31 minute read
POLITICAL POINT OF VIEW Trump Administration’s ‘Weaponization’ of COVID-19
a weapon of opportunity to push forth broader political agendas while dividing the nation along partisan lines. Take President Trump’s race-baiting rhetoric from the outset in January, referring to the virus as the “China Virus,” leading some of his supporters to viciously seek out and target people who appeared of Asian descent. Instead of focusing on preparedness, such senseless rhetoric simply reflects his ability to spur divisiveness. Remember, this is the same president who declared in early February that because only 15 reported cases of infections had been reported at that time, this virus was akin to just another flu-like BY DR. OLIVIA A. JACKSON virus. By late February he continued to minimize the impact of this virus, By now we all have had to quickly adjust to the challenges resulting from COVID-19, a viral pandemic that has brought about health and economic crises of grave proportions, particularly impacting our elderly and Black and Brown lives. While doing so, unfortunately, President Donald Trump has managed to turn this viral threat into predicting that by April the number of cases would be near “zero” and would “miraculously” go away. Unfortunately, as the number of cases continued to climb, the obvious blowback from his delayed response began to emerge: the country was not prepared to deal with the exponential rise in cases and deaths, although the Obama administration actually provided the
Trump administration with a Pandemic game plan for addressing pandemics. So, Mr. Trump, you are wrong when you say Obama left you with “…empty shelves, empty cupboards” to address pandemics.
Nevertheless, after two months of dismissing this virus, he eventually acquiesced to the public health officials’ insistence to issue a national stay-athome directive, despite several brave state and local leaders taking matters into their own hands by declaring “shelter-in” policies for their own residents. Let’s get real. Our president’s delay to issue this directive and now his rush to “re-open America” is driven by one motive—an opportunity to win a second term in office.
From the outset he weaponized this pandemic to gin up his base by blaming this virus on the “liberal media,” “the radical left,” and of course, Obama. Given the subsequent economic decline, Trump immediately began to weaponize this same virus to push forward an economic stabilization policy in an effort of ensuring re-election with the hopes of people forgetting his failed response to this pandemic. Unfortunately, because of our president’s petulant behavior and lack of leadership, the rise in infections, deaths, and economic fallout that could have been avoided actually occurred. By May 29, the number of reported infections skyrocketed from 15 in midFebruary to over 1.7 million, and 101,635 reported deaths.
Good. Well mediation is a process and statement) where I addressed the attorneys’ 3. How will you participate differently technology allows for more flexibility… frustrations. It worked! when online? I am a third party impartial neutral without the authority to impose a decision/ solution… All of the rules of confidentiality apply, and all named parties are present correct? … Now, there may come a During the process, I used the online platform functions to meet separately during various times with the attorneys alone and with their clients. I was able to create trust in the process between the 4. Prepare a brief and concise opening statement that also captures your expectation with online negotiation, and your limitations. time where I may need to meet with the attorneys/parties and build perspectives 5. Be honest about what you want and parties and their attorneys privately, or that led to shared mutual goals and a where you are willing to go. Save ego the attorneys privately, or even in rare willingness to create a mutually satisfied for court. BY STANLEY ZAMOR (Editor’s Note: The following is Part 2 of a three-part series) “Thank you for allowing me to be your mediator. If you can clearly see/ hear me, please give the thumbs up signal… Thank you. You are all not muted and I will do my best to make this feel comfortable and familiar. Thumbs up if you have participated in mediation and/ or negotiations using an online platform. circumstances just both parties together… You are encouraged and empowered to create your own solution that best satisfies your needs today and craft a Mutual Acceptable Agreement… Are there any questions? Let’s begin.” Creating Mutual Gains and Value Recently, I facilitated an online mediation where both attorneys expressed a frustration with the case and how the matter was being litigated during COVID-19. Everything was an issue, from document production requests/responses, to communicating with multiple revolving attorneys on the case. Nothing was consistent. The above are excerpts from my Mediator’s Orientation Statement (opening agreement. Not enough value is placed on the opening statement (and using an online platform makes it more difficult). Depending on the case and participant specifics, negotiators need to be flexible in their approaches and be prepared to reserve the “harsh-tactics” for face-to-face interactions or court. So, as you negotiate through online platforms think about the following: 1. What do you want out of the process and how will you approach it differently than the usual face-to-face interactions? 2. How have you responded to conflict or the adverse opinions/positions of the other side? Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit/family/county mediator and primary trainer and qualified arbitrator. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/ arbitration rosters and mediates with the ATD (Agree2Disagree) Mediation & Arbitration, PA throughout Florida. As an ADR consultant, he regularly lectures about a variety of topics from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying, and family/business relationships. szamor@effectivemediationconsultants. com; www.effectivemediationconsultants. com; www.LinkedIn.com/in/ stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600 n
The Basics of Online Negotiation/Mediation: Creating Value Through COVID-19
Indeed, reviving the economy and getting folks back to work is crucial for a nation to thrive, but as health experts insist, doing so without carefully balancing public health policy could lead to greater spikes in infections and deaths. So I implore you to remember that as we approach the November 2020 election, let this pandemic—and how it has exposed the failed leadership of our president—serve as a reminder to vote as if your life depends on it…because it does.
Dr. Olivia A. Jackson is associate professor of Law and Government at Florida Memorial University.
BUSINESS REPORT Black-Owned Businesses Need Extra Help to Recover
owners fell by 32 percent; working Asian shutdowns and slowdowns. in-person and online training, one-on-one business owners fell by around 25 percent There are other reasons minorityconsulting, and meetings with federal and working immigrant business owners owned businesses are more at risk of agency representatives. Also, we launched fell by 36 percent. failing during this crisis. McKinsey found a PPE Portal (fsmsdc.org/ppe) connecting African-Americans already have the that, historically, those that continue Minority Business Enterprises that sell lowest business-ownership rate of any operating during and after a recession Personal Protective Equipment with U.S. racial group, which means fewer are about 60 percent less likely than peer corporations, health care organizations black families benefit from the long-term businesses to receive all of the financing and individuals looking to purchase wealth that research shows is linked to they require. In addition, research shows equipment. Our goal is to help as many owning a business. In addition, minoritythat black business owners are less likely companies as possible to not just survive owned companies can be a catalyst to seek advice from professionals. but thrive during this crisis. for economic growth throughout their The Florida State Minority Supplier communities – they consistently employ Development Council has initiated Beatrice Louissaint is president and other minorities and make purchases from several new programs and expanded CEO of the Florida State Minority other community businesses. Falling others to help minority-owned businesses Supplier Development Council), one of numbers of black business owners mean through this crisis (fsmsdc.org/covid19). 23 regional councils affiliated with the BY BEATRICE LOUISSAINT there will be more families in precarious These include consulting and technical National Minority Supplier Development Since the COVID-19 pandemic began affecting the U.S. economy, the number of working black business owners in this country has fallen by more than 40 percent, according to the Washington Post. That is around 450,000 active black business owners who have either permanently shut down their companies or are currently not conducting business. Other minority groups have also seen drops: working Hispanic business financial situations. Black-owned businesses are also less likely to recover from this pandemic disruption. A recent McKinsey & Company study shows that around 40 percent of black-owned companies’ revenues are in leisure, hospitality, transportation and retail. Only 25 percent of U.S. companies’ overall revenues are in these sectors, which are experiencing the worst effects of COVID-19 assistance to help businesses pivot to take advantage of opportunities related to COVID-19. We are also packaging loans for minority-owned businesses and helping them apply for grants. Minority-owned businesses can also sign up for video conference sessions with the FSMSDC team and free webinars. Our SBA 7(j) Management and Technical Assistance program gives minority-owned businesses access to Council. The FSMSDC acts as a liaison between corporate America and government agencies and Minority Business Enterprises in Florida and operates U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency Business Centers serving southern and central Florida. Learn more about the FSMSDC’s programs and services at fsmsdc.org, or call (305) 762-6151. n
Palm Beach County Schools Play Major Role in Supporting Families During Pandemic
exhibiting symptoms. massive lay-offs and lack of income, the balance their children’s academic and The Trump Administration school district has played a major role in social needs — how their sons and declared the Coronavirus a public health supporting thousands of families during daughters might react if their friends emergency on January 31. Schools this pandemic. move up but they don’t. across the country began closing as According to The Palm Beach COVID-19 will have a major impact early as March 17. This move shifted the Post, some students aren’t applying for a long time because without a vaccine Palm Beach County School District into themselves as they would in the there is no resolution to this pandemic. high gear preparing more than 194,292 classroom. In some poorer communities, It’s not just a disruption in education, students enrolled in 265 public schools many students aren’t logging on at but socially, mentally, physically and for “Distance Learning.” With limited the same rate as wealthier children. economically. This crisis has changed our time to prepare, Superintendent Donald None of this should be seen as a way of living as we knew it. Fennoy, school board administrators, reflection on educators, nor parents As a global community, we principals and teachers began creating who have struggled to make it work. must work with the World Health lesson plans and distributing computers Cyber-learning might be optimal for Organization and scientists to find a BY SOULAN JOHNSON to as many students as possible. While keeping their children safe some students, but many others fare better academically, emotionally, vaccine. We must be on alert for future prevention, surveillance, and response The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic spread across the world like a tornado, violently rotating a column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. Because wind is invisible, it is hard to see a tornado unless it forms a condensation funnel made up of water droplets, dust and debris. Likewise, COVID-19 is an invisible, deadly virus that can only be identified by people at home, some parents found “Distance Learning” overwhelming, particularly because not all students had been given a computer initially, or had access to computers or Internet at home. Eventually, the district made it work for all students. Schools provided healthy breakfast and lunches to thousands of low-income students who rely on these meals to get them through the day. With and physically surrounded by their peers in a classroom with a teacher up front commanding their attention and orchestrating their efforts. Gov. Ron DeSantis said Florida parents will have the option of keeping their children in the same grade if they’re not ready to move on. Many parents are beginning to have those conversations, wondering how to capacities for viruses with pandemic potential because our children are the leaders of tomorrow and education is the key to unlock the door to a better and brighter future for all. Soulan Johnson is vice president of Development and Communications for the Urban League of Palm Beach County, Inc. n
Q: What key issue do you think needs to be reformed in order for a public defender to effectively represent the minority population he/she serves?
Racial sensitivity training will impact the public defender role. Justice needs to be blind. Indigent people are automatically at a disadvantage. I’ve witnessed the system work against the poor, mentally ill, homeless and people of color for so long. Acts of violence against people of color continue to permeate this nation. I’ve seen people of color be run down, kneed, and shot in cold blood in their own homes because of inherent biases.
People that can’t afford an attorney deserve great attorneys. Presently, many of the chief assistant public defenders and supervisors do not have a caseload and do not try cases. Public defenders are trial lawyers, and if I am successful in my campaign, all lawyers in the office will try cases, including myself. Equalized caseloads, and increased training will result in improved morale, all of which will benefit the clients.
I am running for public defender to ensure that Each Shall Stand Equal in the criminal justice system. I have worked as a voice of reason to counteract the criminalization of youthful misbehavior, people living with mental illness and those battling addiction. As public defender, I will ensure equality, fairness and justice. With your support, I will faithfully guide the Public Defender’s Office into the future with a steady hand.
Investment Diversity: We Are Leaving Money on The Table
Even the wealthiest people in the Black community are leaving significant amounts of money on the table. Black Americans, as a group, continue to fall far behind our white counterparts on the measure of expanding our wealth and successfully transferring it to future generations. Amazingly, the biggest deterrence to our growth in this arena is
not a blatant barrier — rather, it is our collective lack of understanding and active use of the wealth creation tools that define capitalism. Angel Investing, for example, is one of several methods that can help us increase wealth across Black America.
So what is Angel Investing? It is the act of investing money in early-stage businesses, in exchange for a share of the profits. Angel Investors typically invest in young companies that are not established enough to attract investments from venture capital firms and investors. Sometimes, they also lend their relationship and professional experience to the companies. Shark Tank is a good example of Angel Investing.
Annually, Angel Investors provide more than $25 billion to 70,000 plus companies in the U.S. A Kauffman Foundation study showed that Angel Investor groups are generating roughly 2.6 times return on their investments in 3.5 years. Black investors amount to less than 1.5 percent of the Angel Investors in the U.S. Also, the absence of Black Angels contributes to Blackled start-up companies receiving a negligible percentage of this financial and professional support. We are missing out on significant wealth creation opportunities by not being in the game.
Black Angels Miami was launched in 2019 to solve this problem. BAM is an angel investment club with a core mission to increase angel investment knowledge and activity among the Black community. Our members get exposed to exciting companies that need investments and then we help them to make investment “magic” happen.
BAM uses our broad and international network of relationships to identify attractive early-stage companies and high-quality sources of information. Our network includes fellow angel investment clubs, top-notch investment firms, incubators, accelerators, universities and commercialization programs. Through the power of BAM’s network, our members get better access to attractive companies seeking investments. Consider us an onramp for Black investors seeking to get on the super highway that is Angel Investing.
Mary V. Davids, MS-HRM, career strategist
CAREER LEADERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT Career Pivot: How to Make Your Next Big Move
Are you not really feeling your current job or are you worried your current job is not feeling you? Selfemployed, but thinking of shifting gears into a new industry or going back into the workforce? Willfully or not, many people are taking a closer look at their career choices these days. If you’re thinking about changing your career, there are a few things you need to do before taking the leap.
1. Know what you don’t know. The best way to see what your chances are to get into a new industry or role is to find out what they need vs. what you have. You’ll need to compare the required skills to the skills you already possess. Knowing this can help you strategically prepare and possibly increase your knowledge base before applying for a new role or launching a new business.
2. What is working for you? I often tell my clients to use an “eat the meat and spit out the bone” method when struggling with big decisions. Consider what is really working for you such as your strengths, things you enjoy, or things you’ve always wanted to try, and discard the rest. It’s easy to point out what you don’t like, but if you don’t take time to sort out the things you do like, you could find yourself in a different place facing the same problem from which you tried to get away.
BAM believes diverse perspectives improve investment outcomes and strengthens capitalism as a whole. It is time to put more Black capital to work and to start closing the wealth gap.
To learn more about Angel Investing, stay-tuned for our upcoming contributions to Legacy magazine that will continue to explain the what, how, and why of Angel Investing. Or check out #BlackAngelsU, a digital broadcast that introduces Angel Investing to a broader audience through interviews with top professional investors, business and thought leaders.
Kevin Cadette is executive director of Black Angels Miami. Black Angels Miami: Changing the landscape of Angel Investing. Enabling investing for a higher reward. Website: www. blackangels.miami Twitter: @ blackangelsmia
3. Know your level of risk. Fear is the No. 1 reason many people end up spending their lives working in jobs they hate. While moving into something new is scary, it can also be an exciting new challenge. You’ll need to educate yourself on as much as you can about your next move to help increase your level of confidence and to see how far you’re willing to stretch yourself before making your next move.
4. Ditch the résumé; Go straight to the source. Don’t get too wrapped up in what to put on your résumé more than you are about being intentional, direct, and creative about getting the role you want. Because you are stepping into something you’ve never done, it will require you to do something you’ve never done. Going the basic route of submitting your résumé online won’t work for pivoting. Try reaching out directly to a hiring manager, writing a letter, and mailing it directly instead of waiting for an applicant tracking system (not) to select your resume. LinkedIn is a great way to use your current network to help you connect with people you may not have access to directly. Tap into your online and offline network to see if they can aid you in reaching out to someone they know to make an introduction.
Mary V. Davids is an executive career and leadership development coach and owner of D&M Consulting Services, LLC. For more career tips and advice visit www.slaytheworkplace.com or follow @MVDavids on Instagram and Twitter.
BRIAN MAST (REP) Incumbent
Q: As sheriff, how will you address public concern about excessive and unnecessary force used against the Black population? ALEX D. FREEMAN LAURO E. DIAZ It will be understood by all that no officer’s Admitting to ourselves that prejudice (implicit word can transcend a proper conduct review. or explicit) exists is the first step in the right The ability to distinguish between reasonable direction. Providing training about bias, both force and excessive force is a prerequisite for implicit and explicit, on a regular basis as well as law enforcement service, and will be coached providing all officers with Body-Cams (audio/ regularly. As Palm Beach County’s first Africanvideo recordings), will assist in identifying those American sheriff, I will have the opportunity to officers that need to be retrained or dismissed. bring together all communities, which comprise All use of force policies as well as training will be this diverse county, and I look forward to reviewed. All officers will be held accountable. transforming the Sheriff’s Office Administration to reflect this diversity. SAMUEL L. THOMPSON RIC BRADSHAW
PALM BEACH COUNTY SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS Q: How will you work to ensure that every vote is counted?
MICHELLE L. SYLVESTER (DEM) As SOE, I would ensure staffing levels and COVID-19 sanitation protocols are enhanced at early polling places and same-day voting to give voters confidence about voting in person. I would increase tabulation equipment to process the increases in vote-by-mail ballots already requested and anticipated increases of in-person voting, which is predicted. Staffing levels would be increased to process early and VBM prior to election day, and to handle election day processing.
Broward Health’s Nurse Connect Provides Vital Service for Community
TECHNOLOGY Educators Should Prepare for Even More Online Instruction
“When people call and are worried, immediate care. The registered nurses when patients share their complete I try to take the fear away,” said Shannon also share information about how to medical history with the nurses, said Joe Heiss, RN, TCRN, lead nurse for Nurse manage symptoms, help schedule DiGiorgio, RN, who works overnight. Connect. “I take advantage of the time appointments, connect patients with a Especially those patients who don’t have that I have on the phone with the patient primary care provider when needed, and a primary care provider. to educate them.” Before the call is over, educate about proper medication protocol. “Number one, we can educate the Heiss said, patients often share their When Broward Health expanded patient when we have all the facts,” appreciation. “They tell us all the time its services to accommodate the needs DiGiorgio said, “and number two, we ‘you really made me feel better today.’” associated with the pandemic, the can facilitate care on a diagnostic level Nurses work in 12-hour shifts Nurse Connect team morphed into an assuming they meet criteria.” answering hundreds of health questions important conduit for patients who do Broward Health has two mobile each day. Many of them have experience not have doctors and suspect they have COVID-19 testing sites for the South caring for patients in the fast-paced Coronavirus symptoms. Florida community. Patients can call and unpredictable world of Emergency “I’m particularly proud – but far Nurse Connect for an appointment and Departments. The core group of nurses from surprised – about how our nurses should have a written script from a BY JOY OGLESBY Kedline Maxime, RN, helps guide patients with general health concerns as part of Broward Health’s free Nurse Connect service. receives invaluable support from Aldo Calvo, D.O., medical director of ambulatory care for Broward Health, and Gavin Malcolm, MSW, LCSW, have delivered incredibly passionate care in these very challenging times,” Calvo said. Nurses also represent the physician. Nurse Connect steps in to fill the access-to-care gap for patients who don’t have a primary care provider. Patients are asked to bring a photo Most days, the calls come in nearly unending waves. Patients have concerns about symptoms they find troubling – ranging from minor to more urgent conditions. On the other end is a Broward Health registered nurse ready to make a swift and sound assessment and provide medical guidance. This is Broward Health’s free Nurse Connect service, which expanded in March to a 24/7 operation. population health director. The team is also supported by about 15 population health nurses who primarily care for patients in ambulatory settings. The nurses expertly “help manage patients’ anxiety, answer questions and triage,” Malcolm said. “It’s been awesome to see the population health nurses flourish in this expanded system.” Through Nurse Connect, patients can obtain guidance on whether to seek community’s diversity, as some of the nurses are fluent in Spanish, French, Creole, and Portuguese. The healthcare system also has access to translation services for other languages. The team also makes hundreds of follow-up calls to patients, including sharing negative COVID-19 test results. The Nurse Connect program has been beneficial to the nurses, too. Additionally, it is a tremendous help ID and the written COVID-19 testing prescription to the mobile testing sites in Lauderhill and Pompano Beach. To speak to a registered nurse at Nurse Connect, call (954) 320-5730. Nurses will not diagnose conditions, but are available to provide valuable information on a range of health-related topics. In an emergency, call 911. n
Kevin V. Michael, managing partner, Invizio
As we navigate our way through this pandemic, one of the many facets of life that has been upended has been our educational system. Almost overnight, students and teachers from Pre-K through higher education found themselves thrust into online learning environments in an attempt to maintain some semblance of normalcy and finish the school year. Many school districts, administrators, and teachers were forced to quickly devise strategies to shift schools to virtual learning and oftentimes without the necessary planning or tools to overhaul the entire system of instruction and assessment. I will not even begin to comment on what the parents endured.
As a technology consultant to private and charter K-12 schools, I have had an opportunity to observe firsthand some of the challenges faced by administrators, teachers and students since COVID-19 struck. For the upcoming school year, here are a few ideas that can help make things easier for educators:
Have a Virtual Operations Plan
Consider what the upcoming school year may look like if your school is forced to suspend classroom learning or be required to operate at less than full capacity. Define the objectives, goals and measures to provide effective learning outcomes for students and assess teacher effectiveness. Think about the technology platforms and tools that align with these goals and consider how prepared your school is to leverage them.
Proactively Address Digital Divide Issues
Disparities created by the digital divide were further laid bare because of the pandemic. Some districts experienced low student attendance rates to online education and inconsistent student engagement because of inequitable access to computers and Internet broadband in homes. Proactively identifying vulnerable students within your school community provides an opportunity to individually assess virtual learning readiness and remove obstacles that may prevent students from connecting to class.
Expand Professional Development for Teachers
Many teachers were forced to quickly build familiarity with a range of technology tools and applications needed to provide online instruction. Some were successful at climbing the learning curve, while others struggled with the new demands. Teachers should be offered additional learning opportunities to build competence with the technology tools they are using and the best practices to succeed in online classrooms.
Prepare Students for Online Learning
Online learning also requires a variety of competencies on the student side of the equation. Knowledge and understanding of the specific software applications that are to be used in the digital environment is a big factor in student success. Core skills such as typing, document creation, using email, or accessing and submitting homework assignments are all expected, but now students must also navigate video-conferencing and a variety of other online applications. Offering preparedness and training in these skills will help build student confidence and reduce the friction of the online learning experience.
Kevin V. Michael is CEO and co-founder of Invizio, a leading South Florida Managed IT Services Provider that provides outsourced IT management services to companies and schools, helping them operate more efficiently
and reduce costs. n
First Responders, Healthcare Workers, & Essential Workers WE APPRECIATE YOU!
Danielle Geathers of Miami has been elected the first black student body president at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Geathers just completed her sophomore year at MIT and is majoring Geathers in mechanical engineering. She served as the diversity officer last year.
Geathers said she plans to use her platform to make MIT as inclusive as possible.
“Although some people think it is just a figurehead role, figureheads can matter in terms of people seeing themselves in terms of representation,” she said. “Seeing yourself at a college is kind of an important part of the admissions process.” About 6 percent of undergraduates at MIT are black and 47 percent are women, according to MIT.
MIT students left campus in March due to COVID-19. Geathers campaigned online and through social media from her Miami home. Students elected her by voting online.
Miami-Dade County Commissioner Dennis Moss announced his candidacy for MiamiDade School Board District 9. The seat will be vacated by Dr. Lawrence Feldman who announced last Moss July that he would not run for reelection.
Moss said as a school board member, he will work to ensue the physical safety of schools, ensure that students are safe from the COVID-19 virus, save traditional and challenged neighborhood schools, refine online distance learning, and implement life preparation skills in school curricula such as employability, entrepreneurship and coding skills.
Commissioner Moss is a lifelong resident of District 9 and has served MiamiDade County’s Commission since 1993.
Dr. Steve Gallon III has been re-elected to the Miami-Dade School Board District 1 without opposition. No other candidate entered the race in time for the June 12 qualifying deadline. Gallon’s district includes Miami Gallon Gardens, Opa-locka, and North Miami. He will now serve a second 4-year term on the board. Recently, Gallon was unanimously also re-elected as the vice-chair of the Council of Urban Boards of Education National Steering Committee at its virtual meeting held on April 3. Gallon was re-elected by school board members representing regions from around the country.
Dan Young has been named Chairman of the Board of the Tower Club Fort Lauderdale. Young will provide strategic leadership for the Board of Directors and Club to ensure the growth Young and long term prosperity of the organization. n
DID YOU RECENTLY GET A PROMOTION? ARE YOU A NEW HIRE AT A SOUTH FLORIDA COMPANY? DOES YOUR FIRM HAVE A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE? Let us know by sharing your good news in Legacy Briefs. Send a press release and your professional headshot to rm@miamediagrp.com.
Protect Older Adults Now.
Coronavirus has hit older Floridians hard, especially those in nursing homes.
We’re pushing for widespread testing of residents and care staff, adequate protective gear and virtual visitation for families.
Join us in fighting for what’s right for all 50-plus Floridians. Learn more at aarp.org/fl
Rosalind Osgood
for School Board Member
Seat 5 Mayor Dale V.C. Holness
for County Comm., Dist. 9
Frederica Wilson
for U.S. Congress, 24
Alcee Hastings
for U.S. Congress, 20
Hazelle Rogers
for Mayor
Lauderdale Lakes
Harold Pryor for State Atty. KWWSVKDUROGSU\RUFRP
Brenda Forman for Clerk Of Court
Gordon Weekes for Public Defender https://gordonweekes.com
Joe Scott for Supervisor of Election https://electjoescott.com
Jeff Holness for School Board Member KWWSVYRWHMHɛKROQHVVFRP
Phoebee Francois for County Judge https://keepjudgephoebeefrancois.com
Ian Richards for Circuit Court Judge https://ianrichards.com
Gina Hawkins for Circuit Court Judge https://keepjudgehawkins.com
George Odom
for Circuit Court Judge https://georgeodom.com Florida is a closed primary state - meaning you must be registered to the Democratic Party in order to vote for candidates like Alcee Hastings, Dale Holness or Frederica Wilson. Look at your voters card, if it says NPA you need to change to Democrat.