The Order of Saint Lazarus Cartulary: Vol 3 Part 1 - 18th century

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The Order of Saint Lazarus Cartulary Volume 3 Part 1: 18th century

Chev. Charles Savona-Ventura

Š Chev. Charles Savona-Ventura, 2014 Published by the Office of the Grand Archivist & Historian Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem Torri ta’ Lanzun Archives, San Gwann, Malta

List of Documents      

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Cérémonial de réception, récit d'une des dernières cérémonies dated 1703. Original in the Bibliotheque National - Cérémonial published by Jean-Baptiste Coignard, Paris, 1703 Pope Clement XI. Bullae Papae Clemens XI. Alias cum adfel record...... dated 17th May 1707 Lieux d'intronisation dans les années 1721-1726. Original in the Archives Nationales MM 204. Arrest du Grand Conseil, qui maintient les Cavaliers de l'Ordre de Saint Lazare dans l'exemption des Dixmes sur les Domaines de leurs Commanderies du six fevrier 1714. + 4p Pierre Hélyot, Maximilien Bullot. Histoire des ordres monastiques, religieux et militaires, et des congregations seculieres de l'un et de l'autre sexe, qui ont été établies jusqu'à présent. Nicolas Gosselin, Paris, 1714, 2 vols [re. Order of St. Lazarus see vol.1:p.257-271, inclusive plates] Louis d' Orleans, Grandmaster: Letter of reception as Chevalier of Justice of Mr de Tinténaic marquis de Kimer in the Ordres Royaux militaires et hospiteliers de Ne Dame du Mont Carmel et de St Lazare de Jerusalem dated 20th May 1727. Original in the collection of comte Hubert de Lange. Memoire en forme de Cronologie sur les differens sur les differens états de l'Ordre de Saint Lazare & de son antiquité. In: Michel du Perray. Questions su le Concordat fait entre Leon X et Francois Premier .... Paulus-du-Mesnil, Paris, 1743, Vol.1, p.97-134 Louis d'Orléans Brevet awarding the Order of St. Lazarus and of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to Alexandre le Fevre dated 1722 Documents pertaining to the Royal Orders of Saint Lazarus and Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Transcribed in G. de Saint-Ange. Code des ordres de chevalierie du royaume, ouvrage contenant les statuts fondamentaux des ordres, les lois, ordonnances. France, 1819, p.412-423 Louis d'Orleans: Lettres de Réception de Chevalier de justice dans les ordres Royaux militaires et hospitaliers de Ne Dame du Mont Carmel et de St Lazare de Jérusalem pour Mr. de Tinténiac marquis de Kimer dated 20 May 1727. Transcribed in: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p. Information de vie et moeurs du vicomte de Rochechouart dated December 1769. Original in the Archives National M 616. In: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p. Lettre Patientes du Roi, concernant l'Ordre de Saint-Lazare données á Versailles le 18 Janvier 1773. Registrées en Parlement le 27 Février audit an. 1773, +8p. o Pope Clement XIV. Bullae Papae Clemens XIV. Militarium Ordinum Institutio…. dated 10th December 1772 Réglement que Monsieur, Frere du Roi, en quslité de Grand-Maitre géneral, tant au spirituel qu'au temporel, des Orderes Royaux, Militaires & Hospitaliers de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel & de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem, veut & ordonne etre observe, sur la formation & distribution á venir des Commanderies desdits Ordres du 8 Juillet 1779. +8p. Certificate confirming the admission made out to Jacques de Moreton de Chabrillan, conte de Chabrillin dated 1779. Original in the Archives Nationales M 615. Transcribed in H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

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Comte de Ségur: Description of an admission ceremony carried out in the Chapel of the École Militaire in 1784. In: Mémoires de comte de Ségur. Volume II, p.95. Transcribed in H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p. Che. Bosredon de Ransijat. In: J.M. Wismayer: The Seven year balance sheet of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta from 1st May 1778 to end of April 1785 by the Chevalier Bosredon de Ransijat Secretary to the Venerable Common Treasury with an Introduction and Glossary. Universal Intelligence Data Bank of America, Malta, 1984, p.13/14, 48/49, 68, 69 A.G. Camus. Premiere suite du développement de la motion be M. Camus relativement á l'Ordre de Malte ; de l'Ordre de Saint-Lazare et de celui du Mont-Carmel imprimée par ordre de l'Assemblée nationale. Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 1790, +19p. In: Proces-Verbal de l'Assemblée Nationale. Imprimerie nationale, Paris, 1790, +459p. M. Vincent. Séance du dimache 18 mars 1792. In: le Hodey. Journal de l'Assemblée Nationale ou Journal Logogaphique - Premiere Législature. Vol.13, Baudouin, Paris, 1792, p.383-394 J.A. Duvergier. Collection complete de Lois, Decrets, Ordonnances, Réglemens, Avis du ConseilD’État depuis 1788 jusqu’a 1830. A. Guyot, Paris, vol.5, 2nd edition, 1834, p.272-273 J.T. Georgel. Voyage a Saint-Pétersbourg en 1799-1800. Alexis Eymery, Paris, 1818, p.206-207 A. DeMarsy. Liste des Chevaliers de l'Ordre de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem et de Notro-Dame du Mont-Carmel de 1610 a 1736. p.35-44,112-120,311-329. In: M. Bonneserre de Saint-Denis, M.L. Sandret Revue Nobiliaire Historique et Biographique. J.B. Dumoulin, Paris, 1867, Vol.13, +572p.

Other documents published during the period 

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Histoire de l'Ordre hospitalier régulier et militaire se Saint-Lazare de Jéurusalem et de l'Ordre militaire et régulier de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel, par m. de Guénégaud chevalier, seigneur des Brosses, conseiller du Roy en ses sonseils, ancien maitre des requetes, commanderie de XVIIe siécle. 1714. manuscript, +443 fol. Armorial général des Ordre royaux, militaires et hospitaliers de N.D. du mont-Carmel et de SaintLazare de Jérusalem, recherché et recueilly par frere Claude Dorat de Chameulles,.....présenté á MM. les Chanoines réguliers de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Victor de Paris par M. Vincent Thomassin, avoc XVIIIe siécle. Manuscript, +133f. Gautier de Sibert. Histoire des Ordres Royaux, Hospitaliers-Militaires de Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel et de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem. Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1772. English translation by M. Ustick entitled: History of the Militaty and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. MHOSLJ, Paris, n.d. [1930] with further text by G. Coutant entitled: The Knights and Hospitallers of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem from 1789 to 1930.

Du Lau. Procés-Verbal de l'Assemblée-Général extraordinaire du Clergé de France tenue a Paris au Couvent de Grands-Augustins en l'année mil sept cent soixante-douze. Guillaume Despres, Paris, 1775

Éloge de M. le Comte d'Arcy... prononcé par le Célébre Marquis de Condorcet devant La Chambre des Sciences a Paris en 1779... Schulze, London, 1846, +72p. Codes des Loix, Statuts et Réglements des Ordres Royaux, Militaires et Hospitaliers de S. Lazare de Jerusalem et de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel...... Paris, 1783, +303p. Bullarium seu literae Romanorus Pontificum pertinentes ad Sacram Religionem et Ordinem Militarem D.D. Mauritii et Lazari.... Augustae Taurinorum, +242p., after 1762

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Almanach Royal pour l’ans M.DCC.I - M DCCC XXXVIII présenté a sa Majesté. Paris, 1701-1838 G.N.M. Rocher. Recherches Historiques sur la Commanderie de Boigny et sur l'Ordre des Chevaliers de Saint-Lazare de Jerusalem. Georges Jacob, Orléans, 1865, +70p.

Regi Magistrali provvedimenti relativi all'Ordine dei Santi Maurizio e Lazzaro preceduti da breve storia dello stesso Ordine pubblicati in seguito a facoltá ottenutane dal Gran Magistero. G. Marzorati, Torino, 1867, +259p. [has a chronological list of documents relevant to the history of the Order dated 1565-1866]

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Cérémonial de réception, récit d'une des dernières cérémonies dated 1703. Original in the Bibliotheque National - Cérémonial published by Jean-Baptiste Coignard, Paris, 1703 

In: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Pope Clement XI. Bullae Papae Clemens XI. Alias cum adfel record...... dated 17th May 1707. 

In: Laerzio Cherubini, Angelo Maria Cherubino, PP Angelo Lantusca, Joanne Paulo. Magnum bullarium romanum, a Beato Leone Magnoi vsque ad S.D.N. Clementem XII. P. Borde, L. Arnaud & C.I. Rigaud, Lyon, 1655, vol.8, p.43-50


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Lieux d'intronisation dans les années 1721-1726. Original in the Archives Nationales MM 204. 

In: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Arrest du Grand Conseil, qui maintient les Cavaliers de l'Ordre de Saint Lazare dans l'exemption des Dixmes sur les Domaines de leurs Commanderies du six fevrier 1714. + 3p.

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Louis d' Orleans, Grandmaster: Letter of reception as Chevalier of Justice of Mr de Tinténaic marquis de Kimer in the Ordres Royaux militaires et hospiteliers de Ne Dame du Mont Carmel et de St Lazare de Jerusalem dated 20th May 1727. Original in the collection of comte Hubert de Lange. 

In: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Memoire en forme de Cronologie sur les differens sur les differens états de l'Ordre de Saint Lazare & de son antiquité. 

In: Michel du Perray. Questions su le Concordat fait entre Leon X et Francois Premier .... Paulus-duMesnil, Paris, 1743, Vol.1, p.97-134

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Louis d'OrlĂŠans Brevet awarding the Order of St. Lazarus and of Our Lady of Mount Carmel to Alexandre le Fevre dated 1722

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Documents pertaining to the Royal Orders of Saint Lazarus and Our Lady of Mount Carmel . 

Transcribed in G. de Saint-Ange. Code des ordres de chevalierie du royaume, ouvrage contenant les statuts fondamentaux des ordres, les lois, ordonnances. France, 1819, p.412-423

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Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Louis d'Orleans: Lettres de Réception de Chevalier de justice dans les ordres Royaux militaires et hospitaliers de Notre Dame du Mont Carmel et de St Lazare de Jérusalem pour Mr. de Tinténiac marquis de Kimer dated 20 May 1727. 

Transcribed in: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Information de vie et moeurs du vicomte de Rochechouart dated December 1769. Original in the Archives National M 616 

In: H.M. de Langle & J.L. de TrĂŠourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources :

Job Ref.: JUL1437 Client Name: M. Ross

Bull of Pope Clement XIV

Bishop Clemens, Servant of the Servants of God, for the everlasting memory of the matter. The Institution of the Military Orders, who have consecrated and devoted themselves to caring for the sick, receiving foreigners into their hospice, and strenuously defending the Christian faithful from the attacks of barbarians, has seemed to be so beneficial, and to have performed so outstandingly for the Christian Republic, that in particular our preceding Roman Popes never neglected to bestow upon them remarkable benefits, privileges, faculties, licences and exemptions, and they did not hesitate in the least about rewarding to them with the greatest clemency and liberality of spirit everything that they thought they could bring forth to increase and amplify their distinction and glory. But when the same Roman Popes discovered in the end that so huge an abundance of privileges, which from the beginning greatly abetted the increase of a secular Military Order, had roused the passion and desire among others to strive for new things, and in addition for the use and dispensation of the same privileges, changing the working of the times, and then to bring dangers against those to whom they had been conceded, then to be a burden to the Roman Popes, then at last to be a detriment to the standing of the Church, of which the Roman Pope should be the guardian and defender; they therefore took care to establish a measure and some definite limits, so that by preserving these most religiously they would give sufficient attention to the glory and distinction of the Military Orders, and the sacrosanct standing of the Church of God would endure intact and unharmed, as is proper. And since it was discovered to be especially

detrimental to the most grave standing of the Church that the property of the Churches distributed outside the Ecclesiastical Order were being snatched away by a crowd of Laymen, things which were the vows of the Faithful, the redemption of sinners, and the patrimony of paupers, as they are deservedly called by the Holy Fathers and the Councils, and that the returns from the piety of the Faithful which were destined for the Church to support the Sacraments, to multiply Ministers, to found Seminaries, to nourish the poor, to restore the sick, to found Churches, to fortify old Buildings that had collapsed from old age, to educate men to be famous for their religion and learning, whom the Church itself is recognised to lack significantly, were being spent to safeguard the standing of Laymen and the advantages of a more agreeable life, therefore Pope Pius V of sacred memory, our predecessor, when very many privileges, favours and indulgences had been granted by his predecessors to the Military Orders, and among these to the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem, by his Constitution that begins Sicuti bonus Agricola [Just as the good Agricola], issued in the year 1567, he had been moderate and had written with suitable limits, and in the new Constitution issued again in the year of the Lord 1568 beginning Sacrosanctum Ecclesiae [The sacrosanct of the Church], he had decided that it would be better to abolish and completely revoke some privileges, and among other things forbade that Ecclesiastical Benefices of any kind and under any pretext be united and incorporated in the said Order of St Lazarus and others, about which mention is made in the same Constitution, or erected and set up in the Priories, Preceptories, Hospital Benefices and other places of the same Militias, or otherwise changed and altered. Pope Paul V of worshipful memory, also our predecessor, continued on these same tracks, who, in order to satisfy the pious wishes of the Most Christian King Henry IV, erected and founded the Military Order under the invocation and title of the eternally most glorious Virgin and Mother of God, Mary of Monte Carmelo, by the Constitution beginning Romanus Pontifex [The Roman Pope], in the year 1607, yet with the addition of the law which the most religious Ruler Henry had already proposed to be observed by him for his own accord, and had signalled in his prayer, namely that the same Order be endowed merely by lay goods (yet not by the returns from benefices and churches); there is no one who is unaware how much it concerns the Christian Republic strenuously to protect and preserve unharmed this most holy heart of Ecclesiastic discipline. The most famous Leaders of the French Church know this more than others, whose piety and intelligent devotion to Religion we can in no way commend sufficiently, who when gathered this year at their General Councils, gave as a new and wholly remarkable proof of their reverence towards the Apostolic See their Letters of supplication to Us, in which they informed Us about the most

grave inconveniences that were about to arise, if the Ecclesiastical returns, which were to be directed only for the pious uses of the Churches, sacred Ministers and paupers, were united and incorporated in the Military Order which is now called among the French St Lazarus’, and which glories in the possession of both its ancient proper name of St Lazarus and the more recent second Order of St Mary of Monte Carmelo, from our predecessor Pope Paul V, as stated above, and they earnestly demand from Us that We should confirm and decree the same things that had been decreed most prudently by our predecessors, Holy Pius V and Paul V, regarding each of the foregoing Orders taken separately, now in the case of both Orders joined together and perpetually united as one. To demands of this kind, which rely upon the Doctrines of the Holy Fathers, the Decrees of the Councils, and the Statutes of the sacred Canons and the said Constitutions as if their foundation, and to which our Son, most beloved in Christ, Louis, the Most Christian King, had joined his prayers as well for his ancestral piety and religion, We are compelled to show our assent most happily, We who are bound according to the Apostolic Duty that we exercise to preserve unharmed and safe the rigour of Ecclesiastic Doctrine, and when it has collapsed are bound to restore it to the best of our powers: and this with no decrease at all in that favourable inclination by which we are disposed towards the said Military Order of St Lazarus and St Mary of Monte Carmelo, than when a suitable occasion should present itself, we will not omit to make it manifest through new proofs of our benevolence and love; by the fullness of our Apostolic Power we will and order that, just as was constituted about St Pius V regarding the Order of St Lazarus, and by Paul V regarding the Order of St Mary of Monte Carmelo, both Orders, either taken separately or together, as well as the Offices, Priories, Magistracies, Preceptories of both, and any other Offices that may be gifted under any name, should be endowed merely by lay goods, and not indeed by the returns from Benefices and Churches; therefore we forbid and prohibit that there be united and incorporated perpetually or temporarily in either Order, and their offices, by whatever name they are called, as has been said, Ecclesiastical Benefices, with care and without care, the secular and the regular of any Orders, even those from a foundation and gift according to the law of Patronage of laymen, and also those that have no service or order at all annexed to them or any other burden at all, even the ruinous and deserted, and those offered or donated by Patrons of their own accord. Similarly, we forbid and prohibit that the profits, resources and properties of the said Benefices of any kind be applied to and appropriated by both Orders and their Offices; not should these Benefices be erected and instituted in the Priories, Preceptories, Hospital Benefices, Churches and other places, and otherwise be changed and reworked, such that both Orders, that of St Lazarus of

Jerusalem and that of St Mary of Monte Carmelo, taken either separately or together, should be judged wholly unsuitable for posterity for any ecclesiastical goods, possessed under any pretext and in any way. But from these things, as regards the rest, we will that nothing be detracted from the distinction and glory of the most magnificent Military Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem and St Mary of Monte Carmelo, who commend themselves sufficiently to all through their antiquity, nobility and illustrious merits towards the Christian Republic, and will forever commend the equity and justice of these Decrees, or will confess themselves to be of their own accord Soldiers of the same order, according to that piety and religion for which they are particularly outstanding, of which they have shown to us and the whole world a recent and much the most splendid proof when they spontaneously, freely and solemnly renounced the union of some Regular Benefices and returns, which our predecessor, Pope Clemens XIII, and We had granted to the said Order for particular reasons, since they determined that each and every union, annexation, incorporation, suppression, application, appropriation and any other disposition that happens to be made or be pursued once made under the pretext of privileges, faculties, dispensations and indulgences that have been revoked thus revoked contrary to the tenor of the present by any people, even by Apostolic authority, are effectively stolen and extorted, and of absolutely no force and moment, nor can any right or coloured title be acquired by anyone through them, nor can anyone at any time for any reason obtain restitution to the original, or any other remedy of grace, nor even can it be obtained by any other person or persons, nor can they make use of what has been granted by similar motions, nor can the present Letters be censured or impugned by the vice of subreption or obreption or annulment, or the failing of our intent, or any other defect, nor can they be comprehended under any revocations, suspensions, limitations or other contrary dispositions for similar or dissimilar revocations and ordinations that should emanate at any point from the same See, but they should always be excepted from these, and whenever they do emanate, they should be restored to their pristine and valid state, and be and be judged to be fully renewed, and thus in these and each and every other matter stated above, they should always be interpreted, judged and defined by any ordinary and delegated Judges, even the Auditors of cases at the Apostolic Palace and the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, in any case and instance brought to them, and by anyone with the faculty and authority to interpret and adjudicate, and that anything is null and void that happens to be tried differently by anyone with any authority, knowingly or unknowingly, notwithstanding the foregoing and our Constitutions about not removing a question of law and other things, and the Apostolic Ordinations, and also those of the General Council, and also what has been corroborated by

the oath and Apostolic Confirmation or any other ratification, statutes, customs, supports, uses and natural practices observed for any time, as well as privileges, indulgences, exemptions, foundations and Apostolic Letters for the said Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem and St Mary of Monte Carmelo, either taken separately or together, and the Masters, Convents, Priors, Preceptors, Soldiers, Brothers and other persons of their Hospitals, by any of our preceding Roman Popes, and by us and the said Apostolic See, even by means of a perpetual statute, and a stipulated contract that has been undertaken; or, as if also by the motion, knowledge and fullness of our power, and similarly with consideration, regard and contemplation, or at the instance of the Emperor, the Kings, Dukes and other Leaders, the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, and according to their counsel and consistorial assent,, and whatever tenors and forms, or any clauses of restitution, reservation, annulment, derogation and other more or most efficacious and extraordinary clauses, and also annulling other decrees, however many times they have been granted, confirmed and even repeated, extended and changed by turns, even if in them and their statutes and foundation there was more than enough warning expressly given that the foregoing should never be revoked or moderated, or should be understood to be unchanged, nor should they be judged to be derogated by these in full or in part by any Letters of derogation and otherwise more powerful, except when and whenever according to the inserted tenor of those and also certain special Apostolic Letters that have been truly created, yet not by general and special clauses that treat this, and according to the similar counsel of Cardinals, and they should always be judged in derogations and other dispositions of this kind that come about thus from the said counsel, adding a clause that in the end they may obtain their effect in no other way or by no other means; when the consent of the Masters of the said Order and its Convents agrees to this, and that the derogations and other dispositions made with consistorial agreement should be made known by the prescribed forms and solemnities; and by all of these and any others, even if special, specific, express and individual mention is made of them and their whole tenors, word for word, yet not by general clauses that treat the same, or any other expression occurs, or some other choice form should be preserved for this, the tenors of this kind should be regarded as if inserted word for word and sufficiently expressed and inserted in the Present, by the series of which things we derogate especially and expressly, and completely remove and abrogate them from impeding and delaying the effect of the Present in any way, or obstructing them, regardless of whatever else is contrary to them. Therefore no man at all may infringe this page of our prohibition, mandate, will, Decree and derogation, or go against it with rash daring. Moreover, if anyone should presume to try this, he may know that he will

incur the indignation of Omnipotent God, and the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul. Issued in Rome at St Mary the Greater, in the 1772nd year of the Lord’s Incarnation, on 10 December, in the fourth year of our Pontificate. Signed by Cardinal Negronus, Sub-auditor of the Court. Witnessed in the Court of J. Manassei. And signed in lead and above the fold, by L. Eugenius. [And written on the back is:] Registered in the Secretariatus Brevium.

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Certificate confirming the admission made out to Jacques de Moreton de Chabrillan, conte de Chabrillin dated 1779. Original in the Archives Nationales M 615 

Transcribed in H.M. de Langle & J.L. de TrĂŠourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Comte de Ségur: Description of an admission ceremony carried out in the Chapel of the École Militaire in 1784. In: Mémoires de comte de Ségur. Volume II, p.95 

Transcribed in H.M. de Langle & J.L. de Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem & De Notre Dame du Mont Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LMTK, Paris, 1992, +442p.

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources Che. Bosredon de Ransijat. In: J.M. Wismayer: The Seven year balance sheet of the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta from 1st May 1778 to end of April 1785 by the Chevalier Bosredon de Ransijat Secretary to the Venerable Common Treasury with an Introduction and Glossary. Universal Intelligence Data Bank of America, Malta, 1984, p.13/14, 48/49, 68, 69


Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

Order of Saint Lazarus: Primary sources

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