TVHU’s Parts Professional Class takes place over three days and covers a wide range of informative and relevant topics for anyone working in the Material Handling Industry. The overall goal of the course is to give students a basic understanding of how parts work within a forklift. This course covers:
• Truck and carriage classifications, model and serial numbers of major OEMs
• Tips and tricks to run a successful parts department
• How to use Xpart, TVH’s research tool
• And much more!
In-person Class options:
October 3-5: Grayslake, IL
October 17-19: Mississauga, Ontario
Virtual Class options:
September 5-7
November 28-30
Your mom said it best. As a child, when you were fighting or arguing with a sibling or friend, your mom would say, “Billy, you know better than that! Now you make friends with Johnny.” Your mother never told you to use the alternative of choice close or the sharp angle close on Johnny.
She just said make friends. That may have been one of the most powerful sales lessons you ever got.
It is estimated that more than 50% of sales are made because of friendship.
In the south, it’s called “The good-old-boy network,” in the north, they say it’s “Who you know,” but it’s really just friendship selling.
If you think you’re going to get the sale because you have the best product, best service or best price, dream on, Buddy. You’re not even half right.
If 50% of sales are made on a friendly basis, and you haven’t made friends with the prospect (or customer) you’re missing 50% of your market.
Friends don’t need to sell friends using sales techniques. Think about it. You don’t need sales techniques when you ask a friend out or ask for a favor. You just ask.
You don’t need sales techniques; you need more friends.
This does not eliminate your need to be a master salesman. You must know sales techniques to get the other half of the market, and sometimes even your friends need to be sold.
Now think about your best customers. How did they get that way? Don’t you have a great relationship with them? If you’re friends with your best customer, it will often eliminate the need for price checking, price negotiating, and delivery time demands. You can even occasionally give bad service and still keep the customer.
There’s another huge bonus to being friends. Competition is virtually eliminated.
Your best competitor couldn’t blast you away from a customer who is also a friend.
Most salespeople think that unless they are calling a customer to sell something, that it’s a wasted call. Nothing could be further from the truth.
How do you start? Slowly. It takes time to develop a relationship; it takes time to build a friendship. (If you are reading this and thinking, “I don’t have time for this relationship stuff, I’m too busy making sales,” find a new profession, this one won’t last long.)
Here are a few places to meet or take your customer. A different venue than the office will begin building friendships and relationships:
• a ball game
• the theater
• a concert
• a gallery crawl
• a Chamber after hours event
• a community help project
• a breakfast, a lunch, a dinner
• a seminar given by your company.
• If your customer has kids, get a few tickets to the Omnimax theater at Discovery Place and go on the weekend. Talk about solidifying a relationship. The Omnimax theater is the most fun in Charlotte, and it ain’t just for kids.
Join a business association and get involved. The Metrolina Business Council is a shining example. MBC is a 14-year-old group of business owners and managers whose main objective is to do business with one another and help members get business. But MBC is not just about business, it’s about relationships and friendships ask any member.
Having moved from the north to the south has helped me understand the value of business friends. They are much easier to establish in the south. I’m often in conversations where someone
is lamenting the fact they can’t get into or around the so-called, “Good-old-boy” network. That is the biggest bunch of baloney, and lamest sales excuse I’ve heard. All the salesperson is saying is that he has failed to establish a relationship or make a friend AND SOMEONE ELSE HAS.
You can only earn a commission using a sales technique.
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can earn a fortune building friendships and relationships.
I recently met with a customer discussing their service technician opportunities and while we were talking about this, we also touched on service technician training topics to help drive additional parts and service revenue. They were specifically looking into ways for their service technicians to quote and upsell additional service and parts opportunities when on a service call or routine PM service. Since it was June and National Forklift Safety Day had just passed, they specifically discussed quoting and selling more tires on these service calls. With this, let’s talk about forklift tires for this month’s article.
A forklift’s tires will wear down faster than other parts on a forklift. The weight of the forklift and its load causes a lot of wear and tear on the tires. Worn out tires can be dangerous for the forklift operator. Part of the OSHA preoperation inspection for the operator is to check the tire condition and pressure including looking for cuts and gouges. Sometimes these items get overlooked, so tires are certainly a service and parts sale that your technicians can be looking to quote to your customers.
As with a pre-operation inspection performed by a forklift operator, technicians can look for the following in regard to forklift tires:
Visible damage such as chunking, tearing, splitting, and cracking of the rubber. Chunking is usually a result of running a forklift in an outside application, or running over objects, or on rough terrain.
As you are familiar with checking the wear on your car tires, solid rubber tires can be checked similarly. If tread distance from the manufacturer’s nameplate on the tire falls below an inch or reaches the band on the wall of the tire, or tread is no longer visible, it’s time for replacement.
If a tire is flat and patching the leak or hole does not fix the tire, it will need to be replaced. Additionally, tires with visible flat spots, due to uneven alignment or sudden stops by the operator, should also be replaced.
With any of these conditions found on your customer’s forklift tires, it is important to convey to them that the condition of their forklift's tires is critical to safety and regulatory compliance. They will not want to wait until an accident occurs when tires should have been replaced. Additionally, worn tires also put stress on the rest of the lift truck’s parts and fuel efficiency. For example, as forklift tires wear down so does their ability to absorb shock. Excessive shock on a lift truck can loosen parts, cause leaks in fluid lines, and even damage electrical components.
Many dealerships will offer mobile tire service with a dedicated tire service department, sometimes with specially equipped mobile units for on-site tire pressing. While other dealerships may sub-out this service to a dedicated tire service company. The process is similar to when you have your tires on your car replaced, except with the pressing and mounting of the forklift tires. Nonetheless, if your service department is servicing the truck for regular repairs and maintenance, your service technicians should not be overlooking the opportunity for a tire replacement service and parts opportunity.
Considering how the truck will be used and the environment it operates in will go a long way to helping you quote and sell the correct tire for your customer.
In general, rubber tires are used on internal combustion trucks while polyurethane (poly) tires are more common on electric lift trucks. Here are some additional factors to consider when quoting tires for your customer’s forklift:
Rolling Resistance – Poly tires offer less resistance than rubber. Because they are batterypowered, electrics trucks should use poly tires to conserve energy during operation and reduce downtime for recharging.
Cushioning – The higher a tire’s durometer number, the harder the tire. A softer tire absorbs more impact and provides more cushioning.
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Because rubber tires have a lower durometer, they should be used if a softer ride is desired.
Traction – Rubber tires offer a broader footprint over poly, thus giving them better traction. If you are still inclined to use a poly tire, modern versions now offer siping, or an engraved tread pattern, that lends them greater traction.
Load Capacity – Because of their higher tensile strength, poly tires are more resistant to splitting, tearing, or chunking out under load than rubber tires are.
Resistance to Cutting, Tearing, and Abrasions – As a general rule, poly tires will outlast a rubber tire by about four times. This is because poly tires are harder and less susceptible to cuts, tearing, and abrasions from sharp objects. Items that might cut a rubber tire will be deflected or become embedded in the much harder poly tire.
High-Speed Operation – Polyurethane tires are more likely to fail due to heat buildup than rubber tires. This is because rubber tires can dissipate the heat better. For faster-moving trucks (propane and internal combustion) that see a higher buildup of heat, rubber tires are the way to go.
Floor Marking – If marks on the floor (or a lack of) are a concern to you, then selecting a non-marking tire is an important consideration. While poly tires are naturally non-marking, black rubber tires will leave marks on the floor. You can get around this with special non-marking rubber tires.
Response on Wet Floors – A smooth poly tire will have significantly less traction on wet floors than a rubber tire. If your operating environment requires a poly tire, consider one that has been siped to provide better traction.
Chemical Resistance –Both poly and rubber tires are susceptible to chemicals in their environment.
Knowing what type of chemicals your tires will come in contact with can help you choose between rubber and poly. It is best to use the right tire to match your needs to prevent costly failures.
To sum up, rubber tires are often used indoors or outdoors where a softer ride or better traction is desired. Poly tires are used indoors on smooth concrete surfaces when a higher load capacity is required.
Pneumatic or Cushion?
If a rubber tire is selected, now you must decide pneumatic or cushion type tire.
Pneumatic – These tires are longer and wider than cushion style tires and are frequently used in outdoor applications. There are two options when choosing a pneumatic tire, solid or airfilled. Solid tires cost more because they are 100% rubber, but this makes them ideal for situations where punctures are an issue. Air-filled tires work great in environments with smooth operating surfaces.
Cushion – Cushion tires are solid rubber molded onto a steel band. Because they’re smaller than pneumatic tires, cushion tires have a smaller turning radius—making them a great choice for tight spaces. Cushion-style tires work well in smooth, indoor applications and cost less than pneumatic tires.
Keeping your customer’s forklift tires properly maintained and replacing them when needed will create a safer working environment, increase fuel efficiency, and have a longer equipment lifespan. Be sure to partner with a supplier that offers a wide range of tires for many different types of applications; with options of traction or smooth, marking or non-marking, press-on or pneumatic, be sure your supplier has the tires to keep your customer’s forklifts rolling.
Chris Aiello is the Business Development Manager at TVH Parts Co. He has been in the equipment business for 16-plus years as a service manager, quality assurance manager, and business development manager. Chris now manages a national outside sales team selling replacement parts and accessories in various equipment markets such as material handling, equipment rental, and construction/earthmoving dealerships.
Back in the good old days I used to spend a lot of my professional life auditing equipment dealers and construction companies. Also did a lot of franchise work, which kind of ties in with the OEM-Dealer relationships.
I was always fascinated with the full-service equipment dealers because of all the departments they had to manage to make the dealership work, keep the OEM and banks happy while also keeping the customer’s coming back.
I was also lucky enough to get first-hand experience with the long-term lease (rental) with maintenance programs, which kind of locked in a relationship for 60 months or so. It was kind of pushing down the dealer management requirements down to the individual lease contracts because you were selling or renting equipment, buying and using parts, providing service, and hopefully in the end wind up with a rental unit for short-term purposes or part of the used equipment units held for sale. And in some ways the rental contracts could become even more complicated than the dealer management because of all the types of rental contracts offered.
I just loved the entire program from start to finish. Though the dealer CEOs were exceptional business folks and still believe that to be true.
So, I started thinking of how we used to audit these dealerships in order to complete a year end audit and give them a clean bill of health. Because of the nature of the dealer business the audit planning required some thought so that the end results were supported by the audit work
performed and the documented audit results on file. Considering that we were dealing with both accounting and tax issues, planning could be more complex than expected.
Listed below are the basic steps we took to audit your company. They are a bit different when compared to today’s digital techniques.
We would review the prior year audit files, especially looking for the problem area for that period so we could see that the faulty issues were corrected and expected produce the correct data and conclusions in the year under audit.
We would then prepare tests to determine that internal controls were working as planned, revenue and expenses are being reported in the right period and for the proper amounts, asset and related asset values are properly reported on the Balance Sheet. Bank loans and other financial contracts would all be reviewed to determine compliance with the documents.
One big area was the accounting and value of fixed assets, which was primarily the fleet. What is the orderly liquidation value and what is it on the books for. This test covered both new units (and how long they have been sitting as part of the floor plan) used units and what they were on the books for compared to what they would sell for. The same questions applied to the rental units as well. IN TODAY’S ENVIRONMENT THIS WOULD BE ONE OF THE KEY TESTS GENERATED.
There was also the question surrounding the maintenance contracts and how you record the maintenance revenues as part of the rental payments. I think we can all agree that recording the collection of the maintenance revenue on a straight- line basis is probably not the correct process to follow.
Another questionable accounting practice was not backing out the inter-department profits, which generated higher than actual sales numbers. You are not supposed to do that, but I cannot remember more than 3-4 companies that followed this required accounting rule. And finally, the required practice of reporting current
assets and current liabilities to be able to calculate working capital sometimes does not work for companies with large rental fleets.
Large rental fleet assets are recorded as longterm assets, but when the current portion of the note payments are in the current liability section, you wind up with poor working capital position when in fact it may not be. This is why rental companies prepare unclassified balance sheets without the current assets and liabilities broken out.
We also spent a lot of time analyzing financing agreements and bank loans, along with the required covenant calculations. Having the bankers question the accounting for their covenant calculations was to be avoided at all costs. And supporting the inventory (new and use) and rental unit values was a big part of this annual exercise.
In the end our work was to determine that all the debits and credits were basically correct and recorded in the right accounting period. We also
had to determine that adequate cash flows are being generated to cover debt service and other obligations. In short, that your company is a “going concern” and will not default in the near term or next 12 months.
The auditors would then prepare a Management Letter spelling out suggestions for improvement and where a weakness in a control needs further review. The Department Heads were never happy with the Management Letter. Sometimes the banks weren’t either.
I believe that the prior audit procedures pushed down the problems, discussions, and solutions to all levels of management to a greater degree compared to the current digital audits. Considering that all department heads had goals to meet to ensure operating results that meet the financial plan, the more they became aware of a problem along with the processes of devising solutions to mitigate the problem as well as implementing the solutions, the more chance there is to correct the problem, keep them from reappearing, and reaching the profit and cash flow goals planned for.
As far as the important parts of the audit report are concerned, I find the Cash Flow report is the first page I look at. If the cash flow is adequate and there are no known potential stumbling blocks on the horizon, I am much more comfortable with the rest of the report.
I guess my point this month is that there may be an opportunity available for dealers not required to provide a full audited set of financials to pick up some extra profits or cash by implementing an internal review of accounting controls and reporting systems in use related to the major margin contributors to determine if the reporting is correct without leaving any money on the table. I would also suggest quarterly cash flow projections provided by all department heads for inclusion in a full company cash flow estimate. If there ever was a time for this type of internal work ….it is NOW.
I would further suggest you outsource this review if staffing is a problem, or if you just feel an independent inspection is in order.
Until recently, high inflation has been more of a theoretical concept for many business owners and consumers. After all, it’s been decades since this country experienced severe inflation. But the past year has made inflation a major concern for consumers and supply chain partners. Here’s how inflation is driving up the costs of just about everything that impacts the supply chain and how your business can respond effectively.
Inflation measures the rate of an economy’s rising prices. When this condition exists, it impacts other areas, such as wages, demand, and the availability of certain services. Here is how inflation is affecting warehousing and the supply.
One common impact of inflation is a contracting demand for goods and services. In other words, as prices go up, people will buy less stuff. This will affect the need for things like warehouse space, labor, and transportation. If your business continues to produce or store the same amount of goods that it did in the past, it will probably end up with excess that it can’t sell.
Inflation doesn’t just impact the prices of goods on the shelves. It also drives up direct costs associated with things like raw materials, transportation, and labor. Some raw materials continue to be scarce, which affects pricing, and there are continuing labor shortages throughout the transportation and warehousing industries. Fuel prices are also a major factor in logistics, driving up freight and transportation costs that were already rising before driver shortages.
Some businesses in the logistics industry rely on different sources of working capital funding to stay afloat during turbulent times. But when inflation is part of the equation, so are
high interest rates. When the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, this makes shortterm borrowing unaffordable for small businesses.
Many supply chain and logistics professionals are seeing how inflation is negatively affecting their business. These impacts include delayed orders, long lead times, price and rate increases, and supply chain instability. But businesses in these industries aren’t helpless. When facing these tough economic conditions, here are several ways warehouses and supply chain businesses can respond.
One of the best ways to persevere in times of economic uncertainty is to become as flexible as possible. How can you do this? First, if you are only dealing with one manufacturer, one shipping company, or one logistics firm, it may be time to diversify.
When you explore alternative suppliers, this can prompt your current ones to offer better terms. At the same time, you have a backup on hand if your preferred supplier is unable to meet their obligations due to various supply chain challenges.
The last thing you want to do during inflationary times is spend money on inventory you don’t need. It costs money to purchase items, transport them, and store them. And, if people aren’t buying stuff due to higher prices, this could devastate your business.
You can use insights from your warehouse management system (WMS) to better forecast demand for inventory purposes. Digital twins is another solution that allows you to simulate business performance in various scenarios so you can plot the most prudent course.
How much visibility do you have into your current costs? If you have incomplete or inaccurate data, it’s time to address this
matter before you run into a cash flow issue. Fortunately, some of the same insights that provide better predictability can also help you improve spending.
When you review your insights, this provides an opportunity to discover various ways of eliminating or cutting costs. For example, you may be purchasing similar or identical items from different suppliers. You can consolidate shipping on items or explore other ways to streamline your operations.
Traditionally, supply chains have operated as a series of separate steps and business partners who communicated only as much as was necessary. In today’s environment, better collaboration between suppliers is the best way to streamline operations and save costs.
By opening the lines of communication with your suppliers, you can investigate alternative ways to accomplish your goals. For example, you may be able to get discounts for using a certain shipper or waiting a few days extra to have your items combined with another order.
Digital solutions enable warehouses and other supply chain partners to get the most out of every dollar they spend. For example, warehouses struggling with labor issues can employ various automation solutions to do more with less.
RFID, WMS, and other integrated software solutions can deliver cost savings to businesses that mitigate the impact of rising costs in other areas. The use of automated vehicles and equipment can reduce repetitive tasks, which also reduces the number of employees required to do a job.
Inflation directly impacts manufacturing costs, logistics, and many more areas associated with warehousing and the supply chain. When inflationary conditions exist, the supply chain may not run as smoothly as it should. But supply chain partners can implement solutions to improve flexibility, visibility, and predictability to achieve the best overall results in even the most challenging conditions.
In 2005, Newcastle Systems, Inc. was the first U.S. company to introduce mobile powered industrial carts to support supply chain applications, bringing leading-edge efficiencies to the market. The company has continuously pioneered new technology developing the first swappable lithium battery system for industrial applications in 2016, as well as the most ergonomic mobile carts available. A privately-owned, Massachusetts-based company, it serves some of the largest retailers, manufacturers, and distributors in the world to help to increase supply chain efficiency by consistently doubling employee productivity while reducing costly labeling errors by over 92%.
Say goodbye to clutter and improve productivity with CIP’s heavy-duty, self-supporting Raised Work Platforms. Combine these, or any size Mezzanine, with our industry’s best VRC Material Lifts for a comprehensive material handling solution.
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On January 1, 2024 Interthor will officially go by the name Logitrans A/S, and move even closer to its parent company and origin in Denmark. Carl Thorkildson retired, and Interthor Inc. was acquired by Logitrans A/S back in 2006. The name change will not affect the organizational structure of Interthor Inc, nor will it affect the relationships with partners, dealers and end-users. Business will run as usual – just under the name Logitrans A/S.
UgoWork™ has announced that it has secured substantial new financial support aimed at advancing its mission to deliver the most cost-effective energyas-a-service solution. This support will not only propel the company's growth but also create more than 60 job opportunities within the province of Quebec in the next 36 months. This financial support will enable the company to accelerate its research and development efforts, further optimize software systems, and expand its operations to meet the growing demand of its energy solutions.
Jungheinrich and Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas(Logisnext) announced the pending launch of Rocrich AGV Solutions (Rocrich). The joint venture will build on their existing partnership and will offer proven mobile automation solutions for warehouses and production facilities in North America. Both partners will hold equal shares in the company which will be headquartered in Houston, Texas with additional operations in Marengo, Illinois.
Zion Solutions Group is steering the growth of material handling automation amidst evolving economic conditions.
As the United States faces rising labor costs, businesses are increasingly turning to automation. The latest ITR Report projects a mild recession in 2024 but also predicts a five-year recovery and growth plan, avoiding a scenario akin to the Great Recession. Concurrently, the surge in onshoring and nearshoring manufacturing facilities creates fresh opportunities for domestic manufacturing.
Nucor Corporation has announced that the Company's Towers & Structures business unit will build its second state-of-the-art utility structures production facility in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Earlier this year the Company announced plans to build its first structure production facility in Decatur, Alabama. The new facility will be located adjacent to the Nucor Steel Crawfordsville steel mill and is expected to create 200 full-time jobs.
Gears Industry personnel and organization news
ORBIS® Corporation has hosted its third annual ORBIS Good Days for Kids golf outing that raised over $330,000 for the Children’s Wisconsin Pediatric Simulation and Resuscitation Program, the region’s only independent health care system dedicated to the health and well-being of children. The event was held at the Grand Geneva golf course in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, June 13, 2023.
KPI Solutions (KPI) has announced that Kyle Smith has joined the company as Vice President Product Management. In this role, Kyle will set the strategy and direction for software product delivery with a focus on enhancing clients’ investment in automation technologies. By leveraging the power of the Opto modular, intelligent software platform, clients can orchestrate labor, orders, and equipment to maximize operational efficiency and enable dynamic decision-making.
Plus One Robotics has announced the hiring of John Crimmins as a senior solutions architect. Crimmins is responsible for developing automation solutions that expand the implementation of Plus One technology within the logistics industry. He has
worked at some of the largest logistics companies in the world including Walmart, Dematic, Amazon Robotics, and Vanderlande Industries where he led a $1 billion project at the LAX Airport and Southern California baggage handling systems.
Senior Project Manager
Sean Phillips, P.E. of Hargrove Controls & Automation was presented the prestigious 2023 Rising Star Award at the 2023 Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) Executive Conference. Award recipients demonstrate that they are a person whose career is on the rise due to their dedication to innovation. Phillips is a member of the Control Engineering/Plant Engineering’s Engineering Leaders Under 40 Class of 2022 and serves as the President of the Mobile-Pensacola “Emerald Coast” Chapter of the International Society of Automation (ISA).
For three consecutive years, Forbes has been honoring The Raymond Corporation as one of America’s best midsize employers from the engineering and manufacturing sector. The list recognizes employers from among 500 companies, based on an independent survey and polling of an anonymous group of employees. Forbes determined the list of best midsize employers in partnership with Statistica, a statistics portal and industry ranking provider.
IMI SalesLeads announced today the June 2023 results for the new planned capital project spending report for the Industrial Manufacturing industry. The Firm tracks North American planned industrial capital project activity; including facility expansions, new plant construction and significant equipment modernization projects. Research confirms 141 new projects in June as compared to 184 in May the Industrial Manufacturing sector.
ALBERTA: Fiberboard MFR. is planning to invest $790 million for the construction of a manufacturing facility in STETTLER, AB. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
INDIANA: Automotive MFR. is planning to invest $632 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facility in ROANOKE, IN. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
The following are selected highlights on new Industrial Manufacturing industry construction news.
Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Type
• Manufacturing/Production Facilities - 132 New Projects
• Distribution and Industrial Warehouse - 61 New Projects
Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Scope/Activity
• New Construction - 38 New Projects
• Expansion - 46 New Projects
• Renovations/Equipment Upgrades - 59 New Projects
• Plant Closings - 17 New Projects
Industrial Manufacturing - By Project Location (Top 10 States)
• Texas - 12
• New York - 10
• Georgia - 7
• Ohio - 6
• Kentucky - 5
• Michigan - 11
• North Carolina - 9
• Illinois - 6
• Alabama - 5
• Pennsylvania - 5
During the month of June, our research team identified 18 new Industrial Manufacturing facility construction projects with an estimated value of $100 million or more.
The largest project is owned by Nexen Tire America Inc., who is planning to invest $3 billion for the construction of an EV battery manufacturing facility in NEW CARLISLE, IN. Construction is expected to start in 2025, with completion slated for 2026.
GEORGIA: Tire MFR. is considering investing $1 billion for the construction of a manufacturing facility and currently seeking a site in GEORGIA.
MICHIGAN: Automotive MFR. is planning to invest $1 billion for the renovation and equipment upgrades on two of their manufacturing facilities in FLINT, MI. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
KENTUCKY: Automotive MFR. is planning to invest $591 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facility in GEORGETOWN, KY. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Completion is slated for 2025.
NORTH CAROLINA: Pharmaceutical company is expanding and planning to invest $500 million for the construction of a manufacturing, processing, and office facility at 67 TW Alexander Drive in DURHAM, NC. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Construction is expected to start in early 2024, with completion slated for early 2026.
TEXAS: Automotive MFR. is planning to invest $500 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on their manufacturing facility at 2525 E. Abram St. in ARLINGTON, TX. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
NORTH CAROLINA: Biotechnology company is planning to invest $458 million for the renovation and equipment upgrades on a 210,000 SF processing facility in GREENSBORO, NC. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
MISSISSIPPI: Specialty building products MFR. is planning to invest $418 million for the construction of a manufacturing facility in SHUQUALAK, MS. They are currently seeking approval for the project.
ALABAMA: Wood panel product MFR. is planning to invest $350 million for the construction of a manufacturing facility in OXFORD, AL. They are currently seeking approval for the project. Construction is expected to start in Fall 2023.
Since 1959, IMI SalesLeads, based in Jacksonville, FL. Our Industrial Market Intelligence, IMI identifies timely insights on companies planning significant capital investments such as new construction, expansion, relocation, equipment modernization, and plant closings in industrial facilities.
See more new products online at www.MHWmag.com
LEDtronics® announces its latest series of compact and lightweight LED Flood Lights that put out a surprising amount of light for their compact size and low power consumption. The high efficacy, multiple angle mounting options, and sleek design make these light fixtures an ideal and easy installation in various applications. The LEDtronics GDL002 series flood lights are offered in a choice of two input voltages: 24VDC with 12 watts and 5000K pure white emitted color, and a wide 100~277VAC range with either 8W/4000K natural white combination, or 10.8W with 3000K and 5000K color temperatures.
Stöcklin Logistics is launching the Stöcklin CasePicker to address the specific product logistics challenges and opportunities now facing produce shippers. The Stöcklin CasePicker offers a completely automated solution for distribution centers serving hundreds of retail outlets, with freshness zones from 4°C to 14°C and up to 135,000 cases/day for fruit and vegetables. It features a depalletizer with intelligent control that manages a unique special gripper with a suction strip and underride plate to ensure gentle and reliable case picking.
Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc. has launched two new Cushman® utility models, the Tour LSV and
Hauler PRO LSV. These models introduce streetlegal vehicles to the Cushman lineup for personnel transport and utility duties. Both the Tour LSV and Hauler PRO LSV adhere to both the FMVSS 500 federal standard and the SAE J2358 industry standard, and can be operated on roads with speed limits up to 35MPH in most jurisdictions.
Rocsys will deliver its ROC-1 autonomous charging system for use with zero-emission Hyster Terminal Tractors, with the possibility to extend to other Hyster electric trucks. Using the robotic ROC-1 solution, parked machines can be both plugged in and charged automatically, helping to support efficiency and uptime in ports. The new Hyster Terminal Tractor, previewed at TOC Europe in June, will also feature standardized CCS1 or CCS2 capabilities.
MARTINS has announced the addition of the Stud and Hub Cleaning tools to its extensive product line up through its Checkpoint Safety division. The Checkpoint 2in1 Stud and Hub Cleaning tools by MARTINS have been meticulously designed to meet the needs of professionals. With a focus on providing optimal performance, efficiency, and durability, these tools redefine the standards of stud and hub cleaning, making them the go-to choice for anyone seeking unparalleled quality.
See more new products online at www.MHWmag.com
Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas Group has introduced the new Quad Mast options for the PD, BXC, Platinum II® Cushion and Nomad® Series. This new offering will replace the current 3rd Party supplied 2-ton Quad Masts with masts that will be designed, fabricated and assembled in-house. UniCarriers Forklifts Quad Mast is a four-stage mast that provides the highest reach due to its four sets of moving rails. The new offering of Quad Masts on most popular trucks fills a gap for customers looking for higher lift capacities and more.
OTTO Motors just announced that its autonomous forklift, OTTO Lifter, has been recognized as the SupplyTech Breakthrough Material Handling Solution of the Year. This award recognizes the world’s best supply chain products and technologies that are breaking through in a crowded market. With a payload capacity of 1,200 kg, the innovative autonomous forklift optimizes productivity for warehouses by maximizing speed without compromising safety, resulting in faster mission completion times and the highest customer ROI.
Southworth Products Corp has announced a new program to provide fast delivery of several models of lift tables and
other vertical lifting and positioning equipment by shipping eligible products in one week. The Swift Lift 1 program combines the thoughtful application of modern engineering, materials planning, and manufacturing technology to go well beyond any other availability program in the industry. Available models have capacities from 1,100 to 6,000 lbs. and platforms up to 48” x 96”.
Big Joe Forklifts released two new lithium forklifts that are now available. The LXE50 Spartan and the LVE35 Sprint were uniquely designed from the ground up to help companies take maximum advantage of the latest in lithium-ion battery technology at a low cost of ownership. The idea is that operations currently using LP or diesel trucks will now have an electric option that can keep up with their duty cycle requirements and fit right into existing applications without sacrificing operator comfort or requiring infrastructure like eye wash stations. www.bigjoeforklifts.com
Lucas Systems announced its rollout of new technologies promising productivity, comfort, and ease of use to a Gen Z warehouse workforce of the future. The technologies – built to serve the new “iGeneration” of workers born between 1997 and 2012 – promise a reduction of worker stress, a less physically-taxing work experience, and help for on-floor supervisors by providing the tools needed to be more agile. One insight from the Lucas Systems guide was that a majority of Gen Z workers (73%) say robots will help them achieve greater accuracy and speed in their jobs.
For a direct link to these websites, visit www.MHWmag.com and click on the corresponding display ad under the category you are browsing.
➤ Allied Products
➤ Attachments & Access.
➤ Auctions
➤ Automated Storage Systems
➤ Automatic Identification Equip.
➤ Batteries/Chargers
➤ Container Storage
➤ Controls & Information Handling Systems
➤ Conveyors
➤ Customer Fabricators
➤ Drug Testing Compliance
➤ Dock Equipment
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➤ Electrical/Electronic Controls
➤ Engines
➤ Finance Companies
➤ Fluid Power Equipment
➤ Insurance Companies
➤ Inventory & Production Control Systems
➤ Inventory And Bar Coding
➤ Lift Tables
➤ LP Gas Distributors
• Pallet Truck Modifications
• Turret Mast Attachment
• Mechanical Attachments
• Special Design Request and Much Much More...
➤ Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment
➤ Non-Powered Floor Equipment & Access.
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➤ Overhead Lifting Equipment & Access.
➤ Packing And Equipment
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• Original LIFT-OUT design cuts installation costs in half!
• Fully welded sleeves to hold and capture rails.
• Posts available as Inlines, Corners, or Ends in 18”, 26” and 42” heights.
• Rails available in 2’ – 10’ in 1’ increments.
• Durable steel protection.
• Designed for quick and easy release, but can be bolted together if desired.
• Stronger than typical handrail.
• Top Rail is 42” high and MEETS OSHA FALL PROTECTION if used on a mezzanine.
• Modular hand rail protects employees from entering unsafe areas.
• Easy installation, simply assemble and anchor down.
• Stocked in 4’, 6’, and 8’ sections.
• 42” tall standard.
• Available in 12”, 18”, and 24” with 4¼”, 5½”, and 8¼” clear opening.
• ¼” material.
• Four mounting holes.
• Accepts ½” anchors, which are available upon request.
• Rack protection creates a visible guide through aisles and saves thousands in damage.
• Available in 36”, 42”, and 48” in either single or double ends.
• Curved end has an 8” I.D. and is 8” and 12” tall.
• Choose floor angle thickness of ½”, 3/8”, or ¼”.
• Two products in one! Keeps flue space clear and prevents damage to walls behind rack.
• Available in 42”, 45” (42” with 3” overhang), 48”, and 51” (48” with 3” overhang).
• Easy installation and creates reinforcement for the rack.
• Flush mount hardware included.
• Protects against unwanted visitors, insects, birds, and debris from entering the work area while allowing air to flow through. 48” tall.
• High visibility, breathable fabric.
• Easy operation, requiring just 3 lbs. of pull force to extend the fabric barrier.
• Accommodates doors from 8’ – 16’.
• Stop fork trucks from driving or backing off the dock. 42” tall.
• Available in 8’ – 9’ and 10’ – 12’ sizes.
• Includes two 5” steel posts with 12” x 12” baseplates with gussets for strength.
• Reinforced cross bar for strength behind panels.
Adjustable kickplate and rubber feet
• Choose from 60”, 65”, 72”, 96”, or 120” clear opening.
• Easily pivots to up or down position – requires only 10 - 20 lbs. of lift force.
• Ships mostly assembled – minor assembly required upon receiving. Simply anchor to the mezzanine floor.
• Adjustable kickplate and rubber feet.
• 6 self-closing arms that operate independently.
• As the pallet is unloaded the top arms close, creating a safety barrier.
• 6’ or 8’ width.
• Includes 8’ tall rack frames and height limiter.
Create a real stopping point for pallets! Stops pallets from entering the flue spaces!
•Fits 2.75” deep and 4.75” tall beams.
•Secures waterfall edge wire deck in place.
•Easy installation – slides directly over rack.
•Available in flush mount or with a 3” overhang.
• Reduce damage to your controls.
• Protect any control box mounted to a building column – fan switches, thermostats, and light switches.
• Mounts in minutes with 8 pre-drilled mounting holes. Simply Tek screw to your column and you’re done!
• Available to fit 10” or 12” columns.
• Steel bollards protect a variety of facility assets.
• Surface mount to concrete or direct bury.
• Economy 4½” O.D., Yellow or Red, 5½” O.D. Yellow only, 24”, 36”, or 42” tall.
• Standard 4½” O.D. 42” tall, Yellow with welded top, available with welded eyelet.
• Direct Bury 5½”, 6½”, and 8½” O.D., 84” tall, yellow.
• Square Bollard 4” square tube. 42” tall with painted steel cap.
• Prevent damage to building support columns or mezzanine columns.
• Impact rating: 8,000 lbs. at 5 M.P.H.
• Available in Short, Slim, and Standard. Standard is 42” tall, 24” wide for 6”, 8”, 9”, 10”, and 12”. Yellow is standard, but red, lime green, and orange are available.
• White reflective band standard on lime green and orange.
3” Overhang 2” x 2” SpacingWest Point Rack is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Our customers recognize quality products, dependability of service and competitive pricing.
Our Primary Goal is to support our dealers, satisfy their customers, earn trust and be the “Vendor of Choice” for rack products and racking systems.
We offer a full line of light duty, intermediate duty, heavy and extra heavy duty cantilever racks. We provide multiple configurations of a wide variety of stacking racks. Our structural pallet racks can be configured for a wide range of applications. West Point Rack has the products that generates solutions for your storage needs.
We also offer specialty products such as bar cradle trucks, drum racks, hand carts and other specialty transport and storage products. Give us a call at 866.245.3630. We may have what you need. Look forward to hearing from you.
We have the right ones.
With TVH, you have access to over 46 million parts for all industrial equipment from forklifts to mobile elevating work platforms to small earth moving equipment, available from our 15 locations.
Contact us today to find the right part for your equipment.
Finally, 30 tons of load capacity with real flare. Introducing custom trucks from Hamilton. They thrive under unconventional pressure. From oversized trucks that haul submarine propellers and airplane wings, to smaller rigs for toting race car engines. Red-hot trim optional. See our custom trucks at CartsAndTrailers.com.
August 2023 • Vol. 16 No. 2
Dean Millius General Manager/Publisher dmillius@MHWmag.com
Nikole Hoffman
Production Lead/Graphic Design art@MHWmag.com
Eric Faramus Graphic Designer art@MHWmag.com
Material Handling Wholesaler Black Book is published twice per year for new and used equipment dealers, equipment manufacturers, manufacturer’s reps, parts suppliers, and service facilities serving the material handling industry. Advertorial expressed here in this publication come from the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Material Handling Wholesaler
Email: dmillius@MHWmag.com
Material Handling Wholesaler reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason, at any time. Advertisements that simulate Material Handling Wholesaler editorial matter in appearance or style or that are not immediately identifiable as advertisements are not acceptable.
Material Handling Wholesaler, P. O. Box 725
Dubuque, IA 52004-0725 563-557-4495
© Copyright Speciality Publications International, Inc.
West Point Rack is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Our customers recognize quality products, dependability of service and competitive pricing.
Our Primary Goal is to support our dealers, satisfy their customers, earn trust and be the “Vendor of Choice” for rack products and racking systems.
We offer a full line of light duty, intermediate duty, heavy and extra heavy duty cantilever racks. We provide multiple configurations of a wide variety of stacking racks. Our structural pallet racks can be configured for a wide range of applications. West Point Rack has the products that generates solutions for your storage needs.
We also offer specialty products such as bar cradle trucks, drum racks, hand carts and other specialty transport and storage products. Give us a call at 866.245.3630. We may have what you need. Look forward to hearing from you.
TVH Headquarters
16355 South Lone Elm Rd
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US .Sales@tvh .com
Website: www tvh com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
Bill Troop, General Manager
Hess Auctioneers, LLC
1451 River Rd .
Marietta, PA 17547
Phone: 717 426-2493
Fax: 717 427-1665
Email: sales@hessauctioneers .com
Web Site: www hessauctioneers com
Member Affiliations: PMTA, ABC, UTA
Material Handling/Ag/Construction Equipment, Truck & Trailer Consignment Auctions held every other month in Marietta, PA. Also, Fleet/Business Liquidations and Dispersals held on-site. Online Bidding Available! Call us today to get details on consigning your Material Handling Equipment or for information on upcoming auctions. 2023 Auction Dates: August 11, October 13 and December 8
Rabin Worldwide
21 Locust Avenue, Ste 2A
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: 415 522-5700
Toll Free: 800 421-2144
Email: info@rabin .com
Website: www rabin com
In business for over 60 years, Rabin is a family-held auction and real estate investment company, which acquires and sells industrial facilities and equipment around the world. As a leader industrial liquidation, Rabin has sold equipment and assets in every trade sector and on almost every continent. Our focus is on the purchase of complete facilities and factories, including their underlying real estate. With our combination of diverse experience, financial strength, and professional expertise, Rabin has the ability to take on projects of any size and complexity.
1/6/7F-1 Building1 Zhongkai Innovative Base
Huifeng 6th Road ZhongKai Hi-tech Zone
HuiZhou City, Guangdong, China
Phone: 86 752-2819469
Email: inquiry@bsl-battery .com
Web Site: www lithiumforkliftbattery com
BSLBATT Battery, the recognized leader in lithium-ion forklift batteries in China, is looking for dealers and distributors . We continue to witness growth in the forklift lithium battery replacement market . Welcome you to be a part of our inherited innovative Industrial lithium battery products, smart-powered solutions, and cutting-edge modular technologies, and to be one of 118 dealers on our global market map member! Choose BSL is choosing the future, let’s work side by side in this industry
Forklift-International .com
801 Bluff St ., Dubuque, IA 52001
Phone: 563 557-4496
Email: dmillius@MHWmag .com or monty@forklift-int .com
Website: www .forklift-international .com
Forklift-International.com is a buy and sell material handling equipment website which is an association between Motus Online Service Inc. and Material Handling Wholesaler and Material Handling Network magazines. Forklift-International.com connects you to a marketplace network of dealers throughout the World for new, used and rental equipment under one site.
Forklift-International .com
801 Bluff St ., Dubuque, IA 52001
Phone: 563 557-4496
Email: dmillius@MHWmag .com or monty@forklift-int .com
Website: www forklift-international com
Forklift-International.com is a buy and sell material handling equipment website which is an association between Motus Online Service Inc. and Material Handling Wholesaler and Material Handling Network magazines. Forklift-International.com connects you to a marketplace network of dealers throughout the World for new, used and rental equipment under one site.
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP)
Headquarters: 1015 Harrisburg Pike
Carlisle, PA 17013
Midwest Branch: 80 Fairbank St , Ste 7, Addison, IL 60101
Toll-Free: 800 333-1194
Email: sales@fsip .biz
Website: shop fsip biz
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP) provides reliable, high-quality products and services. We offer an extensive battery charger line-up, both new and remanufactured, on-board or off-board, for lead-acid (flooded, AGM, gel traction) or lithium in a range of voltages and amps for electric vehicles as well as battery regenerator solutions, including our all-in-one, fully automated Xtender battery regenerator.
FSIP is interested in purchasing your rebuildable electronic vehicle cores. Interested? Email cores@fsip.biz or visit shop.fsip.biz/en/content/ core-purchasing to get a quote on your core inventory.
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP)
Headquarters: 1015 Harrisburg Pike
Carlisle, PA 17013
Midwest Branch: 80 Fairbank St , Ste 7, Addison, IL 60101
Toll-Free: 800 333-1194
Email: sales@fsip .biz
Website: shop fsip biz
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP) provides reliable, high-quality products and services. We offer battery regenerator solutions, including our all-in-one, fully automated Xtender battery regenerator. FSIP is the exclusive North American distributor of the Xtender battery regenerator which safely discharges, desulfates, and restores lead-acid batteries’ lost capacity.
FSIP is interested in purchasing your rebuildable electronic vehicle cores. Interested? Email cores@fsip.biz or visit shop.fsip.biz/en/content/ core-purchasing to get a quote on your core inventory.
Battery: Slings
Valley Industrial Battery LLC.
Valley Industrial Battery LLC .
P O Box 556
Thurmont, MD 21788
Phone: 833 305-3607
Email: sales@valleyindustrialbattery com
Web Site: www valleyindustrialbattery com
Valley Industrial Battery is your source for the Battery Sling. The 2” x 5’ Battery Sling has been designed to safely facilitate removal and installation of a forklift battery with a working load limit of 5,000lbs. Calls us for details and demo the Battery Sling. Ask about quantity discounts.
Cantilever Racks: New West Point Rack, Inc
West Point Rack, Inc .
13591 Chandler St .
Omaha, NE 68138
Toll Free: 866 245-3630
Fax: 866 245-3631
Email: reva@westpointrack com
Web Site: www westpointrack com
Cantilever, Structural Pallet & Portable Stacking
“We don’t just promise, we deliver”- West Point Rack is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Our customers recognize quality products, dependability of service and competitive pricing. Our Primary Goal is to satisfy our Dealers, earn their Trust, and become their “Vendor of Choice.”
Jim Lippert
The Toughest Carts on the Planet.
Hamilton Caster Carts & Trailers
1637 Dixie Highway
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone: 800 733-7655
Fax: 513 863-5508
Web Site: www .HamiltonCaster .com & www .CartsandTrailers .com
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA, EASE
Founded in 1907, Hamilton Caster is an industry leader in designing and manufacturing heavy-duty industrial casters, wheels, carts, and trailers. Hamilton specializes in the custom design and manufacturing of large capacity casters ranging from 1,000 lbs. up to 40,000 lbs. and industrial trailers ranging from 2,000 lbs. up to 100,000 lbs.
Jim Lippert
The Toughest Carts on the Planet.
Hamilton Caster Carts & Trailers
1637 Dixie Highway
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone: 800 733-7655
Fax: 513 863-5508
Web Site: www .HamiltonCaster .com & www CartsandTrailers com
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA, EASE
Founded in 1907, Hamilton Caster is an industry leader in designing and manufacturing heavy-duty industrial casters, wheels, carts, and trailers. Hamilton specializes in the custom design and manufacturing of large capacity casters ranging from 1,000 lbs. up to 40,000 lbs. and industrial trailers ranging from 2,000 lbs. up to 100,000 lbs.
The 2” x 5’ Battery sling has been designed to safely facilitate removal and installation of a forklift battery.
2-ply polyester sling webbing
Vinyl coated hooks
Standard Hooks facing outward for easy 1 person use
Standard 12″ lifting round ring with protector pads for wear and tear
Working load limit: 5,000lbs
303 Concord ST
Greensboro, NC 27406
Phone: 336 378-8884
Cell: 562 714-0406
WEB: www combilift com
Email: info@combilift .com
Combilift is a specialist forklift & straddle carrier manufacturer producing a wide range of customized handling solutions, all of which are designed for the safe, space-saving, and very productive handling of long and bulky loads. We work closely with customers to solve their handling requirements.
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
CharNor Inc.
CharNor Inc
1711 1st Avenue East
Milan Illinois, 61264
Sales: 800 447-3967
Phone: 309 787-2427
Fax: 309 787-9410
Email: sales@charnor.com
Web Site: www.charnor.com
CharNor is currently purchasing forklift component cores including:
Engines, Gas and LP
Transmissions, automatic only
Steer axles, or steer axle beam and cylinders
Please contact CharNor with excess components
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP)
Headquarters: 1015 Harrisburg Pike
Carlisle, PA 17013
Midwest Branch: 80 Fairbank St , Ste 7, Addison, IL 60101
Toll-Free: 800 333-1194
Email: sales@fsip .biz
Website: shop fsip biz
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA
Cash for Cores! How much money is sitting in your shop?
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP) remanufactures and distributes industrial battery chargers and modules, electronic controllers, joysticks, and dash displays for material handling equipment. We are interested in purchasing your rebuildable electronic vehicle cores like controllers, battery chargers, joysticks, displays/gauges, and more.
Email cores@fsip.biz or visit shop.fsip.biz/en/content/core-purchasing to get a quote on your core inventory.
CharNor Inc.
CharNor Inc .
1711 1st Avenue East
Milan Illinois, 61264
Sales: 800 447-3967
Phone: 309 787-2427
Fax: 309 787-9410
Email: sales@charnor com
Web Site: www charnor com
CharNor offers new Cylinder heads for:
Mazda FE and F2 with valves, springs and seals installed
Mitsubishi 4G63 and 4G64 with valves, springs and seals installed
Toyota 4Y with valves, springs and seals installed
Nissan K21 and K25 with valves, springs and seals installed GM4.3 with valves, springs and seals and complete roller rockers
American Industrial Transmission
American Industrial Transmission
Phone: 800 588-7515
Web Site: www aittransmission com
American Industrial Transmission is proud to announce that in addition to our reman transmissions, we offer Reman Drive Axles. Our techs use a number of the skills used in transmission rebuilding when they rebuild a drive axle.
Some styles are on the shelf, ready to ship. Others must be done as a rebuild and return. Our pricing is competitive. Our quality is the first-rate. We offer a 6-month or 1500 hour warranty. Call us for a quote. 800-5887515.
The Professional Fork Wear Gauge measures the thickness of the forks, is simple to use and lets the user know how much life remains in the fork. It gives accurate results in seconds.
Now available in stainless steel.
American Industrial Transmission
American Industrial Transmission
Phone: 800 588-7515
Web Site: www aittransmission com
In addition to remanufacturing automatic transmissions and oil clutch transmissions, AIT offers reman master drive units for electric lift trucks. We have excellent coverage on Hyster and Yale MDU’s, good coverage on Toyota and Cat, and are working on increasing our Clark offerings.
Our reman drive units carry the same 6-month, 1500 hour warranty that our reman transmissions carry.
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP)
Headquarters: 1015 Harrisburg Pike
Carlisle, PA 17013
Midwest Branch: 80 Fairbank St , Ste 7, Addison, IL 60101
Toll-Free: 800 333-1194
Email: sales@fsip .biz
Website: shop fsip biz
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA
Flight Systems Industrial Products (FSIP) provides reliable, high-quality products and services. We offer new, manufactured, and remanufactured electronic products servicing the battery-powered and electric vehicle markets. Our vast industry knowledge, technical expertise and efficient manufacturing and remanufacturing practices enable FSIP to provide costeffective and reliable product solutions.
FSIP is interested in purchasing your rebuildable electronic vehicle cores. Interested? Email cores@fsip.biz or visit shop.fsip.biz/en/content/ core-purchasing to get a quote on your core inventory.
TVH Headquarters
16355 South Lone Elm Rd .
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US Sales@tvh com
Website: www .tvh .com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
CharNor Inc . 1711 1st Avenue East
Milan Illinois, 61264
Sales: 800 447-3967
Phone: 309 787-2427
Fax: 309 787-9410
Email: sales@charnor.com
Web Site: www.charnor.com
CharNor engines are unique:
100% core deposit credit for returned cores, ask for limitations. All CharNor engines are manufactured to proven, defined processes. All CharNor engines are tested using live running with a load. Industries best warranty, I year unlimited hours
David Swanson
900 Port Centre Parkway
Portsmouth, VA 23704
Toll-Free: 800 909-4937
Cell: 757 817-7335
Fax: 800 909-4938
Email: dswanson@dacsinc com
Web Site: www .dacsinc .com
Member Affiliations: MHI, SDI, MHEDA, RMI, iSIGMA , SM
DACS, Inc. specializes in the manufacture of corrugated steel decking and fire code compliant products for warehouse rack storage: rack deck, Punch Deck®, Punch Deck® Plus, FlueKeeper®, fire barriers and mezzanine deck. DACS offers engineering services and detailed drawings for every application, and accessories for installation of our products.
TVH Headquarters 16355 South Lone Elm Rd .
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US Sales@tvh com
Website: www tvh .com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
TVH offers over 46 million part numbers for a wide range of equipment types including boom lifts. With 15 convenient locations, experience same-day shipping to ensure fast delivery.
303 Concord ST
Greensboro, NC 27406
Phone: 336 378-8884
Cell: 562 714-0406
WEB: www combilift com
Email: info@combilift .com
Combilift is a specialist forklift & straddle carrier manufacturer producing a wide range of customized handling solutions, all of which are designed for the safe, space-saving, and very productive handling of long and bulky loads. We work closely with customers to solve their handling requirements.
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
303 Concord ST
Greensboro, NC 27406
Phone: 336 378-8884
Cell: 562 714-0406
WEB: www .combilift .com
Email: info@combilift com
Combilift is a specialist forklift & straddle carrier manufacturer producing a wide range of customized handling solutions, all of which are designed for the safe, space-saving, and very productive handling of long and bulky loads. We work closely with customers to solve their handling requirements.
P .O . Box 90
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Toll-Free: 800 548-2839
Phone: 540 898-8636
Fax: 540 898-8143
Web Site: www designstorage com
For over 40 years the Cavaion Baumann Sideloader has been synonymous with quality & craftsmanship. As the exclusive distributor of Cavaion Baumann sideloaders in North America, CBUSA offers a dedicated team of sideloader experts to tailor any model of the world’s largest and most complete range of long load handling equipment to your specific application. Our nationwide support team is backed by the single largest sideloader replacement parts inventory not just in North America, but anywhere in the world!
P .O Box 90
Fredericksburg, VA 22404
Toll-Free: 800 548-2839
Phone: 540 898-8636
Fax: 540 898-8143
Web Site: www designstorage com
As the exclusive distributor of Hubtex sideloaders in North America, Design Storage offers a dedicated team of sideloader experts to tailor any model of the world’s largest and most complete range of long load handling equipment to your specific application. Our nationwide support team is backed by the single largest sideloader replacement parts inventory not just in North America, but anywhere in the world!
Forklift-International com
801 Bluff St ., Dubuque, IA 52001 563 557-4496
Email: dmillius@MHWmag .com or monty@forklift-int com
Website: www forklift-international com
Forklift-International.com is a buy and sell material handling equipment website which is an association between Motus Online Service Inc. and Material Handling Wholesaler and Material Handling Network magazines. Forklift-International.com connects you to a marketplace network of dealers throughout the World for new, used and rental equipment under one site.
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
TVH Headquarters
116355 South Lone Elm Rd .
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US .Sales@tvh .com
Website: www .tvh .com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
303 Concord ST
Greensboro, NC 27406
Phone: 336 378-8884
Cell: 562 714-0406
WEB: www combilift com
Email: info@combilift .com
Combilift is a specialist forklift & straddle carrier manufacturer producing a wide range of customized handling solutions, all of which are designed for the safe, space-saving, and very productive handling of long and bulky loads. We work closely with customers to solve their handling requirements.
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
Forklift-International .com
801 Bluff St ., Dubuque, IA 52001 563 557-4496
Email: dmillius@MHWmag com or monty@forklift-int .com
Website: www .forklift-international .com
Forklift-International.com is a buy and sell material handling equipment website which is an association between Motus Online Service Inc. and Material Handling Wholesaler and Material Handling Network magazines. Forklift-International.com connects you to a marketplace network of dealers throughout the World for new, used and rental equipment under one site.
Peter Church
FB Chain Works Road, Letchworth Garden City, United Kingdom SG6 1LP
Phone: 44 (0)1462 670844
Email: sales@fbchain .com
Web Site: leafchain com
Member Affiliations: UKMHA
We are forklift chain geeks, our knowledge hub is full of information to help you get the best out of your leaf chain. We stock the common varieties to the hard to find leaf chains. Our Chain Wear Gauge and the recently launched Fork Wear Gauge are tools every forklift technician should have in their tool box
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
Jim Lippert
The Toughest Carts on the Planet.
Hamilton Caster Carts & Trailers
1637 Dixie Highway
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone: 800 733-7655
Fax: 513 863-5508
Web Site: www HamiltonCaster com & www .CartsandTrailers .com
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA, EASE
Founded in 1907, Hamilton Caster is an industry leader in designing and manufacturing heavy-duty industrial casters, wheels, carts, and trailers. Hamilton specializes in the custom design and manufacturing of large capacity casters ranging from 1,000 lbs. up to 40,000 lbs. and industrial trailers ranging from 2,000 lbs. up to 100,000 lbs.
Jesper Jorgensen
Interthor Inc .
2580 Diehl Rd, Ste E
Aurora, IL 60502
Phone: 888 345-1270
Mobile: 630 995-5804
Email: jj@interthor com
Web Site: www .interthor .com
Member Affiliations: NPES, MHEDA, MHI, IDFA, AAMP
Ergonomic material handling equipment for pallets, skids, drums, reels, rolls, crates and boxes. Pallet Jacks, Skid Lifts, Stackers and Rotators. Specializing in custom and stainless equipment. Best sellers stocked in Chicago. Danish quality since 1940. Home of the Thork Lift.
1500 Enterprise Parkway
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Phone: 330 425-3092
Email: salesoffice-usa@ravas com
Web Site: www .ravas .com
Member Affiliations: MHEDA
RAVAS provides intelligent mobile weighing solutions for forklift and pallet trucks that save time, ensure accuracy, and achieve operational efficiency. Designed for use in logistics, warehousing, re-weighing, and LTL shipping operations, our mobile weighing systems tabulate legal for trade weights, share data wirelessly, and safely move materials in warehouse environments.
Jesper Jorgensen
Interthor Inc .
2580 Diehl Rd, Ste E
Aurora, IL 60502
Phone: 888 345-1270
Mobile: 630 995-5804
Email: jj@interthor com
Web Site: www .interthor .com
Member Affiliations: NPES, MHEDA, MHI, IDFA, AAMP
Ergonomic material handling equipment for pallets, skids, drums, reels, rolls, crates and boxes Pallet Jacks, Skid Lifts, Stackers and Rotators . Specializing in custom and stainless equipment . Best sellers stocked in Chicago Danish quality since 1940 Home of the Thork Lift .
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
Andrea Franz
New Source Forklift Parts, INC
1280 W Lambert Rd, unit C/D
Brea, CA, 92821
Toll Free: 844 244-1144
Cell: 714 749-4022
Website: newsourceforkliftparts com
Email: sales@newsourceforkliftparts .com
We are importer and distributor of good quality forklift parts for over 30 years. We are fast, reliable and competitive. We ship to all USA including Alaska, Hawaii, US Protectorates and APO/FPO. Not a million parts but parts that save millions.
David Swanson
900 Port Centre Parkway
Portsmouth, VA 23704
Toll-Free: 800 909-4937
Cell: 757 817-7335
Fax: 800 909-4938
Email: dswanson@dacsinc com
Web Site: www .dacsinc .com Member
Affiliations: MHI, SDI, MHEDA, RMI, iSIGMA, SM
DACS, Inc. specializes in the manufacture of corrugated steel decking and fire code compliant products for warehouse rack storage: rack deck, Punch Deck®, Punch Deck® Plus, FlueKeeper®, fire barriers and mezzanine deck. DACS offers engineering services and detailed drawings for every application, and accessories for installation of our products.
West Point Rack, Inc
13591 Chandler St
Omaha, NE 68138
Toll Free: 866 245-3630
Fax: 866 245-3631
Email: reva@westpointrack .com
Web Site: www .westpointrack .com
“We don’t just promise, we deliver”- West Point Rack is one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Our customers recognize quality products, dependability of service and competitive pricing. Our Primary Goal is to satisfy our Dealers, earn their Trust, and become their “Vendor of Choice.”
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
EnerSys now has their used batteries on Forklift.
ENERSYS 12-090-13
3,009 USD
24V/540Ah 2018
EnerSys, Pennsylvainia
ENERSYS 12-125-15
4,632 USD
24V/875Ah 2018
EnerSys, Pennsylvainia
DOUGLAS 18-125-11
5,056 USD
36V/625Ah 2021
EnerSys, Pennsylvainia
ENERSYS 18-090-29
7,250 USD
36V/1260Ah 2017
EnerSys, Pennsylvainia
ENERSYS 12-125-13
3,876 USD
24V/750Ah 2019
EnerSys, Pennsylvainia
ENERSYS 12-090-13
3,496 USD
24V/540Ah 2021
EnerSys, Pennsylvainia
Save time and money by searching FORKLIFT...now expanded used battery and chargers for sale.
If you want to add your batteries and chargers on FORKLIFT
Call Monty at 563 588-3855, and let’s get your inventory online!
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
TVH Headquarters
116355 South Lone Elm Rd .
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US Sales@tvh com
Website: www .tvh .com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
TVH Headquarters
116355 South Lone Elm Rd
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US .Sales@tvh .com
Website: www tvh com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
Dyna Rack
425 Sovereign Ct .
St . Louis, MO 63011
Toll-Free: 800 939-3962
Fax: 636 256-8963
Email: junruh@dyna-rack com
Web Site: www dyna-rack com
Member Affiliations: MHIA, MHEDA
Dyna Rack is an experienced manufacturer of portable stack racks and offers standard rack designs as well as customized designs to fit unique applications. Some rack designs not only stack, but nest while not in use. Faster delivery is available on select sizes of the 2000 and 4000 lb. capacity rack designs.
American Industrial Transmission
American Industrial Transmission
Phone: 800 588-7515
Web Site: www .aittransmission .com
AIT has been rebuilding transmissions for over 35 years. Our shop equipment includes a number of machines and their tooling for a variety of processes. Our tools include presses and cleaning tanks.
We realized that we have all of the necessary facilities to produce remanufactured steer axles in-house. The only exception is the chrome plating needed for some cylinders. That is subcontracted locally.
Cores have been purchased and exchanges for popular styles are on the shelf. Our prices are competitive. Our quality is what you expect from American Industrial Transmission.
CharNor Inc.
CharNor Inc .
1711 1st Avenue East
Milan Illinois, 61264
Sales: 800 447-3967
Phone: 309 787-2427
Fax: 309 787-9410
Email: sales@charnor.com
Web Site: www.charnor.com
CharNor steer axles feature 100% core deposit credit assured regardless of condition if we receive a complete like core.
Industries best warranty, 1 yr, unlimited hours.
Tammy Moric
Trelleborg Wheel Systems Americas
107 Audubon Rd #205
Wakefield, MA 01880
WEB: www .trelleborg .com/wheel/us
Email: tammy .moric@trelleborg .com
Tires that keep the material handling industry moving
A global market-leading producer of high-quality industrial tire and wheel solutions for the material handling industry. Trelleborg tires are available in a wide range of forklift tires and wheels, including solid resilient, press-on solid, pneumatic and polyurethane tires.
TVH Headquarters
116355 South Lone Elm Rd .
Olathe, KS 66062
Phone: 913 829-1000
Toll-Free: 800 255-4109
Fax: 913 829-9208
Email: US .Sales@tvh .com
Website: www .tvh .com
TVH is the worldwide leading supplier of quality replacement parts and accessories for all your material handling and industrial equipment needs. Our commitment to service, knowledge and product availability has made TVH the One-Stop-Shop for our customers and their industrial parts requirements. With our 15 distribution centers across the Americas, we are able to reach 92% of the industrial equipment population in 1 day ground service with over 46 million parts.
Richard Rich
H&K Equipment Inc
4200 Casteel Drive
Coraopolis, PA 15108
Phone: 412 490-5311
Fax: 412 494-0975
Cell: 412 779-3056
Member Affiliations: ARA (American Rental Association) BBB (Better Business Bureau)
Our equipment dealerships provide internal combustion lift trucks to 120,000 Lb capacity and electric powered lift trucks and coil tractors to 80,000 Lbs. H&K also specializes in rail car mover equipment, container handling equipment, coil handling tractors, trailer yard spotters and industrial floor maintenance equipment. We now manufacture both Autolift and Elwell Parker lift trucks and we have a separate division for overhead cranes and manufacture new and rebuild used industrial magnets for the steel & scrap metals industry. For more information about H&K Equipment and our family of companies, please visit www.hkequipment.com
Jim Lippert
The Toughest Carts on the Planet.
Hamilton Caster Carts & Trailers
1637 Dixie Highway
Hamilton, OH 45011
Phone: 800 733-7655
Fax: 513 863-5508
Web Site: www HamiltonCaster com & www .CartsandTrailers .com
Member Affiliations: MHI, MHEDA, EASE
Founded in 1907, Hamilton Caster is an industry leader in designing and manufacturing heavy-duty industrial casters, wheels, carts, and trailers. Hamilton specializes in the custom design and manufacturing of large capacity casters ranging from 1,000 lbs. up to 40,000 lbs. and industrial trailers ranging from 2,000 lbs. up to 100,000 lbs.
CharNor Inc
1711 1st Avenue East Milan Illinois, 61264
Sales: 800 447-3967
Phone: 309 787-2427
Fax: 309 787-9410
Email: sales@charnor.com
Web Site: www.charnor.com
All CharNor transmissions are manufactured to proven, defined processes All CharNor transmissions are thoroughly tested in a live run simulation Industries best warranty, I year unlimited hours.
Jesper Jorgensen
Interthor Inc .
2580 Diehl Rd, Ste E Aurora, IL 60502
Phone: 888 345-1270
Mobile: 630 995-5804
Email: jj@interthor com
Web Site: www .interthor .com
Member Affiliations: NPES, MHEDA, MHI, IDFA, AAMP
Ergonomic material handling equipment for pallets, skids, drums, reels, rolls, crates and boxes. Pallet Jacks, Skid Lifts, Stackers and Rotators. Specializing in custom and stainless equipment. Best sellers stocked in Chicago. Danish quality since 1940. Home of the Thork Lift.
Material Handling Wholesaler will publish the directory with names of material handling contacts with pictures, phone numbers and descriptions of how they can help Wholesaler’s 18,590 readers.
Fax or mail the form below and don’t get left out in our Black Book of Industry Names — published in Wholesaler’s February 2024 issue — deadline Tuesday, December 26, 2023
Text Block Ads: 1–3 Blocks $55 each; 4–8 Blocks $50 each; 9+ Blocks $45 each
Non-agreement text block ads: 1–3 Blocks $75 each; 4–8 Blocks $70 each; 9+ Blocks $65 each
❑ Aerial Lifts / Scissor Lift
❑ Alternators
❑ Attachments
❑ Auction Companies
❑ Automated Guides Vehicles
❑ Batteries / Chargers
❑ Battery Chargers - New / Used
❑ Battery Regeneration
❑ Brushes – Sweeper / Scrubber
❑ Carts
❑ Casters
❑ Container Handlers
❑ Conveyors
❑ Computers Hardware
❑ Core Buyers – Engines
❑ Core Buyers
❑ Cylinder Heads
❑ Dock Equipment
❑ Emission Analyzers
❑ Engines – New
❑ Engines – Parts
❑ Engines – Rebuilt
❑ Engines – Remanufactured
❑ Exhaust Analyzers
❑ Fabricators
❑ Financial Services
❑ Forklift – Accessories
❑ Forklift – Dealers
❑ Forklift – Jacks
❑ Forklift – Manufacturers
❑ Forklift – Rough Terrain
❑ Forklift – Training
❑ Forklift – New
❑ Forklift Wholesale
❑ Forks
❑ Forks – Telescopic
❑ Import / Export
❑ Industrial Wheels
❑ Insurance
❑ Inventory Control
❑ Lift Tables
❑ Lift Truck - Accessories
❑ Liquidations
❑ Lockers
❑ Mezzanines
❑ Motors – Parts
❑ Motors – Speed Control
❑ Pallet Racks-New
❑ Pallet Truck – Parts
❑ Pallet Truck – Scales
❑ Pallet Trucks – Used
❑ Parts – New
❑ Parts – Reconditioned
❑ Personnel Carriers
❑ Promotional Items
❑ Propane Distributors
❑ Propane – Repair Kits
❑ Pumps
❑ Rack Decking – Custom
❑ Rack Decking – New
❑ Racks – Used
❑ Rental – Attachments
❑ Rental – Equipment
❑ Repair Service
❑ Safety Equipment
❑ Scales – Forklift
❑ Scrubber Brushes
❑ Scrubber / Sweepers Equipment
❑ Scrubber / Sweeper – Parts
❑ Seats
❑ Shelving
❑ Software
❑ Steer Axles
❑ Steer Gears
❑ Storage Stack Racks
❑ Tires
❑ Tow Tractors
❑ Trailers
❑ Trade Association
❑ Transmissions – New
❑ Transmissions – Parts
❑ Transmissions – Used
❑ Transportation/Hauling
❑ Warehouse Scales
❑ Wire Partitions & Cages
❑ Wire Rack Decking
Contact Name: Company Name: Company Address: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Fax: Cell: Website: Email:
Member Affiliations: 50 Word Description of your Company:
Mail Form to: Material Handling Wholesaler P.O. Box 725 | Dubuque, IA 52004-0725 or Email: dmillius@MHWmag.com
Still the one for advertising RESULTS! by Tuesday, December 26, 2023