International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE’16) March 19-20, 2016, Kilis
A New Similarity Measure on npn-Soft Set Theory and Its Application
Şerif Özlü Faculty of Arts and Sciences,Kilis 7 Aralık University, Kilis, Turkey İrfan Deli Muallim Rıfat Faculty of Education, Kilis 7 Aralık University, Kilis, Turkey
ABSTRACT In this paper, we give a new similarity measure on npn-soft set theory which is the extension of correlation measure of neutrosophic refined sets. By using the similarity measure we propose a new method for decision making problem. Finally, we give an example for diagnosis of diseases could be improved by incorporating clinical results and other competing diagnosis in npn-soft environment.. Keywords: Soft set, neutrosophic set, npn-soft set, similarity measure, correlation measure decision making,
Theory of fuzzy set [13] and intuistionistic fuzzy set [1,2] are used as efficiently diverse types of uncertainties. Then, neutrosophic set theory introduced by Smarandache [7,8] which is the generalization of the classical sets, conventional fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Wang et al. [11] proposed single valued neutrosophic sets as a example of neutrosophic sets. Also same authors defined interval valued neutrosophic sets [12] which is generalization of neutrosophic sets and interval fuzzy sets [9]. In 1999, soft set theory was proposed by Molodstov [6] to supply an alternative for fuzzy theory. This structures ware used medical diagnose, decision making, control theory. After the introduction of soft set and neutrosophic set many scholars have done a lot of good researches in these fields [3-5]. In recently, Deli [4] defined the notion of npn-soft set and operations to make more functional the definitions on soft sets. In this study, we presented a new similarity measure on npn-soft set theory which is the extension of correlation measure of neutrosophic refined sets [3]. By using the similarity measure we propose a new a decision making method and an application on the method in medical diagnosis.
PRELIMİNARY İn this section, we explain some required definitions for neutrosophic sets and npn-soft sets [7, 19] Definition 2.1. [13] Let E be a universe. Then a fuzzy set
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is defined by
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^ P
where, P X x is called membership function of xÂ? E,
x / x : x Â?
and defined by P X x : E
the value P X x represents the degree of x belonging to the fuzzy set
> 0 , 1 @ . For each
Definition 2.2. [1] Let E be a universe. An intuitionistic fuzzy set I on E can be defined as follows: I
x, P I
where, P I x : E
x ,Q I x
:xÂ? X
> 0 , 1 @ and Q I x : E
> 0 , 1 @ such that
0 PI
x Q I x
for any x Â? E .
Definition 2.3. [7,8] Let U be a space of points (objects), with a generic element in U denoted by u. A neutrosophic set (N-set) A in U is characterized by a truth-membership function T A , an indeterminacymembership function I A , and a falsity- membership function F A .
x ,
x and
x are real
standard or nonstandard subsets of > 0 , 1 @ . It can be written as A
u , T A x , I A x , F A x : x Â? E , T A x , I A x , F A x Â? > 0 ,1 @
There is no restriction on the sum of Definition 2.4. [6] Let and
x ,
x and
be an initial universe,
. Then a soft set
such that and the value
x , so
be b the power set of ,
d 3
be a set of all parameters
is a set defined by a function representing a mapping . Here,
is called approximate function of the soft set
is a set called x-element of the soft set for all
worth noting that the sets
0 d TA
: ,
It is worth noting that the sets is
may be arbitrary. Some of them may be empty, some may have nonempty
intersection. Thus, a soft set over
can be represented by the set of ordered pairs
Definition 2.5. [4] Let ܡ be a universe,
0 :7 ;be the set of all neutrosophic sets on
7 Æ’be a set of
parameters that are describe the elements of 7and -be a neutrosophic set over ’Then, a neutrosophic parameterized neutrosophic soft set (npn-soft set) #over 7is a set defined by a set valued function B� representing a mapping
B� ª- 7 0 :7 ;
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where ݂ is called approximate function of the npn-soft set ܣ. For ܧ א ݔǡ the set ݂ ሺݔሻ is called xapproximation of the npn-soft set ܣwhich may be arbitrary, some of them may be empty and some may have a nonempty intersection. It can be written a set of ordered pairs, ܣൌ ሼሺ൏ ݔǡ ܶ ሺݔሻǡ ܫ ሺݔሻǡ ܨ ሺݔሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ݑǡ ܶಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܫಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܨಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ǣ ܧ א ݔሽ where ܶ ሺݔሻǡ ܫ ሺݔሻǡ ܨ ሺݔሻǡ ܶಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܫಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܨಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ אሾͲǡͳሿ. Definition 2.6. [4] ܣǡ ܣଵ and ܣଶ be two npn- soft sets. Then, The union of ܣଵ and ܣଶ is denoted by ܣଷ ൌ ܣଵ ܣ ଶ and is defined by
ܣଷ ൌ ሼቀ൏ ݔǡ ܶయ ሺݔሻǡ ܫయ ሺݔሻǡ ܨయ ሺݔሻ ǡ ቄ൏ ݑǡ ܶయሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܫయሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܨయሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ǣ ܷ א ݑቅቁ ǣ ܧ א ݔሽ where ܶయ ሺݔሻ ൌ ݏሺܶభ ሺݔሻǡ ܶమ ሺݔሻሻ, ܫయ ሺݔሻ ൌ ݐሺܫభ ሺݔሻǡ ܫమ ሺݔሻሻ, ܨయ ሺݔሻ ൌ ݐሺܨభ ሺݔሻǡ ܨ ሺݔሻሻ, ܶయሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ൌ ݏሺܶಲభሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܶಲమሺೣሻ ሺݑሻሻ, ܫయሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ൌ ݐሺܫಲభሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ሺܫಲమሺೣሻ ሺݑሻሻ and ܨయሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ൌ ݐሺܨಲభሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܨಲమሺೣሻ ሺݑሻሻ The intersection of ܽଵ and ܣଶ is denoted by ܣସ ൌ ܣଵ ܣ תଶ and is defined by
ܣସ ൌ ሼቀ൏ ݔǡ ܶర ሺݔሻǡ ܫర ሺݔሻǡ ܨర ሺݔሻ ǡ ቄ൏ ݑǡ ܶరሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܫరሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܨరሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ǣ ܷ א ݑቅቁ ǣ ܧ א ݔሽ where ܶర ሺݔሻ ൌ ݐሺܶభ ሺݔሻǡ ܶమ ሺݔሻሻ, ܫర ሺݔሻ ൌ ݏሺܫభ ሺݔሻǡ ܫమ ሺݔሻሻ, ܨ ሺݔሻ ൌ ݏሺܨభ ሺݔሻǡ ܨమ ሺݔሻሻ, ܶరሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ൌ ݐ൬ܶಲ
భ ሺೣሻ
ሺݑሻǡ ܶಲ
మ ሺೣሻ
ሺݑሻ൰ ǡ ܫరሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ൌ ݏሺܫಲ
ሺݑሻǡ ሺܫಲ
మ ሺೣሻ
ሺݑሻሻ and
ܨరሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ൌ ݏሺܨಲభሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܨಲమሺೣሻ ሺݑሻሻ iii.
The complement of an npn-soft set ܰ denoted by ܰ and is denoted by ܣ ൌ ሼሺ൏ ݔǡ ܨ ሺݔሻǡ ͳ െ ܫ ሺݔሻǡ ܶ ሺݔሻ ǡ ቄ൏ ݑǡ ܨಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ͳ െ ܫಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻǡ ܶಲሺೣሻ ሺݑሻ ǣ ܧ א ݔቅǤ
A new similarity measure on npn-soft sets İn this section, we define a new similarity measure of be two npn- soft sets over ܷ which is the
extension of correlation measure of neutrosophic refined sets [3] to npn- soft sets.
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Definition 3.1. Let ܣand ܤbe two npn- soft sets over ܷ as follws; ܣൌ ሼ൏ ൫ܶଵ ǡ ܫଵ ǡ ܨଵ ൯Τݔ ǡ ቄቀܶଵ ൫ݑ ൯ǡ ܫଵ ൫ݑ ൯ǡ ܨଵ ൫ݑ ൯ቁൗݑ ǣ ݑ ܷ אቅ ǡ ܺ א ݔሽ ܤൌ ሼ൏ ൫ܶଶ ǡ ܫଶ ǡ ܨଶ ൯Τݔ ǡ ቄቀܶଶ ൫ݑ ൯ǡ ܫଶ ൫ݑ ൯ǡ ܨଶ ൫ݑ ൯ቁൗݑ ǣ ݑ ܷ אቅ ǡ ܺ א ݔሽ Then, correlation measure between A and B is given by;
ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ ൌ
ሺǡሻ ඥሺǡሻඥሺǡሻ
ͳ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଵଶ ሺ ቀܶଵ ܫଵ ܨଵ ቁ Ǥ ሺܶଵ ܫ ܨଵ ሻሻ ܥሺܣǡ ܣሻ ൌ ͻ݉݊ ୀଵ ୀଵ
ͳ ଵ ଶ ሺሺܶଵ ܶଶ ܫଵ ܫଶ ܨଵ ܨଶ ሻሺ ܶଵ ܶଶ ܫ ܫ ܨଵ ܨଶ ሻሻ ܥሺܣǡ ܤሻ ൌ ͻ݉݊ ୀଵ ୀଵ
ͳ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶ ଶଶ ሺ ቀܶଶ ܫଶ ܨଶ ቁ Ǥ ሺܶଶ ܫ ܨଶ ሻሻ ܥሺܤǡ ܤሻ ൌ ͻ݉݊ ୀଵ ୀଵ
Example 3.2. Let ࡱ ൌ ሼ࢞ ሽ and ࢁ ൌ ሼ࢛ ǡ ࢛ ሽ be a parameter set and universal set, respectively. Then, Aൌ ሼሺ൏ ࢞ Ǥ ሺǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ࢛ ǡ ሺǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ሻ ǡ ൏ ࢛ ǡ ሺǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ሻ ሽሻ} and ൌ ሼሺ൏ ࢞ Ǥ ሺǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ࢛ ǡ ሺǤ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ሻ ǡ ൏ ࢛ ǡ ሺǤ ǡ Ǥ ૡǡ Ǥ ૢሻ ሽሻ} be two npnsoft set U. Now we calculate the similarity A and B as; ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ ൌ
ሺǡሻ ඥሺǡሻඥሺǡሻ
where ܥሺܣǡ ܣሻ ൌ0,010306, ܥሺܤǡ ܤሻ ൌ0,013578 and ܥሺܣǡ ܤሻ ൌ0,008983. Definition 3.3. (Its adopted from [14]) Let ܣand ܤbe two npn-soft sets over ܷ. Then, ܣand ܤare said to be ߙ െsimilar, denoted as ܣൎఈ ܤ, ıf and only ıf ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ ߙ for ߙ אሺͲǡͳሻǤ We call the two two npnଵ ଶ
soft sets significantly similar if ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ .
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Decision making method on npn-soft sets In this section, we construct a decision making method by using similarity measure of two npn- soft
sets. This algorithm can be given as the following that;
Algorithm: Step 1. Constructs an npn- soft set ܣover ܷ based on an expert, Step 2. Constructs an npn- soft set ܤover ܷ based on a responsible person for the problem, Step 3. Calculate the similarity measure ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ of ܣand ܤ, Example 4.1. (Its adopted from [3, 14]) Let assume our universal set consists of two elements as ࢁ ൌ ሼ࢛ ǡ ࢛ ሽ. These elements indicate cancer and not cancer respectively. For ࡱ ൌ ሼ࢞ ǡ ࢞ ǡ ࢞ ሽ where ࢞ ൌ headache, ࢞ ൌ cough, ࢞ ൌ throat pain. Then, Step 1: Constructs an npn-soft set A over U for cancer and this can be prepared with the help of a medical person as; ܣൌ ሼሺ൏ ݔଵ ǡ ሺͲǤͷǡͲǤ͵ǡͲǤͳሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ݑଵ ǡ ሺͲǤͶǡͲǤͷǡͲǤͳሻ ǡ ൏ ݑଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͳǡͲǤʹǡͲǤ͵ሻ ሽሻǡ ሺ൏ ݔଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͳǡͲǤ͵ǡͲǤͷሻ ሼ൏ ݑଵ ǡ ሺͲǤʹǡͲǤͷǡͲǤͺሻ ǡ ൏ ݑଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͺǡͲǤͷǡͲǤͳሻ ሽሻǡ ሺ൏ ݔଷ ǡ ሺͲǤͲǡͲǤʹǡͲǤͷሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ݑଵ ǡ ሺͲǤʹǡͲǤͷǡͲǤͺሻ ǡ ൏ ݑଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͷǡͲǤ͵ǡͲǤʹሻ ሽሻሽ Step 2: Constructs an npn-soft set B over U based on data of ill person as; ܤൌ ሼሺ൏ ݔଵ ǡ ሺͲǤ͵ǡͲǤʹǡͲǤͲሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ݑଵ ǡ ሺͲǤͳǡͲǤͷǡͲǤͳሻ ǡ ൏ ݑଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͶǡͲǤͺǡͲǤͻሻ ሽሻǡ ሺ൏ ݔଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͶǡͲǤʹǡͲǤ͵ሻ ሼ൏ ݑଵ ǡ ሺͲǤͳǡͲǤǡͲǤͺሻ ǡ ൏ ݑଶ ǡ ሺͲǤʹǡͲǤͳǡͲǤͺሻ ሽሻǡ ሺ൏ ݔଷ ǡ ሺͲǤ͵ǡͲǤǡͲǤʹሻ ǡ ሼ൏ ݑଵ ǡ ሺͲǤͳǡͲǤ͵ǡͲǤͳሻ ǡ ൏ ݑଶ ǡ ሺͲǤͶǡͲǤͳǡͲǤ͵ሻ ሽሻሽ Step 3 : Calculate the similarity measure of A and B as; ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ ൌ 0.54925 Since ܵ Ә ሺ ܣ, ܤሻ
ଵ ଶ
for the npn-soft set, A and B are significantly similar. Therefore, we conclude that
the person is possibly suffering from cancer 5
In this paper, we define a similarity measure on npn-soft sets. Then, we proposed a decision making method on the npn-soft set theory and provided an example that demonstrated that this method can be successfully worked. This method can be developed more detailed future to solve uncertainly problems. 1344 | P a g e www.icnase16.com
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