Street photography by Mia MP Photography

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Copyright All rights are reserved. This magazine can be downloaded free and only diffuse freely in its entirety. The images and text are the exclusive property of the authors included in the related sections. Any other use will be sanctioned by the existing rules on the subject of copyright. ©Mario Bunčuga ©Noorhadi Saleh ©Le Tanguerrant ©Diego Gigante ©Henry Wang ©Tony Liviero ©Emanuele Dello Strologo ©Mia. M Photography and Writing

©Rui Lopes © Teddy Gonzalez Rodriguez ©Anita Chung ©Antonio Sarno © Simone Vivaldo ©Stradi Corleone ©Miguel Angel Ramos


hen I began to make my research and write this article, I thought it would be just an article. I feel happy because it is already published in some printed magazines from different countries. However, I wanted to do something special for all stunning photographers who help me during my research, without their support, I could not have written this article. Therefore, I decided to become it into an international project and a visual magazine. Many heartfelt thanks to all wonderful friends and excellent photographers who kindly shared with me their photos, experiences, opinions, methods and tips about how to immortalize in a photograph the urban stories.

Street Photography by ŠMia. M Photography&Writing 2015

Did you know that the cities tell stories?


es, stories that poke through its streets, its buildings, its people... Every new day a new story sees the light in your city, and you are part of that story.The called Street Photography is the photographic category that handles immortalize these stories and characters. Nowadays with so much movement in the cities, trapped in a picture the time and space in which daily life goes, it is much easier. The streets, parks, squares... Everything comes to life and let us bring out our creativity; these cityscapes, their stories and characters carry us away. The photographer becomes Dreamcatcher, a traveling storyteller, is subject and object at the same time, because not only captures the scenes, also live them. All reality asleep in a picture... However, this idyllic vision of the bohemian photographer with his camera in hand

exploring the cities is just the beginning of an adventure that requires special training. I spent many nights reading books about Street Photography in company of coffees and receiving findings from wonderful photographers and friends, who are dedicated to take with their cameras these urban stories. I must say I was surprised, when I started my research, I thought that the interaction between the photographer and the public was one of the key elements within this category. Perhaps, because here where I am the right to privacy and the image is very overrated in some places. However, through my research I discovered that this photographer-public interaction is almost nonexistent. If I used the quantitative method of methodology research, I could say mathematically, that 100% of the photographers who I asked their opinion, 96% answered that never interact with people on the street while they are taking their photos. Are you surprised? Street Photography by ŠMia. M Photography&Writing 2015

Taking stories from the distance

F “NY” © Rui Lopes

or many photographers direct contact with the public is difficult, sometimes to ask permission before taking the photo is an embarrassing situation because the artist feels intimidated by the possible public reaction. Other times, after photographers ask if they accept or not to be photograph, the public has all

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

right to refuse and photographers could lose a good photo. However, when people reach kindly be part of the picture, with the knowledge that they will be photograph, they adopt unnatural poses as if it were a birthday photo. Thus, in the opinion of many photographers, the photo loses its spontaneity; the natural dynamics of the scene loses its rhythm and it won´t be Street Photography, but a portrait outdoors or a possible truncated report. Faced with these dilemmas, photographers choose multiple capture methods that allow them to tell their stories, ¨with the presence of the characters, but without the characters¨. Some of these photographers opt for distance plans, where the audience is only one element of the cityscape. Photographers remain in the

distance, as snipers waiting for the perfect moment to fire. In this way the scenes are a whole set of stories that are intertwined and where the public is shown in the urban landscape. Other photographers, who want to take closer shots and facing these avatars, use other catches techniques different and even risky. During my talks with some of these artists, I discovered that, as a warrior you must you have the camera always ready for battle. Spend time between people, walk between the buildings, and sit down to drink a coffee... No matter where, just shoot as much as possible, and for to nearby planes, shoot from the hip. This requires discretion and practice because many pictures can be blurred, out of focus, or people may realize you are taking pictures of them without their consent. However, with much preparation

“Buenos Aires “

© Diego Gigante you acquire the necessary quickly to capture stories and characters experience. Pictures taken from the waist can give new and interesting perspectives, as well as, capturing the spontaneous gestures of people, the interaction between them, the Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

feeling of an instant stolen... At the end of the day you will be surprised by how many interesting and funny pictures captured. One of the fundamental keys to tell these urban stories without having to interact with the audience is discretion. Many photographers claim that to be discreet plays an essential role to shot the public. For this, you must not under any circumstances make people feel threatened by your presence, respect their space. It is important to dress naturally not carry excessive equipment, no tripod, flash, reflectors, lights... Only you and your camera, do not configure too much the camera and change lens all the time, also avoid eye contact, you can pretend you're interested in another subject and not on the people in front of you. The photographer must be a character in the scene, history and historian at the same time. Other photographers have a peculiar way to empathize with the public; Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Henry Wang this caught my attention during my research. I know that have already an explanation under the sleeve if someone is offended to see that you are taking photos is something usual. Many photographers explain to the public that this is a story about the city, a work for a company,

or pictures to illustrate a story... Instead, this group of photographers has a special way of interacting with the public, they first observed the scenes, and then they try to imagine and feel what people are living at that time, recreate the story in their mind before take the picture. Nevertheless, the funny thing is that after take the photo, many of them approach the public to confirm the story. These photographers are like storytellers, trying to express feelings, expressions, events, experiences, the daily struggle of people from a very intimate and descriptive angle.


However, what happens if you prefer to take the story nearby?


s I mentioned earlier, there is a group, although not extensive, within the photographers I interviewed, who prefer to take shots close and

interact with the public. They to create a bond of trust courtesy with people they going to photograph. They

© Le Tanguerrant

like and are are

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

photographers focus on more detailed drawings of daily life and especially in the characters as the main subject of the urban composition. They use the portrait and reportage, not as photographic categories in themselves but as tools to relate the elements of daily life through their characters. For them the stories are reflected by the expressions, feelings, dreams, experiences... of each of the characters who are in the scene, their photos show a more human perspective of cities. Of course, these photographers must to face as the other group the dilemmas mentioned. However, they face this interaction in a different way, without thinking about feeling intimidated by the crowd reaction or negative responses from people, and above all, applying different methods where the public does not take unnatural poses. Like other photographers, they look to capture Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Mia.M Phtography unique, spontaneous and natural moments within urban stories. They want to take snapshots that reflect the way of life in cities, with its social problems, its attractions, its various historical periods, the culture and especially its people, those people who gives life to the cities.

To achieve this photographic perspective where the man is the engine that moves the cities, many photographers say the friendliness and courtesy are an inseparable and essential binomial. The best introduction is always a smile, a smile tells people that you are friendly, inspires confidence and respect in the people who are watching you. Smiling shows that your intentions are healthy. Respect the privacy of the characters and good communication are also key elements to flow the scene and you can take a closer plane without any limitation. First, many photographers are mixed with subjects, establish a conversation, and create an atmosphere of complicity, then they ask permission to take their picture, because this is not only a closer shot, but warm up in terms of interaction and sympathy. If the answer is negative, they try to explain what

they are doing, offer to send the photo by e-mail to the person, and try to make them understand so friendly that it is a work of art, not a vulgar invasion to their privacy. If the refusal persists, only go your way and think that best scenes await you ahead, do not enter, under any circumstances, into polemics with people.


© Antonio Sarno

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“Jakarta”I © Noorhadi Salehndonesia

When the answer of people is positive, everything changes, because the photographers must explain to people how the dynamic works and what they want to capture in the scene. It is hard not to take specific poses when you know that someone is about to take you a Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

portrait. I think it is an unconditioned reflex, since children, people tell us: ¨smile, put your hand on your waist, move your head to one side, crosses your leg...¨ Well, it is hard not to succumb to the temptation of loving look good in pictures. However, these photographers have methods to transform this situation and take candid, spontaneous and sincere shots of characters. Some of them, after asking permission, explain to people how this interaction works, ask them to continue to do their work normally without posing. For example, if the character is a street vendor, he can continue hawking and offering his products to people without looking at the camera, as if the photographer was not present. In this way, the photographer can take several close shots of the character perform his daily functions, and then choose the most natural and spontaneous display. As I said

before it is hard to get that the subject does not pose, but in this way you have the possibility to make several close shots from different angles without seeing involved in unpleasant situations. Then, you can choose the picture which best reflects naturalness, and expresses the evolution of the characters inside of city dynamics. Other photographers opt, instead, for a different method that may reflect a nuanced snapshot.They first ask permission, speak to subjects and get involved in what the subjects are doing. Then, these photographers continue as observers for a few minutes, when the character has already forgotten the photographer and photo they were going to take, at that time unnoticed by the subject, these photographers shoot. It is an unexpected shot, but with the consent of the person. It is like a twist in a story that you thought was

“Templo Debod”

© Teddy González going to be the same as always, but everything changes in a moment, and you dear friend stay surprised. Honestly, so many different ways to do Street Photography is fascinating to me. How many fun, daring, dynamic methods, how much variety of perspectives and legends Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

told from different visions, full of dreams and reality at the same time. No matter which method do you use, if you prefer the distance or proximity, if you interact with the characters or not. I think each of these photographers has a unique and magical way of telling these urban stories, to show how much life enclosed cities, richness of his characters, the nuances of daily life... These photographers invite us to have fun, to enjoy, to live, feel and love this kind of photography. Moreover, the most important, they teach us that every new day a new story sees the light in our cities and that we are part of that story.

By Mia. M Photography and Writing

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Tony Liviero

Now I invite you to enjoy some of these urban stories through the eyes of wonderful photographers from different cities around the world. Let´s go!

Street Photography by ŠMia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Rui Lopes Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal

“Braga - Portugal” © Rui Lopes

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Rui Lopes

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Noorhadi Saleh: Indonesia

“Banana vendor — Bogor” © Noorhadi Saleh

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Noorhadi Saleh Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Le Tanguerrant Francia

“New York”

© Le Tanguerrant Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Le Tanguerrant

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Henry Wang Taipei, Taiwan,

“Selfie under the cherry blossom” Kyoto, Japan © Henry Wang

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“Combat of the Chinese chess game” Singapore © Henry Wang Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Miguel Angel Ramos Madrid, Spain

“Madrid bajo el calor 1” © Miguel Angel Ramos

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“Madrid bajo el calor 2” © Miguel Angel Ramos Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Emanuele Dello Strologo Genova, Italy

© Emanuele Dello Strologo

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Emanuele Dello Strologo Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Tony Liviero Miami, Fl, United Stated

“Entre les gens” © Tony Liviero

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“Le classique deux” © Tony Liviero Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Mario Bunčuga Brescia, Italy

“Pit stop”

© Mario Bunčuga

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Mario Bunčuga

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Teddy González Rodríguez Madrid, Spain

“Chinese Fashion”

© Teddy González Rodríguez Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“Pequeño nazareno”

© Teddy González Rodríguez Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Antonio Sarno Rome, Italy


© Antonio Sarno

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“For a moment”

© Antonio Sarno

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Anita Chung Hong Kong

© Anita Chung

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Anita Chung Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Simone Vivaldo: Dalmine, Italy

“Mercatini di natale” © Simone Vivaldo Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015


© Simone Vivaldo Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Diego Gigante Argentina

“Estación Retiro” © Diego Gigante

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“El esplendor de la niñez!” © Diego Gigante

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Stradi Corleone Castellar del Vallès, Spain “De compras”

© Stradi Corleone

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“Looking at darkness” © Stradi Corleone

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Mia. M Photography Havana, Cuba

“Escalera hacia el cielo” © Mia. M Photography

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

“La Bodeguita Del Medio” © Mia. M Photography Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

Article: © Mia. M Photography and Writing Photos: © Mario Bunčuga © Noorhadi Saleh © Le Tanguerrant © Diego Gigante © Henry Wang © Tony Liviero © Emanuele Dello Strologo © Mia. M Photography and Writing Design: © Teddy Gonzalez Rodriguez

Direction Project: © Mia. M Photography and Writing

Street Photography by ©Mia. M Photography&Writing 2015

© Rui Lopes © Teddy Gonzalez Rodriguez © Anita Chung © Antonio Sarno © Simone Vivaldo © Stradi Corleone © Miguel Angel Ramos

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