MBFI 2013 Annual Report

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2013 Annual Report


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} s t n e t n o C Table of { What Happens @ the Fair? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Culture in the City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2013 Miami Book Fair by the Numbers . . . . . . 10 The Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Street Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


Generation Genius Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Generation Genius by the Numbers . . . . . . . . 23 Celebrating Espa単a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 The Virtual Book Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Thank you to our Sponsors and Supporters . . 30 Friends and Patrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Sponsor Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Staff and Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35




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“For 30 years I’ve helped to serve this literary feast, and it has brought me

tremendous joy to see how many have come to be nourished at our table. I hope

it continues always.

Alina Interián, Executive Director, Cultural Affairs at Miami Dade College

“Miami historically has been

famous for many things, but I’m not sure literary culture is among them, the book fair

changed that.

Paul Bogaards, Publicity Director, Knopf Doubleday

“We wanted to

create the largest tent possible, so all of Miami

could fit under it.

Mitchell Kaplan, Miami Book Fair Founder and Chair, Board of Directors

“You need these confidence-building

moments, and the book fair was a key one for us, it showed that Miami had the stuff. It gave donors, civic leaders and politicians the

courage to pursue the rest of the agenda. Michael Spring, Director, Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs

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Mr. Dan Brown! Incredible writer and speaker! #DanBrown #MiamiBookFair @Olivia_is_On (Olivia Castillo)




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What happens @ the Fair?

Street Fair Three days, a million books, two hundred thousand readers, plus visual arts, theatre, music on the World Stage and delicious eats — a celebration unequaled. Destination Comics Miami Book Fair’s own comic con! Featuring creator panels, comicsmaking workshops, and publishers and comic shops. Junot Diaz

The Kitchen Cookbook authors discuss their

Authors at the Fair From newbies to Nobel prize winners these readings and discussions are the

culinary philosophies and demonstrate their recipes at the Miami Culinary Institute. A gastro-literary feast!

heart of Miami Book Fair International. The IberoAmerican Authors program features the best in Spanish-language literature, while the Caribbean program highlights top writers from that region. More than 500 authors came to the Fair in 2013, representing 25 countries and all genres of literature.

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Featured Country Miami Book Fair honors its home city — one of the most international places in the world — by featuring one country each year and showcasing its culture. In 2013, the Fair celebrated Spain.

Generation Genius: Literacy and Learning

Festivities started with the official visit of Their Royal Highnesses the

Interdisciplinary programs that

Prince and Princess of Asturias, Felipe

The Park

encourage learning and imagination

Just steps away from the bustle of

through reading and writing,

the Street Fair, The Park is an oasis of

storytelling, art, music and theatre,

dewy, green grass – the perfect place

leading to discoveries in the various

to read newly purchased books, have a

subject areas, including language arts,

picnic or do yoga!

math, history, geography, the sciences

and Letizia, and continued each night with literary discussions, an authentic Tablao Flamenco, and dozens of other programs highlighting Spain’s cultural riches.

and fine arts. Goal: To foster literacy in our community, rearing the next generation of engaged world citizens! Generation Genius Children’s Alley An educational and literary playground dedicated to children. Authors, storytellers, puppeteers, dancers and musicians bring stories to life on a plaza at the heart of the Street Fair. Generation Genius Authors Author readings and creative writing workshops for children and teens, at the Fair (best field trips ever!), and in classrooms all over Miami. Free books for all, thanks to Book Fair’s generous

Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Asturias, Felipe and Letizia





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y t i C e h t n i } { Culture Miami Book Fair International is more than a great festival, it’s a community brought together by shared passions – a passion for books and reading, and for making Miami a great place to live, work and play. The Fair has been making culture happen in the heart of Miami since 1983, always true to its founding principles of inclusion, constantly striving so that anyone, from anywhere, can come and fully

Richard Blanco

participate in the culture of ideas. Miami’s cultural landscape has changed and grown tremendously since planning for the first Fair started. Many longtime Miami residents and culture makers agree that the Fair’s viability served to inspire, to build confidence, and that cultural leaders felt more sure with each successful Fair that their own endeavors — Miami City Ballet, HistoryMiami, Miami Art Museum — would thrive also. The Fair proved to all that Miami had readers, and by extension, theater and dance and art enthusiasts. The growth of Miami’s cultural scene shows no signs of slowing. And its acceleration is most visible in the downtown area (where the Fair takes place) and its immediate neighborhoods to the north.

Opened in 2006, The Adrienne Arsht

“The Fair is committed to

Center for the Performing Arts is walking

promoting reading and to

distance from the Fair. One of the most

creating a space in Miami where

important art fairs in the world, Art Basel,

everyone can come together.

came to the area in 2002 and dozens of

We want everyone in Miami

“Basel Week” events take place in and

to find their Miami Book Fair,

around downtown. Mere blocks to the

and to know that when they

east of the Miami Dade College campus

are at the Fair, they are culture

where the Fair takes place is Museum

makers too, no matter their

Park, where just two weeks after the end

day jobs. Making the Fair the

of the 30th Fair, the Perez Art Museum,

vibrant, interesting, cool event

formerly the Miami Art Museum, opened in

that it is, is a collaborative

a brand-new building designed by Pritzker

effort. We are all in it.

Prize-winning architects Herzog & De

Lissette Mendez, Director

Meuron. Set to open adjacent to PAMM

of Programs, The Center for

is the Patricia and Philip Frost Museum

Literature and Theatre @ Miami

of Science. A few blocks to the west

Dade College and Miami Book

of campus HistoryMiami is expanding,

Fair International

growing from one building to two.

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approximately 30,000 bibliophiles The downtown area has also become

from outside the region every

a hip place to live. Luxury, high-rise

year. In 2013, international travelers

condominiums have gone up in record

came from England, Spain, France,

time. In total, more than 20,000

Venezuela, Israel, Mexico, Argentina,

residential units have been built in

Chile, Jamaica, Trinidad and Dominican

downtown Miami since 2003, with the

Republic. U.S. attendees came from

total number of residents hovering at

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut,

near 75,000.

Ohio, Kansas, Texas, Massachusetts, Washington, DC, Maryland,

{ Reason #15 } It brings all of Miami together. Young families to

Fair founders, board members and

Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina,

staff feel great pride in the Fair’s

South Carolina, Georgia, Michigan,

role as cultural and civic standard-

Illinois, California, Washington, New

bearer, but even more pride in the

Mexico, Louisiana and Wisconsin,

Fair’s role in uniting community. And

among other states (per Touchpoll

Beyond the hard-core readers who come

there’s no mystery why. As part of Miami


together at more than 250 readings and

Children’s Alley. Foodies to The Kitchen. Party people to the World Stage.

Dade College, known colloquially as

book discussions, the Fair brings hundreds

“Democracy’s College,” the Fair reflects

of thousands of South Floridians from all

“We are proud sponsors of

kinds of ethnic and economic backgrounds

Miami Book Fair International.

to downtown Miami during the eight days

As the campus bookstore

of the Fair.

for Miami Dade College, the

Miami Book Fair events are as varied as the

The Book Fair would not be possible

Book Fair aligns with our

people of Miami. And we know the Fair

without Miami Dade College. Miami Book

commitment to engaging and

brings Miami together like no other event.

Fair International is MDC, and every

supporting community efforts

year, almost all members of the Miami

beyond the classroom. We

Dade College family step up to support

are happy to support an event

the Fair in their own ways. In 2013, one

that so positively impacts the

member, Follett Higher Education, the

community and is loved by our

college’s bookstore, made a substantial

customers and associates. We

financial contribution. Follett believes in

look forward to sponsoring the

education’s transformative power, and

Book Fair for many years to

understands Miami Book Fair’s role in


the values of its home institution, and MDC’s mission to serve as a “cultural and civic beacon in our community.”

Miami Book Fair makes community happen. And that makes us happy.

the lifelong learning pursuits of all who

Fernando Cuevas, Regional

come through the gates.

Manager of Sales and Operations, Follett Higher Education

The Fair is not just a destination for locals. Every year, visitors from throughout the country, Latin America, and Europe, check in at area hotels. As the most important consumer book festival in the U.S., the Fair attracts




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r i a F k o o B i m a i 2013 M } s r e b m u N { e by th 205,000: total number of

visitors to 2013 Miami Book Fair International



countries represented by presenting authors

517 authors

across all programs

692 sessions


powered the Fair in 2013

held during the eight days including: The Book Thief film screening, The Kitchen cooking demos, Children’s Alley storytelling and entertainment, World Stage live music, Generation Genius Authors presentations and Spain Pavilion activities


venues, including Bardot, a bar in the Miami

Design District and Regal Cinema on South Beach


pre-Fair author events

in English and Spanish, in Downtown Miami and Little Havana { page 10 }


1 million books for sale



including publishers, bookstores and community organizations




marriage proposal (part of Prometeo’s street theatre performances!)

arepas consumed

42.9 million

people saw tweets about the Fair

opinions expressed ;-)

54,189 people saw our Facebook posts

759,434 combined website and mobile site pageviews

36 corporate sponsors,

institutional supporters and foundations contributed a total of


the value of in-kind contributions from corporate and media sponsors totaled

465 $88,500 Friends

of the Fair donated over


Patron’s Circle members donated or pledged a total of $100,000 which will go to the MBFI endowment fund @miamibookfair



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} s r o h t u A The { 517 authors across all programs 25 countries represented by presenting authors 49 venues Some years back, then First Lady

travelers on journeys all over the world

in American culture over the past 50

Barbara Bush visited the Fair, calling

and to more destinations than any other

years, and the possibility of gender

it “an embarrassment of riches.” And,

airline, the Fair’s authors and their books

bias in the publishing industry. And that

while we are not at all embarrassed

lead Fairgoers on journeys of the

was only Monday. Beloved authors of

by it, the 30th annual Miami Book Fair


two generations followed on Thursday,

International did resemble the jewel

with Pat Conroy and Cassandra King

box of a storybook princess. That

attracting the baby boomers, and

“American Airlines has been

Sherman Alexie packing the 700+

a sponsor of Miami Book Fair

seats of the Chapman Conference

International for 10 years.

Center with Gen Xers and Millenials. The

We are pleased to be a part

week progressed with religious scholar

of this world-class event,

and historian Reza Aslan, who enthralled

which brings together culture,

the audience with his rousing lecture

community and literature,

on the historical Jesus of Nazareth; Carl

docs/2013_fgg_all) to see what the

and showcases all that South

Hiaasen who had the crowd doubled

full program was all about. You will

Florida has to offer.

princess would have had a hard time picking favorites, and we do too. Below are a few highlights of our author program, but we invite you to look through our archived Fairgoers Guide (issuu.com/miamibookfair/

be dazzled. More than 500 authors presented

over with hysterical tales of whacky,

Lina Santiago, Director of

corrupt Floridians; Wally Lamb, reading

Sales Promotion, Florida Region,

from his newest, searing novel about

American Airlines

class and race in our time, and Terry

books and engaged in discussions

McMillan with an insightful tale of family

during the 30th Miami Book Fair,

love and strife over three generations.

which opened with a heartwarming

Evenings With

The week closed with the brilliant and

talk about the importance of

Evenings With, the series that features

glamorous, Anjelica Huston, chatting

creativity and family life by one of

keynote authors every weeknight was

amiably about her life and long career,

the bestselling authors of all time,

a true measure of what the Fair is all

and U.S. Congressman John Lewis

about — something for everyone. Joe

who in true Book Fair style brought

Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s Morning

together one of the most multicultural,

Joe, covered politics, while novelists

age-diverse crowds imaginable

Erica Jong and Jennifer Weiner

anywhere, to talk about his long

covered feminism, women’s sexuality

struggle for civil and human rights.

Dan Brown. Sponsored by American Airlines, the author program is the heart of the Fair. And while American Airlines conveys

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Weekend Highlights

Russell Banks, and James McBride,

From the first book discussion on

who’d won a National Book Award just

Saturday at 9 a.m. — Vice President

three days prior to his presentation. Paul

Dick Cheney and his cardiologist on

Auster, the great novelist, presented

heart disease and the transplant that

a memoir, vivid with family photos and

saved the VP’s life — to the last author

illustrations — a slide show accompanied

Q&A on Sunday at half past 6 — TV

his reading. As did Richard Blanco,

political commentator Chris Matthews

whose memoir of growing up working

on the relationship between Tip O’Neil

class, Cuban-American, coming out as

and President Ronald Reagan —

gay, and becoming the first inaugural

the weekend portion of the Fair’s

poet to represent all those identities,

author program delighted, infuriated,

brought 500 fans to standing ovation.

• Nicholas Sparks on The Longest Ride

gave food for thought, tickled pink,

Non-fiction filled the 700+ seat

• Elizabeth Gilbert on The Signature of

fomented debate, inspired, moved

Chapman Conference Center on Saturday

All Things

some to tears, caused peals of laughter,

and Sunday: Doris Kerns Goodwin

• Helen Fielding on Bridget Jones: Mad

changed minds, widened eyes in

and A. Scott Berg talked American

About the Boy

wonder, affirmed opinions, and generally

presidents, Scott Anderson and Ari

• Billy Collins on Aimless Love: New and

caused brain gears to move at all kinds

Shavit talked Middle East, and George

Selected Poems

of speed in young and old alike.

Packer, Jeremy Scahill and Dan Balz

• Donna Tartt on The Goldfinch

discussed American politics — both

In Spanish

For 30 years, Miami Book Fair has

domestic and international. Poetry greats

• Edmundo Paz-Soldan with Norte

brought the greatest authors of our time

Nikki Giovanni, August Kleinzahler,

• Night of Music and Poetry with Magali

to Miami, and 2013 was no exception.

Campbell McGrath, Robert Pinsky and

Alabau, Ana Cecilia Blum and Estela García

The novel was represented by Edwidge

Sharon Olds, were among the many

• Night of Fiction with Isabel García

Danticat, Junot Diaz, Jamaica Kincaid,

celebrated poets at the Fair.

Cintas, Madeleine de Cubas and

Pre-Fair Author Events In the months leading up to the Fair, The Center for Literature and Theatre in partnership with independent bookseller Books & Books, whet the city’s appetite for books and lively discussions with almost 20 events in Downtown Miami and Little Havana.

In English • Salman Rushdie on Joseph Anton

Yolanda Ortal Miranda • Leer Para Estar Mejor with Alejandra Llamas y Mercedes Martí • Signal Ratner with 64 • The Night of the Poetas-Elfos with Chely Lima and Carlos Pintado • La Fundación Cuatrogatos presents El

Carnaval de los Animales Mitológicos • Narciso Hidalgo with Choteo.

Irreverencia y Humor en la Cultura Cubana • Erasmo Padilla with Tengo un Filin • Panel on Dictatorships in the XXI Century, with Osvaldo Hurtado (Ecuador), Asdrúbal Aguiar (Venezuela), Carlos Sánchez Berzain (Bolivia) and Eduardo Enriquez (Nicaragua). Moderated by

Jorge Edwards: A great man, a great thinker.

Guillermo Lousteau.

Gracias #MBFI30. Siempre lo mejor!

• Julio Schiling presents Dictaduras y sus

@305_lsm (Luis Menendez)

Paradigmas II




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Literary Death Match Setting: A bar 2013 list of characters: 7 authors: 4 to compete, 3 to judge: Daniel Alarcon, Albert “Prodigy” Johnson, Meg Cabot, Kevin Barry, JJ Colagrande, Lauren Oliver and Lucy Knisley

Plot: When authors vie for the crown, (“American Idol” style) and are judged on such serious literary merits as the length of their hair and the color of their shoes, too many drinks went down the hatch!

Ending: Trendy, subversive, geeky, raucous, hilarious and just plain fun, Literary Death Match lured Miami’s most attractive lit-nerds for a night of genius storytelling.

Another great poetry event was the

are disrupting publishing and bookselling

of Spain, spoke about his illustrious

reading by Dinapiera Di Donato,

rounded out the Idea Exchange, a

diplomatic and literary career, which he

the first winner of the Paz Prize for

section of weekend programming that

covers in a newly published memoir.

Poetry. This new prize to recognize

emphasizes conversations on current

During the rest of the week, programs

Americans who write in Spanish by


included a discussion of literature

publishing their work in bilingual editions

produced in Spain during the first post-

celebrates the multiplicity of voices in

Miami is home to the largest Caribbean

Franco years; a presentation introducing

U.S. literature, and was established by

population in the country, and as in

audiences to Miami’s lively digital literary

the National Poetry Series in partnership

years past, the Fair included authors

magazines scene; new works by Cuban

with The Fair’s parent organization, The

from Antigua, Guyana, Jamaica,

authors living in various parts of the

Center for Literature and Theatre at

Trinidad & Tobago and Haiti, including

U.S.; a very special Friday night with

Miami Dade College.

Elsie Augustave, Kwame Dawes,

the highly acclaimed, award-winning

Thomas Glave and Oonya Kempadoo.

Argentinian author, Marcos Aguinis,

The first program of Miami’s newest

discussing a novel about the iconic

literary program took place at the 2013

IberoAmerican Program

former first lady of Argentina, Evita; and

Fair. Reading Queer, which highlights

The IberoAmerican Program, which

a one-woman theatrical performance

GLBTQ authors and writing, funded

brings authors from all over the Spanish-

based on the poems of Federico Garcia

in part by the John S. and James L.

speaking world, this year counted with a

Lorca, performed by his niece, Laura

Knight Foundation, presented a panel

larger-than-usual delegation from Spain,

Garcia Lorca (Spain), and especially

of poets speaking from varied “queer”

the Fair’s featured country.

created for the Fair by the Garcia Lorca


Foundation in Madrid. The program opened with Cervantes

A number of panels on JFK, as well as

Prize-winner, Jorge Edwards. The

During the weekend, the IberoAmerican

a discussion on e-books and how they

Chilean-born, long-time resident

program featured 35 back-to-back

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#AnotherMiamiMoment @MiamiBookFair w/ Cuban-American poet @rblancopoet & Haitian-American author Edwidge Danticat @MarlonAHill (Marlon A. Hill)




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events. Highlights included Alfaguara and Planeta prize winners, Jose Ovejero (Spain) and Lorenzo Silva (Spain), and the series, Conversaciones

Transatlånticas, during which two authors, one from Spain, the other from Latin America, engaged in dialogue. This year’s themes were theater, literature and politics, and noir literature by women writers. Television and entertainment personalities were big at the Fair in 2013, including Ismael Cala (Cuba/USA), Adamari Lopez (Puerto Rico), Alexis Valdes (Cuba/USA) and Jaime Bayly (Peru). The IberoAmerican Program invited Fairfavorites to return to Miami in celebration of the 30th anniversary, including awardwinning authors such as Rosa Montero (Spain), Esmeralda Santiago (Puerto Rico), Gioconda Belli (Nicaragua), J.J. Armas Marcelo (Spain), and Carmen Posadas (Uruguay/Spain). Current affairs discussions included panels on how to get children to read in Spanish; the Spanish book market in the U.S.; and the impact of new technologies on the book industry. Bringing debut and emerging authors from the IberoAmerican world to the attention of Fairgoers has long been a goal of the Fair, this year was no exception. The program featured Javier Calvo (Spain), Kirmen Uribe (Spain), Javier Mosquera Saravia (Guatemala), Camilo Pino (Venezuela/USA) and Elvira Navarro

Got my book signed by @AmyTan at the

(Spain), among others.

@MiamiBookFair today! Dream! @christianalilly (Christiana Lilly)

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} r i a F { t e e r St 251 exhibitors, including publishers and bookstores 1 million books for sale 692 sessions, including cooking demos and live music While threatening rain clouds hovered

sponsors and some book-related

Live Music

most of the weekend, the 30th Miami

merchandise (vintage book cover

Street Fair’s joyful vibe is made sound

Book Fair still brought crowds of

t-shirts, anyone?), can also be found.

at the World Stage, a live concert

200,000+ to downtown Miami over the

In 2013, the first book truck in the

venue adjacent to the food makers. In

three days of the Street Fair. Especially

country, in the style of trendy food

2013, the 20-act line up featured jazz,

large crowds were measured Sunday,

trucks, made its debut at the Fair.

pop, world beat and gospel, including

when like magic, the rain held off until

Venerable publisher, Penguin, parked its

Karina Iglesias of NBC’s “The Voice” and

closing time at 6 p.m.

orange and black truck inside the Fair

Young Arts Foundation alumni group,

grounds, and reported record sales on

The David Leon Trio. Saturday closed

closing night.

with a classic rock party courtesy of

Miami Book Fair’s Street Fair is sponsored by OHL-Arellano

the only band made up of authors. Now

Construction, a Miami-based

known as The Band Formerly Known

construction company that values community-building, and recognizes

“On behalf of the Executive

as the Rock Bottom Remainders,

Team, OHL-Arellano believes

the group, a beloved Miami Book Fair

in the Fair the same commitment

that participation in reading,

repeater, featured music superstar and

to creating a great place that is

writing, and performing arts

Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame inductee,

welcoming of everyone. OHL-

fosters creativity, ingenuity,

Roger McGuinn, as well as literary

Arellano’s commitment is long-term,

and confidence, particularly in

superstars Dave Barry, Amy Tan,

and they’ve pledged a half million

young people. It is with great

Mitch Albom, Ridley Pearson,

dollars over the next 10 years

pleasure that OHL-Arellano

Greg Iles, Scott Turow, Roy Blount

to support the Fair’s continued

sponsored the 2013 Miami

Jr., Sam Barry and James McBride.


Book Fair International hosted by Miami Dade College to

The Kitchen

The footprint of the Street Fair is only

enable even greater access to

The Kitchen is one of the Fair’s newest

30,000 square feet, but it packs more

these inspiring and educational

programs, and definitely the most

than 250 colorful, peaked booths along


delicious. Food world celebrities,

the winding streets. Booksellers and

Adrienne Fanti, Regional

emerging culinary stars, and world-

publishers anchor this temporary book

Development Coordinator,

renowned chefs prepare gourmet

bazaar, but community organizations,

OHL-Arellano Construction, Inc

bites and show off technique in the




{ page 17 }

The Park @ Miami Book Fair “popped

Miami Culinary Institute’s state-of-

“Miami Book Fair International

up” in 2012 and was a huge success.

questions, they get to EAT! Special

premier events. It’s an

A temporary space, The Park is created

VIP dinners and lively panel discussions

important component

a day before Street Fair opens by

on newly-published cookbooks add

of Downtown’s cultural

laying down squares of sod on what

that extra spice. Chefs in The Kitchen

landscape, and continues to

the rest of the year is a busy avenue.

included TV personality, Ingrid

grow in prominence as the

Unfortunately, 2013’s rainy weather, put

Hoffman, and founder of the fusion

city’s urban core evolves into

a damper (pun intended!) on The Park.

movement, Norman Van Aken.

an international destination.

the-art demonstration kitchen, where the audience doesn’t get to just ask

Miami Downtown Development

is one of Downtown Miami’s

Lying on the grass to read was just

Alyce Robertson, Executive

not possible. Still, many kids enjoyed

Director, Miami DDA

the monkey bars (and the mud!) and

Authority sponsored The Kitchen.

Sunday’s better weather brought folks

Amongst its various roles, the DDA

out to the picnic tables and benches.

promotes downtown Miami as a

The Park

destination for entertainment and

For the second year Miami Book Fair

The Miami Foundation sponsored

relaxation, not just work. The Fair,

featured a pop-up park! The studies are

The Park through their Our Miami

and The Kitchen in particular, align

in and experts agree that green spaces

Initiative, which just like Book Fair

with DDA’s vision of downtown as

create community and encourage lively

(and parks) works to foster a greater

a place where Miami residents and

social engagements. The Fair, an event

sense of community.

visitors can find sophisticated dining

that brings community together, seemed

and entertainment choices.

the perfect place for a park, and thus

{ page 18 }

A “Greener” Fair Over the years the Fair has taken steps to reduce its impact on the environment. Whenever possible, the Fair uses biodegradable materials, and works to ensure that staff, vendors and visitors recycle by making receptacles and other processes easily available. The Fair also encourages usage of public transportation and bicycles. Metromover — an elevated monorail that connects to other parts of the city — stops inside the fair grounds, and bicycle racks are conveniently located throughout. Discounts are given to visitors taking advantage of these “greener” transportation methods.


“This Fair is pure celebration, a temporary Utopia where everyone comes together to enjoy, to FEEL joy.� Visitor from New York City




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The demand for comics has

“Our Miami encourages

residents to connect with each other and with our city. Urban green spaces like The Park are perfect for sparking these relationships. Miami becomes a more pleasant and attractive place to live when we create opportunities to

engage in this way.

Javier Soto, Executive Director, The Miami Foundation

steadily grown since a formal program was created at the Fair in 2008. The numbers don’t lie. In 2013, four of the bestselling books of the Fair were graphic novels.

{ Reason #14 }

Audience numbers at the panels

30,000 square feet of books

and author presentations have also grown, at the 30th Book Fair, the comics and graphic novels program had its own National Book Award finalist — Gene Luen Yang — as well as Ben

Destination Comics

Katchor, whose classic works are

Miami Book Fair is one of the first book

mainstays of the comics canon.

festivals in the world to make space for

Paul Pope, a “rock star” comics artist

comics and graphic novels. On the 30th

and writer, created the Generation Genius

anniversary, the Fair rebranded the area of

Days poster.

Bookshops at the Fair reported an uptick in sales. Publishers large and small appreciated engaged crowds. Among the

Street Fair where publishers and retailers

many publishers represented on

set up for the weekend, rolling out a

the street were Grove/Atlantic,

new business model in partnership with Diamond Comic Distributors and local, independent comics retailer, Tate’s.

“The Miami Book Fair is a

Workman, Hachette, Abrams,

festival like no other, and

Akashic, McSweeney’s, Penguin,

Diamond Comic Distributors

University Press of Florida and

is excited to partner with


Destination Comics, as the area was

the Fair to share the unique

named in 2013, was home to almost

literary format of comic

20 publishers and three retailers. The

books and graphic novels with

majority of the comics publishers set

their enthusiastic attendees.

up a co-op arrangement with Tate’s

Eric Hitchcock, Field Manager,

in order to minimize expenses while

Diamond Comic Distributors

maximizing the amount of titles for sale — Tate’s handled all merchandising

Comics and graphic novels have long

for the publishers in addition to curating

been important in Europe and Latin

a mix from his bricks-and-mortar store

America, with the rise of their popularity

inventory. This partnership created a

in the U.S., the Fair thought it time to

win-win for all — the Fair, Tate’s, the

bring graphic novel creators to Miami

publishers, and most of all, the fairgoers.

from Spain and Peru, including Miguel

Who sold most? Bestseller in fiction goes to Dan Brown, with Mitch Albom, Junot Diaz, Amy Tan, Erica Jong and Nikki Giovanni running close behind.

Gallardo, PowerPaola and Max, who designed this year’s official Book Fair poster.

{ page 20 }


Bestseller in nonfiction goes to Anjelica Huston, with Congressman John Lewis (a comic!) running a close second, and Reza Aslan, Brad Meltzer, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Richard Blanco and M.K. Asante following.

Miami Book Fair official bookseller, the independent, Books & Books, opened its first pop-up bookshop in Children’s Alley. Books & Books, Jr. logged record sales of children’s and YA books during Generations Genius Days, the four ending days of the Fair during which all of the children and YA events and activities take place. Higher-than-ever sales in the juvenile categories reflect the increased emphasis families are placing on literacy, and bodes well for the future of the Fair.

Who sold most? In the kids and teens category, Jeff Kinney led the pack, with George O’Connor (a comic!), Marcus Zusak, Chip Kidd, Lauren Oliver, James Dean, Paul Pope (a comic!) and William Joyce coming soon after.

Celebrating my inner bookworm this afternoon at the @MiamiBookFair! Love our city #MBFI30 Joseph A. Quinones @JosephAQ




{ page 21 }

s y a D } s u i ration Gen

{ Gene

Taking place over four days — Thursday

The magic mix that is children and books

Children’s literacy is central to Miami

through Sunday — Generation Genius

is nowhere more evident than in the

Book Fair’s purpose. There’s no need

Days encompasses all of the Fair’s

Fair’s Children’s Alley. Set in a plaza in

to quote statistics: children who read

programs for our community’s

the heart of the campus, Children’s

are children who learn, and learn how to

youngest members, celebrating and

Alley is primarily for 1- to 12-year-olds

think critically — the underpinning of any

encouraging reading, learning and

and seamlessly knits reading, learning,

healthy democracy.

imagination. Dozens of authors come

and fun. Seven pop-up venues, each

to the Fair especially for these programs.

dedicated to a subject area, come up

They read from their books and discuss

with the sun on Thursday morning, and

them with thousands of children and

maintain a round-the-clock schedule of

teens who come to the Fair with their

activities inspired by dozens of books.

schools or their families (or the authors

Subjects tackled during these hands-

visit underserved public schools in the

on, interdisciplinary activities include,

county and meet with students in their

visual art (The Paintbox), music (The

classrooms). Selected children also attend

Rhythm Factory), physical sciences

creative writing workshops taught by

(Mad Science Lab), health and physical

these visiting writers.

development (Healthy Bodies, Happy

As a supporter of arts

education programs for South Florida’s children, Peacock Foundation, Inc. is pleased to support Miami Book Fair International. The Generation Genius Authors program helps thousands of students attend the Fair, meet their favorite authors, and take home a signed book to be read and


Joelle Allen, Executive Director, Peacock Foundation

Kids), geography and world cultures In 2013, authors for elementary-age

(One World, Many Stories), and all

children included Andrea Beaty and

things developmentally appropriate for

William Joyce. For tweens and teens,

toddlers (Tot Time Play and Learn).

authors at the Fair included Michael

(continued on page 25)

Buckley, Holly Black and Andrew Smith.

{ page 22 }

Lucky us! Also sat in on @Michaelwbuckley ‘s session. Great children’s authors this year! <3 the @MiamiBookFair! @JeanMarieMaier (Jean-Marie)



authors for kids and teens

48 author sessions

over four days: 24 at the Fair, including 2 creative writing workshops for teens on Thursday and Friday. 22 author sessions on Saturday and Sunday



performances on children’s stages

literacy and learning activities

over 4 days in Children’s Alley

31 school buses

provided by Book Fair to bring children from public schools

15 author sessions

in local schools reaching 740 students


• 4,280 on Thursday and Friday to children on field trips. • 4,264 to children attending Children’s Alley on the weekend



Students on campus for author sessions on Thursday and Friday


8,544 books given free to children:

Number of children visiting Children’s Alley on Saturday and Sunday


Total number of children who enjoyed and learned at the 2013 Book Fair #mbfi

{ page 23 }

We had so much fun dancing in Children’s Alley @miamibookfair and left with tons of projects and FREE books for the kiddos. @MamaBehr73 (Janice Behr)

{ page 24 }

Geoffrey Hayes


Children’s Alley is also home to two,

Our Pride Academy to bring hundreds of

(TWO!) stages featuring nationally

children to the Fair who would not have

recognized authors, storytellers,

been able to attend otherwise.

musicians, and dancers staging highenergy performances and spinng

“We are so fortunate in our

magical yarns. In 2013, the stages

community to host one of the

featured musicians Secret Agent

most prestigious book fairs

23 Skidoo and Recess Monkey, and

in the country. The Children’s

authors James Dean and David Kirk,

Trust is privileged to sponsor

among dozens of others.

Children’s Alley because sparking a passion for reading

Act Now Theatre is Generation Genius

in children is critical to their

Days newest addition. Developed

success in school and in life.

and managed by Prometeo Theatre’s

Emily Cardenas, Senior

director and staff, Act Now features

Communications Manager,

performances in English and Spanish

The Children’s Trust

(some are nonverbal) that are appropriate for children. In 2013, Act Now welcomed one of Spain’s premiere children’s theatre companies, Bambalina, as well as master marionette maker, Pablo Cano.

Generation Genius programs of the Fair, and most school field trips, are made possible by generous sponsors.

School bus transportation to the Fair

The Fair’s focus on inclusiveness extends

and free books for almost every child

to Children’s Alley and all the Generation

who comes on Thursday and Friday, as

Genius Days programs. Special emphasis is placed on making events and activities accessible to children of all abilities. Every year, sign-language

well as for those who come with family on the weekend, are made possible by foundations, corporations and other organizations who believe that ensuring

interpreters are available on request, and

the well-being of children includes

programs specifically created for the

ensuring that they have a healthy

deaf community are scheduled in the

attitude toward reading.

...Happily Ever After stage. In 2013, on the Once Upon a Time... stage, dance

In 2013, supporters of Generation Genius’

choreographer and Book Fair artist-

author programs included The Miami

in-residence Carlota Pradera staged

Foundation, The Batchelor Foundation,

performances with students from

Peacock Foundation, Publix

Tropical Elementary, some of whom use

Supermarkets Charities, The Children’s

wheelchairs and/or have varying physical

Trust, Alvah H & Wyline P. Chapman

abilities. The Fair worked in partnership

Foundation, Cheerios Spoonfuls of

with more than 10 organizations serving

Stories, Wells Fargo, FPL, Regions

children with special needs, including

Bank, Scholastic Books, and Miami-

Down Syndrome Association of Miami,

Dade County Public Schools.

Miami Cerebral Palsy Association and @miamibookfair



{ page 25 }

} a ñ a p s E { g Celebratin In 2013, all of Florida commemorated the

flag welcomed all visitors, and

Spain’s cultural offerings also spilled

500th anniversary of the arrival of Ponce

bookshelves laden with books by

out onto the streets during Street Fair

de Leon in Florida, and Book Fair joined

Spanish authors invited all to linger and

weekend, when fairgoers joined in the

in with brio. Festivities started with the

browse. Wall-sized reproductions of

culture-making, writing the “longest

official visit of Their Royal Highnesses

designs for book covers and literary

poem in the world” and creating poetic

the Prince and Princess of Asturias,

event posters reflected the evolution

fragments and greetings using 70 giant

Felipe and Letizia, who attended the

of Spanish graphic design, and served

inflatable letters. Both projects, titled

Fair’s inauguration in downtown Miami’s

both as decorative backdrop and

De la letra al libro (From One Letter, A

majestic OIympia Theater, a flawlessly

encouragement to keep reading. This

Book), created by artist Angel Arenas,

restored 1920s movie palace. The Prince

exhibit, titled La lectura en cartel,

have traveled the world. Installed in urban

spoke at length about the importance

included images used to promote

areas in Europe and Latin America, the

of books to a democratic culture, and

reading as far back as the 1930s.

projects have incorporated social media

stressed his delight in being part of an

to connect people with a shared love

event celebrating literature. Opening

But Spain’s plentiful cultural offerings

of literature. At the Fair, even famous

night festivities continued with an

were not to be confined to the pavilion.

authors got in on the writing. Esmeralda

enthralling flamenco dance and song

Weeknight “happy hours” took place

Santiago was one of the first authors to

performance by Suite Hispania, one of

across the street, where an authentic

write a poem on the long sheet of paper

Spain’s premier ensembles. The opening

Tablao Flamenco featured dancers,

unfurled during Book Fair:

of the 2013 Fair was one of the biggest

tapas, and tastings of Spanish wines, and

Paso a paso

in the Fair’s history – the sold-out

drew hundreds of revelers prior to each

step by step

theatre accommodated 1,700 fans.

evening’s main literary programs and

llegamos a nuestro futuro

music and dance performances. Among

we’ve arrived in our future.

The Fair’s celebration of Spain continued

the latter was Terekitetap, a group

each day over the next week. Inside the

with a revolutionary approach to the

Spain Pavilion, days and evenings were

folkloric traditions of the Canary Islands,

filled with back-to-back documentary

and a night of poetry and remembrance

and film screenings; author readings,

dedicated to Federico Garcia Lorca and

conversations and panel discussions

performed by his niece, Laura Garcia

on all aspects of Spain’s culture; and

Lorca. Concerts by the flamenco

storytellers and performances for

guitarist Jose Luis Monton, and the rock

kids, including the colorful antics of

musician Juan Perro, former lead singer

Reymala, a clown theatre group from

of the internationally acclaimed band,

the Canary Islands. The pavilion was

Radio Futura, took place on the World

designed as an immersive experience:

Stage, the Fair’s live music venue.

plush carpets in the colors of Spain’s

{ page 26 }


Spain Pavilion

Tablao Flamenco



Spain Pavilion


{ page 27 }

r i a F k o o B } l he { Virtua


42.9 million people saw our tweets 54,189 people saw our Facebook posts Love it or hate it. Use it or not. Social

the message, reaching their fans, who in

media is part of the cultural fabric of

turn became fans of the Fair. On Tumblr,

our society and the way in which even

the Fair posted weekly Q&As with

larger numbers of people around the

authors, sharing them on Facebook and

world receive and share information. On

Twitter, as well.

its 30th anniversary, the Fair embraced social media like never before, and there

Twitter also served as a platform for

is no denying that Twitter and Facebook

author chats. Beloved humorist Dave

were central to the buzz generated

Barry, teen books megaseller Lauren

about the Fair.

Oliver and comics superstar Paul Pope, all participated in conversations with

The Fair’s 30 anniversary campaign — th

fans. More than 200 people logged on to chat with them.

— deployed over social media months

During the week of the Fair, fans,

before it hit print and outdoors. The

journalists, authors and publishers

30 reasons why Miami ♥ Book Fair were

intensified their social media interactions

posted on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter

about the Fair. A quick peek at our

and Pinterest for the (social media

social media stats shows that

connected) world to comment on. And

between November 15 and November

they did. Thousands of responses were

30, 6.9 million unique Twitter users

logged. It was proof. Miami (and many

saw tweets about the Miami Book

other places!) loves Miami Book Fair,


indeed. Official social media platforms of Book Fair joined in Throwback Thursday by posting vintage Fair photos. Thirty pics for each year since 1984 went up on Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram, starting in April. The Fair also released names of visiting authors over social media, and those authors amplified

The Center and Miami Book Fair:

facebook.com/MiamiBookFair Instagram: @miamibookfair Tumblr: thecenteratmdc.tumblr.com twitter.com/MiamiBookFair pinterest.com/thecenteratmdc #mbfi30

{ page 28 }





{ page 29 }

r u o o t } u o y { Thank s r e t r o p p u S d Sponsors an $313,000 donated by corporate sponsors and foundations Friends of the Fair donated over $90,050 $100,000 donated by Patron’s Circle members Our sponsors, friends, individual donors,

support, thousands of fairgoers

Book Fair this year. Their never-ending

and media partners are critically important

enjoyed all that Street Fair offered.

commitment to making Miami a greater

to the success of the Fair, not just

OHL-Arellano Construction is a Miami-

place to live, work, and play, led them

because of their financial support, but also

based construction company and their

to support several of the Book Fair

through their advocacy, their attendance,

commitment is long-term. The company

programs, including: “The Park” a pop-

and their help in spreading the word. Their

has pledged a half million dollars over the

up green space where fairgoers played

support accounts for nearly two thirds of

next 10 years to support the Book Fair’s

soccer, climbed monkey bars, picnicked,

our annual budget, and we are proud of

continued success.

or reclined to read their brand-new books;

the partnership we enjoy with each one.

Children’s Alley and Generation Genius Other new sponsors this year included TD

Authors programs; and the Transforming

Our supporters partner with us in many

Bank, City National Bank, Wells Fargo,

Communities panel, featuring three of our

ways, including sponsoring different areas

State Farm, General Mills, Regions

nation’s thought leaders in social change

and events, donating to our Patron’s Circle

Bank, and the US-Spain Chamber of

and community building.

fund, becoming a “Friend of the Fair,”


and supporting our children’s literacy and learning efforts.

Other returning sponsors who increased American Airlines was our other Premier

their support this year include,

level sponsor. One of the Fair’s most

The Peacock Foundation, Publix

We are fortunate to have many wonderful

faithful sponsors (more than 10 years!),

Supermarket Charities, Alvah H. and

supporters, but would like to highlight

their generous support provides air travel

Wyline P. Chapman Foundation, GEICO,

a few organizations, companies and

to many guest authors. The Fair’s author

and Car2Go.


program benefits greatly from American Airlines’ commitment, and by extension,

Follett Higher Education, another

OHL-Arellano Construction was a

the many thousands of Fairgoers from all

Associate level sponsor, has been a great

Premier sponsor and a first-time sponsor

over the U.S. – and many countries around

supporter of the Fair over the years. In

of the Fair in 2013. If you attended the

the world – who turn out for author

2013 they increased their contribution

Fair, you may have seen one of our

events year after year.

— a special gift to celebrate the Fair’s

1,600+ volunteers proudly sporting the

30th – and in their capacity as Miami

OHL-Arellano logo on their volunteer

The Miami Foundation continued,

Dade College’s academic bookstore,

t-shirts. Thanks to the company’s

and increased, its support of the Miami

they promoted the Fair and recruited

{ page 30 }


volunteers. Follett Higher Education

We would be remiss if we did not also

Development Authority, the Miami-

has also made a generous pledge to

recognize our other sponsors, including

Dade County Mayor and Board of

continue their support of the Fair for

The Batchelor Foundation, National

County Commissioners, the State

the next five years.

Young Arts Foundation, The Children’s

of Florida and Department of State

Trust, Greater Miami Convention

Division of Cultural Affairs, the

and Visitors Bureau, Miami Parking

Florida Arts Council, and the National

Authority, Goldstein Schechter

Endowment for the Arts for their

for the financial support that

Koch, Jackson Memorial Health, On

unwavering support of the Book Fair.

we’ve received over the years.

the Avenue, FPL, Wall Street Journal,

It has enabled the Miami Book

Mystery Writers of America, Kenneth

The Book Fair would not be possible

Fair to grow into one of the

A. Lattman Foundation, Tri-Rail and

without Miami Dade College. Co-

most important literary events

Scholastic; as well as all our media

founded by MDC President Eduardo

in the country. We have a lot

sponsors, including The Miami Herald,

J. Padrón, the Fair has been a part of

to be proud of in Miami. And

NBC 6, Comcast, Univision, WPBT 2,

the College since its very first author

most of all we are thankful

WLRN, C-Span2, Miami New Times,

presentation. The College supports the

that our sponsors and donors

Univision Radio, Diario Las Americas,

Fair with staff, space, and assistance in

have stepped up to support an

Classical South Florida, WDNA,

all ways, including set up of all venues,

event that is a cultural beacon,

Boomer Times, The Book Reporter,

audiovisual equipment and techs,

a true measure of democracy

South Florida Times, Miami Diario, and

custodial services and much more.

and of the power of ideas to

Caribbean Today.

Miami Book Fair International is MDC,

We are all extremely grateful

transform a community.

and our sincerest gratitude goes to the

Delia Lopez, Director of

We would also like to thank the

College for their unwavering support

Operations, The Center for

Miami-Dade County Department

year after year.

Literature and Theatre and

of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural

Miami Book Fair International

Affairs Council, the Miami Downtown




{ page 31 }

Miami Book Fair International and The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College would like to thank the 2013 sponsors for their support.

{ Premier Sponsors }

{ Associate Sponsors }

{ Co-Sponsors } The Batchelor Foundation

{ Supporting Sponsors }

{ Media Partners } newsletter bookreporter.com


Vive Miami en Espa単ol

{ Hospitality Partners } !

{ With the Support of }

With the support of the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners. Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Arts Council, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

{ page 32 }


{ Reason #27 }

Our generous Friends, patrons and sponsors. We are fortunate to have close to 700 individual donors and friends who contributed more than $200,000 through donations and memberships. Their support helps make the event the best book fair in the World.

Patrons’ Circle Members Lin Arison Michael and JoAnne Bander

Friends of the Fair

Jo Ann Bass Douglas R. Beam, P.A., Attorneys and Counselors at Law


Alvah H. and Wyline Chapman Foundation

Stephen Colyer · Arlyn Cypen · Nancy and

Stephen Colyer

Martin Engels · Griselle Farbish · Mary Jo

The Courtney Family & Margaux Interiors

Francis · Kelly Hamilton · Miami Country Day

Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation Green Family Foundation

ArtesMiami · Judith Blanchard · Jack Braman ·

School · Bobbie Simonds


Larry and Deborah Hoffman

Mary Lou Dasburg · Marvin and Isabel

Patrick and Carol Kelly

Leibowitz · Linda Potash · Richard Preira ·

Hank Klein and Lisa Sloat

J.J. Schmidt · Jean Soman · Candis Trusty

Michael Landa, Aon Risk Solutions Miami Country Day School

Agent: Maria Albury · Michael Band · Michael Bander ·

Miami International Auto Show Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLC

Robert Better · Barbara Bienvenu · Michael Blades · Deborah Bussel · Terence Connor ·

John and Gaye Patton Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Marcia Dunn · Ann Fries · Monique Halberstein ·

John Petillo, Jr. – ICA Risk Management Consultants

Hochberg · Mike Jankulak · Karen S. Jones ·

Jerry and Catherine Hanus-Zank · Fred David Leiwant · Barbara Levenson ·

Linda and Irwin Potash

Judy Loft · Lois Mamula · Thomas Mehrel ·

Jean Soman

Stewart Merkin · Robert Morison · Luis Manuel

South Motor Company of Dade County

Ramirez · Robert Rosen · Julie Simon ·

Joni and Stanley Tate

Linda Smith · Helen Stueck · Penny Thurer ·

Jerry Zank and Catherine Hanus-Zank

Masami Yamamoto




{ page 33 }

{ page 34 }


} m a e T { r i a F The Book Staff

Board of Directors

Delia Lopez, Director of Operations

2013 Members: Maria M. Blet

Lissette Mendez, Program Director
 Paola Fernandez Rana, Program Coordinator Giselle Hernandez, Administrative Assistant
 Sara McCranie, Graphics Specialist
 Johanna Lawshea, Office Manager
 Joann Maria Yarrow, Director, Teatro Prometeo Corey Lewis, Manager of Corporate Relations

Part-time and Seasonal: Stephanie Farokhnia Perez, Operations Assistant Christy Ferreras, Logistics Assistant

Managing Director, KR Financial Services, Inc.

Eddie Dominguez Senior Vice President, Director of Marketing and Communications, City National Bank

Alina Interián Executive Director, Cultural Affairs, Miami Dade College

Mitchell Kaplan Owner, Books & Books

Kira Willig Attorney

Mariela Gal-Lerner, Ibero American Author Program Coordinator

Marlon Hill

Randy Louis, Office Assistant

Founding Partner, Delancyhill, P.A.

Gervacio Martinez, Office Assistant Melissa Messulam, Children’s Alley Performance Coordinator Bess Perry, Children’s Alley Program Assistant Claudia Quesada, Office Assistant, Teatro Prometeo Saphia Raymond, Author Program Assistant Nicole Swift, Generation Genius Coordinator
 Lisa Chariff Better, Memberships and Individual Donors Coordinator Nick Garnett, Copywriter and Editor Aileen Ochoa, Sponsor Liaison/ Special Events Coordinator

Members Emeriti: Eduardo J. Padrón President, Miami Dade College

Susan Cumins President, Susan Cumins Public Relations

Barbara Skigen Mervyn Solomon Librarian, Miami Dade College, Homestead Campus

Gita Shonek, Program Assistant




{ page 35 }

300 N.E. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33132-2296 305.237.3258 www.miamibookfair.com Miami Book Fair International is presented and produced by The Center for Literature and Theatre @ Miami Dade College.

Miami Book Fair International Board of Directors Mitchell Kaplan (Chair) • Maria M. Blet (Secretary) • Alina Interián (Treasurer) Eddie Dominguez • Kira Willig • Marlon Hill Members Emeriti Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón, Honorary Chair • Susan Cumins Barbara Skigen • Mervyn Solomon

Miami Dade College District Board of Trustees Helen Aguirre Ferré, Chair • Armando J. Bucelo Jr., Vice Chair Marili Cancio • Jose K. Fuentes • Benjamín León III Bernie Navarro • Armando J. Olivera Eduardo J. Padrón, President, Miami Dade College Miami Dade College is an equal access/equal opportunity institution which does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, disability, national origin, marital status, religion, age or veteran’s status. Contact the office of equal opportunity programs/ADA coordinator at 305-237.0269 for more information.

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