CEPS Newsletter Volume 15

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Historic Black Church Program


22 EVENTS A look back




Professional Responsibility and Ethics Program

CEPS 20 Year Anniversary

Volume 15


Historic Black Church Program


[ Environmental Justice ]

Clinic ! NOW


The Center for Ethics & Public Service is pleased to announce the founding of its Environmental Justice Clinic. Continued on Page 2






YES, WE’RE A [ Environmental Justice ] Clinic NOW! COVER STORY continued

The Center’s Historic Black Church Program has merged its Civil Rights & Poverty Project, Environmental Justice Project, and Social Enterprise & Nonprofit Project under the umbrella of the Environmental Justice Clinic as of January 2016 and looks forward to its first full year of students starting in the Fall. The Environmental Justice Clinic provides rights education, interdisciplinary research, and public policy resources to lowand moderate-income communities discriminated against by state and private actors in economic development, education, housing, and transportation, and to communities seeking fair treatment and meaningful involvement in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies, including incinerator contamination and industrial pollution. “The Environmental Justice Clinic (EJC) is an inner-city civil rights project designed to redress problems afflicting the built (housing and transportation) and natural (industrial pollution) environment in impoverished communities of color,” said Center Director Professor Anthony Alfieri. “Working in close collaboration with community stakeholders, EJC students provide rights education, interdisciplinary research, public policy resources, and advocacy and transactional assistance to individuals, groups, civic associations, and nonprofit organizations

across a broad range of civil rights, environmental safety, and public health issues.” As a clinic, this hands-on work now provides students greater exposure to legal representation and with the continued opportunity to work on teams with pro bono attorneys from across the City and County. The Clinic provides experiential legal education for the students, as well as an additional mechanism to better serve disenfranchised communities across Miami-Dade County. Transforming the projects into a clinical experience expands the professional training opportunities for students and exposes those enrolled to both litigation and transactional matters. “Recently EJC students worked hard to halt the placement of a municipal bus depot in Coconut Grove Village West, expand municipal trolley service to East Coral Gables, uncover the adverse effects of environmental exposure to hazardous waste from a City of Miami incinerator, and investigate citywide policies and practices of housing displacement and segregation,” said Professor Alfieri. For the Center’s community partners, the goals and projects remain steadfast. The Clinic plans on continuing all of its projects regarding civil rights, environmental justice, and nonprofit and social enterprise assistance for community organizations in need of assistance. n

ON THE COVER (l-r) Intern Nicole Pecorella, Fellow Elizabeth Fata, Intern Emily Balter, Intern Ashley Morales, Intern Carmelina Forzisi, Intern Stephanie MacLaughlin, Fellow Elyssa Luke, Intern Deanna Kalil, and Fellow Leslie Coulter (Environmental Justice Clinic) NOT PICTURED: Ray Hernandez, Anthony Savoia, Jack Townsend, Soo Jin Kang, Griffin Sher, Ashley Jackson, Jessica Brautigam



ON THE COVER: §§ Yes, We’re a Clinic, Now! PAGE 3 §§ Center Students Research Local Fair Housing Policies and Practices PAGE 4 §§ UPDATE: Old Smokey, the Former City of Miami Incinerator #2 PAGE 5 §§ Introducing the Social Enterprise Clinic §§ Social Enterprise Clinic Presentations §§ Co-Counseling with Private and Public Law Firms §§ Environmental Justice & Municipal Governance Luncheon PAGE 6 §§ HBCP Reflections PAGE 7 §§ Environmental Justice Clinic Drafts Right to Know Legislation PAGE 8 §§ 1st Environmental Justice, Policy & Science Summer Consortium PAGE 9 §§ HBCP Photo Album PAGE 10 §§ Dartmouth College Students Visit Miami Law for Third Time


PAGE 11 §§ PREP Around Town §§ PREP Explores Legal Ethics & Digital Afterlife with the Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami §§ PREP Returns to the County Attorney’s Office to Discuss Legal Ethics & Litigation PAGE 12 §§ PREP’s 2015 – 2016 Ethics Trainings PAGE 15 §§ PREP Visits Catholic Charities, Legal Services of Greater Miami, Americans for Immigrant Justice, and Dade Legal Aid to Explore Legal Ethics Issues in Public Interest Law PAGE 16 §§ PREP Students Present Legal Ethics CLE Programming at Local Bar Associations §§ PREP Students Present at the ABA and Florida Bar’s Admiralty Program: “A Maritime State of Disformity” PAGE 17 §§ PREP Delivers Dynamic Presentation at the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office & the Public Defender’s Office §§ PREP Interns Head West to Utah!



PAGE 18 §§ PREP Celebrates the Health Rights Clinic’s 10th Anniversary §§ PREP: Spring Vacation at the Key Biscayne Bar Association PAGE 19 §§ PREP Reflections


PAGE 22 §§ Center Student Stephanie Rosendorf Wins Exemplary Service to the Poor Award Presented to Stephanie Rosendorf §§ Lawyers in Leadership Award Presented to Judge Darrin P. Gayles PAGE 23 §§ 14th Annual William M. Hoeveler Ethics & Public Service Award Honoring George Knox, JD ’73 PAGE 24 §§ CEPS Spring Reception



During the 2015-2016 academic year, the Environmental Justice Clinic’s Civil Rights Project conducted extensive legal and factual investigations into the policies and practices of the City of Miami as it relates to land use, zoning, and affordable housing.

Specifically, Interns and Fellows researched and analyzed the city’s decisions to “upzone” certain residential areas in predominantly low-income, minority communities. “Upzoning” is the practice of changing the zoning in an area, typically single family or duplex to multi-unit dwellings with mixed commercial use. Because of upzoning policies and practices, tenants, many of whom have lived in these communities for decades and generations, can be evicted and displaced with few options for alternative housing due to the lack of affordable housing in the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County as a whole. If community members do find housing elsewhere, it is likely to be in racially segregated or hyper-segregated neighborhoods which are also farther away from educational and economic opportunities. Students began this investigation after being notified by local partner churches and activists about a group of properties on Day Avenue in West Coconut Grove that had applied for upzoning to change the 8 duplex properties to mixed residential/commercial use. In order for an official zoning change to occur, the City Commission must vote to approve that change. Before the City Commission hears any zoning item, both the City’s Planning Department and the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board (PZAB) vote to recommend approval or denial of the change. By the time the Civil Rights Project learned about the Day Avenue upzoning, the item was already on the agenda for the October 2015 Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board (PZAB) meeting. From researching city procedure and policy, the students realized that if the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board voted to recommend approval, it would be likely that the City Commission would follow suit and also approve the upzoning. From the students research into the 1968 Civil Rights Act, also known as the Fair Housing Act, U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development regulations, and the 2015 Supreme Court case of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc., students developed law reform theories on how the city’s policy and practice of upzoning low-income minority areas violated its duty to affirmatively further fair housing, which has led to continued displacement and the perpetuation of segregation. Fortunately, because of the research and testimony presented at the October 2015 Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board hearing, the Board voted 9-2 to deny the application for upzoning. The City Commission can affirm or overturn the decision of the Planning, Zoning, and Appeals Board. The City Commission has yet to hear this issue as the matter has been deferred since December 2015. The Clinic’s research into gentrification and displacement does not stop with Day Avenue. The Civil Rights Project team is continuing to conduct further fact investigation into the displacement of individuals in the West Grove, Little Haiti, Little Havana, Wynwood/Midtown/Edgewater and other communities across the City of Miami. Students are utilizing eviction records, demolition waivers, city commission meeting minutes and agendas, and other data sources to track the displacement of low-income minority tenants due to upzoning and also are investigating actions of landlords and developers in the widespread eviction of tenants. n




Old Smokey, : UPDATE

the Former City of Miami Incinerator #2

Bob Mack, photographer. Miami News Collection, HistoryMiami, 1989-011-8576.

This past year, the Environmental Justice Clinic has continued to work with the Old Smokey Steering Committee. The community group that formed as a result




of the discovery of contamination at the former Old Smokey incinerator site, now the City of Miami Fire Rescue Training Center. The incinerator began operation in 1926 and lasted until 1970 when it was shut down by court order for being a public nuisance due to its poor operation and the ash, soot, and stench it continually rained down on the West Grove and Coral Gables communities. The incinerator was sited in the middle of the Jim Crow segregated neighborhood of the West Grove and East Gables. Residential homes, schools, and churches occupied by black Bahamian and African-American settlers surrounded the incinerator. To this day, the same houses, schools, and churches still exist. In the early 1960s, the City of Coral Gables brought a lawsuit against the City of Miami to stop its operation of Old Smokey. After nearly a decade of litigation, Coral Gables finally won a court order mandating Old Smokey shut down its operations. The incinerator’s 44-year tenure had finally come to an end. The site of Old Smokey sat dormant until the smokestack was razed in 1974. Again, the property sat dormant from 1974 to 1980, when the City of Miami decided to use the site as a new Fire Rescue Training Center. In 2011, the City sought to expand the Fire Training Center and in order to receive a permit for the expansion, performed an environmental site assessment. Environmental testing revealed concentrations of contaminants in surface soil exceeding the safe exposure thresholds set by Miami-Dade County for residential areas. The contaminants found include arsenic, barium, benzo(a)pyrene (BaP), cadmium, and lead. This information was not brought to light until the Environmental Justice Project discovered the report in 2013 and released it to our community partners in the Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance. Since the 2013 release of the initial 2011 soil assessment report revealing contamination in the West Grove neighborhood, historic residents who remember the puffing and stench of Old Smokey, as well as younger individuals who reside in the Grove, have created the Old Smokey Steering Committee (OSSC). The Steering Committee’s mission continues to seek (1) comprehensive on and off site testing; (2) remediation that is in accordance with best practices; (3) a formal public health investigation and if necessary, the creation of a disease registry; and (4) the right to know about environmental contamination. The Environmental Justice Clinic is continuing to work with private law firms. In December 2015 the lead law firm on the Old Smokey matter, Napoli Shkolnik, filed a statutorily required Notice of Intent to Sue the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County for its role in the operation of the Incinerator and also for its role in the contamination of public parks. The matter is ongoing and students in the Clinic work side by side with co-counsel to conduct community outreach and other pre-litigation fact investigation. n

Historic Black Church Program HBCP

Introducing the Social Enterprise Clinic

Co-Counseling with Private and Public Law Firms

During the Spring 2016 semester, the Center for Ethics & Public Service expanded its Social Enterprise Project to a Social Enterprise Clinic. Students enrolled in the Social Enterprise Clinic had the opportunity to learn not only through scholarly materials and textbooks about new corporate structures in the social enterprise movement, but also had the hands-on opportunity to work with local churches and nonprofits struggling with questions about corporate organization and structure. Social enterprises are newly recognized legal business entities that combine many aspects of both corporate and nonprofit structures, while retaining benefits of both and experiencing new benefits, as well. For example, a for-profit restaurant in the West Grove that wants to have a positive and charitable impact on the community through its profits could convert to a social enterprise to create an affiliated food pantry to homeless residents. Similarly, nonprofits that are struggling to keep their doors open due to a lack of government funding or philanthropy can convert to a social enterprise to establish their own for-profit revenue source to keep their nonprofit mission afloat. Students had the opportunity to conduct a field study of one of the oldest historic black churches in the West Grove. In fact, the church, Greater St. Paul AME, recently celebrated its 120th anniversary. Students worked together with the Pastor and other church congregants to complete the field study, which included an analysis of the church and its related ministries and recommendations for the continued success of the church. n

Continuing with the Historic Black Church Program’s mission of providing rights education, interdisciplinary research, and public policy resources to low- and moderate-income communities in partnership with inner-city, faith-based and nonprofit groups through both clinics and projects, the Environmental Justice Clinic and Social Enterprise Clinic have forged new relationships with private law firms committed to justice. The Environmental Justice Clinic’s Old Smokey project has created and maintained partnerships with four law firms dedicated to seeing the research and advocacy of the effects of Old Smokey through to the end. These firms include Napoli Shkolnik (lead counsel on Old Smokey), Coffey Burlington, and Stack Fernandez Anderson Harris. Further the Environmental Justice Clinic’s fact investigation into the disproportionate displacement of low-income minority tenants across the City of Miami due to upzoning policies and practices has been in collaboration and partnership with the Miami office of Hogan Lovells. Lastly, our housing investigation has also created relationships with the attorneys at Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc., as well as with local community organizers. The experience of working with all sizes and styles of private and public law firms provides different perspectives for students unsure of whether to work in the private or public sector. It also allows students the opportunity to gain experience with various legal fields, whether with litigators or transactional attorneys. n

Social Enterprise Clinic Presentations

Environmental Justice & Municipal Governance Luncheon

Clinic Fellow Leslie Coulter and Intern Jessica Brautigam put their research into social enterprises and corporate structures to use this year in various presentations and workshops to local churches and nonprofits. In the fall semester, the students presented at the Fellowship Covenant Ministries International Business Conference and shared their knowledge about social enterprises and nonprofits to future business owners and leaders. This was a large conference and was attended by individuals from not only Florida, but many other states across the country. During the spring semester, Coulter and Brautigam conducted a three-hour workshop for the Coconut Grove church, Believers of Authority, in their weekly business class program. The students informed participants about new local, state, and federal laws and implications of operating a business in Miami-Dade County. They also explained the various types of corporate entities, while introducing participants to the relevant forms, documents, and websites for operating a business. n

City attorneys and local elected officials had the opportunity to head back to law school during Friday’s Environmental Justice & Municipal Governance Luncheon, where Professor Anthony V. Alfieri presented and quizzed those in attendance on the ethical obligations of municipalities when dealing with environmental justice issues. The event was presented by the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics & Public Trust and provided attorneys with Continuing Legal Education credits. The event began with a screening of the documentary, Old Smokey: A Community History, which was produced by the Center for Ethics & Public Service’s Oral History and Film Documentary Project. The documentary chronicles the West Grove community and its struggle with a former city trash incinerator, Old Smokey, which operated for over 40 years spewing ash, soot, and stench throughout the abutting communities. Old Smokey not only caused pollution and soil contamination at the site of the former incinerator, which is now the City of Miami Fire Rescue Training Center located at 3425 Jefferson Street, but also led to the contamination discovery Continued on Page 7 HBCP




—LESLIE COULTER, FELLOW— When I look back on my last three years of law school some of my most memorable moments stem from my internship and subsequent fellowship with the Environmental Justice Clinic. Being a member of this group was so much different from other opportunities on campus. It not only introduced me to facets of local government and politics that I probably would not have been exposed to in law school, but if offered me an invaluable chance to develop my own research from the ground-up and take charge of my education. Most importantly, the clinic provided me with the necessary tools and resources to be able to fight important issues, armed now with both passion and legal arguments. From systemic racebased discrimination in local schools to seemingly race-neutral zoning and housing ordinances to providing resources to local businesses, our group has developed strategies and research that empower communities to assert their rights and be heard. In addition to broadening my understanding of local ordinances and regulations, the sense of community, determination, and excellence that I felt with my colleagues will be missed the most. n —STEPHANIE ROSENDORF, FELLOW— Serving as an intern, and then a supervising fellow, in the Center for Ethics & Public Service’s Historic Black Church Program/Environmental Justice Clinic has by far been my most memorable and worthwhile experience during law school. After my first day of practicum in August of 2014, I knew that I was about to be thoroughly challenged, inspired, and trained in research, policy, and advocacy in ways that I had never before experienced. Over the past two years, I have learned about a wide variety of legal and community issues, including those concerning education, housing, land use, community benefits agreements, healthcare, and more. I have not only been able to conduct traditional legal research on current laws and regulations, but I have also been able to work with community members, pastors of historically black churches, city commission members, and activists in advocating for policies and standards that can uplift traditionally marginalized and underrepresented populations. Further, working under the supervision of Professor Alfieri and Professor Kaiman has helped prepare me to fully succeed in the legal profession. I have learned that living and working with ethics, integrity, and honesty is of the utmost importance. Also, working with a team of students to accomplish our goals has allowed me to further develop my ability to collaborate and give and receive constructive feedback. As graduation comes upon the horizon, I can look back and know that I made the most out of my legal education by enrolling in the Historic Black Church Program. n






Historic Black Church Program HBCP ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE & MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE LUNCHEON continued from page 5

at numerous City and County parks that were used as ash dump sites. “This event provided an ideal forum to highlight the important educational, research, and policy contributions of law student fellows and interns enrolled in the Historic Black Church Program across the fields of civil rights and environmental justice,” said Professor Alfieri. The Environmental Justice Project works with local communities seeking fair treatment and meaningful involvement in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies, including incinerator contamination and industrial pollution. The Environmental Justice Project continues to research issues related to Old Smokey and the contamination of local parks, in collaboration with its community partner, the Old Smokey Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is a local organization comprised of residents from across the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County that seeks comprehensive environmental testing and remediation, the creation of a disease registry, and right to know laws regarding contamination and pollution. After the film screening, Professor Alfieri highlighted the ethical rules governing attorneys faced with these issues and led the participants in a lively discussion about the roles of city attorneys and elected officials when it comes to disproportionate environmental effects. “Professor Alfieri is a master at presenting important ethical issues within a compelling framework of real-world problems and solutions,” said Ethics Commission Executive Director Joe Centorino. The Miami-Dade Ethics Commission’s mission is to ensure the integrity of both the governmental decision-making process and the electoral process, to restore public confidence in government, and to serve as the guardian of the public trust. “We were privileged to be able to utilize [Professor Alfieri] and his environmental justice project to provide local municipal attorneys and elected officials with an unforgettable program,” said Centorino. For additional information regarding the Center for Ethics & Public Service, please visit www.law.miami.edu/ceps and to view the documentary, Old Smokey: A Community History, please visit https://vimeo.com/104690626. n

Environmental Justice Clinic Drafts Right to Know Legislation BY GRIFFIN SHER, EJC INTERN

In 2005 the Florida state legislature found that when contamination is discovered “it is in the public’s best interest that potentially affected persons be notified of the existence of such contamination.” However, while the legislature recognizes this public interest, the laws created to promote this interest are relatively non-existent. Currently Florida residents only have the right to be informed of contamination if it is found to have spread from a neighboring property on to their own. In 2013 efforts on the part of the Center led to the discovery of contaminated City of Miami parks through its Old Smokey investigation. It quickly became clear that the so called right-to-know laws in the city, county, and state for environmental contamination were lacking. With the discovery of the contaminated City of Miami parks, which included: Merrie Christmas Park; Blanche Park; Curtis Park; Douglas Park; Billy Rolle Domino Park; Bayfront Park; and Southside Park, public parks were closed without notice to neighbors of the park or notices posted on the park fences. These parks were used as dump sites for toxic ash produced by the City’s municipal waste incinerator, Old Smokey. While some of the parks have been re-opened and some remain closed or partially closed one factor remains constant, there were not enough steps taken to inform residents of why their park was closed and what sort of contamination had been discovered. This prevents individuals from making their own informed decisions about whether they should have their children’s blood levels tested for lead or other potential contaminants from playing in the parks. But even putting aside any potential health effects, the parks’ closures and lack of proper notice deprive individuals of the right to know about important information regarding their community and their tax dollars’ services. Even today many people remain ignorant as to why their neighborhood parks have been closed or partially closed for the past two years. Reasonable observers might think that regular users of these toxic parks might be notified of contamination, but they were not. State and local laws fail to recognize the right of the public to know of contamination found on publicly owned land. To correct this, Environmental Justice Clinic students have prepared proposed bills and ordinances to be introduced at the city, county, and state levels. The proposals would require that when contamination is found on public lands, conspicuous signs and pamphlets be posted and distributed containing information including the nature of contamination and potential health hazards of the types of contaminants found. Additionally residents within a specified proximity of the contaminated public land would be directly informed of the contamination and remediation efforts. These proposed laws would seek to inform and educate the population at large when their properties and nearby public lands are contaminated. n






(l-r) Richard Shelton, Gregory Cooper, Anthony Savoia, Nico Sedivy, Adrian Grant-Alfieri, Maria Estevanez, Rachel Silverstein, Julie Dick, Catherine Millas Kaiman

Environmental Justice, Policy & Science Summer Consortium


In June of 2015, the first ever interdisciplinary Environmental Justice, Policy & Science Consortium took place at the University of Miami. The Consortium

was comprised of Brown University undergraduate students Adrian Grant-Alfieri, Nico Sedivy, and Madison Shiver, as well as Miami undergraduate Rick Shelton and Miami Law student Anthony Savoia. Students were tasked with surveying the state of environmental injustice across Miami-Dade County. The Consortium was conducted in partnership with the Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy at UM, the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, and other local nonprofit environmental groups. The students researched potential associations and correlations between environmental contamination and various demographic factors such as race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and health incidence data. Additionally, students analyzed historical records including Platt Maps from the 1920s to the 1970s to construct an industrial timeline of the city, gaining context regarding the nature of urban contamination and the communities that have been most affected by it. To conduct this investigation, students employed Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping technology. GIS takes geospatially-located data and places it on a detailed map so that spatial correlations can be observed and then statistically analyzed. Additionally, by making a series of maps that represent progressive timeframes researchers can also draw correlations over time. While it is true that correlation does not itself show causation, correlations are incredibly useful to researchers and litigants because it highlights concepts that should be investigated further through experimental research. During the Consortium, students first gathered environmental contamination data at the federal, 8 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW



state, and local level. This was done to assess what contamination existed in the county of which governmental authorities were aware. Next, U.S. Census data regarding race/ ethnicity and socioeconomic status was gathered. Finally, health incidence data regarding 22 different illnesses such as asthma, cardiopulmonary disease, and various cancers was gathered for each census tract in the county. Once the data was gathered it was placed on the map, offering a stark visual of the nature of environmental contamination in the county. The program was much more than a map; it offered the students entryway to the affected communities of Miami-Dade County, as well as to those lawyers, scientists, and professors who were trying daily to help identify and rectify the burden of environmental injustice in the county. Students took trips out into the community to visit with historic black churches and see the homes and parks situated next to cement factories. Lawyers and environmental groups came to speak to the students about legal actions being filed and the structure of the laws that govern these issues. Ultimately, the eight-week summer program personalized the problem and provided students a perspective into the environmental injustices committed across the county. The mission that the Consortium undertook was incredibly ambitious one, but one that is important to understanding the nature of environmental contamination in the urban environment, and the relationship that contamination has with the demographics of Miami-Dade County. As the Flint, Michigan water crisis brings the concept of institutional racism to the media, it is important for each city to assess the environmental damages of pollution and assist the communities most affected by it. n

Historic Black Church Program HBCP

1—Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance, April 2016 2-3—Climate Change Luncheon, September 2015 4-5—St. Matthew’s Day Avenue Meeting, April 2016 HBCP



HBCP Historic Black Church Program

(l-r) Joanne Nazareth, Jonathan Lu, Michelle Martinez, Jonah Kelly, Aine Donaovan (Director, Dartmouth Ethics Institute), Reem Chamseddine, Olivia Davy Morrison, Carly Schnitzler, Rebecca Rowland, and Nicole Collins

Dartmouth College Students Visit Miami Law for Third Time For the third year, ten undergraduate students from the Dartmouth College Ethics Institute visited Miami Law for a week of intensive seminars and workshops exploring the issues of legal ethics, community service, and social justice. This year’s theme was “Social Justice and Law in the Digital Age” and focused on technology and the law, as well as the environmental justice movement happening in Miami. The visit was sponsored by Miami Law’s Center for Ethics & Public Service (Center) and housed at the School of Law. The progam is a joint venture enterprise developed by Miami Law Professor Anthony V. Alfieri and Dartmouth Professor Aine Donovan, Director of the Ethics Institute at Dartmouth and a member of the faculty of the Tuck School of Business. “The Dartmouth College Ethics Institute Internship Program is an innovative collaboration in applied ethics and the law jointly sponsored by the Center for Ethics & Public Service and Dartmouth College’s distinguished Ethics Institute,” said Professor Alfieri. “The annual residential program enables a dozen Dartmouth undergraduates to visit Miami and participate in a week-long colloquium addressing civil rights, poverty, and environmental justice in the Miami metropolitan community in cooperation with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and university faculty.” The Dartmouth group met with students and professors in the Center’s Environmental Justice and Civil Rights Projects to discuss current research, education, and policy projects in the West Grove and other low-income minority communities in South Florida. Students also had the opportunity to have lunch with the Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance of historic black churches and local community activists to learn about the various projects and campaigns taking place throughout Miami. Students also had the opportunity to learn about social justice in Miami from practitioners from Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc., the Public Defender’s Office, and the 10 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW



Cyber Civil Rights Initiative. Along with the theme of social justice and technology was a presentation by Equal Justice Works Ameri Corp Fellow, Leah Weston, Esq. regarding Florida’s access to justice crisis and whether proposals to provide low-income individuals that need attorneys with “how to” forms and other online resources is the best way to handle the crisis. Additional speakers included Miami Law Professor Osamudia James, who discussed social justice, race, and the law, as well as Professors Kenny Broad and Gina Maranto from the UM Abess Center. Professor Broad discussed the science behind climate change thinking and why “we don’t worry about climate change,” while Professor Maranto discussed the history of environmental justice throughout the world. City of Miami Beach Environmental Resources Manager, Margarita Wells discussed the $400 million resiliency project being implemented to combat the rising sea levels affected the City. It was an engaging presentation as Ms. Wells explained that some of the actions taken thus far include raising the roads and created sidewalks above storefronts. “Miami’s unique limestone and proximity to sea level make it one of the most susceptible cities in the country for sea level rise and it is important to explain to visiting students the significance of climate change here and what its implications are for low-income, minority folks living in these communities,” said Kaiman, Lecturer/Practitioner-in-Residence for the Center. The group also visited the Wynwood arts neighborhood and enjoyed a visit to The Lab Miami, a creative campus for social and tech entrepreneurs, co-founded by Center Board member Wifredo Fernández, Director, CREATE Incubator, Miami Dade College. The tour and discussion, led by Wilfredo, enabled the students to observe first-hand the start-up process and the hurdles facing young entrepreneurs. n


Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program

PREP Around Town Each semester PREP visits nonprofit legal services organizations, public sector law offices and bar associations to provide customized CLE ethics trainings. Developing and presenting interactive programming provides PREP students with the opportunity not only to explore diverse areas of the law, but also to interact with practicing attorneys and discuss the ethical challenges that confront today’s legal profession. In addition to presenting ethics trainings, PREP students publish blog posts regarding the nation’s newest ethics opinions and cases. The blog, Legal Ethics in Motion, may be found at www.legalethicsinmotion.com. PREP combines the attributes of an ethics institute and an ethics clinic, and has dedicated hundreds of student hours to public service and has educated thousands of members of the Bench & Bar. Some of PREP’s CLE programs are described below. n

PREP Explores Legal Ethics & Digital Afterlife with the Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami Each semester, the Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program (PREP) expands its programming to new venues. This semester, Director Jan L. Jacobowitz and PREP students Alexandra Lavelanet, Katerina Oña, and Janelly Crespo visited the Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami to address the ethical implications of digital estate planning, representation of spouses, and fiduciary duties to third parties. Oña presented the myriad of issues arising in estate planning as a result of digital assets. She commented that the presentation “afforded [her] the opportunity to familiarize [herself] with timely ethical and legal issues affecting the trusts and estates community. Engaging practicing attorneys in a lively discussion about the issues was not only rewarding, but educational.” Crespo and Lavelanet each explored the more traditional areas of conflicts of interest among the various parties involved in both estate planning and the distribution of assets. “I enjoyed being able to challenge myself to learn a new and complex area of law and present to practicing attorneys in the community. This experience allowed me to hone my research, writing, and oral communication skills in a useful as well as exciting way,” commented Lavelanet. “Having the opportunity to research and discuss critical issues affecting the estate planning community was an insightful experience. It is truly interesting to see the ethical issues implicated by the practice of trusts and estates,” commented Crespo. After the presentation, Charles Sachs, the President of the Estate Planning Council, thanked PREP and noted, “it was impressive to see [the] student’s knowledge and dedication in preparing the topics.” The Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami invited PREP to return in February 2016. PREP visited again in February and students, Danielle Gauer, Brian Vaca and Sarah Bujold addressed additional ethical issues, including social media, attorney advertising, and cybersecurity. n

PREP Returns to the County Attorney’s Office to Discuss Legal Ethics & Litigation Dalisi Otero, Ivana Alvarez, and Ellen Kruk returned to the County Attorney’s Office to present cutting edge legal ethics topics including strategies for effective social media discovery, motions to compel, admission of social media evidence, and investigating jurors on social media. Alvarez remarked that the training “truly illustrated how valuable these presentations can be for PREP students. Not only did I learn—from practicing attorneys—about realistic attorney conduct during discovery, but I was also called upon to think quickly and opine on how recent changes in legal ethics might apply to different scenarios. The attending attorneys posed thought-provoking hypotheticals that challenged me to apply my knowledge of recent changes in the legal ethics involved in social media advice and discovery. They were incredibly interactive and engaged in the discussion; many shared their professional experience on how these topics typically play out in practice,” recalled Alvarez. Kruk presented on the issue of authenticating and admitting social media evidence. “The prevalence of social media today presents new evidentiary challenges for attorneys: it raises concerns with the authenticity and relevance of such evidence and creates hurdles to admissibility,” she noted. “It was an honor and a privilege to present at the County Attorney’s Office again this year and to work on a training with Jan, Ivana, and Ellen,” stated Otero, who presented on the ethical implications of attorneys investigating jurors on social media. “When I started law school, I never imaged that as a student I would be able to interact with the legal community as much as I have through PREP, much less present CLE ethics trainings to practicing attorneys who are truly interested in discussing the issues that we present. We had the unique opportunity to speak with attorneys after the presentation, and they shared helpful advice with us that they had learned throughout their careers.” Otero further reflected, “At these presentations, we as students present to the attorneys and bring legal ethics issues to light, but I am always amazed at how much we learn from the audience about the realities of legal practice. It’s a win-win situation.” n CENTER FOR ETHICS & PUBLIC SERVICE 11

PREP’s 2015 – 2016


The Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program, a 2012 recipient of the American Bar Association’s Smythe E. Gambrell Award, was established in 1996 as an in-house program within the Center for Ethics & Public Service at Miami Law. PREP’s programming originated as an outgrowth of a collaborative effort with the nonprofit legal community to provide training on ethics issues arising in the context of assisting underserved communities. Today, PREP has expanded to present ethics training to lawyers working throughout the legal profession in venues ranging from small gatherings at nonprofit offices to large bar association meetings and national webinars.

Trainings §§ Americans for Immigrant Justice §§ Bankruptcy Bar Association of Miami-Dade §§ Bankruptcy Bar Association of Broward §§ Broward State Attorney Office §§ Caribbean Bar Association §§ Catholic Charities §§ Coral Gables Bar Association §§ Cuban American Bar Association §§ Dade Legal Aid Society §§ Florida Association for Women Lawyers (FAWL) §§ Key Biscayne Bar Association §§ Legal Services of Greater Miami §§ Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office §§ Miami-Dade Public Defender’s Office §§ Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office §§ South Miami-Kendall Bar Association §§ Southeastern Admiralty Law Institute Annual Meeting §§ The American Bar Association—Florida Bar Maritime Conference §§ The Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami §§ University of Miami Law Alumni Broward Judicial Reception §§ University of Miami Law Alumni Miami-Dade Judicial Reception §§ University of Miami Law Alumni West Palm Beach Judicial Reception 12 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW

Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program PREP

1—The American Bar Association—Florida Bar Maritime Conference (l-r) Robert Gardana; Lindsey Brook; Danielle Gauer, Brett Rogers; Sarah Bujold 2—Cuban American Bar Association (l-r) Luiz Mirando, Karyn Sanchez, Elizabeth Gil 3—South Miami-Kendall Bar Association (l-r) Dalisi Otero, Enrique Fernandez, Ellen Kruk, Ivana Alvarez 4—Catholic Charities (l-r) Myriam Mezadieu, COO, Catholic Legal Services; Karyn Sanchez, Joanne Mason, Elizabeth Gil, Vincent Calarco 5—Florida Association for Women Lawyers (l-r) “ Selfie” with Daniel Hentschel, Ivana Alvarez, Dalisi Otero Elisa D’Amico 6—The Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami (l-r) Alexandra Lavelanet, Janelly Crespo, Charles Sachs, Katerina Oña; 7—Public Defender’s Office (l-r) Will Harris, Samuel Bookhardt, Kevin Hellman, Justin Boyd 8—Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office (l-r) Ellen Kruk, Ivana Alvarez, Dalisi Otero




PREP Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program

1—Miami Dade State Attorney’s Office (l-r) Daniel Hentschel; Princess Manasseh; Thomas Headley, Assistant State Attorney; Justin Boyd; Samuel Bookhardt 2—Legal Services of Greater Miami (center) Karyn Sanchez and Wilford Harris with Legal Service Attorneys 3—Caribbean Bar Association: Justin Boyd, Daniel Hentschel, Will Harris, Karyn Sanchez with members of the board of the Caribbean Bar Association 4—Americans for Immigrant Justice (r-l) Alexandra Lavenot, Joanne Mason, Karen Sanchez and the AIJ lawyers 5—Estate Planning Council of Greater Miami (l-r) Jan L. Jacobowitz, Danielle Gauer, Brian Vaca, Sarah Bujold, Charles Sachs




PREP Visits

Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program PREP

Catholic Charities, Legal Services of Greater Miami, Americans for Immigrant Justice, and Dade Legal Aid to Explore Legal Ethics Issues in Public Interest Law

PREP students explore the ethical challenges confronting attorneys in the “real word.” Some of the most compelling of these explorations arise when PREP visits with public interest lawyers. Students learn not only the ethics rules, but also the nature of a public interest law practice. The attorneys at Catholic Charities, Legal Services, Americans for Immigrant Justice and Dade Legal Aid are highly engaged when the students present their customized, interactive hypotheticals, which serve as a vehicle for the ethics presentation. CATHOLIC CHARITIES This semester, under the supervision of Director Jan L. Jacobowitz, PREP Fellow Karyn Sanchez and PREP Interns Elizabeth Gil, Vincent Calarco, and Joanne Mason presented a CLE ethics training, developed in an immigration law context, to Catholic Charities Legal Services. The presentation included a three-act hypothetical that sparked debate on issues that attorneys at Catholic Charities encounter in their everyday work. The first act, presented by Elizabeth Gil, involved the ethical implications of attorneys who represent concurrent clients who later turn out to have conflicts of interest. The second act, presented by Vincent Calarco and Karyn Sanchez, dealt with the ethical implications of incompetent clients. The final act, presented by Joanne Mason revolved around the distinct professional responsibilities of attorneys and paralegals. “I enjoyed listening to the attorneys and other members of the organization react to the hypothetical I presented,” said Gil. “As a law student, it is a unique experience being able to talk to attorneys about strategies for assisting their clients within the ethical boundaries of the law.” “You are constantly learning in law school, but through PREP, you research a topic and actually teach what you researched to practicing attorneys. To provide research to and engage with attorneys about what I researched was a rewarding experience, and I cannot wait for my next PREP opportunity,” said Calarco. “The CLE training for Catholic Charities was an extremely positive experience. The participants in the training were very vocal and engaged from both the attorney and paralegal side. I especially loved how some of the participants tweaked our hypo to facilitate a broader discussion,” said Mason. LEGAL SERVICES OF GREATER MIAMI A few weeks later, Karyn Sanchez and PREP Intern Wilford Harris visited Legal Services of Greater Miami. During this training, PREP Fellow Karyn Sanchez and PREP intern Wilford Harris, along with the participating attorneys, discussed a series of ethical issues that arise in their housing practice.

The CLE training at Legal Services of Greater Miami focused upon the ethics of advising clients to speak directly to an adverse represented party, working with clients with disabilities, and the pressure placed upon public interest lawyers to relinquish statutory attorneys fees as part of a settlement agreement that is beneficial to their clients. The attorneys were engaged in the training and tweaked the facts of the hypotheticals to raise additional issues that facilitated further discussion. “The CLE training with Legal Services was a great experience! Learning and teaching at the same time is amazing,” said Harris. “The training at Legal Services of Greater Miami provided me with a great opportunity to learn about the difficulties faced by practicing attorneys when trying to help clients gather information from their mortgage companies. It was interesting to research and discuss the issue from the perspectives of both academia and real world practice,” said Sanchez. DADE LEGAL AID Samuel Bookhardt IV and Alexandra Lavelante visited the Legal Aid office and discussed scenarios revolving around client confidentiality, the formation of the attorney client relationship, social media evidence, and substituted service of process on Facebook. AMERICANS FOR IMMIGRANT JUSTICE This training focused on the complicated issues faced on a daily basis by immigration lawyers. The training was centered on the ethical issues that arise when representing clients with diminished capacity, especially minors. “It is always nice to learn from the lawyers how academia does not always play out in the practicing world. In addition it was great to learn of the new developing issues that have been arising in the practice of immigration in the last couple of months,” said Sanchez. “It was a pleasure visiting the AIJ office; the presentation was both enjoyable and educational. Immigration is a very challenging area of law, and it was a great experience to delve into the core topics and ethical issues facing immigration attorneys everyday,” said Lavelante. “The AIJ presentation was a worthwhile experience that gave me an insight into the intricacies of immigration law and how ethical dilemmas can present themselves daily to the most diligent attorneys. I especially enjoyed how enthusiastic the attorneys were to share their experiences with our group. I was also pleased at how well our hypotheticals fit into their experiences in practice,” said Mason. n




PREP Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program

PREP Students Present Legal Ethics CLE Programming at Local Bar Associations Every semester Director Jan L. Jacobowitz and PREP students visit with attorneys at various bar associations to present interactive legal ethics CLE programs. The animated discussions that ensue create a valuable and fun experience for both the students and the attorneys. This year PREP students developed ethics trainings for the South Miami-Kendall Bar Association (SMKBA), the Cuban American Bar Association (CABA), the Coral Gables Bar Association (CBA), the Caribbean Bar Association, the Florida Association of Women Lawyers (FAWL) and the Key Biscayne Bar Association. The bar associations each requested “hot topic” issues, which included updates in the areas of social media discovery, cyber security, attorney advertising, and professionalism. PREP fellow Dalisi Otero, along with PREP interns Ivana Alvarez and Ellen Kruk, presented at SMKBA on the best practices for electronic communication, advice to clients on social media, and cyber security issues. The presentation resulted in a dynamic discussion among the attending attorneys. “Speaking at the SMKBA was such a unique experience for me,” said Alvarez. “Having worked as an intern in the UM Health Rights Clinic, I have experienced what it’s like to make decisions regarding my own course of action in a case, but presenting a CLE training was a rare opportunity to inform professionals— practicing attorneys, at that—about whether various courses of action comply with professional rules of conduct. It felt like a huge responsibility, and I greatly enjoyed the challenge in an environment where I was designated as the ‘expert.’” Kruk added, “The ability to text prospective clients is a controversial new development in the world of legal ethics, so it was a unique experience to explore the topic with a room full of practicing attorneys. Emerging technology has changed the way attorneys practice and interact with the community, so helping them understand the appropriate guidelines for doing so was very exciting.” Describing her experience at the presentation, Otero stated, “This particular presentation was an exciting and unique learning opportunity. I learned as much or more from the attorneys who attended as they learned from our presentation. Several attorneys shared their thoughts and experiences. We had the chance to learn about the realities of legal practice, which shed light on the newest legal ethics issues affecting lawyers everywhere.” PREP fellow Janelly Crepo and interns, Luiz Miranda, and Brian Vaca presented similar issues at CABA, but added to the mix the potential use of fitbit and apple watch data as evidence in a case and the corresponding issue of attorney competence. The CABA CLE also included a lively discussion about what to do when receiving the “angry email.” No doubt, the students learned much about the reality of the practice while the attorneys shared tips for dealing with a difficult opposing counsel. Crespo commented that the presentation “afforded [her] the opportunity to see how social media and technology continue to affect the legal community, especially with the use of wearable technology such as the AppleWatch 16 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW



and FitBit. Engaging the attorneys in a lively discussion was not only rewarding but educational.” “The CABA training was one of my favorite law school experiences. Getting the opportunity to switch seats and be the one to teach others put pressure on me to make sure I really knew the material in and out. I am looking forward to more trainings.” Miranda added, “I really enjoyed the opportunity to present on relevant topics of ethics and professionalism to practicing attorneys. It was a great way to see where scholarship met reality, and understand the present challenges to the legal profession. I feel that the PREP program really prepares soon-to-be attorneys to start off on the right track.” Finally, PREP fellows, Samuel Bookhardt IV, Tiffany Hendricks, and Daniel Hentschel presented the last program of the fall semester to a lively crowd at the Coral Gables Bar Association’s November luncheon. When asked about her experience, Hendricks stated, “it was such a pleasure presenting for the Coral Gables Bar Association. The audience was interactive and engaged. It is a rewarding experience when I learn as much from attorneys as they learn from our ethics presentation.” Hendricks, a December, 2015 graduate, has become a go to person on issues of social media discovery. Bookhardt, whose presentation focused on professionalism standards in the digital age, concluded, “It was my first time presenting to the Coral Gables Bar Association and it was great to see that the attorneys shared my enthusiasm for the program and actively participated in our discussion.” Hentschel, PREP’s resident authority on attorney advertising, added, “Educating practicing attorneys is a one of a kind experience. Their differing views on various issues are eye opening.” Hentschel also presented advertising at the Caribbean Bar Association and exclaimed, “The Caribbean Bar training was hands down the most interactive and fun experience as a PREP fellow. Being able to discuss hot topics with practicing attorneys and hearing the various opinions around the room was enlightening. The advertising rules always spark discussion and being able to be a part of these discussions while at the same time teaching the relevant changes to the rules is a great experience.” n

PREP Students Present at the ABA and Florida Bar’s Admiralty Program: “A Maritime State of Disformity” A new venue for PREP this year was the admiralty certification program presented by The American Bar Association TIPS— Admiralty and Maritime Law Committee and The Florida Bar Admiralty Law Committee, which was hosted by St. Thomas Law School. Director Jan L. Jacobowitz and PREP students, Danielle T. Gauer and Sarah J. Bujold presented a CLE ethics presentation titled, “A Few Ethics Updates for the Admiralty Attorney.” Danielle and Sarah discussed ethical dilemmas that attorneys may encounter in the practice of maritime law, especially when social media is involved. They presented hypothetical fact scenarios, which prompted the attorneys to engage in a dynamic discussion about the duty of


Head West to


PREP students, Danielle T. Gauer and Sarah J. Bujold also visited with maritime attorneys at the Southeastern Admiralty Law Institute’s (“SEALI”) Fall Meeting in Park City, Utah to present a CLE ethics presentation titled, “A Few Ethics Updates for the Admiralty Attorney”. At SEALI, Gauer and Bujold discussed some of the many ethical dilemmas that attorneys may encounter in the practice of maritime law. In particular, the presentation provided focused on the ethical implications that may arise in legal blogging, preservation and spoliation of evidence, and the duty to former clients with respect to client property. The attorneys were led through a series of hypothetical fact scenarios where they had the opportunity to interact and engage in meaningful conversation. Gauer explained, “I have attended SEALI for the last couple of years and have always been interested in being a speaker. It was great to be invited to speak and especially rewarding for my professional development as I had the opportunity to speak in front of attorneys in the area of law I am most interested in practicing.” Bujold added, “We really tried to develop a training that would get the attorneys engaged and talking.” “I think we did just that!” commented Gauer. Since the training, Chairman of SEALI, Julius “Sam” Hines has received many positive comments on the presentation from attendees. “Overall, it was lively and fun!” said Hines.

confidentiality in an online context, the critique of judges on social media, and the proper advice to clients about social media evidence. “The attorneys were very engaged and kept us on our toes. The presentation was well-received and we appreciated the hospitality from St Thomas University MLS”, says Bujold. “As a PREP Intern and the President of the UM Maritime Law Society, it was great to be invited to speak alongside some of the most talented attorneys in the maritime law arena”, says Gauer. n

PREP DELIVERS DYNAMIC PRESENTATIONS AT THE MIAMI-DADE STATE ATTORNEY’S OFFICE & THE PUBLIC DEFENDER’S OFFICE Director Jan L. Jacobowitz and PREP students Samuel Bookhardt IV, Justin Boyd, and Princess Manasseh returned to the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s Office this fall to provide an annual legal ethics training. In the spring, Bookhardt and Boyd were joined by Wilford Harris to present at the Miami-Dade Public Defender’s Office. Justin Boyd began the presentation at the State Attorney’s Office with a hypothetical that intertwined discovery

Danielle Gauer and Sarah Bujold

The Southeastern Admiralty Law Institute is an organization geared towards the practice of admiralty law. SEALI currently has 558 Regular Members, 23 Associate Members, 25 Non-Resident Members and 1 Honorary Member. n

and technology issues. He stated that “having the opportunity to present in front of so many attorneys was a great experience.” At the Public Defender’s Office Boyd discussed working with clients who had a negative opinion of all government lawyers and the proper way to handle unprofessionalism of opposing counsel. Many of the attorneys present had previously represented clients who came in initially not trusting them. Boyd stated, “The attorneys were highly engaged, which made the discussion incredibly enlightening.” Samuel Bookhardt, a veteran PREP presenter for the State Attorney’s Office, presented on the ethical boundaries to which a prosecutor must adhere when speaking with a recanting witness. He stated that “it was great to be back at the State Attorney’s Office. It is always fun to see how practicing attorneys suggest that they would handle the scenarios presented in my hypotheticals.” At the Public Defender’s Office, Bookhardt discussed the ethical implications involved with changing privacy settings and removing photographs on social media. He noted, “The attorneys were very lively. Their comments and interaction made this presentation a great experience. Social media is a very hot topic right now. The law is constantly evolving and attorneys must adapt to those changes.” Wilford Harris presented at the Public Defender’s Office on issues of confidentiality, client’s rights and jurors on social media. Harris exclaimed, “In the beginning of the semester I made the Public Defender’s Office a priority. I have worked Continued on Page 18 PREP



Celebrates THE




as an intern there in the past and I knew that they would bring in an interesting perspective on these issues.” Princess Manasseh spoke at the State Attorney’s Office about the use of technology, and specifically PowerPoints, in closing arguments. She stated that “presenting at the State Attorney’s Office was such a valuable experience. I had the opportunity to facilitate a meaningful conversation amongst professionals concerning ethical decisions they face daily. Sharing with the attorneys the product of my research, and advising them on nationwide trends and best practices, really helped to build my confidence not just as a presenter, but as a future attorney.” n

(l-r) Janelly Crespo, Luiz Miranda, Katerina Oña, Jan L. Jacobowitz, Brian Vaca, Elizabeth Gil, Vincent Calarco, Joanne Mason

On February 20, 2016, PREP students joined in the University of Miami School of Law’s Health Rights Clinic 10th anniversary celebration by offering a three hour legal ethics CLE program to alumni. PREP fellows Janelly Crespo, Katerina Oña, and PREP interns Vincent Calarco, Elizabeth Gil, Joanne Mason, Luiz Miranda, and Brian Vaca covered a wide array of “hot topics,” which included: cyber security, attorney advertising, spoliation of social media evidence, angry emails, investigating jurors, and digital afterlife. “Having the opportunity to discuss important ethical issues involving social media with practicing attorneys was an enlightening experience,” commented Crespo. “I truly enjoyed being able to engage alumni on digital estate planning, a timely issue that is both interesting and pervasive,” said Oña. Describing his experience at the presentation, Miranda said, “The ethical implications of technology and cyber-security on the practice of law can be a complex topic. However, Professor Jacobowitz is a master at turning our presentations into interactive discussions. It was a great experience to present the topic to such an interested and engaged audience of professional attorneys.” Calarco added, “The alumni were engaged, and appreciated our effort and learning about the latest developments in attorney advertising.” “Presenting a CLE training is a unique opportunity for a law student to inform practicing attorneys on whether various courses of action comply with professional rules of conduct. I enjoyed speaking in a room full of attorneys about the various changes involving social media and ethics,” noted Gil. Mason agreed and added, “The Health Rights Training was an extremely worthwhile experience. I enjoyed how candidly they spoke about their experiences.” Finally, Vaca concluded, “The Health Rights Clinic training proved to be a high point for our program, where six of us had the chance to present for Miami Law alumni. It was rewarding to see that our entire group performed well and received positive comments from many alumni,” said Vaca. n




Key Biscayne: (l-r) Vince Calarco, Elizabeth Gil, Jim LeShaw, Janelly Crespo, Jan L. Jacobowitz, Joseph Kellog

PREP: Spring Vacation at the Key Biscayne Bar Association During spring break three students from PREP presented a CLE ethics presentation titled, “Legal Ethics & Digital Savvy in the Practice of Law” at the Key Biscayne Bar Association. PREP fellow Janelly Crespo and PREP interns Vincent Calarco and Elizabeth Gil discussed “hot topic” issues regarding social media, attorney advertising, and legal ethics. They presented hypothetical fact scenarios, which prompted the attorneys to engage in a dynamic discussion about effective electronic communication, attorney advertising, and spoliation of social media evidence. “I truly enjoyed presenting for the Key Biscayne Bar Association. All the attorneys were so engaged and interactive. As one of my final presentations with the PREP program, it was a rewarding experience,” said Crespo. “As attorneys, we will be expected to understand the issues facing our clients. With PREP, practicing attorneys rely on us to update them on real ethical issues they may face,” said Calarco. “At the Key Biscayne Bar Association, I had the pleasure of educating attorneys about technology’s most recent impact on attorney advertising and solicitation—attorneys text messaging prospective clients. Describing her experience at the training, Gil said, “It was a unique opportunity for me as a law student to present to a room full of attorneys and speak as the ‘expert’ on the spoliation of social media evidence.” “I truly enjoyed interacting with the lawyers and providing my research on the newest changes occurring with social media and ethics.” n



I first learned about the Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program (“PREP”) while browsing the University of Miami’s website in search of opportunities to further my professional development. I found PREP’s website, along with the Center for Ethics & Public Service, and was immediately intrigued. PREP is not your traditional law school class: (1) read, (2) go to the lecture, (3) take notes, (4) read some more. PREP is interactive and experiential. It allowed me to be creative when developing hypotheticals. I was also able to explore the nuances in the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct in a way that most practicing lawyers have never done. During my tenure with PREP, the students who I have worked with have become my friends inside and outside of the classroom. PREP has provided me with experiences that I will remember beyond law school. n

Every student should participate in a program like PREP while in law school. Having the opportunity to venture out into the legal community and present CLE trainings on current legal ethics issues to practicing attorneys and judges was an invaluable experience. As a PREP student, I was not only able to refine my research, writing, and public speaking skills, but I was also able to network with professionals in the South Florida legal community and learn about the realities of practice through the lens of professional responsibility and legal ethics.


The PREP program has been one of the most memorable and rewarding learning experiences of my law school career. As a PREP student I refined my research and writing skills in preparation for numerous CLE trainings. Further, having the opportunity to present CLE trainings on trending legal ethical issues to the South Florida legal community provided me with the invaluable opportunity to improve my public speaking skills.

THE PREP PROGRAM HAS BEEN ONE OF THE MOST MEMORABLE AND REWARDING LEARNING EXPERIENCES OF MY LAW SCHOOL CAREER. My experience in PREP would not have been as fulfilling without Professor Jan Jacobowitz. She is instrumental to the Program, and her commitment provides students with a learning environment where they can develop and improve valuable skills. I am grateful for the experience and the wonderful connections I have developed during my time with the Program. n —DANIEL HENTSCHEL, FELLOW—

PREP has been the one of the most practical experiences I received while attending law school. It is a program that equipped me for the real world upon graduation. I was able to enhance my research, writing, and public speaking skills. All of which are essential as a first year associate. Beyond the work PREP has also improved my communication skills. It allowed me to work in a team, teach attorney’s and engage in conversations with all sorts of professionals. I would highly recommend anyone to join PREP and look forward to watching as the program will no doubt continue to grow. n

I WAS…ABLE TO NETWORK WITH PROFESSIONALS IN THE SOUTH FLORIDA LEGAL COMMUNITY AND LEARN ABOUT THE REALITIES OF PRACTICE The classroom environment in the PREP program is unlike any other classroom environment in law school. Far from a typical competitive and intimidating law school classroom, an air of cooperation, constructive criticism, and collegiality marks class meetings in PREP. I never expected when I began law school that I would have a chance to work in such an environment. Further, the skills, knowledge, and connections that I have gained as a result of my involvement in PREP are assets that will benefit me wherever I go. I am thankful to Professor Jacobowitz and to UM Law for making this opportunity available to students, and I am excited to see the bright future of the PREP program. n —KARYN SANCHEZ, FELLOW—

Participating in PREP has been a wonderful learning experience. I became more confident in my public speaking skills and in myself. Moreover, I learned that an integral part of feeling confident when speaking in public is overcoming the internal battle of anxiety and doubt, which stems from the thought of standing up in front of a crowd whose main focus will be intensely listening and scrutinizing what you say. I polished my research and writing skills by learning how to effectively and efficiently research narrow issues. Additionally, I developed leadership skills as a fellow in the program. I now better understand how to comfortably delegate tasks, work with a diverse group of individuals, and communicate the needs of the group so that everyone understands what needs to be accomplished. PREP provided me with the opportunity to both acquire new skills and develop great connections. I gained a practical perspective of what it means to practice law and the issues that lawyers routinely confront. The program opened my eyes to some of the realities of the profession and went beyond the ideas and theories taught in the classroom. I am grateful for the time I was able to participate in the program; it was truly rewarding for me. n PREP





Joining PREP as an intern was one of the best decisions of my law school career. This program provided a pivotal learning experience that few courses offer at the graduate level: the opportunity to practice professional collaboration and to confidently articulate and present ideas to seasoned professionals. The PREP environment is highly conducive to growth; the PREP fellows, interns, and director all collaborate so that all “PREPsters” learn how to research, write and effectively convey information.

Not only has PREP allowed me to further hone and develop my research and writing skills but it also enabled me to network with practitioners in maritime law, a practice area that I moved to the United States to pursue at the University of Miami. I had the opportunity to present legal ethics to these maritime attorneys and demonstrate my legal skills and knowledge of admiralty law. The novel aspect of the PREP networking experience was not only interacting with practicing attorneys about legal ethics issues, but also being able to show these attorneys what I can bring to the table. n

JOINING PREP AS AN INTERN WAS ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS THAT I HAVE MADE THROUGHOUT MY LAW SCHOOL CAREER. We were a team and, in a very real sense, I often felt as though we functioned as the academic version of a law firm on the topic of legal ethics. We researched, collaborated, bounced around ideas, raised hypothetical questions, explored avenues for resolution, and ultimately “advised clients” (i.e. instructed attorneys in law firms, nonprofit organizations, and bar associations) on the regulatory framework on ethics within which they could permissibly act. Better still, I was able to venture through that experience under the guidance of the program’s director, Professor Jan Jacobowitz who graciously shared both her knowledge and practical experience with us, I am extremely grateful for the PREP program and to have had Jan as a mentor. PREP will remain one of the few extraordinary highlights of my law school career. n —SARAH J. BUJOLD & DANIELLE T. GAUER, PREP INTERNS—

As students with training in foreign jurisdictions, (Canada and Australia) we thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being interns with PREP. We benefitted from researching, reporting, and presenting on various ethics topics; we were also able to work with the local legal community at all stages to customize the trainings to their needs. We had the unique opportunity to present our materials at the Southeastern Admiralty Law Institute’s Annual Meeting in Park City, Utah. It was an honor to represent the University and the Center for Ethics & Public Service in this capacity. With the support and guidance of Jan Jacobowitz, we were able to prepare a presentation and a paper, “A Few Ethics Updates for the Admiralty Attorney.” The training was well received, and we received letters of recognition from the Director of the Institute. PREP not only afforded us the opportunity for professional development and networking, but we also made lasting friendships through group work and social events. PREP consisted of a diverse group of students that each offered their own experiences and interests. We highly recommend the collaborative and fun environment that PREP offers. n 20 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW




I have truly enjoyed being a “PREPster.” This program taught me how to conduct legal ethics research, which is usually very different than other types of legal research. With this research, I was then able to write hypotheticals, often based on real-life scenarios, and memoranda of law answering the questions posed in those hypotheticals. My favorite part of PREP was the ability to go out into the community and present my work to practicing attorneys as the “expert” on a particular legal ethics issue.

I HAVE TRULY ENJOYED BEING A “PREPster.” I was able to present in front of many attorneys from different organizations such as Catholic Charities, Miami Law’s Health Rights Clinic Alumni, the Key Biscayne Bar Association, and the Cuban American Bar Association. From conflicts of interest to spoliation of social media evidence, I was exposed to a wide variety of legal ethics issues that a modern lawyer must know how to properly address. Thanks to PREP, I feel confident that when I am an attorney, I will be able to handle any ethics issues in a professional manner. n —ELLEN KRUK, INTERN—

Participating in PREP has been one of the most unique experiences in law school. PREP allows students to reach beyond what they learn in the required Professional Responsibility class and apply legal ethics to real-world scenarios. Emerging technology and social media has changed the way attorneys practice and interact with the community, and as students we are in a special position to help them understand the appropriate guidelines for doing so. In my presentation at the South Miami-Kendall Bar Association, I had the chance to explain a controversial new development in legal advertising rules and at the Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office, I provided information about how social media presents new evidentiary challenges for attorneys in the courtroom. It has been interesting both to teach and to learn from attorneys by hearing about the challenges that they confront in their practices, and the impact of the legal ethics rules.

PREP ALLOWS STUDENTS TO… APPLY LEGAL ETHICS TO REAL-WORLD SCENARIOS. Additionally, I have found that the PREP class itself is value added, since the students in the program form a small community within the law school. These will be the people in whom I will be able to confide when we become practicing attorneys. So not only does PREP allow us to network in the Miami community, but it also helps build our network at school. n —JOANNE MASON, INTERN—

My experience in the PREP program has truly been rewarding. The great thing about PREP is that it helps you come out of your shell. You are required to speak in front of professionals who will soon be your colleagues. But not only are you networking with amazing attorneys you’re also researching areas of law that aren’t typically discussed in the law school curriculum. Jan is an amazing mentor who makes all of her students better. She helps develop your weak areas and refine areas where you thrive. I am so pleased to have been an intern this year and I will hold on to the lessons I have learned. n —LUIZ MIRANDO, PREP INTERN—

I feel very fortunate to have been selected to be a part of the Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program (“PREP”) this academic year. PREP has helped me not only prepare for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination, but has also given me an opportunity to dissect the intricate legal issues of professionalism and ethics in our profession. As a student in PREP, I wrote and presented my interested subject matters to local attorneys from the Cuban American Bar Association, and to the alumni of the Health Rights Clinic. In addition, because the issues around ethics and professionalism attract such distinguished attorneys in the community, PREP is a great way to meet and network with leaders and stakeholders in all areas of the law. I recommend PREP for all students who seek to be better writers, better presenters, and who are passionate about the future of the legal profession. n


PREP Fellows (l-r) Dalisi Otero, Katerina Oña, and Janelly Crespo



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2015 – 2016


Center Student Stephanie Rosendorf Wins Exemplary Service to the Poor Award Presented to Stephanie Rosendorf Stephanie Rosendorf, a Center Fellow with the Environmental Justice Clinic’s Civil Rights Project, won the annual UM Law Exemplary Service to the Poor Award. Stephanie has been working with the Center since her 2L year when she began as an intern. From day one, Stephanie’s passion for the underserved and her motives for attending law school were present. She knew that she wanted to help those that were disenfranchised and lacked access to adequate legal services. Because of Stephanie’s superb research and writing skills and her dedication and passion, she was invited to be a Fellow with the Civil Rights Project during her third year. Stephanie has shepherded and mentored the five interns in the project to great successes for the community. She has been instrumental in our recent affordable housing and upzoning project. She has worked collaboratively with the other students in the project to produce statistical data and mine through federal, state, and local data sets to find the facts to prove the legal theories. Stephanie is one of those rare individuals who sees the forest from the trees and recognizes what needs to be done on the ground to solve the larger, more systemic problems facing society. Stephanie is admired for her tenacity and excitement. She is revolted by injustice and always willing to do what she can to alleviate it. She may be researching the Fair Housing Act for 8 hours straight, but if you ask her to reach out to a community member or door knock, she is the first to volunteer. Her energy, enthusiasm, and dedication to “doing the right thing” is inspiring. As if these qualities were not enough, Stephanie is a rock star student and she is always professional, courteous, and sincere in her desire to provide rights education, research, and tools to empower. n

Lawyers in Leadership Award Presented to Judge Darrin P. Gayles

1—(l-r) Professor Anthony V. Alfieri, HBCP Fellow Stephanie Rosendorf, and Lecturer Catherine Millas Kaiman 2—(l-r) PREP Fellow Justin Boyd, PREP Director Jan L. Jacobowitz, Judge Darrin P. Gayles, HBCP Fellows Stephanie Rosendorf, and Leslie Coulter. 3—(l-r) Professor Anthony V. Alfieri, Cindy McKenzie, Catherine Millas Kaiman, Judge William M. Hoeveler, award recipient George Knox, PREP Director Jan L. Jacobowitz, and Ebonie Carter


The Lawyers in Leadership Award Series honors leading members of the bar and bench. The program invites prominent community leaders for an informal luncheon discussion with law students about their lives and careers—an “up close and personal look.” Judge Darrin P. Gayles, this year’s recipient, is a United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, and is a graduate of Howard University and The George Washington University Law School. He is a leader and active participant in South Florida’s legal and civic communities, as well as a volunteer in several charitable organizations, including Big Brothers/Big Sisters, 100 Black Men of South Florida, and the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project. The discussion was moderated by Center Fellows Stephanie Rosendorf, Leslie Coulter, and Justin Boyd. When asked to define “integrity”, Judge Gayles reflected that it was hard to define, but that, “There’s a simple rule, not just as a judge or as a professional, but as a person—behave as if you wouldn’t want it on the front page of the newspaper.” When questioned about his career path, Judge Gayles stated that his original path was “never to be a lawyer, but to go into the Foreign Service.” Through his experience as a Patricia Roberts Harris Fellow on Capitol Hill in the House of Representatives, and working closely with lawyers, he decided to pursue law school. “The best way to handle your career path is to decide how can you best obtain marketable skills that will help you obtain opportunities in the future, because your interests may very well change.” Judge Gayles began his legal career as an Assistant State Attorney in Miami-Dade County, and was subsequently hired by the U.S. Department of Justice. He then became an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, and after that served for more than ten years as a judge of Florida’s 22th Judicial Circuit. He said that his focus was always, “to be the best lawyer that I can be, and then to be the best judge that I can be.” n

14th Annual William M. Hoeveler Ethics & Public Service Award Honoring George Knox, JD ’73 ELIZABETH FATA

Miami Law’s Center for Ethics & Public Service selected attorney and legal professor George Knox, J.D. ’73, to receive the 14th annual William M. Hoeveler Ethics and Public Service Award. This prestigious prize celebrates ethics, leadership, and public service in the legal profession. In his honor, the law school hosted a luncheon and ceremony where Mr. Knox spoke to an audience of students, faculty, attorneys and alumni. His discussion was moderated by the Center’s founder and director Professor Anthony Alfieri and Jan Jacobowitz, the director of the Center’s Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program. Mr. Knox began the discussion by focusing on his experience as one of the first black students at Miami Law. He discussed the collective struggle that he and six other black students faced on a daily basis because of their color and the divided expectations that surrounded them. While some faculty members pushed them to excel with weighty expectations, just as many were waiting to affirm their failings and doubt their abilities. “Whatever those feelings had been, they were not necessarily open, they were not necessarily revealed . . . we had to learn to look deeper.” Knox explained that “this constant scrutiny was a part of [our] everyday life.” These multifaceted responses to their presence at the law school meant that Knox and his fellow black classmates were forced to navigate a tumultuous path throughout their time as law students that their fellow white classmates proceeded without. “The commercial law [professor] told me, ‘of course you’re going to fail commercial law because you belong in landlord tenant or some of those other social service courses… you’re not quite equipped to deal with the sophistication of a course like commercial law,’” said Knox. Yet he reflected that despite this added pressure, there was no tension between him and fellow law students whom he noted had come from all walks of life. Knox further discussed his experience as the first black faculty member of the University of Arkansas where he bonded with the two other young professors: Hilary Rodham and Bill Clinton. They were collectively known as the “mod squad.” “I used to say I was the blond.” Knox then went on to discuss his tenure as the City Attorney for the City of Miami where he was hired when he was 32 years old after only three years of legal experience. Knox then left the City Attorney’s office to become the first black partner in a downtown law firm and progressed down a private firm path. Throughout his career, Knox reflected that he “stopped talking about being the first black, because honest to goodness the list got too long.” Knox then went on to serve as a visiting faculty member at FIU, lecturer at Miami Law, and become a professional facilitator and Florida Supreme Court Certified Civil Mediator. As parting words of advice, Knox stated that he never “focused on anything except getting the job done, and honestly not making a mistake.” Knox also left students with a message: “The fact that you survive is a great statement about your capacity to survive. Everybody goes through something, and the question is how you manage to cope with it.” n CENTER FOR ETHICS & PUBLIC SERVICE 23

2015 – 2016


CEPS Spring Reception The Center held its annual spring reception to honor the achievements of the 2015-2016 graduating fellows and interns in the Historic Black Church Program, the Environmental Justice Clinic, and the Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program. n

1—(l-r) Catherine Millas Kaiman, Leslie Coulter, Kelly Cox, Elizabeth Fata, Stephanie Rosendorf, Anthony V. Alfieri 2—(l-r) Sarah Bujold and Jan L. Jacobowitz 3—(l-r) Elyssa Luke, Zachary Lipshultz, Elizabeth Fata 4—(l-r) back row: Jan L. Jacobowitz, Danielle Gauer, Wilford Harris, Daniel Hentschel, Katerina Oña, Dalisi Otero, Brian Vaca; front row: Janelly Crespo, Ivana Alvarez, Karyn Sanchez


faculty focus Anthony V. Alfieri Professor Alfieri’s teaching, research, and scholarship in the field of civil rights and poverty law continue with the recent publication of several new articles and essays—Objecting to Race, 27 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 1121 (2014), Paternalistic Interventions in Civil Rights and Poverty Law: A Case Study of Environmental Justice, 112 Mich. L. Rev. 1157 (2014), Resistance Songs: Mobilizing the Law and Politics of Community, 93 Texas L. Rev. 1459 (2015), Rebellious Pedagogy and Practice, 23 Clinical L. Rev. (forthcoming 2016), Black, Poor, and Gone: Civil Rights Movement Lawyers in the Inner City (work in progress)—and the recent start-up of the Environmental Justice Clinic and the Social Enterprise Clinic. Both clinics provide education, interdisciplinary research, policy resources, and legal assistance to inner-city communities of color in Miami-Dade County on matters related to the built and natural environment. In addition, Professor Alfieri continues to serve as a member of the Coconut Grove Ministerial Alliance Board of Directors, Visiting Scholar at the Dartmouth College Ethics Institute, and Visiting Professor at Brown University in the Department of Africana Studies.

Jan L. Jacobowitz During the 2015-2016 school year Associate Director and Lecturer Jan L. Jacobowitz accepted speaking invitations at several national conferences including the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers Mid-Year Meeting in San Diego, the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) Center for Professional Responsibility’s Annual Conference in Philadelphia and International Legal Ethics Conference in New York City. Professor Jacobowitz’s discussion topics on the various panels include legal ethics and cybersecurity, social media advice to clients, professionalism in the digital age, the intersection of commercial speech and attorney advertising regulations, and cultural competence in the practice of law. Locally, Professor Jacobowitz served as a moderator for the ethics panel at the ABA-Miami Law Entertainment & Sports Law Symposium and was a featured speaker on cybersecurity and legal ethics at Miami Law Alumni Judicial Receptions in Miami-Dade and Broward. She was also a featured speaker on social media at the Broward Bench & Bar Conference, and spoke at the Good Government Initiative Leaders of Excellence Program on Ethics and Decision Making: Pathways to Practical Wisdom. Professor Jacobowitz’s writing projects currently include a forthcoming article in The Professional Lawyer entitled,

Cultural Evolution or Revolution? The Millennial’s Growing Impact on Professionalism and the Practice of Law and the completion of a book on Social Media and Legal Ethics for the American Bar Association. In addition to directing the award winning Professional Responsibility & Ethics Program, Jan co-developed and teaches Mindful Ethics: Professional Responsibility for Lawyers in the Digital Age, which served as the catalyst for the book that she co-authored, Mindfulness & Professional Responsibility—Incorporating Mindfulness into the Law School Curriculum. She also developed the curriculum for the course Social Media and the Law and is among the first law school faculty in the country to teach the course. Jan is a past board member of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers (APRL) and currently serves on its program committee and its national task force on attorney advertising. She is also APRL’s special liaison to the ABA Standing Committee on Professionalism. Jan is the Vice Chairman of the Broward Selection/Oversight Committee for the Inspector General’s Office. She is a member of the ADL Civil Rights Committee and the Miami Dade Task Force on Mindfulness. Jan has served as the Law School’s United Way Ambassador for the past seven years.

Catherine Millas Kaiman Lecturer Catherine Millas Kaiman was the Keynote Speaker for the Broward College Social Justice Week in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. in January 2016. Kaiman was invited to speak about the connections between the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and the environmental justice movement and how it fits into the larger social justice movement across the country. During the 2015-2016 academic year, Kaiman also had the opportunity to speak to the American Society for Public Administration South Florida Chapter at their 10th Annual Best Practices Conference entitled Public Service in a Changing Climate. Kaiman spoke during the “Redevelopment and Gentrification: The Price of Progress” panel about the disproportionate effect that redevelopment and gentrification are having on the low-income minority communities across the City of Miami and Miami-Dade County. Further, Kaiman had the opportunity to present during the Seattle University Poverty Law Conference: Academic Activism about her experiences teaching Clinic students enrolled in a Poverty Law seminar. Kaiman is also excited to announce her article entitled Environmental Justice and Community-Based Reparations with the Seattle University Law Review. The article will be in print June 2016.



EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO THE POOR AWARD presented to Stephanie Rosendorf Environmental Justice Clinic 2016



EXEMPLARY SERVICE TO THE POOR AWARD presented to Brittany Ford Historic Black Church Program 2015





recognized Anthony V. Alfieri 2014 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION


INNOVATIVE SERVICE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST AWARD Oral History Project of the Historic Black Church Program 2012



Historic Black Church Program 2011 UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF LAW



Dear Friend of the Center: In this our twentieth year of service to the Law School, University, and South Florida community, we write to thank you for your ongoing, generous support of the Center for Ethics & Public Service. The Center’s important work in ethics education, professional responsibility training, and community service would not be possible without your help. Your kind institutional support enables the Center to continue to pursue innovative ethics education, professionalism training, and community service initiatives of great value to our civic and professional communities. More than thirty-five law students are enrolled in the Center’s civil rights, environmental justice, social enterprise, and ethics programs for the 2016-2017 school year. Your support and our students’ enthusiasm and hard work enable the Center to train the next generation of citizen lawyers in our community today. ANTHONY V. ALFIERI Founder and Director

INNOVATIVE SERVICE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST AWARD Community Economic Development & Design Program 2007




















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September 23, 2016

Center for Ethics & Public Service and Children & Youth Law Clinic

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Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 CEPS ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR Professor Anthony V. Alfieri ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Lecturer Jan L. Jacobowitz LECTURER/PRACTITIONER-IN-RESIDENCE Catherine Millas Kaiman PROGRAM MANAGER Cynthia S. McKenzie ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Ebonie L. Carter

HISTORIC BLACK CHURCH PROGRAM FOUNDER Professor Anthony V. Alfieri VISITING FELLOWS Gregory Cooper, J.D. Ransom Everglades School Aine Donovan, EdD Director, Ethics Institute Dartmouth College D. Porpoise Evans, Esq. Perlman, Bajandas, Yevoli & Albright, P.L. Wifredo Fernández Florida International University Co-Founder, The LAB Miami LAW FELLOWS Leslie Coulter Peter Palermo Fellow Kelly Cox Akerman Fellow Elizabeth Fata William M. Hoeveler Fellow Raymond Hernandez John Hart Ely Fellow Elyssa Luke John B. Alfieri Fellow Stephanie Rosendorf David P. Catsman Fellow

PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY & ETHICS PROGRAM DIRECTOR Jan L. Jacobowitz LAW FELLOWS Samuel Bookhardt IV Bankruptcy Bar Association Fellow Janelly Crespo Greenberg Traurig Foundation Fellow Tiffany Hendricks Bankruptcy Bar Association Fellow Daniel Hentschel Robert A. Ades Fellow Katerina Oña Bankruptcy Bar Association Fellow Dalisi Otero Steven E. Chaykin Fellow Karyn Sanchez Hunton & Williams Fellow




University of Miami School of Law 1311 Miller Drive, Suite G287 Coral Gables, Florida 33146-8087 Ph: 305.284.3934 Fax: 305.284.1588 www.law.miami.edu/ceps ceps@law.miami.edu

ABOUT CEPS Since 1996, the Center has served over 45,000 members of the Florida community, including university undergraduate and graduate students, government agencies, high schools and middle schools, homeowners and tenants, lawyers and judges, nonprofit organizations and neighborhood associations, and civic leaders through education, training, research, policy, and legal assistance. In this our twentieth year, we are reminded of the tremendous successes the Center and the community it serves has had, as well as the continued need for civil rights, environmental justice, and ethics education, policy, and advocacy in our local community. Please help us continue the mission of the Center by donating here: www.law.miami.edu/give-ceps.

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