Eventually, Vogt felt that simply picking up trash on the way to class wasn’t enough to solve the issue; oth ers needed to be aware of the large amounts of litter on campus.
SPORTS Editor’s corner: RedHawk roundup - page 8

“It seemed like nobody really saw the trash that I was seeing, like most people were blind to it,” Vogt said. “I started counting my steps and in most areas, it was five steps. That was the most I got between pieces of trash.”
It was compelling, to say the least.
After Miami University leader ship recommended terminating its contract with Proctorio in Septem ber 2021, University Senate began looking for alternatives to the re mote proctoring service to better align with the interests of students and staff.

Last year, Proctorio took legal action against Erik Johnson, Miami junior, after he posted tweets critical of the company which revealed lines of confidential code. The case — and Johnson’s own legal claim — was
EVA RINALDI, CC BY-SA 2.0, VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS In this issue CAMPUS & COMMUNITY Lech Walesa, former president of Poland, gives lecture at Miami - page 4 FOOD Armstrong’s Aramark advance ments: a ranking of the student center’s new dining options - page 7

The chaotic sculpture does not shy away from displaying the amount and variety of litter that Vogt collect ed on Miami’s campus.
Despite coming into the year off a College Football Playoff appear ance, UC began the season ranked 23rd. AP poll voters saw the losses of guys to the NFL, such as quarterback Desmond Ridder and cornerback Ahmad “Sauce” Gardner, as too big for the Bearcats to reclaim a top-10 spot. Last season, Ridder hung four touchdown passes on the ‘Hawks in a 49-14 win.
“Originally, I was going to do a collage-type piece … but then I re alized that wasn’t effectively getting across what I wanted to get across,” Vogt said. “It wasn’t looking like a face, and that was a part of [my goal] from the start. I definitely wanted to play into the human characteristic aspect of it, and I wanted to make the trash a human.”
Miami University is so often de scribed as “the most beautiful cam pus there ever was,” so when Brian Vogt, a Miami junior saw the amount of litter all over campus, he was shocked.Noone else seemed to mind it, though, so he started picking up and throwing away some of the trash he saw on his way to class each day.
“I’ve seen The Creator make grown men and women cry with his

“Well you’re gonna be sore next Sunday!” Martin told the young quarterback.OnSaturday, college football’s longest standing non-conference rivalry will be rekindled, as Miami clashes with Cincinnati for south western Ohio Supremacy. After 125
Jennette McCurdy is glad her mom died, and I’m glad for her
McCurdy’s writing style is punchy and conversational, which I loved. But despite McCurdy’s casual style of writing, the subject matter of her memoir is quite dark, touching on topics such as eating disorders, child abuse and exploitation, toxic rela tionships, alcoholism and more.
Student art installation criticizes litter on campus
McCurdy’s mother forced her into acting at the age of six. She lived vi
Mark Clennon
Last month, McCurdy released a tell-all memoir that resulted in a world wide conversation about the former actress, her abusive mother and the shady happenings at Nickelodeon pertaining to Dan Schneider.Thetitle? “I’m Glad My Mom Died.”With a title as striking as that, I knew I had to give this book a read. I got the book as a birthday gift and finished within three days.
Southeastern Conference teams and then bounced back in the following week at home by handling Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) programs.

However, this would lead to years of McCurdy struggling with eating disorders such as anorexia and, later, severeMcCurdybulimia.also writes about her ex perience with Nickelodeon’s former executive producer Dan Schneider, who she refers to as “The Creator.”
RedHawks To Battle For Southwest Ohio Supremacy In 126th Victory Bell

If you belong to Gen Z, chances are you grew up watching “iCarly,” and you’re familiar with Jen nette McCurdy’s role as the meat-loving, butter-sock wielding, Sam Puckett.
With the first game dating back to 1888, the two teams have the oldest current non-conference college foot ball rivalry. The all-time series is tied at 59-59-7; however, the Bearcats have all the momentum, as they are riding a 15-game winning streak.

cariously through her daughter and depended on the money she made from acting to pay the family’s bills.
Smith said he wasn’t.
on Photographing Civil Rights Activities and the Black Lives Matter movement ARTIST TALK & RECEPTION WED, SEP 21 | 5-7PM LEARN MORE AT: TINYURL.COM/FA22-CLENNON MARK CLENNON POINTS OF VIEW: SEARCHING, FINDING, SEEING A Lens for Freedom exhibition sponsoredprogramby:

University Senate chooses Proctorio as finalist for proctoring service after endingrecommendsuniversitycontract BY MCCONELL
Head Coach Chuck Martin asked his young quarterback Aveon Smith if he was sore after last week’s game against Robert Morris.
PHOTO STORY Saturday night lights return to Yager - page 14
McCurdy reveals that she felt under pressure around The Creator, much like she did around her moth er. She says The Creator has two sides to him: one that is generous and complimentary, and one that is humiliating and terrifying.
The two southwest Ohio universi ties experienced similar starts to the season, as both lost on the road to Associated Press (AP) top-20 ranked

He needed to start a dialogue. Vogt began collecting the trash he found, with a plan to make art out of it.
When McCurdy was 11 years old, her mother introduced her to the dangerous habit of calorie restric tion. She did this to keep McCurdy’s youthful appearance. To the young McCurdy, it felt as if she and her mother were simply dieting together.

This week, Senate announced it had chosen two finalists for the Proctorio replacement: Honorlock and Proctorio itself.
In September 2021, the Center for Teaching Excellence Subcom mittee on Proctorio determined, in a 127-page report, that the university should end their contract with the proctoring software due to concerns voiced by students and faculty over the service’s security and reliability.

meetings, the series is tied 59-59-7, so this is a big one.
From there, he had to change his approach. He played with the shape and composition of the piece to re flect the physical and three-dimen sional presence of the trash he had collected.Vogtended up with “The Student Body”: a looming, 6-foot-tall pseu do-humanistic sculpture that melds an immeasurable amount of differ ing shapes, textures and colors in a composition that Vogt compared to the “uncanny valley” effect.

Although the RedHawks are con sidered the home team, the contest is held at Paycor Stadium, home of the Cincinnati Bengals.
In creating a new Request for Procurement (RFP), the universi ty considered bids from multiple proctoring services. The committee tasked with finding a replacement announced the final two options on Monday, Sept. 12, at the University Senate meeting.
The book gives us glimpses into McCurdy’s life, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood. McCurdy describes her childhood home as a dysfunctional, suffocating place. Her mother, Debra, who was recovering from breast cancer, was also a hoard er.

Old Time Music Jam
“That was a significant accom plishment,” Nadler said. “Coming on the heels of the George Floyd incident and other things going on around the country, I think there was a desire to be proactive rather than reactive in regard to such matters.”
Manova Style Editor Teddy PatrickJohnsonSullivan Co-Humor Editors Maggie Peña Sean Scott Entertainment Editors Megan McConnell Social Media Editor Ames Radwan Food Editor
University Senate chooses Proctorio as finalist for proctoring service after university recommends ending contract
Horsington Video Editor
“If we had $600,000 to spend, we should have spent it to innovate teaching and assess ment,” Wardle said in her statement. “Instead, we paid an outside tech company to surveil our students and infringe on their constitutional rights.”There has yet to be any other announce ments about the university’s future with online proctoring services.
The Femellectual received about $900 while Miami Political Review received about $170.Some of the organizations that received the most funding include Chabad Jewish Stu dent Group with almost $12,000 and the Gui tar Club and Dance Theatre with just under $10,000Senatorseach.also voted on a resolution related to ASG’s upcoming special elections.
The second option, Honorlock, was recent ly involved in a court case where the service’s room-scanning was declared unconstitutional.
After the court decision was made, Eliz abeth Wardle, English professor and Senate member, spoke out against the decision to con tinue working with Proctorio, reading a state ment at the Aug. 28 senate meeting.
5:00 p.m.Center, Heritage Room Ziblatt will lecture about the state of democracy.
McGuffey House & Museum McGuffey’s 222nd birthday with music and stories on the lawn.
Grayson Kirk Distinguished Lecture 5:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.Theater will discuss origins of the war in Ukraine.
Miami University’s Associated Student Government (ASG) approved funding alloca tions and passed a resolution related to special elections at its first meeting of the semester on Sept.Nearly13. $210,000 in funding was allocated to various student organizations, including two new organizations, The Femellectual and Mi ami Political Review.
The funding was intended for more than 40 parking spaces, side walk upgrades and the reconstruc tion on West Walnut Street. Miami has contracted work for the project, and the city will use the previously approved $132,000 to reimburse Mi ami for these contracts.
Art After Dark
The council unanimously ap proved the resolution.
Most awarded college newspaper in Ohio at the 2020 Regional Mark of Excellence Awards by the Society of Professional Journalists. COSETTE GUNTER-STRATTON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Advertising information: ankenedw@miamioh.edu Send us a letter? eic.miamistudent@gmail.com The Miami Student is published biweekly during the school year by the students of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The content of The Miami Student is the sole responsibility of The Miami Student staff. Opinions expressed in The Miami Student are not necessarily those of Miami University, its students or staff. CORRECTIONS POLICY The Miami Student is committed to providing the Miami University community with the most accurate information possible. Corrections may be submitted up to seven calendar days afterAbbypublication.Bammerlin Managing Editor Macey Chamberlin Soren Melbye Design Editors Lexi Whitehead Senior Campus & Community Editor Sean Scott Campus & Community Editor Jack Schmelzinger Sports Editor Ames Radwan Opinion Editor Devin Ankeney Asst. Opinion Editor Alice ReaganMaggieShr-HuaMomanyMoorePeñaRude Asst. Campus & Community Editors Emily Hogan Erin HannahMcGovernPotts Designers
Bellman Business Adviser Aim Media Midwest Printer THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022Coming Up... 2 Are you a: • writer • photographer • designer • or illustrator? miamistudent.netVisit to Join the TMS Team!
Ruffer Photo Editor
Councilor addresses an ti-Asian slur said in Oxford Councilor Amber Franklin ended the night by sharing concerns about discrimination against Asian people in Oxford.“Ihave two colleagues, both fac
In this case, Cleveland State University stu dent Aaron Ogeltree argued that the universi ty’s use of software to scan his room violated his Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure. The judge ruled in favor of
In response to these criticisms Mike Olsen, Proctorio CEO, said in March 2021 he was open to starting dialogues with universities and stu dents who had issues with the proctoring soft ware.“Critics make our company and our soft ware better,” Olsen said. “We want to engage in those criticisms and in those sorts of conversa tions. If these kinds of things need to happen in a forum, absolutely. Organize it, have the school reach out to our success team manager, and we’ll get things set up.”
Oxford City Council approved a resolution to reimburse Miami Uni versity with $132,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for a building renovation during its Sept. 6 meeting.During Council’s Nov. 2, 2021, meeting, the city approved a res olution authorizing $132,000 in ARPA funding for College@Elm, a joint project between the university and city. The project was created to renovate Miami’s empty Elm Street building in order to create economic
Perry Magazine Editor
4:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
“We very much have been in favor of the College@Elm project,” Mayor William Snavely said. “I don’t think this is a surprise to anybody that we’re doing this.”
Johnston Hall Room 142 sounds of old-time mountain music.
According to ASG’s bylaws, when five or more senate seats are open, special elections are held to fill those seats. For this election cy cle, 23 seats are open: 15 Senators-At-Large, five On-Campus Senators, one Off-Campus Senator and one Resident Assistant (RA) Sen ator.Students running for special elections would typically be voted on and elected by cur rent
Thesenators.resolution outlines instead having the student body vote on senators via The Hub for this election cycle to run the election more ef ficiently. A student body vote would also allow for better representation of constituents for Senators.Theresolution passed unanimously.
Special elections will take place from Sept. 20 at 7 a.m. to Sept. 21 at 7 p.m.
ASG approves student organization funding and passes special elections resolution
Ogletree and found the room scans to be a vio lation of students’ constitutional rights.
Ankeney Business Manager
Police Community Relations Commission to new social services liaison
McGuffey’s Birthday Celebration
ulty at Miami, who moved to Oxford … and they were enjoying a lovely day in front of Kofenya on the weekend when a car drove by and yelled an ti-Asian slurs at them,” Franklin said.
Monahan Asst. Photo Editor
Also during the meeting, Larry Nadler, chair of the Police Communi ty Relations and Review Commission (PCRRC), gave Council an update on the Hecommission.saidthecommission added a social services liaison to the Oxford Police Department (OPD).
Grace Hays Audio Editor
“They seemed to be students … There are wonderful things here, [but] there are still things that we need to ad dress.”Oxford City Council will meet again at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 20, in the Oxford Courthouse.

Things to do
eventually dropped, a decision announced by Johnson and Proctorio in a joint statement.
4:00 p.m.6:00 p.m.
9:00 p.m.12:00 a.m.Pavilion origami or paint pottery and do other crafts.
growth for the City of Oxford.
Oxford City Council approves reimbursement to Miami after three-week hiatus
Authority and Democracy
Create Your Own Charcuterie Board 7:00 p.m.10:00 p.m. Pavilion your own board of cheese, meat, crackers and more.
John Jones, the Oxford police chief, said the new liaison has been helpful.“It’s a new position for us,” Jones said. “She’s given us feedback, more so than we’ve given her any, proba bly.”Jones also shared that the start of the school year has been busier than recent years for OPD, but they’ve made fewer alcohol-related arrests.
Reeder Jr. Faculty Adviser
ASG’s next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on Sept. 20 in the Joslin Senate Chamber in Armstrong Student Center. hogemh@miamioh.edu
Asia Market was cited on Aug. 25 for lack ing in cleanliness of equipment, food-contact surfaces and utensils. Asia Market also had refrigerated, ready-to-eat foods that weren’t properly date marked.
Parking changes on campus lead to confusion installationart criticizes litter on campus BY GRACE
“Whenever I have to get to cam pus for something, my options are very, very limited,” Coates said.
Since implementing the new zonal system, parking enforcement officers have sent several emails and warnings to residential students parked in the wrong area. Last week, officers started ticketing.
The creation of “The Student Body” took almost two years. The first year was consumed by the pro cess of collecting litter on campus. After he had collected enough trash, he started building the final sculp ture using the critiques he’d received on his earlier prototypes.
tion among commuters.
Violations in Oxford went to SDS Pizza, United Dairy Farmers (UDF), Skyline Chili, Asia Market and Dairy Queen. On the cam pus side, MapleStreet Station, Martin Com mons, Yager Stadium East Concessions, Mar ket Street at McCracken and Western Dining Commons all got dinged.
“Found object art; in the art world that’s what we would call ‘The Student Body’ piece,” said Billy Simms, Western Center Coordina tor, who worked with Vogt as an ad visor through the Western Center’s Summer Scholars program.

After researching three different parking systems used by other uni versities, the zonal system was adopt ed in an effort to decrease traffic and minimize carbon emissions.

Rosenberger said compared to other universities, like Oregon State University, Vanderbilt University
the flood rim and the water supply inlet at a soda fountain.
“I think it does a good job high lighting how much litter [Miami] has … As he was talking about this, I was kind of thinking that it is the trashi est campus that ever there was,” Da viesVogtsaid also has other pieces on dis play in the Western Center, located in Peabody 22. His series “Nostalgic Memorial” will be displayed there for the rest of the semester, as will “The Student Body.”
After Miami University an nounced a new zonal parking system, some students are left confused, but Miami officials hope that the change will help decongest lots.


New system causes some confusion for students
Some upperclassmen also dislike the location of these outer lots. Dan iel Coates, a senior political science major, lives off-campus but is unable to use his car due to the distance of these lots from his classes.
McCracken had a handwashing sink that wasn’t accessible and foods not being held at the proper temperature.
On Aug. 25, UDF also received two critical violations, one for unclean food-contact sur faces and another for not storing food at the proper temperature. Skyline was inspected on Aug. 31, and its singular critical violation was for an insufficient air gap between a flood rim and a water supply inlet.
Despite some confusion, Rosen berger said the new system seems to be working.“We’vedriven around and there’s not an outer lot where there’s not parking,” Rosenberger said. “There’s space for anybody: commuters or if you’reHowever,residential.”Papalia said he’s had difficulty with the new zonal parking system and that the commuter and residential sections are difficult to distinguish, despite signage through out the “Ditmerlots. is designed much better because one corner of the parking lot is all for commuters, and it’s separat ed by the actual road path,” Papalia said.Although students got an email detailing the new parking changes, Papalia didn’t see it and received several warnings before getting a $75 ticket after parking in the wrong lot andForzone.students confused about a re cent warning or ticket, Rosenberger said they should reach out to Campus Services and appeal it.
MapleStreet Station received a critical vi olation when it was inspected on Aug. 26 be cause cream cheese wasn’t being kept at the properWesterntemperature.Dining Commons was inspected on Aug. 30 and also received a critical violation because of an insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet of a selfserve beverage station.
“That’s the goal,” Rosenberger said. “To make sure when you come to campus and you know what lot you’re going to, you know there’s go ing to be a spot there for you.”
In previous years, students could purchase a permit for any lot.
The changes came in early August and divided commuters and resi dents among three outer lots: Chest nut Fields, Ditmer and West Millett. First-year students are required to park in the West Millett lot. Howev er, upperclassmen may purchase a permit for Ditmer or Chestnut Fields.
Andy Rosenberger, director of parking and transportation services, said in previous years, the Chest nut Fields and Ditmer lots filled up quickly compared to the West Millett lot, causing congestion and frustra
JAKE RUFFER Multiple restaurantsOxfordand two dining halls receive critical health code violations Citizenship and Democracy Week SEPTEMBER 19 22 2022 Monday Sept 19 | 10 a m | Quad and Lawn Hamilton Campus U S District Court Naturalization Ceremony Join us on the Hamilton Campus as we host the U S District Court for the Southern District of Ohio for the formal swearing in of approximately 75 new U S citizens Tuesday, Sept 20 | 10 a m | Harry T Wilks Conference Center, Hamilton Campus Live On campus Proceedings: Ohio 12th District Court of Appeals The Ohio Court of Appeals for the 12th District will meet on campus to hear arguments in two pending appellate cases in the Ohio courts Tuesday Sept 20 | 10 a m 2 p m | Johnston Hall Parking Lot Middletown Campus donortime com/donor/schedules/drive schedule/62120 Wednesday Sept 21 | 10 a m 2 p m | Schwarm Hall Parking Lot Hamilton Campus donortime com/donor/schedules/drive schedule/62075 Blood Drives Give back to your community by giving blood and enjoy some free merch! Appointments with the Community Blood Center s Bloodmobile can be made online above Wednesday, Sept 21 | 5 p m | Shriver Heritage Room, Oxford Campus Lecture: “Authority and Democracy” Featuring Daniel Ziblatt In this lecture Daniel Ziblatt Ph D co author of the 2018 New York Times bestseller How Democracies Die and the Eaton Professor of Government at Harvard University will discuss what history tells us about the state of democracy today and what may lie ahead Presented in cooperation with the Miami University Humanities Center Visit MiamiOH edu/Menard Events for remote attendance Thursday, Sept 22 | 10 11:30 a m | Schwarm Hall Dining Area, Hamilton Campus Rapid Rights! Miami students share their research via brief presentations on some of the key civil liberty issues that face Americans today Thursday Sept 22 | Noon 1 p m | Jack Rhodes Study Mosler Hall Hamilton Campus Campus Free Speech Forum Participate in a non partisan open forum to discuss free speech law and contemporary free speech controversies including the limits of on campus speech the scope of protections for social media platforms and more Come ready to share your ideas! Moderated by Daniel Hall professor of Political Science and Justice & Community Studies Thursday Sept 22 | 3 4:30 p m | Armstrong Student Center 1082 Oxford Campus Careers in Civic Engagement Fair Interested in a career in public service? Learn more about public service oriented career opportunities and meet with employers from think tanks nonprofits and governmental organizations at this free event All events are free and open to the public; no tickets are required unless otherwise noted
All parking permits can be pur chased daily or per semester. The daily pass is another new develop ment this semester; previously, stu dents could only purchase semes ter-long permits.
and University of California-Davis, these inconveniences are minor. But ler County Regional Transit Authori ty buses make frequent stops to pick up students from Millett, and all legal spots on-campus are free parking for students throughout the weekend.
Martin Commons received one critical vi olation, and Yager Stadium East Concessions and Market Street at McCracken each received two.
Martin and Market Street were inspected Aug. 30, and Yager Stadium Concessions was inspected Sept. 9.
Overflowing lots inspires change
Additionally, students parked in the West Millett lot are required to move their vehicles before home football games.
“Ditmer is easier for me to park,” Papalia said. “I think what they should do is assign each student based on where they’re living at.”
Vogt said, the piece is meant to start a conversation about preserv ing the beauty of campus, focusing heavily on mortality, change and so cietal issues.
“What we’ve found is that some of these other universities are making their first-year students walk double what we’re asking students to do,” Rosenberger said.
“What we’re trying to do is man age a complex parking system to get people to obey by the rules,” Rosen berger said. “If you follow the rules, you should have a place to park be cause that’s the way we’ve designed it.”
Maps detailing the new parking sections are available online.
These commuter and residential parking areas are denoted with signs throughout each lot, and overflow parking is available for anyone with a parking pass at Millett.
“I don’t even really like to think of myself as the artist for this piece,” Vogt said. “I like to think of all of us, as a culture and as a communi ty, as the artist of this piece … May be you’re not the person who threw something on the ground, but just by being a part of this culture and let ting this happen on campus, we’re all complicit.”Vogtpresented his sculpture and his inspirations for the piece to stu dents, faculty, friends and family on Sept. 8. Eli Davies, a junior at Miami and a friend of Vogt’s, attended the unveiling of “The Student Body” in the Western Center.
SDS Pizza was hit with three critical viola tions and ten non-critical violations. When it was inspected on Aug. 25, it received a repeat violation for unclean food-contact surfaces, and the other two critical violations were for storing food without a proper date marking and the presence of live insects.
Simms encouraged Vogt throughout the summer to bring the vision he had for “The Student Body” to life.Vogt also got feedback from his peers in the Western Center, which he said helped him refine his vision and shift his approach to more ef fectively get his message across. The feedback helped him shift from a two-dimensional approach to a three-dimensional form, embracing the physical form of the trash and taking up space.
was a lot of adaptation.”
Martin’s food contact services weren’t eas ily cleanable, Yager had an issue where pres surized water wasn’t available to all fixtures as required, plus an insufficient air gap between
For some students, this new park ing system is inconvenient. Paolo Pa palia, a first-year finance major, lives on Western Campus but is required to keep his car at Millett despite his proximity to Ditmer.
Jimmy Johns, inspected Sept. 7, and Dairy Queen, inspected Aug. 31, each received one critical violation. Jimmy Johns was cited for not storing food at the proper temperature, and Dairy Queen was cited for improperly storing poisonous or toxic materials.
“It was very much a fluid process, just because I was working with a whole bunch of different materials … I was having a conversation with the trash, in essence,” Vogt said. “There was a lot of give and take and there
Earlier in August, Miami University Cater ing, Gaslight Brewhouse, Kofenya and Patter son’s Cafe also all received critical violations.
The Butler County General Health District health inspectors have issued “critical viola tions” to six Miami University on-campus din ing areas. Five Oxford restaurants were also given critical violations when inspectors visit ed earlier this month.
‘One of the world’s most consequential figures’: Former Poland president Lech Walesa gives lecture at Miami
A dissident championing democ racy, Nobel Peace Prize winner and former president of Poland, Lech Walesa, spoke at Miami University this past Thursday to students, facul ty and Oxford community members.

“Miami’s reputation is not going to be immediately influenced, but I see [the rates] being an issue for people, say, two years down the line,” Wieland-Ducher said. “It’s going to take some lag time to really be seen by people, but for people that would be accepted anyway in the future, they are definitely going to have some issues.”ForCampbell Ryall, a high school senior from Minnesota, the high acceptance rate actually encouraged her to apply to Miami.
Brent Shock, the vice president of Enrollment Management and Student Success at Miami, agreed that Miami’s acceptance rate does not reflect the quality of its education.
Walesa classified the issues facing our world into three broader prob lems.First, Walesa says leaders must define what the foundation of this new global period is as different countries have different foundations. Second, they have to keep countries motivated to work together when there are no breaks. Third, they need to decide what economic systems will guide the current generation.
“I’m a super huge fan [of Wale sa’s]. I think it’s super cool how labor unions essentially overthrew a tyran nical government,” Pucciarella said. “It was more of a quiet, peaceful rev olution than a violent overthrow, but I think it’s really interesting how a la bor union was essentially what saved a country.”
Making the transition work
A member of the working class, Walesa was a shipyard worker in Po land until being fired and having to support his family of eight children through temporary work. Wale sa joined with other activists in the 1970s to organize non-communist trade unions.
For the class of 2022, Harvard University had a 4.59% acceptance rate. The chances for prospective college students looked better if they applied to Ohio State University, settling in at 52%. Ohio University’s main campus was close to guaranteed admission, with a rate of 87%.
Before moving to the U.S. for grad uate school, Kłosowska grew up in Poland during Walesa’s rise to prom inence.
Alex Wieland-Ducher is a senior studying chemistry at Miami. He was accepted in 2019, when the acceptance rate was close to 80%. He wasn’t happy with the perceived increase in acceptance rate. He said the rate may not affect Miami now, but could in the future.
“Half of Europe wants to be free, and the other half says no,” Wale sa said. “And each side is convinced their ideas are more valid.”
for that TAG) and then transfers to Miami,” Haynes wrote. “That student would receive credit for the course at Miami that has been approved for that same TAG (in this case, ECO 202).”Ifa student is transferring to Mi ami from an out-of-state college or university, they need to provide a syl labus and other materials, such as as signments, reading lists and a weekly schedule, for the course they want to be transferred.“Itwassoeasy, and everyone in the administration at Miami is super helpful,” Garceau said. “So if I had any questions, they were always an swered right away, so I thought it was really easy.”
“I guess [the acceptance rate] would be nice since I know that [Miami] would most likely be a safety school for me,” Ryall said. “It’s like it would be a for-sure option in case I didn’t get into any of the other schools I’ve applied to.”
“Communism is better than capi talism periodically, but it’s so unique, and we must realize it has never suc ceeded. So we are left with capital ism,” Walesa said. “Putting aside the free market, we have to adjust every thingTheelse.”event attracted a broad au dience with those within the Miami community and those not on campus.

Walesa discussed creating a new European Union to adapt to the cur rent political climate.
In the summer of 1980, Walesa led a worker’s strike in the shipyard he had previously been employed by, de manding workers’ rights. Walesa be came leader of the region’s Solidarity Movement, and that workers’ strike
“It’s very politically charged,” Garceau said. “I was just kind of uncomfortable with the level of dis course on a day-to-day basis.”
Miami University’s admissions rate?For applicants looking it up on Google, they’ll find it listed at 92% on Collegedunia.com, the first search result.The rate is up from 74.6% in 2018, but university officials say that doesn’t necessarily reflect the current rate of acceptance at Miami.
Campus and Community
“I think it’s a number that actually gets more attention than it should, but I do think that because people assign an incorrect meaning to that number that it’s a number that we just have to naturally watch and pay attention to,” Shock said.

“I think [acceptance rate] is a silly number, if that makes sense,” Shock said. “It’s a silly number because people assign meaning to it, but it does not equal prestige and it does not equal the strength of the institution.”
Ohio credit transfer initiatives help to make the process for transfer students simple
Wieland-Ducher disagrees.
In fall 2021, 241 students took their first classes at Miami Universi ty. But it wasn’t their first year in col lege — They were transfer students.
Garceau said even though it can be scary because the other students at these events are strangers, they’re one of the best ways to meet people.
“I don’t like [the higher rates] that much,” Wieland-Ducher said. “COVID has hit everyone, but it’s two years on, we don’t really need to be that coddling anymore. I can understand admissions being rather [lenient] for the first year or maybe two, but if it gets past that we’re going to have an Wieland-Ducher,issue.” whose mother used to work as a professor at Miami, said more students coming to Miami could have a negative toll on staff. The result, he said, could be a worse learning environment and burnt out professors.Overall, Shock said he isn’t too concerned about the university’s reputation. Plus, acceptance rates don’t equal enrollment numbers.
Garceau said the advice she would give to people going through the transfer process is to go to social events specifically for transfer stu dents and to put yourself out there.
“I think [acceptance rate] is important, but not as important as the individual programs themselves,” Ryall said. “For example, Indiana University has over a 50% acceptance rate — the Kelley School of Business there has such a good reputation, but it’s not a school with a ten percent acceptance rate or anything.”
One of the social events Garceau went to was a breakfast during the first week of the semester where she got to meet other students.
Still, he said it was important to make sure the acceptance rate was reported accurately.
Zazycki doesn’t view the seemingly high acceptance rate as reflective of the Miami he’s experienced so far, though.“Honestly, [the acceptance rate] doesn’t seem like it should be that high,” Zazycki said. “In my biased brain, compared to other schools that have similar acceptance rates, we seem a lot better.”
“After OSU received my tran scripts, I [contacted Miami’s] Office of Admissions and I was like, ‘I’m transferring to OSU, I’ve already re ceived my transcripts and I’ve already accepted my offer,’” Shields said. “‘I need to just put in my account that I’m not a returning student,’ and they just simply said okay and did that.”
Shields is now listed as an inactive student with Miami, but he has the opportunity to reactivate his student status at Miami if he decides that OSU isn’t for him.
Garceau said the transfer process was simple and the Miami adminis tration was helpful. The application was the same as the open enrollment one, except instead of clicking ‘open’ she clicked Garceau‘transfer.’alsoapplied to transfer to Ohio State University (OSU) but couldn’t find housing. Miami admin istrators helped her find a residence hall she liked and made her feel com fortable.
Daryl Zazycki, a first-year mathematics major, said Miami was not his first pick, but he still decided to come after being rejected from three of his four top schools, and the fourth one being too expensive.
his time at Miami, he was on the pre-med track. Once the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Shields re alized he wanted to pursue his other passion of Shieldsbusiness.saidpart of the reason he decided to transfer to OSU’s Fish er College of Business was that he wouldn’t have felt welcome in the Farmer School of Business (FSB).
“We had to work pretty aggressively to meet our class numbers in fall 2020 due to COVID,” Perkins said. “There were a number of factors that impacted the high admission rate in 2020 that we didn’t necessarily see in future years, including this past fall.”
Ryall said online acceptance rate didn’t greatly influence her opinion of Miami. She placed greater importance on the programs a college
Both Garceau and Shields had their credits transfer to and from Miami smoothly
set off a wave of strikes throughout Poland that led to the eventual over throwing of the Soviet Union’s com munist reign in the country.
like those at Miami fit into it.
within Farmer, at least from my per spective because I was never in Farm er,” Shields said. “I was always in the College of Arts and Science (CAS) at Miami, but I knew people in Farmer and they just kind of reinforced that statement. Being a part of a minori ty group, I chose to go to a place that was more friendly and accepting.”
“The theorists all said there was no chance [of overthrowing commu nism] without war,” Walesa said. “I said ‘who asked you?’”
Shields said he didn’t have to communicate with Miami adminis tration much about transferring.
Alyssa Molina, first-year mechani cal engineering major, said she’s nev er been in the presence of someone who’s made such a big impact on the world, so the experience was gratify ing.Molina said when her family was driving to move her in at the start of the semester they drove past signs for the lecture, much to her dad’s excite ment.“I was like … that sounds like a really cool opportunity,” Molina said. “It was cool to hear his opinions on everything.”Molina’s dad was also watching the lecture from the Zoom.
“You don’t see as much diversity
Bethany Perkins, assistant vice president and director of admissions at Miami, explained that the number reflected the high rate of acceptance during the COVID-19 pandemic — it has not been updated on most websites to reflect new numbers.
“What [Walesa talked] about is ultimately not just about Ukraine or Russia, it’s really about the future of democratic self-determination in the
John Forren, executive director of the Menard Family Center, said the Center’s goal for the event was to have the Miami and Oxford commu nities think deeply about politics and their role as citizens in a democracy.
“Get out of your room and go to these [events],” Garceau said. “Even though it seems daunting, because it’s like, ‘Oh my gosh, being with a bunch of people I don’t know, hang ing out together.’ But that’s how I’ve met so many people. Doing the little things.”
Transferring to Miami Gigi Garceau, a junior psycholo gy major from Cleveland, attended American University in Washing ton before transferring to Miami. Garceau said she decided to transfer due to a combination of the tuition cost and the highly competitive envi ronment at American.
Carolyn Haynes is Miami’s Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) representative for Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36) and Transfer As surance Guides (TAGs), which makes sure course credits transfer between OhioOT36universities.helps students transfer credits for general education cours es. It has six categories that align with most of the Miami Plan require ments. The TAGs help students re ceive credit for introductory courses in their“[Say]major.astudent successfully com pletes a course which is an introduc tion to macroeconomics at an Ohio public university (which has been approved by the statewide faculty panel to meet the approved outcomes
“I have to convince you, you are responsible for the world,” Walesa said.The lecture was hosted by the Menard Family Center for Democ racy. Anna Kłosowska, professor of French, served as translator for the event, which was held in Taylor Audi torium and live streamed over Zoom.
While he spoke in-depth about the invasion of Ukraine and his past deal ings with Russia, Walesa also spoke about the future and how students
Although the 92% acceptance rate shown online may not be accurate for this academic year, some students worry it will bring down Miami’s Public Ivy reputation.
world,” Forren said. “So when people leave these kinds of events they’re thinking deeply about what does it mean to live in a democratic coun try?”The audience included those who knew deeply about Poland and Wale sa’s background, and those with less in-depth knowledge who were inter ested in hearing a prominent figure speak.
Olivia Pucciarella, sophomore journalism and media and communi cation major, said she’s interested in Eastern European politics because a lot of her distant relatives lived there.
Higher acceptance rates don’t necessarily mean lower opinions of Miami — or a high acceptance rate
Transferring out of Miami Austin Shields, senior finance and operations management double ma jor, transferred from Miami to OSU in fall
Jacob Horley, a sophomore biological physics and pre-optometry co-major, joined the choir despite having no musical experience past middle school.
Alongside social justice, Kwak’s goal is to make choir more accessible to non-music majors. Anyone interested can visit the Students of Song“EverythingGroupMe. that you think you know about music and your ability to do music is probably different from what you think and from what anyone has ever told you,” Kwak said. stefanec@miamioh.edu
still by far our number one … last time I checked maybe 58% of our international student population [is from China], but that’s a big decrease,” Heidemann said.
During the interview, the student has to demonstrate English proficiency and prove they have enough financial resources for one
In 2021, the number decreased to about 1,000 international students, about 6% of the student population.
“At the old place, I was under the impression that if you rented a building that everything came along with it, like the occupancy level and all the regulations,” Burns said.
Beyond producing and recording, Burns is also expanding the scope of Oxford Originals’ services.
According to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), in 2018, about 2,500 students came from other countries, about 13% of the student population.
Perkins said despite the fall in numbers, Miami is working to attract more international students.
Visa process complicationscauses
“I got super into it because I was able to share my own knowledge I had been learning through my Critical Race Theory class,” Horley said. “Students of Song shows you how to be receptive to other opinions without feeling attacked. There was never a negative moment. It was all constantly moving forward.”
In 2020, Peiyu Yang was excited to start his first year at Miami University, but he knew his experience would be different from most students.
“Recording studios nowadays aren’t seen as profitable because people can do stuff like this on a different scale at their own home,” Burns said. “But if they want to do it right, and if they want to make something that means something to them that’s quality and has every gadget you could possibly want, this would be the place to do it.”
The new space offers many amenities: a professional-grade mixing station, a stage full of live instruments and amps, an isolated booth for recording and an outdoor patio.It’s the perfect environment for artists like Zac Kelly, a sophomore university studies major, to record their“I’vemusic.gotmy own little home studio, if you will. It’s like a microphone and some speakers, but it’s nothing compared to the equipment that they got at Oxford Originals,” Kelly said. “Recording is a lot easier for any artist, any genre.”
said. “There’s never that outside, academic pressure where you have to perform for an adult.”
This year, Miami has students from 82 different countries, but the number of international students is lower than in previous years.

Kiani said the recording process strikes a balance between professional and playful, with the ultimate goal to get artists the tools they need to succeed.
Oxford Originals finds new location and opportunitiesnew
After searching around Oxford for a suitable replacement, Burns found his home thanks to a quirk of the building’s“Juniperhistory.usedto be a bank, so the concrete slabs are six inches thick.
Xue said although the application process takes time, he has never had a problem with getting approved.
“We spend approximately half of the time discussing the meaning of a song and half of the time learning it,” Kwak said.
“You want the client to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible while recording because heaven forbid they think they’re being judged,” Kiani said. “My favorite thing is to slap on a crazy effect … and then they start messing around, whether it’s autotune or reverb or delay and they’re just like, ‘Oh my gosh, that’s so cool!’”
The interviewer then decides whether or not the student qualifies for a visa. Students complete a new I-20 form each year, but the visa is issued for up to five years.
Not every student that applies can make it to Miami’s campus
Initially opened in early 2022, Oxford Originals is a studentrun business for those looking to professionally record music. Unfortunately, due to various complications, it was closed before the end of the spring semester.

Through lesson modules and open-dialogue seminars, the choir explores the historical context behind their music more deeply than standard choirs.
“We hung out for like 15, 20 minutes and caught up, got comfortable and then I just got into the studio and started recording,” KellyJugglingsaid. his roles as a business owner and a full-time student is a large factor in how Burns runs Oxford Originals.“Itdoes get overwhelming at times, but that’s why this place is open by appointment,” Burns said. “It’s ready to go any time of the day, but until someone actually signs up or wants a tour or something, it’s shut down, so that works around my schedule a lot more.”
Miami University’s peer-run social justice choir, Students of Song, launched in spring 2022 and is building momentum toward a showcase in spring 2023.

Although Heidemann said she isn’t sure what the cause of the decrease is, she suggested that COVID played an important role as well as changes in the Chinese economy, the one-child policy, nationalism and building up their own education system and political relationships.
Students of Song is looking to register on The Hub, which is possible with support from faculty advisor and music professor Jeremy Jones.
“It was extremely difficult to get a visa in an appropriate amount of time to actually get here for the fall semester, so they had to request emergency appointments, which was a whole process,” Heidemann said. “Many of them were able to get an emergency appointment and get here, but we did have some that just were not able to get an appointment in time.”Bethany Perkins, director of admissions, said Miami has no control over visa approvals.
“I contributed early on in the process, simply by encouraging Diana Kwak to create such a group,” Jones said. “Students are able to work together to build agency in this unique ensemble designed to allow students to discuss important topics in our society and make connections through choral music.”
Kelly, who produces and creates hip-hop music, said the atmosphere was incredibly friendly and welcoming, which put him at ease.
Burns said he has always loved
Burns isn’t the only person
“I think it’s for anyone who’s even slightly musically inclined or enjoys hearing about social issues,” Horley
“My high school Chinese teacher recommended I come [to Miami] because lots of my high school classmates also went to Miami,” Yang said.
This year, the number has increased. Heidemann said about 1,400 students are non-U.S. citizens, but international students still make up less than 10% of the student population.Ofall the countries Miami’s international students come from, China has seen the steepest decline in the wake of the pandemic.
year of study. The interviewer will ask the students questions about their purpose for going to the U.S., their intended major, why they want to go to school, how they intend to pay for their education and their long-term plans after school.
“[Students from China] were 85% of our international student population at the height, and they’re
Although students can still be denied despite college approval, Yang agrees with Xue that the process is fairly easy.
No sound escapes, you can’t hear anything from outside, it’s perfect for a space like this,” Burns said. “You can be as loud as you want, as noisy as you want … you can do anything.”
Yang, a junior media and communications major, is an international student from Shanghai. Every year, he flies across the world to attend school.
“No, I’ve had no issues, mostly because I don’t think they will reject your application if you are approved to the college,” Xue said.
from coming to the U.S. either didn’t get their visa approved in time, or their visa was denied.
“We work with those students and allow them to defer their admission to a later term, so they still stay in the fold,” Perkins said. “They’re able to maintain their scholarship [and] their admission decision, and we work with them closely for being able to arrive at a later time.”
Kwak sings in the choir and also teaches it — a resume opportunity for her career pursuits. She applies skills from her classes to promote music’s influence in society and activism.
Kwak said. “There’s also a very fine line between performing a song to celebrate it and performing a song to appropriate it.”
Founding president Diana Kwak, a sophomore choral and general music education major, explained the choir’s“Studentspurpose.of Song emerged as a way for music students to engage with repertoire that we don’t really get in our canonized curriculum,”
Now, it’s back.
Burns is referring to 7 ½ East High St. where Oxford Originals has made its new home. Located beneath Juniper, he said the space is much more suitable than the former Oxford Copy Shop building on Poplar Street.
“We had seen a slight decrease already before COVID, but COVID really caused a significant decrease in our numbers,” Molly Heidemann, director of the International Student and Scholar Services at Miami, said.
William Xue, a junior studying emerging technology in business and design, said he took a gap year because of the pandemic.
Although Xue, from Jiangsu, China, didn’t face any issues renewing his visa, his parents advised him not to travel abroad for the 2021-22 school year. Xue took remote classes for the 2020-21 school year, but Miami did not offer remote learning for the 2021-22 school year.
International students typically come to the U.S. on an F-1 student visa. To obtain a visa, the student has to be admitted to the school they plan to attend.Onceadmitted, the school sends the student a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status, the I-20 form. After receiving the form, students must schedule an interview at their nearest U.S. embassy or consulate.
“My parents didn’t want me to take a risk because of the COVID pandemic, so I just stayed at home for one year and prepared for my graduate applications,” Xue said.
“I think it’s not very hard,” Yang said. “I think it’s easy, but some people who are a first-year, they will be nervous because of the interview process.”Thepandemic caused consulates to shut down, preventing face-to-face appointments.Heidemann said COVID isn’t preventing anyone from studying in the U.S. anymore, but they still have issues getting students to Miami. Because consulates were not operating, appointments were backlogged, and embassy workers are still trying to work through all the applications.
Perkins said both Kenya and Nigeria have higher denial rates. If a student is denied a visa, Perkins said they need to reapply and go through the application process again. If the student can’t get an appointment, they can defer their admission.
Aside from reexamining his singing voice, Students of Song pushed Horley to interact with and better understand social justice.
International student population declines
“After finding that not to be true and working with the city, they had me bring an architect in, and basically he said that the space I was in was not up to code and just would not work with what I wanted to do.”
music, so turning that passion into a business made sense — especially in Oxford, where options are limited.
working at the studio. He’s hiring other managers to expand the hours of operation. He’s also bringing in engineers like Lyric Kiani, a first-year graduate student, to run the technical side of “There’sthings.a group of students who started High Street Records, and I was originally part of that,” Kiani said. “It was through that that I met Mike Burns … so whenever he has a client I’ll come in and help out with it because it’s no big deal.”
Last semester, the group studied the “Justice Choir Songbook” and centered work around events in Ukraine. This semester, the group will emphasize topics like gun violence and reproductive rights.
“One of the composers of our songbook was at a protest and realized that people could have used a song there,” she said. “Music has purposes in our everyday life, so why don’t we use it to take part in social conversation?”Thechoirfocuses on collaboration and reflection without political charge. Any prospective singer can participate in Students of Song and help select its music.
Students of Song: Miami’s newest choir for social justice
Visa applications, COVID-19 and other challenges facing international students
“Oxford Originals started out as a project at the old space, but looking back at it now, that’s just a joke to what it’s turned into,” said Michael Burns, Miami University senior marketing major and owner/manager of Oxford Originals. “After almost a year of gathering equipment and knowledge and engineers and having help, the place has really formed into a fullyfunctional recording studio.”
“A lot of my business has been as a rehearsal space,” said Burns. “I’m trying to venture out as a music production company too, so that not just the studio can throw concerts but we can rent out equipment to other people and throw concerts for them wherever they want.”
Burns is excited about the future of Oxford Originals, and said he expects for it to be around for a long time.“I hope to keep advancing in equipment because I’ve just found it’s never done, like you always need something,” Burns said. “I think in five years this place will have everything you will ever possibly need and more.”
“That is typically unfortunately something that belongs to the country and is the responsibility of the country,” Perkins said. “There are some countries that we already know tend to have higher denial rates, but that is not something that Miami can control.”
About 15 students couldn’t make it to Miami this year. Brent Shock, vice president of Enrollment Management and Student Success, said this number is typical. He said most students who are prevented
and gave her an unsolicited shoulder massage.Later on, following the cancel lation of “Sam and Cat,” McCurdy received a call from her managers. They informed her that Nickelodeon offered her $300,000 if she would not speak out about her experiences at the network, specifically pertaining to TheMcCurdyCreator.turned it down. She felt as if the offer was hush money.
Incidentally, Kidjo has just given the 1,000th Tiny Desk Concert fea turing Sampa, and everyone should watch it. While you’re at it, watch Sampa’s, too.
A year later, “The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical” made its off-Broadway debut, spawning two national tours and a stint on Broad way with mixed reviews. While fans of the source material enjoyed the musical adaptation, it never reached the level of fame associated with the franchise, and many devout “Percy Jackson” fans are still unaware that there was ever a musical.
“Let Me Be Great” is a perfect wrap-up to the album. “I’m an exhibit on my name / I’m Sammy, I’m Tem bo, I’m Eve, I’m Sampa, I’m Great,” she says. All those aspects of herself are on full-display for this project, and she weaves them together flaw lessly.Sampa the Great, indeed.
However, Disney’s adaptation has gained momentum; not only has the main cast been announced, but on Sept. 10, a teaser trailer for the show was revealed at Disney’s D-23 convention. Barely a minute long, the teaser borrows from the opening lines of the first book, “The Light ning Thief,” while flashing through dramatic shots of the iconic setting, Camp Half-Blood and the campers who live there.
“Never Forget” picks up the pace once again, and it’s my favorite song on the album. The song is a celebra tion of African culture, triumphant and expansive in both features and languages. She’s joined by her sister Mwanjé, plus Chef 187 and Tio Na son, and between the four of them they cover English, Kinyarwanda and Chewa.“Who did music, made that shit language / African branded?” Sampa asks, and just as quickly answers, “We did, never forget.”
If I’d been an intelligent person, I might have noticed that Allen was the primary credit on the song or that it already existed on his posthumous al bum “There is No End.” Oh, well.
“As Above, So Below” finds Sampa where she left off on her 2019 record “The Return” — impossible to define. Born in Zambia and raised in Austra lia, Sampa effortlessly fuses influenc es from across her life into a wholly unique soundscape. Her music is rap. It’s R&B. It’s Zamrock, a genre that it self blends African music, blues, funk and psychedelic rock.
Rating: 9/10
It’s no wonder Hollywood was in terested in getting in on the booming business that is “Percy Jackson.”
‘Percy Jackson’ gets a new chance at life on Disney+
Following the release of “I’m Glad My Mom Died,” other former Nick elodeon stars began to speak out in solidarity with McCurdy.
‘Spiritfarer’ reminded me why I love pastel aesthetic games
It’s disheartening to hear the ac tors you grew up watching describe their negative experiences on the shows you loved as a child. But what’s more important is that Nickelodeon takes action and accountability for its wrongdoings. Hopefully, McCurdy’s
The theme of fame continues on “Imposter Syndrome” featuring James Sakala, as does the linguistic variety. I can’t find the lyrics online, so I can’t say what the language is, but it sounds(Side-note:cool. If you google “James Sakala,” half the results are about the Zambian musician, and the other half are about a priest who apparent ly died after letting himself be buried alive).Anyway, the next three songs are more of the same from Sampa, and that’s a compliment. “Tilibobo” is an
In an interview with TMZ, Nikolas said, “I want to make [Nickelodeon] safe for kids because in my personal experience, working on ‘Zoey 101,’ I didn’t feel safe … Jennette and all of us deserve an apology … I definitely don’t want to hear one more story of a Nick star having a traumatic expe rience.”Daniella Monet, who played Trina Vega on “Victorious,” also spoke out about her experience at Nickelodeon.
tives, but, unfortunately, they aired the questionable scene regardless.
My English major heart also loves the deep narrative structure embedded in this game.
insults and degradation,” Mc Curdy writes. “The Creator knows how to make someone feel worth less.”If you have been keeping up with entertainment news, you’ll recall that Schneider split from Nickelodeon in 2018 following reports of verbal abuse. McCurdy doesn’t only discuss The Creator’s verbal abuse in her book: She also describes uncomfort able experiences with him.
“Can I Live?” featuring W.I.T.C.H. gives Sampa the opportunity to demonstrate her vocal versatility,
For a while, it seemed the fran chise would never get another shot. It was simply too difficult to adapt the bold, iconic characters in a way that preserved their youth and originality while still appealing to the industry’s desire to generate as much money as possible.Thatis, until rumors began to cir culate surrounding Disney+.
Each new place is accompanied by music to fit, a small detail that makes me love it even more. I could talk about the score for days, and I sometimes turn on my Switch to lis ten to it while doing homework or reading.Thisgame is a perfect mix of Ani mal Crossing visuals, Stardew Valley music and Super Mario Bros plat former with an open-world function. It reminds players to care for their passengers by feeding them their favorite foods, hugging them when they’re sad and even sleeping when it gets too late to travel.
Sampa the Great proves once again she’s one of the most original voices in rap on ‘As Above, So Below’
Alexa Nikolas, who played Nicole Bristow on “Zoey 101,” recently pro tested outside of the network’s head quarters. She held a sign that read, “Nickelodeon didn’t protect me.”
jumping between growls, yells and singing. Here she starts to explore her relationship with fame, asking if the adoration of fans is love.
The show received a lot of early attention from the public when the main cast was announced earlier this year, with upcoming actor Walker Scobell portraying the titular charac ter; Leah Jeffries as Annabeth Chase; and Aryan Simhadri as Grover Un derwood. The latter two actors are people of color, with Jeffries being Black and Simhardi being Southeast Asian.Riordan and Disney+ were crit icized for changing the race of their characters, who were described as white in the books. However, Rior dan has expressed that he will always stand behind his cast who were cho sen because of their ability to portray theirRiordancharacters.wrote the “Percy Jack son” series for his son, who has dys lexia and ADHD, as a way to show him that kids just like him are ca pable of saving the world. The main characters in “Percy Jackson” have ADHD and dyslexia, which are seen as a natural part of their being demi gods, hardwired for battle and an cientAsGreek.Riordan says on his website, “It’s not a bad thing to be different. Sometimes, it’s the mark of being very, very talented. That’s what Per cy discovers about himself in ‘The Lightning Thief.’”
Pulling together universal ado lescent experiences of awkwardness, new friends and the pains of growing up, and pairing them with slightly more niche experiences like having an ancient deity for a parent, Rick Riordan’s “Percy Jackson” franchise has touched the hearts of readers young and old across the globe since 2005.Now, the series is making a come back for a new generation.
The features continue on “Mask On” with Joey BadA$$. I love the heavy, oppressive intro and Sampa’s final verse where she raps almost too quickly to keep up.
The song, a fast-paced and dark showcase of the late Nigerian percus sionist Tony Allen, sounds like little else I’ve heard, from R&B singer/rap per Sampa or anyone else. If this was the prelude to an exciting new proj ect, I couldn’t wait to hear the rest.
In 2020, Disney announced that it had purchased the rights to pro duce a television adaptation of Ri ordan’s series on its up-and-coming streaming service.
It’s Theher.album opens with “Shadows,” a mysterious track set to kalimba (I think), horns and more impossible to identify sounds. Here, Sampa isn’t searching for herself; she’s past that. “I can be anything under the stars,”
Beyond the relationships play ers build with the spirits they meet, there are a lot of building elements required to progress in the game. Each spirit has their own custom ized house based on their character design, and the player has to travel across the realm to find rare materi als and play mini-games in the pro cess.One of my favorite mini-games is one where Stella cures a dragon af flicted with a mineral plague (Alumi num, Quartz, etc.) and helps remove barnacle-like stones from its back.

She writes about an instance in which she met The Creator for lunch to discuss the “iCarly” spinoff, “Sam and Cat.” While at lunch, The Creator pressured McCurdy into drinking alcohol despite the fact she was un derage. He also put his jacket on her
Rating: 9/10
In 2010, the star-studded adap
Ever since Sampa the Great fea tured on “Stumbling Down” in April 2021, I’ve been anxiously awaiting her new album.
memoir and the amount of support from fellow Nick stars will make a change.Istrongly suggest giving “I’m Glad My Mom Died” a read. It’s extremely personal and raw, yet McCurdy still manages to shed light on her trau ma and incorporate humor into her heart-wrenching story.
“IDGAF” featuring Kojey Radical has the misfortune of opening with a beat very similar to “Build a Bitch” by Bella Poarch, but it’s miles ahead. Here, Sampa mixes humor with her genuine carefree attitude. Listening to gossip about herself is beneath her now, she says, and she doesn’t give a (what) what people say.
Earlier this summer, I surfed on the Nintendo store, looking for a game I could dive into before the fall semester started. The sale section caught my eye as a college student looking for a good deal, and I stum bled across the 2020 game “Spirit farer.”I’d heard good things on social media about this game, the visuals looked amazing and the mechanics fit my relaxed video game prefer ence.The main character in “Spirit farer,” Stella, is tasked with guiding spirits to the realm after creating bonds with them as the next Spirit farer, journeying through this un known world on a pirate-like ship. The Everdoor is the most important place in this world since it’s where Stella carries spirits; a beautiful yet haunting space of red water reflected in a circular arch.
Jennette McCurdy is glad her mom died, and I’m glad for her

The spirits you meet in this game have passed from the mortal world, yet they still hold onto something that happened in their previous life. Stella is tasked with listening to these spirits and preparing them for transition into a new world. Some spirits will pull at your heartstrings. Others will annoy you and make you hope that their transition is fast. But that’s what I loved about this game: it makes you journey through each person’s life regardless of who they are as Videopeople.games have stereotypes of violence, gore and explicit content that turn people away from explor ing how many creative and beauti ful games are waiting for players to find them. Just like “Spiritfarer” for me, had I not gone onto my Switch looking for a new adventure, I would have never known about this en chanting game and its haunting yet comforting take on death.
In an interview with Insider, Mon et recalled some uncomfortable inci dents she had during the production of “Victorious.” One scene in partic ular, where Monet’s character eats a pickle while applying lip gloss, made her feel Monetuneasy.expressed her concerns about this to Nickelodeon’s execu
For now, Disney plans to release the series in 2024. Here’s to hoping the TV adaptation stays true not only to the books, but to the essential tenet of “Percy Jackson” — that our differ ences make us who we are.
The album’s closer, “Let Me Be Great,” features Angélique Kidjo, a clear inspiration for Sampa. Kidjo is fresh off a Grammy win for Best Glob al Album with “Mother Nature,” a re cord that celebrates African cultures with features on almost every song.
“Shadows” is followed by “Lane” featuring Denzel Curry and Powers Pleasant. It’s a light and breezy con firmation from Sampa that she’s in charge. Curry’s feature comes in at 30 seconds, and he uses it to reaffirm a central theme of the album — only you have the power to define yourself.

Sampa shows off her own lan guage skills on “Bona,” effortlessly blending Southern Sotho (so says Google) and English. It’s another im pressive fusion of cultural influences, though not my favorite on the album.
Other game genres have clear goals and objectives. These games create an experience for the player to find their passions within the game.
A pen that turns into a sword. A classics teacher with hooves. A group of teens and pre-teens clad in orange shirts, bonded over the trauma of growing up unsure if they will see their sixteenth birthday.
incredibly fun word to say, and “Lo Rain” brings back Sampa’s sister Mwanjé for another feature.
she says. She knows who we are, too, but implores us not to lose ourselves in the search for meaning.
Aesthetic games like “Spiritfarer” create a whole subgenre of beautiful ly visual games with deep narrative arcs. For people who are afraid of first-person shooters like Fortnite and Call of Duty but bored of shortform mobile games, the cozy aes thetic game genre is the perfect place to begin an exploration into video games.When I discovered Animal Cross ing as a kid, I couldn’t believe a video game could look so cute. I’d grown up with Sonic the Hedgehog, Smash bros and Mario Kart, games that relied on fighting or competition to succeed.Animal Crossing taught me so many things about regular life at a young age — learning to pay your mortgage, try not to upset your neighbors and shop wisely. I also learned about wildlife without know ing I was learning about wildlife. The Animal Crossing engine aligns to the player’s hemisphere so the flora and fauna are in season based on the player’s time clock.
market for adaptations can be fickle and depends on trends, the will of studio executives and pure luck.
It’s just the kind of insight into the children’s entertainment indus try that we need. It will inspire more child actors to speak up, and it will allow victims of abuse to realize they are not alone.
The acquisition of film or televi sion rights for a show does not mean that a show will ever be produced. Just like the rest of Hollywood, the
Rating: 10/10.
“Stumbling Down” was not on the tracklist of Sampa’s Sept. 9 album “As Above, So Below.”
The five-book series has led to multiple spin-offs covering Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norse and more mythologies. More than 180 million copies are in print worldwide of Ri ordan’s New York Times bestsellers.
tation of “The Lightning Thief” was released, starring Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario and Pierce Brosnan. Despite a $95 million budget and gross box office sales of $226 million, the film tanked among fans and critics alike. Between brutal inaccuracies from page to screen, a fouryear age-up of the main characters and a 49% rating on Rotten Toma toes, fans were more than disappointed. The failure of the movie be came an internet meme, and many believed Per cy Jackson would never grace the silver screen again.Somehow, a sequel was released in 2013, adapting the second book “The Sea of ItMonsters.”wasn’tany better.
“Do I wish certain things, like, didn’t have to be so sexualized? Yeah. A hundred percent,” Monet stated in the “Iinterview.feellike [iCarly] robbed me of my youth, of a normal adolescence where I could experience life without every little thing I did being critiqued, discussed, or ridiculed … The world won’t let me be anyone else,” Mc Curdy writes in her book. “The world only wants me to be Sam Puckett.”
able and reminiscent of a (slightly) cheaper Dividends — and the portion matches the exorbitant price, thank fully.The salad was good, too. It’s a sal ad, so it’s hard to mess that up. I was a little disappointed that, on day 2 of school, Field to Fork was already out of some items I wanted, such as corn and French dressing, but overall, a solid option — and healthy, too.
Red Zone (a surprise contender!) Nooo, they changed Red Zone!
FOOD What should Miami’s next chain restaurant be? ELOTEEE... the recipe
Will Armstrong’s foot traffic be impeded by long Panera lines wrapping around the firstfloor dining area? Is this going to ruin Cafe Lux’s business? Will the prices at Panera — al ready one of the pricier fast-food chains, with my typical Panera order averaging around $20 — be marked up even higher?
Additionally, restaurants that are too close ly related to other on-campus dining options would not help diversify the array of dining options on campus. Specifically, I think a pizza chain like Papa John’s would be an odd choice, given Eiffel Pizza and the availability of pizza at all dining locations (not to mention the fact we have multiple pizza restaurants Uptown).
For the BBQ sandwich, the sauce was sweet and tangy, the bun a great cross be tween crispy and soft and the “meat” wasn’t dry at all. It also came with curly fries, which were an excellent surprise and delicious (if a little soggy from sitting un der the sandwich). The fried pickles remain the same, as yummy as ever. Best of all, the hush puppies lived up to my Southern roots and expecta tions. They are fantastically crunchy and taste as corny as a hush puppy should; I wish there had been more than five. I did not get a sauce with them, but I should have, as they can get a little dry at the end — but over all, a definite win for Red Zone.
Rating: Tuesday5/10dinner:
I am a big fan of many Asian foods, so I ordered three in the hopes that one would be good: the vegetable spring
Elotes are arguably one of the best things to come from Mexico, maybe better than colored television or popcorn. I mean, who would ex pect such an odd combination of ingredients to taste so amazing? The creamy corn with the subtle (or not-so-subtle) spice and crumbled cotija cheese makes for a perfect comfort food year-round.Whatmakes this traditional Mexican street food so special (and, in my opinion, amazing) is the opportunity for personalization. By alter ing the ingredients, you can make your elote as creamy, spicy or cheesy as you want. You can have them on the cob or a cup, whatever you please.Personally, I love them all loaded up with plenty of toppings. I love it when every bite is as creamy as the last. Despite being at Miami University for only a couple of weeks, I was already feeling a bit homesick recently. When I was growing up in Chicago, getting an elote would be as simple as grabbing $4 and going on a short 10-minute walk. In Mexico? They were on nearly every streetHere?corner!I’m not sure it’s even possible to ob tainHowever,one. using what I remembered about them, and with a bit of help from my older sis ter, I was able to create a very simple recipe fit for the average broke college student. With this recipe, you’ll be able to create a taste of Mexico in your very own residence hall.
To sum that up, a list of ingredients:
Then simply remove the kernels from the cob. This is most easily done with a fork.
You will then dump your corn into the cup, leaving space for a final layer of, again, Parkay Squeeze, mayo, tajin and cheese. Finally, squeeze in a bit of lime juice (if you used plain mayo) and drizzle your optional hot sauce as a final touch.
Evergrains at Haines’ I’d heard Evergrains, or Haines’ as it’s better known, described as a “Mediterranean Chipotle,” and I think that works pretty well for this build-your-own-bowl-style Arm strongPersonallyrestaurant.— are you ready for this? — I asked for hummus, feta cheese, kalamata olives, falafel and chilled roasted sweet potatoes, all atop a bed of romaine lettuce. I also bought a one-dollar side of pita, for the heck of it.
and used way too many boxes to be good for the en vironment, I am excited to say that Red Zone will re main a favorite.
As for the cheese sticks, let me just say — I miss Sundial’s bosco sticks, and I think I’m not alone in that regard. Whereas Eiffel’s pizza is a pretty solid hit, Eiffel’s cheese sticks are a swing and a miss — cold, far too crunchy and topped with badly con gealed cheese. Also, it doesn’t auto matically come with marinara sauce — shame on you, Eiffel. I had to eat my cheese sticks plain.
Changes have come to the Arm strong Student Center over the sum mer in the form of new food court restaurants. Returning students may notice a certain lack of familiar names like Sumeshi, Sundial and Toasted Bagel (RIP), and in their places, new spots like Field to Fork and Eiffel Piz za.
On the plus side, they give you a lot of pita for just $1.
rolls, vegetarian potstickers and fried rice topped with tofu. Complaint #1, right off the bat, is that I didn’t get the latter; instead, I got some kind of tofu and vegetable stir-fry on white rice, drenched in a delectable sauce. It was delicious, but not what I ordered — and worst of all, I have no idea how to order it again.
It also tasted pretty good, but the sweet potatoes could have used more flavor and the falafel was really dry. I didn’t end up eating the last piece — I just couldn’t get through it.
Thursday lunch: Kabar By the look of the Kabar line throughout the weeks, I maybe should’ve guessed that Kabar would have a strong showing. But after Curve’s lack of flavor during my last few years on cam pus, I didn’t have high ex pectations.
But be warned: Kabar is expen sive. $6.49 for four spring rolls? Se riously?
Of course, I have my complaints outside of these new restaurants. Pulley Diner no longer serves break fast after 10:30 a.m. (bring back my 6 p.m. dinner omelets!), and neither Bell Tower nor the Panera Bread that is taking over Toasted Bagel’s old home will open until fall of 2023 — as a Bell Tower groupie and longtime Panera lover who will have graduated by then, I’m not thrilled about that either.There are good and bad about the new Armstrong dining options, but in the end, I think I’ve found some new favorites. Catch me getting lunch in the student center more often.

And, you know, I was pleasant ly surprised. The bowl, albeit much smaller than a Field to Fork salad, had a great ratio of toppings to let tuce, and I wasn’t just left eating plain romaine at the end. (The exception to this was the feta, of which I could only find a couple of pieces.)
• Corn of your choice
The closest Panda Express to Miami’s cam pus is over 30 minutes away, making the addi tion of an on-campus Panda Express a way to bring a new national brand to the Oxford com munity.With rice options, noodles, steamed vegeta bles, shrimp and meat dishes, Panda Express would have an extensive menu that could offer filling, fast meals that satisfy a variety of tastes.
So during the first weeks of school, I took it upon myself to eat lunch or dinner at every one of the four new restaurants in Armstrong: Field to Fork, Evergrains at Haines, Eiffel Piz za and Kabar. Let’s see how they did.
You will need corn, mayonnaise (for best re sults, I suggest using a lime-flavored one), lime juice and tajin seasoning, which, oddly enough, can be found in the produce aisle at Kroger and not with the other Hispanic foods.
When it comes to affordable fast food, you really can’t beat Taco Bell prices. Ordering a Cravings Box with a Crunchwrap Supreme, taco, soft drink and nacho chips only costs $5 — less than the price of a typical Starbucks coffee.
Some people also opt to add Valentina hot sauce, as it gives the elotes an extra kick of spice. Finally, you’ll need Parkay Squeeze Marga rine Spread, which is commonly found in the dairy aisle. Oddly enough, most recipes leave this out, but in my opinion, it is what makes the elote. Every street vendor I’ve seen uses it, and it’s responsible for that creamy, buttery taste.
This is all due to a dining overhaul that occurred over the summer after the Aramark Corporation took over Miami dining on June 1, in which Ar amark set a goal to improve the quali ty of dining on Miami’s campus.

If I had, though, Kabar would’ve surpassed them.
Rating: 10/10
I then got COVID and missed a week of possible lunches and dinners, but when I returned, I was deter mined to finish out the list.
Field to Fork offers only one op tion: a build-your-own salad for $8.25 a pop. This comes with a drink, and you start from the bottom up, first choosing a base (I went for baby spinach) and then adding as many toppings as you desire. I took advan tage of this, choosing shredded car rots, feta cheese, black olives, green peas and marinated artichoke hearts. Overall, it’s very personaliz
Rating: 7/10
• Valentina hot sauce (optional)
The latest change to Miami dining is, for the first time in Miami history, an option for na tional brands to have locations on campus.
Logically speaking, it wouldn’t make sense to choose a chain that is already available on High Street. While Jimmy John’s, Chipotle and Subway all offer great menu options, why would we add a restaurant on campus that is already just a short walk from Armstrong?
The cheese is tricky, as traditionally you use crumbled cotija cheese, but grated parmesan works as a perfect substitute. (Cotija can also be found at Kroger, this time in the Hispanic foods section towards the back.) You can choose to use different cheeses, but the flavor may be off.
Despite having a history of not being veg etarian-friendly, the chain has recently intro duced Beyond Meat vegetarian options (in cluding a meatless orange chicken recipe) and includes a variety of vegetable-based meals, making it – for the first time – potentially veg etarian-friendly.Price-wise,Panda Express is competitive with many current on-campus dining rates, with an entree and side typically costing $7.50.
The vegetable potstickers tasted good and were crunchy in parts and soft in others — but they were a little cold, and the sweet chili sauce tend ed more towards chili than towards sweet.The winner here, hands down, was the spring rolls. Crunchy, tasty and the perfect temperature, they were reminiscent of Garden’s veggie spring rolls from my underclassman dining-hall days — of which I would eat literal platefuls. I will definitely be returning for these.
And with that, you now have your own elote in a cup. This honestly came out incredi ble when I made it and tasted just like the ones street vendors in Chicago make. The flavors brought me back home and cured a bit of my homesickness.Thisissomething you can make over and over, as the ingredients aren’t meant for onetime use, and best of all, corn is extremely cheap. I mean, we are in Ohio, after all.
While I do have some healthy skepticism about the effect of chain restaurants on campus dining, I am glad to hear that for our next ad dition to Miami’s food scene, the university is turning to its students for feedback.
Tuesday dinner: Eiffel Pizza Eiffel has been out of their vegeta ble pasta every time I’ve tried to eat there, so finally, I caved and just or dered veggie pizza and cheese sticks Tuesday night. I had not eaten pizza on campus since a very bad experi ence with dining hall pizza during my first month of first year, so I was ex pectantlySurprisinglywary. enough, the veggie pizza was kind of a win. The vegetable mix that tops it is, I’m pretty sure, the same as the vegetables that are used in Dividends’ veggie panini — which I love, so the taste was pretty solid. Plus, the texture was that of normal pizza instead of cardboard, although the slice itself was kind of cold.
Haines was closed, the Kabar line was crazy and Eiffel was already out of vegetable pasta on Tuesday night for dinner. I went straight to an old favorite, only to find out that the Red Zone menu also got a refresh. Its vegetarian option is now a BBQ sandwich of pulled oats, so naturally, I had to try it. And, making my Southern roots happy, it serves hush puppies now, too! You know those went straight onto my Thoughorder. the plating left something to be desired
Rating: 8.5/10
When I first stopped by Armstrong this year, I was shocked to see the new on-campus Panera Bread location (set to open in Fall 2023).
Whatever restaurant we end up choos ing, I think it should — at the very, very least — be a national brand that has a wide array of menu options, has vegan, vegetarian and aller gen-friendly options and has a price that college students could reasonably afford on the daily
1. Panda Express
My suggestions?
Tuesday lunch: Field to Fork (salad)
Rating: 9/10
Armstrong’s Aramark advancements: a ranking of the student center’s new dining options
• Grated cotija or parmesan cheese
For starters, the corn. Like this entire reci pe, this portion is entirely up to your personal preference.Although grilled is my personal favorite, I opted to microwave my corn. If your corn is still in its husk, simply remove it, then wrap it in a moist paper towel and microwave it until the kernels are tender, which should be roughly 3-5 minutes. You can also boil it, or go the simplest route and buy it canned.
There go my cheat days of nacho cheese fries and veggie burgers, though at least they kept the fried pickles, thank goodness.
Plus, Taco Bells are featured in food courts — and college campuses — across the country, which ensures that a Taco Bell could operate within the constraints of an on-campus restau rantAslocation.thecost of living continues to soar, ev eryday college students aren’t looking for fancy juice bars or overpriced sandwiches; students need the best bang for their buck, and I think options like Panda Express and Taco Bell truly giveWhetherthat. you agree with my propositions or have another excellent idea for an on-campus chain, I encourage you to submit your ideas to the Associated Student Government survey — your restaurant might just be the one that gets picked!
So, what national brand should earn the honor of being our next campus chain?
First, I can tell you what brands should probably not.
Although I enjoy a Panera caramel latte, I couldn’t help but have some mixed feelings.
So, what should we bring to campus?
Mayo (lime-flavored is preferable)
While I want a Raising Cane’s in Oxford as badly as everyone else, Cane’s doesn’t exactly have a diversified menu, and for our campus’s vegan and vegetarian population, this dining option would be basically unusable unless they wanted toast and fries.
The nearest Taco Bell is a distant walk for on-campus students, and a Taco Bell on cam pus would be the only Mexican restaurant on-campus, which would ensure it would not steer business away from other on-campus din ing Additionally,options. the Taco Bell menu has many different options for vegetarians. With an entire plant-based menu that includes various blackbean and potato-based recipes, vegetarians could enjoy this location too. There are various gluten-free options here as well, including the Power Menu Bowl and the Crunchy Taco.
(I’m looking at you, Panera Bread).
• Parkay Squeeze Margarine Spread

However, I still have my com plaints, and they’re big ones. I hit Field to Fork during the Armstrong lunch rush, at 12:30 p.m. on a Tues day, and it took 20 minutes to put to gether a salad because of how backed up they were. With only two people working the assembly line, it was in credibly slow — a third person work ing refills alone would have sped it all up by a Finally,lot. I found something in my salad that didn’t look anything like any of the toppings I ordered — small and brown, I still haven’t figured out what it was. But it was likely a differ ent topping that, in the Field to Fork employees’ rush to serve, landed in a wrong topping bin. Seeing as how Field to Fork serves allergens such as cheese and eggs, this cross-contami nation could be a serious problem.
Of course, I wanted to test out these so-called improvements. I was already pretty happy with Sundial and Sumeshi, though Curve definitely needed some work (read: flavor). To make up for the loss of these foods which I held so dear, Aramark was going to need to dream big.
2. Taco Bell
Tajin seasoning
• Lime juice (if you didn’t get lime-flavored mayo)
The Associated Student Government has announced that the university is seeking stu dent input on our next national brand, and is encouraging students to respond to its survey asking for said input.
Now you can go ahead and begin assem bling your elote by creating a mixture of mayo, Parkay Squeeze, tajin and cheese in a cup. It’s important not to use too much of any one in gredient as it could overpower the corn, but the ratio is completely up to you!

Overall, it’s good, but the wait, the lack of topping availability and the cross-contamination issues almost make Field to Fork more trouble than its 8-dollar salads are worth.

Smith also overthrew his receivers a few times and missed a few opportunities to put points on the board, but he showed he has potential as a QB. He looked like he could hold down the fort until star quarterback Brett Gabbert returns from his injury.
have anything to do with number five not playing.”
for 79 yards to the Colonials’ tight end Dylan Smith.
The RedHawks offense was still able to function well despite Gabbert’s absence, as they amassed 408 total yards. Coach Chuck Martin said the team played well without their star quarterback.
with an arching pass to wide receiver Mac Hippenhammer for a 19-yard touchdown in the fourth quarter.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022sports8
The format of including the six highest ranked conference champions and six at-large teams is an initial bone thrown to the current Group of Five conferences, though which conferences will be where in the pecking order after the current period of realignment remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, the Mid-American Conference sits almost alone, as a conference already at the bottom of the FBS pack and refusing to push for the addition of new members, even despite the apparent interest of (relatively) nearby schools in Western Kentucky and Middle Tennessee State.The current revenue split for the College Football Playoff allots $6 million to a conference for each of their teams entering a semi-final game, and $4 million for each of their teams participating in the other four
Smith and Saunders will look to continue their good performances next Saturday against Cincinnati at Paul Brown Stadium.
That means yet another blow to the Victory Bell rivalry game (which I also wrote about in a previous column), as Cincinnati’s move to the Big 12 gives them what is almost certain to be an even greater slice of the pie that the RedHawks can only dream of tasting.

After that play, the RedHawks defense shut RMUSophomoredown. defensive back John Saunders Jr. helped keep the Colonials at bay with an interception in the second quarter and an incredible diving play to break up a deep completion in the third.

This team possesses playmakers on both sides of the ball that can help the Redhawks fly over their 7-6 record from a year ago and win a MAC Championship. Everyone just has to control what they can control and do their job.
“It was a pretty surreal moment,” Smith said.Smith would throw one interception, however it wasn’t a bad one. He made the correct read by throwing to tight end Nate Muersch, but Robert Morris defensive back Sydney Audiger made an even better play on the ball to intercept Smith.
Nate Muersch, sophomore tight end and Mac Hippenhammer, redshirt senior, were responsible for some key plays for the Redhawks in the receiving department. Hippenhammer would catch four of his six targets for 52 yards and two touchdowns. Muersch grabbed four of his seven targets for 55 yards which included a 30-yard reception.
Young defense steps up
That means a greater focus on conference football – which is fun, especially during weeknight MACtion near the end of the season – but a greater and greater disparity between it and the rest of the FBS where it ostensibly belongs.
though – while the American Conference, the Mountain West Conference and the Sun Belt Conference have either maintained their status or made gains during realignment to date, Conference USA (CUSA) and the Mid-American Conference (MAC), the latter of which being the home of the Miami RedHawks, sit clearly behind the bunch.CUSA was the victim of raids by the American and Sun Belt, losing 11 of its 14 members before adding four; two smaller schools in the periphery of the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) and two schools from the subdivision below them, FCS Football Championship Subdivision (FCS).
“You know when the lights go on,” Martin said.
Martin said the team still wishes Gabbert was healthy, but he knew Smith was talented enough to play. He said he loved Smith’s confidence because he wasn’t sure if he’d freeze up in the big moment.
This was inevitable.
It was the first career start for Aveon Smith, redshirt first-year quarterback. Smith had a solid first start, completing 14-of-22 passes for 155 yards and three touchdowns in the Redhawks 31-14 win over the Colonials. Smith said that he wants to be more composed and decisive in future games.
After star quarterback Brett Gabbert went down last week with a shoulder injury, redshirt first-year Aveon Smith took over the starting job for the RedHawks. He performed well, finishing 14/22 in completions, with 155 yards, three touchdowns and one interception. Smith said he was satisfied with his performance in his first career start.

The Miami RedHawk football team beat Robert Morris University (RMU) 31-14 Saturday. Here’s two takeaways from Miami’s first win of the season.
Aveon Smith can play
Sophomore running back Kevin Davis flashed the potential to be one of the best players in the Mid American Conference (MAC) with five carries for 63 yards (12.6 yards per carry), plus two receptions for 24 yards. Davis possesses cheetah-like speed, and when he’s given space he’s going to be very dangerous to opposing teams. Davis is the type of player that should excite Redhawk fans.
Missing out on millions of dollars every year, and watching the conferences that were their former equals cash in as their occasional star program made the run required to claim that sixth spot, means the MidAmerican – and Miami – will only fall further behind.
One thing seems for certain,
Miami’s defense had a good showing outside of the opening drive for Robert Morris that featured a well-executed play action pass from quarterback Anthony Chiccitt that went
non-Playoff bowls which constitute the New Years’ Six bowls.
Saunders said he should have intercepted the ball instead.
After allowing 37 points to Kentucky last week, Miami’s defense readjusted to hold RMU to just 14 points (and only seven allowed by the first string). This included forcing seven three-and-outs.TheRedHawks defense botched the second play of the game by allowing a 79-yard gain to RMU wide receiver Dylan Smith. The Colonials put home the first touchdown of the game three plays later. Martin said the first defensive drive was a disaster.
“It was a pretty surreal moment, I’m not gonna lie...It’s been three years since I’vesteppedactuallyon the field competed.”and
With the shift of power between conferences after the realignment to-date, we’re less likely to see a distinct Power Five and Group of Five power split as we’ve seen since the introduction of the College Football Playoff.The Big Ten and Southeastern Conference (SEC) are likely to sit alone at the very top, followed by the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) and a weird huddle of the Big 12, Pac-12 and Sun Belt, depending on further realignment which seems all but imminent. Then sits the Mountain West, in good position to challenge for the sixth Playoff auto-bid with a good season from a top program like Boise State, and at the bottom, Conference USA and the MidAmerican Conference.
“If you don’t do your job they’ll make you pay” Martin said. “It doesn’t matter who you play…we all gotta do our job.”
The move to a 12-team College Football Playoff makes economic sense in a decisive way that few previously conceived tournaments have ever matched. The administrators of the game at the highest level can waffle all they like about “fairness for student athletes” and “competition at the highest level,” but everyone can see through it – and it’s only really a surprise that it didn’t come sooner.
Billions of dollars of extra television revenue is expected to be generated by the expanded set of games. The presumed first round is being planned for teams to play on college campuses, before quarter and semifinals are held at the six locations of the New Years’ Six bowl games.
Miami Redhawk Football is officially underway as the Redhawks faced the Robert Morris Colonials at 6 p.m. Saturday night in Yager Stadium. The game featured many positives and a few areas in need of improvement for the Redhawks.
College Football’s Tournament Is Expanding — And It’s Leaving Us
“Anything we didn’t do well tonight had nothing to do with Brett Gabbert,” Martin said. “There’s plenty of things we didn’t do as well as we liked tonight, and it’s not gonna
They didn’t score on that play thanks to the hustle of redshirt junior defensive back Michael Dowell who stopped Smith on the 1 yard-line, but the Colonials would score three plays later on a two-yard touchdown run by running back Anthony Purge. Over the course of the game the defense would force two interceptions and allow one meaningless touchdown in the closing seconds.
With a win this past Saturday at Yager Stadium, the Redhawks are in sole-possession of college football’s fourth longest home winning streak at 15 wins in a row. They are now ahead of football powerhouse the Alabama Crimson Tide.
That means more blowout losses in out-of-conference matchups, more losses to FCS teams (as both Buffalo and Bowling Green from the MAC East suffered on Saturday), and less
national attention – which itself becomes its own vicious cycle, as conference officials find themselves with continuously weakening leverage in broadcasting deal negotiations with the major networks.
Wrap up
Miami Head Coach Chuck Martin stressed the importance of accountability in his post game press conference.

As I’ve detailed in a past column on the topic, college football is about money more than anything else. Increasing the amount of money going to a broader amount of teams and conferences is good for the sport – parity should bring competitiveness that hasn’t been seen too much lately at the top of the game – but the simple fact is, the Mid-American Conference in its current state is extremely unlikely to have one of the six best conference champions, and thus a spot in the College Football Playoff.
“You don’t do your job, you’re not where you’re supposed to, they’re gonna make you pay,” he said. “Doesn’t matter who you play.”
-Aveon Smith
The numbers are likely to change with the move to a 12-team playoff system, but the principle will probably remain – conferences receiving payment, directly alongside the number of their teams reaching the Playoff. In 2019-20, the MidAmerican Conference received the lowest amount of College Football Playoff money out of any conference, as it also did in 2018-19.
Miami football isn’t in trouble – far from it now, with the best quarterback in the conference and a stable, experienced head coach who has worked excellently to rebuild this program and is now entering his ninth year in the job – but when the RedHawks take the field on Saturday at Paul Brown Stadium for the 126th meeting between Miami and Cincinnati, don’t be under any illusions that the blowout Bearcat victory that seems all but certain will be the last of its kind.
Miami hits the field again Saturday, Sept. 17 against Cincinnati at Paycor Stadium in Cincinnati. endersis@miamioh.edu@IEnders13
“It was a pretty surreal moment, I’m not gonna lie,” Smith said. “It’s been three years since I’ve actually stepped on the field and competed.”Hetouched off his excellent night
“It felt good, but I can’t let them get behind me like that, y’know?” Saunders said. “I should’ve been on top of him so I could have been able to intercept that one. If I was in a better position I wouldn’t have had to dive.”
“The game improvementpositivesfeaturedmanyandafewareasinneedofforthe Redhawks.”
Redhawks Prevail In Home Opener
The Bearcats are a 21-point favorite in the matchup. According to ESPN’s Football Power Index, Cincy has a 94.2% chance of winning.
Now, it’s rivalry week for the Red Hawks, who play Xavier at home on Thursday before traveling to C*ncin nati on Friday.
Western Michigan….37 @ Ball
Redhawks To Battle For Southwest Supremacy in 126th Victory Bell
that we gotta learn about him,” Mar tin said on Monday. “There’s gonna be more stuff coming down the road that’s gonna be more challenging.”
Game Stats:
Jalen Walker (3 catches, 7 yards)
In the last two weeks, the Red Hawks have played and lost three
Brunson (7 carries, 15 yards) Jaylon Bester (8 carries, 14 yards, fumble lost)
Voters’ views on UC were quickly backed up when ‘Cats lost by a touch down to now No. 10 Arkansas, strip ping them of a top-25 position. Last weekend, Cincy blitzed Kennesaw State University 63-10.
“I still like Ivan,” Martin said. “I just don’t want to play against him.”
“There’s still more things
Miami hits the pitch next on Sept. 22 against Ball State.
When game planning against UC, Martin should recognize some familiar faces. Bearcats quar terback Ben Bryant, who transferred back from Eastern Michigan, beat the RedHawks in MAC play last season. The senior went 21/31 for 206 yards and one touchdown.
Akron….0 @ No. 11 Michigan State….52
Miami beats Ohio State
AveonPassing:Smith (14/21, 155 yards, 3 TD, 1 Henryinterception)Hesson(2/5, 37 yards)
With Smith being under center for at least a few weeks, Miami Head Coach Chuck Martin wants to see more of him on the field and un derstands how big of a test Cincy is.
The match kicks off this Sat urday at 12:00 p.m. EST on ESPNU.
Volleyball killed it at the Chatta nooga invitational tournament on the weekend of Sept. 9. The RedHawks started off the tournament on Friday with a 3-0 sweep of Southern Indiana.
Kevin Davis (2 catches, 24 yards)
On the other side of the ball, former Miami linebacker Ivan Pace
Pace transferred to UC in the offseason, but the Bearcats nev er thought he was good enough until recently. Martin said he understands why the senior linebacker went to the school, so he does not hold anything against him. However, Martin does not want him tackling his players.
Miami routed Illinois-Chicago 3-0 on Sept. 4, before squeaking by Bel larmine 1-0 four days later. Then on Sept. 11 the RedHawks beat Marshall 2-1. Camber Hayes, junior midfielder, had four assists in the three games, and Izzie Vaccari, senior goalie, only had to make eight total saves.

The weekend before, Miami saw less success on its own court. The ’Hawks beat Marshall at Millett on Friday, but they got swept by both
Miami athletics has been busy since our last print edition dropped on Sept. 1. Here’s a rundown of what’s happened since then:
Bellarmine and Middle Tennessee on Saturday.
García’s fourth goal of the year, along with a stellar performance in net from Isabele Perese, senior goal keeper, (six saves, nine penalty cor ners faced) propelled tMU over the lousy Buckeyes.
Not a sentence you’ll read often: Miami beat the No. 19 Buckeyes on the field hockey pitch Sunday, Sept. 11. The 1-0 win came thanks to a pen alty stroke goal by Claudia Negrete García, star junior midfielder, as the second quarter ticked down.
Soccer approaches breakout
Holy Cross….37 @ Buffalo….31
Eastern Kentucky….59 @ Bowling Green….57 (7OT)

KevinRushing:Davis (5 carries, 63 yards, fumble lost)
Then they won in five sets against Duquesne (continuing Miami’s utter dominance of the city of Pittsburgh on the weekend), and finally defeated the host, Chattanooga, in five sets on Saturday.
Robert Morris….14 @ Miami….31
Luke Bolden (1 catch, 17 yards, 1 TD) Scotty Nieman (1 catch, 9 yards)
Kent State….3 @ No.6 Oklahoma….33
other games as well, 1-0 to No. 12 Harvard, 3-2 to Brown and 1-0 again at the hands of No. 4 Michigan. The RedHawks kick off the conference schedule on Sept. 16 when Ohio visits Oxford.
After two straight losses to end Au gust, the RedHawks started Septem ber scorching hot.
Ohio….10 @ No. 22 Penn State….46
Jr. is continuing to tackle everyone who steps onto the field. Currently, the 2021 Pro Football Focus MAC Defensive Player of the Year is tied for third-most tackles by any player who has only played two games (23).
EasternState….30Michigan….21 @
Sacks: 2 (Ty Wise, Camden Rodgers)
Miami Volleyball Sweeps Chatanooga Classic
Nate Muersch (4 catches, 55 yards) Mac Hippenhammer (4 catches, 52 yards, 2 ReginaldTD)Virgil (1 catch, 28 yards)
In the RedHawks’ first week, their preseason All-Mid Amer ican Conference (MAC) first-team quarterback, Brett Gabbert, suffered an injury in a loss at now No. 9 Ken tucky. There is currently no timetable for Gabbert’s return. Redshirt firstyear Aveon Smith got the call and helped deliver a 21-point bounce-back victory over Robert Morris University with three passing touchdowns.
Kenny Tracy (5 carries, 52 yards) Aveon Smith (4 carries, 38 yards) Keyon Mozee (10 carries, 29 yards, 1 JordanTD)
Tackles for loss: 6 (Ty Wise (2), Brian Ugwu (2), Ryan McWood, Camden Interceptions:Rodgers) 2 (Ryan Mcwood, John Saunders Jr.)
However, the RedHawks have shown that they can hold some ground against preseason AP-ranked opponents when they can limit their mistakes. The ‘Hawks were only down by a field goal to Kentucky at halftime.
Editor’s Corner: Redhawk Roundup
Henry Hesson (1 carry, 9 yards)
changes to this savior mechanism thousands of students have used.
Two: Friendship is the most vulnerable thing one will ever have. Friendship grows at such an exceptional rate, but it can also effortlessly slip through your fingertips.
At Miami, students have access to a plethora of resources that can help to improve and enhance your mental health. From the multiple mental health clubs (Active Minds, All About You, Never Walk Alone and MENtal Health, to name a few) to free preliminary on-campus counseling sessions, all students should be aware of the
Additionally, for further professional support, there are also fully-licensed offcampus outpatient counseling centers and mental health providers in the City of Oxford.
The superfood trend — which has made once-cheap ingredients like sweet potatoes and quinoa suddenly ‘trendy’ and less affordable — strong ly contributes to gentrification.
“If I ordered Nut Butter & Banana Toast ($11) and a Reboot Juice ($10.45), my breakfast would cost just as much as I make in a shift at my on-campus job — over $20 alone for just toast and

King Café is unlike any other cof fee shop on campus; it offers a re freshing contrast from the long lines of Shriver Starbucks and a more sectioned-off atmosphere than Arm strong’s Café Lux, making it one of the few campus coffee places where you can get a coffee in under five min utes and be guaranteed a place to sit.

As someone seriously interested in going to graduate school after Mi ami, my GPA matters. Having a C- or a D on my transcript looks a lot worse than a “Credit” designation looks to graduate schools.
A 20-year-old college kid does not know much. In fact, there are only two things I know in life for certain.
Instead of gentrifying our Café, Aramark should use its expertise in dining to help us expand the Café’s existing menu.
The sad reality of today’s world is that mental health affects everyone. However, the reality that we must begin to realize is that mental health can become a strength within your life rather than a weakness.
Next time you want to get some fresh air, take a walk to Central Quad and make a memory with Daniela.
I think Miami took “Steel Mag nolias’” Truvy Jones’ “There’s no such thing as natural beauty” a bit too seriously in this blatantly appear ance-oriented decision.
Unfortunately, Daniela passed away shortly before her sophomore year. This tragedy struck the hearts of her family,
About 73% of college students encounter problems with mental health at some point in their college career. While the majority of students will encounter mental health issues, I feel that Miami students as a whole are not fully aware of the availability of mental health resources on our campus.
Whether you simply join a mental health club and chat with some friends at meetings or decide to schedule weekly on-campus counseling sessions, there is a mental health plan that is right for you.
The current grading system works, stop changing it
Of course, if you knew Dan, you knew she loved to laugh.
will double the cost of salads at the library?
This brings me to my next point, and perhaps my biggest concern about this proposition: the juice. When I dove into researching the company’s juices, I was off-put by the $180 3-day juice cleanse it sells.
But most importantly, Daniela would want you to know that you are not alone.
For a large part of the campus here in Oxford, much of the past is filled with memories of Daniela DiSanto.
Her smile was as bright and wide as the sun. Contagious is an understatement for how Daniela’s happiness affected the people around her. Even when you were on the brink of tears, her smile would ignite a fire within you and make your soul fly.
The new grades for credit/no credit courses are as follows:
I cannot help but question the di versity of voices in the room where the decision to get rid of King Café was made; if Aramark consulted a sample of everyday Miami students, I
resources our university has to offer, as well as resources off-campus.
We need a newfound focus on the current student body instead of pun ishing us for being here at the wrong time.Congratulations — to solve the cosmetic problem of letting too many people into our great school, we made it harder for everyone already here to do as well as they might’ve with the Credit/No Credit option the way it was.
We’re back to the ‘I’ll say what you want to hear and im mediately change my mind’ crap from last year’s changes.requirement
But new designations of CR1, CR2 and NCR may draw questions like, “What the hell does that algebra mean on this kid’s transcript?”
But as a regular of King Café, it would break my heart if I could no longer get my morning coffee at my campus library coffee shop.
Say goodbye to Credit/No Credit, kids, because Miami has run ass-first into letter grades… again.
Oh, and by the way, the deadline to change a class to Credit/No Credit was Friday, Sept. 9, in case that, you know, matters.
just say I would have re ceived a final “grade” of CR2 for one of those classes.
CR1, CR2 and NCR are simply convoluted letter grades, meant to be the alternative to a system of letter grades already in place.
tions or I’ll spend a few dollars for a pastry.Notonly does the Village Juice Company not offer coffee or tea, but the cheapest drink on the menu is over $8, with the typical smoothie and juice costing over $10.If I ordered Nut Butter & Ba nana Toast ($11) and a Reboot Juice ($10.45), my breakfast would cost just as much as I make in a shift at my on-campus job — over $20 alone for just toast and juice.
CR1: Credit earned for C or better quality coursework
As a new semester dawns upon us, it is inevitable that most students look towards the future. However, what most do not realize is that the moments in the past are what shape the moments moving forward.
On Aug. 17, 2021, Daniela’s soul left us to fly back amongst the stars. Yet her memory remains on campus through a tree planted in Central Quad — a symbol of life that shows us how Daniela may no longer be with us, but her memories continue to grow, flourish and prosper within our minds, bodies and hearts.
more.A perfect solution to a more-than-understandable problem has been simply ruined by an admin istration so bent on calling itself a Public Ivy so we can’t even have peace of mind in the 10% of our classes that we’re allowed to take credit/no credit.
First, to change a political science class my first year to Credit/No Cred it once I decided to change my major away from political science. Instead, I decided to finish out my language requirement (for which I chose Chi
“CR1, CR2 and NCR are simply convoluted letter grades.”
friends and the campus of Miami University. While Daniela had only spent a year on campus, she impacted others in a multitude of ways.
I understand the desire to increase the amount of healthy foods offered on campus, but how much are we re ally increasing campus health if this
CR2: Credit earned for C- through D- quality coursework
One: I love Miami.
In memoriam: my friend Dan
Aramark, don’t ruin this Miami tradition: save King Café.
doubt they would be begging for ex pensive cold-pressed juice instead of coffee.
Our government requires all juices in K-12 schools to be pasteurized, and for good reason: unpasteurized juice can cause serious and even deadly ill ness, including E. Coli, hepatitis and botulism.Idon’t know about you, but I don’t want my beloved Miami grind coffee replaced with drinks so scientifical ly-unadvisable that they have a gov ernment-mandated warning label.
On Wednesday, Aug. 31, roughly a year after Miami University dropped the extended period to change grad ing methods from the previous year, the student body received an email — “Notice of Change to Credit/No Cred it Grading” — that explained the new
For the past 16 years, King Café has been the hallmark of social life at King Library, functioning as a space that offers affordable meals and drinks, a serene atmosphere for study sessions and a location accessible for both on-campus and nearby off-cam pus students.
Recently, it was announced that Aramark has plans to eliminate this beloved Miami campus location and replace it with Village Juice Compa ny, a cold-pressed juice restaurant.
The change to Village Juice Company would more than double the current cost of smoothies and muffins, and the cheapest menu item — a matcha bar — costs more than King Café’s most expensive coffee.Idon’t think an on-campus dining option embodies Love & Honor if the price points are so ex clusive that five weeks of working my two on-campus jobs would not even pay for a week’s worth of meals at this restaurant.

If this balance was interrupted by the presence of a bustling, overpriced restaurant location, the basement of the library would no longer be a peaceful place to sip coffee and study — it would be a 30-person-long line of loud students and an impossible place to focus on schoolwork.
Letter grades to fix not wanting letterNeedinggrades.to explain that I got a D in a class outside of my major, “But it’s okay, I swear! I’m not going to need that subject doing what I want to do with my life!” doesn’t really work any
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022Opinion 10
This semester, take care of your mind and your body, then use your strong mental health to create memories in which you are smiling as bright as the sun.
Rather than making healthy foods widely available, superfood restaurants make certain healthy foods—such as quinoa and sweet po tatoes—‘trendy,’ causing a surge in price that results in $13 acai bowls and $15 salads: options lower-in come college students can’t afford to splurge on.
Miami, a liber al arts school, has many requirements for graduation to ensure its students leave Miami with a well-rounded educa tion, at least having a basic understanding of the major subjects. Many of us who have been taking classes here long enough are familiar with these requirements and therefore have utilized the Cred it/No Credit designation as a way to gain a proper understanding of a top ic in a class that otherwise would be too difficult to achieve a satisfactory grade.I’ve used this designation more than once.
I am fully supportive of a renova tion of King Café — I know that the wobbly table legs need replacing, and an expansion of the King Café menu to perhaps include fresh sandwiches, a fresh salad bar or an oatmeal bar could be incredible.
coffee shop atmosphere complement each other perfectly.
NCR: No credit earned for a fail ing grade of F
Beyond the threats the Village Juice Company poses to both stu dents’ wallets and health, I worry about what this change would do to the serenity and coziness of King Café.Books and coffee go together; the library atmosphere and the quiet
The new grading system for those humanities majors taking their sci ence requirements (or vice versa),
Just like everything in life, there is a lesson to be learned from these past experiences. Cherish your time here. Enjoy every second. Make memories with your friends. Take pictures. Smile and be happy.
This could not be further from the truth: pasteurized juice is just as nu tritious as unpasteurized juice, and whatever potentially small losses in nutrients occur in the pasteurization process are indubitably outweighed by the benefits of pasteurization.
Miami is worried about how it looks to the outside eye. An increased COVID-era acceptance rate makes many soon-to-be applicants wary of the degree of school to which they’re applying.Theadministration has fallen for this trick too. It’s fallen for the lie that higher acceptance rates equal lesser education, that hard boundaries and no empathy lead to great graduates.
The Village Juice Company was founded in 2014 amidst the rising trend of superfood restaurants.
Village Juice Company’s website claims that pasteurized juice is “nu tritionally deficient and pointless.”
A grade outside of the standard A-F scale that was previously com prehensible, Credit/No Credit might make sense to the average admissions employee at an institution.
trying to absolve themselves of a D on their transcript, have gone from five major options (A, B, C, D or F) to three (CR1, CR2 or NCR).
The standard grading structure for any other class involves grades A through F, or five major designations, with the +/- for each.
Looking at the Village Juice Com pany menu offered at the Universi ty of South Carolina as a model of comparison, the addition of a Village Juice Company to King Library would radically increase the cost of dining at KingMyLibrary.typical coffee order at King Café is a caffe latte, which costs $3.75. I could drink this latte every single day and not run out of declining dol lars. If I want a meal at King Café, I use my meal swipes to get one of the York Street sandwiches or salad op
Fad diets like 3-day juice cleanses can trigger eating disorder behaviors, not to mention the fact that drinking juice doesn’t actually remove toxins from your system. Most scientists agree the healthiest thing for your body is whole fruits, vegeta bles and Beyondgrains.my reservations against juice cleansing, what really caught my attention was something much more dangerous: this company does not pasteurize their juice.
But right now, as a vegetarian at Miami who tries to eat lunch at the student center almost every day, I am not too thrilled with Aramark.
cheese sauce, topped with the sweet, smoky flavors of BBQ sauce — plus fried onions? Sign me up.
It seems that every time that I try to order a vegetarian option any where in Armstrong, restaurants are out of it.
At the time of writing this, the following Armstrong Student Center restaurants were out of these vegetar ian options:
Except, even though I definitely clicked the “no chicken” option on the GrubHub app when I ordered, I opened my bowl to find a heaping pile of BBQ chicken atop my creamy pasta and cheese sauce.
When my friends would complain about dry chicken chunks or strange ly-textured dining hall mystery meat, I would proudly boast delicious veg etable omelets from Pulley Diner, Toasted Bagel’s fantastic array of meatless options and, of course, an unbeatable vegetarian potato soup from the dining halls. Even after the recent Aramark dining overhaul, I was quite pleased to find a new pulled oats BBQ sandwich at Red Zone, tofu stir fry at Kabar and falafel pretty much everywhere in Armstrong.
Most of these restaurants being out of so many options left very few for vegetarians dining at Armstrong: a grilled cheese sandwich or black bean burger at Pulley Diner, fried rice or vegetable spring rolls at Kabar, mac ‘n’ cheese at Red Zone and pesto pasta, carbonara pasta or veggie pizza at Eiffel.
Kabar Sushi and Asian Bis tro: tofu lettuce cups, vegetable pot stickers, tofu stir fry, pad thai
That’s nine options unavailable to eight options available — over half of the vegetarian hot meal options in Armstrong.RedZone has been out of their pulled oats BBQ sandwich, some thing I tried and loved during the first week of school, for over a week. I’ve checked almost every day, only to be greeted by the same greyed-out op tion on the GrubHub app. So, on Sun day for dinner, I went for their only other vegetarian option — mac ‘n’ cheese. (Which, I should note, they are now out of, as of Tuesday night.)
I’m a big fan of BBQ sauce on my mac ‘n’ cheese (sue me), so I opted for the BBQ chicken mac ‘n’ cheese bowl, sans chicken. Pasta and creamy

Red Zone: vegan pulled oats BBQ sandwich (which, I should note,
I used to be proud of vegetarian cuisine on Miami’s campus.
Miami vegetarians, I hope you’re hungry — and Aramark, I hope you’re ready to solve that.
Field to Fork and Evergrains at Haines’, thank goodness, had all of their options — but seeing as how both of those are build-your-own bowl places, it’s a lot easier to be veg etarian at those two anyway.
Nine pieces of chicken. Nine Perfectly reasonable for if you had wanted chicken, but I most definitely had not. What’s the point of having the “no chicken” button if you’re just going to put chicken on it anyway?
Pulley Diner: vegan chicken sandwich, vegan chicken tenders
As an off-campus student, I have no idea about the dining halls, but I hope the situation in those is better than the current Armstrong situation for Andvegetarians.Ihope that Aramark gets its shit together and starts stocking
more vegetarian food. If you’re going to have vegetarian options on your menus, you’d better have the food to serve them to hungry vegetarians on your campus.
Finally, if I ever find chicken in my no-chicken BBQ mac ‘n’ cheese again, I will not be too happy about it. To the employees in Armstrong dining restaurants, please check the special instructions on GrubHub orders — though for me it was just a matter of picking the chicken off and writing an angry opinion article about it, the special instructions are there for a reason. Dietary restrictions are noth ing to be trifled with.
campus.According to an Alliance for Sci ence study from March, 1 in 10 Amer icans don’t eat meat. If the same proportion is applied to Miami, that would suggest that around 10% of campus would be struggling with eat ing at Personally,Armstrong.Idoubt that the num ber is that high — other than myself, I don’t know that many vegetarians at Miami — but there is still a significant vegetarian population on campus, so why is vegetarian food at Miami so hard to find nowadays?
Between this “ChickenGate” in cident and the fact that Armstrong, at the time of writing this, was out of over half of their vegetarian options, I am seeing a complete lack of respect for vegetarian diners on Miami’s
Eiffel Pizza and Pasta: veggie pasta, tomato basil pasta
is one of only 2 vegetarian entrees of fered at Red Zone)
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 11 Miami vegetarians, I hope you’re hungry… for nothing Keeping Oxford strong for nearly 30 years You have access to the same high quality, compassionate care as our Miami University intercollegiate athletes. Our physicians and therapists provide a wide range of non-surgical and surgical orthopaedic services and sports rehabilitation for injuries of the joints, tendons, muscles and bones. To schedule an appointment, call 513-347-9999 or visit mercy.com/ortho to learn more. Mercy Health — Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine 270 S. Locust St. | Oxford, OH 45056 Mercy Health — Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation 280 S. Locust St. | Oxford, OH 45056 15443MERADV (4-22) Mercy Health — Oxford Primary Care & Sports Medicine 270 South Locust Street Oxford, OH 45056 513-215-9471 You have opinions, too And we want to hear them. See your opinion in print by writing a letter to the editor. Email letters or questions to the editor. Email letters and questions to radwanat@miamioh.edu to have your opinion be heard. We are also looking for more permanent writers. If you are interested, reach out to the above email.

As one of the creators of Miami’s up-andcoming magazine, Pixel, Wrachford looks at the details of her favorite look.
Fendi: The largest show with the biggest surprises style
“When I walked into this space, I was obsessed with everything that I saw,” Stevenson said. “They actually
One of which is Emily Stevenson, a sophomore engineering major. Her passion for this space started all the way back in her freshman year.
“I do like 99% of [sewing] here, at the Makerspace,” Roberts said. “The one’s I had [sewing machines] had four stitch types and these have 99 stitches, which is so cool! They have take-home sewing machine kits, where you can take it back to your dorm — I’ve done this before as well. But I mostly just come here because I love this space. It’s really calming, it’s like a break from ev erything else.”

I’m all for being comfy and cute.”
Throughout the runway, this versatility can be seen as the Baguette was incorporated with sporty and even more feminine looks. As yellow is Fendi’s signature color, the Baguette became a part of the black and yellow ensembles as well as full navy blue outfits.
Ella Roberts, business economics major, is one to vouch for her interest in making fashion pieces while cur rently studying in a different field.
Delettrez took their bows, there was a surprise by the appearance of ‘90s supermodel Linda Evangelista.Herrecent appearance in British Vogue as well as her current Fendi campaign has marked her return to the fashion industry, and as Vogue would describe it, “If there was symbolism to be found in Evangelista’s presence, it was in the icon status, continuity and timeless she shares with the Baguette. As she was celebrated for her return, current supermodel Bella Hadid also walked down the runway, while newcomer Lila Moss, daughter of Kate Moss, opened the show.
The busiest day of the week would be Fridays, due to most students hav ing free time because of no classes. The place runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays, but recently, Wednesdays
“I think the silhouette is super flattering and the sequin detailing is giving me Y2K vibes,” Wrachford said. “The neckline of the dress gives it that feminine flair, but the flowy shape of the dress looks like it’d be so comfortable —
Attention Fashion lovers! The Makerspace is open
“I also love the way it’s styled — the purple socks and almost slipper-like shoes are a vibe,” Wrachford said. “I would totally wear this look out to a fancier event — it’s giving Y2K fairy with a hint of prep.”
The looks definitely captivated Sabrina Wrachford, Miami University junior emerging technology in business and design (ETBD) and media and communication double major. Her favorite piece of the collection was the fourth
According to the Economic Times, Jacobs created ten of the 54 looks. As Jacobs continues to design for his Y2K brand, Heaven by Marc Jacobs, the looks on this runway garner a fresh feel from the pop of color which transform ev eryday clothing items. The Fendi Baguette bag
Tiffany & Co. incorporated their diamonds, while Jacobs had his own take of labeling each bag with black, square letters saying, “The Ba guette.”Wrachford enjoyed how this accessory be came the focal point of the show.
mentioned needing students to work and I instantly, the next day, started making my resume.”

With long, wide tables and various sewing machines, Roberts can place her patterns out to make her pieces and then bring them to life. Around her are various staff members wear ing embroidered aprons, who help any newcomer to the Makerspace, and aid in any mishaps that might happen.
“I’m a huge fan of the Baguette bag. I feel like the shape is super versatile and could be worn with both dressed up and dressed down outfits,” she said.
In the end of the show, as Silvia Venturini Fendi, Jones, Jacobs, and Fendi jeweler Delfina
was also included in his section of the show, as it celebrated 25 years since it’s popularization from the hit show “Sex and the City.”
After helping out students during her work hours, she practices perfect ing the knitting machine — a new addi tion that is coming soon to the studio. During her time at the Makerspace, she has witnessed a lot of fashion and architecture students come through its doors.“There is a [fashion] class that has their final project — they are required to make something in the Maker space,” Stevenson said. “They have to make an 8 by 8 [inch] pattern, so peo ple will come and do four different seg ments on the embroidery machine.”
The fabric and machine use is free to everyone (with of course, using an appropriate amount). Stevenson re members other different types of proj ects that students have created at the Makerspace.“Wehad architecture students come in and make curtains for their of fice,” Stevenson said. “I have seen peo ple do costumes before, like cosplay.”
look, a lime green dress.
Stevenson also recalls that the sub limation machines (a printer that uses heat transfer technology) and the laser engraver (engraves into hard materi als) are also popular within the fashion community at Miami.
“I have made a period piece, a dress that was inspired by the Bridgerton style that had the Empire waist and flowy,” Robers said. “I made it for the MUF&D fashion show. I wanted to dress up for it and I’ve always wanted to make a dress like that.”
Tucked away in the corner in the highest level of King Library is the Makerspace. And it’s awaiting new visitors.This “space” is equipped with any type of machine one can wish for, from 3D printers to embroidery machines. And it allows for many who enjoy fash ion to partake in it.
This hidden gem of Miami is ready for any crafters, designers or hobbyists to partake in. The Makerspace machines are strongly recommended to be reserved be forehand, on the Miami University library website.

“All of our machines are very begin ner friendly to learn on, if you just come up and have an interest in anything like 3D printing, laser en graving, sewing, embroidery, knit ting, button making even — just pop by and we will be very excited to teachAfteryou.”allRoberts attests to the quality of the equipment and vibe of this secret crafting place.
Stevenson and the team at the Makerspace are ready to welcome new“Whenpeople.you come in, we will give you a little tour,” Stevenson said.
and Thursdays go until 7 p.m.
The Fendi Resort 2023 collection became the biggest event of this year’s New York Fash ion Week. Instead of the usual Milan location for the brand, New York welcomed guests to witness the major collaborations between cre ative director Kim Jones and Marc Jacobs, as well as Tiffany & Co. and Japanese bag produc er, Porter.Inthe front row, celebrities like Kim Kar dashian, Sarah Jessica Parker and Niomi Watts made an appearance. This collection featured beiges and tan colors along with pops of neon and Tiffany’s signature blue color.
After taking their bows, the standing ova tion that followed signified the end of one of the most action packed and memorable shows of the season. Looking at the rest of the runways this season, they have some competition.
My team is losing with time running down. They are driving down the field and there is time for one more play. The quarterback throws the ball to the wide receiver who is in the area
Woman Sues Miami Over “ChickenGate”: Found Chicken On Her Mac and Cheese Despite Selecting “No Chicken” in GrubHub
Pickleball Club
Ever wondered why bottled water here is two bucks? It’s because the COVID Response Team possesses a monopoly on the Oxford wa ter trade and purifies the acid from the water themselves. This makes water prices 97.3% more expensive than it should be.
The Striders Running Club promotes water strider awareness by running around campus doing their best water strider impressions. If you see someone sliding or striding around campus while drenched in water, you know they are part of the Striders.
Opinion: The Sidewalks at Miami Get Watered More than the Grass
missed a 40-yard field goal, which I insist my asthmatic body could have done in my sleep. In my anger, I chucked my phone at my friend’s head, causing him to need 5 stitch es. He said he would go to the hospital at half time, but instead, picked up buckets of food at Buffalo Wild Wings. We now have enough junk food to give us all heart attacks by the time we graduate college.
Let’s Go Brandon!
Not-So-Accurate Student DescriptionsOrganization
The prophecy of The Miami Student pre dicts that “THE Miami Student” will overthrow the COVID Response Team and the oligarchy running Miami University hence bringing New ton and Ivy Crawford back to power.
Our practices are at The Knolls of Oxford Nursing Home every Sunday from 6-7AM.
We request funds for cool merch and pass laws that don’t do anything. Other than that we have no power. Being in ASG looks good on your resume though! Show up at our cult cham ber to join!
Idiot Man Thinks FWORD Protest At Armstrong is Protesting the “F-Word”
It’s football Sunday. I’m not talking about dumb European football (soccer) that can be traced back 2,000 years. I’m talking about American football, or better yet, the correct ver sion of football that can be traced back to the beautiful 1920s.
My testosterone-filled, manly friends and I all sit elbow to elbow in anticipation of watch ing grown men tackle each other over an oddly shaped ball. We have four different games on, because one is just not enough. I have put our rent for the semester on a six leg parlay bet that is sure to hit.
Nothing is off limits when it comes to in sults. For example, if his team scores on my team, I might point out the fact that he hasn’t talked to a woman in three months. If my team scores on his team, he would be well within his rights to point out the fact that I am the cause of my parents’ divorce.
Hydro Flask Dropped on Armstrong Glass Seal Causes Deafness in Nearby Pedestrians
Miami Dining Assumes That Students Don’t Eat Food On Labor Day, Closes Dining Halls at 4:30 p.m.
The 15 minute halftime break is a special time.
Our goal at TMS is to find “The Miami Stu dent” and discuss ways in which we can support them in the revolution that is to come. We do
not disclose where we meet as a safety precau tion but if you are interested in joining, pull the fire alarm in Armstrong and we will find you.
Barstool Sports Rates Miami as 11th Best Party School in the Country, Surprises Nobody
I wake up at 12:57 p.m. to the smell of tes tosterone oozing from my living room. I drag my hungover body to the couch just in time for the 1:00 p.m. kickoff, where it will remain for the rest of the day.
By promoting water strideness awareness we can increase the water strider population and make Oxford water less expensive and taste better.
Water Striders play an incredibly import ant role in maintaining the cleanliness of water here in Oxford.
“Oh My God, the Browns Won?” Students Shocked by Browns Win
Miami University takes pride in the many unique student organizations it has to offer. If you are interested in getting involved with some of these organizations, read some of the club descriptions so you can get involved.
The Miami Student
Memes About Queen Elizabeth’s Death Rival The Infamous PSAT Memes
Opinion: Women Don’t Owe You Sex if You Buy Them a Drink
Striders Running Club
Open to those of all ages and skill levels, Pickleball Club aims to equip its members with the necessary skills to dominate in Pickleball tournaments at your future retirement home.
Code Red We all know that the Soviet Union still exists and that KGB spies run rampant on campus.
I desperately have to pee, but my team is driving. So I have no other option than to pee my
The group of grown men that I root for - also known as my team - is playing a different group of grown men that my friend roots for. So, naturally, we hate each other.
Practices are followed by donuts and coffee at the nursing home. Please email gertrude.pickle.beast@yahoo. com to join!
Well, Miami University does in fact have a chosen one known as “The Miami Student.”
The KGB aims to starve out students at Mi ami and take over Oxford. Code Red aims to expose all the hidden “reds” and restore peace back on campus. Are you ready to take the oath against communism and fight for your univer sity? If so, visit Dr. Stephen Norris in Upham Hall to get involved.
Chanks Floor Collapses After Too Many Delta Upsilon Boys Crowd in “Their Corner” of the Bar Headline Dump
US News Rates Miami as 105th Best School in the Country, Surprises Nobody
This is the time where the grown men get yelled at by another grown man that runs the team. If your team is losing, you are permitted to cry in the corner and come up with a multi tude of excuses. If your team is winning at this time, you are entitled to mercilessly berate any one of your friends who are losing.
After halftime, our eyes are back to being glued to the screen. Some of us are hoping for a different outcome, while others are hoping they keep the lead. While there are only 30 minutes left of gametime, it somehow lasts another hour and a Thishalf.next hour and a half is an emotional rollerMycoaster.favorite group of grown men score. Then my friend’s favorite group of grown men scored. One of my men gets injured and I cry harder than I did at my grandpa’s funeral.
Time runs out and we lose. To say I had a breakdown would be an understatement.
Dirty Dodds No Longer Known as “Dirty” Dodds but Dapper Dodds

Pickleball is spreading around the country and Miami’s campus like wildfire.
Tax the rich to pay for school.
that he must be in to score. For some reason, this pathetic excuse of a receiver doesn’t jump four feet in the air over his defender to catch the ball and score. This is a simple move that I have pulled off hundreds of times in my backyard.
It’s Gameday!
The water striders remove acid from Ox ford’s water sources for free!
for the love of the game.
It’s the second weekend of September; bet ter known as the first NFL Sunday of the year.
If you want to be a Student for Life email us at students4life@miamioh.edu
humor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 13
If it doesn’t we will be homeless, but it’s all
Students for Life College can be the best time of your life for many students. If you don’t want that to end, look no further.
Ever wonder why dining hall food makes everyone poop all the time? Or why Miami’s colors are red? And even more mysterious, why vegetarian food options across campus are go ing Themissing?onlyexplanation is communists.
Associated Student Government
Study Finds Smoking a Cigarette on the Brick Patio to be the Best Form of Self Care
Admissions Office Admits to Scamming Students Into Thinking They Are Getting An Ivy League Education by Making Up the Term “Public Ivy”
Miami University Manages to Be First University to Have 103% Acceptance Rate, Explains Campus Wide Shortages
You have stumbled across an organization that dedicates themselves to making sure you never graduate. We meet twice a week 11:40 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Brick Street where we discuss class skipping tactics, how to fail tests, when and when not to go Uptown and finessing the system. Our current club president has been at Miami for over 40 Years!
Why buy your prescriptions at the phar macy when you can get them for free from the Pharmacy Club?
Oxford Chipotle Really Sucks
College Republicans
Pharmacy Club
By no means is this organization legal but we can get you your drugs for little to no cost! Pharmacy Club holds bi-weekly meetings. On Monday’s we discuss pharmaceutical drugs and their positive side effects. On Thursdays we provide students with drugs that will take them on trips to the moon and back! Open to all ma jors!
After reading these descriptions, you would be a fool not to join a student organization.
Oxford Chipotle Sucks
College Democrats
The things I did and said to my friend who’s team won might make an irreparable tear in our friendship. My phone is through the TV screen. I lit the couch on fire. We lost our rent money in the six leg parlay that somehow did not hit. Three of my toes are broken from kicking the wall. The police got sent to our house because of the blood curdling screams you could hear from the outside. It was the end of all of the 1:00 p.m. games, so this was their fourth house callAfteralready.our hospital visit and meeting with the landlord, we all got dinner together with all debtsBoy,forgiven.Ican’t wait until next week.
Remember “The Guy” from Spy Kids 3? Or “The One” from the Matrix? Or any “Chosen One” from your favorite movie?
Miami continued its home winning streak, now at 15 games.
The team won handily while the marching band played their first halftime show along with the cheer and dance teams in their first collective appearance this year. The band’s halftime show featured numbers from both Les Miserables and Twisted Sister.
Saturday Night Lights Return to Yager

Due to starting quarterback Brett Gabbert’s upper body injury at the end of last week’s game against the University of Kentucky, redshirt freshman Aveon Smith got
his first career start on Saturday.
The RedHawks showed out for their home opener Saturday against the Robert Morris Colonials, bringing the full football atmosphere back to campus for the first time

Postgame fireworks marked the successful beginning of another RedHawk football season.

thisYagerseason.Stadium sat nearly ten thousand boisterous fans that made it feel even fuller when they cheered for the first Miami touchdown, a 17-yard pass to receiver Luke Bolden. With that score the ‘Hawks took the lead for good, and fans rode the team’s momentum out through three more touchdowns and plenty of high fives from the mascot Swoop.