Command The Week Step By Step

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Copyright © 2018 Jennifer Monita Lapompe All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King James Version. Quotations marked NKJV are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW KING JAMES VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, a member of the Hodder Headline Plc Group. All rights reserved. “NKJV” is a registered trademark of International Bible Society. UK trademark number 1448790. Quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version. Cover Design: Images by Trevor Sinclair


A Shout of Victory How It All Began

Command The Week® Step By Step Guide




The Power of Prayer



Types Of Prayer

- Prayer of Agreement - Petitioning God - Warfare Prayer - Prayer of Thanksgiving - Prayer of Worship - Intercessory Prayer

The Power to Decree and Declare

Command The Week® 52 Holy Spirit Inspired Prayers for living life Victoriously


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A Shout of Victory Do you believe that you deserve the victory, victory over sickness, victory over poverty and lack, over oppression, victory over pain and suffering, victory in every area of your life. An emphatic yes I hear you say, then shout hallelujah and claim it. Victory is assured when you walk in joyful peace, in good health, spiritually rich, free from anger and fear, free from unforgiveness and shame. It is our Heavenly Father’s will that we should walk in total victory and even during those ‘valley’ moments, those moments when the challenges we face seems impossible to overcome, when life situations have us bent over, we have the assurance that we will stand again, that there is victory through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. The Apostle Paul in his wisdom was assured of this as he wrote to the Corinthian church; But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:57-58 NKJV


Command The Week® Step By Step To Victory Command the Week® Step by Step To Victory is the accompanying book to ‘Command The Week®’ Spirit inspired Prayers, the amazing box set of 52 Inspirational prayer cards for Living Life Victoriously. Each prayer is packed with the immeasurable power of the Holy Spirit, design to move you towards a more fulfilled life.

How It All Began Here is my story, my testimony of how God birthed 52 prayers for living life victoriously. One cold Saturday in the early months of 2015 I laid on the sofa feeling fed up. You will recognise those day where you switch off and watch garbage on the TV. My mind was troubled so I began to pray for clarity, as I often do. I was praying and commanding the week to bring forth


clarity regarding a work challenge I was facing at the time. I wanted to let go of something God wasn’t ready to release me from. I prayed that morning for clarity: no double mindedness, clear intentions, clear thinking in all situations. I heard a small voice clearly in my ear saying, “write that prayer down and then write 51 more’. In all honesty I initially ignored the prompting but it continued. I knew from where the prompting came and accepted that it required a response. Fed up and not wanting to move from the sofa, I took my mobile phone and began to write titles in the note file on the phone. I drew the titles from the well of my ‘belly’, my solar plexus, the seat of my emotions. I thought in that moment, if I’m going to do this I want to write prayers that spoke to people’s heart, prayers that would uplift, encourage, heal, strengthen and bring joy and peace. I felt in that moment that I would write prayers that would change lives and walk people towards victory over challenges. The titles began to flow like fresh water in a rapid stream. When satisfied that I had enough titles, I copied, paste and emailed them to myself. I


continued on the sofa watching ‘garbage’ on the TV, I was fed up and just wanted to be entertained. I didn’t revisit the titles again until the coming Monday. On Monday I took a fresh look, made some changes, determined that the writing of the prayers was between myself and the Holy Spirit. I remember saying “ Lord if you want me to do this then it just me and you, I’m not going to research or read anything, this has to come through you”. There began the journey. I set a 90 days goal to complete the first draft. Every prayer was written under the influence of the ‘Spirit’. Often I would just write with no knowledge of how it flowed until I stopped writing. Many times I would read over what I had just written, tears flowing as I recognise the awesome power of God working through me. The first draft had no uniformity; some of the prayers had many more verses than others. I had a friend look over the first draft, the feedback was positive. I revisited the prayers with a fresh eye and a lifted spirit. I called on the Holy Spirit once more and together added additional verses where required. I chose to present the prayers as cards rather than as a book because I wanted to give readers the opportunity to use the cards in a variety of ways. The cards offered the opportunity for sharing with


others, individually or in a group. Also one or two can be tucked into a book or bible when on the move An interesting revelation I became aware of when adding the scriptures, which incidentally were added after the titles and the prayers were written, was that I was able to find scriptures that reflected all 52 titles. This is a sure testament of God’s perfect order. The majority of the images, bar the five I took myself and the four or five that were purchased, were sourced from a friend who is not a believer in Christ. God is always up to something so I am convinced that He has a plan for my friend’s life. The box I designed and had made in China. I wanted to house the cards in a box that look amazing. The bold gold lettering is deliberate. In 1996 my friend Bev received a message for me, which came to her in a vision whilst sleeping. We were in Barbados at the time, the country of my birth. She shared that she saw written in big bold gold letters “you will get the desires of your heart”, words that are reflected in my favorite psalm 37v4. That message stayed with me to this day.


I am humbled and filled with gratitude that God has used me as the vessel to pen 52 prayers designed to bring about positive change in the lives of others. I could have chosen that Saturday to wallow in selfpity, lay on the couch and do nothing. My story would have been very different now. Sometimes it’s those very ‘valley’ moments that God uses to birth something great in our lives. My hope is that this small book brings clarity to you on many levels regarding the power of prayer and how to exercise God’s authority in your day-to-day lives. My hope is that it builds boldness within you and creates a greater understanding of the importance of decreeing and declaring ‘a thing’ over your life. My hope is that this small book provides a useful guide to the effective use of the Prayer Cards.


Command The Week® Step By Step Guide In each box you will find that the first card is the ‘title card’ illustrating 52 titles. The prayers are designed to be used as weekly declarations. You are not restricted to one prayer a week, you can cover your week in as many prayers as you desire. The important thing is to declare it, believe it and walk in victory, assured ‘that thing’ you desire has been established. Your week, your seven days, can start on whatever day of the week you propose. Choosing a prayer; go through the titles, they are designed to reflect real life situations. Each titles speaks to things we sometimes think or say out loud, e.g. one of my regular is Lord “Keep Pushing Me Through,”


number 26 in the box. You will know which one resonates with your current situation. Read each prayer out loud, there is power in the spoken word. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. Gen 1:3 NKJV Each prayer starts with a bold statement establishing the power and authority given to us by God. This inspires boldness within us and builds faith “Heavenly Father I come boldly to your throne in the mighty name of Jesus. Your word declares; if I command the mountain to move and believe it in my heart it shall be moved and if I decree a thing it shall be established”. The boldness continues as we petition God to stand on his word; “Standing on your word Lord, I Command The Week...” You then present your decree; that thing you wish to be established.



and receive clarity on many levels regarding the power of prayer and how to exercise God’s authority in your day-to-day life. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THE COMPLETE BOOK


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