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[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management TOPSIS APPROACH TO CHANCE CONSTRAINED MULTI - OBJECTIVE MULTILEVEL QUADRATIC PROGRAMMING PROBLEM Surapati Pramanik*, Durga Banerjee, B. C. Giri * Department of Mathematics, Nandalal Ghosh B.T. College, Panpur, P.O.-Narayanpur, District –North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India-743126 Ranaghat Yusuf Institution, P. O. Ranaghat, Dist. Nadia, India-741201 Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, West Bengal, India-700032 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.55308 KEYWORDS: Multi – level programming, Multi – objective Decision Making, TOPSIS, Fuzzy Goal Programming, Chance Constraints.

ABSTRACT This paper presents TOPSIS approach to solve chance constrained multi – objective multi – level quadratic programming problem. The proposed approach actually combines TOPSIS and fuzzy goal programming. In the TOPSIS approach, most appropriate alternative is to be finding out among all possible alternatives based on both the shortest distance from positive ideal solution (PIS) and furthest distance from the negative ideal solution (NIS). PIS and NIS for all objective functions of each level have been determined in the solution process. Distance functions which measure distances from PIS and NIS have been formulated for each level. The membership functions of the distance functions have been constructed and linearized in order to approximate nonlinear membership functions into equivalent linear membership functions. Stanojevic’s normalization technique for normalization has been employed in the proposed approach. For avoiding decision deadlock, each level decision maker provides relaxation on the upper and lower bounds of the decision variables. Two FGP models have been developed in the proposed approach. Euclidean distance function has been utilized to identify the optimal compromise solution. An illustrative example has been solved to demonstrate the proposed approach.

INTRODUCTION Multilevel programming (MLP) is very useful technique to solve hierarchical decision making problem with multiple decision makers (DMs) in a hierarchical system. In MLP, each level DM independently controls some variables and tries to optimize his own objectives. For the successful running of a multilevel system, DMs try to find out a way/solution so that each level DM is satisfied at reasonable level. There are many approaches to solve MLP problem (MLPP) in the literature. Ananndalingam [1] proposed mathematical programming model of decentralized multilevel systems in crisp environment. Lai [2] at first developed an effective fuzzy approach by using the concept of tolerance membership functions of fuzzy set theory [3] for solving MLPPs in 1996. Shih et al. [4] extended Lai’s concept by employing noncompensatory max-min aggregation operator for solving MLPPs. Shih and Lee [5] further extended Lai’s concept by introducing the compensatory fuzzy operator for obtaining satisfactory solution for MLPP. Sakawa et al. [6] developed interactive fuzzy programming to solve MLPP. Sinha [7, 8] further established an alternative fuzzy mathematical programming for MLPP. Pramanik and Roy [9] established fuzzy goal programming (FGP) approach to solve MLPP and presented sensitive analysis on relaxation provided by the upper level decision maker.. Linear plus linear fractional multilevel multi objective programming problem had been studied by Pramanik et al [10]. Han et al. [11] presented a case study on production inventory planning using reference based uncooperative multi follower tri level decision problem based on K – th best algorithm. Pramanik [12] developed bilevel programming problem (BLPP) with fuzzy parameters using FGP. Pramanik and Dey [13] extended Pramanik’s concept [12] to multi objective BLPP with fuzzy parameters. Pramanik et al. [14] further discussed decentralized multi objective BLPP with fuzzy parameters. In 2015, Pramanik [15] studied MLPP with fuzzy parameters by extending Pramanik‘s concept [12] and developed three FGP models. Sakawa et al. [16] established interactive fuzzy programming for MLPP with fuzzy parameters.

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[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management Pramanik and Banerjee [17] developed chance constrained BLPP with quadratic objective functions. In their study [17] they converted chance constraints into deterministic constraints and solved the problem using FGP models. Pramanik et al. [18] studied linear plus linear fractional chance constrained BLPP. Pramanik et al. [19] also studied multilevel linear programming problem with chance constraints based on FGP. TOPSIS stands for technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution. In TOPSIS approach, most appropriate alternative is to be selected among all alternatives based on the shortest distance from positive ideal solution (PIS) and furthest distance from negative ideal solution (NIS). TOPSIS approach reduces multiple numbers of conflicting objectives to two objectives; one is the minimum of distance function which measures distance from PIS and another is the maximum of distance function which measures distance from NIS. Hwang and Yoon [20] introduced the TOPSIS approach to solve multi – attribute decision making problem. Lai et al. [21] established TOPSIS method for solving multi – objective decision making (MODM) problem. Chen [22] developed TOPSIS to solve multi criteria decision making. Jahanshahloo et al. [23] extended TOPSIS for decision making problem with fuzzy data. They used triangular fuzzy numbers for rating of each alternatives and weight of each criterion using  - cut method for normalization. In neutrosophic environment Biswas et al. [24] proposed TOPSIS method for multi attribute decision making. In the evaluation process, Biswas et al. [24] employed linguistic variables to present the ratings of each alternative with respect to each attribute characterized by single-valued neutrosophic number. Biswas et al. [24] employed neutrosophic aggregation operator to aggregate all the opinions of decision makers. Dey et al. [25] studied generalized neutrosophic soft multi attribute group decision making based on TOPSIS. Pramanik et al. [26] established TOPSIS for single valued neutrosophic soft expert set based multi-attribute decision making problems. Dey et al. [27] studied TOPSIS for solving multi-attribute decision making problem under bi-polar neutrosophic environment. Wang and Lee [28] developed fuzzy TOPSIS approach based on subjective weights and objective weights. Subjective weights are normalized into comparable scale. They adopted Shannon’s entropy [29] theory and defined closeness coefficient. Baky and Abo-Sinna [30] studied non-linear MODM problem using TOPSIS approach. Baky [31] developed interactive TOPSIS algorithms for solving multi – level non – linear multi – objective decision making problem. Dey et al. [32] studied TOPSIS approach to linear fractional MODM problem based on FGP. In their study they compared obtained results with Baky and Abo-Sinna’s [33] method and obtained better satisfactory results in terms of distance function. In the present paper, we have presented TOPSIS approach to solve chance constrained multi-level multi objective quadratic programming problem. In the proposed approach, firstly, we have transformed chance constraints into equivalent deterministic constraints using known means and variances and confidence levels. PIS and NIS have been calculated for each objective function of each level. We have employed first order Taylor series for each nonlinear membership function to convert them into linear membership function. Then we have normalized them using Stanojevic’s normalization technique [34]. The above process has been done for each level and using FGP model to find optimal solution for each level separately. Each level DM provides his choice on the upper and lower bounds of the decision variables under his control. Two FGP models have been developed to get the optimal solution. Euclidean distance function has been used to find out the most appropriate optimal solution. The proposed TOPSIS method has been illustrated by solving a CCMLMOQPP. The rest of the paper is designed as follow: In the section 2, CCMLMOQPP has been formulated. In Section 3 we have presented the conversion of chance constraints into equivalent deterministic constraints. In the Section 4, TOPSIS approach with normalization method for all levels have been described. Selection of preference bounds has been presented in the section 5. Two FGP models have been formulated in the next section. Section 7 presents Zeleny’s distance function [35] which helps to select optimal compromise solution. A numerical example of CCMLMOQPP has been presented in the section 8. In Section 9, we have presented conclusion and future scope of research.

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[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management PROBLEM FORMULATION Consider the following CCMLMOQPP. Max Z1 ( x ) = Max Z1 ( x 1 , x 2 ,...,x p ) = Max (Z11 ( x ), Z12 ( x ), ..., Z1m1 ( x )) [FLDM] x x x


Max Z2 ( x ) = Max Z2 ( x 1 , x 2 ,...,x p ) = Max (Z21 ( x ), Z22 ( x ), ..., Z 2m2 ( x )) [SLDM]








. . . Max Zp( x ) = Max Zp ( x 1 , x 2 ,...,x p ) = Max (Zp1 ( x ), Zp2 ( x ), ..., Zpmp ( x )) [LLDM] Subject to x  S = ( x  (x1 , x 2 ,...,x p )  R : Pr ( A x n

 a 11 a 21 Where A    ...   a s1

a 12 a 22 ... a s2





 

B )  I   and x  0).


a 13 ... a 1p  a 23 ... a 2 p  ... ...   a s 3 ... a sp  sp

B  (b1 , b 2 ,...,b s ) s1 I,  are vectors of order s 1 and I is a vector having s numbers of 1, x i  ( x i1 , x i 2 ,...,x in i ),   (1 ,  2 , ..., s ) , i = 1, 2, …, p; n = n1+ n2 + …+ np Z ij ( x )  cij x 

1 t x d ij x , (i = 1, 2, ..., p; j = 1, 2, ..., mi) 2


Where cij is a vector of order 1 n and d ij is a vector of order n n .



Consider the chance constraints of the form Pr( a ij x j  b i )  1   i , j 1



i  1, 2,..., s 1

Using [17], the constraints can be written as follows: p

1  a ijx j  E(bi )   (i ) var(bi ) j 1

i  1,2,...,s1


Now, consider the chance constraints of the form p

Pr( a ijx j  bi )  1  i , j 1

i  s1  1,...,s

Using [17], the constraint can be written as follows: p

1  a ij x j  E(b i )   ( i ) var(b i ) , j 1

i  s 1  1,...,s



(8) where E(b i ) and var(b i ) are the expectation and variance of the random variable b i and (.), (.) represent the distribution and inverse distribution functions of standard normal variable respectively. We denote the equivalent deterministic system constraints (6), (7) and (8) by S . Here, S and S are equivalent set of constraints. 1

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[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management TOPSIS APPROACH TOPSIS model for the FLDM Consider the first level problem as Max Z1 ( x ) = Max Z1 ( x 1 , x 2 ,...,x p ) = Max (Z11 ( x ), Z12 ( x ), ..., Z1m1 ( x )) [FLDM] x x x 1



Subject to x  S Z1 j ( x )  Z1j (j = 1, 2, …, m1) be the PIS and NIS for the FLDM. The distance Let Max Z1 j (x)  Z1j and Min xS xS functions measuring the distances from the PIS and NIS can be defined as follows:  m1 Z  Z (x)  d qPIS ( F1) ( x )    qj ( 1 j  1 j  ) q  Z1 j  Z1 j  j1 

1/ q

 m1 Z ( x )  Z1j q  )  and d qNIS ( F1) ( x )    qj ( 1 j  Z1 j  Z1j  j1 

1/ q


Thus the problem becomes Min d qPIS( F1) ( x ) Max d qNIS( F1) ( x ) x  S .

Subject to

PIS( F1) (x), d qNIS( F1) (x) Construction of membership function for d q

d qPIS ( F1) ( x )  (d qPIS ( F1) ( x ))  and Max d qPIS( F1) (x)  (d qPIS( F1) (x)) Let Min xS  xS

The membership function for d

PIS ( F1) q

(x) can be constructed as follows: (d qPIS ( F1) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F1) ( x )

0, 

PIS ( F1) ( x ) 


(d qPIS ( F1) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F1) ( x ) (d qPIS ( F1) ( x ))   (d qPIS ( F1) ( x )) 

(d qPIS ( F1) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F1) ( x )  (d qPIS ( F1) ( x )) 


(d qPIS ( F1) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F1) ( x )


d qNIS ( F1) ( x )  (d qNIS ( F1) ( x ))  Let Min d qNIS( F1) (x)  (d qNIS( F1) (x)) and Max xS  xS

NIS( F1) (x) can be constructed as follows: The membership function for d q

d qNIS ( F1) ( x )  (d |qNIS ( F1) ( x )) 

0, 

NIS ( F1) ( x ) 


d qNIS ( F1) ( x )  (d qNIS ( F1) ( x ))  (d qNIS ( F1) ( x ))   (d qNIS ( F1) ( x )) 

(d qNIS ( F1) ( x ))   d qNIS ( F1) ( x )  (d qNIS ( F1) ( x )) 


(d qNIS ( F1) ( x ))   d qNIS ( F1) ( x )


Conversion of non – linear membership function into linear membership function *

( F1) ( F1)  PIS( F1) ( x )   PIS( F1) ( x PIS( F1) ) and x PIS( F1)  (x1PIS( F1) , x PIS Let Max ,...,x PIS ) 2 p d d xS







Applying first order Taylor’s series we have obtained the linear membership function  PIS ( F1) ( x ) p n1 * * dq  PIS( F1) ( x )   PIS( F1) ( x PIS( F1) )    ( x ij  x ijPIS ( F1) )( ) PIS( F1)*  ˆ PIS ( F1) ( x ) dq dq dq i 1 j1 x x x ij *


 NIS ( F1) ( x )   NIS ( F1) ( x NIS ( F1) ) and x NIS( F1)  (x1NIS( F1) , x 2NIS( F1) ,...,x pNIS( F1) ) Let Max d d xS q






Applying first order Taylor’s series we have obtained the linear membership function  NIS ( F1) ( x ) p n1 * * dq  NIS ( F1) ( x )   NIS ( F1) ( x NIS ( F1) )    ( x ij  x ijNIS ( F1) )( ) NIS ( F1)*  ˆ NIS ( F1) ( x ) dq dq dq i 1 j1 xx x ij

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© Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management [22]

[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management Stanojevic’s normalization technique Adopting Stanojevic’s normalization technique [34], the linear membership functions can be normalized as follows: ˆ PIS( F1) (x )  a PIS( F1) dq ˆ PIS ( F1) ( x ) b PIS ( F1)  Max ˆ PIS ( F1) ( x ) where a PIS ( F1)  Min (14)  PIS( F1) ( x )  xS dq dq xS dq b PIS( F1)  a PIS( F1) ˆ NIS( F1) ( x)  a NIS( F1) dq ˆ NIS ( F1) ( x ) b NIS ( F1)  Max ˆ NIS ( F1) ( x ) where a NIS ( F1)  Min (15)  NIS( F1) (x )  xS dq dq xS dq b NIS ( F1)  a NIS( F1) FGP model to obtain satisfactory solution for FLDM Using the FGP model of Pramanik and Banerjee [17] in order to obtain the satisfactory solution for the FLDM, the FGP model appears as: Min  1 xS

(16)  PIS( F1) ( x )  d PIS( F1)  1, dq

NIS( F1) dq

( x )  d NIS( F1)  1,

 1  d PIS( F1) ,  1  d NIS( F1) , 0  d PIS( F1)  1, 0  d NIS( F1)  1, x  S

Subject to

Solving the above model, the satisfactory solution for the FLDM has been obtained as *




x F1  (x1F1 , x F21 ,...,x Fp1 ) TOPSIS model for the SLDM Let Max Z 2 j ( x )  Z 2 j and Min Z2 j (x)  Z2 j (j = 1, 2, …, m2) be the PIS and NIS for the SLDM. The distance  xS


functions measuring the distances from the PIS and NIS can be defined as m2 Z  Z (x)  d ( x )     qj ( 2 j  2 j  ) q  Z2 j  Z2 j  j1  Thus the problem becomes PIS ( F 2 ) q

1/ q

and d

NIS ( F 2 ) q

m2 Z ( x )  Z 2 j q  ( x )     qj ( 2 j  )  Z 2 j  Z 2 j  j1 

1/ q


Min d qPIS( F 2 ) ( x )

Max d qNIS( F2) ( x )

Subject to

x  S

PIS ( F 2 ) (x), d qNIS( F2) (x) Construction of membership function for d q

d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  (d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))  Let Min d qPIS( F2) (x)  (d qPIS( F2) (x)) and Max xS  xS

PIS( F 2 ) (x) can be constructed as follows: The membership function for d q

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[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management (d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x )

0, 

PIS ( F 2 ) dq

(x) 

(d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) (d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   (d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x )) 

(d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  (d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x )) 


(d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( F 2 ) ( x )


d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  (d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))  and Max d qNIS( F2) (x)  (d qNIS( F2) (x)) Let Min xS  xS

NIS ( F 2 ) (x) can be constructed as follows: The membership function for d q

d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  (d |qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )) 

0, 

NIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) 


d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  (d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))  (d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   (d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )) 

(d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  (d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )) 


(d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x ))   d qNIS ( F 2 ) ( x )


Conversion of non – linear membership function into linear membership function *

( F2) ( F2)  PIS( F 2 ) ( x )   PIS( F 2 ) ( x PIS( F 2 ) ) and x PIS( F2)  (x1PIS( F2) , x PIS Let Max ,...,x PIS ) 2 p d d xS







Applying first order Taylor’s series we have obtained the linear membership function  PIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) p n2 * * dq  PIS ( F 2 ) ( x )   PIS ( F 2 ) ( x PIS ( F 2 ) )    ( x ij  x ijPIS ( F 2 ) )( ) PIS ( F 2 )*  ˆ PIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) dq dq dq i 1 j1 x x x ij *


 NIS ( F 2 ) ( x )   NIS ( F 2 ) ( x NIS ( F 2 ) ) and x NIS( F2)  (x1NIS( F2) , x 2NIS( F2) ,...,x pNIS( F2) ) Let Max d d xS q






Applying first order Taylor’s series we have obtained the linear membership function  NIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) p n2 * * dq  NIS ( F 2 ) ( x )   NIS ( F 2 ) ( x NIS ( F 2 ) )    ( x ij  x ijNIS ( F 2 ) )( ) NIS ( F 2 )*  ˆ NIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) dq dq dq i 1 j1 xx x ij


Stanojevic normalization technique Adopting Stanojevic’s normalization technique [34] the linear membership functions have been normalized as follows: ˆ PIS( F 2) (x)  a PIS( F 2) d ˆ PIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) , b PIS ( F 2 )  Max ˆ PIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) where a PIS( F 2 )  Min (22)  PIS( F 2) ( x)  q PIS( F 2) PIS ( F 2 ) xS dq dq xS dq b a ˆ NIS( F 2) (x )  a NIS( F 2) d ˆ NIS ( F 2 ) ( x ) , b NIS ( F 2 )  Max ˆ NIS ( F 2 ) ( x )  NIS( F 2) (x )  q NIS( F 2 ) where a NIS ( F 2 )  Min (23) NIS ( F 2 ) xS dq dq xS dq b a FGP model to obtain satisfactory solution for SLDM Using the model of Pramanik and Banerjee [17] in order to obtain the satisfactory solution for the SLDM, the FGP model can be written as: (24) Min  2 xS

PIS( F 2 ) dq

NIS( F 2 ) dq

( x )  d PIS( F2)  1 , ( x )  d NIS( F 2)  1,

 2  d PIS( F2) ,  2  d NIS( F2) , 0  d PIS( F2)  1,

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[Pramanik et al., 3(6): June, 2016]

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management 0  d NIS( F2)  1,

Subject to x  S . Solving the above model, the obtained satisfactory solution for the SLDM has been denoted by *




x F2  (x1F2 , x F22 ,...,x Fp2 ) . TOPSIS model for the LLDM Z pj ( x )  Z pj (j = 1, 2, …, mp) be the PIS and NIS for the LLDM. The distance Let Max Zpj (x)  Zpj and Min xS xS functions measuring the distances from the PIS and NIS can be defined as follows: mp Z  Z (x)  d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x )     qj ( pj  pj  ) q  Z pj  Z pj  j1  Thus the problem becomes Min d qPIS( Fp ) ( x )

1/ q

mp Z ( x )  Z pj q  )  and d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )     qj ( pj  Z pj  Z pj  j1 

1/ q


Max d qNIS( Fp ) ( x ) x  S

Subject to

PIS ( Fp ) (x), d qNIS( Fp) (x) Construction of membership function for d q

Let Min d qPIS( Fp) (x)  (d qPIS( Fp) (x)) and Max d qPIS( Fp) (x)  (d qPIS( Fp) (x))   xS


The membership function for d

PIS( Fp ) q

(x) can be constructed as follows: (d qPIS ( Fp) ( x ))   d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x )

0, 

PIS ( Fp ) dq

(x) 

(d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x ) (d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x ))   (d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x )) 

(d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( Fp) ( x )  (d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x )) 


(d qPIS ( Fp ) ( x ))   d qPIS ( Fp) ( x )


d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )  (d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x ))  and Max d qNIS( Fp) (x)  (d qNIS( Fp) (x)) Let Min xS  xS

NIS ( Fp) (x) can be constructed as follows: The membership function for d q

d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )  (d |qNIS ( Fp) ( x )) 

0, 

NIS ( Fp ) dq

(x) 

d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )  (d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x ))  (d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x ))   (d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )) 

(d qNIS ( Fp) ( x ))   d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )  (d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )) 


(d qNIS ( Fp) ( x ))   d qNIS ( Fp ) ( x )


Conversion of non – linear membership function into linear membership function *

( Fp ) ( Fp )  PIS( Fp) ( x )   PIS( Fp) ( x PIS( Fp) ) and x PIS( Fp)  (x1PIS( Fp) , x PIS Let Max ,...,x PIS ) 2 p d d xS







Applying first order Taylor’s series we have obtained the linear membership function  PIS( Fp ) ( x ) p np * * dq  PIS ( Fp ) ( x )   PIS( Fp ) ( x PIS( Fp ) )    ( x ij  x ijPIS ( Fp ) )( ) PIS ( Fp )*  ˆ PIS( Fp ) ( x ) dq dq dq i 1 j1 x x x ij *


 NIS ( Fp) ( x )   NIS( Fp) ( x NIS ( Fp ) ) and x NIS( Fp)  (x1NIS( Fp) , x 2NIS( Fp) ,...,x pNIS( Fp) ) Let Max d d xS q






Applying first order Taylor’s series we have obtained the linear membership function

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(x)   NIS ( Fp )


p np



( x NIS ( Fp ) )    ( x ij  x ijNIS ( Fp ) )( NIS ( Fp )


NIS ( Fp ) dq

i 1 j1



x ij


x  x NIS ( Fp )


 ˆ

NIS ( Fp ) dq



Stanojevic’s normalization technique Adopting Stanojevic’s normalization technique [34] the linear membership functions can be normalized as follows: ˆ PIS( Fp) ( x )  a PIS( Fp) d ˆ PIS( Fp ) ( x ) , b PIS( Fp)  Max ˆ PIS( Fp) ( x ) where a PIS( Fp)  Min (30)  PIS( Fp) ( x )  q PIS( Fp) xS dq dq xS dq b  a PIS( Fp) ˆ NIS ( Fp) ( x )  a NIS( Fp) dq  NIS( Fp) ( x )  dq b NIS( Fp)  a NIS( Fp) ˆ NIS ( Fp) ( x ) , b NIS ( Fp)  Max ˆ NIS ( Fp) ( x ) where a NIS ( Fp)  Min  xS d d xS




FGP model to obtain satisfactory solution for LLDM Using the model of Pramanik and Banerjee [17] in order to obtain the satisfactory solution for the LLDM, the FGP model can be written as: Min  p xS

(32)  PIS( p ) ( x )  d PIS( Fp )  1, dq

NIS( Fp ) dq

( x )  d NIS( Fp )  1,

 p  d PIS( Fp ) ;  p  d NIS( Fp ) , 0  d PIS( Fp )  1;0  d NIS( Fp )  1,

Subject to x  S . Solving the above model, the obtained satisfactory solution for the SLDM has been denoted by *




Fp x Fp  (x1Fp , x Fp 2 , ...,x p )

SELECTION OF PREFERENCE BOUNDS In the multi – level decision making problem, the goals of all levels are generally conflicting. To execute the decision making in the real situation, cooperation between DMs is needed. For the overall satisfaction, each level DM provides some relaxation on their decision variables. So, the i-th level provides the upper and lower bounds on the decision variable xi. Let t iL ( Fi ) and t iR ( Fi) be the lower and upper bounds on the decision variables (i = 1, 2, …, p). Then the bounds can be written as follows: *


x iFi  t iL ( Fi)  x i  x iFi  t iR ( Fi) Where x i  ( x i1 , x i 2 ,...,x ini ) , x

(33) Fi* i

Fi* i1

Fi* i2

Fi* in i

 ( x , x ,...,x ) , t

L ( Fi ) i

 (t

L ( Fi ) i1


L ( Fi ) i2


L ( Fi ) in i


R ( Fi ) i

 (t

R ( Fi ) i1


R ( Fi ) i2


R ( Fi ) ini


FGP MODELS Using FGP model of Pramanik and Banerjee [17], the two FGP models have been presented as follows: Model – 1 Min  Subject to  PIS( Fi ) ( x )  d PIS( Fi )  1,



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NIS( Fi ) dq

( x )  d NIS( Fi )  1,

  d PIS( Fi ) ,   d NIS( Fi ) , 0  d PIS( Fi )  1, 0  d NIS( Fi )  1, *


x iFi  t iL( Fi)  x i  x iFi  t iR ( Fi) , for i 1, 2, ...,p x  S . Model – 2 p

Min    ( w iPISd PIS( Fi )  w iNISd NIS( Fi ) )


i 1

subject to 

PIS( Fi ) dq

NIS( Fi ) dq

( x )  d PIS( Fi )  1,

( x )  d NIS( Fi )  1,

0  d PIS( Fi )  1, 0  d NIS( Fi )  1, p

 (w i


i 1

 w iNIS )  1,



x iFi  t iL( Fi)  x i  x iFi  t iR ( Fi) , for i 1, 2, ...,p x  S .

SELECTION OF OPTIMAL SOLUTION Zeleny’s distance function [35] can be defined as follows: K


L r (, K) [   rk (1  k ) ]1 / r


k 1


Here,  k means attribute level and   k  1 r (0  r  ) denotes the distance parameter and  k represents the k 1

degree of closeness between compromise solution and individual best solution of the k – th objective function. K


In this paper, we consider r = 2, then distance function becomes L 2 (, K) [   2k (1  k ) ]1 / 2 k 1


For the maximization problem,  k is the ratio of the compromise solution and individual best solution of the k – th objective function. For the minimization type, the ratio would be reversed. Minimum L 2 reflects the best optimal compromise solution.

NUMERICAL EXAMPLE Consider the following numerical example to illustrate the proposed approach. max (z11  (x1  2)(x 2  3)  (x 3  4); z12  x12  x 22  x 3 )[FLDM] x1

max (z 21  (x1  x 2 x 3 ; z 22  x1x 2  x 3 ) [SLDM] x2

max (z 31  (x 2  7)  (x1  1)(x 3  5); z 32  2x12  3x 2 x 3 )[LLDM ] x3

Subject to Pr (x1  x 2  x 3  b1 )  1  1 ,

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Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management Pr (2x1  5x 2  3x 3  b 2 )  1   2 , Pr (3x1  4x 2  2x 3  b 3 )  1  3 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. The means, variances and the confidence levels are given below: E(b1) = 3, var(b1) = 2, 1 = 0.03 E(b2) = 12, var(b2) =8,  2 = 0.01 E(b3) =10, var(b3) = 18,  3 = 0.05 Using (6), (7) the chance constraints involved in the proposed problem have been transformed into equivalent deterministic constraints as: x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 ,

2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , First level MODM problem max (z11  (x1  2)(x 2  3)  (x 3  4); z12  x12  x 22  x 3 )[FLDM] x1

Subject to x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 ,

2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. The individual best solutions (PISs) and the individual worst solutions (NISs) of the objective functions considered by the FLDM subject to the constraints have been respectively shown in the Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1: The individual best solutions of FLDM in Numerical Example  Maximal value of the objective z  z 12 11 function of FLDM 32.33 at (3.669, 1.997, 0) 32.103 at (5.666, 0, 0) Max z1j (x), (j = 1,2)  xS

Table 2: The individual worst solutions of FLDM in Numerical Example  Minimal value of the objective z  z 12 11 function of FLDM 11.51 at (0, 0, 1.51) 0.948 at (0.75, 0, 0.38) Min z1j (x), (j = 1,2) xS Considering

α1 = α 2 = 0.5, and q = 2, we have obtained 1

2  2 ( x 1  2) * ( x 2  3)  ( x 3  4)   2   32.328    32.103  ( x 12  x 22  x 3 )   ) 2x 1  x 2  3 d PIS(F! ( x ) = (0.5) 2    (0.5) 2  2   , 32.328  11.51 32.103  0.948              


2  2  ( x 1  2) * ( x 2  3)  ( x 3  4)   11.51  2    ( x 2  x 22  x 3 )  0.948   2x 1  x 2  3 d 2NIS(F1) ( x ) = (0.5) 2    (0.5) 2  1   . 32.328  11.51 32.103  0.948              

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 1.51); d

ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

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(x) = Min d PIS(F1) (x) = Max d PIS(F1) Now, d PIS(F1) (x) = 0.109 at (5.338, 0.328, 0); d PIS(F1) (x) = 0.7007 at (0, 0, 2 2 2 2 NIS(F1) 2


(x) = Max d 


NIS(F1) 2

(x) = 0.599 at (0, 0, 5.666); d

NIS(F1) 2


(x) = Min d 2NIS(F1) (x) = 0.0205 at (0.459, 


0, 0.822). The membership functions of d PIS(F1) (x) and d 2NIS(F1) (x) can be formulated as follows: 2

0, if 0.701  d PIS(F1) (x) 2  PIS(F1)  0.701  d 2 ( x )  PIS(F1) ( x )   , if 0.109  d PIS(F1) ( x )  0.701, 2 d2 0 . 701  0 . 109  1, if d PIS(F1) ( x )  0.109 2  0, if d 2NIS(F1) ( x )   0.02  NIS(F1) ( x ) - 0.02 d  NIS(F1) ( x ) =  2 , if 0.02  d 2NIS(F1) ( x )  0.599 d2 0 . 599  0 . 02  1, if d 2NIS(F1) ( x )  0.599  Applying the first order Taylor’s series the non-linear membership functions  transformed into equivalent linear membership functions ˆ


PIS(F1) d2

(x)  

PIS(F1) d2

PIS(F1) d2

( x ) and ˆ

NIS(F1) d2

PIS(F1) d2

( x ) and 

NIS(F1) d2

( x ) have been

( x ) respectively as follows:

  d PIS(F1) ( x )    d PIS(F1) ( x )    2 2 (5.34, 0.33, 0) + (x1 – 5.34)  + (x2 – 0.33)  +     x 1 x 2   at x ( 5.34, 0.33, 0 )   at x ( 5.34, 0.33, 0 )

  d PIS(F1) ( x )   2 (x3 – 0)    x 1   at x ( 5.34, 0.33, 0 ) = ˆ PIS(F1) ( x ) d2

= 1 + 3.895149( (x1 – 5.34)0.06814+ (x2 – 0.33)0.0682 + (x3 – 0)0.01255) ~   d NIS(F1) ( x )   2  NIS(F1) ( x )   NIS(F1) (5.666, 0, 0) + (x1 – 5.666)  + (x2 – 0) d2 d2   x 1   at x ( 5.666, 0, 0 )

  d NIS(F1) ( x )    2 +(x3 –   x 2   at x ( 5.666, 0, 0 )

  d NIS(F1) ( x )   2 0)    x 3   at x ( 5.666, 0, 0 ) = ˆ NIS(F1) ( x ) d2

= 1 + 3.3128((x1 – 5.666)  0.4696 + (x2 – 0)  0.2734+ (x3 – 0)0.0677), Normalizing ˆ PIS(F1) ( x ) and ˆ NIS(F1) ( x ) , we have obtained the following, d2



(x) = PIS(F1)


PIS(F1) d2

(x)  a


b PIS(F1)  a PIS(F1) ˆ NIS(F1) ( x )  a NIS(F1)

, where b PIS(F1) = Max ˆ xS

PIS(F1) d2

( x ) = 0.999 and a PIS(F1) = Min ˆ PIS(F1) ( x ) = -0.431; d xS


, where b NIS(F1) = Max ˆ NIS(F1) ( x) = 1 and a NIS(F1) = Min ˆ NIS(F1) ( x) = -7.476. d2 d2 xS xS b NIS(F1)  a NIS(F1) Solve the model (16) in order to get the satisfactory solution of FLDM: Min  1

NIS(F1) d2

(x) =

PIS( F1 ) dq


( x )  d PIS( F1 )  1 ,

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NIS( F1 ) dq

( x )  d NIS( F1 )  1,

 1  d PIS( F1 ) ,  1  d NIS( F1 ) ,. 0  d PIS( F1 )  1, 0  d NIS( F1 )  1,

x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 , 2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. The satisfactory solution of FLDM has been provided in the Table 3. Table 3: The satisfactory solution of FLDM *

F1* 1


x F1 2 0.001263

x 5.664737

x 3F1 0


Suppose that the FLDM decides x 1F1 = 5.66 with upper tolerance t 1R(F1) = 0.34 and lower tolerance t 1L(F1) = 3.66 such that 5.66 – 3.66  x1  5.66 + 0.34. 8.2 Second level MODM problem max (z 21  ( x 1  x 2 x 3 ; z 22  x 1 x 2  x 3 ) [SLDM ] x2

Subject to x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 ,

2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. ,he individual best solutions (PISs) and the individual worst solutions (NISs) of the objective functions considered by the SLDM subject to the constraints have been respectively shown in the Table 4 and Table 5. Table 4: The individual best solutions of SLDM in Numerical Example Maximal value of the objective z 2 1 z 2 2 function of SLDM 5.941871 at (0.26, 1.43, 3.98) 7.326 at (3.67, 1.997, 0) Max z2j (x), (j = 1,2)  xS

Table 5: The individual worst solutions of SLDM in Numerical Example Minimal value of the objective z 2 1 z 2 2 function of SLDM 0 at (0, 0, 1.51) 0 at (1.007, 0, 0) Min z2j (x), (j = 1,2) xS Considering

α1 = α 2 = 0.5, and q = 2, we have obtained 1

  d PIS(F2) ( x ) = (0.5) 2  5.942  ( x 1  x 2 x 3 )   (0.5) 2  7.326  ( x 1 x 2  x 3 )   , 2 2

 

5.942  0

7.326  0

 (x x  x 3 )  0  x1  x 2 x 3  0   (0.5) 2  1 2    5.942  0   7.326  0 

d 2NIS(F2) ( x ) = (0.5) 2  


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  


 2  . 

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(x) = Min d PIS(F2) (x) = Max d PIS(F2) Now, d PIS(F2) (x) = 0.129 at (2.59, 1.817, 1.259); d PIS(F2) (x) = 0.6499 at 2 2 2 2


NIS(F2) 2

(1.007,0, 0); d

(x) = Max d 


NIS(F2) 2

(x) = 0.5877 at (3.669, 1.997, 0); d

NIS(F2) 2


(x) = Min d 2NIS(F2) (x) = 0.065 


at (0.6, 0, 0.609). The membership functions of d PIS(F2) (x) and d 2NIS(F2) (x) can be formulated as follows: 2

0, if 0.6499  d PIS(F2) (x) 2  PIS(F2)  0.6499  d 2 ( x )  PIS(F2) ( x )   , if 0.129  d PIS(F2) ( x )  0.6499, 2 d2 0 . 6499  0 . 129  1, if d PIS(F2) ( x )  0.129 2  0, if d 2NIS(F2) ( x )   0.065  NIS(F2) ( x ) - 0.065 d  NIS(F2) ( x ) =  2 , if 0.065  d 2NIS(F2) ( x )  0.5877 d2 0 . 5877  0 . 065  1, if d 2NIS(F2) ( x )  0.5877  Applying the first order Taylor’s series the non-linear membership functions  transformed into equivalent linear membership functions ˆ

PIS(F2) d2

( x ) and ˆ

NIS(F2) d2

PIS(F2) d2

( x ) and 

NIS(F2) d2

( x ) can be

( x ) respectively as follows:


PIS(F2) d2

( x )  ˆ

PIS(F2) d2


= 1 + (x1 – 2.59)0.2835+ (x2 – 1.817)0.3854 + (x3 – 1.259)0.2980


NIS(F2) d2

( x )  ˆ

NIS(F2) d2


= 1 + (x1 – 0.6) (-0.1245) + (x2 – 0) (-0.1257) + (x3 – 0.609)(-0.083), Normalizing ˆ PIS(F2) ( x ) and ˆ NIS(F2) ( x ) , we have obtained d2


ˆ PIS(F2) d2

(x) =

PIS(F2) d2

(x)  a


 a PIS(F2) ˆ NIS(F2) ( x )  a NIS(F2)

(x) =




, where b PIS(F2) = Max ˆ xS

PIS(F2) d2

, where b NIS(F2) = Max ˆ

( x ) = 0.999 and a PIS(F2) = Min ˆ PIS(F2) ( x ) = -0.5243; d xS

( x) = 1 and a NIS(F2) = Min ˆ NIS(F2) ( x) = 0.4176. d

b a Solve the model (24) in order to get the satisfactory solution of SLDM: Min  2

 

NIS(F2) d2

PIS( F 2 ) dq NIS( F 2 ) dq




NIS(F2) d2




( x )  d PIS( F2)  1, ( x )  d NIS( F 2)  1,

 2  d PIS( F 2) ,  2  d NIS( F 2) , 0  d PIS( F2)  1 , 0  d NIS( F2)  1 ,

x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 , 2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. The satisfactory solution of SLDM has been provided in the Table 6.

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Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management Table 6: The satisfactory solution of SLDM *

F2* 1


x F2 2 1.996692

x 3.669308

x 3F2 0


Assume that the SLDM decides x F2 = 1.997 with upper tolerance t R(F2) = 0.003 and lower tolerance t L(F2) =1.997 2 2 2 such that 1.997 – 1.997  x2  1.997 + 0.003. Last level MODM problem max (z 31  (x 2  7)  (x1  1)(x 3  5); z 32  2x12  3x 2 x 3 )[LLDM ] x3

Subject to x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 ,

2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. The individual best solutions (PISs) and the individual worst solutions (NISs) of the objective functions of the LLDM subject to the constraints have been respectively shown in the Table 7 and Table 8. Table 7: The individual best solutions of LLDM in Numerical Example Maximal value of the objective z 31 z 32 function of LLDM 41.024 at (4.833, 0, 0.833) 64.21 at (5.666, 0, 0) Max z3j (x), (j = 1,2)  xS

Table 8: The individual worst solutions of LLDM in Numerical Example Minimal value of the objective z 31 z 32 function of LLDM 13.51 at (0, 0, 1.51) 0 at (0, 0, 2.546) Min z3j (x), (j = 1,2) xS Let us assume that

α1 = α 2 = 0.5, and q = 2. 1


PIS(F3) 2

2 2 2  2 41.024  ( x 2  7  ( x 1  1)(x 3  5))  2  64.21  ( 2 x 1  3x 2 x 3 )   ( x ) = (0.5) 2   ( 0 . 5 )    ,  41.024  13.51 64.21  0      


NIS(F3) 2

2 2 2  2 ( x  7  ( x 1  1)(x 3  5))  13.51 2  ( 2 x 1  3x 2 x 3 )  0   ( x ) = (0.5) 2  2  ( 0 . 5 )    .  41.024  13.51 64.21  0      


 1.51); d

 xS (x) = Max d xS

(x) = Min d PIS(F3) (x) = Max d PIS(F3) Now, d PIS(F3) (x) = 0.012 at (5.65, 0, 0.011); d PIS(F3) (x) = 0.707 at (0, 0, 2 2 2 2 NIS(F3) 2

NIS(F3) 2

(x) = 0.698 at (5.67, 0, 0); d

NIS(F3) 2


(x) = Min d 2NIS(F3) (x) = 0 at (0, 0, 1.51). 


The membership functions of d PIS(F3) (x) and d 2NIS(F3) (x) can be formulated as follows: 2

0, if 0.71 d PIS(F3) (x) 2  PIS(F3)  0.71  d 2 ( x )  PIS(F3) ( x )   , if 0.01  d PIS(F3) ( x )  0.71, 2 d2 0 . 71  0 . 01  1, if d PIS(3) ( x )  0.01 2 

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Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management 0, if d 2NIS(F3) ( x )  0  NIS(F3) (x) - 0 d  NIS(F3) ( x ) =  2 , if 0  d 2NIS(F3) ( x )  0.698 d2 0 . 698  0  1, if d 2NIS(F3) ( x )  0.698  Applying the first order Taylor’s series the non-linear membership functions  transformed into equivalent linear membership functions ˆ

PIS(F3) d2

( x ) and ˆ

NIS(F3) d2

PIS(F3) d2

( x ) and 

NIS(F3) d2

( x ) can be

( x ) respectively as follows:


PIS(F3) d2

( x )  ˆ

PIS(F3) d2


= 1 +0.0093((x1 – 5.65)0.00333+ (x2 – 0)*0.00309 + (x3 – 0.01)0.00047)


NIS(F3) d2

( x )  ˆ

NIS(F3) d2


= 1 + 1.02474((x1 – 5.67) 0.72871 + (x2 – 0) 0.18832+ (x3 – 0)0.48636), Now, Normalize ˆ PIS(F3) ( x ) and ˆ NIS(F3) ( x ) we get the following, d2


 

ˆ PIS(F3) d2

NIS(F3) d2

(x) =

PIS(F3) d2

(x)  a


 a PIS(F3) ˆ NIS(F3) ( x )  a NIS(F3)

(x) =




b NIS(F3)  a NIS(F3)

, where bPIS(F3) = Max ˆ PIS(F3) ( x ) = 1 and a PIS(F3) = Min ˆ PIS(F3) ( x ) = 0.9998; d d xS

, where b NIS(F3) = Max ˆ xS



NIS(F3) d2


( x) = 0.99701 and a NIS(F3) = Min ˆ NIS(F3) ( x) = d xS


2.48204. Solve the model (32) in order to get the satisfactory solution of LLDM. Min  3

 

PIS( F3) dq NIS( F3) dq

( x )  d PIS( F3)  1, ( x )  d NIS( F3)  1,

 3  d PIS( F3) ,  3  d NIS( F3) , 0  d PIS( F3)  1, 0  d NIS( F3)  1,

x1  x 2  x 3  5.666 , 2x1  5x 2  3x 3  18.576 , 3x1  4x 2  2x 3  3.021 , x1  0, x2  0, x3  0. The satisfactory solution of LLDM has been provided in the Table 9. Table 9: The satisfactory solution of FLDM *

F3* 1

x F3 2 0

x 5.666


x 3F3 0


Assume that the LLDM decides x 3F3 = 0 with upper tolerance t 3R(F3) = 1 and lower tolerance t 3L(F3) =0 such that 0-0  x3  0 + 1. Using Model 1(35) and Model 2 (36) for p= 3, obtained solutions have been shown in the Table 10 and Table 11 respectively.

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ISSN 2349-4506 Impact Factor: 545

Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management Methods

Decision variables x1, x2, x3

FGP Model 1

x1 = 2, x2 = 1.24 x3 =1

Table 10: The optimal solution of the FGP model 1 Objective Objective Objective Membership values values of values of values of  z11 ,  z12 ,  z 21 ,  z 22 .,  z31 , FLDM SLDM LLDM  z32 z11, z12 Z21, z22 Z31, z32 z11 = 21.979, z12 = 6.549.

z21=3.245, z22=3.245.

Z31 =26.979, z22 =11.734.

 z11 = 0.374,  z12 = 0.427,

 z 21 = 0.558,  z 22 = 0.548,  z31 = 0.326,  z32 = 0.374,

The optimal solution of the FGP Model 2 is shown in the Table 11.


Decision variables x1, x2, x3

FGP Model 2

x1 = 2, x2 = 1.24 x3 =1

Table 11: The optimal solution of the FGP model 2 Objective Objective Objective Membership values values of values of values of  z11 ,  z12 ,  z 21 ,  z 22 .,  z31 , FLDM SLDM LLDM  z32 z11, z12 Z21, z22 Z31, z32 z11 = 21.979, z12 = 6.549.

z21=3.245, z22=3.245.

Z31 =26.979, z22 =11.734.

 z11 = 0.374,  z12 = 0.427,

 z 21 = 0.558,  z 22 = 0.548,  z31 = 0.326,  z32 = 0.374,

Note1. Two tables show the two FGP Models provide the same results

CONCLUSION In the paper we have developed TOPSIS approach to solve chance constrained multi-level multi objective quadratic programming problem. In the proposed approach two FGP models have been developed and solved. Further, the proposed approach can be extended to solve multi-level multi objective quadratic programming problem with fuzzy coefficient of objective functions. If the coefficients of constraints are taken as random variables, the proposed concept can also be adopted.

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