Form Study
Process Book
Miao Yu
Fall 2014 »»» Introduction to Graphic Design Project Two
Workshop: The Forms of a Thing. Formally investigate your objects. Use the series of prompts to create an inventory of new forms. These elements (line, shape, texture, image and text) are the formal tools that designer use. All exercises will be compiled and arranged in a book and a set of posters will be designed. Minimum of 150 studies.
Objectives: »
To create an inventory of authored design elements (line, shape, texture, photography) using a range of media. » To inventory and organize all studies into a process book. » To practice integrating type and image in Indesign. » To edit ‘best’ materials into a set of posters. .....................
Translate: Representation >>> Abstraction
ey es nose mouth
shape : 20 + analog studies Line drawings become shape. Use any of your previous drawings to create drawings based on shape. Reductive/pixel images. Use grid paper and black marker. Fill in fields using the following increments (1, 3, 5, 9, any number). Simple shapes. Use scissors/xacto and black construction paper. Create three views: aerial, profile and bottomview.
words : 100 + Write. Create a word list consisting of 100 attributes (verbs, nouns, adjectives, denotations, associations, connotations, contextualization, etc...) .....................
Silhouette. Dip object in ink to create shape. .....................
photogr aph : 20 + studies Photograph & silhouette. Explore scale, position, orientation, cropping, focus, lighting. .....................
shape studies on the computer : 10 + Based on analog shape studies, create/recreate on the computer using illustrator. .....................
photocopy: 20 + studies Photocopy @ various increments from 20% to 400%. Repeat (reduce reduction / enlarge enlargement). Consider movement and distance. .....................
textur e : 10 + studies Use the surface quality of your object(s) to create texture. Consider rubbing, pressure, rhythm, scale and density. Fill entire surface area. Mix of analog and computer .....................
scan : 10 + studies Scan @ minimum of 300dpi. Explore scale, position, orientation, and silhouetting. Level and sharpen to create bitmaps using halftones screens (experiment with frequency, angle and shape) and threshold (highcontrast images). .....................
techniques & materials experiments : 20 + studies Experiment with tools/techniques/materials, ie. sewing machine, iphone, screenprint, collage, typography, letraset, etc. .....................
line : 20 + analog studies Basic line. Create a range of lines, use words from your attribute list to capture the essence of your object(s).
Contour drawings. Use a range of drawing utensils, follow the edges of your form. Explore vantage point, macro/micro, perspective, etc. Blind contours. Close your eyes, follow the edges of your object(s). Use various media. One-minute gesture drawings. Capture the essence of your object(s). Use brush and ink. For each drawing consider vantage point, macro/ micro, perspective, etc Conglomerate tracing. Use a light table or tracing paper and any type of drawing utensil. Create a collage that utilizes and/or repeats at least six elements from your source photographs. Consider scale, macro/micro, vantage point, etc. ..................... line studies on the computer : 20 + Based on analog line studies, create/recreate on the computer using illustrator. .....................
Simple shape stamp. Use rubberstamp material and exacto. Consider using a sketch, ie. high contrast studies.
Week One Project Details & Requirements. » Must have at least 150 studies + 100 words. » Scan all content to create an inventory of forms. » Print thumbnails for next class (9 up per page). .....................
Week Two: To be announced. .....................
Notes: In all cases: consider vantage point, scale, macro/micro, position, composition, cropping, etc. / Desconstruct/Construct / Consider organization, arrangement and hierarchy / Be prepared to talk about your discoveries. .....................
Man-made Object
Natural Object
Vivid Elastic Firm Flexible Common Abrasive Crisp Spin Connection Lost Direction Attach Dangerous Ignore
Plastic Texture Branch
Duplicate Difference
Name Capital Letter
Elegant Incomplete Girl
Decay Brown Tan Transparent Curve Circle Overlap Simple Complicated Combination Arrow
Calm Monotonous Death
Waving Crooked Old Memory Fragile Little Cool Chilly Organic Soft Dry Monotonous Stretch Life
Alphabet Abandoned Movement Bold Abstract Pure Thin Nature Similar Forgotten Nostalgia Dust Fall AmbiguousLight Flat Monochrome Symmetric
Alphabet Bold Thin Similar Dust
Ambiguous Monochrome
Waving Crooked Old Memory Fragile Little Cool Chilly Organic Soft Dry Monotonous
Teeth Square Assembling Mysterious Bones City Highlight Cold Unstable Rhythm Asymmetric Pointing Half Level Lonely
Gear Wheel Extension
Round Curl Strange Protrusion