Press conferences were held, not-so-subtle jabs were thrown, it was a whole thing.
With all of these new changes, you may be wondering: what food is good? What food is bad? And is dining hall fish still as mysterious as it has always been?
confidence (Kentucky head coach Mark) Stoops and Co. have in their backup RBs is warranted.
Fries: Who doesn’t love a side of well-sea soned, crispy French fries? I dipped my French fries in some of Western Dining Commons’ chili and had an excellent chili fry dinner.
Besides just the drama it created, both pro grams now face immense pressure to succeed or else face the scorn and mockery of many of their own fans who picked one side or the other.
With Rodrigues gone it will be interesting to see how the run game does and if the claimed
Those don't even touch on the pre-season hype surrounding starting quarterback Will Le vis as a prospect and what he could accomplish, either. UK football has quite a few storylines on going at the moment.
Dining hall pizza Is Actually Good Now (And Other Observations About the Aramark Dining Transition)

The girls planned to live in a four-bedroom apartment at the Car oline Harrison Building at the corner of High Street and College Avenue. A few months after Schneider and her roommates signed their lease, con struction began on the new apart ment building, but one week before Schneider was supposed to start her junior year, her roommate got a call that they needed to find somewhere else to “Onelive.of our roommates got a call that [the apartments] were not go ing to be done for two, three weeks … and then my parents called the
As the sports editor of the Miami Student, I’m really not an expert on anything, especial ly Kentucky Wildcats football. So I found one. Here’s what Kentucky Kernel sports editor Cole Parke had to say about the No. 20 Wildcats.

The Stand-Out Favorites
In an address on Wednesday, Aug. 24, Biden said the Department of Education would forgive $20,000 in federal loans for Pell Grant recipi ents and $10,000 for non-Pell Grant recipients. Only those who make less than $125,000 a year are eligible for either, except in the case of joint ly-filing married couples who make less than $250,000 per year.
President Joe Biden made steps toward fulfilling one of his campaign promises when he announced cur rent students and college graduates could receive up to $20,000 in stu dent loan forgiveness.
SPORTS Miami Volleyball season preview: What we can look forward to in the 2022 season - page 8 STYLE Four Trends That Oxford Is Rocking This Semester - page 12 In this issue CAMPUS & COMMUNITY Red Brick Friday: Streets & Eats wel comes students back to Oxford - page 4 FOOD What are the best places to eat on campus? Seven of Miami’s best dining halls and markets - page 7

Maple bacon donut: I would rank the maple bacon donut among the best desserts our dining hall offers, along with the blackberry brownie treats, cherry pie and oreo pudding. Spotted in Maple and Western, these filling donuts make a great evening treat.
Schneider said Lindsey Myers, co-founder of West High Street In vestments and owner of the Caroline Harrison Building, called her parents and said the building failed to get an occupancy permit after a failed in spection earlier that day.
Student housing dilemma leaves more than 70 students displaced
Despite having more than a year to complete the building, the con struction company, Robert Treadon & Associates, Architects, was unable to finish it — leaving more than 70 residents displaced.

I would say most people on and around cam pus are feeling fairly confident about Miami, but most were confident before Chattanooga last season as well and that didn't quite go UK's way with the Cats barely escaping 28-23.
JS: What can we expect from Penn State transfer Will Levis?
Today I did something that, a year ago, I would have deemed unthinkable: I enjoyed dining hall pizza.
Ham: I was skeptical about getting dining hall ham (cue flashbacks to rubbery, lukewarm ham from my first year of college), but I was truly surprised by the juiciness of the ham at Garden. I paired this with the mashed potatoes (also good!) and some veggies. It tasted like a delicious home-cooked dinner!
“For the vast majority of Ameri cans, 12 years of universal education is not enough, and we’re going to be out-competed by the rest of the world if we don’t take action,” Biden said. “But here’s the deal: the cost of education beyond high school has gone up significantly. The total cost to attend a public four-year univer sity has tripled, nearly tripled, in 40 years.”Asof 2019, 13% of Miami Uni versity students had received Pell Grants, which are given to students with high financial need. Although Miami ranked lowest for percentage of Pell Grants among Ohio public universities, several students will be impacted by Biden’s announcement.
Biden studenttobillion-dollarannouncesplanreducefederalloans OF THE SEMESTER BECAUSE THE CAROLINE HARRISON BUILDING ISN'T READY FOR MOVE-IN.
For the past week, I have been sampling a variety of different meals from a variety of cam pus dining halls. Through my research, I have compiled a holistic review of our new dining options: the stand-out favorites, the disappoint ments and the reliably good options.

First, the football program was granted significant renovations to the indoor practice facility and Kroger Field video boards. In agree ing to these facility upgrades, Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart caught the ire of men's basket ball coach John Calipari when his men's bas ketball facility was not quite up to the standards one would expect a program like University of Kentucky (UK) to have.
CP: Oh where to even start?
Crispy chicken sandwich: The first time I tried one of these, I told my friends to leave the table and grab one for themselves. Cooked to a perfect crunch, this juicy chicken sandwich tastes fresh and pairs well with the saratoga chips.
Beyond that, UK running back Chris Ro drigues Jr. is suspended for the first three games of the season after getting busted for DUI over the summer, as well as another legal issue that UK has not gone public with.
This change is only one of many major changes that have recently happened to Miami dining. With the transition to Aramark, our dining hall menus are full of new recipes and options.Beyond the new menu options, loosened COVID-19 restrictions have eliminated plas ticware and paper cups. For the first time in my entire college experience, I can enjoy my dining hall coffee in a real mug and cut my food with a real fork and knife.
On Aug. 16, less than a week be fore the start of the semester, Myers personally called each of the resi dents to say the apartment would not be ready in time to move in and emailed them a list of resources for other housing options. Myers also said that they would receive full re funds on any rent and deposits al ready paid.
Myers did not respond to multi ple requests for comment from The MiamiRobbieStudent.Potter, a fire inspector for the City of Oxford Fire Department, said Myers has yet to schedule the
Mac and cheese: I tried two different mac and cheeses at both Garden and Western, and each dish seemed to lack the level of flavor I was looking for. Instead, I would recommend going for mashed potatoes or cooked vegetables.
Zen Garden: This newly improved station at Garden Commons thoroughly impressed me. With rice, lo mein noodles, different stirfry options, sautéed shrimp, tofu, and various veggies, you can customize your own bowl. I was particularly enthusiastic to see the variety of sauces, including teriyaki, chili garlic, soy and — my personal favorite — sweet and sour. Ev erything in my bowl of brown rice, red peppers, chicken and broccoli was flavorful and cooked perfectly.
Last year, I had many evenings in which I despondently resorted to cardboard-crunchy, stomach-wrecking dining hall cheese pizza. Dining hall cheese pizza was not a delicacy; it was what you ate on the rare occasion that ev erything else in the dining hall was somehow worse.Thus, the first time I bit into the Aramark margherita pizza, I was understandably taken aback by the fact that I wasn’t immediately dis gusted.Infact, it was excellent: the cheese was mel ty, the spices were tasteful and the crust was crispy without feeling like cardboard. I threw my head into my hands and wondered, How the hell did I ever eat the old pizza?
Tilapia: Last year, one of my favorite en trées was the crusted tilapia. The new tilapia at Western is no longer crusted, but served with
French toast sticks: These nostalgic-tast ing delights are just one of the many great new breakfast options (and an overwhelming fan fa vorite among my friends) at Maple. I paired this with the wonderfully-crispy hashbrowns for a restaurant-quality breakfast.

apartment company asking what happened, and then they extend ed [the delay] from two weeks to a month,” Schneider said.
Inspections go wrong
I have heard quite a few rumblings that Mi ami's MAC rival, or brethren depending on how much conference-ism you're feeling, Northern Illinois could be a trap game, but with a road game in The Swamp in week two, Miami could have just as much trap-game potential as the Huskies even if Wildcat fans don't see that, es pecially with Gabbert under center for the Red Hawks.
Livy Shaffer, who graduated from Miami in 2021 as a history and political science major and received Pell Grants during college, said the student loan forgiveness could help open options to those in debt from school.“Especially for someone who came from a single-income house hold, it’s just more manageable,” Shaffer said. “It also allows me to look at, because I want to go to law school … that kind of thing rather than just worrying about getting out of debt.”During his speech, Biden said the U.S. was falling behind other coun tries in terms of higher education.
JS: Are there any trap game whispers going through Lexington right now?
An Expert's take on the No. 20 Kentucky Wildcats
final inspection to acquire the occu pancy“Wepermit.have not done the final building inspection yet,” Potter said. “We’ve done different parts … like the hydro flush … but we’ve not done a final fire alarm inspection, or final inspection or final sprinkler system inspection.”OnAug. 11, the building failed a hydro inspection which tests that clean water is flowing through the sprinkler system, but the inspection passed the next day on Aug. 12.
In fact, the fans and supporters themselves may be the ones falling into the trap more than any of the actual coaches or athletes, though how much of that is standard coach speak like 'we treat every game the same way' and how much of it is truthful is to be determined.
JS: What are a couple of storylines Wildcat fans are talking about coming into this year?
CP: Not really, truthfully.
During the spring 2021 semester, first-year Molly Schneider and three of her friends signed a lease for their junior-year apartment that, at the time, didn’t even exist.

Devin Ankeney Business Manager
Shriver Center, Bystrom Room status and opportunities women of color leaders
While finding time to study and work on homework is crucial, finding a good place to study is just as import ant. Here, in no particular order, are some of the best study spots, both on and off campus.

Armstrong Stu dent Center is one of my go-to study spots because of its central location on campus. Like King Library, it also has study rooms located throughout the Youbuilding.canfind seat ing just about any where: Café Lux, the food court and on the third floor by the pavilion. The Shade Family Room also has a lot of seating and gives cozy vibes with all its couches and armchairs. Plus, all of Armstrong’s food options are at your disposal for a pick-me-up while studying.
In terms of busyness and noise level, I think Armstrong has a good balance. It can either be really loud or so silent you can hear a pin drop, depending on the time of day you’re there and where you’re seated.
Oxford’s best study
There are also study rooms on each floor you can reserve for free with your Mi ami ID.
Entertainment Editors
Most awarded college newspaper in Ohio at the 2020 Regional Mark of Excellence Awards by the Society of Professional Journalists. COSETTE GUNTER-STRATTON EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Advertising information: Send us a letter: The Miami Student is published biweekly during the school year by the students of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The content of The Miami Student is the sole responsibility of The Miami Student staff. Opinions expressed in The Miami Student are not necessarily those of Miami University, its students or staff. CORRECTIONS POLICY The Miami Student is committed to providing the Miami University community with the most accurate information possible. Corrections may be submitted up to seven calendar days after publication. Abby Bammerlin Managing Editor Macey Chamberlin Soren Melbye Design Editors Lexi Whitehead Senior Campus & Community Editor Sean Scott Campus & Community Editor Jack Schmelzinger Sports Editor Ames Radwan Opinion Editor Devin Ankeney Asst. Opinion Editor Jake Ruffer Photo Editor Alice Momany Shr-Hua Moore Maggie Peña Reagan Rude Asst. Campus & Community Editors Emily Hogan Erin McGovern Hannah Potts Designers
Former President of Poland Lech Walesa
Miami University Football
What’s color got to do with it? p.m.6:00 p.m.
Skyler Perry Magazine
Taylor Auditorium Lecture on post-Soviet Eastern Europe and democracy.9/8
Kofenya has recently become an other one of my go-to study spots. This little coffee shop on High Street has a very warm and inviting atmo sphere.
shoes and help lead UK to another 10-win season. spots: a complete list Kentucky Wildcats

CP: For me personally, one of the more interesting athletes to follow will be Tayvion Robinson, a transfer wide receiver from Virginia Tech. Having chosen UK in the portal, Rob inson is expected by many to fill the role former Mr. Kentucky Football Wan'Dale Robinson had last season.
Sarah Grace Hays Audio
he was determined to work on in the offseason.
Your room can also be a good study spot if you’re looking for some where that’s more on the quiet side.
Most academic buildings on cam pus have lobbies or other spaces for students to work. It’s usually pretty quiet and easy to find somewhere to sit in these spaces, depending on how busy the building is.
JS: Which players should Red Hawk fans keep an eye out for, whether it be because of NFL poten tial, a cool storyline or anything else?
Starbucks Keeping up with the coffee shop theme, the on-campus Starbucks lo cated in the Shriver Center is another hotspot.
The seating is limited, which means it is usually busy. If you like a bit of a more lively environment to work in that is also cozy at the same time, then Kofenya is the place to be.
10:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. 101 North Main Street Guided tour of Oxford9/3

Aim Media Midwest Printer
Classes are in full swing, and if you aren’t already busy juggling home work, extracurricular activities, jobs and more, you will be soon.
If you stumble upon an empty classroom, this can be another great place to study. A classroom provides plenty of workspace and you can even use the whiteboards and projectors for writing out math problems or pulling up lecture slides on the screen.
9/10 Sat
Fred Reeder Jr. Faculty Adviser
An Expert’s take on the No. 20
Academic buildings
Maggie Peña Sean Scott
organizations coming in that have the room reserved.
Bowl victory over Iowa. With both players having trans ferred to Kentucky from fellow pow er-five schools and having the last name Robinson, it will be interesting to see if Tayvion can fill Wan'Dale's
Each floor has plenty of tables and desks. The first floor is generally pretty quiet, and the second and third floors are almost silent and provide a good place to focus.
The basement allows for more noise, making it a good place to do schoolwork with other people, wheth er you’re working on a group project or just hanging out with friends. It also has King Café, so you can get cof
fee and snacks.
One plus about Starbucks is the easy access to getting food and drinks.
It also has good coffee, which is a bonus.
Sacha Bellman Business Adviser
how often he tries to force a ball when he shouldn't, don't be shocked to see him end up as a high first round draft pick.He also puts mayonnaise in his coffee on social media, so I expect him to, once again, disappoint people on TikTok when he inevitably goes vi ral for doing it again.
Things to do
Ames Radwan
Video Editor
King Library
Admittedly, it’s not my favorite because it’s typically too busy for my liking, but it seems to be popu lar among people who like to work around a lot of other people and in a bustling place. You’ll want to get there early because seating fills up fast.
Just be respectful of professors or
Oxford Area Historic Walking Tour
There are plenty of good study spots both on and off campus. Try these out and find what works best for you.
Take advantage of the nice, warm
weather before winter comes and study outside!
Food Editor
CP: Levis was a sight for sore eyes for Kentucky fans last season with the Cats struggling to find a real reliable passing and rushing quarterback in years prior. The only real concern many had with Levis last season was his turnover ratio, which he himself admitted was something
Hannah Horsington
Reproductive Rights Town Hall 6:00 p.m.8:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
Back for year two in Lexington, early pre-season mock drafts had Le vis ranked as an extremely valuable NFL prospect, even top five at times, though much of this has leveled out as the season draws nearer. That said, if he cuts back on the turnovers and
Fritz Pavillion Learn about campus resources post-Roe.9/1
Freedom! Talk and Musical Event 5:00 p.m.7:00 p.m. University Art Museum Tammy Kernodle and the Miami University Gospel Singers for an acapella singalong.
6:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. Yager Stadium tailgate for Miami’s first home game.
Media Editor
King Library is one of the more popular study spots on campus, and for good reason.
Set up a hammock between the trees on Academic Quad or Western Campus. Grab a group of friends and lay out blankets on Central Quad. If you want a flatter workspace, most buildings have tables set up outside that you can use.
Your residence hall/room
Wan'Dale's efforts were enough to see him be drafted in the second round of the 2022 NFL Draft by the New York Giants, having made nu merous highlight plays throughout a season that ended in a Vrbo Citrus
Most residence halls have at least one study room that doesn’t require a reservation. This is a good place to work solo or with your roommate or neighbors.
You can also take your work to Uptown Park. There is a big, open grass area as well as some picnic ta bles and benches.
Coming Up...

Megan McConnell Social
Manova Style Editor Teddy Johnson Patrick Sullivan Humor Editor
David Creamer, Miami’s senior vice president for Finance and Busi ness Service, also supported the fee waiver. He said he was hopeful that the free applications would lead more students to consider Miami.
came just two weeks before President Joe Biden’s an nouncement for student loan forgive ness. Under the plan, those with fed eral student loans would be eligible to apply for up to $20,000 in relief.

“I think more needs to be done, but I don’t believe that’s the White House’s problem,” Shaffer said. “I think education reform and lower cost of education and more accessibility to higher education, especially for poor communities, is important, and that’s not something that student loan forgiveness will solve.”The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates Biden’s plan to cost over $230 billion. In addition to student loan forgiveness, Biden announced the Department of Education will work to reduce the price of college, cut monthly under graduate loan payments in half and fix the Public Service Loan Forgive nessBorrowersprogram. should be able to ap ply for loan forgiveness later this fall.
Miami isn’t the first college to in troduce a fee waiver recently. Ohio colleges such as the University of Dayton and Ohio Northern Universi ty have stopped requiring application fees, as well as more prestigious uni versities including Tulane University.

“It started during the pandem ic by not requiring the SAT or ACT, making that optional, and then as we were looking ahead to where we were at with things like inflation and the pandemic,” Shock said, “we thought this is one more way to generate goodwill towards Miami and also show families that the Miami edu cation is a value based on our strong
Arden and her roommates found a house that is significantly less ex pensive than the apartment, and
Biden announces billiondollar plan to reduce federal student loans
Maggie Arden, a junior market ing major, was also reassured by Red Brick Property Management that she would be able to move in but knew something wasn’t right when she tried to set up her utilities.
The search for new housing begins Before even receiving her $600 deposit and $4,500 in rent back, Schneider and her roommates began searching for somewhere else to live, just four days before they were sup posed to move back to Oxford.
The crime occurred on July 24, 2021, when a passerby reported to the Oxford Police Department that a female Miami student was lying in her front yard crying and said she’d been raped.
Shaffer added that the an nouncement on Wednesday wasn’t enough.
Although Arden was disappoint ed to give up her plans for Budapest, she was excited to live with three of her friends off campus for the first time. After struggling to set up her utilities, Arden’s roommate’s mother suggested they call the City of Oxford.
apply to maybe five schools, you can only apply to two or three, and we ended up not being on that list, we’ve lost an opportunity to show you what we can Shockdo.”said most students apply before the Nov. 1 deadline, which could lead to the university losing an estimated $890,000. Creamer added that this money typically goes to the admissions office, but they’re willing
Student housing dilemma leaves more than 70 students displaced
“If we’re here for a month, it’ll be around $1,800 to $2,000, but we’re hoping to not have to be here that long, but either way, since we are getting a semester free of rent back from [Myers], we are actually kind of profiting off the situation in a way,” Dickson said.
Students who apply Early Action I before Nov. 1 will be notified of their decision by Dec. 15 and will have un til May 1 to accept. Students who ap ply Early Decision will be notified by Dec. 1. Students who apply after Nov. 1 will still need to pay a $50 applica tion fee.

“We had contacted [Myers] a few times during the summer and the re altor that sold it to us, just asking if [the apartments] would be done, and when we tried to set up utilities, we couldn’t because it kept saying that the address basically didn’t exist,”
“Talking to my friends that are survivors, a lot of people don’t want to go forward because they know or feel pretty certain it’s not going to go anywhere,” Harvey said. “If they think they’re going to have to re live their trauma, to however many strangers, however many adults, and it’s all going to be for nothing, then they’re like ‘What’s the point?’”
MUPD did not respond to multi ple requests for comment.
ArdenLikesaid.Schneider and Dickson, Ar den also signed in spring 2021 but planned to sublet her room for the fall 2023 semester as she was going to study abroad in Budapest. How ever, Arden couldn’t find anyone to take over her lease and ended up withdrawing from her study abroad program.“Ihad everything set up in Buda pest … and I did find someone the last week of school who was willing to sublease, but at that point, it was too late,” Arden said.
Potter said the Oxford Fire De partment is waiting to be notified by Myers to do the final fire inspections. Once those are done, Potter said they can complete the final building in spection.
“I think they are ultimately good to have, but I would like to see fol
On Aug. 26, Myers sent an email to the displaced residents that the second floor was almost complete and he hoped to finish the third floor within the next three weeks.
Sexual discussionconvictionassaultspursoversafetybulletinefficacy
“[They] couldn’t be more vague,” Harvey said. “I know from speaking to my friends, male and female, that they don’t feel any safer getting those bulletins because there’s nothing to get from Evelynnthem.”Beyerle, a senior family science and psychology double ma jor, felt similarly that the safety bul letins are of little help.
“Our goal is to get more students to know us better,” Creamer said. “If you’re sitting there, and you’ve got a limited dollar budget for applica tions, and instead of being able to
The MUPD Safety Bulletin is “provided to give students, faculty and staff timely notification about certain crimes in and around our community that may present a threat to the campus community and to heighten safety awareness,” accord ing to the MUPD website.
Brent Shock, vice president of En rollment Management and Student Success, pushed to remove the fee to make Miami more accessible to ap plicants. Shock said multiple factors from recent years led to the change.
“I think [it’d be] helpful and ben eficial for the community as a whole and the safety of this campus if there’s at least some general sense of ‘Hey, here’s what we’re doing about people that are doing these things on our campus,’” Harvey said. “I would very much like to see more from Mi ami.”Harvey thinks providing fol low-ups to the safety bulletins may also encourage more people to file reports if they are sexually assaulted.
However, Potter said even after the building gets the occupancy cer tificate, residents may not be able to move into the building right away.
High-school seniors applying to Miami University this fall won’t need to break open their wallets to fill out theirMiamiapplications.announced it will waive its application fee for students who apply before Nov. 1. This includes both Early Decision applications for students who are ready to commit and Early Action I applications for students who might be unsure. The decision comes a year after Miami stopped requiring students to submit ACT and SAT scores with their appli cations through spring 2023.
“Once a final building inspection is scheduled and passed, the build ing department inspector comes out along with the fire department,” Pot ter said. “We do a walk-through of the building, make sure everything functions like it’s supposed to, and then once the inspection is done and it’s passed, they get issued, through the building department, their certif icate of occupancy…”
Inend.”addition to the free application, those who apply to Miami before Nov. 1 get priority consideration for the university’s merit scholarships, the honors program and majors with in the Farmer School of Business, as well as nursing. They will also be the first to receive their financial aid packages from the Free Application for Financial Student Aid.
She also talked to her realtor Sar ah Rodboro, co-owner of Red Brick Property Management, who said the apartment would be ready to move into. Red Brick Property Manage ment manages the apartments and
A false sense of security from buildingmanagersandowners
Dickson spoke with Myers the day before the Aug. 16 announce ment and thought the apartments were ready for move-in.
Schneider now lives in a house with her roommates, but some resi dents like Lanie Dickson had to seek otherDickson,options. a junior psychology major, also signed her lease during spring 2021 and panicked after re ceiving Myers’s email.
Last week, an Ohio man was sen tenced to four to six years in prison for the attempted rape of a Miami University student.
“It’s probably the best that they could do because obvi ously the government is in a gridlock 24/7 so they can’t make drastic changes like we all want, but what they did still isn’t enough,” McBean said. “At the end of the day, so many other first-world countries have free college, so we should be able to figure that out.”
Shock advised students to visit the Federal Student Aid website to
In the past 10 minutes, this is the ninth text I’ve received,’” Arden said.
“My roommate and I were on the phone all day after we had gotten the call from [Myers]," Dickson said. "We compiled a super long list of real estate companies in Oxford for apart ment buildings, hotels, Airbnbs and just different places to call to see if anything was available. Our biggest obstacle was trying to get month-tomonthDicksonleasing.”and her roommate still plan to move into the Caroline Har rison Building once it’s complete and didn’t want to be stuck in another lease, so they’re living at the Comfort Inn on College Corner Pike for now. She and her roommate pay for their rooms each day.
Housing alterna tives hard to come by
he hopes that the additional appli cation method will help diversify the applicants for Mi ami.“What we hope to see out of it is that we would see an increase in applications from students that maybe wouldn’t consider college normally,” Shock said. “We’d like to see lots whereseediversediverse,socioeconomicallyfirst-generation,ofethnicallystudentsMiamiasaplacetheycouldpotentially
“They don’t really give you any information you can use to protect yourself,” Beyerle said. “And they don’t really change what we know about how prevalent sexual assault is on campus. They’re just harsh re minders of how bad it is.”
Beyerle had a different perspec tive on safety bulletins and how they can be improved. She doesn’t think any modifications, such as updates or more specific information, would improve the bulletins unless Miami takes further action to support sur vivors.“I’ve known people who have ended up going to classes with their rapists,” Beyerle said. “I’ve known people who have seen no support, and have almost been gaslighted when trying to talk to Miami about gettingBeyerlehelp.”said the bulletins make it seem like the university takes the reports seriously, but their actions suggest the opposite.
Potter did not confirm whether he thought residents would be able to move in within the next three weeks.
In an email to The Miami Student, Brent Shock, vice president of En rollment Management and Student Success at Miami University, wrote that while some students at Miami will be affected by the announce ment, Miami won’t be in charge of the loan-forgiveness process.
leases the rooms but doesn’t have any ownership of the building.
“The only way Miami can do anything about this is to start taking steps towards real consequences and not just announcing how much they care or talking about what you can do to protect yourself,” she said. “Mi ami promotes bystander awareness … rather than taking action for the students and community they’re in charge of facilitating.”
“She was like, we should call the city and see if there’s an occupancy permit,” Arden said. “I never thought I would have to worry about that, but she was right.”
While the Miami University Po lice Department (MUPD) did not is sue a safety bulletin for this incident — the man was found several hours after the report was filed — his con viction has led members of the Mi ami community to question whether providing updates to past bulletins would be beneficial.
although Arden and her roommates initially only signed for the house for one semester, they decided to pay the next semester’s rent as well.
low-ups of some sort,” Harvey said. “The way it stands now, you get a safety bulletin, the case doesn’t go anywhere, that person who is alleged to have done that thing is still on campus.”While Harvey acknowledged the MUPD may be limited in the infor mation it can publicly provide, they’d appreciate even general updates, such as whether a report results in criminal proceedings.
“Today’s announcement means that many millions of borrowers –including some Miami students and families – will experience debt re lief,” Shock wrote. “There are many unanswered questions from the U.S. Department of Education about how this will work and who will qualify. Because Miami does not hold these loans, Miami will not be able to an swer specific questions about eligibil ity or timelines for the forgiveness.”
If MUPD outlined the actions it was taking in investigating these re ports, Harvey said it would make the campus feel more secure.
get more Laneyinformation.McBean,a sopho more studying biomedical en gineering at Miami, said she wishes the government would do more to reduce how much students pay for college.
After Arden called the city, she and her roommates began scram bling to find a place to live, but Arden said it wasn’t easy.
While Harvey admitted the bul letins have areas for improvement, they don’t think Miami should do away with them entirely.
“I think we see it more and more around the country,” Creamer said. “I think probably some of the same reasoning is being applied elsewhere, and we all believe in the institution that we work for and are committed to, and so hopefully we’re just right in the
“Because this is a new building, they also have to do their rental per mit inspection as well before they allow students to come back in, but a lot of times [the city] will try to do them jointly,” Potter said. “They may try to do the rental inspections as well at the same time [as the oc cupancy permit] just to get them all knocked out.”
to lose money in support of the ini tiative.“While we’re forgoing some in come that would be used to provide certain things, the result of having more applications was deemed to be more important,” Creamer said. “So we’ll find a way to make the rest of it work from a budget standpoint … Our expectation would be that this will probably enhance the quality and size of the class, which will have economic benefits for the university.”
“I gave one realtor a call, and I just asked what he had, and he was like, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t have anything.
In addition to waiving application fees, Miami is accepting applications through Coalition for College rather than just Common App. Shock said
“We were thinking second semes ter we’d go back [to the apartment] because that’s what our original plan was, but once we moved in and thought about it logically, we’re not going to go back,” Arden said. “It’s just a hassle to move everything.”
The bulletin is also used to re quest from the public any informa tion that may assist the police in its investigation. In addition to the case details and suspect description (if provided), the bulletins also include “crime prevention tips, information on who to contact about the case, date and time the bulletin was re leased, and other relevant and im portantLoganinformation.”Harvey,asophomore art history and social justice studies double major and treasurer for Sex ual Assault Survivor Support (SASS), said they don’t feel that the current safety bulletins are very helpful.
Goodbye, application fees — Miami waives price of Nov. 1 applications
No date has been announced for residents as to when they can move in.
see themselves and go ahead and apply.”
“Miami still has their Miami em ployees in dining, but Aramark also has Aramark employees in dining,” Mills said. “It gets a little complicated sometimes, and it’s a little weird be cause Aramark employees have a dif ferent set of wages and benefits than Miami employees.”
Metz said. “It seems like there’s way more people at this one than there has been [at] previous Red Bricks.”
“We get to be in the room with administrators,” Payne said. “[ASG] is really the best way on campus to get to do that, to get to have one-onone conversations with people that make decisions on campus, and it’s a lot of fun.”
Hosted by the City of Oxford, En joy Oxford and Oxford Chamber of Commerce, Red Brick Fridays are a summer series of events to support local businesses. Streets & Eats was the last of this summer’s themed events, and it served to welcome Miami students back to town and to commemorate the end of summer.
“Especially at the beginning of the year, it really helps bringing students together with people who live in Ox ford,” Logiudice said. “I think it’s also really good [for] freshmen to know the Uptown area and there’s also a good place to run into somebody and hang out with friends or meet a new person. I think it’s really beneficial, especially for the younger people.”
Responsibilities for senators in clude going to ASG’s weekly meet ings on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. and sit ting on two ASG committees.
thing is that we are one thing. We try to be on the same page and try to have the same goals which is to have good quality and give the students a place to study, relax and eat something fresh with good quality ingredients.”
Student positions with Aramark are also being opened for application, with a starting wage of $14 per hour and a free meal every shift.
Big changes come to Miami dining — and it’s more than just the food
Mills said the transition in expec tations and jobs could be rough after years of stability for some dining em ployees.
Ogunnowo said ASG is a neces sary organization for Miami because its members have been able to make real improvements on campus.
If you’ve been to the Armstrong Student Center this semester, you may have noticed that things are a little different.
Victoria Ogunnowo is currently a College of Arts and Science (CAS) academic senator and member of ASG’s Diversity, Equity and Inclu sion (DEI) committee. Their posi tion includes representing students in science.
Nikas only manages Aramark em ployees but had a lot of praise for the dining workers from Miami.
“Parents and kids can all hang out, and see the Miami students,” Sapiro said. “It’s a nice community.”
Red Brick Friday offered several family-friendly activities that might appeal to both college students and families with children: the zipline, an inflatable obstacle course, ice cream and games.

“I’m expected to advocate for students in the biological and phys ical sciences department,” Ogunno wo said. “[I] create events, find out what [students’] needs are [and let] the students in that particular de partment know that we’re here and we can connect them to administra tors.”Senators work with Miami staff, students and administrators to bring change that students wish to see to campus. Initiatives created by senators and cabinet members make these changes happen.
Payne said ASG is also a good opportunity for leadership experi ence, professional development and making friends.
tended the event with her family and some friends. Her daughter played in the gaga-ball pit set up in the park, while she ate food from one of the food trucks. She echoed Bielawski’s love of these community events.
“[People] can write articles on their identity, it can be anonymous, and [it’s a platform for students] to advocate for themselves,” Ogunno wo said.

Alyssa Nook, a senior nursing ma jor, went with a group of her friends. They walked down the street and picked up a few free t-shirts from tents along the way before getting mango smoothies and checking out other food trucks.
Cathleen McLaughlin, the cur rent Secretary for Academic Affairs, said it’s also a good way to meet like-minded people.
Students interested in running have until Friday, Sept. 2 to com plete their petitions. Petitions re quire the signatures of at least 35 undergraduate students. After pe titions are due, candidates will have three days to campaign before the student body votes.
Each district will have two on-campus senator seats. The ac ademic senator openings include two for the College of Creative Arts (CCA), two for the College of Educa tion, Health and Society (EHS), one for the College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) and three for the Farmer School of Business (FSB).
From the Aramark side, however, the transition has been going well.
Having attended other festivals in Uptown Park, she thinks events like this bring Miami students and Oxford residents closer.
“If I come Uptown on the school day, it feels kind of empty sometimes … so it’s fun seeing everyone outside with all the tents,” Bielawski said. “And the families coming are also re ally cute. I’m seeing a bunch of kids run around and I like that Miami is friendly enough to have that here.”
“It’s a rough transition [for Miami employees], honestly,” Mills said. “If you worked at a place for 20 or 25 years and you see an outside compa ny take over, the natural feeling is to feel threatened by that. Some of these employees of 25 plus years are having a hard time doing something differ ent after doing stuff in a certain way for that long.”
The city partnered with Miami Activities and Programming (MAP) to help run the event. Sara Logiu dice, a junior zoology major, was one member of MAP helping out at Red Brick Friday.
“Even the Armstrong Student Center, it was through ASG student voices that the student center [was created],” Ogunnowo said. “So I think ASG is necessary, and I would say if you really want to make a change, please join. We need dedi cated people and people who really want to take initiative.”
Kids got strapped into harnesses to play in a giant inflatable Hungry, Hungry Hippo game. Miami Univer sity students stood in a line, waiting for their turn on the zipline hanging over Uptown Park. Food trucks and vendor tents lined the streets, and live music accompanied games of gi ant jenga and cornhole.
“People from Miami are friendly; they don’t work for us but they help,” Nikas said. “If you’re on the street and see someone who needs help, you’re going to help them — that’s how things work around [Pulley]. All the people are friendly, and they work in the same environment and place.”
One initiative Ogunnowo has been working on is an upcoming podcast titled “Embracing Differ ences.” Ogunnowo is creating this podcast with the goal of giving stu dents an outlet to talk about issues they want to see improved.
Voting will take place on The Hub beginning Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 7 a.m. and ending Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. Brick Friday: Streets & Eats welcomes students back to Oxford
Lauren Metz, an associate at Shademakers, sat under the shade of a canopy tent, next to students look ing at tables of plants, pottery and other items for sale.
For the event, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., High Street was blocked off from Beech Street to Campus Avenue to create a more walkable way to ex perience Uptown on a weekend.
Election packets and petitions for Miami University’s Associated Student Government’s (ASG) fall 2022 senate elections are live now until Friday.
“I think it’s a great opportunity to connect with other people that have similar interests,” McLaughlin said. “And I think it’s a great oppor tunity to really better yourself and to be a part of an organization that truly values service.” The ASGinterestedStudentsbegins:raceincanturninelectionmaterialnow Red
“We are out here today trying to get our name out there so the new college students know what we have,”
While the changes that have al
ami staff’s housing and dining union, said the outsourcing meant that Ar amark employees were now working directly with Miami dining staff.
“Plans are being developed to ren ovate King Café into a Village Juice restaurant for fall 2023, with a menu of cold-pressed juices, salads and smoothies,” Weir wrote. “We are also exploring how delivery robots might be incorporated to campus to make food deliveries from [Armstrong and Bell Tower Commons].”
The cause of these changes is Miami University’s decision to out source its dining services to Aramark Corporation, a large-scale food ser vice provider. The transition took place on June 1, with the changes in full effect this fall.

Lauren Bielawski, a junior arts management and entrepreneurship major, came to Red Brick Friday for two reasons: the zipline and the at mosphere.
“I feel as if everything is a little bit more organized,” Lolli said. “I like that you’re able to see how Grubhub can track things like your order num ber and the wait time for food, and I feel like ordering is now organized in the sense that it is a lot more time ef ficient.”The shift hasn’t just affected the wait times, though.
“I saw the zipline and got real ly excited, and I like the sense of community that happens whenever events Uptown happen,” Bielawski said.
Campus and Community
There are 39 seats available: eight academic senator seats, 16 on-campus senator seats, 14 off-campus senator seats and one resident assistant (RA) seat.
Wes Payne, Speaker of the Sen ate, said students who are interest ed in addressing issues on campus and want to see change happen should run for ASG.
“I think there are some very ex cellent organizations on campus that are dedicated to advocating for certain issues, and they do a very good job of that,” Payne said. “But I think in general, the best way for students to have an impact in their advocacy is through student gov ernment.”
Jeff Mills, representative for Mi
Alex Nikas is an Aramark employ ee who has worked across the U.S. and currently helps manage employ ees at Pulley Diner. He said having united goals is key to the teamwork between Aramark and Miami em ployees.
“We try to be friendly altogether and work together to try to help each other out,” Nikas said. “The main
Logiudice thought the evening ran smoothly, and the event attracted
Meghan Lolli, a senior speech pa thology and audiology major at Mi ami, said ordering feels more stream lined with the transition from GET ordering to ordering in conjunction with Grubhub.
Friends and families walked down the middle of High Street, with not a single car driving Uptown.
ready happened are big, there’s much more in store for the future. Scott Weir, the vice president of Aramark, detailed some of these plans in an email to The Miami Student.
Other important plans for the 2023 school year include a Panera Bread replacing the Toasted Bagel and the reopening of Bell Tower in fall 2023.
Oxford and Miami community members came together Friday night for Red Brick Friday: Streets & Eats, an evening of music, games, food and fun.

The tents and tables lining High Street included community organiza tions, such as the League of Women Voters and the library, student orga nizations, such as the Asian Ameri can Association, and local businesses, such as Shademakers Garden Center.
Oxford resident Martha Sapiro at
“It looked really fun and some thing to do to get out of the house [on a] nice day,” Nook said. “[We’re] hav ing a really good time – it’s nice to see everyone. There’s a lot of people here we know, so it’s nice to kind of come together again.”
Sumeshi and Toasted Bagel are gone, Red Zone doesn’t have burg ers anymore and there are many new food items to choose from. Even the pizza’s different.
a lot of both Oxford locals and Miami students.
When I came to Miami University in fall 2020, there wasn’t much to do. Most of my classes were on Zoom, so I spent a lot of time just sitting in my residence halldorm room.
Hannah Heitger, a senior accoun tancy major, has been a customer of Urban Luxe and appreciates this as pect of the company.
higher and closer to the edge than the parking lot loop. Plus, there are some cool stone structures along the way.
Miami entrepreneur takes a chance and reaps the rewards THE PEFFER PARK TRAILS ARE FULL OF STONE STRUCTURES.
Bachelor Preserve East Loop
This trail is a pretty easy walk, and it makes you feel like you’re in the middle of nowhere. My favorite part is the bench in the middle of the woods on top of a hill.
However, a new wave of Miami University student entrepreneurs is proving you don’t need to be a college dropout tech genius to become a suc
Marcum Loop
“I think just taking a risk is real ly important,” Blasi said, “ and also doing something that you love and appreciate and can wake up every day and be looking forward to doing for your life either as your career or a hobby or whatever it is.”
have a little store at some point, but I don’t want to just leave it at that. I want to bring it to more of the coun try, rather than just a small town.”
“I definitely didn’t think at the time that I would be doing it as a fulltime thing,” Blasi said. “I kind of just thought it was going to maybe be a hobby.”While the business is successful now, the journey has had its challeng es.
Unlike many other fashion com panies, Urban Luxe strives to create a community centered on inclusivity.
Nadia Al-Dajani recalls driving to a friend’s house and unintentionally using the two hour commute to dis cover what would become the topic of herShePhD.thought about work with her patients during her master’s program. Pursuing a clinical psy chology degree, Al-Dajani worked with patients who expressed suicidal thoughts and tried to help them fig ure out where these thoughts come from.She wondered in a broader con text, what similar experiences do individuals share before having a suicidal thought? How can these oc currences be tracked and monitored to potentially help the individual suf fering?This year, Al-Dajani joined the department of psychology at Miami University, continuing the research from her car trip-generated idea. Al-Dajani teaches a senior capstone course focusing on suicide research. Her discussion-based course focus es on the five W’s: who, what, when, where and why.
Al-Dajani’s research focuses on what individuals experience before having suicidal thoughts that could be identified as contributing factors. She hopes her research will lead to solutions to anticipate and intervene when individuals experience suicidal thoughts.Herresearch involves a smart phone app which asks users to fill out a survey about their emotions in the previous hour. Al-Dajani looks at these responses to find possible pre dictors of suicidal thoughts.

billionaires, college dropouts and Sil icon Valley tech gurus.
people skating on it in the winter, and while it doesn’t sound fun to lug a pair of skates out with you, that seems like a cool option for people who want to try, if not the most safe.
If you keep following the trail west, it’ll lead you around Yager Sta dium and give you a couple options to either turn back to North Quad or keep going on the OATS.
es and exams, it seems nearly im possible to run a business. But Blasi makes it work.
This trail is pretty long but worth it. It’ll also lead you past a deer ex closure and Bachelor Pond. I’ve seen
cessful entrepreneur. Students across campus are pursuing their passions and upending industries, from the Metaverse to e-commerce.
Peffer Park has a couple trails to choose from. If you go down the trail off the parking lot, you can do a loop that circles around a some sort of ob stacle course, passes by a cemetery and overlooks a creek from 40 feet up.
“I’m using [school] as a learning tool for the business because every thing that I’m learning in my major is going hand in hand with what I’m doing,” Blasi said.
Peffer Woods Trails
Bachelor Preserve Pine Loop
The word “entrepreneur” conjures up strong visions for many: eccentric
“We try to keep an inclusive envi ronment with unique styles that are trendy and affordable,” Blasi said.
If the thought of thin dirt paths through the woods isn’t appealing to you, the OATS is for you. One of Oxford’s biggest long-term projects,
wanted to study. After taking psy chology courses, volunteering in a lab and attending the lab instructor’s office hours for guidance, Al-Dajani decided to pursue a clinical psychol ogyContinuingdegree. at University of To ronto, the same lab instructor served as Al-Dajani’s graduate advisor and was supportive in guiding Al-Dajani to figure out what she wanted to do and how to reach it.
Blasi has not only found support from the university, but also on-cam pus
The Black Covered Bridge
Blasi encouraged more students to take a chance and follow their en trepreneurial dreams, despite some of the challenges she has faced. Be yond starting businesses, she wants to see others follow their passions, whether that be business, travel, writ ing or something entirely different.
Like most young startups, Blasi’s Urban Luxe has been plagued with growing pains. As Urban Luxe has grown, so have Blasi’s responsibili ties: running social media accounts, managing finances, packing orders and the many other duties a business ownerPossiblyfaces. the greatest challenge that Blasi faces is balancing all these responsibilities as a full-time student at Miami. Between homework, class
Al-Dajani’s passion for psycholo gy research and mentorship led her to Miami. Rather than working in an academic medical setting, reflecting on her own experiences in school, Al-Dajani wanted the opportunity to interface with students.

Sophia Blasi is one of numerous young entrepreneurs striving to bet ter the world through her business. The senior fashion entrepreneurship and emerging technology in busi ness and design major decided to try something new in the winter of 2020.

This is by far the best path if you want to see deer (and who doesn’t?). It’s behind the Marcum Hotel and Conference Center, and the path down to Four Mile Creek is a bit an noying to climb back up, but it’s defi nitely worth it.
In a manageable length, this trail has everything: deer, a bench on top of a hill, a bench next to the creek, mushrooms, deer, a boardwalk in the middle of the woods, bridges over ravines, deer. If you’re only going to commit to one trail, it should be this one.

With a great support system and consistent growth since 2020, Blasi is looking toward the future.
The best trails in Oxford for when a walk around campus just won’t cut it research:epiphanycar-ridetoclinicalHowNadiaAl-DajanifoundherplaceatMiami
these wide paved trails will eventual ly circle the entire town. They’re a bit busier than the woodsy paths, but the leg behind Western Campus which connects to Peffer Park is especially worth it.
Now, more than two years later, Urban Luxe has survived a pandem ic and continues to grow. At a time when many brick-and-mortar retail ers have gone out of business, Blasi’s sales have increased each year. Urban Luxe now has customers across the country, with most sales generated outside of its home state of Ohio.
The longer of the Bachelor Pre serve options, this path takes you over Harker’s Run Creek not once but twice. The first time is on big con crete stepping stones, and the second is across a suspended bridge.
“Are there certain emotion al things that come up for people, certain events in their lives, or are they just having really distressing emotions in and of themselves that might predict in the next survey that they would experience a suicidal thought?” Al-Dajani said. “And ulti mately, the hope is to try and figure out when those thoughts would arise and then is there some sort of app in tervention that we can put together that would interrupt that process?”
“In class we look at the what of suicide. So what is it? How do we classify it? What are the behaviors or what are the thoughts that might come up?” Al-Dajani said. “We look at the who. Who is at risk? Are there certain populations at risk? Are there certain risk factors that make some body more vulnerable long term?”
Behind the Equestrian Center
“What makes Urban Luxe differ ent from other online clothing retail ers is that it offers the latest trends at affordable prices,” Heitger said. “Sophia is constantly keeping up with the latest styles yet sets prices that are accessible to the average customer.”
also found sup port from Miami’s Greek life commu nity, where Blasi organizes pop-up shops with each sorority.
“What I love about mentorship and from my own experiences is you can have such an impact on somebody’s trajectory, like their ca reer and their professional develop ment,”Al-Dajani said.” Without the mentors I had, I wouldn’t be here. So I’d love to be that person for some body.”Al-Dajani looks forward to help ing students develop their profes sional interests in the classroom and lab.“In the undergraduate level, stu dents have had limited research experience, but there could be something they want to explore and they’re interested in,” Al-Dajani said. “So I really want to meet that student where they’re at and try to come up with goals that make sense and build a structure where they have that sup port.”One idea Al-Dajani wants to in still in her student is that challenges and failures are a part of school and professional life. She intends to help her students feel more confident in their goals that may feel very far out of reach.“When students see super im pressive sounding things about oth ers and feel like they can’t get there, or might be struggling in classes or not sure what they want to do, it can be demoralizing,” Al-Dajani said. “I just want to maybe convey to stu dents that if something feels like it’s out of reach, but it’s something you’re really interested in, that’s not neces sarily the case.”
“Advancingorganizations.Women in Entrepre neurship has been great letting me come do pop-up shops at Armstrong Student Center,” Blasi said. “They’ve been so Urbansupportive.”Luxehas
Entering undergrad at the Uni versity of Toronto, Al-Dajani recalls being uncertain of exactly what she
My recommendation, though, would be the path behind the bonfire pit. You’ll have to jump over a stream, but it’ll lead you up to a cliff even
Oxford Area Trails System (OATS)
With only $500, Blasi founded Urban Luxe, an online clothing store that aims to create long-lasting rela tionships where clients feel comfort able in their clothes.

“I don’t know if I want to take it a brick-and-mortar route and do on line, or if I want to just keep doing online and running it out of a ware house,” Blasi said. “I would love to
Depending on where you live on campus, this one’s a bit out of the way but definitely worth it. It’s the start of the OATS (for now), and as you might expect, is a long covered bridge over Four Mile Creek.
If you take the path that connects the Marcum Loop to the OATS near DeWitt Cabin, it’ll lead you behind the equestrian center and along Four Mile Creek. This is an especially good option in the spring because a family of turtles lives across the water and loves to sunbathe on the shore.

Then, I discovered Miami and Ox ford’sThattrails.year, I went on walks every day. With classes mostly in person in 2021-2022, I’ve gotten away from that a bit, but I still go pretty regu larly. It’s a habit I think everyone can benefit from, and with that in mind, here’s what I’ve learned about which areas are the best for walking and why.
A more mature brand of super hero fiction has become increasingly popular in the past decade, especially after the success of the “Deadpool” films. Superpowered individuals are being shown in increasingly bloodier, coarser and more satirical situations in films like “Logan” and “The Suicide Squad” and shows like “Invincible” andEven“Peacemaker.”withtheMarvel Cinematic Universe chugging along as per usual, older teenagers and adults are being offered stories that are more explicit, both in theme and presentation.
In addition, it’s mostly executed
And for what it’s worth, people have been responding to “The Boys” in incredibly positive ways. There are massive fan communities across so cial media, full of people who appreci ate the show not just as another entry in the “Joker” school of hollow edge, but as a genuine piece of art with something unique to say.
Popular series “Euphoria” and “Stranger Things” are both nominat ed for Outstanding Drama Series, al though they likely won’t win because Emmy voters are typically older than the main audiences for these shows.
It’s hard to tell if controversies could help “The Oscars” win Out

How I learned to stop worrying and love “The Boys” BY BY-SA
2022 MTV VMAs: Progress in projects in pop Will “Better Call Saul” win for its final season? This year’s Emmy predictions ANTONY STARR, PICTURED HERE AT A 2012 MOVIE PREMIERE, STARS AS THE CHARAC TER “HOMELANDER” IN SUPERHERO SATIRE “THE BOYS.” PHOTO

“I’m just so proud of what we made, and I know for every second of this moment that we wouldn’t have been able to make this short film if it weren’t for you, the fans, because I wouldn’t be able to re-record my al bums if it weren’t for you,” Swift said. “I had sort of made up my mind that if you were gonna be this generous and give us this … it might be a fun mo ment to tell you that my brand new album comes out October 21st.”
Dave Chappelle’s transphobic jokes won’t help his most recent com edy special win Outstanding Variety Special (Pre-Recorded) but could offer an opportunity for Norm Mac Donald to win a posthumous Emmy for his comedy special. For non-com edy specials, it’s a toss-up between “Adele: One Night Only” and “Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts.”ForOutstanding Animated Pro gram, “Arcane” and “What If…?” rise above the typical animated adult pro grams. Marvel fans will also be happy to know that the studio has earned 19 nominations for its Disney+ shows, one of them being a posthumous nomination for Chadwick Boseman’s voice-acting in “What If…?”
If Odenkirk doesn’t win for Lead Actor, “Succession” stars Brian Cox or Jeremy Strong may take the lime light.
Since watching the three available seasons over the past summer, Ama zon Prime’s “The Boys” has become one of my favorite ongoing shows. It’s
To be fair, it comes by it honest ly. While I haven’t read the original material the show is based on, re ports from those who have indicate it trends in similar directions, including sometimes going even further than its adaptation.Don’ttake that to mean the show is tame, however. Across its 24 ep isodes, “The Boys” revels in its gra tuity, cranking up the blood, viscera and nudity to an almost comical level; the characters drive into and through a giant whale with a speedboat, and somehow it’s not the craziest thing that happens in the third season alone.This isn’t inherently a bad thing. Stories need conflict, especially when many of the characters have literal su perpowers, and for a show as darkly cynical as “The Boys,” it makes sense to up the ante in every department.
“Squid Game” is also nominated but might flounder as a foreign show.
Honestly? I wouldn’t blame them.
nees, with each having smaller chanc es to win. Newcomers “Abbott Ele mentary” and “Only Murders in the Building” both premiered to critical acclaim and hope to triumph.
In her speech for the Vanguard Award, Minaj was thoughtful in her commemoration of all the supporters and inspirations behind her long-last ing career.

“Severance” and “Yellowjackets” both debuted with strong first seasons and are nominated for Outstanding Drama Series, but will struggle com
“I remember when I first hit the VMA stage, and in a lot of ways we were introducing hip-hop to the world,” LL Cool J said. “It was amaz ing, but tonight is your opportunity
I have had multiple conversations with people where I endlessly rave about how much I love the show, about how much of a breath of fresh air it feels like and how well it juggles political commentary and reflects our own world back at us. Rarely do I end those by telling them they should watch it themselves.
peting with “Better Call Saul” and the other likely contender, “Succession.”
of the Year Bad Bunny thrived from afar as well, celebrating his achieve ment in front of his stadium-tour au dience in New York City.
So if you’ve been hesitant to watch “The Boys” for whatever reason, give it a shot. And if you end up disgusted and hate what you see, throw me un der the bus for it; I can take it.
I tend to envision a large majority of people trying the show and turning it off within the first 20 minutes due to something genuinely shocking that happens right at the start of the very first episode.
For the Supporting categories, Brett Goldstein (“Ted Lasso”), Tony Shalhoub (“The Marvelous Mrs. Mai sel”) and Henry Winkler (“Barry”) have each won before, but “Saturday Night Live” fan-favorite Bowen Yang could overturn the three. Actresses Janelle James (“Abbott Elementary”) and Kate McKinnon (“Saturday Night Live”) both have good chances, with McKinnon’s being boosted by her fi
to prove that this is the livest and loudest MTV crowd in the history of MTV.”Minaj unleashed her popular alter egos in a bodacious 10-minute special set comprised of her greatest hits like “Super Freaky Girl” and “Anaconda.” The Queen of Rap had her fun, as did Swift, who was seen dancing from the front row (as always).
Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco contributed a nice soprano ballad, and up-and-coming country singer Kane Brown was uplifting in his VMA performance debut. Brown shared that accomplishment with Best Latin Music Video winner Anit ta, both of them aspiring toward tri umphs like that of 2022’s Global Icon recipient the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
ments – themes, characters, politics, social commentary – with a fine tooth comb. But there’s one particular as pect that stayed with me after finish ing the third and most recent season: the show’s use of violence and sexual situations.Basically, “The Boys” is occasion ally too edgy for its own good.
None of this is wrong. In fact, it’s part of what makes us human: our ability to feel empathy, to hurt when others are hurting, to relate our own experiences to those of others.
But I also believe it’s important to engage with media that challenges us, that makes us uncomfortable and pushes against what we consider nor mal. We may not like it, we may even hate it, but we always learn some thing from it.
2.0, VIA
episode of “The Boys” alone).
Highlighting one of the strongest years of television in recent memory, the 2022 Emmys look to be a great return to awards shows after a long drought.
Everyone has their limits when it comes to what they can stomach. Some people find aggressive use of strong language distracting, others get sickened by blood and gore, and others are triggered by scenes of sex ual assault and trauma (all of these, for the record, are present in the first
Rachel Brosnahan (“The Marvel ous Mrs. Maisel”) and Jean Smart (“Hacks”) are the only returning win ners for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series. Issa Rae also returns to the category for the final season of “Insecure.” However, Quinta Brun son (“Abbott Elementary”) could eas ily rise above other newcomers Kaley Cuoco (“The Flight Attendant”) and Elle Fanning (“The Great’’).

“I don’t know what Video for Good means, but I do know what your vote means, and that’s a fucking lot,” Lizzo said.Harlow and Minaj, the MTV Mi chael Jackson Video Vanguard hon oree, triple-hosted with LL Cool J, who stoked hype in the crowd for viewers at home.
A few of the awards not given live were: Best Pop Music Video, “As It Was” by Harry Styles; Best Choreog raphy, “Woman” by Doja Cat; Song of the Year, “Happier Than Ever” by Billie Eilish; and Best Direction, “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Tay lor’s Version) (The Short Film)” by TaylorSwiftSwift.also scored Best Longform Video for the short film and took time to thank everyone who believed in her idea.“We put our entire hearts into this, trying to make something that might be worthy of the love that you, the fans, have shown this song,” she said. “Thank you for this beautiful in dication that we did something right.”
also one I struggle with recommend ing to anyone else.
Guest categories, Hader gains another nomination, having played three characters in an episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm.” His main competition will be from Jerrod Car michael (“Saturday Night Live”) and Nathan Lane (“Only Murders in the Building”). “Hacks” sweeps the guest actress category with four nomina tions, which could easily leave Jane Lynch open to take the Emmy for “Only Murders in the Building.”
At the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards, Nicki Minaj showed that the night is still young – but during its fi nale, Taylor Swift shined in the spot light with her new surprise.
Although this awards show prob ably won’t have another slap, the Emmys are just around the corner, airing Monday, Sept. 12 on NBC and Peacock. The show will also be host ed by NBC’s jack-of-all-trades Kenan Thompson.Thisyear, HBO starts strong with a massive 14o nominations. Apple TV+’s “Ted Lasso” could take home the most wins for a show with Net flix’s “The Crown” not eligible this year, although it faces harsh competi tion from HBO’s “Succession.”
Vince Gilligan’s final return to the “Breaking Bad” universe could easily sweep three categories (Outstanding Drama Series, Bob Odenkirk for Lead Actor and Rhea Seehorn for Support ing Actress) with its rave reviews. The final season of “Ozark” is also nomi nated for Outstanding Drama Series, but probably won’t win.
Melanie Lynskey (“Yellowjack ets”) takes the lead for Outstanding Lead Actress. Reese Witherspoon could stir up the competition with “The Morning Show,” while Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh (“Killing Eve”) and Laura Linney (“Ozark”) provide less of a threat. Without the young vote, Zendaya will likely lag behind for While“Euphoria.”Seehorn is a strong con tender for Outstanding Supporting Actress, Patricia Arquette (“Sever ance”) and Christina Ricci (“Yellow jackets”) could overturn her. For Out standing Supporting Actor, Kieran Culkin has extremely good chances at winning for “Succession.”
Harlow then opened his doors to a song with Fergie before lending the stage to Lizzo, who showcased her strong voice in a medley of her recent works. She championed the support for “About Damn Time.”
Late-night comedian Jimmy Fal lon made for the VMA’s best present er, and plenty of other familiar faces starred in its sponsors’ commercials.
style, so ‘First Class’ – it’s me,” he said.Minaj’s “Do We Have A Problem?” featuring Lil Baby took the prize for Best Hip-Hop Music Video. Otherwise, she proved an iconic host, clearly comfortable with her role and content in this era of her adult life.
standing Variety Special (Live), but it will be hard to beat this year’s Super Bowl Halftime Show. Norman Lear’s nostalgic “Live in Front of a Stu dio Audience: The Facts of Life and Diff’rent Strokes” could also sneak up and steal the spotlight.
She acknowledged her crazed fan base, The Barbz, and Taylor Swift, who “had a huge part in the success of ‘SuperFinally,Bass.’”Minaj invited Swift on stage to accept the VMAs most cov eted award, Video of the Year, for “All Too Well: The Short Film.” After nearly a year-long hiatus since “Red (Taylor’s Version)” and a retreat to privacy from the public, she chose Sunday night for the announcement of her next album, “Midnights.”
For limited series, medical dramas “Dopesick” and “The Dropout” are both nominated in multiple catego ries. “The White Lotus” is also nomi nated as a limited series, which is con fusing, considering it was renewed for a second season. “The Staircase” scores nominations for veteran actors Colin Firth and Toni Collette, while “Pam and Tommy” gains nomina tions for Sebastian Stan, Lily James and Seth “SaturdayRogen.Night Live” has an easy chance of winning for Outstanding Variety Sketch Series once again, with only one competitor, “A Black Lady Sketch Show.”
And “The Boys” is perhaps the most explicit, in every sense of the word.Adapted from a comic book series written by Garth Ennis, “The Boys” follows a group of mercenaries as they come into conflict with The Seven, the world’s most famous – and most corrupt – superhero team. This pri marily manifests through the show’s main antagonist, the ultra-powerful and completely insane leader of The Seven,TheHomelander.showisdense, enough so to potentially justify several articles exploring each of its individual ele
Maybe the appeal is more univer sal than I thought.
incredibly well, with top-notch effects and a real sense of style. Sure, the gore is over-the-top, but it fits in nat urally with the story being told and builds real stakes when fights break out or characters reach their breaking points.Unfortunately, it also makes “The Boys” a somewhat hard sell.
Donald Glover (“Atlanta”), Bill Hader (“Barry”) and Jason Sudeikis (“Ted Lasso”) are all nominated once again for Lead Actor in a Comedy Se ries. A lack of a nomination for “At lanta” in Outstanding Comedy Series won’t help Glover’s chances (same with Nicholas Hoult for “The Great”) and Hader is more likely to win for Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series.Steve Martin and Martin Short are both nominated for “Only Murders in the Building,” but the two will most likely split the votes of fans, leaving Sudeikis the winner.
Jason Bateman (“Ozark”) and Adam Scott (“Severance”) trail closely behind, following in Odenkirk’s com edy-to-drama footsteps. A win for Lee Jung-jae of “Squid Game” fame would be a pleasant surprise.
Best New Artist after fans’ live voting throughout the show.
In the guest-acting categories, “Succession” holds a whopping sev en nominations between actors and actresses, leaving the show with very good chances to win for at least one.
Conan Gray, JID and Flo Milli embraced their musical aesthetics at a pre-commercial auxiliary venue — but Lauren Spencer Smith stood out for her loud and angsty sound. Artist
Here are some predictions for the most interesting categories of the night.
Introducing the night in an an imated airplane floating above the Prudential Center Stadium of New Jersey, co-host Jack Harlow strolled the runway in flight attendant cos tume for the camera. His passengers were notable characters, including TikTok’s latest shining star Saucy Santana.Anominee for the Push Perfor mance award, Santana played in the 90-minute pre-show event, along side celebrity correspondent Tate McRae. Competitor Dove Cameron got the audience’s attention, winning
Everybody seemed extra excited this year, like Khalid, who readorned the award-show screen with a hap py jam session next to Marshmello. BLACKPINK also served, stealing the stage with awesome choreography and knockout singing.
In the comedy ring, “Ted Lasso” and “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” return, pushing to once again win for Outstanding Comedy Series. “Barry,” “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” “Hacks” and “What We Do in the Shadows” also return to the category as nomi
The legacies of Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift are not going to sleep any time soon – and neither is the tradi tion of the MTV VMAs.
nal Inseason.the
Harlow also expressed his grati tude for “First Class” winning Song of the Summer, and his sense of nos talgia for the memorable record he sampled in “‘Glamourous’it. was one of the big gest and most important songs of my childhood. It influenced my whole
Other Categories
Chicken marsala: The chicken marsala is buttery with strong notes of cumin and carda mom. It’s filling, light in texture and frequently available, making it a great meal option any time.
Reliably Good Options
Food. The most important part of college be sides, arguably, your education.
While there is definitely room to improve the diversity of foods we offer, I am thoroughly impressed with the improvement in dining on campus after our Aramark transition.
Pizza: Obviously, it’s no secret that I am a fan of our new pizza. With pesto, spinach, pep peroni, cheese, margherita, veggie and many other options (depending on the location), the pizza is always fresh, the cheese is always melty and the quality is refreshing. Be sure to try one of the breadsticks too!
Tilapia: Last year, one of my favorite en trées was the crusted tilapia. The new tilapia at Western is no longer crusted, but served with diced tomatoes. Unfortunately, the tilapia lacks seasoning and is just too “fishy” for my taste.
I felt reluctant to put the on-campus Star bucks on the list but, in the end, it serves as a personal favorite and ultimate lifesaver. It’s re liable, tasty and perfectly located on campus for when you need a quick pick-me-up from work ing on a project at Armstrong.
made-to-order food. It also provides the perfect atmosphere to either catch up with friends or work on some upcoming assignments.
4. Pulley Diner: I am a sucker for a classic diner breakfast. Also, milkshakes.
Chicken tenders: Personally, I found the new dining hall chicken tenders to be better than any of the chicken tenders at Armstrong. I enjoyed pairing these with Caesar salad to make my own crispy chicken salad.
8. Emporium: Armstrong’s market where you can get snacks or a meal
Soft serve station. Need I say more? Don’t worry, I will. Even though Martin Commons also has a soft serve machine, it did not make the top seven for obvious reasons. Martin fa mously stands as the lowest ranked dining hall on campus. The small size of Martin already sets limitations to your dining experience. However, Western, the newest of the dining halls, has space for an abundant salad bar, a sandwich station, an international bar and a grill area.
3. Red Zone: it satisfies your Buffalo Wild Wings craving for wings and seasoned fries.
Even though I have never eaten there myself, the praises given by older students make this
Fruit and salad bar: The fruit and salad
Because a new provider, Aramark, has tak en over Miami University dining this year, the validity of these rankings may change. As of last year, however, the locations I gathered stood in the upper echelon of Miami campus cuisine. So, here are the top seven places to eat on campus, ranked.
I also feel that the transition to using real mugs, cups and silverware was the last step in making campus life feel normal in this pan demic-adjusted environment. However, one pandemic dining policy I wish we could bring back was the highly popular to-go box option.
The coffee tastes far richer than Cafe Lux, King Cafe or any of the dining halls’ water-fla vored coffee with a tree bark aftertaste. Besides the many coffee options, Starbucks also sells pretty reasonable breakfast and lunch choices.
One of the major downsides is the line. I’ve admittedly waited upward of 40 minutes just to lay my hands on a spinach and feta wrap paired with a caramel macchiato, but I have never re gretted it.
6. Garden Commons
Only the people on campus in fall 2020 or earlier have been graced with the experience of dining at Bell in all of its glory while it was still fullyThisoperating.dining hall closed due to the pandemic and only briefly reopened in 2020 to then even tually close again. The flavors from the chipot le-esque burrito bar and quesadilla station live in the distant memories of the class of 2023.
I find myself using my declining dollars less and having the urge to spend money Door Dashing less now that I have options on-cam pus that are genuinely tasty.
This place really does have it all. Market street looks and feels like a mini, on-campus grocery store. During the day, I can use meal swipes to grab a breakfast sandwich in all of its cheesy glory and sip on a personal smoothie. If I’m desperate for some popcorn, I can run over and grab a bag because of its late hours. But, be warned: dining dollars may feel like fake mo nopoly money, however in places like the cam pus markets, your money fades fast.
FOOD What are the best places to eat on campus? Seven of Miami’s best dining halls and markets Lech Wałęsa Thursday, September 8 | 5:30 p.m. Zoom and In Person Taylor Auditorium, Farmer School of Business Tickets required for in person attendance Tickets are available through the Box Office online at For remote attendance visit Events FORMER PRESIDENT OF POLAND AND NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LAUREATE Russia's War on Ukraine and Its Global Impact CONTINUED FROM FRONT
And, of course, I am amazed that saying “I love dining hall pizza!” is no longer a hot take.
6. Kabar: sushi, stir fry and more
5. Western Dining Commons
3. Marketstreet at MacCracken
The rankings of the next three dining halls are pretty interchangeable. Depending on who you ask, you’ll get a different ranking every time. I placed Garden the lowest because it may have the coveted Zen Garden that (used to) let students make their own stir fry, but it still has fewer options than the other two. The food here stays pretty consistent, and every day at least one item on the menu will catch your eye.
7. Eiffel Pizza: pizza and pasta for some carb-loading

The menu for the dining hall can make or break my day. Will there be a beaming smile slapped across my face as I scoop some of Ma plestreet Commons’ mac & cheese bites onto my plate? Or, will I sulk my way over to the grill and shovel up soggy cauliflower to put next to my unseasoned chicken? Every day is a gamble.
4. Maplestreet Commons
As always, the dining hall staff on campus are incredible and hard-working, and it is won derful to be able to try all of the new food they are working to prepare for us.

2. Cafe Lux: for a quick coffee and muffin pick-me-up.
5. Haines’: Mediterranean-inspired fresh dishes

The only reason I put Maple higher on the list than Western is because of the Southwest Station. Last year, sadly, this station was only
Dining hall pizza is actually good now (and other observations about the Aramark dining transition)

Buffalo chicken wrap: I was so excited to try these at Garden, but the ratio of chicken to lettuce to sauce was very distorted and left me wishing for more lettuce and a lot less sauce. You are better off grabbing a salad or some thing Zen Additionally,Garden.I wish that international cui sine options were more consistently offered. Stations like Zen Garden are not always open, which is disappointing, given that I feel as though our international cuisine options are among my favorite foods offered on campus.
2. Dividends
Maybe it’s because I only find myself inside the Farmer School of Business on the rarest of occasions, but Dividends feels like it houses something ethereal. The infamous build-yourown salad station ranks supremely higher than any other dining options. You can also feast on a delicately warm panini, order a bento box or sip on a latte. Dividends has so many options, and all of them are delicious.
1. Armstrong has many choices for din ing, so take your pick.
7. Shriver Starbucks
Taco bar: I have eaten the taco bar’s Mexi can rice almost daily this past week; it’s flavor ful, well-cooked and works great in a taco or as a side for another dish. The mini-tortillas at the taco bar allow you to grab a taco as a small snack, or make three mini tacos for a solid lunch option. These taco bars are in dining halls all over campus.
Unless you know where to eat.
Honorable Mention: Bell Tower Commons
bar is a staple of any dining hall meal I have. The selection of salad toppings have widened, allowing even more customization options. I recommend adding red peppers to your salad — they’re game-changing.
open during lunch hours. However, whenever I had the chance to serve myself a heaping serv ing of guacamole paired with chicken and some pico de gallo, I knew my day was set for success. Maple shines brightest during its lunch hours. During this time, students can also snag some spring rolls from the stir fry station.
Since its inception in 1974, Miami volleyball has only ever had four coaches. Elaine Heiber took charge in the first two seasons before Diana Ford took over for the next three years. In 1979, Peggy Bradley became the head coach and was succeeded in 1984 by Carolyn Condit, who has remained the head coach till today.
As schools come back in session, college sports are back in season. And, while the fervor that the U.S. has for college sports is undeniable, it may be skewed towards a few certain sports.
Mid-American Conference (MAC) championship wins, including fouryear reigns between 1995 and 1998 as well as between 2016 and 2019.
this one (transfer portal anyone?) and likely NFL aspirations (his brother is a backup QB for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers).
First, he tossed a near-perfect game against Ball State (20-24, 207 yards, 2 TD), before an incredibly gutsy performance against Ohio University the next week where he threw for 492 yards and five touchdowns while trying to claw the RedHawks back from a 28-0 thirdquarter deficit.
Officially starting their season at the Bradley Invitational in Peoria, Illinois on Aug. 26, what can supporters look forward to in this year’s edition of the fast-paced singletouch sport?
While Miami University boasts the array of division-one varsity sports, some of its sports may be overlooked, and such is the case of volleyball.

Volleyball Operations. In came Jacob Calai, a recent sport management graduate at Eastern Michigan University. Having been an intern with Miami Volleyball since the fall of 2021, Calai’s familiarity with the program bolstered his reputation for being named the departmental Student of the Year, an award bestowed upon a unanimous decision.
The RedHawks travel to Lexington, Ky. this Saturday, Sept. 3, to play the No. 20 Kentucky Wildcats.

For most Miami fans, the game against Kentucky this weekend is all about junior quarterback Brett Gabbert.Gabbert has been named to multiple prestigious award watch lists going into this season, and for good reason (more on why below). It’ll be extremely interesting to see what Gabbert can make happen against a Southeastern Conference defense; last year, he was a step above the Mid-American Conference.
This is a “prove-it” game for Gabbert, especially considering he has another year of eligibility after
Martin was pretty blunt last week in assessing where his team stands.
Kentucky lost its top two receivers after last year, but it was active on the transfer portal this offseason. Miami’s defensive backs will have their hands full with transfer Javon Baker from Alabama. Kentucky’s inexperienced offensive line ensures that this game will be a test for both that unit and Miami’s revamped pass rush.Miami returns nine starters on offense this season (most importantly Gabbert), but is a lot more inexperienced on defense. Last year the RedHawks had 38 sacks on the season, but 22 of them transferred to bigger schools this offseason. It’s still
not certain whether Miami will find its groove on D this year, but it seems like pretty safe money to say it won’t happen this week in SEC country. That said, this offense should be fun to starts at 7 p.m. on Saturday and you can watch it on ESPN plus.
Background on the program

Fortunately, now that the RedHawks have undergone a full off-season, including a spring trip that pitched them against Purdue University, the team has gotten time to gel.
Finally, outside hitter Ellie Hanson made a move from Tesoro High School in California. In her senior year, Hanson was tabbed the Sea View League MVP, setting the school record for kills in a match (33) and in a season (713).
In 2021, Miami volleyball welcomed seven first-years to the team: Outside hitter Brooke Jackson, middle hitters Brooke Cirigliano and Sylvia Koenig, setters Lydia Harper and Gracie Norris, libero Margo Lawson and defensive specialist Caroline Cermack.

Having finished third and fifth respectively in the last two years, the RedHawks are hoping for a breakout season in 2022.
During the spring semester of 2022, assistant coach Mike Owen, who has been with the team since 2019, left and Greg Manos came in to take his place. A former member of the Indiana University Men’s Volleyball team, Manos supplemented the program with an analytical mindset for tactics and scouting while working alongside Condit and fellow assistant coach Tania Schatow, who has occupied the position since 2018.
Having had an already large portion of players being first-years, the five-player recruiting class of 2022 created an intriguing dynamic as Miami intends to challenge for majorWithhonors.somany unknown factors in play, why not come out and judge their performances for yourself? And, if you prefer a scientific approach that requires a minimum of three trials, let’s not miss the Miami/Best Western Invitational, held at Millett Hall, where the RedHawks will play Marshall University, Bellarmine University and Middle Tennessee State University on Friday, Sept. 2 and Saturday, Sept. 3.
On top of the substantial intake, junior Karolina Kugiel had to medically retire, and junior Lindsay Taylor transferred out. Over the spring Gaby Harper and Sophie Riemersma, two of the three players to surpass the 100-set mark in 2021, graduated.
Maturing leadership
For most of the conference schedule last season, Gabbert played absolutely out of his mind.
career highs with 17 digs against Bowling Green and tying her high of 14 kills also against Cincinnati.
Reputable recruits Miami Volleyball welcomed five new recruits for this year. Hailing from Milford High School, defensive specialist Emily Morgan was an AVCA honorable mention and currently holds her high school’s record for games played (339), digs (1,400) and service aces (207). Another incoming Ohio native is middle hitter Amyah Cooper who earned All-Three Rivers Athletic Conference second team honors as a senior at Whitmer High School.Among the three out-of-state freshmen, middle hitter Gentry Warrick, a four-time all-conference selection during her time at Linton Stockton High School, comes from the neighboring state of Indiana.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2022sports8
What To Expect From Miami Football This Week Against No. 20 Kentucky
Another change in non-playing personnel was the departure of Jaclyn Schweiger from the director of
The 2022 squad will witness the leadership zenith of duo seniors: Jacquelyn Krumnauer and Allyson Severance.Inthe 2021 season, libero Krumnauer recorded double figures in digs against the University of Cincinnati and also posted a careerhigh of three service aces in the same matchup.Onanother hand, Severance, while designated as an outside hitter, proved in 2021 that she was a jackof-all-trades by excelling defensively and offensively, surpassing her own
a drubbing of Buffalo, and four more in the last game of the year against KentGabbertState. is extremely mobile and slippery. He doesn’t have Josh Allen’s size, but he has that type of escapability. When the ball leaves his hand sometimes, it doesn’t even look real because he’s smaller but has such a Hiscannon.intermediate and short game needs some work, but look for him to try to go bombs away against one of the best defenses he’s ever faced this weekend.
With almost 40 years at the helm, Condit has led Miami to nine
An acclimated 2021 freshman class
It could be a long day for Miami’s defense against senior Kentucky quarterback Will Levis, who threw for over 2800 yards with 24 touchdowns lastMiamiseason. head coach Chuck
The game
“Early on our offense will have to carry us,” Martin said. “We’ll have some growing pains on defense.”
Volleyball Season Preview: What We Can Look Forward To In The 2022 Season
They missed a last minute twopoint conversion attempt that would’ve tied the game, but Gabbert’s performance was still an instant classic. He finished up the season strong after that, four touchdowns in
Next, setter Hayden Hicks arrives from Frisco, Texas with an offensive player of the year and a most valuable player (MVP) of the year awards under her belt, both of which were earned within her first two years at Independence High School.
Refreshed off-thecourt lineup
It has been a while since Miami volleyball underwent a change in staff members.

On Saturday, another sellout crowd was in attendance for the “Hell is Real” rivalry between Cincinnati and the Columbus Crew. There, the heights of possibility were truly seen – the outpouring of joy after a goal, the roar of the crowd as the Cincinnati players forced their Columbus counterparts back into a corner, the shock and anger as seemingly everybody except for the referees saw the obvious mistake displayed on the video boards. “No Mercy in Cincy” was the theme from the supporters section as a tifo, a giant artwork inspired by the video game series Doom, rose proudly above the north end of the stadium before kickoff – though that didn’t bear out in the result, as the home side conceded an equalizer at the death as the game ended 2-2.
West End of Cincinnati, creates an atmosphere even through the very design of its roof that has been praised by everyone who experiences it.
In 2021, the RedHawks welcomed

Since its birth in 1997, the Miami women’s soccer team has only ever had three head coaches, one of whom lasted a single season.
A warm, stormy Wednesday night awaited the two teams –though the storms were at least polite enough to wait until after the game was over to arrive – and despite that, the game garnered an attendance of just over 24,000. Even with minimum ticket prices of over $60, three times that of FC Cincinnati games, the city nearly produced another sellout crowd for a meaningless exhibition game, when other cities have struggled to even break past the 20,000 mark for similar games.
In fact, much like the top European soccer leagues, the collegiate soccer scene in the U.S. gets underway in the fall, and, for the Miami University RedHawks in particular, the season started with a tight contest at home with Austin Peay State University on Aug. 18.

When Hugh Seyfarth was interim head coach in 2017, Miami slumped to an 11th place conference finish with a single conference win. Courtney Sirmans succeeded Seyfarth the following year and has been working on building the program up since. Chemistry, old and new Prior to rising to Miami’s helm, Sirmans amassed an impressive playing and coaching portfolio.
Years of patiently building to pay off
On a collegiate level, the two sided together on the Oklahoma Wesleyan University men’s soccer team. Professionally, Williams and Gallegos joined forces as coaches for the AHFC Royals in the Women’s Premier Soccer League and as Girls’ directors for Albion Hurricanes FC.
After finishing second-to-last in her first couple of seasons, Sirmans led the RedHawks to a third place finish (in the Eastern division) in 2020 with four conference wins.
nine incoming players and, in 2022, eight. Such a substantial turnover in a 30-player-line in the span of two years may signal overhaul. However, thanks to the prudent planning and management over the previous years, this will not be the case: The RedHawks have been able to avoid over-reliance on the senior classes and, instead, handed opportunities to first-years and sophomores.

Such patience is bound to pay off, given the experience that the upperclassmen now have under their belt going into the 2022 season.
After exhibition games with heavyweight opponents Indiana University and University of Kentucky, the RedHawks have built the sharpness needed to enter the season. Also, since MAC play does not begin until late September, Miami still has time to make tweaks, whether tactically or otherwise.

Take yourself back to June 1, 2022. The U.S. men’s national team (USMNT) came to Cincy for the second time in the space of seven months, for a friendly match against Morocco. Any American soccer fan will remember the first game of the pair – a now-legendary “dos a cero” victory over Mexico in World Cup Qualification before a capacity 26,000 crowd in TQL Stadium. I was there – and I’ll forever count it as one of the best experiences of my life.That game drew dedicated fans from around the country on a chilly November night, producing one of the best atmospheres ever seen for the national team – but it’s perhaps the game against Morocco that better tells the story of the growth of the game in this city.
The swell of support for soccer in the city can’t be understood without credit for the local professional team, though. Since 2017, FC Cincinnati has averaged over 21,000 fans in the stands per game, continuing
Seeing that Major League Soccer starts its season in February or March may put some under the impression that collegiate soccer would follow the same timeline, when in fact it does not.
Having had a win, a loss and a draw to start the season, the RedHawks will be on the road for the next three games before heading home to host Marshall University on Sept. 11. These will be some challenging first tests for Miami as they seek to, with the prowess of a couple maturing classes of athletes, seek to re-establish themselves in the conference.
That stadium is why Cincinnati was awarded the prestigious rights to host the World Cup qualifier against Mexico. That training facility, providing an excellent home base for the national team, is why Cincinnati was chosen for the friendly against Morocco, the start of a four-game stretch including two competitive matches in the Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) Nations League.Times change, and with soccer increasingly occupying a greater and greater share of the American sports diet, alongside the World Cup coming to this country and its neighbors in 2026, there will eventually be a new city with a bigger, fuller stadium and better facilities that will take this city’s crown. As other cities have shown in the last few decades, success is often fleeting, even for those in the best situations to succeed. But for now, the Queen City is the soccer capital of the United States, and we ought to do our best to keep it that way.
After graduating from University of Dayton (UD) in 2008, for whom she played soccer on a collegiate level, Sirmans coached at Wright State, returned to UD and then set off to coach at University of Massachusetts and Rice
Even though Miami dropped to seventh in 2021, they scored more (16 in 2021 versus 10 in 2020) and conceded less (16 in 2021 versus 17 in 2020) having played more games (11 in 2021 versus eight in 2020).
And, if the past couple of years have taught us anything about Miami Soccer, it would be to expect some freshmen to make a mark, for how trusting Sirmans is in her recruits.
Between 1997 and 2016 Bobby Kramigwas the head coach. Over 20 years, Kramig has led the RedHawks to four Mid-American Conference (MAC) Championships with the most recent coming in 2012. Miami’s recently constructed soccer complex is named after Kramig.
Spectators will get to see senior defender Kennedy Gray causing chaos on the wing, junior midfielder Haley Anspach feeding in teammates for goals while fellow junior midfielder Camber Hayes anchors the midfield. Assurance in goal will come from welcoming back senior Izzie Vaccari for her fifth year, shielded by sophomore defender Mercedes Schroer and senior defender Bronwen Sears.

The push from the club towards this support hasn’t just stopped at bringing new fans to the game, however. Mercy Health Training Center, the club’s training facility in Milford, OH, is among the best anywhere in the world (just ask Don Garber and Gregg Berhalter, the Commissioner of Major League Soccer and Head Coach of the USMNT respectively, if you don’t believe me). TQL Stadium, the new $250 million facility in the urban

AlongUniversity.Sirmans’side are associate head coach Ben Williams, appointed initially as assistant coach in 2021, and Roberto Gallegos who joined earlier this year. The chemistry is even better, more so than when Williams and Gallegos have had experience working as well as playing with each other.
So, if you feel like being caught out, here is a preview of what Miami soccer may have in store: Program background
In the COVID-wrecked 2020 season, among the seven players that started all eight games, while there were no seniors, there were a couple of first-years. And, looking at the eight players who featured in all 19 games in 2021, there were three firstyears compared to one senior.
Miami Soccer 2022 ApproachingOutlook:Season BreakthroughA
Finishing ahead of Bowling Green State University, who has won each of the last four MAC Championships, may be a little far-fetched, but the RedHawks can better their 5-6-0 record and seventh-place finish from 2021.With the team’s pre-existing chemistry and individual experience, not to mention the proven faith in new recruits, Miami can push for a spot in the MAC Tournament and maybe even finish runner-ups.
through the last two years in spite of three consecutive last-placed finishes. With the team challenging for a playoff spot this season, attendances have risen back to the heights of the successful 2018 and 2019 seasons, with a sellout crowd of over 25,000 watching the side draw 2-2 with Atlanta on August 13.
Cincinnati Is Entering A New Age - As The Soccer Capital Of The United States

And we want to hear them. See your opinion in print by writing a letter to the editor. Email letters or questions to the editor. Email letters and questions to to have your opinion be heard. We are also looking for more permanent writers. If you are interested, reach out to the above email.
to where I’m at as a sophomore. This summer, I was more than eager to get back to Oxford to resume my beloved routine.Though it may sound hard to believe, sitting with my friends and grinding out school work on a Sunday was definitely missed!
As far as the social transition goes, you just have to put yourself out there. Everyone is in the same boat, so why not introduce yourself to the person next to you in line at Starbucks or sitting next to you in class?

When faculty show collective strength, good things happen for teaching and learning, positively impacting the whole campus
One of the biggest things that helped me find “my people” was rushing a sorority. I was on the fence about rushing, but I’m so glad I did because I have developed so many close friendships that I probably wouldn’t have made otherwise.
June 3: FAM files for union recognition at State Employment Relations
I’m a senior and still struggle with feeling like I’m always the friend on the Agrass.lotof it has to do with my own health issues. Because I’m so often sick, there are a lot of things I have to miss, and that’s been especially true this year — we’re only two weeks in and I’ve already missed parties, girls’ nights and club meetings galore because of my health. When I finally feel healthy enough to come back, there are inevitably stories I wasn’t there for, inside jokes I don’t
A certified majority of full-time faculty at Miami say they want a union, so why won’t Miami LET US VOTE? friend that walks on the grass
I know, I know. That’s the classic advice you’re given from your family
Looking back now, I can say with certainty that there were times when I was and there were times when I wasn’t.Inhigh school, I had a group of very close friends, including my best friend, with whom I spent practically all of my time. We sat together in class whenever we had classes together, she came to support me at my halftime performances in marching band and we always got ice cream after exams, just the two of us. There
Dr. Todd Edwards, Department of Teaching, Curriculum and Educational InquiryDr. Shashi Lalvani, Department of Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering
August 25: We are awaiting word of the next meeting during which Miami will respond to FAM’s response.
During this first week on campus, I have overheard numerous conversations among the firstyears about not knowing how to get acclimated to campus life and make friends. Though it may seem like the end of the world when you’re dropped off in a brand-new environment and left to build a brand-new routine with brand-new people, speaking from my experience as a sophomore, you just have to give it time.
Dr. Mack Hagood, Department of Media, Journalism & Film
I didn’t fit in right away in college, either. I found my people in my first year, but didn’t really feel like I fit in with them until my junior year.
Dr. Eric Luczaj, Department of Computer and Information Technology & all the faculty on the FAM Core Organizing Committee
No, scratch that.
Yes, I missed marching band practice today. But yes, my cocaptains updated me all throughout it, recorded videos so I would be able to revise what I missed and generally made sure that I didn’t feel left out just because I was sick and gone.
If the administration really cares about faculty, it will stop stalling and LET US VOTE.
But as long as you find the right friends, it won’t matter if your feet are getting wet because you’re not on the pavement. What will matter is that you’re there — you’re a part of the group — and with enough love from the people that surround you, you can walk on anything and remain unbothered.
Dr. Paul Schaeffer, Department of Biology
On social media, this kind of person — someone who isn’t 100% sure of their place in the friend group, even if it’s just their own brain telling them that they aren’t beloved by people who definitely do love them — is most commonly identified as “the friend that walks on the grass.”
As students, staff and faculty start the new school year, the Faculty Alliance of Miami (FAM) continues its efforts to build a better Miami for everyone. With faculty and community support, FAM enjoyed significant success this year, clearing tough hurdles on the way to unionization with room to spare. Now, the state has confirmed that a majority of fulltime faculty and librarians support FAM.
Dr. Cathy Wagner, Department of English
people. I had a solid routine to get my work done and exercise, but I wasn’t seeing friends as much as I should haveAfterbeen.getting tired of always feeling so isolated, I started making an effort to go to the dining hall or study with friends almost every day. Though it may seem like such a small change

I know the advice sounds repetitive and cheesy, but step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to people on campus, get out of your residence hall and do something you love every day. It’s easy to slip into a slump when your schedule is the same week after week, so give yourself something to look forward to, whether it’s joining a new club or even grabbing a bite to eat with a new friend.
“Adjusting to change buildingmeansasolidroutinefortheschoolyear.”
These, of course, are the experiences I remember more. Anxiety isn’t going to remember all of the best parts of your friendships — it’s going to pull out your worst fears, the whispers in the night of “You don’t fit in.”
Enough hoop-jumping. LET US VOTE.
Dr. Michelle Boone, Department of Biology
the administration. Tell Miami leadership to LET US VOTE.
Living in Peabody Hall last year, it was so easy to just stay in my residence hall and not socialize with
I’m only a week into my sophomore year, but I have made a full one-eighty from last year in terms of feeling comfortable on campus. You just have to give it time and “trust the process.”
This is a prevalent question on social media right now as, suddenly, the anxious friends of the world find out that they’re not alone in wondering this. There are trends about it on TikTok, Little Miss memes about it on Instagram and I’ve even seen some Facebook posts about it (Please don’t make fun of me for still usingSuddenly,Facebook).Iknow that I’m not the only person who has stared at their ceiling at four in the morning and thought a little too hard about that one thing my best friend said to me today, wondering if they said
A union contract will enable a more collaborative, transparent and mutually responsive relationship between faculty and
Do my friends hate me?
The first year of college isn’t supposed to be easy by any means, even if it looks like some don’t struggle as much as others from the outside. Your first year is about figuring out how to function individually now that you’re away from home in order to prepare you for the following years.
community. FAM welcomes the newly collegial tone Miami leadership is setting — it’s a clear response to a faculty united and raising their voices. But replacing a provost or implementing a one-time salary increase is not enough. Faculty deserve a seat at the decision-making table. Let’s build a better Miami together by finishing the work of forming a union.
were probably times when our other friends wanted to join us, but we pushed them off of the metaphorical sidewalk. Who’s to say? And then there were times when I was the one falling to the back of the pack on the sidewalk — during theatre class, for instance, when I was the only non-theatre kid struggling to do monologues everyone else had been talking about for weeks.
We encourage you to get involved — sign the FAM mission, write a testimonial, spread the word about FAM’s efforts, raise awareness about structural inequities on campus, visit the FAM website ( and follow FAM on social media at @famiamioh (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter).
GRAPHIC BY OWEN BERG opinions, too
The administration can do the right thing — and be fair to hundreds of faculty and librarians who deserve the chance to vote on unionization — by accepting FAM’s proposed bargaining unit (full-time faculty and librarians) and moving forward with a union vote. Or they can continue to stall — spending more money on legal fees, wasting resources better spent on teaching and learning initiatives on campus.
Basically, you are walking with your closest group of friends, all in a line across the sidewalk. Except the sidewalk is too thin to fit all of you on the pavement, so one friend walks on the grass, or perhaps falls back to walk behind the rest of the group, poking their head slightly forward so they can still sort of participate in the conversation.Allmylife, I have felt like the friend that walks on the grass.
Even though most might not admit it, almost everyone misses home a little, gets nervous about making new friends and struggles with the transition to college as a whole.Adjusting to this change means building a solid routine for the school year. The school days might be long and painful with having to attend classes, get assignments done and study for assessments, so I suggest filling the remainder of your day with things you Implementingenjoy. hobbies and
to make, it made my daily routine so muchNowbetter.that I’m finally in the center of campus in the sorority residence halls, I’m constantly surrounded by my friends, so there’s always someone to study or grab a bite to eat with. Not only do I love my living conditions this year, but I also love my daily routine even more. I was able to resume what I was doing last semester, but now that I’m so much closer to everything, walking to class or the gym doesn’t take me an extra 15 minutes.Making positive changes in my daily life and making an effort to meet genuine people last year brought me
it truthfully or out of malice. I know I’m not the only one who has sobbed in their bed when they found out they weren’t invited to something… again.
understand and memories of which I will never be a part.
You have
THURSDAY,radwanat@miamioh.eduSEPTEMBER1, 2022Opinion 10
and pretty much everyone else, but it holds a lot of truth.
June 24: At the last possible moment, Miami files an objection seeking to exclude NTT & librarians from the proposed unit.
It’s always there, after I send one text too many in a row, say something risky in a group chat or laugh a little too loudly at my own horrible jokes. It’s there when I get a notification that I was tagged in an Instagram post, only to find out that I wasn’t in the picture at all — in fact, I may have been with those people at that time, but I didn’t even know that selfie was being taken. It’s always there, in the back of my mind, a single question thumping away at my brain like a steady, if fearful, heartbeat.
July 14: SERB verifies that FAM’s cards are evidence of majority support. Miami could decide to enable the election to move forward, but continues its objection.
Board (SERB). Miami is given 21 days to respond.
August 8: Lawyers (multiple Miami lawyers, one FAM lawyer) meet with SERB to discuss the objection & FAM’s response.
A word of advice from a sophomore to the first-years

Dr. Theresa Kulbaga, Department of Languages, Literatures and Writing
interests into your daily routine can almost always turn your mood around by giving you something to look forward to. I joined The Miami Student and took workout classes at the Rec to get involved with some new people that I probably wouldn’t have met Additionally,otherwise.sitting in Armstrong Student Center, King Library or Starbucks to work on school work can make such a difference, even if you’re not sitting with anyone. Whether it was getting my daily dose of human interaction or needing motivation to be productive, this was one of my gotos last Beingyear.surrounded by people who are also trying to get work done is so much better than sitting alone in your dorm room.
And I’m just now starting to realize that that’s okay.
You can walk on the grass and still be a part of the conversation. We will all have our turn being the friend on the Theregrass. are jokes I’m not a part of. Memories I’ve missed. These statements will always be true.
Yes, I’m sick right now. Yes, my friends went out last night without me, and yes, I could hear them laughing in the kitchen as I stayed, stuck and coughing, in my room. But yes, my best friend also texted me all night to tell me she missed me and wished I was there.
Location: (a residence hall quad near Suspect:you)(a description that could be anyone, or worse: “No suspect description available.”)
Spoiler alert: it sucked (I’m fully vaccinated, by the way).
Sexual assault prevention can start with education that Miami can provide.
In 2000, there were 62,160 “housing units” in Loudoun Coun ty – my beloved county that sits between the metropolis of DC and the Blue Ridge Mountains. In 2020 there were 142,074 – more than double. Houses bring neighbor hoods, which bring street lights, school football stadiums, grocery store parking lots and manicured lawns, all a threat to the precious species.Onmy last night of this summer, my friends and I camped out in my backyard — at the base of the dark forest, but far enough away from the creek to avoid an accidental swim. It was a tribute to summer, our child hood and the secluded aura of our neighborhood. Starting this fall, the farm next door will be turning into another development (And yes, my own neighborhood was one of those new developments 20 years ago…). I wanted to see the fireflies before the new houses and their fancy spot lights deterred them from lighting up my life.
Your phone pings with a new email notification on a Sunday morning in Oxford. You halfheart edly click on the notification and glance at the subject line: Safety Bulletin from Miami University/ MUPD. Whether you open it or not, the email’s contents will prob ably look the same as they usually do.Early morning hours of (a re cent day)
The following reflects the ma jority opinion of the editorial board.
Because it’s on us, Miami, for sure — but it’s also on you.
Let’s talk about sex...ual assault on campus
Report: Attempted Sex Offense.
few examples of unnatural sources that can affect the mating habits of fireflies.
The thing is, I have absolutely no idea where I picked it up. For the entire month of August, I had been
In the evenings as the sun dimmed over the Blue Ridge Moun tains and the darkness crept in over our rural fields, we would sit on our back porch and stare out across the dark treeline as the magic happened.
My first two years at college, I tried my best to avoid COVID, and to my knowledge, I succeeded. Yet this year, I managed to test positive the day before classes started — I had to miss the first week of class and catch up on my own, all while feverish, out of breath and utterly exhausted.
They allow survivors to see they’re not alone. The bulletins may even help others come for ward if they know MUPD and oth ers are actively investigating these cases.On Aug. 29, one of our commu nity members was sexually assu
alted. There was no bulletin. While again there may not have been an imminent threat, our community deserves to know that these horrif ic acts are still happening around us.Sexual assault bulletins, even when they do get sent out, often lack important information like specific location and details of identifying attributes. More details and more communication would be instrumental in helping people come forward and be more aware, which makes our community feel safer.But the bulletins are not the core of the problem.
As for Miami itself, there are so many comprehensive approaches that could be implemented and madeWestandard.needmore sexual education, for a start. Showing first-years the infamous “tea video” and having a short conversation about it, then making them go through unmon itored modules that half the stu dents just click through anyway, is notWeenough.don’t want Miami to just acknowledge that sexual assault is happening on campus. We want more to be done about it before and after it happens.
The sticky, warm air of the DC
As the editorial board, we plead with the Miami University Police Department and Miami to make someWe’rechanges.asking Miami to focus on a more holistic approach with sex ual assault issues on- and off-cam pus — prevention, follow-through, punishment and communication are all integral to this process. As such, we have a few suggestions, beginning with the need for Safety Bulletins for all reported cases, if this is not happening already.
Metropolitan area has always been a haven for the precious Lampyridae, commonly known as fireflies, light ning bugs, glowworms or moonbugs (even though they are technically beetles). Our summer daylight is unbearably humid, but we were al ways rewarded at night when the lightning bugs lit up throughout the dampEvensky.though the name can’t be agreed upon, we can all acknowl edge that the species are not as prev alent as the one with which we grew up.
I saw more shooting stars in the sky than I did fireflies that night.
Someday, I want my grandchil dren to catch crawfish in the creek, play with ducklings, admire the blue herons and, hopefully, catch fireflies.
For many students, college is their first exposure to sexual inter actions. And for many, that tea vid eo is the only education they will get on consent and relationships in their lifetimes.
And I’m not the only one. I keep hearing about people both in my community and across campus who are testing positive, one after another. As I’m writing this, it’s not even the fifth day of the semester. I can only imagine the COVID rates of the full university population.
The official COVID campus updates page says that Miami doesn’t anticipate the need for a universal mask requirement. Clearly, they need to reevaluate, because the COVID “prevention” system we’ve got going now is already beginning to fail one week into the semester.
bulletins that float into students’ email inboxes every school year.

constantly surrounded by unmasked people on Miami’s campus (And I’d been unmasked myself, because there was immense social pressure to take it off). From RA training to Welcome Weekend, I had been at massive events every single day — gatherings we would call “super spreader events” not one year ago.
It won’t be fun, and we’ll all have to make some sacrifices, but it will be a hell of a lot better than the outbreak toward which we’re currently headed.
I caught crawfish in the creek weaving through the jungle of chest nuts and oaks. Every spring my sis ter and I would take the ducklings out adventuring among the mini tributaries and my family would yell out to each other when the sacred blue heron glided down through the trees, like an airplane completing a flawless landing.
First week, first positive test
With the recent sentencing of an Ohio man to prison time over his attempted rape of a Miami Uni versity student in the summer of 2021, campus has been abuzz with discussion of the efficacy of Miami University’s sexual assault bulle tins and other measures, both in this case and in the dozens of other
In my opinion, the rate at which we are contracting this virus is dangerous. Miami needs to take accountability for the increasing risk of COVID to people who are here to either receive or help provide an education, as well as the people of Oxford who have the right to stay safe and healthy. The pandemic mitigation model of “just accept that everyone will get it at some point” puts at-risk individuals in danger of getting very sick, which is a major impediment to both education and — more importantly — quality of life.
At this point, vaccines need to be supplemented by masks and social distancing so we can return to the low risk we had last semester, when the mask requirement was finally lifted.
The issues of urban sprawl, mass residential development and large-scale light pollution are out of the average person’s hands — we all have to live somewhere and we all want street lights for our safety, largely lit stadiums and bright cities — but we can try our best.
As an on-campus student, I’m worried, because I am living, working and getting an education all while dealing with the stress of continuing to live through this pandemic without the infrastructure needed to abate it.
Slowly the forest would begin to twinkle; one by one, the lightning bugs lit up as we stared in awe, their miniature stars eventually becoming too many to count.
I want my grandchildren to catch fireflies.

I was hoping that the lack of light this summer was a fluke, maybe I missed them, I was expecting them too early, or they migrated every 20 years, but chilling articles: “The Insect Apocalypse Is Here,” “World wide decline of the entomofauna” and “Are Fireflies Disappearing?” confirmed my suspicion.
Lightning bugs are threatened with extinction across the U.S. due to two main reasons: the rapid loss of habitat and increased light pollu tion.
Yes, the volume of reported cases would likely scare people. However, without these reminders that sexual assault is occurring on campus, students, faculty, staff, administrators and other Miami community members may for get how often it happens. Getting these reminders, even if the threat is not imminent, is a good way to keep this on the minds of students.
We think Miami can do so much more to protect its community.
Keeping your porch lights, flood lights and spotlights off of your house when it’s safe to do so, grow ing natural, indigenous grass in your lawns, advocating for arena lighting to be turned off at night and using fewer pesticides and herbicides on your own lawn are practical ways to protect our magical beetles.
Despite this, the Miami administration is trying their very hardest to wish away COVID — to simply manifest that it no longer affects college life. Unfortunately, COVID and its variants (especially the new, more antibody-resistant ones like BA.5) just don’t work like that.
We need a mask mandate.
We still sit on our now-aged pine porch, the crawfish scavenge in the muck of the creek, the ducks splash and the heron makes her exquisite descent, but as darkness creeps in at night, the trees stay black. Nature’s lantern is blowing out; the fireflies are nearly gone.
Content Warning: This column deals with themes of sexual and interpersonal violence.
The beloved flashing lights ex pelled from lightning bugs are actually mating signals, and light pollution is directly threatening the population. It’s not just lights from cities: house spotlights, floodlights, streetlights and porch lights are a
I was a first-year at Miami during the 2020–2021 academic year — the year right after it all went down. It’s been a hard few years, and believe me when I say I know how much everyone wants to move on with their lives. But until we are able to manage the pandemic, we can’t do that without putting our community at risk.By now, we should all have the tools to mitigate the spread of this virus. Let’s face it: until we get the pandemic under control, vaccines on their own are not enough. According to the CDC, 64% of Ohioans have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, yet all but two Ohio counties are medium to high risk for COVID transmission. As of August 25, 2022, Butler County is currently high risk.
Miami has 19,000 handpicked change-makers on campus. So lis ten to them. Then follow through on their ideas. Make Miami the gold standard for how universities should treat assault.
A black treeline stretches across my childhood home’s backyard, a small forest that, as a kid, I imag ined held the magic of Narnia and the beasts of the Forbidden Forest.
Is this really the best Miami can do? Is this all our community is ca pable of?
A required class specifically on sexual health and interpersonal violence would also go a long way. Miami has changed its curriculum requirements before, so the idea is notWeunprecedented.wouldrather be bombard ed with consent and interpersonal relationship modules, classes and lectures than wonder if we’re going to be assaulted because someone else doesn’t understand consent.
“There are three different words in Japanese language for ’clothing’: west ern clothing, Japanese clothing, cloth ing in general, but this word can mean both lucky and joy. When people ask me which of these values suits my clothes, I reply that I create joy” - Issey Miyake.
Inlines.1999, after an incredible run in the fashion industry, he stepped down from the role of creative director for his own brand, with Naoki Takizawa taking his position. He continued to research fabric technology, along with other projects for his brand according to The Rosenrot.According to The Guardian, Miyake stands firm that he did not have an in terest in fashion, but rather for a “design for living.” He didn’t make his clothing to simply rest on a person’s body, in stead, he crafted his pieces to work with a person to allow for free movement and comfort. To Miyake, the relation ship between the body and clothing is the most beautiful form of art.
So whether hitting the books or hitting Up town, there will be lots of west coast, southern, and 70s influence all throughout Oxford. As the year progresses, it sure will be interesting to see how these trends evolve and move throughout campus.
But, Miyake would come up with his most famous clothing design in the
After graduating from Tama Art University with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design during 1964, he enrolled at École de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne, a highly respect ed fashion school in Paris. His career would begin in 1966, working in ate liers (or clothing workshops) owned by Guy Laroche, Hubert de Givenchy and Geoffrey Beene for four years. These “fashion legends,” as described by Bri tannica, would help propel Miyake in his journey to starting his own brand “Miyake Design Studio” in 1970, which was centered around womenswear.
All week long, Redhawks flooded into cam pus to kick off the 2022-23 school year. From “Move In” to “Welcome Home,” students of all years, backgrounds and identities have been ea ger to show off their own personal style.
By the third day of classes, Redhawks across campus are ready to sit through lectures casual ly. Haoyang Wang, a fourth-year mathematics student, opts for a simple graphic tee, sneakers and khaki shorts. “I mostly dress for comfort,” Wang said. “Just comfortable tops and shorts for

While Issey Miyake’s career has evolved over decades of hard work and creativity, it was always consistent in the production of high quality clothing. His impact is seen in all levels of fashion and social status, with people as famous as Steve Jobs wearing his pieces. Other designers have both collaborated with him and continue to take great inspira tion from his work, firmly marking his position as a pillar of modern fashion.
When he was just 7-years-old, an atomic bomb dropped on his home town. Seventy-seven years later, Japa nese designer and artist Issey Miyake was laid to rest on August 5th, 2022, at the age of 84. His work, such as clothing line Pleats Please, has forever changed the way many viewed the nature of pro ducing and presenting clothing.

Despite that, young queer people and even homo phobes are constantly seeking new ways to identify members of the LGBTQ+ community. Google “gay fashion” and articles like “How to Dress Like a Bisexu al” will pop up everywhere. Things like jorts, dad shirts, mesh crop tops and novelty sunglasses are inexplica bly defined as “effortlessly gay” without substance as to what that means. Even so, I can tell with clarity that if I see a man in a sweater vest with no shirt under, sev eral rings and a pearl necklace, I will probably assume he’s queer,even though nothing about that description actually tells me he is. Regardless, it’s likely to make me feel safer because of what they are wearing. But none of that answers the last question:why are straight people “dressing gay?”
top. She dresses up the look by adding Gucci earrings and a Kendra Scott necklace. “I live in Tennessee, and the whole frilly ‘Bama rush’ look is super popular. Lots of skirts and ruffles,” Bass said. Feminine students have been loving neon pink — the hottest color of this summer. This weekend has been a sea of pink and black, es pecially Lululemon brand products. Athleisure, as well as the “that girl” aesthetic, has taken America by storm, making comfortable clothing less of a taboo. Biker shorts, athletic tank tops, tennis skirts and athletic jackets are all the rage, especially for students who prioritize comfort for class. Many students decide to dress the look up by blinging out their outfits with necklaces, statement earrings and rings. Many celebrity influences for this style have been Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber.
class and the weather.” For all students, graphic tees, especially oversized, have been all the rage these past few years. Among many guys on cam pus, another major trend that has been spotted is baseball caps to complete the laid-back look. A lot of this style has been heavily influenced by the West Coast and “skater style,” with the popularity of brands like Thrasher and Supreme rising in 2017. Graphic tees have always been a classic, but are a major change from the jeans, polo tops and rugby shirts that dominated the early 2000s preppy revolution. Many celebrity influences for this style have been Tyler Okon ma, Justin Bieber and Pete Davidson.
When I first came out, the tell-tale signs of a bisex ual person were tucked-in shirts, double denim and cuffing everything that they were wearing. Much of this remains — except it’s been expanded beyond the first bisexual people I met. Queer communities often cut ahead of the curve and end up defining fashion for Gen-Z & Millennial audiences, regardless of sexual ori entation. Consider figures like Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior who defined modern menswear via their titular brands.

On April 22, 1938, Kazunaru “Issey” Miyake was born in the city of Hiroshi ma. As a young boy, he was enraptured by the beauty of dance; he never truly got into clothing until he began study ing his sister’s fashion magazines, per Haq Express News. In 1945, however, he would end up losing almost all of his family to World War II.
Four Trends That Oxford Is Rocking This Semester
More suited to go out, first-year nutrition major Skylynn Spellman opts for a simple black tank and patterned trousers, while also sport ing a crossover bag. Patterned threads, specif ically of the art-pop and 70s style, have been extremely popular circa 2020. Bold and fun, brighter patterns are often paired with plain neutral colors, such as white or black, or a co ordinating color to the pattern. For more mas culine-presenting students wanting to sport this look, opting for a patterned button up, a mono chrome theme or patterned socks is the way to go. Wide-legged trousers are, yet again, great for replicating the 1970s-esque inspired fashions as well as for comfort. Perfect for a night out, this classic look is sure to turn heads! Main ce lebrity influences for this style have been Emma Chamberlain, Harry Styles and Steve Lacey.
For the first day of classes, athleisure has tak en campus by storm. Second year biomedical engineering student Shelby Bass rocks a hot pink Free People skirt and a black Lululemon

To get past being in a community of “hidden iden tities,” queer people have devised system after system of communication. Before clothing, there were symbols like the Greek letter lambda (λ), first affiliated with the gay liberation movement. A particularly well-known symbol is “hankerchief code” or “hanky code,” involv ing bandanas worn in back pockets. Dozens of symbols have existed across the world and in the United States.
While the AIDS/HIV epidemic started a “gay scare,” some LGBTQ+ people eventually found their way into rooms of power — and received a negative response from other queer people who were not having the same experience. For more privileged classes of the community, the idea of signaling lies in the ability to
Along with loose-fit pants, items like but ton-up shirts, crossover bags and oversized graphic tees have been showing up more in the masculine-leaning closet. Crossover bags, notably Lululemon, for feminine-presenting students, have been spotted all around campus; they allow for a hands-free alternative to purs es and are more accessible than the fanny pack. The “West Coast Style” in question is perfect for all occasions —block parties, as Lai was seen at, going out to Uptown, or even classes. Main ce

In a more modern context, it’s not uncommon to see big earrings or a nose piercing on someone who is vocally not queer these days. The fashion of a “crunchy granola girl” (a style now applied across the gender spectrum) involves wearing the flannels & beanies more traditionally associated with queer women. So what gives? Is that guy queer or just enjoys long, dangly earrings? (Side note: It’s making my dating life hard er.) As one of my friends puts it–why do straight peo ple keep dressing gay? And what does it mean to “dress gay” in the first place?
Signals, singles and style–how the queer community communicates with fashion
The Pioneer of Pleating: Issey Miyake
A quick review of Google’s dictionary defines signal ing as the act to “transmit information or instructions by means of a gesture, action, or sound.” Queer identity, particularly sexual orientation, is sometimes referred to as a “latent” or “hidden” identity — something that can marginalize a person but isn’t necessarily detectable on sight. (Some queer people — particularly transgender and nonbinary people — don’t have this experience and are discriminated against for “looking” queer.)
This is a moment where I’d normally crack a joke about certain music tastes or a type of flannel being a “dead giveaway” for someone being queer — but those things too began as intentional safe “signals” for other exists as not only a communication mechanism but a safety one, ensuring members of the community can spot one another more easily. “Dress ing gay” is to define oneself as “in” this group, even sub tly, in order to indicate to other group members that they should feel secure (as much as they can).
Some context is necessary. We live in some of the most open times for LGBTQ+ identities (in the Unit ed States, at least), even with the onslaught of legisla tion veering in an alternative direction. More people can publicly claim queer identities in mixed settings of queer and non-queer people. Many people don’t or can’t “come out,” however, and want to limit discus sions of their LGBTQ+ identity to … other LGBTQ+ people.But there is no universal marker of LGBTQ+ people.
late 1980s. He first would wrap fabric around layers of paper. Then, he would put the paper and fabric into a heat press in a particular shape. This shap ing would allow the overall process to produce a lot of small grooves all over. These grooves are called pleats. While he did not invent the practice of pleat ing clothing, he did invent this partic ular method of creating it. In 1994, he would launch a line of clothing titled “Pleats Please,” which expanded upon thisClothingconcept. was not the only prod uct his brand made. In 1992, Miyake launched his first fragrance “L’Eau D’Issey,” which Issey said was inspired by water. This line continues to be one of his popular and well-known produc tion
A year later in 1971, Miyake pre sented his first spring-summer collec tion. Two years after that, he took part in Paris and New York fashion weeks. His designs were very geometric in de sign, as he would combine rectangular and circular shapes with folds, ridges, grooves and bends.
Queer communities with more proximity to priv ileged social identities found their signaling and ac tivism) more documented; this shows especially with white cisgender gay men in the 1970s and onwards.
go between “rebelling” against a system and returning to that system at will — i.e., switching between being overly queer and not.
There are a lot of queer and non-queer people seek ing to answer the question. Some suggest we’re in the era of a fashion “melting pot,” and by the look of who’s getting septum piercings, I can see that. But I have to disagree.Likeother marginalized groups, queer communities tend to define what will enter the mainstream before it does. In an era where people are playing with gen der norms now more than ever, the traditional modes of communicating queerness suddenly becomes less identifiable. The average male TikTok influencer in a sweater vest, rings and pearls is probably straight, not queer. But these fashion statements often take inspira tion from queer subcultures: ballroom, anarcho-punk and even prep’s revival are queer in origin. Playing with gendered assumptions is how fashion influencers are staying ahead of the curve,and so the result is that a gay & straight fashion choice seem almost indistinguish able.
lebrity influences for this style have been Frank Ocean, Ross Lynch and Clairo.
For Cody Lai, a first year biology student, comfort and style go hand in hand. “Being from the west coast, everybody dresses like this. Real ly baggy for comfort,” Lai said.
Secondly,me.if you are in a fraternity make sure you put your fraternity in your bio. You might think that girls won’t want to know that you are in Theta Chi or Fiji, but they secretly do. Girls won’t even talk to you un less they are positive you are cool
Miami Hires Six Full Time Mental Health Employees, Students Still Prefer To Talk About Their Issues on YikYak
I am sure there are girls you can pay to take pictures with you or a soror ity could take you on as one of their philanthropy events.
Freshman Girl Almost Gets Throat Slit by Upperclassman for Calling New Bar, “The Woods”
My unsuccessful attempts at finding the answer to “What Do Girls Look for In a Guy?” last semester took a toll on me. To cope with the sadness of failure, I found myself in the place where all men cope with failure or rejection, the gym (or jim if you prefer). I managed to store my feelings in my muscles, finding beauty and purpose chasing, “the pump.”
give up and resume my quest to find out the answer to one of life’s most burning questions.
tagram. I figured if they can fake being a coun try person, so can I.
Mark Zuckerberg Threatens To Shut Down Instagram If He Sees Another Woman Put Harry Styles On Their Story
The interview said “Business Casual” how ever you got to look good to play good, so I felt like the three piece suit would do the trick. When I walked into the interview, I could tell the suit did the trick. My female interviewer gawked at me like the tricycle kid from “The Incredibles.”Shethenproceeded to thank me for coming in and called security to escort me out. I must have made a really good impression or she had a peanut allergy.
So I, being the HUGE country boy I am, grabbed the only plaid shirt I have and marched myself down to the nearest country concert. My first attempt at talking to a girl ended poorly. She claimed she only dates guys who are over six feet despite the fact that she wouldn’t be tall enough to ride a kiddie roller coaster at Cedar Point.My next attempt turned out to be slight ly better. I managed to ask the girl where she is from! Huge accomplishment for me. Even though she originates from Chicago, she sup posedly only dates country boys. Doesn’t really make sense to me but everyone has their type I suppose.Asthe concert came to an end, I decided to reflect on my stats for the night. Damn She’s Attractive: 42, Girls talked to: 3 and Digits Ac quired: 0. At least that’s progress!
While I did not get the results I wanted from this summer, I did figure out a few things. First, don’t talk to gym girls because they probably have a boyfriend who consumes enough caf feine to kill a small elephant. Second, wearing a three piece suit leaves a great first impression. Third, many attractive girls congregate at coun try concerts so definitely attend one. Keep Persisting Fellas.
Let me just say, the YikYak community provided too many amazing ideas to count. Some of the best ideas include: “a hot pink Free Snooky tank top,” “an ‘I <3 Livvy Dunne’ shirt,” “booty shorts,” and my personal favorite, “nothing.” Ultimately I settled on the classiest suggestion, “a three-piece suit.”

Good luck Gentlemen.
The one place I didn’t think of until the outrageous amount of Instagram posts, was a country concert. Thousands of girls sporting short jeans, boots and a cowboy hat flock to these concerts so they can post about it on Ins
Freshman Girl Earns Nickname “Sniffs” After Going On A Spree Of Sniffing Random People
New Tradition? Student Seen Puking on the Miami Turtles
I then went over to the glute machine where I’d be sure to find a woman to talk to. Lo and Behold I spotted a beautiful girl sporting a matching, light blue GymShark Outfit and Beats Headphones. I asked her name and she said “Oh! I love these videos. I’m listen ing to WAP by Cardi B.”
As the days of summer began to wind down, my chances were becoming more and more scarce. My task was feeling hopeless. I tried all the places I could, Bath and Body Works, Star bucks (again) and even my local decrepit strip mall.
Why Dining Hall Food Is Giving Everyone The Shits
Headline Dump
To all those single pringles, look ing to mingle: Worry no longer! I have sent our investigative jour nalist into the hearts and minds of boys and girls all over campus to fig ure out how to make the perfect Tin derGentlemen,account. take notes on this nextThesection.most important thing you can do for your Tinder account is put a picture of you holding a fish as your first picture. It doesn’t matter if you have to go back until you were six to find that picture. Use it. If you have never fished before then pretend. Go buy a dead fish and a piece of rope. Put them together, throw on your friend’s camo hat, and take the pic ture. Trust

He gave me the bird and rightfully so.
I started sprinting my scrawny-self out of the gym before he got too close. As the door to gym closed I could hear him bellowing, “rUn aWaY sKiNnY bItCh! WhO ToOk mY
Frat Boys Need Reminded That Flip Flops Are Only Meant For Wearing in the Shower, Not to Class
tReN?!”Another day, another failure…
Hydroflasks Being Dropped Reported as Number 1 Cause of Class Disruptions at Miami In 2022
What Do Girls Look for In a Guy? Part II
However, I did not come this far to quit. My cousin recently met her boyfriend on LinkedIn so I figured I should give that a shot, leading me to set up a job interview at the bank near my house. Not knowing what to wear, I did what any sensible person would do: posted my dilemma on YikYak.
Oxford’s Water Found To Contain 13.67% Acid, Explains Why Water Tastes So Bad And Why Local Residents Be Trippin
humor THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 13
Staymyself.single, friends.
one and then use Tinder to promote it. Guys love a woman in business and that really gives off Entrepreneur vibes. Don’t even bother matching with anyone. Just post scandalous pictures and put your OF account in your bio. Then sit back and enjoy the love.Good luck Ladies.
Finally, Gentleman, make sure you put up pictures of you surround ed by other girls. Ladies love a man in high demand. They want to make sure that it would be ‘cool’ if they matched with you. The best way to show them this is by showing pic tures of you with other girls. I’m not talking about just one picture where another girl happens to be in it. You have to prove how much of a hot commodity you are by using multiple pictures with multiple women in it. If you do not know any girls that want to take pictures of you, don’t worry.
Opinion: Water Has Taste
Another Variant of the ‘Frat Flu’ Cases Rising, Especially Among Freshman Girls
Man Arrested Last Weekend At Brick Street Speaks Out Saying, “Things Can Only Go Up From Here.”

Reposting Taylor Swift’s New Album Cover On Your Instagram Story Adds A Year To Your Life
Finding a three-piece suit in my town proved to be extremely difficult so I ended up with a rental outfit giving off serious Mr. Pea nut (Planters) vibes. Believe it or not, the rental even included the monocle and the cane so of course I was going to rock that shit.
I cannot stress this enough: Make your bios as long as possible. I should be able to know you, your mom, your
best friend, and your dog’s entire life story before I get to your second pic ture. Think of this as a book about your life and you want to make it interesting to get guys hooked. Guys are definitely more focused on your star sign and your life story than that picture of you dressed as a sexy nurse. That leads me to my next piece of advice:Donot put any pictures on there that only consist of you. Let’s face it. No guy wants to just see a picture of you. Only show pictures of you with all of your friends who look just like you. For example, if you are a blonde girl in the very unusual out fit of a black top and skinny jeans, try to find any of your other blonde friends wearing the same outfit for a Tinder picture. Your true love is on Tinder and he should be able to feel in his gut who he is matching with out of your pictures of seven identi cal looking friends.
As I stood awestruck to the events that just unfolded, a dude who looks like he can bench press one of those houses you see on “Tiny House Nation” came charging at me.
Freshman Finance Major Breaks Record for Most Times Telling a Girl His Major in 5 Minutes, with 27
Spending copious amounts of time pump ing iron brought me to the realization that with consistency, results come. So, I decided not to
Losing Your Virginity in the Kofenya Bathroom Doesn’t Count Claims Local Woman
Tinder Advice for Those Looking for Love
Your turn, Ladies.
I first set out to my local commercial gym since countless men nowadays are seeking a gym shawty to pump iron, eat Chipotle and cuddle
enough to be in a frat. So make sure they know just how cool you actually are. On top of that, there is nothing a girl wants more than the prospect of being brought home to a gringy frat house after a very romantic date.
The last piece of advice for all you lovely ladies out there is that if you have an Onlyfans, make sure you just use Tinder to promote that. If you don’t have an Onlyfans, make
like I got a good pump going, I went up to the nearest girl in my sight. Unfor tunately, I mistaked a dude with long hair as an incredibly buff woman.
Associated Student Government Requests More Funding Despite No One Knowing What The Hell ASG Actually Does
With this advice, I wish you the best of luck and hope to see you on Tinder
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2022photo story14 HENRI ROBBINS CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER More than 400 student organizations, ranging from business fraternities to religious groups, gathered on Cook Field for Miami University’s Mega Fair on Saturday, Aug. 28. They set up tables with experienced members, who pitched their groups to passing students, attracting both membership and on-campus publicity. For many first-years, Mega Fair is an introduction to Miami’s hundreds of student organizations and an opportunity to find their place on campus. This year, the event showcased live music organizations, many of whom had onstage performances that were visible (and audible) from every corner of Cook Field. The Sights of Mega Fair 2022 A PRIEST AND A STUDENT SHARE A FIST BUMP DURING A GAME OF BASKETBALL. Mercy Health — Oxford Primary Care & Sports Medicine Now Accepting New Patients Same-day appointments are available Chandler Brobst, MD Primary Care/Sports Medicine Currently serves as a team physician for Miami University Division I athletics. Ashlee Barker, MD Primary Care/Sports Medicine Currently serves as a team physician for Miami University Division I athletics. Mercy Health — Oxford Primary Care & Sports Medicine 270 South Locust Street Oxford, OH 45056 513-215-9471 REDHAWK RACING SHOWS OFF TWO OF THEIR VEHICLES, ONE FOR TRACK RACING AND THE OTHER FOR OFF-ROADING. JUNIOR NIKO GALVIS EXPLAINS THE LEAGUE OF GEEKS ORGANIZATION TO A STUDENT WHILE WEARING A FULL SUIT OF ARMOR. MANY ORGANIZATIONS TRY TO SHOWCASE SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT THEIR GROUP TO CREATE MORE INTEREST.BLAIDEN KIRK, MEMBER OF THE GUITAR CLUB, PERFORMS ONSTAGE MEMBERS OF WMSR REDHAWK RADIO GIVE INTERESTED STUDENTS INFORMATION ABOUT THEIR ORGANIZATION. MEGA FAIR IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR STUDENTS TO JOIN NEW ORGANIZATIONS AND FOR ORGANIZATIONS TO RECRUIT NEW MEMBERS.