2014 Legacy South Florida Education Issue

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Superintendent Robert Runcie’s vision for Broward County School System South Florida Education Leaders reveal their plans on educating our youth And More....

Broward County School Board Member Dr. Rosalind Osgood

Broward County Superintendent Robert Runcie



An independent supplement by MIA Media & Communications Group Inc. Contact: er@miamediagrp.com

Jacqueline Hampton Clenance, MS Ed, Kervin L. Clenance Co-Publisher, Legacy South Florida C. Ron Allen Executive Editor Toni Marshall Copy Chief Everett Hamilton Layout and Design Zach R. Rinkins Senior Editor Erica V. Knowles-Nelson Project Manager TeeKey Photographer Joycelyn Brown General Counsel Legacy Miami | Legacy Palm Beach | Legacy Orlando | Legacy Broward MIA MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS GROUP INC. Dexter A. Bridgman CEO & Founder “Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers

Publisher’s Note

I have heard it time and time again. In fact, rarely does a conversation among intellectuals not turn to the topic of education, more specifically the quality of education. In most American communities the concept of quality education is the issue over which political campaigns are won or lost. The education system, as a whole, is constantly scrutinized for its “reported” short comings and failures. As an educator, I myself, have often reminisced about the “good old days” of education. A mythical time in education when children “wanted” to be educated. A time when everything about education seemed perfect (from the rear view mirror), or at least better than it is now. In fact, many people still widely believe that the introduction of standardized testing is to blame for many challenges plaguing education at this very moment. However, with all of the conversation about the challenges of education, we have forgotten what education was to our past, is to our present and most likely, will be to our future. Education is still the most frequently travelled road to success. Education is still the most frequently traveled road to success that this country has ever seen. Education is responsible for the financial success of more individuals than major sports and movie star status combined. Few, if any will argue that education, through the knowledge it provides, is single-handedly responsible for the biggest economic and technology boom in American, and possibly, world history. Whether former slaves, such as Frederick Douglass, or heirs to a throne, such as Prince Charles and Princess Kate, education has played a vital role in their priceless contributions to society. As Legacy magazine continues to educate our communities about the success of African Americans, and other underrepresented groups, it simultaneously becomes a tool that showcases the outcomes and benefits of a strong educational foundation through the success of those members of our community who are recognized for their achievements, most of which can be attributed to education. Jacqueline Hampton Clenance, MS Ed Co-Publisher, Legacy South Florida Join the conversation @thelegacy_grp and like us on Facebook/TheLegacy.Grp #legacy2014Education


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South Flordia’s Top Black Educational Leaders for 2014

Sharonda Bailey Principal Sunland Park Academy

Dr. Cyril Blavo Director, Master of Public Health Program, Professor, Public Health and Pediatrics, Nova Southeastern University

Angela Brown Principal Dillard Elementary School

Dr. Sean Hamilton Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Broward College

Dr. Michelle Jackson Assistant Professor of English, Broward College North Campus

Dr. Paul Moore Associate Dean for the Business Department, Broward College North Campus

Dr. Debra Ann Nixon Asst. Prof. Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Diversity Dialogue Facilitator and Admin. for Diversity and Inclusion

Deborah A. Peeples Principal, Village Elementary School

Casandra Robinson Principal, Dillard 6-12

Dr. Stanley Hanson Wilson Dean and Associate Professor, Nova Southeastern University

By Denise Munoz-Bell, PhD

Dr. Munoz-Bell

In Proverbs 22:6, the Bible says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Training children in the way they should go has always been a huge and vital task in


Parenting with a Purpose

every generation because of all that is involved in the process of nurturing children; but has there ever been a time when the challenge was greater than it is today? When you first hold your newborn, the future and its possibilities flash through your mind. Will he or she be a doctor, an educator, an artist, or even the President of the United States? But as life happens, well-intentioned moms and dads often struggle just to keep everyone fed, clothed and safe. Each child is a product of both nature and nurture. In educational psychology, Nature refers to heredity, the influence of inherited characteristics on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth and social interaction. Nurture refers to the influence of the environment on all of those same things and includes parenting styles, physical surroundings, economic factors and anything that can have an influence on the development that does not come from within the child. Research has demonstrated clearly that as a child develops in vitro, learning begins. What happens in the classroom, is building on what has taken place in the child’s life since inception. Parents often hear that they are partners in the education of their

child. But more than partners, I believe that they are the pillars. Sociocultural theorists emphasize the role of social interaction and children’s cultural heritage in directing the course of cognitive development. Parents are especially instrumental in that they pass along culturally prescribed ways of thinking and responding. What they see, hear, and experience influences how they think and behave, and how they learn, play and interact with the world. Children, are gifts directly from God Almighty Himself. Whether you are a biological, adoptive or foster parent, He has chosen you. “What’s my purpose?” is probably the most important and empowering question your child will ever ask in this lifetime. So help them uncover their talents, their strengths, their values, and their passion. Help them experience new things and develop a plan, even if it is just a first step. Find ways for them to live life with intent. I am convinced that if more kids knew their purpose, they’d have fewer struggles in life. Of course dear parents, as a teacher, I cannot leave you without a homework assignment.

1. Complete this sentence: When I look at my child I see ……. 2. Make a list of the things and activities that interest your children and those in which they excel. 3. Your child can also ask himself/herself, “What’s the one thing that I do better than others?” 4. Make a commitment statement regarding what you will do to help your child understand the importance of a purpose filled life. 5. Website Visit …faculty.usiouxfalls. edu/arpeterson/Multiple%20Intelligences2011-12.pptx, to get more information about multiple intelligence, which are also gifts your child may have but are being overlooked. Dr. Munoz-Bell has been an educator for more 25 years. She has taught in preschool through graduate school. She has been a school and college administrator. She has conducted parenting enhancement workshops throughout the United States and the Caribbean.



Broward Schools Continue to Move Forward with a Visionary at the Helm By Dr. Mia Merritt The man at the helm of the Broward County School System, the sixth largest district in the United States, educating over 265,000 students, is a man with passion, vision and purpose. Robert Runcie, a Jamaica native and Harvard graduate made history as Broward County’s first African American Superintendent. Since taking office in 2011, Mr. Runcie has managed to strategically and effectively address the top three areas of the district’s strategic plan: High quality instruction, graduation rates, and college and career readiness. Although Mr. Runcie acknowledges that the graduation rate in the district must improve, he was pleased to share that there was a four-percentage point jump in college and career readiness among the students who do graduate, as reported by the state. As superintendent, Mr. Runcie is committed to, and diligently working towards a significant increase in all three areas of the plan. The hot topic in Broward County right now is the School Board of Broward County, Florida resolution 14-88, which would put an 800 million dollar general obligation bond on the November 4th ballot.

When asking Mr. RunAdditionally, indoor air qualcie why the passing ity and mold issues will also of the bond was so be brought up to standards important, he stated at every school. The money that importance falls from the bond would address on a number of levels; all of these issues. It must the top three being be made clear however, that capital improvement, bond funds cannot be used safety, and technolfor teacher raises, employee ogy. For instance, salaries, textbooks, or school schools have critical supplies. It has to be used for needs such as leaking buildings, renovation, safety, roofs, outdated air and technology. conditioning systems, In an effort to gain a clear infrastructure issues, and accurate assessment of Robert Runcie, Broward County the need for updated Superintendent the capital and technology needs and additional technolof each school, the district had ogy. an independent comprehensive needs Currently, the ratio of computers in assessment conducted in June, 2014. the classrooms is 5:1 and more than 60% Results from the assessment found that of the computers are not working prop2.7 billion dollars worth of capital needs erly. Once technology is addressed, it is and renovation was needed and should expected that the ratio would be reduced be completed over the next five years. from 5:1 to 3:1. Security cameras need to Currently, there is $300 million worth of be replaced in many schools and liberal technology needs, including computers access on and off school grounds must and infrastructure alone. decrease. Fire systems and fire alarms also Once the bond is approved, individual need to be upgraded in many schools. school data from the needs assessment Loose windows, cracking walls and broken will determine how much funding will doors will be brought up to standards. go into correcting and repairing each

school based upon the most critical needs. Needless-to-say, older schools have the greatest amount of deferred maintenance. The passing of the $800 million bond will allow the district to address the most critical needs right way. Mr. Runcie is very passionate about being able to address the issues at every school in the district and he states. “It’s about creating equality and establishing standards across the district so that all schools have the same standard level pertaining to their facilities, access to technology and educational resources. The playing field must be leveled on that front.” It is very clear that the bond is a win-win for everyone - the students, the teachers, the administrators and the community at large. As the conversation shifted, I asked Mr. Runcie what was the most rewarding part of his position, and he replied: “Meeting and talking to students and parents and listening to the dreams, desires and aspirations of the students. It makes the job all the more rewarding for me.” Furthermore, Mr. Runcie said that he views his job as his calling, his mission in life, and his purpose to be able to make a difference and impact positive change in the lives of students.

Working with Passion, Commitment and Change By Dr. Mia Y. Merritt When it comes to working with passion, commitment and change in the name of education, Dr. Rosalind Osgood, Broward County School Board Member, District 5 is the woman for the job. As both a native of Broward County and a product of the Broward County School System, Dr. Osgood

standards. By her own admission, she was Dr. Rosalind Osgood, Broward County School Board Member, District 5

knows firsthand what it is like to be a frustrated student in need of high educational a slow learner who struggled with reading, but later caught up to her potential, graduating from high school and later earning a Bachelor’s Degree, two Masters Degrees and a Doctorate Degree. Dr. Osgood’s main objective as a school board member is to effectuate change through both policy creation and implementation, which she has managed to accomplish during her short tenure in the District 5 seat. She says that as a school board member, she brings all of her educational and life experiences, good and bad, together to make things practical. In light of this, she keeps the following acronym as her daily focus: C.H.A.N.G.E. - Children Have a Need to Grow Everyday. During Dr. Osgood’s tenure, schools that had been graded D and F schools for the past decade are now A or B Schools. Dr. Osgood has been the champion of the Student Success Opportunity School repurposing initiative. Through this process, Arthur Ashe Middle School was moved to Dillard High School, making it sixth through twelfth grade. For the first time in history, Dillard High School is now an “A” school. She calls Dillard the Triple “A” school since they are excelling in athletics, arts and academics! She praises the principals in her district

and says that they actively engage the community and make the success of the students a shared responsibility among all stakeholders. She states, “Much of the success is attributed to having the right team of people together. Superintendant Runcie empowers principals and gives them the latitude to make decisions that are in the best interests of their schools. The superintendant is committed and focused on the achievements of all children and that makes all the difference!”

“Much of the success is attributed to having the right team of people together...”

Dr. Osgood feels very strongly about community partnerships and part of her vision includes a major community engagement piece. Each month she hosts community activities that focus on different topics including parental engagement, how small businesses become vendors of the school district and common core standards. She is also working to strengthen the relationship between the community and law enforcement through an annual “education not incarceration” community conversation. She strongly believes that all sectors of the

community must work collaboratively to ensure CHANGE. She is also a proponent of mentoring and has personal mentors and mentees. She has enhanced the mentoring initiatives in District 5 by launching a Pan-Hellenic mentoring project that matches sororities and fraternities to schools and students. A partnership with the 100 Black Men of Fort Lauderdale, NovaSoutheastern University and Broward County Schools have resulted in a new district-wide Mentoring Management System that will allow the District to measure and track all mentoring efforts. When asked how she felt about being the only African American female on the school board, she said, “It is a great responsibility. I’m humbled and honored that the voters elected me to represent them. It is an awesome and demanding leadership assignment that gives me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many young people.” She also mentioned that working with her colleagues on the school board has been a wonderful experience. “We genuinely respect each other’s expertise and work collaboratively to improve the quality of education for all children” she states. Dr. Osgood is also an itinerate preacher and member of the Historic New Mount Olive Baptist Church of Fort Lauderdale, FL.


URBAN LEAGUE REPORT By Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh Many subscribe to a notion that education is the great equalizer. An effective education system is one that truly levels the playing field - affording every student, despite their background, an opportunity to compete in today’s society. I applaud the efforts of human rights activists like Malala Yousafza, the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, for her fight against education suppression. For the past decade, America’s promise of a solid education for our nation’s children has been buried under the weight of an economic collapse. Our focus on jobs and housing has shifted our attention away from the most direct path to economic freedom: education. The Urban League seeks to promote equal opportunity for all and to protect our children from the vicious cycle of poverty. The upcoming election presents our nation with a critical opportunity to redefine the parallels between education and economic growth. We can’t move the education agenda forward without taking part in democracy. On November 4, Broward County voters will be asked to reauthorize the Children’s Services Council, which funds education and health programs delivered by a network of 100 providers including the Urban League.

The BAUGHTOM Line The Council carries enormous benefits for our children; without it, summer education programs, early learning and literacy services, and after school activities will go unfunded. Voters will also be asked to approve a 30-year, $800 million bond referendum to repair dozens of Broward County public schools. These repairs will not only improve the working conditions for faculty and administrators, it would also provide students with a school environment conducive to learning. Continued investment in the education and development of our children is the surest way for our nation to remain globally competitive. The U.S. military reports that twothirds of America’s youth lack basic mathematics and reading skills – making them ineligible for service. According to the U.S. Department of Education, students growing up in low-income communities fall behind their peers, at each stage of their educational lives. It is no surprise that the educational outcomes of these students report poor standardized test scores, behavioral issues and higher rates of truancy, grade retention and dropouts. If our young people are not earning high school diplomas, they are not applying to college, which makes them less likely to earn decent wages. Research shows a significant decline in

some sort of college degree. Today’s fierce global competition tells us that jobs will go where skills are. The Baughtom Line is this: Our position at the polls determines the success of us closing the education gap. Now is the time to sound the alarm for legislators to safeguard our children’s future. The inability of our schools to produce more students ready for higher education and careers is stunting economic growth; and looming danger of a student loan bubble further seeks to threaten our population of prospective college goers.

Germaine Smith-Baugh President and CEO, Urban League of Broward County

the number of our young people attending and completing college. Where America once led the world in college graduates, we are 14th just behind Israel, Belgium and France. A recent CareerBuilder survey revealed that 3 in 10 companies are hiring more college educated workers for jobs primarily held by high school graduates. Two decades ago, it would have seemed unusual that nearly every job, despite experience level, would require

“An effective education system is one that truly levels the playing field - affording every student, despite their background, an opportunity to compete in today’s society.”

Charter Schools- Helping to Decrease the Achievement Gap By Colleen Reynolds, APR Many African American and minority students face an uphill battle when it comes to education. There is a term called the Achievement Gap that refers to the disparity of educational measures between the performance of various student groups based on factors such as race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Sadly, there is a significant gap with minority students performing at a lower rate overall than their white counterparts. Fortunately, charter schools have been proven to decrease that gap at a faster rate than traditional schools. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, trending from 1971 through 2004, the gap in math increases in Caucasian-African American students from 23 points at age nine to 28 points at age 17. The gap in math between Caucasian and Hispanic students is slightly less, but still significant with an 18 point gap at age nine and a 24 point gap at age 17. Reading scores have similar results with black students performing 26 – 29 points less than their white counterparts and Hispanic students performing 21-29 points less. Charter Schools USA, one of the nation’s largest and most respected charter school management organizations is experiencing this trend first hand. Downtown Miami

after consistently applying its educational model with fidelity, Downtown Miami Charter School has achieved an “A” grade for the past two years in a row in spite of the fact that 90 percent of the students received free or reduced lunch and greater than 90 percent are minority students. The school outperforms many of its counterparts locally and is the top 15 of Dade County schools for math gains for the lowest 25 percent and in the top 50 schools state-wide.

“...charter schools are benefiting low-income, disadvantaged, and special education students” Jonathan Hage, President and CEO Charter Schools USA

this trend first hand. Downtown Miami Charter School is located near the economically depressed Overtown area of Miami. The school struggled in its first years, but

In high poverty communities serving severely economically disadvantaged students, charter schools are giving students a great amount of hope. According to the most recent CREDO study published by Stanford University in 2013, students in these communities may fare better in a charter school. “The results reveal that the charter

school sector is getting better on average and that charter schools are benefiting lowincome, disadvantaged, and special education students,” says Dr. Margaret Raymond, director of CREDO at Stanford University. “As welcome as these changes are, more work remains to be done to ensure that all charter schools provide their students highquality education.” Across the charter schools in the 26 states studied, 25 percent have significantly stronger learning gains in reading than their traditional school counterparts, and in mathematics, 29 percent of charter schools showed student learning gains that were significantly stronger than their traditional public school peers. The 26-state study is the most comprehensive study ever conducted of charter school performance, comprised of records from more than 1.5 million charter students. Although some critics have claimed that charter schools built in minority neighborhoods are forcing segregation. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact remains that charter schools are schools of choice, so parents choose to send their child to a charter school. Based on the results of CREDO study, it’s clear why African American parents are choosing charter schools - they want what’s best for their children.



Florida Atlantic University – Proud to be the Most Diverse University in the State of Florida Written by Dr. Mia Y. Merritt Florida Atlantic University (FAU) is one of the fastest growing universities in South Florida with a rich 50-year history that serves a diverse student body population in race, culture and age. Dr. John W. Kelly, who was unanimously named the 7th President/CEO of FAU in January of this year (2014), has a large vision for the university and brings with him a plethora of experience in higher education. Prior to FAU, Dr. Kelly was Vice President for over 17 years having wide-ranging responsibilities that included policy setting, strategic planning, hiring strategies, communication and budgeting. He oversaw 12 campuses and centers in a variety of South Carolina locations and supervised more than 900 employees with an annual budget of $90 million. He was also co-leader of the Clemson University Center for Workforce Development. Needless-to-say, Dr. Kelly is no stranger to higher education. He proudly boasts of Florida Atlantic University being one of the fastest moving colleges in the State of Florida serving a diverse audience of over 30,000 undergraduate and graduate students providing

Dr. John W. Kelly, President/CEO FAU

degrees for bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral and postdoctoral levels. The university has campuses in Boca Raton, Davie, Dania

Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Jupiter and Fort Pierce and offers more than 180 degree programs. FAU ranks as the most racially, ethnically and culturally diverse institution in Florida’s State University System and is ranked 27th for diversity in the United States according to U.S. News & World Report. Forty-nine percent of the students are members of minority groups or have come from abroad, creating a richly varied college community that offers great benefits to everyone. Dr. Kelly also takes pride in the fact that FAU is classified as a “High Research Activity University” by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Dr. Kelly and the FAU staff work very closely with the school system and high schools and are dedicated to the multifaceted mission of delivering the best in higher education, research, creative activities and community service. In an effort to prepare high school students for college, FAU has implemented a summer ‘Get Ready for College’ Program called Jump Start designed to prepare and pre-enroll borderline students. The program teaches fundamental, yet pivotal “soft” skills needed to be successful in college and in life, including but not

limited to study skills, time management, choosing a major, effective writing, prioritysetting, etc. As long as students maintain a C average and pass the program, they can transition to becoming part of the academic student body at FAU. The program has proven to be a successful one with around 80% of the students completing and transitioning to college. FAU is not only concerned with ensuring that students graduate, but that they secure good jobs that turn into good careers after graduation. Dr. Kelly understands that soft skills are just as important as technical skills in order to be successful on a job. In other words, can the individual work in teams? Do they know when to lead and when to follow? Do they have the wherewithal to fail, but still persevere? Do they have good time management? Do they understand diversity in terms of people and where they come from? FAU remains cognizant that their students learn, are exposed to, and are able to effectively apply these skills appropriately, which is why they cater to the “whole” student. To learn more about Florida Atlantic University, visit www.fau.edu.

Nova President/CEO is Leaving a Legacy By Dr. Mia Y. Merritt As the sixth President/CEO of Nova Southeastern University (NSU), Dr. George L. Hanbury II makes it widely known that his goal throughout his career has always been to leave a legacy. He quotes, “At NSU, that legacy will be, realizing the Vision 2020 promise to be recognized by accrediting agencies, the academic community, and the general public as a premier, private, not-for-profit university of quality and distinction that engages all students and produces alumni who serve with integrity in their lives, fields of study, and resulting careers.” Nova Southeastern University (NSU) is the largest private not-for-profit university in South Florida with 26,000 students and a beautiful 314-acre main campus in suburban Fort Lauderdale; but quality is about more than size. College readiness is a challenge that all universities face today, so NSU has raised its academic standards in recent years, which has resulted in a better prepared class of students who will be more likely to succeed on their paths to success. When it comes to higher education, NSU awards more master’s and doctorate degrees to African Americans and Hispanics than any other university in the nation! The graduation rate for African Americans is 25% for six consecutive years at NSU. The overall average is 42% across all

races/ethnicities. immerse themselves Needless-to-say, in a community that there is work to be embraces people’s done all around differences. to improve these As with most highnumbers. er education instituNova is unique tions, graduation rates in that 80% of at the undergraduate the students level are something are in graduate that Nova is paying and professional close attention to and programs. The are actively working highly qualified to increase. Dr. Hanundergraduate bury says that they students benefit find that students from opportunities who make it into their to shadow gradusecond year and beate students and yond are much more research faculty likely to complete members, particitheir degree. Their pate in research, new Foundations of experience opporExcellence program tunities in clinical was created specifisettings, and have cally to address issues access to NSU’s that cause students to Dr. George L. Hanbury, President/CEO highly competitive Nova Southeastern University leave before degree and ranked graducompletion, and Nova ate programs. is confident that this program will have a NSU is designated by the U.S. Departpositive impact on the rates. ment of Education as both a minority-maWhen asked what advice he would give jority university as well as a Hispanic Servto those considering enrolling in college, ing Institution. Many people from a diverse Dr. Hanbury stated, “If I could share one array of backgrounds find comfort in that, piece of advice, it would be what I tell our at NSU, they will find other people who talk 7,000 graduates at commencement each and look like themselves, and be able to summer: “First, if you’re seeking a career,

seek your passion, not your fortune. Second, make the place a better place to live; and the third thing is, whatever you do, if you’re going to be successful through the pursuit of a worthy effort, then maintain your integrity above all else. Your integrity is your most precious asset.”

“When it comes to higher education, NSU awards more master’s and doctorate degrees to African Americans and Hispanics than any other university in the nation!”





President George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D., and the Nova Southeastern University community are proud to congratulate faculty members Stanley Wilson, P.T., Ed.D., CEAS; Debora Nixon, Ph.D., and Cyril Blavo, D.O., MPH & TM, FACOP, recognized as Legacy Magazine’s Top Black Educators in South Florida for 2014. Our exceptional faculty members are committed to our students’ success and are the driving force behind NSU’s academic power. Because our classes are small, professors get to know students and their strengths. And since our faculty members are active in their fields, both in research and with professional connections, NSU students learn from educators who not only know the real world, but shape it, too. As the largest private, not-for-profit research institution of higher learning in Florida, NSU’s educational programs range from an award-winning early childhood education center to a respected college prep school, and from innovative undergraduate degree programs to some of the nation’s top master’s, doctoral and professional programs.

To learn more, go to nova.edu.

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The Transformation of Broward College By Mia Y. Merrit




J. David Armstrong Jr., President of Broward College






J. David Armstrong Jr., is the fifth president of Broward College and has served in this role since 2007. He brings more than 25 years of experience as a state and national leader in higher education and economic development to his presidency at Broward College. Within the past seven years, he has had the pleasure of experiencing the transformation of Broward College from a traditional community college to an institution that offers baccalaureate programs in targeted workforce areas, providing career opportunities for students and a trained workforce for business and industry for today’s fast paced and changing economy. President Armstrong is extremely proud of the fact that Broward College has added 12 bachelor’s degrees in high-demand areas including education and nursing as well as programs in high-growth fields such as logistics, information technology and supervision. The college has locations both locally and abroad with ten campuses and centers in Greater Ft. Lauderdale as well as ten international partnerships worldwide including from Shanghai, Singapore and Sri Lanka to Peru, Ecuador and Columbia. These location additions are largely the result of Mr. Armstrong’s focus on expanding access to education through workforce development and global competitiveness. The top ten majors that students pursue the most at Broward College are business management, liberal arts, criminal justice, nursing, psychology, biology, accounting, education, physical therapy and supervision management. One topic of discussion that always arises among college administrators revolves around what they are doing to help high school students prepare for college. When

asked, Mr. Armstrong was proud to note that Broward College has developed a massive open online course in college readiness and developmental education to support students before and during their college lives. The free, self-paced course provides a primer in college level reading, writing and mathematics, and includes interactive learning activities that make the experience highly engaging. Broward College is committed to keeping costs low for students and families while providing career focused programs and talented faculty. The student body population is also very diverse with students from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Roughly 1/3 of the 68,000 students are African American. Generally, the male to female ratio of the entire student body is 40/60. When asked how important is having a college degree in today’s economy, Mr. Armstrong replied with the following statement: “In today’s economy, a degree can propel an individual’s career to new heights, especially in a job market with a high level of competition. With an understanding of the value of education, we work hard to provide students with innovative services and programs to match in-demand careers in the region. According to the Florida Department of Education’s recent economic study, Broward College graduates not only meet the demands of the job market, but also make more money their first year of employment than those completing the same degrees at other schools.” For more information on Broward College, please visit www.broward.edu or call 954-201-7502.

“Broward College is committed to keeping costs low for students and families while providing career focused programs and talented faculty.



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Established in 1992 by automotive legend Jim Moran, the African-American Achievers awards program recognizes everyday heroes whose hard work, commitment and compassion help build a stronger South Florida community. Honorees will be selected in the following categories by an independent panel of judges from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties: Arts & Culture ★ Business & Entrepreneurism Community Service ★ Education

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Broward County Convention Center For more information, visit africanamericanachievers.com, call 866-516-2497 or join us on Facebook.com/AfricanAmericanAchievers.





Five Simple Yet Smart Money Habits

By Lindell G. Douglas, CFP® There’s no denying that it can take some work to create good habits, and becoming more disciplined about your finances is no different. Yet smart money habits can add up over time to increase your bank account and help you create a more stable financial life. Consider these five tips that will help you examine how you think about and handle money to improve your financial acumen. 1. Practice the principal of mindfulness. Mindfulness is the opposite of carelessness. It’s as simple as paying attention to your spending habits and putting the brakes on impulsive purchases. When you’re intentional with your money, you make rational decisions based on what you can afford and what you need. Strategies to help you be more mindful include creating a monthly budget, making lists before going to the grocery store and holding off on large purchases until you can really afford them. 2. Keep tabs on your financial transactions. Be vigilant about every financial transaction, no matter how small. Even though checkout clerks use computer-

ized registers, they can 4. Play your cards right. It still make mistakes when used to be that a major credit entering items or making card was absolutely required change. Whether you’re for online purchases and travel at the grocery store or reservations such as airline the department store, tickets, hotel rooms and car watch as items are rung rentals. In today’s economy, up to ensure you’re being it’s possible to manage many, charged appropriately. if not all of these transacCheck your receipts. Count tions with a debit card. Credit your change. In the case of cards can provide advantages banking errors, what you through their reward prodon’t know can hurt your grams, and disciplined use can bottom line. Check your Lindell G. Douglas, Managing Dir. help build creditworthiness. online bank statements Yet many cards come with an Lindell Douglas & Associates daily to monitor charges annual fee and hefty interest and also watch for fraud, which is on the rates when you carry a balance. To limit rise. credit card spending, consider keeping your 3. Show respect for currency. When credit card at home and carry only your you mistreat money, you diminish its value debit card in your wallet. and give yourself permission to abuse it. 5. Look within and remove barriers to Whether you’re dealing with dollars or financial freedom. If you want to be wise cents, take care of every penny. Don’t wad with your money, yet repeatedly make poor up your bills or allow change to accumulate financial decisions, you may be unconon the bottom of your purse. Instead, store sciously sabotaging yourself. For the most it carefully and keep track of what you part, money attitudes arise from a complex have. Keep your change in a container and mix of upbringing, culture and self-control. deposit it in the bank each month. You’ll be To help overcome this, focus on the things surprised how quickly it adds up. you consistently spend too much on. Is it

dining out? Shopping for clothes? Taking vacations? Hone in on whatever your “weakness” is and try to change your spending habits in a particular area. While each of these five tips can help you build your financial muscle, one of the best things you can do for your financial life is to meet regularly with a financial professional. An experienced financial advisor can provide financial coaching, helping you identify specific strategies for saving and investing for your future. Find a qualified professional whom you can trust to discuss all aspects of your financial life. Meet annually or as often as you require to discuss your financial goals and adjust your spending and saving habits to stay on track. Lindell G. Douglas, CFP®, is a Financial Advisor and Managing Director with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. in Plantation, FL. He specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 16 years. To contact him http://www.ameripriseadvisors.com/ lindell.g.douglas or 776 N. Pine Island Rd, Suite 310 | Plantation, FL 33322. Office: 954.306.8668 Lindell.g.douglas@ampf.com. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2014 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. File # 889855



Navy Lieutenant Turned Elementary Principal Believes that “All Roads Lead to Education.”

Deborah A. Peeples, Principal Village Elementary Sunrise, FL ..

... The energy that exudes from Deborah A. Peeples, Principal of Village Elementary School is contagious! She is positive, upbeat, and optimistic about the future of each of her students.

She is also a visionary with lots of foresight. Village Elementary is over 40 years old with a predominantly African American student body and a large Haitian Creole population located in Sunrise, FL. The percentage of students that are on free and/or reduced lunch is over 97%, making it a Title 1 school, meaning that they receive extra funding from the federal government. Ms. Peeples has prior military experience. She served active duty in the Army and is currently a Lieutenant in the Navy Reserves. After being honorably discharged from the military, Ms. Peeples worked for the Broward Sheriff’s Office, while simultaneously going back to school to pursue a degree in Business, but she says that God had a different path for her life. She found herself in teaching students, and then she worked up the ranks to becoming a principal of an elementary school, a job that she absolutely loves! As Principal, Ms. Peeples believes that all roads lead to education and as such, all programs at her school are tied to academics. She says that right now, she and her teachers are focused on the new Florida Standards and perfecting their teaching practices to increase student achievement.

Currently, the school has implemented a rigorous curriculum designed to galvanize students to think critically and logically. Ms. Peeples is particularly proud of the implementation of the S.T.A.M.P. Program, an initiative at her school, which is a full day program for students in grades three through five. S.T.A.M.P. is an acronym that stands for Science, Technology, Arts and Mathematics Preparatory Program. It incorporates a S.T.E.M. curriculum and a component of the program is modeled after the military. Additional aspects of the program include a focus on leadership, discipline, teamwork and community service. The program has proven to be successful and has received rave reviews from parents and teachers. While in the program, children are challenged academically, they participate in hands-on activities and they attend field trips for extended learning opportunities. The students are currently planning a field trip to Washington, DC. The S.T.A.M.P. Program actually meets the students where they are; tapping into their individual learning styles, and exposing them to varied experiences, making them more confident while learning. The

program also focuses on students that may have been a prior behavior problem and/or have not had academic prior success. Ms. Peeples knows the importance of being disciplined. Therefore, she realizes that it is essential that every child must learn regardless of the situation in which they find themselves. She strongly believes that learning will not take place until misconduct has diminished. Therefore, in the program, structure is established, the foundation is laid, then the learning process is ready to take place. Ms. Peeples is a proponent of the Arts and strongly believes in exposing children to the world and allowing them to find their innate gifts. As such, she has instituted several clubs at the school, including Chorus, Glee, Chess, Photography and Journalism. Additionally, she believes that parents must be involved in their child’s education. She strongly believes in open communication with parents and is an advocate of hosting various parental involvement initiatives. When asked what is one thing she wants the public to know about Village Elementary School, she said, “It Take a Village to Raise a Child!”

Atlantic Tech College: An Alternative to a Bright Future By Dr. Mia Y. Merritt For over 25 years, Robert B. Crawford has had an indelible presence at Atlantic Technical College (ATC). As ATC’s current director, Mr. Crawford has worked at gaining exposure to ATC and ensuring that their students receive a quality and meaningful education that will help them be successful in the competitive and technologically advanced, fast-moving workplace. Mr. Crawford has been in education all of his adult life starting in 1971. He is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University (FAU), then became a Curriculum Supervisor and on to a Principal in the Broward School district before transitioning over to Atlantic Technical College. There are four levels of education: K-12, the technical college system, the community college system and the university college. With ATC falling under the technical college system umbrella, they have been responsive to both employer needs and the employment needs of their students. For decades, they have trained students for high-demand jobs in a variety of occupational areas throughout the state as identified by the U.S. Department of Education. In June of 2014, an item to change the name from Atlantic Technical “Center” to Atlantic Technical “College” went before the Broward School Board, and

was unanimously passed. Other technical colleges around the state of Florida have been successful at accomplishing the same thing. For instance, there are currently 48 technical centers in the State of Florida and now eight of them have been converted from technical centers to technical colleges. Broward County Public Schools is the first school district in the entire state to move three technical centers to technical colleges. The ultimate goal for ATC was and still is to clarify their mission to the public, but also to provide a level playing field for workforce education across the state in which they compete against private for profit technical colleges in Florida. Students would then be able to attend college rather than a center and still get a high quality, inexpensive public education based on industry standards and credentials. Atlantic Technical College offers over 100 programs in high demand areas that can be finished in a year for an inexpensive cost to the students. The adult education component offers basic education, a GED Program, Applied Academics, and also classes for English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Some of the most popular courses offered in the healthcare field are Nursing, Medical Assisting, Patient Care Technician, EKG, Dental Assisting, Optometric, Pharmacy Technician and Medical Code of Billing.

A variety of Information Technology Programs are offered ranging from networking, programming, and other IT programs from software to software implementation. Additionally, Cosmetology, Firefighting, EMT, Culinary, Air Conditioning Refrigeration, Automotive, Welding, Machining, Drafting, Electronics, and electricity are also offered. Moreover, ATC has 17 union and nonunion programs in apprenticeship trades. All of these programs help to enhance the professional future of the students and allow them to achieve higher earning power at an affordable cost. Currently, they are attempting, through legislature to add the ability to offer college credit certificates for specific fields. ATC has a friendly culture that is accommodating and reaches student needs to help them be successful. ATC works very hard at maintaining a career pathway between the general education programs and the career and technical education programs. The current enrollment at ATC is about 8,000 with three campuses. Arthur Ashe Middle School was repurposed and the students were moved to Dillard High School, making Dillard sixth through twelfth grade. The Arthur Ashe Middle School building is now a branch campus for ATC. Coconut Creek High School is also another branch for ATC where they utilize 15 classrooms for

the ESOL courses. The main campus is in Coconut Creek and at any given time, there will be about 4,500 students on campus. Important also to note is that many students take online courses. To learn more about ATC, you may visit the campus at 4700 Coconut Creek Parkway, visit the website at www.atlantictechcenter.com or call 754-321-5100.

Robert B. Crawford, Director, Atlantic Technical College


& Family


Saturday, November 1, 2014, Health Fair & Family Fun Day 10am-2pm A Conversation with Zane Miramar Cultural Arts Center | 2400 Civic Center Place Saturday, Nov 1, 2014 | 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Nov 7, 2014 | 7:30 - 9 p.m. Hosted by Commissioner Wayne M. Messam Author behind the hit film ADDICTED

Commissioner Wayne M. Messam along with Memorial Hospital Miramar, SANOFI Pharmaceuticals and Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital will host a Health Fair & Family Fun Day. Shuttle service will provide free transportation to and from the Town Center from the Multi-Service Complex located at 6700 Miramar Parkway. The shuttle will run from 9AM-2PM. Children’s Mobile Health Center will offer Immunizations and school physicals. Parents/legal guardians must bring a valid photo ID, identification for the child such as a birth certificate, passport or school ID. Must reside in the South Broward area. A copy of the child’s current or most recent immunization record is required for immunizations. Services are provided for uninsured children and for Medicaid patients who have no Medical ProviderTargeted ages 2 years through 17 years.

Sanya Richards-Ross Sports Clinic November 7 and 8, 2014 Ansin Sports Complex

NOVEMBER 11, 2014 11:00AM

• 3k Walk/Run sponsored by Black Girls Run, 8:00 am • Adult & Child Medical services available

Veteran’s Memorial Park

• Healthy Living Information

SW 64th Avenue & SW 33rd Street

• Live Demonstrations of Healthy Activities (Dance, Yoga, Aerobics & Karate)

Guest Speakers

• Fun Activities For Kids (Face Painting, Rock Wall & Balloon Art) • Free Health Screenings, Blood Pressure, BMI, and Bone Density

Patriotic Music

• $25 Flu Shots

Kings of Chutney - SOCA Featuring KI and Ricki Jai • 100 turkey giveaway Saturday, November 15, 2014 | 8 p.m.

• Kid Zone and Kid Van by Joe DiMaggio

Veteran’s Ceremony The CityDay of Miramar proudly hosts its| 11 a.m. Tuesday, Nov 11, 2014 Veteran’s Memorial Park

Zo’s Family Health & Wellness Groove 5k Run/Walk Saturday, Dec 27, 2014 | 6:30 a.m.

Swan Lake Saturday, Dec 27, 2014 | 3 p.m. & 8p.m.

Cachao’s Mambo All-Stars Refreshments Saturday, Jan 17, 2015 | 8 p.m. For Additional Information Call: (954) 602-3319 or Visit: www.ci.miramar.fl.us/parks-recreation/specialevents

For information, please call 954-602-3198

Cachao’s Mambo All Stars Saturday, January 17, 2015 | 8 p.m.

Art Exhibition - Mandela Messages: Art by and inspired by Nelson Mandela February 2 to 27, 2015

Mayhem Poets Sunday, Feb 8, 2015 | 5 p.m.

Tabou Combo featuring Yanick Etienne, Haitian Kompa Saturday, Mar 28, 2015 | 8 p.m.

Gabriel Alegrio Afro-Peruvian Sextet Saturday, April 4, 2015 | 8 p.m.

Miramar Cultural Center | Banquet Hall Rentals EXPERIENCE Whether you are renting for a wedding, birthday party, corporate event or holiday party, come experience the beauty of the Miramar Cultural Center. We are conveniently located in Miramar

with easy access from the Florida Turnpike or I-75. RESERVATIONS Call us today at 954-602-4500 and let us help you create your special memory…one event at a time.


• Chairs • Dance Floor • Free Parking • Kitchen • Podium with Microphone • Projector • Projector Screen • Restrooms • Tables

2300 Civic Center Place Miramar, Florida 33025 www.ci.miramar.fl.us | 954-602-3338

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