June 2023 Material Handling Network

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4 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com JUNE 2023 VOL. 42 NO. 6 6 Cover Story By: Eileen Mozinski Schmidt Safe spaces: Using technology and strategies to advance safety 10 Safety First By: Gavin Hale Top tips to keep Forklift Fleet Operators safe 14 Chain Reaction By: Bill Denbigh How to set up a Warehouse Management System for automation 16 Business Management By: Jane Cavalier Amplify business value by amping up your brand 18 Industry News 19 People News 20 SalesLeads 22 Product Showcase 24 Marketplace 26 Advertiser Index Don't miss our next issue: Battery and Charger Issue In this issue we will look at how the lead acid, lithium-ion and hydrogen batteries are leading the charge and what you need to do to profit from these in your company. Deadline: June 15th Supplement: The Network Directory Deadline: June 12th CONTACT INFORMATION Kip Krady Account Executive 563 557-4493 kip.krady@MHNetwork.com. Nikole Hoffman Production Lead, Graphic Design Eric Faramus Graphic Design Have some news to share with Network readers? Email a word doc and JPG photo when available networkeditorial@MHNetwork.com TO SUBSCRIBE TO MATERIAL HANDLING NETWORK VISIT US AT www. MHN etwork.com Material Handling Network (ISSN #21551685) is published monthly serving the material handling industry. Editorial opinion expressed herein are the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Material Handling Network. Material Handling Network assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies, errors or advertising content and reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason, at any time.
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Cover Story

Safe spaces: Using technology and strategies to advance safety

operate and move similar to human operators, according to Martindale, who said the arms are designed to lift up to 100 pounds each.

She noted that OSHA guidelines are that a single person should lift up to 35 or 40 pounds. “There are a lot of things in a workplace that are not 35 or 40 pounds,” said Martindale, who noted that $164 billion is spent in the U.S. annually on back injuries. In many cases, those are due to repetition and strain built up over time. “Also, fatigue. You get tired and start making mistakes that can lead to items being dropped,” Martindale said.

Safety advances in material handling continue to provide opportunities throughout the industry.

At Sarcos Robotics, the focus of company products and solutions is on dynamic and unstructured environments, according to Kristi Martindale, chief product and marketing officer. The business bills itself as a global technology provider in designing and producing dexterous robotic systems that prevent injury, save lives, and create new possibilities.

The company went public in 2021 and currently has close to 300 employees with expertise in engineering, software, AI, and more, Martindale said. What that allows us to do is differentiation of robotic platforms,” she said.

In material handling, which often includes operations working with objects of different sizes, the company’s Guardian XT can be implemented. Martindale noted an example of the material handling of coffee bags. “Coffee comes in giant burlap sacks. They have to be loaded and stacked and moved. There is not really a great way to do that,” she said. The XT system is designed to

Implementing solutions like the Guardian XT helps augment what a human is capable of doing and can open up jobs to a wider range of workers, according to Martindale. She said one of the company’s leaders recently spoke of the advantages of the company’s solutions at a trade union conference. “Their job is to look out for their constituents. Part of that is their health and well-being and safety,” Martindale said. In trials with the Sarcos Robotics technology, she said users reported ease of learning and usability.

Overall, leaders at Sarcos Robotics envision a myriad of opportunities in the future. “At the end of the day, every company of every size has some of the same challenges. Getting people to fill the job. Aging populations. Labor shortage,” Martindale said. She said utilizing robotics helps in worker retention as well as ensuring worker safety. As the cost for robots continues to become more commercially viable, implementation is a way for material handling companies to remain competitive, Martindale said.

6 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com
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Keeping pace

At Flex-Line Automation, Cathy Rinne said there has been an increase in the kinds of tech available to help with safety. “There are exoskeletons for lifting and repetitive work. It makes it easier to handle some of those physical tasks,” she said, agreeing with Martindale that the technology being introduced opens jobs to more workers.

Rinne, president of the automation integration company, works with manufacturers on projects like end-of-line robotics, conveyors, and more. Rinne noted that along with exoskeletons, robotic box erectors make a difference in worker safety. “If you’ve ever stood and folded boxes; who would want to do that for an eight-hour shift?” She said, noting that robotics can help with that type of task and reduce the amount of stress and tension the worker experiences.

Rinne noted the mental benefits of such solutions, as well. “We as people need to be engaged,” she said. “Several of the manufacturers we deal with are down so many employees. They can’t find enough people to fill those positions. That makes retention even more important and giving them something fulfilling. ”Workplaces have evolved from those of past generations and Rinne only sees that advancing. “With the younger generations coming into the workforce, they have different thoughts and ideas. We employers if we don’t keep pace we’re going to really lose out,” she said.

Rinne noted that safety needs to be considered in how it relates to each situation and planned for in advance. It is somewhat like parenting; thinking about where potential problems may be and needs for improvement, she said. “You have to be mindful all the time in this industry that anything could happen. Fortunately, a lot of great products are coming to market,” Rinne said.

Safe cleaning

The Neo 2W by Avidbots is one of those products. Released this year, the Neo 2W s billed by the company as “the first cleaning robot designed specifically for warehouses and manufacturing environments to improve cleaning quality, efficiency, and productivity,” a press release said.

The design is especially notable for its diversion system that ensures warehouse debris does not get caught in the robot, according to Pablo Molina, Avidbots CTO and co-founder. “It does a really good job of that,” he said. Another improvement the Neo 2W features is advanced obstacle detection, something Molina said is a first in the industry. The robot has technology allowing for the detection of highly complex obstacles, Molina said.

“A lot of forklift operators like to park with forks close to the ground. We’re using machine learning technology to segment that out and be able to detect,” he said. “It’s working really well. It prevents collisions with forklifts and collisions with pallets.” The technology is easy to deploy and use, according to Molina, who said Avidbots deployment techs go with the robot for two to three days at each facility to help map and train. “Our user interface is really simple to use. It’s three clicks to start cleaning,” he said.

8 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com
Cover Story continued For more Cover Stories visit www.MHNetwork.com
Eileen Mozinski Schmidt is a freelance writer and journalist based in the Greater Milwaukee area. Email Networkeditorial@MHNetwork. com or visit eileenmozinskischmidt.wordpress.com to contact Eileen. If your company would like to be featured, email Networkeditorial@ MHNetwork.com





JULY 27, 2023



' R E I N V I T E D !

A n e n g a g i n g o n e - d a y c o n f e r e n c e d e s i g n e d f o r y o u n g ( o r y o u n g a t h e a r t ) m a t e r i a l h a n d l i n g p r o f e s s i o n a l s s e e k i n g p r a c t i c a l t o o l s t o c o n n e c t w i t h t h e i r t e a m , d e v e l o p b e t t e r w o r k i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s , e l e v a t e t r u s t , a n d l e a d w i t h a u t h e n t i c i t y t o f o s t e r a c o l l a b o r a t i v e w o r k p l a c e .

H o w t o S a y A n y t h i n g

M a t e r i a l H a n d l i n g B u s i n e s s T r e n d s

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C o n n e c t f o r K e e p s

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R o o f t o p N e t w o r k i n g R e c e p t i o n

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R e g i s t e r t o d a y !

w w w . m h e d a . o r g / E L C 2 0 2 3

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Top tips to keep Forklift Fleet Operators safe

Forklifts are an everyday essential in material handling operations, which is why forklift safety is a top priority in the industry. Ninety percent of Class 4 and 5 forklifts are powered by propane, which is why proper propane safety practices are an important priority for crews across the country. With safety top of mind this June, below are some of the top tips for operators, floor workers, and truck drivers alike to stay safe around forklifts.

Universal Forklift Safety Tips

• Complete routine checks of equipment before operating and notify management of damages or problems.

• Wear proper PPE such as hard hats, protective footwear, eyewear, and high-visibility clothing on the warehouse floor and while operating a forklift.

• Buckle up every time. This may seem obvious, but it’s an essential tip to remember. Overturned forklifts are a leading cause of forklift-related accidents.

• Move slowly and use the horn. Collisions could happen when vision is obstructed. Using the horn at every intersection will keep pedestrians and other operators safe.

• Know your forklift’s weight capacity and adhere to it. Exceeding the weight capacity of a forklift significantly increases the risk of tipping and injury.

• Lower, park, and set. Always lower the forks, use the parking brake, and set the controls to neutral when finished operating a forklift. Safely parking the machine reduces the risk of unintended movement and injury. Use wheel blocks to secure the forklift further, especially if parking on an incline.

• Mind the ramp. Drivers should always carry a load pointing up an incline with their heads pointed in the direction they are going. If unloaded, keep the forks pointed downgrade.

• Inspect forklift fleets regularly. Regular maintenance helps prevent unnecessary damage to the equipment and keeps employees safe.

• Keep forklifts clean and free from excess oil and grease.

Propane Forklift Safety Tips

• Inspect propane cylinders before operation. Check cylinders for rusting, dents, gouges, and leaks. Cylinders that show signs of wear or leaks shouldn’t be used and may need to be replaced, even if within the cylinder’s requalification date.

• Use proper lift techniques to place a cylinder onto a forklift and wear protective gloves. Carefully place the cylinder into the cradle so the cylinder pin enters the locating hole in the cylinder collar. Once properly situated, secure the cylinder by tightening the brackets and check for leaks using a leak detection solution.

• Secure the pressure relief valve on the cylinder. Before connecting, confirm the cylinder valve is closed. Once placed in the cradle, operators should check that the pressure relief valve fitting is roughly 180 degrees from the forklift’s locating pin.

• Firmly tighten the gas line to the service connection.

• Close the service valves on cylinders when not in use. This helps prevent potential injury around internal combustion engines and unintended fuel loss.

• Store propane cylinders in a secure rack or cage. The cylinders should be stored horizontally with the pressure relief valves in the uppermost position, and operators should use proper lifting techniques when removing cylinders from storage and placing them onto a forklift.

o Propane cylinder storage racks must be located at a safe distance from heat or ignition sources, protected from the elements, and kept away from stairwells and high-traffic areas.

10 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com
Safety First
www.MHNetwork.com Material Handling Network June 2023 11 Give Them AIT’S QUALITY & YOUR SERVICE. American Industrial Transmission Inc. 20395 Hannan Pkwy. Walton Hills, OH Fx 440-232-8142 sales@aittransmission.com www.aittransmission.com 800-588-7515 Give YOUR Customers MORE Than They EXPECT. Reman Transmissions Reman Torque Converters Transmission Rebuild Kits Reman Drive Axles Reman Steer Axles Let us be an EXTENSION to your COMPANY!

Warehouses, factory floors, and distribution centers have many moving parts as well as people coming and going. With proper signage, training, and storage, propane is a safe energy source to power forklifts year-round, both indoors and out. Remember to regularly review safety measures with forklift operators and workers not just during the month of June, but every day.

To learn more about propane forklifts, visit Propane.com/forklifts.

Gavin Hale is the Vice President of Business Development of the Propane Education and Research Council. The Propane Education & Research Council is a nonprofit that provides leading propane safety and training programs and invests in research and development of new propane-powered technologies. PERC is operated and funded by the propane industry. PERC programs benefit a variety of markets including transportation, agriculture, commercial landscaping, residential, and commercial building.

12 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com
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For more Safety First
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Chain Reaction

How to set up a Warehouse Management System for automation

Many organizations are beginning their journey to automate their warehouse. One major factor that has contributed to warehouse automation adoption is labor shortages, which are projected to continue for the foreseeable future. But for most warehouse managers, the labor force is one element of your operational success. The second critical element is the warehouse management system (WMS). Therefore, while the prospect of implementing automation to solve your labor challenges is important, you also need to consider how to set up your warehouse management system for automation.

Here are three key factors to keep in mind when reconfiguring your warehouse management system to be automation ready.

How to Set Up a Warehouse Management System for Automation

1. Integration

You will first need to determine what level your WMS integrates into the selected automation system. This integration will define how well the two technologies will work in concert. There are two overall approaches, the black box and the WMS directed.

In the black box integration approach, the WMS sends the orders into the automation system and receives the notification of activity back from the automation system. This means the details around scheduling and workflow are all handled by the automation software. The black box integration passes all control over to the automation system.

As for the WMS-directed integration approach, the WMS knows where and how all the material is stored and issues individual activity to the automation system at the task level. While this approach requires a lot of effort to integrate, it allows the automation system to be far more integrated into the core functioning of the warehouse.

So which approach is right for your warehouse? If you have a highly dynamic warehouse where orders and plans change constantly or where only a small part of the warehouse is being managed by automation, you might want to consider the WMS-directed integration approach. If your warehouse automation is more self-contained then the black box integration approach might be less work, but still effective.

2. Replenishment

It’s likely your warehouse is looking at automation to increase the pick rate. Therefore, the next thing you need to determine when figuring out how to set up a warehouse management system for automation is getting items restocked in an efficient and proactive way. The fact of the matter is you can’t increase your pace of fulfillment without increasing your pace of replenishment. It is essential to consider when and who will be managing the replenishment and how often the automated areas will require replenishment. Determine if your WMS can replenish based on planned activity and if it can optimize the replenishments based on priority and need. Remember that adding storage capacity to the automation to lessen the number of times you need to replenish any one item can often come at a huge premium cost.

3. Non-Conveyable Items

The third important thing to consider when determining how to set up a warehouse management system for automation is nonconveyable items. Most warehouses have a mix of items and some simply don’t work with automation — too big, too heavy, too breakable, etc. By having a mixture of these types of items in your warehouse means you will need an effective plan on how to split orders into automated items vs. non-conveyable items (or items stored outside the automation) and then marry them back up at the end of the picking process. This plan needs to

14 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com

consider the expected increase in speed driven by the successful implementation of the automation project. The WMS will need to allow zone-picking logic which allows you to complete part of the order from the automation (via integration) and part of the order manually via picking off the WMS. This requires a very ‘automation-friendly’ WMS and a preconfigured automation zone that is picked from the automation integration.

Ensure Your Warehouse Automation Project Success

I realize that these three factors are not showstoppers when it comes to implementing warehouse automation, but these are things you must carefully consider as it may drive a redesign of the core warehouse workflow or even the layout of the warehouse floor. It’s important to have a thorough project plan in place before moving forward with your automation project. You need to understand all the potential implications and how you will set up your warehouse management

system with your new automation system to ensure everything integrates effectively into your existing processes and workflows. Like any major change management initiative, an effective plan can make the difference between implementation success or failure.

Bill Denbigh serves as the vice president of product marketing at Tecsys. Bill started working in supply chain software some 30 years ago; his entire career has been laser-focused on designing and building pragmatic supply chain solutions that address the real problems that customers are facing in their supply chain operations. Bill has worked on virtually every aspect of the software in the supply chain, gaining insight into the inner workings of some of the industry’s most complex challenges; Bill, however, tackles those challenges with a no-nonsense levelheadedness that has earned him great repute both internally and among customers.

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Chain Reaction continued For more Chain Reaction visit www.MHNetwork.com

Business Management

Amplify business value by amping up your brand

Learn how a powerful brand maximizes value and mitigates risk for your business

Branding is not what you may think. When executives consider branding, especially those with strong financial experience and limited marketing exposure (a classic CFO), they often see an expense with questionable ROI. They see a logo, tagline, website, marketing materials and equate those with the brand. While these are tools for delivering and building the brand, they are not the brand. The brand is a deliberate mental framework with a set of perceptions that resides in the mind. It is a result of brand-building actions and creates value by influencing decisions. That’s the priceless value of a powerful brand– an almost invisible influence. It’s why iconic investor Warren Buffet recommends investing in companies that have powerful brand.

Emotional Influence Makes a Difference

People are making decisions about your business all the time. If you want to influence their willingness to try something new, give you a shot, overlook the imperfect, buy more, pay more, or cut you a break – an emotional advantage tips the scale in your favor.

Your brand is a mental filter that affects how people think and feel about your company, products, and people. It shapes how people interpret what they see/experience and what they are willing to believe, accept and forgive. The Johnson & Johnson company has saved hundreds of millions in downside costs and produced even more in revenues with the accelerated adoption of new products, by leveraging a brand built on the pure, trusted bond between a mother and child. That brand essence along with the “healthcare company” positioning (vs. a pharmaceutical company positioning) softens the edges, warms the heart, and keeps people pre-disposed in J&J’s favor.

Experts tell us that up to 90% of decisions are based on emotion. From Wall Street to Main Street, people use their “gut” and take pride in

making up their own minds. They even refute facts and authority when feelings are strong. Powerful brands are built to influence emotions and help people to see things in a specific way. Powerful brands define a context and make people feel. Think John Deere, Patagonia, Nike, Chanel, American Express, the U.S. Navy, Yeti, Apple and the list goes on. There are also tiny brands in niche markets that wield enormous brand authority.

More Control Over the Human Side of Business

As a leader, you have experienced more and faster change these days than your predecessors did in twenty. You face challenging times fraught with unprecedented emotional volatility. It is a VUCA world – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. The Covid-19 pandemic, Great Resignation, the war in Ukraine, remote work, supply chain disruptions, and extreme weather are some of the things that have businesses scrambling to keep up with constant changes in human behavior. You can address these shake-ups with a powerful brand so they don’t shake down your business. Convey calm in these stormy times. Provide warmth in a cold market. Deliver clarity in a sea of confusion. This is how to break through to people so they remain by your side and behind your business in an upside-down world.

Branding is less about marketing and more about business strategy and control. It is a strategy to consistently influence people from the inside out. Branding is soft power, not hard power. If you want to influence customers, partners, employees, regulatory authorities, journalists, or anyone who can affect your business, think about the value of having a brand filter in place to shape perceptions and emotions. Alternatively, think about how not setting that mental construct and allowing the market or competitors to define it, creates risk. In today’s tumultuous cancel culture world, many consider branding an essential risk mitigation strategy.

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Business Management continued

Don’t let lack of time and resources and outdated legacy thinking stop you from doing everything it takes to influence the people that make your business live or die, grow or shrink. Take a hard look at what can really move the needle, and you’ll find it all comes down to people. Your brand is the asset that can deliver the sustainable emotional advantage needed to influence people - which sometimes means saving the day. When you build your new playbook for the new world, add what may others miss. Build a powerful brand and reap the priceless dividends that only an emotional advantage can deliver.

Jane Cavalier, Founder and CEO of BrightMark Consulting is a bestselling author (The Enchanted Brand, Amazon) and business strategist, Jane has built powerful brands like Snapple and Qwest and delivered branding solutions for companies including Samsung, Exxon, Johnson & Johnson, American Express, IBM, and iRobot for over 25 years. Learn more at www.brightmarkconsulting.com and visit www. theechantedbrand.com

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Industry News

Session with OSHA’s Parker added to Safety 2023

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) will again welcome Doug Parker, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, to a special general session on June 7th at Safety 2023 in San Antonio, Texas. Parker will discuss the latest activities and future plans of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to protect workers across the country. It will be held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.


New Study: Propane terminal tractors up to 99 percent cleaner than diesel

New data released from the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) and Port Newark Container Terminal (PNCT) shows propane-powered terminal tractors are significantly cleaner than their diesel counterparts in several key emissions reduction areas. In recent testing at PNCT, researchers collected emissions data from a MAFI-manufactured propane terminal tractor and Tier 4 diesel technologies. The results confirm the propane-powered tractor yielded 99 percent fewer nitrogen oxide (NOx) composite and idle emissions than either diesel tractor.


ARA’s quarterly forecast reveals economic optimism reflected in rental operator attitudes

The American Rental Association (ARA) indicates in its updated forecast that the United States equipment rental industry’s growth will

soften but still grow. Last quarter, the year-overyear growth was expected to be 4.7 percent in 2023 and 2.1 percent in 2024. The most current projections indicate 7.6 percent growth in 2023 totaling $60.4 billion in construction and general tool rental revenue. As for 2024, a 3.1 percent revenue increase is now expected.


Trelleborg Wheel Systems now operates under the name “Yokohama TWS”

Following last year’s announcement, Trelleborg Wheel Systems announced the acquisition by The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. has been successfully completed for 2,074 million euros. From this day forward, the company will officially be part of The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., operating under the name “Yokohama TWS” as a new company. The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., based in Hiratsuka, Japan, is a global leader in the tire industry and other rubber applications, such as conveyor belts, hoses & couplings, and fenders.


Growth in Material Handling Automation evident at ABCO-CEO confirms

An industry report released last month forecasts a nine percent increase by 2029 in automated material handling systems accurately reflects trends recently seen at ABCO Systems, according to CEO Seth Weisberg. The report from Exactitude Consultancy projected the automated material handling equipment market will reach $51.7 billion by 2029. ABCO Systems is a provider of warehouse automation and design, and its systems help increase efficiency for materialhandling businesses across the nation.


18 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com

ELOKON appoints Mark Stanton as Senior Vice President of Sales

ELOKON Inc. has announced the appointment of Mark Stanton as its new Senior Vice President of Sales. Mark brings with him a wealth of experience in the materials handling industry, with a deep knowledge of forklift fleet management and forklift safety systems.Mark has worked in the industry for over 25 years, including serving as General Manager for Supply Chain Solutions at a publicly traded fleet management solutions provider.


ORBIS Corporation welcomes Thomas Estock as Director of Sustainability

ORBIS® Corporation, has announced Thomas Estock as its new director of sustainability. The position will focus on furthering sustainability efforts throughout the company while helping customers improve their sustainability performance and meet their ESG goals with reusable packaging. As a steward of sustainability, ORBIS is committed to minimizing its impacts while creating holistic value for its stakeholders through reusability, innovative product design, and optimization of its operations and material usage.


Craig Salvalaggio appointed President of Applied Manufacturing Technologies

Applied Manufacturing Technologies (AMT), North America’s largest independent automation engineering company supporting manufacturers, robot companies, systems integrators, line builders, and users of robotic automation worldwide, has announced the promotion of Chief Operating Officer (COO) Craig Salvalaggio

to the position of company president. Since becoming COO, Salvalaggio has led overall operations of Applied Manufacturing Technologies along with sales, engineering, and talent management. His technical skills in automation and robotics combined with his leadership ability, led to his current role.


Leuze announces a change of management

Leuze is placing its strong growth on a broader footing and has expanded its executive management. Xavier Hamers joined the company on April 1, 2023. By 2025, Leuze will have doubled its sales growth since 2020, and not for the first time. With a sales increase of 25 percent, Leuze took another big step toward achieving this ambitious goal in 2022. And the company is set to make further investments: in international structures as well as in its employees and new talent.


Andrew Manship appointed as Vanderlande’s next CEO

Vanderlande has announced the appointment of Andrew Manship as its next Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Andrew will take up the position on January 1, 2024, succeeding current CEO, Remo Brunschwiler, who has the intention to end his executive management career on December 31, 2023 and thereafter transition to nonexecutive management positions. Andrew is currently the company’s Executive VP of BU Airport & Parcel Solutions. He brings a strong customer-driven focus to his new role, as well as a deep understanding of Vanderlande’s business strategy, activities, and global markets.


www.MHNetwork.com Material Handling Network June 2023 19
People News

Industrial Manufacturing planned Project Report

Data provided by SalesLeads

143 new Industrial Manufacturing Planned Project in March 2023 with Q1 expansion increases MoM

IMI SalesLeads has announced the April 2023 results for the new planned capital project spending report for the Industrial Manufacturing industry. The Firm tracks North American planned industrial capital project activity; including facility expansions, new plant construction, and significant equipment modernization projects. Research confirms 143 new projects in the Industrial Manufacturing sector.

ALBERTA: Building materials mfr. is planning to invest $1 billion in the construction of a processing plant in EDMONTON, AB. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for 2026.

The following are selected highlights on new Industrial Manufacturing industry construction news.

Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Type

• Manufacturing/Production Facilities - 126 New Projects

• Distribution and Industrial Warehouse - 68 New Projects

Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Scope/Activity

• New Construction - 44 New Projects

• Expansion - 58 New Projects

• Renovations/Equipment Upgrades - 51 New Projects

• Plant Closings - 11 New Projects

Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Location (Top 10 States)

• Georgia - 11

• Ontario - 8

• Pennsylvania - 7

• Texas - 7

• California - 5

Largest Planned Project

•Michigan - 9

• New York - 7

• Tennessee - 7

• Ohio - 6

• North Carolina - 5

During the month of April, our research team identified 23 new Industrial Manufacturing facility construction projects with an estimated value of $100 million or more.

The largest project is owned by Bosch, who is planning to invest $2 billion for an expansion of a recently acquired manufacturing facility at 7501 Foothills Blvd. in ROSEVILLE, CA. Completion is slated for 2026.


10 Tracked Industrial Manufacturing Projects

ONTARIO: Automotive mfr. is planning to invest $1 billion for the renovation and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facility in OAKVILLE, ON. Construction is expected to start in Spring 2024.

OREGON: Wood products mfr. is planning to invest $700 million in the construction of two manufacturing facilities at their manufacturing complex in DILLARD, OR. Completion is slated for 2025. The project also includes equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facilities in RIDDLE, OR, and COQUILLE, OR.

KENTUCKY: Battery component mfr. is planning to invest $504 million for the construction of a 350,000 sf manufacturing facility in HOPKINSVILLE, KY. Construction is expected to start in late 2023, with completion slated for early Spring 2025.

NEW YORK: Diesel engine mfr. is planning to invest $452 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on its manufacturing facility in JAMESTOWN, NY. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

PENNSYLVANIA: Semiconductor mfr. is planning to invest $300 million for the expansion, renovation, and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing complex in TAMAQUA, PA. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

OHIO: Automotive mfr. is planning to invest $280 million for a 1 million sf expansion of their engine manufacturing facility at 101 W. Campus Blvd. in BROOKVILLE, OH. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

GEORGIA: Metal recycling company is planning to invest $275 million for the expansion of their processing facility in AUGUSTA, GA. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for 2026.

WISCONSIN: Plastic film mfr. is expanding and planning to invest $270 million for the construction of a 130,000 sf manufacturing facility in MILTON, WI. They have recently received approval for the project. The site will allow for additional expansion.

FLORIDA: Specialty building materials mfr. is planning to invest $270 million for the construction of a 408,000 SF manufacturing facility in JACKSONVILLE, FL. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

Since 1959, IMI SalesLeads, based in Jacksonville, FL is a leader in delivering industrial capital project intelligence and prospecting services for sales and marketing teams to ensure a predictable and scalable pipeline. The Outsourced Prospecting Services, an extension to your sales team, is designed to drive growth with qualified meetings and appointments for your internal sales team. Visit us at salesleadsinc.com.

20 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com

Distribution and Supply Chain Project Report

Data provided by SalesLeads

167 New Distribution and Supply Chain Planned Industrial Projects with Top Locations in TX, CA, FL for April 2023 Report

IMI SalesLeads announced today the April 2023 results for the new planned capital project spending report for the Distribution and Supply Chain industry. The Firm tracks North American planned industrial capital project activity; including facility expansions, new plant construction, and significant equipment modernization projects. Research confirms 167 new projects in the Distribution and Supply Chain sector, a decrease of 19% from the previous month.

MICHIGAN: Automotive component mfr. is planning to invest $100 million for the construction of a 280,000 sf manufacturing, warehouse, and office facility in AUBURN HILLS, MI. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Construction is expected to start in Summer 2023, with completion slated for late 2024.

OHIO: Poultry processing company is planning to invest $100 million for the construction of a 200,000 sf distribution facility on Seward Rd. in FAIRFIELD, OH. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

The following are selected highlights on new Distribution Center and Warehouse construction news.

Distribution and Supply Chain - By Project Type

• Distribution/Fulfillment Centers - 14 New Projects

• Industrial Warehouse - 153 New Projects

Distribution and Supply Chain - By Project Scope/Activity

• New Construction - 86 New Projects

• Expansion - 39 New Projects

• Renovations/Equipment Upgrades - 33 New Projects

• Closings - 8 New Projects

Distribution and Supply Chain - By Project Location (Top 5 States)

• Texas - 15

• Florida - 12

• Pennsylvania - 9

Largest Planned Project

• California - 13

• New York - 9

During the month of April, our research team identified 5 new Distribution and Supply Chain facility construction projects with an estimated value of $100 million or more.

The largest project is owned by FedEx, which is investing $420 million for the construction of a warehouse facility in ROMULUS, MI. They will consolidate regional operations upon completion in early 2025.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Electric material supplier is expanding and planning to invest $52 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on a 247,000 sf warehouse at 1029 Colite Ave. in WEST COLUMBIA, SC. They will relocate their headquarter operations upon completion.

KANSAS: Footwear retailer is planning to invest $50 million for the construction of a 460,000 sf distribution center in KANSAS CITY, KS. Construction is expected to start Fall 2023.

TEXAS: Industrial equipment mfr. is planning to invest $45 million for the construction of an 83,000 sf warehouse at 19600 W State Hwy 29 in LIBERTY HILL, TX. Completion is slated for Spring 2025.

NEW YORK: Real estate development company is planning to invest $36 million for the construction of a 331,000 sf warehouse in NEW YORK, NY. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Construction is expected to start in Fall 2023.

ALABAMA: Aviation service provider is planning to invest $32 million for the construction of a 94,000 sf hangar, warehouse, and office complex at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport in BIRMINGHAM, AL. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

Top 10

Tracked Distribution and Supply Chain Project Opportunities

OKLAHOMA: Aerospace component mfr. is planning to invest $255 million for the construction of an 845,000 sf warehouse, maintenance, and office facility in OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

CALIFORNIA: Production studio is planning for the construction of a 1.3 million sf warehouse, office, and soundstage complex in SANTA CLARITA, CA. They are currently seeking approval for the project.

MANITOBA: Production studio is expanding and planning to invest $30 million for the construction of a 60,000 sf warehouse and soundstage in NIVERVILLE, MB. Construction will occur in 2 phases and is expected to start in Summer 2023, with completion slated for Summer 2024.

Since 1959, SalesLeads, based in Jacksonville, FL is a leader in delivering industrial capital project intelligence and prospecting services for sales and marketing teams to ensure a predictable and scalable pipeline.

www.MHNetwork.com Material Handling Network June 2023 21

Product Showcase

Atlas Copco unveils its first battery-driven portable screw compressor

Unveiling its all-new batterydriven portable screw air compressor, Atlas Copco’s ‘B-Air’ marks a defining moment in the global industrial marketplace’s transformation towards a low-carbon future. Atlas Copco has expanded its portable electric product portfolio to include an all-new battery-driven portable screw air compressor. The B-Air 185-12 is the first of its kind within the global industrial marketplace and represents a major milestone in Atlas Copco’s roadmap toward a sustainable future. www.atlascopcogroup.com

Avidbots releases first floor scrubbing robot built for industrial spaces

Avidbots has launch of Neo 2W, the first cleaning robot designed specifically for warehouses and manufacturing environments to improve cleaning quality, efficiency, and productivity. Warehouses and factories present unique and challenging environments for robots, given floor debris, dynamic activity, and frequent layout changes. In collaboration with industrial customers, Avidbots developed Neo 2W to alleviate common issues, resulting in a more consistent clean with less downtime and unnecessary human intervention.


New improved Vacuum Grippers from COVAL with communications interface

COVAL offers manufacturers a range of vacuum grippers suitable for handling of parts of various sizes, weights, and materials. This gripper range has been extended with the latest CMS HD series multistage vacuum pumps, developed by COVAL. With this enhancement, the new generation of grippers meets the demands of Industry 4.0 with greater robustness, communication, and modularity.


G-Tek work gloves: Hand protection meets dexterity

Warehouse workers have a demanding job that requires constant material handling and operation of machinery. To ensure their safety, workers need reliable protective gear, including work gloves that offer the necessary protection and dexterity to perform efficiently. G-Tek® work gloves are designed to meet these needs by offering a breathable string knit glove with coated palms and fingers. These features allow protection that is perfect for a warehouse environment but offers more grip and finger dexterity. www.fullsource.com

Toyota Material Handling launches three new electric models

Toyota Material Handling has launched three new electric forklift models, adding to the company’s industry-leading lineup of material handling products and solutions. The new electric product launch features a Side-Entry End Rider, a Center Rider Stacker, and an Industrial Tow Tractor, offering customers access to next-level efficiency, versatility, and best-in-class performance that prioritizes operator comfort. The Industrial Tow Tractor and Center Rider Stacker are compatible with Toyota Lithium-Ion Batteries.


22 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com

Product Showcase

Cimcorp launches CVision Assisted Reality Glasses for real-time automation support

Cimcorp announced a new addition to its Success Services after-sales service range: CVision Assisted Reality-glasses. A major advancement in the field of automation support, CVision AR-glasses enable Cimcorp's Success Services team to assist customers in real-time, without the need to travel or arrange on-site meetings. Backed by anytime, anywhere support from Cimcorp experts, customers can minimize unplanned downtime and maximize the performance of their automated intralogistics solutions. www.cimcorp.com

Comau’s Mate-Xt Wearable Exoskeleton supports ergonomic well-being at Deere

Comau has equipped John Deere with multiple MATEXT wearable exoskeletons to help sustain worker well-being, alleviate physical stress, and reduce the ergonomic risk within its parts logistics operations. MATE-XT accurately replicates all movements of the shoulder, helping employees perform their jobs comfortably by reducing muscle fatigue without limiting mobility or adding bulk. Its ergonomic design can be easily adjusted to fit different people with different body types.


JLG reveals Next-Generation ClearSky Smart Fleet™ IoT capabilities

JLG Industries, Inc. has offered a first look at the new ClearSky Smart Fleet™, a next-generation Internet of Things (IoT) platform for true, twoway fleet management and machine interactivity, at the Summit of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) in Germany. This JLG® system will launch in late Summer/early Fall 2023. Additional details about ClearSky Smart Fleet will be coming soon.


APS resource introduces new Vertical Aerial Safety Light

APS Resource announces its newest innovation, the Vertical Aerial Safety Light which provides an extra layer of visual communication about vehicle restraint status for dock operations. The lights which weigh only six pounds each and impact, rust, and moisture resistant with easy wire connections for 120V incoming power, help to mirror the status indicator on the restraint control panel using red and green LED colors as an additional visual indicator (as well as amber LED if the restraint control panel is equipped with an amber light). www.apsresource.com

Combilift premieres new product at LogiMAT

As Combilift celebrates 25 years of innovation, the company plans to ensure that 2023 will be a year to remember by kicking off their newest product – the COMBi-CUBE launched at the LogiMAT International Intralogistics show last month This new electric model incorporates a host of technological and design features that not only enhance handling procedures but also offer a high level of driver comfort. Combilift’s unique dynamic 360 steering enables seamless directional change while on the move can be integrated into the Combi-CUBE as an optional extra, making it the most maneuverable counterbalance forklift on the market. www.combilift.com

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24 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com ASSOCIATIONS Your direct connection to the Material Handling Industry’s hottest trends, newest products, best management training workshops & represents a wealth of resources for all material handling businesses. www.mheda.org — 847.680.3500 For more articles, news, products and more visit www.MHNetwork.com ERGONOMIC HOLSTERS ENGINES Toll Free 877-303-LIFT • 440-943-9546 • FAX 440-943-9547 www.all-industrial.com ✓ Remanufactured engines ✓ Engines in-stock for same day shipment ✓ Quality assured workmanship from people who know the business! Marketplace DECKING PROVEN SOLUTIONS ONE SOURCE DACS inc. 800-909-4937 dswanson@dacsinc.com Punch Deck ® & Punch Deck Plus® Open Area Rack Deck FlueKeeper ® Keeps Flue Spaces Open Fire and Heat Barriers Racking / Shelving Mezzanine Decking Solid Rack Deck BATTERIES FIND IT. SELL IT. ENJOY IT. forklift-international.com
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26 June 2023 Material Handling Network www.MHNetwork.com The advertisers’ index is an extra service to the advertisers. The publisher does not assume liability for errors. American Industrial Transmission, Inc..... 11, 26 www.aittransmission.com Bishamon Industries 15 www.bishamon.com Bristol Manufacturing ..................................... 5 www.bristolsteel.com Clark Material Handling Co ...................... SAF 8 www.clarkmhc.com Dyna Rack ..................................................... A1 www.dyna-rack.com Flex-Line Automation ............................... SAF 5 www.flex-lineautomation.com Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP) .... A2 www.fsip.biz Forklift-international.com .............................. 13 www.Forklift-international.com Hader Industries Inc 7 www.haderind.com Industrial Forklifts ........................................ A4 www.IndustrialForklifts.com Joseph Industries, Inc.................................... 12 www.joseph.com Mezzanine Safeti-Gates Inc .................. SAF 2, 3 www.mezzgate.com MFG Tray Company ........................................ 12 www.mfgtray.com MHEDA 9 www.mheda.org PFlow Industries, Inc. ................................... A3 www.pflow.com Superior Engineering 3 www.superioreng.com Vestil Mfg. Corp. ............................................. 17 www.vestil.com Wy'East Products SAF 7 www.clearcap.com Yokohama TWS .............................................. 17 www.trelleborg.com ADVERTISER INDEX • TRANSMISSIONS • REBUILD KITS • DIFFERENTIALS • DRIVE AXLES • STEER AXLES • TORQUE CONVERTERS TRANSMISSIONS WE KNOW American Industrial Transmission Inc. 800-588-7515 sales@aittransmission.com www.aittransmission.com Kip Krady | 563 557-4493 | Kip.Krady@MHNetwork.com www.MHNetwork.com Reliable bi-annual desktop reference guide published in print and digital format for our July 2023 issue! Don’t miss out! Directory of Material Handling Why invest in Network’s Directory? ➥ Longer life in print, MHN website and MHN newsletters ➥ Easy to access when finding new vendors and services ➥ Proven tool to Network readers for sourcing AD DEADLINE: June 12, 2023


Supplement insert for Material Handling Network

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2 June 2023 Material Handling Network Safety Supplement
Mezzanine Safeti-Gates,Inc. An OPEN and SHUT Case For Plant Mezzanine Safety MezzGate.com 978-768-3000
www.MHNetwork.com June 2023 3 MezzGate.com 978-768-3000 Mezzanine Safeti-Gates,Inc. An OPEN and SHUT Case For Plant Mezzanine Safety Loading Dock Safety • Safety gates conÞgured for any type of lift or stationary loading dock • Gates automatically open and close • Designed to work seamlessly in any traffic pattern Power Up Pallet Drop Safety Gates • Commercial motors fo ergonomic, no-touch remote operation • Radio frequency system for easy communication with fork lifts or AGVs • Photo eyes and sensors to detect obstructions • Integration with WMS for product or cycle tracking Contact us, we can help you create safer working environments in your customer’s facilities. Scan the QR Code to Request a Quote today.

Safety Zone

Searching for Safety: Boost safety and efficiency in processing applications with diagnostic tools

A vibrating screen is the heart of a mineral processing operation. It’s the deciding factor in whether or not your product meets your specifications. Deadlines and quotas might tempt producers to overload the screen while attempting to increase their bottom line. However, this contributes to downtime due to premature wear and might create a safety hazard for workers near an unbalanced screen. And just as monitoring a heart rate is essential for optimal health, the same idea applies to a mineral processing operation.

Think of manufacturers as an operation’s cardiologist, there to diagnose and remedy operating issues before they become a safety hazard or halt production altogether. They provide producers with the necessities to streamline an operation and minimize downtime or injury. And, these days, that starts with diagnostics.

Like a house call from a doctor, onsite diagnostics enhance mineral processing operations through vibration analysis service programs without having to transport the equipment into a shop. These programs offer producers insight into their screen’s performance to achieve optimum efficiency and ensure minor operating issues don’t become major hazards. Certain manufacturers offer service programs that provide producers the opportunity to monitor screening performance in real-time using wireless technology. These advanced systems offer a hands-off approach to analyzing screening equipment by allowing operators to stand out of harm’s way — from a potentially off-balanced screen — when performing diagnostics.

In addition to safety, wireless technology offers operators remote, real-time monitoring, which ensures equipment is properly maintained and running optimally. This means less risk that strain is

placed on the screen or other parts of the operation to maintain production quota. The increased efficiency and enhanced safety is the healthy choice for all areas of the operation.

Sound interesting? Here’s how it works:

It all begins with a close relationship with the OEM and is enhanced by real-time equipment monitoring. Finding a key partnership where an OEM approaches the application as a solution provider rather than an equipment supplier is key to productivity and success. If your OEM isn’t providing consultative advice and real-time, proactive monitoring, it might be time to seek another solution.

A key aspect of safety is having equipment that runs at peak performance and knowing when and how to maintain it. The more time spent fixing and maintaining the equipment heightens the risk of injury. That is where real-time monitoring comes in handy.

An advanced vibration analysis program specifically monitors the health of vibrating screens. That real-time feedback ensures optimized screen performance and equipment durability. The hands-free system uses a wireless, industrialgrade tablet computer and eight tri-axial sensors to detect abnormalities the human eye cannot, such as a hairline crack in a side plate or an uneven or

4 June 2023 Material Handling Network Safety Supplement
*After the sensors record the data, trained and experienced engineers review, study and interpret the results through the system’s database. This provides the engineers and producer with a detailed report of any concerns that might diminish productivity or risk operator safety. *That real-time feedback ensures optimized screen performance and equipment durability.
www.MHNetwork.com June 2023 5

twisting motion. Even the slightest irregularities can result in diminished performance, decreased efficiency, and safety risk for the operator.

The programs use wireless accelerometers to detect any irregularities, allowing operators to stand as far as 300 feet out of harm’s way. Each sensor attaches to key places on a machine to send 24 channels of data to the tablet via Wi-Fi — illustrating the machine’s orbit, acceleration, deviations, and more.

After the sensors record the data, trained and experienced engineers review, study and interpret the results through the system’s database. This provides the engineers and producer with a detailed report of any concerns that might diminish productivity or risk operator safety. If an irregularity is detected, the service team travels to complete on-site service, which keeps producers on top of preventative maintenance and ensures a safe operation that runs at maximum efficiency and lower risk. Some vibration analysis


systems store each machine’s historical data, which allows for quick comparison over time and easy troubleshooting.

More and more often producers rely on diagnostics for safer work environments and a streamlined operation. Its hands-off approach ensures a healthy operation, which helps producers efficiently meet deadlines and provide quality products for their customers.

*All images courtesy of Haver & Boecker Niagara

Wilm Schulz is the parts and service manager at Haver & Boecker Niagara, a leading provider in screening, pelletizing, and mineral processing plants and systems. His more than one decade of experience with the company helps him lead a team focused on providing customers with processing equipment solutions and services that offer prolonged equipment life and increased efficiency. Contact Wilm at w.schulz@ haverniagara.ca

6 June 2023 Material Handling Network Safety Supplement
Safety Zone continued Kip Krady Account Executive 563 557-4493 Kip.Krady@MHNetwork.com Reliable bi-annual desktop reference guide published in print and digital format for our July 2023 issue! Don’t miss out! Directory
Material Handling www.mhnetwork.com mhnetwork@wcinet.com AD DEADLINE June 12
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