The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College - Fall & Winter 2012-13

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300 N.E. Second Ave. Miami, Florida 33132-2296 The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College promotes reading, writing and theatre throughout the year by consistently presenting high-quality activities open to all in South Florida.

Supporters of The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College include:

With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.

Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees Helen Aguirre Ferré, Chair • Armando J. Bucelo Jr., Vice Chair Marili Cancio • Jose K. Fuentes • Benjamín León III • Armando J. Olivera • Marielena A. Villamil Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College Madeline Pumariega, Campus President, Wolfson Campus

Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution which does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, disability, national origin, marital status, religion, age or veteran’s status. Contact the office of equal opportunity programs/ADA coordinator at 305-237-0269 for more information.

Fall & Winter 2012/13


Dear Friends, Our Center is housed at Miami Dade College, so the sight of students rushing purposefully to class always accompanies the start of a new season. It is very exciting for me to see them. They've made it. And though a lot of work is before them, I never minimize the amount of effort it took to get here. And so — guided by our desire to support literacy and learning for people of all ages (to help them get to college!) — we have re-imagined our offerings for children and teens — adding, changing, building on our successes — to bring you the first year of Generation Genius: interdisciplinary programs that encourage learning and imagination through books. Our goal is to foster literacy within our community, rearing the next generation of engaged world citizens — a generation of geniuses! Read through this brochure to learn more about Generation Genius year-round and at Miami Book Fair International. The dates of this year’s Fair are November 11-18, and we have already confirmed the participation of stellar authors, including Tom Wolfe, James Patterson, Patricia Cornwell, Sandra Cisneros, Lemony Snicket, Naomi Wolf and Homero Aridjis, among hundreds of others. We are also planning a delicious new program at the Fair — chefs with cookbooks will participate in cooking demos at the college’s Culinary Institute. This year’s featured country at the Fair is Paraguay. So mark your calendars and come discover Paraguay! We have a great year coming up. Prometeo Theatre’s professional company, La Compañía Prometeo, debuted at the International Hispanic Theatre Festival this summer, and plans to stage five additional shows this season. If the theatre calls to you, register for one of Prometeo’s standout courses or bring your children to the Prometeítos classes Saturday mornings. If writing a memoir or novel is your hope, join us at The Miami Writers Institute — there are two per year now — or sign up for a workshop taking place in downtown Miami and Coral Gables. We have much more in the works for this fall. I hope to see you at one of our events; make sure to stop me and say, Hi! Sincerely,

Alina Interián Executive Director The Center @ MDC


Reading Current Voices in Literature

Year-round reading campaign in partnership with MDC faculty. The Center distributes thousands of free books to MDC students.

The Big Read

Month-long reading campaign to entice reluctant readers. Powered by a grant from the National Endowment of the Arts.


Fall semester reading campaign encouraging literacy in kindergartens and first graders. The Center distributes thousands of free books to schoolchildren.


A literacy project for children that bridges art-making and reading and takes place in public libraries. The Center distributes free books to participants.

Teatro Prometeo Performances

Staged productions and dramatic readings performed year-round by Prometeo students.

Acting Classes

Continuing education courses on various aspects of the craft taught once a week over 12 weeks. Three sessions scheduled per year.

Conservatory in Theatre Arts

A non-credit intensive program that features a rigorous, well-rounded curriculum of study. The actor’s unique potential is cultivated and encouraged. Audition required for admittance.

La Compañía Prometeo Graduates of Prometeo's Conservatory in Theatre Arts are invited to join Prometeo's professional company.


Los Prometeítos, the youngest members of Teatro Prometeo, explore the world of dance, acting and singing, and participate in fun activities that develop creativity.


Promoting reading, writing and theatre throughout the year by consistently presenting high-quality activities open to all in South Florida.

Miami Book Fair International


Festival of Authors

Creative Writing Program

From newbies to Nobel winners and in half a dozen languages, these readings and discussions are the heart of the Fair.

Continuing education creative writing courses and workshops scheduled during the fall, spring and summer semesters.

Street Fair

Three days, a million books, two hundred thousand readers, plus music and delicious food — a celebration unequaled.

Comics at the Fair

Shazam! Book Fair goers are comics fans! Creator panels, comics-making workshops, and the Teachers' Fun Day.

Featured Country

Miami Book Fair honors its home city — one of the most international places in the world — by featuring one country each year and showcasing its literature and culture.

Children's Alley Stories come to life during Miami Book Fair's Street Fair. Authors, storytellers, and puppeteers, plus theatre, dance and more!

Miami Writers Institute

Twice yearly creative writing conference featuring workshops with bestselling and awardwinning authors and publishing professionals.

Visiting Authors

Readings, lectures and signings open to the public, plus residencies and workshops in MDC classrooms and public schools.


Creative writing workshops for children and teens in locations throughout Miami, as well as in their schools. Taught by local and visiting authors.


NEW this fall...

Literacy and Learning for Children and Teens at The Center for Literature and Theatre Generation Genius gathers the Center’s existing literacy and learning programs for children and teens — adding, changing and building on our successes — and brings them all under one banner. Generation Genius’ interdisciplinary programs will encourage learning and imagination through reading and writing, storytelling, art-making, music, theater and other activities that lead to learning and discovery in the various subject areas, including English, math, history, geography, the sciences, the arts and others. Our goal is to foster literacy within our community, rearing the next generation of engaged world citizens. The names of some Center and Miami Book Fair Programs will change to better reflect this new direction:

Children's reading campaign encouraging literacy in kindergarten and first graders. The Center distributes thousands of free books to schoolchildren. (Formerly One Picture Book, One Community.)

A literacy project for children that bridges art-making and reading and takes place in public libraries. The Center distributes free books to participants. (Formerly StoryTime.)

Los Prometeítos, the youngest members of Teatro Prometeo, explore the world of dance, acting and singing, and participate in fun activities that develop creativity.

Creative writing workshops for children and teens in locations throughout Miami, as well as in their schools. Taught by local and visiting authors.

Stories come to life during Miami Book Fair's Street Fair. Authors, storytellers, and puppeteers, plus theatre, dance and more!

Authors read from their books at the Miami Book Fair or at outreach locations throughout the city, including schools and after-school programs. (Formerly Student Literary Encounters.)


Koubek Center

Instituto de Integración Iberoamericana

Un espacio de diálogo y promoción cultural hispana For years, The Koubek Center has been a historic and cultural icon in South Florida. Last year, the University of Miami transferred it to Miami Dade College, which immediately set to work on its reopening, designing a strategy to revitalize it as a new outreach location, preserving its essence, while giving it a new direction. The result is the Institute of Iberoamerican Integration at the Koubek. It will host conferences, seminars, literary and artistic programs, and more, all designed in close collaboration with General Consulates in Miami, as well as with other cultural and educational organizations, presenting multidisciplinary activities that promote dialogue and showcase the culture and traditions of IberoAmerican countries. Mark your calendars for an October opening celebration and join us!

El Koubek Center es un referente histórico y cultural en el sur de la Florida, por lo que el Miami Dade College, respetando su origen y antecedentes, ha diseñado una estrategia que permitirá su revitalización como un espacio icónico, conservando su esencia y proyectándolo hacia el futuro, a través de una modernización conceptual y operativa. En consecuencia, el Koubek Center como Instituto de Integración Iberoamericana, colaborará estrechamente con los Consulados Generales acreditados en Miami y distintas organizaciones culturales para propiciar la generación de actividades multidisciplinarias que promuevan el diálogo, la creación, la cultura y las tradiciones de los países iberoamericanos representados en nuestra sociedad multicultural. Además contaremos con una pequeña librería representativa de la literatura de países iberoaméricanos. Este otoño el Koubek Center abrirá sus puertas con actividades para toda la comunidad a través de una programación que incluirá talleres y clases de música y danza; clases magistrales por expertos en diversos temas artísticos y culturales; ciclos de cine; exposiciones de arte; obras de teatro, presentaciones literarias y mucho más. ¡Acompáñenos!

La Compañía Prometeo After successfully creating a Conservatory in Theatre Arts, Prometeo's next step was to create a company for its graduates. La Compañía Prometeo will offer plays in repertory throughout the year, as well as tour locally, while continuing its presence both nationally and internationally. La Compañía Prometeo is comprised of actors Danly Arango, Sarah Luz Córdoba, Mariel Corona, Cristina Ferrari, Hannah Ghelman, Rosa Méndez, Guillermo Pérez, and Diana Vallejo. They are natives of Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Venezuela and the United States.

El Teatro Prometeo es una de las piedras angulares de Miami, que celebra cuatro décadas en el Miami Dade College llevando a cabo la misión de preservar y promover el idioma español y la cultura hispana a través del teatro. Después de crear con éxito el Conservatorio en Artes Escénicas, el paso siguiente consistió en formar una compañía integrada por sus graduados. La Compañía Prometeo ofrecerá obras en repertorio durante el año entero, al tiempo que hará giras locales en escuelas para darle continuidad a su presencia nacional e internacional. Integrada por Danly Arango, Sarah Luz Córdoba, Mariel Corona, Cristina Ferrari, Hannah Ghelman, Rosa Méndez, Guillermo Pérez, Boris Roa y Diana Vallejo, jóvenes actores de Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Cuba, República Dominicana y Venezuela.


Current Voices in Literature: Dark Room by Lila Quintero Weaver

Scene from Mujeres de Shakespeare

September 2012

3 Current Voices in Literature begins


The Center recommends the following titles for the Fall 2012 semester: • The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht • Dark Room: A Memoir in Black and White by Lila Quintero Weaver • Sex, Drugs and Sea Slime by Dr. Ellen Prager



Thursday, 8 p.m. Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

Debra Dean on The Mirrored World, co-presented with Books & Books Viernes, 8 p.m. (Continúa en escena el 8, 14 y 15 de septiembre.) Teatro Prometeo, MDC Wolfson Campus. Boletos $20

La Compañía Prometeo presenta

Mujeres de Shakespeare / Women of Shakespeare

¡Regresando a la escena! Escrita y dirigida por Neher Jacqueline Briceño. (In Spanish with English supertitles) This dramatic piece is based on six of the plays by the most-often staged author of all time. / Este juego dramático se hilvana a partir de seis obras del dramaturgo más escenificado de todos los tiempos.

These performances are part of DWNTWN Art Days (September 7 and 8). Visit for more events.


Saturday, 10:30 a.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, Shenandoah Branch, 2111 S.W. 19 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Brontorina by James Howe.



Teatro Prometeo


Dwyane Wade, co-presented with Books & Books

Generation Genius: StoryArts! Brontorina by James Howe


Sábados, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. 8 de septiembre al 8 de diciembre; inscripción $240 (

: Acts!

Los Prometeítos disfrutan de la danza, la actuación y el canto, desarrollando y mejorando su coordinación, musicalidad y creatividad. (Edades de 6 a 12.)

Act, sing and dance with us! Free open house on Saturday, September 8 as part of DWNTWN Art Days. Visit for more events.


8 de septiembre al 8 de diciembre; inscripción $200 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Descubriendo el Actor en TEENS!

Sábados, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Una clase para jóvenes, que trabaja improvisaciones y textos ofreciendo un curso divertido que desarrolla la pasión por el teatro.


Sunday, 11 a.m. Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables Tickets required for this event. Visit for more information.

Dwyane Wade autographs his new book, A Father First, co-presented

with Books & Books

10 10


: Reads!

This fall, Generation Genius: Reads (formerly One Picture Book, One Community) distributes free books to first grade students in Miami-Dade and Broward county schools. Selected title: How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills


Comienzo de las clases del Conservatorio en Artes Escénicas (admisión por audiciones previas)

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Generation Genius: StoryArts! Chamelia by Ethan Long

Creative Writing Course

September 2012 (continued)


15 de septiembre al 15 de diciembre; inscripción $260 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Lunes, 7 - 10 p.m.

17 de septiembre al 17 de diciembre; inscripción $180 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Preparando al Actor

Sábados, 2 - 5 p.m.

Una clase que continúa el trabajo de "Actuando para las Cámaras" en un nivel más avanzado.


15 de septiembre al 15 de diciembre; inscripción $260 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Laboratorio de Cámaras

Sábados, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Esta clase ofrece varias técnicas y prácticas para entender cómo se prepara al actor para actuar ante la lente de la cámara.


: StoryArts!

Actuando para las Cámaras


Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Chamelia by Ethan Long.


Saturday, 3 p.m.

Miami Dade County Public Library, International Mall Branch, 10315 NW 12 Street, Miami

Esta clase enseña al estudiante distintos aspectos del trabajo del actor e incluye técnicas de improvisación y comprensión del texto.

Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

September 18 to November 6; registration $170 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Blogging 101 with Maria de Los Angeles

In this course, we will explore the fundamentals of blogging from an editorial and technical perspective. Students will set up their own blog (if they don't already have one) and will learn the different ways of approaching self-publishing through writing, photography and video (no cameras will be required).



Teatro Prometeo


Author Michael Martone


Teatro Prometeo Acting Class

Martes, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

18 de septiembre al 6 de noviembre; inscripción $170 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Escritura autobiográfica: Empezar a escribir sobre lo que se conoce, con Ana Vidal

Este curso está orientado tanto hacia aquellas personas que quieren iniciarse en la escritura, como hacia aquellas otras que hayan sufrido un bloqueo creativo o quieran aprender a escribir sobre sí mismas.


Tuesday, 8 p.m.

Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables Presented in collaboration with the Florida Literary Arts Coalition.

Creative Writing Craft Talk with Michael Martone

Michael Martone, author of Four for a Quarter; Racing in Place and Double-wide will deliver a craft talk on the difference between stories of plot and stories of character. While in Miami, Martone will also visit Miami Dade College to read from his works and discuss them with students.


Wednesday, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

September 19 to November 7; registration $170 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Creative Nonfiction with Michael Deibert

This class will focus on a variety of nonfiction genres with a particular focus on how stories get told, by whom and to what ends.


Miércoles, 7 - 10 p.m.

19 de septiembre al 12 de diciembre; inscripción $180 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Creación de Guiones, con Pepe Bahamonde

Para una formación más completa del artista con inquietudes de escritor, esta clase combina elementos básicos de la teoría con sencillos proyectos de aplicación práctica para radio y televisión.


Jueves, 7 - 10 p.m. 20 de septiembre al 20 de diciembre; inscripción $180 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Voz y Dicción

Esta clases mejora la dicción del actor, encontrando su nivel de voz, cómo proyectar, respirar y hablar con claridad.

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Author David Beaty

Wyclef Jean, co-presented with Books & Books

September 2012 (continued)


Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. September 20 to November 8; registration $170 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Writing Fiction with David Beaty (Part 1 of 2)


This is a two-part creative writing course: Part One, Fall 2012, is designed for experienced writers who want to review the basics, or for anybody who has a story to tell and wants to start putting it on paper. In Part Two, Spring 2013, we’ll concentrate on character creation and plot.

: Writes

The Creative Writing Toolbox for Teens with Marjetta Geerling: In this workshop, discussions, interactive exercises, and writing prompts will focus on developing the tools necessary to develop and execute engaging creative writing projects. From generating ideas to final edits, each step of the creative writing process will be demystified, and students should leave the class with the tools they need to write the project of their dreams.


Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.

September 20 to October 27; registration $160 ( Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Friday, 7:30 p.m. Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus - Chapman Conference Center (Bldg. 3, 2nd floor)

Wyclef Jean on Purpose: An Immigrant’s Story, co-presented

with Books & Books


Saturday, 11 a.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, Shenandoah Branch, 2111 S.W. 19 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Generation Genius: Reads official selection, How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills.



Teatro Prometeo


Author Marjetta Geerling

Author Emma Trelles

October 2012


Monday, 7:30 p.m.

Coral Gables Congregational Church, 3010 De Soto Boulevard, Coral Gables Tickets required for this event. Visit for more information.

Dr. Brian Weiss and Amy E. Weiss on Miracles Happen,

co-presented with Books & Books


Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

October 2 to October 23; registration $150 ( Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

Memoir Writing with Author Mia Leonin

This workshop explores how writers can use fiction writing techniques to create effective memoir. Topics include scene versus summary, conflict, setting, and character development.


Miércoles, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

3 al 24 de octubre; inscripción $150 ( Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

Taller de iniciación a la escritura poética: verso libre, con Ana Vidal

Este curso brinda al alumno un acercamiento a la poesía más contemporánea huyendo de los cánones clásicos de métrica y rima. El objetivo principal es ampliar conocimientos y profundizar en la propia obra del alumno, analizando los poemas en los que trabajen los participantes.


Saturdays, 1 - 3 p.m.

October 6 to October 27; registration $150 ( Coral Gables Museum, 285 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables

Every Day I Write the Book: 4 Poems in 4 Weeks with Emma Trelles

Budding and experienced poets will cultivate two of the essential skills needed for writing memorable poems: image and language.

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Author Cristina Diaz Gonzalez

Playwright Nelson Rodrigues

October 2012 (continued)




Saturday, 7 p.m.

Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

Zane on Z-Rated Chocolate Flava 3, co-presented with Books & Books Tuesday, 8 p.m. Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

Carlos Andrés Gómez on Man Up, co-presented with Books & Books Saturdays, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

October 13 to November 3; registration $150 ( Coral Gables Museum, 285 Aragon Ave, Coral Gables

: Writes Teen Writer's Boot Camp: Get Your Writing to the Next Level! with Author Christina Diaz Gonzalez: Aspiring teen authors will work on improving each of the key elements of character development, plot, setting and dialogue making their stories richer and more layered. The final class will deal with the revision process to help the writer's manuscript become a final draft.



Saturday, 11 a.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, Shenandoah Branch, 2111 S.W. 19 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Chamelia by Ethan Long.

Sábado, 8 p.m.

Teatro Prometeo, Miami Dade College Wolfson Campus ¡Entrada gratis!

Toda desnudez será castigada, de Nelson Rodrigues Lectura dramatizada. Dirigida por Beatriz Rizk. (con la participación de La Compañía Prometeo y los estudiantes del Conservatorio en Artes Escénicas) Una de las llamadas “tragedias cariocas” de Rodrigues y posiblemente la más escenificada entre ellas, el autor brasileño oscila entre el denunciar el conservadurismo moralista e hipócrita que encierra toda posición a ultranza y la celebración de la vida y el amor.



Teatro Prometeo


Generation Genius: How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills


Monday, 8 p.m.

Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables Free tickets required for this event. Visit for more information.

Michael Chabon on Telegraph Avenue, co-presented with Books & Books


Thursday, 6 p.m.

Author Michael Chabon, co-presented with Books & Books


Books & Books - Bal Harbour Shops, 9700 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbour

Lauren Conrad on Beauty, co-presented with Books & Books Saturday, 1 - 4 p.m. 1 day workshop; registration $40 ( Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

21st Century Ghosts with Lynne Barrett

Start off October discovering how writers can combine the elements of the uncanny and contemporary situations to create fresh, haunting tales.


Saturday, 3 p.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, International Mall Branch, 10315 NW 12 Street, Miami

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Generation Genius: Reads! official selection, How Rocket Learned to Read by Tad Hills.


: StoryArts!

Wednesday, 6 p.m. Books & Books - Bal Harbour Shops, 9700 Collins Avenue, Bal Harbour

Bunny Yeager on Bunny Yeager’s Darkroom, co-presented

with Books & Books

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Generation Genius: StoryArts! The Thankful Book by Todd Parr

Patricial Cornwell, presenting at Miami Book Fair International

November 2012


Saturday, 11 a.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, Shenandoah Branch, 2111 S.W. 19 Street, Miami


: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by The Thankful Book by Todd Parr.

Saturday, 3 p.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, International Mall Branch, 10315 NW 12 Street, Miami

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by The Thankful Book by Todd Parr.


: StoryArts!

Sunday (through Sunday, November 18)

Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

Miami Book Fair International!

Eight days of literary superstars in the heart of downtown Miami, including: Comics and graphic novel legends, Charles Burns, Aline Crumb, Chip Kidd and Chris Ware. Former Miami Mayor Manny Díaz. Beloved essayists, Adam Gopnik and Anne Lamott. Bestselling novelists, Patricia Cornwell, Sandra Cisneros, Junot Díaz, Emma Donoghue, Ian McEwan, James Patterson, Irvine Welsh and Tom Wolfe. IberoAmerican authors Homero Aridjis, Leopoldo Brizuela and Mayra Santos Febres. Beloved children’s authors Todd Parr and Lemony Snicket, and many others. Plus chefs and restaurateurs with mouth-watering cookbooks! For more information, visit


Wednesday Through Friday, November 16

Fall 2012 Miami Writers Institute

Workshops with authors Colin Channer, Margot Livesey, Lisa McCourt, Teresa Dovalpage, Abilio Estévez, literary agent Kimberly Witherspoon and others. See pages 18 - 19 for information and registration instructions.



Teatro Prometeo


Leopoldo Brizuela, presenting at Miami Book Fair International


Miami Book Fair International's Street Fair


Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus. FREE. Registration required (Registration opens in October.)

Teachers' Fun Day at Miami Book Fair International

Meet authors! Get tips, lessons plans and ideas on expanding curricula using the latest (and greatest!) children's and YA books, including graphic novels and comics. Free workshops and special presentations for teachers and other educators, including homeschooling parents. For more information and to register, visit


Thursday (through Sunday, November 18) Teatro Prometeo, Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

International Children's Theatre Festival

An International Children's Theatre Festival during Miami Book Fair International (hopefully the first of many) will feature six local and international theatre companies. Each company will perform short plays representative of their culture for children of all ages enhancing an appreciation for the arts for the audiences of tomorrow. La Compañia Prometeo will present El Gato y La Gaviota by Luis Sepúlveda (in Spanish with English supertitles).


Viernes, 8 p.m.

Teatro Prometeo, Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus ¡Entrada gratis!

Pancha Garmendia y Elisa Lynch de Augusto Roa Bastos

Lectura dramatizada. Dirigida por Beatriz Rizk. (con la participación de La Compañía Prometeo y los estudiantes del Conservatorio en Artes Escénicas) Obra del gran maestro paraguayo basada en las dos mujeres más importantes en la vida del Mariscal Francisco Solano López (1827-90), quienes luego se convirtieron en paradigmas culturales difíciles de superar.


Friday, 8 p.m. Books & Books, 265 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables

Les Standiford on Desperate Sons, co-presented with Books & Books

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Current Voices in Literature: Sex, Drugs and Sea Slime

Generation Genius: Otto the Book Bear

Author R. Dwayne Betts

December 2012



Saturday, 11 a.m.

Miami Dade County Public Library, Shenandoah Branch, 2111 S.W. 19 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Generation Genius: Reads official selection, Otto the Book Bear by Katie Cleminson.

Saturday, 3 p.m.

Miami Dade County Public Library, International Mall Branch, 10315 N.W. 12 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Generation Genius: Reads official selection, Otto the Book Bear by Katie Cleminson.


Sábado, 2 p.m.

Teatro Prometeo, Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus Donación: $10

Teatro Prometeo presenta Los Prometeítos

¡Una función especial de fin de año de nuestros estudiantes más jóvenes!

January 2013




Current Voices in Literature begins The Center recommends the following titles for the Spring 2013 semester: • The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht • Dark Room: A Memoir in Black and White by Lila Quintero Weaver • Sex, Drugs and Sea Slime by Dr. Ellen Prager

Saturday, 3 a.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, International Mall Branch, 10315 NW 12 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Pomelo Begins to Grow by Ramona Badescu.



Teatro Prometeo


La Compañía Prometeo



: Reads!

This spring, Generation Genius: Reads (formerly One Picture Book, One Community) distributes free books to kindergarten students in Miami-Dade and Broward county schools. Selected title: Otto the Book Bear by Katie Cleminson.


Saturday, 11 a.m. Miami Dade County Public Library, Shenandoah Branch, 2111 S.W. 19 Street, Miami

: StoryArts!

Children and parents read along with artist Maria Gonzalez then create artworks inspired by Pomelo Begins to Grow by Ramona Badescu.

February 2013


Monday Presented in collaboration with Miami Dade College, North Campus

7th Annual African American Read-In

To help make literacy a significant part of Black History Month, The Center will provide free copies of A Question of Freedom: A Memoir of Learning, Survival, and Coming of Age in Prison by R. Dwayne Betts. Books will be distributed to participants of the 7th Annual African American Read-In, including students at each of the eight MDC campuses, area high school students and members of the community.


Viernes, 8 p.m. (Continúa en escena el 9, 15 y 16 de febrero.) Teatro Prometeo, MDC Wolfson Campus. Boletos $20

La Compañía Prometeo presenta

Dos Corazones

Escrita por Richard Hellesen. (In Spanish with English supertitles) Two women from different cultural backgrounds find a common language through motherhood. / Dos mujeres de diferentes entornos culturales encuentran un idioma común a través de la maternidad.


Monday Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus

The Center's Spring Creative Writing Courses begin

Visit for more information.

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Author Lisa McCourt

Author Margot Livesey

Fall 2012 Miami Writers Institute 3-day workshop: Wednesday, November 14 - Friday, November 16, 9a.m. - 12 p.m.

Create YOU and Unleash Your JOY: A Writing Workshop with Lisa McCourt

Genuine, lasting joy is not a myth, or an elusive prize to be chased. It is a skill that can be learned and you are perfectly poised, right now, to step into a life of unbridled passion and vitality. Using the proven Juicy Joy principles of creativity, you’ll learn to write (and claim) the life you’ve always known should be yours. In these three jam-packed, handson sessions, you will: discover and understand anything that’s been keeping you stuck, numb or powerless; learn surprising, proven-effective tools for moving ridiculously far beyond your current limitations; gain unprecedented insight into your relationships and learn how to break free of limiting patterns; and more!

1-day workshop: Friday, November 16, 2 - 5 p.m.

Master Class on Dialogue with Margot Livesey Hush, shut up, please be quiet. Dialogue is, or ought to be, the jewel in the fiction writer's crown but writing interesting dialogue that deepens the characters and moves the story forward, while at the same time seeming natural, is a complicated undertaking. Margot Livesey will be suggesting some ways to think about dialogue and some strategies for writing more sparkling dialogue. Please bring a couple of scenes from your own work that you're interested in revising and come prepared to write in class.

1-day workshop IN SPANISH: Viernes, 16 de noviembre, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Clase magistral: Cómo Escribir (y Leer!) Textos Narrativos, con Abilio Estévez Una clase magistral que se propone desentrañar algunos conceptos narrativos que permitan escribir un cuento y, al propio tiempo, permitan "leer", con la mayor agudeza posible una pieza narrativa, para aprender a extraer toda la sabiduría artística. Y, por supuesto, responder algunas preguntas indispensables: ¿en qué consiste narrar? ¿de dónde salen las historias que cuenta el narrador? ¿qué es una idea literaria, ¿cómo se desarrolla?. La ley del conflicto. El narrador, su punto de vista y las variaciones del mismo. En resumen, cómo un escritor emplea todos estos elementos para componer un relato perdurable.



Teatro Prometeo


Author Abilio Estévez

Author Colin Channer

3-day workshop IN SPANISH: Miércoles, 14 de noviembre - Viernes, 16 de noviembre, 2 - 5 p.m.

Vivir de Escribir, con Teresa Dovalpage

¿Es posible ganarse la vida como escritor? ¿La escritura da para algo más que comprarse un café en Starbucks, una vez por semana? Si se usa el método adecuado, la respuesta a ambas preguntas es un rotundo sí. El taller “Vivir de Escribir” explora diferentes maneras de comercializar su talento literario. Consta de tres secciones: 1. La escritura freelance: cómo vender artículos a periódicos y revistas. 2. Se alquila un autor: cómo encontrar trabajo por encargo (ghostwriter), de editor y de corrector. 3. Se alquila un autor: cómo vender y promocionar sus novelas y cuentos. En todos los casos se incluyen consejos útiles para los traductores sobre cómo ofrecer sus servicios a diferentes mercados.

Just confirmed... A 3-day workshop with Colin Channer, and a publishing seminar with agent Kimberly Witherspoon! Plus, even more to come! Visit for information.

Fall 2012 Miami Writers Institute Online registration opens September 5, 2012 Register at as soon as possible to secure your space. Payment must be received at time of registration and must have cleared at least five business days prior to the first day of class. Please note registration deadlines for each course. Please speak to a member of our registration staff if you require clarification.


October 20: Last day to submit a manuscript for consultation November 1: Registration deadline

Registration Fees:

Three-day, nine-hour workshop: $225 (each) One-day, three-hour workshop: $75 (each) Manuscript consultation: $80* *Manuscript consultation fees are not reading fees and do not go to the agent; rather they support the programs and initiatives of The Center for Literature and Theatre @ MDC.

Miami Book Fair International


Event in Spanish


Frequently Asked Questions

How to...

Register for a creative writing course? Visit and click on Creative Writing Courses. Select the course(s) you are interested in and follow the instructions to download our registration form. You may submit the form by mail or fax (if paying by credit card).

Register for a Fall Miami Writers Institute workshop? VIsit and click on Writers Insitute. Select the course(s) you are interested in and follow the instructions to register online.

Register for a workshop at an outreach location? VIsit and click on Creative Writing Courses. Select the course(s) you are interested in and follow the instructions to register online.

Register for a Teatro Prometeo class? Visit and click on Register for Classes. Select the course(s) you are interested in and follow the instructions to download our registration form. You may submit the form by mail or fax (if paying by credit card).

Purchase tickets for a Teatro Prometeo performance? Visit and click on Purchase Tickets. You may purchase your tickets online or at the Teatro Prometeo box office on the day of the show.

See the complete 2012 Miami Book Fair schedule of events? The Fairgoer’s Guide will be available on October 24, 2012. Please visit

Purchase tickets for Book Fair ticketed events? Tickets will be on sale to the general public November 7 at 10 a.m.. Visit and click on Purchase Tickets. (Friends of the Fair can purchase tickets starting October 31 at 10 a.m.)

Become a friend of Miami Book Fair International? Visit and click on Support the Fair. Membership benefits vary with your level of support.

Become a Miami Book Fair International volunteer? Visit and click on Volunteer.

Become a corporate sponsor? The Center depends on funding from individuals, private foundations, and corporate supporters to meet the significant costs of sustaining its year-round programming schedule, including Miami Book Fair International, its most visible program. Your contribution — regardless of its size — helps the Center maintain high-quality literary and educational programming. For more information, contact Delia Lopez,

Contact The Center? The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus 300 N.E. Second Avenue, Suite 4102 (Building 4, 1st floor) Miami, FL 33132 Phone: 305.237.3940 / Fax: 305.237.3978 / E-mail:

300 N.E. Second Ave. Miami, Florida 33132-2296 The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College promotes reading, writing and theatre throughout the year by consistently presenting high-quality activities open to all in South Florida.

Supporters of The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College include:

With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.

Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees Helen Aguirre Ferré, Chair • Armando J. Bucelo Jr., Vice Chair Marili Cancio • Jose K. Fuentes • Benjamín León III • Armando J. Olivera • Marielena A. Villamil Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College Madeline Pumariega, Campus President, Wolfson Campus

Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution which does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, disability, national origin, marital status, religion, age or veteran’s status. Contact the office of equal opportunity programs/ADA coordinator at 305-237-0269 for more information.

Fall & Winter 2012/13

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