Landscape Architecture Portfolio_Hsuan-Fen(Mia) Hsu

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Hsu /
P O O R T F O L I Hsuan-Fen

Resume / Hsuan-Fen(Mia) Hsu

(437) 533-6813

/ University of Toronto (Sep 2020 - present)

Master of Landscape Architecture

Specialization: Environmental Health

/ Fu Jen Catholic University (FJCU), Taipei (Sep 2015 – Jun 2019)

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Education Skills

/ Language

Mandarin (Native)

English (Advanced)

/ Profession

Microsoft Word. Excel, Powerpoint

Adobe Suite: Photoshop, illustrator, indesign, Premier, After Effect








ArcGIS / Model Making

3D Print Modeling

Laser Cut Modeling

Hand Modeling

Honors & Awards

Certification of LEED Green Associate in 2022

Certification of class C skill category of Gardening Landscape in 2017 (Taiwan)


/ Taiwan Leisure Agriculture Association, Taipei

(Aug 2019 – Aug 2020)

Research Assistant

• Conducted research on agricultural therapy and formulated a training program for the Occupational Competency Standard

• Researched related literature on agricultural therapy and developed training program content

/ Shan Tong Zi Construction Consulting Company, Taipei

(Feb 2019 – Aug 2019)

Landscape Design Intern

• Collaborated with the team on several projects, including site analysis, landscape planning and design, and the production of reports and presentations

• Independently proposed and designed a corner improvement plan for the campus space, which involved analysis, diagrams, design, modeling, and renderings

/ Earthasia Design Group (EADG), Shanghai (Jul 2018 – Aug 2018)

Intern, Public Space and Residential Landscaping Department

• Worked with the team on various projects, including analysis and diagrams, landscape planning and design, and modeling

• Assisted in rendering design plans, sections, elevations, and perspectives, as well as drawing detail designs and cost estimates for construction

Volunteer & Leadership

Graduation Exhibition, Fu Jen Catholic University

(Sep 2018 – May 2019)

Deputy Convener

• Assisted in organizing a week of the exhibition by organizing meetings and coordinating inter-team cooperation

• Hold the departmental graduation ceremony.


/ Culture

Revealing the Lost Creek

The Vanishing Sunrise

/ Urban Landscape Design

Have Fun

/ Landscape Planning & Design

Landscape of Power

The Healthy City

The Heart of Zhudong

/ Ecology

Wildlifes Live Matters

/ Public Art Installation

Memories Album

/ Others

Construction Drawings

Parametric Design Practice



Revealing the Lost Creek

The black creek has changed several times in history. The historic pattern of the river is much more meandering than the present one. These changes are all caused by urbanization, and accumulated influence by historical development and surrounding environment. Therefore, the project aims to bring back the historic river through bringing back the flow of people instead of the flow of water. The channelized black creek functions as a flood mitigation. However, in the past, the river was curved and flowed randomly. Therefore, we want to let people know how free the historic river was.

As the existing flooding risk and programing, there are three zones on our site: recreation, restoration, relaxation. People can experience three different atmospheres and activities in these zones. Moreover, during flooding period, unique scenarios can be seen in these zones and provide the habitats for wildlifes.

Collaborator: Yu(Sophie) Yan

Location: Symthe Park, Toronto

Professors: Alissa North

Project Annual / Level: 2022, MLA

Comprehensive Studio Design

Design Strategy

Flooding Condition


The Vanishing Sunrise

“One of the most powerful symbols for the life force is the Sun”(Canadian Heritage Information Network, 2003). Some mysterious topography or devices found to be used for observing the sun in some ancient indigenous sites . Some spiritual leaders have special knowledge of Sun and other celestial bodies. These indigenous astronomers used this knowledge for observational topography or devices to observe sunrise which can be used as a solar calendar to determine when to plant and harvest and gather for ceremonies. However, due to the density of buildings in the urban environment. People rarely have the opportunity to see sunrise and realize how important a role it had in terms of time marker in the past.

Therefore, we want to use topography to point out the direction of sunrise on the summer solstice, spring and fall Equinoxes and winter solstices to evoke discussions about the vanishing sunrise and create a new sun calendar in U of T west campus.

Collaborator: Siyun Xue

Location: UofT West Campus, Toronto

Professors: Liat Margolis, Terence Radford, Elise Shelley

Project Annual / Level: 2021, MLA

Studio Design

“One of the most powerful symbols for the life force is the Sun.”
-Canadian Heritage Information Network, 2003

Sun Movement

We calculated the orbit of the sun on West campus by using longitude and latitude and got the angle of sunrise at the equinoxes and solstices. However, due to the sunrise is blocked by buildings, we intended to commemorate the vanishing sunrise by highlighting the direction of the sunrise on these three special dates.

Design Development

Bring the Sunrise back to West Campus
The Angle of Surise Position Block Segmentation Block Segmentation with Circulation Topography Change
Calculation of Sun Movement

Site Plan

Based on the previous strategy, we placed these fragments into the site and changed the topography to fit with the existing building entrances and topography. The height of each fragment decreases gradually from north to south, due to the sun's southward movement route. Each of them is lower than the northern ones for preventing the shadow blocked into the channels.

Conditions Shadow Condition without Buildings Shadow Condition with Buildings
Summer Solstice Spring & Autumn Space


Have Fun

Rees Park is located on Toronto's waterfront. There are many parks built along the waterfront, but most of them do not offer many activities that can be done in the parks. These parks are usually only used for static activities. The area is also filled with traffic noise from the Gardiner Express on the north side and Queen Quay on the south side. Thus, this project seeks to provide more activities for people at the waterfront and transform this place from a noisy environment to a place where people can play freely.

Recently, the trend of skateboarding, parkour and some other urban sports have been growing and becoming popular among young people. While some sports may seem dangerous, they are beneficial for people's physical and mental health. However, most public spaces are not very welcoming to skateboarders and parkourists. For this reason, the project aims to offer a space for urban sports users. In addition to providing a venue for these urban sports, this project also provides viewing opportunities for the public to learn more about these sports. In addition, it also provides space for recreational activities.

The goal of the project is to let everyone can find their own space to have fun in Rees Park.

Location: Rees Park, Toronto

Professors: Robert Wright, Liz Wreford

Project Annual / Level: 2022, MLA

Optional Studio Design

Skate Elements Playground Elements Activities & Supporting Service
Program Strategy Site Positioning
Site Plan
Skate Park
Section A
Southwest Entrance Southeast Entrance


Landscape of Power

The thesis topic is exploring landscape and its role as an expression of power. Historically in Taiwan, monuments and architecture are used to express political authority. The western core district of Taipei has been a central location for the national government and its symbols since the founding of Taiwan. The buildings in this district are government-led and controlled. Over time, outdoor space has gradually transitioned to more public use for residents’ daily activities, demonstrations, and protests, reflecting the more democratic voice of the people. This project aims to further establish this democratic relationship through landscape by connecting the past and the present, creating spaces for true public use, and encouraging a new relationship between the government and the people.

Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Advisor: Elise Shelley, Ted Kesik

Project Annual / Level: 2023, MLA

Graduate Graduation Thesis Project

Image Source:


There are bronze statues of Chiang Kai-shek all over Taiwan. However, many bronze statues have been removed over time with development and urban construction. The authoritative imagery represented by these bronze statues has quietly disappeared, demonstrating Taiwan's gradual transformation from an authoritarian to a democratic society. Does the removal of the statues represent a step forward in Taiwan's democratic society? Or is it an erasure of historical memory? How can landscape participate in this issue?

1947 1949 A series of land reform policies will help improve the state of the agricultural economy. 1953 1967

road in front of the building is heavily guarded, and motorcycles and bicycles are not allowed to pass. The restricted area in front

Colonial Period 1949-1987 Mar�al Law Period

1895-1945 Taiwan was colonized by Japan during this period. The site was used as military space.

A�er Japan's defeat in World War II, the Na�onal Government of the Republic of China took over Taiwan by order of the United Na�ons Supreme Commander.




Wild Lily Protest This is the first student Demonstra�on, proposed reform of the poli�cal governing system and revised laws. This event had a big impact and qualita�ve change on the democra�c poli�cs of Taiwan.

2000 The Democra�c

Progressive Party became the ruling party. It’s the first transi�on of power in Taiwan.

The Kuomintang won the presiden�al elec�on and became

renamed again.

Used as a military space
Used as a military headquarter Was
Agriculture Land Commentra�ve space provides publics worship and remembrance. CKSMH was renamed. CKSMH was
as a
plan was stopped, and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall was built.
1950-1970 Chiang Kai-shek implemented a series of economic construc�on plans, landform policies, and educa�on systems, promo�ng the social development of Taiwan.
the ruling party. CKSMH was pushed for transi�onal jus�ce. 2008 The Democra�c Progressive Party won the presiden�al elec�on and became the ruling party. In order to erase the symbols of the Qing Dynasty's rule over Taiwan, during Japan colonial period, it rebuilt its own poli�cal space, centered on the Japanese Governor's Mansion, surrounded by layers of government agencies and bureaucra�c dormitories. Qing Dynasty The
1975 Chiang Kai-shek passed away. 1980 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall completed. of the Pedestrial Palace is a showcase for the power of the rulers at that �me.
1991 The government repealed the mar�al law and reformed the government system in response to the demands. 1948 A�er the restora�on of the President's Office, it was used as the exhibi�on venue for the first Taiwan Provincial Exposi�on to publicize the development of Taiwan's industries. In the early 1980s, the Republic of China was expelled from the United Na�ons, and its allies severed diploma�c rela�ons. A new genera�on began to challenge authority. Bo'ai Special Administra�ve Region, the main stage to showcase the country's pres�ge, has become an important symbol of the first breakthrough for those challenging athority. 1996 The "Space Libera�on" began to be promoted. The control of restricted areas was relaxed, and motorcycles and bicycles were no longer prohibited. Various rallies and protests were finally successfully held here. 1945 1970 1975 1980 1990 1991 2000 2008 2016 1895 1914 1949
Historical Development of the Site

Existing Condition Analysis

The existing landscape design of the site was primarily focused on strengthening authoritarian power of the buildings, including circulation, tree planting method, etc., without considering the surrounding urban context and user needs. In Taiwan's hot and rainy climate, shade is essential for people's activities. The site's political significance and proximity to the capital's transportation hub make it not only a local neighborhood space but also a site used by citizens, leading to occasional protests and huge events.

Daily Activities

Daily Activities Huge Events/ Ceremony Protest/ Demonstration Government-led Activities
Commercial Use Residential Use School Use Hospital Use Transit Use Other Use Green Space Government Use Subway Station
& Demonstration Events & Ceremony

Design Strategy

Removing Symbols of Authoritarian Power:

This includes removing some non-functional structures and elements that symbolize authority and reducing the prominence of authoritative buildings.

Breaking the Symmetrical Layout and the Dominance of Buildings: Create a new landscape identity for the site:

The symmetrical layout of the space will be broken up by demolishing walls in an asymmetric approach to create a more cohesive space. The central axis will be shifted towards a more inclusive public realm facing all directions with more entrances and exits, and it will become a green urban corridor connecting the city.

Rather than being dominated by buildings, the site will be transformed with a new groundscape that welcomes people and provides space for public uses. By prioritizing the needs and desires of the people, it will become a public realm for the public instead of the government.

Proposed Condition

The public promenade spaces of the Presidential Office and the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall will be integrated and connected through a cohesive paving design, with multiple entrance based on the surrounding urban context, and different circulations on the ground and elevated levels to create diverse connections and relationships with the buildings. The use of terrain elevation, pavilion roofs, and ground plane shifts will reduce the sense of building height oppression while providing new dominant landscape features. Some existing vegetations will be preserved, like cherry blossom, and native species will be introduced to increase biodiversity. Diverse planting methods will provide varied activity spaces.

Considering the needs of different user groups, daily and large-scale event spaces, diversified, scalable, and flexible usage spaces are provided to encourage spontaneous activities by the people. Additionally, certain areas are designated for community engagement and participation, providing a more diverse range of spaces to promote community involvement.

Non-pro t Organization O ce Community Center Exhibition Hall
Daily Activities Protest & Demonstration
Daily Activities Non-profit Organization Huge Events/ Ceremony Protest/ Demonstration Government-led Activities Commercial Use Residential Use School Use Hospital Use Transit Use Other Use Green Space Government Use Subway Station
Events & Ceremony
0 30 60 90m Site Plan
Central Axis Driveways & Formal Tree Planting
Public Zone & Remove Central Axiality Symmetrical and Inefficient Parking Lot Increase Shades and Biodiversity Exisiting Section Proposed Section
Exhibition Hall Exhibition Hall Community Center Commercial Use & Non-pro t Organization O ce Café & Stores
Authority Figure Dominates Site Remove Statue & Introduce New Programs Open the Walls &
the Roof Structure
Remove Walls & Connect Streets
the Site Create Greater
Separates Site and Community
Evergreen Emphasize Authority and
Wall-like Evergreen
Section Proposed Section
for Shades
Access through
raphy & Ramps Walls
Block Access Disintegrate the
& Increase Biodiversity Exisiting
Create Landscape Gateway Imposing Architectual Gateway Exisiting Section Proposed Section
Commercial Use & Non-pro t Organization O ce Community Center Exhibition Hall Exhibition Hall Shadeless Boulevard Increases Authoritative Imagery Use Topography and Ground Plane Shifts to Create Connections Increase Shades for More Programs Enhance Biodiversity Wall-like Evergreen Emphasize Authority and Block Access
National Day Ceremony in front of Presidential Palace Huge Event in CKSMHP Daily Activities in front of Presidential Palace Daily Activities in CKSMHP


The Healthy City

Since 2019 pandemic has struck our lives and changed our living styles. An increasing number of research indicates that people who live with pre-existing chronic disease will tend to have severe illness and mortality to Covid. We are obviously not prepared to face this sudden epidemic, and many people even lost their lives as a result. So, what and how can we prepare to confront the next health crisis?

Most chronic disease are related to two main reasons: exercise and healthy food access. Among those influential factors, food security is one of the major concerns in the Toronto region. And due to the effect of the pandemic, food access became a more serious situation for neighborhoods that were already having difficulty accessing food. According to news, Toronto is also facing issues for healthy food distribution. For example, neighborhoods in Scarborough are having limited access to food.

Collaborator: Kuan-Yi Chiang, Yiying Wu

Location: Scarborough, Toronto

Professors: Megan Esopenko, Fadi Masoud, Rob Wright

Project Annual / Level: 2021, MLA

Integrated Urbanism Studio Design

Focus Issue

By examining overlaps between "Chronic disease condition" and "food vulnerable neighborhood", we determine which neighborhood in Toronto needs improvement the most. Henceforth, Scarborough East, which has existing challenges in food access and health concerns, is the selected design action zone for the health city.

In comparison to the average health problem with the city of Toronto, each of the disease rates is higher than the city's average rates. Based on the research, two major diseases on site are diabetes and high blood pressure. Both of the diseases imply insufficient access to healthy food and exercises.

Site Inventory & Analysis

Go train Subway (above ground) Subway (under ground) Abandoned railway LRT Bus routes Subway station (Kennedy Station, Warden Station) N Supermarket Fast food N Parking lots N Public Transportation System Impermeable Surface Food Acess Park (including riverine) Types of Green Space Green of Community Service School Green Space of Hydroline Playground Sportfield Cemetery N Green Space Types 5 min Walking Distance from Green Space Lack of 5 min Walking Distance from Green Space Activities Field 5 min Walking Distance from Activities Field Lack of 5 min Walking Distance from Activities Field

Phase I \ Green Space System

Phase II \ Community Use

Phase III \ Food Production

Proposed Condition of DAZ

The Scarborough health city is dedicated to prompt a healthy living style through increasing pedestrian safe environments and this encourages walking and cycling on daily movement. The network of the LRT stations, Kennedy station, and Warden Station creates an active and mobile mixed use district with three main themes. The three main themes along the road are the Food carnival district, food production zone, and urban agriculture trail.

Detail Design \ Food Production

Detail Design \ Urban Argiculture

Designed by Kaun-Yi Chiang Designed by Yiting Wu

Detail Design \ Food Carnival

The Scarborough health city is dedicated to prompt a healthy living style through increasing pedestrian safe environments and this encourages walking and cycling on daily movement. The three main themes along Warden Avenue are the Food carnival district, food production zone, and urban agriculture trail.

Day-time of Outdoor Farmer Market
Night-time of Outdoor Farmer Market & Movie Theater


The Heart of Zhudong

The Zhongxing River, originally named the ‘Laundry Space’, in the heart of Zhudong runs through a prosperous area of the town from south to north. This drives the development of surrounding towns and carries the pulse of Zhudong’s history and culture. With the acceleration of the urbanisation process, the lifestyle of local people has changed. The life of the old town, which was naturally comfortable, has ceased to exist. Instead, the existing conditions of reinforced concrete, lack of historical context and backward infrastructure are have developed. The problem of the river is also growing and residents of Zhudong are increasingly forgetting its existence. The unique characteristics of the town are no longer there.

To counter this, we conducted a comprehensive review and repair of the waterfront and surrounding space by the Zhongxing River. We want to maintain the waterfront environment, connect resources in the area and make walking system and sightseeing route for Zhudong. The intention is to provide a complete leisure network by recreating the ‘laundry space’ and waterfront, forming a new version of the old living style in Zhudong.

Collaborator: Xin-ruo Zheng

Location: Zhudong, Taiwan

Supervisor: Xiu-juan Wang

Project Annual / Level: 2019, BLA

Undergraduate Graduation Design

Today's Challenges in Zhudong

Due to the expansion of the city and development of technology, the problems of the watercourse as the mother river of Zhudong increased. The existing historical culture of Zhudong began to decline as the waterfront space was occupied and the river was polluted. In addition, Hakka culture along the river gradually faded away. The river was gradually forgotten by people and the connection between human activities and water environment ended.

Site Analysis

Integrated Analysis Laundry Pit Location Open Space Sewer System
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 4 2 3 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 5
Riverbank Status

Problems and Strategies

Through the re-integration of past industrial developments and local cultural landmarks, it will be transformed into a leisure and recreation development in an innovative way and restore the memory of Hakka culture.

Recreational traffic base
Water education space
The heart of ZhudongComposite shared community space Neighborhood leisure space
Hakka Historical Memory Restore Ecology Visual Openness
Diversity Green Space Complete Pedestrian and Vehicle Use
Humanities Ecology
Drainage & Water Retention Plan Two-way Road One-way Road Pavement change Parking Space Adjustment Traffic Adjustment Urban Planning Division Change Substantive Plans Cultural Revival Historical Texture Transformation Historical Building Texture Local market Hakka cuisine Child care institution Community clinic Public facility Arts center Old institution Service corridor Green connecting corridor Functional Distribution
Design Progress A C B 1 2 2 4 3 5 6 71 8 12 11 10 14


Leisure pavilion Hakka Community Garden Planting experience area

Waterfront platform Hakka Waterfront Restaurant Viewing platform

Leisure grass step Lawn Washing space

Pedestrian bridge Catholic church Children's play area

Fountain Square Catholic Church Lawn Square Old Bridge Pier Landscape Cafe

Outdoor dining area Youth Creative Workshop Grass slope

Service channel Healing garden Recreational trail

D 9 13 16 17 18 19 15 20 21 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 15 17 18 19 20 21
N Site Plan

The original Hakka Opera Park was reorganised and the road between the central market and waterfront was adjusted to allow only pedestrians to pass. The distance from the waterfront was also brought closer. Adjusting the slope of the grass slope made it slowly descend, creating numerous spaces for rest.

Pedestrianising the road between the central market and waterfront reduces the distance from the waterfront. The facade of the reconstructed community public space is refurbished and provides a variety of convenient services.

ecological slope waterfront platform riverbank 20m 8m 10m 2-year flood level 10-year flood level 25-year flood level leisure grass step fountain square 32m 28m
river Leisure pavilion square slope leisure area 6m 10m 30m sidewalk ecological slope riverside trail slope 2m 10m 7m 3m 2-year flood level 10-year flood level 25-year flood level

River space originally occupied by houses will be restored to improve the openness of the waterfront. From the waterfront, you can see Zhudong Catholic Church again. After the dismantling houses to the south of the Church, it was converted into a youth creative workshop to attract young people an promote the development of Zhudong and its industry and economy.

Change the original car park to a leisure park and set up a wooden platform on the pavement as a visual guide to walk down the water bank. Retain and the original laundry-pit space and direct some water into an area where children play.

sidewalk ecological slope 3m 10m river laundry space & children's play ecological slope 10m 15m 10m 2-year flood level 10-year flood level 25-year flood level Section D street corner lane 12m 12m river 6m sidewalk lane ecological slope sun lawn 2m 10m 50m 2-year flood level 10-year flood level 25-year flood level Catholic activity lawn 30m Section C
Waterfront Platform Central Activies Square Laundry Space & Children's Play Youth Creativity Workshop Model Making


Wildlifes Live Matters

Riverdale Park is divided into two pieces by the DVP(Don Valley Parkway), Bayview Avenue, and railway. These traffic infrastructures completely divide the natural area and ravine. And, wildlife usually lives on both sides of rivers and move along rivers. Traffic infrastructures block wildlife migration and movement routes, causing roadkill, especially in highways and express that are much wider than roads and faster speed for driving.

The roadkill affects not only the life of wildlife but also the safety of drivers. A statistics report presented that there are 10% of vehicle accidents happened due to wildlife crossing, and 14 thousand wildlife collisions happened each year in Ontario. As a result, the project aims to reduce roadkill around Riverdale park and to ensure the safety of drivers.

Location: Riverdale Park, Toronto

Professors: Peter North, Behnaz Assadi, Elnaz Sanati

Project Annual / Level: 2020, MLA

Studio Design

High Frequency of Roadkill Wildlife Flow in Site Site Issue

Flow of Wildlifes Flow of Water Flow of Humans

The river channel will be directed into the west site, which traces the historical route to provide various types of environment and as a corridor for wildlife. With the meandering river channel, the flooding plain will decrease and lead less damage.

To consider for different users, complete circulation system provides opportunities for various human flow, connecting both sides of Riverdale park and neighborhood.

There are four typical types of wildlife corridors, respectively are upland culvert, overpass, viaduct, and riparian culvert. These corridors are distributed at different location based on the existing environment and limitation, building a complete wildlife crossing network base on existing conditions.

Types of Wildlife Corridor

Overpass Riparian Culvert Viaduct Upland Culvert Humans' View on Overpass Wildlife Corridor Coyote's View on Overpass Wildlife Corridor
Humans' View from Outlook around Viaduct Great Blue Heron View around Viaduct


Very few tourists come to the quiet little village of Linjiao and the younger generation is seriously diminished. In the process of visiting the village, we found that the ageing rate greatly exceeded our expectations. Once a village lacks a young population, it will lose a certain vitality. During our visit, however, we found that there were many beautiful secrets there. The village leader sang a song and the lyrics talked of ten attractive spots and stories, which brought a lot of emotion. More people need to experience the beauty of the village. The scenery here can become a memory that makes the elders proud and the village can regain its vitality and continue to develop a charming culture.

Collaborator: Xin-ruo Zheng

Location: Lingjiao, Taiwan

Supervisor: Qi-ting Lou

Project Annual / Level: 2017, BLA

Design Competition Work

Memories Album Construction Work
" A song / Ten pictures / Ten stories / A memory "


With continuously ageing society, more elderly people living alone has become a social problem that cannot be ignored. We plan to create a novel art installation with tradition relating to a lonely old man who cares for Lingjiao, to make the elderly feel warm and arouse the nostalgia of young people at the same time.

Through ten different photo frames, with the well-known songs of Lingjiao, ten different expressions of ten memories are presented in the frames.

From above, the ten sets of photo frames are arranged in Chinese characters, which means missing and each photo frame is the memory of old people. This evokes the old man's thoughts on the glory period of ancient Linjiao, but also evokes homesickness in the younger generation who inherit their love for Linjiao.

Section 思
[ Coal Mine ] [ Smiling Platform ] [ Ancient Clock ] [ Waterfall ] [ Village ] [ Brilliant Lily ] [ Herb Dyeing ] [ Foreign Building ] [ Sky Lantern ] [ Railway ] [ Message Board ] Predicted Action


Construction Drawings

Collaborator: Yue Wang

Professors: Pete North

Project Annual / Level: 2022, MLA Site Technology

The exercise is to explore complex landform in a precise grading design with clear design documentation. Our grading design topic is 'cloud'. The concept will be presented in the meandering path, platforms, benches, and the paving patterns. The sets of construction drawing are the design documentation of the grading design.

Legend: Project Name: Cloud Design By: Yue Wang Hsuan-Fen(Mia) Hsu Drawing Name: Grading Plan Drawing Sheet: L02 Revision Date Description 3 2 1 2022/11/16 2022/11/23 2022/11/18 4 2022/11/30 100% Details 50% Details Final Revision Preliminary Design Existing Tree CB Catch Basin TD Trench Drainage TW Top of Wall BW Bottom of Wall TR Top of Railing BR Bottom of Railing TS Top of Seating BS Bottom of Seating CB CB TD TD TD TD TD 2% 6.7% 6.7% 5% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 5% 6.7% 2% 2% 2% 5% 72.25 72.50 5 7 2 7 73.00 73.25 73.50 73.75 74.00 74.25 74.50 5 7 4 7 75.00 75.25 75.50 75.75 76.00 76.25 72.1 76.46 TR 77.27 BR 76.37 75.75 75.75 75.15 74.91 74.46 74.46 74.3 74.1 73.65 73.65 73.4 73.15 72.7 72.7 72.25 TS 72.57 BS 72.12 TS 72.67 BS 72.22 TS 72.64 BS 72.19 TS 72.57 BS 72.12 TS 73.70 BS 73.25 TW 73.75 BW 73.25 TR 74.15 BR 73.25 TS 73.82 BS 73.37 TS 74.70 BS 74.25 TW 76.70 BW 74.60 TW 74.25 BW 73.75 TW 74.00 BW 73.50 TS 74.57 BS 74.12 TW 75.75 BW 73.75 TR 74.65 BR 73.75 TW 75.00 BW 74.50 TS 73.48 BS 75.03 TW 75.53 BW 75.03 TR 75.93 BR 75.03 TS 73.60 BS 75.15 TW 76.25 BW 75.15 TW 76.00 BW 75.50 TW 76.25 BW 75.75 TW 76.75 BW 76.25 TS 76.80 BS 76.35 TS 76.88 BS 76.43 TR 73.12 BR 72.22 TR 73.12 BR 72.22 TR 74.27 BR 73.37 TR 75.15 BR 74.25 TR 76.05 BR 75.15 TR 77.36 BR 76.46 40 60 1100 250 50 100 400 CORE DRILLED POST HOLE COVER ROSETTE Ø40MM STEEL POST Ø40MM STEEL RAILING PLANTING SOIL 100MM CONCRETE SLAB 50MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL 300 25 200 70 150 450 246 1% 450 450 200 PLANTING SOIL CONCRETE BENCH WITH REINFORCED BARS CONCRETE FOUNDATION 25MM LED LIGHTING DRAINAGE CHANNEL EPOXY CONCRETE BED CONCRETE UNIT PAVER SEE SPECS 70MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL Note: Harris, Charles, and Nicholas Dines. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. Washington, DC: McGraw Hill Professional, 1997. Zimmermann, Astrid. Constructing Landscape : Materials, Techniques, Structural Components. 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2011. Legend: L05 GUARD RAIL 01 L05 CONCRETE BENCH 02 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20 40 60 1100 250 50 100 400 CORE DRILLED POST HOLE COVER ROSETTE Ø40MM STEEL POST Ø40MM STEEL RAILING PLANTING SOIL 100MM CONCRETE SLAB 50MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL 300 5 25 200 70 150 450 246 1% 450 450 200 PLANTING SOIL CONCRETE BENCH WITH REINFORCED BARS CONCRETE FOUNDATION 25MM LED LIGHTING DRAINAGE CHANNEL EPOXY CONCRETE BED CONCRETE UNIT PAVER SEE SPECS 70MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL Note: Harris, Charles, and Nicholas Dines. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. Washington, DC: McGraw Hill Professional, 1997. Zimmermann, Astrid. Constructing Landscape : Materials, Techniques, Structural Components. 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2011. Legend: L05 GUARD RAIL 01 L05 CONCRETE BENCH 02 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20 40 60 1100 250 50 100 400 CORE DRILLED COVER Ø40MM Ø40MM PLANTING 100MM CONCRETE SLAB 50MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL 250 650 250 200 100 50 150 1300 300 50 450 1550 450 400MM GRANULAR 100MM WEEP CONCRETE WITH CIP SUBGARDE 25MM 1% L05 GUARD RAIL 01 L05 CONCRETE WALL AND BENCH 03 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20 L05 L05

Yue Wang Hsuan-Fen(Mia) Hsu

DRILLED POST HOLE ROSETTE STEEL POST STEEL RAILING PLANTING SOIL 300 5 25 200 70 150 450 246 1% 450 450 200 PLANTING SOIL CONCRETE BENCH WITH REINFORCED BARS CONCRETE FOUNDATION 25MM LED LIGHTING DRAINAGE CHANNEL EPOXY CONCRETE BED CONCRETE UNIT PAVER SEE SPECS 70MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL 400MM PLANTING SOIL GRANULAR 100MM UNDERDRAIN PIPE WEEP HOLE 50MM DIA. PIPING CONCRETE FOOTING WITH REINFORCED BARS CONCRETE WALL AND BENCH SUBGARDE SOIL 25MM LED LIGHTING 100 50 150 1150 300 950 250 75 50 450 1550 12 400MM PLANTING SOIL GRANULAR 100MM UNDERDRAIN PIPE WEEP HOLE 50MM DIA. PIPING CONCRETE FOOTING WITH REINFORCED BARS CIP CONCRETE WALL SUBGARDE SOIL MOUNTED INTO THE WALL Ø40MM STEEL HAND RAIL 40 Note: Harris, Charles, and Nicholas Dines. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. Washington, DC: McGraw Hill Professional, 1997. Zimmermann, Astrid. Constructing Landscape : Materials, Techniques, Structural Components. 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2011. Legend: Project Name: Cloud Design By: Yue Wang Hsuan-Fen(Mia) Hsu Drawing Name: Details Drawing Sheet: L05 Revision Date Description 3 2 1 2022/11/16 2022/11/23 2022/11/18 4 2022/11/30 100% Details 50% Details Final Revision Preliminary Design L05 CONCRETE BENCH 02 L05 CONCRETE WALL WITH HANDRAIL 04 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20 Legend: Project Name: Cloud Design By:
Drawing Name: Dimensioned and Annotated Layout Plan Drawing Sheet: L01 Revision Date Description 3 2 1 2022/11/16 2022/11/23 2022/11/18 4 2022/11/30 100% Details 50% Details Final Revision Preliminary Design Existing Tree Proposal Tree/ Shrubs L04 L05 L04 L04 3 L04 4 L04 L04 5 L05 7 L05 L04 5 L05 L05 L05 1 L05 L05 10 2% 6.7% 6.7% 5% 2% 5% 5% 2% 2% 5% 6.7% 2% 2% 2% 5% 72.10 76.46 76.37 75.75 75.15 74.91 74.46 74.30 74.10 73.65 73.40 73.15 72.70 72.25 1500 5316 6739 18277 2086 1500 1854 1556 1550 1937 1500 5764 3181 17082 KEY QTY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HEIGHT BLOOM Shrub CF Perennial 2 Cornus florida Flowering dogwood 7-8m SIZE SPACING 3-5 50mm 1.5m AG 8 Amelanchier x grandiflora Apple serviceberry 5-6m 3-5 45mm 3m SPREAD 6-7m 4-5m SP Solidago ptarmicoides Upland White Aster 25-40cm 6-9 1g 30cm AM Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly-everlasting 60-80cm 6-10 1g 30cm 20-30cm 30-60cm LC Liatris cylindracea Ontario Blazing Star 20-25cm 7-9 PL32 15cm EP Echinacea purpurea Purple coneflower 90-120cm 7-9 PL50 30cm 15-30cm 50-60cm RH Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan 60-70cm 6-9 PL50 30cm 40-60cm AS Asclepias syriaca Common Milkweed 20-25cm 7-9 PL32 15cm PD Penstemon digitalis Beardtongue 50-60cm 4-6 PL32 30cm 15-30cm 45-60cm BLOOM COLOR White White White White Purple Purple Yellow Pink White 40 60 1100 400 CORE DRILLED POST HOLE COVER ROSETTE Ø40MM STEEL POST Ø40MM STEEL RAILING PLANTING SOIL 300 5 25 200 70 150 450 246 1% 450 450 200 PLANTING SOIL CONCRETE BENCH WITH REINFORCED BARS CONCRETE FOUNDATION 25MM LED LIGHTING DRAINAGE CHANNEL EPOXY CONCRETE BED CONCRETE UNIT PAVER SEE SPECS 70MM SAND SETTING BED COMPACTED GRANULAR 'A' SUBGRADE SOIL 250 300 1550 450 400MM PLANTING SOIL GRANULAR 100MM UNDERDRAIN PIPE WEEP HOLE 50MM DIA. PIPING CONCRETE FOOTING WITH REINFORCED BARS CIP CONCRETE WALL AND BENCH SUBGARDE SOIL 25MM LED LIGHTING 100 50 150 1150 300 950 250 75 50 450 1550 12 400MM PLANTING SOIL GRANULAR 100MM UNDERDRAIN PIPE WEEP HOLE 50MM DIA. PIPING CONCRETE FOOTING WITH REINFORCED BARS CIP CONCRETE WALL SUBGARDE SOIL MOUNTED INTO THE WALL Ø40MM STEEL HAND RAIL 40 Note: Harris, Charles, and Nicholas Dines. Time-Saver Standards for Landscape Architecture. Washington, DC: McGraw Hill Professional, 1997. Zimmermann, Astrid. Constructing Landscape : Materials, Techniques, Structural Components. 2nd rev. and expanded ed. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2011. Legend: Project Name: Cloud Design By: Yue Wang Hsuan-Fen(Mia) Hsu Drawing Name: Details Drawing Sheet: L05 Revision Date Description 3 2 1 2022/11/16 2022/11/23 2022/11/18 4 2022/11/30 100% Details 50% Details Final Revision Preliminary Design GUARD RAIL L05 CONCRETE BENCH 02 WALL AND BENCH L05 CONCRETE WALL WITH HANDRAIL 04 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20 SCALE 1:20


Construction Drawings

Location: Bahen Centre for Information Technology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Professors: Fadi Masoud

Project Annual / Level: 2022, MLA Site Technology

The assignment is to create a set of construction drawings to understand the process of its construction through on-site observation and research.

The site is located at the south side of the Bahen Center for information technology and is surrounded by other buildings of the University of Toronto. The site is a popular outdoor pocket for students looking to take a break and enjoy the serene surroundings. It is also designed with rain cycle demonstration to support the building's need and to reduce the stormwater runoff loads on the city system.

















SEPARATOR FABRIC 100mm DIA. PERFORATED PIPE CONNECT TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM AGGREGATE BACKFILL Location: University Canada Date 2002 Primary Concrete, Student Hsuan-Fen Student 1006977087 Made for Drawing Landscape of Bahen Sheet Number: L01-4 Detail Plan of Paving, Planting Bed, and Pool S= 1/10 1 L01-4 Connection Between Paving and Planting Bed 2 L01-4 Connection between Planting Bed and Pool 3 L01-4 Connection between Paving and Pool 4 L01-4 3 L01-4 450 150 100 150 450 300 100 50 25 175 100 200 150 150 100 10 200 30 95 150 150 450 100 Unit: Millimeter S= 1/10 Unit: Millimeter S= 1/10 Unit: Millimeter S= 1/10 Unit: Millimeter



Parametric Design Practice

Professors: Matt Perotto

Annual / Level: 2022, MLA Site Technology

The assignment is an exercise in creating several different versions of designs to support design projects through Grasshopper. It is based on the comprehensive studio design project (Revealing the lost creek).

Flooding is an issue that usually happens in Smythe Park. Therefore, this assignment I would like to create is a pavilion located at the entrance of the swimming pool to provide a rest space for birds during flooding period.

Scripts Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 (437) 533-6813 /

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