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Vol.4.Issue.1.2016 (January-March)

A Peer Reviewed International Research Journal http://www.bomsr.com Email:editorbomsr@gmail.com RESEARCH ARTICLE

FUZZY NEUTROSOPHIC SUBGROUPS J. MARTINA JENCY, I.AROCKIARANI Nirmala College for women, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. martinajency@gmail.com ABSTRACT In this paper we introduce the notion of fuzzy neutrosophic subgroups. Also we obtain the fuzzy neutrosophic subgroups generated by fuzzy neutrosophic set and investigate some of their properties. MSC 2010:03B99,03E99,20K27 Keywords:fuzzy neutrosophic ŠKY PUBLICATIONS 1.INTRODUCTION Smarandache [13 ] initiated the concept of neutrosophic set which overcomes the inherent difficulties that existed in fuzzy sets[14] and intuitionistic fuzzy sets [5,6].Following this, the neutrosophic sets are explored to different heights in all fields of science and engineering.I.Arockiarani et al. defined the notion of fuzzy neutrosophic sets [1].In 1989, R.Biswas [8] introduced the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy subgroups and studied some of their properties . In this paper we define fuzzy neutrosophic subgroups and discuss their properties. 2.PRELIMINARIES: Definition 2.1:[1] A Fuzzy neutrosophic set A on the universe of discourse X is defined as A= đ?‘Ľ, đ?‘‡đ??´ đ?‘Ľ , đ??źđ??´ đ?‘Ľ , đ??šđ??´ đ?‘Ľ , đ?‘Ľ ∈ đ?‘‹ where đ?‘‡, đ??ź, đ??š: đ?‘‹ →[0,1] and 0 ď‚Ł TA ( x)  I A ( x)  FA ( x) ď‚Ł 3 Definition 2.2: [1] Let X be a non empty set, and

A  x, TA ( x), I A ( x), FA ( x) , B  x, TB ( x), I B ( x), FB ( x) (i)

A ďƒ?B for all x if TA ( x) ď‚Ł TB ( x) , I A ( x) ď‚Ł I B ( x) , FA ( x) ď‚ł FB ( x)


A ďƒˆ B  x, max (TA ( x), TB ( x)) , max( I A ( x), I B ( x)) , min( FA ( x), FB ( x))


A ďƒ‡ B  x, min (TA ( x), TB ( x)) , min( I A ( x), I B ( x)) , max( FA ( x), FB ( x))


A\B (x)= x, min (TA ( x), FB ( x)) , min( I A ( x),1  I B ( x)) , max( FA ( x), TB ( x))

Definition 2.3:[1] A Fuzzy neutrosophic set A over the universe X is said to be null or empty Fuzzy neutrosophic set if TA(x) = 0 ,IA(x) = 0 , FA(x) = 1 for all x ďƒŽ X. It is denoted by 0 N


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