1 minute read

From The Editor... Staff

Ariana González........................Editor-In-Chief

Co-Feature Editor


Lily Giggee................Assistant Editor-In-Chief

News Editor

Cambry Fyllesvold.................Co-Feature Editor

Michael Pfliger...............................Sports Editor

Emmanuel Dolo....................................Reporter

Dylan Campbell....................................Reporter

Andi Nelson..........................................Reporter

Mya Johnson.........................................Reporter

Serenity Clegg-Laporte........................Reporter

The Courier is a news/feature magazine that is published throughout the school year. As an open forum for student expression, all content online and in print is decided and moderated by student editors. The staff welcomes letters, articles, submissions, of any student, faculty, or community interest. Submissions may be turned into the Courier, room 221, and by message to mhscourier@gmail.com. All submissions must be signed by the author if they are to be published and subject to editing if space is restricted. The Courier strives to be objective in its news coverage. Columns and letters reflect only the opinions of the writers, not those of the Courier staff, administration, teachers, or student body. Editorials that are not signed reflect the consensus of the staff.

The Courier is funded entirely through advertising sales. Contact the Courier at mhscourier@gmail.com if interested in advertising.

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