A Gender-Neutral Clothing Collection Collection Catalog
A Gender-Neutral Collection
Lil Bugs is an infant’s clothing collection that uses a gender-neutral color palette and focuses on moths. As a non-binary illustrator and designer, I found that there was a lack of infant clothing that was specifically designed for folks who choose to raise their babies in a gender-neutral household, so I decided to fill that gap. I love creating patterns, apparel graphics, and using hand-rendered typography to create clothing and graphics that is for all children regardless of gender stereotypes. I made this collection gender-neutral by creating a color palette that would fit any child and exploring different kinds of moths and patterns that weren’t too masculine or too feminine. Moths have so many interesting wing patterns, so it was really great turning these wing patterns into patterns for clothing that would work for infants.
FULL COLLEC M ade for Pairing or to We a r Alon e
Fun Pairings
Color ful a nd Cozy
M oth s an d F l o r al
Pa t t e r n s & Graphics
Co m p l e t e l y Ge n d e r - N e u
e fo r Ev er y on e
P i c k Yo u r Pa i r
Multiple Pairing s fo r Ev e r y I tem
Hi! I’m Rita, a non-binary illustrator and designer. I really hope you enjoyed checking out the catalog that I’ve created for Lil Bugs. I loved going through the process of making a clothing collection and learning more about pattern design and apparel graphics through this past semester. I’m so glad I was able to create something where I was able to learn about different kinds of methods of pattern-making and refresh my memory on how to make simple animations. I absolutely love growing and learning, and this project has taught me so much, not just technically, but about myself as well!
ritasillustrations.com @ritasillustrations ritarichardsonsillustrations@gmail.com
see more at ritasillustrations.com