University of Miami School of Law Commencement Spring 2023

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MAY 13 • 10 a.m




Charlton Copeland, J.D., MAR, A.B. Professor of Law

Associate Dean for Intellectual Life


Dean and M. Minnette Massey Professor of Law

*NATIONAL ANTHEM Aron Stornaiuolo

Student, Media Scoring & Production

Phillip and Patricia Frost School of Music

*INVOCATION Rabbi Lyle Rothman

Jewish Chaplain for the University of Miami Hillel

Father Leo Sequeira

Catholic Chaplain for the University of Miami St. Augustine Church and Catholic Student Center

Imam Abdul Hamid Samra

Muslim Chaplain for the University of Miami and the Islamic Center of Greater Miami


Jeffrey L. Duerk

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

WELCOME Julio Frenk, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H., M.D. President



Ana VeigaMilton, JD ’93 Presiding Trustee

Deborah Enix-Ross, A.B. ’78, J.D. ’81 President, American Bar Association

Senior Advisor, International Dispute Resolution Group, Debevoise & Plimpton



Dean Yellen

President Frenk


Class of 2023


*ALMA MATER Aron Stornaiuolo

*RECESSIONAL Recessional March

After the singing of the Alma Mater, please remain standing until the faculty and candidates have exited the Watsco Center. The words to the Alma Mater can be found on the last page of this program.

*Those who are able are asked to stand for these portions of the program. At the conclusion of the program, the audience will please remain standing until the platform party has left the stage.



Deborah Enix-Ross, B.A. ’78, J.D. ’81, is a changemaker who has used her intellect, compassion, and commitment to make the world more equitable and blaze trails in the legal profession. During her 41-year legal career, Enix-Ross has broken through numerous barriers to become one of the world’s top dispute resolution lawyers and legal leaders.

In 2022 she began her term as president of the American Bar Association (ABA), the world's largest voluntary association of lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals. Enix-Ross has approached the position with the same goals she has used throughout her life—to pay it forward and “lift as you climb.”

As the second Black woman and the third School of Law alumna to lead the ABA, Enix-Ross is focusing her presidency on civics, civility, and collaboration. “The legal profession's values must be heard loud and clear in our communities,” EnixRoss said at the 2023 midyear ABA meeting in Chicago.

The road to top attorney and ABA president was a hard one. Enix-Ross was fortunate that her childhood Harlem church bolstered her, taking notice of her aptitude for writing and speaking, and fostering it by choosing her whenever a speech was to be written or a welcome address given.

The first high school graduate in her family, Enix-Ross chose the University for her bachelor's degree because of its elite journalism program, with the plan to combine her passions for writing and public speaking into one discipline. She took those talents to the School of Law, where Enix-Ross was encouraged to join the American Bar Association, an organization dedicated to enhancing the legal profession and to which she would be elected to lead decades later.

Since graduating from the School of Law in 1981, EnixRoss’ ascent has been steady though not easy. She has dealt with the struggle of being a Black female attorney in an industry dominated by white men. After graduating, though interested in international law and hoping to land a job at a global New York firm, she was turned down at every turn.

Eventually, she accepted a job with MFY Legal Services in New York City. It took her seven years to get a job in international law when the U.S. Council for International Business hired her.

In her element, she rose quickly. Enix-Ross served as in-

house counsel and director of legal affairs and was named the American representative to the International Chamber of Commerce International Court of Arbitration, the first for a Black woman.

Enix-Ross joined Debevoise & Plimpton in 2002 and is now the senior advisor in its International Dispute Resolution Group. Previously, she was a senior legal officer with the World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center in Geneva, Switzerland. She also was a director of international litigation with Price Waterhouse.

Enix-Ross has always abided by her ethic of effecting change at the ABA. She has been a part of the association’s leadership for years, as chair of the ABA’s policymaking House of Delegates and of the ABA Center for Human Rights. As chair of the ABA International Law Section, she co-founded the Women’s Interest Network, which spotlighted women and women’s legal issues. She also worked with the International Bar Association to create its Women’s Interest Group.

In addition to her work with the ABA, Enix-Ross is active in other organizations. She is a fellow of the American Bar Foundation and has served as vice president of the World Justice Project. She is a member of the American Law Institute. EnixRoss was appointed by the U.S. Departments of Commerce and State as one of the original eight U.S. members of the trilateral NAFTA Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes.

A double ’Cane, Enix-Ross also received a diploma in comparative law from the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law of Columbia University and a certificate in international law from the London School of Economics.

In fall 2022, the School of Law Alumni Association presented her with its Distinguished Alumna Award. Upon accepting the award, Enix-Ross said, “I was mentored at the University of Miami…every step of the way I felt supported by my classmates and by the University. From the day that I stepped at Miami Law, I was determined to make the law school proud, and I hope that I have done that.’’

For helping to make a difference in gender and racial equality in the legal profession, the University of Miami is proud to welcome Deborah Enix-Ross as the School of Law’s commencement speaker.



The awarding of degrees to the candidates named in this program is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the appropriate requirements by each candidate. The listing of a student’s name in this program in no way implies or insures his or her graduation or the award of honors. Individual candidates have elected not to have their respective awards or honors recognized in this program.



Gabriella Castillo Castillo

Abogada, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Colombia, December 2021

Elizabeth A. Keck

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Andrea M. Littlefield

B.A., The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 2019

Julian Alexander Marx

B.A., Grinnell College, May 2017

J.D., University of Miami School of Law, July 2022

Michael J. Maturo

B.A., Quinnipiac University, May 2018

B.S., Quinnipiac University, May 2018

M.B.A., Quinnipiac University, May 2019

Ryan P. R. Nichols

B.S., Texas A & M University, December 2017

J.D., University of Miami School of Law, May 2022

Ayobami Adegboyega Olarinde

LL.B., Obafemi Awolowo University, ile-ife, Osun State, Nigeria, May 2016

B.L., Nigeria Law School, Victoria Island, Lagos, November 2018

Juanita Suarez Ruiz

Abogada, Universidad De Los Andes, Colombia, October 2020

MASTER OF LAWS IN ESTATE PLANNING Heckerling Graduate Program in Estate Planning

Sarah L. Engel

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Charles R. Hark

B.A., Florida State University, May 2017

J.D., Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, May 2022

Alexandra Michelle Hasner

B.A., University of Maryland, May 2019

J.D., Brooklyn Law School, May 2022

Alex G. Picard

B.A., Florida State University, May 2019

J.D., University of Miami, May 2022

Benjamin O. Pomerantz

B.S., University of Miami, May 2018

J.D., Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, May 2022

Jaye Alexandria Straus

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2020

Matthew L. Worsham

B.A., Hobart College, May 2011

J.D., University of Michigan Law School, May 2016



Ali Al Ameen

License en Science Administrative et Politique, Université

Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon, January 2014

License en Droit, Université La Sagesse, Lebanon, July 2018

Johanna Almeida

LL.B., Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal, February 2009

LL.M., King’s College London, United Kingdom, December 2010

Darejan Beridze

LL.B., University of Georgia, Georgia, July 2013

LL.M., Georgian Institute of Public Affairs (GIPA), Georgia, March 2016

LL.M. Bucerius Law School, Germany, September 2018

Miriam Castillo

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Maria Leonor Cazar Garcia

Licenciada, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, December 2017

Abogada, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, September 2019

Cinthia Coronado Cordova

Bachiller en Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú, February 2010

Abogada, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú, March 2014

Belemir Demirbag

LL.B., Kocaeli University, Turkey, July 2015

Andrea Patricia Espejo Donaire

Bachiller en Derecho, Universidad del Pacífico, Perú, February 2016

Abogada, El Ilustre Colegio De Abogados De Lima, Perú, December 2017

Especialista en Derecho de la Construcción, Universidad del Pacífico, Perú, December 2018

Camilo Eduardo Fernandez Lopez

Abogado, Universidad del Norte, Colombia, June 2021

Jessica Delaney Getz

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, April 2020

Francisco Jose Guanipa

Abogado, Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua, Venezuela, May 2004

Anam Arif Gubitra

B.A. LL.B., Maharashtra National Law University Mumbai, India, April 2022

Kathrin Juliane Huettmann

First State Exam, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany, May 2018

Ph.D., Universität zu Köln, Germany, June 2021

Shreyans Jain

B.A. LL.B., Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, GGSIP University, India, May 2019

Johanna Sylvain Joseph

Licence Droit Public General, Université de Droit et des Sciences

Politiques de Montpellier 1, France, June 2011

Master Droit Public General, Université de Droit et des Sciences Politiques de Montpellier 1, France, June 2012

Divij Kumar

Diploma in Law and Practice of Arbitration, National Law University Delhi, India April 2021

BBA.LL.B., Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, India, May 2022

Diego Alejandro Marin Diaz

Licenciado en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua, Panamá, June 2021

Andrea Stefania Merlano Castellanos

Abogado, Universidad Libre, Colombia, December 2014

Especialista en Derecho Contencioso Administrativo, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia, December 2015

Especialista en Contratación Estatal, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia, February 2021

Jannah Mosi

Licence in Corporate Law, University of Nantes, France, May 2021

Master in French law and Common Law, University of Paris Nanterre, France, June 2022

Daria Jane Pietropaolo (M)

A.B., University of Miami, May 2021

Mateo Rivero Coello

Licenciado, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico, May 2020

LL.M., Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, June 2020

Juan Manuel Suárez Parra

Abogado, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, September 1989

LL.M., Harvard Law School, June 1991

Especialista en Contratación Internacional, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, August 1994

Kritika Sureka

BA LL.B., KIIT University School of Law, India, June 2019

5 University of Miami School of Law

Anastasiia Sydorenko

LL.B., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2019

LL.M., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, May 2021

Brady L. Taylor

B.S., Indiana State University, May 2020

Annie Meryhelen Vega Aguirre

Abogada, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, January 2015

Especialista en Derecho Procesal Civil, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia, December 2017


Maria Dayana Abreu

Abogado, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela July 2003

Javier Isaac Andrade Gomez

Abogado, La Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, December 2012

Gabriela Archila Ruiz

Abogada, Universidad Católica del Táchira, Venezuela, November 2012

Especialista en Derecho Laboral, Universidad Católica del Táchira, Venezuela, July 2018

Julius Kai Barth

First State Exam, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, March 2025

Ferdi Bezek

First State Exam, Universität Bremen, Germany, July 2020

Javier Blanco Sanchez

Bachiller en Derecho, Universidad de Lima, Peru, Perú, September 2014

Abogado, Universidad de Lima, Perú, April 2017

Especialista en Derecho Digital y Nuevas Tecnologias, Universidad del Pacifico, Peru, March 2019

Especialista en Transformacion Digital Legal LATAM, IE Law School, Madrid, July 2020

Kristine Bouscayrol

Abogada, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala, November 2010

LL.M., The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, June 2017

Pamela Patricia Checo Frias

LL.B., Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominican Republic, September 2023

Javier Jose Daza Rossi

Licenciado en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Católica

Santa María la Antigua, Panama, December 2018

Adriana de França

Bacharel em Direito, Faculdade de Direito de Curitiba, Brazil, December 1994

Especialista em Direito Tributário e Processual Tributário, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Brazil, December 1998

Jorge Antonio Geraige Gonzalez

Abogado, Universidad de Belgrano, Argentina, March 2000

Vanessa Gomez Reyes

LL.B., Pontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominican Republic, August 2022

Ysel Gonzalez

Abogado, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela, November 2010

Eidelman Javier Gonzalez Sanchez

Abogado, Pontíficia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, June 2001

Especialista en Derecho de Seguros, Pontíficia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, August 2001

Especialista en Derecho de las Comunicaciones, Pontíficia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, Mayo 2007

Maestría en Derecho Económico, Pontíficia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, November 2010

Especialización en Derecho de Seguros, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, June 2018

Danilo Knijnik (C)

Bacharel em Ciências Jurídicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, March 1994

Mestre em Direito, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, February 1998

Doutor em Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, August 2002

Hannah L. Lamberg (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)


Alina Marante

Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, July 1998

Noelia Martinez Liranzo

LL.B., Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominica Republic, August 2022

Natalia Martinez Torres

Abogada, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, June 2009

Especialista en Derecho Comercial, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia, March 2010

Hilda Mendez

Licenciada en Derecho, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, August 2018

Posgrado, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, August 2018

Olga Mitina

LL.B., NRU Higher School of Economics, Russia, June 2017

LL.M., NRU Higher School of Economics, Russia, June 2019

Maria Cecilia Molina Velarde

Licenciada en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad Católica Santa María la Antigua, Panama, March 2021

Yaosca Del Carmen Perez Espinoza

Abogada, Universidad Centroamericana, Nicaragua, February 2010

Yojan Alejandro Pulido Rodriguez

Abogado, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, April 2022

Andres Mauricio Quijano

Abogado, Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia, August 2015

Especialista en Derecho Administrativo, Universidad Externado de Colombia, Colombia, May 2017


Viviam Stephanie Ruiz Fiallo

Abogada, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador, May 2018

LL.M., University of Miami School of Law, May 2019

Christopher Raphael Rivera Garcia Abogado, Universidad APEC, Dominican Republic, October, 2012

Rodrigo Salles Medina

Advogado, Centro Universitário Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, Brazil, December 2003

Javier M. Sanchez

Licenciado en Derecho, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, July 2017

Posgrado, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, July 2017

Juan Sanchez Elia

Abogado, Austral University, Argentina, December 1999

LL.M., Northwestern University, April 2003

Amanda Sotto Fontes

Licenciada en Derecho, El Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico, December 2011

LL.M., Columbia University, May 2018

Natalia Vega Rangel

Abogado, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia August 2011

Benjamin Alexander Werner

LL.B., Universität Potsdam, Germany, October 2015

First State Exam, Universität Potsdam, Germany, October 2015

Second State Exam, Higher Regional Court of Berlin, Germany, May 2021

Hamza Zouaghi

Licence de Droit, Économie, Gestion, Université de Nice, France, September 2015

Maîtrise de Droit, Économie, Gestion, Université de Nice, France, September 2016

7 University of Miami School of Law


Robert Traurig-Greenberg Traurig LL.M. in Real Property Development

Daniel J. Bonardi

B.A., University of South Florida, December 2010

J.D., Western Michigan University, Colley Law School, December 2020

Beatriz Chaves Barbosa

Bacharela em Direito, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2019

Michael S. Hamuicka, Jr.

B.A., University of Pittsburgh, August 1986

M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, July 1987

J.D., Barry University, Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law, December 2019

Jeffrey James Jinks

B.S., Indiana University, May 1987

J.D., Indiana University, McKinney School of Law, May 1993

Mamie C. Joeveer

B.A., The University of Memphis, August 1998

J.D., Florida International University, College of Law, December 2008

Kevin Michael Koushel

B.S., The Georgia Institute of Technology, December 2008

J.D., Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, May 2014


Zaklina Bregovic

LL.M., University of Zegreb, Croatia, July 2018

LL.M., Loyola Marymount University, May 2021

Andrii Buznytskyi

LL.B., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2015

LL.M., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2017

Marc A. Cue (C)

B.A., Florida Gulf Coast University, May 2020

Roderick Darang

LL.B., University of Leeds, United Kingdom, June 2013

Melissa M. Lipnick

B.S., University of Miami, May 2017

J.D., University of Miami, May 2021

Maia Magee

B.S., University of Central Florida, December 2018

J.D., Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, College of Law, May 2022

Loretta Crews Nido

B.S., Clemson University, May 1987

J.D., Stetson University, College of Law, December 1990

Patrick Owen O'Leary

B.S., Virginia Military Institute, December 1990

J.D., The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, May 2001

M.B.A., College of William and Mary, May 2020

Allyson Marie Paige

A.B., University of Miami, May 2015

J.D., University of Florida, The Fredric G. Levin College of Law, December 2017

Dennis Vila (C)

B.B.A., University of Michigan, December 2018

M.B.A., University of Miami, December 2022

Matthew J. Graham

B.A., Florida International University, December 2012

M.B.A., Nova Southeastern University, July 2017

J.D., Nova Southeastern University, January 2021

James H. Haley

B.B.A., University of Kentucky, December 2019

B.S., University of Kentucky, December 2019

Chastidy Mirabal

B.S., Florida International University, December 2015

J.D., Nova Southeastern University, December 2019

Shaina Van Mehren

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2015

J.D., Florida International University College of Law, May 2020

8 Summa
cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)

Carlos Wilder

B.S., University of Hartford, May 2015

J.D., Suffolk University Law School, May 2018


Marharyta Bahno

LL.B., Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, June 2020

Upasana Goel

LL.B., Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India, May 2017

LL.M., York University, Canada, December 2021

Patricio Middleton

Licenciado, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile, January 2000

Abogado, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Chile, January 2001

LL.M., The University of Chicago, The Law School, June 2004


Eduardo F. Abascal

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2019

Jasmine A. Abdin (C)

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, December 2019

Megan V. Acosta

B.A., State University of New York College at Geneseo, May 2018

M.S.Ed., University of Miami, August 2020

Erica Cecilia Adams (M)

B.S.C., University of Miami, May 2016

Peter Michael Agola II

B.S.B.A., University of Miami, May 2020

Ali Al Ameen

License en Science Administrative et Politique, Université SaintJoseph de Beyrouth, Lebanon, January 2014

License en Droit, Université La Sagesse, Lebanon, July 2018

Blanca J. Alcaraz Serrano (C)

B.B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Maria M. Alfaro Rodriguez (C)

B.S., Florida International University, August 2016

Lee R. Alhanti (C)

B.S., University of Central Florida, May 2020

Danilo E. Pena

B.S., Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela, July 2013

LL.B., Universidad de Carabobo, Venezuela, July 2005

Juliana Restrepo

LL.B., Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia, March 2005

Vicente Antonio Torretti Schmidt

Licenciado, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile, May 2017

LL.M., Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile, April 2021

Reem Z. Ali (C)

B.A., University of Illinois, May 2019

Sydney A. Alonso

B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2019

B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2019

David A. Altschuler

B.S., University of Central Florida, April 2020

Nicole C. Amarante

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Javier Isaac Andrade Gomez

Abogado, La Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico, December 2012

Sarah D. Angress (C)

B.A., University of Florida, December 2018

Molly A. Arntson (C)

B.A., The Ohio State University, May 2017

Ferdinand Babilonia (C)

B.S., Park University, May 2020

Katelyn Nicole Babilonia

B.A., The Ohio State University, December 2019

9 University of Miami School of Law

Jesse Bajaj (C)

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2017

Max Baron

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Bailey Beauchamp (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Ariela Benchlouch

B.A., Florida International University, May 2020

Matthew J. Benedict (M)

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, April 2017

Adam S. Bernstein

B.S., University of Central Florida, May 2019

Daniel Beyer

B.A., University of Richmond, May 2020

Liza Weisman Birchansky (C)

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, December 2019

Laura M. Blockman (M)

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Justin Bodner

B.A., University of Florida, August 2020

Kayla S. Bokzam (C)

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

Austin P. Booth (M)

B.S., University of Wisconsin at Madison, May 2019

Brandon Z. Borino (M)

B.A., Florida International University, July 2019

Fabienne T. Boughton

B.A., Barry University, May 2016

Justin Bowling

B.S., University of Cincinnati, April 2017

Tyler Bridgeman (C)

B.S., University of Minnesota, May 2016

Michael V. Brogan (C)

B.S.B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2010

Simon W. Brooke

B.A., Emory University, May 2019

Benjamin T. Brooks

B.A., Wake Forest University, May 2019

M.A., Boston University, January 2021

Liana H. Brown

B.A., Emory University, May 2018

Victor Angel Bruzos (C)

B.S., Purdue University, May 2019

Kaitlyn F. Buffaloe (C)

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2020

Gerald J. Buitron

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, August 2016

Raegan Burke

B.S., University of Oregon, June 2020

Modeline Cadet

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

Isabelle Marie Carbajales (M)

B.S., Florida State University, December 2019

Calvin M. Carbone

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

Joseph P. Carmi

B.S., Marshall University, May 2019

Javier Alejandro Caso

B.S., University of Miami, May 2019

Elizabeth C. Castano (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Miriam Castillo

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Maria Leonor Cazar Garcia

Licenciada, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, December 2017

Abogada, Universidad de los Andes, Chile, September 2019

Mischaël Cetoute (C)

A.B., University of Miami, May 2015

M.A., Columbia University, February 2020

Ally Chamberlin (M)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Beatriz Chaves Barbosa

Bacharela em Direito, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2019

Shelby Chesnes

A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Grant A. Chiappelli

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Jessie Renee Chiasson (C)

B.A., College of William & Mary, May 2019

Annie Chipchase

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, April 2020

Summa cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)

Tristan Clapham (M)

B.S.B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2020

Giselle Coalla (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Gabriella Veronica Coffield (C)

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2020

Arlene Cordoves

B.A., Brandeis University, May 2017

Vincent A. Cortellessa (C)

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2020

Luis Jorge Cortes Ruiz (C)

B.S., Universidad de Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, June 2001

M.B.A., Nova Southeastern University, September 2008

Pierre Gerard Craig III

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Myles K. Crandall (S)

B.A., Claremont McKenna College, May 2010

M.A., University of Colorado at Denver, August 2014

Edgar I. Cruz

B.A., Soka University of America, May 2016

M.A., California State University at Los Angeles, May 2018

Marc A. Cue (C)

B.A., Florida Gulf Coast University, May 2020

Frederick Newkirk Cushmore III

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Sara Cyrway

B.A., Clemson University, May 2020

Kristen E. Dagher

B.A., Arizona State University, May 2018

M.S., Arizona State University, May 2019

Melany Joy Danielson (C)

B.S., University of Florida, May 2014

Adam P. Danowitz

B.A., University of Georgia, December 2019

Courtney R. Davis (C)

B.S., Northeastern University, August 2015

Armand Andrew Del Castillo

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Miguel E. Del Rivero (C)

B.A., University of Florida, December 2018

Isabella DelPino

B.A., The George Washington University, August 2020

Charlotte Anastasia DeMarco

B.A., University of Chicago, June 2019

Asad Demetree

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

Belemir Demirbag

LL.B., Kocaeli University, Turkey, July 2015

Taylor F. Dias (C)

B.A., Allegheny College, May 2019

Alexander J. Diaz Thomas (C)

B.A., Boston University, January 2019

Jonathan B. Dickler

B.S., University of South Florida, December 2018

Ashley E. Docherty

B.A., Oberlin College, May 2013

M.A., The University of Texas at El Paso, December 2020

Shea W. J. Doonan

B.S., Clemson University, August 2017

John G. Dowling (C)

B.A., Wake Forest University, May 2018

Catherine Anne Dremluk (C)

B.S., University of Miami, December 2018

Oliver Duke (C)

B.S., Tulane University, May 2019

Lauren L. Edwards

B.A., The Pennsylvania State University, May 2020

B.A., The Pennsylvania State University, May 2020

Kevin E. Ellenburg (C)

B.A., Vanderbilt University, May 2017

Kiyra S. Ellis

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Rebecca A. Entenberg

B.S., Florida State University, May 2017

M.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Josephine H. Farrell

B.A., Elon University, May 2020

Reunie Ghael Faustin

A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Destini M. Fernandez

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

11 University of Miami School of Law

Rebecca J. Fernandez

B.A., University of Iowa, May 2017

Camilo Eduardo Fernandez Lopez

Abogado, Universidad del Norte, Colombia, June 2021

David Joseph Fernandez-Fidalgo

B.S., University of Miami, May 2014

M.S., University of Miami, May 2014

Ashley Findeisen

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

John S. Flagg (C)

B.A., University of Virginia , May 2019

Jason P. Frank (C)

B.S., Florida State University, December 2019

John D. Fraser (C)

B.S., Cornell University, May 2017

Scott Fraser (S)

B.S.B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, May 2012

Dakota Freeman (C)

B.S.B., Indiana University, May 2020

Isaac F. Fuhrman Borgman (M)

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2018

Hillary Robin Gabriele (S)

B.A., Barnard College, May 2017

Christina N. Gage

B.S., University of Central Florida, May 2006

Andrea A. Galea (C)

B.A., Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge, May 2019

Ashley Marie Garcia (M)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Mozelle Garcia (C)

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Nelson Garcia

B.S., Florida International University, May 2014

Orestes D. Garcia

B.S., Florida International University, June 2020

Natalia A. Garcia Baerga (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Cosimo Gaudio

A.B., University of Miami, December 2021

Lucy C. Geiger

B.A., University of Central Florida, April 2020

Nicolas T. Geraci (C)

B.S., University of Louisville, December 2019

Jessica Delaney Getz

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, April 2020

Courtney M. Giebel

B.A., Northwestern University, June 2018

Evan Stanley Gilbert (M)

B.A., Vanderbilt University, May 2015

Samantha H. Goldstein (M)

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

Lucia Golletti (C)

B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

Yasmeen D. Gomez

B.A., Florida International University, December 2019

Alejandra Gonzales

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Carolina Gonzalez

B.A., Florida International University, December 2019

Lauren Marie Gonzalez (M)

B.S., Florida International University, April 2020

Marlene Gonzalez

A.B., University of Miami, August 2019

Roxette Gonzalez

A.B., University of Miami, December 2018

Camila C. Gonzalez Del Toro

B.S., Babson College, May 2017

Camila Gonzalez Jimenez

B.S., Florida International University, April 2019

Rachel Gopichand

B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2020

Stefanie T. Grafstein

B.A., Syracuse University, May 2020

Ryan Greenberg (M)

B.S.Acc., University of Florida, May 2020

M.Acc., University of Florida, May 2020

Zachary P. Gregg (S)

B.A., Ithaca College, May 2020

Josianne T. Griffin

B.A., Florida Gulf Coast University, May 2020

Nina E. Griscelli (C)

B.A., University of California at Santa Cruz, December 2017

Summa cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)

Paris C. Guinn

B.B.A., Belmont University, May 2019

Mary R. Guirguis

B.A., University of California at Irvine, March 2018

James H. Haley

B.B.A., University of Kentucky, December 2019

B.S., University of Kentucky, December 2019

Alexis D. Hammond (C)

B.A., University of South Carolina, December 2018

Samantha R. Hampson

B.A., University of Alabama, May 2018

Dora R. Haque

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, December 2018

Jennifer Harper

B.A., Cornell University, May 2019

Levi A. Harris (C)

B.A., Michigan State University, May 2019

Cory Hartstein (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2017

Megan D. Hennings (C)

B.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, May 2015

Daniel Herrera (C)

B.A., New York University, May 2018

Andres Hidalgo

A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Jessica C. Hodges

B.S., University of Alabama, May 2016

Rayaan A. Hossain (C)

B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2019

Patrick Rudy Infanti

B.A., University of Tampa, May 2020

Jacob P. Irmen

B.S., University of Missouri at Columbia, May 2020

Taha Ismail

A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Nicholas R. Jackson (C)

B.S., University of Nevada, Reno, May 2019

Nicole Jackson (C)

B.A., University of Central Florida, April 2020

Terricka A. Jackson

B.S., St John's University, May 2017

Barbara B. Jimenez (C)

B.A., Emory University, May 2020

Emma C. Johnson (C)

B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College, June 2018

Olivia D. Johnson (S)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Lauren Jones

B.A., University of Virginia , May 2014

M.P.H., Eastern Virginia Medical School, May 2016

Elizabeth A. Keck

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Robert Keilson

B.A., Boston College, May 2015

Milind Neil Khurana (M)

B.S., University of Miami, August 2019

M.A., University of Miami, August 2020

Victoria A. Kline (M)

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, December 2019

Danilo Knijnik (C)

Bacharel em Ciências Jurídicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, March 1994

Mestre em Direito, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, February 1998

Doutor em Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, August 2002

Mitchell J. Koch (C)

B.A., University of Georgia, August 2020

Chad H. Kramer (M)

B.A., Tufts University, May 2017

Samuel Kramer (C)

B.A., Emory University, May 2019

Sy Whoi-Sang Lam

B.B.A., University of Miami, December 2019

Hannah L. Lamberg (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

Monica Larsen (M)

B.A., Johns Hopkins University, May 2018

Kayla Lawless

B.S., New York University, May 2017

Sara Lazarevic (M)

B.A., Stetson University, December 2013

13 University of Miami School of Law

Stevi J. Leavitt

B.A., Manhattanville College, May 2013

Laura Maruxa Leira

B.A., New York University, May 2016

Ernesto I. Leo

B.B.A., Florida International University, July 2019

Jacob Y. Leon

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Nicole Delia Leon

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Ryan Leon-Schetina

B.S., Florida State University, August 2019

Zachary Levin

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Jake Louis Levy

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

Marissa A. Levy

B.A., University of Central Florida, December 2019

Abbey Lin

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

Mitchel Lindheim (C)

B.S., Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, May 2018

Andrea M. Littlefield

B.A., The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, July 2019

Isabella M. Lopez

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Martin N. Lopez

B.S., Florida State University, December 2018

Christian L. Lorenz

B.S., Arizona State University, May 2018

Teodora Elena Maftei (M)

B.A., University of Pennsylvania, May 2017

M.H.A., University of Miami, August 2018

Peter G. Manakos (C)

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, August 2019

Daniel I. Mantzoor (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Alina Marante

Licenciada en Derecho, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, July 1998

Miranda A. Marban

B.A., Florida International University, June 2020

David A. Marder

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

Margaret A. Marquart (C)

B.A., Villanova University, May 2020

Jacob B. Mars

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, May 2020

Natalie Raquel Mateo

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Michael J. Maturo

B.A., Quinnipiac University, May 2018

B.S., Quinnipiac University, May 2018

M.B.A., Quinnipiac University, May 2019

Jessica Abigail Matz (C)

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, May 2020

Krystal Mc Collin

B.B.A., University of Houston, May 2017

Victoria A. McCaffery

B.S., University of South Carolina, May 2020

Kendal McElfish

B.A., Lindenwood University, May 2017

M.L.S., Arizona State University, May 2019

Nickolas C. Medina

B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

Kendrick B. Meek

B.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Hilda Mendez

Licenciada en Derecho, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, August 2018

Posgrado, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, August 2018

Emmett Moore Mercil

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2017

Thomas Michelson (C)

B.A., North Central College, June 2019

Tyler R. Miller-Jones

B.A., University of Virginia , May 2019

Noah D. Milov (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Diana Cecilia Milton (C)

B.S., Georgia Institute of Technology, May 2019

Christina M. Miranda (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Summa cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)

Amy Mizels

B.S., University of Florida, May 2020

Izabella Mojica

B.A., University of Florida, August 2020

Tiffanie Yonellie Monplaisir

B.S., University of Florida, May 2018

Nicole Gabrielle Montlick

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Madison J. Monzon

B.A., Florida International University, May 2020

Taylor Elizabeth Moore

B.A., University of Connecticut, August 2019

Alyssa P. Morris

B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder, May 2020

Adrian C. Mosqueda (C)

B.A., Florida International University, June 2020

Marine Naito

B.A., Boston University, May 2019

Jocelyn T. Nance

B.A., University of South Florida, May 2019

Alejandro Ignacio Nehgme

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

Michael Alexander Newell II (C)

B.M., University of Miami, May 2016

Jacob J. A. Niergarth (C)

B.A., University of Florida, July 2020

Megan E. Norris Grant (C)

B.A., Emory University, May 2018

Jose I. Novo

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Jessica Nunez Munoz (M)

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Chelsea M. Olivera (C)

B.A., Johns Hopkins University, May 2016

Kristy O'Malley (C)

B.S., University of Toronto, Canada, June 2014

Lauren O'Neil (S)

B.B.A., University of Georgia, May 2020

Victor M. On-Sang Jr. (C)

B.A., Florida International University, May 2016

Juan M. Ortega

B.A., Florida International University, May 2020

Sabrina Maria Ortega (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

John J. Ospina

B.A., Florida State University, May 2020

Kelvin David Pacheco Monteverde

A.B., University of Miami, December 2019

Camila Paez (C)

B.B.A., Florida International University, July 2018

Jessica Palma (C)

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Erwin M. Paniagua

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, August 2020

Nicoletta M. Pappas (C)

B.A., University of Tampa, May 2017

Bailey L. Pasho-Towns (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Anthony C. Pastor

B.S., Bentley University, May 2020

Alessandra Perez (M)

B.A., University of Central Florida, December 2019

Daniela Perez (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Jacob A. Perez

B.A., Florida International University, June 2020

Jason A. Perez (C)

B.A., Florida State University, May 2020

John A. Pessoa (M)

A.B., Dartmouth College, June 2016

Nicholas Pierre-Paul (C)

B.A., University of Florida, August 2018

Daria Jane Pietropaolo (M)

A.B., University of Miami, May 2021

Jay Pinckney Cabal

B.A., Florida Gulf Coast University, August 2020

B.S., Florida Gulf Coast University, August 2020

Samuel H. Pinson

B.A., University of Central Florida, May 2020

15 University of Miami School of Law

Peyton C. Pipes

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Izaac A. Polukoff

B.A., Vanderbilt University, May 2020

Joshua A. Porteous

B.A., Washington College, May 2020

Nicole Marie Porzenheim McCain (C)

B.A., Boston College, May 2011

M.B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2016

Shawn T. Powers

B.G.S., Florida Atlantic University, May 2020

Austin H. Price (C)

B.S., University of Florida, May 2019

Michael R. Puretz (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

Ahmed I. Qaisi (C)

B.A., Millersville University, May 2018

Elvin Raducan

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2018

Ashley M. Rahaim (C)

B.S., University of Central Florida, April 2020

Raquel A. Ratushny

B.A., Florida Atlantic University, May 2019

Jenna M. Reifler (C)

B.A., Johns Hopkins University, May 2016

Taylor L. Rich

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Jason R. Risberg

B.A., University of Florida, May 2019

AnaMaria Rivera (C)

Ingeniera Industrial, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, September 1996

Ed.D., Insight University, October 2017

M.B.A., Harvard Business School, June 2001

Thalia G. Rivet Camejo (C)

B.A., University of Central Florida, December 2018

Scott Harris Rivlin

B.B.A., University of Miami, December 2019

Glorimer Rodriguez (C)

B.A., Boston University, May 2020

Katharine A. Rodriguez

B.A., Florida International University, April 2020

Daniella Roldan

A.B., University of Miami, December 2019

Sylvester André Rollins

B.S., Boston University, September 1997

D.M.D., Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, May 2001

Amanda M. Rose

B.A., Florida International University, April 2019

Alexa Beth Rosen (M)

B.S., University of Miami, May 2010

M.P.H., University of Miami, May 2013

Diego Rosette (C)

B.A., Columbia University, May 2017

Christopher R. Rossi

B.A., Pitzer College, May 2019

Benjamin E. Rucker

B.A., College of Charleston, December 2017

Priscilla Ruiz (M)

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2020

Kate E. Ruston (C)

B.A., Claremont McKenna College, May 2016

Marcos Antonio D. Salas

B.S., Florida International University, December 2019

Haneefah D. Saleem

B.A., Valdosta State University, May 2018

Natasha M. Samtani (C)

B.A., Elon University, May 2014

Hernando V. San Martin

B.S., Florida State University, August 2019

Jaclyn Sanchez (C)

B.S., University of Miami, May 2019

Javier M. Sanchez

Licenciado en Derecho, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, July 2017

Posgrado, La Universidad Americana, Nicaragua, July 2017

Stephanie M. Sanchez (S)

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

B.S., University of Florida, December 2019

Bayla Sandman (M)

B.A., Yeshiva University, May 2020

Summa cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)

Marina Antunes Gomm Santos (C)

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Jonathan Sardina

B.A., Florida State University, May 2020

Elizabeth C. Sardinas (M)

B.A., Florida International University, December 2018

Renata Sassarini Benvenuto (C)

B.S., University of Florida, December 2019

Joshua S. Schery

B.A., Flagler College, April 2013

M.A., University of Florida, May 2018

Anna A. Schmelzle (C)

A.B., University of Miami, December 2019

Joshua W. Schulster (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

William K. Schwartz (C)

B.A., New York University, May 2016

David Francis Scollan (C)

B.A., University of Pennsylvania, May 2017

M.Sc., The London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, November 2018

Arthur A. Sconochia III

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, April 2020

Zachary Sculler

B.S.B.A., University of Central Florida, December 2019

Dor Scwartz

B.A., University of Florida, May 2020

Joseph A. Seara (C)

B.A., Florida State University, May 2020

Julian Seethal

B.A., Catholic University of America, January 2020

Dominick L. Serio (C)

B.A., University of Connecticut, May 2019

Kristopher Robin Serrate

A.B., University of Miami, December 2018

Matthew Shalna (C)

B.A., University of Central Florida, December 2019

Fay R. Shaulson (M)

B.A., Queens College New York, May 2019

Brennan J. Shechtman (C)

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, May 2019

Arielle Renee Shoikhet

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Zoe Johanna Shoul (C)

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2020

Francesca Shultz

B.S., Boise State University, December 2019

Jack C. Sibel

B.A., University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, April 2020

Ariel A. Simmonds (C)

B.S., Rutgers University, May 2018

Jorge T. Simon (C)

B.A., Florida International University, July 2018

Asvin Sivarasa

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Mackenzie Payton Skeens (C)

B.S., University of Alabama, May 2020

M.S., University of Alabama, May 2020

Alexa Marina Somera (C)

B.S., Vanderbilt University, May 2020

Giovanna C. Spargo

B.A., Boston University, September 2018

Alexandra Spaw (M)

B.S., University of Florida, December 2017

Bridget M. Stein (M)

B.A., University of South Carolina, May 2020

Sara St. Juste

A.B., University of Miami, May 2020

Jaye Alexandria Straus

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2020

Liang Sun

B.S., Tulane University, May 2017

Christin Swanepoel Stevens (C)

B.S., Bowling Green State University, August 2018

Andrew P. Szatkowski (C)

B.S., University of Florida, August 2019

Kareem Tabba (C)

B.S., University of Miami, May 2018

Brady L. Taylor

B.S., Indiana State University, May 2020

Isabela M. Teijelo

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

17 University of Miami School of Law

Gabriella Maria Bastos Teixeira (C)

B.A., University of California at San Diego, June 2016

Breeden Elizabeth Tesone

B.S.C., University of Miami, May 2019

Debra Ley-Anne Thomas

B.A., College of William & Mary, January 2019

Daniela Torres

B.A., University of South Florida, May 2019

Victoria H. Touzinsky (C)

B.A., University of Missouri at Columbia, December 2019

B.A., University of Missouri at Columbia, December 2019

Benjamin J. Trotto

B.A., New York University, May 2018

Caroline Marie Valencia (C)

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Daniel A. Valentin

B.A., Florida International University, December 2019

Savannah S. Valentine (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2019

Alexis B. Vegafria

B.A., University of Tampa, December 2019

Dennis Vila (C)

B.B.A., University of Michigan, December 2018

M.B.A., University of Miami, December 2022

Alyssa Laura Vincent (C)

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Stephen L. Vinson III (C)

B.A., Boston College, May 2020

Mary Victoria Vollmar (C)

B.S., University of Miami, May 2020

Annmarie R. Walsh

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Adam C. Ward

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Trenton C. Wasser (C)

B.S., Florida State University, August 2018

Rumor E. Watts

B.S., University of Central Florida, April 2020

Taylor A. Weathers

B.S., Florida State University, May 2020

Danielle Jordyn Weisman (C)

B.S., Indiana University, May 2020

Zachary Louis Wexler

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2015

Harrison Wilf

B.A., Bucknell University, May 2020

Kayla Mei Wong (C)

B.A., University of Florida, December 2019

M.I.B., University of Florida, May, 2020

Christopher David Wright

B.B.A., University of Miami, May 2019

Tanisha M. Wright (C)

B.A., University of Virginia , May 2018

Henry A. Yaniz (C)

B.A., The George Washington University, January 2015

Samuel L. Yates

B.A., Depaul University, June 2015

Abigail Young (M)

B.A., University of Wisconsin at Madison, May 2017

Brooks B. Young

B.A., The George Washington University, May 2020


The following candidates for the Juris Doctor have received or will also be receiving the M.B.A degree from the Herbert Business School.

Andres Hidalgo

A.B., University of Miami, May 2019

Dennis Vila (C)

B.B.A., University of Michigan, December 2018

M.B.A., University of Miami, December 2022

Summa cum laude (S) Magna cum laude (M) Cum laude (C)


The following candidates for the Juris Doctor have received or will also be receiving the MA degree from the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science.

Catherine Anne Dremluk (C)

B.S., University of Miami, December 2018


The following candidates for the Juris Doctor have received or will also be receiving the MA degree from the Frost School of Music.

Annie Chipchase

B.S., University of Pittsburgh, April 2020

Emma C. Johnson (C)

B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College, June 2018

Samuel L. Yates

B.A., Depaul University, June 2015


The following candidates will be receiving their degrees in Summer 2023.


Anqi Luan

LL.B., Hainan University, China, June 2016

LL.M., The Pennsylvania State University, May 2019

LL.M., South China University of Technology, June 2019


Robert Traurig-Greenberg Traurig LL.M. in Real Property Development

Jonathan Marinoff (C)

A.B., University of Miami, December 2018


Maria R. Frias Abreu (C)

B.A., Boston University, May 2007

M.B.A., Nova Southeastern University, February 2013

John P. Gonzalez

B.S., Wilmington University, May 2010

M.B.A., Marylhurst University, August 2011

M.T., Nova University, September 2014

Anqi Luan

LL.B., Hainan University, China, June 2016

LL.M., The Pennsylvania State University, May 2019

LL.M., South China University of Technology, June 2019

Jonathan Marinoff (C)

A.B., University of Miami, December 2018

Oskar M. Serbin

B.S., Bentley University, May 2020

19 University of Miami School of Law


The University of Miami School of Law

is proud to acknowledge members of the Class of 2023 who have met the Pro Bono Challenge and have completed at least 75 hours of pro bono service while in law school. They have demonstrated outstanding commitment to public service through exceptional advocacy.

Erica Adams

Maria Alfaro Rodriguez

Katelyn Babilonia

Bailey Beauchamp

Kayla Bokzam

Benjamin Brooks

Victor Bruzos

Isabelle Carbajales

Joseph Carmi

Elizabeth Castano

Mischaël Cetoute

Ally Chamberlin

Vincent Cortellessa

Myles Crandall

Kristen Dagher

Melany Danielson

Gabriela De Avila

Miguel Del Rivero

Isabella DelPino

Taylor Dias

Catherine Dremluk

Josephine Farrell

Reunie Faustin

Destini Fernandez

Ashley Garcia

Natalia Garcia Baerga

Cosimo Gaudio

Courtney Giebel

Evan Gilbert

Yasmeen Gomez

Alejandra Gonzales

Lauren Gonzalez

Rachel Gopichand

Stefanie Grafstein

Megan Hennings

Andres Hidalgo

Anna Schmelzle

Olivia Johnson

Lauren Jones

Elizabeth Keck

Hannah Lamberg

Sara Lazarevic

Stevi Leavitt

Laura Leira

Jacob Leon

Andrea Littlefield

Teodora Maftei

Natalie Mateo

Krystal McCollin

Alyssa Morris

Adrian Mosqueda

Michael Newell II

Lauren O’Neil

Sabrina Ortega

Camila Paez

Alessandra Perez

Jason Perez

Daria Pietropaolo

AnaMaria Rivera

Katharine Rodriguez

Alexa Rosen

Priscilla Ruiz

Kate Ruston

Jaclyn Sanchez

Jonathan Sardina

Elizabeth Sardinas

Mackenzie Skeens

Giovanna Spargo

Brady Taylor

Gabriella Teixeira

Debra Thomas

Caroline Valencia

Daniel Valentin

Savannah Valentine

Alyssa Vincent

Taylor Weathers

Kayla Wong

Tanisha Wright

Abigail Young



The Class of 2023 congratulates the members of the honored class of 1973 who have supported students through their contributions to the University of Miami School of Law.

Robert A. Ades*

Frank M. Amigo*

Michel E. Anderson*

Allan F. Appel

Eduardo Arango

Edwin B. Arnold

Barney B. Avchen

Joseph P. Averill*

Thomas A. Barba

Stephen H. Barber

Douglas M. Bates

Judith E. Becker

Roger C. Benson

Richard H. Bergman

William A. Berkley

Mark S. Berman

Michael A. Bienstock*

Gerald J. Biondo

Douglas K. Bischoff

Stanford Blake

Alvan L. Bobrow

Bruce M. Boiko

Michael E. Botos

Michael V. Bourland

Alan J. Braverman

Harold Bronstein

Jonathan D. Brown

Rodney W. Bryson

Jear Bunphabutr

James C. Burke*

Steven M. Busch

Jack C. Butler

John L. Calhoun

Eduardo Cantera

James M. Caplan

Mikele S. Carter

Stephen G. Castigliano

Paul Cecere

Shun-Shu W. Chao

Thomas J. Chasler*

William A. Clay

Louis J. Coelho*

Steven J. Cohen*

Daniel E. Conley*

David M. Conlon

Richard W. Copeland

James R. Costello

Richard A. Crisonino

Richard H. Critchlow

William R. Cummings

C. Wesley G. Currier

Paul V. De Bianchi

Charles G. De Marco*

George P. De Pozsgay

Robert J. DeBoer*

Jeffrey A. Deutch

Paul L. Driver

Kenneth B. Drucker

Gerald M. Dubois*

Richard G. Dunberg


Robert C. Eber

Steven A. Edelstein

Howard R. Elisofon

Murray B. Epstein*

Dafydd W. Evans

Jay L. Fabrikant

Glenn P. Falk

Robert A. Fall

Joel C. Fanning

Penn D. Farrington

David Feldman*

Donald L. Ferguson

Dana C. Ferrell*

Eva B. Field

Harold T. Fields

Philip F. Filosa

Stephen G. Fischer

Andre R. Fournier

Spencer H. Fox*

Judith A. Frankel

David A. Freedman

Paul H. Freeman

Yale T. Freeman

Jerald A. Freshman

David R. Friedman

Leopoldo L. Fuentes*

Robert J. Galamaga

J. R. Gallagher

Earl G. Gallop*

Robert F. Garcia-Esquerro

Arthur M. Garel*

Sandor F. Genet

Norman S. Gerstein

Jeffry L. Gilbert

James G. Gilmour

Millard C. Glancy*

Randy C. Golden

David M. Goldstein

Robert T. Grace

James A. Grady

David A. Graham

Edward R. Green*

Jerry Green*

Susan G. Greenberg

Gary R. Gromet

Howard P. Gross

William Grossbard*

Steven Grossbard

Stuart Z. Grossman

Sutham Guptarak

Carol K. Guralnick*

Anne-Lise Gustafson*

David J. Halberg

Peter E. Halle

Daniel A. Hanley

Thomas H. Heaton*

Henry E. Hemsath*

Jay H. Hernberg*

Linda C. Hertz

Frank J. Heston

James W. Hoffman

Bruce L. Hollander

Frederick Holzer

Samuel B. Hornstein*

Robert A. Huth

Edgar D. Ingels*

Benjamin R. Jacobi

Sylvain Jama

Stuart P. Jasper

Dennis E. Jeffries*

Mary E. Johnson

William Johnson

Howard R. Johnson*

John G. Jordan

Jerry P. Kahn

Donald J. Kahn

Edward A. Kalish

Steven I. Kaplan

Bruce W. Kent*

Stephen F. Kessler

Kyle W. King

Herman M. Klemick

Joseph P. Klock

George F. Knox

Steven Kollin

Jay M. Kolsky

Maria M. Korvick

Lawrence F. Kranert

Donald E. Krentsa

Abraham Laeser

Mario A. Lamar

Carolyn B. Lamm

Harold A. Lassman

Henry Latimer*

William M. Laufer

Robert J. Lavine

Stephen P. Lee

James E. Lefkowitz*

Larry R. Leiby

Norman L. Leopold

Marc M. Levey

Daniel W. Levin

Paul J. Levine

Yeu-Shyan Liang

Jack S. Lipson

William S. Lorenzo

Sheryl J. Lowenthal

Paul D. MacAulay*

Walter P. Maksym

Michael L. Mann

Gordon H. Mansfield*

Herbert J. Marcus

Richard V. Margolius

Jonathan J. Marks

Jeffrey N. Marks

Gene C. Marlowe

Gary L. Martin

Sonja P. Mathews

Richard Mattaway

Andrew P. Mavrides*

Daniel D. Mazar

F. J. Mc Mackin

Richard R. McCormack

Jackson F. McCoy

Roy B. McCoy

Robert F. McRoberts

Garry T. Melia*

Louis J. Michaels*

Kai D. Midboe

Richard C. Milstein

Joseph Mincberg

Oswaldo J. Mora

William B. Morrison

Malcolm H. Neuwahl

Merel G. Nissenberg

Frank Nussbaum*

John D. Nyce

Steven P. Oppenheim

Osborne W. O'Quinn

Judson L. Owen

Humberto Pacheco-Alpizar

Anthony S. Paetro

James K. Parker

Julio Pastoriza

Eugene A. Peer*

Charles V. Pernetti*

William G. Pharo

Richard H. Phillips

Alan W. Pollak*

Donald I. Pollock

Richard C. Pollock

Mark Poses

Walter J. Postula*

Randolph J. Potter

Fred G. Prichason*

Frederick J. Ramirez

Richard W. Rappaport*

Stephen R. Rapport

Harold S. Rash*

William C. Ray

George Retos

Donald A. Rett

Roger V. Rigau

Harmon A. Rigdon

Kenneth W. Rijock

Louis M. Rockman

Michael A. Rosen

Richard D. Rosen

Daniel A. Rosen

Abraham B. Rosenberg

Steven M. Roth

Jeffrey R. Roth

Mark S. Roth

Charles H. Rubenstein

Steven S. Rubinstein

Gary B. Sack

Jay M. Sackman

Jorge Sanchez-Galarraga

Frederic Schiller*

Jerry B. Schreiber*

Roger A. Schwartz

Warren S. Schwartz

Thomas Schwartz

Allan H. Schwartz

Norman S. Segall

Raymond M. Seidler

Earl M. Seligman

Neil A. Shanzer*

Steven J. Shapiro*

Bernard S. Shapiro

Freddy L. Shapiro

Dennis P. Sheppard

Gary L. Shultz

Glenn A. Shuman*

Theodore J. Silver

Ron M. Simon

Mark B. Slavin*

H.T. Smith

Sharyn L. Smith

Henry I. Smyler*

William D. Soman

Robert Spiegel

Guy G. Spiegelman

Michael C. Spring

John W. Stanton

Neil W. Steinhorn

Ralph S. Sterling

Victor L. Stosik

Thomas R. Tatum

Rod L. Taylor*

John H. Test*

Douglas J. Thiel

John A. Thompson

James E. Thompson*

Paul A. Tomar

Kenneth M. Towcimak*

Thomas F. Valerius

Arthur P. Villwock

Michael L. Von Zamft

Fred D. Wade*

James L. Wall*

Michael M. Wallack

James H. Weatherford

Dennis L. Webb

James A. Weck*

Patricia L. Weck*

Alice W. Weinstein

Sheridan K. Weissenborn

Robert I. Weissler

Alan S. Weissman

Harold A. Wheeler*

Charles T. Whitelock

Charles J. Willinger

Frederick H. Wilsen

Joel R. Wolpe

Cheng-Der Wu

Ira Zager

Martin E. Zevin

Richard M. Zinn

Jerome A. Zuravsky*



The custom of wearing academic dress stems from the Middle Ages, when scholars were also clerics and wore the habits of their monastic orders. Significant parts of academic dress are the gown, the hood, and the cap. Each

has a particular significance and is worn in accordance with standards established by the Academic Costume Code of the American Council on Education.

Gowns recommended for use in the colleges and universities of this country have different characteristics. The gown for the bachelor’s degree has pointed sleeves and is designed to be worn closed. The gown for the master’s degree has an oblong sleeve, open at the wrist. The gown for the doctor’s degree has bell-shaped sleeves. For the doctor’s degree the gown is faced down the front with black velvet and three bars of black velvet are sewn across

Agriculture Maize

Architecture Violet

Arts, Letters, Humanities White

Commerce, Accountancy, Business Drab

Dentistry Lilac

Economics Copper

Education Light Blue

Engineering Orange

Fine Arts Brown

Forestry Russet

Journalism Crimson

Law Purple

Library Science Lemon

the sleeves. These facings and crossbars may be velvet of the color distinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains.

For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctor’s gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps, the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows:

Medicine Green

Music Pink

Nursing Apricot

Oratory (Speech)



Silver Gray

Olive Green

Dark Blue

Physical Education Sage Green

Public Administration, Foreign Service

Public Health


Peacock Blue

Salmon Pink

Golden Yellow

Social Work Citron

Theology Scarlet

Veterinary Science Gray

President Julio Frenk wears a black robe with four black velvet bars. The fourth chevron indicates this is the presidential regalia. The gown features orange and green piping as well as a doctoral hood lined in orange, green, and white— reflecting the official University of Miami school colors.

The graduation tam is for those who have graduated with a masters or doctoral degree. Unlike the mortar board cap which is square in shape, the tam is actually circular in shape and are usually made out of velvet. What is common

between the mortar board cap and the tam is that both do have tassels attached to them which hang on one side when worn. These tassels serve the same purpose and are used during the celebrated turning of the tassel ceremony.


White cord—Summa Cum Laude

Orange cord—Magna Cum Laude

Kelly Green—Cum Laude


Hunter Green—Completed the pro bono challenge of seventy five hours of pro bono service during law school career


Hoods recommended for use in the colleges and universities of this country have the following characteristics. The length of the hood worn for the bachelor’s degree is three feet, for the master’s degree, three and one-half feet, and for the doctor’s degree, four feet. The hood worn for the doctor’s degree has panels at the sides. Hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree; more than one color is shown by division of the field color in a variety of ways, such as chevron or chevrons, equal division, etc.

The binding or edging of the hood is velvet or velveteen, two inches, three inches, and five inches in width for the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s degrees, respectively, while the color is indicative of the subject to which the degree pertains. For example, the trimming for the Juris Doctor degree is purple. No academic hood should ever have its border divided to represent more than a single degree.


Members of the governing body of a college or university are entitled to wear doctor’s gowns (with black velvet), but their hoods may be only those of degrees actually held by the wearers or those specially prescribed for them by the institution. In some colleges and universities, it is customary for the president, chancellor, or chief officer to wear a costume similar to that used by the head of a foreign university. The chief marshal may wear a specially

designed costume approved by his or her institution. Persons who hold degrees from foreign universities may wear the entire appropriate academic costume, including cap, gown, and hood. Members of religious orders and similar societies may suitably wear their customary habits. The same principle applies to persons wearing military uniforms or clad in special attire required by a civil office.


Kente cloth is woven by the Asante people of Ghana and the Ewe people of Ghana and Togo. The origins of West African weaving may be traced back as early as the 11th century, with regional excavations showing spindles and looms. Only men produce kente cloth’s narrow band weaves, which are 2 ½ to 4 ½ inches wide, on horizontal

treadle looms. Certain Ewe cloths are historically specific to particular rites of passage, such as marriage or the birth of a child. In present day Ghana, the wearing of kente cloth has become widespread to commemorate special occasions. Globally, the print is used in the design of academic stoles in graduation ceremonies.



Southern suns and sky blue water

Smile upon you Alma Mater

Mistress of this fruitful land

With all knowledge at your hand

Always just, to honor true

All our love we pledge to you

Alma Mater

Stand forever

On Biscayne’s wondrous shore.

William S. Lampe and Christine Asdurian Arranged by Henry Fillmore

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