Conners 3rd Edition - 2020 Brochure

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C. Keith Conners, Ph.D.


About the Conners 3


DIVING INTO ADHD A video series with Dr. Keith Conners

The Conners 3rd Edition™ (Conners 3®) is a thorough assessment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its most common comorbid problems and disorders in children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years. channel - MHS Assessments It is a multi-informant assessment that takes into account Visit our YouTube Clinical and Education home, social, and school settings, with rating forms for parents, teachers, and youth. Psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, child protection agencies, and mental health workers can count on the Conners 3 to be a valid and reliable tool capable of supporting them in the diagnostic and identification process.

Quick Reference Age Parent and Teacher: 6–18 Self-Report: 8–18 Number of Items Parent: Full-Length, 110; Short, 45 Teacher: Full-Length, 115; Short 41 Self-Report: Full-Length, 99; Short 41 Conners 3GI–Parent: 10 Conners 3GI–Teacher: 10 Conners 3AI–Parent: 10 Conners 3AI–Teacher: 10 Conners 3AI–Self-Report: 10 Administration Type Parent-completed Teacher-completed Youth-completed Administration Time Full-Length: 20 minutes Short: 10 minutes Conners 3GI and Conners 3AI: less than 5 minutes Translations Spanish French Qualification Level B-level Formats Online (administration and scoring) Software (scoring) Handscored Reading Level Parent and Teacher: 4th through 5th grade Self-Report: 3rd grade

KEY FEATURES Inform your ADHD diagnosis with results that have direct connections to DSM-5 symptom criteria and IDEIA legislation Develop informed intervention and treatment strategies by identifying specific challenge areas to work on IDEIA legislation Monitor response to intervention and its effectiveness with detailed progress reports Assess common comorbid disorders (Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder) to assist with differential diagnosis Discover how ADHD symptoms are affecting the youth by looking at impairment items which indicate functioning in home, school and social settings Spend less time on paperwork and more time with the youth with fast and easy to use administration and scoring, and easy to interpret reports Gain a multi-rater perspective of the youth’s difficulties with a Parent, Teacher, and Self-report version Assess in Spanish or French with multiple translation options available

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Keith Conners C. Keith Conners, Ph.D., had an extraordinary and diverse career as an academic, clinician, researcher, lecturer, author, editor-inchief, and administrator. His dedication to the study of ADHD and other childhood problems propelled him to the forefront of his field where he was often called, “the father of ADHD.” He was highly recognized in the field of psychology by his numerous contributions and left behind a lasting legacy of work.

Copyright 2020 © Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

What is ADHD? What do you do when there is a child in your classroom who can’t ever seem to pay attention? Or a teen with little patience and no end of energy? It can be a difficult task to define the difference between average childhood behavior and what could be a clinical disorder. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD negatively impacts functioning both at home and at school. Characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, a child with ADHD can be easily distracted, have a hard time focusing on a specific task or topic, fidget, and have trouble with patience or waiting. Left untreated, ADHD can lead to impaired social and emotional development, difficulty at school and home, and overall disruptive behavior.

What is the Conners 3? The Conners 3rd Edition™ (Conners 3®) is the product of over 40 years of research on childhood and adolescent psychopathology. It is a thorough and focused assessment of ADHD and its most common comorbid disorders in children and adolescents between 6 and 18 years of age. The Conners 3 is invaluable when making decisions about clinical diagnoses and educational eligibility, during intervention planning and monitoring, in research contexts, and for screening purposes. But we know one size doesn’t necessarily fit all when it comes to individual and comprehensive assessment. In order to help tailor your assessment needs to both your practice and the children in your care, the Conners 3 is available in several forms. In addition to the Full-Length forms, the Conners 3 also has Short forms, an ADHD Index, and a Global Index. The Short versions of the Conners 3 forms are a subset of items from the Full-Length assessment. They include the items from the Conners 3 Content Scales, the Positive Impression and Negative Impression scales, and an opportunity to express the child’s strengths and any other concerns the rater may want to share (the DSM-5 Symptom scales are not included). The Short forms are useful when administration of the full-length version is not possible or practical (e.g., due to limited time or when multiple administrations over time are desired).

More than just ADHD The Conners 3 is a recognized staple in ADHD assessment but the test is designed to reflect more than just ADHD symptoms. In fact, ADHD is often associated with one or more comorbid disorders, associated features, and functional impairments. Within the test, scales that relate directly to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria are included for ADHD, as well as scales for the most common co-occurring disorders including Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The Conners 3 also features Severe Conduct Critical items, as well as Screener items for Anxiety and Depression, two internalizing problem areas frequently associated with ADHD.

Content Scales


Hyperactivity/ Impulsivity

Learning Problems

Executive Functioning

(Parent & Teacher)

Defiance/ Aggression

Peer/Family Relations

Symptom Scales

ADHD Inattentive

ADHD HyperactiveImpulsive

Copyright 2020 © Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Conduct Disorder

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

A Highly Representative Normative Sample Over 100 site coordinators throughout the U.S. and Canada collected 6,825 Conners 3 assessments. The normative sample of 3,400 was extracted from 4,682 ratings of children and youth from the general population. The normative sample includes 50 boys and 50 girls at each age with racial/ethnic distribution that closely matches that of the U.S. population (U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2000). The normative sample also includes a reasonable spread of children and youth across various parental education levels, and respondents from various geographical regions throughout the U.S. and Canada. Additionally, 2,143 ratings of children and youth with various clinical diagnoses were collected, and stringent procedures were employed in order to ensure the accuracy of the diagnoses. Separate norms are provided for male and female children and youth in 1-year age intervals. Combined gender norms are also available.

Reliability Both test-retest reliability and internal consistency are very good for the Conners 3 scales and indices. Internal consistency coefficients for the total sample range from .77 to .97, and 2- to 4-week test-retest reliability coefficients range from .71 to .98. Inter-rater reliability coefficients range from .52 to .94.

Validity Support for the validity of the structure of the Conners 3 forms was obtained using factor analytic techniques on derivation and confirmatory samples. Convergent and divergent validity were supported by examining the relationship between Conners 3 scores and other related measures. Statistical examination of the ability of the Conners 3 to differentiate youth with ADHD from youth in the general population and from youth in other clinical groups (including those with Disruptive Behavior Disorders and Learning Disorders) strongly supported the measure’s discriminative validity. Copyright 2020 Š Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.


Try the

Assessing online has never been easier with the new MHS Online Assessment Center +. Experience the new online platform designed with clinicians for clinicians to ensure the easiest, fastest, and most accurate assessing possible.

Why Use the Conners 3ÂŽ Online? Save Time

Fast, easy, and accurate administration with automated scoring.

Assess and Score from Anywhere View reports with an online connection.

Improve Efficiency and Accuracy When items are absent, prompts appear to ensure information is not missed.


Easy to use interface for practitioners and respondents.

Gain Information Easily

Email a link to the form directly to the respondent.

Tailored Organization

Data can be customized to how you work.

Three Valuable Report Options With Each Evaluation Interpretive Report 1. The provides information about a single administration.

Progress Monitoring and Treatment 3. The Effectiveness Report combines results from

up to four ratings over time by the same rater.

Comparative Report provides a 2. The multi-rater perspective by combining

results from up to five different raters.



Conners 3 Online Kit (Conners 3 Manual, 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Online Forms)



Spanish Conners 3 Online Kit (Conners 3 Manual, 25 Parent Spanish/Teacher English/ Self-Report Spanish Online Forms)



Conners 3–P Online Forms

$4.25 ea.


Conners 3–T Online Forms

$4.25 ea.


Conners 3–SR Online Forms

$4.25 ea.


Conners 3 Reorder Kit with DSM-5 Update (25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report QuikScore Forms, and 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Short QuikScore Forms)



Conners 3 Parent and Teacher User’s Package with DSM-5 Update (Conners 3 Manual, 25 Parent/Teacher QuikScore Forms, and 25 Parent/Teacher Short QuikScore Forms)



Conners 3 Full Form User’s Package with DSM5 Update (Conners 3 Manual and 25 Parent/ Teacher/Self-Report QuikScore Forms)



Conners 3 Short Form User’s Package (Conners 3 Manual and 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Short QuikScore Forms)



Conners 3–P QuikScore Forms with DSM-5 Update (25/pkg)



Conners 3–P Short Online Forms

$3.75 ea.


Conners 3–T Short Online Forms

$3.75 ea.


Conners 3–SR Short Online Forms

$3.75 ea.


Spanish Conners 3–P Online Forms

$4.25 ea.


Spanish Conners 3–SR Online Forms

$4.25 ea.


Conners 3–T QuikScore Forms with DSM-5 Update (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3–P Short Online Forms

$3.75 ea.


Spanish Conners 3–SR Short Online Forms

$3.75 ea.

Conners 3–SR QuikScore Forms with DSM-5 Update (25/pkg)




Conners 3–P Short QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Conners 3–T Short QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Conners 3–SR Short QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3–P QuikScore Forms with DSM-5 Update (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3–SR QuikScore Forms with DSM-5 Update (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3–P Short QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3–SR Short QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)


Conners 3GI User’s Package (Conners 3 Manual and 25 Parent/Teacher QuikScore Forms)


Conners 3 Software Kit (Conners 3 Manual, Conners 3 Software Program [USB Key], 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Response Booklets, and 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Short QuikScore Forms)


The Conners 3GI (see page 33) and the Conners 3Al (see page 33) are included in the Conners 3 Software Kit. Please note they are not available as standalone software.


Conners 3 Scoring Software Program (USB Key)



Spanish Conners 3 Software Kit (Conners 3 Manual, Conners 3 Software Program [USB Key], 25 Parent Spanish/Teacher English/Self-Report Spanish Response Booklets, and 25 Parent Spanish/Teacher English/Self-Report Spanish Short QuikScore Forms)


$72.00 $220.00


Conners 3GI–P QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Conners 3GI–T QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3GI–P QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Conners 3AI User’s Package (Conners 3 Manual and 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report QuikScore Forms)



Conners 3–P Response Booklets (25/pkg)



Conners 3–T Response Booklets (25/pkg)



Conners 3AI–P QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Conners 3–SR Response Booklets (25/pkg)



Conners 3AI–T QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Conners 3AI–SR QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3AI–P QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)



Spanish Conners 3AI–SR QuikScore Forms (25/pkg)


C30040 C30039


Spanish Conners 3–P Response Booklets (25/pkg)


Spanish Conners 3–SR Response Booklets (25/pkg)


Conners 3 Manual


Conners 3 Quick Reference Card


Conners 3 DSM-5 Supplement




Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Software Combo Package (Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Manual, Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Software Program [USB Key], 25 Conners 3 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Response Booklets, 25 Conners 3 Parent/Teacher/SelfReport Short QuikScore Forms, and 25 Conners CBRS Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Response Booklets)



Spanish Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Software Combo Package (Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Manual, Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Software Program [USB Key], 25 Spanish Conners 3 Parent/Teacher English/Self-Report Spanish Response Booklets, 25 Spanish Conners 3 Parent/Teacher English/Self-Report Spanish Short QuikScore Forms, and 25 Spanish Conners CBRS Parent/Teacher/SelfReport Response Booklets)



Conners EC/Conners 3 Combo Package (Conners EC and Conners 3 Manual, Conners EC and Conners 3 Software Program (USB Key), 25 Conners 3 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report , 25 Conners 3 Parent/ Teacher/Self-Report Short Forms, 25 Conners EC Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Forms)



Conners EC/Conners 3/Conners CBRS Combo Package (Conners CBRS, Conners EC and Conners 3 Manual; Conners CBRS, Conners EC and Conners 3 Software Program (USB Key); 25 Conners CBRS Parent/ Teacher/Self-Report; 25 Conners EC Parent/Teacher/ Self-Report; 25 Conners 3 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report; 25 Conners 3 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Forms)


$7.00 $17.00


Conners 3 CE Online Manual Quiz (8 CE Credits)



Conners 3 Online Workshop (1.5 CE/CPD Credits)



Conners 3 Handscored Kit with DSM-5 Update (Conners 3 Manual, 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report QuikScore Forms, and 25 Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Short QuikScore Forms)


Spanish Conners 3 Handscored Kit with DSM-5 Update (Conners 3 Manual, 25 Parent Spanish/ Teacher English/Self-Report Spanish QuikScore Forms, and 25 Parent Spanish/Teacher English/SelfReport Spanish Short QuikScore Forms)


$495.00 USA P.O. Box 950 North Tonawanda, NY 14120-0950 T 1.800.456.3003 F 1.888.540.4484


CANADA 3770 Victoria Park Ave. Toronto, Ontario M2H 3M6 T 1.800.268.6011 F 1.888.540.4484

INTL T +1.416.492.2627 F +1.416.492.3343

Prices are subject to change


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