set up a Dedicated Workspace: Having an area in your home where you do your work is essential to success in working remotely. It is easy to become distracted by the dog, television or the pile of household tasks that need to be completed. When you are in your workspace, you are working. If you combine it with following your normal work times, you can do a better job of staying focused. Convert Commute Time to Learning Time: The time you used to spend on your commute is now extra time that you can use to enhance your value by learning something new. With the plethora of online courses and videos, you can take advantage of this “commute time” to enhance your skills. Even better, you might be able to get a certificate of completion that will make you even more valuable when you get back to a normal office work routine. Take a Lunch Break: One of the most challenging aspects about working remotely is that it becomes easy to just sit at your desk and eat your lunch. In a normal work environment, you have to walk somewhere and often 12

May 2020

Material Handling Network

wait a bit to get your food. At home, your lunch time could drop from an hour to 15 minutes. Use the extra time to get in your workout or engage in some other activity to benefit your health. Giving yourself a solid break during the day will help reinvigorate you and give you a mental boost. Connect with Others: When you are feeling a little lonely or isolated, take a minute to reach out to someone. Rather than sending a lengthy email, see if a colleague is available to talk live about a project. If they are working remotely too, they might welcome the human contact! Intentional connections like this build team bonds and help sustain you when you are working remotely. It also offers you additional opportunities to dig even deeper into issues and brainstorm alternative solutions to critical issues. Use Video Conferencing: Using technology applications such as video conferencing are a great way to connect people from different locations. It provides a deeper level of connection and engagement than a phone call or text. Don’t worry about looking perfect on camera. The key here is using technology to connect with each other. Remote meetings are often very effective, but you need to make sure everyone is focused on the meeting and not multi-tasking! You can even set up regularly scheduled meetings via video conferencing so you can add more structure to your workday. Communicate Clearly: If you are now relying on digital communication with your colleagues through email, be sure you are communicating effectively. Sarcasm or snarky comments have no place in written communication as they can be taken out of context without the body

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Material Handling Network

May 2020



Mobile Robots and Autonomous Vehicles: Coronavirus Pushes Logistic Automation up the Agenda

Last week Amazon announced that it planned on hiring 100,000 extra workers to meet the rise in demand for online shopping created by Coronaviruscaused shutdowns and social distancing. On 19 March 2020, unions said workers were demanding that Amazon takes their lives seriously. The night before a facility in Queens, NY, had been closed for deep cleaning after an employee tested positive for the virus. There are reports that some Amazon warehouse workers in Italy and Spain have tested positive. In France, several hundred Amazon workers protested to demand better measures to protect their safety. In Italy, there have been calls for a strike. This and similar developments once again bring into focus the motivation, and at times the imperative, to increase automation in the logistics and delivery chain. IDTechEx have been examining the technological and commercial trends in this field for several years. Their report “Mobile Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, and Drones in Logistics, Warehousing, and Delivery 2020-2040” focuses on automation of movement in every step of the logistics and delivery chain ranging from a warehouse or a factory to the delivery of goods to the final customer destination. This landscape – and therefore, the scope of the report – includes the following: 1. Automated guide carts and vehicles 2. Autonomous mobile industry vehicles (forklifts, tugs, etc.) 3. Goods-to-person automated carts/robots 4. Collaborative autonomous mobile robots 5. Mobile picking robot (regular- and irregular-shaped items) 6. Autonomous trucks (level 4 and 5) 7. Delivery vans and pods (level 4 and 5) 14

May 2020

Material Handling Network

8. Last-mile side-walk delivery robots 9. Delivery drones The emerging technology research firm finds that this market – in total – will reach $81 and $290 billion in 2030 and 2040, respectively. This is a colossal transfer of value from wage expenses to a combination of capital investments and service subscription to autonomous robots of various types. This staggering headline is, of course, very large, and hides the key individual trends characterizing each technology and use case. In the remainder of this article, IDTechEx analysts seek to highlight the key trends. Goods-to-person automated carts/robots Large fleets of robots are already deployed to help automate the goods-to-person step in many fulfilment centres. These robots move racks within robot-only zones, bringing them to manned picking stations. This is a fast-growing market space. The landscape was set on fire when Amazon acquired Kiva Systems for $775M in 2012, thereby leaving a gap on the market. Today, significant well-funded alternatives such as GeekPlus (389$M), GreyOrange (170$M), and HIK Vision ($6Bn revenue) have emerged, achieving promising and growing deployment figures. The number of start-ups has also increased, especially within the 20152017 period. IDTechEx forecasts the annual unit sales to double within six years. Despite the large deployments already, they assess the real global inflection point to arrive around 2024 beyond at which point the pace of deployment will dramatically accelerate. Indeed, the research firm forecasts that between 2020 and 2030, more than 1 million such robots will be sold accumulatively. It is, therefore, an exciting time. To learn more, please visit

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Material Handling Network

May 2020


FEATURE STORY CONTINUED Collaborative autonomous mobile robots Another major trend is the use of autonomous mobile robots and vehicles. Autonomous mobile robots are emerging, which offer infrastructure-independent navigation in defined indoor environments. These robots boost productivity and enable many hybrid humanrobot interaction modes. They can also bring automation to warehouses and fulfilment centres which were not specifically designed and built to support robotic goodsto-person. The technology is enabled by better SLAM algorithms. The algorithms – based on different sensors, including stereo camera and 2D lidars – are evolved enough to handle safe autonomous navigation within many structured indoor environments with a high degree of control and predictability. The technology options however are still many, and choices have long-lasting strategic consequences. The business models are also various and evolving. Some are offering their technology as RaaS (robot as a service). There have also been some notable recent acquisitions. Amazon acquired a company focused on camerabased navigation, which would enable object detection and classification, and thus more intelligent navigation. Shopify acquired a firm with a full solution, including the entire software stack. Overall, the IDTechEx report “Mobile Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, and Drones in Logistics, Warehousing, and Delivery 2020-2040” forecasts that more than 200k robots could be sold within the 2020-2030 period (this figure includes those that can perform picking of regularly or irregularly shaped items). The report “Mobile Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, and Drones in Logistics, Warehousing, and Delivery 20202040” provides a comprehensive analysis of all the key players, technologies, and markets. It includes technology roadmaps and twenty-year market forecasts, in unit numbers and revenue, for all the technologies outlined at the beginning of the article (13 forecast lines). It offers a twenty-year model because IDTechEx’s technology roadmap suggests that these changes will take place over long timescales. In their detailed forecasts, the report clearly explains the different stages of market growth. Mobile Picking Robots Picking or grasping technology is an essential component of warehouse automation. Today, many firms and research groups are deploying deep learning to enable robots to pick novel and irregularly shaped items rapidly and with high success rates. A limited number of firms have integrated picking arms on mobile platforms. Today, these mainly pick box16

May 2020

Material Handling Network

shaped items in known environments. However, progress will bring these technologies to more varied items. It will also allow better integration of the robotic arm with the mobile platform. In the short term, more learning is required. However, recent advances on the algorithm side suggest that progress will be rapid although the algorithms will need to achieve not just high rates but also high-speed to drive down the ROI on these tools. In the very long term though, IDTechEx forecast that 36% and 38% of AMRs in warehouses sold in 2040 will be able to pick regular – as well as irregular-shaped items, respectively. This points towards a major long-term technology transformation, requiring automation beyond just autonomy of movement. IDTechEx Analysts consider this a major technology development opportunity. Autonomous forklifts and other industrial vehicles Autonomous forklifts and tugs are emerging onto the market. The navigation technology has progressed significantly. Naturally, the cost of autonomous forklifts is higher, but the claimed ROI by many suppliers is within 12-18 months. The cost includes the installation and maintenance as well as the cost of the autonomous sensor suite, traction control and drivers, and the software, which can be amortized over a growing deployed fleet. Overall, price parity on an annual operational cost basis is nearly at hand in some high wage territories. The unit sales here can reach 1.8k in 2020, which seems a high number but still small relative to the addressable market. Over the past 1.5 years, however, this market has also entered the early stages of its growth phase. Analysis and interviews conducted by IDTechEx suggest that inflection point is likely to be reached around 2025-2027. After this point, they project the sales to grow, already exceeding 100k units by 2030. Note that IDTechEx generally develops 20-year forecasts for autonomous mobility as the technology will inevitably take time to be rolled out. Long-haul truck delivery Long-haul trucks are a prime target for autonomous mobility. This is because autonomous mobility can address many industry pain-points and because there is a clear commercial case, unlike passenger vehicles. The first pain point is that there is a shortage of drivers, which could increase to 160k per 2028 in the USA. The second pain point is the operating cost, this is because wages are high, and likely to go up given that demand outstrips supply. Safety requirements limit the number of uninterrupted hours a driver can spend on the road, limiting the productivity of the asset. Finally, the long


stretches of highway lend themselves well to autonomous mobility, unlike the chaotic conditions in dense urban driving. IDTechEx has carefully analyzed the companies and technologies behind autonomous trucking. Their report “Mobile Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, and Drones in Logistics, Warehousing, and Delivery 20202040” offers deep technology analysis and granular market forecasts. It is plausible that the deployed trucks could exceed 1300 units by the end of 2020; this is still a small number but shows the direction of travel. The report finds that the deployment of level-4 autonomous trucks will grow slowly until 2025, after which point the growth has the potential to rise rapidly. IDTechEx’s estimate suggests that the market could reach 550k level-4 units/year by 2030. Their roadmap suggests that level-5 will remain virtually nonexistent for another decade and will only grow beyond 2030. To see the full 2020-2040 forecasts, segmented by autonomy level, please visit Mobile.. Last-mile delivery vans and side-walk robots This is an interesting technological frontier. The cost of last-mile delivery is often 50% of the total cost. As such,


there is a strong commercial incentive to automate this step to boost productivity. There are two approaches: onroad last-mile delivery vans or pods and side-walk robotic. The on-road vans and pods share many technological challenges with other on-road autonomous vehicles. The difference however, is that they can operate in limited well-mapped and known-environments and that they can potentially travel at low-speeds. They also will not have passengers on-board, simplifying some of the safety challenges. IDTechEx’s report identifies and profiles the key companies active in this field. They analyze the technological progress, challenges, and innovation opportunity. The report develops short-, medium-, and long-term market forecasts segmented by level of autonomous. It finds that package (or similar) delivery vans and pods will be deployed in small number until 2026. Indeed, the annual deployments will remain below 3k units/year until 2026. The market growth for level-4 vans/pods will then accelerate, especially from 2027 onwards. Level-5 mobility will only arrive from 2032 onwards and even then, only in small numbers. The side-walk robots have their own unique design and technology challenges. The economics underpinning


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Material Handling Network

May 2020


Good News! We know these times are tough. The material handling industry is stepping up to help in so many ways! Shoppa’s helped out a local Church Food Bank on Easter Sunday We mean it and when we say “We are in it together.” They handed out 250,000 pounds of food to over 5000 people! #ShoppasValues

Crisis really does bring out the best in all of us Dan Gentile at Savety Yellow said “We are working with a skeleton crew however we are paying all employees for the duration. We have increased pay for all who are willing to work their shifts.”

Free of Charge: NiceLabel to Provide Label Cloud Software to Organizations Fighting Covid-19 Offering free subscriptions of its cloudbased labeling solution and technical consulting services to organizations that have joined the fight against COVID-19. Organizations needing help with labeling during the COVID-19 outbreak should register their interest at

NIA Donation Drive for Ventilators Several companies within the NIA membership raised an unprecedented $110,000 to build new ventilators to assist in treating COVID-19 cases within our community


May 2020

Material Handling Network

ECCO Delivering Safety Solutions and Relief For the month of April, ECCO is waiving all dropship and handling fees for its distributors. “COVID-19 is currently impacting our operations; however, our top priority is to support you and make our products available during this challenging time,” affirmed ECCO Safety Group (ESG)

Mactac® Offers Tapes for Protective and Diagnostic Equipment Solvent-free, skin-friendly industrial foam and medical tapes aid medical community visit

Caster Concepts’ shifts production to produce COVID-19 medical supplies Caster Concepts makes headbands for face shields. The production is in partnership with Technique Inc., a metal fabricator based in Jackson. Working together, up to 5,000 face shields are produced daily and shipped to hospitals.

Ship & Shore Environmental Rolls Out Program to Help Clients During Outbreak Announced a Controls Upgrade Program for all existing customers or any industrial manufacturer in need of a new pollution control system. This program is designed to accommodate specific needs now arising from the coronavirus outbreak and its resulting business impacts.

Local Company Shifts Production to Make Masks for Their Community Jodie and Billy Joe Todd, owners of PFI, took it upon themselves to begin manufacturing masks for those in need. Located in Genoa City, WI the fullservice company specializes in screen printing, promotional products, and embroidery. Within the course of a week, they have completely shifted their production focus to making washable, cotton face masks. They have been generously donating them to Aurora Hospital, local EMTs, and the other essential workers who need them the most. Because of their hard work, we were able to purchase masks to keep our employees safer at Stellana. We wanted to extend our most sincere thanks to this company for supporting others in a difficult time!

Bloom Energy, State of California, Almo Partner to Refurbish Ventilators Companies leverage expertise to breathe new life into machines in

fight against coronavirus Bloom Energy Corp. (NYSE: BE) and Almo Corporation announced they are joining forces to refurbish unused, out-of-warranty ventilators and ship them to state agencies and hospitals throughout the country, As part of this process, Bloom is refurbishing the ventilators, while Almo is using its national logistics network to ship the ventilators to/from Bloom’s manufacturing facilities in California and Delaware for refurbishment and out to the state agencies and hospitals that need them the most.

See page 27 on how $75,000 Material Han

Terminal49 will be free during the CoVID-19 crisis We recently ran a survey to ask how we could help logistics professionals during this crisis. We learned that over a third are struggling with getting accurate ETAs and almost half are revising delivery plans to adjust to the new reality. To help with these challenges, we are offering Terminal49, our Ocean Freight Supply Chain Visibility Platform, free of charge for the next two months to help with the COVID-19 Crisis.

SpotSee Donates Temperature Indicators to US State Health Departments for COVID-19 Specimens has offered 20,000 temperature indicators to state health departments nationwide to assist with transporting test specimens of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To learn more about COVID-19 TempControl and its capabilities, or to purchase these indicators for COVID-19 testing, visit www.spots.eeio/temperature/warmmark

KION Group takes a proactive approach to the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic The Company actively supports the far-reaching measures implemented by governments around the world to contain the spread of the virus and will suspend its production at key production sites in Europe, North America, South America, and India over the Easter period, initially for an average of two weeks.

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AxleHire’s New No-Touch Delivery Supports Social Distancing for Same Day Delivery

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Bluecrew Offers Additional Financial Support to Hourly Employees in Response to COVID-19 Announced additional financial relief for Crew Members impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19). In response to the growing concern over the health, safety, and financial well-being of the nationwide hourly workforce, Crew Members who rely on Bluecrew for a steady source of income will receive an additional two weeks of paid leave should they contract the virus or need to selfquarantine.

World’s Most Used Last Mile Optimization Software Company Offering Free Service for Defeating Coronavirus in the Interest of Public Health and Safety.

The Giving Spirit is Alive and Well at TVH We gave our employees the opportunity to donate unused time off to those impacted by the COVID-19 virus. All time donated was matched by TVH. Our employees banded together and in little over a week, with the company match, donated over 5,300 hours of paid time off. That is over 660 days of time off!

We love to spread good news! • Can you help us out? • Are you and/or your company doing things above and beyond to help with the Covid-19 pandemic? • Sending supplies to hospitals, extra care for your employees, doing things for the community? • Or are you seeking other opportunities to help?

Let us know!

Network wants to share all the good news about how our industry is coming to aid in this unprecedented time of need. Send your articles and photos, if you have them, we'll be publishing them and sharing them socially.

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Material Handling Network

May 2020


FEATURE STORY CONTINUED their business cases are also different. The key for them is extending the autonomy level of the side-walk robots to a point where very large fleets with a very small number of remote human teleoperators can be deployed. Here too, despite the progress, the deployment will remain small in the short term. IDTechEx forecast that annual deployment will remain around or below 3k unit/annually until 2024, their model however projects a hump in 2025. This is likely because the technology will have reached enough maturity to prove its business case and also to address many of the edge points in its autonomous navigation. The market has the potential to then rapidly accelerate to 30k units/year by 2030. The costs will, of course, be low especially as the camera and lidar costs (if lidar is deployed) will be dramatically reduced and the fleet-to-operator ratio driven up. The money – as forecast in the report – will be in the services which scale with the accumulated fleet size and utilization rate thereof. This report “Mobile Robots, Autonomous Vehicles, and Drones in Logistics, Warehousing, and Delivery 20202040” provides a comprehensive analysis of all the key players, technologies, and markets. It offers technology roadmaps and twenty-year market forecasts, in unit numbers and revenue, for all the technologies outlined above (13 forecast lines). It builds a twenty-year model because IDTechEx’s technology roadmap suggests that these changes will take place over long timescales. In the detailed forecasts, the research firm clearly explains the different stages of market growth and outline the key assumptions/conditions as well as data points that underpin the model. To connect with others on this topic, join us at The IDTechEx Show! USA 2020, November 18-19 2020, Santa Clara, USA. Presenting the latest emerging technologies at one event, with six concurrent conferences and a single exhibition covering 3D Printing and 3D Electronics, Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage, Graphene & 2D Materials, Healthcare, Internet of Things, Printed Electronics, Sensors and Wearable Technology. Please visit to find out more.

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May 2020

Material Handling Network

A unique solution for rack storage of furniture in a sprinklered warehouse environment Punch Deck® Plus from DACS is open area flat cap over open area Punch Deck®. • Ideal for storage of items with legs or point loads (furniture, equipment with wheels, etc.) • Easy to install in either pallet rack or cantilever rack • Galvanized finish is bright and maintenance free • Offered in a wide range of shelf sizes and load capacities

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Material Handling Network

May 2020



Warrior Machinery, new LiuGong and Dressta dealer in Los Angeles

ASSP elections highlighted by Roy's move to president.

LiuGong North America is delighted to announce that Warrior Machinery will serve as its exclusive dealer in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. Warrior Machinery will be offering a full line of LiuGong and Dressta equipment to the agriculture, construction, municipal, and material handling industries to the region. Warrior Machinery will serve construction and agriculture customers within a 125-mile radius of Los Angeles with sales, rental, parts and service. In addition to wheel loaders, excavators, dozers and other construction equipment, they will offer the full line of LiuGong forklifts. The new dealership will also serve as the technical and product training center for LiuGong products in the western U.S. and Canada, as well as a hub for equipment and parts distribution to other LiuGong dealerships in the same area.

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), the world’s oldest professional safety organization, has announced its new leaders from the 2020 Society elections. All terms begin July 1. Deborah Roy will serve as ASSP president for 2020-21. “We had more applicants this year and the quality was outstanding,” said ASSP President Diana Stegall, CSP, CFPS, ARM, SMS, CPCU, whose term ends June 30. “It’s great to see members wanting to get involved at a higher level. Engaged members define our Society, keeping it vibrant and advancing worker safety and health.” ASSP’s top elected positions – all part of its Board of Directors – are president, president-elect, senior vice president, vice president of finance and directors-atlarge.

Brad Boehler Named to Board of HyBrid Lifts Hy-Brid Lifts, the industry leader in high-quality, low-level access equipment, announces the appointment of Brad Boehler to its Board of Directors. In this role, Boehler will tap into his years of industry experience in both engineering and market development to help guide the strategic direction of Hy-Brid Lifts by Custom Equipment, LLC. Boehler’s career spans nearly 25 years in the equipment industry, including work as an engineer focused on product design and development. He also has experience with associations that build safety and training protocols. Most recently, Boehler served for eight years as president of Skyjack, where he was instrumental in growing the footprint and global distribution of the brand.

Solvent-free, skin-friendly industrial foam and medical tapes aid medical community Providing aid to the medical community, Mactac® delivers an extensive offering of pressuresensitive adhesive tapes for protective and diagnostic equipment applications. Available 24/7 to help customers provide needed medical resources, Mactac’s industrial foam and medical tapes are ideal for face masks, protective shields, and sanitization dispensers. “Mactac’s medical and diagnostic tapes are available to help our customers provide needed protective and diagnostic equipment to the medical community,” says Janet Page, Senior Marketing Manager, Mactac Performance Adhesives. “As always, our adhesives are solvent-free and 100-percent skin-friendly. Additionally, our shipping processes are currently expedited so samples and orders arrive extremely fast.”

More Industry News available on


May 2020

Material Handling Network


Hy-Brid Lifts Expands Sales Network Hy-Brid Lifts, the industry leader in high-quality, low-level access equipment, has partnered with three regional sales groups to better serve customers across the U.S. The three new partnering entities include CMT Equipment, HK Sales and MLA Construction Sales. Sacramento, California-based CMT Equipment will serve Hy-Brid Lifts’ customers in northern California, Washington, Oregon and northern Nevada. Craig Truscelli, the company’s president, has more than 40 years of experience in the aerial lift industry. Along with his daughter, Madison Truscelli, as vice president, they are dedicated to helping customers find the right equipment for their organizations, as well as buying and selling used equipment.

Alternative Fuel Tax Credit Retroactively Extended The Propane Education & Research Council is encouraging propane forklift users to take advantage of the Alternative Fuel Tax Credit, which was recently passed by the U.S. Congress as part of the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020. Businesses operating propane forklifts who apply for the tax credit will be able to claim a credit for every gasoline gallon equivalent of propane purchased, or about 37 cents per gallon. The bill not only extends the credits through Dec. 31, 2020, but facility managers can also apply for credits retroactively for any fuel purchases made in 2018 and 2019. While April is typically tax month, companies now have until July 15 to file.


Over 800 Forklifts available! • We’re not brokers, we own all our inventory!

Luc’s Pick

of the Month

#22859 2014 CombiLift C12000XL – 4-directional 4,294 hours – Fork positioner – Full cab

Yale Pneumatics: LP, Triple masts, Sideshift, and low hours. Priced from $7,950

#22085 – (7) 2013 Hyster E80XN 8,000lb electric forklifts with 48V batteries. Priced to Sell

2019 JLG T500J Electric trailer lift. 25 hours. Like New and Priced to Sell!

#22669 Yale GLP050VX NEW PAINT, Nice solid pneumatic tires Priced to sell, (4) units available

#22580 2014 Utilev UT25P 2,140 hours – 189” Triple Side shift – LP

#22150 Hyster S120FT 12,000lb capacity, Side Shifting Fork Positioner, 8,612 hrs




Material Handling Network

May 2020



Automation is a Critical Technology to Help People during Coronavirus Crisis Automation technology is playing a critical role helping safeguard people and processes during the global coronavirus crisis. The Association for Advancing Automation (A3) supports members in robotics, vision & imaging, motion control and motors, artificial intelligence and related automation technologies who are part of the large ecosystem making a difference in our battle with COVID-19. “These critical automation technologies are keeping people safe, helping develop new medicines and treatments, producing key products people need today, and filling other essential roles,” said Jeff Burnstein, president of A3. “We are proud to see our members in action helping people all over the world cope with this global pandemic.” CloudMinds, a provider of cloud-based systems for robots, donated 12 sets of robots to a smart hospital in Wuhan, China. The robots performed a variety of essential tasks, including flagging patients at the entrance to the field hospital who displayed fever symptoms, monitoring heart rates and blood oxygen levels, and delivering medication. These robots also cleaned and disinfected hospital areas and led exercise routines for sick patients. Medical workers remotely directed and controlled the robot systems over a 5G network. The full story is reported by Cnet. PIA Automation, an international group of companies offering automation solutions, purchased two abandoned production lines from a Chinese medical device manufacturer in order to develop them into fully automated lines for the production of surgical face masks. A team of 24 specialists are now working around the clock to complete the modification within the next 2 to 3 weeks. With a production volume of up to 200,000 masks per day, the two modernized facilities will help to massively improve the urgently needed medical care, especially in Zhejiang province. Thermal cameras are being used in tandem with robots as part of this human body temperature scanning process. Not only are they being deployed at hospitals, but these systems are also being used at airports and other public places. Airports in particular are actively employing FLIR thermal cameras as part of their screening measures for passengers and flight crews, according to a story posted on their website. They work 24

May 2020

Material Handling Network

as a tool to identify elevated body temperature, which can indicate further screening is necessary. In the United States, Roche Molecular Solutions is utilizing ABB robots to rapidly produce the newlyapproved FDA tests. Now, instead of days, doctors and patients will receive results in three hours. The emergency authorization is allowing these tests to be manufactured at a rate of 400,000 a day, equivalent to about 1.5 million tests a month. Additional information can be seen on ABC News. “As the coronavirus cases continue to spike, healthcare workers will need access to more and more tests, and we can all be thankful automation is helping to solve the shortage problem,” said Burnstein. 3M, who produces the N95 respirator, is committed to maintaining operations and producing supplies needed in a quick and safe manner. They are activating more production lines to support public health across their global manufacturing facilities, and have donated personal protective equipment and medical supplies. About Association for Advancing Automation (A3) The Association for Advancing Automation is the global advocate for the benefits of automating. A3 promotes automation technologies and ideas that transform the way business is done. A3 is the umbrella group for Robotic Industries Association (RIA), AIA - Advancing Vision + Imaging, Motion Control & Motor Association (MCMA) and A3 México. RIA, AIA, MCMA and A3 México combined represent over 1,275 automation manufacturers, component suppliers, system integrators, end users, research groups and consulting firms from throughout the world that drive automation forward. The association hosts a number of industry-leading events, including the International Robot Safety Conference (October 13-15, 2020 in Columbus, OH), (October 26-27, 2020 in San Jose, CA), the Autonomous Mobile Robot Conference (October 28, 2020 in San Jose, CA), and the Robot Grinding & Finishing Conference (December 2-3, 2020 in St. Paul, MN). Other events include the A3 Business Forum (February 1-3, 2021, in Orlando, FL), and the biennial Automate Show & Conference (May 17-20, 2021 in Detroit, MI).


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Material Handling Network

May 2020



Thermo Shield Fire Suppressant Shipping Wrap

Updated models improve efficiency for single-scale operations

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a lithium battery explosion occurs during shipping once every 10 days. The urgent industry needs to mitigate these dangerous mishaps makes Thermo Shield™ a potentially revolutionary solution, one capable of drastically limiting the amount of thermal runaway to protect both logistics personnel and valuable cargo. PACT’s Thermo Shield™ arrives at a time when more industries than ever are relying on lithium batteries to power their products.

Fairbanks Scales Inc., the oldest scale company in the U.S. and the world’s leader in weighing equipment, announces its new FB7100 Series of vehicle scale instruments, perfect for a wide variety of general, single-scale operations. The four models in the FB7100 line – the FB7101, FB7111, FB7102 and FB7112 – offer unmatched user-friendly operation without sacrificing reliability or consistency. The easy-to-navigate menus and the graphic touch screen display, featuring large colorful buttons, allow the FB7100 to be an incredibly easy instrument to operate. The FB7100 instruments are available for analog scales or scales equipped with Intalogix Technology.

Mactac® Answers Call for Increase of Security Labels Answering the increasing need for security labels on unique food applications, Mactac® offers food security labels to ensure your food delivery arrives safely to its destination. Designed for applications such as pizza box closures, paper bag closures, grocery delivery, grocery pickup and shipping labels, Mactac’s food security labels enhance food safety and security. Security closure labels give customers peaceof-mind that food hasn’t been tampered with or sampled. Mactac’s custom food security labels are tailored to meet the specific needs of the customer and application.

Caldwell’s RUD Line of Machined Eyebolts The Caldwell Group Inc. is offering its range of German-manufactured RUD Ring Schraube (RS) machined eyebolts from 220 lbs. to 44,090 lbs. capacity. The new VRS Starpoint— the name derives from RUD’s VIP program and the product’s star shape—features an added adjustable function. Jay Schroeder, regional sales manager at Caldwell, said: “The Starpoint gives safe alternative options to places where the end user needs a lifting point to swivel and maybe does not need the full versatility of a swivel load or hoist ring. More Product Previews at 26

May 2020

Material Handling Network

Creform heavy-duty mobile flow rack Creform Corporation, a manufacturer of unique products for material handling structures has designed and produced a mobile heavy-duty flow rack for an automotive assembly plant. The flow rack is used by the body shop and is used to flow in production parts on their assembly line. The rack is built using Creform 42 mm pipe and joints for extra capacity and rigidity, as well as providing for flexibility and reusability by this long-time customer. Also, the flow rack features wide Creform Placon® roller conveyor for excellent flow characteristics and strength, while the low-friction skate wheel conveyors allow for shallow flow lane angles that are suitable for both plastic returnable totes as well as cardboard boxes.

Toyota Material Handling (TMH) introduces two new additions The new models feature Toyotadesigned AC motors that deliver industry-leading runtime and performance. Customers will also benefit from improved ergonomics and new standard features and options that provide additional comfort and versatility. “The new Toyota Core Electric models are packed with the latest in technological innovation to increase our customers’ return on investment and increase their productivity without sacrificing efficiency,” said Tony Miller, TMH Senior Vice President of Operations and Engineering.


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Material Handling Network

May 2020



Pettibone Adds 10,000-Pound-Capacity Telehandler Pettibone introduces the Extendo 1056X telehandler to its X-Series lineup, providing a 10,000-poundcapacity machine capable of reaching lift heights of 56 feet. The new Extendo builds upon Pettibone’s tradition of rugged design while offering numerous performance improvements for contractors and rental users working in masonry, construction and other material handling applications. The Extendo 1056X comes standard with a 74-horsepower Cummins QSF 3.8 Tier 4 Final diesel engine that features a DOC muffler and requires no diesel exhaust fluid (DEF). The machine is also the first X-Series model to offer an optional Deutz 74-horsepower Tier 4 Final engine.

Industrial strength floor markers and signals Help people to stay safe – and keep six feet apart in public queues and workplaces – with our range of floor markers designed to help combat the spread of Coronavirus. Premium quality floor markers with an anti-slip laminate surface tested to R9 standard. Each of these 235mm wide highly visible floor signs are printed onto the underside of a clear PVC film and then laminated on the back surface with an aggressive permanent adhesive. They are suitable for use on dry, flat, clean surfaces.

TAB Wrapper Tornado The TAB Wrapper Tornado orbital wrapping system from packaging machinery manufacturer TAB Industries, LLC, Reading, Pa., enables packaging and shipping managers to secure various loose products and parts of different sizes, shapes and weights on the same pallet for delivery. Wrapping plastic film 360 degrees under and around the pallet and its load, the TAB Wrapper Tornado consolidates a diverse range of disparate products into one, unitized shipment without any boxes, banding or strapping. Eliminating the need for multiple, small containers, dunnage, and processing, the orbital wrapping system streamlines the operation and speeds production while saving on packing materials and reducing shipping costs. 28

May 2020

Material Handling Network

Cool Revolution in Tool Maintenance Cool moves for heavy tools and bulky items: RUD’s Tool Mover takes the strain out of tasks such as unmounting heavy tools from injection molding machines or dismantling machine parts weighing several tons that previously needed a crane and at least two operators. This isn’t just “cool for tools” but has major benefits for operators, workshop managers, workplace safety inspectors and financial controllers: with Tool Mover, handling tools has never been so safe, efficient and effective in terms of costs or processing. RUD’s Tool Mover can be supplied in configurations that suit your exact requirements.

Crown Equipment Launches Small Footprint Lift Truck Crown Equipment Corporation, one of the world’s largest material handling companies, today introduced a new line of small footprint LPG lift trucks – the C-G Series Cushion Tire 3,000-4,000 lb. – designed for easy maneuvering and operator comfort in manufacturing, warehouse and beverage operations with limited space. “Crown C-G series forklifts are space-savers for customers with limited floor space, and at the same time they are space-givers for lift truck operators who appreciate extra room to freely, efficiently and safely drive their machines,” said Rob Chaney, C-G Series marketing product manager.

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Material Handling Network

May 2020



PMMI Board Member Nancy Wilson selected as a 2020 Step Ahead Awardee

Riekes Equipment Announces New Director of Rentals and Used

A champion of growing and developing women and the next generation in the workplace, PMMI board member and CEO of Morrison Container Handling Solutions, Nancy Wilson was selected as a 2020 STEP Ahead honoree. Convened by The Manufacturing Institute, the annual STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering and Production) Ahead Awards recognizes women in science, technology, engineering and production careers who exemplify leadership within their companies. The Institute’s STEP Ahead Awards give women across the country a platform to showcase the incredible opportunities the industry has to offer, whether they are running the company, designing the next big product or testing innovations on the shop floor.

Riekes Equipment, an industry leader in material handling and warehouse solutions is pleased to announce that Mark Langerud has joined as Director of Rental and Used. In his new position, Langerud will provide leadership for the Rental and Used Teams across all seven Riekes locations and is responsible for the execution of a strategy that positions Riekes for continued growth in those markets. “Marks leadership and extensive experience perfectly position him to oversee this division,” said Duncan Murphy, President. “He will help us broaden the availability of equipment for our customer base and continue to grow market share in the rental sector. All of us at Riekes are thrilled to have Mark join our executive team.”


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May 2020

Material Handling Network

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2012 Toyota 7FBEU20 Toyota Material Handling Northern California Livermore, CA | 510 675-1102

Raymond 520-0601393 Toyota Material Handling Northern California Livermore, CA | 510 675-1102

1999 Toyota 5FBCU15 Hupp Toyotalift Inc Cedar Rapids, IA | 563 322-3168

2011 Yale ERP040VF Lift One Charlotte | 704-583-5588





2013 Toyota 8FBCU25 Shoppas Material Handling Fort Worth | 817-760-4048

Toyota 7FBEHU18 Russell Equipment Company Twinsburg, OH | 330 405-8300

2014 Toyota 8BDRU15 Toyota Material Handling Northern California Livermore, CA | 510 675-1102

2011 Hyster E40XN MH Equipment Company Des Moines, IA | 515 288-0123





2013 Taylor TX330S H & K Equipment Coraopolis, PA | 412 490-5311

2007 Hyster E50Z-33 Zoom Lifts & Equipment Chester, SC | 704 975-1377

2014 Hyster H120FT The Forklift Pro Pineville, NC | 704 716-3636

1999 Nissan PF8000 Zoom Lifts & Equipment Chester, SC | 704 975-1377





2003 Hyster H50XM M.H.E. Inc Long Branch, NJ | 732-571-6112

2013 Hyster S30FT Santana Equipment Trading Co. Phoenix, AZ | 623-271-6700

Hyster E30HSD3-18 Russell Equipment Company Twinsburg, OH | 330 405-8300




Doosan G25E-5 6 Worldwide Forklifts Inc. Fort Lauderdale, FL | 954 768-9875

ANDRA STEPHENS | 309.699.4431 |


Material Handling Network

May 2020



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May 2020

Material Handling Network





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May 2020


ADVERTISERS’ INDEX All Industrial Engine Service..........................29

Interthor, Inc....................................................27

Shoppa's Material Handling.......................... A4

American Industrial Transmission, Inc....11, 34

JH Thomas Industries LTD..............................20

Stellana U.S.................................................... A2

Bristol Manufacturing.......................................7

Joseph Industries, Inc....................................33

Superior Engineering........................................9

DACS, Inc.........................................................21

Mac Rak Inc......................................................3

The Forklift Pro...............................................23

Dyna Rack...................................................... A1

Material Handling Network........................8, 27

Thombert, Inc................................................. A3

Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP).. 17, 30

Midwest Lift Truck Sales, Inc.........................34

West Point Rack, Inc.......................................13


Millennium Industrial Tire............................. A1

White Blaze Equipment..................................21

Hader Industries Inc.......................................15

Mor-Value Parts Company..............................25

Wy'East Products..............................................5

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American Industrial Transmission Inc. 800-588-7515 May 2020

Material Handling Network


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Material Handling Network

May2/5/20 20208:57 PM A3

** FORKLIFTS WANTED ** We Will Buy Quantities! Call Us With Details - We Want Your Surplus Stock 2015 TOYOTA 8FGCU25


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Available Used Equipment – More in Stock, Call Omar For Listing

2012 Toyota 8FGU15, 3,000 lbs., LP, 189” Mast, Sideshifter

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1997 Toyota 6FG25, 5,000 lbs., Gas, 132” Mast

2007 Genie Z45/25, 500 lbs., Diesel, 45’

2007 Toyota 7BRU23, 4,500 lbs., 36V, 270” Mast, Sideshifter (4 in stock)


2010 Toyota 8BRU23, 4,500 lbs., 36V, 270” Mast, Sideshifter (4 in stock)

2012 JCB 940, 8,000 lbs., Diesel




May 2020

Material Handling Network

Printed in the U.S.A. ©2020 The Ousset Agency, Inc. wo#6321


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