Trump Administration’s ‘Weaponization’ of COVID-19
By now we all have had to quickly adjust to the challenges resulting from COVID-19, a viral pandemic that has brought about health and economic crises of grave proportions, particularly impacting our elderly and Black and Brown lives. While doing so, unfortunately, President Donald Trump has managed to turn this viral threat into
a weapon of opportunity to push forth broader political agendas while dividing the nation along partisan lines. Take President Trump’s race-baiting rhetoric from the outset in January, referring to the virus as the “China Virus,” leading some of his supporters to viciously seek out and target people who appeared of Asian descent. Instead of focusing on preparedness, such senseless rhetoric simply reflects his ability to spur divisiveness. Remember, this is the same president who declared in early February that because only 15 reported cases of infections had been reported at that time, this virus was akin to just another flu-like virus. By late February he continued to minimize the impact of this virus, predicting that by April the number of cases would be near “zero” and would “miraculously” go away. Unfortunately, as the number of cases continued to climb, the obvious blowback from his delayed response began to emerge: the country was not prepared to deal with the exponential rise in cases and deaths, although the Obama administration actually provided the
Trump administration with a Pandemic game plan for addressing pandemics. So, Mr. Trump, you are wrong when you say Obama left you with “…empty shelves, empty cupboards” to address pandemics. Nevertheless, after two months of dismissing this virus, he eventually acquiesced to the public health officials’ insistence to issue a national stay-athome directive, despite several brave state and local leaders taking matters into their own hands by declaring “shelter-in” policies for their own residents. Let’s get real. Our president’s delay to issue this directive and now his rush to “re-open America” is driven by one motive—an opportunity to win a second term in office. From the outset he weaponized this pandemic to gin up his base by blaming this virus on the “liberal media,” “the radical left,” and of course, Obama. Given the subsequent economic decline, Trump immediately began to weaponize this same virus to push forward an economic stabilization policy in an effort of ensuring re-election with the hopes of people forgetting his failed response to
this pandemic. Unfortunately, because of our president’s petulant behavior and lack of leadership, the rise in infections, deaths, and economic fallout that could have been avoided actually occurred. By May 29, the number of reported infections skyrocketed from 15 in midFebruary to over 1.7 million, and 101,635 reported deaths. Indeed, reviving the economy and getting folks back to work is crucial for a nation to thrive, but as health experts insist, doing so without carefully balancing public health policy could lead to greater spikes in infections and deaths. So I implore you to remember that as we approach the November 2020 election, let this pandemic—and how it has exposed the failed leadership of our president—serve as a reminder to vote as if your life depends on it…because it does. Dr. Olivia A. Jackson is associate professor of Law and Government at Florida Memorial University. n
The Basics of Online Negotiation/Mediation: Creating Value Through COVID-19 Good. Well mediation is a process and technology allows for more flexibility… I am a third party impartial neutral without the authority to impose a decision/ solution… All of the rules of confidentiality apply, and all named parties are present correct? … Now, there may come a time where I may need to meet with the parties and their attorneys privately, or the attorneys privately, or even in rare circumstances just both parties together… You are encouraged and empowered to create your own solution that best satisfies your needs today and craft a Mutual Acceptable Agreement… Are there any questions? Let’s begin.”
(Editor’s Note: The following is Part 2 of a three-part series) “Thank you for allowing me to be your mediator. If you can clearly see/ hear me, please give the thumbs up signal… Thank you. You are all not muted and I will do my best to make this feel comfortable and familiar. Thumbs up if you have participated in mediation and/ or negotiations using an online platform.
Creating Mutual Gains and Value Recently, I facilitated an online mediation where both attorneys expressed a frustration with the case and how the matter was being litigated during COVID-19. Everything was an issue, from document production requests/responses, to communicating with multiple revolving attorneys on the case. Nothing was consistent. The above are excerpts from my Mediator’s Orientation Statement (opening
statement) where I addressed the attorneys’ frustrations. It worked! During the process, I used the online platform functions to meet separately during various times with the attorneys alone and with their clients. I was able to create trust in the process between the attorneys/parties and build perspectives that led to shared mutual goals and a willingness to create a mutually satisfied agreement. Not enough value is placed on the opening statement (and using an online platform makes it more difficult). Depending on the case and participant specifics, negotiators need to be flexible in their approaches and be prepared to reserve the “harsh-tactics” for face-to-face interactions or court. So, as you negotiate through online platforms think about the following: 1. What do you want out of the process and how will you approach it differently than the usual face-to-face interactions? 2. How have you responded to conflict or the adverse opinions/positions of the other side?
3. How will you participate differently when online?
4. Prepare a brief and concise opening statement that also captures your expectation with online negotiation, and your limitations. 5. Be honest about what you want and where you are willing to go. Save ego for court. Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court certified circuit/family/county mediator and primary trainer and qualified arbitrator. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/ arbitration rosters and mediates with the ATD (Agree2Disagree) Mediation & Arbitration, PA throughout Florida. As an ADR consultant, he regularly lectures about a variety of topics from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying, and family/business relationships. szamor@effectivemediationconsultants. com; www.effectivemediationconsultants. com; stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600 n