This book is to show clear typographic hierachies designed with special attentions to readability and legibility.
Wright County
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks. Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
cards, etc) and wants to get to know each
West Metro
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, You can talk to me - 38 Wright County
bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks. Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someLooking for a countr y girl - 38 West Metro
one who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
Yo u
c a n
t a l k
t o
m e -
3 8
W r i g h t
C o u n t y
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
Look i n g
c o u n t ry
g i rl
Met ro
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
You can talk to me
and I drink socially. I would like to
Wright County
find someone that shares similar inter-
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs,
ests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks. Contact me: talktome@gmail.com
West Metro
Looking for a country girl I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who
is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me: macountrygirl@gmail.com
You can talk to me -- 38 Wright County
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t
Contact me talktome@gmail.com
do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks.
Looking for a country girl - 38 West Metro
I am looking for a country girl
Contact me
who enjoys the simple things
in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine.
I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following spor ts, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc ) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits) , or dating if there is that t ype of spark bet ween us.
Yo u c a n t a l k t o m e - W r i g h t C o u n t y
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially.
Contact me: talk tome @ gmail.com
Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me: macountrygirl@gmail.com
L o o k i n g f o r a c o u n t r y g i r l - We s t M e t r o
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun.
Looking For A Country Girl
West Metro
Tell me ab ou t your s elf w hen you re sp ond. T hank s. Con ta ct me a t t a lktome@ gmai l .c om
AGE38 I a m l o o ki ng for a count r y gi rl w ho enjoys t he s i m p le t hi ngs i n l i fe , w ho i s honest, s w e e t , c ari ng, re spe ct ful , l i ke t he o utdoors, l i k e s c o unt r y musi c, some one w ho l ikes to d a nc e a n d go t o musi c fe st i v al s and have fun. W a nt t o know more about me ? J ust ask. Send me your p i c t ur e , I w i l l se nd mi ne . Co n t a c t me a t ma cou n t r ygirl@gmai l .c om
Wright County
I woul d like to f ind s ome one tha t share s sim il ar intere s t s (follow ing sp or t s, wa tch movie s, f amil y, b ow ling, cards, etc) and want s to get to know e ach other. I’m op en to either b eing f riends (w i thou t b enef i t s), or d a ting if there is tha t t y p e of sp ark b et ween us.
Yo u C a n Ta l k To M e
I’m 3 8. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink s ociall y.
I woul d like to f ind s omeone tha t share s sim il ar intere s t s (follow ing sp or t s, wa tch movie s, f amil y, b ow ling, cards, etc) and want s to get to know e ach other. I’m op en to either b eing f riends (w i thou t b enef i t s), or d a ting if there is tha t t y p e of sp ark b et ween us.
Looking For A Country Girl
Tell me ab ou t your s elf w hen you re sp ond. T hank s. Con ta ct me a t t al k tome@ gmai l .c om
Wright County Age :
I a m l o o ki ng for a count r y gi rl w ho enjoys t he s i m p l e t hi ngs i n l i fe , w ho i s honest, s w e e t , c ari ng, re spe ct ful , l i ke t he o utdoors, l i k e s c o unt r y musi c, some one w ho l ikes to d a nc e a nd go t o musi c fe st i v al s and have fun. W a nt t o know more about me ? J ust ask. Send me your p i c t ur e , I w i l l se nd mi ne . Co n t a c t me a t ma cou n t r ygirl@g mai l .c om
West Metro Age :
Yo u C a n Ta l k To M e
I’m 3 8. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink s ociall y.
Yo u
Wright County Age :38
I’m 3 8. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink s ociall y.
Ta l k
I woul d like to f ind s ome one tha t share s sim il ar intere s t s (follow ing sp or t s, w a tch movie s, f amil y, b ow ling, cards, etc) and w ant s to get to know e ach other.
I’m op en to ei ther b eing f riends (w ithou t b enef i t s), or d a ting if there is tha t t y p e of sp ark b et we en us.
Tell me ab ou t your s elf w hen you re sp on d. T h ank s.
Looking West Motro Age :38
Contact me tal k tome@ gmai l .c om
I am l o o k i ng f o r a c o unt r y gi rl w ho e n joy s t he s i m p l e t hings i n l i fe ,
w ho i s ho ne s t , sw e e t , cari ng, re spe ct ful , like t he o ut d o o r s , l i ke s count r y musi c,
some one w ho l i ke s t o d ance and go to music fe st i v al s and hav e fun.
W ant t o know more about me? Just ask. S e nd me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me mac ountr y gi r l @ gmai l .c om
Co n ta ct me m ac o un t r y gi r l@ gm ail .c om
Wa n t to k n ow mo re a bout me ? Just ask. Se n d me y ou r p i c tu re , I will s end mine .
so meo n e wh o l i ke s to dance and go t o m usic fe st iv a l s a n d h a ve f un.
wh o i s h o n es t, s we e t, c aring, resp e ct ful , l i k e th e ou tdoors, likes c ou n tr y mu s ic ,
I a m l o o ki n g fo r a co unt r y girl w ho e n j oy s th e si mp l e th i ngs in life,
West Motro Age :38
Con tact me t a l k to m e @ gm ail .c o m
Tell me ab ou t your s elf w hen you re sp on d. T h ank s.
I’m op en to ei ther b eing f riends (w i thou t b en ef i t s), or d a ting if there is tha t t y p e of sp ark b et ween us.
Ta l k
I woul d like to f ind s omeone tha t share s simil ar intere s t s (follow ing sp or t s, wa tch movie s, f amil y, b ow ling, cards, etc) and want s to get to know e ach other.
I’m 3 8. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink s ociall y. Can
Yo u
Wright County Age :38
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends
Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks.
Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
You can talk to me - 38 (Wright County)
is that type of spark between us.
Looking for a country girl - 38 (West Metro)
(without benefits), or dating if there
Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
interests (following sports, watch
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine.
Age : 38
You can talk to me
I’m 38. I’m single, I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink to find someone that shares similar interests watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) know each other. I’m open to either being
Age : 38
and wants to get to
Age : 38
(following sports,
Age : 38
socially. I would like
Age : 38
and don’t have kids.
friends (without beneis that type of spark between us. Tell me you respond. Thanks.
tome@gmail.com West Metro
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about
Age : 38
Contact me at talk-
Age : 38
about yourself when
Age : 38
fits), or dating if there
Looking for a country girl
me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine.
Age : 38
Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.
Age : 38
com Wright County
You Can Talk To Me
Wright County Age :38 I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks. Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
Age : 38 I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
Looking For A Country Girl
West Metro
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially.
shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that
Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
You can talk to me - 38 Wright County
I would like to find someone that
type of spark between us.
who enjoys the simple things
Want to know more
in life, who is honest, sweet,
about me?
caring, respectful, like the
Just ask.
outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun.
Send me your picture, I will send mine.
Looking for a country girl - 38 West Metro
C ont ac t m e at m aco u ntr y gir l @g m a il . c om
I am looking for a country girl
Wright County
You can talk to me I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks.
Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
West Metro
Looking for a country girl
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@ gmail.com
talk to me
Yo u c a n t a l k t o m e
Yo u c a n t a l k t o m e
Yo u c a n
Wright County
I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t
Age: 38
smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc)
Contact me:
and wants to get to know each other. I’m
open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us.
lk to me
Yo u c a n t a l k t o m e
r a country girl
Yo u c a n t a l k t o m e
Looking for a country girl
Yo u c a n t a l
Looking for
West Metro
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys
Age : 38
the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Contact me: Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send
me your picture, I will send mine.
for a country girl
Looking for a country girl
Looking fo
Wright County
You can talk to me I’m 38. I’m single, and don’t have kids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us. Tell me about yourself when you respond. Thanks.
West Metro
Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
Looking for a country girl I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
I am looking for a coun girl who enjoys the I’m ple things in life, w is honest, sweet,I ’ mc ing, respectful, lik Looking for a country and outdoors, likes cou girl - 38 West Metro music, someone w I d likes to dance and to music festivals don have fun. Want to k and more about me? Just a Send me your picture, send mine. Contact me at macountrygirl@gmail.com
for a country njoys the simin life, who sweet, carctful, like the likes country meone who ance and go estivals and Want to know me? Just ask. ur picture, I will
I’m single, and I’m 38. I’m single, an Contact me a ave kids. I don’t don’t have kids. I don don’t do drugs, smoke, don’t do drug ink socially. I and I drink socially. I ike to find somewould like to find so t shares similar inone that shares simi (following sports, terests (following sp You can talk to me - 38 watch movies, family movies, family, Wright County g, cards, etc) and bowling, cards, etc) o get to know wants to get to know her. I’m open to each other. I’m open being friends (witheither being friends efits), or dating out benefits), or dati is that type of if there is that type etween us. Tell me spark between us. Te ourself when you about yourself when C ont ac t me d. Thanks. respond. Thanks. Contact me at talktome@gmail.com
ntry Yo u c a n simm 38. who mcarsingle, e the d don’t have kids. untry ho on’t smoke, go nand ’t do drugs, know d I drink socially. ask. I will
t a l k
t o
m e -
3 8
W r i g h t
C o u n t y
I would like to find someone that shares similar interests (following sports, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and wants to get to know each other. I’m open to either being friends (without benefits), or dating if there is that type of spark between us.
nd at talktome@gmail.com n’t gs, L o o k i n g f o r a c o u n t ry g irl - 38 West Met ro I omeI am looking for a country girl who ilar inenjoys the simple things in life, who ports, y, is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, and Want to know mor w like the outdoors, likes country muabout me? n to sic, someone who likes to dance and (withJust ask. ing go to music festivals and have fun. Send me your pict of ell me I will send mine. n atyou ma c o u n t r y girl @ gmail.com
I am looking for a country girl who enjoys the simple things in life, who is honest, sweet, caring, respectful, like the outdoors, likes country music, someone who likes to dance and go to music festivals and have fun. Want to know more about me? Just ask. Send me your picture, I will send mine. Contact me at macoutrygirl@gmail.com
C A N TA L K TO M E I’m 3 8 . I’m single, and don’t have k ids. I don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, and I drink socially. I would like to f ind someone that shares similar interes t s ( following spor t s, watch movies, family, bowling, cards, etc) and want s to get to know each other. I’m open to ei ther being friends ( wi thou t benef i t s ) , or dat ing if t here is that t ype of spark bet ween us. Tell me abou t yourself when you respond. T hanks. Contact me at talktome@gmail.com