The Miami Student Oldest university newspaper in the United States, established 1826
FRIday, NOVEMBER 30, 2012
VOLUME 140 NO. 26
TODAY IN MIAMI HISTORY In 1942, The Miami Student reported that the Miami University Senate approved a motion allowing fraternities to initiate any pledge with a C grade-point
average and a minimum of 30 credit points. The proposal came following a request from the Council of Inter-fraternity Presidents to the Student Organizations committee of the university senate, which was against allowing fraternity rushing and pledging during the first semester.
Curtain closes on Princess Theater, for now
Left:The Princess Theater after if abruptly closed Tuesday. Right: When The Princess was opened in 1911, it was originally called the Oxford Theater. Its named changed to the Talawanda Theater from the 1950s to the 1980s. After it was enlarged and named The Princess Theater.
By Olivia Hnat & Hannah Stein Community Editors
The Princess movie theater closed Nov. 25 but it will not remain a sleeping beauty for long. The City of Oxford officials expect the theater will reopen after a transition period, according to Douglas Elliott, city manager, and Alan Kyger, economic development director for the City of Oxford. According to emails sent by Elliott to the Oxford City Council, The Princess may be donated to the City of Oxford but as of Thursday afternoon other parties expressed interest in purchasing the theater from its current owner, Aliance Entertainment and Great Escape Theatres. City Council will discuss a possible resolution to accept a donation in its next meeting on Dec. 4. Aliance Entertainment and Great
Escape Theatres is based in New Albany, Ind. According to statement and online page, Aliance Entertainment focuses on providing movie theaters for rural and smaller communities and has owned The Princess since May 2000. “We decided to close [The Princess],” David Poland, vice president of operations for Aliance Entertainment, said. “We certainly thank everyone in Oxford, especially the students, for their support over the years.” Elliot said the transition plan is for Oxford to own The Princess after it is donated to the city by Aliance Entertainment and Great Escape Theatres. His goal is to then lease it to a company or individual that will run the theater. After speaking to Poland, Elliot said he is interested in accepting the donation from The Princess’ former owner. “Tuesday night we have a council
meeting and council will be considering a resolution authorizing the city manager to accept this donation,” Elliot said. “I have said that if they do that and if indeed the Great Escapes Theatres donated The Princess to the city, my goal will be to work with the staff to find an individual or company or organization to lease The Princess to and continue its operation as a local movie theater showing first run pictures.” The Princess is in need of heating repairs and movie projector replacements in order for it to reopen and show first run movies, according to Elliot. Two theater rooms need heating repairs that are estimated to cost $25,000 according to information Elliott received from Aliance Entertainment. In addition, The Princess needs to upgrade the projectors from
ROYAL ORIGINS The Princess Theater has a long history in Oxford, Ohio. It was first opened Sept. 11, 1911 by William E. Keene and was originally called the New Oxford Theater. Keene and his son Ed Keene along with Wilmington Amusement Co. owned the theater. In the 1950s, Charles A. Williams owned the theater and changed its name to the Talawanda Theater. It was not until The Talawanda Theater closed and was leased by Film
Classics, Inc. that it was renamed The Princess. When The Princess opened in 1982 it was renovated and received new equipment. The theater previously sat nearly 400 but was renovated with wider aisles and a staggered seating formation to seat only 180, according to an archived story by The Oxford Press. The Oxford Press archived story states that when The Princess first opened admission started out as only $2.
Dean of Students steps Academic dishonesty incidents increase down, returns to teaching By Emily Crane Staff Writer
By Allison McGillivray Campus Editor
After serving as Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students for ten years, Susan Mosley-Howard will step down in Jan. 2013 to return to teaching. Mosley-Howard will work on several research projects in the spring semester, in addition to teaching a class in the department of educational psychology and becoming familiar with her new duties as department chair for educational psychology. Mosley-Howard will return as full-time faculty at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. Mike Curme, associate dean and associate professor of economics in the Farmer School of Business, will serve as interim Associate Vice President for
Student Affairs and Dean of Students beginning in January. While Mosley-Howard was not specific at about why she chose to step down as Dean of Students, she said it was not a result of poor student behavior. “Students are a joy overall,” Mosley-Howard said. “Miami students are vibrant, engaging, [and] bring such a sense of life to the campus.”
Brenda Quaye, Miami University’s new Coordinator for Academic Integrity has her work cut out for her: the 2011-12 academic year showed a 35 percent increase in reported incidents of academic dishonesty, according to the most recent incident report issued by the Academic Integrity Initiative in the Center for Enhancement of Learning and Teaching. The report indicated that the majority of incidents of dishonesty occurred in the College of Arts and Sciences and the Farmer School of Business. BUS 101 and CHM 144 were the courses with the highest numbers of reported incidents, with 32 and 23 respectively. The most commonly reported incidents have to do with unauthorized collaboration or plagiarism, according to Quaye, where students do more work together on assignments or assessments than they’re allowed, particularly in lab write-ups. “Students shouldn’t give their
work or any part of their work to another student without permission,” Quaye said. Doing so could open the door for what is called facilitated plagiarism, and while it may be unintentional, it is still punishable. “Unintentional academic dishonesty is still dishonesty,” Quaye said. However, the spike in reported incidents is not necessarily due to an increase in actual acts of dishonesty as much as it is due to increased detection and reporting, Quaye said. As more and more professors use plagiarism detection software, such as Turnitin, it has become much easier to instantly detect cheating or plagiarism, according to Quaye. In addition, the university recently outlined in the Student Handbook some new procedures by which an instructor may collaborate with their program director or department chair to report an incident of suspected dishonesty, Quaye said. Up until three years ago, when these procedures were put in place, faculty members were left to handle matters of dishonesty on their own.
“With the new procedure, we’ve implemented a support system for faculty members, [which has] provided them a mechanism for addressing issues of academic dishonesty,” Quaye said. Richard Campbell has served as the director of the journalism program for nine years and the interim chair of the communications department for three. He said he has seen a slight rise in reported incidents since the new procedures have been put in place. “I might get between three and four cases a semester,” Campbell said. “I think there are more cases now because [instructors] are more conscious of the new process.” While Quaye is not alarmed by the amount of academic dishonesty at Miami, she is actively working to combat it, primarily by educating students and faculty on policies. “Students don’t fully understand what’s allowed and not allowed,” Quaye said. “Speeding is a good
ASC site ready for winter BY jenn Smola Campus Editor
As temperatures begin to drop and winter sets in, the construction of the Armstrong Student Center (ASC) is on schedule and ready for the colder weather. The construction is running smoothly, University Architect John Seibert said. “We are absolutely on schedule,” he said. As the ASC begins to look like the plans and blueprints the Miami community has come to recognize, Rick Russell, project manager for the ASC construction, said the structure will be completely closed in by mid-January. “The roofers are working right now along with the contractor who’s putting the exterior sheeting and siding on the building,” Russell said. While Miami students will be
relaxing at home after finals, work on the ASC will continue over the academic break, Russell said. “You’ll see when the weather turns really bad the outdoor work will be curtailed,” Russell said. “While we still have got good weather they’ll still be working on the outside stuff.” The same weather-proofing process is taking place down the road on Miami’s other major construction projects as well, according to Seibert. “The same dance and chase is happening over at Maplestreet [Station] and Etheridge Hall right now too, so we’re trying to get our three major projects that are under construction winter-proof and weatherized,” Seibert said. Associated Student Government’s executive cabin et had the opportunity to go on a hard hat tour of the ASC in October. President of Senate Peter
Dougherty said he was excited by the construction’s progress. “It was fantastic,” Dougherty said. “You can see it all coming together.” Dougherty said while it’s bittersweet for him to be graduating this year before the ASC is completed, it’s still exciting to see the building really begin to take shape. “I think it’s really starting to come together a lot more nowadays,” Dougherty said. “Especially compared to when they first started construction…you could see gigantic high walls and dirt. Looking at the drawings and looking at the building you see now, you can definitely see the correlation.” Russell shared Dougherty’s excitement regarding the project. “It’s an exciting project to be a part of,” Russell said. “I’m glad to see it going on a campus like Miami and I think the students will find the spaces really exciting.”
Construction continues on the Armstrong Student Center with Phase I of the project slated to be completed by January of 2014.
O’Hara lecture presents lessons from 2012 election By Rachel Sarachman An old tradition continued before a full house Thursday afternoon in Harrison Hall room 111 as Daniel P. Tokaji came to campus as this year’s speaker in the O’Hara Lecture series. Patrick Haney, interim chair and professor of the political science department said he looked forward to going to the lecture. “This lecture is an especially opportune moment to hear about the recent election,” Haney said. According to Haney, in 1994
This lecture is an especially opportune moment to hear about the recent election.” PATRICK HANEY POLITICAL SCIENCE CHAIR
the O’Hara lecture was started by Lloyd and Mary O’Hara, two Miami alumni, in an effort to bridge the gap between politics and law. Past lecturers for this event have ranged from professors from other universities, practicing attorneys, and even professionals who have worked on presidential campaign teams, Haney said. John Forren, professor in the Political Science department was the main coordinator of the event this year. Forren said Tokaji’s work is widely respected. “He is one of the top voices on voting rights with his academic work as well as his work within the courts concerning the changes to the election laws,” Forren said. Tokaji spoke on the historical background of voting, the current landscape of politics and voting
following the recent election and lessons to take away from the election during his lecture, but also urged those in attendance to take action. “My goal here today…is not just to lecture to you on the problems that we have, but to embolden you to take action, because our democracy depends on having advocates and activists for the right to vote, and I very much hope that will be you,” Tokaji said. Some students on campus said they were especially excited to see what the lecture has in store. Junior Emily Slagle said she was optimistic about the potential learning opportunities in the lecture. “I believe that people should be more aware when they make their vote because they do count and I think this lecture will hopefully inspire more students to be an informed voter and pay attention to changes in voting laws,” Slagle said. Sophomore Skyler Kragt was looking forward to discussing the election now that the political dust has settled. “There is so much hype leading up to elections I’m glad there is going to be an opportunity to discuss the events in retrospect, especially with someone who is very knowledgeable of election laws like Dr. Tokaji,” Kragt said. Tokaji reminded students and faculty in attendance how important voting is. “Whatever it is we care about, whether it’s education jobs taxes guns, whatever our issue is, in order for us to change things as they are, to move closer to our ideal, we need to have the right to vote,” Tokaji said. “Change depends upon our being able to exercise that most fundamental right.” Jenn Smola contributed to this report.
Facing finals, students find relief in campus resources By Emily Glaser Senior Staff Writer
As the semester winds down, students beginning to prepare for final exams can find help in various locations at Miami University. The Rinella Learning Center offers a few extra services in the weeks leading up to finals. First, the center will host two finals prep workshops, which will help students break down their notes so they can study better, according to Jacqueline Walker, the coordinator for tutorial assistance at the center. The next session, which is open to all subjects, will be held 4 to 6 p.m. Dec. 4 in room 13 of the Rinella center. The center will also host a “tutoring blitz” 11a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 in McGuffey 322. Students are encouraged to make appointments ahead of time at the center, but there will be eight tutors on standby ready to help in math, French, chemistry, physics, accounting and Spanish, according to Walker. “We also have testing in our testing area during finals for students who have learning disabilities,” Walker said. The Howe Writing Center for Excellence will be open during usual hours with consultations by appointment available 1 to 9 p.m. Sunday, and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The center also will have walk in consultations for students with quick questions available 1 to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, according to Kate Francis, manager of the Howe Center. King Library will remain open 24 hours during finals week, and the Center for Information Management (CIM) will extend its hours until 2 a.m. First-year J’aime Murray will take advantage of King Library. “I’m going to try to get one of the private study rooms at the library so I can yell in frustration and not bother anyone else,” Murray said.
Other libraries will extend their hours as well for students seeking an alternative quiet place to study. The Business Engineering Science and Technology (B.E.S.T.) library will be open until 2:00 a.m. instead of midnight starting Friday, Dec. 7 and both the Amos Music Library and the Wertz Art and Architecture Library will be open until 11 p.m. according to Jerome Conley, assistant dean of libraries. “We encourage students to use our instruction rooms in Laws and King when there are no classes, so those will also be open,” Conley said. Senior Matt Wall said he is glad the university offers other study areas besides King. “I have little confidence that King will have any comfortable places to study this year, so I prefer to study at the Art and Architecture library,” Wall said. All residence halls will also promote a quiet, study environment and will go on 24-hour quiet hours starting Friday, Dec. 7, according to Rob Abowitz, associate director of residence life. According to Abowitz, students must leave the residence halls no later than 24 hours following their last final exam and no later than 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 14. However, if students are unable to be out by then, they may sign up for break housing on MyCard, Abowitz said. “The goal is to create an environment in the residence halls conducive to studying and sleeping,” Abowitz said. Students who have more than one exam scheduled at the same time will be able to make adjustments. When this occurs, the exam with the subject three-letter abbreviation that is nearest the beginning of the alphabet is adjusted, according to Marsha Walters, assistant director for scheduling. According to Walters, students who have four or more final exams in a 24-hour period can also make adjustments by the same rule.
Student email addresses to change over break By Allison McGillivray Campus Editor
Miami University students will receive new email addresses sometime between Dec. 31 and Jan. 4. During that time student email addresses will switch from to, however, students will still receive email sent to their address until at least June 2014, according to Randy Hollowell, senior communication and web coordinator for Information Technology (IT) Services. “So if someone sends a message to uniqueida@muohio. edu you’ll still get it, you just can’t send anything out with that
address,” Hollowell said. Once the switch occurs students will need to access their email accounts through the email link on the MyMiami portal as opposed to logging into their account through Gmail. While the switch should be relatively seamless for most students, according to Hollowell, there are several situations of which students should be aware. Students will need to update their email on their mobile devices to still be able to receive email from their Miami account, according to Hollowell. Instructions for how to do this can be found on Miami’s GoGoogle site. Students will still be able to access to their core Google
apps such as Google calendar and Google drive after the email switch, however they will need to update their noncore Google apps such as Picasa, Google Analytics and Youtube accounts after they receive their new email address. These accounts will need to be updated before spring break, according to Hollowell. Instructions on how to update these accounts can also be found on Miami’s GoGoogle site. Hollowell also said students should update their email addresses on any non-Miami listservs they subscribe to once the switch is made, as well as updating their email addresses on their various accounts such as iTunes and Amazon over time.
Members of Oxfam raised awareness about world hunger at its annual hunger banquet on Monday.
FRIDAY, novemBER 30, 2012
POLICE Lane Library looks to expand
By Ashley VanBuskirk for The Miami Student
The staff of the Oxford branch of Lane Public Libraries, 15 S. College Ave., announced plans to expand the facilities in a recent informational meeting for the public Nov. 12. The plans have been in the works for the past 10 months, according to Branch Manager Rebecca Smith. “We’re out of space here,” said Smith. “We’ve outgrown this space both in terms of our collections, but also in terms of parking, which has become an increased issue.” The potential location of the new building would be across the street from Kroger, in place of the old WalMart building, according to Smith. Smith said the Library invited the public to give its preference for the location of the expansion at the informational meeting. Several locations were being considered for the expansion, such as the old Talawanda High School building as well as the old Wal-Mart site. After presenting a few locations, Smith said they questioned the community members at the meeting on their choice of location. “We asked for feedback from the community and there was a strong preference for the Wal-Mart site,” Smith said.
At the current location there are only 15 parking spaces but the potential expansion will provide 100 parking spaces. The new building will also be 25,000 square feet of new space, compared to 13,000 square feet at the current location. The Oxford branch is in need of additional room in the library for the growing number of patrons, according to Smith. The library recently installed a system which records the number of library patrons as they enter the building every day. Within the second week of November the library had a total of 5,347 patrons Patrons vary from community members who come to read the newspaper, or Miami University students who are looking for a quieter place to study than King Library, Smith said. Smith noted that the branch’s special reference library, the Smith Library of Regional History, especially needs expansion. The reference library consists of primary resources on the history of Oxford and the surrounding area of Southwest Ohio. The collection continues to grow, with new material constantly coming into the library, according to Valerie Elliott, manager of the Smith Library. Elliott said they have had to remove seating from their section of
the library to accommodate the new material. With the new expansion, they hope to expand their hours, the workspace and the materials available for library patrons. “The Smith Library users, workers and the collections deserve an adequate space,” Elliott said. “The hope is that the new space will provide that.” Presenting these plans to the Lane Library Board of Trustees is the next step in the process to expand. This will take place Dec. 10, at the Board of Trustees meeting for the Library. Funding for the new expansion is expected to come from gifts designated for the Oxford branch as well as funds from the capital and building maintenance fund, which consists of state funding provided by the government. The current budget for the development is $7.5 million. The Library plans to collaborate with a developer who plans on constructing new student housing and a new commercial space at the old Wal-Mart site, according to Smith. The developer, Robert Fiorita, plans on tearing down the existing building and completely re-building the space. The project, according to Smith, has already been approved by the city of Oxford.
This new facility will better serve the local community as well as Miami students, according to senior Sara Lindsey, who visits the library occasionally for leisure reading. “I think it’s easier to find a greater selection of fiction,” Lindsey said. “King Library can be a little intimidating if you’re just looking for fiction and there’s so many books it can be hard to find,” Lindsey said. The Library has multiple resources that are specifically useful to Miami students, according to Smith. The library has subscriptions to databases such as Zinio, which allows library members to download free subscriptions to popular magazines. Subscriptions vary from magazines such as Elle and Marie Claire to more news-focused magazines such as Newsweek and The Economist. Another subscriptions that the Library holds is for a website called Freegal, which provides members three free music downloads a week from their database of almost three million songs. Both of these services are offered to the public from the Library. The Oxford branch is open 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday.
Students rock the Red Room By Kailey Decker
For The Miami Student
Oxford offers students plenty of clothing stores and restaurants and now students have access to Red Door Recording, a recording studio located inside Off The Beaten Path. Off The Beaten Path sits at the obscure address of 119½ A W. High St. and prides itself on being “Oxford’s Music Store.” According to owner Johnny Helfinstine, the music store opened in August 2008 and after chasing his dream, he opened the inner recording studio Sept. 29, 2012. “For me, it was always about opening a studio,” Helfinstine explained. “It was kind of like Field of Dreams. If you build it, they will come.” Helfinstine said there are a few recording studios in Hamilton and assumes there are some home studios too, however to his knowledge, Off The Beaten Path’s Red Door
Red Door Recording opened Sept. 29, 2012 inside Off The Beaten Path music store and allows students and community members alike to rent the room for $45 for a four-hour minimum. Recording Studio is the only commercial recording studio in Oxford. “Not many small college towns have recording studios, so I’ve definitely never seen anything like this in Oxford,” sophomore Stephanie Leinbach said. Helfinstine said that although he has not been in business long enough to get any repeat recording studio customers, he said he believes he will since it is open to both students and Oxford residents. He said that nearly 85 percent of his clients are Miami University students, which he said he appreci-
ates because he is a Miami alumnus. “I love going to tiny music stores like Off The Beaten Path,” firstyear Allie Merkelson said. “They have great music but you often don’t see recording studios in them, so that’s definitely an attraction for Miami students.” According to Helfinstine, anyone can contact the store to set up a recording time that is convenient for both parties. Sessions cost $45 an hour for a four-hour minimum. However, Helfinstine said he can negotiate the price with the musician for sessions less than four-
hours. Customers bring their own instruments and microphones and at the end of the day they will get a CD of their work. “One of the biggest surprises was when two Americans came in and sang in Chinese for a school project,” Helfinstine said. “It was cool because they said it was going to be heard in China. But honestly I just like to see it work.” To contact Off The Beaten Path or Red Door Recordings you can call 513-523-5800 or email or
Student on the Street
How do you feel about The Princess closing? “I’ve been there [almost] once a week. I feel sad because this is the nearest movie theater.”
“[I’ve been probably] four times. I’m disappointed becaue now we have to go to Hamilton or further.”
Yining Geng
Jaimee Walt
“[I’ve been] once. I didn’t know it was closing.”
“[I’ve been there about] five times. I’m pretty sad about it. It always gave me an easy location to see a movie, now we need to go to Hamilton probably and it’s a little far out of th way.”
Max Minea
Blair Skarin
“I’ve been to the Princess five or six times. I don’t like it at all. It’s the only movie theater in town.”
“I think [I’ve been] once. I think it’s kind of expected because it was kind of dirty. It’s not kept up very nicely.”
Chris Aquilino
Katie Johnson
FRIDAY, novemBER 30, 2012
The following piece, written by the editorial editors, reflects the majority opinion of the editorial board.
Definition of plagiarism needs to be transparent, respected The 2011-12 academic year showed an increase in reported incidents of academic dishonesty, with the majority of incidents coming from the College Chemistry lab, CHM 144 and BUS 101 classes. The most commonly reported incidents have to do with unauthorized collaboration or plagiarism, where students do more work together on assignments or assessments than they’re allowed. The Miami Student editorial board feels that plagiarism can be reduced by effort on the behalf of both students and professors. Clarification about what is right and wrong is necessary for improvement to be seen. While there is nothing wrong with students wanting to make things easier by working in groups, rules and boundaries regarding what is “cheating” and what is not can be confusing at times. Many students will share information from class or assignments, collaborate on Google documents and study together. This raises the question of whether or not this is all considered cheating by university or individual professors’ standards.
While many professors include an excerpt from the university handbook on Miami’s cheating policies, it may be helpful for a professor to outline his or her rules in class at the beginning of the semester. Different teachers will have different rules and guidelines, so clarification is necessary and important for students to succeed. Students should also know the university’s policy on cheating and plagiarism, but common sense plays a large role in knowing what is right and what is wrong. Finding information online, copying and rewording it to make the ideas sound like your own is simply lazy. The risk of plagiarizing or copying someone’s ideas is not worth the associated anxiety, when students could do less work by simply writing the paper on their own. It is important for us to educate ourselves on various forms of proper citation, to cite sources and to give credit where credit is due. It’s simple: don’t try to steal others’ ideas. In the end, gray areas need to be defined by professors, and black and white areas need to be respected by students.
When you’re finished reading
The Miami Student,
please recycle!
Rule of Thumb Final Exam Preparation So many options, from the Rinella Learning Center and the Howe Writing Center to the many libraries! 2
O’Hara Lecture Taking a look at the 2012 election and learning about voting rights. 2
Red Door Recording Bringing new music to the streets of Oxford! 4
Hugs Spread the love (or awkwardness) but respect people’s space.
Princess Theater Oxford’s only movie theater is closing, but there’s hope for the future. 1
Frosty mornings No one likes having to scrape ice off their cars. But you’re lucky if you have a car at all.
Life, liberty related to the rest of the world There is no doubt that liberty and equality are the foundations that this great nation was built upon. From the moment we declared our independence, we made it clear that ours would be a nation that respected and revered liberty and equality. Ours is a nation that understood: without these two principals there would be no happiness to pursue. Without these two key principles, there would be less social mobility and less of a reward for hard work and determination. Find another country where a poor immigrant family can put down its roots and in two generations have a son who can contend to be the leader of that country. We all know that this kind of social mobility is the result of hard work, determination and a little bit of planning but let’s not pretend that larger economic forces don’t impact the pursuit of this dream too. If you need a reminder of that, take a look at the financial collapse of 2008. A collapse that left millions of Americans wondering what happened to their homes, college savings and retirement funds — gone in the blink of an eye were the fruits of their many years of labor. Liberty might have helped them get it, but something else took that away from them. You see, we live in an increasingly interconnected world and to say that what happens in one country bears no relevance to what happens here in the U.S., is to misunderstand the world we live in. Today, millions of Americans invest their money in the markets. Having the ability to invest in the market no matter how rich or poor a person might be is a truly great example of economic liberty and equality in action. Then again, investing is influenced heavily by the outside world. You might not care about the
world around you but to the farmer who has invested in the markets, what happens in Greece and Spain matter a whole lot. Suddenly, the consequences of a faltering European Union could mean the difference between whether or not his child gets a college education. You might think that what happens half way around the world has no impact on United States citizens, but tell that to a small business owner who relies on a fleet of automobiles to deliver his goods. To them, the consequences of a Middle East in turmoil means higher oil and gas prices, leading to a higher overhead. You might not see how what happens in China matters to millions of Americans, but the factory workers in the rust belt without jobs do. They understand that China’s manipulation of its currency impacts millions of Americans. They understand that China’s refusal to play by the rules is an affront to their pursuit of happiness. Having blind faith in liberty and equality won’t guarantee anyone the ability to climb the social ladder if we aren’t willing to protect those rights for a fear of becoming involved in international affairs. It’s hypocritical to applaud the importance of liberty and equality and then turn around and say that the United States has no role to play in the Syrian conflict, a conflict that started when the people of the country demanded liberty. Unfortunately, we weren’t willing to hear their plea and watched 42,000 people die in the streets. Yes, instead of getting involved, we sat by — forgetting that we once rebelled against tyranny for the sake of liberty — only to watch a tyrannical leader slaughter his own people. Realizing that there’s a value in having a democratic Syria and a democratic Middle East is the first
step in practicing the policies we preach and providing a stable world ripe for economic development. The second step is understanding that there is also a real value in helping those in Africa who struggle to get access to clean drinking water or who still worry about preventable illnesses like malaria. It’s accepting that an economically developed Africa is good for the U.S. economy and that making this commitment will not infringe on the liberty of American citizens or in any way limit their pursuit of happiness. That’s why it’s time to stop burying our heads in the sand and acting like we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the world and solve the problems facing our country with two little ideas. It’s time we practice a policy that valued the role of liberty and equality not just at home but around the globe as well. The policy I am proposing is not a war-hawkish policy or the policy of someone who misunderstands the nature of American “exceptionalism,” but rather, is the policy of someone who sees the value in bringing stability to the Middle East and developing the economies of Africa. If we are to be a truly exceptional country that values liberty and equality, we cannot turn a blind eye to injustice in the world and affronts to the American way of life. We must practice a policy of compassion that uses both military and humanitarian aid to help spread democracy and develop the economies of those who seek to set up systems that also value liberty and equality. To do that is to fully understand the importance of liberty and equality and practice a policy of exceptionalism.
Gregory Dick
Don’t fear the end of the year: America will not careen off the media’s popularized ‘fiscal cliff’ When you hear the media discuss this big, scary, looming monster called the fiscal cliff, the most important point to remember is that President Barack Obama and Speaker John Boehner very nearly came to a deal last summer in similar circumstances. The Speaker agreed to give a little bit on revenues, the President on Medicare, but somewhere the deal broke down.
Both men understood the mission. Both were clearly constrained by their rank and file members and personal ideological blinders, but engaged in the negotiations with good faith. At one point when it seemed a deal had been cut, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and wunderkind Paul Ryan begged the Speaker to withdraw — telling him a big deal would almost certainly guarantee
According to the media and the D.C. elites, this means we should all be deeply afraid-- as POLITICO’s Jim VandeHei said on Morning Joe last week, some lawmakers just might be crazy enough to go off this fiscal cliff! Bob Woodward’s latest book The Price of Politics is devoted to the aforementioned negotiations, which were framed around House Republicans refusal to raise our nation’s debt limit. They wanted equal cuts to offset the increase. President Obama and Congressional Democrats countered saying they would give Republicans some cuts if they were willing to give on revenue increases. House Republicans were indignant. After all, 2010 was their mandate election — one to cut spending without raises taxes, not to continue to fund the government at nearly the same level and increase the tax burden. These tea party members of Congress felt they had the American people on their side, and the debt limit-raising vote became their Pickett’s Charge. Cut spending, or default. This quickly became the position of the House Republican Conference. Democrats laughed, knowing they still held the White House and Senate, thus salvaging some serious leverage in such negotiations. Speaker Boehner and President Obama fought it out between the 40-yard lines, trying to find an acceptable deal for both sides to avert catastrophe and start the hard process of paying down our crippling debt.
the President’s reelection (it turns out he didn’t need their help). And at the end, when a deal appeared to be done, the Speaker withdrew, saying the President “moved the goalpost” on revenue. But it was clear: the Speaker probably couldn’t deliver his conference. That’s when Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s legislative acumen became an asset to our country. The two agreed to raise the debt ceiling, and set up a Super Committee to reduce our debt; if the Committee failed (as it was basically designed to do), sequestration cuts across the federal government would kick in. Hitting sacred cows like defense spending. The cuts are designed to kick in at the same time the Bush Tax cuts expire, which would cause taxes to go up substantially on all Americans. So unless lawmakers act, economists agree, the combination of the tax cuts expiration would be like an insta-recession spray for our economy. According to the media and the D.C. elites, this means we should all be deeply afraid — as POLITICO’s Jim VandeHei said on Morning Joe last week, some lawmakers just might be crazy enough to go off this fiscal cliff! Negotiations have started slow,
but top hands on the Hill and in the White House have been prepping for some time — basically worrying about getting a deal done ever since the Super Committee failed to meet its charge. I find it highly unlikely that these folks will fail this time. Especially since Republicans have started dumping on Grover Norquist’s anti-tax pledge, and if the President agrees on any deal, it will be hard for the liberal members of his party, who oppose entitlement cuts, to say no to their president. Everybody knows what this deal needs to entail. Serious spending cuts, and a moderate amount of targeted tax revenue increases. It will be a tough pill to swallow, but a necessary one to get us back on the path to fiscal sanity. The leadership is quite likely to come to a deal — the issue is if their friends will come along. And if the entrenched partisans on either side get in the way and won’t go along with the deal that’s reached, it’s highly likely that they would blink and at least pass continuing resolutions to avoid a recession. In Washington parlance, that means kick the can down the road. And while some commentators feel a catastrophe is the only way we’ll ever start dealing with our debt, it’s probably going to take more than an arbitrary deadline lawmakers set for themselves to get there. And I think the almost-deal last time gives us cause for optimism. The framework is there, and the force of leadership in Washington is strong — no matter how bold random congressman from Georgia sounds, he’s probably going to vote the way his Speaker wants him to. The force of the Presidency is even stronger. You better have some serious backup if you want to buck your president — you also better know how to navigate your way through Congress without good committee assignments or help from national leaders. The fiscal cliff has been framed poorly from the start — it isn’t a cliff, it’s an opportunity. Will our leaders kick the can down the road again, or choose to do what they’re supposed to? Actually lead and help us to avoid fiscal calamity.
‘Tis the season to say ‘Merry Christmas’ not ‘Happy Holidays’ In our lifetimes the generic saying around schools, malls and other public places has morphed from Merry Christmas to the all-inclusive “Happy Holidays.” Now why is this? So you don’t “offend” anyone who may be Jewish, Muslim, agnostic or atheist. However did anyone ever consider why saying “Merry Christmas” to a student or complete stranger is offensive? If a man buys a toy at a store and the clerk replies at the end of the transaction by saying “Merry Christmas” and the man says he is Jewish, why is that offensive? It shouldn’t be. The clerk was simply conveying a positive message in observance of a national holiday they (the clerk) celebrate. If we think it is possible to offend someone based on their religious beliefs, without knowing them in the first place, and while failing to make a negative comment about ANY religion then we have truly lost the meaning of the word “offensive.” As a society, we have devolved into thinking that simply mentioning a religion publically is offensive and discriminatory. We have subsequently taken away our treasured freedom of speech and expression. What would be truly “offensive” is if I were to say, “Christmas is stupid, and Jesus was nothing special.” I made a negative comment based primarily on the beliefs of Christians. We need to stop making positive things so taboo. Many people would say in response “Well what if a Jewish person said, ‘Happy Chanukah’ to you?” I believe that my previous paragraph applies the same logic. I wouldn’t be offended in the least. They would be conveying a positive blessing in observance of a holiday they celebrate. Furthermore, others have argued it is to protect the children in public schools who are tormented for not celebrating Christmas like most of the other kids. My response to that is as a society it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to mutually express to their children that it isn’t acceptable to torment each other based on their religious beliefs. It isn’t logical to simply remove anything that could be used to torment little kids. If you take a stick away from a bully, they will just find another stick. In other words, you must address the warring party, not just take a gun away. Next, a new 20th and 21st century fad from which the “Happy Holidays” switch is drawn from is the
separation of church and state. However, if this new wave of “offend no one so let’s just pretend religion does not exist” is so paramount and integral to society then why do religious institutions get tax exemptions? Why do all our schools have academic calendars developed around the Judeo-Christian calendars? Seventy-eight percent of Americans still consider themselves Christians with non-Christian religions unable to cross the 5 percent threshold when totaled altogether (the remaining roughly 17 percent are nonidentifiers and atheists). I’m not saying the United States should ignore the minority, quite the opposite; the U.S. is built balancing powers of majorities and minorities. However, it is for this 78 percent and other reasons why the United States’ federal government has declared the 25th of December, Christmas Day, a national holiday. Banks are closed, the courts are closed, 90 percent of businesses are closed, the NYSE is closed, and schools are closed. So why has Christmas become the elephant in the room that cannot be talked about in a public setting? Simply one fact, people are afraid of offending people. To what extreme will the mass populous go to in order to protect this so called “right” to not be “offended?” Do we wish “Happy Holidays” all year round because someone does not celebrate or “believe in” the 4th of July or Valentine’s Day? Why has religion become taboo so quickly? With minuscule exceptions religions are a source of hope and joy to those who believe in them. Couldn’t the argument be made that saying “Happy Holidays,” blatantly disregarding any religious affiliation of the recipient of the message, is in itself offensive? All things considered, in the December season no one should be afraid to wish anyone a Merry Christmas if they so choose. There is a 78 percent chance you will get a very positive reply for making someone’s day a little more human. If by some chance they get offended then do not apologize, simply say “Nice meeting you” or “Have a good day” if said person does not give you their religious affiliation. Either way all you are doing is wishing someone good will. Merry Christmas Miami!
Nathan Lombardi
Don’t judge people who choose to exercise their judgement
Judge not lest ye be judged. This admonition is one of many popular aphorisms that need to be forgotten. The late Christopher Hitchens once told his Vanity Fair editor that, as a contingency of accepting a job as a journalist for the magazine, he would write about anything but sports. Christopher wrote for Vanity Fair for nearly two decades, right up until his death nearly a year ago. It’s hardly an overstatement to say that the collection of authorships he produced as a writer, both at Vanity Fair and elsewhere, covered most topics under the sun aside from sports. The most amazing component of his writing, however, is not the breadth of material covered (though it is similarly impressive), but the constant unapologetic expression of well-formed opinion. There needs to be more of this. It has become unmistakably popular to shy away from criticizing views of others out of
fear of offending somebody, especially when it comes to politics or religion.
Yet while some ideas are nonsensical and unsubstantiated, suppressing them is not the answer. Be and let be (or live and let live, if you prefer) however, does little in the way of problem solving. It is a far nobler venture to say what’s on your chest and be damned with the consequence. We all can assuredly identify a friend or relative that just doesn’t care what you think, they are going to tell you how they feel anyway. Not only is there something admirable about this approach, it is the
best way to get things done. Tolerance and reticence are virtuous to the extent that they don’t undermine warranted criticism. There is nothing wrong with judgment. Judging other people, actions, states of order, the government, etc. is healthy and it should be done with little (without?) restraint. Even illogical opinions can be useful (Fox News comes to mind) because they force new perceptions and discussion. Though it can take painfully long for the general public to reach a consensus, facts and reason tend to endure while the vacuous falls by the wayside. The danger of not attempting to eradicate nonsense from the minds of others is that ideas spread, even the ridiculous ones. They spread between people as well as to other thoughts and ideas, and ultimately they influence behavior. Irrational ideas are unproductive at best, and at worst they can
be devastating. Religion is an easy target on this front, as there are numerous examples of poisonous ideology inflicting unnecessary wounds on society throughout history. When planes get flown into the sides of buildings, suicide bombers kill innocent passers-by or millions of people die for the purpose of ethnic cleansing, the time that people should have stood up and shouted has long since passed. Yet while some ideas are nonsensical and unsubstantiated, suppressing them is not the answer. We have to trust ourselves to juxtapose and judge conflicting ideas and choose the best option. The choice to protect freedom of speech in the first amendment of the constitution was a wise one indeed. There is hardly a justifiable reason to remain silent about important issues, especially those that are ecumenical. Incidentally, politics and religion both fall under this category as well. Where tolerance should fit into
this equation is not in the extirpation of criticism, but in the addition of pragmatism. Opinions are not held with the knowledge that they are foundationally unsound. Rather, people think they are right and opposing factions are wrong. The reason for this may be due to the opposing party’s incompetence, but less often than is probably attributed. More frequently, social and cultural indoctrination are the cause of differing opinions, beliefs, and ideas. And though persuading somebody with a different background that an alternate point of view is more reasonable can be challenging, it can be done. It must be done. Not only does this require judgment, it requires speaking out in spite of unpopularity or concern about whom it might offend. It is far more offensive to yourself and others to lack the conviction to stand up for what you believe in.
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Save the trees!
Please recycle when you’re finished reading!
analogy; people will do it until they get caught or unless they know someone will catch them.” Quaye has been collaborating with the university libraries and the Howe Writing Center to create online, interactive resources to help students understand the policies. She has also been working with the faculty to provide them with more resources on academic dishonesty for their students, and to inform them on the reporting procedures so as to ensure increased and accurate reporting. In addition, Quaye is taking steps to ensure that international students are made aware of the academic dishonesty policies, as this last year, the number of incidents reported among international students more than tripled. “A large part of that is due to how academic integrity and honesty are thought of in other cultures,” Quaye said. Shuang Ji, a junior accounting major from China, said plagiarism in particular was not seen to be as serious back home. “In high school, we didn’t stress the importance of creating your own work,” Ji said. This coming year, however, Quaye will be working to ensure that international students are given a good understanding of plagiarism during their orientation and in their introductory English courses during their first year. “We want to ensure that our students are acting with integrity, that they’re learning,” Quaye said. “An emphasis on ethics and integrity both in and out of the classroom is something that adds value to our degree and our institution’s name.”
35 mm film to digital projectors. Elliot said this could cost between $25,000 - $60,000 per projector. “One concern I have is I don’t want to keep the theater closed very long because when you basically turn the heat off in buildings and leave them unoccupied they decline rapidly,” Elliott said. “Assuming that the city [may take] possession of The Princess Theater before the end of the calendar year, we will quickly need to get it open...I would like to do that as a movie theater, leasing that to an individual or organization so we can show movies, have some revenue, make the needed repairs and pay the bills. The city will not be funding the theater operation. … The city will maintain ownership of the building so that we can control the use of the site there.” Many community members have rallied behind The Princess and joined the Facebook fan page ‘Save the Princess Theater.’ More than 900 people have ‘liked’ the page since its creation Tuesday. David Prytherch, chair of the Oxford Planning Commission, created the Facebook page and hopes to see Princess reopened. “I think in the short term it is really sad news for Oxford,” Prytherch said. “I think that there is an opportunity to not only save The Princess but to remake it so that it is potentially better.” Prytherch said he also believes it will take creativity and a community effort to reopen the small theater. On the Facebook page, he suggested creating a non-profit group to support the theater. “Oxford is a small town and everyone plays a role in Oxford.” Prytherch said. “If Oxford wants to save its movie theater it will take everyone. I am happy to be a part of community of students and residents who work together on things like this.” Miami University junior CJ Spaulding has lived in Oxford her entire life and said The Princess adds character to Uptown Oxford. “I definitely want The Princess to remain in Oxford,” Spaulding said. “It has been around for a very long time. It is just something else to do in town… I know it means a lot to the little kids, especially when new movies come out because parents do not have to take them as far.”
FRIDAY, novemBER 30, 2012
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 carson drake drake’s take
club hockey flying under the radar Miami University has always prided itself on having a strong varsity hockey team, which is currently ranked fourth in the nation. However, it is not the only team on campus that can play the game, and play it well might I add. Currently residing at the top of their division with a 12-1-0 record, the Miami club hockey team is shutting down the opposition left and right. The team’s current record is the best start it has had since the 1999-2000 season. During that season, the team won Nationals. To start out the season, the team had two impressive wins against Penn State University and the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Both teams were considered to be hopefuls for the Nationals tournament this year. The team is no stranger to success as it has qualified for Nationals 14 of the last 16 seasons. It appears that others are taking notice as the team received a unanimous no. 1 ranking in the Southeast region. The Miami club hockey program was responsible for starting the varsity program on campus. The club team created the winning tradition at Miami and it is clear that the tradition has continued on to the varsity level. The team travels frequently to Michigan, Chicago, St. Louis and Maryland, playing many of the teams the varsity team competes against. Its top competition includes Michigan, Michigan State and Ferris State, to name a few. While club hockey receives less publicity on campus, now is the time to give credit where credit is due. Made up mostly of AAA and junior caliber players, the program is very serious and the players are wholeheartedly committed to the team. The team’s winning mentality has allowed it to control its opponents
in every facet of the game. Club is nothing like intramurals, which some people mistakenly compare it to. The players’ ability to succeed on the ice is likely a result of their work ethic off the ice. They have mandatory team runs every Monday and 90 minute practices twice a week. “This year is a fresh start compared to last year,” Mike Olivear, the team’s vice president said. “Last year was a disappointment since we did not advance to the National tournament. This year the team is more mature and focused on the goals at hand.” Many of the returners as well as the coaches learned a great deal from last year’s disappointing season. They have adopted a new attitude this year. In order to remain focused on making a deep run in the National tournament, the team approaches each game as if it were “the biggest game of the season,” and the men have formed an identity as a blue collar hockey team. In hockey, as in most sports, doing the little things is what sets one apart from the competition. That means taking the hit in the corner to complete the breakout pass, back-checking when you have no energy left and so on. This team is doing all the little things and that is why it has found success. With strong senior leadership, the players strive to make the team a cohesive unit that is held accountable for each individual’s actions. The club team is highly competitive and often produces great hockey that students ought to start watching. Miami’s hockey tradition is as strong as ever and students need not forget that there is not just one hockey team on campus. With no end in sight to the current NHL lockout, we could always use a little extra hockey, right?
’Hawks head to Alaska
Miami University freshman forward Sean Kuraly fires a shot on net against Michigan State Univeristy. Kuraly has two goals for the Central Collegiate Hockey Association leading RedHawks.
By Joe Gieringer Staff Writer
After a two week hiatus, the Miami University hockey team returns to action this weekend against the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The RedHawks (7-2-3) are ranked in the top five nationally for the seventh straight week, moving up one spot in the USCHO. com poll and the USA Today poll to No. 4 despite being inactive this past weekend. Alaska (6-5-3) is the third Central Collegiate Hockey Association (CCHA) team t he Brotherhood will face away from home this year, and Miami looks to improve upon its 2-2 road record. The Red and White enter the game sitting alone in first place in CCHA with a 4-2-2 conference record. Alaska comes in with a 4-42 record, good for fifth place in the league. The Nanooks play at the Carlson Center, a 4,595 seat arena located in downtown Fairbanks that claims to be as hostile as any other in the CCHA. Miami head coach Enrico Blasi said that though the trip is a long one, his team will be ready to take on a worthy opponent.
“It’s just a matter of getting up there and taking care of our bodies during the week,” Blasi said. “We’ll have a full day to recover and get acclimated … They’re playing really well. It’s a tough building to play in and their crowd is really supportive of their team. It’s a bigger ice surface so you really have to be mindful of that, and obviously they know how to play on it.” Alaska is 4-2 at home this year and boasts wins over the University of North Dakota and Western Michigan University, which are ranked No. 7 and No. 10 in the country, respectively. The RedHawk offense will have to be in prime form if they want to come out of the series with two wins. Sophomore forward Austin Czarnik has scored 14 points so far this season, good enough to tie for second in the CCHA. However, the biggest standout has been freshman linemate Riley Barber, who maintains a leagueleading 16 points. “I’ve always wanted this to happen,” Barber said. “To get a chance to play with ‘Z’ (Czarnik), and to get a chance like the coaches are giving me, it’s awesome and it’s a dream – but we’ve just got to
focus on this weekend. It’s good that we’re on top of the league, but we like our team winning, so we’ve got to keep it going.” If Miami wants to keep the top spot, they’ll likely need to sweep this weekend’s series to fend off the University of Notre Dame. The Fighting Irish are hot on their heels with 15 points, just a single point behind the RedHawks in the CCHA standings. With Miami far from home this weekend, the team will be looking to senior captain Steven Spinell to lead the team. Spinell was recently named one of the 20 candidates for the prestigious senior CLASS award, given to the Division I hockey player that most exemplifies achievements in four areas of excellence: community, classroom, character and competition. “It’s a great honor,” Spinell said. “But I try not to pay attention to all of that stuff. I’ve got a job to do here in this locker room so I focus on that. It’s an honor to be nominated, but I’ve got a team to worry about.” Miami faces off against Alaska Friday and Saturday at the Carlson Center in Fairbanks. The puck drops 11:05 p.m. both nights.
RedHawks start road trip aganist IPFW Red and White fall against ranked Kentucky Wildcats BY Win Braswell Senior Staff Writer
After a tumultuous road campaign last season, the Miami University men’s basketball team opens a four game road trip this Saturday at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (IPFW), looking to right the ship. The RedHawks are 3-2 on the season, but just 1-2 on the road this year. The RedHawks were a disappointing 2-14 on the road last season, en route to a 9-21 season. The Mastodons, a Division I AA school from the Summit League, are .500 at 4-4. Despite averaging just over 68 points a game, IPFW has played mainly I-AA opponents. Miami will be the third Division I opponent for IPFW, after losing to Auburn University and Mid-American squad Eastern Michigan University. “It’s tough playing on the road, especially in Division I,” junior forward Jon Harris said. “We need to keep doing the little things, making hustle plays and we should be fine.” The RedHawks’ two road losses came at the hands of two top 25 teams, North Carolina State University and the University of Louisville. Redshirt junior guard Allen Roberts and freshman guard Reggie Johnson lead Miami in scoring, averaging 12.6 and 11.6 points a contest respectively for a squad putting up 65 points a game. However, Miami is shooting just 38 percent for the year, but has improved steadily over the last two contests, especially from deep.
Johnson has led the charge, draining 55 percent of his three balls and shooting 50 percent on the season. “We have to come out and set the tone of the game,” Johnson said. “Everybody wants to protect their home court, so it’s going to be hard. It’s not going to come down to how pretty the game looks; it’s going to be scrappy. Coach [Cooper] likes threes. He always talks about hitting the open man and staying beyond the three-point line. The way we run offense, it’s one of our strengths, so we have to keep that up on the road.” One component of the game the team revisited this week was funda-
down against James Madison with a knee injury. Team doctors determined Wednesday, after an MRI early Monday morning, that Edwards tore ligaments in his left knee. He is due for reconstructive surgery in early December and is out for the season. Edwards was averaging 10.8 points and 3.8 rebounds a game before his injury. Since transferring from Penn State University, Edwards has struggled to stay healthy. He missed all but seven games last season due to a wrist injury. In his absence, the RedHawks’ big men stepped up against the Dukes, and are looking to continue
We have to come out and set the tone of the game. Everybody wants to protect their home court, so it’s going to be hard. ” REGGIE JOHNSON
mentally sound defense. After surrendering 28 free throw attempts to James Madison University, Harris called the performance “unacceptable,” stating his beliefs that things will change for the better. “At the end of the day, we have to be disciplined,” Johnson said. “Foul trouble can’t happen on the road. All the little things that we can get away with at home are (twice as big) on the road, so we have to cut down on that.” Miami heads into tomorrow’s game without redshirt junior forward Bill Edwards, who went
for the remainder of the season. Redshirt junior forward Will Felder chipped in 12 points and seven rebounds, while Harris added 15 points and eight boards. “We all have to be more accountable now,” Harris said. “He was big for us on and off the court. We have to hustle and play hard, especially the bigs, but we all have to step up and fill in the void Bill left.” Miami is 1-0 all time against IPFW, with the only meeting coming in 2003, in which Miami won 63-52. Tip-off is set for 7 p.m. Saturday.
By Kennan Belau For The Miami Student
The Miami University women’s basketball team fell to 3-3 on the season after a 92-53 loss to the No. 9 University of Kentucky Wildcats on Wednesday. Senior guard Courtney Osborn led the RedHawks with 25 points and also added three steals and three rebounds. Senior forward Kirsten Olowinski was second on the team with eight points, and added nine rebounds. “Courtney played exceptional, it was one of her best games,” Head Coach Maria Fantanarosa said. “She really did a great job of scoring and directing, she worked very hard.” Miami took a 13-12 lead early, but the Wildcats responded with a 24-7 run over the next ten-plus minutes to take a 36-20 lead at the 1:41 mark. The RedHawks answered with a quick 8-0 run of their own to cut the deficit to 37-28. Kentucky hit a three pointer of its own to close the half with a 40-28 lead. “The first twenty minutes we played really well,” Osborn said. “We played like we should have the entire season.” Osborn hit a couple of baskets early in the second half to help cut the Kentucky lead to 11, but that was as close as the RedHawks would get. The Wildcats quickly hit three three-pointers as part of a 12-2 run to push their lead to 55-32 just under four minutes into the second half. Kentucky then put the game out
of reach with a 25-12 run over the next ten minutes. “The box score doesn’t really reflect the effort that we gave,” Osborn said. “We competed the entire game. They are just a really good team.” The Wildcats had five players score in double figures, led by junior guard Bernisha Pinkett’s 21 points. Kentucky shot 50 percent (33 for 66) from the field, including hitting 11 three-pointers. Sophomore guard Courtney Larson made her season debut for the RedHawks, after missing the first five games due to injury. “It was good to have Courtney back,” Fantanarosa said. “She gave us some quality minutes in a tough environment.” Miami returns to the court at 2 p.m. Saturday as it hosts the University of Massachusetts (UMass). UMass enters the game with a 2-5record. “UMass is a balanced scoring team,” Fantanarosa said. “We’re going to have to make sure that we’re firing on all cylinders.” That balance comes from senior center Jasmine Watson and sophomore guard Emily Mital. Watson leads UMass in scoring and rebounding, averaging 15.8 points and 8.2 rebounds per game. Mital is second on the team averaging 14.6 points per game and is making 3.6 three-pointers per game. “We’re starting to play with more of a sense of urgency,” Fantanarosa said. “You’re going to see a team that is more competitive and scrappier.”