Conners CPT3/CATA Brochure 2018

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Also Available! For Ages

4 to 7

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Available Early 2015

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Evaluate attention disorders and neurological functioning in youth ages 4 to 7 with the Conners KCPT-2

when you bundle with the Conners CPT 3/CATA

Based on the well-established Conners CPT paradigm, the Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test 2nd Edition™ (Conners K–CPT 2™) takes half the time to complete and uses pictures of objects that are familiar to young children, making it more appropriate for the new age range.

NEW to the

Second Edition:

• New normative data were collected to standardize the Conners K-CPT 2 scores. • New scores and scoring algorithms were developed to help assessors pinpoint the exact nature of the child’s attention problems. • Computer-generated reports have been redesigned for easy interpretation.

Flip to back for full details

About the Conners Continuous Performance Tests Evaluate attention disorders and neurological functioning with the Conners Continuous Performance Tests, now with both visual and auditory attention assessments. Use the Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition™ (Conners CPT 3™) and the Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention® (Conners CATA®) independently or together for an in-depth assessment of attention. Obtain an objective and detailed evaluation of attention using a task-oriented computerized assessment with the Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition (Conners CPT 3™).

Conners Continuous Performance Tests

Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition™ (Conners CPT 3™)

Measure auditory attention to pinpoint processing deficits with the Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention® (Conners CATA®).

• • • • • •

A comprehensive evaluation with the introduction of an auditory attention test. Easy interpretation with new reports offering clear visuals and summaries. Trusted results with the most representative CPT normative samples collected. Diagnostic confidence with a refined measurement of attention. Ensure accuracy with normative samples normed on a variety of computer models and operating systems.

Easy to understand clinical likelihood statements are based on T-scores and displayed as very high, high, moderate, or minimal.

About the

Conners Continuous Performance Tests



Administration Time

14 minutes

14 minutes


Click on non-X, ignore X

Click on warned high tone, ignore unwarned high tone

Areas of Attention Measured

Inattentiveness Impulsivity Sustained Attention Vigilance

Inattentiveness Impulsivity Sustained Attention Auditory Laterality Auditory Mobility

Normative Sample



Content subject to change prior to publication. Copyright © 2015 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention® (Conners CATA®)


Easy to Interpret Reports:

Reports Available Assessment Report

Provides detailed results from a single administration. Assessment/ Interpretive Report

Progress Report

Progress Report

Provides an overview of change over time by combining and comparing results of up to four administrations.

The computer-generated scoring reports have been designed to guide assessors through each step of the recommended interpretation process.

• Updated with an easy to follow look and feel.

• Review the data more efficiently with clear visuals.

• Interpretive text to complement and narrate the wealth of data.

• Easy to understand clinical likelihood statements are based on T-scores and displayed as very high, high, moderate, or minimal.

w to the Conners CPT 3 e N •

New normative data representative of the United States population census • Rigorously tested on a variety of computer models and operating systems to ensure consistency across platforms

• Improved test sensitivity for impulsivity problems: percentage of non-targets (X) in the paradigm increased from 10% to 20% • Enhanced look and feel of the program designed to reduce glare and reflection • Updated dimensions of attention measured include Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Vigilance, and Sustained Attention • New, concise clinical likelihood statements based on T-scores Content subject to change prior to publication. Copyright © 2015 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

CPT 3 ™

Quick Reference

Age: 8+



Administration time: 14 Minutes

Conners Continuous

Performance Test 3rd Edition™

How it works The Conners CPT 3™ is a task-oriented computerized assessment of attention-related problems in individuals aged 8 years and older. During the 14-minute, 360-trial administration, respondents are required to respond when any letter, except “X”, appears. By indexing the respondent’s performance in areas of inattentiveness, impulsivity, sustained attention, and vigilance, the Conners CPT 3 can be a useful adjunct to the process of diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as other psychological and neurological conditions related to attention.

Comprehensive Dimensions of Attention

New scores and scoring algorithms have been developed to help Formats: assessors pinpoint the exact Software nature of the respondent’s attention problems. The Conners Qualifications: CPT 3 uses both standardized B and raw scores to determine not only the respondent’s performance overall but also in four different aspects of attention: Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention and Vigilance.



Detectability (d )

Hit Reaction Time (HRT) HRT Standard Deviation (SD) Variabilty

Ability to discriminate between targets (non-X) and non-targets (X) Missed targets Incorrect responses to non-targets Response speed Response speed consistency Variabilty of response speed consistency


HRT Commissions Perseverations

Response speed Incorrect responses to non-targets Random or anticipatory responses (i.e., HRT < 100ms)


HRT Block Change Omissions by block Commissions by block

Change in response speed across blocks of trials Missed targets by block Incorrect responses to non-targets by block

HRT Inter-Stimulus Interval (ISI) Change Omissions by ISI Commissions by ISI

Change in response speed at various ISIs




Inattentiveness Commissions


Missed targets by ISI Incorrect responses to non-targets by ISI

The Most Representative CPT Normative Samples Collected The new normative sample consists of 1,400 cases and is representative of the United States (U.S.) population in terms of key demographic variables such as gender, race, geographical region, and (parental) education level.

Content subject to change prior to publication. Copyright © 2015 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

CPT 3 ™

Conners Continuous Performance Test 3™

Please see reverse for Reliability & Validity for Conners CATA

Reliability Users can be confident that the Conners CPT 3 will yield consistent and stable scores across administrations.

Internal Consistency One measure of a test’s internal consistency is split-half reliability, which has been previously used to establish the reliability of other continuous performance tests. Split-half reliability estimates of the Conners CPT 3 scales were calculated for the normative and clinical samples. Results were very strong – across all sccores, the median split-half reliability estimate was .92 for the norm samples, and .94 for the clinical samples (all correlations were significant, p < .001). These results indicate that the Conners CPT 3 demonstrates excellent internal consistency for both the normative and the clinical groups.

Test-Retest Reliablilty

Test-retest reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained from the same respondent on separate occasions over a specified period of time. To estimate the test-retest reliability of the Conners CPT 3, a sample of 120 respondents from the general population completed the Conners CPT 3 twice with a 1- to 5-week interval between administrations. The median test-retest correlation was .67. These results suggest a good level of test-retest reliability.

Validity Users can be assured that the Conners CPT 3 will help detect attention deficits and differentiate Clinical from Non-Clinical Cases.

Discriminative Validity Discriminative validity pertains to an instrument’s ability to distinguish between relevant participant groups (i.e., the test’s ability to differentiate between clinical and non-clinical groups). In order to conduct discriminative validity analyses, Conners CPT 3 data were collected during the standardization process from 346 children and adults who had an existing ADHD diagnosis. Conners CPT 3 scores from this ADHD sample were compared to a matched sample from the general population. Results indicated that significant differences were found between the ADHD sample and the matched general population sample on most measures with small to moderate effect sizes (d = 0.10 to 0.49). As expected, the ADHD sample performed more poorly (i.e., they had higher scores on the Conners CPT 3). In particular, the ADHD sample had lower d’ scores, indicating more difficulty in distinguishing between relevant stimuli and distractors. Similarly, the ADHD sample made a greater number of errors (i.e., they had higher percentages of Omissions, Commissions and Perseverations than did the general population sample) and showed more variability in their responses overall (i.e., higher HRT SD scores) and across subblocks (i.e., higher Variability scores) compared to the matched sample of general population. The responses of the ADHD sample were also affected more by changes in block and ISI (i.e., higher HRT Block Change and HRT ISI Change scores).

Incremental Validity Another approach in establishing the Conners CPT 3’s validity is to show how it works together with other measures of similar constructs in the assessment of attention problems. To assess such validity, samples were collected in which cases were scored on the Conners CPT 3 and another measure of attention. Specifically, in a sample of 112 non-clinical and ADHD youths, parent-reports on the Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3-P; Conners, 2008) were collected in addition to their scores on the Conners CPT 3. In a second sample of 137 non-clinical and ADHD adults, self-reports on the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS; Conners, Erhardt, & Sparrow, 1999) were collected in addition to their scores on the Conners CPT 3. Logistic regressions were conducted in order to determine how well scores from the Conners CPT 3 improve the diagnostic efficacy of the rating scales in predicting group membership into ADHD or general population groups. For youth, when the Conners 3-P and Conners CPT 3 scores were considered together, there was an overall correct classification rate (i.e., the ability to accurately predict group membership) of 88.4%, sensitivity (i.e., the ability to correctly detect ADHD cases) of 89.5%, and specificity (i.e., the ability to correctly detect general population cases) of 87.3%. These values were 4.5%, 3.5%, and 5.5%, respectively, higher than when the rating scale was used on its own. For adults, when the CAARS and Conners CPT 3 scores were considered together, the overall correct classification rate was 92.7%, sensitivity was 73.1%, and specificity was 97.3%. These values were 3.6%, 7.7%, and 2.7%, respectively, higher than when the rating scale was used on its own. These results indicate that adding the Conners CPT 3 to scores from rating scales increases the ability to predict group membership. Conners 3-P

Conners 3-P & Conners CPT 3


CAARS, & Conners CPT 3

Overall Correct Classification (%)





Sensitivity (%)

86.0 81.8

89.5 87.3

65.4 94.6

73.1 97.3

Classification Statistic

Specificity (%)

Content subject to change prior to publication. Copyright © 2015 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.


Quick Reference

Age: 8+



Administration time: 14 Minutes


Conners Continuous

Auditory Test of Attention®

How it works The Conners CATA® assesses auditory processing and attention-related problems in individuals aged 8 years and older. During the 14-minute, 200-trial administration, respondents are presented with high-tone sounds that are either preceded by a low-tone warning sound (warned trials) or played alone (unwarned trials). Respondents are instructed to respond only to high-tone sounds on warned trials, and to ignore those on unwarned trials. By indexing the respondent’s performance in areas of inattentiveness, impulsivity, sustained attention, auditory laterality, and auditory mobility, the Conners CATA can be a useful adjunct to the process of diagnosing Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other neurological conditions related to auditory attention.

Comprehensive Dimensions of Attention

The scores and scoring algorithms help assessors pinpoint the exact nature of Qualifications: B the respondent’s attention problems. The Conners CATA® uses both standardized and raw scores to determine not only the respondent’s performance overall but also in five different aspects of attention: Inattentiveness, Impulsivity, Sustained Attention, Auditory Laterality and Auditory Mobility. Software



Detectability (d ) Commissions Hit Reaction Time (HRT) HRT Standard Deviation (SD)

Ability to discriminate targets (warned high tone) from non-targets (unwarned high tone) Missed targets Incorrect responses to non-targets Response speed Response speed consistency

HRT Commissions Perseverative Commissions

Response speed Incorrect responses to non-targets Incorrect responses before targets


HRT Block Change Omissions by block Commissions by block

Change in response speed across blocks of trials Missed targets by block Incorrect responses to non-targets by block


HRT & Hits% Left vs. Right Ear

Preference for left vs. right targets

HRT & Hits% on Switch vs. Non Switch Trials

Ability to switch attention from one ear to the other


Inattentiveness Omissions





The Most Representative CPT Normative Samples Collected


Race x (Parental) Education x Region: Conners CATA Normative Sample

The normative sample consists of 1,080 cases and is representative of the United States (U.S.) population in terms of key demographic variables such as gender, race, geographical region, and (parental) education level.

Content subject to change prior to publication. Copyright © 2015 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.


Conners Continuous

Auditory Test of Attention™

Please see reverse for Reliability & Validity for Conners CPT 3

Reliability Users can be confident that the Conners CATA will yield consistent and stable scores across administrations.

Internal Consistency

One measure of a test’s internal consistency is split-half reliability, which has been previously used to establish the reliability of other continuous performance tests. Split-half reliability estimates of the Conners CATA scales were calculated for the normative and clinical samples. Results were very strong – across all scores, the median split-half reliability estimate was .95 for the norm and clinical samples (all correlations were significant, p < .001). These results indicate that the Conners CATA demonstrates excellent internal consistency for both the normative and the clinical groups.

Test-Retest Reliability Test-retest reliability refers to the consistency of scores obtained from the same respondent on separate occasions over a specified period of time. To estimate the test-retest reliability of the Conners CATA, a sample of 69 respondents from the general population completed the Conners CATA twice with a 1- to 4-week interval between administrations. The median test-retest correlation was .64. These results suggest a good level of test-retest reliability.

Validity Users can be assured that the Conners CATA will help detect attention deficits and differentiate Clinical from Non-Clinical Cases.

Discriminative Validity Discriminative validity pertains to an instrument’s ability to distinguish between relevant participant groups (i.e., the test’s ability to differentiate between clinical and non-clinical groups). In order to conduct discriminative validity analyses, Conners CATA data were collected during the standardization process from 193 children and adults who had an existing ADHD diagnosis. Conners CATA scores from this ADHD sample were compared to a matched sample from the general population. Results indicated that differences were found between the ADHD sample and the matched general population sample on most measures with small to moderate effect sizes (d = 0.10 to 0.63). As expected, the ADHD sample demonstrated poorer performance (i.e., they had higher scores on the Conners CATA). In particular, the ADHD sample had lower d′ scores, indicating that they had more difficulty in distinguishing between target trials and non-target trials than did the general population sample. Similarly, the ADHD sample made a greater number of errors (i.e., they had higher percentages Commissions and Perseverative Commissions than did the general population sample) and showed more variability in their responses (i.e., higher HRT SD scores, when compared to the matched general population sample).

Incremental Validity Another approach in establishing the Conners CATA’s validity is to show how it works together with other measures of similar constructs in the assessment of attention problems. To assess such validity, samples were collected in which cases were scored on the Conners CATA and other measures of attention. Specifically, in a sample of 112 youth, parent-reports on the Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3-P) were collected in addition to their scores on the Conners CATA and the Conners CPT 3. Logistic regressions were conducted in order to determine how well scales from the Conners CATA improve the diagnostic efficacy of the Conners 3-P and Conners CPT 3 in predicting group membership into ADHD or general population groups. Results are presented in the table below. When the Conners 3-P, Conners CPT 3, and Conners CATA scores were considered together, there was an overall correct classification rate (i.e., the ability to accurately predict group membership) of 93.8%, sensitivity (i.e., the ability to correctly detect ADHD cases) of 94.7%, and specificity (i.e., the ability to correctly detect general population cases) of 92.7%. These values were 9.9%, 8.7%, and 10.9%, respectively, higher than when the rating scale was used on its own. Furthermore, the Conners CATA added increased classification accuracy over and above the Conners 3-P and Conners CPT 3. Conners 3-P

Conners 3-P & Conners CATA

Conners 3-P & Conners CPT 3

Conners 3-P, Conners CPT 3 & Conners CATA

Overall Correct Classification (%)





Sensitivity (%)

86.0 81.8

91.2 85.5

89.5 87.3

94.7 92.7

Classification Statistic

Specificity (%)

Content subject to change prior to publication. Copyright © 2015 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.



(K-CPT 2 Manual, K-CPT 2 Software, Unlimited K-CPT 2 Uses, CPT Manual, CPT Software, and Unlimited CPT 3 & CATA Uses) $2,204.00 A-CPT302 Conners CPT Combo Unlimited Kit - (CPT Manual, CPT $1,679.00 Software, Unlimited CPT 3 & CATA Uses)

A-CPT304 Conners CPT Combo Pay-Per-Use Kit - (CPT Manual, CPT Combo $1,259.00

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A-CPT303 Conners CPT 3 Unlimited Kit - (CPT Manual, CPT 3 Software, $1,259.00 Unlimited CPT 3 Uses) A-CPT305 Conners CPT 3 Pay-Per-Use Kit - (CPT Manual, CPT 3 Software, $1,049.00 10 CPT 3 Uses) $105.00 A-CPT306 Conners CPT 3 Uses - (Qty of 10) $104.00

A-CPTCE1 Conners CPT 3 CE Online Manual Quiz (4 CE Credits)

Conners CATA Unlimited Use Kit - (CPT Manual, CATA $419.00 Software, Unlimited CATA Uses)


Conners CATA Pay-Per-Use Kit - (CPT Manual, CATA Software, $314.00 10 CATA Uses)


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Conners CPT Manual


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Conners K-CPT 2 Pay-Per-Use Kit (K-CPT 2 Manual, $419.00 K-CPT 2 Software, and 10 K-CPT 2 uses)


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when you bundle with the Conners CPT 3/CATA

Evaluate attention deficits & neurological functioning in youth ages 4 to 7 NEW



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K-CPT 2 Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test 2nd Edition

C. Keith Conners, Ph.D.

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