University of Miami School of Law Commencement Spring 2022

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COMMENCEMENT2022 S C H O O L O F L AW M AY 1 1 • 3 p . m .




Live Fanfare Bernard Oxman, J.D., A.B. Richard A. Hausler Professor of Law Faculty Chair, Master of Laws Program in Maritime Law Nell Jessup Newton Interim Dean and Visiting Professor Nicholas Skotzko Frost School of Music Class of 2022 Rabbi Lyle S. Rothman Jewish Chaplain for the University of Miami Hillel Father Leo Sequeira Catholic Chaplain for the University of Miami, St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center Abdul Hamid Samra, Ph.D. Muslim Chaplain for the University of Miami


Jeffrey L. Duerk Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Julio Frenk, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H., M.D. President Aaron Podhurst Presiding Trustee The Honorable Adalberto Jordan, A.B. ’84, J.D. ’87 Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit Interim Dean Newton President Frenk Anoosheh Shaikh Class of 2022 Interim Dean Newton


Nicholas Skotzko


Recessional March

After the singing of the Alma Mater, please remain standing until the faculty and candidates have exited the Watsco Center. The words to the Alma Mater can be found on the last page of this program. *Those who are able are asked to stand for these portions of the program. At the conclusion of the program, the audience will please remain standing until the platform party has left the stage.


COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER ADALBERTO JORDAN, A.B. ’84, J.D. ’87 Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit

Judge Adalberto “Bert” Jordan, A.B. ’84, J.D. ’87, exemplifies the finest qualities of the United States judicial system. An enthusiastic believer in freedom and justice for all, he is known throughout legal circles for his evenhanded approach to his rulings on appellate matters at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta. At a time of increasing partisanship, Jordan stands firm in his commitment to the rule of law. In 2012, Jordan became the first Cuban American to serve on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, winning confirmation by a 94-5 vote in the Senate. At that time, U.S. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, asked Jordan about the impartiality of judges and whether their rulings should reflect their political or personal viewpoints. “We are all human beings, of course, but I think as a judge you need to try and strive very, very hard to make sure you are deciding the case on something other than your own preferences and views, whatever those might be,” Jordan replied. “So, I have strived, and I hope I have achieved impartiality in my years on the bench in Miami.” Born in Havana, Cuba, Jordan came to Miami with his family in 1968. He quickly learned English in elementary school, began playing baseball, and found himself interested in a legal career. At St. Brendan High School, he took several lawrelated courses before graduating in 1980. As an undergraduate at the University of Miami, Jordan majored in politics and public affairs in the College of Arts and Sciences, taking classes on topics like constitutional and environmental law. He also made the varsity baseball team as a utility infielder under legendary coach Ron Fraser. Jordan graduated magna cum laude in 1984 and continued to affirm his passion for justice in his studies at the School of Law. In the third year of law school, Jordan served as articles and comments editor for the University of Miami Law Review, where he polished his writing and editing skills. His paper, “Imagery, Humor and the Judicial Opinion,” analyzed the use of literary allusions, imagery, and humor by judges in their opinions. In 1987, Jordan graduated summa cum laude and achieved his goal of entering the legal profession. After law school, Jordan served as a clerk for Judge Thomas Alonzo Clark on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, followed by a second clerkship for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor on the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1989, Jordan returned to Miami as an associate for

Steel, Hector, and Davis, a prominent local firm. He managed litigation and appellate matters and was named a partner in 1994. Soon after, he moved to the public sector, handling appellate matters as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida. In 1998, he was named chief of the appellate division. A year later, President Bill Clinton nominated Jordan to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, and he was confirmed in a 93-1 vote. As a district judge, Jordan displayed his ability to address complex and challenging cases. He presided at the trial of Hector and Eduardo Orlansky in a $164 million bank fraud case and sentenced both brothers to 20 years in prison. In a case with international ramifications, Jordan awarded $22 million in damages to a group of Liberian plaintiffs who had filed suit under a U.S. anti-torture law as victims of former Liberian president Charles Taylor. In 2012, President Barack Obama nominated Jordan to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. Today, Jordan sits as one of 11 full-time active judges on the court, supplemented by several senior judges. “We do a lot of criminal work, as well as civil rights and diversity-related matters, and might have a fraud case, an admiralty case, and a state insurance case, on succeeding days,” said Jordan in a 2018 interview for Miami Law. “We are always moving and always learning something new.” Since joining the School of Law’s adjunct faculty in 1989, Jordan has taught courses on federal courts, federal criminal practice, capital punishment, and judicial writing. Jordan also has been active in national judicial organizations, serving on the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Federal Judicial Improvements from 2010 to 2012 and on the Judicial Conference’s Advisory Committee on Bankruptcy Rules from 2010 to 2016. He is a member of the American Law Institute and the Judicial Advisory Board of the American Society of International Law. Miami criminal defense lawyer and Dennis G. Kainen, J.D. ’81, once said that Jordan is one of the nation’s most evenhanded jurists. “There’s no arrogance. There’s no ego. He has a perfect demeanor.” The University of Miami is proud to welcome Judge Adalberto Jordan as the School of Law’s commencement speaker. 5

CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES The awarding of degrees to the candidates named in this program is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the appropriate requirements by each candidate. The listing of a student’s name in this program in no way implies or ensures his or her graduation or the award of honors. Some individual candidates have elected not to have their respective awards or honors recognized in this program.


B.S., St. John's University, May 2018

J.D., Tulane University School of Law, May 2021

J.D., Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, May 2021

Kelly Bensemhoun License de Droit, Université Paris, France, May 2018 Master 1, Université Paris Sud, France, May 2019 Master 2, Université Paris-Saclay, France, October 2020

Max J. Budowsky (M) B.S., University of Florida, December 2018

Luz Angelica Caceres Abogado, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, May 2002

Gerardo G. Cintron Rosario B.A., University of Puerto Rico, May 2016 J.D., University of Puerto Rico School of Law, May 2021 M.P.A., University of Puerto Rico, May 2021

Raquel Debono B.A., University of Toronto, Canada, June 2018 LL.B., University of Law - London Bloomsbury Campus, United Kingdom, May 2020 LL.M., Osgoode Hall Law School, Canada, May 2021

Victor Alberto Delgado Jaramillo Abogado, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, October 2017

Lily Frances Fontenot (M) B.A., Louisiana State University, May 2019 B.A.M.C., Louisiana State University, May 2019

Jordan K. Gary B.A., University of Southern California, December 2015


Christina Louise Grimes

Chelsea R. Johnson A.B., Princeton University, June 2018

Sydney N. Landers (M) B.S.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, May 2019

Alyssa D. Levy (C) B.A., Northwestern University, March 2017

Daniel Mayor (M) B.S.C., Northwestern University, June 2016

Sam Pirrie LL.B., University of Dundee, Scotland, June 2021

Samantha Michael Ross (C) B.B.A., Belmont University, May 2019

Tyler S. Rudolph (C) B.F.A., Temple University, May 2017

Ingrid Sguassabia Ferreira Giao Bacharel em Direito, UNIFEOB, Fundação de Ensino Octavio Bastos, Brazil, February 1999 Pós-Graduação, FGV Law, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil, November 2010 Pós-Graduação, PECE Escola Politécnica da USP, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, June 2017

Capucine Vincent License de droit, Université Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence

Max R. Wolpoff B.S., Boston University, May 2019

France, November 2018 LL.M., Juridiska Institutionen Stockholm Universitet, Sweden, June 2018 Master 1, Université Paris I-Sorbonne, Paris, France, May 2019 Maitrise, Université d’Aix-Marseille, Aix en Provence, France, October 2020 Master 2, Université d’Aix-Marseille, Aix en Provence, France, September 2021 Magistère, Université d’Aix-Marseille, France, September 2021

MASTER OF LAWS IN ESTATE PLANNING Heckerling Graduate Program in Estate Planning Janet Aznar

Matthew Ryan Hochstetler

B.A., Florida International University, December 2007

B.A., Goshen College, May 2006

J.D., Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad

J.D., The University of Toledo College of Law, May 2009

College of Law, December 2012

Mekenzie Louise Bittel B.A., Avila University, December 2015 J.D., University of Kansas School of Law, May 2020

Lauren M. Burns B.S., Florida State University, May 2017 J.D., Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, June 2020

Dominic Frank DeCesare B.S., University of Central Florida, December 2015 J.D., Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, May 2019

Aida Denis A.B., University of Miami, May 2016 J.D., St. Thomas University College of Law, May 2021

Nicolette Gudknecht

Kajal Bharatkumar Patel B.A., Quinnipiac University, January 2018 J.D., Quinnipiac University School of Law, December 2021

Nina Rawal B.A., University of Florida, May 2007 J.D., University of California Davis School of Law, May 2010

Alexa E. Savalas James B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, June 2016 J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, May 2021

Laura Ann Till B.B.A., Southern Methodist University, May 1982 B.F.A., Southern Methodist University, May 1982 M.B.A., University of North Florida, Coggin College of Business, April 1988 J.D., Regent University School of Law, May 1997

Crystal Torres

B.A., Temple University, May 2015

B.S., Florida State University, August 2018

J.D., Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law,

J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, May 2020

May 2018 M.B.A., Villanova University, December 2018

MASTER OF LAWS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION Sabina Akhroriy B.A., Westminster International University in Tashkent,

Luis Rodrigo Castillo B.A., Webster University, December 2016

Uzbekistan, May 2021 University of Miami School of Law


Andre Cordelli Alves

Azubike Nnanna Okoye

Bacharel em Direito, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 2008 Mestrado em Direito, Pontificia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 2011 Doutorado, Universidade de Sao Paulo–Faculdade de Direito

LL.B., Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria, July 2006

Mateus Pereira Gomes Dos Santos Bacharel em Direito, Universidade Federal do Para, Brazil, May 2018

Giancarlos Freddy Serna Maldonado

da Universidade, Brazil, April 2019

Abogado, Universidad de Lima, Peru, August 2013

Ezgi Ceren Cubuk

Keltoum Smimih

LL.B., Atilim University, Turkey, June 2015

Licence Droit Privé, University Mohammed V Souissi, Morocco,

Eduardo De Almeida Bombarda Bacharelado em Direito, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2020

September 2008

Movlonbek M. Tojimatov Bakalavr, National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan,

Karina Frota Asvolinsque

July 2005

B.A., Florida International University, July 2017 J.D., University of Miami School of Law, May 2021

Maria Andreina Hernandez Blasini Abogado, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela, January 2019

Magistr, National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, July 2007 M.L.S., Washington University, May 2021

Juliana Bueno Virginelli Carvalho Bacharel em Direito, Ponitificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2003 Pós Graduação Lato Sensu, Escola da Magistratura do Estado do

Raffaela Maria Anna Huber LL.B., Universität Zurich, Switzerland, October 2013 LL.M., Universität Zurich, Switzerland, October 2014

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2005

Cristian Alejandro Zannier Rufatt Licenciado, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, July 2018

Asma Hameed Khan B.A., University of the Punjab, April 1999

Diplomado, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, December 2018

LL.B., University of the Punjab, Pakistan, September 2003

Diplomado, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, December 2019

M.A., University of the Punjab, Pakistan, August 2007

Postgrado, Universidad Catolica Boliviana, Bolivia, September 2020


Caf Dowlah

Bacharel em Direito, Universidade Vila Velha, Brazil, July 2018

LL.B., University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 1983

Luiz Romero Gomes De Mattos Alves Bacharel em Direito, Estacio do Recife, Brazil, October 2013

Juan Angel Ariccio Beatriz Borges Leon July 2000 Master in International Relations, Raul Roa Garcia Higher Institute of International Relations, Cuba, February 2014

Luis Eduardo Esquivel Ana Carolina Paola Garcia Bodan Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, July 2019

Jaime Garcia Nieto Esteva

Andres Cardenas Ortiz Monasterio Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, December 2008

Magna cum laude (M)

M.A., University of Southern California, May 1990

Abogado, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina, June 2014

Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad de Camaguey, Cuba,

Summa cum laude (S)

M.P.A., University of Southern California, December 1986 Ph.D., University of Southern California, December 1990

Abogado, Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21, Argentina, July 2019


B.S.S., University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 1981

Cum laude (C)

Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Spain, October 2004

Luis Eduardo Guillen Martinez Abogado, Universidad de los Hemisferios, Ecuador, April 2012 M.B.L., Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, December 2015 M.B.A., Munich Business School, Germany, August 2019

Gabriela Mendoza Martinez Abogada, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, June 2012 M.P.A., Universidad ESAN, Peru, June 2017

Leagny Karolina Molina Darabos Abogado, Universidad José Antonio Páez, Venezuela, November 2015

Gisselle Nunez Torres Abogada, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, República Dominicana (February 2023)

Jackie Gabriela Quirola Mendoza Abogada de los Tribunales y Juzgados de la Republica, Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, Ecuador, October 2019

Inaia Reis Figueiredo Bacharel em Direito, UNICEUB Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Brazil, December 2002

Ibrahem Ahmed A. Rezq Bachelor of Science in Law, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, September 2017

Anja Staats First State Examination, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, September 2017 Magistra Juris, Heinrich-Heine-Universitat, Dusseldorf, Germany, July 2018 Second State Examination, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, February 2020

Elba Daniela Urena Abogado, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominican Republic (June 2023)

Paul A. Vera Abogado de los Tribunales y Juzgados de la República, Universidad de las Americas, Ecuador, July 2014

Jordan Bayley Williams B.A., University of South Carolina, December 2018

Alessandra Espolador Wimert Bacharel em Direito, Faculdade de Direito de São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, January 1996

Pós-Graduação—Direito Do Trabalho e Direito Processual Do Trabalho, Pontificia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, July 2007

MASTER OF LAWS IN MARITIME LAW Jose Fernando Nunez Gonzalez Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad Católica Santa Maria La Antigua, Panamá, November 2020

Viviam Stephanie Ruiz Fiallo Abogada, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, May 2018

MASTER OF LAWS IN REAL PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT Robert Traurig-Greenberg Traurig LL.M. in Real Property Development Robert Alexander B.A., Babson College, May 2018 J.D., University of Miami School of Law, December 2021

Pascale Désir B.A., Boston University, September 2000 J.D., Suffolk University Law School, May 2003

Paige Fairman (C) B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Jake L. Fleischer B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Lara Giray B.S., Tulane University, May 2017 J.D., New York Law School, May 2021

John Michael Inguagiato B.A., Seton Hall University, May 2017 J.D., New York Law School, May 2020

University of Miami School of Law


Jacob H. Nunez

Jordan E. Shayne

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

B.A., Drury University, May 2018 B.B.A., Drury University, May 2018

Daniel L. Rayon

J.D., University of Miami School of Law, May 2021

B.A., University of Florida, May 2017 J.D., University of Miami School of Law, May 2020


Justin W. Najmy (C)

LL.B., Universidad Major de San Andre, Bolivia, December 1994

B.S.B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

LL.M., University of Miami School of Law, May 2006

M.I.B., University of Florida, August 2019

J.D., University of Miami School of Law, May 2020

Harry Germeus Jr.

Ryan S. Tahiri (C) B.S.B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, December 2014

M.I.B., University of Florida, December 2018

J.D., Florida A & M University College of Law, May 2019

Chastidy Mirabal B.S., Florida International University, December 2015 J.D., Nova Southeastern University, December 2019

JURIS DOCTOR Francisco I. Abad

Luiz Romero Gomes De Mattos Alves

B.S., Florida International University, December 2016

Joao Felipe Abdenor Vervloet

Rafael A. Amador (C)

Bacharel em Direito, Universidade Vila Velha, Brazil, July 2018

Matthew Richard Abes

B.A., University of Florida, June 2017

Alejandro J. Anselmi Gonzalez (M)

B.B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

A.B., Washington University in St. Louis, May 2019

Mitchell P. Abood (M)

Emily Faye Ariz (C)

B.A., Michigan State University, May 2018

B.A., George Washington University, May 2019

Michelle C. Adams (M)

Clayton P. Armstrong

B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Fahad Abdulaziz Z. Al Ashban

B.A., University of Arizona, August 2014

Larry Stuart Atwood Jr.

B.S., Arizona State University, December 2015

B.B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2017

Lauren Suzanne Alevizos (C)

Maria A. Avila (C)

B.A., Boston College, May 2018

B.S., Florida International University, December 2016

Virginia P. Allen

Owen B. Badin

B.B.A., Southern Methodist University, May 2018

Natasha Lucia Alvarez

Magna cum laude (M)

B.B.A., Iona College, June 2019

Pierce A. Bailey

B.A., Florida International University, July 2019

10 Summa cum laude (S)

Bacharel em Direito, Estacio do Recife, Brazil, October 2013

B.A., Goucher College, May 2018

Cum laude (C)

Robert D. Bannister B.A., The State University of New York at Buffalo, June 2018

Gabriel A. Barraza B.S., Florida International University, December 2017

Natalie M. Barrios B.A., Florida State University, May 2019

Logan N. Bartley B.S., University of Virginia, May 2019

John Nicholas Basil B.S.Ed., University of Miami, May 2019

Charli Beam A.B., University of Miami, May 2019 B.S.P.H., University of Miami, May 2019

Alberto Becerra Hernandez Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad Agraria de la Habana Fructoso Rodriguez Perez, Cuba, July 2010

Natalie Benayoun B.A., Florida State University, May 2019

Samantha Topper Berns (C) B.A., Brandeis University, May 2016

David Max Berris (C) B.A., George Washington University, May 2016

Hannah M. Blanck B.S., Florida State University, August 2019

Jennifer L. Blanco B.A., Florida International University, May 2016

Luis D. Blanco B.A., Emory University, August 2018

Warren J. Bland (M) B.A., University of Colorado Boulder, December 2018

Harris A. Blum (M) B.A., University of Maryland, May 2017

Aurora Borealis B.A., University of Colorado Boulder, August 2017

Beatriz Borges Leon Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad de Camaguey, Cuba, July 2000 Master in International Relations, Raul Roa Garcia Higher Institute of International Relations, Cuba, February 2014

Ethan Brennan

Nicolas E. Briscoe (M) B.A., The University of Alabama, December 2017

Adam J. Brown (C) B.S.B., Indiana University, May 2019

Max J. Budowsky (M) B.S., University of Florida, December 2018

Hanna A. Burt (M) B.A., The George Washington University, May 2017

Natalie Gray Busener B.S., University of Georgia, May 2018

Alexandra N. Cabeza (C) B.B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Roxanne Cabrera B.A., Florida International University, July 2017

Joseph M. Candelaria (C) B.A., University of Florida, December 2018

Sophia Carballo (C) B.S.P.R., University of Florida, May 2019

Lourdes M. Cardelle B.S., Florida International University, July 2019

Micaela S. Carou-Baldner (C) B.S., Nova Southeastern University, May 2018

Daniela Carreras (S) B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Luis Rodrigo Castillo B.A., Webster University, December 2016

Claire Marie Chatellier B.A., Boston College, May 2019

Camila Chediak (C) B.S., University of Miami, May 2018

Miraal Chhelavda B.A., University of Florida, May 2017

Andres E. Chinchilla (C) B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Cameron A. Chuback (C) B.A., New York University, May 2018 M.B.A., University of Miami, May 2021

Ezichi Onyinye Chukwu (C) B.A., Old Dominion University, August 2016

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019 University of Miami School of Law 11

Alexandria R. Cinney (M)

Brett Nathan Dembrow

B.A., Tufts University, May 2018

B.B.A., University of Florida, December 2018 M.I.B., University of Florida, May 2019

Jett Clarke

Eliz Demren

B.B.A., University of Kentucky, May 2019

B.A., Florida International University, December 2018

Michael I. Cohan (C)

Daniel J. DeWitt (C)

B.S., Northwestern University, June 1993 M.B.A., University of California, Los Angeles, June 2000

Sarah E. Coleman (C)

B.S., Bentley University, May 2019

Nicole M. Diaz

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

B.A., Boston College, May 2019

Meagan Victoria Collins

Alessandro Erwin Diaz-Barandiaran

B.A., Florida International University, December 2017

Kyle Cooper

A.B., University of Miami, December 2018

Jose M. Diemer

B.A., Clemson University, May 2019

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Zachary T. Cooper

Thomas Anthony DiVito II (C)

B.A., The Pennsylvania State University, May 2014

B.S., Canisius College, May 2007 M.A., Florida Atlantic University, August 2011

Selina M. Correa

Armani D. Dixon (C)

B.A., Boston College, May 2017

B.S., Florida State University, August 2018

Gabrielle Christina Craft (M)

Lisa Dobrowolsky

B.S., Florida State University, December 2017

B.A., State University of New York University at Albany,

Gabrielle M. Crawford

May 2018

B.S., University of Alabama, May 2019

Allison M. Dopazo (C)

Eduardo J. Cruz

B.A., University of Notre Dame, May 2019

B.S., Marquette University, May 2019

Evan Dubow

Zachary Coleman Curtis

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

B.A., Yale University, June 2007

Beatriz Oliveira Del Chiaro Da Rosa (M) B.S., University of Miami, May 2019

Patrick M. Duhig (C) B.S., University of South Florida, May 2016

Bridget M. Dye (S)

Alfredo E. Dally (C) B.S., Florida International University, August 2016

B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2017

Christopher J. Edgerton

Lucas J. Dawson

B.A., Saint Joseph’s College, May 2015

B.S., University of Florida, August 2017

M.A., University of Central Florida, May 2017

Alejandra De La Camara (C)

Marianne M. Eisenhart

B.S.W., Florida State University, May 2019

B.A., Florida International University, April 2018

Christian A. de la Osa (M)

Fernando J. Escobar

B.S.Acc., University of Florida, May 2018

B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

M.Acc., University of Florida, May 2018

Jean J. Espinosa

Omar Del Olmo Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba,

B.B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Connor T. Evans (M)

July 2001

B.S., Temple University, May 2018

12 Summa cum laude (S)

Magna cum laude (M)

Cum laude (C)

Cameron T. Ewing (C) B.S.P.A., Indiana University, May 2017

Paige Fairman (C) B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Arthur Ituassu Faria B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Dustin Feinberg B.S., Lynn University, May 2015 M.S., Wayne State University, May 2018

Maritza C. Fernandez B.A., University of Washington, June 2019

Nicolas Alberto Fernandez B.S.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Blake S. Fezza B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Jake L. Fleischer B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Sabrina Abigail Focht (C) B.A., Fordham University, February 2019

Ashley M. Fondon B.A., Florida International University, April 2018

Lily Frances Fontenot (M) B.A., Louisiana State University, May 2019 B.A.M.C., Louisiana State University, May 2019

Kadie L. Francis B.S., University of South Florida, May 2018

Aaron T. Fried B.A., University of Central Florida, August 2017

Iliriana Fteja (C) B.A., DePaul University, June 2017

Morgan J. Galper B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Jasmine E. Gamboa B.B.A., Florida International University, December 2015

Alexa Garcia (C) B.S. Comm., University of Miami, May 2019

Horacio Nicolas Garcia B.A., The University of Alabama, December 2018

Sebastian Alexander Garcia A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Ana Carolina Paola Garcia Bodan Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, July 2019

Christina Alma-Anne Garraway B.S., University of Miami, December 2018

Gabriella Arlene Garvin B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Jordan K. Gary B.A., University of Southern California, December 2015

Daniel Geller (C) B.S., Cornell University, May 2018

Jordan S. Ginsberg (C) B.B.A., Florida Atlantic University, December 2017

Michael T. Goldman (C) B.B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Jake A. Gonzalez B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Hayley R. Goodman (C) B.A., Lehigh University, May 2018 M.S., Lehigh University, May 2019

Keegan A. Gothers B.S., University of Louisville, May 2019

Daniel Gottlieb (C) B.A., Union College, June 2019

Lucia G. Gradinariu Diploma de Inginer, Universitatea Tehnica ‘Gheorghe Asachi’ din lasi, Romania, December 1986 Diplome d’etudes approfondies, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon, France, September 1993 Diploma de Docteur, Insitut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon, France, March 1999

Christopher A. Gray (C) B.A., University of Louisville, May 2012 M.A., The University of Arizona, August 2015

Andrew Graykowski (C) B.S., Miami University, December 2014

Danielle Alexandra Greenberg (M) B.A., Swarthmore College, May 2015

Matthew J. Guarnaccia (C) B.A., University of Central Florida, August 2018

Allison Guaty B.S. Comm., University of Miami, May 2019

University of Miami School of Law 13

Alexa Victoria Guerra (C)

William V. Hyland (C)

B.S., Florida State University, August 2016

B.A., Wake Forest University, May 2019

Jonathan A. Gutierrez

Blair J. Israel (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

Max L. Haber

Samuel E. Jacobs

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Mahrukh Habib

Sabrina A. Janeiro

B.S., Florida State University, August 2018

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Danielle Joyce Irene Hall (C)

Samuel David Játiva

B.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2018

Mira Hussain Haqqani (S)

B.S., University of Central Florida, December 2011

Yamilee Jeudy

B.A., Johns Hopkins University, May 2017

B.A., University of South Florida, December 2015

Armando Luis Hassun III

Luciana Jhon Urrunaga (C)

B.S., University of Miami, May 2018

B.A., Florida International University, April 2017

Madison D. Hauser (M)

Jennifer Jiménez (C)

B.S., University of Florida, December 2018

B.A., Pennsylvania State University, December 2015

M.S., University of Florida, May 2019

B.A., Pennsylvania State University, December 2015

Jared Heller (C)

Tarmo Jõeveer (C)

B.S., Tulane University, May 2019

Bakalaureus, Eesti Riigikaitse Akadeemia, Estonia, June 1996

Juliette D. Hernandez (C)

Chelsea R. Johnson

B.S., Cornell University, May 2019

A.B., Princeton University, June 2018

Maria Andreina Hernandez Blasini

Gregory A. Johnson

Abogado, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela, January 2019

Katherine A. Johnson (C)

Austin J. Hill (C)

B.A., University of Massachusetts Amherst, May 2018

B.B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2019

Samantha M. Johnson (C)

Taylor Alicia Hill (C)

B.S.B.A., University of Nevada, Reno, May 2018

B.A., University of Georgia, May 2019

Briana M. Josephs

B.A., University of Georgia, May 2019

B.B.A., University of San Diego, May 2018

Gregory J. Holodak B.S.B.A., The Catholic University of America, May 2018

Hui Huang

B.S., Taylor University, May 2018

B.A., Baylor University, August 2016

John M. Hudak (C)

Edward Duwayne Kalajainen III

B.A., University of Connecticut May 2014

B.S., University of Miami, May 2019

Elizabeth N. Huertas

Nikolas T. Karam

B.S.B.A., Boston University, May 2018

B.A., New York University, May 2017

Sean W. Hughes (C)

Asiya Tahseen Khan (C)

B.S., Louisiana State University, May 2019

Magna cum laude (M)

Alexander Jung Jenna Kelsey Jurado

B.S.C., University of Miami, May 2018

14 Summa cum laude (S)

B.A., St Louis University, December 2017

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Cum laude (C)

Joubin Khazaie B.A., University of California, Irvine, June 2017

Jessica B. Klayman B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2017

Alecsander M. Kohn B.A., Chapman University, May 2019

Roi S. Koren (C) B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Tyler W. Koteskey (C) B.A., Taylor University, December 2017

Jillian Sage Kushner (C) B.J., University of Texas at Austin, May 2016

Jacob A. LaCroix B.S., Indian River State College, December 2018

Elanny Lago (C) B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Estefanía Lalinde (C) B.S., University of Florida, May 2015 M.S., University of Florida, August 2017

Sydney N. Landers (M) B.S.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, May 2019

Natalie Landman B.S.C., University of Miami, May 2018

Taylor Larson (C) B.S., Brigham Young University, April 2014

Nicollette Levi (C) B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Alyssa D. Levy (C) B.A., Northwestern University, March 2017

Tyler J. Litwak (C) B.S.Ch.E., University of Florida, May 2018

Huiping Liu (M) LL.B., Peking University, China, July M.A., Johns Hopkins University, May 2013

Dulaney Covington Logan III B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Amanda Nicole Lopez-Cardet (C) A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Jose R. Lopez-Varela

Anthony P. Loyacona B.A., Lafayette College, May 2015 M.B.A., University of Southern California, May 2019

Matthew Edward Lynch B.S., Florida Gulf Coast University, August 2018

Lauren M. Maier B.A., Florida State University, May 2018

Kelly Marie Malloy (M) B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

David F. Mancia-Orellana (C) B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Marcos Martinez A.B., University of Miami, December 2018

Julian Marx B.A., Grinnell College, May 2017

Dorothy H. Masiello (S) B.A., Georgetown University, May 2019

Maximillian S. Matiauda B.S., State University of New York University at Albany, May 2018

Benjamin J. Matzke B.A., University of Pittsburgh, April 2019

Abraham Mauricio Silva B.A., Norwich University, May 2013 M.S., Florida State University, May 2015

Daniel Mayor (M) B.S.C., Northwestern University, June 2016

Emma McEvoy Bachelor in de Politieke Wetenschappen en de Sociologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, July 2014 M.S., London South Bank University, United Kingdom, July 2016

Stephanie McKenna A.B., University of Miami, December 2018

Alexandra B. McKissick (C) B.S., The University of Texas at Tyler, May 2019

Sarah R. Medina B.A., Wake Forest University, May 2018

Maria Elena Mejia B.A., Florida International University, December 2012

B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

University of Miami School of Law 15

Fabiola Meo

Murphy D. Nosanchuk

A.B., University of Miami, December 2015

B.A., Carleton College, June 2019

Ashley A. Meyer (C)

Annie L. Nosich

B.F.A., New York University, May 2017

B.A., Louisiana State University, May 2017

Matthew R. Mignella

Jacob H. Nunez

B.A., Syracuse University, May 2019

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Cristina Renee Miller (C)

Leah Nunziato

A.B., University of Miami, December 2012

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Mary Katherine Miller

Jose I. Ortega (M)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

B.S., Florida International University, April 2018

Cristina Lynn Miró

Lauren Nicole Palen (C)

B.A., Florida State University, May 2017

B.S.B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

B.S., Florida State University, May 2017

Allison M. Paquin

Maurice J. Mitchell

B.A.C., The University of Alabama, May 2019

B.S., Florida State University, December 2017

Ashley N. Parsons (M)

Anais Vincentia Mitra (C)

B.S.Ed., Ohio State University, May 2019

B.B.A., University of Miami, December 2018

Bryan Percy

Richard L. Moncada

B.S., University of Central Florida, May 2018

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Ana M. Perez (C)

Hugo Alberto Montero (C)

B.A., Florida International University, December 2018

A.B., University of Miami, May 2017

Miguel Perez (C)

Abril Montero Dokser (C)

B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

David J. Petrantoni (C)

Gabriel E. Morales (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2013

B.A., Florida International University, July 2019

M.S., Florida State University, May 2015

Alexis M. Morejon (C)

Nicholas A. Petrosino

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

B.S., University of Central Florida, May 2019

Justin W. Najmy (C)

Alex G. Picard (C)

B.S.B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

B.A., Florida State University, May 2019

M.I.B., University of Florida, August 2019

Anastasia M. Pierik (C)

Ron Shlomo Neuman (C)

B.S., University of California, Berkeley, May 2019

B.S.B.A., University of Florida, December 2017

Maria Andreina Piselli (C)

Brandon Nathaniel Newell

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

B.M., Long Island University, May 2013

B.S., University of Florida, May 2018

M.Ed., University of Georgia, May 2015

Ashley Ann Plotkin (C)

Ryan P. R. Nichols

A.B., University of Miami, August 2019

B.S., Texas A&M University, December 2017

Joshua R. Polner

Peyton R. Nir

B.S., Florida State University, May 2018

B.A., University of Maryland College Park, May 2019

16 Summa cum laude (S)

Magna cum laude (M)

Cum laude (C)

M.B.A., University of Miami, May 2021

Odette Ponce B.A., Florida International University, December 2013 M.P.H., Boston University, May 2016

Kyle Porter B.A., University of Central Florida, December 2018

David H. Prieto (C) B.A., College of William & Mary, May 2019

Carson Elaine Proctor B.S., Florida State University, August 2018

Justin J. Quintero B.A., University of Florida, December 2018

Juan J. Ramirez B.A., Inter American University of Puerto Rico, May 2010 M.A., American Military University, February 2018

Michael E. Raymond B.S.B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2019

Inaia Reis Figueiredo Bacharel em Direito, UNICEUB Centro Universitario de Brasilia, Brazil, December 2002 Pós-Graduação - Direito Do Trabalho e Direito Processual Do Trabalho, Pontificia Universidade Católica Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil, July 2007

Mathew C. Renik (C) B.S.B.A., Boston University, May 2019

Eric M. Rice (C) B.S.B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Rivers W. Ridout B.A., Duke University, May 2019

Nicholas Anthony Ritornato (C) B.S., Florida State University, December 2018

Daniel B. Robinson (C) B.S., The University of Texas at Austin, August 2019

Christian B. Roig B.S.B.A., University of Florida, August 2019 B.S., University of Florida, August 2019

Raquel Alexandria Rosales B.A., Florida International University, April 2018

Samantha Michael Ross (C) B.B.A., Belmont University, May 2019

Jeffrey Noah Ruben B.A., The University of Arizona, May 2019

Tyler S. Rudolph (C) B.F.A., Temple University, May 2017

Cristina Elena Ruiz B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Samuel A. Sachs B.S., Wilmington University, April 2013

Isabelle K. Sadiq (C) B.A., The University of Arizona, May 2018

Andre Felipe Salles Cristofaro (C) Bacharel em Direito, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2019 LL.M., New York University, May 2020

Leigh Salomon B.A., Brandeis University, May 2019

Alyssa Samberg (C) A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Mario D. Sanchez B.B.A., Florida International University, December 2018

Logan W. Sandler (M) B.A., Loyola Marymount University, May 2011 M.F.A., American Film Institute Conservatory, September 2014

Jacob A. Santarelli (C) B.S.B.A., Auburn University, December 2018

Minerva Santiago Acevedo (C) B.A., Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez, July 2017

Jessica D. Santos (C) B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Braelyn V. Saumure (C) B.A., University of South Florida, May 2019

Alexis Schad B.A., University of North Florida, December 2017

Megan N. Schmidt B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Jake T. Seiler (C) B.A., The University of Alabama, May 2019

Jennifer Señaris B.A., Florida International University, December 2018

David Serrano Santiago B.S., University of Mount Olive, August 2018

University of Miami School of Law 17

Aleeza M. Shah

Kevin W. Stone Jr.

B.S., University of Central Florida, May 2018

B.A., Harvard University, May 2019

Anoosheh Aniq Shaikh (C)

Jorge L. Suarez (C)

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2019

Jamie A. Shapiro

Anisah M. Sublett

B.S.J., University of Florida, May 2019

B.A., University of Florida, May 2017

Stacey Shenderov

Dimitri N. Syros (C)

B.S., University of Miami, May 2016

B.S., New York University, May 2015 M.S., Johns Hopkins University, May 2018

Sam E. Sherman

Ryan S. Tahiri (C)

B.S., The University of Tampa, December 2013

B.S.B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Peter D. Shoemaker (C) B.A., University of Colorado Boulder, December 2013

M.I.B., University of Florida, December 2018

William Robert Talley

Laura B. Silva B.B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

B.A., Florida State University, August 2019

Eli L. Tanenbaum

Sydney L. Silverstein

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2018

B.A., The University of Alabama, May 2018

Chase T. Tavernier (C)

Tori Simkovic (S)

B.S., University of Oregon, June 2018

B.S.J., Northwestern University, June 2014

Zachary W. Tayler (C)

Peter J. Sitaras (M)

B.A., University of Michigan, April 2017

B.A., Saint Joseph's University, May 2017

Justin M. Taylor

Matthew A. Smekens

B.S., University of South Florida, May 2017

B.A.B.A., University of Florida, August 2018

Elias J. Thompson

Ivan D. Smerznak (S) B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

B.A., The University of Texas at Austin, August 2018

Sara M. Thompson

Hyewon Son

B.S.B.A., University of Pittsburgh, April 2019

LL.B., Hankuk University of Foreign Studies,

Kristina M. Thoren

Republic of South Korea, February 2010 LL.M., Vanderbilt University, May 2014

B.S., Cornell University, May 2018

LL.M., Boston University, May 2016

Alexandra S. Tipton (M)

Umberto Matthias Speziani

B.S., University of Kentucky, December 2017

B.S.C, University of Miami, December 2016

Jose C. Torres

M.S.Ed., University of Miami, December 2018

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2018

Mason K. Stage

Julio D. Torres (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

B.A., Florida International University, April 2018

Michelle Lauren Stein (C)

Nicolas M. Torres (M)

B.A., University of Florida, December 2018

B.A., New College of Florida, May 2014

Melissa Lynn Stewart (M)

Alek D. Ubieta (C)

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

B.B.A., Emory University, May 2018

Marissa C. Stockwell B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

18 Summa cum laude (S)

B.A., Florida State University, May 2019

Magna cum laude (M)

Cum laude (C)

David A. Van Sickle (M) B.S., United States Coast Guard Academy, May 2011 M.B.A., University of Nebraska–Lincoln, December 2017

Ashley R. Vazquez (C) B.A., University of Southern California, May 2018

Jazmine Vera B.H.S.A., Florida International University, December 2018

Maja Veselinovic B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2018

Veronica Vicente B.A.B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Nicole Marie Vila (C) B.S.C., University of Miami, December 2013

Noah J. Vollmer (C) B.A., Ohio State University, May 2019

Mathias Wasersztein (C) B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Bryce M. Wasserman B.S., Monmouth University, May 2018 M.B.A., Monmouth University, May 2019

James Chase Wathen (S) B.S., Barry University, May 2019

Harrell Watts II B.S., Florida A & M University, April 2017 M.A., Florida A & M University, August 2018

Austen Weinberg (C) B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Zackary B. Weiss (C) B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Cindy West (C) B.S., Indiana University, May 2019

Samuel Cole Wheeler B.A., Washington & Lee University, May 2019

Jordan Bayley Williams B.A., University of South Carolina, December 2018

Jonathan L. Wolloch (M) B.A., University of Michigan, April 2018

Max R. Wolpoff B.S., Boston University, May 2019

Victoria A. Yachkouri B.A., Boston College, May 2019

Sean A. Zeitlin (C) B.A., University of Florida, December 2018

Jared C. Zim (C) B.S.B.A., University of Central Florida, August 2018

Maxwell L. Zoberman (M) B.A., Emory University, May 2017

Jordan M. Zornes (C) B.S.B.A., The Ohio State University, June 2011

Logan J. Zucchino B.S., Syracuse University, May 2019

JURIS DOCTOR/MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION The following candidates for the Juris Doctor have received or will also be receiving the MBA degree from the School of Business Administration. Alexa Victoria Guerra (C) B.S., Florida State University, August 2016

Ron Shlomo Neuman (C) B.S.B.A., University of Florida, December 2017

Joshua R. Polner B.S., Florida State University, May 2018 M.B.A., University of Miami, May 2021

Sam E. Sherman B.S., The University of Tampa, December 2013

University of Miami School of Law 19

JURIS DOCTOR/MASTER OF PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE IN MARINE ECOSYSTEMS AND SOCIETY The following candidates for the Juris Doctor have received or will also be receiving the M.P.S. degree from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Christina Alma-Anne Garraway

Leigh Salomon

B.S., University of Miami, December 2018

B.A., Brandeis University, May 2019

Carson Elaine Proctor B.S., Florida State University, August 2018


The following candidates will be receiving their degrees in Summer 2022.


Patrick Richard Anderson

B.S., King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, December 2018

B.A., University of the West Indies (Mona Campus), Caribbean, School of Journalism, Jamaica, June 1988 LL.B., University of Technology, Jamaica, Faculty of Law, May 2015

MASTER OF LAWS IN INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION Diana M. Fischer J.D., Universidad Libre, Colombia, September 2004 Especializacion Derecho Inter, Escuela Militar de Cadetes Jos, Colombia, December 2007 Especializacion Derecho Administrativo, Universidad Santo Thomas, Colombia, September 2011


Angelina Petrosova

B.S., King Abdul Aziz University, Saudi Arabia, January 2018

Nawaf M. Aldawsari L.L.B., King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, January 2017

Maria G. Cadena Loza Doctora en Jurisprudencia, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador, July 2002 Masestria en Derecho y Economia, University of Torcuato di Tella, Argentina, June 2013

LL.B., Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Yuridicheskij Universitet, Russia, June 2013 LL.M., Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Yuridicheskij Universitet, Russia, June 2013

Gladys Planes Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, July 2009 Derecho Español para Juristas Extranjeros, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain, March 2018

Melissa Soy Rosales Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, July 2010 20 Summa cum laude (S)

Magna cum laude (M)

Cum laude (C)

JURIS DOCTOR Patrick Richard Anderson

Kyra L. Naylor

B.A., University of the West Indies, Caribbean School of

B.A., Southern Methodist University, May 2019

Journalism, Jamaica, June 1988 LL.B., University of Technology, Jamaica, Faculty of Law, May

Angelina Petrosova LL.B., Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Yuridicheskij Universitet,


Russia, June 2013

Andrew Denny

LL.M., Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Yuridicheskij Universitet,

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, April 2008

Russia, June 2013

Thonya Dorsainvil

Yilian Pimienta

B.A., Florida International University, December 2012

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

M.S., Nova Southeastern University, December 2014

Melissa Soy Rosales

M.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad de la Habana, Cuba, July 2010

FALL 2021 The following candidates received their degrees in Fall 2021.


Fernanda Torralba Caldwell

Licenciada en Dret, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain,

Bacharel em Direito, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil,

September 2011

January 2011

LL.M., University of Miami School of Law, December 2021

Pós Graduação Lato Sensu, Insituto Brasileiro de Direito Tributario, Brazil, August 2016 LL.M., University of Miami School of Law, December 2021

JURIS DOCTOR Solomon Mendel Fine

John Patrick Keller (C)

B.A., University of Massachusetts, May 2017

B.A., University of Georgia, May 2016

J.D., University of Miami School of Law, December 2021

B.A., University of Georgia, May 2016 J.D., University of Miami School of Law, December 2021

IN MEMORIAM Jordan Mermell Class of 2022

February 5, 1990 April 2, 2021

University of Miami School of Law 21

SPECIAL PUBLIC INTEREST RECOGNITION The University of Miami School of Law is proud to acknowledge members of the Class of 2022 who have met the Pro Bono Challenge and have completed at least 75 hours of pro bono service while in law school. They have demonstrated outstanding commitment to public service through exceptional advocacy. Hannah Blanck Alexandria Cinney Meagan Collins Beatriz Da Rosa Alejandra De La Camara Jessica Dennis Evan Dubow Ashley Fondon Luiz Romero Gomes de Mattos Alves Hayley Goodman Lucia Gradinariu Christopher Gray Danielle Greenberg Mira Haqqani Maria Hernandez Blasini Jae Lynn Huckaba William Hyland Ana Ionescu David Jessup, Jr. Luciana Jhon Urrunaga Jennifer Jimenez Chelsea Johnson Katherine Johnson Jack Keller Asiya Khan Joubin Khazaie Alecsander Kohn Tyler Koteskey Jillian Kushner Estefania Lalinde Huiping Liu


Xinghang Liu David Mancia-Orellana Jose Lopez-Varela Emma McEvoy Stephanie McKenna Maria Mejia Ashley Meyer Abril Montero Dokser Leah Nunziato Ashley Parsons David Petrantoni Odette Ponce Nicholas Ritornato Raquel Rosales Braelyn Saumure Alexis Schad Stacey Shenderov Peter Shoemaker Laura Silva Tori Simkovic Michelle Stein Melissa Stewart Jorge Suarez Sara Thompson Ashley Vazquez Maja Veselinovic Nicole Vila Jordan Williams Victoria Yachkouri Jared Zim

50TH REUNION The Class of 2022 congratulates the members of the honored class of 1972 who have supported students through their contributions to the University of Miami School of Law. William Aaron Judith F. Abrams* William R. Ahern Gaston R. Alvarez Robert D. Anton Esther I. Arango* Charles F. Atwood Edward E. Augustine Charles E. Auslander Colin G. Baraban* David G. Bazarsky Robert D. Benincasa Charles E. Berk Frank Berman A. F. Berry Jordan Bittel* John N. Blackman James J. Boczar* Jean C. Boggie Melvin D. Bratton Morton S. Braverman Stephen T. Brown Richard C. Burket* Anne S. Camner Albert G. Caruana Chien C. Chang Susan G. Chopin Barry J. Clyman* Fernando Cordovez-Donoso Lisa Corn Kendal E. Cornell Paul F. Crames Richard A. Crisonino Richard H. Critchfield Harry B. Cummins* Jeffrey D. Cummins* Norman D. Curry A B. Cutler* Harry D. Dennis* Nathan P. Diamond Manuel Diner Michael J. Doddo Daniel Doscher Donald A. Dowdell Kenneth J. Duckworth* Robert A. Dulberg Robert E. Eisenbud* Arthur J. England* Mark J. Feldman Leonard R. Fels* Jeffrey M. Feuer* Joseph H. Ficarrotta

Michael J. Fingar Leon M. Firtel Mickele A. Foley* James E. Foster* Patricia B. Fournier Joseph G. Frantin Lawrence N. Freshman* William S. Gardella Dennis J. Getman Edward D. Gewirtz David I. Gilbert Bruce L. Glaskin* Lawrence H. Goldberg Glen Z. Goldberg Alan Goldfarb Mark J. Gordon* Robert B. Gordon Douglas L. Grable Gerald W. Gray Gregory O. Gray* Mac A. Greco Lawrence B. Green Jay B. Grossman Edward P. Guttenmacher David Halpner Harry J. Hamilton Charles B. Hankel* Philip V. Harper* James T. Hendrick Thomas A. Hendricks Irma V. Hernandez Brian R. Hersh Theodore W. Herzog R. S. Huff* Kenneth D. Hutchison Marshall G. Ives Allen L. Jacobi Stephen D. Jacobs Allen C. Jacobson Howard T. Jaffe James C. Johnston Det H. Joks Gary H. Kalb Harbhajan S. Kang Paul H. Kaplan Joseph F. Keeley Alan S. Kessler Frank B. Kessler Harden King Michael J. Korvick David H. Krathen Richard N. Krinzman

Daniel T. Kusic Mario J. Lamar John D. Lazarus Albert C. Leader* Mark K. Leban B J. Legg Barry Lessinger R. F. Lewis I N. Lewis Michael I. Libman John H. Lipinski Alan T. Lipson Stephen A. Lynch Steven A. Malcoun W J. Marshall* David F. McIntosh Harold G. Melville Luis F. Mendez* Richard D. Mickelson Joel N. Minsker Steven Mishan Eduardo Mitrani Arndt L. Mueller* Thavisak Natakuathoong Jan A. Novak George N. Otto* Victor A. Padlo Brian S. Pearl Kris E. Penzell* Oleg M. Pohotsky Thomas R. Post Lauren S. Puritz Harold F. Purnell Max D. Puyanic Blair A. Raffel Dennis A. Richard Keith L. Rinehart* Roberta Ritter Marjorie F. Robbins Lawrence C. Roberts Peter Robertson Richard S. Robinson William L. Rogers Maureen W. Roland George D. Rose Leonard Rosenberg Robert A. Rosenblatt Susan G. Rosenblatt* Jerome C. Rosenblatt William S. Rubenstein* Denis A. Russ Michael J. Samuels

Sue R. Samuels* Jair C. Santos* Jeffrey A. Sarrow John E. Sawhill Bruce J. Scheinberg Philip M. Schutzer Daniel S. Schwartz Thomas E. Scott William Selmi John L. Seymour Ronald E. Shnider Edward R. Shohat Karen K. Siegel* Howard J. Singer David H. Singer* Steven Sonberg Gary S. Sortor Samuel M. Spatzer Daniel J. Spiegel Julian R. Spradley* Clara S. Stegemann Carter Strong Fred R. Stuever Daniel J. Sullivan John R. Sutton Alan L. Tallis Thomas J. Tansey Athena R. Taylor-Carroll Antoni A. Thelen Thomas A. Tilson Michael J. Tryson* Gregory E. Tucci Harold J. Turk Robert F. Urich* Mark Van Pernis Arnaldo Velez Philip S. Vova Michael E. Walters Bernice M. Walton* Jeffrey P. Wasserman Harvey Watnick Norman S. Weider James W. Whatley* Alan B. Whitaker Alfredo H. Wilensky Ernst G. Wintter* Marshall G. Wiseheart David A. Wolfson Murray P. Yanks Richard L. Ziff

*Deceased 23

ACADEMIC REGALIA The custom of wearing academic dress stems from the Middle Ages, when scholars were also clerics and wore the habits of their monastic orders. Significant parts of academic dress are the gown, the hood, and the cap. Each

has a particular significance and is worn in accordance with standards established by the Academic Costume Code of the American Council on Education.

GOWNS Gowns recommended for use in the colleges and universities of this country have different characteristics. The gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The gown for the doctor’s degree has bell-shaped sleeves. For the doctor’s degree the gown is faced down the front with black velvet and three bars of black velvet are sewn across

the sleeves. These facings and crossbars may be velvet of the color distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains.

Agriculture Maize Architecture Violet Arts, Letters, Humanities White Commerce, Accountancy, Business Drab Dentistry Lilac Economics Copper Education Light Blue Engineering Orange Fine Arts Brown Forestry Russet Journalism Crimson Law Purple Library Science Lemon

Medicine Green Music Pink Nursing Apricot Oratory (Speech) Silver Gray Pharmacy Olive Green Philosophy Dark Blue Physical Education Sage Green Public Administration, Foreign Service Peacock Blue Public Health Salmon Pink Science Golden Yellow Social Work Citron Theology Scarlet Veterinary Science Gray

For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctor’s gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows:

President Julio Frenk wears a black robe with four black velvet bars. The fourth chevron indicates this is the presidential regalia. The gown features orange and green piping as well as a doctoral hood lined in orange, green, and white— reflecting the official University of Miami school colors. TAMS The graduation tam is for those who have graduated with a masters or doctoral degree. Unlike the mortar board cap which is square in shape, the tam is actually circular in shape and are usually made out of velvet. What is common


between the mortar board cap and the tam is that both do have tassels attached to them which hang on one side when worn. These tassels serve the same purpose and are used during the celebrated turning of the tassel ceremony.

CORDS White cord—Summa Cum Laude Orange cord—Magna Cum Laude Kelly Green—Cum Laude

Hunter Green—Completed the pro bono challenge of seventy five hours of pro bono service during law school career HOODS

Hoods recommended for use in the colleges and universities of this country have the following characteristics. The length of the hood worn for the bachelor’s degree is three feet, for the master’s degree, three and one-half feet, and for the doctor’s degree, four feet. The hood worn for the doctor’s degree has panels at the sides. Hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree; more than one color is shown by division of the field color in a variety of ways, such as chevron or chevrons, equal division, etc.

The binding or edging of the hood is velvet or velveteen, two inches, three inches, and five inches in width for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s degrees, respectively, while the color is indicative of the subject to which the degree pertains. For example, the trimming for the Juris Doctor degree is purple. No academic hood should ever have its border divided to represent more than a single degree.

SOME PERMISSIBLE EXCEPTIONS Members of the governing body of a college or university are entitled to wear doctor’s gowns (with black velvet), but their hoods may be only those of degrees actually held by the wearers or those specially prescribed for them by the institution. In some colleges and universities, it is customary for the president, chancellor, or chief officer to wear a costume similar to that used by the head of a foreign university. The chief marshal may wear a specially

designed costume approved by his or her institution. Persons who hold degrees from foreign universities may wear the entire appropriate academic costume, including cap, gown, and hood. Members of religious orders and similar societies may suitably wear their customary habits. The same principle applies to persons wearing military uniforms or clad in special attire required by a civil office.

KENTE CLOTH Kente cloth is woven by the Asante people of Ghana and the Ewe people of Ghana and Togo. The origins of West African weaving may be traced back as early as the 11th century, with regional excavations showing spindles and looms. Only men produce kente cloth’s narrow band weaves, which are 2 ½ to 4 ½ inches wide, on horizontal

treadle looms. Certain Ewe cloths are historically specific to particular rites of passage, such as marriage or the birth of a child. In present day Ghana, the wearing of kente cloth has become widespread to commemorate special occasions. Globally, the print is used in the design of academic stoles in graduation ceremonies.


ALMA MATER William S. Lampe and Christine Asdurian Arranged by Henry Fillmore

Southern suns and sky blue water Smile upon you Alma Mater Mistress of this fruitful land With all knowledge at your hand Always just, to honor true All our love we pledge to you Alma Mater Stand forever On Biscayne’s wondrous shore.


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