2 minute read

/ Wildlifes Lives Matters

Riverdale Park is divided into two pieces by the DVP(Don Valley Parkway), Bayview Avenue, and railway. These traffic infrastructures completely divide the natural area and ravine. And, wildlife usually lives on both sides of rivers and move along rivers. Traffic infrastructures block wildlife migration and movement routes, causing roadkill, especially in highways and express that are much wider than roads and faster speed for driving.


The roadkill affects not only the life of wildlife but also the safety of drivers. A statistics report presented that there are 10% of vehicle accidents happened due to wildlife crossing, and 14 thousand wildlife collisions happened each year in Ontario. As a result, the project aims to reduce roadkill around Riverdale park and to ensure the safety of drivers.

Location: Riverdale Park, Toronto

Professors: Peter North, Behnaz Assadi, Elnaz Sanati

Project Annual / Level: 2020, MLA

Studio Design

Site Issue

High Frequency of Roadkills

Wildlife Flow in the Site

Design Strategies

Flow of Water

Flow of Humans

Flow of Wildlifes

Detail Design


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